HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE WESTHAVEN COMMON 1 LEGALCasccrdc \n\\c'1 e- ^,f<AA; sir.*'€n Conclo il\i\4 t \rtryls 9te;lleJPPrtat'l J.L. Viele Construction. Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road \flest, Suite 202 Vail, Colorado 81657 Tele 970.47 6.3082 F* 970.476.3423 www.vieleconsrrucrion,com September 13,2005 Matt Gennett, Planner Town of Vail Deparftient of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Westhaven Condominiums, Building Permit #805-0219 Dear Matt: Attached is a proposal for restoring the Westhaven Condominiums site to a natural state including grading, topsoil import and hydro mulch with native grass seed. Please let me know if you need additional information. bulhaber Sep. I , 2005 9:56Alv1 L0NGS 1Ol{OT il(cAl1fffl.0t{. ilc FROM: Long's Excavatio4 Inc. DATE: August 31,2M5 RE:WESTIIAVEN CONDO'S Long's Excawation" Inc. is pleased to offer the following price for work included on the above project The quote is based on rec{riming the lot and rcvegetation }YORKINCT-,UDED: 1. Mobilization I Ls. ofMobilizrtion @ $ Sfi|,flf per= $ s00.00 2. Regrede lot with on-site dirt and topsoil for rwegetetiou (D4 dvnr l0 hrs, , supewisor I hour, topsoil I0 loads,) 1 Lr. ofRegrade @ $ no bid per=$ 31565.00 $ 2f00.00 TOTAL BID FORPROJECT $ 6,865.00 ,"LTilW ng's Excavation lirc. No.0l05 P, 2 3 Revegetation 1 lump o u:o of Erosion Control @ 2,E00.fi1 pcr - Jun 13 05 1O:lSa RLP I NE ENGINEERING 37032633s|0 p- 1 ENGINEERING INC Edwards thrsiness Center P.O- Box 97, I-idwalds, CO 81632 PH: (970) 926-3373 FAX: (970) 926-3390 IA| ,llz To: Co: Fax #: To: Co: Fax #: To: Co: Fax #: Co- @""-ittg thi-. FAx pl.ot" "oll y'*ry o, L'"rd^ "r 926-337, Number of Pages (inclurJing cover sheet): Transmilted: for approval for rev iew and cornmen FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION:l)ate: Tinre : Job: 'l'o: Co: Fax #: To: Co: Pax #: Tu: Co: Fax #: Froul: t-enta ttl*terz +?b - &uD reviewed for your use rrlhcr as requested -l €_vtg t*"'d t Remarks: f 'va ;zmq,rco me tlhcrry 4ntout* I Conlldcntielity StatemeDl; This facsimile transmission and any occompanyinE docunrcnts contain information belouging to the sender which may be confidential and lcgally privilegcd. This information is intended ouly for the uso ofthe individual or cutity to whom this faosinrilc transnrissiorr was sclll as irrtlir:atcd above. Ifyou are nol the intcndcd recipient, any disclosure, cnpying, tlistribution or ac(ion taken in reliance on the contents of the information contained in thc frcsirnile is s(rictly prohibited. Ifyou have received this transmission in error, please call us oollect lo arrange for the return oftlre documcnts to us at our expsnse. Thank you. Jun 13 (l5 1O:19a HLPINE ENGINEERING 97()g|263330 f,;gnq9ptr elto p.2 hJer*nu,cr-' 11! pq q** ro ven:u'urh..r.# ffi;- " vEir F rc ^t o N !.16 oto lo yc?ifr 3ortqi tvrlahlr.:ig?.Hfigtgf,*Htffil . qWEgT 070.tt,1.0?tt(t r)gotlutclr: ' Axthndtoilb4illtr i a#,lgttlo1 w@ rlrttffi iil'1ilffii6;i";- hEn t or t2rofrolroa --6r--- +r++m;66.r!106 6hrrp to.3ta.Ozsr o5ff5i,1i?'JiJf*uFtc^'qrllad: Ritr ib rot }IOLY CRO39 ELECTRtC oro.ore.csoo (od 0t0.t{9.0!9? (rct) oro.ore.csoo (oi1Conoct:*rtl*IEeVm^ EXCELIIIERGII 0to.toaaolo (16r, QAIrctl: t$ Aogrrt OfO.262AUla 4m Ohool S?olll,aoo;l EAGLERIVSR WATER.6At{tt^Ytor{ Dtsttrtct eto.rm.74so (tdl oro.rrs,.roco (tti) oont*t: pnd hadEo cotnc sTcAiLE s70.049. te:a I r r2 l|.tl 070.0t9,913r {rr|rt - 'a"'illoffHiP lfQIl3:t. tl U. tr*rtt frotcrl C rrrriclrt.n lcni h.. sten fwlt ,ron caart of lho s.ltfy co'rrinia!. rnd no @ monts afgmo.h dkocilr on rho ro''. rha ?o''r wrriprli.rnifiiiiicil.Ji ;ro probro,,,t md'thc dan otosn Fr cr,, rrccoEc.*"""['lJtl'$r?.$Htrrff;$:yl" dih he F€po,ed coor.rurrion, j]-].,rv$p,*.nhd,n er..r aorc dracrr, on sf, nij#il*sI[]:L'1r*r;*gxHP#rtFr;ffi ffi it'#ffi*#i*r J, fher6 ysfillc;|l;o|tr .ro nct dk rpffirns.#*'#ffii##ffi,ffi ffi ffit+Hi$ffi $fu *, Ilt lHitffibfiTl1it d""ts lo tuD',|ll &t ,lybld d?rrftrs-r-ro lhr udr[cs to',G.epproerr.r rr.rrcritorrcn rf*ir,hii;;;,fi;.];il"ffiiff":[i.*'v 'rbr thc ruhorroc risnlhvs'6.r-ffi;io'rfifi] t*r*nvnorec Jun 13 OS 1O: ZOa BLP I TIE EiIG I }IEER I NG 9?O326339()p.3 Jason Cowlec Fromi Senh To: SubJoct: Sisneros, Richard J lrichard.6isneros@xcel€nergy.com] Friday, May 27, 2005 2:58 PM Jason Gowles FW: ROW review > -----Origi na l Me.ssage----- ) From: Sisneros, Richard J ) Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 2:54 PM) To: Tekavecr Dan> cci smith, Ron; Morris' Andrew J> subject: RoW revlew > lli Dan,> I have a developer wanting to encroach on oul pipeline RoW in Vail. Aft.er revlewj.ng his Plans i! sccms minimal but I wanted your input. Again, this is in VaiI,plat 598. tooks like docunent 73062 trom 19+69.t| to 2?.+70.2. Then. the 4rr HPG enters the CDOT ROW, document 103015, ftom 22+10-2 to 88+08-26. There had becn a concrcte founrlal-j ()n al.. Lhat locatlon prior to 1989. Now, there is a pLan to bulld new. hle've done sorne Locates with a soil.s testing servir::e (polholes) for impact. The current Pl'ans cal,I for boundary disturbance at the pipeline, then plans calf for a retai.rrint; wall at or about 2L+65.20 on the ROW boundary for about 15t. Another point of impact wor:]d be at or .ges1 ll+02.20 to 24+48.40 for a distancc of 110'+/-. This vrould be a cut of 72t I with 2S grade for a concrotc dralnage pan in the ROw, $outb of Pipeline. On the rewiew plans from Alpine Errgirreerirrg there Is adequate warnings for the contractor. Relocation of, a test :.eiO station may b. necessary. The tlti lity Approval arrd Verification Form has be€n slgned and returned "not approved" until I get wo!-d from ytttr' Thanks Dan, Ri ch, > Richard .T. S i sner-rrs > XceL Energy, lll9h Pressure Gas> Silverthorne Dj-strict, Southern oiwision 200 West Sixth Street .> Silverthorne, colorado 80498-L819 richard ' s isnerosGxcelenergy. com > 9'lO-26?-qO7 6 (o) 9?0-37r-9677(c) Jun 13 05 1O:ZOa JUil. 2.2005 7:3lAM ALPINE ENGINEERING ||oLY CRoSS tiltRoY s?os|263390 |||0. 942 p. + P, I +IOLY CROSS ENERGY rr.rgop.$ TO:oerc: 6 Z-o:r ,*o". Te{-F Vrrro^. 3799 HIGHWAY 82 - P.O. BOX 2150 GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81602 (970) 945-s49r FA,\ # (970) 94s-4081 Number of pages (lncluding this cov€r sheeo: 4 c.-,,- MESSAGE: Jun 13 OS 1O:2Oa Juil. 2. ?005 7:3lAM RLPINE ENGINEERING ll0tY cR0ss tirtRcY 37(]S263390 N0.942 P. 2 9.ctrtnfotr ol'o p.s UTILITY A?Ph,OVAL f VERIFICATION r trlt to'rnl $owes lo $criry $l't lhc ptlrsed hptovenrnE lvm nol.ihprct any Gris$ng or ltfopd3cd r ilily rcrvlccs,and r.io ro ycftfr' scrvtcc aualet|t|rl*rd lo€tdr ,o;,; ;;ili;;;_ ond rhod<t be uspd h con1y431136 s,;11,P.cFrstirxJ ye*r r itty dsn ond ldi.'rrrrhg ilt.lto$il, I lirli ii;..r*r,,c"g ore,t.g pto,r, 0cr pla.. rdcL.vrrionqsrr.-.tt to rubnrnrd ro ino toto*iae urtnr* E;;;;r;, iliii-riiilL,,on. A.urhpti:.cil'f;i0q!{.r AWESY : 070.35,1.0257(ar) Corrlrcls'€r5.-iF rilttJ!!! 6son Srrerp g7o,gtr l.OA30 E)CC!. Hrclt PRESSURE cAS 070.?63.,t07G (tc) C..turct: nidr Sb4c.og }IOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 070.$r9.5092 (roq 0t0-9c0.,1566 (irrlin*:l'su {lil *_" qHUe,- ##6)?;t :, EXCEL E ERSY 6-zas- 970,?6?.,10s8 (ar) Oorr(.!cL!i Kt Ad0orl 9?0.26?r'lo2{ J||n Olleol870.202.{00! EAqLE FIVER IYAIIR E sAI{ llAYtot{ DtstRtcr 070,{7o,7{0o (rar) 97o.rt76,4009 (r|r) Conleci.' Fr.C Harho SOMCASICASLE 970.949.122{ r lr? O.t) 970.9{9.913C lr!r)ftn'ifiJi#uFr TQTE5: 1. lt lho utitily approrrol {l vedncr[on fbrm htt dgttttufcs lrom cach ol lho rrtlity compania, lrtd no conr.}|ontr rrenndc d;,dcnv on rhe ro,n. rhc Town *ut crsruno -oari;ori iio no prolr;lnl r#ift;;;;L-fiii crn pro*.0. 3' ll utililv cotnfbtty has coflcStn! rdlh thc proporad conltructicn. thc uldily tcp,ose,'hdvo s6afi nolo 4.qdly onlho ulil y vcritic.elirn trrm tor thqi -b..e probhn tfr;ar nesOt f bc .6otvad, lhe isrrr" ,hootd lhen be dc{s ao innn allschdd buct !o thc Tc"+n ot \bil. 'Hqwsyrrr, ptcalc red in a*ra riir tr- i it;r;;ingiDititr ot rc urliryoornpJ^y and thc aeptcc^t to retctvo idcntit;cO probLha, - - --- 3 Thr-'3c vorifiGnlioal do not tslioYe-lho coittrctot ot th! rct roalibi y lg obtrin o hbllc wey pcrn*t trom tFrootrothrcQl ot Public work5 a! rht Town tl uir. vr,r,ri toc,,i5ii"*x.rrl-"bJri,!nt blr9re.diggho t4 aoy Fsbric rigtrl. ;l;::L.,:;""'o""4t e,iu{n rhc rown ot van. eb.uilifii-ii,,ilG'.ur_"Auicyyildii"r,i;n-dlri.q^r],.rd,red .IP-9:1"-.1:ft ': tquitcd. r)nd rgt .s lo slbtnil aat reylso.t orawingr to lhs utttitr'c. lor re{psrovot a io.rrcraticatcd i[lhc luu,!'lill'd ttlsN arc alietcd ln_ ant l*oY Dller lhi ruthorinc-rlgnslurc d.l. (untors olh€natss spcdficatty nolL-dwithin rhc c.mntont rral ol thls torm), Dav"lonar's Stgnalrrfa Fnga E ol rzlo.t/olloa Orta Jun 13 O5 1O:21a ALPINE ENGINEERING !|70926339tl JlJ.t 13 'O5 09:42 FR XCEL EtERtiY g'.lg 62 4038 T0 819?89263394 P,B1l41 o./-r'ty'^n / Gtau UTILt?Y IPPROVAI. t V!RtFlcAltON llriz 1616t t:crYl* lo ucdt ltFl lho.Prupa36d improvarn nlr wilr nol.iirract flv c-rbrino o. profrcacd t,t,tit), rc.rFcr.$nd i'..o lo vc.(ly tcltco avniltbt[f enO fcafrrin fOi Acw ion t r-Cl,* unO ar,ould Do t|!ed in coojunctio, Ei,rrnrcF:r.iv yoryr ufilty pfrn eng rctjdrriag inenr.uioni. ri iirli efii,.hcfud^g or.dno pr!n. froor irrn, ortd crr.valioor.Blu.tt Eo rubninc€ lo lho lcloitlrg ulrtiU.i lcr:ppoyai inO ,-.hi,o.,,or. QWEST 070.394.0a57(rar) Conlrclr:O*reri6ril nC Jacotr Str.rp 9Z0.3a,l,OAIC EXCGL }IICH PRESSUFE GA! 970,$r.407C 0et)cor,l:lcl : Rrdr shnarot }IOLY CNOSS ELECTRIO 070.9'19.5892 (tct) 0 7\). 9:t 9, 4 5f,6 (lrrrt Contrcr: -raaQ l&rr\1 Er. ^.ulhqci.cdgiJiUlire IXCEL E}IERGY 0t0.?G!.4o39 (tar) ConU€lR: Kh Aoorrt 9lo.26t.to24 Jit|l Oi$rt 9?0.4i2.4003 EAGLS RIVER WATTR I sANITATION OISTRICT 970.{ 76,7{00 (rctl ItO.'|76.4089 (ta'r) Conltcl: F cd Hrstco COMCAST CABLE 97Q,P{0.122{ 1 lt2 (tcl) 070.9{9.9130 (rsr)*-,ff*Ji;;g;- .UqI€srl' ll ulo ul'tity apFovot t verilication foarr hrs $9_a11ur!s ftom crrh g! thc utiliry contrdtE. and no conr,r...ls arqtn(r!. diractry ort tho t6r,n, rhc lcrvn witt prc$mc irrer ir,crc ito no probrcmsinaiii Ciriioi*ii ""n pro."cr, ?. It n Ut,l;lf, Goonaay h (ror\cd.a, kith tn€ propose{ constructto,t, thc ulitity rsr.Clcnt fivo glrell nole afireclly ohthc ulilitv vcfiticilion form lhot there ls_o glubtrfrl whici nre& to uc resotvd. 'thc itax rhoutd .1.'.n b6 dc-t'itcd lnan attschnd l€tlof to tho Town ol vcit. Honev$r, prsnir rirp tn ntlrd lfut li ls iric-rliii,rii ny d $e utiriryco[t^1ny !rd rhc opt{;conr t0 ]elotvc UcnliticC Aroblemr. 3' ThJic vcri'ictlioG alo nol telhw-lhc conlradsr ol rhe rcsponsluirity lo obrri r plrbtig wly pcrmit trom theOottorl^re.r: ot Puuic Wnrtr 6l rhe Town cr. Vrjt. U.$lfy. tornrtonUnvFfbeob.tts,g q$hrg,Citg,ng i?t ilru DuUIc,iotrl.ol'vrav or ccsnnrcnl v'ilhl^ lhc Towtr o, vtr:f. abd[rrft F3ituilEan .a.art r,cJynylcr.wt-a| , 'n(6l.uuob.!ri!!c{I Ca|r...! lilt. .Til-t!Y:lli:t ': t.quir?d- Jnd .!r.ca lo slrbroit .nt rcyitod drawings to rne qi{tns lot rc.apnwel /.cc.vcrlfrcatim i{tho guoi!{ltcd pllrlc ato alia.rd in .a.ly w$t ttle, lhi rurirorircd tionaturc dltr lrr'lto!3 otheirxtr' tpeqiGcolty no,,cdv,ltlrh ri'c comn'o6t a?at O, thit torml, p.6 gsfrrrliatr eatc iE;iil;,Tii?Gr;^'--- P.r$ I ol rztglt9ltol 0;tr r'r. TOTA_ FnGE.ol ,r,,* Jun l3 OS 1O:21a HLP I NE EIIG I IIEER I FIG f,rrt\c_qizc{ S.lOrUlriro owFsT 1 970,3 84.0257(fax) Cortlacls:% J,1son Snarp 970.3a4.0239 - lrl t-t '/DWMn4Jry Tlril fsml $crv*\ lo vcdfy that ttrc ptoPoscd improvemenls wirr no-timpact any o.risr;ng or propo3cd utili(y scrvlccs, 'tnd il"'io to vcrify scMcg'' availability ai o tocarion lol' neiii'construcrion and shoirrd bo rlsed in conjuncrion wirhprcparirrs vorrr uririrv prsn 'rncl schd<rurrng rnsrair.rrioni.-; "",t,.T,i!rn;d;.!;;;;,;; ;;,i;*, pran. trrrd clcvstions.slri:ll bo suboritrad to tho following uriririjr iJiionr-oy-"r irt'u'.nu".,,on, 9?O9263390 $g1nrn_qpts D-O!c p .'7 EXCEI. HIG}I PRESSURE GAS 070.262.a07G (tel) Conlact: Rich Sismros }IOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970,e49.5d92 (rct) 970.9{9.4566 (rrx) Conircl: Jrrt{i; *frtJ Cq^ EXCEL ENERGY - 970.262.4030 (fax) Can tJc l.s: Kit Eogort gl 0.26?.,!1 024 Jrrn Oireol 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER 8. SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7400 (tct) 070.4 76.4089 (fax) Contncli #tf.rstEo COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 1t2 (tet) 970 9{9.9138 (f.rx) conts:u Rat{a{I- U'lAqr\ [l)<(AJ .N.O-TES; 4-"n *t^-/*t 1, ll tlro ulilil,y appfov3l & verilicalion form hag slgnaluras from.each ol lhc uiilily companies, and no convrrenls arentrd". dirc.clly on lho rorm, thc Town witl pre,'umc inaiirri-re aro i",o proutcms irnirn-c- aluoiop,n"n r con procccd.?' ll n utility company has concerns with the pfoposod construclion, thc ultity representl(ve shalr nole direclly ontho u{ittty vcrification lorm lcl lherc is o proULm wfricfr nuJOs to U. r.rofuJl ir[ -ir*r"nor,O then be dcroled in$n allsched lctie t lo the Town of Voil. 'However, n-ro*l-r""p in nrind lhat ir r" 'irr"-responriuirity of the !,tilitycortlprny and the apt,licant lo resotvo idcntitied probiems. 3' Thssc vc/ificalionr do not relicve-the conh"ctor ot lhe responsibilily lo obtain a purbtic wa/ pcrnrit kom theool)srinlerrl ol Pqbric !ryarks al lhe Town.ot va;t. u.1'gv- r-ocir'i5nq^ust-b:.f b.rri+.cd be[o.rs.digs:no in any pubric right-of'viry or casnrtlcnt vrithin lhc Torvrr o! Vail. nu.u-ii;i'igi.q;ilt s.npJ-a.p-vbriq.way-p,srnir-e.oo rir.us(,br_oDr.rincds qp;]rs tli ly, 'Ihc ()gvglopql 15 rerluirecl lncl egrees tD subrnit any revkod drawlngs to l,he utilities fo, .e.appr0vat I re.varilicarioo iftrre suun)ilted plotx are oliered in .ny wsy atter the au(hofired sionat"i"ilr. irnrori oii"rirr,, specifically norcdv,ilhin tf,c comntent ares ol this lOrmj, 'ril;i;;.)''s Sre*nure-- --- "- Page 0 ot 1?t}lt?ll?A Ocle Jun 13 OS 1O:21a HLPINE ENGINEERING O- 9-OSi ): r2FM;L€nclmErR t)eattns 970!|2633SO ;6a r 7A7OO75 gjummlotr Orofo . Aurhs.qirsri ligrrll}iro AWEST 070.31!4.D257lfar) Corll,acli:*rrlllr|nnFOUO J.ircon Sbsrp 970.104.0239 EXCEL HtG'I FRESSURE OAE 070.2G2,4o?S (tet) cont tsl I Rtt..lr sr-try: aos IIOLY CROSS ELECTR IC 070.0.t9.9892 (tcr) 9t0.o.19 45f6 (rr4 Gcrtsct. Jr-Iy rEn\ CCr,^ EXCEL E{ERSY 9?0. tEZ.fo3g (hx) Gxrttcls: X|{ 8.Os,t 970.25?.,to?t Jim O'nc!l 970.20?.{OOl M-ot( EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTR'CT 970.47C.7{80 (tcl) 070..76.d0E9 (fsx) Contncl: Fred Hageo COMCAST CABTE 970.9{9,IzZc x tt2 (rct) 070 g{9.9t30 (tu) - cmffuffif,S;- llQtesg 1. ll tlro utilily aptrov3l & verificltbn lg'|r, h8s rignatwar ,rorn cach o?.Utc.lriBy cor'lpnnica, and .to conltw\ls lronrscL- ci'.'crlr orr rho torrn. thc Tolvn wlt prslr,mi inaili;d;;; "" pfobtcms ord thc d.vororncnr cr4 prccccd?' ll n ulititv cofitpanv 'ras Gonclvnr with lhe ptopGad soo{trucrio.\ rhc urrtiry r€prosentndvo rha ngrc dirc€tty ontha ulility vcrirtoation fotm thal th.ti: F-o prourem wrricrr io"Jr-i" p rlsojveo.' tll ii*'.i""il rhen be r,clirirc{, rnil,illTJ'm'il!'lJ;,,::,1ff*""^f"fil"rf:mi"t3d-iip rn nr;nd nsr r, ii'ii-,lliJii*,,r,,y o, rhe urr.'ry 3;11.1'"Lli'll',"i*il $r:fJ :i,?:Jl-gli:t'y..91 'tr '6po";t irirv. !o ob,sia a n,'HF wa,, Fc, r ,ro,n rhe;;-';;";;;;',-#'ili#*i,l:it:'l'il#-H,ffi :ff ffiffii?s#,.HHi*tl,{l*r*k'*, thr, (lcvEl$nef i! iiquked Jnd eqnts lo $rbmL any. rwi5od. dfawiigi to lhc lrtititbs lor ra.gpplqe1l 6 rs-vcrificoti.ir il*i;',;il1'5"",X','"fr :::,"5;I*'1"ili,;t;ili#;iii.illp;_,. o,," r*riji on.ffril ,l,eorcony nor.o :---"'.-.---.-- --Ucveloor('s.Sigotrr||3!. F.19c 6 ot |UAVO tt}l a?tr i t I I Wg*t,qrr*r -1L:oJs-r.**:: ,o vc.iry ,E!r ,* r,"::l;il:Jj vER'|FrcArro* .nd i"io ro vc.irv r.*rd i,iiJiql "'c;*ir6 -dffi'c#d#j##:g"t'.rH":.rml.,T$r$f*o llo*ltitto yout utirtt Dts4 and rchedurog 6"r.mr6ni, a Jt-Jriis|u'Jl t,o i'J-bddt$rr ri iii iclor-rl ,ririlr$ 1o. r'Froylr "no "";m."iffifdE 9t .!rr! Cor\ ttoor ioo, a,to ch""uonr, p- a 3/ 5 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 11, 2005 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a major amendment to a special development district (SDD), pursuant to Section 12-94-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, for an approved development plan of a new condominium building, located at 1325 Westhaven Drive (Westhaven Condominiums, aka, "The Ruins")/Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0010) Applicant: Pla nner: Mirus LLC and Wright & Company, represented by Pylman & Associates Matt Gennett il. SUMMARY The applicants, Mirus LLC and Wright & Company, represented by Rick Pylman of Pylman & Associates, are asking the Planning and Environmental Commission for a final recommendation to the Town Council on the proposed Westhaven Condominiums project, located at 1325 Westhaven Drive (Westhaven Condominiums, aka, "The Ruins")/Area A, Cascade Village. Pursuant to the criteria and findings listed in Section Vlll of this memorandum, staff recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation of approval to the Town Council on the proposal detailed herein. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Mirus LLC and Wright & Company, represented by Pylman and Associates, have requested a final review hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission to present a proposed development plan and request for an amendment to Area A of Special Development District (SDD) No. 4 to develoo the Westhaven Condominiums. located at 1325 Westhaven Drive (Westhaven Condominiums, aka, "The Ruins")/Area A, Cascade Village. A vicinity map has been attached for reference (Attachment A). The proposal includes the development of 13 dwelling units and 29 enclosed parking spaces, with provisions made for eight (8) required employee housing units. A copy of the Westhaven Condominiums written proposal from the applicant is attached for reference (Attachment B). A reduced copy of the proposed floor plans and elevations has been attached for reference (Attachment C). ilt.BACKGROUND (The Background section of this memorandum is focused primarily upon the relevant historv of what is known as Area A in SDD # 4.) In 1976, Special Development District No.4 was created from 97.52 acres of land without known zoning in the area of Vail known as Lions Ridge and includes the Westhaven Condominiums site. ln 1982, a building permit was issued for the 0.85 acre Westhaven Condominiums site. Construction was then halted following a partial completion of the foundation and lower level parking garage. While there has been several different ownership groups involved in the site during the intervening years, this partially constructed building remains today. In 1985, the Town of Vail approved Ordinance # 8, Series of 1985, which specified that Area A of Cascade Village should include ten employee- housing units with a total area of 6,400 square feet. . In 1993, the Town of Vail approved Ordinance #1 , Series of 1993, which clarified how many employee housing units should be directly associated with the Westhaven site. The ordinance state (in part): "The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of eight employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium Building." Subsequent to these amendments there have been three separate approvals granted for development on the Westhaven site, each proposing varying arrays of employee housing in mixed-use residential, accommodation unit, and fractional fee development conceots. . In '1 995, an approval was granted to construct fourteen ('14) free-market condominiums and seventeen (17) employee-housing units. r In 1998, a proposal for twenty-one (21) employee-housing units, fifteen (15) accommodation units, and eleven ('1 1) fractional fee units was approveq. ' In 1999, an ordinance was approved which allowed for twenty-one (2'l ) employee-housing units, seventeen (1 7) accommodation units, and eleven (1 1) fractional fee condominium units. All of the aforementioned development proposals have expired and there currently is no valid, approved development plan for the Westhaven Condominiums site. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS Special Development District and Maior Amendment Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for tv. V. impacts of use/development, then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning, and final approval by the Town Council. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The PEC is advisory to the Town Council. The PEC shall review the proposal for and make a recommendation to the Town Council based on the Criteria and Findings listed in Section lX of this memorandum. Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a SDD proposal, but must review any accompanying DRB application The DRB review of an SDD prior to Town Council approval is purely advisory in nature. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Action: The Town Council is responslb/e for final approval/denial of an SDD. The Town Council shall review the proposal using the Criteria and Findings listed in Section lX of this memorandum. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Articfe '12-94:. Special Development (SDD) District (in part) 12-9A-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the special development district is to encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development with the town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of sfreets and utilities; to preserue the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stafed in the Vail comprehensive plan VI. SITE ANALYSIS Legal Description; Westhaven Condominiums Site, Cascade Village Address: 1325 Westhaven Drive Lot Size: 0.85 acres (37,026 sq ft) Zoning: Special Development District No. 4 (no underlying zone district) Land Use Plan Designation: ResortAccommodations and Services Current Land Use: Mixed Use Residential and Resort / Spa Development Standard Allowed Existinq Proposed Lot Area: N/A 37,026 sq ft no change Buildable Area: 37,026 sq ft no change Setbacks: Front: N/A 4' 4' Sides: N/A 67'(Wy11'(E) 44'(Wy5'(E) Rear: N/A 36' 14' Building Height: N/A N/A 55' Density: N/A N/A 15.2 DU per aere GRFA: N/A NIA 32,000 sq ft Site Coverage: N/A N/A 51% (18,883 sq ft) Landscape Area: N/A N/A 49% (18,143 sq ft). Parking: 29 spaces NiA 29 spaces Note: Includes landscaping area atop the parking garage. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zoninq North: CDOT Right-of-Way Not zoned South: Resort Accommodations and Services SDD No. 4 East: Resort Accommodations and Services SDD No. 4 West: Resort Accommodations and Services SDD No. 4 VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The folloyving section of this memorandum is included to provide the applicant, community, staff, and Commission with an advanced understanding of the criteria and flndings that will be used by the reviewing boards in making a final decision on the proposed application. A. Special Development District 1 2-9A-8: DES/GN CRITERIA: The following design criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed special development district. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consisfent with the public interest has been achieved: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. The applicant is proposing a residential structure staff believes will greatly enhance the visual appeal and complement the architectural aesthetics of adjacent properties. The design of the exterior is sensitive to the immediate environment and is compatible with the neighborhood surrounding Area A of Special Development District No. 4, and its environs. The height, scale, architectural design, bulk and mass and of the building will meld into the neighborhood of the Cascade Resort and neighboring residential uses. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The applicant is not proposing any changes of use that deviate from the intentions of Special Development District No. 4. The slight increase in density, (13) thirteen dwelling units, associated with this proposal will not have any negative impact on the functions of the surrounding uses and activities. Considering that adequate parking and better traffic circulation will be provided with this proposal, by virtue of the proposed sidewalk and improvements to the Cascade Club exit drive to the east of the site. this criterion will be met. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 12-10 of the Vail Town Code. The applicant is meeting the parking and loading requirements of the Vail Town code in providing twenty nine (29) enclosed parking spaces in an underground garage. D. Gonformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy guidelines during the review process for the establishment of a special development district. Staff has reviewed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: 1. GeneralGrowth/Develooment B. 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill). Staff believes the uses and activities proposed are in compliance with the policies, goals, and objectives identified in the Vail Land Use Plan. E. ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. According to the Official Town of Vail Geologic Hazard Maps, the Westhaven Condominiums development site is not located in any geologicaily sensitive areas or within the 100-year floodplain. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The proposal does not call for any modifications that would impact natural features or vegetation, with the notable exception of removing the existing "ruins" foundation structure, and improving the quality of the landscape and vegetation. Staff believes that the overall aesthetic quality of the community would be enhanced by the proposed exterior changes, landscape additions, and physical improvements including a sidewalk and grading work done for the future extension of the bike path to the north of the applicant's site, off of their own property. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. The applicant is proposing changes that will have a positive impact on vehicle and pedestrian circulatory patterns. Staff believes this criterion will be met by the applicant's proposal in its present form, considering the new sidewalk and entrance to the garage designed with site distance and vehicular flow in mind. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. The applicant is proposing to perform significant improvements to their own property, and surrounding sites, which will have a long term, positive impact on the immediate neiqhborhood and the Town of Vail as a whole. tx. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. Staff is not aware of any intention on the applicant's behalf to phase this project, however, should a phasing plan be proposed, this criterion must and will be met in full. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation of approval with conditions of the proposed SDD amendment to the Vail Town Council. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria found in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a site plan for Design Review Board approval which depicts a sidewalk design continuing from the southwestern portion of their property to the vehicular bridge to the south located on Westhaven Drive; and which shows improvements on the land immediately north of the subject property to accommodate a future expansion of the Town of Vail's recreation path. 2. The applicant shall provide eight (8) employee housing units offsite pursuant to the language of Special Development District No. 4 (SDD # 4) and terms of an agreement reached with the Town of Vail. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to fonvard a recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council of this proposed amendment to an SDD, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "8ased upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: That the amendmentis consisfenf with the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive PIan and is compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and That the amendment does further the general and specific purposes of the Zoning Regulations; and That the amendment does promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town, and does promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in Q.manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. t- 2. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Proposal C. Reduced Floor Plans and Elevations ogf oo!) cLo 5 q)rGlsogl! Ftio+oift<Joql5<oo =,-oo oEJ TLort-) ='J E' I- o -T"t ;- =:. f(O f o_ m f -joJ -! ol - al =f, -' @. a) f ! =. I\) atl Attachment: B WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS AN AMENDMENT TO TOWN OF VAIL SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #4, AREA A. CASCADE VILLAGE Owner Mirus LLC Represented by Wright & Company Architect Morter Architects Engineer Alpine Engineering, Inc. Landscape Architect Dennis Anderson Associates, Inc. Land Plannine Pylman & Associates, Inc. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 2.0 2.1 2.2 1.0 l.l 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Purpose of Report Cascade Village SDD #4 Cascade Village History Westhaven Condominiums Site History Proposed PIan Site Description Description of Proposed Building Development Statistics' Utilities Parking Needs Assessment Housing Other Site Issues Additional Approval Agreement for SDD #4 Special l)evelopment District Review Criteria 19 Key Features and Findings Key Features Key Findings 4 4 I 5 7 9 9 l0 t2 15 l5 16 t7 18 4.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 23 23 24 Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose ofReport The purpose of this report is to provide information relative to an application for an amendment to Area A of Torvn of Vail Special Development District # 4, Cascade Village. The application requests development plan approval for re- development of the Westhaven Condominiums site located within the Cascade Village Special Development District. This application includes a description of the history of the Cascade Village SDD and more specifically, a thorough description of the history of this particular site within the SDD. The application also includes a comprehensive description of existing conditions and of the proposed improvements. Submittal requirements for a formal Amendment to an SDD are set forth in the Town of Vail development regulations. This application complies with all of the submittal requirements as outlined in the Town of Vail SDD Application Form packet. Westhavcn Condominiums SDD Amendmcnt 2.0 CASCN)E VILLAGE SDD #4 2.1 Cascade Village rristory Cascade Village was approved by the Town of Vail as Special Development District # 4 in 1976. The overall SDD consists of 77.955 acres and includes four diff€rent components identified by areas. Area A, known as Cascade Village, includes the Cascade Hotel and conference facility, the Colorado Mountain College building, thc Aria Athletic Club and Spa and a parking garage to serve all the above listed uses. The Lifuide and Millrace residential complexes, two single family/primary secondary homes and the Westhaven Condominiums site are also within Area A. Area B consists of the 65 unit Coldstream Condominium complex. Area c consists of the Glen Lyon neighborhood, which is approved for 104 units in a single family/primary secondary lot configuration. Area D is the Glen Lyon Office Building located along the South Frontage Road on the east edge of the Cascade Village SDD. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment The following table delineates each area, the acreage and the approved residential density. This information was gathered from previously approved Town of Vail Ordinances regarding Cascade Village. SDD#4CASCADEVTLLAGE Site Area A, Cascade Village Size in Acres Approved Residential Densitv Area C. GIen Lvon 17.955 352 accommodation units 94 du's 65 d.u.'s 104 d.u.'s 3 d.u.'s Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 4.0 Area D, Glen Lyon Office Building 1.8 Open Space 4O.4 Roads Totals | | .9J> 266 d.u.'s 352 a.u.'s Over the course of years following the 1976 approval of the Cascade Village SDD many of the areas and individual sites have been developed. The Coldstream Condominiums are completed, there is an office building located on Area D and single family and primary/secondary homes have been built in the GIen Lyon Subdivision. The Cascade Village area is almost completely built out, with the Westhaven Condominiums representing one of the few remaining parcels. 9.1 4.7 Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 11 Westhaven Condominiums Site History In 1982 a building permit was issued for the 0.85 acre Westhaven Condominiums site. Construction was halted after a partial completion of the foundation and lower level parking garage. Although there have been several different ownership groups involved in the site over the intervening years the site remains in this partially constructed condition today, twenty-two years later. Since the original 1976 SDD approval there have been several amendments to the Cascade Village SDD that affect the Westhaven Condominiums property. In 1985 the Town ofVail approved Ordinance # 8, Series of 1985. This ordinance clarified that Area A of Cascade Village should include ten employee-housing units with a total area of6,400 square feet. This translates to an average size of 640 square feet per unit. Ordinance # l, Series of 1993 then clarified how many employees housing units should be associated specifically with the Westhaven site. The ordinance states, " The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of eight employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium Building" Subsequent to these amendments there have been three approvals granted for development of the Westhaven site. Each of these applications proposed varying amounts of employee housing in mixed-use residential, accommodation unit and fractioiral fee development concepts. The number of employee-housing units in these three proposals ranged from seventeen to twenty-one in an apparent attempt to gain favorable revicw and approval from the Town. The first ofthose three approvals was in April of 1995. This approval granted the applicant the ability to construct fourteen free-market condominiums and sevcnteen employee-housing units. In 1998 an approval was granted for fwenty-one employee housing units, fifteen accommodation units and eleven fractional fee units. In 1999, an ordinance was approved which allowed for twenty-one employee housing units, seventeen accommodation units and eleven fractional fee condominium units. All of these development proposals have expired and the formal position of the Town of Vail is that there is no valid, approved development plan for the Westhaven Condominiums site. The development statistics for the past three approved proposals are summarized in a table on the following page. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment Lot Area: Zoning: Height: GRFA: Free Market Accommodation Fractional fee: EHUs: Total: Common area: Density: Free Market: Accommodation: Fractional Fee: EHUs: Jf,' 25,644 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. 8.296 sq. ft. 33,930 sq. ft. 3,417 sq. ft. 14 du's 0 au's 0 ffu's 17 EHU's 31 total units (16.71 du's/ac) f,r' 0 sq. ft. 9,550 sq. ft. 13,860 sq. ft. 10.731 sq. ft. 34,141 sq. ft. 7,054 sq. ft. 0 du's l5 au's I I ffu's 21 EHU'S 47 total units (21.25 du'slac) 1999 Approval J5' 0 sq. ft. 11,071 sq. ft. 16,090 sq. ft. 11.528 sq. ft. 38,689 sq. ft 8,769 sq. ft. 0 du's 17 au's ll tu's 21 EHU's 49 total units (22.52 du'slac) 0.85 acres or 37,026 sq. ft. SDD # 4 (Cascade Village) - No underlying zoning 1995 Apnroval 1998 Approval *This information was gathered from Town of vail files and may or may not be accurate- Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment ' 3.0 PROPOSED PLAN 3.1 Site Description The Westhaven Condominium site is an 0.8S-acre site (37,026 sq. ft.) located along the north side of Westhaven Drive just west of the Aria Spa & Athletic Club and the Cascade Village Parking structure. The outdoor pool of the athletic club and a secondary vehicular exit from the parking structure are the uses located within the west end of the buildine that is adiacent to the Westhaven site. The site backs up to the South Frontage Road on the north side. There is a grade differential of approximately 36 feet across the site from Westhaven Drive to the South Frontage Road and there is no direct access to the property from the Frontage Road. The highway right of way encompassing the South Frontage Road is fairly wide in this area. The distance from the rear property line of the Westhaven site to the edge of the South Frontage Road pavement ranges from 45 to 7 5 feet. Along the westem portion of the site the grade rises up to a large ridge that peaks approximately l8 feet above the South Frontage Road. The Town of Vail Recreation Path cuts across the southwest corner of the site as it accesses Donovan Park and a pair of primary/secondary residential buildings are located across the pathjust down the street. The Cascade Hotel, the CMC Building and Millrace Condominiums are located along the south side of Westhaven Drive. Access to the site is from Westhaven Drive. Westhaven Drive intersects with the South Frontage Road and includes improved turn lanes for all approach directions. A Town of Vail bus stop is located at the east end of the Aria Athletic Club within easy walking distance of the site. A chairlift serving Vail Mountain is located within easy walking distance of the site. The existing foundation on the site consists ofa 200 foot long, 60 foot wide garage floor slab with partially constructed foundation walls. Previously disturbed portions ofthe site have not been properly re-vegetated and consist of weed patches. In general the site is considered an eyesore and a nuisance. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment a7 Description of proposed building The first step in the design process for the current proposal was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation ofthe existing concrete foundation on the site. The existing foundation is set back a minimum of 5 to a maximum of l3 feet from the front property line and is designed as one long straight unbroken fagade. After evaluating the opporfunities and constraints created by the existing foundation a conclusion was reached that to create an appropriate design solution for this site the existing foundation must be removed. The concrete foundation and pier structures will be demolished and removed from the site. The current design proposed for this site is based upon an entirely new foundation and parking garage design. The proposed development program for the Westhaven site consists of thirteen residential units in two separate buildings sited over a common parking garage. There are seven 3-bedroom units, one 4-bedroom unit plus Ioft and five 4- bedroom units with a total building gross residential floor area of approximately 3l,000 square feet. The existing foundation and the associated building designs resulted in a building design that was located very close to the street and included surface parking and the primary building entrance at the rear of the site. The current proposed design represents a significant departure from this previous concept. The new parking garage and buildings are sited towards the rear of the property at the base of the existing slope up to the South Frontage Road. This results in a building setback of up to 43 feet from the front property line. This allows for a more graceful presence along the street and creates a more desirable transition from the linear form ofthe Aria Club and parking structure to the residential neighborhood of Westhaven, Millrace and to the residential properties beyond the site. The building setback and an angle change that has been designed into the parking garuge creates ample room for a vehicular drop offlpick up courfyard and allows for the placement of significant landscape plantings. The location of the front entrance lobbies allows for a pleasing residential scale street presence and creates a pleasant streetscape environment that is much more compatible with the existing neighborhood. The fwo residential buildings are physically separate above the parking level. This break in the buildings allows for a more interesting articulation of the vertical and horizontal mass of the building. The top deck of the parking garage befween the buildings will be designed as an additional landscape area. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 10 Entry to the parking garage will occur at the westem end of the site and the garage floor slab will slope slightly upwards to the east to accommodate the grade change across the site. The garage will be fully enclosed with a mechanical heating and ventilation system. Access will be controlled by an automatic garage door system. The parking level accommodates twentynine parking spaces, a mechanical room, two entrance and elevator lobbies, two ski storage rooms and a trash dumpster room that can be accessed by residents from the interior and will have its own exterior garage door for trash pick up. All of the parking spaces are designed to a minimum size of 9' x l8'. One space has been designed as a 13'x18' handicap accessible space. By keeping the density of the site to only l3 units all required parking is accommodated within the proposed parking garage. The last few approved designs that utilized the existing foundation included surface parking at the rear of the building. This was necessary to accommodate the required parking due to the number of units in these proposals. This design constraint dictated that the main entrance to these buildings was at the back of the site. This created a rather poor urban design appearance, as the building(s) did not present a "front door" to the street. The change in building siting creates the abilify to design an appropriate fagade that presents a front door to the street. Each building includes a front door entrance lobby that is aesthetically pleasing to the streetscape and the neighborhood. The east building lobby entrance is located approximately 4 feet above the garage level and an interior set of stairs will lead down to the garage level. A ski locker and elevator lobby are located at the garage level. The west building enters on the same grade as the parking garage and also includes a ski locker and an elevator lobby that provides access to the residential units. The east residential building includes seven units. With the elevator lobby and exiting staircases forming the core of the structure the building can be described as two "halves". The eastern half of the building consists of four levels with a three bedroom unit on each level. The west half of the building steps down one story and consists of one four bedroom unit on each of the three residential levels. This four to three story transition within the building allows for articulation of the bulk and mass of the building and allows the roof ridge to step down as the site transitions downhill to the west. llWesthaven Condominiums SDD Amendment The westem residential building includes a total of six units on three levels. There are three 3-bedroom units, two 4-bedroom units and a 4 bedroom unrt with a loft space. By creating two separate buildings and with the ridgeline ffansitions as designed the overall bulk, mass, height and scale of the burldings are nicely proportioned and fit nicely into the context ofthe existing neighborhood. The building meets or is below 55 feet in height, which was the height standard applied to the three previous approved plans. 3.3 DevelopmentStatistics The following information outlines the development statistics specific to the Westhaven Condominiums site as proposed and, as appropriate, compares those to the development statistics for Area A of the cascade Village SDD as outlined in Town of Vail Ordinance #lI of 1999. This ordinance has expired and the development standards outlined in that ordinance do not specifically regulate the Westhaven Condominiums site. Permitted Uses: Multi-Family dwellings Area A of the Cascade Village SDD, as a mixed use commercial, lodging, recreation and residential area includes a lengthy list of permitted uses. Multi- Family dwellings are included within this list. The most recent approved plan for the Westhaven Condominiums site included Multi-Family dwellings, accommodation units, fractional fee units and employee housing units as permitted uses. Conditional Uses: None other than Fractional Fee ownership, none of the uses listed as conditional uses in Area A are applicable to the Westhaven Condominiums site. Fractional Fee ownership is not currently contemplated for the site. Westhaven Condon.riniums SDD Amendment 1) Accessory Uses l. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in Accordance with the provisions of Title 12,Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Municipal Code. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis Courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. The above listed accessory uses are common to many of the SDD'S and standard Town of Vail residential zone districts. Densitv: Dwelling units Thirteen dwelling units. The original approval of the Cascade Village SDb and the various amendments to the SDD over the course ofyears approved an overall density ofthree hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation units and ninety-four (94) dwelling units for Area A. In accordance with development statistics obtained from the Town of Vail there appears to be an existing built out density of two hundred eight-eight (288) accommodations units and seventy-six (76) dwelling units within Area A of the SDD. The proposed thirteen unit densiry of the Westhaven Condominiums falls within this density allowance. The thirteen units on the .85 acre Westhaven site results in an averase densifv of 15.2 units per acre. DensiV- GRFA The Gross Residential Floor Area shall not exceed 32,000 square feet. The GRFA for the buildings has been calculated in accordance with Section l38 of Ordinance 14, Series of 2004. The original CRFA approved for Area A of the Cascade Village SDD appears to be 289,145 square feet and the existing build out information states that the existing GRFA in Area A is currently 239,680 square feet. The Westhaven Condominiums as proposed fits within the , allowable GRFA for Area A. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment ItIJ Setbacks The building setbacks shall be as proposed on the development plan. As proposed, the minimum setback distance to from the building/parking garage is four (4) feet to the Westhaven Drive property line. This condition occurs at only one small area at the entrance lobby to the west building. The front setback ranges up to approximately forty-three (43) feet is some areas. The minimum setback on the east side is five (5) feet to the property line and on the west side is for|y-four (44) feet to the property line. The rear building minimum setback is fourteen (14) feet to the South Frontage Road right of way line. Heisht: Maximum of 55 feet. Previous development statistics for Area A of the Cascade Village SDD specifred a fifty-hve foot maximum height limit for the Westhaven Condominiums site. Site Coverage: The site coverage, including building area, driveways, sidewalks and other impervious surfaces is approximately fifty-one Percent of the site area. Landscaping: The proposed plan currently proposes forry-nine percent of the site in landscaping or in a natural landscape condition. Parkins and Loadine: Twentynine fully enclosed parking spaces Previous development statistics required that seventy-five percent of the required parking on the Westhaven Condominiums site be located within a building or hidden from public view by a berm. One hundred percent ofthe required parking for the proposed development plan is located within a fully enclosed heated parking garage. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendrnent t4 3.4 Utilities Water and sanitary sewer mains are located within Westhaven Drive. Water and sewer taps were made during the initial 1982 construction and service lines extend to the partial foundation. Further design work will be necessary to determine if these existing service lines may be refurbished and utilized. Behind the Westhaven site, located within the road right of way, there is a remnant piece of overhead power line approximately I 10 feet in length. The power line goes underground behind the site and extends to an existing switchgear box on the southwest corner of the existing foundation. This project will relocate this switchbox to a new location in the southwest corner of the site. The existing electric easement will be abandoned and a new easement will be put in place. As part of Holy Cross Electric's ongoing program to bury all overhead power lines within the Town the short section of overhead line behind the site has been scheduled for burial during the summer of 2005. Gas, cable television and telephone services are all available at the site. 3.5 Parking Needs Assessment Parking demand for this project has been calculated in accordance with Parking Schedule B of Chapter 10, Off Street Parking and Loading, of the Town of Vail Zoning Code: . Residential units berween 500-2,000 sq. ft. of GITFA require 2 parking spaces per unit. Residential units greater than 2,000 sq. ft. of GRFA require 2.5 parking spaces per unit 7 units at 500-2,000 sq. ft. GRFA = l4 required parking spaces 6 units greater that 2,000 sq. ft. GRPA : l5 required parkins spaces TOTAL 29 required parking spaces Parking Summary 29 spaces provided in enclosed heated garage 29 spaces required per Town of Vail Zoning Code Loading Summary I loading berth provided exterior in building auto court I loading berth required per Town of Vail Zoning Code Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment l5 3.6 Housing Town of Vail Ordinance #1 of 1993, which addressed various overall amendments to the Cascade Village SSD, required that the Westhaven Condominium site provide eight employee units as part of the overall housing requirement for the Cascade Village SDD. Since that time three different development proposals for the Westhaven site have received Town of Vail approval. Each of these three proposals included a mix of employee housing units, accommodation units, fractional fee ownership or free market condominiums. The number of employee housing units (EHU's) in the three proposals ranged from seventeen to twenty-one, in an apparent attempt to gain a favorable review and approval from the Town. In those zoning approvals the average size ofthe proposed employee housing units ranged from 488 to 548 square feet per unit. The current ownership ofthe properfy has analyzed these previous proposals and believes that a major contributing factor to the failure of this property is the inclusiori of EHU's onto the site. The incorporation of EHU's, free market units, accommodation units and./or fractional fee ownership under one roof has created very difficult project economics and dynamics. Our analysis indicates the following issues have contributed to the current failed status of the previous proposals. The site is very small (0.85 acre) and is constrained by existing utility corridors. The number of EHU's results in a high parking demand which creates a very difficult site development constraint. The building area allocated to EHU's is disproportionate to the area of free market space and creates a very difficult financial burden on the free market units. The monthly common expense and maintenance assessments for this type of mixed use building are too high for affordabiliry on the EHU's. This places a disproportionate burden on the free market units. A 500 square foot housing unit does not allow for an appropriate family living environment. The use pattern and occupancy characteristics ofa 500 square foot EHU are not compatible in such close proximity to the free market units. This creates a very difficult market for each product. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment lo The current owners of the Westhaven Condominiums site believe that the key to moving forward into a successful approval, construction and sales program is to simplify the scale and intensity of the uses on the properfy. The proposed thirteen unit free market condominium project is of a size and architectural quality that is consistent with the design and character ofthe neighborhood. The parking and circulation requirements for thirteen units is more appropriate to the size and scale of the building and can be met within the interior of the building. The applicant proposes to futfill the 1993 employee-housing requirement by making a payment in lieu of actual housing development based on eight beds. This is consistent with the work session discussions with the Planning Commission and Vail Town Council that were held several months ago regarding this application. The payment in lieu will allow the Town of Vail or the Vail Housing Authority to utilize these funds in a flexible manner to provide family appropriate housing as opportunities arise. It is our understanding that the Vail Housing Authority is currently working on a standardized pay in lieu program that will be presented to the Town Council for formal review and adoption. It is our desire and intention to participate in this program. J.I Othcr site issues A topographical map and survey of the site prepared by InterMountain Engineering, Inc. indicates that a portion ofthe paved exit drive from the west end of the Cascade Village parking garage encroaches onto the Westhaven site. The proposed design does not impact this driveway and the cxisting improvements will remain in place. The Town of Vail Recreation path crosses the southwest comer of the site and the adjoining home has landscaped onto a portion of the Westhaven site on the far side ofthe recreation path. The proposed design does not impact the path and there will be no change to either the path location or the existing landscape improvements. There is currently no easement across the Westhaven site for the recreation path. The home locatedjust beyond the recreation path has landscaped up to the edge of the path. A portion of this improved landscaping is located on the Westhaven Condorninium property. The proposed plan does not impact this landscaping. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendrnent t7 3,8 Additional Approval Agreements for SDD#4 Previous Town of vail ordinances for the westhaven condominiums site nave required the development of a sidewalk from the cascade club (now known as The applicant does not own or conrrol the property adjacent to the Aria club but is willing to work with this owner and the Town of Vail to achieve this eoal. There is a 5' wide sidewalk proposed across the westhaven condominiims srte that will tie into the recreation path. The applicant does not own or control the property adjacent to the Aria club but is willing to work with this owner and the Town of vail to achieve this soal. There is a 5' wide sidewalk proposed across the westhaven condominiims srre that will tie into the recreation path. I Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment t8 4.0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT REVIEW CRITERIA Title 12, chaprer 9 of the Town of Vair Municipal code provides for the establishment of Special Development Districts in the Town of vair. According to Section l2-9A-r, the purpose of a Special Development District is, "To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order topromote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision ofstreets and utilities; to preserve the natural andicenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail comprehensive plan. An approved development plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development aid uses of. properfy included in the Special Development District." The Municipal code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District' It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that apractical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. The applicant has addressed each of the nine sDD review criteria below: A.Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. ADDlicant response: The proposed design relates well to the site and to the surroundine neighborhood. The architecrural design, burk and building heighicomplements the westhaven condominiums context within the existing neig-hborhood. ttre massing and detailing of the two building forms are residential in character and provide an appropriate transition from the bulk and mass of the Aria club andcMC buildings. The architectural design utilizes similar exterior materials and expresses a residential scale that is compatible with the neighboring residential proJects. All required parking is located within an cnclosed heated garage and significant landscaping has been proposed. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 19 B. uses' activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. Applicant response: The proposed use of thirteen residential dwelling units is compatible with the surrounding uses. Area A of cascade village contains residential, lodging, athletic club and spa, restaurant and theatre uses. A chairlift accessins-va'iL Mountain is located within easy walking distance. c. compliance with parking and roading requirements as outlined in Title 12, Chapter 10, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant resoonse: The parking requirement for the thirteen residential units is 29 parking spaces. The proposed development plan incorporates all 29 spaces within an enclosed heated garage. An auto court has been designed into the site plan and will function as the required loading berth. D. conformity with the appticable elements of the vail comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design ptan. ApDlicant response: The goals contained in the vail Land use plan are to be used as the Town's Policy guidelines during the review process of estabrishing or amending Special Development Districts. The following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: L General Growth./Development l.l Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both thc visitor and the permanent resident. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 20 The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 1.4 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. l.l2 vair should accommodate most of the additional srowth in existing developed areas (infill). The proposed development plan is in compliance with these applicable elements of rhe Vail Land Use Plan. The development of the westhavln condominiums will eliminate an eyesore and transition a nuisance properly into a residential use the is compatible with the neighborhood. E. Identilication and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. Applicant resDonse: There are no natural and,/or geologic hazards, including the Gore creek floodplain, that affect the property. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quarity of the community. Applicant response: The site plan ofthe current proposal represents a significant change from the previously approved development plans that attempted to utilize the existing foundation. The proposed design creates a significant building setback from westhaven Drive and allows for the creation of a true front door to the building(s). This setback also allows for a functional loading and auto court area and creates op,portunity for significant landscape areas. t.2 l.J Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 2I The applicant believes that this proposed design represents a significant improvement over previously approved designs relative to responsiveness and sensitivity to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on off-site traffic circulation. ADplicant response: The proposed plan addresses vehicular circulation, parking and loading in a positive manner. Previous approvals for this site have included a sidewalk connection from the Aria Club entrance to the Town of Vail Recreation Path and it is the intent of the applicant to. work wifh the Town of Vail and the adjacent property owner to complete this sidewalk connection. The proposed plans indicate a 5' wide sidewalk across the Westhaven site. The Town of Vail Recreation Path crosses the southwest comer of the site. The proposed development plan does not impact the location or design of this path. The applicant is willing to establish an easement on the property for the bike oath. H. Functional and esthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. Aoplicant response: The proposed landscape plan is in compliance with this criteria. I. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development ofthe special development district, Applicant resnonse: The project will be constructed in a single phase. A construction management and staging plan will be submitted for review with any request for a building oermit. Westhaven Condominiurns SDD Amendnrent 22 5.0 Key Features and Findings 5.1 Key Features This proposed amendment to the Cascade Village Special Development District features: . An elimination of an eyesore and a nuisance property tlat has been widely referred to as "The Ruins" and has existed as a partially completed foundation since 1982. . A development plan that consists of uses and densities that fit well within the confines of a small and constrained development site. . An architectural design and scale that fits well within the context of the existing neighborhood . A proposal to address the previous employee housing requirement in a manner that allows for the creation of family appropriate housing units that are in line with current Town of Vail housing goals. 23Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment <)Key Findings This proposed amendment to the cascade viilage Special Deveropment. District may be found to be in compliance withi . The original purpose section of Special Development District #4, Cascade Village, which reads as follows: Purpose Special Developntent District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive developme,t and use of an area in a manner that wilr beharmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectivLs of the Town of Vail Cowprehensive plan. Special Development iistrict Ni. 4is created to ensure that the deverapment density -iu n, rerotivery row and suitablefor the area and the vicittie in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complemen.tary to the Town by the Towncouncil and the Planning & Environmentar commission, and because there are signifcant aspects of the speciar Deveropment District which cennot be satisfied through the imposition of staniard zoning districts on the area. The Town of vail comprehensive Land use plan and the associated goals andpolicies The Design criteria outlined in Section l2-gA-g of the Town of vail Zoningcode to be utilized in evaluating the merits of a proposed Speciar DevelopmentDistrict. Westhaven Condominiums SDD Amendment 24 03/28/OS 2l:27 FAX 8015017677 .\PYLMAN@ To: Matt Gennett From: Rick PYlman Date: March 23, 2005 RE:Westhaven housing issues TheWesthavenSDDAmendmentapplicatio.niscurrentlyscheduledforreviewbythe olanning and environmeti"i ""t*iiJion on March 28'2005' In order to allo'w adequate td;:."fii:"ff ;;;;;ilrom" or u" detailed areas of the plans that have been recentlv re_submitted to the town, aniio attow additional time to discuss housing issues, it is our ;il;t;" to delay this hearing until April 11' 2005' Intheoriginalapplicationweproposedtoaddresstheprojecthousingrequire,mentby participating in a pay in il"u piogiun tlat w3s under consideration by the Housiag Authoriry and the ro*n oi v'"li."Bas"a on the March 15 work session between the town councilandthehousingauthorityandinsubsequentconversationwithyouarrdNina Timm it is apparent rh"tilf;;;;pronut ottttir pay in lieu program may take some additional time and discussion' The likely time frame for approval ot ? 4ut in lieu program will not work for: the time constraints of the westhaven coodominio* p.oporul. -Mirus LLC and wright and company continue to beiieve that the inclusion of on-site housing on tltis particular p.op"rtyi, not an appropriate solution to the housing requirement' As a stand alone project, the thirteen unit Westhaven Condominiums would require a housing commitment ot 1'95 EHU's' However' the interpretation of past Clucade village documents h* ;;;l6t; rh" to*n position tnat iignt ruu's are rerluired on the Westhaven site. The tppk*;;; ""p'"""d a willingnessto provide this housing' however the diffrculty in locating this housing. on sielemains a major contibuting factor to the ongoing failure "iirri, pr.ri,"ny. There'have been several approvals granted over the past years but noo" *"r" iur" to move forward in a successfuimunn"r. The Town of Vail analyzed the potential for a condernnation proceeding and subsequent re- development or tn" proJJv ^ un arroraaute housing project and concludecl that idea was 1s1 sssnsmically viable- (. we therefore propose to amend our application to meet the historichousinp; requirement by providing off site.housing' We propose to purchase existing ftee marker: housing stock, place "pprop.ru," d""f, rt'ttiitions on the properties' and re-sell thesr at a discounted price acceptable to the real estate market' @ooz . r,.-'11^D--.-r..i.l-rr..l, Arzrn Cnl,rrarlo81620 MaiLP.C)'Box2ll3'Edwards'Coltlrado8l632 o3/28/OS 21:28 FAX 80150176?7 KINKOS SANDY @oos The applicant is willing to work with the staff to craft an appropriate condition of approval that will oUo* ti'* W"'thaven project to *ou" torwara motrgh the approval and constructionprocess'"".i*"rv'"anner.whilewefulfrllthishousingcommitment' Please call me if you have any questions or require additional information' ORDINANCE NO.12 SERIES OF 2OO5 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE-ENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 1995, CASCADE VILLAGE, AMENDING AND RE-ESTABLISHING THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE WESTHAVEN CONDOMIMIUMS SITE, LOCATED WITHIN DEVELOPMENT AREA A OF SDD NO. 4, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 12-9A-10, VAIL TOWN CODE,TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIRTEEN DWELLING UNITS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Section 12-94-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments to previously approved development plans for Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1 'l , Series of 1999, has become null and void, thereby necessitating a new approved development plan for the subject property in order to proceed through the development review process; WHEREAS, Mirus LLC, as the owner of the Westhaven Condominiums property, has submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Development Area A; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to repeal and re-enact Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1985 to amend and re-establish the Development Plan for Development Area A, specifically the Westhaven, a.k.a. the "Ruins" site (Westhaven Condominiums), to allow for the construction of the proposed Westhaven Condominiums; and WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Vail Comprehensive Plan; and Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application and has submitted its recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, all notices as required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend and re-establish the Development Plan for Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village Development Area A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO, THAT: (Amended language indicated in bold italics, deleted is in strike-lhreugh lettering.) Section 1. Purpose ofthe Ordinance Ordinance No. 8, Series of '1985, is hereby repealed and re-enacted by Ordinance No. 12, Series of 2005. Section 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Planning Gommission Report. The approval procedures described in Section 12-94 of the Vail Town Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the recommendations of the Planning & Environmental Commission for an amendment to the Development Plan for Special Development District No. 4, Area A. Westhaven Condominiums. Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 Section 3. Special Development District No. 4 Special Development District No. 4 and the development plans for all sites other than the development plan for the Westhaven Condominiums therefore, hereby remain approved for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail, unless they have otherwise expired. Section 4. Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village shall read as follows: Purpose Special Development District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 is created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission, and because there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. "Special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or performing arts theater or cultural center. B. "Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be defined as a Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set forth in Section 13-7 Condominiums and Condominium Conversions, Subdivision Regulations. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit. Established A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 97.955 acres and Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as "SDD No. 4." B. The district shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes: Ordinance 12. Series of 2005 Area Known As Development Area Cascade Village A Coldstream Condominiums B Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots C Glen Lyon Commercial Site D Dedicated Open Space Roads TOTAL Acreage 17.955 4.000 9.100 1.800 40.400 4.700 97.955 Development Plan-Required-Approval Procedure Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall be subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shall be allowed to have two development plans for the Cascade Club site as approved by the Town Council. The Waterford and Cornerstone sites shall be allowed one development plan each. Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per the approved phasing plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in the development statistics section of this ordinance. Amendments to SDD No. 4 shall comply with Section 12-9A of the Vail Town Code. Permitted Uses A. Area A. Cascade Village 1. First floor commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in Section 12-78- 3, (Commercial Core 1), Vail Town Code. The "first floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 leveh 2. All other floor levels besides first floor street level may include retail, theater, restaurant, and office except that no professional or business office shall be located on street level or first floor (as defined above) unless it is clearly accessory to a lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest comer of the Plaza Conference Center building; 3. Lodge; 4. Multi-family dwelling; 5. Single Family dwelling; 6. Primary/Secondary dwelling; 7. Transient residential dwelling unit; 8. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code; 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Two-familydwelling; 2. Multi-family dwelling. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots 1. Single family dwelling; 2. Two-family dwelling. 3. Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12-13, ot the Municipal Code. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Business and professional offices; Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 2. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the MunicipalCode. Conditional Uses Conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 12-16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. A. Area A, Cascade Mllage 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 square feet. 2. Special attraction; 3. Skilifts; 4. Public Park and recreational facilities; 5. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mall area. 6. Transportation Business. 7. Temporary Use of the Tennis Facility for Conferences and Conventions B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Public Park and recreational facilities: 2. Skilifts. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skilifts; D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Chapter 12-2. Ordinance 12. Sedes of 2005 Accessory Uses A. Area A. Cascade Village 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Municipal Code. 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessaryforthe operation thereof. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Municioal Code. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 Municipal Code. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessaryforthe operation thereof. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Municipal Code. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. Location of Business Activity A. All offices, businesses, and shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display of goods. B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Ordinance 12, Series ot 2005 Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. Density-Dwelling Units The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: A. Area A, Cascade Village In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transient dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-four dwelling units for a total density of two hundred seventy (270) dwelling units. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-five (65) dwelling units C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots One-hundred four (104) dwelling units. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site Three dwelling units, two of which shall be employee dwelling units as defined Chapter 12-13, of the Municipal Code . Density-Floor Area A. Area A, Cascade Village The gross residential floor area (GRFA) for all buildings shall not exceed 289,145 square feet. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 sq. ft.) GRFA. Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 't0 C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 12€D'8 (Density Control) for the Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal mde. D. Area D, Glen Llon CommercialSite The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1998 for previous requirements. Gommercial Square Footage A. Area A, Cascade Mllage Area A shall not exeed 35,698 square feet of commercial area. B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site . The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1998 for previous requirements. Odinance 12, Seri€8 of 2005 11 Development Statistics for Area A Cascade Village, and Area D, Glen Lyon Gommercial Site CHART 1: Area A Gompleted Projects WEHSmith,Vaumt Ordinance 12. Series of 2005 12 TERMCE WING Rmms 1m s8,069 0.@ 105 Rebll 5,E56 0.00 n P|-_tzA 1 Rmms N 7,n5 0.00 16 Retail 1,099 0.00 4 PLAZA II ConfeBnce 0.00 J5 Relall 925 0.00 3 CASCADE CLUE Retall 300 0.00 1 Bar & Reslaurant 252 0.@ 3.5 Offce In CMC 828 0.00 3 Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 13 "Plaz8 space has already been countod lor a relail parklng requirement. The ne!,v parklng r€qulrement is based on lhe difierence between th€ retail and oftce parking requiremonts. "'For lhe purposes of calculating GRFA for the Cosgriff parcel (Millrace lV), no crodits shall be given except fior 3fl) s.f. to be allowed for each enclosed parking space. Ordinanc6 12, Series of 2005 14 CHART2:AREA A REQUIRED PARKING Development Plans Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership. The following documents comprise the development plan for the SDD as a whole, Waterford, Cornerstone, Cascade Club Addition Scenario I and2, Millrace lV, and Area D-Glen Lyon Commercial Site and is not all inclusive: 1. Waterford, Sheet #L-2, dated 1 1-12-92, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson. 2. Waterford, Sheet#1 .1, dated 11-13-92, Site/Grading Plan Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. Parking for Completed Projects per Chart 1 in Cascade Parking Structure Parking Spaces 461.9 Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Credit -80.8 Total Required Parking at Build-Out of Area A in Cascade Structure 381.1 Existing Parking in Cascade Structure 421.0 Required Parking in Cascade Structure at Build-Out of Area A With 17.5olo mixed-use credit 381.1 Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 14 3. Waterford, Sheet #2.1, dated 1 1-13-92, Plan Level 38/43' 3", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 4. Waterford, Sheet #2.2, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 48'-6Y53'-0', Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 5. Waterford, Sheet #2.3, dated 11-13-92 Plan Level 59'-0:/64'-3" by Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 114-92, Plan Level 69'-6"/74'-9", Gwathmey, Pratt. Schultz. 7. Waterford, Sheet #2.5, dated 11-'13-92, Plan Level 80'-0"/85'-3" Gwathmey, Pratt. Schultz. 8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 90'-6" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 101'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, dated 1 1-13-92, Plan Level 1 1 1'-6' Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 11. Waterford, Sheet #2.9, dated 1 1-13-92, Plan Level 122'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 12. Waterford, Sheet #2.10, dated 12-14-92, Roof Plan All Levels Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 13. Waterford, Sheet#3.1, dated 11-13-92, Elevations Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 14. Waterford, Sheet #3.2, dated 11-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 15. Waterford, Sheet #4.1, dated 11-4-92, Sections Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 'f 6. Waterford, Sheet #4.2, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. '18. Waterford, Sheet #9.1, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 19. Waterford, Sheet #9.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 20. Waterford, Sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 21. Waterford, Sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 22. Waterford, Sheet #9.5, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 16 23. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 24. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10/1 0/88. 25. Millrace lll, Sheet#1 , dated 5/6/93, Site Plan, Steven James Riden. 26. Millrace lll, Sheet #2, dated 4113193, Floor Plans for Single Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 27. Millrace lll, Sheet #3, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Single Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 28. Millrace lll, Sheets ll4 and #5, dated 3120193, Floor Plans for Duplex Building, Steven James Riden. 29. Millrace lll, Sheets#6and #7,dated 5/6/93, ElevationsforDuplexBuilding, Steven James Riden. 30. Millrace lll, Sheet Ll , dated 5/6/93, Site/Landscape Plan, Steven James Riden. 31. Millrace lV, Scenario I, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Site Plan, Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10t28t91. 32. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10t22t91. 33. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10123191. 34. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson Associates. 35. Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 10131191 stamped. 36. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner, 618187. 37. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/88. 38. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental lmpact Report: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revised 11122188. 39. Topographic Map, Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd, 1211194 40. lmprovement Location Certificate, Eagle Valley Surveying, lnc.,3l2l92 41. The Approved Development PIan for Area A, as attached (Exhibit A) to this Ordinance and containing the following Sheefs.' Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 IT Dwg. #Title 4utlnr Date 4-1.0 Title Sheet Morter Architects 03-15-05 a-1.1 Vicinity Map Ulorter Architects 01-31-05 4-1.2 GRFASummam llorter Architects 03-r 5-05 a-l.3 Spring Equinox Sun Shading Morter Architects 0t -31-05 4-1.4 Summer Solstice Sun Shading Morter Architects 01-31-0s 4-1.5 Fall Equinox Sun Shading Morter Architects 01-31-0s a-[.6 IV'inter Solstice Sun Shading Morter Architects 0I-31-05 A-1.7 Site Plan Morter Architects 03-1s-0s c001 Cover Sheet Alpine Engineering 03-14-05 c002 Grading Plan (llest Ha[)Alpine Engineering 03-14-0s c003 Grading Plan (East Hao 4lpine Engineering 03-14-0s c004 Storm Drainage Plan Alpine Engineering 03-r 4-05 c005 Grading and Drainage Delails Alpine Engineering 03-14-05 c006 utiliu Plan Alpine Engineering 03-14-0s c007 Utilin Denils Alpine Engineering 03-14-0s c008 Demolition Plan 4lpine Engineering 03-14-05 L-1 Lanclscape Plan Dennis Anderson Assoc,03-15-05 L-2 Landscape Plan - Cascade Club Dennis Anderson Assoc.03-I S-0s A2.0 Parking Level Plan Morter Architects 03-15-05 42.1 First Floor Plan Ulorter Archilects 03-15-05 42.2 Second Lcvcl Plnn Morter Architects 03-15-05 42.3 Third Level Plan Morter Architects 03-15-05 42.4 Fourth Level Plan Morler Architects 03-r 5-05 42.5 Roof Plan Morter Architects 03-15-05 43.1 Building A Elevations Morter Architects 03-1s-05 43.2 Building B Elevations Morter Architects 03-15-05 44.0 Buileling Sections Morter Architects 02-14-05 44.1 Building Sections Morter Architects 02-14-05 44.2 Buikling Sections Ulorter Architects 02-14-05 Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 18 * A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may be added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review all such additions to ensure that they are required by such codes. Area G, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots 1. Building Envelopes for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 per sheet, L-1, prepared by Design Workshop, Inc., dated 11-9-98. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1998 for previous requirements. Development Standards The development standards set out herein are approved by the Town Council. These standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. Sefbacks A. Area A, Cascade Village Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property (Area A) of not less than twenty feet, with the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on February 8, 1982, by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and with the exception that the setback requirement of a portion of the Westhaven Condominiums building, as indicated on the approved development plans referenced in this ordinance, shall be 14 feet. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 19 The Waterford building shall maintain a minimum 20 foot setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 12-6D-7 of the Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. For single-family Lots 39-1 and 39-2, development shall occur per the approved building envelopes and is subject to the following: All future development will be restricted to the area within the building envelopes. The only development permitted outside the building envelopes shall be landscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining walls associated with driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finished grade) will be permitted to pro.lect beyond the building envelopes not more than ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (z) the distance between the building envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (:) the minimum required dimension between buildings. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans. Height A. For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Learning Center, Terrace Wing, Plaza Conference Building and Cascade Parking Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet. Ordinance '12, Series of 2005 20 2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet. 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shall be 55' (South Frontage Road), 56' along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feet along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet. 5. Millrace lll: A maximum of 36 feet. 6. Millrace lV: A maximum of 36 feet. 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet. 9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48 feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The maximum height shall be 48 feet. D. Area C. Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 51% of the roof shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49% of the roof area shall have a height under 32 feet. On the perimeter of the building for Area D, height is measured from finished grade up to any point of the roof. On the interior area of any building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point of the roof. Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D. Site Coverage Area A: Not more than 45% of the total site area may be covered by buildings unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. Area B: No more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or Ordinance 12. Series of 2005 21 educational center, 45o/o of the area may be covered unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. Area C: No more than 25o/o of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 12-21 of the Vail Municipal Code apply. Area D: No more than 37% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. Landscaping At least the following percentages of the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent (50%), and in Areas C and D, sixty percent (60%), of the area shall be landscaped unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. Parking and Loading A. Area A, Cascade Village 1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10, except lhatT5o/o of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace lV, Scenario l, where 66.6% and the Westhaven Condominiums, where 71o/o of required parking shall be enclosed in a building. 2. There shall be a total of 421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking structure. A 17.5 percent mixed-use credit per the Town of Vail parking code, has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces in the Cascade structure. 3. There shall be a total of 58 on-site parking spaces on the Waterford building site with a minimum of 75o/o of the required space located below grade. No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site. 4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 22 the Cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces available to the public for short{erm parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot. 5. The third floor of the Cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwelling units, employee dwelling units or dwelling units. 6. Phasing: All required parking for Cornerstone and Waterford shall be located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Club Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade parking structure. 7. Seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm for Millrace lll. 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved in the development plan. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-'10 of the Municipal Code. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA Parking Report, Parking Management Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, dated January 16, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy. 2. No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-of-way Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 23 along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development. 3. The owner of the property and brewery management shall prohibit semi-truck and trailer truck traffic to the Glen Lyon Commercial site. The only truck loading that shall be allowed to the site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22feet. Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter 3.20 shall be assessed ataratenottoexceedfiftycentspersquarefoot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits. Conservation and Pollution Controls A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution from surface runoff. B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction. C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in the Town of Vail Municioal as amended. D. lf fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at the time of development. E. All water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drains per the recommendation of the Environmental lmpact Report by Jamar Associates on Page 34. F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt from draining into Gore Creek. Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 24 G. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery service line shall be provided so that the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District may monitor BOD strength. H. In Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brewery process during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owner's responsibility to monitor inversions. l. All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within Special Development District 4. J. Protective measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gas fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces. Additional Amenities and Approval Agreements for Special Development District No. 4. A.The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private transportation services to the owners and guests so as to transport them from the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved development plan. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The developer of the Westhaven Condominiums building shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the Westhaven building to connect with the recreational path to Donovan Park, as indicated on the approved development plans referenced in this ordinance. The walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for the Westhaven Condominiums. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit plans. The sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Westhaven Condominiums. B. Ordinance 12. Series of 2005 25 2. The developer shall provide 1OO-year floodplain information for the area adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail Community Development Department before building permits are released for either project. 3. Cornerstone The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1998 for previous requirements. C. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of '1998 for previous reouirements. Employee Housing The development of SDD No. 4 will have impacts on available employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet this additional employee housing need, the developer(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on-site. ln Area D, the above referenced employee housing requirement shall be provided on site. For the Westhaven Condominiums site, the employee housing requirement shall be met as set forth in Condition 3 herein. The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 3 employee dwelling units within the Cornerstone Building and 2 within the Liftside (Waterford Building). Each employee unit in the Cornerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square feet. There shall be a total of 2 employee dwelling units in the Waterford Building. One shall be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of 800 square feet. Ihe developer of the Westhaven Condominuims building shall provide 4,400 square feet of employee housing pursuant to the terms of an agreement reached with the Town of Vail as described in Condition 3. The developer of Area D shall build 2 employee dwelling units in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East Building. In Area D one employee dwelling Ordinance 12. Series of 2005 zo unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. The GRFA and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for SDD No. 4. All Employee Housing Units shall be deed restricted per Chapter 12J3, as amended, of the Vail Municipal Code prior to issuance of building permits for the respective project. In Area C, Lots 39-1 and 39-2, shall be required to provide a Type ll, Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12-13 ol the Zoning Regulations of at least 500 sq. ft. each, on each lot. These lots shall not be entitled to the 500 sq. ft. of additional GRFA. The 500 sq. ft. shall be included in the allowable GRFA on these lots. Each lot shall also be entitled to 300 sq. ft. of garage area credit for the employee housing unit, in addition to the 600 sq. ft. garage area credit allowed per residence. The driveway width of 12 is allowed to remain (no increase in driveway width is required) for all allowed/required dwelling units and employee housing units on these lots. Time Requirements SDD No. 4 shall be governed by the procedures outlined in Section 12-9A of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, unless such time requirement is amended herein Westhaven Condom i n iu ms Cond itions of Approval 1. That the Developer submits a detailed contractor's cosf estimafe identifying fhe cosfs necessary to relocate the existing overhead utility line along the applicant's north property line underground, and that the Developer establish a financial bond with the Town of Vail in the sum of 125%o of said relocating cos/s to ensure the burial of the utility line prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, unless the work is otherwise completed by Holy Cross by that time. The work described above and in the bond shall be completed by July 31, 2006. Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 27 2. That the Developer re-grades and re-vegetafes fhe knoll located at the northwest corner of the development site in association with a landscaping plan approved through the Design Review Application process. The re-grading shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer and said re-grading shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 3. That the Developer of the Westhaven Condominiums site, Area A, shall provide deed-restricted Employee Housing totaling at least 4,400 square feet and be comprised of at leasttwo (2) units with a minimum of one qualified employee in each unit, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements, Title 12, Chapter 13, Vail Town Code, and that said deed-restricted housing be in the Town of Vail and made available for occupancy, and that the deed restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Westhaven Condominiums. 4. That the Developer submits detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-site improvements (street lighb, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, etc.) to the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. That the Developer provides written documentation from the Public Servrce Company granting approval of the construction of the Westhaven Condominiums in the location identified on the site plan relative to the high pressure gas line, as depicted on Sheef C002 of the Approved Development Plan. Written approval shall be granted prior to applying for a building permit. 6. That a complete Design Review Board Application be submitted by the Developer, and be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to applying for a building permil Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 28 7. That this approval is granted with the understanding there will be no phasing assocrafed with this project. By "no phasing", this condition means one building permit will be applied for and issued which will encompass the entire scope of the Westhaven Condominiums project. 8. That at the time a demolition permit is applied for, the Developer will include a plan detailing how the existing concrete from the "ruins" foundation will be properly recycled. Section 5. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 7. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. Ordinance 12, Series of 2005 29 INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 3d day of May, 2005, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 'l7h day of May, 2005, in the Gouncit Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this ,I7b day of May, 2005. Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordlnance 12. Series of 2005 30 i S5/2a/2AAS A2t2I JnN-13-e@o5 17!A1 97A94981A4 FRO1: r.rp19111369 ASSOCIATES JAt91g349AL@4 PAGE A2 P.AAyara PVLMAN & F Latdmc$tl/9|lta llnr rtt Land Title Guarantee Compaoy CUSTOMDR DISTRIBUTION Dotc: 0$lil-Zll0l Our Ord.r hhmbsr: VC5{100S33{.? Proporty Addrcrr: PARC*,I IN SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTII, MI{GB 8I WE I IfSou fuw uy irqahi* or tquirc futihq asittr,an Plcex criag,cr on. of tha mturs MtE WRIGIIT AIID OOII?AI{Y WP\N TNAVTRS & PERKIT{SFO!OX7Z?0 1000 S. FROITITAGE tD. rzm DE I\ER m SgF AVO|{ vArL. co uG57 AVON, CO !1610 Attr: RlCl( RAVERS Ai!: C^XOL CL/tssCi{ nr||.: }70{?fl0t6 n6c! Dcg|}6?U Fa; 9l047i7tt! Prl: l?0.919.196G EMl|: nnearrc*rdtr$,,coo EMril: rri3l*&al.lrl Scnr vh EruI 3.d lrt| Elltril DUIIN & CAUSEY. U,C wt[rE 8n/ER CE|T!I" rtur POtGtllrt AVOItt, Co n5z0 A6U JOHN DUI{?.I Ptorxr 9?[7]$U00 Flrl t7g7{$$ EMlil: ju{Qdurcucy,con S.d Vr! !f{rl nosl}{soN Mrctu.L e ASSoCTA1TS ,OR MEADOW DR ST'IIE ?A vArL co u5s7 Afir R0BtYR080v50{ tloor: g?U{7'-2lJl Pur g?Gl?{lt5 El'&Ur r$yQmt|)ynnch.cor sal Vh t\x ot.tior Molls. IT,IACDOMLD e WDDPR 20 NORTlr clRlo|.r, sTRBlx IrADrSot{, W50?8 A$t nrEoDoRl c. wDDl& [I Ptm: 6{&256.1t?8 Erx $06.zt?.1lo0 lMdl; tid9ntralp.trr,cmt Scd Vb EMdl f.orllhllsltauql Vall Titlc Dcpt. Rofcr Avilr r0l s. FRoNT^GE RD. W. *zul P.0. BOX 357 VAIL, CO t1657 Phsa?,' 9'n47&n5l Ftn lllraTg?t2 EMrll: nvlla@llgc.coot For Closinr Aslirtrncqi Karcn Biggl IOE S. FRONTACE RD. W. f,203 P.0. Box 357 vAll, CO rr6s7 Phoor: 970477-tl5t0Fa* 970-4761732 EMril; kbig@Jtgc.com 85/2A/2405 A2:2!'JRl.t-13-a095 17:ar 97694981A4 FRO'' I l.lRIGHT8,Co PYLMAN 9ts949196 & ASSOCIATES m|grcg{'fitg4 PAGE A3 P,W,/AIA F LerdTith {ltAMt|rtt tdaq|r Propcrty Addrcrs: PARCEL IN SECTTON IZ, ToWNSHIP 5 SOUNI, M}IGE SI WEST Buyst/Borrowcr: MIR['S, LtC, A DEI.AWARE UMITED LIABILITY COMPAI'IY Scllcr/Owno : WESTHAVENrcASCADE LLC, A COLORADO UMITED IJASTLITY COMPAT{Y Mrc I nfwnzartoa: B ta lt: Fl R STg Al,lK OF eLOMllO t0103 w @LFAXAWWE LA^1SWOOD, ffi t02ts Phoac: 30J.87-iM). AAT LAI{DN'TLE OUARANNEE COMPAT,IY ABA tlo.: 107005047 Acq)vat: 2t6452ltzs Atta ion: krat Bfugs tlllllllf ara!ai ai...a al llatta tatr.ltaaaa lt tart... aalalal alr!artaall Me: Oncc rn ori3inrl commitmsflt has bc?n lsiucd, rny $rb9!q$snl modificstios will bc onphrsizcd by underlining or cornncrrlr. aaaraatitla..l.atrara.aaaltlltt.aarra.araaaati.. .!aaalt??a.rtatl ottrlo litt"$f:i#rf*iagrclorine? Chcck out Lrad Titlc's wcb sito rt www.ltgc.com TITANK YOIJ FOR YOIII{ OBDBR! Land Title Guarantee Company Drtc: 0&t3.200{ Our Order Numbcr: VCtqX'533,1-7 ESTTMATE OF TITLE IEES It lrti tl!t. A..rrrga. 6*.ct r:l,l b abt* 6b .Dorc ttaa tlJ.l .DG elLcEd rt tta! atr. 8512A/2445 82t2L JRN-13-eEE5 1?'A1 9749498144 FROI,|tl.RIOITSC0 PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES 9769491*/E T0r979949916a PAGE 64 P.W.AL6 Cldago TitL lum[cc Coruily ALTA C O MMITMENT Sehcdulc A Propc!ty Addrsss: PARCEL rN SECltoN te. ?owNSI.tD 5 SOUT|{. RANCE sl WBST E Lcrirc Dst€:July 01, 2fi}{ rt 3:00 P.M, polkry to bc trrurd. rnd Proposarl l"nsurcdr "ALTA" Olurr Pollcy tcfT-9z Propoxd lnrnd: IARUS, LLC. A DELAWARE UMITED UAIIIJTY COMPAT{Y "AL!A' lara Potlcy l0-l?-92 Propoccd hrud: ERRONICE IIC, AWISCONSIN LIMITED UABIUTY COMPAIfY Our Ordsr No. VC50005334.7 Cu,sl. RcL: l. n,bsrno'm sr.0?5.000.00 ?h. artatc or int€fs ln thr land d€laribad or rtftrrcd to in this C@mitnc|lt rod coyetcd lcleltt ls; A Fec Sinph Tlth !0 thc crtlto or intcrcst covcrsd bcrsin iB et th6 cfcdiw dltc hcrcof vcsrcd ln: WESITIAVENTASCADT, LLC. A COTORADO LIMNED LIASIUTY COMPANY Tic laad tc&rted to ln thi! Cammlrmatt is dcscr ibed t! fotlol'E: SlE AITACflED E/rCE(s) FOR l.,EcAL DESCRIPTIoN @5/2A12A85 a2:2L JAl.l-13-e895 1?rgl 97A9498IA4 FRq': LIRIGHTACO PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES 9769491966 Totg7O949B7E4 PAGE A5 P.@4'gLA Otrr Ordcr No. VC5fi)G$3{-7 LGLDECRPIIC}I WEST?IAVEN PARCEL, MonE PARTICULARLY DISCRIBED AS FOLT.owS: A PARTOFTHE SOUTHWEST 1/{ NORTTUIAST I/{. SECTION 12, TOTryNSIIIP 5 SOUTH, MNGEBI WEST OF 11{E 8TTI PRINCXPAL MERIDI^N , COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. BFTNC MORE PARTICUI.{RLY DINCREED AS FOLLOWS: DEGIM{INC ^TAI\I AI{OIE EONT ON THE SOUTfiERLY RICFT OF WAY LII\M OF INTERSTA'E ITIG}IWAY NO, ?0. WHEI'ICE AN IRON PTN T{,ITT{ PL^SflC CAP MARI(I'IC rrE CENiiN 6F S,,{DsEc'IloN l2 EEARS 50UTt{ 0. DECREES o8 MNUI'ES n SDCOT{DS WE5T 59{.?2 FXET D!SIANr; IIIENCE THE FOLLOWING TWo COT RSES ALoNC SAID SOuTttERLy Rrc]IT OF WAyUN!: (I) NORTII II DECREES 3I MIINUTES 5O SECONDS EAST 2OI.1IO FEET (z) NoRfH 5e DEGnEBS 50 MINUTES 29 sEcoNDs EAST 150.00 FEET tr{ENCE SOUTfl 3? DEGREES 0,!t MINUTES 3l sEcoNDs EAsr 126.96 Ftgrr THENCE SOIm{ t6 DECREES {8 MINUTES {5 SECoNDS WEST tzs.l5 FEET; T}|ENCB SOUTH tho.47 FEET ALONG T}'E ARC OF A CURVE TO TTE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS oF I{3,20 FEET, A ca\rTML AI.IGLE OP {I DECREES 12 MINUTFS 05 SE€ONDS, AI{D A C}IORD WHICI{ BEARS SOI.ITII 32 DEGREES l? MINUTES 13 sDcoNDs wEsr tle.gs FEEr; TtrENcE NoRrlt 8t DECREES zt MTNUTE' t9 SECOiIDS WEST 165.12 FEE? TO TTIE POINT Or BEGINNINC, COUNTY OF E{GLE, STATts OFcoLoMD0. NOI!: Iltr FINAL POUCY DOES NO|I IN Al{y WAy CUARAMIEE OR TNSURE IltE DIMENSIONS gF fiE ADOVE DESCRIBED LAND, 'HE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS DERIIIED FROM THE CHAIN OP ?TTI.E AND ONLY AN ACCI.JRAIE SURVIIY CAN DETERMINE THE DMET.ISIONS. A5/24/2085 82:2L JAN-13-2A05 l?r91 97A949eL44 FR$,t: wpJq118c0 PVLMAN & ASSOCIATES 9769q9r% TO:9'm9499194 PAGE A6 P.6.gLA ALTA COMMITMENT SdrcdnlcB.Scdlonl (Rcqulrcmcnts) Thc followhg lrc ltc rcquircmcnr to bo complied wlth: Our Ordor l.to. VC5000533{-z t. Itsn (r) Prymfit to or for th. a@rat of rhc gnnor or rtor$goft of urc ftill co|rdd€riddn for tb o3tlr ortrlcrrii t0 tG tnqrrd. It-.0) nofcr ft"tnrtlcDt(s) crcrdng thc eaue or ln&rut to bo lDs,rnd nrst br crccund end duly flhd for nconl,lewlt: Itco (c) Ptrunt ofrf urrr, chrrgeg or rftcqmllt tsvtrd rnd svcssed r8rhrr the.Eqiftt Frdtrcs wfrlcf, ar rllrmd FyrDh. lem (d) Additionl refllrcmcnB, tf rw dirlooed bclolr ^RNCLES OF ORCAT{IZATION FOR MIRUS, LLC, A DELAWANS UMTIED UAilLrrY COMPAT.TY MUST 3E NLED WTTH THE SECRETARY OF STATB AND OPERATTNC ACREEME}N REFIECTn\IG nlB CURRENT MBMBER(SIfiAr.JACER(S), tF DTFSERE{T FROM fiE ANNCIIS OF INCONPORANON, TURMSHED TO LAI\ib ML8 PRIOR IO CLOSING. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED NOIIEMBDN, 20, 1096. trROM WESn{A\ETV/CASCADE LLC. A COTORADo LIMIED LI/dBtr lrr COMPANY As To AN UNDIVTDED 8t PERCPI.|T INTENEST AI{D 'ENALD L. WUHRMAI{ AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 16 PERCEI{r INTEREST TO TI{P PI'BLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGTE COUNTY FOR TI{E USD OF FIRST WESTERN MORTCACE SDRVICES, TNC. TO SECURE TIIE ST'M OF 3600,000.00 N,ECORDED DECEMBER IO. 19{16. IN 800X r13 AT PAGE tdl, SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSICNED TO CREAT MIDWESf BAIIN, S.S.B. TN ^SSICNME}.ITRECORDED DBCEMEER IO. I!'96, IN 8OOK 7I3 AT PACE 362. RELENE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED FEBRUARY OT , ?M2 FROM JERAID L. U/I'I{RMAN TO T}IE PUBUC TRUSTEE OII EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF CI{ARLES F. SPANEL, 'NC.DOIT.IG BUSINESS AS IT{TER.MOUNTAIN ENCTNEERINC. LTD, T() SECURE THE SUM OF 313,000,00 RICoRDED FEERUARY 14,2W2, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 7t59S0. SAID DESD OF 'RUSf WAS ASSIGNED TO WITUAM P. ROBINSON tN ASSICNMEI.IT NE@NDED FSBRUARY Ih, 2|,0t TJ}IDER RECEPNON NO. E67239, REISASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 30, 2OO3 FROM WEIIIT{AVEN/CASCADE LLC. A COLORADO UMITED LIABILITY COMPA.I\fY AS TO AN I,NDMDED 8{ ?ER,CENT INIERESf AND J8ru\LD L. WUI{RMAN AS m AN UI\IDMDED t0 PERCENT TI{IEREST PERSONAILY GUARANTEED BY MtcrJEL AOI{ZA Al{D toRcE BALLESTBRoSD At{D MANUEL GOMEZ.DAZA AND AI.E,IAI\IDRO ESPEIO AND JORGE ZAPATN TO T}IE PUBLTC TRUSTEE OF EAGT,E Osl28/2a65 Ozi2t JSr-13-?@5 17:@ 9749498184 FRfr! I.RIGITS.CO PVLMAN & ASSOCIATES 97e€49L966 T0:9-198|4981A4 PAGE 67 P.W'gLg ALTA COMMITMENT SchcfuhB-Sccrloul (Rcqulrementr;Our Ordcr No. VC6MS3ill-? Coothuod: COUNTYIORTI{E USB OFDIANE R LARSEN. P.C. 10 SECURS TT{8 SI,'M OF t20,m0.00 REC0RDED JUNE 2r, 2003, UNDER RECEmON NO. S37S?t. sAlD DEED 0F TRUsr wAs AsslcNED To BK pRopERn$, LLc, A MrssouRt LrtvnrEDIIAEIUW COMPAIIY IN ASSICNMENT RECORDED FEERUARY 19, 2OO' UNDER RICEPTION No. t68r9?. J. NELP\sE OF UEN AS EVIDENCED BY IT|E StrAIEMEI{T OF CASCADE VILIAGE ASSOCIATION. INC, IN ?TIE AMOUNT OF I3,SI3,74 RECORDED NOVEMBER 06, ?003, UNDER RECEPnON NO. 858tI6. ASSICNMENT OF SAID UEN RECORDED MARCH 15,2OOI, R,ECEPnON NO. 8?0S13 6, EVIDBNCE SAIISFACfORY TO THE CoMPAIIIY T}IAT ?Ifl TIIRIT,iS, coNDmoNs AND PROV'SIONS Of 11{E TOWN OF VAIL TR.AI,ISFER TA)( HAVE BBEN SATJSRED. ?. ITEMNTE}MONALTYDELETED) 8. WARNANTY DEED EROM WESIIIAVEN/CASCADE LLC. A COLORADO LIMMD LhBIUTY COMPANY TO MRUS, LLC, A DELWARE UMTED LI^BN.FY COMP^NY CONVEYING SI'8'ECT PROPERTI. 9. DEED OF TRUST FROM MIRUS, LtC, A DETAWARE UMIIED LIAE|IJrY COi[PAI{r TO TTIE PUBLIC IRUSTEE OF EACLE COUNTY FOR TT|E USE OF ERROMCE LLC, A WTSCONSIN UMITED LI^BILITY COMP^NY TO SECUXE fiE SUM OF 3I,625,000,00. Not[: [T4rr{g.rg4 OFIfiE CqNERAL EXCEp.rlOItS ARE HEnn&v DEL€TEp. """'r" NOTICE OF FED CtlAltGE, EFFES1wE SEPTEMBER t, Z00Z r'.r.r.... Purulmt to Colondo Revl!*d Soblr !0.10.{2t, ''Thc c.rnry clcrl ud ncordu rhall ollca r urchrrye of ll.00ftr each dottlttuot rccdvcd fot ecordlrg or llllrg t! trt! or her 6mce, Thc unnerge rhll bc ln addfiqr rs arrt orh.rfi6 pcrrlifrcd by !htuh." 05/26/2445 62t27 JAN-13-eO6 17:62 9749498L64 FRO'!:I,RIGHT&CT] PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES 97W4919€€ TO:97@49BIB4 PAGE g8 P.@7/ALO ALTA COMMITMENT SdtcdrlcB-Scc{on? (Bxccptlonr)Our Order l,lo. vCflltl0533{.7 5. 8. 8, Thc policy or politiq to bc i$ucd will contoil €ficcptioar to thc followlng unlos ths glnc aro dinpcssd of to tbo sotllllction ofthr Coraprny: t. Rlgt! or cltlm ofputlc! ln porccsslotr lor sho$'n by o publlc rccods. 2. Erscmrrtr, G GbirE of crscllc[b. not rhom by lic publtc rttordr. s. Dirrtfllldct' cootth h bouldtty llnc. shr6gc tn uu. mcro.cirucnts, md rry hct wfilch e cprsst !!1yry 111d lrpcctlor of iln ptcn|rc nrarld rltsclce rnd w ch tn not stown Dy rhc puDlic mco,r&- {. Atty lftn, or rW to:-loa for sqvlces. hbor or natclal tharaoforr or lerealbr ttmi$cd, impoccd by llw rndlol3houtl ty frc plHh nOrrh, Ddrcr, llss, arcrltllrtrnors. adwnc_ chfin or othcr nrfict!. lf ury, ecatcd, fint rpprrrrng h rlr pbffc rreords ora&.Irl8 aub6cqu.ofl lo Oe cfi€clivc ddc ionof hr prlor ro rtr &rL rhe Fo'po6cd tiiurd frutrts bf recort ntnl[G thr cgrte or ltrtcrcat or Dotqrgc drron conriA Uy bjs Con6ionor(. Tuer or {cdrl lsrrsmarc wlrlch tc not tho{yr! 6 crl$tng lisr6 bJ thr Fbllc rccot&. Liens fu ugrld wrhr and scnnr chuges, lf rry , ln rddltloo, thr owler's poltcy wll be subJct ro rtc mnrtgage. ff rny. lord in Sertloo t of &tcdulc E hcrcof. RIGI{T OF PROPRIEION. Or A VEIN OR LODE TO DfiRACr AND REMOVE }tIS ORE II{EREFROM SHOULO THE SAME BE FOUND To FEN TR,ATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVIID TN UNNED STATES PATSM RECORDED ^UGUST 16. rOO9, TN BOOK {8 ^TPAGE 5{2. RIffN OF WAY FOR DIITI{ES OR CANAI.S CONSIRUC"TED BY THg AI,rf}IORIIY OF TTIE UNTIED STAIIS AS RESERVED IN UNNED STATES PATENT REC'RDED AUCUST 16, 1900, IN BOOK {t AT PAOE 5{2. RESTRICTIVE COI/ENANTS WHICI{ DO NOT CONT^IN ^ FORFEITURE ON REVERIIR CLAUSE, 8UT OMITTNqC ANY COI'ENANT OR RESTRICIION BASED ON RACE, COLOR. REiICION. SEX, H^iIDICAP, FAi{ILIAL STATUS OR NANONAL ONXCIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TI{E DCTINT N{AT S,AID COVEN^NT (^) IS EXEFrrr UN-DER CI{APTER 42, SECTTON 3607 OFIllE utrrr8D STATES CODE OR (4 nELTTES r.O H^NDtC^p BuT DOES NoT DISCRIMINAIE AGAINST HANDTCAP PEXSONS, AS CONTANED IN INS'IRUMENT RECORDED IJLY 17. 198t. N BooK 326 AT pAcB 255. UITIDERGROT'IID RICHT OF WAY EASEMEN? AS GRANIED TO MANSF'ILED NMNED. A COLON^DO UMTED PARTNERSHP ?O IIOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATTON. INC. BY DOCUMENT RBCON.DSD AUGUST 30, I9EZ IN BOOK 3{{ AT PAGE O?3 AI{D NOI'IMBER 12, 19tz lN EOOX t/tE AT PAGE 86f. L 10. lt. 12. s5/2A/26As A2i2l JFlr.{-13-em 17rA-a 9709498L44 FROMII^RIOJT&C0 PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES 976AgLgGG fgtg1?gqgf)Lg4 PAGE A9 P.WtgLO ALTA COMMITMENT Sdrcduht-Seabn2 pxcoptions)Orrr Ordcr l'lo. tr'C5000533+7 Tho policy or policic| to be issrcd will contain crcrptions to thc following unles thc srmc lrc dirpr.red of lo tho $tfufrctioo ofth€ Comprny: 13, EASIIMENI AS CNANIED TO 1IGSTERN CAS SUPPLY COMP^NY, A COLORADO CORPORATION IN INSTRUMEI{T RECORDAD JANUARY ?I, 1985 IN DOOK IO5 AT PAGE 5A{, t1. ?ERMS. CONDrTIONS AND PROVTSIONS OF ORDER AND DECREE CREATING CASCADE VITIACE METROPOLNAN DISIRICT RECORDBD ATRIL 07, 1988 N EOOK IT9 AT PAGE 3{!l AI.ID ONDER FOR INCLIjSION RECORDED APRIL 17. 196? IN BOOK {6I AT PAGE 122. fi. TENMS, CONDINONS AND ?ROVISIONS OF DECLARATION OF CO\IENANTS RECORDED DECEIfBER 8, I99' IN BOOK 056 AT PAGI 848. 13. ruGHT OF WAY EASEi'ENT AS GMNTCb TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCIATION, INC. N INSMUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 08, 1998, UNDPR RECEPTION NO. 655?15. r7, A5/24/2AAS A2i2I Jtrr-13-?0AS 17:Oa 9769498L44 FRo'l: I"RIGHTS€o PVLMAN 8 ASSOCIATES 975949r.966 JO|97A949ALZ4 PAGE LS P.ffi/Ata LAND TIILE GUARANTSE COMPANY DISCLO SUR.E SI'ATEMENTS Norst P[rsuafl to CRS l0-t1-122, noiicr k h€ilby glwn tlDtl A) Th wlrlcct rcrl progeily tarty bc loalod h n spccill ladrB dbtid, B) A Certllcrr of Trxc Due lgqlg q&h hrtrg j{rlsdlcuon mr} be ohab0d ft{rn fu Couny Trca!;lrt's r{hfilDd rgcTt. €) TDc hforudon ngrnllng rpecld rllmiqs rarl tftc balrdrricr of $ch dl*tcrs may bc dtainrd lrm 60 Eorrd of Cody conmlrddE:r, lie Coll||g Cla{r rnd Recordcr, or $e Co{rrty Airc$ot, Notc: Efrcctfve $pcoter t, lgg7, CRS 3GlM08 rcquirrr thn all doc||mrots ncclwd for ftcordhg or fitlu ln tlt dert atd ncordcr's omcc shdl conlrin ! Irp n$Elr of .t hrlt a r lnch eod r trn, rtgh ard botton nrrgln of rt ld$ ons laf of rn tnch, Th clerlt rnd recod€I fiay rafur€ lo ncod or nk rly doc{ecnt ft t doG$ no( colfom, cf,c!$ thrt: Oc rcquircnrcnt frr tl* rcp nugtn rhall not algD to rloollt?lb utint forar otr rytlcb 3p0c. tr Fovldod ftr rccordlng c flllng inlormrdcn rt rhe rop mrl8tn of ttc docuna, Nole: Color.do DMdon of Inurnncc Rcguhrlons 3-5-t, Prngrrph C of Ardch VII rqulrus rhl "Brrcry filh otlry.r1ll 5a r*orlblc for dl oltbr rhhh rppur of mcad Fior to tttc tir|rr of rccordlBE lrlrocrrct dt, ddc crtity con&rcB thc cloCrg rnd b respondblc fm r*ordlng or fltlng of lcgrl doq|ncnb r.flldsg from tbr tnnrraloo whlch wrr d6ed". Proradc{ thrt liid Thh CorrEltco Coillity coadu.b thc doring of drc luurcd tndrcdon iad is rrpoodblc for rccordbg thc hgl doomcnh from Oe mnsrcdon. cxcep ol |tumbcr 5 will ror appct on the Owncr's Tirle Policy rnd Oc trudcn Pollcy whel bsued. Nolc: AfFmative uectudc'r lim prolccdon for Orc Owna mry bg rvallablc (ryplcrlty by dclcrlon of frccptlot no, { of fthcdulr B, Sgctlor t of th! Comulurc ftorn the Orlo's Polcy tO bc fsed) upon conplid.r wM tlc followhg coldl0du: A) T[o lrrd descdbcd la Scjrodulc A of rhls commltmanl rrulr bt r slngle hdly reddoc wilclr hchdcs r coniloninhnr or to,vnhourc mit. E) No hbor or nrlrddr brve betn frmished by ocduntcr c mrtclrl-mcn for prrposcs of ftostrudlon on tbc lard dcscrtbcd l! Sdc{ule A of tlrb Co|Uniimo{ wlllu lbc l{rt 0 non[r5, O llre Conrp,any rnul rrcdw an rppmDrlrtr sttldrvll ltrdlnrnlfylng thc Conpany rgahst ur{ilcd mrchanic't dd fiet$ld-man'r lirrc. D) The Compcny nusl rtcdvo pryncnl of thc ryFoprlare prcrnium. & lf terc i$ bcen colrstrlctloo, Inprovtrncats or neJor rcFh! undcnrkcn on th gropcrty to bc tu$escd rl&h tit monil$ pflor to ttc hlr of th. Cornmllncnt, thc nqutremcnts to oboln ctrcngc for unrecorded f,enc wlll lncludel abdocurc of cartrln conqructlo[ lrdo't|$tho: fmnfil taformrthn rr to tle ecllcr, drc builder crd or tlc coatsrdor; prymar of thc rppoprlte pnmfum nr[y octrtd hdconlty A8ncneds satbftcbry lO tbc Coalttry, ard, roy rddltioDd rrqulren$b It uy bc lcocsray rflcr an exanlartlon of 6c rfortsrid Inlormallon by thc Corlpar/. No coveqgc *lll bc glvcn undle rnlr ctrurrui.ncls for hbor or metcrlal for wUdr tlrc Inured h:s CotFrctad for qr rgncd ro pey, Notcr PuFrmt h CRS lGll.fz3, [odc? b h$eby gtvro: Thb tpdct rpplicr b oltncf'3 }olicy co niunc s cor rlnlng r nherrl strr$firc. lostrtmcna ar4don, or rxcrptlons, ln Sctedulc B, Socdon ?, & Tfui 6sn b rcconld cvtdeoce fut r nrinsil crbl. hlr bsm rcvcrrcd, tarcd, or otlcrwtsc cqafd ftom ahr srf.cc cstrro.nd dat 6.re b. sut Bhnrhl Bkaltbood thrr r Urid larg holdr sooc t dl lrtcng In oil, $i, othrr mhcrrh, or gco0nrnel cnct6r h ttr properiy; rnd B) Tlrt smh olncral csirlc rEey lnchrdo (hc right to artlr lnd $c $r Fopfity withour rh nrficr otil€'r Pctrd6doo. Notli|u troreln coolotrcd fil-b€ themcd io obligrtr tie cor4uy to prwldc qy of tllc covrnle! rchrtsd to hcrdn unhss thc rbovc condltionr rn fully rorlsficd. troar ql{rtGlll 0tl01/0U A5/20/2405 62:2! JRa.t-13-2@5 17r83 9749498t44 FROI:l.RIGflT8,CIl PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES 9@49t966 TOz976,49ElL9j4 PAGE 11 P.6Lg/0LA JOINT NOTICB OF PRIVACY POLICY fidctity Nrtionll Fhtncicl Group of comptoicr'rchlc!3u Titlo lntu'!ncr conprny and I,and Tltlo Cuerrnloc Conpmy ,uly l, 2001 Wo rccoqnlze ud rcrrct lhe tlvicv .mcctelio$ of today's con$trct! rad thc nEd.stleDts pf lppltcallc SCtnl tttd itifr"rililr-*.'wiHwr'i"i-'',w;tr;fr ffi ,fr {:y"*,r"xrunl..Fhffi frulnHfi t*'ffigP?.'i*t$rH*fitfJl" Druvldci thr cxotrnttion. wG rtscnc the riglr ro cirrgr u rwrcv S|{ount frcn tlnc lo tdr co|r'l$rtri-wltl rPPlkable-privrcy lr$r5. In thc coursc ofour blttincrr. tra,nly collcc Pcionill Infbr rti6n rbour ]ou from the followin3 sotrc:r: :[ffi ffi##ssgHdtr.Htf**8J.fr*p#ffi ff#t9H,T,,ri##s;ororhc.; ' From -ool hlffffi $ab Cltt;. iiiil iE o-iFtiilniilili'iiirtrtrcd b Eo.rqrurntrl cflities tha wc eilhcr oblrb dlrcclly froa dote rndtlcs, oi frorrr ou dnUdcr or othrisieod' Fronr cinronrr ot oficr npofling agqcics. Our Policics Rcgarding thc Protcction efthc Conlidenrlallty and Sco{rtlt of Yo$t Psrnonal lafornitlo0 Wc mlntrh olwlcrt. clcctronh ud orcct{unl srfcmar{s lo Drotrd yorr P.nonrl tatonl.|lon hor!.unrufiorlzcdi&6; hirIilui. W;iliJaicco$-rd-rts-pdinriat lfiiiirutiird-o'riii t6 thqlc crrqtoyce who nccd ruci rccs In cmoccdon wfth povldlag poducb or Jrftlc.s to ).ou or fur otlrr llgltlmnlc hstttd3 putF*t' Our Poticies rnd Prlclices RcgrraiaS tlg Sharlng ofYotr ?crsonal Inbrmalion Wc mrv sterc rurr Pl'rmel hformrdon with ar rftrlbtcs. tuch *{ h!rtt!-.!ce com9a E, rgcnts' rnd othcr reel cshte sdllcrrr.ft ltrvtcc provldcrs, Wc rlso ory dtrclore your Prsoml Informrtidl: o ;uaot3, broken or roruscontlvcs to pmvide you wlti scrvlcs you lurrc- rtqmst4: lo tErd.pay conglagg or.scrvlct poildrrc wlto pmvirlc scnices oa Dttfottr nrd(6ing ot ollet tuoaionS oI our bchU: mdt;;i[;wii!r-$!orn u,i iaret hro Jotn rnertr&g egrccoarb for products or scwlces thol we bcllcvc yott nrv find of irtrrcJl. ln rrldltloa. rvc witl dbclose your Pcnonal Infomndon wten vm dif6l or givt rxr pgralbsion, wpn wc 5 nqrlnd bv lr? to do to. ot wtco rt-slsocr fttdulnfl or crlrninrl rcudtl€!' Wc aFa rEy dlsclolc ]tq {e$dtliirffii'ton tfriibtrt:iii&-iaiiu-iri baDD.-tiii[t;prlviiftirys-roctr lt. foi ciainde, wrcit dt*lonr! h m.d€d o cofccc our dgDb u{rlng on of eny rfgte1r|tot, trirrwdoo or rdafionsb[ wttb you. 0D! ol ilE trtrrorrmt r€sooldbilltla of rune of otr at$lrtcd compolcs lc to nccd doonenb ln tfi: Ftblic dmlirr, Suct.doctttEtti nry contein yoc Pecsoral Infotnrtiott. ' Right to Acses Your Pcrsonrl lnformation tad Ahility to Cotrcot Errots Qr Rcqud Ch.rBrs Or DelEtiofl Crtein strtcs afor{ wq thc rirht lo rctcrs t/our Psrtrnal Infornrtion lnd' undar ftrt.in ciffilGtancer' b lhd o{t ro rhoa your Porsoftl hfnflfidon hrs bcci drclorcd. Alro, crnrh lrrcs affprd Jgu lha rlgttt lo tlqufitl . comctlod, rtrrr{tnertt d deledoo of yorlt Perronal l forfidon. W6 rtseflc ttrc tfghl, wh.m Pcfi lttc by tlw, Ut chrqr r rcaronablc ftt o csvcr t|lc ci,rtJ inoficd In rcspsnding to $ch rcquctatt. - !f we pqride you wldr norc t}'ra <rre onmdrl prodm{ c rervicc, you nry Eceivc norc tlun onc prlvrcy mtict froo is, We iirlqlz. for ury llcodvarticlcc this mry cruJc you. ' tlEr ltlv. rDg,olr All_liq$rts rulmlullt -lo tht Fld-cllty .N{irhrt F|m4elal GmuD of Com?,rllcr'Chicrgo TIdc Inrrtncr Conpary jhall bi lu witung, rnd dclhcrt{ to'tftc followlag rddres; Prtvacy Comullancc Olllcct Fldelltt Nadrinrl Flngrcld. lnc. {050 6llt Rr!I. Sdle 220 Snr e Brrbrrr. CA 93110 Mulriplc Produqts or sr|vlcr! tli**i*+**'***f*+l'}t+**********+++t*****t++tl+**********t***++tt*****tt*+++*ta*****t*****+*+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-01-2005 at 09:55:33 02/0112005 Statement *********+++*********t***t++++'t I f,tt*+f++**** f** * *t++***++++* **f***+++t+****t* ******++tt****t Statement Number: R040005363 Amount: $6,000.O0 0e/06/200409:37 AM Palment Method 3 Check Init: iIS Notatsion: #963 9/PiIA LAI{D. PIJANNING Permit No: P8C040058 f14>e: PEC -Major SDD Anendrnent Parcel No: 210312100 017 Site Address : Location: 1325 WESTHAVSN DRITTIE Total Fees: $6, 000 .00This Pa)ment: $5,000.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $5,000.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPIJICATION FEES Current Ptnta 5, 000 . 00 fild cwd, &.rA \t{,L, rtfr' tut'tp- lwtai"qn4ow . $'J'or April28, 2005 Rodoey Slifer, Mayor and Vail Town Council Town of Vail 108 Sorfh Frorfage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Mayor ard Council Members: I am writing to you on behalf of the Cascades on Gore Creek Owners Association' representing six single frmily and duplex homes in Cascade Village. OurAssociation onu"into*iy and whole heartedly support the development of the "Ruins" site by Mr. Jen Wright. The concept drawings that we have seen sbow a well thought oril utilization of the site in terms of density ard the scale of the development. The buildings are attractive and fit well with the architecture of the neighborhood. We feel fortunate lvlr. Wright is associated with this challenging project. He has the reputdion of one of the best and most responsible developers in the area and has been associated with quality real estate developments in the Vail Valley for many years. The *Ruins' has a history of failed opportrmilies. This is a good and appropriate plan and will be a great improvement for our neighborhood. We urge you to take the necessary action now to apptove this project' Sincerelyyours, / ----7----. " :/-tt u/-zzura"zzz- 7 '--'-"1 Terrance Ferry, President / Cascades on Gore Creek Owners Association New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development ' 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 ; web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. besign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apProval. Description of the Request: Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot: Physical Address: parcel No.: ;r.to j lll tuo r? (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning: C :c-+oa ri.''+c-g *Jett* 5Dt A I Name(s) of Owner(s): InCt.L v ?t 0to v1 o -tq Maili!9 Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: Phone: Fax: {"s c 1-lo q?1? Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs cXconceptual Review tr New Construction I Addition n Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (sing le-family/duPlex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new buildinq or demo/rebuild' +t00 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painling, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee \"-,.*.,. i .At oovrrt'-loc ''ltv^?# CIcts 35v1-rt,\ Sovcsivc si }..| n I N t1^lr]o N o:t N3nvHIEi3/v\ ii*,,i|i,!l|i,iu, .rr!!...!.!:.r!tr'1..t,, ilefri<l \r/ 5i ol 8if-iio iiii',!,i!ii ii riii ii i ri ifii# I iiii i iiil ii* lli'i ,,,ril;liit,iir,l,,i,,i:,,iri,,rin,llil|i,,ir,irr,liltirr,i,r,,irrr r-r i JI j t! ! i it(t: "l Gi rifii';if ilEIfii$r,NEi IN !::rI?l?lrf !.rrrllir!,!,ttar.. l.I .!,itiiili HHNIjHEHE f ! "! i.r ,iilSrit,:isg$$r !. '' -^^it*i5PPi t'5,'i- i {-5 Bgl( s '..!'l o: R8$i $i irl i iiieqii;h';itt P'iF is , s r.i ""* ir., :!*s$[ l,!"lfr+ , ii ltrfl:i:tl$$ e;s;l$$ !r :i";*i H iii:re i sllict il rii-et 5'. r":R!3SiiarF ?o i^ 3;3r'- o ! c{Q{ -! ^h) ),' rsi iibr r'r Q ,i 1d- ioE >oL uut 9r* us o a ..6i ipt "x"i 6aiqisit) s ilrH . ii;[ii: E is:si -- '! rooS tr :.^ 63 {;P:t..F,S g I;5s.f. ?t '' ri IH *ns Ir.!l t oo(rx \Jatzl :i5 , i d;l ;is33 I E$ ii:8t 1 .6< K i,r,'til ii:i II li ; i: I et$-s i.Iif-) 7 )o Itt-l7o U 7 tr Ill r :r Ir rl)ltl _< i > ltl :\ Flqt _l !r It :l I rl! il: WESTHAVEN EENDEMINIUMS cASiEADE VILLACiE SDD #4 vAtL, coLERADE i Monren Ancn rrrcrs it^**"",b-., td(-!6, tD"-"'- d:) E T F li tril ls lr r-i!r ! ! l!l ir ii:l! :E i'r.i : \v-'- ,,- -1 I i-,--''i i I I EFI Itil o t,'l/ti /----I /...-) / / / > itlt l''li;illiiiiiltii \ryEsiTHAVEN GONDOMI NIUMScAsGADE vtLLAGiE aDo #4\/AIL, GclL('RADO I !!ggg",r,t1g.1' i.*--i I I *,il flr WEEiTHAVEN trBN DOMINIU MSicAscAclE vtLL.a.GE soo #avAlL, COLORADO i_ >!l*ri' fir ili Iri'{' ||lrl v\/EsiTHAVEN Ct]N tr'C]MINI U MScAscADE VILLAc;E soo #a \/AIL, COLORADO WESiTHAVEN trO N DTIM I N I UMSCASCADE VILLAE;E SDD #4vAtL, coLctRADE WESTHAVEN CE N DEMI N I UMS;cAEiCADE VILLAGE Soo #4\/AIL, Ct]LORADO ':('\ \^,E=ITHAVEN CONDBMINIUMS GACICAC,E VILLAGiE g'r,E' #4vAtL, cClLctRADO lvlomERArct[Ecrs I It B r I I I I I I @ // .t I.6(' WEEITHAVEN C E N DCIM I N I U MSiGASCADE VILLAGE g'trr, #4vArL, coLoRADO MoRTERAKH[Ecrs In.+-.1 ._-. j:: I '-d'-o 'o r') ) v, \ryEEITHAVEN trON DEMINI IJMSGAE;CADE \/ILLAEE g5r'D #4\/AIL, CctLORADO o @ 6) { F E I I I I I I @ @ 'o ro I )--"od \^/EEiTHAVEN C E NDO M I N I U M EicAEiCADE VILLAGiE siDD #4VAIL, COLORADO (rF) g E F I I I @ w -o '-@ f})) F,!! WESTHAVEN CEN DOMI N IUMSCIASCAOE \/ILLAGiE 3DD #4vAtL, coLoRADO tvlorrrnArcnmcrs [- $dI 'r$' $'' B Er,li @ ...; - - jf-' ."'---t/' ! , EIIN\ EW#,-4",\ t', \:,J ri i i \i it i\ \ \til) )l , il ,lill'lili Yt liii t 'i li ii i iiil,"iiii'ifi' '","ii:i'tt"t"i , i' ,i ,,it ,,' ,:',, ,,! ri 8i ,i,i,'riii i,ri ' i, ''i,i I '1"'l it. /,,,i /,'','--/f' I /-/ // j. ,,',' i//i/"/ ..' \-\ .f " rii k @ /,, ) WEEiTHAVEN EONDEMI NI U M SicAsttraDE vtLLAc;E sop #4vAlL, cclLGIRADO tt trtltl *ctttt|t{{rFiliti ttttl ltrir I r I irlr rrlI I I I I I I( ll"1\t -/, 6 Hr t2 I i ir! riipt,lrl > rrl 3'i:l tl \,vESTHAVEN trOND(]MI NIU MEicAstrAoE vtLLACIE soo #avAlL, coLctRADc' l-tuorinnnaurecrsi^*- iff't*,* l- I i.._,_. I ri ll ,iiti t F I I I 6t) E.E E H F B Et:t, I WESTHAVEN CONDt]MINIUMS vAtL, coLoRADCt ttl*P: l: is rlll lttl WESTHAVEN GONDOMI NI UMSiCAE|CADE VILLAC'E siDEr #4 vAt L, coLoRAD(' !tt {{irr! rtl .! ! $!i iTi rt| I I \,YESiTHAVEN trON DOMI N I L' MSi vAtL, coLoRADEt MoRTERAT€HnEcrs n[\\1,/ E E E! r ttt**t 6D x (D x t F I I ttl ltl ttl lrl rti m ffi ffi -tl=_ I I -ll, i I II I ." l\ l--, ,) ;,1 rffifil v1'EsiTHA\/EN EONDOMI N IUMEicAscADE vtLLAG'E gr)o #4vAtL, cEt|-ElRADC! { ma -{I mz 0 0z U 0 3z - a 0t>;R fiFii ilarth m R fr,r zo de ,? il !i : iI ti !; r1It ;t IT ir iiiiiiii #l$il ii$ii llt! {1T1{${ tlrt ir!l:l illiir!tI HHiii Eir I iiiiiiiiiiliiii iiitifiiffi :l i;'lIt fiilii$ il$il lr ql at tl ,l ;f ri tl i! .a tl l6lt ll JI It til iiii li liIItI ttir ttt iiiiii tiiiii fii'li :!1ltlrl lr il Itrl t-1 tatl t iiiiiii lr- rillilrll iilI::fi;riir. r{ti lc t:li ll il fe i"lt:t iiii iiii ii;i ililtr:ffHff$ ffiffiw ED Ftl Hp !' lr :l il ,.lr 'l !r;t riat li II iiliiii il{iil iiiii iiiiil ffiffiffi nB F F fiiiT :it't $-fflfi I , I , WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMSCASCADE VILLAGEvAlL. coCOVER SHEET 1r!i ;iffi,,\i:* l*Nlls ,,,1, \.,,. \, \ \ rii'\,)\jiil t':,ii,,i,ili, i.l-.'. '-'.-'l, \_\ \_\\\.. \_../ ).. o"'. ta. " ,.,.,\,,' 1,,, \ \ ilii\\\iii ['. \rlr\ \, R"\ \ $r, ,l r\\\L\ \r\! {HlI WES|THAVEN CONDOMINIUI/|€ICASCAOE WLLAGEVAIL, COGRADING PLAN R q 1I 8 l\ I i\ I\\l iri \\L li M"v 3 \t Ii \ e I I \t \ WESTHAVEN CONDOMIMUMACASCADE VILLAGEVAIL, CO PARKING LEVEL GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN fii ili iif 'ii,FW gH -*=-ri=Fffi i--_': t:-------'-{ ngffiqH Ht[il l;l Ir'L-'-!t-_ r^1 ||#€i,!ffi jt{filliffi I "llu,,;i# -r{-LJ! Xif 'FtTi- 'lil - -'rt --- !f r- '' t-l '[F#,i ffi.rL ,1 lffiF,_ rit }$frmu I I ! ffiHffii WESTHAVEN CONDOMTNIUMS}CASCADE WLLAGEVAIL. COGRADING AND DRAINAGE DETAILS MonrrnAncH TTECTS A Professional Corporation MEMO 2271 N. Frontage Roaci W SLrite C Vall Coloraio 81057 970/470-s105 3741475'A/10 Fax Enail: ma@morlerarchiiects.rom Dale: March 11,2005 Project: WesthavenCondos Meeting Minutes with TOV Public Works,suDject: Fire DJpt, Bldg. Dept. Mtg. The intent of this meeting was to review the previous Public Works, Fire Department site issues and review a few preliminary code issues with the TOV staff, Architect, and Consultants. Chad Salli, Matt Gennett, Rick Pylman, Gary Brooks, Mike McGee, Charlie Davis and Leah Mayer were present. General 1. Chad explained that Holy Cross will be performing their utility work in the late summer or early fall. The new utility lines will go under the recreation path. Gary will coordinate all utilities in that area with Jeff Vroom and Greg Barrie. 2. Mike McGee reviewed the new fire truck staging plan with the fire truck in the turn- around. He approved it. 3. Chad and Mike also thought the new trash room location in the parking area and accessed from the turn-around was acceptable. 4. The chiller location was discussed. Charlie was not aware of any code restrictions regarding the decibel levels of this unit in relation to the property line. He did think there was a distance restriction (possibly 5'-0"), but did not have the code in this meeting. 5. The exit discharge from the building was reviewed. Charlie agreed that a path from the exit stair around the buildings was an acceptable form of egress. 6. Chad explained that TOV will be planning a continuation of the recreation path that exists along the frontage road down by Donovan Park. (No current funding). He said that Greg Hall is asking if the owner could provide a design for the path and some preliminary improvements for a bench up along the frontage road. This request is not in conjunction wjth the current PEC approval for the Westhaven site. Gary will review this design and Rick and Leah will review with Jen Wright. 7. Charlie recommended calling Wayne Martin of NorthWest Council of Governments (CoG) (970-468-0295) to get a code reading on the emergency power requirements for the accessible elevator. CoG acts as the TOV elevator inspector. lf an emergency generator is required, Charlie stated that a gas generator is allowed in the TOV. 8. Leah and Charlie had a preliminary code discussion. He suggested having a meeting with Chris Gunion, plans examiner, for a more formal review once we have established all our code criteria (construction class, occupancy, etc.) TOV meenotes 031 'l05.docPage I 9. Charlie gave Leah a Criteria list for "Phased Approach to Construction Projects", i.e. what is required to obtain a demo permit. The above meeting minutes were prepared by Leah Mayer on March 14, 2005. Please direct any discrepancies in these minutes to Morter Architects within 7 days of receipt. Distribution List TOV meenotes 031105.doc Jen Wright Mirus, LLC wiwrioht@vail.net Carol Glasson Mirus, LLC wrioht@vail.net Rick Pylman Pylman & Associates rick@pylman.com Tony Faulhaber Viele Construction tonv@vieleconstruction.com Gary Brooks Alpine Engineering brooks(Aalpinecivil.com Jason Cowles Alpine Engineering cowles@aloinecivil.com Dennis Anderson Landscape Architect daai@comcast.net Jim Morter Morter Architects imorter@morterarch itects.com Brian Klatt Morter Architects bklatt@ mortera rchitects.com Ken Bridges Morter Architects kbridqes@morterarchitects.com Matt Gennett TOV Community Development Chad Salli TOV Public Works Charlie Davis TOV Community Development Mike McGee TOV Fire Department Page 2 TOWN COUNCIL EVENING SESSION AGENDA 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2005 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 8{657 NOTE: t. 2. Rod Slifer 3. Matt Mire Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. ITEM/TOPIC: Citizen Input (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Youth Recognition Award. (5 min.) L Josie Sutner / Battle Mountain High School! Drew Riley / Vail Mountain School Vail Youth Ambassador Award > Christina Harrison / Battle Mountain High School) Kyle Moore / Battle Mountain High School ITEMffOPIC: Resolution No. #8, Series 2005, A resolution conditionally approving the consolidated service plan for Vail Square Metropolitan District No. #1, No. #2, and Vail Square Metropolitan District No. #3. ('10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve Resolution No. 8, 2005. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: As was discussed at the Town Council work session of April '19, 2005, Resolution No. 8 operatesto approve the Consolidated Service Plan for three (3) metrooolitan districts within the LionsHead core area for the primary purpose of financing public improvements associated with the "Vail Square" redevelopment project. The formation of up to three (3) metro districts was agreed to in the Development Agreement between the Town of Vail and Vail Resorts for the above-referenced project. The Consolidated Service Plan for the proposed districts (which is contained in the council packets and available to the public) provides greater detail on the purpose, intent and operation of the proposed districts. The resolution states it is a "conditional" approval simply because it is conditioned upon an Inter-governmental Agreement (lGA) being executed between the Vail Reinvestment Authority and Vail Square Metropolitan District No. 1 regarding the transfer of increment tax revenue. 4. 5. Greg Hall Chad Salli Matt Gennett Gen Wright STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Series 2005. Approve Resolution No. #8, ITEMffOPIC: Construction Update. (10 min.) ITEMffOPIC: Ford Park Parking Lot Overlay. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Authorize the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with B&B Excavating for the overlay of the Ford Park Parking Lot in the amount not to exceed $69,000.00. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The existing Ford Park Parking Lot surface is due for a maintenance overlay. Staff has received bids for overlaying the existing surface. B&B Excavating submitted the low bid. Staff recommends entering into an agreement with B&B Excavating for their construction services. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with B&B Excavating for the overlay of the Ford Park Parking Lot in the amount not to exceed $69,000.00. ITEM/TOPIC: First reading of Ordinance No. #12, Series of 2005, an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No. #8, Series of 1995, Cascade Village, amending and re-establishing the approved development plan for the Westhaven Condominiums site located within Area A of SDD No. 4, in accordance with Section 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of thirteen dwelling units; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (30 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with modifications, or deny Ordinance No. 12, Series of 2005. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On February 8 and April 11, 2005, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC) held public hearings to consider a request for a major amendment to a special development district (SDD) pursuant to Section 12- 9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, for an approved development plan of a new condominium building, located at 1325 Westhaven Drive /(Westhaven Condominiums, aka, "The Ruins")/Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Upon consideration of the request, the Commission voted 6-0-'t (Viele recused) to forward a recommendation of approval with conditions of the applicant's request to the Vail Town Council, A copy of the staff o. 7. Matt Mire memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission, dated April 1 1 , 2005, with revised conditions has been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department is recommending that the Town Council approves Ordinance No. 12, Series of 2005, upon first reading. ITEM/TOPIC: First reading of Ordinance #13, Series of 2005. An ordinance providing certain amendment to Title 3, Chapter 4, "Design Review Board," of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail; Changing the composition of the Design Review Board (DRB) from five to seven members; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with amendments or deny Ordinance #13, Series of 2005, on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town Council reouested an ordinance that would change the composition of the design review board from five members to seven members. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this proposal with the Design Review Board and has the following recommendations: 1. Increasing the number of DRB members to 7 will increase the time and complexity of the DRB review process. lt will be more difficult to come to consensus on issues to be addressed for proposed projects subject to DRB approval. lf the primary concern is attendance, then staff would recommend reasonably enforcing attendance. The Town Council has latitude to remove members that have attendance issues. 2. Although the town was very fortunate to find a number of qualified members for the last round of interviews for DRB, this has not always been the case. 3. In considering the above mentioned issues, both the existing DRB and staff recommend not approving Ordinance 13, Series of 2005. Staff would recommend that regular attendance reports are provided to the Vail Town Council and if attendance is an issue with individual members, then the Town Council should take appropriate action. 4. lf the Town Council, chooses to approve Ordinance 13, Series of 2005 staff would request authorizing approximately $1 ,900 in the next supplemental budget to pay for benefits (ski passes, parking passes) and expenses (lunches) associated with two additional board members. 8. Warren Campbell 9. George Ruther 10. Bill Gibson ITEM/TOPIC: Second Reading of Ordinance No. #10, Series of 2005, an ordinance approving the Commercial Core Construction Mitigation Sign and Construction Fencing Package which will be implemented by the Town to mitigate the impacts of construction in the commercial cores over the next several years. (15 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with modifications, or deny Ordinance No. #10, Series of 2005, on second reading. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: On April 19, 2005, the Town Council approved with modifications the first reading of Ordinance #10, Series of 2005. Staff has revised the Ordinance to change the time period in which the appeal's board has to respond from ten days to two days. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department, Public Works Department, and Community Information Office recommends that the Town Council approves Ordinance No. #10, Series of 2005, on second reading. ITEMffOPIC: Second Reading of Ordinance No. #1 1, Series of 2005, an ordinance amending Section 12-14-14, Restaurants, Bars, and Similar Uses, Vail Town Code, and setting for details in regard thereto. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with modifications, or deny the first reading of Ordinance No. #1 1, Series of 2005. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On March 28, 2005, the Planning and Environmental Commission voted 5-0-0 to fonivard a recommendation of approval for the proposed text amendment. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to resolve existing conflicts relating to noise regulations in the Vail Town Code. On April 19, 2005, the Vail Town Council unanimously approved Ordinance No. #1 1, Series of 2005 upon first reading with no modifications STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approves the second reading of Ordinance No. #1 1, Series of 2005. ITEM/TOPIC: Second reading of Ordinance No. #17, Series of 2004, an ordinance amending Special Development District tf4, Cascade Village, to allow for the creation of Development Area E, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (5 Min.) 11. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with modifications, deny, or table the second reading of Ordinance No. '17, Series ol 2OM. The applicant is request that the Town Council table the second reading of Ordinance No. #17, Series of 2004, to June 21 , 2005. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On July 12,2004 the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission voted 4-2 to foruard a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for the proposed amendments to Special Development District #4, Cascade Village. On August 3, 2004 by a vote of 7-0 the Town Council approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, with a condition that the applicant, Vail Resorts, resolve any issues related to the Protective Covenants of Glen Lyon Subdivision, prior to the second reading of this ordinance. On August 17,2O04; October 5, 2004; and January 4, 2005 the Town Council tabled the second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, to allow the applicant additional time to resolve issues related to lhe protective covenants. The outstanding protective covenant issues have not yet been resolved; therefore, Vail Resorts is requesting that the second reading of Ordinance No. '17, Series of 2004, again be tabled to a future Town Council meeting. ITEM/TOPIC: Town Manager's Report. (t 0 min.) > Vail America Day's Update (4th of July) With the unceftainty of the exact parade route and the challenges faced in staging the parade due to construction, we are hoping to attract approximately 50 quality entries into the parade. We feel that by keeping the entries to around 50, the parade will move more continuously through town. Our goal is to emphasize the after-parade experience in Ford Park with a family-friendly afternoon of continuous entertainment culminating with a live simulcast of the fireworks display with a regional orchestra staged in Ford Park. We are working with the Vail Valley Foundation on use of the Amphitheater as well. If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Laurie Asmussen at 376-3756. ITEM/TOPIC: Executive Session: Pursuant to C.R.S. $244- 402(4XaXe). Re: An Executive Session to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions, develop a strategy, and to instruct negotiators. (30 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Adjournment. (8:30 p.m.) 12. 1? NOTE UPCOMING MEEIING STARTTIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) rHE Nel$vArlrowN ";;;;;LAR EVENTNG MEEnNG w|LL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2005, IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language inbrpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 4792106 roice or 479-2356 TDD br infomation o3/28/O5 21:27 FAX E015017677 KINKOS SINDY @oo2 To:Ma$ Gennett Rick Pylman March 23,2OO5 issues ffi From: RE: Westhaven TheWesthavenSDDAmendmentapplicatio-niscurrentlyscheduledforreviewbythe planning -c ennironmenta ;o*i*ioo on March 28, 2b5. In order to allor adequate time for the staff to *"i"ilo* J the detailed areas of the plans that have br:en recently re-submined to trre town,'aiJ;;;b* additional time to disiuss housing issues' it is our ;;;;;" delav this hearing uutil April 11' 2005' Intheoriginalapplcationweproposedtoaddresstheprojrythousingrequirementby participating in a pay i" fi"u piogi^* t+at w3s under consideration by the Housing Authority and the ro*o oi v'J." g^"d on the March 15 work session between the town councilandthehousingauthorityandinsubsequentconversationwithyouarrdNina Timm it is apparent tr"t;;f;;J"ptiov* ortnis pay in lieu program may take some additional time and discussion' The likely time frame for apprwal-of a pay in lieu program will not work for: the time constraints of the westuavJi condominium ptopora. -vti-s L[-c and wright and company continue to b;i; that the inclusion of on-site housing on tltis particular propirty i, not an approPriate solution to the housing requircment' As a stand alone project, the thirteen unit Westhaven Condominiums would require a housingcommiturentof'1'95EHU's'However'theinterpretationofpastCascade village documents h* ;;Jt"d i; rhe town position that;ight EHU's are rerluired on the westhaven site. The "ppl"i"J;;;;pressed a willingnes to provide this housing' however the difficulty in locating this housing. on site-remains a major contributing factor to the ongoing failure;;;6"dy. There-have been several approvals granted over the past years but n*"*"r" iuri to mone fonvard in a successful munn"t. The Town of Vailanalpedthepotentialforacondernnationprocecdingandsubsequentrc- development orm" proftfr-r.-*-"nordable housing project and concludetl that idea was not economicallY viable' We therefore propose to amend our application to meet the historic housinE; requirement by providing off site.tr-ousing' We propose to purchase existing ftee market housing stock, place "pprop,,"tl J""Z-'"'ui"tiont on the properties' and re-sell thent at a discountetl price acceptable to the real estatc market' . d ,.- 1i^D-..^r..i,l- D,r;lr Arrrn Cnl,rarlo 81620 MciL P'O' Box 2ll3' Edwards' Grltxado 81612 0t/zE/os 21:2t FAI t01601?c77 .frr{-f,o.s EAI{DY Ooor Tbe applicant is willing to urort with tbe st'frto craft 8n ryrpropriarc condition of approval thatwi1 "uo* tLiVoO""*projcctto nonctorriu6-tnoug!tbe approval and consftction prcccsr, "6Jy-r-o"iwiilc wc ful'll this housingcoomitmcnt Plcase call mcif pu bave anyquestions orrequire additional information Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C.olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Project Name: WESTHAVEN CONDO MAJOR AMEND PEC Number: PEC050010 Project Description: AMENDMENT TO SDD #4, AREA 4, KNOWN AS WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS, (THE RUINS), TO ALLOW FOR 13 DWELUNG UNITS Participants: OWNER WESTHAVEN/CASCADE LLC 02/01/2005 Phone: C/O JEMLD L, WUHRMAN PO BOX 3098 TEQUESTA FL 33469-0098 License: APPLICANT WRIGHTAND COMPANY 02lOIl2O05 Phone: 949-6204 PO BOX7270 AVON co 81620 License: Project Address: Location: 1325 WESTHAVEN DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CASCADE VILLAGE Parcel Number: 210312100017 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Lamb Vote: 5-0-1 (Viele recused) Date ofApproval: 04/11/2005 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0007029 1. the applicant shall provide 8 off site EHUs prior to granting of a TCO. Cond: CON0007030 2. The applicant shall provide grading work on the area north of their property to accommodate a future TOV expanded rec path prior to TCO. Cond: CON0007031 3. The applicant shall work with Public Works on a design for extending the sidewalk from the southwest corner of their property to the Westhaven bridge to the south by 6tz.at- tltt"7- b,tzteratt-t &n/PE Project Namer WESTHAVEN CONDO MAJORAMEND PEC Number: PEC050010 Project Description: AMENDMENTTO SDD #4, AREA 4, KNOWN AS WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS, (THE RUINS), TO ALLOW FOR 13 DWELLING UNITS Participants! owNER WESTHAVEN/CASCADE LLC O2lOLl200s C/O JEMLD L. WUHRMAN PO BOX 3098 TEQUESTA FL 33469-0098 APPLICANT WRIGHTANDCOMPANY 02l0LlZ0OS Phone:949-6204 PO BOX7270 AVON co 81520 Project Address: 1325 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: 1325 WESTHAVEN DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: CASCADE VILLAGE ParcelNumber: 2103-121-0001-7 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Lamb Vote: 5-0-1 (Viele recused) Date of Approvall. 041LL12005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0007029 1. the applicant shall provide 8 off site EHUs prior to granting of a TCO. Cond: CON0007030 2. The applicant shall provide grading work on the area nofth of their property to accommodate a future TOV expanded rec path prior to TCO. Cond: CON0007031 3. The applicant shall work with Public Works on a design for extending the sidewalk from the southwest corner of their property to the Westhaven bridge to the south by TCO inspection. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $6.000.00 TOI4'IVM General Information: Rtt projeds requiring planning and Environmental_Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a Uuit'Oing permit'application. ilease refer to the submittal requirements for ttre particular approval that is requested' An application for planning and Environmental commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community$velopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of APPlication and Fee: tr Rezoning $1300 tr Major Subdivision $1500 tr Minor Subdivision $650 tr Exemption Plat $650 tr Minor Amendment to an SDE $1000 D New Special Development District $6000 A Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 ( no exterior mod ifi cation s) DeDartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us O Conditional Use Permit $650 tr Floodolain Modification $400 E Minor Exterior Alteration $650 D Major Exterior Alteration $800 tr Development Plan $1500 tr Amendhent to a Development Plan $250 tr zoning Code Amendment $1300 E variance $5oo D Sign Variance $200 DescriptiOn Of the Reque513 Anendment to SDD /i4, Cascade Village, Area A' knowrt Application for Review bY the Planning and Environmental Commissl as Westhaven Condominiume Physical Address:1325 WesEhaven Drlve Parcel No.: 21oil210ool7 (Contact Eagle Co' Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Name(s) of Owner(s): Mi rus LI C Mailing Address:270 von. CO 81620 970-949-6204 Owner(s) Signature(s):Li Name of Applicant:t and ComPanY P. O. Box 7270' Avot'co 81620 rfiHGHlrf Et3 JAN 3 i .,!i TCV.COM.DEV. Mailing Address:Phone: 970-949'6204 E-mail Address: ll 8,f,* *tu* o4t= cnq:r no.: 3 87 - ev, ii*,iti''1.n?-t"' a a8 of PEc.No.: P€t aJ-ool(J pl"nnerr - Project No.: Page I of 7-0Ii l8/02 eL ASSOCIATES January 31,2005 Mr. Gcorge Ruther Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westhaven Condominiums Dear George: Undcr cover of this letter please find a complete application submittal for an amendment to SDD#4, Cascade Village. The intent of this application is to receive site specific development plan approval for the Westhaven Condominiums site, sometimes referred to as "The Ruins". A partial application for this same property, by the same applicant, was submitted in July of 2004 to facilitate the scheduling of workscssion discussions with the Planning Commission and Town Council regarding employee housing issues. At that time an executed application form, a title report and a fee of $6000.00 was submitted to the town. Since that time Mirus LLC has succeeded the Westhaven/Cascade LLC as the owncr of record of the property. In accordance with this change in ownership structure a revised application form and a current title report are provided with these submittal materials. The $6000.00 application fee may be creditcd to this application. Specifically, this submittal includcs: an executed Town of Vail application form for amendment to SDD #4 a copy of a current title report for the Westhaven parcel. adjacent owner lists and envelopes four copies of an application narrative describing the proposed plan four full plan sets in accordance with the SDD Amendment submittal requirements (to be delivered under separate cover by Morter Architects) Office: li\47 Highrvrrl'6, Suite 210 BrtxrksiJe Pirrk, Avon, (ltrltrarltr 81620 Mail: P(). R,rx 2J18, Eclu,urcls, C,rlorrr.Lr fil(rJ2 Phone: (970) 919'419i Far: (970) 949-E ltl4 Ernail: r ick @;,v hniur-c onr i! On behalf of the owner and the project team we look fbrward to working with the Town of Vail on this exciting project. Please call if you have any questions. Copy: Jen Wright Ann Darby Gary Brooks t*hrfr, Rick Pj'lman I 0o|\) rrE ssFiliF i ir iEt 5i€ i F3 lr2 t aB- =tF iilai f eo e !l;F:6r- si5!if :iliiI :!;;{ i=l 30q 3. e tu : o ? t g e4 ig Itr fEri€E rE AE a !!. 5 !ig\ !t o. rf, r n trri Ffl *[I bI i? .tFORNF a NJ xE a 3i lffili'r,ir $8rIg; E&nI I aai I a tI6 x o!{o =o X .i. ,' { 6\L E q t(l, R t o i;I F E cl l\) -t(xJrj sF r,/Atr- 5,-.rc5-rrrtae csl{ Westhaven Condominiums Adjacent Property Owners Adjacent properties: Aria Club and parking garage CMC Building Millrace Condominiums Cascade Creek Subdivision . Georgia Fox Mclntosh 1983 Revocable Trust 2017 Windsor Place FortWorth,TX 76110 L) $rr lA Glen and Marsha Huff 5l I Villa Crossing South Lake. TX 7ffi92 ll' Aaron S. and Roberta A. Lifchez 525 Sunset Lane Glencoe,IL 60022-114l l* John J. Lo Porto and Thomas J. Cintorino 2l Appletree Green Nashue, NH 03062-2234 ?D ANI Investments, LTD c/o Don Baker 633 W. 5* Sueet, Suite 4000 Los Angeles, CA 90071-2007 tD Kevin P. Hannen 3409 Patrick Street St. Charles, LA 70605 r3 Neptune Partners LTD 252 Clayton 400 Denver, CO 80206 ,F Louis J. and Lori J. Taloumis 5855 Gladstone Street Colorado Springs, CO 80906 /A Nicholas P. and Sandra L. Mulone 304 Stoneybrook Drive Cheswick, PA 15024 7€ Brooke Ferris PO Box 216 Vail CO 81658 ?s Cassis Investments, LTD c/o Don Baker 633 W. 5s Srreer, Suire 4000 Los Angeles, CA 90071-2007 lq. Patrick D. Broe c/o Broe Co. 252 Clayton St., 46 Floor Denver, CO 80206 IG Susan L. Powers 307 Iris Avenue Corona Del Mar. CA 92625-2910 AC Michael F. and Julie A. Mahoney 7210 Spring Creek Circle Niwot. CO 80503 atr Don Mclaughlin Cascade Management 1476 Westhaven Drive Vail CO 81657 Prn* ry u4<n< 1c-,r ilAruu0.rrCf Cc:r-flowr,ulr *Jr^4 5 lj?o v'leT*'UraJ Og\Jf Snroothfeed SheetsrM Clhlistine A. Monfort 35 l9 Holman Court Greeley, CO 80631 or.rrt q-B Charles & Petra Hartung 4000 Dustin Road Burtonsville MD 20866t-r Neufeld Enterprises LLC P.O. Box I1387 Green Bay, WI 54307 t -r{ Colorado Mtn. College Foundation P.O. Box 1763 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 S.car l S {6t 1.oo* i - L{ol L-O Vail Holdings, Inc. C/O Deloitte & Touche LLP 5550 LBJ Freeway Ste. 700 Dallas TX 75240 D -(r>t Cou.'Cr"r)o lj to SSK Investments LLC 4315 Washington Street Columbus IN 47203 Q.- e Covington Realty Corp. c/o Wiggin & Dana 450 lrxington Avenue, Suite 3800 New York, NY 10017 0--b James A. Nyquist and Jocelyn E. Durels 967 Scioto Drive Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417-28210-j Neil Sirotkin 212l N. Frontage Road West 197 Vail, CO 81657 (-lol C ?c'a .^r I v Ylo \.,!)T>*J LOr>t> r^rr, DrO.4 5 r^Je-rr|rrUe,J DQ,.16 Use template for 5160@ Cascade Village Thcatcr, lnc. CMC Res. Subassociation. lnc. P.O. Box I152 Vail, CO 81658 c-lol C 2o3 Knightsbridge Realty Corp. c/o Wiggin & Dana 450 Lexington Avenue, Suite 3800 New York. NY 10017 P.-5 Ronald G. and Virginia F. Askew P.O. Box 4091 Evergreen, CO 80437-4091 e.r Thomas B. Higgins c/o American Ski Exchange II, Inc. 225 Wall Street Vail, CO 81657 C c-*:l @o*o".Address [abels Laser 5160@ Smooth Feed SheetsrM Use template for 5160@ Miclricl.G. i.lower and , Eliza6eth Ramsey John T. and Lynn McMahan walton Growth Fund LP c/o MDM Services Corporation 52 Aintree Road 3252 Roanoke 28202 Cabot Road, Suite 205 St. Charles, lL ffi174-5721 Kansas City, MO 641 I I Laguna Niguel, CA92677 |,*t.-u A ?aas5- S r./c*n* g+e,cu-r_ g Sd-rr*lj35 r^lcsr*')au l33j r^/c5ftr^uN lj33 ug-,:Jn++r,trUDf r..r DQ tuc.- Q4.rr.Jr:_ CzlX.lOg ({u-c(- Srb0,rl,5..r,-j @o*o"t Address labets Laser 5160@ Smooth feed Sheets?M r, I Cascaclc Club Ltd. c/o Deloitte & Touche LLP 555 l7'r'Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 ur.JrT I L-O Holding,lnc. c/o Deloitte & Touche LLP 5550 LBJ Freeway, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75240 u urr lf Vail Parking LLC P.O. Box 27OO4l Liuleton, CO 80127-0041 ddrr 3 Ccu$ Gt-lao vtltLJr\)wl )' F-Q.'PF^ce- Qo'AO Use temptate for 5160@ L-O Vail Holding c/o Deloitte & Touche LLP 555 l?'h Strcet, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 u$tr a C,r:.^oE- looo 5 @o*t".Address Labels Laser 5160@ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERry PUBLIC NOTICE NorlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on February 28,2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-8, Density; Chapter 12-'10, Off-Street Parking and Loading; and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, to allow for a residential addition, located a|2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mike and Marla Haley, represented by RAL Architects, Inc. Planner;Elisabeth Eckel Report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving a request for a minor amendment to SDD # 6, Vail Village Inn, pursuant to Section 12-94-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the approved building plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel, '100 East Meadow Driveilots M, N and O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Waldir Prado, represented by Daymer Corporation Planner:George Ruther A request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance from Section 12-78-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner:Bill Gibson A request for final review of a final plat for a major subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the Lionshead Core Site, located at 616 Lionshead Place/(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner:George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a major amendment to a special development district (SDD), pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, for an approved development plan of a new condominium building, located at 1325 Westhaven Drive (Westhaven Condominiums, aka, "The Ruins")/Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mirus LLC and Wright & Company, represented by Pylman & Associates Planner:Matt Gennett qss\p$qs THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR RROPERTY, PUBLIC NOTICE ) NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail rown Code, on February 28, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance from section 12-6D-8, Density; chapter 12-10, off-street Parking and Loading; and ritle 14, Development standards Handbook, vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, to allow for a residential addition, located a|2854 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mike and Marla Haley, represented by RAL Architects, Inc.Planner: Elisabeth Eckel Report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving a request for a minor amendment to SDD # 6, Vail Village Inn, pursuant to Section '12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the approved building plans for the Vail Plaza Hotel, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N and O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Waldir Prado, represented by Daymer CorporationPlanner: George Ruther A request for final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 , Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance from Section 12-78-12, Height, Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-78-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new residential addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Building)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Bob Fritch, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a final plat for a major subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-3, Major Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the Lionshead Core Site, located at 616 Lionshead Place/(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, lnc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a major amendment to a special development district (SDD), pursuant to Section ',|2-94-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, for an approved development plan of a new condominium building, located at 13?5 Westhaven Drive (Westhaven Condominiums, aka, "The Ruins")/Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mirus LLC and Wright & Company, represented by Pylman & Associates Planner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail community Development Department, 75 south ) Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend projeci orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional informaticrrr. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information Published February 11,2005, in the Vail Daily. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office'hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to aftend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pf ease call 97 0-47 9-2 1 38 for add itional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published February 11, 2005, in the Vail Daily. t,, SF o-19 =c,I Ctl TJ o' o)9 c =.f 3 =I o) I F o = g5 =2r.j 2 I6e6I " €gSI 9;er g:g I "- It 9: x E H o^TF I IO9-Af9 9=qE * 5 E t 6.ita I F : E ElF'ggEiBi'i'l aiFiE H g' ig r*igsg BE'ffi$" :E ?+6ff* 3 e €iE' F B eeee r S EHHH3 i98P! 6 rE s:?g-E e8;s$ :{ { x E !@gE s u=€aq5= 5o 59'xdFgeil a=:FF;: i *E iq€? >dena5 tt?iI sE?+[e $'dg gB 1i, i, Pd r lo' c! \ -1- 4 f---1 -@-1 { -{- 6z3 tro T,o c;_--- t- mzxxx. e $EEE3 AFHgIgj ii6F F f?=iF 3' 6 z a , zi E c 5 i t5 !! Jl E ai q € E Iac z i o 8 9 6 I Ei; B E 9=no q: "u (ct;o6r,.<- I =Od33o ;' i 4: i==ii ii itzt?12i i==-| ii'=,i=EZ ;: i:i:s +:'225i'+,Zti113 t=i!.+7=i: lit'i::tfi:i =T: -=: --=' < E;: P EhH.::ii fl*t 1? jL_Y' : ;4316 a at:i9 ?ii2;si: llp ! =' il E t? =iz< j ai o = 4- O 4. "'j :, 11+ -!- a ? !'z i _I EiiF iiit I ;iliiHE i i1?i' ztg1i;l,z'[lli zie i11t2a1 :?ii 'ri - ?,i?ie ''iz' !? :iliE Ii- 7; =:;:3 :i i; i;Eig i a t s :r < e=;-.::t -.\iz = l:-9:_ = o .)i3 J !! ALPINE =-1=ENGINEERING INC To: Chad Salli, P.E. Town of Vail Engineering Department . Date: March 15. 2005 Subject: Westhaven Condominiums Comments Dated February 9, 2005 This memo is to address the Public Works comments on the Westhaven Condominiums Plans dated 1/31/05. 1. Revocable permit required for the portion of site wall that encroaches onto public right of way. AEI has revised the wall so as not to encroach into the Right-of-way of Westhaven Drive. 2. Provide a 5' min. horizontal clearance from the edge of asphalt of rec path to the electric switch. The electric switch gear has been moved to allow for 5' of clearance between the switch gear and the recreation path. 3. Install catch basin at the swale north of the rec path and connect to storm system to prevent flows from sheeting across the path. Due to the proposed realignment of the bike path we have designed a concrete pan to carry runoff paralled to the path and then connect to the gutter at Westhaven Drive. This design eliminates the need for an inlet, additional storm piping and a roadcut. 4. Extend 5' walk east to tie into existing walk and also to the South to the vehicular bridge over Gore Creek. The owner prefers to not take the lead on this item. The owner would consider contributing to the project in some way, but feels that this issue should be orchestrated by the Cascade Village Metropolitan District or the Town of Vail Public works Department. 5. All access points must meet minimum AASHTO sight stopping distance. We have prepared an AASHTO Sight Stopping Distance Study as requested (exhibits attached based on the AASHTO Manual "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Chapter lll, Fourth Edition, 2001". Sight Distance Design Criteria: e Design Speed = 25 MPH (regulatory posted) . Roadway Grade = 7o/o . Driver's Eye Height = 3.5' . Object Height to be seen = 2,0' . Deceleration Rate = 11 .2 flls' (AASHTO) o Entering Driver Roadway Setback = 13.5' 6. From Formulas 3-1 & 3-2 and Exhibit 3-2 which included road grade adjustment, the minimum sight stopping distances for the Westhaven Condominiums are as follows (Please refer to attached exhibits): Minimum Sight Stopping Distance for an Uphill Vehicle (Westbound): Upgrade Sight Distance @ 25 MPH Required = 168 ft Existing (Field Verified) = 168'+ (Porte-Cochere) = 168'+ (Garage Entry) Minimum Sight Stopping Distance for a Downhill Vehicle (Northbound): Upgrade Sight Distances @ 25 MPH Required = 142ft Existing (Field Verified) = 120'+ (Porte-Cochere - See Figure A) = 142' (Garage Entry - See Figure B) The existing uphill site stopping distances were adequate for the proposed garage entry and the porte-cochere. We found that the downhill site stopping distance requirements were not currently met. The required downhill site stopping distance for the porte-cochere can be met by relocating the spruce trees and regrading the boulder wall that are both located in the right-of-way (See Figure A). The required downhill site stopping distance for the garage entry can be met by trimming back branches on existing aspen trees located in the Westhaven Drive right-of-way (See Figure B). Remove and replace all existing curb and gutter along site. lt is not realistic to save short portions. The notes on Sheets C002 and C003 have been changed to reflect that all existing curb and gutter along the site will be removed and replaced. Curb ramps will need to meet current ADA guidelines. Curb ramp details on Sheet C005 have been revised to conform to current ADA guidelines. Extend pan from the garage access west to the intersection of the rec path' don't try to transition to 6" curb and back in this short distance. The pan has been extended as requested. Continue attached walk section between porte-cochere and Cascade access. The walk has bee revised between the porte-cochere and the Cascade access. 10. Saw cuts should be squared off, no diagonal cuts on path or roadway. All saw cuts have been squared off as requested. 11. Install "DO NOT ENTER" sign on back of stop sign A "DO NOT ENTER" sign has been added to the back of the stop sign. '12.2o/oMax cross slope on all walks, including walk area across driveways. Grading across driveways displays a 27o cross slope. Grading has been revised to reflect a 20/o n\?x cross slope on all sidewalks. An attached walk detail has been added to sheet c005. 7. 8. 9. 13. 14. 15. Provide the Town of Vail with a drainage easement for portions of public storm system located outside of ROW. Drainage easements will be created and conveyed to the Town during the platting/condominium mapping apptication for the public storm system located within the project property. Provide the Town of Vail with a pedestrian easement for portions public pedestrian path located outside of ROW. Public pedestrian access easements will be created and conveyed to the Town during the platting / condominium mapping application for public paths within the project property' A staging and sediment control plan will need to be submitted and approved prior to release of building permit. Sediment control notes have been added to the grading plan Sheets C002 and C003, and sediment control details are displayed on Sheet C005. A staging plan will be prepared by the contractor and provided to the Town. ,16. Sheet CO03 has a note for a 12" RCP that points to the existing electric switch gear. Please correct. The erroneous note has been removed. 17. Provide for an 1 8" sump in all inlets. Inlet details have been updated to include notes stating that "18" sumps are required on all inlets per Town of Vail Standards." 18. Use "Bicycle friendly" grates on inlets. Notes have been added to Sheets C004 and C005, calling out the use of "bicycle friendly'' grates on all inlets. 19. 22' Minimum width for garage driveway with 20' minimum width at entrance to garage. The garage driveway and entry have been revised to meet TOV requirements' 20. Coordinate with Town of Vail electricians on street light locations. A olan will be sent to the TOV Electrician for their review. 21. Y erify the capacity of the 18" GMP that the project ties into, the drainage study does not address this line. The capacity of the storm sewer line that this project is connecting into has not been verified because the location and size of the pipes are not known. Preliminarily, it appears that the off-site discharge from North of l-70 at Timber Ridge already exceeds the capacity of the pipe if it is an 18" CMP. The roadway may have capacity for runoff that does not fit into the pipe and will need to be evaluated further. lt will be necessary to have a contractor pothole and verify pipe sizes, slopes, and locations to understand actual capacities. 22. Yerity storm line sizes, the survey calls out the line running between this project and Gascade as 18" while sheet C003 calls out a 24" The existing storm sewer pipe between the proposed project and the Cascade Athletic Club is 24" in diameter. lt is 18" in diameter where the storm sewer outfalls at Gore Creek. lt is assumed that the pipe in between is 18" and will need to be evaluated because the location and size of the pipes in between is not known. 23. 30% of all paved areas required for snow storage (10% it heated), please verify. Snow storage areas meeting this requirement are displayed on Sheet C004. Additional Verbal Comments from Town Staff 1. Include regrading, revegetation and landscaping plan forthe area between the northerly property line and the edge of asphalt of the South Frontage Road including the "Knob". The civil and landscape plans have been revised to include the requirements as listed above. These items will require a CDOT special us permit. 2. Provide design and construct retaining wall within CDOT R'O.W. for future recreation path extension along the southern edge of the South Frontage Road. This item will need to be investigated as to the scope of the design and the impact on the Westhaven Condominium project with the owner. Further discussion of this item with town staff is warranted. This item will require a CDOT special use permit. Please call with any questions or comments. Gary Brooks Project Manager Figure A: Picture of existing site stopping distance for downhill vehicle at Porte' Cochere @ 142' Figure B: Picture of existing site stopping distance for downhill vehicle at garage entry @142', I I I I I I I PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT WESTIIAVEN CONDOMINIUMS January 2005I I T I I I I t I Prepared for: Wright and Co. l0 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. #250 Avon,CO 81620 - Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 97I i#;il*.!:,i'"' T January 2005 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Vicinity Map il. Introduction.. ................1 III. Drainage Basins........... ......................1 IV. Peak Flow Determination ..................2 V. Detention and Pollution Control ..............................3 VI. Floodplain.... ................3 VII. Summary...... ................3 VIII. Table I - On-Site Existing vs. Developed Flow Rates IX. Appendices: Appendix A - On-Site Storm Drainage Calculations Appendix B - Off-Site Storm Drainage Calculations Appendix C - Concrete Pan Capacity Calculations Appendix D - Sand/Oil Separator Calculations X. Maps: Sheet I - On-Site Existing Drainage Area Map Sheet 2 - On-Site Developed Drainage Area Map Sheet 3 - Off-Site Drainage Area Map Westhaven Condos I t t I I I I I I I I I I I t t t I I II. Introduction The proposed Westhaven Condominiums are located just west of the Cascade Athletic Club on Westhaven Drive in Vail, Colorado. The site sometimes known as "The Ruins" cunently has a concrete slab and some concrete pillars on it from a previously incomplete project. The proposed development plans to remove the existing concrete foundation and replace it with a new residential condominium building on top ofa parking garage. III. Drainage Basins There is oft'-site drainage coming from north of Interstate 70 primarily from the Timber Ridge development. This runoff is carried Lrnder I-70 and under the South Frontage Road in a24" CMP to an inlet between the Sor.rth Frontage Road and the Cascade Athletic Club. (See the Off-Sitc Drainagc Area Map, Sheet 2). This runoff is then piped to the \\,est in a24" CMP to an inlet just north of and between the Cascade Athlctic Club and the proposed Westhaven Condominiums. A 24" CMP then carries runoff to thc south between the Cascade Athletic Club and the proposed Westhaven Condominiums. This 24" CMP connects to an inlet at the northwest comer of the intersection of Westhaven Drive and the exit of the parking structure which is betrveen the Cascade Athletic Club and the proposed Westhaven Condominiums. The inlet has a pipe outfalling to the southwest parallel to Westhaven Drive and the front face of the Ruins. It is not known exactly where the pipe between Westhaven Drive and the Ruins is but a possible January 2005 Westhaven Condos I I location based upon field observations has been shown on the plan. (See the I Drainage Area Map, Sheet l). t W. Peak Florv Determination t Peak flows were calculated using the TR55 computer program "Urban Hydrology I of Small Watershed", June 1986 as prepared by the U.S. Soil Conservation I Service. TR55 was used to calculate Runoff Curve Numbers (RCN), Time of Concentration (Tc), and Flow Rates (Q). The 24-hour Precipitation Values (P) I were taken from NOAA Atlas 2, Volume III (Figures 2S-31) and were found to be I 2.0,2.4,2.8 and 2.9 inches for the l0-, 25-,50-, and 100-year storms, respectively. Flows were calculated using the actual soil t)?es as obtained from t the U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Aspen - Gypsum Area, t Colorado, Parts of Eagle, Garfield and Pitkin Counties. Runoff Curve Numbers (RCN) were generated using impervious areas and good open space. The Time of Concentration (Tc) was calculated using the SCS TR55 method. Off-Site flows have been calculated in Appendix B and the drainage area is delineated on Sheet 3, Off-Site Drainage Area Map. The existing 24" CMP appears to have capacity to carry off-site flows through the site assuming that the slope of the existing pipe is greater than2Yo On-site flows were also calculated using the Rational Method to compare existing and developed flows and to verify the capacity ofthe proposed concrete pan on the north side of the buildine. I T I I I I T I January 2005 Westhaven Condos T I I I I T I V. Detention and Pollution Control Detention is not proposed for this development as it is the redevelopment of an existing development. Existing and developed flows have been summarized in Table I and calculations may be found in Appendix A. Pollution Control will be addressed by constructing a Sand / Oil Separator to capture pollutants from the parking area ofthe proposed development. Calculations may be found in Appendix D. I I I vI. Floodplain The proposed development will be outside and above the 100 year floodplain of Gore Creek and will not impact the water surface of the 100 year floodplain. r VII. Summary t The proposed development is the redevelopment ofan existing developed site. I The majority of off-site flows are carried through the site by existing storm r :;_":"ffi.,H:i:ffi::i*"1.1''""""ingaSand/oil I Storm Drainage Facilities need to be periodically inspected and maintained. t I I t January 2005 Westhaven Condos 3 I TABLE I u)l zlll(,z j Y? s ro N = Eo q, ,o d) o .E o o)3 Noorit F (r 7 o't-srTE EnsnNG w DEWL,qED FLottRATE gtMMARy \ SruDY POINflt DESIGN FLOW 100 YEAR (cls) 25 YEAR (cfs) DRAINAGE AREA (ocres) RUNOFF CURW NUMBER (RcN) |IME OF CONCENTRATION (hours) rR55 EXISNNG BASIN 2 1.25 76 0.08 TR55 DEWLOPED BASIN 2 1.25 78 0.09 RANONAL METHOD EXISTING EASIN 4.1 11 1.25 o.57 0.08 RAflONAL METHOD DEWLOPEO BASIN 4.2 3.1 t.25 0.60 0.09 \-a I I I I I I I I I T t I I I I l I I I Appendix A On-Site Storm Drainage Calculations I ]tot..c , r.rthrv.! Counly : hEl. JUcf tr., OB-rlt. B:rlrting (c :\d-drtv.\trs5\llooehd\rutnh- ssl I covBR DBscntP?tor RttlroFP cuRv8 Ut UBBR COtl9ltSATIOlf Vrr.lon 2.10 u3.r! 8lr D.tq! 11-30-2004 saalar Co cheekadr - Dalq! - Hydrologlc Soll Group ABCD Acrc. (c[) ]o*r ortt"*rso t p.lerr IREAS (veg Ertrb.l IODqn rpacr (Lavnr, gaEks !rc.t I Tolal Arsa (by Hy,rlrologtc Eoll GrouDl 1.25 I I Good cglrdl,tloar glass covGr > ?st - 0.?5(611 loDsrvioua Areaa Pqvcd Darking lota, roofa, drivc$y. - 0.a9(981 I TOfAt, DRAIIAGB ARBA! 1.25 Asrse I.EIGIITBD gt RVB }|ITUBBR: 76r l. - n.n"t"..u lor u!. by cRAPtlrc dqthod I I I I I I T T I I 1""or... 3 ic.thawen County I B.gIc TII{B oF CoNCBII8RATIoN AID tnAVaL T IE vcrlto! 2.10 uarr: El D.la: 11-f0 -2001 strtrt co cbqckad r _ D!ta: _ ls"rtrtr., on-rlr. axisrlng (c: \d-dstv.\tr55\l tonlM\ruinh. ss) -;; ;.---;-;;---;;;"" sroD. surrace n ^rea r.D vorocrry rro€ I raln (ftl llEltE, code (Eqlrt) (ft) ltzl..cl (hr, I shcrr 1.{ 50 .a{ f 0'060 l"*aao, concGn!'d t2o .o9s u o'oo7 I open channcl 195 6 0.009 I r,"c of conc!rt""t"" - l:]l- --- thaal Ploe Surlrcq Codca --- A gnoolh Surlrcc I Grta€, Dcnsa --- thrltoB Conqentratqd --- I B Frlloe (No R.r.) G Glaas, Bumud. surfacc Codqr - c GrlElvrtcd < 20 t Ree. B roode, t tght i, P Pav.d D Grltlvrtcd > 20 t nes. I rooda, Da!!a U UnDavcd I B Orrrr-RrDgq, Sbort it Range, Iaturrl I r - Grncr.l"d lor use by GRAPHIC nalhod r I t I I I t t I t I I GRAPHICAL PBAi DISCHANGB ||ETHOD VcTIIon 2.'.0 lero:.ot ! resthar.en Datar Drai ga Arar ! 1.25 r Acrea nunoll Curva t{urtlbcE : ?6 r I Tl[a ol ConcantraBloD3 0.06 r Eour!I - Rttnltll TtD. : ll Pond rnd Sr.Ep Arc. ! I|ONB 1.................... | ltrolo ltuob.r | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | li-;;."; ;;;:; i ,; | 2r-cr nriBtrtl Gn) ll ,.r" *..," I ll Runoll (rnl 10.{r I ODtl Peak Disch.rg€ 1r.559 - | (etalacreltnl I lt I l; eona and suaftp Faqtoll 1.oo | o.ot Ponde used IIr ---------------------- | ----- ll Peat Dtscharge (cl8l I 1 u.er: llll Datar lt -30 -2oo{ Counly : Bagl,c StaE.: CO Chrsked 3 _ Datcr _ Sublitl. : Oq-.lra BrlltlEg (c 3\al-drlve\tr55\Uonshd\rul$h. 55, 2.O o.32 23 2.4 0.26 0,53 I .60? 1.00 50 2.t 0.23 o .88 100 2.9 o.22 0.95 t .526 l.o0 1.623 | 1.OO rl 2l2l l. - v.ro. trt provlaLd tron TR-55 rysteh routlnes I I I I I t I I I !rto:..t r rcatbrwcn County : Bagh RltlfOPF Ct R\rB MrllBBR CotlPltlltlox v.r3lon 2.10 ur.rr gx Drt.: 1l-30-2oo{ Statcr CO Ch.ck.d: _ Drl.! -f s*tf tre, on-sit" Developed (c : \al-dr1vc\trs5\lton.M\ru1Dd. 5s) [YdroloEic soll GrouP I covBR DESCRIPIIoI A B C D t lcr.r (cN) I il:'"ffT:Lfir*::.,*'" ""'o:' cood condl,tlon, grasa covar > ?5i - 0'58(51) I lmperviou! Ar.aa Pavcd p.rklng lots, roolr, drlvcrayt - 0.5?(96) r Tolrl Arcr (by f,t drologtc Soll CrouPl I I Tdlar, DRArtfx;B AREA: 1.25 Acre6 rBrcIrrBD cuRv3 tn BBR! 7gr l. - n.rr"".r"d for uae by cnlPsrc oethod I I I I t I I T I ! .25 t !r.o:..t : x.rth.v.n County : BrElr TIIIE O' CONCET{TRA'ION AND TRAVEL TIMB VeTIton 2.10 Uaer: Hll D.lar lr - 30 -200{ sr$e! co chccked: Drt.r lsubtitrri OB-rlt. D.valoD.d (cr \d-&ive\trss\llonshd\ruind. 551 lPl,or q?e 2 ycar lcngEh slopc surfac. n A!:sa lfD v.loclty alo.I :::: i:::._.i::::1...::::. ...:::1::1 :::l :::1:::l _i::: shcet l.a 55 ,a0 I 0'057 lsn ffo, conqsqt'd 1ao ,ol5 u o.o2o Iopcn channql 80 5 0.00{ Tlne of Cg$centrallgn - 0.09r - --- Shect llge surfrca coder --- A snrooth Surface ? Cr.rt, Drn!. --- shallo, concantrated --- I D Fallod (l|o Rc..] c cr.rr, Bu$udr Surface cqds. I c carltlvated < 20 t Rss. tIfloodt, Llght P Pavcd D cultlv.ted > 20 I R€s. I toodr, Dcn.e u unpavcd t B Grasa-R.ngc, Short it Range, N.tuErl I - r - G.D.rltad for uaa by GRAPHIC nethod r I I I I I t I I I T I - subtttlc: On-rlt. DlvlloDed (c ! \d-drivc\tr55\llonshd\rutnd. 55 ) Ir DaEa: Dralnrga A!€r : 1,25 r Acrat Runoll Clrrve tfutlber : ?8 . I tllc o! Conclntratlon: 0.09 r dourrII nrtnlrtl Tyrrr : rr Pond rnd Svl[p lrcr : XOI{E lstor[ rtuub.r I t | 2 | 3 | . I GRApItICtL PAAX DISCIIARGE URflIOD v.ralon 2.10 Urarr Hx Dat.: 11-30 -200{ Stata! CO Cbeckad! Datr: I i ;..;-;;.";,;" ;";,; i ;-i ;-i----;'i"' ; i I ! rrolcct : rclchlv.n County ! Ergl. o. ot Pond6 uscd I !. - u.rrr",", prov:ded fron TR-ss syaten routlnca I T I I I I I t I I I I I I tJ_o=F Ao._"o*_ _R-_{t-*-_c -(Ld p- r= _9,{ fr>fi"J C.... =(.,v") + a,3s(e '.2")-=-6 .G-7 l,z-< T I _., t- l- I I I t : 50'6 4a"/ tz6's4,5% u '/t3 =4,5'/u n5'e G l{1s T-=O,ABhc- = ul.B*"-\ --(L- 5t=.- 4o = 6 ,Fl (z.c) {t ,za) -: -2, 6. -. Qs -- Q"; =?.51(1.,:J(t,z*s). 3.1 .9r : -o_._G.o-_ -T.:55' u ,/o* l,/b'@ 1,4/" t\ %'oCglk T- -- o .o4 L. = €-'l *; Q.< --o,60 (4,r)(t,z=) : 3.\ cOs kT e l-.-qz trJ t-.e JJg Irzqt I I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I T t: I /NTENS/T Y - DURAT ION - FREQUENCY CURYES 30 40 t/tlNUT ES ) 20 ( TIME VAIL,CCLCRADO I I DRAI NAGI CR I TEP.IA I'iANUAL TABLE 3-I (42) RECOii,i'IENDEO.RUIIOFF COEFFICiENTS ANO PERCENT IMPEP.VIOUS RUIiOFF LAilo USE qR SURFACE CHARACTER I STI C5 PERCEIIT I I'IPERV I OUS FREQUEilCY 10 100 Industria'l : I I I I I Business: Commercial Areas ' l{eighborhood Areas P.es idential : Single-Family flulti -Uni t (datached) Hul ti -Uni t (attached) l/2 Acre Lol or Larget, i Apart,rents Light Areas Heavy Acres Parks, Cernetaries: Pl aygrounds: School s: Ra i I road Yard Areas Paved Gravel (Packed) Drive and llal ks: Roofs: Launs, Sandy Soil Lar"ns, Clayey Soil ll0It; These Rational qq 70 i 5U IU t tv IJ 5U zv 1!0 10 96 90 .87 .60 .10 .45 .0u ?n 6q .71 .80 ln .-15 .45 .tv .6t .65 .45 .35 .tv .70 . f u .60 .70 .40 .70 .76 .85 . .25 ?n .60 .ov .80 .60 .70 .80 .60 .80 A? .90 ..+f, qn .70 .4s 80 qn 7 -tt .80 .i8 .(v qn .25I I I I T T I I T Undeveloped Areas: Historic Flo'rr Analysis- 2 Greenbel ts, Agri cul tura'l Offsi te Flow Analysis 45 (when land use not defined) 5lreets : (See "Lawns") .43 .47' 0 .00 0 .05 Formula coefficients nay .0s .20 be valid for large basins .87 .40 .87 .80 .88 .45 .87 Rq .01 .15 nol .90 .50 .88 on a? .60 .89 qn *See Figure 2-1 for percent impervious ll-1-90 URsAii DRAIi,IAGt AIID FLOOO C()I'ITROL DISTP,ICT I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I t I I *)o=l }..o-.r-* A- tl na[P.r...-lt+s flt"-orl QxtsIi-3 tz - t=-64 tG ,b,|r( 812 > O,iB 0-- --F\ n -.1 DAt ,--^a Xlz/eJu)-a'<l.l:U' W4 - lZ3A1 JL' A+J."\ar5i-'^, - 2441 Qlz riG-'Qa^-s \ r+3{ +2-79 e gYa Q+? 5za'.,--*\7- 411+ z7G+?41 = lqU N" -Dedl \2,la'l gt' = D,>6 F SatL 1{,.-+ 4z.oz B(L2 lzzl T--"""-H'f P"-J ,/I \z7z€ ) = B t$G 4+' : o,tn tk- Ll--p 4-- = 5Q,,4t( =-l,z5 k- --r- . 1- If"rp . : Lxi5{t n1 O,3o + O, 19 :Dz,J. O.3a+o,t3 7p = 6,41 4=- io ".3 / tF-. ,29rrzss | -,F- at - I,<= : Ot /b - l,-25 s o, 63 Appendix B Off-Site Storm Drainage Calculations I t t I I I I I I I t I I t T I T I t ProJecE : l{eslhaven CounEy : Eagle Sublitle: Off -si,te RI'NOFF CURVE NWBER COMPUTATION User: State: CO Checked r (c : \d-drive\tr5s\1 ionshd\ruinr. . ss ) Version 2 .I0 HM Dace:11-30-2004 Date: COVBR DESCRIPTION Hydrologic SoiI Group BCD Acres (cN) FULLY DEVELOPED URBAN AREAS (Veg E6Eab.) Open space (Lawn6, park6 ecc.) Good condition; gras6 cover > ?5t Impervious Areas Paved parking 1oE6, roof6, driveways Total Area (by Hydrologic Soil Group) ?.35{61) ?,25(98) 14.6 TOIAL DRAINAGE AREA: 14.6 Acres HEIGHTED CURVE NTMBER: ?9r Generated for use by GRAPHfC method TIME OF CONCENTRATION Project : westhaven counEy : Eagle Subtille: Off-sile AND TRAVEL TIME UEe!: HM Checked r Version 2 .10 Date:11-30-2004 Date:stace: co (c | \d-drive\tr55\1 ionEhd\ruin1. 55 ) Flow Type surface code n Area (sq/fE) 2 year Lengch Slope Wp VelociEy Tine (fE) (ftlsec) (hr) sheet 1 .4 14 o shallow concent,d 680 Open Channel 485 --- Sheet FIow Surface Codes --- A Snooch Surface F Gras6, Dense B Fallolr (No Res.) G Grass, Burmuda C CulEivated < 20 ? Res. H Woodg, Light D Cultivated > 20 * Res. I Wooda, Dense E Graas-Range, Short J Range, NaEula1 i - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method 0.187 0 .059 I 0 .017 Time of concentlation = 0-25r --- Shal I or., ConcenEraEed --- surface Codes P Paved U Unpaved .20 f ,04 u I I I I ORAPlllClL DaAX DISCTIAROB llRIllOD Verlion 2.10 9rojcct : taathavco County ! tagl. ulcr: Hll Dara! lr-30 -2001 Strta: Co Checked: Dara: I srorn ltunbcr | 1 | 2 | 3 | . I I i';..;;;--;;:;""'i";;-'i-';;' i ',; i ;;; i - | 2{-Hr Rftnf.ll (in) | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.8 | 2.9 rt | | I II1 r.7r n cto I o.a? | 0,22 | 0.19 | o.r8 I t *""-r rr"l | 0. s2 | o. ?7 | 1. or | 1.12 Subtltle! ofl-rlr. (c:\d-drlv"\tr59\1lon.hd\nrlal.55) Drtr: Draln|Ea A!G. I l{.6 r Acret Runoll Clrrve Nunber : ?9 r Tl,na ol CoDqqalratlon! 0.26 t goura Rrlnlrtl TyPc : ft Pond aDd Ssa[p &ca ! NONE Itnlr Dcrk Dlsch.rgc 10.990 11.026 lr.05r lr.os7 o.ot lronda Uasd I I Peak Dlscharga (cfrt | 8 I 12 | 16 | 1? | !. - v"ro.t"l provlded from TI|-ss sysr.n routines I I I I t I t I I f l (cfr,hcrc,/ln) | | | |rt | | | | - ; cond and suamp Facrorl t.oo I 1.oo I t.oo I r.oo I i ;..;-;;";;".-,.;:;-i '-'; I ;; i"';; | ;; i I I I I I Circular Channel, AnaLysis & Design Solved wilh Manning's Equat ioo Open Channel - Uniforn flort Workgheet Name : codnent: westhaven condos off-site drainage 2 .00 fr o. o24 17.00 cf s 0 .o)-92 fE/ fE 5,{1 fps 3.14 ef 1- {9 ft 0. 0236 f r/f r 100.00 t 17.00 cf s 18.29 cfs FUI,L Solve For Full Flol, slope Given Input Data: Diameter . Manning'6 n..... -. Discharge. computed ResulE6: Full FIow Channel Slope Full Plol, Deplh. ,....., velocity.. Flow Area, crirlcal Depth.. .. CriElcal Slope, . . . PercenE FulI.... .. FuII Capacily. . . .. QMAIX O.94D........ Froude Number. .. .. open ChanneL Flo!, Module, version 3.41 Eaestad Methods, Inc. r 37 Brookside Rd (c) 199L ' raterbury, CE 06708 I I I I I I I Vr ,24" C MP ,aan<-s o{{-=i{- 9l,r*= Q*- Tir^lo*r uJ:&'f LI -1 6 a^*ol { lo So*{ |;o*t^qe. Qo"d *'tl {-l-...^- L.*f t,-d b-Q,'t 'n {L u}t{t"^r"( GnAo= alA (7'gca-dJ' ?'oL;,sil"''L^*" "'t t'o {ofy'(;v1clvtc'-r* slol ea.rt-; t6O't'o"r €/o"l .{ il .Q"u'= Inz"l uJi+L Y^J ('1"4&S o-Lf- <t'"y I L"^- z"/" ;+ is ,o-\n do agsqA€ *b ^ttsl;Z tq"dtnP ;. .bf"+L"^ ?-f" ' I I l t__ r-l 1__ A"L4-!*^---r2-26/-s/op-r T3 a.,LL\-la'z"ra-S-hlZ{s4>-.-3 8 ; =N E _o lgE rE g lei; iE i 5 inlg it q' I3E rt * I I I Appendix C Concrete Pan Capacity Calculations : , I i;i 'll ;:l.l \ r I .,iLdJ,asf l^-cr-Je"^ !i :li .l,Dr--;-a" l- f.- ( l'*L, A lo;l lrli|l \ ,lliLJ-sf Sidr tt- liio4. 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A I 'o aqrt1 IOO Y'c""r {lo" ,i ! v I I I I I I ., -:.-., l_ l_ l- l_- t_- I t l- i T I T I I l_ l- l_- t_- I t l- i v. v-\;.\, BIi ril # T I P- t, r\% att\\l\rv'l\r!a ?N\ ,4 lo !E L*X ia I \ I B \,/IrnO-L\:d \r \ lcNl 'r4&sN}.z s))ztv ( I I Triangul.r channal an lyela & Datign Op.n Channal - Unlforfi llor I forklh.aE !faa.: I CottmanE I Xrlthrvon Conqrato Pan I solva Por DlrcharEaI 6ivan Input Data I I Lrlt stdL sloDq.. 2.oo:1 (lt:v) I Rlght stdc sIoP.. 2.0011 (ll:vl llrnnlngrr n...... 0.013 |l chru.l sloD!'... 0'01s0 lllle I Drpth.. '...... '.. 1.00 !t I co[Dutld Rcrullt: f Dirch.rg.. '. ' ' ' .. 15'37 clr I v.locrBy. . . . . . , , . 8.r9 lpt Rloe 1re4........ 2. oo af I Flou Top rldth... a'oo ft I frcted ?€rinater. 1.a7 tE crltical DGPth. . . 1.33 fl I L"-!'1"ii]11..: l.ll'i'illl" s,,p"..',tr.",r I I I I I I open Chrnnel Plov uodula, v.rtlon 3.{l (c} 1991 Hacatad xethode, tnc. r 37 Erooksidc Rd r iatcrbury. Ct 06?08 Co**{o?-n il.'"lh Side. ?'op"s-4 3"t/44 I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I t I T t t I I Appendix D Sand/Oil Separator Calculations I I ]-- {-( (-s5 t_ ----*-=--qe-a*fu0' J-- l_,__---_. 1- MAPS TON'NM Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, 0olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cascade Village 'The Ruins" PEC Number: PEC040002 Project Description: Workession "A" Participants: OWNER WESTHAVEN/CASCADE LLC 01/2112004 Phone: C/O JEMLD L. WUHRMAN PO BOX 3098 TEQUESTA FL 33469-0098 License: APPUCANT Ramsey Flower OLl2Ll2004 Phone: 331-3799 1335 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: Location: 1000 W Frontage Road Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: CASCADE VILLAGE ParcelNumber: 210312100017 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: WITIIDRWN S€cond By:Vote: Date ofApproval: Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $0.00 I TOI4A'M tr D tr n trn x,. tr Conditional Use Permittr FloodDlainModlfication tr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alteration E ,Dsvelooment Plan7$ amendiment to a Development Plan-d Zoninq Code AmendmentD Variancetr Sign Variance $550 $400 $5s0 $800 $1500 $2so (,il*iVg> $1300 $s00 $200 N $ $-\\ t-Y Description of the Requett (tlop,K6L1fr(U1 A Physical Address: Parcel No,:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Mailing Address: Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information! All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: Rezoning 9f300 Major SuMivision 91500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District 96000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD 91250 (no erterior modifrations) Location of the Proposal: @,gP^rn t**l sisnature(s l, f ,(4ou ^--T"fI".me orApprica "r' A*u*tV FlOatZ-5lr4 Maifins raa.ess: For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: t,lq.'VcA' CheckNo.:-By: Page I of7-01/18/02 o lBut"nn's llx t,nsrunNT" Gnclup, l-l-c ifmr, Snasclr..-s Lonon, ar ARR.ollrunxn January 7,2003 To: The Town of Planners Froml Ramsey Flower Overview of the Ruins Project The property is located at 1000 W. Frontage Rd, but you might know it as being located on Westhaven Drive and comrnonly referred to as The Ruins. Our group is proposing that the site be developed as a private residence condo project with straight ownership rights, no club concept or fractional timeshare. The project will have approximately 28 private residences that will be managed by the Westhaven Condos, a property-managing arm of the Cascade Hotel and town of Vail business entity. The developer is made up of 2 principals, one of which has a home at 1325 Westhaven Dr. The other is a frequent visitor to the area who plans on owning one of the private residences in the project. Lifetime friends and business associates these two men have much to offer to the development and construction of this project. Greg Walton is CEO of Walton Construction, a company he started himself that is based in Kansa City, MO with offices nationwide. Walton Construction Inc. are general contractors and construction specialists in large commercial complexes such as Harrah's Casino nation wide, large shopping centers, airport expansion projects such as Kansas City International, and a myriad of other large projects. The Ruins will have Greg's personal aftention. The other partner, Kenneth Block, is owner of Block and Co, a commercial real estate company and developer of commercial projects and is based in KC also. Together they plan to develop the Ruins site into a small boutique condo complex. The time is now to forge ahead on developing the site as a private residence condo project. Ramsey Flower, Managing Broker for Buyer's Investment Group, a local real estate firm, has tried for over 5 years to get the current seller to sell the site. Only recently did the Seller agree to the take an offer seriously. The current owners have had neither the finances, nor access to capital to get the project started and underway. Our group has that and will bring business to local desi$n firms, local contractors, local consultants, local businesses, buy locally wherever the bid is competitive, and offer an investment opportunity to locals. This is a chance for a win-win situation, The town of Vail must not let this opportunity pass by or sit on the back burner. lt needs a champion and you are 0600 Sari'a-rcm Dnrvn lEn*arrns, Co 81652 1P.0" lEox n848.{ Avox, Llo E1t620 970 92(t-23A5 Fax 926-2590 .. ..,.. l:i;1:1. :r'.:'. l' ':'' January 14,2004 Overview of Ruins Project The property is located at 1000 W. Frontage Road, but you might know it as being located on Westhaven Drive and commonly referred to as The Ruins. Our group is proposing that the site be developed as 28 private residential condos with straight ownership rights, no club concept or fractional timeshare. The approximate size of the units is as follows: (5) 2500 sq ft (15)3 Bd,3 Ba'1875 sq ft (8)2 Bd 2Ba 1250 sq ft Once built out, the project would be managed by Cascade Condos and Don Mc Lachlan's office, a property-managing arm of the Cascade Hotel. Recognizing that the project has an employee housing requirement, the developer would like to offer the TOV $200,000 to put towards other employee housing opportunities and remove this requirement from the property. The site doesn't have marketability as a mixed-use building. When the TOV was proceeding to condemn it, I championed the project in my neighborhood to be a lottery housing project and spoke highly of this program to other neighbors who didn't understand the concept. But the project is either one or the other. Not both. There is no marketability for a mixed-use project here and the town needs to position itself to remove it. lf you really want The Ruins developed, the entitlements need to be removed. lt is our intention that this $200K proposal is considered a win-win situation for the TOV. The architectural look will be consistent with the neighborhood, a mixture of stone, timber, and stucco. The preference will be for the architect to be local so that they can work with the town on all the issues concerning the design. One person we are going to interview for the job is Chip Melick, who has a myriad of architectural design experience in this town and with similar type projects. The majority of sub contractors will be local, so that the project can support local workers and there will be a preference to buy local, use local consultants and businesses where the bidding makes sense. Greg Walton, who lives next to the site and is one of the principals, may serve as the general contractor, since that is his business, but it hasn't been decided as of yet. The interiors will be a high-end finished product. Materials such as granite slab countertops and stone tile flooring in the bathrooms will be used. A combination of wood and wall to wall carpet will be laid. High end lighting details and plumbing fixtures are planned. lt will have finishes similar or better to the Liftside Condo complex up the street. The idea is to offer interior finishes that buyers are accustom too living with. This is not in any way to be cheap project or a project that cuts corners in order to hold a high profit margin. This is a project that one of the principals will live next door to and the other will live in, as well as some of their very close friends and family. The emphasis is on quality. As soon as we can get the appropriate action from the TOV, and close on the property, the current concrete and rebar structure will be taken to the ground and the grounds cleaned up while the permitting process is underway. A new parking structure will be built under the proposed building and ample number of parking spaces will be built. We will look to the Town for guidance on issues such as this. The developer is made up of two principals, one of which built a home at 1325 Westhaven Dr. The other is a frequent visitor to the Cascade area and will own one of the condo residences. Lifelong friends and business associates, these two men have much to offer the development and construction of the project. Greg Walton is CEO of Walton Construction, a company he started himself with a home office in Kansas City, MO and other offices nationwide. Walton Construction Inc. are general contractors and construction specialists in large commercial complexes such as Harrah's Casinos nationwide, airport expansion projects such as Kansas City International Airport, and large shopping malls and centers. The Ruins will have Greg's personal attention. You can find out more about Walton Construction at www.waltoncci.com. The other partner, Ken Block, is an owner of Block and Co., a commercial real estate company and developer based in Kansas City also. You can go to www.blockandco.com to find out more about his projects. Together they plan to develop the Ruins site into a small upscale, boutique condo complex. The time is now to forge ahead on developing the site as a private residential project. Ramsey Flower, Managing Broker for Buyer's Investment Group and local representative for the buyers, as well as a homeowner, 2 homes over from The Ruins site, has tried for over 5 years to get the current seller to sell the site. Only recently did the Seller agree to take an offer seriously. The current owners have had neither the finances nor access to capital to get the project started and underway. Our group has that and will bring business to local contractors, local consultants, local design firms, local businesses, and buy locally wherever the bid is competitive. This is a chance for a win-win situation. The town must not let this opportunity pass or sit on the backburner. lt needs a champion and you are in the position to persuade the council that this is wise business decision for the town. Please grant us the work session with you so we can get your thoughts on some current issues surrounding the development of this site. We want to make this work...for everyone. Sincerely, Ramsey Flower Buyer's Investment Group Total Residential Square Footage Approved Number of 5 I I sq ft cmployee housing units $180/sq ft construction cost estimatc Cost per unit Cost Per Bed Summary 34,141 67 $6,145,380 s91,722 vt. Mountain Bell Site Sccnario One Scenario Two Scenario Three Scenario Four (288 beds w/ $750,000 for schools) (288 beds) (188 beds wi $750,000 for schools) (188 beds) 567,607tbed $64,833/bed $70,622/bed $66,879/bed Lionshead Parkins Structure Scenario One ( 144 beds)$51,603/bed (does not include parking for residents) (does not includc retail construction cost) $47,461/bed (does not includc parking for residents or replace lost parking on the stnrcture) (docs not include retail construction cost) $47 ,467lbed (docs not include parking for residents) (does not include retail construction cost) Villaee Parkins Structure Scenario One (112 beds) Scenario Two (40 beds) If Council were to decide to locate seasonal rental units on the Mountain Bell site, it appcars from preliminary analysis that the housing could "affbrd" to provide $750,000 to help relocate the two schools on site or at another site. Thc more units that arc created the more feasible it is to generate the additional money needed to help relocate the schools. The cost estimates used provide the money necessary to crcate an aesthetically pleasing building, similar in exterior finishes to the.new employee housing units located at the base of Beaver Creek. Also factored in is a manasement fee so that the units would be constantly maintained. The Lionshead Parking Structure scenario locates employee housing in a space that already has development on it. While creating the largest number of seasonal housing beds it also creates new retail space. This mix may work well in conjunction with proposed development at the "Hub Site." Therc may also be some construction cost savings as wcll as a shorter period of time of neighborhood disturbance if it were possible to coordinate this with construction of the community facilities. The two Village Parking Structure scenarios create new seasonal rental bcds in an ideal location for employees. fhe most financially sound proposition impacts the number of parking spaces on the upper deck of the structure and changes the height of the parking oo(osfF- xxx ro ro cv) x s ,-J.,i.i F- l'- @PIQ|! in iD c! id S i6 o)@@ ; Z. Z.ee@E4 oo(o$tr-- xbYiii I :* fx I d :39@@9 b 6 6 b I E AI $$@ oro 6 E N $s@ c! (D E E (J 06 o f o o) J=.egE 66 l\ F-!r s1c(Eooc,E 6aooY9:'i:E! o:EO:(g.o:9 96it AN- oa tso- 6eG olo c2c o- Ef;ss!tttooo o i.i9€d6ro rtl -- U.- a -sf 6j =i@@E';oo.=.=ctrttooot cit E oo;{ E .E99r' n cdx$!t e|, ii o_ Osf s@a lr)Ns o) E8,"9c;i: =eu)Y9.=c)-FF E 9 9xt h ,ii .= XEE E : 6 ;::>o .-- E b ==Ez F ; + o C)EF .= = \./ = O -tl.:.Y C t (d \JJCD EEod 9E L==9 .E.E = iiii o Eo o E. 0) oo E U) P o E8.^Poc;(:'-;Y6O'F!lcr ar.!tD-111EE.9PsrH'HOTJ.J-.S2O::ro.(s>Eyr->o .E d b q oEEa E ,=,Q a P (J =32 iE : E = EE(6 q o o (D o s8d EaaF @ roNv o 6 o E _ca o) EooCF;FE o)-JYCr rll .'-= d= o)FF E I I ". o.):: = ,i: .E tt (UEE 8. : E ; P F==>o .a' 0 b 0 6EEE; E ,-O A 8 O ==16-t k \r = =EEii- 6- t, 6 6 6 ooo R R I iR cD 9?)<xx ro ro cD co )< ro56; h K K 6 ; bbHH 6 3 A 3 4 sOOCD- (O C\.1 (O or YX x< x.i x.i $ <D e,@(0 ;4 ;, ;; (o -E'o e' :Q 3 E ctlgb i Rf}0x Osf $ceeooEro(D l (l) E. r8,Egotud)8c?E€e ",E'6E tEE E 9 P A P3HEr-rr'-.!?ox)lo-(g>FYd)!io EHE E E 2 i 9 El}iz 0 : E -o oEd cL o (D (D o = c\ E 0) oo>go LL ar -O F>; o /t \J zoa (D 5 o_ o o .!! (0 g E i 9oooo.H8555 -@@@6c!) IE oolrDo F. c'J(\t t- ro ot (o c')F.st$o (o@(\l{ctc') cD F-c\l o (D Es-fo)ESc(o<e $= (r,o@'- (\l6 l .eeo(ooo@ 9l@F- st (o (f) HF-Ol--O o- -->crc.tg,rratg: I 3R€h?3 Fe@@,_:C\i E cl) ce+e1 I 5 Po=;- 5 i't I 'P i.": '= (U eE = d = E5i E = *E.= - gLLo X (o (o (o (o q (o-E d bPbs E *EOJO st (') (U "u-P E s8ss E FHR () F -aH56 c-o-s3EP3EEa5'ELUEo?oU.cce.FE P Eg6 o:ctE89I !or{e$ q EE SbSN : 6E {E{g g H LE @e@@ E' .E 6 =.ulo=iff(UX ., : X E Ec6.Ho6=(!E59FFf.o5=5>8Eo--;Co-EgiiEoEEfi*'oE; @Elo I E=E6 o 555 g E E Esi e ,aEFO ; d : I(J = .e€€E ? a H FE E E333 f F :. 3i <5 6clob+ N = S + ()oL<!or-o tt F- tf, OJ (Odi$rro(o@ 6 oF o)'6o i= n'O =o.r !___or-(EOm =.E6i -oo 'o '6 :1-s o99P85r-Eoo5tDtr6==HC -oFP 3? c)@rrlrooA'= r c'50 {t6? Eras Xat) (t)gk -o) o) ^O")< o.6< 5= 99e sr P 'E'E'E';R rfl 9.= FEtr.go 66XEi, - ,aEiEE Es == €€EEE9 A.e 9R 56cbob+F CCD --.c=.(\' E6 :F := *or oE 6E 90) FF dtr d o o o ;. ol -c=.vl- u')96 Eo ;st = q) E. c\l o(, ox dU =6gF (l)fc(Dfi Esa . E $-or-(\l = Ct C')cF(l,cNer)<o c)oo-IEs6 RR doo =s- 8- ot Eg* :o {Do)(E b a() Eos5sg' EcoE (os.Eo$t(l)aE ogroE8- f E : Ol = (D eE to llFg f; P= oEc4r o gE9 E FS F 3E €a Eg E $fi si aE s EE Ofice of the Tbwn Manager 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 - 2 1 05/F ax 970- 479 -2 I 5 7 February 27,2001 Robert L. Monday The Monday Companies 6950 South Potomac Street, Suite 201 Englewood, Colorado 801 12 RE: Westhaven/Cascade.L.L.C. Dear Mr. Monday, I received your faxed letter of February 21, 2001, regarding your request for the Town's reaffirmation of the 1999 major special development district amendment for the "Ruins". As you are aware, the approval of Ordinance No.11, Series of 1999 lapsed due to Mr. Wurhman's failure to comply with the conditions of approval. Specifically, his lack of attention to securing a financial bond to cover the cost of removing the dilapidated concrete structure from the site and restoring the vegetation on the site within the mutually agreed upon timeframe. At my request, George Ruther, Chief of Planning, with the Town of Vail Community Development Department, has reviewed the Vail Town Code with regard to your request. Upon review of the Code, it has been determined that a new application for a major amendment to Special Development District #4 must be submitted if you wish to have the lapsed proposal considered for re-instatement. The Vail Town Council can not re-affirm the earlier approval that Mr. Wurhman knowingly allowed to lapse in the absence of a recommendation from the Planning & Environmental Commission and the adoption of the amendment via two readings of an amending ordinance. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call George Ruther. You can reach him by telephone at 970-479-2145. Sincerely, I ,,(frk [4-- Robert W. Mclaurin Vail Town Manager cc: f: Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney ',/George Ruther, Chief of Planning i'i,g 0cPi' {9 on"uor r"* Residential Units Income Vacancy Net Rental Income Operating Expcnscs Net Operating Income Dcbt Service Net Income Debt Coverage Ratio Basis Assumption 40 $400/bcd 5% $ 1050/bed 1.21.2 Year C)ne $ 192,000 ($e,600) $ 182,400 $42.000 $140,400 ($ 1s6,670) ($r6,270) $ 188,004 ($47,604) Basis Assumption 40 $500/bcd 5% $ l050ibed Year One s240,000 ($ 12,000) s228,000 $42.000 $l86,ooo ($ 156,670) $29,330 $ 188,004 $2,004 $ 13,056/month $ 13,056/month Short/Over Debt Coverage Requirement At a monthly rental rate of $499 per bedroom the residcntial units break even on the assumed debt coverage requiremcnt of 1.2. One expense that has been omitted from these numbers, but was discussed in the past is parking for thc residential units. Previous discussions included off-site parking with a shuttle running between the housing units and the parking or providing parking passes to tenants for a nominal monthly fee. For all of the Parking Structure scenarios an increase in the residential rents would pay for the cost of operating the residential porlion of the development. To not increasc monthly rental rates it may be possible to cross collateralize the two components (pleclge cash flow from the commercial component to undcrwrite the loss in the residential component in order to keep thc rents at $400/month.) The Ruins Staffhas contacted a local appraisal company to do an appraisal ofthe "Ruins" site. The appraisal should be complete in August. The challenge of this appraisal is greater than initially anticipated. Pending this appraisal it is difficult to do in depth financial analysis. Most recently, l5 accommodation units, l1 fractional fee units, and 2l cmployee housing units have been approved on the site. This approval has lapsed, but provides some idea of the building potential. The total structure was 41,195 square feet with 7,054 square feet of common area. In the plan that was approved, I 0,73 1 square feet was dedicatcd to employee housing units. This would have allowed 2l employee housing units of 5l I square feet each. Using this benchmark as well as the construction cost estimatc of $ I 80/sq ft to construct employee housing at the Lionshead and Village Parking Structures creates the followins scenano: v. A}4EIIDMENT TO LEASE This Amendment to Lease dated as of Chis 1st day of November' 1-997, by and beiween EMERALD ACRES' LLC' a Colorado limited liabilily "o*p"ry-i1,i_,arralora") and L-o vail Hotel, rnc., a colorado corporati-on ("Tenant") . RECITAL'S Landlord is the record and beneficial owner of certain real Dropertrz descriUJ- as Condomi-nium Unit No ' 3 ' Cascade Club Eii5".ilr;;-i" v"11, colorado. ccvpc r,imired Liabilitv companv i;i&;;,;;;;;r;J inEo a lease ag'reemenr ("Lease") with cascade Club parE.ners, Ltd., "'C"iif"tnia iimited parEnership ("Cascade CIub") dated December i, -lgn ' Landlord is ihe successor in inLerest to CCVPG and Tenanc is the successor in inEerest to Cascade Club' Landlord and Tenant desire to extend and amend the Lease' CerLain ""oit"f :-"ed terms are as defined in the L'ease ' AGREEMENT For good and valuable consideration' Lhe receipt of which is acknowledged, l,andlord and Tenant agree as set forth below' 1. The term of the L'ease is extended from November 1' l.997 to Octobet 3I ,2000' 2. The Fixed Annual Rent for the 12 months commencing on the AnniversaryDate-i"rsezsha1lbeg99,L2o.72,in1998,sr24,L20-68 and in 1-9gg, Stsg', lzo-.7e ' The F-ixed 'i'nnua1 Rent shall be adjusEed annually as ser'i;;;; i" aiJi"re rr of the Lease prior to each scheduled annual increase, commencing on November 1' ]-997 ' 3. If TenanE is noL in defaulE under the terms and prolrilio.r" or trr. te.t", TenanE shal-1, at its option' have the r.ight to renew .rJ ."1""a Ehis tease for an addit.ional renewal term of one yeal-. "uttt option to renew sha1l be exercised by Tenant oivinq l-,androro tiitittt noEice of Tenant's elecEion to renew no :;;ii:r";;-;i";;;;= r"r no laEer rhan one month prior to the expiration of the lease term "ti forth in fr above ' Upon the crivinqofsuchnoticebyTenanEofitselecLiontorenewthis i:;:;: Jhi" r;;te shall 6e rene*ed and extended for such further term wiehout the-n"..="i-tv of any further agreement or document - ,RECEI'iEO ilrc 0 I 199? such renewal sha1l be upon all the Eerms, covenants and conditions of this lease agreement except the Fixed Annual Rent sha11 be sass,iio.ie au.irit-trri_" f irsL -r:enewa] term payabLe at the rate of $L2,926.73 per mEnth, which shall be adjusted as set forth in Art.icIe I1 of tftu Lease to reflect 4 years of cumulative CPI adjusEments. 4.IfTenant'isnoLindefaultunderthetermsandpro.'i"iorr. oi thi" 1ease, TenanE shalI, at i-ts option' have the r.ight to t"r,.t 'lna extend this ]ease for a second additional renewaf term or o,ta-y""t' Such opE.ion to re.new. sha1l be exercised by Tenant gi-ving tii-it"" notice of its election to renew no earlier ;ilJ;l-;-.3"rt""r"L no larer rhan-one monrh prior_ to the expiration ii-lirl-iitrf "pri"" L"r*. up.on _Ehe giving of such norice bv Tenanr of its election';; ;;;;t tliis leasJ' this lease shall be renewed andexLendedforsuchfurchertermwithoutthenecessityofanyfurther agreement Li-do"u*ent. such renewal shall be upon all the terms, covenanE"-"ttJ condj-tions of the first option term except the Fixed Annuar nenJ--srrirl be gi-61 ,r20.76 during rhis firsE renewal term payabfe at-tftt t"ct of $13'426'73 per month' which shall be adjust.ed as ser tliin in Article Ir of the Lease Eo reflect 5 years ofcumulativecPladjust'ment's.andexceptthatthereshal].benofurrher right to-,.rrL\^I tnir lease aftir the expiration of this second renewal term ' 5. A new section !ir'02 is added which reads as follows: "During Ehe Lerm hereof' Tenanc shalL pay all real esEate taxes, special improvements assessments' general and special assessments t". 1"7 districts 3ttd any othe.r ad valorem Eaxes' rates, Ievies or i==t="t""t= that mat be imposed' assessed or levied (all such real estate Eaxes' etc'' shall be referred to herein as the "Rear EsEace Taxes") upgl Ehe-P-r.-eT'fes' rf due to a future change iri*lr,r"-*"trr"a of. taxation, any franchise, income, profit or other a.*-=rr-rr be levied against-Landl0ra in whole or in part in ",rf"tii'lfi""- Et or in lieu of any tax which would Ltherwise constil;l; one of the Real EstaLe Taxes or i-f there shal] be levied ag.r_rr"J Landlord a tax or license fee measured by gross rents, such franchise, income' profiE or other tax or license fee shall be deemed to be a parE of the Real Estate Taxes for the ;;;;;";" rreilor: -R";i !'!i::-Tixes sha1l not incl-ude anv excise' inheritance, legacy, succession' income' sales' use' excess profit,s, revenue', estat-e or gift tax which may be payable by or imposed agaj-nst iandlord or upon the income or profits of LandLord bv reason of J;';;;;;";- ";: iuture raw except as specif icallv provided above ih tnis SecEion' NotwiEhstanding the foregoing' tenant,s obligat-i."""-rr*""nder sharl be limiced to 915,000 per year for the term endlng October 31' 2000'" 6. Tenant's addrese for all notices under Article lryII is herebY changed Eo: Mr- ChrietsoPher M' Hanen c/o VaiI Calcade Hotel and Club 1300 llesthaven Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 T.ExcepEasmodifiedbythisAmendment'thelJeaseisratified ana confirmed.- In the e-venE of any conflict between this il;;a;;;t-""a ttt"-i,.""., the proviaions of this Amendment shall govern. LAIIDLORD: EMERAI,D ACRES, IJIJC FREDERICK S.; Manager TENAI{T: L-O vail Hotel, corporation Inc., a Colorado 1I \. ld!\l,sasa\gra.ga VAIL CASCADE RESORT September 19, 2000 Mr. Frederick Otto C/o Emerald Acres P.O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Fred: The amendment ro lease dated November L,1997 had an initial term running fro.m. N;;;i;;i , ti97 toO.*b"r 3l,2}O,with two subsequent one-year option periods. pursuant to secrion 3 of the "Amendment to Lease" by way of this notice vre are exercising our "firsr option- to ext;;d this lease for a term of one year according.to the terms of the ;:";;;;.- i-itir-opilo" year will run from November 1, 2000, until october 31, 2001' Sincerely, Re: Option to Renew Lease Cascade Club Parking Level 3 cc: Don Maclachlan GF:{R l3O0 lfe'srhavcn Drivc t Vril, Color'do 81657 ' Holrl € Confctcnce Cenlcr Sla U g7O.476.7lll . 1ox970.4?9.7020' wwrd.vlilcatcade'cottt Club Cot do m iniums Privalc Rcsidcnccs ESTINATIONxort!, t rrtorlt rr'.4d1..t1..1.t.h,... r0 .q) LEASE THIs LEASE made as of -Lhis 15th dav- of l-t"^t-!it"it|?"'ii![!l!!! ccvpc r,imiEed. i,i-'liiitv -c?Tliiv;r,-,x n"."1.""'"1x, i;i. :-; catitornia IJ*"."v ("Landlordrr) and cascaqe ( ;;;fi;a iarcnershiP ( "renant " ) ITNESSETH For and in consideration-of che payment:::'h: rentals and Lhe Derformance of. t.h" .o*,.nunLs _and ui1"."..*'.'r" hereinaf ter contalneq, Landlord hereov -- 1"t=t= Lo ttt"^-t''I"J- re,anu -!:I;ouot::?tt;"it:: Landlord, Ehose ""ttti-" premises (the "Premlses'rl*t"=i;;;;; Il :: : : :: i; '.}ll' : # : - \:r; I *.:l# i: " s:i: k i"*. ## t ; rl'"-' : : E"r"tia" and known as Pdrlcrit$ re IIi""c"t. ("Building")' ART]CLE I TER'M section 1 . o1 . rnicia]- Jerm. The terr.n gf - chis Lease shall commence on oecJrib er:,.sl-tgi)-, "na "r,i'-or,-o.cober 31, 1995' unress sooner t'erminace-;;; h";"inaf [er provided' ARTICLE II RENT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT SecEion 2'01' Base ReDE' TenanL shall pav to Landlord a f ixed minimum an"t'o] t:t'E -l?.1 .,, the premi='"t --3'f 'Se e ' 5OO ' 00 (t'he ,,Fiied Annual Renr"), in eq'-tat-'*Lnlf'ty installments payable 'rn advance on the iit"t'dav ot.Lo"'it ;;;";;;tv calendar month durlng t.he t.erm herecf, ptoyldtg hgygver' Lhat upon execuEion of Lhis Lease, Tenant nis p'ai.a co Landlori'ch.-="* oi $s,|:4L'67' recelpE of which is rrerelyl.i'""rr.Jg"a, t.pi"!.itl"g.Lr'tu monthly insta]Iment of rent' for rhe-;i;;;-*o,ic}, "f .;;;-i;iiiir .term of this.Lease.and Tenants shal] pay Landlord,t'] ;;; -iTt"c d1v-^oi Ehe firsE full calendar month of tf'u cerm hereoi-tftu sum of 52'770183' In the event Ehe Eerm of rhis Lease ends'on a day other Ehan rhe rasr, aay o?-i Larendar.*o,.,rri]''irr!il-"p1. rhe f irsr dav of uhe JasL carendar -.1.,Lh or rhe i.i*-'rt.i"oi.,- 19n^nE shall pay Eo Landlord .= ,u.rru'i-ior !r-,., p"r.i3i"'ft;;-sai'd f irsL dav of the lasg carendar moncn"io- "',a i,-,"r,-,ai"1:" iir. r""r. doy of Lhe term thaL proporEion of if,L- monLhly ru,',rr.i" ,i'tilft-fft".n'-tmbur of days between iaia f irsc day"oi ".'iJ'"jiu"a"t-t ""^cit'ut'td rft"-Iasr day of Ehe term of this Lease rllr" Eo the n"r.,u't.,,u'uir or days in said monEn. Said renLal shall be paid.Eo-Landlord'-Iltl:tt deducE'ion' seE- of !, nollet o"'p'i* iu^oia' -in- tiwfur money of t'he unit'ed sEaEes of America aE t,"#;;d*.J io;i'i.h noci...s E,o Landlord are Eo.be qiven or aE "u"ii oJrl"r place ';;-;";dl"rd may from Eime to Elme designaue in wricing' Section 2 '02 ' Cost of l'-ivinq Increa-s-es '-^ On November 1 of each year tci,L'l,anni\r..lityl;Fr , "ott.encing November 1' 1993' t,he Fixed annriat'ii""r' nr'uri lJ"tr=ai'ti"tJi-": :li nexE L2 monEhs'bv mulEiplying ti"* i"iJi"r Fixed an-nual RenL by a f racLion' which fracEion shalL have as its numeriEor Ehe Consr'tmer Price Index for t,he U.S. CiEy Average.for yllu'l Wage. Ear1"f:-o Clerical Workers (All rtems) -(B;;;-l'*iioa tgaz-04=tdo) ' as 'pubrished bv the u's' Deparrmen. o.'ililr; ;;;; or r,nrrol-scirisuj-cs. (Ehe uIndex")' upon rhe Anniversary Dare of "o,n*un.i.l;t ;;;;;-ippricaule twelve monEh period, and ,;i.:h ;;Ji* "r]"1"i';;;" o" it""denominator the Index ispubrished"l;;-P;tceding.in'''it'"t"utyDaEe'Therndexfot November, t992 ts rJg'g' rf Eil pi""""t'base of the Index should /r/fs - /43'/' llp1l5t91 / s//,ef '%, = 5flffst/ far*ru1 - !-^^^ 'hal'l be converLed Eo Lhe h e r e a r r e:r . .:"^ ^" n " lnn" u. i "' i"* in'.,L? iif{ r=#li:+ i,ii, -c e a s-e . t o base now useq.. rn-.tl:-^u""1:.t1X'" -"TJrlt inaex published !v anv ::li l;1,:*,i:?":.i:ry6f ii,:il';" l'i:; ;tl; i"'"'iiil. i:,., :: i:ii*::t:rJ"".;3.ii:iii":"'-":-":Jiv*"'"g:i.":gi:':t::':i'i!:rl .char' be subsE r."l"a lv agreemenb :tr.t::"X:;iJ'iti';; -J icr,"r. p.tll ;H;;* "g;," * ;""' "ie::: fi : !:ir ; :;- -;;*q' t'-lt^ . i u r i s d i c L i o n t o de!ignate -s-"qn "li-"i"ita"i' '1".31'' uiot't' trt-1 ba-se-used by any 'new index sharr o" - ttJo""itua ro 'ti'"' ig'eJ-84=100 -o^u:" "t the rndex ' rhe Fixed er,r,,.r"r'-iJ;;-tt.=: "1i.t-='iui-itorn ti*? :o tsime shaLr be t'he Annual Rent oue i.,u''ar'ota r'-"tuu''a"? pt"t"iJ"a It1"5 ^i";*:Xil;*:il,:1;,tl:;'1"-.*:r'.i;;l-=*J+i:i::=,:i'-'Jt*$'*il=lavailable tt tnu'''ii.'-"- "i ;9:y:':Tu"t of Ehe Annuar,.i=i'"oiiGf-, 1::E ::i:ilt.#tr'?:' :11}, "'"*lg, J"'?'''lJ" *"'L"n .o"J"iioa ' provided ' however, runanE- snlrr i-rolneul{ ^Ji.;:-*1:t"'1"^t1tr.1'r:.'"".'ouiL?.1: i $: ":iE ::'i:t i" lu:t : "t^i'i=' i" * iilh: ^i ii;; iar e d o n - e a c h Anniversary o".J"hrrl noE "*"..E ii""i}t" previous year's Annuar RenE. section 2'03'- u Jo",l1"-.Xi*ir1""'"t'"tttt#:: "q'gt.-'9^ tl:^:"1,':"lL? i?$"3?tln; "r;i,-- und r u i cn i " i iu' r "'mance o r of $3,300 eacn every ptot"-"'o"*;i;;ttt lLot" t"'i"'p"trtiTed' !v teninc' rf renanc g::Ti:"'ii'J"u'?xl"Ei.';riJi:ii*i#':;;f;*1";"?"J"""1"illg; i.,, a i o,a .., ." i "J ",xF""]J ""i J"i' ? i I J : i" ii."_?J, {: i,: : t!!';!:i' :Ia.p"'it'forEhe.-oianyother.i""nl-,r.icr.-I,andlordmayspendorfor the Paymen become obligaced uo- spend rv'tJI"t" of -TenanL's defaulu or Eo compensatelandllrdfofany".r,"'-i"''ordamage-whichLandlordmay suf fer bv tt"ton of ren-anL'" -i"r'u''liut-"tt '":*";:;::"1"'"": ";?:i *:mi : 1.: f"'J Tf" ::':?: t t"-i!+:I "+: i:iii *. !#i; r t " ? ; " T:: I E sufficient'co'""to'ethe'u"u'iiy-aeposit'E9i:"originalamounE, and renant''s i;ii;;;.lo ao- =o'"iluii'G a breach of Lhis Lease' Landlord sharr not be - requrr"l':;! i'i'3n--if; l'"?tH':I.it:?::i: s e p a r a t e t' o* i t "' !.' " er' r- r u n9,s ;:#"J' tit" ii' i,i t i r" J"l - iu :" t r' r u I 1 v i:iiin'";:J";:.i'"5'";i';'-*1g":i"1i;;i:E:'i"'.'J:f"i1ii;':i'"iecuriuy a"po"ic ;t lny nof ur,""-.fiu-iJJf strall be, reLurned Eo Tenanu aELheexpiraclonofiheruu""';;;";;d;pontuti"nc'svacaEionofthe Premises' ARTT.LE rrr USE OF PREMISES section 3'01' Purpcae'. The Premises are Eo be used as a E.emporary velr-icular Eommerciar'nitrl"q ?iTis-: and for no oEner purposes '''t""-"J-ihe prior consent of Lanatoro' SecEion 3'02' RestricLions on Us'e" llf Tenant' shall noE use or permiE the Premises' ot- o"y thereof' Lo be used for'any #:T:;"ff ili5:;:Tilti$i"5;'T""i'"Ji";"1ii?tiJ?'T:'T:3: ol Ehe premises' nor aets 3#' i'ift ;!i1-ij;;;ase Ehe' exis'E'ins raEe of insurance upon.Ehe3giir"s' t' "ou'u' 1":'T:i:l::l:";:":ll i I i I f I j:' ili i:;".i":. : lf : ,1q r";, i'"iii' "'; {^iI :; i.' i; - ; ;. i ! : y : _. h u P r e m i s e s' " iL " i I ! f "', J n';i' .H" " ii " !i;t'16*' :J ""'?t#u'o ;; insurance Po Landlord is increased as u t""url of ony- 'niuihorized u?q by TenanE of Ehe Premises' t"n-unJ!;;ii p"y to'Landlorc' wichin thirEy days of receiving f rom l,unaroil_ .ar .suacemenl from Landlord,s tn lltrB irr ;urance carrier EhaE a rar.e -increase was.,.',t"t:ilJ"ti1t"1J;""i;: use of, uhe premrJe";";; am'ounf,--egual Eo the ditter€ original pt"rn'urn'-"-t''a if't" increased premlum' (b) renantr shall noL commit' or- suf fer -=':iJ"llt';j;ji':lj w a s r e' i,p o,' I n:'^ #;j; : :i - ;:" ^JJ, JSJ'."d l"i: i ig;"l,""ri r: **l::*: i:;JJ 1l;' il? il'=i .u" ir:P, ::lu:l'Ji,?t J':"'i# g", ! r' " :' r r e n I n t i"il -* i ir."" : .'r^] : iiT?;li 3.';1T ii"' 'u ;; -i o' u',y imp r-ope r' immor a r' knowinglY ar row''l: ^:::l;-J''.,o"" .liiil*iir'or objeccionabre purpos' .ses or use El" (c) renanE shalr. :":, ,:"::r,""Xd .iJ;!::i.::.ii!"'"iiai"s I:Premises in a manner that wr]-L ( machinery, .frttuc.t= "l --- o:her "ppltul?"..i"J"'Iilt 'irr rii:: : :tl il ltlii:u *" s="'ot "; : T I3': i 3": " # ? # n '' * a i''s secEion 3.03. .;:"X::."itt":"i:ij;"ii;pr".il!I-li-xtloti.tslv permit ""t':;;7ri.c wiLh any 1aw, ordinance ii..iru" which.wirr in u"v *"ll3i";':;';;; i"1"" ot vait ".t. ",r ::: :i " : :i f tf,' . " "':"1 f'l i,'f.{iiii:l' i;' i :i - "':-lt?'' ;;' l'- : 1' * lY hereafEer be ';..;;;;; and.wirh I'r,"-.iuquirefi.enLs lr l"v board-of f ire ,.,r,a"t*t'i'"t"---ot - ort'"t - "i^*'rrtt'- lo'av :ot or hereaf Eer consEisuLua- tuit[ins. to or ";i;;;i;g tn6 condiEion' use or l.""P""tV of che Prernises' section 3'04' renant' s lleloveee ?li :::1:?r;:'J"'lil"tii:ll ,., o c r.ilio-i lg y rr";*l:J: t*L:l:'J, ; ?: ":1t",i"5 i "Jr-it g"' t i " "' o r E h e any ParEner or- TenanE hereunder ' ARTICI-,E IV ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS ' secEion 4' 01 #".iJ:j."""'" "!:::1i::ii:i:l;"r,a tl.Liictions of the t?lt"T,i:i:" ."h" i;;;-hereof at its "TBtl=' condomini.r.=, 'ii-.u"r"otti-=nurr ' durins Ehe terrn t9;;;;; wa1]s ?f -:h" cause cr,e tou,ia?t]""s, f ]o9-t'^ceiring' and "*tt'1?"n-"tr consistenE il;ni ;ii"H, d;[: l::;l;;t'l:.?:::. ::*l ii :^inil""ll5i I'a-'r'u n - n" r beresponsibleiorany..repai'!-*i.'i"r,blcomenecessarybyreasonof the acc lt---nudrig"'i"" lt""i"n"nt' iLs parLners' agenEs' servants, emPloYees or invitees' section 4'02' req+qr-_s +*#;, ."l"liltn':li::"$ii:"il: Premises in good condition an< be alrerea, 'Jp',"'iiJJ, "t .h^"g'.i=r^i11h"".. tlt jp:itr written consenE of LandLota' T""t"L'herebv '^;;;-J'i t19r''1'13 ^nl-^xt tupuir-s Lo'9he premises at Landrord,s exp_enr;;.- Tenani. shalr keep rhe Premises and E,he euitdins f ree ancl 'ro#'or -anv ii:'n:'l* ilat:":l*;l:l::; hoLd harmru= j'uia'iJi"na r,unclrord f rom any'tli'^;u;;t=ttta -uy-ot "t il::'&:i:":'"f l=:rt':-"'":"t"'J'!-ii:;x'"ttti;'iii:'I":tul: :F I i' *, : ii' "if ""m =g iil a iri :ffi'+'1'" i ;;; ;' - i u n u n c a t - i E s etee'ion, eharr e-it:ler P::!-; uonJ"in In: T:TfJiii".ril"Tt',tli i3 ffi .i :t " jj#"' "iai.fi : f : :*+:=.1' :l iii : ;,;" i' i" * v -'a e1a ng c o insure ttre pavmlnr or tr'-u rioT'?iui'' l: :[;i;iiltt"l;":";::ll fair to puv"unv-^ii-t :1llT. 'ho" due or ?^";;n;-iJr retoaie ot ::::"#"Ai:d'*'"1:,".":1,:"1"K""'.?'J":'"iJ:?"";;;".d.arr.sumsnecessarv'o"ii"iiuts!--tl'tii";';;fi'-and"'TenanEsharrpav'asadditional renE ' when tl." ";;'C tLnctl -P'ayment is due ' aII sums expended ny L-"narord in aiscffii;;";;; fiun, inclucing aEEornevs' fels and cosEs ' ln alSDl *x"",*i*i*,r.= *iSilii*ll Vor any reason ;!nl:::"H.HititJ:"f-',"-=.ff tlffig+3**a+*;t**+li::!U toscs, damages,a ii:-:,"=.r#l*i:fl+i["'..'. iiff :t:"!i:$l5S*ffi '111 ?fun=. Txt"rtli- :iri" llttni,*ulffii:iia:tii i *".',.= +=" -'":":" :?.?d ; il ll; :, ";r l ; ":il+'*! ix l:' i;: ; t i? itit :i J I J'.=j' qi- *;'i[ri r'' {=' t* t tlkl i ;; ; T" i' T :i : :l *i,:i."trt*;'"li:::':i!1!i;*s"r".:.:"'t1'"';";'i*;:13':;i!"-t.iiiHe wear and Eear -"3'^t-"..p' Ehe Premi-="" "ioi"Jo*rn"n""*enE of Lhis Lease ' ARTICI,E V TENANT'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Durins Ehe Lerm "r. ..1" o..""T";nl";il:":ti:l'-.1t ;iqiJ-i,{;l: "na "-*!"nr1 , keep in folgul .lrau and propertry damage insurance i.,, "n t, s e n e r a l rt$ t;:" r\;"1 i ifuk,=:i, ".i*i, ", i rfffJ"J:':"i:i?? : :i::'1f:;.ii,fi ,T#1;-lTi*,itit*?mr''""'*lU,r"'t'-";:il: iliid"i'"'o :i!: ",'&,i:i' -qiF'"Js" [o p'opu' I i' ". -r " u' u - L e n -d avs I i " i i''"., " = ::,;:i il ;:l:l :le: I :1."1{iii ".S"1:=.: t; ;!i Ii:;:: :; H:: tk"H *i i ffi h+l+i: r.'*r .x:' n' ; : i i " T; ; ff! ";i :.I$it I : i ru : i# " n :l I ;;. tl I fC + L ::' " : :' T.'^3-:":'"' ;; ; ; e u v " B I 1 "' io cr,. "*pi'"riJ"-or uhu !.'1 "L".tiil"'"tli"3Ei "ij'ii"lil ^:!ffi"; i i -u aa i r i " " i,iu " : n " " .:i'u'"?f; ,t l#m **l;'r:", t;X ii:"itri ; ffi il l: il i : ; ii'#'il::i"4'1i{Ji+Ji$*:" *, i : * }r " J'"'s i : : ; i i! :i:H"+: jf* # I,r-*-,:# $x,,," 0n # ". ;=J "i; ;;ro i a e r, u p r e m i u m i:: ] til:;::, ; 15il' a"filiu"ll"'l iai i i """i i:en c' ARTICLE VI DA].AGE TO PERSONAI.'-PROPERTY INJURY TO PBRSONS ,,,u"*i??i'""1.,un *rI f* ::$'$""r""1*: $:in;#-":'+*,tg:t;tr*ii:r"f ::it"#li""i++;:l=q; ; Fl i!: tl +*t:;' a**rilSi i'* "Xt-'1' "-':, : :l' r; " ; i: !1 " :'; t l: visiLors th Premises,itl-a-ppararusorapijurEenances. or rJ.""li3l.! l'r;t "ti:$i:llnttu"t'ua-t^J'i"ndiota' ic.s "gilt"Ji, t:?t""t&?*i-J",- rv anv means or damage Eo any ProPerEY lo a6l9l 'whatsoever, nor for any injury or damage to'p"::on" or property resulcing from, iit"l"'"*prt1t1."il' f;ii; oraster' sEeam' 9as' e r e c E r i c i r'v, - *1c ! i - l'. " i'' yl+ : 1" :bi "l-f "*;t"l i'1t'n3 "t'nt.'";rt"t li i"irai"g oi fron. Ehe pipes' "pl-1.:?:".'.';; "f;;;riv orher prace or :::I;:lf ,1"'""1;*ii:i##n""',:ff .l::i:':n'"."'""."*'tineri :i"fi"S!:.'""ii'frJ'"f'i*ln?1f i';;;.," T:11"' ror anv damase bv or from any."":; i; .;egrigenle-;r any oLher' tenant or other otcupant. or .rrsrtli of Ehe -euirdi'!, -or byany ?Yner or occuPanE oE adioining or conEiguo)t prgle:ty"''iuiiro"d or it's agenus shall noE be- liable f or i"t-"rf "r"'tc" yith iitu - f igftc or other incorporear herediEamenEs' ;;;-;ilii. !""1i91'a r"" ri"ir" for -anv laLenE defecE in the ptu*l'-"" -it- l'"' -rr''"- euiiaing ' 'lenanE shall give prompL noBice co lanorord in case o-f ti"f,""t' a9cit"1c1-in Lhe Premises or in the Building or of defecus t'herein or in the fixLures or equiPmenu . ARTICI,E VII Jffi ".Jrouf,ll"i'Jr"*J"''[',ffi *T' SecEion ?'O1' In case the Premises or Buildils "1u11 --!:.' nartFttl -t-t':t;;frt dest'roved'bv fireoroLhercasuaftyinsurablsundersEan<]ard_rlre.andexEended coverage ir,",rrlil!*-"o' u" co beclm!"piiciur-ry or Eotally unuenable and i nsurun" " irJJ" Ji" -;t" *ua u'"o.r=u ii"-u'rl 1 t't repa i r or rebu i I d i ng bv the nora.rn-Ji--r'oratt" ot - any mortgages or deeds of E{Y:E encumbering Lhe iitri'a-t"s' 1n" a#t'gu "n-tir "g1 rSnaired as speedrrv as possible withouc expense cJ ii"u''t ' ]" j'ht evenL of EoEal desirucciorl, r-"it"i-snafr have.ii'u iigt't l"-::TTi:iL?.tT." i."3"5"i3 ::. i * s#. ; " "*;t' ",!lt' !n;" l3 i:l;'s':.lit 1 : ::: "1" ri il c r' i " t-,ease shall uu !-"i*it'aLed as "i;;; dtte of the casualty' Section 7 '02' Lease Rema!ns in 'Ef-f-e--c-t"*-, tt such damage or destruct'j.onoccursandTenant'-t,iE-not.termi-naceatr'i.sLease.and Landlord elecr,s to repair or t"u"i.ia"Jr," e;irai'tq, tLtj-t Lease shal1 remaininr.,ir--roiie_ana.ii""c-""athe.iaruieswaivet'heprovisions of any law to ti'" ^""ti'tt"tf ' - rtttunt- aqrees during any periodof'u"on"t'...,cLion,'"..LLi"rio.,orrepair-ofthePremises ind/or of the e'''irai'''g t'o to']ci"rt"''"Jii"t""p"ttti"o "r iEs business in the Premises to Lhe excent rlt"o''tbly practicable from-' the standpoinL of gooa business. n"ni-i"d otirer-puy*unt= due Landlord ' hereunder st'aii ue abated ptii"t'i"itllrv {"ii"s anv period in which,uyt"u-"*o"-"t-""v"";rt"ii..'"i;;destruction'therelsasubsEantial i.Cutftttnq! !"i'th or disconr'it"lt''t" of ' rhe -use by Tenant of tne. premises, and ',..Ji uTu"Ju*LJ =r'"11 conLinue for Lhe period "o.tn""Zi''-s-';;th sucn aJs"i;;;r"";i' a"lrlust and ending wich Lhe full complJi-on by Lhe rJ."ii"ii-"f iepair und-/ot reconsEruction work. seeuion ?'04' i,l;f?:l.t;ffifr : ":i13" : I i,i :' l": 5 *:: i:ifi .rl i#'"r 3f tu ff i r'ffi i I nil?*' " i " " covering run#ill*ti"a" rr"t"*J, ' 'furnituiu, - tutni"hings and equipmentp'iiiai.n-ni"1"9.,".i'.jo'ur'"exte.ntofnoElesst.haneightv p"'""it^*ie'i' o?l "t, I'i1'"tupii"-"'"nc u"ilff';t"" tl"i":?T; : :: i n f gli iln'i,i "', ;5 " "itJ'""$ r'ii""Jt ii " :?' : rJ r e - a n a s x t e n d e ir -Coveraget' . ARTICIJE VIII ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Tenanc snall noE assign or jn any.malle^l,t-l1ntf"r Ehis Lease or any interes., i;";rtt., -rior sublet i:tre Premises ot any par. or ln lltF ) par.s thereof , nor permit. 9":-"-q1""y by anyone -t;;;utord' wh.ichn,*li:" j.rr"nt*i;;*]:::LJ;'l',?inEill"""'"'31,";'b;-;;#re'e-:: one or more assrg#;;;oi rn:" i'";;;';; Lo one or rnore subleEEings ofchePremises$;iinoLoperat"::""";^iterofL'andlord'srighcs under t,his Arcrci"-;; t"v ip13a;;; ;";;;tt"n! "^t' sublett'ins' nor release Tenant ot-"tY gttitt"t:l-:,f i""""t -of any of iEs obligations under Ehis Leas? ;;' ot :::::::"*:'i::{l ^'":.Iii;:iJitqt'i; ::**l*;: ;;:l:; if"'i"Ti'+i;i;-'Io- suurec .oortions or Ehe -pi.*i""=- "'.,.:x.".;' o',,1'o,.,ol="r#I."ii'.'Jt-;tji"lm;t:l giiii?ii oarEies incluorr'cascade Virrage i=i'Jtilt' uhe- oper=a*r'Jioi-lit" 9Tt{"ut Vilrage houer and Clancy, s '"",ii..]iJ.d ;;;. ntt -".',""ussors ir int'eresE thereE'o. TenanE shal r pr";;;;- ;n"aiora ri.t -o'"."Jpv -"? ."1 t wri LLen agreemenr's and upon demand, -a wricuet'-"yriop!i"-'6f tI+ verbal agreemenLs' NoEhing herern "fi.ir be constru.it'a"" """iend che Eerm of this Lease or Eo granu u"y"Juruunane 'or "uJt'ii -unv-iigrtrs to enLer inEo any subsequenEleaseoruserugtu",n"'it"liu"tLheexpiracionofEhei.u"" Eerm and alf options to renew' If TenanE is a corporation' any -c-ombination of sales'' Eransfers or assignments "I-:1t-;;e'and butstanding capical stocx and/or t.he issuanc-e of new capiUJitl.X ,itittt resulEs in ownersntp bv t.he pt"t"''ti1i: u*itJi''g -'shareholders as rerrresenLed by Ehe concfusion ot cij rc.r"-"i-:.gss rhan f if ey-one p'.rcenr' (51'o?) of the Ehen i"stea^-a'''l- oGstanditg ;;itJltq:I of renanc sharr 'be deerned Eo be .r"ii"i.i;-;;J"; thi";1;i;1e-VIlI requirins the prror wriEEen consenc df i''andlord' Neither Ehis Lease nor any inLeresL therein' nor any esEatre thereby created, shalI !:"?^ rl- -t''y trY:E:? or receiver rn bankrupEcy,oranyassigneet"t-tt'u-6enefitofcrediEors'orby operat'ion of law' ARTICLE IX EMINENT DOMAIN If lhe whole or any part of the Premises shall be taken by any public aut'horil-y-*u";'1" ^n3"-"t-oi "rnlt""u'domain' then the Lerm of Ehis Lease shall cease tlr qro;;';" taken from the daLe Ene possessio" "f ;;;;-pJri-"r,.rr iJ r'uq"ired for anv public purpose' and E,he renc sha'l be paict ,_,p'lo'iil;-;;y. .rf. a porEion of the premises is so raken, Tenant. ";;i';;;r.inue in the'possession of Ehe remainder of Ehe Premis""-'j;T;;;; -C;;t herein provided' in which ra.Ler "ii".^'irrl--nnnga.r';;;; (incruains addiEionar renE or oEher charges,';;"";;t shalI re'reauced in_proporEion Eo Ehe area of she premises ;"o;ii "a:-i-a.i'g;;-;;;te"a'J"-:' such cakins shall helong f,o and pi".-Jr'" ft"l:::L?;1j; ;;;d1ord wherher such damases shall be awarded as eornpensaurin" ilfii{i""t-t:.n in value Eo this leasehold o' .t.J i"nJroi.a,n ,n'd"'iving .Ieasehold or fee of Elu premises here in leased , "*."p'il--iriJ "urtu Landlord shaIl noE De entieled .o uiv ;;;'i"; ot -trrJ'otoia made Lo the Tenant for ius fixEures or iriteriupcion of its business ' ARTICLE X ACCESS TO PREMISES LandLord and iEs agenEs. shall have Ehe riqhE Lo enLer Ehe Premises ar' ali'ieiu*uri" ii*t ro' Ehe purposi of examining or inspeccing rr,J same, ro ouppiv iiv. ii-"'dt.. ^ t" be provlded .by Landrord or i-""i"f - iluiut-tnat-t'-'to 6ho" Ehe - same to prospec.rve purchaser" ot-"1*""""i" u']d '*J[" - such alterations' reparrs' improvement,= ot addicions co iit" Premise-s or the Building as Landlord may deem necessary -oi desiranle and which do noE unreasonabl'e incerfere with ru""if'" uE and quiet enjoymenE of Ehe Premises. ln rtiDl ARTICLE XI TENANT'S TAXES During Ehe t,erm hereof, Tenanb sharr puv-pr.igl_to derinquency' at r Eaxe s "" "-u " = i' ";fiti=-i'-111 r"" i"a tpJn r jxlyl-et' f urn i shi nss' I q,., i p..,,.. i iu "^'i "r'J,ii" I' I ; : I i' i":".nii: ;l q"jJ; :i ; i:":g " i ?t.he Premises, ar cause said ri*cu]".]"?urn-isiri"gJ,'-"q"ip*u."! .111 "th"r personar Droperuy to be -=;;;;tJ""a r'irrutl'seplriuely'from the property or Lanblord. rf any such Laxes- ut"- iJiiuJ-ig'ui"tc the Landlord or Landlord' " ptopt'/tv' .!i"ii"io ;1-"ri-""Jirv tenant and give TenanE r.he opportunitv-Eo objecE- to '"9r'* r"".vi.;11 :t^ i:'L1i:lt=t'"t"? :il: i:u.Ttl1['";lt"rq"firiirllli^;::Ji'i"J='"xl:;;;;';;;;"i!:r:t steps to excruoe such'Ievy ot =tt"io puvmenL durind anv levy appear of luch levy) , ;;;;"ll lrpo* a.u*u*ri- lr,urr t.nPoy.'Lo Landlord the Eaxes so levied againsE. E.hg Landlo?a-ltliinttabie-Lo such equipmenE or ot.tter Personal ProPerty' ARTICLE XII SUBORDINATION AND ATTORNMENT sect.ion 12.o1. subordinaLion. TenanL agrees t,hat this Lease is, and shall ue ,- "ttuotai-''atu tot'u"' "b.Jn; :i9.: moregage ' deed ' of ErusE, or any ";it";";Goii'""ucion for security held bv financrat instieurion or private Lhi.rd,;1*t -'1ft; -1. unaff iliaced with 'Landlord which his been or which heriafuer may-be placed upon the Building and ;;; premises, uni-'il--iu""*if". - modifications' consolidaEions, replacemenLs ' and exEensions thereof ' Not.wiEhstanding the 'foregoilg' Tenant agrees to execuEe any documenls in "aaitio,., co- ri.,is iJ;;" - wtrilh rav be reasonably required ro "riill".L. """ir "uUoia-iiJti."", and iailins to do so wiChin c.., a"y= !ii"t-*tiic"r, anr-ul]T;';;; herebv make, const'iEuEe and irrevocably .ppll"c landlorJls'tenanc's aLiorney in facE and in Tenan!'",,ut",'ilace and sEead so to do' SecEion -:2'02' Estoppel Cercificate' T::t1! shalf at any time and from tirne to Eime upo" no-1Ei!-[6un 15 davs prior writEen noLice from Landlord, executu'. ""iiJ'i'f Jg" a"a aeiiver Eo Landlord asEaEemenEinwriEingcerL.ifyinqtrrarLhisl,easeisunmodifiedandin fulr force ;;J-;ii".E {9r, i1 ..Jrii"J,-slacins t'he naE'ure- of such modif icaril'i at'a-cerr'i-ryinj-rnat this Lease' u6 "o modif ied is in fu]l force i"a "i]t"tl u'ia t'i'J'itru"-t-'hic'h rental and oEher charges .ru puia-i;-;J;;;.u, ir"Inil-u"a-i"r.nowledsins that there are nof, to reiJnlls-tnottedge' "ti"i""ttred defaults on the part of Landrord hereunder, or "pu.irying. such ,crefaurts if any are claimed. rL is express-Iy unaut"tooi and agreed Ehat any such s.atemenE ..y -b" tltiua upon ;;-;;t - prospective purchaser or encumbrancer of al l or ..ry por"a1"" "',arr Lhe Premises ' TenanE', S failure to deriver such statemenr wichin , "-q.h t ime sharr be conclusiv. "po,iilio''J ti'ur' urti"''i"u.use r" r" 1i11 force and ef fect ' wiEhouE modificaEion excepL as may be reLrresenEed bv Landlord' Ehat Ehere are no -i]icurrea aLraur#' ;- iulaiota's perf ormul3g: --^1' Landlord' s elecEion, Tenant' o .-f uiit'tt" io deLiver such staternenE ;i;;it-"r,.rr ue -a ut""ch of l-his Lease bv TenanL' SecEion 12. O3' AtEornnrenE''Rel'eaqe 'gf' t-,-4lrAlord' In che event of a sale or eonveyanee by t andllTaffiire premGG, and provided Landlord's successor affirms t'fe r.,uoou' agrees Eo be bound Ehereby and assumes all obligat'i'ons- o-f iunafota Efrereunder' the same shaII opera E e ro ru rl"!l i'.nJrota r rJ'i' "l.,i -2r"r" -1 i abi I i t v .upol- :lY-: f the covenanr,s or conclition", "*ir"Iula-Jr 1*prr"9, her-ein contained in favor of renanL except, ror t't-,e i."demniEy by Landlord of matt,ers arising prior'il'th" arE.e of sr.r:)r sale or conveyance/ and in such evenE Tenanu agrees to look soiety t-o Ehe,su..es"ot in inEeresE of rhe Landlord in and Eo r:his Le"#"-ioi l"tformanc: of Landlord's dut,ies and obligaEions trereunae-rl- ThG llase shall not be af fected lrc alSl'R by any such sale, "ttgr,lndlord successors In purchaser of assignee ' sub"i ecE Eo saE,isf acEion of inferest Ehe Tenant agrees Ehe foregoing bY Eo aEtorn to the SecEion 13.01.. Even9g of Dqf'ault bv TeDanE' .rry oi-ii!-ioir"*liglit"rr to"=EicuLe a defaurL (a) Failure t'o p.ay any insEaIImenE of renE or other charge or money obligacion herein required ;; ; paid by-Tenant wirhin five ;;;;, aiter-wri.."ii="lii";-;;-i;;u''t or tnu rail,.'re to pav same i (b) Failure Lo perform any -other covenanL or obliqation under Ehis Lease wichiri 'IrrTilv"i"u= '.r#f rr"i-cc"" n"cice from Landlord' excepE thaE if the perf_orman""--l"n*i--iu"son"-nfv be completed within EhirEy days, Tenanc.=""if'nJJ ut i" defaulc if renane commences such performance wirhii frrircy aays and pursues such ;#il;;"" ait ig"ntlY and in sood faiLh; (c) Abandonment and vacaEion of the 'Premises (TenanE's f ailure ao o"".liy'-u"a oputare- -iJJ u""in""" in- Ehe Premises for r,hirE,y "on"".r-,L'i";";^G-;ha11 be conclusiver;' presumed Eo an abandonmenE or vacaLion) ; (d) The making by TenanL of an assignmenE for the benefiE of iEs crediEors; (e) The levying of a wrif, of execuEion aqainsE,' Ehe properry of Tenant if Ehe same ;i;;i;;;s; wilirin tlrirrv davs therearEer; (f) The inscicucing of.proceedings il any court for the involunta.y t"oti"''i-""Jo-", f iquiaation -or dissofutlon of TenanE' or for irs "dj"ii;;;i;;-;; "-t""r.r"pi or insolven:. or for Ehe appoinE,menE of "- t"ttlt'"i of tft"-'p'ioputcy-^1f^..::nunt' and said proceedings utu.' "-J- dismissed ' or iny receiver' trustee or liquidatot "pportilJ ti'"ttin is "J ait&'targed wich thirEy days ;;;;;:;;-i;5;it";i"" "t said Proceedinss; and (9) The insrituting of proceedings- -in. any courE for Ehe vo lun E a ry t"otgu' i " a i io", -banktnp;; ; t i d"1.ai t t-"-1'or d i s solu E ion o f Tenant, or if r"nuni-"iruii oifrur*isi L,ake- advanEage of any state or i"aet"f bankrupEcy or insolvency acE ' secrion L3 .02. eonte,'rt "na nrrect . of , N?i+lg= f r?m . !an91?I9." Anv notice gi.'en-fy ii"af"ta "f un evenE of default shall speclty rhl allegea aerauiJ JJ';i;..ppii."ui. provisions of this Lease and shall demand the performance ttq"tita -fY^ 1"'1^"t within Ehe applicable period of time ' No sr'rch noEice shal] be deemed a forfeiEuru or C"t]oin"tion of fhis Lease unless Landlord so staEes in uhe noEice. Seet lon 13 .03, Lanrll.ord's lierlgd-l9F ' Ungn event of default by TenanL, Landlord's.sole ieiminate this Lease, reLake pos-sessicln of the ittu""u-."titV deposit as liquidaced damages' immeaiately - vacate the Premises and agrees i"j"""ci"e relief if iE fails to do so' F-R?ICLE XIII DEFAUIJT AND REI'IEDIES 'The occurrence of by Tenanc: or aEtachmenE on or is not released or Lhe occurrence of an remedy shall be Lo Premises and retain TenanE agrees Eo Landlord may seek Section 13 ' 04 . Events of Def ault bv l'4ndlQld'- - I1"^ fl:l:.T:"::secLr'urr rr'v'' ;nd- ob]lgations hereunderLandlord to perform any of iEs r ,-r ...^- .F^F3i.rr cha'l I;ilf,i;';."'iJ; :;;;";:";;; "-;;l;1"; demand ?rom renanc shall ^ r-^ *^-€ar.rn ahll::;;;i.;;" I;'J"J.t of default-by Landrord. Failure to perform anv --^^:..: -- -aF i ^o:;:i'i;;;'";' ;;i i;;E; ;^-;i ;; i " .-i 11"-u " " dil: -it':: ii:,"1,:ils,T' l ;:;i:fi 1i;'{";; ";#ii";;;';;;;;iruL; -in evene .oF ceraurt ir Ehe LLI-F., zl;rra enA:::T";""1-r?"'"ii'i.. reasonabry re "ltnpiecla wiu'trin thirEv davs and tu at't9l Landlord commences such perf?Tlltt within 'Len days and pursues such performance Jiiigt"tly and in good fait'h' - ....hi ar.f t"..;; ; 3 . o s' "r"r!'=" =q.'"**: : : ; oi3*lif *"??"'E?t t "tT :!:Section 1J.' u) shallEo E;;'-;;;"isio.ns - "f-,^llt;.3':. o' reason of e Eo .fJ"?i""i=i""' of . s13-' 911^ ii"il:";';;- r,andrord's-def aulc ' ih:"* F:fi'" ::;-l Ti; j+1 "="t1=& ;i" ;-'; -' ma n c e o r t h i s Le a s e a n d :;;;;;";;ti"1'no"'tarY damases' SecEion 13'o6i ac,lorn-evsi'-Eees' In any action or proceeding beEween TenanE "'d L"-d--d--*g.rdfi; uilit-iuut", 1'ncluding wi.houu rimit.auion t^v 'It''tiii--i" t'tiu ;'"i'";'-;t unrawfur deEainer or evicLion, tne pr?-t-aliins parcv ;11ii"tt-co""t' as a part of any ;;;il;;a; reasonabre aELorneys' rees ' ARTICLE XIV SURRENDER; HOLDING OVER sec.ion 14 . 01 . s"'Ji.q9I:Yf:::r"#i.tjt;'"fi fltri]'#tJifi:ii of rhe Eenancy created h"t:::S::'ariJ'=n"r"'*i=!'" in' good condit'ion Xirt"tri"L, TenLnE sharl surrende.I and repair, t"utJ''JrTJ;"^t and tear excepted SecEion !4 '02 : lX""*;i"="i'.J:"1il""."S#"',':i;,liii*"tJ;*:i1Jrf'^'--"iilexecution ot a r: Premises ." " t""11]i-rt#.ync1-t'i *onr'tl, aL' Lwice Lhe then Annuar RenE, subjecE i-o- arr Ehe "cttit -'""''airiot'=' provisions ano obliqaEions of ii" i"-t"t-i""orut-"" it't same are ipp)'icable Eo a monch-Eo-monEh tenancy' ARTICI,E XV PREPARATION AND CONDITION OF PREMISES ' Exceptr as. seE -fo.lth:ljlt^ aEtached "PUNCHLISTI" TenanL' by Eaking po"".""tJn or ti'".pre-mises]""";!ti u: d:-"lud Eo have agreeo thatthep'..,J"'areLhe.ni,'a,satisfact.oryorder,repairanclcondicion, and i;;";; shall pto"'iat"i-u-"ar"rdt lpon request' wiEh a wrieLen acknowredgemenu tf :-"':"i;;t;;l--elcit ru"unu and Landrord s n a r I t i m e I v " o * p i'-r u ." "v 1'-:l * ri"':ft* " *t:; : I " t t""t-'=" T" " 3 " I i i"-?"". bY each of t'hem respe( PUNCHLIST ' ARTICI,E XVII NOTICES "", filt"":J" f rl*: L il' "" nli i : ii iJ';i i I ilr' "#" l"', n:"": T#i ;! : :! ni5' si' ii1 "11' :i, i ::' ls u "5. lls{i{+::i" :i ; ; ili .r:';?: "i ; * ; t i::3::'$:""""1*"";:*i:'".xn'::;'?'n""'t"-1""0'ii?'"""ffi '":i;ii*; :.H;; i ;s e me n E ::, ::i:::'.', ,! :,, i;n:".. i:.:iH: : I i. "t. 1*:L :::!; ::?:*'J;"'";i ?:.t", ; and i.! -t:.L""ai"'9,-i.":: o luiliri"a mair,'-po"cue" p,op,ial,o^:#-iil::"11";.r-,.p: tS::il; I! ;* : ;l " : r':Jr.".": i# Ei??: J', :{ J"-r r- i " u e "'" X ;',1" ?i:";.li : 3 iclua I Iy re ce iv.e.d or t l'rree y"\i"i%$"Iir iff ilrt;#;" ir -* i s n expre s s iiii; : Jit:,:' "'fi". il."J."'iiilf ";. ff ;', " -il ro di""' "J -g i" u n' a p a r e'v can change r,he .iirJ"J-r" ,tri.r, rul-,itl ndcices are td be senE' Is .9 trclli&l ' secEion 1e. 05 ' s?velab-:-li,t-v' ,,offtorol?i:;:?""fitttt'"" d:;ii :?i::,:nili"f:":: i3'li'ill3'i[ ;;6;;';;i;:"i r"i'"r and such other provision" '"riiii-i"t*in iri r''ttt rot"" and ef fecE ' secrion r9 . o6 . Fnrire ag::::gien!: = emeldmettrus .-";,nt:"1;:i; 1il3 :ff f J"*i:ffilSm;t'"r j;":i1'r?li-":*'?"''"'"';;;-t'&eor; supersedes aII prior ":soi^t^1E'-1T'lnJ-"gtttmenus- of uhe part ies -as E,o the subjecE,maEt'er h-ereof "na-tjiuli'not' bu modif ied or amendeo excepu in a wrrc'iig-lti";d ly arr part'ies hereco' secEion r.9.07. Governinq Law-. tlris. L"i::-"-h*.l be governed by and const,rued pursuaiiG-Eite r"r" oi-irt" sEate of colorado' The covenanEs and Section 19 ' o8 ' Success'or-s- a4d Assiqns' --^t1"' covcrrqrruD c on d i E i o n s o r u h i s . L " I :', ii i:'',- r*ffi: "" ;X?':"'"?: ] "'""*'. *:' : ::::!;*:li, "lnil'i ":" i;: ;'+q !q-ii"-i-'"' - suc c e slors' exe cutors' administraEors ttla "1"lg"s'of the parEies hereto' ARTICLE XX OPTION TO RENEW TenanE shall have an opEi-on to extend t'his Lease for a term of an addir,ionar y".; i"#;;i5;;it r.Lii.-ri's_.rr.'s expiracion of .the init.ial tserm upon che same Eerm= ";;J ;;;d).::l-?,"s are provldecr **iil.1?:#i:1";FiT*:Wiilt'"t""tl"o'"'ii"":"ilJJ'i'*ih":i'tWeilring wriEten 'io"'"il"" as - pro'viaea in Arl icle xv before 60 days piiJi-a" -r.fu a"tu-ii'.o.*.".emenE. of such opEion Lerm. rL shalr ol-I'"Jiaiiitr, or."i!tJi"'"-.r che-foregoing opEion EhaE, ar Ehe .r.*E ir"-"iJ;;i;" "f-';;"h "pEion, ^TenanE is noE rn def auIE in tn" "i"iio;;;"t or- any uerri' condiEion' covenanu ' iio"i"i"" or agrt-t*ent of Ehis Lease ' ARTICIJE XXI SECOND OPTION TO RENEW Tenant shall have a second- opeion Eo extend. t.his Lease for a Eerm of an addiEional year.immeaiffi'tJr-.*itg-the expiraEion of Ehe firsE opEion;;; iir cn" first option term-was exercised) upon Ehe same Eerms .ia conaiL,ions """ Jiu -fio"ia"a _herein, including continuing ""..i';iot" --ot Fi.xei- . ff""ii-.l1tl as provrdeo hereinabove. tn"'!""J"I opcio"-shalI be exercised bv Tenant giving wriLren noEice as provided in erJiJ'J-Xvi-i'ttieof on or before 60 days prior to the d'ate of "o**""t"i""i "t srlch::::td opEion Eerm' Is shaLl ne a condiii""-"f .*"t.i""-oi rft" foregoino second optlon thag, aE t.he ci..-Lt exercise -oi" "l"trt'"plioni,teianc is not in def aurc in tit" "itiiot;;""t. "f- ;;t Leri' condition' covenanc' ii""i"i"" or: agr"L*enL of Ehis Lease' ARTICI,E XXII MI SCELIJANEOIJS PROVISIONS SecEion 22'oL' Utlliries' Tenant shaIl contracL in iEs own name and promprl-f paf;TT-I charg"" "iJt -uiI "]"tcticiLy' Eelephone services una oriJr""diiiJi." rGrli"rt"a to the Premises' Landlorq shall not, be rian:.e in damage"'"i"J;}1"irise for any failure or intserrupLion of iriiirav servi]ce r-,it"i=tt.a Eo Lhe.Premises or useo bv Tenant, and no such failure or-l"ittt"-ption shaII enLitle Tenantr ;l ;ilil;IJ anv rent or Lo cerminaEe Ehis Lease ' Section 22'02' Landlord Costs' Landlord sha]l be solely responsible for "-ff'reJf prop"itya-.xes ";-;;; Premises and for Ehe ln 1l5l<l) 1L - '^' |.L6 pfemises exclusive Of coEts of any caPiEaI expendiEures for the Preiniq€ eguipment,in"ca"?-a'-iy-i'un"nttomoiiioi-t""oft'hePremises' sect,ion -22'03 ,""t*""L:t:::iL:".{t#tl; fi fi1tii_qg:rli4}ll*:tr':*iiq;'i's"ti"*il;ili'li: ::::::: iTli:;: H";i;;r';: IN YrIrNEss wHEREoF' li-rrliT^t :;!"1"#l;'J'i'"' execused Ehis L"ase-;"'oi-gn" daY and Year rrrs TENA}{T: il"***it*ifJ\','"t,"fltnii".G","'""i",,:i$j+l1T'"t::':::bY: tt!"!a" 'club ::ln:*l3nio?po'u.ron t4;,ry;#*^, lollifil L2