HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED WEST VAIL CONOCO SIGN\rr,B ,)+ta .o MEMORAIIDUM TO: File FROM: Randy DATE:t/26/e4 RE: WesE Vail Conoco-sign complaint, ]la,lzr received a complaint yesterday regardingl a "we 5i+1- pisel" sig'n in the back of a-pick-up Lruck parked at Ehe Conoco. The sign was noE affixed. to Che vehicte, it was a sandwich board Eype sign proped up in the back of the Lruck. The sign was clearly int,ended i s -on irlverti semen I and was ol aced so as t-o he visible Lo auLomobifes and trucks passing by on the tronLage road or c.rle interstate. I felt that the sign was illegal , since it was not affixed to the vehicle in any fashion. I asked A1 (nanager) to take the siqn down immediately. He said he would move Ehe truck around the side of the building. I drove by today and noticed that the truck had been moved, and the sign was no longer visible from the road. The comDlaint came from -Oick Dillner aE the Texaco station (476- 33s4) . 4$, tee'l a4w{il,,rf /r^ ,,^',/% { /./7^z %- n tlglZf. T!r{tr-u-n74f tran'{io/;*, O f@"W, t,r|,wLt (pt #t ), VM*n 4ry ar$v 7 k( [,^A kt /I!,t/udvQ/ nxn ffr brt/"",'/ KI I'! & /U-Wo,4a?y' r^& /MN) I F IL E COPY D e par tnt e nt of Comnrunity D eve Io pt ne ttt TOITN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 November23, 1993 Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Mr. Sonny Caster VailConoco 254 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Signs at West Vail Conoco Dear Sonny: Encfosed is a copy of a letter dated May 27, 1gg3 sent to you by Tim Devlin' who {ormerly worked in our office. This letter specifies your sign allowance. At that time, we requested that you either bring your signs into conformance with the sign code or we would need to cite you ior the sign coOe viotation. lt is my understanding that for a time the property was in conformance, but recently the illegal signs have been reinstalled' We would appreciate your cooperation with this matter and would ask that the illegal signs be removed by'December 1 , 1 99i. Should these signs Igma! or be-reinstalled at a later date' we will issue a citation for violating the Town of Vail Sign Code, Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any {uestions. Thank you for your aftention to this matter' XC: Sh Town Planner t TOIVN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departnrent of Connuniry Deve lopnent May 27, 1993 VailConoco 2154 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Sonny Caster Dear Sonny: It has been some time since you and I last spoke regarding your signs at the West Vail Conoco service station. I have had some time to research the issues that were raised during our meeting in April regarding the allowable numbers and sizes of signs, as well as the variances that would be needed to be obtained in order to exceed these allowed maximums. As you know, lhe allowable number of window signs is two per major vehicular frontage, with a maximum coverage of 15"h of the total window space, and a maximum size of 10 square feet. I have had a chance to discuss the interpretation of window signs that are broken up by mullions with the planning staff. lt is our interpretation that a window sign broken up by a mullion is only one sign, as long as the mullion that separates the sign is twelve (12) inches or fess (see 16.20.220 B2). Therefore, we will interpret your window signs in this way, but it will be necessary that the total area of the window sign(s) not exceed 10 square feet. ln order to exceed 10 square feet, a variance must be granted by the Town Council. I have enclosed a sign variance application should you wish lo proceed in this manner. With regard to the sign that you inquired about for your canopy, this type of sign would be considered a freestanding sign, which has a maximum allowed height of eight (8) feet above grade per 16.20.040 (C) of the MunicipalCode. ln order to exceed 8 feet in height, a variance must be granted by the Town Council. Please keep in mind that lhe number of signs allowed to identify your business is two (without a variance), and you currently have two signs. Finally, in regard to the "caps'that you inquired about on top of the gas pumps, they are allowed as long as lhey do not contain the advertisement of products. For example, the caps could contain information such as "Self-Serve' etc. lf you are unsure of what the staff's interpretation would be about a particular idea that you might have, please feel free to conlact me and I will be happy to work with you on this. When we last spoke you expressed your desire to comply with the Town's sign code. We would certainly appreciate your cooperation and ask that you please bring all of your signs J Cococo -5n7/92 page 2 into compliance no later than Friday June 4, 1993. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions that you may have. Tim Devlin Town Planner.; enclosure cc: Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica T 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30 3 -479 -2 1 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 D e pannt ent of C onuwniry D eve lopnre nt May 27,1993 Vail Conoco 2154 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Sonny Caster Dear Sonny: It has been some time since you and I last spoke regarding your signs at the West Vail Conoco service station. I have had some time to research lhe issues that were raised during our meeting in April regarding the allowable numbers and sizes of signs, as well as the variances that would be needed lo be obtained in order to exceed these allowed maximums. As you know, lhe allowable number of window signs is two per major vehicular frontage, with a maximum coverage of 15o/" of the total window space, and a maximum size of 10 square feet. I have had a chance to discuss the interpretation of window signs that are broken up by mullions with the planning slaff. lt is our interpretation that a window sign broken up by a mullion is only one sign, as long as the mullion that separates the sign is twelve (12) inches or less (see 16.20.220 B2). Therefore, we will interpret your window signs in this way, but it will be necessary that the total area of the window sign(s) not exceed 10 square feet. In order to exceed 10 square feet, a variance must be granted by the Town Council. I have enclosed a sign variance application should you wish to proceed in this manner. With regard to the sign that you inquired about for your canopy, this type of sign would be considered a freestanding sign, which has a maximum allowed height of eight (8) feet above grade per 16.20.040 (C) of the MunicipalCode. In order to exceed 8 feet in height, a variance must be granted by the Town Council. Please keep in mind that the number of signs allowed to identify your business is two (without a variance), and you currently have two signs. Finally, in regard to the 'caps" that you inquired about on top of the gas pumps, they are allowed as long as they do not contain the advertisement of products. For example, the caps could contain information such as "Self-Serve. etc. lf you are unsure of what the staff's interpretation would be about a particular idea that you might have, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to work with you on this. When we last spoke you expressed your desire lo comply with the Town's sign code. We would certainly appreciate your cooperation and ask that you please bring all of your signs 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 - 479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 De pa ru ne nt of Connwniry D eve lopme nt May 27,1993 VailConoco 2154 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Sonny Caster I Dear Sonny: It has been some time since you and I last spoke regarding your signs at the West Vail Conoco service slation. I have had some time to research the issues that were raised during our meeting in April regarding the allowable numbers and sizes of signs, as well as the variances that would be needed to be obtained in order to exceed these allowed maximums. As you know, the allowable number of window signs is two per major vehicular frontage, with a maximum coverage of 15% of the total window space, and a maximum size of 10 square feet. I have had a chance to discuss the interpretation of window signs that are broken up by mullions with the planning staff. lt is our interpretation that a window sign broken up by a mullion is only one sign, as long as the mullion that separates the sign is twelve (12) inches or fess (see 16.20.220 B2). Therefore, we will interpret your window signs in this way, but it will be necessary that the total area of the window sign(s) not exceed 10 square feet. In order to exceed 10 square feet, a variance must be granled by the Town Council. I have enclosed a sign variance application should you wish to proceed in this manner. With regard to the sign that you inquired about for your canopy, this type of sign would be considered a freestanding sign, which has a maximum allowed height of eight (8) feet above grade per 16.20.040 (C) of the Municipal Code. In order to exceed 8 feet in height, a variance must be granted by the Town Council. Please keep in mind that the number of signs allowed to identify your business is two (without a variance), and you currently have two signs. Finally, in regard io the 'caps'that you inquired about on top of the gas pumps, they are allowed as long as they do not contain the advertisement of products. For example, the caps could conlain information such as "Self-Serve" etc. lf you are unsure of what the staff's Interpretation would be about a particular idea that you might have, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to work with you on this. When we last spoke you expressed your desire to comply with the Town's sign code. We would certainly appreciate your cooperation and ask that you please bring all of your signs Cococo -5127192 page 2 into compliance no later than Friday June 4, 1993. Please do not hesitale to contact me if I can answer any questions that you may have. Best regards, ./-t ,,1 %/.rM'' Tim Devlin Town Planner enclosure cc: Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica 75 Soath Fronttge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 t -47 9-2 I 3 I / 47 9 -2 I t 9 March 11, 1993 D e p artme nt of Community D et e lopme nt VailConoco 2154 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Sonny Caster Dear Sonny: It has been some time since you and t last spoke regarding the window signs at the West Vail Conoco service station. lf you remember, I was going to research the lrindow signs" section of the sign code (16.20.20) and then get back to you. I have discovered that the changes that were made to this particular section of the sign code in 1991 did not pertain to the allowable number of window signs. Since this seclion of the sign code was codified, the allowable number of window signs has been (and remains) two per window frontage with a maximum coverage of 15Y" of the total window space, with a maximum of 10 square feet. I have enclosed Section 16.20.220 ot the sign code for your review. When we last spoke you expressed your desire to comply with the Town's sign code but wanted to clear up the question of how many window signs your business is entitled to. We certainly appreciate your cooperation in this matter and ask that you please bring your window signs into compliance by Friday March 19, 1993. Please do not hesitate to contact me al 479-2138 if I can answer any questions that you may have. Best regards,ffirt Timothy N. Devlin Town Planner cc: Mike Mollica Enclosure _-t. (SIGNS incorporated into the sign or sign identifyingthc busincss and should not cxisr as a separate signl Sizc, one squarc foot for cach fivc front feet of the ilding, wirh a maximum arca of twenty rc fcct. Com- maiimum area for morc than one si shall not cxceed uarc fcct; C. Hcight,part ofthe sign shalt extc ibovc twenty-fivc fcet or major pedcstrian 'ith a maximum of two per rcvicw by thc dcsign e administrator, subject to rd: E. Location. parallcl to the crior u'all adjacent to the street or major pedestrain way ich\c building abuts, subjcct to thc approval of the des-i review Buprd; dcsign rcvicw board; l. Onc f sign per strcet or C r-r from cxistilagradc; '1p/ Number. one\n per vchicula way which the bNiness abuts.z ETii-ncss. as dcterilincd bv;{h maJor of one wall sign. imum of twenty squarc feet will allowed for a ing identifi cation sign. (Ord. I 1982) $ lc-g (part): Ord. l3(1976) $): 9(r9?s r4(2r).) .:.i.-,..... Window signs shall bc regulated as follows: A. Purpose. to idcntify particular t1'pcs of scrvices. producrs or cventS; nding sign or projectin\ trian way permitted in pla B(T)Size, any sign or signs attachcd or applicd to the insidcL4 surface of any cxtcrior window will bc limitcd lo r Gover-' age offiftecn percent ofthe total window space. Furrhcr. no sign or signs shall covcr morc than tcn squarc fect of _--.,fny window space.( 2. )A window space is considcred to be thc total arca of any \--'z 3i1t1a window pane or scries of window pancs separated by mullion of twclvc inches or lcss: C. Hcight, thc top of rhe sign shall bc no more than twenty-hve , fcct abovc existing Srade; (_ ,t-> (v.i,'.: 'r 2s6-z (A*/;raf t__ SIGN CATEGORIES ( D.l Number, each window frontage may contain sign or signs'' within the prescribed size iimits for each frontage on street or major pedestrian way with a maximum of two signs; E. Location, window signs may be affixed to the interior of a glass surface or be located a maximum of thirty-six inches from the glass surface; F. Design, does not apply; G. Lighting, indirecu H. Landscaping, not required;I. Special provisions shall be as follows: 1. A sign or signs advertising temporary events are exempt. from this definition, provided that a single sign does not exceed six square feet wi,th a maximum area of ten square feet aggregate for all signs denoting temporary events, provided the sign or signs are removed at the conclusion of the temporary event and not erected prior to ten days before the event is scheduled to take place. A temporary event is one which does not last more than thirty consecutive days in any given calendar year. 2. Signs denoting cunent or future events erected by a non- profit organization are not subject to the time limits outlined in this section, provided that ttre signs are removed within twenty-four houn after the event has ended." 3. Three square feet shall be allowed for the display of the name of a business or organization (not to exceed 1.5 square feet), the display of hours of operation, credit card information, and similar general information items. This area will not be included as a part of the total allowable window coverage. (Ord. 20(1991) $ l: ord. la(1!82) $ ld.g(part): Ord.4(1979 g 2(H): Ord.9(1973) $ 14(11).) : { 2s6-3 (Vail 4-?-92) 75 louh lroniage rc.d vall, colorado 81857 (303) 4792138 (e)3) 4792139 February 19, 1991 ofllce of community dev€lopment Mr. Sonny CasterVail Conoco 2L54 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Non-conforning Signage Dear Sonny: This letter is to answer your concern about non-conforning signs which have not been replaced. If a business which has a non-conforming sign wishes to change their sign, i.e. new name, different design, color change, etc., the sign must then be brought into conformance with the Vail sign code. Section 16.32.030 Ternination c. By destruction, darnage, or alteration. The right to continue use of operation of any non-conforning sign shalt terrninate whenever the sign is altered in any IJay' or damaged, or destroyed over 508 of its appraised value. Vail Conoco signs were required to be into conformance with the Town of Vail sign code when the name of the ltas station I'lras changed. I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, {&6,4r'/-,IBetsy Rbsol.ack Planning Technician BR/abcc: Larry Eskwith T i!1 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3(B) 47$2138 (3(B) 47$2139 .:::. Novenber 1, 1990 Ur. B. E. Haldorson President AB Petroleum, fnc. 301 East Colorado Avenue colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 Re: West Vail Conoco Dear Mr. Haldorson: We have received a copy of your letter to l,!r. G. B. Caster, Jr. dated Septenber 24, 1990 which included a rr1990 Image Evaluation Report. rl This letter is to help explain why Mr. Caster cannot confora toyour request with regard to punp toppers, merchandiser boxes, window decals, and overbay message boards. The Town of Vail has a sign ordinance which limits the nunber of signs as well as the total amount of sign area for each business.At present, the l{est Vail conoco is using all of the signagepernitted under the Town of Vail sign code. olfice ol communlty development feel free to call me at 479-2L38.If you have any questions, please Sincerely, kt*:tn-LPlanning Technician u ''i | -l T lrll1059-4265 LOtr! gABElll?1 VAIL CONBGO *BS FRONTAGE RBAD 8r6,37 Time of Day . fl Eefore 1l AM El rtaurotpMEl ro 3 pM E3 to g pu 1990 lmage Evaluation Beport Summer 1990 Exhibir C-l A-B PETROLEUM 3O1 E COLORADO AVE coLoRABO SFGS, CO glo903 ';'S=SiO,3Og E/6'tFi ,IEST zr54 /AIL, CB 14-rl5 ,t fny "ttlo" anlwtr In thit recllon wi rquirr r photo to bc i.kanto auppora anawar. if. n" Conoco capsule sign lg visible to motoring public.(2 The Conoco cr€dit card i8 .oc€pted rt this station. i3. Conoco Motor Oit is prominsnlly displayod and avsilabls toI CUSlomelS. 4. All friangle tl8demark signs, syvirl graphics, and 8pann6,Doards h8v€ D€€n aemovsd- 5. Conoco architoctural cotors applied appropriatoltn. Buitding -srrucrures-tight fnaft; Uundthg 'fgscia_dark khaki.r csnopy tascie-{ark kh8ki; lsland columns, bollards, curbs,I and light poles-.chsrcoal. 6. Conoco blue gasolina and./or green di€sel pump skirts ar6 d n ,prssenL 7. Charcoal painred sign pole displays capsule only, or with the I n ,C,onoco-approved price eign 6toir ttri capsule'. -' "'-'- "'- 8. Conoco-approved price sign ln ploc€ wirh prico numoralgposted. 'rr Pros|' u/rrrr prrca num6talS BB t L Conoco pqrmanont charcool pump toppers insrallod withlnserts, 29. Trash @ntslnor8 ar€:. Clean. In good repoit 30. Permanent eignage is clean End in good condition (oasolina , prip sbn8, ourlot. idsntificotion, red overbay messagi board,teo wtmow dec8ls. otc.l lll. MerchlndillnglParrcnnal 31. Point-ot-Ealg msterials aro profossion8lly produced. clean.' 8nd In good condition (poetirs, inserts, 6rc). -----' - - ' 32. Enerior merchsndising hardwaro is prolsssiona y producad F @ . and in_good condition (yard./buildi;g sign frames, oumotopper trames, merchandiser boxes, etc.l lf portable rbader' boards are prgsent, answot.'No.,. 33. Wndows, wallg and remaining areas are free of handwritten E E sr 8igns, 34. Conoco credil card applicationc and point-of-sale marorialsaro promlnently display€d. 35. Attondsnts/cashiers are well groomed and haye cl6an, Bppro.priato appBrol,/unilorm. Fn. @* HE: Ycr ltlo Sf1 ' Boo 3 5? 63 Yer No fl@ ', F@ FI D'tltr o ..EH:: to t2 Total Polnlr lO. Conoco m3rchrndiser boro3 instalted with ins6rt3,ll. Conoco.apgrovad Fodersl and State regulatory signsge DOSlod. tL Conoco-apprond r6d window decals in plac6, l!. Gonoco rcd oytrbey rnosssge board in ptace. B r,ommenls | |(Uso this soction to -explain lll ,,No', snswers, Use questionvl trFtrEtrF HB HH El@and!@ Bo HE Comments reference commgntsl. Appearance/Merchandising l. Appolr&c}-lrbrlor ltl. lntcric ls clean and In good repair:I . Flooat. Wrlb/Coiting o Wlndouvs/Doors. Shelves 15. Intsrior lights aro cloan and operatonal. 16. Furnituro, flxturos. €quipm€nt and bolsi opsrationol.are cl€an lt It l8 t9 20 2l .|9. R3stroom antranoes are properly lOentitieO, .ne.tt liL and; accossibb. F@,. tsB FH F@ RE 21 26 2A 2' 2t 2a 30 pE'. FEr'llti 20. R€€lroom doors. uralls, coilings. rnd floora are;. Cloan and have no offensiyo odor. In good rspsir 21. Rostoom fixturer and disp€nseE ore:. Claeni .ln good topsh 22. Adoquata rcatroom supglios:, . Toilot papor ls Drosont.. So!p. rovy€b. end/x dryen lre prosonl ll. Appearenc+-Exterlor 23. The outlet rpprosches and driveways lre in good oondition.. Enuanceftjt and customer,c Ori,i" tt r*gf p.rh "i"-i;;of porhol$.. "Pad" portion of driveway fiee of oillgrease puddles, 24. Ourlet's lmffiadiste propeny ls plop€rh m8intained:- unoscapang ns8t in appearancq _ (mowed,. free of weeds, bushos trimmed, otc.l. Fr€€ of ,unkod suromobitgs, tires, Oattetes. jic.' o F eo ot liner ltrash, sno,vTice, etc,l 25. Ft'ilqinss catlopios, eryl p1lro1. porlnqnor,t 11r11r,i.; ,rt,tllliilt ' | :l I ' I Data Gollection 35. Whst grades of gasoline are sold ar this outletl snrlr: unreaded Eff31i?#" unrsadod psucer unreao.d 37. Does station hsve signs advertising? floo Oiscounr for cash purchass Ll9t Cash and crodil sam€ Drico )$82 Neithar of abovE ere piesent 38. ldontity learurEs of this sration (Check att rhst oxisl). ffrr lonvanience rtore/grocery li.lntfinr 'ryflil| l! ll,lf'r:t ,t{l 3l 32 18. Ask lf publh r$trooms are available. *,lf no, ansl,yar'1fas" ro quastions 19-22. LAY€s (3O3) 4t5{717 (3O3) 4r6{t9E vAtr coNoco sERvtcEvAtt coNoco TowtNG , G. E. CTSTCR, JR. 2T'T SO. FROI{TAG€ ROAD G.r.s., Nc. VAtr, coton Do 816t7 { N-tr: \; hle*td i ' EoEl CeE,q fiE"g o IgP h ! 5 o of,f,tg e3'6 *o.o'€ 33.88 3Q {-l AFJ {J Pr{ kT{ :' Fl d q-r .r{ L t{.P O cd O .pH m '.0 (,l n-l .q n Vt '{t '{{J O{r 0,fiSF" !'i q's * .p <r1 . d $t-*r atq g duu o,r.q$ S ,r{ t do .rt k q c d {,Fl t, O .'{ o+J - a*gt* .t5*3 * cJOE.P ntOt.'.|c) o atst-- alt{ 6 o OFI O . rttsdg, hf3,3; S(l' G' .+JoC,FIF P- r(,> . rn I n{ ct o oq l| O= 4 tl)t{ d.Fl o3 f,fiX' Pr{.Po.' t..p{F "rE ""3d.9 d ic,.5. $ti"' >.ohok >';sE srEEH *ir?H 5uE ;; ?,f -86 bt,8k Lit 9 q q -{ do Arl o i5 .( h t:_tif,E _fi E r?flu, 539.9 E 'gd;b I 5ds;{ liErd a s,"dEi -' t*dFfr *HE*t h .?' 9() t{ ti .ct lr.Fl .P.tt kF{ g{ aioi"jt. E Fr38S€ Frn.iqid H bd..qfi F 3c,o,H SFfI 3.rEdg 3 8sff, 31ts d oo\o\ F{ 5N froFE0,{)Aq) v) F{ o.P 0,qf{{rtd6o'r{F|.OO\F{flH sF{FqFI :.. .': :i:' \ :.i: .' '+' .:.:.' :1 , , :.: ]i :, TOWN OF BRECKENRIDGE August 14, 1989 llr. Brlan Ealdorson AB Petroleu[ 1245 lfest Alaneda Denver, Cotorado . gOZ2g Dear Mr. f,aldorson: J$nk vog for your lnguiries of last week regarding the Breckenrldge sign code.I hope the folloring will adequately ansrer your guestions, You -iEflrenove vour extsttng gas prlce slgn and reprace it with a sinilar type ofslgn at vour putrp stana. o"; d"ill;-siaJd non-rtiumlnaied srsn of ls squarefeet per slde is allored aa an exenpt sign for the purpose of displaying gasprrces._ -Please keep in arnd that translucent internarly llt slgns of any kindare prohlblted. I understanq you ntght have sone dlfficulties nounting the gas price sign as onedouble elded sign. r an wllllng to work rrth you on an arternate neans ofnountlog tbe two faces of this slgn. The.Breckenrldge stgn code sets strict limits on the total anount of slgn areathat any one buslness nay display. ihe existing signs identifying conoco andu-Gas-u! use all of the slgn area avallable for-your business. The nrerchandiserboxes, puDp toppers and- wlndow signs identrrvfnc your produsts are not allowedunder our code. The.other gas stitl0ns ln Town face the sane rinits. rf you requlre further assrstance, please contact ne at this offrce. Slncerely, Don.Seten, Departlent 150 SKI HILL ROADOPOST OFFICE BOX I6S.BRECKENRIDGE, coLoRADo 80424.(303) 453.2257