HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnit 4 - 1991-1993Project Application /r o^te t$/sri/ 2/,rrut ProJect Name: Project Descraption: Contact Person and Phone owner. Address and phone: 'o ,'/" , /-- ,L . 4 Pa l4a'' 3 q St r/t'/ O Fzor{' Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot r4 f'€4', Block F ilrng Zone - Comments: Design Review Board t{D^e 4_L1 /??3 DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by:fiz"r-o-- 5-- o 2d { 8^, a{ r/t'c,- -l;/n-r ftt,e(-,,*, summary: 3 €'& Cqray'' 'x -.-- "drr. @/?&c/17 6o',/s ot\ l-L orfifl{"""j.t"o, /r,,\ 4.4 n.ro' 4^ "%a4r/Sfu.rfurs /2, I /{ 1 , ut/ ,^1.L /-z-t . E statt Approval h.r r .'7.4 r'14 f r;at f> nooy' f ,..n I / ,'r{ tf q ,4,4'^,' ,//.c-.-t {.',n.\ Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n, rct y' , eto.x Fiti^s ,,lLtL(/€ (rc€L%, zone - Comments: Design Review Board o^. ,/tl/t/az /l Motion by: ( rl rn B seconded o, 4./w-\, tg'/ 1- ee""ouo') * C DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Town Planner Staff Approval $,Io ooaI +4 Um Alp,u- Cr.-k 7J-u{,n"5 E+*r FLEv*n oN ++ +kp,see2 .r:' + f + t I I + f3dSr Oittt o€flF 0000 t0 0€€rF0000 I a3l 6uvoaA\fh3u NDltSg crvd lud NOIIYNOOIf,aIOUdIUVJUTI 0rpz7Ol00 t0 €tFlr0000 r0'.1:l'0s u3d 00'tsl 331 39VN9IS'IvNollloov gtrt? 0000 i0A3I NOI.IYJI'IddV NCIS oEErr0000 I0 ztriF0000 I0sTSl s:r sN?f, n suolJ Y.&[N o f, $al NottSSdsM sunoH {lo I zzszt 0000 t0 'uH u3d 0 331 XIEHf,'aU iLel^3U I.iY.Id I ZE€tt 0000 l0 t acz? 0000 t0SNoltf,3dSig'3U / S33l .,LIlYNgd zrrzr 0000 i0S3IOAIS / SeIdOs XOU3X srE lt 0001 I0 sx@g aqoJ uaBro I sttzt 0000 I0 300J T?3r81J313 TvNOtlvN tIrerco00 l0 scos Tr[l ]ano${n I sItzF0000 I0 srrzr 00@ l0300J',IvJlNYH 31It NUOI hlfl 3OOf, gjggfln'rd KUOJINn | sltzt0000 l0 gtrzr 00i]l1 I0 0?9tF0000 10sdvw smtoqv o.{v o.\T.\cz l4lUOI NOIICY SAIVS JNAr\dOlA Sq lil|\I.twhloc Jo rNgr{ruYdsc J.ITVA.{O N/{OI 3l{r'.{ 'I F$ =-l L,rulFt tF lli*llsrea.rs Cdr E9*2?-F: ,, Receipt * t64Etp8tltrcount# CK*6843 I,IICHREL J LNUIERtsFCH\FEE FIIFIRN. FEE tlni,:,un t t*nde red ) I r.em p€id st ffFBff4133iBS8 f,heng* rpturned ) THFIFIr< FRID D€sIGFI REU 188,89 tuunt paid 166,68 s.80 1/(flJ Vour cdriry .ElltlFtr DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAII,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ******rl*t* IBIS APPLTCETION WIIJL NOI BE ACCEPtrEDI'NTIL AI.L REQUIRED INFORIIAIION IS SSEI.IITTED********tr I.PROJECT INFORI"IATION : A. DESCRIPTION:Single Family Residence Alpine Creek Townhomes ld-7-? z Spruce Creek Phase III B. TYPE OF REVIEW: )O( New Construction ($200.00)Minor ALteration ($20.00) c. D. Addit j-on (S50 . 00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS: lt50 South trronregF RoFd west LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Block SubdiviSiOn Spruce Creek Tor^mhomes Phase III If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: Rc LOT AREA: If reguired, applicant stamped survey showing fot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: MJL Development Mailing Address: Nflt"tIJ \,,/I Mai-1ing must Drovide a currentr01.128 sF 47 6-6944 APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE; Michael LauEeTbach Address: P.0. Box 3451 Vail Phone 47 6-69 44 J. K NAME OF OWNERS:Michael Lauterbach *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address:P.O. Box 3451 Vall Dh nna 47 6-6944 Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate val-uation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the tabfe below, to ensure the correct fee is paid- FEE PAID: S 100 r TJ.L JLNT-iJULI!: Itn I ttt.n'r/\r\?v a1lv..l I J. vtt $ 0 - s 10,000$ 10,001 - s 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500/001 - s1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 rNO APPIICATION }IILL BE PROCESSED r lili $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00(q,nn nnrvilvv r vv WITITOUI OI{NER' S SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: |\, *., * "ri-ror.= crr".r.=f Lot Block Filing 1.f,50 South Frontage Road Wes tADDRESS: OWNER Michael Lauterbach PHONE 476-6944 ARCHITECT Steven J. Riden ZONE DISTRICT RC pR9pOSED USE 51{ Single Farnlly Residences * *LOT SlzE PHONE 949-4121 Existi.nq Proposeda,-,-,- ,v'L llrrlaL LP ,-/neignt 6P rotat cnre t42''1 + r'3Qa' I Allowed (30) (33) Total 1.t13 436D , | | tl -trf.4l'x f t 6crL V<,#\'f ' z 703 /6* Prinary GRFAt- n/b- Secondary GRFA fipsetvacus Front Sides Rear SeLbackWater Course Dfc sit. coverage 6) f Landscapins ,-Jetaining Wa1l Hei.ghts r'6arfi,ns ,./o.r^nu credit 425 425 20, 1q, 15' ,^\(3or (so) ) \--/ 4ztl't'- 20 15/ 15 3'/6' 2.t $eqrd l4-4'14-a- 4 Flood P1ain Yes OE I Percent Slope No n/4 Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche tto /a/14 b) RockfaLl No .t-.z+t'(- c) Debris Flow@ ,, 4) Wetlands Yes l" a-:; --(z'f'hr-- y'Previous conditions of approval (check property fi].e): t+t-'t- , fres this request involve a 250 Addition? No /'tD " Hou much of Che allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?t-/**Note: Under Secti.ons 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal code, fots zoned rwo Fam11y and Primary,/Secondary which are I'ess than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may nog construct a second dwelling unit,. The Community Development Depirtment may grant an excePtion to -thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Secrions I8.12.090(B) ana 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal code including pernanently restricting the unit as a fong-terrn rental unit for fu11- time employees of the Upper Eagle VaIley. 'll zt ?\ M Drive: ./ Vievt Corridor Encroachment:Yes tto -4'!- ??? 4u i t onment al,/Ha z ards : (300) (6i +!e00) (1200 ) ooo - (ua fL"'-^ L oa Permltt€df,lope --9.3- Actual .Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: 1n oo UTILITY LOCATION VER]FICATION Spruce Creek, Phase IIIcttanT\tTeTnN JOB NAI4E Alplne Creek Tovnho ". *4 BLOCK FILING AUUr(EDD 1850 South Frontase Road West The location and availability of utllltles, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed Lines, must be approved and verified by the foflowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature U. S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 9 4 9-57 81 Gary Hall Holy Cross El.ectric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty l'teritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle valley water & sanitation Dislrict * 4'7 6-'7 480 Fred Haslee I'.*CTE: Date ad-zt -? I e-2/-?/ 6 'a r-?/ ael"-?1 These verificati.ons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of VaiL, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locatlons before diqoing in.any publ1c rignt-of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A cut permit must be obtained separately. . A street service availabilitY and be used in conjunction with plan and scheduling This forn is to verifYlocation. This shouldpreparing your utilitY installations. * Pfease bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when octaining Upp6r Eagle Vallly Water E Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PRO.]ECT:Alpine Creek Townho "t 44 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK _ SUADIVTSTON STREET ADDMSS:1950 South Frontaqe Road West DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:Six Sinele Familv Residences The. forlowing information is required for subnittal to the DesignReview Board before a finaL appioval can be givenl A, BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof Siding Other Wal.l Materials F:cni: Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flue s F I echi nrrc f-h i mnarrc Trash Encl-osures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAP ING : TYPE OF MATERIAL L \J!t/ra T&GMasoniteSiding Llght Brown S tuc co Bei ge 2x8 Dirnensional Lisht Brown P lywood None _ I^Iood t{^iura1 -2x6 Lieht Brown Metal Green S tucco Beiee Metal-Lieht Brown BrownMet al Lieht None None Name of Designer:phone: BotanicaL Name SEeven J. Rlden 9t+9-412I PLANT MATER]ALS:Common Name Everqreen AsDen nrr^nl- i l-rr Ci ze* 6-8 r 2t' EXlSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicace caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioer for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.