HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNBURST FILING 3 LOT 2 FALL RIDGE COMMON (2)NOTE: rHrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-47*2'139 t. 970.479.2452 inspections. 97 0.479.21 49 Permit #: M08-0281 *m OWNER FALLRIDGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 11/04/2008 1650 E VAIL VALLEY DR VAILco 81657 APPLICANT R & H MECHANICAL LLC 11t04t2008 Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGLE co 81631 License: 184-M CONTRACTOR R & H MECHANICAL LLC 111041200A Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGLE co 81631 License: 184-M Desciption: INSTALL SNOWMELT SYSTEM lN DRIVEWAY, BOILER, cAS PIPING Valuadon: S19,215.00 UMMARYrlsfi'* Mechanical Permit Fee--> $400.00 Will Call------> 34.00 Total Calculaled Fees--> Plan Check-----------> $100.00 Use Tax Fee---> $184.30 Additional Fees------>Investigalion--------; 9400.00 TOTAL PERIiIIT FEE---> Total Calculated Fees-> $1,088.30 Paym€nts----*----> BALANCE DUE---.--> MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF JobAddress: 1650 VAIL VALLEY DRVAIL Location.....: FALLRIDGECONDOSDRIVEWAY Parcef No...: 210109102012 Project #: PRJ08-0627 Status...: ISSUED Applied.. , 1110412008 lssuod. . i 11114t2008 Exoires . ,: 05/13/2009 $1,08E.30 $0.00 $1,088.30 $1,088.30 lo.oo APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/0412008 JLE Action: CR NEED BETTER OETAIL OF BOILER INSTALLATION, VENTING, GAS PIPING, EQUIPMENT CUT SHEETS. CALLED DAVE @R&H 471.5672. DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE PERMITS CAN BE ISSUED. 11/1412008 cgunion Action: AP APPROVED REVISED SUBMITTAL CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 'I O OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG,): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG,): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST, UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED lN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SI-IALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED mechcanicaLpermit_04 1 908 MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIOUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004,6. REOUESTS AM'4tZ{ DECI-ARATIONS I hareby acknofll€dge that I have read this application, fillgd out in full thc intormation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state thal all the informalion as required is conec{. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tolvn ordinancos and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intsrnational Building and R€sidential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE IIIADE ]{W-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( €\M(ll-tq-08 Pfint Name mechcanballoermit_il 1 908 * * * * * * 'i * * 'a {' * i + i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'i * 't' * *** * * * * * * * *t * * * * * * * * * *,t**'t*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ri * * * | * t * t * * '* 't * * * * * t ***t ****************************'|'|.:rr'r*,rt t ***** ******* * l.***** ** *** **** 'l* | 'tStatenent Number: R080002185 Amount.: $1,088.30 tI/I4/200811:53 AM Paymene Method: MECHANICAL Check Init: SAB Notation: 14482 R&H PermiE No: Parcel No: SiEe Address : Location: This Palment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code M08 - 0281 2rol-o9L-020L-2 1650 VAI], VAI,LEY DR VAII, FAI,],RTDGE CONDOS DRIVEWAY De s cript ion Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT ToEaI Fees: Total AIJL PmES: Balance: $1,088.30 * * * t * *:l 't {' * * * * * ** * * * * * {' * * t * + * + + * * + * * * * * rr* t******ti** t t * * + * * + * + * * + * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * $r., 088.30 $1,088.30 $0.00 Current PmLs MP 0 010 0 0 031r.110 0 PF 00100003112300 PN 001000 03 r.s3 000 uT t"100000310 5000 }lc 00100003L12800 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PI.AN CHECK FEES INVESTIGATION FEE (BI,DG) usE TAX 4t WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 400.00 100.00 400.00 l-84 . 3 0 4.00 DW c{ft^nt rnt*xcA AT p\i c'c{*r m incon'cPkrc \,Uo, ta $aur+{A wloyu.as Gt\od )u,rc Ul*bf ? r1; i;i I fi' OF VAI iHX'i: PEHiliif rppt-r cari Mcchanical Room Lavost dralYn to scate to include: J Mechanical Room Dimens'ong J- Combustion Air Duct Slz€ and Location Z FIue, Venl and Ges Line Size and Locatron U i q Heat Loss Calculations 7 EquiPment Cut i SPec Sheets Pro,ect Addrest lrogo Va,rl Vatte^1 Dr Contractor Informallon B0ilding Permit #:;J;;il;;,@ Datallgd DesctiPtion of worK: lntW Complete Valustion foy' Proiect # company Addtess:{L] Owner NEme: r.alvr,.eagte co u n ty, usy'p atia) tlo Crty:st^t{2-zP'9lv7l 5w cono"t N"".-", !bt\ t"nl..errlL,t "on"orn LW) ?i-9.- ?)A\c"u, lvlachanical S Work class: New ( ) Addilion 0() Remodel ( ) Boller Location: lnterior ( ) Exterior t1J Repair ( ) olher ( ) Olher ( ) Noffype Exlstlng Flteplacee: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Psllel ( ) No/rype Proposed FirePlaces; Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( Building TyF: Single'Family ( ) Two-FamilY ( commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) ) Multi-Family Other ( ) IttcPntt- Date Rec€ivedi EGEit v7r,= i_,' '13 2[]flg TOWN OF VAIL fur6 Legal DessriPtion: Lot # V'Co^l, Archltect ( ) Designer( ) Englneer ( ) Name: Phone: FEx: E-Mail: td i9ll'0[rt/llNV.illf,i 'ttu ^dEi re E00Z 'i '^o\ , o "rt, 1-t._ i t .i" J 7: i\. c,,,.L. I,,n sr-!t I- JUI t0o,ooo Brut J qA eLcr Dcck, S--;..J-c".*V.,..-t-+--.-..13-..-.l-c..t-,-..- 7 'l{,0 l9ll'0N tvilNV|1)lhl |1lu ndE[:z 8002 '[ '^0N Ilr/09/200U THU l3r 39 PAx a0ol/002 P.O. Eox 4870 &ds, CO 81631 Plr 90-32.91734 Fe\97tr32&1ru Tot Ad&6t: Fafildstbrddrf|rm 1650 tullUgE nd 1/U, CO 816r/ 6nhe Mailr ?honc| 'fr5.l{50 F!r! 47ffi9/tl Pqlcctllrffi: f,fidocctiocP'orcd Prrolctt LoortUmr 1550 F[ld0s Rd, Val, @ Dld tlunban Eld Drlo: 9124l&6 M ffi Ittn * n"r,* n"D3rotPuon I RmoE3hdtltoflc9h*And3bdt sof 600'00 SF $412 +4472'00 Rord EerDlttrl ffiof qnge4ptoq 6msf.2 ltEtdcflil[Wm@ryRfil !4edr.[E] Amlq. 500 sF. ttdudes ftlcdmc hr3 ffittl Elderq Boikt, r o|q,{fig Rmp, r egotlto|t Tilft lnd lF Elnlr|ht hd6g+ f TcnPailr{Pnsrc 6ry.' f tns fffi, I Llstr 665 $tov, Am lE Dth.br And EldtlEl cottodqr. 3 ftflrr, Po|rAld mrfi 6 ffi ot colEeb P'|rgq.50SF. { Pdrltad( 6NEtrAs9hdt&b{emlhm Pu| Atd Ia old Painett, lptrs, 1(x, sF. 5 OpU0r! RirDw 3 l|dtsot Aephr[ Afil 3 Indr€ tr Rod &t/dft lh Gtlgt EIFltre aopld. cl2 sF 6 Qooni lbmr, Foulld llilift6lililf Of Conqlb lgF 612 SF lh GmDa Brrdta llotrr: Prymmt Tennr: Pf rOWN OF VAIL 500.00 5F $38.€ 119'zt5.m 5@.00 5F 700 10t{ 5r,m sF qt2,00 $ ToblPilcotrsova 11150 |7,zB.oo Il(|nrt ltlSrldJl $r150 *?22,S1 flo.r5 $s,750.00 $2,2O5r 16,60{.40 Tobl Bld ?d6:____j&a'?1 'o|vrrr b ptQvld. rG m Ctr lbl ooSudoo ot$s. .llry hch3 x| 0t! nsorEFaHot hr orncdq[Ff cp(t$nUYE. PtlCO docs nlt hdu& dsim ot u0lurr f tEod' . El6,ath[B Ott glcal l'. 9r!9.r. (l'ahre6. $s clr{ tloT cYeffiIt rty wclc rithod a6 sbr|! frf dr.ltEa .lrn(bcDhl rxl nEabtlnr orr cnildd' . FunI& lb6tn hrt ild tRvsm cduhtl. .PrttDoESl{Ot h<ldc$lnbwfisu,t tfrlrqddmt' E il bredng tm.tt gt'|Itlbr rny !ryhdt pathg c ffi6d;'6tniaai-aiui il ts c rv ceencr veu. To Ds &btilned Dda b prrlm' P.Im!r|t duo rtu{n fS dlyt of tlb of lnvoh!, rtgidhrc d rda pfrntnt b nilh by Offi AGPTEDt tha abrn plcr+ rprdllceuom nd ondltlo|E r]! $tffiory rrd al! hftby acclPhd. ore*rcclntrJ, 'Zf / o 9A{200! {dcft il ?.rrdt u)902/ o9z LgiUrl /.vvd rdv rJ! Jy lAx CONDiTIONS l. Thlg rgrrcDont tt betwcrn-ortBcr or Olinel'r R4Prllc|lcil urr B&B Ercrvefing rnc. ncrd$ rttlt ffqd-1-T-l^Y: , ib-i-nJ* rt!|-rorsa altt fotlowlag rborc guole drtlr+i€FFru+ur,|Er.|lEr!=!- my rara tora rvhicb "r, oul-ii iil"'E lt.r.rnflot, vrraJrnirrctutc rrd rre collcctrd estlc stltuturt mta$ 3. Ddivcry of producE or Perfor4rnce ofslrYiccr heEtn quotcd lre subicct to dehyr occrsioncd "' iv arJ;1,g6tf t:ryi.H rTl*.ffi:hHrttfil to urstebre subgrade ood / or condldons d. B&E rhdl Dot b' rdDolll! 'l#Hm$'#Ifu*i"i:iir.flS'J#:*'ifr$#ff'*l*lls:fr"r,*1ffi$&Hiiicl'-n'ui"a"'c'd"'Y,' arrrmr r5ncnrmcxfifie or re'4 on it . o"Pddt-ttttG' Fo0*" to poy rccordl4 to tlr: ternr bcrnrttb * '*i;t dfro t"iit rntootha rt8lcd hstctD 'r rctl !6 Go6rr of collacllon, hrcludtng tot loli;t'dT' oitoo'tl" ouo-ov fect ud Court cortr c.iii,*iriir.r.';*'";$d$Sg$ffi $ru*'.i;fi lf,tfr ffi "',*ilrH,."T*H#uffi,$;ffi f;,ffi."ffiTlc Prrtlcr uulcrtrndg oRT[ARRAlrf IoIgll|j:|U.::^^H,".:*;;;;;;r'iiororro.rurtn"rshlp,whlcliiii -tlis*nrt* thsll be ltottcrt io rErdr 0r rcI ottn' tt Drove! to B&B roLt' ffii?tci"J3iq-qtt* qdofedivcworkmeurblPtnd or nittrtals murt bc -c. rnT#diitJIC'r-ituo oot rttr ttom tbc rtrte of ilellvery of fta mrrrrlels or gcrfornencc "iiilfrif" lallrro to nodfi rhrn *ordntc I tuu conplse' rnd uncoudtdonst rctsltmce of untrrtb-Ntl rto,*^q:l9wrcr' r. ii-. or on, * ri,l t-'q'&-;; nlu'sornt to tvotu Hffi;.1:'H:ii ffi ;]" il;d;; crronl lv ti o'"'r'T-{*:"d}t-T-1 uuuucs, ur r.lr "dnffi,Hil ffi.ll#Si*;nval-* ry'. i:f"1#"ffi*T;'dil'T";ry*'^11.t#Hlfi *:Tm"ff h?;'i*n"" lffifri'ff #*' ffiffi;m*risim***ruru*n tte Eolccathrll b"uo"itTilllrr .otg1' l-clTt! ordet It r rrlttcn ordrr b contrrcror rlgnea ul ,m'6iliGi t i-oa "rr." tL ceciron ortl. egcsasnt' rultor&fug e Cln4chthcpr";*to1)iit:"iJi"frtotrouttrt-p-J"-*iutc-oor"nttrtnruschedule' rbr Luop sum uo ,. di""ili'diiiiJ.l"r" ri"u-t '"ctrlrblv rdJ*&d bt clusc order unon drtrn by cttbcr p*iiit *illi-r r..r-oro tnc iG tta nrir ou*r"tton ol rnt of tGa.fo[owtry ondtlo*. Li6.*r.d onttuoru arc cucoutqcd h thr Pcrtortrucc qf tbe il*-iJJuo,o,"-"SHSh.Xmn:1ffi i',H'il5;"*fl1ff ,o"*, smlstun rr. lt t.lrthtrcc llltll ue cDBqurour ruuru'', re- :'.:=;: .;.F"ci of thc lrcmd rnd or furdrhrd ldorm"d!* "l uli il*liys- oottuons Ldov thc rurfac. of thc 8rcItr' conccdrd or unlsroro Joiiili'lr, in'orrtrorsto.r.t o[ ln unruul nrrurc d[[crrng Esr,,ld tlom tho" o'ariffi;ft;;"i Stttolt ;Ltttttd rs tnhcrrni ls rvorr' o( thc ,r.;Hffi $Hi*Hffit'fr'.f ,fi AftT;otroorvcdshdrbodcddrrtb.vco*tor ' " ii5. v"-. cb.n be lr EaSlo Courrty ColoTdo' - -^ -, - rr. il'iil-t"r*l.itiri n' tJiii' pnvtln" ynlcssrgr:cil ro tn nlltlns It. rrnc tor coopldlol' Dd;;ffiJ;iG tJ utittt * totpiitt olt*t- rs roor rr pe:lblo '-' ilil;ih;-b.iptanory tct ro"ttt ir rrrldlg' iE ,/ri l.; lt \\ 7 ;: L-E i'-. L 'u L'- :^' ,C1?MB df,s rcfcrttd to tl ''^flt$; I:',". ,it , --'i , I b St, it".li t ",t V, i'\ a,i,i-. J'rs+.ll l'Jtll loo,ooo i3TuJ kftc.(-orDcck, t^.1 -)-i cf, c._U_c_rt*__f3 oJ t-S l't+" I r vV+rf h,+!r f/\r,"\tf ts&n 1 YY' Q5lr*'1,