HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT REDEVELOPMENT 1 OF 2t FIL E COPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 n$ 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 30, 2003 Mr. Jack D. Hunn Vail Resorts Development Company Post Office Box 959 Avon, Colorado 8l 620-0959 Re: Release of Irrevocable Letter of Credit #3053 181 Dear Jack, On July 29, 2003, at the request of Hyder Construction Company and Vail Resorts Development Company, I completed a final inspection for the Town of Vail Community Development to veriff the completion of the required improvements associated with the redevelopment of thrffi Upon completion of my inspection, I determined that an approval could not be gra.nted at this time due the presence of stored items in required vehicle parking spaces. I did deterrnine, however, that all exterior improvements financially secured by the lrrevocable Letter of Credit #3053181 (letter of credit) were completed to the satisfaction of the Town of Vail. Therefore, please accept this letter as written approval from the Town of Vail for the release of the "letter of credit", held by the Bank of America, N.A., dated December 24, 2002. Should you have any questions with regard to the infonnation addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone t (970) 479-2145 or by email at sruther@vaileov.com Sincerely, fl-'..-..*\ -- ?, *-r-t'*t George Ruther, AICP Chief ofPlanning Town of Vail {g r"n"uo" rt" a VnrL RrsoRTs DevELoPMENT CovPANY C o N sr R u cr ro ru D E PA RT M E N T December 20,2002 Mr. Russell Forest - Director Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE:Vail Marrlott Renovation Phase lll/Buildlng I and Sitework Check in Lieu of Bond Dear Russell: As requested, we are submitting the enclosed check from Vail Resorts, Inc', in the amount of $635,988.75 as a security deposit to ensure completion of sitework, landscaping and miscellaneous exterior details as weather permits in ttre Spring of 2003. It is agreed that the Town of Vail will hold this check for up to ten(10) days before cashing the check to permit Vail Resorts Development Company the opportunity to replace the check with a bond or letter of credit. We have initiated the process and anticipate being ready to exchange a bond for the check no later than the end ofnext week. Vice President Construction Department Development Company n*9. , Q.e-,.atrcr-\S#J**Enclosures JDlVcjw -..'..-.-..,..-- V^r L Raaoira-735s Vail Resorrs Development Cornpany . 137 Benchuurk Road . Post Office Box 959 . Avon, Colorado 8162G0959 ' (970) 845-2350 ' far (9?0) 845-2358 ' www.srow.cotrr D.H Vail Vail . Breckenridge. Keystoneo. Beaver Creeko. Bachelor Gu.lch" ' Arrowhead $ TOWN O il.o?5 IE5r! r:Oq L eI5q a?r: t5e t t80 Le5?lrF Check Date: 20.Dec.2002 Check No. 075 165 umber I Invoice Date I Voucher Amount Available : Paid Amount v58214 20.Dec.2002 00214617 635,988.75 0.00 635,98E.75 Vendnr Number Name Totel Discounts 00000125 88 Town of Vail 0.00 Check Number Date Handling Code Totrl Amount Discounts Taken Total Paid Amount 075 165 20.Dec.2002 10 635,988.75 0.00 635,988.75 V A-!,r Rr--oRTS Bruce Wilcox Projcct Manrge.r Vxil R(8ort! Drvet,lxnr:nt OrrDpany I"Jst Ofi,,c ln,x 959. ivon, Cotorrrir I t620_0959 13? BorcIrrrark ltoad, Avon. (ioldr.rlo 81620 fhone (97{)) 845-2:r,8 . fax (lrzt))l}r5-2:}5f3 . r.elt (9?{)) 3{Ir4U89br!rcew(drf.rilresrjrrs.s'i _-^-_\_---\^ V^ r! R.soiir UCTION INC. December 19,2002 Mr. Bruce Wilcox Vail Resorts Development Co. 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 RD: Yail Marriott Mountah Resort @CI Job No. 22001) Dear Bruce: Following is the value of the work remaining to be completed after the issuance of the Temporary Certificate ofOccupancy at the referenced project as requested by the Town ofVail Departnent of Community Development: Buildins Io Site Demolitionr Grading and Preparation. Sand/Oil Interceptor and Piping. Snow Melt piping . Curb, Cutter, Loading Dock Drive and Sidewalksr Concrete Interlocking Paverso Stone Walls at Loading Dockr Site Lighting and Powerr North Entry ClockTowerr North Entry Timbers and Stoner Shutters Total for Building I Buildins 2o EIFS at East Elevationr Shuttersr Site Lighting and Power. Concrete Interlockine Pavers Total for Buitding 2 Combined Building I and Building 2 Total Landscaping Grand Total for Bonding Requirements $35,000.00 22,000.00 I1,500.00 25,000.00 5l,770.00 21,380.00 14,300.00 16,426.00 23,200.00 37,600.00 l1.000.00 $269,176.00 $12,750.00 17,000.00 38,073.00 4.800.00 $72,623.00 $341,799.00 $167.000.00 $508,799.00 Please let me know if you have any questions with regards to the above values for work remaining to be completed Sincerely, Doug Thornpson, Project Manager 543 Santa Fe Drive o Denver, Colorado 80204 r (303) 825-1313 o FAX (303) 825-3223. Email: bf,dgdng@Idcd@ e Website: www. hvderinc.com NSI"RUCNON INC. To: CC: X'rom: Date: Dor6 1uorrt7a56 Crtu Oul) trL7'fifl MEMORANDUM George Ruther, Chief ofPlanning Town of Vail Henry Pratt, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Bruce Wilcox, Vail Resorts Development Company Doug Thompsorl Hyder Construction Scott Miller, Asst. Project Manager December 19.2002 Subject: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort (HCI Job No. 22001) Buildings I and 2 Exterior Work Completion Timeline (Revised) The following is a list of incomplete exterior scope elements and estimated dates for completion after issuance of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy: Buildine 1: l. North Entry and Clock Tower Floors 3-6 - January 8,2002 2. North Entry low timber roof and stone arches and slab - January 24,2003 3. Shutters - January 24, 2003 4. Landscaping - June 22,2QQ3 5. Curb, gutter and snow melted sidewalks - June 22, 2003 6. Loading dock sand and oil interceptor, slab andwalls- June?2,2003 7. Exterior Lighting and Street Lighting - June 22, 2003 8. East Elevation French Railings and Retaining Wall Railing - December 23,2002 9. Misc. Painted Elements at high roof areas - June 22,2O03 10. Completion ofNorth Turret copper roof - December 31,2002 Buildins 2 I l. Building 2 Porte Cochere landscaping - June 22, 2003 12. Exterior Lighting and Street Lighting at Porte Cochere - December 24,2002 13. Concrete pavers at Porte Cochere East sidewalk - December 21,2002 14. Concrete pavers at North Elevation - June 22,2003 15. Shutters - January 24, 2003 16. Landscaping - June 22,2003 Please call me if you have any questions. BankofAmerica ?a DATE: DECEMBER 24, 2002 IRREVOCABLE STA}IDBY LETTER PAGE: 1 OF CREDIT NtTMBER: 3053181 BENEFICIARY TOI'IN OF VA]L 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 APP].,,]CAIIT THE VAIL CORPORATION ]-37 BENCHMARK ROAD AVON, CO 8L620 AMOI]NT NOT EXCEEDING USD 635,998.75 NOT EXCEEDING SIX HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT AND 75l1-OO'S US DOLLARS EXPIRATION ,11[,Y 31 ' 2003 AT OI]R COUNTERS WE HEREBY ESTABLISH IN YOI]R FAVOR OUR TRREVOCABI,E STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT WHICH IS AVAILABLE WITH BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. BY PAYMENT AGAINST PRESENTATION OF THE OR]GINAL OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT A]iID YOUR DRAFTS AT SIGHT DRAT'IN ON BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., ACCOMPANIED BY THE DOCTJMEI{I DETAILED BELOW: BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OF THE BENEFICIARY STATING THE FOLLOWING: NTHERE }LAS BEEN A DEFAI'LT IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF PT]BLIC ]MPROVEMENTS REQUTRED BY THE TOI,IN OF VAI]-,, STATE OF COLORADO, PURSUAI{T TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAIIJ RESORTS DEVEIJOPMENT COMPANY AND THE TOITTN OF VATL FOR THE COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS REQUTRED AS SPECIFIED IN HYDER CONSTRUCTTON, INC. ESTIMATE OF DECEMBER 19, 2OO2 FOR WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN BUILDINGS 1- AND 2 OF THE VAII.,, MARRIOTT MOUNTA]N RESORT REDEVELOPMENT PRO.]ECT.'' WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH YOU THAT DRAFT(S) DRAWN I]NDER AND IN COMPLIANCE W]TH THE TERMS OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT WILIJ BE DUI.'Y HONORED UPON PRESENTATION, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. THIS I,ETTER OF CRED]T IS SUB.'ECT TO THE INTERNATIONAI-, STAA]DBY PRACTICES T998, ICC PUBLICATION NO. 590. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY ASSISTANCE OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS TRANSACTION, PI_TEASE CAr_,IJ 2L3-345-0088 . w G+rUry$ AUTHORIZED SIGNATI]RE ", !!\,-l'4\irAii GEHHARD Bank ofAmcrica, N.A. Tmde Operrtions Msil Cod€: CA9-701- I 9-09 333 S. B€audry Avenue, l9rh Floor, Los Arseles, CA 90ol7 00-35-0202NS8 9-1999_CA9 t9 ORIG]NAL {3 Recycled eaper DEC ?7 "AO? A6:57 FR BANK -0F A|IERICA 1tg 345 AAIS.IO 919?6s.52szd BankofAmerica ?a O PAGE: 1 DATE: DECE!,IBER 24, 2OOz IRREVOEABIJE STA}IDBY LETIER OF CREDIT NUMBER: 3053191 P,td?/@? BENEFICIARY TOWN OF' \TAIL75 SOIxTS FRONTAGE ROADVAIIJ, co 8155? AUfHORIZED SIGNATI,'RE ' " IIITII^'ATIGENHARD APPIJICANT TTIE VAIIJ CORPORATION 137 EENCHII'ARK ROAD AVON, CO 81520 AtIOUNI NOT EXCEEDTNG USD 635,998.75 NOT EI(CEEDING SIX SUITONSP TIIIRTYFI\TE IITOUSA}ID NINE HT'NDRED NINETYEIGI{T nro zslroors us DoITL,ARS EXPIR,ATION ,rulrY 31, 2003 AT OIJR COUIWERS t{E HEREBY BSTABIJIF-II-IN YotJR FAVOR ouR IRREVOCABLE STAI{DBv TJETTER oFCREDIT WIIICH IS AVAIIABI,E WITIT BAI{X Or AT'IENiCA, II.A. BY PAYMENTAGAINST PRESENTATIOry 9!' TtrE ONrCl}Nr, OF TI{IS IJETTER OF CREDIT AI{DYOUR DRAFTS AT SI94T DRAWN ON BA}.IK OF-N,'E-IiiCA;-N:A., ACCOMPAIiIIED BYTHE DOEI'MEITT DETAII-,ED BELO!{: - BENEFTCTARY'S srATEltENr PURPoRTEDLY srcNED By AtI AurHoRrzED oFprcEROF TT{E BENEFICIARY STATING trIE FOr,r.,OWrUE, I'THERE HAs BEEII A qEFAVIJT IN.IIIE CONSTRUCTION oF PUBIIC IMpROVEMENTsREQUTRED By rHE TowN_oF vAii,, -b-iere oF 'aoioRtDol iunsuarrr ro rHEAGREEMENT BETl{EEN-v4rr, REsoRis oever-,opprer,ri Llcjlliarw At{D ?HE To?tN oFVAII., FOR THE COMPIETION OF-iMPNOiEMNMS REQUIRED AS SPECIFIED INrrvDER coNsrhucrr_olrr _INc, -Bsrtlaiiii oF DEcEMBER le , 2oo2 FoR r{oRK To BECOMPLETED rN BUrLDiryqs 1 AtlD-t oF rgE vArIJ ttARRroTT MourqrArN REsoRTREDEVEIOPMEM PROJECT. I' WE IIEREBY ENGAGE_WITE^YOp THAT DRAFT(S) DRAWN TTNDER AlrD IN CoMpIJrAlrCEWITH THE TERMS OF TITIS I,ETTER_OF- CREDIT WILL BE DUIJY HONORED TTPONpREsElrlrATroN, As spEcrFrsD sennilq. Tlrrs IJETTER oF clEDrr rs suBilEqr ro THE TNTERNATTONATJ srANDBypRACTTCES 1998, rCC puBiJrcA?ioN-lro. ;;0, -"'-'*'-'^" II_I_9V-EEQqTRE Alry_Ass_rsTANcE oR HAVE ArVy QUESTTONS REGARDTNG THrSTRANSACTTON, PIJEASE CALL rlj-t+s_ooaa. tr--Q:rtt*4 CFIERVTJEFFERSONTo*) Enl ct^|rrlcr N A. nldr tri<r.tios Mril C.da CA9-?0-1-l r4tI) .i, l3trttt A|sl3. lrttftlccr! 0a, ,\rlsl* C tnt, 0+J920lr{S0 9.t r9g_Car t! SIGNATURE VarL REsoRTs DevELopMer,rr CoMpaNy Bruce Wilcox Proje{:t Manase. Vail Rr:sorts Dwcl4xn€nl (i' t,ar.| l'ost Offir'e llox 954 lvon, Glorado 8l(,Zo-0()5(, l3? Brnchrnark Road. Aron. (iol,rrvlo lll{r20 I'hone (970) ttX;')-2:|arq . fax (970) Ij,15-2jtttt . ,r,ll ()?0) ;|9r)-.1,t,tjtl O bm,,ew@)vdilresons.com -_-------\_-.--\^VArL R.BoRrr Vail .Bi..Lenrnisc . K.tNtoneo. B.a!f (].c.tr. ltlchctor (;ut{jt,,' . {ri,whend {l Recycted Paper ORIGINAI, Frr^.-F 12- rr{, Depailment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 19,2002 Mr. Scott Miller, Asst. Project Manager Hyder Construction Inc. 543 Santa Fe Drive Denver. Colorado 802M Fax (303) 82s-3223 Re: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort (HCI Job No. 22001) Dear Scott: I received your memorandum dated August I9.,2002, outlining the estimated timeline for completion of the exterior scope of work for the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort redevelopment. Prior to signing offon an approval for the issue ofa Temporary Certificate of Approval, I need you to add the timeline for the completion of the required sidewalk and curb/gutter improvements. As you will recall, the permitted scope of work included the replacement of the sidewalk and curb/gutter along West Lionshead Circle. Please refer to the approved building permit set of plans and the civil drawings for further information on the extent of the improvements. As we discussed and agreed, this work must be completed this fall (2002). Failure to cornplete the work will delay the issuance of occupancy permits for the Phase I improvements. Upon receipt of my letter, please revised your memorandum to me of August 19,2002, to include the required sidewalk and curb/gutter work. Once revised I will review the memorandum and forward any questions or concems to you. Should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at(970) 479-214s. Sincerelv U*Q,;r-a George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {p *'"uo'n'"" UCTION INC. MEMORANDTJM To: George Ruther, Chief of Planning Town of Vail CC: Hemy Pratt, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Bruce Wilcox, Vail Resorts Development Company Doug Thompson, Hyder Construction From: Scott Miller, Asst. Project Manager Date: August 20,2002 Subject Vail Marriott Mountain Resort (HCI Job No. 22001) Building 2 Exterior Work Completion Timeline (Revised) The following is a list of incomplete exterior scope elements and estimated dates for completion:l. EIFS systems at pyramid area - August i0th 2. EIFS systems atpool building-August 23d 3. Mansard Roofing East and West Sides - August 28'h 4. Pyramid High Roofing-August 30tn 5. Balcony Steel Railings - August 30rn 6. Misc. Exterior Punch List Items - September 6'n 7. Shutters - six weeks after final DRB approval 8. Lobby / Porte Cochere including landscaping-mid November 9. Snow melt side walks, curb and gutter inituOing euilding #l - by November l5th Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concems regarding this list. I can be reached either at thejobsite at (970) 479-5012 or on my cell phone at (303) 882-6238. 543 Santa Fe Drive o Denver, Colorado 802M o (303) 825-1313 o FAX (303) 825-3223 e Email: hyderinc@hvderinc.com r Website: www.hyderinc.com UCTION INC. MEMORANDUM To: George Ruther, Chief of Plarming Town of Vail CC: Henry Pratt, Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Bruce Wilcox, Vail Resorts Development Company Doug Thompson, Hyder Construction From: Scott Miller, Asst. Project Manager Date: August 19,2002 Subject Vail Marriott Mountain Resort (HCI Job No. 22001) Building 2 Exterior Work Completion Timeline The following is a list of incomplete exterior scope elements and estimated dates for completion: 1. EIFS systems at pyramid area-August 30ft 2. EIFS systems at pool building - August 23'd 3. Mansard Roofing East and West Sides - August 28th 4. Pyramid High Roofing- August 30th 5. Balcony Steel Railings - August 30n 6. Misc. Exterior Punch List Items - September 6'n 7. Shutters - six weeks after final DRB approval 8. Lobby / Porte Cochere including landscaping - mid November Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concems regarding this list. I can be reached either at thejobsite at (970) 479-5012 or on my cell phone at (303) 882-6238. 543 Santa Fe Drive . Denver, Colorado 80204 o (303) 825-1313 r FAX (303) 825-3223 r Email: hvderincfahvderinc.com r Website: www.hvderinc.com oo Exterior Punchlist Vail Marriottt East Side North End ol Bldg. 2 (overview) 1 Dirt smudge above control ioint left side North End Bldg.2 2 Touch up gutter between two down spouts 3 Brown smudge on white EIFS above & right of balcony door rm. 659 4 Touch up paint on EIFS on drop back between Rms. 659 & 661 5 Touch up paint on EIFS of balcony of rm. 661 (front & east side) o Touch up paint on EIFS above door to 461 & to right of door 7 Touch up faux beam above door to 463 8 Touch up while EIFS left of door to 463 9 Patch & paint EIFS above door to 461 10 Palch & paint EIFS above door to 459 11 Touch up paint on EIFS left ol railinos on rm 261 12 Touch up paint on laux beams above rm 363 13 paint bolt & nut heads of french railing rms 359, 361 &363 14 Touch up paint on balcony EIFS under angle iron west side of rm 461 Wesl side lrom turlet north (overview) 15 Touch up sotfit of turret 16 Cap row of roof shingles from lurret north needs lo be finished 17 Replace broken window in rm 557 18 Touch up EIFS above window in 357 Balcony inspection north end of blds. 2 19 rm 659, touch up paint right of door & iusl above balcony deck 20 Replace bent section of down spout outside of rm 661 21 Rm 661 , touch up paint, right of door, and iust above decking 22 Rm 661, do same to left side of door 23 Bm 663, touch paint to right of door & iust above balcony deck 24 Rm 663, clean underside of soflit above deck ol 663 25 Rm 559 Touch up faux beam above balcony both sides of door 26 Rm 559, clean paint splatter off ol slider 27 Rm 561 , Remove piece ol hardy board wedqe between deck and wall right of door 28 Rm 561, touch up paint below faux beam right of door 29 Rm 561, Touch up paint of EIFS left of door 30 Rm 561 , clean underside of deck above 31 Rm 561, touch up paint on deck of railing 32 Rm 563, louch up paint to right ot door iust above deckino 33 Bm 563, clean under side of deck above 34 Rm 563, touch up paint and clean slider 35 Rm 563, touch up faux beam around door 36 Bm 563, clean up & touch up scralches on railing a7 Rm 459, touch up faux beams 38 Rm 459, remove plastic between wall & deck above door 39 Rm 459. clean slider 40 Rm 459, clean underside of deck above 41 Rm 459. clean deck of rm 459 42 Rm 459, clean railing of rm 459 43 Rm 461 , touch up balcony face (white EIFS) east & west side (welder burns can be seen) 44 Rm 461 , touch up faux beams above 45 Rm 461 , touch up faux beams around door oo 46 Rm 461 touch up paint on angle iron at deckinq level 47 Rm 461 , clean slider 48 Rm 461 , clean underside of deck above 49 Rm 461 , touch up white EIFS above door 50 RM 361, clean underside of deck above 51 Rm 361.touch up faux beams 52 Rm 361 , clean railing 53 Rm 361, clean theshold and surroundinq area 54 Rm 361 , touch up white EIFS on balcony above (steakino can be seen) 55 Rm 361,louch up EIFS above door 56 Rm 359, clean decking 57 Bm 359, clean underside of decking above 58 Rm 359, touch up railing 59 Rm 359, touch up and clean slider 60 Rm 359, touch up faux beams 61 Rm 359, touch up EIFS on deck above (streaking can be seen) 62 Rm 359, touch up faux beams around door 63 Rm 363, clean underside of deck above 64 Rm 363, touch up EIFS of deck above (streakins can be seen) 64 Rm 363, touch up paint of box tubing above 65 Rm 363, clean up railing 66 Rm 363, clean slider 67 Rm 363, touch up faux beams above 68 Rm 363, touch up laux beams around door 69 Rm 357, clean up top of laux beam above window (can be seen from deck of rm 459) South Slde Overvlew Connector Bldg. 1 to Bldg 2 70 Clean fascia 71 Paint bolt & nut heads on railing mounts 72 touch up White EIFS on balcony fronts (streaking is occuring) 2 upper balconies 73 Touch up bottom of white EIFS on balconies (the lower two balconies) 74 Joints between EIFS and sidng (2nd story) need caulking 75 Soffits need trim or caulking 2nd floor units Bldg 2 Soulh Side Overvlew 76 Touch up siding above rm 426 77 Clean up or touch up siding in a column between rms 230 & 231 to 430 & 431 white dust showinq in this column Balcony inspection soulh end bldg.2 78 Rm 128, clean under side ol deck above 79 " touch up siding-clean window exterior 80 " Touch up llashing below window and clean 81 " touch up white EIFS on deck above (streaking can be seen) 82 " touch up box tubinq on deck above 83 Rm 129, clean underside of deck above 84 " touch up white EIFS on deck above (streakinq can be seen) 85 " clean & touchup flashing below window 86 clean window exterior 87 clean or touch up siding left of window 88 caulk siding below window where it meets pool parapet wall 89 " finish detail below flashino on wall left of window oo 90 " touch up box tubing on deck above 9'l caulk exposed toam on underside of deck above 92 " finish caulking directly above door 93 Rm 130, clean underside of deck above 94 " touch up box tubing and white EIIFS on deck above 95 " finish air venl right ol window 96 " repair siding under deck above riqht of window 97 " remove construction material from rool of pool 98 " clean exterior side of window 99 " touch up or clean faux beams above window 100 Rm 131 , shorten heat tape in gutter outside of window 101 clean exterior side of window 't02 " clean outside of slider 103 Rm 132, finish caulking around slider 104 " finish "roof drains" at edge of bldg. Between 132 & 134 105 " clean underside of deck above 106 " install french railing 107 " paint bolt & nut heads on railing 108 Rm 134, caulk around slider 109 Rm225, paint bolt & nut heads on railing 110 " clean exterior slider 111 Rm 227, Fill holes on trim of slider 't12 clean exterior door 113 Rm 228, touch up weld area on railing 114 " caulk foam on underside of deck above 115 " touch up siding 116 " touch up white EIFS above 117 touch up box tubing above 118 paint flashing where wing wall meets deck 119 counter sink screws on lrim of slider door 120 touch up paint on header trim 121 clean exterior of slider 122 Rm 229, paint around welds 123 clean underside of deck above 124 caulk foam on underside of deck above 125 " touch up or clean faux beams 126 clean the deck 137 Rm 230, clean exterior ol slider and rail 138 Bm 232, not linished can't punch 139 Rm 234, not finished cant punch 140 Rm 325. clean exterior & rail 141 " paint nut and bolt heads on rail 142 Rm 327, clean exterior door & rail 143 " touch up wing wall left of slider 144 " paint nut and bolt heads on rail 145 Rm 328, paint around welds of railing 146 caulk foam on underside of deck above 147 touch up EIFS above 148 counter sink protrudino screws on door trim 149 " clean exterior of door o o r50 Rm 330, paint around welds of railino 151 " caulk foam on underside of deck above 152 " touch up EIFS above 153 " clean exterior of door 154 Rm 331 , clean exterior of door 155 clean slider and rail 156 Rm 334, nol finished cant punch 157 Rm 428, touch up trim above rail right of door 158 ' paint around welds on rail 159 clean deck 160 " touch up door trim 161 Rm 429, paint around welds on rail 162 " clean slider and deck 163 * touch up scratches on rail 164 Rm 430, paint around welds on rail 165 touch up scratches on rail 166 " clean deck and slider 167 ' touch up door trim 168 Rm 431, clean French rail and slider 169 " touch up scratches on rail 170 Bm 432, clean exterior slider and rail 171 Rm 434, clean rail & exterior of slider 172 touch up fireplace vent 't73 Rm 532, clean elilerior of slider & rail 174 Rm 534, clean exlerior of slider & rail Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Devdoprnert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970,479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Marriott Exterior Improvements DRB Number: DR8020008 Proiect Descdpdon:. Change to approved plan / Exterior modificaUons to Building 2 Participants: OWNER HMC ACQUISmON PROPERTIES 101/1412002 Phone: c/o MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT Gwathmey Pratt SciulE Archi01/14/2002 Phone: 476-LI47 Henry Pratt 10fi) Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectMdress: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: C&D Blodc Snbdivldon: MORCUS SUB. Parcel Number: 210107207001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Seoond By: Acevado Vote: 5-0 Dateof Apprcvalz Oil26l2OO2 Conditions: @nd:8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revieu committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Tourn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Pald: 120.00 seqt .u_ " 2.ACL 3,3i,[c|,urtvf CO[S-i,C-.0\ git-t|]_23it ,r,f ;]r i22:-) Aplidbn frr Deragn Reuiew _ _DaF fi|e tt of Cornmnnity Dei,rlopmcnt 75 Soudt Frcnbge Road, Vait, Colorado El6tEt: 970.479.21f9 ta\: 97e.q8.2452 e€b: t$rw.cr-yad,o-rE 6c|n|.l l;trlin: lll]]TrF .q.qg d€slgl ry mu$ ,lcerrc app]or.t prior b subnritiog a Duildng DeFnit apprcadon. DtcrserEter !o 6r€ srbmittal requt€tinrG for be rnrticubr appmvar arat F reque;ed.- ii +ii#o" for De:ign Rgvrewcennot b" .cae@d urtit r requirud inbrmdion ,, .ii:n a Uy tne Cjn munr.v ift-"ii.irrt Depa,tDenr. Thepro,ect tnay ilso n€rd eo be r€vtewed Dy fie Tq,vn cornar ana/or the pbnning and Environrnerrtrl commssion,oEdgr tuir.ttnl bE *r e btrrc F;i Fir-5, -d coil3,'roo ffi."E= rftrircproltte?Jurd. t-elLroftlrcFntrl: r-ot: L fDancr:_ suHivisir)n: MORcrrg 9ug, etrygat Hi!E; Frqf b.: Z lgt 01 2O1 trpl (Conbct Eagte Co. Assessor at 97G3ZB-8640 for Darcet no, ) zanir,pt rbrr(s) dDrrr(s): llaili;gAfttsc Orntr(s) t€r-d lr|dhgffirs: E-rnif Aftc=r: rlFdRilir td Fc:- Signs : Concepo/al Revtew : New CorEtiuclon - Mdition I Hinor AEration ( multFfam y/Cornmeroa I) : Minor AlEration (single-brnily/duptcx ) X Changes b Approveo ptrns C Saparetion Request 55C PtuI 51.00 per square foor of trbl sqn area. No Fe€ s650 For @n*ruc$on of a ncrrv building or demo/rebuild.5300 For an addition wherc square foAge is addcd to .ny resrd€nuat or@mnercbt buiklng (hdudes 250 .ddtons & ioErtor conv€rsons).5z:u For mrrFr cnitnges tE brildings md *e mprovErn€rts, such t,rerpoftig, painting, wtnalow 3ddldons, randscrprng, fences and|ltltorng walls, rlc.520 For minor changes to Duilrtirlgs and site rmDrwern€nts, rlrcn d5,r€rodng, gatntng, wrndow additrons, tandsGping, fences andr€Elning wals, etr.t20 For radstons E pbrrs atreody Oproved bv ptanning Sff or ttre Design Revievr Board. No Fee .r eage 2 rOrr,tr 0F1ilt V?D Plr-:E-295U tlE!: For OEe u- O|lv: ;.j,- - ,-. Fee Pad: ?a <>o M,no' Ofl9F Av. iPbnner: Julv 12,2OO2 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Minor modiftcations to approved plans Dear George, As previously discussed, we are submitting for DRB approval for several minor improvements to the Marriott Mountain Resort property and for a temporary lobby in Building 3 to be used while Buildings 1 and 2 are completed. Specifically, we are requesting approval for the following: 1. Modifications to approved plans: Partial EIFS at Porte Cochere piers. 2. Modifications to approved plans: Porte Cochere lighting3. Modifications to approved plans: Deletion of stone veneer at south entry to the Grand Ballroom (between 82 and 83)4. Temporary guest access to south entry of Grand Ballroom behind 83 for arrival and check-in. Partial EIFS at Porte Cochere piers Following the DRB denial of our proposal to do the Porte Cochere with massive EIFS piers and arches, the Owner has asked us to submit again with a much-reduced-E|FS hybrid design. The only changes we are now proposing are to do the upper 213 of all the support columns in white EIFS Dryvit color #101 . We are proposing to keep a stone base and all other aspects of the approved heavy timber design. The intent here is to better tie the Porte Cochere to the buildings it serves. The Owner feels that the approved design of all stone piers is too different. l00O Soulh Fronioge Rood \ry€sl, Sulle | (}2 . Voil, Colorodo 81657 . Tel: (97O, 176-1141 . Fox: (970) "76-1612 . Emdl: gp.xvdlloool.com George Ruther- Marriott minor modifications July 12,2OO2 Page 2 Porte Cochere lighting We are submitting the following for the Porte Cochere lighting: At the support piers which border or are fully surrounded by pedestrian activity, we propose to install step lighting in the stone base that will illuminate the walking surfaces only. This is shown on the attached plan as fixture "D". At the tops of the piers, we are proposing to install directional flood lights which will illuminate the underside of the roof. These lights will be movable, the lamps will be narrow flood type to minimize beam spread and the underside of the roof will be cedar which will have lower reflectance. This is shown on the attached plan as fixture "C". At the driveway side of each of the piers flanking the driveway, we are proposing large metal sconces (fixture "A"). Smaller on-the-wall versions of these fixtures (type "B"l are also proposed for the street side of the piers at the bus-stop. Finally, we are proposing several chain-hung chandeliers comprised of several of fixtures in a "wagon wheel" arrangement. The fixture is a hanging version of the type "A" fixture. One chandelier will be hung above the drive (type "F"l and a smaller one will be hung in the roof bay outside the entry door (type"E"). Cut sheets of the fixtures are attached to this submittal. Cut sheets give lamp specs. Deletion of stone veneer at south entry to Grand Ballroom There are many reasons why we wish to delete the stone veneer at the lower 2 levels of the connection building between buildings 2 and 3 but in simple terms the unusually high cost and impact on the construction schedule makes stone veneer in this location an unreasonable material. The explanation in greater detail: This is an existing building and we have discovered that the existing 2d floor walls do not align with the walls below by 6" to 8". In order to apply the stone veneer, we need to remove the existing lower wall framing and install new walls out in the plane of the walls above. This in turn requires new foundations to support walls and veneer. Making this worse is the fact that much of the load of the second story stone has to be transferred onto a small section of wall at the sides of each door. The new foundations therefore become quite large and complex and require work within the building as well as well away from the existing fagade. The cost for this new foundation work is ridiculously disproportionate to the amount of stone being added in a location that will be seen by very few people (even fewer when work along the creek begins next year). Additionally, the impact of all this additional work on an already tight schedule is further exacerbated by the fact that starting August 1 5'h and carrying well into November. this will a. b. c. d. George Ruther- Marriott minor modifications July 12,2OO2 Page 3 become the point of arrival for all hotel guests. There is not enough time left before then to complete the construction above, remove the scaffolding and begin the substantial excavations necessary for the new foundations, The Owners are also very concerned about the potential life safety issues associated with masonry work and other construction that will likely occur above the primary point of entry to the hotel during the August/September season if the stone veneer is required to remain. We therefore propose to delete all the stone in this area and replace it with the "tamale" color EIFS. On the Building 2 portion of wall, we propose to use EIFS color #102 to match. Temporary Hotel Access- August 15'n until November 1Sth The new Porte Cochere and Lobby will not be finished until sometime around November 15h. Most of Building 2 will hopefully be ready for occupancy by August 15m. Work on Building 1 needs to start immediately thereafter in order to be finished before the Christmas season. The check-in desk, now temporarily located in Building 1 needs to go somewhere else before August 15s. The location that is acceptable to the Marriott, the VFD, etc seems to be at the south doot into the Grand Ballroom prefunction area between Buildings 2 and 3. To get guests to this point, we propose to come down the drive between the parking structure and Building 3, across a temporary gravel drive behind Building 3 and onto the remaining tennis courts. Traffic would use the tennis courts as a turnaround and exit the way they came in, Access from the tennis courts to the doors would be via the existing wood ramp or stairs, The stairs would be rebuilt to be less steep and the entire pedestrian path from car to doorway is proposed to be covered with the white awning that served the special events tent that used to be on the tennis courts. Lighting for the temporary drive would be via the existing north side sidewalk bollards that would be temporarily installed for this use (the north side will be under construction so these lights are not needed). We have discussed this with Rob Levine and he has no complaints. With this application we are looking forward to the DRB meeting on July 17th. lf any items can be staff approved, it would save time for us and for the DRB. Sincerely, ARCHITECTS, P.C. Henry R. Pratt, AIA , i** **'afl + *al **af* a'l'l * * t *lfl flff * *f'|!*a * t ***t *** * t* * | f*** * * * * t * +f*{t* *a*rf * t | *f t tf*+* *tat* a*a* * TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€m€nt *ttafatlti*'lta*a*+*'iltt+tflffl'}l{"}aa**a*'}'}ll'}**a**'}'}****{t*+fttftftl**lf*tl*****t}f'laf*flft't'}l* Seatenent Number: R000002?30 Anount: $20,00 07/!6/2OO2O8:10 Ail Paytnent Dlethod: Cash Init : rIAR NotsatLon: Permit No: DR8020229 Tlpe: DR3-Chg to Appr Plars Parcel No: 2LOLO72O7OOL STTe AddregB: ?15 W IJIONSHEAD CR VATIJ IJocation: This Palment: 920.00 Totsal Fees: $20.00 Total AIIIJ Emts: $20.00Balance: S0.00 * *'ll* **t* * *'t * * *lll lt*{rf t*t*t t||ta!* lt*f{r* l**t* +*f*+ t t f**** ***'t{r****+'} *lf*t f**all*ttat+ala*lff* ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEIII FEES 20.00 Descri pt ion " ijl \l 'r' .ii;-, u Yi 91, ; *-51Oi:': N IFt,fFs ! Ll.| r.- .t -r .i -l-roii zo tr $ tuJ tu Iz tuv tuI \)l ol\)l I HIvl ol tLl \l rU(i rrl1 P,v\ utu 9sPQ^'F\= F: U $$ fr f;it $fi 88rt UJo fi FtuV\) fio clxN FltlVot fi) vtuI tr (\ xcl vtu 9strg\z >E +8\t> $f; o UIJI =rt) 5 $ ILo uItu L $ ofofztrzoo a ,o O t i I ql d-l I cc r.uzz 5g "riol FI F' l.itcl t. I ( fi. O- :...o-' -ul o luE FEUF r FFo itF$$iE $n tpnE$fi ulo o Az.( F lU v.o f,o Nxc{ Atu il_tu tLf p o(')5vF vtu 9Etr9tz >, s8\t> $f; otuJ \Dz =o [-J $Lo{ FluVrJt dt clxo \)rjl IL ot({) luItu L v A olofztrzoo 'n'2 zo/rzf t --- i I I l l NI 4 otl 6 lL t\\E>^\\v\. H 3 =i ti-=', li..- rll I 'd'2 7a/e2/L INI N F $g J 3 $ 'gz s s, g a o s \- h .4 "'$f-t" \' \, Qt h E\) 0 1Lg lt $s $ $ $ :f; \t 6il $u {qF tbr$t F F Ht $H '/'? \., zoftz f\, z -l- = bft ()I Fu E K lb.llJl=o l4J (Ja |jJ z. o- C'ztrl-l:l a 5otiw$<=dgH; d o2 o o .x a o- 3E EG<- f z 2 'B: to ,J,; _l 3 b g # lt;L 2t ilFh .!IF 7t z F e 3 qI tI rl+ lz, IFt-l(, l= E c2 'l I 6 L] €l t.F @5 I I = =l I !I ! dzE 5o 6 o.E I d = .q f z d =z sd<p ca< FErUEE =rrtEe. vr9gI g. E6'Ei58<)> -a{ 3 + IT ,N MODEL NO. FINISH NO GLASS NO. MDTH LENGTH EXT O/A MAX, WATTS- 79J5 1.2,3,6*,7 .8 - Et/2" J0" 12' J/@C -7957 t.23.6*.7.8 - r}t/i 40" 14" 4/@c -7971 r.2.3.6*,7,8 - 8t/i 20" 12' 3/&c -> 7971 r.2.J.6*.7.8 - r}t/t 26' L4' 4/6cii, l-OldBronze,2-AntiqueBrass,J-Black&Brass,6-Verde,7-FolishedBrass,8-Adobe&Brass;SolidBrass Glass: Clear Bevdled*Slotted chimney top is srandard on this Verde model. Spinning top is standard on all other models. o t0 9 IpDJL NO. FrNrsH NO. GLASS NO. \i(rIpTH LENGTH EXr O/A N{AX. 'ilATTs_4.1--, 1-2J.6.7.a - e,u' tg:ti' llii" 5/ioc-+ ryg_ Lz.t.o.t.a - nw zs, rii, ,tror, - 7948_.,. 1,2.3,6.7.8 - tot/r" 21, 6, 3/60c!- Old Bronze,2 - Antique Brass, l-Back&Brass,6-Vetde,Z-Polish"JBrassR-A,l.h"&-q"'".-s"t;'rR',* Glass: Clear Bevilled 11 tt€t' ts '.;..PBM-10 i. 2, l. 6. 7. 8 - 8" x 8" 11" - -PBM-)0 l.2,].6.7.8 - 6's6" l" - - PBM.80 2.6.7 - 12', 9" - - - I - OldBt"-.,1 ,-A"r"l*nrarrl-Black&Brass.6-1'",.1.-,7-15lishcdBlass,8-Adt,bc&Brrss; S'rlid Br'r'i Glass: Cleal llelclled "Slotted chirnnel top is srandarcl on tiris Vcrdc mociel. Spinning top rs PBM.60 r, 2, l, 6, 7, 8 - 6" ,t'l:', - - standarcl .rn all other nrittlcls.ET HqitrREL -" b FLUORESGENT A I]UCANDESCE]UT REGESSED STEP 8 WALL LIGHTS DESGEIPTIOI\I: Th€se recessod Step and Wall Lights otfer a seleclion of sizes and mounting characteristics thal will satisry almost every installation exc€pt type lC and typg Non-lc. Units are availble in either cast aluminum or bronze with stainless steel fasteners. Fixtures are completely weatherproof with n€oprene gasket and difttsed, tempered lens. Sev€ral models available with 45' cut-off, cast louver. OnE 3/4" NPT tapped Entranc€ hub at each end standard, 1/2' NPT and altemate entranc€ hub locations, avaibble on special order. SPEGIFIGATIONS: CONSTRUCTION: Fixture cast aluminum or cast bronze. FINISH: Natural aluminum or natural bronze, aluminum body permabaned. LENS: Diffused, t€mp€red glass for non-louvored clear, tempered glass for louver€d. SOCKET: lncandesc€nt: medium screw base, Fluorescent: G23 (7 and I Wau), G)e3 (13 Watt). REFLECTOR: Flat polished stainless steel. EIITRANCE: 3/4" NPT at ends standard. 12" NPT available. LAilP AY OTHERS. TYPE MODEL NUMEER: SEE BACK FOR ORDER]NG GUIDE NOTE: HYDREL RESERI/ES THE RIGHT TO CllAt{GE ANY SPECIFICATION WTHOUT NOTICE. Any dlmsnsion oo this sh6€t b to bs assJ|n€d a a t€f€rBnc€ dimenlion: 'Us€d for infodnation prlpGes only, lt does not govdn mandsctJring or insp€don r€quil€fil€nts.' (ANSI Yl4.$1973) 4452 SERIES U.L. LISTED FOR WET LOCATIOI{S c.s.A. USTED '&Jfi'---*l DIMENSIOilS: 1 t/8', (2e) 2 114" (57) HYDREL b E rEgblored t6d.na* ot Llthonla Llglrllng trI37t8', (es) 4r'.53 o o o o o o lat8l BBADIEY AVEIIUE, AYL An, CALIFORiIIA 9134e . PHO E: 818/382-3485 . FAX: 818/369-3l{8 HYDREL STANDARD DATA SHEETS\LTG.44 3I2OOO Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 Sorlh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 97 0.479.2139 Jax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Exterior alteration to Building I DRB Number: DR8020085 Proiect Description: Changes to approved plans; Bldg 1 interior remodel and ext facelift; Bldg 2 entry vesUbule; wood siding & stucco at ballroom & appeal of witches hats denial Participants; OWNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES 104109/2@2 Phone: c/o MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Archi}4lo9l2002 Phone: 476-1147 Henry Pratt 1000 Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: C&D Block: Subdivision: MORCUS SUB, Parcel l{umber: 210107207001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACrION Motlon By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Pierce Vote: 5-0 Dateof Apprcvalz 07llLl2o02 GondiUons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuh with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Pald: $25O.OO TOfi'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us DRB Numben DR801fi16Proiect Name: Marriott Redevelopment Phase II Project DescripUon: Exterior modifications to Building 2 Pafticipants: OWNER HMC ACQUISmON PROPERTIES 112118/2001 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Archil2/18/2001 Phone: 476-LI47 Henry Pratt 1000 Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Addrcss: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Loca6on: Legal Description: Lot: C&D Block Subdivision: MORCUS SUB. Parcel Number: 210107207001 Comments: SeeConditions BOARI'/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote! CondlUons: Pierce Wddrich 4-0-1(Blumetti) ActioN: APPROVED Date of ApploYal;, 0310612002 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005201 That the developer posts a surety bond with the Town of Vail to financially guarantee the required off-site streetscape improvements in th eamount of 15006 of an approved contractor's estimated bid. The boundary of the streetscape impro\remenB shall be on the south edge of West Lionshead Circle from the loading dock location on the east to the entrance to the parking structure on the west. The improvements shall be depicted on a civil set of drawing prepatred by the developerand reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail. The improvements shall include, but not be limited to, .on.*ttit pavers, an operable snowmelt system, t tignting uno furnishings, landscaping and the replacement of the curb/gutter, The bond shall be approved and in place with the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Phase II improvements. Cond: CON0005202 That the dweloper revises the March 1, 2002, Design Review Board submitbal plans to depict the changes required by the Design Review Board. The required changes shall include the removal of the "witches haf' dormer (typ.), the addition of scissor trusses to the level five dormers (typ.), a deeper "eye brow" roof (30" min) at levels four and five (typ,), the addition of a skirting band at the base of the on the north end ofthe Phase U wing, and add a second accent color around the 4" deep window reveals on the tower. These revisions shall be reviewed and approved S the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. Cond: CON0005203 That the developer returns to the Design Rerriew Board for final approval of the window shutter design. The propoeed design shall include a "mock-up" ofthe design installed on site. This approval shall occur prior to the install of the shutters. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ,'ff![ c&pyDESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, March 6, 2002 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department = Discuss members terms and re-appointments MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti Charles Acevedo SITE VISITS 1. Potato Patch Club Condos - 950 Red Sandstone Rd.2. Robins residence - 154 Beaver Dam Rd.3. The Club - 304 Bridge Street4. Edelweiss - 103 Willow Place5. Yail21 -492E. Lionshead Circle6. Landmark - 610 S. Frontage Rd.7. Marriott - 715 W. Lionshead Circle Driver: Bill 12:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLIG HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Specialty Sports DRB02-O032. Bill Final review of a proposed sign. 492 E. Lionshead Circle (Vail 21 Bldg.)/Part of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1" Filing Applicant: Specialty Sports MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 (Pierce recused) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the sign approval is contingent upon the approval of the associated exterior changes to the building 2. Specialty Sports DRB02-0033. Bill Final review of a proposed sign. 610 S. Frontage Road (Landmark Bldg.)/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rc Filing Applicant: Specialty Sports MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 (Pierce recused) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: '1 1. That the sign approval is contingent upon the approval of the associated exterior changes to the building. 3. Fermanis residence DRB01-0394. Bill Final review of a proposed new single-family residence. 1 109 Sandstone Drive/Lot A-2(4), Block A, Lionsridge 1" Filing. Applicant: John Fermanis, represented by Steve Riden MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Andy Blumetti VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That a staging plan be distributed to the Indian Creek Townhome owners. 2. That an access easement across Lot 4 be dedicated along with any subdivision of Lot 4. 3. That all the staff conditions be met prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. Cummings residence DRB02-0005. Bill Final review of a new residence. 5135 Main Gore Drive/Lot27,Yail Meadows 1't Filing. Applicant: Greg Cummings MOTION:ClarkBrittain SECOND:BillPierce VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MARCH 20,2OO2 5. Potato Patch Club Condos DRB02-0038. Allison Final review of proposed repaint, exterior improvements & re-roof. 950 Red Sandstone RoadA/ail Potato Patch. Applicant: Potato Patch Club Condos, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce Architects. MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 3-0 (Piece & Woldrich recused) APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. Recommendation that a stone cap be used. 2. That a site plan of all walls be submitted. 6. Robins residence DRB02-0021. Allison Final review of a proposed addition to secondary residence. 154 Beaver Dam Rd. tLot27, Block 7, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Steve Riden Architect MOTION:Clark Brittain SECOND:Andy Blumetti VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That all Public Works issues must be met. 7. The Club DRB02-0026. Bill Conceptual review of proposed bank and financial institution (ATM). 304 Bridge StreeULot H, Block 5A, VailVillage 1"'Filing. Applicant: Pete Mott CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE ) 8. Edelweiss DRB02-0042. Conceptual review of proposed exterior alteration. 103 Willow Place/Lot4, Block6, VailVillage 1't Filing.Applicant Rick Halterman CONGEPTUAL - NO VOTE 9. Hagerman residence DRB02-0019. George Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 1794 S. Frontage Road/Lot 2, Vail Village West Filing No. 2. Applicant: Philip & Jocelyn Hagerman MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 4-1 (Pierce recused) APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1. That the developer receives final approval of proposed final site grading and bike path grading prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. That the developer revises the plans to depict a reduction in the height of the south west dormer to match the height of the main ridge line, increases the overhang depth of the dormer over the garage, and eliminates the strips of wood siding at the window mullions.3. That the developer returns to the Design Review Board with a revised color board depicting a second stucco color on the building prior to the issuance of a TCO.4. That the developer submits an "as-built" survey of the final grading around the south side of the building verifying that no fill has been added to the 100 year floodplain and that the building complies with the approved building height requirements, prior to the issuance of a TCO.5. That the developer submits a signed and approved State Highway Access Permit to the Town of Vail, prior to the issuance of a building permit.6. That the developer submits for final approval a copy of the resubdivision plat of Lots 2 & 3, Vail Village West and that the plat is recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office, prior to the issuance of the building permit. 10. Marriott Vail Mountain Resort DRB01-0416. George Final review of Phase ll lmprovements. 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots C&D. Morcus Subdivision and Lots 4&7. Block 1 Vail Lionshead 3d Filing. Applicant: Vail Resorts MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 (Blumetti recused) APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the developer posts a surety bond with the Town of Vail to financially guarantee the required off-site streetscape improvements in the amount of 150% of an approved contractor's estimated bid. The boundary of the streetscape improvements shall be on the south edge of West Lionshead Circle from the loading dock location on the east to the entrance to the parking structure on the west. The improvements shall be depicted on a civil set of drawing prepared by the developer and reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail. The improvements shall include, but not be limited to, concrete unit pavers, an operable snowmelt system, street lighting and furnishings, landscaping and the replacement of the curb/gutter. The bond shall be approved and in place with the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Phase ll improvements. Bitl 2. That the developer revises the March 1,2002, Design Review Board submittal plans to depict the changes required by the Design Review Board. The required changes shall include the removal of the "witches hat" dormer (typ.), the addition of scissor trusses to the level five dormers (typ.), a deeper "eye brow" roof (30" min) at levels four and five (typ.), the addition of a skirting band at the base of the on the north end ofthe Phase ll wing, and add a second accent color around the 4" deep window reveals on the tower. These revisions shall be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That the developer returns to the Design Review Board for final approval of the window shutter design. The proposed design shall include a "mock-up" of the design installed on site. This approval shall occur prior to the install of the shutters. Staff Approvals Futernick residence DRB01 -0368. Interior remodel; 125 sq. ft. to both halves of duplex. 930 Fairway Drive/Lot 7A, Vail Village 10'n Filing. Applicanl Morris & Miriam Futernick Polar Bar DR802-0036. Awning sign and window sign. 143 E.-Meldow Drive/Lot P, Block 5-D, VailVillage l"rFiling. Applicant: Brian Jones Allison Allison The applications'and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Vnrl RESoRTS DevELoPMENT CoMPANY CoNsrRUcrroru DEPARTMENT June l l, 2002 Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: II Release of Landscaplng Bond, Bldg. 3 Dear George, On behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company and Vail Marriott, I am requesting the release ofthe performance bond for the landscaping on the south side ofbuilding tbree ofthe Vail Marriott. The landscaping, in accordance with Matthews & Associates drawing dated May 2, 2002, has been completed. I would like to thank you in advance for your prornpt response to this matter. Sincerely, 6'rrrr- illd Bruce Wilcox-Proj ect Manager Vail Resorts Development Company cc: Jack Hunn fi;;: Vail Resorts Development Company. 13? Benchmark Road. Post Offce Box 959.Avon, Colorado 81620-0959. (970) 84!2350. fax (970) 845-2358 ' wr'w,snov.com Vail ' Breckenridge . Keystoneo . Beaver Creeko . Bachelor Gulch" ' Arrowhead t, l{:52 Fror0ll Gilb€rt F, Mcl.Ieisb 303{39''322 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 303t3t3838 Gnrr.rsHaw & HannrNo A PROFE :iS IONAL CORDOAATIONtxIlOnNEtS .AT l-f,.w sutrE,36ff)WEIIS EAR('O OINTER ITOO LINcoI^l' 5TR.EET DENVER, @I.C|EADO 6ogos..t698 aE IEPEONE l3O9) €39.S8OOTE&tgoPr ER t3og, oeg.sBssE-!fll L xAurqo€orarxcB.^va^r.rtlrar-aala Apnl 30,2p02 , vIA FAX-_(970) 47e-2452 T-ele P 00?/003 F-55r gmcncish@grimshawharring.com v.rww. gn-mshawharrin g com 5H nH tiil6o A{isou Oakeg Department of Comnrunity Development Towu of Vail t Re: Town of Vail.p,.u.ifl Re$cw fo*9 - vair Marrion Mo,ntain Reson - Buirding r' Rcmodel - public Heariud Weancfar May t,2002 Dear Alltson: I II' I am-rrritiag to you of behatf of the vail Sh condominiurn Assqciarion (.vail Spa,)cnnceming final approvatr 9f rhe appticatiou for the proposed Building I remodel of-the l\,IarrioitHotel pending before rbe Vail Desip Rwiew Board(DitB). .^ _ ^ .l 1T y]:*,T ts qfans. oate{ {rr-i] 2, 2002 prepared by Hcnry prart which were providcd 1,T::l '*"1 tiou nefy darcd April 9,z0ez which incruded a copv of the DRB apprication and :tg-":TH:*eJ 41 the DRB is aware, thc primary conccrn of Vail spa regartling all of rhe PloPosed exterior renovations to rhe hotel facility have centercd on tobnini modlficatioas. ln:i!$tlnJlavg iuocatcd in previous conespondence regarding o*-pt"r"t of *re horel,srerrovaugn, Vail Spa is concerned witb obstuctions to visual connections ald established viewswhich it bas to the ski nountail- vail Spa will continuc to monitor, and objecr to any development or. redwclopment proposals w{ich obstruct their exixing view" in a mannlr which is inconsistsntwtlf 3nntic,afle uderlyirrg zoning, including rhe absplute maximum trcig* limiurion, and otherpollclcs ad developpent standards expressed iuthezobing codeandrhe Lionshcad RedevelopmentMaster Plan (Qecembcr lS, l99g).llI' " Rc8'arding the specific application pendiog treforc the DRB, as noted abovg Vail Spa doesootobjecr to orc application-based ou tlre plaru oated apnl 2.2002. If any material ctranics aremadeto thenroRof dcsignfeatures, including the turreE orotherroofline e[emerrts, asrcpresentcd TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us Op? 4pn129,2002 Mr. Bruce Wilcox Project Manager Vail Resorts Development Company P.O. Box 959 Avon. Colorado 81620-0959 Re: Marrioft Landscaping and Revegetation Dear Bruce: Thank you for meeting with me on Monday, April 29, to discuss Vail Resort's plans for landscaping and rcvegetation on the constuction staging area on the south side of the Marriott Hotel The purpose of my lener is to provide you with written documentation of your agreement for the work that is to be completed. As we agreed, no grading work shall begia prior to the installation of erosion confiol and silt fencing. The grading work shall only occur within the area disturbed by construction activity and no new undisturbed areas will be affected. Further, a minimum of twelve, 12-22' tall spruce hees shall be planted in the pennanently improved landscape area that is a minimum of 25 feet in width, as measured from the south side of the hotel. Additionally, the first floor outdoor patios will be increased in size to 8' x 8' and foundation planthgs of hedge height shrubs shall be instatlled. All areas, including the area to be planted with native grass seed, shall be watered with and automatic irrigation system. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at (970) 376- 2675. Sincerely, n*r-Q,"tllt- George Ruther, AICP ChiefofPlanning Town of Vail {g *""r"uor "o Gilbert F. McNeish 303-839-3722 Immediate Attention Requested George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Gntrqsrraw & Hennrr.rc A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNE'YS AT LA\tr SUITE 3800 WELLS FARGO GENTER 17OO LINCOLN STREET DENVER, OOLORADO 80203-4538 TELEPHONE (303) 8S9-3AOO TELECOPTER (3O3) 439-9834 E.MAI L lrArLBox@GRr MsEAwrt,\RRtNe.coM March 6, 2002 gmcneish@grimshawharing.com www.grimshawharrin g. com Via Facsimile 970-479-2452 Re: Dear George: Town of Vail Design Review Board - Marriott Vail Mountain Resort - DRB 02-0008 Public Hearing Wednesday, March 6,2002 I am writing to you on behalf the Vail Spa Condominium Association ("Vail Spa") concerning the proposed exterior alterations to the Marriott Hotel pending before the Vail Design Review Board ("DRB"), application entitled Marriott Vail Mountain Resort DRB 02-0008 - Final Approval. I have reviewed the revised plans dated March l, 2002 prepared by Henry Pratt which you provided to me. As you and the DRB are aware, the primary concem of Vail Spa regarding the proposed exterior renovations of the hotel have centered on roof line modifications. Specifically, Vail Spa is concerned with obstructions to visual connections and established views which it has to the ski mountain. Vail Spa will continue to monitor and object to any development or redevelopment proposals which obstruct their existing views in a manner which is inconsistent with the absolute maximum height limitation, and other policies and development standards expressed in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (December 15, 1998). Regarding the specific application pending before the DRB, Vail Spa does not object to the application based on the revised plans dated March 1,2002 as noted above. If changes are made to any ofthe design features, including the turrets or other roof line elements, as represented on the George Ruther March6,2002 Page2 March 1 plans, Vail Spa reserves its right to make an objection to such changes and/or appeal the DRB decision, if necessary. Based on the position taken by Vail Spa conceming this application as described above, I do not plan to be present at the DRB hearing today conceming this matter. If a final decision is made by the DRB, please forward to me a copy of the appropriate DRB documents which confirm the action taken by the Board with respect to this application. Thank you. Very truly yours, GRIMSHAW & HARRING, A Professional CorporationI A--- . fdfr't'W Gilbert F. McNeish cc: Design Review Board Members Al and Lorna Hauser (970) 476-5548 Alex Iskerderian, General Counsel, Vail Resorts Development Company (via facsimile 97 0-845 -255 5) Henry Pratt (970) 476-1612 Cl13 I 53\I\IETIERS\Lruthcr 3-0,6.02.wod I0l4ft,ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 te/:, 970.479.21n ftx: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Marriott Redevelopment Phase II DRB Number: DR8010416 Project Description: Exterior modifications to Building 2 Participants: OWNER HMC ACQUISmON PROPERTIES 112118/2001 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Archi12/18/2001 Phone: 476-LL47 Henry Pratt 1000 Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81557 License: Project Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Legal Descriptaon: Lots C&D Block Subdivision: MORCUS SUB. Parcef Number= 2LQLO7207O0L Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ MoUon By: Pierce Actaon: APPROVED Second By: Woldrich Vote: 4-0-1 (Blumetti) Date of Approvalz 0310612002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: CON0005201 That the developer posts a surety bond with the Town of Vail to financially guarantee the required off-site streetscape improvements in th eamount of 150o/o of an approved contractor's estimated bid. The boundary of the streetscape improvements shall be on the south edge of West Lionshead Circle from the loading dock location on the east to the entrance to the parking structure on the west. The improvements shall be depicted on a civil set of drawing prepatred by the developerand reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail. The improvements shall include, but not be limited ,o, .on.r"tlnit pavers, an operable snowmelt rrr,"r,?ee, lighung and furnishings, landscaping and the replacement ofthe curb/gutter. The bond shall be approved and in place with the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Phase II improvements. Cond: CON0005202 That the developer revises the March 1, 2002, Design Review Board submittal plans to depict the changes required by the Design Review Board. The required changes shall include the removal of the "witches hat" dormer (typ.), the addition of scissor trusses to the level five dormers (typ.), a deeper "eye brow" roof (30' min) at levels four and fle (typ.), the addition of a skirting band at the base of the on the north end of the Phase II wing, and add a second accent color around the 4" deep window reveals on the tower. These revisions shall be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to the issuance of a building permit. Cond: CON0005203 That the developer returns to the Design Review Board for final approval of the window shutter design. The proposed design shall include a "mock-up" of the design installed on site. This approval shall occur prior to the install of the shutters. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO March 1, 2OO2 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development D6partm6nt Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Maniott Mountain Resort Phase 2 remodel Dear George, As requested, here are the latest full-size drawings for the Building 2 remodel at the Vail Marriott. The drawings will continue to evolve so the set we present on Wednesday may be slightly different as we move forward in the design and detailing process. We are seeking final approval on Wednesday for the bulk of Building 2. Even though the ffoor plans for the 76 floor condominiums are not yet fixed, we are presenting the fenestration for final approval on the 6th. Based on comments from the DRB in the February 6h meeting, these plans reflect the following revisions: 1. In response to Charlie's request to look at the truss design in the top floor gables, we have changed the shape from simple king-post to a scissor design. (The client's representative vetoed an arched truss chord.) This shape does a better job of working with the arch-top windows. Similar shapes are used in the new truss designs for the porte cochere.2. The DRB's concern that the design for the porte cochere did not match well with the rest of the architecture is well taken. We have taken the steps listed below to address this concern. These steps should give the Porte Cochere (PCl the detail and grandeur recommended by the DRB and should tie it to the building better than the previous design: George Ruther- March 1 , 2OO2 Page 2 3. 4. 5. a. We have added a street-facing gable dormer that is on the hotel entry axis which will also serve as shelter for the bus stop. This dormer will have stone columns and a scissor truss design with timber kickers similar to those proposed higher up on Building 2. This dormer will continue out the south side or the driveway roof and connect to the rest of the PC roof. b. We have modified the PC trusses to a hammer- beam type timber truss with kickers. This type of truss inherently has more visual interest than the simple trusses previously proposed. c. The existing stone columns will be removed since they are spaced too close to the center. New stone support columns, located a bit further apart will be constructed. d. Unless my engineer balks, we hope to have eliminated any wrapped steel beams that were necessary before. All the materials visible in this design for the PC should be timber, wood or stone. Gas appliance fireplaces have recently been added at the 66 and 7th floors. These (and all other gas terminationsl will be painted to match the surrounding wall material and have been organized and aligned on the exterior elevation, We are providing a site plan based on a survey done last summer. This site plan does show the proposed porte cochere. We are providing a roof plan. Elevations of the turrets are shown on the west elevation however since that is an easier place to make the comparison, We have also shown the elevations of the previously approved roof elements on the west elevation, The area of the individual condominiums has been increased since the last DRB meeting but the total remains well below that approved in 1999. Total approved area in 1999 was 7668 SF. At the 6s floor, the area has increased from 1673 SF to approximately 2205; at the 7'h floor, the area has increased to approximately 5000 SF for a total of approximately 7205 SF (we can give you the exact total when the plans are finalized). To accommodate this increased area we are now showing dormers at the 6'h floor condominium which extend out onto the south deck presented at the last meeting. We have also extended the 7th floor south-facing dormers out an additional 6 feet and modified the dormer roofs slightly (lower elevation at the eaves). The extension of the 7'n floor south dormers allows us to add more windows on east and west elevations, We are showing that a set of non functioning steps and doors at the north end of building 2 are proposed to be removed and the existing stone veneer patched. This will give us room to possibly add landscaping and/or benches. We would ask that this discussion (and all site landscaping improvements) be part of the Building 1 approval (coming as soon as we get 82 permitted and under construction). The Owner will bond any landscaping until that time if necessary. As discussed last Tuesday and agreed by you, the loading dock improvements will be part of the Building 1 approval. This is due to the fact that it will be used for loading access for the Hotel during 82 construction. In any case, we do not propose to alter the approved design for this area. 6. 7. 8. George Ruther- March 1 ,2OO2 Page 3 We have NOT altered the 7'n floor "witches hats" dormers. lt was our impression that we satisfied Hans's concerns during the discussion on February 6s. We continue to feel that a double width dormer is not really suitable at the top floor level and is therefore less appealing than the single units. There is little we can do to alter the spacing due to existing hotel room layouts. As we discussed on Tuesday, the north side heated sidewalk required in the approval 2 years ago will be tied to the building permit for the Building 1 remodel. You also agreed that the extent of the sidewalk can be revised to run only from the drive west of Building 3 around to the Antlers property line. This is due to the fact that the plans for the West Day lot are being developed at this time and it would be a tremendous waste to build the sidewalk extension westward from Buiding 3 if it will get torn up in the Spring of 2003. Finally, the finish on the balcony and French railings is being proposed to match that on Building 3. All other materials and colors are as previously discussed. The schedule for construction for Buildings 2 and 1 is even tighter than that for Building 3. We need final DRB approval for Building 2 next Wednesday. We can accept conditions attached to the approval that might require us to return for final review of the condo fenestration or other very minor issues. Given the minor nature of the suggestions and comment at the previous two meetings. we hope that this will not be necessary Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT 9. 10. 11. Henry R. Pratt,AIA oflfrr Frn-oRl sH nH Ri o 30$3e$il -t^--Gnrrrsxntrr dL IIARRING A Pnott ssloN^l. ooRFOnATtOl tf,roRN!5rli aT LAw surrE 3000arrr!.s ErRco GENTER 17trc r.lN@r.lf sTruErDllf v!8, @roBArx) €oeo3'4E94 TrrrPIOlrE {aO3) &ig€€OO TEr,EootrER (gooD o{t9-9038 E -xAI L t^rlao!€cttrlr.rvtl^lFlrccpr I T-sa.2 P.00tn0t F-t 7l t gocncish@grinshawharring;com www, grimshrrrh*ringcom I I I Vh Facsimile 970-4?9-245i1 Gilb€nf. McNeirh 305.85e.tru February 25,2002 Qeorge Ruthcr, AICP Chie-f of Plpnning Depirup4i of Community DevdopneDt Townof Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 | Re: Mafiiotn HoEl - Design Revicw Board - Hearing Date of March 6,20V2 Dear Gb,rgs: I ,l Bascd on oru telephone convcrsation last wee\ it is my rmderstancling thal the F)esign Review Board hearing scheduted for February 20, 2002 cimcerping thc Manion Hotcl pro$al wns tbbled and rescheduled for March 6,2002. | - I In our pr€vious communications, you have providcd to m9 I copy of the application and dmwings as well as corresponderrce between you and Henry hatt throqh February I 3, 2002. In my prcparation for the DRB heaing schcduled for March 6'r', followiug: expncss mail to mc copies of rhe I In addition, whcn you and t rn& on February '6* prl.or ro the DRB concePtual desigR rcvicw, I proviited to you a copy of a letter from me to you dated April I 8, 2001 curceming condirions of approval to tbe prwious tvfarriort Hotel applicadon. Ar that rimc, you will recall fiat Hosr Marion, . :! {r \ I l l. 2. 3. 4. n ^'-UoP1.t-'' ^()vU- 0e-25-0?04:54n FrorGll 30383t3838 P.003/001 F-rrl Oeorge Ruther Febtuary 25,2002 Phgc 2 as owner at that timq agreed to the imposition of rhe conditions set forttr in my letter as Pafl of tbc DRB approval- My rccords indicate that *rese conditions indeed were imposed by the DRB as condirions of approval to thc lvlarriott octerior atrcration. Notwithstanding rhe peoding aplication to amcnd the prcviousty approved plaru, it is my belief rhat $e conditions of approval remain in full force and effe$t. Horryever, bccarse these coaditions continue to be important for The Vail Spa Condominium Associ*ioq I want to confimt that my tmderstaDdirg is correct. IhavedissusscdrhisrnatterwithHenrylratt. Heinitiallyinformedmebywrinenc{mnent dated January 3 l, 2002 in a lener oftransmittal with various application materials rhd 'We continuc to abide by tbs agfecmcnt not tO have lighling, pcnnants, gnt€nnse, etc." In a follow up discussion I had recently with Henry, I requested that he confirm this understaoding with Vail Resorts. As I indicated abqvq even though I believe the conditions are still in force, be,cause the,g:n$1n8 applicationis frourVaiI Resorts, a new ownership entity for the borcLm Henry has indiceted that he will seek a coalirnarion fronr Rcsorts and I hopc to elerneut of the application rcsolved by the end of this week prior to noct week's DllB r* I sppreciat€ yorrr attenrion to the matcrials udich I haw requcsted end thank you in for your assistance. Very tnrly yours, AI and Loma Harrscr (970) 47G5548 l{enry Pran (970) 476-1612 I' c:\rllilrluETTERSlLrurhalarr!.25{D.wd rst{Anlt RRlo ! GRIMS}IAW& HARRING. A Professional Comoration ll _{Jfr).. , February 16,2OO2 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Phase 2 remodel Dear George, As requested, here are the latest full-size drawings for the Building 2 remodel at the Vail Merriott. The drawings will continue to evolve so the set we present on Wednesday may be slightly different as we move forward in the design and detailing process. We are seeking final approval on Wednesday for the bulk of Building 2. As the floor plans for the condominiums are not yet fixed, we will return to the DRB to discuss the impacts the plans will have on the elevations. lf this is desired, we would ask that this be a condition of approval for the balance of the building. Based on comments from the DRB in the February 6th meeting, these plans reflect the following revisions: 1. In response to Charlie's request to look at the truss design in the top floor gables, we have changed the shape from simple king-post to a scissor design. (The client's representative vetoed an arched truss chord.) This shape does a better job of working with the arch-top windows. 2. The DRB's concern that the design for the porte cochere did not match well with the rest of the architecture is well taken. We have taken the following steps to address this concern (l need to confirm the design with my engineer so I do not have very good documentation today): a. We have added a street-facing gable dormer that is on the hotel entry axis and will also serve as shelter for the bus stop. This dormer will have a scissor truss design and timber kickers similar to those proposed higher up on Building 2. George Ruther- February 16,2OO2 Page 2 3. 4. 5. b. We have modified the PC truss to a hammer- beam type timber truss with kickers. This type of truss inherently has more visual interest than the simple trusses previously proposed. c. The existing stone columns will be removed since they are spaced too close to the center. New stone and timber support columns, located a bit further apart will be constructed. By using timber columns above a stone base and the resulting need to brace the cross beams with timber kickers we will give the porte cochere the increased visual interest desired by the DRB. Gas appliance fireplaces have recently been added at the 6th and 7th floors. These (and all other gas terminations) will be painted to match the surrounding wall material and have been organized and aligned on the exterior elevation. We are providing a site plan based on a survey done last summer. This site plan does show the proposed Porte cochere. We are providing a roof plan. Elevations of the turrets are shown on the west elevation however since that is an easier place to make the comparison. We have also shown the elevations of the previously approved roof elements on the west elevation. The area of the condominiums has been increased since the last DRB meeting but the total remains well below that approved in 1999. At the 6s floor, the area has increased from 1673 SF to 2230; at the 7th floor, the area has increased to approximately 48OO for a total of approximately 7O3O SF (we will have the total when the plans are finalized). Total approved area in 1999 was 7668 SF. To accommodate this increased area we are now showing dormers at the 66 floor condominium which extend out onto the south deck presented at the last meeting. we have also extended the 7th floor south-facing dormers out an additional 6 feet and modified the dormer roofs slightly (larger overhangs at the eaves). We are showing that a set of non functioning steps and doors at the north end of building 2 are proposed to be removed and the existing stone veneer patched. This will give us room to possibly add landscaping and/or benches. We would ask that this discussion (and all site landscaping improvementsl be part of the Building 1 approval (coming as soon as we get 82 permitted and under construction), The Owner will bond any landscaping until that time if necessary. We also ask that the loading dock be part of the Building 1 approval due to the fact that it will be the only loading access for the Hotel during 82 construction. In any case, we do not propose to alter the approved design for this area. We have NOT altered the 7th floor "witches hats" dormers. lt was our impression that we satisfied Hans's concerns during the discussion on February 6'n. We continue to feel that a double width dormer is less appealing than the single units. There is little we can do to alter the spacing due to existing hotel room layouts. 6. 7. 8. 9. George Ruther- February '16,2OO2 Page 3 10. With regard to the north side heated sidewalk required in the approval 2 years ago, we would ask that its construction be tied to the building permit for the Building 1 remodel. We would also ask that the scope of the sidewalk be revised (for nowl to run only from the drive west of Building 3 around to the Antlers property line. The plans for the West Day lot are being developed at this time and it would be a tremendous waste to build the sidewalk extension westward from Buiding 3 if it will get torn up in the Spring of 2003. 1 1. Finally, the finish on the balcony and French railings is being proposed to match that on Building 3. All other materials and colors are as previously discussed. The schedule for construction for Buildings 2 and 1 is even tighter than that for Building 3. We need final DRB approval on the 20s for Building 2. We can accept at that time conditions attached to the approval that might require us to return for final review of condominium fenestration or other minor issues. Given the minor nature of the suggestions and comment at the last meeting, we hope this will not be an unreasonable request. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT S /-/ Henry R. Pratt, AIA Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Febnrary 13,2002 Mr. Henry Pratt Qvathmsy, Pratt, Schulu Architects. Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Vail Manioft Mountain Resort - Design Review Board Comments -2/6102 DearHenry:. Thank you for appearing before the Town ofVail Desip Review Board for a conceptual review of the proposed Phase II improvements to the Vail Marriot Mountain Resort. The purpose of ny letter is to provide you with written docrmentation of the comments provided by the Desip Review Board. The following is a list of the comments: D A more substantial porte cochere must be created to improve the sense of arrival for the guests and to create a front entrance that is compatible with the rest of the hotel design. The Board offered the zuggestions, " ...it should laock your soclcs of, ...dentl the entry with stone and heavy timbers to create an alpine feel. " Special attention shall be given to Section of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. o The exterior building material used on the elevator override room should be a material that "mal<es the room go away" and should not be a material that draws attention to that portion of the hotel. The Board was agreeable to the proposed dark colored asphalt shingles. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan states, " ...rooftop equipment within the flat areas shall be painted to blend with the roof material. " o The Board was in favor of the proposed turet features. The reduction in heigbt and mass from the 1999 approval was well received and deemed appropriate given the goals outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (Section o The loading dock area shall be addressed in this phase of the project. Pursuant to Sections 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 of the master plan, service docks and loading delivery areas shall be visually screened from surrounding areas and all dumpster and outdoor trash areas should be completely screened and enclosed. The Board cited the Vail Mountain Lodge as having an excellent example ofan approved screening gate. Please refer to Section 6.8.2 for specific criteria and requirementS. o The Board recommended that an alternate design to the'\ritches hat" donners be presented for review and consideration. See Section of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan for details. o The gas fireplace vents must be aligned in an orderly fashion on the exterior of the building. I EECYCLED PAPEN$ o The shutter design is an excellent detail. Please refer to Section of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan for further explanation. o The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan identifies the sidewalk along the south side of West Lionshead Circle as a secondary pedestrian walkway. As suc\ this walkway needs to be improved and enhanced with this phase of construction. The Board was agreeable to only requiring that the sidewalk be constructed from the loading dock area to the entrance down to the parking structure located to the wet of the hotel. Future sidewalk improved will be required as future phases are completed. o Please provide a site plan and landscape plan for the Phase II improvements indicating all the necessary information as required on the DRB application form. tr Please provide a roofplan showing existing and proposed roofridge elevations. The plan should also compare the current proposal to the 1999 approval. This infonnation will aid in the review and consideration of the proposal. Should you have any questions or concems with regard to the information addressed in this lefter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone ^t (970) 479-2145. Sincerely, H*r-?'*'^o George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail Xc: Mr. Gil McNeish Town of Vail Design Review Board |ll ^f-v ti Irratn;rtr Htn= t 44*,.ltt 1'.,Ha,1 r,A.,rtlie-. ekage. h, ?fo,s sr'ute. t4 Vl , ,R.,v tlhe_Iee;*t_ 3 r \l.. V*.1 5[e[ - obare.,ro-rio, oo V,'t*o .. yn*<iullhe;1hr ;., F hAthr rliot,+tio.r-* - C^ 'o'ar"l ,ri :: ClAala.. '[?aui:l;+ {lrb L X* eean+e * wog|e oara**c- R* f*n al 14€ fute qctpeE )F hlrePee oll il6 lor.rg rls r.r-.. il.rr p€rAa€. ;,4"" 1tl frrrnt- ?eviev-t t-errrR - Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, VaiL Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This. application. b br any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive. approval prior b subrnitring a building permit application. Please reEr to the submittal requirements br theparticuhr apprwal that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required infofination is recgived by the community Development Departnint. The project may also rieea to ue reviewed bythe Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental aommission. oesiin neview Board approval lapsei unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposaf r rot,lF Block: I Subdivision: Parcel No.:rOl0 ))t Name(s) of (hvner(s): Mailing Address: Ourner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: For consfuction of a new building or dano/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiors). For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenq such as, rerooflng, painting, wirdow additionE landscaping, Ences and retaining walls, etr. $20 For rwisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Re^/iew Board Type of Review and Fee: tr New ConstructionD Additbn tr Minor Alteration $200 $s0 i20 { Cnungo to Approved Plans PLEASE SUBMIT THrS APPUCATION, ALL LJBMITTAL REQTJTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657.,\'W Sont By: DEc t4'ot eBtzTArl c0r.{s.Ir70 470 1612;D3c-13-0.l 16:53;V n PLrAI'{O Application for Design Revieur ryafirert of Cdnmunitv frq\drynqn 75 sq.d| FE|rbge Ro.4 vef, CbFe& 01di7 B: 92t.479,213. fd,: 970.4'n2{F,2 urcb: wf ,cr.ciYal.ca ul #SIjHT*S ** rrrsrrfis DEden ncvicr rpproyc. fty Flcrt reflihg rErJn Gvbr., m.6t IldF appot€l trior b ctnittu a ulldlno F|rtF aplc'ttn. pl€sse |lftr b lle camlual t€qtiEflteft e 0te' pffirbr aFploal trat b quested An ilIdon |b Dedgn nsiry canlpt bc dqcd until al tqtted lnfurnattrn b rccdwd by lhc c{rttttrrnfty Hrf|cnt DtputrE rt Ittc pmi:ct mry .bo tr!!d b bc tcvtwcC UY tlre Tovn Canlcil ilyr tt PlannlnE anO Ewltunnural Coffiriss![L DaJgr Rrvir* lerrd rppraual l4s unlo r brildiry pmrit b irurd rrrd cenrtrndcn Eecrrncts uiU*r orc ytrr ef tfe lDprwd. Loation of tlte ProposaE Lc-tsloclt:- Subdivisbn: Plrysr'al Address: Itrcd l|s!(Cmbct Easle Co. Assesor at 97D32&8640 lt* parcd no) ' Zonlng: !lam{s) sf ourne(s); MtilingAddrcc6:e,6. Orne(r) Hame of Mailing P.Llr 212 I t WpG of Rcvicuand Fcci O iler' Cfisfrrcrpntr Addel tr tthdAltFration t200 +s0 $20 Fr constudin of . nery BrlwE or OcmofrcUn Fr ana(Ution whrnsq.rrc hobqc b add b ary.tdfitl5l or ffirgciJ bui|.|i{ (hcld€i 250.ddti'ls & llerb @drqsbE). ' Fc mlEr clrrges to btdfiF atd CE 'rnprovsnsc, $dl G . r€rofing pahetg,.wfodou additiorur lanGcaplng frnG .nd -y( o,unoes b Amrovctl HaE . rEtilllg lnlts rtr t20 fu cvisirm b ptarE aFldy +trot€d Uy ffamhe Snilf r tlt DgHI nariil Eoard ru SE SIJ0HITTHIS IPPUCIToN,'flf $r8],{fTA. RqJIREI.lErfS IND TIIE FEE TO THE OTART}IEf{Ttr CO!,I1'IUIITd OA'AOPN'IE1I|T, 75 g.m noilr 6E R(uo, vAn, co.oRAoo 8155r. Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479,2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,\rail.co.us General Inbrmadon: This application is for any prcject requiring Design Review apprwal. Any project requiring design review must recei\re approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particlllar approral that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be aacepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revlewed by the Tourn Council ard/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Declgn Reuir:w Board apprwrl bpece unter a bulldlng pcrmlt ir iscued and colntnrcdon conrmenec wittin orc year of the approval. Deccrlpdon of tlre Request:INTe,'OR ANb tntTEnlog R6|./\ODfI. OF E^'ILDIUET 2G Locdon of the Fropocal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: rnPFtra TATET. Phydcal Addrcse: Palel ilo.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) Zonlng:6DD *1 l{ane(s) otourner(s):'l^* Ar*rru 4o VA'L R:rers l,lalllng Addrcss: Phone: Owner(s) Name of l.lalllng Addrcss: Phoner For @nsfruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any reCdential or ommerchl building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buiHings and site improrements, sudt as, reroofing, painting, window additions, hndscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. / ctrangestoApprored Plans $20 For revisions to plans already apprwed by Planning Staff or the fYpe of Revleu and Fee: D New Construction $200tr Addition $50 tr Minor Alteration $20 Design Review Board - Att pLEAsE suBMrrrHrs AprucAnoN, ALL suBMrrrAL REeurREMENrs (0 4 a 4t 6) AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTT'4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. FolO'mce Ueo Only! Fee Pald: Check No.:- By: 03 -0cO UST OF PROPOSED MATERIAo BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof sElng Other Wall Materbls Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Raib Flues Flashing Chimne'6 Tnsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls ErGerior Lighting Other rOP:r>rdQ b-"l.@ 2.ElF€r.l}J\rFre- w\r.L ll rrEIFS Flce [^!0b lvhiltrl EtFg rroDbwE-i--DFlvrT tpL h4|f,u{ P}\. s f'lriT[$ FlF5 Ur0b E?GrLE '\9lf,trE n FIA]U{ fi. 3 Hxrtr+ A\. 3 MtTcH ldlrrDods R\ttl)f DK 44|cl l.,tNcrt @oF 0" r.i.rAtl- TYPE OF MATERI,AL: COLORI 1. fPrraAe\l FoFE: qeAilb w1ANoR tAA\lG{-F: Z. €^.1ALL TveP€T: ZAPro\l€ CrPp€?-: l'lAr\rRAL ?. LAeCr€ TVCT4ET :4earnb MA^log gRAtlCrLE : C.€}4€|.T BOAFD, AL\,h CLAD ElFa "fttrg lrDoDtr Auvvn Crns tl riaf6 FAv€ w00D t"- BlslUCr 4?tr rqTu NA NA NA llA * Pleas€ specify tie manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All efterior lighting must nEet the Town=s Lightirg Ordinance 12-11-5J. If ocerior lightng b propced, please indicate the number of fxtures and locations on a separat€ lightjng plan. Identiff each ft<ture type and provide the height above grade, lumens oupuE luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting futures. l.lo Lr.usee-?tfrNe A? ?APT oF Tthg fu?o=*t-' Rsre C.oc*e-€ MlretrftL6 t-lraf ftp5 Dg^e,qr t0\tr+ m F\Lt-oaJ. (xo crv.^rq€e -TD foffi wqffi-E Farw\ APPpouEt DF9lc7J ) . ot T??t -,+.2@L PROPO1ED NORTH ELEVATION 1CALE, Vtb" = l'-O" tO I ffi??? fiiE-r- YEnt?- YEEE- PROPOSED 1OUTH ELEVATION I'l+'1nZ 5CALE, \o' - l'-O' Sent By: Gxrathm€y Pratt Schultzthj.tecT;970 476 1612i January 2,2OOz utl-z-oz'tzz+z;Page 213 George Ruther ' town of Vail Community Devglopmont Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Maniott Mountain Resort Pharc 2 remodel \ Dear George. I , As a follow-up to ouf discussion this morning on whether the Marriott Building 2 remodel quafifies as an Exterior Alteration under section 12-7H-7 | would ask that you consider the fpllowing. t 1, Regardless of whether or not sDD #7 was voided or superceded by the adoption of the LMU-1 zoning distfict for this bropeny. w€ do have a proieA spproval curently in effect. fne scipe df our. p-poi4 ior Building 2 land subsequontly Building 1) is substantially similar tdtrratbpproved for SDD #7 in 1999' 2. We aro not proposing [o aOl any accommodation units, fractaonal fse club units, time.share units or more than lOOO SF of common space or commercial space as listed in ParagraPh A ot 12-7H-7. I 3. While the proposed remodel does change the use of the existing 'windows- rostourant space frorp restauranumeeting to dwelling rjrnit lps was previously .proposod and approJed), the size and scope of the proposdd change is less than wasapprovedin'SDD#7inJu|yot1999'There|orewearenotaddingdwe||ing units but actually reducing bottrthe size and the number from what is approved in SDD #7. \ 4. off-site lmpscts are minimal. il not negatiye in effect relative to both existing and : previously approved conditions, as the remodel proposes to replace the existing 1 iestaurant/meeting space with condominiums (big negative impact on parking and ' trafficl. we are pioposing ro remodel the hotel rooms and enlarge the bathrooms butnochangesinkeycountarebeingproposedatthistim€.Aqain,thenet changes to the building are less than was approved in 1999' :: -'nt By: Gwathmey Pratt George Buther- January 2,2OO2 Page 2 schurtz{litecr; s70 476 1612;Jan -2 -02 Page 3/3 would also like to point out that some of the exterior changes being proposed are "ffi"*ed upon us by the Vail Building and Fire Departmonts; specifically-the lqri*rffirpr"q alt wocd sioing with a non-combustible m_aterial._This ffi ,;ilil;-pr;ffi r.:'"iqroiheMarriott"ll.':lo:::ll':::lt^.::o^o.T:o Jittre eulHins'Code. To forciFilunitrqswner AND to follow ?t-::11n^.T"' this has off-site ampacts seoms a U'rt neawlh-afrdedqrould set a dangerous precedent for other buildings in the TOV (existing and 6.[d;-;;p;;-il;;";;it;"s ot approvat containd in sDD #7, most are rendered moot by the fact that the Gore Creek Club is not currently being Proposed' Howevir, I believe the owner is prepared to do the loading dock improvements and sidewalk improvements concurent with the Building 1 work' il not before' In light of the above, we would therefore ask that v_ou..{lassifv.this n^roiec_t as a modification to a-pproveO plans- the plans approved in 1999 by OrdiAance #10' As we will be returning with the Building 1 remodel later this spring, we would also ask that issues such as t"nOr"apinS, toaOing dock and snowmdted sidewalks be addressed at that time' Finalty, if you determine that the above arguments are not sufticient to avoid classification as an Enerior Alteration. we would ask that iou waive the requiremont for shadow studies in light of the fact that the proposed design has less height and mass tlan tle design approved iri t SgS, for which we did submit shadow studies. lt was determined at that time that therc were no significant shade/shadow issues. Sincerely, P.C. l'( Qt.{t rtl<. 1\n l--ulol.C- |(, l-_i l,i.t-.- . - l ill$Ait 'rl "a:-l \;\ 'o- fiLo ,f ,-l{ $ '$ f-;- Rii" ;i6 ;i1't. lr. rft ,l l-] ,F E_ , ig: t .rtFurt.= tal /r |f!l= E5: f 7. Jl -I\- -Z r-DE_ = TLn--h l' Ut, )-'.-"Y $t s--$_v f '.," $ ii t+*:1 $l t i* i' $t- -Yl!1d € I tu : IuI\)o oz AJ f u) Izo F $luJ] rul FIollul<l I DIlulolol rLlol MI lLl It a- s- Lo-:rl& t at'.cat1iJ* o {. sr .b b o--.- - - , -r/+ >tt ). o $r rtfttI o----.-. t&.€44*4 o---- -.- -.-. o t 'o8 lriJ \tl T Izo tr luJtu t' 1-r.j oi \s uiJ U) tu :lllIool luo $ tL Izotr $llulJIul FIol Aluoo tLo v. IL t GI n ll t aQe 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 utww.ci.vail-co.us Ianuary 4,2002 Mr. Henry Pratt . Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax (970) 4'16-1612 Vail Marriott Mountain Resort/Remodel Phase 2 Dear Henry, I received your letter dated Jatrua ry 2, 2002, regardng the development review process for the proposed Vail Maniott Mountain Resort remodel of Phase 2. The purpose of ny letter is to provide you with written documentation of the Town's position on the development review process for tbe Marriott remodel. Upon deliberations with Town of Vail staff and a review of the Vail Town Code, it has been determined that the remodel of the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, as proposed, is a change to previuosly approved plans (1999) that requires a review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board but not by the Planning & Environmental Commission. We have determined that the project is not a major exterior alteratioq as defined in the Vail Town Code. The changes thel 31e plspssgd do not constitute a major exterior alteration or modification to the previously approved plans since the proposed changes do not meet the criteria outlined for a major exterior alteration or modification, as defmed in Section l2-7H-7 of the Vail Town Code. Pursuant to Section l2-7H-7, Exteior Alterations or ModiJications, in part, of the Vail Town Code, "the construction ofa new building or the alteration of an aisting building that is not a major exteior alteration as described in Section I2-7H-7A 2 shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter I I of this Title. " Furthermore, "the submittal items required for a project that is not a major exterior alteration shatl be provided in accordance with Section I 2-l I -4 of this Title. " Copies ofSectiots l2-7H-7 and l2-1 14 of the Vail Town Code have been attached for reference. TOWN OFVAIL Depailment of Community Development {gun*or ro Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached by telephone at (970) 4'79-214s. Good luck with your project. Sincerely, rl*Q,*J,-t George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vai.l fficD JAN 23 2002 January 21,2OO2 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vall Marriott Mountain R$ort Phase 2 remodel Dear George, Pursuant to our submittal for DRB review of the modifications to the approved plans, please note the following: 1. We have not determined the plan for the pyramid condominium so the fenestration is either not shown or subject to change. We would ask that we be given final DRB approval with the understanding that we return at a later date for review of the condo windows. 2. In response to comments from the DRB at the conceptual review, we have changed the shape of the dormer windows to have a radiused top. This increases the gap between the window corner and the fascia as requested. 3. In response to comments from the DRB at the conceptual review, we have added detail to the windows of the top floor that are set in the shingle-covered vertical wall. We propose to trim this window with grey metal trim and a grey metal "hat". We prefer grey to match the roofing as a way to minimize the emphasis of these "attic" windows. 4. ln response to comments from the DRB at the conceptual review, we have revised the shape of the window/door head trip to something that is less "dippy" when scaled down to a single window. We have also revised the trim at the level immediately below the porch to have an arched shape. This is intended to give a bit more detail to the elevation by creating a layer that is special and different than those below. 5. We have also added trim to the windows in the field of "wood" siding to again increase the level of detail. George Ruther- January 21 , 2OO2 Page 2 6. At the building connecting Buildings 2 and 3, we have added a stone- column portico with a low roof. Above this roof we propose stone veneer at the recessed wall and horizontal cement board siding on the walls above that. 7. The wood fascia at the existing spa wing at the south end of building 2 will be replaced by EIFS in the bright white color. We will not be replacing the spa windows at this time. 8. We have added square footage to the hotels rooms by reclaiming several balconies and re-configuring corridor walls to accommodate the proposed larger bath (to match baths in buiding 31. TOTAL new SF is approx 663 SF < 1 0O0 SF. Together with the revised plans and elevations being delivered to you today, we will give you samples of the cement board siding, window colors, and EIFS. I will need these back. VR is continuing to develop the program for this project and we will continue to update the drawings. I will get revised drawings to you the Friday before the 6d', We hope to get final DRBapproval as quickly as possible. Sincerely, Z ARCHITECTS. P.C. AIA February 4,2OO2 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Phase 2 remodel Dear George, As requested, here are the latest full-size drawings for the Building 2 remodel at the Vail Marriott. The drawings we present to the DRB on Wednesday will probably be even more evolved as the Ownership has asked us to make some additional minor changes. Given that Gil McNeish has called, we are showing the outline of the previously approved design on the elevations. We will also bring the old model. These will clearly show that the height and mass of the new design are substantially less than the previous design for the pyramid and north end, The changes reflected in these plans are: The Ownership has requested that we ma*imize balconies and French balconies. We have added French balconies on all sides. At level 132 on the west side between grids C and D, we will create 2 new real balconies behind the "porch fagade". For the presentation on the 6th, the drawings will also show French balconies at rooms that sit directly above roof surfaces of adjacent buildings. To visually protect the top level French balconies that are located at the south end of the building in the field of wood siding, we have added 2' deep eyebrow roofs as was done on Building 3. These also serve to add some visual interest to this area of the fagade as we are proposing beams and brackets to support them. We have added non-functioning shutters, to be constructed of cement board, to all possible windows. They will be detailed with strap hinges and shutter dogs as if they were real. This is to give more detail to the building than was done at Building 3 (this feature may be added to Building 3 as well in the future- subject to DRB approval of course). 1. 2. 3. George Ruther- January 21 ,2OO2 Page 2 4. We have changed the exterior wall material at the connection building between buildings 2 and 3 from cement lap siding to cement board shingles. This is in response to the DRB comment at the conceptual meeting. Color will again be a wood color but different than the siding color on Building 2. We are still researching the color and will present it to the DRB on Wednesday. 5. The conversion of 4 hotel rooms at the south end of the 6'h floor into a 2 bedroom condominium has been returned to the drawings although the interior layout has not been determined. This was approved two years ago. We have also added to the drawings the south-facing recessed decks in the south roof that were approved previously as part of this condominium conversion. Fenestration has also been modified to reflect this change. 6. We have changed the support columns for the south portico between Building 3 and the pool building at Building 2 lrom stone to heavy timber. The stone columns were simply too big to fit in the available space. 7. We have designated two suites on the 6th and 7s floors as ADA suites (no change to keys or floor area from the previous approvall and added two windows on the 7rn floor west elevation to reflect the new floor plan. All materials and colors are as previously submitted. We have revised the old model to show the updated Antlers, the existing parking garage (Gore Creek Club removed pending new designl, the actual Building 3 design and the proposed design for Building 2. The model for Building t has not been revised and will still show the approved design. We intend to return to the DRB in a month or so to discuss this wing. We hope this will not be a distraction to the DRB at this time. The Porte Cochere design remains as previously approved. We are proposing to wrap the longitudinal steel beams with cement board (color as submitted for the cement board siding) and to use real timber trusses and wood decking. Roofing to be asphalt. The schedule for construction for Buildings 2 and 1 is even tighter than that for Building 3. We need final DRB approval on the 66 and certainly no later than the 20fr. Given the minimal number of suggestions and comment at the conceptual meeting, we hope this will not be an unreasonable request. Sincerely, LTZ ARCHITECTS. Henry R. Pratt, AIA TOI4'N# o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaffnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Minor Alteration DRB Number: DRB020001 Prcject Description: Paint ballroom elterior to match o<isting Pafticipants: OWNER HMC ACQUISmON PROPERTIES 101/0212002 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPLICANT Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Archi0l/02/2002 Phone: 476-LL47 Henry Pratt 1000 Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 License: Prcject Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Ballroom exterior Legal Description: Lot: C&D Block Subdivision: MORCUS SUB. Parcel Number: 210107207001 Comments: See condition regarding paint color BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Woldrich Vote: 4-0 Date of APProYalt 0UtLl2O02 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not onstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: CON0005160 That the stucco color matches the stone color around the base of the hotel. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ,o ,,-t)Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Informadon: This application is for any project reguiring Design Review approrral. Any project requiring design re\riew must reeive apprwal prior to $bmiting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular appro\ral that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be aae*ed until all requircd infurmatbn is received by the Ommunity Developrnent Departrnent. The proFct rmy also need to be reMewed by the To/vn Coundl and/or the Planning and Environmental Cornmission. Dcdgn Rcrriait Bo.d rpproYtl hpecr unleo a bulldlng pcrmlt b brucd rrd onrtsucdon cornmsrer rrlurln mc ycar of the approval. Phpical Addruco: Palcl ilo.: .2i0 / O?ilhlno t (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97tr328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zonlng:L+4U.1 Deccrlpdon of the nsque!'b l{ane(s) of Ouner($:-\rc* thrus 4o l,lalllng Addrcse: Phone:64q-29€9 Owne(s) $gnaturc(a): l{ameof Appllcant:rEcrg llalllngAddrw: VAIL fyFof n€Yiiland Fee: E Ne$, @nsfuuctiontr Addition fl Minor Alteration tr ChangestoApproved Plans $20 $200 $s0 $20 For con*ruction of a new building or derno/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or comrnercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes b buildings and site impro/ements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiuon+ landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, AI.L SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOMDO 81657. For O'fne Ure Orb: Fee Paid: 4*'t - check No.:-.lb4?L By:- Application Date:j DRB No,: !{:57u Fru-GRl !| ISHtil|ltAiRl o , I 3018303t38 Gmusrr.rw & [IlnnrNc .A PROAES S ION^T. CORPOR.ATIOII aT.roRNEts .dr r.Aw soTTE 360()A''III5 trArcO CENTER ITOO LTNCOIJ{ STREET DElrvER, COI-(TRADO 80eo3-4s98 TEttPttoNE (3061 a39-3800 TEr.EcoPrER t3a9 439-g83a E-MAIL r rrroxe6EtrsE '.E .tnDr.r.cola I T-s13 P.00el005 t-112 I gmcneis\@-erimshawharriog.com hnp://www.grimshawharring.com G i lbcn F. McNcish (i03) 839-3722 I I January g,ZW i Ilt I I ,ofApproval I I It'1tll Dear Henry: I \ | t \l'tri I am wrfting rQ you on behalf of tre Vail Spa Condominium Association ('vaili Spa') I4A FACSIUTI.E i I970-475-t612 'r{r\ l'4r. Htnry Pran \ Gurqthrn ewjP,.att .& SchnlrzGwathmsY.lPsn&Schultz ' I I IArihitects,P.c. ' I L t I 1000 South Frontage Road West I I Ivail. co 81657 I I I ' *", rvraniln rrJel - $oposed Exterior Alrcration - Design Rwiew Board - conaitilns r r ,ofApproval | , \ | I am wrfting td you on behalf of tre Vail Spa Condominium Association ('vaill Spa') T":r{lC dr: p.t:ry_d extcrior alterati{ns to tfr" Maniort Hotcl pending before the Vail fesienReview Board ("DRB"). I I 'l,l I indicated to you that ir is my belief ttrat theie conditions of approval remain ilr forcc ing yor.u pending ap$fication to amend the previous dcsig4 approval for th{ hotel. \ 01r57n Fron-0RlISI{AIiIHARRlltGo Hmry Pratt I Febnrary 25,2002 Page2 3038393838 T-t{3 P.003/005 l-112 o Please havp an authorized reprcsenlative of Vail Resons sign es indicate ackrowledging thelragreemmtto thetlrrte couditions ofapprowal as originally set forthin \l GFIU/jrnh cc: Gcorge Rrahcr (via frcsimile) Al urd Loma l{auser (via facsimile) I below l letter r after I ,)ll f I ci I J | 531 l\l.ETl''.R5rLPt9|r!.1!5@,rnC I ,f t\ I I t II' l{ll \ ,\ { , Nwertheless, sincc Vail Resorts has succeeded Host Msriott as owner of the hotel, I am lin ensruing thar my pnderstanding is co'rrect; an{ ttrereford, I am seeking a ratificati understanding from Vail Resorts through you as part ofttre final dcsign rcview by the I I"l rl o FtLt ctlPr Depmtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci,vail.co.us Decernber 3, 2001 Mr. Henry Pratt Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz, Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 Yail Mariott Mountain Resort Phase 3 reconstuction - turret rooJing Dear Henry, Thank you for your letter of November 27,2001, following up on our discussion regarding the re-roofing altematives for the turrels at the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort. The purpose ofmy letter is to confirm the Town's approval of the Zappone solid copper shingles. I understand that these solid-rnaterial shingles are an upgrade of the previously approved copper and asphalt laminated shingles approved by the Design Review Board. I further understand that the shingles will not be pre-patinated and will be allowed to patina over time. Should you have any questions or concerns, or if I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 479-2145 or by e-mail at g4hgl@livailggJfq. Sincerely, fQR,-*t*-, George Ruther, AICP ChiefofPlanning Town of Vail {g un uo"^o, November 27, 2OO'l George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Maniott Mountain Resort Phase 3 reconstruction- turot roofing Dear George, As a foflow-up to our discussion of copper roofing alternates on November 8,2OO1, please accept the following as documentation of our decision. Due to delivery problems associated with the Toisite copper laminated shingles approved for use on the turrets, we are unable to acquire this material in time for the scheduled completion of the proiect on or before December 1sth, 2001. The Contractor has r€quostod that we be allowed to substitute solid copper shingles by Zappone (please see their web site www.zappone.com for information and technical data). The shingles will not be pre- patinated. This proposed material is a substantial upgrade to the approved material both in terms of quality and cost. It was your determination that the proposed solid copper roofing shingles were indeed a significant upgrade to the approved material and that we could proceed without having to return to the DRB. Sincerely, Henry R. Pratt, AIA RE0D NOV 27 ?r,O1 l,t 'i r) l#.(!i t w"t ta C ctpp er "tlouric- i Ci-i'r, CtJtlr* JiAt iince Jrtt'q*Si Th. Zuppo.t. Copper Shingle is the recognized industry leader in quality, performance an<l number of homes pro- tected. Produced by the country's oldest continuous copper shingle manufacturer, Zappone is the shingle most specified by architects, homeowners and contrac- tors. Uopper roofing has alrvays possessetl a quiet. understated and desirable elegiance. Zappone adds another quality to copper's elepiance - affordability. Zappone's unique manufacturing process and the designed ease of installation makes the richne.ss of America's premier roofing available at accessible orices. Superior u,irul, ruin und erosion resistance mukes the Zappone Shingle perfect for tntpicul urul ocean frcn settings. The luxury of copper, which ruas once found only on the homes of the world's wealthiest, is norv attainable by all who appreciate its unmatched looks and unparalleled performance. Zappone has made copper available and affordable to all those who decide the investment in their homes is deservinp of the ultimate in nrotection. Copper has the longest life-spun und loutest life-cucle uxt ol' all roctlino materials. Onlg cr,ryper rcofs actuallg improue aith uge. The patinu pror-ess quaruntees a neuer-ending rich and beautilul appearance for the life of ltour home. More duruble than steel, lighter thun slate, copper is uniquelg suited for permanent roofing. The architectural design of the Zappone shingle has been acclaimed for both its performance and its beauty. The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation has chosen the Zappone shingle for special projects, citing its rich, warm appearance and its "powerful imagery, terrific color and a shadowline that says 'home'." Remodeling Magazine named it "Product of the Year" and Building Product Guide selected it as one of its "Top 25 Building Products". Contractors prefer the Zappone shingle for its practicali- ty. The shadow-cup feature creates the distinctive shad- owline preferred by architects and also allours the shingle to be walked on. The four-way interlock provides the industry's best protection against wind and wind-driven rain and prevents problems associated rvith expansion and contraction that longer panel-type shingles experi- ence. This results in a time-saving and money-savinS installation with no need for clips, cleats or joint pans. The design has been tested to hurricane standards in the laboratory, but more importantly, it has been tested by hurricanes in nature...and it passed nrith flying colors. With a Class A fire rating, and top marks in all penetra- tion, material and wind-driven rain tests, the shingle has proven to be as tou$h as it is beautiful. A unique combi- nation in roofing. Discovered over 10,000 years ago, coppel mankind's first metal, has proven itself as the premier roofing material. It's longevity is legendary and it is featured on more of the worlds most treasured buildings than any other material. The Zappone shingle has also proven itself. Since its introduction in 1969 it has won more awards for quality, design and performance than any other cop- per shingle. Just as copper has set the standard for roofing, for over 30 years, Zappone has set the stan- dard for copper. As touqh as it is beautiful, the Zappone Shingle protects and enhances euen in the most rugged alpine climotes. In these photos, taken nine gears apart, the rich patina coloring ctf the .shingles is alreadg euident. i i:: r' Year 1 Year 15 Unlike steel, copper does not rust. Instead, a protective coating, or "patina" Jorms on its surface. While this process may be affecled by local conditions, it normally follows the pattern illustrated above. Usually copper is allowed to patina naturally, however, solutions are avail- able to accelerate or prevent the process. ,''l llt:'.{ i i' ,t I ii ,l i i ,,i.t ''1 Normal Composition: Size: Weight: Th ickness: Density: Temper: Tensile Strength: Yield Strength at 0.5% Extension Under Load: Elongation (% in 2 in.): Rockwell Hardness: Melting Point: Thermal Conductivity, BTU/sq. ft./hr./degree F. @ 68 Degrees F.: Specifications: Wind Rating: Fire Rating: ICBO Approval #: Recycled Content: Self -A I i gn i n g Tg!____+ Male Taoered lnterlock Channel Walking Area 3/8" Profile Copper 110 (99.9+% Copper) 15" x 9'/e", Exposed to Weather: 14'1"" x 8'lu" '1 .24 lb/sq. 11. - 124 lb/100 sq. ft. .01 8" (+f Commercial Tolerance) 0.322 lb/cu. in. 3/4 Hard H03 48,000 psi 46,000 psi 6 77/78 Scale 15f 1981 Degrees F. 226 ASTM 8152 (Mech.), ASTM 8370 (Chem.) 1.10 MPH Class A, B, C 4995 75"k'85"/" ,/ Weather E Concealed "S" Interlocking Nailing Anti-Capillary Ridge \Female Tapered Interlock Channel MANUFACTURING 800.285.2677 N. 2928 Piftsburg St., Spokane, WA 99207 . 509.483.6408 . FAX: 509.483.8050 www.zappone.com . Email: copper @ zappone.com Stafter Strip/Eave Edge Gable End/Rake Piece End Wall Side Wall Valley Ridge Cap Continuous Ridqe Accent (Half-Sized) Shingle TOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 te| 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Prclect Name: Change to previously approved plans DRB ilumber: DR8010225 Prorect Descrlpton: Change roofing material Partidpants: OWNER HMC ACQUISffiON PROPERTIES 10231/2001 Phone: Vo MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938,01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 Licens€: APPUCANT GwathmeyPrattSchultz 0713L1200L Phone: 476-1L47 1000 S Frontage Rd West Vail, CO Henry Pratt 81657 Licenser Project Addrcss: Location: Legal Descripuon! Lot: Block: Subdivision: MARK RESORT&TENNIS CLU Parcel Number: 210107212001 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Seaond By: Acevado Votq 3{ DateofApproval: 08/03/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 08/03/2001 By: George Action: AP @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Condr CON0004926 That the applicant use Grand Manor colonial slate asphalt shingles of 425 pounds per square on the roof of the hotel addition and that individual pre-patinaed copper shingles be used on the two tunet portions of the hotel. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Pald: $20.00 i'rul::.Lr;:'1,., : ifl,,: ;:i;r:'r f {.i ,(iiii ,,. -i.;'(.i - i"il.-1 ill11!APPLICATION FOR DESI6I.{ REVIEW APPROVAL lIi\itRAL iNioR_MA r IOry Inrs aoplication is for any pro]ect req iring Design lie\,,iq!v apprcval. r\ny lrcject requiririg design re,irew must feEeive D€ssln Review approval prior to srrhrrriilrng fi:r a buriciing lerrnit. f 0r speclfic rnfonnahon, see thc submittal iequileffents for the partlcula r approval lhat rs reiltre€ted. The appiication c;innct be accepted untrf all the requlred information ls submitted. The prolect may aiso need to be revie,rrerj by the Tbrvn Council and/or the planning and Envrronmefltal C0mmssion. Design Review Boa rd approval expires one year afterfinal approval unlees a brilding permit is i*rued and construction is started. DESCRTPION OF rHE RFQUESI:12rr1g gLA LOCATION OF PROPOSAI.: LOTI ela-B[-OCKi 1,1p1s6. lTl0,F4r/?svB. L. D. E. r. PARCEL *, 2 /01 AbLAM(conaa Easte co. Assessors orfice at rro;;il t". *.* -) S) SIGNATURE(S): PHONE: PHYSICAIADDNTSS.,JIS U . LI I tecLg Construction of a new building. Includes any addition ,/vnere square footage is added to any residential or commercial buitding. fttctudes minor changes to buildings and site improvernents, such a1 reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees ane to be paid at the tinrc i)f subrnittal. r.ater, ,n hen (rpplving for a building perm& please identify the accurate '/aluation of the projecl" i"he [r:wn oi Vail ,,^rijl adlust the fee according to the project vafuation" PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITT.AL REQUIREMENTS AITID T}IE FEE TO TTtE DEPARTMENT OF COI{MUT{ITY D€VELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAI|, COTORADO 81657. OF REVIEW AND FEE: I{ew Construction - 9200 Addition - $50 MinorAlteration - $20 Ac.&r/FtngN reoP&znE6 TYPE n n X i'ee.Pard: ^10Jqppflcauon iJtsTe:.ryl,,,Lq!rvr ! :)re-Application fvleeting cx+:5Q2fi- Froject ikl.: . , JUL 3 0 2001 l-O TYPE OF MATERIAL:BUILDING MATERiALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fccia Soffib Windo$,s Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Raib Flues Flashing Chimneys Tnsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walb Exterior Lighting Oher rAftil0l/-. COLOR: Crzt-oPrPa- :d-rT€ stfoNE flgNEere-/nArcd e*lEndq * Phase specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All e<Erior lighting must rneet the Torvn=s Lighting ordinance 12-11-5J. If e*erior lightirp b pmpced, please indicate the number of fixures and locations on a separate lighUng plan. Identiff each ftture type and provide the height abo\re grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of $e lighting futures. t Residential Roofing: Certaln\J Specifications: Technical Product InJation: Grandlv... Page 1 of 5 RarHenthl Roollng: Gertaln?eod: Speclflcatlotti Technical Product Information Grand Manor Shangle@ Roofing Shingles CERTAINTEED CORPORATION Roofing Products Group 750 E. Swedesford Road P.O. Box #860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 Phone: (800) 233-8990 FAX: (610) 341-7940 I Pr,odu-ctDetail I Technjeal-Pro-d.uct-lnf.o lArehtt-e-c-,tural Specificetions I lnstallation* | Warranty I Certairilbe*|H Contractor's EDGEil Programs lnstallation Products Residential Commercial Sales Regions/Maps Specifications Technical Bulletins Wananties PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This product is the super heavyweight of laminated shingles. The difference is in the size and quality built-in by design. An 8" tab area, complete with two full-sized one-piece base shingles with random tabs and accented by shadow lines, gives an authentic, natural look with true depth and dimension. They are most aesthetically appealing when used on slopes of 9" per foot or greater. When applied, Grand Manor produces five layers of roof protection and the quality is reminiscent of handcrafted workmanship. Grand Manor shingles are algae (commonly called fungus) resistant and thus protect against staining or discoloration caused by algae. Grand Manor shingles are available in the following colors: Black Pearl, Brownstone, Colonial Slate, Gatehouse Slate, Georgian Brick, Heirloom Silver, Sherwood Forest, and Stonegate Gray. Pre-cut Grand Manor Shangle/Carriage House Shangle Accessory roofing shingles of the matching color are to be used for capping the hips and ridges. These accessory shingles are two layers adhered together and do not have the additional random tabs. Limitations Use on roofs with slopes greater than 2" per foot. However, slopes greater than 9" per foot best show the product design. Low slope applications (2" to 4" per foot) require additional underlayment. In areas where icing along the eaves can cause the back-up of water, apply CertainTeed WinterGuardru Waterproofing Shingle Underlayment, or its equivalent, according to application instructions provided with the product and on the shingle Plckage. On slopes greater than2l" per foot, apply three l" diameter spots of asphalt roofrng cement (ASTM D 4586, Type II) under the shingle, according to application instructions provided with the product and the shingle package. Composition and Materials Grand Manor shingles are composed of a fiber glass mat base. Ceramic-coated mineral granules are tightly embedded in carefully refined, water-resistant asphalt. The laminated tabs are firmly http:i/www.certainteed.com/pro/roofing/chooflgmanor/gmanor-specs.html 7/27/01 Residential Roofing: CertainTJ Specifications: Technical Product InJation: GrandN... Page 2 of 5 adhered in a special tough asphaltic cement. These fiber glass based shingles have self-sealing adhesive applied. TECHNICAL DATA Applicable Standards ASTM D 3018, Type I ASTM D 3462 ASTM E 108 Fire Resistance: Class A ASTM D 3161 Type I Wind Resistance UL790 Fire Resistance IJL997 Wind Resistance NYC-hIEA-120-79-M BOCA & SBCCI Building Codes CSA Standard A123.5-98 Ontario BMEC Auth. 97-10-219 Miami-Dade Product Control Acceptance Weights and Sizes WeighVSquare (approx.): 425 lbs. Dimensions (overall): 18" x 36" (English) ShingleVSquare: 50 Weather Exposure: 8" r Back to Top INSTALLATION Detailed installation instructions including diagrams are supplied on each bundle of Grand Manor shingles, or separate application sheets may be obtained from CertainTeed. The following is a general sunmary of the installation methods. NOTE - Refer to application instructions supplied with the shingles for further information and application procedure. Roof Deck Requirements Apply shingles to minimum 3/8" thick plywood, minimum 7/16" thick non-veneer, or minimum 1" thick (nominal) wood decks. The plywood or non-veneer decks must comply with the specifications of the APA - the Engineered Wood Association. Ventilation Provisions for ventilation should meet or exceed current HUD standards. To best ensure adequate ventilation, use a combination of continuous ridge ventilation (using a product such as Ridge FilterVent@ or Ridge Filter ShingleVent@ II, manufactured by Air Vent Inc., a CertainTeed subsidiary) and balanced soffit venting. Valleys Open valley is recommended. Valley liner must be applied before shingles. It must be minimum 18" wide l6 oz. copper, or its equivalent, installed over 36" wide self-adhering CertainTeed WinterGuard Waterproofing Shingle Underlayment (apply directly to deck), or applied over 36" wide mineral surfaced roll roofing. After WinterGuard has been applied, install the 16-oz. copper centered in the valley. Refer to the application instructions on the shingle packaging for further information. http ://www. certainteed.com/pro/roofi nglchoofl gmanor/gmanor_specs.html 7/27/01 Residential Roofing: Certainf: Specifications: Technical Product Ifation: Grandlv... Page 3 of 5 Underlayment At standard slopes (4" per foot or greater) a single layer of Roofers' SelectrM High-Performance shingle underlayment (or product meeting ASTM D 4869) is recommended. For UL fire rating, underlayment may be required. Corrosion-resistant drip edge is recommended and should be placed over the underlayment at the rake and beneath the underlayment at the eaves. On low slopes (2" to 4" per foot), apply CertainTeed WinterGuard Waterproofing Shingle Underlayment or its equivalent, or two layers of 36" wide felt shingle underlayment (Roofers' Select High-Performance Underlayment or product meeting ASTM D 4869) lapped 19", over entire deck according to the application instructions provided with the product. When WinterGuard is applied to the rake are4 the drip edge may be installed under or over WinterGuard. At the eave, when WinterGuard does not overlap the gutter or fascia, the drip edge must be installed under WinterGuard. When WinterGuard overlaps the fascia or gutter, the drip edge or other metal must be installed over it. I Back to Top Fastening Five nails are required per shingle. They are to be located 5/8" above the cutouts (8 5/8" above the bottom edge of the shingle) and l" in from each side of the shingle. Nails must be of sufficient length to penetrate into the deck 3/4" or through the thickness of the decking, whichever is less. For new construction, nails must never be less than I l/2" long, for reroofing never less than I 3/4" long, and for caps a minimum of. | 3/4" long. Nails are to be 1l or l2-gauge, corrosion- resistant roofing nails with 3/8" heads. To prevent slippage ofthe laminated tabs when shingles are applied to slopes exceeding 21" per foot or when individual shingles meet a wall or ridge at any slope, an additional fastener is to be horizontally centered on each laminated tab and placed within I ll2" of the upper edge of the shingle. For application ofcopper valley, use copper cleats or large head copper nails. Application The recommended application method is the"4 l/2" Stepped-Off, Single Column Vertical- Racking Method" found on each bundle of shingles. These shingles may be used for new construction or for reroofing over one layer ofold shingles, but due to the heavy weight ofthis shingle, it is important to determine that the roof deck is in satisfactory condition for the application of these shingles. Refer to product wrap for detailed reroofing limitations. All shingles on the finished roof must be applied with five fasteners. The weather exposure of tlese shingles is 8". Special Application: CertainTeed Caniage House Shangle shingles can be blended into a CertainTeed Grand Manor Shangle roof to achieve a unique and distinctive appearance. A common application method uses several courses of Caniage House Shangle in the middle of a Grand Manor roof. Other aesthetically appealing applications are possible using Grand Manor and Cariage House Shangle shingles. Contact CertainTeed for more informafion. Flashing Use corrosion-resistant metal flashing. Please refer to illusnation on our shingle packaging. Ilips and Ridges http:/iwww.certainteed.com/pro/roofing/ctrooflgmanor/gmanor_specs.hfnl 7/27/01 Residential Roofing: Certainf Specifications: Technical Product lfation: Grandlv... Page 4 of 5 Use only Grand Manor Shangle/Caniage House Shangle Accessory shingles of the matching color for capping the hips and ridges. AVAILABILITYAIID COST Availability: For the names of local distributors and dealers, please contact: Architectural Support P.O. Box #860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 Phone: (800) 233-8990 Fax: (610) 341-7940 Cost: Contact a local distributor or dealer for current price information. r Bec_k-to fsp_ WARRANTY Grand Manor Shangle carries a lifetime limited transferable warranty against manufacturing defects for the original homeowner. In addition, Grand Manor also carries lO-year SureStartrM Protection. For specific warranty details and limitations, refer to the warranty itself (available from the local supplier, roofing contractor, or by writing to CertainTeed Corporation). MAINTENAIICE Grand Manor shingles require virtually no maintenance when installed according to manufacturer's application instructions. However, to protect the investment, any roof should be routinely inspected at least once a year. Older roofs should be looked at more frequently. TECHNICAL SERYICES Complete technical support and assistance are available through Architectural Support personnel, Territory Managers, and the fully staffed and equipped Research and Development facility in Blue Bell. PA. FILING SYSTEMS Sweets@ Catalog; Sweets@ Internet Website: www.sweets.com Sweet Source@ Electronic Catalog ARCAT@; ARCAT@ Intemet Website: www.arcat.com For additional information and literature contact: Architectural Support P.O. Box #860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 Phone: (800) 233-8990 Fax (610) 341-7940 r Back to Top *To view, download and print a PDF file of the Application Instructions, Adobe Acrobat@ Reader must be installed on your computer.Click on the "Get Acrobat Reader" icon for free download and installation. http://www.certainteed.com/pro/roofing/chooflgmanor/gmanor_specs.hffnl 7t27/01 ' - hes:d€Nili.111s6fing: "*U Specifications: Technical Product tration: GrandIV... Page 5 of 5 I costg I E gort IEAGI I otossary | Related web sites I Services l whafs Nerr I 0 2001 CertainTecd Corycation. All rights reserved. h@ ://www. certainteed.com/pro/roofing/ctoofl gmanor/gmanor-specs.html 7t27tol l*t*ltlf tf +*:t!tl*t*it*t***il!t!t'|l***'ll* **'t'il{rlt't**t*trttl*{r'}**rttt'}'}*i*****{t'}'}*l+**'}**'t!ttlrtt'l*'}*l TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO stst60ent Itt'it+***ttf llt*'i'it+lt**,il*'|{r*+*'t*af t*'}*****'t{t*'|**'}**l*'l*'l*+***'},l{tt*+***'}'t'} +**'}{'**+l+*'}+**'}'}l Statsement lfirmber: R000001152 Arnount: $20.00 07/3LlzooLO8:41 All Palnnent llethod: Check Init: .fAR Notation: 5020 Permit No: DRBo10225 TSre: DRB - llinor Alteration Parcel No: 210107212001 Site Addrese: L,ocation: Total Fees: 920.00 T'hia Payment: $20. O0 Total IILIJ ['rntE: 920.00 Balance: 90.00 'lt **rtt tt*tr* ****t *rl't'|* ***'t* **'l** t*+*{t* t*'t:t't* ****** *** *'** *'}'t*** **'r't* ***{t* ***:}*'lt'}** +*at******'}* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE!\I FEES 20.00 Gilbert F. McNeish 303-839-3722 George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Gntr"rsurw & H.tnnrNc .T PROFESSIONAL OORPORATION .{TTORNEYS AT I.AW' surTE 3000 WELLS EAROO CENTER ITOO LINCOIN STREET DENVER, COLORADO AOeO3.45g8 TELBPTloNE (303) 839-9800 TELECOPTER. (303) 839-3A36 E-}lAI L xlruoxeoatxsBAreru.RRtxo.cox April 18,2001 IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REOUESTED gmcneish@grimshawharring.com www. grimshawharring. com Via Facsimile 970-479-2452 Re: Maniott Hotel - Proposed Exterior Alteration (Phase III) - Design Review Board - Conditions of Approval Dear George: I am writing to you on behalf of the Vail Spa Condominium Association ("Vail Spa") conceming the proposed exterior alterations to the Marriott Hotel pending before the Vail Design Review Board ("DRB"). I have been engaged in discussions with George Pratt and Karen Erlich with Host Marriott concerning this matter, and an agreement has been reached with Marriott concerning Vail Spa's objections to the current Maniott proposal. First, Marriott has agreed to accept the imposition by the DRB ofthe following conditions of approval to its application concerning the proposed exterior alterations now pending before the DRB for final approval: l) There shall be no flag poles, flags, pennants, wires, telecommunication facilities (towers or antennas) or any other structures or extensions ofany kind attached to any part ofthe two new tunet elements on the Phase III roof, irrespective of whether such attachments are temporary or permanent in nature; subject, however, to the provision that lightning rods with necessary appurtenances, including wires, shall be permitted. 2) There shall be no exterior lighting of, or on the turret structures on the Phase III roof. :uther 3) Compliance with these conditions shall be subject to all codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations (federal, state and local) goveming Marriott's hotel at Vail. In the event that any condition contained herein conflicts with any code, ordinance, rule or regulation (federal, state or local) Maniott shall comply with the code, ordinance, rule or regulation and such compliance shall not be deemed a violation of the conditions referred to herein. Second, Vail Spa has agreed that if the above conditions are imposed by the DRB as part of its final approval ofthe Marriott application, Vail Spawill withdrawits appeal scheduled forhearing before the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission on April 23, 2001, and will further agree to waive any and all rights of appeal it may have conceming the pending Marriott application. Please present to the DRB at its hearing conceming the Marriott application today the three conditions ofapproval noted above, and request on Vail Spa's behalfthat these provisions be made conditions of approval to the Marriott application. Henry Pratt will confirm that these conditions of approval are acceptable to Marriott, and that they are necessary to effectuate the settlement agreement which Vail Spa has reached with Maniott. Ifyou have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me immediately at 303-839- 3722. Thank you for your assistance in effectuating Vail Spa's settlement with the Marriott regarding concems associated with Maniott's application pending before tJre DRB. Very truly yours, GRIMSHAW & HARRING, $ Professional Corporation b cc:Al Hauser (970) 476-5548 Karen Erlich (301 )380-6332 Henry Pratt (970) 476-1612 Gilbert F. McNeish G 113 I 53U\Lruthcrlcttcr3. qDd c\aO(\J 60 '.:\1 z.'{-l o(J tJ-lG $lo all T Izlol FI $l tulJIul FI rf)l lul <l AI rul(nl Pl'oli Ml5 Ll$o r-'-u I I I,-- !' \---.1? -t' tt"tt' \\\\\ .'-'j I I I I @- o-- rar-er- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- ##$tu$$ftil x {l} fli dr tldI o-o I|r Hr I|l fl*$rJ###i$$ I d. fll+ !, tr : $l 9o Y o- o- o- ti tl'. ,lr o Izlol FI $l lulJI rul FI rDl <ltul AI rul (f)l ol rLli olJ MI5Ll$ @ o o o .ldlfll 4dflidi++ do c0 Y (:_-:- - o- o- l"l.tt dirr flr$i ltd++ rl rl [l d[1*|HiHiiliiiriliHi?+++++ o- A.eo- I I; Y f0\Aaql ifo\f-ilGjtvyvv IR- $i$z "qs Pd* SnlllJ --r{ rt $$ f o-oI E$ -s $lutrao>rDFOr $g odF< R$fd tI{ b u- $ r-t:o EI ---t /o\le/- -@ /o\\</F- -------- [$* =q$ if;q HEfr I ail { u.lu{ IJIL 5u rP $g T I L E tv $il >!l tp fi$ dP $$ ui/ -@ /a\ \<.,/ @-o Pztuflg +v lL-<lu sI ruz|J- ff I-I------- -ofi -l 8" ei$z$$ Pd* $e{lU -;{ rt Ffr [H$ iqP I6]\\P/tv. x dJIL 0- h I fiu $ IL J>O 1$" tEfbS* dp$ $$$ s /d\\e/- i$6o +H $H o-o BI ]J ;-A {p il$ dP $$ itou, $f ${ R$<tE {--f { b d ,f,' od @.o u-J rffi xqfitt$r rHPt gEH$ EI Ih ,BS t6$il$r I fGri\Y/fi$fuo /O\\g/-op E<*rjv hz{urrt0tr- fiuzt- E* 'J ififsri$i r${ fl8$ sil {f $ ILo f tro ad) {{ { b d tI} rt ot c{ s /O\\v- .J AoluIa nEsl6fi PT R$t tL' Jo otulfa SEQr S6 PT R$id t-.r r$hRbil t5S th$r rHPt $EB$ Ei -@ -@ _9 R-, $i$ zff$ rdq HdF o-o|nF '49gii E={upi oE fiuZL E I ulI g BJIL a HoI A Ho{ oo!tsL $E Bi PT R{<if ifi. l$Eu9lofr< 5:3 sHqN<ir s& {J.J $ IL fso Etr) BI )-fJ)f !-o d .$' a$ EI EI EI -@ 16'\k/ ILJ L,rFi*r-luR.ttU i9Ett$r rHPt ,fqffx $fr$$ $R NEL! G{*z${ 3*q Hd$ Ar,\9^ Ii Y i\v i o r6- }EivIz< llr ,^ \)t{0d fiuZL L F I UJL Rx-J!r_| I--T- !fi lIErr9l aF{ gRK crqf fl{L f-s'\\e/- /N\v | ! 1___-___-u,/ 6 !$ ir gS rP SR oEfi< boUIq RI $i PE R( FEtd |l_J Iffilt.d( ;Es th$r rHPt gEB$ EsB$tI{ b ddo Ft:o E$ -@ €-sFu - Ye A?F - ur()z$sC\ ri ;E$ >$55d;ru pP A r,o\ Q^i Y iv o o .(Il $ ILo IL tro Ft- tf| /G\\e/- /O\\e/- o -@ -16\\{/ o oo PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, March 26, 2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Gommunity Development D,ept. PUBLIC WELCOME ,t , tt "\, , 11:00 am . MEMBERS PRESENT Diane Golden Brian Doyon John Schofield Doug Cahill Galen Aaslen Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT Chas Bemhardt 12:15 pm 1. Okubo residene;e - 5027 Ule Lane2. Vail Mountain School - 3160 lGlsos Ranch Road3. Tang residence - 185 Forest Road4. Cascade Holel - 1295 Westhaven Drive5. Peters residence - 2955 Bellflower Drive6. Brandess Building -2077 N. Frontage Road NOTE: lf the PEC headng o<tends until6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinnerfrom 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 pm l. A request for variances from Section 12-6D.6 (Setbacks) and Title 14 (Development Standards- locating required parking in the Right-of-Way), to allow for a residential addition and remodel located at 2955 Bellflower Dr. / Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Braun AssociatesPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: $0 APPROVED W|TH 2 CONDITIONS: '1. That prior to final design review approval, the applicant provides a landscape plan whicft includes provisions to adequately buffer the surface parking area from adjacent properties. 2. That the applicant submit a revocable righGof-way permit for all improvements located in the drainage easement and right-of-way prior to submittal of the building permit. 2. A request for a conditional use permil, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unil (EHU), located at 185 Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: Oscar Tang, represented by Ray Nielsen, AIAPlannen Ann Kjerulf MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 5-0 Driver Brent o CONDITION:APPROVED WITH 1 l. Priorto the issuance of a building permit, the Communig Development Department shall receive proof from the applicant that a Type ll Restrictive Covenant has been recorded with the Eagle Couniy Clerk and Recorde/s Office, thereby ensuring that the emplolBe housing unit will be permanently restricted for employee housing. 3. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 1552 Matterhom Circle/Lot 2. Timber Vail Subdivision. Applicant: RanchCreekDevelopmentPlannen Bill Gibson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED W|TH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Tlpe ll EHU deed restriction to the To,vn of Vail Departmenl of Community Development. This dodJment shall be recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorde/s Office and will require that the employee housing unit be permanently restricted for employee housing. 2. The Conditional Use Permit for the proposed EHU is contingent upon Design Review approval. 4. A request for a variance from Section 12-6GO of the Vail Town Code, to allow for a proposed addition in the rear setback, located at5O27 Ute Lane/Lot 31 , Vail Meadows Filing 1. Applicant: T. Larry & Renee OkuboPlanner: Bill Gibson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: $0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submit a site'specific Aeological investigalion, completed by a professional geologist or registered professional engineer, to the Town for review and approval prior to final Design Review approval.2. That the proposed addition shall comply with Design Standards. 5. A request for a variance from Seclion 12-7D-5 of the Vail Town Code, lo allow for the addition of mechanical equipment within the required rear setback at the Brandess Building, located al2Q77 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 39A, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Jayne Brandess lnevocable Trust, represented by Abacus CommunicalionsPlanner Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 5-0 DENIED 6. A request for a modification to an existing conditional use permit to allovrr for the use of two modular classroom units at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road / Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'h Filing. Applicant Vail Mountain SchoolPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 4-0 (Doyon recused) APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: That both modular classroom units will comply wilh all town design guidelines, be painted to match the existing school building (beige base with brown trim) and that additional landscaping for buffering will be added surrounding the new slructure. These issues are subject to review and approval by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. lf any revisions are proposed to the existing approved "Phase l" or "Phase ll" development plans for Vail Mountain School (approved April 24, 2000) prior to the commencement of construction, the applicant shall retum to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Design Review Board for review and approval of the amended development plan. That the conditional use permit for both temporary siructures shall expire on May 31, 2003. However, if a building permii has not been issued for the construction of the approved development plan for the school by Jun e 1 , 2OO2, this conditional use permit will expire on lhat date. The existing mechanical equipment behind the school must be screened during the summer of 2001, subject to review and approval by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. 7. A request for a condilional use permit, to amend an existing condilional use permit, to allow for one additional Fractional Fee Club unil, located at Vail Mountain Lodge, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1d Filing. 1. 2. ? 4. Applicant: Braun Associates, Inc.Plannen George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE:5-0 9. APPROVED 8. A request for a recommendation to the Town Council on a zoning code lexl amendment to Section 12-7H-7, (Exterior Alterations or Modifications), to conect an eror in lhe prescribed procedure for certain types of Design Review applications for properties in the Lionshead Mixed-Use 'l Zone District. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED A request for a final review of a condilional use permit, io allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Pa* improvements, generally located soulheast of the interseclion of Matterhom Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: George Rulher TABLED UNTIL APRIL 9, 2OO1 A final review of a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for a rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create iwo residential lots and a requ€st for a recommendation to lhe Town Council for an amendment lo the Vail Land Use Plan changing the land use designation from Public/SemF Public use to Low Density Residential, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village t2th Filing. 10. tt Applicant: Boothfalls Homeownefs Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russell Fonest TABLED UNTIL APRIL 9, 2OO.l 11. A requesl for a variance from Section 12-7H-10 of the Vail Town Code, to allow for an proposed addition in lhe rear setback, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1" Filing, 1'I Addilion. Applicant: Lions Square Condo AssociationPlanner: Bill Gibson TABLED UNTIL APRIL 23,2001 12. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed special development district to allow for the construction of a new conference facility/hotel; and a final review of conditional use permits to allow for the construction of fractional fee unils and Type lll employee housing units at 13 Vail Road / Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: Doramar Hotels, represenled by the Daymer CorporationPlanner: Brent Wilson TABLED UNT]L APRIL 23,2001 13. A request for a major amendment to Special Developmenl District #4, to allow for the conversion of an existing indoor tennis courl to a spa, located at 1295 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village. Applicant L-O Vail Hotel Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs WITHDRAWN 14. Approval of March 12,2001 minutes 15. Information Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneis office localed at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificatlon. Please call 47$2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department c0p-,' E'i TI'.rl l.r li.rir Department of Conununity Development 75 Sonth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 2O,2O0l BELFOR Tim On, Superintendent Construction Services 3826 Woodland Park Ave. North Seattle, WA 98103 .'\*^o"1ftf- Re: Bondfor landscaping at thc Maniott Hotel in Vail, Colorodo Dear Tim: The Town of Vail Community Development Department will allow Belfor's demolition and construction activities to continue at the Vail Marriott contingent upon receipt of a bond to ensure that any disturbed landscaping will be restored following the completion of restoration activities. The demo plan submitted by Dan Dansby, BELFOR-RMCAT @agle, CO) on December 1", 2000 indicated that 14 trees could potentially be impacted by your firm's activities. These trees are described as follows: Numbor Hclght (') Caliper Cl Type Spruce SPruce Spruce3.5' Cottonwood5' Cottonwood Based on information provided by Mr. Dansby, the estimated cost to replace these trees would be $23,825. We require a performance bond for 929,781.25 which is l25Yo of this estimate. It is my understanding that a bond for $30,000.00 will be posted by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, naming the Town of Vail as the obligee or 3 3 4 2 2 20-24' 18-20' 16' {p *rn"uo r^ro o bcnificirry. This is stisfactory to the Community Dovelopmont DcpErtnont It h aho ouruldcntrnding that constructior/rcstoration activities will be complotcd by Deccrnbcr, 2001 ro wc agcct th* any di*urbed landscaping will bc restoned priortri }mc 1,2W2. Ifyou have any quoatione or congorn$ ploase do not hesitatc to contact mc st 4jcnrl&?ci.rnil.co.ur or 970.479.2148. Sinccrcly, AnnKjculf t Iplrnna'l Tonn ofVail Cc: Drnlhnrby \r{,q ?\\$tr -]l +tl I F[ r- rIsl "x l'l$P 3b v'&r:jffi,t\ \rnV nn$q a\o o I s'i-o \\s c( t \)\R q\ h\o(q_ q ,lI.i. V' .[ rg, _S1-,",d {!. -Y |lf qr * 0 s I \;, .l \F*b .s E.rb* ,Zrrt*nd I e.m;rvreJS FEg-20-200r 0t:53 FRoTFBRATRUD DEPT, FROM: Brad Robens FAX: ?53-759'&68 DATE: FebruarY 20,2001 RE: Belfor USA GrouP, [rc' COMMENTS: SincerelY, BradRobcns, AFSB Vicchesident Bramrd Middletorr Instuanc e CC: TimOrr'Belfor Cbris Sinclair-Belfor SUiETYo 253-#s468 o BRATRUD MIDDLETON - INSURANCE T-360 P.001/016 t-221 4?0r s, l9u st. Tacon& wA 98{05 P. O. Box 11205 Tacorur, WA 9841| 253.?59.2200 ftx 253-7s2'8659 F.AX COMPANY: Townof VaiI ATTN: AnnKjerulf FAX: 910-479'24-52 PHONE: E.MAIL: #OFPAGES: 2s3-7s9-2N bar@bratnrd.com 4-. 4- EAbortcr t00 w. I' ss P. O. Eor 345 Abcr.tcen, WA 98520 360.532,7580 fsx 360.754-7537 EAuourn 230 Aubs Wry N- Alburn' WA 98002 253,833.2345 fax !53.931.8167 EDrbDricgc lrura 283 Winslow WaY B. P. O, Box 10668 Eainbdgc Istand, wA 981l0 206.842,2566 tu( 206.7E0-0004 EBrcmcron 647 40 St P. O. Box ?l I Brtnr.@, WA 98337 360.r?3.2595 frx 360.47E-5961 Dtoetictv 146l BrcdwaY Sr P. O. Bor 9 l-oqgvicw, wA 98632 360.4133700 fax 360.577'r126 ElotYnPie 315 5n Avc sE Olynrpiq wA 98501 P. O. Bor 200? Olynrpiq WA 98507 160,352.76t6 ftx 360.754'7537 DruYeuuP Ilere is the bond form- I have also included a paropNet on bonding by-the National Association of So..ty AoJ nnoJ*;. ft's oore orie'nted toward bonding couhacts but il;;;;;fi-"-il"' foitt. "ao" of surety bonds' Most municipalities prefe'r bonds tq leners ofcredit or cscrrow accouEts' Please feel &ee o contact me witb any questioas' 4?ON. Meri.lif,r P. O, Bot 99t Purallup, WA 98371 253.848.010r fsr 253.848.0883 EYrncouvcr t l818 SE Mill Plain 8rrd., Suite 106 V rcouvct, WA 9E684 360:54.8100 fox 36053.3565 w*w,braEud'com .FEb-?0-2001 0er53 tR0l+'6ilTtuD SUETYo En.253-r59-6188 T-3r0 F.00enl8 t-221 BOF{D BondNo. KNOW ALL MEN BY TI{ESE PRESENTT' $at rvc B€ror UqA Group' lnc' as PrinciPal" and E'elerg authsizcd o do brusincss ia , a6 Surety, arc beld sud fi:mly boundrmto tottl t of f4!- as Obligce, in rbc Peost cum Thounnd-qrr!1994:-:j:' )DOIJ-ARS, lnwtulmcrY of well rnd mrly to be made, we biod orrsclvcs, orr bcirs' erccillor$ Eduri[istragns, successeri md aseigus, jointly and sewr8uy, firdly by these prcsenrs' WIS|IIE"A,S, Befor USAGrolJp, Inc' - : :' has rgrced to cosrnrct in trq lgrnllval! thEfoUowiogiil'.aud rsttol€tr9€5pu$uanttoagreemqtwihtheTqllof'V'9i1 "' _ TlIlS oBLIGATIoN Is stjcg' thot if $e gsid Prbcipal sball cou$nrcl,orhavcconetr|rde4tbciqrorremcntshcrlhdesodb€daDdsballsaYcthsObligccTl:-T:::tT;co'$nrcl' or navc cio'lrrr r"rLr.. i : mrll aod voi4 o6cn isc to recuia in fult do'nsgc by rcrsm of irs bilurc n cqlce said work' thco lbis obligados sball h forcc srd effect' Sigse4 sceled ud dsradtbis 2Ofl d'ayot , FffiW '2001 ga.le,GEEF rnl t .. . -:- -d{:'----'--..- i i j- --:-:-- Swanson 'FE6-20-A00| 09:53 FRoll-BilTnUD SURETY oEn. 253-I5e-5{68 -. T'380 P.003/018 t'221*^*#,gffi Hrrrfr rd. Conncsi'ilr 061to'90d1 fOWtB oF ATTTOnNEY AI{D CEnnf,tCATE OF AUTflOBIIY oF ATTOINEY(S)FIN-FAC'T ***ji'*ffi##*t tHffi'T.H'::ffi:ffi ffif iffmr;;tffi H]["rffi3;;'io-ni'n'ur"""!/*'Krrc! orcseDBi rtralc' con$tlllo a bwrnsoq KiD fff. v-oo"'il*l"rH'irt'ilt'"'l-n-*rni:';;;;ilil; r' nt'"*'' J'iicutbirth' Tracgv L MG:lGdcv'ilffiils;H*i$'ffiffi;ffi.$'ffi' frffi and acloowlPdge' $ rEY Pu ffid$,.-c"i"d6 rffi#ffi* *mffi #ffiilH *"n*f.+ru'mffi undenating aud lrry SlLl 3ll sune vcre sig*d b,, * *i,rffifr-"n *r_"r,u" drfrfr;'' fu g"-.m.#-iJ^rrcro"vtt'io'rrrq prnun no rhc frffi;ti;ff" gtd$ st bctrbv mific't and coufrncd" Thisappoiuncrrris.msdcudsfoldb,yauhoriryofthcfotlowirusrandingRrsolruronsofsaidCoopades'wbicbRcsolurioosarc nor tr full forco aIId ctres: *.--_:,- rfi' *rdd4rl aav serior Vicc prcridcor, any Visc hasidcnt' ny Jffi"*T,5 ard.eserrs to rnt fc -o - frfr ] til t*puov -o *v e*1ffffi* *o *1og1t* ro signwhhrrc coq*y'. ool;J ilr *ir['Gc-piy3.sealb@ds' rEcocli'anrts' "qy't;;;rtt"*'h orry tinc ntvr"tove uv nrch . ru nrnrp of r u-+ ,*"fttt";t; oqrditisrat t'nasoling' and any of raid ofrcrrs q lDp For ffi ilffi ffi ;ffi [:=mm:##ffi Hffi ,rr-*Hr'-ff*m ,rir G"s;dl t arv Pon of tba (hcsoin8, gtrha-ilf q*:- ffi T ffi t#;'.: ffi---ffi ' q qgg-qlryLy'-5. -* or r hooa r'*isnizr!?r G " diti'x*r #;,,;bs,b,u;".ria.,,a;;ffi-ffi ffi h#H'Tffi itffiffiffiLWl] sa(|id Vice PrcsidBlt 6 |llYmffi, ffiI 'oiil? #*. c-o*v ocrcsr flrsrmr no I ffiium d'l:I i'. urdcr rnd by utlority _d tbo fo[owiugffi#ffi#ffi;ffiffi 'lr iil;;; it "- infutl lorcc rad ctrccr: VOTGD: Thrr 6c sieldNtc of cach of tlc folbninB dliss: Pl"sidelt' -' @' TJT@ IhesidddL rs!' ^ssis.,trt d ;;ffi; -y s.!*ttrv' nq -fdt*t gesernrv' std thc *1 o-#;;ffi s;'t*itt c AsaD'v!-ie'Fart tu cefiEcd hy Juch feeinil' rrglly aurs' rl!'uu't ,ria€[t!fi"c to ueicb it i: attasbexl .ir (t.00 Stiltud) 4-_ 'FEB-?0-2001 0e:53 FR(FBRATRUO En. SIATES CONNFCNCUT )SS. tlutfctl cornrrvorrwrrono SUETYo 253-75S-6{58 T-360 P.001/018 F-221 IN WrTIttEss wtEBEO& TIAVEIJIS CASUAL'TY N{D gItBElY.C-glqANY Or '$fi8ICA'' T&rvElXBS cAsuAlty AlrD su*Er; ififfi;fri;;^uu^ittri-crsuerrfbon-itnt o"vE arscd rhic io'rurcrtr to b! si,nEd ty rb€ir Scaior Vroc f,n5Ocsr anil Ucir coqpordc ;;; httt; aff""C Uis Ztiit d8y of Norc.bun 2000' TN^VEIINS CASUAIIY AT{D SUNEtr COMPANY OF ^IGTICA'-' :ffiiBiJns cAsu^LTv lt{D sorrrY coMP- AlcL---' - ffiforcrox a$[t^LrY co![PArlYtu+ GeorggW. Thompson ,rqfr'rnt(--' Kori M. Johanson AsfirEant Secnetary, Bond @@@ or rhis 2thb day of Nsr,€mbcr, 2000 befOrc nc personally carnc GEoRGE lv' TU!-lltP--soN to uc krroc4 wbo', bciry by sr dulv su/oil. did.lc'o,. erd sry ,olftrlrilf,i-t"l vL. pfuiir""?ifrivrrins CrquAtrv A!{D $nBErY coMPAr{Y or Atrr't.rcA,, rBAvELExr dfirdtyl$rD ibnnryEiiprxi -u r.rnuurCroN cAsoALIY coMPAt{v' rtc corporations dcscribcxt i" *o ifri'o.-talfl "t"" i"*tiltilinli n"ltL rtry.* t*rs or'1ia c6poladoo$ tbat tho seelt afrxcd to tbc said i"srr,rrrra." "rO cospol|t seabr ard rfiilhc c,,cctilcd rl" oa iosi"--r w bcha-lf drle coqporadou by ;t*dd ttch* on". *roc" rlc Smaiig ncsohnioos ttscof' Scnior Visc PEsident 4..- I$lric c. T&crult CERI1FICAIE I, tbc udcrsi.dt4 Attisrrt Sccrtrert "f q4q.Ens CASUALTY AND S-IIBETY COMPAI{Y Or AIr|Ef,ICA TRAVD,LEBS CASUALTy AND SUnEiY C'oltOAI{y; rifrffmox cASU Lrv Cotc, NY' nock corpcatioas sf i'c Srac otconnccriorr, Do frilff qpUTg,Y $al tu figpl';t't*tn"ar."'*,Jeuotttgv ad ccnitsc of A*lbditv ,uosirs in fu' fo* a"d Las ;t ,.r"t 4 "na iro11.,ift--ffir-r rhc srandiag Rlsolurio$ d tbc Boardt cf Dltclots' 8s sC[ i*tt t" C b.ttficatc of rurroriry, arc rcw il force' Sigpcd ald Scalcd al &c Horsc Officc d thc Company, in thc ciry of llartford' Snrc d Corurccriort ps66 65 20tfi rhy of IEbnarf' ' 2001' vember I, 1999 ity Development Departrnent Vail Road 657 Concem, Maniott Southern Vail Resorts once it has ins Vail Date Receivet NOV o 3 1g9g ...-...'-.-,.--\^ V^rt R a aorta Statr This I enter allow the Town of Vail planning staff that Vail Resorts, Inc. intends to agreement with Host Marriott, L.P. This agreement will to the West Day lot in Lionshead, a necessary component project. Additionally, Vail Resorts will work with the Host of Vail planning staffto ensure that the landscaping along the properties is uniform in style and aesthetically pleasing. will forward a copy of this encroachment agreement to and signed by both parties. Kindly direct all questions lvement in this project to Jonathan Greene at845-2629. President and Chief Operating Officer q, o 81658 3038ff800+SENI 8Y:GRIIISHAX/ & HARRINO' PCil1-22.00 ; 3:38PIT ;.,o 8?04?82452it I Gnrrrsnew & Heanrwo a PnonlssrolrAl. QoRFon.rSt9NtrronrrrFrs AT I.Awsmtt 4600reltl.s trno9 ol}{rtn ' 1700 IJI{C€LX SfREttDllrylt', @toR/tDo eoBog.{5o€ TErrtEsft (go3l c9e.0600 ''lloottt8 igogl osc.olgEI.I'AIL GilbcnF. McNeirh 303.839-3722 gncneirh@grinrbawhaning.cmr www, grimrhlwbrring,csn Novrrubcr 22, 2000 Mr. ocorgc Ruthu 4- Via Facsimite (9?0)-4?9-2452 Town ofVail Departmart of Comurunity Developmcnt 75 Souttr Frontage Road VBil, CO 8165? Re: Vail Mrriott Hotl - Design Rcview Appmvals - Reccnt Fire Damagc Dcar George: I an writiag o follow-up my telepbono message to you ycatcrday concerning tho recent firr danagc to 0re Mffiion Hotcl. Based on thc preli'nbary rcports wtriclr I bavc rcocivd it appears thlt the hotal sustsinod ecctquiv€ darnagc particularly to the uppcr floors duo to the fire. Becursc of the nature ud cxtent of thc fire damagc, it also appears thaf substrntial recondruciion of at least a podion of tho hotol faoility will bc nquircd It is not clear wblt, if ury, impact this situstion f,rd the wortrcquircd will bavc on the dcsign rcview approvals u,hich wE helped negotiatc last ycr oa bcbalf of tbe Vail Spa Condominium owne$, Due to tbe trcertainty of this situation, I hcceby rcquest that you keop ne advised of any chaqges, sm€Nrdrnents or modifications whioh may bo ftposed to the Marriott's Special Developmeot Digtiot or to the approved dcsip plans for any ofthe lvlarriott froilities. Plcass Blso adviscme ofany othcrtownapprovals soughtbyManiottwhiohmay altcrthe approvcddcsignplans forthe Manion facilities ae approved by tho town oomistedwiththc scttlement agrccmcntbchrccn Vatl Spa aod the town. I look forwa,rd to hcadog from you as Marriott frrmulatcs its plans to robuild thc hotcl facilitiee rcsulting from this unfoltuuate evcnt. Thank you. sEr{T BY:0RIISHAT 3 HARRIT{0, U1-22-00 ; 3:38Pr ;30383f0+sf01?8lr52i$ 2 Mr.0GorlpB$Sca Nombc22,2000 Pcao2 OfM/kNd cci Al llilrcr LmaHanro Ot$tlt$llrdil tls?a {,- - .. vcty tuly}'ours, GRIMSHAW&HARRTNG, 4- {-. tnrqrx'lb Qucstions? Cail thc Pliiirning Staliu,47)r-l i23 APPTICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Rwiew approva.l prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrorts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc required infbrnration is zubmittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcviclvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrental Conrmission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs one ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. :I0r^JEe, *T Aoee c3. CttB LOCATTON OF PROpOSAL: LOT: 4,19D BLOCK: I rrr-rNC: VArL tDlSltE*L TltlPD Fltrdh PHYSICALADDRESS: 1l+ U PARCEL #: atoro7zo? oo I (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors OfEcc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) Z9NTNG: €DP +a NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: D..PT 9t8 BETIIE=juI,MD 2ODt1:llcfl pHe11g; 3ol-?go- 2n4 F. G. OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S) : NAMEOFAPPLICANT: CAI,CIC ;DI grN I MAILINC ADDRESS:DEr\W€F- PHONE:1+b -1abz H. TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new buitding EI Addition $50 lncludcs any adrlition where square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. tr Minor dtcration - f20 Includcs minor changcs to buildinp and site improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting, window additions. Iandscaping. fenccs and reraining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whqr applying for a building pennit. pleasc identif thc accurate valuation ofthc project. The Town of Vail will adjustthefeeaccording to theprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO T}IE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPfoIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VATL, COLORADO 8I657. A. B. c. D. E. RUG-24-1999 L?"21 HOST MARRIOTT CORP,3A1 384 6338 P.A2/43 Cell thc Plrnning Sralf rr il79-2138 q$ o Qucdions? APPLICATTON FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAi col|rMlsstoNAtPnovAL A. TYPEOFAPPLICATIOI\L. O AddfioodcRFA.(250)O BcdnrdBratrttr CmditiultkaPalritO Mrjmr UMhrirSubdiviriqrO ndonheO Sign VrisDcGtr Vrrhnoc[l. ZmingCodcAm@dmart GENER-{L INFORT{ATTON rhis 4plication ic fa rny pojcct lqp.ruing rpproral by thc Plrrning aad Envirumrrrot Commissioo For spcificinfoqmEtio[ rcs thc rubnitd rquircmcats fc the paniqrur ryrcvlt 6ar is rqrrrscd. Thc aplieriur crrn nor bcacctPtcd until rll tt{tdGd iofamtion b submi(ed Thc projm nry atco nea ri Uc rcvicrrca [y rfrc fo.,n Csrurcifend/or thc Dcsigt Rcnicg Bosd D Amdrrcnilon'AfovEdOcvaopot-t'n- E EmptsyscttoCnf Unitfipe . )LI Mrir a O Mitor CCI Encdor lltcarioo (vrilVitbp)D Mrjca tr MinorCC'II BuiorAluerim (U@!6cad)tr SpccirlDcvclmortD&brtr MajrcflMiirorfrrpnanrar torn SDD DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST: c,LocArroN oF pRoposA! : LoT?sllDBLoctLr!_ rn^r.rc vliu Lort NAME OF OWNER(S): I\,tAlLINc oWNERGS)StG:rVl FH(n.lE FEE - SEE T}IE ST'BMITTAL REQUIRETVIENTS FOR THE AT"ROPRI,ATE FEE. SIJEIT{IT THIS APPLICTflOIT, AIJ, SIJEITIITTAL NEQUIRDIIENTS AJ{D IEE TEE TO TEEDEPARTIITENT oF COMMIINIIT DEVELOPMDNT, ?s soulB FR0NTAGE noAD, .vAu,, coLonADO u65?. &rid6196 Vr D, E. t. c.NAME OF REP.RESEI{TATIV IfiTLINGA"DDRE$|:'AvbN.co' E FwPanor flll&. -Ct#:-By, fu. - quJsf Cail thc Ptanning Stalf at 479-2138 PLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIROIYMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION lhis application is for any project reguiring approrat by tlre Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information. scc the stbmittal rcquircrncnb for thc particular approval rh4 is rcqucstcd Thc ryplication can not bc acccptcd until all rcquired information is submitcd" The projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwed by thc Toun Council tr Ameadmcnt to m'Approvcd Dwclopmcot Plan tr Ernploycc Housing Unit (fpc: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Villagc)tr Major or E Minor CCtr F,xtcriorAltcrartion (Lionshcad) tr Spccial DcvclopmcntDistrict tr Major orflMinq Amcndrncnt to an SDD B.DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REQT.]EST: c.LocArIoN oF pRoposAr.: LorZLlgDBLocK__l__ p6n{6 VA\ru ho^ts*e1$ -lFreb Fiu o AP andlorthc Dcsigr Rwiow Bord" A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: E Additional GR.FA (250) tr BcdandBrcatdart tr Conditional Usc Pcrmit tr Major or El Minor Subdivision tr R&oning tr Sigr Variance tl Variance n ZoningC,odcAmcndment ADDRESS: 1I+ UO{5HAb EJRTE BUILDINGNAME: VAIL MIRerdiT I..4r. I D. ZONING: NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILING F. G. owNER(S) STGNATTIRE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTA Crttxr Mrsrsor.l Fe:sr €5r vuo$E- 14b- Eb?- FEE - SEE THE STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SI'BMIT TIIIS APPLICd,TION, ALL SIJBMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS AND TIIE F'EE TO TEE DEPARIMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, ,vaIL cr)r..)D ar!n tf dct MAILINC ADDRESS: v.{L, coLoRADO 91657. o oQa TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colora.do 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 7, 1999 Chuck Madison East-West Partners P.O. Drawer 2770 Avon, Colorado 81620 Fax: 845-'1205 Re: MarriottRedeveiopmenthoposal Dear Chuck, The purpose of this letter is to provide you with written documentation with regard to the Mariott Redevelopment proposal. As you are aware, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, amending Special Development District No. 7, Through the adoption of the amending ordinance the Town has granted its approval of the hotel redevelopment project. The next step in the development review process prior to applyjng for a building permit is final Desigr Rwiew Board approval. The Desip Review Board has already granted a conceptuai approval ofthe major planning and desigt aspects of the proposal. The only remaining issues to be reviewed and approved by the Board are the architectural design details (exterior materials, applications, door/window trim, colors, etc.). Ifyou have any questions or concems with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call me. You can reach me by telephone a1970479-2145. Sincerelv. R,'U*'r Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail Creorge Ruther, AICP {p*"uo"o SEI{T BY:GRITSHAfl I HARNIilO' PC;IO- 1.88 i 2:38PT io Pur* Philip M, Quabochi PMQ/robcc: Chrrok lfadicon (vie fax number (90) S45.720j) Cnofp Rrrt€r (via fix nunbcr (glO)' +lg"Z+SZ)- Al & Lonua l{ucr (vla ftx numirct -gtO1+tA-iS+ey ,r 30353800{ Glnncssrw & Il.lnrnse .A PBOtlEtalqNA! oorPoR rFtt tfA|rIUBITE E T I"AWglrrT! !!oo"*#.ffiffi*" tU:EPEOll! gOO 8lDteOOaELEOO)EE. 6ost orD€ssaS.I]^IL y^nro,ara.rlt_t r^F?,rr.roE philb M eurroahi (303) r3$,3r3t . Wl@Sdmrluw}rldturo hg/A*vwgdff h$vtlrla&oon Octobcr I, 1999 Tom Moorhcrd Torva AtlomcyTovmofVrff FrrNumbor(970)479-Z$7 r' ?5 S. Fronrrgo Rord Vril, Colordo E1657 Rc: ordinanco No. 10, scrios of 1999, emeuding thc Maniod's spoclrt lhvclopmcotDbfiiotNo.7 DcrrTua: I . Ttpd, pu-fur your lotrcr of thir rfuraoon confrrning thc fiual approval of &e adminr6rtivcrmendnmt b tto lvhniqt'r sDD. Enctoscd is c copy of tlc-Noticc orDigmisut t filcd thi,aftcrnoon with tho Erglc coudy oorut. If you havc'ory quecioor, pt.a* mciilo to oafl mc. Vcrytulyprrr, GRIMSHAW&HANruNq A?rofcsiond Corpmtim s?01?82452;S I Offce of the Town Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 57 Re: October 1,1999 Gilbert F. McNeish, Esquire Grimshaw & Haning, P.C. 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3800 Denver, CO 80203-4538 SDD #7 Dear Gil: The Community Development staff, upon receipt of an application for a minor amendment to SDD #7, approved that minor amendment. This staffapproval was considered by the Planning & Environmental Commission dwing the course of its regular meeting on Monday, September 27,Iggg. Upon explanation and understanding the Planning & Environmental commission, by motion upheld the staff approval. On Tuesday, September 28, l999,this action of the Planning & Environmental Commission was considered by the Vail Town Council in the course of the Planning & Environmental Com:nission report. It is at the time of reporting Planning & Environmental Comrnission to the Vail Town Council at its ne)'it regular meeting that the Town Council does have the opportunity to call up any item with which it has concem or issue This item was not called up by th; Vail Town Council ani it registered no concerns in regard to the staff approval. Therefore, these minor amendments have been approved and are part ofthe approved development plan. The only review remaining is for the Design Review Board at some point in the future to consider the entire project of which these amendments are included. The project does require final Design Review Board approval. Thank you for your cooperation in resolving these issues. yolus, R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney RTM/arv xc: George Ruther / Chuck Madison {j *r"rrr"o r.,rr* o RECEIVED OCT '4 19S DTSTRICT COURT, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADOCase No . 99 CV 4l_1 NOTfCE OF DISI'ffSSAIJ PURSUA]IT TO RUIrE 41(a), C.R.C.P. VAIL SPA CONDOMINrW ASSOCTATION, Dal. i I i.'rnar THE To$lN oF vArL, coLoRADo; THE TowN couNcrl oF THE ToI,vN oF vArL,COLORADO; ROBERT ARMOUR, MICHAEL. ARNETT, KEVIN FOLEY, MICHAEL,JEwrrr, LItDwrG KuRz, and SYBTLL NAVAS, as present members of theTown council of the Town of vair, cororado,. and RoBERT FORD, asMayor of the Town of Vail, colorado and present member of theTown Council of the Town of Vai1, Colora-do Respondents. coMES Now the Petitioner, vair spa condominium Associat.ion,through counsel, Grimshaw & Harrj-ng, p.C., and pursuant to RuIe41(a) (1), C.R.C.P., hereby dismisses its action against. allRespondenE.s, !,rit.h pre j udice . DATED this 1st day of October, L999. RespecEfully submitted GRIMSHAW & IIARjBING, P. C. PLAfu'ir-- Ronald L. Fano, No. 20797Philip M. Quatrochi, No. 27973 1700 Lincoln StreeE, SuiEe 3800 Denver, Colorado 80203Telephone: (303) 839-3800 ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER VAIL SPA CONDOMINTUM ASSOCTATION Cert:lficate of Service -I hereby certify that f served, a E,rue and correct copy of!h9 {ofgoing-Notice-of Dismissal pursuant to Rule 41(a), 9..R..C.P.,.!y depositing_t,he same, postage prepaid, in the UnitedSEates mail, to the following: Tom Moorehead Town of Vail Attorney75 S. Froatage RoadVail, Colorado gl6s? !r TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development September 2T, 1999 A request for a final review of a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 7, Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail to allow for a reduction in the height of the elevator tower on the Gore Creek Club Building, to reduce the height and design of the approved landmark feature, and to incorporate a new pedestrian walkway into the development plan, located at 714 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'o Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz Architects. P.C.Planner: George Ruther l.@ The applicant, HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by Henry Pratt of Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz Architects, is proposing a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 7, Marrion's Mountain Resort at Vail. The major amendment is intended to facilitate the redevelopment and remodel of the existing Marriott Hotel and the construction of the new Gore Creek Club. The minor amendment will amend three aspects of the development plan approved by the Vail Town Council on July 20, 1999. The amendments to the approved development plan include: r a reduction in the overall building height ol the elevator tower on the northwest corner of the Gore Creek Club,. a reduction in the height and a change to the design of the landmark feature atop the existing hotel, andr the construction of a new pedestrian walkway between the existing hotel and the existing parking structure to connect the sidewalk along West Lionshead Circle to the streamwalk located south of the development site. with the exception of the three changes described above, all other aspects of the approved development plan and conditions of the July 20, 1999 approval remain unchanged. II. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Communitv Development Department: The Community Development Department staff shall review and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposal and then report the decision to the PEC at a regularly scheduled meeting. F:b\r€ryonets€cvnarn6\99v\rrriom2 1 Plannino and Envlronmental Commission: The PEC is informed of the staff approval and may call-up item for additional review as it deems necessary. Town Gouncil: Actions of DHB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or maybe called up for review by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. III. THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MINOR AMENDMENT PROCESS Chapter 12-9 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code provides for the amendment of existing Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose of a Special Development District is, nTo encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote lts most approptiatg uss; to improve the design character and quality of the new development withln the Town; to facllitate the adequate and economical provlsion of streets and utllities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of opsn space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated In the Vail Gomprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Special Development District, in coniunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establlsh the regulrements tor guiding development and uses of property included In the Speclal Dovelopment Distrlct." According to Section 12-9A-2, a minor amendment to a Special Development District is defined as, Modificatlons to building plan, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intsnt and character of the approved Special D,evelopment District, and are consistent with the design critoria of this chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, yariations of not more than 5' (five feet) to approve setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscapo or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the specialdevelopment; or changes to Gross Residential Floor Area (excluding resldential uses) of not more than 5% (five percent) of the approved square footage ol retail, office, common areas and other non-residentaal floor area, except as provided under Sections 12-15- 4 or 12-15-5 of this Tltle. The Municipal Gode provides a framework for a minor amendment of an established Special Development District. According to the Municipal Code, "mlnor modiflcations consistent with the design criteria outlined in sub'Section 12- 9a-2 of the Zonlng Rogulatlons, may be approved by the Department ot Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revlsed deyslopmsnt plan. Approved changes shall be noted, slgned, dated and flled by the Department of Community Development." F:b\,sfne\p€cvn€rnos\99wanidl2 ^ The Municipal Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendment to a Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. The staff has addressed each of the nine SDD review criteria. Upon consideration of the nine SDD review criteria staft finds that the changes proposed by the minor amendment are consistent with the design criteria and that the changes do not alter the basic intent or character of the sDD. IV. STAFF ACTION The Community Development Department approves the applicant's request for a minor amendment to Special Development District #7, Marriott, to allow for redevelopment of the existing hotel and the new construction of the Gore Creek Club. Staff's approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. o Rob LEvinc Antlcrs Assosiation 680 W. Lionshead Circlc. Vail, Colorado 81657 Geofr€y Wright, Dcstination Resorb Fnzian Associaltign 610 W. Lionshead Circle, VaiI, Colorado 81657 DbwaMcKma LionSquaeNorth 660'lV. Lionshcad Pl. Vail Colorado 81657 Montmeros Association Atb: Dawn 641 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 LemaHaus€tr Vail Spa Association 710 W. Lionshead Circle Vail" Colomdo 81657 Vail Corrporation P.O. Box 7 Vail, Coloradb 81658 Thc Town ofVail' 74 SouthFmntagc Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 o ADJACENT LA,I\DOWNERS il. ,r.r MAY AFFEcr ror, ,rorrt PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on September 27,1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration ol: A request lor a final review for amendments to Title 12, Zoning with respect to Employee Housing Unit Standards, Minimum Lot Size Requirement in the Primary/Secondary and Two- Family ResidentialZone Districts and Site Coverage Standards. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Maurietlo A request for a worksession to discuss the findings and recommendations of the Town of Vail's 1999 Parking Study. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a minor amendment to the Maniott SDD, located at 714 Lionshead Circle; Lots 4,7,C,D, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'o Filing. Applicant: Chuck Madison, East West PartnersPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new lot, located at 2477,2485,2487,2497 Garmisch Drive/ Lots 1-4, Block H, Vail Das Schone #2. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a bed and breakfast, located at 1987 West Circle Drive / Lot 26, Butfehr Creek. Applicant; Jeanine EricksonPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a worksession to begin preliminary discussions with regard to the proposed rbdevelopment of the Vail Village Inn, Phase lV, located within Special Development District No. 6. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479' 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published September 10, 1999 in the VailTrail. FI'I HOST MARRItrTT September 10, 1999 Mr. George Ruther Senior Planner Town of Vail Community Development Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Dear Mr. Ruther: Pursuant to your earlier request to Mr. Chuck Madison, enclosed please find a copy of a Certificate of Merger filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware confirming the December 16, 1998 merger of HMH Properties, Inc. into Host Marriott, L.P. Host Marriott, L.P. is the surviving entity and the owner of the Vail Maniott Mountain Resort. The general partner of Host Marriott, L.P. is Host Marriott Corporation, a Maryland corporation. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any further questions that may arise. Sincerely, fu,.+12 L. Ehrlich Encl. cc: Chuck Madison JeffMegrue Tom Moorehead, Esq. KAREN L. EHRLISH AAAOOIATE GENERAL COIJ NSEL BETHE6oa, MD 2OBl?-r lO9 3Or-3EtO'?475 F^x 3Ot'3EO_63321o4clc) F€FNwooo Roao, oEPT. 923 State of Delau,ate r, EDWARD t. rnEE!, sEcREtARy oF srArE OF rEE SrArE or DEI'aI|aRE, Do BEREBY cER'rrar rEE agEAcsED rs A TRUE AlrD coRREcr copy ot tEE CERIITFICAIE OF MERGER, rfErcE MERGES: XEME PROPERJITES, INC.X, A DEI.AWARE CORPORtrTION, s?rrE 'AIID rNlo xEosr l[ARRrorr, r,.p. " ulfDER TEE NAITIE oF .BosE IIARRTOTT, L.P. " .N, I''{''ED PAR:INERSETP ORGA}IIZED AND ETISTING ITNDER TBE r'Aws oF TEE srerE oF DELAT|aRE, As RECETVED .BND FTTJED IN TEIS OFFTCE TEE SIXTEENTE DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1998, AT 9 o' cLocK A.M. A FTIED COPY OF TEIS CERTIFIC**E EAS BEEN FORT{ARDED IO TEE NEW CASTLE COUNTY RECORDBR OF DEEDS. Office of tlrc Secretary of State pAcE 1 r ! -T;-l:\;-f Ir- . -i'1 . 9466426 12-16-98 2885265 8100M 981485413 SITITE OF D':,*XAR:E sICRE?ARY OF STATZDMSION Of C9RFRA"totts EZLED 09: OO N, 72,/16./7998 987e854r3 - 2e85265 CERTITICATE OF }IERGEB OF EMII PBOPENTIES,INC. INTC} EOST MABRIOTT, LP. hrrsusrt to section 263 of the Delawa'e General corporatioa Law o"d sectiron 17-211 of the Delaware Rovin€d Unifrrm Liait€d partuerehip Act, Hostlilarriott, LP., a limit€d partnership organized anil exieting under the taw of the Stete of Delaware (the "Linited Partnemhip), does hereby certi& to th€ following facts relating to th€ msrgsr (the "Ivlerget') of HMH Pmperties, -Inc., a Delaware co4roration (.mtll Prupertiee"), in0o ths Limited Partuerebip: FIRfyT: thst tbs na.me and stste of incoqporation or bmation of eacb oonstitueut entity that is a pa*y to the I\ferger ie ae frllowe: Name I{ost lferriott, L.P. HMH Propertiee, Inc. State of Inconroration or Formation Delaware Delaware SE@ND: t'bat an Agreement of Merger hae been epproved and exeorted byHMII Properties ard the Liniteal Pamerahip in amrdance with Section 26S(c) ofthe Dclaware Gen€ral co4loration Law and section r?-zlr(c) of the nelaware Revis€d Uni$m Linited Partuership Act. TIIIRD: tbat the name of the gurvivirg entiw ehsll be "Host Marriott, Lp." FOURTI* that the partnersbip agreement 6f f[s T.irnit€d Partnsrehip as in efrect on the date of thie Certificate eball be the par*nership agreement of tbe snwiving entity. FrFIrt that the Merger shqll b€ efiective ae of E:fi) p.n. Eaeten standard Time onl)ecember 16, 1998. SIKII* that thp Agreement of Merget ig on fitre at the place of business of the eundving entity at the bilowiug addrces: Host Maniott, L.P. 10400 Ferawood Road Betheeda, MD 20912 sEVEI'ITH: that a copy of the Ageement of l\[erger will be furniehed by theLinited Partnership, oD request and without cos! to any partner of the f,iraitca Partnership or any etoc&holder of HMH properties. \\\E - aaDar{.. e'|||a?a INW[II{E8S WHEBEOF, Hoet lfiarriott I^P. hns oaurd tbir Gctificate of !fi€stEt to bo rtnly enalted ar of +hi+ /{ffday of Deerber, 1998. HOgf,MABilO{T, LP. By: EMCREALE8IATS LI€, 2' G.lbnnnd \\\DO -Irrl.arnrta : Mr.GilbertF Mcl'leish PlroNE tlo. | 97@ 476 5S4A l.l'l HOST MARRIOTT corr.anallci' Scptember l, 1999 of tle Sep. 21 L999 ?,2t19Pl'l P2 that o Grimshaw&Haning 1700 Lincoln Steet, Suitc 3800 Denv6, CO E0203 Re:ordinanccNo.l0,seriesoflggg,AmendingMa.rriottSpocialDwelorpment DissictNo. 7 DearN(r. McNeish: This lener is ioteddcd to formalizc the agreeocnt bctween Vail Spa Coodominium Association ("Vail Spa ) asJ n*t latttiott, L'P-' ("HMc) that was rcached last weok Agrce@cnt 1' HMC agrecs to promptiy stibmit and diligerrtly pr:rsug in-good faith' an applicatio,n to tne ro.rn oivait" .-"ia Special Development District No. 7, lvlarriott s Mormtain Resort at Vail, which reflects thclbaagcs illustatcd on thc attached Exhibit A and qct fodh in this agreerneot. HMC alrd the vail spa agroc that the changes set forth in the ettached Exhibit A and this agreqn€nt rJo not altcr the-basic intent and character of Spocial Devclopmcnt Diseict No. 7 ad are consistcnt with thc dcsip critcria set forth in cbaptcr 9 of the Town of vuLT-owngRegulatiorrs.HMCagrccsthatitsapplicationsh|lb3.{.'lthcfirrmofaminor amennmenito a Spccial DevelopJ*t Dittti"t as set forth in Section i2-9A of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. . . Z. Witb rcspect to the modificatioq of the pyramid stnrcture on Page I of Exhibit A HMC agreos that tbo aneodmeat application shall rcduce the height and mass of the pyremid stortrr" as gencrally rcflected on gxltiUit A It is intcadcd thar this amendment will causc the . heght of the pyra-iA structure to be lowered by 7 fee! thercby resulting in an overall reduction iE rnass of thi pl,ramid stnrcture of approximately l}Yo. HMC asees that its application will include conditiqns tlat there sball be no flag poles, flags, pennants, wires, towers, antcnnas' or or cxtcrrsions of any kind anached tio attachmeots arc ^r I <oNe>cHrllto?Hrr E- TawBlcx9 ,^., t\*acn.ci vraa t.sStcErar, gdis.^r Caur.SEL arC Ccttol"' 3Eclsl ro.oo ttriroco tc^o, osrt. tzt oS"raao^. r'0 tottt'r toc !ol't'o'?17' t'r t't'r'o-tt" lrat!aNE i Brltlato't3''?oYr'a:xo@re||rtow'ccr owanid structtuc. oo n , /Arq".r I Qompteriod vrloRa A @6'-ro foll oft-sil€ inprutenu= L\VE> 7ol4;. (,rlt,qq.t= OV r.r[ €lebnours ' Liue .F \errr= A.(t Rfte Cod.e.+s. w*Jsr *, A Fre,,,l 3t*ta",aeqr 'KNq-L \a!r ouere ' ChncJie'- 5h,nrs g6D ?\R*"?u'D 4(J€,LtE4r'- w)L €rait r&+ Co^rc>o. Der$,t {?re 4.rr-,D6 retg'z-t*;o.l Pct;rle, (-och-epre he,,qU liw$e @ DertAnl August 30, 1999 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Vail, CO 81657 Re: Marriott SDD minor amendment Dear George: Pursuant to our pre-application conference last week, please find attached applications to the PEC and DRB for a minor amendment to the recently approved Marriott SDD. As we told you last week, the reason for making these changes is to respond to some outstanding issues presented to us by the owners ol the Vail Spa. The changes we are making are as follow: 1. Lower landmark element approximately 7' by making it 8'-6" narrower at the base (north south directionl. This also requires some minor changes to the dormers and windows on the east and west sides. This change also is responsive to comments made at the DRB and the Town Council concerning the height of the landmark element atop Phase 2. Add a concrete sidewalk on the east side of the alley between existing Phase 2a and the parking structure to the west. This walk will be unheated colored concrete and will connect the street sidewalk along Lionshead Circle with our proposed path to the bike path along the stream. This new section of walk should be ADA compliant since the existing grade appears to have a slope of approximately 1:15. Lower the north elevator tower at the Gore Creek Club by approximately 3'-0". All along I have maintained that the height of this element is based on the overhead requirements for the elevators. lt appears that by moving the elevator equipment room to a position below the elevators we can reduce the overhead requirements by about 3'. 2. 3, George Ruther- SDD minor modification request August 30, 1999 Page 2 4. We need to add two conditions to the Development Plans for this SDD. First, that there shall be no flag poles, flags, pennants, wires, towers, antennas. or any other structures or extensions of any kind attached to any part of the landmark roof element atop the Phase 2 building or the north elevator tower of the Gore Creek Club, irrespective of whether such attachments are temporary or permanent in nature. Secondly, that there shall be no exterior lighting of or on the landmark roof element atop the Phase 2 building or the north elevator tower of the Gore Creek Club. Per our discussion last week, we are re-submitting only the drawings that are affected by these changes and an updated list of adjacent property owners. lt is our understanding that no other submittal items are necessary at this time in order to have a complete submittal. I am also including a check for the combined fees of $22O.O0 Thank you. Sincerely, HULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. HRP Enclosures GWATHMEY P r\, Iav Re: orrdinupo No. 10, sertcs of 1999, Ancoding tho Mario6'r special DcvolopnmtDistiotNo. T Ilcar Tom: Thir ldat ir to cmftLru thoggtrils of our cooveruetion ofthis mcrring. Today ttc Vall Spacottdomlnium Arcoolrtion will tc filing a Ruri loo "onopr.iot og.inrttlo f&r orv"il aod thcTo*a,counsil rcgrrding{re paurgc "ioaiir** ilo. t ir, scricior t lca. H;vo,, ir is ourintcntion and undcntrndingUrar auagrccnrcntwiu tc rcacmawith0.oMsnio'ttrtor"UytoMrniott willgp.ly o tho fovm rc nio.roin ac.it "!** r.oo to ticilioprr.otpr"rnoontainod in ffii** No:_Ll rt ir ow ruaonunafri th.r-e. i"rig" "dgrJ iur uc proconco rnoapprovod rdninistrrdvcly prunrmr to rhc town coacirvair. emilin! a-rormi t8llcmcDt irnachcd with tbc uaniod rrgodingrtrc spocinc chonscs to te mrao o tFc aovJoprrrcot plrnr, rndareuning $o c'hru&c.rt a!trovoii-bytri rown,lt iiorn intenrion b dismi$ the Rrdc 106 cctloooncc ttc chagcs to tho dcveiopmcntitu Uccomc of""tiw . TheFftrc, rc will uot be ccrring thc Rulc 106 comptaiut on rho Town st this rimo lo ttd thctimc dcadlinor in thc Rule f ytl+ F t*' livou-rr". g-y 9'crtionr or if rny ofmy rtarcnrcnrtoin this lcttcr trt inconcog ptcnsc oontact mo rr oom u posribio.' Fffiry# GnnrsElw & Ilennnsa A PROIIUSTOIIIIJ COEPSTI.ATIIONAT!rOxl{I!?! ,ll'f' I/rwallttrE aaor'looliDrcor.,x enEolTDDrv4. oor.o8ADo| rotodr.rot r!E!P8()!1! 6@ toDsS@!4EIEOPEE 60asll!0tttr'ltra& suErtrrtrqgorqr.Bn ar',.lE AuEust 19, 1999 Frr Nubcr (90)479-2tSl Vcrytrulyyorur, GRIMSHA}\' A HARRINC, pn@3rlnrhuhlrrl4:cr trtp/twrw.grir!&!u,brrb&om iruloJgiilruu'+biu4lc2+52i* 2 fhilfu}t Qurtroctri (303) t3e.3t33 TonMoorhcad TorrnAttomcy TwnofVail 75 S. Frqrtrye Rod Vail, Colondo 81657 Philip M. Qrurochi PMQ/aobcc: ChuckMadirou(via-fornumbcr (mO>g4S-nO|') $qrgJ R"tq (vio frx numbor (970)'47s&4sz)' At & Loraa l{arrar (vle fan rnrmbcr (gZO) +ZcjS+S) SENT BY:(iRITSHAW E HARRING,8-1S-0S ; 3:43Pt ;PCi o 8?01?82452;S 2 Itnoo?irh@gdErhawbrrring.con htgJ/www. grhrhawhrniqg.corrr Gilbqt F. McNciltt (303) 839-3rz 3038393800{ GlnnasaAw & ILnnuvol Pn[rt!!6c[oilr r. @nFon lloNl'ryFOnNIfi.||Ft/AW SUEIE ltroo 1t00 L,INq)r/N glnET DDfigrll. @L('n DO toto{6rs tlrr+pEoN! €t o allato TEJO@PITE B@t8&TSCSillAIIj crr^rrrrs[carw.D|llr!\.tt!,nrl Augrtst 19, 1999 YIA ITLEFAX 9fl1-t4r'.7l05 Mr. Chrcl ldadison East West Part|crs 100 E, Thomas Place P.O. Ihawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Manlott Hotel - Town of Vail Ordinancc No. l0 1999 ' Sottlcnrent Diccuesioru Deor Chuck: I ut writing to confim otu rccmt disougsions and undcrstanding oonccrning &e abovc-captioaod mattcr. You povidcd t0 mc on Augrut 17,lggg tbree graphic docunrents cotrccrning ptroPoscd cbangce that Marriot ie wiling to make to ib desi& otttc tro'tel rcnovation and thc ncw Gore Qeck club builditrg. Tbcsc cbanges were proposed by yor to our clicnf, Vail Sps, in rcspons to our culier mqtEst for additioal moaincadons ti 0r dorign as approvod by the Towa. Initially, we ware hopsful o resolve fis rnatter prlor to our dcadline b inidate litigation conccrniag thesc issrrcs agaiust thc Torm of vail; howencr, we wgre not abla to formally Tg"l-,tdc ttrat agrecmcot by oday. Thcreforq as you hrvo bcco advised by scparatcletb, wt filcd oru complafurt today against tbc Towu of Vait with thc Eagle Coguty piitist Court NcvcrthslcsE lve brve discusscd and mrrtualty uudamrrd thar we arc noviig forward in good feith lo resolve our disagrecmcnt concerning thcsc dcsiga issuc$ In this regad, wc haw advircd you tlut orrr olient has agr€ed in ooucept !o tbe proposcd cbangoe t"niih Vo" havc suggcstod subjcct to aertaiu refinements as digsussed. whm wo complcle oru igr€egtcnt, thcso c'bagcs wiU bc prcscnld by l{criott o thc Town and approvcd ac au adtrdnirtativc ancndmenrt Thfu lettcc shall scrvc as a confrmation of orrr undcstanding rcgarding tho design changes. And, you aad I hsvc agrccd that I will prepan a lcthr to-Idriott utoogtr yo" which forually incorposaics thc agrced upon obangC ui&ic,h you san thGo use as fbosb fs your applicatiou to aorcnd with the Town. Thrnk you. SEI{T 8Y:ORIIS}IAT & HARRIT{0' Mr. Chuck ltdadiroo Argutt 19, 1999 Ptge 2 3038393800+ Vcry tiuly youn, GRIMSHAW & ITARRINO, s?01?82452;$ 38-1 S-9S ; 3:43Pll iPCi o f norgdeg*$rpuauon tril WtuA . Gilbcrt F, McNIGish GFlvfhnv *, S &_I:oTp Husr (viatelcfax - (n1r476-5s48) Ton lvloorbcad (via tclcfar . (970)479-ZtS7) Goorgc Ruthc (vb blcfa( - (970)4t9-US2i SENT 8Y:ORIT$HAI E HAHRING,8-10-s9 ; 4:43Pil ;9?01?S2152;* 2 pcoobh@grltarbrwhaniag.co htp:/A*vrr. griorhrnrherringcog PCi o 3038383800+ Gllblrt P. Mc.Ncirb (303) t3FsTZ ChIc& Madism EaS WcstPrltFss lm Ea$ Thmes Phcc Drswpr 270 Vail, Colorado t1620 Gnnrsgaw lb l{rnnnyo a PnoItlssmIAIJ oorFlona|FloH AIEIojIITTYE r'|! LATsulIn 8|o0 1t00 l/tt{@rfi EtrRrrtp)Efll]i. oou)raDo soror{rsr lnar/rP.E0ltl mtts8lOSUircOEuB6Stt!e$IEIA& qtdrcrtr^rftcavEDr|llJ!!!.lttrl Aryust 16, 1999 Fu lo. $U8i|S-T?IS Rc: Vcil Nilrse No. 10,{nendiqg thc Manioc'e SDD Derr Chr;k: _ ^f+ you for your phonc call fis afternoon rcgardi4g our lcfter to you da6il August 13' 1999. we rppecirE yor willingnerc to sodirue o aiccruss a mrfrnllyroccptablc ttsohtion to_tlc Vail Spa Condoninium Acsrchdm'e corrcErll rcguding [hE dssigp fffi ths Gnovation of thc cxirthg ltfisnioc hildiqgr rDd ttrg cusrtuctioq ortbc lo* Gorc-ctrEc& Club. Altough tb Vril Spa betlcver that thcr! rrc scveral repecls of tbe dcsfn 6rt arr ctill prohlcortic, we havc dccirlcd ro focus on tho arcas of grcitot coDcorn in 6c nope or rElchfug a compronire gn,wFt we perceive to be ths dec@ faatrlrr with thc largcri ugEtivc iryact m tbe Vdl Spr. Tlvo pdnry concoIilr $mdn wifr ruspect to thg corc crce,k oub: l) rhc blockiry of vail spe vlcwr !y &F Dorth facsde of thp Gore cleck club, and 2) thc hci of rn opeu Pdcstim corctlon ftron Wost Lionrberd Circle to rbc bikc patn bctweco thc Oore C-rce[ gtrb_qd tb exisdqg Irilaniott hildiqg. We d b satr E grcibr mcppi4g-bffI of the nortb rlctau ! or{er to niligrto tle ibpsct of ttc ncw cuucEra on ttc veii-spi'r vicwr, rnd we flP fq b_ccc e ryaryigo of the aree bctrveen tbc Gorc CrGe& Clr$ uA tbe cftdlg Mrnimt go fut al inviti4g md fuatidrrl pcdedrim cooncctioo is ctcatcd from wertLimrhd Circlc to the bib p|ftr sd tb crcel. With ll8Pet to Oc desigp for thc runovrtion of the cd$ing Msrriot, ou prinary colpstl r€udnl the Ew p"randd hlllnftt fcr[ue on top of thc Uotet. Wo Ecd-to rcaa rcdcdsn of tha lrrytnnrk fraarc rhrt rcdrc€c iu bdght, sc.lc, md bulk eo tbrt iryact m tbevlewr ffon tbe Vtil Spa tornntc tho aki monntain worta U" minimircd. 30383 Cbuclc lrtadircn AnFat f6, 1999 hgo 2 xopc rtrt tbir lcilcr Fovidct e brsic ftuemrt for frnlhsr dbersgimr. If morp{9[g aay rddidonrl S.rqqs is rodcd, plcerc do mt hcsitrle to *rrrt Ee at (3o3)839-9'nZ or Phil euabochi sr (303) 339-3839; - . Vcry tnrly yorn, GRIMSHAW A HARRING, 8300 o A Pro(csriourl Conoration b{vr'1,& CilbcrtF. Mc},,[cbb GFWmv cc: hmryR. Wcrr (vls fq no. gG4Z6-?11g) Tm Moombcad (via tb.r as. glo{il9-ZlS,n 4l & LGra HnrEq (ds frx no. 97GflGjj4S) Gcorgc nubcr (vir tu w, ntr479-z4sz\) SENT BY:GRIiIS|.IAT I HARRING'0-tE-98 i 4:41Pil iP0i o s?0t?92t52it 3 SENT BY:CfIIIISHAI| E HARNINO'0-13-9S ; 2:53PI iPO; o 3038393800{9?04?92452;S 2 OilbstF. llcN3tuh (303) r39-3ZU Chrc& Madiron EEst WGst ParhErs 100 BaEt lbong Placc Drawr 2770 Avm, CO 81620 GnncsEAw & Ilennnvo ^' PIEO'ESOEVT'T OOh:PIOP lf,lo!(.|trltllxrrrD aT t al? sur'T! e000 I?OO '.D|OOIN ETNDT DI!TyEB. q)rai.tDo to06-{!0s tlllrEolfl ool! are.lNoo ME &OPttB €Oe |!$tcta DUA,EJ o,ta[ trrreaitcrt ill|t!. tEJ t Augrrst 13, 1999 fu No. no{i45.t205 pond$(lgrin&rrylar|lg.coo http/ trw.lrirrrhawharlng;cm Re: ffiinancc No. 10 Asctrdiry thc Manioc's Special Developlocd Diefict Daar Chrct: Thc Vril Spr Condminiun Auociation ie orrcntly cmridering r jndbial cbatlcilgc to tte Vril Towu Corrcil'r alryrwal of Orrilinarcc No. 10 m luly 20, lg99.. Ar you Inow, Odinancc No. l0 rmcndcd tbe Mardott'r Special Developmcot Diffict ("SDD') a[d *rill allow thc rcoovdim of frc criciqg hocl buildiogr and thp constnrction of thp Gorp Crtck Club. Ws belicve fratthere wcrt swcral uerious enon of bothprocedure and substsncc Egotdiug you rpplicetion rs tpproved by tho Town Couoctl thrt give rirc to tbc judbisl c'ballcnge. For example, thc Town coucil'o filding in tbc orrdiaru thrt nauy rdvcccc cffectc of thc reqtrcstod tlcvirdons frsm the dcvelopoent standords of tlc uodcrlyiug zoning are ouc/eigbd by tbe public b€Doftr providcd by 6e Dtuticrn docs mt mGct rbt ZoDhg Codc'r specific tcquiremffi th|t thp Town Curncil mu$ find nthrt $rch doviation povi.{cehfit5 t, tbc To*l tbat outweigh tbc advenc effccu qf nrc[ deviatiot.' fbis gubtte but mOngru dhinption indicabr thrt, in rtrchturf itc docision, tbc Twrn Corrcil crmncqrEly can+idcred tbe pblic bccfits provided by thc District inrtcad of the public bcocfib ptovlded by tb spccific dcviations as rcquired by tbc Zming Codo. Additionally, tbc Town rcccptcd rn irolrryletc ryIication for nrncrrdm:nt of tbc SDD, tbe Mrrrioft fttlsal to rffirmatirrcly mcet its burdcn of proof with rtspect to thc tln+ &rtgn criarir by whic[ SDD'r srt to bo analyzcd, Ird nalcrial elcoamr of tb proporcd dertgur frilod to conply with tb rcqtfulncdts in thc Lionrhpad nc0ewfoencot M1gtrr Plrn. Altbsugb Tm ltfoortbcrd, Town Attorry for Vail, bar cbaractcrized tbcce rrgumcutr ar "byper-technical," wc belisw that the hciglilcord sbDddds of review inpo$d by thc Zoning SENT BYsORITSHAI{ A HARRINO,B-13-99 ; 2353Plt ;PCi o CluclcMdism Auguct 13, 1999 hge 2 code mandetc d"ttibd fpetircc wirb rylpccrb ell of tb rutuirc@cors cmied rbrch"tbst tbt' war oot d*ft* complirnco wirh-r''pcd to the adorabtr oi oci""*o No. 10, anotbrt a judgc rrflld fi'd thrt ooo or motr of rnic affis of uoa*ompliauce conrtilrEssvcrriblo aror tcrcby voilhg rbe Odi!@!. Befm ,'rHjg r.finrr dccicion oa wbcthcr to filc a complelrf" fu Veil Spa tt Trytry in hovlng whthcr tbc Mamiot iu willing to reconsriifsr --t-r"dify 6mc of 1he&dg[ funres tbrt ae of grcatcst coucrn to rtE v;il spa. such a Edesign of ksy limiedelcmm ney obvirts tbc D€od br thc Judicial actioo ti:cruc Unr of ic fte cerwo in thirruncrf ploase conhct me. (303-El9-37Z, $ phil euabochi (303-939-3933) at roon aspocsibh so rhlt wo can dbcusr thcsc mattcn. Very ruly yors, CRIMSHAW & HARRINO, A Ptofesduel CoroontionI nn-'"--- h-l nrbt. - t f _vu_':-' :1.--)Gilbcrt P. McNcish G8ltf,/nmv cc: Jrmcr R. Wcrr (r'la fax no. n0*4.TGTltEl Tom Moonhcad (viE far rc. V10479.2157) Al & Irrts II$$r (via ft,r u. 9/0.4?6554S)(horga Rurbff (vir frr N. nU4792tS2) 8?04?82152;f 33038393800{ FIL? /.;//PI TOWI,IOFVilL 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2tM FAX 970-479-2157 July 30, 1999 Henry Pratt Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail/Gore Creek Club Dear Henry, Congratulations ! The Manion redevelopment proposai hac been approved. The purpose ofthis lefter is to provide you with written documentation of the Town's approval of the proposed redevelopment of the Maniott and the new construction of the Gore Creek Club. As you are aware, on Tuesday, July 20, 1 999, the Vail Town Cormcil approved Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, upon second rearling. The Town Council's approval carried with it several conditions. The conditims of approval are outlined in Section 6 of the ordinance. The appnoval of Ordinance No. l0 is valid for tbree years. Pursuant to Section l2-9A-12 of the Zoning Regulations, you must begin initial constuction of the special development district withh three and continue diligently towards completion of the poject. If the project is to be developed in phases, you must begin construction of each subsequent phass u/ithin ons yssl ofthe completion ofthe prwious phase. Again, congratulations. Should you have any questions or concems, as always, pleas€ do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 970479.2J45. Sincerely; rQQa*a George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail tro"ouoruo Uiil |AJG. 26. i9e5t 1a: 4:lruilC'-PARTlFtsgP[ ; Augus2Sr 199 30r08r 8t00.o No'+ro u9';!oE;r I AutClu&rteqn-,uryrrrrr.g&rt.gbrbflu Et-lsr _LEqT o Gnorerrw & Il*nnso ' ^tlctllEErrrLc.lD,E ftDrl?uttl^a!a,rE!!!h: -^ ItDIjEfGr"r! 3El!!AmvltD sEfi.DOaD.tal +rlilllrutcortr.rrc _ :EeF|ff.r$r EetrrD{a{. dntF^?.^-t-trcrf-irF.rffrtG olDGt tdcMD'609)|t*tra Ch+t Medo lul E|lttl@r| nrcc' Dtrryila27TO Avos, Cqtmdo lt62O !' :' Ic: O6tnnc No. 10, Sl&r of 19f9. rtqtiag fftltlou Scdd nernl@ccDlrFier No. l DcrrC|fit: ltb Ifr ir.iqbd o erarrirc-rb rylgcoltctwcn V"it SFcondonbfoo rrroei*io. tlrll sDr*d htc lcqddrt6 &rDEriGr, 1nc. (.h4g,16rt rru Eu h.t *EGL. ptEc;'6-tttf tffi rna, f it rccmbs noct qrrrro:oT tonrd t b 6. mrotri@ Da!G; stdc il;E;fr; cq,y b ur. fffcqru l. EtC lsncr_ngqdy flht d dlliry,r$, DurE. b lpod Aii, ru*oucrtou b rb row. of vdi o,iliod spcdn Dc.EG;-#;\t. 7, Irf,rrrtor,rD{ilil& rcrort u vdt, rihidb E{sry rtritrp illdilco-;-tb;ili.d Ebibrt A .odlc f9q_rl_qt.grt oTl mrC rui-U-vrnler !$E tr tu cbqg lr ftEft i! tb "ura.d Blsir a ua tE rgr".ro o-oit-rfr u-urc irm ruErcu o( sFdrtDcnt@lu Drfiu Nq z _rad e odtl-rit tq&dddrcdr H tbrh h chrp.r 9' of tu Tow! dVrfl TrdlSD1nbtlo',r. -nfi-;gr" Ilrt ib rlCtqtrE $dr De Drdr hlb br sf r Dh 'r"-'rnrol-o a$;d.t D.rirolu Dirqrc rr &t ffi h slodDD 12-9A of rhE Tora d yril "ebg-GluilFm -" ' 2. wirt$Brb tb noditcrt&u of Snrrufl,trrrefirru @ lfip I 6f E'rrhirA, Er[C qu .[a rE rgg $rb.d-im ;iG-r[-!.rsE-ri n. orupndd arc. r p p:nrg na;d-;ffirrt+ n b i'dar turtir roradnrr Ell_crtro-ttc h?rf' af fu-lirildd'nrerun to Ur-tbr*6 !, ? 6cilowrl rcoad'6-di'& dn eynillEE;ff or-rlpqFeu ror. ffi bf lr qledol wlll tr&lc soor#6lr -r,--,lffirii fril-GFrciiilg., o.o.cl. rftu t slilinie . zs. lseqfl 1E:43A1,lllc, (EM/uv Erloetrtfc: tcr R. Wcrs gFT. o HEqr-BABrryEEgil ;30t1893800r r{o'2,1i0 r+9'fzos:* e . 'cbctMafiE AuSErt 2t. lgtgghgr2 lovrEllrr lDEot|| c rry o6e ctrltlu cE elbt drry Iilt E|lDsd b Ey Drft of ecpyruid E,rcurq i*+cdrt orwtG so rmo 6 EEDOTE, u pcouaE bnt* utdc rgrcs tnu neicru-*tfr. inclurr eodrdmi ud-t'! drrn !s 3sffiic lij[thg of c u rb gfru- [1Ed" 3' Wit naoc re g$eniou of rbc nprftr,'r d*Er b*lr d fu odl9T4 Sb- q-Fr z e giffitr.ffi lrrt b EFditcu Tprftrdoo $ruF.'!. 6! rDL!. rud Tr of + afrndffiT SEoEdry^Ff,lc.d oeqc0 2 0f &libitA- a b ihrrrr'd Er 6r. uF"b;; *i ffi-+-hligh d-tc ct ,sr Dmr tu 3 &Gr"EMc rsEr u8 ir qticrdosr,il dbd. itirU6G;.r.li;n rs potc,org'' pc'o.a, wr*; E''EE, rncur.' c rry oo* *"a*t d e"d-r of rry Eztr6cbalb rq'Eutdtc Blci,ru C;;fii;.d," dutuU.r.trrch 'lr'eirnprt. aE'na''r c pc@Ers,i:r Dr&E Brc-.go:-6d iE m,bd;;iao i*rdecdiln.. tdo.* edl bc *.d'd-riro or*s-d, ffic-ra. I*ffif;f"tggq {F .t bltrra trc G*trdry tftrtiorffi**?TffiT'bffi-"fiffitffiffi'.*fll.*Tr 3 of EsDftA, riucEf;ffie ryglbrdildrlt-ddtb3gfr*Tgn:*, t*3qry.*..ffi ffiitr ffi#ffi#,;,TTPffi *1-i*tr's,t6fr 5l,ii#,ffi ffiH'.ffiffi-Ilf,.Fffi*.Froililfr;ffi.ft$ffig;ry; glE-f"'rF," "ffi,ffi5gg,Hf Tf .**1hg*qC*hnG;.?"ffi1ffiHfrr,::ffg'#*9:T3ry111|a''dffi;ffiLiutrcd cinrc, ud $d b; @E ffirirtrfffiiiffi,ffi 5. WUdn E\," (O Of'.fro ro' ds rpm,u^b[ iuo q'rr.{,n.u' c@lp,.Edw uir tcu rjruar trcfio, i"rv-ini.toiJ | {FI L,,r or_scsirr uH,sro*.dffi $ftL$ffi o aluiii, Jfo p'i.t c'c.$ N;: e9 c..rf ru !r rsn, VGry Euly yourlr, qD[SIIAltt & EAnnD{d, A ProtudqlCcpmtm 4,hf ,€ie&/d o[DcsrF. Mctrdo n2 fra sEf{'|nrc. es. rsssl ro: €FrItO Oln't Mld,* tugtr ?t, rfi}ryel qgr_qncrrgpi ;ESFT -o l38tf00ro No.eEfo u9'ftorir r lto rnr'' * ffi rDm rn grccd o !y Erc-4$rgm llooqda, b. o tUl -dryof '" ,. , , , ,.. = _. igri, $sd-il'ctEdb6bdry fircffi "*), uto D'' '!c 'ntodP to rcr o brrrgd sEN'iHge. ?H:l:ggtl !tsi.13.f1il8,Eesr.Hgsr-PARIUfBSI iEa.rz.rsil rr 1. hIEsT Fl tr --- ETHIBIT A Prgr I ' 003tlflS00.No'zt1ft srf'ftos;t s' ,gtlr,gzftll tl .t I I t I ! I I I H[![J u I I Eogratoooo. re'2e14 uf.,7ros;r o I .i-ff , ff , tgFr{ lt glPtt q{p3 FffiD€qg=rrl-l.l^.*rr{hp 1 0198.3/15-r ,q.el I -"'tE- "+- 'tr ,F... ryet- lff I l':gr t,a exrrErr i -" L'-ii...-...-hg2' :' sottlglsoor No.3+1 tltPrPos.i* I coNFERENq c€it|€Pl 'l EIHIIITA-Pasel fJc.rr.tets .l:IrStat ,*.'-,.-.'-t'1-l,t--*-' i fllt cOPy VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1999 .7:OO P.M.IN TOV couNctL GHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items a1e apProximate, subject to change, and cannot be reried upon todetermine at what time Council will consider an item. 1. 2. CITIZEN PARTIC!PAT|ON. (5 mins.) CONSENTAGENDA: (5 mins.)A. Proclamation No.2, Series of 1999, Community Service andVolunteerism Colorado Cares Day July 31, 199-9.B. Ordinance No. 1 7, Series of 19gg, seiond reading of an ordinance An ordinance Authorizing the conveyince of Fee Titre of the Red Sandstone Creek Land and lmprovements Thereon Owned by the Town Of Vail and Fully Described As Follows: A parcel of land within the NE % sE % section 1, Township s south,Range 81 West of. the Sixth principal Meridian, Eagd C;;t, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said NE % SE %section 1, said point arso being the Northwesterry corner of Brock D, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, according to the map thereof recorded in Book 215 at page 648 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder; thence, departinj saidSoutherly line, N22.33,00" W 84.13 feet; thence NaS.qS;2A, E55.05 feet; thence 53.g5 feet along the arch of a curve to the right, having a radius of 200.00 feet, a central angle of 15.25,31,, and a chord that bears N57"29'16" E 53.69 feet; lhence 41.g0 feetalong the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 27.00 feet, a_central angle of 88.54'26', and a chord that bears 570"21,44" E37.82 feet, thence s25"54'31'E 137 .47 feet to the said southerlyline of the NE % SE % Section 1, said line also being me nortnehy line of said Block D; thence, atong said line S87.4g,5S, W 1SO.8ifeet to the point of beginning, containing 0.3964 ""r"r, rnor" oi- less. The bearings ofthe above described parcel are based on a bearingof N87'48'35" E on the southerry rine of the NE % sE % section iT5S, R81W per the ptat of Lion;s Ridge Subdivision. Ordinance No. 10, Series of 19g9, second reading of an ordinancerepealing and re-enacting_Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1S9S, SpeciatDevelopment District No. 7, The Mariott's Mountain Resort at Vait,amending and re-establishing the Approved Development plan inaccordance with section 12-gA-10 0f the Zoning Regurations to allow forthe interior and exterior remoclel of the existing -hoteiend the constructionof the Gore creek crub, and setting forth detairs in regard thereto. (1 hr.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with conditionsor deny Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, bn second reading, 3. George Ruther Henry Pratt 4. Tom Moorhead BACKGROUND MTTONALE: On Monday, March 8, 1999, the Town of VailPlanning & Environmentar commission' reviewed and recommended 3.pryorl of the proposed major amendment to speciar o*"r"p,.,,.""iiistrictNo.7, The Marriott, pursuant to section tz-to-o or ftre ro*n Ji v"iiioningRegulations. The Pranning & Environmentar commission's recommendation of approvalwas based upon the review of the nine design criteda ouflined in i[J'i"rmemorandum. Having.reviewed the criteria, the commissi"" t"r"i,nl,],n"proposed major amendment to speciar Deveropment District No. 7 comprieswith the nine desisn crfteria ouilined in secrion iz_sn_8 ;f i#?"#liL,,Municipar code. Additionalry, the appricant demonstrated to the satisfactionof the commission that any adverse'effects of the requested deviation fromthe deveropment slandards of the underrying zoning ir" ort*"ign;J'or'in"public benefits provided. The Pranning & Environmentar commission's recommendation canied withit twelve conditions of approvar. In response to1rr"ng"" ;"J" t";;;;""by the appricant, the councir, on June 22"d, eriminated six of the oriqinalconditions. The remaining conditions of appiovat arel"r"'Ji"'slii,"'"H "Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999. on June g, 1ggg, the Town of Vair Design Review Board fonrvarded itsrecommendation of approval to the iown councir. ft," -go-;,. recommendation carried with it six recommendations for tn" c"rl"ir,"consideration' The councir considered the Board's r""ornr"no"tiln-onJune 22nd and wiil forward direction to tne Boaio as part of the ordinancereview process. STAFF RECOMMENDfTfg,N, The Community Development Departmentrecommends that the councir approve ordinanci No. 10, s"ii""J-riigg,-",presented on second reading. ordinance No. 1g, series of 1 ggg, first reading of an ordinance Authorizingthe Conveyance of Fee TIt lo.I_-U Buitding S,Vair east foAging, "t.o'k;-o*nas 4093 Spruce Way #36, Vait, Cotorado-8t'OSi. (rS mins.) ACTION RE.UESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve, modiff ordeny OrdinanceNo. 18, Series of 1999, on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On March 1, 1999, the Town of Vailpurchased a unit at Vail.East Lodging for the purpose of utilizing the unit inthe Town of Vail's guy Do{l Rrogra;. rn"i iurcn""" h"" *;;;.f"ti;'resulted in a sale of the unit to a qualified Ouyei anO permanent deedresrrrctions being put in place that restrict the future sare of the unit to otherqualified purchasers with a three (3%) perceniappreciation cap. STAFF REGOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1999on first reading. \rsr rso vr rvvv' Town Manager's Report. (5 mins.) Adjournment - 8:30 p.m. 5. o. l' . * ''l- I NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL n[aE3 ARE AppROXtflATE A D SUBJECT TO CBANGEI THENExrvArlrowntduTrc-rf nEeluunwoRKsEssroNWLL BE ON TUESDAY,7t27lgg, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. tN TOV COUr'rClf- CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY, 8/3/99, BEGtt{NtNG AT 2:00 p.M. tN TOV COUlrrClr- CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING . . .wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 8r3r99, BEGINN|NG AT 7:00 p.M. tN Tov couHcn- CHAMBERS. sislFlqgsg 'nterpretration available upon re-qGs1w-itE zZ n-our notification. ptease cafl 479-2332 voiceor479-2356 TDD for information. C:IAGENOATC MEMORANDUM To: Vail Town Council From: CommrurityDevelopmentDepartment Date: July20, 1999 Re: Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail Redevelopment Proposal (Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999) Section I BACKGROUND On October 19, 1998, the applicant and their representatives met with Torvn Staff for a pre-application conference. The purpose of the pre-application meeting was to inform the staffof the applicant's intent to submit plans for a major amendment to Special Development Dislrict #7 and a conditional use permit to allow interval ownership in the Public Accommodation Zone District and to review the submittal requiranents for the project. On January 12,1999, the applicant appeared before the Vail Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission for ajoint worksession to discuss conceptual redevelopment plans and to express their intent to submit plans for formal review to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent. On January 25, 1999, the applicant submitted completed development applications to the Town of Vail Community Development for the proposal to redevelopment the Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail and for the construction of the Gore Creek Club. On February 22, 1999, the applicant appeared before the Planning & Environmental Commission for a final review of the proposed plans for tbe redevelopment of Marriott's Mountain Resoft at Vail and for the construction of the Gore Creek Club. Following the public hearing the request for final review was tabled until March 8, 1999. On March 8, 1999, the Planning & Environmental Commission voted unanimously to approve the conditional use permit to allow for the operation of the Gore Creek Club and a recommendation of approval of the major amendment to Special Development Distdct No. 7 to the Vail Town Council. The Commission's approval and recommendation included thirteen conditions. On March 17, 1999, the applicant appeared before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for a conceptual review ofthe redevelopment and new construction proposal. On April 7, 1999, Town of Vail Design Review Board voted ruranimously to table a final review request until April 2t.1999. On April 13, 1999, the applicant appeared before the Vail Town Council for a worksession to discuss the proposal in anticipation of an ordinance 1o amend Special Development District No. 7. On April 2I,1999, the applicant again appeared before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for a conceptual review ofthe redevelopment and new construction proposal. On May 5, 1999, the applicant again appeared before the Town of Vail Desigr Review Board for a conceptual review of the redevelopment and new construction proposal. On May 19, 1999, the Town of Vail Desigr Review Board drafted a recommendation of approval of the redevelopment and new construction proposal to be forwarded to the Vail Town Council for consideration. The Board's recommendation of approval included six conditions. On June 8, 1999, the Vail Town Council held a site visit and a worksession to discuss the applicant's proposal. The site visit included a walking tour of the development site and the Vail Spa property. On June 22,1999, the Vail Town Council held a rvorksession to discuss the draft of Ordinance No. 10, Series of I 999, an ordinance repealing and re€nacting Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1 995, Special Development District No. 7. On July 6, 1999, the Vail Town Courcil held a worksession to discuss Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, an ordinance repealing and rernacting Ordinance No. i7, Series of 1995, Special Development District No. 7 in anticipation offirst reading of the ordinance at the evening meeting. On July 6, 1999, the Vail Town Council held the first reading of Ordinance No. i 0, Series of I 999, at an evening public hearing meeting. The Council voted (6-1) (Foley) to approve Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999 on first reading. Second reading of the ordinance was scheduled for the evening of July 20, 1999. Where applicable, all meetings have been conducted in accordance rvith the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Zoning Regulations. Section tr PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant has provided a written description of the proposed redevelopment of Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail and the consruction of the Gore Creek Club. The following is a summary of the proposal prepared by staff. The purpose of the staff summary is to supplement the applicant's information contained in the Town file. As stated in Section I of this memorandum, the applicant, HMC Acquisition hoperties, Lrc. submitted completed applications for the redevelopment of Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail and for the new construction of the Gore Creek Club. To facilitate the redevelopment and new construction, the applicant has submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Vail, an application for a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter I 6 of the Zoning Regulations and an application for Design Review pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Zoning Regulations. Copies of the applications are contained in the Town files. The redevelopment and remodel of the existing Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail is intended to complement the interior renovations recently completed in the hotel. The applicant is proposing to "re-skin" the exterior of the hotel, convert "Windows" restaurant and five accommodation units to three condominiums (approximately 7,700 sq.ft.) and convert approximately 3,000 sq.ft. of existing ski storagefetail to six new Type III Emplope Housing Units. The deviations sought as a result of the major amendment request are an encroachment ofeight feet into the required front setback and three feet into the required west-side yard setback. The proposed remodel is intended to bring tle existing hotel building and the new Gore Creek Club into compliance with the Architectural Desigr Guidelines prescribed in Chapter 8 of the recently adopted Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and increase the overall quality of the hotel and development site. The applicant is also requesting a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Zoning Regulations to allow for 63 interval ownership units in the Gore Creek Club. The new club will be constructed in Phase III of the Marriott development area atop the existing parking sfucture. The club will be comprised of 63 lodginglype of units lstaling spproximately 73,000 square feet of GRFA. As an interval ownenhip club, the 63 units will be sold in 1/20'intervals. A l/20'! interval guarantees each owner approximately 17 days per year in the Vail Valley. The applicant anticipates offering owners the opportunity to exchange their club unit within the intemational exchange market. Other components of the new club include a full-time front desk for registration and reservations, an owner's lounge, a health club & spa facility, on-site laundry services, a 61 parking space expansion to the existing parking structue and three new loading/delivery berths. The 6l new spaces me intended to offset the increase in parking demand created by the construction of the new club. Approximately 2,500 square feet of retail space will be constructed on the north side of the club adjacent to West Lionshead Circle. In addition to the improvements to the existing hotel and the construction of the new club, the applicant is also proposing site improvements to the property. hoposed site improvements include the removal of an existing landscape berm on the south side of the property to provide easy access to Gore Creek and the bike path, new landscaping on the south side of the hotel, a redesign of the existing loading and delivery area and the implementation of the recommended streetscape improvements along the south side of West Lionshead Circle. The applicant's proposal is further described in the proposed development plan submined by the applicant, as identified in Section 4 of pending Odinance No. 10, Series of 1999. According to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, it shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that any deviation from the development standards of the underlying zoning provide public benefits tbat outweigh the adverse effect ofsaid deviation. The applicant and staffhave identified ten public benefits the community will realize as a result of the redevelopment of Special Development District No. 7 development site. The public benefits identified include: 1. An increase in the annual hotel occupancy rate through the redevelopment of an older, existing hotel. 2. A significant increase in the Town's supply of short-term, ovemight accommodations to serve our gu.ests and visitors. 3. The creation of commercial/retail space along West Lionshead Circle as recommended in the Lionshead Redwelopment Master Plan. 4. The implementation of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan along West Lionshead Circle. 5. The redevelopment ofa world+lass "anchor" hotel providing a highJevel of guest service. 6. The implementation of the objectives stated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. 7. The construction of emplolee housing to off-set the demand resulting from the redevelopment of the hotel project. 8. A sizeable addition to the Town's sales tax revenue. 9. The partial elimination of an existing on-street loading and delivery area. 10. A'Jump start" to the redevelopment of Lionshead in accordance with the recommendations outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, as noted in Section V of this memorandum. Legal Description: Zoning: Development Site Size: Zonins Analysis Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Subdivision 3" Filing and Lots C & D, Marcus Subdivision Lionshead Mixed-Use 1 Zone District 3.5 acres/l52.666 souare feet Development Underlying Zoning Standard Lionshead Mixed Use I 1999 Major SDD Amendment hooosal GRFA: up to 250% or 555,682 sq.ft. 94% or 209,892 sqJ\. Dvelling Units per Acre: 35 dr-/acre 10.64 du/acre SiteCoverage: 70%or 155,591 sq.ft. 58%or 128,424sq.fl. Setbacks: Front: 10 ft. zft.*Sides: 10 ft. 7 ft (west)* N/C (east) Rear: l0 ft. l0 ft.Creek: 50 ft. from centerline 117 ft. from centerline Height: Maximum: 82.5 ft. 82.5 ft.Average: 71 ft. 65.8 ft. Landmark Element: Subjecr to DRB 125 ft. Parking: per T.O.V. Code 355 spaces landscaping: 20% or 30,533 sq.ft. 46%' or 69,724 sq.fr". Loading/Delivery: Marriott: per T.O.V. Code 5 berths Gore Creek Club: per T.O.V. Code 3 berths Uses: per T.O.V. Code Accommodation Units DvellingUnits Emplope Housing Units Fractional Fee Units Retail/Commerciai Accessory Uses* Indicates deviations from underlying zoning Section m FINDINGS Staff determined, following the required pre-meeting application conference, that the applicant's request was a major amendment to a special development distict that would also require tbe issuance of a conditional use p€nnit. This determination was made in accordance with definitions stated in Section 12-9A-2 and the conditional uses allowed under Section 12-6H-3 ofthe Zoning Regulations. At the pre-application conference the applicant discussed the goals of the proposed major arnendment, the relationship ofthe proposal to the applicable elements of the Town's Master Plan, and the review procedure that would need to be followed for the major amendment application with the Community Development Departrnent staff. Additionally, staff reviewed the submittal requirements as prescribed in Section lZ-9A-5 of the Zoning Regulations with the applicant. kr discussing the application, staff informed the applicant that subsection 12-94- 54(13), Environmental Irnpact Report (EIR), would be waived, as permitted by Section 12-12-3 of the Zoning Regulations. This EIR requirement was waived adminisffatively by staff as it was determined that the proposal was an alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. Further, staff informed the 4 applicant that the site plan and landscape plan would meet the intent of the required open space and recreation plan, as stalf found that additional plans would be redundant. On March 8, 1999, the Planning & Environmental Conxnission voted unanimously to approve the conditional use permit request and to recommend approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 to the Vail Town Council, with conditions. In making their decision, the Commission reviewed the conditional use permit request in accordance with the provisions prescribed in Chapter l6 of the Zoning Regulations, and based upon the submittal materials, statements contained in the application, staff reports, and the testimony heard during the public hearing, found; 'That the construction and oryration of the 66 interval otynership units in the Gore Creek CIub adheres to the Wrpose statements of the High Density Mutti-family Zone District and of a conditional use permit as stated in the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Addilionally, the construction and operation of the Gore Creek CIub will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, nor will it be materially injurious to the to the properlies or improvements in the vicinity of the Club. In making their decision on the matter of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 7, the Commission reviewed the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Zoning Regulations. Upon review of the proposal relative to the nine criteria, the submittal rnaterials, statements contained in the application, staff reports, and testimony heard at the public hearings, the Commission found; "That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District #7, Marriou, complies with the nine design criteria o lined in Section l2-9A-8 of the Town ofVail Municipal Code. Additionally, the applicant has demonstated to the satisfadion of the Commission that any adverse elfects of the requested deviation from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided. " The Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission and the Desip Review Board have utilized numerous Town planning documents in the review of the requested redevelopment and new construction applications. Upon review of these documents, the Commission and the Board have found that the applicant's proposal complies with goals, objectives and recommendations adopted by the Town of Vail. Greater detail on the Commission's and Bomd's review of these documents can be found in Section V of this memorandum. On July 6, 1999, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, on first reading. Upon review of the ordinance, the submittal rnaterials, the recommendations of the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board, statements contained in the application, staff reports, and testimony heard at the public hearing, the Cour:cil found; "That all the procedures as set forth in Chapter 9A of the Zoning Regulations have been fully salisf,ed and that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 complies wilh the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Zoning Regulations. Additionally. the applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Vail Town Council that any adverse effects of the requested deviationsfrom the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public beneJits provided by the Dislrict. Special Development District No. 7 is established to assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail, Colorado; thatwill provide adequale open space and recrealional amenities; that will enhance the short-term overnigJtt accommodalion units of the Town; that \eill promote the development objectives of the Totyn; that will provide deed- restricled housingfor 10 employees; that v)ill improve the streetscape alongportions of lltest Lionshead Circle; and that signirtcantly enhance the appearance of the existing hotel. The development is regarded as complimentary to the Town by the Vail Town Council, the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board, and there are signiJicant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be satislied through the imposition ofa standard zoning district. " SectionIV PROCEDURALREOUIREMENTS The development review process for the consideration of the redevelopment of Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail and the new construction of the Gore Creek Club has been completed in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Vail Town Code. This includes the review and consideration of the Community Development Department, the Design Review Board, the Planning & Environmental Commission, and the Vail Town Council. Subseclion 12-9A-10B ofthe Zoning Regulations outlines the amendment procedures for a major amendment to an existing special development district. Pursuant to subsection 12-9A-10B; "Requests for major amendments to an approved special development district shall be reviewed in accordance with Section l2-9A4 of this Article(Zoning Regulations). Owners of all property requesting the amendment, or their agents or authorized representatives, shall sigr the application. Notification of the proposed amendment shall be made to owners of all property adjacent to the property requesting the proposed amendment, owners of all property within the special development district, and owners of all property wiftin the special development district that may be affected by the proposed amendment (as determined by the Department of Community Development). Notification procedures shall be as outlined in subsection l2-3-6C of lhis title." As documented in Section I of this memorandum, the required pre-application and public hearing process was completed . The report and findings of the Planning & Environmental Commission were forwarded to the Town Council. The Design Review Board also has forwarded a recommendation for the Town Council's consideration. On April 13, 1999, in accordance with tbe provisions outlined in subsection 12-3-7D-G, the Vail Town Council began the review process of the requested applications. The Town Council review process is still in progress. As contained in tle Town of Vail files for these applications, the required notification was sent to the adjacent property owners in accordance with subsection l2-3-6C. Notification of the Planning & Environmental Commission public hearings were sent to adjacent properties owners and published in a local paper ofrecord on February 5, 1999 and February 19, i999. Notification of the five meetings with the Design Review Board was published in a local paper ofrecord on March 12,April 2,April 16,April 30, and May 14,1999, respectively. Notification of the worksession and evening public hearings with the Vail Town Council was also published in accordance with the requirements of the Vail Town Code. Section V COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS The Planning & Environmental Commission, the Design Review Board and the Town staff relied upon the adopted Town planning documents throughout the review of the applicant's proposal. The relevant documents relied upon include, the Zoning Regulations, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Lionshead Redevelopment lvlaster Plan, and the Vail Land Use PIan. These documents provide goals, objectives and recommendations for consideration when reviewing a development plan proposal. Compliance with the Zoning Regulations is addressed in Sections II,III, & ]V of this memorandum. Compliance with the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, and the Vail Land Use Plan are outlined below. Town of Vail Streetscaoe Master Plan The Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan does not specifically address the street frontage adjacent to the proposed development site. However, the guidelines for sidewalk improvements, paving, lighting and public art were used as Cl a basis for determining streetscape improvements. In the case ofthe proposed development, the applicant has proposed to construct a heated, concrete sidewalk with landscape features incorporated and new streel lighting from the eastemmost property line to the westernmost property line of the development site. Additional sidewalk has been proposed, off of the applicant's site, to the existing sidewalk along the south-side of the South Frontage Road. This portion of sidewalk will not be heated. Further, pursuant to condition #8 in Section 6 of Ordinance No. l0 Series of 1999, the applicant is required to incorporate public art into the desigr of the streetscape along West Lionshead Circle. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan The applicant's development site is within the area govemed by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan was adopted by the Vail Town Council in December of 1998. The purpose of the plan is to encourage redevelopment and new development initiatives within the Lionshead area. The plan outlines the goals and objectives for the enhancement oflionshead and proposes recommendations, incentives and requirements for redevelopment and new development. Chapter Four of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan identifies issues and provides recommendations that need to be considered in all planning and policy decisions as Lionshead redevelops. The applicant's property is located in what is identified in the plan as the "Resort Lodging Hub". This area is located just west of the Lionshead Commercial Core and is comprised of mostly high{ensity residential development. All future plans and proposals should work to reinforce the residential cbaracter of the area. New development should aim for quieler pedestrian streets, well-defined pedestrian connections and mor€ intensive landscaping and higher quality streetscape development. The plan suggests that new development is constructed on a north-south orientation to improve physical, visual and sun access to the buildings and the streets below. The plan proposes improvements to the intersection of West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. Currently, this intersection handles heavy loads of traffic for lodging and service deliveries. The plan suggests the elimination of on-street loading and delivery and an improved pedestrian area at the intersection. To this end, the plan recommends that loading and delivery areas are deep enough into the building or Foperty to Fevent delivery trucks from blocking vehicle or pedestrian traffic. The plan further recommends that these areas are landscaped and/or screened to improve the aesthetic quality ofthe streetscape. In no case, however, shall a property utilize the public roadway or pedeslrian area to stage service and delivery vehicles. Chapter Four ofthe plan provides Master Plan Recommendations for the overall Lionshead Study Area. In Chapter Four, the plan encourages the creation of landmark featwes in Lionshead. A landmark featue is a significant architectural element that all visitors to Lionshead can identify and remember. Landmarks signify important points of entry, critical intersections in the pedestrian netrvork, as well as destinations and visual reference points. Appropriate locations for landmark features are the east pedestrian portal, the central retail mall area and the west pedestrian portal in the vicinity of the intersection of West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. The development site is immediately adjacent to West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. ln accordance with the plan, special "landmark" building elements, such as chimneys, towers, or other unique architectual forms, may exceed the Absolute Building Height, subject to approval by the Design Review Board. This provision is intended to provide for architectural creativity and quality of building form. However, it shall not be used to circumvent the intent of the building height limitations. In addition to encourasing the creation of "landmarks", Chapter Four of the plan also ad&esses public views. On May 20,1997, recognizing the importance of visual connections, the Vail Town Council approved the use ofthe existing Town of Vail view corridor ordinance to designate the first protected view conidors in Lionshead. In order to qualify for protection rmder the Town's ordinance, a public view corridor must meet the following criteria: a. Is the view critical to the identity, civic pride, and sense ofplace of Lionshead? A niceview isnot sufficient. b. Is the view seen from a widely used, publicly accessible viewpoint? Views from private property cannot be recognized or protected by this ordinance.c. Is the view tbreatened? Is there a possibility that development on nearby property would block the view? The proposed development site is not located within an adopted view conidor, nor does it meet the three criteria described above to be designated as a public view conidor. Cbapter Five of the plan provides detailed recommendations based upon the examination of individual parcels of land in the Lionshead area. The intent of the examination is to identify important objectives for redevelopment of specific parcels in Lionshead. The recommendations for the Marriott property are listed below: 5.13.1 The Marriott With approximately 320 rooms, the Marriott is the only supply of hot beds in Lionshead, The single largest structue in Lionshead, it is also very visible, especially from the west. It is consequently a high priority renovation project, and all reasonable measures should be taken by the Town of Vail to encourage and facilitate its enhancement. Specific iszues regarding this property are as follows: 5.13.2 Redevelopment or Development of the Parking Structure The best opportunity for new development on the Marriott property is the existing parking structure (figure 5-17). If this site is developed, attention should be given to the relationship between the development, Gore Creek, the Gore Creek recreation path, and the west day lot. Vertical development should step back from the recreat.ion path, and there should be a clear separation (most likely a landscape buffer) between the public space of the recreation path and the private space ofthe residential units. 5.13.3 Infill Opportunities There are several tennis courts on the south side of the Marriott. This area presents an opportunity for low-rise infill development that eases the visual and physical transition from the existing structure to the Gore Creek recreation path. 5.13.4 Opportunities for Fagade Renovation Exterior renovation of the Marriott is a community priority, but the size and dimensions of the structure present a cballenge, and it is unlikely that the architectural desip guidelines (see Chapter 8) can be fully met. However, this should not discourage exterior renovation, and the Town of Vail Desigr Review Board should insure that the intent of the guidelines is met. (This is a basic premise of the architectural design guidelines, relevant to all existing buildings in Lionshead). 5.13.5 West Lionshead Circle in Front of the Marriott Any future development or redevelopment of the Marriott property should include a continuous secondary pedestrian walk on the south side ofWest Lionshead Circle. A pavement snowmelt system is strongly recommended because of icing problems on the walkway in winter. Chapter Eight of the plan prescribes the architectual desip guidelines for redevelopment and new development in Lionshead The intent of the guidelines is to direct the growth of the community ttuough distinct levels ofperception, from views of the neighborhood, from the mountain and highway, to perceptions within its pedestrian streets, to the detail level ofartistry and omamentation on the slructures 8 themselves. The Town of Vail Design Review Board has reviewed the plan for compliance with Chapter Eight of the plan and forwarded a recommendation to the Vait Town Council. A copy of the Architectural Guidelines and the Board's recommendation to the Town Council is contained in the Town's files. Vail Land Use Plan The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy guidelines during the review process for a major amendment to an existing special development district. Staff has reviewed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: 1. General Growth/Development t.l Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. The quality ofdevelopment should be maintained and upgade whenever possible. Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill). 3.Commercial The hotel should be preserved and use more efficiently. The Village and Lionshead are the best locations for hotels to serve the futue needs of the destination skier. Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore, conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable so long as the existing cbaracter of each area is preserved through the implementation ofthe Town's plans. Village Core/Lionshead 4.1 Futwe commercial development should continue to occur primarily in existing commercial areas. Fulure commercial development in the Core areas needs to be carefully controlled to facilitate access and delivery. Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable so long as the existing cbaracter ofeach area is preserved ttuough the implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. 5.Re$identirl Quality timeshare units should be accornmodated to help keep occupancy rates up. Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions. t.2 1.3 t.t2 J. -t 3.2 J.J 3.4 4. 4.2 5.1 5.2 The Vail Land Use Plan projects a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. While the statistical information used to poject need is most likely, outdated, there continues to be a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. The Plan projected a need for a total of 395 additional lodging urits by tbe year 2000. The Plan firther suggests that increased density for commercial, residential and lodging uses in the Village/Lionshead Cse areas would be acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is being peserved. SectionVI STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Vail Town Council approve Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, or second reading. StafPs recommendation for approval is based upon the review and analysis of the applicant's goposals in accordance with the Vail Town Code. Furthermore, staff finds, that pursuant to the review and consideration of the submittial materials, the statements contained in the applications, the applicable Town planning documents, staff s analysis ofthe proposed plans, and tesimmy heard at the public hearings, the proposal to redevelopment Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail and the new consEuction of the Gore Creek Club complies with the Town's development objectives. l0 rL*Q.^*t-t George Ruther,AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail Vail Town Council R Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney ruflopt FgsD TOWII OFVAIL 75 South Frcnnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2tM FAX 970-479-2157 July 15, 1999 Phillip M. Quatrochi Grimshaw & Haning, P.C. 1700 Lincoln, Suite 3800 Denver, Colorado 802034538 Re: Maniott Redevelopment; Odinance No. 10, Sedes of 1999 Dear Phillip, As discussed in our telephone conversation of July 13, 1999, I forwarded the information you requested with regard to Marriott's application for a major arnendrnent to SDD No. 7. As you will recall from our telephone conversation, we read over the list of submittal requirements and you stated lhat you had received the information you requested. In fact, your only questions were whether an Envirmmental Irnpact Report @IR) had been required and whetber a survey was submitted In response to your questions, I stated that pursuant to the Town Code, the requirement for the EIR was waived and that a survey was contained in the Town's files I encourage you to personally review the Town files with respect to Marriott's applicatim to insure you bave received the informatim you are seeking. The Town files have been, and continue to be, available for public inspection at the Cornmunity Development Departrnent during regular business hours. To date, I have trot received any additioal materials with respect to Marriott's application. Should any additional information be submitted, regardless of the source, it will become part of the Town's file. Again, the Town's files have been and will continue to be available for public inspection As a courtesy, I will fax to you a copy of the memorandum to the Vail Town Council from the Community Development Departrnent upon its completion. I request that any information you, or your firm, int@ds to present to the Vail Town Council at the public hearing for the second reading of Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, on July 20, 1999, be forwarded to my attention at the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Departrnent. You can forward the information most easily via fax. My fax number ts 97 04792145. I look forward to your continued involvement in the public review process of the Maniott. Sincerelv. Xc: {gu"ot*" ro sEilT 8Y:GRrrSfiAr 0 HARRT]{0,{5?-I5-98 ; 2:41pr ; lhillD M. ancroOi (3O3) 83$,3133 9?01?S2452;S 2 Gcuge futtcr Twnof Vail 75 Sou6FrutryeRoed Vail, Colondo tl6ii7 Re: Musion ndovetopndt; Orrdiorrc No. 10, SEcood R adiry Dear Gcorge: I rm writiqg to follow up or,cosvcr$dm sf fuly 13 8!d b coffirn that *rt"to. u.g p ovidcd atl *rifiro rud g"inir mrleriatr ftrt arc dfocrrs of tuc lUrniot'rapplication fp6 rner'rrncff of tbir suD. I bcllevc rhat tDe only ihm o.t * havo not recoi0 tho cwvry. _If you could plcrrc. ry!_* | co$, ts rootr as pobiUe, it wqild b, grcarty - apprccirrcd. or FcatBr nubcr ir 080z{s41-3; and yor cd,cna ui" dr."}, b ou, qfftce. Yql alro ElotiolDdt[st th8 Mrniott Day be submittirg additional matsialcprior to tbc rocond rcadtng of tbs ordinanpe on July z0: I would lib-o roquo$ tbet you lbxur^r cout of tbcrc naErlrb a8 soon ac yur rcccivathcm, aloqg wrth uy "aairuomr alwymftm* sbcthcs grynp_d by you,'tlc lt[Nrrioc, or a tli"I purty, tt"t ir ro be efrfcNt oth! cdudl ocnbcm tn tgmruirlonrt pclct to iu oiruttutiid F.td;i, ruty l-6rcgrrding Odinrcc No. 10. Thrlk ym rglin ftr yolr srEishocc thougborn 6is procctc, GlnoasgAw & Itennnyo a F.BqDEercNrr.oonFon a!o!rAIlllFqlltl.rE 4T LAn|Bo:rIlStso l1no riEYo4ilf rnnsTrufvtn qpn^Do aorc.lae ?lrrJlPlloNr €ot rtxler@ElEit@PM Aoa e!e{!tr!F&IU. t-Ir^t'.rrir!ar,s-r_Er|! alalF! Itrly 14, 1999 Yours very tuly, CRIMSHAW & IIARRING. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1999 2:OO P.M. AT ToV coUNcIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Tlme of ltems are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be reliedupon to determlne at what ffme Council wili consider an item. FILE r;r/PY Northwest Colorado Council of Governments - euality & euantityUpdate. (30 mins.) PEC Report. (15 mins.) Discussion of Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1g99, an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1995, Special Development District No. 7, The Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail, amending and re-establishing the Approved Development Plan in accordance with Section 12-94-10 of the Zoning Regulations to allow for the interior and exterior remodel of the.existing hotel and the construction of the Gore Creek Club, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (20 mins.) AGTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review Ordinance No. 10. Series of 1999, which is on for first reading at this evening's meeting. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: On Monday, March 8, 1999, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission reviewed andrecommended approval of the proposed major amendment toSpecial Development District No.7, The Mairiott, pursuant to section 12-16-6 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. The Planning & Environmental Commission's recommendation of app.roval was based upon the review of the nine design criteria outlined in the staff memorandum. Having reviewed th.-e criteria,the Commission found that, the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 complies wlth tne nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-B of the Town of Vail Municifal Gode. Additionally, the applicant demonstrated to the satisfactionof the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviation from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided. The Planning & Environmental Commission's recommendation canied with it twelve conditions of approval. ln response to g!31S". made to the plans by the applicant, the Council, on June22"", eliminated six of the original conditions. The remaining conditions of approval are found in Section 6, of Ordinance Nol 10, Series of 1999. On .lrrne 8, 1999, the Town of Vail Design Review Board forwarded its recommendation of approval to the Town Council. The Board's recommendation carried'with it six recommendationsfor the Council's consideration. The Council considered the Board's recommendation on June ZZnd and will forward direction to the Board as part ofthe ordinance review process. STAFF REGOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Council approvi Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, as presented at this evening's meeting. 1. Lane Wyatt 2. George Ruther 3. George Ruther Ned Gwathmey Greg Hall Greg Morrison Tom Moorhead ! Apry{ of the pEC approvar_for a Minor Amendmenr to the GordenDominic Maurieilo pe_ak Deveropment pran to construct a skii;;;;r; Tract B, VailViilage 7h. (5 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Table item untitthe August3, 1999 Council work session so DRB has an opportunity toreview the proposal. Discussion of Model Traffic Code. (1 hr.) ACTTON REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Consider resutts of thespeed studies and the recommendation that the Town of Vail - speed.limit be 25 mph in residentiar sections unress othenariseposted. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: The Town of Vait has beengnfgj"ilS trafitc regutations from the 1977 edition of the Model ]1aff C-9de-as. adopted by Ordinance No. 37, Series of 1978.The Traffic Code was revised in 1995 and is recommended foradoption by the Vail Town Council. The Model iraffic Codeprovides a residential speed limit of 30 mph. The public Worksuepanment and the Vail police Department have in cooperationco1!r19ted specific speed studies throughout the Town toestablish the appropriate speeds on ouiresidentiar streets. Thecode requires that to rower the specified 30 mph speed rimit it isneces.sary to have specific speed studies to luitity such reducedspeed limits. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Based upon the speed studiesconducted and their results, it is the recommendation that theTown of Vail residential streets have a speeC timit of 25 mphunless otherwise posted. 6. Infoimation Update. (10 mins.) 7. Councit Rbports. (10 mins.) 8. Other. (10 mins.) 9. Executive Session _ Legal Matters. (20 mins.) 10. Adjournment - S:00 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW:(ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECi iObr-rNruECI THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSTONwrLL BE oN ruEsDAy,7tlstss, aeGrururruc lr i:oo i.li. ,ilii;i 6-ouucr_ cHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY,TI2OIgg, BEGINNING AT 2:OO NM. irI iiiJ'CiiUruCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENTNG MEETINGWLL BE ON TUESDAY,TI2OIgg, BCGrNr.rrNC ArZ:OO C.M. r'r.r i<JVIiiUHCIL CHAMBERS. Sigr language interpretation available upon req-uJst-wiin7+-n6ur notiftcation. please cail 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. I t. T 1. 2. 3. Russell Forrest Piet Pieters 4. Russell Forrest FILE /j/iPY VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1999 7:OO P.M. IN Tov coUNcIL GHAMBERS AGENDA NOTE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be reried upon todetermlne at what time couhtif wifl consfoe'rlan item. CITIZEN PART|CIpATtON. (5 mins.) CONSENTAGENDA: (S mins.)A. Approve the Minutes tlom t1e meetings of June 1 and 15, 1999.B. Ordinance No. 1 5, Series of f Sgg. seionO reading of anordinance Repearing ordinance No. t+, series o'f tsg4, RnaReenacting A False Alarm Ordinance. The three design teams will present their community facility designconcepts to the Town councir and the vail Recreatibn District Board.(2 hrs.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review Design Concepts BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On June grh, 9rh, and 10h three designteams consisting of architects, planners, and economists developedconcepts for siting community uses on lands within the Town orvair.This was a creative brain stoiming p."""saOn .trn" 10,n the teamspresented their conceots. The purpose of the councir meetingL; .luty o"is to simply present the ideas air""i|v to th;;;" Gopncir and the VailRecreation District Board. The sugjesteJ neri.t"p, after the July 66meeting includes: Anaryzing each arternative based on a set of criteria outined inthe charette instructions. Deveroping a staff recommendation with input from the communityand the community facilities team on what team shoutO beselected and what ideas should be acted on and when.Staff will review the recommendation *itt, tt " Council "nJin"VRD Board. The Town Council and the VRD Board will determlne what ideasto act on and what design team should be selected. ordinance No. 16, series of.1ggg, flrst reading of an ordinance to Designate4 Properties in the Town of vair as op"n sp"-"" as per section 13.1 1 of theTown of Vait Charter (See Exhibit ni. tS nii"rl- ACTION RE.UESTED OF. COUNCIL: Approve or disapprove of OrdinanceNo' 16, series of 1999 which woura, it Jfrrov-ei prace 4 properties in thedesignated open space status. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: On April30h, the Town of VailOpen SpaceBoard of rrustees met and. unanimouirv "ppiou"o a recommendation to theTown councir ro consider designaring rino i[ tne i"w" "i v;it"J;;is;.,iil0open space as per Section .l 3. 1 1 of the Town of Vail Charte, * M;y;,1999, the Town Council, at,a regularly scheduLO work session, reviewedthe proposed properties and a mijority of the Town councir directed staff tomove fonrard w*h the .designateO- open- "j"* pro""ss for the fourproperties identified in ordinance ro. oieort-rie malor reasonsio, initi"tifr 5. George Ruther Nen Gwathmey this process is to furfit.th.e Town's commitment to prace the portion of the $::]!,:il::sh propertv that wirr b" ;;;i;;; park in rhe desisnated open srAFF RECOMMENDATTONS:Approve ordinance No. 16, series of 1999on first reading. ordinance No' 10, Series of 1ggg, first reading of an ordinance repearinga nd re-en a ctins ordi n a nce No. 1 7, s "ii"l"i i-gss, st;;f D;;"iJp-,i"ntDistrict No. 7, The Maniott's r,,rorni..:n'i-J.iiat Vair, amending and re_estabrishing the Approved oeveropment-Fi"n 'n accordance with section . . . 12-94-10 of the Zoning.Regurations to "rioi'ior tn" interior and exteriorremoder of the existing hoter and *,e con"til"tion of the oo; ail"'Ctub, and setting forth detaits i" ,"g"Jih;r!io. (SO mins.) ACTTON REeUESTFDOFI:OUNC_|L: Approve, approve with conditionsor deny ordinance No. 10, Series of rgggiin nrjt,!ioi"g --.-,. --,'v,rr BACKGROUND MTTONALE: On Monday, March B, 1999, the Town of VailPlanning & Environmentar commisriri' i"iri"*"d and recommendedapprovarof the proposed major amendment to bpeciat o""a"pri.iEir,r,.,No'7, The Marriott, pursuant to section 12-16-6 of tne rown Jivliii"","gRegulations. The Pranning & Environmentar commission's recommendation of approvalwas based upon the ,"_"].".I "Jll: nin" O""lgn cnreria ouilined in the staffmemorandum' Having, rwiewed the criteri", ti. co-ri."i." ?"ir"i iiir, *,"proposed major amendment to Special Oevetopmenr District No. 7 complieswith the nine design criteria outrined i" s""ti",irz-gA_g of the Town orVailMunicipar code. Additionary, lhe "ppri""nt .iJmonstrated to the satisfactionof the commission that any adverse'enects oi tne requested deviation from lilXffi?l$ffii:i1ffi :d o r t n e u n oeitvi "s' ; " i "s li" t,t'""ig i'?i'iv' t " The Pranning & Environmentar commission's recommendation canied withit twelve conditions of approval. r" ,".p"""L t" "r.""g""';;" ;T;il",by the appricant' the councir, on .l*tli;i Jrimrnatec six of the orisinalconditions. The remaining conotions "r "ppLr*i "i"'r*iii."s"J,,J" rui "Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999. On June B, 1999, the Town of Vail Design Review Board fonryarded itsrecommendation of approval to the iown Councir- - in" -.etJro," recommendation carried with it six recommenoations for the counci'sconsideration. The councir considereJin"'b-o"ro,, recommendation onJune zznd and wit fonruard direction t" *'" g; as part of rhe ordinancereview process. sTAFF REcOMMEN"i,r.jg,\_Ile Community Devetopment Departmentrecommends that the Councit approve OrdinancL N". 10, S;;;;;;6;i;:",presented on first reading. Ordinance No. 1 7, Series of 19gg, first reading of an Ordinance Anordinance Authorizino ttre conveyan.L .ii"Iiitre of the Redsandstone creek Larid ana rmprovem"ntr'r-nii"on owned by the TownOf Vail and Fully Described As Follows: A parcel of land within the NE V:SF %section 1, Township 5 South, Ranse:l ,T,i"*l.e sixth principat Nr"r,oil", E"gi" iounty, Cotorado, describid Beginning at a point on the s,outherly line of said NE % sE % section 1, saidpoint arso being the ru.ortnwesteity ;";;; Brock D, Lion,s Ridoesubdivision, accordino ro the map tn"'b"r *"i"[! in Book 215 at page 6i8in the office of the Eigte County, C"i.r"Ol, Cflrr and Recorder; thence, o. Tom Moorhead I I 9"f:1lq said Southerty tine, N22.33,00" W 84.13 feet; thence N49.45,28"E 55'05 feet; rhence s3.as teet atong the "r"n oi " "ure to the right, having 3,119i11of-200'00 feet, a centrar anlb of 15'25'31" and a chord that bearsN57'28'16' E 53.69 feet; thence qtlgo reet ""nb ,n" arc of a curve ro theright, having a radius of 27.00 feet, " ";"tr"t ;n_gle of 88.54,26,,, and a chorclthat bears s70"21'44" E3z.B2feet, thence siE;!+'ste fi7.47 feet to thesaid. southerry rine of the NE u sE y, section i, saio line arso beino thenortherly line of said Btock D; thence, "r"ng ";id li* sti:ie;# * ilio]lj,feet to the point of beginning, containi;t0:3*; acres, more or less. Il:-!:{n9r of lhe above described parcet are basedN87"48'35' E on the southerty tine orine r.if'% sE %R81W, per the ptat of Lion's niage SubOivlion. ' ACTTON REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Consider ordinance No. 17, seriesof 1999,'.authorizing conveyance of fee title to ftre-nej sandstone Creekaffordable housing development, on first readint. - '--' BACKGROUND RATTONALE:. Vairrown charter, section 4.8, requiresthat the _sare of any rear property must be au*rorizeJoy ordinance. Thisordinance wiil authorize the Town rrl|"n"gur io ;nGiinto contracts andconveyance of the real property which conslitute the Red Sandstone Creeiaffordabre housing project. This project is essentiaty comprete and waitingfinar inspection and certificate of occupancv. ll'n-"" been deveropedpursuant to. previously approved SDD #33 and the IntergovernmentalAgreement between the Eagle River water a saniiaiion District and theTown of Vail. srAFF RECOMMENDATToN: Approve ordinance No. 17, series of 1ggg,as presented on first reading. Town Manager,s Report. (5 mins.) Adjournment _ 10:00 p.m. NorEupcoMrNcmM"E^Elll!9,"r^Ii[Ll,ly',r"1,?F*p*, THE NExr vAtl- rowlr?oulrdrfnEcur_nn woRK sEsstoNWILL BE ON TUESDAY,TII3I}I,AECTNNiNCEJ}]OO P.T,,I. !N TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSTONWILL BE ON TUESDAY,TI2OIgg, EECiNI,IING=Ai-;IO P.M.IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TuEsDAy,tt2otss,eecNNil6;i;-,oo p.rrrr. rN Tov couNcrl GHAMBERS. fl?nlt:eTJil?ni"rBlilavailable upon rJq[eiifritF z? F'our notirication. ptease cail 47e-2332 voice C:\AGENOA TC on a bearing of Section 1, TSS, 7. 8. mwxqFwn 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FN(970-479-2157 July 2, 1999 Mr. Cilbert McNeish Grirnshaw & Haning, P.C. One Norwest Center 1700 Lincoln Sfeet, Suite 3800 Denver, Colorado 802034538 Re: Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, I,Ianiott Redevelopment Proposal Dear Gil, Enclosed please find the information requested by Phil Quatrochi with regard to the N{arriott Redevelopment Proposal. As requested, I have included within the packet copies of the development review applications (major sdd amendment, conditional use permit, and design review), the appticant's original written statement describing the proposal, the staff memorandum to the Planning & Enviroffnental Commission dated March 8, 1999, and tle staff memorandum and draft ordinsnce reviewed by the Council on June 22. You will also find enclosed a copy of the final &aft of Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999. Ordinance No. l0willbe considered by the Vail Town Council at the aftemoon worksession and then on first reading at the evening meeting onluly 6. I have enclosed a copy ofthe Vail Town Council's agenda for Tuesday, July 6, 1999' Should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesiate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at 97 0 47 9 -21 45. Sincerely, --. -nFcupy fJry-eetul George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail {j*oourr "o VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1999 2:00 p.M. AT TOV cOUNctL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Time of ltems are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be refiddupon to determine at what time Council wili consider ai item. 1. George Ruther Henry Pratt 2. George Ruther Rob Levine F IL E /j/lPY A work session discussion to present a draft of Ordinance No. 10,Series of 1999, an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance l-o 'lZ,Series of 1995, Speciat Devet6pment District tio. 7, TheManiott's Mountain Resort a!vair, amending and re-estabrishinl !h9 AqRroved Development plan in accorda-nce with Section 1219A-10 of the Zoning Regulations to allow for the interior and exterior remodel of the existing hoter and the construction of theGore Creek Club, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (30 mins.) The purpose of the work session discussion is to present the draftordinance to the councir and for the councir to provide feedback on the draft to the applicant and staff. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Listen to a presentation onthe ordinance by the staff and engage in a discussion to identifyareas of concem and to provide feedback to the applicant andstaff. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: please see the memo to the VailTown Council from the Community Development Department fordetails on the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: As this is a work session and not afinal review, the Community Development Department will not beforwarding a recommendation to the councir at this time. staffwill forward a recommendation at the time of final review. A work session discussion to present a proposal for the redevelopment of the Anflers Condominiums, located at 6g0 WestLionshead Place. (30 mins.) The purpose of ihe work session discussion is to present theproposal to the Council and for the Council to provide feedback onthe proposal to the applicant and staff. The.applicant is scheduled to appear back before the plannino &Environmental Commission on Monday, June 2gth tor tne nnat- - !1vily of a request to estabtish Speciai Development District No.37, The Antlers. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Listen to a briefpresentation on the redevelopment proposal by the staff and theapplicant and then engage in a discussion to identify areas ofconcern and to provide feedback to the applicant and staff. BACKGROUND MTTONALE: On Monday, June 14h, theapplicant appeared before the planning & Hnvironmental Commission for a work session to discuss the redevelopmentproposal for the Anilers Condominiums. The applicant hadappeared before the Commission on several pi&ious occasions to work through the details of the project. 3. George Ruther 4. Tom Moorhead Bob Mclaurin Fred Lutz, TCI A memorandum to the Vail Town Council ouflining the details ofthe redevelopment proposat anC OescriUin! tfrl'review process todate has been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As this is a work session and not afinal review, the Community Developmentb"p"rtr"nt will not beforwarding a recommendation to md CounciiJt this time. Staffwill forward a recommendation at me time oi nnal review. DRB Report. (1S mins.) Consideration of Amendment of TCI Franchise Agreement.(45 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: provide staff direction inresolving issues concerning amendment to tne caOle televisionfranchise agreement. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The franchise agreement betweenTCI and the Town of Vail.required that the "iirtiig cable system P," "rq"n999 wirhout digitat iompression, utiiiiing nUer optc ca'Urethroughout the system. fjf. nas upgraded the system, utilizing fiber optics and by use ofdigital compression has expanded aviirabre services. rnis I,]_tl!:" ddigital. compression to achieve ttre'expanOeO servicerequtres an amendment to the franchise agreement. 6. 7. 8. 5. Newspaper Box Update. (15 mins.)Tom Moorhead Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) Adjournment - S:OS p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW:(ALL TTMES ARE AppRoxtMATE AND SUBJEeT TO CHANGE) THENEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, T/6/99, aeerNNlN'd nr z:oo p.ii.ir.r-iov douructL CHAMBERS. THE FOL_LOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwrLL BE ON TUESDAY,Ttlstss,eeerNNrNc Ar z:ddi.M. iN iiiii'durucrL GHAMBERS. THE NE_XT VA]L TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 7/6/ee, are TNNiNG- ar z:oo F.ii.lliciii criirHctL cHAMBER'. sign language interpretation available upon re!'ue-stlanrrT+15ur notification. please cail 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for intormition. -----' .' 9. o MEMORANDT'M To: Vail Toum Comcil From: George Ruther, Senior Planner Date: June 22, 1999 Re: MarriottRedevelopnrntProposal On Tuesday, June 156 the applicant met with the Town Council to begin discussions on the rcdevelopment of the Marriott and the construction of the Gore C:reek Club. Following a visit to the developlr.ent site and a pesentation on the poposal, the Council idmtified the following iszues that they wanted the applicant to ad&ess: l. Ioading and delivery needed to be pwided for the Gore (teek Club in addition to the front &opoffarea to the Club. 2. A roofneeded to be consructed owr the exi*ing loading and delivery area for the hotel to screen the area fromview. 3. The applicmt should consider increasing the employee generatim muhiplier from 30/o to sfflo to incr€ase the availability of affordable housing. 4. Tbe applicant sbould give ftrtber attention to the west elevation of the Gore Creek Club to minimize the 'canym effecf" along the weS properfy line. The Council also requested tbat staffpresent additional inforrnation on how the off-site Lnpacts to the Frmtagei Road intersectims were detcrmined In response to Council's request, staffhas prepared amemorandrm describing in geater detail how the Fronlage Road intersection impovements were estimated. The rnernorandum was pepared in cooperation with the applicant. I VAIL TOWN COUNCIL FIL T coPy TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1999 2:00 p.M. AT TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Time of ltems are approximate, subJect to change, and cannot be reriedupon to determine atwhat time Council wili consider an item. 1' site Visit and Discussion of proposed Marriott Redeveropment.George Ruther (1 hr., 30 mins.) ITEM/TOPIC: A work session discussion to present the proposed redeveropment of the Marriott Mountain Resort at vair and thenew construction of the Gore creek ctub. The purpose of the,meeting is to present the proposal to the Gouncil and for thecouncil to provide feedback on the proposar to the appricantand staff. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Listen to a presantation on the proposal by the applicant andengage in a discussion to identify areas of concern and to provide feedback to the applicant and staff. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On.Monday, March 8, 1999, the Town of Vail planning &Environmentar commission reviewed and recommended apprivalof lltg proqosj.d major amendment to Speciat DevelopmentDistrict No.7, The Marriott, pursuant to section 12-16-6 bf theTown of Vail Zoning Regulations. The Pranning & Environmentar commission's recommendation ofapproval. was based upon review of the nine design criteriaouilined in the staff memorandum. Having reviewed tfie criteria,the commission found that the proposed- major amendment tospeciar Deveropment District No. 7 compries with tne nine designcriteria ouflined in section 12-9A-g of the Town of Vail Municip"al Code. Additionally, the applicant demonstrated to the satisfactionof the Commission that any adverse effects of the requesteddeviation from the development standards of the undertyingzoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided. The Pranning & Environmeniar commission's recommendation carried with it twerve conditions of approvar. The conditions of thecommission's approvar are found in'section 6, of ordinance No.10, Series of 1999. A copy of the staff memorandum and the finar agenda from theMarch gth meeting are enclosed for reference. On Wednes.d.ay, May 19, 1999, following four conceptual reviewmeetings with the Design Review Board, the Board agreed torecommend conceptual approval of the proposed projedt to theTown councir. The Board's recommendation canied with it sixrecommendations for the councirs consideration. The sixrecommendations of the Board are ouilined in the memorandumto the Vair rown councir from the Town of Vair Design ReviewBoard, dated June g, 1999. A final review of the proposed planswit be reguired at a future date by the Design Review Board. .Acopy of the memorandum is enclosed for refeience. K SESSION I STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As this is a work session and not a final review, the CommunityDevelopment, Department will not be forwarding arecommendation to the councir at this time. staff wiil fon,'rard arecommendation at the time of final review. 2. Future of Vail,s Marketing Discussion. (30 mins.)Bob Mclaurin \vv !""'e', ' pam Brandmeyer 3. DRB Review. (15 mins.) George Ruther Discussion of Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1999, an OrdinanceRegarding False Alarms. (10 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: present draft ordinanceand update on process. This ordinance witt Ue on for first readingat the June 15, 1 ggg, evening meeting. 5. Discussion of a new Housing Zone District and potentiar changesDominic Mauriello to Employee Housing Chapter (30 mins.) ITEM/TOPIC: Discussion of potential text changes to the Emptoyee !ou9! n g re g ulation.s, the primary/Secondary a riO fwo-f am ilyResidential zones districts, and ihe Noncontorming UseSection of the Zoning Regulations. Additionally, discussion of a new Affordable Housing zonedistrict. ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNCIL: Provide siaff with direction on whether to pursue code amendments through the normal review process. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: See backup materials included in your packet. Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) Adjournment - S:2S p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TTMES BELOW:(ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwrLL BE ON TUESDAY, 6/15199, eeetNiilNc er z:oo p.M. rH iOV COUHCTL CHAMBERS. THE FOI I OWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,6t22tsg, eeetNiltl.lc er z:oo p.M. irl rtiv C'dunctl cHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETiNGwLL BE ON TUESDAY, 6r1sr99, eeeri.il,ilNc er z:ooF.M. ru fdV C6UNCL CHAMBERS. sig^n language r1lerpretation available upon requJslwttn?a n6ur notification. please cau 47g-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. 4. Dick Duran o. 7. 8. 9. ORDINANCE NO.3 Serles of 1999 AN ORD]NANCE AMENDING TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS, BY ADDING TWO NEWzoNE DlsrRlcrs As cHAprER zH: L|oNSHEAD MtxED usE 1 DlsrRtcr AND CHAPTER 7I: LIONSHEAD MIXED USE 2 DISTRIGT IN ORDER To IMPLEMENT THE LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER pLAN; AMENDTNG GHAPTER 2, DEFtNtTtoNs, SECTION 12.2.2.. DEFINITIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 4, DISTRICTS E'TABLISHED, SECTION 12.4.1., DESIGNATED, BY ADDING LIONSHEAD MIXED USE I DTSTRICT ANb LIONSHEAD MIXED usE 2 DtsrRlcr;AMENDING cHAprER 10, oFF-srREET pARKtNc AND LOADING, SECTION 12.10.17: LEASING OF PARKING SPACES; AITiENDING GHAPTER 10, OFF€TREET PARKTNG AND LOAD|NG, sEciloN 12-10-i6: ExEtuFT AREAS; PARKING FUND ESTABLISHED; AMENDING CHAPTER 13, EMPLOYEE HOUSING, SECTION l2-13-6: TypE ilt EMpLoyEE HOUS|NG UN|T; AMENDTNG CHAPTER 13, EMPLOYEE HOUSING, sEcTIoN 72.13.7i wPE IV EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT; AMENDING CHAPTER {4, SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS, sEcTIoN 12-14.19: SATELLITE DISH ANTENNAS;AMEND|NG CHAPTER {5, cROSs RESTDENTTAL FLOOR AREA, sEcrloN 12-15-3: DEFtNtfloN, cALcuLATloN, AND ExcLustoNs, sEcfloN 12-15'2: GRFA REQUIREMENTS By zoNE DtsrRtGT; AMENDING TtrLE t2 slcN REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 4, stcN cATEGoRtEs, sEcloN 114A-1: stcNs pERMtrrED lN zoNlNG DlsrRlcrs; AND AMENDTNG TtrLE s, puBLtc HEALTH AND sAFEw, GHAPTER I' PUBLIG NUlsANcEs, sEcrloN 5-1-7: NotsE PRoHtBtrED. WHEREAS, the Town council desires to implement the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, adopted by the Town on December 18, 199g; and WHEREAS, lhe Town Councilfinds that the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District and the Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District are compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, are consistent.with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, Town's Land Use plan, and Zoning Regulations, and are appropriate for the area: and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommended approval of these new zone districts at its February 22, lggg meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend said Chapter and Sections of the Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINEE BYTHE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Title 12, Chapter 7, adding new Article H. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, toread as follows: ARTTCLE H. LTONSHEAD MTXED USE 1 (LMU-I) D|STR|CT SEGTION: 12-7H-1: Purpose 12-7H-2: Permifted and Gondiilonal Uses; Basement Or Garden Level: 12-7H-3: Permltted and condiflonal uses; Flrst Froor or straet Level:12-7H4: Permltted and Condlfional Uses; Second Floor and Above: 12-TH-52 Condltlonal Uses; Generally 12-7H-6: Accessory Uses 12-7H-7: Exterlor Alterailons Or Modiflcailons 12-7 H-8: Compllance Burden 12-7H-9: Lot Area and Site Dlmensions Ordlnanc€ No. 3 , Serl€s of 1999 12-7H-10: Setbacks 12-7H-11: Height and Bulk 12-7H-12: Density (dwelling units per acre) 12-7H-13: Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) 1 2-7 H-1 4: Site Goverage 12-7H-15: Landscaping and Slte Development 12-7H-16: Parking and Loading 12-7H-17: Location Of Business Activity 12-7H-18: Mltigation of Development lmpacts 12-7H-1: PURPOSE: The Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, timeshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan,' is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to thepermitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. This district is meant to encourage aniprovide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This zone district was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create a economically vibrant lodging, housing, andcommercial core area. The incentives in this zone district include increaseJinillowablJgross residential floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in theLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentivesls tocreate economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with theLionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the incentives are created to help financepublic off-site improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. with any developmenVredevelopment proposal taking advantage of the incentives created herein, thefollowing amenities will be evaluated: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access,public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. 12'7H-2: PERMITTED AND coNDtIoNAL usES; BASEMENT oR GARDEN LEVEL:A. Definition: The "basement" or "garden level" shall be defined as that floor of a buildingthat is entirely or substantially below grade.B' Permilted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levelswithin a structure: Banks and financial institutions. Commercial ski storage. Eating and drinking establishments. Public or private lockers and storage. Personal services and repair shops. Professional offices, business offices and studios. Recreation facilities. Retail establishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier services, and daycare. Travel agencies. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of section 12-3-4 of this Tifle. c' Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levelswithin a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with theprovisions of Chapter 16 of this Tiile: Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Liquor stores. Lodges and accommodation units. Major arcade. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, timeshare units, fractional fee clubs, lodgedweiling units, and emproyee housing units (Type ilr (EHU) as provided in Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1999 Section 12-13€ of this Title and Type lV (EHU) as provided in Section 12-13-V otthis Title). Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Theaters. Additional uses determined to be slmilar to conditional uses described in this subsectlon, in accordance wlth the provisions of Section l2-3"{ of this Title. ' 12'7H'3: PERMITTED AND coNDtIoNAL usES; FtRsr FLooR oR STREET LEVEL:A. Definition: The "first floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building ' that is located at grade or street level along a pedestrian way.B' Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permittei on the first floor or street level within a struclure: Banks, with walkup teller facilities. Eating and drinking establishments. Recreation facilities. Retail stores and establishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier services, and daycare. Travel agencies. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-34 of this Tiile. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on the first floor or street level floor within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with theprovisions of Chapter 16 of this Tiile: Financial institutions, other than banks. Barbershops, beauty shops and beauty parlors. Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Liquor stores. Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, timeshare units, fractional fee clubs, lodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided inSection 12-13-6 of this Title and Type lV (EHUias provided in Section 't2-13-7 olthis Title). Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, In accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 12'7H4: PERMITTEDAND coNDlfloNAL usES; sEcoND FLooRAND ABovE:A Permitted Uses; Exception: The following uses shall be permitted on those floors above the first floor within a structure: Lodges and accommodation unlts. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, lodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided in Section t2-i3-6 of thls Title 1n!,- TVqe lV (EHU) as provtded in Section 12-19-7 of this Tiile). Additional uses determinEd to be similar to permitted uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of secflon 12-34 of thisTltle. B. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be above grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional provisions of Chapter 16 of this Tifle: Banks and financlal institutions. Conference facilitles and meeting rooms. Eating and drinking establighments. Liquor stores. Personal seruices and repair shops. Ordlnanco No. 3 . So.ie8 of 1999 permitted on second floors and higher use permit in accordance with the Professlonal oftlc€s, business offices and studios. Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Recreation facilitles. Retail establishments. Skier tickating, skl school, skier sotvlces, and daycare. Tlmeshare units and fractional fee clubs. Theaters. Addltional uses determined to be slmilar to conditional uses descrlbed In this subsection, in accord.ance with the provisions of section 12-3-,0 of this 4Ordinance No. 3 , Series of 1999 l2'7H'5: CONDITIONAL USES; GENERALLY (on all levels of a building or outside of abuilding): The following conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Tiile: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by section 12-i4-19 of this Tiile. Brew pubs. Coin-operated laundries. Commercial storage. Public or private parking lots. Public buildings, grounds, and facilities. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Private outdoor recreation facilities, as a primary use. Ski lifts and tows. Television stations. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the proviqions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 12-7H-6: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District: Home occupations, subject io issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Tifle. Loading and delivery and parking facilities customarily incidental and accessory io permitted and conditional uses. Minor arcade. Outdoor dining areas operated in conjunction with permitted eating and drinking establishments. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential or lodge uses. Offices, lobbies, laundry, and other facilities customarily incidental and accessory to' hotels, lodges, and multiple-family uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-7 H-7 : EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODr FtCATIoNS : Review Required: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building shafl be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 1z-j1 ;l the Zo-ningRegulations. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units,fractional fee club units, timeshare units, any project which adds more than 1,000 sq. ft. ofcommercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off-site impacts(as determined by the Administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and Environmenial Commission as a Major Exterior Alteration in accordance with this ChJpter and Section 12-3-6:tlearings. Any project which requires a condilional use permit shall also obtain approval of the Pfanning and Environmental Commission in accordance with Chapter 12-16 of the ZoningRegulations. Compleie applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the community Development lepartment for Planning and Environmental Commission and Design tieview Board review.The following submittal items are required; 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the Administrator. A-ny application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized bythe condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application; Contents: An application for an exterior alteration shall include the following: a. Completed application form, filing fee, and a list of all owners of property Ordlnance No. 3 , Sgries of 1999 located adjacent to the subject parcel. The owners list shall include the names of all owners, their mailing address, a legal description of the property owned by each, and a general description of the property (including the name of the property, if applicable), and the name and mailing address of the condominium association's represenlative (if applicable). said names and addresses shall be obtained from the cunent tax records of Eagle county as they appeared not more than thirty (30) days prior to the application submittat date. b. A written statement describing the proposal and how the proposal complies with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and any other reievant sections of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. c. A survey stamped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions on the property including the location of improvements, topography, and natural features. d. A current title report to verify ownership, easements, and other encumbrances, including Schedules A and 83. e. Existing and proposed site plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals 20 feet (1" = 20'), a vicinity plan at an appropriate scale to adequately show ihe project location in relationship to the surrounding area, a landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals 20 feet (1" = 20'), a roof height plan and existing and proposed building elevations at a minimum scale of one-eighth inch equils one foot (1/8" = 1'). The material listed above shall include adjacent buildings and improvements as necessary to demonstrate the project's compliance witn tne Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. f. sun/shade analysis of the existing and proposed building for the spring/fall equinox (March 21lSeptember 23) and winter solstice (December ziy at ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and two o'clock (2:00) p.M. unless the Department of community Development determines that the proposed addition has no impact on the existing sun/shade pattem. The following sun angle shall be used whenpreparing this analysis: Spring/Fall Equinox 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Winter Solstice 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Sun Angle 40" east of south, 50" declination 42" west of south, 50" declination Sun Angle 30" east of south, 20' declination 30" west of south, 20" declination g. Existing and proposed floor plans at a minimum scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot (114" = 1') and a square footage analysis of all existing andproposed uses. h. An architectural or massing model of the proposed development. said modelshall include buildings and major site improvements on adjacent properties asdeemed necessary by the Administrator. The scale of the model ,niil oe ""determined by the Administrator. i. Photo overlays and/or other graphic material to demonstrate the specialrelationship of the proposed development to adjacent properties, publi" .p"s"r,and adopted views per Chapter 22 of this Title. j. Parking needs assessment and vehicular circulation analysis, prepared by aqualifi ed professional. k' Any additional information or materiar as deemed necessary by theAdministrator or the Town planning and Environmental commission (pEC). TheAdministrator or the Planning and Environmental commission ,"y, "i t i"ln". ot.their discretion, waive certain submittal requirements if it is determihec tnlt tne 6Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1999 requirements are not relevant to the proposed development nor applicable to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. 4' Work Sessions/Conceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or the Administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning and Environmental Commission, a conceptual review with the Design Review Board, or a worksession with the Town Council. 5. Hearing: The public hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission shall be held in accordance with Section 12-3-6 ol this Title. The Planning and Enviropmental Commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of this Tiile. 6' Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an exterior alteration as prescribed by this Article shall lapse and become void two (2) years following the date of approvjl by the Design Review Board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construciion is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative extensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting theproposal have not changed. 12-7H-8': COMPLIANGE BURDEN: It shall be lhe burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliancewith the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative affects on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal subltantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comorehensive plan. 12-7H-92 LOT AREA AND S|TE DTMENSTONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet of buildable area. 12-7H-10: SETBAGKS: The minimum building setbacks shall be ten feet (10') unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan as a build-to line. 12-7-H-11: HEIGHT AND BULK: Buildings shall have a maximum average building height of 71' with a maximum height of g2.5,, as further defined by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. All development ihall compiywith the design guidelines and standards found in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. Flexibility with the standard, as incorporated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan, shall be afforded to redevelopment projects which meet the intent of design guidelines, asreviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. 12-7H-122 DENSITY (dwelllng unlts per acre): Up toa 33% increase over the existing number of dwelling units on a property or 35 dwelling units per acre, whichever is greater shall be allowed. For the purpose of calculaiing density, eriptoyee' housing units, accommodation units, timeshare units, and fractional fee club units shall not becounted as dwelling units. Additionally, a lodge dwelling unit, as defined herein, shall be counted as 250/o of a dwelling unit for the purpose of caiculating density. 12-7H-13t cROSS RESTDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA): Up le250 sq. ft. of gross residential floor area shall be allowed for each 100 sq. ft. of buildable sitearea, or an increase of 33% over the existing GRFA found on the properiy, whichever is Ordinanca No. 3 , Seriss of 1999 greater. Multiple-family dwelling units in this zone district shall not be entifled to additional Gross Residential FloorArea underthe 250 Ordinance, Section 12-15-5, of the Municipal Code. 12-7H-1 4: SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the total site area, unless otheruise specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. 12-7H-15:LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOpMENT: At least twenty percent (20o/o) ol the total site area shall be landscaped, unless othennriie specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. 12-VH-16: PARKING AND LOADING: . Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Tifle. At'least one-half (1/2) the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. 12-7H-17: LOCATION OF BUSINESS ACTtVtTy:A. Limitations; Exception: All offices, businesses and services permitted by zone district, shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, the outdoor display of goods, or outdoor restaurant seating. B. Outdoor Displays: The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly infront of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment,s ownproperty. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. 12-7H-18: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMpAGTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation snall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared byqualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redeveldpment and will be determined Oy itre planning and Environmental commission in review of development projects and ionditional usie permits. Mitigation of impacts may include, but is not limited to, the following: roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream tracubank improvements, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of thissection is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopmenUdevelopment projectswhich produce substantial off-site impacts. Section 2. as follows: Title 12, chapter 7, adding new Article l. Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, to read ARTICLE L LTONSHEAD MTXED USE 2 (tMU-z) D|STR|CT SEGTION: 12-71-1: Purpose 12-71-2: Permitted and conditional uses; Basement or Garden Levelr 12-71-3: Permitted and conditional uses; First Floor or street Level: 12-714'. Permitted and Conditional Uses; Second Floor and Above: 12-71-5: Conditlonal Uses; Generally 12-7 16: Accessor,y Uses 12-7 l-7 : Exterior Alterations O r Mod lfications 12-71-8: Compfiance Burden 12-71-9:. Lot Area and Site Dimens.lons 12-71-10: Setbacks 12-71-11: Height and Bulk 12-71-12t Density (dwelling unlts per acre) 12-71-13: Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) 12-71-142 Site Coverage Ordinance No. 3 , Series of 1999 12-71-152 Landscaping and Site Development 12-71-16: Parking and Loadlng 12-71-172 Locatlon Of Business Activity 12-71-18: Mitigation of Development lmpacts 12-71-1: PURPOSE: The Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, timeshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, light industrial activities, and commercial establishments in a cluslered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. This district is meant to encourage and provide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This zone district was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create a economically vibranl lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives in this zone district include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentives is to create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the incenlives are created to help finance public, off-site, improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. Public amenities which will be evaluated with redevelopment proposals taking advantage of the incentives created herein may include: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. 12-71-22 PERMITTED AND coNDtloNAL usES; BASEMENT oR GARDEN LEVEL:A. Definition: The 'lbasement' or "garden level" shall be defined as that floor of a building that is entirely or substantially below grade.B. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure; Banks and financial institutions. Commercial ski storage. Eating and drinking establishments. Public or private lockers and storage. Personal services and repair shops. Professional offices, business offices and studios. Recreation facilities. Retail establishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier services, and daycare. Travel agencies. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Tifle. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with theprovisions of Chapter 16 of this Tiile: Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Liquor stores. Lodges and accommodation units. Major arcade. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, timeshare units, fractionalfee clubs, lodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided inSection 12-13-6 of this Title and Type lV (EHU) as provided in Section 12-13-7 olthis Title). Radio, W stores, and repair shops. Theaters. IOtdlnance No. 3 , S€ries of 1999 o Additional uses determined to be similar to conditionar uses described in thissubsection, in accordance with the provisions of section 12-3-,{ of thisTitle. 12-7t-3: PERMITTED AND coNDtfloNAL usES; FIRST FLooR oR STREET LEVEL:A. Definition: The "first floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of tne UuiiOingthat is located at grade or street level along a pedestrian way.B. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on the first floor or street levelwithinastructure: :'-- Banks, with walkup teller facilities. Eating and drinking establishments. Recreation facilities. Retail stores and establishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier services, and daycare. Travel agencies. Additional uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in this subsection,in accordance with the provisions of section 12-3-4 of this Tifle. C. Conditional Uses; The following uses shall be permitted on the first floor or street levelfloor within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with theprovisions of Chapter 16 of this Tifle: Financial institutions, other than banks. Barbershops, beauty shops and beauty parlors. Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Liquor stores. Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, timeshare units, fractional fee clubs, lodgedwe[ing units, and emproyee housing units (Type ilr (EHU) as provided in"Sectlon 12-13-6 of this Title and Type lV (EHUj as provided in Section 12-13-7 olthis Title). Radio, ,TV stores, and repair shops. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in thissubsection, in accordance with the provisions of section 12-3-4 of thisTitle. 12-71'4: PERMtfiED AND coNDtIoNAL USES; sEcoND FLooR AND ABovE:A Permitted Uses; Exception: The following uses shall be permitted on those floors abovethe first floor within a structure: Lodges and accommodation units. Multiple-famiry residentiar dweiling units, rodge dwelring units, and emproyeehousing units (Type ltl (EHU) as providld in secti-on 12-1g-6 of tiis iiue1nO Type tV (EHU) as provided in Section 12-13_7 of this Tifie).Additionaf uses determined to be similar to permitted uses described in thlssubsection, in accordance with the provlsions of section 12-3.4 of thisTitle. B conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on second floors and higherabove grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in "c"oiJ"n"" with theprovisions of Chapter 16 of this Tille: Banks and financial institutions Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Eating and drinking establishments. Liquor stores. Personal services and repair shops. Professional offices, business offices and studios. Radio, TV stores, and repair shops, Recreation facilities. Ordinance No. 3 , Series of 1999 10 t Retail establishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skler services, and daycare. Tlmeshare units and fractional fee clubs. Theaters. Addltional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3.4 of this Title. 12-715: coNDtrloNAL USES; GENERALLY (on all levels of a buitding or outside of a buildlng): The following conditional uses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Tifle: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by section 12-14-19 of this Tifle. Brew pubs. Coin-operated laundries. Commercial storage. Gasoline and service stations. Public or private parking lots. Public buildings, grounds, and facilities. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. Private outdoor recreation facilities, as a primary use. Ski lifts and tows. Television stations. Vehicle maintenance, service, repair, sto;.age, and fueling. Warehousing. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section ,,2-34 of this Title. 12-T l-Gz ACCESSORY USES : The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 1Z-14-12 of this Tifle. Loading and delivery and parking facilities customarily incidental and accessory to permitted and conditional uses. Minor arcade. Outdoor dining areas operated in conjunction with permitted eating and Orlnting establishments. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential or lodge uses. Offices, lobbies, laundry, and other facilities customarily incidental and accessory to hotels, lodges, and multiple-family uses. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-7 l-7 : EXTERIOR ALTERATTONS OR MOOtFtcATtoNS : Review Required: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 12-1 1 ;f the Zo-ningRegulations. However, any project which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, timeshare units, any project which adds irore than 1,000 sq. ft. of commercial floor area or cornmon space, or any project which has substantial off-site impacts(as determined by the Administrator) shall be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission as a Major Exterior Alteration in accordancewith this ChJpter and Section 12-3-6:tlearings. Any project which requires a conditional use permit shall also obtain approval of the Planning and Environmental Commission in accordance with Chapter 12-16 of the Zoning Regulations. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the community Development Department for Planning and Environmental Commission and Design tieview Board review. Ordlnanc€ No. 3 , Series of 1999 11 The following submittal items are required: 1. Application: An application shall be made by the owner of the building or the building owner's authorized agent or representative on a form provided by the Administrator. Any application for condominiumized buildings shall be authorized by the condominium association in conformity with all pertinent requirements of the condominium association's declarations. 2. Application; contents: An application for an exterior alteration shall include the following: a. completed application form, filing fee, and a list of all owners of property located adjacent to the subject parcel. The owners list shall include the names of all owners, their mailing address, a legal description of the property owned by each, and a general description of the property (including the name of the property, if applicable), and the name and mailing address of the condominium association's representalive (if applicable). Said names and addresses shall be obtained from the current tax records of Eagle county as they appeared not , more than thirty (30) days prior to the application submittal date. b. A written statement describing the proposal and how the proposal complies with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and any other relevant sections of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. c. A survey stamped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions on theproperty including the location of improvements, topography, and natural features. d. A current title report to verify ownership, easements. and olher encumbrances, including Schedules A and 83. e. Existing and proposed site plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals 20 feet(1" = 20'), a vicinity pran at an appropriate scare to adequately show ihe project location in relationship lo the surrounding area, a landscape ptan at a minimum scale of one inch equals 20 feet (1'l = 20'), a roof height plan and existing andproposed building elevations at a minimum scale of one-eighth inch equils onefoot (1/8" = 1'). The material listed above shall include adja-cent buildings and improvements as necessary to demonstrate the project's compliance with theLionshead Redevelopment Master plan. f. sun/shade analysis of the existing and proposed building for the spring/fall equinox (March 21lseptember 23) and winter solstice (December 21) atleno'clock (10:00) A.M. and two o'crock (2:00) p.M. unress the Department ofcommunity Development determines that the proposed addition has no impacton the existing sun/shade pattern. The following sun angle shall be used whenpreparing this analysis: Spring/Fall Equinox 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Winter Solstice 10;00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Sun Angle 40" easl of south, S0. declination 42" west of south, 50" declination Sun Angle 30' east of south, 20" declination 30" west of south, 20. deciination g. Existing and proposed floor plans at a minimum scale of one-fourth inchequals one foot (114" = 1',) and a square footage analysis of all existing andproposed uses. h. An architectural or massing model of the proposed development. said modelshall include buildings and major site imprwements on adjacent properties asdeemed necessary by the Administrator. The scale of the model 'rnJrr n" ".determined by the Administrator. Ordinance No. 3 , Series of 1999 12 t i. Photo overlays and/or other graphic material to demonstrate the special relationship of the proposed development to adjacent properties, public spaces, and adopted views per Chapter 22 of this Tifle. j. Parking needs assessment and vehicular circulation analysis, prepared by a qualified professional. k. Any additionaFinformation or material as deemed necessary by the Administrator or the Town Planning and Environmental commission (pEC). The Administrator or the Planning and Environmental Commission may, at his/her or their discretion, waive certain submittal requirements if it is determined that the requirements are not relevant to the proposed development nor applicable to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. 4. work sessions/conceptual Review: lf requested by either the applicant or the Administrator, submittals may proceed to a work session with the planning ano Environmental commission, a conceptual review with the Design Review Board, or a worksession with the Town Council. 5. Hearing: The public hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission shall be held in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of this Title. The Planning and Environmental commission may approve the application as submitted, approve the application with conditions or modifications, or deny the application. The decision of the planning and Environmental commission may be appealed to the Town council in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of this Titre. 6- Lapse Of Approval: Approval of an exterior alteration as prescribed by this Article shall lapse and become void two (2) years following the date of approval by the Design Review Board unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construciion is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. Administrative extensions shall be allowed for reasonable and unexpected delays as long as code provisions affecting theproposal have not changed. 12-71-8:COMPLIANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board that the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliancewith the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative affects on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal subltantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 12-71-9: LOT AREA AND S|TE DTMENSIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet of buildable area. 12-71-1O: SETBAGKS: The minimum building setbacks shall be ten feet (10') unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan as a build{o line. 12-71-11: HEIGHT AND BULK: Buildings shall have a maximum average building height of 71'with a maximum height of g2.5', as further defined by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. All development shall compty with the design guidelines and standards found in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. Flexibility with the standard, as incorporated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan, shall be afforded to redevelopment projects which meet the intent of design guidelines, as reviewed and approved by the Design Review Boaro. 12-71-12: DENSITY (dwelling units per acre): Ordinance No. 3 , Sori€s of 1999 13 Up to a 33% increase over the existing number of dwelling units on a property or 35 dwelling units per acre' whichever is greater shall be allowed. For the purpose of calculating density, erirployee housing units, accommodation units, timeshare units, and fractional fee club units shall'noi be counted as dwelling units. Additionally, a lodge dwelling unit, as defined herein, shall be counted as 25o/o of a dwelling unit for the purpose of calculating density. Uo to 250 sq. ft. of gross residential floor area shall be allowed for each 100 sq. ft. of buildable site 1 area, or an increase of 33% over the existing GRFA found on the property, whichever isgreater. Multiple-family dwelling units in this zone district shall not be entiUed to additional Gross Residential Floor Area under the 250 Ordinance, Section 12-15-5, of the Municipal Code. . 12.71-14'. SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed seventy percent (70%) of the total site area, unless othenrvisespecified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. 12-71-15 LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOpMENT: At least twenty percent (20%) of the total site area shall be landscaped, unless otherwise specified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. 12-71-16: PARKING AND LOADING: off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Tiile. Atleast one-half (112) lhe required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. 12-7t-17: LOCATION OF BUSTNESS AcTtVtW:A. Limitations; Exception: All offices, businesses and services permitted by zone district,shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for pbrmitted unenclosedparking or loading areas, the outdoor display of goods, or-outdoor resiaurant seating. P outdoor Displays: The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly infront of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely uponthe establishment's ownproperty. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructedby outdoor display. 12-71-18: MITtcATtON OF DEVELOPMENT |MpAGTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of theirdevelopment on public infrastructure and in ail cases mitigation snil bear a reasonable relationto the development impacts. lmpacts may be determined based on reports prepared byqualified consultants. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall bebalanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determinej uv in" planning andEnvironmental Commission in review of development projects and ionditional use permits.Mitigation of impacts may include, but is not limited to, thi following: ."0*"y i111piou"11"ntr,pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, strlam facvbankimprovements, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of thissection is to only reguire mitigation for large scate redevelopmenudevelopmant projectswhich produce substantial off-site impacts. section 3. Tiile 12, chapter 2, section 12-2-2: Definitions, is hereby amended byadding the following definitions: commercial ski storage: storage for equipment (skis, snowboards, boots and pores)and/or clothing used in skiing-related sports, which is available to the'publlc ormembers, operated by a business, club or government organization, and where a fee ischarged for hourry, dairy, monthry, seasonai or annuar usJge. ski "torage that is part ofa lodge, or dwelling unit, in which a fee is not charged, is not considered commercial ski 12-71-13: cRoSs RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA): Ordinance No. 3 , Series of 1999 14 storage. Personal Services: A commercial business where a service is offered lo the customer including beauty and barber shops, tailor shops, and similar services. Lodge dwelling unit A small dwelling unit with limited kitchen and floor area and which contains 650 sq. ft. or less of floor area and is intended to be rented on a short term basis. section 4. Title 12, chapter4, section 12-4-1: Designated, is hereby amended to add the following zone districts: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District (LMU-1) Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District (LMU-2) sectlon 5. Title 12, chapter 10, section j2-10-17: Leasing of parking spaces, is hereby amended as follows: (Note: Text which is elrisken is being deleted and text which is underllned is being added.) Modify B(1) as foilows:B' Lease Qualifications; Application To Lease: A parking space, spaces or areas may be leased by the owner, occupant or building manager thereof in accordance with the following: 1. Any owner, occupant or building manager wno owns, occupies or manages ten (10) or more private parking spaces located in commercial core 1, commercial core 2, commercial core 3, High Density Multiple-Famiry, PublicAccommodations. Lionshead Mixed Use {. Lionshead Mixed Use 2 or special development zone districts and provides sufficient parking for use by employees may apply to the Administrator of the Town for a p"rmit to lease parking spaces. section 6. Title 12, chapter 13, section 12-13-6: Type lll Employee Housing Un1 and section 12-13-7: Type lV Employee Housing Unit are hereby amended as follows: (Note: Text which is strieken is being deleted and text which is underlined is being added.) Section 12-13-6: Type lll Employee Housing Unit Modify B(1 and 3) as follows (modify summary table as necessary):B. General Conditions: 1. lt shall be a conditional use in the Residential cluster, Low Density Multiple- Family, Medium Density Muttiple-Family, High Density Muttiple-Famiiy, pubtic Accommodation, commercial core l, commercial core ll, commerciil core lll, commercial service center, Arterial Business District, parking District, General Use, and ski Base/Recreation Zone Districts. lt shall be a pirmitted use inLion"h""d Mir"d u"" I "nd Lion=h"rd Mi*ffi 3' lt shall be counted as five-tenths (0.5) dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density, unless located ln the Llonshead Mlxed Use 1 or The number of Type tlt emptoyee housing units inatGe GGrmineo Oy iEe Planning and Environmental commission as part of the conditional usi permit review process set forth in section '12-16-6,"crileria; Findings" of this Tiile.ji! applicable. Section 12-13-7 Type lV Employee Housing Unit Modify B(1 and 3) as follows (modify summary table as necessary):B. General Conditions: 1. lt shall be a conditional use in the Residential Cluster, Low Density Multiple- Family, Medium Density Multiple-Family, High Density Multiple-Famiiy, public ordinanc€ No. 3 , Serles of 1999 1 5 Accommodation, Commercial Core l, Commercial Core 2, Commercial Core 3, Commercial Service Center, Arterial Business District, Parking District, General Use, and Ski/Base Recreation Zone Districts. lt shall be a permitted use j! Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead MixdIIfITEnJdGtrGGl- 3. lt shall be counted as 0.333 of a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density, unleqs located in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 or Lionshead Mixed Use 2 zone 4istricts. where it is not counted as densitv. The number of type lV employee housing units shall be determined by the planning and Environmental Commission as part of the conditional use permits review Drocess.SetforthinSection12-16-6ofthisTit|e.ifapp|icab|e...'.. section 7. Title 12, chapter 14, section 12-14-19: satellite Dish Antennas, is hereby amended as follows: (Note: Text which is stiekec is being deleted and text which is underlined is being added.) Modify D(1)(i) as follows:D. Compliance \Mth Requirements; Variance: 1. Requirements: Satellite dish antennas shall comply with the following requirements: i. Due to the special aesthetic importance of the core areas of the Town, exterior installations of satellite dish antennas in Commercial Cores 1, anC 2. Lionshead Mixed Use 1. and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 zone districts shall be permitted only if screened by some type of enclosing structure. Said structures required to enclose a satellite dish antenna in these areas shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations and shall be architecturally compatible with the existing structure. section L Title 12, chapter 15, section j2-1s-2: GRFA Requirements by Zone District and Section 12'15-3: Definition, Calculation, and Exclusions, are hereby amended as follows: (Note: Text which is stieken is being deleted and text which is underlined is being added.) Section 12-15-2: GRFA Requirements by Zone District Modify by adding Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 zone districts totable as follows: GRFA Ratio/Percentaoe GRFA Credits Up to 250% of buildable lot area None lJp to 25Oo/o of buildabL tot area None Section 12-15-3: Definition, Calculation, and Exclusions Modify 2(b) as follows: Zone Districts LMU.1 Lionshead Mixed Use 1 LMU-2 Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Multiple-Family structures: within buildings containing more than two (2) allowabledwellings or accommodation units, the following additional areas shall 'be excluded fromcalculation as GRFA. GRFA shall be calculated by measuring the total square footage ofa building as set forth herein. Excluded areas as set forth shill then be deducted fro-mthe total square footage: a Enclosed garages to accommodate on-site parking requirements. b. All or part of the following spaces, provided such spaces are common spaces: Ordinance No. 3 , Series of .1999 €,IRFA (1) (2) (3) (4) Common hallways, stairways, elevator shafts and airlocks. Common lobby areas. Common enclosed recreation facilities. Common heating, cooling or ventilation systems, solar rock storage areas, or other mechanical systems. Sq{ra€ae€{age (B): Exempt Areas; Parking Fund @ Common closet and storage areas, providing access to such areas is from common hallways only. Meeting and convention facilities. Office space, provided such space is used exclusively for the management and operation of on-site facilities. Floor area to be used in a Type lll or a Type lV "Employee Housing Unit (EHU)" as defined and restricted by Chapter 13 of this Titlq pereent (600/o) ef the thirty five pereent (35p/c) eemmen area ORFA, 1{ a ^reperty ewner alleeates eemrnen aree fer the ^urpe€€ ef enpleyee heueing, an*subequenily requeets a eemmen area €onverted baGk te €srnmen Hse6 and that{he empleyee heu€iFg units be reFlaeeC within the Tewn, Section 9, Title 11, Chapter 4, Section 11-4A-1: Signs permitted in Zoning Districts, is hereby amended by adding Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed ude 2 zJnedistricts to the table in the same category which contains commercial Gore 2. Section 10. Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 5-1-7: Noise Prohibited, is hereby amended toread as follows: (Note: Text which is etrisl€n is being deleted and text which is underlined is being added.) Modify c(3xb) as foilows:G. Motor Vehicle Noise: b. Notwithstanding subsection G3a above, it shall be unlavrrful for any person topermit any idling whatsoever of the engine of any unattended bus, truck or any motor vehicle. _e_xcept for refrigeration vehicles, within the Lionshead Mixed Lise 1. Llonshead Mixed Use 2. Commercial Core 1 or the Commercial Core 2 Zone Districts of the Town. (5) (6) (7) (8) Section 11. Title 12, Chapter 10, Section 12_10-16 Establishment, is hereby amended as follows: (Note: Text which is etieken is being deleted and text which is underlined is being added.) P. Parking Fund: In Commercial Core 1, aRd Commercial Core 2. and Lionsheadyued Use 1. property owners or applicants shall be required to contribute to the Town Parking Fund, hereby established, for the purpose of meeting the demand and ef allewed eenmen area shall be inelsded in the ealeulatierF€f Ordinance No. 3 , Series of 1999 17 requirements for vehicle parking. At such time as any property owner or other applicant proposes to develop or redevelop a parcel of property within an exempt area which would require parking and/or loading areas, the owner or applicant shall pay to the Town the parking fee hereinafter required. Section 12. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless ofthe fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses orphrases be declared invalid. Section 13. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for ihe health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 14. The amendment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. section 15. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shallnot be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED oNcE tN FULL oN FTRST READING this 16th day of March, 1999, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance selfor the 6th day of April, 1999, in the CouncilChambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, .,'";iffi ",m-('trAr)iffi t' \ / ,;.iAttest: %\J-=-a)nr;;b#;;*- onaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL this '. t:--, i' -.j,/t t -l'\ l(t r''- f' "Ll.r i -Ludwig Kuz, Mayo-r/pro-Tem ^'---"--"/' Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1999 18 t wJA,fr c |lzzlqt ORDINANCE NO.lO Series of 1999 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE.ENACTING ORDINANCE NO.17, SERIES OF 1995, SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.7, THE MARRIOTT'S MOUNTAIN RESORT AT VAIL, AMENDING AND RE.ESTABLISHING THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 12.9A.10 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS TO ALLOW FOR THE INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR REMODEL OF THE EXISTING HOTEL AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE GORE CHEEK GLUB, AND SETTING FORTH DETAIIS IN REGARDTHERETO. WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments to previously approved development plans for Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., as owner ol the property, has submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 7, Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail; and WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan and Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application and has submitted its recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, this application complies with the underllng zoning of Lionshead Mixed Use 'l District and the SDD as being pursued prior to the adoption of that District; and WHEREAS, all notices as required by the Town ol Vail Municipal Code have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to amend the Development Plan lor Special Development District No. 7, Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: SECTION 1 The Vail Town Council finds that all the procedures as set forth in Chapter 9A of the Zoning Regulations have been fully satisfied and that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 complies with the nine criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Zoning Regulations. Additionally, the applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Vail Town Council that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided by the District. sEcTtoN 2. Special Development District No. 7 is established to assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail, Colorado; that will provide adequate open space and recreational amenities; that will enhance the short-term overnight accommodation units of the Town; that will promote the development objectives of the Town; that will provide deed+estricted housing for 10 employees; that will improve the streetscape along portions of West Lionshead Circle; and that significantly enhance the appearance of the existing hotel. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Vail Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission, and,there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of a standard zoning district. sEcTroN 3. Special development District No. 7 is established for development on a certain parcel of land comprising 5.1 7 acres in the Vail Lionshead area of the Town of Vail, legally described as Lots 4,7,C & D, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead Third Filing. Said 5.17 acres may be commonly referred to as "Special Development District No,7." The underlying zoning on the property is Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. Upon approval of this ordinance all subsequent development on the property shall be in accordance with the underlying zoning. All previous approvals are hereby voided. SECTION 4. Approval of the Development Plan The Approved Development Plan for the Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail shall be incorporated by reference, and made a part of Special Development District No. 7 and constitutes a general plan for development within the established District. The Plan shall be regulated, reviewed and amended from time to time in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations. The contents of the Approved Development Plan is comprised of those plans and documents submitted by Gwathmey, Pratt & schultz Architects and their agents, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following documents: 1. Proposed Site Plan, Sheet A1.1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. 2. Proposed Landscape lmprovements Plan, Sheet L-1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. 3. Building Elevations, Sheet A1 .2, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1 999. 4. Building Elevations, Sheet A1 .3, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1 999. 5. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. 6. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.2, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. 7. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.3, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. t levations, Sheet t Schultz, dated8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Building E A3.4, Gwathmey, Pratt &April 13, 1999. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.5, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.6, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. Parking LevelZero, Sheet A2.0, Gwathmey, Pratt & SchulE, dated April 13, 1999. Parking Level One/Unit Level One, Sheet A2.1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. Parking LevelTwoiUnit Level Two, Sheet A2.2, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13,1999. Parking LevelThree/Unit LevelThree, Sheet A2.3, Gwathmey, Pratt & SchulE, dated Aprill3, 1999. Unit Level Four, Sheet A2.4, Gwathmey, Pran & SchulE, dated April 13, 1999. Unit Level Five, Sheet A2.5, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, '1999. Unit Level Six, Sheet A2.6, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. Unit Level Seven, Sheet A2.7, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. Unit Level Eight, Sheet M.8, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. Roof Plan, Sheet A2.9, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated April 13, 1999. Schematic Off-site lmprovements Plan, dated April 13, 1999. Gore Creek Streambank lmprovement Plan, dated April 13, 1999. Roof-top Mechanical Plan, dated April 13, 1999. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2',t. 22. 23. SECTION 5. In addition to the Approved Development Plan described in Section 4 above, the following development standards have been submitted to the Planning & Environmental Commission for its consideration and recommendation and are hereby approved by the Vail Town Council. These development standards are incorporated in the Approved Development Plan to protect the integrity of the development of Special Development District No.7 and the sunounding environs. The following are the development standards for Special Development District No.7: A. Lot Area - The lot area consists of approximately 225,205 sq.ft./S.1 7 acres. B. Setbacks - The setbacks for the Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail and the Gore Creek Club shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plan. C. Landscaping - All landscaping shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plan. D. Building Height - The height of the buildings shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plan and shall comply with the underlying zoning. E. Parking and Loading -The Town of Vail Zoning Regulations prescribe the parking and loading requirements for development. A minimum of 355 parking spaces shall be provided. Two-hundred, ninety-four (294) shall be provided for the t Resort at Vail and sixty-one (61) shall be provided for the t Marriott's Mountain Gore Creek Club, and in accordance with the Approved Development Plan. The required number of loading berths shall be five and in accordance with the Approved Development Plan. F. Uses - Shall be those permitted conditional and accessory uses identified in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. SECTION 6. The Developer, HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., as owner of the property and applicant of for this request, agrees with the following conditions which are made part of the Town's approval: (Text in ifarica indicales revisions made by the PEC the conditaons of approval recommended by stall) 1. That the applicant submit the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan;b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan;c. A Stormwater Management Plan; andd. A Traffic Control Plan. 2. That the applicant provide six Type lll Employee Housing Units with no less than 10 pillows, with a 24 -hour desk or manager ehu on-site, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13), for a minimum of 10 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and the deed restrictions recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Gore Creek Club. 3. That the applicant redesign the proposed loading/delivery plan to insure that service and delivery vehicles do not block or impede pedestrian and vehicle traffic. 4. That the applicant redesign the proposed plans for the Gore Creek Club to provide a minimum of one off-street loadingidelivery berth in the alley with the easement deed-restricted and recorded on the platso the Gore Creek Club can operate as a f ree-standing f acility. 5. That the applicant submit a complete set of civil engineered drawings of all the off-site improvements, including improvements to West Lionshead Circle, the sidewalk from the common property line with Antler's to the South Frontage Road, for the required on-site and off-site storm water drainage and management system, for the pedestrian connection to the streamwalk, for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. 6. That the applicant submit to the Community Development Department an approval bner from the owner of Lot A to the west of the Gore Creek Club development site granting permission to regrade portions of Lot A as dePicted on the proposed plans. 7. That the applicant revise the plans to eliminate any off-site encroachments of the building on the Town ol Vail right-of-way, prior to a linal review before the Design Beview Board. 8. That the applicant meet with the Town Staff to prepare a letter of agreement outlining the requirements of the off-site improvements, prior to first reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. L That the new sidewalk along the south side of West Lionshead Circle be snowmelted only contiguous to the applicant's propefty. That the applicant amend the proposed landscape plan and provide increased amount of landscaping, using AIPP opportunities to integrate functional art pieces, at the front entrance to the Gore Creek Club and the retail shops aN that it be approved by the DRB. That the applicant submit a proposed streambank improvement plan to the Gommunity Development Department for review and approval prior to application for a building permit. That the applicant submit complete set of plans to the Town of Vail Colorado Department of Transportation for review and that before a final reading with the Town Council, the applicant enter into a Frontage Boad agreement with the Town of Vailand approval of a left turn lane ofi of the South Frontage Road onto West Lionshead Circle. The plans shall by approved by CDOT prior to application for a building permit. SECTION 7 Amendments to the Approved Development Plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Regulations. Amendments which change the substance of the Approved Development Plan shall be required to be approved by fie Tontn Council. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the Approved Development Plan, in accordance with the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. SECTION 8 The developer must begin construction of the Special Development District within three (3) years from the etfective date of this ordinance, and continue diligently toward completion of the project. lf the developer does not begin and diligently work towards the completion of the Special Development District, or at any stage of the Special Development District. This Special Developrnent District shall become void and all development shall be regulated by the underlying zone district of LMU1. sEcroN I lf any part, section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. SECTION 1O The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that ihis ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. 10. 11. 12. SECTION 11. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 20" day of April, 1999, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 4' day of May 1999, in he Courrcil Chamberc of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Robert E. Ford, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk ORIGINAL ORDINANCE NO.10 Series of 1999 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND FE.ENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 17, SERIES OF 1995, SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.7, THE MARRIOTT'S MOUNTAIN RESORT AT VAIL, AMENDING AND RE.ESTABLISHING THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 12-9A.10 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS TO ALLOW FOR THE TNTERIOB AND EXTERIOR REMODEL OF THE EXISTING HOTEL AND THE CONSTRUCNON OF THE GORE CREEK CLUB, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments lo previously approved development plans for Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., as owner of the property, has submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 7, Marriott's Mountain Besort at Vail: and WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan and Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application and has submitted its recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, this application complies with the underlying zoning of Lionshead Mixed Use 'l District and the Special Development District as being pursued prior to the adoption of that District; and WHEREAS, all notices as required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest ol the public health, safety, and welfare to amend the Development Plan for Special Development District No. 7, Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: SECTION 1 The Vail Town Council finds that all the procedures as set forth in Chapter 9A of the Zoning Regulations have been fully satisfied and that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 complies with the nine criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Zoning Regulations. Additionally, the applicant has demonstrated to lhe satisfaction of the Vail Town Council that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided by the District. sEcroN 2. Special Development District No. 7 is established to assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail, Colorado; that will provide adequate open space and recreational amenities; that will enhance the short-term overnight accommodation units of the Town; that will promote the development objectives of the Town; that will provide deed-restricted housing for 10 employees; that will improve the streetscape along portions of West Lionshead Circle; and that significantly enhance the appearance of the existing hotel. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Vail Town Council, the Planning & Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board, and lhere are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannol be satisfied through the imposition of a standard zoning district. SECTION 3. Special Development District No. 7 is established for development on a certain parcel of land comprising approximately 5.17 acres in the Vail Lionshead area of the Town of Vail, legally described as Lots 4,7,C & D, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead Third Filing. Said 5.17 acres may be commonly referred to as "Special Development District No,7." The underlying zoning on the property is Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. Upon approval of this ordinance all subsequent development on the property shall be in accordance with the underlying zoning. All previous approvals are hereby voided. SECTION 4. Approval of the Development Plan The Approved Development Plan for the Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail shall be incorporated by reference, and made a part of Special Development District No. 7 and constitutes a general plan for development within the established District. The Plan shall be regulated, reviewed and amended from time to time in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations. The contents of the Approved Development Plan is comprised ol those plans and documents submitted by Gwathmey, Pratt & Schul? Architects and their agents, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following documents: 1 . Proposed Site Plan, Sheet A1 .1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. 2. Proposed Landscape lmprovements Plan, Sheet L-1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. 3. Building Elevations, Sheet A1.2, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. 4. Building Elevations, Sheet A1 .3, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. 5. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. 6. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.2, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. i ations, Sheet 13. 14. 8. o 10. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Building Elev A3.3, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.4, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.5, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Building Elevations, Sheet A3.6, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Parking Level Zero, Sheet A2.0, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Parking Level One/Unit Level One, Sheet A2.1, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Parking Level Two/Unit Level Two, Sheet A2.2, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Parking Level Three/Unit Level Three, Sheet A2.3, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6,1999. Unit Level Four, Sheet A2.4, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Unit Level Five, Sheet A2.5, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. unit Level six, sheet A2.6, Gwathmey, Pratt & schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Unit Level Seven, Sheet A2.7, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Unit Level Eight, sheet A2.8, Gwathmey, Pratt & schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Roof Plan, Sheet A2.9, Gwathmey, Pratt & Schultz, dated July 6, 1999. Schematic Otf-site lmprovements Plan, dated July 6, 1999. Gore Creek Streambank lmprovement Plan, dated July 6, 1999. Roof-top Mechanical Plan, dated July 6, 1999. sEcloN s. ln addition to the Approved Development Plan described in Section 4 above, the following development standards have been submitted to the Planning & Environmental Commission for its consideration and recommendation and are hereby approved by the Vail Town Council. These development standards are incorporated in the Approved Development Plan to protect the integrity of the development of Special Development District No.7 and the surrounding environs. The following are the development standards for Special Development District No.7: A. Lot Area - The lot area consists of approximately 225,205 sq.ft./S.17 acres. B. Setbacks - The setbacks for the Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail and the Gore Creek Club shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plan. C. Landscaping - All landscaping and landscape areas shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plan. D. Building Height - The height of the buildings shall be as indicated on the Approved Development Plan and shall comply with the underlying zoning. E. Parking and Loading - The Town of Vail Zoning Regulations prescribe the parking and loading requirements for development. A minimum of 355 parking spaces to shall be provided. Two-hundred, ninety-four (294) shall be provided for the Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail and sixty-one (61) shall be provided for the Gore Creek Club, and in accordance with the Approved Development Plan. The required number of loading berths shall be five and in accordance with the Approved Development Plan. F. Uses - Shall be those permitted, conditional and accessory uses identified in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. SECTION 6. The Developer, HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., as owner of the property and applicant of this request, agrees with the lollowing conditions which are made part of the Town's approval: 1. That the applicant submit the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel: a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan; b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; c. A Stormwater Management Plan; and d. A Traffic Control Plan. 2. That the applicant provide six Type lll Employee Housing Units (EHU) with no less than 10 pillows, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13), for a minimum of 10 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and the deed restrictions recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Gore Creek Club. 3. That the applicant and/or its successors execute a master lease agreement with an owner of property in the Vail Valley to provide employee housing lor a minimum of 8 employees, as defined by the Vail Town Code. The duration of the master lease requiremenl shall be for a period of time not less than 8 years. Multiple master lease agreements are acceptable. The master lease agreement requirement for employee housing shall expire 8 years following the date of the issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall be required to submit a signed affidavit to the Town of Vail Community Development Department on the 1"t of February of each year for the term of the agreement confirming compliance herewith. The affidavit shall provide written notice to the Town of Vail of the location of the master leased employee housing units and the terms of the lease agreement. The master lease agreement shall be executed and a copy shall be provided to the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. The applicant shall provide a performance bond to the Town of Vail with the Town of Vail as the beneficiary in the amount of $200,000 to linancially secure the applicant's proportionate cost for improvements to the east and west intersections ol the South Frontage Road and West Lionshead Circle. The bond shall be established prior to the issuance of a building permit and the duration of the bond shall be for a period of 8 years from the date of building permit issuance. Should I the intersection improvements not be commenced within the 8 year period the Town of Vail shall release the applicant and/or its successors of the financial obligation of the performance bond. That the applicant submit a complete set of civil engineered drawings of all the off-site improvements, including improvements to West Lionshead Circle, the sidewalk from the common property line with Antler's to the South Frontage Road, for the required on-site and off-site slorm water drainage and management system, for the pedestrian connection to the streamwalk, for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. That the applicant submit to the Community Development Department an approval letter lrom the owner of Lot A to the west of the Gore Creek Club development site granting permission to regrade portions of Lot A as depicted on the proposed plans. That the applicant conslruct a new sidewalk along the south side of West Lionshead Circle and that the sidewalk be snowmelted only contiguous t0 the applicant's property. That the applicant amend the proposed landscape plan and provide increased amount of landscaping, using AIPP opportunities to integrate lunctional art pieces, at the front entrance to the Gore Creek Club and the retail shops and that it be approved by the DRB. That the applicant submit a proposed streambank improvement plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to application for a building permit. SECTION 7 Amendments to the Approved Development Plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Gommission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Regulations. Amendments which change the substance of the Approved Development Plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the Approved Development Plan, in accordance with the Town Code of the Town of Vail. sEcTtoN I The developer must begin construction of the Special Development District within three (3) years from the effective date of this ordinance, and continue diligently toward completion of the project. lf the developer does not begin and diligently work towards the completion of the Special Development District, or at any stage of the development of the Special Development District, this 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Special Development District shall become void and all development shall be regulated by the provisions of the underlying zone district of LMU1, sEcTtoN I lf any part, section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not atfect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. SECTION 1O The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. SECTION 11, All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 6'" day of July, 1999, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 20'n day of July 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Robert E. Ford , Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Memorandum To: Vail Town Council From: Town of Vail Design Review Board Date: June 8, 1999 Re: Board Recommendation of the Proposed Redevelopment of the Marriott and the Gore Creek Club The Town of Vail Desip Review Board has completed its preliminary review of the proposed redevelopment of the Marriott and the construction of the Gore Creek Club. Upon the completion of their preliminary review, the Board has requested that their recornmendations on the proposal be forwarded to the Vail Town Council. The Town Council will now have the opportunity to evaluate the proposal and the Board's recommendation, and provide direction to the applicant and the Board on the final revierv process. On Wednesday, May l9'h, the Town of Vail Design Review Board aEeed to reconrmend approval of the Marriott redevelopment and Gore Creek Club construction to the Vail Town Council with thc following recommendations: l. That the roof mass and roof forms (i.e ., landn-rark feature, rake ends, building cantilevers, ctc.) of the existing hotel and the Gore Creek Club be revised to allow more light and air to reach the pedestrian areas around the buildings and to comply with the architectural design guidelines of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. 2. That a portion of the upper floor of the Gore Creek Club building mass along West Lionshead Circle be relocated on the site to open a corridor betu,een the existing hotel and the Gore Creek Club. i. That the exterior rvall of the Gorc CLeck CIub along thc wcst pf(4rcl ty linc rs too stlaight and nccds to bc articulated rrrore than is shown on tbe proposr:d plans. 4. That the applicant provide perspective drarvings or photo-irragcry oftlrc proposed developnrcnt to aid in the review and analysis ofthe project. fi15. That the applicant revise the proposed east and south elevations of the Phase I building to improve thet-' appearance and articulation of that particular portion of the hotel as they are readily noticeable from the pedestrian areas of Lionshead. 6. That improved site circulation be provided throughout the development area with the goal of creating pedestrian points of anival, public access to the Gore Creek conidor and pedestrian chculation within the development. The Board's recommendation to the Town Council is intended to focus on the "bigger picture" iszues. The Board has not considered nor reviewed architectural details such as exterior colors, door and window trim, balcony rails, soffit and fascia applications, roofing materials, exterior siding application, etc. The review ofthese items will be forthcomins. {P *'no"o'u'* o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 974479-2t38 F4X970479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FA,Y TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX TTLEPHOIIE NUMBER: FROM: DATE: # OF'PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET) RESPONSEREQTJTRED? -4.4'' SENT BY TOWN OF'VAIL COMMUMTY DEVELOPMf,NT F'AX # g1OA79A52 TOWN OF VArL COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #--9zo+ze-21$-- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVBRYOM\FORMS\FaxShe€t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 F tx 970-479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: CONIPAITY NANIE: FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: FROM: DATE:TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLTIDING COVER SHEET) RESPONSE RXQUIR-ED? SENTBY TOWN OF VAIL COMMIINITY DEVf,LOPMENT FAX # NO.q79-U52 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNT.IY DEVELOPMENT TELEPEONE #_ 9?0-479.2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYONE\FOtuVS\FaSheet I \ir \ \a \\:i ---- is -- 5 .l ) (:!;T d \r T ,ts :z -.-.-.1 t{ ii l\t.) ).. ':-\ ;: \ i;i-. \-:E\:, --+ .4 r--*lI 1 r I ----{---r ,n-\,i-\ 'w) VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT VAIL, 'OLARADO iiriilHa$"rl.ef'lffill"-Elt-lfi$ilryl $urliliii l$$Ifl oavdoloc ltv^tao€fd Ntv-LNnol4 ltol>tvt4 -ltv^ G il dI HIol ' ol Hl' dN, 0_tl i';liiiit b oav>o-102'1tv\ l>og=H NIV-LNnOH rt_otx:Jvi 1vn t,trttrl zllotrtl $tl5il!J llatlF _tl 3;llI Pall: 69il X IIIi tu (Lll rl zo F lu lu IF o_ al;!!t y.l o o<trt!-(L :! <l{.'( f; oo ; . !3; ! tl8 3 Sr1 I#F @MTH $i; liiiii @M[ruoavdoljt ltvA vll 'lr 'l :gvHd - r111a2v) -13IOH 9Ntrglxa r>o€=21 Ntvl-NnoJ^ rrot>Evhl -]tv^ ilrilltir ittltirir rlllll ll tl -tl;llotl <tlTllLll tlrZllo ?l >ti u-lll J vll 6il ruii?tl ull'zll oll.x ? lUll;1 =ll lutlotl<tlIIILll 'llztl OI Fl<l>jlulJ PI inl lul<l AItur!o;|ll-c|il ' fili ztl otl Fll{tl> ultlltlr!ll Ftlutl otl =li \Dliezt bitix iulll$ ir zli oliFlJtl >lttu __r|l rLt llfFtl MII otlzll Dll Hll'oil: hti:u|itll ir t9 t8: - l\. "' l.-- ..'" . I tttttl $i; liiiii oaYdolo2 1vA v|I'tr 't =gvHd - l_:ll-]3?v:l -1t10H tNl-rqtx3 rEo€=x NtvrNnol4 ]-Lot>EVt -]lvn lflitt{. lllrlffil II -tl;tloil<TLII rllztl oll Fll{tl >tl rutlJ urll Fotl<!rll Ollilzll . 6li xti?u r)1 '-ll ol Fli<|>iluJI url Ell:)tlOll ;r:oll AIItut'olll --o ;L ., olt",M iLllil t I I I I !l' t ; i , I I rl i t Itifllil !i, 1t 'i: fuliiltt oavdo102'1tYA lll 3€VHd - Afi12 >aAd2 A8QA 1do9+J NtV-LNnOld l_rol>>JVN -ltv^@MI]H @ tl ll il tl =ll'<ilJllotrll; lLfl - $lli t i i" o >9-vrt) (Y,<d: o lfuldl,",,=. ,. ;r-r,x ;zr#;r#; I te!x$$dl6l tj E I :li t rli 1; rli li T+-i++ oo k$*J|:$-ll-JlU oo WffiilE ri 3ria:lt:t; ir t\ s a tz)\\, llr, fiul iiiiqtN lilir*$H[, E[h t :!'t 11l [iL if i 1i i tr )( t :!! n oavdolo2 atv^ l>o9=:l NtvlNno^ Ilotddvl^ -11v4 ! P f "i. ; i"". :t 1#, tI\ !l'--'I'-- t E! !i \ - o1vdolc)'1lv\ rEoE=d NtvrNno^ ffot2ldvl 'llv^@Mn|j_d @ i1 ."i,iH----t +1 i#;ii'l;'"1! ,/ \', / \i oo M @MNH oavdol))'1tv^ tuog=> NtvfNnohl rt-ot>:Jvhl -llVA WMNH Frr{il &Jtlur llrtl 8_tl a rul- ! $*lll i F$lh WMNM] I r tlrtrla Irlr ll -tl;tlotl{tlrtlLll ttLztl otl Fll <il >11 '!llilll inlllu <ll olli)zll; FII .0llrx 1lUllii i lr lttlrrr ztl otlFl<tl>il 5tl vtl Ftl 6tlzll ollvzll. hllrx tlllllS li ll 6tl Fll $illull tttll rlilotizll AII| , Hllr' oil; hll,:d ilLllI il ta, il r.'' 1t, i-t-+. I lllllll oavdo'toz :,lv^ vll ' 'l agvHJ - -t:rTf2v! --l=10H 9Nlrglxl -Ldog=> Ntv.LNnol^ Ilolxdvd -llv^ ir @MUril lt -tl;tloll <tlTtlLll )tl 9tl iil illJtl!rll Ftlotl <tl nrll olt91I:F .oil;x ilUllli ;tlotl<tlr tL ll rll oti tr|l <tl >tl tutlltlu'll Ftlotl<tl Itrll AII Hllp * oil;L ,o ; Hri * =llotlFt sil 5lt rlrll Eil 8ll F: atl sth * oil;trltroil;u ?tLI ll rrlitl oavao1oz :|lv^ vlr '|| 't fgvHJ - -r= -\f"v=l la-toH 9Nl-tglxf 1>O9fd NtVlNnOh rtold>vhl -llvn lllftl oavdola)']|lv^ lll 39vHd - en12 >3ad2 =doa1HO93d NtVfNnON lrOt:J:JVhl 'llVA @MNH @ ll tl =ll{tl dlll $lli [,""-, *x;x ;ui:##i; l |j@l li!t t:lr I 1tI1 | -.=:(ot< ztl atlFtl<tl ;llltl urll Fllotlnl< o o oavdo102'1lv\ lf l =€VHJ - eltlt >=ad2 =dOAIXOE=d NIVINflON uol>>Vl^l -llVA it Il ,11 1t tlHl stl 5ll Hll oo ltr}trrI tli :[ li lirlf+r ffiffiil ,,'?).\st Ir, $,1 iii',firil 3; ,lrr#' \'I \- l_l l.- - \,/-\_-ri) O " I, ii [ .:l-3','; l \ i \\!\ \ '. lni \ , :9 \-i \ : E! !i aaYda12z'ltv\ -L:JOg=> NtVrNnOh rrot>dvhl -ltvA t er i; oavdo102'1lv\ -LEOg=H Nt VlNnOkl r-rOt?J:JVl^ -11 vA Yl,){".';\ . \" rti. .Ur Iiiir .*'; I i-'.lr' a:. WMt][I \\ @ fil $|; T.I ir\ oo oavdol))'1lv\ -L?JO6=A NtVfNnOhl rr-otxdvl^ -llvA @MNH tlllllr zorlFtl<tl>tl5tl!il Ftl o-tlo=ll a r H:ll 9ilitlF rDtl H$tl IL LII o o oavdola)'1tv^ r>Jo€fx NrvrNnop.l |totddvN -ltv^@MTH irru.r ll:i E_ilz =lla ,ll I! -ll6 $nlll = 6Pil:I rilili ztlotltrtlstl|llJtinr llII 8=llz,ll. p;llr ; 9$l|l I !r 0" lli aavdolot llYA vll 'li 't 39vHd - ljl-]=rv=l -laloH 9Nlfglxf rHog=d NtvtNnohl .Llotxdvl,.l -llvn @M[|Ei_l I t llrltrlil ilriirr; tl -tl;tlo <tl-r tl Lll ztl otlFl<tl >ll 5t l'lLFtloltlutl <ll \D ll ,)zll; FII .oll;x llullil -tl lu tlotl{tlIIILll ttl 6tl F *tllutllll !r llFtloll tutl<ll AII tills ot ; bllrtLIt zll otl Fll{tl>tllull _Jl urllrFIIu oilzl AILluootlt!oiluLll Itt, !(il i::!t i' .i t\- "ti l I lllrlrt ll tl oaYdo102'1lv\ vil 'lr 't 39vHd - r=ll'132vJ l3loH 9NlJglXf -LdoglH Ntv-LNnol^ l-Lola>vl^ -llv^@MTH tl -tl;ilotl {tlLll ttlztl ollFl stlultlJll!rll Fotl.{il nrll oll9Zil. 6ll! illi ztloil Fll{il>tl tutlJtlull Eil5tloil. ,'|ll otlztl Ftlotl xil lu ll !lit !t ts ; '-$i ttllI tl fllrtl rll =evHd "?iHg lr1; JEoS=ts NlVJNnol,.l IIolzJHVhl llVA @MTE V,,i: 6 tl tl tl =ll<tl o-'lll elli !rr-'j i-iri, f;:a i sbFV(')ttrf f@ E-" ;** ;itu1r#; I lt l,&l Ll |jjl litT$Tt1 oo oav>o1o) 1lY lll agvHd - an12 >aad2 adoe 1do9=8 N|V-LNnO',.I IJOIH>V llvn @Mt]H rl tl 6ll Fll gll 5tl !.r ll Ellrlll iOlllOllI I zll otl Fll $il 5ll 'ull+ " Kllizli l|lrlrl ITIII oo oavdolo2 1tv^ lUO€38 NtVlNnOl^ J-lOtd>JV llVA 1.,2\tN7 ,"]l &-l 8;li 9,1 rr filii rl 3 9ll' R PI! 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Fll!oll.,x llullS zll otl l- ll{tl>tl ul lldll. rllEtl otloll oll9 = ,. F .oil:XIII!lllx rllrlrrt aavdo102 ltv\ lll fgvHJ - en12 >aedz adoa JEOE=:J NIVINNOH ]jOIXdVA -]IVN @MNH @ tl tl =ll<[ *ll: tLlt " $ili I96i: rtf' (Yrc M f*,.=" ,. ;mx ;2ffi;#; I |j$$| 16l l-l |jjl tlt:[ ttrT1 oo oavdo102 1tYA lll a6vHd - an12 >a=d2 zdoq ldoE=d NtvJNnoH !-old:Jvt -]lv^@MTH 1Iiitj[]u$ll =llol Fl< >tlutlJll 'nll Etl ry oilzl oo iliLntl n eir oavdola2 llv^ -L)JO€=> NIVTNnOh rrolu>Vld -llv eatg i! --\.-.\ o oavdola2'1tV^ rlJogfd NlvjNnol4 !-olzi:Jvld -llvn @ ill p1, ll ,"';;t s __r:".l I,e."-.,{ |r ii:il '. .1 ii^ii t,\ '\ '\:".[ 'li .1 i.iJ ii:' oo oavdol))'1tv\ -LEOE]H NIV]NNOA I-LOI:JHVhI TIVA @MNE ll trtll : zll. oll: ill. >tltu tl-.|tlur ll,rl F _tl a=ll_ d ,ltI Pilli 6Pil" X III?' lll lI ll t Frr stlul lldll III5flo-rr =llo,lltu-tl * ollv 0Jtl 6Yilu.atr ltl oo oavao102 1lv^ JEOgIE NtVrNnOhl l-IOtAzJVr4 -llVA @MNH zo,,F- ll $iltuu--t i!rI T] 1lo-ll o rtl lU - lls $ullr i F$lli oavdol)t'1lv\ vll ' 'l fEVHd - 1lt-]]?vl -laroH 9Nl-LglXf IHO9=d NlVINnol^l ItOl>2JVt^l -llVA llr ltltr,i _tl-tlullo{rtlLll ztl otlFl<tl>tlr'lll illl Ftlotltu <ll otl Hllro :L "oil;trltl0-ll)i @MTH : ,ltttrlrit Titl ,i- f,:9itl ilr:l! i'*\. i ,>'tt i.-l'-1-." 1,,J "r''.'t, i lrirlll .,1-" III 1r ti oavdo102 -|tv^ vlt '[ 't fgvHd - lit]f2vJ -lfloH gNt.LElxf Jdog=d NtvJNnoN uot>>vhl -ltv^@Mnm =ll tu tlotl {tlLll tllztloil Etl >tlutlJtl!rll Ftl Htl atl tutlotl otl tLtloI utllLl =tl tutl 'J)tl+llLll 'll otl Fll<tl >tl tu tlJllurll Fllotl fitl oll.rzl. inll { x itu s Irltlllllf tt ItfttI tt oavdo102 ]tv\ lll 36vHd - an12 >aa?!2 adoe l.dogf> NlvlNnoh -Llotaav|^ -]lv^@MTH .' 5 )l oo t- 2 \.1 F r:/|fifvv<Lr :f M lltl ll,&ll-llbl . -'t :1i. - t:.a'i' "ii iI r:,.1 ! -{ i.t _.{,-.{, i: ;, t:i oo ilt:[t1i1T o4vao102'1lY lll 3€vHJ - an12 >a=d) aaoa r-toEfE NtvJNnoH 1lot:J>vhl -llvA @MT]H =llotl !il 5tl utll rtt F- tl rl llollzll rl zlloll F stl 5tl['ll :E tlFtl:)tl otlrnll oo frrTrl |lil$l$il e ilil,firl tr/#, plH \ t,-' --1,-.- !.fl) O ,I i.I f iE -Ji- iL: .I r-- at t ilill I -\\' t z :liiIi!;*EEriiiii li :l i : E!..- ti \ U o4v>o102'1lVA ldog3d NlvlNno^ ILolHHVl^ -l1v^ .--tt.--. oav&1c'2'1tYA 1do9+J N|VINnOH l-totudvh -llVA @Mt]E @ i6 ia o o oavdol22 l|lv^ JAOg*J NtVlNnOl^ rlOlH:JVld -llvA @MNH zQltrtlstllu IlJtlur llaIFtl o-tlo=tl ftrll $nll E Otl H{tl tL tLrl oo oavdo102'-1tYA 1HO932l Nt V-LNnOh r_lOtX)JVl^ Tt Vn @MNH 6,,Fll{tltullJll!r llrtl &tlo-tlz=ll a rtll!-tlIoll! ullqo{ i Hfll ofltrtl$ilul lldll III 8=llz ,ll. 9:lli 6PII; ilfilt i ': ''--i'..i ij aavdo102'ltv\ vtl 'l 'l lgvHd - rJtlaav1 -1f10H 9Nl19lX3 -L>O9=E NIVINflOP{ ILOI:i8Vl^l -llVA li @MTru tl -tl;tlotl silLll ttlztl otl tr|l stl lUtlJll urll Ftlotl tutl <ll o lzll; bll;x .('!lllll irliII trltit I l rlrllii li @Mt]H ll+ -tltutlo{ltlLllllrtlztl otlFl<tl >tl ruil Ell Fotl{ilmll atl Hlh * oil;tL rot ;ull?lLll$ * zll otl Fll <tl >tl tutlJlltull_ll+Ftl:)tl otlotl ollqzll; 6ll'x t llJrtri lttltrt :'rlrltl =llotlFl- {tl >tl tutlJtl - - ulll Fllltlall e= ",rll Dtltu .-- rflll9 *-oil:Flliw["itr tL[S o4vdo102'1tv\ vll 'll 'l ]gvlld - LJt]l:]2vJ -lf10H 9t'll19lx= -L:lo9=d NIVINflOl4 -LIolH>VIl.t ll Vn taIr ll ff^,i Ii $ o4vdo102'1tv\ lit fgvHJ - en-D >aad) SdoQ r:Jog=> NtvfNnoh| !_ot:J>JVrd -ltv^@MIE izaE.f), trl nzt<r,l t M @lsll--llbl oo oav>o102'1tv\ llr lgvHd - an1) >aad2 ado9 -L>JOE3> NIVfNnOH IlOl>J>lVhl TlVn @MTH =lloll Fll<tl >tl lUJtl lull Etl fr ll otlzll llotlFl $ll 5il u.r ll:r It F- tl:t ll0tl rnll oo i|! : i iti iti ;li't i'i ti 1irt Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 MEMORANDUM To: Vail Town Corurcil From: CommunityDwelopmentDcpartnent Date: June 4, 1999 Mariott Red€velopment hoposal Worksession Henry Pratt, of Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE Architects has requested a worksession with the Town Council. The purpose of the worksession is to: o present lhe redwelopment proposal to the Council for preliminary rwiew prior to preparing an ordinance, o visit the proposed development site, r inform the Town Council of the results of the del,elopment rwiew process with lhe Planning & Environmental Commission ard the Design Rwiew Board to dale, I provide the Council with the opportunity to engage in a discussion with the applicant, stalf and public with regard to lhe proposal, and o idemf the Council's issues or concems with the redwelopment proposal. To that en4 gafr has included the following documents in the packet for your rwiew and consideration: I . A copy of the March 8, 1999 staff memorandum to the Plaruring & Erwironmental Commission and the Commission's approved meeting minutes. At the March E meeting the Commission voted to recommend approval of the major SDD amendment wift conditions. 2. A copy of the Design Review Board's recommendation to the Town Council dated June 8, 1999. The Board's recommendation is the result of four conceptual re!'ierv meetings with the applicant. 3. A copy of a summary of the Lionshead Redwelopment Mastcr Plan and an Architectural Design Guideline checklist including the Board's comments on thc proposal. 4. Copies of correspondence received from the community with rcgard to the proposed redwelopment. 5. Reduced copies ofthe proposed plans. In waluating the redwelopment proposal staff has identified a number of pros and cons of the project. The pros and cons ar€ listed below for consideration: Pros L The attainment of the goals of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan tfuough the implementation of the objectives and recommendations of the Plan (renewaVredwelopment, stronger economic base, improved infrastnrctwe, vitality/amenities). {g *"n"uor r"" FILE COPY 75 South Fronage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Department of Community Developmcnt May26, 1999 Heory Pratt Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architecls, P.C. 1000 Smth Frmtage Rmd West Vail, Colsado 81657 Re: Marriott off-site impovanents Dear Henry, The Lim$ead lv{a*er Plm and enabling adinances discus the need to assess reasoable off-site impovements to specific developments. The lv{aster Plan has identified over $15 millim in Frotage Rmd improvements from the main Vail Roundabout to the Cascade Village. This is a distance of approximately 7300 ft. and will cmtinue appnoximately t€o major intersectims. The Tom bas requested frqn the Colcado Departmart of Transpotatio, $5 millim to povide imFwem€nts. The ranaining $5 millio is assumod to directly be attibutable to tbe ten intersectims; equaling $500,000 per intersectio. Those dwelqments accessing the two intersectims of West Limshead Circle will be cmtributing to the imFovern€ots of these trvo intersectims, In ader to determine, at this timg the attrihrtable numb€r of fips to each intersection, the cornbined trips of boih inlersectims were deterrnined. The Traffic Study fm the Limshead Master Plan shons an increase of vehicle tips at both intersectios of 127 rips in the a.rn fa a total of 640 rips and an increase of 195 tips in the p.rrI. peak ha"u for a tcal of 795trips Thelvlarriott'spqoealaddsl0nenrDU's,4newcmdosand6ElIlJ'sintheexistinghotel. The timeshar€ prqiects adds 66 new units. The Sannday peak ftctor is .738 x 66 = 49 = 25% of $ I,000,000 = $250,000. 195 Sinceely, F'(I Jl-o-ta- Geoge Ruther, AEP ?,,u-, Senior Planner Town of Vail Xc: Greg llall, Acting Director of Public Wmks €p*,uo 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cons l. 2. The redevelopment will aa as a catalyst for other redevelopment projects in the Lionshead area. Improved @estrian circulation through the consfuAion of sidewalk and steetscape inprovements. The enluncement of the Gore Creek sheam corridor through sfeam bank rcstoration and revegcatior. The elimination of an unsighfly surhce parking dec*. The pro,ision of employee housing opporhrnities for up to ten employees in the immediate Lionslread area The proposal adds new building height and building mass to the property which may have impacts on adjacent poperties. Pot€ntial hcr€ases in both vehicuhr (car, bu, delivery truck) and pedestrian tmffic in the immediale ar€as surrounding the development site. 3. The loading and delivery configuration as proposed may result in periods of delay and/or congeslior. 4. The additional building height increases the "shade and shadod' effects ofthe building on adjacent properties. t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, May 19, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCFI - Community Dsvelopment D,epartment Clark Brittain BillPierce Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) stTEvtstTs MEMBERS ABSENT Hans Woldrich 1. Scorpio - 131 West Meadow Drive2. Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle3. Vail lnternational- 300 E. Lionshead Circle4. Wand - 381 Beaver Dam Circle5. Hoversten-95 Forest Road6. Waterhouse-285 Forest Road7. Austrian - 696 Forest Road8. Gold Peak Skier Tunnel- 458 Vail Valley Drive9. Lot 13, Forest Glen -439 Glen Falls Lane10. VailMountain School-3160 Katsos Ranch Road Driver: George FILE rif/P| 11:30 pm 1dn pm I'EIIBERS PRESENT PUBUC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Austrian residence - Conceptual review of a re.ryrodel of a primary/secondary residence. 696 Forest Road / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6"' Filing. Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. NeilAustrian, represented by Robert L. Arnold CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 2. Hoversten residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPBOVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That a Public Works and Zoning approval be required. 3. Wand B Development, LLC - Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence with a Type ll employee housing unit. 381 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: Wand B Development LLC, represented by Jay Peterson 3:00 pm Brent Dominic CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Golden Peak Ski Base - Skier tunnel. Dominic 458 VailValley Drive / Tract B, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: VailAssociatesMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 5. Antler's - Final review of a proposed expansion. George 680 W. lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block'1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVineMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TAELED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 6. Dobson lce Arena - Final review locker room/loading dock expansion, George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That brick pavers be installed at the entrance to the loading dock.2. That a revised landscape plan be submitted. 7. Vail Intemational Condominiums - Removal of trees. George 300 E. Lionshead Circle / Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing #2. Applicant: VaillntemationalCondominiumAssociation MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND:Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 3-0-1 (Bill Pierce abstained) APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the one tree on Vail International property be removed and no trees on Town of Vail property be removed. 8. Waterhouse residence - Final review of a new garage. Allison 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1". Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the rail on the east be wood, rather than stone. 9. Lot 13, Forest Glen - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. Allison 4439 Glen Falls Lane / Lot 13, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Lot 13, LLC represented by S.H. Cole Construction MOTION:Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That it meet Public Works and planning approval. ' 10. Scorpio - Gate and parking improvements George tgt West Meadow Drive/Part df Lot 1, Part of Block D, Vail Village 2nd. Applicant: ScorpioCondominiumAssociationMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 11. Lot 25, Gtacier Ct. - Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3. Applicant: Pat DauphinaisMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTTLJUNE 2, 1999 12. VailMountain School-Temporarystructure. ^- George 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Pirt ot Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village t lh fiting. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 13. The Marriot (Lionshead) -Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration George and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriott MarK Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-PrattMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - BECOMMENDED APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL Staff Approvals Christopher-Wollard residence - Driveway snowmelUre-alignment; revised landscaping. Brent 2550 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 34, Block 2, Vail Village 13" Filing. Applicant: Rocky Christopher Fredin residence - Finish unfinished basement. Brent 2091 -A Zermatt Lane, Vail Commons #5B/Unplatted, Vail das Schone Filing f3. Applicant: Peter M. Fredin Davie residence - Driveway snowmelustamped concrete pavers. Brent 776 Potato Patch/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: John Davie La Bottega - Addition of pavers and deck extension. Brent 100 E. M-eadow Drive/Lots M & O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Stephen Virion Meadow Vail Place Penthouse - 250 addition. Allison 44 W. Meadow Drive/Lot 1, VailVillage 2no. Applicant: SpraddleCreekProperties Sonnenalp Hotel & Spa - New canopy (revised) * Brent 20 Vail Road/A portion of Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Johannes Faessler One Vail Place - Exterior painting. Brent 244Wall StreeUA portion of Bbck 5A, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Hill, Drescher, Smead & Wells BrentWall Street Building -Skylight addition. 225Wall StreeuPart of Lots B&C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Wall Street Building Condo Association Schofield residence - Stairuay replacement. Brent 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"'. Applicant: John Schofield Vail Associates Pump House & Tennis Courts - Replace 5 spruce trees on W. Forest Rd. Dominic 615 W. Forest Rd.iUnplatted, adjacent to Vail Lionshead 3'o Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates Vail East Condominiums -Window replacement. Brent 4093 Spruce Waylt/ail East, Bighorn 3'o. Applicant: Vail East Lodging Association McDonald's - Two new wall signs. Brent 2112 N. Frontage Road WesVLot 2b, a resub ol Lot 2, Vail das Schone Filing tr2. Applicant: George Greenwald Ginzberg - Bedroom addition. Jetf 4034 Bighom Road, #1/Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Stewart & Lisa Ginzberg Eagle Bahn Gondola - New deck on south side of gondola. Jetf Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: VailAssociates Shaper- New garage. .. Jetf 2645 Bald lrlountaiiRoad/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13th. Applicant: Steve Shaper Roost Lodge - Move equipment to non-visible location. Dominic 1793 N. Frontage Rd. Wesvlots 10,11 & 12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Rodney Cofton Stern - Entry addition. Jefl 1517 Vail Villey Drive,#1tLol12, Block 3, Vail Valley 1s. Applicant: Don & Ann Stem Marrion Mountain Resort - New awning. Brent 715 W. Lionshead Circle/Manion Mark, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: selim wahba The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular qflc_e hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 Sot Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephor for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. May 17, 1999 George Ruther Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: response to May 13 list of Marriott Lionshead DRB issues Dear George and members of the DRB: Here is our response/ explanation to the DRB comments listed in the May 13, 1999 memo from George Ruther. As you are aware, many of the comments predate the May 5, 1999 DRB meeting and may have already been addressed through changes proposed at that meeting. North South Orientation of Buildings: l. Open up a light corridor between the existing hotel and the Gore Crcek Club to get light back down to the street and sidewalk.: Changes to the proposed design of the Phase 2a building and the Gore Creek Club were presented at the May sth DRB hearing. In the May 196 hearing we will present additional changes wherein all units on the top floor of the north wing of the Club have been relocated to the south end of the Club. This change will provide a significant reduction in height at the northeast corner of the Club. 2. The ridge lines of the improvements should be lowered and a greater space left between the buildings to maintain the view to the mountain from the Vail Spa.: In the May 50' DRB hearing, we presented significant lowering of building height at Phase 1, Phase 2a and at the Gore Creek Club north wing. As described above, we will propose on the 19s additional lowering of the height of the northeast corner of the Club's north wing. The wording of the Master Plan states that "future development and redevelopment <should> orient vertical building masses along a north-south axis whenever possible". Whenever possible. Increasing the separation between the existing Hotel Phase 2a and the Gore Creek Club is not possible due to the constraints imposed by the existing parking structure. We have located the majority of our density in a north-south manner along [,""-, *x;x ;ui:##i; l |j@l li!t t:lr I 1tI1 | -.=:(ot< ztl atlFtl<tl ;llltl urll Fllotlnl< o o oavdo102'1lv\ lf l =€VHJ - eltlt >=ad2 =dOAIXOE=d NIVINflON uol>>Vl^l -llVA it Il ,11 1t tlHl stl 5ll Hll oo ltr}trrI tli :[ li lirlf+r ffiffiil ,,'?).\st Ir, $,1 iii',firil 3; ,lrr#' \'I \- l_l l.- - \,/-\_-ri) O " I, ii [ .:l-3','; l \ i \\!\ \ '. lni \ , :9 \-i \ : E! !i aaYda12z'ltv\ -L:JOg=> NtVrNnOh rrot>dvhl -ltvA t er i; oavdo102'1lv\ -LEOg=H Nt VlNnOkl r-rOt?J:JVl^ -11 vA Yl,){".';\ . \" rti. .Ur Iiiir .*'; I i-'.lr' a:. WMt][I \\ @ fil $|; T.I ir\ oo oavdol))'1lv\ -L?JO6=A NtVfNnOhl rr-otxdvl^ -llvA @MNH tlllllr zorlFtl<tl>tl5tl!il Ftl o-tlo=ll a r H:ll 9ilitlF rDtl H$tl IL LII o o oavdola)'1tv^ r>Jo€fx NrvrNnop.l |totddvN -ltv^@MTH irru.r ll:i E_ilz =lla ,ll I! -ll6 $nlll = 6Pil:I rilili ztlotltrtlstl|llJtinr llII 8=llz,ll. p;llr ; 9$l|l I !r 0" lli aavdolot llYA vll 'li 't 39vHd - ljl-]=rv=l -laloH 9Nlfglxf rHog=d NtvtNnohl .Llotxdvl,.l -llvn @M[|Ei_l I t llrltrlil ilriirr; tl -tl;tlo <tl-r tl Lll ztl otlFl<tl >ll 5t l'lLFtloltlutl <ll \D ll ,)zll; FII .oll;x llullil -tl lu tlotl{tlIIILll ttl 6tl F *tllutllll !r llFtloll tutl<ll AII tills ot ; bllrtLIt zll otl Fll{tl>tllull _Jl urllrFIIu oilzl AILluootlt!oiluLll Itt, !(il i::!t i' .i t\- "ti l I lllrlrt ll tl oaYdo102'1lv\ vil 'lr 't 39vHd - r=ll'132vJ l3loH 9NlJglXf -LdoglH Ntv-LNnol^ l-Lola>vl^ -llv^@MTH tl -tl;ilotl {tlLll ttlztl ollFl stlultlJll!rll Fotl.{il nrll oll9Zil. 6ll! illi ztloil Fll{il>tl tutlJtlull Eil5tloil. ,'|ll otlztl Ftlotl xil lu ll !lit !t ts ; '-$i ttllI tl fllrtl rll =evHd "?iHg lr1; JEoS=ts NlVJNnol,.l IIolzJHVhl llVA @MTE V,,i: 6 tl tl tl =ll<tl o-'lll elli !rr-'j i-iri, f;:a i sbFV(')ttrf f@ E-" ;** ;itu1r#; I lt l,&l Ll |jjl litT$Tt1 oo oav>o1o) 1lY lll agvHd - an12 >aad2 adoe 1do9=8 N|V-LNnO',.I IJOIH>V llvn @Mt]H rl tl 6ll Fll gll 5tl !.r ll Ellrlll iOlllOllI I zll otl Fll $il 5ll 'ull+ " Kllizli l|lrlrl ITIII oo oavdolo2 1tv^ lUO€38 NtVlNnOl^ J-lOtd>JV llVA 1.,2\tN7 ,"]l &-l 8;li 9,1 rr filii rl 3 9ll' R PI! E il: llii, i =t @ffiffiE i 1-l I t : I =! I t \i ! )( rl : !\ i+\ t! odvda102'llv\ IHOS=:J NIV.LNNOh I.IOIEEVhI TIVA @MUtr @ ilt $t: n ) ..: JFti! g*?:...ii1 '-'n i)- Yr,,;8 3'" HI I! ti oavdo102 1tv^ -LXOE=> NtVfNnOH llOt>$JVi4 llvn @MNH zo tuJlu F5o_ o,tu Roylu bPYTtrtL ztlotrll $ilnl Iilllr ilTll zsill 6Pil.x r ? ur lLll* oo oavdola2 ltv\ .L}IOE=:J NIVINNOA I-TOId:JVI4 -lIVA @MNH o,, F<tl>!t tlJIur llati ut1o_lz=l a ri u-lL !Q oll dstli H{ll I lL 0-ll ,! t oavdoloc'1lv\ vll 'll 'l :€vHa - -Lf r-l3"vJ ]3roH 9Nlr9lx3 l->Jogfts NtvrNnohl rlol>>lv^ -'llvA @M[|lfl a lr trlllrl t1 -tl;il tJ)il $llLll tIztl olt trIt{ll >tl 5il urll Ftl(f)ll lutl <ll olllztl FII ,(nll; ilil$ l ltlltrl I d tatl TI t!1 'fi...II. zlloilFl<tl >tl tutlltl rLrll rllFtl Mtlotlzll AII lullotlotl tL ll otl utlLll iltl I I .t! ll '|.-:. ll oavdo102'ltv\v 'lt 't fgvHd - !t-]f2vf -tf10H tNl.tglxf ldoE=2J NtvfNnoht r-Lot>>JVN -llvn @Mnm llllftrf -tl;llotl $tlLllrI olt Fll<tl>il!t IlJ ui llFIIotl fill atl rullotl otl 0_ tl Pll tl tl =ll tutlotl silLll ttlztl otl tr|t<tl >tlgil xrll Ftio <tlnrll 9tl Hlotl nl 6tl rtlotl trftllrr zll 9tlFI'< >iltulltll" urll EtlftlOll t: ' .'|ll otllu .- (I)llY +o[; Ul r PllrLllll tt oavelq2'1tv\ lll 3€vHa - enlc >aa)!2 adoa lHo9=E N|VINnON !_OtEdVH ltV @MTE @ tl tl =ll<tl dll: lL . $ili oo l-96tr0/fltlr{ M l|.u llsll-lliil t1i r[ 1i T1i il,trttlrf.tt oo oavdola2'1tv^ rll !9Vno - Afil) >AA?l2 =>OAldogf> NlvrNnoN rtolx>v^ ']lvn @Mtrru 1}ITTI atlFII $tl lUtlJllmll rtlFttl otl(')ll oo ffiffi :'.'.v-\,\t ilit,firl I -i \ i !I n 5 ii grtt I /,. 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Fll!oll.,x llullS zll otl l- ll{tl>tl ul lldll. rllEtl otloll oll9 = ,. F .oil:XIII!lllx rllrlrrt aavdo102 ltv\ lll fgvHJ - en12 >aedz adoa JEOE=:J NIVINNOH ]jOIXdVA -]IVN @MNH @ tl tl =ll<[ *ll: tLlt " $ili I96i: rtf' (Yrc M f*,.=" ,. ;mx ;2ffi;#; I |j$$| 16l l-l |jjl tlt:[ ttrT1 oo oavdo102 1tYA lll a6vHd - an12 >a=d2 zdoq ldoE=d NtvJNnoH !-old:Jvt -]lv^@MTH 1Iiitj[]u$ll =llol Fl< >tlutlJll 'nll Etl ry oilzl oo iliLntl n eir oavdola2 llv^ -L)JO€=> NIVTNnOh rrolu>Vld -llv eatg i! --\.-.\ o oavdola2'1tV^ rlJogfd NlvjNnol4 !-olzi:Jvld -llvn @ ill p1, ll ,"';;t s __r:".l I,e."-.,{ |r ii:il '. .1 ii^ii t,\ '\ '\:".[ 'li .1 i.iJ ii:' oo oavdol))'1tv\ -LEOE]H NIV]NNOA I-LOI:JHVhI TIVA @MNE ll trtll : zll. oll: ill. >tltu tl-.|tlur ll,rl F _tl a=ll_ d ,ltI Pilli 6Pil" X III?' lll lI ll t Frr stlul lldll III5flo-rr =llo,lltu-tl * ollv 0Jtl 6Yilu.atr ltl oo oavao102 1lv^ JEOgIE NtVrNnOhl l-IOtAzJVr4 -llVA @MNH zo,,F- ll $iltuu--t i!rI T] 1lo-ll o rtl lU - lls $ullr i F$lli oavdol)t'1lv\ vll ' 'l fEVHd - 1lt-]]?vl -laroH 9Nl-LglXf IHO9=d NlVINnol^l ItOl>2JVt^l -llVA llr ltltr,i _tl-tlullo{rtlLll ztl otlFl<tl>tlr'lll illl Ftlotltu <ll otl Hllro :L "oil;trltl0-ll)i @MTH : ,ltttrlrit Titl ,i- f,:9itl ilr:l! i'*\. i ,>'tt i.-l'-1-." 1,,J "r''.'t, i lrirlll .,1-" III 1r ti oavdo102 -|tv^ vlt '[ 't fgvHd - lit]f2vJ -lfloH gNt.LElxf Jdog=d NtvJNnoN uot>>vhl -ltv^@Mnm =ll tu tlotl {tlLll tllztloil Etl >tlutlJtl!rll Ftl Htl atl tutlotl otl tLtloI utllLl =tl tutl 'J)tl+llLll 'll otl Fll<tl >tl tu tlJllurll Fllotl fitl oll.rzl. inll { x itu s Irltlllllf tt ItfttI tt oavdo102 ]tv\ lll 36vHd - an12 >aa?!2 adoe l.dogf> NlvlNnoh -Llotaav|^ -]lv^@MTH .' 5 )l oo t- 2 \.1 F r:/|fifvv<Lr :f M lltl ll,&ll-llbl . -'t :1i. - t:.a'i' "ii iI r:,.1 ! -{ i.t _.{,-.{, i: ;, t:i oo ilt:[t1i1T o4vao102'1lY lll 3€vHJ - an12 >a=d) aaoa r-toEfE NtvJNnoH 1lot:J>vhl -llvA @MT]H =llotl !il 5tl utll rtt F- tl rl llollzll rl zlloll F stl 5tl['ll :E tlFtl:)tl otlrnll oo frrTrl |lil$l$il e ilil,firl tr/#, plH \ t,-' --1,-.- !.fl) O ,I i.I f iE -Ji- iL: .I r-- at t ilill I -\\' t z :liiIi!;*EEriiiii li :l i : E!..- ti \ U o4v>o102'1lVA ldog3d NlvlNno^ ILolHHVl^ -l1v^ .--tt.--. oav&1c'2'1tYA 1do9+J N|VINnOH l-totudvh -llVA @Mt]E @ i6 ia o o oavdol22 l|lv^ JAOg*J NtVlNnOl^ rlOlH:JVld -llvA @MNH zQltrtlstllu IlJtlur llaIFtl o-tlo=tl ftrll $nll E Otl H{tl tL tLrl oo oavdo102'-1tYA 1HO932l Nt V-LNnOh r_lOtX)JVl^ Tt Vn @MNH 6,,Fll{tltullJll!r llrtl &tlo-tlz=ll a rtll!-tlIoll! ullqo{ i Hfll ofltrtl$ilul lldll III 8=llz ,ll. 9:lli 6PII; ilfilt i ': ''--i'..i ij aavdo102'ltv\ vtl 'l 'l lgvHd - rJtlaav1 -1f10H 9Nl19lX3 -L>O9=E NIVINflOP{ ILOI:i8Vl^l -llVA li @MTru tl -tl;tlotl silLll ttlztl otl tr|l stl lUtlJll urll Ftlotl tutl <ll o lzll; bll;x .('!lllll irliII trltit I l rlrllii li @Mt]H ll+ -tltutlo{ltlLllllrtlztl otlFl<tl >tl ruil Ell Fotl{ilmll atl Hlh * oil;tL rot ;ull?lLll$ * zll otl Fll <tl >tl tutlJlltull_ll+Ftl:)tl otlotl ollqzll; 6ll'x t llJrtri lttltrt :'rlrltl =llotlFl- {tl >tl tutlJtl - - ulll Fllltlall e= ",rll Dtltu .-- rflll9 *-oil:Flliw["itr tL[S o4vdo102'1tv\ vll 'll 'l ]gvlld - LJt]l:]2vJ -lf10H 9t'll19lx= -L:lo9=d NIVINflOl4 -LIolH>VIl.t ll Vn taIr ll ff^,i Ii $ o4vdo102'1tv\ lit fgvHJ - en-D >aad) SdoQ r:Jog=> NtvfNnoh| !_ot:J>JVrd -ltv^@MIE izaE.f), trl nzt<r,l t M @lsll--llbl oo oav>o102'1tv\ llr lgvHd - an1) >aad2 ado9 -L>JOE3> NIVfNnOH IlOl>J>lVhl TlVn @MTH =lloll Fll<tl >tl lUJtl lull Etl fr ll otlzll llotlFl $ll 5il u.r ll:r It F- tl:t ll0tl rnll oo i|! : i iti iti ;li't i'i ti 1irt Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 MEMORANDUM To: Vail Town Corurcil From: CommunityDwelopmentDcpartnent Date: June 4, 1999 Mariott Red€velopment hoposal Worksession Henry Pratt, of Gwathmey, Pratt, SchulE Architects has requested a worksession with the Town Council. The purpose of the worksession is to: o present lhe redwelopment proposal to the Council for preliminary rwiew prior to preparing an ordinance, o visit the proposed development site, r inform the Town Council of the results of the del,elopment rwiew process with lhe Planning & Environmental Commission ard the Design Rwiew Board to dale, I provide the Council with the opportunity to engage in a discussion with the applicant, stalf and public with regard to lhe proposal, and o idemf the Council's issues or concems with the redwelopment proposal. To that en4 gafr has included the following documents in the packet for your rwiew and consideration: I . A copy of the March 8, 1999 staff memorandum to the Plaruring & Erwironmental Commission and the Commission's approved meeting minutes. At the March E meeting the Commission voted to recommend approval of the major SDD amendment wift conditions. 2. A copy of the Design Review Board's recommendation to the Town Council dated June 8, 1999. The Board's recommendation is the result of four conceptual re!'ierv meetings with the applicant. 3. A copy of a summary of the Lionshead Redwelopment Mastcr Plan and an Architectural Design Guideline checklist including the Board's comments on thc proposal. 4. Copies of correspondence received from the community with rcgard to the proposed redwelopment. 5. Reduced copies ofthe proposed plans. In waluating the redwelopment proposal staff has identified a number of pros and cons of the project. The pros and cons ar€ listed below for consideration: Pros L The attainment of the goals of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan tfuough the implementation of the objectives and recommendations of the Plan (renewaVredwelopment, stronger economic base, improved infrastnrctwe, vitality/amenities). {g *"n"uor r"" FILE COPY 75 South Fronage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Department of Community Developmcnt May26, 1999 Heory Pratt Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architecls, P.C. 1000 Smth Frmtage Rmd West Vail, Colsado 81657 Re: Marriott off-site impovanents Dear Henry, The Lim$ead lv{a*er Plm and enabling adinances discus the need to assess reasoable off-site impovements to specific developments. The lv{aster Plan has identified over $15 millim in Frotage Rmd improvements from the main Vail Roundabout to the Cascade Village. This is a distance of approximately 7300 ft. and will cmtinue appnoximately t€o major intersectims. The Tom bas requested frqn the Colcado Departmart of Transpotatio, $5 millim to povide imFwem€nts. The ranaining $5 millio is assumod to directly be attibutable to tbe ten intersectims; equaling $500,000 per intersectio. Those dwelqments accessing the two intersectims of West Limshead Circle will be cmtributing to the imFovern€ots of these trvo intersectims, In ader to determine, at this timg the attrihrtable numb€r of fips to each intersection, the cornbined trips of boih inlersectims were deterrnined. The Traffic Study fm the Limshead Master Plan shons an increase of vehicle tips at both intersectios of 127 rips in the a.rn fa a total of 640 rips and an increase of 195 tips in the p.rrI. peak ha"u for a tcal of 795trips Thelvlarriott'spqoealaddsl0nenrDU's,4newcmdosand6ElIlJ'sintheexistinghotel. The timeshar€ prqiects adds 66 new units. The Sannday peak ftctor is .738 x 66 = 49 = 25% of $ I,000,000 = $250,000. 195 Sinceely, F'(I Jl-o-ta- Geoge Ruther, AEP ?,,u-, Senior Planner Town of Vail Xc: Greg llall, Acting Director of Public Wmks €p*,uo 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cons l. 2. The redevelopment will aa as a catalyst for other redevelopment projects in the Lionshead area. Improved @estrian circulation through the consfuAion of sidewalk and steetscape inprovements. The enluncement of the Gore Creek sheam corridor through sfeam bank rcstoration and revegcatior. The elimination of an unsighfly surhce parking dec*. The pro,ision of employee housing opporhrnities for up to ten employees in the immediate Lionslread area The proposal adds new building height and building mass to the property which may have impacts on adjacent poperties. Pot€ntial hcr€ases in both vehicuhr (car, bu, delivery truck) and pedestrian tmffic in the immediale ar€as surrounding the development site. 3. The loading and delivery configuration as proposed may result in periods of delay and/or congeslior. 4. The additional building height increases the "shade and shadod' effects ofthe building on adjacent properties. t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, May 19, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCFI - Community Dsvelopment D,epartment Clark Brittain BillPierce Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) stTEvtstTs MEMBERS ABSENT Hans Woldrich 1. Scorpio - 131 West Meadow Drive2. Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle3. Vail lnternational- 300 E. Lionshead Circle4. Wand - 381 Beaver Dam Circle5. Hoversten-95 Forest Road6. Waterhouse-285 Forest Road7. Austrian - 696 Forest Road8. Gold Peak Skier Tunnel- 458 Vail Valley Drive9. Lot 13, Forest Glen -439 Glen Falls Lane10. VailMountain School-3160 Katsos Ranch Road Driver: George FILE rif/P| 11:30 pm 1dn pm I'EIIBERS PRESENT PUBUC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Austrian residence - Conceptual review of a re.ryrodel of a primary/secondary residence. 696 Forest Road / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6"' Filing. Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. NeilAustrian, represented by Robert L. Arnold CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 2. Hoversten residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPBOVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That a Public Works and Zoning approval be required. 3. Wand B Development, LLC - Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence with a Type ll employee housing unit. 381 Beaver Dam Circle / Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: Wand B Development LLC, represented by Jay Peterson 3:00 pm Brent Dominic CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Golden Peak Ski Base - Skier tunnel. Dominic 458 VailValley Drive / Tract B, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant: VailAssociatesMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 5. Antler's - Final review of a proposed expansion. George 680 W. lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block'1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVineMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TAELED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 6. Dobson lce Arena - Final review locker room/loading dock expansion, George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That brick pavers be installed at the entrance to the loading dock.2. That a revised landscape plan be submitted. 7. Vail Intemational Condominiums - Removal of trees. George 300 E. Lionshead Circle / Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing #2. Applicant: VaillntemationalCondominiumAssociation MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND:Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 3-0-1 (Bill Pierce abstained) APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the one tree on Vail International property be removed and no trees on Town of Vail property be removed. 8. Waterhouse residence - Final review of a new garage. Allison 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1". Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the rail on the east be wood, rather than stone. 9. Lot 13, Forest Glen - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. Allison 4439 Glen Falls Lane / Lot 13, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Lot 13, LLC represented by S.H. Cole Construction MOTION:Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That it meet Public Works and planning approval. ' 10. Scorpio - Gate and parking improvements George tgt West Meadow Drive/Part df Lot 1, Part of Block D, Vail Village 2nd. Applicant: ScorpioCondominiumAssociationMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 2, 1999 11. Lot 25, Gtacier Ct. - Conceptual review of a new primaryisecondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3. Applicant: Pat DauphinaisMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTTLJUNE 2, 1999 12. VailMountain School-Temporarystructure. ^- George 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Pirt ot Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village t lh fiting. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Pam Hopkins CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 13. The Marriot (Lionshead) -Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration George and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriott MarK Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-PrattMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - BECOMMENDED APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL Staff Approvals Christopher-Wollard residence - Driveway snowmelUre-alignment; revised landscaping. Brent 2550 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 34, Block 2, Vail Village 13" Filing. Applicant: Rocky Christopher Fredin residence - Finish unfinished basement. Brent 2091 -A Zermatt Lane, Vail Commons #5B/Unplatted, Vail das Schone Filing f3. Applicant: Peter M. Fredin Davie residence - Driveway snowmelustamped concrete pavers. Brent 776 Potato Patch/Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: John Davie La Bottega - Addition of pavers and deck extension. Brent 100 E. M-eadow Drive/Lots M & O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Stephen Virion Meadow Vail Place Penthouse - 250 addition. Allison 44 W. Meadow Drive/Lot 1, VailVillage 2no. Applicant: SpraddleCreekProperties Sonnenalp Hotel & Spa - New canopy (revised) * Brent 20 Vail Road/A portion of Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Johannes Faessler One Vail Place - Exterior painting. Brent 244Wall StreeUA portion of Bbck 5A, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Hill, Drescher, Smead & Wells BrentWall Street Building -Skylight addition. 225Wall StreeuPart of Lots B&C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Wall Street Building Condo Association Schofield residence - Stairuay replacement. Brent 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"'. Applicant: John Schofield Vail Associates Pump House & Tennis Courts - Replace 5 spruce trees on W. Forest Rd. Dominic 615 W. Forest Rd.iUnplatted, adjacent to Vail Lionshead 3'o Filing. Applicant: VailAssociates Vail East Condominiums -Window replacement. Brent 4093 Spruce Waylt/ail East, Bighorn 3'o. Applicant: Vail East Lodging Association McDonald's - Two new wall signs. Brent 2112 N. Frontage Road WesVLot 2b, a resub ol Lot 2, Vail das Schone Filing tr2. Applicant: George Greenwald Ginzberg - Bedroom addition. Jetf 4034 Bighom Road, #1/Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Stewart & Lisa Ginzberg Eagle Bahn Gondola - New deck on south side of gondola. Jetf Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1"t. Applicant: VailAssociates Shaper- New garage. .. Jetf 2645 Bald lrlountaiiRoad/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13th. Applicant: Steve Shaper Roost Lodge - Move equipment to non-visible location. Dominic 1793 N. Frontage Rd. Wesvlots 10,11 & 12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Rodney Cofton Stern - Entry addition. Jefl 1517 Vail Villey Drive,#1tLol12, Block 3, Vail Valley 1s. Applicant: Don & Ann Stem Marrion Mountain Resort - New awning. Brent 715 W. Lionshead Circle/Manion Mark, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: selim wahba The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular qflc_e hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 Sot Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephor for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. May 17, 1999 George Ruther Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: response to May 13 list of Marriott Lionshead DRB issues Dear George and members of the DRB: Here is our response/ explanation to the DRB comments listed in the May 13, 1999 memo from George Ruther. As you are aware, many of the comments predate the May 5, 1999 DRB meeting and may have already been addressed through changes proposed at that meeting. North South Orientation of Buildings: l. Open up a light corridor between the existing hotel and the Gore Crcek Club to get light back down to the street and sidewalk.: Changes to the proposed design of the Phase 2a building and the Gore Creek Club were presented at the May sth DRB hearing. In the May 196 hearing we will present additional changes wherein all units on the top floor of the north wing of the Club have been relocated to the south end of the Club. This change will provide a significant reduction in height at the northeast corner of the Club. 2. The ridge lines of the improvements should be lowered and a greater space left between the buildings to maintain the view to the mountain from the Vail Spa.: In the May 50' DRB hearing, we presented significant lowering of building height at Phase 1, Phase 2a and at the Gore Creek Club north wing. As described above, we will propose on the 19s additional lowering of the height of the northeast corner of the Club's north wing. The wording of the Master Plan states that "future development and redevelopment <should> orient vertical building masses along a north-south axis whenever possible". Whenever possible. Increasing the separation between the existing Hotel Phase 2a and the Gore Creek Club is not possible due to the constraints imposed by the existing parking structure. We have located the majority of our density in a north-south manner along t Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 2 the west edge of the property. This corridor is not identified in the Master Plan (see Map O) as a view corridor but we have made the changes nonetheless, 4.10- Gatewavs. Landmarks. and Portals: l. The site planning of the Gore Creek Club creates a building which is too inclusive and inward facing resulting in a lack of regard for the public spaces around the building and the existing or potential surrounding uses.: The only elevation that is "inward" facing (it is oriented towards the mountain) is the west elevation. All other sides face out. The west elevation has been designed with fenestration, dormers, french balconies, etc that gives it the appearance that some units face outward. In addition, the Owner of the property to the west has publicly indicated full support for our design of the west elevation and has acknowledged that their site planning would need to respect the conditions that are created by our building. The south and north elevations- the only ones facing public spaces- are within the restrictions and intent of the Master Plan and the Design guidelines. As of the May 19rh hearing, we will have made changes suggested by the DRB to ALL sides of the building. 2. There are opportunities to create a sense of arrival at the entrance portals to the property and building: Our proposal includes improvements to every point of arrival to the existing Hotel including the landscaped portal at the southeast that was presented to the DRB on May 5'h. An additional metal gate will be presented to the DRB on May 1gth. The point of arrival for the Gore Creek Club is clearly expressed at the street and at the point of check-in. Again, we would like to point out that most people arriving at the Club know where they are going when they get to Vail. hearing so that we can understand the comment more fullv- 3. The entrances to the property need to be more inviting and less awkward.: See item 2 above. Furthermore, the proposed improvements to the existing porte cochere at the main entrance to the Hotel are dramatic. In addition to greater height and width of cover. skylights are being proposed to allow more light into the arrival area at the door. At the Gore Creek Club, the porte cochere extends as close to the street as allowed and its height is sympathetic to the units directly behind it. lf the DRB thinks this porte cochere should be made larger, we will look at it. 4. The basic aspects of site planning such as points of arrival, loading/delivery, pedestrian circulation are not addressed in the current proposal.: As presented in great detail at the May 5th hearing, points of arrival, loading and delivery and pedestrian circulation have been fully addressed. These items all meet the requirements of the client and are in conformance with the requirements of the Master Plan. Loading and delivery has been discussed in great detail with the operators of the Gore Creek Club, the Town Staff and the PEC. All parties in these discussions have acknowledged the adequacy of the proposals. Pedestrian circulation internal to the Marriott site has been significantly enhanced in our proposal. This circulation is not public circulation and is not mentioned in the Master Plan. Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 3 5. Morc attention needs to be given to the sense of arrival at the southeast corner of the propertY.i We do not feel that an architectural portal is appropriate at the southeast corner of the existing Marriott Property but will present a metal gate at the May 19th meeting. As presented at the May 5s hearing we are also proposing to enhance this point of arrival with additional landscaping that is consistent with our proposals to provide a more natural setting on the south side of the Hotel. The pedestrian easement shown on the plat ends halfway to the creek. Even so, our proposed landscape plan does provide a continuous and visually interesting route to the bike path- a significant improvement over the existing conditions. 4.10.2- Landmarks: l. The proposed landmark elements are too big and are not in proportion with the building.: On May 5tn we presented a revision to Phase 2a that removed one of the landmark elements and significantly altered the appearance of the landmark element atop Phase ll. We feel that the remaining landmark element is designed to be in proportion with the building and is the size necessary to meet the intent of the Master Plan (more discussion of this below). Also, a comment in George's checklist down under section 8.4.1 .2 indicates that not everyone feels that the landmark is too big. 2. Are the landmark elements necessary?: Page 8-5 of the Master Plan, paragraph 3 states "All buildings in Lionshead, both existing and new development, should seek to fulfill the roles of landmarks...": The Master Plan therefore encourages landmark elements. The largest hotel in Lionshead, if not all of Vail, would seem to be a logical location to implement this intent. In response to DRB concerns, we have already eliminated one landmark element atop phase 2a. 5.4- Gore Greek Corridor: |. There appears to be no relationship between the existing and proposed building and the Gore Creek stream corridor. A relationship should be created.: We are proposing to go to great lengths to remove the vertical separation (the 2O' high berml between the existing hotel and the bike path. Our landscape plans show that we propose to significantly enhance both the visual and physical access to the stream tract from the courtyard south of the Hotel. At the Gore Creek Club, we presented on May 5'h a change in the configuration of the south wing that gives us direct on-grade access to the Bike path. We are also proposing to add significant landscaping between the Gore Creek Club and the bike path in addition to improving the landscaping south of the bike path. 2. Pedestrian circulation has not been addressed; especially along the stream tract.: The changes presented on May Srn addressed this issue. Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 4 Building Finishes: l. The proposed application of exterior stone makes the building appear to be dipped in stone. The height of the stone around the buildings should vary with massing and building forms in mind.': No additional stone is being proposed for the existing hotel except at the wall around the expanded loading dock. Design Guidelines Section A.4.2.4 requires a clear definition of base, middle and top but does not require or suggest that the height of the base needs to vary. This section also talks about the importance of establishing "key datums" li.e. lines ol referencel. We feel that our proposed use of stone veneer satisfies this intent in the Master Plan Design Guidelines. The use of veneer does vary quite a bit in height on all four elevations of the Gore Creek Club. On each elevation we feel that the stone does indeed help establish the desired datum and sense of base- even inside the courtyard at the roof garden level. lf the DRB would like us to lower this datum or remove stone in certain areas, we will study the possibilities. Finally, the existing parking structure does not have adequate structural capacity to allow for the installation of stone veneer on all exposed surfaces. We have chosen here to use the stone as an expression of structure and to break the existing precast walls down into a rhythm of smaller areas. Building'Roles': l. No 'sense of arrival to a grcat place" has been provided.: As one approaches the existing Hotel from afar, our proposed landmark roof element provides a significant indication of the point of arrival. As one gets closer, this element becomes less dominant (pyramid shape fades in mass) and the various improved points of arrival start to become dominant. As discussed above we have made substantial and significant improvements to the Hotel porte cochere. Arrival to the Gore Creek Club is clearly denoted by its porte cochere which extends almost all the way to the street (GCC members will know where they are goingl. lf you are looking for a portal to this side of Lionshead, we feel it should be at the intersection of the Frontage road and Lionshead Circle or further west as appropriate. 2. The reality of how the buildings will function has not been addressed.: We presented a pedestrian circulation plan at the May 5tn meeting demonstrating the relationship of some of the interior spaces of the buildings to how pedestrian traffic will flow and how this flow relates to the Master Plan. We are happy to answer any additional questions in this area. In addition. a great deal of thought has gone into the internal functioning of the Gore Creek Club, the point of arrival. front desk, Owners' lounge, internal amenities, roof garden, ski storage, etc. We can present the internal functioning of the building at the May 19n hearing if desired. Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 5 Pedestrian Streets: | . A landscape buffer is needed at the street frontage of the Gore Creek Club.l We have addressed this issue and will present our proposals at the next DRB meeting on May 19th. 8.4. 1 .4- Transition Soaces: 1. The space betvveen the commercial use and the main building of the Gore Creek Club is a 'no man's land". Consider connecting the buildings. Please refer to our sheet A2.3 to see that on the east side of the Gore Creek Club arrival ramp this "no man's land" is actually used for parking and bicycle storage adjacent to the ski/bike storage room. In addition to these uses. the gap between the buildings serves to provide additional light to the Entry and Arrival spaces. On the west side, we considered connecting the buildings and felt the benefits were not equal to the disadvantages (especially forthe Vail Spa), The drawings that will be presented to the DRB on May 19 will show the buildingsconnected. @2. The use of the top of the parking structure does not appear to be very well thought out. The uses on top of the parking structure are in accordance with the programming needs of the client and the future guest. At the north end, closest to the Owners' lounge and the vertical core (also the end with the best sun and viewsl, we have located the hot tubs in a garden of trees and plantings. In the middle we have placed a sun terrace. This separates the hot tub garden from the free play area where we envision children playing tag, frisbees, etc. On May 5s we presented a change to the south lawn adding a connection to the break in the south wing. All of this combines to provide protected, secure areas for the Gore Creek Club guest to enjoy year-round. 3. The commercial space on the north side of the Gore Creek Club is too close to the street and should be moved back to respect the lO foot setback. Section 8.4.1 .4 talks about the need to create "a layer of frontage with interest and life" as a transition between public and semi-public. The location of the existing parking structure provides only a small area in which to place this desired element so the setbacks we are proposing (proposed setbacks vary from 2'-6" to 1O'-O) are the only way we can meet this Master Plan intent. Pushing all faces of the retail back 1O' would make the spaces too small for retail tenants). At the request of the DRB at the first meeting, we have already moved these spaces as far back as we feel we can. Since we are talking about an important Master Plan concept, we feel that the ability to provide this transition outweighs the need to satisfy building setbacks in this location. I would like to point out that the front elevation of the retail steps along the property line. This provides more of the visual interest sought by the Master Plan. I will also point out that changing the grades in this area by 3' to allow the retail (which must be accessiblel to push back onto the existing structure is not really feasible and is discouraged by the bottom paragraph on page 8-15, Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 6 Buildino Form and Massino: l. The building elevation along the west propefty line is to straight and needs to be articulated, both vertically and horizontally. On May 5s we presented a west building elevation that has is significantly more articulated vertically and horizontally than before. Given the constraints of the existing parking structure and the need for our new parking extension to line up with the existing structure, there is little additional opportunity to break up the straight line of the west elevation. This elevation is in full conformance with the Design Guidelines. There are no wall panels exceeding 35'in any direction and the building steps exceed the recommended 24" minimum step (the obvious exceptions to this are the faces of the parking structure and the elevator towers where a 24" step is not possible). Furthermore, please refer to Section, page 8-18, middle paragraph. The Master Plan acknowledges that "a building's greatest vertical mass... should occur on the frontage with the least volume of pedestrian traffic and should be oriented north-south". The west property line is not identified in the Master Plan as a primary or secondary pedestrian route (see map O) and certainly has less pedestrian traffic than the other three sides. 2. The mass of the roof proposed and the additional volume it creates is excessive and should be reduced in scale. We assume that this comment relates to the remaining landmark element atop Phase 2. This is discussed above and according to George's memo, the comments on this are not in complete agreement. The pyramid shaped addition is very efficient in that it results in a mass that will disappear as one approaches the building and yet at a distance, it provides the scale necessary to fit with the existing Marriott. We studied the scale of this element very carefully and feel it is a good fit with the Hotel. Furthermore, this element has no impact on light and air for any of the adjacent properties. lt also is an effective way to break the line of the existing roof. 3. The spires over the stair and elevator towers are out of proportion making the buildings appear to be top heavy. The height and width of the spires is what is required for elevator overhead and machine rooms. Our proposed design provides visual interest at the west end of Lionshead until they are blocked from view by development of the West Day Lot. I also refer you to the intent of the Master Plan as stated in the last sentence of page 8-32, "The...image of Lionshead takes its cue from the simple ... forms of European alpine villages." The design intent for these particular roofs was to provide the look of european belltowers in a part town where there are no churches. Exterior Walls: 1. Address fenestration, wail surtace planes, and exterior building materials of all the buildings. Colors and materials were submitted back in March and have yet to be discussed in any detail. To help with the cooming discussion we offer the following: Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 7 o Fenestration (existing buildingsl- no changes are proposed except that EIFS window and door trim in a wood tone color is being proposed in some locations.r Fenestration (Gore Creek Club)- Windows proposed meet the Design Guidelines in terms of shape, variety of shapes. divided lites, color and finish. Trim will be wood, Wall surface planes {existing buildings including parking garage}- We have made some changes to the wall surfaces of the existing hotel buildings, most notably to remove some of the existing "floating frame" and to reduce apparent wall area by lowering eaves. We cannot meet the 35'rules in all locations and are not required to do so under Section 8.3.1, . paragraph 2, Our intent is to take these buildings back to a simpler, cleaner less dated look- the primary directive of the Master Plan.r Wall surface planes (Gore Creek Clubl- We meet the letter of the Design Guidelines as explained previously. r Exterior Building materials (existing buildings)- lt is our intent to replace much of the existing wood siding. Where the existing siding is left in place, it will be painted to look more natural and to decrease the visibility of the defects in the material. The new material will be EIFS. Most, but not all existing roofs (standing seam metal) will be replaced or covered with asphalt shingles meeting the requirements of the Design Guidelines. Existing wood siding and pipe railings will be replaced with new steel railings in the color submitted. o Exterior Building materials (Gore Creek Club)- All materials being proposed meet the requirements of the Design Guidelines and the requirements for the various levels of the building. 2. Phase ll of the Hotel is intended to become a "flagship" building, yet the proposed exterior building materials are not of "flagship" quality. The Bavaria Haus is an example of a 'flagship' hotel. We understand the sentiment associated with this comment, but would like to point out that all proposed materials are allowed by the Design Guidelines and are top quality within their respective classif ications. Except for the roofing, all are the same as the materials found on the Bavaria Haus- a new building. The proposed asphalt roofing is also top-of-the-line and will have an appearance far superior to the asphalt shingles that are so prevalent in Lionshead today. 3. The east and west elevations with the exposed parking structure is unacceptable. These areas need to be addressed. Structural analysis of the existing parking structure has indicated that there is no excess structural capacity, so leaving some (if not all) areas of the existing precast exposed is unavoidable, We have attempted to use stone veneer in limited amounts to break down the size of the precast panels and to express some transmittance of load to the ground. Under the largest masses, we have attempted to provide the base level datum requested by the Master Plan. We intend to paint the balance of the exposed precast to minimize its impact. This will give the same look and texture as if it were covered with EIFS. Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 8 Exterior Doors and Windows: 1. The hotel rooms need to extend outward to fill in the void spaces created in the areas on the sloping roof. Marriott has emphatically indicated that this is not desired at this time. The additional cost cannot be recovered in the room rates and raising the rates is not an option at this time. In order to address this concern, we have revised our designs to lower the roofs. This reduces roof mass (a previous DRB comment) and decreases the space between the balconies and the roof. Balconies. Guardrails, and Handrails: l. The stacking of the decks and windows is too repetitive and does not comply with the intent of the Design Guidelines. The proposal makes it too easy to read the gridlines of the building. This comment misinterprets the intent of the Design Guidelines. Where page 8-1O, middle paragraph discourages grid layouts in plan, page 8-29 states that windows should be "organized into fairly regular patterns to establish rhythm and continuity". Our design meets the intent and the letter of the Design Guidelines. 2. The decks and balconies on the existing hotel need to be articulated. This is exactly our intent in removing most of the existing outer frame on the buildings and in removing the solid wood railing walls at the Phase 1 balconies. Additionally, we propose to install open metal railings per the Design Guidelines to further articulate the balconies. We also vary the expression of the balconies from building to building and within each building face. We therefore feel that all the balconies (including some new variations to be introduced on May 19th) comply. Roofs: l. Why does the height of the building have to increase to achieve the sloping roof form? The height does not have to increase to achieve the sloping roof form, the height has to increase to achieve a non-linear roof form. The Master Plan calls for this additional height. Page 8-20, last sentence of top paragraph specifically states that "regardless of final built height, buildings shall avoid monotonous, unbroken ridge lines...". Figures 8-3 and 8-4 on page 8-6 and figure 8-17 on page 8-21 show additional height being added to a building to achieve this result. The existing Marriott buildings all have flat roofs and straight line parapets. We added height because the Master Plan recommends it and the height we added has minimal impact on the light and air to adjacent properties. Even so, in response to DRB comments we have reduced the additional height to achieve a discontinuous ridge line and in the case of Phase lla we have replaced the larger landmark feature with a smaller one that does not cover the existing elevator tower. Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 9 2. Are the sloping root forms necessary on the existing hotel. They are not necessary but they are specifically encouraged by the Master Plan. Our basic design goal for improving the existing hotels, and one specifically promoted by the top paragraph on page 8-7 of the Design Guidelines, is to lower wall heights by adding sloping mansard roofs to existing buildings (see also page 8-32 and 8-34). 3. The application of the sloping roof form on the Phase I building in particular appears phony and contrived. We have revised this elevation to break up the simplicity of the previously presented roof . The changes will also give more emphasis to the existing entry at the northeast corner of Phase 1. 4. The steepness of the sloping roof creates a wall rather than a roof. Page 8-23, second paragraph calls for roofs that add to the overall long-distance roofscape of Lionshead and adds that roofs should disappear as approached on foot. Page 8-7 allows for steeply sloping mansard roofs. Furthermore, the application of windows and doors in dormers breaks up the plane of the mansard and leaves no question that it is a roof. We feel that our proposed designs meet the intent of the Master Plan requirements and would like to point out that the use of mansards is quite common in large (hotell buildings throughout the world as a means to reduce apparent height. Fireolaces and Chimnevs: l. Chimney caps and the portions of the chinmeys need to be examined. We will add the required chimney tops and adjust chimney heights to be more consistent. Dorail: l. The treatment of exterior details lacks consistency throughout the project.l This is intentional. The level of detail proposed varys from building to building and will vary from elevation to elevation. This is an attempt to break the Marriott complex into smaller discrete entities. Our proposal follows through on this concept with color as well. The Master Plan does not require full compliance with the Design Guidelines for existing buildings and the level of detail being proposed for the GCC is in accordance with the Design Guidelines. 2. The guality of the exterior finishes are not up to our rcsort standards. All proposed materials are allowed by the Design Guidelines. lf the approved materials in the Design Guidelines are not up to our resort standards, then the Design Guidelines should be amended. Ruther/DRB response May 17, 1999 Page 10 Other-: l. The applicant's options are significantly limited given the existing conditions and constraints. This comment is very important. The existing structures, including the parking structure at the west do not allow us to make many of the changes desired by the DRB. With existing structures, these changes add up quickly become disincentives to redevelopment. 2. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Architectural Design Guidelines should be studied in great detail to determine compliance of the proposal with the guidelines. The applicant has studied the Guidelines in great detail and feels that the proposed design meets all of the intentions and the detailed rules contained in the Master Plan. We do require conditional approval of our roof slopes but have maintained all along that the steeper slopes provide substantially increased benefits to the Town than would be provided by roof slopes within the 12:12 limit in the Guidelines. 3. The project lacks regard for the adjacent properties. All aspects of our proposal meet the intent of the Master Plan, To the south, we are in full compliance with setbacks and height but continue to make changes that are being recommended by the DRB. To the west, we again meet the requirements for height and have done as much as we can to mitigate the limitations of an existing building. Our neighbor to the west has indicated to the DRB his full support of our design. To the north, we again comply fully with the intent of the Master Plan. We continue to make changes to the height and configuration despite the fact that we are under the height limits, do not infringe on any defined view corridors and do not impact anyone's light and air. We hope this response helps to further explain our proposal and enhance the DRB'S understanding of it. GWATHMEY PRATT /. att, AIA REVTSEO 5/5/99 ftl,t cnpr 11:00 pm DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, May 5, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE pRoJEcr oRTENTATToN / LUNcH- Town Council Chambers MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce (left at 5:00 p.m.) Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Tom Weber (PEC) slTE V|SITS 1. Vail Interfaith Chapel- 19 Vail Road2. Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road3. Adams -765 West Forest Road4. Dobson lce Arena - 321 E. Lionshead Circle5. Scalise -2567 Arosa Drive6. Lot 25 - 1854 Glacier Ct.7. Wiley- 1538 Spring Hill Lane8. Valleau - 4839 Meadow Drive9. Shaper - 2645 Bald Mountain Road10. Lot 4, Gore Creek Sub. - 5166 Black Gore Drive 1 1. Kinzelberg - Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates Driver: George 2dD pm MEMBERS PRESENT PUBUC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. The Marriott (Lionshead) - Conceptual review ol a major exterior alteration and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark. Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 2. Lionsquare North - New awning. 660 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 8, Vail Lionshead 1". Applicant: LionsquareNorthCondoAssociation MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 3:00 pm George Dominic COMiENT APPROVED-Subject to final staff review. REV1SED 5/6/1993. Adam residence - Conceptual review of a proposed*remodel. Brent 765 West Forest Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village 6''. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Henkes residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2824 Snowberry Drive I Lol17, Block 9, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 5. Wiley residence - Conceptual review for a new primary residence and Type ll Allison employee housing unit. 1 538 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 14, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: WileyFamilyPartnership CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Valleau Residence - Conceptual review of a remodel/addition to an existing residence. Allison 4839 Meadow Drive/Lot 17, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth. Applicant: Bob & Kathy Valleau MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED Scalise Residence - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. 2567 Arosa Dr./Lot 9, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1'' Allison Applicant: Dennis Scalise CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Waterhouse residence - New garage. Jeff 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1$. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 9. Shaper residence - Review of a new garage. .. Jetf 2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13"'. Applicant: Steve Shaper MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:HansWoldrich VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19, 1999 10. Vail Interfaith Chapel - Remodel/addition at existing facility. Jeff 19 Vail Road / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:HansWoldrich VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 19, 1999 7. BEVTSED 5/619911. Kinzelberg residence - Conceptual review. Jeff Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Harvey Kinzelberg, represented by Hans Berglund CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 12. Grand Traverse Lot 16 - Final review of a new single-family residence. George 1800 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 1 6, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction MOTION: Melissa Greenauer SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED PER REVISED PLANS 13. Lot 25, Glacier Ct. -Conceptual review of a proposed new primary/secondary residence. George 1854 Glacier Ct./Lot 25, Block 2, Lionsridge #3. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 14. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 15. Dobson lce Arena - Conceptual review locker room/loadiqg dock expansion. George 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represenled by Odell Architects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 16. Lot 4, Gore Creek Subdivision.- Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence.George 5166 Black Gore Drive/Lot 4, Gore Greek Subdivision. Applicant: Greg Amsden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE Staff Aoorovals Brooktree Condominiums -Stairuay/anding replacement. Brent 980 Vail View Drive/A portion of Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant: BrooktreeTownhomesHOA Burillo residence / Northwind development - Revised landscape plan. Brent 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Village 1" Filing. Applicant: Northwind Development Rizk residence - Bedroom/dining room addition. Brent 740 Sandy Lane/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing #2. Applicant: Oscar Rizk REVTSED 5/6/99 Axelrod residence - Exterior repaint. George 2578 Arosa Drive/Lot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Art Axelrod Ketcham residence - Changes to driveway. Allison 4301 Glen Falls Laneilot 1, Forest Glen. Applicant: Linda Ketcham Berndt residence - Site plan changes. Allison 756 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Wolfgang Berndt MacLean residence - lnterior conversion of crawl space. George 1330 Sandstone Drive, Overlook, Unit #121G-4, Vail Lionsridge. Applicant: John MacLean Walzer residence - Addion of stone veneer to deck rail and chimney. George 333 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 41, Block 7, Vail Village 1sI. Applicant: George Schaeffer Construction Co. Timber Falls Building #18 - North side deck extension. Brent 4459 Timberfalls Ct. #1 8/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: Timber Falls Phase lX Association The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's oftice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. FILE Discussion on Employee Housing Generation Ordinance. (45 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review considerations for implementing a housing generation ordinance and direct staff on next steps. PEC/DRB Review. (15 mins.) Discussion of Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1gg9, an ordinance amending Special Development District #7, The Maniott, allowing for interior and exterior remodel of phase l, phase ll & phase ltd and the construction of the Gore Creek Club and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (30 mins.) AGTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Listen to a presentation by the applicant and the staff and provide any directions the Council may have prior to first reading of the ordinance. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: On Monday, March 8, 1999, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the proposed major amendment to Sgeclal Development District #7, The Maniott, pursuant to section 12-16'6 of the Town of VailZoning Regulations. In preparing for first reading of an amending ordinance, the applicant has requested a work session with the Town Council to discuss the proposal. | "opy of the staff memorandum and the final agenda from the March 8s meeting are enclosed for reference. STAFF REGOMMENDATION: As this is a work session. staff will not be making a recommendation at this time. Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) Executive Session - Personnel Mafters. (45 mins.) Adjournment - 4:45 p.m. |,r/PlrVAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1999 2:OO P.M. AT ToV couNcIL GHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Time of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be reriedupon to determine atwhat time Council will consider an liem. 1. Russ Forrest Nina Timm 2. George Ruther J. George Ruther Henry Pratt 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwLL BE oN TUESDAY,4t20tg9, BEGINNING AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL cHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwLL BE oN TuEsDAy,4tzzt99, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETTNGWLL BE ON TUESDAY , 4120199, BEGINNING AT 7:OO P.M; IN Tov coUNcIL cHAilBERs. Sign language interpretation available upon req-'u6st-wi-tn?a n6ur notification. please cail 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for infrcrmation. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Document Summary Amended llday 12,1999 The following document is summary of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The summary contains the sections and subsections of the Plan that address the Marriott and Gore Creek Club development sites. This document is intended to be used when reviewing and evaluating the applicant's redevelopment proposal for the Marriott for compliance with the recommendations of the Master Plan. Since the May 5e Design Review Board meeting staff has attempted to place the comments of the Board and the Public into the various sections and subsections of the master plan. This exercise is intended to base all the comments expressed to date in the master plan. While several of the issues are expressed in Sections 4 and 5 of the Document Summary, the majority of the cofirments are founded in Section 8, Architectural Design Guidelines. This summarized document should continue to be used in the review of the proposed Marriott/Gore Creek Club project. CHAPTER 2 Introd uction 2,1 Purpose of the Plan The master plan was initiated by the Town of Vail to encourage redevelopment and new development within Lionshead. The plan outlines the Town's objectives and goals for the enhancement of Lionshead and proposes recommendations, incentives, and requirernents for redevelopment and new development. The plan also recommends specific public improvernent projects that are strategically important to the future success of Lionshead. 2.3 Policy Objectives tr Renewal and Redevelopmenl Lionshead should be renewed and redeveloped to become a warmer, more vibrant envhonment for guests and residents. O Vitality and Amenities We must seize the opportunity to enhance guest and community interaction through expanded and additional activities and arnenities. o Stronger Economic Base tbrough Increased Live Beds Renewal and redevelopment in Lionshead must promote improved occupancy rates and the creation ofnew live beds. o Impoved Access and Circulation The flow of all modes of traffic must be improved within Lionshead. o ImFovedlnftastructure The infrastructure of Lionshead (streets, walkways, loading/delivery, snow removal, etc.) and its public and private services must be upgraded to support redevelopment and revitalization efforts to meet the expectations of our guests. Creative Financing for Enhanced Private Profits and Public Revenues Creative and realistic strategies must be identified so that adequate capital may be raised from all possible sources to fund desired imurovements. CHAPTER 3 Existing Conditions Assessment and Problem Idenfification Introduction The initial task in the Lionshead master planning process was to conduct a thorough assessment of existing physical and regulatory conditions in the study area. The goal of this assessment was to identify the problems, opportunities, and constraints that the master plan recommendations must recognize and address. West Lionshead Circle West Lionshead Circle (see figure 3-10) functions primarily as the access route to Lionshead Place, several lodging facilities, and the Vail Associates core site. In addition the road carries a significant arnount of service and delivery traflic and serves as a transit route for the Town of Vail bus and the Eagle County resional bus. Tiansit There are two Town of Vail transit stops on West Lionshead Circle, the first located in front of the Maniott and the other at Concert Hall Plaza. According to the traffrc study (see appendix A), only eight percent ofthe total faffic entering Lionshead - and only two percent ofpassengers on the Town of Vail bus - used the Concert Hall Plaza stop. The Town of Vail Public Works Department has recommended that the transit stop at Concert tlall Plaza be discontinued. b. Service and Delivery Two service and delivery areas are accessed from West Lionshead Circle, one at the Concert Hall bus-stop and the other in the alley between Concert Hall Plaza and the Lan&nark Townhomes. Tbe delivery vehicle staging behind the Landmark Townhomes is ad-hoc and illegal, as this is a designated emergency vehicle access lane. Both areas occasionally back up and cause trucks to stage tanporarily on West Lionshead Circle. c. Pedestrian Trffic Concert Hall Plaza is intended to be the westem portal into the Lionshead mall, but the pedestrian paths along West Lionshead Circle are fragmented and the point of entry is unclear, A partial sidewalk runs along the south side of the sfieet in front of the Marriott but it is not continuous. The gradient is diffrcult in places, and pavements are often icy in winter. There is no pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. Dark and compromised by stairways, the passage through Concert Hall Plaza is seriously deficient as a pedestrian and retail environment. Very few pedestrians from west Lionshead ever make the connection tbroueh Concert Hall Plaza to the mall. CHAPTER 4 Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Area This section ofthe master plan addresses issues that affect Lionshead as a whole. These issues - and recommendations to address them - should be considered in all planning and policy decisions as Lionshead redeveloos. Underlying Physical Framework of Lionshead The Lionshead resort area (that portion of the sudy area north of Gore Creek) is a mixed-use urban environment with several discemible land-use sub-areas, or "hubs" (see Map N). Although the hubs overlap somewhat, there is no consistent and comprehensive pedestrian connection between them. The primary goal ofthe master plan is to create a visually interesting and functionally efficient pedestrian environment that connects the hubs to create a cohesive and memorable resort environment. 4.1.4 Resort Lodging Hub This area of Lionshead is located just west of the Lionshead retail core and is comprised almost exclusively of high-density residential and lodging products. All future plarming and desip decisions in this area should work to reinforce the residential nature of the neigbborhood and retain the sense ofprivacy desired by individual properties. New development in this mea should aim for quieter pedestrian streets, well defined pedestrian connections, more intensive landscaping and higher qualily streetscape development. View Corridon Creating and establishing view conidors is an effective way to link the urban core of Lionshead visually to the natural environment of Gore Creek and the mountain. The master plan is recommending the creation of several dedicated public ttiew conidors. In addition, all private development and redeveloprnent should endeavor to create visual connections from and tlrough their properties. View corridors do not have to be expansive to b€ effective. In many cases, a slender but well targeted view corridor can bejust as effective as a broad view. Nor do visual connections have to be continuous; they can reoccur, providing intermittent views from different angles. 4.3.1,2 North-South Orientation 0f Buildings The predominant east-west orientiation of buildings in Lionshead acts as a visual and physical banier, intemrpting tbe connection to the natural envtonrnent. It should be a priority in futule development and redevelopment to orient vertical building masses along a north-south axis whenever possible. This will help to accomplish the following objectives: a. Yiews from Existing Buildings Public input throughout the master planning process indicated that existing property owners in Lionshead are concemed that new development will block their private views to the mountain. By orienting new buildings on a north-south axis, the potential visual impact on existing buildings is reduced. Open up a light corridor between the existing hotel and the Gore Creek Club to get light back down to the street and sidewalk. The ridge lines of the improvements should be lowered and a geater space left between the buildings to maintain the view to the mountain from the Vail Soa. Landscape end Greenbeh Corridors Wherever possible the natural landscape ofthe Gore Creek corridor should be allowed to penetrate into the more urbanized portions of Lionshead (see Map O). This will open up access points to the Gore Creek corridor, enhance the quality of individual properties, and improve the image of Lionshead as an alpine resort. Eliminate the Concert Hall Plaza Stop The existing bus stop at Concert Hall Plaza is underutilized and is too close to the transit stop at the Maniott. The elimination of the Concert Hall stop will free up space needed to implement a meaningfut redevelopment of Concert Hall Plaza and create a better westem portal to the Lionshead core. 4,6,4 Modilications to West LioDshead Circle and Lionshead Place West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place currently handle the heaviest load of lodging access and delivery traffic in Lionshead and will likely continue to do so. The recommended improvements to these roads are both aesthetic and functional, working to provide for safe and efficient vehicular traffic while also insuring a safe pedestrian environment visually consistent with the overall goals of the rnaster plan. 4.7.1 Properties with Direct Service Access As a general rule, properties that can provide for their own service and delivery needs should comply with the following guidelines: a. Loading and delivery facilities should be located deep enough into the property that the estirnated peak volume of service vehicles does not back up into or block the access road or pedestrian areas. b. Service drives and loading docks must be screened with landscaping, fencing, retaining walls or other appropriate desigrr techniques. c. All reasonable measures shall be taken to prevent noise and exbaust impacts on adjacent properties. d. In no case shall a property utilize the public roadway or pedestrian area to stage service and delivery vehicles. 4.9 llousing Recent connnunity surveys and grass-roots planning efforts such as Vail Tomorrow bave identified the lack of locals housing as the most critical issue facing the Vail community. Early in the Lionshead master planning process, west Lionshead was identified as an opportunity arca to implement some of the community's housing goals, particularly relating to employee housing. These opportunities and associated issues are outlined below. 4.9.3 Policy Based Housing Opportunities The first means of implementing housing goals in Lionshead is tltrou$t policy based requirernents such as the employee generation ordinance cunently being pursued by the Vail Town Council. As required by a future ordinance, all development and redevelopment projects, as a prerequisite to project approval, should provide housing for emplopes generated and to the extent possible this housing should be located in the Lionshead area. 4.10 Gateways, Landmarlis, and Portals The lack of spatial hierarchy or organizational clarity is a fundamental problem in the Lionshead pedestrian and vehicular network today. This section discusses the need to create a series ofgateways, portals, lan&narks and useful public spaces that will increase and enbance the character and identity of the pedestrian environment. r The site planning of the Gore Creek Club creates a building which is too inclusive and inward facing rezulting in a lack ofregard for the public spaces around the building and the existing or potential surrounding uses. i There are opportunities to create a sense of anival at the entrance portals to the property and building. a The entrances to the property need to be more inviting and less awkward. o The basic aspects of site p[anning 5us[ as points of arrival, loading/delivery, pedestrian circulation are not ad&essed in the current proposal. t More attention needs to be given to the sense of anival at the southeast comer of the property. 4.10,2 Landmarlis A landmark is a signficant architectural element that all the visitors to Lionshead can identifu and remember. Landmarks signify important points of entry, turning points and critical intersections in the pedestrian network, as well as destinations and visual reference points. The single lan&nark in Lionshead today is the Gondola clock tower, which will be replaced with the Vail Associates core site redevelopment. Appropriate locations for new landmarks in Lionshead are the east pedestrian portal, the central retail mall adjacent to the main pedestrian plaza, and the west pedestrian portal adjacent to the intersection ofWest Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. In addition, the potential civic center complex at the east end of the parking structure should function as a significant architectural landmark for the east end ofLionshead. t The proposed landmark elements are too big and are not in proportion with the building. a Are the landmark elements necessarv? CHAPTER 5 Detailed Plan Recommendations This section of the Lionshead Master plan examines individual parcels and groups ofparcels wilhin the Lionshead study area, excluding the residential properties on the south side of Gore Creek. The intent of this chapter -and the Master plan as a whole - is to identifo important functional relationships and vizual objectives within lhe district and to propose a frarnework for the long-term redevelopment of Lionshead. The document does not intend to limit or eliminate ideas relating to specific parcels; any proposals consistent with this framework should be considered even if they are not anticipated in this document. The parcels addressed here are organized generally from east to west, starting with the civic hub on the eastem end of the parking structure. 5.4 Gore Creek Corridor The master plan goals for the Gore Creek corridor are to protect and enhance its natual beauty and environment, to connect it to the Lionshead core, and to make the Gore Creek recreation path safer and more inviting as a passive recreation amenity. a There appears to be no relationship between the existing and proposed building and the Gore Creek strearn corridor, A relationship should be created. r Pedesrian circulation has not been addressed; especially along the stream tract. 5.4.5 Revegetation and Lrndscaping West of the Ski Yerd Slope revegetation and landscaping are needed along the westem portion ofthe Gore Creek recreation path. This section, which faverses a fill bank above Gore Creek, may never have the forested character of the section east of the ski yard, but it can be greatly enhanced by planting more rees. The focus should be on the more barren north side, with less intensive landscaping on the south bank frarning views to the creek (see figure 6-4). The added landscaping sbould be as natural as possible and appropriate for a riparian environment. The use of small undersory plantings that would increase maintenance requirements should be minimized. 5.13 The Marriott With appoximately 320 rooms, the Marriott is the only supply of hot beds in Lionshead. The single largest structure in Lionshead, it is also very visible, especially from the west. It is consequently a high priority renovation project, and all reasonable measures should be taken by the Town ofVail to encouragE and facilitate its enhancement. Specific issues regarding this property are as follows: 5.13.1 Redevelopment or Development of the Parking Structure The best opportunity for new development on lhe Marriott property is the existing pa*ing structure (figure 5-17). lf this site is developed, attenlion should be given to the relationship between the development, Gore Creek, the Gore Creek recreation path, and the west day lot. Vertical development should step back from the recreation path, and there should be a clear separation (most likely a landscape buffer) between the public space of the recreation path and the private space of the residential units. 5.13.2 InfillOpportunities 5.13.4 5.13.3 There are several tennis courts on the south side of the Marriott. This area presents an opportunity for low- rise infill development that eases the visual and physical transition from the existing structue to the Gore Creek recreation path. Opportunities for Facade Renovation Exterior renovation of the Marriott is a community priority, but the size and dimensions of the structue present a challenge, and it is unlikely that the architectural design guidelines (see chapter 8) can be fully met. However, this should not discourage exterior renovation, and the Town of Vail Design Review Board should insure that the ,fltent of the guidelines is met. (This is a basic premise of the architectural desip guidelines, relevant to all existing buildings in Lionshead.) West Lionshead Circle in Front of the Marriott Any future development or redevelopment ofthe Marriott property should include a continuous secondary pedestrian walk on the south side of West Lionshead Circle. A pavement snowmelt system is strongly recommended because of icing problems on the walkway in winter. CHAPTER 6 Site Design Guidelines Cbapters four and five identified important public spaces and pedestrian conidors that together define the underlying structure of Lionshead and form essential connections between the disrict's prinary destinations. This chapter on site design guidelines describes the detailed elernents that lend character and quality to the overall fabric ofpublic spaces. The master plan envisions a hierarchy of pedestrian spaces and, as outlined in this chapter, demands increasing attention to detailing in areas where public use will be more intense. Any projects or situations that do not fall within the framework described below shall conform to tlre exising Town of Vail regulations. 6,4 Secondary Pedestrian Walk Secondary pedestrian walks (see figure 6-3) are similar to primary pedestrian walks except that they are not located on primary pedestrian conidors and thus carry a lower volume of pedestrian traffic. The suggested minimum width for ttrese secondary walks is six feet, although wider walkways may be required where anticipated pedestrian traffrc volumes are grealer. Poured concrete may be used as a paving material. All other des.ign parameters thrt apply to primary pedestrian walks also apply here. CHAPTER 7 Development Statrdards This section outlines recommended development standards for private property in the Lionshead study area. In some cases, implementation of these standards will require revision of applicable provisions in the Town of Vail zoning regulations. Adoption of special provisions for redevelopment of properties that already violate existing development standards should also be considerd.It is critical to note that all of the following recommended standards apply e4ual/y as future projects are reviewed for compliance. When one standard is more restrictive than another, rlat is the standard that shall be the limiting factor. These standards do not represenl entitlements ih any way. For example, if the GRFA ratio ofa project cannot be met afler the building height, setback, and other architectural guideline standards have been applied, then that project rs not entitled to the maximum allowable GRFA. In this case, the quantitative and qualitative standards of the architectural design guidelines would take precedence over the potential GRFA allocation. 7,1 Landscape Area The master plan does not recommend modification of this standard for Lionshead. The Town's current standard, which applies to the majority of sites in Lionshead, requires that at least 20Vo of a prcel be landscaped. This standard should be flexible for properties along build-m lines and in the Wdestrtan retatl core area so they may be able to decrease planted area and increase hardscape in order to create the 6 7.2 7.3 7.4 functional pedestrian conidors and spaces outlined in the master plan. This potential reduction of Iandscape area is not a right ahd should require the approval of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Site Coverage The master plan does not recommend changing this standard. The Town's current standard, which applies to the majority of sites in Lionshead, prohibits site coverage by structues in excess of 70oZ the area of a site. This standard should be flexible for properlies along build-to lines and in the pedestrian retail core areq so lhey may be able to increase site coverage as required to create the functional pedestrian conidors and spaces outlined in the master plan. This potential increase in site coverage is not a right and should require the approval of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Below gtade development is not counted as site coverage. Setbacks The master plan does not recommend changing this standard. The current setback requirement on the majority ofsites in Lionshead is 10 feet from the property line on all sides. This requirement shall be waived in areas with designated build-to lines, and leeway should be considered in areas of sipificant hardstrip that otherwise meet the intent of the master plan and do not negatively impact adjacent properties. Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) An important component of the Lionshead Master Plan process was the analysis of GRFA's effectiveness as a tool for insuring the quality of architecture and the built environment within Lionshead. In short, the masterplan team found that GRFA was nol effective as a primary means of providing for architectual quality. Based on this finding it is the conclusion of the master plan team that GRFA siorrld nol be the primary means of regulating building size. To accomplish this, one of two options must be purzued. First, GRFA could be eliminated- Secondly, the GRFA ratio could be increased so that it functions as a safety valve to insure that buildings do not exceed the maximum residential floorplate area that would otherwise be allowed according to the criteria of the architectural design guidelines. If this second course of action is pursued, the following recommendations are made: a. The ratio of Gross Residential Floor Area (GMA) to lot area should be increased m all properties within Lionshead, excluding the residential properties south of Gore Creek, so that the site and architectural desip guidelines, not GRFA, are the primary building size and mass consraint. b. The method of calculating GRFA should be greatly simplified and changed to include common space so that basic floor plate area calculations will suffice. Density @welling Units Per Acre): The allorvable density ofdeveloprnent in the study area should be increased to provide ample incentive and create the financial mechanism for redevelopment ofproperties. Additional consideration must be given to existing properties that currently exceed the density limitations. A model dweloped during the master planning process showed that an increase ofat least 33%o over existing zoning or exising dwelling units on a given site would be needed to make redevelopment an attractive option. In order to encourage the development of live beds or warm beds in Lionshead, the master plan recommends that accunmodation units, hotel rooms and fractional ownership units not be counted in the calculation of density. Fwther, because it is a community goal to increase the number of permanent residents in Lionshead, employee bousing units that are deed restricted for local emplo)€es should not count toward density. New Unit Definition The master plan recommends that the zoning regulations be modified to include "lodge unit" as an additional definition of a residential unit. This product is defined as a small condominium dwelling unit with limited kitchen and floor mea. (The floor area usually averages less than 650 sq. ft.) Units of tris small size are most likely to be in short-term rental pools, with occupancy rates similar to those for hotel 7.5 7.6 roorns. Because an increase in the short-term bed base in Lionshead is a key objective, the planning team recommends that lodge units count as one{uarter of a normal dwelling unit (i.e. 4lodge units count as one dwelling unit). Further, it recommends that units of this size in exising propenies be treated as lodge units for the purpose ofcalculating density. 7.7 Building Height This standard is ad&essed in the Architectural Desigt Guidelines (see chapter 8). CHAPTER 8 Architectural Design Guidelines E.3 Existing Structures 8.3.1 SpecialProvisions While these Guidelines offer a roadmap for the redevelopment of Lionshead, they are not intended to limit the efforts of developers and/or designers involved with existing structures. It is understood that many of the buildings within the community may be unable to comply with some of the criteria described in the ADG. Many existing buildings, for instance, may already exceed the height criteria identified. Some existing roof pitches within the community may not meet the numerical values described. And many of the exising pedestrian streets may fall well short of the "ideal" proportions depicted. These and similar issues will be handled on a case-by+ase basis, with determination of compliance based upon whether the building meets the general intent of these Guidelines and the tenets described herein. Redevelopment Prioritization and "Triggerr" Consistent with Section 8.3.1 above, existing properties are encouraged to renovate and rehabilitate, to tbe greatest extent possible, the exterior of their buildings according to the parameters of the ADG. It is recognized, however, that a single, cornplete, and cofiiprehensive exterior renovation may not be economically possible for all existing structues, and incremental improvernents must be allowed. Having said this, the following potential exterior improvements should be considered as priorities by both private property owners and the Town of Vail. All , reasonable efforts to encourage, p,rovide incentives, and facilitate these improvements should be made. Renewed and expanded retail frontage. For properties fronting the Lionshead retail mall and retail pedestrian sneets, the renovation and expansion of the gound floor retail level is perhaps the most critical element in revitalizing the Lionshead retail core, Roofs. As outlined in the ADG, the roofscape of Lionshead is a critical component in "knitting" together the built environment and providing vizual cohesion to the urban fabric ofLionshead. Planning considerations. All builrlings in Lionshead, both existing and new development, should seek to fulfill the roles of landmarks, portals, tuming points, and other roles as outlined in the Master Plan. o Form, massing and height criteria.o Building surface treatment- wrlls, doors, windows, signage, etc.. All other components ofthe arthitectural design guidelines. A critical question regarding the renovation ofexisting structures is v/hen compliance with the architectual design guidelines is "triggered" or required. Regarding this, the following guidelines should be considered: 8.3.3 . To the greatest extent possible, renovating properties should endeavor to make significant and meaningful improvements to their properties as opposed to small, insipificant improvements. This does not discount the importance of any improvement to a properties exterior. . Any single incremental improvement to one building element will not necessarily trigger compliance on all remaining building elements. However, any portion of the building being improved should do so according to the parameters of the architectural desip guidelines, For example, if a property applies to resurface the walls oftheir building, this resurfacing should be done according to the ADG, but will not in and of itself also require the replacement of the roof, or another major modification, at the same time. Any proposal to add significant volume or mass to a property will trigger full and reasonable compliance to the Master Plan and Architectural Desip Guidelines. CHAPTER 9 Implementation The intent of this chapter is to provide guidance to tle Town of Vail as it seeks to implement the recommendations of this master plan. The recommendations regarding priorities, phasing, and timing are intended to be flexible, not binding, so that the community can adapt the plan to changing conditions and priorities. The project priorities listed below are divided into public and private improvements, although many projects will be implemented tbrough joint public and private financing efforts. 9.1.1,5 Sidewalk and Streetscape Improvements Enhancements to Lionshead's streets and pedestrian circulation pattems are important both functionally and visually. Rather than undertaking the major improvements by itself, the Town of Vail is advised to ask for the financial participation of adjacent properties as they redevelop or expand. 9,1.1.11 Gore Creek Corridor Improvements knprovements in the Gore Creek corridor will greatly enhance the ability oflocals and guests to experience the creek but are notvital to the overall functionality of Lionshead. However, these improvements are stand-alone projects, not contingent on adjacent redevelopment, and thus may be sipificantly easier to implement, both financially and logistically. Because the creek is a sipificant benefit to Lionshead the implementation of imp,rovements here should be diligently purzued but not allowed to delay otber, more critical plans. Individual Property Redevelopment and Exterior Renovations The improvement of individual properties though redevelopment, site enhancement, and exterior renovation is critical to the accomplishment of master plan goals. The Town of Vail should create incentives, encourage, and facilitate these important projects, using the master plan as a framework to guide renewal and redevelopment projects. The specific recommendations of the plan, including the architectural design guidelines, are not intended to create a disincentive for redevelopment or exterior renovations. If any provision ofthe plan proves over time to create a disincentive for desired renewal or redevelopment, Town Council should consider amending it Architectural Design Guidelines Checklist The following chcklist was created to provide a means of evaluating the Maniott Redevelopment Proposal for compliance with Chapter 8 (architectunl design guidelines) of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The checklist is intended for use with Chapter 8 of the master plan. Staff has aken the conments of the Design Review Board and the Public and attempted to place the issues of concem into the various design guideline recommendations of the master plan. Please review this list for completeness and accuracy. Any discrepancies should be communicated to the staffand/or applicant. o Door and Window Enhancements o Building Finishes r The proposed application of exterior stone makes the building appear to be "dipped" in stone. The height of the stone around the buildings should varying with massing and building forms in mind. o Building "Roles" Qnrtals, edge deJiners, landmarks) I No "sense of arrival to a great place" has been provided. a The reality of how the buildings will function has not been addressed. I The landmark element, while large, is in scale given the size and rnass of the existing building. o 8.4. 1.3 Pedestian Strees (wrZti- to-height re lationships, public/priv ate domain) I A landscape buffer is needed at the street frontage of the Gore Oeek Club. o 8.4. 1.4 Transition Spaces (streetfront patios, courtyards, gardens, colonnades, loggias, arcades) I The space between the commercial use and the main building of the Gore Creek Club is a "no man's land". Consider connecting the buildings. o The use of the top ofthe parking structure does not appear to be verywell thought out. I The commercial space on the north side of the Gore Creek Club is too close to the s[eet and should be moved back to respect the l0 foot setback. o Building Form and Massing r The building elevation along the west property line is too straight and needs to be articulated, both vertically and horizontally. r The mass of the roofas proposed and the additional volume it creates is excessive and should be reduced in scale.o Vail Associates as owner of Lot A to the west of the development site does not object to the proposd west elevations and building location of the Gore Creek Club.r The spires over the stair and elevator towers are out of portion making the buildings appear top heavy. o Building HeightQtrimary retail pedestrianfrontages, remaining buildingfrontage, wall surface criteria, ma,rimum heights, additional requirements/exceplions) s Exterior Walls (materials, base materials, middle wall materials, colors, trim) r Address fenestratior! wall surface planes, and exterior building rnaterials ofall the buildings. t I Phase II ofthe hotel is intended to become a "flagship" building, yet the proposed exterior building materials are not of "flagship" quality. The Bavaria Haus is an example of a "flagship' hotel. t The east and west elevations with the exposed parking structure is unacceptable. These areas need to be addressed. o The north elevations of the proposed buildings are attractive. o Exterior Doors and Wirdows (exterior door sizes, shapes and types, materials and colors, hardware, window sizes, shapes and types, mateials and colorc) r The hotel rooms need to extend outward to fill in the void spaces created in the meas on the sloping roof. a Balconies, Guardrails, and Handrails (location and size, materials and designs) t The sacking of the decks and windows is too repetitive and does not comply with the intent of the Desip Guidelines. The proposal makes it too easy to read the gridlines of the building. o The decks and balconies on the existing hotel need to be aniculated. s Roofs (dulrezs ional guidelines, pitch, materials and colors, dormers, snowguards, gutters and dowrrspouts, miscellaneous equipment, skyligh*) o Why does the height of the building bave to increase to achieve the sloping roof forms? a Are the sloping roofforms necessary on the existing hotel? . The application of the sloping roofform sa ths phaqe I building in particular appears phony and contrived a The steepness oftbe sloping roof creates a wall rather than a roof. tr Fireplaces and Chimneys (fireplace requirements, chimney sizes and shapes, materials, caps) o Chimney caps and the portions of the chimneys needs to be examined. o Detail i The treatrnent ofexterior details lacks consistency tbroughout the project. r The quality ofthe exterio finishes are not up to our resort standards. O OTIIER I The applicant's options are sisrificantly limited givar the existing conditions and constaints o The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Architectural Design Guidelines should be study in great detail to determine compliance of the poposal witl the guidelines. r The project lacks regard for the adjacent properties. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, April 7, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE FttI cuPy PROJECT ORIEiITATION / LUNCH - Community D€velopment Department 12:00 pm IIEMBERSPRESENT IIEMBERSABSENT Brent Alm Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich BillPierce SITE VISITS 2O0 Pm 1. Rizk-740 B Sandy Lane2. Yoder-600 VailValley Drive3. Henkes - 2824 Snowberry Drive4. SBC - 1047 Riva Glen5. Herman -343 Beaver Dam Road Driver: Allison PUBUC HEARING - TOWN COUNCILCHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Sweet Basit - Exterior improvements. Brent 193 E. Gore Creek Drive / A portion of Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sweet Basil, represented by Semple Brown Roberts Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED W]TH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the planter wall must be extended to a height 6" above the limits of the lift at its highest point. 2. That the lift must be painted charcoal gray. 2. Rizk Residence - Residential addition. Brent 740 B Sandy Lane / Lot 4, Block 2, Potato Patch Filing f2. Applicant: Oscar Rizk, represented by Larry Deckard MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: BillPierce VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTTL APRTL 21, 1999 3. Yoder Residence - Residential Addition Brent 600 Vail Valley Drive / Northwoods #D-11 Applicant: Ana Esteve-Yoder represented by Ray Story MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0-1 1-\ (BillPierce recused) Nby'coNsENTAppRovEDAssuBMrrrED ,*ffip 4. Construction of two new primaryisecondary residences. Brent 2239 Chamonix Lane / Lots 1 & 2, Tall Pines Subdivision Applicant: Kurt Davis & Paintbrush-Tall Pines G.P. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That a plat amendment is required.2. That once the engineering is approved, the applicant may apply for staff approval. 5. Antler's - Conceptual review of the establishment of Special Development District No. 36.Jetf 680 W. Lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert Levine CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 6. Vail lnterfaith Chapel - Conceptual review of remodeliaddition at existing facility. Jetf 19 Vail Hoad / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 7. Henkes Residence - Gonceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2824 Snowberry Drive I Lol 17, Block g, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes, represented by Steven James Riden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Herman residence - Final review of an addition/ remodel to a primary residence. Allison 343 Beaver Dam Rd./Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3ro Applicant: MarkDonaldsonArchitects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND:HansWoldrich VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That any trees removed must be replaced.2. That a condition of Public Works requires that the wetlands issues be dealt with by the Army Corp of Engineers.3. That a landscape plan be submitted for statf approval. 9. SBC Development-Conceptual review of a new single family residence and EHU. Allison 1047 Riva Glen/Lot 6, Spraddle Creek. Applicant: Robert Mach CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 10. Fowler residence - Final review of a new single-lamily residence. Allison 1850 S. Frontage Road West / Lot 6, Alpine Creek. Applicant: Jim and Sharon Fowler, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Smith MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Bill Pierce recused) CONSEIT|T APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIOIIS: 1. That a drainage easement be provided and approved by Public Works.2. That the turnaround be provided. 3. That the garage doors match the existing townhome garages.4. That the landscaping on the north side by approved by staff. 11. The Marriot (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration George and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Maniot Mark, Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 21, 1999. 12. Laidlaw residence - Final review of a new single{amily residence. George 1722Geneva Driv/Lot 10, Matterhorn Village Applicant: Walt Laidlaw, represented by RKD MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the exterior color be approved by the DRB. 13. Westhaven Gondos - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 21, 1999 Staff Aoorovals Roland residence - Interior conversion. Brent 50210 Main Gore Place #E-?SundialTownhomes. Applicant: Bernie Roland Plum residence - Temporary site development sign. Brent 83 Willow Place, Riverhous6 units 6&7/Lbt s, ebir 6, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Roy and Kathy Plum Olson residence- Interior remodel/modifications to entry door and window/dormer, Brent 1 785 Sunburst Drive/Unplatted. Applicant: Curtis and Kristen Olson Dowie residence - Interior conversion with dormer addition. Brent 795 B Potato Patch Drive/lot 26, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Robert Dowie Connelly residence - New hot tub, Brent 1855 B. Sunburst Drive/Lot 6, Vail Valley 3'o Filing. Applicant: Dennis Connelly Brown residence - Interior conversion (basement buildout). Brent 5040 Main Gore Place #D-2lSundial Townhomes. Applicant: Jeff Brown Van Luven residence - Interior conversion (basement buildout). Brent 5040 Main Gore Place #E-1/SundialTownhomes. Applicant: William and Barbara Van Luven Hallenbeck residence-Window & door addition. Brent 1720 Sunburst Drive Unit #331/ail Golf Course Townhomes, Applicant: George Hallenbeck Johnson residence - 250 Addition (office and bay window addition). Allison 1 100 HornsilveilLolT, Block 1 , Vail Village 8" . Applicant: Kinney Johnson Thompson-Change garage doors. ^. Jeff 45 Forest RoacULot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1-. Applicant: Jack Thompson City Market - Planter/Coffee House alteration Brent 2009 N. Frontage Road WesVA portion of Vail das Schone l"tFiling. Applicant: City Market Hinz residence - Revision to previously approved plan. Brent 1460 A Greenhill CourULot 20, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Pamela Hinz Hovey residence - Landscaping addition. Brent 1339 Westhaven Circle/Lot 23, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Nancy Hovey Davis/Pennington residence - Window addition. Brent 1476 Westhaven Drive, Coldstream #41lOoldstream Condos, Cascade Village. Applicant: Davis & Pennington, LLC McDougall residence - Change to approved plans. Brent 2955 Basingdale Blvd./Lot 15, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Tim and Mary McDougall Raether residence - New in-ground spa. Brent 278 Rockledge Roact/Lot 1 5, Block 7,'Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Paul & Wendy Raether Knobel residence - Temporary site development sign. Brent 392 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Beck & Associates Slifer Smith & Frampton Vail Associates Real Estate -Temporary business identification sign. Brent 142 E. Meadow Drive/Crossroads East, Applicant: SSFVARE Hinz residence - Heated driveway. Brent 1460 A Greenhill CourULot 20 Glen Lyon. Applicant: Pamela Hinz Red SanGtone Employee Housing - Window addition Brent 9,$5 Red Sandstone Rd.l Portion olf ParcelA, Block D, Lionsridge 1$. Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the proiect planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. flLt DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, March 17, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIEIITATION / LUNCH - Gommunlty Development Department 11:30 pm O Discussion of development of A-Frame site located at Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ri@e coPy iIETIIBERS PRESE}IT Brent Alm Hans Woldrich BillPierce srTE vrsrTs MEMBERS ABSENT 1:30 pm 1. Hoversten-95 Forest Road2. Antlers - 680 West Lionshead Place3. Marriott-714 Lionshead Circle4. Timber Falls -21469 Timber Falls Gourt5. Tall Pines - 2239 Chamonix Lane6. Bridge Street Building - 281 Bridge Street7. Shaper-2645 Bald Mountain Road 8.Driver: George PUBLIC HEABING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Sonnenalp-Newcanopyon eastsideentryway. 20 Vail Road/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Johannes Faessler MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Bill Pierce APPBOVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 3:00 pm Brent VOTE:3-0 1. That the relief panels on the wall adjacent to the canopy edge shall be painted to match. 2. Cummings residence - Final review of a new single{amily residence and Tlpe I employee housing unit. 1835 \drest Goie Creex Drive-/ Lot 20, VailVillage West 2nd Filing Applicantr Greg and Janice Cummings MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 GONSiENT APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1, That the stonework around the windows next to the south side door be eliminated.2. That the windows be centered on the south side of the garage. 3. That brackets be added to the south side deck. 3, Hoversten residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Jeff 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Leach residence - Final review of a single{amily residence. Jetf 1390 Buffehr Creek Roacl/Envelope B, Parcel 4, Briar Patch #8. Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Ron Diehl MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the exterior finish materials receive staff approval.2. That a staff approved limits ol disturbance fence be required. 5. Shaper residence-Conceptual review of new garage. .. Jeff 2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13" . Applicant: Steve Shaper CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Antler's - Conceptual review of the establishment of Special Development District No. 36.Jeff 680 W. lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 7. MarriotUGore Creek Club-Conceptual review. George 714 Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by East-West Partners CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Meadowbrook Condos - Conceptual review of an exterior remodel. George 1933 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot 41, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 CONSEITIT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIO]IS: 1. That the DRB recommends the new deck railing should appear similar to the existing wood railing.2. That if stone around the base of the building is not an option, an alternate color of stucco with a relief band at the top be used and that this band be varied/broken in height from exterior wall to exterior wall. 9. McDonald's -Sign application. George 2111 N. Frontag6 no'dOlt-ot 28, A resub of Lot 2, Vail das Schone 3'd. Applicant: McDonald's MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the sign have a matte finish. 10. Bridge St. Building - Final review/paver replacement and snowmelt system for walkway. Dom 281 Bridge StreeULots D, E, and F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mark Cadmus, Bridge Street Condo Association MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:HansWoldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1. That they provide an 8" soldier course.2. That inigation be provided to planters and trees.3. That a new light fixture be provided in the planter al the north end on Bridge Street and that the existing fixture be relocated to the planter on the south end of the property. 4. That the paver color match the blend used at the Austria Haus in a herring bone configuration.5. That the llue vent detail be approved bystaff.6. That the tree species be worked out with statf. 1 1. Tall Pines - Conceptual review of 2 duplex structures. Dom 2239 Chamonix Lane/Lots 1&2, Tall Pines Subdivision. Applicant: Paint Brush -Tall Pines G.P., represented by Kurt Davis TABLED 12. Timber Falls Building #19 - Conceptual review of a new 6-plex. Dom 4469 Timber Falls CourUUnplatted. Applicant: Greg Amsden TABLED 13. Glen Lyon Office Building - Conceptual review. Dom 1000 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Otfice Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg CONCEPTUAL.NO VOTE Staff Approvals Bakalar residence - Minor revision to previously approved plans. Brent 780 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 17, Block 1, VailPotato Patch. Applicant: John & Christine Bakalar TOV Community Development Dept. - Remove garage doors and replace with windows. Dominic 111 S. Frontage Road Applicant: Town of Vail BrentGolden Peak Ski Base -Window frame addition. 458 Vail Valley Drive/A portion of Tract F, Vail Village 5'n Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates Tutog - Loft addition. George 22 West Meadow Drive #3024/illa Cortina Applicant: Robert Tutag Axelrod residence - New garage addition with storage. Dominic 2578 Arosa Drive/Lot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Arthur and Judith Axelrod Bowen residence - Re-siding of 2nd floor of house. Allison 5047 Main Gore Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn 5'n. Applicant: Peter G. Bowen Jewels of the West-Sign-wall. Jetf 225Wall StreeUBlock C, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Bob Akkad Goolsbee residence - Deck extension. Brent 1 450 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 23 Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Charles&CarolGoolsbee Higuera residence - Porch enclosure. Brent 1406 Moraine Drive/Lot 3, Dauphiais-Moseley Subdivision. Dr. Gilbert & Margaret Higuera Mitchell residence -Addition ol exterior stairs. Brent 1799 Siena Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant: Mr. Mitchell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular oflice hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Publlc Hearino -,r;l'r'.' PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 8, 1999 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Ann Bishop Brian Doyon FiLE CCPY STAFF PRESENT: Russ Forrest Dominic Mauriello George Ruther Judy Rodriguez 2{D p.m. Greg Motfet called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a worksession to discuss the establishment of Special Development District No. 36 (Antler's) , to allow for a residential expansion of 24 new condominiums, and 7 new employee housing units, located at 680 W. Lionshead Placei Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: Jeff Hunt Jeff Hunt gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Motfet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Rob Levine said he was hoping for a final in two weeks and wanted to hear the PEC's concems. He said the roof element had been changed and rock had been added as this had been an architectural concern. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were no public comments. Galen Aasland said the 14' parking space was too small for a parking spot. Greg Motfet said the units were just over enough to require more parking and said that the project was booked heavily as short-term with weekly turnover. Galen Aasland said it a parking space was represented as a parking space, it needed to meet the standards. He said in terms of stacking spaces, you couldn't stack employee spaces in front of guest spaces. He agreed that the shuttle service had really changed this industry and said that since the landscaping was close to 20ol", it was ok. He suggested knocking otf the southeast corner of the swimming pool, as it was dangerous. Diane Golden said she didn't like the stacked spaces, but suggested stacking employee to employee, since allowances could be made since they were on the shuttle. She agreed that landscaping should be 2E/" and also to knock off the comer of the swimming pool. Tom Weber said the setback was alright, but the applicant needed to come up with an analysis ol how many parking spaces would be needed since they are on the bus route and don't want to get into the parking management business. He suggested adding additional landscaping by the pool to bring up the total landscaping to 207o; possibly adding to the berm on the other side of the pool. Planning and Environmental Commbsbn Minutes March 8. 1999 o eastem o the TownRob Levine stated that the part ot the property was owned by of Vail. John Schofield suggested working with the Marrion on the west side, as it was not real attractive. He suggested going one more level down to address the parking, as he said he disagreed and thought parking was needed. He said make the spaces work with using a real size space, otheruise, people end up taking two spaces. He said if the applicant could come up with numbers showing more parking was not necessary, that would help. He said he would like the numbers showing loading trucK could fit in the radius as well as a fire truck. He said he agreed with the others regarding the swimming pool and suggested a joint venture on a pool with the Maniott. Greg Moffet said the Marriott was corporately owned and would not be agreeable dealing with an association. He said the setbacks were fine, but without enough parking you will be creating problems lor yourselves. He suggested before going to Council, that the applicant come in with' evidence ralios. He said he liked where the swimming pool was. He said to formalize an agreement with the Town and encouraged a lease with perhaps the applicant maintaining the landscaping on the east. He said he agreed with the staff's recommendation on loading. Galen Aasland said you had significantly less conference rooms than the Mariott, and so the parking generation was different. Rob Levine said they don't market their conference facilities for people outside the Antlers. Architectural Character Rob Levine oresented a model. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. There was no public comment. Galen Aasland said the entrance was starting to get better, but he said it was unacceptable on the east and wesl sides and it needed to wrap beter. He said this design perpetuates the Lionshead look. He said to make changes on the east and west side, and he saw opportunities to make changes on the roofs. He said he did appreciate the stone on the bonom. Diane Golden said the entrance was fine, but the decking needs to be made more interesting, perhaps with some design. Rob Levine said the railings would be open. He said the owners would like them to remain pickets as they are now, but that debate was still going on. Galen Aasland said the applicant was risking monotony and suggested putting glass around the athletic club. He said this project needed to adcl significant interest on the roof, w1h more variation. Rob Levine stated they were concerned about the great variation from the existing building. Dominic Mauriello said they were using the same room design as the existing building. Rob Levine staled that these unils needed to stay rentable and it they became more expensive, they would be less rentable. He said the outdoor balcony made it more rentable. Using the Austria Haus as an example, he said what they did would not work for what we are trying to do. Tom Weber said the massing and courtyard are right lhere, but they needed to break up the eave where it goes into the dormer to break the continuous band. He suggested knee braces at the decks and he had no opinion on open or closed railing. He said he liked the east elevation better than the west elevation because it had more glass. He suggested a copper look rather than the Planning and Environmental Commbsion Minutes March 8. 1999 -, rrn apllitn metal shi ngres. John Schofield echoed the comments from the other Commissioners, with the addition of heating the interior driveway because of the shade. He agreed with Galen on the east and west elevalions, that they needed to get it right and he said that the stone was definitely a step in the right direction. Tom Weber suggested vertical wood siding on the upper taller units to break up the north elevation. He encouraged a study an enclosed walkway. Greg Motfet agreed with Tom to do some more interesting things with the roof to create more architectural interest. He suggested talking lo Nancy Sweeney, AIPP, to discuss art and the interest issue for the balconies Dominic Mauriello suggested going back to the DRB for a conceptual, before coming back to the PEC. Greg Moffet agreed that the DRB would be helpful and take the model as it was, before changes were made. 2' A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 (The Maniott Hotel) and a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of the Gore Creek Club and a remodelto the existing hotel, located at 714 Lionshead Circle / Maniott Mark Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by East-West PartnersPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther said the PEC was making a recommendation to Council for the major amenctment, but lhat a final decision would be made on the conditional use permit. He then gave an overview of the statf memo. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were no public comments. John Scholield asked the applicant if the proposed percentage of 1/20th shares was open-ended or part of this approval. Henry Pratt , oJ Gwathmey Pratt Architects, said that fractional fee clubs were defined as interval clubs with 1 night or less or a maximum ot 1l1Z . George Ruther said a maximum or minimum could be placed as a condition on the approval. Greg Moffet said there could be an amendment to the conditional use permit. Galen Aasland made a motion to approve the request for a conditional use permit for interval ownership for the Gore Creek Club Tract A, as detailed in the staff memo. John Schofield seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. George Ruther gave an overview of the major amendment. Phnning and Envkonmental Commbsbn Minul€s March 8. 1999 o build toDominic Mauriello said buildings could encroach upon setbacks in a properties 10', per lhe Lionshead Master Plan. line or on adjacent Henry Pratt said a setback would not be more than 7'. George Ruther said staff thought 7' was reasonable, as long as there was an approved landscape plan. Henry Pratt said this project was the same as presented in January at the pre-ap meeting and they had been working on the designs for over 18 months. He said this met the new design guidelines in letter and intent. He said he tried to make each of the buildings look ditferent to reduce the apparent size of the project and there was very little impact on light and shading and neighbors. He said there were steeply, sloping roofs to bring them more in line with the wtlb. He said the 56 new time share units had varied roof elements to make it very clear that there were different from the existing hotel. He stated that the only impact was along the creek and along Lionshead Circle. He said landscaping was at a minimum level and that they were gening rid of some of the tennis courts and volleytall courts, but that they still anticipated a permanent special events tent. He stated that the Marriott was not interested in sharing the pool. He said they were creating new ehu's in the building where the ski storage was, totaling 10 pillows. He said that they were running behind schedule right now and that it met the intent of the Lionshead Master Plan. He explained the rationale for the 30o/o density ratio, because they almost doubted the required ehu's which were on-site, being in excess of what the Town required. He said the manager would have a residence on-site and there would be improvements to the existing loading and delivery. He said they couldn't change the existing building and were proposing a two-berth loading dock to create 3 usable loading docks and was the best they could do with the existing hotel. He explained that the new building could accommodate any UPS or other vans and that there would be no restaurants in the new building. He said that laundry tended lo show up in smaller vans and lhat trash would be rolled out from inside the building. He said ownership would make it more complicated, as the hotel would retain their parking. He said Peter Dan was here from East West Hospitality to explain the loading. Greg Moffel said we would need to see the easement recorded for any loading management agreement. Chuck Madison explained when we go through the platting process, we will go through the legal access at that time and we were aware that would have to be addressed. George Buther said thar when a loading truck was parked on the west side ol Lionshead Circle. staff would need to know that there would be another place to go. Henry Prail said there were 5 loading berths, which met the minimum requirement. He said they were proposing to do one wing per off-season, if you want to call it phased or not. He said he had no problem with Condition #'l , and that regarding Condition f2, they had 6 units or 10 pillows and.that regarding Condition # 3, they were on the agenda for the April 7th DRB meeling. He said Conditions #4 & #5 were as discussed and that Condition #6 was not a problem and ttre Town had asked us to eltend a simple concrete path sidewalk to the west day lot and Condition #7 allowed us to grade onto VA's site. He mentioned that Condition #8 had roofs overhanging onlo the sidewalk and there was no problem with Condition #9. He said regarding ConOition #10, that they should not be required to snowmelt the property in front of the west day tot. He said regarding Condition #1 1 that the area between the retail and the pedestrian was very tight for landscaping, but that it could be put by the street. He said the streamwalk in Condition #t2 was already in and they would negotiate with staff for wildflower seeds as it was in our best interest. He did have a problem with Condition #13 to upgrade the Frontage Road as the Lionshead Master Plan was proposing to relocate the road, so this condition didn't make sense. He said they were spending millions of dollars to upgrade the property and this condition was a Planning and Environmental Commissbn M inut€s March 8. 1999 -wanteddisincentive and so he this conditron removed entirely. Greg Moffet asked for any public input. There was none. George Ruther said regarding Condition #5, that the access was needed for the lower level of the parking structure. He explained that the addition of landscaping was a condition per the DRB's approval. He explained the unheated section of West Lionshead Circle was for a pedestrian connection. He said regarding Condition #8, that the area of encroachment might be an opportunity to exchange some of the existing private land adjacent to the streamtract. He said there nere some opportunities lor improvements and benefits. Tom Weber stated that 907" of deliveries were UPS or FedEx for the Gore Creek Club, so he didn't see much delivery happening and that 10 pillows were good enough. He said he didnt agree wilh the wording in Condition #13, but he thought developments should pay for impacts, as it wouldn't make sense for taxpayers to pay lor new development. John Schofield asked how large the banquet facility was and how often it was used. He said there was not enough parking for banquets and he was concemed how parking would be handled when some of the parking went away. Henry Praft said the hotel had gone to valet parking for all events. He stated that the parking structure was underutilized and they were not making any changes to how the existing hotel was operated. John Schofield said he was comfortable with the height, loading dock and the setbacks on the west. Chuck Madison said the garage would be accessed from the top level. He said the two lower levels would have intemal ramps and a delivery vehicle could go from the alley to the top and circulate down to the lower levels. He said there would be reciprocal access easements with the valet. Galen Aasland said, although impressed with the model he was concemed with the height anct the parking, as there was a significant deviation from the height. He said he was botheied by the inconsistency of the amount of deviation lrom the height. He said the applicant hadn't demonstrated a need for the two towers, so he said he would need to tell me why this is the best and he would need to sell me on the big masses . He felt the prqect needed sm'aller towers and also a manager on-site. He said he was fine with the loading, but that banquels had always feel a problem. He said the applicant would have to demonstrate that this was acceptabla, but in his mind, he was a little short. Henry Pratt said, in terms of the height, there was no height restriction on landmark elements. Dominic Mauriello said there could be llexibility with the height of large buildings in the Lionshead Master Plan. George Ruther said the intent of the guidelines was to get a sloping root . Russ Forrest said each individual area of the Lionshead Master Plans was discussed and this is a new set of rules. Chuck Madison said the two landmark elements were trying to break up the box look . He said they were starting with 85' across, but there was no additional square footage; this was merely an architectural feature. Planning and Environmontal Commbsbn Minutes March 8. 1999 a the height, but would love lo see an ehu in the Gore creek o obiection with I : Diane Golden had no Club. Chuck Madison said we could never find a manager who wanted to live on-site. Diane Golden asked if the guests were only going to use valet parking. Chuck Madison stated that was the way it was now. Greg Motfet stated that if you stayed at a first class hotel, you dealt with a valet. He said he differed from his fellow commissioners, as he thought the parking was fine. He said a manager's unit was needed in the Gore Creek Club, because the hotel and Gore Creek Club were not commonly owned. Henry Pratt stated that there would be a 24-hr. desk. Dominic Mauriello said there was no such requirement for a time-share. Greg Moffet said to deed restrict the easement and record the plat, regarding the loading. He said that this building was specifically delineated as a special case. He mentioned that there were real opportunities lor AIPP to integrate functional art pieces here with no greater impact lhan landscaping. He thought this complied with the code, but would like an on-site ehu in the Gore Creek Club, the loading/delivery plan be recorded and platted, the building be trimmed back otf the sidewalks, as set forth in lhe memo, that snowmelting occur in front of lot A only, that public art be substituted, particularly at the front entrance, and delete Condition #13 and require this applicant to pay a pro-rate as it relates to the Frontage Road impact. Russ Forrest said Greg Hall has a ballpark number concerning the Frontage Fload impacts. Greg Moffet said he would like to see a number prior to Council approval, as it relates to the Frontage Boad impact. He suggested an additionalcondition to hide the mechanical. John Scholield said by adding 61 parking spaces, the total would be 355 spaces and 66 rooms to the Gore Creek Club. He asked what the average occupancy of the hotel was. Chuck Madison said between 607n70ok approximately. Peter Dan said managers on-site don't work out, as they didn't want to deal with problems on a 24-hr. basis. Greg Motfet said all the ehu's were now on the neighbor's property. He understood about manager burnout, but one is needed on-site. John Schofield said a 24-hr. desk was not reouired. Henry Pratt asked to just put in an ehu and not a manager's unit, Tom Weber said this is about the code and I'm going against it, as an on-site ehu was not needed. George Ruther said it would gain acceptance in the community to have this facility. Henry Pratt said a managefs unit would do away with the number of pillows in Town and the 24 -+rr desk can be made a reouirement. Planning and Environm6ntal Commissbn Minutes March 8. 1999 i ehu.John Schofield suggested a choice of either a24-hr. desk or an Greg Motfet asked what kind of assurance could they have if the owner of the land decided they didn't want to do business anymore. Chuck Madison said a fixed number of parking spaces could be allocated to the Gore Creek Club and said they wouldn't be successful if we didnt spell it out up front allocated by cleed to them. He said the spaces would be allocated to use the top floor (1 per unit) lor the Gore Creek Club and the hotel would use the lower floors. Greg Moffet said this still sounds like they are still encountering problems for events. Henry Pratt said they took the approach that the parking was grandfathered and this was. a new project. He said fiey had heard nothing from management that parking was a problem. He said they had to learn how to park that structure and no new spaces can be added to that structure. John Schofield made a motion for approval in accordance with the findings on page 18 and Conditions 1,2, 6 with the change that the ehu's be deeded with no less than 10 pillows, with a 24-hr desk or ehu on- site, Conditions f3,#4, #5 with loading in the alley off-slreet, Conditions #6,#7,,#8,,#9, #10 with the heated snowmelt continuous to the applicant's property and not further to the west, Condition #11 with landscaping approved by the DRB, Condition #12,,#13 that beiore the tinal reading with the Town Council, the applicant enter into a Frontage Road agreement and that we recommend to the DRB some other shingle than asphalt. Tom Weber seconded the motion. Diane Golden said to amend the motion to include AIPP art in the landscaping. Greg Motfet said so amended. George Ruther suggested to include the change to Condition #5 to say recorded and platted. Henry Pratt said asphalt shingles was an approved material in the Lionshead Master Plan. He said his shingle was a 40-yr. top-notch shingle, so this restriction was not in accordance with the Lionshead Master Plan. John Schofield stated it was a recommendation. not a condition. George Ruther sgggested amending it to read instead of "prior to the final (2d )reacting, could we say prior to the 1" reading. John Schofield said to leave it prior to the 2nd reading see, as there could be changes on the 1$ reading, The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 3. A request lor a final review of a proposed locker room and loading dock expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Uonshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead zno Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL IIARCH 22, 1999 Planning and Environmental Commissbn Minut€s March 8. 1999 4. A reguest for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow {or site coverage in excess ot 20oh,located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pran ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MARCH 22,1999 5. A request for a variance lrom Section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow lor an encroachment into the required side setbacks, located at 3003 Bellflower Drive / Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPianner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAFCH 22, 1999 6. A request for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULoi 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26, 1999 Diane Golden made a motion to table the above items. John Schofield seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 7. Informalion Update Dominic Mauriello said the ordinance to rezone Lionshead was approved by the Town Council. Russ Forrest advised that advertising for the PEC and DRB would continue for another 3 weeks and a new position was being created for DRB, since the PEC rep on the DRB was being removed. Three, two-year term PEC vacancies (Greg Moffet, John Schofield and Ann Bishop) 8. Approval ol February 22, 1999 minutes. Diane Golden, Tom Weber and Galen Aasland had changes. Diane Golden made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. John Schofield seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. John Schofield made a motion to adjourn. Planning and Environmental Commissbn Minutes March 8, 1999 t lr / Tom Weber seconded t the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. The meeting adjoumed at 5:05 p.m. Planning and Environmental Commissbn Minutes March 8. 1999 tt '*"'':jilj::}:::"#::1"'s'oN FIL t cllp I Driver: George KeX Monday, March 8, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communitv Development Deoartment 12dXl p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Greg Motfet Ann Bishop John Schofield Brian Doyon Galen Aasland Diane Golden Tom Weber Site Visits : 1:00 P.m. 1. Antlers-680 W. Lionshead 2.Mafiiol-714 W. Lionshead Circle 3. VRD-321 E. Lionshead Circle I{OTE: lf the PEC hearing ocends until 6:00 p.m., the board will br€ak for dinner from 6:00 ' 6:30 P.m. Pudic Hearlno - Town Council Chambers 2O0 p.m. '1. A request for a worksession to discuss the establishment of Special Development District No. 36 (Antler's) , to allow for a residential expansion ol 24 new condominiums, and 7 new employee housing units, located at 680 W. lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: Jeff Hunt WORKSESSION-NO VOTE 2. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 (The Maniott Hotel) and a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of the Gore Creek Club and a remodel to the existing hotel, located at 714 Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by East-West Partners Planner: George Ruther ,,.\ /ft(")+t${r, fllrnlMvan.ltY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: John Schofield VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED IIAJOR AMENDMENT: MOTION:JohnSchofield SECOND:TomWeber VOTE:5-0 RECOII|MEND TO TOWN COUNCIL WITH 13 amendedCONDlTlONS (plus 1 rgcommgndation): 1. That the applicant submit the following plans to the Department of Community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit application for the hotel:a. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan;b. A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan;c. A Stormwater Management Plan; andd. A Tratfic Control Plan. 2. That the applicant provide six deed-restricted housing units with no less than 10 pillows, with a 24 - hour desk or manager ehu on-site, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (Chapter 12-13), for a minimum of 10 employees, and that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and the deed restrictions recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Gore Creek Club. 3. That the applicant appear before the Design Review Board for a conceptual review of the proposed improvements prior to appearing before the Vail Town Gouncil for consideration of an ordinance amending the Special Development District and receive final Design Review Board approval of the proposed improvements, prior to application for a building permit. 4. That the applicant redesign the proposed loading/delivery plan to insure that service and delivery vehicles do not block or impede pedestrian and vehicle traffic. 5. That the applicant redesign the proposed plans for the Gore Creek Club to provide a minimum ol one off-street loading/delivery berth in the alley with the easement deed-restricted and recorded on the plat so the Gore Creek Club can operate as a free-standing facility. 6. That the applicant submit a complete set of civil engineered drawings of all the off-site improvements, including improvements to West Lionshead Gircle, the sidewalk from the common property line with Antler's to the South Frontage Road, for the required on-site and off-site storm water drainage and management system, for the pedestrian connection to the streamwalk, for review and approval, prior to application for a building permit. 7. That the applicant submit to the Community Development Department an approval letter from the owner of Lot A to the west of the Gore Creek Club development site granting permission to regrade portions of Lot A as depicted on the proposed plans. 3. 8. That the applicant revise the plans to eliminate any otf-site encroachments of the building on the Town of Vail right-of-way, prior to an appearance before the Design Review Board. 9. That the applicant meet with the Town Stafl to prepare a letter of agreement outlining the requirements of the off-site improvements, prior to first reading of an ordinance approving the major amendment. 10. That the new sidewalk along the south side of West Lionshead Circle be snowmelted only contiguous to the applicant s property. 11. That the applicant amend the proposed landscape plan and provide increased amount of fandscaping, using AIPP opportunities to integrate functional att pieces, at the front entrance to the Gore Creek Club and the retail shops and that it be approved by the DBB. 12. That the applicant submit a proposed streambank improvement plan to the Community Development Department lor review and approval prior to application lor a building permit. 13. That the applicant submit complete set of plans to the Town of Vail Colorado Department ol Transportation for review and that before a final reading with the Town Council, the qplicant enter into a Frontage Road agreement and approval of a left turn lane otf of the South Frontage Road onto West Lionshead Circle. The plans shall by approved by CDOT prior to application for a building permit. Rscommsndation: That the PEC recommends to the DRB that the applicant use some other shingle than asphalt. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room and loading dock expansion to the Dobsbn be Arena, located at 3d1 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1 , Bloc-k 1 , Vail Lionsh ead 2nd Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UtilTlL MARCH 22, 1999 A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess ol20o/o,located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt fuchitects Allison Ochs 4. TABLED UNTIL MARCH 22, 1999 5. A reguest for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the required side setbacks, located at 3003 Bellflower Drive / Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL ilARCH 22, 1999 6. A request for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S, Frontage Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Otlice Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26, 1999 7. Information Update Three, two-year term PEC vacancies (Greg Moffet, John Schofield and Ann Bishop) 8. Approval of February22, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpr€taton avaihble upon requet with 24 hour notificatbn. Ploas€ call 479-2356, T€l€Phono for the Hearing lmpaired, for informatbn. Gommunity Dwelopment D€partment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 8, 1999 4.request lor a final review of a major amendment to special Development District No. 7, Maniott's Mountain Fiesort at Vail and a ionditional usb permit to allow for a hotel redevelopment and the construction of the Gore creei ctuo, located at 714 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Marcus Subdivision, Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by Gwathmey, pran & Schultz Architects. p.C.Planner: George Ruther Executive Summarv The Comm-unity Development Department is recommending approvat of the appticant's proposat to amend Special Development Distict #7. Staff's review of the criteria to aniend the Sbeiiat Development District is outlined and discussed in Section tV of this memorandum. ns itated in section lv, staff believes that the proposed amendment complies with the development obiectives of the Town and the Lionshead Redevetopment liaster Plan. Several'concems ofstaff, however, are the adeguacy of the toading and detivery facitities, the need for a left tum lane on the South Frontage Road and the number of employee housing units being proposed by theapplicant' Careful consideration shoutd be given to these unresolved aspects'of ne ptan'during the review process. T.lte Q.o.mmylity Development Department is also recommending approvat ot the requested Conditional Use Permit to cgnstruct and operate an interval owieriiip ctuO in the High DensityMulti-family Zone District. Staff's review of the critetia and necessary findings can ie founcl iiSection v of this memorandum. As discussed in greater detait in the memorandum, staff'sprimary concerns with th9 proposed Gore Creek dtub are tne ncx or iaijuate toading/detivery facilities to operate the club as a stand alone facility, the absence of any major streeticape landscaping at the entrance to the property and the need to pult those fiorti6ns of the bu;Hing on or over the propeny line back to eliminate any off-site encroachmenfs. Staffls confident thal tnese r'ssues can be resolved and has recommended that their resolution be conditions of approval. A Zoning Analysis is provided in Section tlt of the memorandum. The anatysis provides a cgmparison of the proposed development standards of the project to the siandards prescribed by the underlying zone districts and the proposed Lionshead Mixecl tJse Zone District. Staff believes that the deviations proposed are both reasonable and appropriate as they promote thegoals of the Town ot Vail and the master ptan documents. Overall, staff believes the proposed redevelopment of the Marrioft and the construction of the Gore Creek Club will be amenities to the Town of Vait. rffi)'*)F:€\€ryone\pecvnemos\99Wanion1 L m*H& I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Th^e applicant, HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by Henry Pratt of Gwathmey, pratt & Schultz Architects, is proposing a major amendment to Special Development Oistrict N'o. 7. Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail. The major amendment is intended to facilitate the redevelopment and remodel ol the existing Maniott Hotel and the construction of the new Gore Creek Club. The redevelopment and remodel of the existing Maniott Hotel is intended to compliment the interior renovations recently compleled in the hotel. The applicant is proposing to,,re-skin" the exterior of the hotel, convert "windows" restaurant to four condominiums (6,625 sq.ft.) and convert existing ski storageiretail to Type lll Employee Housing Units. The proposed rerRodel is intended to bring the existing hotel building into compliance with the design guidelines piescri6ed by the recently adopted Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and increase the overill quality ot the hotel. The applicant is also rel-t '-esting a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Zoning Regulations to allow tor 65 interval ownership units in the Gore Creek Club. The new club wilibe' constructed in Phase lll of the-Marriott development area atop the existing parking structure. The club will be comprised ot 66 lodging-type of units totaling approximateli 79,0d0 souare feet of GRFA. As an interval ownership club, the 66 units will be soid in 1/Z0th iitervals. ti20'h intervals guarantees each. owner approximately 17 dap per year in the vail Valley. The applicant anticipates offering owners the opportunity to exchange their club unit r,riitnin tne international exchange market. Other components of the new club include a lull-time front desk lor registration and reservations, an owner's lounge, a health club & spa facility, on-site laundry services and a 61 parking space expansion to the existing parking structure. The 61 new spaces are intended to 6ttset t-ne' increase in parking demand created by the construction of the new club. Approximately 1,912 square feet of retail space will be constructed on the north side of the club iilacent to lvest Lionshead Circle. A copy of the proposed interval ownership program is anained for reference. In addition to the improvements to the existing hotel and the construction ol the new club, the applicant is also proposing site improvements to the property. Proposed site improvements include the removal of an existing landscape berm on the south side of the property to provide easy access to the creek and bike path, new landscaping on the south side'of ine fiotei, aredesign of the existing loading and delivery area and the implementation of the recommended , streetscape improvements along the south side of west Lionshead circle. According to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, it shall be the burden ol the applicant todemonstrate that any deviation lrom the development standards of the undeilying zoning providepublic benefits that outweigh the adverse effect of said deviation. The applicairt Fas iOeitiiieA trepublic benefits the community will realize as a result of the redevetopmddt of the Vail Vitragelrin-site. The public benefits identified by the applicant include: 1. An increase in the annual hotel occupancy rate through the redevelopment of an older,existing hotel. 2. A significant increase in the Town's supply of short-term, overnight accommodations to serveour guests and visitors. F : \everyme\pec Vnemos\99Waniott 1 ?t commercial/retail i Lionshead3. 4. The creation of a space along West Circle. The implementation of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan along West Lionshead Circle. The construction of a world-class "anchor" hotel providing a high-level of guest service. The implementation of the objectives stated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. The construction of employee housing to off-set the demand resulting from the redevelopment of the hotel project. A sizeable annual contribution to the Town's sales tax revenue. The partial elimination of an existing on-street loading and delivery area. 5. 6. 7. 8. o II. BACKGROUND The establishment of Special Development District No.7, the Marriott Vail Mountain Resort, was approved by Ord]lqnce No. 3, Series of 1976, by the Vail Town Council. The expressed purpose for establishing SDD No. 7 was to allow for an increase in densily beyond what was othenriie Regftgd by the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation and High Density Mutti-Famity. Public benefits realized since the approval of SDD No. 7 have been an increale in short-tdrm rental units available to visitors of Vail and an increase in summer visitation due to the construction of a convention facility within the Mariott Vail Mountain Reson. Special Development District No. 7 has been amended since its establishment in 1976. Themost recent amenclment was in Seplember of 1995. Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1gg5 permitted the conversion of seventeen dwelling units within the hotel to accommodation units and'required [1t:! l9ast 2941oarking spaces be provided in the strucrure. A buitding permit was issued'by the community Development Department and the dwelling units were cbhvertecl and lhe partiing structure was re-striped to accommodate 294 parking spaces. The existing Marriott is a mixed use developmenl. The currenl uses on the site include 14dwelling u-nits and approximately 320 hotel rooms, a restaurant and bar, convention and meetingroom facilities and a minimal amount of retail/commercial space. 4ccording to the otficial rgwl.of vail Zoning Map, the applicant's property is zoned SpecialDevelopment District No. 7. The underlyinglonihg tor SDD No. 7 is dotn pubtic Accohmodation and.High Djnsity_Multi-family. Tract 1 (the parking structure site) is zoned High Density Multi-lamily and rract 2 (the existing hotel) of the sDD is zoned public Accommodition. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Public Accommodation Zone district isintended, " to provide sites tor lodgEs and residential accommodations for visitors, togethgr with such public and somi-public facilities and limited professional offices, rieOical facilities, private recreation, and related visitor oriented uses as may approprietely be located in the same district. The Pubtic Accommodation District is iirienieO to - ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable resort qualities ot the Dastrict by F \e\€ryone gecvnemos\ggwarnon1 t establishing appropriate site development standards. Additaonat nonresidentiat uses are permitted as conditional uses which enhance the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community, and where permitted are intended tofunction compatibly with the high density lodging character ot the District. The Public Accommodation District is intended to provide sites for loclging units at densities not to exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre." The High Density Multi-lamily Zone District is intended, "is intended to provide sites for multiple.family dwellings at densities to a maximum of twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre, together with such publicand 5s6i-publlc . tacilities and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor-oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The High Density Muttipl+Famiiy District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resort gualities of the District by establishing appropriate site developmenl standards. certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residentiat character of the District." According to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses, time share units shallbe permitted in the High Density Multi-family Zone District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use perm1 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of the Zoning Regulalions. Pursuant to Section 12-16-1 ol the Zoning Regulations, the purpose of a conditional use permit is, "ln order to provide the flexibility neoessary to achieve the obiectives of this Tiile, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subiect to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require revaew and evaluation so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of tnis Title and with respect to their ettects on surrounding properties, The review process prescribed in this Chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties and the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in thevarious districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as theTown may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives ot the Town and will not be detrimEntal to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve thelie objectives, applications for conditional use permits shail be deniect." III. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for a.Special Development District shall be proposed by theapplicant. Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, sbtoict<s, height, densitycontrol, site coverage, landscaping and parking and loading shall be determined by tie Town ' Council as part of the approved development tlan, with coisideration of the recommenctations of F:Everyone\pecvnernos\€9vvlaniottl A t Environme ntal Commission. ustnct's comptiance with the Revi staff has evaluated the project for (compliance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. . In addition, the The development area is within the overall study area of the Plan which is d'iscussed in detail in Chapter 4. Marriott Hotel The Community Development Department staff has prepared a Zoning Analysis for the Gore Qreef Club and the proposed remodel to the existind ndtet. tne Zoning Andtysis cornpares the development standards outline_d by the underlying zoning of Public Accommobation aid High .Density Multi-family to the applicant's proposed major amenOment, The proposed deviatiois : from the development standards ol the underlying zoning are indicated in BOLD. Zoning: Public Accommodation Lot siz€; 3.5 acres or 1 52,666 sq. ft. D€velopment Standafd Underlying Zonlng of Public Accommodation 1999 Maior SDD Amendment proposal Proposed Lionshead Zoning Planning and GRFA: Dwelling units per acre: Site coverage: Setbacks: tront: s|des: fAAf' He0ht: Parking: Loading: 80% or 122,132 sq. ft. 25 du/acre 55o/" or 83,966 sq. ft. tn' 20' _ 20' 48' sloping per T.O.V. Code S€ction per T.O.V. Code Section 1 2-1 0-13 89% or 137,147 sq. fL 52 du/acre 55 oA or 83,997 sq. ft. per the dovelopment plan 122.83' sloping 294 parking spac€s thre€ b€rths on-sit€ 80o/o ot 122,132 q. ft. 35 duiacr€ 70ol" or 106,866 sq. ft. 10' Avorag€ 71 ' (82.5 max.) p€r T.O.V. Code Section per T.O.V. Code Setbn 12-10-13 F : \€veryons\pecVnemos\ggwanion 1 Zoning: High Density Multi-tamily Lot size:1 .58 acres or 68,86 1 sq.ft. Development Standard GORE CBEEK CLUB Underlying Zoning ot High Density Muhi-family 1999 Malor SDD Amondment proposal Proposod Lionshead Zoning GRFA: Dwelling unts per acre: Site cov€rage: Setbacks: tront: sto€s: rear: Height: PaRing: Loading: 80o/. or 55,089 sq. ft. 25 dulacre 55ol" or 37,873 sq. ft. 20' 20' 20' 48'sloping per T.O.V. Code S€ction per T.O.V. Code Section 1 2-1 0-13 61 parking spaces no loading/delivery berths on-sfte per T.O.V. Code Section per T.O.V. Code Secuon 1 2-1 0-13 105 % or 72,395 sq. ft 2500/" or 1 72,1 53 sq. ft. 42dulacrc 35 dv/acre . 67%or 46,245sq.ft. 70ol.or49,203 sq.ft. per the development 10' plan 71' average Averago 71 ' p€r ths Llonshoad (82.5' max.) Redevelopment Master Plen tv. Chapter 12-9 of the Town.of Vail Municipal Code provides for the amendment of existing Special Development Districts in the Town ol Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose o-f a' Special Development District is, 'To engourage flexibility and creativity in the development ot land, in order to Promote ats most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town; to tacilitate the adequate and economical provision ot streets and utilities;to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the V;il Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan tor a Special Development District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall e;tablish the requirements lor guiding development and uses of property included in the Special llevelopment District." According to Section 12-9A-2, a major amendment to a Special Development District is defined F:\everyone\pecvnemos\99warion1 6 "Any proposal to change uses; incrsase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved special devslopment district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in this Section), except as provided under Sections 12-15.4, "lnterior Conversions.', or 12-15-5, "Gross Besidential Floor Area (250 ordinance)" of this Title." The Municipal Code provides a framework for the amendment of an established Special Development District. According to the Municipal Code, prior to site preparation, Oi.ritOing construction, or other improvements to land within a Special Develoim6nt District, therd shall be an approved.development plan for the Special Development District. The apprgved development plan establishes reguirements regulating development, uses and activity within the speciat . .Development District. Upon final review of a proposed major amendment of an existing Special Development District, a report trom the Planning and Environmental commission stating its tindings and' recommendations and a staff report shall be fonnarded to the Town Counlit, in accordance with the provisions listed in section 12-16-6 of the Municipal code. The Town council's consideration of the Special Development District snbtt Oe in accordance with the provisions ofthe Municipal Code and approved by two readings of an ordinance. An.approved_ developmert plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses andactivities of the Special Development District. The developmtnt pian shall contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the pararieters with which the Special Development District shall adhere. The development plan may consist of, but ndt be limited to,the.approved site plan, floor. plans, building sections ahd eteva:tions, vicinity ptan, par1ing plan,' preliminary open space/landscape plan, densities and permitted, conditionil'and iccess-oiy uses. The determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the formal review oi the propose? development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed speci'at ' Development District, permitted, conditional and abcessory uses shall 'Oe iimiteO to thosepermifted, conditional and accessory uses in the property'i underlying zone district. The. Municipal Code prov.ides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendment to a Special Development'District. lt shall be the burden ot the applicant to demonstrate that submitial material ano me proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, orthat a practical solution consistent with the publi6 interest has beenachieved. The staff has addressed each of the nine sDD review criterid below: A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adiacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, Ou:tOing height, buffer zonss, ldgntity, character, visual integrity and -orientation. The proposed redevelopment of lhe exterior of the Manion Mountain Resort at Vail and the Gore Creek Club are consistent with the redevelopment objectives oulined in the recently adopted Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. The exterior building materials of the Marrion Hotel are a mixture ol stone, stucco andwood' The roof material is proposed to be asphalt shingles. Stone will be used around the base ot the building. The applicant has pr6posed th;t the exterior stucco cotor be an off-white. Statf believes that the combinatioh oi buitding materials proposed has beenwell incorporated into the design of the Marriott Hotel. - F : \ev€rlor'ts\pEcvngnos\ggwaniofl l The exterior building materials of the Gore Creek Club are also a mixture of stone, stucco and wood. The roof material will be asphalt shingles. The Town of Vail Design Review Board will have the opportunity to review the building ex-teriors prior to final afproval of the hotel and new club. The height of the hotel exceeds the allowable building height of the pubtic Accommodation Zone District by approximately 75 feet. The development standards tor the underlying znne district indicate that the maximum height lor buildings with sloping roofs shall be 48 feet. The height of the existing building is 85 feet. The applicant is - requesting that the maximum building height for the Marriott Hotel be approximately 123 feet tall, to accommodate the two towers, which are intended to break up the masd oJ the structure. The height of the Gore Creek Club exceeds the height limitation prescribed for the High density Multi-family Zone District. The maximum allowable height per the zoning regulations is 48 feet. The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of 62.S teet. The averageieight of the building, as measured along the primary roof forms is less than 71 feet. The proposed height is consistent with height considerations outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Staff believes that the proposed height of each ol the buildings is reasonable and appropriate. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The existing Marriott Hotel and the proposed Gore Creek Club are bordered to the north by the Vail Spa Condominiums and the Enzian Condominiums, to the south by the Gore Creek stream conidor and Primary/Secondary Residential development, to th6 west by avacant development site currently used lor surface parking and to the east by the Antlbr's Condominiums, the Montaneros Condominiums and the commercial spaces in the Concert Hall Plaza Building. The applicant is proposing a mixed-use development that is in compliance with the uses allowed in the underlying zone districts. The underlying zoning of Public Accommodation and High Density Multi{amily encourages the development of lodges (accommodation units) and accessory eating, drinking and retail estabiishments. The interval ownership component of the Gore Creek Club is allowed in the High Density Multi-family Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. A comptetil statf review of the conditional use permit criteria can be found in Section V of this memorandum. The proposed uses comply with the proposed zoning for Lionshead andthe Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. EmDlovee Housino Reouirements As indicated in a number of the goals and objectives of the Town's Master plans, providing affordable housing for employees is a critical issue which should be addressed through the planning.process lor Special Development District proposals. In reviewing the proposal for employee housing needs, statf relied on the Tdwn of Vail Employee ' Housing Report. This report has been used by the statf in the past to evaluatb e'mptoyee housing needs. The guidelines contained within the report were used most recentiy iri the review of the Austria Haus development proposal. The Employee_Housing.Report, was prepared for the Town by the consulting firm Rosall, Remmen and Cares. The report provides the recommended ranges of empToyee trouJn'g units needed based on the type of use and the amount of floor arba dedicaied- to each F:\everyone\p€cvn6rnos\99\Mario l i use. utilizing.the guidelines prescribed in the Employee Housing Report, the staff analyzed the incremental increase of employees 1'square tootag6 pei use;, that result from.the_redevelopment. 4 .opy oilhe $lroiesred Emotome for Vail Exoressed as Emolovees oer 10 . The figures identitiect in the Housing Report are based on surveys of commercial-use employrnent needs of the Town of Vail anct other mountain resoh communities. For comparison purposes, Telluride, Aspen and whistler B.c. all have .employment generation" ordinances requiring developers to provide atfordable nouding tor apercentage of the "new" employles resulting from commercial developmdnt. "New" , employees are defined as the incremental increase in employment ne'eOd resulting.from. . co.mmercial redevelopment. Each of the communities asses-ses a ditferent perceitage bfaftordable housing a developer must provide for the .new" employees. ror bxample,- Telluride requires deyglopqr! !o provide housing tor 40o/o (0.4d) o? the .new" empioyees, Aspen requires that 60%-(0.60) of the'new' employees are provided housing arid ' whistler requires thar 100yo (1.00) ot the ,,new" bmltoyees 6e provided housing by thedeveloper. In comparison, Vail has conservatively det-ermined'that developersihillprovide housing lor 15o/" (0.15) or g0% (0.90) of the "new', emptoyees resritting from commercial development. whel a project is proposed to exceed- the density ittowed oythe underlying zone district, the 30% (0.30) figure is used in the catcutation. tf a prolecf isproposed at, or below, the density allowed bythe underlying zone district, the 15i" (b.15) figure is used. The Maniott speciit development distrio haJor amendment proposai exceeds the density permitted by the unddrlying zone oistriit, and therefore, th'e go% figure shall be used. EMPLOYEE HOUSING GENERATION ANALYSIS The statf analysis below indicates the top, the middle and the bottom of the ranges recommended by the Town of Vail Employee Housing Report, as well as a statf- recommended figure which was used in determining ine employee housing needs of theGore creek club. A summary of the Employee Horising eenerition Anatyiis is aslollows: Bottom of Range Calculations: Retaiuservice commerciat =1,912 sq. ft. @(5/1000 sq. ft.) = 9.56 emptoyeesa) b)Multi Family (Club Units) =66 units @(.4/unit)=26.40 employees 35.96 = employees 10.78 = new employees Middle ot Range Calculations: Hetail/Service Commercial = 1,912 sq. ft. @(6.5/1000 sq. ft.) = 12.+g employees Multi Family (Club Units) = 66 units @(.4/unit)= 26.40 employees Total Employees (X 0.30 multiplier) Total Employees (x 0.30 muttiptieO a) b) = 38.83 employees = 11.65 new employees Top of Range Calculations: a) Retail/Service Commercial = 1,912 sq. ft. @(8/1000 sq. ft.) = 15.30 emptoyees b) Multi Family (Club Units) = 66 units @(.4/unit)= 26.40 employees Total Ernployees (X 0.30 multiplier) = 41.70 employees = 12.51 new employees Stafl Recommended Ranoe Calculations: The staff believes thailhe Gore Creek Club will create a need tor 36 additional employees.' Oi the 36 additional employees, at least 1 1(10.78) employees (30%) will need to be provided deed- restricted housing by the developers of the Maniott. The statf recommended range is based on: 1. the type of retail and commercial use proposed in the commercial space within the Gore Creek Club; 2. the size of the Gore Creek Club lodging component; 3. the result of research completed by Town of Vail statf ol similar hotel operations in the Vail Valley. Retail/Service Commercial = 1,912 sq. ft. (bottom of range) Multi Family (Club Units) =66 units (range does not vary) @(5/1000 sq. ft.) = 9.56 employees @(.4/unit)= 26.40 employees a) b) Total (X 0.30 multiplier) = 35.96 employees = 10.78 new employees 'Lodglno has a 9anlcularly latge vanaton ol employees per room, oependrng lpon fac|ols 6uch as sEe ottaciirtygnd levetot og|a|ce/suDoonseMces and amenl|es pro\rded. Depending upon the size of the employee housing unit provided, it is possible to have up to two employees per bedroom. For example, a two-bedroom unit in the size range of 450 - 900 square teet, is possible ol accommodating three to four employees. These figures are consistent with the requirements lor the Type lll employee housing units outlined in the Municipal Code. The applicant has proposed to provide a minimum of six employee housing units. The units would be deed-restricted as Type lll ehu's and located on the gaiden level of the Maniott Hotel. Of the six units, four would be one bedroom units and two would be studio units. The applicant is proposing two employees in each of the one bedroom units and one employee in each of the studio units. A total of ten employees would be provided housing. overall, statf believes that the density and uses proposed by the applicant for the Marriott and the Gore Creek Club do not conflict with the compatibility, efficiency or workability of the surrounding uses and/or activities. 10 c.compliance with parking and loading requirements as ouilined in chapter 12-10 of the Town of Vail Municipat Code. Parking and loirding requirements for development are established in Chapter j2-10 ot the Municipal code. The parking and loading requirements are based on ihe square footage of the uses proposed within a building. The applicant is proposing a total of three loading/delivery berths. The toadingidetivery area is existing on the north side of the hotel and has be6n redesigned to accommodate three trucks. This area can handle trucK up to sOjeet in length. Rdditionally, an on- street loading and delivery area has been reduced in size to hllp alleviate cohfllcts witn cars and buses. The on-street space is intended only for temporary, shon-term parking shoufd the three on site spaces be occupied. Anothdr loading/delivery arca is tobateO 6n the west side ol the hotel between the hotel and the Gore creek club: This area is intended only lor use of the conference space inside the hotel. lt is not designed to accommodate deliveries to the hotel. No loading/delivery area has been provided for the use of the Gore Creek Club. The statf has reviewed the proposed loading/delivery plan. Upon review ot the plan we believe the proposal does not meet the minimum stdnbarcts ldr loading/deliveryior the hotel and the new club. While we understand that the applicant is limitect by tlie existing configuration and layout ot the hotel, we believe it is neiessary lor the loadihgidelivery - situation to be resolved with this redevelopment proposal. Ac6ording to the loading/delivery standards outlined in the Municiial bode, a minimuir ot five berths are required. At a minimum, loading/delivery needs to be provided in a realistic manner for the Gore Creek Club. Should the Gore Creek Club ever become a stand alone buitding from the Marriott, minimum standards would not be met. conformity with the applicable elements of the vail comprehensive plan, Town policies and Urban Design plan. Vail land Use Plan The goals contained in the vail Land Use plan are to be used as lhe Town's policy guidelines during the review process for a major amendment to an existing sieciai development district. staff has reviewed the Vait Land Use plan and belieiei the following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: 1. GenoralGrowth/Development 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water, and other narural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 1'3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgrade whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additionat growth in existing developed areas (infiil). D. 11 3. Commercial 3.1 The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more etficiently. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skier. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. 4. Villaqe Core/Lionshead 4.1 Future commercial development should continue to occur primarily in existing commercial areas. Future commercial development in the Core areas needs to be carefully controlled to facilitate access and delivery. 4.2 Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through the implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master plan. 5. Residential 5.1 Quality timeshare units should be accommodated to help keep occupancy rates up. 5.2 Atfordable employee housing should be made available through private etforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town oi Vait, witn appropriate restrictions. The Vail Land Use Plan projects a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. while lhe statistical information used to prqect need is most likely, outdated, staff believes there continues to be a need for additional lodging units in the Town of Vail. The Plan projected a need for a total ol 395 additional lodging units by the year 2000. The Plan further suggests that increased density for commercial, residentidt and lodging uses in the village/Lionshead core areas would be acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is being preserved. statf believes the proposed major amendment of special Development District (#7) is in concert with the goals and policies of the vail Land Use plan as outlined above. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan The Lionshead Fledevelopment Master plan was adopted by the vail rown council in December of 1998. The purpose of the plan is to encourage redevelopment and new development initiatives within the Lionshead area. The plan outlines the goals and objectives for the enhancement of Lionshead and proposes recommendaiions, incentives and requirements for redevelopment and new development. L2 t chapter Four of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan identilies issues and provides recommendations that need to be considered in all planning and policy decisions as Lionshead redevelops. The applicant's properties are located in what is identified in the ptan as the Resort Lodging Hub. This area is located just west of the Lionshead Commercial Core and is comprised of mostly high-density residential development. All future plans and proposals should work to reinforce the residential character of the area. New develooment shbuE aim for quieter pedestrian streets, well-defined pedestrian connections and more intensive landscaping and higher quality streetscape development. The plan further suggests that new development be constructed on a north-south . orientation to improve physical, visual and sun access to the buildings and the streets below. The plan proposes improvements to the intersection of west Lionshead circle and Lionshead Place. Currently, this intersection handles heavy loads of traffic lor lodging and service deliveries. The plan suggests the elimination of on-street loading and delivery and an improved pedestrian area at the intersection. To this end, the plan recommends that loading and delivery areas be deep enough into the building or property to prevent delivery truclG from blocking vehicle or pedestrian traffic. The ptan turtnei recommends that these areas be landscaped and/or screened to improve the aesthetic quality ol the streetscape. ln no case, however, shall a property utilize the public roadway or pedestrian area to stage service and delivery vehicles. Lastly, in chapter Four, the plan encourages the creation of landmark features in Lionshead. A landmark feature is a significant architectural element that all visitors to Lionshead can identily and remember. Landmarks signily important points of entry, critical intersections in the pedestrian network, as well asdestinationb and visual - reference points. Appropriate locations for landmark features are the east pedestrian portal, the central retail mall area and the west pedestrian portal in the vicinity of the intersection of West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead place. Chapter Five of the plan provides detailed recommendations based upon the examination of individual parcels of land in the Lionshead area. The intent of the examination is to identify important objectives for redevelopment of specific parcels in Lionshead. The recommendations for the Marriott property are listed below: 5.13 The Marriott with approximately 320 rooms, the Marriott is the only supply of hot beds in Lionshead. The single largest structure in Lionshead, it is also very vislOle, especially trom the west. It is consequently a high priority renovation project, and all reasonable m-easures should be taken by the Town of Vail to encourage and facilitate its enhancement. specific issues regarding this property are as follows: 5.13.1 Redevelopment or Development ot thg parking Structure The best opportunity for new development on the Marriott property is the existing parking structure (figure 5-17). tf this site is developed, aneniion 3houtd be given to the relationship between the development, Gore Creek, the Gore Creek - recreation path, and the west day lot. Vertical development should step back lrom 13 the recreation path, and there should be a clear separation (most likely a landscape butfer) between the public space of the recreation path and the private space of the residential units. 5.13.2 Inflll Opportunities There are several tennis courts on the south side of the Marriott. This area presents an opportunity for low-rise infill development that eases the visual and physical transition from the existing structure to the Gore Creek recreation path. 5.13.3 Opportunities for Fagade Renovation Exterior renovation of the Marriott is a community priority, but the size and dimensions of the structure present a challenge, and it is unlikely that the architectural design guidelines (see chapter 8) can be fully met. However, this should not discourage exterior renovation, and the Town of Vail Design Review Board should insure that the intent of the guidelines is met. (This is a basic premise of the architectural design guidelines, relevant to all existing buildings in Lionshead). 5.13.4 West Uonshead Circle in Front of the llarriott Any future development or redevelopment of the Maniott property should include a continuous secondary pedestrian walk on the south side of west Lionshead Circle. A pavement.snowmelt system is strongly recommended because of icing problems on the walkway in winter. Chapter Eight of the plan prescribes the architectural design guidelines for redevelopment and new development in Lionshead. The intent of the guidelines is to direct the growtn ot the community through distinct levels ol perception, from views of the neighborh6od from the mountain and highway, to perceptions within its pedestrian streets, tolhe detail level of artistry and ornamentation on the structures themselves. Staff believes that it is most appropriate for the Town of Vail Design Review Board to review the plan for compliance with Chapter Eight of the plan. Overall, staff believes that the applicant'sproposal complies with the various provisions of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The proposal addresses landicape improvements, exterior fagade improvements to the existing hotel, pedestrian improvements both to and from the street, lodging improvements utilizing infill development and the creation of a landmark feature to help identify the western portal to Lionshead. The applicant has also proposed to enhance the pedestrian experieirce at the intersection of west Lionshead circle and Lionshead place by proposing niw activitygenerating commercial uses on the corner. lf there is an area where stiff believes tire applicant's progo.sll may fail to comply with the plan, it is in the design and operation of the loading and delivery area. Staff believes that the loading and delivery area should be redesigned to insure an adequate number of berths to accommodate service and delivery vehicles to prevent loading and delivery from the public right of way and to insure that tn6 berths are adequately designed to prevent service and delivery vehicles from impeding traffic flows. Additionally, at a minimum, loading and deliverylacilities should b6 designed into the Gore Creek Club so that the club can operite as a stand alone building should il ever need to be. 1i E. F. ldentltlcation and mitigation of naturat and/or geotogic hazards that attect the property on which the special development district is proposed. There are no natural and/or geologic hazards that effect the applicant's property. slte plan, building design and tocation and open space provisions desagned to produce a tunctional dsvelopment responsive and sensitive to netural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The. appligant has proposed to deviate from the setbacks prescribed.by the undeilying zoning. The underlying zoning prescribes 20-foot setbacks at the erteiior lot lines. The , applicant is proposing a seven foot setback from the west property, zero.setbacks at the ground level on the east and north property lines, and more than S0 feet from the centerline of Gore Creek. The proposed setbacks allow for a minimal landscape butfer to be planted around the perimeter of the Gore Creek Club. The setbacks for the existing hotel remain unchanged. The applicant has maintained a 20 foot building separation between the buildings on the interior of the development. The building s-etbacks allow for the required building separation and provide adequate pedestrian-traffic circulation. The proposed zoning for Lionshead and the master plan requires a 1O foot setback along the west property line. The. applicant is proposing to exchange two portions of rown of Vail right of way for additional stream tract area. The areas in question are at the front entrance to ihe Gore Creek Club and at the eastern end of the Marriott hotel. The exchange of land would be on a.square loot-to-square foot basis. The applicant believes that the exchange would result in a winiwin situation for both the Town and the property owner. The applicant has submitted a detailed sun/shade analysis. The purpose of the analysis is to illustrate the impacts of the redevelopment of the existing hotel and the construction of the new club the public right-of-way and adjacent propertiea. while the increased building heights will increase lhe amount of shading on the areas to the north of the development site, statf believes the increases are minimal and will not have any ndgative impacts on existing or future development. A copy of the sun/shade analysis hls been attached for relerence, A circulation system designed tor both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off .site traff ic circulation. slaff believes that the proposal complies with the circulation system criteria described above. The applicant has worked closely with the Town Engirieer to design a circulation system that is both functional and efficient. As stated previously, with the exception of the front entry drop-otf spaces under the porte cochere, all of th-e parking will b6 in an underground structure. The applicant will also provide a much needed sidewalk along the south side of West Lionshead Circle connecting the pedestrian traffic to the south. Frontage Road. The proposed vehicle and pedestiian tiatfic circulation plan complies with the recommendation outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. G. t-5 H. Functionaland aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. The applicant is proposing to implement landscape improvements around the existing hotel and around the new club. As part of the improvements, the appllcant will be providing a pedestrian connection from the hotel and club down to the streamwalk. Statf would recommend that the applicant increase the landscaping and enhance the streetscape at the entrance to the new club. No landscaping is currently proposed in this area. The staff would suggest that the final landscape plan be reviewed and approved by rhe Town of Vail Design Review Board. l. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, lunctional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. Phasing of development is not proposed. The applicant is required to submit a construction phasing.and staging plan to the Town prior to receiving a buibing permit. The plan will be used to ensure an efficient and workable relationshlp with suirdunding uses during the redevelopment of the hotel and the construction of the club. V CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The following criteria are to be used by the Planning & Environmental Commission to when evaluating a request for a conditional use permit. 1. Relationship and impact ot the use on the development objectives of the Town. The applicanfs property is located in an area identified as the Resort Lodging Hub of Lionshead. This area is characterized by residential and lodging-type of d-evetopment intended to provide accommodations for our guests, residents and visitors. A ldng standing goal of Vail as a resort community is to maintain and enhance the short-i-erm overnight accommodations. A substantial hotel bedbase is critical to the continued success of our resort market. There are many me_ans of maintaining and enhancing the short-term overnight accommodations. The obvious is to build strictly hotel rooms. A second means is timeshare and other forms of interval ownership. The possible benefits of timeshare include: r Increased activity during shoulder seasonsI The attraction of revenue generating touristso Efficient utilization of resourceso Pride ownership and buy-in to the communityo Increased levels of occupancyr Increased resort exposure due to the extensive number of interval ownersr Fleduced cost of property ownership in a resort community Ib 3. overall, staff believes that the applicant's proposal to conslruct G6 1/20tn intervat ownership units in the Gore Creek Club is positive. lnterval ownership units and the use thereot are compatible with existing and surrounding uses. Staft does not believe that the proposed conditional use will not have any negative impacts on the character of the area. The effsct of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facllities, ulllities, schools, parks and recreation tacilities and other public facility needs. Staff does not believe that the request to construct and operate an interval ownership c|ubwi||haveanynegativeimpactsontheabovedescribedcriteriaoverstrict|y accommodation units. With increased occupancy comes possible increased u-sd of our public faqilities, such as the bus system, streamwalk, bike paths, etc. staff does not believe, however, that the increased use will be detrimentdl. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian satety and convenience, tratfic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and snow removal from the street and parking area. similar to the criteria #2, staff does not believe that the proposed use will have any negative impacts on the above described criteria. A' Necessary Findings:The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following lindings betore granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes 0f this Title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it ffiili,'s"?ff :l':fl :;Jsl??tffi i#iililffi *"Jlff t"3:liJ:?t,',,. improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use wilt comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Title. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Major Amendmsnt The Community Development Department recommends approval ot the applicant's request for a major amendment to Special Development District #7, Manioft, to allow for iedevelopmbnt of the existing hotel and the new construction of the Gore creek club. staff's recommendition for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. The statf believes that the proposal generally complies with the nine design criteria, as identified in this memorandum. T7 Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to recommend approval of the requested major amendmenl to the Vail Town council, staff would recommend that the Commission make the following finding: That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District #7, Maniott, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-g of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, the applicant has demonstrated to the satislaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the reguested deviation from the development standards of the undertying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided. ConditionalUse Permit The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation ol the Gore Creek Club. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in section v of this memorandum. should the Planning & Environmental commission choose to approve the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction and operation of a interval ownership club, staff would recommend that the following finding be made: That the construction and operation of the 66 inteMal ownership units in the Gore Creek Club adheres to the purpose statements of the High Density Mufti-family Zone District and of a conditional use permit as stated in the Town of vail Municipal code, Additionaily, the construction and operation of the Gore Creek Club will not be detrimental to the pubtic health, safety, or welfare, nor will it be materially injurious to the to the properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Club. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to recommend approval of the requested major amendment and the conditional use permit, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the applicant submit the following plans to the Department of community Development, for review and approval, as a part of the building permit applicition for the hotel: An Erosion Control and Sedimentation plan; A Construction Staging and Phasing Plan; A Stormwater Management Plan; and A Traffic Control Plan. 2. That the applicant provide deed-restricted housing, which complies with the Town of Vail Employee Housing requirements (chapter 1z-'tgl,lor a minimum of '10 employees, andthat said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and thd d6ed restrictions recorded with^the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, pridr to requesting aTemporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Gore Creek Club. 3' That the applicant appear before the Design Review Board tor a conceptual review of theproposed improvements prior to appearing before the Vail Town Council for consideration of an ordinance amending the Special Development District and receive final Design Review Board approval of the proposed improvements, prior to application tor a OriilOing oermit. a. o. IU 4. c. 6. That the applicant redesign the proposed loading/delivery plan to insure that service and delivery vehicles do not block or impede pedestrian and vehicle tratfic. That the applicant redesign the proposed plans for the Gore creek ctub to provide a minimum of one off-street loadingidelivery berth so the Gore Creek Club can operare as a free-standing facility. That the applicant submit a complete set of civil engineered drawings ot all the otf-site improvements, including improvements to west Lionshead circle, tFe sidewalk from the comm-on property line with Antler's to the South Frontage Road, for the required on-site and off-site storm water drainage and management syslem, for the pedestiian connection ' to the streamwalk, lor review and approval, prior to aiplication for.a'building permit. That the applicant submit to the Community Development Department an approval lener from the owner of Lor A to the west of the Gore cre-ex ctub dbvetopment siid granting permission to regrade portions of Lot A as depicted on the proposed plans. That the applicant revise the plans to eliminate any off-site encroachments of the building on the Town of Vail right-of-way, prior to an appeaiance before the Design Review Board-. That.the applicant meet with the Town Statf to prepare a lener of agreement outlining thereguirements of the otf-site improvements, prioi to'lirst reading of a-n ordinance appr6ving the major amendment. That the new sidewalk along the south side ol West Lionshead Circle be snowmelted. That the applicant amend the proposed landscape plan and provide increased amount oflandscaping at the front entrance to the Gore creek club and the retail shops. That the appliqant submit a proposed streambank improvement plan to the communityDevelopment Department for review and approval prior to applichtion for a buiHingpermit. That the applicant submit complete set of plans to the Town of Vail Colorado Department ot rransportation for review and approval bt a teft turn lane off of the soum Froniage - Road onto west Lionshead circle. The plans shall by approved by cDoi prior to application for a building permit. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 19 it'Ih i aevS)iq) ''wt.' rll 39VN* - gn-, >33>1, 3uO9 .L:JO9:Ial NIV-LN0Oh IIOI:JEVI^I .]lVA 'lW1il"-l - lit -i 2 Els- $$ $t8u { i,g *6 +" $$i$ =liotl trtl Ftrot:{tiluti t tui'hl. ,"t,riltr;5;#:triT#l.ffiiii; i :ii i ..$8S.' o 1z- $tao ..)$i 5n $$i$ -lr-li sti <ti.l-Lll Alol *lr ntl Fliotitu<ll atllutlotloti tLti Pli E 5 d R I tr $ + $ & g E g E t t -L:JO5=:J N r{- $$3ig$1n So Hi$$F :F39t 3 M 93$. 513# iiH t coMMrssroN t PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, February 22, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Driver: George KEX FILE r'rlP:r Proigct Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communitv Develooment D'epartment 12:00 p.m. MEMBEHS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Greg Moflet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 1. Forbes - 362 Mill Creek Circle2. Lionshead Miniature Golf Course -Tract B&D 1:15 p.m. NOTE: lf the PEC h€aring e)dends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2dr0 p.m. 1. A request for a renewal of (and an amendment to) an existing conditional use permit at the Lionshead Miniature Golf Course, located at a portion of Tract B & D, Vail Lionshead 1s Filing. Applicant: Charlie AlexanderPlanner: Jeff Hunt MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE:7-0 APPROVED W]TH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. The goll course and climbing wall will be operated in accordance with the descriptions contained in this memo. 2. The climbing wall will be setback a minimum of 30' from any bike/ped bath. 3. The bed of the trailer shall face south with the three climbing surfaces to the west, north and east. This trailer shall be screened by vegetation or other devices subject to Design Review Board approval 6-.tBil wttotutilly 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess of 20Y" and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front Setbacks) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION:Ann Bishop SECOND:John Schofield VOTE:6-0 (Brian Doyon recused) TABLED 3. A request for a worksession to discuss an amendment to the Town's "Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther woRKsEssroN-No voTE 4. A request for the establishment of new zone districts entitled Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District (Title 12, Zoning), in order to implement the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Other modifications are being made to other sections of Title 1 2, namely, chapter 4 Districts Established, chapter 10 off-street Parking and Loading, Chapter 13 Employee Housing, Chapter 14 Supplemental Regulations, and Chapter 15 Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). Additionally Title 11 Sign Regulations and Title 5 Public Health and Safety are being modified. Applicant: Town ol VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION:Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE:7-0 RECOMilENDED APPROVAL O-0) W|TH MODTFTCATIONS: (A copy of the memo will be provided at the scheduled March 3, 1999 Town Council meeting). 5. A request for a rezoning of property located in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area, in accordance with the attached map to a new zone district entitled Lionshead Mixed Use District 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use District 2 District, (including, Vail International, Lodge at Lionshead-Phases l-lll, Tree Tops, Lionshead Center, Lionshead Arcade, Vail 21, Lion's Pride Building, Vantage Point, Lifthouse Condominiums, Westwinds, Sunbird Lodge, Gondola Building, Landmark Condominiums, Landmark Townhomes, North Day Lot, Lionsquare Lodge, Lionsquare North, Montaneros, Concert Hall Plaza, Antlers, Marriott, Enzian, Vail Glo Lodge, Lionshead Inn, Vail Spa, West Day Lot, VA Maintenance Yard and the Amoco Station) and a rezoning of the Lionshead parking structure from Parking District to General Use . Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION:John Schofield SECOND:Ann Bishop VOTE: 7-0 RECOMIIENDED APPROVAL 6. A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 36, to allow for a commercial expansion, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: Jeff Hunt TABLED UNTIL MARCH 8, 1999 7. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 (The Marriott Hotel), to allow for the construction of the Gore Creek Club and a remodel to the existing hotel, located at 714 Lionshead Circle / Maniott Mark. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by East-West Partners Planner: George Ruther TAELED UNTIL MARCH 8,1999 8. A request for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Otfice Buibing site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL MARCH 8, 1999 9. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 e. uonshdad Circle/Lot 1, Block 1,'Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MARCH 8, 1999 10. A request for a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, to amend Section 6 of Ordinance #12, Series of 1 997 to clarify a condition of the Ordinance, located at242E. Meadow Drivei Part of Tract C, btock 5D, Vail Village 1$ Filing. Applicant: Bill Sullivan, representing the Austria Haus Development Group Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MARCH 22, 1999 11. Information Update Three, two-year term PEC vacancies (Greg Moffet, John Schofield and Ann Bishop) 12. Approval of January 25, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available lor public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation avaihbb upon requct with 24 hour notiticatbn. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for intormation. communN Dq/elooment D€oanment 3 December 2, 1998 February 7, 1999 (revised) George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail- major amendment to SDD George: Subsequent to our pre-application meeting on 1O/1 9/98, before making a formal application and accordance with the new policy. we would like to schedule a joinimeeting with the PEC. Town council and possibly even the DRB as early in January 1999 as possible. Asrequested, here is a synopsis of what exists at the hotel and what is being proposed. subsequent to our pre-application hearing on January | 2, I ggg, the project remains aspresented except that the location and number of EHU,s has been revised. Existino Hotel The existing hotel is comprised of 3 buildings of varying age and construction. We refer tothem as Phase l, Phase ll and Phase lla and the west Parking structure. Uses in the Hotel areAU' DU, commercial, various food service operations, and convention, For the purposes ofour project, we will address only the uses of AU, DU and one particular restaurant space.Prints of each building's original design documents are in your archives under different names. The following information is based on these documents ll would like to point outthat many of the units defined as DU's are owned by the Hotel and are operated as AU,s). The current unit mix is as follows: 137,147 George Ruther February 7, 1999 (revised from December 2, 1999) Page 2 Lot area {including the parking structure) is approximately 222,273 SF. Under PA zoning, allowabfe GRFA would be 8Oolo of that or 177,818 SF. Existing GRFA is therefore 77oh ol allowable. The "windows" restaurant, with a seating capacity of approximately 8s seats, is no longer . in operation and is used only for special f unctions. Existing parking is located below the buildings and in the west structure. By count, there are 407 spaces with 205 in the west structure. we are assuming that existing parking is adequate and will be "grandfathered" in as such. Prooosed New Construction & Chanqes 1. convert the "windows" restaurant space and 5 adjacent AU's into 3 or 4 DU's. Parking requirements decrease by 1.6 spaces (85 seats/g seats per space less 4 spaces (2 units<2000 SFI and 5 spaces (2 units>2OO0 SF)).2. Upgrade exterior appearance of existing hotel buildings by doing the following: Add steeply sloped roofs to lower the eave lines of the various buildings. Roofing material proposed to be 40 year shadow-line type fiberglass shingles. Add "landmark" roof elements to buildings ll and lla. Remove wood siding at balconies on all buildings and install new metal railings in varaous colors and patterns. Remove most of the existing wood siding and replace with EIFS in several colors. Repaint existing stucco. Existing standing seam metal roofs remain to a large extent. Add new retail spaces with heated sidewalks along west Lionshead circle at Phase I and Phase ll when future economic conditions warrant,h. Remodel existing porte cochere. 3. New Phase lll atop existing west parking structure with interval ownership units in accordance with the Lionshead Master plan. a. 66 new units (see unit mix table below) totaling approximately 7b,0OO SF of GRFA, Current drawings reflect the following unit mix and area: a. b. c. d. e. t. v. h Building amenities including front desk and Owner lounges. Addition to parking structure with internal ramps and providing for completely covered arrival. 61 new parking spaces whh an easy additional 15 via valet positioning. 1O5O SF 2 BR 1450 SF 3 BR (2 BR w/ loft) 72,429 George Ruther February 7, 1999 (revised from December 2, I ggg) Page 3 4. Converting 9 existing DU's in Phase lla into deed restricted EHU's; 8 units are studios with minimal kitchens and one unit is a one bedroom unit with full kitchen. Eased on a recentlY completed project of similar size, the Phase ltl addition will create 25 new iobs. At a requirement of 20% of this number, 5 new EHtJ's are required. lnstead of the 9 units in Phase lla being deed restricted, we are now proposing to conver!.the existing ski shop in Phase I into 6 new studio and one bedroom uniti (3 of each) ranging in size from 39O SF to S2O SF.5. Modifications to landscape on Gore Creek side of complex including removal of most of the existing high berm thus opening up to the bike path and the creekscape. one tennis court to remain, the other one and the volley ball couft wiil go. other modifications per the submitted plans. Proposed total GRFA would be 209,576 SF or 1 18% of the total allowable on the site. This is far less than the 25O% maximum that would govern in Lionshead and even less than the 1507o granted the Austria House in the Village. Existing Buildings: 1 ' Proposed modifications to roofs comply with the design guidelines even though the proposed slope exceeds 12:12; the steeper roofs will lower apparent eaves, balance roof area with wall area.2' The proposed "landmark" roof elements will give the western edge of Lionshead the presence of a "grand old hotel.,.3. Proposed streetscape elements do comply with the plan and guidelines. New Building: 1. New buiEing is right at maximum height limits with the proposed steeply sloped roofs' and small areas of flat roof. We are well below the roof height average required.2. Our proposed 1 5: 1 2 roof pitch is steeper than the 1 2: 1 2 specif ied but again provides significant aesthetic advantages the satisfy the intent of the guidelines: lower eave heights and wall heights and a better balance between wall area and roof area. This aesthetic benefit and addressing of intent is the basis for which we would seek conditional approval as provided in Section As for the small areas of flat roof, they are comparable to those found at the Sonnenalp and would be visible only from high on the mountain. They are also allowed under Section 4.2.9,1 .3. The issue of height and flat roofs could be resolved if the datum for measuring height is set at the top of the existing parking garage instead of at surrounding grade. We have an unusual case here for new construction in that we do not have the option of putting the structure completely below grade as could be done with other new buildings. George Ruther February 7, | 999 lrevised from December 2, | 999) Page 4 I hope this gives you an adequate overview of our project. We look forward to the meeting with the Council and PEC and a subsequently smooth approval process. We could reluctantly accept staff approval on this one if required to do so. Sincerely, '. j GWATHMEY PRATT AqCHFECTS, P.C. t-l/tl ,") // ///J // lffi/X1t-- /14'-ry Henry nlatt, etl February 7, 1999 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail- major amendment to SDD- Gonditional Use permit George: Subsequent to our discussion last Friday, we are applying for a conditional use permit to allow time-share units at the proposed Phase lll addition to the Marriott Hotel in Lionshead. This application does not change the building or its bulk and mass in any way from thatpresented to the Council and PEC on January 12, 1999 and recently submitted for approvalby the PEC. Nor does it change in any way the impacts associated with this project light,air, Town objectives, traffic, etc). lt merely seeks permission to sell the units in a mannerthat is consistent with the current market and this project's location. I will point out thatboth fractional fee units and time-share units are conditional uses allowed under HDMF zoning with no stated preference of one over the other. The Phase lll component of the Marriott project is stated as a high priority project in the Lionshead mdster plan. Regardless of whether it is approved as an amendment to anexisting SDD or as an exterior alteration under the new Lionshead zoning, what we areproposing will provide higher occupancy rates and more warm beds than a condominium(HDMF) project. For this reason alone, this conditional use permit for time-share under HDMF should be approved. A further explanation of why time-share is desirable is attached. Sincerely, ,-2.'* Henry R.att. AIA CHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. q a I{III Er q', '-'&" I '.9 ffi l; Ir S'\__z/trrtr@ @ : lli{ lHf I's o tr ! trH 1---:r l$filusfll v*n"","-@mr-l I ll tl t,-tt'|"ti a i '-:::,,-i-: : ''-...'\\t)5 { : ll$ F l9Fta It o TE VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT \/AIL, COLORADO j i ITII f,9ir.iIt d(-|]trO =tl|-P a tllTllt >Ioz rtIIX>nurl $R io -9 nl fllfIoz VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT \r'AIL, (NLORADO i trTtrW tr[tr@ ifl! ai[FR ' [rn ^'! -ntll, o =2-Oil4-nlilf,ilt[-trr o-z VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE3ORT\/AIL, COLORADO (ta 4 o -n TT m z x >3 I i I\ill1l\l q3>><n(-n(\ A}.)fi; >tr7u oIru m(])X (tl-lzo mq FIzoo o VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE3ORT vAtL, coLoeADaHTEW VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT \r'AIL, COLORADOHTtrW W \ a: ztn (tl F$--l o m \J 7 \ J t$lct7 t9t>lo lm rT1 (-n o rn o-t zo oq r- Uzoo a VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT\/AIL, CALORADOHrE@ VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT vAtL. coLoRAooHTtr@ \ o?o ETi 9CZ dui fi^<)' >trriix ild>6[9 ,$_ I u'9 a\JQ>Hi < a mc-!zo zo _rl n rntr -n-{ VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT VAIL, CDLSAOOntrM o {\ /\zB VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT\r'AIL,@L&^DOItrW ttv $'lHI i I ) ,/ ) ( .^ l I Wtr VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT VAIL, COLORADO VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL, COL6^DOEIMW q r_l rn .A o (,\n x 2. Rx nm = CD onn >1, urlN - I r..r i(t!'lo! I9t*iI 2q .= l*in n-':'l z A tt .---"-----J, --------- --€ -.-- --.---o o -- '.-- ---o 8 aiil4 - ti\)r lir:ilo6ll$ llril ilo lt> llz O lloil> llu'il= ltn it? llo llo llrnlti ia llt llut llm i- VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT EXI9TIN6 HOTEL FACELIFT - PHAgE I. II. IIA VAIL, CALORADO .h F .-.. '- I E+ F ,h;.t , -l::.-- :-': z 6 c =-{ z IJ t,. lJ-, L -- =I -t r.l ;l I F ETMW | | lll trtrl iil+il !lts3ill-s ll sE7 OIrIll r ll lfl ll F<It >-r z Efi-0m:ltrx ;ilaq:r[nt6;l-G Ilz Oll-ri lmtt-tl l = .0 Ao Uo(t! rna o I rnrm { z I nrnf fl- xlll> in 'llm =oll-o|(nlt olt qtl 11 rIFll m lt flt -tti ollz rrf tttrl VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT EXISTINo HOTEL FAcELIFT - PHA9E I. tI, IIA \r'AIL. COLOR-ADOtr[trw rtt tlttl rtt ltttl E IT'II !il$q : l[n ci o ll- ul'll rnll s ll rn> Ulll -r ll ril ll hlt <ill| '-1loz II#Tfll>m iil$;ill-6 li rnlr >ItDlrrl mIF i, >ll Iiloll= S aa :il$q : llm ciol-O'll rnlqil>ll nl(tlll r milfit<it >ll -liloz mX o-.tzo rn(0 I rflT rfl >foz VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT EXISTIN6 HOIEL FA6.ELIF,'I - PFIASE I, II, IIA ]/AIL, 'OLORADO lllll tf I lt I tl lrrti ENtrW o A lld[1t lto llul llm lltr !il9'll{ r llr: m.llf, <>ll-{ llo llz 8flm: X ;ilq sllo IZ ltoltn-l lF llpm lt<ill lt6 Iz I rn: X .lt(n1ll.|= ,illo I;> llrn llrqti-n1!r lim t1<illtI lr9 lir | 'i] A> lt(J|il' ll= Il iill lllY :flo6 Ul'llm lla> llm U) ll-rrnllr llrn llt-1 O il'aItall>ll(t ll* ll= VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT EXI9TIN6 I.{OTEL FACELIFT - PHASE I, II, IIA vAtL, aoLoeADam[trw I llmI X ;ilq i ri\ O llo lllllr llmllr-m lt<il>l llolz 8lt-0I ltt0:toq l-0:ilo o ll(n'llrn lla llvllo ll-rllm llF lltll:l llo ilr lrllltlioll' ll= I rn } LIX:t61 l-{ ulo ll$ ilq ll"1 llrn il6 lt<.illrt- ilo |7 ti-0 ll$llo llm ll=I ll VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT EXI9TIN6 HOTEL FACELIFT - PHASE I, II, IIA vAtL, )OLS^DO Aoao(.t\ m o c--lI mT rn >I z filuEW flltll K iin i llx JIIUI.'|= 'llo llo ir4 iF llrnllr-llm< tr.t- llo|( Aitr ll> llttl il* llo I rrtttfI;t-'-g@J @J | $;il ilI rn (ll lll--I l;1g;J, vn.tL' co rrtltl r!rltl Irttl TnoT ul rfl ur VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT EX|ST|N6 taOlEL FAcE|d-'I - PHA9E t. lt, 'tAv\tt-, coLS.AooETtrW I aar7t 6qmci -ul'tr Uq r :ololrnq olz E []' .Il ril$q : llm tiill, sflt "lliE il-ilaZll o ll ItII FI Oll -.tll 6llz i{ ta rn:IIIX:l>(oitltJl: 6 r-ot.IU]l> c.llFll o lrnt-]$tmlt oIl -{ii 6 lt - VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT EXISTIN6 HOTEL FACELIFT - PF{AgE I, II, IIA \/AIL, COLORADO itt ltlll l ftttl FIIIEW tt iilfr$ 6ll- (n'll r rn O llle il6ltz Oll o m O-{ll o-z I(JrTmE -X ;ildq 'llm z{ll-o ll rrn il>Eil>Flt g Izll o O m O{il0llz ttr ttttl VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT EXISTINe FIOTEL FAoELIFT - PHASE I, II, IIA VAIL. COLORADOHt]trM trr ttttl rnx6I z.o @ F 2o Iil] ;llfi.llm {ll= lll ll^ il !ll-18 ;il6q 'r ll- "'|| o IIHFl*g l6t- 11 u!ll rnrl oll -lll otiz I[-!T iilfi$ o ll= Ul' rail,a lllet-ilqIzll o OmIo-rr6z I T ril:]IIX^ >;i.:llo:i r i=q ii ,o ll>s il>b\t=lolullrflo-tlx ilz 'Il Foaoomq - z a\ o mo-'l oz urrn --o-l Uz I llltlttl I t | | | | | | .'l ll | | | | | | t VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT EXISTING FIOIEL FACELIFT - PHA9E I, II, IIA VAIL, CPLAADO $ { i o lt o m o0 I lt ll tt tt il [ HTtrW trl frf liltl ttltl il tam:ltrx ;iffiq :llmz 6ll= O ll>olrc: ll$bIzll o Ulll rn:'' O..|-iloll z-- rflX tol-zo oq t- zo $ut-o =oz - q n so rno (! F zo omq 6z t I o(I rfl I I -r (rr rn I VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT EXI9TIN6 IiOTEL FACELIFT - PHASE I. II, IIA VAIL, COL&ADO Itl rrltl irltl ENtrW oo $ 1r-0 I :ll* i :ilfiis "lF; ll I q lF5Izll oIomIl oIfl6llz VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT EXISTINe HOTEL FACELIFT - PHASE I, II. IIA\r'AIL, COLORADO !ll rtltl E[trW ll'fl1'r I 1.,t"' -----'*"'*:-- - - - t tI .i/l {: o tidT.'v' nx =0t r- m rnr- N mnn VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9OR,T 6OFIE C?EER CLIJB - PHA9E IIt VAIL, COL&^DO ! ! i I i5 tfI E[trW Al:lr BEli':r;19 ;;: I$arl crii Ell I a I E iil= I -||\|zilft o' ll:f; IEfill"'rii ollz l1* ll /(r/'v VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT 6ORE CREEK 6LIJE - PHAgE III vAtL,coLoRAootrtrtrw E: a; ; ;: T_ g --LI I ---:-I I Ii. -,1+" j-6:+--:r'6Ps.br=rr \Lii t-;-tffiffill *$nl 96 lil= *r llr F ,ll3 F nF r-.m IIE F ll d tl +-E ___+ rq VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT ooRE cF<EeKcLtB - PHA9e ll vAtL. coLd.ADotrTtrW oo - --,,rlrtn.Cl!flVtisr: " -.----' t!:!':sar,, i I , t a Fgn('jnl-:e;o illE ]', -r 7l'llr tr illS 6 llr- T ll+ i ilfrE llH;t1 rt; l)Intii' .v VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT @RE CEEEK 6LUB . PHAgE III VAIL, COLORADO li9:m3.! u i i: sll r t Eli _-- --lt-- -- l: - - --t t _i_il r_ r. _.!_--I - .. -.-8. .".-n.-. -. -t. ! T; s E ri trTE@ i I tI t <F>2!70(nniq6 riltrEW l( [c: > llz:ll-i llr : llrn '116lF lldCr tl tl V ,.==* ,-.".:r-ro] i--: =, I-:I,,IEF: -r,.. Hffi.--$'r-1 lffil iiiffiffi"ffi*#1 li VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT OORE CREEK CLI.ts - PHAgE III \r'AIL, COLORADO frrlilE irdlrii :^:\=_/.€\.t - -a_.:- p_i I i,r - l+-* 'f!= r t.b:,J=xr\k I E /__ $s\d,J=E \a;'j-l l#l : Jl ;TTF+-ryf;1 -I I3==S,;-::+lg|i=ii ii . :---/ -. i 3! :-.- -li ."--". " ,,-, ! | i L \--'l ,C i | ' .--:.1 /''}.-r(,/ 'r\'lr4/ VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT @RE CREEK CLLE - PHAgE III VAIL, COLORADOETtrW oo / -- I+r il -(. | !_F"\, 1->|') "--d t;i-. .1tr;L-; ;ru f' "i '-f F\.j-A i.r l "J-:=-*{=,l- r# r I I 6i xIc>llz :ll-l1 llt-: llrn i116 ll; ll' il I Y ittit I a VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT 6ORE 6REEK ALUB . PHAgE III vAtL, c)LSAOOE[trW oo ,.,,A at )\V Stri t:t "' - 1->- 1 fi :El I Rrq,llz- "i 'llr : llrn 'll$ il; il2 il9 il- ll ,--^v) r-- - ,-:--i - -:rG;w9.,;: r=- L .,1 a_-_€/,.:4;=.---.-+€ VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT €ORE CREEK CLUA - PHASE III VAIL, COLA^DO -ry-Fl :'r -L- Li\2 ?-. t,_ c E1!;l;lEri ,,li il d 8i t El$IB Es\ g! NU\AA 9-6 EI tr[tr@ oo _ - -- ,1t,n Cl !F'{?Sr: '' -.-----"*": - x -t:I I t d 3 Eil' E [lli I B rt tlt$t! t it I !grll r! Ii;;d! TT! at:iii t Et t' x III t i t t t: BI t { ;I ! ir I t I ,|z:llr.'llrrllm 6lt<m llrm ll6r ll- ll il V VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT 6ORE CREEK OLW . PHAgE NI vAtL. coL&.ADOE[trW ooo srn iilR iilY ;lh c llr> ll= 1l il I I 'iv' VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT 6ORE CTEEK CLI,E - PHAgE III vAtL, aoLS^OOtrt]EW !rm iilh i ll-rllmI- llrfl< ll>-{ ll6 t- I il ll|>: trn:toilr llrnrlr llrrt<llll--1 llot' I 1l oo || tr E t It a * t'Ir Itir ct i+++++114 VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT ERE C?EEK CLUB - PHASE III \/AIL, COLORADO $ilfrifi$fir trtrtrw ooo Inz iilRi ll.-a-llm ilfi lltlli llo ll= ll r tu!ito.lc: t-t it; llh lltllr llo ll= 1l ++tlttlt!,!tt 1!1. Iq:${r I l[ ltl VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RE9ORT OORE CREEK CLIJB - PHASE III vAtL, coLoQAootrTEM ooi I rtrfl iild i lli it> il$ ll-r UI llrn ila !_"1 llo llz TfifiTITIi I1{tlt11r VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN REgORT OORE CR,EEK CLIJts - PHAgE III VAIL, COLORADO rils : ilu)ill; llF lltll-r il0llz llo ilfl ll-'l llo il= ii iiFiriF iii: ii:r++i,ti11 l[ff tr[EW oo UTEFPPFHN44+^.1e...: t rtrJ.J g'4d,rIUE -- t?tt4{q tfJ+19 eogTl^lA -' Hw;rn./ qpi^qE- l+E E T :-EHu . izl+ev Nb rrut qAqAFDE|.{ Fv'ptra __ *-\.\ ={=t* I oo str !F -fi[\ H tr F ry -94-1Er\ VAIL I"TARRIaTT MoUNTAIN KESoRT EXT'N{4 HargL FACELF.T I$ $$ 4g 96(r oo East West Partners Gcorge Ruther Toqac of Vaii 75 S. Frontagc Rd. West vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Ruthcr: Febnury 8, 1999 Ir.t€Fvsl-errste*sbiPr tinesne€t frectiend o+ne*Crip.rnd residenee elups are all part of the samc family of rcal cstatc. Thcy re all variations of the idea of su!-divi.ting a piece of real c.rsta ilr-olda- to lo*ss-rhe so6r:-d baselcs-oig€s*g iByo\cd in thc resort real estate market. Choosing the concct amount of ownership is based on the cost, iocauon, a$d the de$o$sphlcsof tberargetrn $:€LfoFq particutar properry. The fotlowing chart outlincs somc sizcs of interval owncrship intcrcsts arorud ski corntry E'ld bailr rnrrrh tinc thly 4lt6g1 aarh orl,oer tO use pcf, yeat 100 E^sr tHoMAs PLACE . t'.O. DRAVER l1?C I AVON, COLORADO 81610rrsrr?lfi]Ttt?cf Frrt?C-0{t. " lC J Asa general bencsrtothec€mst$siq6 atineshareproperty-fulfiugs€.veral basic nceds of both the pcrmansot and tbe traosicst rcsidcnt. This is cvidcnccd by rapid pace at which tltis isdustry isgrowiog uzorldnrid+ According telbe Vacati*&wership Industy, a study by ARDA, interval ownership is the fastest growing segrnent of the tavel and leiqpe rnrrJcel Tbefolhwing ciec*rssio*reprerent+ju*a fer+dthe valsable reasons why propcnies srch as the Gore Crcck Club hal'e been so well received by thc sonmu$tic+ir+whiebtbcy a*ebuilr end b1r dles€ F$€hpring the propcrties. By creating the right size of interval orrnership for a particular prop€rty, interval owxr*ippropccties3serblelq3ttteccrndSetfer r€teb tbe vrl$able.guests qn which our rcsort dcpcnds Irtervel Size Property Intervd Size Timc Pcr Yeai EfattMourtEirrlodgs Beaver Creek, Colorado vm'".Approx. l7 Days ParkPlaz Beaver Crcek. Colorado l/I0*s--wEE- Postc Montmc lrdge Beaver Creck, Colorado l/51'I Wcck Frurz Klammcr Lodge l/10 5 Weeks oo Many variations have been creatcd in intenal ownership; howwer, the Gore crcck club weul4be.b€gt-cuitcd for a shesc approxinatclyl/206 in size. whan thc propcrty is not divided far euough, like thc Park Ptazo, Thc Franz KlEmmcr, an4 The Deer VCley ClBb rhe cers$ eur u€igb th€ b€acfirs of incrva\ owncrship in many wa,Vs. Fir,st, the cost to buy into thc property becornes too close to the'cos of buyilg an otder susllcr'full'o*ncrrhip Fopcr+Ecsby. Tbccoc-|qpnrhacain thcse largcr sbare propenies can nn well above s25Q000. Secoudly, the cost ofnpkeep becomec morc fiBn most owucrsare willingro peg Mosr inte:val owrcretrippropcrtics offcr thcir owTlers more amcnitics than a tlpical condo. Whcn dividing thc cost of thesc amenitics among fcwcr owncrs, each owner's expense becomes greater. Fnraxy, the financial cost ottisebccomcs 1qq rnueh fq1 6q31 awtrgrs. InrcrralOwnc$-enioy thc frccdom to tavct exrensively tbrough thcir exchangc nenrorks. Howcvcr, most of thcrn arc unablc ro vacatios asmasy ac.5.or.6.wccks.p6 ycaL. Thcir faaily ard jobobligations only a[ov 2 or 3. Isrhep$gl$cyeuctbelllaeMounraioJadge in Bcaver.Cr.eek has shoum tbc grcat value of a medium sizcd fraction. At l/20r", thc ovmcr reocives onc week of primc ski timran&an-rdditional ' 1 0'days of nnnmer u&gc cvery ,€ar. This .mix fits vcry well with the dcmogrryhics of thc vail vallcy clicnt, Thcec owucn terd to comc from out of statc for onc or rwo visiusper yer witrbotr sunner arrd rvhtcr waBq rt tbe Hyat! these owners have a $rong seose of loplty and owncrship in their propcrty. Howcvcr, if they are not ablc to usc all ofthcir tlmc hcrc, thcy are abfc to usc ii ttuough thcir cxchange trchrorlr qor'''ewh.'e clrc. Thcy arc 1g1 forcqd lo buy aod minain propcrty thcy do not use. F Demograpbics ose of,tbe firslconccrns meny communities have when an ieteorl qynership property is proposed is, whom will this propcrry atiract, The drrnographice of thc typicat "onsu-oof i*erval orurc*ship .propcrty in.the Vail Vallry areno djffcscor.rhas thit of our high- end hotcls and lodges. Thc Hyan Monntain Lodge in Bcavcr crcck sold 7so l?ot. sharcs to approrimatcly496"u-rr in;urt ovcr truo ysrs. The fouqwiqg sratistics abour these inrenral owDcrs wcrc compiled from a suwcy of these owners in Marctr of 199E. t. 1l4et theyerr+-20o4s*,1 strdios, 45!+ eve2 bearoon condos, aud 35% own 3 bedroom condos. 2. Hoonrnoch thcy cr*- 96%.cara morc rban lr0O,Ooopcr year, ani! 73o/o ea:- more than $150,000 per year. F .b. oo r Hoo, ollth€y uc - 47ye Ee bet*Gcrl 36.Dd 4s, & 4c% are bctween 46 and, 56. 4. Horr E rch. they.vacation - 39+ bctrseen 7 and t 4dayrs, 3 3% beNeen 15 and2l days, and,Zlo/o bcrwcen 22 and.28 days. 5. Slho.Srcy vacrtions with --61% vacatiorrwi& famibr&Kids, l g% vacarion as couplcs, frd l6Vo vacatioa with fricnds. 6. Wharfreydoon vgsdion - 88Zo vacarion to eki, 4596 vacation to golf, and l87o vacation to play tennis.7 whae thcy are 6om - TEcy rcprcscnt almost all 50 states plus scveral forcign couatrlc+iactudiugl4erico,.Greet Britain,pucrtolice, Vcnczlel4 S. AfriJa, Gcrmany, Canada, Austn4 Aruba, and panama. TbeoumersrrtheHyan Mountab-rrd€€ in Beavcr creek ap thaqme clcnr tbat have vacationcd in Bcavcr crcck and sayed at the Hyan Regcncy for ycas. Tlt"y, too, could bas'e beconre bomeowncrs inBeavcr.crcck long ago" Howwer, theyprcfcncd thc bcnsr locatron and the many amenities of the Hyatt Regcncy md olhcr upscale hotcls iu the velley, \Albes &e opportuniry to own 8 propstty ndth sirnilar ameqitics md location at only rhe fraction of thc cost of other condos, they knew what thcy preferrcd. Thc eese of entry-and gudtty-of.thc propcrty made thcrn orvncts and rcom gucsts for many yc8rs ro The Goecreelcch&ievdrwitto&r thicsasre oppornrniry. The clients that hqve cnjoyed thc vail vallcy formany ycars, but choose aot to purchase a home, will find the quori+}t location and esse of enty vcry atuactivc. They will becooe intcnral owncrs in the Lionshead area and will return year after ycar to thcir property. Live Beds Tbe-blggcslgoarof-a.deetinEtiou rcaort propcrry is to propcrly yield managc thcir inventory. Yicld managem€nt is the proccss of flucturtiqg rstes in ordcrto maximize the totaloccup:acy of.aproperty wlrile sioulraneously maximizing total gross rwenue. However, in a destination reson gucb as Vail, Colorado, it is often difficult to use such a ptoc€ss- Thus, thclumbcr.of occupicd properties (Live Beds) is not optimizcd. In areas such as Vail, the majority of thc propefties are owned by individuals and, ifre$e4nrmg€d$tlan.on circpropcrry msnsgemenr finx T\ere are two inherenr problems facing rhe number of livc beds iq the vail valley. First, only a few of the owrcrcshooec to rcot thcir propcrtics. As an example, let's assuure approximately 35% of the second home owtrcrg choos'-to r-'t their propccicsand.tbe other 65%onlyuser\eirproperties for 2l&ys pcr ycar. Even at an occupancy rate of 70yo for the rental proicrtics the totd-occupeacyf,or.tte velley dropr to lcss thrn 307.. Secondly, it is difficult for the property mimsgcr to mansgc thc yield of the propertics EFdr E'gilsble. w,itbotyocordara''-rq treuaft isdtb€roeeupicd cir cipty in rhe oo €ycs of ths owncr. Thc pnpclty msDsg€r can not offcl osc rqom ar I discount and anotrrer a!lprcPrruD snd havc an offcetpositive fcld. If the property manegcr operatcd in thi+f$hicn, he would.be stealing froo onc onnrcr ro pay hioself aad another ot6cr. It is precisely this problco thu kccps thc Vail Valley from filliry our rooms more often trarno't ht"""! owncrship is a good solution rc this problcm. Thcre arcscvcral reasoas why this tlae of owncrship offers a bettcr quality, more higbly occupied propcrty. 1, Rcturn gucsts - With the dividing of thc owncrship iuterest csmes the dividing of tbe ouaerebip aost. By bringing dova thc largcst obstaclc to becoming en owncr (money), the Vail Valley cu guarant-c tru grrasts will bccome owDers rnd rcturn year aftcr year2 Higbrc Qualiiy - In an ind'sry with over a90% satisfrction rating quality of product is one of thc primary rcaoons thccc owucrs arc plcased- Uy Oviahg 8rc cost.of.maintaining a propcrry anrong muhiple oq4lcrs, there ii more money to be spent on rcpairs and maintcnmce. This allows intcriors and cxturiurro @uffieu; avoidingdreplovcrbial orange shag carpct we often sec in oldcr propcrties. 5. Eive Fcds - htcrval owners fon't come back cvery ytat However, whcn tbay do notoccupy tbeir condo, thcy almost dways scod somcone elsc. Intenral International is the association thc a[owc owners of one interval oumcrship.properly to.tade it with anothcr. The nunber of mcobccs in the organizatioa is now in cxccss of 400,0fl) families. If onc of thc ovmcrs of rhe crorc-creck club.chooses not.ro use his propsry,.otreof.thcsc 400,000 clicnts will soon bccome one of the Vail Vallcy's ncwest guests. For tlese.reasons, intcrnal onacrship has becn a great solution for mauy resons hoping to maximizc thc awrbcr of guests in to*n ycar rorud. Thc postc Montanl Iodge in Beavcr crcrk i! a grcat c*ar4lc of a ptqerty tlst belprbrfttg:sceffio.town year tound, as shonrnby &eir live year total occupancy chan. February 69c6 91% 95% gJ% U%M.Fch. S3% 87% $+%. 96% gZ%April 36% 67% T7% 78c/o 77%s,€y 6%. 6% 4S%. 61% s9%June 65% Zfh 7O%- 09% T4%Jt*y 7g%. Z6% ert( A3% T4oloAugust 80% 67o/o g07o' lsoh TTo/oSeptember. ?9.b 6g% ??lo- Z6% TA%octobcr 42% g% 5S% 61% 64%November- Se96 Wh 649Gl 69yo &%O.6mb.r 71c/o Sg% Z2!c 91% U% This chart.shows that.he rvgagc occupatrc,y of thc postc MontaD&Lodgc is well abovc tbe aPccted occuPancy of.any hotcl, and far exceeds tbc very best cood'ourinium rental oo trsrsgErrErrpoul @Tup?trqfrEtcs. Crcatiaga larger ycar roudchcntele will ultimatclv help every buinessowncr and employec in the Veil Valley. It is of paramount importancc that wc continue the legacy of thc vail Valley as Nonh Arnedests number onc ski destination. By iasuing that tho $ality.guests, on whom oru valley relies, conrinue to visit ycar after year., wc will be able to uphold this tradition. Irtennl ouacrsbigisz gped fusr$Ep in-gurantaeingrbst tlrssrowners urill rerun to use theirproperty and spcnd moncy in our valley for many years to coEc.:W Section 1 Section 2 Section 5 Section 3 Interval ownership Benefits- community pageT-12 Section 4 ' Interval Ownership Presentation East West Partners Table of Contents Interval Ownership History Interval Ownership Benefits - Consumer Interval Ownership & The Vail Valley Look Who's Talking About Interval Ownership Page24 Page 5-6 Page 13-14 Pages 15-23 What is Interval Ownership? Interval ownership offers the opportuniry to purchase fully furnished vacation properr,v sold in a variety of forms, such as weekly intervals or point based usage systems. For a one-time purchase price and the palment of an annual maintenance fee, purchasers own their ponion of the vacation property in perperuiry. owners share both the gse and costs of upkeep of their unit and common facilities. There are manv formats of ounership, varying both in size of the interest purchased and hox' it can be used. Based on the location and the demographics of the target market, inten'als range in size from li50'h (giving the owner one-week per year), up to % (giving the owner 26 weeks per year). In addition the owners have multiple ways in which to use the time they own. Systems vary from a specific week in a specific unit (fixed week fixed time), to a floating system w'here the owner may select any week in a certain season (floating time). Re-Introduction the Interval Ownership (Timeshare) Industry If you formulated your opinion about the interval ou'nership industry more than a few vears aso. it is time to re-examine just what is happening in this business. The interval ou'nership industry has gone through a long maturing process. It can be characterized by three distinct phases. The indusrry started in the French Alps in the late sixties. It wasn't long before unscrupulous individuals in the united States found a way to exploit this good idea to their advantage. For the greater part of the seventies, timeshares were conversions of old condominium properties that were difficult to sell because of financing or lack of quality. unscrupulous developers typically sold them with no follow-up management after the sale. This ima-se was u'ell ingrained in many Americans for a long time to come. The second phase of timeshare came in the early eighties. During this time period many reputable developers recogrrized the benefits the sub-dividing ofresort real estate can offer. During this time period many developers began to purpose build timeshare properties. These were often in prime locations with prime amenities. However, the old timeshare image was still hard to dispel. It wasn't unril the third phase of evolution in the industry that it finally shed its old : image. The entrance of many name brand operators characterizes this phase. Marriott was the first nationally branded hotel company to change many people's opinion. They led the way in the mid-eighties and have been joined now by almost every major hotel brand including Four seasons, Hyatt, Hilton, Ramada, and many more. with every major hotel brand now involved in this industry, most Americans are beginning to understand its benefits. They see that a reputable company is selling a quality product and staying in the business to take care of the consumer. after the sale. Interval ownership has truly matured and shed the problems associated with it in its early years. From its beginnings in the French Alps in the late sixties, interval ownership has become the fastest growing segment of the u.S. travel and tourism industry. It has enjoyed a -erowth rate of more than l6% per yezu since 1993. There are now more than 4,000 resorts located in 81 countries, with more than 3 million families in I 74 countries worldwide enjoying the benefits of this ownership opportunity. Large Companies Involved in Interval Ownership Name o # ofProject # of Total Units Disney Vacation Club 4 1,339 Fairfield Communities 20 3,680 Hilton Grand Vacationi 5 566 Hyan Vacation Club )205 Marriott Vacation Club 35 3,000 Ramada Vacation Suites l5 868----- Shell Vacations LLC T0-I,154 Sunterra Resorts 70 5,039 Visatana Development Ltd-l0 1,725 l. Interval Ownership Benefits - Consumer lnterval ownership offers the owner many benefits ranging from pride of ownership in a particular resort to the benefit of owning deeded real estate. The following list is not exhaustive, but does outline many of the tangible benefits why more than 40yo of interval owners purchase additional shares. Higher Quality Accommodations - of more than 2,000 US interval owners surveyed in 1995, 83.1% responded that "certainty of quality accommodations" was a.,very important" factor in their decision to purchase. By dividing the initial cost of development over the number of shares sold in a property, the total cost to each individual is greatly reduced. This allows the developer to increase the total expense for the development project, allowing him to have better locations, better amenities and higher quality interiors and exteriors. Higher Level of Maintenance - Along the same lines as item number one, a higher level of maintenance means a better assurance of quality of accommodations. In today's inflated resort real estate market. renting accommodations has become a risky proposition. The rates are high, but no one knows just what they will get. Many second homeowners buy into their resort home and spend tens of thousands of dollars to redecorate and upgrade the property. However, afterjust a few years in the rental pool, the quality begins to wane. The owner has only used the property five or six times, but already it is time to replace the sofa and all of the linens. They are often reluctant to make these financial outlays. However, with interval ownership, the cost of maintenance is spread over the entire group. This allows more money per unit to be collected without burdening any one owner; creating a better quality reson many years down the road. Better Locations & Amenities - In today's market place, it is the overall resort experience that is selling real esrate. Not just the physical property or the salesmanship. It is the relationship of the property to onsite and nearby amenities. Some examples include: the Disney vacation clubs located on Disney property in orlando, the Marriott Palm Desert Resort with multiple golf courses, tennis facility 2. J. and full service spa, and the new Riverpointe Napa Valley property in the heart of wine country' The Vail Valley is no different. Our consumerc want proximity to the slopes and a full array of on-site facilities. With the cost of land at a premium in the valley, it is only logical that these sites should be available to multiple families. 4. Exchange Network - Along side "certainty of quality accommodation,"..flexibility offered through the vacation exchange opporfunity't rryas the second most clted reason for owning this type of properry. As the size of the world shrinks, thanks to faster and less expensive travel, people are choosing to travel to a variety oflocations more often. Interval International (II), an international exchange company, offers 1500 properties worldwide. using a system of equitable exchange, an owner from the Vail valley may choose to use a different propeffy at the beach or even Europe. There is no feeling of being locked into one resort, like many people feel when buying a second home. II offers these owners exchanges as their gateway to the world. These four general benefits are not exhaustive, but do offer the four main reasons consumers are beginning to prefer interval ownership. In fact, two statistics reported by ARDA (the American Resort Development Association), characterize the overall satisfaction most owners are experiencing. 41-2o/o of those who have owned eight years or longer have purchased additional intervals within that time. 85.2% of owners are satisfied with their purchase, and,76%oreport having their quality of life being positively impacted by their purchase. Interval Ownership Benefits - The Community The biggest goal of a destination resort property is to properly yield manage their inventory. Yield management is the process of fluctuating rates in order to maximize the total occupancy of a property while simultaneously maximizing total gross revenue. However, in a destination resort such as Vail, Colorado, it is often difficult to use such a process. Thus, the nunrber of occupied properties (Live Beds) is not optimized, In areas such as.Vail, the majority of the properties are owned by individuals and, if rented, managed by an on site property management firm. There are three inherent problems facing the number of live beds in the vail valley. First, only a few of the owners choose to rent their properties. As an example, let's assume approximately 35% of the second home owners choosetorenttheirpropertiesandthe other65o/oonlyusetheirpropertiesfor2l days per year. Even at an occupancy rate of 70%o for the rental properties the total occupancy for the valley drops to less than 307o. Secondly, it is diflicult for the property manager to manage the yield of the properties made available. With only one owner per unit, the unit is either occupied or empty in the eyes ofthe owner. The properfy manager can not offer one room at a discount and another al a premium and have an offset positive yield. If the property manager operated in this fashion, he would be stealing from one owner to pay himself and another owner. It is precisely this problem that keeps the vail valley from filling our rooms more often than not. Thirdly, most of our condominium properties are not set up for transient occupancy. In order to truly atfract destination resort travelers today, it is important to offer a high level of service. Many of our condominium properties do not offer front desk, concierge and bell services on site. They are operated from a remote location adding to the confusion of many guests. However, most interval ownership properties are set up to operate like hotels, offering the most culrent amenities and services. This helps to attract and retain a higher level guest. Interval ownership is a good solution to these problems. There are several reasons why this type of ownership offers a better quality, more highly occupied properry. l. Return guests - with the dividing of the ownership interest comes the dividing of the ownership cost. By bringing down the largest obstacle to becoming an owner (money), the vail valley can guarantee that guests will become owners and return year after year. 2. Higher Quality - In an indusrry with over an g5.2o/o satisfaction rating, quality of product is one of the primary reasons these owners are pleased. By dividing the cost of maintaining a properfy among multiple owners, there rs more money to be spent on repairs and maintenance. This allows interiors and exteriors to be upgraded more often, avoiding the proverbial orange shag carpet we often see in older properties. 3. Live Beds - Interval owners don't come back every year. However, when they do not occupy their condo, they almost always send someone else. Interval Intemational is the association that allows owners of one interval ou'nership property to trade it with another. The number of members in the organization is now in excess of 400,000 families. If one of the owners of the Gore creek club chooses not to use his properfy, one ofthese 400,000 .customers will soon become one of the Vail valley's newest guests. Interval International uses a system of like exchange. This means that the owner trading into the Vail valley will be relinquishing a properry of similar quality from a different destination. The demographics of the guests trading in will be very similar to the demographics of our owners. These guests are new to the valley and would not have vacationed here ifthey could not have exchanged their property for the Gore creek club. This customer base is an excellent marketing opportunity for the communiW. For these reasons, interval ownership has been a great solution for many resorts hoping to maximize the number of guests in town year round. The poste Montane Lodge in Beaver creek is a greal example of a properry that helps bring guests to town year round, as showa by their five year total occupancy chart. February March April May JUNE July August September October November December Yearly Average 690/o 83o/o 38o/o 460/o 65o/o 7Oo/o 80o/o 79Yo 42o/o 50o/o 75o/o OC'/o 91o/o 87o/o 67o/o 460/o 71o/o 760/o 67% 68% Uo/o 7Oo/o 83% 73o/o 95o/o 91o/o 77o/o 49o/o 7Oo/o 81o/o 80o/o 72o/o 58Yo 640/o 72% 7 5o/o 93o/o 96% 7$Yo 61o/o 69% 83o/o 75% 76/o 61o/o 69a/o 91o/o 760/o s4% 92o/o 77o/o 45o/o 7 4o/o 74o/o 77o/o 78o/o 64!o SOVo 84o/o 7 5o/o This chart shows that the average occupancy of the poste Montane Lodge is well above the expected occupancy ofany hotel, and far exceeds the verybest condominium rental management pool occupancy rates. Creating a larg€r year round clientele will ultimately help every business owner and employee in the Vail Valley. ARDA staristics help support the argument that interval ownership prcpefiies bring more guests that vacation more frequently. The average year round occupancy of interval ownership resorts was over 80% Interval owners will retum to their home resorts an average of 5.5 times during the next l0 years, as compared with an average ofjust 2.7 times if they 1994 1995 1 had not purchased the ownership. (Industry research suggests that Mountarn properties have an even higher level ofowner usage) r when not using the property for themselves, interval owners send a friend, rent the properfy or trade the property. They only left it unused 9o/o of the time. Demographics , One of the first concems many communities have when an interval ownership property is proposed is, *,hom will this property attract. The demographics of the typical consumer of inten'al ownership properfy in the Vail Valley are no different than that of our high- end hotels and lodges. The Hyatt Mountain Lodge in Beaver creek sold 750 l/20t, shares to approximately 400 clients in just over two years. The following statistics about these interval owners were compiled from a survey of these owners in March of 199g. what they own - 20o/o own studios, 45%o own2 bedroom condos, ard.35o/o own 3 bedroom condos. Hou' much they eam - 960/o earn more than $ 100,000 per year, and,73%o eam more than $150,000 per year. How old they are - 47vo are between 36 and 45, and 43%o arebetween 46 and 56. How much they vacation - 30% between 7 and 14 days. 33% between 15 and 2l days, and2loh between 22 and28 days. who they vacations with - 6l% vacation with family & Kids, lgolo vacation as couples, and 160/o vacation with friends. what they do on vacation - 88% vacation to ski, 45% vacation to golf, and l8%o vacation to play tennis. where they are from - They represent almost all 50 states plus several foreign countries, including Mexico, Great Britain, puerto Rico, Venezuela, s. Africa. Germany, Canada, Austria, Aruba. and panama. The owners at the Hyatt Mountain Lodge in Beaver Creek are the same clients that have vacationed in Beaver creek and stayed at the Hyatt Regency for years. They, too, could have become homeowners in Beaver creek long ago. However, they preferred the bener location and the many amenities of the Hyatt Regency and other upscale hotels in the valley. When the opportunity to own a propefty with similar amenities and location at only the fraction of the cost of other condos, they knew what they preferred. The ease.of entry and quality of the property made them owners and retum guests for many yeius ro come. The Gore creek club in Vail will offer this same opportunity. The clients that have enjoyed the vail valley for many years, but choose not to purchase a home, will find the quality' location and ease of entry very attractive. They will become interval owners in the Lionshead area and will retum year after year to their property. Resale Value - Vail Vallev In general terars, interval ownership is not sold as an investrnent to the consumer. However, the vail valley enjoys a unique position in the Interval ownership industry. Due to a very limited supply and a higher quality over many areas, the historical values of the newer projects in the Vail/Beaver Creek area have increased with the value of general real estate. This fact has helped to open up this type of ownership to many individuals that would not have considered itjust a few years ago. Four projects in the Vail Valley currently have some sort of historical data supporting the relative increase in interval real estate values. o St. James, Beaver Creek - A resale analysis by Slifer Smith & Frampton/VARE from l/l/94 to ll/30197 shows an averale annual retum of 17.26%o.* The Poste Montane, Beaver Creek - A resale analysis by East West Resorts Real Estate from uu93 ro 213/97 shows an average annual return of 13.71%. The Marriott Streamside, Vail - The current price for a two bedroom floating winter season share is 29,900, this same property sold in l9g9 for $ I 7,900. This represents an average annual retum of approximately 5o/o. o The Hyatt Mountain Lodge, Beaver creek - Although this property just opened and the resale program has not fully developed, there are approximately 30 shares on the resale market. These shares are listed at approximatery 40%o over their purchase price from less than one year ago. Real estate values are an important factor for many consumers of interval ownership and second homes. By bringing a high quality interval ownership property to the Lionshead area' we will see an overall increase in the value of real estate and the rate at which the values grow. . *value of vacation time utilized by the owner is not factored into the refum. If the cost of altemative accommodations axe factored into the retums, the total return would be even greater. $ U $ $ $ $ D U $ 2,884 $ 3,1 15 $ 3,364 $ 3,633 $ 3,924 $ 4,238 $ 4,577 $ 4,943 $ 5,338 $ 3,708 $ 4,005 $ 4,325 $ 4,671 $ 5,045 $ 5,449 $ s,884 $ o,Jcc o 6,864 S 4,532 $ 4,895 $ 5,286 $ 5,709 $ 6,166 $ 6,6s9 $ 7,192 $ 7,767 $ 8,389 $ Interval Ownership & The Vail Valley Why not just another condominium project? The Vail valley has been slipping in the North American ski Industry ratings. one of the problem areas is the value and quality of accommodations. For all of the reasons previously stated, the quality ofan interval ownership property tends to be higher, and the occupancy also offers the community a larger base of business. However, financially interval ownership also provides a better value to the consumer. The total cost of vacationing for a one-week stay in the Vail Valley is on the rise. with room tax and inflation, the average Vail guest can expect to spend over $50,000 dollars just on accommodations over the next l0 years. Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 10 Year Total' '10 year tolal is the total dollar amount a guest can expect to pay for one 7 night stay per year $ 39,036 $ 50,190 $ 61,343 $ 72.496 5,356 5,785 6,248 6,747 7,287 7,870 8,500 9,180 9,914 t3 Over a 1o-year period assuming a 9% tax rate and g% lodging iniation rate. Value is a concern to our guests and purchasing a higher qualiry accommodation for less money than they would expect to pay in rent will help satisfo them. Seasonal Business The vail valley has come a long way in 30 years toward making this a four-season resort. However, there still exists a distinct spring and fall season. Because of the returning frequency ofthe owner and the international exchange network, an interval ownership property will offer a higher rate ofoccupancy, year round, than either a hotel or a condominium property. Location The average second home is within two hours driving distance of the owner's primary residence. The vail Valley caters to a larger demographic than just the Front Range of Colorado. By opening up an opportunity to ownjust the portion ofreal estate that our guest uses, we are better able to attract owners that would not consider full ownership because of the distance & time constraints. l4 Look Who's Talking About Vacation Ownership Interval ownership has bceir in the press a lot over the last few years. with the new found interest by the public and the great improvements being offered by developers, newspapers and inagazines frorh arorurd the counny have had a lot to report. ARDA ' recently compiled the following list of quotes from around the country. ; ' j t5 THE-s#aSLI|{ lutY Il. lq98 'rFour million households orvn time- shares. a number that has more than doubled since 1990.t' The Advocate lutY l). le98 ( \Ve're selling an experience.tt COASTAL LIVINC N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R I997 ((Timeshares are a compelling proposi- tion for any vacationer who hankers for the amenities of a resort getaway, com- bined with the creature comforts of a luxury second home.t) Sunday News Journal AUG U5T 31. !998 ( ( Qualit),' of accommodations, good value. desirability of the timeshare unit. resort amenities and teatures, and the abilit_"" to exchange to non-U.S. resorts \\'ere cited b1'owners as highly*- rated reasons tor purchasing. t t tr[errrsd-11 AUC U5T 24. l99i ((The number of Li.S. households own- ing timeshares has reached 1,767,000, with a compounded annual growth rate of 9 percent, according to a study released b1- the American Resort Development Association. t t A FCFTCOJ-NS UCX-,GADOAI{ AUGUST ',t 0, 1997 ( ( Buf ing a couple of weeks' ou'nership in a condominium or a home is sounding better and better to people.: t!on Vacauon.' ' Inveetofs Bueine$D ocToBER l. r997 ({More hotel firms have joined the industry bringing it credibility. Flexible timeshare packages have made resorts more attractive to consumers. And overall, the industry has a better repu- tation than it did in its earlv davs dur- ing the '70s.tt SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 ((According to the American Resort Development Association, 35 percent of Americans believe they have a 50-50 {(The opportunity to exchanle was ranked as the most important motiva- tion for purchasing a tim'eshare by owners surveveo.' ' llp lletroltlTe$rs aDd .flreilffi AI' RI L 13. 1997 {(The industry is evolving for con- sumer demand and timeshare operators continually seek ways to expand the number of vacation options. tt lhrAngeles Gmer MARCH 25. 1997 ((Timeshares are now very very hot.r, ('lt [timeshare] has enjoyed a recent boost in popularity due to high quality resorts, increased consumer protection and a better und.erstanding of the own- ersnlp concept.' ' freOrlando Senfinel lu LY 16 1ee7 ({Timeshare owners to receive tax break.tt APRIL l-+ lc)q; ((Part of the appeal is the souped-up qualiqv and the more desirable locations. t t MAY 7. tq9; '(Sales of timeshare units in Florida in 1996 totaled $817 rnillion: 52 percent more than in 1992, the last time indus- try sales were measured in the state.tt @nosftgtordrnes luLY 25, leeT ((Timesharing, often found with beach- front property, allows businesses and individuals to cut purchasing costs by pooling money througlh a management company." EL FINAIICIEROo luNE 9. r997 ((Timeshare market recovers despite, ttarecesslon.'' Travel 50 & Beyond luN E-AUCUST le97 ((Timeshare ownership, an industry. growing by leaps and bounds and show- ing no sign of slowing. You can v'aca- tion in some of the world's most desir- able places for the rest ofyour life.tt ((Baby boomers fuel growth of time- share opportunities . . . the industry enjoyed a 25 percent increase in sales in 1997, with total sales of $2.72 billion in the U.S.tt Ocean Drive JANUARY I998 ((The timeshare experience is here to stay. . . . Timeshares are particularly suited for families or those who like to vacation in groups.tt HordA]ilmelffi NOVEMBER I6, I998dFr[Inres MARCH 30. 1997 - chance of owninq a second home with- ffiiiffi:=ffi Patriot Ledser I Houston chroni"EDECE,vBER .)7. tq97 DECEMBER 2(,. 1997 d(Timeshares are better bargains than buying condos for short-terir use.tt Eos Angeles @imes types of.prognms arailable so buy.ers are &cfrn3i4o betterable to match their needs'" ud0n-Uttbune MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTTNEL luNE t. t997 6(Better known as timesharing the interval form of vacation ownership allows you to buy a piece of a fully-fur- nished place for only a percentage of the cost of full ownership . . . . Variety is the name of the game, and there are sevenl '(The timeshare industry is making a comeback from '80s blaik eve.tt Drnver Rocky Mountain News MARCH 15, t99E {(Major hotel chains are jumping on the timeshare bandwagon.: Inrreetode BudneeeDaff TEBRUARY I7, I996 ((Timeshare deals are getting better. Travelers can find flexible schedules. prices and more fun.ll Southern Liyilg_ "^-ct rr9E {(Timeshare ownership has increased nearly 900 percent since 1980.tt Sen ^frrencisro Bsominer MAY 30. t997 ((Some hotel experts say the urban timeshare industry is on the rise.tt News Gaurd MAY 28. 1997 '{Travel dreams come true with time- share exchanges.tt P@s ,uNE r5. te96 6 ( Developers are tailoring timeshares to suit wide economic spectrum,t, MAY 18. t997 6(Florida's timeshare industrv is booming.tt Barter News The Vail Trail MA\ 2-8. teq; ((The big players in the hospitalig'indus- try are rolling out the vacation ownershir red carpet. The;-'ve helped polish time- share s tamished image. Ou'ners take a great deal of pride in their units, and there is a real sense of ownership.lt . AUcUSTTIO. tqqi r'They're Itimeshares] a lifestyle lnvestment.' ' Lodging Hospitality AUGUST I997 (('llmeshares set sights on cities. Urban timeshares are growing in popularity.rt luLY 29. 1997 ((Nationwide, timeshare sales have soared 900 percent since 1980 and are the fastest growing segment of the travel and tourism industry. tt Hawaii Business I u LY l9 9 7 ((Today's prohibitive real estate prices have made timeshares more attractive to a broader market in comparison to condominiums.ll TEE KANSAS CITY STAR. f uNE r5. l9e7 (dNever before have Americans been so optimistic about their chances of own- ing a vacation home. Thirty-five per- cent of all U.S. households feel they have a better than ever chance ofbuv- ing recreational property. t t luNE 19. re97 (( Hawaii's timeshare industry attracts 292.000 visitors a year who spend $370 million in the state, according to the American Resort Development fusociation.tl :ffii 'the.U.$..t:, j Scottsdale Progress Tlibune - @hc @larwn-!fidgec APRI L r3, rt-97 (6The vast change in the American vacation lifestyle over the last 25 years has had a profound effect on the time- share markellt Senior World of San Diego JULY 1997 ((Timeshares appear to be excellent alternatives to owning a vacation home, which is why the industry prefers the moniker lacation ownership' to'time- share'.tl luNE-tuLY 19 97 'dovming a piece of a vacation provides consumers a.hedge atainst cost, time, anq trouble." Business Monday luNE 2r. 1997 6 (Timeshare properties growing and gaininq,respect of industry and puDlrc." t7 l{alamazoo G azeftO $ar^fltuancisro e*minp ItErrc a Rncuo luLY li tqei 6'A home away tiom home - a time- sharing venture turns into vacations all over the world." tI,-D.gtf $R!$nilffi**r*,:r+._ MAY 28. te9; J(Timeshare: A nar.for visitors to own a home. " Sun AUGUST I. I997 "Robust sales fuel timeshare boom.t! @he Gnlumbus Dirpatch DECtMsER 18. 1997 ({satisfaction rates among Florida's ttmeshare owners have soared, as 90 percent report being satisfied with the services. amenities, facilities and upkeep of their resorts and units. The abilitl' to use the vacation exchange option is cited b1'Florida owners as the pnmary motivation to purchase, and 73.9 percent state they have saved or expect to save monev on vacations through ownership.tt NLlvtMBtR 12. 1997 ((The industry is attractive to Wall Street's investment bankers and bro- kerage houses for a number of reasons. Compounded growth rate of the indus- try has historically been and continues to be 15 to 20 percent a year. In com- parison to the hotel industry, which until recently has been growing at I toI percent a year, this ongoing expan_ sron exptalns the attractiveness of time- sharing to major brand names and institutional investors. I I NOVEM I ER 22. r998 {(Timesharing grows up along with the boomers.... Aging baby boomers see their value. This is a crowd that is real estate sawy, likes to use data-bases. wants flexibility in vacation plannin! and likes making creative investments. Timeshares meet all of these tests.... And for the busy baby boomers who want certainty in all aspects of their lives, timeshares may be the answer.ll Inner-City Express NOVEMBER 27, 1998 DECEMETR ;. Iqq; ((Forget the horror stories - inten,al ownership is more than it s cracked up to be. It has policed itself and norv enjoys a good reputation among tens or thousands of tourists rvorldrvideL t t The PaIm Beach Post NOVEMBER q I997 ((lt's.like a piece of Florida wjithout the hassles ofactually buying ieal estate.l, {gtnflctbUws NOVEMBER 2. 1997 ({The mass appeal of the timeshare for visitors is being able to own property, but at a reasonable price. Raihe; th;; purchasing a six-figure condo that sits empty for most of the year, timeshare owners buy time in a unit for a fraction of the price.tt et roSER 5. t997 ((Fractional ownership has whole ben-elr6. l.rmes have changed and the con- cept 0f fractional ownership has spear- headed that change.tt SEPTEMEER I998 ((We figured we could break even with-in three to four years, considerinE wego out West to ski twice a vear.ll- TIIE TAMPATRIEIJIIEdtufl[.!|r!q!,t'SKITNG NOVEMB E R 2. 1997 ((There are millions of happy owners. Othen'rrise, it wouldn't grow.ll Garden Island NOVEMB I R I9, 1997 6(More and more consumers are reject- ing the theory that only the upper ilass can afford a second home.ll - - lutY 20. teeS ((lndustry studies indicate. that con- sumer acceptance has never been high_ er for timeshares. The demand far orit paces the supply and the trend ruill continue in the foreseeable future. t t The Jewish Journal ' OCTOBER NOVEMBER l8 February 3, 1999 George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Mariott lettol datod January 28, 1999 Dear George, In response to your letter and subsequent to our meeting this morning, I would like to offer the following response to your letter of January 28, 1999. 1. Fourteen foot clearance into the new Gore Creek Club would be nice, but it is not possible given the height restrictions, I also do not think the existing parking structure deck will support a large emergency vehicle and really do not think bringing one onto the deck is a good idea. We are going to try to provide approximately 11'-O" clearance at the entry so we can accommodate Fed-Ex and UPS trucks. Per our discussion this morning, we will instead provide a command center closer to the street at the northeast corner of the new building retail so emergency vehicles do not have to go into the Club yet can pull off of Lionshead Circle. 2. Engineer's report is attached hereto. I do not know if the engineer's recommendations were executed. 3. Code does indeed require a second means of egress from the converted Windows spaces. lt was inadvertently removed from the plans. lt is a code requirement and will be shown on the next generation of plans submitted. 4. I have been informed that all wings of the existing hotel are fully sprinklered and have been recently judged by an independent testing agency to comply with the codes listed in your memo. lf the Town has a problem with the system, then you should contact the Manager directly. Any problems should be addressed under the 1995 Certificate of Occupancy and should not be a condition for the new proposed work. We were not the Architect of record for that work and are not able to be of much help in this matter. 5. Parking structure will have to be mechanically ventilated. lt is too soon to say where the exhaust vents will be but they will be inconspicuous. George Ruther February 3, 1999 Page 2 6, lt is understood that backing of delivery vehicles onto West Lionshead Circle for the new Phase lll building is prohibited. As discussed this morning, there is not much to be done to avoid that situation at the existing north and west loading docks. 7. Code required minimum parapet height is 3O", not 42". And actually, we do not think that parapets will be required at our new building. I understand your concern is due to the possible presence of roof-top equipment. lf we end up with such equipment, we can provide guardrails 42" in height if so required by code. As such these are not governed by height restrictions and will not affect mass and bulk. In any case, if we eliminate the parapets currently shown, overall height of the building will not be reduced but the spare 30" of height will be used at the entry, 8. Existing loading docks at the west and north sides of the existing hotels cannot be relocated. Based on our discussions this morning, we will submit a plan showing what improvements can be made at the north dock area. 9. Streetscape improvements, as defined by sidewalks on the drawings submitted shall extend from the Antlers property line to the curb cut at the West Day Lot. Beyond that point, I think a short asphalt walk connecting to the asphalt bike path along the Frontage Road may be possible, 10. The landscape design for the stream-side yard of the Marriott is still being developed and discussed by Marriott. There will be improvements made but I cannot define them at this time. The drawings we originally submitted were rejected by Marriott after our submittal, As discussed this morning, we will submit a "base plan" for this area early next week. Also as discussed, we will look into including "simple revegitation" of the stream bank south of the bike path (l would note that this is not a PEC issue and should be addressed at our DRB hearing). 1 1. An updated survey will be provided in the future. We are also working on a new soils report. 12. Loading and delivery at southeast may go away since we are looking at relocating the existing ski shop to somewhere closer to Lionshead Circle. 13. As we discussed this morning and as mentioned above, we do not anticipate any occasions where loading and delivery from the street will be necessary at the new building. 14. Working on it. See proposed north loading modifications plan when submitted. 15. Providing a turn lane on the frontage road is a disincentive to our project, Unlike the Village Inn project and unlike the Marriott SDD submittal in 199O. we are proposing to spend an extraordinary amount of money on the facelift at the existing hotel (our impact fee). We also have a problem with the spending of money to improve a section of the Frontage Road that may be abandoned in the near future. As discussed this morning, we thank you for putting the issue on the table now, but we cannot accept any additional impact assessments at this time. 16. A pedestrian path meeting the requirements of the ADA will be included in the landscape design. 17 . Drainage easements will be platted or recorded as appropriate and as necessary. George Ruther February 3, 1999 Page 3 18. Not likely. lf you want to force public art on private property, then I suggest that you set up a foundation to provide the funds necessary. Based on your definition this morning of public art as benches and trees etc, we may be able to make some token gestures. 19. Yes. In most cases however, our new roofs are so steep that we do not anticipate their holding much snow. 20. Will be on next drawing submittal. 21 . Done. 22. In progress. Discussions were held and verbal approval received from Dave Corbin. We are aware of the issue and started working on it a while back. George, I appreciate you and Greg meeting with us this morning and I hope that we have reduced your list to a negligible number of items. One last item not on your list (l plan to revise the December 12 overview letter accordingly) concerns EHU's. East West Partners, based on a recently completed project up in Beaver Creek, is comfortable stating that only 25 new employees will be necessary for the new building (this includes housekeeping and engineeringl. At a ratio of ZOoh, this translates into 5 EHU's. Also, as discussed this morning, we are looking at alternate locations (still on site) for these units. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS. P.C.[:/ffi- Henry R. Pratt, AIA TOWI\I OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 28, 1999 Henry Pratt Gwathmey/PratVSchultz Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Maniot Redevelopment and the Gore Creek Club Proposal 2. J. /l J. 6. 8. 9. 10. I l. 12. Dear Henry, I have received the submittal prepared by your office for the proposed Maniot Redevelopment and the Gore Creek Club. Upon completing a preliminary review of the proposal there are several issues which need to be addressed. The purpose ofthis letter is to provide you with a list of issues which must be ad&essed prior to appearing before the Planning & Environmental Commission. Please ad&ess each of the following issues: l. A minimum ofa 14 foot overhead clearance is needed at the entrance to the Gore Creek Club to insure adequate emergency vehicle access. Please provide an engineer's report on the load capacity ofthe top deck of the parking structure. A secondary means ofegress is required to be provided out of the proposed condominiums at the present location of "windows". The existing hotel will need to be fully retro-sprinklered to comply with the UFC and UBC. Please indicate on the proposed plans the ventilation system for the parking structue. Backing of delivery vehicles out onto West Lionshead Circle is prohibited. The minimum height of the roof parapet shall be a minimum of 42" in height. Please revise and improve the loading and delivery areas localed on the north and west sides of the existing hotel. The current configuration creates conflicts with pedestrian and vehicular flow along West Lionshead Circle. The streetscape improvements recommended in the Lionshead Master Plan shall be implemented from the east property line adjacent to Antler's, to the South Frontage Road. Streambank improvements shall be implemented along that portion of the stream adjacent the Maniot. An updated survey with drainage improvements shown is required. The loading and delivery area at the southeast comer of the existing building needs to be eliminated to reduce traffic c onfl icts. 13. There shall be no loading and delivery from the public right ofway. 14. All existing and proposed loading and delivery areas shall be screened and enclosed where possible. 15. A left tum lane shall be required for west bound traffic on the South Frontage Road. i 6. Please provide a pedestrian connection to the bike path and the steam conidor. 17. Drainage easements may be required to be platted. A determination will be made once the updated survey is submitted- 18. Please contact Nancy Sweeney, Art in Public Places Coordinator, to discuss the possibility of incorporating some form of public art into the project. 19. Snow guards are required on the existing and proposed buildings to prevent hazards to pedestrian on the sidewalks. {p*"'"o""* 20. Please review the nmthwest comer of the proposed building to reduce the mass of the buil.ling to conply witb tbe 35' nrodmum unbroken plane recormnendation of the Uoshead lvlaster Plan. 21. Please label the roof pitch of the poposed building on the plans. 22. Pleasc provide a wrinen lettq of appoval from the Vail Associates granting tbeir permissim to allov you to gade across the comrnon poperty line. A final review oftbe poposed redevelopment is tentatively scheduled for Monday, Fehuary 22, In order to rermin on the February 22 agenda, all of tbe isures identified above must be resolved by no later than noon" Thtusday, February 4. Ifyou re unable to npet this deadline, please contact me at yqr earliest couvenience so we may discuss a possible altemate schedule. Sincereln l1+1,t*'t George Ruthu,AICP Scnior Plmner Toum of Vail Xc: Greg llall, Actiog Directu of Public Works FIL T coPyVAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION - TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 2:00 p.M. AT TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA NOTE: Tlme of ltems are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relie{upon to determine at what ilme Council wiliconsider ai iiem. 1' A joint work session meeting discussion with the Town councilGeorge Ruther ano tne planning a gnviionmentar commission to discuss theTom Braun proposed amenrments to tne puotc Accommodation ZoneDistrict. (45 mins.) ACTTON REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Engage in a discussionwith the applicant, staff, and planning & En-viionmentatcommission regarding amendments to the pubric Accommodation Zone. Districtdevelopment standards and provide input anddirection on the subject. BACKGROUND RATIONA|E, On December 146, the planning &Environmentar commission herd a work session to discussamendments to the deveropment standards prescribed for thePubric Accommodation Zone District. rn oisdussing the subject,the commission members requested a joint work session with theTown Council to discuss the subject in lreater Aetait. fnecommission strongry berieved th-at poric-y direction was neededfrom the councir in order to proceed in dre most effective andefficient means possible. A ggpY_glJhe applicant's report to the pEC, the staff memorandumto the pEC and the December 14h meeting minutes have beenattached for reference. srAFF REGOMMENDATT'N: Staff wourd recommend that theCouncil provide policy direction to the appticant, staff and pEC with regard to the proposed amendmenis. \ - A joint work session meeting with the Town councir and theGeorge Ruther pranning a gnvironmentar commission to oiscuss ihe proposedHenry Pratt redeve6pment ot uraiiiotrs Mountain Resort at vair. (4s mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Engage in a discussionwith the applicant, staff and ihe planning dE-nvironmental Commission regarding a major amendmr-ent to Specialuevefopment District #7 and provide the staff and applicant withdirection and input on the redevelopment of the hotel. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: The applicant, Maniott,s Mountain T":g.rt a! Vgit, represented by Henry Fiatt ot bwathmey, pratt +phl!:!, is proposins.a redlvetopment of rhl existinj notet. I ne purpose of the work session meeting is to allow thE applicantan opportunity to present the proposed redevelopment to thevarious Town boards and for the Town to provide diiection to theapplicant on various aspects of the redevelopment project. Please see the attached staff memorandum dated 1l12tg9torfurther details. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Staff recommends that the Councilprwide policy direction to the applicant, staff and peC witf,ieg;iJto the proposed hotel redevelopment. PEC/DRB Review. (15 mins.) Discussion of CARTS Funding for 1999. (10 mins.) Ford Park Managed parking. (30 mins.) BACKGROUND: Staff has provided a detailed memo containinobackground and information Councit ;quesil '5i;;;;;;;;"", reconvene the Ford park Managed parking Committee untilCouncil makes a decision re: prLvious pofiiy staiements it hasapproved as a part of the Ford park M;stef'plan. ITAFF REeUEST: Reconfirm or modify the Ford park MasterPlan re: how Council wishes to proceed w7sur."r,9g parkingissues at Ford park. 6. lnformation Update. (10 mins.) 7. CouncilReports. (10 mins.) 8. Other. (10 mins.) 9. Executive Session _ Negotiations. (30 mins.) 10. Adjournment _ S:25 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW:(ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE NruO SUTiJECi i6irrNruCEI THE NEXTVATL TOWN CdulC-rfnEclur-ln woRK SEsstoNwrLL BE ON TUESDAY,ltlstss, eeorNNrNb nr i:00 p:i;. ,ili6i E-ourucn- GHAMBERS. . THE FOLLOWNG VAIL TOWN COUN-CIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwrLL BE ON TUESDAY,1t26tss, eeorNHrNb er i,od-p.til.lN iSiiiiur.rcrl cHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwLL BE oN TUESDAY, 1/1e/ee, eeerNNi-tG ar z:00 C.irJirlciirliiuruclL cHAMBERS. sign language interpretation available upon req-uest-wiin?+15ur notification. please call 479_2332 voice or 429-2356 TDD for intormition. - ----' " 3. George Ruther 4. 5. MEMORANDUM TO: Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: January 12,1999 SUBJECT: Joint worksession discussion of the proposed redevelopment of Marriot's Mountain at Resort Vail The purpose of today's joint worksession meeting with the Planning & Environmental Commission is for the Council and Commission to engage in a discussion with the applicant regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Marriot. The applicant is most interested in receiving input and direction from the Town relative to mass and scale of he project. To facilitate the discussion. stalf would recommend that the Council and Commission discuss the following issues: r Mass and scale of the proposed project. r The creation and designation of a "landmark'feature. r Loading/delivery accommodations. r Employee housing requirement. While this is only a worksession discussion, staff has had an opportunity to complete a preliminary review of the applicant's proposal. Upon completion of our review, statf feels that the project is in general compliance with the newly adopted Lionshead Master Plan. A more complete and thorough review will be complete once a formal application is submitted to the Community Development Department. Jan O8 99 O1:36p January8, 19gg t"ot" l{ccauseg f476-1s1e p.2 ,ii iili 1l- i: ''li! I : George Buther fgwn ot Vail Gommunity Development Vdl, Cotorado 81657 Rc: pre'appf,c'don confe*nco with rown Gounc[ and FEc on Marffultt Dee Mr. Ruther, As requested, I am sr.rbmittirrg t{ris lottel outlinhg our expecrations for the January l2n pre-application mooting on the Mariott facelift *a ioiti*. I uMerstard this is the first suchmecting wer and that you will be o<plaining to everyone why this new apprurach is beingll"d' t think this is very importanr, ;ince liaffiott and East west partners tre anxious thatthe approval proc€ss for this project be "ur" to p."r"o as smoothry and quickry as possible. Our oxpectetions ala quite simple: linal and uncorditonat approvall Actualv, we are looking for a consonsus frorn the council and the pEc that what we ara Itopgo'.ns mes$ the spilit and intent of the Lionshead Master plan and that we can initiatethe review process witrr this design. rt i" a"o ,"w important to know whether ths scab andma*ring proposed wall be acceptable. I intend to keep our pr6entation brief in order to leave time lor questions an<l disotlsEion ofany oonoems that may arise. Sincerely, JFI'F22-1999 1l : A9 NFRRIOTT CMP. PLICATIOIY FOR PI"AiII{INC ^ND ENVIRONMENTAL r **..$;#"il",,' ;f;T,r colfr4tsroN APPRoVAL pJml0F This rypliaim ir for my projoct rtquirirg rlprovel by ths Phnniog rnd Eovironmcntll Corrniaior. For spcific rppficdior crn rnt lr ec*plcd urlil rll roguircd informtioo is rubmincd, Tlrc pojcct nny ebo accA o bc@ A:' TYPEOFAFPUCATTOD.I:tr Additioilt GRFAO50)E lcdrdtlcrlfls-O CmditiooltlrcPcmir E- Mrj*o;-C}l{imr$terHctD RcconlngB Sicnvrir:cO VdrrcA Zc*6€odefona&mrr bytbcTerCureil B Arrurdnurt ro ar Agpovcd Dcrclopnrart Plur Et eryhycsthsiryUrfi (I'?c:_)D Mrjora tr MiacCrCt ErrcricrAlraitim firtrvilrgcfO Mrjor * D Minor €ll Ertsior Alcnlioo (Eioadtcd) D Sncciil Dryslonnrnr DirrictE M1p or tr t{lrorArrurdmar ro rr SDD Aqbt cF:rrhrAr" LIX;A1ION oF PnOFOSAL: LOT_BL()CK_ FILINC --_ ADDR5S&. Tl+. tFN$llAb elEeL.€ guLDFKTN Me lArU rnspsJ HT'er D. E. F. G. {AMEOFOwNEf,(S): MAILII{G NAbiEOf TEPTESENTA Ew Wesrir fLsroADDREttf; H.FEt - gEE flB STTBM|ITAL R!QU|REMENn| FOR fiE ApSsOpnrATE EEE Er'l ilrr rms AttucATroN, AtI, gIrB}|rrrALrEQI[nErGrlSAlD flr8 tDE TO rl|EDla|tmcnrorcomnmwDEvErr?MENi, is SOuln-rn6Nilci norD,vAtlrcotonADott6tr. ,tuagr TT]TH- P.O2 Qucstioqg] Call rhc Planning Sraff at 479.21j8 LICATION FOR PI,ANNING AbVI RONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Plurning and Environmcntat Commission. For spccific information. scc the submittal requircmcnts for thc particul.r approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application can not bc accepted until all roquired information is submined. Thc project may also nced to bc rcviewcd Ly thc Town Councit and/or thc Dcsign Rwicw Board. A: TYPEOFAPPLICATION: . U Additional GRFA (250)tr Bed and Brcaldast }( Conditional Usc Pernrittr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr Sign Variancctr Variancctr Zoning CodcAmendmcnt tr Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopmort Plantr Employcc Housing Unit (Iypc: )tl Major or E Minor CCI Extcrior Atteration (VailVillagc) tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAltcration (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvelopmcnt Distsict Major or El Minor Amcn&ncnt to an SDD DESCRTPTTONOFTHEREQLEST: J; Au-o\ / TtMg-3H42€ tN ttDMF ZoxrrJq Ar peopmeD pnegE /,1 A>orlor..l zo mneuro.lT- ldL'o^tg{eeb: C. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT_BLOCTL_FILING_ ADDRESS 13 W. Uort:>!+ab dFCLEBUtLDTNcNAME: ZONING: NAME oF owNER($: FIMC CogPaRAno^J Arnl : JEFF ME-GerrE- MAILING owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAMEOFREPRESENTeTTE' cHUCr( MeDrsor.l e/o ElSr w T PA tr tr Ef,er D. E. F. G. IVTATLTNGADDRESS: ,oo E. TN0MA6 FrAC€ . rO. DpAh/68 Z?4o AvoA, cn Ab?t FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRI.ATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE T'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEM,75 soUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLOMDO E1657. 9DD Application Datc:_ pEC Mccting Date:_-....._,,__ R!ili$d 586 qu.r,io.$l thc pli,::r:i'g stalr a'i 4 ; t-: l1s APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ?fLf of al' 66L8 GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. The projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Review Board approval cxpires one ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:DEts APPEO/AL rcE FACE- L]FT AT TAWN0FVAtt B. C. D. E. PFTYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #; F. G. H. TYPE OFREVIEWAND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa new buildins. tr Addition - E Minor dtcration - LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: BLOCK:-FILING: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZoNTNG: aDD /mleerorf\ -op- tro^'3*elp zorlrvrs NAME oF owNERtS): llMC Mec OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: IOo g .rA/EE AWN, C.o Slto?e PHoNE: F45'qln $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildinp and site improvements. such as, rcmofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit. pleasc idendry thc accurate valuation of the project. Thc Town of Vait will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. MAILINC ADDRESS: ,t. ADJACENT LAI\IDOW\ERS Rob Levine Antlers Association 680 W. Lionshead Circle. Vail, Colorado 81657 Geotrrey Wright, Destination Resorts Enzian Association 610 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 DawnMcKenna LionSquare North 660 W. Lionshead Pl. Vail, Colorado 81657 Montaneros Association Attn: Dawn 641 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Lenra Hauser Vail Spa Association 710 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Vail Corporation P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 The TownofVail 74 South Frontage Road West Vail" Colorado 81657 i ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE i THIS NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the' Town of Vail on February 22,1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a rezoning of property located in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area, in accordance with the attached map to a new zone district entitled Lionshead Mixed Use District 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use District 2 District, (including, Vail International, Lodge at Lionshead-Phases l-lll, Tree Tops, Lionshead Center, Lionshead Arcade, Vail 21, Lion's Pride- Building, Vantage Point, Lifthouse Condominiums, Westwinds, Sunbird Lodge, Gondola Building, Landmark Condominiums, Landmark Townhomes, North Day Lot, Lionsquare Lodge, Lionsquare North, Montaneros, Concert Hall Plaza, Antlers, Marriott, Enzian, Vail Glo Lodge, Lionshead Inn, Vail Spa, West Day Lot, VA Maintenance Yard and the Amoco Station) and a rezoning of the Lionshead parking structure from Parking District to General Use . Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for the establishment of new zone districts entitled Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District (Title 12, Zoning), in order to implement the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a renewal of (and an amendment to) an existing conditional use permit at the Lionshead Miniature Golf Course, located at a portion of Tract B & D, Vail Lionshead 1- Filing. Applicant: Charlie AlexanderPlanner: Jeff Hunt A request for a maior amendment to Special Development District No. 7 (The Marriott Hotel), to allow for the construction of the Gore Creek Club and a remodel to the existing hotel, located at 714 Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, lnc., represented by East-West PartnersPlanner: George Rulher A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to-the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2"" Filing Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 36, to allow for a commercial expansion, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: Jeff Hunt A request for a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, to amend Section 6 of Ordinance #12, Series of 1 997 to clarify a condition of the Ordinance, located at242E. Meadow Drive/ Part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village 1$ Filing. Applicant: Bill Sullivan, representing the Austria Haus Development GroupPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 54, Glen Lyon SuMivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a variance lrom Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess of 20o/" and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front Setbacks) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Architects Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published February 5, 1998 in the Vail Trail. JAN-21-se 6s !4s FRoM'LANDIE GUARANTEE January 20, 1999 euyer/Borrohrer: Seller/owner: ProPerEY Address: If, you have contact one For Closing aay inquiriesof the nunbers Assistance: Phone: FaX: ID' 197 PAGE 2/II TO BE DSfERMINED +{oaf }'4ArzratoTT- L'P BY lr5 qbterz4l'- ?kr'JT}Jtr-- 'frc -ecqurgrrroN PRoPERTTES, rNc', A DBI.,A'ARE coapon[trou Aosr Mxrzatotr LopW*noil I.{ARK RBSORT Our Order No-: V251512 or requ.ire furEher assisEance' please Iisted below: For Title .Assistance: TITLE DEPARTMENT 108 S, FROTITAGE RD W 'vArL, ca 81558phone: 97O +76_2ZSL Fax:970 476-4531 ***r************t*********'(*******:r********************************* t.IorE:oNcEAl[oRTGINAI,CoMMIII,'IENTIiAsBEENISSI'ED,AlfTSUBSE0UENTlier'riss-wiii-, ee di"rpnasrzm BY IINDBRLTNTNG- t**********'****r*******x**********:r*t(****************************** THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! JAN.2t '99 (THu) 08:43 COMMUNICATTON No:6 PACE' JAN-2r-s9 os,4E FR.M,LAND|" G'ARANTEE'o''"'"|"n C$ICAGO TITI,E INSUR.ANCE COMPAI\NT ALTA - charges - AIEa Ovrner Policy--TOCAT-- PropoEed Insured: TO BE DETER}4INED The estatse or interesE in ehe land iiii"-c"t*icmenE aod covered herein A Fee Stuple 4. TiEle to Ehe estate or inEeresL covered herein is ac trbe "ii.ct'ftt" date hereof westsed i'n: t['{C ACQUISITION PROPERTIES' INC'' ' '?\ DELAWARE CORPOR'ATION 5- The tanil referred' to in tbis conuniEment is described as f,oIIows: PARCBI, 1: CONDOMTNIUM IODC}E I]NIT' TIIE MARK/I'ODGE IT*Ag99RDAI{CE WI$i Tffi Ar,{ErrDED DEcLARjaTIoN oF coluDgM-fiiiitM-ron rrrs MARK/LqDGE RECORDED ocIoBER t7, :|g78 IN BOOK ZZS Jt-peee soe ero MARCE 22' 1979 II{ BOOK 283 It iici SA+ AID tgE .CONDOTMiNIW IIAP FOR Tffi MARK/LODGE R.EcoRDED r+anlfr-izl-1s74- rN-BooK ti-s Ar PAGE-930 AND TIrE AMBI'IDED PLAT OF TIIB ilIrE i'i,ar,r r.on ug-rqanxlloDcE RECoRDED OC:rOBER 17, 1978 rN BwK 2;e ai peen 60?' couvrr oF EAGTE' srATE oF COLORADO' PAGE ]. r^N tl 'oo (TI{U) O!;49 COMMUNICATION No:6 PAGE' 3 PAGE 3/TI COMNII?MENT SCIIEDIIIrE A Our Order # VZ6LSLa 1 2. ***TIIISIgNoT.A}IIM/oIcE,BIII_AIIESTIMATEoF-FEEg.9GIENREPERRING To rllrs oRDER; iiuasn-ierunmlcE oIIR 0RDER No' v261s12 frexr cuecrs pevi;ils'-;o r"Ar,lD,rrt*" GITARANTEE coMPAIiJY *** ru\zp\qg EffecEiwe DaEe: MarE:f,?5,-+99€ at 5:00 P'M' Policy to be issued, and proposed lnsured: nALTA,n Oitner's Policy lO-L7-92 For Infofination OnlY MARK RESORT 9310 . o0 (REISSI'B RATE) $31-0 . oo clescribed or referred to in is:3. JAN-21-se oe.4s FRoM. LANDTE GuARANTEE rD. rs?t:34 PAGE 4/II PARCEI, 2: APARToPIgr4,Br.ocKL,vAT\/lJIoNslItAD',TnrRDErLrNGA\IDPART oF LOTS C .er\iD p, froecds SworvrsroN' TOWN OF Vlltj EAGTJE coTJNT]r, coLotLADO, miine-pnnflfiIlrARlY DESCRIBED. As FotT.ows : BEGINNING AT TIIE 'TdNTEWESi CORNER OF LOT C; THENCts AI"ODIG TIIE tINE COM11ON TO SA||--r,0T C ruO LOTS-A g1TD B; MORCI;S SI1BDIyISION, SOUIrS 16 DEGRBES]; Mi}fiIIA'ir SECONDS BAST A' DISTANSS OF 399.50 FEET; TrrEx,Ta; noRfl{ ?3 DEGREEa 42 MINIITES 37 SEco}IDs EAST A DrgrAI,IcE oE z6:;t iiEft T{ENqE-Noirs re DEGREES 17 MrNtlrEs 00 SECONDS WBST A Di;iAI'I-E OF 3.15 FEET; TSENCB ry?RTII 66 DEGREES 24 MINUI"ES OO SEA5ffi-EASr A DTST;NCi OF 210'OO FEET; TIIENCts NORTII 22 DEGREES]A-;N'IIIrES 41 SECOTIDS WEST A DISTA}TCE OF 140.10 FBET; mEN6E Noirg ?4 DECREEa 2I MlM'ltES 19 SECOIIDS EAST A DrSTArqcE oF 13;:Ea--F-trr; rrrENcE NORIT{ 06 DEGRBES 34 MTNUTES 15 SECOTIDS WEST n'oisieNci or reo.00 FEET; TIIENCE sourH 83 DEGREES 25 MTNUTB'+s--sEiOb[Di WSSg A DISTiNCE OF 250.43 FEEf, TO A POINT ON TgE SOrrrrENr.|i-ETEST OF WAY I'INE OF WEST I.|IONSEELD cIRcr,E; TITENCE Ar,oNa--diu nielrl oF wAY IJINE A DISTAITCE oF L29.67 rSSr Ar,oNE-fu-ARa oF'e sgz.oo Foor RADTUS ctJRvE TO Tl{E LEFT AI,ID !{HOSE C T'TTNNL ETIEi'g IS 18 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 10 SBCOIiIDS AND WIIOSE ibNG CSORD SEARS SOIruI 87 DEGFSES 18 MTNUTES 35 SECDNDS WEST ; ;idiAI'ICfbE TZg-08 FEBT TO TIIE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCBT 3: colrDoMINIIrM IrNrT rros. A THROUGE t, INCr',Uq{P1-.1lP ?HE ITODGE UNTT TIIB I''ARK RSSOR+ A}ID TENNIS CI.,UB {A CO}qDOMTNIUM) IN ACCORDAIICE WrrH frE - cilrupor'uNrltM DECr'ARAU ON RECORDED MARCII L4, 1980 IN BOOK 3OO AJ PACS 183, AIID THE COI{DOMINTI'M MAP REC1CRDED MARCII l.rt, L980 rl'l-Booi ioo er eRes rae', couMrY oF EAGr.,E' STATB OF COIJORADO- CEICAGO TITL,B INSURANCS COMPAI'TC ALTA COMMlTMENT SCHEDUI,E A Our Order # V251512 PAGE r^N- 2t 'gq (THU) O8:44 COMMUNICATION NorS PAC9' 4 ,o, '=""},"" INSURANCE COMPANT PAGE S/II .ALTA COIi,IMITMENT SCEEDIILB B-SECTIONI- 1. (Requirements)orrr Order * V25l-512 2. 3. 4. 5. JAN-ar-'e ss.4E FR'M'LAND|" .'ARANTEE CHICAGO TITI.E (lre lollowlng are uhe requitrenents t'o be complied witrlr: ICem (a) PalmenE to or f,or the accounts of the gratlLors or morcgagors of Elre r,rii E""siaeration-ior uhe esuate or interesc co be insurecl. rtem (rr) Pf,oper instsrumenE'(s) -creatsing t!e-escate or inEeresB uo be insured t"il-G olctiuad tta-aoiy filed for record' to- wits: Itrem (c) PayBeflE of alt Earces, cfrargies or assessfl€nts levied' ancl aEaesseo agaiitu-ine surrJilct piE*i="= which are due and payable' ttem (d) Add,igionaJ' reguiremenEs' if arry disclosed below; RET,EiASE OF I',INE CREDTT TRUST PEE)', FEE AND-LBASFISD MORTGAGE', DEBD OF TRUST, sgguRrr:r ;cREE!4Br-f' rrx11ili irii-lrdsiarelaENT' Assrctrtvlglm oF LEASES A}ID RENTS E],ID rriiAiICiTIE StATNqENT-DATBb NOVEI'TBER 29 ' ]l'gg4 FROM }IMC ACQUrSrrroN pRop-ffiiEs, rNc. ' e if;wARe coeBoneriofi to rtE PUBr'rc rRusrEE oF EAG'E poR THE-il$-oi sANKiR.s-dGC CovrFmw, e-lrew vonx srAt' BANKING coRpoRATroN, As c5iLersnel AGElrr;';6-s;cuRt rlre quu oF $230'000'000'00 RECORDED DBCEMBE; E7-tgg+ rN BooK 656 'ar PAGE 5ss ' SAIDDEEDoFTRusTI{AsFURTIIBR_gEcuREDBYAS$IGNMENToFIJEASESAISDRET,TTS RECORDBD Oecemnel-O'i-, :rgi:E, IN BOOK 656 AT PAGE 556' GooDA}lDsuFFIcIENIDEEDFRoMlitot'NTAINAT,IDIJ.P.,ADEI'AWARBI.,TMITED pARTNERSHTP To r.o4c ACQUTSTTToN pndp-Bngres' INC., A DELAWSRE CORPORATTON CAN\TE:TIT.IG SUBJECT PROPBRTY. NOTE: SAID DBED NEEDD TO CORRECTIJY CON1IEY FARCEI-' 3' EVIDENCESATISFACToRYToT!4_go{PANctHATTIIETERMS,coNDITIoNSA}.rD PROVISIOIIS OF d; iO.TTT.T_OT VAII, TRAI.iSTUR TAX IIAVE BEEN SATISFIED. RELEiASE OF IJISN As EVIDENCED BI rHE STATEMEIT{T oF VORTEX INDUSfR',IBS IN THE Al4oir$rT oF sr-9, si;.tl-iEEonpsD,r"iy ri, -tigt, rN BooK ?3a Ar PAGE 921' WARRANTYDEEDFRoMlil,IcAcQuIsITIoNPRoPERTIES,I'Nc./ADEI,AWARE@RPoRLTIoNffi Eo- ;E oETERr,a I-N6D--COlwSf rNe suB,f ECT eRO PERTY . No|fE:S.AIDDocuMENTMI'STBEgKEcuTEDBYTIIEPRESIDENI,VICE-PRESIDEMIoR sEcsETARy oF fd"E6i,pbnarros. rr'-iN assisrar.rr VrCE-PRESTDE\II oR AssIsTANr sBcRETARy nxrcursi--sero oocsMqlT,; AO;;ORA1'E *EsotrmloN MtJsr BE PRoVTDED To LA![D TrrrJE ei\ruNG-sArD AssrsrAlilT AIxrHoRrzATroN' PAGE '99 (TgUl 08:44 C6MMUNICAT!oN No:6 PAOE' I PAGE A/IItD.19?.'AN CHICAGO TISLE INSURANCB COMPANS AI,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDUIJE B.SECTIONI !-= NOTB: EFFECTIVE JAI{UARY t' -Lgg3' clcRPoRATlgyl-ffiAT Do NoT MLIIITAIN a psirurir.rijm Pr.acE oF-iusrNess rN coIpRADOt A]lD lror{REsrDEr{T r}ffi;-rDr,ar,i ss:ari6-aup rnusTq ^wIlL BE suBJBCr TO A COITOBADO'ili;fio-rJDiire ra:< reou rns sAJ,Bs oF cotoRADO REA' ESTATE rN'-EnAEas oF g1oo,-oiio-.oo-- rrE-IIltfiroLDrNG TNr wrLL BE nn silaitii-6r-rwo pnncffi'-or TIIE ql!!s PRIcE oR IIIE NET PROCEEDS r-d:Oil"irM--SET'TS OP CiIE REAIJ ESTATE. rffi TA:C WIITIT BB WITHIIBLD PY$E TITLB INSURAIICE COMPAI{Y OR rTs AeErirT no-Euil,riffsD ro rrIE-psFA-RT!,m{"f oq-IqvBlruE, IIHBRE IT t{rLrJ es cREDii-dD-rc nrs ssLf;i.;s ir,rcoMe TA)( AccoEl[I As A]I ESTIMAfED rAX-BiffiIgt: -"IE SgI'#'CA]'i CUIM_9IEDIT FOR TTIB EsTrl,rATED plw-sffi'EaAirwf ug'iNEiir.ls TAx LIABILIT'Y WHEN HE oR sEE Frr,Es A co6RADo RsruRN FoR TIIE crAR oF TIIE sA!E' I.FE (Requiremenes)Our Order # v26t9Lz 4 -2r-ss r",n" "*ot't^onofE ''ARANTEE NoTE:TIIE$31-0.00PREMIUMSHoV$I-ITEREINIsBAq_ry_oNAToBEDETERMINED puRgrrAsE pRrcE. Upoir, niiciipr or diE DOilLAR el',rounr 50 BE rNsttRED', sArD ingl{rilu wrLL C-ITANGE' NOTE: UPON NOtrIFICATION OF THE BUTER EItrfIf,T' ADDITIOIIAIJ REQUIREMENTS AT'ID iictgrror,rs D'IAY BE NEcESSARY' SENATE BrLL eE-045 STATES TE1T EFFECTT\rE .]Ury-B-^l', 1998 TIIE FEE FoR nporreiri-Fon'-ieffiAsgs oF DEEDs oF TRusr wTLL BB $16.oo. PAGE aa fTt{tll d6:41,COMMUNT CATI ON No:5 PACE. 6 IDt IN9UR.A}ICE MMITM SCHBDUI,E B-SECTION2 (Exceptrions) PAGE ?/ I \ Our Order # V261,9L2 ,""r|"n COMPAN':T ENT of, b 5 JAN-2r-es os.4Ei FR'M'|LAND + .'ARANTEE CI{ICAGO TITIJE AI,T.A' CO ThepolicyorBoliciesEobeissued.wi].Icontain.exeeptionscothefollowiaE *"ctu"t-'roieEs the sarne are disposed of Eo trhe saEisfacEion of tbe CornPanY: 1. Righcs or claims of parties in possession noE sho?rn by the pt;Ofic records. z. EasefienEs, or claims of easenentrs' nou showrr by the public records- 3. Discrepaaciee, conftict's iir bo!1$ry f ines'-shortage iD' area' encroactlnents, anit' arry facts which i correcc surrtey inspection of Ehe pr"niJ!s-i""la- d,isclose--ana w'nj.ch are noE shottn by tne pubtic records' 4. Any lien, or tigbts !9 a 11::' for senrices'- lalror or rnaterial hereEofore or hereafter turnisfriA'-irnposea'by law and noc shown nY che Prrblic records ' S.DefecEs.l-iensrencunbrance-'adverseclaimsoroE'trermatters'if any, "t""iE&, iirst appearing i* Ebq PPtit records or actacbing subsequenc eo Ehe eriEcei.te daEe hereof buts prior to tbe daCe Ene proPosed insur"J""q"itts of record for value the esEaBe or intlrelt or mortgage tliereon covered by this Cofifitritment - 6. Ta*es or special asses$neqce which are not shown as exisuing iiins bY t'he Purrric reconds ' 7. Liens f,or unpaid, water and sevter charges' if any' 8. ID addicion, the owner's policy will be subjecu to gbe lien the new mortsJage' if aay, tto"J'a t"a"t Secti6n 1 of schedule bereof. g.RIGHToFPRoPRIEToRoFAVEINoRLoDEToEXTRACEA}IDRgMo\rEIIISoRE TIIEREFROTI SSOULD TIIB SAIvIE BE F6h'iD rO peNElSATE OR INTERSECilTiIE PREMTSES AS RESERVED IN ITNITBD STATES PAiEIq'1' RECORDED Vtay 24' 1'go4' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 er,iO -Sueria[BBn +, 1923 rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 ' 10-RIGIIToFwAYFoR'DITclIEsoRCAI\IaIScoNsTRucTEPBYTITEAIITEoRIIYoFTHE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED TW.iilTTiO_SiETSS PATEMT RECORDED VIAY 24'' 1904' TN BOOK 48 AT pAGE 503 AND sEpf€x'dER. +'-igzl IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98' PAGE rrrt ^r . ^6 lllljlll noMvllltt dATI ON Na:6 PACE. 7 rD.1s"at34 INSURANCE COMFAI\TY PAGE A/ I7 AIJIA COMMITMENT SCSEDULB B-SECTION2 (ExcePLions)orrr Order * V25L5l2 JAN-2r-es osr4? FRoMrto*oQ" GUARANTEE CIIICAGO TITLE 11. RBSTRrcrIvg covENAIilTS, qlgq-Do NoT coNlAIl'I A FORFEITURE OR REI/ERTER cr'AusB, BIrr oMiTTrNe iesrRrcri6uG, -rr-errv'--BgED oN RACE/ cor'oR' RELTGToN' OR NATIOIIA,L ORIGIN, AS CONTAISM_iU INSTRUMM'TT RECORDED OCLObET 15' L97L' IN BOOK 22L AT PAGE g9r AlD A;-A!4El,iDm rr,r INSTRITMENT RECORDm August 12' iill, rN BooK zsg AT PAGE 453' 12. trrrr,rry EilsEMBr{I' 20 FEET rN WrDTg, 30 FEET rN_wrDTII AND 40 FBET rN wrDTE rN THE NoRTH!{Esr PoRTroN oF Lot ;;-tioir r' I-IlEr rN wrDTIr ArroNG THE SourH IJOT I.INE OF r.OT 4 AI,ID IrOT 5, ;iOC-K-i,'ib FEBT fN WIDTII AJ'OI," THE E,A'ST LOT LINE OF IJo{t 4, BIJOCK L A}ID A pOniiOrs OF fiIB SOUrIIERLy MOST CORlitR OF I"Ort, 7' BLOCK 1 A.S S'brni ON TIIE RECORD$-F*' Or VAIIr/ITIONSHEAD, lllIIRD FILIIIG' 13. PEDESSRI.AT{ EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTII AI/ONG EITE SOUfiT IJOT LINB OF IOT 7 ' BI,OCK1.VAIL/LIONSHEAD,TUIND-FiiiIlEESSIIOWNONTHERECORDEDPIjAT' 14.TIIILInTEASEMENIASGR"INrEDToHoI,YcRossEI,ECTRIC.a'ssocIATIoN,INc.IN INSTRUMETIT REC9RDED April tg,-Gie, iN eOoX Zdg ar PAGE 202 A]ID AUGUST 30' 1982 rlr BOOK 344 AT PAGE 922 ' (AFFECTS ll):l. 1, BIOCK 1 VAIIr/IJIoNSHEAD' TIIIRD FILING Al{D IJOT c MoR',ct''s SUBDIVISION) ].5. UIITITJ EASEMENT AS GRAI{TE IlO CABI'EVISION ASSOCTATES VI' D/B/L IiERITAGE cABtg\iISION INC. IN INSTRIIMEI'IT necoRDED May 20, 1983', IN BOOK 360 AT PAGE 42. 16.EAsEMEI\Ilfs,REsERvATIoNs,AIIDBBSTRICTIoNSAssEo}tNoRREssRvEDolilTEE RECoRDED pr,ai -or vArt/troNsIIEAD FrHIti FTLTNG' 17. UTIIJITT EASBMBI\TT AFFECTING Tffi SOUTI{$TEST'.ERLY PORTION OF IJOT D' I!4ORC{IS ST'BDIVISION,ASSHOT{IIORRESd[ViDONTITEPIATOFMORCT'SSITBDIVXSXON' 18'TERMS,coNDI?IoNsA}rDPRovrsroNsoFEASEMEIITA}.IDRIGEToFwAYASGF"ATiITEDFo HoLy cRoss EITESTRIC ASgOCIATiOii, inc. RES9RDED April 19, 1978 M BooK 26e AT PAGE 202. ]-9. TERIT{S, CONDITIONS A}ID PROVISIONS OF PARNT WAIL AGREEMENT BY AIID BETITEEN T1IE I4ARK-IJODGE COIOOIATUTUM ASSOCIATION TNC' ' A NOT-FOR-PROFIT COLORADO COPORATION AI{D M-K CORPORATIdi'i,_A COIORADO CORPORATION RECORDED OCtrObEX L7' 1978 IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 608. (AFFECTS PARCELS 1, AbID 3) 20.TERMS,co}IDIrIoNsA}IDPRovISIoNsCoNTATNEDINAGREEI.TENTBYAt{DBET!'IEEN}r.K CORPORATIoT'I, -e- COT,ORADO COnpOmirON AND TIIE IvIARK-IODGB COI|DOMINIUM ASSOCI:LTION INC. RECORDED OC'iOBER-L7, Ig78 IN BOOK 276 AI PAGE 609' PAGE r^rr ar . 60 fTlJltt |\R 'y'.E,46MMUNICATION Nc:6 PACE' 0 JAN-21-9s oe.4? FRoM.LAND + GuARANTEE ,o. r=""}'"n CSICAGO TITI,E INSIIRANCE COMPA.IFJ AIJT-n' COMMITMENT SCTIMULE B.SECTION2 (Exceptions) PAGB 7 rAal a| OO f?HU) ne:45 PAGE 9/II Our Order * v26L5L2 (ASPECTS PARCEIJS L -AIID 3) 21-TERMS,co!{DrTIoNsAl{DPRovlsloNsoFGRANTo€pARKINGEASEMENTRECoRDED ocEober 17, iiie-iN BooR 2?6 iCpace-eio AND AIiIEliDilrBff :rI{ERETo REcoRDm tgt'i il , L982 rN BooK 343 AT pAGE 467 ' 22. TTIOSE PRovrsroNs, covElilAlgfs-^lP coNDrTroNg' EASEMENIS AND RESTRICTIONS' VEIICH ARE A BURDEN TO TEE C!Ni;6MifiTNA-.I(IT.DESCRIBED IN SCIIBDIILB A' AS colirtArNgD rN rNgTIilJ!4ENp RECOB;6-u*""n-r+, 1980' rN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 183' 23. TERMS, Cll[DrrroNs Ar{D PROvIq-roNs oF PARTY ryltf Al[D ENCROACHMBNT ]GREBMENT By ArrD BETlrEiN-.r;rE--r,rARK RESoRi-'al'TD-TElo,iia cLIIB AssocrArroN, rNc', A COIJOF,ADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPOiAfrOT'T_ruUO M-K CORPOR'ilTION' A COLORADO coRpoR.aTIOrV niionoco ,rlrry zz,-igez IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 463 ' (AFSECTS PARCETS 2 AITD 3) 24.TERMS.coIiIDITIoNsAbIDPRovTsIoNsoFRECRE.ATIoNAI,AGREEMENTBYA}IDBETWEEN TrIE M-K coRpoRATION, A coroR;;o-coiponarroN AbID TIIE MARK RESORT Al{D TENNI cr,uB ASSOCrAfroN, rNc., e corlonno6-c6npoutroN RTcoRDED 'JuIy 27' a982 rN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 454. (AFFECTS PARCELS 2'A}ID 3) 25.TIIosEPRovISIoNs,Co\IENANIq.PIDcoNDITIoNg,EA.SEN,IBI{|:PS,Al{DREslRIglIoNs, WHIGI ARE A iUiiOfurtO fi{E CONDOUiT'TiUU UNI{' DESCRIBED IN SCHEDUI'E A' Ag coNrArNBD rN rritslRttMENT REcoRDED ocEober fi ' liie ' rN 9o-o5^?L5 AT PAGE 606 .ATID .As A!,TENDED IN INSSRI]MENT ;,NCONPSD T{ATCb'- Zi, TgZg, IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 344. (AFFBCTS PARCBL 1) 26. TIIOSE PRO\ruSIONS, COVSNA}rI9 IND CONDITIONS' EASEMENTS AIID RESTRICITIONS', ltEIgH ARE A BITRDEN TO TIIE COIqgOT'riflfLM I1IIIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDUI'E A' AS CoMATNED rw iNSrernasNT RECO66--uaiin r+' 1980, rN BOOK 300 Ar PAGE 183' (A8FBC-rs PARCET 3) 27. HTISTING LEASES AI'ID TENANCIES 28. EASEMEIITS, RESER\rATIoNS.aND RESTRICTIONS As sgovfN oR RESERVED oN THB RECORDED coI{DO}4INIilM MAP Or tii-rqan'K RESoRT Al{D TENNIS cLItB CoNDoMINIEMS ' 29.EASEMBNIS,RESERIIATIoNSAIIDREsTRIcTIoNsAsSHowNoRRESERVEDoNTIIE COITDOMINIW UNB FOR TEE MARYTiOOCP AND AI,IEI{DMENTS THERETO' COMMUNICATTON No:6 PACE' 9 JAN-2I-es os,4" FRoM.LAND+ GUARANTEE rD,ls?oti34 PAGE 7A/ 71 CHTCEGO TITI-,8 INSURANCB COMPA$IT ALTA COMMITMENf SCIIEDUI,E B-SECTION2 (E:rcePEions)Our Order # V26L512 30-TERMS,CoIIDITIONSAIIDPROVIsIoNsoFMEMORAIIDI'MOFI'IA!{AGEI\'BNTAGREB',IBIT RECORDED Sepier$er fe, rggf IN BOOK 562 AT PAGE 255' 31. ENCROACHMENT OF CONG,ETE AI{D POOL ONTCI IITTT'T'TY BASEMENT AS SSOI{N ON rMpROvEt{ENr toahiioN EsRtrrrcAfr-pRtipanBo JtII'rs 19' ts92 BY INTER-MOUNIAIN rlbilreenrNo rJTD-, PRorEcr No' 92255 s' 32 - ASPIIALT PAVING AND CONCR,ETE SIDEWALK CROSSNiTG AD'JOINING PROPERS 'AS SSOWN ON IMPROVEMET'ii; i,OCEiION GRTI;;CiIS PREP}RED 'JIN{E Ig ' L992 BY INTER- l,romrrarn nre:ilreEnrNe LTD., PRGIECT NO' 92255 S' PAGE 8 aa ,rrrrr! ^r.zrl< coT IUNICATION Nc:6 PACE. 10 JAN-2r-es os'4El FRoM'LAND+ GuARANTEE rD',ls?o*34 PAGE 7I/II LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEME\IT Reguired bY Senate BilI 9L-L4 A) fhe sulrjecc real propertsy may be located' ia a speeial tsarcing digtrict. B) A cefrificaEe of Taxes Due listinE each taxing jurisdieEionE" ;";;;-Ei"itt.a from the county Tieasurer or Lhe counEy TrLasurer's auEhorized agenc' C) tlre information regard'-rng special disEricts and the bouadaries of such ai"ril"Es-ilt-be-"biained from the Board of county corsdssioBersl-il"-Eir*cy creik and Recorder. or ghe county Asaeasor- Required, by Senace BilI 92-143 A) A cercificaEe of Taxes Due lisLing-each t"*i19 jurisdicuion shall Ue ouEiinEd-il;m the county Treasurer or Ehe counEy Treasurer's auEhorized agent- ao ,Tirltl ofl ,46 COMMUNTCATION No:6 PACE' 11 DRarr April13, 1999 Hery hatt Gwathmey/PratVschultz Architects, P.C, 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Marriott Redevelopment and the Gore Creek Club hoposal Dear Henry, Thank you for meeting with Greg Hall and I to discuss the off-site improvements recommended by the planning & Enviromnental Commission The purpose of this letter is to summarize the key points and agreements reached during our discussion It is the staffs undersunding that HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., will be responsible for the complete cost of constructing the following improvements: 1. A minimum 6-foot wide, concrete heated sidewalk along West Lionshead Circle from the cofilmon property line with the Antler's Condominiums to the sidewalk located along the east side of the South Frontage Road. The portion of sidewalk from the westernmost property line of the Marriott to the frontage road sidewalk shall not be required to be heated. 2. The realignment and reconstruction of the cwb, gutter and drainage system, as indicated on the Approved Development Plan, at the northeast comer of the development site. 3. The construction ofa pedestrian/bike path connecting the Maniott development to the Gore Creek path. 4. The revegetation and enhancement of the Gore Creek stream bank along the development site fiontage to the creek. The final improvements shall be reviewed and appoved by tbe Desip Review Board. Sincerely, George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail Xc: Greg Hall, Acting Director of Public Works ? DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, April 21, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIG MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Melissa Greenauer SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Hans Woldrich 1 . Vail Interfaith Chapel- 19 Vail Road2. Mariott-715 W. Lionshead Circle3. Grand Traverse - 1800 Lionsridge Loop4. Plala'l-232 E. Meadow Drive FtlE cuPy 12:00 pm 2:00 pm Jeff MEMBERS PRESENT PUBLIC HEARING. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Swearing in of new DRB member Melissa Greenauer and reappointed DRB member Bill Pierce Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. 2. Election of 1999 Ghair - Glark Brittain 1999 Vice-Ghair- Bill Pierce 3. The Marriot (Lionshead) - Conceptual review of a major exterior alteration George and construction of a new interval ownership club. 715 W. Lionshead Circle / Marriot Mark, Morcus SubdivisionApplicant: HMC Corporation, represented by East-West Partners and Gwathmey-Pratt CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Henkes residence - Conceptual review of a new primary/secondary residence. Allison 2824 Snowberry Drive I Lol17, Block 9, Intermountain. Applicant: Andrew Henkes, represented by Steven James Riden CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 5. Timber Falls Condominiums - Construction of a new condominium building. 4469 Meadow Drive / Lot 19, Timber Falls Condominiums.Applicant: Bluffs at Timber Falls, LLC Dominic MOTION: Bill Pierce CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 3-0 6. Platz'l Bar - Outdoor dining area. George 232 E. Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"r Filing. Applicant: Johannes Faessler MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 3-0 CONSENTAPPROVED 7. Grand Traverse Lot 16 - Conceptual review of a new single{amily residence. George 1800 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 16, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision.Applicant: Dauphinais-Moseley Construction CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Westhaven Club & Lodge - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A.Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL MAY 5, 1999 9. Vail Interfaith Chapel- Remodel/addition at existing facility. Jeff 19 Vail Road / Lot J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects CONCEPTUAL. NO VOTE Jeff10. Waterhouse residence - New garage. 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1"I. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven Riden MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:3-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 5, 1999 11. Shaper residence - Review of a new garage. Jeff 2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13rn. Applicant: Steve Shaper MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 3-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 5, 1999 12. Golden Peak Ski Base - Construction of a skier tunnel. Jeff 458 Vail Valley Drive / Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:3-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 5.1999 Stafl Aoorovals Slifer Smith & Frampton Vail Associates Real Estate -Awning sign. Brent 143 E. Meadow Drive/Crossroads East. Applicant: SSFVARE Rojas residence - Eave/overhang extension. Brent 100 East Meadow Drive, Unit #331l/ail Village Inn Plaza. Applicant: Alejandro Rojas Malott residence - Window addition. Brent 770 Potato Patch #sn/ail Potato Patch. Applicant: Perry & Gail Malott Perry residence - Additional '15 sq. ft. to existing residence. Allison 758 Potato Patch/Lot 5, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Tony and Teri Perry Precourt - Interior conversion. Allison 328 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 4, Block 1 , Vail Village 1"r. Applicant: Jay and Molly Precourt Roost Lodge - Dumpster enclosure. Dominic 1793 N. Frontage Road WesVLots 10-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Rodney Cotton DominicScorpio Condominiums - Revised landscape plan. 131 S. Frontage Road WesULot D-1, Vail Village 2no Filing. Applicant: ScorpioCondominiumAssociation Fricker residence - Bay window and room addition. Allison 1370 Sandstone Drive #9/Lot G3, Lions Ridge 2no. Applicant: Helmut Fricker Pownell residence - Deck addition to dormer on west side. Jeff 267 Rockledge Road/Parcel C, Resub of lots 14-17, Block 7, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Dick & Mary Pownell Webb residence - Interior conversion. Brent 1881 Lionsridge Loop #40/Lot 1 , Block 3, Lions Ridge #3. Applicant: John Webb Reeman/Randall residence - Exterior deck exoansion. Brent 2865 Snowberry Drive/Lot 2, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Clive Reeman & Louise Randall The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 MEMORANDUM To: Town of Vail Design Review Board From: George Ruther, Senior Planner Date: April23,1999 Re: April 21, 1999 DRB MeetingNotes The following is a summary of the comments from the April 21, 1999 meeting of the Desip Review Board with regard to the proposed redevelopment of the Marriott and the construction of the Gore Creek Club. Please review the comments and provide any additional information or clarification. The next step in the review process of the Maniott proposal will be to provide the applicant with a final and complete tist of the Board's comments. This step is cwrently scheduled for Wednesday, May 5'h. a a a a a a The site planning of the Gore Creek Club creates a building which is too inclusive and inward facing resulting in a lack of regard for the public spaces around the building and the existing or potential surrounding uses. There are opportunities to create a sense of arrival at the entrance portals to the property and building. The entrances to the property need to be more inviting and less awkward. The treatrnent of exterior details lacks consistency throughout the project. The proposed lan&nmk elements are too big and axe not in proportion with the building. Are the landmark elements necessary? The basic aspects of site planning such as points of anival, loading/delivery, pedestrian circulation are not addressed in the cunent proposal. More attention needs to be given to the sense of anival at the southeast comer of the property. Why does the height of the building have to increase to achieve the sloping roof forms? Are the sloping roof forms necessary on the existing hotel? The application of the sloping roofform on the Phase I building in particulm appears phony and contrived The steepness of the sloping roof creates a wall rather than a roof. The stacking of the decks and windows is too repetitive and does not comply with the intent of the Design Guidelines. The proposal makes it too easy to read the gridlines of the building. The hotel rooms need to extend outward to fill in the void spaces created in the areas on the sloping roof. Address fenestration, wall surface planes, and exterior building materials of all the buildings. There appears to be no relationship between the existing and proposed building and the Gore Creek stream conidor. A relationship shouid be created. Phase II of the hotel is intended to become a "flagship" building, yet the proposed exterior building materials are not of "flagship" quality. The Bavaria Haus is an example ofa "flagship" hotel. t t t t t t a t t {P'""'*o""* r The proposed application ofexterior stone makes the building appear to be "dipped" in stone. The height of the stone around the buildings should varying with massing and building forms in mind. o The east and west elevations with the exposed parking stuctue is unacceptable. These areas need to be addressed. I The building elevation along the west property line is too straight and needs to be articulated, both vertically and horizontally. I The space between the commercial use and the main building of the Gore Creek Club is a "no man's land". Consider comecting the buildings. I The use of the top ofthe parking structwe does not appear to be verywell thought out. i Open up a light conidor between the existing hotel and the Gore Creek Club to get light back down to the street and sidewalk. The remaining cornments were expressed by members of the public: a The commercial space on the north side of the Gore Creek Club is too close to the street and should be moved back to respect the 10 foot s€tback. r The ridge lines of the improvements should be lowered and a greater space left between the buildings to maintain the view to the mountain from the Vail Spa. o The Design Review Board should be allowod to finalize its review prior to the Town Council considering an amendment to the Special Development District. r The Vail Spa has requested that photo imagery and an independent urban design consultant review the plan for compliance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. t Pedestrian circulation has not been addressed; especially along the sream tract. t No "sense ofanival to a great place" has been provided. o The reality ofhow the buildings will function has not been addressed. t The mass of the roof as proposed and the additional volume it creates is excessive and should be reduced in scale. o The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Architectural Design Guidelines should be study in great detail to determine compliance of the proposal with the guidelines. a The applicant's options are significantly lim.ited given the existing conditions and consraints. o The north elevations ofthe proposed buildings are atractive. a The landmark element, while large, is in scale given the size and mass of the existing building. I Vail Associates as owner of Lot A to the west of the development site does not object to &e proposed west elevations and building location of the Gore Creek Club. I Vail Associates is ageeable to working with the applicant on site grading issues. Please review the cornments as recorded at the meeting and add additional issues as you complete your review of the full size plans. Again, the goal of the May 5'o meeting will be to finalize the Board's issues and concems and give the applicant the Board's clear and concise direction. Please rely on the Architectural Desip Guidelines of the Lionstread Redevelopment Master Plan and the Design Guidelines outlined in the Zoning Regulations when evaluating the proposal. Wben possible, please cite from the Guidelines indicating how the proposal furthers the goals ofthe Plan and when the proposal deviates from the Plan. TOItrN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 ::'jc0P'lt December 11, 1998 Henry Pratt, AIA Grvathmey, Pratt Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Marriot Mountain Resort at Vail Dear Henry, The purpose of this letter is to follow-up on our telephone conversation of Wednesday, December 9e with regard to the redevelopment of the Marriot Mountain Reson at Vail. As discussed, I have schedr.rled a joint meeting with the Design Review Board, Planning & Environmental Commission and the Torvn Council on Tuesday, January l2'o at 2:00 p.m. The purpose of the joint meeting is to present the proposed redevelopment project of the Maniot Mountain Resort at Vail to the various Town boards and receive any early direction they may have. In preparation of the joint meeting, please contact me afler the first of the year so we may schedule a time to sit down and discuss yonr proposal in greater detail. Ifyou have any questions or concems with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at 479-2145. Good luck with your project. Sincerely, *IlJ--+Qvi*a George Rutbdr, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail {g *""r"uor "u, December 2, 1998 Dominic Mauriello Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail- major amendment to SDD Dear Dominic, Subsequent to our pre-application meeting on 1O/19/98, before making a formal application and accordance with the new policy, we would like to schedule a joint meeting with the PEC, Town Council and possibly even the DRB as early in January 1999 as possible. As requested, here is a synopsis of what exists at the hotel and what is being proposed. Existino Hotel The existing hotel is comprised of 3 buildings of varying age and construction. We refer to them as Phase l, Phase ll and Phase lla and the west Parking structure. Uses in the Hotel are AU, DU, commercial, various food service operations, and convention. For the purposes of our project, we will address only the uses of AU, DU and one particular restaurant space. Prints of each building's original design documents are in your archives under different names. The following information is based on these documents (l would like to point out that many of the units defined as DU's are owned by the Hotel and are operated as AU's). The current unit mix is as follows: Phase AU DU GRFA 74 14 38.380 tl 97 12 48,212 lla 35 27 50,555 Total 206 53 137,147 Lot area (including the parking structure) is approximatelV 222,273 SF. Under PA zoning, allowable GRFA would be 80% of that or 177,818 SF, Existing GRFA is therefore 77oh ot allowable. The "Windows" restaurant, with a seating capacity of approximately 85 seats, is no longer in operation and is used only for special functions. Existing parking is located below the buildings and in the west structure. By count, there are 407 spaces with 205 in the west structure. We are assuming that existing parking is adequate and will be "grandfathered" in as such. Prooosed New Construction & Ghanoes 1 . Convert the "Windows" restaurant space and 5 adjacent AU's into 3 or 4 DU's. Parking requirements decrease by 1.6 spaces (85 seats/8 seats per space less 4 spaces (2 units<20OO SF) and 5 spaces (2 units>2O0O SF)). 2. Upgrade exterior appearance of existing hotel buildings by doing the following: a. Add steeply sloped roofs to lower the eave lines of the various buildings. Roofing material proposed to be 40 year shadow-line type fiberglass shingles. b. Add "landmark" roof elements to buildings ll and lla. c. Remove wood siding at balconies on all buiHings and install new metal railings in various colors and patterns. d. Remove most of the existing wood siding and replace with EIFS in several colors. e. Repaint existing stucco. f . Existing standing seam metal roofs remain to a large extent, S. Add new retail spaces with heated sidewalks along West Lionshead Circle at Phase I and Phase ll when future economic conditions warrant. h. Remodel existing porte cochere. 3. New Phase lll atop existing west parking structure with interval ownership units in accordance with the Lionshead Master Plan. a. 66 new units (see unit mix table below) totaling approximately 75,OOO SF of GRFA. Current drawings reflect the following unit mix and area: l[umber Unit tyDe GRFA 50 1O5O SF 2 BR 52.500 12 1450 SF 3 BR (2 BR w/ loft)17,400 4 Studio unhs 2529 72,429 b. Building amenities including front desk and Owner lounges. c. Addition to parking structure with internal ramps and providing for completely covered arrival. 61 new parking spaces with an easy additional 15 via valet positioning. 4. Converting 9 existing DU's in Phase lla into deed restricted EHU's; 8 units are studios with minimal kitchens and one unit is a one bedroom unit with full kitchen. 5. Modifications to landscape on Gore Creek side of complex including removal of most of the existing high berm thus opening up to the bike path and the creekscape. One 2. tennis court to remain, the other one and the volley ball court will go. Other modifications per the submitted plans. Proposed total GRFA would be 2O9,576 SF or 1 180,6 of the total allowable on the site. This is far less than the 25O06 maximum that would govern in Lionshead and even less than the 150% granted the Austria House in the Village. Gomoliance with Lionshead Master Plan and Desiqn Guidelines- November 17 issue Existing Buildings: 1. Proposed modifications to roofs comply with the design guidelines even though the proposed slope exceeds'12l.12; the steeper roofs will lower apparent eaves, balance roof area with wall area. 2. The proposed "landmark" roof elements will give the western edge of Lionshead the presence of a "grand old hotel". 3. Proposed streetscape elements do comply with the Plan and guidelines. New Building: 1. New building is right at maximum height limits with the proposed steeply sloped roofs and small areas of flat roof. We are well below the roof height average required. Our proposed 15:12 roof pitch is steeper than the 12:12 specified but again provides significant aesthetic advantages the satisfy the intent of the guidelines: lower eave heights and wall heights and a better balance between wall area and roof area. This aesthetic benefit and addressing of intent is the basis for which we would seek conditional approval as provided in Section As for the small areas of flat roof, they are comparable to those found at the Sonnenalp and would be visible only from high on the mountain. They are also allowed under Section . The issue of height and flat roofs could be resolved if the datum for measuring height is set at the top of the existing parking garage instead of at surrounding grade. We have an unusual case here for new construction in that we do not have the option of putting the structure completely below grade as could be done with other new buildings. I hope this gives you an adequate overview of our project. We look forward to the meeting with the Council and PEC and a subsequently smooth approval process. We could reluctantly accept staff approval on this one if required to do so. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT ARCHITECTS. P.C. 3. Henry R. Pratt, AIA December 2, 1998 February 7, 1999 (revised) George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Maniott's Mountain Resort at Vail- major amendment to SDD George: Subseguent to our pre-application meeting on 1O/1 9/98, before making a formal application and accordance with the new policy, we would like to schedule a joint meeting with the PEC. Town Council and possibly even the DRB as early in January 1999 as possible. As requested, here is a synopsis of what exists at the hotel and what is being proposed. Subsequent to our pre-application hearing on January | 2, | 999, the project remains as presented except that the location and number of EHU's has been revised. Existino Hotel The existing hotel is comprised of 3 buildings of varying age and construction. We refer to them as Phase l, Phase ll and Phase lla and the west Parking structure. Uses in the Hotel are AU, DU, commercial, various food service operations, and convention. For the purposes of our project, we will address only the uses of AU, DU and one particular restaurant space. Prints of each building's original design documents are in your archives under different names. The following information is based on these documents (l would like to point out that many of the units defined as DU's are owned by the Hotel and are operated as AU's). The current unit mix is as follows: Phase AU DU GRFA 74 14 38.380 tl 97 12 48,212 lla 35 27 50,555 Total 206 53 137,147 George Ruther February 7, 1999 (revised from December 2, 1999) Page 2 Lot area (including the parking structure) is approximately 222,273 SF. Under PA zoning, alfowabfe GRFA would be 8O% of that or 177,818 SF. Existing GRFA is therefore 77% ot allowable. The "Windows" restaurant, with a seating capacity of approximately 85 seats, is no longer in operation and is used only for special functions. Existing parking is located below the buildings and in the west structure. By count, there are 4O7 spaces with 205 in the west structure. We are assuming that existing parking is adequate and will be "grandfathered" in as such. Prooosed New Construction & Changes 1. Convert the "Windows" restaurant space and 5 adjacent AU's into 3 or 4 DU's. Parking requirements decrease by 1.6 spaces (85 seats/8 seats per space less 4 spaces (2 units<2OOO SF) and 5 spaces (2 units>20OO SF)). 2. Upgrade exterior appearance of existing hotel buildings by doing the following: a. Add steeply sloped roofs to lower the eave lines of the various buildings. Roofing material proposed to be 40 year shadow-line type fiberglass shingles. b. Add "landmark" roof elements to buibings ll and lla. c. Remove wood siding at balconies on all buildings and install new metal railings in various colors and patterns, d. Remove most of the existing wood siding and replace with EIFS in several colors. e. Repaint existing stucco. f. Existing standing seam metal roofs remain to a large extent. S. Add new retail spaces with heated sidewalks along West Lionshead Circle at Phase I and Phase ll when future economic conditions warrant. h, Remodel existing porte cochere. 3. New Phase lll atop existing west parking structure with interval ownership units in accordance with the Lionshead Master Plan. a. 66 new units (see unit mix table belowl totaling approximately 75,00O SF of GRFA, Current drawings reflect the following unit mix and area: Itlumber Unh tvDe GRFA 50 1O5O SF 2 BR 52,500 12 1450 SF 3 BR {2 BR w/ loft}17,400 4 Studio units 2529 72,429 b. c. Building amenities including front desk and Owner lounges. Addition to parking structure with internal ramps and providing for completely covered arrival. 61 new parking spaces with an easy additional 15 via valet positioning. George Ruther February 7, 1999 (revised from December 2, 1999) Page 3 4. Converting 9 existing DU's in Phase lla into deed restricted EHU's; 8 units are studios with minimal kitchens and one unit is a one bedroom unit with full kitchen. Based on a recently completed project of similar size, the Phase lll addition will create 25 new jobs. At a requirement of 2O%o of this number, 5 new EHU's are required. lnstead of the 9 units in Phase lla being deed restricted, we are now proposing to convert the existing ski shop in Phase I into 6 new studio and one bedroom units (3 of each) ranging in size from 390 SF to 52O SF. 5. Modifications to landscape on Gore Creek side of complex including removal of most of the existing high berm thus opening up to the bike path and the creekscape. One tennis court to remain, the other one and the volley ball court will go. Other modifications per the submitted plans. Proposed total GRFA would be 209,576 SF or 1 18Vo ot the total allowable on the site. This is far less than the 250% maximum that would govern in Lionshead and even less than the 150% granted the Austria House in the Village. Gomoliance with Lionshead Master Plan and Design Guidelines- November 17 issue Existing Buildings: 1. Proposed modifications to roofs comply with the design guidelines even though the proposed slope exceeds 12:12; the steeper roofs will lower apparent eaves, balance roof area with wall area, 2. The proposed "landmark" roof elements will give the western edge of Lionshead the presence of a "grand old hotel". 3. Proposed streetscape elements do comply with the Plan and guidelines. New Building: 1. New building is right at maximum height limits with the proposed steeply sloped roofs and small areas of flat roof. We are well below the roof height average required. 2. Our proposed 15:12 roof pitch is steeper than the 12:12 specified but again provides significant aesthetic advantages the satisfy the intent of the guidelines: lower eave heights and wall heights and a better balance between wall area and roof area. This aesthetic benefit and addressing of intent is the basis for which we would seek conditional approval as provided in Section As for the small areas of flat roof, they are comparable to those found at the Sonnenalp and would be visible only from high on the mountain. They are also allowed under Section . 3. The issue of height and flat roofs could be resolved if the datum for measuring height is set at the top of the existing parking garage instead of at surrounding grade. We have an unusual case here for new construction in that we do not have the option of putting the structure completely below grade as could be done with other new buildings. George Ruther February 7, 1999 kevised from December 2, 1999) Page 4 I hope this gives you an adequate overview of our project. We look forward to the meeting with the Council and PEC and a subsequently smooth approval process. We could reluctantly accopt staff approval on this one if required to do so. Sincerely, GWATHMEY PRATT ABCHITECTS. P.C. Henry R. Paatt, AIA February 7, 1999 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: Marrioft's Mountain Rosort at Vail- major amendment to SDD- Gonditional Use Permlt George: Subsequent to our discussion last Friday. we are applying for a conditional use permit to allow time-share units at the proposed Phase lll addition to the Marriott Hotel in Lionshead. This application does not change the building or its bulk and mass in any way from that presented to the Council and PEC on January 12. 1999 and recently submitted for approval by the PEC. Nor does it change in any way the impacts associated with this project (light, air, Town objectives, traffic, etcl. lt merely seeks permission to sell the units in a manner that is consistent with the current market and this project's location. I will point out that both fractional fee units and time-share units are conditional uses allowed under HDMF zoning with no stated preference of one over the other. The Phase lll component of the Marriott project is stated as a high priority project in the Lionshead master plan. Regardless of whether it is approved as an amendment to an existing SDD or as an exterior alteration under the new Lionshead zoning, what we are proposing will provide higher occupancy rates and more warm beds than a condominium (HDMF) project. For this reason alone, this conditional use permit for time-share under HDMF should be approved. A further explanation of why time-share is desirable is attached. Sincerely, :w AIAHenry R. P?att, CHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. a2/52/1999 l3:05 gag6g M}RTE I.EI€LL PAGE g2/94 rrrl, Colondo Dcnwr, Cobl(k) IvIonrce & Newell Engrneers, Inc. Dceec$cr-t3, 199+ Thc hfarrion Corporation 5f5[ Bcldiaclol4 Snitcs0O. DrllN+ D(75240 Atn: Iv!r. V.K. Murthy Rc: Maniott Pa*ing Strucf,urc, Vril, Colorado (!vt&N #2764) Crmlcmcn: As requested, Moruoc & Nswcl Engineers, Inc. recentiy conductcd an obscrvation of thc F*ing.$nlctrre. The purposaof the gbservadgn wag to forn au opinion (consistcnt with the limit*ion ofc bddvi$al obscrvation) of thc currcrn stnicnrat conditior of tho building. Thc parking structurc has three tevels. Thc uppcr ani niidie lcvcls arc framed with cast- in-phe.eeoncreetoppin6 ottprocastcor.crctedclubtee$, preesQt concrelc b€ams or span&elr, and prccast concrcte columns. The lcwer lwel is concrete slab-on-grade.. We rssumc tho lbundrtion consists oFconvenrionaf sprea.dfiiotings. T& nn'o exiting sair towcrsbar,c coocr.fc.-"rcnry uniturall+ preftbicarcAneml $drq rnd r procrllt corset€ flat slab roof Extcrior walls which srppon bacldll rround the building arc cithcr ca$-irtsfkce tr?frfi r$.cEcrils. &n obocrvetion.inetudcdtwak+hroughof rhrrniddl-&r+lowcr lcvelq of each stair tower, and of thc building pcimctu. The uppcr levcl of the struciurc was snorv-covered s*us pniw-oft[rc*crior'rr&; Ovedl, irjs our-opinienths Seeti*ing *rus$r*eonditiorofthc buibing is fair. Thc eonomy of the orignrl construfiton and thc lack of mainrcnancc iC rpparen. llowever, eccept-forrhc four items idcntiffibdow, it h our opinio'rr thcbuilding is strucrurally sound at this tinc ogI o 0046 E. Brtvcr Creek Dlvrl. . Suitc ,01 o l'. C). lt.r lJ97 o Avon, (:g1)r'.:{.1(, Hl6?0 . (J0J) 949-7768 o ljAX (10D 949'{0t4 g2/42/L993 13:05 MOI.FOE I.€II,ELL o I*.onr-opinio4 s4nirof thc b[owiggfu *suidbemCc*rkr rr tooo rs posible; l. nbove thc sonth cotralrce thc precut wrll pmd srpponing thc procast spandrel is.enclqetadd€quatc snpport ftr fte sp'arffi rrnot bcing providcd. L Or.&c north.cnd of thc eas sidq rhauacherpponing the precast spandrel is craclced rnd s{port for rbc spandrel is quecioneble. i 3. The CMU south $rL towcr wall conrcr has friled and is not providing EdqluEtc sworrftrdlcrpffi pnd 4. The.beunehmthenorthcndels-in4laeewa$supponingtb centcdinc IT bcam is crack€d rrd shonld be reinforced. l It is our opinion that these are the rcpairs noccsssry immediately to essure the facility is strucurdlysr#."Webdi6'cth?eost ofthescrcpain shouk*baintlq or&r of nragnitudc .of$8,000.00 to $12,000 00 Althotrgb og€ndittuoo roquircd for immodiatc rcpain ue minor, thc rnourt which sbould behdgfa€e for Sort amd long tcnr mairftcma€e mA eosnt€tie F?akr could, bo vcry higlt" It appcars that maintcnance to date has not existed. r' Tb feilouingis alfutdnaimcnurcaitcms urd cosmetic repairs: t. All wall paocl caulking shoul<i be replaccd.2; Afr a$o!.d'tt tf doutdbc't ncd ofnrrandpaintcd;-3. AII slab to wdl gnd slab to slab joints should be r*eeled.4. TFe rooFsof5oth stair towers shou$ be replaced. 5. Thsinterio'r-ofbothstairwaysshouki bcchfficriof efilorescencc and possibly puned. 6. Tbv€odrctriningwdl o**ecas sidcof thebuMiag$ould be oonsidcrcd T: t. 9. lq tt- tcmporaryudpbnsshouldbctnadoior€plsceit. l Insiorwncntswah $ould bc cleancd. The tee bea,ring area oh thc nonh starr core should be cosm€ti€8lly rcpaircd. fie column 6ase at the southeast corner ofthe building should be re-drlpacked, Thceonereeslab-oa-grade shouldha* eraekE6llcd, be clcaned ud scalcd. Tle topping slabs qr double tces *rould be clcaned andrsealed. A cost estimate lus not beco madc for thesc items since mos of this work is not stocnrral and mueh # h eould be aecomf*ishcd by the beilding maint€nancc staff PAGE g3/64 O2/O21L999 13:95 6808Bael },f,}RIE FEI#LL utr xi[&Htrdrnde scPer*c orler daip **ehor ftc tHorrr rrcrs of dru.ilrnl rcDsirs. Iff--b+rygr*io6€tr€enmcnts, plcase call. l&rfa{yycrq MO}INOE E NBTB,L ENGI}iIEERS, INC. PAGE g4/84