HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 FIRST ADDITION LOT 1 LION SQUARE LODGE COMMON (2)t INSPE ,FEFuEsr DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orsen f] pnnrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION ROVED n orsnppRovED D nrtNsPEcr CORRECTIONS 4/{ - .= INSPECTOR k, DATE lf ,' i ", , " - ,,:, , ,1 .) JOB NAME TIME RESEIVED ,. /..1..-.,, AM PM ilusiPEcarGtN FIEeuEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER 'r+t .LJ OTHER MON COMMENTS: fl pnnrrll LocArroN ' TUE ..' READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM EleeeRovED E otsnppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ." "-; iftsPEcfctN FlEBlJEsir rovtrrr oF vArL ! orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE LI PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM ElappRovED n orseppRovED D nErNsPEcr LJ UPON TIIE FOLLOWI$IG COFREC.TIONS: ._). .) , 2, CORRECTIONS DATE 'a- t '--t' U t -.' t ! \ E.E xot H E E C) = \('r c4 !r 4 s!o x t a5v) $E o BlltdtId, T .3I a b{ Ea o E p etI E ; ! 6 Et .t u) $a i I I I tlI I I ts a!€ II Ittl fllFll"l I F €I >l E t 3g Eo gta go B ao .E s €E"ul i! .E o€ €€ E { 1 Iul 3€ t E 'at)c E a II I I I I E.Et a,€ € s F;otr J EtE't t Ea bo q) o o a.; Eo 2 F.F tr fro b 5RH3 fr YFtrI Ah hOo EZJPEU 0a EE a6 6l >l EE 5E ! -- .:. j^ March 2, ,974 NOTICE OF PUBLIC ilEARING itOTlCE lS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Cunnlnghan Csnstructlon cnd Development Company, rsprssontlng Montonrros ll has applledfor a bulldlng bulk confrol virlance In accordanco tlfh Scctlon 9.606 or 0rdlnance No.8 (Serles of 1973, In ordlr fo ollor a l80t rall length In lleu of ln accordenca rlth Seetloo 9.6 75r wall lcngth end r variancc 0 fo allor covcred parklng not vlfhln the bul ldln9. Sald varlancs applled for In accordonce wlth Sectlon 19.200 of Ordlnance No. I (Serles of l97l). Thc Montanrrog ll lc locafed Lot 8, Bloek l, Vall Llonshead Thlrd Fl I Ing. A publ lc htarlng rll I be h€ld ln accordancc llth Seetlon ?1.400 sf Ordlnancc No.8 (Serlos of 1973) on ilarch 28, 1974 at 2:00 p.m. In tho Val I Munlclpal Bul ldlng. Sald varlancos rl ll be heard b-efore the Torn ol Val I Plannlng Conralgslon and flndlngs vlll bo trangmltfcd to the Tovn Councll for fhe Town of Yrl l. TOIIN OF VA I L Dlana S. Toughlll Zonlng Admlnlsfrator Qro.rcATroii roR vAf(rANcE O An d/O r IT IOi.IAL USE PERI,I IT |'io.8 (Series of 1973)nanccOrdi Da te Date March 8, 1974Application Heari ng Date r i na I uec I s I Pub flea I i cat i on ring Fee $1oo.oo fu ru-..t. troMarch 28, 1974 on date for Town Council April 2, 1974 (we )Cunningham Construction & Devel . Co.of P.0. Box 418, (App I icant) Col orado Vai I (Address) phone 476-5237 (State) do he reby request Permission to Comrn i ss ion to req uesi the fo | | ow (C ity ) appear before the Vai I i ng : P lann i ng Va r iance f rom Arf i Zon ing Change from Park ing Variance ) Conditional Use Permi tn the fol lowing described p rope rty: c le_, Sect ion to (X ( (X (+fo allow Zone. Part of: Lot,/ t ra ct Lot 6 , B lockFor Fi li C lea 1. no Number Vail/LionsHead Filinq #3 rly state purpose and ntent of th is app I icationI hTo construct . To construct unde lls equal to 180 ft. vs.r75 f L.round Darkinq in normal qrade confi ration and to clarify the zoni uirement of "within the buildinq" What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? 1. Buildin to be constructed is considerably smaller than the maximum allowed by the zoni uirements (Floor area ratio of .55 vs. allowed .80). Goal of desiqn and Dlacement of parking is to not destroy line of sight from Lst floor units in Montaneros I because of location and height of Phase II building. TO: FROI4: RE: DATE: MTI'lOMNDUM To|tlr't c0uNcrL PLANNING COMMISSION MONTANEROS II - VARJANCE P.EQUESTS a nd'-mRI-NTTi rH I t'l TliElulTIlm- - BUILDING BULK CONTROL APRIL 2, 1974 In a meeting l'larch 28, I974, the Planning Commiss'ion reviewed tvlo variance requests from l'lontaneros iI. The first request dealt with a portion of the zoning ordinance wh'ich requires that par.king for a prbject must be ,,with.in the building". The second request dealt rvith ihe Uuilding bulk control section cf the ordinance covering maximum al lowabl e wal l 'length, REOUEST FOR COVERED PARKING OUTSIDE THE BUILDING The issue here centers on the point that the developer would like to have underground parking along the back portion of the project -- but sepatated from the main building. The ordinance states that underground or covered parking must be "wi thin the building"- The underground garage, as proposed by Montaneros II, tiould be covered nith earth and landscaped. In addition, berming would be accomplished to hide the structure for every view, except that from the rear of the new building. Separating the parking does reduce the profile of the new, proposed building The feeling of the Planning Commission is that if the parking structure is properly landscaped and hidden, if the project is.aesthet'ica11y- com'patible vrith the area, and if the garage helps reduce the profi'l e of ine new condominium building, then there should be no problem with granting a variance from the wording of the ordinance- REQUEST FOR WALL LEIiGTH VARIANCE In discuss'i ng the request for a variance from the 175 foot wall length requirement as stated in the zoning ordjnance, the Conrnission learned that the bujlding is 5 feet over the maxjmum length -- 180 feet' instead of 175. The Zoning Administrator advised that all other requirements for the building, -- offiets, diagonals, etc., had been properiy met. In consideration of the fact that the strict or literal interpretation of the ordinance might create an unnecessary hardship upon the developer' the Comrnission agreed that a variance could be granted. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The Planning Commissjon went to the ordinance in terms of both requests for Montaneros II and found that the variance requests were iustified because: -- Section 19.600 - Criteria and Findings. (2) The degree to vrhich relief from the strjct or literal interpretat'ion and enforcement of a specified reguiation 'i s necessary to achjeve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the v'icinity' or to attain the objectives of this ordinance w'ithout grant of spec'ia l priv ilege. that the varjance could be granted based accordance with Section 19.600: -- (1) That the granting of the variance does not constitute a grant of special pri viiege inconsistent with the limita- tions on other properties class'i fied in the sanre district. (2) That the granting of the variance is not detrimental to the public health, safety' or welfare, or material]y injurious to properties orimprovements in the vicin'ity. (3) That the variance is warranted because the strict or l'iteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical diffjculty or unnecessary physical hardship incons'istent with the objectives of this ord i nance . Further. the Cornmi ssi on .found on the following findings, in -2- CONCLUS I ON (1) Based on the above Criteria and Findings, the Planning Conrnission voted to approve the request from Montaneros II for a variance from the wording of the zoning ordinance concerning the parking require- ment, and to recommend approval to the Council. A strong feeling was stated that l'lontaneros II is a special situation and a variance in the matter should be in no way construed as an of parking separated from a building, (2) Based on the above Criteria and Findings, the P'lanning Commissjon voted to approve the request from Montaneros II for a variance from the building bulk control/wall 'length section of the ordinance and to recorrnend approval to the Council. -3- box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager \ LIONSQUARE NORTH Lot 8, Block I Vai l,/Lionshead Third Filing TO IJHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This'is to certify that the building known as L'ionsquare North, refer to the above legal description, is hereby granted a temporarJ eertificate of 0ccupancy for the purpose of human habitation upon the following condi ti ons : 1. Variable nozzles be 'installed on all required fire hose cabinets prior to April l5' '1975. 2, In all units providing "loft'r space' stair treads and handrai'l trims be installed prior to occupation of said dwelling units. 3, The equipment required to proviCe a connection between the Lionsquare North fire safety systsn and the Town of Vail dispatcher be installed and put into operation immediately by Cunningham Construct'ion and Develop- ment Company of Vail, Colorado upon receipt of said equipment. 4. The recreationa'l amenities spaces currently under construction be ccrnpleted and in operational condition prior to April 15, 1975. 5. That parking for each occupied unit be provided in accordance with Article l4 of the Zon'ing Ordinance (approximately 1r. spaces per unit) prior to oc- cupancy of said units. Prior to May I' 1975 all designated parking areas shall be free of construction materials and equipment of any sort and be availab'le for parking for occupants of the bui'lding and their, guests. Furthermore, designated parking areas shall be maintained to a high standard providing continuous access to and from all parking areas. Parking is not authorized on the south s'ide of the building' hiiiiPiiirrili'b*,,, 6. That al1 landscaping including earthwork, ground cover, trees and pavernents, i.e. asphalt pavingof the parking areas, be installed in a mannerto dnsure that with reasonable maintenance said landscaping shall develop as expected. Said ]Ai|:..otrn shatt be cunpleted prior to Juty 15, Upon comp'letion of jtems I through 6 a permanent Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by the Department of community Development. shou.Id-the developer, .cunningham construction and Development companyof Vail, Colorado, fail to complete any portion of the above items1 through 6, said completion shall be lrranged for, initiated, and completed by the Town of Vail or its agents. All costs incurredby the Town of vail in such work (including reasonable administrative and lega1 costs) shall be paid to the Town of Vail by the developer, Cunn'ingham Construction and Development Company otheiwise saidbuilding previously described as Lionsquare North shall be subject ,to_.lien by the Tovun of Vail. The developer shall be allowed fiiteen(l5J days to correct any difficieny in items l through 6 upon wr:ittennotice of difficiency by the Town of Va.il Department of AGREED TO: nstruction & velopmeht Company rNseecOroN FlEouEsr TOWN VAIL IJOB NAME . ] TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnl. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR,.-AM Prvr titilffi ! appRovED E orsappRovED fl nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR tr\tsPEcocrN TOWN \i F|EEUESiT VAIL I orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR :FRi' ):. ?, ., ,nfat pna I appRovED -ElorsnppRovED [J nerNsPEcr N UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS i l (-..r-Q _';l'.:J:r/ i.:., j/'j:l ,'. i.i':K_ r-rl ,. .t. ./.r"1-t ^f--j INSPECTOR INSPECOIoN TOWN OF VAIL FIEBUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnl. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB FRI-AM PM E npp RovE D DISAPPROVED E nerNsPEcr rNseecOroN TOWN F|EEUEST VAIL DATE T]ME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE I pnRrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ! nppRovED ElorsAPP RovED EJ nErNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTf ONS r- I' , i l*J'.J,+ \ DATE frffi JAN 16 ly DATE i L (.1I.\}.) /"L JOB TIME REcEIVED :;t' .:i'' (./iiiit'pM INSPE c'I\I FIEBIJEST VAIL fi otHeR'lu' , r..r, 'ci '2 l-rr.,'q ! pnnrtnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED ',. THUR FRI-AM PM COMMENTS: 'Q neeRovED ! orsnpp RovED fl nErNSPEcr D upotrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS oa o DATI OT I,IiETING: I,IEI.IBIRS PRESEiTT: DI.SI GIi REV I EII BOARD Cautas./Qls-z-s-- Stg&ao-aw'-- --Dttiauru- -D-a'2EJ--{aBDT''- -p&ja&g**- / -ds-.-u-nen--t-- SUBJECT: Ltgy.e:i.c:Aer Uoax- -- t:treon a+eiler P.CTION TAI([I{ I}Y BOARD: W-sEcoNDED BYEILaTF-- FOR:AGAIIIST: APPROVED: MOTION I VOTE: .V_.-:_- DI SAi]PROVED: SUi,l\ARY: (llrr i lnrlrtt r--'f t lre l:oard Anp l- j.ca.n t YrJ l,to B.|o e.o t/l oI =oI (\I o ou FefoU ?e)IFe ()z -Y It, v, a!:)+o=e i !n Z7=oE J FF- 4 z 4 4oo u- ozoUlrJ v1 EIll o CD = =J= j I I ()rz 6lor'z >lJi I I I I I ) Eo.o -.o-oio. o.o-:xiot*---1:- - - \l \I I ztrlIL'F \Z '3 toeq//r\ reilnCI (re luDg punos o I C\ o 6at\I ca,I(t) oj ll E oio P0 o(, o Fe:)oIJ lElk '!l- 4rt 6I; TI = 7,1 3l9 -t-E Fil Silver Sf+*. JOn.,frcJrc Z1L- 3ea t€re) Qelalf o a o ARCHITECTURE PLANNING theodor O grossmdn INTERIORS 1337 18th St. DENVER COLORADO 80202 Rlr JAtlrSl9/5 9 January 1975 Mr. Jerry Aldrich, Building Inspector Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81657 In accordance with our telephone conversation yesterday, and your later conversation with Vern Tater of Cunningham Construction Co., we would like to reiterate the proce- dures and requirements to be followed in the construction of the spiral stairs. Cunningham construction will construct and install for your approval , spiral stairs for those units requiring same: a. diameter of stair wiII remain as originally detailed and accepted by you. b. loft floor framing will be modified from that constructed to allow headroom clearance as required by code. c. a 600 landing platform at the Ioft level will be built. d. handrails will be provided as required by code e. headroom clearance in all cases will be at Ieast 6'-6". Thank you Jerry for your advice on these stairs. It is my understanding that fabrication of these stairs will begin immediately. Sincerely, Theodor A. Grossman Jr., AIA TAG/rc y. dld (303) 572.0909 gr6s7 : Lion Square North spiral stair cc: Cunningham Construction Co. I theodor o grossmdn lr.oia ARCHTTECTURE . PLANNTNG TNTEFTORS 1337 18th St. DENVER COLORAOO 80202 (303) 572.0909 9 January 1975 Mrs. Diana Toughill Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 re: Lions Square North Dear Diana: In accordance with your instructions over the telephone yesterday, I am enclosing a copy of the letter to Jim Cunningham dated 10 September 1974. Also enclosed, please flnd two (2) sketches showing the changes described in that letter,...slightly modified to reflect "as built" conditions. It is our understanding that the questions arising from these changes wiLl be the content of discussion at the meeting of the Design Review Committee on Thursday, 16 January 1975. A representative of Cunnlngham Construction will be present at that meeting. If there are other topics which we should be prepared to discuss at that meeting, will you please inform this office? Sincerely, Theodor A. Grossman Jr., AIA TAG/n cc: Cunningham Construction Co. l0 September 1974 Mr. flm Cunnlngham Cunnlngham Constructlon Co. Box 4lE Vail, Cclrrado 81557 Dear ]im: Thls letter ls to conf.trm our teleFhone ccnversatton of yesterday 9 Sept. 1974 ccncernlng proposec! changes in tlt? 'Licn Square North" projcct. V. e havg lnvesilgeted the proposed changes, and find no cbJectiolls str.rctur:liy or aesthetlcelly. To the best cftour knowledge, no code problem should be encountered by the proposed changes. Your proposed changes as vre unierstand them, are as follows: I. lv;ove sliding glrss docrc cn all unlts :lot contalntng lofts, south, to a pciirt sltgntly bac]< of th? present south edge of the balconies on those ur$ts. 2. llanclralls at all affected udts to rcmain ae orlglnally shorvn. 3. Total S.P. lncrease ln the entlre proJect to be 1470 S.f. Th!.s ,n'i.ll still faU rrthin ucceptable l'.A.R. llmlts by the To'r.'n of Vall. lt'hts changc aficst,s 2I of the 27 units ln tire projeci. It further, nay affect the total assesment of the proJect for bulliing p.ermlt, etc. purpos.Js. Relatlve to the Town of Vall Design }levlelv Conrnlttee and what actlon they may want to take on thls, I am forwardlng a copy of thls letter to Dtane Toughlll for a deternrlnatton. Slncerely, Theodor A. Grossman Jr. c.c. Dlane Toughlll o qRrD u^/E IasD L/NE \,1 I --:TlP/dqL tll,ttr - frtETtAL F!-'+A/ 3 t l" s s t- $-1t .-: LoonTlotJ OF S!-,6L, DoA&s 74'l=7:ott ." 5aD4t77/+L 7a UfrlL OE5/6N KEWAU t ? &rA/' /r7F q*a-"'tl . -- -l tIq L LeFr U$t7:t 4r</qr&o&1t .,. UMrrs urd A<, f I2Frs\-l+ rl - -- -- TYFrc.eL 4lilT'e4lTll td/qLL --..-, .- LtaAt s4.t,€ft,s NptrH &NsaHlNtuH t VA|L, eLo. . --. :- - - gupiltrT4L 7a unk oEs/4N REvt€t&t i ? .Jrtil, /r75 ., .. . THEabe 4,4pssqtqLl \//e, Atu? -..4tA55 UNE @ { rerutws ,es I co*.rElr,r.o ,r' n*o 4O0 harbc( dre colo.ocb,grEF cotrddo . 00ql7 303. 5p6 .r5d7 G]1 souh frorooc road wesap o bo( fi44 - rea.cobo&.&57 303.46.04C7 sol r r cKe r No voo2742 TtME M1x69 9:33 lqqg ygp I0:04pLaceo_19{9 LOSATtON OF pLASEMENT tN sTRSCTupg 2nd 1eveI qlab of parking structure. te e cu Yos PLAcEo... 38+ OIL/ CL I ENT NO I.AB NO CONCF€TE CO CON TRAC TOR PRO.'ECT TRUCK NO 107- 1 1B Q, ? YIIATTR CONTENT.,. - IYATER-CEMENT.. AOMIX.TURE CALC 1 UM CHLOR I O€ M I X NUMBER sPECtFtCATt0NS.. DE S I GNEO BY ... s/12/7s ... 10:50 All FRESH CONC. WT.. 144.2 PCF CONCRETE TEMP. JOB OF LAB 52 oF A I R T€fIIP. .roB 38 oF CU YDS CU YOS aet/to RATIO AEA oz/ Yo 16 DATE OF T€,ST, TIME OF TEST. SLUMP- I NCHES. O rRUcK LoAo tNc. . . Ef COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY FINE AGGREGATE.. Mountain Mobile Cunningham Cons truction ENr. AtR coNrENr_LLg SAMPLE CUR I NG. . .I€b n,ATeR ADOEO-cALS PLANT_:_.rO8 StTE cEMENT coNr€Nr. . -1L PCY t.5-3/4' 3/4n-ff4 #4PCY spEclMEN NUMBER 107-1 85- 7 86- 7 87- 14 B 8.28 89- 28 90-oPT OATE TESTEO 5/L9/7s s/t9/75 NUMBE.R OF OAY S CUREO 7 ?l4 2B 2B o tMtNst oNs, tNc{es s To. cYL I rvoER=6rr X l21l Srd q F/l SPECIMEN WE I GHTI POUNDS 27.81_27 .72 BSSD oeHs I TY, PCF 141.67 141.21 AReA OF CYL t NOeR, t N? srD. cYl- r NoER=28 .2? t n2 28.27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 78800 80400 COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH,PS I 2787 2844 sPEcIF I Eo srR€NGTH,PSI 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE:1) orAcoNAL sHeAR2) corue 3) ven r I cAr- sPL I r I I REMAR K S Mountain Mobile time clock show SAMP L Eo FoRM C-l TEsTED sy T. Meier"" T. Meier s. Sehroeder S I GNED J v 4OO h.dbc, docccdqd(l) ryr9s cdo.ddo . 00ql7 303.sfr.1547 0}l sorrh frdoo" rood r\,"st 9 o bq, fi44 - \ol . cobodo .01657 303.4b.0297 CL I ENT NO I.A B NO CONCRETC CO CON TRAC TOR PRO.J€CT TRUCK NO T IME M IX€D scxl LocATtoN oF pLAqEMENT lN sTRUcTUpg 2nd level slab of parkin E STRENGTH REPORT e4r 107-I Cunningham Construction Co. 1B TICKET NO voo2742 9r 33 1pp I yse 10:0gr_rceo_19i19 Mountain Mobile structure.kj g 38+s/12/ 7sCU YOS PLACEO... TRUCK LOAO I NG. . . CU Yos DATE OF TEST. CU yOS TlME.0F TEST. SLUMP- I NCHES. . . . 10: 50 4rt FREsH coNc. wr.. 144.2 FCF ENT. AIR CONTENT 2.8 * SAMPI.E CUR I NG. . .Lab $/A TER AOOEO- cAL S ________-pLANT CEMENT COr.,re Hr.. lL PCY COARSE AGGREGATe- PCY F I NE AGGREGA TE.PCY CONCRETE T€MP. . ,JoB_oF . Lre52 oF A I R TEMP. .rOB 5U oF wATeR coNTENT ell,/t-o WATER.CEMENT.. . JIATIO ADMI XTUR€..... .. - AEA CALC IUM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMBER sPEClFlCATl0NS.. oE s I GNED 8Y..... oz/ya _%5 JO8 SI TE 1.54/4' 3/4t -ffll #4 SpECtMEN NUMBER 107-1"ut- /86-7 B7-14 88.28 89- 28 90-oPT DATE TESTED 3/rs/7s s/Le/7s s/26/ 7s NUMBER OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 14 z6 28 otMENStONS, tNCtES sro. cYL I HoEn=6nX12rl sd std Std sPeclMEN rvE t cHTTPoUNOS 27.8L 27.72 27.83 BSSD DENS I TY, PCF 141.67 14r.21 141,I AREA OF CYL INOER, t N" sto. cYL tuoea=28.2? tr.r? 28.27 28,27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS TBBOO 80400 97600 COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH,PS I 2787 2844 34s2 SPECI F I Eo, STRENGTH.PSI 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) oIAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) cone3) vERTrcAr. sPLtr I I .1 Mountain Mobile time clock showinqREMARKS SAMP L ED foRM C-l "" T. Meier tEstEo ev T.Meier S. Schroeder S I GNED l'jWF q> $l *iH ."\+ tl ;t\t 3s Nl t\ P.t J, S vt(?r3g t3rt R\ r vr :5 Jt? P rfi ;I r.l/ ._\l g 0_ ulxi F .l UJ t-., E ,.1 i.], Iq . $_Q]lzl I ,i\ l\-d:I ,$ ZI *)iJs Fflt '.. ! l/' "..- I!"" rl \ ; UJ ! i(l' .Jf A $ 0$ q 9 J L!l i.(\ i? i$Y F I zo tr { tuJ TU Fa Lu 5t s su J $tl-l sHVTI $fi \. \ll $ g t. u $x trP 'fzz).Ie $[ t F $ $iz$ &$ H $ $l(t r) $ il *$ $$ \III.JD : N: \\ t- I|\ \ zo F IFEoz I !I ,.t , i , F*$ ,W.$$,[dd oL +rfV,,\rT #t s rt$ Ss <\ti'fi:J .!lI!}Fl+u - )Jrlt$6tD rr $l6a t \ \'\ t$J ,{ ?4-T" \) ? ? = JJ$$9Aq$ Pirr *l tg $Fit $ A\"Nil; Nr7 -11k1:Nl- r2l'rl(tf 4z :l; I ..DAV]D.JAY FLOC -& A S SgC rATE S INCORPORATED Architccture r rgoT San Yicente Boulez'ard Los A ngele s,C alilornia 9oo49 Telcphone: area code zrj 476-6288 476-6373 Januany 18, 1973 Mn. Jenry L. Aldnich Building Offlicial Town of Vail P.O. Box 1OOVail, Colonado 81657 Dean Jenny: The enclosed plot plan of the Vail Montenanos Condominiums, located in Vail Lionshead, delineates whene Ure two houn fine sepanation walls ane located in both the Phase I and Phase II pontions of the pnoject. Also shown on the plot plan ane the squane footages fon each sepanate building in both Phases, ne- fenned to as buildings A, B, C, D and E, along with the allowable floon anea and calculations fon each sepanate building and the nequined set-back distances. As you necall, duning ounmeeting held in the latten pant of Novemben, you agneed that the fonm of calculation that I used in detenmining the amor nt of al- lowable squane feet pen building was acceptable to you. In that meeting you did nequest, howeven, that I obtain e-lglLer.on plot plan fnom the adjacent pnopenty ownens which the Shaneholdens pnoject is encnoaching upon with ttTei n set-back anea, in onden to veniflr that the adjacent propenty ownens do not plan on build- ing within oun setback anea. Accondingly, I am enclosing a plot plan showing the pnoposed development sunnounding the nonthea.st pontion of the Shaneholdens pnoject. On that plot plan, you will note that nonth of the Shaneholdens site the set-back distance to the building is 64 feet, and on the east of the Shareholdens pnoject the set-back distance is 27.25 feet to the pnoposed strirctune. Thene- fone, as the plan points out, the adjacent pnopenty ownens do not, in fact, plan to buitd within oun set-back anea. If I can be of any funthen assistance negarding this matten, please feel fnee to call eithen Jim Pience on myself . Sincenely, David Jay Flood & Associatesr Inconponated.,Sf ie" l"ir.l.; Le11*-l+- cc: Buzz Cardoza Jim Pience JAT€S X. I(OI{XEL PRES. JAIIE3 D. I'GFALT. EXEC. VP wr|-t|Ax r. xnalalt. vt ?ELPr-E 0. r.mN:Y, JR., VF i. L ETHiIDCE. 'UE. IGi. ilr. Vai I Box Vai I MCFALL^ND KONKEL cot{auLTrNc Ei.GrIEERS. rxe June 26, 7974 2 to 30 cLE roflt 3f. oE vln. coloeaE) 40222 TEL. tor-7tt-a974 FU JUN28ts74 James Lamnt h. ri? 'T' Bui I di 631 Col Dear ilr. Jin Lmnt: Per our conversatlon on June 25, 1974' I will be uslng a wet standpipe system on Lions Square North. This is a three story condoirlirium. Enclosed ls a drawing showing the intended loca- tion of the fire hose cabinet. If you have any corments, p'lease give me a call. yours, Rll:m enclosure Very truly /1.&xq Robert [yr theodor Qrossmdn lr. oio ARCHTTECTURE PLANN|NG |NTERIORS 1337 18th St. DENVER COLOBADO 80202 (3O3) 572 0909 27 lune 1974 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Building Inspector, Town of Vail Vail , Colorado 81657 re: Llon Square North Plan Check Dear Jerry: In response to the Plan Check Review for the subject job, dated 13 June 1974, and our personal conversation with Jim Cunnlngham and Ken, his construction superintendant for the job, on l7 June L974, we submit the following corrections, clarifications, drawings and comments: Note: items listed are as listed ln the Plan Check Review. General: there is no exception to the analysis, sheets I and 2. A-l: enclosed, please find the revised plan of the B-unit loft. A-2: in dtrect discussion with Mr. Rasmussen and further clariflcatlon wlth you, it was determined that only the B-unit loft space was of concern. The revlsed B-unit loft plan should now quallfy for spiral stalr. A-31 since the B-unlt loft area has been reduced, the 4th floor A-4: designatlon and resultant stair requirement no longer are valid. A-5: Since the buildtng is now only 3 storles tn height, dry stand pipe system vvlll not be required. Wet standpipes will be providedi and although detailed drawings are not presently available, wet standplpe system will be included in the Mechanlcal drawings to be submitted to you at a later date. A-6: confirming your analysis of the 2-hour separation wall and its intent, we acknowledge paragraph B. Enclosed please find sheet SD-8 for a revlsed detail . ..fire separation now extends through the floor and ceiling systems, and is full height. (2),9.9' po ii'A-7: the ventilation of crawl spaces has been modifled_ for--. compliance. . .see revised foundation drawing , SD-L,r' Specification item 10.4 no longer applies. In$ffio-n of first floor is now being studied. A-8: pl'ease see drawlng SD-9 for revised Type "C" wlndow placement and access. Though this wlndow does comply in lts original form, as noted in the Plan Check, we agree with the intent of the Code, and are providing this revision. A-9: as indlcatied by enclosed drawings SD-5, SD-6, the water $i! heaters are now to be completely installed within their Ur closet spaces. A-I0: l-hour labelled doors in steel frames w111 be called for by Addendum. A-11: the ventllation of the elevator shaftway and tollet rooms A-12: will be indicated on the mechanical plans to be submitted at a later date. Elevator shop drawings will be submitted for your review and approval . A-13: since this assembly is to be custom-built, we would ask that time be given for the elaboration of shop drawings showing all details...all provislons of Sectlon 3401 we will require to be met where applicable. A-14: al.though Detail D-26 calls for firestopptng @ each floor; around each flue we wlll require that, in addition, the 2" floor deck be placed such that firestopping is achleved. A-I5: we agrree with your comments A-16: the roof dralnage system will be shown on the Mechanical drawings to be submitted at a later date. In as much as there is no parapet, it appears that a secondary drainage system or scupper system is not necessary. A-17: the re-design of the east and west elevatlons is now ln progress and will be submitted to you as soon as completed. (3) A-18: all party walls wlll be construqted using 5/8" , type "x" gypsum board. all interior partltlons will be constructed using 5/8", type "x" gypsum board. all ceilings wlll be consturcted vsLng l/2" type "x" gypsum board. all interlor surfaces of exterior walls will be constructed using 5/8" type "x" grypsum board. A-19 : these items will be covered by the Mechanical and A-20: Electrical drawings to be issued at a later date. B-l: soil report data was submltted to you at our meeting on 17 June 1974. B-2: this item is belng investigated by the Structural Englneer. Adequate frost cover for all footlngs ln the form of backfllltng wlll be provided. B-3: the exterior post will be raised upon a concrete support in order to comply. B-4: engineerlng calculations for these walls verify the design as shown. We are enclosing a copy of these calculations for your review. B-5: we agnee with your comments 8-6: according to the UBC Standards , Section 2501 , part II , "manufacture", the glu-lam sizes shown quallfy as 4" nomlnal materlal ...thus elimlnating the nedd for gypsum covering. B-7: we are revising the spacing of the joists in order to provide for the 100*,/sC. ft. loadlng in conformance wlth the Code. Spicing (revised) has been calculated by the Structural Engineer. ..calculations will be submitted tf you wish. Thank you. We hope that this response will answer those questions ralsed by the Plan Check Review. We wtll be happy to furnish any further information that you may need. Sinqerely, iheodor A. Grossman Jr. AIA tf-\N t-\) oo I I lA- LINE tr aHqNtoL teFTI l! tArH -Puds,urrraDI I I -' .: ?1, r4PRtL 7+ _-. o\ >\oJrloiu 5: IL P 2lll!-\0\) U IterE; /,Jg etaAhE lN aaTH * 4aJaT @AlFt442471aS1 Oe N?ERtaR. DtMetJsroNS $. :!- Tl \q\\ s $; t3 lu* $tg\ rtt u:8 :$ .FEvtoED ob uNtTr LaFTw .. eD.b \1.N\ \\ .$) \\l :-. €svlse9 ,o 'A1ourr LoFT e' 'oa e*Lar A-4 \ 1\ $str $$$rag \N I .^9u( Oeuov't 7 5D-4 ---- @>e- Re-e. F^r doE,Lrrtre,tall- (-uu,, ca* r- I.l | .i iri :l ri Noret'LLL fidrwp.Teglts.ATaRs rN A-uNlTg'foef- e?c'vt5r-o V CLGq 9PACL A9 IUDbATE.D - Aes/ t. :=r.rAt>eo AI?IAS dlral\,6€O 4T XJ €LIANG AO @ co-.LlfJ6 -rsv\ NS\t N-ilS$ Sou E; E${R Ii, :XZltgOA'ruN rf pL A N ,/reod?-s ot ta d rWb-Aoo r.€-tra<.€-NcE qe a*abr A-*) NI [], x\ns\\{ NN [$ng R$ JN ! i i I 4-o/z- 1.h52"_____TrlCl-* 1-- I 1-2C^oL.LtNE-. - b. UN IT PAKT IA L PLAI.I E. COL.L INE - - b-UN IT P'ART IA L PLA N @ N TE, ALL *OTWATER, H€A-(E<S lN O-uNr7S To be ?RoJrI>€-O V N {\, N 5D-6 aoe4- 9ct.{ €DuLa ,/ aae€ t? + 14 De<s; tle T{?e 6tza uarri Aeao JAM b 9lL,<EtAAeKs to a z|ztt '<ca teyu'ete) w@o cf,v,c,r<E @ 14\\y Tte€- t4 DaG- it-(o" wtoL ::-2- -z.xco AfTa cAet> 1o': ?-r4+ lrALara t3v1t o -- Gt e@? cLa{ Ftffi. t'LAuClN6 l-ofr ?uale. tztL1Vd, , bt+r AL*trJc'. Pap €l-E 1-Yp. .-zr.t, .t-o?f 7L@r2- rJa l€T5 tVera: Ne,y{*? trod',Lc- zr. ful1l€- -4?*a-al<'r;' 114)'9'4' tCDaQLl:'- ?t' ?Lt12... ----.. - ?l-elR JorSTs It tG PAtJ€,Ls c>, (-o. 'r\eej'z<' 2-2x1 H€ADER aA,2x4 ?L TL f.( ?, jVd ane. rlo. .Yeatx" RYW@D 9Ae-La+t,'<, .n lalr+pR.----J- AATT INSULA 6ONT ZFA PLA N b. $) rc \,1 { ,\* US *\{.s u$ $\efi.s rN5 \$ ) fl-@(< -lD tsTE zr^t€.Rs ae lre! 4.(p.eie.. coor.(rre.rj=s PAUE,L9 qn-A\-/.L-/ \J - D€,ti\ ll-'A-b <e'v6eQ f wd. I H€A'rl{rrts \ttvu' ./ rce. €oLoa Dcgz./ clc.fs. t'. Z: z.xa-. 4tV. 6-(e.'tt*er\t1,1.. wac2o 5(D.A|4 qLo?4t' r R€VI#D| =- 9aLte- | fz" =lrO' _AR16TNAL paf. t- D-te>e.avl€F,a 9eJ\u"r l'/-44't jre-- - Fog rr<rlt .. a? v{Et L - -. eu- y'nb)-tl€,1€-€MrN€-O ba e,5€- oe.^NDUCION' €Lrot|\)q 0OQ.t1 _ 4e cftrER- ,4gAG, tue,eAtzotrt it RArLtr.la E srA^Ei{€orts GY?, €*C.F.TA ortJG \ \ N I+- $: UB \$$t tA q( \$ ea\uu lvd=t'ci '-.- - 9L1'lt' aea I*1, n ouo'u*r.) uNa, a TO E47 Fos.7a ileu fo,, sflo.dN tr4" u^ftr oEDpaH p/.,qLl ,6u |JN|T __ _ SErtuttlo E€.Lo4n7/oA aF "C" a,loau //&*.t amlx-Pac&-' f tauaa.+tt --fAeT/AL Flaa/a:-g-ALg '/4" , lzO' s\ $\ tr YI a\) \ a$ pt E $ uJq 5\ E \{ I I l- ll Gn x8t'AtUGtl SAVI{P.ra'fn RE aRCH FAq -SPECIAL CUTTlNq fMPsrr'r €Pb6et ELEVATEP PC37 aAAE.. .r'R F'UIVALEHT l4 ,It C,t' P, Ctslc; PIER - REI NF, \],//4-r3. VSRT-- ++3 'f te5 e tt' ,. c. t ,8t.- 13-3 (!t"' AhulL tlf =rt KKBNA KErcHUr. o KONKET . EAFREIT. NICKEL. AUSNN . I -Consutting Engineers ! x}i,.a' \ r; as , ,, chc*qd-5hccl-ol - ::; ':,i,..' : ' r - I ---r-- I . - - -...:.:...:.... --: ----:-,-.,-r.-..... ,..--" *-*-- -.' - .-,"*6fAl\- .. -- -.. r.i:.::: - - '.it,t,t: I l:i) i: . .-1...-,.r.:,;-.-;- * -i^ -:*- i '',i'_ -- :- j-- 1 - -;- , - i ,.-r ,"j i : ; ; , , : : , : : . ', :,,.-... ,", : : i j , | ,. - : , : ; , ,, ; ; -; . i( ) ,: , i , : . : : | '; : ; ! ' i\ ./ ::' ,: .r;:iii,I;;I:Ii,.i jrr rr : I i ; . : i i r'+. , I - ,,,, .j*-- -* -l -.., ---**-.-r"".-t",..-.--.":-,^,.--r I .: i : j'rit: r*a6 het r,q ',an-',= 7V ,, 2f- oa" 741a 7 robNo.+ EifEgE EE* #ii#E*,i;I :!Eiii ieEE:,*z*zzzE.Eu+€EiE€? €:Eg :i 'iEiiE'FJii E:!i€: ,?ZEZE:i1 Zli;Ei ifiEiiiii ; E E i. i; zi;lzz;t+na; : : aE a ii3;€EiE:i;;;c;iant+E:Elii!:Elthlt;|;itlil+tfii*Tu? iiEiii?!:li:tiiiiiEiii=iEiz11zt+i,*,Ei:iiiiszl!1,1= ff i:g ;€#r€ iETs :; ti €i !;; gffT€E ;i€! =;22€: :i€ iisit; ;i:? El,i-l i ;= t ei €{i €i;E ;;;| 122:Z ;EEEi$ ff;ff s€i E e;.{;;r *iE E3! i i;i it e ;3i:iSitiiti:;;E€? ;i:i: s ar: ;sE€ x;iiei; i=Ei ;i+i=i;gEEiesI;*;s{! si=.3:;: zSC:":+ ;EE:E :Z=;i* ! 483:ff i; ;;!;i a; E i uli';Eii u rSSE o'r o gr ro lr cl sssss(Dlr||r)|o(Y) c00coloto cl = = z z z. z, E =:! 3 3oS*e -:s = = *si'd i6r ,4 o(|)+ or;! Ec ro .-c)r{vEro.a o:S '= ': -:s ta: (o t.. - oo3 -il E=g pP ; 'r: -E=I -:t :4'; -< .= -' .E --N ?€; :'t5 ? iiF?T ;9 Q =.h n,: a2,^-E-^-; si.utj> --; =- n u = gE ,EV a -'> s"!4 =7;t aii P: a22=? o ? v B q.i:E E?}5 €:EE F^E8x Eeqs 'i q.9E EEE = e !-Ie g;€ € 3 _! h.:E E 3;r E E a€ip I aEE t r es-FTn[ *5FEE Ele:E; .E g.: T: :E:rd6 g.e 5 FQ €}Jts33 g 3*:;.E EG=:c{.i, H c! j6 o {d .! :i.=Fd'g +6.2* d eE ru Ec,E c.9 clUF T'c, oEFr '=,nF '&^4,,6-Q ?Zaauf,,Ctst#- @(o@iott jz Itdatilx 'f Irt ,.---<4./-- De,r. LXt?-.-{ ) Jl-zxre @ q'o-a. I I._ ____-E-- - - tl+ I II I l,.l i i : I I-._.-a-- I I ..zxt7J o-t\ b T:rPlc,A,- BAY ZOt -O/zu e tu,Ltlo'. sii d -rz$TJ! UN2ER Pr' T .rVi-rx# xQet Rn O,C. :x:?e?" o.c. .i, l4'l TJI ev" o-lc.J TYPIC,A.L Z Q, . O/Z\ BAY DSi- ?{lZ 2XtL C 1t Q.c. xt?1'x tsx x ,dx .x TI )! )l riI :,fx )l )l,lI ?1tl N\)l ,., )1 F X N ?1 Di )l tlI J(tl,l rAtl I I I IA---r-- : II--r7- - I I tI---tP- - I I I !c-t,1 bAYs e &ot - o// -- igot- Tltae ,:. w 2,.| d Eftr. x IIJ- z JG 2 -o2W:!FrJ4 -uJo-()- c.) ou,Eul o(,zf u,loz r<t QFz uJ- ITJ ah l,tr F uJE agooJII uJE FoJ J FoF ||tE ooJtt J FoF I 5 =E= lrl olrero -,2 =qh- f"o a, t; i ?Yc 4tv, l! lt c q lll IE 2o F oo z9F EltlFJ =u,lz F z o IJJJul G oul Eott GulF 3 IA ||l vzt GQ llJ tt v)F zf Iz tt z (v zo t- (, cE l!o u,F o 02 J E YJ6 t oJ zo v, 5 a o tt ul o (, lao g3oG c, ()z A I C)o ai .Et z ofEF liDzoo |lo lttA F; Yco3ttoz. L' FEto 11,, u,lo J 6 b & t0 2or 6 2 2f v- 4 i7p ' ,\--+ .l \ t a il & Fourrdatisn Engineering ,f. ea2^l 261974 Road !{est Vail, Colorado 81657 4010 HARBOB PtACE, CCLOFADC SPRltrGS. CC,LOeADO 809i7 3031596-7€,7 REPORT OF CCNCRETE FiEi-D T|STS & COMPRESSIW STF.E}.:GTH ^STM h4;TiiODS II'IDICi:TED Contrectcr: Project: |ob Nc. Lab. Iio. Conc. Co.i.ccationof ?ourinStructure f'ooters, Bays l_-3 lnclusi rrom east. lTruck No. !7 Ticket No.V0013l-1 Cu.Yds . Piacedlp!_ Timq Slunp__&.Q_-.___ Wt. of Fresh Conc. c t43-66 PCr-J!a..e-- c 138-63 f-nn'er'.. 7 ,e 9:^ 'r J' i -- ii:. f--', /i ^^-.: - \ra:r -l,CuVol . of Load vJ/ LL w v.. \\':ter Cenent Ratio Gal,/Sack rVater ACded (g ?Iarrt ,. . jo! -q::.-, BO Ainix:rre: LEA oz/cy Cemer,t Conteni hlix No.: Specs. 5* Sack Coarse Aggregate ii v i :-/a-, sign by Pine Aqoreqate 4/411 [F,erbea Drilled Cores Specimen No. ate Tested ;Dinerslens Inches -Std 6x12Cyl ;Specirnen \ti. Lbs.3SSD,/0.1963 CF Veisht PCF tsSSD Tctai Lcad Lbs. Tests at'DayE Ase - Last no.indicates test at davs of of Specinen No. std std 't o112 gil-pe c,I ilr:c:-:-l (1) (2) Dj.ag. Ccir: Shear (3) ireri. So!rt 1S::e.:.i:ir - ictual PSI C39-36 !'../^.4612 i5524 ,6579i6109 !::ci'.;'.;'. Req'C. FSi S.oecifieC 000 i.-::e:.<sPattly cloUqy vrith slight breeze. Area Sg. Inches - Std CyI 28.27 Tested By: T. J. I"ieier Saupled BY: T. J. l.leierSigoed BY: ffi"&sqrts#se 5i,;i I, ir,ui,deiiur' !ogineeriir; P.I POF.T Of CC)trCF.iT; suQlu 221s74 1033 Scrleh Frontage Road Itesi, P.0. tscx l-944 Val-I, Uolcredo 6!Ei I 4,J1C l-rAFSOFr FLACE. CCLUrlAal- 52;r j:: . t. ,-.bi: ij:si1i 'rO3i 596'1647 Fi::D TiSTS 6' COlrlPFl!SSI\€ STF.::':GT:l p.5Tl,4 l"iiT?ioDS Iiifici.TEif T rh l'- Conc. Co. rJ tlI l't a Ticket No"','-:lll:11 Cu-Ics.Piac=d ?-i::r Time lx,i;51; ;I,=ie ).icldeC: 4/1+i'ii' Time: i:1..-.; ll Cur:ng of Sanplefr iab. &l :..:-:'- i::c:,ffi'.-:j--4--t3i:66-I . nC 3i-6'J ^ ,.' f: ^-1,.2-" Ta..r"t- 7.,"F- l1 .i;^ s6,..11- ,l;r up l slunc --. .J , \{t. c;i Fresh Conc. PCF---:-!g.!.- A:r Cc::::r,:. :. ''} *". C 143 -66 O i'-.6-.5i -.. - .' ' l: Vcl.. oi Loacl t aY/ .t il: a , G: ilSa ck ,Vatei lcied € liai,: -. tt:'- ; I Ce;e:-.i Conier: Specs. ij _-:a]2lr iln-: rqe i ar rl -t:,-:'+o.lJl:' F!.pie. AggreEeie IEr!*"= .+! =D=""tt= *ts ^ :1.1i1JtrCe5 CiJ C aL i ^ ^+ s L Li?-- -S:d 6:<12 <+'r' S:-:::::.-. "'':. i :s. 3iil',''J.1903 Ci ,.:::r :::; - :rches - Sid C';i 28.27 '--a . a t' '': --- --'-'l ?i.11 ';u)CC cw\ ''..r".--. .. - .:--:_- - Sanpled Ey: l. 1.. i'ie' ez'Sigaed o uL2 tF-ktj' ::;f-s*s €.&,nnawrfrgg ? el ^ | i -.4.. .: r r - !r..-.i ''. r. r -tr;"r -J - r/*; rj { k.i/ v rl ., .r -! . ..,: :::: i 1,': -l HUJ 21974 1033 South Fro;rtaga Road iJes.t i'.0. lJox 1,9i4 Yai1, , Co lc: a.io Bi{57 40lfr HAF3Ofi PL,..CE. COtOitADO SPAi:,tCS it- .Ck-L. . 1*1! L, 'rJ3l 596.i 647 !:'Ri iicT:- i:.STii Iillr,C;lS jii)lC;i'-Ii ia^ _. 1.\a 'lJv- -' Tr\ :' ',.\- ' /. 'i'\ _---_--.--.-:-s.-J-___-_i,4._ -!-r if-i ca::: -. ai :L) t.tt^ 'tF4'F Ticket T:ine-iii::e'j i.:!:=' 7y;, i;o. VOCI!] 9 Cu.:rs . Piace'l 2-- :i7'o:ii'F.;-:i i :21. o:.:- r-,^.-.- f r c 3t-66 3l,-n-c: p : G.*-:.. ica--' r.: i r...+./.-LL 51...rot ,, ,.t. - -_' -n71 "c 143-66 VoL. of Loai 't+ t....--^-i r'i:l-C- :It, I .1- :: :-'-: - I i:"1 i-: ,.- t I* ?.aiio_ _ _ G:i/Sack . SPecs. 5{- Sack lrl-^-- '-j..r --rrj5!J: a,!:J U,;l ,/vct )g t.-^-.^^ -,-r.t-J..j; rt .jr_ -,..: Fi na .lrr;-r,o,-r.- 1 .. 1.ll ?c':. i.l.,rl. - i..--,"-- ji:!'Ji -3:1-::- Tests at a - -.:: ci r.r,of !l-on -.! r,r o-. tl.,c 12-54 -StC 6x12Cylll'::'.-::= :: r: -nci.es C-s---j- "- i F,c ae:i'r./n lcA"!-r ) re__l v; 1i'r e !.;::: :,!:' 3! tl ji:ea 9 r, i:..:::i.:: - SrC Ci'i 28.27 i---.i I ,.,-: (^\ /1 \\4' \J,/ vu: r', u=ii..jrri.i: i----:i-,il.'l1.* I !iii Tes : e r. i:,.' :Sanpled B)r: t'. J. tfl[[ {f-- f ,',., y JUL 2 21974 ',3,1&,*Hg,J'i-' i:;: ;H'lrl;""'"'" Roa.iest Conc. Cc.;-ic:::le '- .i , ::.-- -: - ;:' -,:.riJ r'- ,' !,: ie lu'. oldei : 'J.onc:eie Tir-ro,tr. )a h.- (-.rt-ia.:, nf .ia,..nia+-i-a l.ai-rt-LtLv,)-_ ) --._ vu{-.:lJ v- v$rrry-J _a 1)_s '-A',. /, ', :,'lv"-/ - - ..q l. r c i;,: Rcc:. Siunp ir. ,)-:" ? i j -;io."- '|!''A oi F;e sh Conc . n-__:.: c I43-56 PCF 1.:-.' irir Cc::ie:, c 133-€3 i:r t t'tlr-<'vJl -: ve.: 1l ?.3: -6: Vcl . cf Lo.ri Lr.-t i .' ir : rl .(;\taiei:l.dcir:ii€P.:n: , l':.:. Cen',-nt Conterl :'-' i !'-,! .t l. .-rtrl (::!' .' I : .'-' _' '...:-- _.-i'r,-: a' .-^-' r-^:\:a -i r/.i t 'g .) - Sic tj :: !2 Cyl :s;D//c . i! 63 c i )A ?7 ] ./ | i', /) L D a tt .|. .r.i f eti .:--.--l---! Saapled By:it. j . i,ie'i ei Signed BY ! ,i,r--'- .-. -_ --=.=- o fxi.f.JUL 22 /o7-l lgf4 SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT AIL PROJ ECT NAM I NSPECTOR Trnt /V|e,ee- ROVED I CORRECT IONS REQU CCi.ICRETE: Fanre e5 Fc-tz vr+/ s fc++res Fc* hLr, F o-7. v/fl't'9 MASONRY: STEE I.: PRECAST: OTHER: SPecif ADDITIONAL REMARKS: 8.&nryeEdeE Ssii & lo::aililru t.ililliil siIiF!3031 596-704.7 F;PCRI Oj COr'iCF.iT; F;iLD'iisTs & CC.).1PP.IS5IVE STRE.''!GTE ASTlzi IT1ET"IODS IND:C;TED *,fue z$7A l-033 South Frontage Road lfest P.0. Box 1944 Vail , Col-orado 81657 4O1O HARBOR PLACE. COLORADO SPAtNGS. C3LCsADO 8O9I7 Doie l'Jolde&. ?/I/74 Tirne: 7:55 anCuri:tg of Sarnpleffi( Lab. f.i--l l"rcist Rcc= ,.r 2r c.: t -qi:.36 -c 3l-66 concrete Tenp. 6907, Air Tenp. 53oF Slunp_-l*_Wt. of Fresh Conc. PCF_-145.6- Arr Conient 2.q ?" c 13E-63 C ?i:-62 /]'a\,/\.na4 - ,--_+._--.-+- c 143-56 \traier Cenent Ratio Adnixii:re: AEA oz/cY Design by Drilled Ccres Specirnen No. i:iets rons lncnes -Sid 6xl2Cyl ;Sp:cinen Wt. Lbs,BSSD,/g.!963 CF l\i:eight PCF BSSD fr". Sq. i"ch." -Std Cvt 28.n ?c:ai Load Lbs. (r)/4'i GallSack i{tater ACiied @ Plani i. -i- ic': Si'.2- 25 iGa!i Ce;-,rent Conteni PCY Ccarse A.ggreEete FCY Fine Aggregaie_ Teats at - Last-no. of S:cecirree c+^std 12100C r25Occ PCY t "I Err: -,, . -.+ : Di.:g. Cci'e S i:r:.r : i.,iL:J io77 4457 ---.-'- -".''--"':-ia8 | 300-0 I 1O-Q9-*--l --:QqQ-*LJAOO--:1.,I .lcco -jcec- (3) Vert. Solit tti 1. I iS:re:.;:h - Act:ral PSI C33-An !l':3?o5 | 449/ l, +Zt'a Ieste<i By:4r .T ]'rai on ru AU8 21 1974 1033 South Frontage Road ltrest P.O. Box 1944 \tail, Colorado 81557 401O HAAEOR PLACE, COLORAOO SP3IN6S. COLOAADO 8OIJI7 3g3l 596-7647 €.&mner€Ee f.-:I + 8,..''x.! - )i.r:..JUit .: r t, j.,,j.i?w l,ltija ]'r -ii.1ai!," -L.r;J1r.'v..r'g BiIPCRT Or .COI'{C|.ITE ile LD'i;STS-:l CC''1PRI9SI'VT' Sif,:-};GTIi F.ST r.{ !,'1 tT ii':}DS i i,iDIC;TiD /- -.-r -1r'r..i. ?r.1iaFl.. Conc. Co.L,:ce:icr cf Pour ln Structure Tlne Ffi-red ;:i:') :r':rt ?rt: c!'l iio - __--.__-.ig_ Ticket No.--yOQf4Za Cu.l'ds. Pi.aced 21* - Ii=: Arrl-;ea---*:i-p"- D:t-e l''lolCed:Time:5:20 pn Culng of Sanple8i :i:e'Un !,'roist Rccn Slump_-_--.!.'_p _ Concrete Tenp.^ ir, oil73"7, Air Terop. j.- -' Wi- of ?resh Conrof ?resh Conc. PCF___J}A,-:_:_ O r:'_f c 143-66 c 138-63 c 231-6? Ga]/LoaC--V'cl. of Load 7+cyl lru3K c 3I-66 nert Ratio Ga!,/Sack o,/cv Upecs . tz Sac.:r Design by Cores c 42-64 Date Tested lDirersi.ons inches I -Sid 6xlZCyl iScecimen \Vt. Lbs.BSSD/0 .]s 63 CF VeiEht FCF BSSD i:ea Sq. Inches - Std Cyi 28.?.7 f ctaj. Loed Lbs. 0)(z',) Ccee i\ta^"er F.ddicl @ Pj.ani ,. _ |ci: S'.:: r i* - - Cenent Content .'.-- r\ ',--i!l.'Jc ri .'Jcli/?cY .q:{.'',-l Ccerse Aggregate 3\-Y I v''-- : - Last no. of Specinen l.lo. ,ll,u--LvG.L('esE 'tE 't 1i-i.r:,IO-UYI Il'l O-i0CO Diag. Sheer (3) Vert. f--r_ |ri i,- i j--lrl lL:J (r-1 :,'-a t T. J. i"ieier Sclii Saopled J. liej_er Signed Mr. Jerry Al dri chJuly 10,1974 Page 3 ITEM A.I9 ITEM A-20 Archi tect states intent to comply. ITEI{ B-1 Subject to Building 0fficia'l 's approval based on June 17, 1974 conference. ITEM B.2 ITEM 8.3 Architect states intent to comply ITEI'I B-4 Design calculations verify adequacy of 2 x 4 studs. Subiect to approval of the Building 0fficial. ITEM 8.5 As stated. ITEM B-6 l,le concur that the nomina'l 4 inch members may be used in accordance with Section 2206-d, Paragraph 2 if the sundeck is classif ied as a "roof ". If c'l assif ied as a "f'loor", 6 inch nomina'l thickness required under Paragraph'l thereof. ITEM 8.7 In compliance per sketches submitted. Note that the architect's letter is a general statement of intent to comply and does not carry the I egal force and effect of a forma'l addendum. P'l ease ca'l 'l us i f you have any questions . Very truly yours, FRASIER & GINGERY, INC.m ProjectK0Rdwcc: T.A. Grossman, Jr., AIA Manager Mr. Jerry Al dri chJuly 10, 1 974 Page 2 ITEI'I A-7 A. 0n new foundation Drawing SD-2, required access openings a re not s hown . B. In compljance per Drawing SD-2. C. Insulation indlcated on Dnawing SD-8. ITEM A-8 In compliance per Drawing SD-9. ITEM A-9 In compliance per Drawings SD-5 and SD-5. ITEl.l A-10 A. Architects'statement is for comp'liance by addendum. B. As stated. ITElvl A-'l'l ITEII A- I 2 ITEM A.'I 3 ITEM AL'I4 Architect states intent to comply. ITEM A-I5 As stated. ITEM A-16 Requirement for overflow drains or scuppers dependent upon location of roof drains on mechanica'l p1ans. I TEIVI A.I 7 Architect states intent to comply. ITEM A.'I8 Statement is for comp'l iance. Ftreicr & Gngcry, lnc. CONSULT|IVG EIVG/NEEFS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENCLEWOOD, COLORADO 8OT 10 TELEPHONE 3OJ 761.4860 ,luly 10,1974 Mr. Jerry A1drichChief Building 0fficial Town of Vail P .0. Box 'l 00Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lion Square North P'l an Check(Formerly Montaneros II)F & G Job No. 452.2'l Dear Jerry; We have reviewed the Archjtects' responseto the Preliminary Report, dated June I3,thereto, we f ind as f ol'l ows : ITEM A-I ITEM 4.2 dated June 27, 1974 197 4 . l..li th ref erence ITEM A.3 ITEM A-4 ITEM A-5 In Units A, cabinets have been de'l eted over counter betweenkitchen and I iving room as shown on Drawing SD-5. Increasein area for projection brings loft into cornpl iance with the Code. In Units B, the size of the loft has been reduced for Code compl jance. Hence, the bui'l ding may ment for dry standpipe I ofts . l.letstandpipe system to be shown on mechanica'l drawings as per Section 3804-b as locally amended. ITEM A.6 A. As stated. now be classified as 3-story. Requ'i re-deleted. Spiral stajrs may be used for B. In compl iance per Draw.ing SD-8. EERING / 1AND SURVEYING / sIoRM DRAINAGT / STRUCTURAT / TRANSPoRTATIoNCIVIL ENGIN WATER & SANITATION PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL oo PLU MErI NGi./ M EC HAIVt CAL OF BUILDING: 4 a JJ oF woRK: El r,rrw f] noorrorrr E nemooel E nepn,n PLUMBfNG: NUMBER / 17 1 (MECHANIGAL: NUMBER VALUAT|ON $ I ..;'VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT ree 5+/.8 PERMIT FEE \'. \ [laeenoveo E orsnppRovroN-'*"=,.\ roTAL FEES: $ .<47, Q DArE il Ju' 7 * 8.&roEee Soil & Faundciion {ngineering NEPOT{T OF CONCF.ETE EEI,D TESTS & COMPF.ESSIVE STRA}IGTII A.STM ]I1ETHODS 1 i']DICATED Rtt, AUG 21 1974 L033 South Froatage Road West P.0. Box 1944' Vail, Colorado 8L657 4O1O HAFIBOB PLACE, COLORAOO SPBINGS. COLORADO 8@I7 303/ 5967647 job Nc. Lab. Iic. iocatior of Pour in Structure"Valls for uniis 7 r8 &9.Conc. Co. lT-rr'.'.' N-.r a,' 1o1-1 1O7-i- ( tg-ZL) Time / 12('P.f?Ticket No yg5-22_ Cu.YCs . Piaced34__ Tlne#it1-1.1-:Zo_ar__ Slu*p_*jr-Q__ ' Wt. of Fresh Conc. c 143-66 VoI . of Load c 23t-5? Gai,/!o=O - W=ter Ce:'::ent Ratio Gal,/Sack '.Mater Added @ P!.ant ,,. lob Siie 0 Adr.D::::re: AEA Oz/CY cement content t*tt'?cY Ccarse Aggregete Desigr: by ine Aqqreqatertr AE-rledate 3 i:j':'i Dri.lled Cores - Last'no. of Specinen'lio.c 42-64 Specirnen No. ete Tested ;Di:renslons incbes - Std 6 x 12 Cylt jspeciaren l.vt. Lbs. ESSD/0.1953 CF \ireight PCF BSSD Area Sq. Inches - Std Cyt 28.27 TciaL Lged Lbs. t;rt- ] i--i l-J lS':er;th - -Actual PSi c39-66 Si::::g::h Rsq'd. PSI S:.-r cified i.:-nirks *i[ Tested By: L. A. Lechner I"ieier Signed By: 1T1'pe of (!) lFrac:ure Diag.I Shear (2) Cone (3) Vert. Solit Sarlrpled By:T. J. tructlon Conoan: o 8.&srFur8ffi 5orl & Foundriion t JuL26tez4 1033 South Froatage Road llest P.O. Box 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 4OIO HARBOR PLACE. COLOFAOO SPRINGS, COLORAOO 8@I7 Engineering 303/ 59S7647 PEPORT OF CONCF.ETE IiELp rESTS & CO.MPRESSIVE STREIIGTIi ASTM IIETHODS II{DICATED c,_l::tiac:ci-: c ?roject: Locatior i ln Struciure f Truck No- ]t, Ticket truct Job lJc, D:'re lvlolded: Concrete Tenp. !!f, Ai-r Slurnp---L9--Wt. c 143-65 of Fresh Conc.PCF l_&1.8 A!.r Jl:OS-*--'.'A3l;q6 renp. @ . c t38-63 ' c 23L-62 Vol. of Load I Gal,/!oad \Yiter Cenent Ratio Gal,/Sack Water A.dded @ Plani ,. Icb Si.te 0- .l-Cr:.Lxiure: AEA i.li:t )lo.: oz/cv Design by iDrilled Cores 42-64 Specimen No.10?- DEte Tested i::rensions Inches - Std. 6 x 12 Cyl cecimen lVt. Lbs.M.rsescF 'v-eight PCF BSSD Area Sq. Inches -Std CyI 28.27 Tot"I Load Lbs. (2) Cone (Gal) Cenent Conteni ?CY Ccarse Aggregate PCY 3 /:;'::, ine Aqqreqata -PCY r-" ASEI'egaCe ' i.. ests at Dais Asa'- Last: no. of Specinen'No. 2727 Sigped ir1'pe of (!) !Frac:ure Diag.I Shear (3) Vert. Solit tT !S-er.;th - Actual PSI C-?9-66 ij i:=::.;'a Rsq'd . PSI S:..-.cified 'e2 .a.e::arks *i{o'l-e e Tested L. A. lechner Saupled By:T. J. I"ieier By: o REPORT OF CONCRETE FIELD TESTS & COMPRESSIVE STRE}TGTH E.!8r**urtee Soil & loundstion Engineering I run6t1974 - nt,,( AUU z r 1033 South Frontage Road l|egt P.O. Box 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 4O1O HAfiBOR PLAC€, COLORAOO SPRINGS, CCILOBAOO 8@17 303/ s967647 ASTM IUETHODS INDICATED Coi.t:acicr: Cunninghau Constructj-on Conpantr |ob 1.1c. ' Lab. No. tO7:1 D3re i.iolde* 7/\9/74 concrete Tenp. t&:t Slump l* c 143-66 Vol.q tOZ_t_( 2r_"0) I Conc. Co. iiountaj.n l.iobileLoca".ioeofPourinSiructure].{orihvleststaircase.-_'--.---_ \9ater Cement Raiio Gal,/Sack Adnlxture: AEA . Ccarse Aggregate ine Aqqreqatgrrt Ae-c?eJat p 3./+'-*{ DesiEn by Drlll=cl Ccres_ c 42-64 of Speci.nen Nojr . .'.:9f tt6IlCl- C3.-u€ S es Specirnen No.- IO?-!1)-'// o--/ 126/?4 i/25/r+s:/'.ni- inensions inches - Std- 6 x i2 Cyl 'std pacimen Wi. Lbs. 3SSD/0.1963 CF ..(.c('l: l Verghl PCF BSSD ,i 14.1. O '1 t,1 11 ''r,,r] 1 lA-rea Sq. Inches - StC Cyi 28.27 c6./1 29 2,28.27 Tct:l Load Lbs.7 t+?OO 74BOO 99000 i?';pa of (1) (2) (3) lFric:u;e Diag. Cone Vert,! Sheer Solit il r E l r-t I i--'lIIiLJ S';er.gth - Actual PSi C39-66 2642 2(t,A 1io2 I I J::er.3ih Req'C. ?Sl Specified OZB SOOO ,000 ,000 ienarks * I{o vislble exterior fai rn ::.,-//, Sanpted gy:G. i4anzari Si-gded. tyz./ f4.-z'-le8ted By: o 8.&rmsr8ee v Ru OcT I F74 1033 South Fronrage Road West P.o. Box 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 4O1O HARBOR PLACE, COLORAOO SPRINGS, COLOFADO 8@17 303/ 59e764? FiEtD TESTS & CO'|VIPRESSIVE STREIqGTII Soil & Foundolion Engineering REPORT OF CO}JCRTTE ASTM IIIE?HODS INDICATED C o..t.a cic r: Prnior-i. Locaiion of Truck Nc. 'truc'ii on C ]ob lJo. '. Lab. I'ic. 1o,'7-1 !o1-i-(25-3A) Conc. Co.I'iountaln i'lobileStructure i{or-th'r';est eta-i-r ca.ee Time hlixea_ :$k__pg ' Ic Tj.'cket No.-[001650 Cu.Yis.Placed -lC Tirne Arrived l,-:25. pni .- c 143-66 c 231-64- Vo!. of Load cyfruck \Ya:er Cernent Ratio Adnixiure: AEA oz/cY Gal,/Sack I\li:< Nc.: Design by Drilleci Cores 42-64 Specirnen No. ate Tested *'..: lDinensions.inches ;S:ecimen 1,'/i. ibs. Veisht PCF BSSD Alea Sq. Inches - Std 28 .27 Tc::l Lcad Lbs. (l) Diag. Shear Tests f ai't u.r'e na:: ^ ^+:')J ii'pe ot I Frt c:u:: I (2) Cone (3) Solii 'l 28.27 l-1-<C00 !S'-:e..sih - Aciuai PSi C39-56 ::r::-.!ih Req'd. iSi SPecified ;26 i---'=aiks * lio vislble ext Tes E.ed By: '1'40. i02Oco i-:tI -l Sauplerl By: G .l.'ia.nzai'i Signed 1997 o 8.&rracrlsE Soil & lounduiion Engineering REPORT OF CONCF.E?E FIELD TESTS & CO'IVIPRESSIVE STREI{GTH onQu, a r9z4 fi"-'r'-a1 1033 South Frontage Roacl llest P.O. Box 1944 Vail, Colorado 81657 4OIO HARBOB PLACE. COLOAAOO SPRINGS. COLORADO 8@'I7 3o3/ 59e7647 Cc::!ractcr: Project: Locaiic:r of Truck Nc. ASTM }"IETHODS INDICATED job l{o. . Lab. I',Io. 1O7-l ra7-L-(2r-30) iilr*""r,.0,'es! s'a'.r case Conc. Co.I'iouniain }iobil-e Tlme lvlixerr J:44 nm ' J_b tibket No . VOOI-5 5O Cu .Yds . Placed--;g- Tirne Arrlve d-!l!5AA*- t43-66 Vol.q \\'a!er Cemeni Ratio Adr:,ixiure:. AEA oz/cY GallSack Water Addecl @ Plant_- '.--Jcb Sit: iO (Gal) , ' sKlC'j. iasign by Drilleci Cores S*"t""" II"t 3te TeSteCl .{1 ; .. iScecinen W'.. Lbs. Veight PCF BSSD 3SSD,/0 .19 63 |. Area Sq. Inches - Std Cyi 28.27 Tct3l Lcad Lbs. Specs.5* Sack . Coarse Aggregate i.r-re Aggregate 11n.4./.i' jT'1'pe cf I F. ': r-, .:,a t- !Jv-e.- I Dlag. Sheer (3) Vert. i'tI I(2' Ccne Sclit S-ersth - Actual PSI C39-66 :::::r'.2ih Req'd. ?SI SPecified eZ8 .l -*.::.3ik s * i'Io Tested By: ble exte Sampled By:G. l'la.nzari Sigued ,J-t,r_u ':5 tua?\ 4;\ P*" *o\.,4 Soii t-' Jou.ndotion E . Snqnee,itng q&, coilclustoNsL4--- @" ,fi 1) ltl 9un oPl t'rtoN, rHE PnoPos L SPRliAn rOOTt f{C rr)ur.rDATlOi!s r a_i} ?) Forrr'rn( r t r!i.r,_ir&.-,* SHouLD eed'- ',vt rH Ar LEAST Tfio (?) lio. ( ( rC STRUCTURES pRoPcRTlr)|,le D SI{OUI.D A' SUPPORTEO BY F0n A l'iiXlNlUir,l ALLO[/ABLE.n qnlr rt'-ir.!, r ar^ Dorccf r.r= arr tl(J ur., I L rE AR I ilc PRESSURE Of 4 uu!, l->i. ,lglL &Lllffl.QiJ,* To: AriD BOTroJ.r. 5 eAns (! ar.ns rorEd l) Trtc traruRAL scrLs ni'rrrr/ca ili€ r,.,ic'':.J FILL r.'lLL BE sATlsFAcrcRy TC SUpPORT THE GROUi\iD FLO()R SLASS. 4) FILL usEo ron suppcRT of Fouf.lcATrofls ar,rn/on FLooR sLABS sH0ur DSE APPROVgD BY ii'i E SOIL €NGINEgR AND SHT)ULD BE CCI.TPACTED TO ATLeAsr 95"fr tF '\rA)ilf,,ttjr..i sTAlisAno priocrcR 0ENSt ry AilO.lvl rr1 tx ?.fi.oF opTti,iuf,,t i,io lsruRi ccfjTEirT, pf.R tiSTi/ D-5?'5, 5) rt suBguRFAc{ DnA I ilAce sysrf i,,t si{ouLD 3i irLAcgD i\noui'lD ALL 9ASEI,tCi..IT L'I R GAJiDEN Lf,VIL r\RIIrS. (') PRfsE;:T LtRcr,Jl,:D t'rA-fCu COr;ttTlli!S Ang SATIJFACT,)Fy Fi)R B;\9Er,lCNT COftSTRUCTtOt;, lF DEStRCO. ?) Typt 1 cgr,rIr.rT :ir'i!,' ei us€D tir ALL cor,]cfte re . SCOPE THI S Re PORT ITiTESTICATION AT P[.ESe tJTS THE niSULTS OF .{ SC I L' Ai,lO iCui\jOr\ii O}l THE SI TE OF THI PRCPOSgD i,ioNTINEROS NO': 2 Coticoi.i|il|ur.t Ccr.ipLt:x TC sE .LCCi1.TaD I t,,t TitE LtOf.:s;lgAo AtiEA cr VAtL, fAsLE cOUN?Y, cCL0nADO. THi PuePosc 0F rl-rts I rivEsrt GATtoi.r :,.rAS To DETEnn tr.j: sugsuRFAci ccrialTloi'i s AT Tl{ls slTE A|.,tD Tc F0nl{ULATe F0Ui.iD.CTlON DEStcr,t cRITERtA FOR THE PFIDPOSED STRUCTUNCS. I (:\, ( PRcrecr no. 447 Plce 2 Aenrl 18, l9Z4 6) THE REsuLTAr,rr oF ALL FoRcEs Acrr Nc oN THE BAsE oF THE FOUNDATION OF THg RETA IT.I I tIG STRUCTURES SHOULD BE t(EPT 1ll rH I N THE i<ERN. TH.AT I s, T]r€ RESULTANT oF ALL FoRcEg SHOULD rr*OT HAvE Ati ECCENTR I c I TY cREA TER rnrru 1,/5f x Or THC I'JI OTH OT THf, BASE OF THE FOUIJDA TI ON BEI,IEATiI THE RETAININC STRUCTURE. ?) lF THE RESULTANT ronccs ARE KEpr ":./trHtr'l rHE KERN oF THE FOUNDA T I ON THEN I T CAT-I BE ASSU}"IEO THA T Tf{E RE- TA I N I ^IG STRUCTURES !./I LL Bg SUBJECT TO AN OVERTURN I NO rrovE!.rENT EeUAL ?o AppRox I l.rATELy 0.1fr oF THE ToTAL HEICHT OF THE RETAtNtNG STRUCTURE, f,TEASURED FROM THE BASE OT THE FOUNDATION TO THE TOP OF TT{E !/ALL. I T SHOULD BE NOTEO THAT THIS SLIGHT OVERTURNING MOVEMENT I'VILL OEVELOP ALiJtOST IIJ|IIgDI,\TELY AFTER PLACEI',IgNT OF THE BACKFILL MATERIALS BEHIfIIO THE RETAIIIING STRUCTURE. IF OVERTURN I NG i{OVEt'E}I?S ARE CR I T I CAL DUE TO S?FIUCTURAL CONNECTI ONS A? THE TOP OF THE I,IALL, THEN THg IJALL SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTEO AI'ID tsACI{FILLEO PPIOR TO COMPLETION OF THE STRUCTURAL CONNECTI OI..IS. B) THe r,rsxt'rrulJ pnESsuRE lr,,tposED AT ANy pol NT AT THE BAsE OF THE FOUND,qTICN iTALLS SHCULD NOT EXCEEO THE I,IAXIMUM ALL0iTAgLE SOtL BEARING pRESSURE, rvHlCH lS 4000 PSF._f> lF you ilAvE ANy euEsrtoNs coNc€RNlilc rHts MATTEF; pLEASE FEeL FREE TO GIVE US A CALL. RESPg,CTFULLY SUBr'l I TTEO T THor,tA s E. FRESI OANT Sur,tuERLEEn P.F, TS/ t r.r cc: C. F.cc; KKglrA, LIURPHY, ,\RcH l TEcT ATTN3 t,tN. DONALO LIST "4#,+.Kq &"'.'tS l: or a:guo) ( 4010 ftrboi Pl(}ac coLx&Jc sp Ing5 cdo,cdo ' B09i / 303 590 '7547 20? n.rrli cr"cl\ .oLi' ! D c box '&44 lrarr . cok:roi--io ' 0165i 303. 4'b.2211 o Ir Ru JUt{20p74,lPRtL 18, '19? RE: RgTA t N I NG !]ALL DEs t iliCNTENEROS NO.2 CoNDot, I N I ur"t CoTTPLEX S TRUCTUR E L I ONSHEAO AREA VAtLr COLORADc PRo.JEcr No. 447 k, I Foshr GN CRITERIA & PARK ING KKSI.:A-;.3 i; .tr Li:!;rG;l 1;u:iv 1,1 f-: l: I-, --: .->- I rv;igr ii :ii nL1 IDL?/'4n.'a I ri i: F"c lt, ii 7'-:. It Bc i rN f] -U r-l f:i ;:i: i-l;,= t. ;L-r,! l-_ Lr ,rl c.: I n-. l-- ; Ene r ru-e 'ehrd, - N I NG I',ALL REF ERENCEO tr soil tt foundation'r dngineering CUNNI NGHAI.i CONSTRUcTION & OgveIOpI,IENT COMPAHYP. O. Box 41E VA r L, CoLoRADo 81657 GEi.t TL EM EN 3 As FEQUESTED BY MR. DONALD LIST OF KKtsNA, STRUcTURAL.'./E ARE PROVIDING HERE$/'TH DESIGII CRITERIA FOR THE RETAI STRUCTUAES FJHICH T,,ILL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THg SITg OF THE PROJECT. 8AsEO ON THE RESULTS OF OUR FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS AND ADDITIONAL eNGlriEERlNG ANALYStS, THr FOLLOT','Irrc CRtTERIA lS SUGGESTED FOR ANY TYPE OF RETAlNING STRUCTUR€ OR I]ALL TO Bg CONSTRUCTEO AT THE PRO.JECT SI TE' 1) lT ls AssurJEo rHAT TirE BAcr(irLL TTATERtALs rvlLL sE A SI LTY TO SL I CHTLY CLAYEY SAND ANO GRAVgL SO IL CO]''PARABLE TO THE ON-51TE rvtATERlALS. 2) Tnr uN I T urg I cHT oF THg sAcKr I LL, ','rH I cH rJt LL BE coMpAcrED AD.JACENT TO THE RETAINING $/ALL STRUCTURESg SHOULD BE AssuMsD To BE !25- pouNDs pER cuBrc Foor. 3) Tile nE.rrtNlNc t'/ALL srRUcruRe s siiouLD BE DEstchlED To IYI THSTAND AI.I ACTI Vg EARTH PRESSURE i'/H ICH CAI't BE ASSUITEO TO BE AN gQUIVALgNT FLUID PR€SsUFE EQUAL TO A,)5 tli"lEs rHE urtr iiElcHT oF THf BAcKFtLL r"rATERtALs, ,tt - i-4r/_t 4i PAsstvE EARTIT pRessuREs t.{.{posEc,oN THE RETAtNINc r'/ALL STRUCTURES CAN BE CALCULA TED BY ASSUI,I I IIC A},I EQU I VALENT FLUTD IYgIGHT EQUAL TC ?.75 TIINES TH' UNt T IiEIGHT OF THE BACKFILL I,IATER'ALS. 5) TH€ coEFrtctE.NT 0F FRlcrtoi! Acrttic oru THE BAsE 0F THE RCTAININE IlALL ST,TIUCTUFES CAN BE CALCULATgD BY USING A FACTOR OT 0.35 Tti,IES THg I'IOR},IAL FORCE ACTING VERTICALLY O}t THE BASE OF THE ITALL FOUNOATIONS. A hIINITIUI't SAFETY FACTOR OT 'I .5 SHOULO BE USEO !";HEN CALCULATI NG THE SL I DI NG RESI STANCE. -: \--f, ). PLUMEIINGi./ MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL OF BUtLDING: 4- o i)5 oF woRK: d *r* E aoorron E neruooel E nepntn IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER | 7? q P MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATIoN $ ?3. a€a oo VALUATION $ REMARKS: ,-/-----:\.REMARKS: --r/ \ // / peaut/ ru{ q4/. e /PERM]T FEEt/ I It o'ifur{ F eennoveo ToTALFEES: $.547.& E otsnp*o*o\\\r- oo*tt Ju 7+- a U I i 'c Subcontractor List Ju]y 15, 1974 Page Six: #64 - painrins: 3;18.il"3:.1;?.t.n etenwooa Springs, Colorado 81601 #66 - caulkins: F:3:t[:1.[rconst. & Dev. co. Vail, Colorado 81657 #67 - Builders Hardware: High Country Bldr.'s Hardware P.0. Box 82- Dumont, Colorado 80436 #69 - Ceramics: Not decided at this time. #71 - Resilient F'loor: Not decided at this tine. #74 - Elevator: U.S. Elevator 1945 West 12th Denver, Colorado 80204 #75-ParkingLot&Curb'ing: B&BExcavating Box 249 Vai'l , Co'lorado 81657 l #76 ; Relocate Gas line: Cunningham Construction & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 Pub'lic Service Co. of Colorado P.0. Box 328 Vail, Colorado 81657 #77 - Finish Grade: Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 #79 - Landscaping: Not decided at this time. #80 - Clean-up: Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co., P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 #81 - Inspections and State Sales Tax: State of Colorado Ifl8'i.fu,:'ffi::I"' Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917' #82 - contractor's Fee: 3:iltffilu1r3on.t. :_:.'. ,.. Vai'l , Colorado 81657 o Subcontractor List July 15, 1974 Page Five: #44 - Temporary Heat: #45 - E'lectrical: #46 - Temporary Power: #47 - Telephone #50 - Fireplaces: #51 - Interior Trim & Doors: #52 - Specia] Millwork (incl. stairs, ski racks, folding doors) : #55 - Mirrors & Bathroom Supp'lies: #56 - Shower Doors & Toilet Fartitions: #58 - Cabinets & Counter Tops: #60 - Appliances: #61 - Saunas: #53 - Special Masonry Work: ,.. Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418Vail, Colorado 81657. New Electric Inc. Box K Avon, Colorado 81620 New Electric Inc. Box K Avon, Colorado 81620 Mountai n Bel't Vail, Co]orado 81657 Harrower, Inc. 6897 Lowell Blvd. Box Westminster, Colorado Minturn, Colorado Pella Products 4500 Grape Street Denver, Colorado Glenwood Glass s.- rf'/157 v .p 80030 Foster Lumber Co. Box 446 81545 .2(_ .P 80216 Box 671 Glenwood Springs, Co1orado 81601 Not decided as of this date. Rocky Mountain Kitchens 1390 West Evans, Unit K Denver, Colorado 80223 Hotpoi nt 4200 Hol'ly Street Denver, Colorado 80216 Viking Sauna 9231 Hooker Westminster, Colorado 80030 Glenwood Masonry Glenwood Springs, Colorado , 81601 Subcontractor List July 15, 1974 Page Four #27 - tlindows, Fixed Glass, Sliding Doors: #31 - Insulations: #32 - Fireproofing: Foster Lumber Co. Box 446 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Gl ass #33 #34 - Safety Program (C0SH): - Sheetrock and Texturing: #36 - Plastering and/or Stucco: #37 - Paneling: #38 - Roof Structure and Rigid Insul ati on: #39 - Beams: #40 - Roofing: #41 - Sheet Metal ilork #42 - P'lumbing: #43 - Heating: .7Vd.72'2'<- A* ' Co1 orado l,lest Insu1ation /P.0. Box 862 Garfie'ld Roofing Co. Glenwood Springs, Colorado' Glenwood Springs, Co'lorado 81601 General Building Service & Supply, Inc. 1736 Boulder Street Denver, Colorado 80211 Sunrmit Heating & Sheet Metal Box 417 Glenwood Sprihgs, Colorado G'l enwood Spri ngs Mechani ca1 0969 154 Road' Glenwood Springs, Colorado New Electric, Inc.'BoxK Avon, Colorado 81620 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ' Gardi neer Dry }'lal'li ng Co. 10605 East 25th Avenue Aurora, Colorado 80010 State of Co'lorado Gardi neer Dry },lal ling Co. - 1 10605 East 25th Avenue Y Aurora, Co]orado 80010 Sprigg P'laster & Stucco ., ./ 2628 East ltth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80206 Foster Lumber Co. Box 446 Minturn, Colorado 81645 ' Garfield Roofing Co./ / 81601 8r601 Contractffi, 81601 46e o Subcontractor List July 15, 1974 Page Two iJr+tO - Excavate, Backfill, Rough Grade: #11 - Machine Time: #12 - Rentals, Repairs, Sma11 Equipment: KS Contruction Box 13 Edwards, Colorado 81632 . B & B Excavating P.0. Box 249 Vail, Colorado 81657 Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 Cunn'ingham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 8f657 Eagle Valley Concrete P.0. Box 2 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Mountain Mobile Mix Box 517 Frisco, Colorado 80443 '-- Foster Lumber CompanY Box 446 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 Eagle Valley Concrete Box 2 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Mountain Mobile Mix Box 51.7 Frisco, Colorado 80443 Concrete Pumping Inc. 5351 lJest 6th Avenue Lakevlood, Colorado 8021,4' Beck Fabricators, Inc. Box 584 Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 #13'- Footings: #L4 - Rebar and/or Mesh: #15 - Stemwalls #16 - Structural and/or Stemwa'l ls: and/or Fabricated Steel: Subcontractor List July 15, 1974 Page Three #17 - Deck and/or S'lab llork: #18 - Flat Concrete: #19 - Precast Concrete T's: #23 - Labor: #24 - Labor Overhead: #25 - Subcontract Labor: #26 - Rough Carpentry Materials: Mountain Mobile Mix' Box 517 Frisco, Colorado 80443 Concrete PumP'ing; Inc. ' v 5351 llest Sixth Avenue , Lakewood, Colorado 80214 ' Mountai n Mobi'le Mi x' Box 517 Frisco, Colorado 80443 ,Eagle VaIley ConcreterBox 2 ,, Eagle Valley Concrete, Inc.- Box 2, Edwards, Colorado 81632 ,' Edwards, Colorado 81632 . / Mountain Modular Mfg., Inc. ,/ Box 749 ' Y Eagle, Co]orado 81631 Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co.' P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 A & G Builders Box 175 New Cast'le, Co]orado - 81647 Trirn"rays Construction Co.,Inc. 5407 Cody Street Arvada, Colorado 80002 Foster Lumber Co. Box 446 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Structural Panel Components P.0. Box 1606 Missoula, Montana 59801 ' Independent Lumber Co. P.0. Box 615 Eag'le, Colorado 81645 o, construction and development company The following is a ljst of subcontractors for the Lion project as of Ju'ly 15, 1974: Square North #4 - Permits & Insurance: #5 - Tap Fees: #6 - Special Assessments Tests: Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dotvis Agency P.0. Box 911 Sterling, Colorado 80751 Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Torn of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Thomas E. Summerlee Soil & Foundation Engineering' 4010 Harbor Place Co1orado Springs, Colorado 80917 Cunningham Const. & Dev. Co. P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 Glenwood Septic Tank Route #1 Box 528 Carbonda'le, Colorado co./ 81623 & Material Facilities:#7 - Site Work & SanitarY #8 - Signs: #9 - Stake Out: .' Rogue Guirey Vai'l , Col orado 81657 Cunningham Construction & Dev. Co, P.0. Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 . vail, colorado 81657. telephone a/c 303 476-5237p. o. box 418 b.I r-a July 22, 1974 Mr. Ken He ure r Cunnlngham Conrtructlon snd DcvclopmcntP. O. Box 418 Vall, Golorcdo Desr Ken: I hrve Just rccelved your llst of subcontractorr for Llon SquorcNorth and flnd thc follorlng contractore rlth no llcsnso or onothat hes not brtn r€nsyed! Glenrood Septle Tank Co. (lf they arc only furnlohfngporfable fol lctr, a I lcenre rontt be rcqulrod)Mountaln Modular l{19., tnc. A e G Bulldors Trlmways Congtructlon Co., I nc. Colorcdo llest Insulatlon (IJl | | requl re I lce nse I f theycre f urnlshlng labor as fle | | as aratsrlalg) Gard I neer Dry tla I I I ng Co. Sprlgg Plarter a SfuccoGarflald Rooflng Co. (neods to bo ronertd) I rould appreolate lt lf you uould havc these peoplc obttlnappllcotlonr for llcensee aa soon 6t posglblc. Thanks for your ass I s ta ncr. Yours tru I y, TOIIN OF VA]L DEPARTI"IENT OF COMF{UNITY OEVELOPUENT Dlana 5. Toughl | | F &&t Rrt JUL 31 1974 Frasigr & Gingery, lnc. COATS TJLTIIVG E IGIIV EEFS 2840 SOU:I'H VALLEJO STREET E\\GLEVOOD, COLORAOO 801 l0 TEIEPHONE 303 76T.4860 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of VailP. O. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Job No. 452.2L - PLan STATEMENT Check - Lion Square North JuLy 23, L974 Fixed Fee Due ok '13 PAY TL+r t A{\.\a.5Nf da*-v Accounts not paid within 30 days from date of statement will be charged INTEREST at the rate ot 7!o per month ol the unpaid balance. $f + F =c utc Y(, u,l (t z o- Ez = 2t'llr to z 'tr i el9l>Er:<trcr:58 iEP:iHa3;a6a9Ei<z;2i,g<XF..o<o<oH bFE5<OEg'EI- -Frto><oEIEc< 2otrokg Hb+x o UJEul oozl ul(,z st v,F2!t =u,lo t! 9F G ulG ooJl! Fctto !:t J5"t :, EF !l F JJ FoF utt Goo tt Fo L E tr[l o g z -o Jf o =J l-e) -,-CDt- =v .E 4 tj aAtt l!o z o oJ FU'tttto F zl 2 J t!o d2 (9z J E Y JE FoJ GtrAAt I ttl\'l E'yo ul =O ()s. zo t-ccn-oFEQOaB:26furfo.(Jit ;!i vco =ttozo FI ooltto z 9F IJc lto uJF o, ( 2 ;-.) F z i) {Jz F z U c O c!. F. O <F riF0a =< ZYYEQ<<O >:r si\\'\ *-lII:-l>l uJl'l I J z ) z F=gE o-o !uE (Jz z s oFz LIJ E IJJ !J oI{ d144dd o-tlt F : F F G tl J oF \ \ L.E =tr= lrl'F 0.t&eU =,? =ql- -r 3 n F €"&streatee Soil & Foundcticn Engineering itPO-xT OF CO:JCF.!T; ilELD T:STS e CC\/iPRlSq[ry L033 South Frontage P.O. Box 1944 RU AUB 21 1974 Road West VaiJ-, Coloredo 81557 4O1O HABBOB PLACE, COLORADO SPFINGS, COLORADO 8G)I7 30'31590-7647 STRI!.:GTH P.STPl }"{;TF;ODS INDiCATED Job I'i,- Conc. Co. I.!o 1.;me luiixgd ii:41r. l?n No.],!Olij0.i_Cu.Yds .Placed 22 Time Arrived-j-i-20 un- ' ro7-1 D:'.e N.1olccd:'d/L/7t+Time: 5:00 Curing of SampieiC( I^ab: &n t{oist Rccn:.,31:'66 T'q_31-66 Concreie Te;:p, !gf, .[ir Slump l.- Wt. c l+3-66 - o r.O;!enp. ou r or rresr,ltlc. PCF---14.1J-- c 138-63 cy/Truck Con',.ent 2 l-, 2, c 231-62 Gal.Aoad Air VoI. of Load Oz/CY Cemeni Content Specs. 5z Sac].Coarse Aggregele Fine Aggre-oate Water Added @ Plant___r_iob (Galj PCY FCY qiia J.nv.. "---_-----::Ja-_a^- r\ [\, C I is!.:,/c:' DesiEr by Driijed Ceres c 42-64 'Tests 4t pays Age- .i,asi, rg of Sccci::e:: IIO.Iiffi ai d.avs of a.rrel Sce cinen iio . l_07-l-\?-7 D:re Tes;ed :t/3/74 E /;J /7 I' Di:::e,"rsicr:: inches - Std 6 x l2 Cyl Srd .speciren -',iri. ibs. BSSDz'C.1963 CF .' / -i- |?7.'j2 ! I \"'e:chl FCF 3::S.D ij'.c.5 IiLl -2 I r;rea Sc. lnchcs - Stci Cyt 28.27 23.27 ! Tctal L',.d L'Cs ,jll20o t20c0 gr;'pe ol (I) (2', (3) iFrac;:-::'.r Diaq. Cone Vert.I S;ie :i S pl it E E l iS'.renrth - Actuai PSI C39-55 ') c) 7,r--i 2Aaa S:rc:'.;:--, Req'C . ?SI Specif ieC D^^ -r r:- i. Te rterl uy:Sarapled By: Q. i{anzariSigned BY: o effic'€ O Ru Ocr 1.pi74 I t,,6 1033 South Frootage Road West gt"L P.o. Box 1-944 Vai1, Colorad'o 8L657 4OtO HAF60R PLACE. COLC,RADO SPffINGS. COLORADO 80917s[[ & Foundotian Engirreering i;i,oRT oi COI'jCF.lTi': iitiD TiSlls & CCliaPF:ESS!\E 303/ 59G7647 \,,riF!!..-tE AST r'rf l''liTi-IODS I}{DI Ct ?ED T j lTle h.'- ixed r! : 4l! -i.ij lT-'^i. Nc 'l ; Ticket No.VOO] uu:i Cu.Ycis .Piaced ZZ ?inie Arivea-j:.ZC--p:l--- I ii r.^;'ia.' ai I I D:ie !v,!oliec: c 3I-66Concrete Te:,:rc. ?4"?, Air Teap. 60"F S]unrp 4 Wt. of Fresh Conc. PCF 1 !,7 2 c 1{3-66 L,, IJ U-OJ Vol . of Load cy/Truc'.- Time: i' zAJ Curlng of SamRieS Lqb. -&!. Idoist R';cn \., 3l:66 :: Air Conier.t 2 ^^ ')'. W 4J !- o!, Gal./ioad 1\'5ier Ce::,el:i Paiio :Spe cir'en -'\'i . L5s .BSSDz'0.1963 CF \:eight PCI 3:llj) l,tea Sq. lnchcs - Std CyI 28.27 Tctal L':,ed Lbs Water Added G Plant ,. Icb -,11= li - Cemen'r. Coerse Content Aggregate PCY ,Il Aggregate Tests at of' Speci r:er .lUzCI7 OCC c00 Ga!,/Sack Site 1,.0 r.u;r:.L/\: e. i:. f t'Jt1 oz/CY an Design by Drllled Ccres Scecinen i{o. Dste Tesied lDi::ensio:rs;nches I c 42-64 ltr')- | -Std 6xlZCyl (!) Diag. Sliear /, \ Cone (3) Vert. S olit [-lu_l 1.r l-r.OC0C )CCO !'i ii- i lS'rength -,Actuai PSI C39-65 Rcq'C . PSI Specif ied ,.tcc j000 .Renar!<s \\Jc t,' sl:,1c:: std I sid 1C7000 ?978 1Ti'pe oft-I F r:. |.t;lrtt I I L_--r_ _Tested By: G.Saupled G'. l'lanza:- sigo.ed ''o i o DATE TIME RECEIVED ]-___-_.'-;'T-T-l:rl'il--:-.::'...--- o ,NsPE.lor t[SLTsr I pnnrrel. READY FOR INSPECTION E otsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ffi COMMENTS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT 107-l RU AUg 21974 NsPEcroR'-T.*et* lAerce Gn+e't ln*N>npl PROJECT NAM ATE ' LOCATI OII i APPROVED I CORRECT I ON S REQU CCNCRETE: MASONRY: STEEL; PRECAST: 0THER: Specif ADDITIONAL REMARKS: Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of VailP.0. Box 100Vai1, Colordado 81657 Re: August L, 1974 Plan Check O ,o A.JB z Er1 has however, thispiping Frasicr & 0ringcry lnc. CONSULTING ENGIIVEEFS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO 8OT 10 TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 Fq G Job an No.4s2 .2r Dear Jerry: We have reviewed the nechanical and electrical drawingsfor the subject project dated JuIy ZS, L974. With referenceto_our reports dated June 13 and July 10, 1974, we find asfollows : ITEM A-5 Wet standpipgs have been provided in conpliance. Heatbeen provided in storage rooms containing standpipes;hose cabinets are located at exterior balconies-. - Forlocation either an air pressurized systen or interiorwith extended freezeproof val-ve is rbquired. ITEM A-11 Elevator shaft vent is not indicated. ITEM A-12 Toilet exhaust fan wiring provided. Conpliance cannot be checked. ITEM A-16 Fans are not specified. In compliance. ITEM A-19 In compliance. crv[. ENGTNEERTNG / |AND SURVEY|NG / SIORM DRATNAGE I srRucruRAt / TRANspoRrATtoN I WATER & SANITATION Mr. Jerry Aldrich August L, L974 Page 2 ITEM A.20 In conpliance. On Sheet M4 under Specification 15.B.4.a.4 all water piping is Type K copper. Lines over 2 inch diarneter to be ductileiron pipe per Ordinance No. 5 (L974) Town of Vail- anendment to Section 1004 of the Uniforrn Plurnbing Code. Please call us if you have any questions. Very truly yours, FRASIER 6 GINGERY, INC. Knud O. Rasnussen, P.E. Project Manager K0Rdw cc: T.A. Grossman, Jr. rNsPE.lot TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL oarc 3 A,-:& 7+ J.BNAME Lr^l.4.ro,o.= r'..),^',ptftt[ AUB 51974 rfME REcEfvED 3,,r:-, AM@ catte^ VA;^t E orHen @ COMMENTS: Ls7 Fc* e-rfelr,o\ 6r:ari ., *afaT-l.| TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnr 4,,.1= et@ f,neeRovED E otsnppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS !nerNsPEcr €t&o i[ & Founduticn Engineering 1033 South Frontage P.0. Bo>: 1944 J{ir ''" 11974 Road irlest Va11, Colorado 8L657 40l0 HAFBOF PLACE. COLOSAOO SPFINGS. COLOFADO 6Cs!7 I,'POF:T CF CO]'ICF.!T; FJE:-D TISTS & CO\,.PF:ESSI\'T, 303/ 596-7647 's$! \ liSTl.'i lr{ETiIODS I l(DI CATED t^ It- i i'rcJ e ci: [junni Ccnstruction Con on on F.,eaii;h ! -r'ad c.( i\: c . : ':Ticket h'e. \rCCi5?9 Cu .iis . Placed lal-. !'i.I O-,-'l tUr'-l-\_/-+a) liou:t'r,aii: i.c ci i e ?:nre l.{ixei ::: CC ?i;:ie arrivei ,z,vv \J\.' I r !- . \./u' . D:ie \4clc:c: c/9/',4 -v o!-1 r Slunp _r tr nrrn-6! = iior.-. 31-66 , 4-rr wt. Teup. ?ZoF of Fresh Conc. PCf Time: lz:]0 Curino of sanplei* frliu&f i4oist Rco= A-ir Conient i.L c t43-66 L, IJ 5 -85 C 23!-62 Vol. of Load Gai /l.oaci \\'ster C.e::re:l? Pario GallSack Ainixru:e: liIA Az/CY Design r;.' Drlliec Cc:-es c 12-64 Specirne; lIo.iC --l to Tc <.-n.J iDi:le:rs:c::s inches - Std 6 x i2 Cyl ;S!eci:r'i:-. '\';i. i.5s . 3SSDz'0.1963 CF \ieicht PCi BSS) f A:ea Sc.. .i:.ches - Std C-vl 28.27 Tota.L Loec Lbs. Water Acideci @ Plani . jo: Siie irJ -(G:Ji icali .Cement Conten: PCY 5;- S-5: ''a'-- Coarse Aggregate .-L.Y ! L'!-! - -J /:'" =: Fine Aoqrecete 4 /lttt !!lEararrTo Tests at s Age - j,ddt; nc.af Qrron i r:. a rr J ; .r.)i; i: r.n :-l :.CC' I ' '|;'. li !i . ilr'ce oiI -' lFra ctu:.e I ll) Diag. Shear (2) Cone t?\ lIo rf Spiit t_t L_J i-] ! lS'.rengi:-. - Ac'.ue1 PSI C39-66 PSI Specified 328 i.enaik: zoc?26t?I 2/./1 | Si l std Tested I,]' :''. 'i an'n?1rlF Sanpled ll,anze.:.J. Sigued to7 -l RrL Au62t€74 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT INSPECTORPROJ ECT F VAIL v lvei€] afl.el filenz*rzr DATE i LOCA APPROVED I CORRECTIONS REQUIRE CCNCRETE: Fc+=r-etz Fc+* I{ASONRY: PRECAST: 0THER: Speci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: RU AUG 131p/74 INSPECT FIEOIJEST DATE TIME RECEIVED E ornen ,r-'?l:oe E pnnnnl c)READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orsappRovED ! nerNSPEcr .; E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRBEcnoNS: CORRECTIONS I I ! i * r L i I i / DArE (-r3^ 2j/---7-- RU. AuEt41974 Town of Vail W.IIICTRICAL PERMIT Job Name......S.,-.'s.r,-5...... Sq^l"t*... ..N.a.+.h.. Electrical contractor..... M*o.r*'rr-...FJdt;.c-,.....e*.,-.............. Applicant... ll| \ tl -.lAJ.;.....ffi*+*vff- Date or Apprication--.. A!S- t.4 .. ................rr..1.1/.. APPROVALS tlrrAg- ti FORM IS TO BE POSTED OT{ SITE DURII{G COIIISTRUCTION 24 HOURSI N)VANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid... 35 $...-........................ s.//.t.o.o.e".e-.o il.q..1,"b..Q-.. $.,. 1..7. b...P...o-... Received 8y................... & THIS JOB Slgnature -11 'lta l, a. ,|ol!laL !0., oaxYrt !0rar I a rNsiPEc(}off TlTlfEEir DATE TIME RECEIVED .; :r A:i' 1 .loe NnMe AM PM CAL E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrar LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR I"'I APPROVED E UPOI.I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE rNsr=3#,1,I1974FIEBUEST VAIL oo* f- /l ' '/'/ TIME REcEf vEo / i l4 a au JOB NAME PM ! orxen COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,^, 8.'*J Ktr* APP ROVE D trA ISI upoIII THE FoLLowING CoRREcTIONS: fl orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcJ CORRECTIONS !r-.,-''i L-/ n ^'- r- va-,j{. r - i INSPgCTOR I O|llN E R./ DE VE LOP E R S UBM ITT IAL DATE PROJ ECT ENTITIES PRELIMINARY STAFF REV IEl,J MASTER P LAN LAN D SC AP I NG RECRE AT I ON AMEN IT IES DATE PROCESS IN6 RE CE IVED OEAOL INE DATE COMPLETED S IGNATURE REI.lARKS EN6R. CHEC K DES IGN CHECK ENV IRON14ENTAL IMPACT REVIE'/.J ENV IRON14ENTAL I MPACT RE PORT z0N I tt6 chEcK TOWN COUNC I L REV IE}J be s toN eEv r rw F I NAL ZON ING REVIEI{ BU I LD ING DEPT. PLAN CHECK MECH,/PLB6J ELECTR ICAL PUBL IC WORKS. F IRE DEPT. AR IANCE CONO IT IONAL USI A/J44'/'A*I t A n-t*2^at--b)Aatu1;-A .a-*-4 Z. lOtut PUBL ICAT ION DAT E ; t i HEAR ING DATE TYPE AMoUNT D"vAR I ANC E .Jl6 l^ COND. USE ENV IR. IMPACT PLAN CHECK REcREArror UrtS* PERM I1 , BLDG. - PLUMB IIIG MEC!1AN I CA L ELT,CTR ICAL W@_tst DATE PA ID REMARKS A-/'< a,(& d-,' /'/t'{/-"-t'.tttlrq.fu &u^4J-------7- / 4411r ' ilt- r,t q4 ve\'' t, .V .,,/ yo - Ltt ' il'lLl \r/ | {'\Ut . 0" lo september le74V\/d \ Mr. Jtm Cunntnsham Cunnlngham Conetructlon Co. Box 418 Valt, Coloado 81657 Dear Jlm: Thtg letter ls to conftrn our tetephon€ conversttlon of yosterday 9 Sept. 1974 conce,rnlrrg proporcd changar ln th€ "Llon Sguare Nfith" Forrct. We have lrweetlgatod tha propored obangeo. and ftnd no o'blectlons structurally c acgthetlcally. To the begt &ur knowledge, no de problan should be €ncourterGd by the proposcd changcr. Your propoacd changes af we undcrrtand them. ana aB followg: l. Mone sltdlng gtaee doors on all unlts not contalnlng lo&s, south, to a polnt sltghtly beck of the present gouth edge of the balconles on those unlta. 2. Handralle at all affectod unlta to remaln aa orlglrutly shown. 3. Totat S.F. lncreaea ln tbe sntlre profect to bs l'170 S.f . Tbls wlll gttll fall wlthln acceptable F.A.R. llmlts by the Town of Voll. Thts change affects 2l of the 27 unlts ln the proJect. It ftrrther, nay affect the total assosment of the proJect for bulldtng permlt, etc. purposss. Ralatlve to the Town of Val,l Deslgn Ravtew Commlttse and what acilon thoy nay want to take on thla, I am forwardlrE a copy bf thts letter to Dlane Toughttl for a determlnatlon. Slncerely, Theodo A. Groesman lr. c.c. Dlans Toughlll flu sEP 1t tE74 rNseecGru FIEBUEsiT VAIL ' \, Pate l( Jet 7/ JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED I\M PM CALLER TOWN n orxen E penrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THURMON GOMMENTS: TUE {.'l,r evidl )E npp RovED CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr r2z€ F ff uroru rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: :trlDATE'r ltt r f DTSIGN REVIEI'I BCARD DATI 0F l'ltETit'lG: o/7'l I'IEI4BERS PRESEI{T: SUBJECT: *2 AcTr oN rA!!E!!-9!-9-94!q : l,l0Ti0N VOTE: LJECONDED B -/./v -i7-7r#*f-y'-i, 1 APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: i,q: €,aFlTEV4 office of the town manag€rbox 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September 17, L974 Cunni ngham Construction Company P. 0. Box 4r8 Vail , Co lorado 81657 Re: Electrical l.liring of Balcony Attention: Kenneth H. Heuser Area (1) ,'[3i l-rous*5$r'\.:.= hJo*1.t| Dear Ken: Your situation is indeed a unique one. The amendments to the National Code by the Town of Vail require all pubfic or cornmercial areas be wired in E.M.T. However, due to the jo'i sts trusses being.placed closer than originally planned, thereby causing severe notching to install E.t'I.T., and the use of Mer-Kote weather deck above, it is felt that specia'l consideration be given this matter. Authorization for the use of non-metal'l ic sheathed cables in the exterior balcony areas is hereby granted provided the following'conditions are met: (4) Mer-Kote weather deck is installed on balcony floors. 26 gauge steel is installed on underside of balcony. l'lon-metallic sheathed cable is instal]ed as close to mid span of joist uridth as possible. Non-metallic sheathed cable is supported not more than everyfour feet by either straps or through ho1es in joists. Upon meeting the conditions stated aobve, it is felt that thesafety required for protection can be met. Sincerely, DEPART}'IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN T g-1 e. Aa.o- Jerry L. Aldrich, Chief Building 0fficial JLA/nmm o Rlr SEP 1? F74 J September L3, lg74 Mr. Jerry Aldrlch Tovn of Vail P.0. Box 100' Vai'1, Coloradq 81657 Kenneth H. Heuser Construction Manager o construction and development company Dear Jerry: In refeience to our conference-of September t0, 1974, we are covering our balconies with 3/8" non-combustib'le Mer-Kote on the walk surface and 26 guage Color K'lad steel'by Vincent Company wi.th-a fluoropo'lymer finish.- This product was approved for use by the design review com- mittee at their Septemb,er 12, t974, meeting. Due to the extreme difficulty in trying to use conduit, we feel these products will give our electrical system in the balconies more than" iufficient protection to be run in non-metallic sheathed cables. p. o. box 418 . vail, colorado 81657 . telephone a/c 303 4765237 KHH/st Rtl sEP 191974 F|EEUESiT VAIL D^rE 11 3€F 7+ T9BNAME TIME RECEIVED lNsieecrlbru TOWN OF AM PM CALLER -\-/t:jC,rJ E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM XI APP ROV E D E orseppRovED E(1tor rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECToNS: CORRECTIONS f \ .=laz,..,rz;' /-oa:,* ,..: V.ut5 f] nerNsPEcr --' 1" , t'\. -\\ {-:* rNseecr(bru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E penrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI- -_-\( u1_A5Ai'o"o X.^ttRovED E uporu rne CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNSPEcr "r lf (2) and would have urits responding w'ithin a very short tirne. S.) 'Ilat the alarrn system in the building be equipped with a battery stand- by syst€flt that would imnediately take over tilontior^ng of the sy3tern during power internrptions. One additional benefit that r"ou1d be derived frcm the installation of such a systsn is that the buildhg rpuld be nonitored on a 24 hour a My, 7 day a week basis, whether occupied or not. If pu have any questions or wish to discuss the points at greater length, please do not hesitate to ca1l. Sincerely,zzz Mike Carlisle Fire Chief VC/kal cc: Jerry Aldrich, t/Bnilding Official - I t RiJ sEP26f71 . vail, colorado Bt6s7 . 3o3.476.s6i3box t oo Septenber 25, 7974 Cunninglran Construction And 578 S. Lionshead Circle Vai1, Colo-. *8,1657 Develorrnent Co. Gerrtl-enen: Ithile reviewing the plans for the fire alarm systen at Lionsquare North, the Fire Departnent feels that you, as the contractor, should be arvare of the problems that the system presents if it is cor;pleted as now proposed. L.) Detectors that are specified are a AC por+ered, self contained unit. lrtren this type of detcctor is activated,the signal it enits is only aud:"Ute for a short distance-in the inrnediate vicinity. Other occupa.nts of the bui1dingare not notifiecl that a problern exists jn the building. 2.) If tle porrrer to the building is interrup-ued for any reason,the detectors cease to operate and building is virtually unprotected 3.) I,f the tmit, as instalLed, is operating properly, someonein the area nust realize rvhat the signal- fudicates and placet a phone call to the Fire Departrnent for assistance. llith the above nentioned drawbacks to the proposed system in nind, the Fire Departrnent nakes the following recormendations: 1.) Detectors be of a ccrrmercj-a1 q/pe that are porvered by normaleLectrical current. 2.) That all detectors be tied to a central alarm that rr'ould sould evacuation horns should any detector be activated. 3.) The hose cabinet systsn in the building be equipped with a' flow switch that r,'irulcl. sound. the evacuition ttorii unon any move- nent of v,ater in the systen. 4.) The central- alarn fron both the detectors and the flov; sr+itch betied into the receiving staticn of the Fire Departnent, so that we haye instant notification of any' problen in- the buildine, /a7-l SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Rrr ocT 1p7f PROJ ECT N I N SPECTOR'-T1o n lA erc.rq L+tzLf (EclNE'z 4*e{ /l/lAN>4R I RREcr lolrs- E!! CONCRETE: MASONRY: 5TE[1 L: PRECAST: 0THER: SPecl f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: rNsPEcrlbru FIEEUESiT VAIL t\Oafe | .--r.. T z4 JOBNAME Lror.ls+,..,-,-e \ )\'tT.+ rME REcErvEo ia: a:, @prvr CALLER flf oeT t €i4 TOWN OF ,$ ! orxrn MON COMMENTS: 6E) E panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM@ fuottRovED JAI upoITI THE FoLLoWING CoRRECTIoNS: coRRECT|ONS I E orsappRovED D nrrNsPEcr DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM I penrrnl. TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR pnr+.nov.e o Z-aeor-tre nllowr NG coR R ECn oNS: CORRECTIONS n orsappRovED fl nrrNsPEcr DATE /2 -,/ - 2y' r.=:;l-;.' ! .*-- rus'EclG'tr SLi3l=' DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM ! pnnrrnl READY FOF INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM AL/ t, ,=E a1,t lL fi neeRovED E orsnppRovED Q unoru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTfONS y'lt.Z c ,l/fr4 /.t /:E fl nerNsPEcr .-21,r t / tl I L.@ tl.' .' t') el.t e.- ,1,','i s'a,)/- /'"7a ..,,/r',4 7'tr/ z-i 1r'/ r n4 7- ^ ,/< '_'/3 07 /a/-lo PROJ ECT N LrcN 9 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT V,IN OF VA IL ,{oorr(INSPECTOR 6,^ rftercz $[ ocr 141s74 6neY mr^,2,42t DATE i LoCAT ION i APPR0VED I - eoRREcrloNs REQUIRED CONCRETE: ph/tq NE Fo-ore E t'3 Pnaxw4 trn.toruaE AE I4ASONRY : sTEEL: n/,lta TsiZ-z--r:ffiez i * P&enpa gtcvzr u rr E Tffin"fory;:'-ho i4 (aaxtr tN P EA&E )- rolz lu lJUFe4.rEtz o+ D+2t tNL lrtu<ruqrt ok te/z /ze mt:o* fu i-rzr-{ Fc--e-+ E/2- t+ /)Atnpd Gzcrt-*e pk PRECAST: 0THER: SPecif Y ADOITIONAL REMARKS: rNsPEc'Gff olt=3t?==t TIME REC D ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI o*@ oere Z Oc:r 74 {ottRovED fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED ! ner NsPEcr rNseecrlbru TOWN OF RlJ' ocT 41974 FIEBUESiT .uot'DATE .'] TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME AM PM CALLER I TUE READY FOR INSPECTION THUR .'fiii* r'"ir,,t"prurMON COMMENTS: ! pearrnu FtppRovED E orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr ,,, \ !' E"rro" THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: conc'ichorus r ),.,r-- \,, <4,,.),coRcEchoNs l\ txr-",r,- Sr.l. . /t rNsPEsfloru FIE(lIJEST oareTf\: W4 JoB NAME rfME REcEfvEo V9:16 @pu f]oruen f] penrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED rnr lD @pm COMMENTS: D nppRovED D otseppRovED n nerNsPEcr E upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNS: CORRECTIONS -{e ==, o -l D l- tr g l-I z o U m! 3 -{ Ni o< Ffi 2: <Yo6 Ed: z NN l,)o o " - z -m -to-t-n-oot m -l -l -- -{ In 'Tlr m m m mz z lll czo m m o'DHi ma ld>F>5nr!€;o>b^ <a ?0> " = -5i--aEI.?LEgAY;rt:i;i<:zt'lo>H O>otEo''rln9e > o =.YZzAt zt >=;> - z;n6=6us!HP3ii c>;tA/a z ; ': > docl*l-l?'JE;t i,r> =;tE; D t- m --t z F] d o o z FI o 't VALUATION uusieec{bru FIEOUESiT VAIL '-- I.--t /' ) I v"+-l Ioare ( ( kt- ?-t. Ff JoBNAME rfME REcElvEo I liru@ cALLER t, bl., t.5 ji "i'l**l ! orHen n pnnrrnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION Saee Rov E D E orseppRovED I nerNsPEcr I uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNsPEcrlbru FIEOL'EST *r(Wror"otr't=lg TIME REcErvEo S i@ errn . cALLER I 'tr l I fl ornen LI PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR rNsPqiltnll ffi eerRovED ' p ueoN THE FoLLowrNG coRREcrpNS: CORRECTIONS florsappRovED E nerNsPEcr mK ocT 251974v rNseecr(bru rtEtruEsir JO8 NAME T|ME RECETVED A;o":, 6Drvr CALLER flornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR @----a..+- AM PM APPROVED CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED ! nerNSPEcr XI upoITI THE FoLLowING CoRRECTToNS: ). DArE .i!.5 ,C,,-.r z4 rNsFEcili*Rl[' il 0v 5 874 HEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orxen ! pnnneu". ir READY FOR INSPECTION , FRI ] WED ..TI'UR .t. i i- | 'I. Elorsa,er-novED El upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: fleppRovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIO .t AIL oo-rr/l-4'7a TIME RECEIVED ! ornEn LI I I( t?tf'tLal E pnnrrnl. JOB NAME CALLER HEADY FOR INSPECTION WED '.: li, THUR E orseppRovED uocnrtoru Z MON COMMENTS: ---,,---\( TUEr )*_--,--/_,t 3 fi,"-. -lq^ J Es :+-f'4 t - *';32 ! nerNsPEcrE-aernoveo E upotrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOF -F--T------ Elt lrov 5 974nusPEcrlcru rtEeuEsir DATE TIME RECEIVED CALLER fJorxea e24. lpnnrrnl LocAroN W-xpp RovED READY FOR INSPECTION THUB ! orsaeeBovED D nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS :: i. I I F "fa/4/'-- '' + INSPECTOR alilll' ilov rNsir=.t.N RU NOV FIEEUEST VAI L onre 5 t-\srr 7zt JoBNAME rME REcErvEo J, to AM@ CALLER L' E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnnel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE (ffi THUR ElnppRovED I uporu rne CORRECTIONS {torP RovED REINSPECT NG CORRECTIONS: c DATE 6 'U)',1 74/ Hu ttov ? p74 0 rNseecr(bru nEeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALL READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: @ AM PMTUEWEDFRI tl-\rPRovED I orseeeRovED ! nrrNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS - ,/t/ '3_ z_!V /->''-'zz-e< -INSPEcToR"ot, / A- 7 -/{ rNsrecilo*FIEOUEST VAILTOWN OF olre 6 Nov z4 JoBNAME TrME REcErvEo lO: oc, 4S errl CALLER l6tJ E oruen MON COMMENTS: E pannnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED rnr Lr,Lg AMa*CP IlleppRovED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr ,-.4 uuseec#fl$ HEHtSesr onre l9-A,t:rr- ::t TIME RECEIVED E oruen MON COMMENTS: G, n pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR {ortRovED flotsappRovED ! ueoru THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: I nerNsPEcr orre l.) t.vrrr Zrf .t asro* Z- '=l- rNsieectoru JOB NAM AM PM CALLER FIEBUESiT VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED REAOY FOR INSPECTION WED E orsappRovED FRI . ' NMPM fl nerNsPEcr rHvR E]a+p RbvED I uporu THE FoLLewlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! pnnnau ,J$=BLTffO*FIEGIIJEST oere 25 Nr:rz 7z* .tos TIME RECEIVED 2;r^., AI[_fp f]ornen MON GOMMENTS: ! pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM fleppRovED E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS DISAPP ROVE D ONS: D nerNsPEcr oarc 25 .x..r'au 7+ ,t rNsPEctoN OF oare t;'/q/l't e /-tou:1*)6,jt?E TIME RECEIVED -.'-)) Arv(-P,U) tt 0FCto1e74 FIEEUEST VAI L LE(Tre/ .1c Dtornen Esr't7F tcA t- E pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM ROVE D E orsappRovED D upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNSPEcr DATE/2-'8-24/ nr oEC t ou rNsPE.illot WN OF FIEE|JEST VAIL onre lc: Ua., 74 .,oe TIME REcErvEo 9' *c' AM PM flornen MON COMMENTS: @ n panrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION wEq.THqR rnr . At rtrr pnn ffeeeRovE D n orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE ii .ak FIEOUEST onre l-? L)c=<- -7t roe rME REcETvED lj +S Arq-IE:t I n ornen D pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnr At a(..LUJ--_,MON i COMMENTS: APPROVED E OISEPPROVED ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS . -)i{ ft- ?t:t< : DATE INSPECTOR l.'-.t.T'. _t!* --Ef " =v Ru oEC m?o oare@JoeNt IME REcEtvEo A.' 4,o dihpnrt il\rsPE{toN FTEOUEST I pnnrtnl. READY FOR INSPECTION pl+raoveo E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS wED @ ,*' dr o@ I orsappRovED !netNsPEcr oe',e ,/ 2-,/ 7- 74 a . _December !Q, !!7-4 Mr-. $lm. James Cunningham Cunningham Construction & P.0. Box 418 Vai'1, Coiorado 81657 Charles H. Green Development Co. Surrnit Heating & Sheet Metal P.0. Box 417 Glenwoqd Springs, Colorado 81601 Dear lulr. Cunningham: This letter wi]l affirm that the duct work in the lower 'level of theBridgewater Inn will be replaced according to all applicable codes and incomplete accordance with the Town of Vail by January- 15, 1975. . It is further understood that summit sheet l,letal presenily oles Lionsquare Management company $1350.00 r,rhich shoula sirrrice tb cover thernajority of the replacement costs. Very truly yours, SUI,IIIIT HEATING & SHEET METAL CO.d-4l2a ltr, _{grry-Aldrlch .. l'rl-. vgl. I J Ftr!rl lvtl] . Bul lding' Deparlrnent Town of-Vaii December'20, 1974 ' 0ear Jemv:YYErrr rvst rJ. '. Attached nleace flnd'a conv. . ,ToWn of Ua.l I : P.0. Box ltrJ' ' v;ii,liotdiiao' etosz \ fjnd.a copy,of the 'letter,signed by Surmit lleating warrantylng that they will get the duct work in tfte $n'laced for us by January 15, 1975. Sumrnit Heatlng & Shegt Meta.] Co. t HEEUESiT VAIL TIME RECEIVED I ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrel LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION .. WED THUR FRI AM PM APPROVED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS florsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr 4 ..-t i-t --lDATE .4 / .I )e<__ /* INSPECTOR Structural Engineer: KKBNA, Consulting Engineers Soils Engineer: Thomas E. Suunerlee, Corp. llechanical Engineer: Electrical Engineer: BUILDING DATA GENERAT Developer: Architect: Use: Occupancy: Number of BuiJ-dings: 2 Construction: Fire Zone: Areas: Parking Structure Condominiums and Health WinqFloor Areas Covered Balconies Decks Occupant Load: Parking Structure. Cond,ominiums MONTANEROS II F & G Job No. 452.2I June 13, L974 PROJECT DATA SHEET Cunningham Construction and Development Co. C.F. Murphy Associates Apartment House, Parking Structure H and Fl H-TypeV-1FI - Type II 3 3,300 s.F. 28,653 S.F. 2,049 s.F. 4,965 S.F. 17 Persons 114 Persons Health Wing 58 Persons Decks and. Bal-conies (G 100 S.l' . ) 70 Persons Fraier & Gingcry, lnc. CONSULTI|VG EIVG|IVEERS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 8OT|O TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 tt Juil I? EA June 25, 1974 Mr. Jelry Aldrichctrier auLrain!-olriciat Torrn of Vail Box 100 VaiJ,, Colorado 80657 Re: Montaneros II Condoniniums F&G Job No. 452.21 Dear Jerry: fn accordance with your telephoned advisenent on June 24, J.974the Project Data Sheet, dated June 13,1974 for the subjectproject is revised.to read as follows: VATUATION Valuation by Contract Permit Fee: Plan Check Fee: $90o,o0o.oo $ 1,587.00 $ gor. ss Very truly yours, FMSIER q GINGERY, INC. -.,,,?:' Knud O. Rasmu'ssen, P.E.Project Manager KOR:b CIVIT ENGINEERING / I.AND SURVEYING / sronu DRAINAGE / SIRUCTURAI i IRANSPoRTATIoN / wlrrn & SANITATIoN VAI..UATION 28,653 S.F. 2,049 S.F. 4,965 S.F. 3,300 s.F. $23. 00 $10.00$ s. oo $12. 00 659,019.00 20 , 490. 00 24 ,825.00 39, 500. 00 743,934.00 1,130.93 7 35. 10 e 0 e e Total Pernit Eee: Plan Check Fee: $ $ $ 4cor*o MONTA}IEROUS II F & G Job No. 452.2L June 13, L974 PART A REVIEW FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT XEQUIREMENTS Conunentary as to Code compliance, and supplemental observations isas foll-ows: ITEM A-I The condominiurn building is of Type V - 1 Hour constructionwhich is lirnited to three stories under Table 5D. As shown onplans submitted for review, the lofts exceed the permissible sizes under Section 1307 as amended by Ordinance No. 5, Series of L974, Town of Vail; hence the building is classified as a 4 story struc-ture. ITEM A-2 Fourth story lofts are served by spiral staircase. Under pro- visions of Section 1307-d of said Ordinance No. 5, Iofts in Units A qualify for use of spiral stairway; lofts in Units B require a standard stairway. ITEM A-3 Per requirements of Section 3302-a, fourth floor of lofts requirea second meErns of exit. If east stai:r'vay is extended to roof ,if an exit door is substituted for window adjacent to vanity, andif walkway with railings is provided from exit doors to stair- vray, requirement would be satisfied. ITEI'I A-4 For buildings four stories systems are required under ITEM A-5 in height, both dry and wet stand pipe Sections 3803-b and 3804-b, respectively. Al-ternate solution to problems under Items A-1 through A-4 aboveis to reduce loft size to limitations of Section 1307 as amendedby Ordinance No. 5, Series of L974, Tordn of Vail to reduce building A-I oO to three-story classification; in which case, addition of wet stand pipe system as required under Section 3804. as arnended undersaid Ordinance No. 5 for 3 stories is the only required modifica-tion. ITEM A.6 A. As shown on Sheet A-2, a 2 Hour separation wall provided onGrid Line 4 thereby permitting the structure to be consideredas two separate buildings und.er Section 505-cl-1. B. The separation wall as shown on Sheet A-8 fails to qualify as a separation wall since gypsum board fireproofing is notcontinuous through floor-ceiling systems and since it does not extend to soffit of roof sheathing as provided under Section 50 5-d- 4 . ITE},I A-7 With reference to crawl spaces as shown on Sheets A-8 and S-1. A. Access openings as noted on Sheet S-1 are in compliance with 2517-c-2. B. Craw1 space vents as specified under Section 10.4 of theSpecifications are not in compliance with Section 25I7-c-6. A11 vents are specified for north walJ-. Cross-ventilation isrequired. Three vents of size specified are needed in bothnorth and south wal1s for compliance. C. With vents provided as above required, vre reconmend that re-guirement for insulation of first floor be investigated. ITEM A-8 Window Tgpe Cras provided for emergency exit in bedrooms,is in compliance with reguirements of Section l-304; however, wequestion the positioning of the window at the center of the light-well in the adjacent deck walkway at Units A. In the event of fire,erection of a high ladder through the lightwells would be diffi-cult. ITEM A-9 fn Units A the water heater is located in closet adjacent to entrydoor. This closet is obviously a cloak cl-oset. In Units I the water heater is located in a closet off of theentry corridor bearing the notation "provide shelf and hanger rod'r. A-2 Section 508 of the Uniform Mechanical Code, as amended by Or-dinance No. 5, Series of L974, Town of Vail, provides that waterheaters shal-l not be installed in closets or recesses used forwearing apparel or home cleaning equipment. ITEM A-10 With reference to the two stairwel-ls as shown on Sheets A-2,3, 5 and 8 and detailed on Sheets D-35, 37, 38 and 39: A. No doors have been provided at entxy openings. The stair- ways cannot be classed as exterior stairways since exteriorsides are not 508 open to prevent accurmulation of snoke ortoxic glases. Hence, l-Hour LabelLed doors in steel framesshould be added, or required exterior openings provided.. B. Wood construction of stair, as an interior stairway, j-s incompliance with Sections 3305-1 and 2204. ITEM A.11 A. Elevator shaft, as detailed on Sheet D-35, does not haveventilation as required under Section 1706-d. B. The Specifications do not includ.e the elevator. Elevatordoors should have l-Hour rating per Section 1706-b. ITEM A-12 Toilet ventilation is not shown. Five air changes per hourrequired. under Section 1305-a. ITEM A-13 With reference to skylight as detailed on Sheets D-2-4 and D-25: A. Skylight materials are not specified. B. Four inch curb required under Section 3401 , Paragraph 1. C. Gl-ass must be wire glass unless protected both above and beLowwith a screen as per Section 3401, Paragraph 3. D. Intermediate glass supports required as per Section 340r. ,Paragraph 2. ITEM A.14 With reference to unit fireplace flue encLosure, as shown on Sheet A-8 and d.etailed on Sheets D-26 and D-27 z A-3 One-hour firestopping should be provided. in enclosure aroundflues at each floor line to avoid classification of flue enclo- sures as a "shaft" under Section L706. ITEM A-I5 Occupant load of party room, shown on Sheet A-4, is calculatedas 45 persons. Single exit provided is adequate under Table 33-A. ITEI{ A-16 Roof drainage system is not indicated. Roofs are flat with in-sulation slope of L/4 inch per foot per Specification 7.5.2.Roof drains and overflow drains or scuppers required as per Sec-tion 3207-c. ITEM A-17 Percentage of exterior wood veneer above the first story exceedsthe allowabLe 75 percent established under Section 1705-d-2 as amended by Ordinance No. 5, Series of L974, Town of Vail-. ITEM A.18 A. Per Section 220I , Type V - l-Hour buildings shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout. B. T\^/o layers of Type "x' 5/8 inch gypsum board have been usedat the area separation wall as shown on Sheet A-8. A11 other details show L/2 inch glpsum board,and in some cases, Ilzpe "x" is desJ-gnated. C. Under Table 43-C, L/2 i-nch Type "x" gypsum board is per- mitted for one-hour construction at ceilings. Details arein conformance . D. Per Table 43-8, ftem 76, 5/8 inch Tlpe "x"lgypsum board is required for walls and partitions for l-Horfr rating. (f) Per Table l-7-A one-hour fire-resistivd construction isrequired for permanent partitions. S$ecification 9.1.7.I calls for l/2 inch gypsum wallboard. l5l8 inch Type "x" is required. (2) Specification 9.L.7.2 ca1ls for L/2 inch Tlpe "x"gypsun board at exterior walls. 5/8 inch [rpe "x" isrequired. llanufacturersr literature lists only 45 minute rating for L/2 inch [pe "x" used in walls andpartitions. ITEM A-19 Fire detection systems are required in all units to conform toprovisions of Section l3l0-a. A-4 ITEII A-20 Electrical pJ.ans have not been submitted for review. Exitlighting and exit sigms must conforr with requirernents of Sec-tion 3312. A-5 ITTONTANEROS II F & G Job No. 452.21 June 13, 1974 PART B REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE WTTH ENGTNEERING REGULATIONS. ITEM B-1 Soil boring log was submitted for review. Soils Engineer'sreport and recommendation for allowabLe soil pressure was notsubmitted. Design soil bearing of 4,000 psf has been used.. Soils pressureis linited as per Section 2906 unless soil-s report is submittedas per Section 2509-c. ITEM B-2 With crawl space ventilation as required under Itern A-7-b, theneed for providing frost cover for all footings measured from theinterior grade elevations in crawl spaces shoul-d be investigated -particularly if floor insulation is installed under ltem A-7-c. ITE}I B-3 Treated. wood is not specified. Exterior posts as shown in Sec-tion ErlS4 should be mounted as required under Section 25L7-c-4. ITEU B-4 Section 25I8-f-1 provides that 2 x 4 studs may be used in uppertwo stories and that 2 x 6 or 3 x 4 studs shall be used in lowerstories. At the party walls between units staggered 2 x 4 studs at 16inch centers have been used for each unit at juncture. Calcula-tions have been submitted to verify stud capacity. Subject to approvaL of the Building Official . ITEM B-5 Bridging has been provided for 14 inch Truss Joists at roofsin conformance with Section 2506-9-2, Item 5. No bridging is shown for 12 inch Truss Joists at unit floors which is in con- formance with Section 2506-9-1 and with exception thereto. B-I ITEM B-5 On Sheet 52, glu-lam beams shown at the Health Building do not conform to required heavy tirnber sizes for one-hour fire-resis-tance. Any exposed portion of the beams shoul_d be protectedwith 5rl8 inch Tlpe "x" gypsum board. ITEM B-7 Calculations strow balconies have been clesigned for 70 psflive 1oad. Balconies at north side of the building are exitbalconies and require 100 psf live loading per Table 23A. B-2 F Fraier & Gingcry, lnc. CO|VSULT|IVG EIVGI /EEB 9 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENCL EWOOD, COLORADO 8OT TO TELEPHONE 303 /6 1.4860 c-, F. MuR.11 y AS5ocinre5 8zu i GT-l 5iRa,.c:1- 5<ttt u 52-(' Project No: 45 L_. L-l Date: !-1=.:/z{ RU JUt{g s74 C-> ,\ in fr n/r , tV I V irzt S We are with theof the making Subrnittal of tliree copie:;to the project is requir.directly to this office, Official. The rnaterial rece ived the following marked of a.lI trecessary inforntation pertaining :. l'wo copies slrou lJ lre f orwarded irrrd orte copy f olr.'arrled to the Bui lding is incomplete irr Additional Requi.r'ed for l'evi(rl\' Srrbrrr,itted (a) ()(-) ()(z) ()(o) (z-)(c) (z)(a) (l )(",) (. )(o) (r) aI.l addi ti-onal required P lan Check, and ques t ions lleport rnust be direc:terl Vcr'y truly yours, |trAS r u{ 6 GINGERY, rNC. Check oI tlteu . B.<". - strbjcct pt'oject llui lding Code for contpliattceat the request S ite PlanArchitectural Drawings (z-) I tenr Struc t ural Drawings Mechanical DrawingsLlectrical Drawi-ngsStructural CalculationsSoil lieport Spe c i fi cat ions in this office categories: l{etltti re d (2) (t-) (a) ?-)(r )(r )(r ) (Jopy CIVII. ENGINEERING No Plan Check work wi.l 1 be tlone utrtil inforrrration as rnarked is srrbnri.tted. A11 inquiries as to tlre : tatus o[' the pertai.ning to itens of the l)1art Clteck througlr the tsui ld j.rrg Of f ici a1 . J endY fit-or?rctl , -lNl1ilin,g"qrffi f -*** -r -=--"' ,a ..5) -.r'ft.uo -4 a . Ua4t4r-2* *- '7KnuJ o. ltasrr/ussen, P.x. Proje Gent le i M o F.r 'T A o.r L ,<c'S Jf a [)] arr 1'73 Bui lding SIRUCTURAI / IRANSPoNIATIoN / WATER & SANITATIoN