HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED RED SANDSTONE ROAD TRAILHEAD PARKINGi'Drtft-:"4ryF _.wE'r::*"T*.:*r"-?Brr?-'rji,q|7?'tFf7-1s-!:FfrrFe-rr'-'-ir-" -- ' . Dtnn Review Action tott-l TOWN OF VAIL Prolect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVoontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone Districl Project Street Address: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: DRB Fee Pre-paid r.vla.a a lLT lga DESIE{ REI/IET| BOARI)APPIJIOATION ' lIlOnN OF VAIIJ' DATE RECEIVED: oott* *o*1.1T. IIEETTNG : ffi DEm PROiIECT INFORUATION: A.DESCRIPTION:ft+ltHFraO ?,+pr)nte B.TYPE OF REVIEW: _New Construction ($200. 00)Adclition ($50.00) Xt t'tinor AlteraEion ($20.00) -Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D.I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION:LrOf Block Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meets and bounds on a separat,e sheet 1ega1 and at,Each E. F. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing G.IiTAME OFuailing APPTICAI\IT. Olt Urn, bn//]isnn u,oar 4s<.an-)..4=7taz,.t Address: 4 Phone APPIJICANT I S REPRESEITTATIVE: Address: H. I\IAI.IE OF OII'NER(S}: OIINER ( SI SI@iTATTIRB :Mailiug Address: Phone APPIJICAZIONS WIIiJ NOf BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNER'S SICTiIATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of subnittal of the DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of vail will adjust the fee according Eo the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. I. ,t. FEE SCHEDUI.TE: VAIUATION$ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 $1, 000, 000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGE{ Rt\,lIBlf BOARL APPROVAIT EIiPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJBSS A BUIIJDING PERMIT TSIS SEARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFITER FINAIJ ISSUBD AIID CONSTRUCAION rr. A pre-applicat,ion meeting with a mesrber of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication informaLion is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment. with the ilaff todetermj.ne if there are additional. subnittal requirements.Please note that a coMprJETe appricat,ion wil.l. screamline thereview process for your project. rrl . IMPORTTNII IIO|IIQE REGARDING ALr_, gttBlrfisslols To l[rrE DRB: A. fn addition to meeEing subnitUal requirements, EheappJ-icanE must stake and tape the project site toindicat,e property 1ines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be compLeted prior to the DRB site visit. The applicaqt must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIITDINQS norrrally requirestwo separate meetings of the Desigm Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who faiL to appear before the Desigrr ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda unEil such time as the iten hae been republished. D. The follolving itens may, at the discretion of the zonj-ng adninistrator, be approved by the Connunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formaL hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the exigfing pJ.ane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from Emy other totor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must incLude Letters fromadjacent property ovmers and,/or from the agent foror m€rnager of any adjacent condominiun associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaranche, rockfall, flood p].ain, debris flow,wetLand, eLc.), a hazard study must be submit,ted andthe onner must sigm an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the igguance of a building pernit.applicants are encouraged to check with a To$m plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property Lo all mapped hazards. F. For aLL residentiatr construction: a. C1early indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior seructural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed Line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exEerior face of thebuilding waLLs or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior Lo the application for a buiLdingpermit. eg{.ttr.y4 ft, 7t l2.tC ?fUs1lyj \'ff>( i: Eg\ n * lvr.xlU \t{'tu\ >(>(x tlI a c l.lt $ $a \) \ $ F Fs.:st\\ t-o $,1 \. \rI$ $s t1 >< o o o o \$ t-*a\\Y s \ \ \ F a rdvicod LOl5l92 # S,/. Plnu t1*" Ar ?en6y B€7r,1 8 An 7o ?utc Date of Applicat Dat.e of PEC Mee IPPLICETION FOR CONDTTTONAI. I'SE tI.This procedure is reguiredconditional use permit. The application will not be submitted. A. NAI.IE OF APPLICANT lOF un-*te..$ D.qt!!rs tu.s +lscy.;rAfior) ?. D. uLlJ. uLv I -: tf - 1. ... . ,.ra--_for any project reguired to obtain accepted until a1l. information is HONE c q)o./qaf-{ff,j OWNER(S) (print or- t SIGNATTTRE (S)f<-e'fa< HONE_Seaa{.__ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL:LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS lcd 3a-^Jt^.- l?-1 . E. FEE $200 . OO PArD z.oD. -- cK # .fo t3 evfefrxZ"r O,u.-tr-ia ,st ./ THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of allproperty adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING pROpERTy BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a lisL of namea and mailingaddTesses, THE APPLICANT VIILL BE RESPoNSIBLE FoR coRREcT OhINERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES..; ; -. z' &t"..,.r.."1 kn.|eq5,*Jrf*-4rhQ 'fu*# 't'l'-rr. pRE-AppLrcATroN coNFERENcn; "-'EJ.LJJ*.lh lL R't* P,-{.L g/^G s.lq,e Z4te t&-'t;hh-,- As*il A pre-application conference with a planninq staff member isstrongly suggested to determine 1f any additional information isneeded. No application will be accepted unress it complete (mustinclude all items reguired by the zoning adminj-strator). ft isthe applicant,s responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additionaf submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.,ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLTNE THE APPROVAI PROCESS TOFTG P_NOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISS]ON (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. EJ,L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUSTBE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must besubmitted: \ 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed useand its operating charact.eristics and measures proposedto make the use compatible with other properties in the rriain.i+.'v J-\,rrrJ- Ly . The description must aLso address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. *oruss r B. NAME OF APPLICAI.IT'S REPRESENTATIVE ?fiea Lo"Br"t -.P6$€ sa!,rlent ADDRESS .Sa.r-^- a-r a-l^H- NAME OF ownER(s) ADDPCSS 4'+2-.+tJ 1s -Hu: F.J (/.s/o"o ?q e fr+*-tF RJ 'V"*t L- E/trg 'f - ASSOC IATION NAME Contact Pers.on Tel ephone Number Management Co. Address Sandstone Creek Club DEnise Lavton 476-4405 Fax 476-8225 Sandstone Creek Cl ub -Accounting Dept. 1020 Vail View Drive Vail, C0 81657 axes included through association; must be prorated Sands e Park Condomi AMV 476-4300 Fax 479-9534 cRossEoADs PO BOX 1292 VAIL, C0 8 I r>\rql, V"V il,.^Jesg- ASSOCIATION NAME Contact Person Tel ephone Number l'lanagement Co. Address Spec i al Notes: ASSOCiATION NAME Contact Person Tel ephone Number Ma nagement Co . Address Special Notes: /U0' Fa 973-7450 l,lC-Yes Sandstone 0 Condominium A Di ane 949-5383 Vai'l Bookkeepin counti P0 Box 5940 Avon, C0 81620 ciation Fax 949 - 710 5 rs Insura /Ins - Inclu W/S/ I ns - I nc] uded ; Ross Davis ,- ^"f/nQVh'X-lV AssocrATioN NAME._rl €GaA uontact Person .,\ Telephone Number Management Co. Addres s Special Notes: ASSOCIATION NAME Contact person Tel ephone Number Management Co. Addres s Potaro Patch Club Condominiuro Association 475-222r Fax 476-2684 VAIL HOME RENTALS l4? F MEn nn, r hir?t'F ; ; i, -r. . NsgY_l_gUJL_f.3 97yl-,lL, UU OfOJ/-- .. .-...: C*;^kY I t*,&v\kc. \,,r-<Jt y/rud cr_- b qel *t"^ t a-p,A A^4r4 Fax a I Special Notes: ASSOCIATION NAME Contact pe rson Tel ephone Number Management Co. Address Fax ( Special Notes: .. .,ff-t.";t nnt,*t.3";T,,. Jn l-"#Sr"_t" x'rs eTaof5:n GFNEnAL D.|FC'RMAT0N Thb q"liotion is ftr ay projat Equiring apFocd by Urc plzrnir€ ard Ervirs inforrrdisr" soo thc nfrrhiud rcqgircmaG fc thc aertiarhr apnrvd $a is roqacc$Edudil.ll rcquircd infosUicr bsfinilc( fto pqior,f nrry elso nccd ro bcrda0c Dcign Rqvi6/8rd. TYPEOFAPFLICATION: Q AddniildcRFA(2s0) B Esdud8calfin O/CocOitqnt UsopcrniB lUgra DMiaorstdivisimtr Rcaoingu llignvd*rcctrf v-irpc O I Zo"arg AoesAoradocr Q*srions? (bll rlcPhaning tiatTar 479.21}j P-I PAEE l./ A APPL'c'\r'oN FoR ffix'lf'*lRryffiEu Arnd@t to m eggroraod Dwdopoc PtroEmdoyccHcdagUdr(Tffs: ) Major or tr Miaor OCI Ernrior Attr*ion (v$r l4thgs) Mrjr c tr Miaor Ctlt Ernrir Altcration (LiDadrced) Spodrl Pcvetopmcot Df*itr Mejr c tr Miac ArFt lncrs F lr SDD tr [l u EI oo B. c. t ocATloN oF pBoFosAk LOT_B[4CK_ FIL|}|C ADDRSI* ,_BUILDINGNAMe ZOtttNclD. E NAMEOFOTtrNER(S): MAIUNG -Hs'iTtf F. c. owtrEn(s)$IGNA NAMEOFREFRESEI{H MAILtrNC ADDRESS: _-!*4c !,fuH{o}E: rf/ e?,s- qs€? FEE - SEE TIIE SUEMFTAL RE(IUIREMENTS TOR IIIEAPPROFRIATEFEE SUAIUTTEUI/II?I,IG/IIIO.N,AI,LST'BMITTALRIQUIREMDNTSANDTITE FEE TOTIIEI'EPAI|TMENT Or OOMMUNITY DEIEIOPTIIHiI. 75 SOUrH TNONTAGE [OAD, Erft/. .Eor {tfic" Ilt Felt4. leebaio nFi-d6,96 6-15-19!,7 lO:33PM J|,i-rt-9, r{:{z }xuf,, mf rorx MrN Drv FUrs s7a s2s ssra 'Iov-c0ll-DEU-DEpI.r D ' 9?Ort?92432 P-2 2/t o suEi[tTTAL REQUTBEMENTS FOR A VARTANCE L PREAPPLICAilbN,C0NFEREI{CI'. A trrc'rylicdlg' c*,fser.r witi a prarinBratrnEdDcris fnndy cqcorngoa No applicrimcilt bc EcPbd urkss it is cudac, lr is tc rggtid's rupodbility ro nalco 4prirtncrtwitt lhs ff !o dctcnnirc adEtiond qrhritbt quirtnrcnr. ll. SURM|ITALREUTTFEMENtr' FEE: 3250.@- Thc fcc mr{ bc ndd rftho rinrc of *toirrd. Stampc( ed*csscd cavc{opcr Cgt r tist of tic rncr ed edli4g d&rsc of all propaqyo*ucedlr:or ro lf,c *{tn prcp.rtt, includiag ppcrda bctho rnt sw erour rri,, oliel rrcgtondUc fr cfircct mnlcsut mriliqg addltsnl Th:s hfqn tist is eveilebtc trom tic PlgrcCurntyAgnrtof,ica, A wrincr sorcruorr of dr pcclnacrrc oftcvrdroccrcqocood od tlcrycific rcarddcrirvdvcd A rdtrca scc|clr |dcqlii|rg thc bilowiag; r Tlrc rdrtianship of rh rcqrrltcd v*imc to odrcr crisirg orporcntirl gsc, Jrd grrcttrc3 in rhc viciniry, ' TtC Otcrs to whid ttlidtlot $C nria, Or litcfd ifsprtafiro .|d cnfirwno of,r rpocificd tcgulrim h nccccsy to t*icr,c corf.tibitity .rrl tsrifomdty of rcarmm rrpr1t sitcs in rha viiniry or b dr.b oo obigirnr otnfu rirtc ntnrl gnr irgcu* priyirqgs- - ' Thc dfcct ofthc vrnroT cr tisftt-d.ir. dieibuioo of pqrdricr. rrqrortrriu. rdicf*ilirics, ulititi5. .txt public $afcfy- ' HorryourrEquarornplictwihVritbCaryrtorsitcplan. A prdioinzy riue rgort indrdi4 scbefrrcs A sd g, r wift mrncdip rod c€codts. Oo|dmiiurq As$cirdar Urorrd (if agptioHd. Any talditkhrl nd.rirr aoocrsrv frrth rrioil, of,thc iltiilionr s rrrnrniaod by thcAdrinisruor. h (il) csics of |lc fr[mrine: tr o o tr o TI I TryF*ic n- /fi lopwrncu nrvey I I rdc of,r lcasr l, = 2O laqroit by asoldfllolkd srvsyil i'rclrdi$ lodlns o(dt cxidq ispronG.-r"doat'sgrdcs u*t dsraticg. oocrdcDG*ficb rnc bcshodan-ptiog-d tsdh3;c$.ingrss rnd cgflrs, bndrspcdatcas ar{t udliv ad dnin*c Carurps A dtpleaae *alcof |[lcd t- =ZOl$wingcrisiqg|!dgqrosoal brdBEs. hlfrd2 6-15-l9St7 lO:34PM " JUtl- l3-9" l. ..3 FPgnr TOI'-GOn-DEI,-DE r. {ronr MrN Drv Frrrs s7a s2E B3ra I D : t?Oll732{51 Pgozof 2 P-3 3/3 o Brrildiug clcwrriulE fi.! floor Fhrf $dficiott to idig|tc thc dinrcruisrr, Erx:nd .p0canmoc.rolc rrrxl urc ofatt hitding$ rnd qncs* cxising rurrt Jnrposcrl on ftc rirc] Fs imcrior modificatiqrq ao imirnrrcrnant srrv,cy end slc ptan rnry bc wzivod by thc ftltrinldrdo. ILEASE Ngr€ TI|AT ONLY coMPt Etrc APPLtcATtot'ts cAN BE ActeprGD. a'{. oFTHE REQU'RFD INFORMATION MI'sT_BESUSUTTTED TXORDER FOR THISAPFLICAT'ON TO AE DEEMED C.OAIPLETE IIMER€OUIREMEI{I$ A Tbc l{unoilgarrd Ervironnrcoorl Comnri*rion nrmr ar rhc 2fi1 gtrd {h Mooda}6 of cacllrflnrh' A aoqilctc q{rrierio.r ,bm ud atr soprryiqg rrrucrid 1rs rrcortoa *or"lnft!$ bc 8milcd by thc Cornnrtmiry oodqrrncnr Dqrnmcnt uy ttrc aqrtopr;atc srrb$ifint&ttc. whic[ is r ruinirwru offorr (4 rvcc*.r lrior to *caro oe.tm neifu;G;& Incocrplcrc arpricris* (:'' dcrcndrcd by rbc il*ni{g $rrrl w;I net #.s;Fcf'-- B' al PEC rynF'rcd werinnccc shdl hp ifensnrdion is not coornsrccrt within crcyw oft[c rleto of ryprovd rn{ dili;sntty pursrrcd to opaTl|giol a ;f thc r$c ftr vbch rf,oq{nx/rl is grrnrc{l is rrx ronu srrrd withia orrc ycq. lIl. rv. v. l], -trt$ rrtgiol rcqu-m l rqranrc rwicv rry rrry rocar. $tatc or Fcdo:rt ccncy dhc, thiltrhcTora ofv*il- rhsaptticdiixr fcc rdrefi bc imr6aed w-sam.m. errrryicc o?s"ti - rcvior. ury inclsrlc. but alr nor fimitcil !o; Cotor.do oeptnrcrr of HrfDrwy rlc*ssPcrmhs Army Corf of Engitccr rl0l, crc. ]ly. Uytjt*nt Sril bc rtspqsiilc for 6yiag an,, prblixlriqg fscs which rrs in cxms of5|}7" of tbc qdicltim fcc. lf. ar lhc qf,li.rrf* ,i+,"s. ruj ruus i= lroctpo.rcd fo,hgrng cuulg rhc mdfcr rg bc rvf'btirhd th.'* rtrc corit fcc firstrcu [portu-shdl be tnid b, ths *dic8tr. Aqrliceriorrs dccrmd by thc Col'rd:unlrt Dwltotrrrcr* Dqrdtrm|rf to hrrc dcsign, hnd u* _a ohcr issrrcs rvrricrr may hlvc a sigoifr,t inpacr on tn-cornmrinity nrry ;q6 ;i",b9r osultanE in dCirioo to Tom catf. Shorrtd a dacrnrinarim bc mrh'Oy fL torrn srfrht u rxrsidc concdtrd ir ncoded. rlrc Corrun*y DwctoFnrot Doprnnrcrrl nny birc fbcThc Dqstmqf $aU .girEtD thc errount of nrorcy nccsry b pE), ttrocor\qrlt d tud this anuru srhe ba fbrrftfi b lhB Totf,o qy rtrs ayDticeat a bl. ri ,rr of {$ac -r r$trlicrioa- Erpcnscs irrcqrsd !y rhc Toru in cxofo of rii amo,rt r "aJ uy Itr rwtlcrn *tr[ ba tnftt io rho Towa Uy rfrc apnclrr "tf,ii m A":c * Jir,eO*E iLTqf|l &ty ficcs firnds wilt te rcnrnroC rO Uc ryp$cert upcr rwicu ornfldicr" IONAL R,EVIEW AND F o (Ec ilKfr - a/, lr4lt Ttz urh 1980 Ut€ Avenue, Suite 21 Aspen, Colorado 81611 V((a+ @bLA L4&1'Y d+p c+'ft,ztJ Dt-t t-gp ' nazo l+1rtef BIL ftYz"4T /4,.+L' Wv , U> t tu,f Y t: / (- , \ | ",, .,-- I \."-/ (p7-,1-TO (,+TCH (L/4 brtrao N :hLftu t7ft1- HoW kr'tT-rtL \ lLlZ e- |ttuffiot*s OAlt< E gz-t V/r1c, b Ftbs-.| 1980 Ut€ Avenue, Suite 91 Aspen, Colorado 9'1611 1980 Ute Avenue, Suite 21 Aspen, Colorado 81611 S,+pArc"W CtLezP U-uB A'6P. A?rrt€4 LA'faN t>zo V.tlt Vt€w'AHr* t/t'tu, @ flt-f,J #j*gx ,,tr=u MAY AFFEcT YouR PRoPEnv PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE tS HEREBY GtvEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail wilt hotd a pubtic nririrg-i" ii;oidince *irn Section r A.6O.OOO of the Municipal Code.of the. Town of Vait on .lune Za, ie96, ;it'Og P.M. in tn" fo*n of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 ordinance' located at 2g43Bellflowerl Lot4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain' Applicant: Frank BannisterPianner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the alteration of the Vail Transportation Center, located at242S. Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of Vail Public Works Pianner: Dominic Mauriello \ /A request to construct a trailhead parking area, located at Red Sandstone Road/Parcel A' Lions lEioge lstfiling. t Applicant: 10th Mtn. DivisionPlanner: Russ Forrest A request for a conditional use permit, a density_and front s:tback variance to allow for a Type ll EHU above tne eiisiing garage, tocated ar2l7'Rockledge Road/Lot'13A, Block 7, vailvillage 1st Filing. fuplicant: Steve KirbYPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for an interior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 427 Forest Road/Lot 4' Block 2 Vail Village 3rd filing. Applicant: Henry KravisPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for an interior remodel utilizin_g,the 250 Ordinance, located at 548 S' Frontage Road/Westwind Condominiums, Unit #305. Applicant: Jim Beedie, represented by Mike Haselhorst Planner: Lauren Waterton A request lor a minor subdivision of Lots 2 and 7/Block B, Vail Das Schone #1, located at 2446 and 2450 Chamonix Lane. Applicant: Karin ScheideggerPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a parking and retaining wall height variance to allow for the consiruction of a new paiiing area at the'toOge-at Lionshead, located at 380 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Lionshead, 2nd Filing. Applicant: Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Ric Fields Planner: Dominic Mauriello ililil1il1 Sign language interpretalion available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Departm€nt 4 .' Published June 7. 1996 in the Vail Trail. r28o Ute Avenue. Suite zr . Aspen, Colorado 8r5rr 97ol9z5-577 5 Reservations . 97ol9z5-45 54 Office ' 97ol9z5-53q Fax May 17, 1996 Town of Vail Mr. Russ Forest 75 South FYontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Forrest, Thank you for meeting with me the other day. Please review the enclosed diagram and call me at 9701925'4554 if you need any further drawings or have any questions. Sincerely, / Jbtutd sr'lulPfle!-' David Schweppe nl r ,l ...*',-".,f.'7"l 4 > ' /'6L-.' 'r' .-'\ I ..,/ t \/it*! III if' 1"'nA'4// r\ap t? { tf