HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE WESTHAVEN COMMON 4 LEGAL-"{# CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lot See above ,Block_ Subdivjsion: CascadeVlllage Address: 1325 Westhaveq Drive, Vail, C0 8L657 ProjectNumber: lJo9' oi) fmprovement Completion Dale: 6/ 30 / 07 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this lTthdsy of May ,20 !L, (the "Developef), and the Town of Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of of the Temporary Certificate ofapproval 8t657 - Receipt funds to: Occupancyfor i325 Westhaven Drlve, Vai1, Co legal descriptio ano ber) forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in acco see lesa1 description above . lmprovement approved !la the T to inake reasonable provisions for completion of certain sufficient in the set fited in the office of the ":ifl1," 3t WHEREAS, the Devel$eY wist Agreement, including completln of the tb pro\ltre collatltal to guarantee performance of this improvements refened to in this Agreement, by means ., Iro pro of the followino: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $__ l9rllq!9 as collateral for the completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the 3_0th daY of June 20 07 . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all irnprovements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction ol the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format_1 12002.doc Page 1 of 5 (address, 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of as collateral for the completion of all improvements$ 79,356.00 referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before lhe date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format-112002.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-1A (Violations; Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail.Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Ftcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format-112002.doc Page 3 of5 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE Mlrus, LLC WN Management, Inc., Managl-ng Wll1is J. Wrlght, President By: By: By: Member T.he Joregoing Dgvgloper lmprovement Agreemer;t \ryas acknowlgdged before me this t?ho?v & trvl'prt4 ,zo"E ov Wrwlo tNderrr Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires relro Town Planner STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss.coUNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged beforg me this i} D-ay ot fl-of , zoilby r , r rr t-u-e.+- C r-r,t-rlLe-q Witness my hand and official seal. _ Mycommissionexotrest f/tr',[ 1"7, 7 rt t t Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format-112002.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) F\cdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format_112002.doc Page 5 of 5 1 SUBCONEACTOR: Rocky Mounbh Curton LerdscrperADDRISS: P.O.Bor3672 Avo4 CO 81620 Cod&cfP6rsor: StweBJurreou 97L331-3555 PHONE/FAJC 97G748-846L1970421-5490 PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS! PEONEEAXI OWNR .AIDDRESS; coNlRACnO ADDRESSI PEONE/F'A)C SUBCOI\TTRACT AGREEMENT J. L. YELE CONSTRUC'TION,INC. DATE: 10-2406 ,., STJBCoNTRACT # 2507 - 2921.6 .t' S'ESTEAVEN CONDOMINIU1WS, TI25 WEI'TEAVEN DRIVE ] vAtr co Iro Elbr8drgor vt041t4464 n0-479-1t86D70419-tr98 MIRUS IIC D,O.DOXDI|avo\ co 81e0 J. L, VIET,E CON TRUCTION 1000 S. FroDtrg€ Rord WertSutt 2 v||l @ 81657 (970, 476-3082 t (97o) 476-3423 fE PEONE/FA'& 970-949-6204D10449-r9ffi ARCATECT: MORT$.ARCEITECTSADDRESS: 227, N. FROITTAGE RD. WEST PEoNEfi'AX: SUITE C . vArl,cg81657 ': II{VESTIGATION' Subcottaptor hls sEtis6ed hinial4, by h.is owl irvcstigrtion rod trsc{rdl, reguding rll tbo corditiouaibting rhc wod( !o bo dotrc aod Bat rialr to bc ftrairbe4 aad r.r ir the 6s,.i.g ! t-iGrid;of the plau sud Sp€ci6ostio$, th! GcoarEl CoDdftioos, 'l!d Addrodi &crEb l!ftlred to hrrciA rld i! rigtiog thir Subcoahaot Agrlcmeli, Subooatactor Egr.,s ta be boutd to tle Cor'ractctr 1,ld trc Essurc totr.ald tle ooatacdr aI of thp oblieaEoar aaa rcspooribilit'rcs 6* thc Coahnotor tas apsumcd towad tho Oflncr with rcGpcct to thc coltact Docuordi rld to fr. oxhot of tho Subcotrtsctor'E Eco!|o ofwo t 'WITNESSETE That thc iontrdctor usocd aborc, rrd h€reilrftq called "Contragior", rod,tbe. Subcortactor lr6cd above; aad haciu$cr oallcd "&.tbcontartd ", for bc closid€c86oo brrcilanrr uraod, agrcc ar Sllow:: l, SCOPE Otr WORK. Subcoltactror a8roco to ptovid" st hir ora ilost !trd c4)€rse all labor, aeatcrlalri, aacllacry, toolr, soaffol,li-& Loistirg faoiliti.s, doiivccy ild 8uy othct ltcos aecesrary to dacly ad firlly conplct thc followiag work ia sbict arcord6noo s,ith tho ColEsct DocuEctrt8: luppty ttrd Jurtr[ dl lrndscrphg t-^^!{* --g tte ^hrlgation ,yrtei p€r rpecificrtioD rociiolr! 2f10 Lendrcepe Ifil-grdoD; 2900 LrDdtcrpe Pl!|!thg; 292 Topro& rnd 2970 r.qt'd|crpo lidrhbDllce Topcoil nrterld and ptrcanrent shsU be hntrdlcd ar ur dlowarcc btlcd oD cubic yardrgc of topi lDport d to fti dte st $5&00/ya;d rnd rt$2330/yrrd to pbcc stoclp|Ied topsoll- lhe colhrct soe hctud€r oue yeer of Lrnibcep Mairtemnce lnclu<tlng*ittterlzrdon of, the lt?igttio! tyr&D aEd tle qrrhg rtrrt rp !ftor the firrt cearol fult rerrol of ure. ./{I plraf l|4terlrlIocetiolr lrill be fGltl verifed wlttr thc Lal|dlclpe ArchilecL A pordo[ of tha t|Ige kce6 In the front of thi buldhs wU' h.vc to b. phDtod dqrjtrg tlo fru rrd wintcr of 2006t200?, ttrG cost for planmg trrer dtrrbg this perloa aai ttrowerri|rty for &csa ta.s fl I bG r€n gotbted o!.cs ftre quutity ls detoruherl Thc-teer covercd- by th'e suaotemeltaf ItIrDt rrt id.trdcd to bc planted or the &ontagc rord Etopo to thc llorth.of the bultding wll Ue pt it"A Ui i"U ft"hydro t€siflg of thc tgD.tcgc rotd loob win be perforrncrt thir frll tte Urtrnco of .hc lanarcrping &DJ brrgrdouwqrk win be porformed rs Noor 'rt tir t?esthorruowr h tto sprilg of200?. Att irrtg|ttotr rtewcr'wfU-Ui fllmdJ tythe proJict aficrvrtor Lotrls Exawrdo! rt the . rectio! ofBoclry MoI.ltlll CDsbo L;drc8po6, 2. CONIRACT Doct MENTS. Tho Cootract DocuhclLts consist of thc Drawingc, Sp.cificatiols and aav othpr - docuscnts, dl !! coltDlrtbd bclow !trd tiir subconhact AgrccEcnt In thc ovit'of a r$ocrcao*v toda; oocdhact DocrecEts !!d lhis Subcolt8ot, thc Eore Etilrgott of tLo tw 8hall gov€ro" sheets c2, c3, c4 aloted 9-24-05 and sheeb Ll, L2, L3, anrt L4 dated g_19_05 ardspecification section 02900, 02922, rD.d 02920 of the project specificetions dated 9-1-05(attacheQ, S sUBcoNTRAcT AMOIJNT. Itr cotrsideratio! ofth! bith.frrl perbroaaco ofthe covcralb strd agrcoo€ds bpr€u,io tho ftll s.tis6ction dtrd tcceptrdc€ of Oq'tr€, ArEiitcct strd CbtrscO!, Colt8cOr agec€ to-ps;'"i"".* JUpai4 subcoEtracbr rhc 8uo of One Eundred Sevente€E Thousand. Five Eundred Dighty Dollars 4- and [0/100. ($1f7,580,00) at tbc timcs aod io 6c maancr frtlowilB ia Artiolcs 4 o<t 5. 5. gROGRf,,SS PAYMENTS. .&o* J.L. Viele Constluction' irw" 1000 South Frontegc Road Vcst' Suitc 202 Vail, Coloredo 81657 "fclc 970.476.3082 F?d.970,476.3423 w*'qvi.lcconstruction.com May l7,2O07 -ffi Warre,n Carnpbell Town of Vail Dopartnent of Commrmity Development T5 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Westhave,n Condominiums, Dweloper Improvernent Agreement DearMr. Carrpbell: We are in the process for a Temporary Cedificate of Occupancy for the Westhaven Condominiums. Attached is a detail of the landscaping costs, as well as a couple of other building elements that will not be complete when we are ready for the TCO, that we would like to bond around until they me conplete. The total value of the landsoaping contract is $117,580, At the present rime, all topsoil and landscaping boulders have been placed, the knob along the frontage road has been hydro-seeded, 50% ofthe coniferous trees have been planted" 40% ofthe decidubus tees have been planted 50% ofthe irrigation has been henched, and 100% ofthe irrigation material is on site. The landscaping subcontractor will be firlly mobilized on May 21, 2007 and by the anticipated TCO date the quantity of incomplete iteins will be substantially reduced. The value of the remaining landscaping work based on a percent complete analpis is $58,000. In addition to the landscaping iterns, there will be a couple of exterior louver painting items that are incomplete and the sceening/painting of the chiller and emergency generator is being addressed by Morter Architects and our L,andscape Architect, Dennis Anderson. The current plan is to plant one large spruce tee for screening from Westhaven Drive and to paint the chiller and ernergency generator a neutal color to matoh the native limestone cliffs to the north of the interstate. The value of this work is $5,485, We therefore submit a bond of $79,356 which is I25% of tbe value of the incomplete items. Please let me know if you need additional information.. Thank you for your time. Sincereln cc: Mirus LLC h oo Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Name:0Ac*a LLc_Receipt No. Address: Project:_-6L o^wS-L!k-r e-t Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Gode #Cost Each Total 001 0000 31411'lo Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141110 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 00'f 0000 319 4400 Custom Maps 001 0000 31411't2 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1111 Master Plan MS 001 0000 314't111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees - RENEWAL CL 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreoment Deposit D2-DEP'10 AD 7q 95@.ot 001 --- '- o0-T 1't0 nn4 nn{, I I l* all i I lNo s {JJ..# =UFFE-H Uil;+ = d. = -- E.*i'E'r ffi l' 'f * -E* 'r ;A*$ E = 3r ;EiE 3a:E eFEseEE * Hfig=H:E* H"fr Hege=.#; E= (4 H * B-rE-EE 8 F E:; FFFs SFEF$sEas E=+3'. RL M- MS' MS MSG TOTAL: Gash - Money Order # f/cdev/f orms/ad mi n/sales-action-form-2007 I c (oAFiod7..! 56oFE,{ o '<a>oo D F2 U (J k ci E4 t-- t-- rz 40FUot{F 20 (,A a ,t 9r -9 p0) :A F o-1 E loD U j o AFzzDD rir E F zvl,l C:oFE 5 o e2 FE p AZU}Eooor: a a t-, 2 F :U 2p1 o =Ero (,l4tr F4oo 40 U(J F o t1 ci I F v F ; ; E> ts5Y t)l(J cr40 ' il ffiWreT'YfiffiM Tffi%Y, &ffi&WffiY, &*4W w&u&w#w wwwffiwr DATE: PROJECT: ADDRESS: ALTITUDE: ARCHITECT: JUNE 22,2007 WESTHAVEN CONDOM IN I UMS VAIL, COLORADO 8,150' MORTER ARCHITECTS BEAUDIN GANZE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. .-, v ENGINEER: HVAC CoNTRACToR: 2H MECHANICAL LLC NEBB coNrRACroR: CERTIFIED BALANCE lNC. OF COLORADO ADDRESS: 92426 ROAD GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO (910) 245-115'7 / (970) 250-3250 t--*ffire,TZYr*14-{n*w WWe WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMSPROJECT: ADDRESS:CASCADE VILLAGE SDD#4 a VAIL COLORADO THE DATA PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT IS A RECORD OF SYSTEM MEASUREMENTAND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN OBTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE NEBB PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING OF ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS. ANY VARIANCES FROM DESIGN QUANTITIES, WHICH EXCEED NEBB TOLERANCES, ARE NOTED IN THE TEST - ADJUST - BALANCE REPORT PROJECT SUMMARY. THE REPORT IS BASED ON BUILDING, SPACE AND EQUIPMENT CONDITION ON DATES TESTED. SUBMITTED AND CERTIFIED eV: U(,i^t"". P $d*,aw NEBB coNrRAcron CERTIFIED BALANCE lNC. OF COLORADO TAB SUPERVISOR Clinton P. Gorman REG. NO. 2823 DATE JUNE22.2OO7 ,o NCS3S Qr,P.\ tF t6&T'0t{ $ f; At- WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS Table of Contents Section a Engineering Notes SECTION Building 'Al Fan Coils BUILDING IA' FC-11 AIR OUTLETS A101 FC-1 EC-2 EC-1 AIR OUTLETS A702 FC-1 FC-5 FC- 1O AIR OUTLETS A207 FC-1 IL_Z FC-7 AIR OUTLETS A202 FC-1 FC-5 FC-10 AIR OUTLETS A301 FC-1 EC-2 r \-- / AIR OUTLETS A302 FC-1 FC- 5 FC-10 AIR OUTLETS 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 L6 I1 18 I9 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 ?1 2B o Table of Contents A401 FC-1 EC_2 r \-- / AIR OUTLETS Balancing Val-ves CHIL],ED WATER HOT WATER Fans Exhaust Fans A]R OUTLETS Ceiling Fans Section BuiTding Fan Coi-l-s BUILDING TBT FC_11 AIR OUTIETS 8101 FC-1 EC-2 FC-7 AIR OUTLETS 81,02 FC- 1 FC-3 FC- 9 AIR OUTLETS 8207 FC-1 FC-2 I L- / AIR OUTLETS 8202 FC-1 FC-3 FC- 9 A]R OUTLETS 29 30 31 32 tB, 33 35 31 3B 4I 42 43 44 AC, 46 41 4B 49 50 51 52 53 \A 55 56 57 5B 40 o o o Table of Contents AIR r L- L IL_Z r \-- / OUTLETS I \--.1 FC- 6 r \-- / OUTLETS BaJ-ancing Valves CH]I,LED WATER HOT V(ATER Fans Exhaust AIR Ceiling Fan s OUTLETS Fans Both BuiTdings Fans Exhaust Fans Ceiling Fans Unit Ventalators CUH Unit Heaters UH Heat Exchangers HX 83 01 AIR 8302 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 rJ/ 69 7I IJ 14 1'7 19 16 80 82 o 86 o o Table of Contents Ra I anci no Va I ves RISERS SNOWMELT HEAT EXCHANGERS Boilers B-1 & B-2 Pumps PUMPS Pt tmrr Cr r rrra q Calibrat.ion Plans B] 88 B9 90 97 93 91 ,o Engineering Notes o o .-. v WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED WHILE COMPLETING THE TESTAND BALANCE ON THIS PROJECT. ALSO, SEE THE INDIVIDUAL REPORTS FOR ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. ITEMS: Comn I Fte st: rtrn ren.\rt l- n l're nrnrrded h'rr Ca rri or f Or Che Ch1-Ilerv I vv Compl ete startup reporLs to be provj ded for Lhe Bo j-ters by the Manufacture I s RepresentaLive. Note: CurrenLly the pumps are set for lead/lag operation, Tn rrcrrr r-nld r-nnrii f i nnq ii m:rr l-ro nar-ac<:rrr f^ rrrn l-rr'rf h nlrmr.'rqLJ vt '- t o ro o .F- ruffi 1ffiffi PRoJECT:*L*."V.]ESTHAVEN CONDOS SECTION B L D G FILE NAME: 2.7854) Section Building 'A' PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS 4TH FLOOR LOBBY ietw &ww&w&v\sffi vffi*T wxp*wT BUILDING'AI SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-1i 1o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 I HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT THE CHILLED WATER COIL BEING BEFORE THE HOT WATER COIL FROM OUTSIDE AIR. IT MAY BE POSSIBLE TO EREEZE THE CHILI-,ED WATER COIL. r CANIT ATTACH TO CTRCUIT SETTER. CH]LLED WATER P]PE REDUCED TO 1/2'' 5/71/01 & 5/30/01 READINGS BY: C. GORMANo UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6K H.P.r/3 Serial Number 971601-10-B RPM Ll25 Arr./Class CWIHW DRAW THRU Volts 208-230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 1-AK46 x 3/4 S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/size I-AL ].Sheave Diam/Bore 2._? / Att y 1 /)tl No. Filter/type/sze r-76x24X2 Sheave ooer. Diam '7 Atl Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total cFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P. Register Total 100 1r0 Ext Suction S.P-0.09 Fan RPM 1 1A)External S.P.0.55 0.09 Motor RPM I ,'/ 25 r,'l 30 FAN SUCTION 0.48 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 103 r04 Molor Volts 208 2r2 EAT -r9 6I Motor Volts Temp. diff.722 43 Motor Amps 3.0 2.1 MBH 68 .2 24 .4 Motor Amps 3.0 2.1 GPM 3.0 3.4 Motor Amps EWT/LWT IBO /T1 3/I5I CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^//B 79/59 6I Sound Levels OK LAT 55 49 Vibration OK Temp. diff.24 T2 Control/ThermostaFCheck OK GPM 6.5 6+- outside Air cFM LWT/EWT /44 58/44 Return Air CFM 700 710 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL ^P 21854) Page 3 of 97 ru.ffi;,ffi_w WESTHAVEN CONDOMTN IUMS &&w #t?Y*ffi'r vw.&T remwww-r BLDG IAIPROJECT SYSTEM EAN COIL SUPPLY AIR Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl o/o+l -r ttl Outlet Size Design CFM Prel. CFM Final CFM o 'o 5/7'1 /01 27 854)READINGS BY: c. GORMAN CORRIDOR \IENTII.ATION FC-11 GARAGE LVL E],EV 1 A LZ X J 50 2'7 46 s20/o GARAGE LVL A l_2x3 50 2I 45 90% 1ST FLR LOBBY t 10 10 150 r66 763 109% 2ND FLR LOBBY 221 4 I 10 10 150 90 I4T Yo 3RD FLR LOBBY 354 5 F 10 X 10 150 198 103% 4TH FLR LOBBY 420 A L6X4 150 265 161 107% TOTAL 700 16'7 110 101% REMARKS: Page 4 of 97 o o ,h*, WW.WW PROJECT: LOCATION: &*w &ww&,w&,Ta& T*.ffi-{ WWW*WT A101I{ESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS POWDER ROOM 'o SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-1 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN ANDERILAN 5/01/01 21854) INC],UDES o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-3E UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRTER Make/Frame ,/- F Model No/Type/Size 42BHC06 H.P.t/3 Serial Number 991601-30-1 RPM I125 Arr.lClass CW/HW/FAN COIL Volts tr5/208/230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNING .L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 5-7/4" X 3/4" NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size I-4L250 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X r/2" No. Filter/type/size 7-76x24X2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.5tt Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Elt Oischarge S.P.0.11 Register Total 600 6r3 Ext Suclion S.P.0. 10 Fan RPM 1,036 External S.P.0. 55 0.2r Motor RPM L,125 1 ?qq FAN SUCTION 0 .32 Heating Motor Volts 208 272 LAT 100 772 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAT 6B 71 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 35 Motor Amps 3.1 2.r MBH 21 .3 17 .2 Motor Amps 3.1 2.1 GPM 1.5 1.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 166 / 721 CFLA Cooling Slarler EAT DB/VVB 11/59 11 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 56 Vibration SLTGHT Temp. diff.25 21 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 3.5 3.6 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 56/45 Return Air CFM 600 613 OSATEMP. FAN SUCTIOI NC]-UD FILTER AND COIL ^P & 5/30/01 Page 5 of 97 + F*r ruffi lwmlwL PROJECT: LOCATION: &".&w &ryp&w&ry\'ffi TW&T WWW*W"{ A101 o TEST OATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/O'7 /01 21854) WESTHAVEN CONDOMTNIUMS CLOSET SYSTEMIUNIT: Fc-2 READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCOB H.P.r/3 Serial Number 99160L-1 0-r RPM I125 Arr./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COIL Volts 208-230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz 1/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 5-I/4" X 3/4"S.L.Amps 1. 15 NO. Belts/make/size I-A23 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X r/2" No. Filter/type/size I-76x24x2 Sheave oDer. Diam '7 Atl Sheave C/L Distance 9tt TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 700 Ext Discharge S.P.0 .77 Register Total 700 144 Ext Suction S.P.0.08 Fan RPM 1,050 External S.P.0.40 0 .25 Motor RPM 1 -ae 7,133 FAN SUCTION 0.35 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 100 107 Motor Volts EAT 68 16 Motor Volts Temp. dif{.32 31 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 MBH 30.6 18.5 Motor Amps 3-0 ?\GPM 1.5 1.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 1,66 / 129 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBA/VB 11/59 16 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 56 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 20 Control/ThermostatCheck OK GPM 4.8 AA Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 54/45 Return Air CFM 700 144 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTIOI J TNCIUDES FILTER AND CO]L ^P o & 5/30/O'1 Page 6 of 97 6 b*- Imxws I wqr wsg*L *' PROJECT: LOCATION: &.tW &WW&W&T*"}& TX&T reffiPffiWY A101WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER CLOSET ro AIR FLOW IS 2Og TESS TS OSA MODE 5/01/01 21854j SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-l READINGS BY: C. GORMAN TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAG]C AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 3 6_HBAW_4 H.P.7/3 Serial Number I/'r00675250 RPM 1125 Arr./Cla9s CWIHWIFAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz t/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S. L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts'/make/size 1-4L400 Sheave Diam/Bore 4-3/4" X r/2" No- Filter/type/size r-76x32x2 Sheave oper. Diam A t^ rr Sheave CIL Distance 13" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAI-TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.10 Register Total 850 190 Ext Suc'tion S.P,0.53 Fan RPM 855 External S.P,0 .4I 0.63 Motor RPM 7,125 I ,'7 51 FAN SUCTION 0 .64 Heating Motor Volts 208 272 LAT 99 103 Motor Volts 208 2L2 EAT -I9 16 Motor Volts Temp. diff.118 21 Motor Amps 3.0 2-6 MBH 99 .5 1,1 .7 Motor Amps 3.0 2.6 GPM 3.5 3.4 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 780 /766 / r21 CFLA Gooling Starter EAT DB^/VB ?o/c,o 71 Sound Levels OK LAT 54 56 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 27 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 2.5 aa Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 51/45 Return Air CFM 850 190 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COII, ^P. & 5/30/0'7 Page 7 of 97 o 'P,ffiffi lffiffi'l,e.-l^te-'"lr PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS &,tw *tLY*wT vw.ffiT ww.w*wT A101 FAN COIL SUPPLY A]R io o a Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/1/01 21BS 4)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN A1.01 FC-1 POW 1 IZ A J 40 34 36 900h BED 2 2 72X4 90 t54 95 't060/" iJLD I J 72X4 100 202 110 110Vo BED 2 BATH 4 12X4 '70 IL2 14 't060 lfI-U J ]-2X4 100 150 9I 910/o BED 3 o A 12X4 130 r92 1,32 1020/" BED 3 BATH 7 A 12X4 10 156 15 107% TOTAL 600 1,000 613 102% EC-2 MASTER BATH 8 A 18 X 4 r20 745 t32 110% MASTER BED o A 22X6 240 306 26L 109./" MASTER BED 10 A 22X6 240 260 242 101% MASTER BED 11 A 12X4 100 9I 109 109% TOTAL 700 802 744 106% FC-7 DINING 12 A 20x4 155 I4I L46 94yo DINING 13 24x4 200 I9I 194 97"/" LIVING 't4 A 24X4 200 153 168 84V" LIVTNG J5 A 20X4 155 148 !43 92"/o KITCHEN 16 A :.2x4 10 85 -75 107o/o HALl,17 A 12X4 10 60 64 910/. TOTAL 850 118 -7 90 930/0 REMARKS: Page 8 of 97 ,a ro --- e\w p-3p&,w&,-rr3# TU,&Y WWW*WT ALO2PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER BATH SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-1 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/01 21854j UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame Model No/Type/Size A2BHCO6 H.P.r/3 Serial Number 9910601-30-2 RPM I I 23 Arr./Class CWIHV{,/FAN COIT,Voltg rr5/208/230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz t/60 Make Sheave BROVI]NING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 5" x 3/4" NEW S. L.Amps 1 .35 NO. Beltvmake/size I-4L250 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X 112" No. Filter/type/size L-r6x24X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.5tt Sheave C/L Distance grt TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0. 0s Register Total 600 645 Ext Suction S.P.0.11 Fan RPM 1,103 External S.P.0.55 0. 16 Motor RPM 1125 FAN SUCTION 0.35 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 100 L01 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAT 6B 69 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 3B Motor Amps 3.0 )1 MBH 21 .3 19.6 Motor Amps 3.0 2.7 GPM 1.5 7.4 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 761 / 1,4r CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBA/i/B '71 / 59 69 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 53 Vibration SLIGHT Temp. diff.25 16 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM ?q 3.5 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT / 44 ^^/a4 Return Air CFM 600 645 OSA TEMP, FAN SUCTIOI I INCLUDES FILTER AND CO]L ^P. & 5/30/01 Page 9 of 97 ' F*, ruffi lmmts- r Pb PROJECT: LOCATION: &4W &WW&W&,,TU& Yw,ffiq WMW*WT ALO2 _^ v TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/0'7 2'1854) WESTHAVEN CONDOMIN]UMS MECH CLOSET SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-s READINGS BY: C. GORMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAG]C AIRE Make/Frame //- l: Model No/Type/Size 3 6BVW-D H, P.7/3 Serial Number wD60572696 RPM 11 25 Arr./Class CW/HW/FAN COIL Volts r75/208/23O Discharge UP FLOVI]Phase/Hertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNTNG F L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6i' X 3/4tl S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/size r- 4L400 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X 1/2" No.Filter/type/size 7-20X20X7 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.25" Sheave C/L Distance 13* TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 700 Ext Discharge S.P.0 .01 Regisler Total BB5 899 E)d Suction S.P.0.14 Fan RPM 946 External S.P.0 .44 0 -2r Motor RPM 7,'125 r,128 FAN SUCTION 0.53 Heating Motor Volts 208 2L2 LAT 100 110 Motor Volts 208 272 EAI 6B 14 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 36 Motor Amps 3.0 ?q MBH 21 .9 25.9 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 GPM 1q Motor Amps EWT/LWT L80 /L61 /725 CFtA Cooling Starter EAT DBM/B 11/59 14 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 q,A Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 20 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 1.5 7.5 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 58/44 Return Air CFM 700 899 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL ^P. & 5/30/01 Page 1O of 97 4'" ww PROJECT; LOCATION: &aw &ww&,w&"Twffi ryffi&T &ffiW*WT ALO2 o WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MECH CLOStrT SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-10 READINGSBY: C. GORMAN--. v TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/01 21854j UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 60BVW w/60VH-2 H.P.7/2 Serial Number vio6067411 RPM I125 Arr./Class CWIHWIFAN COII,Volts L15/208/230 Discharge UP FI,OW Phase/Hertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L-Amps 8.6/4.1/4.3 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" X 3/4"S.L.Amps 1 .25 NO. Belts/make/size L- 4L440 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-l./4" X 5,/8" No. Filter/type/size 2-L6X25X2 Sheave oper. Diam 3tt Sheave CiL Distance TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 1.350 Ext Discharge S.P.0.14 Register Total 1 ?e6 Ext Suction S.P.0.15 Fan RPM 811 External S,P.0.43 o.29 Motor RPM 7 ,'7 25 1 1AA FAN SUCTION 0.48 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 94 99 Motor Volts 208 272 EAT 10 '73 Motor Volts Temp, diff.84 zo Motor Amps 4.3 3.2 MBH 103.9 28.8 Motor Amps 4.3 3.2 GPM 20.0 12.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 780 /\66 / 737 CFIA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/vB 1B/59 14 Sound Levels OK LAT 55 51 Vibration OK Temp. diff.23 77 Controlff hermostat-Check OK GPM 1.0 5.0 Oulside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 59/44 Return Air CFM 1,350 T ?e6 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL ^P & 5/30/0'7 Page 11 of 97 o u F-' ruffi lffiffitP* I " !*-* PROJECT SYSTEM ViESTHAVEN CONDOM] NIUMS f4g& wwTLWV TW.&T WffiW*W.ry A102 FAN CO]L SUPPLY A]R Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl FinalCFM o/o# Outlet Size Design CFM Prel. CFM ,o - 5/8/01 21 85 4j READINGS BY: C. GORMAN A102 FC-1 MASTER BATH I A 18X4 120 II4 I2I 10'l% MASTER CLOSET A 72X3 30 19 33 1100/. MASTER BED A 20X6 225 303 248 1100/0 MASTER BED 4 A 20x6 225 293 243 r 0801" TOTAL 600 '7 B9 645 1080/. Fe-5 DEIU L l 24x4 200 791 205 103% DErU Z Dt\ L 17,o 1 12X4 10 76 71 1'loo/. BED 3 7 1 12x4 95 91 99 1040/. BED 3 8 A 12X4 95 BB 89 94V, BED 3 BATH o A 72x4 l0 85 76 109% BED 4 10 A 12x4 80 92 B3 104To BED 4 '11 72x4 BO 68 14 930/0 BED 4 BATH 12 12x3 40 31 43 108% HALI 13 A 15x4 115 19 772 97./o POV'14 A 12X3 40 51 4I 't03% TOTAL 885 B 64 B 99 102. FC-10 KITCHEN 15 A 12x4 90 92 92 1020/0 ENTRY 16 A 72X4 80 B6 85 1oao/o DINING 17 A 24x4 200 2r4 2r4 1070/. DTNING 18 A 24x4 220 22L ))1 100% LfVING 24x4 220 222 222 't0'to/o LIVING 20 A 24x4 220 236 236 't07% LIVTNG 21 24x4 220 224 224 102% LIVING,/ENTRY MB 22 A 12x4 100 9T 97 91% TOTAL '1 ?qn 1,386 103% REMARKS: Page 12 of 97 &6W. &WW&W&-{Wffi TWffi'{ W*W*WT A201PROJECT: LOCATION: h/ESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS POWDER ROOM o 5/08/01 & 5130/01 218s4) SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-1 READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN UCTION TNCLUDES FI],TER AND COIL ^P. TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame /-E Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6 H,P.7/3 Serial Number 991601-10-1 RPM L] 25 Arr./Class CW,/HWIFAN COIL Volts Lrs/208 /230 qEglqge HORTZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNlNG F.L.Amps 6.0 /3 .2 /3 .0 Sheave Diam/Bore 5-I/4r' x 3/4" NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 4-L250 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X !/2" No. Filter/type/size 7-76x24x2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance gtt TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 E)d Discharge S.P.0.12 Register Total 600 609 Ext Suction S.P.0.08 Fan RPM 91 6 bdernal S.P.0. s5 0 .20 Motor RPM I,'/ 25 7,'7 50 FAN SUCTION 0.28 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 100 109 Motor Volts 208 212 EAI 6B 16 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 33 Motor Amps 3.0 2-4 MBH 21 .3 16.1 Motor Amps 3.0 2.4 GPM 1q 1.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 71 0/r48 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBA//8 11/59 '75 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 54 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 2I Controlff hermostat€heck OK GPM 3.5 3.4 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 57 /44 Return Air CFM 600 609 OSA TEMP. S: FAN S Page 13 of 97 eew e,ftwe.w&T\}& TXW-{ WffiWQreY A201PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER CI,OSET SYSTEM/UNIT: FC_2 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COII TEST DATE. FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/0't & 5/30/0'7 21854j E. READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCOB H.P.r/3 Serlal Number RPM L]25 Arr./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COIL Volts 208-230 Discharge HORIZONTAI Phase/Hertz L/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore A-? / An v ?/atl S.L,Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/size r-Az 3 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-r/4" x 7/2" No. Filter/type/size 1-76x24x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 2 .9" Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 700 Ext Discharge S.P.0.74 Register Total 700 119 Ext Suction S.P.0 .1_2 Fan RPM 994 External S.P.0. 40 0 .26 Motor RPM 7 ,'7 25 FAN SUCTION 0.34 Heating Motor Volts 208 27r LAT 100 103 Motor Volts 208 2II EAT 6B 16 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 2'7 Motor Amps 3.0 2.0 MBH 30.6 15.5 Motor Amps 3.0 2.0 GPM 1.5 1.6 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 168 / 143 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBM/B 11/59 16 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 53 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 23 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 4.8 4.8 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT / 44 56/44 Return Air CFM 700 1L9 OSA TEMP. o Page 14 af 97 ' F*u Pdffi tffiffi l. PROJECT: LOCATION: &rw &ww&"w&,Ya# TffiffiY WWP&WT A2OL o WESTHAVEN CONDOM]NIUMS BATH 2 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES WHEN In OUTSIDE AIR SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-7 FII,TER AND COIL MODE THE AIRFLOW IS 20& LOWER TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/0"/ 21854j READINGS BY: C. GORMAN Page UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGTC A]RE Make/Frame Model No/Type/Size 3 6-HBAW-4 H. P.r/3 Serial Number w06073530 RPM 71 25 Arr./Class CW/HVil,/FAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0 /3 .2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L390 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-L/4" x r12" No. Filter/type/size I-76x32X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.25" NEW Sheave C/L Distance r2" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.05 Register Total 850 81 2 Ext Suction S.P.0. r_B Fan RPM 869 External S.P.0.41 0 .23 Motor RPM r,134 FAN SUCTION 0.32 Heating Motor Volts 208 2L2 LAT 99 101 Motor Volts 208 2I2 EAT -r9 16 Motor Vohs Temp. diff,118 ?\ Motor Amps 3.0 2.4 MBH oq q rl .4 Motor Amps 3.0 2-4 GPM 3.5 3.3 Motor Amps E\A/T/LWT rB0 /L1 7/746 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBA/|/B 19/59 15 Sound Levels OK LAT EA 56 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 19 Controlff hermostat-Check OK GPM ') c1 2.5 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 qq/4a Return Air CFM 850 81 2 OSA TEMP. FAN o & 5/30/01 15 of 97 V{ESTHAVEN CONDOMTNlUMS &6W *WY*ffiT TW&T WWW*WV A201PROJECT SYSTEM FAN COII, SUPPLY AIR Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl o/oT Outlet Size Design CFM Prel. CFM Final CFM o 5/8/0e 27 Bs4j READINGS BY: C. GORMAN A201 FC-1 POW A 72x3 40 44 40 100% BED 2 2 12x4 90 101 B1 97% BED 2 3 A 1,2x4 100 II4 98 98Vo BED 2 BATH 4 A 12x4 ?0 L23 76 109% IJI! U J c A 12x4 100 109 92 92"/o BED 3 A t2x4 l_30 200 139 1O7s/o BED 3 BATH 7 12x4 10 L61 7'7 11O'/o TOTAL 600 8s8 609 'tO2Yo EC-2 MASTER BATH I A 18X4 120 206 131 109% MASTER BED 9 A 22X6 240 282 250 104% MASTER BED 10 A 22X6 240 243 229 950/o MASTER BED 11 A 12X4 100 105 709 109o/o 700 836 179 103% EC-7 DTNING 't2 A 20x4 155 261 169 109vo DTNING 13 24x4 200 22L 1BB 94% LIVING 14 24x4 200 234 799 100% ],IVING 20x4 155 230 t64 106% KITCHEN 16 A 12x4 70 IIl 75 't07% HALL 17 A t2x4 t0 t22 17 110% TOTAL 850 I,791 872 103% REMARKS: o Page 16 of 97 ' h*-' ruffi Iffiffi'-' L PROJECT: LOCATION: 6*,&W &"WW&&&ry*-{*.&7 Wffip*WT A202WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER BATH 5/08/0't & 5/30/01 2185 4) SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-1 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN SU ON ]NCLUDES FILTER AND COIL P. o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER MakeiFrame GE Model NoiType/Size 42BHCO6 H.P.7/3 Serial Number TAG IS PAINTED RPM 7125 Arr./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COlL Volts trs/208/230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz 1/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 4-1 /8"X 3,/4 " NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Beltvmake/size I-A22 NEV{Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X 7/2" No.Filter/type/size 7-76x24x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.05 Register Total 600 634 Ext Suction S.P.0.10 Fan RPM 1,031 External S.P.0.55 0.15 Motor RPM 7,'125 FAN SUCTION 0.33 Heating Motor Volts 208 212 LAT 100 96 Motor Volts 208 2L2 EAT 68 61 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 29 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 MBH 27 -3 r4 .1 Motor Amps 3.0 ?q GPM 1q 1.4 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 160 / 745 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBAI/B 11/59 15 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 5l- Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 24 Control/Thermostat- Check OK GPM 3.5 3.5 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 s4/44 Return Air CFM 600 634 OSA TEMP. CTI Page 17 of 97 f" WW, PROJECT: LOCATION: F*, 1ffiffi &r,w &yry&&&,Yt9ffi TW&T WWWffiWT A202WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MECH CLOSET o UCT INCLUDES FILTER AN SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-s READINGS BY: C. GORMAN.-. - TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-3E 5/08/01 21 854) UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame an Model No/Type/Size 3 6BVW-D H.P.7/3 Serial Number wD60512696 RPM L725 Arr./Class CWIHW,/FAN COII-Volts rLs/208/230 Discharge UP FLOW Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L400 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" x L/2" No.Filter/type/size 1-20x20x].Sheave ooer. Diam 3.25 Sheave C/L Distance 13" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 700 Ext Discharoe S.P.0.07 Register Total BB5 901 Ext Suction S.P.0.10 Fan RPM 896 External S.P.0 .44 0.r1 Motor RPM I,125 FAN SUCTION 0 .46 Heating Motor Volts 208 272 tAT 100 103 Motor Volts 208 272 EAT 68 14 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 29 Motor Amps 3.0 MBH 21 -9 20.9 Motor Amps 3.0 GPM 1.5 1.5 Motor Amps EWT/L\A/T IBO /7'7 0 / 748 CFI.A Gooling Starter EAT DBM/B 1'7 / 59 14 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 52 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 22 Control/Thermostat-Check OK iPM ?.5 7.4 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 56/44 Return Air CFM 700 901 OSA TEMP. AN SUCTIOI D CO]L 6,5/30/01 Page 18 of 97 wew PROJECT: LOCATION: &"4W &\WW&W&"TLL&-{*&T W^&W*WT A202WESTHAVEN CONDOM]NIUMS MECH CLOSET SYSTEMIUNIT: FC-10 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 6OBVW-D H.P.L/2 Serial Number I'iO 60 67 4113 RPM :-125 Arr./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COIL Volts 7L5/208/230 Discharge UP FLOW Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 8.6/4.7 /4.3 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S. L.Amps r.25 NO. Beltvmake/size L-4L440 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-7/4" X 5/8" No. Filter/type/size 2-I6X25X2 Sheave oper. Diam 3" Sheave C/L Distance l Atl TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 1,350 Ext Discharge S.P.0.17 Register Total 1,350 r,382 Ext Suction S.P.0.16 Fan RPM 813 Exernal S.P.0. 43 0.33 Motor RPM 7,'7 25 r,'7 3'7 FAN SUCTION 0 .49 Heating Motor Volts 208 272 LAT 94 99 Motor Volts 208 272 EAT 10 13 Motor Volts Temp. diff.84 26 Motor Amps 4.3 3.2 MBH 103.9 28 .1 Motor Amps 4.3 3.2 GPM 20.0 13.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT r80 /r10 / r44 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBM/B 'tB/59 14 Sound Levels OK LAT 55 53 Vibration OK Temp. diff.23 2t Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 1.0 1-1 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 51/44 Return Air CFM 1,350 'l ?a?OSA TEMP. TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL P. 5/08/01 & 5/30/01 21854j READINGS BY: C. GoRMANo Page 19 of 97 W WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS &*{4 ffiWT LffiT -{ W&T Wffip WVv,-r A202PROJECT SYSTEM FAN COIL SUPPLY AIR FC-1 MASTER BATH 'l A 18 X 4 1,20 129 11.4 95' MASTER CLOSET A 72X3 30 56 33 110% MASTER BED 20x6 293 241 110o/o MASTER BED 4 A 20x6 225 287 240 107yo TOTA],600 159 634 106% FC-5 BED 2 5 A 24x4 200 202 202 101o/o BED 2 BATH 6 A 12x4 10 '76 16 109o/o BED 3 7 A 1,2x4 95 101 101 1O6"/o BED 3 8 A 12x4 95 B9 89 94"/. BED 3 BATH I A L2x4 10 19 19 't130/0 BED 4 '10 A L2x4 80 B1 B1 1010k BED 4 1'l A 12X4 80 71 11 960/" BED 4 BATH '12 12x3 40 43 10ao/. HALL 13 A 1l v A 115 111 111 970/o POW 't4 A 12x3 40 42 42 105yo TOTAL BB5 901 901 102o/o FC-10 KTTCHEN 15 A L2x4 90 95 96 't07vo ENTRY 16 A L2x4 BO 86 9L 114yo DINING A 24X4 200 186 194 970/o DINfNG 18 A 24X4 220 271 223 10't% LIVING 19 A 24x4 220 209 278 99"4 LIVING 20 A 24x4 220 273 224 'to20/o LIVING 21 A 24x4 220 211 229 104./" LIVTNG,/ENTRY MB 22 I A 12x4 100 106 r01 1070/o TOTAL 1, 350 L,329 1020/. REMARKS: 'o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/8/01 21854j READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN Page 20 of 97 ruffi PROJECT: LOCATION: &rw &pw&w&Y\)ffi Tffi&^{ W"Up*re{' A301WESTHAVEN CONDOMINTUMS POWDER ROOM ER SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-1 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN -.v a TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/01 21854) UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BA],DOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6 H.P.r/3 Serial Number 991601-10-1 RPM I1 25 Arr./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COIL Volts rr5/2oB/230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz L/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore AR56 X 3,/4'' NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L390 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" x I/2" No. Filterftype/size 7-L6X24X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.07 Regisler Total 600 60?Ext Suction S.P.0.05 Fan RPM 91 2 External S.P.0.55 0.L2 Motor RPM r,7 54 FAN SUCTION 0 -23 Heating Motor Volts 115 172 LAT 100 111 Motor Volts 115 r72 EAT 68 12 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 39 Motor Amps 6.0 2.4 MBH 27 _3 18.9 Motor Amps 6.0 2.4 GPM 7.4 Motor Amps EVW/LWT LlL/].44 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/|/B 11/59 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 53 Vibration OK Temp. dift 25 19 Control/Thermostat. Check OK GPM 3.5 J.O Outside Air CFM L\^rI-/EWT /44 58/44 Return Air CFM 600 601 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTIOI T INCLUDE LTER AND COIL ^P & 5/30/01 Page 21 of 97 o &tre, &ww&,w&-rwffi Y*%Y WWPWWT 4301PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS BATH 2 .O 5/08/01 & 5/30/01 21Bs 4) SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-2 READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL ^P. TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model Noffype/Size 42BHCO8 H.P,7/3 Serial Number 991601-60-1 RPM 1125 Arr./Class CWIHWIFAN COII Volts 208-230 Discharge HORIZONTAL PhaseiHertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6 -0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 4-? / An x ?/atl S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/size 1-A2 3 Sheave Diam/Bore ?-1 /4r x 1/2n No. Filter/type/size I-I6x24X2 Sheave oDer. Diam 2 .9" Sheave C/L Distance TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 700 Exl Discharge S.P.0.07 Register Total 700 104 Ext Suction S.P,0.08 Fan RPM 990 E):ternal S.P.0.40 0.15 Motor RPM I ,125 7,1 48 FAN SUCTION 0.30 Heating Motor Volts 208 2II LAT 100 109 Motor Volts 208 2r7 EAT ott '72 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 31 Motor Amps 3.0 2.L MBH 30.6 20 .8 Motor Amps 3.0 2,I GPM 1-5 1.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT L1 L/'t 43 CFLA Cooling Starter bAl DB^^,B 11 /qq 1I Sound Levels OK LAT 52 56 Vibration SLIGHT Temp. diff.25 15 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 4.8 5.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT / 44 55/44 Return Air CFM 700 104 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTI o Page 22 of 97 o o &tw &ww&w^&TLlw TW,&V WWWffiWT A301PROJECT: LOCATION. WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER CLOSET TEST DATE: FILE NAME; tab 4-38 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL 5/30/01 d6/19/01 2'7 B54j SYSTEM/UNIT: FC_7 P. READINGSBY: C. GORMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size J b-HIJAW-4 H,P.r/3 Serial Number w0 607 3530 RPM L125 Arr./Class CWIHW/FAN COIT Volts 208 Discharge HOR] ZONTAL Phase/Hertz 1/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F. L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4u S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Beltymake/size 1-4L380 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-7/4" x 7/2" No. Filter/type/sZe l-I6x32X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.25" Sheave C/L Distance 1_2" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.05 Register Tolal 850 822 Ext Suction S.P.0.18 Fan RPM 131 External S.P.0.41 0 .23 Motor RPM 1 1)q r,162 FAN SUCTION 0 -25 Heating Motor Volts 208 2I2 LAT 99 101 Motor Volts 208 272 EAT -19 16 Motor Volts Temp. dif{.118 25 Motor Amps 3.2 2.1 MBH 99. s 76 .4 Motor Amps 2.1 GPM 3.5 3.3 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 780 /1,7 I/146 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBM/B 79/59 15 Sound Levels OK trA 56 Vibration OK Temp. difi.25 79 Control/Thermosta!Check OK GPM tq 2.5 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 59/44 Return Air CFM 850 822 OSA TEMP. Page 23 of 97 r 'ts*r ruffi lmm*r PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS &ZW ffiWTLWT ryWffiY WWWffiWq A301 FAN COIL SUPPLY AIR Area Served REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl o/oT Outlet Size Design CFM Prel. CFM Final CFM o FC-7 20% LESS IN 1OO% OUTSIDE ATR MODE 5/8/0"7 & 5/29/01 21854j READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN A301 FC-1 POW 1 A 12x3 40 39 31 93% BED 2 2 A 72x4 90 93 81 97./. BED 2 A 12x4 100 130 105 106% BED 2 BATH 4 A 12x4 't0 127 15 107% BED 3 A 12x4 100 89 93 93% BED 3 6 A 72x4 130 190 ]-3'7 1050/. BED 3 BATH 7 A 72x4 '70 r21 103'/. TOTAL 600 783 60'7 1010/o EC-2 MASTER BATH 6 A 18 x 4 120 270 129 1O8o/o MASTER BED I A 22X6 240 239 238 990/0 MASTER BED 10 22X6 240 264 244 102% MASTER BED 11 12x4 100 109 93 930/o TOTAL 700 822 104 101Vo FC-7 DINING A 20x4 155 161 r49 96% DINING 13 A 24X4 200 L64 187 94% LIVING 14 A 24X4 200 134 193 97% LlV]NG 20x4 155 t32 154 99% KITCHEN 12x4 10 99 12 1030/0 HAI,L 17 A 72x4 10 85 61 96% TOTAL 850 115 822 970/o Page 24 of 97 o WW &4W &^WW$,W&T2,3& Yffi&Y WWW*W,T A302PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMIN]UMS MASTER BATH o 5/A8/O1 & 5/30/01 21854j SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-1 READINGS BY; C. GoRMAN UCTION INCLUDES FTLTER AND COIL ^P. TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRlER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6 H,P.7/3 Serial Number 991601-80-1 RPM L725 Arr./Class CWIHW,/FAN COI],Volts r75/208/230 Discharge HORI ZONTAL PhaseiHerlz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3 -0 Sheave Diam/Bore AR56 X 3/4'' NEW S.L.Amps 1.3s NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L390 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-L/2" X L/2" No. Filterftypeisize r-76X24X2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance 9' TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.04 Register Total 600 602 Ext Suction S.P.0.05 Fan RPM 969 E):ternal S.P.0.55 0.09 Motor RPM 1 -aE 1,156 FAN SUCTION 0.15 Heating Motor Volts 208 271 LAT 100 104 Motor Volts 208 2rt EAT 6B 14 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 30 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 MBH 21 -3 1,4-4 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 GPM L.4 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 71L / 74I CFLA Cooling Starter EAI oBA rB 11/59 16 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 53 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 23 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM ?q 3.8 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 57 / 44 Return Air CFM 600 602 OSA TEMP. FAN S Page 25 of 97 &'*W &' P&"W&ry\}# TX&T WWV*WY A302PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MECH CLOSET ,o 5/08/01 & 5/30/01 21e54j SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-5 READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN SU ON TNCLUDES FILTER AND COII,E. TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC ATRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size SbtjVW-IJ H.P.7/3 Serial Number w06051261 5 RPM I125 Arr./Class CW,/HW/FAN COIL Volts r15/2oB/230 Discharge UP FLOW Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNlNG F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1-15 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L400 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X r/2" No. Filter^ype/size I-20X20x7 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.25 Sheave C/L Dislance 13" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 700 Ext Discharge S.P.0.07 Register Total 160 '784 Ext Suclion S.P.0.09 Fan RPM 893 External S.P.0 .44 0.L6 Motor RPM 7,125 I,134 FAN SUCTION 0 .42 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 100 104 Motor Volts 208 212 EAT 68 74 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 30 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 MBH 21 .9 18.8 Motor Amps 3.0 2\GPM 1.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT IBO /7'7 3 / 741 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^^/B t7 /59 14 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 .f1 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 23 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM '7q 1.9 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 56/44 Return Air CFM 700 184 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTI Page 26 of 97 ' F*' ruffi lww*Ll|l'* PROJECT; LOCATION: &*w &ww&w&T\,ffi TX.%,z WWW*WT A302WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MECH CLOSET rf o FAN SUCTION INCLUDES SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-10 FILTER AND COIL READINGS BY: c. GORMAN TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/07 2185 4j UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame G.L Model No/Type/Size 6OBVW-D H.P,r/2 Serial Number w06061 4II4 RPM 1125 Arr./Ctass CW/HW,/FAN COIL Volts rrs/208 /230 Discharge UP FLOW Phase/Hertz r/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNfNG F.L.Amps 8.6/4.1/4.3 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1 )8, NO. Belts/makeisize I-4L440 Sheave Diam/Bore ?-1 /4n X q/Rtl No. Filter/type/size 2-1,6x25x2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3tt Sheave C/L Distance l Arl TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 1,350 Ext Discharge S.P.0.17 Register Total 1,350 r, 420 Ext Suction S.P.0.15 Fan RPM 816 EXternat l.t'.0.43 0 -32 Motor RPM 7,125 I,136 FAN SUCTION 0.48 Heating Motor Volts 208 272 LAT 94 101 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAT 10 15 Molor Volts Temp. diff.B4 26 Motor Amps 4.3 3.2 MBH 103. 9 29.5 Motor Amps 4.3 3.7 GPM 20 .0 12 .0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT IBO /r1 3/L47 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/1/B 1B/s9 '1 5 Sound Levels OK tAT 55 51 Vibration OK Temp. diff.23 18 Control/Thennostat-Check OK GPM 1.0 1-2 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 53/44 Return Air CFM 1,350 r, 420 OSA TEMP. & 5/30/01 Page 27 of 97 PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS &gw *tlvLffiT Tffi.&'{ wffiw*wv A302 F"AN COTL SUPPLY ATR o 4302 E C-1 MASTER BATH 1 A 18 X 4 720 118 r71 98% MASTER CLOSET 2 A 12X3 30 37 32 107Yo MASTER BED J A 20x6 225 301 279 97o/o MASTER BED 4 A 20x6 225 311 234 104% TOTAI 600 167 602 100% FC-5 BED 2 A 20x4 180 233 789 105% BED 2 BATH o A 12X4 65 109 1L '109% BED 3 7 A 12X4 15 9B 12 s6% BED 3 8 A t2X4 15 103 to 1010/o BED 3 BATH 9 A 12x4 65 "t3 63 9704 BED 4 10 L2x4 80 104 19 9904 BED 4 11 12x4 BO 7\4 B4 '1o50/o BED 4 BATH 12 12x3 65 ]L 69 1060/6 HALL 13 72x4 40 qb 44 110% POW 14 A 1-2x3 35 4I 31 1060/o TOTAL 160 992 'tB4 1030/0 FC-10 KITCHEN 15 A 72x4 90 91 91 1oaolo ENTRY 16 A 1,2x4 80 B6 B6 'loao/o DINING 17 A 24x4 200 209 209 'to5% D]NING 18 A 24X4 220 z5 L 23r 'to50/o ],IVTNG 't9 A 24X4 220 221 227 1030/0 LIVING 20 A 24X4 220 236 236 1070/o LIVING 21 A 24X4 220 229 229 1040/0 LIVING/ENTRY MB 12x4 L00 105 10s 1050/0 TOTAL 1,350 r, 420 L, 420 1050/0 REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hood 1 5/8/07 21Bs 4j READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN e 5/29/01 Page 28 of 97 ' h*' ruffi lffiffi PROJECT: LOCATION: &,4W &WW&W&Tt,ffi-{*"&T {.q,wp*w'{ A401 o WESTHAVEN CONDOMTNIUMS POWDER ROOM SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-1 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL 05/09/01 & 5/30/01 21854j READINGS BY: C. GORMAN TEST DATE; FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6 H.P.r/3 Serial Number 991601-50-3 RPM 7"125 Arr./Class CW,/H!',/FAN COTI Volts 7r5/208/230 Discharge HOR]ZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave D;amlBore AR56 X 3,/4'' NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L250 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4't X r/2" No. Filter/type/size 7-1"6x24x2 Sheave oper. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance 9tt TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.18 Register Total 600 614 Ext Suction S.P.0.11 Fan RPM 975 External S.P.0. 55 0.29 Motor RPM 7,725 1,758 FAN SUCTION 0 -25 Heating Motor Volts 208 2L2 LAT 100 103 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAT 6B 14 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 29 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 MBH 27 .3 74 .2 Molor Amps 3.0 2.5 GPM 1q Motor Amps EWT/LWT 71r/]-52 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBM/B 11 /\q 14 Sound Levels OK LAT 55 Vibration OK Temp. diff 25 1,9 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 3.5 3.6 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 56/44 Return Air CFM 600 674 OSA TEMP. o Page 29 of 97 r" 'F-., ruffi Iffiffis* | " a*'-l PROJECT: LOCATION: &uw &ww&w"8"YLJ& T*ffiY W*WffiWT A40L o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 WESTHAVEN CONDOM]NIUMS MASTER CLOSET SYSTEM/UNIT: EC-2 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COI], 5/09/07 & 5/30/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BAl,DOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCOB H.P.7/3 Serial Number 9 916 01- 10 -2 RPM I125 Arr./Class CWIHW/FAN COIL Volts rr5/ 208-230 Discharge HORI ZONTAL Phase/Hertz L/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 4-3/4" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. BeltYmake/size T-A23 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-r/4" x r/2" No. Filter/type/size I-I6x24x2 Sheave oDer. Diam 2.9" Sheave C/L Distance 9.t TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 700 Ext Discharge S.P.0.15 Register Total 700 '1 21 Ext Suction S.P.0.08 Fan RPM !, 029 External S.P.0.40 0 .23 Motor RPM r,725 L,7 42 FAN SUCTION 0 .32 Heating Motor Volts 208 2LI LAT 100 111 Motor Volts 208 2IL EAT 68 13 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 38 Motor Amps 3-0 2.4 MBH 30.6 22.1 Motor Amps 3.0 2.4 GPM 1.5 1A Motor Amps EWT/LWT r'7 3 / r41 CFLA Gooling Starter EAT DBM/B 11/59 73 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 53 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 20 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 4.8 4.8 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT / 44 53/ 44 Return Air CFM 700 121 OSA TEMP. Page 30 of 97 o ,l &xw &?p&"w"&TLj& xffi%Y w&w*wY A401PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS HALLWAY TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/0e/01 21854) SYSTEM/UNIT: FC_7 & 5/30/0'7 &6/20/01 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGTC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/S ize 3 5-HBA!'- 4 H.P.L/3 Serial Number w060673529 RPM [125 Arr./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz L/60 Make Sheave BROWNTNG F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6.4't x 3/4"S. L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1_4L390 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-r/4" X L/2" No. Filter/type/size 7-I6X32x2 Sheave oper. Diam 3.0" NEW Sheave C/L Distance r2" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.08 Register Total 850 B'7 4 Ext Suc{ion S.P.0.06 Fan RPM 846 External S.P.0 .4L 0.r4 Motor RPM 7, -/25 r,'/ 42 FAN SUCTION 0.26 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 99 104 Motor Volts 208 212 EAT -19 75 Motor Volts Temp. diff 118 29 Motor Amps 3.0 2.1 MBH 99.5 20.3 Motor Amps 3.0 2.1 GPM 3.5 3.3 Motor Amps EWT/LWT :-80 /IlT/T46 CFTA Cooling Starter EAT DB^lyB '19 / s9 15 Sound Levels OK LAT 54 55 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 20 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 2-5 2.5 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 58/44 Return Air CFM 850 874 OSA IEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES F ILTER AND COIL ^P o Page 31 of 97 ?' ruffi PROJECT SYSTEM @w WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS N:\W *#T *ffiY'T W%T WWW*WT A401 FAN COIL SUPPI,Y AIR Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/B/01 21854j % Design CFM# Prel, CFM READINGS BY: Flnal CFM C. GORMAN Outlet Size o rlv A401 FC-1 POW 1 A 72X3 40 41.4I 1030/0 BED 2 2 A 12X4 90 93 93 103% BED 2 J A 1,2x4 100 108 108 108% BED 2 BATH 4 A ]-2X4 70 14 14 10606 BED 3 5 L2X4 100 94 94 94o/o 5.LU J 6 A 12x4 130 128 12B s8% IJtrU J rJA.t hI 7 A L2X4 10 76 16 109% TOTA],600 674 674 1O2o/o FC-2 MASTER BATH 8 A 18 X 4 120 1BB !52 11Oolo MASTER BED o A 22x6 240 221 248 103% MASTER BED 10 A 22X6 240 220 24r 1000/0 MASTER BED A 1,2x4 100 98 106 106% TOTAL 700 733 121 104% FC-7 DINING '12 A 20x4 1s5 258 r64 106% DINING 13 A 24X4 200 283 206 1030/" LTVING 14 24X4 200 2BB 201 1040/0 LIVING 15 A 20x4 1s5 266 161 1040/0 KITCHEN '16 A L2X4 70 75 12 1030/6 ENTRY,/HALL A 72x4 70 30 64 91n/o TOTAL 850 7,204 81 4 1O36/o REMARKS: & 5/29/01 Page 32 of 97 WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS m &* &?,e*tt\tffi W &LW W I Y v*&W WWryWWTffi"&V WffiW*WV BUILDING IA' ,o r,- PROJECT LOCATION TESTDATE: FILENAME: 5/23/01 21854) REMARKS:A102lFC-10 CONTROL VAI,VE 0. SYSTEM FAN COILS - CW READINGS BY: R. GORMAN SERVICE OR DESIGNATION SIZE INCHES MODEL DESIGN GPM AU I UAL VALVE SETPOINT ACTUAL VALVE PD FEET ACTUAL GPM NOTES A1 01 FC- 1 1 B&G ?q 17.0 3.6 EC-2 1 B&G 4.8 #30 16 - 0 AQ FC- 7 3/4 .D 6. l,2.5 +0 2.8 A102 FC-1 7 lJdb 3.5 16.0 3.5 FC-5 1 TA 1.5 +1.8 72 .0 '7 -5 FC- 10 1 TA '7 .0 #4.0 0.0 5.0 A2 01 r \-- r I IJ&tr 3.5 #35 15.0 3.4 FC*2 1 B&G 4.8 22 .0 4.8 f \-- /?/4 .OCr\J It LU 3.4 2.5 A202 FC_1 I B&G 3.5 16.0 3.5 FC- 5 1 TA 1.5 #3.0 1.8 1.4 FC- 10 1 TA 7.0 +2.5 3.0 1.t A3 01 FC- 1 1 D&tr 3.5 #30 qq 3.6 EC-2 1 B&G 4.8 +?n 18 .0 5.0 FC_ 7 ? /A lJ&Lr 2.5 6.0 2.1 Page 33 of 97 o *"- WW PROJECT LOCATION l** , LffiW WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS ffi &t* &74 ffi 4W& V &t'*\* m I Y L&W MWY*W Tffi%Y WW"W*WV BUILDTNG 'A' I o TESTDATE: FILENAME: 5/23/0'7 2185 4) SYSTEM FAN corr,s - ct{ READINGS BY: R. GORMAN LOBBIES CAN'T ATTACH Page 34 of 97 f" WW;. PROJECT LOCATION WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS w &L &*4 * r?& & w &L\# w f Y **w t&wTwreTx&T wffiw*wT BUILDING IAI o SYSTEM FAN coILS - HOT WATER READINGS BY: R. GORMAN TESTDATE: FILENAME: 5/29/01 2185 4j -- $ERVICE OR DESIGNATION SIZE INCHES MODEL DESIGN GPM AC I UAL VALVE SETPOINT AC I UAL VALVE P.D. FEET ACTUAL GPM NOTES A1 01 FC- 1 2 D&tr 1.5 #20 0.6 1.5 PIPED BACKWARDS EC-2 2 D&Lr 1.5 +20 0.6 FC- 7 1 D&(J 3.5 +10 1.5 AA A102 FC- I 1 B&G 1q 0.5 r.4 FC- 5 I TA 1.5 #1.5 0.9 1.5 FC- 10 1 TA 20 .0 #4.0 3.0 12.0 WIDE OPEN A2 01 EC- 1 1 B&G 1.5 +rn 0.6 1q tL-z 2 B&G 1.5 +20 0.1 r.6 FC-7 1 B&G 3.5 +0 0.8 3.3 A202 FC- 1 1 B&G 1.5 #20 0.5 I.4 FC-2 3/4 TA +1. s 0.9 1q FC-7 1 TA 20 .0 #4.0 3.5 13.0 .A3 01 FC- 1 1 B&G 1q #20 0.5 L.4 EL-Z 1 B&G 1\0.6 1-5 FC-7 1 D6.!t #5 1.)3.6 RE Page 35 of 97 LrF ! [ww WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS f" W@W PROJECT LOCATION m &L ge?\e *r?4 ffi \f e^LV m { F LWW rC{HTffiR Tfi$T RffiPSRT BUILDING 'A' TESTDATE: FILENAME; 5/29/01 2'7 B54j SYSTEM FAN CoILS _ HoT WATER READINGS BY: R. GoRMAN LOBBTES REMARK Page 36 of 97 WESTHAVEN CONDOM]NIUMS &,:Vru *'}Y*ffiY TW&T WffiWffiWT BUILDING 'A'PROJECT SYSTEM EXHAUST F'ANS Served A101 EF-9 MASTER TOILET 15 18 18 104'/. MASTER TUB 15 B1 81 108"/o TOTAL 150 159 159 106% A102 EF- 9 MASTtrR TOTLET 1 15 69 69 s2vo MASTER TUB 2 15 14 14 99% TOTAL 150 743 r43 95% A201 EF- 9 MASTER TOILET 1 15 66 68 91./. MASTER TUB 15 83 19 '1050/. TOTAL 150 749 1.41 980/. a202 EF- 9 MASTER TOILET 1 15 64 13 970/o MASTER TUB 15 B1 1B 1040/0 TOTAL 150 745 151 101Vo A301 EF_ 9 MASTER TOILET 1 '75 19 19 1O5'/a MASTER TUB 15 12 12 96% TOTAL 150 151 151 '1O1"/o A302 EF- 9 MASTER TOILET 1 75 14 14 99'/6 MASTER TUB 2 15 19 19 105% TOTAL 150 153 153 102"/. A401 EF- 9 MASTER TOILET 1 15 82 B2 1090/. MASTER TUB 15 /o 16 1O1o/o TOTAL 150 158 158 1050 REMARKS: o ^ -v TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hood 1 5/1/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN Page 37 of 97 WW;, PROJECT SYSTEM ww:ye eq*ffiT w ewe Y w&T wffi"w *wT WESTHAVEN CONDOMIN]UMS BUILDING IAI A1 01 BED 2 BATH 1 Lt-z 100 94 BED 3 BATH Lt-z 100 92 POW EF-1 50 41 4102 BED 2 BATH 1 EJI - Z 100 106 BED 3 BATH EF-2 100 103 BED 4 BATH EF-2 100 98 POW 4 EF-1 50 55 A207 BED 2 BATH 1 EF_2 100 106 BED 3 BATH EE-2 100 109 POW EF_ 1 50 52 P.202 BED 2 BATH EF-2 100 107 BED 3 BATH EF- 2 100 109 BED 4 BATH E T_Z 100 104 POW 4 EF- 1 50 53 A301 BED 2 BATH 1 EE-2 100 97 BED 3 BATH EF.2 100 r04 POW EF- 1 50 49 EF_1 FANlECH FRlOO 50 EE'2 FANTECH FR11O 100 EF- 1O PANASONIC FV05VQ2 50 EF- 11 PANASONIC FV11vQ2 100 REMARKS: Area Served ,t System No. Design CFM Fanal CFM TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/1/01 21 8541 READINGS BY: c. Gorman Page 38 of 97 ffiKffi &23s:ry W &,Y&'TWffiry WWW *W.ry o PROJECT SYSTEM BUILDING IA'WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS A302 BED 2 BATH 1 EE-2 100 L02 BED 3 BATH EE-2 100 96 BED 4 BATH J EF_2 100 97 POW 4 EF-1 50 41 44 01 BED 2 BATH 1 EE-2 100 108 BED 3 BATH EF-2 100 r01 POW 5 EF- 1 50 51 EF-1 FANTECH FRlOO 50 EE-2 FANTECH FR11O 100 I,r -_LU PANASONIC FV05VQ2 50 EF- 11 PANASONIC FV11vQ2 100 REMARKS: rO ^. - TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/01/01 21854j READINGS BY: c. Gorman Page 39 of 97 r 't**r ru ffi 1ffiffi PRoJECT:*lL WESTHAVEN CONDOS SECTION B L D G -'- v FfLE NAME: 218543 tre#ffi PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS 4TH F],OOR &"*w &wp&w&ry*# YXffiY W"WW*WT BUILDING 'B' SYSTEM/UNIT. Fc-1] UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model Noffype/Size 4 2BHC08K H.P,1/3 Serial Number 99!60I-50-2 RPM I125 Ar./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COIL Volts 208-230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore A-?/An x ?/Atl S.L.Amps NO. Belts/make/size 1,-A20 Sheave Diam/Bore ?-?/Att x 1/?tl No. Filter/type/size 1,-76X24x2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3 .4" LOWEST Sheave C/L Distance TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.22 Register Total 550 511 Ext Suction S,P.0. 14 Fan RPM r,222 External S.P.0.55 0. 36 Motor RPM L, '7 30 FAN SUCTION 0.50 Heating Motor Volts 115 127 LAT 103 Motor Volts EAT -19 Motor Volts Temp. diff.L22 Motor Amps 6.0 .4.9 MBH 68.2 Motor Amps GPM 3.0 3.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT r80 / CFLA Gooling Starter EAT DB/WB 19/59 B3 Sound Levels SLIGHT RATT]LAT 55 5B Vibration SLIGHT Temp. diff.24 25 Control/Thermostat-Check GPM 6.5 6.5 Outside Air CFM 600 511 LWT/EWT /44 56/44 Return Air CFM 0 0 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL ^P HEATING TOO WARM FOR TEST o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 6/19/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN Page 41 of 97 o ' F*' rdffi lffiffi PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMINlUMS &,*w *6*'\"LWY TW"%T reWW*Wry BL,DG I B FAN COIL SUPPLY AIR Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 6/79/01 21854j ot+ Outlet Size Prel. CFM Final CFM Design CFM o READINGS BY: C. GORMAN CORRIDOR VENTII,ATION FC-11 GARAGE LVL ELEV 1 A 12x3 50 36 49 9A% GARAGE LVL A 12x3 50 43 55 110'% 1ST ELR LOBBY F 10x10 150 3I't 165 1'to% 2ND FLR LOBBY 255 4 f 10x10 150 21 3 r61 't07% 3RD FLR LOBBY 358 F 10 x 10 150 82 r41 98% TOTAL 550 15r 511 105% REMARKS: Page 42 of 97 r F-.-r ruffi [mw PROJECT: LOCATION; &*w &trw&w&ryw& TX&T WWP*WT 8101 o WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS POWDER ROOM SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-1 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/01 21854j UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHC06 H,P.1/3 Serial Number 991601-60-2 RPM t125 Arr./Class CW,/HWIFAN COIL Volts rL5/208/230 Discharge HOR]ZONTA]-Phase/Hertz L/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.O Sheave Diam/Bore AR64 X 3/4" NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size I_4L260 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X r/2" No. Filter/type/size t-L6x.24x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3 .'1 " Sheave C/L Distance '1 " TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0. 16 Register Total 600 618 Ext Suction S.P.0.05 Fan RPM 970 Extemal S.P.0.55 0.2L Motor RPM I,125 L,'7 63 FAN SUCTION 0 .25 Heating Motor Volts 208 213 LAT 100 TI2 Motor Volls 208 zr5 EAT 68 69 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 43 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 MBH 21 .3 2r.3 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 GPM -tq 1.8 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 717 / 1s4 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBAA/B 11/59 69 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 52 Vibration SLIGHT Temp. diff.25 T1 Control/Thermostat. Check OK GPM 3.5 ?n Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 58/44 Return Air CFM 600 618 OSATEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FTLTER AND COIL ^P o & 5/30/01 Page 43 of 97 h*-' 1ffiffi PROJECT: LOCATION: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 t'"o Wffi &*w &^ww&,w&Yw% TWffi'{ WWWffiWT 8101 o WESTHAVEN CONDOM]NIUMS MASTER CLOSET SYSTEM/UNIT: EC-2 READINGS BY: C. GORMAN rAN SU 5/08/0'7 21854) ON NCLUDES FILTER UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCOB H.P,1/3 Serial Number 991601-10-4 RPM 7125 Arr./Class CW/HW/EAN COIL Volts 208-230 Discharge HORIZONTAI Phase/Hertz 7/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore A-a/4n v ?/atl S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/slze L-A23 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-r/4" X 7/2" No. Filter/typeisize r-r6x24x2 Sheave oDer. Diam 2 .9" LOV{EST Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 100 Ext Discharge S.P.0.18 Register Total 700 '7 21 Ext Suclion S.P.0.08 Fan RPM 989 E)dernal S.P.0.40 0.26 Motor RPM r,'7 25 FAN SUCTION 0.32 Heating Motor Volts 208 273 LAT 100 104 Motor Volts 208 2I3 EAT 68 69 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 35 Motor Amps 3.0 2.4 MBH 30.6 20 .4 Motor Amps 3.0 )A GPM T\a.1 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 11L/L52 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB/WB 11/59 69 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 56 Vibration S],IGHT Temp. diff.25 13 Control/Thermostat- Check OK GPM 4.8 Aq. outside Air cFM LWT/EWT /44 s]/44 Return Air CFM 100 '121 OSA TEMP. CTfON INCLUD ILTER AND COIL ^P o & 5/30/01 Page 44 of 97 rF--, ru,ffi lffiffi PROJECT: LOCATION;SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-7 &"xw" &wwew&ry\$% ryffi%Y W*WffiruT 8101 ,a WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS BATH 2 FAN SUCTION 20% LOWER ON INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL OSA TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 05/08/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 3 6-HBAW-4 H.P,L/3 Serial Number .uI06067 3527 RPM 1,7 25 Arr.iClass CW,/HW,/FAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORfZONTAL Pha$elHertz r/ 60 Make Sheave BROWN ING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3-0 Sheave Oiam/Bore S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1_4L390 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-r/4" X 1,/2" No.Filterftype/size I-I6X32X2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.25" NEI'] Sheave C/L Distance 72" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.09 Register Total 850 840 Exl Suction S.P.0.08 Fan RPM 852 External S.P.0 .41 0.r1 Motor RPM L,125 7,146 FAN SUCTION 0 -29 Heating Motor Volts 208 2I1 LAT 99 101 Motor Volts 208 213 EAT -I9 69 Motor Volts Temp. diff.118 32 Motor Amps 3.0 2.8 MBH 99.5 2r .5 Motor Amps 3.0 2.8 GPM 3.5 2.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT L8o /117 / \53 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/i/B 19/s9 69 Sound Levels OK LAT EA 55 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 I4 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 2.5 2.1 Outside Air CFM LlM?EWT /44 IA /A? Return Air CFM 850 840 OSA TEMP. F o s, 5/30/01 Page 45 of 97 u F*' roffi tffiffi2- I' Fr--L PROJECT SYSTEM !'ESTHAVEN CONDOMINTUMS &,8W **"{TLWT TX%Y WWVWTT 8101 FAN CO]L SUPPLY AIR Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl c,/ot.,1 41+ Outlet Size Design CFM Prel. CFM Final CFM o/o o READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN 8101 FC-L POW 1 A L2X3 40 46 43 108% BED 2 A ].2x4 90 IT4 85 940/o BED 2 A L2x4 100 134 !Q7 107v" BED 2 BATH 4 A 12X4 10 1,28 11 1',to% DI-IJ J A 12X4 100 B1 98 s8% BED 3 o A l-2x4 130 131 134 103% BED 3 BATH A 12X4 70 702 14 106% TOTAL 600 '7 36 618 103V" F.C-2 MASTER BATH I A 18X4 720 183 r32 't 10v" MASTER BED I A 22x6 240 301 253 105Vo MASTER BED 10 A 22X6 240 230 234 98% MASTER BED 'tl A ]-2x4 100 II6 108 108% TOTAL 700 836 12'7 104% FC-7 DTNING 12 20x4 155 200 156 't010a DIN ING 13 A 24X4 200 223 189 95% LIVING 14 A 24x4 200 234 194 97"/o LIVING 15 A 20x4 155 227 157 1010h KITCHEN 16 A 12x4 10 118 t5 107Vo HALL 't7 A 72x4 10 51 69 99% TOTAL 850 1,053 840 99% o Page 46 of 97 I F*' ruffi lmm"*"L PROJECT: LOCATION: &aw &wwp^w&,7*.3# vw#ry www&wr BLO2WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER BATH SYSTEM/UNIT: FC.1 o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL P. 5/08/07 5,5/30/01 21854j READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6 H.P.7/3 Serial Number 997607-20-3 RPM 7'125 Arr.iGlass CWIHWIE.AN COIL Volts r1.5/208/230 Discharge HORI ZONTA]-.,Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore AR56 X 3/4'' NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L390 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X I/2" No. Filter/type/size r-L6X24X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance 9tt TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.07 Register Total 600 651 Ext Suction S.P.0.09 Fan RPM L,0r2 External S.P.0.55 0.16 Motor RPM 1 1)q T ?q?FAN SUCTION n 10 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 100 774 Motor Volts 208 22 EAT 68 6B Motor Volts Temp. difi.32 46 Motor Amps '), ))1 MBH 21 .3 24 .0 Motor Amps 2.r GPM 1.5 1 .5+- Motor Amps EWT/LWT CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBM/B 11/59 6B Sound Levels OK LAT 51 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 t1 Control/ThermostatCheck OK GPM 3.5 4.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 qq / 4 a Return Air CFM 600 651 OSA TEMP. ro Page 47 of 97 &t& &pw&&"&"rL)# IffiffiV WWY*WV 8102PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS LAUNDRY ROOM SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-3 o FAN SUCTION INCLUDES* CAN NOT REACH THE THIS UNIT APPEARS TO EILTER AND SUPPLY BE LARGER COIL THAN ^P. 06,/08 uNrT TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/09/01 27854j READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make LA_f(r._L Lt(Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 06xK03860---H.P.L/2 Serial Number 991601-10-6 RPM 1,7 25 Arr./Class CW/H!i/FAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORI ZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNTNG F.L.Amps 8,4/4.2 Sheave Diam/Bore AK64 X 3/4r NEW S.L.Amps L .25 NO, Belts/make/size 1-A2 5 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-7/4" x L/2" No. Filternype/size CANIT REMOVE -Sheave ooer. Diam 2.9" LOWEST POOR ACCESS Sheave C/L Distance TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.10 Register Total 850 887 Ext Suction S.P. Fan RPM 834 External S.P.0.43 0.10 Motor RPM r,125 FAN SUCTION 0.35 Heating Motor Volts 208 273 tAT 100 t_04 Motor Volts 208 273 EAI 68 1I Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 33 Motor Amps A))cl MBH 39.2 23 .4 Motor Amps 4.2 2.9 GPM 7.1 2.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 780 /t]1/ r52 CFLA Cooling Starter DBM/B 17 Sound Levels OK LAT 54 52 Vibration OK Temp. diff.23 79 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 2.5 3.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT 56/44 Return Air CFM 850 887 OSA TEMP- & 5/30/0'7 Page 48 of 97 o W@W &*w &pry&w&vwffi Tffi&T W"WWffiWT Bto2PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS I,AUNDRY ROOM SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-9 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COTL 5/09/0't & 5/30/01 21 854)READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN io TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 60BVW W/60vH-2 H.P.7/2 Serial Number w06067411 RPM 71 25 Arr./Class CW,/HWIFAN COIL Volts r75/208/230 Discharge UP PLOW Phase/Hertz \/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 8.6/4.1/4.3 Sheave Diam/Bore 6r x ?/atl S.L.Amps 1, .25 NO. Beltslmakeisize 1-AX41 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-r/4" x r/2' No- Filterftype/size 2-r6x25x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.3" LOWEST Sheave C/L Distance l Atl TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total cFM 7,200 Ext Discharge S.P.o -22 Register Total r,200 r,21 I Ext Suction S.P.0.11 Fan RPM 872 External S.P.0.33 0.33 Motor RPM 7,'7 41 FAN SUCTION o .49 Heating Motor Volts 115 123 LAT 11 113 Motor Volts EAT 2 1I Motor Volts Temp, diff.15 42 Motor Amps 8.6 1.2 MBH L02 .5 42 .1 Motor Amps GPM 20 .0 11.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT IBO /717 / 748 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBAA/B 19/59 17 Sound Levels OK LAT 55 53 Vibration OK Temp. diff.24 1B Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 4.1 5.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 5B/44 Return Air CFM r,200 r,21 r OSA TEMP. Page 49 of 97 f- ww, PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS &&w *L{T*W-{ Vm&T WffiWWWT BLO2 FAN COIL SUPPLY A]R Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl o/.oT Outlet Size Design CFM Prel. CFM Final CFM 'o 5/9/01 21e54)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN 8102 FC-1 MASTER BATH I 18X4 120 769 732 110"/. MASTER BED 2 A 22x6 240 311 258 1080/0 MASTER BED 22x6 240 32r 26r 1090/0 TOTA]-600 801 651 109% FC-3 BED 2 4 A 24x4 180 264 792 107% BED 2 BATH A 12x4 '70 106 IJ 1040/0 BED 3 A \2x4 15 107 B2 109% BED 3 7 12x4 100 727 9L s1% BED 3 BATH 8 12x4 10 110 15 107% POW.o A 12X3 40 4tr.42 1050k HALL 10 A 12x4 10 101 1L 1010/0 BED 4 BATH 1'l A 12x4 70 111 16 109% BED 4 12 A t2x4 15 r44 11 1030/0 BED 4 '13 A 12x4 100 224 108 104% TOTAL 850 1 ???887 'l04% FC-9 ENTRY '14 A 72x4 50 6I 55 1100a DINING 15 A 24x4 2r0 250 21,7 1000/. DINING 16 24x4 270 319 232 '1100/. IIVING 17 A 24X4 220 283 221 1030/. LTVING 18 A 24X4 2r0 21 5 223 1060/0 LIVING 19 24X4 2I0 21 9 225 1070/o KITCHEN 20 A 12x4 90 129 98 109o/o TOTAL L,2Q0 1,596 r,21 !1060/o REMARKS: Page 50 of 97 F*, '1ffiffiffi &rw &pw&w&Tz3& Tffi&T W"XW*reT 8201 :I PROJECT: LOCATION: WtrSTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS POWDER ROOM SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-1 o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FI],TER AND COIL P. 5/16/01 & 5/30/01 2't 854)READINGS BY: R. GORMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6 H.P.r/3 Serial Number 991601-10-1 RPM 7125 Arr./Class CWIHW/FAN COIL Volts rr5/208/230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3 .2/3 .0 Sheave Diam/Bore AR56 X 3,/4" NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L390 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X L/2" No. Filter/type/size l-1,6x24X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance 9rt TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S,P.0.09 Register Total 600 6I2 Ext Suction S,P.0.05 Fan RPM 983 External S.P.0.55 0.1,4 Motor RPM 1 '1)q 7,154 FAN SUCTION 0.23 Heating Motor Volts 208 2I2 LAT 100 r02 Motor Volts 208 272 EAT 68 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 30 Motor Amps 3.2 2.4 MBH 21 -3 L4 .1 Motor Amps 3.2 2.4 GPM I.1 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 1) ? / 1 \A CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB/VVB 11 /59 12 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 53 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 19 Control/Thermostaf Check OK GPM 3.5 3.2 Outside Air cFM LWT/EWT /44 51/44 Retum Air CFM 600 6r2 OSA TEMP. o Page 51 of 97 ' F*' ruffi lffiffi PROJECT: LOCATION: &"*w &wp&w&"-truffi TX&Y W&W*WY 8201WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER CLOSET o ,a TEST DATE. FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/16/01 & 5/30/01 21854j SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-2 p READINGS BY: R. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHC08 H.P.7/3 Serial Number 991601-10-5 RPM r1 25 Arr./Class CW,/HW/FAN COIL Volts 7L5 / 230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave POWER DRIVE F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 4-3/4" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/size 1-A2 3 Sheave Diam/Bore 1._1 /Att y 1/?tl No. Filter/type/size I-76x24x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 2 -9" Sheave C/L Distance TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 100 Ext Discharge S.P.0 .21 Register Total 700 123 Ext Suction S.P.0. 08 Fan RPM r,734 bdernal S.P.0.40 0.3s Motor RPM r,'7 36 FAN SUCTION 0.35 Heating Motor Volts 208 2L2 TAT 100 110 Motor Volts 208 212 EAT 68 13 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 31 Motor Amps 3.0 2.8 MBH 30.6 2L.4 Motor Amps 3.0 2.8 GPM 1.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 1'17 / 156 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/1/B 11/59 13 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 54 Vibration SLIGHT Temp. diff.25 T9 Control/Thermostat- Check OK GPM 4.8 5.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 53/44 Return Air CFM 700 123 OSA TEMP. FAN Page 52 of 97 r t=-=I Mffi Iffiffive ,,L PROJECT: LOCATION: &"rw &wp&w&^Ta& TX&T WffiW*MT B.207WESTHAVEN CONDOMTNTUMS BATH 2 SYSTEM/UNIT: EC'1 o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 FAN SUCT]ON INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL 5/16/01 & 5/30/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame \J E. Model NoiType/Size 3 6-HBAW-4 H.P.7/3 Serial Number w060673529 RPM r7 25 Arr./Class CW/HW/EAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6-7/4" X 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-AX35 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore a_l /Att X 1/2tl No. Filter/type/size 7-76X32X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.25" Sheave C/L Distance 72" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.08 Register Total 850 846 Ext Suction S.P.0.03 Fan RPM 809 External S.P.0.41 0.11 Motor RPM 1 1q)FAN SUCTION 0.23 Heating Motor Volts 208 2II LAT 99 r01 Motor Volts 208 2r7 EAT -19 12 Motor Volts Temp. diff.118 35 Motor Amps 3.0 2.1 MBH 99-5 23 .1 Motor Amps 3.0 2.1 GPM ?5 4.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT r80 /11 1- / 751 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBAT/B 19/59 12 Sound Levels OK I.AT t-A 56 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 t6 Contronhermostat-Check OK GPM 2-5 3.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT / 44 51/43 Return Air CFM 850 846 OSA TEMP. Page 53 of 97 ruffi PROJECT SYSTEM F--", Lffi@ WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS &&W *t}YLWY YW&T WWWWWV 8201 FAN COTI SUPPIY AIR o 8201 FC-1 POVt 1 A 72X3 40 44 43 1O8o/o BED 2 2 A 72X4 90 93 92 1O2o/o BED 2 A 72x4 100 118 I01 'l070a BED 2 BATH 4 A 72x4 10 82 "75 107o/o BED 3 A 12x4 100 86 94 94o/o BED 3 o A t2x4 130 118 128 98% bLD J IJAIIl 7 A 72X4 70 79 13 1O4o/o TOTAL 600 620 orz 102"/o F.C-2 MASTER BATH I A 18 X 4 120 r52 776 970/o MASTER BED 9 ]-2X4 100 244 241 247"/o MASTER BtrD 10 22X6 240 252 253 1O5"/o MASTER BED 11 22x6 240 779 701 4i%o TOTAL 700 161 123 103"/. EC-7 DINING 12 A 20x4 155 241 150 s70/, DINING 13 A 24x4 200 267 791 990/. LIVING 14 A 24x4 200 211 206 1030/. LIVING 15 |A 20x4 155 2L8 144 93% KITCHEN 16 1 A 72x4 10 130 /o 109% HALL 17 |A 72X4 10 I2I 13 1O4o/o TOTAL 850 7,260 846 100% REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hood'l 5/L6/01 21854j READINGS BY: C. GORMAN & s/29/01 Page 54 of 97 o o o &aw &ww&w&"{t-\ffi T*ffiY W*W*WT B.202PROJECT: LOCATION: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER CLOSET TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 s/08/07 21 854) SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-1 AND COIL READINGS BY: C. GORMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARR]ER Make/Frame BALDOR Model NoiType/Size 42BHC06 H. P.1/3 Serial Number 991601-10-1 RPM I125 Arr./Class CW,/HW/FAN COIL Volts 7]-5/208/230 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore AK5 4 S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Beltvmake/size \-A2L NErt Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4n x l/2n No. Filter/type/size L-L6X24X2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S. P.0.09 Register Total 2L5 l3u El:t Suction S.P.0.05 Fan RPM 1,007 External S.P.0.55 0. 14 Motor RPM r,125 FAN SUCTION 0.23 Heatlng Motor Volts 208 2L2 lAl 100 L04 Motor Volts 208 EAT 68 1a Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 33 Motor Amps 3.2 2.5 MBH 21 .3 6.r Motor Amps 3.2 2.5 GPM 1q 2.0 Molor Amps EWT/LWT 717 / r52 Cooling Starter EAT DBAA/B 11/59 1L Sound Levels OK LAT 52 53 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 18 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 3.5 4.0 Outside Air CFM L\A/T/EWT /44 52/43 Return Air CFM 600 230 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTION INCLUDES ILTER AND COTL ^P & 5/30/01 Page 55 of 97 t""',F** 'Wffiw &gw &pp&w&"Twffi "{w"&-r w"xp*reY 8202 ruffi PROJECT: LOCATION: VfESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS LAUNDRY ROOM o SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-3 SUCTION INCLUDES Ff],TER AND COIL TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/08/01 & 5/30/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRTER MaRetFrlame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHC72 H.P.t/2 Serial Number 99160-90-1 RPM 7'125 Arr./Class CWIHW/FAN COIL Volts r75 / 230 Discharge HORI ZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 8.4/4.2 Sheave Diam/Bore 1-Ar,64 x 3/4"S.L.Amps 7 -25 NO. Belts/make/size A25 Sheave Diam/Bore ?-1 /An X 1/2tt No. Filter/type/size 1- 18X33X2 Sheave oper. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance r2" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.05 Register Total 850 904 Ext Suction S.P.0.10 Fan RPM 928 External S.P.0.43 0.15 Motor RPM 1 '1 'q 1 ??A FAN SUCTION 0 .51 Heating Motor Volts 208 2L2 LAT 100 108 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAT 68 '77 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 31 Motor Amps 4.2 ?2 MBH 39 -2 26.8 Motor Amps 4.2 ?)GPM 7.1 2.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 780 /rlL/753 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB/VVB 11/59 17 Sound Levels OK LAT 54 54 Vibration OK Temp. diff.23 I1 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 2.5 2.8 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT 56/44 Return Air CFM 850 904 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCT Page 56 of 97 t"- ffiwffi PROJECT: LOCATION; &tw &ww&w&,T13& YWWry WWW*WT B202WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS LAUNDRY ROOM 1o AN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL 5/L6/01 & 5/30/01 218s4) SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-9 P. READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 6oBVW W/60VH-2 H,P.1/2 Serial Number w06061 4rr2 RPM 7125 Arr./Class CW,/HW,/FAN COTL Volts rr5/208 /230 Discharge UP FLOh]Phase/Hertz 1/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 8.6/4."t/4-3 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps r .25 NO. Belts/make/size 1-AX41 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore a-1 lAn X 1/?n No. Filter/typelsize 2-76X25X2 Sheave ooer. Diam 2 . B" LOI'EST Sheave C/L Distance 1^tl TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM r,200 Ext Discharge S.P.0.72 Register Total L,200 7,206 Ext Suction S.P.0.10 Fan RPM 643 External S.P.0.33 0.22 Motor RPM r,125 't ?qq FAN SUCTION 0 .21 Heating Motor Volts 208 2TI LAT 11 r]-4 Motor Volts 208 2II EAT 2 '7I Motor Volts Temp. diff.15 il -J Motor Amps a'1 3.5 MBH 102 .5 41 c, Motor Amps 4.1 3.5 GPM 20.0 10.0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 780 /11 7/749 CFtA Cooling Starter EAT DBAruB 19/59 1I Sound Levels OK LAT 55 Vibration OK Temp. diff.24 L1 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 4.1 4.'7+- Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 s3/44 Return Air CFM r,200 r,206 OSA TEMP. r Page 57 of 97 {' ru@L PROJECT SYSTEM E*W ffiWTLWT YY.&T W&PffiWY WESTHAVEN CONDOMINI UMS B202 FAN COT], SUPPI,Y ATR CFM CFM o/o B202 FC-1 MASTER BATH 1 18X4 120 ITl I2'7 106V.MASTER CLOSET L2x3 55 DE],ETED MAS?ER BED A 20x6 270 215 111 105%MASTER BED 4 A 20x6 2r5 2'71 230 '1O71/o TOTAI 600 603 578 96%FC-3 BED 2 c 12x4 90 113 91 101%BED 2 o L2x4 BO 94 B3 104v.BED 2 BATH 12X4 10 17'7 11 11Oo/oLIA i T 8 12X4 50 62 q.A 1080/.BED 3 I A 72X4 75 771 B1 1080/0BED 3 10 A 12X4 BO 150 B6 1080/0BED 3 BATH 11 A L2x4 10 89 15 107%HALL 12 A 72x4 10 70 16 1090/0 POW.13 A 72x3 40 53 108%BED 4 BATH 14 A 72x4 10 103 t4 106%BED 4 15 A 72x4 15 115 79 105%BED 4 16 A 12x4 BO 108 B5 106% TOTAL Bs0 904 106%FC-9 KITCHEN '17 A 12X4 90 119 B9 99% ENTRY 18 1_2X4 55 81 58 1050/0DINING19A24X42L52552IB1010/0DINTNG20A24X4270264209100%L]VING 21 A 24x4 2r0 319 205 98%LIVING 22 A 24x4 2r0 236 2II 1000/oLIVING23A24x42r0250276103% TOTAL 1,200 1, 530 7,206 101% REMARKS: o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/16/07 21854j READINGS BY: c. GoRMANoe 5/29/01 Page 58 of 97 e,*W f4WP&We,YAiffi TWffiT W"WW*WY 8301 ,O PROJECT: LOCATION: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS POWDER ROOM SYSTEM/UNIT: FC-1 FAN SUCTTON INCLUDES FILTER AND COI]. 5/77/01 & 5/30/01 21854)READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARR]ER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size 42BHCO6 H.P.7/3 Serial Number 991_601-10-1 RPM 11 25 An./Class CWIHW,/FAN COIL Volts 7r5/208/230 Discharge HORTZONTAL Phase/Hertz t/60 Make Sheave BROWNTNG F.L.Amps 6.O/3.2/3.O Sheave Diam/Bore AR56 X 3/4'' NEW S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size T-4L250 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" x 1/2" No. Filter/typelsize L-16X24X2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3. 5" Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.08 Register Total 600 616 Ext Suction S-P.0 .01 Fan RPM 961 External S.P.0.55 0.15 Motor RPM It"t25 '] ?ER FAN SUCTION 0 -21 leating Motor Volts 208 272 TAT 100 11,2 Motor Volts 208 2L2 EAT 6B 13 Motor Volts Temp. diff.32 39 Motor Amps 2-4 MBH )'1 ?t9.2 Motor Amps 3.2 2.4 GPM 1.5 r.1 Motor Amps EWT/LWT r77/I53 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/|/B 17 /59 13 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 51 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 16 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 3.5 3.1 outside Air cFM LWT/E\A/T / 44 c'\ F, / A? Return Air CFM 600 6L6 OSA TEMP. o Page 59 of 97 t t-*l ru@LffiW PROJECT: LOCATION: e"*w &ppe"re&T*"jffi -{w%'{ www*wT 8301 'O WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MASTER CLOSET SYSTEM/UNIT: EC-2 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL P. 5/08-71/01 & 5/30/01 21854)READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame BALDOR Model No/Type/Size A2BHCO6 H.P.L/3 Serial Number 991607-20-I RPM 7125 Arr./Class CW/HW,/FAN COIL Volts 208-230 Discharge HORIZONTA],Phase/Hertz L/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNTNG F.L.Amps 6.0/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore AR54 X 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.15 NO. Belts/make/size L-A23 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-l/4" x L/2" No. Filterftype/size L-76X24x2 Sheave oper. Diam 2 -9" Sheave C/L Distance 9" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 100 Ext Discharge S.P.0 .12 Register Total 700 139 Ext Suction S.P.0. 05 Fan RPM 1 1)A EKernal S.P.0. 40 0.17 Molor RPM I,725 L ,130 FAN SUCTION 0.33 Heeting Motor Volts 208 2L2 LAT 100 101 Motor Volts 208 272 6B 13 Motor Volts Temp. dif{.32 28 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 MBH 30.6 16 .5 Motor Amps 3.0 2.5 GPM 1.5 t.1 Motor Amps EWTiLWT r1 1/754 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DBM/B 11 /59 13 Sound Levels MED LAT 52 51 Vibration SL]GHT Temp. diff.25 22 Control/Thermoslat-Check OK GPM 4.8 5.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 52/43 Return Air CFM 700 739 OSA TEMP. o Page 60 of 97 wew PROJECT: LOCATION. F*, 1ffiffi &,$w &ryp&we'ru& TW&Z reWWffiWT 8301liESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS BED 2 o SYSTEM/UNIT: EC-1 INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL ^P. READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/r1/01 2185 4j UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC ATRE Make/Frame Model No/Type/Size Jb-_rllJAW-4 H.P-1/3 Serial Number w06061 3523 RPM 11 25 Arr./Class CWIHW,/FAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORTZONTAL PhaseiHertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3 -0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-AX35 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore ?-1 /An Y 1/?tl No. Filternype/size r-I6Y32x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.25" NEW Sheave C/L Distance 72" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0.08 Register Total 650 61 2 Ext Suction S.P.0.07 Fan RPM 847 External S.P.0 .4r 0. 15 Motor RPM 7,125 7 ,1 4-7 FAN SUCTION 0 .21 Heating Motor Volts 208 2I2 LAT 99 108 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAT -79 13 Motor Volts Temp. diff.118 35 Motor Amps 3.2 2.,MBH 99. 5 18. B Motor Amps 3.2 2.5 GPM 3.5 3.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT rB0l r17 / r51 CFLA Cooling Startef EAT DBM,B 19/59 t3 Sound Levels OK LAT 54 51 Vibration SLIGHT Temp. diff.25 22 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 2.5 3.0 outside Air cFM LWT/EWT /44 55/44 Retum Air CFM 8s0 6't 2 OSA TEMP. FAN SUCTIOI & 5/30/01 Page 61 of 97 '|F' zuffi 1ffiffi PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMIN] UMS fe"tw W*YL*T Tm&T W"ffiWffiWT B301 FAN COIL SUPPLY AIR 8301 FC-1 POW 1 A 12x3 40 43 43 'to80 BED 2 A 12x4 90 91 91 108Vo BED 2 A 72x4 100 r02 702 102% BED 2 BATH 4 A 12x4 10 16 16 109% BED 3 A 12x4 100 91 91 97% BED 3 o A 72x4 130 124 724 95% BED 3 BATH 7 A 72x4 70 11 11 1100/o TOTA],600 616 676 '1o3./" FC-2 MASTER BATH 8 A 18 X 4 120 159 123 1030/. MASTER BED I A 22x6 240 21 7 256 107Vo MASTER BED 't0 22x6 240 234 253 1050/0 MASTER BED 11 72x4 100 91 707 1070/o TOTAL 700 167 't 39 '1060/o FC-7 D]NING 12 A 20x4 155 224 r3z 98% DIN]NG 13 A 24x4 200 240 209 1050/o LIVING 14 A 20x4 155 250 764 1O6"/o K]TCHEN '15 72x4 10 131 76 109% HALL '16 A 72x4 10 103 71 101"/. TOTAL 650 948 612 1030/. I I REMARKS: o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/22/01 21854j READINGS BY: C. GoRMANo Page 62 of 97 I F*-' ruffi Lffiw PROJECT: LOCATION: er\ffi &^yw&we"K*ffi "{ffi&Y &Xp*Wv', 8302 .o WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS MAINT 4TH FLOOR SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc_4 FAN SUCTION INCIUDES FTLTER AND COIL TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/16/01 & 5/30/01 21854j P. READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 5b-iJVW-TJ H.P.7/3 Serial Number w051260103 RPM 11 25 Arr./CIass CW,/HWIFAN COIL Volts LLs/208/230 Discharge UP F]-.,OW Phase/Hertz 7/60 Make Sheave BROWNTNG F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1 .35 NO. Belts/make/size 1-4L4 00 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4" X 712" No. Filter/type/size I-20x20x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance l Att TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 600 Ext Discharge S.P.0.10 Register Total 595 626 Ext Suction S.P.0. 13 Fan RPM 852 External S.P.0 .41 0 .23 Motor RPM 1 '1 )E,r,'7 48 FAN SUCTION 0.34 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT 100 106 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAI 6B AO Motor Volts Temp. diff.JL 3'7 Motor Amps ?)2.3 MBH 26,3 18.5 Motor Amps 3.2 2.3 GPM 1.5 1q Motor Amps E\A/T/LWT IBO /7't 7 / 747 CFI.A Cooling Starter EAT DB/VVB '71159 69 Sound Levels OK LAT 52 52 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 L1 Control/Thermostat-Check AK GPM 5.0 5.0 Outside Air CFM L'il/T/E\A/T /44 5r/43 Retum Air CFM 600 ozo OSA TEMP.( Page 63 of 97 PROJECT: LOCATION: &*w eww&w"&,vw& Ttr&g WWW*WY 8302 .O WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS ATTIC SPACE 4TH LEVEL SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-6 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FTLTER AUO COTT,P. 5/22/01 & 5/30/01 21 854J READINGS BY: c. GoRMANo TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make CARRIER Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 42BHC76R H.P.7/2 Serial Number 991601-100-1 RPM 77 25 Arr./Class CW/HW/FAN coIL Volts rr5/208/23o Discharge HORTZONTA],Phase/Hertz 1"/ 60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 8.6/4.r/4.3 Sheave Diam/Bore 1-AK64 X 1'' NEW S.L.Amps 1 'qNO. Belts/make/size I_AX26 NEW Sheave Diam/Bore 1-?/An v 1/2tl No. Filter/type/size 7-76x24x2 Sheave ooer. Diam 3.4'' LOWEST Sheave C/L Distance 11" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total cFM 1, 350 Ext Discharge S.P.0.06 Register Total 7,200 1_,280 Ext Suction S.P.0.15 Fan RPM 199 External S.P.0.50 0 .2r Molor RPM 7 ,'/ 25 7, "7 40 FAN SUCTION 0.50 Heating Motor Volts 208 2r2 LAT B5 L02 Motor Volts 208 2I2 EAT 10 1'7 Motor Volts Temp. dif{.15 Motor Amps 4.0 )q MBH 105. 9 25 .6 Motor Amps 4.0 2.5 GPM 6.5 Motor Amps EWT/L\A/T LBO /I1 L/L41 CFLA Cooling Starter E/\ |DBM/B I d / aY 1'7 Sound Levels OK LAT 53 58 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 I9 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 6.2 6.5 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 54/43 Return Air CFM -t ?qn 0 OSA TEMP. Page 64 of 97 &aw &p?t &.p"7&3ffi TW&T WWWffiWT 8302 o PROJECT: LOCATION: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS HALLWAY 4TH FLOOF.SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-7 FAN SUCTION INCLUDES FILTER AND COIL P. s/22/01 & 5/30/01 21854j READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGTC AIRE Make/Frame GE Model No/Type/Size 3 6-HBAW-4 H,P.t/3 Serial Number w0601 3526 RPM L7 25 Arr./Class CWIHW,/FAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge HORIZONTAL Phase/Hertz r/60 Make Sheave BROWNTNG F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L.Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size T-4L3BO NEW Sheave Diam/Bore NEW 3-7/4" x 1/2" No. Filter/type/slze r- rtJ}.5 zLz Sheave oper. Diam 3.25" NEW Sheave C/L Distance 72" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Exl Disoharge S.P.0.06 Register Total 850 827 Ext Suction S.P.0.05 Fan RPM 8r4 External S.P.0 .47 0.11 Motor RPM 1 -aE FAN SUCTION 0 .25 Heating Motor Volts 208 272 LAT 99 103 Motor Volts 208 212 EAI -19 1I Molor Volts Temp. diff.118 32 Motor Amps 3.0 2.1 MBH 99. 5 2r .0 Motor Amps 3.0 2.'1 GPM 3.5 Motor Amps EWT/LWT 780 /r11/r54 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/VB 19/59 69 Sound Levels OK LAT 54 55 Vibration OK Temp. diff.25 T4 Controlff hermostat-Check OK GPM 2.5 3.0 Outside Air CFM LWT/EWT /44 53/44 Return Air CFM 850 827 OSA TEMP. o Page 65 of 97 t' b--t ruffi 1ffitr PROJECT: LOCATION. &tw e"ww&w&Tt"}ffi YW.*g WWW*W"T 8302WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS EQ ROOM 4TH FLOOR ,f SYSTEM/UNIT: Fc-B SUCTTON ]NCLUDES FILTER AND COIL ^P. TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 4-38 5/22/01 & s/30/01 21854j READINGS BY. c. GORMAN UNIT DATA MOTOR DATA Make MAGIC AIRE Make/Frame Model No/Type/Size 3 6BV!i-D H.P,L/3 Serial Number w0 60512698 RPM r I z3 Arr.lClass CW/HIiIEAN COIL Volts 208 Discharge UP FLOW Phase/Hertz L/60 Make Sheave BROWNING F.L.Amps 6.0/3.2/3.0 Sheave Diam/Bore 6" x 3/4"S.L-Amps 1.35 NO. Belts/make/size r- 4L470 Sheave Diam/Bore 3-3/4u X 7/2" No. Filter/type/size 7-20x20x2 Sheave oDer. Diam 3.5" Sheave C/L Distance l Atl TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 850 Ext Discharge S.P.0. 10 Register Total 850 832 Ext Suction S.P.0 .42 Fan RPM 91 9 External S.P.0.48 0-52 Motor RPM 7,7 25 FAN SUCTION 0.58 Heating Motor Volts 208 272 LAT 79 109 Motor Volts 208 2r2 EAT -79 69 Motor Volts Temp. diff.9B 40 Motor Amps 3.0 2.6 MBH 78.0 26 .6 Motor Amps 3.0 2.6 GPM 7'7 .0 Motor Amps EWT/LWT r80 /L13 / 752 CFLA Cooling Starter EAT DB^/1/B "o/qq 69 Sound Levels OK LAT 55 TA Vibration OK Temp. diff.24 15 Control/Thermostat-Check OK GPM 5.2 5.2 Outside Air GFM LWT/EWT / 44 41/42 Return Air CFM 8s0 832 OSA TEMP, FAN o Page 66 of 97 WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS &rw *zlYLffiT Tw,%T www*w-{ B302PROJECT SYSTEM Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl YoT Outlet Size Design CFM Prel. CFM Final CFM o o 5/22/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN B3O2 UPPER LEVEL Fc-4 BED 7 MATN LEVEL l 20x4 155 L61 L61 108% MASTER ENTRY UPL A 18X4 L20 714 114 95% MASTER BED UPL A 20x4 160 11 2 1,12 IOBYo MASTER BED UPI 4 A 20x4 160 r'7 3 1,7 3 1Oa"/o TOTAL 595 626 626 105% FC-6 UPPER LEVE]., OPEN TO BELOW 5 B 36 x 4 300 32r 324 108V" OPEN TO BELOW D 36x4 300 354 379 106"/" OPEN TO BELOW 7 lf 36 x 4 300 428 321 107V" OPEN TO BELOW 8 B 36 x 4 300 357 3r6 105% TOTAL r,200 r, 460 7,280 10716 EC-7 UPPER LEVEI POW. 1 o A 12x4 40 69 44 1100/" TUB RM.10 A t2x4 40 66 43 108% POW. 2 11 A 1-2X4 40 ol 4L 103% HA],L 12 A 72x4 10 DELETED BED 4 13 20x4 180 291 792 107% BATH 3 (BED 4-5)14 A ),2x4 10 r)J 16 109% BED 5 15 A 20x4 180 21 3 194 IOBYI BED 6 16 B 20x6 230 301 23t 100% TOTAL 850 1 1?A 827 97% T REMARKS: Page 67 of 97 o r hr-.'l roffiIffiffi'2---r"a PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMTN]UMS &fi{e, ffi*"{TLWT TW&T WWW*Wry 8302 (continued) EAN COIL SUPPLY AIR A?n? / nnn+ i nrrorl \ FC-8 MAIN LEVEL EX]T,/MUD RM 17 A 12X3 50 9l 53 'l060/0 BED 1 18 A 20x4 110 114 r61 98% BATH 1 (BED 1-2)19 A 12X4 30 30 30 '100% BATH 1 (BED I-2)20 A 12X4 40 37 37 93% BED 2 21 A 20x4 170 ]-64 ruo 98"/o OFFICE 22 A 12X4 50 46 46 92% HALL 23 A 12x4 100 98 9B 98% BATH 2 24 A 12x4 '70 74 14 1060/6 BED 3 25 A 2AX4 770 161 767 950h TOTAL 850 82].832 98o/o REMARKS; o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hood 1 5/22/01 21854j READINGSBY: C. GoRMAN Page 68 of 97 t" WW PROJECT LOCATION WESTHAVEN CONDOMIN]UMS ffi {&,* &W*&&& & W &L\,f m / Y L*W3 ww"{xwvxwv wwwffiwT BUILDING 'BI o SYSTEM FAN coILS - CW READINGS BY: C. GORMAN TESTDATE: FILENAME: 5/23/01 2'7 B5 4) o SERVICE OR DESIGNATION SIZE INCHES MODEL DESIGN GPM ACTUAL VALVE SETPOINT AO I UAL VALVE PD FEET ACTUAL GPM NOTES 8101 FC- 1 1 B&G 3.5 0.0 0.1 3.0 FC-2 1 B&G 4.8 20.0 4.8 4.5 FC- 7 3/4 2.5 0.0 1.9 2.1 BTO2 r L- L 1 TA 3.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 FC-3 3/4 TA 2.5 3.0 0.5 30.0 FC- 9 1 TA 4.1 2.0 11.0 5.0 82OI FC-1 1 lJd.\J 3.5 30.0 10.0 ?, EC-2 1 lf 0. tJ 4.8 25.0 12 .0 5.0 FC-7 1 TA 2.5 2.0 1.0 3.0 8202 FC- 1 7 ?A ?q 2.0 2.0 4.0 FC- 3 1 B&G 2.5 10.0 2.8 FC- 4 1 TA 5.0 4.0 4.0 83 01 FC- 1 I 3.5 2.0 2.0 ?7 FC-2 I TA 4.8 2.0 3.0 5.0 FC-7 1 TA 2.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 REMARKS: Page 69 of 97 WESTHAVEN CONDOM]NIUMS ffi e* &?,& *&w & v &Lv w r &**w WffiVWreTWffiY WWW*Wry BUTLDTNG IBI o PROJECT LOCATION TESTDATE: FILENAME: 5/23/01 21 B5 4j SYSTEM FAN coILS - cW READINGS BY: C. GORMAN LOBBIES Page 70 of 97 o w e* &ba**r"& ffi \,f &*\,f w" f r Lww WWVWWryWffiT reffiW*WY BUILDING IBIWESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS o PROJECT LOCATION TESTDATE: FILENAME; 5/29/0'1 21854j SYSTEM FAN COILS - HOT WATER READINGS BY: R. GORMAN IiERVICE OR DESIGNATION SIZE INCHES MODEL DESIGN GPM AC I UAL VALVE SETPOINT AO I UAL VALVE P.D. FEET ACTUAL GPM NOTES 8101 FC- 1 1 I)&\f 1.5 30.0 2.0 1.8 EC-2 3/4 ll 6r lr 1.5 0.0 1.1 I.1 FC-1 3/4 3.5 0.0 2.0 2.5 WIDE OPEN 8102 FC- 1 1 TA 1.5 2.0 1.5+-INACCESSIBLE FC- 3 1 TA r.1 2.0 1.0 2.0 FC- 9 1 TA 20.0 4.0 )A 11.0 WIDE OPEN 82OI FC-1 1 B&G 1.5 20 .0 7.1 FC_2 1 tl&\J 28.0 4.0 1.5 FC-'7 1 TA 3.5 31. 0 0.5 4.0 8202 r \-- t 3/4 B&G 1.5+-INACCESSIBLE FC-3 3/4 TA 1, .1 2.0 0.6 2.6 FC- 9 1 TA 20.0 4.0 2.0 10.0 WIDE OPEN 83 01 FC- 1 1 TA 1.5 2.0 1.0 1, .'7 FC-2 1 TA 1.5 2-0 1.0 1.1 FC-7 I TA 3.5 4.0 0.5 3.5 KS: o Page 71 of 97 w e* &?&*,rbe ffi v &*,t w { Y L*w wwYwwry*&T w"ffiw*re-{ PROJECT LOCATION TESTDATE; FILENAME: 5/29/0'/ 2'7 854) v'lESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS o READINGS BY: R. GoRMAN BUII,DING I B' - HOT WATBR LOBBIES Page 72 of 97 I ffiffi PROJECT SYSTEM h*' 1ffiffi WESTHAVEN CONDOMIN]UMS A,gR ffiq-JTLffiT ?A$T RSPSRT BUILDING I B' EXHAUST FANS Area Served TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/22/0'l 21 854) Outlet Size Prel. CFM READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN o MASTER TOILET MASTER TUB MASTER TOTLET MASTER BATH MASTER TOILET MASTER TUB MASTER TOfLET MASTER BATH MASTER TOILET MASTER TUB REMARKS: o Page 73 of 97 wxk&&t$ffiT r &b& ryw.ffiry wffiw*wY PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS Area Served System# No. Dbslgn CFM 5/29/07 READINGS BY: c. Gorman Ffnal CFM o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/9/01 21854j 8101 BED 2 BATH EE-2 100 91 BED 3 BATH E I-L 100 109 POW EF- 1 50 48 810 2 BED 2 BATH 1 EF-2 100 97 BED 3 BATH Lt-z 100 110 BED 4 BATH EF-2 100 103 POW 4 EF- 1 50 52 82 01 BED 2 BATH 1 Lt - z 100 108 BED 3 BATH EF_2 100 109 POW Etr- 1 50 53 8202 BED 2 BATH Lt - z t-00 103 BED 3 BATH 2 EF-2 100 106 POW EE_2 100 94 BBD 4 BATH Lt - z 100 107 EF- 1 FANTECH FRlOO 50 EE-2 FANTECH FR11O 100 EF-10 PANASONTC FV05VQ2 50 EF-11 PANASONIC FV11vQ2 100 REMARKS: Page 74 of 97 WKffi&\J%T F P.WA TW"*:T WWWffiWT o WW PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMTNIUMS Area Served {a System No. Design CFM Final CFM o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/29/01 21854) 83 01 BED 2 BATH Lr-z 100 9B BED 3 BATH r,t-z 100 104 POW EF-1 50 52 8302 MATN IEVEI BATH 1 (BED 1-2)1 LI -IJ 200 181 BATH 2 EF-11 100 B5 MASTER BA?H EF-11 100 81 MASTER TO]LET 4 EF- 1O 50 63 UPPER LEVEL BATH 3 (BED 4-5)5 EF- 11 100 91 POW. 2 o trF-10 50 to TUB RM 7 EF_10 50 15 POW. 1 8 EF-10 50 '1 9 -L _r -_t FANTECH FRlOO 50 LI-Z FANTECH FR11O 100 EF-10 PANASONIC FV05VQ2 50 EF-11 PANASONIC FV11vQ2 100 REMARKS: ,(D READINGS BY: c.Gorman Page 75 of 97 PROJECT: WESTHAVEN coNDoS SECTION B L D G ^- BOTH ,o FILE NAME; 21854i FAf".I Ttr,ST ffifiPORT PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMTNIUMS FAN DATA FAN NO.FAN NO.FAN NO. Fan Number EF-3 EF- 4 Lr-:) Location WEST GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE WEST Service WEST GARAGE GARAGE ELEVATOR EQ RM Manufacturer GREENHECK GREENHECK GREENHECK Model Number SBE-2L48-30 sE1-12-432-D SP-A9OO Serial Number 06870994 0 6E70995 70 4 61 564 Type/Class INI,INE INLINE CEILING Motor Make/Type RELIANCE FASCO FASCO Motor HP 3 I/B r/10 RPM 71 45 1550 3 SPD 1050 Volts 208/230/460 115 115 Phase/Hertz 3/60 !/60 r/60 FLA Amps B-4/8.2/4.2 r.1 4.U Motor Sheave Dia./Bore q-1 /Ln v 1-1 /An DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE Fan Sheave Dia.lBorc 1-AK84 X 1"w/o ssc w/o ssc No. Belts/Make/Size 1-AP63 Sheave CL Distance 13" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL CFM 2L,900 730 69r 800 '7 49 Fan RPM 464 458 1 ?q?r,6'74 890 ENCLOSED Motor RPM r,'l 45 r,16r T, 6'7 T 950 HI SPD S.P.lnlet 0.08 0.03 S.P.Discharge 0.L2 0.08 Total S.P 0 .24 0 .20 0 .24 0.11 0.L6 0 - 00 Voltage 208 2r2 115 t23 115 r22 Amps 8.4 q7 t.1 L.6 4.0 3.9 Amps 8.4 5.8 Amps 8.4 6.0 Starter 9- 13 G 9.0 BHP Sound Levels OK OK OK Vibration OK OK OK ro REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 8-83 EF-4 SWTTCH ]S EF-5 UNIT RUNS 5/r0/01 21854j ON THE UNTT CONTlNUOUSLY GormanoREADINGS BY: C. Page 77 af 97 FAru Tffi$T RHPSRToWW PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS FAN DATA FAN NO.FAN NO.FAN NO. Fan Number trF-5 EF- 6 EF-7 Location GARAGE EAST GARAGE TRASH ELECTRICA], RM Service ELEVATOR EQ RM GARAGE TRASH ELECTRICAL RM Manufacturer GREENHECK GREENHECK GREENHECK Model Number SP-A9OO SP-A250 S P-A4 1O Serial Number r0461 566 r04640r4 7Q 4r8132 Type/Class CEILTNG CEILING CEILTNG Motor Make/Type -E AJ LU FASCO MCMIIIAN Motor HP I/IO NOT LISTED 1 /10 RPM 10 50 1000 1100 Volts 115 115 115 Phase/Hertz r/60 r/60 L/60 FLA Amps 4.0 0.8 r-1 Motor Sheave Dia./Bore DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE Fan Sheave Dia./Bore W,/O SSC !.r,/o ssc W,/O SSC No. Belts/Make/Size Sheave CL Distance TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL CFM 800 189 234 -1ZL 350 409 Fan RPM 890 ENCLOSED 1,000 ENCLOSED 960 ENCl,OSED Motor RPM 1,050 HI SPD 1,000 HI SPD 1,100 HI SPD S.P.lnlet 0. 04 0 .02 0.03 S.P.Discharge n 1q 0.13 0.15 Total S.P 0.16 n 10 0.16 0.15 0.16 0. 18 Voltage 115 r22 115 r22 115 722 Amps 4-0 3.9 0.8 0.5 r.1 Amps Amps CFLA BHP Sound Levels OK OK OK Vibration OK OK OK ,o o REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME. tab 8-83 EF-6 HAS NO GRILL s/L0/01 21 854)READINGS BY: c. Gorman Page 78 of 97 WK*4 eW*,T W F&e T W"*Y re{x,W *Wry" o PROJECT SYSTEM WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS GARAGE LEVEL Area Served System No. Design CFM Final CFM -.- TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab hoodl 5/70/01 2'7 854) GARAGE LEVE], GARAGE SW EF- 1 50 121 GARAGE SW EF- 1 50 14 GARAGE SE EF- 1 50 12 EF_ 1 FANTECH FRlOO 50 TAG SHOWS CEM 100 115 v r/60 .17 AMPS .19 V{ATTS REMARKS. READINGS BY: C.Gorman Page 79 of 97 o *{$tT VXNTIL{4T*?, T**T W.U**WT' F-, tr4ffi 1ffiffi*5 PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO.UNIT NO. System Number CUH- 1 CUH- 1 CUH- 1 Locetion ENTRY SW A ENTRY SW B ENTRY SE A Service ENTRY SW A ENTRY SW B ENTRY SE A Coil Type HW HW H2 No. Rows-Fins/ln.3/70 3/r0 3/r0 Manufacture CARRIER CARRIER CARRIER Model No/Serial No 42VBA04 42VBA04 42VBA04 Fac,e Area. So. Ft. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL Air Qty, CFM 4r0 420 410 418 410 4LI Press. Drop LOW SPD LOW SPD LOW SPD EAT DBM/B 60 10 60 10 60 72 LAT 125 1,26 725 Air TemP. Diff.55 56 53 EWT 180 142 180 145 180 1,4 6 LWT ]_23 12I 720 Water Temo. Diff.79 24 26 MBH 21 -B 18.5 2"7 .B 1B -1 21 .B I1 .4 GPM 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.8 2.0 Ciruit Setter Size/No.TACO 7/2 TACO I/2 #30 HP L/12 ! / LZ r/12 Volts 120 120 \20 PhIHZ 7/60 r/ 60 r/ 60 REMARKS: ,o TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 5-83-cbi 5/30/01 21854) o READINGS BY: C. GORMAN Page 80 of 97 tlqtT vx*&TtL&.T*ft Ttr"fiV re#?*F4TI l*, #dffi lffiffi*L PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO.UNIT NO. System Number CUH- 1 Location STAIRS SE A Service STAIRS SE A Coil Type HW No. Rows-Fins/ln.3 /r0 Manufacture CARRIER Model No/Serial No 42vBA04 Face Area. Sq. Ft. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL Air Qty, CFM 4r0 A'42 EAT DB/VVB 60 12 LAT 125 Air Temp. Diff.60 53 EWT 180 146 LWT 720 Water TemD. Diff.180 26 MBH 21 .B L8 .4 GPM 1.8 2.0 Ciruit Setter Size/No. HP 7/72 Volts 120 PhIHZ 7/60 REMARKS:ENTRY SE A - NO POWER TO TH]S UN]T TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 5-83-cbi 5/30/01 21854)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN o Page 81 of 97 o *r'rw \dtrNTtL&T*n Ttr&T ftXr*reTr F*, ruffi lmreL PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO.UNIT NO. System Number uH-1 #1 uH-1 #2 uH-1 #3 Location GARAGE SW GARAGE NW GARAGE N Service ENTRY GARAGE NV{GARAGE N Coll Type HW HW HW No. Rows-Fins/ln.2/t0 2/L0 2/70 Manufacture REZNOR REZNOR REZNOR Model No/Serial No w>- zJ / JJ ws-23 / 33 w5-z J / 5J Face Area, Sq. Ft. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL AirQty, CFM 500 496 500 502 500 505 LAT MAX LOWHIG}724/727 119 L24 / r2r 722 124/12r 122 EAT 50 61 50 65 50 oo Air Temp. Diff.14 52 14 51 14 56 EWT 180 r42 180 r42 180 r42 LWT 728 r21 130 Water TemD. Diff.I4 T2 MBH 21 .9 20 .6 21 .9 22 .9 2'1 .9 22 .6 GPM 1.6 1.6+-7.6 1.6+-1-6 I.6+- Ciruit Setter Size/No.NONE NONE NONE HP 1/ 76 1/ 16 L/L6 Volts 120 120 ]-20 P\IHZ 7/60 L/60 L/60 o REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 5{3-cbi NO CIRCUIT SETTERS SUPP],Y VALVES ARE PROVIDED SET AT APPROXIMATELY 5O% 5/30/0't 21854)READINGS BY: C. GORMAN Page 82 of 97 ,_|WT VX?4T1Lry,T*p, T*"*\ {4Yp*reT PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMIN 1 UMS UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO.UNIT NO. System Number uH-1 +4 uH-1 #5 uH-1 #6 Location GARAGE N GARAGE NE GARAGE NE Service GARAGE N GARAGE NE GARAGE NE Coil Type HV[HW HId No- Rows-Fins/ln.2/r0 2/r0 2/r0 Manufacture REZNOR REZNOR REZNOR Model No/Serial No v0s-23,/33 w5-zJ/ JJ ws-23 /33 Face Area, Sq. Ft. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL AirQty, CFM 500 A1A s00 489 500 492 LAT MAX LOWHIGT 124/727 122 124/T2I 723 724/72r 124 EAT 50 61 50 6B 50 61 Air Temp. Diff.14 55 14 55 14 57 EWT 180 748 180 1,49 180 L49 LWT 136 136 L31 Water Temp. Diff.I2 13 I2 MBH 21 .9 2r .0 21 .9 2r .5 21 .9 22 .4 GPM 1.6 1.6+-1.6 1.6+-L.6 1.6+- Ciruit Setter Size/No.NONE NONE NONE HP r / Lo I / II)7/16 Volts 120 720 120 PhIHZ r/ 60 r/60 7/ 60 REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 5-83-cbi NO CIRCUIT SETTERS SUPPLY VALVES ARE PROVIDED SET AT APPROX]MATELY 50% 5/30/01 21854j o READINGS BY: C. GORMAN Page 83 of 97 u h**, ruffilmm*L PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS ,_3?4tT VXtu*TlL&"7*ry" Tffi"ffT W"X.?*WT UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO.UNIT NO. Svstem Number uH-2 +1 UH-1 #B vH-2 +9 Location GARAGE SE GARAGE SE GARAGE S Service FIRE ENTRY STAT GARAGE SE GARAGE S Coil Type HW HW HW No. Rows-Fins/ln.2 /r0 2/70 2/L0 Manufacture REZNOR REZNOR REZNOR Model No/Serial No w>-zJ/ JJ ws-23 /33 w5- z J / J J Face Area, Sq. Ft. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL Air Qty, CFM 400 420 500 495 400 4L0 Press. Drop Oul. Air Temp. DB/WB Ret. Air DB/WB LAT MAX LOWHIG}727 / L75 725 724 / r2r 123 1,21, / 71,5 ]-79 EAT 50 10 50 6B 50 63 Air Temp. Diff.1L 55 74 55 1\56 Press. Drop, PSI EWT 180 L49 180 148 180 L49 LWT 729 734 736 Water Temp. Diff.20 74 13 MBH r1 ,5 18.5 21 .9 2r .8 r1 .5 18.4 GPM 0.6 1.0 7.6 1. 6+-0.6 1.0 Ciruit Setter Size/No.NONE NONE NONE HP \/25 I/T6 7/2s Volts 720 120 L20 PhIHZ 7/60 L/60 7/60 REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 5-83rbi NO CIRCU]T SETTERS SUPP],Y VALVES ARE PROVIDED SET AT APPROXIMATELY 5O% 5/30/01 21854j o READINGS BY: C. GORMAN Page E4 of 97 r^)t$tT V#"t*"r1NA'T*ft T#.%T ri,*r2*wT' F*, ffi$r; LffiW PROJECT ''ESTHAVEN CONDOM]NTUMS UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO.UNIT NO. Svstem Number uH-1 #70 Location GARAGE S Service GARAGE S Coil Type HW No. Rows-Fins/ln.2 /r0 Manutaclure REZNOR Model No/Serial No ws-23/33 Face Area, Sq. Ft. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL Air Qty, CFM 500 506 LAT MAX LOWHIGI 724/72I r23 EAT 50 66 Air Temp- Diff.'74 57 EWT 180 r49 LWT 135 Water Temp. Diff.I4 M8H 21 .9 23.L GPM 1.6 1. 6+- Ciruit Setter Size/No.NONE HP 7/16 Volts 720 PhIHZ 7/60 o REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 5-83-cbi NO CIRCUIT SETTERS SUPPLY VALVES ARE PROVI DE D SET AT APPROXIMATELY 5O% 5/30/07 21854j o READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN Page 85 of 97 ,i- ' wdw PROJECT REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 17-83 b=-*** [mw *4#. fqT W'Y, * t4 &Y'A &ffi& f * *WV ffi *"{ {3 W -{W#T WffiTft*WY WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS 2" TA 35.0 GPM AT 2r +4.0 5/30/01 2'7 854)READINGS BY:C. GORMANo UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO,UNIT NO. System HX_1 Location BROILER ROOM Service SNOWMELT Rating. BTU/Hr. M an ufac'tu re r Model Number TFP5X12 L Serial Number WP7 L3 O TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL PRIMARY WATER Ent./LVG. Temp-180/ls0 T50 / r0'7 Temp. Diff.30 43 Ent./Lvg. Press. Press. Diff. GPM 34.6 35.0 SECONDARY WATER Ent./Lvg. Temp.'70/ro0 93 Temp.Diff.30 6B Ent./Lvg. Press. Press. Diff. GPM 31 .0 50.0 Control Set Point Page 86 of 97 o '-"'h-*roffi lffiffiUY_ PROJECT LOCATION WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS ffi &* &*& *tt& ffi \f e.*"^w ffi . { Y L*w W&XTXWTffi&T ftffiW*re"Y o REMARKS: No cIRCUIT sETTERS oN RISERS SYSTEM RISERS READINGS BY: C. GoRMAN TESTDATE: FILENAME: 5/29/0'7 21 854) o SERVICE OR DESIGNATION SIZE INCHES MODEL DESIGN GPM AgTUAL VALVE SETPOINT ACTUAL VALVE P.D. ACTUAL GPM NOTES CHILLED VTATER 1 1 2.5 2 2 21 .4 3 2 28.2 4 I-I/ 4 ?q 5 l-t/z I4.4 6 1-7/2 l-0.5 1 2-r/2 43.5 I 1--7 / 2 14.0 9 I_I/4 10.0 10 2 L9 -2 HOT IilATER 1 1 5.1 a 2-r/2 48.0 3 18.9 4 7-7/2 13.9 5 1 4.5 6 1 4.5 1 3 66.1 I r-1/ 4 9.9 9 1-1- / 2 r5.1 10 t-r/4 6.0 Page 87 of 97 o ,. W w efi^ &w *r?4 ffi v &Lw ffi. ! w ***w wwTffiw"Yx&Y wffiwffiwTW WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS ,o PROJECT LOCATION REMARKS: TESTDATE: FILENAME: Nlr\ 'TD'IITT qtrTTFDC RETURN TEMPERATURE SYSTEM SNOWMELT ON ZONES. READINGS USED TO CHECK FLOVi. READINGS BY: C. GORMAN SERVICE OR DESIGNATION SIZE INCHES MODEL DESIGN GPM ACTUAL VALVE SETPOINT AGTUAL VALVE P.D. ACTUAL GPM NOTES ZONE 1 WEST ZONE 2 MTD 9.8 ZONE 3 EAST 9.1 ZONtr 4 CHILLER PAD 2.9 ZONE 5 AREA WEI,L 0.3 ZONE 6 O.A. INTAKE 0.4 ZONE 7 EXHAUST PAD 0.2 ZONE B B1O2 DECK ZONE 9 B1O1 DECK 1.8 ZONE IO A1O2 DECK Tq ZONE 11 A101 DECK 2.3 ZONE 12 NORTH WALK 6.2 o 21854j Page 88 of 97 o i- l=** 'Iruffi lffiffi*eL'F- PROJECT WESTHAVEN coNDoMTNIUMS w et^ hw **"e & v &Lv tr" t F L*w wwYureTffi.&T KWW*W"T (o LOCATION TESTDATE: FILENAME: WITH 2 PUMPS RUNNING THE FLOW DOUBLED. 5/29/07 21854j SYSTEM HEAT EXCHANGERS READINGS BY: C. GORMAN o Page 89 of 97 o e*r\*wwr#&T www*wr PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOM]NIUMS UNIT DATA UNIT NO.UNIT NO.UNIT NO. System ll- I B-2 Location BROTLER ROOM BROILER ROOM Make/Model RHEOS RHEOS Type/Size Serial Number Type Fuel/lnput Output lgnation Type Burner Control Volts L20 PhaselHefiz 7/ 60 H.P./RPM F.L.Amps/S.F. TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL DESING ACTUAL LWT EWT Water Temo. Diff. GPM MBH High Limit Setting Operating Set Point BTU/Hr INPUT 2,000,000 BTU/Hr. OUTPUT 1,740,000 o REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: 2.7854j TAB 6-83/l heatapp Complete startup reports to be provided for the Boj lers by the Manu f acture I s Representative. READINGS BY: c. GORMAN Page 90 of 97 PX}WW Yffi&T WWWffiffiT PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMINTUMS PUMP DAT PUMP NO.PUMP NO.PUMP NO, Pump Number P-1 P-1 P-2 Location BROILER ROOM BROILER ROOM BROI],ER ROOM Service HOT WATER HOT WATER SNOWMELT CIRC Manufacturer GRUNDFOS GRUNDFOS GRUNDFOS Model Number rP50-240 /2 rP50-240 / 2 TP40-240 / 2 Serial Number N/A N,/A GPM/Head 96/40'96/ 40'31 / 5t' Req. NPSH Pump RPM 3450 3450 3450 lmpeller Dia.NOT STATED NOT STATED NOT STATED Motor Mft./Frame BALDOR BALDOR BALDOR Motor HP/RPM 2 /3450 2/3450 r.5/3450 Volts 208-230 / 460 208-230 / 460 208-230 / 460 Phase/Hertz 3/60 3/60 3/60 AmpVS.F.s.7-s.4/2.1 5.7-5.4/2.1 5.3-s.0/2.5 Seal Type MECH MECH MECH TEST DATA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL Pump. Off-Press.J O E) l-36 PSr 2B PST Valve Shut Diff.27.5 PSr 63.5,21 5 PSI 63 5'2B PSI 65' Act. lmpeller Diam. Valve Ooen Diff.8 PSI 19'B PSI 19'24 PSr 55' Valve Open GPM 160 OFF CHART 160 OFF CHART 50 Final Dischg. Press.53 PSI 49 PSI 50 PSI Final Suction Press.35 PSI J Z P> I 26 PSI Final Diff. Press.18 PSI 41.5'17 PSr 39'24 PSI 41.5' Finial GPM 118 S*/104 D*120 s*,/105 D*50 Voltage zrL/2L2/21-0 27t / 2L2 /2rI 2r2/213/272 Amps 4.8/4.3/4.3 4.5/q.6/4.5 4.A/4.0/3.9 RPM 3,453 3, 463 o REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 18-83 S* SINGLE PUMP D* DUA], PUMP TITO PI]WS NERE RUNNrIi'G gOR HOT WATER BALAtrICE. 5/29-30/01 27854j READINGS BY: C. GoRMANo Page 91 of 97 t' h*- ffiwffi lffiffi-**Lb.t*' PROJECT WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS PUMP TN$T RHPORT PUMP DAT PUMP NO.PUMP NO.PUMP NO. Pump Number P-5 A P-5 tJ Location BROILER ROOM BROILER ROOM CHILLER Service BOILER INJ.BOILER INJ.CHILLER Manufacturer GRUNDFOS GRUNDEOS ARMSTRONG Model Number TPBO-BO/4 TP80-80/4 4X4XB BF Serial Number N,/A N,/A GPM/Head r40 / 20'740 / 20'NOT STATED Req. NPSH Pump RPM 3450 3450 1750 lmpeller Dia.NOT STATED NOT STATED 1-3 Motor Mfr./Frame BALDOR BALDOR BALDOR MOtOr HP/RPM r.5/r.5/s /112s Volts 208-230 / 460 208-230 / 460 208-230 / 460 Phase/Hertz 3/60 3/60 3/60 Amps/S.F.5.3/s.0/2.5 5.2/5.0/2.5 L5.0/73.2/6.8 Seal Type MECH MECH MECH TEST DATA ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL Pumo. Off-Press.30 PSI 30 PSI 5Z YJL Valve Shut Ditf.12 PSr 28'7 PSI 16'23 PSr 53' Act. lmpeller Diam.'7.6" Valve Open Diff.9 PSr 27'9 PSI 19 PSI 44 Valve Open GPM 155 155 260 Final Dischg. Press.3B PSI 38 PSI 38 PS] Final Suction Press.28 5 PSI 28.5 PSI 18 PSI Final Diff. Press.9.5 PSr 22'9 5 PSI 2O PSI 46 Finial GPM 740 r40 200 Voltage 2r2 /2r3 /T-2 272/2r3/212 2r2/273/274 Amps 4 .3/3.8 / 4.2 4.3/3.8/4.2 9.4/9.8/70.4 RPM 3, 438 3,508 ENCLOSED o REMARKS: TEST DATE: FILE NAME: tab 18-83 5/24/01 21 B5 4)READINGS BY: c. GoRMAN 4" C.S @#4.5/3' 180 GPM & 5/29-30/0't Page 92 of 97 o 'tr1 :_ 60 HzPerformance Curves TPs0-40 BO 608 .rO S rlJ ?a 0 2.0 1-f; l2 o.a 0.4 ?0 40 60 B0 106 :20 14() CAPAC|TY {U.S. cPM) Iat @ o-Igl ao 60€ oaS ll-l 2Q {J !-i20 tr q o- :O 40 ^38F oloqu {] ,*..o'(iFrlJh|E'F.)S ;w li.i'.le' s o' l' "!$ f :hnok$, .e' 6.,'F ..'n'Eil[ .tr;ri]'.xl.ftil3i,:l"'it.# Materials of Construction TPs0,80.l o.7 ', {r6 I *.1, (2 0.4ia d- "-r ..,. :X} t- < r(,i o ao 6aF 4A rL TL20a c FIL '- tE-oa-zt, 20 40 00 80 100 1?.r1 CAPACTTY (U.S. APM) ao so8 z^ ti Itl ?o o -" i!rciI o- ?0 40 50 a0 100 120 140 .t60 caPAcrTY {u-s- GPM) TP50-240TP50-160 nJg iF4 Ssta€:trle lr tri*r, 56alir! nhb.grru 60.i. Go{dnu A',1.d- C$ln}uliio Crr} Atst 3t4 s1 fu5: dll $s Ps r'fJ rro,n'$' Mr{ sll\r',Cll$! rron 4lti$ Gl;25 'Rrxrze - Orrrrnd (it5a..{4ei ' S{rris\"y J-L@ i:al6nndrGq ii.' lv,st!,' rr44,{ii-'Su*iru,e st-rl aPOt! - Sait {Ji{v6rs AtSr i16 $.9. a'rv{ra 4161 3 '6 S{if!1jlr*r Eltrjlt .--Tq-v Ar:t 5o4 lxt tt trrr-,?e rr !rq!;arv r r ryr{in!* I ri !d a&f rtrfrr t;.dr.rit o FILE NAME: 21854i Page 93 of 97 Performance Curyes 10 2.o 30 40 50 6A 70 cAPe,cfY {u.s- GPM) itE-i6it o l0 2c 3C 4i, 5d 60 /0 i{O 9(, C-APACITY {U_S. cPM) tnfr(iFTUITIE F()S'-W *ktt.\ !. i,tut1 n .hd.iot{l ffi ,;*i.,Jro,; ff tl.,ii|:aa !. ;:, i., 60 Hz q 1,0 G on \1 Sou''- s o-.r a0 sl* aotu o 4 & o., 40 20g z(l -30 rr:o o TP40-80q 05 d s4 e u., s c2 ao -w o 10 ?3 30 40 50 ilo 7c ao caPActTY (u.S. cPM) 5{; 48 3O ?-a 10 {] t ro to iro 4c 5c 6c 70 gt gr) lt)o CAPAC|TY (u"s, GP!r, o{ construc iturio,. 3.+hs '4b :e{, Cce.!tut39 {j.,r, n. ,_r J.'t{rr8 { r d, rl!$ lM n$tet a:68-A@qe - {-}Jn(n.: iAiE ,riJ$l ' qdr*,:J rr*s!<bda'r s.xt !-l-.:th, 1;o+ C{r;'! tuJn l1b s5strdl, A,sr I r.r ..'i1;,:f'aM .jdenxri, FPS Otao FILE NAME: 21854i Page 94 of 97 TP6Of,l0 : '' .',1 60 Hz .? 0.4 e9 tz eq- t,!l:r tllrl .,: 3ot- o Ferformance Curves o 20 4t) ec 8o 1o'J 12' t4O 160 I g.J CAPACITY lU-S- cPM) 40 lio 129 160 tot CAPACTTY (U.S. GPM) 8Q {o,8 4{-r u- 2{} lll a 10 o- ruI o o : 30 u) 10g o- 9.0 !D 70 6C 50 F 4ll Iao t0 c ;i {!_ F t z 1Au 5(r i;0 40 20 0 ?L 21) l5 to 5 t) q 25 : 2.o 13"d '1.o : o.otso 4t 4o BO .12{r 1a3 2fr 24A caPActTY (u.s, cFir) /.o 80 !?! lito 2!0 ?.13 CAPAC|TY {U"S, GPM} ,*nfGF|TJNE FOS ,Xg Lthte" t| l\thf f&hatto$ rIry ia,:rt-:ti.,cri!- 1.,1i,-:e{ i .. . . :_'1,]!,r_-'1.p t! !$4,.'. .j 160 FILE NAME; 21854) Page 95 af 97 Selection preicedure (cont) PtlMp CURVE I FOA H.!'DRO!aIC PACXAGg SINGI' PUI'IP {Ft€sh water) PUMp CURVE lt FOR In{)RONIC PAt;ltr1cf, Sll'{CLF PIIMP (F exh w{rer) ,lD to.ool is,ot! i1t.(7ri ..a31' (?t1$) ta6.']4i 1t3' i.fitEflD t\|l$Hr * lcl F'o3i:i*r S(tcli€n H4.rd lPrassira) Requttc NOTc Rehr |c lile rcfi8 .krtu€tat,s o{ia$r { lor oPtiai den!,io}r|trr:. ,1ele' ic 1i€ Prrop imta{q 5t66 laHs if' pi!g+ l$ l|' ,CU): : : t::1{:) ,18.9ii {25.il41 : ': t q l-k'e !.;GEN;I\,r;.., :J::ifqliu.t6llo3d(F/6es.:r!: ::..,.r" '''i : : ' r :r4aig rr.rrwmlarr.t tn ni;ir J ' r ' l r' : - ,rJ$(i,t4erini Rete'roti.sPur4plnr.it-i::i,'z:!r'::31lir?plc' o FILE NAME: 278541 Page 96 of 97 *wa&ryreww&wwY *&*rww&vxffiY& wtffiw*wY PROJECT:WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS DATES OF USE CALIBRATION DATESINSTRUMENT/SERIAL #APPLICATION EXTECH TACHOMETER #L713 8 O 3 RPM READINGS MAY/JUNE O7 L0/25/06 SHIMPO STROBOSCOBE / CBI/CO 59 RPM READINGS MAY/ JUNE 07 LL/O4/06** FLUKE 336 CBI/CO VO],T,/ AMP READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 r0/25/06 FLUKE MO. 52 THERM/ 4 7 95182 TEMP . READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 r0/25/06 DIGITAL THERM. TAYLOR 9841 TEMP. READINGS MAY/JUNE O7 1l/04796** DWYER 485 DIDGITAL HYGROMETER A]R/HUMIDITY READ]NGS MAY/JUNE 07 L0/25/06 DWYER 475-1 ELEC.MANOMETER PRESSURE READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 10/25/06 ATR DATA MULT]METER/ W9310 O ATR FLOW READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 L0/L8/06 SHORTRIDGE FLOW HOOD/Mg13 O AIR FLOW READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 lt/04/06+* PITOT TUBE 1BI'PRES. READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 N/A PITOT TUBE 24'PRES. READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 N/A P]TOT TUBE 36'PRES. READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 N/A HYDRO DATA METER HDM 3OO,/# WO5O69 WATER PRES. READINGS MAY/ JUNE 07 5/25/05 rEST GAGE, 0-30 LBS/CBT/CO 2r2 WATER PRES. READINGS MAY/ JUNE 07 II / 04196* * Irs'r GAGE, 0-60 LBS/CBr/CO2I4 WATER PRES. READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 1L/04/06** TEST GAGE, O-2OO LBS/CBI/CO 21"5 WATER PRES. READINGS MAY/ JUNE 07 Ll/oa/06** TEST GAGE, -30+60 ],BS/ CBI/CO 205 WATER PRES. READINGS MAY/JUNE 07 17/04/06** HYDRO DATA METER/CB]/CO 211 WATER PRES. READTNGS MAY/JUNE 07 r0/24/06 o PROJECT ALTITUDE: CFM TRANS. FACTOR REMARKS: 8,150 0.80 AIR FLOIN CORRECTED -- checked to calibrated meter READINGS WTTH SHORTRTDGE INSTRUMENTS ARE FOR TEMPEFATURE .AND ALTI?UDE. o DATE: Page 97 of 97 &c'dp6tt a--'I ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM Project Name: Application Type: Project Descrlptlon: Pafticipants: OWNER MIRUS LLC C/O WN MANAGEMENT PO BOX7270 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT MIRUS LLC C/O WN MANAGEMENT PO BOX7270 AVON co 81620 0312612007 0312612007 ProjectAddressr 1325 WESTHAVEN DRVAIL 1325 WESTHAVEN DRIVE Legal DescrlpUon: Lot: Block SuMivlsloni CASCADE VILLAGE Comments; See Conditions Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road vail, co 81657 tel; 970-479-2138 far 970'479'2452 web: www.vailgov,com WESTHAVEN CONDO PLAT REVIEW CondThPl ADM l{umber: ADM070004 Parcel: 2103-121-0001-7 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AND ADMINISTMTIVE CONDO PTAT Location; Motion By: Second By: vote: Condltlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz Q313112007 Meeting Date: Cond:8 (P[AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: CON0008818 The applicant shall add a note to the plat statlng the purpose of the plat prior to submitting mylars for recording. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $100.00Planner! Application for Ad ministrative Subdivision Plat Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 97 0.47 9.2L39 faxt 970.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Genera! Information: It is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the provisions of Title 13, Vail Town Code, or to transfer, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, fractional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereofrecorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Type of Application and Fee: tr Duplex Subdivision Plattr Single Family Subdivision Plat $100 $100 + €3 3 ooo D m Administrative Plat Correction Condominiumflownhouse Plat $100 $100 Description of the Request: Subdlvide property into thirteen (13) condomlnlums and cormron areas. Location ofthe Proposall Lot:Block:Subdivision: Physical Address: 1325 Westhaven Drlve, Vail. Colorado Parcel No.: 210312100017 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: SDD Name(s) of Owner(s):Mi-rus , LLC Mailing Address:P.O. Box 7270 co 81620 970-949-6204 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicantr Mlrue, LLC Mailing Addressr P.O. Box 7270 Avon, C0 81620 Phone:949-6204 E-mail Address:Fax: 949-L966 wJ wrlght Gwtl- ghtandconpanyinc . com F"T,?ff"" rFD','' It' lV check No.: ll t cl Bv:t/J) LLC Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative_Actions\Plat Review\condo_thlolat.doc Page 1 of 4 12-6-2OOs ***+++*****++*******+*+********:t *****:* * *** + ++ +***********+*+****'t*++* ***** *+****** ** ****** * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ,* +*** +** +** ****** ******** ***** ** **** * ***+ ** * * *'i**** *****+*+ ++*****+* ************* * * * * *r< ****:* Stsatements Number: R070000344 Amount: $100.00 03/26/2OO7t0:05 AIvI Payment Method: Check Init: ,tS Notation: 1178/MIRUS LLC Permits No: 4DM070004 TIG)e: Administrative Parcel No: 2103-121-0001-7 SiIC AddTCss: 1325 WESTHAVEN DR VAII, LOCaIion: 1325 TESTI{AVEN DRIVE Total Fees: This Pa)ment:$100.00 TOLAI AIIIj PMTS : Balance : * * * *******+***** **** *4.*+******* ** * ***++* *+++**+* + +****** ***** *** t** ************** * * * * *****:i * Descript ion $1_00.00 $r-00.00 $0.00 Current Pmts ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Aecount Code PV 0 010 0 003112 500 Administrative Fee 100.00 & ASSOCIATES FtLt s0Pr March12,2OO7 Mr. Warren Campbell Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westhaven Condominiums Dear Warren: Ordinance #12 Series of 2005 approved the site specific development plan for the Westhaven Condominiums. The ordinance included eight specific conditions of approval regarding the construction of the Westhaven Condominiums. Four of those conditions, numbered 4, 5, 6 and 8 in the above referenced ordinance, were required to be addressed prior to issuance ofbuilding permit. These four conditions have all been addressed to the satisfaction ofthe Town and a building permit was issued, Condition number 7 addresses project phasing and requires no specific action on the part of the developer or the Town of Vail. The remaining conditions of approval, numbered 1,,2, and 3 are required by the ordinance to be addressed prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (T.C.O.). We are currently submitting a Final Plat application to allow for condominium subdivision of the units and will soon request a T.C.O. The purpose of this letter is to provide information regarding the current status of the'outstanding conditions in order to allow the final plat and forthcoming T.C.O requests to proceed. Conriition # i required the developer to submit detailed construction costs fbr the relocation of an existing overhead power line, to establish a financial bond with the Town of Vail to cover this cost of construction and to relocate the power line prior to July 31,2006. These tasks have been completed and the existing overhead line has been removed and relocated underground in accordance with the approved plans. Condition # 2 required that the developer re-grade and re-vegetate the knoll located at the northwest corner of the site in association with a DRB approved landscape plan, with the stipulation that the re-grading portion of the work must be completed prior to issuance of a T.C.O. The DRB did approve a re-grading and re-vegetation plan for this area and in the fall of 2006 the grading was completed, topsoil was placed and hydromulch was applied. This spring, in conjunction with additional landscaping to be completed as a part of the building permit Office: 137 Main Street, Suite C-107W Edwards, Color:rdo 816.12 Phone: (9'10) 9/6'6065 Fax: (970) 926-6064 Mail: PO. Box 2118, Edrvards, Colorado 81632 Emailr rick@nvlman.coln t, aPproval, a temporary irrigation system will be installed and the approved landscape plantings will be installed. The completion of the grading portion of the work satisfies this condition of approval. If a T.C.O. is requested prior to completion of landscape plant installation then a bond will be provided to ensure completion of the planting. Condition # 3 required that the developer provide at least 4,400 square feet of deed restricted Employee Housing, to be comprised of at least two units and to be located within the Town of Vail. A letter to you from Jen Wright dated October 17 ,2006 included three recorded restrictive covenants totaling 4,51 1 square feet of floor area that meets the above description. With the recording of those deed restrictions we believe we have fully satisfied this condition. In summary, we believe that all conditions of the Westhaven Condominiums SDD approval required for T.C.O have been fully addressed. Please advise us if there is any different understanding and thank you for your assistance with this process. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, T*V, Rick Pylman Copy: Jen Wright, Mirus LLC Tony Faulhaber, J.L. Viele Construction I lllil lllil ilil ililil|il llil lillllllll llil ill llllllilllil VACAT]ON AND ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT n This Vacation and Abandonment of Easement is made as of this l3&aav of 2OO7 by Holy Cross Energy, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("Holy Cross"). WHEREAS, Holy Cross is the beneficiary of those certain Underground Right of Way Easernents at Reception No. 241268 ("Easement #1 "), and Reception No. 665215 ("Easement #2') in the records ofthe Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder; AND WHEREAS, the Easement #l and Easement #2 encumber a certain parcel of land described as follows: A parcel of land known as the Westhaven Parcel situated in the SW/r NEI/r of' Section I 2, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described at Reception No. BBB339 in the office of the Eagle CountyClerk and Recorder, Eagle, Colorado (the "Property"); AND WHEREAS, Holy Cross desires to release, relinquish, vacate, abandon, and quitclaim all its right, title and interest in and to the portion Easement #l that is within the boundaries of the Property ("Portion of Easement #1"). All portions of Easement #l outside the boundaries of the Property shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by this vacation and abandon m ent. AND WHEREAS, Holy Cross desires to release, relinquish, vacate, abandon, and quitclaim all its right, title and interest in and to Easement #2. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and Sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Holy Cross hereby releases, relinquishes, vacates and abandons all its right, title and interest in and to Easement #2 and the Portion of Easement #l . Other easement rights, ifany, in the Properties shall not be affected by this vacation and abandon m ent. EABLE TEAK PgE t REC: COUNTY, CO J STTIONTON1 09 : 43 : 58Af'1$6.00 DOgl $ e90707095q3/19/?sg7 HOLY CROSS ENERGY, INL. a Colorado corporation STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF GARFIELD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this !!!o^, of 1n-*-rtril'' 2QO7 by Richard D. Brinkley as General Manager of Elecrric Operations and Engineering of HOLY CROSS ENERGY, lNC., a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. ..d.{0-u,"*,Uo^d,^s Notary Public W/O#07- 19144: 5 L-59:Westhaven Condominiums-Vail !'HEN RECORIED:RETURN TO: Mlrus, LLC, c/o Wright & Company, ?.0. Box 7270, Avon, CO Bl , --lt A EXECUTED this l& dav of-Ynn+-1.-,2007. )ss. ard D. Brinkley, G n, .#.r ,...1t, "-(*l ,', Land Title Guarantee ComPanY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 03-12-2007 Our Order Number: V85001270?'1-3 Property Address:-CO|{DOMINIUM UNIT_, WESTHAVEN AT CASCADE VILLAGE VAIL, CO 81657 II you have any inquiries or rquite furthe.r assistance, please contact otte of the mmbers below: , For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Chris McElvany 108 S FROMAGE RD W #Z(l3 VAIL, CO 81657 Phonet 970-{76-2251 Fax: 970-476-{732 EMail: cmcelvanY@lQc'com WRIG}IT AND COMPANY PO BOX ?270 DELII{ER TO SSFAVON AVON. CO 81620 Attn: CAROL GLASSON Phone: 970-949-6204 Fax 970-949-1966 Copies: I EMail : qlasson@riurlghtandcompanylnc.con Llft ed Commitnent DeliverY EACLE VALT"EY SURVEYING PO BOX tZ30 EDWARDS. CO 81632 Attn: MIKE POST Phone: 970-949J406 Fax: 971)-845-9504 EMail: mikenost@evsurvey.cou Linked Commltment Delivery m GUARANTEC COiIPANI Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 03-1e-2007 OurOrderNumben V850012702.1-3 Proper[r Address: CONDOMINruM UNIT -, WESTHAVEN AT CASCADE VILLAGE VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: A BIJYERTO BE DETERMINED Seller/Owner: MIRUS. LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY !t**'|1.**1.,1.*,ti.* +***tt !t+*,{.**t}r}***,f,} 't** + * *****lt* ** ***+:t*,1+*+**+ * '}'t*ti.+tl. Note: Once an original commitnent has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be ernphasized by underlining.:t*****+**'t***!t*****:t:*+****'tt+** *+* *+ri|t** +*++rt +* * *tk,f *,f + *,t **+*rt***** Need a map or directions for vour upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www'ltgc.com for directio-ns to anv of our 54 oflice locatiom, ESTIMATE OF TTTLE FEES ALTA Owners Policy 10-17-92 @esale Fee)TBD 7f LtJ!,d flxj:e GulraDtea Cq)aty vi77 be cLasing. Ehis tta'dsaction, abo:t.:e fees dtL be collectcd at that tj.De. TOTAL $O.OO tor cdtrc! 06/0l T1IANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Chicago Title lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No, V850012702.1-3 Cust. Ref.: Propenty Address: CONDOMINIUM UNIT -, WESTHAVEN AT CASCADE \4LLAGE VAIL, CO 81657 1. Effective Date: lanuary 26,2007 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Poliry to be Issued, and Pnrposed Insured: 'ALTA" Owner's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: A BUYER TO BE DETERMINDD 3. The estate or interest in tbe land described or referrrd to in this Commitment and covcred herein is: FEE SIMPLE 4. Title to the estate or intenest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: MIRUS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMTED LIABIUTY COMPANY 5, The land rrferred to in this Commitment is described as follows: UNIT, WESTHAVENATCASCADEVILLAGE, ACCORDINGTOTHECONDOMINIUMMAP RECORDED - AT RECEPTION NO. -, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF coLoMDo. NOTE: SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION WLL BE CHANGED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE.SECTION 1 HEREIN. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No, V850012702.1-3 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Ilem (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: 1. CONDOMINIUM MAP AND CONDOMINITIM DECI.ARATION. ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY, TO BE RECORDED N EAGLE COT'NTY. Z, PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 01, 2005, FROM MRUS, LLC, A DEI-AWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EACLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF ALPINE BANK TO SECURE TI{E SUM OF $16,900,000.00 RECORDED NOVEMBER T5, 2005, TJNDER RECEMON NO. S36864. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED NOVEMBER N, EOO', UNDER RECEPTION NO, 937735. 3. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 05, 2005, FROM MIRUS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EACLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF ALPINE BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $8()(),OOO.OO RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 2005, UNDER RECEMON NO. 336865. 4. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TMNSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SAT]SFIED, 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM MIRUS, LLC, A DETAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO A BUYER TO BE DETERMINED CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FOR MIRUS. LLC. A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABIUTY COMPANY DISCLOSE(S) WN MANAGEMENT,INC., A COLOMDO CORPOMTION AS THE MANAGER(S), ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirtments)Our Order No. V850012702.1-3 Continued: NOTE: SAID DOCUMENT CAN BE EXECUTED BY THE PRESIDENT' VICE.PRESIDENT OR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD (CEO) OF THE CORPORATION. IF ANY OTHER OFFICER OF T}IE CORPOMTION OR ACENT EXECUTES SAID DOCUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPOMTION, A POWER OF ATTORNEY/RESOLUTION MUST BE PROVIDED TO LAND TITLE GRANTING SAID AUTHORIZATION. *r+*'t**+** NoTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTTVE SEPTEMBER 1,2002 ********** Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk and rtcorder shall collect a surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her office, The surcharge shall be in addidon to any other fees permitted by statute. " ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ (Exceptions) Our Order No. V850012702'l-3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unlcss the $ame are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Z. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are nol shown by the public records- 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date ihe proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment' 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. ?. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. g. In adrlition, the owner's policy will be zubject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOTJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. I(). RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE' COLOR, REUGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABIUTY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME' AS SET FORTH IN APPUCABLE STATE OR FEDEML LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMTTTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 17, I98I, IN BOOK 326 AT PAGE 255. 12. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. TJNDERCROUND RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTRECORDED AUGUST 30, 1982 AT RECEPTION NO. 241268. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No. V'850012702.1-3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same ane disposed of to the sadsfaction of the Company: 13. EASEMENT AS GMNTED TO WESTERN GAS SUPPLY COMPA\TY, A COLORADO CORPORATION IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 24, 1985IN BOOK 405 AT PAGE 524. 14. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDER AND DECREE CREATING CASCADE \ILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT RECORDED APRIL 07, 1986 IN BOOK 439 AT PACE 349 AND ORDER FORINCLUSION RECORDED APRIL 17. 1987 IN BOOK 46I AT PAGE tzz. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLAMTION OF COVENANTS BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OFINCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDEML LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 8. 1934 IN BOOK 656 AT PAGE 846 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19. 2()(}5 UNDER RECEPTION NO, 929901. 16. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GMNTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 06, 1998, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 665215. 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RECIPROCAL UTILITY, ACCESS AND DRAJNAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 2OO5 AT RECEPTION NO. 929900. 18. THE EFFECT OF DRIVEWAY TO SUBJECT PROPERTY BEING BUILT ONTO ADJOINING PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON TOPOGMPHICAL MAP PREPARED MAY 26, 2O()4 BY INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD., PROJECT NO. O4-OO4IS. NOTE: RECIPROCAL ACCESS, UTILITY AND DEVELOPER EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 2OO5 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 929900 ALLOWS FOR SAID DRryEWAY. 19. TERMS,'CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF RECREATIONAL EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 06, 2006 AT RECEPTION NO. 200630446. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE CONDOMINIUM I\.[AP OF WESTHAVEN AT CASCADE VILLAGE RECORDED - AT RECEPTION NO. 20. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No' V8500f2702.1'3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 21. THOSEPROVISIONS, COVENANTSANDCONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NO. -.Z?,. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF HOLY CROSS I.JNDERGROUND RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 08. 2OO5 AT RECEPTION NO. 939645. NOTE: THE POUCY OF TITLE INSUMNCE WILL INCLUDE AN ARBITRATION PROVISION. THE COMPANY OR THE INSURED MAY DEMAND ARBITRATION. ARBITMBLE MATTERS MAY INCLUDE, BUTARE NOT LIMITED TO, ANY CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM BETWEEN THE COMPANY AND THE INSURED ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS POLICY, ANY SER\,ICE OF THE COMPANY IN CONNECTION WITH ITS ]SSUANCE OR THE BREACH OF A POLICY PROVISION OR OTHER OBLIGATION. PLEASE ASK YOUR ESCROW OR TITLE OFFICER FOR A SAMPLE COPY OF THE POUCY TO BE ISSUED IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW THE ARBITRATION PROVISIONS AND ANY OTHER PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO YOUR TITLE INSURANCE COVEMGE. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY and LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. CRAND JUNCTION DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Purzuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real properly may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information r€garding special districS and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 199?, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of al least one inch and a left, right and boftom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refirse to record or file any docurnenl that doeJ not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to docurnents using forms on whlch space is provided for recording or fillng information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article MI rtquires that "Every title mtity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resultng from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal docurnents from the transaclion, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affrmative mechanjc's lien prolection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no, 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or torlnhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of constntction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitrnent within the past 6 months. C) The Conpany must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there his been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; paymmt ofthe appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary afrer an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) Tha( there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds iome or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energl in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages refened to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied' Fom DISctoSURE 09/0L/02 NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Unlon Title Insurance Company July 1, 2001 We recosnize and resoect the orivacv exDectations of (odav's consumers and tfte requirements of applicable feleral and state orifacv laws. Wb believe'that rhakiire vou aware of liow we use vour non-public personal infoimatio_n ("Peponal Information''). and to whom it is discloseil. -will form the basis for a rilationshid of fu'st between-us 4nd the public that we servti. This Privacy Statemenl provides that explanal.ion. We reserve tha righl to change this Privacy Statement from time to tinie consistent'with applicable'privacy laws. In the course ofour business, yye may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From aoolications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized represmtative;* From yblr transactiols with, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, oirr afhliates, or others;* From -our internet web sites;* From the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, oi hom our affiliates or otheisfand* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ofthe Confidentiality and Socurity of Your Personal Information We maintain nhvsical. electronic and procedural safezuards to protect vour Personal Information from unauthorized iicesi or lntrfision, We lirnlt access td fte Personal lilformatioi only t6 those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or senices to you or for other l6grlimate busine5s purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affrliates, such as ingurypce companies, agents, and other real estate slettlemerit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: * to asents. brokers or reDresenlatives to provide you witl services you have requeste4;- io dfiidiiarry contractoft or.service proi,iders who provide servicds or perforni marketing or other functiont od our behalf: and- ti;th-;rs wi-lh wtron wd ;nter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition. we will disclose vour Personal Information when you direct or give us permission, wlen we qre required bv law to do so. or when we -susDect fraudulent or criminal aciivides. We aISo may disclose your lersonal Iliformation whbn otherwise Derfuitted bv applicable DrivacY laws such as, for exainple, wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising but of any algrdeiment, lrinsaction or relationship with ybu' One of th9 i4pprtant responsibilities of somg of our_ qffliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documenti may contain your Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Abi[ty to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford vou the riSht to access your Personal Information and, under- certain circumstances, to find out to w[om voui Persori'al Inform?tion has beei disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to requelt . correctioli, amendmmt or deletion of vour Personal lnformation. We reserve the right, where permitted Dy law' to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. All lequests zubmitted,to- $e Fidelity.Na-tio.nal Iina4cial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b'e in writing, and detvered to-lhe followlng address: Privacv ComPliance Officer [69t''8,if 'f.lil 5itfrT'fd' "'' Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with lnore than one financial_ product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice fiom ris. We ipologize for any inconvenience thls may cause you. rorm PRfV. POL.CIII NOTICE OF PRTVACY POLICY OF LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COMPANY,INC., A COLOMDO CORPORATION AND MERIDIAN LAND TITLE, L.L.C., A COLOMDO LIMITED LIABUTY COMPANY, D/BiA LAND TITLE GUARAN'TEE COMPANY. GMND JUNCTION This Statement is provided to you as a customer of Land Title Guarantee Company, a Colorado corporation and Meridian Land Title, LLC, d,rbla Land Title Guaranlee Company - Grand Junction. We want you to know that we recognize and respecl your privacy expectations and the requirements of federal and state privacy laws. Information security is one of our highest priorities. We recognize that maintaining your trust and ionlidence is the bedrock of our business. We maintain and regularly review internal and external safeguards against unauthorized access to non-public personal information ("Personal Information"). In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Inflormation about you from:* appllcations or other forms we receive from you, including communicalions sent through TMX, our web'based hansaction management syslem;* your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others; * i consumer reporting agency, if such information is provided to us in connection with your transaction; and* the public records maintained by governmentat enlities that we either obtain directly from those enlities, or from our affiliates and non-affiliales. Our policies regarding the protection of the confidentlality and security of your Personal Information are as follows:* We reshict access to all Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that informa[on in order to provide products and services to you,* We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards ttrat comply with federal standards to protect yout Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion.* Employees who viotate our strict policies and procedures regarding privacy are subjecl to disciplinary action.* We regularly access security standards and procedures to protect against unauthorized access to Personal Information. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL-INFORI\,IATION ABOUT YoU WIIH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT PERMTTED BY LAqL Consistent with applicable privacy laws, there are some situations in which Personal Information may be disclosed. We may disclose your Personal Inforrnation when you direct or give us permission; when we ate required by law to do so, foi example, if we are served a subpoena; or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal aitivities. We also may diiclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privary laws such as, for exarnple, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement' hansaction or relationship with you. Our policy regardlng dispute resolulion is as follows. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to our privicy p6fcn or the breach thereof, shall be settled by irbitration in accordance with the rules of the American l,ttltriU-on Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof . Forn PRW.POL.ITG.L Departmmt of Community Deaelapment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohralo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.uailgoa.com TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Westhaven Condominiums, Site Area A File Nina Timm, Housing Coordinator October 30. 2006 Westhaven Condominiums Employee Housing Unit Requirement Ordinance Number 12, Series of 2005 states as follorvs: "That the developer of the Westhaven Condominiums site, Area A, shall provide deed-restricted Employee Housing totaling at least 4,400 square feet and be comprised of at least trvo (2) units with a minimum of one qualified employee in each unit, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements, Title 12, Chapter 13, Vail Town Code, and that said deed-restricted housing be in the Town of Vail and made available for occupancy, and that the deed restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Westhaven Condominiums." The developer, Mirus LLC, has met the above requirements with the following deed restricted units: 2763 Kinnikinnick Road 2,401 square feet were permanently deed restricted as a Type III Employee Housing Unit on December 7,2006. The deed restriction was recorded on January 10,2006 at reception number 200600708. 929 Red Sandstone Road #15A 768 square feet were permanently deed restricted as a Type III Employee Housing Unit on January 17,2006. The deed restriction was recorded on February 28, 2006 at reception number 200604813. 1975 Placid Drive#21 1,342 square feet were permanently deed restricted as a Type III Employee Housing Unit on September 20,2006. The deed restriction was recorded on September 29,2006 at reception number 200626558. n RECYCIED PAPER Y,NAHR\V \n .t ,\ :i 1)(-'O "iw October 17,2006 Mr. Warren Campbell, Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westhaven Condominiums Condition of Approval Dear Mr. Campbell: The Westhaven project was approved by the Town Council in May, 2005 by Ordinance No. 12, Series 2005. According to Paragraph 3 of the conditions of Approval, the developer, Mirus, LLC was required to provide deed restricted Employee Housing as outlined in the Ordinance prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. I have enclosed three recorded Restrictive Covenants totaling 4,5 I I square feet of employee housing. Please let me know what other information you will need to document the fact that we have satisfied this condition. Sincerely, Mirus. LLC I}iL- rua%' WillisYwright Enclosures cc: Rick Agett 10 W. Beaver Creek BIvd., #200 P.O. Box7270 Avon, Colorado 81620 970.949. 6204 F ax 970 o 949 o 1.966 E-mail wright@vail.net l,EAGLE COUNTY, CO TEAK J SII1ONTON3?3 Pos: 3 12:01 ! 39P11 RECr $lE.oO DOC: I 2gg6gg7g8 oL/rc/?os6 I ililt lril ilil iltil lllil lllil llll lllil llil llil |ilil lil lil TYPE IIIEMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT avv//o WHEREAS, Mirus. LLC is the owner ("the Owner'') of certain property legally described as: Lot 18. 2763 Kinnikinnick Road ("the Property',); and and commonly known as: WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located on the Property for the benefit of the owner and the Town of Vail, Golorado ("the Town,") NOW THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respectivb grantees, successors, and assigns. 1. The Employee Housing Unit (EHU), containing 2,401 square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type lll EHU which must comply with all the provisions of Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail as amended. 2. The Type lll EHU shall not be subdivided or dividecl into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee. 3, The Type lll EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. The Type lll EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week on a year round basis. The Type lll EHU shall be continuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed five (5) consecutiye months. 4. Occupancy of the Type lll EHU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. 5. The Type lll EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access from the EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be attached. 6. The Type lll EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom. 7. The Type lll EHU may be sold, transfered, or conveyed separately from other dwelling units or EHUs that may be located on the same lot or within the same building, if one of the following conditions are met: a. lt must be utilized according to the criteria set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this document. or b. lt must be used by the Owner of the Type lll EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. In determining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the Owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. Thirty (30) days prior to the transfer of deed for the Type lll EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application obtained from the Community Development Department, Page 1 of 3Type lff Revised April12,2005 ,, - J**:. . .:l a rr.., ., lit 1\s s.'-. ,tA-/-ti. N*r:l/.| "futr 7270 tNA er gl0"0 LlrsKLo I L to the Community Development Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth herein and shall include an affidavit affirming that her or she meets these criteria. No later than February 15 of each year, the owner of the Type lll EHU shall submit a sworn atfidavit on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department setting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unit has been rented or owner-occupied throughout the year, the rental rate, the employer, and that the tenantwho resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. The Type lll EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. Failure to do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction and in accordance with Chapter 3, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement and any other related document shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be valid under applicable law; but if any provision of any of the foregoing shall be invalid and prohibited under said applicable law, such provisions shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or prohibition without invalidating the remaining provisions of such documents. 12.'lf any of the terms, covenants, conditions, restrictions, uses, limitations, oblig or options created by this Agreement shall be unlawful or void for violation of: (a)rule against perpetuities or some analogous statutory provision, (b) the rule restraint on alienation, or (c) any other statutory or common law rules imposing like or time then such provision shall continue only for the period of the lives of the current seated Town Council of the Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado, their now living and the survivor of them, plus twenty-one (21) years. 10. 11. By: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation \'J^ C\ The foregoing instrument was acknowtedged before me tnis J[fJl, . D ,rt .l^- ,20{ by Stan Zemler, Town Manager. Notary Public: My commission expires: Type lll Revised April 12, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Mirus. LLC WN Management, its manager @ lytaz"nr Properlry Owner, Wllis J. Wright STATE OF Colorado COUNry OF Eaqle Cc^r.-t- \ ful The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me tnisi$ay ot &L<.-rn laor- ,2095 Notary Public; My commission expires: Type lll Revised April 12,2005 Page 3 of 3 t EAGLE COUNTY, CO TEAK J SII1ONTON974 Pga: 4 lt. t8t47An REC! Sel.90 oOCr 5 200604813 o?/?8/?g06 TYPE III EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT Mlrus, LLC is/are the owne(s) ("the Ownef') of I lilill il|il ilil lllil ]til ltil ]ilr ilil tilil lil ]till tilr ill t( (r1/,{ zt *. . tt -. t , WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located n 4 ' on the Property for the benefit of the Owner and the fown ot vait, Colorado ("the Town,") | | NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for,the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject land the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benelit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1 . The Employee Housing Unit (EHU), containing 7 68 square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type lll EHU which must comply with all the provisions of Chapter 13, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail as amended. 2. The Type lll EHU shall not be subdivided or.divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee. 3. The Type lll EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle County. The Type lll EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is onewho woiks an average oi a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week on a year round basis. The Type lll EHU sh;ll be continuously rentid and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed five (5) consecutive months. 4. Occupancy of the Type lll EHU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. 5. The Type lll EHU shall have its own entrance, There shall be no interior access from the EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be attached. 6. The Type lll EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom. 7. The Type lll EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from other dwelling units or EHUs that may be located on the same lot or within the same building, if one of the following conditions are met: a. lt must be utilized according to the criteria set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this document, or b. lt must be used by the owner of the Type lll EHU as a permanent residence. Forthepurposeorthisparagraph.apermanentresidencesha||meanthehome or placein which one's iraUitati6n is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regaidless of the duration of absence. In determining what is a permanent relidence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances re|ating to the owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, emp|oyment,incomesources,residenceforincomeorothertaxpurposes'age' maiitai status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, ind motor vehicle registration. Thirty. (3o)days prior - io the transfer of Oeed toiitre Type lll EHU, the prospective purchaser shall'+ .rUrit "n application obtained irom the Community Development Department, totheCommunityDeve|opmentDepartmentdocumentingthattheprospective WHEREAS. certain property legally described as: @ Va1115, Sandstooe 70 at TariitCondonLnl-um Unlt Ai Bul-ldlng 15, Sandstooe 7U at ' commonly known as: 929 Red Sandstone Road, /1154 ("the Property"); and ffi [ilrdTldst";m Type lll Revised April 12,2005 Page 1 of 3 R o purchaser meets the criteria set forth herein and shall include an affidavit affirming that her or she meets these criteria. No later than February 15 of each year, the owner of the Type lll EHU shall submit a sworn affidavit on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Department, to the Community Development Department setting forth evidence establishing that the employee housing unit has been rented or owner-occupied throughout the year, the rental rate, the employ=er, and that the tenant who resides within the employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. The Type lll EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Chapter 13,Title 12 of the town Code of Vail. Failure to do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction and in accordance with Chapter 3, Title 12 of the Town Code of Vail. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement and any other.related document shall be interpreied in such a manner as to be valid under'applicable law; but if any prwision of any of tire foregoing shall be invalid and prohibited under said applicable law,. such provisions snitt Ue ineffeCtivelo the extent of such invalidity or prohibition without invalidating the remaining provisions of such documents. lf any of the terms, covenants, conditions, restrictions, uses, limitations, obligations or options created by this Agreement shall be unlawful or void for violation of: (a) the rule against perpetuities or some analogous statutory provision, (b) the rule restricting.restraint on aiienation, 61 1c; any other statutorior commonlaw rules imposing like or similar time limits, then such'provision'shall continue bnly for the period of the lives of the cuffent elected and seated Town Council of the Town of Vail, Vail,'Colorado, their now living descendents' if any' and the survivor of them, plus twenty-one (21) years. 10. 11. 12. By: STATE COUNTY OF EAGLE 'Y{"- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ?b day of Notary Public: My commission expires: Type llf Revised Aqtil 12,20Os Page 2 of 3 L, a Colorado municipal corporation . uFyrnenrfl*eEt K"*S l,Jlllts J. Wrlght Pre s ident By: MIRUS, LLC By : WN Management , Inc . , {ts l'lanager Property-Owner / STATE OF Colorac! ss. 699pry 9p Eagl,e Property Owner The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -!]day of Janqaly- ' 20 06 - Managenent, Inc., Manager..o- f Ml-rus ' Ll'C' !y WlLlls J. Wrlght, Freeldent of tr.IN /atf/ Notary Public: My commission expires: Type lll Revised APril 12, 2005 Page 3 of 3 E)GIIBIT A COIfDOI{INIIJI,I ITNIT A, BUILDING 15, SAI,IDSTONE 70 AT VAIL, COLORADO ACCORDING TO TIIE AIIEIIDED COIIDOMINIIJITI I.!AP FIT.ED FOR RECORD T NDER RECEPTION NO' 105370 IN MAP CASE 2, DRAWER S ATiID THE SECOIID SUPPT,EMENT TO SAID IIIAP RECORDED DECEI.TBER 20, 1957 IN BOOK 211 AT PAGE 771' AND AS DEFINED IN TEE CONDOIIIINII]U DECL,ARATION FOR SANDSTONE 70 AT VAIL, COL'OR;N)O RECORDED FEBRUARY 2L, L967 IN BOOK 201 AT PAGE X29 A}ID TIIE SECOND SUPPI.,EMENT TTIERETO RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 7967 TN BOOR 211 AT PAGE 770, AND AT,IENDMENT TO CONDOMINIITITI DECLARATION Ar{D THE FIRST AI\ID SECOND SUPPT.,EMEI{T THERETO RECORDED OCTOEER 29, L969 TN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 303, COIJNTY OF E]ACI.E, STATE OF CO!,ORADO . Fotld 952 LESAL, r'BrfER (03/01t v5o072937 t"EAGLE couNrY, c0 2906e6558TEA( J SINONTOT{ ii:l .lr;r';*' Ele!3s:3rAt'1 g3/?9/20g6 iffiil illil lilffiil| lilll ffi |ilil lilll ilil ffi il[l ffi ffi TypE lff EMPLoYEE noustNG ut'lm > ll h - RESTRIcTIVE CoVENANT 2ll- WHEREAS, Mirus LLC is/are the owne(s) ("the Owner") of certain property legEllydescribed as: Vail Villaqe Wesl Fiting 2. Lot 21 and commonly known as: 1975 Placid Drive. PtQImiqan TWHI*21 ("the Propertf): and WHEREAS, the Omrer wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment located on ttre piopJd tor thi oenefit of tne Qwner and the Town of Vail, Colorado ("the Town'') NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, estabtish, acknwledge, and declare for the beneflt of atl persons who may hereinafter purchase, or l9ase, or hold the subject land the folloring fu"fidiio"i, fivenants, and dnditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benJfit sndbe bonding upon the Orner, its respective grantees, sue,c€ssors, and assigns' ,1. The Employee Housing Unit (EHU), containing 1942 square feet, is_heqby re-stn'c(ed as a TWelltLHU*ti"t mristcomptyuithall theprovisionsof Chapter13,Title12of theTown Code of Vail as amended. 2, The Tlpe lll EHU shall not be subdivided or divided into any form of timeshares, interval o\,\rnership, or fractional fee. 3.The Type lll EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time emplolees wno wdrf in Eagle County. The Type ttl EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty (30) consecutivE Oays. f-or tne puiposes of this paragraph, a full-time emplo),ee is one who i"oik "n "u"r"ge oi a minimum otitrirty (gO) hours each week on a year round basis. The iyp"lff gffU sh-all be continuousty rentad and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed fle (5) consecutive months. Occupancy of the Tlpe lll EHU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom' The Type lll EHU shalt have its own entrance. There shalt be no intenor access from the EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be attached. The Type llt EHU must coniain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom ' The Type lll EHU may be sold, transfened, or conveyed separately from other dwelling units or EHUs that may be iocated on the same lot or within the same building, if one of the following conditions are met: 4. 5. 6. 7. b. It must be utilized according to the criteria set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this document, or It must be used by the Owner of the Tlpe lll EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose of this paragnaph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or olace in wtich one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or shs is absent has a present intention of retuming afier a departure or absence thereftorn, reg€rrdless of the duration of absence. In determining what is a permanent residence, the Tcrvvn staff shall take the follcnMng circumstances ietating to the Owner of the residenoe into ac@unt: business pursuits' employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes' age' maiitai stafus, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of personal and real property, and molor vehicle registratlon. Thirty (30) days.priot io the transfer of deed forthe Type tlt EHU, the prospective purchaser shall submit an application obtained from the Community Development Departm.ent' to the Community Development Department documenting that the prospective \ ^\rn \\S 8+lutn {ol Tow,', aF U*rL i{i !';W*'' vAt't co 8tb5* TlOe flf Revis€d Aptil 12,?005 Page 1 of 3 L 9. purchaser meets the criteria set forth herein and shall include an affidavit affrrming that her or she meets these criteria. No later than February 15 of each year, the orrvner of the Type lll EHU shall submit a swom affidavit on a form to be obtained from the Community Development Departtnent' to the Community Dewlopmeni Department setting forth evidencs establishing that the emplqlee housing unit has been renled or crrmer-ocanpied throughout the year, the rental rate' the emptoier, ancl that the tenant who resides within the employee housing unlt is a full-time employee in Ea$e County. The Type lll El'lU shatl be operatod and maintained in accordance with Chapter 13, Title 12 of tne town Code of Vail. Failure lo do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a court of competent iurisdiction and in accordance with Chapter 3, Title 12 of the To rn Code of Vail. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained fErein shall not be waived, abandoned. terminated, or amended except by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property. Whenever possibfe, each provision of this Agreement and any other related document shall be interpreied in such a manner as to be valid under applicable law; but if any provision of any of the foregoing shall be invalid and prohibited under said applicable law,. such provisions shall be ineffec{ive to the extent of such invalidity or prohlbitiofl wilhout invalidating the remaining provisions of such documents. lf any of the terms, covenanb, conditions, restrictions, uses, lim'ttations, obligations or options created by this Agreemenl shall be unlawfr.rl or void for violation of: (a) the rule against perpeflrities or some analogous statutory pro/ision, (b) the rule restricting restraint on alienaiion, or (c) any other statutory or common law rules imposing like or similar time limits, then such provision shall continue only for the period of the lives of the current elected and seated Torvn Council of the To'vn of Vail, Vail, Colorado, their no/v living descendents, if any, and the suNivor of them, plus twenty-one (21) years. 10. 11. 12. By: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknortedgBd uefore me this foay of Efh.ab*ae' 204!P. uy S'\an Zcrrr\t' -.,TownManager. Notiary Public: My commlssion expires: Type lll Revised April 12,2005 Page 2 of 3 MIRUS, STATE OF Colorado COUNTygp Eagle LLC il8 Property Owner The foregoing instrumenl was ackno^,ledged before me this -1! 6, l{illle J. Wrlght' Pre*Eldcnt of HM Notary Public: My commission expires: Type lll Revised Aprll 12,2005 Page 3 ot 3 G.r,a.Wl% OC**,ffi TY IEIELOFi€I{I Denign Review Boad ACTIOI{ FOR}| Depertmefi t of Commuoity Development 75 South Fiontage Rsad, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: WESTHAVEN CONDOS CHANGE Project Descriptionl Pafticipants: DRB Number: DRB060472 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS-CHANGES TO fiE EXTERIOR OF THE WESTHAVEN CONODS-CHIMNEY SHROUDS, RAIUNG DETAILS; DETAILS FOR DECKING, ADDMONAL WINDOWS AND STONE VENEER OWNER MIRUS LLC C/O WN MANAGEMENT POBOX7270 AVON co 81620 APPLICANT J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 10/06/2006 Phone: 970476-3082 1000 S Frontage Road W, #202 Vail co 81657 License: 188-A rol06l2006 ProjectAddress: 1325 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL 1325 WESTHAVEN DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivasaon: CASCADE VILLAGE Parcel Number: 2103-121-0001-7 Comments: SeeConditions Location: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 11/15/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O,OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, &lorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452' web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buildlng pennit applicadon. Please refier to the submittal requirerEnts for the partiorhr approwl that is requested, An application for Design Rwiav cannot be accepted until all rcqdred infiormation is reeived by the Community Development Departmenl The project may also need to be reviewed by the Toam Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unl... a bullding p€rmit b issued and construction commenes within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Lot_Block:_ SuMMision: PhysicalAddress: ISAS t"J*s$^a,rc^\,, U Parel No.:(@ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: v N 6t Dr o \, \| Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Fax: Cell WLsut1 $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staffor the Design Review Board. F:\cdev\FORMS\Permib\Planning\DRBUrb_change_b_approvedJtlans-1Jrage_o$11-2006.doc **+**i*ltlaaa*l'|*atat*******+***+*f++t+++l'*'3++'l't+l'+l**'}'|t***a**la*a****a*******t*a'aa'ita**+*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Srat€menra+++a**++**!t*******a*ltaa*{'***t}*ra*******a***+t9*at*lt*++++***+++++*l"tlr****aa**a*+frtl*l'ar*** Statenent Nurdber: R050001555 Amount: $20.00 LO/06/200604:39 pM Payment Method: cagh fnit: JS Notation: $/.7.1,. VIELE CONST Permit No: DRB0604?2 Tl4)e 3 DRB - Chg to Appr planE Parcel No: 2103 -121-0001-7 SLte Addreas: 1325 IiIESTIIAVEN DR VAfIr Location: 1325 V|ESTHAVBN DRM Tota1 FeeE: $20. O0 Thia Palment: $20.00 . Total AIJIr Prnt8: S20.O0Balance: $0. O0***ar*t{t*f*aa*a+***t+fa+***++*****+*****a***********ra*+*l'**:}**********'}'}***r}'}'}*'a********+** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGI{ REVIEW FEES 20.00 Description Professional Corporation 2271 N l-ronta0e RoaC W Srrte C Vail. CO 8'1657 9701 476-5105 FAX 970/ 476-0710 [,4A@morlerarchitects.com MonrenAncn rrECTs September 29, 2006 Bill Gibson Town of Vail - Planning & Zoning Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Co 81657 RE: Westhaven Condominiums 1325 Westhaven Drive Dear Bill; I am submitting revised elevations and details for Westhaven Condominiums. During the course of construction, we have made a few revisions to the design and would like the blessing of the DRB. The changes are as follows: o Revise the chimney shroud designs to comply with Department of Building requirements that the shrouds be UL listed. We propose to cover UL listed shrouds with non-combustible materials to achieve our original goal of 4differentshroud designs. All shroud coverings will be constructed of galvanized or similar metals to match the roofing material. See A3-1, A3-2 & sketches SK-55a2, SK-55b2, SK-5c2, sK-55d2. o Revise the railing designs for the Type M railing used on the west side of Building B to make it more transparent. See A3-2, A5.4 & 45.5. e Revise the railing designs for the Type J railing used on the ease side of Building A to simplify the construction. See A3-1. A5.4 & A5.5. o Revise the parapet wall on the first floor decks of both Building A & B in order to lower the height of the stone wall and create more interest along the south elevation. See A3-1, A$2, A5.4 & A5.5. r Add 36"x36" window on the south elevation of Building A in the Living Rooms. See A$1. Bldg. Permit # 8054219 1325 Westhaven Drive o Revise the Chief Joseph stone to be Aspen Granite. See photo below. Please call me if you have any questions. 912912006 Page 2 CC: T. Faulhaber j". ; J, i.rl1:r:i. ir: rrj: i'.::r !.:, t, itiif i, l. .,..,t ...1 ,.. : ., !.j i;:i i)l , ;l.irii ri,r ll: .: ;'i).r:. :1ti:! i::t): i;-;il :iiir- itr :il f..r1.a\ra) n i:,ri.:r.;: a!'j 1, i'.:,t tj {tii!] MonrrnAnchi ffrcrg November 8. 2006 Warren Campbell Town of Vail - Planning & Zoning Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Co 81657 RE:Westhaven Condominiums 1325 Westhaven Drive Dear Warren; This letter is in response to your comments on our Septemher 29, 2006 submittal of minor exterior changes on the Westhaven Condominium project. You requested more information or changes on the following items: . Plexi€lass safety railing at the 8302 deck. The Town of Vail does not permit the use of plexi-glass. We have revised this detail to be laminated safety glass. See attached sheet A-5.5 with the revised note. Additional details on the materials for the decorative shrouds on the chimneys. See attached SK- 55 sketcheS. The pages SK:55a.2, SK:55b.2, SK:55c.2, SK:55d.2 will replace the current sketches you have. SK:55b.3 is a new page. We have revised these details to provide additional detailing. Also enclosed are renderings of these chimneys showing materials. Provide a shroud on the boiler flue. The IBC requires all decorative shrouds over flues to have a UL listing and be approved by the manufacturer. The manufacturer of the flue for the boiler does not have any approved shrouds. I have spoken to Chris Gunion about this issue and he will not allow the flue to be covered by a shroud since one with a UL listing is not available. We propose to slope the chimney top and leave the flue as shown in SK-87a & Sk-87b, DATED 11.08.06. Since the roof is the galvalume material and the flue is galvanized, we believe this will help to make the flue as unobtrusive as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please call me if you have any questions. lii:rfi:)" t,i i,!:,,a:., J:t i:.:,il T(.vvi*,,l DESIGN REVII.'"V, STAFF APPROVAI-ll A ^/t,';re .*^!-*tlUZ ,\5F. Uq (-.. UL LISTED DECORATIVE SSROUD ABOVE ED.E O? CHIIINEY CAP FLUE LOCATION EELOI^IR@F. OFFgET FLUE AEOVE 3RD FLOOR. IITL STUD FRAME BELOI4 EOAE OF gHEET ROCK 'CI]IFINEY EIIAFT. 2 LAYERS ON INTERIOR t^lALLs/ ONE LAYER ON EXTERIOR I4ALLS, TYP. 4" SfEEL FRAI1E BELOX 2o'x2o" &UARE TERF1INATION CAP 20" CLEARANCE BETAEEN TERI1INATION CAP9 Ag PER I1FR. RECOI1HENDATIONS ThIO.NALL FLUE A\,Af F|!l |1 t.o. / ta-%' o.D. FIREPLACE L@ATION BELON €,I{AFT I^IALL tsELohl BETI4EEN FLUEg, TYP. PROJECT : WESTHAVEN CONDOMTNIUMS TITLE: CHIMNEY PLAN . 4 BR UNIT - BLDG A SCALE: 3/8'=1'-0' NOTES: CLARIFICATION9F DWG#: A-8.9 DTMENSIONS@TOPOF FROM: LKSM CHIMNEYS ISSUED: 06.06 06 REV. 09.15.06 K:55a. (t Xru-ElL<odlr-Fz)lu ulF trl ilh -'LOc\ -i_ EXTENT OF EXG, STEEL FRAIIE MonrenAncnrrcrs A P6r63ron6l Co.pdrtls 2271 N. F@dt.q. Road W Vall. CoroEdo61657 9/04765105 6\ coPYRrGHr 2006 970.76 O7',O far \Y/ voRrrR ^FcFrFcrs pc n.@nd..,o{*B @n PLAN @ CHIMNEY TOP - BLDG A 4 BR WEST SHROUD CLADDING 9HALL BE I+'gTANDING 9EAI1 IIETAL TO I'1ATCI] GALVALUHE ROOF FlNlsll PRE- FABRICATED CHIIiNEY gHROUD I^I/ UL LI9TING CLAD gllROUD l^l/ NON-COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALg. TYP, CLADDINC SHALL NOT RE3TRICT THE AI1OUNT OF FREE AREA FOREt I tEc. IlETAL OVR CAP. FLASHING CONCRETE METAL TO TCH qALVALUME ROOF FlNlSfl gTONE VENEER ELEVATION @ CHIMNEY TOP _ BLDG A 4 BR WEST -_awr.j (lf CLAD sllROUD l^l/ NON.COI1BU9TIBLE MAf ER,IAL9, TYP. DO NOT RESTRICT THE AI-IOUNT OF FREE AREA FOR FLUEg. PRE-FAARICATED CI{IFINEY 3I]ROUD I4l UL LISTING DESiGN Rt\'iF.'^/ STAFF APi'jijovA.i- TERMINATION l,^,1c coNc. cAP v.t/ tA.P. I1EI1BRANE ' I1ETAL FLAgHING -- 9LO?E 'TO DRAIN 4' |IETAL 5TUOS t',r/ NON-COIlBUSTIBLE SI.TEATHING 6I' gTONE VENEER PROJECT: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS TITLE: CHIMNEY SHROUD - 4 BR UNIT BLDG A SCALE: 3/8'= 1'-0" NOTES: CLARIFICATI)N OF DWG#: A-9.s DIMENSIONS@T)P)F FROM: LKSM CHIMNEYS & ISSUED: 09.15.06 rev. 10.20.06 DECORATM K:55a. "r"l MonrenAncnrecrs A Professi.nal Corpo..l6n 2271 N F.ontaOB Road W Suil.C 070 476 5105 /A .o' Yp'4rr.,m. s70.76 07 nriY \Y,,/ voqrEP Apch ILc spL nr@n uEk Lh'I..ts.or SECTION @ CHIMNEY TOP _ BLDG A 4 BR WEST / \.\ii.., i)[- yr]iji i:Jr:1.*l\l ,F[VtE'*V '-]T/.F F APFJROVAI- tL:9 -o6 Ltc UL LIgTED DECORATIVE SHROUD AAOVE FLUE LocATlOfl BELoI^l ROOF. OFFSET FLUE AEOVE 3RO FLOOR. EOQE OF CHII1NEY CAP EDQE q ${EET ROCKo cr{rflNEY sr..lAFT. 2 LAYERS ON INTERIOR I4ALL9, ONE LAYER Otl EXIERIOR I4ALLS, TYP. 41 gTEEL FRAME EELOhI Tl^lO-l4ALL FLUE SYSTEM |t t.D. / t3 96n o.D. 2o x2o" $UARE TERI,IINATION CAP SllAFT I4ALL BELot^l --J BETNEEN FLUEg ---"-- 20" CLEARANCE EETI^IEEN FLUES Ag FER I'IFR. RECOflflENDATlOr.lS NOTE, Q.C. -IO VERIFT 9TEEL FRAME DIHENSION5 l^llTt{ "FOR CONSTRUCTION{ gTEEL SIIOP DR,AhIINCS EETNEEN FLUE5 \ LOCATIO{{ OF FTREFLACE ---->-rN A30l LOCATION OF FIREPLACE rN Aror, A2or, A4ol PR)JECT : WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS TITLE: CHIMNEY PLAN - 3 BR UNIT . BLDG A SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" NOTES: Cu'RIFICATION OF DWG#: A-8.8.0 DIMENSIONS@TOPOF FROM: LKSM CHIMNEYS /SSUED: 06.06.06 REV. 09.15.06 K:55b. MonrenAncnrecrs A P.ore$bol Corpd.rid 2271 N. Fonr.g. Rord w' Slib C V.a. Cotlr.do 41657 970.,1765105 6\ coPYRrciT 2oo€ 970.76.0710',.r \y/ MoRIER ^FCFTCCTS P C m.@mon.r.'chir.ft 6n PLAN @ CHIMNEY TOP - BLDG A 3 BR (EAST) LINEg OF FLUEg tsEYOND PRE.FABRICATED CI]IFlNEY gIIROUD I4l UL LIgTING, PAINT TO I1ATCH ROOF IIATER,IAL 2t'x3/6' HORIZONTAL F1ETAL FINS ATTACHED TO PRE. FABRICATED UL LIgTED gHROUD. CLADDINGgI]ALL NOT REgTRICT TI]E AI1OUNT OF FREE AREA FOR 7atr BLACKENED STEEL PLATE N/ I" REVEAL ADJACENT 'fO gTUCCO ttlltttltttl ELEVATION CHIMNIY TOP BLDG BR EAST 3/8" = 1'-0 CLAD SIIROUD N,/ NON-COI1EUSTIBLE i,1ATER|ALS, fYP. DO NOT REgTRICT TI]E AI1OUNT OF FREE AR,EA FOR FLUE9. g@UARE TERI1INATION CAP coNc. cAF t / vl.P. I'IETIBRANE ' I,IETAL FLAS'T]ING -- SLOPE TO DRAIN 1^ e'lEEl PLATE r,.r/ rN REVEAL ADJACENT TO3'rucco I WL/ PRE-FABRICATED CHII1NEY gHROUD N/ UL LI9TING -F-- l/2rx4,r STEEL AFRON 14.P. IlEI-IBRANE CONTINUOU9 UP IAALL 3'-O" rl rN. VERIFY FLUE R,E6IJ IREM N/ IlANUFACTURER'9 RECOMMENDATIONS sTUCCO I^IALL AsgSEF1BLY, TYP. hI.F. HEI1tsRANE CONTINUOUg UP I4ALL 3'-O' mrN.ll SECTION 3/8" = 1'-o CHIMNEY TOP BLDG BR EAST VERTICAL gTEEL ANGTE gUPPORT AT @RNERs, TYP. FINISI'] TO HATCH FIN5, 2ix%r HoRtzotlrAL |IETAL FIN5 ATTACHED TO PRE.FABRICATED SI]ROUD. FINI5I.I TO BE BLACK OILED FINISH. PRE.FABRICATED CHIHNFT gHROUD I4l UL LISTING PRE.FABRICATED CHIHNFT gHROUD }4/ UL LIgTING Y2IXI2X FLAI STEEL APROI'I. 5ECURE TO gUBSTRATE NITH COUNTERSUNK gCREt4s. ;;.,vvti* CI v'illi- i-;ISiGN REVIE-'i.i 3TAFF APPROVAL FrNrSr.l *UCCN REVEAL, BLACK hIALL FINIgH I.l 11 i-lF1-oe t'l.) c SECTION @ CHIMNEY TOP _ TYPICAL @ METAL FIN SHROUD PROJECT: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS TITLE: CHIMNEY SHROUD. DETAIL SCALE: 1-t7r* =,'.0, NOTES: CURIFICATI)N OF DWG #: NlA D/MENS/ONS @ TOP OF FROM: LKSM CHIMNEYS ISSUED: 10.20.06 K:55b MonrenAncnrrcrs A P6L6$b.al CoQr.lron ?271N FbnEgeRoldw. Su!. C v.i|' c,k'h.,.41657 970 4?6 5105 ,\ eoo"F cFr,4^h e o47Fn7'nri' \y,/ MoR-cR AqchIEc's p c. na@-u'rs'd' Lie B in rnvvli Or VAli l-_)L ri'1l\l R!\/lF\V Sl-Ari- i-:' : '\i l,1lE --- - 9 I (fl UL LIgTED DECORATIVE SHROtJD AEOVE FLUE LocAtloN BELot^lR@F. OFFgET FLUE ABOVE 3RD FLOOR. €,|{AFT I4ALL BELol"{ BETNEEN FLUEg, TYF. FIREPLACE LOCATION EELOhI I'ITL SIUD FRAI1E BELO{4 Eoee oF %' 9HEET ROCK ' CI]IMNEY SIIAFT 4X. STEEL FRAHE AELOA TNO-hIALL FLUE l't' t.o. / 1'3-?{' o.o. NEI^I CHIHNEY FRA|.IING EOGE OF CHII1NEY CAP 2O'x2Ot *VARE. TERI1INATION CAP 20. CLEARANCE BETI^IEEN TER|IINATION CAPS AS FER I1FR, RECOI1I,IENPATIONs P R0 JECT : WESTHAVEN CO N DOM tNtU MS TITLE: CHIMNEY PLANS - 4 8R UNIIEIDG B SCALE: 3/8'= 1'-0' NOTES: CURIFICATION OF DWG#: A-8.10 DTMENSIONS@T)POF FROM: LKSM CHIMNEYS iSSUED: 06.06.06 REV. 09.15.06 SK:55c1 EXTENT OF EXG gTEEL CHIMNEY MonrenAncnrecrs a Pror6.b..lcorp@lion 2271 N. F@nbg. Ro.d W Suhd C Vsl, Colqado 31657 970 476 5105 /F\ coPYRG-r 2oob e?0476.071ord, \Y,/ IIORTER aRCFTEC-S p C. m5@hoo.6rhi..E 6- 9HROUD CLADDING 9HALL BE %" STEEL PLATE ATTACI]ED TO VERTICAL 9IEEL ANGLE9 l^llTll BOLTg. FINI9I] TO EE BLACKENED gTEEL. PRE-FABRICATED ctlll'1NEY S|IROUD l^l/ UL LI9TING CLAD 5HROUO t^l/ NON -COIIBUsTIBLE IIATERIAL9, TYP. CLADDING gI.{ALL NOT RESTRICT TIIE AI1OUNT OF FREE AREA FOR Ft I tFq I1ETAL FLAgHING OVR CONCRETE CAP. I1ETAL TO I1ATCH GALVALUI.IE R@F FINISH STONE VENEER ELEVATION CHIMNEY TOP BLDG BR WEST 3/8" = 1' 3/6. FETAL PLATEg ATTACHED TO PRE. FAtsRICATEDgHROUD, CLADDING SI{ALL NOT RESTRICT TI{E AI,IOUNT OF FREE AREA FOR FLUEg. PRE-FABRICATED (- e-UO I jl I II1NEY sI{ROUD I,.I/ UL LI9TINC coNc. cAP A/ ,.t.P. IIEI'IBRANE f I1ETAL gOUARE TERHINATION CAP9 4" |'1ETAL 31UO3 tl/ NON-COI-IBUgTIBLE SHEATHINGFLA9I{|NG -- SLOPE 'fO DRAIN 6, 5TONE VENEER/ TYP. A,P. I1EIIBRANE CONTINUOUS UP I^IALL 3'-O" fllN. SECTION CHIMNEY TOP BLDG BR WEST J_. t. _.-t- l- , r._l __t-] + _ _,lll,l ' -l--: | | I l::| -l - l- .F-:'r-rriI , -f - r -r-=' if I l'l I - | --.--t I | \-- PROJECT: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS TITLE: CHIMNEY PIANS - 4 BR UN/I8LDG I SCALE: 3/8'=1'-0" NOTES: CLARIF\CATIONOF DWG#: A-8 10 DIMENSIONS@T)POF FROM: LKSM CHIMNEYS ISSUED: 06 06.06 rev. 10 20.06 SK:55c2 MonrunAncnrecrs a P.otcasb.dr Cdmorarion 2271 N Fo.ralo R€dW su(.c V.Lr CoroiJdoSl65T 970176 5r05 /F\ (oP/'rG-r/orr, q'0.76 orl0 irr t/ lioqTrq aoc-rac-s p c 1i./dFo..rd(- e.rs .o- tL'L;; ; i ,l DESIGN REVIEdV I3TAFF APPROVAL l,lTu-6 UL LISTED DECORATIVE 5HROUD AtsOVE gIAFT I^IALL BELOI4 BETNEEN FLUEg, TYP. LOCATION OF FIREPLACE rN Bror, 820r, B30l 41 gTEEL FRAI1E tsELOA EDGE OF CT]IT1NEY CAF EoeE oF %" 9HEET ROCK a Cl.{lflNEYg{AFT I'ITL gTUD FRAI1E BELOI^I ThlO- l..lALL FLUE rtt | .o. / B-UD" o.o . 2ottx2ot' SauARE TERI,IINATION CAP 2OI' CLEARANCE EEThIEEN TERI1INATION CAPg A9 FER I1FR. RECOI,II,lENDATIONs NOTE- A.C. TO VER,IFY gTEEL FR,AIIE DII1ENSIONS AITH 'I FOR CONgTRUCTION' gIEEL SHOP DRAI^llNGg PROJECT: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS TTTLE: CHIMNEY PTANS - 3 8R UN/I8lDG I SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0' NOTES: CURIFICATION OF DWG #: A-8.8.1 DIMENSIONS @ TOP 0F FROM: LKSM CHIMNEYS ISSUED: 06.06.06 REV. 09 15.06 K:55d. EXTENT OF EXG gTEEL FRAI1E q',. 3'-.61" ?t_ :=_i CHIMNEY MonrenAncnrEcrs A P6lessioml CoDoElion 2271N Fb^1a9. Ro.d w sorL c vail. c.l6ad.n1657 970.,176 5105 /:\ coprhrchr roor, 970.76 oTlo,er \y' vonrcn anc"rcc-s oc '1,€ 'fo'rcid'Lllsb .d FRE-FABRICATEO CItIIlNEY SI1ROUD h|l UL LIgTING. PAINT TO I1ATCII ROOF IlATERIAL. 2rx3l4fl FIORIZoNTAL |1ETAL FINg ATTACI.]ED TO FRE-FABRICATED UL LISTEDgI.]ROUD. CLADDING ${ALL NOT R,EgTRICT TIIE AI1OUNT OF FREE AREA FOR FLUES. COUNTERgUNK FASTENERS ELEVATION @ CHIMNEY TOP - BLDG B 3 BR EAST 3/a" = 1 CLAD gHROUD N/ NON -COI1BUsTIELE I1ATERIALg, TYP. CLADDING 9IIALL NOT RE5TRICT THE AF1OIJNT OF FREE AREA FOR FLUEg. PRE. FABRICATED CHII1NEY SHROUD h|l UL LISTING SOUARE TERI1INATION CAP9 st -t--f| | \k-ssdy' | "*r-rXot.ocoNc. caP t4/ ,t.P. r,l EI,IERAN E C IIETAL FLA9HING -- SLOPE JO DRAIN CI.IIIINEY gHR,OUD 1.1/ UL I Lr9TrNG I Vtr 9:|EEL PLATE t^l/ ll REVEAL ADJACENT TO 9TUCCO 5TEEL FLATE ATTACHED TO I4ALL I^I/ COUNTER9UNK FASTENERs VERIFY FLUE REOUIREIIENT9 l^1/ IIANUFACTURER'S RECOIII1ENDATION9 SECTION @ CHIMNEY TOP - BLDG B 3 BR EAST i-C;\rv1;6 t- 3/8" = 1'-0 MonmnAncurncrs A Proaossional Colpodlio^ 2271 N F.ontage Road w Suile C Va'r, Coto..do 81657 970.176 5r05 /A\ oor- Lj! 1006 s/0 4/L o/'o,ar \Y/ voqIEP ARCHTE-lq P. ha@-.ip{r h r... 6- PROJECT: WESTHAVENCONDOMINTUMS ETAtrtr TITLE: CHIMNEY SHROUD - 3 BR UNIT BLDG B SCALE: 318'= 1'-0" DWG #: A-8.8.1 FROM: LKSM ISSUED: 09.15.06 ,LARtFtcATrol pQ QtWNgoNSf,lroqF 'H.MNEY: un a PPHOVAI- K:55d. FLUE TO MATCI'{ R@F NATERIAL TOF CAP OF CIIII1NEY TO 9LOPE C 4;12. TO? CAP SHALL tsE GALVALUI1E TO IIATCI.{ ROOF MATERIAL. I{EIGI{T OF EXIgTING STEEL FRAI1E MonrenAncnrecrs A P.ol€..b^.| Cdryodlio. 2271 N, Front.g. Ro.d W Suit.C vr'|, Coro.6do 81657 970.1?6 5105 6\ coPYRrGHr 2006 9r0 tt€ oTloaar \y,, MoRIER aRCBIECIS P C m.@mr!€rsrchilect3 @h PR)JECT: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS TITLE: PARTIALWEST ELEVATION - BUILDING A SCALE: t/o'= 1,_6, NOIES: DWG #: 2/A3.1 FROM: LKSM BOILERFLUE ISSUED: 11,08,06 TERMINATION SK:87a GALVALUME ROOF BEYOND FLUE TO I'IATCI{ R@F TPWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW .. STAFFAPPROVAL \ P ROJ ECT : WEST HAv EN CONDOM lN lU MS TITLE: PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION - BUILDING A SCALE: 1/a, = 1,4" NOIES: DWc #: 3/A3.1 FROM: LKSM ISSUED: 11.08.06 NOIES ll q Al \. ll- l-uv SK:87b MonrenAncnrrcrs A Prole66bnal Colporalin 2271 N Fonrage R6.d W Suil. C Vai, Coldado 8165, 970,r76.510s /A\ coPYRrcHr2006 910./6 o/to lar \Y/ MoRTER ARCHTECTS P.c n.@mod.r.<r,lars @a I' rr'F. WU Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 16,2006 Mr. Rick Pylman Pylman & Associates 137 Main Street, Suite C-107W Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Westhaven Condominiums Dear Rick, Thanks for your letter dated January 3, 2006, and the accompanying foundation reclamation report for the old "Ruins" incomplete structure. After reviewing the report materials submitted by Viele Construction on your behalf, I have determined Condition of Approval #8 has been fully met by the applicant. Ifyou have any questions regarding this letter, or the project itself, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, . -/z&4ft Matt Gennett, AICP Community Development Town of Vail {p ^".r"""o r r"^ aL/az/266J 21:sl \ t T":"" PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES PAGE A2 Re/westha D{at Matt: ven Condominiums 12 Series of 2005 approved the site s'pecific development glal for !3-]-11tnaven Jnt. rn" ordinance-included condition of Approval # E whicn regulred tne ,utii, " pl"" detailing how the existing concrete from the "Ruins" foundation Sin Rick I# Ordinance January 3,2006 I Mr. Matt Gennett iown of vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage'Road Vail, CO 81657 be recYcled. Jerlwrigtrt, Wright and ComPanY Tony Faulhaber, J.L., Viele Construction I I A recycling plan was submitted and a demolition permit was issued' The foundation has now beefr complet"ty ,"rou"j.'ift" ti" contractor, l.L. Viete Construction, Inc', has completed a ;;jil|fi;inoicatinft.lt .omptiao"" with this condition' J'L' Viele consguction' lnc' will a.iiu", , "ipy of this refort to you under separate cover from this letter. wiltg,llTMolnsrrcc't,suitccl-107\fF.,lw,rrcls,oolorirtl'rt'{1632MoiLl'()'Rrx2lllJ'Etlwarrl's'coloradoSl6}2I pl,-..'. tom) q26.6065 Far: (9?0) 926.6064 Emcril: rickf4pylcl\.c()mI I aLla2/2AAA 2L|5L 9769494t44 PVLMAN & ASSOCIATES PAGE AT It, TO: 1 I t'r"nGennett Iuxl: 47s'24s2 l DAT$: JanuarY 3,?fr06 I fnOf: I RrckPYlman rffrnofncrt WesthavenCondominilms I Numtcr ofPages Including Cover Sheet: 2 EN Letter re: foundation recYcling COMMENTS: Msft: please call if you Save any questions. Tony did a nice job documenting the recycling prgcess and his report is ".ty if,i^iugt,. we wouid like a letter resognizing compliance with the cohdition for our records Please' I Cofy: Jen \lVright, Mirus LLC Tony Fiuthabcr, J'L. Viele Construction AS$OCIATES PaxzTlO-92Gffi4 ){ PO Box 2338 r Edwnrds, Colorsdo 61632 ' Phone: nGl92e606,5 I I t I I I Westhaven Gondominiums I Existing Foundation Reclamation October 2005 I I t I t I I I I t I t I I lj J.L, V ieli: Crrn:,'l:r'iir:.:r. -.: 1000 South lrontage Road Vest, Suite 202 Vail, Colorado 81657 Tele 970.47630a2 Fax 97 0 .47 6.3423 www.vieleconstruction.com December 27, 2005 Matt Gennett Town Of Vail Deparftnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Westhaven Condominiums Existing Foundation Reclamation Dear Mr. Gennett: I have enclosed photos, equipment rental receipts, frrel and steel salvage receipts and tmcking detail sheets for the foundation reclamation of the existing structure from the Westhaven Condominiums site for your records. The following is a written description of how the material was handled: The existing foundation known as the ruins was demolished using a special track hoe with an NPK M-28 Material Processor which breaks the concrete into 3' pieces and makes it possible for workmen to sepaxate the reinforcing steel from the concrete by hand. The demolished concrete material was stockpiled and the rebar was separated and loaded by hand and hauled to the E. Bonner Company in Grand Junction for recycling. An Extec C-10 crusher was then moved on to the site and the stockpiled concrete was then crushed to less than 6" diameter and hauled with trucks to the Diamond S Ranch in Eagle, Colorado, for use as road base in the constnrction of a new road on the site. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, J. L. Viele Constnrction I t I I I t I I T I T Project Manager )r, Iffislr INVOICE LONGS EXCAVATION INC 210 EO}TARDS VLG BVD $AIOIp0 Box 19 s4 EDWARDS CO 81632 1954 r325 WESTHAVEN DR COUNIY: EAGLE SHIP FROM: WECO-AURORA I 10-o8-05 557 69 1.0-07-05 10 I 89 2JR0 0 3 03 1.o 1.0 CUSTOMER CONTACT: EQUIPMEbI"I RENTAL C.ATERPTLI"AR ID No: 90549TAX ID: 05-pO1l.S3.G EXC.AVATOR '.,TTHFREIGHT DELIVERY SMM ?AN 28 SHORT SE?TLEMENT: PAYMSNT DUE JEREMY (MTLLER)RKR. FR.oM rol 10 /os rHRu rL/ os / osMODEL 32sBL M28SERfAL, No: 2JRO O3 o3 NPK M-28 MATERIAL PROCESSOR COLORADO S?ATE TAX EAGLE COIJNTY TAX/MTS TERM RENTAL BSGINNING :-0/:IO/05 IN FULL UPON RECEIpT OF THIS INVOICE. .14S79. O0 682 . OO 297 .58 411 . 49 4ZJ , L>J oboz q C'bo '*"''$iliii.*.,;ij'3i'^t."J'#i,F[,]r:.:J.:.!li::iiilr^r1 OEUNOUcNY AMoUNT, fioD1 @ CUSTOfVIEF ORIGINAL INVOICE 16s11.26 WAGNER EOUIPMENT CO. DEPr. 9OOO DENVER, co E0291_9oOO It{V9t:8 q1]01 .(ll tar1 {S1 q5 lnZ PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT AMOUNT CREDITED 9/t d l09t 0N )Nl sa ldaod INTER-II/IOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1265 FACTORY CIRCLE, FORT LUPTON. COLORADO 80621 (303) E57.0327 FA"\ (3o3) 857_031S Remit to Inter-Mountain Construction Equipment 1265 Factory Gircle Fort Lupton, CO 80621 Invoice #101005-1d - MODIFIED Date 10/10/05 BillTo: Mr. Jerry Macarthur Long's Excavation, Inc. 0210 Edwards Mllage Blvd A101 Edwards, CO 81632 Rentaf Period - 10117105 FOR 1 WEEK 1 Extec C-l0 Year:2003 Rent SMM Tax Sales Tax (3.7o/o\ Total Terms: Net due at beginning of rental period per TERMS OF PAYMENT All implied warrantics of merchanbbilily and fihcs3 for a panicular purpose are hcrcby disclrirne4 by rhe rcllcr. All latc paym.rts will bc chrrgcd 10% of amount due for a hrc foe. Rcntel payrnenrs rhar arc ovcr 5 drys aom duc dar€ will bc chargcd a minimrrrn lrrc clrarge of S750. Inkr€st on p.st duc mrorrng will also bc chrrgcd at t,5% pcr month. CV--ID P*, i)./)-D5ngtr\ t t €t'1iL Ta Jul' *4 7 J3 "' 9/9 d l09t 0N )Nl saldaad |'ivgi:B q00Z 0Z 340 ....-.. D::ozq c-do -\ E. BONNER COMPANY 2373 Fiver Foad 7-t t glrl) BY)a CASH c.o.o.CHAME (I{ acgl.MOS€. RETD, PAIO OIJT \ I 1 /p.u e:/./1'u-.,fl4 n t 3 4 c 6 I I 10 '11 /74 & CUSTOMER'S OFOEF NO.REC'D BYTatL'lr KEEP THIS SLIP FOR BEFEFIENCE iDIoPl ronra qosaz I I I I T I I t T I T t I I t I I t t .*.-...! - E. BOilINER COfulPANY KEEP THIS SLIP FOR BEFEBENCE fibPi ronu aasez ir r sxD BYlK-CASH CHAFIGE ot{ Accr.MDSE. RETD. PAp our -] ll,t r/;i_48,fu /-/7 M 2 v 4 5 7 a 'lo 't'l 12 /'lrlEz CUSTOMEH'S OHDEB NO.BEO'O BY6\t .-, -. t .l*f'htJ ffi"wr- .,1 E. EONNER COMPANY I I t I I t t t I I I I t I t I T t I 2373 River Road Grand Juncriol, eO6ffir .i .. . b" EBONNER COMPANY Z|65 RIVER ROAD €RAl{D.ruNcnoil, @b_ gro)2{r€851 DA1E o( KEEP THIS SLIP FOB REFERENCE |h ronu osse, ' "- -' iuf rr Ias - to\r{ los - tD[re Ios - ro\e'rlos - ln4'oo lnl,o'l t a:g'6D I tlto,b q,r5 ToCr \ax roxs f.6rf ToXs q.q ?[r ' .'l €cn*P -latCI.- flraz'& gI.D BT cast{c.o.o.O.IAFGE tI{ ACgr. I i,lOSE.I EID.PAD (lJT 'l 2 3 4 5 v] {u itr,n 6 d.'q f'n /q,r,-22 7 E 'to 11 12 CUSTI]MEF'S OFOEB M).-FEC! 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't i' ._- :ir i iliit .-*-J ',. r. ,.F, # rf.-.,r-Aa) ftr-,,$ t t t I I I t I I I t I t I t I t I T to /zs/os I I I , '-' /t.'-c -v l, 1,1 I T t I I t I I I I I t t I I ii:i- -t ,, ./^, t^te / /) / /_L'u> tD//>/ )oDs as' I I Ef,,=1.'Il'r. l .- . ,51 i j nI It, ElrIt, ,t I ,.1 I I I I T I t I ')', /r ; , - .^.\ " .r.., .{' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: WESTHAVEN CONDOS NEW CONST DRB Number: DR8050223 Project Description: Final Review of Westhaven Condominiums - New 13 Unit Multi-Family Building Pafticipants: OWNER MIRUS LLC O5I23I2OO5 CiO WN MANAGEMENT PO BOX 7270 AVON co 81520 APPUCANT MORTERARCHITECTS 4512312005 Phone:476-5105 LEAH MAYER 2271N, FRONTAGE ROAD. W., SUITE'C' VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 1325 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: 1325 WESTHAVEN DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CASCADE VILLAGE Parcel Number: 2103-121-0001-7 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Dorward Action: APPROVED Second By: Dunning Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApprovalt 06/1512005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 TOI{'Nffi Location of the Proposal: Lot:--Block:- Subdivision: Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal iequiiements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until alt required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. D escri ptio n of th e Req u est: -tlMA4-Dg.8-3D{lgr.LS{-t -!d-a:flavg^L- corlouvt w I g7'v1, LrV physicatAddress: -13?6-__lA PoAO, \lAtq-l| parcel No.: a|6a1flOp(.l ? (Contact Eagle Co. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) fi.-"1;;;; W MaitingAddress: --PO-'-- Boy f Z-ZO ---,=-i;-==;-----:_-_- nl A\rr't\r ^A 4'2n P;;;-Wq:612nq V Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 1€;l: 97A.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved Review Board. No Fee by Planning Staff or the Design -as&N'rCL--32*z9-# l'^^Owner(s) Signature(s): yl NameorAppric"nt, -ltsd{-@ ARCHTf€gTs -. I| ,t t7 t\l MairinsAddress: L[iN--fir^ms-ro' W fu,Te- e----: l\Wu*c-o- PIsa-. ;,;--Phone: \,atn"iraoar".", lnoyerP-nnodg.f qrg!S%Jat,*--- l-l&-:OJ-[[ tr -t5 (od1 A. IType of Review and Fee: il y . Signs $50 Plr€ $1.00 per square foot of total sign area L v Conceptual Review No Fee I I 1-) New construction $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. ,\lvnJoition $300 ffi:.."L11ffi!,#liJ,:J::1;':1"r'i*"'i'11"1ff"T^il1,ofi'.0"n''' o' il v . Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, ^,it I(multi-family/commercial) fjff:,? painting, window additions, landscapins, fences and retaining 'ilfl . Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, , V(single-family/duplex) reroofing, painiing, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainin( Page 1 of 12104tO1104 ,*ffi JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEN APPROVAL LETTER t,lr4;;*r,r"l!1fu-{a&g- a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans A"ea --fr1L6- - which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be comoleted at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance vyith the Town's applicable codes and regulations' 1//////4, //L( , description)-UUW Page 2 of 12104101104 @ I0IVi\r 0F iailF/ Gdneral lnformation: inis apprication is required for all proposals involving th.e addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area)' This i"JrOli proposals forZSO aOOitLns and interior conviersions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for sPecific regulations. r. s-!,lu!]-raLsEauIREMENTS.. indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an osterisk (*)' " "For interior gonversions with no exterior chan+es, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed noo, ptansFltt" ,eport, und written approval from a condominium association' landlord' and ioint owner, if aPPlicable- Topographic survey: iX Wet stamp and signature of a.licensed surveyor p( Date of surveY { North arrow and graphic bar scale }g Scaleof 1"=10' or 1"=20') )g Legal description and physical address X r"i.i- ""J'uritaaute'ar6i lruildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4oVo ' and floodplain) a iio-io ""isting benchmark, either UScs landmark or sewer invert- This information must be clearly stated on the survey ,( property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBM ITTAL REQU IREMENTS x ,L ,3. 0xx ,C 0 0 0 Stamped TopograPhic SurveY. Site and Grading Plan* Landscape Plan" Architectural Elevations* Exterior color and material samples and specifications' Architectural Floor Plans* m& splrr4F ffitrfirq Lighting Plan. and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures . . fiile reiort, including Scheduies A & B to verify ownership and easements* Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable' . rl rr Writt"n upprou"l froir a condomi;ium association, fa1dl91d, and joint owner' if applicable t$f,' Site-specifrc Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* N{{ The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans' drawings' .p""ifi*tio*, samples and other matlrials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine Jnlinur a project witl comply with Design duidelinei or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly xx x t x corner. ihow right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. lndicate all easements identified on the subdivlsion plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions' ipoi ir"u"iion. at the edge of aiphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot iopographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. 4 no"fout"rolppings and other significant natural features (large boulders' intermittent streams' etc')' Page 3 of 12104101104 Xtt >{ r( 9( T< All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, Exact location of existing utility Utilities io include: Cable W Telephone including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. sources and pronosed service lines from their source to the structure. Sewer Water G6 Electric Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan: * Scale of 1"=20'or larger !( Property and setback lines )( Existing and proposed easements Y rxisting and proposed grades g Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. lndicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. f& All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. lndicate existing and orooosed orades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to *r"rr"t" uuiraing neig;t. (igf- nfd RbF n dN) ( Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. Location of landscaped areas. Location of limits of disturbance fencing Location of all required parking spaces Snow storage areas. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawingi shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6' feet in height. X Delineate areas to be phased and ippropriate timing, if applicable $fl Landscape Plan: l( Scale of 1" = 20'or larger tf Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. X Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. lndicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being' affected by the proposed improvements and grading. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. )a Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectu ral Floor Plans: { Scale of 1/8" = '1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred Page 4 of 12l04lXIA4 x xt &x4,{ :c XY x:c li X Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale..;x Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. .t tabel floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). 11- Cne set of floor plans must be "redlined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. \ Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations: JV Scale of 1/8" = 'l' or larger; 1/4" is preferred g All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. )q, lf building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also..:(. Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. >c All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. X The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details. )C Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. X lllustrate all decks, porches and balconies. X, Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). I( lndicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. )( lllustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridgeq These elevationsghould coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. (taE ROOf 7*N) 0 Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan: )S, Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. g Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area :t Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. l!--lM PRovEMENT LoAALIANGEETIFIGAIE_I]LG) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an lmprovement Location Certificate survey (lLC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: e Basis of bearing and tie to section corner' o All property pins found or set e Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot' o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location e All easemenls Page 5 of 12104101104 Building Mater,ials PROPOSED MATERIALS Iyp,e-qt ldeleda!Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other $eelqNn .rrzed <jroloAq (rpr L nE.fpd- f'nEfaL. IW N/A \MaJt (5€.o ilt$VJAt hono) ct[trfrq{. Bl #vc(s[w6 L N/A Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Paoe 6 of 12104101104 l'lay ,23 O5 O3: O4a Denn i s Flndenson ltAY-23-2005 ltoN 08:06 An rloRTER ARCHTTECTS (970r 326 -?201 FAX N0. 9704760?10 P.?P,m ,?ae tq,tu9l*Ctl gptq.t.l6.aI Nemq L-w-- ea.+t@sw -f 5l -..'- - ,. ,. tF _!_t_..- ,..- +?4€ ,,- @(ISTINGIFEES TO BE flEMc /tlo fyne Seurle Fggtagg PqA6rrputu9 # ?Jee 'CnOL'{o8t,ER - - -ff aea Minimum Reqrdtetnsnts lor Landsceping: $oo SEED IRRTCATION Dec'duous Trc6 - 2* GoliPet Coniferous Tree$ - 5' in heighl Shrubs - 5 G€|. .tue.-49- ?ao -ry#W*J.lhffifb"',tt e I tt1 oo s.F PE;L-fuh@'- 5tr*{'6e-i rytzEtrEnosroNooNTRo- @etftC /pq _ Plesse spocily other lsndsclpe teatures (i.o' retarnlng walls' fenoc5' swimming pools' €tc') filfirmflap PROPOSED LANDECAPING Gg-1n m.o P--l{amq ourrlily siFg z.r:' *as ___L FRorcsEDrnEs ._@_ JU- 3-5:-- Ar.rDsrr{,,8s Egr_2"-w.rs __e_w tvw,/ln"}:tLttri r-p' @--oryosl- Pago 7 ol 1?r04l01r04 ,*ffi Surveyor's wet stamp and signature Date of survey North arrow Proper scale (1"= 1 0' or 1 "=20') Legal description Basis of bearings / Benchmark Spot Elevations Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve ' information. Lot Size Buifdabfe Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o, and floodplain) Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 fax:. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submitted prior to PublicWorks review of a proposed development. owners/projecill"'",-h[6${AlEAl--0OruOsryULul6-J&Pl5'fn . proj ect Ad d ress, -l31et- tdFXflaWd- QL Appli"""t,[8!tl f{\Ayt0- /,vlar{tP. ated. - phoneNumber: frltggt Submitlal X Stamped survey of property X Civilisite plans S un{ef ieS_qrc_Ioelllsi sx { \x { x(,< X r( l' Access (check all) hed surface are shown on the site oran. nL lg'oa15 Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheaied X Heated (portion in ROW in a seParate zone[{flf ;g Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% of drivewav area if '---- unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated) rr Pr'PErrv u.,trr t\'ror rso \!'v /o rJr " * " m FfAv All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and coqE;m to Development Standards, p. 1 1. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):-I-E- Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 ll. Construction Site (check all) X Location of all utilit'res and meter pits are shown on the site plan. )4 t-imits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. X I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of' Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. \ t am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. lll. x (Note: Valley pan must not be heated) \ + Foot Concrete Pan X \r(x {t Site Plan Requiremeqtsi Drainage (check all that apply) The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. \, Landscape plan \ ntte Report (Section B) Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc ..) Topography Utility locations Adiacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Page '11 of 121041Q1104 s I Foot Concrete Pan xxx lv. J6 0 0 0 0 0 vl. o ex Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site' Culverts have been provided and are laireled and dimensioned on the site plan. A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) Erosion Control (Check all that apply) Disturbance area is greater than one half acre. A separate Erosion Control Plan has'been professionally engineered and PE stamped. Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site ptan. Floodplain (check all that apply) The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply) The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) A Hazard Report has been provided The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. Vll. Grading (check all that apply) )( existing and proposed gradesicontours are provided on the site plan. ll1 All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. e All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans' o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. Vll | . Parking (check all) X All residential and commercial parking spaces conform lo the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. lX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) :r All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19' e' All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. ,y All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type ' ' t of wall construction. o ' No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as perrDev.elopmgnJ-S-taldlrqsr q..1.2. .| Proper signt distance has not been attained. Explanation wtry:fl!fltillK0fPfrf9/qlADl|4 ' Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as perrDev.elopmgnJ-S-taldlrqsr q..1.2. { proper silnt distance has not been attained. Exptanation wtry:fl!fltillKctPfrf9/qgADq-ON Additionalcomments ruqflAvgN. Dl. orru, ?g,E lltfd4|gf.Hs Ptease provide any ad.ditional comments that pertain to Publicworks Review. t^l/ eOeAlqt SfQ*I h{$le 04/01/04 Applicants Signature WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS VAIL, CO EXTERIOR LIGHTING For FINAL DRB SUBMITTAL May 23, 2005 Morter Architects 2271 North Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.5105 fax.476.0710 902 SERIES Exterior Bollard Multi-Shade Luminaire siF oRDERING EXAMPLE e02-LCS-CFU1-120V-NBZ-NBZ-36 Ty Pc 3Ll i .p:":l%' , ' : ShFd* Ontions *- uat' 'lIa'; f\i-:-.i-"r--T:-,m,FIt Ciri t !(l gfil+.} .fcs i '",llr'l:,rgi'li1|r3{ f}ritl\i :glJ: lt'.: "'1' 1iii*;41-qi' *T*Tl f*t lt:1 li l'l}irdd Iittcj siho'l! (lrilg ard thH.5'r LAMP VOLTAGE .e*fi{46F i€tri lc} l20V MH/1/50.ffi e4f,r{€rrody) sn; u|jr+rd $i1r.d+ al,C.!ll 1fiL! Reflector/0ptics . Spun $rhite painted aluminum. Refer to wl.Ywshaperlighting.com for. complete photometrics. : Ballast , . ' : onc (1) loiv temperature (0"F, -18'CIAC electronic CFI multi-volt 12Ol2lN l3+N-Canada) ballast one [1] mttal halide electronic 12oV127"1V 6allast. CFL and MH electronic ballast mounted in post. Lamp/Socket' . :0n€.(1) 26W (G/u4q-3 basel,32W (GX24q-3 base) or 42W '(G/caQ-4 basrj +-pin triple tube CFL lamp. one (l) 50W . . ED.l7 medium base metal halide lamp or one (t) looW A-19 incandescent lamp. CFL socket injection rnolded plastic. MH and INC socket fked ceramic rated for +lQ/. Lamps furnished bv othen . Installation/Electrital ' Post is mourited on a cast base collar with three 3/8" x 6" J-bolts. : The post is a wire way, The electrical connection is below the remov- able head and conduit ente6 at the center 0f the base plate. Supplied with dnchor boltJ, mounting hardwale and template. , Options . Brightnesi Baffle (BBt). ' Labels . U.L and C.U.L listed for wet location. Modifications , Contact the factory r€garding scale optiont unique finishes, mounting, edditional materialslcoloF, or decorative detailing. OVERALT HEIGHT OPTIONS 36'Standard BBL or specifo other SERIES sHADEs902 LCS 4$ t4+ifs {1HS. l',liiil 1,'1r'.,*:"*l r lshape/liqhting.conl '':': .,.1.,,,.t . l ' i ,1, ,,, ,; :'.: .::. l: r : .: : : So2-PT-]S : pagc 362 902-PI-LCS : pagc 362 694-W}-RB : P3ge 348 694-$rP: pagc 3aG G9t-WP: peqr 34o 692-WP : pagc 3,t2 G93-WP: p.qe 344 r1i;ii li:'i"':iri.;; 'tti I shilpefliqhtinq.com J pHt[tp3 MasterColor CDM 5CIVd/830 Med FDi.7 CL ALTO Successor Produd numbsr sow Type stt La^P I Save PDF I Open PDF General Produd flumber 360206 ruil p.oau* nu." "-" '. H;;tc"ro. bol,t sow/e:o uea eoiz d- llro Oderhg Code Pack type l Sleev€ OPen End Pieces per pack I Packs per case 12 PEck UPc 046677350?07 Case Bar Code 5004667736020.2 . wattagetw l color Code 830 [CcT of 3o0oK] Base iled lMedium] ED17 lDiameter: 2.125 inch] Bulb Flnlsh CL tclearl ALTO [ALTO@] Had Glass Rated Avg, tf€[hr ] 10ooD Mercury welghtfmg l ANSI @e HID Mr48/M110/E Lamp Voltagelv l 100 color Re,rdering hdexlRa8 I 85 color Deslgnation warm WhiE @lor Temperrtur€tK I 3000 Inlual LurnenslLrn ]4100 May 19,2005 Deslgn t4ean Lurn€risllm ] Page 1of2 aPu sLz IIGHTNG rYpe: Job: Fixture Gatalog number: Specifications Horslng and Shield: Die-caE low copper aluminum. $tiv6h Dietast aluminum with locking teefi and lf sotid brass NPT mount Provides horizonal mtat'ron independent of therhreaded mount Swivel locked bv y&20 stainless sd scre\ /. Clear anodized pnior to chromate codv€rsion coatirq for added conosion resistance. l-ens: Con\re,\ clear tanpercd glass wlth silicone gaskef Sodrat G4 to CY6.35 socket for bipin lamp. lMring: 6' No. 1 &2 12 Volt cable with fo* connecors. Flnlsh: Super TCIC therrnoset polye*et poMder coat pain(, 2J mil nominal thlckrEss, apdid o/er a drrornae comersion coatinp 2500 hour sah Sray b6t erdurarrce ratir6. Stanclard colorc arc Black (BL), Da* Brcnze p$, and \rede Creen (GR). Certification: UL Listed to U,S. and Canadian safety statdards for rrvet locations, Firdrre manufacturer shall anploy a quality prqgnm that is certified to meet the tSO 9(}()'1 :2000 standard. 12 Volt Die-CastAluminum, MRl6 Halogen rwision 215103 . kfu205.df Appruvals: ORDERING INFORilANON Fbfrrre' FlnlCl 4 KIT Square Hood KLV205 EKLI,zOsBLExaaosoe trKL\,zO5GR Black Dark Bronze Verde Creen Fr{attage /Lamp .@ ltt0 Fixture Odions:TEilR So Ofdered Separady from f |{ure ste pqes 2 Ordered Seprely frun fbcue S.. p6$ 3 llounting Oflisrs: K LVqT.5EL 1lli#i{SK*i' if, HlrBllElr );:i)!|$/#f;ir € 2tt03 tsl LTGHnNG ||ac, . P.O. Box 60OHt, CITY OF lNotlSTRY CA 0171Gqn0 . TEL: 626196&5668 ' FAX 626/3692695 mw_75w 5-t>ti,MR16 BiPin Halogen *Rernote fransfomrer requir€d. Hrabll ughrhgr InG. 5623103196 \P sLz' LIGHTING @l(t Square Hood KLV205 12 Volt Die-CastAluminum, MR16 Halogen r*istul. 7h5/O3 o klv2O5.pdf Page: 3 of 3 Type: Job: FommrPostn bV Engineer€d Ptoduc{s Go. Clt No. NEPiT ! No Opflon LolY Voltege spear Uq,tnt Cat No. Finish lKLV400BL Black D KLv4ll0DB Dark Bmrze trl(lll400cR \A&Creen ! No Opton lorr\bftaggsu{a€ Mqr|t Cat No. Finish tr KLVI|0SBL Black trKfV4osDB Da*Bronze lKfVtt{FGR \brdeGreen ! No Oplion Exhnsion ftoduh Mounting Options Ordered Separately from Fixture Fr'C firorc rnolded in black widr ld NPT mount is conosion free and W resi*ant Replaces EMI conduit connector ard weatherprcof bo><es. 1OS/o shdter resistant against denting and cra&ing, Angled botorn to eliminate cable congestion. 1 7%' po6t length Die{as lot,v copper aluminum wirh W NPSM fixture mounL Stainless steel sd screrv lock firrturc into mounl Cable slot allorrlrs eaqy finrrc mounting before or after insallation in groond. Super TGIC po\ryder coat Paint o\rcr clear anodizir6 and chromate convenion. Spear llountng in Concreb In addition to soil mountin& the KLV400 can be installed in a mncrete {m{ir€ for added stability ard permancrrce. Die{ast low copper aluminum with )z/ NPSM fixture rnount Stainless *eel set screw locks fixture into mount Two holes provided for flat head rlrcod screws. Super TCIC powder c6at paint over clear anodizing ard chromate convenion. For raising fifi.rres to a height aborre foliage for efficient and unob*r.r&ed operation. -Con*ructed of t s/e' diarteter e)(t'uded alumidum wi*r die-ca* erds. )f NPStvt fenule thread on one end, and other end has a 1d NPSM solid brass nipple. Stainless steel allen head set screw lock fixtr.ne ono nnirnt Super TCIC povrder aoat paint orer chromate conrrersion. Two modules may be stacked for additional height. I/NPSM Fixture -1 | 2WorxMount-{ |o^ qp (can"sot >.._, I slDE l/\llh'*-_.-T Cat. No. tsxr-v+tseL !KLV4IsDB IKLV4'sGR !ilo Oplion Finistt Black Da* Bronze \brde Crmn 16,NPSM o zoo nu usrmnc ll{c. . p.o. BoX 60080, ctTy oF rNDLrsTR/. cA 017164080 . TELi 02486&5666 . FAx: @6136$2695 5623103196 PHIIIPS EXIH sOW GU5.3 MR15 36D lBL General Product Number 392597 Full Droduct nam€EXN 50W GU5.3 ntR16 36D 1BL TlPe sl-)t b*p j save PDF I Open PDF orderlng code 8C50IiRC16/F136-B(N kck type l Bliste. Pieces per pack Packs p€r case 72 046677392s98Pu:f yPc EAN2US CEse Bdr Code 50046677392593 successor Product number AN5I Code Halogen Wattage[W ] GUs.3 IGU5.3] MR16 IMR 16inchy'somm] Beam AnglelD l 36D Packing Type IBL [l Bllster] Operating Position Rated Avg, Ufe[hr I Voltage[V ] Dimmable Approx. MBCPlcd l Color R€ndedng Inq:ItRa8 ]100 3000. . 99]9:.r9Sp€3P:FIr.1 . ..".". ... Ctuerall t€ngth C[mm ] Dlameter Dlmm I Ivlay 19,2005 Page 1 of2 UCM*BEL FIXTURE P^GE 1 oF 2 -nG 1 oPTrcs Type 2 horizontal reflector, eag glass lons Type 3 horlzontal r€ff€at{v, sag glass l€m Typs 4 hodzontal r8flsctor, sao glass lens Typo 5 hodzontel refl€clor, sag glass lom ARM POLE ^ sEE POLEo AnM sEclor'r / 4 HOoD FINISH - oPTIONAL tr COP copp€r shad6 n STS stsinless st€€l shade The natural oop,p€r and stainls8s stsd hoods aro unfinisfiod to devdlop a patlna o\ror tlm€. All hood€ for tho OAL and GF3/GRs ha/e the undor6ido ot tho hood fnlshad In hlgh rafl6ctan6€ whtte. 5 oprtons FTG Flat glass l€ns Instaad ot standard sag glasa on rgfsclor modsl6. FLD LDL - llghtly dittussd fni6h on iat ds lens for reflector modeb. HSS House side shisld for r€06clor modols. QRS Quarts rgstike conlrdlgr and socket for a T"4 mini-cand hdogen lafip, maximum 150 watt, .efloctor modols only. QL Socket for a T-4 mlnl-cand halogBn lamp Muet bs fi€ld wired to a seoaralo 120 volt drcuit, Max. 15o watt, rsiector modols only, t17 12ol24o/34f vdtballast for HID lamps. PMS Pendant mount wllh 4871220rnm st€m and oanopy \rvlth s,liivsl. Tho stsm and canopy aro palnted same as tixturg. RCK Bock Guard-Refl€ctor units or y. EBTO Electronic ballast for 70 watt m€tal halide famps. Spsclry 12O or 277 vdl, EBI 50 Electronic ballast for 150 watt m€tsl halido lalnps. Sp6ciry 120 or 277 ,rott, fl H2 IH3 ts'ttl nHs 2 BALLASTS ! 50 MH metd ttalids 120/277 vdt Ef 70 MH metdtr/tide 12ol2}8/240t277 vc/rt n 70 MI{TG 70 watt motal hallde multltap ballast, 1201277 volt' tjs€s a G12 bas3, 6l€ar T-6 corumlc MH lamp. ! 10O MH metal halide 12o120an&/277 vdI ! 1 50 MH msral halide 120/208/?401277 vc//t E 150 MHT6 150 watt metal halids multitap ball€F;t, 120l2o8/24o1 277 vott. Usos a G12 b6o, claat T-6 coranic MH lanp. E r zs ux merdhdide 120n081240/277 volt D 50 HPS hlgh preosura sodiurrl 1201277 volt D 70 HPS hbh pressuro sodiu m 120/20a124c,/277 n roo HPS hlgh pressuro sodium 12u2oa/24on77 ! 150 HPS hlgh prsssuro sodium 12o/2oal24$/277 us€ clear, E-17larnps, msdium bass larnps lnot Induded). All 6'€/l3sls are faclory wlred for 277 votte. 3 colon ! WHT white powder coat inish ! BLK black powder coal finish E DGN dark grs€n powd€r coat finish ,E] DBZ dark bronze powdsr cmt fnistr n GALV galvanlzed pou/d€r coat finish D VGR ,,€rde greon powd€r coat flnbh f] CRT consn powd€r coat inish D MAL matto alumlnum por/der ooat flnbh n LGY llght gr€y powder coat finish n ATG antlqu€ grsdl powd€r coet fnish sou) To PO# ARcHItrcruRAL An na LIcnTING 14249 Artesia Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714 994,2700 / lar714 994.0522 / www.aal.net tr F I x T I tr xT I ! SLC sdid co\/sr blocks any light snissldL sg.-.. -''- fftll Cd-aSF f] RAL# /6'#igh f] CUSTOM:I orsrR: Joe NAMe: lnrAff hn vc n - - Bel:UCUSBBEL-H.pdl coMght 2003, d€Blgn pat€d€d UrutveRsE Cot-ucrpNtt ucM sR BEL PAaE 2 oF 2 AncurrrcruRAl Anna Ltc grINc 14249 Art€sia Blvd / La Mlrada, CA 90638 714 S$4.27OO I 1ax714 9S4,0522 / www.aal'net R6i:I,JCMSRSEL-H.pdf copyilght2ooS.doslgnpat6.d€d do Aarrrin ous Elemen* HOUSING The fixture ballast housing shall be one piece die cast aluminum. The solid rlngs shall be cast alumlnum with an int€rnal lens. The lens shall be lightly diffused acrylic, s€aled to the housing and shade with rnolded silicone gaskets. The hood shall be heaw gage spun alu- minum with hemmed edges for added rlgldity. All internal and extemal hardware shall b€ stainless steel. Reffector models shall consist of a die cast aluminum door frame and rirg assembly. The hood ring assembly shall be fully sealed with a molded silioone gasket. The door frame shall be hingod to the ring and opened with two captive fasteners Jor relamplng. The ternpered sag glass lens is held in the door frame wlth a molded sllicone gaskot. Opal acrfic lens - OAL - shall consist of a molded opal acrylic lens and an aluminum frame. Three captive fasteners shall be loosen€d to tum and rsmove the lens for relamping. Glass refractor - GR3/5. A borosilicate glass refractor lens with a h/pe 3 or type 5 distnburion shall be attached to an aluminum frame. Thr€€ captive fasteners shall be looseried to tum and remove the tens for relarnping. OMCALASSEMBLY The reflector module shall bo composed of faceted, semi specular anodized aluminum panets dgidly aftached in an alumlnum ?ay. The reflector shall be easiV removed by toosening tour screws and lifting it out the tray. The reflector tray shall be rotatable on 90" centers for orienting the lBht dsribr.rtion. The reflectors shall meet ANSI-IES standards for full ctjtoff refl€ctor s)Ftems. ELECTRICAL The ballast shall be mounted on a prewired tray with a qulck dis- conneot plug and removed by loosening two captive screws. HID bal- lasts are high power factor, rated {or -30"F starting. Sockets are medium bas€, pulse rated porcelaln. Ballasts are mufti-tap, wired at the factory for 277 volts. INSTALLATION & MOUNTING The fixture shall b€ atlached to the arm assembly with three stain- less steel botts. The connection sf|all be sealed with a silicone com- prossion gasket. The post top - PM - verslon shall slip over a 4'l100mm pole or tenon, and be secured with six stainless steel set screws. FINISH Fxture finish consists of a fi\€ stage pretreatment regimen with a pofymer primer sealer, oven dry off and top coated with a thermoset zuler TGlc polyoster powder coat finish. The finish shall meet the Mit',rlA 605.2 performance specilication whlch indudes passing a 3000 hour salt spray test for conoslon resistance. CERTIFICATION The flxture shall bo listed with ETL and U.L.for outdoor, wet loca- tlon use, UL159B and OanadianG9A Std. C22.2 no'250. lP=65 WABRANTY Flxture stnll be warrant€d tor thwee years. Ballast components carry the ballast manufacturer's limited warranty. CottmvpoRARY Anus sLA 7 P^GE 1 OF 'I SLA 7 Slips over 4" pole Weight: 12 LBs. EPA: 1.34 The arm shall be of one piece unltized aluminum construction, fully welded and assembled. The slip fitter shall be cast alurninum with an Internal wire- way and pole stop. The arm shall be prewired with quick connectors for easy installation, The arm shall have a cast aluminum fitter weld- ed to the top of the arm(s) for attachlng the fixture. The fixture shalt be mounted with three stainless steel bolts through the top of the arm fitter into the flxture. The attachment point shall have a silicone pad for seallng the fixture to arm connectjon. The arm shall slip over a 4"/100ut',t diameter pole or tenon. The cast aluminum slip fitter shall have six $ainless steel cup point set screws for securing the arm to the pole or tenon, SOLO TO r I rt rceNAMe, WCS*kUtUt y\ PO* I ARcutrectuRAl AREA LtcurInc 1,f249 Artesla Blvd / La Mirada, CA 90638 714 9s4.2700 I fax714 994.0522 / www.aal.net REFI SLA ?.POF o 2m3. OESIGN PA'IEtlTEo. APPROVALS 24.0 T.,,lp. SL3 ,g I 3' ROUND Aluminum Pole for llCS onlylb'Pol<'' PR3 rR8-125 15 I'12.4u 7.9 5.9 4.3 3.4 PR3 4R1G125 18 10'/3.1M 5.6 4.1 3.0 2,1 BOLT CIRCLE: 7"/18OMM BASE DIAMETER: 9"/230MM BOLTS ARE *'X 21" (16MM X 535uu) 4" ROUND Aluminum Pole 2x4inch reinforced hand hde PR4 & PR5 no hand hole available on the PR3 anchor bolt prqPction bolt circle: 4 locations 90" apart WARNING: Fixure must be grounded in accordance with local codes or tie National Etectdc Code. Failure to do so may resJlt in serlous p€rsonal irliury. CAUTION: Poles should never be erected wihout the luminake installed. Wdranty b voided ir the pole is etected wfthou the luminaire. Decadve pdes ae fourd on pages f2 & 43. {R8-125 19 g',n.4M 14.3 12.0 9.6 PR4 4R1G125 10'/3.1M 11.8 8.6 PR4 1R12-125 12't3.7M 9.8 PR4 4R14-125 14'14,3M 7.9 PR4 4R1&.125 33 16',/4.9M 6.4 PRt 4R10-226 1O'/3.1M 22.2 18.5 15.0 12.0 PR4 4R'12-226 42 12',13.7M 18.2 15.4 12.7 oo 4R1+226 14',14.3M 14.7 12.4 10.2 4R16-226 16'/4.9M 10.4 BOLT CIRCLE: 7'l18oMu BASE DIAMETER: 9"/230uu BOLTS ARE '['X 21'(16MM x 535MM) BOLTS ARE r'r" X 24" (19MM X 510MM) for OAH of 16'/4'9M 5" ROUND Aluminum Pole srE^D{ lt5-1 -@sr frcroR(1'O i:ii,g rEiiildEwAitriiii!;:,ir;jiiiiirfiRiii!:!ili:rrli:riilliI i.';.l]l::lsryto+:i:r,,':fiti.:,,,,,toriso,,r.::,il PRs _5R1G188 48 10'/q.1M 26.0 20.8 16.0 12.6 PRs 5R12-188 55 12'13.7il 22,5 17.2 13.2 10.5 PRs 5R16-188 68 16'14.9M 14,5 11.0 o.o PRs 5R1&188 75 1B'/5'5M 1z.o 9.0 PRs 5R2tr188 81 20',16.1M 9.8 7.4 4.O PRs 5R12-250 12'13.7il 27.o 22.7 18.8 t3.c PR5 5R1+250 l4'l4.3ir ?4,5 20.4 16.7 't3.7 PRs 5R16-250 16'/4.9M 21.8 18.0 14.8 11.5 srFrnYrxE--l T-elsr rrcloR (1 9 7.4 o-5 o-o 3.9 3.04.1E? bas€ grout ffitire PRs 5R1F25O '18.9 15,5 12.2 9.7'18'/5.5M PRs 5R20-250 102 2O'16.1M 16.4 13.6 8,2 BOLT CIRCLE: 10"/255mm BASE DIAMETER: 12 5'/320MM BOLTS ARE li' X 21' (16riau X 535MM) for OAH of 14'l14.3M or less BOLTS ARE V." X 24' (1gMM X 610MM) for OAH of 16'/4'9M 40 ARCHITESTURAL AREA LIGHTING pHrilp5 MesterColor CDr4 7CIW/830 Med ilD17 CL Al-l"C General Product Number 208843 Typ sLB LamP I Save PDF I Open f'DF Mastercolor cDM 70V830 Med ED17 Ct ALTO MHS'OA/H/3K ALTO 1 Sleeve OD€n End Pleces per pad< Packs oer case Pack UPC EAN2US wattoge[w ] Color c.ode Med lriedlum] Bulb ED17 [Diameter: 2.125 Inch] Bulb Rnish Cl [Clear] Arro IALTO@I Brass[Erass Base]Base lnformation Bulb Material Hard Glass Operating Posldon Pacldng.TyPq .... hcking Conflgurauon Universa l[U r{Yersa ll lSL[l Sh€ve Open End] !2 Rat€d Avg' ufelhr I Mercr.ry weighttmg I ANSI COdE HID Mt43lr4gglE tamP Voltng€[V I . Coltr Reltderi'lg lndex[Ra8 ] 100 Color Designation Warm lvhite Color TemperaturelK l Intual Lumens[Lm ] Design Meal. fu-m:ll"tLn J rbht c€lEl Len96 I linch]lln ] MrL ov€rall L€ngth (MOL) - clln t DiameEr Dlin l s:199 2.725 May 19,2005 Page I of2 MonrenAnCHIECTS TITLE: srnErr LAMP e WESTHAVEN DATE: os-2J-05 SCALE: %'=t'0"A Pofesioml Corporalih 2211 N, Fdn.o. Ro.d W A-1 VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS May 2,2005 Mayor Rod Slifer, and the Vail Town Council Town of Vail 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Mayor and Town Council Members: There are seven Associations in Cascade Village for which I have direct management responsibility, and two additional Associations where I hold Board seats. Each of those nine Associations has been very interested in the Westhaven site over many years, with very focused concem on the poor physical condition ofthe property. A group ofnine leaders of the Associations in the Village formed a group to review the status of the parcel and to express concern to the Town ofVail regarding the parcel condition. In the spring of 2003, a contingency of Cascade Village leaders met with former Mayor Ludwig Kurz and with Russell Forrest, the Director of Community Development, to express the concern ofthe neighborhood about the condition of the parcel and to urge the Town to take action to improve that appearance. Jen Wright has participated in several local Association meetings in the last four months providing the details of his plans for the parcel. Each Association has very enthusiastically supported the plans Mr. Wright has presented. I would like to urge the Vail Town Council to take the necessary action to approve the curent plans for the Westhaven Condominiums site in Cascade Village. sinc"re{)K\ Don Maclachlan General Manaqer 1476 Westhaven Drive . Vail, Colorado 8t 657 97 O.47 6.61 06 . 800.543.480 1 . Fax 97 O.47 6.4946 Flpr 28 O5 o2: 33p HAVEKOST + ASSOCIATES P.C. 1'1 21 GFANT STREET DENVEF,CO AO2O3 303./ 461-112'l FAX 30sl863-O661 AtrCHITECTURE P LA NN IN G rrr:El,\Nr -rFqrf:Nl Havekost Flssoc i etes 3038630661 p." April 28,200s Jen Wright 109 Plarmigan Court Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Westhaven Site Rerlevelopment, "The Ruins" Dear Mr. Wright: This is to confirm the enthusiastic support for your proposed redevelopment plan for ''The Ruins" site on Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, Vail on behalf rlf the Cascade Village Metropolitan District Board ofDirectors. I have studied the conceptual design plans prepared by Morter Architects identified as "Westhaven Condominiums Cascade Village SDD #4, Vail, Colorado". I believe the current plan to remove existing foundations aml create a complex of two separato condominium buildings over a below igrade parking garage accessed from the lowest corner of the site is a mrrch improved dweiopment concept. The architectural design proposed by Morter is outstandtng, utilizing materials in harmony with adjacent hornes and a building scale compatible with the Millrace Condominium:; to the south. We support your effort ',o secure approval for the purchase of off-site housing for re-sale as dtrcd restricted employee residencies to satisfu the prior affordable housiry; requirement which applies to the subject site. We believe a compromise in this regard makes sense in terms of creating a project which is approp.riately cornpatible with the imrnediate neighborhood character, optimizing the marketability of the new units and long term homeowner association management objectives. Sincerely, Cascade Viliage MetroJrolilan District April28,2005 Rodney Slifer, Mayor and Vail Town Council Town ofVail 108 Sorsh Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Mayor and Council Members: I am writing to you on behalf of the Cascades on Gore Creek Owners Association, representing six single family ad duplex homes in Cascade Village. Our Association unanimously and whole heartedly support the development of the "Ruins" site by Mr. Jen Wright. The concept drawings that we have seen show a well thought out utilization of the site in terms of density and the scale ofthe development. The buildings are attractive and fit well with ttre architecture of the neighborhood. We feel fortunate Mr. Wright is associated with this challenging project. He has the reputdion ofone ofthe best and most responsible developers in the area and has been associated with quality real estate developments in the Vail Valley for many years. The "Ruins" has a history of failed opportrmities. This is a good and appropriate plan and will be a great irnprovement for our neighborhood. We urge you to take the necessary action now to approve this project. Sincerely yours, -7//2412- Terrance Ferrv. President Cascades on Gore Creek Owners Association 84/2812485 83:45 3634432355 t, \A/sit in 1982 In Mar6h, 2003 | participeled I Foileetto HxpreEB thb very sffdngly h MillracE Homeownerg Aesocibtion,, irnmedialely acroes hevA rFfieined in a In Marchi 2003 | pr Vail ehould eitherl Kurz end Folrest tnin€ Gar Eddreseed to the Vail . e,,Coriimunity ngarding the site hae paeaed to a has been briefed on thq of the proposed: det t es presented Wb believ€ th.e Cascade Village neighborhciod. own of Vail to approve the rieelly fFaeible adiugtmgrlt to thC,zo believe the result will ,be,to remcn g tce it,with en efrrEcfiiv€ eddition,r,r litallty of Cascade VillagE andihr .il 2l:29 13thSheet ' :Ii VAIL CASCADE CoNDOMINIUMS April 5,2003 Mayor Ludwig Kurz and the Vail Town Council Town of Vail 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mayor and Council Members: We want to express our concem about the condition of the Westhaven Drive property that is on the north side of the road and immediately west of the Cascade Club Building, and request improvement action. The parcel has been in the current condition since the foundation stucture was built in the 1980's. The fact that this land is locally referred to as "the Ruins" provides insight to the property's condition. That condition creates an extreme public eyesore, Additionally we believe this appearance has a direct and negative impact on the value of our properties in Cascade Village. This physical condition is completely unsatisfactory for a parcel ofland located anywhere in the Town ofVail. Therefore we request that the Council take appropriate measures to rcquire that the land be cleaned up. In particular we ask that the foundations be removed and the land retumed to a natural, undeveloped green space condition aesthetically appropriato for vacant land. We recognize that the Town has studied this parcel from a potential ownership and development standpoint, and that the housing requirements for the parcel appear to make development economics difficult. We therefore encourage the Council to modifu those housing requirements as a step to encouraging constructive development of the site. The Cascade Village community that we represent would like both to voice our strong ooncerns about this issue and to provide positive suppoq working with the Council and others to bring the Ruins into an acceptable condition for land inside of the Town of Vail. If we can provide further feedback or assistance please let us know. ydE",f,.e^ General Manager"ffir^ffi President CMC Association President President Cascade Village Meho District Cascade Village Association 1476 Westhaven Drive .Vail. Colorado 8'1657 970.476.6106. 8@.543.4801 . Fax 970.476.4946 COLORADO MOUNTAIN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 1000 S. Frontage Road West Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 970-476-6602 May 2,2005 Mayor Rod Slifer Vail Town Council Vail, CO Re: Ruins site, Cascade Village Mr. Mayor and Council Members: The Board of Directors of the CMC Building strongly supports the current development proposal for the site across Westhaven Drive to the northwest from our building in Cascade Village. The fact that this property has been commonly known as the "Ruins" for more than two decades speaks volumes about its current condition. As you are aware, there have been several failed attempts to develop this site over the past twenty years, and the Town of Vail has also investigated condemnation of this property. We believe that the current proposal is a good solution for this transitional site located between the commercial center of Cascade Village and the residential properties to the west. We urge you to approve the current development proposal. Thank you, Steve Lindstrom, President Colorado Mountain Condominium Association FRON : BF9EY FAX N0. : 3@36754503 Apn. 29 2AA5 LZi 49Pn Pl James 1,, Bflsey, President Coldstream Condominiu m Association 1476 Westhaven Drivc Vail, Co 81657 April29,2005 Mayor Rod Slifbr, Vail Town Council lOE South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINiUM PROPERTY Dear Mr, Mayor and Vail Town Council Members: I am writing to you on behalf of the Coldstream Condominium Association' an AssociatiOn that rcpresents 45 condominium ow1lers at Coldstream. I am the current President of the Association Board. The coldsteam Board of Directors, as well as its owners, have long been concemed aboutthe deploralrle appearalrce of the Westhaven Condominium property. We havc encouraged and supported vanous development ideas in thc past. ln Maroh 2003, Jim Creene, one of olr directors, met with Mayor Ludwig Kurt ald Russell Forrest to encourdge the Town of Vail to take the necessary steps to make development of the sitc possible. We understand that a plan to dcvclop the Westhaven Condominium ptoperty is curcntly belore the Vail Town Council. We also understand that the formai review process of the plan has been completcd and that it is rtow rcady for formal action. We strongly support this measure. We trclieve that this proposed solution .. to eliminate this iong-term eyesofc - and to build an appropriate structure on the sitc is in everyone's best interests- On behalf of our board and owners, I strongly urge you to approvc the Westhaven Condominium propeffy proposal that is cunently before you' James L. BascY Prcsident t? James L. Basey, President Coldstream Condominium Association 1476 Westhaven Drive Vail. CO 81657 Api'l29,2005 Mayor Rod Slifer, Vail Town Council 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: WESTHAVEN CONDOMINruM PROPERTY Dear Mr. Mayor and Vail Town Council Members: I am writing to you on behalf of the Coldstream Condominium Association, an Association that represents 45 condominium owners at Coldstream. I am the current President of the Association Board. The Coldstream Board of Directors, as well as its owners, have long been concemed about the deplorable appearance of the Westhaven Condominium property. We have encouraged and supported various development ideas in the past. In March 2003, Jim Greene, one of our directors, met with Mayor Ludwig Kurt and Russell Forrest to encourage the Town of Vail to take the necessary steps to make development of the site possible. We understand that a plan to develop the Westhaven Condominium property is currently before the Vail Town Council. We also understand that the formal review process of the plan has been completed and that it is now ready for formal action. We strongly support this measure. We believe that this proposed solution -- to eliminate this long-term eyesore -- and to build an appropriate structure on the site is in everyone's best interests. On behalf of our board and owners, I strongly urge you to approve the Westhaven Condominium property proposal that is currently before you, Sincerelv. James L. Basey President *******,!**+***************,i{r*********************************++:}****,}+*****+****+*****:t*t *** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement :r*** *,f * ** * *** *+:t *** *** * ** +*'* ****** * * *** + * * *** ** ***+***+*** *** ******* * ***** ** ***** * **:l+*** *** Statemenc Number: R050000566 Amount: $55O.OO 05/23/2OO5O3:22 pM Payment Method: Check fnit: ,JS Notation: l-053/MIRUS, LLC Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address ; Location: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003 tL2200 DRB0 5 022 3 2LO3 -L2!- O00L-7 1325 WESTTIAVEN DR VAIL 1-325 WESTHAVEN DRIVE $6s0.00 DescriDtion fype: DRB - New Construction ,|**:***+*****++*+**++*****'1.*'i**********:****++*******+*****++********,i***********+****t ******* Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $6s0.00 $6so. oo $o. oo Current Pmt6 650.00DESIGN REVIEW FEES EAGLE COUNTY, CO TEAK J SINONION?73 Pgs: 3 l2rA[:39Pn REC: $l5.OO DOC! S agoBog70a 01/10/?006 ilililililil ilil ililt tilil iltil ilil ilIil ilil ilil lililt ilil fll rYPE,r EMPL.'EE HousrNG uNrr ^\k I RESTRTcIvE covENANT r I WHEREAS, Mirus. LLC is the owner ("the Ownei') of certain property legally described as: Lot 1B. April 23. '1997. in book 724 at paoe 9g2 at Reception No: 620949 and commonly known as: 2763 Kinnikinnick Road (',the property',); and WHEREAS' the owner wjshes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment locatedon the Properly for the benefit of the owner and the Town of Vail, colorado (,,the Town,,,) NOW THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for thebenefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease,.or hold the subject larid ihe followingrestrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which s, hall be deemed to run wiih the land and inure-to thebenefit and be bonding upon the owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1' The lmqtoyge Housing Unit (EHU), containing 2.401 square feet, is hereby restricted as a Type lll EHU which must comply with all the piwisions bt Cnapter 13, Tile 12 of the TownCode of Vail as amended. 2. The Type lll EHU shall not be subdivided or divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee. 3' The Type lll EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full{ime employeegwho work in Eagle. County. The Type lll EHU shall not be leased for a period less'than ttrirty(30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is one whoworks an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours eich week on a year iouhd basis. TheType lll EHU shall be continuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceedfive (S) consecutive months. 4. Occupancy of the Type lll EHU shall be limited to a maximum of two persons per bedroom. 5. The Type lll EHU shall have its own entrance. There shall be no interior access from the EHU to any dwelling unit to which it may be attached. 6. The Type llr EHU must contain a kitchen or kitchenette and a bathroom. 7 ' The Type lll EHU may be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from other dwelling units. or EHUs that may be located on the same lot or within the same UirilOing, if one of the following conditions are met: a. lt must be utilized according to the criteria set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this document, or b. lt must be used by the Owner of the Type lll EHU as a permanent residence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent residence shall mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to which one, whenever he or she is absent has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence therefrom, regardless of the duration of absence. ln determining what is a permanent residence, the Town staff shall take the following circumstances relating to the Owner of the residence into account: business pursuits, employment, income sources, residence for income or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residence of parents, spouse and children if any, location of - personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. Thirty (30) days prior to the transfer of deed for the Type lil EHU, the prospective purihiser shatt' submit an application obtained from the community Development Department, Type lll Revised April 12,2005 irt* r*,N,<^:t/ui- + Co . fux Tzzo +rrn c6 Kl l( 24 Page 1 of 3 "{rfir*rLln fuotmo L to the community Development Department documenting that the prospecuve purchaser meets the criteria set forth herein and shall incJude an affidavit affirming that her or she meets these criteria. N-o later than February 15 of each year, the owner of the Type lll EHU shall submit a swornaffidavit on a form to be ob-tained from the community Development Department, to lheCommunity Development Department setting forth evidence ditaotisnini that th j employee housing unit has been rented or owner-occupied throughout the year, th-e rental rate, the employer, and that the tenant who resides within the employee hbusing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. The Type lll EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Chapter 13, Tifle 12 of the Town Code of Vail. Failure to do so may result in enforcement proceedings in a courtof competent jurisdiction and in accordance with chapter 3, Tifle .12 oi the Town-code of Vail. The conditions, reskictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended eicept by the written consent of both the Town of Vail and the Owner of the Property Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement and any other related document shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be valid under applicabie law; but if any provision of any.of the fo-l"S9ing shall be invalid and prohibited uncjer said applicable law, ductr provisions shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or prohibition witnout invalidating the remaining provisions of such documents. 10. 't1. 12.rlf any of the terms, covenants, conditions, restrictions, uses. limitations.or options created by this Agreement shall be unlawful or void for violation of: (i)rute against perpetuities or some analogous statutory provision, (b) the rule restraint on r time limalienation, or (c) any other statutory or common-law rules imposing like or simi then such provision shall continue only for the period of the lives oi the current seated Town Council of the Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado. their now livino and the survivor of them, plus twenty-one (21) years. if any, By: STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation ager, Stan Zemler The foregoing instrument was acknowtedsed before me *,. rJt, ",9 *^l^- ,20{ by Stan Zemler, Town Manager. Notary Public: My commission expires: Type lll Revised April 12, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Mirus. LLC WN Management, its manager h4 /fh4,hi/ Property Owner, Wfllis J. Wright STATE OF Colorado COUNry OF Eaqle Cc^^-o-( fu'Lr.&, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ilrisl$Oay ot &.r.-n". looo- ,2OO \ Notary Public: My commission expires: Page 3 of3Type lll Revised April 12,2005 ', /o{zoNE CHECK Pbonc Phonc hoposcd usc y'n,qlh'- Datc: Lcgal dcscri lion: Lot Ad drcss Orrn cr Arch itcct Zonc distri Lot sizc Total CR.FA UE d-;\ Allorvcd, 3?,om4 = Existing >< Prinrary C Srcondary C + 6't5 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? n ,,/+ Horv much .of tbc allowcd 250 Addirion is uscd witb rhis rcqucst?/u/l Sitc Covcralc Hcight Sctbacks {:o)t}3) 55t / Fron t ,,. Sidcs Rcar 5l% . E5( 20, I <. it' Landscaping Rctainin g \\ral I Hcigtr h l.rrung Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvirb TOV Liglring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) Environm cn h L/!Iazards x- c) Dcbris FIcu, : Pro.ious condirions of appror,al (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: t,o#/,7 ivfinimum Ll1% 3'/ 6, (300) (500) (e00).(t 200) Pcrmittcd slopc a z. ycs..__\Z Nq Ycs-lZ- No t, r,^r, ul. ,/, I lrny 4-"----7:- **1> Re o(4'r^ stz_ <<* / e, \-, I | ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3)W 4) Wiitcr Course Sctback (30) (5 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) RocLfall LlrfoPoscd )lODc + o.1 l_-/ SNOSNV'I'IECSIh{ _ pueD?.I x sri4 pcsodord *;- SoJ.q Suqsrx-" --::- '> Ny.]d S{YJSCATV1 F/ '.t3tldJoou T slPg.ler{\roloJ ,Z\ CIBJC X sNoIry S-13 DMA.IInsa -J!Fd*-: -r/' credgq:rryq,rffi3r -- Y:lllg lruoFtppe Oge --__ Y 5 (ri..i ,\ . otsrs -;{- . sscJlv alrl ^q-.^. ^./(,Eruts Alous . (cped puu.ssccee) {uarc,ryq . snrye1 frnnml . t:*"otiunnd siJr]?J s1Je6 FururEcll cdolglapug c115 uor;cauuoc a5ersg sclu0lP&/slrao (1) sBueql,rgTscae3 E >/. ^_-:-.\ X 4 >< ;q8rog Fumlrng X "tvJU d = NVld 3.rrsp /suoqraalc lods -V- / suoqerol .{1r;11q "7_ sraJI I sprrzsH lqururuofl^u3 =:{J8qlcs csmoJ JrlEA\ =ureld poog .:,{ 661 {qde.6odo1 slurrutsPs E?rv elqspllng . czls l0.l uopdurscp 1efi1 :{JeuJqsuJ g 5"lrtr",V,t yrOrlfi :lrefo:4 )r, X ; suo!lpscl teld sJr rrsFrn ,sJopr-uoJ A\arA (puno:3.rcpun) sap11;1 V , ^/srpuv rpurls\ms '- l uoqPrgur^.O,c =_ scldu-rrs Fgeteur Eurplrn* =c)!s Jo soloq& ./7_/.t(uloJ uoqErguc^,Qlipn ' -__r(g T' V) ttodu zy1 /- ^;e,ro.rddy opuo3 ' 1;t l' rrt r ^^ ^rr-__ "_v.,u!,/ t/t.,5 -x. ' qvaD^r^^\./ sluJuJqJeoJJUA ----r = /. x x =*'i x. ,\?AUNS D sNfYldu0orrn oIEJ S rsrTXJ sifl /tt fi/1.SU NDISX C **n[+ o DEPAR a EVELOPMENTTMENT OF COMMLINITYD NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW MT'LTI-FAM BUILD PERM Permit # 805-0219 Job Address: 1325 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1325 WESTHAVEN DRI. Applied. . : 08/04/2005 Parcel No...: 210312100017 Issued . . : 10/07/2005 DK'O t( - O t-q ? Expires . .: Q4/O5|2QQ6 owNER MrRUS LLC 08/O4/2OO, C,/o wN MANAGEMENT PO BOX 7270 AVON co 8L620 APPLICSIIT J.L. VIEIJE CONSTRUCTION 08/04/2005 Phone: 970-476-3082 1000 S FronEage Road W, #202 Vail co sL657 L,icense: 188-A CoNTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 08/O4/2O05 Phone: 970-476-3082 1000 S Frontage Road W, #202 Vail co 81557 License:188-A Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 0,000,000.00 WEST.TIAVEN CONDOS-DEMO OF EXISTING FOUNDATTON AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 13 UNIT CONDOS OVER COVERED PARKING TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2t38 Occupancy Type Tot,als . . . Factor Sg Feet Valuation 54, 345$r_0, 000, 000. 00* Fircplac€ Infomntion: Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 #of Gas l-ogs: 13 #of Wood Pellet: 0 * * *:l t ,l *:* 'l *,l t,t,a { * { Building---> $38,458.75 Restuamnt Plan Review-> 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 977,046.19 Plan Check--> 524,998.19 DRB Fee------------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----> $0.00 Investigation> $0 . 00 Recreation Fee----------> Sr-3 , 585 .2 5 Total Permit Fee-----> 577 , 046 .r9 Will Catl--> 93.00 Clcan-up Deposit-----> $0.00 Paymenls------------> $77,046.19 TOTAL FEES--------> 577 ,046.19 BALANCE DUE----> $0.00 Approvals:Ltem: 05L00 BUITJDING DEPARTMEIflI O9/O2/2OO5 cgunion Action: CR comments issued to contractor and architect complete plan resubmittal required. LO/O4/2OOS cdavis Action: COND This permit is condtionally approved for th following: Demolition of existing foundation Excavat ion for utilities See Conditions o TMENT Vail Fire & Emergency Serrrices 42 West Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 Memorandum Chris Gunion Michael Mccee, Fire Marshal BO5-02L9 Westhaven Condos Septeriber 1, 2005 VFES has completed a revi-ew of the plans set to us for the above project. The plan submitted are not approved. The results of our review are as follows: 1. No specification manual was provided to us for review- 2. The applicant has not provided information as to Ehe Fire Protection Engine Record. No discussions regarding specific fire protecEion elements have occurred. 3. Civil drawings were not provided. Fire flows have not been determined nor t existing hydrants or t'he need for additional fire hydrants. 4. I-, 1 Landscaping is shown in t.he staging area. BIue chip juniper, barberry a landscaping boulders of unspecified size) 5. L 1 The fire department connecti-on has not been discussed or located tsheref landscaping may or may not obstruct the FDC. No determination can be made until fu discussions occur. 6. L 3 NoE.e 12 Change the cl-earance to standpipes from 4 feet to 7.5 feets unde assumption the author intended to refer to the fire department connections. No fir hydrants were shown on the p1an. 7. A 2.5 The roof slope is indicated ranging from 12:L2 to 4:12. Access to the hrinter months will require structural anchors for lj.fe lines. 8. A2.6 The reflected ceiling plans indicate the slope of the interior ceilin greater than 4:12 in some locations. A Fire Protection Engineer will be required for fire sprinkler design. NICET III will not be accepted. 9. A2.7 Detail 9 indicates a ceiling hatch for I'mechanical equipment above th This will like1y reguire fire sprinkler cowerage abowe the ceiling. No details on framing for the mechanical space were found. Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPAR o8/24/2O0s MP(G Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/OI/200s mcgee To: From: Re: Date: Action: AP PIan check complete Action: DN oo10. A 2.15 The plans indicate a significant presence of wood on the balconies. L3, this will require exterior fire sprinkler coverage. 11. Plans indicate wood siding, beams, fascia, and oUher combustible features m feet above finished grade. Two of the four sides of the structure do not provide f apparatus access. See A 3.2, A 4.4, A 4.'7 L2. A 5.0 The roof access ladder must meet minimum VFES specification. 13. A 6.1 Provide specifications on t.he flame spread for the "rigid insulation. 805-0219 Westhaven Condos Plan Check Page 2 L4. A 8.13 seems to indicate a fire alarm control panel in the lobby. The locat FAP has not been determined. The lobby location conflicts with the electrical plans as 15. A 8.L5 Fire sprinkler coverage will be reguired in the storage rooms. The a shelf must not conflict with the 18 inch mj-nimum clearance from the fire sprinkler 15. M 2.0 Natural gas meters musE comply with NFPA 54 and TOV Municipal Code L L7. M 2.4 The elevator venting' must be veri-fied with NWCOG along wiE,h the rest requirements, none of which were indicated on the plans- 18. lq 4.2 The plans show gas grills on the balconies with wood decking. This ma alLowed. 19.M 5.1 The diagrams for Fj-re Sprinkler Cont.rols, Antifreeze Loop, and Fire Entry do not comply with applicable NFPA standards, TOV standards or ERws standards. 20. E 2.0 - E 2.4 The fire alarm details do not comply with NFPA 72 or TOV st.an There is a gross Lack of information normally supplied by specifications from the FPE. 2L. E 5-l- The fire alarm details do not comply with NFPA 72 or TOv standards. T gross lack of information normally supplied by specifications from the FPE. 22- E 5.1 The sequence of Operation is insufficienc as to functions of the FACP associated equipmenE . 10/04/2005 cdavis Action: coND Permit release is ab builders risk. see con listed The risk should be small, given the time between demo and any potential changes wo sufficient to allow for any necessary changes. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS L0/04/2O05 CS Action: AP Additional Public Way permit with bond for cuts for ulitity services reguired. Item: 05550 ENGINEERING See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN T OI.JR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR AND OWNEF