HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS SWIMMING POOLI I Ve.i\ UDnshee4 €l\tnq j $loclc \ f€t 3 C"r"rnnbn itrr{\^ft\tng 9ooI t U'T\w\r'L 4ne c.-_ Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: ANTLERSPOOLREMODEL DRBNumber: DR8040028 Project Description: ANTTIRS MINOR ALTEMTION Participants: OWNER VAIVUONSHEAD CORP 02/05/2004 Phone: 680 W UONSHEAD PL VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT LAND DESIGNS BY ELLISON, INC02/05/2004 Phone: 970-919-1700 P O BOX 1259 AVON. CO 81620 License: Proiect Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: intlers of Vlil Plol/Decft , ,I t (iont\r"& €\iin5 5':-Legaf Description: Lot:3 Block Subdivision: AAtrtERS4eeiDO\W A Parel Number: 210107206001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: VIELE Action: APPROVED Second By: ROGERS Vote: 5-0 - Dateof Approvalt O4lO7l2N4ilul'.r, tltf /ofConditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006361 Prior to submittal for building permits, the applicant shall revise the plans such that stucco colors No. 1 and No. 2 each match a stucco color of the existing Antler's building, and stucco color No. 1 is a darker color than stucco color No. 2. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO a ,-tr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: ANTTERS POOL REMODEL DRB Number: DRBO{0028 Proiect DescripUon: ANTLERS MINOR ALTEMTION Participants: OWNER VAIVUONSHEAD CORP Q2/05/2004 Phone: 680 W UONSHEAD PL VAIL CO 816s7 License: APPUCANT LAND DESIGNS BY ELLISON, INC02/05/2004 Phone: 970-949-1700 P O BOX 1259 AVON, CO 81620 License: Project Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: Anthrs of Vail PooVDeck Legal DescdpUon: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: ANTLERS CONDO Parcel Number: 210107205001 Gomments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: VIELE Second By: ROGERS Vote: 5-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 0afi712004 S#,H,,:, zlv/or Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activlties. Cond: CON0006361 Prior to submittal for building permits, the applicant shall revise the plans such that stucco colors No. 1 and No. 2 each match a stucco color of the existing Antler's building, and stucco color No. I is a darker color than stucco color No. 2. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO o Application for Design Review TOI4'NM Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information I All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaament. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ilesign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. (-. Locationof theProposall Lot: j Bbck: I suuOivision: Va^I . Lio^<La",{ TLl.zl F[i= Physical Address: Parcef No.: Llolo1Lott- oo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):A*{ lr.r< G,*),,^:-.:-^ - A<<-r-i.hr.- Mailing Addressl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Addressl E-mailAddress: Lo ^-\l-- a 4 IAL* .Fax: 1t-1 - 12 AE Jun Type of Review and Fee: n Signs Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. Conceptual Review No Fee 125 o l"l o o t 1 For construction of a new building or demolrebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or, commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). ' For minor changes to buildings and site improvementsr such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and i retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee trX n tr tr New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (m ulti-fa mily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request 1{r - sfi $2s0 $20 For Office U",+{dy+ Fee Paid: t 7 Application DatY_P .. ,. F"* Land Title (ll9) t Thu 18 Dec 2003 04:37:28 PM ltST Page 1 of 10 F l.rrd Tide Land Title Guarantee Company CI,]STOMER DISTRIBUTION Dete! 12.1&2003 Our Order Nunber: VC50003632 hoperty Address; PART OF TRACT B, VAII.TLIONSHEAD TIIIRD FILING If you lEve any trqulrter or rtqrnre fudEr esslstme, dcase conlact om of tlr rnmrbers below; ANTLMS CCINDOMINtr]M ASS(XIA'TION. INc' 6tO W. LN)}{NEAD PTAG YA|I, CO ttdtt Adtr RA LAYNE Pbln:VlO4lG2{ll Fxt tlMl$l6 seit vh couiet'iri For fith A,sslstance; Vall Tltle Dept lot S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO t1657 Plmner !10416-XlSl Fax: 970-4?6-453 . From Land Title (ilg) O Thu 18 Dec 2003 04:37:28 PM llST O Page 2 of 10 m Land fitle Guarantee Company Drt€! Ur.1E-21n3 our Order Nrnnber: vC50003632 hoperty Addressl PART ()F'TRACT B, VAII-/LIONSHEAD TTIIRD FILING Bu:rerlBorror€r: TOlIrN OF VAn A COITORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Seller/Owner: TO$N OF VAII4 A COLOAADO MLjNICIPAL CORFORATTON Need e mep or dlrecdons tor your uFomlng closlng? Chcck out l,gnd Tltlc's web slte at wsv.ltgc-com for dlrccrrlrr"m to eny of our 54 ofllce locatlom. ESTIMATE OFTITLE FEES TOTAL $175-OO tfonnndon BHer 9175 - oo r.E corndr (./2oo3t TEANK YOU mR YOIIR OmERt From Land Tltl e (iilg) O rhu 18 Dec 2003 04:37:28 PM I{STO Page 4 of L0 Cldcryo Tlde Imrmce Corryary ALTA COMMITMENT Our Ordcr No. vC50003Gt2 Cust ne[:Schcdule A Propcrty Addrcss! PART OF TRACT B, VAII./LIO\SHEAD TIIIRD IILING ' 1. Etlecthe Drte: Novernber 26, 2lX)3 at 5:00 P.It[ 2. Polcy to bc lrsued, and hopored Inf,urd! IfordonBlder PlopoEcd hnrcdr TOTVIT OF VAn, A C{)LI)RADO MUNICIPAL CORFORATTON 3. The estetc or lnterest In tlre land d€scdbed or rdcrrtd to ln th|s Corflidttr€nt rnd covercd hcrcln lr: AFeeStl@c 4. Tlde to the estrte or lnter€st covered hcrcln ts at the eflecdve date hereof verted ln: Tolll/$[ oF vAtr, A C{)I,oRADO MUNTCXPAL COnFOR.ATION 5. The land rcterred to ln thls Comrnlhn€nt ls descdbed ar fo[ovs! SEE ATTACEM PAGqS) TOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION From Land Titl e (ti{9) a Thu 18 Dec 20o3 04:37228 PM ltsTa Page 5 of 10 (hrr OrderNo. vc50003632 TBLE(RPnCN A PART OF TRACT B, VAIL|LIONSHEAD TIIIRD FILING, A SUBDWXSION RECIDRDED IN BOOK zl1 AT PAGE 992 OF THE EAGIJ CottNTy, C()II)RADO U,ERKAND REdIRDR'S RECORDS. SAID PART OF TRACT B BEING MORE PARIICI,'I..ANLY DESCRIBfl) AS trOII,O1{S: BEGINNINGAT A FUNT ON TIIE NORTIIMLY BOTJNDARY OF SAID TRACT B, SAID FOINT AI,SO BUNGTTIE SOUTFIWEST CI)RNER.OT'LOT3, BI.OCK1, VAII,/LIONSHEAD THIRD FILING; THE$ICE S 02 DEGRMS 55 MINUTES 51 MINUTES E A DXSTAI\TCE (X. 52.10 FffiT; TIIH\CE N &3 DEGRES 29 MINUTES 00 SECONDS E A DtsTAlilCE OI't0.00 IffiT; TTIff{CE N 23 DEGRffiS 29 MINUTES 00 SECONDS E A DXSTANCE or it{1.41 FffiT; THENCE N 83 DEiGRffiS 29 MINUTES 00 SEOONDS E A DISTANCE OF 132.93 FffiT; THH\CE N 06 DEGRmS 31 MINUTES 00 SEC(}\DS W A DISTANG OF 15.77 FmT, TlO A FOINT ON TIIE COMMON PROPERIY IINE OF TRACT B AND SAID IOT 3; TIIB{G TIm FOLITOLNG TWO C{)URSES AII}NG SAID COMMON PITOPERTY LII\B (r) s st DEGREES 0l MINUTES 24 SECOII$DS W A DTSTANCE OF 20.00 rmT; (2) S E3 DEGnEtsS 29 MTNUTES 00 SmOilrDS W A DXSTANCE (X'209.94 FmT TO THE FOrNT oFBTEGII\NrNG, C(xJNTy OFEAGLE, STAIE OF CI)II)RADO. NOTB TIIE FINAL F(XICT DOES NOT IN ANY UIAY GUANANTM OR INSUNE TTIE DIMN\ISIONS OF TTIE ABOVE DESCRIBED I.AND, TIIE LEGAL DESMIPfiON XS DERIVED FROM TIIE CIIAIN OF TITLE AND ONLY AN ACCIJRAIE SURVEY G\FI DETENMINE TTIE DIMU\SIONS From Land Title (M9) O Thu 18 D€c 2003 04:37:28 il MSTO Page 5 of 10 ALTA COMMITMENT Scbdrle B - Secton 1 (ReEdrunents) Our OIder No. VC5fi103532 The iollowh4 Br€ the roqulrcmcntj to be compllcd wlth! Ih (a) Payrffif to or for lhe rccourt ol OD grurlolB or m)Qrgols of Or lbll corrl&redon for lh estrte or hrrst to be lnstrtd. Itun (b) koper tnshrEn(O crc{dr4 tlE cslrtc or lnbrert to be lrBued rmrt bc €xecffed ard ddy frlcd for record, b'ylts Iun (c) hryan0 of all ffies, cllarEes or 8ssesnEr*s levled ud assessed rgdmt ttn subJect prcrdscs wldch arc drc dWr|le. Ih (d) Addfloml reElrcrrnb, lt ury dsclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT XS FOR II{FORMATIGTI ONLY, AND NO P(I,ICY WILL BE ESltiEI) PURSUANTHMETO. Fron Land Title (Mg) I Thu 18 Dec 2003 04:37:28 Ptrl MSTO Page 7 of 10 ALTA COMMITMENT Schdd€ B - Secdon 2 (kceptlom) Our Order No. vC30003632 Thc poncy or pol|clcf to bc lfsucd rltl conteln excePdons to the tollowl4 urle$ the same ere dbposed ol !o the retfufrctlon ol thc C.ornpeny: 1. Xlgtfi or cldrr ot Frdes tn poseesslon mt shown by llD pt[c rccods. L Ertmnls, or cldrrc of esererb, mt shown by lb pSltc rrcords. 3. I)lscrcpndcs, corfllcts frr boudry llm, slm@e lnrr€q emmedm*, {d {ry trcb lDllch r corrtct $ney fld ttspccdon ol fln lrerdsca wodd dscbs€ dd wHdr {e mt sbvn by tr prHlc reoords. 4 Ary llen or rlght to e llen, for servlas, labor or ffirld llEreblor€ or hercdter ftndsho4 lrryosed by tew nd mt shown bJ llr puHlc rccor&. 5. Deftds, lfurrs, crrrrtrr|aca, edverlse ddrc or oflH mrttrs, lt uy, c|t#d, fint apertrg In tln pbnc records or eHrE seequent O lb eftoctlve d# hercof hrt plor tD |he d& tlE proposed frued aaqdrcs of ]tcord for vdrr llr eshE or mn$ or lmqegc lhreon covcrtd by tlds Co 'trr(. 6 lkes or spedol rssessrtnts whlch are mt slmwn r cdsdrg tlcns by tre prHlc records.o the Tlesrltr's omce. 7. Iftlr torupdd wabr d scw€r clryes, lt ry.- E. trr rdtdorl fte owmds poncy rylll bc sd{ect to flr rmqryc, ll rry, mbd ln Socdon 1 of Sclrdrle B hrcof, 9. HGIIT ff' PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I,ODE TO ffiTRACT AI\D REMOVE HXS ORE THENMR(}}I SHOTJLD TIIE SAME BIE TOUNI' TO PH\IETRAIE OR INTERSECT TTIE PREMISF.S AS RESERVED IN UNTIED STATES PATH\T REC{)RDED MAy 24, 1904, r',{ BOOK48 AT PAGSS{r3. 10. ilGIIT OF }YAY FOR DMCIMS ORCANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY TITE AUTTrcRITY OF'TIIE UNMED STATES AS RESERVED IN T,JNITED STATES PATENT RBCORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN B(X)K4S AT PAGD 503. 11. RESTnICTNYE COVENANTS WHICII DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITUNE, ORNEVERISN.CIAUSE BUTOMITIINGRESTRICTIONS, IFAllY, BASED Of',{ RAS, CG.OR, RELIGION, OR NAfiONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINM IN INSTRUMH\TT NECORDu) AUGUST 30, 197I. IN B(X)KZN AT PAGN 498. I:L NGSTRICTTVE COVM{A}{TS, WHICII DO NOT CO\TAIN A BORFEITURE OR REVERTERgl\usq BUT ondITTINGRESTRICnONS, IFAlIy, BASED Ol\r RACE, COLO& RELIGION, oRNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS,CONTAINED IN TNSTRUMm.'{T REOORDED OCTSm. 15, lyt1, IN Bq)KZI1 AT PAGA 991 A$[D AS AMENDED IN INSTRTJMM{T NECORDM AUGUST 12, 197t, lN B(X)K258 AT PAGE 4S3. Page I of 10 ' ALTA COMMITMENT , SOrtfeB-Sectbr2 I (hcepdons) Our Ordcr No VC5fiXl:t632 The poficy or polHer to be l!3u€d rllll contaln exeptlon to the folhwlng urhst the srme are dlspoecd ot to the srddr.don ol lhe Co4eip: 13. EASEttm{TS, nESERVATIq{S AI{D nESTRTCTIONS AS SHO}YN OR RESERVED ON TrrE NEOOru)U} PI,AT ()F VAII,,ILI(x\SHEAD THIRD FILING 14 rEnMS COI\iDrrrONSAI\tD PROVFIONS OFLEASE RrcORDED DWIUBEn 0S, llvtl rN B(ffi,XN ATPAGEslt. From Land Title (lt9) | Thu 1E Dec 2003 04:37:28 Ptrl MST From Land Ti t'l e Gl9)Thu 18 Dec 2003 04:37:28 Plt MSTa Page 9 of 10 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Noe: hErwl to CRS 10-11-U12, mdcc ls hrtby glven da$ A) The sulfct real pmFrty rry be loc{bd tn a lpedd MrB dkdct B) A Oerdflcarc of Tses DlD llrdry each tdrg Jrrbdcdon rry be oMmd lrem flE Corrtly Tltsuet's fldDtfred egent C) The ldomrflon rcgrrft4 spoclal dbtlcts sd tlE boudartes of $rh dsttcts rry be obffircd ftom tte Bord ol Crmty Cr@sslonelr, [r Corily Oer* {d Recoder, or llE Couty A$essor. Noe! El?rcdye S€pftrtrr l, t.gn, CRS 30-10406 rcqdrts lhrt r|| doc|renls ncdved tor rccordrg or trllrg ln lln clcrh sd rtcordct's ofie slull condn a top rmrgln ol rt lcast one lmh ud a left, rlght ad botbm tmryln ot rt lest one hrll of m lnch Th dedr sd norder my rcftrse tD rccord or tTe r|!tr/ docrrEnt Oret does not corform, exept llng the rcEdrcrmrt for ttr top nrqh slnll mt ryfly to documrfr uslrg form on wLch {F ls pmvldcd lor recordtry or f,lftg lrtromstlon et lln bp rnrgln ol Or docun€nt Nob: Coloredo lXvlslon of hrsuance RegddorE $5-1, Pnqnph C of Adde Ytr rcqtircs tht 'ET ery Stle erdf slnlt be rcsponslHc for ell tnthrs wldch ryrof rccord pdor b tlE thn of rccordrg wlmver llr dde erdty cordn8 dr doshg ud b rtsporrlHe for rccordr4 or tllttg of legal docucrt rtrdtforg ftom the tsrracdon vldcb wac dorcd': Provlded Oua L{d fith Gurrtbe Cot4rry cordr$ h closl4 of tb furcrrcd h{sdon d b rcsporslHe for Ecordqg tln lcgd domtr ftom lb |raMoq of,c€pdon nr*r 5 vllt mt rycr on lh Orrner's fide hltcy dthLenfu; Fon(y wlEnlsflnd. Nob: Atrtrrdve rmMc's llcn probcdon lor th Orrrr rry bc avrll$le (Q7flcCfy by deledon of kcrpdon no. 4 ot Sdtedtc B, Socflon 2 of lb CorffiEil ftom tb Ornrds Follcy to be lssud) r4on co@trre wttb lb followfog coddorr: A) TIr tmd dcscdbed tr Sc|ld€ A of 0tu cordmil nn t be.shElc Mty rcdtu wttch ldrfu a codordfun or towfuiree ult B) No lfur orrffide bye been ltnfihcd by lrcMcs or rnbrld-mn for pryocec of oonctucdon on lb lmd dcscribd ln ScHule A ol tlls C-onrrrtanf wltHn tlr pt5 mrdts. C) TIte Coqtcry mrstrtcelv+ m rympdab dtrrNtlrMfylrE the Cor4cry qrlnst urtrled mcHc's [d rdriol-ran's llers. D) Tb Colryry r '.qt recelye pelnBrf ol tb rymp&b perdun E) E dst lB bcen con0rrfloq or rqlor rtpdrr uderlr&en on dn popny to h fths€d wlt[n slx mnft plor to lhe Deb of th C-onrdtnrlo tlE rrStrt Ents to ohln covcrye lor urtcorded ller wilI lnchde! dsclo$rn ol aerttr corrtlndon hf,orrdor4 lrurclrl ttron {on rs b An sellcr, fte hdlder nd or th conhrctoq poymt ol tlE rypdob prudun futly execubd ld:rudty AgrcerEnts sefslsctory tD OE com[ru[/, andn rry addfioml rcqdmrerls r rmy be neccssaqr fier or exerdrdon of tE rforrsdd lrtronndon by llr Cotrynty. No covenge wlll be glven uden my cfuulchrres tor hbor or rmdd lor wldch tlrc lrrrred lB contscted for or agrced to pay, Nob: P|nrnrt to CRS ll)-11'l-:!:1, mtce ls hreby glverl! Tlds mdce dles to owner'q pol|cy cordtnenb conldrlrry a rdmrrl s€v€rmce tBhrmnt cxccpdon, or f*cqrdons, In Snlndic B, Sec{on 2" A) Ifnt fure ls rccorded cvlderrce th* a rdneral cshb has been severcd, lered or otlnrvlse col|ve:/ed ftom the sufro esm sd dnt lherc ts a$frdd tllfflllnod lhet e tHrd porf ffi sora or all ffircst ln ol! ges, other rdr:rds, or gcoth€lrnl ernrgr ln tle prcperty; erd B) Thd ruch dmral eshb rry hchde tn rlglil b erser rd ue dE Fopetry dthou Ole smfre orrEls Fndsdon Nodtrg Nn coilrH wlll be decrEd to ob,[g!h tre corryrry b pmvldc ary of tlrc covcrqes rd€rrd to ltrctn uiess Or sbove conddorr rc titly satklled. F@ DEI@ oglsLllIa Fron Land Tltt e (Ill9) I Thu 18 Dec 2003 04:37:28 PM MsTa Page 10 of 10 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fldeltty Nadonal Flnanclal Group of CompanledChlcrgo fitle lrurence Compeny and Land Tltle Guarantee Company July 1, 2001 Wc recosrdre ud resrct dre rrtvecv exnchdorr ol todrv's coD trmr:s {Id flre rcodremetr of endlcaHe fedsal atd srh Blie.y hws. We belteyd dnt dnHitg you rwrre ot frow we use yo|r mr}nrbllc petlord trf6irmdon ('?ersoml Ir{orinfiori'), ud to whom lt ls dtsclosed Hlt torm Ur bosls for a ritadomhli of trit betwem rr ud tr'prbllc 0nt we scrre. Tfis Rlvrcy Solerrert pmvldes dnt explrrarlon We rcscne da dgh to dntge dis htv*y- ShbErt film ttrr b ftifo consbElt'wlth ryfllceble'fivary Ims. In the counec ol our bushress, Te may collect Personrl Inlonnadon rbout you from the lollowfrrg sources: | trtom amllcadolr or oOrer fonn we rtcelve lmm you or yorr dmrlzed rcutserdve:t trtm ybir teracdom wlQ or lmm lh servlces 6clrg lirfond by, rs, orr afilhes,' or otlnrs;r llron 6rr Inerrrt web sltes:t Il.om llt pdllc rccords rEirddrtd by gov€ntrEnhl erddes tllt rf,e €llhr obtdn drecdy tbom those crdfles, or frcm ou' d[l[rt4{ or otels; adI Flom cotrtmnr or odEr rtporliqg agerrles o|rr Pollcles Regardtg the hotecdon ot the Conltdentlrllty end Sccurity of Your Pcrsonrl Inlormatlon We rmftrtrln rhvslcd. ehctsoric ud uocedml sdesrqdt to rotrct yorrr Fersonsl lrfon {on tom uurdlodzed rcess or lnhirsfon We lrdt eccess ti urc Penorul lftonnfloir orlv 6 Arose ennlovees who rned suctr rcess In comecdon wlth provtdrg pm&cE or serrlces to you or tor otlrr lQlUrnete hrslheft prposes. Our Pollcles and hactlces Regerding the Sharlng ol Your Personrl Infontrrflon TVe ql slnr you Penornl lrtronmdon wl|b ou at l#s, such s ln$rflrae cor4odes, egerft, erd ofier rtal estrle setdertrnt servlce pvldcr:s. We dso mqr dlsclose yo|r RrsoEl Infonmfion: r to qe s, hokens or refserffives to fvldf you wllh scrylces lrou hre lcquesteq. !o fuirf oontutoir or-serrloe pohaen w}o pmvlrle *rvlc& or pertonfi rmrtr6tfig or olhr Ilmc'dori ori on behlf: ud. to olhrls vlth wlmrn wri cnbr lnb Jolnt rnskcdrg agrcemnls tor pm&cts or serlccs lM we belleve you mry id ol hbrest nr edddo|L we vlll dsclose yorr Fersorul lltronn|lon whn vou drect or dyc us rEndsltlorl when we ert rcqulrol by trw o do so. or wltn we-susnct tordrlerf or crlrdnd *tddes. We sfro ruy'disclose vrirr Penornl Iffomdon wtin othenrhe mniluea bv amllcable utv{rr laws srch as. for exaimle. wlreir dsclo$rc ls needed b crfon€ orr dghls utslrg irrt ot any dgdrirmnq cirracdon or rcldonildp wlflr yorr. One ol tlt tryorbnt rcspollslbllitles of sorne of or.n fillated colrysdes ls to record doc|trnenb h fte pHtc dordn Srrh-docunent$ rry conEln your Persornl lrtronmdon ' Rlght to Acce$ Your Personel Informeflon rn.l Abltlty to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deleflon Cerdn filer dord you tre dgl$ to access yorr Persornl Lforrdon ard, rmder certdn drcurhnces, to trrd ofi b wlmm yolr FErsoril lrfonfrtion has beei dscloscd. Also. crrtrh smi dtord you fte dsht to rcquest corrccdoin nmdoent or &ledon ol your Fersonal trfondon We rtserve ft rfglf, wlnrE penduid by hf," to clnrge e rcrsomble fce !o coyer th cosB ln.r|ned In ttspodry b such rcq|nsE. All rcq*sb nfut&d b lln Fthtlty Ndornl Fhrurcld Gm|p of Colryddes/C'ldcego fitle Irrrrre Confw|yffl bi ln wrldqg, sd detlvertd to'flrc fo[owiqg ddrtss: Rlvacv C-ordlme Oltrcer FldcHtiY Nad&nl Fftnmld. Im, #&9iH#rflf,?fl Mulfph Products or Servlc*s tr we provlrte you wlth rmtt tlnn orr nnmclsl pofuct or sellce, you rmy rcceiyc mort thm orrc P|lYoty mdct tom us. We ryologlre for f,iy Inconyerdence tlds rmy corsc you. rb. ERIrf.FCtr .CEt V n r. l Reso D E v E L o " "?r,CoplPANY Jantiary 9,2004 Warren Campbell Town Of Vail Dept Of Development 75 South Frontage Vail, CO 81657 Dear Warren, ImetwithRob earlier this week to review the proposed remodel of the Antler's pool and spa. The property line. Vail plans show the deck encroaching 3' to West, across the Inc. has reviewed and conceptually endorsed this plan. Ifyou have any or would like to discuss this, feel free to contact me at your earliest conveni Todd Gouldi Vail Resorts lopment Company Road . Post Ofiice Box 959. Avon, Colorado 81620-0959. (970) 845-2535. fa'i (9?0) 8,15-2555. www.vdc.com RE: Vall Resorts Development Company . 137 . Keystone,@ . Beaver Creek@ . Bachelor Gulch@ . Arrewhead@ . Red Sky Ranch" To: Bill Gibcon From: Clnd Salli Dde: Janury 7, Subjocfi Antlers After roviowing the plans for the Antlers pool relnodel, Public Works commerts are as follows: an engircered erosion mntrol plan path access must bc maintairFd at all timeg provide a constwtion limib fence permit required for arry oonstruotion aooess to the bika pch .Should you bve feel fiee o givc me rcrll,9262l69. tlF b rigtrt JRN-95-a@4 14:39 FROM:LANDDEqSS ?toq' t,w. '4oeJ.aaduz 3rl,r 6v'L L- -.- So'tS./ 0o'rr/ Dc.t1 / bnL/ btto / ^\ I i Il* + FNl, I ./ -@', ()\ f7/\ l--k a I llll T.,Brr,L qrtstuN\ f,* {rr- L*s?. JRN-45-A@4 14:39 FROH:LRI$DESI o 97e9493€,ee /n \o, \ -l--/ "/-/ ./,/ 974419e4*.P.W?/AA?.ll''?.'- | t*-- .@ 1rrr,") \1f VL ,f ./ ./\ !./ -/ I I' I loo,cr\\ o'1q l- ,./ --/ ./, /./-/ //./ '/,/.,/(./ /././//,./ .///- a/ ,/ ,, ./ -/ ./--/ '/./ ./ o Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Depaftment of Crmmunity Development 75 Sodh Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Antler's Pool PEC Number: PEC030085 Proiect Description: Variance for improvemnb within 50' stream setback Participants: OWNER VAIUUONSHEAD CORP 12116/2003 Phone: 680 W UONSHEAD PL VAIL CO 81657 Liaense: APPUCANT I-AND DESIGNS BY ELLISON, INC12/16/2003 Phone: 970-949-1700 P O BOX 12s9 AVON, CO 81620 License: Project Address: 680 UONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: Antlers of Vail Pool/Deck legal DescdpUon: loh 3 Block: Subdivision: ANTLERS CONDO Parcel Number: 210107206001 Comments: BOARI'/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: WITHDRWN Seond By:Vote: DateofApproval: Conditions: Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: -$50SOO g,aw tr n tr tr D D n tr Description 9f the Request: 4 Location of the Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: s Owner(s) Signatun Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Rezoning Major Subdivision Minor Subdivision Exemption Plat Minor Amendment to an SDD New Special Development District Major Amendment to an SDD Major Amendment to an SDD ( n o exterior m od ifi ca tions) $1300 $1s00 $6s0 $6s0 $1000 $6000 $6000 $1250 Floodplai Minor ill.,'> (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ovoab Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81557 teli 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permft application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particulai approval that is requested. An applicatiori 6i' Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr tr D tr o Conditional Use $5s0 $400 $650 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 I Subdivision: V^:l / Li.^+ ht al , Tu-l Fi l:^,.' E-mail Address: h $ Page I of6-01/18/02 {o o TOil'T'M JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER r, (printname) ?-rb , Lart.r . r#rrffiffffi at(address/resal o"r.ripmoni' t S o Lic-.q L.J Pt^aa provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that rninor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance With the Town's applicable codes and reguhtions. lz. D.oc (Date)(Signature) Paee 2 of6-01/18/02 ) Application for a Variance Su bm itta I Req uirements Variances may be granted in order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships as would result from the strict interpretation and/or enforcement of the zoning regulations incofiststent with the development objectives of the Town of Vail. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENJS o Feer $500.00 * o Stamped, addressed envelopes qldp.list o{the property owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and acrosi Stre-et3."The list of property owners shall include the owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the property owned hy each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor,s office, o Title Report, including Schedules A & B o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. o A written description of the nature of the variance reguested and the specific regulation(s) involved, including an explanation of why the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretaUon of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulty. o A written statement addressing the following: a, The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential.uses and structures in the vicinity. b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified' regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this Utle without grant of special privilege. c. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, trafiSportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety,d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. o Stamped Topographic Survey (Four complete sets of plans). o Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets of plans). o Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of plans). E Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans), o All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. Thesb are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' information packets. o Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. Page 3 oi 6-01/l 8/02 Land DeSignS By GOn Inc. posr orfice Box r2se Avon, cororado s r6f0.e4e. r700ph e7 0.949.32BBtx rdesisns@vait.net 15 Dec 2003 Town ofVail Planning and Environmental Commission Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 R:e: Variance to 50' Gore Creek stream setback for the Antlers Condominiums Pool Remodel Dear P.E.C., The following is in response to the submittal requirements. L Nature ofthe variance requested and specific regulations involved. The variance we are requesting is to the 50' sfieam setback (Gore Creek). The variance is requested in order t0 remodel the pool, spas and surrounding deck for the Antlers Condominiums. The rernodel is required to bring the existing facilities up to modem code compliance; mo$t notably the failing deck structure and the pool drainage and filter system. Strict interpretation of the setback requirement would result in the inability to improve the existing pool structure. 2a. The relationship ofthe variance to existing uses and structures. The primary adjacent users and./or structures are the Antlers Condominiums, the Lion Square Lodge, the Marriot, Vail Resorts, and the Town of Vail recreation path. Please refer to the plans for fflther detail. 2b. Degree to which relieffrom the strict enforcernent is necessary to attain compatibility among sites within tha vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without special privilege. The encroachment proposed within the setback area is 9'. The encroachment will allow the pool area to meet code standards and also to meet the aesthetic standards as found among neighboring sites. The proposed encroachment does not exceed the existing area of e,ncroachment. 2c. The ffict of thevariance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. The new deck layout will eliminate the existing overhang over the recreation path; this is expected to improve site lines for user along the recreation path. This can only be accomplished witJr a variance for the proposed improvements. 2d.- How does the comply with planning policies and development objectives? allow the Antlers Condominiums to bring the pool areaup toGranting the request parwith the aesthetic for the Lionshead Redevelopment as requested and encouraged by the T Please also refer to plans for fur0ter clarification for the scope of work proposed setback. If I can be of any further assistance in evaluating the validity for the need this variance request, please call (970) 949-1700 x7. Sincerely, withinthe Gore KarhyAalto Land Designs by %44 PagB 2 ot 10 CONDOMINIUMII & CONEERENCE CEFTTM ofi'W. LioBBhBad Plee V.ril. CO 8167 97MTA-2471 97047F1012lq lww.antl€rsval.com MEMORANDUM To: Town of Vail, Communlty Development From: Robert LeVine, General llanager Date:12l10l0a SubJect Swimmlng Pool Area Renovations Please be advised that the Antlers Condominium AssociaUon is applying to renovate the swimming pool area on the south side of the bullding, including the deck, changlng rooms, retaining walls and much of the landscaping. All improvements will be made subject to the appropriate approvals by the Board of Directors and Condominium Association as defined in the Condominium Declaration and Bylaws. Please call me if there are any questions. Robert LeVine GeneralManager TEL)978 476 LAL"DEC-16-eEA3 A4.?AP\I ID)LRFDDESIGI.IS PRGE:EOE R=952 F om: Rob LoMne 97G47S1012 To: Kathy Aalto Date: 12102003 Tmc: AqKNOWt.EDCliNtiNT, O tr Lg\Sp ASSIGNMIiNf lt.llS ACKNOWLEXiDMIIN'I', rrurtc rud cntercd inl,o as of ihisgLl"" day ot.ra*.8.-.---.-.- 1999, try and bctwccrr lhs 'I'OWN OIr VAIL, u nuricipal hornc rule corporntion (hcrcinallct calletl "Vail"), an<t AN't'I"liRS CONDOMINIUIT{ ASSOCIA'IION. lNC., a Colorado mrporation, (hcrcinaft er urllal'i\n t[:ts'). wt'lNlissfil'lt lVl lllltliAS. a lrasc Agr€erlrcntwhs made ad cntcred into as of l)e.cetnbcr 2I, l9?? by anrl bclwecn Vnil Asgrcinlqs and AflUcrs, v'trich is attaohed herc'n as Exhibit A; and Wlllil(lj.r\S, lha larrrl srrbjcct lr.r tl : [.cme Agrecrncnt (Fxhibit A) luc subscrluctrtly bccn ttnusii".n cd lirrnr Vail Associates to tlx: 'lb$,r bv deed rcrrlrrled in tlook .ffii.. at Page -!!f ll.:ccptiorr No. ..llJ .' &;l , Eagle County Clcrk hl l{ecorder's records €nd WI'IUltLlA$, since ths tinrc of thc trctr.sfer of Lhe teal propetty subject b tfre Leasc Agrecuret , tlrc'lowrr has aukuorvledged rhis lcas€ by assignmcnt pursusot to its tcrms a$d condiliuns; nud WIIEIiEA$, al Uris titre ttc 'l'owl ard r\ltlcrs wish to ackrowledge that assi8nmenl in this {g,tEeBrcnl : NOW, TlllJREilORE, in con^ritleration of thc nrutu$l 1ratnfsc$ conlained herein ard all p**isiols antl agrccmcrrts couhrined in Exbibif A, it is ryree as lbllovs: l. .Askgglt.bdSs$e[l'llle'l'tr*rr ackuowlxlges 0rcassignrueltof thc attttched Exbibit A, ilc.orprratul hercil by rcferetce, ard acepts its tenrs [rd L.onditior,s. 2. Oblimtions of Atlders: Exhihit A cootrins aprovision in Paragraph 2 that Anllers shall pry, as Lessee, 1() Lessor, on annual rerrt o[ $500.UJ tlroughout llle term cf ihrs Lcase. Tlrc partics harc in drc pa+ and do lrrcby ngrw kJ contiou€ to allow .r-rntlus o provide lanlscaping and gtouod naintenance in lieu oithe auuual $500.00 paymeot. 'Ihis poylrNrt in kirrd shall tre subject to 0re conlinued agrccnrent by lltc Vail'lbwtt Mauagcr. 3. ltenraiuine Tenns: 'l'lrc Town arul Auilers agree thet all rcmaining lernrs of Exhibit A slnll tcurain in lirll lbroe aml effsct nnd bc bintling uJuu rc partieq, tlrcir heirs, cxecutots. hgal rcpfcsolllnlivcs. suc,:s*lrs aml ns.,riltns. o 2:2242 PM o Page 3 ot '10 DEC-LA-?M3 64:?.@11 TEL)978 476 LAI?ID)Lfl\DDESIGNS PHGE:EA3 R=952 2:22i.42 mnIFrom: Rob Lcvlnr 3 97D/9&1012 To: Krlhy Dste: 1Z'10/2003 Tlm.: IN WnNliSS Wt lBItEClIt.parti.]s her:to havo cxeqrtcxl llti* Agreemart ar oflhc dry srll year first nkrvc writtsn. l0rfNol.'vAtL I muti$iFcrt aorporltiou 13 t L-._, bwn Clcrk slA1l'ti ()l' ctll,ouAtlo ) ) ss. couN'rY oFEAoLE ) Strom !o asd oubncdbed hefi)rc rne -tr,- day of l999by /!.,be, +-,tt , ltlc I *a1a Hotnry I'utrlic Itlslt t{ryyPdrb srix Erdre Bl7.l9!Xl I My {.bnunission lhpitus:fnihtr tbd Alfl'LERS, a Colorado {, sTATtioFcoLoRADo ) ) se. c:OuNl'Y (}F EAGI,U ) Svorn to rml subscribod bclbre nre Page ,t of 10 ^tpli, Carr dJ*yot ma? -nwhy (<,be$ ./*.u,jfc-. ,. .y Public Ivly Cornmirniorr lixpirus: t5s' ft!{f;f! P{q, 0EC-16-P@3 64:?BPH J97A 476 tate ID]LFNMESIGhIS PAGE:@4 R=Sz i. c Eotn: Rob LeUnE glD,4f6-1l12 To: Kithy'tDL l.l$9! {:52U !sg4ls4, ?enant: Trad.e 'ilace : ltpnieas : Teroir:ad U.:g: lgr.ll, HLnlno lenr : q rumrEl.eT0E15260S x0.??8ti -l @(t Dafe: 1 ?/1o2m8 Time: 2:.?2j42 Pl'l LEtsE SU!{{&BY Vall t-ssoeLetag, Iac, .qo;ie=s Coaalopini'.n Ascoc!.ariou, !Dc, .qnglers Pooi A ?rrE of ftacc B, Vall/Lioasheed thl:dFltlng. lessee sill use and retain tba laased Prgpercy only as B site frr e ssirqingpool . 49 years Co@e?cegelc Date:. Dacenber 21, $500.00 p€r ycar r977 4q{er DEC-LE-A863 @4.?EF.,'l 476 LALa ID)LFI\DDESIG['15 PffiE:86 R=gEz PalE 5 ot t0 From: Rob Lcvine 51V4761O12 To: Kathy Aalto '. tll l. l9l9 ]:!?H i0mTlETtUXUt !lt!|"'.Zb|]r.! TFt taTri tErtc rcRrFanp lEls 'lclsE .t€SEEllElIl. tlade ald eat$ld iltr .s of tiis Datc: 1210120@ 'llms: 2:2242 PM m|lul l. J Pag? 0 of 10 r\ | arry o! tJa4,r.-bj,.r- , 19 7r? , W ed !.ct.ar tr5. ES, !rc., a coj.o!'aao CortoaticBr."irit.b tt3 Ddr.l.gal otfrcs Ccler!6D, talritltttar cr1Ld, "L-tqrn, .lA !lru288 CCIOOU!|IpU ftrC-, . Colorrato @!9oaadgr, Laat|tdtgr ctlLd'!.ttee'? iiItf,l55El5t ngSEEAS, fcassr har aolA i.araar ctrtri! tsqrrty lE.tcd tbs IGr.! o! t3j!, CeirE!!'of LEIe' Steta o! Colrlado (hareitl- "!.b. !/roP€lqli L pu:gu4rt go a conlllck ol I rchaae 3nd salg is ol D.cch!E: 9' 1971, f,btctr togtticr r.i.th a!'t ldilcoAa le by .et€descsC r!.d. a Frrg o! thi! tarla r |!A. {HtritEAg, lcaro! tr uilliag to isie to t/r3gec !!d ll36ec !o lea,re frcD tessoi certria sdaltjoad rGrl fEo?.:ity dtihin ehe l6sn dl v&i.I, cor:tlguour to tha tEof,BEtl r Uotr', tgEaFoRE. ln coDEid.ralloir sf tle pNyrDDt oE rail; Fdsgidsd a|li tle kee-DiDg ard pctloaance of tlc oovclcsts ag:Ec€tqEltg bi, Lcggee lrcgol'rf--s slt lort!, it lt agrred ai t. glS-' Lsro! iloe! t ss3 io tarsaa. $il i.eela leaEa5 L€3sor for thlt !|rrE|a€! hereli 3e! ftttl lba loU{illg il€qrilc.l prop.rtt (be!+$:aft* cdLrif ltAA t.r!.it groFrtl') ! A rarG oE trrcc l, vall/I.toBlEGrtl tbltd ElllEg, a suf dilisioo lecordsd t! looL ZZl, ar f.8r 992. ot tbc Eagl. CorErt, ColoEdo Clark E4 Lsordcr" rce?!dt, eatil rirt o! ltgcc B b3iE? era Drrtlctl|llv deserlitedEaiil p!!t ae fd llctrtas fouott€: B b3iEg era prrtl,cttl|! ly t4"'?o, DEC-tE-eAA3 64:elPN 416 L6Le ID)LANDDESIGNS PRGE:EE6 R=952 DEC-18-eAE3 E4!elPH ID)LFNDDESIGNS PffGE:EE1 R=952 From: Rob Levine 97G4741012 To: Katby Aalo - ffil 1. l9!9 1:53II tDfiltFtl. t,lele 1:53n rDfi$ilurl$ 9a$flms 2'.2242 PM o Datc: 12/10120()3 Timc: . [0.2?8$ t { '00r'E r dtstace oi 132.93 leet; Page 7 of l0 .t i I'i '"1 vtl Batfuh'fitB rE r pciJrE oa tie a6s6.r1t lornirrt oftrc! 8, l.d pollt af6o b!fu.a 6,r routjx,lrE colrrrrtd trc! 8,rollt al,so b!1,!.? tt,| roudxaarE cotflartatur,loN@rt lEsD lrt io: rhac+€f ldt 3, Bloc&. 1, lAtULlON@lt s 02056'51' E r dtut$co of 52. l010N@lt IESD llt IlSr th6csof 52.10 !.et: qh.nca i 83429 th.acs r 2302t'00r' B r dlsrt!!.Dca- r 83029r00" Es 02I'56')t- E t. dl,st rc. o! 040.4! t ctr. tbe or lh,e aU. .1.!, LcE i. coa rJroar f 06031' ist tc. of 80.q) ft.tl th.acs tr 4':. laat.. th.nce f 83c29'00'r E a 6ar f 06o31r00rt g r dl.stroce of'00" E a dlr ?|ace of 132.93 f.r troce of 15.7? f.cc, qo I trelata o{ tt.cc I rld eeld Lqt 3;cr! lhe cm!'a lropeslt Una of l:rec I rna s6:id Lot 3; th:rrce the fallorlsl t',ro soqSrs! alqlt raid co@gtr prc- Firs Lln : (:) S 57001'24" ''a s {trrEdcr of 20.00 hcE;(2) B 83029'00' "l a rlls-iace ef, ?09.94 !.rr to sh. poi"trirs Lln : (:) S E7o01'24"'ra s dlstEdcr of 20.00 frcE; 12) B 83029'00' "l a rlls-iace ef, ?09.94 !.rt to sh. poi:lt oi'legirrrtng, contai.aiog 7,020.54 rqurc !a.c or .15 a.gra.,de'fagirr|t:lg, codcahi.ng 7,1w.54 rqrqtc !.tc or . ro:e ot 1t34. to ErYl tID rC gcrit tb€ !€r5.d FoFe:t? for a teld of ({9, Fari c@etlcirg as of tl16 ilar. ot r!i.s 1..tq. !5rt, tlls La.s€ s.hru t€qrinata upos tDa b!€rdh by L€aEr. ol Cbe tr,:n!5 rril sqDdttiolE b.rsof. l€rto! shall E!?e tLirty {30) 6ays sri:tg loilJe of &y auch brgast atd lf shdt srre rucb breach ni.tb,in ra:,dl tlfrqr {30} ihy 93ri€d,, Lrrt3 dr3ll [oE teratnat€' e. ObllqFtloDt oE tesses. 2.1 @!. l€rsee dall gay tir lnl'6r arlual. leot 6f tier tqnirs! aDd 001100 Doll.ts (s500.00) !.ith 'i. t|rl't|aDt 8uq $oa e:.ecut!48 of, t]is I'oa6a alld tubsequ€Dt dn6 oB ilo til5t iley o: tElv.Ln o.ch taar th9 tad o! thi.s taaa., lhs !.!t 3i.fl ba geyable at ollLcg o! Ll€ illsor b vailr colEair'. qr .t 3qch otjler .! tb. l.rro'r lq|t d8tt8[rts tr ?rfH'Et, f,2 @-gE-q$g-g@' Ltt.. ri.ll 9st 311 , asca!t!€n'.g rnd ay orbe4 Frblr.c dra!8as Lviad or aeE€a8cd , a!aB!. gr local tovE:Ierat! r{'c,! tls l,grEcal groecatt, PordE! th€tEo!, ol {!y fuPto'eeoaats thrism, {rd urll rt d':- rreq tbc L.rrG brrdsss fsc rll obli8.lta for rle gayrsat TEL)974 476 lala DEC-LA-?@@3 A42eLPl1 TEL)978 476 1Bt?ID]LFII.IDDESIGNS PRGE:AEB R=SZ Fom: RoD Levhe 97G47e1012 To: K.thyAalto Date: 1210/2F3 'Iime:2:n:I2PM o Page I ot 10 '.rd r,irsrg i:53n $I3lliff{fi[rrr108{5?609 [o.trft r, 5 ' I \-,/th.i.€o!. Lt|G! e'flE r al: obl,i,trtto|l'| ,€8| tle patmrt of r$' ctttcr cfatr s alcEdt tlporld o- !|a€stsd lq' &ry x'!r!or dl cblt-g.eUr rg.lrEt tie La.r.d lrEqlt rtl' qr tb. ritht oi |16. ot I os$rf:nqy tts€of at{ rlll .t ill t5Dcr tr.p t! f.rflat proFest}' Il!'|G ol rll. llcot ard L.srq. sL'!t bdaoql&r "I|rsr lor e:f Gi5 I fuE|rErdt b,, Lisro! Lf t ryor ls r.$rl.red to etr&!.rEa &I lirtr. I | 2.3 nse of f.eEcd gEaDt€t.r'. Eeroec !ll,:l ||re &rlt rrfaflt tlc f$ssd lEor.rt'J o61y r.i r dt! tor r rrfrn$q podf rnd tfglttcd SpAov"rE6t$t ald L€sses qrt, 3t llr orr! a!{ sJtlc. cg4sEFuc-- rojl irorou-c.lts ,oD tle leacad Drot*riry, !ea&r r.ilL rEt ccn- stirct aly otlc! l&tlrorcaesLr on tjrr lerEld l|rtopcrtl sltloqt tA€ r.tittrn coarg"t o! !e96cr!. arc r'ill, lot dultag tlrr !aas. gar! prknlt thg !F tr be osac :oE a4'FrrlDqlr, buchatoer os ocstlga- tihi6 coltlart to lar. I| 2.a lt i!.te.@q€ ot !,..r.d P!E9a-ttr. t .3.e r.ILl, aq lti gr.n arEeor. !t rlf tiEss dErlBg ttrr tas! ot Ur.j,r '.case aaj.qtatn rll, lattsgapiJ}g r$d jep:ov.&rqtr qr t!. I.Arr€d FsopeE+ lt{ Ecod ollLr rad ,Jr r Delc .5C ettrtrc!:ve qondlttan- i 2,5 Obssrva'rgs af, lrt E. I.r8a€r *l:,1 tt rll dr5 a*ing il" l6ass gesa tr6p t"lq leerEit irot|rsy anit trPx6eocsts irl a oreaa and *a$trs7 csdiei'4 aDd f,il! ossly rtt! rlt 1.?s, o{afoaro"t, ru}.s rli .requlittot:s ,cnt or brtrsailBr tllla !y ar!' . ldr.rdlDtrJ. Euutority 4rDucBll,e to fir l||td plsp.rfiJ sd I i:bro,rroota o! ut€ thc!.oi. rd ttill itdacjft L..rr rqalDrt Ia{y oe rfl lo8! to letoo! fre .r.y tcEryr, !u:t, aamge, dqarte Io* elai:r by rr,y pr!6olt lqt e1ol&ti@ of ary 3uch Li|tr. ordintnse3, nIIBE or rtgc,lrtlolr. , 2.6 Flg,lFar rgl@iftcaiiolr lt$tr.rgi, t€lsee starf bds@ffy !4!aor aaailst rII ll-ablutler. rqrroseg, rnd ttl8r. llsltftd bY ts8sor rG r $6!rlt of (B) tatlrre b!'1a5.ra to pLlc- .tty crycDcBt roqElred to be parfolr.d Dy lastor h'reqtld'! qs'l tfl ur rtraen: ltstttilg. in de'tr' tnJnry' sr ' gc rtttc! sball hfrfo oa or aboq! tb6 fa.led proPer:y |DC bP(avaFt dr Ialgotlrnerce ' or tcrclti.lt fr@ tbi coBitltl,oor td-Et ! cr, ctl I I I - j - I I I DEC-14-eEE3 44.??Pn IDILRNDDESIGf'lS PRGE:689 R=952 Frbm: Rob Levrne S7V47a10i.? To: Kathy /qab --. 1f!. r,ltll t,xu *U, Exrti s?t8l5llt0l Date: 1?10/20(B Time: r0. ?7t6 r. 5 2:2242 PM o Pagp I of 10 ' : on&atfco of ni. lere"d groFft! Btd {ry fu{rEgvcaats cassErEtsil I t{acon. II Trrrolqhout ttla tstl ot !!lr &||aa r ta3t€e shill teqF tfir le*tad ptopirq lstEea, re LL! lorc soit firll ar?aa5t, .grBbrt cfljr, foE D.r&)!.l $rJurt' it€rtb os l|lqtttrty dln {a cndtr r plreq of,l grocral Drtbltc li.|bui,ly j.ldlllrtce rfiiar fisib3 of at trar3t t5f0r!00 fo! arch Dc.rs€n i!:ursd or till.d trrd 9500,000 !9r .lch ilactet "!a 9100,000 Iot pf,oF€rtl it!D!,qa. gudh polt.t.t rhrll taser rr ! cci,n u-cd. {i+}i8 t o (10) drys lfgrE itra itlte hrt..l, ldrer 8ba1: trltvs to l*reor Grtificrta. ot lDeqranca csFu,fy::lg t!.! sn6l i,EsrtrDcg is Lll fsltr torc. rDd ettec;. I :, lggggS' ltel'-" !s Prrrt rav rtsiE lis iator.st ude! t;ria taaSe clt5cut t5. cods.at of t.ha or.bar FrcY. 4- tkce:.:a:ceaLr - i o-1 nbe! nccesssrl' for grcaes oqrttrrEtln!, tbe u;cu:lar !f sr!' trord ssed i! trir ags.€rrD! th!:t bclad'e thc lridar.:rr and lcl:tsf gBder, thc s!;$rlu ioA plula! rrd vicc I "Tsa. | 1.2 !hi! agreeqlErt ir betut |,(ecu!€ri €.ad dellTelsd irl Couraao |!it shtt1 be colrstrEed ir acsorilaca tltu atd EoverrEd I rj tlr ravs qii Buch 5ltat6. I r.3 tb tenr .rai Frqr|ktoas ol blrl.3 og9€.lFltt try r+ b. rcdflid or qe'ldEd sePt i,q srltllg. I {.{ ro lEcilt qa $a1t r, r*Ptett or n4lllaal ' tc rnt I b{recb ot a!! ose or npre sf tbe F onants ot ag!3c.ats h.E.$d€E' r{*.f u aoea or trkan tg b. . eqlt r ol r5l' .Eca€cdL!{ or o{hcr beact. I l.s P.$g!.pb berdi,rge ('qtabee l'r $rir agE crltt Iair lot converiroce 6aLy atd 51311 noi |firct thc c€o'lt.r'reiiotr' I {rror, I a.a lhLr rgrsoseot lhru b. blretug ugot tjre Prrriss, t{alr bglrc, ssclltor!, lc4ql tg!tr!r.!*!t:v€r, tlccatrdt aQd Iqt4tglt. I I a.t f!'13 rgre€oirnt r.? b. Gecntril In s tiPla clttFtcr- I pfr* rtrrel, trt€! tlgqtbsr. 3i!a11 coosti'-lrtq qn. tli t!. 54. rfreannt, | -{-I I I t TEL)976 416 LALZ DEC-1E-aEAS A4:aaPl,l TEL)978 476 LALE ID)LANDDESIGNS PAGE:E1E R=95u Fron: Rob Levlne S70-47e.1012 To: Kathy Aalo the: lz10l2m3 Time: nlzi$! r. I bgrtars coo@cr.,lrIlD[ sasocn$:ol|, t5lc.@ PaCe 10 of 102:2.:42PM o lN nMSg tg!iEo?, tle psrti.r lrrrto blve €8€cbtrA thls rq of tr!| ibt atd yqr *,!3t !5ea? t.ft!ga!. ve5 rstocltGs, arc, 0F corrilDo )) ss'ct Sbtra ) tstegciag irst o€lt rras ld(Eolrtreit{ld !.iota !t tlis .. 3!r! dlt Drce .J , , LglLJ b8f rsc!. {.rshru .s }rdiidert r'a h! a- trrlgho!f, 3s rrrlrclni sqct€url, qf !at! lr6oe.&!!s, Ifc., ' rotado Cor,!'o! ittcn. .!d ofltctrJ, i.al. !.I' don4isllos ex?ijrE Oct. ljr 1981 COINRA,DO I JEfi?ft I at,o?€Fr' ) tolagobt ltstErlo€t, rE! tcrloelrdE€al belotc B-tlir trdrs nt hlld ald olilchl rea.L. ,r ?.. THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannino and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wlth Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail onJanuary12,2OO4,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed text amendment to the Zoning Regulations, Title 12, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code, to allow for revisions to the development standards prescribed in Chapter 12-7A, Public Accommodation (PA) District, Vail Town Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Nicollet lsland Development Company lnc.Planner: George Ruther A request for final revierrv of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16-12,Yarl Town Code, to allowfor changes to the previously approved conditions of approvalforthe redevelopment of the Vail Mountain School, located at3220 Katsos Ranch Road/ Lots 1 and 2 Vail Mountain School Filing. Applicant: Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-14-17 , setback from watercourse, Vail Town Code, to allow for improvements within the setback from Gore Creek, located at 680 West Lions Head Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'o Filing, and setting for details in regard there to. Applicant AntlersCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed Zone District Boundary amendment pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code, to the Town of Vail Official Zoning Map, to the zoning of the West Vail Lodge Properties, from Commercial Core lll (CC3) to High Densi$ Muftipfe Family (HDMF), located a12278,2288,2298 Chamonix Lane and 2211 North Frontage Road/lnn at West Vail Lot 1 Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vanquish Vail, LLCPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (on all levels of a building or outside a building), Vail Town Code, and a request for a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of new single-family and two-family residential dwelling units, located at 730, 724, and 714 West Lionshead Circle/Tracts A, B, C, & D, Morcus Subdivision and Lot 7, Marriott Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (West Day Lot) Applicant Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Braun and Associates $*i- Inc.Planner: Wanen Campbell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-21 38 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published December 26, 2003 in the Vail Daily. '!i . i !i.' I ;iiii_tii,li.) lliffi:ilo---* l''\'ff - ffi,,p,i, I H ll=-*f \\l'LUi,,i ltil 'l ii'Mi ffil rNr'r \[j f, iffiill'\lii 'il \i ir mhrili\ T ilJl Hli ;i'\ ill'ni q' \ '\ I,i rnrl'li_ T-l ttiiii ft ! F : It,i /zt\.:-P-I t ti !f I ANTLERSCONDOMI PooL REMU VAILCOLOnAIn !IIUMS L ?#: \ I l.rl ri :til t I I I I I I I !il$fi iti ll r - i 7 I I r rt !; 9 3 ANTLERS CONDOMINII.JMS PooLREMUL VAIL.COLORADo ?#* I ii \. \ I t!ri 1 ! )q W i'ii'iirii\l\\ \i'r'ii')),;l i\ )tii?i'l i i i ''ii,\-,\ ', l'1,t,\ l' \\"i') i\ti'\ \ \\.:''\\ \i'' .\\ \\ \ tt\itl :i:lt Tlilt iiii II;f !t!l ritl il 1i ii i!IIlr'f IIII I ET'I"TT,BNS CONDOMINIUMS '"ftHTtr' ii il iiii:l;tt !aIF rtl irrlt:t"ir 't-*-- li i. I _t- :at+itlrIIillrI I it I i J ! Ii rii i!l !tr ;il il u ira;!l -a !ili iit: r! I{i;i lii'i ifii riiilif i:l iili iiiit i 'i i it: ; -J,. ]iti ;:r! ? r: ;T 7l!I tl {Fl-r lrlt trliIt I I I ; !i3! I,li;il ri; t; rl i! t L. trJt r JTi: l" I 'F; I illilliitiI t z i -;I f i'.3g l.r I ANTLERS CONDOMINII,JMS PooLREMJL VAIL. COLORADO I ;i5!r.':!i iE i! iF rattiii; iiii iiii !ii!iririIlt ir i1 i t:tl t ItI II iili I I a t I I fifiiii rt E"r !IttiIE tt I It t ! TI J tii il ti I I r{ r t {ft i,S.:t I rt !i t 3 t ANTLERS ColrOOtrlnqiUu s '*y"#sr ?w- Ii I I islf i: t; 1ffilfiltlqqffil$qlffill tlFrrrFr!F!Brrr:aoll E- "=..""''='-."--.F; iirifiiiiiiiriiiltF' i* . i I r fiiiitiiiii',,liF liii=iiriiiiiti'il'' ii;liiiii;ttr Irttrl r ! r .- tsr I : It 7 i-O r-, II il t i ANTLERS CONDOMINITIMSL ,r*m Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements GENERAL INFORMATION Variances may be granted in order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships as would result from the strict interpretation and/or enforcement of the zoning regula$ons inc6frststent with the dwelopment objectives of the Tswn of Vail. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensibns of a site or the location of existing structures.thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the appiicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance, I. SUBMITTALREOUIRFMENJS o Fee: $500.00A\j \,. G ) StampeU, addressed envelopes and a list of the property owners adjacent to the subject " fi'r-sc-/ property, including properties behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall include a*\ 4j', ihe owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description -t . ^.0. of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. Yt".ou This iniormauon is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. W)a N--:J,. o Title Report, including.SchedulesA &B \r, { rq-/ - -- tr written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. t$r- ' o A written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific -,V-"k- regulation(s) invoived, including an explanation of why the variance is required and vlhy the strict--*') ' orliteral intlrpretation of the spelific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulty. o A written statement addressing the following: a. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. b. The degree to which relief from the strict or liter9l interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatrnent among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilegq. c. The effect of the variante on light and air, distribution of population, trariSportation,' traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety' d. How the request complies yvith adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. o tr o o o o Stamped Topographic Survey (Four complete sets of plans). Existing and Proposed site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets of plans). Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of plans). Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor Ptans (Four complete sets of plans). All plans m.ust also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' information packets' Addiuonal Material: The Administmtor and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. Page 3 of6-01/18/02 Owners'Name(s) VAMHC Vail Corp Nancy Shapiro Adam Parsons Family LLC Roger V. & Sally M. Cadol Colmar LLC Millers Lionshead LLC Texas Television lnc. Thea J. Rumford Living Trust c/o Heather A. & Frederick C. Rumford John S. & Stephen B. Engleman c/o Mary M. Hathom Jerard F. & Joan S. Maher Vail Marrioft Mountain Resort & Spa Condominium Owners Association c/o Dave Pease Lion Square Lodge Condominium Owners Association c/o Bill Anderson Mailing Address PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 4975 E. Preserve Greenwood Village, CO 80124 PO Box 497 Edwards, CO 81632 9850 E. Progress Circle Greenwood Village, CO 801 11 251 Fowler Road Far Hills, NJ 07931 '12770 Meril Drive, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75251 PO Box 16290 Houston, TX 77222 675 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 541 Ely Road Ely, VT 05045 251 Fowler Road Far Hills, NJ 07931 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 660 W. Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Physical Address Lionshead Circle Unit Vail, CO 81657 790 Lionshead Circle Unit A Vail, CO 81657 765 Forest Road Unit: Vail Vail, CO 81657 745 Forest Road Unit: Vail Vail, CO 81657 725 Forest Road Unit A Vail Vail, CO 81657 725 Forest Road Unit B Vai Vail, CO 81657 695 Forest Road Unit A Vail Vail, CO 81657 695 Forest Road Unit B Vail Vail, CO 81657 675 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 655 Forest Road Unit Vail Vail, CO 81657 625 Forest Road Unit Vail Vail, CO 81657 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 660 W. Lionshead Place Vail, CO 81657 Legal Description SUB: MORCUS SUBDIVISION LOTS C & D (see attached for Parcel # 210107207001) SUB: MORCUS SUBDIVISION LOT A (see attached for Parcel # 21O1O72O7OO2) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK: 2 LOT 8 (see attached for Parcel #210107210007) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK: 2 LOT 7 (see attached for Parcel #210107210006) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK 2 LOT 6 (see attached info for Parcel # 210107210010) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK: 2 LOT 6 (see attached info for Parcel #210107210011) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK: 2 LOT 5 (see aftached info for Parcel # 21O1O721OOOB) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK: 2 LOT 5 (see attached info for Parcel # 210107210009) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK: 2 LOT 4 (see attached info for Parcel #210107210003) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK: 2 LOT 3 (see attached info for Parcel #210107210014) SUB: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2LQr 2 (see attached info for Parcel #210107210013) . Pgrcel Detail Page I of3 rASLtr NTY r,u*.lf sit Indssll roun* "r*r".rlg sEencu L: -- r,:1t].-+: fi'..i " ,.,5 , ! El*dad offieirls.r Caunty *tiirlcar-r Vlsltorj r Coftttlilnltf .f,I rrr* t f a gle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Progerty Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Easic Building Characteristirs I Tax information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residenlial/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail 210107207001 45.853 Own€r Name and Address Legal Description Location http://www.eaglecounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumb er-210107207001 l2/g/2003 PO BOX 7 co 81658 SUBDIVISION LOT:C & :D DESC: PT OF LOT 4. BLK1 SUB: M S SUBDIVISION DESC: FIL 3 SUB:MORCUS ON DESC: (AKA MARK RESORT TENNIS CLUB SUB:MORCUS ON DESC: PHASE II) BK-O3OO PG-0183 DEC BK-0521 PG-0043 10-01-93 BK-0643 PG-0414 PTD 27-94 BK-0624 PG-0292 PTD 11-08-93 R796284 EAS 05-21-02 Parcel Detail Page 2 of 3 Addr€ss!LIONSHEAD CIR Property Tax Valuation Information Basic Building Characteristics Commercial/Industrial Building Occurrance L Characteristics MAIN FLR AREA: T{AIN FLR AREA:l64"ooo HEATED AREA:Frqsso ABSTRACT-CODE:ILODGING-IMPROVEM ENTS ACT-YEAR BLT:1983 AIRCONDI NONE ARCH-STYLE:LODGING BATHS:L20 BEDROOMS!L20 BUILDING TYPE: CO'{ST-QUAL: EFF-YEAR BLT: EXTERIOR-WALLI mM srucco FIXTURES: FLOOR:IaARPET rr,rv FLOOR: FRAME: HEATING FUEL:GAS HEATING-TYPE:HT WTR BSB INTERIOR-WALL:DRYWALL NEIGHBORHOOD:MARRIOfi MARK ROOF COVERT BUILT-UP ROOF STRUCTURE:FLAT ROOMS:L22 SHAPEO: ,l .j :. Actual Value Assessed Value Land:2,992,880 867,940 ImDrovements:ts?&osoll t,617,640 Total:| 8,s70,96011 2.485,580 5,000,000 Number of Comm/Ind Bui http://www.eagl€euunty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber1l0l0720700l ...'l' l2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page 3 of3 Tax Information 1998 STORIES;SIORIFS 4.O UNITS:r20 USE CODE:COM M ERCIAL WALL FIN:N/A SUPER_NBHDI HOTELS I Tax Year I | 1997 | Transaction Type Amount I Tax Amount $135,3r1-33]i rg6t---l Tax Payment: First Half (6-6r"Ers.e6t tlryI Tax Pavment: Second Half ($67,69s.67) I 1998 |Tax Amount $ 147,517.09 i- 1rgs----l Tax Pavment: First Half ($73,758.55) looa ll Tax Payment: Second Half 1999 ll Tax Amount ($73,758.54) $144,L43.72 1999 Tax Pavment: Whole ($148,143.72\ 2000 Tax Amount $138,505.54 2000 Tax Pavment: Whole ($ 138, s0s.s4) 2001 Tax Amount $72,444.60 I 2001 |($72,444.60) l roo, I ,00, I $r97,337.08 ($ 197,337.08) Top 0f Page S.sstesor {fatuba$e 5€arch Options I Treasurer Dalabase Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 By mail: Eagle Countv Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's OfFices make every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, G Software and the falile County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright O 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good To!'*s S*tt!#are. http://www.eaglccounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210107207001 121912003 Parcel Detail Page I of2 rAGLf;l'lTY l"r.ll rit" inA"*lf .ou*, "ou.".*lf seencn toufitg ttrglcar v Vlrltori rt Communlty.r Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessc#Trea$urer Prope*y Search I As$essor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Buildlng Characteristics I Tax Informatioft Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Impfovement Detail I Land Detall Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eagfqcr2unty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumb er=210I07207002 l2/912003 21OtO7207002 AIL, CO 81658 :MORCUS SUBDIVISION LOT: A 70 BK-0625 PG-0553 BSD 11-22-93 Physical Address:790 LIONSHEAD CIR UNITr A VAIL I Subdivision:MORCUS SUBDIVISION I Acres:0.69 Parcel Detail Page I of3 trAGLH NTY lo*.1: ,it rnr."ll "orn* "on.""."1il selncH ;__-__- t. lta.; t; :.. i t",t !. ::..., .: El.d.d 6#ld.h p Countt rrrulcrr.r Viiltorr !t Comrnufiltt ?I rrnt I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer arcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subget Query I Assessor Sales Sear€h Basic Building Charccterlstlcs I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail 2IOIO72LOOO7 45.853 Owner Name and Address L€gal Description Location Property Tax Valuatio lnformation i http://www.eaglecounty.uVGoodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-2l0l07210007 975 E PRESERVE ENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80124 :VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2 BK-0245 PG-0905 WD 04-14-76 BK-0507 PG-0512 08-14-98 R565099 13-98 R666100 FOREST RD UNIT: VAIL AIL VITLAGE FILING 6 12t9t2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 *&frkH l\tTY no*"ll "i.. rnl.*l; cauntr ""ntr.t"l& 5EARCH 1-_I tr1':!:-+; i?r lii., n r, e l*ctnd ,6Si*als "w {9$ntg rrrvic** "{!'Vi:ltorr v Ctftrtrufiit$ .{t I *.nt I Ea gle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Sales Detail I Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Value Detail I Resid€ntial/Com merclal Improvement Detail I Land Detail 210107210006 PARSONS FAMILY LLC PO BOX 497 EDWARDS, CO 81632-0497 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Propsrly Tax Valuation Information http:i/www.eaglecounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumb er=210107210006 l2l9/2003 SUB:VAIL VJLLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2 LOT:7 BK-0218 PG-0246 QCD 05-27-70 BK-0319 PG-0078 oCD 02-09-81 BK-0504 PG-0516 oCD 04-18-89 IBK-0659 PG-o179 QCp 01-10-95 BK-0651 PG-0238 QCD 02-08-95 BK-0662 PG-0849 WD 03-06-95 45 FOREST RD UNIT: VAIL AIL VILLAGE F,ILING 6 Parcel Detail Page I of3 f;AGLT NTY r,or.lt ri.*;ntr*ll "or* .on.."."11 sEARcH f-__- Ehctrd ti#idrb v Couarty rrrglcar v Vlrltotr r Communlty!I rrrNt t Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessorffreasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentiaycommercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail 210107210010 ROGERV. & SALLY M. -JT 50 E PROGRESS CIR VILLAGE. CO 801I1 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location prop€rty Tax Valuation Information UB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2 0T:6 DESC: PARCEL A BK-O247 0546 BK-0426 PG-0241 BK-0431 PG-0857 WD 11-14-85 Physical Address:725 FOREST RD UNIT: A VAI_ Subdivision:VAIL VILLAGE FIL]NG 6 Acresi h@://www.eaglecounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210107210010 12/9/2003 Parcel Detail Ehctrd officlslr v C*|Jnty ref9icarrs Viritorf :r Communitg "qr Page I of3 I rrnt I o a l,'i : ,:. Parcel Detail Information ... Assesscr/Treasurer propefty Search I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Aasic Bullding Characteristics I Tax Information' Sales Detail I Value Detail I Resldential/Commercial Improvement Detai{ | Land Detail 210107210011 COLMAR LLC 251 FOWLER RD FAR HILLS. NJ 07931 :VAIL V]LLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2 LOT:6 DESC: PARCEL B BK-0426 PG-0241 R741508 D 10-04-00 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Physical Address:725 FOREST RD UNIT: B VAIL subdivision:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 Acres: Property Tax Valsation hformation r2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 r'o*"lx rie r${r'rlil "oun , "on .*ll srencH [--:*NAGLtr {}li;r i.&i ii,'{: i,! f,r. ,,i o flf,HuhrTY I 1r:r;: t.Irll,!!..., ., -r Ekctsd r'ffirie l* w. Cuunty r*rule{rlr' Vl*ilorc rr Communitg 'r t *ent I f agle County Assesser/Treasurer :. :tj Parcel Detail Information , Assessorffreasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query | .Assessor Sales Search Sasjc Bullding Characteristics I Tax information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Parcel NumberAccount Number 210107210008 owner Name and Address Legal Descrlption Location Property Tax Valuation Information 12770 MERIT DR STE 4OO TX 7525t :VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2 LOT:5 DESC: UNIT A BK-0680 PG-0586 10-04-95 R673422 WD 10-13-98 Physical Address:695 FOREST RD UNIT: A VAIL subdivision:VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 6 Acres3 0.234 http://www.eaglecrunty.us/Goodtums/assessor/parcel,asp?ParcelNumber=210107210008 l2/912003 Parcel Detail I EAGLtr NTY r,o*.lt rit lnir$|il .oun*"on r.."l3 sgRncu t_-__- lhd*d {ffidrk x gour*t rrralcrr rl Viritlrr ?goFrfiunity v I rrnt I f agle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Propelty Search I Ass€ssor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Silsic Building Characteristlcs I Tax lnformation Sales DetaiJ I Value Deta'l I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Page I of3 sc103 R010273 210107210009 45.853 owner Nam€ and Address Legal Description :VAiL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2 T:5 DESC: UNIT B BK-0518 PG-0215 Location Physical Address:695 FOREST RD UNIT: B VAIL Subdivision:VAIL ULI-AGE FILING 6 Acres:0.21 property Tax Valuation Information t2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of4 Csgnty,rwliar.ry Vititort'r Corr|munlty ntr I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer . :i Parcel Detail Information ; Ass$ssorTTr$a surer prope*y $earch I A$s€ssor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Essic Buildlng Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Com mercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail *AGr_f; lhcted d#ldrlr.c 210107210003 EA J. RUMFORD LIVING TRUST - RUMFORD EATHER A. & FREDERICK C, 75 FOREST RD co 816s7 :VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLK:2 :4 BK-0203 PG-o189 BK-0535 05-09-90 BK-0564 09-24-91 BK-0626 12-08-93 BK-0641 05-14-94 BK-0541 -0331 oCD 05-14-94 BK-0560 -0616 QCD 01-30-9s BK-0660 01-30-95 BK-O737 PG-0714 09-15-97 BK-0737 r\5-v / rJ 09- 15-97 R649691 03-11-98 R649692 03- 11-98 04-12-99 R692538 O$rner ilame and Address Legal Description http://www.eaglecounty.uyGoodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210107210003 1219/2003 Parcel Detail rrlt!,.,;: 1g,t,t..,.:", .rl .;.,.,, Page I of3 IUTY r,"*"ll "io r*.{3 "ou* "o*"*1il seencn L___--- County strel(r*s Vi5it6ff ?Comnruntt! t Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search elasic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Deta'l I Restdential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail zroLo72t00L4 ENGLEMAN, JOHN S, & STEPHEN B. - HATHORN MARY M. C/O MARY M HATHORN 541 ELY RD Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Prop€rty Tax Valuatiod Infornration .us/Goodturns/4ssessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210107210014 12/9/2003 SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6 BLK:2 LOT:3 R6B7551 01-16-99 R687552 01-16'99 R733566 OCD 01-04-00 FOREST RD UNIT: VAIL AIL VILLAGE FILTNG 6 http://www. Parcel Detail Page I of2 rAGLH NTY r,u*"lr "i.. int*"lt "ou*r."u..*1il srancn [:_i,lrtr!; ! rr t.li,!r)!!rrr , i ;; r1 Els*ad offlriah rry euuntg trrvlc*f*p Vi*torr'!s Comr?runity !*I grnt I Eagle County AssessorlTreasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Bastc Building Characteristics I Tax Information I Value Detail I Residential/CoKmercial lmprovement Detail I Land DetailSales Detail 210107210013 JEMRD F. & JOAN 5. -JT 251 FOWLER RD FAR H1LL5, N] 07931 UB:VAIL E flLING 6 BLK:z PG-0289 oCD 01-15-96 K-0686 PG-0290 QCD 01-15-96 K-0686 PG-o292 01-16-99 R687552 1-16-99 R733565 Owner ?{ame and Address Legal Description Location Physical Address:625 FOREST RD UNIT: VAIL Subdivision:VAIL VILLAGE FIL]NG 6 Acres: Prope*y Tax valuation Information http://www.eaglecounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=21 0l 0721 001 3 l2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 rAStE zuTY l"**ll r;tr idrxlX .oun , "on.."*la sEARcH Cixunty $rlvlc*r's Visitof| #C{rrfiuDlt9 oit I #aftt t Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Inforr ation Assessor /Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Value Detaii I Resldentia l/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail I 210107205001 45.853 Owner Name and Address Legal Description NER, SANDM R. . KASDAN. JUDYA, O ROTHMAN GORDON FOREMAN & GROUDINE PC IRD FLOOR GRANT BUILDING PA 15219 NDO: MARK LODGE UNIT:2-D Location Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Land:111,070 8,840 Improvem€nts:817,480 65,O70 . i http://www.eaglecounty.uVGoodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210107205001 l2/9/2003 Physical Address:714 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 2D VAIL Subdivision:MARK LODGE Acres:0.024 Parcel Detail Page I of3 EAGL[hITY r,o*rlx *itr id."ls "oun*.o*"olt senncn f--- _ l-ii,,, r!i i"f!,,:!.n,, .; o Fl.**d arffidili .'t'Caunty rcrvlia!*Virlto|' "e Ca lmunitg "?I|r tI ,l eagle County Assessor/Treasurer i tarcel Detail Information ; Assessor/Trea su rer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search . Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information. Sales Detail I Value Detail I R.esidential/Commercial Impfovement Detail I Land Detail Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location pr{rpsrty Tax Valuation Information 'lr http://www.eagl'tcounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210107205002 lA9/2003jtr 210107205002 BOSELLI FAMILY PTNSHP 195 LAFAYETTE DR co 80303 DO: MARK LODGE UNIT:2-E BK-0243 PG-0378 WD 11-14-75 BK-0553 PG-0828 WD 05-09-91 BK-0605 PG-0030 wD 03-22-93 14 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 2E VAIL Parcel Detail Page I of3 MAGTT fUTY r,o**lil rrt. Ird**lt *ou* "u*r"."lH seancn f" xhdad Sft{i.|3.,s Cguntg *tfvlcarv Virltorf "r Co|nmunltf v I {.nt I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parc€l Detail Information Assessor/Treastirer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search gasic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail t?t{rr..,?, i.+!.l{,rr,. iti 210107205003 N B, & CHRIST]NE C. NDO: MARK LODGE UNIT:2-F R680708 D 12-16-98 R726199 03-31-00 R727734 3-31-00 R727740 oCD 03-3r-00 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuatior Information Physacal Address:714 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 2F VAIL Subdivision:MARK LODGE Acres!0.016 http:/iwww..us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210107205003 12/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Csunty ,*rviiar.?Vhltorr ?c*mmutrttt v I {*nt I Ea gle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treesurer Froperty Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Resldential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Owner Name and Address Legal Description CONDo: MARK LODGE UNIT:3-D BK-0256 PG-0335 BK-0317 PG-0759 oCD 12-09-80 BK-0613 PG-0459 SWD 06-01-93 Location Physica! Address: II714 W UONSHEAD PL UNIT: 3D VAIL Subdivision: llNenr lOoer Acresr I10.024 f;AGLE *"*.1* ritrrnd**ll .ounror.ont*..olx sEARcH t::_;f.ili! {.4i t'*-1}.,i, r. :,1 !-: R007384 210107205004 DAVID H. BLOOMFJELD, MT 4A324 propetty Tax Valuation Information 12/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page 1 of3 rAGLT I\ITY ***ll ,u rna""l: .ou*, .o*...,1I1 srnncn l____ _ Ehcled n#idol* v *ounty !{n iffr1}Vkito?r .t'Comm!fllt9?I rrr|t I Eagle County AssessorlTreasurer Parcel Detail Information Assesssr/ freasurer Prioperty Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor 5ales Search Basif Building Characterlstics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Vaiue Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail i,r lL I:!J;r r.1r'it. 210r07205005 YNE, LUCIEN B, & CHRISTINE C. -JT 140 FAIRFAX Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eagl.ec- unty.uVGoodtums/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumbeF2l0l 07205005 CONDO: MARK LODGF UNIT:3-E BK-0287 PG-0846 WD 07-02-79 R680711 QCD 12-15-98 R705212 QCD 08-05-99 R706786 QCD 08-17-99 R726198 QCD 103-31-00 R726206 oCD 03-31-00 03-31-00 R727745 31-00 R8s7213 10-30-03 14 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 3E VAIL r2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 *suit9 rselcarw Virttorr ry CurnffiiJnlty v I efiftt i Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Pfoperty Search I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Sasic Suilding Charncteristics I Tax Information Sfrles Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commerclal Improvement Detail I Land Detail owner Name and Address Legal Description Location property Tax valuation Information .us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210107205006 1219/2003 r*gl"r $ru*vN:Y tu*.lf *tr rrraxil "ou* "ou*..o1il senncn i- 210107205006 J. & JUDITH J. 5OO JOHNSON AVE LODGE UNIT:3-F BK-O242 wD 08-01-75 BK-0351 0176 WD t2-27-82 BK-0574 0134 PTD 03-03-92 4 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 3F VAIL Actual Value h@://www. Parcel Detail Page I of3 ffiAGLtr {:il,TY r,u*"1* rit* rnda*1ffi "oun.n ""n,r..nlw srencu *lttt*d sffidrll .r Cs nty r*rvlcrt!{t Wsltorr "{ommunlty "q I s.nt 1 Ea gle County Assessor,/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessorffreasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentia l/Com mercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Tax Aiea ll Account Number Farc€tNrmiJ-mbd---ll---Fitluery sc103 ll nooz:sr 210107205008 ll 45.853 Owner Name and Address O TOOLE, TERENCE & EVELYN -JT 885 MOANIALA ST HONOLULU, HI 95821 Legal Description Location PropeGy Tax Valuation Information NDO: MARK LODGE UNIT:4-E BK-O247 wD 06-09-75 Physical Address:714 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 4E VAIL Subdivision r MARK LODGE Acres:0.016 537,210 t2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 trAfitH *:IUTY sit* Indr$|il "ou* "*n.*".rl# srnRcn f _ Ele ctld lffklrl.s.r County Jcrvlctr ri Viritorr r?Comrtrlnltg!.I |{rr|t I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parc€l Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search &asic Building Chsracteristics I Tax lnformation Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentiai/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Owner l{ame and Address HAVENS SEPAMTE PROPERTY LIVING TRUST GARYJ. HAVENS TRUSTEE 226 14TH ST SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 Legal Description Location .us/Goodturns/assessor/pacel.asp?ParcelNumber:210107205009 l2/912003 o Parcel Number 210107205009 LODGE UNIT:4-F BK-0741 15 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 4F VAIL Actual Value properfy Tax Valuation lnformation http://www.eagl Parcel Detail Page I of3 NASL*IVTY n"*"lf srtt i'i*Bl& *ou*, "o*"*lf srnncu L_:. f trI Ir': rlr,i r.ir r:,.. thctrd tffidrl::r Cnijnty J*r9ica!w Viratoi..?Cetntnunitg .t I s.ri3l , Eagle County Assessor,/Treasurer ;, Parcel Detail Information r Assessor/Treasurei Property Search I Ass€ssor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Ii Basic Suilding Characteristics I Tax Information' Sbles Detai: I Val*e Detail I Residentia UCommercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Owner Name and Address Legdl Description 210107205011 BILLOTTI, ]OSEPH D. & PATRICIA 18 POWDER HILL NJ 07458 NDO: MARK LODGE UNIT:5-E Location 14 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 5E VAIL MARK LODGE Property Tax valuation Information http://www.unty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParceNumber:210107205011 12/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 ruTY r,o*rlt 'l& ind*{f "nu* "o*."*ll senncu i-.'-'_-----.--* €l*cted r,fftdrk v Sbs$tt rrrviaar ?Vltito rt "{n S{mmunit\,.?Ifl||tI f; a gle County Assessor/Treasurer ,r Parcel Detail Information : j l f Assessor6reasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentia l/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail 45.853210107205012 Owner Name and Address Legal Description ROBERT K., GAIL A.. & RONALD E. SASA. PAUL & JANET H, 1286 S TEAL CT co 80303 ONDO: MARK LODGE UNIT:5-F BK-0708 08-30-96 BK-0708 08-30-96 R818354 lL-27-O2 R822341 D 01-28-03 14 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 5FVAIL Location property Tax Valuation f nformation 12t9/2003 Parcel Detail a rAGLT rHTY r,o*.lr 3it* i'd*ll .ornrr.on ."*1il seeRcn i_:t{}1,rj!l .i.{.i:.; , r,tJ jr..t;.1 Page I of3 officirl.s rr Cauntl ten lcar !$ . Mrttoff ? Comrnunlty v t {.nt I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer i:. Parcel Detail Information l: t Assessorffreasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search 1 Basic Building Characteristi.s | ?ax Information ' Sales Detali I VaIue Detalt I Residentiaycommercial Improverfient Detail I Land Detail Owner Name and Address Legal Description CONDO: MARK LODGE UNIT:5-G BK-0243 PG-0358 WD 11-12-75 BK-0332 PG-0048 QCD 06-20-80 BK-0325 PG-0512 WD 07-01-81 BK-0530 PG-0615 QCD 05-17-90 El*ct*d . Location Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eaglecounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210107205013 Parcel Number 2l0ro7205073 USKIN, STANLEY & JUDY 1275 FOX PA 15238-1844 14 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 5G VAIL r2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 rAfitH I I\TY r,.*.lX ru i*trl$ .ou*, "on.."*ln sEARcH l*--*=- ELdrd r'fftclrls 'r 9o$nt9 rrwicar'?Viiitors "t Comrnunltf 't I frat I Eagle Couilty Assessor/Tr€asurer Parcel Detail Information Assess$rfffeasurrr Propelty Search I Assessot Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Easic Building Characteristics I Tdx lnformation Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Com mercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail ?LOLO7205014 PAUL & MADELEINE D. -]T NEW YORK, NY 10024 Ourner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Infor|nation '. http://www.eaglecounty.uVGoodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210107205014 DO: MARK LODGE UNIT:5-H BK-0604 -0409 wD o2-r2-93 14 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 5H VAIL 117.150 t2/9/2003 Parcel Detail Page I of3 ffi4fittr ruTY io**lX *ite rnd*al! count? {onrr{,"lr sEARcH [__ Ehctrd dfficirlr w {gunty rsryl{&t v Virltorr xt Coffiftunity v I {.nt I .' Eagle County AssessorlTreasurer l Parcel Detail Information : Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset qu6ry | Assessor Sales Search . Easic Building Chafacteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentiallcommercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Owner Nam€ and Address Legal Description Location Physical Addressl 714 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: VAIL Subdivisionr MARK LODGE Acres:t0 http://www.eaglecounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/paxc€l.asp?ParcelNumber-2l0l07205015 l2/9/2003 210107205015 po Box 7 ArL. CO 81658 CONDO: MARK LODGE DESC:LODGE UNIT BK-0230 PG-0564 BK-0233 PG-0870 IBK-0275 PG-0606 BK-0237 pc-0109 QCD !o-L4-74 BK-0276 PG-0611 oCD 10-12-74 BK-0566 PG-0511 PTD 11-07-91 BK-0621 PG-0043 oCD 08-30-93 BK-0546 PG-0795 BSD o6-22-94 Parcel Detail Page 1 of3 fiAfrrn il t\w r,n*"lx rir* ind*al# count? canri*'lx sERncH f-*-__'- llact*d r,ifldal* v Csunty rtrvlitr?Mrltor*'r Cammunlts .t I r.nt 1 Eagle County llssessor/Treasurer 'ii Parcel Detail Information t. Ass€ssor/Treasufer Prope*y Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search :: Easjc Building Characteristics I Tax Information' Sa,es Detai| | Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land D€tail e Tax Area Account Number ll Parcet Number Mill Levv sc103 R030463 __.ll 210107205016 45.853 Owner Name and Address N]AN, RON BRISTOL DR HASSET, NY 11030 Legal Description Location Prop€rty Tax Valuation Information . htfp://www.eaglecounty.us/Goodturns/assessor/paxcel.asp?ParcelNumber-2t0107205016 t2t9/2003 : MARK LODGE UNIT:4-D DESC:& 14 W LIONSHEAD PL UNIT: 4D VAIL br*t""d€tg /ofj TOI{?VM Design Review Board nrnttrc 6n/n ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: ANTLERS POOL DRB Number: DR8050248 Project Descriptionl CHANGE THE APPROVED PLANS - TREE REMOVAUREPI.ACEMENT Participants: owNER VATVUONSHEAD CORP 06/10/200s 680 W UONSHEAD PL VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANIT LAND DESIGNS BY ELLISON, INC05/10/2005 Phone: 970-949-1700 P O BOX 1259 AVON, CO 81620 Licensel 130-5 Prcject Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: Antlers of Vail Legal Description! Lot! 3 Block: Subdivision: ANTLERS CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-072-0500-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 06/10i2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (Pt AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 J N. Application for Design Review _. 9eryrtjnent of Community Devetopment/5 5outh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 ter: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior.to submitting a building perm,t application. pleasererer to the submittal requirements rot tne parttiJ#';il* u'rtli ,"qr.ii. -ni aiprication for Design Reviewcannot be acce4ed until all required nroniiatin ii rJJ"ii"o by.the community Deverbpment Department. Theprolect may also need to be reviewd uv $,"-io*n l"r".i1.31iv-* tt" pi"""i"6 I'ni-inu,ronr"ntar commission.i":T:"f#'.ilTJ#.1]"0"* 'nr""i " uuiiJiini".-r, .s issued "nJ "inrtiriion comrnences within of the Request: LocaUonofthepropoaal: Lot: \Tavae ")f^4+"'^' ' Physical Address: U d/t-< | : (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-9640 for parcel no.) ) 11",.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Si gnature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: Phone: 4 --t--t.--, J-f.trl GtK vnoP € CP E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee:O Signs E Conceptual Review tr New ConstuuctionB Mdition D Minor AJteration (m uhi-tamiV/com mercia l) tr Minor Alteration (single.famity/duplex) Xl Changes to Approred plans O Separation Reguest $50 Plus 91.00 per sguare foot of total sign area. No Fee t!I9 For constructjon of a new buitding or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footaqe is ;d"d l; any residential orcommercial buildino (includes 250 additions & interror conversions).9250 For mjnor cnangesio uuiroings ano-siie'r"il;;:r", $rch as,,.lTlnS, painting, window additions, 'landsca-ping, fences andretaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,reroofing, painung, window additions, 'landscaping, fences andretaining walls, etc.$20 For. revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or theDe$gn Review Board. No fue Page 1 of L3/rLltTlo3 & u\ffil rfE-r-f,.- p' Ft ), \ rlit' Ll':x'-E:iitT rft-* -.=ti+$f:"- r> 1l# {J tl ;'t t'r r{ ri- i ;b '\ :rL"_,::/&.i,qi' -t e*.tf*r; -l!a;-* " f, =Fl- i I i:-,-i'L' *{