HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY SUBDIVISION LOT 3 GORE CREEK PLACE FINAL CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS[\orcuS [L,c.:iclenc.eS dore-Cred(. Qtace_ C.n \ Cpns\cucliql orarorTs 424oArcnfrecrure tncchrcagonr , +io f\. Q,uu,l,tr,VN" ?1+ti.* ,o \\ boo t$^1 4240 August 4,2005 Mr. Charlie Davis, Chief Building Ofiicial Town of Vail, Building Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Gore Greek Residences - Final Construction Drawings Submittal Dear Charlie: As required by the Town of Vail, Building Department, please find attached the Gore Creek Residences Final Construction Drawings (lssue 16, dated 5-16-2005) for your review and record. Please note that these drawings, accompanied by the attached 'Modification Sketches' (as described below), to the best of our knowledge, are in compliance with the approved Administrative Modification Document dated 5-10-2005 and the Administrative Modification Addendum dated 7-1-2005. Modification Sketches M1.1A & M1.18 - These sketches indicate that the mechanical duct penetration into the 2-hour party wall was eliminated in all 'B' Unit mechanical drawings, where previously shown. PSK-005 & PSK-006 - These sketches indicate that the plumbing line penetration into the 2-hour party wall was eliminated in all 'A' Unit plumbing drawings, where previously shown. Also attached, please find Addendum Documents No. 1 - 5 that describe the specific revisions that have occurred subsequent to lssue 5A & 64-10A/1 1, previously reviewed and permitted by the Town of Vail. Thank you for your attention matter. "r"*"rrftr, E. Randal Johnson Principal Attachments cc: Todd Goulding, Vail Resorts Development Company Brian Thompson, Rolf Jensen & Assoc., Inc. File: 20900.00 / 3.2 r62r Eighteenth Street Suite 2oo Deflver, Colorado 8ozo: T 3q zez 3788 F 3o3 zgz 3t3W 4z4oarchitecture.corl !\.j,,:r(,.c3l.i,9:.i(.:!r.":.||])i.J$:r:!!Ji.!?c!ii.lqc|:i:sr:'r+i..i:i'(..::3J:tjn.,J.\J:i]''l!'.g2nij RE0ff;'UtHtl AUG t) 8 ZiO5 TOV.COTIT.DEV. 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"'ll i ;t E;,!;_r iri .., il "j j ,lJF -, iil-f._-_____j_:____:n Aiffii \ ilil.t il'--:----------c------+-tf:5==ic--:-:;-----,!--v---rffi: '\. r---------.----- ii'il' ioii r'l+:1.:+q{, I:i i i-i[ i;i I ii t=-. ii i11' F#E .Ei r+- *:li,ii it ,G$ii=i .......========itl[--,,.-i :ffi] iii==t f \ ^a-;,frt:T"--:;-:j5:!'-t-*iF-------:----:::--::::--:--::;11_Hxr +\,_'.,W i,''\[']r:-:-:-:-:---:-:=<'#'' '.I-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J', ------'.\l ' !Fl .Xr E- llr tr !opE:olof, ,ll€A IOt ,\. rStrM'OVAHSNOn saf,Nlrdrseu )Ieauf, euoc : 611t tl <.?l iZiE;i;-'llr i ti ii -!t9!9= m9utI =a$g- -5*$ $si$ iili /'S I.-r\flv/9 I 3lo-l *lolzl<l?lol IJJI>l IJJIol<lol JIt!l>l3li HI;lr|q gli. /_t4\\ tE /\l_.,/ E d il I E 3f iu Eii FI v/ EJ, .a :i a^ '6 .E i oHd i$gi9q !$ i{ilt!rIti;;tI stldlli$NU l:l LAI 3 a5t-o25 GAg CONNECTION FOR FIREPLACE t' /- A1 ttp lt?' GAg DN GA3 CONNECTION FOR FIREPLACE D lzz' VENT UP 14' GAg DN TO T'(-, IL E F<J GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, WEST DAY LOTv |l- cou)MD() VAIL RESORTS DEVEl.T )PIIENT CoIIPANY lt/z' GAg DN l' a- A4 tt9 t' r{dcuJ uP. ono*,trc nro, PSK-005 RtFERtNCt: AS1-025 (P l.1B) SSUE: 05.02.05 ISSUE 16 oATE: 08.01.05 SCAtt:1/a"=1'-0" DRAUIN 8Y: KWO 3'3AN UP 3'gAN DN l7z' 9AN UFIDN 424c 1621 rETh STRttr. S!|TE 200 o€wtR, c0 E0202rtr (30J) 292-3J88 rAX (Jot) 292-Jr rJ AN VENT -5 I 2- ,^ a r\\l I I 1t2'CIDS UP TO l!C-l--.----.--.U t' i -i \ /'n GA5 CONNEC FOR FIREPL4 ,2. Hujg UF gAN DN VENT UP gAN DN 4240, 162r r8TH STRttT, SUITI 200 DtNvtR, c0 E0202rEr (JoJ) 292-3388 tAX (J0J) 292-J1J ud-rl- GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, WEST DAY LOT \'All,arrr)Ml)o VAIL RESOR IS DEVEI'PMI;.NT COIIPANY f rru+" Ia' 3'gAN omwrrc Ho, PSK-006 RtFtRtMr ASt-02s (P1.1C) lSSUtr 05 02.05 ISSUE 16 oATt 08 01.05 stALt 1/4"=1 0 0RAWN Sl KwO SECTIONIXDOI ADDENDI'MNO. 1 PART1 GENERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A Gencrat Ercept as may be otberwise Acscr*e4 tb€ naterials and worlnanship for tbe Work . ber€fuafter specifed shall compty witt tbc requirements of the Contract Doomcots. I.O2 PERTAINING TO TIIE TUNNEL SPECIFICATIONS A Section 00005 - Tabte ofContenf: Indicatcd revised Specifcation Sections for issue under Issnre No. 12, &tcd 0l/l?05. B. Section il)860 - List of Drawings: Indicared reviscd Drawings for issue under Issrrc No. 12, d:itcd olllu05. C. Soction 00901 - Addcndum No. l: Indicatcd revisions to Drawings and Spociftations firom previous Issuc. D. Section 01030 - Altcrnates: Added AlterDat€s No. 13 and 14. E. Section I I 150 - Parking Control Equipn€nt Addcd entire Spccification Section- F. Scction 153fi) - Autornatic Sprintd€r ad Sta@ipe Systems: Addedeirtire Specification Section G. Section |672I - Fire Alarm System: Addcd cotire Spccification Section I.O3 PERTAININC TO TIIE RESIDENTIAL SPECMCATIONS A Section 00fl)5 - Table ofContenb: lndicated revised Specification Sections for issue undcr Issue No. l2,rtabd0l/l?05. ., B. Section fi)860 - List of Drawings: Indicated reviscd Drawings fctr issue rmder Issue No. 12, d^td 0llru05. C. Scction 00901 - Addcndum No. l: Indicated revisions to Drawings and Specifications from prwiotts Issue. D. Section 01030 - Altcrnates: Added Alt€rna!6 l'to. 13 aod 14- E. Section 10305 - Fir€ple€s aDd Fluee: Clarified roferpnce !o Interiors docrments for fireplace and fire$ox infonnation F. SectioNr 15300 - Airtomatic Sprinklcr ad Sm@ipe Systems: Addcd entire Specifcation Scction- G Sectfun 16721 - Fir€ Alarn S),st€o: Added cntire Spesification Soction" H. Soction*lntcriorSpccificarioos' I . Specifirition Sbeet A- I I : Revis€d din€bsiom for Unit A, lower Family Room, 6rebox. Gore Creek Resftlcnccs Tunncl & Resllentid Vril" Colorado 12 January 2lXl5 Addendum No. I 00901 - r o 2. Sp€cification Sheet A-16:' fireplaces. 3. Specification Sbeet A-17: fircbox log set. 4. SPecification Shoet M-4: 5. Specification Shcct M-5: frEplaco dmrs. I.(X PERTAINI}.IGTOTIIEDRA}VINGS Geoeral Drawings: B.Civil Drawings: c.SErrctral Drawings: L 2. 3. 4. 5. D.Arcbitectnral Drarvings: l. - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. lt. A. Added sh€et for Unit A, Upper Living Rocm, and bott Lrtrit B, Added sbcct for Unit d Upper Uving Roorn, and both Unit B, Revised profiIe for stairoase bafustcrs Addod sh€et fc Unitd UppcrLivirg Rooo, adbolturdtB, Gore Crcck Rcsfrlcnccs Tirrmet & Residentiel Ve[Colondo 12 Jenuery 21105 Shees Gml Orougb G003: Indicated rwised sh€€a for issue uod€r Issuo No 12, d^td 0uta05. Shoct C02ft Revised s$drain rctative to Building 8 formdation Shcct Sl.13: a- Reviscd to show ncw chimnci location- b. Addcd 'Scction 3" to detail ohimy cq comection She€t 31.43: Rcvised to show ncw chimocy location Sbcet 31.53: Reviscd to show nev chimey location Sbca 51.63: Reviscd to show ncw chimqr location- Sbeet S1.73: a- Rerrised io show rcw chimncy locations. b. Reviscd "Section I'to reflect framing at ncw chimney location Sbcet Sl.t3: Rcviscd to stow new chimney loclrtion- Sh6t 9.42: Rcviscd 'Sectfun 9" to reflcct fruing at ncw chimcy bdion '::. Shcet S4.E2: Rcvised '6ection 9" to reflcct franing at ncw cbimrey locetion 6. 7- 8. 12. 13. Sbeet Al0l: Reviscd dctail ref€ftncc "F/45@" at mcchanical woll. Shcet Al(D: Added detail referwc 'F/A509 Sin" at mhmical *cll. Sbcct Al l4: Rcvirat Unit B Chirey tocatiotr- Shca Alzl4: Reviscd Unit B Chimrcy locafim. Shoet Al54: Reviscd Unit B Chinncy location" Sbcet Al6f: Rcvised wEst Unit A Chioncy location Shca Al74: Revised both Utrit B Chinney locations. Sbcct AlE l: Rcviscd Unit A aDd Unit B Chimey locations. Shcct A202: Addod cad rcad€r / keypad poct mtc for.garage door entry. ShcctA2ll: Rwisal Unit B Chimey location- SbcctA212: a- Rwised Unit B Chinncv location b. Added d€tdt rcfercoce at Unit B fremh balcony. Sheet A2l3: Revised Unit B Chimney location Sheet A2l4: Rcvised Unit B Chimrrey locatioo- Addcndum No. I 009tll - 2 14, SM A222: Added detail referencc at Irnit B iench.balcony' ' 15. SbeetA24t: RevisedUnitB Chimneybcation. 16. SbeetA242: a Rwised Unit B ChirnneY location.' b. Added d€tail reference at Unit B frwh balcony' 17. Sh€et A243: Revised Unit B Chimney location 18. ShcetAZ44: RevisedUnitBChimylocation lg . Shea 4252: Added detail refercnce at Unit B french balcony. 20. Shcct A254: Revised Unit B Chimney location. 21. Shect A26l: Rer.ised west Unit A Ctimney location. 22. Sheet A262: Revised west Unit A Chimnc'y locati'on 23. Sbect A263: Revised wcst Unit A Chimney location 24. Sheet A264: Revised urcst Unit A Ctinncy location 25. Sh€et A27l: Revised to show (l) combined ohimney location split into (2) sqtarate chimney locatiom. 26. SbrrtA27Z: a. Rcvised to show (l) combined chimney iocation split into (2) s€pamte cbinn€y looations. b. Add€d detail refertlrc€ at Unit B ftench balcony 27. Sheet A2?3: Rcvised to show (l) combined chimney location split into (2) separab chimney locations 29. Sb€€r A2?4: Revis€d to sbw (l) combined chiimney location split into (2) s€parate chimney locations. 29. Sheet A28l: Revised Unit A and Unit B Chimney locations. 30. SbeetA282: a. Revised Unit A and Unit B Chimey locations- b. Add€d detail referencc at Unit B french balcony. 31. Sheet 4283: Revibed Unit A and Unit B Chimney locations. 32. Sh€€t A284: Revised Unit A and Unit B Chitnney locatiors' 33. ShoetA52l; Added new fiench balcony details 6 & 7. 34. Sbeet A536: Revised detail 5 to show building 7 similar chimey condition. 35. SheetA802: a Added detail reference E/A507 to Stair 2 - Transverse Scction' - b. Added detail refercnce VA507 to Stair 2 Plan -Plazal*lrcL .: 36. SheetASll: a- Added notes referencing interior drawings and spocifioations- b. Misccltaneous deail and note clarifications and revisions. 37. SbcetASl2: a. Added notes referencing interior drawings and spec:ifications b. Misceltamus detail and noa clarifications and revisions. c. Added rew section detail 5. 38. Sheet 4905: Miscellaneous detail, mte and dinension clarifications and revisiotts. E. Mecbanical Drawings: I . Sh€et M0. I : Reissued exisring sheet for information relafivc to Alternate # 14' 2. Sboet M03l: Added mw $eet deliD€ating Altematc #14- 3- Ml.l !A lbrouebMl.l lD: Added new sbeetr delin€ating Alteroate #14' 4. M2-3l: Added nerr sheet delineating Altemate #14. 5. M2.41: Added new shea delireating Alernate #14. F. Elecaical Drawings: Gore Creek Resfulences Tunnel & Residential Vait Cobrado 12 Jenuary 2lD5 Addendum No. I 00901 - 3 Sheet E0.ll: Added new shea delineating Alternate #14. Sbeet E02l: Adddl nsw sb€et delineating Alternarc #t4. Shcet El.l l: Added ne$, sbeet delineating Alternab #14. Sbcet ESl.4: Added traffic detection loops. G.Fire Alarm / Fir€ Protcction: l. 2- ). 4. l. 2. .'. T. 2. FAOffi6roughFAm5: FF000 tbroug! FP005: FAll0 ttrouehFAl15: FPI l0 ttrough FPI l5: FAl20 throrgb FAl25: FPl20 tbrough FPl25: FAl30 throughFAl35: FPl30 tbrougb FPI35: FAl40 throughFAl45: FPt40 ttrougbFPl45: FAl50 throughFAl55l FPl50 through FPl55: FAl60 lhroughFAl65: FP160 througbFPl65: FAl70 through FAl75: FPl70 through FPl75: FAIE0 lhough FAl85: FPIE0 througb FPl85: Addcd Tilnn€l Fft€ Alarm drawings. Addod Tinnel Ffui Pnotoction dnwings. Addcd Building I Ftue Alarm &awing!. Added Building I Firc Prrotcctln drawings. Addod Building 2 Fire Alarm drrwings. Add€d Building 2 Firc Protectim drawings. Add€d Building 3 Firc Atarm dmwioes. d@d Snilding 3 Firc Protoction dra\dngs. Added Building 4 FirE Atarm dra\rhgs. Added Building 4 Fir€ Pnot€ctiotr drawinge. Addcd Building 5 Fire Alarm drawingr. Add€d Building 5 Fire Protcction driwines. Addcd Building 6 Firc Alarm drawing!. Ad&d Building 6 Fir€ Probctioa drawinep. Add€d Building 7 Fire Alar.m anwings. Added Building 7 Fire Proteotioo drawings. Addd Building E Firc Alarn drawhgp. Added Building 8 Firc Protection dnwings. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. It. 12. 13. t4. 15. t6. r7. t8. H.lnteriors: PART2 PRODUCTS NotUsed PART3 EXDCUTION NotUsod ENDOTADDEIYDI'M ID2.0l: Modificd frebox siz€. ID3.0l: Rcvised fireplacc elcrations and dirnerrqionq. IDI.(D: Addrddalail'"711D/.02". Modified detail "6fiD1.02" showiDe new frebox dimcosioris and hearrh placemeirL a- b. Gorc Crcck Rcriilences Tunnel & ResHcntid Veil, Colorado 1.2 Jmuary2lD5 Addendum No. I 00901 - 4 sD'crroN 0(B02 ADI}DNI'T'MNO.2 PARTI GENERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A Generat E:<ccpt as may be otberwisc fucribd, the materials and wortinanship for tbe Work hcreinafter spocificd shall conply with tbc requiremenf of th€ Contract Doortr€Nlts I.O2 PERTAINING TO TID TTJNNEL SPECFICATIONS A Section 00fi)5 - Table ofContelrb: Indicated revised Spocifcation Sections for issue under Issue No- 13, daredOl/19/05. B. Section 00860 - Ust of Drawingp: Indicated revised Drawiags for issue under Issue No. 13' dated olll9lo5. . C. Section 00902 - Addenerm No. 2: Indicated revisions to Drawings and Spocifications from preruious Issue. D. Section O1030 - Alte,mat€s: Added Alt€mates No. 15 ad 16' E. Section 025 I 5 - Concretc Unit Pavers: Clarified dcscription and thiclness of concret€ uirit pavers in paragraPh 2,01-A F. Section 02516 - Ragstone: Rwised paragr4h 2.02 from 'B€dding SaDd" to 'Mortat'' set G. Section O?5lO - Ilot Fluid-Applied Fabric Reinforced Walerproofing: Revisod drain qp€ in paragraph 2.03-I to 2)rL Ll07'C". I.O3 PERTAINING TO TTIE RESIDENTTAL SPECIFICATIONS Section 00O05 - Tabte of Contents Indicat€d revised Specification Sections for issue under Issue No. 13, datedOl/19/05. B. Section 00860 - List ofDrawingl: Indicated rcvised Drawings for isste undor Issue No. 13' dateil oUr9t05- C. Section 00902 - Addendum No. 2: Indicated revisions to Drawiags apd Specificatiolrs from . prcviouslssuc. ' D. Section0lo30-Altcroates: Add€dAlt€matesl'Io. 15 and 16' tr:(X PERTAININGTOTIIEDRAWINGS A. General Drawings: ' l. Cover Shee! Provided new covcr shect indicating Addendum No. 2, Issue No. 13, dabd oyt9l05- 2. Sb€€b G{01 rhr,oueh G003: Indicated revised gheet for issue under Issre No. 13' dat€d 0lll9lo5. AddmdunNo.2 Gore CYcek Recidenceg Tu!trd & Itcsidcntiel Veil,Colondo 19 JenuerY 2flf5 00902 - I o B. Civil Drawings: ., .\ J; l. Sheet C0M: a. Revised fnished grades above westerly mechanical roon due to top of preest slab elcvatiom. b. Rcvised two subsurface drains to area drains (change covtr to grate). 2. SheetC0OTD: a Added marhole p€o€fiadoo in MH #15 for mof drains coming &om nc*anicaUphding Plan- i.b. Rcfcrrod to Mecbanical plens for roof drains at MH #9- 3. Sheet(x)ll: a- Dolcted higbdensity foacn (in place of coqacted rubgade) from 'Snoumeltcd Pavcr Section Detail - P€d€strian Palh / Encrgcncy Acccss". b. Addd 'Altcmalc #15 - Snowmelted Pavcr Scction Detail - Pedestsian Path / c. ffiHt"tffiff; borlderunu deail C. f:ndscape Onwings: l. Sheet IJ.2: Addcd "Rcf,er to Civil- nole clari$ing location of PcdcsEien Palh dctailfug. 2. Sbeet 13.3: Added 'T.efer to Civil" note clari$ing locotion of Podcstian Palh detailing; ?. Shoet L5: Revised plantiag ar€a at koj€ct cnky sigp - *est Ttrmcl €Nrtltray. D. Stsuctral Drawi4s: I . Sheet S I 20: Reviscdrciswed duc to printing crror. 2. Sheet 51.23: Revised ohimney location- .,. i:. 3. Shcet 31.63: Revised e;himcy tocation , ,. . li-) -' E. Arcbiteclurat DrrTvineFt I . Shcet A I 0t : Addcd Sectim indicators st tJ/pical Rrsid€ntial Unit valkrays rcforencing dclails on new shcet A500. 2. SbtAl24: Rwised chimey location ''r' 3. ShcctAl34: Addcd dimions at chimncy}ocatior.. 4. Shea A164: Revised chioney location- 5. Sbet A202: Added reccsscd sigrage niche at west elcvation adjaceNrt to Titnncl cffiy. 6. SDrr/.AZL2:.Rcvisodchireylocation 7. ShcetA223: Roviscd chimncv location- E. ShectA224: Revisedchimo€D'location- 9. SheetA262:Rwisodchinrf'locdion 10. Sieei A263: Rwised chinney location ll. ShcetA264: Rcvisdchinncylocation 12. Sheet A3 I I : Revised chimey location-13' lY*3"*'*location b. Corrcctcd pony w.a|l and footing locations in crawl space. t4. sbrA3l3: a. Rwisod chinocy location b. Addcd notc 'Rc: Sqir Detail" refermc. c. Deleted indication ofpony wall in erawl spaca 15, SheaA3l4: Rwisodchimeylocation 16. SbeerA3l5: Gorc Crck Residcnces ?umd &Rcsldcrdil Vail, Colondo l9Jenuery 2005 AddcndumNo.2 wmz-2 o .. a. Rwised chimey location and detail reference- b, Corrected pony walt ad footing locations in crawl space' 17. SheetA32l: Reviscd chirnney location. lE. ShcetA322: a Revised chimey location- b: Deleted indication ofpony vrall in crawl space. 19. ShectA323: a- Deleted indication ofpony u,rall in oawl space. b. .ddded note 'Re: Stair Dcail" reference. c. Deleted inilication of pony wall in crawl space. 20.' Sbeet A324: Conectotl pony rvall and footing locations in crawl space' 21. Shect A325: Corected pony rrall and footing locatiom in crawl space' 22. SheetA332: a Revised chimey location b. Add€dnotc'Re: StairDetaif'rcference. 'c. Deletcd indication of pony wall in crawl spacc. 23. Sheet A333: Coneccd pony clall and footing locations in crawl space. 24. ShoctA334: a. Added note'?e: Fire Protection ofConoealcd Space". 'b. Corrected pony wall and footing locations in crawl space. 25. ShectA335: a Added notc 'Re: Stair Dctail" reftrence. b. Deletod indication ofpony wall in crawl space- 26. ShcetA336: a Added notc 'Re: Stair Detail" referencc.' b.' Corrnrcted pony wall and footing locations in crawl qpacc. 2'1. SboetA34l: a. Revised chimney location b. Added note 'lRe: Stair Detail" reference. c. Deleted indication ofpony wall in crawl space. 28. S@.A342: n- Reviscd chimney location b. Added mte'Re: Stair Detail" refere,nce. c. Deleted indication ofpony wall in crawl space- 29. ShectA343: a. Minor correction of chimney position b. Added note "Re: Fire Protection ofConcealed Space"- c. Rsvised mtc 'Re: Chimnqy in Foreground", instead of beyond- d. Correctcdpony wall and footing locatiom in crawl space. 30. ShcetA344: a. Added Dote ?c: Firc Prorccdon of Concealed Sprce".' .b. Correc-ted pony wall and footing locations h crawl space. 31. SbcetA345:' 'a- Add notc "Re: Fire Prolection ofConcealed Space". b. C.onectcd pony nall aod footing locations in craw{ ryace- 32. SbcctA35l: a Revised chimoey locarion b. Aded mte ?e: Stair Deail" refercnce. c. Deleted indication ofpony wall in crawl spacc- 33. SbectA353: + Revised chimrey locatioc b- Added mte 'Re: Stair Detail" referatce. c. Deleted indication ofpony wall in crawl space. 14. ShoetA354: Gore Crcek Resfoleftes Tunnsl & Rcaidentitl Veil,Colondo 19 JanuerY 2lX)5 AdrteldumNo.i 00902 - 3 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4t. 42. 43. a- Added note'Re: Fire Protcction ofConcealed Spacd'. b. Coirected pony urall and footing locations in crawl space. ShcetA355: a Added mte "Re: Fire Protection ofCorccaled Space". b. Corrected pony rrall rnd footing locatiom in crawl space. Sheet A356: a Added note 'Rc: Fire Protection ofConccaled Space"- b, Correctcd pony wa[ and footing locatiore in crawl space. Sheet 436l: a Rwised chimcy lcstion- b, AddcdnoteRc: StairDetail"referencc. c. Deleted indication ofpony wall in crawl space. Sheet A362: Revised climnev location Shoet A363: a- Rcvised chimney location- b. Added note "Rc: Strir Dctail" rcference' c. Deleted indicalion ofpony wall in crawl space. Shca A364: a Rcviscd chinney location and detail refcrence. b. Correoted Bony wnl and footing locations in crewl space. ShcctA365: a- Revised chimey location. b. Correctod pony wall and footing tocations in crawl ryace. Sbcct A366: Correctcd pony vall and fmting locations in crawl rpaoe. Sbeet A3? l: a- Revised chimrey location- Sheet A372: a Revised chimney location b. Added note ?e: StNir Detail" r€feremce. c. Dele'ted indication of pony wall in crawl cpace. Sheet 4373: a Revisedchim@location- b. Added note 'Re: Sbir Detail" referencc. c. Delered indicarion ofpony wall in crawl space. Shcet A374: .i L Revised chimneY location b. Corrected.pony wal ad footing lcations in crawl space. c. Added mte'Rc: Firc Pnotcctirm of Corccalcd Spce". ShectA3?5: a Reviscd chimney location b. Conectod pony wal od footing locatiom in crawt saacc. Shcet A38l: Rcviscd chimcy location- Sbeet A3E2: a Revised chimey location b. Addcd note'Re: Stair Dctail'referem. c. DclEted indication ofpolry unll h crawl spacc. Shcet A383: Rwised chinpey location- Sheet A384: a- Revis€d chimnqT location b. Added note "Re: Stair Detail" rcfere'nce. c. Dclered indicatim of pony wall in crawl ryace" a 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 5t. 52. ShectA385: a Revised ehimreY location b. Corrected pony wall and footing locations in cra*l ryacc. Gorc Creek Resldcues Tuuel & Rccidcntiel Vdl,Colondo 19 JanurrY 2005 AddendumNo.2 fixro2 - 4 53- 54. Sbcet A386: a. Revised chimney location b. Corrected pony wall and footing locations in crawl space. SheetA5fi): a. ddded new sheet detailing t)"ical Residential Unit uraltvalt. b. Added Plan and Seotion 5 & llAfrO - *Alternate #16 - Saowmelted Flagstone . Paveoe'nt Plan & Scction". Shi A8 I I : Deletod indication of pony wall in crawl space. Sheet A8l2: Deleted indication ofpony wall in crawl spice' Sbeot A905: Addedmiscellaneous notcs of clarification - "Re: Fireplacc and Chimq/1 Mecbanical Drawings: ductqro{t for forced air desip in Crawlspace llvel - McchanicalMl.llA Reviscd Plan- Ml.llB: Revised plan to reoove ductwork ft,om cciling spacc. Ml.llC: Revised phn b reinove ducnvort fron ceiling space - floor regist€rs in entryway, kirchcn drctqre* rclocatcd to sofft M t. I lD: Revised plan and relocated supply registers - srpply ia resnoom urder cabinet in toe kick Plumbinglbawing l. Sh€et P3.28: Extoiled storm pfoing to ooDncct to manlrdle M-15; refer Civit drawings 2. lXH]#'"iltended stolmeipitrs to conn€ct to manhole M-9; refer to civil drawings for continuation- Electical Drawings: ' I . Sbcet EO.2: Provide (S) 20A 2P GFCI circuir breakers for i€at F.ce to roof drains. Use space available in paoels IIP2 & HP3. 2. ShcetESl.l: a Building #l: P1ovidc 208v conrection for heat trace; circuit back to panelffi3'34' 36. Coordinare locafioa with piping. .f.b. Building #2: Provide 208v connection for heat trace; circuit back to panel HP3-38, 40. Cpordinate location witr pipine. 3. SheaESl-2: a. Buitding #3: hovide 208v donnection for heat tracc; circuit back to parel HF3-37' 39. Coordinarc location with piping. b. Buitditlg tt4: Providc 206v co rection for heat haoe; circuit back to pancl I:P2-21, 23. Coordinate location wilh piping. 4. ShectESl.3: a- Buifding #5: Provirie 208v connoction for b€at trace; circuit back to panel HP2-25, 27. Coordimte localion with piping' b. Building #6: Provide 208v connection for heat race; circuit back to panel W2-22, 24. Coordinate location with ptping. 5. . ShcetEsl.4: a Buitding #?: Provide 208v connection for hcat trace; circuit back to pilcl HP2'26, 28. Coordinate locatio'n with piping. h Building #8: Pnovi& 208v connection for heat tace; circnit back to pml HP2-30, 32. Coordiute location with pbins Gore Creek Residcnccs Tunnel & Rerftlential VeiI' Color:do tr9 JenuerY 2fl)5 55. 56. s7. F. 2. 3. G. H. AddendumNo.2 tp902 - 5 o reitrz ?RoD{icrs l{otusd . IART3 . TXDCUIION NottIrod Addcndrnl.l,o.2 E{DO[ADI}E{DI'M. wlnz-6 GorcCreckt:dlcrs Ibd&ncdaothl Vr4Collrrdo 19Jrmrry t00ll .F sEcTroN 00903 ADDENDUMNO.3 PART1 CENERAL I.OI. DESCRIPTION A Generat Exc€pt as may be otherwise dcscribe4 the nateriats and woftmanship for the Work hereinafter specified shall corrply wiih the requirements of the Contract Documents. I.O2 PERTAINING TO THE TUNNEL SPECIFICATIONS A. Section 00005 - Table of Contents: Indicated revisea Specification Sections for issue undcr Issue No. 14.dated0l/28l05. ' B. Section 00860 - List of Drawings: Indicated revised Drawings for issue rmder Issuo No. 14, datcd 0U28105. C. Scction 00903 - Addendum No. 3: Indicated revisions to Drawings and Specifications ftom previous Issue. I.O3 PERTAINING TO TTIE RESIDENTIAL SPECIFICATIONS A. Section 00005 - Table of Contents: Indicated revised Specification Sections for issue under Issue No. 14, dated0l/28l05. B. Scction 00860 - List of Drawings: Indicated revised Drawings for issue under Issue No. 14, dated 01128105. C. Section 00903 - Addendum No. 3: Indicated rwisions to Drawings and Specifcations from previous Issue. 1.04 PERTAININGTOTHEDRAWINGS .-..1 A General Drawings: l. Cover Sheet Provided new cov6r sh€et hdioating Addendum No. 3, Issue No. 14, datrd 0v281o5. 2, Sbe€b G00l througfi G003: Indicated revised shects for issue under Issue No. 14, tlated oU28105. B. Electrical Drawings: l. Sheot ESl.2: Relocated meter staok from current location above grade to inside Tunncl. Route the nec€ssary conductors from the transformer under the tunnel slab to the meter location- 2. Rcsidential Buildings I tbrough 8 (Tpical) - Not shown grapbicall5 but to be inclu&d in the Project: a. Provide arch frult oircuit breakers on all Bedroom oircuits. b. Provide GFCI circuit breaksrs for the gutter beat trace. c. Provide GFCI circuit breakers for tbc spa equipnent AddendumNo.3 Gore Creek Residences Tunnd & Residmtial Vail Colorado 28 January 2fi)5 00903 - 1 C. NOTE: Ilard cogf,'rtcord drawinsF (ar oood abow) arc boing icsrld b ll x 17 frrd 6l Addcodn tlo 3. horc IssEs will incedo fuo drarviqgs rr ftl..rizcd choclr. PERTAINING TO BIDDBN, QUESTIO}TS A}.ID AI{SWER.S A- QucstionSctNo. I &e l. R!&( to attrc.bod {Qrocdoo Sct No. I & 2', d&d 28 Jmuy AD5, &r gctu polod by rrtktrr Bfidotlr,.Dd fu fu mnrsr Drovidd by.to Oud Cottciloc rod/c . DocipTm. PARTz PRODUCTS NotUecd PART3 EXECUIION NotUsod DNDOFADDDNIX'M GoirCtctRcddoece Turnd&Rrflcntlrl Vlx,Grlando2|Juu.rtt*t ,n AddcndumNo.3 00903 - 2 il € 'ac co !o5ct aEsE gggE EEEE EiEE g;ggg t J Eo ggEEE €EEgE €EEF= g€g;*- EE€€E; $gggEE Ps sbqt EgIItsp:8 =E-- @ EE 9A €s EEt€ g6 o=(!c= xEp8--o5-o€ HEE E;Ect608i;3 E€gE€ >bc6E95 EEE fE$ to6ooo.crEa "8a E ClJoE 6 I oxooE Eo 6 Eg =etc, o(9 Co oce eo :qoGF oc66.c)o F 8fo r'€ €E Ei?6ss-co d'l| E.E €e 6a E.Ee*oo ET EEc)BtE e:>4, EPS9-o-ctag\?l *€ oct I g, Eo g ?!tg Eg o (D;o]o;,E eEg'., gd ?!o 9!) =EL(,€EgB d=o6 €E Lell:oR!o EEt -ooo.ct E9:E.Pr:50 E9 oeot) oc,io 'olrg oEa ll E oF ef(,coC'o sls s:reqso R! Cr. oE €c 'ococo @ dl6o c,6 oEoooc =c =@o.c. cooosoo oE 4l 6Et; es$BEE eE5 EE€992grE TEE EEge EgaEftE P+ eEEf IiEE E€gE g€aE iF€E 0|oEFr€;E.:g s:45Pr€ HEC €EE EgI E:g FEE 99 a XsExE: q'-dc #$g .ig! 5E&EE8UPE $=F eE== -,9 Fc|Cl Il --. $;EE i?€E oo tso.) ,9E alt adll -gq c.o o!tc =e "c o.cl oo,o Eooc cotto =c!.s EJ6clo 5 toc ,9 Eco.J tl .g atoo(tc 8o Lotc tt C' 5 Eo oc o o e .9 oo oo.o o-(Jc 8oriN !ac a r. 0.o EfoEtt(,ooll iD ooo o.E;eoo lltcoIJa.J 1)oottcoocg o. oo.(ott anttc .goF a o oo g o o o sz oc (!c (!c -- E* EEo t5c @c 6c oc Eo o (,aoo oo.ooq, cttc Fott (o ot) a.)eo otl,co oco all o(t .go EE o og oetg() o o '|E .at otoo ttoo = c CO {)E c oooEo osto6 q,trc -9 (Ea ooo o 6IL t _- .9!agoEO9o-oioEO o rf It 6c, Csooti!;E 6z ot.c?rc (Ct !... i€ i zovt ulz {& @ E-ooER-3 Ett SSFF F p5*e o.<oo z: 8i 2: <:dt @ (,rooodR * Eo-! i:.;. aE SSEE F pEs tA<{Jc! GI € oz Ftu anzo o IIJ c€ -gJ c CIcrEoegt:9a =re=ix E: !EQx :(D -EEEc] $E E=E6o.cic|.oo,G ?lt ,Eg 6ecZF8 E.9corE C,:BETecEEE= =EsE.= ="85E 9"- Erg EAgE!!o EE g €EE gEF F3F iFE gfigg$g ggs :gEEigEE* $E*EigEiE E9o= Eie3.eC OE TEE €FE $EE-r-o6ooG.'C 3€E gece E$EEs-:E EH E: $sE # iib Ia. I oIlrjz ,{'lr, d, 6-r!odRiE$O *-F .iEE E t: ;Es eo-<oo o Ecooo?o= cv 6Ec9ct! $E 5h oo 1e o.ELOo:_soNC .a {,o oc cot do Eo ot3 ottgc GIo. 6ootJto.c o EEeE.!!co':b$6CGe8ceu8 E HTgs€ E E.* E*;!99p€ceeei'E6.tsg€a cgoooEE5=6(Dd iE E€ iEe g ;E€=- i; eEEgEi FE€€E s;gg 5 €iEE el6c igs!E iEA€E iEE gE e9rE =9gE EOcr=qogL 5$ !8EooctL ceUo oEbE E9 ES-=t [.q Bg TE $E IEarc Qs cov, .9. oo oo .Jc 1' Eooo op ocCt o o oEo = FIF6cs6.rg6E <)o 8oE o :el\ o.c €o .g I !a EatEl- 5;c ct ro ooE!, Coggot, c' so{'IJc E .9 Eoott(,c;q dtct cltt !o!t dtt.:)oto.c .g o oqlE(tt il 3 o|oo ct ciu, oroEU' itoq .g!,q (D E E!tco c, =oT'oq.ca 6- oo roc 8oG EoE3o Eo =fott!tEo o oc,o.J oc, EE s5 EEtEc E€ eFoo EE EEEI5!95-to65 EE gE go 'E98: E=GC =Eo=€E E!ocF*..o-o*F Q+ect $6 !tott oc .9, Eoo o J-o g oE oc6at E o-()E E:t('!) =I6oc o CD'E =€coE3 o IL og o() !too-ae!, E iOE oE 3I cIoa E oo 'o !tCo ogg 5 oa .EoE3 oat aa oa 'aoo Eoit looc ooE]cI Et cto CD GI eoto.o Eo.c,Fr Eo e oatEoEt)|' t .Eo Eo,C .E cll o C5 E(,oo € oo E g 6 =o 62! ttc e Eog oEF sio .s 'EI' oo .g ooqoc oG CottoI€cIaoEooc I oc E!t @ o-o co r.:oc(|, E CL;Iv,t)o5 Ef1't6 E C|.d{)ilJttg o !lo.Jcogo P (,€o e 8:(E E(! C!ot co g t otol <'to- too o4' CDca T' ocCaF ct5 coEooC { t: ilac ffi I{ <:d;" @- zoIu,z E-oodRiE{;-i'E ,g*ES t: P$sg (\l € tu U' g o 'og €o Iat5o E @crFo! o6 o !,|D .!o .!4, El1.ci o o.o(t os oaco-o, e) oo @o!loo EGoo .p !, E o Jo Eq, (!o c!o oco o) p o, lDotz |Do Io-os a) .E oEF oc,EooI (D Io o c(!i CSFo..o o*e]; <qlotL $F vc''= =E€E EegE TE s3 8.3 Eh5b96=] eeo]sEga ssEE EErltSteg5.lt =oE5iet6 9bll== EEg (xc i 50d Set E.F 5 €pE E!rgoc s€ 9e.o€ ct :t € 8E Etag99 -=o 'L! O g r*€ EE$] qE EE€ E*Eeidu€rl EgE EeE EEE Egg o Ja,cooo+N\} $ 3nc{o! rt o o.g =5.aoE o =o!t$s e.g HE-:daoo E€ E6oo EFcoOL.clD EEEc|tt >oo!{,CN16,,€g E' ogE= 6;b=rDOEO =d,F} ol .E E =lr..E =o3!stoctrOooi^s-t: o9tc lnOE*+dobtlo EOOEpE OE EE oo s8ezEgtlal o3€s €g6Oll, tl!rt=oE63b89Eau =a)=xcL c,ooE,EFF eJ(,c 8 t(\lrt Iulc a r a .a) o E o o tto{tcoc6tt oot EoI 6o'e oE() lD E oE o s E oo Eoo coo EoE o a,':oo o oa o E oo @ .io i:oiac st rl g- (,p ..?(9la EEooor.I G) (!- -oc# Eg $Ee EE F:9 0 gEe EgDI .€ 6.)! (r) o Ees95 c =;gboo .ro 5 ] 8-€ ciefr fie g AEF(!=o/rE; $95 F 5.3 o o o () .!2 o :q CI otoo Eog o o o o.El2 oooo(, Yoo q,c. =ut t:o! 14c ot t|' e =G oo d o ct C'E oc !0c,G|c =o^ E€ E$o oool $5.L oN al(L co ll l'Ooo bc @ o.J E(, ll oo3 CDc E(!or E <)€ oo o l1elDosot oo o3o U) oo o E o o E (r) 6 .Eo(J Eoo I(tr 3 IJ oo Eoo c,. -9 =al!4r 3:qt9(,-'O-gECt o oc o oc oc ELooE!o9o= az (ool l-c{GIol o,C{ .3 t zo9 ll.Jz HeER EE$ e* Fe F eEEs fii 2i <:d,'i @ EpAX * c "<;.qfl;-ag s$,EE t:fjor:fi$It SEfEtta0to <o.<cto ol oU oz ul ct,zol-(tl!)o a€E gs.$ iEipEb iF! EE€t(Jo;o o938 $EEIEG L EC; €Ei 5gi!= ct-F=fE!-o' €E .oC- EEOO SE (E:oFbE a@ EAE E:E *E€8ie EEE T' CDC E:E E;F *g; E€€ E€E EEgE EE;E €tc, !tG ottood *o =oIFo !D .Jc 8 otEo e 3;olt!too .cl Egci€ €E EE EE;o<E EE'o _a B? 9€ €Eoclool 1E 5E ER eBEE$€ *3 €g EE$ *$g B9E gsg ooclr ctr -8E;Ec]Aca€c a8 €E E$Ee EEE €EE gFE a]0c co ao a g d Ee66 Eg TBd; .EoeF{,(!.Y o|.= EEac,orEsE6Eric'i.Ft -CE6 *.8;8EE6ct€o =>=oEdE.:tr!46.r= ? E€ HEisq9!t= fo occ6(t l|- octao {t ftt{l,c(Jo @ exr= TD Eg 6 co E o ce;IF06o urEo-OG =ct4=EC bo>EoE 8.Ete e?Eu 'E iggggi a =o oct g ac a,^ =oEO EEo co fl ttIoo .9 =8G(,o Efx (Dc E.9J co _4,!aoEC'!oE.'?oDdt o og CLooEllOEo=az F z:Ai ;-^ ! .:= rz.a <:di G- .Jrog9 Gf(i tsi?.;q 8$&E t: ;Hsqo.<oo o SECTIONIXDM ADDENDI'MNO.4 PART1 GNNERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Gencral: Exc€pt as may be o6erwise descrr:bed, tbe naterials and uorkmamhip for tbe Work ' herefoafter spocified shall coryly witb the requiremeots oftk Contract Documtts- I.O2 PERTAININGTOTIIETI,'NNELSPECIFICATIONS A Section 00fi)5 - Table ofContents: Indicated revised Spocifcation Sections for issre under Is$e No. 15, dated ff129D5. B. Scction 00860 - Ust of Drawings: Indicated rer.iscd Drawin$ for issue under lssue No. 15, dated ut2905. C. Section 00904 - Addendun No. 4: tndicated rovisions to Drawings and Specifcatiom from prwiotts Issue. I.O3 PERTAINING TO TIIE RESIDENTIAL SPECTFICATTONS A- Section fi)005 - Table of Contents: Indicated rwised Specifcation Sections for issue under Issrc No. 15, dated O429l05. B. Section fl)86o - Ust ofDrawings: Indicated rwised Drawings for issnre under Issue No' 15, dated Mngn5. C. Soction 0Q!O4 - Addendm No. 4: Indicaed rwisios to Drawings and Specifications from previous Isnre. I.(X PERTAININGTOTIIEDRAWINGS ... . A Gwral Dnarvings: l. Cover Slreet Provided nery cover slrc€t indicating Addendun No. 4, Issue No' t5' datd uzglo'. 2. Sheets Gml trough G003: hdicarcd rwiscd shcets for issrr under Issue No. 15, datcd Mt29tO5. B, Architcctural Drawings: l. sb.etAl 15: Rcvisod variors Ueil Fnhre tlT€c' locationq and quantities' 2. Sheet Al t6: Rcvisod vrriors USht Fixbre tltpcs, locations, and qrnntities. 3. Sbcet Al 17: Rcviscd vadrrs Uglt Fixbre t)"€s,locatiom, and quantities.' 4. Sh€et Al25: Rcvised variors r ight Fixbre t ?€s, bcatiore, aod quantitics- 5. Shca A126: Revlsed urious UEht Fixore t]'pes, locatim, and quantitics- 6. Sheet Al27: Rerrised rzrir:us Ligbt Fixture t,"€s, locations, and quantities- 7. Sh€ct Al35: Rwisod varhs Ligbt Fixnrre tlT€s, locatbE, and quaritities. 8. Sheei A136: Rwised variors Ught Fixture tnes,locations, and quantititx" 9. Sheet Al3?: Rwised various Ught Fixnrc qpcs,locationsr and quartities. AddcnduNo4 1D904- r Gorc Crcek Rcridcnccs Tunnel & RceHendet Vail, Colorado 29 APril20i|l5 10. Sbea Al45: Rcvised various r ight Fhtrrp gp6s, locatiors' and quanrfties' I I . Sbeet A'l 46: Revised various Ugbt Fixore tJD€s, locariom, and guantities. 12. sbeet Al47: P€visod various Liiht Fixore tlT€s, locations, and quaniities- 13. Shea Al55: Revis€d varbus Ught Fixture t,"€s, locations, and quanrfties' 14. sbeet A I 55: Revised various Light Fixtu€ tlTes, locarions, and Enntities. 15. Sbeet At57: Rcviscd narious ugbt Fixhtr€ typ€s, bcatiors, and qutdities. 16. Sbea A165: Revised various Light Fixue tj/p€s, locations, and quantities. |7.SbcetA166:RwisodvariousLightFixuret}T€s'locations'aDdqudities' lE. Shcet A16?: Rerriscd various Light Fixaro $"€s, localions' and quailities' 19. Shca Al75: Rcviscd various Ugbt Fhnu? t)"€s, locatfuns, and quantities' 20. Shcet A176: Rwiscd \rarious r ighr Fhorc tlTcs, locatirms' md gamilies' 21. Sbeet Al7?: Reviscd various Light Fhnnc tlrpcs, locations, md quanities' 22., Shcet At85: Reviscd various Light Fixture tlTcs, locations, and quantities. 23. SheA A186: Reviscd variors I -ight FixtuB t 'pes, locations, and quanffties. 24. Shect Al8?: Rcviscd various LiSht Fixolt€ t Tcs' locations' and qEntities' B. Elecfirnl Drawings: l. ShcctEO-l: Revised Panelboard Sctodules 2- Shect E0J: Rcvised Panclboard and Ugbt Fixnrc Schcdules 3. Sbea El.l: Rcvised varior Etectrical o|rtlct tl'pcs, locations, and quantiti:s' 4- Sbect El2: Rcvised variors ugbt Fix$rc tlT€s, b6tioos, quantities and rwitchiag; 5. ShJ EO-IZ: Rsvised Panclboard Schedules 6. Stea E022: Rcvised Panclboard and Ught FLttre ScHules 7. Shect El.l2; Rcvised varirus Elecui;al Otrtkl t1ryes, locations, and quantities' g. Shoet E1.22: Rcvised varixs Licht Fixtr€ tlTes, locations, quantities and ecriching. 9. Sbcei E0-13: Revisod Parclboard Schedules 10. Shcct E023: Ravisod Parclboard and Ught Fixarc Schodules ll. Sh€et El.l3: Rwisod vari<rrs Elecrical otrdct ttT€3' |iocatbns' md quantitit:& I 12. Shcef El23: Rcr.iscd various Ligbt Fixtfic t]rp€s' locatiom, quantities ad switching' t3. Sh€t E0.l,f : Revised Panelbord Sctcftlcs t4. Sbcct E0r,l: Revired Parelboard and Ught Fixturc Scbcdules 15. Sheet El.l4: Rcvised vrir:us Elecrical Ortla t1rycs, locations, and quanrlies' 16. Shcet EL24: Revised vrrins USbt Fixore tlTes, locatiolls, Erantitics and syit hitrg. 17. Shcet EO.ls: Rcvised Panelbord Scbc&l€s .. 18. Sbcet E025: Rcvised Parctboard and Ught Fixua $chedulcs I g. sb€et E I . | 5 : Rcvired vari<xs Elecrical ortlet tlpcs, locations, and quantitics. 20. Shcet E t 25: Revisod rnrious Ugbt Fhtlt€ t'"es, locatior, quantitics and swircling. 21. SbctE0.l6: Revised Panelb@rd ScDcdulcs T2. S}rx*EiO26: Rcvised Prnelboard and Ugh Fixtuc Schedules 23. Sbcct Et.l: Rcvised rrariors Electrical Outlet tlT€s, locatioG, and quantitics. 24. shcct E I .26: Rcviscd vrriors tigbt Fhbre tnes, locatiom, quantities md swilchin8. 25- Sbcct E0-17: Rcvised Panclboard Schcdules 26. Shcct E0.f: Rcvisod PaneDoard and LiSht Fixntrc Scbcduhs 27. Shcet El.l?: Rwised various Electricat Ortlet types, locatirm, ard Enntitics' 2g. shcot El.2?: Rcvisod v[iow ligbt rifttre t],pes, locatiom, qrnntities and switching. 29. Shcci EO.IE: Revised Panclboard Scbcd'olcs 30. Shcct E0.28: Revised Panelbmrd md Ligbt Fixtrc Scficdutes 31. shcet El.l8: Rcviscd various Electrical outtet $pes, hcations, and quannitics. 32 Shcet El2E: Revised various Ugbt Fhture t'"€s, locations, quantities and swilching. Gorc Creck RerHcnes Tunnel & Resftlotial Veil' Coloredo 29 APril2005 AddcndunNo.4 00/904-2 I. J ?IRT2 IRODI'CTS No.thcd rtnrt ExrcunoN ' Nottbd AddodruNc4 E{DOTADDM{DINil GorcCrockRcrf,cplbd&Xrdlaltrl Vr&Cdmdo 2tAprf 20Gt 00ror -3 sEcTroN00905 ADDENDT'MNO.5 PARTI GENERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A Generat E:rcept as may be otherwisc describo4 the materials and wortnanship for th.e Work lrereinaftcr specified shall cornply with the requiremenb of the Contract Documents. I.O2 PERTAINING TO THE REVISED TUNML SPECIFICATIONS A. Section 00005 - Table of Contents: Indicated reviscd Specification Sections for issue under Issue No. 16,datod05/16/05. B. Scction fi)860 - List of lbawings: Indicated revised Drawings for issue under Issue No' 116, dated 05/16/05. C. Scction fiD05 - Addendum No. 5: Indicated r€visions to Drawings and Specifications A,om previous Issue. D. Section 01030 - Alternates: Clarified decisions madc for each Alternate' E. Section 025 I 5 - Concrete Unit Pavers: Revised Paver thickness from 80mm to 60mm. F- Section 033fi) - Cast-IrF.tlace Concrele: Added specific flanrork fnish requiremens by location G. Section 08? l0 - Door Hardware: Deletcd llardware Set No. I l. H. Section I I150 - Parting Control Equipment Addod dial r1p contol capability to Ttrnnel overhead entry door. I. Section 153fi) - Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe System: Dcteted four (4) automatic sprinkler zon€s in Tunnel and included antifreoze sptem U-loop configuratioru for ResidentiaPautomatic sprinkler zones. Added reducod pressuro bacldow prwention assembly' J. Section 16721 - Fire Alarm: Added addrcssable hcat dctection tbroughout Tunnel. I.O3 PERTAINING TO TIIE REVISED RESIDENTTAL SPECIFICATIONS A Section fi)005 - Table of Contcnts: Indicated revised Specification Sections for issue under Issue No. 16,dated05/16/05. B. Section 00860 - List of Drawings: 05/16/05. C. Section 00905 - Addendum No. 5: lndicated revisions to Drawings ard Specifications from previous Issue. D. Section 01030 - Alternates: Clarifed decisions made for each Alternate' E. Section 08610 - Clad Wood Windows and Doors: Added definition of approved cladding color Gore Creek Rcsftlences Tunnel & Reidential Vail, Coloredo 16 MaY 2005 Indicated rwised Drawings for issue under Issuc No. 16' dated AddandumNo.5 00905 - I selections. Added requirement for cladding color submittal. F. Section 15300 - Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe System: Included antifreeze automatic sprinHer systcms for Residential Units. G. Secrion 16721 - Fire Alarm: Clarifi€d Residential Units to have two s€parate and distinguishing notification audibles - one for local Residential Unit notification and the other for Building (complex) notification H. Section"InteriorSpecifications": l. SpecificationContcnts:Updated. 2. Specification Sheet A-16: Revised fireplacc box and accessories specifications. 3. Specification Sheet A-17: Revised fireplace log set sP€cification. 4. Specification Sheet A-18: Rwised fireplace log set spccification. 5. Specification Sbeet A-19: Rcvised freplace log set sp€cificatio[ 6. Specification Sheet STN-19: Revised hearth slab stone finish- 7. Specification Shect MT-4: Rcvised iron baluster specification (%" dia). 8. Specification Sheet MT-5: Rcviscd iron baluster specification (9/16" dia). 9. Specification Sheet MT-6: Revised handrail specification 10. Specification Sheet MT-?: Revised newel post specification- I.O4 PERTAINING TO THE REVISED DRAWINGS A. General Drawings: ,f' l. Cover Sheets: Provided new oover sheets for tunnel and each of8 buildings indicating Addendum No. 5, Issue No. 16, dated 05/16/05. 2. Sheets G00l through G003: Indicated sheets for issue undcr Issue No. 16, datod 051t6105. B. Civil Drawings: Sheet C0O3: Revised various spot grades for landscaping. Moved planter drain between . Buildings 3 &4 per pre-cast design. Sk€t C004 - Revised grades above mechanical room due to soil depths. Revised Pedestriar/ Emergency Path gra.de to Station = 2+50. Tbe proposed 18" CMP culvert under the bike path adjaccnt to South Frontage will be By O{bcrs. Sheet C009 - Revised ramp grade to 4.5Vo. Sheet C0l0 - Noted AlterDat€ #10 as 'rejected'. Sheet COl l- Delcted Alt€rnate #15. Revised paver thickness to 60rrm per l.andscape. Sheet C0l2 - Relocatcd Easterb Mardott sew€r service. Sheet C0 I 3 - Deleted primary electric line under bike path. Relocated electsic meter stacks inside building per Mechanical. Sheet C0l4 - Revised Maniott sanitary scwer service profile. Gore Creck Residences Tunnel & Residential Vail, Colorado 16 MaY 2005 l. 2. )- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Addendum No. 5 00905 - 2 c. g. Sheet C023 - Revised Building I roof drain penetration location per Stuctural and Mechanical. Iandscape Drawings: I . Shect L I : Added calt-out to identiff concrete walk from Marriott Hotel to Pedcsrian Ambulance tane as: *4' wide concrete walkway - no color, medium broom finistr-" 2. Strea L4: Deleted plant materials, bark mulch and steel edging in area north of northern Pmperty Line from Forest Road to the north parking garage stairs. a. Deleted Trees: (3) 2.5" Malus Spring Snow, (3) 25" Malus Radianq (9) 2'5" Aspeq (2) l0' Spruce, (6) 12' Spruce, (4) 14' Spnrce and (6) 16' Spruce' b. Deleted Shnrbs: (10) #5 Comus stolinifera" (13) #5 Prunus virginiana melanocarpa, (6) #5 Salix purpurea 'Nana' and (6) #5 Syringa vulgaris' 3. Sh€ot L8: Deleted irrigation drip line in area north of Pedestrian / Ambulance lane from Forest Road to just north of Building 5, and area just south of Marrio$ parking garage. Strucnral Drawings: l. Sheet St,b3: laAca testing and Inspection requirements to General Notes. Revised detail E anchor bolL 2. Sheet 51.04: Added tesritlg and Inspection requirements to General Notes. Revised deail 8 anchor bolt. 3. Sbeet SI.05: Added testing and Inspection requirements to General Notes. Revised detail 8 anchor bolt. 4. Sbeet 51.0,6: Added testing and Inspection requirements to General Notes. Revised deail 8 anchor bolt. 5. Shect S 1.07: Added testing and Inspection requirements to General Notes. Revised detail 8 anchor boll 6. Sheet S 1.08: 466t6 i6sting and lnspection requireme'lrts to General Notes' Revised detail 8 anchor bolt 7 - Shect S I . I I : Revised location of unit A fireplace support taming. Revised fiaming ov€r storage area and durnbwaiter. Revised dimensions for south bay window at B rmits to match architech.ral revisions. 8. Sheet Sl.l2: Rwised dinensions for south bay window at B units to march architecnrral revisions. Revised floor faming to etiminatejoists ovcr breakfast nook in A units. Revised elevation ofsteel tub€ fra-r bea- ut sooth wall ofA units. Revised elevatiorr of LVL beam to direotly betow plywood in A units. 9. SheetSl.t3: Revised roof faming ofB unit based on contmctor input 10. sheetsl.3l: Revised location ofunit A fireplace support framing. Revised framing over storage area and dumbwaiter. I l. Sheet 51.32: Revised floor framing to eliminate joists over breal&st nook in A units- Revised eter,ation of ste€l trbe frame beam at south wall ofA units. Revised elevation of LVL beam to dircctly below plywood in A units. 12. sheet s I .4 I : Revised location of unit A fireplace supPort framing. Revised framing over storage arca and dumbvaiter. Revised dimensions for south bay window at B units to match architectural revisions' 13. Sheet 51.42: Revised floor framing to eliminate joists ovcr breakfrst nook in A unib. Revised elevation of steel tub€ franre beam at south wall of A units. Revised elevation of LVL beam to direotly below plywood in A units- 14. sheetSl.5l: Revised location of unit A fireplace support fi'aming. Revised ft:aming over storage 31.ea and dumbwaiter. Revised dimensions for south bay window at B irnits to nratch architectural revisions. 15. Sheet S1.52: Revised floor framing to elimhate joists over breakfast nook in A units' Revised elevation of steel tube frame beam at south wall ofA units. Revised elevation of LVL beam to directly below plywood in A units. Gore Creek Residences Tunnel & Residential Vail, Colorado 16 MaY 2005 D. Addendum No. 5 00905 - 3 t6. 17. 18. 19. SheetSl.6l: Revised location of Unit A fireplace support framing. Revised framing over storage area and dumbwaiter. Sbeet 51.62: Revised floor iaming to eliminate joists over breakfast nook in A units. Reviscd elcvation ofsteel tube framc beam at south wall ofA units. Revised elevation of LVL beam to directly bclow plywood in A uoits. Shect S I .? 1: Revised dimensions for south bay window at B units to match archit€ctural rcvisions. Shect Sl.8l: Revised location of Unil A fireplace support framing. Revised framing ov€r storagc arEa and dumbwaiter. Revised din€nsions for south bay window at B unib to match architechtral rcvisions. Shcct S 1.82: Revised floor framing to eliminate joists over breakfrst nook in A units. Revised elevation ofsteel tube fiame beam at south wall ofA units. Revised elevation of LW bean to directly below ptywood ia A units. Shect 52.10: Rwised dirrensions of concrete wall openings to rnatch Architectural; clarified concrete stair attachment at ihickened slab and revised top of wall elevations. Shect 52.20: Rcvised dimensiors of concrete wall openings to match Architec0ral; clarified concrete stair attachment at thickened slab and revised top of wall elevations. Shcet 52.30: Rcvised dimensions ofconcrcte wall openings to rnatch Architeofi'ral; clarified concrcrc stair attachment at thickeocd slab and revised top ofwall elevations. Sheet 52.40: Rcviscd dimcnsions of concrctc wall openings to match Archit€ctural; clarified conoretc stair attacbm€trt at thickened slab and revised top of wall elerrations. Sbeet S3.0: Removcd ledgc angle at top ofnorth wall and added reinforcing clarifications. Sbect S3.l: Removed lcdge angle at top ofnorth wall and added reinforcing clarificatioos. Shect S3.2: Removed lodgc angle at top ofnorth wall and added reinforcing clarifications. Shect S3.3: Rcmoved lcdge angle at top ofnorth wall and added reinforcing clarifications. Sheet S4.l l: Reviscd dccil 5 to allow for frebox to fit within chimney framing. Shect 54.21: Revised detail 5 to allow for fircbox to fit within chimaey framing. Shect S4.31: R€vised detail 5 to allow for firebox to fit within chimney framing. Shect 54.41 : Rcvised detail 5 to allow for firebox to fit within chimncy franing. Sheet S4.51: Revised detail 5 to allow for firebox to fit wilhin chirnney framing. Shcct 54.61: Rwised detail 5 to allow for firebox to fit within chimney.Fattfng. Sheet 54.71: Revised detail 5 to allow for firebox to fit within chimney franing- Shect 54.81: Rwised detail 5 to allow for firebox to fit withio chimney Aaning. 20- 2r. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3r. 32. JJ. 34. 35. 36. E.Architectural Drawings: l. 2. J. 4.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I l' AddendumNo.5 shcet 4002: Revised HoA storage room walls from wire mesh to solid wift solid doon. Shcet 4003: Rcvised HoA storage room walls from wire mesh to solid with solid doors. Sheet A0O4: Revised HOA storage room walls from wirc mesh to eolid with solid doors. Shcet A006: Revised HOA storage room walls from wire mesh to solid with solid doors. sheet A007: Revised HoA storagc rcom walls from wire mesh to solid with solid doors. sheet A008: Revised HoA storage room walls from wire mesh to solid with solid doors. Sheet A0l l: Revised notcs and dimensions at details 6 and 7. sheet Al I l: Added door and door tag to 'under stair storage' and added clarification of stair floor finish. Sh€€t Al 12: Added clarification to stair floor finish Revised dimensions near B unit dumbwaiter. Corrected other various plan dim€nsions. she€t Al 13: Revised urall type and thickness, and revised 3d floor edge location at attic north of Closet 38. in Unit A. Sheet Al 16: Deleted exterior 'address' light fixture. Gore Creek Residences Tunnel & Resldential VaiI, Colorado 16 MaY 2005 0090s - 4 12. 13. t4. SheetAl22:Addedclarificationtostairfloorfinis|LR€visddin€DsionsnearBunit dumbwaiter. Sheet A126: Deleted exterior 'address' light fixtur€' iheet et3 t: Added door and door tag to 'under stair storage' and added clarification of sair floor fnish. Sheet Al32: Addcd clarification to stair floor 6nislt" Sheet Al33: Revised wall U,pu roa tni.Utts, and revised 3d floor edge location at attic north of Closet 38. in Units A Sheet A136: Deleted exterior 'addr€ss' tight fxture' Sheet Al4l: Added door and door tag to;under stair storage' and added clarification of stair floor finish- Sheet Al42: Added clarifcation to stair floor finish- Revised dimensiors near B unit dumbwaiter. Sheet At43: Revised watl tlpe and rhickness, and revised 3d floor edge location at attic north of Closet 38. in Unit A. Sheet A146: Deleted exterior 'address' light fxture' Sheet A I 5 I : Added door and door ag to :uoder stair storage' and added clarification of stair floor finish. sn"et atsz: Added clarification to stair floor finish. Revised dimensions near B unit dumbwaiter. sheet Al53: Reviscd wall type and thickness, and revised 3d floor edge location at attic north of Closet 38. in Udt A. Sheet A154: Deleted portion ofgutter and downspout Sheet At56: Deleted exterior 'address' light fixtu€' ifr.rt n f e f r Added door and door tag to ;under stair storage' and added clari6cation of stair floor finish- Sheet At62: Added clarifcation to stair floor finisb' Sheet 4163: Revised wall tpe and thickness, and revised 3d floor €dge location at attic north of Closet 38. in Unit A. . Sheet A164: Deleted portion ofgutter and downspout and added copper rain diverte(s)' Sheet At66: Deleted extorior 'address' light fixtlre' Sheet AlTl: Added door and door tag to;under stair storage' and added clarification of stair floor finisb- Sheet Al?2: Added clarification to stair floof finish. Revised dimensiorrs near B unit dumbwaiter. Sheet A176: Deletod exterior 'address' light fixture' sheet Algl: Added door and door tag to;under stair storage' and added clarification of stair floor finish SheetAlS2:Addcdclarificationtostairfloolfnish-ReviseddimensionsnearBunit dumbwaiter. Corrected other various plan dimensions' Sheet Al83: Revised vall t5ae and tlickness, and revised 3d floor edge location at attic north of Closet 38. in Unit A Sheet At86: Deleted exterior 'address' ligbt fixtre' Sheet A2l l: Added wood siding. Sheet A2l2: Revised location oiexterior wall sconc€s at ['ow€r Lvel' Sheet A2l4: Added wood siding. Sheet A22l: Added wood siding. .Shoet M22:. Revised location of exterior wall sconces at Lower L€vel' Sheet 4223: Added wood siding. SheetA224: Added wood siding. Shwt M!2:, Revised location olexterior wall sconces at ['wer l'vel' Sheet A233: Added wood siding. Sheet A234: Added wood siding. Sheet A24l: Added wood siding. 15. 16. t7. t8. 25. 26. 27. 19. 20. 2t. 22. 23- 24. 28. 29. -t.) - 34' 35. 36. 37. 38. 39' 40. 4t- 42' 43. u. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Addendum No. 5 30. 31. 32- Gore Creek Residences Tunnel & Residential Vait, Colondo 16 MaY 2005 00905 - 5 -.t 50. 51. 52. Sherut A242t Deleted portion ofgutter and downspout and reviscd location ofextedor wall sconces at l,ower hvel. Sheet 4243: Corrected location ofTunnel wall and added wood siding. Sheet A244: Added wood siding. Sheet A25 l: Added wood siding. Sheet A252: Rcviscd location ofexterior wall sconces at l,ower Lrvel. Sheet A253: Added wood siding. Shcet 4254: Added wood siding. Sheet A26l: Added wood siding. Sheet A262: Rwised location of extcrior wall sconces at l.ow€r L.rcl. Shcet A263: Added urcod siding. Shect A264: Addcd wood siding. Sheet A2?l: Added wood siding. Sher,t A272: Rerdsed location ofexterior wall sconces at lower Level. Shcet A273: Added wood siding. Sheet 4274: Added wood siding. SbeetA28l: Added wood siding. Sheet 4282: Rcvised location ofexterior wall sconces at L,ower Lcvel. Sheet A283: Added wood siding. Sheet A284: Addcd wood siding. Shect A3ll: Rcvised elevation of stecl moment frame. Revised configuration of roof fusses near grid C. Sheet A3l5: Rwised fireplace support at crawl space and revised to indicate correct roof structure. Sheet 4324: Revised firtplacc support at crawl space. Sheet A333: Reviscd fireplace support at crawl spacc. Shect A343: Reviscd fireplace support at crawl space. Sh€ot A354: Rwised fireplace sup'port at cra$rl space. Sheet A364: Reviscd fircplacc sqrport at crawl space. . Sb€ct A374: Rcvised fireplace support at crawl space, Sheet A385: Revis€{t firEplacc support at crawl spa.ce. Sbeet A40l: Added concrete pad with snow mclt below intake louvers, typical, detail 3. Revised concrete landing at Garage Entry landing, detail 4. Sheet A412: Rwised French balcony detail tag. Sheet A4l5: Addd detail 3, Fir€place Wall Section Sheet A52 t: Rwiscd detail 4 nall locadon dimensions. Shect 4522: Deleted details 3 and 4 - Alternate #2 - 'lighted address markers' Sheet A53l: Reviscd dctail I roof insulation thiclcnesses. Sheet 4532: Rcviscd dctail E roofinsulation thickncsses. Sheet A533: Rcvisd d€tail I roofinsulation thicknesses. Sheet A535: Revised detail 5 roofinsulation thicloesses. Sheet A537: Deleted detail 4 - Altcmate #7 (Rclocatcd to Sheet A284.) Sheet A70l: Revised doors and hanlware for doors Tl9A, T37A, T59A. Sheet A702: Revised durnbwaiter door dimensions. Sheet A7l l: Rwised Dumbwaiter door widtls. Revised to indicate terpered glazing. Ad&d window tpc key at Entry door sidelite gladng. Sheet A75 l: Revised sill height for Tlpe 'E' window and added indications for tempered glazing and egress windows. Added Window Type 'U'. Revised scheduled dimersioru rclative to window units 'E" 'L' & 'o'. Sheet A752: Revised sill height for Type 'EE' window and added indications for tempered glazing and egress windows. Revised height and RO. height for window units DD&OO. Sheet A8 I l: Added undcr-stair storage door and various dimensions. Sheet A812: Added various dimensions. Gore Creek Residences Tunnel & Rcsidential Vail, Colorado 16 May 2005 .. .-\' .11 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. u. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 7r. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 82. 83. 84. 85. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Addendum No. 5 00905 - 6 95. 96. |. 2. J. 5. 6. 4. Slreet A90 I : Revise details for dumbwaiter shaft dimensions and increased door widths. Shcet A905: Revised 'Venting Diagram'. Added new wall detail reference key at detail 5' Indicated fireplace RO. dimensions on plan details. F.Mechanical Drawings: 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. Sheet M0.2: Added HOA option EF-6 antl Grille/Diftiser Scbedule' sheet M0.3: Renroved Fan coil schedule and added radiant baseboard to schcdule. Shect Ml.lA: Routed supply and return water for optional baseboartl beat. Forced-air heat aad associated ductwork removed Sheet Ml.lB: Routed supply and return water for optional baseboard heat Forced-air heat and associated ductwork removed. Sheet Ml.lC: Hood exbaust located in soffit on north end of kitchec Sheet Ml.2A: Routed supply and rehrm wat€r for optional baseboard heat Forced-air heat and associated ductwork removed. Sheet Ml.2B: Routed supply and retum water for optional baseboard heat. Forced-air heat and associated ductwork reinoved Sheet Ml.2C: Hood exhaust located in soffit on north end of kirchen' Sh€et Ml.3A: Routed supply and retum water for optional baseboard heat. Forced-air hcat and associated ductwork removed. Sheet Ml.3B: Routed suppty and retum water for optional baseboard heat. Forced-at heat and associated ductwork removed Shect Ml.3C: Hood exhaust located in sofrt on nodh end of kitchen Shect Ml.4A: Routed supply and return water for optional baseboard heat. Forced-air heat and associated ductwork removed. sheet M1.48: Rtnrted supply and return water for optional baseboard heat Forced-air heat and associatod ductwork reooved Sbeet Ml.4C: Hood exhaust located in soffit on north end of kitchec sheet MI.SA: Routed supply and return water for optional baseboard heat Forced-air heat and associated ductwork removed. sheet MI.SB: Routed supply aud renrn water for optional baseboard heat. Forced-air heat and associated ductwork removed. Shea MI.SC: Hood exhaust located in sofrt on north end of kirchen Shect Ml.6A: Routed supply and retum water for optional baseboard heat' hcat and associated ductwork removed- Shcet Ml.6B: Routed supply and retum water for optional baseboard heat' heat and associated ductwork removed- Sheet Ml.6C: Hood cxbaust located in sofrt on nortl end of kitcber Shcet Ml.?A: Routed supply and return water for optional baseboard heat' Forced-air heat and associated ductwork removed. ,Sheet Mt.7B: Routed supply and return water for optional baseboard heat. ' heat aud associated ductwork removed. 'Sh€et Ml.7C: Hood exhaust located in soffit on north end of kirchen Sheet Ml.8A: Routed supply and rehun water for optional baseboard heal bcat and associated ductwork removed. Sheet Ml.8B: Routed supply and rehrm water for optional baseboard heat' heat and associated ductwork removed Sheet Ml.8C: Hood exhaust located in soffit on north end of kitchen' Sheet M3. l: Added 2' wide snowmelt strips to air-intake areas- Sheet M3.2B: Added 1.5 cfir/sq.ft. ventilation to HOA storage units' Sheet M3.2C: Added 1.5 cfrn/sq.ft. ventilation to HOA storage units' Sheet M3.2D: Added 1.5 cftn/sq.ft. ventilation to HOA storage units' Sbeet Pl.lB: Revised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Master Bath' Sheet P I . I C: Revised cold and Hot water supply to I " for Master Bath' Gore Creek Residences Tunnel & Residential Vail, Colorado 16 MaY 2005 t4. 15. t6. t7- 18. 19. 20. 2t. 22. 23- 24- 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Addendurn No.5 Forced-air .Forced-air Foroed-air Forced-air Forced-air 00905 - 7 JJ, 34. 35. 36. 5I- 38. 39. 40. 41. Sheet Pl.2B: Revised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Mastcr Bath- Sbect Pl.2C: Rcvised cold and Hot warcr supply to l" for Mastcr Bath. Shect Pl.3A: Sand / Oil separtor vent Sheet Pl.3B: Sand / Oil sePartor venL Sheet P l.3C: Revised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Master Bath. Sheet PL4B: Revised cold and Hot water supply to I" for Master Bath. Street Pl.4C: Rcvised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Master Bath Shcet P l.5B: Revisod cold and Hot watcr supply to l" for Masg Batb- SheetP!.SC: Revised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Master Bath- Sheet Pl.6A: Garage sand oil separator vcnted through house. Shcet Pl.6B: Garage sand oil separator ventcd through house. Sh€ct Pl.6C: Garage sand oil separator vent€d tbrough hose. Shcet Pl.7B: Reviscd cold and Hot water supply to l" for Masier Bath. Sh€et P l.7C: Revised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Master Bath. Sheet P l.8B: Revised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Master Bath Sheet P t.8C: Revised cold and Hot water supply to l" for Master Bath. Sbeet P3.2B: Sand / Oil separtor vent Sheet P3.2C: Sand / Oil sePartor vut 42. 43. 44- 45- 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. G.Electrical Drawings: l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. t0. I l. 12. t3. t4. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. 20- 2t. Sheet E0.l: Sheet E0.2: Sheet El.l: Sheet El.2: Shcet E0.12: Sheet E0.22: Shcet El.12: Sbcet 81.22: Sheet E0.13: Sheet E0.23: Sbeet El.13: Sbcet E|.23: Shect 80.14: Sheet E0.24: Sheet El.14: Sheet 81.24: Shect E0.15: Shect E0.25: Sheet El.l5: Sheet E1.25: Sheet 80.16: Sheet E0.26: Sheet El.16: Sheet E1.26: Shcet E0.17: Sheet E0.27: Shect El.l7: Sheet 81.27: Shcet E0.18: Sheet 80.28: Sheet El.l8: Sheet E 1.28: Sheet ES l. I Revised Panel Schcdulcs, Revised Mechanical Equipment Schedules. Revised Panel Schedules, Deleted Light Fixture Type'Z'. Relocated fireplace contnol switcbes. Deleted note 3. Added note I l. Deleted nole 6. Deleted 'Lighted Address Markers'. Revised Panel Schcdules, Revisod Mechanical Equipment Schedules. Revised Panel Scbedules, Deleted r .ight Fixhrc T)?e 'Z' . Relocated fircplacc control switches. Deleted note 3. Added note I l. Deletod note 6. Deleted'Lightcd Address Markers'. Revised Pancl Schcdule,s, Revis€d Mechanical F-quipment Schedules' Revised Panel Schedules, Delctd Light Fixture Type'z' - Relocated freplace control switcb€s. Delaed note 3. Added note I l. Delcted mte 6. Deleted 'Ligbtcd Address Markers'. Rcvised Panel Schedules, Revised Mechanical Equipment Schedules. Revised Panel Schedules, Delcted Ligbt FixweTyp'z' . Relocated fireplacc control switchcs. Deleted note 3. Added note ll. Deleted notc 6. Deletod 'Ligbted Address Markers'. Rcvised Panel Schedules, Rcviscd Meohanical Equipment Schedules. Revised Panel Schcdules, Deleted Light Fixtue Typ€ 'Z'. Relocated fireplace control switches. Deleted note 3. Added note I l. Deleted note 6. Delcted 'Ughted Address lvfarkers'. Revisod Panel Schedules, Reviscd Mechanical Equipment Schedules. Revised Panel Schcdules, Delacd Light Fixture Tpe 'Z'. Relocated fireplace control switches. Deleted note 3. Added note ll. Deleted note 6. Deleted 'Lighted Address Markers'. Revised Panel Schedules, Revised Mechanical Equipment Schedules. Reviscd Panel Scbedules, Deleted Light Fixture T]"e 'Z'. Relocated fireplacc control switches. Deleted note 3. Added note ll. Deleted note 6. Deleted 'Lighted Address Markers'. Revised Panel Schedules, Revised Mechanical Equipment Schedules. Revised Panel Schedules, Deleted Light Fixture Typ'Z'. Relocated fireplace control switches. Deleted note 3. Added note ll. Deleted note 6. Deleted 'Lighted Address Markers'. Added Light Fixhre 57 at the unit Garage Entry. Added general note I ' 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28- 29. 30. 31. 32. JJ. Gore Crcek Residences Tunpel & Residential Vail, Colorado 16 MaY 2005 Addendum No. 5 00905 - E " 34. Sh€ct ES 1.2 Added Light Fixtur€ S7 at the unit Garage Entry. Added general note l. 35 . Sh€er ES I .3 Added Ught Fkhnc S7 at the unit Garage Entry. Added general note I - 3,6. Sheet ESl.4 Added Light Firtue S7 at th€ unit Garage Entry. Added general note l. H. Fire Alarm / Fire Protection Drawings: t. Sheet FA0fi): Modifiod sequence of Operation Matrix' 2. Sheet FA00l: Added heat detectors in Tunnel and deteted Zone 4 waterflow and tamper switch and associated modrles. 3. Sheet FA002: Add€d heat detectors in Tunnel and deleted Zone 3 waterflow and amper switch and associatcd modules. 4. Sheet FA003: Added h€at detectors in Tunnel and deleted Zonc 2 waterflow and tarper switch and associated modules. 5. Sheet FA004: Added heat detectors in Tunnel and deleted Zone I waterflow and tamper switch and associated rnodules. 6. Sheet FA005: Modified one-line to identify above changes' 7. Sbeet Fp000: Modified details to reflect Antifreeze slatems and pressure rcducing valve for watcr entrY. 8. Sb€et FP0OI: Delcted Tunnel Zone 4 waterflow and tamper switcll 9. Sh€€t Fm02: Deletcd Tunncl Zone 3 wat'erflow and tamper switch" 10. Sheet FF003: Deletcd Tunnel Zone 2 waterflow ald tamper swirch I l. Sheet FPOOI: Deleted Tunnel Zone I waterflow md tamper switch' I. Interiors Drawings: t. She€t ID2.0l: Revised enlarged plans D and F to show funed half-wall' 2. Sheet ID2.03: Reversed sbowpr door swings on enlarged plans A and D' 3. Sbcet ID2.O4: Rcverscd shower door swings on enlarged plans B and C' 4. Sheet ID3.0l: Removed glass doors from fireplace elevations A and B and revised Powder Room elevations E and G to show firrcd half-wall' 5. Sheet ID3.07: Revisod elevation A to show frirred balf-wall' 6. Sbeet IDl.02: Revised &rails 6 &7 fot fuqlu:,e stone veGr and mantles. T.Sheetl}t.o4:Reviseddetait2shorteningMasterBathbuilt-iDstolS''dee]p. I. Upgrade Drawings: .... t . Sheet Ufi) I : Reviscd Upgrade Mechanical Equipmert Schedul€ and Electrical Parel Schedules. 2.ShetUl0l:RezonedAirCorrditioningupgradesystem.HomeTheatreupgradefrn coit and condeosing unit added to Schedule. 3 . Sheet U I 02 : Rezoned Air Conditioning upgra.de system. Revised FCU- t circuiting. Added RecePtacle. 4. Sh€et U402i Revised Home Thease upgrade without Air Conditioning upgrade. 5. SheetU403: AddedFCU-5. AddedtJDeCfixture' 6. Sheet U50l: Flipped hot tub / spa 180 dcgrees; removed access 'pit' and wood deck platform and added a 5'4" wide opening in stone wall at south to expose access panel and controls. 7 - Sheet U502: Revision noted above was shown on Electrical Plan of hot firb / spa. 8. Sheet U6Ol: Revised kitchen range hood for outside air make up without air-conditioning upgrade. AddedEDH-I. 9. Sheet U702: Rwised Circuiting for P I ' 2, 4' 10. Sheet U90l : Added Optional Baseboard Heat Upgrade Package Gore Creek Residences Tunnet & Residmtial VeiI, Colorrdo 16 MaY 2005 Addendum No. 5 00905 - 9 PARTz PRODUCTS Not Used PART3 EXECUTION Not Used ENDOFADDENDT'M 00905 - l0 Gore Creek Residbnces Tunnel & Residential Vai! Colorado 16 MaY 2lX)5 .\, Addendum No. 5 I I I t t I I 424(o^ ARCH ITECT'S SU PPLEM ENTAL INSTRUCTION No. orrA ro; Mike Cuthbertson M Nelson & Associates 5 | Eagle Road #2 Avon, CO 81620 Gore Creek Residences PRolEcrNo: 20900.00 DArE: 08.12.05 6suED: 08.12.05 tRoM: Pax ChagonPROJECT: Gore Creek Residences The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Confact Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates your acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Confact Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental Instructlon Titlel Buyer Revision Unit #15 (CO #1) I I T I t I I I I I I I Reason for Change: Buyer requested revisions to Building I / Unit #15 Description of Instructions: Change Order #1: . NOT APPROVED. . Extend stair wa[[ height at seuth side between the Garage and M a rf,{evets-N 0T A,PPROVED. . Modify stair handrait, balusters & newel post design lcoordinate with Interiorsl. iF-N0T APPROVED. Coordinate built-in television cabinet adjacent to fireplace [Coordinate with Interiors]. Remove stone veneer above mantel at Garage and Main Level fireptaces [coordinate with Interiorsl. Remove column at Kitchen 8109. grid tine C.3. Add wine cooter and trash compactor at Kitchen 8109 [coordinate with Interiors]. Revise location and soecification of microwave oven in Kitchen B 109 [coordinate with Interiors]. Add wood paneting at breakfast counter [coordinate with Interiors]. Revisions to Breakfast Room 8110: Provrde watl at south side Kitchen 8109 to separate Breakfast Room from Kitchen. Remove existing desk and adjacent wall at southeast corner and add pair of 30" wide French doors entering into room [coordinate with Interiors]. Rec+oveluilt-in-Uenetm+u.tility-Reermgf0a{ee€rdina+e-wrt}+lnterior€1. NOT APPROVED. I Replace gtazed entry door w/sotid wood entry door (as shown at typicat A Unitsl. Add skytight at Master Bath/ Upper Level. Coordinate other misceltaneous issues with Interiors, Structurat, Mechanica[, Etectricat, Ptumbing & Fire AIarm & Protection as documented. ------\/,-->--\ Remove Storage Room watl & door and extend framing, Gypsum Board, finish & paint along West Watt of Garage. Provide additional exhaust fan and air transfer qriltes over atl showers and tubs. 42 | ,O ARCHTTECTURE rNc 162l EiShreendr Streer Suite 200 Denver, Colorado &)202 t 101.292.1188 f 303.292.3lll www- {2!(}erchitecture.com The info.n€tio.t conlained in this .nessaqe is privileged and confidentiai intended only for lhe use of lhe individual(s) ot entiMies) named above. lf the feader of this mesage is not the intended recrpienl, you are hereby notitied thet any dissemination. dislribution, of copyrng ol this cornmunicetion is slrictly prohibited. lf you have received lhis communication in er.or, please notify 42l.{O Archilecture, Inc. immedialely. I 4240 I nu".**r r* Enctosures: t r,:::":"';ff:"- & cu'[ shee'!s I I By Paxchagnon I ReceivedBy: Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (a240) Mike Day (M/E) Mike Wallace (lvI/E) Mark Gee (Monroe Newell) Brian Thompson (RJA) Chris Morgan (WJE) ASI FileI I I I I I I I T I I 42 | 40 ARoflEcruRE tNc I 161l Eighteenth Street - Suite 2m D€nver. Colorado m202 tr0r.2err3s8 ru.zlr.ilir ll#'TH:T#T#*#ffifiS,H1?:3*l'ff""::"i?:ff"Tfijf,Si jff,ff"'iji#::'lilfl,trl$?]ffi1 lwvw.4?,(hrchitecqrreromh.soodrrr'nic€liooissttidyprofit'ited.f!'ot,have.eeivedthisco.nmUnbatioiine.'o..p|easenolify4z4oA'd|itqhc,.nd|q. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I z00D (9s8s oN xu,/xJl 88:tI oEJ, 9002/87/Loo SOURCES: AN / SACKS nLE: 2O6-4/j-8917 z'd zll6zzs sroz 17-J7-O5 THE9ETIC YAIL KEgIDENCE FINISH LEGEND SYMEOL STECIHCATION 5YMEOL I STEC|F|CANON STONE9LAE9 5TONETILE 5fo-l <T|ACN@''!IER MARELE SEAFOAMOREEN EASEOEOOE I'E eldt POTEED META 5T -l ENTPYFL@K FLAG9TOT€ ?ENNSLYVANNIAVARIEGATE #17 ,t+*fJ',CK RANDOM SOIJRCF:: OALLE@5CORF. 9f6-2 PO|,O€R COIN IER MARFLE 4,EEN WAVE EASEDEDGE 1-1/7gI* ?OI.6TED MICWLAIJGEA 5f -2 lvA.S,lEROAH FLOOR LIME9TONE JURA9IONE SEIGE tgxto HONEO tulRCE MIC|IELA |ALO ,19-5 UASIER BAII| COO|IER MAROLF- RAIN FOREST tsRov\4{ E,+5EOEDGE t-rE SIAb TOLoIED META 5r -2-0 MAS|ER EA TI] T4ALL9 LIMESfONE JUMgTONE IDEKJE 9X1b I.IONED flURCE MCHELA^IGELO 5TO-4 aAtH rt cootfER LIMESTONE /\20LAOO9E EA5EDEOGE '.'T2'tlah roLEtEP MICHELANOEIO 5r-3 AAIH b FLOOR!' L rr,tEeror'tE FR. Bu-,E UMESrONE16X16 FlOl'rED tut-RCE At{N 5ACK9 5f6-5 DATH '2 @I'TnER GRANITE RASIICO6ROTM! EA5EOEDGE 1-1T2' slab PotEED META 6Ant3 WALLS tIIiEgiANE FR.6tUELIME5TONE oxr6 FPI.IED AM'I5ACK5@IJRCE: ?to-c AA|H '5 @TNfEK GRANITE #ECKLED OROWN E|\qEO EDAE ttz 4* Fo{ptro MIoHELAI,IGELO 51-4 DAftS t2 WAIL, gLAiE roru9 8X16 MTURAL @URCE AMERICA^T SLATE 5r -4-9 6Afr612 w^t.La tE LOfW AY6 MTURAL ARCE AMERICANq.ATE FIKETLACE gTONE CARTET 5-l FKT'TAG IACES UMES'ONE Wfi.JTER9ET#26 9TACKED (DRYgTACKED.LOOK) *,E PFIOTO FOR L YO T /)URCE: GALLE@9COR.- c?T-1 MAST€R9EOROOM 6-2 FIRPUCE I EAR|H gAB PEI.T'I9LWAI*.IIA VARIEGATE Tfl EA5EOEOGE ?'THIA< IIONED fuURCE GALLEGO9 CORF. c?r-2 9EDROOM S FT-' 9E0ROCIM5l.2 GLASSTILE Gl-1 XTAEN OAG*LA5TI STYLE TAKEGAROA 9lZE:. 4Xb COLOR: ECRU GLO%Y flJRCE Al{.tSAcKSfLE GI-2 MWPER R@M 'TYLE ERNAOAM5 5VE: OFF-SET PATIERN COLO& n4 fis, rtg, c25, t51 TRCE. A^NgCKsfT.E wooD FtooR CAFINETg wF-l RUSIIC CHEgNUT OAK CAO.1 o?ftoN #3 dnoug u9lsag euaz dBS:IO SO 8Z In1. t I t I I I I t I I I I t T I I I I t =l *l EI 3l E-l 5lt|.t 'rlLr;ltzl? =ltlo H.(L:fAl- bJ (r LrJ O(n LL \f!1 $o E t*r3 TN \\ I 5Iz c).\ \) =l *l EIololJItLl rl1-lt-l<ltft nl,T-ls ?ta @ \la :, s? !$ \ilQ $3 $$ Z \tt \B ( -t:t!) -) \t)o $\t b? U 8.o_3 uD j- lrJ ELl c)(nu- z.l 5lo-l EI ql ;l1-lFI #lt lr)l.i.-lq r-ll =H@ I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Irv -i, l.,' - c.,1 ,r),!j 5T-l #25 Colorado Buff Stained Strin Winterset Limestone #28 Telluride Graystone#27 Rainbow Blend A #29 Hand Picked Light Grey #30 Rainborv Blend B #3 I Ashland Rubble Smear'#32 Telluride Ledgestone u,ith Jumpers rlrcrr. o:rllnoncnnrrr rnrrr I I t I I I I I I l, t t I I I I I I I Fprfxz--' I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I ve.^(y (1 4y,d1)trc | 5r- t wwrv. gal lcgoscorP.cont l) I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I l) I s-4 t t-4lr>-', L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I '\ %J q* I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I t I T I I t 5rb-4 I I t I I -<-i12-^ - t\.,2 | r_) _) T I I 5rb- b F-o+-Tlc-SXetres€'es Ches tnut O a[< Optioa #t WOOD F'N.O tOO] ORIN G wF -l 216 Main Sfrcet, Surle C-100, Edwards, Colondo 81632 #970.926.8200 I I lI I I I I I I lr I t I I I I I I I -'#- ,*;-'-,/ KITCHEN WOOD FLOORING gd SlifertDesigns Reclaimed Oak Option #2 216 Main Sfreet. Suife C-100. Erlwatrls. Colondo 81632 #970-926.8200 I I I I I t I t T I l I I T t I I I I ooI I I T I I I t I t I I I I I t I I I l'/ l,/ Cabinet T(t"obs ia Pewter Finish Accent Cabinety with Seedy Glass in Distressed Basil Finish KITCHEh{ C,{BINETRY OPTION #3 sriteftesignn r Cabinet Door wifh Applied Moulding Slab Drawer Front 216 Main Streel, Suile C-100, Edwads, Colondo 81632 #970.926.8200 t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I Alder Cabinet Door with Applied Moulding and Slab Dtawer Ftont Antique Fewter t 'fi"-,ng+?Ll Cir,^p.', Io prort,)z t herdwqa'" U'rirzt-+'^r 216 tvlain Slreef, Sude C-100, Edwards, Colondo 81632 f.970.926.8200 Alder Cabinet Doot with Applied Moulding and Slab Dtawer Front t I I I t I I t I l: I I I I I I I I I Aatique Pewter 216 Main S'eet, Surle C-100, Edwards, Colorado 81632 #970-926-8200 I sooE [es8s oN xu/xr]88: 'r nIIJ 9002/82/ LO I I t 5E7tC YAILR.ESIDENCE T|.|,MFING FIXTUKE 9,CHEDULE 2r-Jt-o5 MAINFI LOOR l.lO.9Frc?DE9CR,]?TION MAM'F.gTEC|FICATION 5ZE coroR REtvlARK9 ?-l KITCHEN 9NK FATE| WA1ER AgPEI€ER SOAP ASTENgER wAgfEowog^I TRAIKE FR tX,E FRAME FRA}XE FRANKE 5I.IA-E UrDERf.,lOtA'f - "9x 11O-3O-9 F(700 t'.2o60 902snt viD1ootwl Mf200 |AotNt !nx1b Alr-E96 SATN NIT(EL SATN }.dCKE! 5,\TN Nt1(EL CHROME I.I.JDER COLNTER CONT. FEEP 7-2 ?ANOER ROOM 9l.x FAJCET WAWRKA KO}I.ER IITETEDovAL.2&17-5t4X15-3t4 At|GulR *ouf SAT.'ILVJA.JrcK:AEN@LD VRERAIT oRIISIED oRONZE WATER CIO3El 1010 CARLYLE-M9674114 tk6674ll49 9 NA.O56 tt?-*oor{,^-wl.rt 6RPORAI r,|otur w7104RBW|OOV ?.5 7-+ GIJE:9TONft|6 ar6r oATt15 9l.t( FATET KOILER ('onER cAxroNK-?ua ME}JOR5 STATELY K - 454-+9-?*.1 l9-1t4',X16-1t{-owutt SO ltt*"-^r., BKI.'gHED NICKEL I 2&5 WATERC1OSE tofo c ArJ-YLE-tu€.O7 1t14* t Vl507 4tl 45 TT2SEDON E€r.E SIOWER THERM. ftlo ftF1gl'r,t'/ER WAgIE A.OVERFTOW KO}TER KOf|.ER |(o}{rR KOHTER |E\/,o\R9 K-T462-45 | K-:5o445 DEYOIIg+TRE K.I€4 ]E /'01IRS K-T46't-45 I K-5O4-K K-7161-l\5-*l 60x3D.23 rrturtao rrcd''xac(r,raE -BAL?r} l(.Eu Iffiu196 | SRI]5IED $ICKEL ERtrSlEO }SKEL MASTEREATH MAgTER, EATH 5|NK5 FAI,CEf KOFT-ER KOFTER LADENA K.2214-G IArcNEr K-bA5-4-4t 2AX4 LEVER!|ANOLEg WA1ER (LG9E[fofo c AtutLE-*gb1 4ll4* I r,607 411 49 5N.!AO95 *12*ooNAOEIGE TUS ll]E5E7LWerc }|^ DSHOWER/5EI VALYE TR|IM RI.,,GH IN VALYE KALL6TA KOILER 6ROHE G?OHE 6ROr€ EARSARA 6ARRY T9 0014.0A.96 t t ffiREf K-T 0235' 4 lK''Ol-K MWAR0 2$-574AVO cH! R^NAJ l9-la5 35-250 60x3'u1b-1t 4 LNEN.96 6RIJ9+IED NICK SATN NTKEL gATN NIOGI. OECK MOTNT w^slE & OVERFLOW ?a571-OO-tG-tA '\1N NICKEL I I I I I t e-d ZI I6ZZ9 €lOZ dno..rg u9rseg euez dgg: IO SO AZ In1. I $I l-no""ts, Dispensers, and Nice Touches riantce Faucets ATT400 Polished ChromeATT470 Folished NickelATI4E0 Satin Nickel ATO e00 Polished Chrome ATO 470 Polished Nickel ATO 480 Salin Nickel ATO 400 S€rles ,Ail- WE AIT 40O Sedes ,Af/ \\ll u ll .-bs" A .a'llAIJA A t I ATM 400 SErles /Ail' edE AiM 400 Polished Chrone ATM 470. Polished Nickel ATM 480 Satin Nickel FF200 Potished Chrome FF 201 Polished Chrome/White FF 210 tvhite FF 2aO Sarin Nickel FF 200 SeriesI 300 Sedes F4gI FF 3OO FF 30! FF30] Ff 304 FF 3iO FF 330 Polished Chromel Polished Chrome/White* Polished Chrome/BI6ck' Polished Chrome/Biscuit' White Black 'Available with Accessibility Handte 62512C Polished Chrome 525tSN Satin Nickel Noler For FF 300 se.ie5 only. FF 340 FF 380 Ff 355 Fr 359 Biscuit Satin Nickel Anth.acileTone 8rcnze Tone Gold Tone Accessihlllty Handle ,_/tl $.",;-r{FF 600 FF 601 FF 603 FF 604 ff 610 FF 630 FF 640 FF 680 Ff 690 Polished Chrome Polished Ch.ome/White Polished Chrome/8lack Polished Chrome/Biscuit White Elack Eiscuit satin Nickel Gold/Black- -Custom built Gold faucet requires the following pans.4099G Gold/Spray Head Only 45009G Gold/Cap Only h ,t FF 7OO FF 78O Polished Chmme Satin Nickel/Stylor Ff 8000 Polished Ch.orre While Satin Nickel/Stylox Optional Side Spray available Gold/8lack No 5id€ Spray available 653298 Polished Ch.one 65120W White 65320SN Satin Nickel Note: For FF 800D se.ies only Side Sprayt{-FF 81OD FF 88OD 00 Series rAll" t-{f.t, Lo I De5igned By F-4. Porsche tt 1080 Sarin Nicket/Srvtox FF 1100 Polished Chrome FF 1180 Satin Nickel/Stylox 200 Serles €A FF 1200 Polished Chrome FF 1280 Satin Nickelt, I oI I I t o The Professional Series Polished pros in heavy metal. I I I lf an authentic restaurant kitchen is vour fancy, The Professional Series'" is the real thing. Sturdy commercial-grade stainless (16 gauge) and very deep to accommodate the bulky equipment of the serious cook. 5maller or sha[ower bowls handle special tasks. Under- mounted for an immaculate countertop. Above, 30 inches by 18 inches, 12-inch depth. pSX 110-30-12 wall-mounted il-H (Also PSX 11O.30-f-inch depth.) I I t T I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I 4e_ Ari besills are sr::cicasl a: a -srr]ajl :oLll.tcll,y jiar Po|lia!i,j. O:cgotl vhcre tire'.. casi. {iirisiteC. Pa:joaed. .tnij waxed by- lranci ist is ircrscrnaliyin\'.llved lrr the prod,iction of eac| tor|t A va e!\r ()1 Jrrrsires n r!' ii '.'a ila b, r' lilusrrateci iorm - Aiteied Ovai Casl bronzc i: eeslirnd!ng basn D,arlielcr l7 '/;" by It {' Hcighl t.it)ovc Courir:rl 4 rzi P.-rtina: l-(:CI-SS lsJljr't. jrlver biack greeirlgo[it a,iatiable ir. I -4il"-t 51u./Wl ry-^.t4<, 4u*-e$l troD 2 - (L( 55 l-t l I"UNCTIONAL SCULPTURE FOR THE I]ATH I rvwtvrvawitka. r . r I I t I I I I I I I t t T I t I With their inventive wall-mount design and single-control handle . For maximum design options, choose fiom two spout styies, Vibront Polished t{id<el (-5lll frenrh Gold lAfl Solin 0lotk tTBl Spod Seleclion OVERVIEW .:, lt\./..\- I'._.6- tollhg Woter woll.mount lovdory {uuret willr 9" spout in Vibronl Sruslred 8rome. (olor/fhish Seleoion Vibronl Srushed lli*el (-81{) Vibrot lrushed lronra (-0Vl Vibrmt Polishad Eross tPB) Angulot I KOHLER..,. , Falling Water faucets set a ione of simplicity in the bath. six spout lengths and seven color or finish ahernatives. LAVATORY Folling Woter wollmount lorotory louret vdth l0/r":poul in Polished $rome. . Iwo spoul iryles o Six spout lenglh versions o Perfed romplement for (0l|LER' Vesels,, lovolories . Sinoleronlrol ronvenien(e lequturs |(-307-l( volve; optionol droim ovoiloble Requires l(-307-|( volve;oplionul droiru ovsiloHe [.ve. hondh lrodud! ore A0A (omolion ' lleurured [.om wlll lo (q er 0l o{rlet. I I I I I I I I I I T I t T I I I I I -M l(-22I5 lodeno Undercounter lovotory in Eiscuit ond Llemoin fourer sitb Sroreh de5ign 1|(,454_35). . Tile-in ond undercounler models . Undercounler modek ore ADA romoliont Inslollofion undirrounre'--f iiiii- Boltom of lowl unslned I Gl;d--f----uilii;I I Iss overflow I toucet Drillinq None 0veroll Dimensions 20rh" xl4Vc" | 23Vc'xtir {514 x 362 mml | (59t x {13 mm) 8oifl oirflenriom l[" x 12' | 2l'r t4 lmludes 5?047 thmp assembly -l-Gi]iir Mdedol t'irreoGifiin'-'t4.2 lerommended %'Angh Supplier wilh ilo9s l(.7605.P 4.t9 l/l'(ost lross P.Irop tffi990- Foucel lingle.holq 4" or 8" rente.rs with 414'min. spout lerqfi required for l(.2116 Seoion 2 LADENA," 201/4" xl4t/4" 231/; x161/q" The most spacious KOHLER undercounter lavatorv K-22t4/X-2215 I l 1 4.' -.:: i r jr ': I-j l K-2216 I = K2214: l4 7r' K.2215.. t6t /t" | = N.22't4:201/.' X.211 5: 23tA' {ll{-2214. l(-?215 top-up droin typiolly (13%"}. l(-2? l5 hp{rp &ft ryr,idly (ll%1. li)ll4'1.0qi€d on 1I.i5€r vhird moy rquire rufling. \i KOHIER.co' o Barbara Ba.ry ColLction Bath PsOOI/LBA.96 q oI I I I t I I l\. I f; I I I I I I I t I nKALL ISTA. o P50014-BA BARBARA BARST BATH oI l. t I I I I I I l) I I I I I T I I t o 00 Stucco White r CP Polished Chrome o 96 Linen o AD Nickel Silver r AG Erushed Nictel Specffied mode! meets or exceeds trhe following: .ASME/ANSI A112.19.1M . ASMUANSI A112.19-7M . Underwrhers Laboratories (UU Requlred Accessori* No ch4nge in measurements if connencted with drain illustrated. KALL ISTA 1008321-AA I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I {OVERVIEW L *'l Idloret v/iderrcod lovolory foucel wilh lever hmdles in 8rulh€d 6rom: wilh tolirhed 0ru:frd (homr vith Pdishrd Oromc !(enb (.03l Hgndc Schdior llihm lrurlsd |lil€l wilh Pofrdrd 0nomr widr Mfrront Vibront Pol{rd Sros hhfied lrcs xrentr l-$} s(antsl85l A -(8)-,E S;id hva llAlLevct (-11 Spout Selxlion High.orcl Stmdrd I(OHLER.com / TABORETO Strong geometric lines and a variety of handle and spoul choices offer a simple, distinctive style. Luxurious finishes on Taborgt-fqqcets and accessories bring polished beauty to the bathroom. LAVATORY - CENTERSET Ioborel (.nter!t lovolory lourol nifi lovlr hondlel in Poftrh:d firoms. . Mqy be ordered os o (omplefe fouret or bose/hondle oplion r Wosherless eromt volvinq ond solid bros romtrudion loiyeors ol relioble use toborsl oaftrscl fqtrelr with lever ftordhs cre rko oroildle o: ompble louc8 wriom. IADAI ,s-_+r" 0rder fiuel lrim ni r duired llnLh ond hmdles wiir doired linbh to tomplae. [-t60I]4 leur qP8 t(-t60704A Snirl lavrr tcrc lror& pdut m IDA <ooplior*. I I Product Catalog Product Number search : so Categories Product Lines t'ly Pfoject Grohe l\msrica ihower Products: Movario r** -t,-&.l Add io Project V Specitication Sheet I U Uno*er System,28 574 Views: !.ei!-.!ii:k la vic':r.,i'Jlt:-aiai:N ic tis".y.111s"r1I I I I i". E;:r .1| ,1.;.'. I r *-t IiF.!l i-F-", 1i_ l. r I :ltrnenstons ffi|;-€*HHFI EEESliil#:HHl-r-------l*:i--frlFE-F{IF:FFI f-_---:-- ---- I| 'iu IiilIrlttlL-4 _i fltaln l---'"1.;| .i: Il''d itij explcdei - Description: I " Y-"."rffir: Hand shower (28 - * 8-position RotaHead System to t ,r adjust spray angle and position I," RotaHead allows hand shower to function as a showerI : :;:ffir?.,i1,'i'".,**" I : Ffl'"1:;,.':",*'- Karn spray I I i,""'.lj#].0,..n. Champagne spray I . 3:; atJ"$?ye heighr shower r ' 59" hand shower hose (28 417) l, "-::""*artraY (28 54e) L :.t"t;€oPsi.(e' 5 rPm ) - ASME/ANSI 41 12.1B.IJI I ".:",::;::'"' I 't-- z.sT'ooachrome ftp://www.grohecatalog.com/product.php?app:6&plnarne=Movario&pl=88&prodno:28 574&prodtype... g/24/200t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I WALL-MOUNT TWO-HANDLE Tobont wdl'raourt loth ond drora fouct wflh :rlid bv€r llondle3 h Ufrro Pohied 8r0$. r lYtdprless teromk volviry ond mlid brosr (onrlru(lion for yeors o[ relioble use Lrva hodc prudurtr orc tDA ornp&nt TA B O R E T.IVI- BATH-/DECK.MOUNT Iohra dxk-mount ffi{low toth louat rith ligh{rdr qot ond bvr hndh ond r\{orlu5horer- firloring ]rvoy lxrdlhwar dth dnerler vohe kit in llibmnt 8ruied l&:ld. r lf high-flow volve quirkly fills brth ot 16 qpm- r Sullnose or high-onh spout wifh two hondle selertiont o Wofierless ceromic volving ond solid bross ronslruclion lor yeors of relioble use ;#ili"ffi,;fiffiilffi,ril::run*' l^pal - -.-,' Solhnounl [-T8238-{Sdlnosr mIdivsrler D 4vt [enr llordlr, $oul cP8,(8 firquiros r(.300.(/-t([ or l-301.1( volve r!r8230-41 Svritl le rcr qru 0e*.molnt t(.18230.4 Eullnole non-divorter 9t/f 6W'Lerer llondla, lpoul c P8,O ReS,i16 [-3q]v-tn r l(.301-l( Yq|Y? t(-r823&{A Snirllavcr cP8 [-T82354 l|i$rrth t!/t 0tE tever llordl4 r!oul q (8,63, f8. 05. 8ll (.18235.{A Swirl lcver qPs lldve (-t8132.{lever tlondler e$,P8, 85.8N leqrl'e: t(.30rlv-r(R or l(-301-( volve H823244 Srvirlhwl cP8 t!r!r hmdle or.dud! oru A0A totrDtiont. ICDHIER.O'n I I CARtYtE 5upple curves and timeless design ensure th€ [arlyl€ 5urle v]i1l fit perfectly in : variety of bathro0m settings. Beneatl" its €nduring style ls the quiet pol|e: of 6 l'1ax techn0l0qy and th€ (iean finish of 5afaCI05t 9la2e' SanaG Ioss I I I 5leek, high profile one pie(e toilet with 5tirled Jtyling thdt (onceals the itapway and makes rleaning easy Powerf!l 6-Max flushing 5ystem. Rev0luti0n.ry 5dnaGl055 (etdml( glaze helps keep the toilet cl€an with evely flu5h Il0ngated front bowl !tith (olor-mat(hed Soft(l0tP teal (010r- mat(hed trip lever. 12" linifit r0ugh-in' Als0 dvailable wilh l0'and 14"unifit r0ugh ins five'year limitedwarranty' 26" x 20-1/8': Availdble in single,4" or 8" centeri. Five-year limited warrantY..l .\..--=- T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lilomrirs ri{erpcod hwlory fouct with stutch dashn ond levcr hondls in lilh nl fiondr 6oH. (olor/f inish Selecflon f0rod Polrhld &!$ l-Pll OVERVIEW Ylhod Snrhd llidcl G8lll tcru {451 (l!$ 1.3$ KCIHIER co* MEMOIRS. STATELY Memoirs faucets with Stately design offer a refined elegance for your bath or powder room. Cross and faceted lever handles complement the clean transitional spout style. LAVATO RY r Port of the fiemohs Suile r Timelers elegonte {odifisd ryih dosir influences . Wosherless ceromic volving ond solid bross conslruoion lor ymrs of relioble use dJ f*) ftlmois lowtory foutcl uilh Stody daign ond rrus hondlcs in Vibront hudred lli&rl. Lonr ord r1gl hudi.r ln llll rogrplont MEMotRS. ST RITE-TEMP PRESSURE-BALANCE ,i:S,. o Moinfoins desired woter lemperolure i 3'I . DioFhrogm design eliminotes f reere-uos fiom rontominolion ond hord rmler o Reguloles temperofure only lilemoin Ril*lemp. presurebolonring fruret wilh Stohly deign ond oo$ hondl€s in Polished 0rroma ,L& T I I I I t t I t I I I I t I I I I I KOHLER ."- BATH -/D E c K-M ou NT stlanAgP-- L{omoirs dalmount, ftigh-fow hlh fouret rith ltotely design ond cros hondles in Brushd 0rorne. . l//'highjlow volve quirkly filk bolh ol 16 gpm. ' Iimeless elegonce fodified t'/ith dossk influences . ll/osherles remmk volving ond solid brosi (onslruclion for yeors of relioble use 'A 45 pri. " llol rconmondd [c l0ll[I[ Pillor lol],., Woterilk., Ieo.for-liro. or lintog- Whirfiool Scthr lrtcr ond oor5 lmndas qre lM rorlllilnl- I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t t 17" x 14" 191/1" x16t/4" 213/6" xll3/x,' Install beneath sorid surface countertops to combine the rook of an integrar basinwith the benefits of durable vitreous china and many color options tle ,:iil [-?205 (orhn Undsrounter Lrrotory in ltilrile ond Bolrercmk fouat with Sftmove dsign ((-1t000.w.0). r liie-in, undenounter ond melol frome instollofions sizes for undenounler inslsllotions ' Antfi!, Sdor l0se, (dnfi lopol, Englith lrclhr, FobllJ & n* _ I = lt??09. 14" r..-n I 1.2?i0: 16%" "', ., '1..1i." I= , - "u,.-.I xntrvii" c' i'.! ; :- r (.??09: tl -. ,= - , .,.* ;,..*' *^*,,t.2210: llt/i .22tt: ltVa" K-2209 - lI) Pop.up dmin { | 3 /i}, Eid droirq ( t 2 %'1.(ll{14"1. to*d ol lZ rier *iich rnoy ruquire runir4. koHLER.o,.n _- qor FrrrrNG ; . r tlsltl{i 16 vcr il -:- rr r - i -]I..j-:' 11. ',1"L_ -:j ' :7t16.l--,' -' - a.lt1' {Sl, Lr X€' +-HOT i,- ---.i:-i-*il'iET .3a'colo K-2205 CAXTON," l(-??r3 I I t I I : Integrol lumbor supporls ond armresls i Infegrol opron option lor okove instollolions o Drop-in model oho ovoilsble . Porl ol the Devonshhe Suile DEVONSHIRE," x lnshllofon Dropjn 3-wullokove tpmn Inlegrol Iih tlonqe llo (drop'in)Ye5 Ye! 0roin 0ullel Reverible At lefl At dohl 0imcnsions 50'x 32" r ?0' ll5?4 r 813 x 508 mml Inlcdor Dimension:Rim: 5l' r 24"; 80rc: 42'x 20' (ootily lo 0verflow 60 Gols. (227 Litres Wei$l 70 tbr 132 |(ql 80 t[s.36 [s) I'hlertul High-glos a(rylk 9.2 laommended Droin K.7 t6l-At 8.86 .or!:olsl lamovoble Boi Frllow (.1491 [.86 lemovobh Sath foohlol K.l60l 8.86 Sypos Eolh lloor (-70{4t0 | 1.20 [o,(eh De*-rnounl Woll'mornl Serlion 2 Vuiofron Whirlgool Version t(.t357 8.78 (oordhofng $,ire Davomhire 6.20,2l ltt\Ltt !D TEA-FOR.TWO,* 5' 60"x32"xl8%" The only two-derson bath that fits into a standard 5' alcove K-850 leoJor-Two 5' Eoth in Slork 8lotk. r (onloured droin overflow ollows tomfortoble bothing lor trno people o for undermounl or drop-in inslollotion . Willtomply wilh lhe ADA when instolled per lhe requiremenls o[ lhe Aaessibility Guidelines, Serlion 4.20 0othtubs,0f fie M g r1 I)imEnsions 60r32"x18r/' (1524 x 013 x 463 mrnl lnlsdor Dimenrions Rim: 52%"r 24'; Sce:401f'r 20' (ooo(itY lo 0verliow 60 Gds. (227 tilred VJeighl 250 br {ll3 |(s) Moleriol t@HtR.cAsr rRot l 9.2. Sat.l8 lnslallation Drop.in, 3- wrllokove, undermounl lequired 0roin t(.ii69.At 8.86 0plimol Rcmovoble 8dh Pllow |(.lt9l 8.86 Vinylliftng-in Seod t(-lli9 8.06 Urdrrmounl lmtollsfi on ftl t(-586 8.86 Adiustoble Feet for Abovefloor Rough.in |("ll72 0,86 Remoyable loth Foolstoo |(.t60 |8.86 foursl Ded(- or wlllmounl Ssclion 2 l,odolion 5' Whidsool Yersion t(.852 8.44 t I I t I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I DEVONSHIRE,, BYPASS Traditionally styled enclosure coordinates with the Devonshire Suite Oevonshire Sypas Slmmr Door ;ith tyshl ftor glos ond Bri$t Silver linidr. o fiomeles desbn with hondles brings on open feel lini:h Selection lo fie shower . Slyled t0 (oordinole with the Devonshire Suite o (onlinuous bottom hotk guide syslem osures smoolh, quiet operolion o Avoiloble in (rystol Oeor glos only with Brighr Silver or Motte llirkel finkhes Irsdiliool ddor lundh rlyle roordinotr uith the Oevonshin Suite- l(OHl^ER.com -fiwel fuv 7 (ve vvt. +qiut $6vnmawJ ff Ota/,^95 ) ,# Brighl Situer {-5lll I r00E [se8s oN xu/xr]88:tT filIJ 9002/82/LO I I I I t I I I T I T t I I t I I I 9E7lC VAIL RE9IDENCE - KITCHEN n'Jut'ol ATFLIANCE9 II ]TEM MAI{JFACTURER MO9EL DIM.coloR REFR,IOERATOR,/ TREFZ'ER 5ilOZERO 642tO 42',STANLESO DISHWASHER.24"5TAINLE96 RANGE 00uEIEovEr,l9 WOLF GA5 4b"9TANLE56 RAI.IGEHOOD wolt WALL MOUNT 40"5TASILE56 MICROIVAYE EJPTLED6YOWNER 9t4A?7 SrtrtElb WINECOOLER flJPPLIED 6YOWNER 2'J|$/R24076.9 24"St^t{LE56 fR,A9H GOMPACTOK,GETROFILE GCG1540F%15"STANIE 9'd zI 167ZS gOZ dno.rg u31sag eue2 dBS: Io SO 8Z Inc I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I floore il,qq"L Fl*c* Troze ?trl 42" Stainless Steel Subzero Refrigerator TYPICAL FEATURES g'l $lifertDesigns 216 Main Slreet, Srite C-100, Edwatds, Cotorado 81632 #g70.g26.e200 ffore {,ryqk Place 7)au7/r,r/ oV- 24" Stainless Steel Asko Dishwasher KITCI{ENT hatp Built-In Microwave TYPICAL FEATURES I J-' I I I I I o o 18" G.rs R.1 Nc u, Sus-Zr,n<t l{or) r.:r. 414 \,\rrN E S'l'oR,\cE - gevg€) , ( yJol v,p,q,ra)a:,\v vzrwal"e ) . \ -\:e.-- lsl,rso IIoon ,rxn i6" R,r N (; E'l op llroltl --7\\'\LL-llouN I Htlotr 'r,-* r; *U" R.\N(; l': top :rr | ', I I '1. 2. 4. I I I I t I I t I I I t I I I ]AI(fLF EXTER|pR VENTT LATOR K|TS \-'/\-'//Afunon A TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR IN. JURY TO PERSONS, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Use lhis unit only in lhe manner intended by the manufac- lurer. lf you have guestions, conlact the manufacturer or your distributor. 2. Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from being switched on accidentally. When the ser- vice disconnecting means cannot be locked, seojrey fasten a prominenl warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel, 3. Installation work and electrical wiring must be done by a qualified person(s) in accordance with atl applicable codes and standards, including fire-rated construction codes and standards. 4. Sufficient air is needed for proper combustion and exhaust- ing ofgases through the flue (chimney) of fuel buming equip ment lo prevent backdrafting. Follow the heating equipment manufacturer's guidelines and safety slandards such as those published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and theAmerican Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and the local code authorities. 5. When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling, do nol damage eleclrical wiring and other hidden utilities. 6. Ducted fans must always be vented to the outdoors- 7. Do not use this unit with an additional sDeed control device- 8. To reduce the risk of fire, use onlv sleel ductwork. 9. This unit must be grounded. TO REDUCE THE RISK OF A COOKTOP GREASE FIRE: 1. Never leave surfacs unils unattended at high seitings. 'Boilovers cause smoking and greasy spillovers that may ig- nite. Heat oils slowly on low or medium settings. 2. Always turn hood ON when cooking at high heat or when cooking flaming foods. 3. Clean ventilating fans frequently. Grease should not be al- lowed to accumulate on fan or filter. 4. Use proper pan size. Always use cookware appropriate for the size of the surface elemenl. TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY TO PERSONS IN THE EVENT OF A COOKTOP GREASE FIRE, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWINGT 1. SMOTHER FLAMES with a close-fitting lid, mokie sheel, or metal lray, then turn off the burner. BE CAREFUL TO PRE- VENT BURNS. lf the flames do not qo out immediatelv. EVACUATE AND CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. 2. NEVER PICK UPA FLAMING PAN - You may be burned. 3. DO NOT USE WATER, including wet dishcloths or towets - violent steam explosion wili result. 4. Use an extinguisher ONLY if: A. You know you have a Class ABC extinguisher and you already know how to operale it. B. The fire is small and mntained in the area where it started. C. The fire department is being called. D. You can fight the fire wilh your back to an exil. ' Based on "Kitchen Fire Safety Tips" published by NFPA. 1. For general ventilating use only. Do not use to exhaust haz- ardous or explosive materials and vapors. 2. To avoid motor bearing damage and noisy and/or unbal- anced impellers, keep drywall spray, construction dust, etc. off power unit. 3. Your venlilator motor has a thermal overload which will auto- matically shul off the motor if it becomes overheated. The motor will restart when it cools down. lf the motor continues to shul off and restart, have the hood serviced. 4. Please read specification label on product for further infor- mation and requirements. SPECIFICATIONS PLAN THE INSTALLATION Locate the ventilatorso lhe lenglh ofthe duct run and number of elbows and lransitions needed are kept to a minimum. Where possible, ventilator should be located between wall studs or roof rafters. Avoid pipes, wires, or other ductwo* that may be running lhrough the wall. Be sure thatthere is enough space for any lransitions that may be needed between the ventilator and the connecting ductwork. For best oerformance. Iocate transitions nearesl to ventilator. MODEL 801642 RNING MODEL VOTTS AMPS CFM DUCTSIZE 8016/.2 120 3.0 1200 10" DtA. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I IAI(fLF MODEL 801642 rE6n:filmIlFr I NSTAL LATTO N Page 2 Fw use wfth Wolf CMH30/CTWH36 wall mount, 1H4227 island chinney hoods, DD30MDD36R downdraft ventilators, 18" tall islandlwall hoods & 12" tall liners. PREPARE THE ROOF WIRE THE VENTILATOR o 5 Remove 10- COVER SCREWS and lifl oft venlilator cover. q $ Feed lhe electric' oower cable ihrough the 1%" DIAMETER HOLE and connect cable 10 ventilator with a proper connector for the type of cable being used. o 7 Connect BLAGK. TOBLACK. VVH]TE TO BLUE. and GROUND TO GROUNDING scREw. From inside the atlic soace: q 1 Drill a PILOT HOLE up through the roof, centered between. ROOF R.AFTERS, From oulside - on the root q 2 Measure and mark the 18" x 20%" rectangle. Cut and- remove only the shinoles inside lhis rectanole. q $ Measure and mark the 11" DIAMETER HOLE and the- 1%" DIAMETER HOLE. Cut these holes alltheway through the roof. For flal roof 'nstallations:q' 4 Build a curb that will mount lhe blower at a minimum pitch- ot U12. Discharge end of the blower should be pointed away from prevailing winds. g $ Remove roofing nails from top 2/3 of shingles around- cut-oul area. q $ Slide the ventilator's FLASHING SHEET up and under- the loosened shingles until ventilator's discharge collar fits into 11' diameter hole. q 10 Use the 6 screws (provided) to attach the ventilator to' the roof. DRILL 6 MOUNTING HOLES inside the ventilator, as necessary cr 11 Seal lhe screw heads, loosened shingles, and edges- of the flashing sheel. with a good grade of roofing cemenl. q l/ Check for free movement ol the spring-loaded- DAMPER, and re-install the ventilator cover. Turn on power and check operation. @J I 120 -vAcILINEltNI l@ INSTALL THE VENTILATOR +1 I I I I I I I I I lAIOLF Ir^lEilfilf.Tnfl | N STA L LATI O N Page 3 For use with Wolf CTWH30/CWH36 wall nount, 1H4227 island chinney hoods, DD30R/DD36R downdrafivertilators, 18" tall islandlwall hoMs & 12" tall liners. PREPARE THE WALL WIRE THE VENTILATOR g { Remove 10- covERscREws and lifl off venlilator mver. q $ Feed the electric- Dower cable lhrough the 1%" DIAMETER HOLE and connect cable to ventilator with a proper connector for the type of cable being used. q 6 Connect BIACK. TO BLACK. WHITE TO BLUE, and GROUND TO GROUNDING SCREW. T I I I I I From inside the wall: q I Drill a PILOT HOLE through the wall, centered b€tween. WALLSTUDS. From outside - on the wall: g 2 Measure and mark the 22" x 29y2" rcctangle. Cut and- remove onlv the siding inside this rectanole. 61 J Measure and mark the 11" DIAMETER HOLE and the- lyi'DIAMETER HOLE. Cutthese holes alltheway through the wall. MODEL 801642 INSTALL THE VENTILATAR t I t I cr 7 Place ventilator on wall so that venlilator's discharge collar- tits into 11" diameter hole. g 8 Use the 6 screws (provided) to attach the ventilator to the- wall- ORILL 6 MOUNnNG HOLES inside the ventilator, as necessary. q 9 Seal the screw heads and edges of the Ilashing sheet with- a good gfade of roofing cemenl. q' 10 Check for free movement of the spring-loaded DAMPER- and re-install ventilator cover. Turn on oower and check operation. oo IAIOLF MODEL 801642 Page 4 ATTACH POWER CORD TO HOOD Some hoods require fhe use of a separate power cord and strain relief bushing (included), for proper wiring of exterior blowers. Please refer to the hood manual for proper installation instructions. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I @ Monognnf. ZDWR24OPBS - GE Monogram Wine Reserve with Digital Controls Features and Benefits . Electronic adjustable temperature control - 0ffers a range of temperatures for precise chilling . Red or white wine temperature setting - Maintains the ideal temperature for aging or serving wine . LED temperature display - Allows you to monitor the temperature at a glance . Full-extenslon sliding wine racks - Position bottles either horizontally or vertically to maximize space . Unfinlshed heart-of-cherry wood shelf fronts - Can be finished to complement surrounding cabinetry r See-through glass door -Affords a full view 0f contents . Soft interior lighting - Automatically illuminates when the door is open, but can be activated by an internal on/off switch . Stainless steel tubular handle - Designed to coordinate with other Monogram appliances r Reversible door swing - Easily reversed to left or right door swing as needed . Model ZDWRZ40PBS -Stainless steel Specilication Created 3/04 120036 Fzo,,,rkrA El *I'PFA t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t T I ZDWR240PBS - GE Monograrflstainless SteelWine Reserve - PQct Feat... Page 1 of 1 GE Monogram@ Stainless SteelWine Reserve Model #: ZDWR24oPBS @ erinr ttris oaApproximate Dimensions (HxDxW) 34 112 in x 23 314 in x 23 314 in CAPACITY Capacity Total Capacity (cubic feet) FEATURES Adiustable Temperature Control Digital Temperature Display Electronic Controls Full Extension Slides Wine Racks See-Thru Glass Door Interior Light Installation APPEARANCE Color Appearance Door Stops Handle Leveling Legs Toe Kick Door Swing WEIGHTS & DIMENS'ONS Approximate Shipping Weight Net Weight (lbs.) Overall Depth Overall H6ight Overall Width Back Air Clearances (in.) Side Air Clearances (in.) Top Air Clearances (in.) WARRANTY Limited Additional Five Year One Year Wananiy 57 Wine Bottles 5.50 Yes Yes, Fahrenheit Upfront inlaid Yes 7 With Wood Shelf Fronts Yes Display (on), Door (on/ofq, with I minute timer Built-ln or Free-Standing Stainless Steel 1 10 Degree Stainless Steel Tubular Yes Black installed, Stainless includ€ Reversible Hinges 120 tb 110 rb 23 g4 i^ 34 1n in 23 314 in Limited Parts; See Written Wam for Details Entire Appliance; Parts & Labor: Home I http://prod ucts. geappl ia nces.com/Prod ContenUDispatcher 2t21t2005 I I I I I I Monognmi ZDWR240PBS - GE Monogram Wine Reserve with Digital Gontrols I I I I t I I I I I t I I Dimensions and Specifications (in inchesl For a complete food storage center. install two Monogram relrigeration modules side-by-side. llote: fleversible door swing on wine chillers/reserves and beverage centers only. See below {or combination cutout dimensions. lmportant Note: Pr0ducts must operate lrom separate, properly grounded receplacles. Note: Additional cutout width may be required for models with custom oanels. Specification Greated 3/04 120036 Grounding the Wine Beserve IMP0RTANT - {Please read carefully) FOR PERSONAT SAFETY THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE PBOPERLY GBOUNDED. The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a 3-prong lgrounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong {grounding) wall receptacle to minimize the possibility of electric shotk hazard from this appliance. Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded. When a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is your personal responsibility and obligati0n to have it replaced with a il#l,ilJ:;iilil'Jil',"^'-,,, fPRrl CUT OB BEMOVE THE THIBD {GROUND} W RJI PR0NG FROM THE P0WER C0RD -J) DO NOT USE AN ADAPTER PLUG TO CONNECT THE REFRIGERAIOR TO A 2.PBONG OUTIET. DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD WITH THIS APPLIANCE. @ffiiuitr For answers to your Monogramp GE Profile" or GEo appliance questions, visit our website at GEAppliances.com or call GE Answer Center@ service, 800.626.2000. I : @ *o,ogram,. ZDWR240PBS - GE Monogram Wine Reserve with Digital controls I Dimensions and Specifications (in inchesl I Installation Space I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I The cutout depth must be 20" The cutout dimensions shown allow for a full door swing and access to the oull-out racks when installed as a built-in. r The wine reserve can be free-standing. Note: lf installing between frameless cabinets, a 1/2" wide filler strip or side panel may be required. The filler strip will act as a spacer between the door case and adiacent cabinet and will prevent inlerterence with cabinet door swing. The width of the opening must include filler panels. . Wine reserve is vented at the lront toekick to allow built-in undercounter installation. o Door swing is reversible. Additional Specif ications: . A 120 voh 60H2.. 15 or 20 amp power supply is required. An individual property grounded branch circuil or circuit breaker is recommended. Install a properly grounded 3-prong electrical receptacle recessed into the back wall as shown, Electrical musl be located on rear wall as shown. Note: GFI (ground fault interrupterl is not recommended. Specification Greared 3/0{ 120036 Product Glearances 14'Minimum All models are tactorv set for a 110" door swing. For a minimum 90" door swing: . Allow 4' min. clearance to wall on the hinge side. For a lull 110' door swing: . Allow 14' min. clearance to wall on the hinge side. @*.Xl* For answers to your MonogramP GE Profile- or GEo appliance questions. visit our website at GEAppliances.com or call GE Answer Center@ llote: Handle and handle standoff depth is I -3l4" service. 800.626.2000. I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I T I GCGIS4OFSS - GE Profileil U,-'n 15" Compactor - Product Feat|b & Attrib... Page 1 of 1 GE Profileil Built-ln 15" Compactor Model #: GCG1540FSS Approximate Dimensions (HxDxW) U 1l2inx24inx15in CAPACITY Capacity FEATURES Compression Ratio (Avg.) Cycle Time Drive System Motor Horsepower Ram Force (lb.) (Max.) Lock/Stiart Control WRemovable Key Skle Release Bin Slide-Out Drawer Built-ln Conslruction APPEARANCE Leveling Legs Color Appearance Door/Conbol Panel Color 1/4" Panel Capability WEIGHTS & D'MENS'O'VS Approximate Shipping Weighl Cabinet Width Overall Depth Overall Height Overall Width Total Appliance Weight (lbs.) POWER / RAflNGS Volts/HerE/Amps ACCESSORTES Optional Accessories - Compactor Bags .WEIGHTS & DIMENS'OruS Net Weight (lbs.) WARRANTY One Year Wananty B Print lhis pr 1.4 cu. ft. 75% Reduction or 4:1 27 secs. max. - 14 secs. min. 2-point 1/3 hp 2300 lbs. Yes Yes Yes Yes Heavy Sleel Gauge Yes (w,/ rear wheels) Stainless Steel SS ll4 Panel Trim Kits (color-matcl 157 tb 15 in 24 in 34 112 in 15 in 152 120V; 60Hz; 6.5A wc60x5017 146 tb Entire Appliance; In-l-bme I http://products.geappliances.com/ProdContenUDispatcher 2t21t2005 C,o6) (tlDeTIU' U.' I G':'m q TD I c':to gt c, o I L2vtI 6'EI - c6 (!lr 69. =:oDl=,l3IF s.vtrt-l0cIE -Lt qr l,|Ib€ i',,lc) tD ur I I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa':lnF=*agsrF$sElH$;se =gg=E;==-gaF3#=E 1$c) c) c) c: i5 p 6 a E f € = p i * c, gaesS;q *>:lE 5 qd ?o, =S E I Ee ; > +.3 .P 6 e =.-, d F E ;oooo<h* =t of_]*QF--n--.--rr -r, _ E, o qA h < # E E-,, € gB F = 3V?: = E + a g 3 E - oI I F I eb'bl',3 = e ?9: +&dr l?E-7€;,4 s.f d E-_,8 € g - = < 3 F a =-3*c=-=aaFry.:=a(D='(rr=.<=>=O5q1?,gE.odE-qa9; - d a. I8H'=d = 9-' ^- _o = cp o) _ -6 d a P6 =o'(Dllr^-o)cD<= 8.6^(o-(D I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I 5- lGtoJ -. 92 - ^-= (!H= s:-= qt'F aro.= clF'= e: = r?--'; =.E; s a9=b :9 83 g^€E * F J_oH€x r-u trJ uJri c9 cD c9 ;EFRbF /l \=./ e c,(g trL c CJ t E t5, qGcP9 loIEta '=u, .= *;*.E-9c56CJEC9E v, OJ Rs Rq ltl(5 ErEl gEIca-B I EEr oTs*s Mtl I i8,/I t/2. sq. ? i 8r'3 5/8" sq. ? T 8./5 3/a,' sq. ! t 8/6 l" rq. . Slock length | 18,, Mtlilf 14Te ru. (6 mml l2/Sl6T8stra, (g mml l2/38T8 :re. {10 mmf T\XZTSTED ROUF{B Wt. l7 lbs. 30lbs. 38 lbs. 68 lbs. Mtl 3/4' sq. 1" uq. I t/a'sq. 2 x 1 e/ta Rectongle 7Tb4?= X{IN*]I3S ffitr, " Tgl,i i;] 1 ttz dia. 9"H Wt 4.1I lbs. C(}LCI F{I}IG"ECT IlFrIrS 3,E1f fli F{A&fi1{I]Xe.E1]}]EDGES OI\r FC}TJR S}:LbJ]S_fu..*0,.. Sicck Length 20' 20' 2V 20' C{}LI-} trGR.GEA T'UIJE: ,Wi?,}{ {t;\.&,CnvIER"F,fiEI-}GES CIN {l${IR. S_{L-}ES fu.1,,,.,,., For roils, bnces ond gotes. 218/811 i i i:il E,i* i ! iitfr,r3 t,1:.! \/ E Stoc&Length Wt.20' 2O lbs. 20' 22lbs. 20' 3l lbs. 20' 42lbs.i i"G,if.',/:l 4ztaW 2 s/s" HI:i-."'t il{rMERE1l! il i_l r_ii:.i:i| Setx)9^r Valo*ug. Cusbm hsmmered round bor.. New ouicmded monufocfuring technique gives o torged look ot on economicol price.il wr..08lb. :1 i -.'ii,,'..i 3 s/e"W 2 tte"H wr. .t 1 tb. vv*/B/4 rlz dio. 3 tte'H wr..25lb. Wt. 2lbs. Mtlr?llzre vz"ltznil 2 r/t 3 rzz lbsl BA.R RGPEffi4ii.l.i. Z lbs. 11911 119 /2 1i9/:) s/e'dio. 7lbs. s/t'dia. 12lbs. 1 clre, dio. 21lbs. Slock length f Ogz E c?----€ -1 5 "/\--- L.5- H 5 zleW 3 s/e- H wr. .23 tb. I S i;'14 I t,ra'dio. 6 zlvH Wt. 2lbs. Itrdltalnq 75IO "^",r"TRADE gYsrEM o t T- i \ I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I !I I ?I I I I2', BALUSTER TOP RAIL RADIUS l._ll'lf,_-l i.- e'---+ Posr ToP - Flar Part No. PST14Xr4f Fuhoci onmlion Ele( to fue 195 o! ke lectn*:al Ctu109- 2t:ht' + \ 'i<- 81r/'i-'j---?---------- rrT-l------------F3t/.tl 4- 1t -'A 2' r4L-r4' J #t r-- "VLffi Part No. POST TOP - PEAKED PStl4X14P kr no7 inlomalion lelv to hge t 94 ot $e lechnical Cal&g. .I +EInBt2t(48 mnff2l(60 8TRffizXN BTRR12X96 9TRRi2n26 48' 'l Circle 00' r/. Circle V" tpCircE 96" 1/: Circle 126" r/6 Circle Inst?r'/,atign Ktt sold sepanleF See BBK\2 $ this Pqe. F{ mue blomatkn E a to @. 193 ot ke t'r'okn cal?/og. 0(l ('-) VN| |., t13)' .--_|+_.1-r_F:\ lnl q'l: ilj t::r-] i_l: il Parl No. ilfi2X48 H(//e: tlvaa piece &y assenry. hslzxzion n sdd seqaaldl. Se? lnKlz on 0B Pagr' ht nur irfotuallf/t rclet lo hge | 94 ot he tech(tbd Cdal'g. BALL ffi 6Vci' T:----llt::ll: :.1 l-ltltltJtl+\ I8%'t It- 810X13 Fu noft inlo'rt|tr]tiJ'/ EL. lo Paga 195 ol Ua T&hnicd Caldo0. RAIL SUPPORT BLOCX Posr TOP - FLAT lu/t ; \ F?vu'-i+:,-lT_i----_]--F I vr k--rlvt--J 3 " BSB4X{X6 Seff/ntnwr'd lor s@niA Bat Wqths ol 1' ot norc' f{ Bwe i,lw''/lf}/, rclv b W 195 ol ,e lcclnicd Caldog- INSTALLATION K|TS BRKl2 flPKl2 8ah$tsr Rail lrBldlatiot trrl. Conneds 0olh e.ds 0l on€ 1 2' &il lo appfications. May b6 used for comer 0I bufl connectionsinto NP12X48. llcrrel P0st Inslallation l0t Hardware needed to secure one NP1 2X48. ta$Eners t0 mount b fl@r surlace not Provided. Part No. PSll3X13F lv mfihtunalin du h hEe 194 d ttcl'rdttthd Cdatq. POST TOP - PEAKED Part No. * 6'l' 'l l* .------:...:li;r-;=rtr Part No. PST1:lxl3P fu trws i{dtrptin E et to fue t94 ol llE hdn*trl CaLlo! I I I I I t t Fe I q@tM t-> J I t tg 4240 r@1 tfllt slRfET. snr a) Dffi,@eu lB (Jn2n-x!a fAr @2n3tB GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, NYEST DAY LOT vAlL coloR?\lx) VAII- RFJORTS DFIVFIOPMET.\T C( )]\IP,,L-\Y onlwrNcNo: MSK-004 REFEFENC€: ASL{nI1 (M3 2A) ISS(E: 05.02.05 ISSUE 16 oATE: 07.22.05 SOqlE: tru'=1.{r 0RA!0{8Y: LBM 1 I Tfl'T[T5R B t I I t I I I tUf V-"- es the world srondord for over 60 yeors, VEIUX deck mounted sky -N lishts, coupled with VEI-UX step floshing kits, offer you the best' mo for fosl ond floshing system -Blinds ond controls ore ovoiloble.I I t I I I is the pre 6rb mounted skylights oloss lens seoled into o Protec-I b mount on toP of o silqbuilt 6urb. VEIUX floshing is i oround lhe silebuilt curb, then the skylight is ond foslened into ploce. Blinds ond ovoiloble. I ghts ore similor to the deck they include o foctoqrinstolled Ieli.q',rcd1or shingle roofs onlY. to be used where o floshed curb 23 ..i,,,:,,:r:rr.inf,r_. T I I I I t t I Maxinum daylight area ond emtwmical pice nak this slqlight o Breat choice for ary ram. I Coptures doylight for rooms in which moximum lighting is the only requiremenl. r Comes wih o wood frome, goskef- ing to droin ony condensotion out- side, ond protective oluminum or copper clodding. . Streomlined exterior - smoofi, low profile does not obstruct lour roofline. FI.ASHI}G SO]D SEPARAIETY Ftashing is availablc for ahnost any roof t pe, pitch o n^rerial (see pges j0-31). FS SKYUG}TT INSTAIIAIbN PIICH IIASHING patented flashing Tesigned for shinglc rools ottlY. OFS SKYTIGHT NSTATIANON PIIC1I re?.<= . Blinds ond contols ore ovoiloble lsee poges 32-331. o Choice of COMFORI" or COMFORTPTUS* insuloled gloss. 'lln*,r#*::'W\ Thz jrcd skylight captures abundant doylight and bceutiful views Jor every style and size hone. I I t I 26 www.VELUXusa.com oof. ':';::" I I I I I t I I-.{-l- I I t T I t 'eorJd"ytighl "."o *.i.t bosed oo co.b €ooitrrclion Notc: FCM ,kytitht, can b. in talled horizontally. custom siz.s ar. availoblz, Impact FCM sklliahts should bc tpecified as Typz 069 69' Nok: Inpact uni.s should be spafud as lrpe 0O99 69 ' JY I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I VELUX America Inc. SPECIFICATTON FOR MODEL FS FIXED SKYLIGHT sEcTloN 08610 WOOD WINDOWS PARTl GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Production fabricated wood fixed skylight and exterior maintenance free cladding with [electrically] [manually] operated accessories as indicated on window schedule. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSyASTM E 283 - Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors. 8.. ANSUASTM E 330 - Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. C. ANSI/ASTM E 331 - Test Method forWater Penetration of ExteriorWindows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Static Air Pressure Difference. D. ANSI/ASTM E 1836 - Standard Test Method for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors, and Storm Shutters lmpacted by Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic Pressure Differentials. (impact glazing only) E. ANSI/ASTM 1996 - Standard Specification for Performance of Exterior windows, curtain walls, Doors, and storm shutters lmpacted by windborne Debris in Hunicanes. (impact glazing only) F. AAMA ruDMA 1600/157 - Voluntary Specifications for Skylights' G. ICBO Evaluation Services Acceptance Criteria AC 17 - Acceptance Criteria for Sloped Glass Glazing in Solariums, Patio Covers and Prefabricated Skylights. H. National Evaluation Service Committee Report No. NER-216' l. National Fenestration Rating Council, NFRC - 100, Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product U-factors. J. National Fenestration Rating Council, NFRC -20O, Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficients at Normal lncidence. I I I I I I I I I I t t I I l I I t I VELUX America Inc. SPECIFICATION FOR MODEL FS FIXED SKYLIGHT 2 K. National Fenestration Rating council, NFRC 300, Procedures for Determining solar optical Properties of simple Fenestration Products. L. Occupational safety & Health Administration, osHA (standards - 29 cFR 1910.23, Guarding Floor and Wall Openings and Holes' 1.03 QUALIWASSURANCE A. Wood fixed skylight with exterior maintenance free cladding and all accessories and components required for complete and weatherproof installation shall be manufactured to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship in accordance with VELUX Manufacturing Standards. 1.M SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Skylight: wood frame, exterior maintenance free cladding, production fabricated, flashings, glass and glazings, and anchorage. B. Configuration: Fixed. 1.05 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Model FS fixed skylight to withstand dead and live loads caused by pressure and uplift of wind acting normal to plane of roof as tested to AAMAAI/DMA 1600/iS7 to an exterior pressure of 2.30 - 7 .13 KPa (48 -149 psf) and an interior pressure of 2.68 - 7.95 KPa (58 - 166 psf) and measured in accordance with ANSYASTM E 330. B. Limit member deflection to flexure limit of glass with full recovery of glazing materials. C. System to accommodate, without damage to components or deterioration of seals, movement between l.G. unit and perimeter framing' D. Air leakage through assembly limited to 0.25 Us/m2 (0.05 cfm/ft2) of tota.l unit inside perimeter, measured at a reference differential pressure across assembly of 75 Pa ('1.57 psf) as measured in accordance with AAMAMDMA/1600/157 and ANSI/ASTM E 283. E. Water infiltration: No water penetration noted when measured in accordance with MMAMDMA/1600/tSZ anO AI|STRSTM E 331 with a test pressure differential of 290 Pa (6.0 psf). F. Gasketing designed to drain water entering joints, condensation occurring in glazing channel, or migrating moisture occuring within system, to exterior by drainage network. Revised 12-FEB{3 VELUXAmerica lnc. SPECIFICATION FOR MODEL FS FIXED SKYLIGHT 3 G. Thermal Performance: Tested and certified in accordance with NFRC 100 I and 200 procedures. H. Model FS with impact glazing (0099 69): Tested and certified in accordance I with ANSI/ASTM E 1886 and ANSI/ASTM E 1e96-01. l. Fall Protection: Model FS with laminated glass (0074) tested to meet or I exceed the intent of OSHA 29 CFR 1 910.23(e[8) for fall protection. Model FSr tested to 1400 fUlbs with no glass breakage. I 1.06 suBMrrrALS A. Manufacture/s unit dimensions, rough opening and finished framing dimensions, affected related work, and installation requirements are shown in man ufacturer's installation instructions. B. Product Data: For Model FS fixed skylight, glazing options, accessories and electrical/manual control options of accessories are indicated in manufacture/s I Printed material. I 1.or DELIvERY, HANDLING, sroRAGE I A. Deliver products in manufacture/s original containers, dry, undamaged, seals and labels intact. t B. Store and protect products in accordance with manufactureCs recommendations. I PARr2 PRoDUcrs r 2.01 MANUFACTURER I A. VELUX America Inc. product Model FS fixed skylight and flashing gystems I I I t t I I t I as specified in this section and as manufactured by VELUX America Inc. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Wood: Kiln-dried, laminated Nordic Pine (Specific Gravity 0.51), temporarily treated for mold and mildew for transparent or opaque interior finish. B. Maintenance free exterior cladding: Rollformed [0.65 mm aluminum] [0.55mm copper] pre-finished production engineered and fabricated to fit exterior exposed surfaces (AlloyAA 3003 H12 and AA 3003 H16)- I Revised 12-FEB{3 I VELUX America Inc. I sPEclFlcATloN FoR MoDEL FST FIXED SKYLIGHT r4 I C. Fasteners: #8xl washerhead, Phillips, 1/1, stainless steel, black for exterior I maintenance free cladding. t 2.oJ coMPoNENTS I A. Weather stripping: Factory applied neoprene weather stripping throughoutr entire frame, profiled to effect weather seal. I B. Fittings: Surface lreatment with electro{alvanized, chromate passivated yellow. r C. Mounting brackets: Factory installed stamped steel, surface treatment electro- I galvanized, chromate passivated yellow. r D. Fasteners: 1/a" galvanized ring shank nailfor mounting brackets, six per I bracket. t 2.O4 GLASS AND GLAZING MATERIALS I A. Standard S/8" overall dual sealed insulated glass unit with 9.1 mm (0.358") I air space. Stainless steel spacer with desiccant, primary seal polyisobutylene' I secondary seal silicone' I B. Gasketing: Each l.G. unit dry glazed with chloroprene gasket, no sealants. I C. DescriPtion of glazing oPtions: I Type 0099 10 (Snowload Glazinq) Laminated Low-E Gas Filled: Exterior lite 3.mm 1iE"; clear tempered with Low-Ez coating on surface #2, 11.1mm (0.44') air space I itt"O'*itn argon gas, interior lite two plies of 3.mm (1/8") tempered laminated with t 0.76 mm (0.030) vinyl interlayer. I 2.07 FLASHING I A. Type EDL Flashing is a prefabricated step flashing systery, legigned for use I with roofing materials lesi than 3/4" thick and for slopes of 3:12 (15 degrees) to 85 I degrees. I-B. Type EDW Flashing is a prefabricated gutter flashing system de_signed for I use with'ioofing material greatei than 3/4" thick, or high profile material, and for roof I stopes of 3:12 (tS Oegreei) to 85 degrees. Sill flashing section consists of corrugated apron to allow form fit of high profile material. I I Revised 12-FEB{3 I I I VELUXAmerica lnc. SPECIFICATION FOR MODEL FS FIXED SKYLIGHT 5 2.06 FABRICATION I A. Fabricate frame with slip joinUlock corners glued and nailed for hairline, I weather tight fit. I B. Fabricate frame components within minimum tolerances enabling installation I and movement of frame and dynamic movement of perimeter weather stripping. I C. permit extemaldrainage channels to migrate moisture to exterior. Provide I intemal drainage of glazing spaces to exterior through gasketing. I D. All units factory glazed with chloroprene gasketing' I 2.08 FtNtsHES r A. Exterior surfaces: Exposed exterior wood surfaces to be covered with roll- t formed maintenance free cladding pieces. Copper is roll-formed millfinish. lB.Maintenancefreeflashing:Copperisro|lformedmi||finish.I C. Interior surface: All exposed interior wood surfaces to be clear unfinished I wood. (Contractor to paint pei GCR Interior Paint Spec. Section, to match adjacent I ceiling color, or as directed by Buyer-) r PART 3 EXECUTION t 3.01 EXAMINATION I A. Verify rough opening dimensions and proper orientation of skylight. I 3.02 INSTALLATION I A. lnstall skylight in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. I B. fl,':H:t"'::tt level, free of warp or twist, maintain dimensional I C. Attach skylight to roof sheathing with manufacturer's brackets and screws and nails to accommodate construction tolerances and other irregularities. I D. provide thermal isolation when components penetrate or disrupt building insulation. Fack fibrous insulation in rough opening to maintain continuity of t thermalbarriers. I Revised 12'FEB-03 I I VELUX America Inc. SPECIFICATION FOR MODEL FS FIXED SKYLIGHT 6 I E. Coordinate attachment and seal of perimeter air and vapor barrier material. I F. Install manufacture/s engineered perimeter flashing in accordance withI manufacture/s installation instructions to achieve weather tight installation. I I I t t I t I I I I I I I I Revised 12+EB{3 4240 Architectufe lnc chicago Denver Boq- 69 5 Bo9 - 6?33 Bo9 - o256 BoS - o to? August8,2oos b5' 6t' O6o5-orr t(h5-attA Mr. Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official 665-A ll2 Town of Vail, BuiHing Dept. - bS ' ottJ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Gore Creek Residences - Special lnspector Approval 4240. Dear Charlie: As required by Chapter 17 of the 2003 International Building Code and in accordance with Hoagland and Associates Structural Plan Review Comments date 4.5.05, ltem 3, we wish to submit for your approval the structural steel inspector identified by Vail Resorts Development Company for the Gore Creek Residences project. The Special Inspector will be Dave Sturgeon of Independent Testing & Inspection Services, Inc. It is our understanding that Dave is cunently pre4uallfied with the Town of Vail to provide these inspections. These inspections include: l. Per 2003 IBC section 1704.2 Off Site Fabrication such as precast concrete 2. Per 2003 IBC section 1704.3 Steel Construction weld, cuts and high strength bolting 3. Per 2003 IBC section 1704.4 Concrete construction 4. Per 2003 IBC section 1704.5 Masonry construction 5. Per 2003 IBC section 1704.'11 Spray fire resistant materials 6. Per 2003 IBC section '1704.14 Smoke control Inspections for Section 1704.7 Soils and 1704.8 Piles/piers (shoring) will be provided by Alpine Engineering, the soils engineer of record. Elevator (dumbwaiter) inspections if reguired will be provided by the Northwest Council of Governments. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerely,_&-* Scott Zabriskie cc: Todd Goulding, Vail Resorts Development Company'Mike Cuthbertson, R.A. Nelson & Associates File: 20900.00 / 3.2 t5:r tiqhieenlil stre4l5uiie 2crJ De'iver. Coirricc 8r::o: Ijcj?9rr338 F joJ2-q2 ltt.lW4?4:;,:1,;eiti;re.cor,: Marc E, Esphosa Davld B. Boblmon, P.E. Rlchard D. anhbs. P.E. Stephen C. Rondinelll, AIA Robert il. "illke" Cordoro, P.E, January 10,2007 Mr. Jim Wiley 4240 Architecture. Inc. 5591 Coyote Ridge Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: 720-308-7803 GORE CREEK - Compliance with Administrative Modilication As per your request, this letter is provided as documentation for general compliance with the Administrative Modification for Gore Creek as approved by the Town of Vail Building and Fire Department. Over the past eighteen months inspections of the project have been conducted by the Town of Vail, Rolf Jensen and Associates and BCER Engineering. It would be my opinion that the construction of the Gore Creek Residential Project is in general compliance with the approved Administrative Modification. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at the office at 303.422.7400 or on my cell phone - 303.807.3321. Prepared by: Stephen Rondinelli, AIA PrincipaUDirector Fire Protection and Life Safety BCER Engineering Mike Cuthberston C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\SCR\DESKTOnCORE CREEK ADMIN MOD COMPLIANCE I l0.07.DOC 5420 WARD RoAo, SutrE 200. ARVADA. COLOFADO 80002-18i38 . T€LEPHoNE: 303-42,-7400 . Fax: 303-422-7900 pnrQ""o Assocnrns Excnvn"*r!R". STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS 715 grand avcnug post omcc box 751 glcnwood springq coloredo 81602 phonc (970) 95-9695 tbx (970) 9454921 o.mail: po@sopris.na April27,2005 CCPY Hougland and Associates 0017 Gamba Drive Glenwoood Springs, C,olorado 8 I 60 1 Re: Gore Creek Place Tunnel. Vail Permit Review OFFIOE GOPY .EoV - a)i> 6oV - o>tb Town of Vail Dear Art: Upon review of the structural plans, structural calculations, excavation shoring plans, precast cotrcr€te erection plans and calculations, and the geotechnical report that were provided for our review, we find no reason that the Building Permit not be issued for this project. Design recommendations are consistent throughout the documents, calculations appear to m€et nomral engineering standards, and the loadings and desigt para$reters comply with 2003 International Building Code requirements. All documents are properly stamped and signed by the appropriate engineers and have been reviewed by the Engineer ofRecord Please be aware that our review was necessarily cursory in nature; neither calculation checks nor independent analyses were conducted to verif &e results of the struotural engineering dcsign. We recomrnend that the Building Inspectods) become familiar with the geotechnical report in particular and periodically review the recommendations therein during the course of construction. This will help assure consistency with surface and subsurface drainage provisions, cornpaction requirements, and footing/slab support soil preparation recormnendations. Please contact me ifyou have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, ,7t'tttglwr,wr Robert M. Pattillo, P.E. Principal Engineer attachmcnts: Stuctural Calculations, July 23, 2fiX, Monroe & Newell Engineers Soils and Foundation Invcstigation, July 8, 2002, Kochlein Consrlting Engineers Prccast Calculations, January 21, 2fi)5, StessCon Corporation Plates Drawings, January 2l, 2005, SbessCon Corporation Ercction Drawings, January 21, 2005, StsessCon Corporation Excavation Shoring Drawings, Scptcmber 10, 2004, Coggins & Sons Structural Drawings, January 3, 2fi)5, Mmroc & Ncwell Enginccrs RMP/kmm o {240 .4.rchitecture lnc chicapo 4240' Mr. Art Hougland Hougland & Associates 17 Gamba Drive Glenwood Springs, Colorado April 15,2005 RE: Gore Greek Resldences - Permit Review - Bulldlngs 1 & 2. Dear Mr. Hougland, This correspondence is intended to summarize our response to all the outstanding Hougland & Associates con@ms expressed to date during plan review for the Gore Creek Residences Project Buildings 1 & 2 (permit # 80+0233). Attached for reference are Town of Vail / Art Hougland Plan Revieri/ Comments dated 3/25/05, 4l5l05, 4111105, & 4112105 and 4240 response lefter dated 4/8/2005 & 4/1 1/05. 1. 4240 acknowledges Hougland & Associates acceptance of this item based upon the clarification that all gas appliances in the mechanical rooms are sealed combustion units with dedicated combustion air pipes per manuiac{uref s recommendations. 2. 4240It ,E modified lhe composition of the super insulated roof detail in order to further optimize and insure its performance. The minor modification involves adjusting the 2 layers of roof insulation as follows: The 8'thickness of fiberglass batt insulation will be reduced to 4" (R-12.5). The sprayed polyurethane foam insulation will be increased to 5 %'(R-38). Attached please find 4240 latter addressed to the Town of Vail Chief Building Offcial, Charlie Davis, requesting approval of the proposed construction as a modification to code required attic ventilation. In support of this request, also find attached M-E Engineers substantiating documentation. 3. 4240 acknowledges Hougland & Associates acceptance of documentation substantiating compliance with the 2003 IECC. 4. 4240 acknowledges Hougland & Associates acceptance of revised drawing document Sheets A751 & A752 indicating required safety glazing. Though not specifically requested, drawing document Sheet 471 t has also been revise to indicate safety glazing. 2 fult-size stamped sheets of each will be delivered to both the Tom of Vail office and Art Hougland directly for incorporalion into 'Office" and 'Field" sets of plans as soon as possible early next week. 5. 4240 acknowledges Hougland & Associates acceptance of revised drawing document Sheets 4751 & 4752 indicating required compliant escape/rescue windors. Full-size sheets are forthcoming as noted in Item 4. 6. 4240 acknowledges Hougland & Associates acceptance of revised drawing document Sheet A81 1 indicating that 4' and 6' spheres shall not pass on handrails or guards. 2 fulFsize stamped sheets will be delivered io both the Town of Vail office and Art Hougland directly for incorporation into 'Offce' and 'Field" sets of plans as soon as possible early next week. 7. Regarding consideration of accessibility requirements, please see attached letter from VRDC clarirying lhe use of the residences, and lhereby subsiantiating their exemption from this requirement. Also, 162l Elshtcenth Strcct Suite 200 Denver. Colorddo 80202 'I301292 3388 l:103 292 3ll3 W 4240architccture com o denver424{l Architecture lnc chicqpo 4240' through previous corespondence 4240 acknoirledges that Hougland & Associates concurs with 4240 findings that FHA requirements do not apply for this project. 8. 4240 ackndrdedges Hougland & Associates acceptance of plans indicating crawlspace ventilation. 9. 4240 acknowledges Hougland & Associates acceptance of Monroe Neu/ell's 4/5/05 Quality Assurance Plan for Seismic Systems. The enginee/s signed document on Monroe-Newsll Lettefiead is transmitted herewith. 4240 acknorvledges HOUGI-AND & ASSOCIATES acceptance of a 'defened submittal" for Items 2 & 3 under She6t 51.02 - of Structural Plan Review Comments dated 415105. 4240 wishes to clariry that Sheet 51.0'l does exist and should be found in the Building 1 permit revievv drawing set. This sheet contains lhe revised sfuctural notes relative to required inspec{ions that were previously submitted as an excerpt. 2 revised full-size stramped oopies of Sheet S1.02 (building 1) and also Sheet 51.02 (building 2), will be delivered to both the Tovn of Vail ofice and Art Hougland directly for incorporation into "Office' and "Field' sets of plans as soon as possible early next week. Drawings Sl .03 - 51.08 are pertaining to future submitlals for Buildings 3-8. Thank you for your consideration in these matters. Sincerely, Scott Zabriskie, AIA cc: Charlie Davis, Torvn of Vail Todd Goulding, Vail Resorts Development Company Mike Day, M-E Engineers, Inc. Brian Thompson, Rolf Jensen &Assoc., Inc. Peter Monroe, Monroe & Newelt Engineers, Inc. | 62 I F.ighteenth Street Suite 200 Denver. Colomdo 80202 T 103 292 3188 F 3Oi 292 3 | l3 W ,l240architeclure.com o denver{240 Architecture lltrc chicapo 4240' Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official Town of Vail, Building Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 April15,2005 RE: Gore Creek Residences - Code todificalion Request Dear Charlie Davis, At the suggestion of Art Hougland & Associates, we would like to formally request a modification to IRC Section R104.1 and IBC Section 1(X.1 pertaining to ventilation of attic spaces. It has been the project team's approach since the schematic phase of the project, to provide a super insulated warm roof and warm interstitial attic space design, due in part to the necessity for fire sprinkler protection in the mncealed attic spaces. The intent of the code reouirement for attic ventilation is not discussed in the lRC, IBC or the commentary, but ventilation is commonly understood to be the conventional solution for avoiding problematic moisture and condensation within what would usually be an unheated attic space. This project however, like many others constructed in the Vail valley, utilizes a super insulated roof at the exterior envelope, creating a warm interstitial space between the roof and the ceiling. Calculations performed by the project mechanical engineer Mike Day of M-E Engineers place the dew point within the sprayed polyurethane foam insulation and vapor banier applied directly to the underside of the roof sheathing, thereby preventing interior moisture from condensing within the building. There was specific discussion in an earlier project meeting with the Town of Vail regarding this common apprcach. Ghief BuiHing Official Charlie Davis with the Tovrrn of Vail, project Code and Fire Protection Consultant Brain Thompson of Rolf Jensen & Assoc, and Owner Representative Todd Goulding of VRDC were present among others. lt was their mutual understanding that the Town of Vail was amenable to the design team's approach at that time. lt is 4240's continued position that the current design solution with regard to the interstitial space between the super insulated roof and the ceiling is not in mnflict with the intent of the code and falls within an established and acceptable pattern of construclion method in the local jurisdiction and surrounding mountain region. M-E Engineers' supporting documentation and calculations substantiating the performance of the designed system are attached. Design details are also attached indicating the proposed insulation at the warm roof assembly. 4240 requests that the Town of Vail approve the cunent unventilated design as a code modification on the basis of its unique performance that is not in conflict with the intent of the code. I6?| Eashtcenth Street Suite 200 D€nlcr- Colorado 80202 Tl0l292338t1 f 303 292 3l I 3 W 42.l0architecrure com o dew*42,(l Archit ctuF lnc chicago Thank you br your caraful consUeration. Sincercly, Scott Zabriskie. AIA cc: Art Hougland, Hougland & Aseociatee Todd Goulding, Vail Resorts Dweloprrent Company Mike Day, iltE Engineers, Inc. Brian Thompson, Rolf Jensen & Assoc., ltrc. Peter Monroe, ldonroe & Newell Engineee, Inc. 4240, 162l EighE€rxh St€et SuiE 200 D€nvcr, Colondo E0202 T 301292 33tt F 303 292 3t 13 w 42lt&rEhibcturE.com -co ra':) ul (4E =zHE6E G, 4 :l FEI f, ; 26 (.) ,.] zE uI ?FHcoF.^.tH SE*r ;EFP E FgE E o.,d 9ss & ; z lrJ (,z2PI6gl EEzn g5 cl2 H lr,l #EF gEE H z I z 14E EI a gF 833 * qE6E6J D1i.i 7 =x a 5^ 3qE uo ul ??e iir FFA I c EQ @zn9 i5..2 lu ;t<lFI rI1I tlr Frll-o [:. q € 3o- l!o 3 u.ltdo =G,F ctoo- o E o I EEFH *FE E 5t 3F .L --1'-II / / IooE|,'3? 8> ur€Elr, lO =1 9EH6 -anoza, o (,z 5 oo 5 o. o rl) : E oI Eooc Eo lrJ 1o- G,lrJtrf(J E o-Go() a VE aL\ro o' .rlstiqazs t{d 5.2: F 'br\p i ! av .,sleaqs\!a!ro-t J^rof iaer 3 a ro., ",:A,")" GO GOrfi) 4 o z (J 3 Fl tq I F 6I Jo- Ir 8E, dic (' 3e H z rq H a:g. r FI 528 x9l 6 g{6 EgE n : iEI EE: E5 Zr5 FcS Z. Ei. -e- hJ?XCFZJ (,z I lrlIo I(J olrj 3 trc vl 3(, o rt) sotnfolo (,z.E p GE Lr,l = 2E 3-a ooic ()ztr 8Eo. G,lrt J lrJz 8H3Et6, t -9{a I' -l.t 0.1>l E{ll <lFI frfl AL t.? qi trt-o gHsAs Jao 3ei Ed@g =oFtt +Hotx5r! gt Fco() lrJo E g t L; z (J a 6i F z (J r,ix cFSp de=H sHHA r|oF lrl,tl:rt elrs..lQozs 'r\d "r,or,, ,"O r4,,b^.p ie !v \slaF,rs \se-. -,.,"". J. .,"..\.n >lrj> *=$(nb >EF:)o1 EF AIz.(,(L- @io IE )tl |o fi?85;8: fit+lg zj--? 9=95 39-' -t uJ i6,6z. FF cl rO I E. + o(,oz.o= =trJLd(LI .@ @ lr) o- @ uJ (J5Y?fr IJ I tDX9(n>Y3 R 3E6 r-P = !4k H= U1 lt? El:UJ39aOAf;E tr? \7 q = a,rs,,iozs,,,,", .o^,?",),,r^,r-.r,".**rJAo':a,:, ?,o!, ^F =,.,"'"".o'n trd:.:6t3 !3(+o a17 M-E E[crtEERS, ttrC.p ue-eexERcREEK BLvD- surrE 30? lV P.o. Boxt'o, AVON, oo. 8l6zt lZ' PH: (970) 9aS€000 FAx: (070! 9{S-1950 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Scott Zabriskie MikeDay April 15,2005 GCR - Attic Ventilation and Dew Point Calculations Attached you will find our dew point calculations for the roof assembly of the Gore Creek Residences project. We have determined that the target dewpoint temperature for a 68 degree inside air ternperature at 30% RH is 4l F. This computation calculates the expected temperature at the interior face ofthe sprayed-on insulation/vapor barrier to be 46.81 F on a design day with a temperature of -19 F. From this w€ can determine that the dewpoint temperature of 4l F will occur outside of the vapor barrier. Since the dewpoint temperatures will not occur in the attic space, we feel that the design meets the intent of the IBC and IRC codes. This should also meet with the approval of the Town of Vail building department. 48 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. SUITE 307 . PoST OFFICE BOx s740 . AVON. COLOMDO 81620 . TELEPHONE 9?0-949-6000 o FAX 970-%9- 1959 oo Locatlon: Descrlptlon: Date: Calculated bv: Vail, CO Duplex Townhom€s Rool R-Values: llaterlal wldth fln)R4avlty(9ll%)Rrlolst O%) Outside air film 0.17 Wood shakes 0.94 Roofing membrane 0.33 Plyttrood 5/8 o.77 Sprayed insulation (R=7fi n)5.5 38.5 Batt Insulat'ron (R=1 2.5)4 12.5 12.5 FSK paper inside air 0.61 rotal - R 53.82 12.5 R.- =51 Irerpolnt Locatlon:T;To-(Ry'R..jAT T;45.81 Vnrl REsoRrs DevELoPMENT CoupANy C o I sr R u c r to ru D e pA RT M E N T April 15,2005 Hougland & Associates l7 Gamba Drive Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 RE: Core Creek Place Rental Program Dear Art- As clarified in 42140's architectural response to the Town of Vail, and with the understanding that it is Vail's position it is exempt from the Fair Housing Act requirements in connection with the above referenced project please be advised of the following; vail Resorts Development company wishes to clarify that is does not intend for any single agency to manage the project as rental units available to the public. All units are presently being sold to individuals as whole ownership units and without any plan or intention by VRDC to organize any form of rental management for the project. Please feel free to contact me at any time with your concerns or questions. Sincerely,/fu'>4--' cc: '#5":*\..' ' V master file W. Todd Goulding Project Manager Vail Resorts Development Company l)covcr. r l)illon, I Monroe & Newell En8ine.6.r, Ioc. l. Gore Creek Place Residcnccs Quality Assurance Plan for Seismic Systems (Per LB.C. SectionlT05) April sth,2oo5 M&N # 6285 The seismic force resisting systems subject to quality assurance for framing within the residences include the rigid steel fiames and all light framed plywood sbear walls with fastener spacing less than 6" as per LB.C. section 1707. Continuous special inspection shall be provided for welding of rigid steel frame members in accordance with AISC 341- Pcriodic special inspccrion shall be provided for wood-framed shear walls and connections as indicated on the construction documents for sheathing panel fasteners, anchor bolt placement, hold-downs and drag-struts. Testing for stuctural steel shall be as required by AISC 341. Acceptance criteria for non-destructivc testing shall bc as required by AWS D I . I . Final test reports and special inspection reports shall be furnished to the building official and to the engineer of record prior to conccaling those portions of the work indicated above Structural observations are not rcquired. (Re: LB.C. section 1709). This plan was prepared at the request of Town of Vail Building Department and shall apply to buildings I through 8 of the Core Creek Place project. r/ar Mark Gee, P.E. Associate Principal MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC. 3. 4. 5.