HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 TRACT ArIt MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department October 16.2007 COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:Request to proceed through the development review process with a proposal to construct private improvements on the Town of Vail owned Trad A, Vail Lionshead Filing Q(generally located between the Antlers and Lion Square Lodge, adjacent to Gore Creek). Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Bob StozekPlanner: George Ruther/Bill Gibson SUMMARY The Applicant, Vail Resorts, represented by Bob Stozek, is requesting permission to proceed through the Town's development review process for the construction of a skier drop-off parking lot on the Town of Vail owned Tract A, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, generally located between the Antlers and Lion Square Lodge properties, adjacent to Gore Creek. As the property owner, the Town Council may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Applicant's request for property owner authorization to proceed through the Town's development review process. Pursuant to Section lll of this memorandum, Staff recommends denial of this request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Applicant, Vail Resorts, represented by Bob Stozek, is requesting permission to proceed through the Town's development review process for the construction of a skier drop-off parking lot on the Town of Vail owned Tract A, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, generally located between the Antlers and Lion Square Lodge properties, adjacent to Gore Creek. A vicinity map (Attachment A) and a copy of the Applicant's concept plan (Attachment B) have been attached for reference. Tract A is a Town of Vail owned property located within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District. The property is currently used for open space that accommodates the segment of public bike path connecting Lionshead Place and the Gore Creek Trail. The Applicant is obligated to accommodate skier drop-off in Lionshead, per the approved ArraBelle project development plan. The applicant is proposing to construct skier drop-off parking on Tract A. This proposal will require the Applicant to obtain Town of Vail approval of several development applications: The Rquer \utg'Wil4tunu,r'Jl-l b\ +hE l*rylrutrlt. tzlqlsl a.R. '; 1i,j ;i ":;ti , .r.r..\J./ Ti;:l ..i i ,..; l: | . . ili i.:: . .' ;. ..rt,r.i{Sfqeppf igltion to amendment the approved ArraBelle development plan; . A najor exterior alteration application for the parking lot on Tract A; 'rFlntonditdrial use permit application for the parking lot on Tract A; and ..^ .-. t . _? Adesign review application forthe pa*ing loton TractA. i .l ..,-.. , i .l: The Applicant can not proceed with the submittal of these applications without . ^"' ) first obtaining fhe Town Council's property owner authorization for the proposed development dn Tract A. the Vail Town Council. as the owner of Tract A, Vail denies the Applicant's request to proceed through the process. Staffs recommendation is based upon the The Applicant is obligated to accommodate skier drop-off parking in Lionshead per the approved ArraBelle project development plan. The pfoposed skier drop-off parking lot is not consistent with the Lionsh$ad Redevelopment Master's detailed plan recommendations for Lionshdad Place or for accommodating skier drop-off parking at the North Day Lot. The proposed skier drop-off parking lot is not consistent with the Redevelopment Mastefs policy objective of improving the flow vehicles, and bicycles, and mass transit in Lionshead; and negatively affect traffic flow on Lionshead Place. r The skier drop-off parking lot is not consistent with the light, air,Mixed Use 1 District's purpose of ensuring adequate and open space. The proposed skier drop-off parking lot will eliminate existing public open space, pontrary to the Town's development goals and objectives. The prloposed skier drop-off parking lot does not meet the Town's minimu;n engineering and development standards (drive aisle width, parking space sizes, etc.) The proposed skier drop-off parking lot will adversely affect the Antlers and Lion Square Lodge properties abilities to comply with Building and Fire Code requirements (emergency exiting, access to fire department connecfiions, etc.) The prpposed skier drop-off parking lot will have a negative visual and aesthe{ical impact to the adjacent Antlers and Lion Square Lodge propertles and the public bike path. The proposed skier drop-off parking lot will impact existing buried utilities on the site. Please be that should the Town Council choose to approve this request, such an ap I would not constitute an explicit approval of the proposed tm Any approval of this request will only grant the Applicant property |il. owner auth to proceed through the Town's development review process. IV. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Concept Plan i'J Aftachment A Attachment B H @ @ ia:l;i_:i_ -r PRO4ECTIVE COI'ENAN:TS OF VAIL,/LTONSHEAD, THIRD FILING. EAGI,E CO{'I:TY, COIORADO ll'mREAS. Vai 1 Associates, i.ned. and exiscing uncler the laws inafter scnetimes referred to as following describet-r lands, which vaiL/Ljonssead, Thjrd Filing. on eoulrty Clerk anrr Recorder of ttre Celorado: Inc., a cotporaEion dulY of the State of Colorado "Otrner'). is the oarner of, are shcF,rn on the plat ot f :l le in the offiee o! the County of Eagle and State or$an- (here- tlre the of See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a oart hereo f. ineluded within vhich are all of the lands dcolgnaEed Ds lots 2I : tlrrough 3O inclusive, vail Village, Second riling, prlor to ther sacation of a portion of the plat of vail Village, second Filingr .. by instrurr,ent recorded in Book 217 at page 674 of the records of ., the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Ccunty, Colorado. [\;D h'IIERE\S, vril Associates, Inc. desires to place certa:ln'-'=e;t,.iciioas on t].e use of the lands included within Vail./Lions- Eead, fnir.J F:.lrng , ior ihe benef it of the otdrer cnd its respec- tive grant,ees. successors and assigns, in orCer to establ.ish and maintain tJre character anC value of property in the Vail/Lionsfcadr ftrird Filing area, !IC*r fffiRgfORE, in consideration of tle premises, vail Associates, Inc., for itseLf and its grantees, succesgors and assi3ns does trereby inpose, establish, publish, acknowledqe and declare that for the benefit of al.I persons who rnay acguire an interesE ln any of the }ands in vail./LionsHead, ftrird Fillng, all ,. . of the lands in Vail,/LiongBead, third Fiting, ghall be subject to i the folloring restrictions, covenants, and conditions, vhich shall be deened to run wittr the land and to inure to the benefit of and be binding utrrcn the orf,ner, lts granteeg, successorg and aselgns. Proteetive Covanants 'VaiL/LioireHaad, third flling L.4.2 the mentg; r.4.3 fhe ln anY ProPosed L-4.4 'fhe outlook of any nature of adjacent and neighborlng lrnprovn- quallty of the materlals to be utl'llzed improvement; effect of any proposed I'mprovemene on the adJacent or nelghbori.ng property: "l -i 1. ARcnrrEcrutu\r. colliRol, coldtrrrE I.lgomrnittee.TheArchitecturalcontrolcohmittee..herc- tnafter referred fo o" the "Comml!!ee", ehall conslst of fiva rnenberswhoahaLlbedeslgnatedbytheor'ner.itsguccessorsor':' ;;;i;;;.-I" t";i.r, study and aPProve or reject proposed lrnprovc- nrents wittrln tlre areo de-scribed in the plaE of vail/LioneHead, Shtrd Fillng, of whlch thaee restrictlve covenant! ar6 madc a par,E,. ThemembersoftheCornrnit'teeshall*,eri\'eforoneYeaF' at whlch tlrne they ahall be re-appolnted or thelr succeEsor6 sha1l by appolnted by tie otrner. If no succesltor ls appointed by tha Oltner on the urrrril "r""ry of a tnemberr s tetrm' he ghall be deemed tc haue been re-appointla by the o/trer' A net' member shal1 be appointed by th€ i*t"r on the death or reslgnatlon of 6 msrnbe!' L.2Rules.fheCorrrmltteeEhallmakeguchrnrlegandbylawr and adoptG6 proceduras as lt may deem aPproPrlat€ to govern' lts proceedings- l.3Approvalof.PIan.No.bullding,landscaping'parklngor'vehLcular drI.r.,o.f,ffi, wall or otber rmprovement eharl be constructod, rrrec:'-:d, repal'red. reatored' reconstructed' altered' addedtoofrralntainedonanylotuntl'lbuildtngPlan3andelte ;i;;; and speeificatlons ahoiing the color' location' nr-atgriala, J.andaceping,andsuchotherinformationrelatingtosuchimprove- nent as eira co*,,it,t". *"y reasonably regulre 1n1U have been eub- 'lntttcd to and approved ty tfre Cornmittee in writlng' I.4crlteria.InpassinguPonguchplansandepeelficatlong ttrs cc,rrnrtGe sh;ll consider: 1.4.1 I,}re sultability of the lmprovement and of ttre .. materlals of yhlch it 13 tL ra con3tructed to the slte upon t*:!ch tt is q,t b€ loca-',*S; -*.'l-.r.r.r+l' i. i'Prot€ctlve Covenants ." Va1l,,/Llonsgead, thtrd Filing 1.4.5 Any go',rerriihental zonlng requlrerncnt applicable to the alte and irnprovenrenta thereonr and 1.4.6 the ruleg and regulallone of, the conulitt€€- ft ghall be an obJective of, ttre Conrnittee to make certain t$at no lmprovement, will be so similar otr so dissimilar to otherE ln ti: vlcinity that values, rdonetary or aesttretic, vill be iarpaired. 1.5' Effect of the qonnittee's Fallure to Act- fn the errent the Congrlttee faila to at4prove or disapprove plans and s1=ciflca- tions subrnitted to lt wittrin sixty (60) dayc of subrnieslon, approval shal1 not be reguired. 2. IAIID USE 2.L The lands within vai1,/LionsEead, Third filing, desigmated as nurobered lotg shall be used for high density, nrulti-fanily rea- ldentlal structured, ptrblic acconnnodations, ;xrblic uses, and col- :nercl.al and recreational stnrcturea; EXCEpf tlrat 2.I.1 lrb 4, 'Block l, shall be uged alr a recrea- ttre congtruction of suchtional- area, subjec! to recreational faciU,ties may Ln ttre future fron and irnpravementa as the otEer tine to tlme designatei and . 2.L-2 lpt 5, Block 1, shall be used for vehicular parking and gueh other !rurposes as the Osner may in the future fron line to tine designate. including, by way 6f lllust:ation and uithout limieing the generality of the foregring, as siges for lodges, hotels, transporta- tlon center;, an<i recreational facilities. provideC that if tlre use of a portion of such lot for such ct::er purposes shall reduce the parking capagity of such 1ot for the raonthg of Dlovenb€r through April as agreed upon by the Tosa of Vail and Orrler, then Owner ;hall provide. or cause to be provided, structured parhing in a volune euf,ficient to maintain a park:lng capacity for such rrronttrs at the volurne agreed upon by the Torn and Otrner, but not to exceed. the capaeity which existed for such months prior to guctr constnrction r and 2.1.3 fhe ovner may irnpose restrictions pro}ibiting the use of certain numbered lot8, or portions thereof, for conmercla I purposes. -3- 2.2 The ag 'tracts- lands vithin shall ba used vail/LionsHead, as follors: fhird sLllng, Aeatgnita'd 2.2.LTractAshallbeasanoPenareasubJectto the right of Che O*tner to inprove such-Tract LI-l"*- "capini. paved or gravel pedestrian t:lFi,,:::Il: Ii^;;;;;;'*:ri.' =t"&, an<l recreationar faclricier abova' on, otr be lorr ground level.t\t 2.2.2Traccashallbeusedanilheldbythetown.of Vail for the duration of its lease for tlre use of the prlblic as open tpu.", which shalL be maintained in its native state, subject to che reservation by the O'rne r of suctr easenents vi$in a corridor bounded on the east by a Line extend-rng frcrn the soutlreaslerly corner of Tract D, vail/LionsEead, First' li1in9, to the westerly corner of Lot l, glock z, vaif Village, Sixth riling' and on the ' t.est by a line extending frorn the most' southerly corner of Tr<1ct A, VaiL/ti"i"ri."a, First rili'ng' to tjre norttrwesterly corner of Tract a, vail Village, Sixth Filing' for pedes- trian bridges, sxi- tifts, and skier crossings as are in thl oprnicn of tshe Or:re r noe or in the future reasonably nec-' "ao"ty or clesirablo, and further reserving to the O'mer the right to construct, repair, maintain and op'erate such ski lifts in or on such corridor in Tract B as are' in the opinior of tle cFfier, needed or desirable in the future' The Toqn of vail riiay construct for pub li.c use, pedestrian and bridle Patls in- cor.formity with a landscape plan to be prepared by the Tor^rn and apprlved by the O'mer' iio.imProve-' mentconst:iuctedonadjoiningor"orrbig,tou"propertiesshall :ncroach upon the sa j-d Tract B' Vehicular Passage -shaII not be allorred on this Tract excePt by special pennit frocn the Ts'hrn of Vail and the owner, excePt that the O'mer reserveg the right to construct or cause to be constructed upon or over Tract B p.rblic transPortation facilities' including by "ray of illustration and without lirniting the generality of the foregoing, an aeriai, rai1, or nsunterj cont'eyance syst'*' 2.2.3TractCshallbeusedasoPenarea,agapedes- trian circulation area, and as the means of ingress and for p.a.tatiun traffic to and from adjaceng proPerties and for "o"tg"r,.y vehicles, sr:bject to -&e right of tlre o"tner to landscape and to construct ra lk-rrays thereon and to provide by pri'rate aqreetnent for useg therein which may be incidental to the uge of adjacent ProPerty and not incornpatible vltfi tlrl abgse ugea - ---..---J->_+.' -4- Piotegtlva' Covenants vi ri,Zr.,r"""Head, Third Ftllng 2.2.4 fhat portion of Tract n ryfn3 tu::Lll."f tha northwesterry t*tilii"i"oi-tit westerry boundary of Lq 31, Vall village, Sl"o"a-"ifing' shall be used ln conJunc- tion wIEh sara Lot-3i. r"t "u"h tt""u and purposes as nec- 'essary in the oPeration of sewage disposal eystema'; and ttat Portton of, T;;; D lying vesterly of the north!'es- terly exrenslon ;;-il" ,.;teify bound-ary of eaid Lot 3I ahall be ueed it'"";;;";ii"" littt Tract c' vair vlllase' second FL11n9, to-be-dedicated to "o"n use as Vall Assocl- ateg. Inc., and it"-""""""sors-and aeaigns' ghall designata' ,but ln no events "i"ri-""itt deoignated use be lncons-igtent trith these "orr".riitr or the protecgive covcnantc of vail Vlllaga. Second Filing' 2.2.5 Tractg E and F shalt be used in conjunction vtrh roadts and mav bE landsca3"g :nd lishted:- :l-","," ""u snarl covered ttl'"iott" for bus Paltsenger use may be erected. ocr'tt"'I""' these lracts gha1l remain open and unlnProved. . 2.2-6 Tract G shall be malntalned by tlre Owner ag a brlvats ro"a fJr-ti"-p'"po""" of granting ingress and "ol"t" to and f;;; ;;tti H and 2t i' sroci 1' and r'ot 8' aiocl< 1, vai1./Li;";;;; thlrd Filins; loe 4' Drock l' vail./Llonsir""a,'ii-tti-iirine' tna-Ll 1' vail'/LionsHead' First Firing, ri;;t Additlon; county of Eagle' -colorado: provlded trrut rr."t c ."y be improvld trith paving and rnay ie dedlcat"a r'v"liI 6;;; to Fu;lic use alr a road' as a service area fcr2-2-7 Tract H shall be used . buildingu "r"".li ;"-;; 2, B-lock i, vtil'/r.,ionsHead' Third Filing; Lat 4, ;;"; r' -vuirZuongHead' First Flring: coun- ty of Ea91e, "ti"itl"''upon whlch-rt""t H service vehlcles may be I'oadect uii-t"'to"ala ana "tploy"o" "f 'T:t't' of suclr bulldings t"v p"Irt-""it ""a truckl iir accordance with plans gubmltted ty ttia oHters and approved by the olt'ner: Pro- vided' hov'ever, that the Owne r re:rerves the right co con- ' struct and rnaintJi"' ot to allo'e''li" "o"ttructioq and main- tenance or, tttJlit"ti-pirrting facilities on said Tracb H: and provid"a r"tii"i' ti'"t ttre o*rner reserltes the right to make any .,"" ii-ity-fto' t'lme to Lfune destgnate above the hetght o, ""i"i:ifst feet fr-om q"o"t'a revel' including' by uay or irr.t'"Lr"i;;; andt withoui-rtrnitittg the generarity of the foregolng, an erevated.tuirt'"y' .:1";"t:1 corrunercLal facllities, urri'.t"uated parklng facirJ.ties, so rong a3 such usas ahari i"l "ir""lonabry inrerf,ere wtth the above -5- Pr.otectlvs Covenants ' :1 Vail,/LlongHeod, fhlrd Filing .: described uses of Tract II belorr the height of pifteen ' :- (f5) feet fronr ground level. 2.3 Fhe Oryner'reserves the righ.t, to make additional restric-tlons and lirnitations upon use not inconpatible with the foregoingnor legs restrlctive than any applicable regtlationg of any gov- ernmdnEal agensy. Alry additional restrictions rnay be lncluded lnlnstrun'ents of conveyance or lease or by supplenent to these pro-tectlve covenantg to be f,iled ln the office of the Clerk and Re- .. corder of Eagle CounEy. Colorado. 3. EASE{EI TS AND RIGIITS-OP-WAY 3,L Easements and rights-of-way for lighting, rareating, elec- .'tricity, gas. teleptrone, \rater and severage facitities, and anyother kind of, public or guasi-;xr.btic utility service are reserved -'assho.\'nonthep1atofVai1/,ionsHead,ThirdFi1in-o.Nofence, wal1, hedge, barrier or other improvement sha1l be erected ornainlained on, across or wittrin the areas reserved for eaaementsand rights-of-way, nor in euch cloge proximity thereto as to im- . t.pair the bccess to or use therecf- An easements for pedestrl.an use shall exist and is hereby resenred on, over and across tlroseportlons of the plat of Vail,/l,ionsHead, ltrird Filing, reservrritherein for utility service and facilities- 3"2 tbe plat 3.3 nants and petu a l. 4. srcNs Eagementa for drainage purlrosea are :ceger-sad ss gho.cr ca of Vail,/Lionsllead, Ihitd Filing. Easements for drainage purposeg regerued in tlre sg cove- on the Vail,/Lionsltead, Tftird Filing, plat shall be per- No signs, billboardls, poster boards or advertising display oratnrcture of any kind shalr be placed or maintained r,rittrin tlresubdlvision for any lrurpose whatsoever, except such signs as shall have been approved by tJre Consoittee as reasonably necessary torthe identification of streets. residences and praces of businessand location markers. 5. V'ATER A}ID SE'AGE Each structure designed for occupancy or use by hurnans shallconnect with the rrater and srrwerage facirities of the vail l{ater and Sanltation District- No ,?rivabe rrell shall be used as a Bource 6- I ()f r.rrter f,or hunan consunption or irrigation in Vail,/Lions'llead' nrird Filing, nor shall any facility other than thosa Ptovlded by the vail liat,er and Sanitation Dist:ict be used for the dls- posal oi sevage. Hechanical garbage disposal facilitieg shall b€ provided in each kitchen or food preparction area. 6. ?RASB A}TD GA.R,tsAGE , 6.I Disposal of ?rash and Garbaoe. No trash, ashes, garbaga or rubbish ltray b. U.ti;rn Ai -unrped on any land witstrln Vail,/tiona- Flead. fhird Filing- No burning of trash, garbage or rubbish'shal'I be pernitted in Vail/LionsHead, Ttrircl Fl1ing. No incinerator or otier device for the burning of trash, garbage or rubbish indoors shall be constnlcted, inslalled or used by any lt€rson excePt as approved by the Corcnittee and the To',rn of vail. Each ProPerqy s+fner shall provide suitable receptacles for the collection of trastr, ashes, garbage or rubbish. Such receptacles shall be gcreened fron pnrblic vierr and protected from disturbanees. 6-2 rlefinition- As used in this section 6, 'trash, garbage or rubbish- shatt include uaste, rejected, valueless or worthlesg raa!,ter, materials and debris, ugelesg, unused, unwanted, or dlg- card6d articles fro:n an ordinary household, ltaste f,rom t5e pre- paration, cookir.g, and consurnption of food, market refuge, easte from tl.e handling, storage, preparation or sale of produce, tree branches, trrigs, 9ra33, shnrb elippings, veeds, Ieaves, and otlrer general yard arr d garden rraste naterials; but shall not lnclude food c: food produets to be prepared ower out,Soor or oPat fire=. nor r,pood or other malarials used for fuel in fireplaces. 7-IIvESTOCT . No anirnals' livestock, hrrrses or pou1try of any klnd' except dogs, cat.3 and otlrer household peEs, shall be kept, raieed or bred'in vail./Lioasgead, lltrird Filing, excepg in areag designated for au c'!r ;xr-poses by the Ccsnitlee; proviCed ' ho''*cve =' that- ::'t!!n? hercin contained shal-I be const,nted to pernit the commercia I 'breeding of, dogs, catE or other hqusehold trt€ts or anlrnatg in Vai'l,/ LionsFlead, ffrird Pi1ing- 8.TRZES lio trees shaU be,cut, trinuned or renoved in Vai1./Ltoneflead' Shlrd Piling, except lilith prior grritten approval of the conmltt€s, and all such Fork shall be performed by P€rsone approved by the CcrrrnJ-ttee or by the Torrn of Vail. fiI I fl Ii, fi tlilt! t! ll l! t1 tlllit t! fil'.-7- Probectl,ve Covenrnts vail,/t ionsHead, fhtrd Flling .' IO. IANDSCAPING AND GARDENING A1I ground surface areaa not used as lmprouement sltes but dleturbed by construction shall be returned promptly to thelrnalural condlLtton and replanted ln native grasses. unless auch areas are to be utllized for gardens, Iawns, and exterl-or llvlngareas. Every Lmproved bulldlng sLte wLtlrln the subdivieion ehall be }pndscaped accordlng to a plan approved by the Cornrnittee. The landecape plan shall b6 submltted to the Corunlttee at the tlme of the subhj.ssion of construction plans and approval by the Conrnltsteb of either plan nay be.denled until both the plans for buildllng construction and landacaplng shall have been approved. Easementt adJacent to a lot but outstde the boundaries t\ereof, may be aPgroprl-ately landscaped, subJect to the provisions of th€se covenanEs, by the qrrner of tlra lot, but ln tbe event such land* acaplng l-s disturbed by uge of, lhe easement, the cost and expense. of restorlng such landscapl.ng aha1l ba eolely that of t}a oqnrer. of tha lot. 11. AREA REQCIRE}!3NTS xo llving unit designed f,or human use or habitatlon sha1.I constructed unless the aggregate floor area, exclusive of open 1rcrches, basenents, carports and garages, shalI com;rly wittr appli- cable gove rnrnenta I zonlng requirements and ghall have been approved j:: by the committee. the Comrnittee sha1l determine from the design' of tha inrprovement -*irether an aEea tfilch ia part.ially baloc gradia, may be used to calculate shettrer the proposed structure conplies. with the minlrnum area regulremenla. 'fhe Conunlttee may, pursuant to these covenants, imiroae greater minlmum floor area reguirement! than thoge imposed by zonlng regulations and may apply dlf,ferent crltgria for detennlning cornpllance. 12. TR.ADE NA}{ES No tsrademark, trade name, trade syrmbol or c-ombination thereot shall be used on scructures, or for businesses or servlces in vtll,./ LlongHead, 'Ihird Piling, unless ttre game shall have been flrgt'approved in wrJ.tlng by the Connnlttee. : 13. TEHPORARY STRUqTURES No tel|rpora ry atructure, excavation, basement, tral ler or tent shall be perrnlt,ted 1n va11./LionsHead, Tlrtrd Filing, except alt may be reasonably neceseary durlng construction and authorized by tlre Conrnt ttee, and exc€pt as may be necessaty, f.ot athletic events. Protectlvc Covinanti vall,/LlonsHead. Tlhl.rd rillng . .' 14" coNTrNurnr oF coNsrRucTroN . All const:iuction comrnenced ln Vatl./LiongHead, third PiiLng,sha11beprosectrteddi1igent1ytocomp1etionandsha11beccn- Plcted wtthln tsre lve' (12) uronth s of connrencernent, unlegs ths o*ner or the contml,ttee shall, in wrtting. grant, additional tim- 15. !ruISAlrCE No noxious tbe subdivisionghall conEtitutr Filing- or offensive activity shall be carried on withia nor shall an5rttring be done or pernitted '*tricha public nuLsance ln vail/LionsElead, third 16- FzrrcEs llo fences, wallc or other barriers shall be permitted j.n Val.l./LionsHead, ftrird Filing, except wittr tjre rsritten consent of tlte Corrnittee or as otheFrise herein expressly pernigted. 17. STTECT AND DUR.ATION OT COUS}IAIMS Th€ conditions, restrlctions, stiprlations, agreements dnd covenants contained herein shall be for tfre benefit of and shall' regulate the usq ot each lot, blocjk and tract in Vail/LionsElead. ftrird Filing, Eagle county, Colorado, and shall be bindling upon each o'otn" r of proyrerty tlrerein, his g'rccessors, represanta ei'.'*s" and assLgns- Tnese covenanls shall c€nginue in full fc:-:e anC effect until .Januaqr L, 2O7A. 18. A!{EIIDHENT ttte conditions, restrictions, stiprlations, agreements and covenants contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned. ter- ninated, or arnended excepf, by vritlen consen! of the orgne::s .rf, 66 2/37( of the surfaee area vitlrin the boundaries of Vail/tions- Head, Third Filing. as the same may be then slrwrr by ttre plat onfile ln the office of the Clerk and Recorder of-Eagle County, Colorado- 19. EIIFORCEI{ENT lg.l Procedure for Enforcement,. If any person shall vjolateor threaten to violate any of tha provisions of this instrum€nt,Vall Associates, Inc. or its euccesgc.rs or assigns, the Toxn ofValI, or any orner of real property in Vall./LionsHead. Third -9- Pr.otectiv€ Covena nts VaiWlionsRead. Third Fili.ng Fi3.in9. his ogents or engloyees, n.ay, but without obligation !odo so, enforce tJle provisicns of this instnrnent by: 19.I.l. entering upon the property lrhere theviolation' or threatened violation exists and re- moving, rernedying and abating the violation; such' self*help shall only be exercised after havinggiven fifteen {I5) <lays prior vrritten notLce to' the o'.trrer or o-'+ners of the prgperty upon which theviolation exists and provided tire owner shall havefailed vithin such time to take such action a3 maybe nacessary to conform to the covenantsr or 19.1-2 instituting such proceedings at law orin eguity as r;ray be appropr-iate to enforce the pre-visions of this inst:nrment. Lncluding a denand forinjunctive relief to prevent or reiaedy the threat- ened or existing wiolation of these covenants and. for danages. 19.2 .\ctice and Se:nrice of process. Each o$ner of real pro-perty. in Vai1./Lions8ead, Ttrird Filing, hereby appoints the TownClerk of the To.rn of Vail as his agent to receive any notice pro-wided for 'herein and to accept service of process in any courtproceeding brought to enforce tJ're provisions of this instrument.Any not,ice reguired under this Section 19 shall be vritten andshalr sp'ecify the vioration or threatened vioration objectect to,the prcperty subject to the violation and shall demand cornplianc'evith these c-ovenants witlrin fifteen (15) days after the giving of.quch notice. If after reasonable effort the person giving thenotice shall be unabre to deliver the same oersonarry to the persbnto whorn it is directed and shalr be unable to obtain a returnreceipt sho'ri ng delivery of notice to the person to trholr! it isdirected, then the reo: ired notice shalt be deerned sufficientlygiven if posted upon the property described in ttre notice and malledleo the last, knor,rn address of the Ferson to r,-hom the nogice ls dlr-eeted and if arso nrailed or delivered to the Town clerk of the Tor*zrof Vail as agent of the property oener- personal service o! pro-ces:' upon any pirson ovning land in this subdivision rnade in accor- dence with the preceding sentence may be obtained, but only for tlrsenforcenent of these covenants, by service of process upon the TorarClerk of the Tc.""t oE Vail as agent for the gaid orrner, if after reasonabLe diligence such defendant cannot be found within thestate of colorado and personar servl-ce cannot be otherige obtainedunder the Colorado Rules of Civil procedure. Proteitlvs Covenants Vail,/LlonsHead, Third F11in9 _ 19.3 ilo Liabl1lty for Dam.reea. vail Agsociates, Inc.,.theTot rt of vail-, or any other p.i"on-trereby authorized to remove orrenedy violatlons or thrcehened violatlons of the provislons ofthis lnstrurnent ln accordance with paragraph 19.1.3, shall not beIlablqr to any person for ao doing cxcept, f-:r any tnJury or damag,resurting from intentlonarry wrongful acts. nny'pelson acguiringany interest ln real property ln vair,4,ionsi{ead, Ttrrrd rlling,aft€r'the recording of this instrumenE ln the records of the cguntyclerk and Recorder of Eaglo county, colorado, shatl be deemed tohava walved any and all rights to or claims for damages or inJuryresultlng from eff,orts to correct or to prevent any violation orthreatened vlolatlon of these covenants in accordance with para-graph 19-l-1 above wJ.th respect to the real property eo acg'J.rcd. 19.4 collection of Costs and Ex})enses. VaiI Issociates,Inc., the Town of vai1, or any otheg person or persons proceedingin accordance wlth paragraph 19.L.I, shall have a clalm against,the or.rner or orrners of the prop€rty with respect to vhich the vro-lation or threatened violation of th""" covenants has occurred Lnan amount equal to the actual costs and expens€s, incruding aopn: r-tenant reasonable attorneys I fees, incurred in connection withproventirrg, removing or renedying auch vloration or threatene.lvioratlon. Such claim shalr not exceed the amount o.€ l},o ThousandDollars (g2,OO0-OO) for any one violation or threatened violationof the provrsiona of thig Lnst,rument and ehall be enforceabrethrough any apFropriate court actLon. Val,l Associateg, Inc., lheTosn ol Vai1, or any Other person ot persons bringing a proceedlng. under paragraph 19.r.2 to enforce any provisions of this instrumentehalr be entitred to judgment for the actual costg and expenses.lncruding reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by such person int}te prosecution of such proceeding ln addition to ony other rel{ef,granted by t}:e courL. 19.5 Halver. to ac-t vioiation or of thlg instrument eucceedlng or oth€r tectl,ve covenantg. -tl^ vrF? ? rr !.^ !7r\rr r\rta.ra,f .!alJi l. ^Lrti \Jt No aesent or acguiescence, expressed or lmplied,ihreateneii vioiai:ion of any of the provisicrnaehall be deemed or taken to be a waiver of anyvlolat,Lon or threatened violation of these pro- rlr'vrla.|a.t l (JnNEit As used in this instrrument, the phrases "rear property orvner*or "ovner of rear property" sharl mean any natural P€rson, partner-ahlp, corporatLon, associatlon or other buainess entity or rela-tlonshlp vhlch ehall ovn an estate as a co-tenant or othen.rise Infee slrnpre or for a terrn of not less than forty-nlne {49) years lrr -11- Piling any portion of the landg included wj.thin the boundsriesLlonsllead, third Filing. Sueh phrases shall not includetheir r,eaning the holder or o,/ne r of a;:y Iien or securedln lands or improvernents thereon within the aubdivision,person clalning an easelnena or right-of-vay for: uE,llity,tatlon or other purpo.Be thre,.rgh. ove, or across any such oE VaiL/vltniri interest nor a n)t transpor- Lands. 2L. SE\IERABILI"Y A deterrnination of the invalidity of any one or rnore of t]:eprovieions of this instrument by judgirnen!, court order or decree.shall in no wlse affec! any of the ottrer provi.srons her.*,t, whl<Sahall remaln ln full force and effect. The foregoing instrument 12th day of Octoberas Vice President of VAIL ASSoCTATES . . INC. -12- I acknowledged before ne t}is , 197L, by ROBERT H- tiOTT tdat s Pregident Secretary O? COIiRADO) ) ss- E\HIBtT A TO PROTECTIUE COVE}|AIiTS FOR VAI L/LIO}iSIIE,\D EAGLE COUNTY, Lei.ct nEScRIFTIoN oF PL.\TTED L'I''\DS TIIIRD FI LING c0t.0RAD0 Part of the South half of Section 6 and part of the liorth hclt'of Section z,-if""t[ip ! gg"tl' Rcnqe 8b t{est of the 6th Principal lleridiai,';;;;";? i"ii; c6u1tv].or-Flgl:'.::"t" of Colorado described as coninencir"g at the'liorihwest Corner of sai<t Section:, tirel."-i-'O;OOtg6" t;63J-l.t feet along the Ir'est line of said 't"Iiio"- to the t-tui-poit't o f beginiiilg: -IIilhpoinr is the xorti,iJli-iorni, of yAIL !lttrice, sEeoND FILIIiG;' [;;;;"-i il;-ri;;7;; ;- jgo.zs reet arong the Norther-rv rinc or !lii-i;rir,'iriircr sEcoxo FtLltic to -ttr; liortheast corner of Forest Road, as rioii-In-tii-iiit or-i;.lii-viiLrce,-sIXTlt FILING;' thence s 16"17'?3;--E ils.ig feet,along the Eastcrly boundary ' of said Forest noadl;[;;;; x gg"oo'0d" 8 208'90 feet along the .l-ortherry f in!-Jf -t"ia Foress Roatl; thence S. 5S"00'00" E 50..17 fect along t"ii X"iit"ity lil" to the Souritwest Corner Of LOt 8, B1OCK Z-;i-";i'I fAIL, VILL'\GE ' STXTII FTLTNG; thCNCC Ii"ri'.i,! 6""*.iuiy-iine-oF sai<l 81ock i on the following three courses, t'1)"i-z;oo;oo; E-rzo.0c feet; (z) li 81o46'54" E 6I0.92 feet; tni'(5t s 6s"00'9q"-E ?66'80 feet to the Northeast corner "r'l,i,t-i of said Block 2; -rhrnce. li llo3'l'18l' il-a;:;8-i"oil ti"nie X 8t"27t30" E 15I'03 fct'ri; thcncc .r* 69o23'.10" r zs+lii t""i;-thence N 01"35'58"'l{ 155 '27 feet to". p"i"i on rr,"';;";[;;i).-ii;g o1 Trcct B, \iAIL/LLONSI'IEAD, FIRST FILrilG; tn"n." along the-southerly boundary-line of saict Tract n on tiiJ-f"ii"ii"! four-couries: (t).54.6o22'50" lf 155.89 feet; rzi-s-7i;i4;06.'-* roo.oo feet;-(3) N 78".12'00" l{ 80.00 feet; and'tll-i ot"i5'00" rr rqz'00 feet to the South- r.,est Corner of saii iract B; thence S lo57'17" l{ 1-18'50 feet ;i;;s";h;-;";i ii;; oi-"ia'ri:;t. t :i9-1:":'. :l:,I^lllllol?-#$: iinsi-iir.ii'C-!;.tr,u-io.L''est' corner..i:.1:i'i-ti?:: *l'':'ii;'i;"'i^i;.b;;66; i cs..ro feet atonc ihe riorthcrly I ine of said Tract A to the so,rih"'urt cornei"oi Lot l ' vArL/tl9,t?'ll'lo' FI9.ST FiLI;.-G, FIRSi 'fOOfitOS; thence along the bound:rii-1119 of said Lot 1 on tt"'-ioiio"'ing three courles: (l) -li2o59'I7"u t72.00 feet; (zi"N i;;ii'OOi s Br.i, ie"t; arid'(5) li 87"00'00" '. '- i oiloo-.f""t io'tire ,l-ortheast Corner o'" saic Lot i ' a poini -on the l{esterly line -of l"f f L/LIO'\SHE'\D, FIRST FILlli6; thencc along "; - said rresterly rine i"'ir,"'roirorit g'!iY" :?"t::ti. ,Jll,l^,0,'3t'oo'f '- said lfesterly Ilne on Ene rolrswrlrg' rrYe \'r"r4r Jvr ' \ i' .' rr e8.84 feet i G) N 26"s7'00" l'i 55:81 !::ti-lt).T X"i3;99;":: . 58.{7 feet; (.r), N ia;i3'59.' E 45'49 feet; and (5) il .4"27'00" W ,124.68 feet to the nost XorthwesterLy Corner of-VAILI iIoiini,io, -iinsr iiir jjc, on the southerlv Iin9 or. Interstate Hi;;;;.;;'l:zb-nigLt-oi-*Ly; thence alons sairl southerly Right- of-way line on .n" illroitinl eight tot'iu"t: (1) southwesterly IIXIIIBIT A toWT-}'RO'I'ECTIVE COVE}IANTS FOR VAILILIONSHEAD THIRD FILING, EAGLE COUilTY, COLORADO Included wichin thc above description of Platted Lands areall or paris of Lols 21 through 30 inclusive, VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILIN6, a subdivision plat recorded in Eagle County,Colorado, Reception No. 96928, filed in Plat Book at Page96, as arnended by a plat which is filed under Reception No. 97199 in Plat Eook at Page 58. 406.88 fcct along the arc of a 5,650 foot radius curye to thelcft whose ccntrxl engle is 5o23t13" and whose long chord bearS 73"23r53" W 406.67.f.ect to a point on a 3650.00 foot radius . curve; (2) Southwestcrly 582.13 fcet along said curve to theleft whosc central angle is 9"08'16.4" and whose long chord,: bears S 65"26'45" lt 58i,51 fcct; (3)S 53"50r10" iy 176.80 feet;(4) S 25o51r44,' tY I78,10 fece; (5) S 19'3St27" W 109.80 feet,. (6) S 25o43t42't W 209.30 feet; (7) thence 370.99 feet, alongthe ar,c oE s 625.00 foot radius curve to the right, trhosecentral angle is 3,1 "07'08t' and vhose long chord bearss 46'38r57" W 365.55 feet; and (7) S 70"33128" ll 223.20feet to the true point of beginning containing 30.5352' acres, rnore or less. \?3 .!r*r'e"-1**a I '**- ***- \ ?C tr d I