HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONSHEAD FILING 6 LOT 1 2 ARRABELLE UNITS 652 655NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED OA, JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, TS South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 O.47 9.21 39, t. 97 0.47 9.2452, inpsections 97 0.47 9.21 49 *m ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 675 LIONSHEAD pL VAIL Locatlon......: UNIT 655, 652 ARRABELLE ParcelNo....: 210106328032 OWNER DAVID ARON ARMBELLE TRUST |AOzf,lOOl JEREMY ARON ARRABELLE TRUST 1331 BRICKELL BAY DR 3701 MIAMI FL 33131 APPLICANT MCBOYD BUILDERS INC 12t02t?008 phone: 328-b789 PO BOX 238 EAGLE co 81631 License: 770-8 CONTRACTOR MCBOYD BUILDERS INC 121O2t2008 Phone: 328-0789 PO BOX 238 EAGLE co 81631 License: 77SB Doscription: INTERIOR CONDO UNIT REMODEL Occupancy: R2 Type Construction: lB Permit #: Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: 808-0399 PRJ08-0668 ISSUED 12tg2t?008 01/16/2009 07t15t2009 $15,000.00 0 Project #: REOUESTS FOR 8:00 Am . 4:00 PM. FEE SUMIVIARY Building Permit Fee----> Plan Check----- Add'l Plan Check Hours-> I nvastigation---------> $251 .25 Will Cal Fee----------> $163.31 Use Tax Fee---- 90.00 Restuarant Plan Review---> $0.00 Recrealion Fee-----------> Total Calculated F6es----> $4.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $518.56 Total Calculated Fees--------> Addilional Fees--------------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES_-.*.--> Payments----- BALANCE DU E-------------> $518.56 $0.00 $518.56 $518.56 s0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, oompleted an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building end Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. -FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970,479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM /- //-a? Print Name bld_alt_construction_perm it_04'1 908 APPROVALS Permit #: 808-0399 as of 01-16-2009 Status: ISSUED Item: 05100 BUILDINc DEPARTMENT 1?/1512008 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 01107n009 McGee Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_corclruction_perm it_04 I 908 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 808-0399 as of 01 -16-2009 Status: TSSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.):ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CEtLtNGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUTRED PER NFPA 72. Cond:CON0010524 FIRE DAMPERS REQUIRED AT THE DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION WALL IN DUCTWORK THAT SERVES BOTH UNITS Cond: CON0010525 UNIT 652, 655 SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SEPERATE THERMOSTAT CONTROLS SO HEAT CAN BE MAINTAINED AT 68 DEGREES F PER tBc/tMc bld_alt_construction3ermit_041 908 *******{.,rr**ir:}*{.**************,}**i.'}*'t * r. r. i. 'a * * * * * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * {t * t {. {. * i. * * * * :} * :} {. * * rr * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*+****** * * * t '1.*,r,lt {.* 't * * * * * * * * * + t + * '} * * * * 1r * * * 't * **'t**** * * * * * * * * ***** **t *+*+* + *** + * * * | * 'f 't* | * * * t * * * Statement Number: R090000049 Amount,: g518.SG OL/1"G/2OO9O9:59 AM Payment Method: Check BUILDERS Init: SAB Notation: 1564 MCBOYD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment : 808-0399 2101--063-2803-2 675 I,IONSHEAD PL VAIL UNIT 555, 552 ARRABELLE T]T)E: ADD/ALT MF BUTLD PERMIT $518. s6 **|*****t3****I*'i'********itl****+****ll**lr**1.**************++++*+++++*********'*{.*t tr*{r{.tr*trt t *t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De script. ion Current Pmts Tot.a1 Fees: ToTaI AIJIJ PmE s : Balance : ss18.56 ss18 .56 90.00 BP 001_00003111_l_00 PF 001"00003112300 uT r.r-000003105000 wc 00L00003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES P].AN CI{ECK FEES USE TAX 4t WIIJIJ CALIJ INSPECTTON FEE zaL. za 153 .3L r.00.00 4.00 Separate Permits a* required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc prcJectAddrces U+S e, Lr""nrLJ FLrc-r, UVN:L 6g3 Va"\,Co 8tL3l Conlracbr Informati,on Company: companyAddress: Yo Bol 28 Qto 323-=oo+ ""rr' q1o 314- rq1? {Use additional ahe61 if nece$ary) Architect (vf De$igner { } Engineer ( Fax: E-Mail: Detribd Deccdption of Worf : ",9, 8\\- state: Co zp:8lLBl Contact Name: Contac{ Ph: Q E-Mail: Prop€rty lnfotmauon p^r*1e. 2lol eL3 -26- o3Z Legal Description: Lot #Blk # Job Name: OwnerNanE: lt^|- Mailing Address: I lfor eircet * ConraE@n county assssors ofice 8t 970'32&8640 or visit www.eaglecounty. us/patie) Valuations (Labor & Material) Building $ Plumbing $ Eledrical $ Mechanical $ Tolal E t5. ooo- $0.00 ) Worft Class: New ( ) Addition { worfi Type: Interlrr (ef Exterior ( ) Bo$ ( ) Bulldlng Type: Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi+amily (w'l Comtnercial { ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) # & Type of Existing Fir€places: Gas Appliances ( ) cas[6g( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( ) * & Tvpe of Propced Fiteplaceg: Gas Appliancas ( ) Gas[6g( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( ] Does a Fire tlarm Exist Yes (/t No( ) Monitored Alarm: Yes f ) No ( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Exist: Ves /) tlo ( Date Received ) Remodel (Yt'RePair ( ) Otner ( lns Jr'c,' 7 lh/l( 6iS Town of Vail Contragtor Registration No: \rr/ i- T\'' t' ln\ il ll2008 ii//,-l 'v?\lL n |E,a, nlnl |.E \!" l.;j rl IU't( lnl DEC 01 ljU TOWN OFESrcoFI rz,q''n%qYdv \./ 'r | 't t The Arraneue0s*Ikffio, at --r r Vail Square PR-A OO2 unit 6551652 Lock-Off Revisions 07 August, 2008 Vail Resorts Development 137 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 4240 Architecture lnc 3003 Larimer Sheet Denver, Colorado 8020J 0vl 2008 VAIL Ot CF |/D)trG- llll DEc TOWN *--!,r .r "' o. e*€r,o . -+ -'i t a I ^+ .1 tI 424o^ f ( a t PROPOSAL REQUEST PRoJEcr: -fhe Arrabelle at Vail Square PRoPoSAL REQUEST No: pR-A 002 owNER Arrabelle at Vail Sqrnre, LLC DATE oF lssuANcE: Arl8ust 7, 2008 137 Benchmark Road coNTMcT DATED p.O. Box 959 coNrRAcr FoR Construction Avon. CO 81620 coNTMcToRr ARCHITECT: 4240 Architecture Inc, PRofcrNo: 20826.01 PAGES I ofz Please submit an itemized proposal for Contract Documents described herein. Submit proposal within -_.--lt_ dap, or notifr the Architect in writing of tle date on which you anticipate submitting your proposal. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. Reason for Change: Architectural, mechanical and acoustical revisions have been requested by Vail Resorts in order to provide a level of separation between Condo 655 and Lock-Off 652 that is consistent with Condo and Lock-Off separations elsewhere in the building. Description: Architectural Narrative: (By Tarek Mneimneh/4240) . See attached architectural documents, . Hove light switch in Hallway 655.5 | to clear 652.1 lC door. Fire Alarm / Fire Suppression Engineerine Narrative: (By Steve Rondinelli/BCER) r Contractor to verifr as-built sprinkler and fire alarm layouts correspond to permitted documents on file with the Town of Vail. r The fire alarm must to be reprogrammed so that the fire alarm system registers two separate units vs. a single uniL Unit 655 and Lock€ff 652 are now separate units. 42 I ,(| ARCHIECTURE INC 3o0l Lxim€r street ! - ^-+1"I:9]91t- ry- q Th6 lnfqmation containsd h thb m€ssag€ b privit€gsd ad confd€nt.l into.rd.d only tor th€ u!9 of [hB indvidlalG) or €ntMi€s) nflEdt 303'292 3t88 f.30r'192 3|13 a#. n ure reaoer ot nF rn€9sage is not the ant nded r,eclpient, you are tn€by notilod hat sny diss€mimtbn, ddf,tuution, Li copylng or $,vw.,12,t(had tE<ltit€rom til coittrnlcalixt is stridty prDhih.led. f you h€w r€c6i\,€d ihb colnmunicatloat In siror, Cea$e notity J 424ro^ Attachments: Architectural Sketches: ASK's 1616, 1617, I618, 1619, 1620, 1521,1622,a623&1624(gsketches) Architectural Sketches (lssued for informatlon only - unedited from ..ASl 190" issue, I fune 2006): (3) Wall types B, f, N, and D/A601 (4 sketches) Interior DesiSn Sketches (lssued for Information only - unedlted from "ASl 190" lssue, I lune 2005): Head and famb details l/lD{67 &UlD167 (2 skerches) , DoorSchedule: Fordoor.s 652.1lB and 552.1lC (l page) Mechanicaf Sketch: - 1ryW4cr2^9cl*) Specifications: 8710 Door Hardware - including Hardware Sets for doorc 552.1 l B & 652.1lC (8 pages) Specifications (Copied & unedited, from the Arrabelle Proiect Manual, tssue "ASt | 90", I June 2006 )010{5 Cuttingand Patching(dated06.0t.06,ASI t90) 06 | 05 Wood Blocking and Curblng (deted 06.0t.06, ASI ItO)06400 Architecturd Woodwork (datcd 06.0 | .06, ASt | 90) 082 | 6 Stile and Rail Wood Doors (dated 06.0t.06, Ast | 90)9250 Gypsum Board Assemblies (dated 06.0 t.06, ASt | 90) Data Sheets; "QuietRock 527" soundproof drywall fr.om Quiet Solutions (l page) "QuietRock 527" ULC lire test repoft (!4 pages) Zero International door hardwar.e (4 pages) PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: Tarek Mneimneh Steve Roberts The information contrainod in this mesega b prMl€g€d srd confid6n6sl interded only fo. tlE us€ of tho indivilual(s) or 6n&ylies) nam€d abow, It tD arader of this m.36€96 is nol the inbnd€d recipiont, you ar€ h€.sby nodfod that 4y dbs€mlnation, dbtibutlon, or copylng of lhis communic€lion i9 sticlly prohiblted. It you hat/e |rcahr'ed lhk c4mmunlcslion in eror, please no@ 42{ Architeciur€, lnc. immediatsly. I 42 | ,{0 ARCHmCTURE INC 3003 La.imer StEcr Denver. Colondo 80205 t 303.292.3388 t 103.292.3 | t3 www.,fl (hrchiteatlae.com E, RAND l6K A191 @ CO \_, gE E E[Eu ?, EfiEH: 3 p 6 o LEGEN D WALL SN'BOL DESCRIPTION L0cAnoN/ PURPOSE FIRE RESISTIVE RATING FIRE DAMPER RATING SMOKE DAMPER RATING F|RE DOOR/ SHUTTER RATING <r{{:FIRE MRRIER SHAFTS 2HR 1.5 HR BUT NOT REQ. WHERE EXCEPTIONS ARE ItIEI CL;{SS tr 250' F* 1.5 HR ---ffi FIRE BARRIER VERTICAL EX]T ENCLOSURE CONNECTING 4 STORIES OR MORE & ADJOINING EXIT PASSAGEiWAYS; AND ELECTRICAL ROOMS WITH MORE THAN - KVA 2HR NOT ALLOWED DAMPERS NOT ALLOWED 1.5 HR (w,/ SMOKE & DRAFT CONIROL AT coRRrooRs) {{{l FIRE BARRIER \ERTICAL EXIT ENCLOSURE CONNECTING LESS THAN 4 STORIES & ADJOINING EXTT PASSAGEWAYS lHR NOT ALLOWED DAMPERS NOT ALLOWED 1HR (U/ SMOKE & DMFT CONTROL AT coRRrD0Rs) ffi NRE BARRIER GARAGE OCCUPANCY SEPAMTION AND AIRIUM ENCLOSURE WALLS 1HR 1.5 HR BUT NOT REQ. WHERE EKCEPTIONS ARE MET NOT REQUIRED 7r HOUR RRE PARTITION WAI.I-S SEPAMNNG DWELLING UNITS OR SLEEPING UN]TS lHR 1.5 HR BUT NOT REQ. WHERE EXCEPNONS ARE MET NOT REQUIRED 7r HOUR RRE PARTITION R OCCUPANCY CORRTDORS W,/ CORRIDOR OCCUPANT LOAD GREATER THAN 10 t6 Un 1.5 HR BUT NOT REQ. WHERE EXCEPTIONS ARE MET NOT REQ. WHERE EXCEPTIONS ARE MET 20 MtN. v SMOKE & DRAFT CONTROL .\r\r\,,\t FIRE PARTITION A, B, E, M, S OCCUPA}ICY coRRtDoRs v coRRtDoR OCCUPANCY LOAD GREAIER THAN 30 NOT RAlED 1.5 HR BUT NOT REQ. WHERE D(CEPTIONS ARE MET NOT REQ. WHERE D(CEPTIONS ARE MEI NOT RATED; NO SMOKE OR DRAFT CONTROL REQUIRED NOTES: * NOT REQUIRED AT PENETMTION OF EXHAUST OR SUPPLY SHAFTS IN PARKING GARAGES THAT ARE SEPAMTED FROM OTHER BUILDING SHAFTS BY NOT LESS II{AN 2 HR FIRE RESISTANCE RATED CONSTRUCTION. LO( RE: YS5 teF.s'i E !E -r i.E Ue-.R EE F FP r> b-< =l(!B a) lL) €(slrtr (.) F PROJECT TRUE EGRESS LOAD AT THIS LEVEL: REQ. DOORWAY WIDTH a E" lt tt-t - .t n ntrt - g Nt I t a NORTI{ RTT{ GENERAL NOTE SEE SHEETS AO2O.1 THROUGH AO28 FOR OCCUPANCY CI.ASSIFICATIONS AND LOADS a t- 6 IFT U q;*= 3 ;ax;gzE# =H6uo EX ITI N G D IAG RAM LTG EN D )crr- COMMON PATH OF TRAVEL MAX LENGTH : 75 FEET FOR ALL OCCUPANCIES EXCEPT H MAX LENGTH = 100 FEEI FOR B,F,&S OCCUPANCIES IN FULLY SPRINKLERED BUILDINGS G[-2 SEPAMTE PATHS OF EGRESS TMVEL TO 2 SEPAMTE EXITS FROM ANY POINT IN SPACE OR ROOM WHERE 2 OR MORE EXITS REQUIRED, MA)( OVERALL DIAGONAL DIMENSION TO DETERMINE MIN. SEPARATION BETWEEN EXIT DOORS OR EXII ACCESS DOORWAYS REQUIRED DISTANCE BENilEEN EXIT DOORS OR EXIT ACCESS DOORWAYS : NOT LESS THAN 1/3 OF MAX OVERALL DTAGONAL DIMENSION FOR FULLY SPRINKLERED BLDGS -III MAX EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE IN FULLY SPRINKLERED BUILDING NOT TO EXCEED: 250 FT. FOR A,E,M,R,S_1 OCCUPANCIES 3OO FT. FOR B OCCUPANCY 4OO FT. FOR S_2 OCCUPANCY NOTE: MAX. TRAVEL DISIANCE SHOWN ON ANY PARTICUI.AR SHEET IS INTENDED TO ILLUSTMTE THE LONGEST TMVEL PATH OF ALL THE ROOMS OR SPACES ON THAT SHEET. ()A l{ F,I X.g ! " "f,i E ?E -r lE 6e- F IF $€+,{J(aB ql (u pa cll{*{ U ,qF 2 EXITS REQ. FROM ANY SPACE WITH OCCUPANCY LOAD GREATER THAN: (5 EXITS REQ. > 500)g N * z I E Arc[itEct offurod 44o^_- Darvcc- Coloredo The ArraBelle at Vail Square Oslct / Dcvclop.i Vail Resorts Development Company Avoa Cololrdo DRAwING uo, ASK 1618 REFERENCE: AO56D ISSUE: PR-A oo2 D fE: Oa/O7 /Oa SCALE: 1 /8'= 1'-0" DRAWN gY; TM pn-A ooz --r-\l_6t MArcH UNE \"'o. I ffi q # o- I Cn DEN,/D(CERCISElrffiiir- DRAWING NO: ASK 1619 REFERENCE: Al9l ISSUE: PR-A 0O2 DAre oa/o1 /oa SCALE: 1 /4"= I '-0' DRAWN BY: TM ll tl (ol "'$l s,_ey+" JI IIo_l lo Ig N\: 1'-11y4f ^o'-sYz"lnn 85+nrl^ I I l- 002r-f lltdicct ofx.cod 44o^ - Dcdvli, Col@do The ArraBelle at Vail Square OE.l / Dcrclop.. Veil Resorts Developmcnt Company Aroa, Colondo q )":ls 4f, c- lTlo;+> v7 FIELD RECORDS INDICATE THAT WALLS B & 82 WERE BUILT AS ''J" TYPE. GC TO INVESTIGATE AND CONFIRM. IF THIS IS NOT THE CASE THEN THE GC TO MODIFY WALLS B & 82 INTO WALL TYPE Z+. 5'-6" 1'-6 2'-6" l2'-O" GC TO INVESTIGATE AND CONFIRM IF THE EXISTING WALL SECTION IS BUILT AS TYPE ''N" OR "N3'', IF THIS IS NOT THE CASE THEN THE GC TO MODIFY IT INTO WALL TYPE 24 6wo%-/ \-a o 6\l G'd\J $RIB *fQr A rilfldldtg; HAEil; =H 5 E.6 a (OSz.I1C) NONE RATED DOUBTE DOORS, PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED AS (652.1IN) OOORS AND TO BE REUSED FOR'652.11C (REFER TO SPECIFIED HARDWARE sn AND DooR scHrouu) ADuUSTABLE SEALING SYSTEM (45 MIN) BFI,OND, HFAD AND JAMB APPLIED, BY zERo TNTERNATIoNAL #770D (6_52.1 1BJ 45 MIN RATED D00R, RE: D00R SCHEDULE AUTOMATIC BY ZERO I D00R.. (MoRTtSED), NAL #J69A A >\ t-e F " E E!€lc bo-I€ F EA> 6-< (.1 !, 0.) o FA GI*{{l qJ t-{ g <d cro $$l$ FtNo \J S$ =, of,-E'-t Qtd*= *Hauxio WOOD STOP WITH HIAD TO BE FLUSH COORDINATORCONTINUE STAIN ALL AROUND WOOD CASES SIDE NEW WALL, TYPE "82,, WITH ACOUSTICAL INSULATION WOOD TRIM, REUSE EXISTING FROM ADJACENT DOOR SHIM ADJUSTABLE SEALING SYSTEM, BY ZER0 INTERNAT|0NAL #77700 MTTAL PI-ATE COVER, MUST MATCH HARDWARE FINISH REFER TO MANUFACTURE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIMENSION (652.1lc) NoNE RATED DoUBLE DooRS, PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED AS (652.118) DOORS AND REUSED FOR'652.11C (RIFER T0 SPECTFTED HARDWART SEr AND DOOR SCHEDULE) EXISTING 1HR ,'J" WALL EXISTING WOOD TRIM EXISTING SMOKE SFAL (RE: 1/lDa67) ADHESIVE APPLIED SEAL (RE: SPECS.) COORDINAT0R (RE: SPECS.) Nrw 45 MtN RATED D00R (652.118) ,(nrrrn To sPEctFtED HARDWARE sn- AND D00R SCHEDULE) ADJUSTABLE SEALING SYSTEM (45 MIN). JAMB APPLIED, BY ZERO INTERNAT|0NAL #770D REFER TO MANUFACTURE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIMENSIONS NEW WOOD CASE, SPECIES AND STAIN MUST MATCH EXISTING 1x W00D TRIM, SPECIES AND STAIN MUST MATCH EXISTING DOOR FMMES WOOD STOP TO BE FLUSH II/ITH ADJUSTABLE SEALING HARDWARE. SPECIES AND STAIN MUST MATCH EXISTING vqaN %# JOHNSO >' f H€€{F4 g? E€ F FA> 6.< ilt (J G)pq (nlrH qJ F ut{(l') (t) Q f$l$ PR-f EXISTING WALL WOOD TRIM, REUSE EXISTING FROM ADJACENT DOOR 45 MIN RATED DOUBLE DOORS, (REFER T0 SPIC|F|ED HARDWARE SEr AND D00R SCHEDULE) EXISTING WOOD TRIM ADJUSTABLE SEALING SYSTEM (45 MIN). HEAD AND JAMB APPLIED, BY ZERO TNTERNATToNAL #7700 NEW WOOD CASE, SPECIES AND STAIN MUST MATCH EXISTING EXISTING SMOKE SEAL. RE: 2/1D467 FOR 45 MIN DOOR DN-AIL EXISTING 1HR I'' WALL 1x W00D TRIM, SPECIES AND STAIN MUST MATCH EXISTING DOOR FRAME NEW WALL, TYPE ,'82,' WITH ACOUSTICAL INSULATION NEW WOOD CASE, SPECIES AND STAIN MUST MATCH EXISTING WOOD STOP TO BE FLUSHED WITH ADJUSTABLE SEALING HARDWARE. SPECIES AND STAIN MUST MATCH EXISTING METAL PI.ATE COVER, MUST MATCH HARDWARE FINISH ADJUSTABLE SEALING SYSTEM, zER0 INTERNATI0NAL #7770D WOOD TRIM, REUSE EXISTING FROM OPPOSIIE DOOR (6s2.1lC) NONE MTED DOUBLE D00RS, PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED AS (652.118) DOORS, TO BE REUSED FOR 652.11C (REFER T0 SPEC|F|ED HARDWARE Sft- AND DOOR SCHEDULE) #H% E. RANDAL NAl€ Fl !4a EHnEtict ? &i.e F "r EgE:E 6e- IF $€a q, a) 'tttr(\tHH a) -q I-'r g <{JcrU) . (tt !, <d $$lf % w'{ E. RAND /*oourT SEE MANUFACTURE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIMS.It ADJUSTABLE SURFACE ASTRAGAL WITH BOTH DOORS ACTIVE, BY zERO INTERNATIONAI- #sso. INSTALLED AT OPPOSITE SIDES OF ROOMS DO 6 S A!.hi!.d of Rcsrd44o -- D6vEr, Colot.do The ArraBelle at Vail Square Owaa / Dcvdopa VaiI Resorts Development Company ATt'6, Colondo DRAimNc no;ASK 1623 A50t PR.A WIglqrl8 f;.1'-dil RFENflCA Eqretf,lE $ALEmAf, m 'IIT EEAII UL DESIGN NO. UL DESIGN NO. HtY-D-0042 HW-D-0049 CEIIING SECIION SUSPENDED CEIUNG UVHERE tT occuRs 5rl8' QuietRock 527 ACOUSIICAL INSUI.ATION FU)OR STECIION 5/E' TYPE 1(', GWB 6' METAL SruDS ACOUSflOqL SEAI.ANT ACOUSTIGAL INSULATION 6, METAL SruDS PIIN WALI TYPE 1HR 5,/8' TYPE A' GWB 5rl8' QuietRock 527 qnD ww Achitcct ofRcod 4240/ - Dcdvcr, Colordo The ArraBelle at Vail Square Owocr / Dcvclopcr Vail Resorts Development Company AYoo. Coloiido ASK 1624 &! PR-A ffil8/wlE 1 1/f-1'4' DRAWII{G N(} RFInOICE F! JE DAIE sc Le DRAfl EN TAJ.L trEAI} N.OOR SESIION INSUISTION /ROOF ASSEMBLY STICAL SFILANT UNG RUNNER SUSPENDED CEIUNG WHERE IT OCCURRED ACOUSTICAL INSU|jTION 3 5/8'MErAL STUDS 5/E" GWB 0R MOTSTURE RESISTANT FOR WET WALLS (DENS-SHTELD.) ACOUSTICAL SEAI-ANT ACOUSTICAL INSULq"NON 3 5/8" MErAL STUDS -l I:I\lc'| 'rr I---t *=q: q-l%'dzu' .,\,L PI,AN {p - A r,oZ. t!6f : A6o*ofr iallos rAJ,t SETD UL DESIGN NO. CONFIGURATION HW-D-0061 'A' \*ooR/RooF ASSEMBLY OEFLECTION TRACK VAPOR. BARRTER W^2 WALL CEILING WHERE INSUT.ATION " !:i,i,::1,,. (2) 5/8" rrPE "x" GwE EACH SIDE, THE ADDTIONAL I.AYER FOR SOUND ATTINUATION OR MOISTURE RESISTANT FOR WET WALLS (DENS-SHTELD.) 3 S/A" MTTAL STUDS AT H-3 CONDmON 5/S" "QurEr RocK Q-525" SOUNDPROOF DRYT{ALL ACOUSTICAL SEAI.ANT ACOUSTICAL INSULATION 3 5/8" MErAL STUDS MFTAL STUD BRACING-- , -J.:- -1r Irl ,i-',,.1;t:i:i CEIIJNG SECTION FINISH WHERE IT occuRs FLOOR SECTION VAPoR BARRTER W/J2 W (2) 5/8" rrPE FJCH SIDE, THE LYRE FOR SOU ATTENUATION l{rl -tl. i""?'F--'A {:c'z- i::{+ . fii;'t;';Y ..,: {.- .J /, . !"1I j!,! t-t : a1-/_: t SPA TREATIIENT BOOIi CONBIDOR TAIJ, HETD CEUJNG SECNON roP RUUNER ,lw#t SPA IBEAIIIENT ROOU UNrI FIOOR,/ROOF ASSEMBLY CEIUNG OCCURS rcOUST1CAL INSUIAI1ON s/8" GwB 5/8" cWB OR MOTSTURE RESISTANT FOR $/ET WALL (DENS-SHrErD.) 1/2" RESIUENT CHANNEL 3 5/8' MErAL SfUDS ACOUSTICAL SEAI-ANT ACOUSTICAL INSUI.AIION 3 5/8" METAL STUDS 5/8" owB FlooR sEcnoN 1/2" s/8' RESILIENT CHANNEL GWB NOTE RE: SPECS. REPORT WALL ?p..-A anr- E6F: Aqaa ,:n{o11"6 fg-e @z Wf ^. AboL {aal"1 f r,a) & ''.$_r a" &P. BD., PATNT, TYP. 0" r{bM. METAL STUD^RACK WOOD BUCK WOOD CASE, SEE 10465 RRE RESISTANT SHIM MATERIAL HR FIRE RAIED SEALANT 4" FIRE RESISTANT MDF WOOD CASE TO MATCH TRIM S88 SMOKE SEAL WOOD STOP TO MATCH 1RIM 1 HR. FIRE RATED DOOR IRIM BEYOND DOOR TYPI AA & BB, 45 MIN. f'W"A Pot- "af"t foaveg .. *p 4b7 5/8" GrP. BD,, PATNT, TYP. 6" NOM. METALqTD^RACK ry,Iudb -, "rogi. '\/ qv.t t *fo%J/q, v ivodhcnsE To MATcH rRrM .'31&*d.**' /-',.\\.,**" 3' d.- , "fts*. '\l,, ' FIRE RESISTANT MDF BUCK WOOD STOP TO MATCH TRIM RESISTANT SHIM MATERIAL SMOKE SEAL FIRE RA1ED SEALANT 1 HR. FIRE RATED DOOR WOOD CASE, SEE 10465 DOOR TYPT AA & BB, 45 MIN. ?V- h ua?'- W,-I;Q 4ta1 "a{''t{* lm iJ -€ p I Et! *6 ,g g EI H U ? g 1 0RnE rft tmiecuE utE$Em&: usK e8g IlIGDfr-Aaoawwrfrf .tt.hrt.{i ol R(ord 4240_.- Denver, C.olordo Mf P Engioccrr YEC?L\}iIr:A| Caror, Ruma and Associares, Dcnvcr, Colorrdo The ArraBelle at Vail Square Oqmcr / ltevclopcr !eilResons I)evclop me nt Company A!o|1, (;,lor rdo sEcTroN 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHING PARTT GENERAL I.OI SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements and limitations for cutting and patching of Work. l. Cutting and patching incidental to Work of the Section.2. Advance notification to other Sections ofopenings required in Work ofthose Sections. 3. Limitations bn cutting sfiuchral mernben. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Submit written request in advance ofcutting or alteration that affects: l. Sfructunl integrity ofany elearent of Project.2. Integrityofweather-exposedormoisture-resistantelement3. Efficiency, maintenance, or safety of any operational element.4. Visual qualities of sight exposed elements.5, Work of Owner or separate Contractor. B. Include in Request: l. IdeatificationofProject 2. l,ocation and description of affected Work.3. Necessity for cutting or alteration.4. Description ofproposed Wor{< and products to be used.5. Alternatives to cutting and patching.6. Effect on Work of Ou'ner or separate Contactor. 7 . Wriuen permission of affected separate Contractor.8. Date and time work will be executed. I.O3 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Employ skilled and experienced installers to perfonn cutting ard patching. B. Execute cutthg fitting and patching, including excavation and fill, to complete Work and to: l. Fit the several parts together, to integrate with other Work.2. Uncover Work to install or correct ill-timed Work.3. Remove and replace defective and non'confomring Work4. Remove sanrples of installed Work for testing.5. Provide openings in elements of Work for penetrations of mechanical and electrical Work. C. Identif, hazardous zubstances or conditions exposed during the Work to the Owner and Architect/Engineer for decision or remedy. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.O7 MATERIALS Cuttlng and Patching ASt 190 The ArnBelle rt Vail Square Vall €oloredo I June 2006 01045 - I A. Primary Products: Those required for original installation. B. Product Substitution: For any proposed change in materials, submit request for substitution as specified in Section 01600 - Material and Equiprnent. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine existing conditions prior to connencing Work" including elements subject to damage or movemant during cutting and patching. B. After uncovering existing Work, assess coqrditions affecting performance of Work. C. Beginning ofcutting or patching means Contractor's acceptance ofexisting conditions. 3.O2 PREPARATION A. No cutting, drilling or modifuing of structural system shall take place without review by the Structural Engineer. B. Provide temporary supports to ensure stuctural integrity of the Work. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of Project from damage. C. Provide protection fiom elenents for areas that may be exposed by uncovering Work. D. Maintain excavations fiee of water. 3.03 CUTTING A. Execute work by methods to avoid damage to other Worh and which will provide proper surfaces to receive palching and finishing. B. Uncover Work to install improperly sequenced Work. C. Remove defective or non-conforming Work in a nuoner to minimize damage and to provide means ofrestoring products and finishes to original condition, D. Remove samples of installed Work for testing, when requested- E. Provide openings in Work for penehation of mechanical and electrical Work. F. Employ skilled and experienced laborer to perform cutting for weather-exposed" moisture-resistant elements and sight exposed surfaces. G. Cut rigid materials using appropriate saw or drill. Pneumatic tools are not allowed without prior approval. 3.04 PATCHING A. Execute patching to complement adjacent Work. B. Fit products together to integra.te with other Work. C. Execute Work by methods to avoid darrmge to other Work, and which will provide appropriate 01045 - 2Cutting and Patching ASt 190 The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado l June 2006 surfaces to receive patching and finishing. D. Employ original installer to perform parching for weather-exposed, moisture-resistant elements and sight exposed surfaces, wherever possible. E. Restore Work with new products in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. F. Fit Work air tight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations tluough swfaces. G. Maintain integrity of wall, ceiling, or floor consfiuction; completely seal voids. H. At penetrations of fire-rated walls, partitions, ceiling, or floor constuction, completely seal voids with fire-rated material in accordance with the Drawings and Section 07840 - Firestopping, to fu[ thickness of penetrated element. I. When new Work abuts or aligns with exisring, provide a smooth and even tansition. Patch Work to match existing adjacent Work. Refinish surfaces to match adjacent finish for a uniform appearance. For continuous surfaces, refinish to nearest intersection or natural break. For an assembly, refinish entire unit. l. Where a uniform transition in appearance could not be achieved, submit recommendation for providing a smooth mnsition to Architect/Engineer for review and acceptance. END OF'SECTION Cutting end Patching ASt r90 The ArraBelle at ValI Square Vait Colorado l June 2006 01045 - 3 sEcrIoN 06105 WOOD BLOCKING AND CURBING PART1 GENERAL I.OI SECTION INCLUDES A. The Work includes, but is not limited to the following: l. Roofcurbs, cants and nailers.2. Wood blocking af roof openings.3. Wood blocking and shimming ar wall openings.4. Wood blocking and plywood backing as pemritted by building code for support of wall- hung items. 5. Telephone panel board. I.O2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 05400 - Cold-Fomred Mctal Framing: Btocking and shimming for wall openings. B. Section 06400 - Architectural Woodwork: Backing in ihe wall. C. Section 06410 - Custom Casework: Backing in the wall. D. Section 07320 - Roof Tiles: Nailers and battens for mof tiles. E. Section 081 l0 - Standard Steel Doors and Frames: Blocking and shimming for door openings. F. Section 08212 - Stile and Rail Wood Doon: Blocking and shimming for door openings. G. Section 08552 - Clad Wood Windows and Doors: Blocking and shimming for window op€nings. H. Sectiou 09260 - Gypsum Board Assemblies: Blocking and backing for wall framed openings and wall-hung systems. I. Section 10160 - Metal Toilet Compartments: Blocking and shimming for wall-hung components. J. Section 10210 - Fixed Metal Wall louvers: Blocking and shimming for louver openings. K Section 10800 - Toilet and Bath Accessories: Backing in the wall. L. Division 15 - Mechanical: Backing for wall-mounted plumbing fixtures. M. Division 16 - Electical: Backing for wall-mounted lighting fixtues. I,O3 REFERENCES A. ALSC (American Lumber Staudards Committee) - Softwood Lumber Standards. B. ANSI A208.1 - Mat-Formed Wood Particleboard. C. ASTM E84 - Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. D. AWPA (American Wood Preservers Association) Cl - All Timber Products - Preservative Treabnent by Pressure Process. Wood Blocking rDd Curbing ASI 190 The ArreBelle at Vall Squere Vail, Colorado I June 2006 06r0s - 1 E. AWPA (Arnerican Wood Preservers Association) C20 - Structural Lumber Fire Retardant Treatment by hessure Process, F. NFPA (National Forest Products Association). G. RIS @edwood Inspection Sewice). H. SPIB (Southem Pine Inspection Bureau). I. WCLIB (West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau). J. WWPA (Westem Wood Products Association). I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide tecbnical data on fire-retardant and wood presewative materials, and application inshuctions. 1.05 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with the following agencies: l. Lumber Grading Agency: Certified by ALCS.2. Plywood Grading Agency: Certified by APA.3. Firc-Retardant Trcatment: Bearing UL Classification. Untreated wood blocking may not be used. even when concealed within wall construction. I.06 SEQUENCING A. Coordinate work under provisions of Section 01O40. B. Coordinate Work with installation of wall hung products and wall and roof openings. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A Lumber Framing (non-stuctural): NLCA, WCLIB or WWPA, No. 2 grade Fir, Hem fir or Douglas fn with 60lo maximum moisture cont€nt. B. Wood Blocking: No. 3 grade Fir or Hem fir with 67o maximum moisture content. C. Plywood: APA Rated Sheathing Grade, Exposure l, Group I or 2 species, 3/4 inch thick. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: Hotdipped galvanized steel for high humidity and reated wood locations. B. Aachors: Toggle bolt type for anchorage to hollow masrotrry. Expansion shield and lag bolt type for anchorage to solid masonry or concrete. Bolt or ballistic fastener for anchorag€s to steel. 2.O3 WOODTREATMENT Wood Blocking and Curbing ASI 190 The ArnBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado 1 June 2006 06105 - 2 A. Fire-Retardant Treatnent (FR-S Type): l. Where fire-retardant or "non-combustible" lumber is specified required by Code, or otherwise indicated, cofiply with AWPA C20 for pressure impregnation with fire- retardant chemicals to achieve a Class A fire-rating with a flame spr€ad and smoke developed value of25 or less, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. 2. Acceptable Manufacturers and Products: a. Hickson Coqporation, "Dricon." b. Osmose Wood Preserving, "Flame Proof LHC-HTT". c. Hoover Treated Wood Products, "Pyro-Guard".d. Substitutions: Under provision of Section 01630. B. Wood Preservative Treatrrent (PT Type): l. Pressure Treafinent: AWPA Treatnent Cl using water bome preservative with 0.25Vo retainage. 2. Surface Application: Clear colored, type as recommended by preservative Manufacturer. C. Provide identification on fire-retardant treated material. D. Apply fire-retardant treatrnent to materials specified in this Section. E. Kiln dry wood after pressure treatment to maximum 60lo moisture content. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI FRAMING A. Set members level and plumb, in correct position. B. Place horizontal members, crown side up. C. Construct curb members of single pieces. D. Space framing and firrring 16 inches on center unless noted otherwise. E. Curb roof openings except where prefabricated curbs are provided. Form comers by alternating Iapping side members. F. Coordinate installation of curbing with installation of decking and support of deck openings, and roofi ng vapor retardant. G. Coordinale installation of wood blocking and backing as required to adequaGly support various wall and ceiling mounted devices. Coordinate locations with Drawings. 3.02 SITE APPLIED WOOD TREATMENT A. Apply preservative featment in accordance with Manufachfe!'s instructions. B. Brush apply two ooats of preservative treatrrent on wood in contact with cementitious materials roofing and related metal flashing and grade. C. Apply fue retardant treatment to site-sawn cuts in accordance to manufacturer's instructions. Wood Blocking and Curbing ASI I9O The ArraBelle rt Vail Square Vait Colorado I June 2006 06105 - 3 D. Allow preservative dd ftc ftfddmt toatmentr to dry prim !o erecting members, ENI}OFSECTION Wood Blocltug ud Curblng (t61ct - 4 The Arr*Bclh rt Vell Equre ASI 190 Vnfl,Colonrdo t Jnnc 2006 sEcTroN 06400 ARCHITTCTURAL WOODWORK PARTI GENENAL I.OI SECTIONINCLUDES A. The Work includes, but is not limited to rhe following: l. Fabrication ard instatlation ofatl silop -fabricated woodwork such as:a) Door and window frames, and trims. b) Window sills. c) Base, chair rail and crown mould.d) Railing compononts and systems.e) Opcn shclving for closets, etc. €xcept tlrcse defincd as casework. 0 Mirror fiare. d QrstomGrills. h) Wall paneling. i) PublicToilet room partitions.j) Exbrior window shuners and hardware.k) Exterior planter boxes.l) Exterior wood trallis workm) BAerlor wood corbets and brackas n) Ertefiot wood trim.2. Attachment accessories incorporated into linish carpentry.3. Finishing of shop finished items.4. Priming of items to be field pairrtcd. 5. Preparation oJ items for JieIil siaining. I.O2 REI-ATEDS}:CTIONS A. Section 06105 - Wood Blockiog and Curbing: Blocking and backing in the wall. B. Section 081 l0 - Steel Doors and Frames: Wood frame and trirn. C. Seclion 08212 - Stile and Rail Wood Doors: Wood frame and trim. D. Section 08410 - Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts: Wood frarue and rinr. E. Section 08610 - Clad Wood Wirrdows and Doors: Wood frame. sill and trirn. F. Section 09250 * Gypsum Board Assemblies. C. Section 09900 - Painting: Painting and lurisbing offinish and exteior calpcntry items. H. Division 15 - Mecbanical: Coordinatiolr of custorn grills. I. Dvision | 6 - Electrical: Placement of electrical devices in wood parrling, I.O3 REFERENCFS A. ANSI A135.4 -. Basic Hardboard. B. ANSI 4208.1 * Matformed Wood Particleboard. Architectural TVoodwork ASI 190 The ArraBcllc at Vail Sqnnrc Vril, Colorado I June 2006 06400 - I C. APAIEWA PS I - Voluntary Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood. D. ASTM E84 - Surface Burning Characteristics ofBuitding Materials. E, AWI - Arcbilectural Woodwork Quality Standards. F. AWPA (Arnerican Wood Preserrrc.rs AssociatiorD Cl - All Timber Produols - Prcservative Trcatment by Pressure Processes. G. FS A-4.-1936 - Adhesivg Contact, Nmpreni Rubber. H. ITPVA HP- l - American National Standards for Hardwood and Decorative Plywood- L NIST PS I - Construstion and Industrial plywood. J. NIST PS 20 - American.Softwood hnnber Standard. I.O4 SIJBMITTAI-S A. Submit under provisions ofScction 01300. B. Shop Dmwings: Indicate materials, component profilc4 fastening methods, jointirg dclaits and accessories, to a minimum scale of l-l/2" = l'-0". C. Samples: Submit four sanrples of cach wood species and profile, 6 inches long, itlustaling each wood grain and specified finish. 1.05 QUALTTYASSURANCE A All Wolk shall be manufactured and installed accordiug to AWI Architectuml Woodwork Quality Standards, Premium grade quality. B. Preservative Treated Producb: Identi$ by AWPA quality mark. I,06 QUALIFICATION A. Fabricator and Installer: Company specializing in manufachrring and installatiol of the pmducts specified in this Section with a mininrum of five )cars ofdocumented €r(peri€nce. l. Work of this Section can be performed by different sources, pending the expertisq however, each typc/group of Work shall be by one Fabdcator. B. Installer shall be hired by Fabricator for "one-source" responsibility. 1.07 MOCKtt! A. Provide mockup under provisions of Section 01400. B. Fabricate one finished full size of every ,shopassernbled item and of each surface finish and configumtion. 1.08 REOULATORYREQUTREMEN'rS A Conform to applicable Code for fireratcd requir€melts. Architectuml Woodwork 06400 - 2 Thc ArraBelle rt Vell Square ASI 190 Vail, Colorado I June 2006 I.O9 DEUVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, slore, protect and handle Products to site undex provisions of Section 01600. B. Do not deliver millwork until rryet comtruction work is completed, buitding is fully closed iq and ambient temperature and relative humidity has bcen stabilized. C. Stote millwork in the spacc for a minimum period of 14 days to allow Products to acclimate before installation. D. Protect Products from nroisture damage. I.1O PROJECT/STTECONDITIONS A. Provide permanent heat, light, End ventilation prior to dcliwry. B. Maintain minirnum room temperature 65 degrcos F and retativc humidity lcvel of 20 - 30% for period of thrce days prior to delivery of materials during and after installation. 1,II COORDINATION A, Coordinate Work under provisions of Section 01040. B. Coordinate finishes between diffcrent Fabricators. C. Coordinate Wolk with plumbing and electrical rough in, and installation of associated and adjacent componenls. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.OI LUMBERMATERIALS A. Softwood Lurnber: NIST PS 20; graded in accordance wilh AWl Prenrium rcquircments, maximum moistule colteu.t of 6%; rnaterial and finish as speoified at end of this Section. B. Hardwood Lumber: NIST PS20; graded in accordance wilh AWI Premium rcquirements, maximum moislurc conlent of 6%; material and finish as specified at end of this Section. 2.O2 SHEETMATERIAIS A. Softwood Plyrvood: APA/EWA PS l; graded in accordance with AWI Prernium requircments, core materials ofvencer lumber; veneer nraterial and finish as specified at end ofthis Section. B. Hardwood Plyrvood: APA/EWA PS l;gmded in accordance with AWI requireurenls, core materials ofveneer lumber; veneer material and finish as specjlied at end of this Sectiorl C. Wood Particleboard: ANSI 4208.1, Type I; composed of agriculture waste, posl-consumer $rste fiber, or recovered wood fiber, of mediunr density, nude with water resistant adhesive; of grade to suit application; sanded faces. Use of formaldehyde is NOT allowed. . 2.03 ACCESSOR]ES A. Fa^stcners: Type and .size as required by conditions of use, plain steel or aluminum for interior use, Architectrrral Woodwork 06400 - 3 The ArraBelle at Vail Square ASI 190 Vail, Colorado I June 2006 hot-dip galvanized steel for exterior use; a\cept at treated lumber where galvanized and paintcd shall be rcquired, whether interior or exterior. B. Concealed Joint Fasteners: Threaded steel. C. Adhesive: Solvent release type, compatible with substrato materials and as recomrnended by adhesi.re manufacturer, D. llmber for Shimming and Blocking: As specified in Section 06105. E. Priren Type as recommended for applied finishes. F. Wood Filler Tinted to match surface finish cotoq, type as recomrnerrded for applied finishes. G. Shutter Hardware: Custom wrought iron hinge and hold open device. H. Toilet Room P rt't'on' L Hardywre: Refer to Interior Deslgn Manual. 2. Glass: Refer to Interior Design Manual. 3. Grill: Refer to Interior Dwtgt Manual. 2,04 WOODTREATMENT A. Fire-Retardant Treatme t (F-R-S Type): Chemically treated and prcssure imprcgnated; capable of achieving a Class A fire-rating with a flame spread and smoke developed rating of 25 or less wlrcn tested in accordarrce with ASTM E84. C. Wood Praservative Treatment (PT Type): l. Pres$x€ 'l'realment: AWPA'l-realnelt Cl using water-bonre presenative with 0.25 lbJcu {l retention. 2. Surface Application: Clear colored, type as rccommended by presawative Manufacturer. C. Provide UL approved iderrtification on fire-rctardant reated material. D. Deliver firc-relardant trcated materials cut to required sizos; urininrizc field cutthrg. E. Kiln dry wood after prcssulr treatlnenl to lnaxinrum 60lo moisture conlerrt. 2.05 FABRICATION A. Fabricate as per AWI Qualiry Srandards, Premium grade quality. B. Before proceeding with purchasing or fabricating Work in this Section, obtain appr-ovals for all Shop Dmwings. C. Shop-assernble Work for delivery to site, pennitting passage through buildirrg openings. D. Shop-prepare and identify cornponents for grain matching during site erection. E. When neccssary to cut and fit on site, provide matcrials with ample allorvance for cutting. Provide trinr for scribiug and site culting. F. As work proceeds, cull out all material that does not comply with grades specified or saurplcs Architecturnl Woodwork 06400 - 4 The ArraBelle at Vall Square ASI 190 Vail, Colorrdo 1 June 2006 approved. *lffiTd plywood shall be edge banded with rnatching veneer unless otherwise sftown on 2,06 SHOP FINISHINGa " I A. Sand work smooth and set exposed nails and scrcws. t. B. Apply wood filler in exposed nail and screw indentations. 1. On items receiving transparent linishe$, use wood filler which matches surounding surfaces and of types recomnrcndcd for applied finishes. C. Finish exposed to view and semi-concealed s:rfaces as per Section 09900, unless otherwise a different finish is scheduled at end of this Secrion. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATIONANDPREPARAI]ON A. Verify and confinn slructural adequacy ofblocking, backing and support framing. B. Verify mcchatdcal, electrical, and building items aifecting Work of this Seotiou are placed and ready to receirre this Work. C. Fill and/or correct all pressure treatrnent marks as recommended for finishing. }.02 INSTALI..A.TION A. General: l. htsull Work iu accordance with AWI Quality Standards, Premium grade quality. 2. Set and secure rnaterials and components hr place; lrue, plumb and level.3. Miter comers and end joints in standing and rumling trim, rmless notfd or indicated otlrerwise.4. C:refully scribe Work to adjaccnt construction wilh nraximum 1/32 inch gaps. Do not uso additional olerlay trim to conceal larger gaps. 5. Faslen in.concealsd locations wherever possible. 6. (buntersink exposed fasteners. Apply wood filler in exposed fastener indentations; sand Work smoofi. 7 . Before installation, prirne paint surfaces of items or asmmblies 10 bc in contact with ccmcntitious nralerials. 8. Field Fiuirg: a. Cut to fit and carefirlly scribe.b. Where wotk abuts other finished surfaces, scribe and cut for accurate fit. c. Do not use overlay trim pieces to coverjoints. B. Standing and Rulning Trim: l. lnstall trim and rnolding in unjointcd lengtlrs for operings and for runs less than maximunr length of lumber available. I;or longer runs u$e uxinlum lcngth oflumber available and minimum number ofjoints.2. Staggerjoints in adjacenl menrbers. Architectursl Woodwork 06400 - 5 The ArreBelle at Vall Square ASI 190 Vail, Colorado 1 Junc 2006 \ 3. Cope moldings at retums and miter at comers.4. Attachment: a. Provide Fabricator's standard concealed fasleners. b, Provide for thermal and building movennnts.c. Use finishing nails where exposed nails are required, set nail heads, and fill. C. Paneling: l. Set aud seoure horizontal grounds across substratc, rigid pfumb, and square.2. Shim as requircd with concealed shim$ to ensure straight, flush, plumb and lcvel panol installation. 3. Imtall panels in sequence using full width panels in field and adjusting. 4. Attachfient: a. Provide Fabricator's standard concealed fasteners.b. Provide for thennal and building movements.c. Blind nail wlrere possible. Use finishing nails where exposed nails are requircd, set nail heads, and fill.d. Provide bolts with blind fasteners at Fabricator's recommended spacing. D. Planter Boxes: l. Fabricate planter boxes using "general installation" me rod.2- Install galvanized sheet metal pan fonned and welded to size ofthe *box", attach l/2 inch diametor galvanized pipe at the bottom for drain. 3.03 ERECTIONTOLERANCES A. Maxinrunr Variation from Level or Plurnb: l/32 inch cvery 3 feet, non-cunulative or l/8 inch per 10 fect, whichever is [ess. B. Maxinrum Variation fronr True Position: l/[6 inch. C, Maximum Offset frorn True Alignrnen( with Abutting Materials: l/32 inch. D. Joint Gap with Same Abuttiug Materials: "Hairline joint". E. Joint Cap with Dissirnilar Abutting Materials: l/16 inch, variarion is NOT allorved 3.04 PROTECTIONANDCLOSEOUT A. Protect all firished Work from damage before, during aud after installation. Replace arry Work thal is darnagcd beyond repair. B. At Project closeout, check all trim for defects. Touch up surfaces that have beeo marred during constnction. Use only workers skilled in touch-up work or who werc the original finishers. Use only materials that are compatible with the finish. C. Rewod< joints that have opeued during course ofProject. Ifjoints ate larger than l/16 inch replace the piece for a tighl aud uniform joiut. 3.05 SCHEDULE A. Exrcrior: I . Wood Species: Western red cedar. 2. Grade: Premium. Architectural \Yoodwork 06400 - 6 The ArraBelle at Vall Square ASI I90 Vail, Colomdo I June 2006 i \ 3. Texture: Surfaccd rll gidcs. 4. Finish: Refcr to Drawings. B. Interior: l. Rcfer to Interior Desiglr Manual C Shatat Hardwarc: I. $wdatul ehatirlr huthwre selection cat sheea (PaSe 0640fu 08 to 06100-18.) D. Wiadon Bu Bracka:. t, Wmught bonwindow box brrckets cat shaa (PaSe A6400-19), END OFSECTION Architcctural Woodwork ASI t90 The ArrrBelle at Vall Squrrc Va[ Colorado 1Jntte2006 064m - 7 Timberlane Wood Shutters Hardsr nr& iii"yfes TIEBACKS Shutter.tie:backs, or'shuttsr do$" as the! are sometimes callcl, ore used to keep shutters in their open po6itiotr and lirmly agrlnst the houee. Slruter ilogs se*e a functionnl purpose and also offcr tle opportDnlty to add a urfque ard tectural appeal to your home - all the while cornplementing your shutter6. Timberlane hand-Forged tie-backs arc sold by the pair and are left and rlght spocilic In most cases, Tie-backs are rvailable in thrce diftrent mountitg option$: lag mourt, phte rnoBrt and slll rnount. Tie-Backs Itern * 3s8o1{pictured) 35Bo2 35803 Itdn * g6oor (pictuttd) g6002 36003 Mount lag Plaie s l Page I of? $o0.s5l . An.uua us oi Dff, tJilnItlSARI st!op Fot H.A.s.DlirA st Nov GGT'tNG $I:AITED rr[[attJtttNc & lNsTAr,r.$.ic litY.fR There aro 0 ilemr qntucd forlqlT$|otc rcqflmt FrEim i*-NE Archltectural Woodwork ASI 190 a,Eq%ffi E-l tag Mount Ptde f,F- ttil g r ' gi Mollnt Mount IJC Plate sill The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail' Colorado I June 2006 Pricc $4o $52 $sB BuyN. A.ld To Add To Add To Prlc"e $96 s44 s5a Bny I Add r Add 1tiuo, |lJNGSS'PIT'TgLS $r,lDE ROL'rS & .i HltTTaI t0ctrs rrlSc rir. r,AN n0 tr 9 Hand Forged $hutterrw EA-m ll^tns -t Soldler 6-7tr" (Sold per pair) $|tr R 'T Beacon llill 5-rlNn (Sold per pair) 06400 - 8 Timberlane Wood Shuaer Hardware: Hingesff intels -s ll Poge I of 10 lterc are 0 cnu quorcd br)'onr qnotc I!$(xt @ rslsl Architecturd Wooilwork AsI r90 0€ Hirtge offsct o ncarry D[tY Tapcrsd Strap Hbrgc: r Ilanrmercd Bcvel - Hud Forgeil 3/t6' mat€riel x r-l2" lliale. gold per pair - 2 hl€e6 rvith fasteners. $lcerre Diaricter !t rr" Lngth Itcm * rot121 Price (lri) $46 Pric€(e) *rmn Prico (rc) $t t ogth Itam t rou6t The ArraBelle at Vail Squarc Vail, Colorado I June 2006 Add {c' !{ ,t 3" rS LarE Itcrn To Catt rou64 rcu65 Tlpcneil Srrap lllnger Vylthout lfammered !l s/rd' nratcdal x t-r/a" wiile, SoH per pair - e hint6 ryith fastener€, b?"'i #ff* kh lr,lnl}rwASt: ss$p 80e rrAtn\san8 NOrJr GStTt!{G sT{n?Bn t{*AsuniNc & F{ar"d.war-sJ;} la HTNGES/ PINTET"S .Ourhne of htrgee can accortrnodatljt$t aboutany qTeofaPPllcatlon nlrycanbellrt n€red' tt both. A.s an homaga to trtstorlcat accu"acy, our hirUes and pintels stsnd tbe t.st of tim8. Wholiever looklns fur, 1$e hala lt in sl,ook, ready to ship to !ou. Notci Sclectpicoes trrc solal I.€ft g-) aDd Rtglrt (R) spcotfic, ?[mberlons recommands usitrg ToPcnn@Sdzws and/or Expansion.Shialds/or nll rn< opPli,cotions. O') D('l(otos ref{/mmended Tapcon gcral, use. (B) Deztatr wnmandocl8rporrsbn Sftteld Lse. sLaDf, aot f$ Er 3}I UTTBN LOCKS IttscELr,n Ntrclu5 @ 06400 - 9 Timberlane Wood Shutters Architcctural Woodwork ASr 190 EngltEh Ritlbil 6-6- z'' (Sold per pait) Dnglish RrtTnil Oftet (Sold per p6lr) Bcaaon Hill Offser 8"x4" (Sold per pair) Belmont Surall 5-r/r" ($<rld per poir) ItcEu # 9640l (plfiured) 364O2 36403 A64rr g64tr Mount lrg Plate sil1 Pt'icc $so $60 $76 Page 2 of? BuyN, AddTo AddTo AddTo &ry!$ Add rdd To Add To P::ico BuyN 648 Ad,lTo $s6 AdilTo Pricc Bqf! 098 AddT' $so AiHT. $ss rrddT. Pr:loc 8uy N, $46 AddTo Mount 14 Plsb s,ilt Item t 36010 (pictur€il) g6011 It€|tr t gsgor (pidrrt-d) 3$ro2 35903 Iton + ssy2r (pldured) Mount rag Plrte Mount 14 Plato sill Mount Iag Thc ArraBolle nt Ytil Squrre Vall, Colorado I June 2006 06400 - l0 Tiriberlane Wood Shusers Architectuml Woodwork asl 190 (Sold per pair - lag mount only) Scollop Shc {Sold per palr - lag mount or,ly) Sca Horae (Sold per pair) Itcrn # 35755 MouIIt lae Pagc 6 of7 Price s30 Ftlce $3e hics gn $3cl Itcm * 3575r Mourrt lat Itcm # 372Or gt2v2 9720? Mount lag plate sill Prlce I $22 ) $30 $40 Itorn * g78or 378()r Mount lag platc The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I Jone 2006 trlower (Sold per pair - lag Dount onllt 06400 - il 'l'irhberlane Wood Shuffer Hardware: Hinges/Pintels Page 5 of t0 f, E 12ogt*2O9L T)Tg Pldte Plale Plate l.ag PtD Dioflret"r sl8" sl8" 3/8" sls" oftet ffi; ,lc' brlz" 2-rl4' ltem * 208rg eo8?s ao83S ao9$ Ldg S(trcrv PLrtel Itern t 20v fril $3 Add T( $s AaldT( sg, AildTc t3 AddTc SoH per peir - 2 plntels with fastcners r2o7r $.fedHvcLength (Not off6ct) 4" aaoEo Pin DlaDretet rlz' Hce( 9gt Add?o tgr Add To $4: Add To Pri S2 Add T( The ArraBelle rt Vell Squrre Vnil €oloratlo I June 2{D6 Sleevo Dlamete! 3/8. g/S" ren.fc I,asF nt l lp $old pcrpair Itcrn * 1JJ76 Architectural Woodwork ASI I9O 06400 - 12 Tirnbelane Wood Shutter Hardware: Hinges/Pintels Page 7 of l0 lleavy Duty - tlGA Heavy Duty - ucA Hesv) Dury - ucA 4" 641a" 8-r12" $36 Add'fo Cart ${o Add To c.rt s42 Add To Can 4' d 4- Adc Adc lqdi Pr'icr s3e Add To t q34 Add ?o I The Arr*Belle at Vail Squrra Veil, Colorado I June 2006 NctY aork Style "Ij IIiDgcs (Usht Duty) r sst lnclud€s 2 top hinges, a bottom hingeq 4 pintcls and all ne fastetr€rg, Total Oftet ltrdudtng Plntcl z-r/5" 4-Ll4' off6,et Itinge Only 1-rlz- ?.tl4' IteE r llool 11002 New Yorikstylc trur Hinge6 (Hcarry Duty) r pair indrdce r top hinga r bottom hinge and all nece f&et€ners Pintele sold s€paretely' S'tsinlesE strcl trith I coat rrrqgS Architectural Woodwork asl 190 AlrEitr!il€d 06400 - 13 Page I of2 SLIDE BOLTS & SHUTIER LOCKS The ffnal torich ofhrrdware csn be a shutt r lock ot slide boh for adiled sedrrity, Otr line of sli'le' shuttor loctb rcll6-tboth our commitm€Dt to quality and our P*ssion for hi8torical accuracy' Iland Sorgcil Shutter Locks Sold Indivi&ally I-crlg& Orctrll of Lotrgdt Bolt (MtPhtc Pl.rc &lcq cr) t2' 16' ro' tz-tlt" ?.ils' ,-{4" ro'314" rkccht Y Pdcc z'' Soror $42 r-a/4. goloa $96 ," lolog $44 c' ao1o4 $36 lleeare O ftcrnaqueuul. - bi)Druqrcre rc$rcst .liiEFl EnT6l Archltectural Woodwork ASI I9O 6-718- lo" ,r7tru" *tou $oo 3412'r'r/2' 3otro $ro Thc ArraBclle at Vail Square Vailn Colorrdo 1 Juue 2006 -}ItltCf,l!,tNrO t'$ $ty lraf,D*7A n5 06400 - 14 Timberlane Wodd Shutter Hardware: Miscellaneous HWW Ifort alc O lteue quorcrl Iorpuiquote reqmsr lgffil liBESl MISCELI,ANEOUS IIARDWARE PIECNS 'Ihcre are sonre pieces of berdrvale so urhue tbey are in ! chsg bry themsehtes' Our puu riqgs, ftet other n scdhneous piecee nighr add just the finbhing toucb ]nouve beon seeking' or, tfFu're not quite ceftain wbat type of hardware is approprtale for ydlr shutterq we lnvite yot our nr fine ofproaucts guiatcd by our shutter ProfedsionalE who rYilt help ]bu deternine lehich h, fits y'our windons, your lif€dyle urd your home. i:.i:{ :ii: !;:'1,.-'+ j ',\:::,:t i Page I of3 1.?.:f;l ::...::. ... Df.s Screrv-in Shu$et CaPpinS De.$Fed to fit der a shuttet r-5/16" or lecs' Sold per linear foot. Tltickucss - .ogr' I.D' - 1.3r2 P.iae .S2llinearFt. T::i $4 rype Item f Architectural Woodwork ASI 190 Aluminum 57tor Coppcr t7ro2 BtrIlct Catch lJ8e one prr shutter 45 a cimple alernative to ti6'back; or useforr per $4/LinesrFt, Y$j The ArraBelle at Veil Square Vail' Colorado 1 June 2006 5[rDl EOLT$ & Sf,IUTTBN, I;OC.KS Iirll Ri$gF 06{00 - ls Shutser Strap Hinges B-3 Page 1of2 [elodal$huner l{udrsa 0arc*llm Dmrllmdsan ffisnutter Strap Hinges s", Fat }{rnt l-314" x 10", l2u, 14" & 16" x 12 Ga. (Other lengths available Special Order) '1" x #10 F.I{. Wood Sctews & l" x #12 Pan Head for Hinge E Wrought Steel TRADITIONAL DESIGN Pinde Plate l-112" x3-314" xll8" " Offsets 0, 112", l-112",2-1.14",3-ll4' " Diam. 318" Hinge Supplied with Finislred in Wtougbt Iron Black over Zinc Plating Catalog No. #2010 - ll2 #201A - lvz #2010 -2-ll4 #2010 - 3-v4 #zUp- ln #2012- l-ln Architcctural Woodrvork ASI 190 Length 10" 10* 10" t0" 12" 12" Offset l12" 1-l/2" 2-114" 3-114" l12" 1-ln" Length 14" 14" 14" l Alrl.? l6' l6u Offset 1t2" !-ln ?-1i4" 3-7t4' lno t-U?', Catalog No. #2AA- V2 #2014 - l-rD #2014 -2-Ll4 #2014 - 3-v4 #2016 - tlz #2016 - l-ll2 The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 06400 - 16 Shritter Stap Hinges B-5 [olonid $hutter lllrdx,ue Page I of2 GeteuBsn Doorllud$rn ftlnl{udr'roe I{lnr ffi Strutter Strap Hinges Shutter Hinge Pintles Page E Wrought Stecl No. I Hook to Drive No.2llook on Plate No.2-N No. 2-P Hook on Plate No. 3 Hook to screw No.4 Hook Side ScrewNanow Plate Note: Any of tho abora can be frrmished with 7/16" or ll2" Pil. Diam. at slight additional price. :{|, Architcctural Woodwork ASI I9O The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 PintleNo.Pin. Diarn. Pin. Heiglrt Plate Size Ofbet L€ngft Overall Drive or Screw #l Drive 3t8 t-'u8 Adjustable 4" #2 Plale 3t8 t-'118 l-112" x3-114"tn-| v2-2r14' #2-N Plate 3t8 l:1t8 l" x 4-ll4'tn-|u2-2114', #2-P Plate 3/8 1-718 l-ll2" x3-1f2"ln-1rn-2114" #3 Screrv 3/8 l-718 Adjustable 4" #3-L Screw 3t8 r-718 Adiustable 60 #4 Hook 318 t-'il8 3-3i4'hish tn - | Ln -2 Ll4', 06400 - 17 Shutier Stap Hinges B-5 Show l{inges (Spectut Order) Normal Hinges show on the outside when shutters are closed. Dcriil No. ? Show Hingos whon shutters ar€.jgpen - see detail #2 below and page B-6. Available sizes I 0', I 2u, l4',q) other sizes Special Order, Page2 of,2 t&.'{El8at l&1dr ln Anrcri*r 4 Modified on: Thursday, June 16, 2005 Colonial Shutter I Gate & Barn Door I Other I Cont4ct Us I Home Ary guertions or cocrmenis on our uteb site pl€ase contact tlrc webmsst€f at web D*igacr Arcldtectural riloodwork AsI 190 The ArrnBelle at Vail Squ$re Vail, Colorado I June 2006 06400 - l8 sEcTroN 08216 STILE ANDRAIL WOOD DOORS PART1 GENERAL I,OI SECTION INCLUDES A The Work includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Stile and rail wood doors, including glazed openings ond hand-cawed interior door Panels.2. Sidelites anal transoms as part ofdoor op€ning. 1,02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 05400 - Cold-Formed Metal Framing. B. Section 06400 - Architectural Woodwork Wood door frame and casing. C. Section 08110 - Standard Steel Doors and Frames. D. Section 08710 - Door Hardware. E. Section 08E00 - Glazing. F. Section tD260 - Gypsum Board Assemblies. I.O3 REFERENCES A, AWI - Quality Standards of the Architectural Woodwork Institute. B. NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors, Fire Windows. C. NFPA 252 - Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. D. UL I 0B - Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. E. UL - Building Materials Directory. F. WH - Certification Listings. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit mder provisions of Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: Illustrate door opening criteria, elevations, sizes, types, swings, undercuts required, special beveling, special blocking for hardware, factory urachining criteria, fastory finishing criteriq identifu cutouts for glazing and louvers. C. Samples: l. Initial Sample: Submit four sanrples ofspecified wood reflecting grade. 2. Final Sample: After Inirial Selectioq submit two samples of door comer, l8 inch x l8 inch in size illustrating joinery, wood grain, stain color and sheen. Stile and Rail Wood Doors ASr 190 The ArraBelle at Vail Squere Valt Colorado l June 2006 08216 - r D. Manufacturer's lnstallation lnstructions: Indicate special installation instuctions. 1.05 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with AWI Section 1400, Custom Grade. C. Finish doors in accordance with AWI Section 1500. H. Fire Door and Panel Construction: Conform to NFPA 252 and UL 108. I. Installed Fire Rated Door and Transom Panel Assemblv: C.onform to NFPA 80 for fire rated class as scheduled. r.06 QUALTFICATTON A. Manufactuer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. I.O7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION A. Deliver, store and protect products under provisions of AWI Section 01 600. J. Package, deliver and store doors in accordance with AWI Section 1400 in manufacturer's packaging; inspect for damage. C. Do not deliver millwork until wet construction work is completed, building is fully closed in, and ambient temperature and relative humidity has been stabilized. D. Store millwork in the space for a minimum period of 14 days to allow Products to acclimate before installation. E. Pmtect Products from noistr.ne damage. I.O8 PROJECTISITECONDITIONS A. hovide pemranent heat, light and ventilation prior to installation B. Mafutain minimum room tenperature of 65 degrees F and relative humidity level of 20 - 3O/o for period ofthrce days prior to delivery ofmaterials during and after installation. I.O9 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work under provisions of Section 01040. B. Coordinate the wort with door opening construction and door fi'arne, including metal frames and door hardware installation. C. Coordinate door undercut with mechanical system requirements. Refer to Mechanical Drawings. I.IO WARRANTY A. Provide wananty under provisions of Section 017fi): l. Provide Manufactuer's 5 year nondepreciating on exterior door constuction, msterial and finish. Stile and Rail Wood Doors ASI t90 The ArraBelle at Vail Squarc Vail' Colorado 1 June 2006 oa2t6 -2 2. Prrovide Manuftcnrer's l0 year non{epreciating on interior door consuc'tioo, material aIrd finislt" - B. Include coverage for warping beyond specified installation tolerances, defective materials, or any other manufacturing defect. ' PART2 PRODUCTS L 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Artistic Doors and Windows, Inc. B. Craffsman In Wood (303-278-845). C. TheGrandEntranccs(303-893-4001). D. Southwest Door Co. E. Woodtech Trading Company. F. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 01630. 2.02 DOORTYPES A. Doors (lnterior): l. l-314 inches thick; solid lumber construction, AWI Custom Grade; mortised jointr. 2, 2-ll4 inches thick; solid lumber construction, AWI Custom Grade; mortised joints. B. !9ors @xterior); 2-ll4 inches thick; solid lumber construction, AWI Custom Grade; mortised JOmrS. C. Transom and Sidelite Panels: To match door. 2.03 COMPONENTS A. 'Solid Stock Lumber for Exterior Doors: AWI Custom quality, plain cul with end-matched grai!, etrd-matched transoms. l Wood: Western Red Cedar. B. Solid Stock Lumber for Interior Doors: AWI Premium qualrty, plain cut, book matched nmning gra.in, (transoms also); unless otherwise indicated in Intedor Desip Manual. C. Adhesive: Type I - waterproof. 2.M ACCESSORIES A. Molding: Wood, of same species as door facing, profile as iho*n oo drawings, mitered corners; prepared for countersink style screws. B. Glazing Stop: Wood, of same species as door facing, mitered comers; prepared for countersink style screws. 2.05 FABRICATION Stile and Rall Wood Doors ASr 190 The ArreBelle at Vail Squrre Vait Colorado l June 2006 08216 - 3 B. Fabricate non-rated doors in accordance v/itl requirements ofAWI Quality Strndard Section 1400. Astragals for Double Doon: Wood T-shaped, overlapping and recessed at face edge specifically for double doors, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. At exterior door locations, provide prefinished metal flashing at the top and bottom rail for full thickness of door. Refer to Section 07620. Factory machine doors for frnish hardware in accordance with hardware requirements and dimensions. Do not machine for surface hardware. Factory fit doorc for frame opening dimensions identified on shop drawings. Cut and configure exterior door edge to receive recessed weather stripping devices; refer to Section 08710. Provide edge clearances in accordance with AWI Section 1700. Cut and figure interior door bottoms as necessary to the following conditions. I . To receive door bottom device: refer to Section 08710. 2. To allow for air movement, refer to Mechanical Drawings. Tolerances: L Conform to AWI Quality Standards, Section 1400, Custom Grade; requirements for fi! clearance, and joinery tolerances. 2. Maximum Vertical Distortion (Bow): l/8 inch measured with straight edge or taut string, top to bottonL over an imaginar5r 84 inch vertical distance anyvhere on door surface area. 3. Maximum Width Distortion (Cup): l/8 inch measured with straight edge or taut string, edge to edge, over an imaginary 36 inches horizontal distance anywhere on door surFace area. 4. Maximum Diagonal Distortion (Warp): l/8 inch measured with straight edge or taut string, edge comer to opposite edge corner, over an imaginary 36 x 84 inches diagonal distance anywhere on door surface area. Factory frnish doors in accordance with AWI Section 1500 to the following finish designations: l. Finish: TR6; transparent, catalyzed polyurethane, Custom quality, satin sheen, unless otherwise indicated in Interior Manual. Seal door top and bottom edges with sealer to match door facing. c. D. E. F. G. H. 2.06 FINISH A. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION Stile and Rail Wood Doors ASI 190 B. B. C. Veriry substrate conditions under provisions of Section 01040. Verifu that opening sizes and tolerances are acceptable. Do not install doors in frame openings that are not plumb or are out-of-tolerance for size or alienment. Tbe ArraBelle at Yail Square VaiI, Colorado I June 2006 08216 - 4 3.02 INSTALI-ATION A. Install doors in accordance to requiremeDts of with AWI Section 1700, Custom quality. l. Install fire rated doors iu accordance with AWI Quality Stardar4 NFPA 80, and to requirernents for fue rating label by UL or Wamock Hersey. B. Trim door width, only if necessary, by cutting equally on both stile edges. C. Trim door height, only if necessary, by cutting bottom rail edge to a maxirmm of l/2 inch, unless otherwise required by door bottom hardware or mechanical systerl l. Trim fre do'or height at bottom edge oaly, in accordance with fire rating requirements. D. Machine cut for hardware installation. E. Refinish site trimmed edges for a uniform appeannce to door facing. 3.03 INSTALLATIONTOLERANCE A. Conform to AWI requirements for fit, clearancq and joinery tolerances. B. Maximum Out of Plane from Door Frame: I /8 inch. 3.04 ADruSTING A. Adjust installed Work under provisions of Section 01700. B. Adjust door for smooth and balanced door movement. C. Adjust closer for ftll closure. D. Replace doors that are bowed, cupped or warped beyond fabrication and installed tolerances prior to ConEact Closeout. E. Refmish joints that oper during course ofacclimation prior io Contract Closeout. 3.05 SCHEDULE A. Refer to Section 09999 - Schedules: Door and Frame Schedule. B. Refer n Interior Design Mamnl for interior fuors. END OF SECTION Stile and Rsil Wood lloors ASr 190 The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vall, Colorado I June 2006 08216 - 5 SECIION087r0 DOORTIARDSTARE PART I GENEML I.OI SECIIONINCX-TJDES A. The Srort includcs, htr is Dot limitEd to rhc following I. Ilardwwe for wood ad hollow mal doors. 2. theshokls,'*eatlrcrstipping, Eeals atrd doq gaskets 3. Locf6€t8 and tltchcr (provided to zuit firnctioa aod anticipatcd degree of use). 4. Masrcdcyingcqability. 5. It is thc inention that 6e hardware spccified sball bc sufici€nt quaatitias necesssy to corylac thc Wort Noti$ tbe Architcct of omissions c discrcpaocicc priu no Bid date for clarjifications or instrwtions. Adjusmcnte to tb Cootrrct Sum will not be allowed for orfssioos not clarified prior to Bid opening. I.U REI.A'IEDSECTIONS A Sectioa 08110 - Statrdrd Steel Doorg and Fames: Funish erpbtss fa door ad frad preparation. B. Section 08212 - Stile and Rail Wood Doors: Furni$ tcnplarcs for door prcparrtion. C. Scction 0E360 - Scctioul Overtrcad Doorsl Ffnnish te4latcs for doc pppantion. D. Section 0861O - Clad Wood Dmrs and Windows: Finnish tenplae.r fon door and framr P'rePar:ation' E. Section 09999 - ScHules: Door and F.rane Schedule. F. Division 16 - Elecricat Power Supply to elcctrical hardwue cofiryo$ents. I.O3 REFBREITffiS A. ADA (Amicans witt Disabilitics Act) - Acccssibility Guidelinca fa B+ildings and Facifitfrx. B. ANSI All7,l - Specifications f66 [\lrking BuitdiDgl md Facilities Accessitlc to and Urablo by Physically lladicapped Feople. C. AWI (Architecturl Woodwort lnstiute) -Qruliry Standards D. BHMA - Build€rs llsdwap Manrtrcturer's Association, E. DHI - Door ad Hardware Instinrre. F. NAAITIM - Nafional Assosiarion of Architcctural Motal fvfanufrnrers. C, NFPAm-FreDoccaldWindows. H. NFPA tOl - Codc for Safetj' o Lifc from File in BuitdhgF ard Sttrcorcs. L NF?A 252 -Fire Tecc of Doq Asscmblies. Doorf,ordwarc PR-AO]2 ltc ArnDdlc rtVtil Sfl.Fc Yril,Colondo 7 Augpst 20llt 0atro- 1 I. SDI - Stcel Door hstiftlc. K uL 10C - Safuy Fire Tests of Dmr Ass€obliee. L. LJL 305 - Safety Panic Hardware. 1.04 SI'BIUITTAI.S A. Submit under plovioions of Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate locations and nounting heights of erch type of hmdwro, schedules, mme ad Manufrutr of ech ibtrL location of esh hadwarc set cf,ocs refcrerced to irdications oa Drawirys, both on f,oor phn ad in Door and ftaoe Schedule, explanadon of aU abbrreviations, symbols, and codc,s contained in Schedule doa and ntlp sizcs and mtedal& marimrm allowable degree of swing and door tranding, fire-ruings, clcctrical chamtcristics and connectioo requirements. C. Submit Manufrcturer'E cut sboet& parts lists ard templatas. D. Samples: Submit one sanple of wh type of hanlwue, ilusrating styler colq end finish. E. Apprroved Sanples nay be incorporated into Se Work. F. Mrnufacnrer's ln$allation Instructions: Indicare special procedrnes and perimeter conditions rcquiring spocial afiention. I.O5 PNOJECTRECORDDOCUMENTS A Submit under provisioos of Secrion 017fl). B. R€cord *tual laatioos of installcd cylinders and their m$ter key coda l.(b OPH$-TIONANDMAINTENANCEDATA A. Submit ud€r provisions of Section 01730. B. Maintenanco Data Includc data on operating hantwarc, lubrication requirenenrs, and inspection pnocedues rclated to prevcntative mainenancc. l.vt QUALITYASS A. Pcrform Wort ia accordance with thc following requircrcnrs: l. Atmicans wirh Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. AI{SI All7.1 - Specificmioos for Making Buildings aad Frcilitiee Accessible to and Usablc by Physically llandicapped Pcople.3. NFPASO. 4. NFPAIOI, 5. NFPA252.6. ul.l0c.7. UL305. B. Siagle Source Reryonsibitity: Obtab c€ch typc ofbodwae flarchscs and loctsctq hinges, cloecr& etc.) from a singlc Manufacturs, unless schcdulcd dhcnrrise. 1.08 QUALTFICATIONS Door Ilardryele PR.AUN Thc ArrrDdh at Ydl Sqrrrc Vril, Colorrdo TAu;ssaZnB 0rn0-2 A Manufacft€r: Co4any specializing in mannfac0ring thc prodwts specified in this Scction with minimum five yers expericnce. B. Hardwae Suppliec Shall be cunent ncmber of DHI (Door Hardwar€ Insfiiuft). l. tlsdware zupplkr shall have a thorough of dotr operation syst€rns ard applicable Codes, and notify Archibcr of any discrepancies. Tlrse dratl be no additional cost afrer an ard of Bid as ihe result of oversight by hardware supplier for proper ope.ration ad to neet rEquiEmolts of applicable Codee. 1.()9 REGII-A,TORYREQT]IREMENTS A. Conform to applicable Code for requirerneats applicable to fire-rated doors and Aasps. B. Conform to applicable sections of Chapter 5 ofNFPA l0l. C. Prodttcts Requiring Electrical Conncction: Listed and classificd by Udcrnniten' Laboratorie,s, tnc. as suitable for dre pr4pose ryecified and indicared, I.IO PRE-INSTALLAIIONCONFERENCE A. Conlene one week prior to courmencing work of this Section, rmdcr fovisions of Soction 012fi). Meet with the Owner, Cooractor, Installer, llardwme Supplier, and Manufacrnrers Represenutive. Review catalogs, brochures, terylales, installation instructions, and the ryroved hardware schedule. Survey insallation procedrrcs and worlunanship, with spocial emphasis otr uousual conditions, as to insure conect t€chniquc of installation, and coordination with other worh I.II DELIVERY,STORAGB.ANDHANDLING A. Deliver, storc, prorcct and handle prodrrcts to site under provisions of Section Ol6fl). B' Package hrrdware items individually; label and identi$ each package with door opening mde to match hsrdwar€ sch€dul€. C. Prrotect hardware from ttcft by cataloging and storing in secured sea. D. Dcliver teys with identifying tags 1s Owner by sccurity shipment direct from hardwue supplier. I.I2 COORDINATION A Coordimte Work uader provisions of Section 01040. B. Coordinae Work with otber directly affected Sectiom involving Manufacturer q hbricalion of internal reinforcement for doon hardwce and rccessed ircms. C. Coordinate Ocn€r's keying requirenrnts during course of Wor*- I,I3 WARRANTY A hovfule the followiqg wuranties under provisions of Section 0l 700. l. l0 year warranty on closers.2, 3 year waranty on exit deviceg,3, 2 year warrrnty on remaining hardwre. B. lYananty: Submit Manufacturer warranty and ensurc forms havo bcen completcd in Owner's nanp and rcgistcred witt Manufacurrcr. lnchdo covcragc for all hardware. Door Hardware PR.A OO2 Ihc ArrrBdle at Vril Squrrt Vtll,Crlondo 7 AustlsaXl0t 0fn0.3 . I.I4 MAINTENANCEMATERHIS A. Provide naintenance materials under provisions of Section 0t730. B. Provide spccial wrenches and tools applicable to each diffcrent or special hardwre componeDt. ' C, Provide mainlenance rools and accessorie,s supplied by hardware compore Ma$hctuer. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.O1 ACCEPTABLEMANI'FACTT,JRERS A. Refer to 'Tlardware Mrterids" located at end of this Section for approved Manufacturers and approved Substiues listing, 2.V2 KEY'INC A Groupe4 keyed and supplied as per Ovrer's direction. Hardware supplier to verify with Owner for keying requirements, B. Excepf rs otherwise indicated, key to new masbr-key system. C. Kcys. l. Keys shall bc nrade of nickel silver.2. Stampallteystorcad"DONOTD{IPLICATE". D. Srpply keys in the following quantities: l. 6 master kep,2. 3 grand master keys.3. 15 constnrction keys. 4. 2 change keys for each lock. 2.OI KEYCABINET A. Cabinet Construction: Sheet steel construction, piano hinged door'with cylinder-type lock, ruster keyed to building sysrcm- B. Cabhet Size: Size for Project keys plus 50 percent growth. C. hovide hools for keys. D. Horimntal metal stipa for key hook labcling with clea plastic strip cover over labels. E. Flnish: Baked enanrcl; color as selected by Archircce F. Install in Iocation where dircctcd by Owner. 2.M FIMSHES A. Finishes: As indicatod in Schedule at end ofthis Section. PART3 E)(BCUTION DoorHardwrre PR-A OO2 Ihc ArraBellc rt Vail Squsrc Vail' Colorado 7 Augurt 20llt tB7l0.4 3.01 EXAMINAIION A. Verifi site conditions under provisions of Section 01040. B. V€dry that doors and fraorar are rcady to rpceive Work and dincnsions re as imructed by the Manufaptrrcr. C. Veri& that elecuic power is availabb to pow€r operatrd devicqs atrd ofthe con€ct charactsristics, 3.V2 INSTAII-ATION A. Install hardwsre h adcordance with Manrdacorer's insEuctiotrs, B. Use tcnpla&s provided by hardware item Manufrcnncr. C. Codorn to A{SI Al17.l aod ADA Guidelhes for positioning rcquir€ments for the physlnlly tundicapped. 3.03 ADruSTING A" Adjust Wo* under provisione of Section 01700. B. Adjrut hardware fm smooth operation. 3.(X PROTECIIONOFFIMSHEDWORK A. horcct finished Wo* rmder provisions of Sectim 015fi). B. Do not p€rnit adjacent Work !o damage hardwse r finish. 3.(F HARDWAREMAIERIAIS A. Gercral: l. Usc two pair butts or two cach intermediate pivots at doqs 7'6" and over. 2. Usc 5" x 4.5" butts at dmrs 3'6" and over, 3. Ilardwarc supplio shrll verify all lock functions vith Orvrer prior to ordcring matcrial 4. After insallation of all v€rtical rod exit deviccs, Ceneral Contsacttr to have Manufacnrer's rcpresentarive inspoct insallation ard advisc if devices ue adjused curcctly. 5. At openingr nterc wall stopo s€ in4tp'opriaie a "stop rrr cloccd' at ouBwing doqs or an overlrcad stop at inswing doors shall bc used. 6. Factory Authorizcd Servioe C-ener $hall oeet wift &chit€ct ad olmer o finalize laying requiremnrc ard obtain hcying instuctions in writing, Both the cylidcrs and kcyblanks shall be proected tom uuuthorized nanrfacnr€ and distribution by tlre mmufacnner's United Staler patcoB All cylinders shall be masterkey€d by S€rvice C.enter, conrbinarcd in sets u sulrsets, nrsle*ey or grandmaster keye4 as direced by Orvner. Quantities of pemnoent keys will be as determincd by the Owner's Representative. Pcrnanent bys shall be starped with the ap'plicable key odc as dctcrminod by thc Oryn€rs' Reprcscntative for ident'rficgtion, and sequeatially numbered pcr ohango on tho rEv€rse side of the key 6* ttr key mark is sanped m. Permanent keys will also be sta4ed "Do Not Duplicate'. Deliver all permanent heyq secrnity corts, ard otlrcr security keys dirEct to Owrcr's Representativc from Service Center by secure couricr rctrm rcceip rcquesrcd. Ovmer will bc rcsponsible o swircb ort the hiSh seq[ity corc& All cytinders shall bo furnished with tentpontry cores. Furnish 20 mnstruction leys and 2 constuction contol lreys. Door Hrrdware 08710 - 5 ltcArraBdle atVail SqumPR-Affi2 Vail"Colorrdo TAugpstAnE l. p1i66 16 finel inspection, the Instatler, accomponied by tbe representativc of tlre labh and lock manufachler, shall renun o the pnoject and inspect hddware to insure proper function of doors and hsdwne. Consult with and instruct Oryae/s pcrsonnel in recommeoded aditions to the nahtonance procedures. Repl*e hardware iem rtat have dcteriorarcd or failed due to faulty design, ml€rials or installation of hardwarc units. Prepare a wriren rcport of curent and F€dicable problerrs in the performance of tbe hardcrare. 8. Re: doq & fram details & firnish accessorics (dmp plales, panel adryen, spacets & *4ports as rcq'd) o conecdy insrall door clooere. NotLo degrce ofdoor swing in bdw schedule. 9. All out-swinging dods with lod.sers shall be non-renrovable pin (NRP) hinges. lO. Insall cloccrg out ofconidors on less prrblic side of door, 11. Supplicr to verifr that all necessay parts for insatlation are ordered and fiaish ef fsstrsn€rs march hardwue finish- Mabh fnish of exposed fasteners to hardwse being mrhed. 12. Supplier shall provide cylinders AND CORES for custon loctsets that strall be conpatibh with key system for pojecr 13. Vcrify that all necescary prts for installarion are ordered and finish of fisten€rs Eatch hudwue finish. March finislr of exposed fastenen to hardware being attached, 14. lhrdware Finishes: r. Public Area: Rcfer to Interion Desiper's manual,b, Back-of-Housc Area: Generally US26D, Satin chrosrc finish on exposed $rfaccs. 15. Substiotion: Undcr provisions of Soctim 01630. B. tlardwarc Tlpes and Manufacrurers Lcgend: Manufacruer (ADA) Adatrts Rite @AL) Baldwin Brass @YO) ByOthers (GLY) Glynn lohnson ([IWR) Iladware Renaissance (HAG) Hsger (tVE) Ives (ILC) Ilco -Silnplex (JOS) Jarsen Ornanroul Supply (KNO) I(nox Box G.AW) La*,rence Brothers (r.cx{) r,cr{ (MAc) Mapirehon (PEIrl)Penko (RDO Rixsm (RMII) Rocky Mouorsin Iladware (RSP) Renovators' Supply (RWD) Rochrood Manufacoring, Inc. (RWC) Richads Wilcox( (SAF) Saflok (SCH) Schlags (IBD) To bc dratermined (IEL) TelKce (VON)VonDuprin (ZERO)Zao htenadoml Door Eardrarc PR.AOO2 Th ArreDdle et Veil Sqoarc Yal' Colorado TAutu$2{nE 0tr7r0 - 6 Ilttl SET: l14 20I.M.DONLYONLY EACH OPETINGTO HAW: 3I I I T II EA, HNGE EA ROLLERIArcH EA SURFACE-MTD, PIJIL&I FINORDOME SET SE{I.S H AWODOORBOTIIOM FA WE:IYER BBI279 4.5 X 1.5 RI36 MXII? -I k" BB4wN. I N FU)OR DOME STOP SOSRHEADNTDJAMBS 4IIARL u697 32OORECESSED RMK (IF REQIJIRED) srzB As REQUIRED BY OWNER 881279 15 X 15 AT TOP I.EAF 12s045 X45 DAW4D 81521 I &m VnE U70 IEyEn 9I3LPATIO FANC'ION - IfrSS OUISIDE TNIA, TNII SEAILBEON R(X)T{ SIDEONLI Dmt4n eflu wITu u70 r,EvEn- oN R00a SIDEONLY DBSIM TNM I.ESS TEUARNNN wnu 9101 DuDu)cx. - oN RooM SIDE 0NLY gON X FL. DANK BN)NZE F/,/^IISE 55D - INSTAIL OPPOSNE R(NM SIDE 22iln, nsF-DAnX, BRONZE FtmSn 1'85. BIACKAT EEAI' NOD ATTAMDS i69A ITAG NE ASH BAL PEM PEM NE EAG NAG NE NME ACC nMn NME acc NE xsP fls? zBno zBno ZERO HWSET: MISC EACH OPENII.IG TO TIAVE: Ihorf,srdware PR.AM2 EINGE SPNNGE,j|'GE AAX'MANC F LASE N)LT F812 PNUACTINCX EA KNOXBOX EA MOI'NTTNCIST EA KEYCABINET EA SINGLEDIJAAY F,I, DEANN'LT EA CU'RDINATOR F.I, ASTRAGAL EA CASTOTIWATTSTOP EA SHL EA SE{I, F.A AWOtrTATICI'(NR BOTTOM KNO KNO TEL VERTFY QUAI{TTTY REQI'IRED WTTII ARCHITECT Ettr SET: Il5 DNrk GSZ.I1D(0WIZDUTkUTCXAFF &ITIJE$/ EACNOPENINGTOflAW: 2FA1 F.A1 SET1 F,e 2 I I 2 2 1 2 2 Ite ArrrBctre rt V.il Squ.rc Vd,Colomdo 7Augud20(F 047il - 43 6 TI Elf SET: 116 D(nk &Wrc Rreflr EAND ACIM) EACE OPENINCTO EAW: EA IIIM'E EA II,ANAALFLASEUTLT EA PNUAETUrcK F.I SINGIBI'IIMMT F.A DMDBALT FA ASTNAGAL EA CASTOMWAILSTOP srT SFtt P,A AWOMANCI'NN BOTTO*I 1279 Ls X4s FB''$AS-IOB F'JI'II'E - NOP N)I:T ONLY Dmr40 etszl I &n wITE u70 I,SVER 9T39.PANO FANCNON - I.EJS OIITSIDE TBTTtr, TruM SEAIT NE ON R@M SII'E ONLY DEW-qV &tzm WrtE Lr70 IBWR. ON kOOM SIDEONLY D89IN TN M I,g,SS TH V A Bru NN WITE 9TO1 DEADU)CK. ON NOObI SIDE ONLY 55D _ INSTAIT OPPDSNE No{,.M SIDE 2nu, RsF-otnx BRoME FINISE 7770D flEADANDTAMBS i69A H{DOFSECIION flAG IW nttE acc nMn NMH ACC fsP fsP ?jno z&no I 2 2 I 2 Iloor Hardwrre Pn-Atm Ihe&teBcllertYdSgrrc YrilrCdorrdo TAog[stZm 0flr0-{4 SECTION0qtflt GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES PART1 GENERAL I.OI SECTIONINCLI.]DES A. The Work includes, but is not limited to the following: l Interior metal stud wall framing, indluding fire-rated walls.2. Interior metal channel and stud ceiling framing, including fue rated ceiling and shaft enclosure. 3. Gypsrrn wallboard.3. Gypsum sheathing. 4. Tile bocking boards for wet areas such 4s cementitious backing fufi utd gloss mat \!aEr- resistant gpsum board. 5. Taped and sandedjoitrt heatrnent6. Acoustical insulation. salutt and rccessories. I.O2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 04400 - Stone Veneer. B. Section 05400 - Cold-Formed Meal Framing. C. Section 06105 - Wood Blocking and Curbing. D. Section 07213 - Batt and Blanket Insulation. E. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. F. Section 081l0 - Standard Steel Doors and Frames. G. Section 08216 - Stile and Rail Wood Doors. H. Section 08305 - Access Panels. [. Section 08410 - Ah'minrun Entrances and Storefronts. J. Section 08505 - Metal Windows and Doors. K. Section 08550 - Wood Windows and Doors. L. Section 08552 - Clad Wood Windows and Doors. M. Section 09900 - Painting: Surface finish. N. Section 09999 - Schedules: Finish and Door Schedules. O. Section 10651 - Operable Panel Partitions: Gypsum partition in ceiling plenurn P. Division 15 - Mechanical: Gypsum Board Assemblies ASr 19t) Tbe ArreBelle at Vail Square Vall, Coloredo lJune 2006 09250 - I - L Sprinkler heads in ceiling system. 2. Ail diffirsion devices in ceiling system. . P. Division 16 - Elecnical: l. Light fxtures in ceiling and walls.2. Fire alarm components in ceiling and walls. 3. Public address system compotrents in ceiling. I.O3 REFERENCES Gypsum Board Assemblies ASI 190 A. ASTMC36-GypsumWallboard. B. ASTM C79 - Gpsum Shearhing Board. C. ASTM Ol42 - Glps"- Backer Board or Core board. D. ASTM C475 - Ioint Treafinent Materials for Cypsum Wallboard Consauction. E. ASTM C497 - Standard hactice for Installing Souud Isolation Glpsum Board Partitions. F. ASTM C630 - Water-Resistant Glpsum Backing Board. G. ASTM C645 - Non-Load (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs, Rurners (Track), and Rigid Furring Charmels for Scrow Application of Gypsum Board H. ASTM C665 - Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal lnsulation for Light Frame Constuction and Manufacurred Housing. I. ASTM C745 - Installation of Steel Framing Membe$ to Screw Attached Gypsum Board. J. ASTM C840 - Application md Finishing of Glpsum Board. K. ASTM C919 - Standard Practice for Use of Sealants in Acoustical Applications. L. ASTM C I 002 - Steel Drill Scr€ws for the Application of Glpsum Board. M. ASTM CI 178 - Glass Mat Water-Resistant Gypnrm Backing Panel. M ASTM El 19 - Test Methods for Fire Test of Building Construction aod Mat€rials, A ASTM Bl97 - Practice for lnstalling Sound-Isolating Gypsum Board P. GA-201 - Gypsum Board for Walls and Ceilings. O. GA-216 - Recommended Specifications for the Application and Finishing of Gypsum Boord. n GA-600 - Fire Resistance Desigr Manrual. S, UL - Fire Resistance Dir€ctory. I.O4 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Limit Deflectioa of Partitions to the Following Limib: The ArraBelle at Veil Square Vrit Colorado lJune 20116 09250 -2 l. Interior partitions: l/120. 2. Partitions to receive tile: l/240. B. Base Above Dellection Limits on the Following Unifonn Live loads: l. Shafts: l0.Opsf. 2. Elevator shafts: 7.5 psf. 3. Other interior partitions: 5.0 psf. I,O5 SIJBMTTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 0 I 300. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate special details associated with building stnrcture and fircproofitrg. C. Product Data: Provide data on metal framing, gypsum board" joint tape, and other accessories. D. Sarryles: Submit four samples of texurc finish, 12 inches x 12 inches in size, illustating finish textue. 1.06 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Perfonn Work in accordance with GA-201, GA- 216, and GA-600. B. Metal foaming shall be isolated from building stnrcture to prevent hansfer of loading imposed by stsuctural movement. C. Perform acoustical sealant application work in accordance with ASTM C919. D. Metal framing system shall conform to ICBO Report for stud gage and spacing for all wall conditions. Contractor shall verify required gage and spacing and modifu accordingly. I.O7 QUALIFICATIONS A. Installer: Company specializing in performing the Work of this Section with minimum three years documented experience. B. Insaller shall review and coordinate with mechanical, plurnbing and electical, and special systems work requiring access units. There shall be no additional cost after award of Bid as the result of oversight by Installer to meet the required ftaming. 1.08 MOCKIJP A. Construct mockups 8 feet high x 12 feet wide for review ofspecial finishes. B. Locate where directed by Architect and Interior Designer. C. Approved mockup may ranain as part of lhe Work I.O9 REGULATORYPSQTJIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable code for fire rated assemblies as indicated on Drawings. Provide assernbties listedbyUl, FM, orGA. The ArraBelle at Vall Square Vail, Colorrdo lJune 2006 Gypsum Board Assemblies ASI 19tl 09250 - 3 B. V€riry vdttt local building deparhrcnt offcials and pnovide gypsum wallboard 'brap" at wall penetrations for duct and fire dampen. I.IO DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND }IANDLING A. Deliver all rnaterials under provisions of Section 01600. B. Store materials in a dry location ofr the ground in such a way as to prevent damage or inuusion of foreign matter. Materials that are, or become, damaged or otherwise unfit for use during delivery or storage, shall be removed from the jobsite and replaced with sound materials. r.l1 ENVTRONMENTALREQ1JIREMENTS A. Do not apply plaster when substrate or ambient air temperature is less than 50 degrees F, or more than 80 degrees F. B. Maintain minimum ambient temperature of 50 degrees F during installation of plaster and until cured. I.I2 COORDINATION A. Coordinat€ Work mder provisions of Section 0104O. B. Coordinate the Work witb mechanical, plumbing, electical, and special systems Work requiring access tmits. C. Coodinate the Work with Section 07840 - Firestopping. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANI.JFACTI.JRERS A. Framing: l. Dietrich Industries. 2. G-P Gypsum Corporation. 3. Gold Bond Buildi"g Products, National Gypsum Company. 4. United States Gypsum Company, USG Corporation. B. GypsumBoard: l G-P Gypsum Corporation. 2. Gold Bond Building Products, National Glpsum Company. 3. United States Oypsurn Company, USG Corporation. 4. Georyia-Pacftc Corporation. C. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 01630. Substitutiou for propriety systems is NOT allowed. 2.02 METALFRAMINCMATERIALS A. General: ASTM C645, CA-216, and GA-600; galvanized sheet steel, 22 gage thick minimwn Gypsum Board Assemblies ASI 190 The ArraBelle et Vail Square Vdl, Colorado lJune 2006 01250 -4 unless noted or otherwise required. General Conkactor to veri$ required gage and spacing with partition heights and deflection limits; modify as necessary. l. Standard Wall System: Manufachrer's standard profiles of 2-ll2 inch,3-518 inch,4 inch and 6 inch studs; consisting ofC shape studs, knurled face, and U-shape tack. 2. Shaft Wall System: Manufachrer's standard profiles of 4 inch and 6 inch studs for fire- resistance rated assembly; consisting of C-H studs or l-studs and J tracks. 3. Furring, Franring and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard profiles consisting of fruring channels.4. Ceiling Systern: Manufacturer's standard profiles; consisting of cold rolled channels, funing channels. B. Metal Channel Support Framing: ASTM AzK5; Z-funing channel, 2 inches wide, 20 gage minimurn, spaced as indicated on Drawings; "ZFE-20 Ga." as manufacnued by Dietrich Indusfies, Inc. C. Studs and Tracks: ASTM C645; galvanized sheet st€el, 22 gage thick minfunum (unless noted or required otherwise), C shaped sttrds, knurled face and U-shaped tracks. hovide additional intemal support at all ubraced walls not extending to stnrcture. a. For anstraction of curted walls and ceilings, use of 'fl*ible" trrck as mamfactured by Flex-C Plate (405-715-1799) is allowe{ unless it is paft of afire rated assembly, which requir* a listed product, per W Fire Resistutt Directory. D. Funing and Resilient Channels: ASTM C645; galvani,zdo22 gage. E. Framing Accessories: ASTM C645; manufacturer's standard. F. Anchorage to Subshate: Tie wire, nails, screws and other metal supports, of type and size to suit application; to rigidly s€cure materials in place. 2.03 MISCELI-ANEOUSWOODFRAMINC A. Blocking and Miscellaneous Framing: Fire retardant fieated as specified in Section 06105. 2.M GYPSUMBOARDMATERIALS A. Standard Glpsum Board: ASTM C36; 5/8 inch thick unless otherwise indicate4 maximum pennissible length; ends square cut, tapered edges. B. Fire Rared Gypsum Board: ASTM C36; fire resistive type, IIL rated; 5/8 inch thick unless otherwise indicated maximum pemrissible length; edges square cut, tapered edges. C. Moisture Resistant Gypsum Board: ASTM C630; 5/8 inch thick unless otherwiso indicate4 maximum permissible length; ends square cut, tap€red edges; water rtpellent pap€r faces. D. Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM Crg2; standard type; 5/8 inch thick unless otherwise indicate4 maximum permissible length; ends square cut square edges. E. Gypsum Coro Boar& ASTM C442, one (l) inch thick, maximum perrrissible length; ends square cut square edges. F. Cementitious Backing Board: High density, glass fiber reinforced, 1/2 inch thick; 2 inch wide, Gypsum Board Assemblies ASr 190 The ArreBelle et Vail Square Vril, Colorado lJune 2006 (x)250 - 5 coated glass fiber tape forjoints and comers. G. Gypsrun Sheathing Board: ASTM C79, moisture r€sistant type; 5/8 inch tlrich maximurn pemissible length, tongue and groove edgeq water repellent paper faces. H. Fire Rated Gypsrun Sheathing: ASTM C79 and ASTM E84; fire resistive t)?e, UL ratert; 5/8 inch thick, maximum permissible lengtfu tongue and groove edges. I. Glass Mat Wahr-Resistott @pmm Backing Bood: ASTM CII78: 5/8 irnh thbk unless orterwise indica@d,.naxinum purnissible length; na nfacnrer's stodard dge and and ant conditiotrs. J. Fire Rated Glass Mat Watu-Resistant Glpsum Baeffing Boad: ASTM Cl 178 and ASTM EI19; 5/8 irch thich unless otherwise indicated, moximum pemissible length; marufacturer's stanfud edge and end ant condition. 2.05 ACCESSORIES A. Acoustical Insulation: Owens Coming fiberglass building insulation; ASTM C665; ppformed glass fiber, friction fit type, thickness as indicateq R-13 and R-19, unfaced. B. Acoustical Sealant ldanufrchrrr's staldard non-hardening non-sag, gunnable, non-staining latex sealant recomrended for sealing interior concealed joirts !o rcduce aaDsmission of airbome sound; complying with ASTM C834 and the following requirernents: l. Product is efrective in reducing airbome sound tansmission through perimeter joints and openings in building consruction as dernonsFated by testing representative assernblies per ASTM E9O. 2. Product has flame spread and unoke developed ratings of less than 25 per ASTM EM. 3. Available Producb: Subject to compliance with requiremenb, acoustical joint sealants that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a Product Manufacturen l) "AC-20 + Silicone" (use only for paintable application); Pecon Corporation. 2) "BA-98 Acoustical Sealant''; Pecora Corporation. 3) "Tremco Acoustical Sealant''; Tremco,Inc. C. Moldable Putty Pads: Fire rated; to cornpletely cover back and sides ofall boxes within acoustic walls. D. Perimeter Isolator,at Acoustically Rated Ceilings: Kinetics; Type ET-PIB. E. Metal Accessories: Galvanized steel. l. Comer reinforcemenr CA 216, Type CB-100 x 100. 2. Casing:CA2lffipe LC. 3. Contoljoint 4. Adjustable wall furring brackets. 5. Metal firning channel clips. 6. Hanger wire: 8 gage. 7. Tie Wire: Double strand 16 gage, galvanized. F. Joint Materials: I. General: GA-216; reinforcing tape,joint cornpound, adhesivg and water. Gypsum Boerd Assemblies ASr 190 The ArraBelle et Vail Square Vril, Coloredo lJune 201f6 09250 - 6 2. For Glass Mat Glpsum Board: Glass mesh tape, reinforcingfabric andjoint compound as required by glass mat gtpsum board mamtf@turer. G. Fasteners: ASTM C1002, Type S12. H. Adhesive: CA-216. l. Adhesive at Concrete: As recommended by gSrpsum board Manufacturer. Provide preparation ofconcrete surface as recomrnended by adhesive Manufacturer. PART3 EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verifu site conditions under provisions of Section 01040. B. Verify that site conditions are ready to receive Work and opening dimensions are as instructod by the Manufacturer . C. Coordinate layout of framing with mechanical trades and interior elevations. Layout lights, outlets, switches, grilles, etc., prior to framing to ensw€ proper location of these items in the finish walls and ceilings. 3.02 WALLFRAMINGINSTALLATION A. Coordinate stud layout to allow grpsum wallboard to run continuous, without intemrption by intennediate partitions, at all acoustically rated partitions. B. Install studs in accordance with GA-201, GA-216 and GA{00 and Manufachuer's instuctions. C. Meal Stud Spacing: 16 inches on center unless noted or required otherwise. D. All studs to structure unless otherwise noted. Maintain clearanc€ under stuctural building memb€rs to avoid deflection transfer to studs. Provide extended leg ceiling runners as required. E. Door and Window Opening Framing: Install double studs at door and window frame jambs and heads. Install stud tracks on each side of opeiring, at frarne head height, and betwe€n shads and adjacent studs. F. Blocking: Install blocking for support of wall hung items such as toilet partitions and accessories, wall cabinets, etc. or other Work as required or indicated G. Install resilient channel in locations as shown on Drawings and as psr manufacturer's recommendation. 3.03 WALL FTJRRING INSTALLATION A. Erect wall funing for direct attachment to concrete block and concr€te walls, as indicated on Drawings. B. Erect firning channels horizontally; space madmum 24 inches on center, not more than 4 inches from floor and ceiling lines. Secure in place on alternate charmel flanges at maximum 24 inches on center. Gypsum Board Assemblies AST 190 The ArraBelle at VaiI Square Vail Colorado lJune 2006 092s0 - 7 C. Er€ct Aeestanding metal stud framing spaced from concrete and consrete masonry walls, attached by adjustable fiming brackets in accrdance with Manufacturefs instuctions. 3.04 SIIAFT WALL FRAMINC INSTALLATION A. Shaft Wall Framing: Maintain fire rated assemblies continuous and rmintemrpted to exterior wall to other fir,e rated assernblies, and from floor deck to floor deck, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. Install head track at head to allow for deflection as per LJL Fire Resistance Dircctory. B. Shaftwall Stud Spacing: 16 inches on centei, rmless noted or otherwise roquired. C. Provide shaft cants at horizontal projections over 2 inches in width within the elevator shaffs. Install strips of g5psum board or sheet metal at 75 degree angle extending from projection up wall; screw to each stud. 3.05 CEILING FRAMING INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with GA 201 and GA 216. B. Secure hangers to stuctural support by cormecting directly to stuchre where possiblg or other anchorage devices or fasteirers as shown. C. Do not comect or suspend steel framing from ducts, pipes, or conduits. D. Laterally brace entire suspension s5ntern. E. Keep hangers and braces 2 inoh clear ofducts, pipes, or conduits. F. Install ceiling framing independent of walls, columns and above ceiling Work, unless otherwise indicated or required. C. Insall suspended steel framing corpon€Nrts in sizes and at spacing shown but not less than that required by referenced steel franing installation standad. l. Carrying Channels (Main Runners): I l/2 inch,4 feet on c€nter.2. Rigid Funing Ctrannels (Frming Members): 16 inches on center. H. Installation Tolermces; Install steel framing components for suspendod ceilings so that cross firring npmbers or grid zuspension rnemben are level to widdn l/8 inch in 12 foet as measrued both lengthwise on each mernber and tansversely benreen parallel members. I. CIip funing mernbers to main rurmers and to other stuctural supports as specified or shown. J. Reinforce openings in ceiling suspension system which intenupt main carrying channels or firning chame\ with lateral channel bracing. Extend bracing minimum 24 inches past each end of openings. 3.06 SPECI.AL FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION A. Install framing as per manufachuer's insfiuction for the specific fire rated assembly. B. Fire rated ceiling and horizontal ductwork enclosures are ofa proprieary design; no zubstitutions are permitted. Gypsum Board Assemblies ASI 190 The ArreBelle at Vail Square Vail Colorado lJune 2fi)6 0925{t - 8 3.07 ACOUSTICALACCESSORIESINSTALI-ATION A. Place acoustical insulation in partitions where indicated. Place tight within spaces, arormd cut openings, behind and around elechical and mechanical items within or behind partitions, and tight to items passing through partitions. B. Insall acoustical sealant within partitiors receiving acoustical insulation in accordance with Manufacturer's instuctions and per ASTM C919. l. Ffue seal and caulk all peneaatioirs of paditions by structure, conduit, pipe, ductwork, rough-in boxes, and other components.2. Glpsum panels: Base layer; seal all perimeter joints. When sealing joints, hold back gypsum board 1/8 inch to l/4 inch from adjacent surfaces and seal rernaining gap airtight with acoustical sealant. Provirle fire rated sealant where indicated or required.3. Seal all penetrations of partitions by conduit, pipe, ductworlK, rough-in boxes, structural elements and othet components, 4. Use moldable putty pads to completely isolate rough in boxes at areas wh€re back-to- back boxes are not separated by one full snrd cavity, locations subject to rwiew by Architect. C. Metal Framing: Use a double bead of sealant at contact areas of all intersecting walls, floors and ceilings at dwelling unit corridor walls, demising partition md shafts. 3.08 GYPST,JMBOARDINSTALT.A,TION A. Gypsum wallboard to nm confinuous without intemrption at intermediate partitions, at all acoustically rated partitions, without exception. B. Install gSpsum walhoard in accordance with ASTM 8497, GA-201, GA-216, and GA-600. I. hntall glas mat gpsum board in accordqnce to manufacfurer's instrilction Ior the conditions. C. Erect single layer standard gypsum wallboard in most economical directiorU with ends and edges occurring over finn bearing. D. Erect single layer fire-rated g5rpsum wallboard vertically, with edges and ends occurring over firm bearing. E. Erect exterior gypsum sheathing horizontally, with edges butted tight and ends occrming over firrr bearing. F. Use screws when fastaning grpsum wallboard to metal frrring or frarning. G. Double layer Applications: 1. Use grpsum backing board for first layer, placed parallel (vertical) to fruning or funing mernbers. Use firc rated gypsum backing board for fire rated partitions. First layer to be fidly @e4 filled and acoustically sealed with fint layer ofjoht treatnent. 2. Secure second layer to first with adhesive and sufficient zupport to bld in place. 3. Place second layer perpendicular (horizontal) to first layer. Offset joints of second layer from joints of fint layer. 4. Screw second layer to stud framing. Gypsum Board Assemblies ASI 190 The ArreBelle at Vail Sqrare Vail, Colorado lJuns 2006 09250 - 9 5. Amustically seal entire perimeter. H. Erect exterior gypsrun soffit board perpendicular to supports, with staggered endjoints over supports. L Place conhol joints consistent with Iines ofbuilding spaces as directed. . J. Place corner beads at external corners. Use longest practical length. Place edge trim where gypsum wallboard abuts dissimilar materials or stops with edge exposed; except where full-height partition abuts exposed structure above. At this conditiou, hold back gypsum board with clear l/8 - inch minimum open joint; provide continuous sealant in open joint both sides ofpaxtition. 3.09 JOINTTREATMENT A. Tape, fill, and sand exposed joints, edges, and comers to produce smooth surface ready to receive finishes. B. Firetape and fill all joints in layen behind finish layen. C. Feather coats onto adjoining surfac€s so that carnber is maximum l/32 inch. D. Taping, filling, and sanding is not required at surfaces behind adhesive applied ceramic tile. E. Tape joints and corners ofcementitious backing board and fill with mortar. F. Provide firestop sealant or fue safing as required !o maintain a continuous, unintemrpted fne rated assembly. 3.IO TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation of Finished Gypsum Board Surface from True Flahess: l/8 inch in l0 feet itr any direction 3.II FIMSHING A. General: All surfaces shall be finished smoodl even and fla! unless otherwise scheduled or indicated on Drawings. B. Special Finishes: l. Preparation: a. Verifr tlnf surfaces are clean, dry and smooth. b. Prepare and prime or seal surfaces in accordance with Manufachrer's instructions. c. Mix material in accordaoco with Manufactur€r's instuctions. 2. Application: a- Apply mixed rnaterial in accordmce with Manufachrer's instructions to produce uniform texture matching approved rnockup, b. Apply to avoid indication of application pattem. c. Apply texture coating to gypsum wallboard surfaces indicated or scheduled. d. Prevent texnre finish from coming in contract with surfac€s. e. Remove textwe drippings and overspray from adjacent surfaces where inadvertendy applied. - 3.12 FfiffSHSCIIEDI.JLE Gypsum Board Assemblles ASI 190 The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado lJune 2006 09250 - 10 A. PublicAreas: RefertolnHiorDcsipMmuat B. C,ondoniaiume ed Gres&ome: Refer to Inmior Design Mrmat, C. Bac&+'f-Hflse Artag; Snootr ENI'OFSECTION Gyprum BortdAsrtmblei ASr 190 09j150 - 11 The ArrrBcllc at Vril $qurrc Vr0, Cohr*lo lJune 21105 l- Nev fur@bt whd ,n bldltolb 2- Moxt ct nctton tn Irdtc 3- FkU f.t{y fu Wnlrg prtn b latutot. ,l- Doq ,rdqd: t . tpes tedtor, 09t99, wMow naefid eselpt'w legrd. '-cla!s & Gl&rrg: Scftpcs. Setu 8AN3.NJ. 6 ScG S,wt 4622-A630Fq W Dirr 7- 8€e Slroet 1&l46ln For Dou Ifoe & F@ rct'd'l' t'flad te qchtwatqlfnith ntuld lqsrrdwd. Wt 0999,t.0lrl 9- O*wI€, pe /,$l-038 - Not ldtubb l0- hrsret E 'lc,rtEnwitv Ctnter,.ttirgd I I- Slri€lh fur lrn*)ttg . -Ml rwbcn rdq ro SrEr/ lD4t7 (gifer) Dmto-xn rrcAlal{ DOOI IRAMI DITATI ttnE xw ttll Kt |lSttVDIEMGTTtEcrTtrlllaTtfmfiMATLtfitcHf,AD t E tf,f,t8tl o|ll0 [GIA'ELI Door &tedulo tB.AC(E tffrD lh ttv Sq[|!r V|[, C-olotrdo 0lAryttt2.s!99' . I rt- -!-rft * *1, , " Lb1,7l*a Acoustic and FireAssembliesLr ll llFT}f,t'\* -\ttltfArf l\\r!r,r\ @=ouietRock t,t__ j=rypexsyp" Soundproof Drywoll Stud Walls QuietRock on one side 24" OC $eel stud wallwith 3-'ti?" batt ineulation 5/3" Type X on the other QuietRock on both sides 24" OC steel stud wal! with 3-1.'2" ban insutalion Type X over OuielRock on one srde 24" OC steel slud wall wirh 3.1n" ban in6ulation 5E"TvDe X on the other !,i,-l r?i :1a I ::: f] l.:; Q J?F O .3i O iaitlrL B sra 52 55 sTc 54 a7 56 58 55 63 Fir€ N/A t hours Fire t hour 2 hours3 UL, ? hours3 UL, ? hours3 ? hours3 2 hours3 UL/ULC sTC Design i Report t t{/A est. N/A TL07{28 Panel Assembly ilrickness tlric&ness 1r2' 4-3E" sE" 4-7 /8" "rV f{L ."-A ot #$2^ cl$ E tr a tr n a:,.- i'i:,1 i-. f a ji 56 5.0 6l UL, t hour v4€, v464 t hour N/A N/A N/A UL/UTC Fire Design # NiA N/A 'l hour N/A ur- t hour $fg|ffi UL, t houf v453, w4ss t hour N/A 2 hours! N/A Fire t hour 'l hour3 UL, t hour UL. 'l hour I hour t hour UL/ULC 0esign, N/A NIA wd60. v463. w45S, VaGd v163, V46rl NiA NiA T,}LIULC Design # N/A N/A w,450, y{63, w459, Va6l vt53. v,t54 N/A r\tA 4-7t8" 4-7ts" '1L07427 est. est.5-5/8" ,r0 r:l 0 i:'rj B i.':l E i,:l $ i4tjii:ti I STC 5.0 56 516 a6 1-3i8" STC Panel Assembl! Fl€port # th;ckness thiclness est 1n" tl-5/18" Tt07-029 5A" 4-7t8" T107476 4_7n' n07_026 5/9" 4-7t9" 83336W +7t8" est, 1-38" 6'31&" STC PJnel Assembry Rd!'o.t i th:cl ness tl|lckncss TL07{30 1n' 5-318" est. 5118" 5-lA" est. 5-14" est. 5-118" est. 5-118" esr. 1-31A" 6-1t4" STC Panel Assembly Repc|-t i* thickness thickness TL07-03r IE' est. 5lA' 6-l1E' TL07-393' &1r4" esr. 58" 6-1/8" est 6-118" est. t-3tB' 6-71a" 56 6a tr56 Type X over Ouiet8oc& on one side 24" OC steei stud wall with 3-l/2" bafi insut€tion 2 lay€rs of 5/8" Tvpe X os the other il-r a'ti \i|' i,ilr OsB Os7 OiB Bi? tr&r ; :, , , , .i, ;, ii::'ff'#,1:l',ffJ:,'ffi"'.." ' ..,, .:. . ' : Qaietnock LiltraSTEEL 527 is the only soundprooling panel that ;s endorsed by Di€trich. j''JreiRctk Sour,srfcof drywril ;S AvJilable frcar ilr.:iet Sol';tic,i. SCe w!t.w QuietSolution.com fcr mcra irrfOrmation. '5;:,:|l:,9s1.tJtii,tRx\.|et4n:Fof.4,.|1Et,drc,ns!!3.1iDnarg|feEn|;2.g|I]'..np8^e Steel Pari li;; ,lS r.rrl:mlrlier Ooceniilei ?tn?=ffiffiI ,!.Cri€t i.rrulort .. l29OEllo Crlrc Su.,iw:jb il '3,|oag :r 806.t9L815! .rtl Flle R22100 Project O?NK1O50g ?oo?-07-x.0 REPORT on FIRE TEST of WOOD STUD NOil-INAD BE;ARING NAIJIJ Qulet Solution Inc. SunnyvaLe, C*, Copyright o ZOOI Unden ritere' IJaboratoriee of Canada Undenrriterg' IJaboratsories of Canada authorl,zes the a.bove-named coEpalty to reproduce thiE ReporE. provided iu is reproduced in its entirety. File R22100 Page G1 IaEued: 2OO7 -07 -LO GENERAL . The fo1-lowing is a Report summarizing the construction detailg and test reEultss of full-ecale fire teetB on noa-Load bearing wal1 asEe{ribfiea . consisting of wood .studs, Sftrpsum wallboard, and wa].l panela conducted on- April 24 and 26, 2oO1 at Southrrest ReBearch Ingtituterg facility in San Antonio, Texas. ! The subject of this Report ie the fire reaiatance of a nominal 15.9 mn(5/8 inch) thick wa]l panel, identified aa 'Quiet,Rock 525', in a non-Load bearing wa11 aseembly - The fire enduranbe teEtB were conducted in accordance with tbe Standard for Fire TeEt,s of Building conatruction and MaEerialE, AtiIsI /UL 263 (ASI!,! E119, NFPA 251), 13th Edition, dated April 4, 2OO3 and the Standard CAN/IILC- S101-04, 3rd Edition, Standard Uethods of Fire Endurance TeEtE of BuiLding Constnrction and Materials . Teat reaulte reLate only t'o iteme tegted. Fi le R2 210 0 DESCRI PTION MATERIAI.TS: The materials used in the described below: Page 1 Issued; 2OO7 -07 -10 co4atruction of the wall asseE rlies are Wood Studs, Bearing Plates and Bracing - The wood studs, bearing platea and bracing were 39 mm x 89 mm (1-112 inches by 3-t/2 inches) kiln dry, SPIBNo. 1 southern pine. Each piece of luriber was identified by Ehe grade markof the Southern Pine Inspectj.on Bureau (SPIB). Batts and Blankete - The fibergLass insulation used in the Btudcavities vras manufactured by Knauf and designated rKraft Faced Batt andBlanket InsulaEiont'. Each piece measured 89 rrtrr. l3-L/2 inch) Ehick by 585 mrn(23 inch) wide by 2360 mm (93 inch) long with an average density of 15 kglmr(0.9s lbs/ft3 ) . WaLI and Partit.ion Facings and Acceaaories - The nominal 15.9 mm(5/8 inch) thick wa1I panels deeignated neuietRock 525", Supplied in sheete measuring nominally I22O by 2440 mm (4 by 8 feet). The panels coneisted of nominal 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) thick gypsum board laminated uo nominal 6.5 mm(1/ inch) thick inorganic cenenE, board. The panels were manufacLured by Quiet SoLution Inc. under the witness of a representative of Underwriters I-,aboratorie8 Inc. Gl4)Eum Wallboard - The nominal 15.9 mm (5/8 inch) thick UIJ Clagsified gl.psum board designated aa n Sheet.rock Firecode Core Tl|tr)e X,r, waE manufactured by Unites StaLes cl4)Eum Co. The panels were supplied in 1220 by 2440 mm (a by I feet) Eheets before being cut into the desired eizes. ,Joint Tape and Compouad - Both the panel joints and the screwheadg r,cere covered with two layers of joint compound, and the panel joint,s had 50 mm(2 inch) wide paper tape ernbedded in the two layers of joint compound. SLeel Fa6teners - The varioug types and eizee of fagteners used in the construction of the wall,assembliee are described in the order of uae under the heading "Const.ruction of Te6t Assenrbly.tt Fi 1e R22100 Page 2 IBsued: 2007-07-L0 CONSTRUCTION OF TEST ASSEMBI,Y: TEST ASSEMBIJY NO. 1, WOOD STUD ASSEMBIJY The te6t assembly was erected by workmen in ghe employ of the tesc facility and under the observation of a staff member of Underwritera' IJaborat.ories of Canada. Seven wood stud memberg were cut into 2750 mm (9 ft.) lengths, and the three bearing plates cut into 3550 mm (12 feet) length6. Each sEud waB nailed to a bearing plate at the top and bottsom of the frame with ts$ro 16d steel naj.16. The seven Etuds were spaced 510 mm (24 inch) O-C. Horizontal bracing, construcued of the same z by 4 sLuds, was installed using 16d steel nails, 90 mm (3-1/2 inch) long. The bracing wae installed in two rowa. Each row waE located 305 mm (12 inch) from the top and bottom of tbe frame. A second bearing plate was then nail-ed to the top bearing plate with 16d steel nai1e. Once completed, Lhe wood framing was lift.ed inLo the opening of the te8t frame. The framing vras then gecured to the sides and bottom of the masonry opening using 15d st.eel nails spaced aE '162 mn (2-I/2 feet) OC. See ILL 1. InBulation wa6 in6tal1ed with the kraft. paper face oriented tor"ard6 the f ire-erqnsed face as th,e wors!-case orienE,ation. The inEulation waa held in place using steel st.apLea. The L5.9 mn (5/8 inch) thick, QuieeRock 525 walI panele were al4plied vertically to the studs on the fire exposed side of the wall assembly h'ith #6. self-piercing, coarae thread screws, 42 mn (7-5/8 inch) long, spaced 205 mm (8 inch) OC at the perimeter of lhe panels and 305 mm (12 inch) OC in Ehe field of the panels. The wa1l panel faces were oriented with the gypsum wallboard face exposed, The screws were located 9 mn (3/8 inch) from the panel edges. The vertical joint.s on Ehe fire exposed side occurred at 610 mm, 1830 and 3650 mm (24, 72, and 120 inches) from the weet side of the test assenbly(vertical joints were offset 610 mrn (24 inches) ) . Horizontal- joints on Ehe fire expoeed side of the assenibly were focated at 305 mm (12 inctr) from the bottom of Lhe teEt assembly for the 1st and 3rd Gectiona (relative tso the wesE side of the teBt asse.nbly), and aL 305 mm (12 inch) from Lhe top of the test asaembly for the 2nd and 4th secE,ion6. The 15.9 mm (5,/8 inch) thick, gypsum waLl-board was applied vertically to the studs on the unexposed side of the wa11 asseutbly $rith #6, self-piercing, coarse thread screhrEr, 42 mm (l--5/8 inch) long, spaced 205 mm(8 inch) OC aE. the perimeLer of the panels and 305 mm (12 inch) OC in the field of tshe panels- The screws were located 9 mm (3/8 inch) from the panel edges . The vertical joints on the unexposed side of tshe a66enbly occurred at 1-220 arld 2440 mm (48 and 95 inch) from the wegt side of the teat assembly. File R22100 Page 3 Issued: 200?-07-10 CtNSTRUeTION OF TEST ASSEIi{BLY (cont.inued): TEST ASSEMBLY NO. 1, WOOD STttD ASSEMBLY (continued) Horizontal jointg on the une:qroeed eide of tbe asaenbly were located at 305 fin (12 inch) from the top of the teBt' assefiibly for the 1Et and 3rdseclions (relative to the .neBt), and at 305 mm (12 inch) from tbe bottorn of Ehe test aEEembly for tshe 2nd section, A1I joiate were covered ulth joiat tape and tlro coatg of joint conE)ound. The Bcreu heads were covered with thro soats of, Joint compound. Ttre appearance of the ocpoeed ard uner<poeed gurfaces prlor to tbe fire enduraDce t,est are ahown on ILIJS'. 2 and 3, respectiveLy. Fi Le R2 2100 Page 4 ASSEXT{BIrY (continued) : Issued: 2OO7 -07 -L0 CONSTRUCTION OF TEST TEST ASSEMBI.,Y NO. 2, WOOD STUD ASSEMBIJY The test assenbly uras erected by workmen in the employ of the tesCfacility and under the observaEion of a Etsaff menber of Underwriterst Laboratories of Canada. Seven wood stud members were cut into 2750 mm (9 ft.) lengths, and Ehethree bearing plates cut into 3650 mm (12 feeE) lengths. Each stud r.raEnailed to a bearing plate at the top and botEom of the frame rrrith tvro 15d sEeel nails. The seven Etuds were epaced E1O mm (24 inch) O.C. Horizontalbracing, construeted of the eame 2 by 4 studs, was ingtalled using l6d 6tee1nails, 90 mm (3-112 inch) long. The bracing was i-nstalled in two rows. Each row lvas located 305 mm (12 inch) from the top and bottom of the frame. A second bearing plate wae t,hen nailed to the top bearing plate I'ith 16d eteelnails. Once coultr)leE.ed, the wood framing !,raa lifted into the opening of the tesE. frame, The framing was then eecured to ehe sideE and botLom of the masonry opening using 15d steel nails spaced aE 762 mm (2-t/2 feet) OC. SeeILL 1. Inaulation waF in8t,alled with the kraft paper face oriented tovrards the fire-e:qroeed face ae the lrorst-case orientation. The insulation waa held inplace using ateel staples. The l-5,9 mm (5/8 inch) thick, gypsum wal_Iboard was applied verticaffyto Ehe stude on the fire e:qrosed side of the waIl aaBembly vrith #G, self-piercing, coarse thread screwe, 42 mm (1-5/B inch) long, spaced 205 rnm(8 inch) OC at the perimeter of the panels and 305 nm (12 inch) OC in thefield of the panels. Ihe screws irere located 9 mm (3,/g inch) from the panel edges. The vertical joints on the fire extrroeed side of the assembly occurredat t22O and 2440 mm (48 and 9G inch) from the west eide of the test assenibly. Horizontal joints on t.he fire expoeed side of the asserbly were locatedat 305 mm (L2 inch) from, the top of the Eest aaseflibly for che 1sg and 3rd section6 (relative to t,he rdest), and at 305 mm (12 inch) from the bottom ofthe test assembly for the 2nd section. The l-5.9 mm (5/8 inch) t.hick, QuietRock 525 wall panels were applied vertically to the sluds on the une:qnsed side of the walJ- aseembly with #5, self-piercing, coarse thread screws, 42 mm (1-5/8 inch) Iong, Epaced 205 mn (8 inch) OC at Ehe perimeter of the panels and 305 mm (12 inch) OC inthe field of the panels. The wa11 panel faces were oriented with t'he gypsum wallboard face exposed. Ihe screwg were located 9 sun (3,/8 inch) from the pane 1 edgea. The verc,ical joints on Lhe unexposed side occurred at 610 mm, 1830 and 3650 mm (24, 72, and 120 inches) from the west side of the test agEembly(vertical joints were offset 610 mm (24 inches) ) . File R22100 Page 5 IEsued: 2OO7-O7'L0 CONSTRUCTION OF TEST ASSEI,|BLY (conrinued) : TEST ASSE!/!BIrY NO. 2, VIOOD STUD ASSEMBL,Y (continued) llorizontal Joints on ehe une>rposed eide of tshe asseribly $ere located at 305 nm (12 inch) from the bottom of the tests a6seobly for the 1Et a$d 3rd sectionE (relative to the weat 6ide of the teat aasenbly), and at 305 mm (12 inch) from the top of the tegc aesembly for the 2nd and 4ttr gectLods. All jointE were covered with joinc tape and two coatB of j oint compound. Ihe screw heade were covered with tyro coata of JoJ.nt corqrcund. The appearance of the expoeed and uneq>oeed eurfaceg prior to the f,ire endurance teEt, are shonn on ILIJS, 6 and 7, respectively. File R22100 Page 6 IEaued: 2007 - 0? -10 CONSTRUCTION OF TEST ASSEMBLY (contsinued) : TEST ASSEI{BLY NO, 3, WOOD STOD ASSEMBIJY The teat asseribly lraB erected by workrnen in the employ of the teEtfacility and under the observation of a staff, member of UnderwriterE, Iraboratories of Canada. Test Assenibly No. 3 was identicaL in conetmctLon to Teet, Assembly No. 1. The appearance of the e:q)oEed and unexposed surfacee prior to the fire endurance test, are ehown on IIJLS. 10 and 11, respecE,ively. TEST ASSEMBT,Y NO, 4, WOOD STUD ASSEMBIJY The test assembl.y hras erected by workmen in the enrploy of the testfacility aJId under tshe obBervatsion of a staff meriber of UnderwriterB' L,aboratories of Canada. Test Assembly No. 4 uag ident.ical in conslruction to Test Assenibly No. 2. The appearance of the errposed and unexposed surfaeee prior to the fire endurance test are ehown on IITLS. 15 and 16, respectively, File F-22!OO Page T1-1 of 7 Issued: 2007-07-10 TEST RECORD NO. 1 PRO.JECT NO. O7NK1O5O8 GENERAI., The performance of Ehe fire exposure tests on Test Assedbly Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 is described herej-n. FIRE ENDURANCE TEST: The fire endurance tests were conducted in accordance with the gt.andard for Fire Tests of Building Const.ruction and Materials, ANSI/UL 253 (ASTM E119, NFPA 251) , 13th Edition, dat.ed April 4, 2OO3 and the Standard CAN/ULC- S1O1-04, 3'd Editi-on, Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Te6ts of Building Construction and Materials . The fire endurance tests were conducted on Tegt Assembly Nos. 1. 2, 3, and 4, described previously in this Report under rrcon8truction of Test Assembliesn and as shown on IIrIJs. 2-3, 6-7, L0-7-f , and 15-16 reepectively, METHOD A roving thermocouple, construcEed in accordance with Section 4,3.4 of Standard CAN/ULC-S]-01- 04 , wa6 available to take meaaurements of the wall assembly ae required by Section of the same Standard. The temperatures of the furnace chamber during Ehe fire test were measured by 9 Ehermocouples locat.ed 150 mm (6 inch) from the e:q>osed surface of the wall assembly. The temperatures of the unexpoeed surface rrere mea€lured by nine thermocouples located ae ehown in ILLg. 3 and 7. each of which was covered with a 150 x L50 um (6 by 5 inch) dry ceramic fiber pad. Throughout tshe te8t, observationa were made Eo noce the character of the fire and ite control-, t,he condit.ion of the exposed and unexpoeed eurfaces, aIJ- developmenE8 perEinenc to the performance of the assembly with reference to stability. heat transmission. passage of flame, the deflection of the asseanbly and generation of smoke. File R22l_00 Page T1-2 of 7 I6sued: 2OO7 -07 -]-O RESI'IJTS TEST ASSEMBLY NO. 1, QuietRock 525 Exlposed Standard test equipment for walL and partsition assedblies was ueed for tshe fire endurance and hose stream test. The fire endurance and hose stream E.est was conducted at Southlvest Research InsEitute's facility in San Antonio, Texas under the UL Vlitnessed TeBts Data proqram. The recorded furnace temperatures followed the Stsandard Time- Temperature Curve as outlined in the Standard ANSI/{'L 253 and CAI{/ULC-SL01- 04, and as ehohrn in graphical form in IIJL. 20 and tsabular forrn in ILL. 21. Temperatures of Unexposed Surface - The temperatures of the unexposed surface are shown in graphic form in ILL. 22 and in tabular form in ILL. 23. The initial average temperature of the exposed surface was 25oC l77oP) . Therefore, based on t'he average temperature rise of L40oc (250oF) and a maxirm:m individual rise of l-8ooc (325oF) above the ini.tial cemperature, the average limit.ing temE erature was 155oC (32?oF) and the individual limiting temperature was 205oC (402oF). Obeervations Dur!.ng Fire Test - Tabl-e I contains chronological descriptiona of the observations made during the fire test on the expoEed and uno<posed surfaces of the tes! assembly. ALl references Eo dimensions are approximaE.e. The test was terminated after 60 surface temperature !,/as 151oC l322oPl . was I22oC (253oF). minuces. The maximum individual and the maxirm:,m average temperature At. no point, during the E.eEting period did t.he unexpoaed Burface t.hermocouple measure an individual temperature that ra6 greater Ehan 155oC (327"F) or an average temperature that nas greater Uhan 2O5oC (402oF), At no point during the rating period did the roving thermocouple measure a t.emperature that lraa greater t.han 165oC (327oF). Observations After the Fire Exposure Test - The appearance of the e:qrcsed and uner<posed surfaces after the fire e:<posure teat are shown in ILITS. 4 and 5. F'ile R22L00 Page T1-3 of 7 fB6ued: 2OO7-O7 -Lo TABIJE I Test Time (min: gec)Test Obgervationa 0:00 GaE oD.. 9 t47 Roving TC, no lemperature over 25"C, 16:48 Steam eacapinc from edqe of aample. 27 :4Q Roving TC, no tempaerature over 40"C. 35:56 No discoLouration on une)cDosed eide. 42:33 Rovinq TC, no temperature over 50'C. 53:50 Roving TC, no Eemperature over 56"C. 59:.12 Crack apjeara in irrest, Joint. 50:00 Gas off. Fi 1e R2 2100 Page T1-4 of 7 IBaued: 2OO7 -o7 -Lo TEST ASSEMBIJY NO. 2, cypsum Wallboard Exposed SE.andard test equipmenL for waII and partition assemblies was ueed for the fire endurance and hose atream t.est. The fire endurance and hoee stream Eest was conducted at Southwest Research Institute's facility in San Antonio, Texae under the UL witnessed Test Data program, The recorded furnace t,emperatureg fotlowed the Standard Time- Temperature Curve aa outlined in the St.andard ANSI/UI 263 and CAN/ULC-S101' 04. and ae shor,rn in graphical form in IL|t. 24 and t.abular form in ILL. 25. Temperatures of Unexposed Surface - The temperatures of Lhe unexpoaed surface are shown in graphic form in IL,L. 2G and in tabular form in ]IJL. 27. The initial- average t.emperature of Ehe e:rposed surface was 24oC (76oF). Therefore, based on the average temperature rise of 140oC (25OoF) and a maximum individual rise of 180oC (325oF) above the initial temperature, the average limiting temperature vrra6 164oC (326oF) and the individual Limiting temperature !va6 204oC (401-0F). Observations During Fire TeEU - Tab1e I contains chronological descriptions of the observations made during the fire EeEt on the exposed and ulexpoeed surfaceg of the tesE assembly. All references to dimensions are approximate. The test wa6 terminated after 50 minute6. The maximum individual surface temperature hras 138oC (281oF), and the maximum average temperature was 95oC (203"F) At no point during the E.e6ting period did the unexposed surface thermocouple measure an individual temperature tha! was greater than 154oC (325oF) or an average temperature Ehat was greaE.er than 2o4oc (4O1oF). At no point during the rating period did the roving thermocouple meaEure a temperature that was greater than 154oC (326oF). ObservationE After the Fire Exposure Test - The appearance of the exposed and une:q>osed surfaces after the fire exposure teats are shown in IIJLS- I and 9. Flle R22100 Page T1-5 of 7 Table I Issueds 2007-07-10 Teat Time (min: eec)?eet Observations 0:00 Gas oo. !4 252 Roving TC, all tenperatureg belorr 31"C. LSr46 No r ater vapour viEible yet, no surface discolourat ion 25:.37 No waEer vapour vieible vet- 29275 lfater vapour viElble. 42223 Ilater vapour continuea. 452O7 Roving Tc, all E,enperatrrre6 below 45'c. 52 |17 Roving TC, all Eernperatures below 47"C, 53 :09 AlnoBt no nater vapour vielble. tfall bowinq outwards , 54:31 srnoke cominq from botstom eaBt corner. 55:03 No cracks viEible in wall. 60:00:Gas off. File R2 210 0 Page T1- 5 of 7 Issued: 2OO7 -07 -LO TEST ASSEMBLY NO, 3, QuietRock 525 Exposed, HOSE STREAIT{ TEST DUPLI CATE In accordance with Paragraph 5.4.1 of the Standard ANSI/UL 263 and Paragraph 5.2.1.L of the Standard CAII/ULC-S1o1- 04 , a duplicate assenibl-y waB conetructed. The performance of the fire, exposure Eest and the hoEe Etream test on the duplicate asnembly is described herein. Based on a t h fire intended fire rating, the Standard requires the teBE assemb]y to be subjected to the time temperature curve for a duration of 30 minutes. The recorded furnace t.emperature8 followed the Standard Time- Temperature Curve as outlined in the Standardg ANSI/uL 253 and CAN/ULC-S101- 04. and as shown in graphical form in TLL. 28 and tabular form in ItIJ. 29. SE,andard tesE equipment for wall and partition assembl-ies wae uged for the fire endurance and hose Et.ream t.est.. The fire endurance and hose stream t,est rrraB conduct.ed at souChweat, Research Inatitute's facility in San Antonio, Texag under the uL witneEaed Test Data Proqram. HOSE STREAM TEST: Immediately foll-owing the 30 minube fire exposure te€t, the lest assembly was removed from the furnace and moved into position for the hose stream te6t. The assembly was subjected to the impacE, cooling and eroding action of a hoee stream applied to the extrrosed surface of ghe test assembly. fhe hose stream test was conducted within 3.5 minutes after the fire e:4>oeure test rras terminated. METHOD The ho6e Gtream test hra6 conducted in accordance with the Standard, ANSI/UIJ 263 and CAN/ULC-S101- 04 . Based on a t h fire e:q)osure Eime, Ehe Standard requires the tsebt assembly to be subjecEed to the action of a 205 kPa (30 psi) hose stream applied for a duration of 55 seconds. The hose Etream was applied with a 29 mm (1-1/8 inch) diameter nozzle aU a per?endicufar distance of 5 meters (20 feet) from the center of the te6t asseftbly. The hose scream was applied to the 10 meLer2 (108 footr) sample and traverEed the wal.l assenibly horizontally and vertically. RESUIJTS No through projection of water was observed beyond Ehe unexposed surface of Ehe wal-I aseedbly after 55 seconds. Observat,ions After the TeEt - The appearance of lhe exposed surface of the wa1l . assembly after the fire exposure and afcer the hoae stream te6ts is shown in ILts. 12 and 1-4, reepectively. File R22100 Paqe T1-7 of 7 Issued: 2OO7 -O7 -tO TEST ASSEIT{BIJY NO. 4, c}rpsum Wallboard Exposed, HOSE STREjAM TEST DUPL,ICATE In accordance vrith Paragraph 5,4.1 of the SEandard ANSI/UL 253 and Paragraph 5.2.I.L of the Standard CAN/IJL,C-S101-O4, a duplicate aseembly wae conEtrtcted. The performance of the fire, e:rposure tesU and the hose stsream tegt on the duplicate assernbly is described herein. Based on a t h fire intended fire rating, the Standard requiree the test assembly to be subjected to the t.ime t.emperature curve for a duration of 30 minuleB . The recorded furnace E.emperaEurea folLowed tbe Standard Time- Ten$)erature Curve a6 outlined in the StandardE Af'rSI /UL 263 and CA}i/ULC-S101- 04, and as shown in graphical form in ILL, 30 and tabular form in IIJI,. 31. Standard test equipment for wall and partition aasediblies was used for the fire endurance and hose 6t.ream test. The fire endurance and ho6e Etream tes! viras conducted at Southwest Research Institute's faciJ.ity in San Anconio, Texas under the UIr Witnessed'Test Data Proqram. HOSE STREAM TEST: Immediately following the 30 minut.e fire exlrosure Lest, the test a€Eenibly was removed from Che furnace and moved into position for the hose €tream te6t., The assembly r^ras subjected Eo the impact, cooling and eroding action of a hose stream applied to the e:q)osed surface of the teBts aEsembly. The hose sUream test wae conducted within 3.5 minutes afEer the fire expoEure test irae terminat.ed. METHOD The hose Etream te6t was conducE,ed in accordance with the Standard, AfilsI/UL 263 and CAN/UIrC-S101-04 . Based on a L h fire e:<posure time, the Standard requires the test aseembly to be subjected tso the action of a 205 kPa (30 pei) hose stream applied for a durauion of 55 seconds. The hose ELream was applied with a 29 mn (l--1/8 inch) diameter nozzle at a perpendicular diEt,ance of 6 meters (20 feet) from the center of the teEt aBsembLy. The hose atream was applied to the 10 meter2 (108 foot2) sample and traversed the wa1l as sembl-y horizontally and verEically. RESUI,TS No through projection of vJater wag obgerved beyond the une:q)osed surface of the wall assembLy after 65 seconds. observations After the Test - The appearance of the e)q)osed surface of the wall aeseribly after the fire e:qroeure and after the hose Etream tesLs is shown in IIJL8. 17 and 1-9, reEpectively. File R2 210 0 Page C1 Issued: 2007 -07 -IO CONCI.,US ION The following conel-usions represent the j udgment of Underwrit.era, Laboratories of Canada and Underwriters Iraboratories Inc. ba6ed on the examination and tedta presenled in this Rpport, aB they relate to establishedprinciples and previouel-y recorded data. FIRE RES I STANCE PROPERTIES: IE is judged that the non-bearing walL asaehbly constructed of the macerials and in the manner deecribed herein will afford 50 minute proEeclion against the passage of flame and dangerous transmission of heat when ercposed to fire. Limiting temperatures on the unexposed gurface (l-40oC [250oF] average or 180oC [325oF] individual temperature riee above the initial temperaEure) were noL reached during the Lisuing/Classificat ion period. The asseribly performed, during the Listing/Clasei fication period, lrithout developing unexposed surface conditions which would igniEe cotton waste. The above Listing and Classification are based on the 'tconditions of Acceptancerr for teats of load bearing walls and partitions, as specified in the standard for Fire Tests of Building consEruction and lrtaterials, ANSI/UL 253 (ASTM E119, NFPA 251), 13th EdiEion, dared April 4, 2003, and hrith the standard cAN/uLc-s1oL-04. The reaults from this test will be incorporaEed inLo new UIJC Design No. w317 and new ULI Design No U3gG. PRACTICABII.ITTY: The materials used in the teat a8Eeribly were readily instalLed by qualified workere, with tools and methoda commonly used for conalructj-on of this nature. Materials and installation procedurea were in accordance with thoee described in this Report. and are significant fact.ors in the fire reaisEance of the const.ruction. CONFORMITY: This conetruction \^/aE Cested in accordance with Lhe Standard CAN/ULC- SL01-04, Standard Method6 of Fire Endurance Tests of Buildinq Construction and Materi.a1E , This construcEion wa6 tested in accordance rdith lhe Stardard, nFire Te6Es of Building Construction and Materials, r ANSI/UL 263 (AST!,I 8119, NFPA No. 25L), 13th Edit,ion, dated April 4, 2003. File R22100 Page C2 Issued: 2OO7 -O7 -lO The wall paneL, as described herein, is judged to be eligibfe for L,iEting and Fo11ow-Up Service of UnderwriterB' IJaboratories of Canada and,Classification and Foltow-Up Service of Underwritera Laboratories Tnc. Under the Service, tlre manufacturer is authorized tso use the Listing and ClaesificaEion Markings on such product.B yhich compJ_y with the Follovr-Up Service Procedure and any other appficable requirements of UnderwriterEr taborat.ories of Canada and Underwritere taboratoriea Inc. Only those materialE which bear the LaboraEories, Listing and Cl-assificaEion Markj-ng are considered aF L,isled by Undenrritersr L,aboratories of Canada and Claseified by Underwrit.er8 L,,a.boratorieg Inc. ULC LISTING }IARKING: LISTED WAI,I, AND PARTITION FACINGS ATID ACCESSORIES < CONTROL NIJMBER> Listed in accordance with cAN,/ULC- S 101 Classified as to FIRE RESTSTANCE in accordance with Standard CAN/ULC-S1o1 See UIJC List of Equipment and Materials, Fire Resiatance DirecEory and supplements hereto. UI.I CIJAS S I F I CATI ON MARKTNG ; WAIJIJ AND PARTITION FACINGS AND ACCESSORIES FIRE RESISTANCE CIJASSIFICATION SEE UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY <CONTROI, NIJIT'BER> the ff Any informaEion and documentation invoJ-ving UL, Mark eervicee are provided on behalf of Underwriters LaboratorieE Inc, (UL) or any authorized licensee of uL. Report. by: BENY SPENSIERI, Project Handler Fire Protect.ion ,JR., B.A. SC. Divis ion Reviewed by: G. ABBAS NADLJL P- ENG Section Manager Fire Protection Division ZEBO deslqns and btrllds door bottoms to laet. Our automallc door botlome have Fen bsfied thrcugh 5 mllllon cyclor- You can epeclfy wlth confldence -tlreso rcally norkl Ttn arhtilceO tectrdogy cornrnm to al ZERO rnod€b utlz€s a cm@l€d fat spring nredrarism, wticfr acfiaies rrrhm fE d@r iB ded, b\r{qfE a nsop.erp sed M ag# tF lloa s sadde. A potrudfrs, t*rg+rdde 'plurE€r' is cornpress€d by the tame as ths d@r do66 lo actllate the sp.hg. The seal th€n drops h a scbsds{€ motlon frorn ttE nnge slde, adjustlng to the f,oor frorn a pivotfE poht. This motion ensLres a srnooth drop wnhorrt drag br a tlght, sedrrc s€d agEhst the saddle s floor. ths sed rcEacts automstcdly as the doa is opened. Speclflcatlons: r lladmm dnp t'.. RaveGhlo - sarE mit usod fu H c nSm{€ndsd dw.r fl351, 3E1, 306;:S bt tpb A' bbd (3hts') ' fr?dfi381l8f rabd btuPb ts rabel r ?F,Ft, eoa qnCeo wih .l6od€l sponga nooprone C|tdipuHrhg, und€. MIL R 61 30 Tyge llChssA I, C.. f,t50, :51. 352, :151, 3At fi6, 36l qpdbt ri0l sold n€op|€no d|dm, solf{dfr$tbhhg, under MIL R8865 Type ll Cbss 10 0ll rflrilbnt. Al rabd br 5 m in qrrho. ffe&t@q- ?n(4V""?s66z.tlb aQsz.nc x Llb.rttla Mounl'nC hob3 Hlgh Sound Alomatlc DoorBottom US. Polent 3.f9,t7584 Foreign Polrents AvaloHe rhsdllr I *8361 Koy]fifrFft-rffint AdiusitE nut ' nxJst be on hhgE lide Aq|,sdng Bra Cylhd6r ltua ha8 pop-in pbs[c q,Bhlon br e mo|€ friirhod loo* on arE tsdulal (bo|r, o PROOUCI CAIALOG t60 | trct ta I WWWJERObfiERN/AnOMLCOM CASED f RAME Nsop€r|. .093, if [i: il En ffi mnffis?.'rm;s*' Foslthae Prsrsunr Llrbd for tG gauge Sd ca*d openlng..LS mlnutec palrr or 80 & 90 mlnutro rlngb and palru. For wod or mgtal sound.rerlstant dool agsombllo3. l6couge 10.75, Ho|Jsine StoH€rs ste€l At*Jslhs Sqa^,t2.0r o:c. Aclusloblo lur|oa: 3ru{7.e1 F lIIvEPRSSNEENENANilGS *770SP *Z0STST 90 mh. os o slor| lo \.ood & m€td doqt #&11.5(r(3at|SMS ENEE *aezsp EJe Soldll3op|ene llgopforu .05C .9t1',4tt II I Crrr.et i rdtop iffi-&6[Tc\ FRAME #&l.fltlt sord ireop €no nooprgrre tA f.1' *8 sds\fl. Strecl - ' NruMEIfl SteeSnocer. \f,1 ltZCoug€ Sr€€l l*--' PROOI,CT CATATOG r8O | ?AGE 'a I WWWrEROrNrRr.I^l|oMLCOr,r n5.rl ____-_r- Extruded Atuminum @** ffi t*o-- 17) The n[b.r ral h lhk oe8lGl prsyid6. Ll,l I Ffidon ftm snol€ Hlrdon In dlrlJ sl|| pfovislom d lfF 101 t.b s*ty Code and NFPAESI$d dbrFItE Do|llrd O0F Opd|E mdvrg ffi".'#' 4l5ConcordAronue tel:718.585.32d1 Bronx, NY l(X55 texi7lB.Azn4g email: zero@zeloinbmational,com Part Deecription: Automatic'Door Bottom - Mortised / Heavy Duty Customer Name: Ft.mUs.oiI rdm' fr | Fr.ost2s.q -{ta I .561" (l,a.2l Adiustlng Screw #6x.500'ttz.zt SMS Sef-Exlinguiching Sotid Neoprene __fE54A Solid Insert Neoprene lnsert #555AA@ #sssD-(Wtlto &,baz,f,c) 4l5GorrcodAwrrue tel:718.581rcen Brou, NY 10,[55 tax;718.82.?219 erull: zero@zerdnilemalional.coJn Part Description: Meeting Stile - Both Doors Active - Adjustable Surfam Astragal Provided By:Customer Name: @r-Cmq The ArraBe tfu*rvatt Vail Square rrffi#pvaat EI DEC 0 r 2000 ,_ igWN OF VA|LPR-A OO2 Addendum 1 unit 6551652 Lock-Off Revisions 27 August, 2008 Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 4240 Architecture lnc 3003 Larimer Street Denver, Colorado 80205 424C^ PROPOSAL REQUEST PRoJEcr: The Arrabelle at Vail Souare owNER: Arrabelle at Vail Square, LLC 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Brox 959 Avon, CO 81620 PROPOSAL REQUEST NO: OATE OF ISSUANCE CONTMCT DATED: CONTMCT FOR: PR.A OO2 ADDENDUM NO.l August 27, 2008 Construction 4240 Architecture Inc. 20826.0 | lof 2 CONTRACTOR:AB,CHITECT: PROJECT NO: Please submit an itemized proposal for Contract Documents described herein. Submit proposal wittrin l5 days, or notify the Architect in writing of the date on which you anticipate submitting your proposal. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. Reason for Changel Vail Resorts has requested an alternate price to provide HVAC to Bedroom 655.07 from a fan coil in the adiacentMaster Bedroom in lieu of the fan coil now serving this bedroom and the adiacent bedroom in the lock-off. lt is understood that proceedint with this alternate would result in compromised airflow to the mester bedroom, Description: See atta€hed sketches. Specifications covering the basic scope of additional work are here included, as a guideline for matching the existing mechanical system installation. Attachments Mechanical Sketches: MsK 289D (Demo) and MSK 289 (2 sketches totat, pR-A-002 Addendum t, dated g.2z.os) SPecifications (Copied & unedited, from the Arrabelle Project frlanual, lssue ,.ASl 190", I June 2006 )150l0 Basic Mechanical Requirements (dated 06.0t.06, ASt t90) | 589 | lrletal Ductwork (dated 06.0 t.05, ASt t90) PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: Hal Yoder / Steve Robers Steve Roberts 42 | 40 ARCHITCTURE tNC 3001 Larimer So"eet Denver, Colondo 80205 c 303-292.3388 f 303.292.31 | 3 www,424hrchirecture.com The anformatid1 containod in this messege is pnvileged and coniddrtial intendod onty for the lse of the jodividuat(B) or en|ty{ies) named 1i,o1.- [ll9 r9:d1 ol lhrs messag€ is rct the iotonded recipienl, you Ere her6by notified liat any disseminadon, dii;ibutior, 6i copying trthrs cbmmunrcalion is stfictly prohibitsd tf you have rec€iv€d this mmmunication in eror, ptEas6 notiry 42140 Architect!re. tnc tmmediateti. 26fr:o "o/2o uP TO FF-.ln !p x t I 3 6 24 ?9 z ta g 9{ 5 5 . i5 I d a;l Cox xE?t 7'4 ; qeQl6 .i tr;vl\sff D&AYIING !0: MSK 2Bg FfrEntfa ri116.DHf* t.?" +*. scrl.L , /8^* i -c--,:tr! 9Y rrDr 4240 i),,1 ., i., ! .I. : ' li , ..1 .. .r:,.,,, ffisr @# 26 /20 20/20 uP TO FF* 10 ilt ts ? t c tI va n ; 5 i a I.Y_ &..I 4240 I::., DRAII]NC NO: MSK ZB9 D RfFtxtrca M116.0 6C.E * -." s{ , :, rai ;J '-16/20 * _Ll2,6 \-* zo/:a c Lnrr..u.)j qQQ16 'G'914l:l'\:'/ looo H@ AVilIJHE .:r,oi v{J$Y' 1.t 1.2 1.3 PARTI GENERAL sEcTroN 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS B. REIATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract apply to the Division l5 specifications and drawings. Related Sections: Refer to all sections in Division 15. Refer to Division l6 specification section. SLMMARY: This Section specifies the basic requirements for mechanical installations and includes requirements cofirmon to more than one section of Division 15. It expands and supplements the requirements specified in sections of Division l. PROJECT CONDITIONS: Protect all mechanical and electrical work against theft, injury or damage lmm all causes until it has been tested and accepted. Be responsible for all damage to the property ofthe Owner or to the work ofother contractors during the construction and guarantee period. Repair or replace any part of the work which may show defect duling one vear from the final acceptance of all work. Provided such defect is, is in the opinion of the Architect, due to imperfect material or workmanship and not due to the Ownefs carelessness or lmproper use. ACCESSIBILITY: lnstall equipment and materials to provide required access for servicing and maintenance. Coordinate the final location ofconcealed equipment and devices requiring access with final location of required access panels and doors. Allow ample space for removal of all parts that require replacement or servicing. Extend all grease fittings to an accessible location. Furnish hinged steel access doors with concealed latch, whether shown on drawings or not, in all walls and ceilings for access to all concealed valves, shock absorbers, air vents, motors, fans, balancing cocks, and other operating devices requiring adjustment or servicing. Refer to Division I for access door specification and Division l5 for duct access door requirements. The minimum size of any access door shall not be less than the size of the equipment to be removed or if used for service only. Fumish doors to trades performing work in which they are to be built, in ample time for building-in as the work progresses. Whenever possible, group valves, cocks, etc., to permit use of minimum number ofaccess doors within a given room or space. Factory manufactured doors shall be ofa type compatible with the finish in which they are to be installed. In lieu of these doors, approved shop fabricated access doors with DuroDyne hinges may be used. Access doors in fire-rated walls and ceilings shall have equivalent U.L. label and fire rating. ROUGH-IN: i, The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 B. T,4 B. C, D. F. G. 1.5 Basic Mechanical Requirements ASI r90 t5010-l sEcTroN 15010 BASIC MECEANICAL REQUIREMENTS A. Verify final locations for rough-ins with field measurements and with the requirements of the actual equipment to be connected. B' Refer to equipment shop drawings and manufacturefs requirements for actual provided equipment for rough-in requirerhents. I.6 REQIJIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES: A. Refer to Division l. B, Execute and inspect all work in accordance with all Underwriters, local and state codes, rules and regulations appliqable to the trade affected as a minimum, but if the plans and/or specifications call for requirements that exceed these rulesand regulations, the greater requirement shall be followed. Follow recommendations of NFPA, SMACNA, EPA, OSHA and ASHRAE. C. Comply with stanilards in effect at the date ofthese Contract Documents, except where a standard or specific date or edition is indicated. D. After entering into contract, Contractor will be held to complete all work necessary to meet these requirements without additional expense to the Owner. 1.7 REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL UTILITY COMPANIES: A. Comply with rules and regulations of local utility companies. Include in bid thecostofall valves, valve boxes, meter boxes, meters and such accessory equipment which will be required for the project. I.8 PERMTTS AND FEES: A. Refer to Division 1. B. The Owncr shall pay all tap, development, meter, etc., fees required for connection to municipal and public utility facilities. C. Contractor shall arfange for and pay for all inspections, licenses and certificares required in connection with the work. 1.9 MECHANICALINSTALLATIONS: A. Drawings ale diagrammatic in character and do not necessarily indicate every required offset, valve, fitting, etc. ts. Drawtngs and specitications are complementary. Whatever is calied lbr in either is binding as though called for in both. C. Drawings shall not be scaled for rough-in measurements or used as shop drawings. Where drawings are required for these pprposes or have to be made from field measurement, take the necessary measurements and prepare the drawings. D. Before any work is installed, determine that equipment will properly fit the space; that required piping grades can be maintained and that ductwork can be run as contemplated without interferences between systems, with structural elements or wilh the work of other trades. E. Coordinate the installation of mechanical materials and equipment above and below ceilings with suspension system, light fixtures, and other building components. Basic Mechanical Requiremenh ts0r0-2 The ArraBelle at vait square ASI 190 Veil, Colorado I June 2006 Basic Mechanical Requirements ASI 190 sEcTroN 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL R-EQUIREMENTS 1. Coordinate ceiling cavity space carefully with all trades. In the event ofconflict, install mechanical and electric systems within the cavity space allocation in the following order of priority. a. Plumbing waste, vent piping and roofdrain mains and leaders. b. Supply, return and exhaust ductwork. c. Fire sprinkler mains and leaders. d. Electrical conduit. e. Domestic hot and cold water piping. f. Fire sprinkler branch piping and sprinkler runouts. F. Vetify all dimensions by field measurements. G. Arrange for chases, slots, and openings in other building components to allow for mechanical installations. H. Coordinate the installation of required suppo(ing deviccs and sleeves to be set in poured in place concfete and other structural components, as they are conslructed. L Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installations ofmechanical materials and equipment for efficient flow of the work. Give particular attention to large equipment requiring positioning prior to closing-in the building. J. Coordinate the cutting and patching of building components to accommodate the installation of mechanical equipment and materials. K. Where mounting heights are not detailed or dimensioned, install mechanical services and overhead equipment to provide the maximum headroom possible. L. Install mechanical equipment to facilitate maintenance and repair or replacement ofequipment components. As much as practical, connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum of interference with other installations. M. Coordinate connection of mechanical systems with exterior underground and overhead utilities and services. Comply with requirements of goveming regulations, franchised sewice companies, and controlling agencies. Provide required connection for each service. I.IO BELTS.ANDSHEEVES: A. The Mechanical Contractor shall coordinate with the Test and Balance Contractor and supply correctly- sized drive belts, and sheeves. I.I 1 CLTTTINC AND PATCHING: A. This Article specifies the cutting and patching ofmechanical equipment, components, and materials to include removal and legal disposal ofselected materials, components, and equipment. B. Refer to Division I C. Do not endanger or damage installed work tkough procedures and processes ofcutting and patching. D. Anange for repairs required to restore other work, because ofdamage caused as a result of mechanical installations. The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 ls0l0-3 SECTION ts0l0 BASIC MECHAI\ilCAL REQUIREMENTS E. No additional compensation will be authorized for cutting and patching work that is necessitated by ill-timed, defeclive, or non-couforming installations. F. Perform cutting, fitting, and patching of mechanical equipment and materials required to: l. Uncover work to provide for insallation of ill-timed work; 2. Remove and replace defective work; 3, Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements ofthe Contract Documents; 4. Remove damples of installed work as specified for testing; 5. Install eqrhipment and materials in existing structures; 6. Upon written instructions from the Architect/Engineer, uncover and reslore work to provide for Architect/Engineer observation of concealed work. 1.12 TEMPORARYFTACILITIES: A. Light, Heat, Power, Etc.: l. Responsibility for providing temporary electricity, heat and other facilities shall be as specified in Division I I.13 PRODUCTOPTIONSANDSUBSTITUTIONS: A. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders and Division 1. "PRODUCTS, OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTION". B. Materials and equipment ofequivalent quality may be substituted for those scheduled or identified by name on the dmwings if so reviewed by the Engineer prior to bidding. This may be done by submitting to the Engineer at least seven (7) working days prior to the bid date a letter requesting prior review. This submittal shall include all data necessary for complete evaluation ofthe product. I.I4 MECHAMCALSUBMIfiALS: Refer to the Conditions of the Contract (General and Supplementary), Division l. 1. All mechanical submittals shall be submitted by specification section submitted at one time. "Piece-Meal" or "Partial" submittals will be letumed. unless prior approval from the Engrneer has been oblained. 2 The Contraclor shall identify any "long lead time" items which rnay impact the overall project schedule. If these submittal requirements affect the schedule, the Contractor shall identify the impacts and confer with the Engineer within two weeks of entering into the contract. 3. Each submittal shall be tabbed by the mechanical specification section it is specified in. The manufacturer's material or equipment listed in the schedule or identified by name on the drawings are the types to be provided for the establishment ofsize, capacity, grade and quality. Ifalternates are used in lieu ofthe scheduled names, the cost ofany changes in construction required by their use shall be bome by Contractor. B, Basic Mechanical Req uirements ASI I9O The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 ls0l04 c. D. SECTION 15010 BASIC MECUANICAL REQUIREMENTS All equipment shall conform to the State and/or local Energ/ Conservation Standards. Submittal of shop drawings, product data, and mmples will be accepted only when submitted by and stamped by thc Contractor. Data submitted from subcontractors and material suppliers directly to the Enginecr will not be processed unless prior written approval is obtained by the Contractor. The Design Professionals review and appropriate action on submittals, zuch as shop drawings, product data, samples and other data, as requirod by the Design Professional, is only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with the design concept and the information expressed in the contract documents. This review shall not include review ofthe accuracy or completcness ofdetails, such as quantities, dimensions, weights or gauges, fabrication processes, constnrction means or methods, coordination ofthe work with other trades or construction safety precautions, all of which are the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Design Professional:s review shall be conducted with reasonable promptness while allowing sufficient time in the Design Professional=s judgment to permit adequate review. Review of a specific itern shall not indicate that the Design Professional has reviewed the entire assembly of which the item is a component. The Design Professional shall not be responsible for any deviations from the contract documents not brought to the attention of the Design Professional in writing by the Contractor. The Design Professional shall not bo required to review partial submissions or those for which submissions ofcorrelated items have not been received. SPECIFIC CATEGORY SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Product Data: L Where pre-printed data covers more than one distinct product, size, type, material, trim, accessory group or other variation, mark submitted copy with black pen to indicate which of the variations is to be provided. 2. Delete or mark-out portions of pre-printed data which are not applicable. 3. Where opemting ranges are shown, mark data to show portion ofrange required for prqiect application. 4. For each oroduct. include the followins: Sizes. Weights. Speeds. Capacities. Piping and electrical connection sizes and locations. Statements of compliance with the required standards and regulations. g. Perfbrmance da!a. h. Manufacturer'ssoecifications. Shop Drawings: I. Shop Drawings are defined as mechanical system layout drawings prepared specifically for this project, or fabrication and assembly type drawings of system components to show more detail than typical pre-printed materials. 2. Prepare Mechanical Shop Drawings, except diagrams, to accurate scale, min l/8"=l'-0", unless otherwise noted. a. Show clearance dimensions at critical locations, E. l-l) A. a. b. d. f. B. Basic Mechanical Req uirem ents ASI 190 The ArraBelle at Vdl Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 l50lG5 c. l.l6 I t7 B. t.l8 Basic Mechanical Requirements ASr 190 rr E. F. sEcTroN 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMEI.ITS b, Show dimensions of spaces required for operation and maintenance. c. Show interfaces with other work, including structural support. Test Reports: 1. Submit test reports which have been signed and dated by the firm performing the test. 2. Prepare test reports in the manner specified in the standard or regulation governing the test procedure (if any) as indicated. Required submittals: l. Provide submittals for each item ofequipment specified or scheduled in the contract documents. See table at the end of this section. If more than two submittals (either for product data, shop drawings, record drawings, or test and balance reports) are made by the contractor, the Owner reserves the right to charge the contractor for subsequent reviews by their consultants. Such extra fees shall be deducted from payments by the Owner to the contractor. When two or more items of same material or equipment are required (plumbing fixtures, pumps, valves, air conditioning units, etc.) they shall be of the same manufacturer. Product manufacturer uniformity does not apply to raw materials, bulk materials, pipe, tube, fittings (except flanged and grooved types), sheet metal, wire, steel bar stock, welding rods; solder, fasteners, motors for dissimilar equipment unrts, and similar items used in work, except as otherwise indicated. l. Provide preducts which are compatible within systems and other connected items. NAMEPLATE DATA: Providc permanen{ operational data nameplate on each item ofmechanical equipment, indicating manufacturer, product name, model number, serial number, capacity, operating and power. characteristics, Iabels oftested compliances, and similar essential data. Locate nameplates in an accessible location. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND }TANDLING: Refer to Division I . Deliver products to project properly identified with names, model numbers, types, grades, compliance labels, and similar information needed for distinct identificationsl adequately packaged and protected to prevent damage or contamination during shipment, storage, and handling. Store equipment and materials at the site, unless off-site storage is authorized in writing. Protect stored equipment and materials from damage, dirt, dust and moisture. Coordinate deliveries of mechanical materials and equipment to minimize construction site congestion. Limit each shipment of materials and equipment to the items and quantities needed for the smooth and efficient flow of installations. RECORD DOCIJMENTS: Refer to Division L The following paragraphs supplement the requirements ofDivision l. C. D. The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Coloredo I June 2006 150t0-6 SECTION rs0r0 BASIC MECIIANICAL REQTIIREMENTS B. Keep a complete set of record document prints in custody during entire period of construction at the construction site. Documents shall be updated on a weekly basis. C. Mark Drawing Prints to indicate revisions to piping and ductwork, sizs and location both exterior and interior; including locations ofcoils, dampen and otlrer control deviceq filters, boxes, and similar units requiring periodic maintenance or repair; actual equipment locations, dimensioned from column lines; actual inverts and locations of underground piping; concealed equipment, dimensioned to column lines; mains and branches ofpiping systems, with valves and control devices located and number€d, concealed unions located, and with items requiring maintenance located (i.e., strainers, expansion compensators, tanks, etc.); Change Orders; concealed control system devices. Changes to be notcd on the drawing$ shall include linal location ofany piping or ductwork relocated more than 1'-0" from where shown on the drawings. 1.I9 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA: A, Refer to Division 1 B. The testing and balancing report shall be submitted and received by the Engineer at least fifteen calendar days prior to the contractor's request for final observation time fmme requirements, Include in the O & M Manual after review with "No Exceptions Takor" has been accomplished. C. In addition to the information required by Division 1 for Maintenance Data include the following information: L Description of mechanical equipment, function. normal operating characteristics and limitations, performance curves, engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and commercial numbers ofall replaceable parts. 2. Manufacturer's printed operating procedures to include start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instruclions; regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions; and summer and winter operating instructions. 3. Maintenance procedures for routine preventative maintenance and troubleshooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly; aligning and adjusting instruclions. 4. Servicing instructions, lubrication charts and schedules, including Contractor lubrication reports. 5. Manufacturer's service manuals for all mechanical equipment provide under this contract. 6. Name, Address and Telephone number of party to be contacted for 24-hour service for each item of equipment. 7. Starting, stopping, lubrication, equipment identification numbers and adjustment clearly indicated for each piece of equipment. 8. Complete parts list. 9. Mechanicalwarranties. D. This contract will not be considered completed nor will final payment be made until all specified material, including testing and balancing report, is received in this operating and maintenance report and the manual is reviewed by the Architect/Engineer. I.2O LIJBRICATION OF EQUIPMENT: Basic Mechanical Requirements 15010-7 The ArraBelle at Vail Square ASI 190 Vail, Colorado I June 2fi)6 SECTION 15010 BASIC MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS Refer to Divisioh l. ; Contractor shall properly lubricate all mechanical pieces ofequipment which he provided before tuming the building ovet to the Owner. He shall attach a linen tag or heavy duty shipping tag on the picce of equipment showing the date of lubrication and the type and brand of lubricant used. with a typewritten list included in the O and M manuals ofeach item lubricated use4 no later than two (2) weeks before completion ofthe project. A.Refer to the I for procedures and submittal requirements for warranties. Refer to individual equipment ions for warranty requirements. In any case the entire mechanical system shall be warranted no than one year from the time of acceptance by the Owner. B.Provide warranty information for each item to include product or equipment to include date or beginning of numbers and or bond; duration of warranty or bond; and names, addresses, and telephone for filing a claim and obtaining waranty services. c. l.2l 1.22 B. l.zt A. B. CLEANING: Refer to l. Refer to Divisiori 15, 'TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING" for requirements for cleaning filters, strainers, {nd mechanical systems prior to final acceptance. PROJECT CLOSEOUT: In addition to the requirements specified in Division I, complete the requirements listed below. The Contractor s$all be responsible for the following Mechanical Checklist either by perfoming and/or coordinating sucli items prior to applying for certification of substantial completion. l. Refer to iridividual specification sections for additional requirements. I The ArraBelle rt Vail Square Vril, Colorado I June 2006 Fumish the Enei 150r0-8 sEcrIoN r50r0 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS C. MechanicalChecklist 'Wananty- 5 year - Warranty ReportMarran ty ' Kitchen Exhaust Hood a See Specific Specification Section for Test & Certification Requirements 5 For Soft Starters 6 Requires Review & Approval from T & B Contractor *+Requires Owner Sign Off ENDOFSECTION I5OIO Brsic Mechanical Requirements 15010-9 ASr 190 The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vril, Colorado I June 2006 SPEC SECTION REQUI&E\4ENTS SUBMITTALS SIJPPLEMENTAL x p e!tsP.4 'kp7 Y9I&> F ot4 zz gE 14 r-1 FXt! Aa compl€tior of project obtain owncrs sign oS that has recaived the followitrc: R't 6ts 9 iagd Fv, F 14 .E ^E 3 r'6 fi:!t ^ t5010 O&M MANUALS 150r0 RECORD DRAWINGS X 15040 MOTORS, STARTERS ANI) DRIVES X x xl x x5 15040 VARIABLE SPF]ED DRIVES X X X x | 5851 AIR HANDLINC FANS x x X t59'12 ELECTRICAL CONTROL SYSTI'MS x x 1597 5 SEOUENCE OF OPERATION l59m 1'TJSTING,ADJUSl'INC AND BAIANCING X SECTION 1589I METALDUCTWORK PART I GENERAL I.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Extent of metal ductwork is indicated on drawings and in schedules, and by requirements of this section. DUCT SERVICE TYPE/CONSTRUCTION Supply air between fan and terminal boxes (medium and high). Galvanized steel, spiral, round or oval /rectangular factorv fabricated. Rectangular supply air from discharge of terminal box/fan to air devices (low pressure). Galvanized sheet metal /spiral round and oval or rectangular (lined as noted on drawings.) factory or shop fabricated. Retum air ductwork.Galvanized steel (lined where noted on drawings); factory or shop fabricated. General building exhaust.Galvanized sheet metal (lined as noted on drawings); factory or shop fabricated. Transfer ducts.Intemally lined galvanized sheet metal as described above for low pressure supplyl factory or shop fabricated. Sound elbows for R*A. grilles Galvanized sheet metal (intemally lined). OR Fibrous glass ductboard. Outdoor air intake ductwork.Galvanized sheet metal, rectangular, factory or shop fabricated. Dishwasher exhaust.3 16 stainless steel all welded construction OR Aluminum with silicone sealant. Kitchen grease exhaust.Concealed From View: Min I 6 GA, carbon steel, all welded construction. Exposed To View: Type 304 stainless steel, min. l8 GA all welded construction. Exterior uninsulated ductwork.Aluminum or 304 SS or oainted ealvanized Shower, locker room exhaust.Aluminum with silicone sealant. B. Exterior insulation qfmetal ductwork is specified in other Division-15 sections, and is included as work of this section. C. Refer to other Divisibn- I 5 seclions for dustwork acsessorres. Metal Ductwork ASI 190 r5891-l The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vril, Colorado I June 2006 1) l.J D, E. B, SECTION ls89l METALDUCT}VORK Refer to other Division-l5 sections for fans and air handling units. Refer to other Division- 15 sections for testing, adjusting, and balancing of metal ductwork systems. DEFINITIONS: Low Pressure Duct: Duct required by the drawings, specifications, or referenced standards to be constructed to 2" or less, positive or negative pressure class. Medium or High Pressure Duct: Duct required by the drawings, specifications, or referenced standards to be constnrcted to greater than 2" positive or negative pressure class. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Manufacture/s Qualifisations: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of metal ductwork products of types, materials, and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. lnstaller's Qualifications: Firm with at least 3 years of successful installation experience on projects with metal ductwork systems similar to that required for proj€ct. References to SMACNA, ASHRAL and NFPA are minimum requirements, the Contractor shall fabricate, consfuct, install, seal and leak test all ductwork as described in this specification and as shown on the drawings, in addition to these minimum standard references. Codes and Standards: l. SMACNA Standards: Comply with SMACNA's "lfVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible" for fabrication and installation of metal ductwork. Comply with SMACNA "HVAC Air Duct kakage Test Manual" for testing of duct systems. 2. NFPA Compliance: Comply with NFPA 90A "Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems'r and NFPA 90B "Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems". SMACNA Industrial Construction Standards. Field Refcrence Manual; Have available for reference at project field office, copy of SMACNA "HVAC Ducl Construction Slandards, Metal and Flexible", and SMACNA "HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual". SUBMITTALS: Product Data: Submit manufacturefs technical product data and installation instructions for ductwork materials and pmducts. Provide product data for manufactured joining systems. lnclude sound attenuation by octave band for sound rated flexible duct. Shop Drawings: Submit 1/4" scaled fabrication and layout drawings of metal ductwork and fittings including, but not limited to, duct sizes, locations, elevations, and slopes of horizontal runs, wall and floor penetrations, and connections. Show interface and spatial relationship between ductwork and proximate equipment. Show modifications ofindicated requirements, made to conform to local shop practice, and how those modifications ensure that free area, materials, and rigidity are not reduced. The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 B. C. D. E. F. 1.4 B. Metal lluctwork ASI 190 r5891-2 Record Drawingf: At project closeout, submit rccord drawings of installed systems, in accordance with requirements oflDivisions I and I5. Maintenance Datp: Submit maintenance data and parts lists for metal ductworft materials and products. Include this data, product data, shop drawings, and record drawings in maintsnance manual; in accordance with fequirements ofDivisions I and 15. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING: A. Protection: Protept shop-fabricated and factory-fabricated ductwork, accessories and purchased products from darhage during shipping, storage and handling. Prev€nt end damage and prevent dirt and moisture from enftring ducts and fittings. B. Storage: Where $ssible, store ductwork inside and protect from weather. Where necessary to stors outside, store abo{e grade and enclose with waterproof wrapping. PART2 PRODUCTS MANI.JFACTURERS: Manufacturers: Srhbject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Duct Liner: a. CertfinTeed Corp. b. Manville Products Corp. (Sehuller) c. Owdps-Coming Fiberglas Corp. d. Pixspurgh Coming Corp. 2. Flexible Dubts: _1.Duct Take QffFittings Flexrhaster a. Semcf Mfg., Inc. b. Unitef, Sheet Metat Div., Unired McGill Corp. c. SheetlMetal Products Co. d. Spiral Pipe ofTexas, lnc. e. Hercu[es Industries 2.2 DUCTWORK MATERIALS: A. Exposed Ductwork \,[aterials: Where ductwork is exposed to view in occupied spaces, provide materials which are free from visual imperfections including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, dentg discolorations] and other imperfections, including those which would impair painting. c. D. SECTION 15891 METALDUCTWORK 1.5 al a. Flexrlnasterb. TheJnaflex b. c. d. Metal Ductwork ASI l9tf The ArraBelle at Vail Square Veil, Colorado I June 2fi)6 r5891-3 Metsl Ductwork ASI 190 SECTION 1589r METALDUCTWORK B. Sheet Metal: Except as otherwise indicated, fabricate ductwork from galvanized sheet steel complying with ASTM A 527, lockforming quality; with G 90 zinc coating in accordance with ASTM A 525; and mill phosphatized for exposed locations. Provide flat seam construction where standing seams are a hazard to the Owner's operation personnel. C. Stainless Steel Sheet: Where indicated, provide stainless steel complying with ASTM A 167;Type3M or 316; with No. 4 frnish where exposed to view in occupied spaces, No. I finish elsewhere. Protect finished surfaces with mill-applied adhesive protective paper, maintained through fabrication and installation. D. Aluminum Shect Where indicated, provide aluminum sheet complying with ASTM B 209, Alloy 3003, Temper Hl4. E. Uncoated carbon steel shall comply with ASTM A569, hot rolled steel sheet. 2.1 MISCELLANEOUSDUCTWORKMATERIALS: A. General: Provide miscellaneous materials and products of types and sizes indicated and, where not othcrwise indicated, provide type and size required to comply with ductwork syslem requirements including proper connection of ductwork and equipmenl. B. Fittings: Provide radius type fittings fabricated of multiple sections with maximum l5 deg. change of direction per section. Unless specifically detailed otherwise, use 45 deg. latemls and 45 deg. elbows for branch takeoff connections. Where 90 deg. branches are indicated, provide conical typ€ tees. C. Duct Liner: Fibrous glass, complying with Thermal Insulation Manufacturers Association (TMA) AHC-101; of thickness indicated. l Unless otherwise noted, provide I " thick, l -1l2 lb density, fiberglass duct liner meeting ASTM C1071 Type I, NFPA 90A and 90B and TIMA (AHC- l0l ) with minimum NRC (noise reduction coefficient) of 0.70 as tested per STM C 423 using an "A" mounting with minimum "K" factor of 0.25. Lining shall be U.L. approved, made from flame attenuated glass fiber bonded with a thermosetting resin with acrylic smooth surface treatment and factory applied edge coating. Materials shall conform to revised NFPA No. 90A Standards, with a maximum flame spread of 25 and maximum smoke development of 50. 2. Provide rigid plenum liner board where indicated. Rigid tiner shall be [1", I -l12", 2"] thick, 3 pounds per cubic foot, glass fiber bonded with thermosetting resin, with an acrylic coating, conforming to NFPA 90 and ASTM Cl07l. a. Schuller/ManvillePermacoteLinacousticR-300. D. Duct Liner Adhesive: Comply with ASTM C 916 "Specifications for Adhesives for Duct Thermal Insulation". E. Duct Liner Fasteners: Comply with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Article 52.l l. F. Duct Sealant: Non-hardening, non-migrating mastic or liquid elastic sealant, type applicable for fabrication/ installation detail, as compounded and recommended by manufacturer specifically for sealingjoints and seams in ductwork. All PVC coated exhaust ductwork shall be ssaled with an approved chemical resistant sealant as manufactured by Foremost Co. PCD No. 8 duct sealer and wrap with hardcast tape. For outdoor ductwork, sealant shall also be U.V. resistant and weather resistant. G. Ductwork Support Materials: Except as otherwise indicated, provide hot-dipped galvanized steel fasteners, anchors, rods, straps, trim and angles for support of ductwork. The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail. Colorado I June 2006 158914 SECTION 15891 METAL DUCTWORK I. For exposed stainless steel ductwork, provide matching stainless stsel support materials. 2. For aluminum ductwork, provide aluminum support materials except where materials are electrolytically separated from ductwork. Flexible Ducts: Flexible air ducts shall be listed under UL-l 8l standards as Class I Air Duct Material and shall comply with NFPA Standards 90A and 908. Minimum operaling pressure rating shall be 6" W.C. lhrough a temperature range of -20o to l50T; minimum working velocity rating shall be 4000 f.p.m. Contractor shall assume responsibility for supplying material approved by the authority having jurisdiction. l. All insulated flexible ducts shall be constmcted ofa metalized ripstop reinforced laminate inner core, l" thick,3/4 lb. density fiberglass insulation with "C" factor of 0.23 or less and an outer jacket mape exclusively offire retardant reinforced aluminized material. a. Flexmaster Type 5M. 2. All/Where shown on drawings flexible duct shalt be rated for sound attenuation. lnner core shall be black CPE supported by a galvanized steel helix, with l" C:.23 or less insulation and metalized reinforced outer iacket. Sound attenuation shall be as scheduled below: a. Flexmaster Type 8M 3. Non-insulated flexible ducts shall be constructed from dead soft aluminum sheet. spiral corrugated, or aluminum construction over a steel spring helix. I Duct Take OffFittings: Provide conical spin-in fittings at flexible or round sheet metal duct takeoffs. Where specifically shown on drawings, where the duct dimension does not allow for a conical spin-in, or at Contractor's option, provide 45" inlet rectangular to round duct take offfittings, with factory applied gasket. Flttings downstream ofair terminals shall include butterfly type manual volume damper with end bearings, regulator, and locking device. l. Rectangular to round take-offfitting: Flexmaster STO or equivalent by approved manufaclurer. J. All fasteners and hardware for stainless steel ductwork shall be made of stainless steel. 2.4 FABRICATION: A. Fabricate ductwork in 4,8, 10 or 12-ft lengths, unless otherwise indicated or required to complete runs. Preassemble work in shop to greatest extent possible, so as to minimize field assembly of systems. Disassemble systems only to extent necessary for shipping and handling. Match- mark sections for reassembly and coordinated installation. B. Fabricate ductwo* of gauges and reinforcement complying with SMACNA "HVAC Duct Construction Standards". Minirnum 26 GA where ducts are within corridors. Metal Ductwork 1589f -5 The ArraBelle at Vail Square ASI lm Vril, Colorado I June 2006 H. INSERTION LOSS, PER IO'SI,C TION, ZE,RO FLOW Octave Band 12s 250 500 1000 2000 4000 rL (dB) 8" dia. t_l -tl Jb -tJ 38 2I SECTION 1s891 METALDUCTWORK C. Where the standard allows the choice of extemal reinforcing or intemal tie rods, only the external reinforcing options shall be used. D. If manufacturer flangejoining systems arc used as part of tlre rcinforcing, the EI rating and rigidity class shall be equivalent to the reinforcing requirements of the standard. Submit manufacturer's product data. E. Aluminum duct shall be fabricated using the aluminum thickness equivalence table in the standard. Simply increasing the thickness by two gauges is not acceptable. F. Fabricate duct fittings to match adjoining ducts, and to comply with duct requir€ments as applicable to fittings. Except as otherwise indicated, fabricate elbows with center-line radius equal to I .5 times the associated duct width; and fabricate to include tuming vanes in elbows where shorter radius is necessary. Limit angular tapers to 30 deg. for contracting tapers and 20 deg. for expanding tapers. Divided flow finings shall be 45o inlet branches, stationary splitters and elbows, or as shown on drawings. G. Fabricate ductwork with accessories installed during fabrication to the greatest extent possible. Refer to Division- 15 section "Ductwork Accessories" for accessory requirements. All exhaust ductwork accessories (including dampers, tuming vanes, access doors, etc.) shall be Heresite or PVC coated. All stainless steel ductwork shall have stainless steel accessories (including dampers, turning vanes. access doors, etc.) construction. H. Fabricate ductwork with duct liner in each section of duct where indicated. Laminate liner to intemal surfaces of duct in accordance with instructions by manufacturers of lining and adhesive, and'fasten with mechanical fasteners. Provide sheet metal nosing on all leading edges preceded by unlined duct, at duct openings, and at fan or terminal unit connections. 2.5 LOW PRESSIIRE ROT]ND DUCTWORK: A. Material: Galvanized sheet steel complying with ASTM A 527, lockforming quality, with ASTM A 525, G90 zinc coating, mill phosphatized. Spiral lockseam constnrction. Individual runouts to diffusers may be longitudinal seam. B. Gauge: 28-gauge minimum for round and oval ducts and fittings,4" through 24" diameter. Minimum 26 gauge where ducts are within a conidor. C. Elbows: One piece construction for 90 deg. and 45 deg. elbows 14" and smaller. Provide multiple gore construction for larger diameters with standing seam circumferentialjoint. Radius to centerline shall be 1.5 times duct diameter. Spot welded and bonded construction. D. Divided Flow Fittings: 90 deg. rees, constructed with branch spot welded and bonded lo duct fitting body, or saddle tap fitting, with minimum 2" flange shaped to fit main duct. 2.6 MEDIUM AND HIGH PRESSI.]RE ROI.JND AND FLAT OVAL DUCTWORK: A. General: Provide factory-fabricated duct and fittings. B. Duct gauges given below are minimum values; in no case shall the duct gauge be less than recommended by SMACNA for the operation pressures of the systems shown on the drawings, (both positive and negative pressures), including proper re-enforcement. Metal Ductwork ASI 190 The ArraBelle at Veil Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 15891-6 C. D. sEcTroN ls89r E. METALDUCTWORK Elbows: One piece construction for 90 deg. and 45 deg. elbows 14" and smaller. Provide multiple gore construotion for larger diameters with standing seam circumferential joint. Radius to centerline shall be 1.5 times duct diameter. Fully welded consffuction. Divided Flow Fittings: Full body fittings with solid welded construction or solid welded saddle tap fittings with a minimum 2" flange shaped to fit the main duct. Provide conical laterals, conical tees, 45" inlet tees, wye fittings, or as shown on drawings. Straight tap tees shall not be used. Round Ductwork: Construct of galvanized sheet steel complying with ASTM A 527 by the following methods and in minimum gauges listed. i.Provide locked seams lor spiral duct; fusion-welded butt seam for longitudinal seam duct. Provide lnternal stiffener rings and external reinforcement as required to meet operating static pressures scheduled on drawings. Fittings And Couplings: Construct ol minimum gauges listed. Provide continuous welds along seams. F. Flat-Oval Ductwork: Construct of galvanized sheet steel complying with ASTM A 527, of spiral lockseam constl uction, in minimum gauges listed. Diameter Minimum Gause Method of Manufacture 26 Spiral Lockseam 15" to 26"24 Soiral Lockseam 27" to 16"Soiral Lockseam 37" to 50"20 Spiral lockseam 5l" to 60"l8 Spiral Lockseam Over 60"16 Longitudinal Seam l8 Spiral Lockseam Diaineter Minimum Gauge 3" to 14".lA 15" to 26"22 28" ro 50"20 52" to 60"t8 Over 62"16 Maximum Width Minimum Gause Metal Ductwork ASI I9O The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail. Colorado I June 2006 15891-7 G. sEcrroN 1s891 METALDUCTWORK 1. Fittings and Couplings: Construct of minimum gauges listed. Provide continuous weld along seams. Intemally Insulated Duct and Fittings: Construct with outer pressure shell, I " thick insulation layer, and perforated inner liner. Constmct shell and liner of galvanized sheet steel complying with ASTM A 527, of spiral lockseam construction, use longitudinal seam for over 59", in minimum gauges listed. l. Fittings and Couplings: Construct of minimum gauges listed. Provide continuous weld along seams ofouter shell. Inner Liner: Perforate with 3/32' holes for 22o/o open area. Provide metal spacers welded in position to maintain spacing and concentricity. 2. Metal Ducfwork ASI 190 The ArraBelle at Veil Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 25" to 48"22 49" to70"20 Over 70"18 (or 16 GA. Longitudinal welded seam) Maximum Width Minimum Gauge Under 37"20 37" to 59"l8 Over 59"l6 Nominal Duct Diameter Outer Shell Inner Liner 3" to 12"26 ga.26 Sa. 13" to 24"24 ga.26 ga. 25" to 34"22 ga.26 ga. 35" to 48"2O ga.26 ga. 49" to 62"l8 ga,26 ga. Over 62"18 ga.22s. Nominal Duct Diameter Outer Shell Inner Liner 3" to 34"20 ga.24 ga. 36" to 48"2O ga.22 ga. 50" to 58"18 ga.1) oz Over 58"16 ga.22 ga. 15891-8 PART3 EXECUTION C. Metal Ductwork ASt 190 SECTION 15891 METAL DUCTWORK 5.1 ).2 INSPECTION: General: Examine areas and conditions under which metal ductwork is to be installed. Do not proceed with work until Unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected INSTALLATION OF METAL DUCTWORK: Duct Sealing: l. Seal all low pressure ducts to SMACNA Seal Class ,'B',. 2. Seal all medium and high pressure ducts to SMACNA Seal Class "A". General: Assemble and install ductwork in accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve air-tight and noiseless (no objectionable noise) systems, capable of performing each indicated service. lnstall e4ch run with minimum number of.joints. Align ductwork accurately at connections, within 1/8" misalignment tolerance and with intemal surfaces smooth. support ducts rigidly with suitable ties, braces, hangers and anchors oftype which will hold ducts true-to-shape and to prevent buckling, popping! or compressing. Support vertical ducts at every floor. Construct ductwofk to schedule of operating pressures as shown on drawings. Insens: lnstall concrete inserts for support ofductwork in coordination with formwork, as required to avoid delays in wdrk. Field Fabrication: Complete fabrication ofwork at project as necessary to match shop-fabricated work and accommodate installation requirements. Routing: Locate duclwork runs, excepl as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally and avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. Locate runs as indicated by diagrams, details and noations or, if nol otherwise indicated, run ductwork in shorlest route which does not obstruct useable space or block access for servicing building and its equipment. Hold ducts close to walls, overhead construction, colurnns, and othef structural and permanent enclosure elements of building. Limit clearance to l/2" where furring is shown for enclosure or concealment of ducts, but allow for insulation thickness, if any. Where possible, locate insulated ductwork for l" clearance outside of insulation. Wherever possible in finished and occulied spaces, conceal ductwork from view, by locating in mechanical shafts, hollow rvall construction or above suspended ceilings. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions. excepr as specifically shoryn. C<rordinate layout with suspended ceiling and lighting layouts and similar finished work. Electrical Equipmdnt Spaces: Do not route ductwork through transformer vaults and their electrical equipment spaces and enclosures. Slope shower', locker room, and high moisture ductwork down to air device. Penetrations: Wheie ducts pass through fire rated walls and do not contain fire or smoke dampers, protect with fire stop material installed in accordance with its listing. Where ducts pass through interior pa(itions or exteriqr walls, and ale exposed to view, conceal space between construction opening and duct or duct insulation with sheet metal flanges of same gauge as duct. overlap opening on all four sides by at least 1-l12". Fasten to duct only. where ducts penetrate non-fire rated, mechanical, electrical or acoustically sensitive walls, provide l/2" to 3/4" annular space between duct and wall, pack annular space with mineral wood insulation, and caulk both sides with non-hardenins acoustical sealant. B. D. E, F. c. H The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail. Colorado I June 2006 IsE9l-9 sEcTroN 15891 METALDUCTWORK J. Coordination: Coordinate duct installations with installation ofaccessories, dampers, coil frames, equipment, controls and other associated work of ductwor* system. K. Installation: Install metal ductwork in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards and Industrial Constructi on Standards. L. Temporary Closure: At ends of ducts which are not connected to equipment or air distibution devices at time of ductwork installation, provide temporary closure of polyethylene film or other covering which will prevent entrance ofdust and debris until time connections are to be completed. 3.3 INSTALLATIONOFDUCTLINER: A. General; Install duct liner in accordance with SMACNA IIVAC Duct Construction Standards. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF FLEXIBLE DUCTS: A. Maximum Length: For any duct run using flexible ductwork, do not exceed 5' - 0". B. Installation: Install in accordance with Section III of SMACNA's. "HVAC Duct Construction Standards. Metal and Flexible". 3,5 GREASEEXHAUSTDUCTS: A. Install in accordance with Uniform Mechanical Code, NFPA 96, and local modifications to those codes. Connect to hoods in accordance with the hood manufacture/s listing. B. Horizontal duct less than 75 feet in one run shall be pitched at l/4" per foot towards the hood or a drain point. Those portions over 75 feet shall be pitched at 1" per foot. C. See drawings for enclosure requirements. l. See Section 15250 for blanket type fire rated enclosure. 2. See Division 07000 for shaft wall enclosure systems. 3. Install duct so a minimum of 3" and a maximum of 12" is maintained between duct and enclosure. D. Use no turning vanes, tie rods. dampers or other internal structures which will collect grease. All changes in direction shall be made with radiused fittings. E. Provide cleanouts as follows: L Cleanouts shall be installed in the side or top ofthe duct. whichever is more accessible. 2. When installed on the side, the bottom of the opening shall be a minimum of I-l/2 above the bottom of the duct. 3. Ducts serving hoods with integral fire dampers shall have a clean out opening with l8" of the collar. 4, Horizontal ducts shall either have one opening large enough for personnel entrance or minimum 12" x 6" openings at 12' intervals. Metal Ductwork ASI 190 The ArreBelle Nt VNil Squrre Vail. Colorado I June 2006 t5E9l-10 sEcTroN r589r METALDUCTWORK 5' Vertical ducts shall either have one opening at the top large enough for persomel entrance and descent or a minimum 12', x 6" openings at every floor. 6. Openings shall have a flanged frame, extending 1" offthe duct wall. Closure panels shall be attached to the flange by means ofthreaded studs welded to the flange, protruding through holes in the panel and fastened by means of wing nuts. Provide "Fiber Frax" or equivalent high temperature (1500"F) rope type gasket bonded to either the gasket or panel. 7. Provide access doors in the enclosure at all cleanouts. a. Use UL listed methods for blanket type fre rated enclosures. See Section 15250. b. Use UL listed fire rated access doors in shaft wall enclosures. See Section 15050. F. Grease duct bracing and supports shall be of noncombustible material securely aftached to the structure and designed to carry gravity and seismic loads with the stess limitations ofthe International Building Code. Bolts, screws, rivets and other mechanical fasteners shall not Denetrate duct walls. 3.6 EQTIIPMENTCONNECTIONS: A. General: Connect metal ductwork to equipment as indicated, provide flexible connection for each ductwork connection to equipment mounted on vibration isolators. and/or equipment containing rotating machinery. Provide access doors where required for service, maintenance and inspection of ducrwork accessories. See section 15910. 3.7 ADruSTING AND CLEANING: A. Clean ductwork internally, unit by unit as it is installed, of dust and debris. Clean external surfaces of foreign substances. Where ductwork is to be painted clean and prepare surface for painting. B. Protection: l. Store duct a minimum of4" above ground or floor to avoid damage from weather or spills. 2. Cover all stored ducts to protect from moistur.e or debris. 3. Cover all ends of installed ductwork at the end of each workday or when dust and debris producing construction (such as fire proofing, drywall, sanding, or core drilling) is occurring. C' Ductwork contaminated or damaged above "shop" or "mill" conditions shall be cleaned, repaired or replaced to the Engineer's satisfaction. I . Ductliner pre-installed in stored duct which has become wet may be installed if first allowed to completely dry out. 2. Ductliner in installed ductwork which has become wet must be completely removed and replaced. 3. Torn ductliner may be repaired by coating with adhesive ifdamage is minor and isolated, Extensively damaged liner shall be replaced back to a straight cutjoint. D. Balancing: Refer to Division-I5 section "Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing" for air distribution balancing of metal ductwork; not work of this section. Seal anv leaks in ductwork that become apparent in balancing process. Metal Ductwork ASI 190 The ArraBelle at Vail Square Vail, Colorado I June 2006 r589r-11