HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY SUBDIVISION LOT 3 GORE CREEK PLACE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS & CONTRACT & CONDITIONS(vlocc\,3 6rore Gz.LP\a,ce- $, AA.,rt Y?.zqvtcc,rtran\s r don\mcf, ae\d{.RonS sEcrIoN 00005 TABLEOFCONTENTS DIVISION IFBIDDING REQTJIREMENTS' CONTRACT FORMS AND COI\IDITIONS OT THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION I-GENERAL REQTJIREMENTS 01000 01005 01010 01030 01039 01040 0lM5 01050 01078 01090 01200 01300 01310 01400 014t0 01500 01550 01600 01630 01700 0r730 DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK General Provisions Administrative Provisions Summary of Work Alternates Pre-Consfi uction Coordination Project Coordination Cutting and Patching Field Engineering Definitions and Explanations Reference Standards Project Meetings Submittals Constsuction Schedules and Reports Quality Control Testing Laboratory Services Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls Access Roads and Parking Areas Material and Equipment Product Options and Substiurtions Contract Closeout Operation and Maintenance Data Professional Seals Page Consultants List Table of Contents Agreement Forms List of Drawings Site Demolition Site Clearing Excavation Support and Protection Earthwork Erosion and Sedim€ntation Contsol Water Distribution Concrete Unit Pavers Flagstone Sanitary Sewer System Electric, Communications, and Gas Systems Subdrianage Sptem Strom Drainage I-andscape Irrigation System Iandscape Planting kndscape Maintenance 00001 00002 00005 00500 00860 02220 02230 022& 02300 02370 02510 02515 o2516 02530 02580 02620 02630 02810 02900 02970 DATE 0Elr3tM 08113/M 09l02lM 08n3lM 09/0210/. 08lL3lM 08l13lM 08tr3lM 08lt3lM 08l13l0/ 08/13/M 08/L3lM 08/t3l0/, o8n3/M 08t13l0/ 08l13l04 08l13lM 08113104 oSt13t04 oSt13lM 08t13/M 08/13lM oStr3lm 08n3lm 081r3/M 08n3lm 08l13tM 08n3l04 08/13/04 08/13/04 08/13/04 081t3104 08n3lM oSl13l04 08l13l04 08/13/04 08/13/M 08/13/u 08n3lo4 08113104 08/13/04 ISSUE 06 06 07 06 07 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 02 September 2lX}4 Teble of Contents 00005 - I DTVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03300 03310 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY Cast-In-'Place Concrete Site Concrcte Stone Veneer Stone Countertops o8/L3tM 08/L3t04 08lt3lM 08n3tm 08n3t04 08n3tM 08/13/04 08/L3tM 08113t04 08113104 o8l13/04 08lt3lM 08l13lM 08l13lM 08/13/04 08l13/o4 08lt3lM 08t13t04. 08/13/04 08lt3/M 08n3t0/, 08n3t04. 08113104 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 DIVISION ? - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION (X400 04405 DWISION5-METAL 05120 05500 Structural Steel Metal Fabrications Stile and Rail Wood Doors Access Doors Clad Wood Wfudows and Doors Door Hardware Glazing DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS Rough Carpentry Wood Blocking and Cubing HeawTimber Finish Carpentry Custom Casework 07212 072t3 07214 o7260 o't265 07270 07313 07461 0751 l 07520 07620 07900 Board Insulation Batt and Blanket lnsulation Spray-On Insulation Vapor Retarders Vapor Barrier for Crawlspaces Air and vapor Barrier Roof Shakes Wood Siding Spray-Applied Foundation Wall Waterproofing Hot-Applied Waterproofing Membrarc for Terraces Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim Ioint Sealers DIVISION t. IX)ORS AND WINIX)WS 06100 06105 06130 06200 06410 w220 09260 09300 w632 09640 09686 (D900 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 082t2 08310 08610 08710 08800 DTVISION 9 - FINISIIES Portland Cernent Plaster (Stucco) Gypsum Board Assemblies Floor Tiles Stone Flooring Hardwood Flooring Carpet Painting 08lt3lM oSlt3lM oSlt3lm o8n3t0/. 08l13lM 081t3/M 06 081t3104 06 08113104 06 08/t3104 06 o8lr3/M 06 08113104 06 08lt3l0/. 06 00005 - 2 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colondo 02 Se Ptember 20M 06 06 06 06 06 T.ble of Contents DIVISION IO - SPECIALTIES t0305 10800 10825 Fireplaces and Flues Toilet and Bath Accessories Shower Door Enclosures 08t13tM 08113104 08i l3104 08l13lM 06 08n3104 06 06 06 06 DIVISION TT - EQTIIPMENT t1452 Residential Appliances DWISION T2 - FT,JRNISHINGS Not Used DTYISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Not Used DTYISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS Dumbwaiters14t00 DIVISION 15 . MECHANICAL I 500 I and I 600 I Mechanical and Electrical Coordination 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirernents 15050 Basic Mecahnical Materials and Methods 15060 PipeandPiPeFittings 15 t00 Valves l5l20 Piping Accessories 15140 Pipe Supports and Anchors 15 170 Motors and Starters 15172 Electronic Speed Controllers 15240 Vibration Control 15250 Mechanical Insulation 15300 Fire Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15410 Plumbing Piping 15440 Plumbing Fixnues 15450 Plumbing EquiPment 15486 Natural Gas Systems 15510 Hydronic Piping 155 15 Snow Melting SYstem PiPing 15540 HVACPumps 15555 Boilers 15670 Air{ooled Condensing Units 15830 Heating Terminal Units 15853 FanCoilUnit 15890 Ductwork 15935 Air lnlets and Outlets 15950 Controls and lnstrumentation 15990 Test-Adjust-Balance DWISION T6 - ELECTRICAL t6010 Elecrical Requirements 08il3tM o8n3to4 08l13lM oSt13t0/. 08l13lM o&t13/M 08t13lM oStr3lm oSl13lu 08/13/04 08lr3tM 09t02tw 08lr3lu 08l13lM 08113104 08l13lM 08lt3lM 08l13lo4 08ll3lM 08n3to4 08/r3104 08l13lM 08l13l04 08113104 08n3t04 08n3t04 08tr3lm 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 0608/13/04 Gore Creek Residences - Residentid Veil, Colorado 02 SePtember 2004 Table of Contents m005 -3 16080 l6l t0 t6t20 16135 16140 16210 16350 16450 t672r t6741 08lt3lu 08l13lM 08l13lu oar3,la4 08l13lM 08l13tM oEl13lu 08n3lu @l02lM o8ll3lo4 Manufacturcrs Raccways Wire and Cable Electrical Boxes and Fittings Wiring Devices Panelboards Grounding Ughing Fixhr€s Firc Alarm Systen Telepbone Systems 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 06 ENDOFSECTION Gorc Creek Residcncer - Resfulendrl Vail, Colorrdo 02 Scptember 2lD4 Table of Contents tn005 -4 SECTION OOE6O LISTOFDRAWINGS PART T GENERAL I.OI LIST OF DRAWINGS A. The following overall Project Documeirts, each dated as follows, form a part ofthe basis for thc Contract Documents: DWG. ITI]MBER DESCRIPTION DATEISSUEI} ISSUENO. GENERAL G00l G002 G003 G005 AS00l AS002 AS003 R00l R002 Rl0l Rl02 Rl03 Rl04 Rl0s Rl06 Rl07 Rl08 Rlll Rl 12 09t02tw 09t02t04 @102104 09l02lM 09t02tM 09t02/M 09/02t04 09t02tM 09louw 09t02tw 09/0404 09/ouo4 09t02tM 09lo2l04 09lo2l04 09t02104 wl02lw 09t02lM 09to2tM 09t02tw Cover Sheet Index of Drawings Index of Drawings Index of Drawings General Information Architectural Site Plan - Garage kvel Architectural Site Plan - Plaza l.evel Architectural Site Plan - Roof l.evel Code Analysis & Building Summary Code Analysis & Building Summary Code Reference Plan - Garage l-evel - Buildings I thru 4 Code Reference Plan - Garage kvel - Buildings 5 thru 8 Code Reference Plan - Plaza Level - Buildings I thru 4 Code Reference Plan - Plaza bvel - Buildings 5 thru 8 Code Reference Plan - Upper kvel - lqildings I thru 4 Code Reference Plan - Upper lrvel - Buildings 5 thru 8 Code Reference Plan - Rooflevel - Buildings I thru 4 Code Reference Plan - Roof kvel - Buildings 5 thru 8 Sit€ Grid Reference Plan - Buildings I thru 4 Site Grid Reference PIan - Buildings 5 thru 8 o7 o7 07 o7 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 CIVIL sDl c000 c00l c002 c003 c004 c005 c006 c007A c0078 c008 List of Drawings Survey - Existing Conditions Map Cover Sheet Existing Conditions Overall Grading Plan Grading and Drainage Plan, Buildings I - 4 Grading and Drainage Plan, Buildings 5 - 8 Tunnel Grading and Drainage Plan & Profile - Buildings l-4 Tunnel Grading and Drainage Ptan & Profile - Buildings 5-8 Storm Sewer Profiles Stonn Sewer Profiles Pedestrian Path Profile - Buildings I - 4 08lr3lo4 05/06 08lr3lm 05/06 08l13lu 05/06 08tr3tH 05/0608ll3l@. 05/0608ll3lu 05/06 08n3l0/- 05/0608lr3lo4 0slo6 08n3lu 05/06 08/L3l0/- 05106 08n3lm 05/06 Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail' Coloredo 02 SePtember 20lM 00$0 - r c009 c0l0 col I c0l2 c0l3 c0l4 c0l5 c0l6 c0l7 c0l8 c0r9 c020 c02l c022 co23 co24 MRI MR2 MR3 MXOOI MX002 MXOO3 MX004 MX00lA MX005 MX006 Pedesrian Path Profile - Buildings 5 - 8 Grading and Drainage Details Grading and Drainage Details Water and Sewer Plan Shallow Utility Plan Water and Sew€r Profiles Water and Sewer Details Shallou/ Utility Details Overall SubDrain Plan Sub_Drain plan _ luildings I _3 Sub-Drain Plans - Buildings 4 - 6 SubDrain Plans - Buildings 6 - 8 Roof Drain Plan - Buildings I -3 Roof Drain Plan - Buildings 4 - 6 Roof Drain Plan - Buildings 6 - 8 Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Marriott Drive & Utility Cover Drive & Utility Plans & Profiles f,hive & Utility Details Mass Excavation Cover Sheet Mass Excavation Existing Conditions Mass Excavation Plan & Profiles Mass Excavation Plan & Profiles Mass Excavation Plan & Profiles Mass Excavation Details Mass Excavation Details 081t3104 08113/04 08113104 o8tr3/u 08lt3lu oSt13tM 08l13lo4 o8l13/o4 08/13/ol 08lt3lM 08t13104 081t3104 08lL3lM 08t13/M 08lt3lM 08lr3lM 07lluw 07nzlM 07n2lM 08tr3/M 08/13i04 08lt3lM 081t3104 081r3/M oSltym 08/L3lM 05i06 05/06 05/06 05106 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05/06 05i06 05i06 0t 0l 0l 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 LANDSCAPE L-l L.2 13.l t3.2 TA U5 l-6 L-7 LE L-9 l,ayout and Materials - Buildings I - 4 Layout and Materials - Buildings 5 - 8 Constructioo Details Consfruction Details Planting Plan - Buildings I -4 Planting Plan - Buildings 5 - 8 Planting Details Irrigation - Buildings I -4 Irrigation - Buildings 5 - 8 Irrigation Details 08l13lM 08lt3lM 08/13/M 08lt3lM 08n3/04 08t13lM 08/13104 08lt3lM 08ll3t04 08l13lM 05/06 05/06 05/06 05i06 05/06 05i06 05/06 05i06 05/06 05/06 STRUCTIJRAL sl.0 sl.0 s1.01 s1.02 s1.03 s1.04 s1.05 s1.06 s1.07 s 1.08 List of Drewings Maniott Parking Alteration Turmel - Foundation Details and General Notes Building I - Foundation Details and General Notes Building 2 - Foundation Deails and General Notes Building 3 - Foundation Details and General Notes Building 4 - Foundation Details and General Notes Building 5 - Foundation Details and General Notes Building 6 - Foundation Details and General Notes Building 7 - Foundation Details and General Notes Building 8 - Foundation Details and General Notes Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail, Colorado 02 SePtember 2004 o7lt5/04 08l13lu 08i l3/04 09102104 Funue Funue Future Future Future Future 0l 05 06 07 Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue 00860 - 2 sl.l0 sl.l I sl.l2 sl.l3 s1.20 sl.2l st.22 s 1.23 sr.30 sl.3l s1.32 s1.33 s1.40 sl.4l s1.42 s1.43 s1.50 sl.5t s t.52 s 1.53 s1.60 sl.6l s1.62 s1.63 s1.70 sl.7l st.72 s1.73 s1.80 sl.8l s1.82 s1.83 s2.10 s2.t I s2.20 s2.21 s2.30 s2.31 s2.40 s2.41 s3.0 s3.l s3.2 List of Drawings 08n3lM 08^3lM 08il3/04 08t13/04 09t02tM 09t0u04 @l0uw 09t02/M Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Fu$re Future Future Future Future Future 08l13lM 08n3tM 08/13/M 08n3/04 08n3tu 08/13/04 08lt3lM 081t3/M 08l13lM 08^3/04 08n3lM Building Building Building Building - Garage l-evel Foundation & Framing PIan - Main level Framing Plan - Upper Level Framing PIan - Roof Framing Plan Sgllding 2 - Garage kvel Foundation & Framing Plan Building 2 - Main kvel Framing Plan Building 2 - Upper Level Framing Plan Building 2 - Roof Franing Plan Building 3 - Garage Iwel Foundation & Framing Plan Building 3 - Main kvel Framing Plan Building 3 - Upper tevel Framing Plan Building 3 - Roof Franing Plan Building 4 - Garage l*vel Foundation & Framing Plan Building 4 - Main Lrvel Framing Plan Building 4 - Upper Lrvel Framing Plan Building 4 - Roof Framing Plan Building 5 - Garage Level Foundation & Framing Plan Building 5 - Main level Framing Plan Building 5 - Upper Level Framing Plan Building 5 - Roof Framing Plan Building 6 - Garage Level Foundation & Framing Plan Building 6 - Main level Framing Plan Building 6 - Upper l-evel Framing Plan Building 6 - Roof Framing Plan Building 7 - Garage Level Foundation & Framing Plan Building 7 - Main lcvel Framing Plan Building 7 - Upper l,evel Framing PIan Building 7 - Roof Framing Plan Building 8 - Garage l.evel Foundation & Framing Plan Building 8 - Main L,evel Framing Plan Building 8 - Upper kvel Framing Pan Building 8 - Roof Framing Plan Building l&2 Tunnel Foundation Plan Building l&2 Tunnel Framing Plan Building 3&4 Tunnel Foundation Plan Building 3&4 Tunnel Framing Plan Building 5&6 Tunnel Foundation Plan Building 5&6 Turmel Framing Plan Building 7&8 Turmel Foundation Plan Building 7&8 Tunnel Framing Plan Foundation & Framing Details Foundation & Framing Details Foundation & Framing Details 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issuc Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail, Colorado 02 SePtember 2004 00860 - 3 s3.3 s4.l t s4.12 s4.21 s4.22 s4.31 s4,32 s4.41 s4.42 s4.5 t s4.52 s4.6r s4.62 s4.71 s4.72 s4.81 s4.82 oEtr3l0/. 08tr3lm 08l13l0/. 09lo2lM wt02tu Future Fuhre Future Future Fuhue Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Foundation & Framing Details Building l- Details Building l- D,etails Building 2 - Deails Building 2 - D€tails Building 3 - Details Building 3 - Details Building 4 - Details Building 4 - Details Building 5 - Details Building 5 - Details Building 6 - Details Building 6 - Details Building 7 - Details Building 7 - De tails Building 8 - Details Building 8 - Details 05 06 06 07 07 Issue Issue Issue Issue Iszue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue ARCHITECTTJRAL A00l A002 A003 A004 A005 A006 A007 A008 A0ll Al0l Al02 Alll Al12 Al13 Al 14 Al 15 Al16 Al17 Al2l Al22 AI2' Al24 At25 A126 Al27 Al3l At32 Al33 Al34 Al35 List of Drewings - Roof Plan - Garage kvel Reflecled Ceiling Plan - Main kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan - Upper kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Tunnel Plan - Grids l-10 Turmel Plan - Grids I l-19 Tunnel Plan - Grids 20-25 Tunnel Plan - Grids 26-35 Turmel Reflected Ceiling Plan - Grids 1-10 Tunnel Reflected Ceiling Plan - Grids 10-19 Tunnel Reflected Ceiling Plan - Grids 19-26 Tunnel Reflected Ceiling Plan - Grids 2G36 Enlarged Floor Plars - Tururel Enlarged Plaza Plan - Buildings I thru 4 Enlarged Plaza Plan - Buildings 5 thru 8 Building I - Garage Level Plan Building I - Main l*vel Plan Building I - Upper Lrvel Plan 08lt3lo4 08/r3lm 08113104 08113104 08/13/M 081r3t04 08113104 o8l13l04 08/r3/M 08l13l04 08/t3lM 08lt3lM 08lt3lM 08l13tM 08n3lM 08113/u 08l13lM 08113/M 09loztu w/02/u 09/02/04 wl02lM @/02tM @l02tw 09l02lw Future Future Future Future Future 05/06 05/06 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 0'l Building Building Building Building Building 2 - Garage kvel Plan Building 2 - Main Level Plan Building 2 - Upper Level Plan Building 2 - Roof Plan Building 2 - Garage kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 2 - Main Level Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 2 - Upper l:vel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 3 - Garage kvel Plan Building 3 - Main Level Plan Building 3 - Upper kvel Plan Building 3 -RoofPlan Building 3 - Garage Level Reflected Ceiling Plan Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vailn Coloredo 02 SePtember 20M Iszue Issue Iszue Issue Issue 00860 - 4 Al36 At37 At4l At42 Al43 Al44 Al45 At46 Al47 Al5l Al52 Al53 Al54 Al55 Al56 At57 Al6l At62 Al63 Al64 Al65 Al66 Al67 AlTl Al72 Al't3 At74 Al75 Al76 At17 A18l Al82 Al83 Al84 Ar85 Al86 Al87 A2ll M12 A2t3 A2l4 A22l 4222 ..223 List of Drawings Building 3 - Main kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 3 - Upper trvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 4 - Garage Level Plan Building 4 - Main kvel Plan Building 4 - Upper Level Plan Building4-RoofPlan Building 4 - Garage Level Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 4 - Main kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 4 - Upper kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 5 - Garage Level Plan Building 5 - Main bvel Plan Building 5 - Upper kvel Plan Building5-RoofPlan Building 5 - Garage kvel Reflecrcd Ceiling Plan Building 5 - Main kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 5 - Upper [*vel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 6 - Garage Level Plan Building 6 - Main kvel Plan Building 6 - Upper lrvel Plan Building6-RoofPlan Building 6 - Garage l-evel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 6 - Main Irvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 6 - Upper Level Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 7 - Garage Level Plan Building 7 - Main kvel Plan Building 7 - Upper l*vel Plan BuildingT-RoofPlan Building 7 - Garage l*vel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 7 - Main kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 7 - Upper kvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 8 - Garage I*vel Plan Building 8 - Main kvel Plan Building 8 - Upper bvel Plan BuildingS-RoofPlan Building 8 - Garage lrvel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 8 - Main I*vel Reflected Ceiling Plan Building 8 - Upper Level Reflected Ceiling PIan Tunnel Elevations Tunnel Elevations Tunnel Elevations Tunnel Elevations Building Building Building Building - North Elevation - South Elevation - East Elevation - West Elevation Building 2 - North Elevation Building 2 - South Elevation Building 2 - East Elevation Futule Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Fuhre Future Future Future Future Future Fuhrre Future Future Future Future Future Fuhre Future Fuhre Future Future 08n3lM 08t13lM o8^3lM 08/13/04 08t13t04 08n3/M 08/13i04 08^3tu 09t02104 09t02/M 09t02/04 Issue Issue Isue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 w 07 07 A20l A202 AJ.03 A204 Gore Creek Residences - Residence Vailn Colorado 02 SePtember 2004 00860 - 5 A224 A23r lJ,32 4233 lJ34 A24l 4242 4243 AJ44 A,,5r A,,52 t,,53 Ms4 A26l ,262 ll.63 l.2ffi A27l M72 r'.273 nJ74 A28l A,,82 4283 A,'84 A30l Af02 A303 A304 A305 A306 A3ll A3r2 A3l3 A3l4 A3t5 A32l 4322 A323 4324 A33l A332 A333 L334 A34l List of Drawings 09nz04 Future Future Future Future Futurc Future Future Fuhre Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Futule Future Future Futute Future Future Future Future Future o8ll3/M 08113104 oSll3lm 08lr3lM 08113/M 08113104 08l13lM 08n3tu oSt13tu 08lt3lu oSt13tM 09t02tM 09t02tM 09t0a04 09naM Future Future Future Futule Building 2 - West Elwation Building 3 - North Elevation Building 3 - South Elevation Building 3 - East Elevation Building 3 - West Elevation Building 4 - North Elevation Building 4 - South Elevation Building 4 - East Elevation Building 4 - West Elevation Building 5 - North Eleration Building 5 - South Elevation Building 5 - East Elevation Building 5 - West Elevation Building 6 - North Elevation Building 6 - South Elevation Building 6 - East Elevation Building 6 - West Elevation Building 7 - North Elevation Building 7 - South Elevation Building 7 - East Elevation Building 7 - West Elevation Building 8 - North Elevation Building 8 - South Elevation Building 8 - East Elevation Building 8 - West Elevation Tunnel Sectioos Tunnel Sections Tunnel Scctions Tunnel Sections Tunnel Sectiotts Tunnel Sectiors Building Building Building Building Building - Section - Section - Section - Section - Section Building 2 - Section Building 2 - Section Building 2 - Section Building 2 - Section Building 3 - Section Building 3 - Scction Building 3 - Section Building 3 - Section Building 4 - Section 07 Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Future Issue Gore Crek Residences - Residences Vail, Colomdo 02 SePtember 2lXX 00860 - 6 Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue A342 A343 A344 Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issue Issuc Issue Issue 05 05 A35t A352 A353 4354 A36l A362 A363 A364 A37l 4372 4373 r'374 A38l A382 A383 A384 A401 A402 A4l I A412 A4l3 A414 A4t5 A4l6 A4t7 A50l lJ02 A503 A504 A505 A506 A507 A.508 A509 A5l I A512 A52l A522 A53l A532 A533 A534 List of Drawings Fuh|re Funre Future Future Future Future Future Future Future Funre Future Future Future Funue Future Fu$re Future Funre Future o8l13lo4 08/t3lu @lozlM wl02tu 09l02lM Et02lM 09102/u Mt02/M wl02lu 08lt3lM 08l13lu 08113/M o8lr3/o4 wl02/u 08lt3lM 08/r3lu 08/t3lu 08113/M 09touw wt02tw 09/02tM 09102/M wl02lo4 wl02lw 09/02104 wt02lw Building 4 - Section Building 4 - Section Building 4 - Section Building 5 - Section Building 5 - Section Building 5 - Section Building 5 - Section Building 6 - Section Building 6 - Section Building 6 - Section Building 6 - Section Building 7 - Section Building 7 - Section Building 7 - Section Building 7 - Section Building I - Section Building I - Section Building 8 - Section Building 8 - Section Tunnel - Wall Sections Tunnel - Wall Sections Residences - Wall Sections Residences - Wall Sections Residences - Wall Sections Residences - Wall Sections Residences - Wall Sections Residences - Wall Sections Residences - Wall Sections Tunnel - Enlarged Details Tunnel - Enlarged Details Turmel - Enlarged Details Tunnel - Enlarged Details Typical Waterproofi ng Details Tururel - Waterproofing Details Tunrrcl - Waterproofing Details Tunnel - Waterproofing Deails Tunnel - Waterproo fing Details Residences - Waterproofing Details Residences - Waterproofing Details Residences - Enlarged Plans Residences - Enlarged Floor Plans Residences - Enlarged Details Residences - Enlarged Details Residences - Enlarged Details Residences - Enlarged Details 07 07 07 o7 07 07 07 05 05 05 05 07 05 05 05 05 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail, Coloredo 02 SePtember 2lD4 00t60 - 7 A535 A536 A55l As52 A553 A.60l A6ll A70l nJ02 ATll A712 A72l A74l A75l A752 A753 A80l A802 A8l I A812 A90l A905 @/02tM w/ozlM 08lt3l0/. 08tr3lu 08/13i04 08ll3l0/. 091o2/M 08/13/04 08/13tM 09/021u w/021M 08/13/04 08/t3lu 08il3tu 09/021o4 09/021M 08n3tM 08/t3tm 09102to4 wlo2lw 09/o2lo4 w/02/04 Residences - Enlarged Details Residences - Enlarged Details Tunnel & Residences - Firestopping Details Tunnel & Residences - Firestopping Details Tunnel & Residences - Firestopping Details Tunnel - Wall Tlpes Residences - Wall Types Tunnel - Door and Frame Schedule Tunnel - Door Elevations & Details Residences - Door Schedule Residences - Door Details Tunrel - Room Finish Schedule Tuonel - Louver Elevations & Details Residences - Unit A Window Elevations Residences - Unit B Window Elevations Residences - Window Details Tunnel - Stair No.l - Plans & Sections Tunnel - Stair No.2 - Plans & Sections Residences - Stair Plans & Sections Residences - Stair Plans & Sections Dumbwaiter - Plans, Sections, Elevations & Details Fireplace - Plans, Sections, Elevations & Details 07 07 07 07 07 05 07 05 05 o7 07 06 o7 07 05 05 07 07 07 MECIIANICAL M0.l M0.2 M0.3 MI.IA MI.IB Ml.lc MI.ID MI.2A MI.2B M1.2C MI.2D M2.l M2.2 M2.3 M2.4 M2.5 List of Drawings Mechanical Notes & kgends Mechanical Schedule - Tunnel Mechanical Schedule - Residences Building Building Building Building wloaM 08^3/M @lo2lM 08/t3/M 08/13i04 08/t3l04 08/13lM 09t02tM 09/02tM w/021M 09/o2lM 08/r3lo4 08lr3lm 08lr3lM 08/l3lM 08/r3tw 07 05 07 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 05 05 07 07 07 - Crawl Space Mechanical Plan - Garage Irvel Mechanical Plan - Plaza lrvel Mechanical Plan - Upper kvel Mechanical Plan Building 2 - Crawl Space Mechanical PIan Building 2 - Garage kvel Mechanical Plan Building 2 - Plaza l*vel Mechanical Plan Building 2 - Upper Level Mcchanical Plan Mechanical Deails Mechanical Details Residences - Mechanical Debils Residences - Piping Schematics Snowmelt Details Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail' Coloredo 02 SePtember 2004 00860 - 8 M3.l M3.2A M3.28 M3.2C M3.2D Site Mechanical Plan Tunnel Mechanical Plan #l Tunnel Detail Mechanical Plan #2 Tunnel Detail Mechanical Plan #3 Tunnel Detail Mechanical Plan ll4 08/L3lM 08l13lM 08n3l0/, o8^3lu oSlt3lM 05 05 05 05 05 PLUMBING PI.IA PI.IB Pl.tc PI.ID PI.2A PI.2B PI.2C PI.2D P2.l P2.2 P2.24 P2.3 P3.2A P3.28 P3.2C P3.2D Building Building Building Building oSt13lM 08il31M 08l13t04 08l13lM 09t02tM 09t02tM 09/02to4 09t02tM 08il31M 08l13lM 09tozlM 08n3lM 08/13/04 08l13lM 08l13lM 08il3tu - Crawl Space Plumbing Plan - Garage bvel Plumbing Plan - Plaza lpvel Plumbing Plan - Upper lrvel Plumbing Plan 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 05 06 07 06 05 05 05 05 Building 2 - Crawl Space Plumbing Plan Building 2 - Garage kvel Plumbing Plan Building 2 - Plaza Level Plumbing Plan Building 2 - Upper Level Plumbing Plan Tunnel - Plumbing Details Plumbing Isometrics Plumbing Isometrics Residences - Plumbing Details Tunnel Plumbing Plan #l Tunnel Plumbing Plan #2 Tunnel Plumbing Plan #3 Tunnel Plumbing Plan #4 ELECTRICAL E0.l E0.2 E0.l EO.2 E0.3 Er.l El.2 F,0.12 E:O.22 F,0.32 Et.l2 F1.22 ESl.l ESl.2 ESl.3 ESl.4 ESl.5 Tunnel - Electrical l-egend & Schedules Tunnel - Electrical Singleline & Panelboards Building I - Electrical Legend & Schedules Building I - Electrical Singleline & Panelboards Building I - Electrical Panelboards Building I - Electrical Power Plans Building I - Electrical Lighting Plans Building 2 - Electrical kgend & Schedules Building 2 - Electrical Singleline & Panelboards Building 2 - Electrical Panelboards Building 2 - Electrical Power Plans Building 2 - Electrical Lighting Plans Electrical Site Plan - Units l&2 Elecrical Site Plan - Units 3&4 Electrical Site Plan - Uoits 5&6 Electrical Site Plan - Units 7&8 Electrical Site Plan - landscape 08/13/04 08113104 08l13lu 08n3t0/. 08n3tM 08n3/M 08113104 wl02104 wt02tM wl02lM wl02lM @t02tw 08/13/04 08l13to4 08ll3lo4 08/13/04 08lr3l0/. 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 w 07u 05 05 05 05 05 FIREALARM/ PROTECTION List of Drawings Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail, Colorado 02 SePtember 2lD4 00860 - 9 FAOOO FAOOI FAOO2 FAOO3 FAOO4 FAOO5 FAIIO FAIII FAI12 FAI13 FAI14 FPOOO FPOOI FPOO2 FPOO3 FPM4 FPI IO FPIII FPI 12 FPI I3 FPI14 FPI 15 FAI20 FAI2I FAI22 FAI23 FAI24 rPl20 FPI2I FPI22 FPI23 FPI24 FPI25 FAI30 FAI3T FAI32 FAI33 FAI34 FPI3O FPl3I FPI32 FPI33 FPI34 FPI35 FAI40 FA14I FA'42 FAI43 List of Drrwings 08113t04 08l13lo4 08l13lM 08^3lu 08/t3lm 08/13lM 08il3to4 08/13104 08/13/of 08/13/04 08113104 08/13104 08113104 08/13/04 081t3/M 08l13lM 08n3tM 08lr3lM 08n3lM 08l13l0/. 08/13/04 08l13lM wl02l04 09/02/M wt02tM w02lM 09/0210/. wl02lo4 @102/04 @102104 @l02lM @/02104 wlozlM FUTIJRE FTJTURE FTJTURE FT,JTIJRE FUTURE FUTURE FUTI.JRE zuTURE FI'/TI.JRE RJTURE FUTI.JRE FIJTI.JRE FI.JTI.JRE FI.]TI.JRE FUTURE Tunnel - Fire Alarm Cover Sheet Tunnel - Fire Alann Grid I through l0 Tuonel - Fire Alarm Grid l0 through 19 Tunnel - Fire Alarm Grid 19 througb 26 Tunnel - Fire Alarm Grid 26 through 36 Tunnel - Fire Alamr orte Line Diagram 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 o7 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 Building Building Building Building Building - Fire Alarm Cover Sheet - Fire Alann Garage level - Fire Alarm Plaza l,evel - Fire Alarm Upper Level - Fire Alarm One Line Diagnm Tunnel - Fire Protection Cover Sheet Tururel - Fire Protection Grid I through l0 Tunnel - Fire Protection Grid l0 through 19 Tunnel - Fire Protection Grid 19 ttrough 26 Tunnel - Fire Protection Grid 26 through 36 Building Building Building Building Building Building - Fire Protection Cover Sbeet - Fire Protection Garage Level - Fire Protection Plaza l.evel - Fire Protection UPPer lrvel - Fire Protection Crawl SPace - Fire Protection Attic SPace Building 2 - Fire Alarm Cover Sheet Building 2 - Fire Alarn Garage L,evel Buitding 2 - Fire Alarm Plaza kvel Building 2 - Fire Alarm Upper [rvel Building 2 - Fire Alarm Crawl SPace Building 2 - Fire Protection Cover Sheet Building 2 - Fire Protection Garage lrvel Building 2 - Fire Protection Plaz.al*vel Building 2 - Fire Protection Upper Level Building 2 - Fire Pmtection Crawl Space Building 2 - Fire Protection Attic Space Building 3 - Fire Alarm Cover Sheet Building 3 - Fire Alarm Garage Level Building 3 - Fire Alarm Plaza kvel Building 3 - Fire Alarm Upper kvet Building 3 - Fire Alarm Crawl SPace Building 3 - Fire Protection Cover Sheet Building 3 - Fire Protection Garage kvel Building 3 - Fire Protection Plaza l.evel Building 3 - Fire Protection Upper Icvel Building 3 - Fire Protection Crawl Space Building 3 - Fire Protection Attic Space Building 4 - Fire Alarm Cover Sheet Building 4 - Fire Alarm Garage lrvel Building 4 - Fire Alarm Plaza kvel Building 4 - Fire Alarm Upper lrvel Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail, Colorado 02 SePtember 2(X}4 ISSlJE ISSUE ISSIJE ISSUE ISSTJE ISSUE ISSIJE ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE ISS{JE ISSI.JE ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE 00E60 - r0 FAl,l4 FPI40 FPI4I FPI42 FPI43 FPI44 FPI45 FUTI.JRE FUTI.JRE FUT{,JRE R.TTURE FTJTTJRE FUTURE FUTI.|RE ISSIjE ISSt'E ISSI.'E ISSIJE ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE Building 4 - Fire Alamr Crawl Space Building 4 - Fire Protection Cover Sheet Building 4 - Fire Protection Garage Level Building 4 - Fire Protection Plazalrvel Building 4 - Fire Protection Upper bvel Building 4 - Fire Protection Crawl Space Building 4 - Fire Protection Attic Space INTERIORS IDl.0l IDl.02 IDl.03 IDz.0l ID2.O2 ID2.03 tD2.U ID3.0l 1D3.02 ID3.03 ID3.04 ID3.05 ID3.06 ID3.07 ID3.08 ID3.09 lD3.l0 IDf.0l TD4..O2 IDt.03 IDt.04 08lt3lM 08n3t04 08n3l0/. 08n3l0/. 08lt3lM 08n3tu 08n3t04 08t13tM 08n3tM 08iL3tM o8n3l04 08^3to4 08113/M 08113104 08113104 08n3tu o8lr3l04 o8n3tM 08tr3/M 08lr3lm 08lL3lM l-ower Level Unit A & B Floor Fidsh Plan Main I-evel Unit A & B Floor Finish Plan Upper kvel Unit A & B Finish Plan Unit A Enlarged Plans Unit A Master Battr Enlarged Plans Unit A Secondary Bath Enlarged Plans Unit A Secondary Bath Enlarged Plans Unit A Elevations Unit A Kitchen Elevations Unit A Elevations Unit A Master Bath Elevations Unit A Master Bath Elevations Unit A Secondary Bath Elevations Unit A Secondary Bath Elevations Unit A Secondary Bath Elevations Unit A Upgrade Lower l-evel Bar Elevations Unit A Laundry & Secondary Bath Elevations Details Details Deails Dctails 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 o6 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 PART2PRODUCTS Not Used PART3 EX}CUTION Not Used ENDOFSECTION Gore Creek Residences - Residences Vail Coloredo 02 SePtember 2004 List of Drawings 00860 - ll SECTION 15300 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER AITD STAI\DPIPE SYSTEMS PART1 GENERAL 1.OI WORKINCLUDED: A. General: Provide all materials and labor for the design and installation of new supervised automatic sprinkler and standpipe systerns in accordance with the applicable codes and all requirements of this specification. Ttre Residential Building phase of this project includes continuation of the Tunnel automatic sprinkler system zones for two residential units of this phase to provide automatic sprinkler protection of each of the three level residential units, including the attic and crawl spaces. Under the Turmel phase of this project a 2 % - inch control valve, tarper switch, and flow switch for each residential rmit zone as well as outlet and end cap at the exterior Turmel wall was provided for Ihis Residential Building ptrase. The Resideatial Building phase contactor shall provide all automatic sprinkler systems tlroughout the Residential Building areas including the attic and crawl space areas. There are no standpipe systems for the Residential Building phase. Automatic sprinHer systems shall be insalled in accordance with NFPA 13. Autornatic sprinklers designed in accordance with NFPA l3R or NFPA 13D reouirements are not permitted. B. Supply: The systems shall be supplied ftom the 2 % - nch outlet with end cap at the exterior Tunnel wall which is supplied from the Turmel wet autormtic sprinkler system supplied ftom the existing underground main in Forest Road. C. Waterflow Switches: The waterflow switch for each turit residential zone rvils provided under the Turmel phase of this project. T}:re Residential Building plase contractor is responsible for veriSing the properly adjustnent ofsprinkler system supervisory switches and waterllow indicators as required herein. D. Drains: Provide direct piped connections to building drains necessary to drain and test lhe sprinkler systems. F. Shields: Install shields necessary to protect electrical equipment ftom sprinkler discharge. Submittals: Prepare and submit shop drawings, record drawings and other submittals required herein Tests: Test each new sprinkler systerl The Sprinkler contactor shall also attend all fire alarm tests to aid in testing sprinkler system monitoring devices. The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out required tests. Sepaxate tests may be required by the Architect and Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Guarantee: Guarantee all new equipment and systems during installation and for a one year period after final acceptance ofthe work by the Architect. Approvals: Obtain all approvals required for the work of this section from all public authorities having jurisdictio4 from the project insurer, and from lhe Architect. Fees: Pay all fees required to obtain permits or approval of this work Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 G. H. Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15300 - I K. Coordination: Coordinate work with other tades working on the project. L. Valves: Provide all contol valves, and other appurtenance as required for a firlly operable system by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and the contact docwn€nts. The control valve for each residential unit zone was provided under the Tunnel phase ofthis project. I.O2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED EI,SEWHERE A. Alarms: Wiring and connection to sprinkler system alarm and supervisory devices. Section 16721. B. Drains: Floor drains and other facilities for receiving discharge from sprinkler system drains. Section 15410. C. Related sections: As a part of this work the conhactor shall comply with the following sections: Division 1 General Requirements Section 01300 Submittals Section 15001 Mechanical and Electical Coordination Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods 1.03 QUALITYASST'RANCE A. NFPA Standards: All work shall conform to the requirements of the applicable portions of the National Fire Protection Association CNFPA) Standards and Reconnnended Practices listed herein, as modified by the Town of Vail Fire and Emergency Services. l. NFPA 13, 'Standard for the Insallation ofSprinkler Systems." 2. NFPA 25, "Standard for the Inspectiorq Testing, and Maintenance of Water Based Fire Protection Svstems." All standards enforced will be those found in the 2004 Edition of the National Fire Codes. B. Govemmental Jurisdiction: All work and materials shall conform to all Federal, State, and local codes and regulations goveming this installation including the 2003 editions of the Intemational Building and Fire Codes, as modified or interpreted by the Town of Vail and/or Fire District olEcials. At the date of this document the amendments to these adopted codes are in draft form and should be conplied with. C. Code Conflicts: If there is a conflict between the referenced NFPA Standards, Federal, State or local codes and this specification, it shall be the Contactor's responsibility to bring the conflict to the attention of the Architect fbr resolution. D. Permit Fees: The Contractor shall be responsible for filing all documents, paying all fees and securing all permits, inspections and approvals necessary for conducting this work. E. Equipment All devices, systems, equipment and rnaterials fumished and installed shall be new and shall be oftypes or models approved by the Archirect for use in systems and occupancies of this t5pe. F. Confactor Requirements: The Contractor shall: Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems f $00 - 2 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September2004 l. Hold all licenses and obtiain all permits necessary to perform work of this type in Vail, Colorado. Copies ofthe Contactor's licenses shall be provided widr bid submittal. 2. Have at least five (5) years of experience in installation of systems of this type and be familiar with all applicable local, state and Federal laws and regulations. 3. Be regularly engaged in the design, instaltatio4 testing and sewicing of autonmtic sprinkler systefixi. 4. Provide a job site supervisor who is to be present at all times when work is actively in progrcss. I.O4 SPRINKLERSYSTEMDESIGNCRITERJA A. Densities: Hydraulically calculated weFpipe sprinkler systems shall be installed, designed to produce discharge dersities of: l. 0.10 gpr/square foot over the hydraulically most remote 1,500 square feet in residential, attic and crawl space areas (Light Hazard Occupancies). 2. 0.15 gpm/square foot over the hydraulically most remote l,500-square-feet in mechanical rooms and electrical rooms (Ordinary Hazard Group I Occupancies). B. Areas of Application indicated in I .04.A shall be modified as follows: l. Wet pipe sprinkler systems installed under sloped ceilings with a pitch exceeding 2" in 12" shall have an area increase of 30% it Standard Spray Upright, Pendent, Sidewall Spray or Large Drop sprinklers are used. 2. Wet pipe sprinkler systems using Quick Response sprinklers throughout may reduce the area of application in accordance with, and subject to the conditions of Section | of NFPA 13 -2002. 3. Dry pipe systems shall have an area increase of307o. C. Minimum Standards: The stated densities and application areas are the minimum acceptable. The Contractor shall confrm densities and areas of application with local codes and local authorities as modifications mav be needed. D. General Criteria: The Conhactor shall follow the hydraulic design criteria contained in NFPA-I3. E. Hose Sheam: The calculations shall include a 100 gpm inside hose stream at the hose valve closest to the floor control assembly. The combined (inside and outside) hose steam for the calculations shall be 250 gprn I.O5 SUBMITTALS A. Procedure: Refer to Section 01300. Automatic Sprinkler rnd Standpipe Systems 15300 - 3 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 Shop Drawings: The Contactor will be authorized to start each portion of the work when the shop drawings, catalog cuts and calculations for that portion of the work are received, reviewed and approved by the Engineer, the Architect and the Town of Vail Building and Fire Deparfrnent. Installation prior to these approvals shall be at tlte risk ofthe Conhactor. l. The Contractor shall submit 4 sets of shop drawings,4 sets of catalog cuts, and 4 sets of hydraulic calculations to the Architect for approval in accordance with the shop drawing submittal schedule and procedures. Shop Drawinss sball not be submitted to the Town of Vail Buildins and Fire D€partnent without a review stanp and review letter from the Eneineer to accormany the submittal. 2. Shop drawings shall show all of the information required by NFPA-l3 for working plans and shall include drawings showing the location of all equipment, conhols, piping, valves and drains. The drawings shall also show: Locations of all sway bracing and of flexible couplings instalted as flexure joints, and location and diameter of all necessary core drills, pipe sleeves and pipe clearance openings in walls and floors and ceilings/roofs. 3. Shop drawings shall contain a list ofall rnaterial to be used for the sprinkler system on this project. The manufacturer, trade narne and catalog number shall be given for each itetn Product Data: The Contractor shall subrnit a product data submittal wift the shop drawings: 4 sets of Manufacturet's Data Sheets showing the tlpe and model of all equipment or material proposed. This information shall include type of pipe or tube, hangers, valves, pipe fittingVjoining methods, sprinklen, waterflow devices, supervisory devices and fue depaftnent cormections, escutcheons, and signage. When a Data Sheet shows more than one oroduct the soecific oroposed product sh:all be clearly indicated bv arrows or other suitable means. Sanples: Within 30 days of authorization to proceed, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval sanples of all types of proposed sprinlders, including types of finishes available and a conplete list ofwhere each type and finish will be installed. Permits: Prior to start of installation, the Contractor shall submit copies of all permits and approvals to the Architect necessary to conduct this work. Certificates: The C-ontractor shall provide the Architect with one copy of all docunrents that are reviewed and approved by the local code authorities. These documents shall include, but not b€ limited to, the following: 1. Site inspection forms 2. Permit drawings 3. Final inspection forms All documents shall include all required approval stanps, signatures or other information necessary to properly certiff that the installation has been reviewed and accepted by the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departnents. Operation and Maintenance Manual: The Contractor shalt provide the Owner with a looseleaf nranual containing: Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 B. C. D. E, F. G. Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15300 - 4 1. 11" x 17" reduced copies ofthe record drawings required below. 2. CopyofNFPA25. 3. Copy ofall test certificates and approvals. 4. A list ofrecommended spare parts. 5. Sewice directory. Draft O&M Manual: Within 90 days of authorization to proceed, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect 2 copies of the draft manual for approval (excluding test certificates and drawings). Final O&M Manual: Within 30 days of the conpletion of the worlg copies of the approved rnanual with reduced drawings and test certificates shall be delivered to the Architect. Record Drawings: The Contactor shall provide and maintain on the site an up-todat€ record set of approved shop drawing prints which shall be rnarked to show each and every change made to the sprinkler system from the original approved shop drawings. This shall not be constued as authorization to deviate from or make changes to the shop drawhgs approved by ihe Architect without wriften instuction from the Architect in each case. This set of drawings shall be used only as a record set. Final Submittal: Upon review of the blueline record drawings, before final approval, one set of reproducible record drawings and additional sets ofblue line record drawings shall be delivered to the Architect. WARRANTY AND EMERGENCY SER\rICE: The ConEactor shall guarantee all materials and workrnanship for a period of one year beginning wittr the date of final acceptance by the Architect in accordance with Section 01300 submittals. The Contactor sball be responsible during the design, installation, testing and guarantee periods for any damage caused by him (or his subconfiactors) or by defects in his (or his subconfiactors') \vork, materials, or equipment. A. Emergency Service: During tlre installation and warranty period, the Contactor shall provide emergency repair service lbr the sprinkler system within four (4) hours ofa request by the Architect or owner for such service. 'fhis service shall be provided on a 24-hour per day, seven days per week basis. SPARE PARTS AND SPECIAL 'IOOLS: Spare parts and special tools shall be provided to the Architect prior to final acceptance. Spare Parts: The Contactor shall install two (2) metal sprinkler cabinets containing a minimum total of four (4) sprinklers, of each type, finish and terperature rating used, but not less than 24 spare sprinklers. Contactor shall provide two (2) sets of sprinkler wrenches conpatible with each type of sprinkler provided. The cabinets shall be installed at the locations approved by the Architect Special Tools: The Contractor shall supply the Architect with two (2) conplete sets of special tools and equipment necessary to perform routine maintenance on the sprinkler systems. PRODUCTS Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 H. K. t.o7 1.06 PART 2 B. Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systerrs 15300 - 5 2.Ol GENERAL: All equipment and system cornponents fumished and installed shall be new and of fnst quality, and be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., or approved by Factory Mutual (FM) for their intended use. All such equipment and system components shall be installed wifhin the limiations of the respective UL hst'rgs or FM approvals. 2.O2 PIPE AND FITTINGS: Sprinkler systern pipurg or tubing shall meet the requirements of NFPA 13. Contactor shall base his bid on the use of any one or a combination ofthe following: A. Thinwall Pipe: Schedule 10 Pipe meeting ASTM A-53, 4'-135 or A-795 requirerrents with: l. Mechanical grooved pipe couplings and fittings for roll grooved pipe sizes 2 l/2-inches and larger. 2. Plain-end pipe couplings and fittings for pipe sizes l-inch tlnough 2-inches, inclusive. 3. Tlreaded fittings for tubing specifically listed for such uses and installed in accordance with the manufacturers recormnendations and listing requiremens. B. Schedule 40 Pipe Schedule 40 Pipe meeting ASTM A-53, A-135, and A-795 requirements with: 1. Tlreaded pipe couplings and fittings 2. Mechanical grooved pipe couplings and frttings for roll or cut pipe sizes 2 l/2-inches and larger. 3. Plain-end pipe couplings and fittings for pipe sizes l-inch tbrough 2-inches, inclusive. C. XL Pipe: Allied XL pipe meeting ASTM A-135 requirements with: 1. Tbreaded pipe couplings and fittings and tubing specifically listed for such uses and installed in accordance with the manufacturers recormnendations and listing requirements, D. Copper Tube: Copper tube and fittings as listed in NFPA 13. All joints for the connection of copper tube shall be brazed except that soldered joints shall be permitted in accordance with Section 2-5.4 of NFPA 13. 1. Joints shall be properly cleaned with approved abrasives or wire brushes; self-cleaning fluxes are not to be used. 2. For soldered joints: Only use a mildly corrosive soldering paste, containing zinc and anmronium chlorides. 3 . For brazed j oints : Use free-flowing braising filler metal (6% silver) . 4. Solder shall be 95-5 Tin-Antimony ASTM Standard B-32, Alloy Grade 95TA. 5. At connections between copper piping systems and ferrous piping approved type dielectric separation shall be provided. 6. UL listed grooved fittings and couplings shall also be acceptable when installed within the limits of their listing. Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systerns 15300 - 6 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September2004 G. Pressrue ratings: Pressue ratings of all fittings shall meet or exceed rtraxfunum working pressures available within the systenr. H. Conosion protection All piping and hangers where exposed to the weather or installed in a conosive atnosphere shall be protected against conosion. 2.O3 CONTROLANDDRAINVALVES: A. Types: Sprinkler system control and drain valves shall be the following types: 1. O.S.&Y. qate valves. 2. Butterlly valves that are approved for use in sprinkler systerns. 3. Butterfly valves with integral vplve supervisory switches, whose entire assembly is approved for use in sprinkler systerni. B. Listing: All valves must be UL listed or FM approved for their intended use. C. Signs: All water supply contol valves and drain valves shall be perrnanently marked with metal signs to show their function and sprinkler system zone which they serve. D. Pressure N.srings: Pressure ratings of all valves shall meet or exceed rnaximum working prcssures available within the systern E. Supervision: All contol valves shall be locked and electically supervised. F. Access Panels: Provide and install access panels (minimum size l2-inches by l2-inches) for all control valves located above finished ceilings or concealed in walls. Architect will select finish of access panels. Access panels installed in fire resistive consfiuction shall be of the tpes required for maintaining proper protection of assembly. 2.04 SPRINKLERS: A. Types: Automatic sprinklers shall be of the following types: l. Standard upright or pendent sprinklers shall be installed in unfinished areas (attic and crawl spaces). 2. Residential Concealed (Flush) Pendent sprinklers in all finished areas. Core drilling of beams in sorn€ areas may be necessary for fustallation at the rmderside of the bearn Coordination with the Architect is required for these installations. B. Final Selection: The Architect will select finishes for all automatic sprinklers, escutcheons and cover plates ftom sanples of available finishes supplied by Contractor. C. Uniformity: All sprinklers within a space shall be from the same rrunufacturer and have the same heat resporse elenren! irrcluding tenperanne rating and response characteristics. D. Terp€rature Rating: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to install sprinklers of the proper Autornatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15300 - 7 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 Septemher2004 tenperahue rating as required by NFPA 13. E. Conosion Resistance: Sprinklers located on exterior piping systenrs, or located in corrosive atrnospheres shall be corrosion resistant. F. Sprinkla Escutcheons: Escutcheons shall be metal and be listed with the sprinklers for recessed sprinkler locations. G. Sprinkler Orifice: All sprinklers shall be standard orifice sprinklers (1/2" orifice) unless specifrcally approved otherwise, 2.05 IDENTIFICATION SIGNS: Conhactor shall fumish and install hydraulic calculation signs for each sprinkler zone. Contractor shall provide signs at the contol valve for each rmit and in the main water enty room (Boiler Room) in the Tumel Garage. A. Required Information: Hydraulic calculation signs shall include all information indicated in Section 16.5 of NFPA 13. Valve identification signs shall identiS the frmction of the valve and the area served. B. Description: gigns shall be rigid, flat steel or aluminum plaques with embossed enamel background and lettering. Signs shall be secured by chain or durable wire to each sprinkler zone control valve. 2.06 SUPERVISORY AND ALARM EQUIPMENT: All waterllow and valve supervisory switches shall be fumished, installed and properly adjusted by tlrc sprinkler contractor. Alarm monitoring of these devices will be by others. A. Contacts: All waterflow and valve supervisory switches shall be provided with two (D.P.D.T.) contacts for monitoring. Specific contact rating shall be coordinated with the fire alarm conllactor, B. Waterflow Switches: Vane-type waterflow indicators shall be provided to indicate waterflow in each new sprinkler system zone. C. Supewisory Switches: Valve supervisory switches shall be provided for all valves contolling the water supply to the sprinkler and standpipe systems. D. Loop Type Switches: Valve supervisory switches shall be the yoke mowrted or integral type. Contactor shall not use remote rnormted, wire loop type swihhes. 2.07 MISCELLANEOUSPRODUCTS A. Pressure Gauges: Pressure gauges shall be UL listed 4 l/2-nch minimum dial type gauges with a maxinnrm limit of not less than twice the normal working pressure at the point installed. All gauges shall be provided with a shut-offvalve (gauge-cock). PART3 E}GCUTION 3.01 WORKING CONDITIONS: It shall be the Contactols responsibility to inspect the drawings and become familiar with the conditions rmder which the work will be perfomted. A. Working Hours: All work may be conducted during normal working hours Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15300 - 8 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 3.O2 3.03 3.04 B. Consfruction Meetings: The Contractor shall be responsible for attending weekly construction coordination meetings with the Architect. PREPARATION FOR WORK A. Cooperation with other tades: The sprinkler Contractor shall coordinate with the work of the other frades towards the general purpose of having the construction progress its rapidly and as smoolhly as possible with a minimum of interference between trades. B. Openings, cutting and patching: Before the start of Stuctural Worh the sprinkler Contractor shall submit insfuctions for openings and penetations required for his work to the Architect. Instuctions shall be subject to the Architect's approval. The sprinkler Contactor shall provide any subsequent additional penetations or openings or relocation required, but not delineated in his imtuctions at no additional cost to the Architect. C. Approval prior to installation: No work slull cormnence prior to approval of shop drawings by the Architect. Any change in work which has been installed prior to approval of the shop drawings shal be made without additional conpensation to the Conbactor. GENERAL INSTALLATION: Aesthetics shall be a primary consideration when installing sprinklers and sprinkler piping. Any facet of sprinkler installation that does not meet with the Architect s approval shall be revised by the Contractor to the Architect's satisfaction. A. Holes: All holes made by the Contractor in any walt ceiling, or floor shall be patched by tlre Contractor, restoring the wa[ ceiling floor or member to its original conditio4 fire resistance and int€gity. B. General Locatioru: Location of all equipment, controls, piping valves and drains shall be subject to Architect's approval. C. Special Installation Instuctions: All sprinklers and equipment shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. All special tools recormrended by the manufacturer shall be used D. Detectors Distances: SprinHers permanently installed shall be installed with the deflector to ceiling distances in accordance with NFPA 13. PIPING: All sprinkler piping installed in public ar€as or non-public areas with suspended ceilings shall be concealed in the walls, ceilings or se6lts. Pipe in unfinished areas nuy be exposed. A. Exposed Piping: All exterior piping shall be primed with zinc chromate and painted by the Contactor. Architect to select paint colors. B. Escutcheon Plates: All exposed pipe which passes through a wall, ceiling, or floor shall be provided with escuhheon plates. C. Minimurn Heighfi All exposed piping and devices shall be insalled as high as possible, but no less than 7-feet 0-inches above the finished floor in fiaffrc or working areas, and so as not to obsEuct any portion of a window, doorway, stairway or passageway, and shall not interfere with the operation or accessibility ofany mechanical, plumbing or electrical equipment. Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail. Colorado 2 September 2004 Autornatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15300 - 9 3.05 3.06 3.O7 D. Protection: The Contractor shall provide Architect approved, adequate permanent protection for any installed piping, valves, dwices or accessories whicb in the Architect's opiniorl are subject to physical damage or may be hazards. E. Sealant Pipe which passes through fre-resistive barriers (including shaft walls) shall be sleeved and gfouted or sealed to rnaintain the integrity and rating ofthe fre resistive barrier. The wall between the Tunnel Garage and each residential unit is a 3-how rated wall. The penefration listing used to maintain lhe integrity ofthis wall at the penetation ofthe supply from the Tunnel shall be provided as part of the submittals. SYSTEM TEST AN'D DRAIN CONNECTIONS: The sprinkler subcontractor shall provide all test valves and drain cormections as required by NFPA 13. A. Discharge: Al[ Est comrections and drain connections shall be hard piped to discharge waste water directly into a floor drain. The sprinkler contactor shall route the pipe and modifr any floor drain grates as necessary to minimize splashing due to discharge. [n locations where the Architect allows, lhe drain may discharge with a down hrmed elbow at the building exterior. In these locations the contactor shall provide a concrete splash block to protect the landscaping. RISERS: The Confiactor shall locate the rnain risers for the sprinkler system in order to minimize obstuction to traffrc or building operations. Exact location of risers shall be approved by 0re Architect. This includes risers up tlnough the residential structure. TRAINING: The Contractor shall conduct two (2) fiaining sessions of four (4) hours each to familiarize the building persormel with the features, operation and maintenance of the sprinkler systerns. Training sessions shall be scheduled by the Architect at a time rutually agreeable to the Contactor, Owner and the Architect. A. Agenda: The Contactor shall submit a proposed training agenda for the Architect's review and approval within 60 days of authorization to proceed. The proposed training agenda shall include, but not be limited to, the following: l. Overview of system opefirtion. 2. Overview of system equipment and device locations. 3. Detailed operation guidelines. 4. Detailedmaintenanceprocedures. 5. Periodic testing procedures. B. Final Agenda: The Contractor shall submit tlre final approved training agenda 14 days prior to the first taining session. SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS: SprinHer piping on any floor level rnay cross building stuctural separations such as expansion and seismic joins, provided that the piping is specifically designed with flexible connections at each crossing and able to accommodate lhe calculated differential motions during an earthquake, but not less than a minimum of 4-inches. All required stuctural, dilferential movement and &ift calculations shall be prepared by a licensed stuctural engineer possessing curent State of Colorado registation. (Contactor shall veri$ locations of seismic joints.) Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 3.09 Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15300 - 10 3.10 3.11 3.t2 3.13 SWAY BRACING, FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS, FIANGERS: All flexible couplings, hangers and sway bmcing shall be designed and installed as required by NFPA 13 (including all appendices). Flexibility, internal pressure, and differential movernent between the piping and building, eartl\ or other supporting structrue(s) shall be allowed for, so that no allowable stress is exceeded in any member. Hangen for copper pipe shall not be cause for corrosion due to dissimilar metals. FINAL INSPECTION AND TEST: The Contactor shall make arrangernents with lhe Architect for final inspection and witnessing of the final acceptance tests. The Architect and the Fire Protection Consultant will conduct the final inspection and witress the tinal acceptance test. This test shall be separate ftorn testing by the local authorities. A. Required Tests: All tests and inspections required by the referenced Codes and Standards, the Town of Vail Fire Departnent and Building Departrrnt and the Architect shall be performed by the Contactor under this scope ofwork. 1. When local code authorities are required to witness tests, the Contractor shall be responsible for making all necessary armngements with the code authorities and coordinating the work with the Architect. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all test docunBnts with necessary approval starrps and sigratures of the code authorifies. The Contactor shall submit one copy of each of these documents to the Architect. B. Notice: Contactor shall provide at least five (5) working days notice for all tests. C. Final Approval: Final approval and acceptance ofthe work will be given by the Architect when: l. The conpleted sprinkler systems have been irnpected tested and approved by the Architect and the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departnents. 2. Required submittals, system operation and maintenance manuals, record drawings, spare parb, special tools and taining have been provided to, reviewed, and accepted by the Architect. RECEIVING AND }IANDLING The Contractor shall be responsible for all receiving handling and storage of his rnaterials at the job site. Use of loading docks, service driveways, and freight elevators shall be coordhated with the Architect. RIjBBISH REMOVAL Contactor shall remove rubbish and debris resulting from his work on a daily basis ftom the work site. Rubbish not removed by the Confractor may be removed by the Architect and backchmged to tlrc Contactor. END OF SECTION Gore Creek Residences - Residential' Vail, Colorado 2 September2004 Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems 15300 - 11 sEcrIoN 16721 FIREALARM SYSTTM P.ART 1 GEIYERAL 1.OI GENERALDESCRIPTION A. Provide all rnaterials and labor for the desigrr and installation of the fue alarm zones for Residential Building | (Two anir) on the provided automatic fire alarm syster4 hereafter referred to as the systerq with control panel located in the Tunnel Garage Fire C-omrnand Roorn B. All work shall be performed in accordance with these specifications and good practice. No modifications to these speci{icatioru will be accepted without the expressed writEn approval of the Owner. It is the Conhactor's responsibility to docrunent Ownefs approval of any such modificatioru prior to the execution ofwork. C. S)'stem concept drawing sheets FAI l0 tlrough FAI 14 are for information only to show potential system arrangement. Confiactor shall field veri$ all information contained on these drawings and is responsible for desigr and installation of the system in accordance with the specifications. The bid drawings do not show all information necessary for installation of the syste4 but are intended to be used as a guide by the Conhactor for the purpose of designing the system and preparing a bid. As such, they indicate: 7.O2 1.03 l. Approximate device locatiors. 2. T1ryes and minimum quantities of initiating devices and notification appliances. 3. Location of the new fire alarm system control mit(s). 4. Location of electricaVmechanical equipment to be interfaced to, monitored and/or contolled bv the new fire alarm svstern INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS A. It is intended that the work performed pursuant to these specificatiors be conplete in every respect resulting in a system installed entirely in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, manufacturels recommendations and Underwrit€rs Laboratories Inc. (JLI) listings. B. It is further intended lhat upon conpletion of this worlq the Owner be provided with: 1. Conplete information and drawings describing and depicting the entire system as installe4 including all information necessary for maintaining, toubleshooting, and/or expanding the system at a futule date. 2. Conplete documentation of system testing. 3. Certification that the entire system has been irupected and tested, is irstalled entirely in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, manufacturer's reconnnendations and UL listings, and is in proper working order. Contactor shall rse "Fire Alarm System Record of Conpletion" as required by Section 4.5.2 of NFPA 72 - 2002 edition. WORKINCLUDED Provide and install a new fully addressable and intelligent fire alarm system consisting of: 1. Fire alarm contol unit located at Fire Command Room with amunciators located at Fire Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 20O4 Fire Alarm System 16721 -r Cormnand Room and Secondary Fire C.ommand point near stair at midpoint of Tumel. 2. Manual fue alarm stations at all exit stairways, locations within close proximity to each residential private garage personnel door, and at grade level exit doors. Drawing locations shown stategically located at columns in Tunnel. 3. Spot qpe smoke detectors in turattended fire alarm control room (fire command room) and unattended remote tansmitting panel rooms. 4. Heat detectors in the private garages and mit storage roorre, mechanical rooms, HOA storage roorns, fan rooms, bouler roor4 and receiving roorn 5. Fire atarm homs tlroughout the Tunnel. 6. Visible notification appliances thoughout the Tunnel. B. Provide and install sprinkler and standpipe system supervisory and alarm devices. C. Provide and insall devices, equipment, and wiring necessary to transmit fire, trouble, and supervisory signals to the security/fre deparhnent (or cental station). D. Test and adjust all new equipment and systems. E. Prepare and submit shop drawings, confractor record drawings and other submittals required herein. F. Guarantee all new equipment and systerns for one year after final acceptance of the system by the Owner. G. Obtain, secure, and pay for all permits, plan check approvals, and inspections necessary to perform the work. H. Provide testing of all devices and repair as necessary of new and existing equipmen! during the wananty period up to and including tlre first armual tests, as required in NFPA 72- 2002 as a minimun I. Repair all darnage resulfing from this work in accordance with the requirements of the Cutting, Patching and Painting Specifications. J. Coordinate all work with other Confractors working in lhe building or concurent consfiuctior/rerrodeling or installation of other systems (e.g., adjusting waterflow alarm switch retards by the Sprinkler Contractor). I.O4 OWNER'SREPRESENTATIVE A. All contacts with this project shall be directed to the Ownefs Representative, hereafter refened to as the Owner: 42l 40 Architecture, Inc. 162l Eighteenth Steet, Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 (3O3)2923388 The Owner will issue all approvals and irstructions required for this work. No other person may issue an approval or instuctions to the Contactor without the written permission of the Owner. Fire Alarm System 16121 -2 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 1.05 Acceptance of unauthorized or oral approvals or insauctions by the Confractor shall be entirely at *rc Contractor's risk and in no case shall such unauthorized or oral approvals or instuctions constitute an oral conhact or otherwise be binding upon the Owner. WORKINGCONDMONS A. It shalt be the Contractoy's responsibility to inspect the job site and become familiar with the conditions under which the work will be performed. Inspection of the building may be made by aplointrnent with ttre Owner. Contactors are requested to inspect the building prior to the pre-bid meeting. B. The Contactor will be responsible for attending a precoruauction meeting and weekly construction coordination meetings with dre Owner, and preparing minutes of these meetings. Construction coordination meetings will be scheduled by the Owner. The frequency of required meetings may be decreased, at the Owner's optioq if warranted by the progress ofthe project. C. New fire alarm systems arrd devices shall be put into service as soon as they are frmctional. Once put into service, they shall not be removed ftom service without the Owner's written authorization. QUALITYASSURANCE A. Codes. Standards. Ordinances. and Permits 1. All work shall confom to the requirements of the applicable portions of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards, Guides and Recommended Practices listed herein: 5. a. NFPA 70 - 2002. National Electrical Code. b. NFPA 72 - 2002, National Fire Alarm Code. All work and materials shall conform to all Federal, State and local codes and regulations goveming the installatioq including the 2003 editions of the lntemational Building and Fire Code, as modified or interpreted by the Ollicials to permit use ofcurrent NFPA standards. If there is a conllict betw€en the referenced NFPA standards, federal, state or local codes, and this specificatioq it is the Contactor's responsibility to immediately brhg the conflict to the attention of the Owner for resolution. NFPA standards shall supersede unless local codes are more stringent. Conhactor shall not atterpt to resolve conllicts directly with the local authorities unless specifically authorized by the Owner. All devices, systerls, equipment and materials fumished and installed shall be new and listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) for their intended use. All equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufachret's recornrnendations and the UL listing limitations. Existing lire alarm devices retained on the new system shall be UL listed and conpatible with the new systerl Listing requirements for, fire alarm systems, heat detectors, and snnke detectors shall be met The Contractor shall provide evidence, with his zubmittal, of listings of all proposed equipment and combinations of equiprnent. All devices, systerns, equiprnent and materials fumished and installed shall be of qpes or models approved and required by NFPA Standards or UL listing for use in systems and occupancies of this type, unless the Town of Vail Building and Fire DeparEnent requirenrnts are more stringenVrestrictive. The Confiactor shall be responsible for filing of all documents, palng all fees (including, 1.06 2. J. 4. 6. Fire Alarm System Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 16721 -3 but not limited to plan checking and permit) and securing all permib, inspections and approvals (including, but not limited to Engineer of Record requirements) necessary for conducting this work. Upon r,eceipt of approv€d drawings from the authority having jurisdiction, the Contractor shall irrnnediately forward two sets of drawings to the Owner. These drawings shall eitlrer be stanped approved or a copy of the letter stating approval shall be included. B. Contractor Qualifications The Contractor shall: l. Provide a job site supervisor who is to be present on-site each day $at work is actively in progress. This individual shall be the same person throughout the course ofthe project. I.O7 SUBMITTALS General 1. The Owner's Fire Protection Consultant shall review and recomrnend approvaVdisapproval or take other appropriate action on the Contactorrs submittals including shop drawings, sanples, documentation and record drawings. This review is to veri$ conformance to project specifications and design concepts expressed in the confiact docunents. This action shall be taken with all reasonable pronptness as to cause no delay in the work, while allowing adequate time to permit adequate review. Review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and conpleteness of other details (i.e., dirnensions) or for substantiating installation or performance of equipment ot systenxr desigred by the Contactor, all of which renrain the Contactor's responsibility to the extent required by the conbact documents. The Owner's Fire Protection Consultant's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions of corshuctio4 means, methods, techniques, sequences ofprocedues, or approval ofa specific assembly of which the item is a part. Shop Drawinqs shall not be submitted to the Town of Vail Buildins and Fire Deparfinent without a review stanp and review letter from the Owner's Fire Protection Consultant to acconoany the submittal. 2. If submittals, upon review by the Owner, are found not to conform to the requirements of these specifications, the Contractor shall be required to resubmit with modifications. The Confactor shall be responsible for the Ownet's exta expenses for subsequant review(s) of rejected submittals necessitatsd by the Contractor's failure to nuke the requested modifications. Such exta fees shall be deducted from payments by the Owner to the Conractor. Approval ofthe submittals by the Owner shall, in no case, relieve the Contractor ofhis responsibility to meet the requirenrents ofthis specification. Subcontactors l.Contactor shall submit with his bid, a list of all proposed subconhactors. All proposed subcontractors are subject to the approval of the Owner. The installing electrical subcontracto(s) shall: a. Hold all licenses and permits necessary to perform this work. b. Have at least five years of experience in the installation of systems of this type and be familiar with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. c. Regularly be engaged in tlre servicing installatioq and testing offire detection and Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 A, B, 2. Fire Alarm System 16721 - 4 alarm systems. C. Equipment Lists 1. The Conhactor shall submit with his bid a deailed equipment lis! identiffing types, models and quantities of all nnterials, devices and equipment proposed. This submittal shall include rnnufactruers' data sheets showing the typ€s and models of all equipmeng devices, rnaterial and wire proposed. Evidence of UL listings and local approvals shall be submitted with the data sheets. The submittal shall include, but not be limibd to, the following: a. Conduit, mceway, jrmction boxes, brminal cabinets, device backboxes, fittings, hangers, and mounting hardware. b. Wire, cable, connectors, terminal strips, and electrical tape. c. Fire alarm conhol equipment and anruurciators, including all conponents, modules, and enclosures, d. Manual fire alarm stations, detectors, auxiliary firnction relays and solenoids, and notifi cation appliances. e. Unintemrptable power supplies and standby batteries. f. Any other materials, devices, or equipment to be provided. C. Fire alarm schematic riser diagram supplanented with narrative descriptions as necessary for clarity and conpleteness. 2. When a data sheet shows more than one product the proposed oroduct shall be clearlv indicated by arrows or other suitable means. D. Work Schedule 1. The Contractor shall submit with his bid a proposed work schedule and representative chart. This schedule shall indicate the time necessarv for: a. Project start-up. b. Property survey. c. Shop drawing submittals. d. Installation. e. Confractor testing. f Final acceptance tests. 2. The proposed work schedule will be reviewed and finalized during the preconstuction mssring and will be updated at each weekly corsftuction coordination meeting. E. Sanples Within 30 days of authorization to proceed, the Contractor shall submit sarples of all pmposed alarm initiating devices, audio/visible notification devices, wire, and cable to the Owner for approval. F. Permits, Licerses. and Certificates Prior to start of installatiorl the Contactor shall obtain and submit copies of all permits, licenses, Fire Alarm System 16721 - S Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail. Colorado 2 September 2004 G. certificates and approvals necessary to conduct this work. Shop Drawings l. Prior to installatiorl but within 30 days after awarding of the conhact, the Contactor shall submit four firll sets of shop drawings, four firll sets of data shees updated to reflect any changes, and irstaltation manualVirstuctions detailing the manufachrels insallation reconnnendations for all equipment to be installe4 to the Owner for approval. Installation prior to receipt otapproved slrop drawings shall be at the risk ofthe Contactor. 2. The shop drawings shall corsist of the following: a. A drawing legend sheet identiffing: 1) All symbols used on the drawings, by type of device or equipment, manufacturer, and manufacturels part number. This information shall correspond to the manufacturer's catalog data sheets required elsewhere in this section. 2) All conventions, abbreviafions and specialized terminology used on the drawings, as necessary to understand and interpret the information contained therein. 3) All color codes and conduit, conductor/ circuit and device nurnbering systenB. 4) A conplete drawing lisVindex idartiffing all drawings in the shop drawing package by title, drawing number and Specification cross- reference, b. Clean architectural floor plans drawn to scale and a system riser diagram with a title block on each drawing. Floor plan drawings required for this submittal shall be generated using the bid drawings as backgrotmd. 1) The floor plan drawings shall indicate: a) Location of all devices, equipment, risers and electrical power connections. Addressable systems shall indicate device addresses for all addressable conponents shown on each drawing. b) Number, size, and 6pe ofconductors and conduit. c) Poinrto-point wiring cormections showing individual circuits and circuit/conduit routing. This information shall be depicted in sufficient detail to readily locate specific conduits, raceways and circuits in the field and to identiff the specific conductorJcircuib contained therein. All penetations of 6re rated barriers shall be individually noted. French curve routing is not acceptable for depicting new conduits, raceways and circuits, or for depicting existing conduits, raceways and circuits whose detailed routing can be determined without demolition of existing construction. Routing of existing conduib, whose detailed routing cannot be determined in tlrc field, without 16721 - 6 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 tr'ire Alarm System demolition of existing constructioq shall be depicted using french curves. All reused conduits shall be noted "existing." Typical wiring diagrams for all alarm initiating devices and notification appliances, showing the size and type of conductors, wiring terminations and terminal identifications. When remote hansmitting panel power is derived ftom "local" source of building emergency power, the shop drawings shall show wire routing and point of cormection (location) to the building "E" circuit. Conduit fill calculations, in chart fonrl indicating the cross-section area percent fill for each type of wire/cable in each size of conduit used in the systent A maximum of40 percent fill is allowed. 2') The riser diagram shall indicate: a) Number, size, and type ofriser conduitVraceways. b) Number, size, and type of conductors in each riser. c) Number ofeach type of device on each circuit on each floor. Detailed wiring diagrams for all alarm control panels, voice evacuation panels, public address panels, hrefighters' telephone panels, control panel modules, power supplies, electrical power connections, auxiliary finction relays and solenoids, remote signaling equipment, CRTs, printers and annunciators, identiSing all required terminations, including terminal identifications. All wsupervised connections and terminations shall be noted "unsupervised." l) These diagrams shall depict and identi$ all circuit boards, modules, power supplies, standby batteries, wiring hamesses, terminal strips and connections theretq including spare zones and circuits. Where multiple conponents of a similar type are provided, each shall be identified by a unique conponent number. 2) These diagrams shall include front-view details of all contol panels and armturciators, depicting and identifring all indicaton, controls and zone labels, including proposed nomanclature. 3) These diagrams shall depict the required inforrnation to relative scale, actual size or larger, showing proper spatial relationships between conponents, and shall reflect the conesponding system conponents as they are to be irstalled. Standby battery capacity calculations. Battery calculations shall list the type of devices (UPS, detection, monitoring and contol), and modules; quantities, unit and extended anperage draw for quiescent and alarm conditions, total arrperage draw arrd battery anp/hour rating. For design criteria" the calculated load shall be the design load including spare capacity. In addition, the battery capacity rsed to meet the calculated load shall be a maximum of 80 percent of the anp/hour rating listed by 0re manufacturer. Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September2004 d) e) d. Fire Alarm System 1672t - 7 Voltage drop calculations shall list the percentage of drop for conpliance with the local authorities' requirements. A conplete zone/address list identi$ing each signal initiating zone, annunciator zone, notification signaling zone, retrnte signaling and auxiliary fimction zone and the specific devices associated with each zone. A Cause and EIIects Matix, or a sequence of operations section defining the s5rstem operation. This matrix or sequence shall cross-reference each signal initiating zone to its corresponding armunciator zones, notification signaling zones, remote signaling zones, and auxiliary fimction zones, and indicate system operation in the event ofeach tlpe oftouble condition recognized by the systern Each drawing shall be cross-referenced to all related drawings and specific drawing details as necessary for the submittal as a whole to clearly depict ttre proposed installation. Each drawing shall show revision nrunber and date indicated in the title block. Revisions shall be clouded or otherwise highlighted between submissions. Revisions rmde wilhout clouding or other highlights will not be reviewed and any approval ofthe revised drawings will not apply to those wmoted revisions. The Conhactor rvill not be authorized to start installation until all of the shop drawings and data sheets are received reviewed and approved in writing by the Owner and the Town of Vail Building and Fire Deparfircnts. H.Operation and Maintenance Manual 1.The Contactor shall provide the Owner with a looseleafmanual containing: A detailed nanative description of the system architecture, inputs, notification signaling, auxiliary functiors, amunciation, intended sequenc€ of operations, expansion capability, application considerations, and limitations. A detailed description of the operation of the syster4 including operator responses. The approved sequence of operation shall be placed iq or adjacent to, the operatoCs contol panel. A detailed description of routine maintenance required or recommended or as would be provided under a maintenance contract including a testing and maintenance schedule and detailed testing and maintenance insfuctions for each type of device irstalled. Manufachuers' data sheets and installation manuals/insructions for all equipment installed with detailed froubleshooting instructions for each specific tlpe oftouble condition recognized by the systern, including opens, grouds, parity enors, "[oop failures", etc. These insfiuctiors shall include a list of all touble signals annrurciated by the syster\ a description of the condition(s) which will cause those trouble signals, and step-by-step instuctions describing how to isolate those problens and correct thern (or call for sewice, as appropriate). A list of recommended spare parts. Service directory which includes the main 24-how emergency service number and at least tbree altemate nrmibers which are monitored on a 24-how basis. Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 o J. 4. b. d. Fire Alarm Svstem 16721 -8 g. Snull scale (l I inches by 17 inches) contactor record drawings ofthe systen 2. Within 90 days of authorization to proceed, the Conractor shall submit to the Owner four (4) copies ofthe draft manual for approval. 3. f'hirty (30) days prior to completion of the worlg six (6) copies ofthe approved manual shall be delivered to the Owner. 4. This rnanual shall be written, conpiled and edited specifically for this project and the system insblled. Unedited manufacturefs catalog data sheets and/or equipment manuals are rmacceptable as content for this submittal. Confr actor Record Drawings l. The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the site an upto-date record set of approved shop drawing prints which shall be marked to show each and every change made to the fire alarm system from the original approved shop drawings. This shall not be constued as authorization to deviate ftom or make changes to the shop &awings approved by ihe Owner without written instuction from the Owner in each case. This set ofdrawings shall be used only as a record set. These drawings shall be made available to the Owner, or their representative, upon request. 2. Upon corrpletion of the worlg the record set of prints shall be used to prcpare conplete, accurate final record drawings reflecting any and all changes and deviations made to the fire alarm systern 3. Upon conpletion of the work, two sets of blueline record drawings shall be submitted to the Owner for revierv. 4. Following Owner's review and acceptance of the blueline record drawings, and before final approval, one (1) set ofreproducible record drawings and four (4) additional sets ofblueline record drawings shall be delivered to the Owner. 5. The conbactor record drawings are required to show and to identiff quantities ofjunction boxes, sparc conducto$, color coding ofconductors, splices, device backboxes, and terminal strips. These drawings shall include a schedule ofall connections/terminations, indexed by jturction box, device backbox and terminal strip and shall reference wire identification taped nurnbers as installed. 6. Provide contactor record drawings on diskette in AutoCAD Release Version 2000 format. Software Documentation l. Documentation of Software Modifications shall include: A conplete printout of the system program prior to the change. A conplete printout of the systern prcgram zubsequent to the changg with all modifications highlighted. A letter prepared and signed by the individual who made the changes, describing each change made, and the reason for that change. This letter shall certifr tlnt the preparer has personally reviewed and conpared the before and after program printout and verified the correctness ofthe modification(s). Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 b. tr'ire Alarm System 16121 -9 2. A copy of all solfuare documentation required by this section shall be maintained on-site by the Contractor, irr a binder, arranged in cluonological order. This binder shall be turned over to the Owner at the completion of the project. 3. Once the fire alarm system is put into service, in whole or in part and the associated building(s) partially or wholly occupied, no software changes shall be performed without the prior written permission of the Owner. 4. All software changes to the fre alarm systerl once it is in service, shall be performed by a certified" manufacturet's representative, tained in the execution of such changes. A conplete printout of the system program changes shall be provided. 5. Each revision to the software shall be identified by a unique version nwnber and date. K. System Program Pre-Testing l. All fre alarm conhol equipment shall be assembled connected/intercormected in the marmer in which it will be installed in ttre building, powered and pre-tested by the Contractor for a minimum of 30 days, prior to delivery to the project site. This period shall be used by the Contractor to prepare and test the system software. The fire alarm conhol equipment and software shall be delivered to the project site as a conplete package, in an operational, tested configuration, with all monitor and control points progrannned in permanent memory and disabled in RAM. A letter from the Contractor certiffing successfi conpletion of the required program pre-testing shall be supplied to 0re Owner at the time the equipment is delivered to the site. 2. At least one total reprogranmring shall be included in rhis confact after project conditions, systern inter-connections, and required text are finalized. L. Test Record System certification and documentation of system testing shall be submitted to the Owner for review and approval at least 14 days prior to the fmal acceptance t€st. WARRANTY A. Wananty Period 1. The Contactor shall wananty all materials and worlcnanship dwing the installation period and for a period of one year, beginning with the date of frnal acceptance by the Owner. The ConEactor shall be responsible during the design, insallatioq testing and warranty periods for any damage caused by him or his subcontractors or by defects in his or his subcontractors' work, materials, or equipment. 2. During the warranty period, the Fire Alarm Contractor shall inspect and test the entire fue alarm system in conformance with NFPA 72 - 2002. All devices shall be tested at a minimum interval of 6 months apart, with a written report after each test. The warranty period shall include the first annual inspection and test. B. Enrergency Service The Confractor shall provide emergency repair service for the systenl at no cost to the Owner, within four houn ofa request for such service by the Owner during both the installation and the warranty Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 Seprember 2004 1.08 Fire Alarm System 16721 - to periods. This service shall be provided on a 24-hour per day, seven days per week basis. C. Spurious Alarms 1. Ifthe Owner experiences an unacceptable number ofspurious or urexplained false alarms during lhe installation and warranty periods, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing the necessary laboq material, and technical expertise to correct the problem to the satisfaction of the Owner. 2. The following number of spurious alarms, calculated as a ratio of false alarms to number of initiation devices, shall be considered unacceptable: a. Automatic (system connected) smoke detectors - More than two spurious alarms per 100 detectors per six months during the system lvaffanty period. Ifthis nwnber is calculated to be less than two, two spr.rrious alarms shall be considered uacceptable. Any calculated number shall be rounded up. b. Automatic duct type detectors - More than two spurious alarms per 50 detectors per six months during the system installation and *arranty periods. Ifthis number is calculated to be less than two, two spurious alarms shall be considered t'nacceptable. Any calculated number shall be rounded up. 3. Any spurious alarms shall be considered unacceptable for the following types ofequipment: a. Manual fire alarm stations. b. Sprinkler or standpipe system waterflow devices. c. Sprinkler or shndpipe system valve supervisory swirches. I.O9 TRAINING A. Timing 1. C-onduct four (4) training sessions offour (4) hours each to familiarize the Owner's persomrel with the feahres, operation, and maintenance ofthe new systerns. Training sessions shall be scheduled with the Owner at a time mutually agreeable to the Confractor and the Owner. 2. The Contractor shall submit a proposed training agenda for the Owner's review within 30 days ofauthorization to proceed. The final, approved taining agenda shall be submitEd 14 dap prior to the final syst€m acceptance test. B. Agenda Training shall include all system operational fimctions needed by building and security personnel. This shall include, but will not b€ limited to: l. Alarmacknowledgrnent 2. Interpretation ofthe scheme used to provide identiliers. 4. System reset. Fire Afarm System 16721 - ll Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 5. Basic foubleshooting. 1.10 SPECTAL TOOLS The Conhactor shall supply as a part of tlrc conhact, tbree (3) corplete sets of any special tools or keys necessary for nornml operation and rnaintenance ofthe systern I.II FINALAPPROVALANDACCEPTANCE Final approval and acceptance of the work will be given by the Owner when: A. The corrplete system has been inspected, teste4 and approved in writing by the Owner and Town of Vail Building and Fire Departrnents. B. All required submittals, including system operation and maintenance manuals, contactor tecord drawings, test reports, sparc parb, special tools and naining have bean provided to, reviewed by, and accepted in writing by the Owner. C. All systan software changes stored in RAM have been fiansferred into pernmnent manory, and verified in writing, by the Contractor. PART2 DESCRIPTIONOX'SYSTEM 2.OI GENERAL A. The system shall utilize the analog point-addressable, multiplex technology providing a discrete system "address" for each individual initiating device. B. All equipment and system conponents furnished and installed shall be new and listed by UL for their intended use. The equipment and system conponents shall be installed in accordance with the applicable codes and shndards, the nnnufactuers'recorrnrendations, and within the limitations ofdrc UL listings. All equipment and syst€m corponents shall be the standard product of a single manufacturer. Evidence ofUL listing is required. C. System conponents shall be modular in design to ensure fuhue exparsion capability ofthe systern Spare capacity shall pertain to quantities ofdevices, circuits, power supplies, anplifiers, conductor anpacities (size) and lengths. D. The system shall have capacity enabling it to support the future phases ofthis prqject which include fire alarm zones throughout the residential writs. E. Elecfiomagnetic Interference 1. All fire alarm control equipmen! devices, and wiring shall be protected against unwanted radiated electromagretic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) which can interfere with normal system processing and possibly cause unwanted alarms. 2. The systern shall be designed and irstalled to be rmaffected by the operation ofa hand-held portable radio (walkie-talkie) of5 watts power generating capability, or cellular telephone, within 12 inches of any system device with all appmpriate covers installed. G. The overall fue alarm system shall utilize distibuted signal processing, power supplies, and notification signaling conponents including anplifiers, pre-anplifiers and tone generators to provide autornatic degrade mode operation in the event ofremote tansmitting panel failure, cenfral processing Fire Alarm System 16721 -12 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2O04 2.02 unit failure, or communications failure between the cental processing unit and one or more remote transmining panels. 1. When operating in degrade mode (i.e., when not commrudcating with the cental processing rurit), each remote fansmitting panel including all associated detectors, notification signaling, and auxiliary fiurction conponents shall operate as a stand-alone local fre alarm spter4 providing for its associated area ofthe premises capability consistent with the requirements of NFPA 72. 2. When operating in degrade mode, rcceipt of any fire alarm signal shall initiate general evacuation signaling zones. 3. Degrade mode operation shall be limited to portions of the system (remote tansmitting panels and their associated devices) not in cornrnunication with the central processing unit All o0rer portions ofthe system shall continue in normal operation. POWERSUPPLIES A. All portions of the syster4 including CRT'siLCD's and printers shall be designed and equipped on standby (rechargeable) battery power, either directly or by provision of an unintemrptable power supply or supplies. B. Upon failure of normal (AC) power, the affected portion(s) of the system shall automatically switch over to secondary power without losing any alan4 trouble or operator acknowledgrrent signals. C. Operation of any portion of the syntem on secondary power shall arunmciate as a trouble sigral, identiffing the inoperable power supply(ies). D. Standby batteries shall have sufficient capacity to maintain all portions ofthe system in a normal, non- alarm condition for a minimum of60 hours, after which it shall be capable ofoperating all notification appliances simultraneously for a minimum of l5 minutes. F. All standby batteries shall be continuously monitorcd by the systern Low battery and disconnection ofbattery power supply conditiors shall irnrnediately armurciate as a touble signal, identiffing the deficient batteries. G. All power supplies, irrcluding UPS, shall be capable ofrecharging their associated batteries, from a fully discharged condition to a capacity suffrcient to allow the system to perform consistent with the requirements of this section, in 24 hours maximurn Standby battery capacity maybe increased to meet this requirement. H. All batteries shall be maintenance-free type. Wet cell lead acid sandby batteries are prohibited. I. Design load connected to any power suppln anplifier and batteries shall not exceed 80 percent ofits rated capacity. ANNTJNCIATION A.General 1.The system shall be designed and equipped to receive, monitor, and anruurciate signals ftom devices and circuits installed throughout the building (all zones). Receipt ofalarrq trouble, and supervisory signals shall activate integral audible devices at 2.03 2. Fire Alarm System Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 1672r - 13 the confiol panel(s) and at each remote annunciation device. a. The integral audible devices shall produce a sound output upon activation ofnot less than 85 dBA at l0 feet. b. Alamt rouble, and supervisory signals shall initiate recogtizably different audible outputs. Trouble and supervisory signals may initiate the sanre audible output if distinction is by visible annunciation c. lntegral audible devices shall continue to sound until silenced by a system op€mtor actuating a switch desigrrated for that pupose. d. Receip ofsubsequent alarm or supervisory signals shall cause the inlegral audible devices to resound. 3. The system shall be designed and equipped to provide inpub and outputs as descn"bed in the Sequence of Operation Matix on the Fire Alarm d,rawings. 4. The sptem shall recognize and anntmciate the following signals: a. Fire alarms. b. Supewisory alarms. c. Trouble conditions. d. Operatoracknowledgrnentofannunciatedsignals. e. Svstem reset. 5. All alarm signals, supervisory alarm signals and rouble conditions shall be arnnmciated by the contol panel(s) and by each remote amrmciation device. Operator acknowledgment of smoke detection signals and system reset shall be annunciated by the control pane(s). B. Fire Alarm Signals Activation ofthe following devices shall be recognized and annrmciated by the system as fire alarms: 1. Manual fire alarm stations. 2. Opan area system type smoke detectors, including in-duct smoke detectors. 3. Heat detectors. 4. Waterllow switches. C. Supervisory Alamr Signals The following conditions shall be recognized and annrnciated by the system as supervisory alarms: 1. Valve supervisory switch actuation. D. Trouble Signals The systern will also recop.ize and annunciate the following trouble conditions: l lnitiating device circuit touble conditions. 2. Signaling line circuit nouble conditiors. 3. Notification appliance circuit touble conditions. 4. Power supply frouble conditions as required by Specification Section 2.3. 5. Remote armunciation device touble conditions as required by Specification Section 2.7. Fire Alarm System 16721 -14 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 2.04 6. A smoke detector, with automatic drift conpensation feature, requiring maintenance when it reaches 80 percent of its tbreshold limit for a period of24 hours, or equivalant UL listed perforrnance. E. OperatorAcknowledgmentSignals Silencing of integral audible devices shall be recognized and annrmciated by the systern as operator acknowledgrnent of the signal displayed. FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL(S) A. Description of Equipment The fre alamt control panels shall be desigred and equipped to provide the following: 1. Conventional homs in general alarm or selectively sounding by area shall sound the standard evacuation signal. 2. A visible alpha./numeric LCD display indicating crment status of the entire systern 3. An interface for a security, fre deparfinent, or central station connection. 4. Standby power supplies capable of supporting all dependent devices and equipmant as reouired. 5. Devices or contols to effect reset ofthe system. 6. The control panel(s) shall not be capable ofbeing reset until all alarm conditions have been cleared. 7. A backup tone generator shall be provided. At the rnanufachuefs optiorl this shall be either an auxiliary circuit board in the master control unit, a second source of auxiliary tone, or odrer backup means oftone generation as provided by the manufachrer, and in a UL listed arrangement. 8. One backup anplifier shall be provided for each set ofprimary amplifien, and sball be equal to the highest rated (wattage) primary anplifier provided. The backup anplifier shall automatically transfer in place ofthe defective anplifier in a UL listed arrangement. 9. The control panel shall have a switch for silencing the alarm signaling appliances (both audible and visible). The switch shall be key-operated or located within a locked cabinet. Upon activation, any existing alarm will be tarsferred to a visible indicator. Any subsequent alarms from other zones will operate the alarm signaling appliances. Ifthere is no alarm and the switch is in the "silence" positioq a visible alarm indicator shall be lit and a touble signal shall sound until the switch is restored to "normal." The panel shall also provide a common switch to disable audible and visible signaling devices for test purposes. When activated ("silence" position) a system touble signal shall be activated rmtil the switch is rehrmed to the "normal" position. 2.05 REMOTETRANSMITTINGPANELS A. Description of Equipment Rernte transmitting panels shall: Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail. Colorado 2 September 2004 tr'ire Alarm Svstem t6721 - t5 2.06 2.07 l. Interface local initiating and notification appliance circuits or addressable devices with the contol panel(s) via the signaling circuit rise(s). ANNTJNCIATION DEVICES Description of Equipment Indicating Lanp LED Displays a. Indicating larrp displays shall indicate all fire and supervisory alarm signals received rmtil such time as the alarm condition is cleared and the display nranually reset, b. Indicating lanp displays shall indicate all trouble signals received until such time as the trouble condition is cleared. c. Indicating lanp displays shall be clearly labeled using nomenclature approved by the Owner. d. Operatrng (electrical) power shall be derived from the control pane(s) via a supervised circuit; MANUAL FIRE ALARM STATIONS A.Description of Equipment l.Manual fire alarm stations shall be of the double-actiog non-coded 6pe. They shall consist ofa housing, frtted with a pull-down lever, which when operated, locks in position to eIlect activation of an initiating or signaling line circuit. The body of the manual station shall be pennanently attached to the back plate assembly. Resetting the station after operation shall require the use of a key or special tool. The manual sation shall be suitable for eiiher surface or semi-flush mormting. Manual fre alarm stations shall arunrnciate zone as indicated on the concept drawings. Manual fire alarm stations shall be installed so that the handle is 48 inches from the floor. SMOKEDETECTORS Description of Equipment 1. Spot Type Smoke Detectors These detectors shall be: a. System-operated photoelectric type plug-in detectors which mount to a twist lock base, to prevent unauthorized removal ofsmoke detector heads. The detector shall contain an alarm initiating LED which will illuminate to signal activation of the detector. Detectors shall be listed by UL as "Smoke-Automatic Fire Detectors," tested according to UL 268. Detectors listed as "Single and Multiple Station Smoke Detectors," tested according toUL 217 shall not be used. Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 J. Fire Alarm System 16721 - 16 b. Each smoke detector shall be monitored individually, via an integal, analog addressable element 2.09 HEATDETECTORS A. Description of Equipnent l. Heat detectors shall be fixed tenperatue typ€. 2. Heat detectors shall actuate when the terperature reaches 135'Fahrenheit. 3. Addressable elements shall be integral to the detector 2.IO AUDIBLHVISIBLENOTIFICATIONAPPLIANCES A. Description of Equipment I . Notification appliances shall consist of a fire alarm speaker or hom "public mode" and strobe. 2. Audible notification appliances shall be installed, spaced and tapped so as to produce a sound output on alarm which is clearly audible above the ambient noise level throughout the building. In no case shall the audible alarm be less than 15 dBA above the ambient room noise level or less than 5 dBA above the rnaxirnrm ambient noise level. a. Fire Alarm Speakers shall: 1) Be listed in accordance with UL 1480. 2) Have rnultitaps with a range ftom %-watt to 2 watts. 3) In no case produce a sound output, on alaml ofless than 85 dBA at 10 feet. b. Fire Alarm Homs shall: 1) Be listed in accordance with UL 464. 2) In no case produce a sound output, on alann, ofless than 90 dBA at 10 feet. 3) Wall mormted homs shall be mounted not less than 90 inches above the finished floor, and not less than 6 inches below the finished ceiling. c. Visible Notification Appliances 1) Visible notification appliances shall be a minimum of 15 and rnaximum of 120 candela-seconds. 2) Visible notification appliances shall consist ofa Xenon flash trbe, high intensity strobe lanp, wi0r clear (nominal white) light having a flash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second. The nnximum pulse duration shall be 2/10's ofone second (0.2 seconds), with a maximum duty cycle of40 percent. The pulse duration is defined as the time interval between initial and final points of 10 percent of maximum signal. X'ire Alarm System 16121 - l7 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 3) Wall mormted visible notification appliances sball be mounted not less than 80 inches above lhe finished floor, or 6 inches below the ceiling, whichever is lower. 4) Visible notification appliances shall be listed in accordance with UL 1971. 5) Visible notffication appliance circuits cormected to this device shall be con-figured so that all associated wiring is supervised, and is on separate circuits from audible notification appliances. 6) More than two strobes within the same view shall be syncbronized in accordance withNFPAT2. 7) Synchronized flashing shall be defined as all strobe ligbts flashing within 50 milliseconds of one another. 2.11 SPARE PARTS The C.ontactor shall supply as part ofthis contac! the following spare parts: A. Automatic deEction devices - Two percent of0re installed quantity ofeach type. B. Manual fire alamr stations - Two percent of dre installed quantity of each type. C. Glass rods or panels for break glass rnanual fire alann stations (ifused) - Ten percent ofthe installed quantity, but no less than two devices. D. Audible and visible devices - One percent ofthe installed quantity ofeach type, but no less than two (2) devices. E. Light bulbs - Five ofeach for each tlpe oflanp used in the system F. Fuses - Five o:feach for each type, rating and size offuse used in the systern G. Keys - A mininnrm ofthree sets ofkeys shall be provided and appropriately identified. 2.12 SPRINKLERSUPERVISORYANDAI-ARMEQUIPMENT A. Vane type waterflow indicators with retard mechanism shall be provided to indicate waterflow in each sprinkler sptern zone, as indicated on the concept drawings. B. Valve strpervisory switches shall be pmvided for existing valves controlling the water supply to the sprinkler systems, as indicated on the concept drawings. C. Valve supervisory switches shall be the yoke mounted t)?e. Confractor shall not use remote mourt€4 wire loop type switches. D. Each waterflow switch and valve supervisory switch shall be individually addressed. 2.13 RETRANSMISSION OF FIRE ALARMS TO OR CENTRAL STATION A. Receipt ofany fire alam signal (initial signal only) shall be autornatically retransmitted to the UL listed Central Station. B. All wiring and terminations between the fue alarm system and any on-site equipment necessary for Fire Alarm System 16721 -18 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2OO4 performing this function shall be electrically supervised. Faults in monitored circuits which may prevent reEansmission of fire alarm signals to the Cenhal Station shall cause a fiouble signal at the Cental Station. C. All cormections between the protected premises and the Central Station alarm station shall be electrically supervised from the Cenral Station. 2.14 ADDRESSABLE CIRCUIT INTERFACE MODULES A. The Contractor shall provide, install, and test addressable circuit interfaces as necessary to conply with cause and effects malrix, whether shown on drawings or not. B. All circuit interfaces used for supervisory or control firnctions shall be mounted within 3 feet oftttis monitored switch or circuit. P,ART3 EXECUTION 3.OI STARTING AND COMPLETION DATES The starting and conpletion dates for this work will be established at the pre-bid meeting. 3.02 INSPECTION The job site supervisor shall examne daily all areas in which the work will be performed on the day prior to beginning work. The supervisor shall immediately report unsatisfactory working conditiors to the Owner for resolution. The supervisor shall not proceed with the work until all unsatisfactory working conditions have been corrected. 3,03 INSTALLATION A. General 1. All holes made by the Contactor in any wall, ceiling or floor shall be patched by the Contactor, restoring the walls, ceilings, floors to their original condition, fue resistance and integrity. All work shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Cufting, Patching and Painting Specifications. 2. Removal and repair ofall finished surfaces shall be coordinated with the Owner and is subject to his approval. 3 . A1l piping and conduit shall be irstalled at a height so as not to obstruct any portion of a window, doorway, stairway or passageway, and shall not interfere with the operation ofany existing mechanical or electrical equipment 4. locations of all equipment, confrols and system corponents are subject to the approval of the Owner. 5. Contactor is responsible for protecting both new and existing smoke detectors during construction. These detectors shall be covered during constuction. All such covers shall be removed upon conpletion of work. B. Concealment Fire Afarm System 16721 - 19 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail, Colorado 2 September 2004 1. All wire, cable, conduit, raceways, jrmction boxes and device backboxes shall be concealed in walls, ceiling spaces, electrical sbafts or closets in all finished areas. Conduiq Bcev/ays, junction boxes and device backboxes may be exposed in unfinished back-of-house areas or rnechanical equiprnent room. 2. Exposed conduit, raceways, junction boxes and equipment backboxes shall be painted to be as inconspicuous as possible. The Owner shall approve the paint color selected. The Conhactor shall prepare color sanples for inspection by the Owner prior to painting. 3. Accessible condui! raceways, junction boxes, and other associated iterns related to the conduit network shall be provided with red bands every I 0 feet with junction box covers labeled as fire alanq unless specifically inshucted otherwise. 3.04 TESTING A. System Tests 1. The Conhactor shall provide the Owner with written certification that all equipment: a. Has been inspected and tested by a manufacturels certified representative. b. Is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recornrnendatioos and ULI listings. c. Is in proper working order. B. Acceptance Testing Upon conpletion of each installation phase, the Contractor shall perform and document on an approved forma! systern tests as required herein. All acceptance tests shall be performed in tlrc presence of the Owner or his designated representatives. l. All conductors, including shielding conductors, shall be tested for continuity, shorts to grormd and shorts between pairs. 2. All remote fransmitting panel monitor points shall be functionally tested and monitor point identifications verifi ed. 3. Alt alarm initiating devices shall be functionally tested. 4. All supervisory functions ofeach initiating device, signaling line circuits, and notification appliance circuit shall be firnctionally tested. 5. All fre safety functions (i.e. elevator recall, smoke control, door unlocking, etc.) initiated by the fire alarm control panel shall be tested. 6. Receipt ofall alarm and trouble signals, initiated during the coune ofthe testing shall be verified at each annunciation device. 7. Correct labeling ofall annunciation device LED's shall be verified. 8. Sormd level tesb shall be performed in at least l0 percent ofroons on each floor and all conidon to verifu minimum conformance with Section 2. I 1.2. Fire Afarm System 16721 -20 Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail. Colorado 2 Septeilber2004 9. The system CPU and armunciators shall be load tested for 24 hours on standby battery power. 10. All remote tansrnitting panels shall be load tested for 24 hours on standby battery pow€r. I 1. Any additional tests, required by the referenced codes, standards, or criteria, or by the Owner, shall be performed. 12. Documentation ofsuch tests shall include: a. The date and time of each test. b. A reference set ofconftactor record drawings, numerically identifuing tlte individual conponents and circuits tested, test locatiors, and indicating the measured sound level in each location. c. A description ofeach test performed. d. A checklist ofeach device and circuit tested, indicating the results ofeach test. e. The names and signatures ofthe individuals conducting and witne5sing each test C. Final Inspection and Tests 1. The Contractor shall make arrangements with the Owner for final inspection and witnessing of the final acceptance tests. The Owner and his Fire Protection C.onsultant will witress the final acceptance test. 2. Ifafter being advised by the Contactor that the work is conpleted and ready for test the work has not been conpleted or the final acceptance tests are unsatisfactory, the Contactor shall be responsible for the Owner's exfta expares for reinspection and witressing the retesting of the work. Such extra fees shall be deducted frorn the paymenb nrade by the Owner to the Confactor. 3. The Contractor shall provide at least five working days notice for all tests. 3.05 MATERIALHANDLING A. Storage 1. Ovemight storage of materials is limited to the assigned storage area. Materials b'rought to the work area shall be insalled the same day, or retumed to the assigrred storage area unless previously approved by the Owner. B. Receiving and Handling 1. The Conhactor shall be responsible for all receiving, handling, and storage ofhis materials at the job site. 2. Use ofloading docks, service driveways, and freight elevators shall be coordinated wiih the Owner. C. Rubbish Removal Fire Alarm System 16721 - 2l Gore Creek Residences - Residential Vail. Colorado 2 September 2004 t The Contac'tu sh8ll rcmove nrbbish md detris rcsulting from his wuk on a daily basis. Rubbfuh trot r€drovod ty lte Contsactor will be remved by tbe Own€r md bock{borg€d b theCffiac-tor. Remral of dcbris od tubbish fiom lhc prtmircs *hall be coordinabd with fte Oc,D€r. ENDOFStsCTION Gore Creek Residencec - Reddenthl Vail, Colorrdo 2 Septeaber2004 X'lre.Alarm Systcm t672t -22