HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O COMMON 1974-1984+ MEMORANDUM April 18, .l984 T0: Plann'i ng and Environmental Commission FR0M: CommunityDevelopmentDepartment SUBJECT: Pub'l ic hearing and consideration of a request for minor subdivjs'ion of Lot 0, Block 5-D of Vail Village First F.i ling.Applicants: Vail Village Inn, Inc. and JAMM ltd. THE REQUEST The purpose of the request is to subdivr'de off these two phases so they can be sol d. RECOMI'JENDAT ] ON The Community Development Department recommends approval of the minor subdivisionrequest. Conditjons of approval are noted below: l- That a revocable right of way permit be applied for, reviewed, and ifthere are no problems, approved before signing of the p1at. part of theAlpenrose outside deck js on [ast Meadow Drive. 2. That a-parking.agreement be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorneyregardj ng parking for Phases I and Ii within the spbcial Development - District. The. agreement should state that required parking for'phasesI and II will be provided within special Doveiopnrent'District #6acceptable to the Town of Vail. A1 so, that or.rners and tenants of spacewith'i n Phases I and II and users of the businesses or the residentiilunits can use the parking spaces (possibly on a charge basis). 3. The cross easements for use by owners and pedestrians must be providedto jnsure the entire SDD functjon as one project. This should be reviewedand approved by the Town Attorney. N0TE: Phases I and II have been constructed as to plans approved by the Townof vajl under Special Development District #6, and tirer:e is noadditional gross residential'floor area or commercial space remainfng. tr tJ.' I fD\/af?(rrFrlF TO: FROM: SUB,I ECT: MEMORANDUM April 18, 1984 Planning and Environmental Conmission Cornmunity Development Department Public hearing and consideration of a request for minorsubdivision of Lot 0, Block 5-D of Vail Vi'llage First Filing.Applicants: Vail Vi'llage Inn, Inc. and JAMM [td. THE REQUEST Requested is a minor subdivision for Lot 0 of Block 5-D of vail village FirstFiling. The request is to take the existing phases I and II which coitainapproximately 3,31 5 square feet of residential use and four units and22,601 - square feet of commercial use. Phases I and II would contain approxi-mately-28,780 square feet of land. The phases are part of the vail villile InnSpecial Deve'lopment District #6. The.purpose of the request js to subd'ivide off these two phases so they can besold. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the minor subdivisionrequest. Conditions of approval are noted below: l. That a revocable right of way perm'it be applied for, reviewed, and ifthere are no problems, approved before signing of the plat. part of theAlpenrose outs'ide deck js on East Meadow Drive. 2. That a.parking_agreement be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorneyregarding parking for Phases I and II withiir the splcial Development'District. The agreement shou'ld state that requirei parking for'phasesI and II will be-provided within Special Deveiopment'District #6 .. acceptable to the Town of vail. Also, that owners and tenants of spacewithin Phases I and II and users of the businesses or the residentialunits can use the parking spaces (possibly on a charge basjs). 3. The cross easements for use by owners and pedestrians must be providedto insure the entire SDD function as one project. This should'be reviewedand approved .by the Town Attorney. NOTE: Phases I and II have been constructed as to plans approved by the Townof Vail under Special Development District #6, and there is iroadditional gross residential'floor area or commercial -space remaining. I.t DECLARATION CONCERNING PARKING WITITIN SPECIAL DEVETOPI'{ENT DISTRICT 6 NOw, THEREFoRE, it iE agreed as follows: l. Declarant, as the present owner of that portion of the THIS DECLARATION is nade and entered into rhis 6th day ofJulyz 1984 by VAIL VILLAGE INN, INC., a Colorado Corporationr-and iIAMMT LTD., a Partnership (together hereinafter referred to as "Declarant n ) WHEREAS' ordinance No. 7, series of L976 establlshed specialDeveropment District 6 ('sD6o) pursuant to the zoning ordinan-ce of theTown of vailr colorado, for the purpose of ensuring itre unified andcoordinated development and use ot Lhat site within ttre Town of vairbeing a part of Lot O, Block 5-D of Vail Village First Filing, whichis conmonly known as the Vail Village Inn; and . WHEREAS' said ordinance treats the entire property as a rshorein regard to the parking requirenents of, SDE; and WHEREAS, the above mentioned ordinance establishing sD6recognizes and anticipates that the development of SD6 witt Ue done inphases; and wgEREAs, Declarant has requested approval of the Town of vailfor a minor subdivj.sion of a part of Lot. o, Brock 5-D of vail vilrage {+r*.Fi}ing' whlgh.property constitutes tire sDG zone or deverop*-rrtdistrict, to subdivide iaid-property so that the existing phasei r andrr (rParcel ro) of the vail Vittage-rnn deveropment woutd ue regalryseparated from the renainder of bhe property; lnd , WHEREAS, the proposed developnent pran as referred to in saidordinance has cont,enplated that all parking required for thedevelopment of sD5 be contained within the-phas-es of vail village Lnndenominat,ed as phase III2 phase IV and phasl Vi and WHEREAS, the existing property comprising phases I and II ofthe vail village rnn, when considereo as i sepaiate property, does not Provide separately for parking for owners, tenants ana users of thebusiness and residential uniti wlthin saiil Fhases r and Ir of [ne- vailVillage Inn; and - WEEREAS' Phase rrr of the vail village rnn deveropment withinhas been previousry subdivided and whicf, phase provi-des p.;ii;rlythe parking reguirements within SD6i and . WHEREAS, Declarant is presently the owner of all propertycornprising the existing phases r, rre rv and v of the valr ir:.rrige tnn(SD6) developnenti and WHEREAS, the Declarant desires Eo ctarify and give notice topresent and future owners of parcels of property within sDE concerningparking obligations and rights within saiO distiict. sD6for lr I't described property which comprises.Phases IV and V (nParcel IIr') of the Vail Village Inn development plan for SD6r acknowledges and agreesthat any additional parking reguired to satisfy the overall parking requirement for. the SD6 district under the development plan must be included in the development.plan of Phases-IV-and V of the VaiIVillage.Inn. .. ,:. . .. 2. In accordance with the agreenent that such addi.tionalparking, as may be: required.pursuant: to paragraph.l-aboye will providefor:lbe: parking-for Phases, I and..IIr.-.9lyners;9f prpperty. wlthin PhasesI'and:II and usetrs of the:businesFes or the residential units within Phagesr.I and."II.shall:,haye:a right to use such parking Epaces provided on"those.terms and conditions as are reasonably established by the Ownetri,or: owners of Phases IV_ and. Y, which use shall not unreasonablydiscrininat,e against Phases I and II includingr without specificlinitatione -.the right bp. sharge e: feg. fg.r th-q. $Fe 9f such parking EPaCe. Or' Spaces. ..;. ,.; : - :'.:. - _ _ :.; ,3'.., .llhe provisions of; this-DecJ.afation ghall be deemed realcovenants, sha11::tun.w.ith the. l.and, and g[s11 benefit and burden therespective parcels described herein. "4". . .The provisipns of. this. Des:laration shall pe binding upon theDeclaranll itc- Fucge.sFor€, .asE.lgns-End trans-ferees-. ., -. - . .:::-. :.-- -... ,..-.- ;'-r'j: - J:..i... --.: -. . ...:: : -*: - .- 5. ".The,.Br.ovisions gf this Dec.lar3tion -Fhall not be amendednithout. the prior written- conaenl of. the*To!r.n. of Vail, a nunicipal corp.oration, which eonsent shalI=.not. be unreasonably withheld. 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ThiS a.gre.ernent is signed this 6th day of July.i:.1984, .la).', -.:. . . VAIL VILLAGE INN, INC., A . Colorado CorPoration JAI{M, LTD.' a partnership esident Partne By: I r'r ? ss" ssrorn. to before me IN THE COUNTr OE €a(, rhis W aay of Jul</ , l9B{ uy-T*f, virr.e.e rr,.r,o Corporation, Ry Josbf Staufer, its presid,ent. nnKll arra A. l'ffi Notary Rhonda L. PettitAddresss Box 374-i1257 Jackrabbit d and otficial seal. Edwards, CO 81632 0) STATE OF Colorado).:. . ct"giia:., :--.-... ):.SS eOtNTY:O!. Easle" . ) :r., Subscribed and sworn.to before,.ne [N-THE COUNTY OF EaEle STATE;OF col-oracip tbis glhday ofpartnership. bv Josef Staufer. ( , 1984 by JAliNi, LTD., apartnership. by Josef Staufer. $eneral Partner Addreis: Box 374-#257 Jackrahbit csz Edwards, CO 81632 2: 15 3:00 pm pm P'lanning and Environmental Cormission April 23, 1984 Site Inspections Publ ic Hearing TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED 3. 4. 5. I. Approval of minutes of April 9. Change of date for meeting during the week of Memorial Day. 2. Request for an exterior alteration in order to add four dwellingunits to the concert Ha]l plaza Building at 616 west l.ionsheadCircle. Applicant: Selby-Tofel Associites Request to rezone Lot 3, vai] village lJest Filing No. 2 from Greenbeltand Natural 0pen Space_to Two-Famity fi*mary/Sec6ndary. Applicant:Elmore Group Ltd, iba,Elmore and Asiociates Request for a stream setback variance in order to build a dwellingon Lot 2, Vail Vil lage l.lest Fi'ling No. 2. Appl icant:The ElmoreGroup, Ltd, dba Elmore and Associites Cascade Vil'lage Project (SDD#4) requests: P. Amendment to peymit addit'ional conunercial and convention space.b. Request for a minor subdivision to incorporate two adjaceniparcels into sDD4 and to rezone these paice'ls fron ReiidentialCluster to SDD4.c. Request for a height varjance of four feet for the Terracetling.projec!, proposed to be located directly east of theWestin Hotel. Applicant; Mansfield, Ltd. {.1eque-st to rezone lots 7, g, and 9, Block H, Vail das SchoneFi'ling No. 2 from Residential-primary/SeconOaiy to SpeciaiDevelopment District and a concurreni'request ?or a i.rinorsubdivision to combine the three 'lots into one. Applicant:l,l and l.l Associates 7. Request for a minor subdivision on Lot 0 of Vail Village lstFiling' vail village Inn. Applicantr JAMM Ltd and vai't vitlageInn, Inc. 6. o DATE tlUA. APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REViEI^' (4 or fevrer 'lots) MA6T Jvc, AfAh h l#,rro*, l+16'St I t-NAI'IE OF MAIL ING APPL ICANT It ADDRESS I,,/t. l, PHONE PROPERTY OI,INER S IGNATURE ADDRESS I A' 'int or. type D. LOCATION LOTS PROPOSAL BL0cKS-,J6,L suBDrvrsr'N htu Vtvt lG{ ,,r,*n I f 4 /Y/J/ t /Jf1aterl/u-f - ,,'7 The subdivjder sha'l 'l submit three (3) copies, two of which must be my1 ars, 9f the proposai following the requirements for a final plat as found-inSection 17,16.1 30 of the Subdivision Reguiations, Certbin of these requirements Fy !e waived by the zoning administrator and/or the plannjng and EnvironmentalCommission if determined not applicabie to the project. An environmental report nay be required if so stipulated under chapter 1g.56Environmenta'l Report of the zoning code. The Department_of community_Deve1 opment wj1't be respons.i ble for see.ing thatthe approved plat is promptly recorded with the eigie couniy cferi-dnd neioraer. Include a list of all adjacent property owners and their rnailing addresses. UT o E. FEE $]00.00 PArD F.MTERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED , I. G. H. B. NAME OF APPLICANT,S RTPRESENTATIVE }qd C'c*(Ail M,qIL ING C. NAME OF 0hl'lER'S MAILING ADDRESS tv vtwfr\ PHONE VAIL VILLAGE INN LOT 0 BL0CK 5D, Vail Village lst Adjacent property owners Lot N Conrad, Phy1'lis, Douglas and Katrina llerkel Box 1797 Vai'l Co 8.|658 Lot l'l VVI Lot P Crossroads, Ltd.|43 East Meadow Drive P.0. Box '1228 Vail Vail 81657 Lot I Kiandra Talisman 20 Vail Road Vai I Lot K Village Center Fred Hibberd 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Village Center Condo Assoc Cecil Dotson P.0. Box 187 Vail Co 81658 Vi'l'lage Center Shops Box 667 Vai I Village Center Condo Assoc, P0 Box 2060 Vaill Co 81658 O frip4a-ryW +6'!AEAI'8H fi8?*?iYR'i'b5-fi5+UAi u 5i'*4 7/?/f/ ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DATE 07 /o6/84 PERMIT NO. LTD. Fence t'Jalrl Other w...-T- OWNER OF ADDRESS NAI4E OF ADDRESS PROPERTY JAIil;i OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED .|00 E. lleadow Drive, Vail Colorado AppLICANT JAl,,it"{, LTD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY TO BE(Attach description on separate SERVED:See [xhi-bit A attached. r: ereto neces sary Corner Lot Inside lot DESCRTpTToN 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) rNTo RrcHT_oF_t,lAyAttach pt ans s howij's ";."i;'.il;i,' pilil"i;"T i #: -lii"#rfol*l* meters, polices, manholes, any other-aiteciea apurtenance in ttre piolor dimensioned) and section(s) as werr ui-"ievi[;;;; i;;-.;pilciniuii er-arrecreo apurtenance in the project area we I I as e levat ions (if appl icable). D0ES STRUCTURE;PRESENTLY EXiST? , yes PROPOSED DATE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION N/A Si gna rship,shown both signatures to (to scale i;ri?::;i"l;:::! :l lfi.,lil:"'e of a revocable permit for ihe structure above indicated, l' lhat the structure herein authorized.on a revocab'le permit basis is restricted_ exclusively to the .l and uOou"'i"i..ln"a.2' lffiit:litffirmit ii ii'it"i"ip..ii\..riv to the type of structure des*ibed in this3' That the aooricant-sha11 notify tn:^]"y-Iir?g".,,or-his du]y authorized agent, twentv. iii;"ilifi ;lr'SJ;;ji";;;li.;+h1". commencement or constr-uction, in-o"ou" that prolere' Inar the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of vail from andagainst a'r 'r crains, iuits, ;ur;;;;, costs, rosses und-.*p.nrus in any manner resultingfffii,li]|t!?J:lror, o; ;o;;.ii"l'*i*' iri" """.ii"n-or maintenance -or the above5' That the permit tuy b" revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruction, or.other struiiure"cJnstitutes ; ;;i;;;;, destroys or impairs theuse of the right--of-way bv th"-puir i., .onititri"r".'irurfic hizard, oi-il," propertyupon which the encroachment, obitruction, "" iirritire exists is required for use iy li: ?;ilt:i i;.,il ';t-;;'";;;i;; ut u'iv-ti,,u;;;";;v reason deemed sufficient6' That applfcant wiii remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within.ten.davs-ifi"""ri.uiiins-noii."-;i'iiy.uuo.atjon of siia permit.7' That in the event.saio "remivii'"i"ip. ";;r;;;fi;ri, lilrtrr.tion, or structure is notaccornplished wjthil i!: l;; Jivi' ih" torn is r,"""rlv-authorized to remove same andapplicant aqrees to reimburs"-ih" io*n;;; i;"";;iiroi r.io removar. The Town shar.lhave the riitrt to tuke un-iii";;;"; aga'nst-tnu-p.op.rty and coilect the costs of remova.lfn the same manner as general tuiei ur" colrected- : ll;i,l|fi.i"rmit so issi.J-ii'noi^irrisn"bi;,-;;-;s issued sorery to the undersisnede' Il"lnl!t.;Fil::?ljrftt read and understands an or the terms and conditions set rorth 10. Soecia'l Cnndi+innc. This nenmi t- sha-t'l ho rroo-a,r ^^^.: --^r ,r--, 'I ; I I I I a I APProved:DATE opment DATE r. J EXHIBIT A TO APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERI,IIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUELIC RIGET.OF-T{AY Legal Description: A PART OF LgI Or BLOCK 5-D, VAIL VILTAGE FIRST FILING, SOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, EEING TEE BUSINESS I{ORE COMITTONLY KNOWN AS TTHE TEAROOI,I ALPENROSE. ' EXHIBIT B fO APPLICATION FOR REVOCAELE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBIJIC RIGHT-OI'-WAY Description of Structure or Item(s) into Right-of-9lay: The encroachment or encroachnentE into the right-of-way are as follows: l. A portion of the South patio of the Tearoom Alpenrose encroaches onto East lteadow Drivei 2. A portion of the roof overhang encroaches over East Meadow Drive. l, i' : +6'lAEIT'8il ffi?*lFYf iu!i-[E+UAI ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DATE o?/06/84 PERMIT NO. LTD. Fence Wal l other 4 _-- ObINER OF PROPERTY JAI' ADDRESS OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED 100 E. l''leadow Drive, Vaj_1, Colorad.o NAME OF APPLICANT JAl.il,4, LTD. ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY TO BE(Attach description on separate SERVED:Sde Exhibit A attached, r. ereto sheet if necessary DESCRIPTI0N 0F srRUcruRE 0R ITEM(s) INT0 RIGHT-0F-WAy .soo r.**:lp]:l:^:l",jlg':l:.;:Fili;,p;;;;.i;"i;il:-;ii.ffimeters, polices, manhotg:, 9ny othei" attecied apurtenuni" in il;";;"j".r";;;.or dimensioned) and section(s) as wett as elevJii";; iii-upp'ri.ini.jl- Corner Lot Inside lot DOES STRUCTURE ;PRESENTLY EXIST? , YCS pRoposED DATE FoR coMMENcEMENT 0F CoNSTRUcrIoN N/t 'l,,od hl:r atni--..i*__{r_-* evny6rants,(to scal e i;r;i::;f"l;:::l :l ili.,JiiY'"'e of a revocabre permit for t'he structure above indicared, ] ]l:i":*"iJ"i:'iffi l:;;t:r3;:n::l::ir:X." revocabre permit basjs is restricted2: ]i;it:litffrmit ii ii.itii"ip".Tii."tiy'to *,e type or structure des*ibed in this3' That the appricant-shal1 not'fv ,n:^Ioll_!inager,,or-his dulv authorized agent., twenty " Iili"ilifi ;il'3:';::""il;lf"ii*" ro' .o""'.8,n"'it"ir'const.-uction, jn-order that proper4' That the appiicant ugt""i iot;"i.rnirv and save harmless the Town of vail from andi:il:'i,^?ll":':JT';,1';:';"lruirn;,;i;;ii.ini:i,:[,":-fi:r;;:.]r.r"r,,iili"roresu,tins _ identified sfructure.5' That the permit may be revoked whenever jt is determined.that the encroachment,obstruction, or.otter tt.uiir""".Jnstitutes ; ;;i;;;:;, destroys or impairs theuse of the right-of-war bv ihe-puuiii, .orttitiri.r".'lraffic hazard, or the propertyupon which the encroaci,*ui,t, ouiiruction, o.'Ji"ritr." exists is required for use BJ li: ?:iltii ilii: ilt-b;'";;;;; at aiy-time;;;";;y reason deemed sufficient6' That appiicant wirr remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within.ten.davs-ifiu""""."ivi;;-;";;;"";i'iiy ".uo.ation of said permit.7' That in the event.suia-;etivii'oi'ii,u .ni"ouih*uni, oil;r"r.tion, or structure is notaccomp'lished withil lt i;; aivi' tt'" il""-ii"i,"".iv"i"thorjzed to remove same andapplicant agrees to reimburs. it,u iorn ro" il,e"iosi'oi'ruid removal . The Town shallnave the riqht to make an uii*ituni aga;nst-[ie"n."o;;a, and col.rect the costs of remova]in the same manner as general tails a.e corected. : l!;i,:$.i"rmit so lssueJ-ii 'oi^Ii'in;"ai;;-;"';"is issued solery to the undersisnede' Il'hllt.;i?lJ:i?j":"t read and understands at't of the terms and conditions set forth gnat rship,shown bo Approved: ni ty DATE opment s i gnatures DATE a EXHIBIT A TO APPLICATION FOR REVOCABTE PERMIT TO ERECT OR II{AINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBI,IC RIGHT-OF.WAY Legal Description: A PART OF TJOT O, SLOCK 5-D, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, TOWN OF VAIIJ, COUNTY OF EAGLE, BEING THE BUSINESS !.IORE CO!4}IONLY KNOWN AS TTHE TEAROOII ATPENROSE. N EXHIBIT 8 TO APPI,ICATION FOR REVOCABI..E PERMIT TO ERECT OR UAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Description of St,ructure or Iten(s) into Right-of-Way3 The encroachment or encroachments into the right-of-way areas follows: I. A portion of the South patio of the Tearoom Alpenrose encroaches onto East l-{eadow Drivei 2. A portion of the roof overhang encroaches over East MeadowDrive. [uun 75 soulh |tontage rd' vrll. colotado 81657 (303) 475-7000 department of community development January 4, .|983 #eria-*rOel+ Anbrosja l7A East Meadow Drive Vai1, Co'lorado 81657 Dea r l4s$rb : Yn o-"'*-t''- This]etteristojnformyouoftheprocedurethatwill.befol.lowedbythe Deoartnent of Conrnunity Development ""ii"ains i1,1e911 :19::' Starting im- ffifi;;;.iy, ii, *iii'-rt"ictty adhere to.the pr6cedures out'lined within the Vait Municipal Code-wiri.n itut" tfrat ii"is'unii*iuf to-displav any sign within the town without ""."iuing-io*n oi-.Vaii approvat. V-io'latjons are subiect to pena'lty and,/or ii.", iia we wif l begin''issuing summons fo1i11ega1 signs' In the past we have relied on a cooperative spirit.in having s'igns that were i.l.leqal removed *iihori'iin"'o" p.nrttv. The'pro'liferation of cha'lk boar<ls and iemporarV alspiai-fioi"ljt ind'the "ip.ui"i IiipfuV of these signs by several businesses r,u, ,"ruii"i"in"ir""i"iliio"-io-ii.icti.y -enforce the sisn code requlatjons. These types of signs are noi iitowea-. Each restaurant and/or ii;'ir;ii;w"a'a-iiue square foot display-box in which_to post menus' current entertainment, specia'ls, etc. (see attached information'1 ' If you have any quest'ions regarding exactly the-type and number of signs vou are allowed, o""*i"il iii" io ipplv to the Delisn l:Ylt* Board for a 'diloi;; ;;,1;";i;.;; ;;i;.;'iii"' --ni'hf vou ror vour cooperation' I hope you have a happy and a prosperous New Year' Tovn Planner PJ:br Encl . o Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board .t i Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Io ffiE t/6tr.-= 1'-r.tt -''.. *.4+-tiidtt'rsFtl.*-c \ \?t4sl(]i-q (J s_*l o'Itf Itryt*g lF$# I \rf\l<*-a i I I I I \r\ll\--+Fn) I : h il rfll W :* | 'l- -. ; ,- 'il \r aal \T :.t lJ UI p 3r a 0/Du,.-2. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 April 30, 1979 department of community development Mr. Joe StauferVail Village Inn Inc. Box 157Virll, CO 81657 Re: Recreation tr'ee Credit Dear Joe: After having reviewed the Change Order Form from llyder Construction Company, I have determined that you areentitled to the 752 refund as requested. This refundis for a total of $0,918.75. In figuring out the total credit remaining, the $61 ,OOOas the cost of the Health Spa has subtracted from it $18r450 which represents twice the original recreationfee paid Leaving a total remaining baLance of $42r25O.This balance can be used for future phases. fn explanati.on of the above figures, the Recreation Fee Ordinance states that the basic credit shall be calculatedusing 50% of the cost of the recreational amenities pro- vided. If you have any further questions, please Let me know. Sincerely, f\-- - n A.,(FYl-- - ztt -.!/*". A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR: caj Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owngr Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^," Tl ,.ltt Seconded by:-r: DISAPPROVAL Ll tn aul i w"r o^ ,- o,^io JSummary: Chief Building Official O '-! t' ,,1*fu "i"t 'l RESOLUTION Series A R.ESOLUTION AI4ENDING THE DEVELOPI4ENT PI,AN PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FOR SPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 6 TO ALTOW FOR EXTERIOR REMODELINGI CHANGE TO THE EXISTING ROOF LINE AND THE ADDITION OF 4 ACCOMMODATION UNITS TO BUILD- // rNG No. 5, vArL VTLLAGE rNN &,A&, .*5- .? t**41 c-a WHEREAS, Building 5 of the vail village Inn will be the last portion of the existing development to be removed; WHEREAS, certain remodeling has been proposed for Building 5 which is not in conformity to the Development PIan for Special Development District 6 which was previously approved by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Staff and Planning Commission have reviewed the proposed amendment to the Development Plan for Speeial Development District 6 and have recommended approval thereof; NOW, THEREFORE' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOI^IN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: (1) The Town CounciL finds and declares that the amendment to the Development Plan for Special Development Dis- trict 6 should be approved. (2) The amendment to the Development Plan proposed for the purpose of remodeling the exterior of Building 5, Vail Viltage Inn, altering the existing roof line and adding 4 accom- modation units is hereby approved. TNTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 18th day of April , 1978. ATTEST: No. q of LTTf )^,rl' ,u I'1" ,il' ,^-or I V Town Clerk Mayor \ \ R.L. Mlliano Box 8259 Denver, Colorado 80201 Dear Mr. Miliano: This l-etter is in regards to your proposed location of a store, Spiccioli, in the Vail Village Inn Arcade- you that this store is not losated wlthln P1ain as defined 1n the Gore Creek Flood Report prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. in 1975. If you have any questions, pl-ease let me know. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I can assurethe 100 Year FloodPlain Information JAR/di box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 I t-' 'ames A. Rubin lanner office of the town manager September 22, L977 n- p,/-,- o4'/ MEETING:DATE OT M Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd. eUe Strapiro ^L€ TAKEN BY BOARD: APPROVED: I}ISAPPROVED:I ACTION SBCONDED BY: ABSTENTION: SUMMAEY: W .. at5 7 l-...- ^ttitilt li uiii box 100 vail. colorado 81557 (303) 476-s613 Hyder Constructj-on 4850 Jackson Street De.nver, Colorado 80216 ATTI'{: Ms. Bonnie Thompson Dear Bonnie: Thank you for yoiir proinpt response construction costs related to the Valhalla Projects VAIL VTLLAGE I}iN PI{ASE I original permit va.luation actual cost (per your records) var i at ion additional building permit due additional plan check fees due total due (VVI) VALIIAI,LA LODGE NE]NODI'L original permit valuatj-on actual c.ost (per your records) variat ion additional building permit due aciditional plan check duetotal due (VALIIALLA) GNAI.ID TOTAL 268. 95 300. 30 office of the town manager June 2, J-977 regarding the updating of Vail Village Inn and the $628,00O. OO 791, O00.00 163 , 000. 00 163.00 105.95-26g:6{ $600,000.00 782 , 000. oo 182 , 000. 00 182. OO 118.30-300:30 total due VVI tota] due Valhalfa s69.25 a Ilycler Construction June 2, l-977 Page 2 Vail- would also above projects any questions on The Town of costs on the Fees. If you have 476-5613. request that you for reassessment break out actual of Electrical Permit this matter,please contact me at Sincerely, DEPARTIYIENT OF Building Officia I{FP/ j ek 7 Abey April 25, 1977 l,lr. Ross Cooney Cooney Wadman Dalton 1737 15th Street. Boulder, Colorado 80302 l4r. William J. Ruoff, AIA Drawer 2178 Vai1. Colorado 81657 Hre :Vail Village Inn : Phase 2 Dear Ross and Bill: Thank you very much for sending drawings, slides and the black and white photographs. I continue to be impressed wj-th the project and the emergence of a contemporary village with a strong historic flavor. It's very difficult to create something that fits well in either the ITth or 20th century, but it seems to be happening. My comments are very few for overall it feels good: 1. The base of unit H feels abrupt. I cannot read well where the lower floor windows are. It seems that this is an important facade and shoulil be quite open - the view in and out can be How about pull.ing the steps out and run them along the south face? This might relieve the abruptness and create a nicer plaza space. 2. The buildings all seem a bit bulkier than the original model ( orawing,/I'Iode I "D" , dated April 5 r 7, 1976) , and the central plaza space a bit tighter. You night look at that space very carefully, and consider widening it by about 4r. Please check sun angles, try to determine where a few key trees might be placed and judge its scale with all ingredients present. The slight step back of the second story in some places does help. Iandscape Architects: Principals: ,Associates: 225 Miller Avenue !1nd Planning Roben Ro'ston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design -Asa Hsnamoro ASLA Robert T. Balterton ASLA Californiag4g4l Park Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W Cirvin ASLA 415 383t900 Environmenral Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA l.ouis C. Aliey AIA Patricia Carlisle AsLA Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Mr. Ross Cooney 1,1r. WiLliam J. Ruof f o Many windows at the lower leve1 will open the space greatly. That is hard to read from the photographs. Any balconies or dormers at the second leve1 to chanse scaLe? That is all. It feels very qood and I reconmend that the Desj.gn Reviev, Boardt Planning Conunission and Town Council all give their respective stamps of approval. The Phase Two is consistent with the previous special Development District approvals. Best of luck. Thank s for keeping me posted. VaiI, but will let you know if plans change. I have no schedule to appear in -2-ApriL 25, !977 3. Diana Lamont Toughi 11 S tauffer Beck /x, Mr. Job No. January v7-7 27, 1977 EASEMENTS (1) A part of East Meadow Drive Right-of-Way as platted in Vail Vi11age, First Filing, Town of Vail, EagJ"e County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Comnencing at the Southeast corner of Lot O, of said Vall Vi1lage, First Flling; thence N 82o35t00rr W and along the Northerly line of sald Right-of-Way and along the Southerly line of sald Lot O, I35.38 feet to the true point of beginnlng; thence concinuing along saLd Right-of-Way and along sald Southerly line N 82"35r00" w 8.50 feet; thence S 17o36t00" E 3.59 feet; lhence N 72"24 r00" E 7.7O feet to the true point of beginnlng. (2) A parc of East Meadow Drive Right-of-Way as platted in Vail Vl11age, First Flllng, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, more parcicularly descrlbed as follows: Cormrencing at the Southeast corner of Lot O, of said Vail Village, First Filing; thence N 82o35'00" W and along Ehe Northerly line of said Right-of-Way and along the Southerly line of said LoE O, 165.88 feet to the true polnt of beginning; thence conEinuing along said Rlght-of-Way and along said Soucherly line N 82o35r00" w 26.29 feet to a point of curve; thence 36.21 feet along the arc of said curve and continuing along said Rlght-of-Way and continuing along said Southerly 1ine, said curve having a radius of 545-87 feet ro the 1eft, a central. angle of 3"48'03" and whose long chord bears N 84"29102" w 36.20 feet; thence S 03o36r57" ll 4.25 feet; thence S 76"3f'19" E 31 ,71 feet; thence N 72"24t00" E 19.00 feet; Ehence S 17"36'00" E 5.00 feet; thence N 72'24 r00" E 12.50 feet Eo the true poinE of beginning. (3) A part of East Meadow Drive Right-of-l^/ay as platted in Vail Village, First Filing, Town of Vail , Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as fol lows : Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot O, of said Vail Vil1age, First Filing; thence N 82035'00" I^I and along the Northerly line of said Rlght-of-Way and along the Southerly line of said Lot 0, L92.L7 feet to a point of curve; 97,2I teet along the arc of said curve and continuj.ng along sald Right-of-Way and along said Southerly 1ine, said curve having a radius of 545.87 feeE to the 1eft, a central angle of 10"12'13" and whose long chord bears N 87"41'07" W 97.08 feet to the true poinr of beginning; thence continuing along said Right-of-Way and along said Soucherly line 48.00 feeE along the arc of a 545.87 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 5"02'1B" and whose long chord bears S 84"41'38" w 47.99 feet; thence S 07"4913r" E 2.00 feet; Ehence N 87o48'40" E 41 ,77 feetl thence N 02'47'13" w 4.60 feet to ttre true point of beginning. t DATE OF I{EETING: DESIGN REVIElV BOARD ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: 7J f)^. MOTION: ,,-/grgWTr SECONDED Bvt rA/'?zr-iQ ,r-1 MENTBERS PRESENT /{r ,r->r-r= VOTE: FOR: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROViiD: l 11 A T I\TQ,TI 'It\ln!!t r., r SUlrll'IARY: DESIGN REVIBW BOARD I DATE OT MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD; MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: aff *y SECONDBD BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVED: II ^-.. g -'o ro tr lntryn TO: FROM: box 100 rail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 IIEMO William J, Ruoff Drawer 21,78Vall, Colorado 81657 Wi111am Pierce Building Official Town of VailVail, Colorado 8L657 August 13, 1976 Plan check of VaiI Village office of the town manager Inn, Phase f Plans. DATE: RE: On August 13, 1976 this offlce completed revlew of working drawings for Vail Village Inn. Non-compliance with applicable codes includes the following ltems but is not li-mited to then, Item 1. Shingles to be fire retardant (Sec. L7O4>, Item 2. Dumbwaiter shaft to be t hour or may be unenclosed if lined on the inside w/gypsum wallboard, with such lini.ng covered with ... No. 26 sheet metal w/aLL joints ... locklapped. A11 openings ,..shall be protected by metal ... doors with . . .metal jambs. .. (Sec. 1706 exception2) (Note j-tem on plans). Item 3. Landing required at all stairs (Sec. 3303 (h)and Sec. 3305 (f)). Iten 4. Type V, one-hour building shall be of one hourfire resistive construction throughout, includingall structural pieces. (Sec. 22OL) and (Table 17-A), A11 handrails must return to the wal1 at top of stalrs (Sec. 3305 (i)).5.Item ftem 6. Iten 7. ftem 8. ftern 9. Item 1O. Item 1I. Item 12. Iten 13, Item 14, Item 15. Item 16. Item 17. Item 18. Bathrooms must have smooth, hard, non-absorbantflnish (Sec.1711) Uniform plumbing code requires plumbing fixturesin accord with appendix C of UPC, 1973 edition. Supports for 5/8" gypsum board shall not exeeed 16r'O,C. (Chapter 43) Spaces must be provided with adaquate ventilation' Oetaits must be shown for review.- (Se.. 1IOS) ) Ventilation must comply witb Section 1105 (2 air changes per hour or 1/16 of floor a.rea in openable sindows) Occupant Load Sign must be posted in assembly spaces with occupant load of 5O or more (Spaces 201, 203) (Sec. 3301 (i)) Doors must open in directiou of egress wben serving occupant load of 50 or more. (Sec. 3303 (6) ). Handrails should be between 30" and 34rt above tread (Sec. 3305 (i)), Ramp slope not to exceed 1in 8. (Sec. 3306 (c)). Exit illumination of 1 ft, candle is required when building is in use, to be on separate circuit or separate source of power. May use illuminatedexit signs (sec. 3312 (a)(b) ). Fire sprinkler systern required i.n basemeat (Sec. 3802(b)). Plan must be submitted. Insufficient information is provided on fireplace' approval not given 'L'v,'"vY) Glass in doors shal1 conform to table No. 54-D (tempered glass). Items listed above are reference on Town of Vail Copy of Drawings, please submit drawings for marking for your use. Note! Failure to list items of non compliance do not relieve either owtrer, architect, or contractor, from requirements of applicabLe codes. This memo shall constitute sufficient agreement for revisions; resubmission of plans is not required. ASSOCIATED DESIGN OFFIC: PLANNING . URBAN DESIGN . ARCHITECTURE 1737 15TH ST. BOULDER, CO 80302 . 447-94L8 447-22A7 DEVON M. CARLSON FAIA JOHN M. PROSSER AIA G. KAY VETTER AIA July 23, 7976 u6 Ms. Diana Touhi11, Zoning AdministraEor Town OfficesVail , Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: I am_intending to deliver the final Impact report on Mond.aythe 26th as I pass through VaiL heading West. I would like to call your attention co several things whichnee{ clarification. Under Ehe section on Noise there is afai$y larg,e reducEion in the ratings since my associateomitted a reduction factor to be applied rvhich I didnrt catch because of the deadline we thought we had to meet. In the section on air quality we were unable to get someweather data from a person in Fort Collins which was recofltrn-ended since he was on vacation. However, Mr. Holder feelsthe inforrnation would not be extensive enough Eo have beenappreciably significant. We are sure you will find the report satisfactory, evenconsidering the nurnber of assr"nptions that had to be made. We have exhausted all informational resourses and have used outr.4,professional judganents to the best of our abilities tomeet your requirernents. Perhaps I sha11 see you when I deliver the reports, if notI will leave them with some one in the office. very cruly yqurs, t-\ lt , .l G, Kay Vbtter, AIAec: Mr. Stauffer ?.s. Li .^,^-+^'-S* Ro ston . ,.^r!L *F H31ffi" il1t.6 \ Abey \J June 21, L976 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vat1 Vi I l age Inn Des'ign Revi ew Dear Terry: This letter is to summarize my corments to the Counc'il on June 1.5, 1976, and recommendations for approval of the Phase One Plan. Past actions of the Council have been to review the subm'ittals in reference to concept, bulk, mass, height, circulation, and appropriate- ness to overall community. The Phase One approval was based upon continuing compliance with these factors. In addition, the Phase One submittal was more complete in design detai'l and easier to understand as far as visual qualities, scale, and community appropriateness. My reaction was favorable and I wish to record the following specific op'inions for benefit of the Design Review Board, and the Town staff. These opinions were stated before the Council, and are a part of the publ ic record. Minor Problem Areas: 1. Visual 1y screen the rear service areas of the project. Insure that the project is thqrsugh and complete and a totally operating facility. It must be successful with- in itself, and not dependent upon future work. 2. Continued attention to wjndow s'ize and openness to the Tower Plaza is recommended. 3. The development must be coordinated with Meadow Drive improvements. Pavement materials will be brick and asphalt. tandscape AJchitects: land Planning Urban Design hrk Planning Environmental Planning Associates: 225 Mller Avenue llarold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robert T. Batterton ASLA California 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383t900 Robert g Sena ASLA Principals: Robert Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Etrdon Beck ASLA Kazuo Ab€y ASLA louis G, Alley AIA Patricia Carlisle ASLA i, Mr. Terrell J. Minger All in 1, a very handsome design. Si Wz HANAMOTO -2-June 21, 1976 Strong Points: 1. Facades are well scaled and totally in the Spirit ofVillage architecture. The design is a seriousarchitectural statement, not dolled up. The success of the project will come from its proportions, stepped arrangements, and general mass. 2. Direct and close relationship of the stores to Meadow Drive and the Tower Plaza is excellent. Shop visibility works wel'l . 3. The Tower is wel 1 proportioned and the eyebrow effect overthe windows is a sparkle of detail. 4. Preservation, enhancement and connecting to existing landscape to the east is excel1 ent. 5. The building and elevations are particu'lar1y good. These are the east and west elevations. The group of build'ingsis intended to be the terminus of shopp'ing a'long MeadowDrive, and the end visibility is particularly important. al ly bh cc:Mr. James Lamont Ms. Diana Toughill Mr. Ross Cooney Mr. t,'lilliam Ruoff Vail Design Review Board Mr. Joe Stanffen ''* t DESIGN BEVIEW BOA&D DATE MEETING IOF suBJECr , { );/no ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD; MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: ABSTENTION: AGAINST: SUlrlllARY: Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey April 15, 1976 Mr. James F. Department of Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado Re: Dear Jim: l-amont. Director Community Development 81557 Vail Village Inn - Deslgn Review On April 6 and 7, 1976, Bill Ruoff and Ross Cooney met with me in Mill Valley to review progress drawings for implementation of the first phase of the project. The following documents were discussed, modified, labeled and signed by me as representing satisfactory design progress: Drawing llArr - Schematic Building Massing Revised Drawing rrBtt - Phases I and 2 Schematic Plan Drawing t'Crr - Phase I Schematic Plan - Lower Level Drawing/Models trDrr and trErl Prel iminary Floor Plans - l/8 scale; Three Drawings The review of the design was primarily in reference to adherence to the overall project concept, to bulk, mass, height, and to circulation re- lationships. The drawings were not to a level of completion for response to detailed floor plans or elevations. My reactions are included on a drawing by drawing basis. Overall, I consider the design to be consistent with earlier Town approvals and find that Drawings A, B, C. and Massing Models D and E are acceptable sub- mittals. I assume that these documents are suitable for Council/Planning Board action. Landscape Architects: I-and Planning Urban Design hrk Planning Environmental Plannine hincipals: Rob€rt Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon Beck ASLA Igzuo Abey ASLA Louis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisl€ ASLA Associates: 225 Miller Avenue Ilarold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robert T. Batterton ASLA California 94941 ceorge W. Girvin ASLA 415 3E3{900 Roben S. Sena ASLA Mr. James F. Lamont -2-April 15, 1976 More detailed l/8 scale plans and elevations are necessary for Design Review Board action on the first phase. There is need for coordination between the Town and the development along East Meadow Drive. lt is possible to began coordinated design of the pedestrian precinct with construction of pavements and landscape fikefy in the Summer of 1977. lt is difficutt to see comptetion by the end of this summer. ln any case there is an opportunity to develop design jointly and to see a sharing of development. I will plan on being in Vail on April 22 and 23 if there are questions concerning this review. Sincerely, RqY^STON, HANAMOTO, BECK e ABEY Eldon Beck tm Mr. Terrell J. Minger, w/encl . Mr. Josef Stauffer, w/encl. Mr. William Ruoff, w/encl. Mr. Ross Cooney, w/encl . Ms. Diana Toughill, w/encl. Encl . . t- -ra- VAIL VILI.AGE INN - DESIGN REVIEW April 6 and 7, 1976 DRAWINC 'IAII - SCHEMATIC BUILDINC MASSINC REVISED A. First Phase commercial has extended to the east as required, in comparison with the March 16, 1975 approved Schematic Plan. The intent was to decrease the rrTower Plazarr size to improve scale and intensity of activity. The resultant space directs both circula- tlon and views to the southeast, toward the Village, which is a part of basic site design ciriteria. B. The vertical tower is well located in relation to the total space as seen from the hotel development, and as viewed along East Meadow Drive. C. The southeast end of the hotel ttstep downrt portion decreases properly In scale and concludes the rrTower Plazart space as discussed on March 16, 1976. D. The future phase commercial building grouping in the center of the site responds to discussions of March 16, 1976 and improves the overall plaza spaces. This grouping requires further study in re- lation to building function and proportion. E. The proposed third phase of commercial will be in the lower level of the ascending hotel complex. east wing. lt is well placed and would complete the shopping experience of the trTower Plaza.tt . The concept of a gradually rising plaza space, rather than that of a highly constructed appearing space, is excellent. F. The placement of Phase One which respects the Outback is good. The placement of Phase Two which respects the existing swimming pool location and the operations of the Vail Village Inn, as it exists, is also very good. G. The south facing store fronts, related walkways, and connection to the pavement of East Meadow Drive requires coordinated design be- tween the development and the Town. This is a part of the scope of work of the first phase of development, H. The rrTower Plazatr design relates directly to future design decisions of East Meadow Drive. This design requires coordinated effort be- tween the development and the Town. The final solution will pro- bably extend over the property line with a sharing of construction timing and construction costs. This is a part of the scope of work of a future phase of development. A. B. DRAWING''BII - PHASES I S 2 SCHEMATIC PI.AN Massing concept of Phase One is good. Center portion of the indicated future phase requires proportioning of the lntersection ilArr of spaces to create a node of more importance. This is a mid-point of interest, in effect a rninor ptaza rather than a portion of a widened space. DRAWING IIC'I - PHASE ONE SCHEMATIC PIAN - LOWER LEVEL Concept of using the existing paved parking area for service access is good. The service corridor between Phase One and the Outback respects phased growth in a highly logical manner and appears workable. There must be a successful interim visual termination to the northeast portion of this corridor as seen from upper levels of the Vail Village Inn. Points of entrance, windows, stairways, and floor elevations will be resolved in final design solution. The north and east walls of each space require special care in design for they must invite circulation of shoppers from the rrTower Plaza.rr The ascent must be gradual, there must be all of the quality visual elements in this north edge corridor which are exciting, friendly, warm, etc. The west end of Phase One requires successful interim visual termination of the project. Temporary landscape must be installed in lieu of the westernmost future building in at least a portion of the slte. A. B. c. D. DRAWING/MODELS "Drl AND rE'' A. The building massing is good and acknowledges the recommendations of previous discussions. ln that the westernmost building along East Meadow Drive is a future structure, the design of Phase One must successfully conclude the project in the event the final building is delayed or deferred. The detail must be sensitive to being com- plete and of itself. B. The variety in butk and roof pitch indicated by the model is good and represents a valid direction of design, C. The comments related to Drawings A, B, and C, all relate to this massing model . D. The model indicates the need to give particularly sensitive design thought to the east facing north side walls of Phase One (Drawing C, paragraph c). E. The heights are within the 2:l/2 level overage height, plus roof height, required by Council action of March 16. 1976. The Tower is within the spirit of the approval in terms of location and height. PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLANS - I/8 SCALE;THREE DRAWINGS A. The drawings are progress in reaching final plans and provide information as to shop arrangement and related spaces. B. The comments of Drawings A, B. and C, and Drawing/Model lrDrr and rrErr apply to these drawings as well. C. Particular emphasis is required in the study of floor elevations related to the street, the coordination of landscape along East Meadow Drive, and successful solution of the east end of the project as relat^d to the rrTower Plaza.t' This last statement is particularly important and deserves very careful design study. 't I VAIL VILI.AGE INN - DESIGN REVIEW April 6 and 7, 1976 DRAWINC ilAN - SCHEMATIC BUTLDING MASSINC REVTSED First Phase commercial has extended to the east as required, in comparison with the March 16, 1976 approved Schematic Plan. The intent was to decrease the rrTower Plazatr size to improve scale and intensity of activity. The resultant space directs both circula- tion and views to. the southeast, toward the Vi llage, which is a part of basic site design ciriteria. The vertical tower is well located in relation to the total space as seen from the hotel development, and as viewed along East Meadow Drive. The southeast end of the hotel [step downrr portion decreases properly In scale and concludes the rrTower Plazatt space as discussed on March 16. 1976. The future phase commercial building grouping in the center of the site responds to discussions of March 16, 1976 and improves the overall plaza spaces. This grouping requires further study in re- lation to building function and proportion. E. The proposed third phase of commercial will be in the lower level of the ascending hotel complex, east wing. lt is well placed and would complete the shopping experience of the ItTower Plaza.rr The concept of a gradually rising plaza space, rather than that of a highly constructed appearing space, is excellent. ? A. B. c. D. F.The placement of Phase One which The placement of Phase Two which pool location and the operations of is also very good. respects the Outback is good. respects the existing swirnming the Vail Village Inn, as it exists, c.The south facing store fronts, related walkways, and connection to the pavement of East Meadow Drive requires coordinated design be- tween the development and the Town. This is a part of the scope of work of the first phase of development. The rrTower Plazarr design relates directly to future design decisions of East Meadow Drive. This design requires coordinated effort be- tween the development and the Tswn. The final solution will pro- bably extend over the property line with a sharing of construction timing and construction costs. This is a part of the scope of work of a future phase of development, H. A. B. DRAW]NG IIB'I - PHASES I S 2 SCHEMATIC PIJN Massing concept of Phase One is good. Center portion of the indicated future phase requires proportioning of the Intersection nAr of spaces to create a node of more importance. This is a mid-point of interest, in effect a minor plaza rather than a portion of a widened space. DRAWINC IICII - PHASE ONE SCHEMATIC PI.AN - LOWER LEVEL Concept of using the existing paved parking area for service access is good. The service corridor between Phase One and the Outback respects phased growth in a highly logical manner and appears workable. There must be a successful interim visual termination to the northeast portion of this corridor as seen from upper levels of the Vail Village Inn. Points of entrance, windows, stairways, and floor elevations will be resolved in final design solution. The north and east walls of each space require special care in design for they must invite circulation of shoppers from the rtTower Plaza.rr The ascent must be gradual, there must be all of the quality visual elements in this north edge corridor which are exciting, friendly, warm, etc. The west end of Phase One requires successful interim visual termination of the project. Temporary landscape must be installed in lieu of the westernmost future building in at least a portion of the site. A. B. c. D. t ' DRAWING/MODELS 'IDII AND 'IE'] A. The building massing is good and acknowledges the recommendations of previous discussions. ln that the westernmost building along East Meadow Drive is a future structure, the design of Phase One must successfully conclude the project in the event the final building is delayed or deferred. The detail must be sensitive to being com- plete and of itself . B. The variety in bulk and roof pitch indicated by the model is good and represents a valid direction of design. C. The comments related to Drawings A, B, and C, all relate to this massing model . D. The model indicates the need to give particularly sensitive design thought to the east facing north side walls of Phase One (Drawing C, paragraph c). E. The heights are within the 2-ll2 level overage height, plus roof height, required by Council action of March 16, 1976. The Tower is within the spirit of the approval in terms of location and height. PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLANS - l/8 SCALE; THREE DRAWINGS A. The drawings are progress in reaching final plans and provide information as to shop arrangement and related spaces. B. The comments of Drawings A, B, and C, and Drawing/Model rrDlt and rrErr apply to these drawings as well. C. Particular emphasis is required in the study of floor elevations related to the street, the coordination of landscape along East Meadow Drive, and successful solution of the east end of the project as related to the rrTower Plaza.rr This last statement is particularly important and deserves very careful design study. t 7n; INDE)( \L Proposal L. Purchase Price and Financlng I"oss Carried t'orward Taxes Leases and Lease potential Average Occupaney Estimate Definitions, To\,rn of vail zoning ordinance, ordinance #8, Chart #l- : Existing Area Useag<j ana potential Area Development,Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance #9, Series 1973 Site Coveraqe .\a;Y,l tr Gross Residential Floor Area Setbacks Useable Open Space Parking Height Parking Data Useable Open Space Data Chart #2, Proposed Cost, Financing, Pl-at #1 Site Coveraqe PIat #2 Survey Commission Structure Qualification of Figures fuz6k ftlne Total Floor Area Building Nunber '& Demensions, Original& Approximate koperty Lines and, Profit of Addi-tion Series 1973 of VaiI ; Iot Designations o ? BYRON D. BROWN Box s47-vArL. coLoRADo 816s7 oFFTcETELE'H.NE:476.22'REAL ESTATE CO.Corner ol Bridge Street & Gore Croek Drivs Byron D. Brolvn Rea I Estate, Vail, Co lorado, is pleased topresent tlre Vail Village Inn for sale. This LO6 room motel, bar, and restaurant on 3.45 acres.in the center of Vail Village offers the developer an excellent opportunity for unequaled location and marketability. Encl-osed you will find the results of an initial study conducted by I4r. Byron D. Brown, I"lr. James J. Collins, and Mr. William H. Miller which graphically point out the valuablepotential of ihis choice property. The Vail Vilfage Inn is presently owned by VaiI Village Inn, Inc., a Colorado Corporation. The purchase of the stock of this corporation wilt provide ownership of the existing IO6 unit motel including the Vail Village Inn Coffee Shop' The Hub Room, The Outback Restaurant and T'heater, and several thousand square.feet of the most valuable land in Vail Village. Ttre enclosed graph and supplemental data pertaining to the VVI and Vail's newly enacted zoning ordinance are the reason for the value of this offering. Study carefully the definitions of "Floor Area , Gross Residential " and "S-i. be Coverage ". Specifically, the ability to increase both site coverage and gross residentj-a1 floor area with minimum demolition affcrds the buye;: a fully operational motel complex and the chance to enlarge exi-sting facilities extensively. TIIUS THE PRII"IE VALUE LIES NOT IN PURCHASING S]MPLY A MOTEL BUT IN THE FURTHER UTILIZA- TION OF UNDEVEI.OPED SQUARE FOOTAGE AVAII-,ABLE. Our extended development example inc ludes the construction of f:fty f,100 square foot units, each including two 350 square foot accommodatj-on units (i.e., I bedroom with l bath) and one d"velling unit of 400 square feet (i.e., a living room, dining roolllr bath, and kitchen). However, it must be realized that this model is used only as an example for the exercise. Considerations must be given to more productive use of existing facilities, develop- ment of addj.tional Ieaseable commercial strnce, and other means of resort hotel managernerit. I o PURCHASE PRICE & FINANCING AI1 outstanding stock of Vail Vj_1lage Inn, Inc., is offered forsale at $2,250,000.00. Terms are available as follows: 1. Notes Assumables $262,777.I8 (8.5%) Eagle Codnty Bank (Wesrland)* 4,o1 -d12-al (4.8%) First National Bank of Denver*500,000.90 (rc%) Note taken lrack by .Vall Villdge Inn, Ine.. $1, 164 ,25O.99 $l 085 749.OI Balance due in cash, conventional financing, etc. $2 ,25O , OOO. oO * Copies of existlng notes were unavailable at time of publication-It is presumed that they are assumable through the purchase ofcorporate stock hnd. the resulting assumption of corporation'|slong term liabilitie.s. obviously, attention must be trnid to therequirements of the respective lenders. IOSS CARRIED FORWARD As of June 30, ]-973 there exists acarried forward to the purchaser. advantages regarding tax treatmentments, etc loss of $234,I29.55 which will be We feel this will afford definite on .future income, interest pay- TAXES . Taxes will be paid,t-n oa 1974 on the following basis: I 90,280.00 Land 176, 950. 00 Improvements 267,23O.OO Real Estate Tax L972 - 923,369.26 ;_ $ 28,160.00. Fixtures L,24O.OO Supplies$ 29,400.00 Personal Property Tax. 1972Estimated 1973 I'{i11 l"vy eontact l'1r. Clair Bertroch, (Paid) - $2,571.03 (Paid) - A7.45 I4iIIs Eagle County Assessor , 3284593 LEASES Building 1 I - Choate-Turner Real Estate George Carr Plumbing. Inc. One year term expires June 1, Lg73one additional year, @ g3OO.O0 per - Outback Facilities - noneHertz Office - Expires October 31, with option for month/$l4.0O sq. ft. 197 3 Building 5 It sho " )e noted that the proposed Vail I'laster Plan wiII .incortrrcrateEast iuieariow rive as a right vehicle traffic (public transportation)area _with heavy pedestrian traf f ic in a mal.l conf iguration-. Thiswould afford obvious possibiJ-ities for development of additionalground or second -level retail office space as provided in the zoni.ngordinance I,EASE POTENTIAL Furthermore, it should be.noted Lhat section 7.loo (below) providesthat up to 20% of the total floor area of a structure may be utilizedas "commercial" space. Applying the 2e/" fachor to the pioposea55,000 square feet an additional 13,750 square feet of l,coirmerciar,' space may be included. Parking requiremenLs are as follows: 14.601 Retail storesr persclnsf services, and repair shops. onespace per each 300 square feet of floor area. Eating and drinking establishments. One space per each IOseats based.on seating capacity ol. building code standards,whj-chever is. greater. Thus, if all 13,150 square feet are utilized for ,,retail stores: 49 additional spaces would be requi-red, 3g of which'would have to be "within the buitding,,. 7.100 "Add.itional non residential uses are permitted as cond.it.ionaluses which, enhance the nature of vail as a winter and summerrecreation area. . ... ,' (I) Lodges, incl"uding accessory eating, drinking, recreational,or retaii establishments located within the principal useand not occupying more than 20 percent of th; total grossfloor area (not gross residential floor area) of the mainstructure or strutures on the site. Addj_tional accessory.dining"areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, oiterrace. " a Winter . December 15 to March 31 Ir'w 9@A.Summer July 1 to August 3l_ HiSh gO% Off Seasons April - June High 20%Septenber - November Hi}h 20% Est,irnated Annual Average Occupancy Rates:. 6@/" ft should be noted thatcatered to the motoristrate.. i the Vail Village Inn hasclientel seeking the 918 a' traditionally - $22 per night I o DEFINITIONS The following defini-tions are excerpts from the Town of vai_lZoning ordinance. Because of their pertinence to the public Accommodation zone in which the vail Village rnn is located.and because of their j-mportance in defining the extent ofpossible additions, they are included here. Accommodation unit: Any room or group of.rooms without kitchenfacil-it.ies designed for or adaptea to-occupancy by guests and''accessible from common corridors, walks, oi batconi6s withoutpassing through another accomnod.ation unit or dwelling unit. Building: Any structure having a roof supported by columns orwaI1s, or any other encl_osed structure, for the housing orenclosure of personq, animals, or property. convention Facility:, A building or portion thereof designed to accommodate 300 or nore persons i-n assenbly but not incrud.ing adining room or meeting room in a lodge is such dining room oimeeting room is designed to accommodate less than 300 persons. Drelling Unit: Any room or group of rooms in a multi-familybuilding \^/ith kitchen facilities-designed for or used as a dwe1l- lng_by one family as an independent housekeeping unit which mayinclude one attached accommodation unit on rarger than one-thiid ( I,/3 ) ttre tota 1 f loor area. Floor Area: The sum of the g:ross horizontal areas of all floorsof a building, including habitable or useable penthouses, areasbelow ground. which are habitable and attic spacer but not includ.-j-ng uninhabitabLe or unuseable areas below ground or in attics,and not including areas designed for parking or loading within Floor Area, Gross Residential: The total- floor area within theenclosed wal-ls of dwelling units or accommodation units, includ-.ing closets, service areas, and interior wa1ls within the units,but excluding balconies, hallways, corridors, stairwells, garages,and service areas outside the dwelling unit or accommodation unitenclosures and uninhabitable heating or'mechanical equipment areas. Grad.e, .or Average Grade: The average of the finished ground levelat the midpoint of each of the exterior waIls of a structure,excluding waLls 20 feet or 1'6ss in length, provi_ded that distance between the grade and the finished ground elevaLion at the lowestpoint adjoining the structure sha1l not exceed. by more than 25percent the height lirnj-t of the district in which the structureis located. Height: Ttre vertical distance.between the average grade of astructure and the hj-ghest point of the structure, or to the cop-ing of a flat roof, to the ileck line of a mansard roof, or to thehighest ridge of a sloping.roof. Kitchen Facilities: Fixtures and iji"pii-tion of meals, including a lnd-food storage facilities' equipment for food storage and si'nt-, stove, and refrigeration Lodge: A building or grouP of associated buildings designed for occuPancy prrmarily as a temporary lodging place.of individ'uals or families either-in accommodatiln "nlt"-oi dwelling units'.in which the gross residential floor area devoted to accommodation unitsexceedstr'e_g'o.sresidential'floorareaddvotedtodwell-il;-;"i;t,-""a in rirrti"tr all such units are operated under a singte *-n"g.*"rrt providing the occupants thereof customary "' notef services and facilities Site Coverage: The lrcrtion of a site covered by buildings' excluding toor oir.t.i"oty overhangs, T91:tt"d.at the exteri6r warrs or supPorlittg-*"ntr'ers of th; building at ground revel' Useable Open Space:' ourdoor space having an average slope of lessthan-5percent,.anduseableforoutitoorliving'orrecrea- [i;;"f -"t:-"it:-"s , inc ludlng patios , terraces ' gardens ' ldwns ' swimming pools, water features, or recreation areas ' dod decks or ualc5nies, but excluding driveways' 1n'rking-areas' a-ccess walks utility and service ireas, "n-d required front setback areas. At trr" ai".retion of the Design-Review Board,.outdoor 'space having ""-"""i"ge slope of up to 10 percent may be con- sidered as useabl-e oPen space' * ASSLME ISU,UUU sLre arear ,SQo fTr U$0].{UM AIJ.0I^IED/REQUIRD PqssIBLE Afilren P0TtsIrrAL '(55e") Site c€verage ' 821500. sq., ft. 1201000 sq. ft- n r\72.3 34 r944.6 ''350 sq, ft. acccrnodation urtit t+00 sg. ft. dwelting unit 221249 sq. ft. 311800 sq. ft. (106 acccnodation urrits x 300 sq. ft. eadr) nie N/A 117 spaces gr.ound above 501000 sq. fC. (approximate) -3256 sq. ft. dsnolition | 571501 sq. ft. ro denol,ition- of #5 | 6OrZsZ sq. ft. denoli-tion #5 s:rffiffi'?8fiil} 10 feet ninirun 20 feet ma<imtm Parkirg (Does not include recuired r^estawant Ioading Useable open space -6539 sq. ft. dsnolition I O+'O+O sq. ft. dqnolition #5 E #6 No Qharge - Denolition #5 . | 881200 sq. !t. no dernolition 601757 sq. ft. dqnolition #5 -6565 sq. ft. -Denolition #6 j S+,OUO "q. ft. demolition #6 N/A = .75 spaces = .90 spaces See |tPankirg Datart Include at least tr^rc at L2 x 25 (300 sq.. ft. eadr) See rr Useable data .-__*'.*_ N/A open spacetl See ttPar''kirg Datatt 1 pen 75r000.sq. ft. plus l for eadr additional 251000 sq. ft. 300-r+00 unit = 400 sq. sq. ft. sq. ft. accqnodation 100 sq. ft. usable open space L't. dlaellilg r.mit = 150 usable open space See ttUseable open spa.cett data l 15 l l i I I 45 feet i I't I Var:ies up to'30 feet king) PARKING DATA Ddfinitions 14'5or (2) size of space: -Each off-s-ureet parking slEce shalrbe not less than 9 feet wide and fg ieel fo"g-and ifenclosed and,/or covered. not less than 7 feei, high. 14.601" Parking Requiremente.I.,lrltiple family dwelling or lodgei ., (a) Drelling Unit (D.y. ) -0.5 space per dr,,relling unit plus 9:1 space per.each lOO sq.-fr. of gross reiiAential; floor- area, with a maximum of.2.O Jpaces per unit. (b) Accommodation Unit (a.u.; 0.4 space perunit plus 0.1 space per each 10-0 sq.-ft.residential f loor area wj.th a maxirium ofper unit. accommodation of gross 1.0 space . -...business offices.of floor area. One space per each 30O sq. g1 . Retail stores, personal services, and repair shops.One space per each 300 sq. ft. of floor area. Eating^and dri_nking estalrlishments. One space pereach 10 seats bbsed on a seating capacity 6r UuifA_ing code occupancy standard,s whlch 6rr"r i" gr."i"i. 14.20I Existing Facilities.off-street_ parking and loading facirities used for off-street parking and loading on the effective d.ate of thisordinance shall not be reduced in capacity to less thanthe number of spaces prescribed in tiis A;t.icle, orreduced in area to less than the minimum standards pre-scribed in this Article 14.2O2 Additions or Changes.For additions or_ enrargements of any existing buildingor use, of ?tty change of occupancy or manner of opera[,ionthat wourd increase the numbei of-parking shall bi requiredonly for such addition, enlargement, or 6hang" or not forthe entire bui-lding or use. 7 .5IO Parking ana r-oaaing.off-street parking and loading shal1 be provided in accord.with Article l-4 of this ord.ini.nce. At l-east,zs p.i.."t-oithe required parking sha11. be locat,ed. within the mainlruilding or.build.i-ngs. No parking or load.ing area sharlbe located. in any required iront ietback area. a o APPLICATION Assume construction of fifty l,lOO sq. ft. condominium units eachcontaining two 350 sq.. ft. A.U. and dne 400 sq. ft. D.U. --- 350 sq. ft. A.U. = .75 spaces 400 sq. ft. D.U. = ,90 spaees USEABLE OPEN SPACE (UOS) DATA Definitions useabre open space: outdoor space having.an average srope of lessthan 5 percent and useeible for outd.oor riving or recreationalactivlties including patios, terraces, gardens, rawns, swimmingpooks, water features or recreation areas, and decks or balconies,but excluding driveways, parking areas, access walks, utility andservice areas and re'guired front setback areas. At Lhe discietionof the Design Review Boa.rd. outdoor sl>ace having an average sJ-opeof up to 10 percent may be considered. useable op6n ,p.ce. 7.50g Useable Open Space.useable open space for murtiple family drr'rellings and lodgesshall be required as follows: (1) For dwelling units, a minimum of t sq. ft. of useableopen space sha1l lre provided for each 4 feet of grossresidential floor area, but not less than 150 sq. ft. ofuseable open'space per dwelling unlt. (Z) For accommodation units, a minimum of 1 sq. ft. ofuseable open space shall be provided for each 4 ft. ofgross residential floor area, but not less than IOO s<r.ft. of useable open space per accommod.ation unit. 7.509 Landscaping and Site Development.At least 30 percent of the total site area shall be land-' scaped. APP:ICATIONl of fifty 1,100 sq. ft. condominium units eachsq. ft. A.U. and one 400 sq. ft. D.U. A.U. = J00D.U. = 150 Assume construction containing two 350 350 sq. ft. 400 sq. ft. o VAIL VILI.AGE INN CONDOMINIUMS (fifty Units of 1,100 Square Feet Each) $ IO,OOO.OO Demolition "Out Back Building" 99,000.00 Architectural Fees 6% of Bldg. Cost) Tap Fees 22,500.00 Water & Sewer (Based on Point System)1,250.00 T.V. -O-'. Telephone -O- cas -O- Electricity 1,000.00 Soil Tests 5,25O.00 Engineering (Survey, plat, mech. analysis) 8,000.00 Legal (Declaration, contract's, ete. )Building Permits 2,025.00 Tax on mechanical $7.50/1,000 (250,00o mechanical) Genera I F j.9st 100, OO0 = $339.75I,739.75 l.OO/L,OOO af ter above, Iess mech. 4I ,25O.00 Recreational Fee Town of Vail (.75 per square foot) 82,500.00 Parking Space 75-@ $1,1-OO (Allowance given for foundation Vo parking 1,650,000.00 Building Cost (55,000 sq. ft..@ $30.00)5,000.00 Accounting 5O-r_q_q_Q-_Q! Carpeting @ l, 000,/unit. I,97 9,514. 00 Construction Cost296,5I4.00 Fj-nance Expense, I year, L5/" $2 ,276,..41. OO 3O,OOO.OO Optlonal S.E.C. Registration * $2,306,44f-OO SUB TOTAL (Project cost before commission) 340,000.00 Sales Expense , LO/" of Sales kice Commissions Ad.vertisingTitIe Insurance' Closing $2,646,44I.00 Pro ject Cost $3,4Oo,oOO.Oo Sa1es Price, 5O units @$68,OOo $ 753,559.O0 Net Proflt 32.6% of $2,306,44L.00 2A.'4% of $2 ,646,AALIOO - Sales Price of $68,000 per unit includes an indoor lnrking space at $3,000.00. Refurbishing of present lodge facility was not included in cbndominium cost. g25O,OO0 reflecting $t,sOO per room plus $92,000 for common areas has been estimated for this., tand cost of $160,000 for 2O,oOo sq. ft. @ I per sg. ft. has not been figured in project cost. * S.E.C. registration j-s necessary If rental management of the condo- ,miniums j-s to be "Iocked in" with the todge. While in the past this has been considered cunirersome, t j.me consuming, expensive and a detri- ment to sales, i.e., Shareholders' Montaneros, the S.E.C. has recently accepted two regi-strations of approxi-mate 22 pages in length and pro- cessed the same in less than 8 weeks. one r^ra s the I'larisol project and the other a Kaiser Aetna development in Lake Tahoe. "Mathematical models " similar to rental projections were even allowed' If registration is considered undesirabl,e it is reasonable to assume that the advantages of in house rental management would still. draw a large percentage of the condominium owners. I c / ,a- X og.s : -_,,_::_-: --_ ).o 6t-,,', E ...,, \ --*tl r,J rj BoULDERS- EJTST coNc.PIPE \ --_--=-- ' 'z'l--'-'-s- (/ (-*I \ia AL-c\\ \,1. --. c k---- ONC, PIPE --.-.-IL e xeg.q ,ARKING -r'-.i-\r\1,\!i .t 4P tt --jOUL ERS- 6try4dg,{& i\'ii ADO\'\ Clo ExHIsrT n t ,i ..h]1 of Lot l'I ancl parts of Lots N, O arr<l P, Illook 5-D', Val1 Vl11age lrirsb li'illng, Couri.Ly'of iiaglIe, State'of Colorado, mor.e partlcularly descrlbed as follorys: Cotrrner:clng at tlle llortirrresterly corner.. of Lot I{,s:tld l]lock 5*D; thcnce S. 79o \6t 00rr E. ancl alorrgtlre ilortlrerty I1ne of saicl Lots I'l and Q, 175.00feet Lo the tr.rtd poJ.nt of tret;lnnlng; thence con-tlnulng zrlong l;ire aforesald course 327.61 feet tothelIort}rr'lester1y.cornenofsa1clLotP;thence contJ.rrulng along the aforeriald course ar:d a1on13the liortirerly ll:re of satcl Lot P q4.90 feet; thenceS. 0Bo 17 ' 43" 1'I. 65,12 feet; tlrence S. 50o tL l 32r' U. 4ll.ll1 feet to a polnf of Lntersectlon uithtire ide{iterly }1ire of sald Loi P; thence S. 00o 231 00" Ii. and along sald ]tesierly I1rre 216,28 fee0 tothe Soutlrrresier'}y corner of s,aicl Lot P; thence N.'B20 35r 00rt I'I. arrd alotrg the Soubherly )-5.ntj of I ..j. sald Lot 0, I92.I7 feet to'a pofirt of cunve; thence along salcl Southerly ]1ne, of Lot O arrd salc1 Lot I'1 anci -long a cul've to the lef'c har'lng a raclluts of 54r.87 feet, a cerrtr.al angle" of 21o 12r,.00rr, an arc cij.sbance of 205.15 feet to a polnt'of tangent; thence along ti:e Southerly l-1ne of salcl Lot i'I and alorrg said La.rrgerrt S'.-'75" 53r 00r! lL 7'1.39 fect to a polrtt of c.urve; thence aJ.ong sald Soutl:er1y Ilne arrcl along a curve to tlie rlght lravlng. a radlus of 20.00 feeb, a central- angle of 1030 44r 00'r: an ar"c dlstance of 36,20 feet to a polnt of tangent; tlrence along sald tang,ent and a1.on6 the lfesterly llne of sa1<l Lots I'i and N, l,i. 00o 23' 00'r l'1.,, 243.21.feet; thence s. 79" 46t 0o'r E. LIIT.35 feet; tlrence l{. 10o I4t 00" D. 147.43 feet to the tr"uepolnt of beglnnlng, contalnlng L50t462,14 sguare feet or 3.q54 acres, more or Less. \'.ri ...: o NOIE: COMM]SSION STRUCTURE Blron D. Brown Real Estate Co'., will share the net commission with any.broker who actually 5rovid,es a ready, willing, and able buyer who in fact enters into a contract to purchase the sr:Jrject property and who completes aIJ. provisions of said contract to $rr- phase. Closing cogts, as agreed to by Byron D. Brown Real Estate and other participating broker or brokers and. certain other specific costs incurred by Byron D. Brown Real Estate shall be deducted froni the gross commission. Tt-re resulting net commission shall be paid 50% to Blton D. Brown Real Estate and, 50% to the other participating broker or brokers. I(: QUSI.IFICATI ON OF FIGTJRES 'Any prospective buyer is advised to Vail Building Delnrtment, Diane ToughiJ.l, f,iEures presented in this brochure. Tlie figures containe.d, in this brochure be factual pnd from reliable sources. t. They are, 'however, subject to of the complex and variable factors offering is subject to trxior sale, notice. contact the Town to further verify .. are considered of the to BY.RONP. O. Vai1, (303 ) D. BROVNbx 547 Colorado 476-22LL REAL ESTATE CO. 81657 I 5 1,fl[t ultlflfffi triltt/ t!ffi[t$El[ftfi \\ \\ \\ OHAIR I 'rl r'-r \'rr89 tg"*"tt \b \'to,*o ' \ FEI Ea ,goli I# @ 6\ 1--4 r-1 .--- Ll !G nu s#.fl -|fregI ue"# (aYn:r- {tw >J cl 6 -s/ il''fil!33t^* F-r B .'r neee='i;19 B6t#^n; o;r* , Ho @n@n us 6 li:sngg TO GLENWOOD ""b*"'Hfll[ r@ oo**oo$ VAIL OAS SCHONE $J[$I l WMw%w\ig SA$IDSTOTIE \ ll @ @ MUNISPAL GOLF COURSE i ,-j 'RDTMNCE No. ..7 nVD f, A. - ' Series of 1976 lJ ,slJ'f ,/.tt D 6 ,Zfu{o--L t, t ti1$ u;'/ 7 ,o -/ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT U 7 AirD AMENDTNG THE zoNING oRDINANcE AND THE oFFIcIAL iorutrue MAP. r WHEREAS, Article l, Section 1.201 , of the Zoning 0rdinance, 0rdinance No. B' series of .|973, of the Town of vail, colorado, as amended, established thirteen zoning districts for the municipality, one of which is the Special Development Distrjct; WIIEREAS, Vail Viliage Inn, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, submitted an application requesting that the Town establish Special Development District 6' hereinafter referred to as "SD6", for the development on its parcel of land comprising 3.455 acres in the Vail Village area, County of Eagle, State of colorado, more compretely described on attached Exhibit "A". I'IHEREAS' the establ ishment of the requested Sil6, will ensure unified and coordfnated development and use of a critiial site as a whole and in a manner suitable for the area in which it .i s situated. a l'lHEREAs, the Town Council considers that it is reasonab'l e, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its c'itizens, inhabitants, and visitors to establish said SD6. NOId, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOI^IN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section l. Title This ordinance shall be known as the "0rdinance Establishing Special Development District 6". Section 2. Amendment procedures Fulfilled; Planning Commission Report. The amendment procedures prescribed in Section 2,|.500 of the Zoning 0rdinance have been fulfilled, with the report of the planning Commission re_ commending the enactment of this ordinance. Section 3. Specia'l Deve'l opment D.istrict 6 Established; Amendments to /- \- Zon'ing 0rdinance and 0fficial Zoning Map. Pursuant totre provisions of Articles I, 13, and 2l of the Zoning 0rdinance,0rdinance No. 8, Series of 1973, of the Town of Va.i 1, Colorado, as &q/fiMrn-Cfffi- ra ': amended, Spec'i a'l Development District 6 (SD6), a special development zoning district,'is hereby established for the development on a certain parcel of land comprising 3.455 acres in the vail village area of the Town of vail, and the Zoning 0rdinance and the Official Zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of the following provisions which shall become the seventh Chapter of Article'13, the caption of which shall be "special Development District 6" and a map wtrich shall become an addition to the 0fficial Zoning Map. Section 4. Purpose of Special Deve'l opment Distrjct. A special deve'lopment district is establjshed to assure comprehensive devel.epmgnl and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vailn colorado, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town; ordinarily a special district will be created only when the devgl , and the development is regarded as complementary totheTown by the Town Council, Planning Corrnission, and Design Review Board, and there are significant aspects of the special development which cannot be satisfied under the existing zoning. Section 5. Approval of Development plan. A. The Development Plan for the Vail Vil'lage Inn which is part of its said application shall be incorporated by reference, and made a part of special Development District 6 and constitutes a general plan and guide for deve'lopment within the Special District. B. Amendments to the Approved Development Plan which do not change its substance and which areful.lyrecommended in a reportofthe Planning Commission may be approved by the Town Council by resolution. C. The Environmental Impact Report and a supp'l emental report for each phase of construction which sha'l 'l be submitted to the Zoning Administrator in accordance with Article l6 hereof, prior tothecommencement of site preparation, building construction, or other improvements of open space. ('l ) Each phase of the deve'l opment shall require review and recom- mendations of the Planning Commission and approval by the Town Council. D. Each phase of the development sha11 require the prior approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with the applicable provisions of Article 15 hereof. Each phase shall be revjewed by an outs'ide consultant at the I C I ( density will be lowe -- -2- oa C( expense of the developer, who shall give their recorrnendations to the Design Review Board. (l) The Development Plan shall be amended to ref'lect Architectural detail of each phase. Section 6. Content of Proposed Development p1an. The proposed development plan shal'l inc'lude but is not limited to the following data as amended by'Exhibits provided by consultants, Royston, Hanarpto, Beck and Abey, on February 12, 1916. A. Existing and proposed contours after grading and site development having contour intervals of not more than 2 feet and preliminary drainage.plan. Supplemental documentation'of proposed contours and drainage shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator with the plans for each phase of the development. B. A s'ite p1 an, at a scale of I inch equals 40 feet or'larger, showing the locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures, uses therein, and all principa'l site development features such as landscaped areas, recreationa'l faciljties, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service areas, driveways, and off- street parking and loading areas. C. A preliminary'l andscape p1 an, at a sca'le of I inch equals 40 feet or larger, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as outdoor recreational facilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features, and other elements. D. Schematic build'ing elevations, sections and floor plans, at appropriate scales, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, general circulation and use location, and general scale and bulk of the proposed development. specific detail for these items and the appearance shall be submitted on a phase basis, E. A volumetric mode'l as amended by Consultants, Royston, Hanamoto, Beck, and Abey on February 1?, 1976, of the site and the proposed development documented by photographs, at a scale of I inch equals 16 feet or larger, portraying the scale and relationship of the development to the site, and il- lustrating the form and mass of structures in development. Supplementary volumetric models shall be submitted prior to construction of each phase to reflect existing and proposed development. ( -3- fa F. A phasing plan of the proposed development indicating order and general timing of construction phases: dfienities, and proposed interim deve'lop- ment. -Section 7. Permitted Uses jn the Special Districts. A. AII permitted uses as defined in the Public Accommodation D'istrict, Section 7.200 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 8. Conditional Uses -_--A. All conditional uses as District, Section 7.300 of the Zoning of a Condit'ional Use Permit in accord Zoning Ordinance. Section 9. Accessory Uses in the Di stri cts . A. All accessory uses as defined Section 7.400 of the Zoning Ordinance. Special in the Publ ic Accommodation District, a (: in the Special District. defined in the Public Acconmodation Ordinance, and subject to the issuance with the provisions of Article l8 of the .:- Sec.|.!on_lg Development Standards. in the The following development standards are minimum development standards Special District: A. Lot areamd site dimensions. The Special District shall consist of an area tota'lling 3.455 acres as specified in Section 3 hereof. B. Setbacks. The required setbacks shall vary as indicated in the Development Plano providing space for planting and an acceptable relationsh'ip to adjacent properties. Portions of the conmercial space may abut the south property Iine. C. Distances between buildings. The minimum distance between buildings on adjacent sites shal'l be as indicated in the Development Plan but in no case shall be less than 50 feet. D. Height. (Story sha'll be as defined by the Uniform Building Code.) 0f the a'l lowable site coverage for the development, the following . are allowable structure as outlined on the Deve'lopment P1 ximum elevation ra to 158 se elevation of 95 feet); maximum heig Maximum height Area A - 5 stories: AreaB-3stories -4- o AttrA -B 3 S1Dels (maximum elevation range of .|35 feet to .|40 feet from a base elevation of 95 feet); maximum n"igt't6Cl) 4 stories (maximum etevation range of { .|39 feet to 144 feet from a base elevation of 95 feet); maximum height and descending in height to the end of the bu'ilding mass in an acceptable relationship to the remainder of the s'ite and shall not exceed the following maximum: west step-down area - 3 stories to 2 stories with maximum elevation range of ll7 feet to 126 feet from a base elevation of 86 feet; north step- down area - 3 stories with maximum elevation range of 135 feet to .|40 feet from base elevation of 95 feet; east step_down area _ 4 stories down to one story with max'imum elevation range of .|00 feet to .l40 feet from a base e'levation of 86 feet; end line of east step-down area not to exceed crossroads at vail setback. In no event shall the total average height of the project exceed 45 feet; maximum height for Area E - (commercial space) the dominant he.ight shall be 2 stories allowing accent elements to form an acceptab'l e relation- ship to the project. The jntent of the height limits and ranges is that the building complex should be as low as possib'l e. At this level of detail it is not realistic to tie down a precise maximum elevation. Final designs with regard to elevation will depend upon further detail study and pro- jection of th€ building mass onto photos of the actual site cond'itions. The massing respects the spjrit of what is desired and final heights will be established based on final decision. The shopping intent is to maintain the village quality and to maintain the two story elevations as the pre- dominant he'ight. This height can vary upward or downward by half a level . stepdown areas shall be lower than the areas whi ch they adjoin -4a - r E. Density Control. rGrrFrit'r|rrllnrrn t The gross residential floor area (GRFA) of all buildings constructed in the Special District shall not exceed .|00,000.00 square feet. The gross residentia'l floor area devoted to accommodatjon units shall exceed the gross residential floor area devoted to dwelling units. If total gross residential floorareaisdevotedtoaccommodationunits.r'"nffi, shall not exceed 300. v' F. Building Bulk Control. Building Bulk, maximum wall lengths, maximum dimensions for buildjng elements, requriements for wall offsets and vertical stepping of roof lines shall be indicated on the Bulk Diagram of the approved Development p1an. G. Site Coveraoe. The site area to be covered by bui'ldings shall be as generally jndicated on the Development Plan, but in no case shall exceed 55% of the total site area. H. Useable Open Space. Useable open space shall be provided as required in the Public Accommodation District, Section 7.508 of the Zoning Ordinance. I. Landscap'ing and Site Development. At least 30%of the total site area shall be landscape and plaza area. Landscaping and other site development shalI observe the landscaping concept as indicated in the approved Development Plan. J. Parking and Loading. (l) Parking.and loading shall be provided as required in the Public Acconmodation District, Section 7.'5.| 0 and consistent with the provisions of Article l4 of the Zoning 0rdinance. All required parking sha'll be within the main build'ing or buildings or beneath accessory decks, plaza and patios except the minimum necessary for registration and temporary loading and unloading. (2) Parking shall be provided for Charter Buses.;. (3) Loading, delivery, and garbage facilities shall be off- street and within the structure as indicated on the Deve'lopment plant. Section ll. Limitation on Fireplaces. Fireplaces shall not be permitted in indivjdua'l accommodation units. Section 'l 2. Conservation Controls. A. Developer shall include in the building construction energy and water cOnservation controls as general techno'logy exists at the time of construction. ( t -5- o ( Section .|3. Recreational Amenities Tax. The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SD6 under Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1974 of the TownofVail, Colorado, shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed $0.75 per square foot of floor area and shall be paid in coniunction with construction phases and prior to the issuance of a building permit, S.ection .|4. Limitation on Existence of Special Development District 6 Prior to the adoption of the Approved Development plan, the Town Council reserves to the Town the right to abrogate or modify Special Development District 6 for good cause through the enactment of an ordinance; provided, however, that in the event the Town council finds it to be appropriate to consider whether to abrogate or modify SD6, the procedures shall be in accord with Article 2l hereof. Section'15. Amenities. A. Developer shalI provide in its approved Development plan a bus shelter of a design and location mutually agreeable to developer and Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generally. B. Sw'irnming pool of adequate size to reasonably serve the needs of the deve'lopment. Section .|6. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect five days after pub'l ication fol lowing the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON ONCE IN FULL, this 2nd day of ordinance shall be held at the of Vail, Colorado on the l6th Building of the Town of Vail. ATTEST: FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED March, 1976, and a public hearing on this regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town day of March, 1976, at 7:30 p.M. in the Municipal : ri,\i; i -6- r "EXHIBIT AU I.EGAL DESCRIPTION - VAIL VILLAGE INN All of Lot M and Parts of Lots |'.1,0, and p, Block 5-D, Vail Village FirstFiIing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as fol lows: Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot t'1, said Block 5-D; thence 579046'00"E and along the Northerly tine of said Lots N and 0, .|75.00 feet !g_t!g true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid course 327.61 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot P;-thence cont'inuing a'long the aforesaid course and along the Northerly line of said Lot P 44,90 feet; thence S08ol7'43"W,65.12 feei; thence S50oll'32"W,44.41 feet to a po'int of intersection with the tr'lesterly line of said Lot P; thence S00o23'00"8 and along - said lg1terly line 216,28 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Lot P; thence NB2o35'00"1J and a'long the Southerly line of said Lbt 0 and said Lot M and along a curve to the left having a radius of 545.87 f,eet, and a central angle of 2]032'00", an arc distance of 205.15 feet to a point of tangent; thence along the Southerlyline of said Lot M and along saird tangent S75o53'00"W 77.39 feet to a point of curve; thence along said Southerly line and a1 ong a curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 103044'00", an arc distance of 36.20 feet to a point of tangent; thence a'long said tangent and along thg Westerly line of said Lots M and N, N00o23'00"}'|, ?43.21 feet; thence S79u46'00"E 147.36 feet; thence Nl0ol4'00"E .|47.43 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 3.455 acres, more or less, together will al 1 improvements located thereon and subject to a l0 foot utility easement along the l,lortherly boundary thereof. t (L (Cri? ,5.;-f t. L INTRODUCED, READ, day of March, 1976. AD0PTED, AND 0RDERED PUBLISHED BY Title this l6th TOWN OF VAIL ( ( .,, I _,-- -q'Rovston Ilairamoto Beck & Abey t February 23, 1976 Mr. James F, Lamont Director, Department of Community Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8't 657 Development RE: Vail Village Inn Dear Jim: Enclosed are typed copies of my handwritten notes prepared for the Planning Board meeting of February 12, 1976. These notes should be a part of the review record of the project. Several thoughts came to mind after leaving and I would like to pass them on to all concerned. l. The entrance to the hotel is important to the Vail Vi llage Inn and to the Town. lt should be inviting and friendly, perhaps part of the smaller portion of the building should be moved west from its present location . The entrance de- sign, as proposed, has a formality and pretentiousness which does not feel comfortable. lt may be that the en- trance lobby is not necessarily below the meeting room/ restaurant combination. The upper level restaurant could i-ema in in the center of ihe project at a higher level . I guess that the essence of my suggestion i s to Iook very hard at the apparent mass and great roof form of the entrance and of the view of the project from the north side. Consider the .scale of the village and the importance of this location as an important aspect of the Town entrance. 2, The apparent length of the hotel building can be alleviated by glazed links at stairways or other logical break points. I-andscapc Architecrs: [:nd Planning L;rban Dcsign Park Pl:rnning Frrr ironmcn tal Ilann ing Principals: Robcn Rotsto. FASLA A1a ll.rnJnrot() A5LA Fl:lon B(ck AsLi Kazuo Atry ASIS l-ouis G. Allcy AIA P,rlricia C,.rrli\le ASLA Associarc: 2?5 l\lillcr Ar cnuc Harold N- Kobayashi ASLA Mill Vallcy Robcn T. Barlcnrtn AsLA California 9'19'll Gcorgc \\'. Cirvin,rSt-l 415 35i-?900 R()bcrl 5. Scna ASLA oo Mr. James F. Lamont February 23, 1976 Page 2 t i r eco rd ed can become better will 3. Phase I is a difficult design problem because it must anticipate the development of the future uPPer levels and must anticipate a future connection to the designated plaza area. tt seems necessary to begin a study of the total commercial complex to understand how Phase I works with the eventua I totality. lf design funds are limited I suggest this as the point of beginning rather than trying to solve the hotel design. Most important is analysis of all major levels. lf those work then the rema inder will work. George and I will be in Vail for the presentation to the Counci I on March 2nd. I enjoyed our session with Joe, Bill, and Ross very much and appreciated the willingness of everyone involved in reaching the best solution for both the owner and the Town. Too often these objectives are not shared. See you soon. Encl. cc: Mr. Terry Minger Mr. Joe Stauffer Mr. Bill Ruoff - Mr. Ross Cooney\Ptanning Board ot This was discussed by Bill and Ross but not as a possibi lity. The more that the building a 'rvillagerr rather than a large building, the be its scale in the Town. U ai- RHBA REVIEW: VAIL VlLt_AcE INN February 12, 1976 The Vail Village lnn site is unusually important to the imageof the Town of Vail because of its location in relationship io entering visitors. Every visitor to the village area coming from the interstate must pass by either the west or north sideof the site. Currently there is an excellent view qf the moun- tain and ski area over the Vail Village lnn, blocked primarity by Conoco when you are on the frontage road. lt is vital to retain a large portion of the mountain view thus a view cor-ridor is designated. The building height must not exceed three stories in this zone. Base grade for purposes of measuring the heights of buildingsis elevation 93. This grade was determined by averaging the elevations at property corners plus five additional mid-elevation loca tions . The average height of the buildings proposed will not exceedoverall height limitations. The formula proposed permitting 20 percent of the coverage to be five stories, or 60 feet, isacceptable. At no phase of construction can the average height be exceeded. Commercial uses shoutd be restricted to the portion of thesite indicated. The commercial should be concentrated, an aggregate of shops clustered around a plaza, rather thana lineal arrangement. Two level spaces are recommended to intensify the cluster and to effect a transition from street elevation up to the upper plaza level. probable elevationsare 85 at the street and 96 or 97 on the upper level. The site massing must be such that it emphasizes the visual relationships of the Vail Village Inn to the village core. The scale and quality of the buildings at the corners of the site, and particularly the southeast corner, must be particularly sensitive and consistent with the predominant village archi- tectural forms. This is characterized by broad roof over- hangs, wooden balconies, attention to window scale and framing details, in effect, those visual qualities related to "Alpine village'r design. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. D et The proposed plaza fronting onto Meadow Drive has rich community visual potential and in form and materials should be an integral part of the future improvements of Meadow Drive. The proportioning of the plaza should acknowledge the shopping at the Kiondra and we urge the Torvn to look creatively at the total space in terms of pavements, land- scape, bus shelters, and perhaps a small commercial building on the south side of Nleadow Drive. This area should be the terminus of commercial use along Meadow Drive with no further extension to the west. Zero lot lines for a portion of the commercial will be valuable. The southr,r,est corner of the site is important visually to both the applicant and the Torvn. The buildings should decrease in height as they near the streets and be set on earth, not on structures such as parking. This is one of the few ptaces on the site where soft landscape surfaces, tree plantings of scale, and building to ground relationship is possible. Thus, the corner is designated as a special landscape zone. The grade in the area does not exceed 86 and it is suggested that this be kept. The hotel operations in Vail indicate that cement parking requirements exceed actual needs. Parking must be pre- dominantly underground. Major service is also under- ground and hopefully buses can be housed underground. Both naticnal statistics and Vail Village Inn statistics in- dicate that a ratio of .5 to .7 cars per room is generous. Thus, the recommended action is that 200 cars can be considered as the parking requirement. The phasing of the project is an important concern of the Town. Criteria must be established that each phase is somplete, workable, visually successful, and able to stand by itself. Modifications to both locations and the phasing of Phases I and ll is suggested. Phase I should be in front of the existing Backhouse structure, thus retaining the valuable area of landscape along Meadow Drive. Phase ll would modify the landscaped area but would then be a quality cohesive commercial complex. All phases should have similar detailed review as we are now doing. oo 6. 7. 8. 9. ljm : t,l ;r i50,000 sq. f t.site .rrea I'{AKI'I'ILJ]I AI,L0I,'IED/REQUIRTD 82,500. sq., ft. PQSSIBTE ClrAl'rGE POIENTIAL Site coverage 22r2)g sq. ft.-3256,,sq. ft. or ur -6539 sq. ft. .. or _Iti-b--#b dqnolition dsnoLition 571501 sq. 60r757 sq. 64r0tt0 sg. no dsnolition denulLition #5 dsnolition #5 6 /16EL Itrrss residentail flcor area (GRFA) 120,000 sq. ft.31,800 sq. ft.(]06 acconodation units x 300 sq. ft. each)t.t- ho dernol-i'Lion denolition /15 demolition #6 No Charrge - Demolition ll5 -6565 sq.-DerTolition #6 88 r200 60 r757 64 ,040 o k 'eet rummum max].mull 17 ,).72,3 34,94q.6 N/A N/A 501000 sq. ft. (approximate) Var.ies up to 30 feet J. L. N/A above See ttPanking Datatt.ttt no't incl-ude ctl resLau'ant o) /--rl 350 sq. ft. i acccrncclation unit = .75 soaces i \00 sq. ft. Idaeltirg unit = .90 spaces j I Include at least truo at 12 x 25 (300 sq. ft. each) open space" See rtParking Datart . N/A See "Useab1e open data ([.Je.LIIng Urut = .9U SPaCeS i I ---.-.- .-.-,--i'_ . .*_l I l Il per 75,00p.sq. ft, plus iI for eadr additionaf 25,000 Isq. ft. 3 OPen space 300-r{00 uni'b = sq. ft. acconodation 100 sq. f't. usable open frPace ,-t. dvrelling unit = 150 usable open space spaie'l i lt00 s9, sq. f'r. N/AttS feet 15.l February 23, 1976 Mr. James F. l:mont Director, Department of Community Development Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 REr Vail Village Inn Dear Jim: Enclosed are typed copies of my handwritten notes prepared for the Planning Board meeting of February 12, 1976. These notes should be a part of the review record of the project. Several thoughts came to mind after leaving and I would like to pass them on to all concerned. The entrance to the hotel is important to the Vail Village lnn and to the Town. lt should be inviting and friendly, perhaps part of the smaller portion of the building should be moved west from its present location. The entrance de- sign, as proposed, has a formality and pretentiousness which does not feel comfortable. lt may be that the en- trance lobby is not necessarily below the meeting room/ restaurant combination. The upper level restaurant could remain in the center of the project at a higher level . I guess that the essence of my suggestion is to lok very hard at the apparent mass and great roof form of the entrance and of the view of the project from the north side. Consider the scale of the village and the importance of this location as an important aspect of the Town entrance, 2. The apparent length of the hotel building can be alleviated by glazed links at stairways or other logical break points. Rovston Hahamoto Beck & ,A.bey Associates: 225 Miller Avenu€ Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mi[ Valley Robert T. BattertonASLA California 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 4f 5 383-7900 Robert S. Sena ASLA Landscape Architects: Iand Planning Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robert Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon B€ck ASLA K8zuo Abey ASLA Louis G. Alley AIA Pdtricia Carlisle ASLA Mr. James F. Lamont February 23, 1976 Page 2 This was discussed by Bill and Ross but not recorded as a possibility. The rnore that the building can become a rrvillage'r rather than a large building, the better will be its scale in the Town. 3. Phase I is a difficult design problem because lt must anticipate the development of the future upper levels and must anticipate a future connection to the designated plaza area. lt seems necessary to begin a study of the total commercial complex to understand how Phase I works with the eventual totality. lf design funds are limited I suggest this as the point of beginning rather than trying to solve the hotel design. Most important is analysis of all major levels. lf those work then the rernainder will work. George and I will be in Vail for the presentation to the Council on March 2nd. I enjoyed our session with Joe, Bill, and Ross very much and appreciated the willingness of everyone involved in reaching the best solution for both the owner and the Town. Too often these objectives are not shared. See you soon . Y' ON, HANAM Mr. Terry Minger Mr. Joe Stauffer Mr. Bill Ruoff Mr. Ross Cooney Planning Board *ffnT** Encl . cc: 7 RHBA REVIEW: VAIL VILIJCE INN februaly 12, '1976 t.The Vail Village lnn site is unusually important to the image of the Town of Vail because of its location in relationship to entering visitors. Every visitor to the village area coming from the interstate must pass by either the west or north side of the site. Currently there is an excellent view of the moun- tain and ski area over the Vail Village lnn, blocked primarily by Conoco when you are on the frontage road. lt is vital to retain a large portion of the mountain view thus a view cor- ridor is designated. The building height must not exceed three stories in this zone. Base grade for purposes of measuring the heights of buildings is elevation 93. This grade was deterrnined by averaging the elevations at property corners plus five additional mid-elevation locations, The average height of the buildings proposed will not exceed overall height limitations. The forrnula proposed permitting 20 percent of the coverage to be five stories, or 50 feet, is acceptable. At no phase of construction can the average height be exceeded, Commercial uses should be restricted to the portion of the site indicated. The commercial should be concentrated, an aggregate of shops clustered around a plaza, rather than a llneal arrangement. Two level spaces are recommended to intensify the cluster and to effect a transition from street elevation up to the upper plaza level . Probable elevations are 85 at the street and 96 or 97 on the upper level . The site massing must be such that it emphasizes the visual relationships of the Vail Village Inn to the village core. The scale and quality of the buildings at the corners of the site, and particularly the southeast corner, must be particularly sensitive and consistent with the predominant village archi- tectural forms. This is characterized by broad roof over- hangs, wooden balconies, attention to window scale and framing details, in effect, those visual qualities related toIAlpine villagerr design. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 6.The proposed plaza fronting onto Meadow Drive has rich community visual potential and in form and materials should be an integral part of the future improvements of Meadow Drive. The proportioning of the plaza should acknowledge the shopping at the Kiondra and we urge the Town to look creatively at the total space in terms of pavements, land- scape, bus shelters, and perhaps a small commercial building on the south side of Meadow Drive. This area should be the terminus of commercial use along Meadow Drive with no further extension to the west. Zero lot lines for a portion of the commercial will be valuable. The southwest corner of the site is important visually to both the applicant and the Town. The buildings should decrease in height as they near the streets and be set on earth, not on structures such as parking. This is one of the few places on the site where soft landscape surfaces, tree plantings of scale, and building to ground relationship is possible. Thus, the corner is designated as a special landscape zone. The grade in the area does not exceed 86 and it is suggested that this be kept. The hotel operations in Vail indicate that cement parking requirements exceed actual needs. Parking must be pre- dominantly underground. Major service is also under- ground and hopefully buses can be housed underground. Both national statistics and Vail Village Inn statistics in- dicate that a ratio of .5 to .7 cars per room is generous. Thus. the recommended action is that 200 cars can be considered as the parking requirement. The phasing of the project is an important concern of the Town. Criteria must be established that each phase is complete, workable, visually successful, and able to stand by itself. Modifications to both locations and the phasing of Phases I and ll is suggested. Phase I should be in front of the existing Backhouse structure, thus retaining the valuable area of landscape along Meadow Drive. Phase ll would modify the landscaped area but would then be a quality cohesive commercial complex. All phases should have similar detailed review as we are now doing. 7. 8. 9. /jm Rovston Hairamoto March 10, 19?6 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re:Vail Village Inn Design Review Dear Terry: The review of the Vail Village Inn project has been quite thorough and I believe that the controls imposed are realistic and that a creative site solution is possible. I am concerned that the graphic submittal does not adequately convey this opinion to the Council and would request t}tat tlree new items be prepared for the Council hearing on March 16, 1976, as follows: 1. A small scale massing model of the existing site and development. 2. A small scale massing model of the proposed develop- ment. 3. Simple elevations or sections showing the height of the proposed project in relationship to the height of the e:nsting buildings. I believe that these three products will be of value both to the Town and to Mr. Stauffer. I wish to emphasize that the products be "simple" and would er<pect t}tat not more than two days time uould be needed for the architects to do the work. As I recall, the model of the existing site was already done. Beck & Abey l:ndscape Architects: Principals: Associates: ?25 Miller Avenuc land Planning Robcn Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA MiU Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robert T. Batterton ASLA California 94941 hrk Planning Eldon Beck ASLA Ceorge W. Girvin ASLA 415 383-7900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S. S€na ASLA lruis G. Alley AIA Palricia Cartisle ASLA Mr. Terrell J. Minger -2-IVlarch 10, 19?6 Our schedule for the presentation would be to appear with this new information for Council work session the afternoon of March 16. Perhaps a brief presentation would again be aplropriate in the evening. If we can schedule a meeting either morning or afternoon on Wednesday, March 1?, to discuss the first phase of development, it may expedite tlte design and approval process. We will see you Tuesday afternoon, March 16. ec: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. -/'James Lamont / Josef Stauffer Wm. Ruoff Ross Cooney John Dobson Diana Toughill !ll Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abev l,E'/-"'Jutuary 6, 19?6 ir{r. Terrell J. iMinger Town Vianager Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: Stauffer Desigp Review Dear Terry: We have received a schedule fmm Dlana regarding .be Staufler'sprtcessing ol bls proposed buildlng reeonstruction through the Town Design Review process. Diana wag also requeeting our parttclpation ln the review. This is fine wlth us a.od both c,eorge and I vill be able to participate. However, before time is spent I suggest that the Town determine howit will charge Mr. stauffer for our design revlew time. Ttris has been a point of contention with a nurnber of the applicants and we heve not been paid approxlmatelV $X,300 from past design review services. Apparently this money was lpt collected by the Town and the Judgementmade that the Town could mt pay ue unless paymenta wore ricetwd. I vnuld anlicipate coots ranging fmm 9,100 !o glr 000 for our time dependiqg on how we are beet used. Thare ts certaln to be contrornarsy relaled to thie prnJect and a thorougb critlque is in order. I would ltke b be involved but I aur not free urtil after January 15. I uould appreciate reeetving a note of autlorlzation from the Town before we arrtve on our white boreee woaring black hate. 225 Mllerlvenue Land Planning Robert Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mlt Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robert T. Batterton ASLA Californiag4g4l Park Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W Girvin ASLA 415 383t900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA Lruis G. AlleJ AIA Patricia Carlisle ASLA ,r tl{ \ -t)j r-.;{ "t iffii :r)i'l .il, .,'".; .i : l'y:! i;,-r. .,:, i.,i.i-:* ii;'i,i,+ii"li.t,;. . 't i ,11:..-i;,,;2 r, i ,i, '1 -,t -i ,1 ",r_O':lit'. ri!,i:,, . 'i.:.'.. tli*; , , : j'.u r.f: I rllri .:;. ,i. :;l' . .l '';. t,i ,l.''i:li i,l;.,." ,,."1 ; ,i :.1,,'..,,,{,i,, : i*;ii b,.' '.. ,.,.i croeo[n6,, Lionsbsad, or Blglnm? We are *mbus to get tmdcrwly. , HAN-AI\'OTO, BSCK & AB$Y Eldon Besk .ai lnwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476.56r3 off ice of the town manager December 16. 1975 HAND DELIVERED Klaus Fricke andPeter Bowden c/o Alpenrose Bakery Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: On December 16, 7975 the Food Service Establishment located in Room 39, Vail Village Inn, Vai1, Colorado was found to be operating without a license which 1s in violation of C.R'S. L2-44'206. Article 72-44-2OO states : 12-44-206 Licenses - certificates of inspection - submission of plans: Any person desiring to own or operate a food service establishment in this state, before undertaking such business, sha11 nake application to the department, on forms prepared and furnished by it, and shall set forth such information as the department may require, in- cluding the name and address of the applicant, together with all other information deemed necessary by the department. Before granting any license or certificate of inspection, the department may vislt and inspect the food service establishment or property in which the applicant conducts or proposes to conduct his business. If the applicant meets all requirements of this part 2 and the rules and regulations enacted pursuant to this part 2, the department shall approve the application for such license or certificate. The department may refust to grant a license or certificate for failure to comply with the rules and regulations, or if the premises on which the applicant conducts or proposed to conduct his business do not meet the requirements of this part 2. Any person adversely affected or ag- grieved by the refusal to gra.nt a license or certificate may obtain judicial reivew of such refusal in the distrj-ct court having jurisdication of the place for which the application for license or certificate was made, in accordance with the provisions of sectlon 24-4-106, C.R-S. I97'." Messrs. Fricke and Ilowden Bil:"ffi.: "' 1e7l (2) When a food serv'r'-ce establishment is to be constructed or extensively remodeled, or when an existing structure is converted for use as a food service establishment,properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling or alteration, showlng layout, arrangement, and construetion materials or work, storage' food service, and auxiliary areas; and the location, size, and type of fixed equipment and facllities sha1l be submitted to the department for approval before such work'is begun You are also in violati-on of 12-44-211 of C.R.S' which states: (1) It is unlawful: (a) For any person to conduct a food service establishment without having obtained a license or certificate of inspection to do so from the department and in accordance with the provisions of this part 2; In relation to the Zoning Ordinance you are in violatlon of Section 21.600 - Certificates of Zoning Compliance. This section states: It shall be unlawful to use or occupy or to permit the use or occupancy of any building or portion thereof. -. until a certificate of Zoning Compliance shalI have been issued by the Zoning Administrator certifying that the proposed use conforms to the requirerrrents of this ordinance - You are hereby ordered to cease all food servi-ce operations until all approvals for.the above-mentioned establishment have been granted, If you have any questions, please feel free to sontact the Department of Community Development ' Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, OF DEVELOPMENT cer and iana Dennis J. Murphy Environmental llealt Zoning Administrator DATE OF SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION V0TE r Mfi4BERS PRESENT: Ruoff, Bill Abbott, Dudley Hanlon, Bill Parker, Lou Sage, Dave DESIGN REVIEI.I BOARD I4EETING; August L, 1974 DAIRY DEPOT - addition of "inaol'rt iu, i SEC0NDED BY. -Yzqe--/ ;r;-cfr-- // d"-cL AGAI NST: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI4MARY: l'lOTE: removal of no l."permanent parking signs, except for T.0.V. no parking sign, removal of groceries. & beer, etc. and need approval for ,g /ty"o conform to a P"og,a?.HYrc'ta Apri I 26, t974 Mrs. Fran Moretti Adnr I n i straf i ve Ass lstantVail Vlllago lnnP. 0. Box 157Vail, Colorado l Dear Mrs. Moreftl: ln reply to ycur letter of Aprll 23 propoelng to expand fhevail villege lnn, I cannot sp€clf lcally teil you'*haf wouldbe psrniltted wlthout some furthar detai ls such ss slee ofrooms, whero on the sffE the addltion is proposod, etc. I am encfosinguse. Tho Va i which r*ould aResldenflal F I n accgssory I f you would I lke to stop by,regulatlons with you. Yours tru I y, TOWN OF VA I L I wou'ld be happy to revlew the Dl ana S. Tough i | | Zonlng Adminlstrator a Xerox copy of our zoning ordlnance for your Vl I lage Inn is Eon6d Publ ic Accommodations, low a m6x imurn of I l6 r0O0 square f eet of Grossoor Area and a maximum of 2A$ of the ftoor area omrfle rc I a I sg ace . BOX 157 i VAf L, COLORADO 81657 /' TELEpHONE 3O3 476-5622 LprLL 23, L97t+. Ms, Diana Toughill t Zon!'ng Adminls trator, Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado 81657. Dear Ms. Toughill: We are contemplat lng improvements on our ProPerty next srrtnner. At the present time, Ifle are thinking of adding 100 to 150 hotel rooms 'and 10,000 square feet of connercial sPace. Before expending any substantial amount of money on plansr we trould appreclate hearing from you as to the status of our situatlon. As you may we awarer r^/e own 1451000 square feet of 1and. Looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Fran Moretti (Mrs.) Administrative Asslstant FM:hs Project No. 845 December lB,l975 SOIL e FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION VArL VILLAGE Itil.t PHASE No. I VAIL, CoLoRADo PREpaRro FoR: VAIL VILLAGE INN C,/o MR. WILL r nu J. RUnFF. ARcHITEcTP. 0. Box 2178 VAIL, CoLoRADo 81657 {.t Pno.recr No. B4s DECEMBER 18, 1975 FIGURE Ns. I FIGURE N0. z FIGURE NO. 3 FreuRe Nos. 4-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS CoNcLusroNS PAGE I Scope Pnee e PRopcsEo CoNsrRUcrIoN PAGE z FIELD INVESTIGATIoN PAGE 3 LenoRnronv IruvesriGATIoN PAGE 3 Suesucrnce Conottroxs Pece q D:g:USSI oN PIce a GRouwo Fr-ooR SLea CoNlsrRUcrIoN PAGE s DF.-STcru t CnNSTRUCTIoN DETAILS PAGE 6 CoNSTRUcrrcru lNspecrloN Plee z TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN TEST PIT L0GS TEST PIT LoGS-LEGEND e N0TES GRnonrloN ANALYsTS SUMMARY OF LABORAToRY TEST RESULTS TABLE No. I Cg riss\r lt1pt C 8it€#3 ".9 aOO harbor dre cokrrodo sFrirg6 cob.6do . 00917 30J.506.7547 1031 souh frofta* p. o box 6a4 - !d . coktddo ' &1657 303.475.0297 DEcEMBER 18. i97s RF: SoTI a FoUNDATIoN VnTI VTLLAGE Iruru PHASE No. 1VAIL. CoLoRADo PRoJEcr No. 845 S-zs- r r -s IHvssrrGATIoN road u/zsl Q/ a Eof soil G foundationr dngineering CoNcLUS I oNS r)IN ouR oFINIoN, THE pRoposED srRucruRE sHouLD BE suppoRTEDBY SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIDNS PROPORTIONED FOR A MAXIMUM ALL0WABLE soIL BEARING PRESSURE oF asoo pSF. IT WILL NorBE NECESSARY FoR THE FOUNDATIoNs TO CARRY A MINIMUM DEAD J-OAD PRESSURE. ALL Four.iDAT I oN wALLS sHouLD BE wELL RE I NFoRcED . Top A \.D BOTTOM . THE rouruoATIoNS sHouLD BEAR STRATA CONSISTING OF LOOSE CLAYEY SAND AND GRAVEL Vt,ITH 4, All or rHE oLD FILL MATERIALS sHouLD BE REMovED FRoM BENEATH FoUNDATIoNS AND FLooR sLAB ARFAS. Nrw prlu USED FOR SUPPORT OF THE FLOOR SLABS SHOULD BE APPROVED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER AND SHOULD BE COMPACTEDTo AT LEAST 9s% oF Mnxluuu SrnNoano pRocroR DENSrry AND wITHIN 2z CF OPTIMUM MOISTTTRE CONTENT. pER ASTMD-698. A SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHoULD 5E PLAcED ARouNDTHE ENTIRE STRUCTURE, PARTICULARLY IN THE UPSLOPEAREAS, WHERE THE GROUND FLOOR SLAES WILL BE LOCATEDAT AN ELFVATION BELOW EXTERTOR FINISHED GRADES. Due ro rFiE pRoxIMrry oF EXIsTING BUILDINGWILL PROBABLY BE NECESSARY TO UNDERPIN THEOF THAT STRUCTURE, AS FURTHER DISCUSSED INOF THIS REPORT. ALTHoUGH No GRoUND wATER cn,-ITIoNS wERE ENcouNTERED ATTHE TIME OF OL,R SUBSURFACE iNVESTIGATION. IT MUST AEANTICIPATED THAT THE GROUND WATER LEVEL COULD RISE CONSI DERAALY DUR I NG THE SPRING AND EARLY SUI'4MER SEASONSOF THE YEAR DURING PERIODS OF RELATIVELY HEAVYPRECIPITATION AND RUN-OFF CONDI T i ONS. 2) 3) s) 6' 7' ON THE NATURAL UND I STURBED TO MEDIUM DENSE SILTY TO COBBLES AND BOULDERS. NO. I, IT FOUNDAT I ONS THE TE XT PRoJECT No. 845 DEcEMBER l8 , 1975 PAGE 2 8) TYPE I CEMENT MAY BE USED IN ALL CoNCRETE. 9) IT IS STRONGLY RECoMMENDED THAT ADDITioNAL INSPEcTIoNS AND TESTING BE CONDUCTED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION TO INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY OF LOOSE POCKETS OR ORGANIC (PEAT) LAYERS WHICH MAY OCCUR AT OR BELOW FOUNDATION LEVELS. Scope PRESENTED HEREWITH Is A REPoRT oF A SUBSURFAcE SoIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIoN AT THE sITE oF THE PROPoSED VAIL VILLAGE INN CoMPLEX To BE LocATED NoRTH oF EAST MEADow DRIVE. VAIL, EeelE CouNTY. CoLoRADo. Tne pi.iRposE oF THIS INVEsTIGATToN wAS To DETERMINE EXISTING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THIS SITE AND TO FORMULATE APPROPRIATE FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE. PRoPoSED CoNSTRUcTION It Is uNDERsrooD THAT A coMMERcIAL BUILDING wILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE AREA COVERED BY THIS INVESTIGATION. TNE PRoPoSED STRUCTURE WILL BE oNE (i) To THREE (3) ST0RIES IN HEIGHT WITH soME BASEMENT AND GARDEN LEVEL AREAS. THE GRoUND FLooRS wlLL BE coNcRETE sLABS-oN-GRADE. TnE FoUNDATToN WALLS WILL BE CAST-IN_PLACE REINFORCEO CONCRETE WITH PossIBLy posT-TENSIONED coNcRETE RnoF sysrEMS. LoADS ARE EXPECTED TO BE MODERATE. PROJEcT No. 845 DECEMBER I8, 1975 PAGE 3 F IelD Ir.qvesr t cnr r oru FoUR (4) TEST PITS wERE EXcAVATED AT LocATIONS APPRoXIMATELY INDICATED oN THE Trsr Prr LocntloN Platr, FrGuRe No. 1 . THE TEST PITS WERE LOCATED IN THE FIELD BY TAPE MEASURE METHODS AND THEIR LOCATION SHOULD BE CONSIDERED A5 APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE ELEVATIoN AT THE TEST PIT LocATIoNS wAS INTERPoLATED FROM A TOPOGRAPHIC MAP.PROVIDED TO US AS PART OF THIS PROJECT. TneReroRe, THE ELEVATIoNS AT THE TEST prr LocATIoNS ARE APPROX I MATF . Tne resr pITS wERE EXcAVATED tr.lITH A BACKH0E. Slllples OF THE VAF iiIIJS SUBSURFACE STRATA WERE RECoVERED FROM THE SIDES OF THE TEST PIT EXCAVATI0NS. THE L0GS oF THE TEST PITS ARE PRESENTED oN FIGURE NoS. 2 AND 3. LABoRAToRY INVESTIGATIoN Aul RecovERED soIL sAMpLEs wERE FoRwARDED To ouR Couoneoo SpRtrucs LABoRAToRTES wHERE THEv wERE cAREFULLY CLASSIFIED IN A LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM WHICH WAS INITIATED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. LReoReroRy rEsr RESuLTS ARE pRESENTED oN FIGURE Nos. 4-7 AND ARE SUMMARIZED oN TneLe No. I. ALL LABoRAToRy TESTs ||,ERE coNDUcrED IN AccoRDANcE WITH STANDARD oR SUGGESTED-ASTM PRocEDURES. PRo..tecr No . B4 s DECEMBER I8, T975PacE a suesuRracE coNDITroNs AT THIS srrE ARE EXTREMEL' ERRAT I C - TnE resr prrs EN..,NTFRED vARrous LAyERs oF oLD FrLL MATERIAL WHICH EXTENDED TO DEPTHS WHICH VARIED FROM THREE (3) To AS MUCH AS 7.5 FEET BELow PRESENT SITE GRADES. THE OLD FILL MATERIALS WERE RELATIVELY LOOSE AND CONTAINED ISOLATED POCKETS OF ORGANIC MATERIALs. THE MED I AND PIT BELOW THE LAYERS oF T0PSoIL AND oLD FILL MATERIALS, TEST PITS PENETRATED A STRATUM CONSISTING OF LOOSE TO UM DENSE, SILTY TO CLAYEY SAND AND GRAVEL WITH COBBLES BOULDERS. No GRoUND wATER TABLE wAs ENCoUNTERED BY THE TEST EXCAVATIONS AT THE TIME OF OUR FIELD INVESTIGATION. DISCUSSIoN IHE STRATUM coNSISTING oF LooSE To MEDIUM DENSE, sILTY TO CLAYEY SAND AND GRAVEL WITH COBBLES AND BOULDERS (NATURAL soIL) IS A FAIRLY coMpETENT MATERIAL AND rrrrrLL suppoRT FOUNDATIONS DESIGNED FOR MODERATE BEARING CAPACITIES. THIS MATERIAL IS NON-EXPANSIVE IN THAT IT T'|ILL NOT EXPERIENCE VOLUME CHANGES (SWELLING} IF ITS MOISTURE CONTENT IS INCREASED. PRo..tecr No, g4s DFcEMBER lB, t97s PAGE 5 IHEREFORE. BASED ON THE RESULTS OF OUR FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS AND OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROPOSED coNsTRUcrIoN ' rr Is REc'MMENDED THAT THE pRoposED srRUcruRE BE SUPPORTED AY CONVENTIONAL SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS, AS PRESENTED IN THE CoNcLUSIoNS oF THIS REPoRT. ALL FoUNDATIoNS SHoULD STEP DoWN THRoUGH THE LAYERS oF OLD FILL MATERIALS AND UNDERLYING TOPSOIL DEVELOPMENT TO BEAR ON GRANIJLAR STRATUM. THC FOUNDATIONS SHOULD PENETRATE THE BEARING MATERIALS AT LEAST TWELVE ( I2 , INCHES. IHE OLD FILL I4ATERIALS ARE VERY ERRATIC IN CONSISTENCY AND SUF.'PORT ING CAPABILITIES AND Af)tr NOT CONSIDERED SATISFACTORY TO SUPPORT EVEN THE LIGHTLY LOADED GROUND FLOOR sLABs. THEReToRE. ALL oF THE oLD FILL MATERTALS sHouLD BE SUB-EXCAVATED FROM BENEATH THE BUILDING AREA. THE SUB_EXCAVATIONS RENEATH THE FLOOR SLABS SHOULD BE BACKF.ILLED WITH A NEW COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER. THT FILL SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 952 OF MAXIMUM STNruOERO PROCTOR DENSITY. PER ASTM D-698. THE COMPACTED,FILL PLACED BENEATH THE FLOOR SLAB AREAS SHOULD HAVE A MAXIMUM PARTICLE SIZE OF SIX (6) INCHES. A MINTMUM oF FouR (4) ,rNcHES oF CLEAN, FREE DRAINING GRANULAR MATERIALT APPROVED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER, SHOULD BE PLACED BENEATH THE GROUND FLOOR SLABS-ON-GRADE. o PRoJEcT NO. 845 DEcEMBER I8 , 7975 PAGE 6 DESIGN 6 CoNSTRUcT IoN DETAILS I ) IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO EXCAVATE ADJACENT TO AND BELOW THE EXISTING SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS FAR BUILDING NO. t TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED NEW STRUCTURE. IT WILL PRoBABLY BE NECESSARY To UNDERPIN THE FOUNDATIONS Not'', suppoRTING BUILDING No. l. TnE rouruoATIoN UNDERPTNNING PROCESS WILL HAVE TO BE SUBJECT TO FURTHER EVALUATION BY THE SOIL ENGINEER ONCE DETAILS OF THAT EXISTING FOUNDATION ARE MADE AVAILABLE To US. A SYSTEM oF SEGMENTAL UNDERPINNING WILL PROBABLY BE REQUIRED TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO EXISTING BUILDING NO. 1. 2, ALL EXTERIOR F0UNDATIoNS SH0ULD BE PLACED BELOW FROST DEPTH, WHICH IS CONSIDERED TO BE AT LEAST 48 INCHES IN THE AREA OF THIS INVESTIGATION 3) ALL FOUNDATIONS SH0ULD BEAR oN UNoISTURBED NATURAL SOIL CONSISTING OF LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE.SILTY TO CLAYEY SAND AND GRAVEL wITH C0BBLES AND BOULDERS. ANY MATERIALS LOOSENED OR DISTURBED BY THE EXCAVATION PROCESS SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 4) ALL BACKFILL PLACED ADJACENT TO THE EXTERIOR FOUNDATION wALLs sHouLD BE coMPAcrED To AT LEAST 92% oF MAXIMUM Srer.toano PRocroR DEr.,s l iy , pEn ASTM D-598. PRoJEcr N0. B4s DEcEMBER I8, I975 PAGE 7 s)THE GRoUND SURFACE sHoULD BE GIVEN A PoSITIVE SLOPE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING ON ALL SIDES TO CONTROL SURFACE WATER RUN-oFF. THE HIGHLY oRGANIc MATERIALS ExcAvATED FROM WITHIN THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHOULD EITHER BE WASTED OR USED FOR FILL Tru CXTTRIOR LANDSCAPED AREAS ONt. Y. 6)Ir wtrL_ BE NEcESSARY FoR us ro REVIEw rHE AND COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT ONCE Crrryqgpl'1 I NG THE STRUCTURAL CHARACTER I ST I CS AUILDING ARE MADE AVAILABLE TO US. RECOMMENDAT I ONS DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED THe eNerysrs AND RECoMMENDATIoNs suBMrrrED tN rHIS REPORT ARE BASED UPON THE DATA OBTAINED FROM THE FOUR (4) TEST PITS EXCAVATED AT THE LOCATIONS INDICATED ON THE LOCATION DIAGRAM. TNTS REPORT DOES NOT REFLECT ANY VARIATIONS WHICH MAY OCCUR BETh,EEN THESE PITS. THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF VARIATIONS BETVTIEEN THE PITS MAY NOT BECOME EVIDENT UNTIL COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. FOR THIS REASON, IT IS RECOI4MENDED THAT THE SOIL ENGINEER INSPECT THE OPEN EXCAVATIONS. IF VARIATIONS THEN APPEAR EVIDENT, IT WILL BE NECESSARY FOR A RE-EVALUATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONs OF THIS REPORT TO BE MADE AFTER PERFORMING ON-SITE OBSERVATIONS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND NOTING THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ANY VARIATIONS. o PRoJEcr No, B4s DECEMBER r8, I9?5PneE s TnTs REPoRT HAs BEEN PREPARED IN oRDER To AID IN THE EVALUATTON OF THIS PROPERTY AND TO ASSIST THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER IN THE DESIGN OF TI.IIS PROJECT. IN THE EVENT TTTNT *NY GHANGES IN THE DESIGN OR LOCATIDN OF THE BUILDING AS : .BUTLINED OR PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT ARE PLANNEDi THE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CQNTAINED IN THIS REPORT SHALL NOT BE CDNSIDERED VALID UNLESS THE CHANGES ARE REVIEWED AND CONCLUSIONS OF THIS REPORT MODIFIED OR.APPHOVED IN TTRITING BY THE SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENCINEER. RESPECTFULLy suBMr rreb, Tnouas E. SuMMERLEE, p.E, PREs t oerut TES/LP 4 COPIES SENT (e6tsr€fd fu,,^,.d TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN PRoJECT No. 845 DECEMBER T8. 1975 SCALE T l "= 3o t Tesr Prr N0. 4 No. ro I / I t,tifa =oo |rl =F tt, t{l No. 3o u., I FXISTING BUILDINc o Iuotcnres Tesr PIT LocATIoN FIGURE No. 1 PROJECT NO. 845 DECEMBER l8, 1975 TEST PIT LOGS 95 90 B5 70 65 \ \ I\ \ No. 2 TEST PIT No. r 95 90 85 70 6s F trj trj IL .zo F ulJt! 80 75 F UJ ut |! -80zo F IJLr, 75 SEE FIGURE Ng.3 FOR LEGEND AND NOTES Tnp or BEARING STRATUM FOR SPREAD FOOT I NG FOUNDAT I ONS No. 4 FlcuRE No. z I o ST PIT LOGS-LEGEND s NOTIS o TE r i(utrEL I t\u. u.l 5 DEcEMBER I8 . I975 z B ml E ffi LEGEND T0PS0 IL r OLD FILL - Sorr, DARK BRowN FILL * SAND 6 GneveI , SILTY To CLAYEY, DeNsE, LIGHT . Molsr I{ITH coBBLEs AND BoULDERS To lB,', BRowN FILL-SILT - CLAyEyr sANDy, soFt ro MEDTuM srtFF. MoIsTTO VERY MOISTI DARK BROWN TIITH COBBLES AND BOULDERS UP TO I 8 '' . SILT - Snruoy ro vERy sANDy, cLAyEy.MeDIuM srIFF, MorsrTO VERY MOIST. BROWN. SAND e GRAVEL - Stlry ro cLAyEy. LoosE ro MEDTuM DENSE, LIGHT MOIST TO MOIST. BROWNwITH coBBles aruo BouLDERs up ro 3G',. NOTES 1) THE TEST PITS WERE EXCAVATED WITH A BACKHoEoN NoVEMBER l3 AND 14, 1975. 2:' NO GROUND WATER II{AS ENCOUNTERED AT THE IIMETHE TEST PITS WERE EXCAVATED. 3) Tne Iocs SHow APPRoXIMATE BoUNDARIES BETVIEENTHE VARIOUS STRATA AT THE DATES AND LOCATIgNS TNDtCATED AND IT rs Nor WARRANTED rnel tne.iARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONSAT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. FrcuRe No. 3 itre VAIL DATE SAMPLED PART ICLE S IZE OISTRI BUTION ANALYSIS ll/13,/75 HOLE NO. T.P.rl Sluple oEpTH 2.5r IHOMAS L. SUMM€RLTE SOIL LABORAToRY - PRo,rEcr No. "oo ' . DArE tt,/ZO/7s SAMPLE LOcATIoN iEuan xs R ANALYS I 25x ?x #10l6 llr l-1 0 t0 100 90 80 30 o Huro Eso F2 850 tl) A ?0 80 ?o 60 50 40 (tz antl A FZ td(, T LlT 100 30 zo l0 0 .001 .00 .009 .019 90 l.l t00 clev(plrsrrc) ro slr.r(rox-pLASrtcl 0.1r2 2. 2:0 9.52 r9.l 3E.l cotl. 8f EVE AXALYg | 8 TIIE N EAO I NCs u.s. sr^xoARo g I EvE tER I E8 cLEAr SQUARS 0PgXt flGt IEO I UI SIEVE N0. PERCENT PASS ING 3.0"rt 1 .5" 3/4" 3/8"100 #4 94.6 #6.90.6 #16 a3,4 #)o 75.0 #50 AA .r #1oo 55.9 #200 otl, - ATTERBERG LIMITS' LL PL PI NoN -Pues IC CLA SS USCS tFtcATrONML.SM FlG. No. PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS tt/r3/7s HoLE No. T.P.*r SAupr-E oEprH 5l | |'tl.,MA 5 E. DUMMEBLE SO I L LA BoRA ToR Y PRo,rEcr No. g4s DATE rt/Zo/ls3treVAIL LOCAT ION DATE SAMPLED Vetu Vtr-laee Ittt't Pnnse No. 1SAMP L E IEMARKS ER ANALY 8t EVE AxALVS I S TInE REAOI CS u.s.3TA}|DARo 8l gvE EER I €8 cLEAr SQUAiE OPE X I NCt SIEVE NO. PERCENT PASS I NG 3.0n I 1.5r' 3/4" 3/8"100 #4 97 ,2 #B 93. 1 #16 n6 0 #)o 74.2 #50 6S - 3 #100 54.6 #zoo 42.L.rt 25n ?n #r0 4 0 l0 4r l-1 90 00 30 !40 Eso 2 u60 E a ?0 80 ?0 '(J 60: 2 Ll 40P ll! 50" 30 20 l0 0lo0 .001 CLASSIF ICATION USCS SM-ML to0 ATT€RBERG LIMITS LL PL PI NoN-LAST I c ctev(plesrrc) ro sllr(toit-rLlgttc) l.lg 9,52 l9.l cotl.F I G. tto. PARTICLE SI ZE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS SI TE VAIL DATE SAMPLED 1r/ L3/75 HOLE No. T.^.e--c.L SAMPLE oEpTH 7.O' THoMAS E. SUUUERLEE SotL LABoRAronv' - 845PRO.JEcf No. DA TE tr/20/75 SAMPLE LOCATION Vnrr Vrr r acp T r.rr.r pr.rasr Nn^ r )EMARKS 25 x1 I I 'o I Irol I 301 Iol !'lo I-t<l lso I-lzl u50 |alL'ial 701 80 e0l I Ir00 | .001 I clA r II YOROXE TE R ANALYS I S 8I EVE ANALYS I S 30 20 l0 0 t00 90 80 70 o 601 to 504 Fz 40! L,c ,0 I llo .r I rc REAo I NG9 u.3. SIANoARO ! l8YE tEitE9 cLEAr SqUAnE OPE .GA ]i ?Hr I 5M 50u 19r 4n I r /120r ___ _t r | | | | tttttl rrrltl i.002 .005 .0og .019 :o)? :01 #4o lllo) #10o #qo lllo #16 #E #4 J/8' 3I4. t-1/?. t r i I | _7r I I I I I ____-_,,_| r r r r r | | | | I I .- | - | r . | | | I I t I e .r{9 .297 .i'go t.1g 2.38 4.76 g.5Z tg.1 36.1 ?6.0.42 2:0 I F; H H 1-1 F=F F tr: E2'll (pursr lc) ro grrr(rol-prAgrto)SAxO EiAVCL oor I rc I rcolsr boAisE rlt|c I coAf,a3 SIEVE NOr PERCENTPAsst[l 3.0n v 1 .5" 3/4'100 )/8"80.2 #4 57 .5 #8 #16 42 ,3 #30 )A 'l #50 17. I #100 o #200 ?a ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PL PI cLAss tF I cAt I oN USCS SM FlG. No. PART ICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS |J t-. !rrJrrlYrE.nLrF SotL LABoRAToRy PRo,JEcT No. 6 lll ^ DATE 11/2o/7510.7'S t re VArL SAMPLE LOCAT I ON SAMPLED ! r/.13/75 HOLE NO. T.P.*2 SrupIg oEPTHDA Tt VAI VILLAGE INN. Pnese No. IEMARKS z5 x1 1o I I 20l I 30l Iol H'to I:l lso IFl2l u60l0qlTi "i 80i Irol Ir00I .001 ,!l.r XYOAOTETER ANALYSIg 6l EV€ ANALY6tS 100 90 80 7o t(, 50: th,tl 50. FI 40! lrlc 30 20 10 0 t0 tlrE iEAo I nGs u. s. StANoARD stEVE g€itE3 cLEAr SQUAaE OPE{t r.G3 H ?tar I 5u 60t. 19M 4g lx #201 tttttl .002 .005 .0og .019 .o)7 .o? #+o llr0) fi0o #qo #$ #15 #E ll4 3/8. 1,14. 1-r/2. j - I|I|rrz|||r - | r I r : !r | | | I I I I | - It I | | | --'--'' | ||' I | | | I r | | rrr | | | | ____ r r I r | | | | | | I||,rr|||rl 4 .1r+g .29? .'.59O l.l9 2.38 4.76 g,5Z tg.r 16.l ?5.o.4z 2:0 tr F F trFEFFtrF F 1- F fi z ll llr t<rtal ta crr tfrar-or rcrrfrl EA XO ERAVEL ftNE I rEotux FoAnsE FtxE I coAesE c;E raa. S I EVE NOr PERC€Nf PASS I NG 3. 0"I 1 .5"100 3/4"96.4 )/8"89 ^ 9 #4 77.O #8 62 .8 #16 42 ,6 #30 23. A #50 13.4 #100 9.0 #200 7,O J ATTER BER C LIMITS LL PL PI CLASSIFICATION USCS SM Ftc. xo. TABLE ilo. I LAEORATORY TEST RESULTS THOUAS E. SUTI'ERLEE PRO,JECT llo, e+s 0ATE tt/ rs/7s HOL E No. OEPTH, FEET NATURAL MO I STURE fr NATURAL ORY DEXST tYt PCF ATTERBERG LIHITS UNCONF I NEO couPRE ss I vE STRENGTH, P3F -200 s l EvE, ft PART I CLE stzE ANALYS I S SOIL OESCRTPTION oR cLASStFtCAItON LLfi PLfi Ptfi I I 1 1 I z a z.a 2.5 4,5 4.5 7.O .+.d 23 .3 q'7 15.8 :q 7 6,2 91 107 98 104 I O4 Nol NON Pt ar ':^l I Tff' 'l-'la 970 670 7t0 060 2900 3300 47 .7 42 .2 Ftc.tq Flc.*s FIG. fl6 FIG. #7 FILL-Srlrv, Saruoy FILL-Sllry, Saruov SILT-Saruov, Cleyev SILT-Snruov, Cueyev SAND e, GRAVE L- S T I Tv FILL-SiLT, CIEYEV FILL-SILT, CLAYEY sANDsGRAVE r--s r r-rI ItI I I : for e. 11. j PEC 9/26/83 amendments to SDD 6 (Vail Villa Inn ) to i ncrease GRFA rm and c ona uses uest a rKl n aqe concernln restr cormercial cea U ermore, a rezon nq reoue stl n ons rezone rom Heavy serv ce to Pu ons an nc tu a Inn canf,:cc are, Peter Jamar will give the final staff presentation at this time. Actually we've got seven requests that came in the memo & just came across three more during today's meeting & that's one of the reasons for recomnend'ing that this thing be tabled but have made some prel'iminary connents. As they speak in the memo per a proposal was given to us late last Wednesday and we feel that a project of this scope certainly needs some adequate staff review. To date we truly haven't even received all that is required by SDD 0rdinance, but we felt that since this was such a large proiect, we ought to go through the review. I know theapplicantswould'like to get a vote today. But we felt that we ought to at'least preliminarily, in our minds, address what the issues are so that we can at least hopefully detail today that the appli- cants will be given some direction in terms of the issues or the items that they're asking for. So I wjll just basically to through no. 7 and again, there are three additional, which I'll go through at the end. The first request, as Dan stated, is to rezone Development District #6 which underljnes zone roughly acres that allow 0!',a TTA AM0C0 gas station site to the Special district no. This is a 25.55 and 9 square feet of GRFA and 27 in combination units. The appllcantsare to incorporate this density into the existing density which was formed in we believe that this will eliminate the gas station entrance to the Vail and the staff at this time is supportive of that idea. hle feel that they opposed i976 and community have those properties basically developed within the city guideljnes and certainly of the conrnunity. The applicants site planning and plan to have that basically kind of park-type atmosphere at the entrance is certainly a positive aspect of the proposal . l,le do believe, however, that 19,000 sq. ft. GRFA & 27 units that would be certainly shouldn't be taken as a given. That sjte zone is for heavy service right now, basically for heavy use on that site & we don't particu'l ar'ly buy the applicants argument that they can come in & put a massive office building on that corner. We feel that in the same sense, the re-zoning on that property ought to be whatevef is appropriate in terms of the intent of the existing SDD. Part of the purpose that SDD #6 states that, I'll iust quote out of here. It says ordin- arily "a spec'ia1 development district sha'l I be created on'ly when the development density wi'l'l be lower than allowed by the existing zoning. l,Je of this site, that theapplicantcan't necessarily PEC 9/26/83 feel that demonstrate that that zone fits in wjth the existjng SDD & possibly the density ought to be cut down somewhat. Second request is to, bottom part of the density contro'l section of SDD #6 to a11ow total GRFA I72,0LS sq. ft. rather than 100,000 that the original SDD al'lows. They feel that that number of acconunodation unjts & number of dwelling units ought to limit the density on that site. The origina'l STP says that if the tota'l GRFA is going to accommo- dation units, the number of accommodation units sha'l I not exceed 300 the staff & the app'licants. tle interpret that where it says it shall not exceed 300, they're saying that they're allowed 300. fJe're saying that in no event should that number go over 300 regardless of what GRFA has already been used. If you take that 172,000 sq. ft. requested as a total, then take out the 19,000 sq. ft. from the potential PA zon'ing, Amoco property, that'l'l leave us 53'006 sq. ft. that the applicants are in effect asking for variance on the . That proposal would consist of 200 rooms in phase 4, 10 condominiums in phase 5, and 6 - units do some dec'iding. The staff's preliminary recommendation on this js that we cannot at all support the 53,000 additional sq. ft. of GRFA. That's half again what the original SDD allowed in terms of 100,000. There are some view comidor problems and some problems that I'11 point out in a minute, with the original intent of the allo- cation of and mass on the site which cannot be met on the current proposal . tle believe that major prob'l ems, that the occupants are just trying to put too many sq. ft. on the site. lrle would support limited employee housing which the applicants are proposing 6 units. t.le would support employee housing necessary for the operation of the 1odge. Basically, again, I think we've demonstrated that -.."-.-_- handled on the site consistent with the original intent of the SDD. Their request is to add professional business offices, theaters, meeting rooms and convention facilities, corrnercial parking facilities as used within the SDD. We would reconunend that theater, meeting room & convention facilities are already used & should be per- mitted & they are unnecessary for the functjon of a lodge conpatible with that use. We fee'l that professional business offjces are inappropriate for the site & also at this time we support the parking faciljties; however, we feel that at some point this is constructive in this configuration, that 'it could support corrnercial parking in terms of the VVI allowing people to come in & once the Lionshead structure & the structure goes up to allow some limited parking jn this structure. l,'le feel , due to the nature of the operation, a hotel , taking a look at the existing phase III of the PEC 9/26/83 VVI parking is 50% utilized in that structure. But I think it wou'ld be a mistake until the use pattern of that facility would be evaluted before we go ahead & a'llow them at this time. The fourth request basica'l'ly is coupled with that. This project would require 396 spaces & the occupants have requested that only 300 spaces be suppl ied. Supportive of that exemption from the parking requirement and again, we believe, that due to the nature of this project that ful1 amount is required. The fifth request is to e'liminate the requirement that's in the SDD for parking & chartered buses. The applicants feel that since there are areas to the east of the village parking structure, I guess Gold Peak would be another one, & areas where charter buses can be parked, that they feel they do not need to provide them on the site. We would agree with that as requested. There ought to be on & off the frontage road to unload buses. in that l oad'ing area, The sixth request js to eljminate the heighth restrictions of the SDD. They're worried about the wording, that type of height restriction in the Gold Peak proposal... (end of Tape #5 of 8). At the time the development for SDD 6 was adopted in 1976, most were pretty detai'led recorrnendations was done in terms of bu'ilding mass, sections were drawn & also this area was designated, this map has designated areas. What I've done is basical'ly super- impose on to the current site development plan, this plan here, to see how it corres- ponds to each other. For instance area A was a S-story mass, when then was phase 3' which basically has . So the B areas are step-dwon areas, supposed to be basically 3-story. Area B in this area, was meant to be a 3-story maximum. Area C, a 4-story maximum. Those were all delineated basical'ly to preserve this view of the ski slopes from the 4-way stop which you can't see very we1 1 from this picture, which the staff more or less interpreted as Gol d Peak. The applicants wish to amend that & basically preserve the view. |'le do not feel that, again mass with this proposal should be taken as a given, the property above this view corridor or adja- cent. basically, the original SDD al'lowed the range or type of south- west of the property, the step-down area D, the intersection of Vail Road & Gore Creek Drive to a height of 63 feet, which wou'ld be phase 3, the northwest portion of phase 3. The appljcants are proposing that cument porposal range from approximateti SS ft. to a maxinum of 80 ft. Keep in mind that the origina'l public accormodation facili- ties at the time the SDD was adopted, al1owed the average height of 45 ft. We do not in any way support the modification of the height requirements. l,le feel that it is an important vjew, at the entrance to Vail, that Gold Peak is much more significant than the v'iew is PEC 9/26/83 of Riva Ridge in proximity of the mountain. And we feel the closeness in the village to the skiers on Gold Peak, rather than seeing Riva Ridge way out from a distance is important & I would encourage the Planning Cormissioners, if this does get tabled, between now & the next review, to rea'l ly, the staff can copy these off for you. If you really look backward, there was a lot of thought given to this SDD & there's files full of memos which really outline the reason for all these height & mass studies. l.le believe the intent of this SDD should remain in terms of the view comidor. The seventh request'is that the applicants be allowed to extend connercial facili- ties to encourage the flow of pedestrian traffjc within and troughout the public plazas & spaces throughout the project. The SDD a1'lows a tota'l of 47,000 sq. ft. of commer' cial space; cumently approximately 39,195 sq. ft. exjsts. It would basical'ly lock off 800 sq. ft.conrnercia'l space. The applicants are proposing 16,750 sq. ft. in addition of commercial space between phase 4 and 5. |.le believe that additional conrnercia'l space is important, especially to al1ow the flow through the proposed vil'l age & plaza area & also the connection to the Holiday Inn to work, is probably going to need additional commercia'l space per floor. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that a higher plaza leve'l needs to be cornmercial space. When you think about phase 3 of the Village Inn to the east of the pool area, there is landscaped area in the lst level" which is right off the front of some of the condominiums whjch does work pretty well, so we would basically support limited expansion of cormercia'l space but only to the extent that it makes pedestrian travel throughout the area worthwhile. The three other minor changes that are also being requested that I just mentioned, are basica'lly to change wording in the SDD to al'low, including the Amoco site, which would bring it to the area, comprising SDD of 4.005 acres. That basically effects two of the sections in the SDD language. And the other would be iust the distance between buildings 'language contained in the SDD. says at it should be indicated on the development plan & not less than 60 feet from building to . Repeal ing that request. Those are the issues & probably each one of those issues would take a meeting in itself. I certainly hope we can table the items today so that the staff can have a full review period to revjew the cument proposal . As I said, there are several re- quirements that are contained in each phase of the SDD. One would be the environmental impact report or supplement to the original environmental impact report resubmitted. This has not been done for th'is case & as a matter of fact it takes three supplements to environmental impact report to basically pass the buck on several issues on to phase 4 and 5 & since these can be dealt with in phase 4 and 5, the environmental impact state- ment. So we have not rece'ived an environnental impact report. The language that PEC 9/26/83 in the SDD says the next phase of the development has to be reviewed by an outside con- sultant. The consultant has not been rev'iewing previous proposals, but, again, not reviewed this part of the proposal which we received Wednesday. The third item would be the preliminary Iandscape plan must be submitted. t,'le have several concerns that we haven't been ab'le to get into up into this point in terms of traffic impacts on Vai'l Road, the exits to the park'ing garages. hle're very concerned about the re'lationship of the existing building 5 in terms of service delivery & how that's going to work with the other parts of the project. Just the functionality of the plaza, whether it's wide enough, and many other aspects which haven't been addressed in the short time we've had the review. I guess I skipped over a little bit about what it is exactly they're proposing in terms of numbers of stories and numbers of rooms, but I think Gordon wil l probably go pretty fairly through that & I would like the opportunity to have his presentation to get a little bit more specific about some of the height. Dan Corcoran - Who's going to be representing the appljcants? (Joe Staufer) Joe, first off, I'd like to ask a question. Is it indeed your intent to proceed to try to get a vote on this today? Joe Staufer - We would like to get a vote today. It depends on how everybody feels after we go through the steps. Dan Corcoran - I think that discussion with board members ear'l ier has been that we do want an informative discussion and session on this with some facts and figures. Maybe that discussion will settle in enough peoples' minds to go ahead and vote, so I guess we'11 go ahead and proceed with your presentation. Joe Staufer - My name is Joe Staufer and I'm the owner of Vail Village Inn and I guess a partial applicant because I sti1l own the property, and I will be and probably will remain as the manager of the property for a whj'le and be part of the conrnission of the sale of the property which is 200 hotel rooms which I say some would allow. I have to ask you to bear a little bit with me because I need to give a little history of how we got where we are today and how it al'l started. This may be a little boring in the beginning, you may get the reaction, what do these facts and figures have to do with me, but it's very pertinent that we understand how this Special Development District was formed. l,le bought, our company bought Vail Village Inn in June of 1969. The prior owners had lost from $100,000-300,000 a year for seven years in a row and they were just ready to get out. l,le came in and we were able to cut those losses down to $100,000 a year and after three years, we decided we can't stand that kind of loss either & we then sold the Vail Village Inn. llle are, and I apologize to you people have heard it before, but it's important that everybody knows about it - we put the PEC 9/26/83 property on the market for $2.5 million. It was on the market for approximately a year- and-a-half to two years. [,le were unable to sell it. At that point I went to I went to Bi'l 1 Ruoff who just came to town and started an architectural practice and said check into this whole thing and check what we can do with the property. l,|e can't go on'losing money, we have to look into developing business. I'm not a developer and I hated the thought, but what can we do with the property? Bill Ruoff came back and said We]l, the saw me. You can bui]d somewhere around 400 to 450 rooms. I said well, at the present we have a building here and 4 bu'ildings up here, there's a dirt parking 1ot right down here, why don't we explore the possibilities of building a building here with commercial on the road and we'11 charge them for parking on the ground. He came back with a scheme that would allowed for about 120 rooms here and 5 stories with commercial on East Meadow Drive. The start of all of it and I have here from the start to verify some question from him later on. All of that proposal, which was strictly had been existing else and said 0h gosh, oh please don't do that. l,le are working with, Al1en Beck was in town who was a full- time consultant and why don't you let us work something out for you that makes iust as much sense for you, but doesn't impact the town the way this thing would impact the town. l,le are trying to pedestrianize the whole area, now this is the staff talking, and we feel that if you give us a chance to trade off with you, litt'le stories up down here, we'I1 1et you put the he'ight jn the back here where it doesn't impact anybody. As a matter of fact, at that time the staff believed that height put back was a good thing because it would insulate the pedestrian area of the traffic flows. I went to start work on it, they worked with the architect and we came wjth what you see now, the Special Development District No. 6. [,le went ahead in '76 and put those connercia'l bui'ldings in and then in '78 we put phase 2 in which are those two little buildings behind that again I had to contact at a cost in phase 2 that in the last 200 years I wouldn't make a dime because we were conmjtted to the town on a plan that would gr've us a trade back here where the road is. That's where we would get our density, that's where we wou'l d make up what we basical 1y are giving up down here. At that time, that whole atmosphere of the town staff, council, everybody, was down zoning, down zoning, down zoning. As long as we down zoned we'd be al'l right. I was in V.A. zoned, the staff at that time suggested that a'l'l VA zones get down zoned by 40%. That's betterthan100,000sq.ft.TheSDDwas-thedownzoningagain&again& again said, I want to build a qua'lity hotel. I cannot bui'ld 300 quality rooms in 100,000 . Don't worry about it, Joe. You look at the guy that sajd it. You have to come back anyway every phase by the special district, you have to come back to us. And we're just, it won't ever make sense, that 100,000 sq. ft. At no time, PEC 9/26/83 did I then say, if you don't down zone VA 40%, I want to be stuck with 100,000 sq. ft. And then VA down zoned maybe only 30%. As it happened, VA did get down zoned 2Q% and we now have an 8% relationship between length mass & building mass. I should have come back then and there and said, well they only down zoned VA X %, so nty village ought to be readjusted. Everything was fine, except that I did not count on having two on the staff. And that d'id happen and I was re'lying on what the staff at that time said I should rely on. That section 14 of the 0rdjnance which says that: Limition of existence of special development in district 6 prior to the adoption of the approved development p1an. The Town Council reserves to the town the right to aggregate, abbrogate or multiply special development district no. 6 for good cause through the enactment of ordinance, provided, however, that in the event Town Council finds it appropriate to , to abbrogate or mu1tiply SDD 6, the procedures shall be in accordance with Article. Anyway, the staff says, I can re'ly on 2 things. 1 is that I will not be treated than any other VA zone otherwise it could be zoning. They, maybe to rely on this article that says that we can, if it makes sense, to trust it, they also made me rely that to come back & would have to come back anyway and then . According to what makes sense in the spirit of the VA zone. So when Peter talks about the 100 GRFA, I'm not ta'lking about 100,000 GRFA, I'm talking about 140,000 GRFA because I think that I relied on the staff and on the town's inte- grity that I would be treated no different than anybody e'lse in the VA zones. There's other things that are not written down. At one tjme, the staff said we wanted and we wanted for you to. I said all right, what fixtures do you want? They picked $1,000 jn stone fixtures, $1,000 a piece, they picked 12 of them. So the last 6 years. I have never cormitted in writing that I'd pay for them. I have paid for ito I've installed the things, I've paid for the electricity for 6 years. Last spring for example, they came over and said we want to improve East Meadow Drive and $7,000 for you. I said what? $11,000. It was never written down, they want ahead and did it. I came back to them, I liked what I saw. It happened not to be on my pro- perty, it happened to be on town property, but I promised to pay the $11,000. I paid it. So I think, I personally am not talking about 100,000 sq. ft., I'm talking about 140,800 sq. ft. al'lowable bed base with the Amoco stat'ion. In my mind I'm also talk- ing about 80,000 comnercial Now I don't know where the 40'000 carp in from' The says I can 201" of all the build-but I just don't know where it ing and that's more like 80,000 I think we're not asking for a for a variance, basical 1y we're Any questions? that leads me up to where we are today. the extent that Peter says, we're asking a trade off between commercial and... came from. sq. ft. So variance to asking for PEC 9/26/83 Dan Corcoran - Does anyone have any questions on that part of the presentation? (female voice) - hlas the Amoco station zoned PA when you got your SDD? Joe Staufer - The whole property orig'inal1y was zoned PA. I take that back. The whole property was under one ownership. Amoco reserved the right when the property was sold to take up the corner and leave it as a gas station. At that time, they zoned it as a service flowing with what was already there, So, had the service zoned, there are things, it basically is a gas station, most probably could be a gas station, so it's zoned for a gas station. Gordon Pierce - I'm Gordon Pierce, I'm the architect for the applicant. I'd like to explain a couple of things. In a'll due respect to what Peter said about us bringing the material, I guess the final draft did come to him only about 2 days prior to thjs meeting. hle did meet on the 31st of August, the first time, with the staff and with consultants and we went over the lst proposal . Out of that, came a number of sugges- tions. llJe reacted to some of those. We met again on Sept. 13th and had another review period and ever s'ince then, we have been making some adjustments to the staff's conunents. So although itrs true that the final application wasn't in Peter's hands, it wasn't as if this was a whole new thing that just came to the staff and I want the p'lanning cormission to know that because otherwise it would sound like it just came in at the very last second. That's not totally true. I think there was lost of discussion. Perhaps our reaction to their corments wasn't to the extent they would like, but we did work in their direction, we did take out a number of things that were in the initial proposal and we djd decrease voluntarily with the staff, Just to quickly go over what is existing, this is phase 1, this is phase 2, phase 3 is this area here, the existing VVI, Pancake House, this is number of small hote'l rooms, 48, plus condominiums, Service entrance. The property here has roughly 80- 82 parking spaces. You're familiar with way this looks when you come into Vai'l . The shape of the building didn't cone out of necessari'ly the view corridor, it came out of the expertise of several hote'l consu'l tants, so rather than try'ing to design the build- ing totally around view corridor, it probably wouldn't have worked. Second of a1 1, it's just no longer appropriate, because in our application we're taking the Conoco station into consideration, whereas the other one didn't take that into consideration. It's only too bad that at the time the applicant didnrt have the expert'ise of another architect who would have shown him that with only 33,000 sq. ft. 'left and 200 and some rooms to be built that you could only have hotel rooms about the size of a bed and bathroom. Unfortunately that wasn't brought out. Getting into the planning of the proiect, the existing phase 3 building has 2levels of parking underneath it. They PEC 9/26/83 enter at the present time down the ramp on the east side of the bldg. as we'll as thru that parking lot we just showed you, then thru a gate past the existing b1dg. Upper level of parking from where you can park your car or go down to the lower level . l,le felt'it's important to tie that parking'into phase 4. t^Je further felt that there should be another entrance and exit for automobiles and it wou'ld be nice to get it away from the development, and get it away from traffic and congestion out here. So we placed an entrance/exit for automobiles down at this end of the property so that underground, out of view, we have circulation that works around in sort of clockwise manner. It can be reversed counter-clockwise depending on traffic studies or depending on the oper- ation of the garage. As was suggested earlier, we might get into a cormercial type parking structure. Joe or someone pojnted out a little earlier that use of the exist- ing parking is very 1ight, but the heavjest use is about 50% of what he's built. This operation would not be that much different. He would have a 'l of of excess parking. One of the staff recorrnendations early in the game, prior to my getting involved in the project, tvas that the entrance to the hotel be placed somewheres up in this area a'long the frontage road rather than say off in the corner or . I think that was a good suggestion for a number of reasons. No. 1, by putting it over and out of the way of this intersection, it will djminish traffjc impact on it, also, it permits us the ability to circulate the cars after they un1 oadn the guests arrive, the car can either be taken from them or drive themse'l ves just a short distance down the ramp into the parking structure. The sarn thing when leaving out of this side of the b1dg. Just drive over to the corner & come back to the entrance, load your car and leave there. It's a very simple clockwise system. The bldg. has 2levels of parking underneath it similar to VVIs, except that both of our levels are basically one more'level lower. You come in at their upper 'l evel , then you ramp down to our first |evel when then comes out almost at street level here. You also could come down around to their lower leve'l and do it one more time. Pedestrian-wise, we feel that and obviously so, that there's a great deal of traffic on East Meadow Dr. and up into VVI phases 1 and 2 in parti- cular. After that 'it very much dead ends at the Pancake House at the present time. Our proposal here is to create a large plaza in the back of the bldg., considerably larger than what was originally proposed. They couldn't have had half the p'laza that we're suggesting. l.le'd like to reinforce the plaza with shops along with the traffic that comes thru the b1dg., crossing the street at a controlled point here and going towards the Holiday Inn, the town offices, where we are now. There would have to be some periphera'l study made for this traffic here, but we feel that this proposal 'is much better than what you have now. I see everyone walking down the Frontage Road' com'ing thru the Standard Station sometjmes on this side of the road, sometimes on PEC e/26/83 10 that side of the road. It can be really dangerous at this point. I think you cou'ld very much control it at one area & have a real pedestrian crossing at that point. !'le felt that as far as servicing the entire Vai'l Village Inn area goes, the best place to bring service vehicles in this is back in this area where they now service the Deli and other bldgs. in phase 1 and 2 as opposed to anything up closer to the intersection or the frontage road. t,le felt that for the hote'l there would be a double loading berth for trucks, there's room for a semi-truck to pul1 in forward or back up into the load- ing berth along s'ide of say a 6' or 8-whee'l truck. 2 vehicles could be unloading at the same time. For the time being, until bldg. 5 comes down, we would like to continue to load and unload phase 1 and 2 where they come presently. At the time phase 5 would be built there would be a new'loading dock put into the phase 5 bui'lding. I think it's a rather simple, clear point, I'm not quite sure why there's any confusion on it, because we would have considerable basement storage area underneath the phase 5 building. It's a simple matter. They would come right here, where they are presently unloading & get into phase 1 and 2. One of the major concerns of our hotel consultants had been in the area of separating loading and un'loading of the hotel operation. It could become a horrible hassle for both the enterprises. They highly recorrnended that you have a general loading area. t.le have 2loading docksi l for the hotel & for .Joe, of course, is no newcomer to the hotel business or to Vail. In our meetingsn he was present. I think the hotel consultant was always impressed with his remarks about how this thing really works here in our comnunity. He really agrees wholeheartedly that this is basically the way the loading & unloading should be handled for the project. We didn't deve'lop a landscape plan for a number of reasons. It's kjnd of like putting the cart out in front of the horse I think. Don't you first have to determine where a building is go'ing to be and how it's going to be designed wjth impact on the other bufldings, but basical ly I see 3 areas, 1js the entrance area here. I cal1 it the entrance area to Vail , creating as much of a green area as possible. Perhaps some of you can see the shaded area underneath it. That is the fi'l1ing station. So the front of our build'ing is from, we're showing a1 so a right turn lane here. We're back from this intersection 100 and some feet from our building, versus about 50 feet to the corner of the fi'l ling stations, so it'1'l be quite a nice green area in here. The green area would be then extended up around the corner to our entrance, then picked up again'in front of the existing, phase 3, as well as down Vajl Road. One of the corments from the staff from our early proposal was to move this part of the building back on the property line which we have done. hle moved it back about another 15'. The second PEC a/26/83 11 area of landscaping wil'l be a park down off of this corner. Initially it wouldn't be as big as we'd like to see it, but it would offer a means for pedestrians to walk on the sidewa'l k & cut thru a nice green area to the bus stop over here. Eventually this parking would be removed. It probably would just come back into the project. The 3rd area of landscaping would be the plaza itself, wh'ich would be primarily hard- surfaced area with shops, with heavy pedestrian traffic. In that area vle would have primarily just large trees. One of the things which came up which'is way ahead of the game here too, is that owners contacted a man who does a lot of sculpture work & they'd like to have a fair number of scu'l ptures within this area, perhaps sculptured garden is a long phrase, but it's something along those lines. Mr. Hi1ler brought along photographs which are almost a DRB issue, but anyone inter- ested in seeing that could show them to you. Dan Corcoran - Are any of them orange? Gordon Pierce - I'd like to move on. Pretty much what I've just shown you, only on a little larger scale. You can see for instance, the size of the park down here. Ano- ther side light to that, the owner has to'ld us that they would be willing to dedjcate the property to the town if the town wanted it, or they would maintain it or do what- ever they want. If the town wou'ld like to handle it, it might give the town some sec- urity to how this would be used in the future. It would be dedicated as a park, oper- ated and maintained by the owners of the hote'l or by the town, whatever. I realize that some of the things that have come up recently like a Trojan horse, against the town, but I think this is a good choice. This is the phase 5 bldg., it's non-existing, but will be there around 1997, unless something can be worked out with some people who have a long-term 1ease, take part of this b1dg., in which case, th'is bldg. would come down. Phase 5 is shown by dotted line which is not unlike what was earlier recormended by Eldon Beck back in '76. The lower leve'l of phase 5, we're suggesting some commercial off the street. This is the second level of our parking. As they come off the frontage road, come down the ramp and in here, simple automobi'le ramp, it's a very shallow ramp & right alonger here & back oui. 0r you can turn, go down to the lower level of phase 3. You've got to come out this same way. This is the plaza1eve1. What we call in the office, elevation 93. It's virtually the elevation of the existing plaza, Swimming pool out in this area here. We're showing on th'is leve1 , the continuation of shops, which is the pink color. llle have some hotel operations on this level as well. l,Je've been put- ting in some small anr,enities for the hotel , such as a game room, some locker roomsr ski storage. A means for getting into the swirrning pool, inside the build'ing, being able to swim outdoors, then come back in, go to the locker room in a warm atmosphere. PEC 9/26/83 T2 A very small issue, but I'11 bring'it up here, is the skis would be handled when the guest amives, the skis are separated from his luggage, they're tagged, taken down to this room by means of an elevator. tJhen he's ready to go skiing, he doesn't have to take his skis from his room down, they're in a place, they're tagged, they,re main- tained for him. He can then leave, get out to the bus system, or walk over to the slopes. The other items on thjs level are, we would like to have some nreeting rooms which are primari ly . There would be a large pantry, not a restroom, but a pantry which would serve those guests. Some of them would be catered in a small amount, there might be a cook there on the site & the rest of the storage for those meeting rooms. Off the meeting rooms would be one board room that cou'l d be set up on a continuing basis to serve'l uncheons for various groups that come in, break up, go into their more intense meetings. One of the difficult things to determine is where to locate the Pancake House. It may sound si'l 1y, but they have a separate lease. They're totally separate from the hotel . The consultant was very quick to point out, you can't use them as your hotel restaurant. It would be best if you wouldn't identify yourself with them. Not that they don't run a good operation, but jf anything goes wrong with a guest'in their rest- aurant, the guest has no recourse. For instance, if the operat'ion was off of your 'l obby, everyone assumes it's the hote1 restaurant. After giving it a fair amount of thought, I said maybe the thing to do is to put it on the corner, we won't face it toward the main street, we'll iust have windows & sort of a facade onthe bui'lding that creates a nice atmosphere from the street corner. You won't know what's going on behind it, some sort of eating establishment, nore fun to see, especially at night than the Conoco station. I think it wou'ld add to the ambjence of the town, it's more in keeping with what we have back here. The entrance to that restaurant would be on the plaza Level , flowing thru here and off the p1aza, working into here, t,le do have a few more shops off the pedestrian way to reinforce this. 0n this level we also have the beginning of the hote1 rooms. This is the lobby entrance off the frontage road. What we're proposing is to place the main address entrance, bellboy, the front office for the hotel all in this area. 0ives us plenty of room to bring automobiles, park the bus at the same time. One of the important things in designing a hotel that was pointed out again to us by our con- sultant' it's very important to locate the lounge, or the living room of the hotel . They always ta'lk about the front of the house, the back of the house, but this is really the front of the house, the living room of the house should be one of the best loca- tions. If you go over to the Vail Village Inn today and go upstairs above Joe's PEC 9/26/83 13 office, stand on the back deck, you get a very good feeling, it's almost the precise elevation this model is at. The views out of here are absolutely spectactular. Also, by putting that kind of a function, it gives us a chance architecturally to create a focal point within the large p1aza. People coming up this way, something to look at, anybody entering the plaza area will focus in on here. There''l 'l be a secondary pedestrian entrance from belown com'ing in & up some stairs into this 'l obby. We're proposing to move the swimning pool to the east, closer to some existing land- scaping for a couple of reasons. L is we would like to see the swimming pool out of there, to be replaced by something that is far more natural. (end of tape #6 of 8). Still maintain a few lap areas for swimmers, but swinming pools are a place to relax around and enjoy the sun, which I should also mention is the best location for a pool area. Sun from early morning to late afternoon, whereas opposed to somehwere down here or out in the middle of pedestrian traffic. Very briefly, going on up in the bl dg. we have several leve]s of hote'l rooms of course. There are 200 roorns. They're virtually all the same size. There are a few that, again, coming from our consu1 tants, they highly reconmended that in a luxury hotel , we have rooms that are approximately 450-500 sq. ft. each. That's where perhaps we run into a little problem with our GRFA concept. Part of the area that we would like to exchange commercial rea11y is that we're not creating more rooms, we feel are requ.ired or allowed here, we are, we'd like somewhat larger rooms. Many of the rooms in our town are really small. Small rooms can work very well. Some of the smaller pensiones tike Sonnenalp have a more of a personalized operation. l,lhen you get into luxury hotel , 150-200 rooms or better' you really do have to get into rooms that permit not just a sleeping area and a wonderfl bathroomo but a sitting area, especially in a resort cormunity where people are staying for 3 nights to severa'l weeks. People are demanding to have some- thing besides iust a bedroom. l,le do have a few other rooms in the hotel which are like where people can have a cocktail party after skiing with a select group of people. We're suggesting a few open sky lights so that people coming down a hallway won't feel like they're coming down a mine shaft. Some of the hotel rooms as I nen- tioned might have some odd shapes. That is due to the fact that we wanted to create certain angles into the b1 dg. that would enhance the park, so we turn an L-shape bldg. Eventually you just come out to a point & over. 0n the other hand that would destroy the opportunity between sornthing nice on the ground, so by the corner around you come up with some odd rooms, but that works better for the site. I'd like to point out that as we get up into the higher e'levations of the bldg., higher levels, the b1dg. starts to slip. There's a higher part of the b1dg. over here & higher part of the b1dg. over there. I'll show you the model . Our reason for doing PEC 9/26/83 L4 that was that we felt that the view corridor was more than just seeing mountaintops & some of the ski runs from a distance. Real 1y the main view from the intersection, in our opinion, is out here, rather than over here as previously suggested by _ l,le think any hotel operation w'ith an entrance in th'is area, almost has to have the mass of the b'l dg. over there for a couple of reasons. 1 is that, that's where most of your elevators are, where the circulation is, it's where the mass of this bldg. is. To go from 5 or 6 story b1dg. down to a 2 story bldg. over here, architec- turally wasn't working. 2, even if you did a 3-story bldg., we don,t think you could see any Gold Peak anyway or part of the runs. We felt it was far more important to maintain the feeling of the mountains, the ski runs in the distance. There's some very good views over here. The ski runs that come down into the village does the same thing as originally intended. The proposal didn't take into account the Conoco station. By bringing the bldg. down low in this area to the sca'le of our bldg, as you see on the model n it's really very much in keeping with some of the rear bldgs. over here. I think people coming'in enjoy seeing a handsome b1dg. on a smaller scale here, rather than a big massive bldg. back down in this area. This is the top floor of the hotel where we get 'into some unusual rooms with dormers. Even fewer rooms on this level. tle stepped the b'ldg. down in phase 3 by about a floor to get some relief from this bldg. Another thing we've done, phase 3 has a S-story facade on the front. Our bldg. is rea'lly about 3t stories on the front of the road here, similar to what we did at the Vail Ath'letic Club where you up with a fairly steep roof which is more in keeping with these bldgs., add'ing a number of dormers that we think wi1'l he'lp break down the scale of the bldg., more in keeping with the rest of Vail village The sect'ion thru the b'l dg. in this area which is near our entrance portrayed here. This js the frontage road, coming into our lobby, which is the light same co'lor, hotel rooms above, parking be'low & then the shops in pink, the plaza here. The existing phase 3 bldg. is right here. In addition there's also those mechanical rooms. Lle're pro- posing that dark line here, which is the same height existing in phase 3, would be the controlling he'ight of phase 4. l,le wouldn't exceed that in the deve'lopment. Going away from phase 3 to the west, the bldg. then steps down. Then steps down again as it goes around the corner to an elevation something like this, which is approximately, from the street up, about a 3-story b1 dg. There js some confusion in the numbers, at least the way I read them. What was proposed at one time in terms of the height. The way I read it, we would be allowed, for instance, a 44' height in B area, then the use a certain benchmark. It's true that our bldg. is further forward than to what they're PEC 9/26/83 15 suggesting, which does influence the angle of'looking up thru here. 0n the other hand, we were down 37', so I think there's some trade offs in that particular area. Where the real discussion comes in from what was proposed in terms of what we're propos'ing' it's just whether we're looking for Gold Peak or over towards Riva Ridge. Coming around the corner & down Vail Road, I know Peter mentioned 80', but you were measuring from the parking structure to the peak of the roof, from the center of the parking structure, it's true, it is about 80'. If you measure from the grade outside the bldg. on Vail Road, say to the line, we're talking more about 45'. Go around the corner to th end of the bldg. from the driveway, or coming onto the I ine, mea- suring about 55'. So I guess it depends on where you want to measure. We talked about height just in genera'l before. Joe pointed out earljer in his scenario, that the phase 1 and 2, for the purpose , and that there should be more density in back of the project on the frontage road for a number of reasons. A portion was thoroughly studied, done for Joe at the time & I think he pointed out he cou'ldn't get another 100 room hotel in there. I feel that what we're proposing is rea11y not al'l that out of line with what the original intent was, This is where it sat. Our group is a litt'le bit . One of the requirements of the SDD, when we.get into various phases' suggests a little bit of admjnistration or at least a ljtt'le bit of idea of the scale of the b1dg. We've done that 2 ways. This drawing, really a very quick study, not intended to be a final design, although you could certain'ly read an awful lot into that' this is phase 3 bldg. over here. This is where we dropped our b1dg. down at least a level or so, then we pop back up. This is in line with their ridge, it comes over & drops down into, all the way down to the corner. Part of the hote'l which ends up at this eleva- tion as we turn the corner. It's right in line with the 4-way stop as you come to Vail, Riva Ridge. As you come down Vai'l Road towards the Lst Bank or the church, towards the rjver, across the street from us is a Hotiday House, which js s'l ight]y lower than our bldg, but it's also slightly lower down on the Vail Road. Again, they, from what I could tell in that proposal, they were suggesting that the b1dg. steps up As to the degree, I suppose that certajn argument. t,le did it this way so that we could sat- isfy the program. l.le felt that the bldg, positioned jn here, for those of you who were listening to me for a moment on the intersect'ion today, really doesn't block any v'iew. There's no ski runs in line with that, from that intersectjon. The ski runs on the right, left of that view from the intersection, this portion of our b1 d9. I th'ink I'd like to bring in the model. The problem with the model always, is that sometimes it gets too definjtive & on the other hand you've got to show quite a bit in order to eplain what you're trying to do. Also, we always view models from up PEC 9/26/83 16 here & we shou'ld be looking at them from eye1evel. We're portraying the b1dg. with 2 colors so you can more clearly see that we're demonstrating our bldg. eave line is considerably lower than this one so it rea11y does give you the impression of stepping down far greater than it does on straight e'levation. A1 so permits sunlight on the street, little bit of angle towards the views. Our phase 5 doesn't fit perfectly with our scheme, only because it's a model . Our proposal is to put phase 5 on a bit of an ang'le. Again, it's primarily suggestion of Jeff Winston's & I picked up on it, saying it would be nice to break the tension in that p'laza. It rather became a straight, p1 ain jane plaza, but putting it on an angleo someth'ing that was done about 500 years ago in Venice. It really is very effective for a lot of reasons. Phase 5 steps down to a point which is lower than phase t here in the corner, cormercia'l area. Loading of vehic'les is over here on this side of the bldg. or way over here on this side of the bldg. Thjs js primarily a loading zone for passenger automobiles & charter buses. |tle haven't really gotten into a landscape p1an. The plaza wil'l be done w'ith large trees. Down in this corner we'd like to something done in more natural looking, at most, maybe a water feature out here. I understand there's certain taboo on thatn some people on the maintenance staff. If it's maintained by the hotel , there shouldn't be a problem. By permitting people to cross here, there is a study underway on the inter- section' pedestrian over here, get people to come thru & out into the p1 aza very nicely. However, if you're going in that direction, you can cross the street from down here, come thru the park, bus stop here, which is part of our proposal . l,le would build a bus stop here and,/or they can wa] k around here. We're also suggesting a continuous sidewa'l k up around here & although there isn't a whole lot to see, the staff and i per- sonally wouldn't submit to people wa'l king around, this part is really very dangerous, not having a sidewalk. The streets are so undefined down here & hopefu'l ly a new study wi'l 'l put in some nice trees out in here, that will define where automobiles should be & where pedestrians should be. l,le're starting to suggest, even in our proposal , a right turn lane com'ing around this corner. That definitely does relieve a lot of the problem in that intersection. Can you think of anyth'ing else I haven't Fred Hiller - I'd like to read what I think the ordinance that seems to be the big of the height limjts ranges, the bldg, of detai'l does not tie down a precise to elevation would depend upon further photos of the actual sjte condit'ions. covered so far? is very important about the height out of here. 18.500 under section c, intent complex should be as low as possible. This level maximum elevation. Final designs with regard detail study, projection for the bldg. mass, The massing respects the spirit of those de- PEC 9/26/83 L7 sired & final heights wi1l be estab'lished based upon final decision. 0n the heights, right above that, the average height of the project shall not exceed 45'. I think it's obvious, by looking at it, that it does not exceed 45'. Gordon Pierce - Just to elaborate on that, it would take the entire project as con- ceived here, take the average height as it had been written back then, measure to the center of these walls at various points, took the average out of it, I'm sure Fred's right, you will see 45' right here. Hiller - I'd like to make a few more connents 0riginally, had this site been zoned with the if anybody has any questions right now. site when Joe first had it, we wou'ld have been ab'le to bujld 174,000. When the PA zoning came in, he dropped the footage down. l,Je are proposing on'ly to build luxury rooms, not to build anymore rooms, but jn order to meet what we think is the need, we have to have a luxury room, a larger room. That's the only we're asking to do is build a larger room. You may or may not be aware of the fact that because of the Denver H'ilton, because of the smaller rooms, is leaving that 1ease, closing down the downtown Hilton. So what we're saying is, Joe can come in here & build, I think, 327 rea'l tiny rooms & we're asking to end up with 45 less than that at a larger room. Gordon pointed out to me, we can cut the rooms down, cut the mode'l size of the rooms down, cut the square footage of the rooms down, get back into the GRFA, but the b1 dg. bulk, for instance, to cut each room down 5 feet in length, would only take 2 feet as a . Pierce - You design a hotel room, you real ly have to have 14'wide. User space is 14.5 or 15, ule're at 14. It also works out well with parking'in the lower levels. We can have 28' base,3 cars, etc. We're also limited by height. You can't have a room that's 4' h'igh. You have to have a room that's roughly 8' high, you need about 2' for the struc- ture. So you have about a L0' floor height, which is a given, 1.4' feet's given. Work- ing with any bldg, certainly as linear as this one is, which the site fixes, so does height'l imitation. You end up with a longer sausage that's cut up into 14' What Fred was addressing was, if I just arbitrarily say okay, we're going to try to keep making small rooms, the heck with everything else, you chop off 5, 6, maybe 8' of these rooms, you take that off of these rooms, you're really not changing the mass apprec'iably. I personally think that's a big issue here. Part of it has been ad- dressed ear'l ier. Maybe we need a better definition, S00 vs. 100' ljnes. He certain'ly is right about the GRFA. It was a bare piece of land zoned PA. It would be perm'itted 139,00 GRFA. }'lith the gross area we are permitted about 85,000 sq. ft. conrnercial area. Where the developer's coming from is he'd like to trade about 30,000 of that conrnercjal for 30,000 sq. ft, primari'ly for larger rooms, not more. We're proposing actually about 45 fewer rooms. Phase 5, which I didn't mention, is L0 condominiums, in lieu of 50 PEC 9/26183 18 hote'l rooms which are now there. Those 10 condominiums are counted as 2 units & are still 45 units be'low what is stated in the ordinance. Peter, to c'larify what he said, js it true that the owner is permited up to 300 rooms, it doesn't say you can have 300 rooms, so that's one of the issues we're here for today too. Jamar - i would just like to say a couple of things. L is,I was not here at that time, but zoning, as I understand it at the time of the approval of the STP would allow 120,000 sq. ft. No. 2, at that tjme, there was a restriction that... Staufer - Excuse me, that clause was proposed down zoning, not the one that actually was in existence. Jamar - I think at this time it was approved, jt was the 120,000. When we talked about accessory, drinking, recreatjonal, retail steps, located within the principal structure, not occupying more than 20?l of the gross residential flurry at that time, of the main structure or structures on the site. That was the specific wording that was in the PA zone at the time of this ordinance. The only change that has taken place within the 'last couple of years is the fact that it states only 10% that has been changed since 1980. So it says at the time it was 20% of the gross residential flurry, not 80,000 sq. ft. At least that's the way the staff has 'interpreted it, in the code, can have 20% conunercial . ? - Let me add iust one th'ing because once we got this submittal in & the arguments, this was what was said back in '76n I had the secretaries go back & try to d'ig up the tapes from the '76 meetings & we did find those. l{e should be able to go back & listen to those tapes & listen to what was said & what everybody gave up, supposedly & what everybody got in exchange, but it was recorded on an old time, variable speed recorder, which we haven't, between last Weds. & today, been able to locate one of those to listen to it. I don't think anybody needs to make any decisions based on the fact that we don't have the ability to go back & Iisten to what was said & listen to what was discussed & that's another reason we're proposing to be tabled because that's some more inforrnation that we need to get. But we certainly don't even have to rely on what people recal'l because we do have taped record of both the planning commission hearings & the council hearings at that time. ? - This particular figure, back & forth, of 80,000 vs. 40,000, this is what you're a'lluding to a'lso in your comment of 20 GRFA? ? - All these figures, what they're arguing is what they ought to have back is their PA zoning prior to the adoption of the SDD & no. 1, there seems to be a question between what they say that was & what we say that was. No. 2, our position is that certainly, in terms of giving & taking & in terms of adoption of the SDD from PA, there are some things that they were given, just as well as they gave up in terms of height restric- PEC 9/26/83 19 tions & site coverages & things like that, so those are all things that we haven't gone thru an analys'is ofn but really need to be done. Lamont - If I might, being the planning director in charge at that time, I think some are thinking that these SDDs were just a means to insure my professional employment, but really what we were dealing with was the evolution of ideas. The SDDs were proposed in those days because the staff was basica1ly frustrated with problems that developed out lf restrjction interpretation of the ordinance. l.{e were find'ing that we were getting lousy1 architecture, but architecture that nret the strict interpretation of the codes. Alsolin those days we were going thru many peripheral issues, one of which Joe alluded to. The sequence really was, we went thru one down zoning in '73, that brought the 80-2Q sp1it. In '76 we were going thru another down zoning based on a capacity study wherg the PA was even being considered to go down another 20% which was where we came up v,1ith the 100%, the 100,000 GRFA. I,le knew at that point in time that there were sevei'al factors that we could rely on for controlling the project, back in those days we w$re much more design oriented than possibly is the case now. The whole concept for fre'ight controls, view comjdors, where a lot of these ideas began to formulate. The fhing that we recognized was that we didn't know what was going to be built. l,le didnit know there was going to be condominiums or pub'l jc acconnodation units. Because of the capacity studies, we were very concerned about overall popu'l ation. So our ten- dencf was to build smaller, if it was going to be condos & larger if it was going to be pfblic acconrnodations but we really didn't know where we were in the ba11game. So we iFstituted a series of other requ'irements, aesthetic controls, but also we relied on ti"aditional controls in the ordinance for cormercial sq. ft., & other kjnds of uses withlin the project & basically like you saw at Gold Peak ear'lier in the day, let these th'inls to you all. If you go back thru environmenta'l impact statement which I hope a1'l !f you have been given copies of, you'll be able to establish for yourself what the issues were in those days & why the tradeoffs were being made. Key point tho, is we llooked at this special developrrent districts as negotiable. It gave us a chance in -!he city's standpoint to the applicant's standpoint, to sit down, look at proposal & ndgotiate out a resolution. I think that's really what we're all about at this point in !ime. A1 so, I think the SDDs were real 1y an attempt to document what some call in latgr years, the grand vision. There was a vision in this cormunity that Joe stated, thig project js in keeping with, that is, that this community is an internationa'l resort & h{s to evo'lve qua'litat'ive'ly to serve the marketplace. The marketp'lace has been an issr,le which we never have until recently discussed within the chambers of government. }le qonsidere back in those days, economics was not an issue for government to be in- volved w'ith & I stil l subscribe to that. I think we have known for some time, Bob Parker PEC 9/26/83 20 warnefl us in the early days, that if we kept building condos, we eventually were going to cofe up against with the problem yourre confronted with right now & that's what to do wilth public acconnodation units. I think in any analysis'in the history of the evo- lutioh of this comnunity, you would find people saying that you don't do PA, you don't have llodge, you're going to get'in trouble. I thjnk we're now in trouble. Parker is also a very eloquent spokesman when it comes to the fact that if many of our capacity studips, many of our down zonings, an attempt to bring valley capacity into quality with mountain capacity, we knew when we submitted these down zonings, if the counci'l s didn'1t go a'long with the planning corrnission, we would amive at a point in time where bed fase exceeds the mountain capacity. l'le're now at that point in time. l,le still have 30% to 20% to deve'lop in this valley. The issue is coming up again. Forest Service is allowing, at least studying the expansion of this mountain. So there are a'll kinds agairi , peripheral issues that have ballooned because we haven't dealt with them, that you 4nd up with proposals like this that respond to a chang'ing urban fabric, chang'ing valuqs. If we continue to go back to strict interpretation in these ordinances, the decilions that have been made along the way, I think we're making a mistake. I think you I'pave to go back to the grand vision. You have to look at what is proposed for this projdct & make your basis on that. I think what we were primarily concerned with in thosd days is the mass impact of that project on the intersection. Aga'in, back to the discilssion today about Gold Peak. Gold Peak, if you do as the staff suggests, and down base area, we submit would attract traffic into an area that vle don't wanti lle think it's better to keep parking on the frontage road & not introduce it into the Gold Peak area. I think if you focus the 'image that the psycholog'ical aspect of ppoples'decision making as they head towards the ski area, the ski slopes they see the plosest. There are arguments other than looking strictly at Gold Peak to evaluate the View comidor. The view corridor grew out of our problem solving back when we came to the parking structure. There's a notch in that parking structure to maintain a view corrlidor from the interstate so people can get a glimpse of the village as they go by. The same concept is app'lied to this project. hle did not target a specific view on those devtlopment plans. Againo in the evolution of ideas, the change'in staff, there are many different interpretations to be made from genera'l language. But the reason those werg put in there is to broaden the negotiation process, uncover every rock that we canl& see by today's standards & values, when we're ready to bui'ld a proiect, what makes sense. Dan Corcoran - I think as large a magnitude as th'is project js, I think before we con- to your pol'l ing the design comnission,ti e to go on, on and on, I think it's beneficial if fhey feel, they have enough information presented to them today & if they think that PEC 9/26/83 2L the staff presented enough information in a time'ly manner to act on this thing. I'll start with Jim. Jim Viele - Persona'l ly, I would need more tinre to review the study. As you say, 'it's a project of very substantial magnitude. There are lots & 'lots of issues that I feel that I would need to study before I could nake a decision. Duane - I think this has been a very good presentation, it's been very thorough. I do however, feel extremely uneasy making any decis'ions under the advice of the staff to table this discussion. Questions have come up specifically sq. footage. As Joe Staufer alluded to earlier, he said I don't know where I got that figure 40,000, right away i see something there a need for discussion specifically to find out where that figure came from. But until we have resolved some of these considerations, I wou'ld prefer to see some further review of this on part of the staff & once they say definitely, I think we'l'l be in a good position to go w'ith'it. Diane Donovan - A1 so, and I'm probably missing something here, that's why I wouldn't vote today, but I don't understand why we have a special development district which is referred to in here that: certain terms have been made that wil] continue in ful] force and effect in terms, conditions & agreements. I don't understand why we have that, which is definitely a give & take situation. I know everyone was sweating blood back when it was done. This supposedly an overall comprehensive p1 an for the whole site, not.l all of a sudden we want to go back to sort of PA, al'l the rights & privileges of the PA District. It seems to re you're asking for the best of both worlds, which I don't qu'ite understand. ,loe Stalfer - May I answer that? One is, that we're the site. We're bringing ln The big tradeoff originally, that instead of the bldg. here, you get this & this. The other big trade off was that we cormitted, all the parking, 300 spaces underground. By the time we are thru, there will be no surface parking. Those were the big tradeoffs in the beginning. I'm saying there was a ques- tion on the GRFA. I was misled. Nobody did it deliberately. Nobody said, I'm not accusing anybody. I was given to understand that it's not a problem, I have 300 hotel rooms in _ anytime. lle are asking for, in this proposal , is that we get maybe less units than we got to, but more luxurious unjts.Aspen problem today is that isn't a single hotel in Aspen.You go over there in January during the winter season. You get into any restaurant. But that's neither here nor there. The trade- off for us, that we committed to al1 parking underground & djdn't build a big building down here, 5-story. The present trade off... Hiller - l,le're going to make that a park. }.le'll dedicate it'if you wish, We've got these art obiects comnitted here to put in the p1 aza, maybe in the front. We're going PEC 9/26/83 22 to make that park an entrance to Vail. This park down here is not cormitted to go in unti'l phase 5, 1997. We're going to put almost all of it in. l,le have to keep 8 parking spaces because we're comitted to leases. trle're going to build 45 fewer units, than we can possibly build. !'le're going to have surface parking spaces. }le're going to trade 30,000 sq. ft. for cormercial space for additional GRFA go'ing to luxury rooms to make the rooms larger. The EIS report says that we should have 200 park'ing spaces for the entire 300 room hotel. The zoning says we should have 306. |r{e figure that has risen it's supposed to be 200, we're going to build 300. It's going to be, these units are go'ing to be so1 d, condominjumized hotel units, people can only use them 2- 4 weeks a year. There's going to be a double transfer tax . We're going to build some more employee hous'ing, we're going to double the plaza area from the original plans of the SDD6. l.le won't'let any of the potential uses that could be on the site that could be there, make it a park, make it a statement of the town, ourselves. hle're go'ing to reduce the traffic at the 4-way stop. }Je're elim'inating the Conoco station & put in a hote'l which . So we're just asking a tradeoff to be ab'le to bui'ld. [,le have instead of rooms. l,le're asking to build luxury roomsto build - There's one other point I want to bring up so there's no misconception. I'm reading from the ordinance that was in effect at the time which is the old newspaper copy which some of you may remember: Lodges, including accessory, eating, dining, recreational , retail establishments'located within the principal use and not occupying more than 20% of the total gross floor area, not GRFA, but total gross floor area. So by the time you add up al1 the gross floor area here, then the number that we're real1y speaking about, the GRFA figure, God knows where that interpretation came from, but I think that's something we have to resolve where that evolved from, whether it was in fact adopted as part of the SDD, which in my view didn't, because we're relying on these sections, rather than on subsequent sections. So again, there's some unclear areas here whjch I think we have to discuss. Diane Donovan - I still don't understand. I understand what you said, but I still don't understand, to me this is no longer an . I think we're changing a'|1 the ru'les. Dan Corcoran - Do you feel you have enough information presented on this to make a de- Cision on this? Trout - Absolutely. Yes. Dan Corcoran - I can't vote on it. So it's inappropriate for me to say anything. few followup remarks here. Every now and then a certain combination of people, thoughts, t'imes, circumstances, come together to produce some- thing of very special quality & very special nature. And those things we ca1 1 grand Trout - I wou'ld like to make a PEC 9/26/83 23 and those things we call great. The issue in the final analysis, really hasn't to do with the technology of these books that are very thick in front of us. They're there to support & encourage that sort of thing to take place. I think at this point in time we're looking at someth'ing, for that special circumstance, phenomena has come together & I'm speaking about all of the applicants & the end product that we're looking at. It takes great b'ldgs. to make a great town & if we don't'look at this & call it great, we certainly can call it grand. And if we are going to reach a point of being a grand community, a grand resort, it wjl'l be reflected, not just in those very nice things that we do in our planters & flowers which I dearly love, but jt will also be those very special b1dgs. that come forward. I think this cormunity is extremely proud of Cascade Village & the quality of grandness that it has. Before us today we have another similar project & it wou'l d be a shame, I hope this town, very sincerely, is up to this quality you are offering to give to thjs cormunity and I don't think anyone on this board, I''l 'l let all the other folks speak for themselves, but you have given us a grand product & that I would like to applaud you for. I hope we don't pick it apart & pick it away. I have a1ot of little thoughts, little things in the architecture, but that's a matter of a DRB issue & again, I would like to personally thank you for the quality of the product that you brought to us. Dan Corcoran - I think the consensus of the board, Gordon & I will be abstaining, told there was not adequate information provided today to make a decision. I personally, I would strongly recommend, because of the scope & the sca'le of this, that a joint meeting of the town council & this board be set up so that you don't proceed memily along in your satisfying this board, you go forward to council & they're totally of the opposite opinion & they say go back to p1 anning conmission, I think, in my personal opinion, I really think it's a significant impact, the major intersection into town & I think that the council will look at it hard, just as this board is and trust to look at it hard. I think we ought to set up a joint meet'ing to review the aspects of this with some more specific answers from the staff as to what 'is going on, some documentation of what went on from those tapes. (End of Tape #7 of 8.) l,lith a ioint meeting. I iust think you could be going round & round & round. You could come thru here 4 times, go up to counci'l & that's it. And yet we had no input from them as to what the hell they wanted to see. Because of the location & the scale, I really think it should be tabl ed. ?-How do you set up a joint meeting? Corconan - I don't know. The staff could tell you. ?-I think it could be a meeting, but it would have to stjll be a public hearing, since the pgblic hearing process started. That wou'ld be the p'lanning corunission's public hearirig, but since the public hearing process has startedn you have to cial pub'l ic hearing planning cornnission. ?-At lhe next meeting we could request it. Corcolan - Would it have to be the next regular scheduled meeting, or special scheduled meeting with just this item on the agenda? As 'long in the process, it could be published with a special hearing on it. ?-The next neeting probably has more items on the agenda already than Corcoran - Joe said he wouldn't even be here until the next scheduled really talking a month before we'd be back with a schedule meeting of you could research, since it's a'l ready in the process, could it be a ?-At the next meeting I'11 be out of town,24th of Oct. ?-A11 the required materials _ I don't think enough time with Lamy Eskwith, I don't think legally we could vote on it. I would suggest that the 17-day review period doesn'ft even start until thp application is in, certainly tabling it to the next sched- uled mbeting. PEC 9/26/83 24 have an offi- could it be a as it's already we had today. meeting, so yourre this board. MayDe spec'ial meeting of th'ip board with the council, pub'lic invited of course. ?-The p4th would be a normal meeting of the planning commission, iust have the council be thene. Corcorbn - I think it's too important not to, myself. Joe Sthufer - I'l'l tell you what our prob'lem is. Thjs Conoco site is subiect to ap- provalp, so if we don't get that, the whole project'is, you mjght as well forget it. l.'le can't bui'l d Hotel rooms around the Conoco site. If next spring we have no corrnitinent one way or the other, the Pancake House, in terms of their 1ease, are going to refgrb'ish & they a'lready told me they want to spend $200,000-$300,000 in refurb'ishing the place. 0nce I do that, we can get the proiect occupied for 10 years. I have no more rlight for 10 years to touch them. So back here in 1997, the 'lease runs, and I to'ld them that when we went into the special deve'lopment district that BIdg. 5 has to go dowfr & those are problems we face. ? - Do you see any problem of getting everything in by the 6th of 0ct.? ? - blhFt do you mean by everything? Hiller - These 3 things here? EIS? (Right) I believe that that doesn't have to be in w'ith the application. Do you believe that it has to be in w'ith the application? ? - Hoiv do we review it? ,loe Stfufer - lJe have an environmental impact statement but I don't think... Hiller - hJe'll go over the stuff. l,lhatever you want wil'l be by the 6th of 0ct. ? - ThNn it would work for the 24th. PEC 9/26/83 25 Corcoran - The appl icant has requested that we table this item until our 0ct. 24th have a motion on that?scheduled meeting. Do we Duane Piper - Yes. Corcolan - A motion from Piper to table to the 0ct. 24th meeting. Second? Donovan - Second. Corcorian - Second by Donovan. Those in favor of tabl'ing, do by raising your hand. I feel lhat itrs not a conf'l ict to table and I'm sure tlill is opposed because of the reason he's a'l ready stated. Four in favor of tabling, one abstained because he's presenting it. tlill did not raise his hand in favor, so I assume he did not want to tab'le for reasons he's already stated. He was ready to vote today. I do think that the book'let that we received, I won't be here to look at it on the 24th, is a very good start on numbers that have been presented by the app'l icants to be matched up w'ith the numbers that must exist on the town's files somewhere to reso'l ve the djfferences. I hope we can do that next week. I look forward to that. ? - This may also be Dan Corcoran's last meeting with us & I'd like to say from the staff that I think he's been one of the most positive contributors to this town in the last 6 to 7 years and that we al'l owe him a great deal. (Applause). Corcoran - l.le do have one more item. That is the appointment of a DRB member & since I think Gordon wi'|l go to the other side of the table, he should be appointed. [,'le do need to consider who's going to be the next DRB meeting of the planning corsnission and I know at one time Betsy had a schedule of whose turn it was. I think it may have been my turn, so whoever was after me the 'l ast time around, is probably due again. I guess the next person might be l,lill or Jim Morgan, but I think it's Morgan's turn since he isn't here. Do we have a motion to appoint somebody to the DRB. Motion by Piper, seconded by Jim Viele to appoint Jim Morgan to DRB. Those in favor of that motion raise hour hand. Those opposed. ? - It is Morgan's turn because he follows me. Y.-," l/t !,),,; l s -5,/.)', 'U; (, I a MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNGIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 1992 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Courril was held on Tuesday, February 18, 1992, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Gibson Jim Shearer Tom Sleinberg Rob LeVine Bob Buckley Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assi$ant to the Town Manager Madha Raecker. Toryn Clerk TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first ilem on the agenda was Citizen Parlicipalion, ol which there was none. Second on the agenda was approval of the minutes of the January 7 aN 21,1992 evening meeting minutes. Merv Lapin moved to approve the minutes, with a second from Jim Shearer. A voie was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. liem No. 3 on the agenda was Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1992, second reading, an ordinance repealing and re- enacting Ordinance No. 19, Series ot 1991;to provide for the amendment of the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6; adopting a revised development plan {or Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn; and setling fodh details in regard ihereto. Mayor Osierloss rcad the title in fult. Mike Mollica briefly reviewed disanssion from first reading and indicated changes and conditions to the ordinance had been made as directed. Additional dialogue folbwed regarding the underlying public accommodation zoning, the definilion of "lodge" (18.04.210), lhe expirdion of previous approvals, the issue ol tearing down this new Phase lV-A to accommodate the final Phase lV accommodation unit dwelopment, and the structured parking requhements. lt was indicded lhere was the opportunity for Council to lurther modily the ordinance at seond reading. Josef Staufer reviewed the SDD hislory of the Vail Village lnn (Wl), and said he hoped Courrcil would nol pass the ordinance on second reading if rental restric{ions would be part ol the ordinance because he could not risk lhe large investmenl involved if there were rental reslriction conditions. Additionally, he did not wanl the Gateway pedestrian conneclion indicaled as a condition ol approval, although he said he would take care of it. Bill Pierce spoke about partirp concerns, noting the Applicant's parking study showed 30-50 spots were available. He said he feh the Town's parkirq requirement was too high. Peggy Oslerfoss asked horv it would be known public parking was available there. Bill sald they would furnish ample signage to adverlise the fac{, but lelt "word-of-mouth' would more than adequately spread news of available public parking. He also re-emphasized the Wl's need to build the free market dwelling unit in order to build the additional 14 hotel rooms. Merv Lapin moved lo disappove Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1992 on semnd reading in that it was not in compliance with the parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52 under the Special Development District crileria. Peggy Gterloss seconded the motion, Before a \ote was taken, Peggy said she wanted it stated as part of the motion the project tvas not in conlormity urith the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, with regard to the restriJtion of residential units, and improving pedestrian ways and adding sidewalks. Merv amended his motion to include that the ordinance was also not in ompliance wilh 2.3.1 and 3.4.2 of lhe Vail Comprehensive Plan. A vote was taken, and the motion failed, 2-5, Jim Gibson, Jim Shearer, Tom Steinberg, Bob Buckley, and Rob LeVine opposed. Merv Lapin then moved that Ordinance ltb.2, Series ol 1992, be approved with the lollowing modifications to the SDD in order to meet the SDD criteria: (1) that the Town restrict lhe residenlial unil in order to conlorm with the Vail Comprehensive Plan 2.3.1. acording to Section 17.26.075, (2) that the previous condition 13, which was the sklewalk along the Frontage Road that was deleted be reinstated whbh was lo provide a pedeslrian walkway adjacent lo the Sodh Frontage Road beginning on the west end of lhe VailVillage lnn property where the Gateway sidewalk enG and continue the sidewalk east to the western boundary of the Vail Village Inn Phase lll property and this condition of approval was to be subiect to the Colorado Depanment ol Highuray's appoval of the sidewalk, (3) that the quare lootage of the dwelling uniVcondo unit be removed from tre required GRFA lefl in lhe projecl, (4) thal signage which was aoeptable to the staff and DRB be provided so the public was aware of the 65 spaces ol availaUe public parking. Bob Buckley seonded the motion. Belore a wle was taken, Jim Gibson, Rob LeVine, and Jim Shearer stated opposilion to the restriction placed on the dyrelling unit. A rote was taken and the motbn lailed, 3-4, Jim Gibson, Rob LeVine, Jim Shearer, ard Tom Steinberg opposed. Rob Levine then moved t0 use Merv Lapin's second motion as stated wllh lhe eliminatbn of the restriction on the condominium unil. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. A vote was laken and the motion failed, 34, Tom Steinberg, Bob Buckley, Peggy Osterfoss, and Merv Lapin opposed. Rob LeVine then motioned to table Ordinance lrb. 2, Series of 1992, for a perbd of tuo weela, wilh a second lrom Tom Sleinberg. Larry Eskwilh advised the ordinanc€ c0uld not be tabled afler defeat on second reading. Rob LeVine moved lo wilhdraw his motion to table lhe ordinance. Jim Shearer seconded that motion. Jim Gibson then moved to approve Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1992, using Merv Lapin's second motion wilhout restriclion on the dwelling unit and elimination of the sidewalk requirements, with a second from Rob LeVine. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 4-3, Bob Buckley, Merv Lapin, and peggy osterloss opposed. Mayor Osterloss next moved ahead to ftem No. 6 on the agenda as the engineer, Ken Brobky, and geologist, Nick Lampiris, both from oul of Town were both present to give teslimony in accordance with 18.69.050, regarding removal oi the Booth Creek Area from the Rock Fall Hazard Map. L&M Contractors had now comdeted the Rock Fall Mitigalbn Berm, and Banner Engineering had certilied the berm as substantially completed. As the berm was now compleled, Larry Eskwith asked Councilto hear testimony from the engineer and geologist, and lo consider removing lhearealromboththehighandmoderatehazardrockfallzone. Mr.Brobky,representingBannerAssociatesolGrand Junclion, identilied himsetf as the engineer on the project, He said he was responsible for designing the berm financed by the local improvement districi in question. Larry recalled Mr. Brotsky had spken to the Town in the past aboul how the berm was designed, but had never testilied as t0 the construclion of the berm and whether it had been completed in accordance $,ith the specifications set forth in original plans. Mr. Brotsky said L&M had now rebuilt the berm almost in its entirely, and it was now buill in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Jim Gibson asked il there |vas any immediacy required to remove lhe area from lhe rock fall hazard map. Larry explained the residents in the area would shortly be asked to start paying lor the berm, and those residents wanted their property removed from the Roak Fall Hazard Map, Mr. Lampiris testified he had conslrucled the area maps and he lelt 98-997o of rock fall in the area would be stopped by the present berm. He said he had no reluciance in removing the area lrom the Rock Fall Hazard Map. Ron Phillips added the berm had been in place lor two years and was working sdisfactorily. Further, lhe ordinance regarding removal of an area from the Rock Fall Hazard Map indbated Council was b make a decision 10 d0 s0 based on a hearing of expert testimony oncerning the design @nstruclion and mitigation eflorts. Rob LeVine moved lo approve removal of the Booth Creek Area frcm lhe Rock Fall Hazard Map and the area maps be amended, wilh a second lrom Tom Steinberg. Belore a vote was taken, Jim Shearer asked if the Town assumed any extra liabilily by removing the atea lrom the Rock Fall Hazard Map. Larry said it uould not. A rcte was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Osterfoss returned to item No. 4 on the agenda, Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance amending Section 8.24.090 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado, to provide for the owner or occupanl of any property within the Town of Vailto keep the sidewalks in the public rigtrtof-way on adlacent or abutting such lot or patcels free and clear lrom ice, snow, and other obstructions. She read the tille in full. After brief discussion regarding individual property owne/s obligations, Tom Steinberg moved to approve Ordinance l,lo. 3, Series of 1992 on lirst reading, with a second lrom Rob LeVine. A vote was laken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Item l,lo. 5 was Hesolution No. 4 Series of 1992, a resolution authorizing the Town of Vail to open a Franklin Adjustable U.S. Government Securities Fund, ol the Franklin Group of Funds ("Funds"), and b deposit or withdnw such funds of the Town in the account as the Town deems necessary or desirable, Mayor Osterloss read the tille in full. Steve Thompson noted Council had previously approved the Town's use of this type of fund, and briefly explained investment plans and expected resulls for the next year, Jim Gibson moved lo approve Resolution No. 4, Series ol 1992, with a second from Tom Steinberg, A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. Item No, 7 was a brief presentation requested by Steve Miller lrom Channel 23, Vail Valley Community Television. He welcomed Jim Shearer as the Town's liaison h Channel 23. Mr, Miller said he wanled to educate the ommunity and expand Council interest in community access W. He invited Councillo view operations at Channel2S, recently relocated to Avon. He expressed concern about lack of use of the opportunity to use the level of medla Channel 23 otfered as a community access station, and encouraged its use. Tom Steinberg inquired about its use t0 help promOte public radio. Mr. Miller also provided some general information regarding Heritage Cablevision's franchise renewal. There was brief disolssion regarding Channel 23's uncertainty about lending supporl to Heritage, Council thanked Mr. Miller tor his presentation. liem tb. 8 was a presentation by Fred'Skip' Kinsley ol Kinsley Geotechnical, Inc. Council had requested presentation from Mr. Kinsley regarding the proposed Forest Service psilion on oil and gas exploration in the Town's sunounding areas. Mr. Kinsley briefly discussed oil deposit formation facts, and concluded there was no chance of oil and gas being lound in this area. Councilthanked Mr, Kinsley for his input. Item No. 9 concerned conditions for lunding of the Dowd Juncl'pn Recrealion Path. Ron Phillips refened to a letter he received f om the Colorado Department ot Transportation (CDoT) dated February 13, 1992, advising him they had reommended h the Colorado Transprlation Commission funding be bu{eted for construclbn of a bicyde- recreational trail extending from lhe South Frontage Road at West Vail to Highway 6 at Dowd Jundion, primadly to os I I help remove bicycle tratfic from l-70 to enhance sdety. This funding was proposed under the surface Transportalionprogram. The recommendation was made based on ttre undergaiding ihe'Town or viil *rs cureflily turiiling ihedesisn ojllerrgtl and had agreed to acquire any necessary rightof-wai in areas *nerelne r.itwoutd be oubide ofcurrent CDoT rightof*vap Funher, the remmmendation rdquesteo tne-town commit to the operdional mainlenance of the poposed trail, leaving l9!g 19q capilal maintenance b coot. Jim Gibson rouro to approve the conditionsset fotth..in.CDoTs February 13, 1992 letter, ommitting the Town to lunoing design oithe proiiseo trait and takingresponsibility lor operational maintenance of sakJ trail. Tom Steinberg secoioeC i'he motion. A rore was taten anithe motion passed unanimously, 7{, Before adiournment, Ron Phillips announced, etfec'live February 10, 1gg2, Madha Raecker was named Town Clerk.Council congntulated Martha. There being no further business, a motion to adioum the meeting was made and passed unanimously. The mee1ngwas adjourned at 10;15 p.m. Respectf ully submitted, Margaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor ATTEST: Madha S. Raecker, Town Clerk inutcs bksn by Dorianns S. Deto 3 c"uiltiFEBl892 7:30 p.m. 7:35 p.m. 7i40 p.m. Mike Mollica 8:10 p.m. Larry Eskwith 8:40 p.m. Steve Thompson 1. 3. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1992 7:30 P.M. EXPANDED AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Approval of Minutes of January 7,1992, and January 21, 1gg2 evening meeting minutes. Ordinance No.2, Series of 1992, second reading, an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1991; to provide for the amendment of the approved development plan for Special Development District No. 6;adopting a revised development plan for Phase lV-A of Special Development Distict No. 6; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (Vail Village Inn; located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot 0, Btock 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Josef Slaufer.) Ordinance No.3, Series of 1992, lirst reading, an ordinance amending Section 8.24.090 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado, to provide for the owner or occupant of any property within the Town of Vail to keep the sidewalks in the public right-of-way on adjacent or abutting such lot or parcels free and clear from ice, snow, and other obstructions. Action Reouested of Council; Approveideny/modify Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1992, on first reading. Backoround Rationale: Council discussed the draft of this ordinance at the February 11, 1992 work session. Resolution No. 4, Series of 1992, a authorizing the Town of Vail to open an account with one or more of The Franklin Group of Funds ("Funds"), and to deposit or withdraw such funds of the Town in the account as the Town deems necessary or desirable. Action Requested of Council : Approve/deny/modify Resolution No. 4, Series of 1992. Backoround Rationale: In January, 1992, the Town Council approved the use of No Load Mutual Funds who invest in Mortgage Backed Securities. The Franklin Adjustable Rate Fund is earning approximately 6.15% which is fifteen 210 basis points over our current Money Market Account yield with Colorado Trust. Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No.4, Series of 1992. 4. 5. 8:45 p.m. Larry Eskwith 9:15 p.m. Steve Miller 9:30 p.m. Fred Kinsley 9*5 p.m. 9:55 p.m. 6.Removal of Booth Creek Area from the Rock Fall Hazard Map. Action Requested of Council: Approve or deny removal of he Book Creek Local lmprovement District lrom the Rock Fall Hazard Map. Backqround Rationale: L&M Contractors has now completed the Rock Fall Mitlgation Berm, and Banner Engineering has certilied the berm as substantially complete. This is a hearing in accordance with 18.69.050 to determine whether the area covered by the Local lmprovement District should be taken out of the Rock Fall Zone. Both the engineer and geotogist will be present to give testimony. Channel 23 (Vail Valley Community Television Presentation). Action Requested of Council: Hear the presentation. Backqround Rationale: Steve Miller would like to briefly welcome Jim Shearer as the Town of Vail liaison to Channel 23, and to provide information for Council regarding Heritage's franchise renewal. He would also like to field general questions from Council regarding Channel 23. Presentation by Fred "Skip" Kinsley of Kinsley Geotechnical, Inc. Action Requested of Council: Hear the presentation. Backoround Rationale: A letter to Council, c/o Jim Shearer, from Fred 'Skip" Kinsley of Kinsley Geotechnical, Inc., was received in January, 1992. Councll requested an evening presentation from Mr. Kinsley to allow taping ot his views regarding the proposed Forest Service position on oil and gas exploration in the surrounding area. Conditions for Funding of the Dowd Junction Recreation Path. Action Requested of Council: Approve/modity/deny conditions requested by Colorado Department ol Transportation. Backoround Rationale: The funding for the Dowd Junction path is going to the Colorado Transportation Commission on Thursday, February 20, for approval. Bob Mosten has asked the Town to accept responsibility for design, right-of-way acquisition, and operational maintenance of the path. The State will be responsible for funding the total construction cost and tor capital maintenance (see Bob Mosten's letter dated February 13, 1992.) Statf Recommendation: Approve conditions as stated. Adjournment. 7. 8. 9. 10. CMGENDA.TCE 7:30 p.m. Ron Phillips 7;45 p.m. 750 p.m. Mike Mollica 835 p.m. Susan Scanlan 1. 2. 3. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR I'EETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1992 7:30 P.il. EXPANDED AGENDA Ten Year Employee Recognition.' lvlartha Raecker, Community Relations CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Ordinance No.2, Series of 1992, first reading, an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1991; to provide for he amendment of the approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6;adopting a revised Development Plan for Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Action Reouested of Council : Approve/deny/modify Ordinance No. 2, Series of 't992, on first reading. Backqround Rationale: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at their January 13, 1992, public hearing, recommended approval of the major SDD amendment to Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6, Vait Vilage lnn; located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot 0, Block 5-D, Vait Viilage First Filing. Applicant: Josef Staufer. Statf Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the SDD amendment request per the stiaff memo. For background information, please see the Community Development Department statf memorandums dated June 24, '1991, July 16, lggl, January 13, 1992, and January 21,1992. Also included in the packet is Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1991, which approved Phase lV-A. Resolution No. 2, Series ol 1992, a resolution of the Town Council designating the President's Holiday Weekend, February 15, 16, and 17, 1992, as the 1zth Annual Smokeless Weekend, and setting forth details relating thereto. Action Reouested of Council: The Council is requested to consider and approve Resolution No. 2, Series ol 1992. Backoround Ratonale: The Smokeless Weekend began as an effort to raise the public awareness of the pollution caused by woodsmoke. As public awareness has grown over the years and continues to grow, it is important to continue to emphasize that while we are making progress on the air quality front, there is still room tor improvement. Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 2, Series of 1992. 4. I P:a5 Fon I p.m. Phillips 8:55 p.m. Kristan Pritz 9:00 p.m. Shelly Mello 9:05 p.m. Pam Brandmeyer 9:10 p,m. Tom Steinberg 9:25 p.m. CMGENDA.ICE 6. 7. 8. Resolution No. 3, Series of 1992, a resolulion opposing the enactment of senate Bill 101 in the colorado General Assembly concerning the change of condominiums from residential to commercial for tax assessment purposes. Action Flequested of Council: Approve/modify/deny Resolution No.3, Series of 1992. Backoround Rationale: S.B. 101 would change condominiums from residential to commercial for ta< assessment purposes if used in a rential pool. We lear this would cause many condo owners to remove them from rental pools creating a lower bed base and less sales tax. Statf Recommendation: Approve Resolution No.3, Series of 1992. Appointment of four Planning and Environmental Gommission Members. Action Requested of Council: Appoint four Planning and Environmential Commission members lrom the individuals interviewed at today's work session. Appointment of three Art in Public Places Board Members. Action Fleouested of Council: Appoint three Arl in Public Places Board members from the individuals inteMewed at todays work session. Appointment of two Vail Valley Special Evenb Committee Members. Action Requested of Council: Appoint two Vail Valley Special Events Committee memberc from fie individuals interviewed at today's work session. Ratification of Articles of Association of The Northwest Colorado Council of Governments- Action Requested of Council: Rsview amended Articles of Association of the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG), which were adopted by the NWCCOG Board of Directors al their regular meeting in Granby, December 21 , 1991 . Backoround Rationale: These Articles form the basis of he intergovemmentalcontract between the Counties of Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin, Routt, Summit, and the 26 municipalities within tlrose Counties, and is a regional planning authoriiy lor purposes listed therein. Amendment of the Articles was necessary in order to allo,v member governmenE to petition he Execulive Commiftee to appoint altemates, to appoint a non- voting NWCCOG senior statf member to fie Northwest Loan Fund Board, and to expand the service area of the NLF to include Rio Blanco County. (See attached resolutions.) The Articles require that in order for this most recent amendment to be effective, it be ratified by a majority of the members of NWCCOG, including the Town of Vail. Adjournment. 9. 10. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Mike Mollica January 21, 1992 A request for a major amendment to Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6A/ail Village Inn On January 13, 1992, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) reviewed Josef Staufer's request for a major amendment to Phase lV-A, of Special Development District No. 6.a vote of 4-3. the PEC a recommendation of Planning Commission's recom 0l aooroval are as That all three employee dwelling units be provided with full kitchens (refrigerator, stove, sink, oven or microwave), and that the dwelling units be permanently restricted as employee units, per Section 18.13.080(B)(1oxb-d) of the Zoning Code. That the applicant provide a pedestrian connection, adjacent to the South Frontage Road, to the Vail Gateway Plaza Building sidewalk. The pedestrian connection shall be subject to the review and approval of the Design Review Board. _h addition, the nt to the South F sidewalk now , and continue the Wl Phase lll condition of approval shall be nt of That the applicant provide additional landscaping along the northem property line of lhe Vail Village Inn, as discussed in Section lV(H) of the January 13, 1992 staff memorandum. That the applicant provide screening of the existing trash compactor located immediately to the north of the Pancake House Building. Said screening shall be subject to the review and approval of the Design Review Board. Thewith o o /3Jl-,/ r)/ 4./l-/ The threp dissenting votes were cast because the planning commissioners felt that the_---- proposed free markel?W6lling unit should be restricted according to section 17.26.075/Condominium Conversion, of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIET DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI-,: ,t . tPRorECr: Vi( UtA- [4*- DATE SUBM @. fu'-L N'(.ht ft-kft VoJ I Vu-L - Date: Date: 3*e ftfrJ*f ' aZ 4, Date: Pnu,J.- S;Jzutdl$s d*A ffinW a-'') t v'/<-- t-> rIRE DEPARTUEI(I Reviewed by: Comnents: POI,ICE DEPARTI'ENT Reviewed by: conmentg! FSCREATION DEPARTHENT Revlewed by: Comments: R.r*J I'19 '12- revlsed 3/LL/9L Date: ... ) ,:'7"trC , Dates Date: Date: .j, -\'*'! , 'i /L .7 ^ ,- /- /-t,'? -- '/ 7' ' POLTCE DEPART!{ENT Revlewed by: conments! RECREATION DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: Cornments: revlsed 3/LL/eL rNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PRoJEcr: U;^( /*t4* o.^.^ DATE SUBI'IItrTED: IZ.IL.7I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING I. 13,92 CO!,IMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DDSCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL3 5.c< Afr*AJ PUBIJIC WORKS Revlewed by: Comrnents: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Date: r,itt Ec $B$91 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED IPPLICAIION TORM trOR SPECIAI. DSVEIOPMENT DISTRTCT DEI'EIOPMENT PLAN I. This procedure is required for any project that would go through the Special DeveLopment Distrj-ct procedure ' The application wil-l not be accepted until alI inforrnation is subnitted. (please print or tYPe) A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS rcq E feg4S{-lrlve PHONE 416-5612 APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE William F. Pierce ADDRESS p-o. nox 57. var1. co 81658 PHONE 476-6342 L.PROPERTY OWNER(S) or{NER (S) STGNAIt'RE (S) fer MAILING ADDRESS PHONE__4.2-L55-U._ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS ! lo0 r- Maadow nr-, V:i.| . C.o 81657 LOT 0 BLOCK-I+SUBDIVISION Vaif Vflase, Firs A L]ST OF THE NAMES OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THEIR MAIL]NG ADDRESSES. II. Four (4) copies of the following information must be subrnitted: i 'r8vised gl4lgL A. B. R D. D. Detaited writ.ten/graphic description of proposal; An environmental impact report shall be submitted to the zoning adminisLrator in accordance with Chapter 18.55 her6of unless waived by Section 18'56'030, exempt pro ject s; An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the hemanbs generated by the development v/ithout undue burden on aviifable or proposed public facilities; Existing contours having contour intervals of not mare tnan fiie feet if the average slope of the site- is twenty Percent or less, or with contour interval"s of not norl than ten feet if the average slope of the site is greater than'tvrentY Percent. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inin Lquals fifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dirnensions of alI buildings and structures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recrealional facilitj'es, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service enLries, drivewaysr and off-slreet parkin} and loading areas with proposed contours after grading and site develoPment; A preliminary landscape pLan, at a scale not smaffer' than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed' and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site developmenL fealures, such as outdoor recreational facilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elementsi Preliminary buildi.ng elevations, sections, and ffoor p1ans, at a scale not smaffer Lhan one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine ffoor areat gross residential floor arear interior ci-rculationt locations of uses within buildings, and the general scafe and appearance of t.he proposed development. ]II. TIME REQUIREMENTS The PIanni-ng and EnvironmenLal Com.rnissicn meets on the 2nd and 4t.h Mondays of each month. An applrcation wj.th the necessary accompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the rneeting. The developer must begin initial construction of the special development district within three years from the time of its final approval, and continue diligenLly toward the completion of the projecL. If Lhe special development district is to be developed in phases, E.he developer must begin construction of subsequent phases.'i &r' i "ear of thc eomnl et inn nf the nreviousWILlllll 9f rE ) Lrre uvrrLFr\:LI\Jll \. r- Llrs |,,r!,vphase. NOTE: It is recommended that before a Special DeveLopment District applicarion is submitLed, apre-application meeting should be set up with a member of the Department of Commun'i cy Development. IV. FEES Application Fees are as foflows: F. A. A. R a. Establishment. of SDD -'1=:--a b ./" ;;; ; e*""o*"nt-il--;(=__ - c. Minor Amendments: s00.00 200.00 Application fee paid: $ ttod&99 oate t2, (h.? t check #-?7'13 If this application requires a separate review by any Local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiJ., the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may j-ncIude, but are not limited to: CoLorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc, The applicant sha11 be responsibl-e for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50* of t.he application fee. If, at the applicant's requestr inYmatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shal1 be paid by the applicant Applications deemed by the Community Developmer,l Deparlnrent t.o have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significan: impact on the community may require review by consultants other lhac Lown staff, Should a determinati()n be made by Lhe townstaff that an outside consultant is needed Lo review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultanL, it sha1l estimate the anount cf VatI Village Inn Special Developement District Amendment AdJacent Property Ownerss Palmer Development c./o Leo Palmei 12 South Ftontage Road Eastvail, co 81657 l\-'I conrad Sturfue I Alpine Standard I P.O. BOX 1797 / vail, CO 8165? ' Holiday Inn 13 VaiI Roadvail, c0 91657 Holiday House Condoninium Association9 Vail Roadvail, co 9165? Colorado Department of Hj.ghwaysP.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Talisman Condominium Association52 E, Meadow Drivevail, co 81657 Sonnenalp Hotel 20 Vail Roadvail, co 91557 Crossroads Cent,ex Management Company143 E. Meadow DriveSuite 360vail, co 91557 'age L ,JOI{NERS. DOC QnrttrteonerceBrlnuf ARCHITECTURE PT ANN tN6 IN TE R, IORS December l-6, 1991 MaJor Amendment RequestSpecial Development District No. 6For a Revised Development plan for phase IV-A The Applicant requests consideration of the following Amendments to the recently approved Development plan forPhase IV-A of the Vail ViIIage Inn: 1. Conversion of the Fourth Floor (Sheet 5 Vail Villagefnn Addition by Fritzlen pierce Briner, dated LLl4/9L)of the "Lobby Building,' to a single dwelling unit. ThisEpace contains approximately 3100 sguare feet of GRFAand was designed as five (5) acconmodation units in thepreviously approved amendment. The residential unit isintended to be a "Free lllarket', unit without the restric-tion imposed by the Condominium Conversion requirernentsof Chapter 17 .26.075. 2. Conversion of the Third Floor of the "pancake Build-ilg" (Sheet 8 vail Village fnn Addition by Intratect De-sign Group, dated 7/10/91) frorn 2 accommodation units, 1employee housing unit, storage and mechanical to six (G)accornmodation units and mechanical uses per the revised-plan submitted. The employee housing unit wiII be Io-cated elsewhere on the Applicant,s property. Thischange will result in a slight increase in GRFA, ap-proximately 1200 square feet, due to the change of theemployee housing unit, storage apace and sorRe-mechanicalspace to accomnodation units. These six accommodationunits would be hoteL rooms operated by the Vail VillageInn Management. 1. These changes will require only minor changes to thefacade of the approved Amendment and a Design ReviewBoard submittal will be prepared for review. 4. _AII other portions of the previously approved Spe-cial Design District No. 5 anendment remain-unchang6d, Page L AMEND.DOC POSToFFICEBOX57 1000LIONSRIDGELOOP VA|LCoLORADO8t658 3054766542 FAX303476490rnEirllr r. ou altlrfac! Iilr o AITIEI{DED t2/27 /9! vail village rnn speciar Developement District Amendnent AdJacent Property Owners: Palmer Development Co.c/o Leo Palmer 2701 Iris Ave., Suite ABoulder, CO 80304 f-' Anoco OiI Co.\l p.o. Box 3428 I Oak Brook, IL 60522Jta Holiday Inn 13 VaiI Roadvail, co 81657 Page 1 AJOWNERS.DOC I'j,12 5.fh ^-/ /r,',.,.- N*/ - ,g( A''"nz'<t- C-( G. + rw-o.(+A 6--t t, j.?z Itoliday House Condominium Association9 Vail RoadVai1, CO 81557 Colorado Department of HighwaysP.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Talisman Condominium Association62 E. Meadow DriveVaiI, CO 81557 Sonnenalp Properties20 vaiL Road - Vail.. CO 8l-557 Crossroads Center Management Company143 E. Meadow Dri'-veSuite 360Vail, CO 81652 *V turr-_.ftl ry(, t1f Vail Vil-Lage Inn Special Developement District Amendment Adjacent, Property Owners: Palmer Developmentc/o Leo Palmer 12 South Frontage Road EastVail, CO 81557 Conrad SturLIeAlpine StandardP.O. BOX 1797VaiI, CO 81657 Holiday Inn 13 VaiL RoadVaiI, CO 81657 Holiday House Condominium Association9 Vail RoadVai.l, CO 81657 Colorado Department of HighwaysP.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Talisman Condominium Association 62 E. Meadow DriveVail, C0 81657 Sonnenalp Hotel 20 VaiI RoadVaiI, CO 81657 Crossroads Center Management Conpany143 E. Meadow DriveSuite 360 VaiJ-, CO 81657 Page I AJOWNERS. DOC ik fi Lte- bt'a beLo^ -o3)*€{"+ y{,,r*tj PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on January 13, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a work session for an exterior alteration and a site coverage variance in , Commercial Core I for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreetiPart of Lots B and C, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Rod SlilerPlanner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code regarding minor exterior alteration procedures in CommercialCore I and CommercialCore ll, Section 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure, and Section 18.26.045 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure. Planner: Jill Kammerer 3. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade at 16 Forest Road/Lot I, Block 7, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Ron Byme/Jay PetersonStaff: Jill Kammerer/Greg Hall 4. A request for a density variance in order to allow an addition to an existing non- conforming structure at 864 Spruce CourUa part ol Lot 12, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton/Steve ShanleyPlanner: Jill Kammerer 5. A request for a major amendment to Phase lV-A ol Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village lnn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Josef StauferPlanner: Mike Mollica 6. A request lor a conditional use permit for a modular office trailer at 846 Forest Boad/Lot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Shelly Mello 7. A request to allow a change to an approved development plan, Tracts A and B, a part of Parcel A, Lions Ridge Filing No. 2, commonly referred to as The Valley, Phase ll. Applicant: Crossview at Vail Properties, Inc./Steve Gensler Planners: AndyKnudtsen/KristanPritz L A request for a side setback variance at 254 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: William SheppardPlanner: Andy Knudtsen I 9. A request for a setback variance and conditional use permit to allow a tow which will transport people and supplies from the garage to the house at 2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge Applicant: Brian and Sonja CraythornePlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JANUARY 27, 1992 MEETING. Information on the listed items is available at the Community Development offlce In the Vail Municipal Building during regular olfice hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on December 27, 1991. {ftr copy motlon and the vote was 7-0 In favor. l. /j. 72 /nc 5. A request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code regarding minor erilerlor alteration procedures in Gommercial Core I and Commercial Core ll, Sectlon 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modlflcations - Procedure, and Section 18.26.045 Exterior Alteratlons or Modlflcations - Procedure. Applicant: Town of VallPlanner: Jill Kammerer TABLED TO JANUARY 27,1992 This item was tabled with items 8 and 9. 6. A request for a malor amendment to Phase lV-A of Special Development Dlstrlct No.6, Vall Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vall Vlllage lst Filing. Appf icant: Josef StauferPlanner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica showed floor plans and elevalions and listed changes made from the previously approved SDD Amendment (1991). The changes were Ets follows: l. Conversion of the 4th floor of the Lobby Building to a single, free-market DU of approximately 2,900 sq ft. 2. Conversion of the new 3rd floor of the Pancake House Building from 2 AUs and one employee-restricted DU to 8 AUs. 3. Conversion of one existing 250 sq ft AU in the Food and Deli Building and one existing 250 sq ft AU on 2nd floor of Pancake House Building to "permanently restricted" employee DUs. 4. Permanent restriction ol a Pitkin Creek Park DU of 800 sq ft for an employee unit. Mike explained the only exterior changes were window modifications. The net result was 14 AUs, comprising approximately 6,000 sq. ft. of GRFA. He then showed the site plan in the area of the sidewalk in front of the Vail Gateway Building. The staff felt a connection to this walkway was necessary. This could be a ramp or stairway. Kathy wondered about requiring a sidewalk all along the Frontage Road. Mike responded the staff did propose the VVI construct a sidewalk the entire length of the VVI property (in 1991), at which time the Town Council and the PEC did not feel the timing was appropriate. Mike pointed out ltem H of the SDD Criteria addressed landscaping. Mike stated the staff would like to see additional landscaping added along the entire northern property line of the Vail Village Inn, with 3 to 4 clusters of large aspen and spruce. a 7 The conditions of the staff recommendation for approval were: 1. The proposed DU to be located on the 4th floor of the Lobby Building be restricted in use per Section 17.26.075 of the zoning code. 2. All 3 employee DUs be provided with full kitchens and permanently restricted as employee units. 3. A pedestrian connection be provided adjacent to the South Frontage Road to the Vail Gateway Plaza Building sidewalk, design subject to approval of DRB. 4. Applicant provide additional landscaping along the north property line of the Vail Village lnn per Section lV (H) of the staff memo ' 5. The applicant provide screening of the existing trash compactor immediately to the north of the Pancake House Building, design subject to DRB approval. Kristan listed the basis for the staff recommending approval as follows. 1. The board felt the free-market dwelling unit must be restricted. This could be used as a short term rental unit when the owner was not using the unit, and the mass and bulk of Phase lV-A did not change. 2. The Town was getting one additionalAU. 3. The Town was getting 3 employee units. 4. The property was being upgraded. 5. The property was getting landscaping. 6. Pedestrian connection would be completed to the Gateway sidewalk. 7. Underground parking was being opened to the public. 8. The compactor was being screened. Bill Pierce, project architect, listed the improvements being made and stated that witfrout the free-market unit, the project was not feasible financially. Jonathan Staufer, representing Josef Staufer, explained that with the July proposal, $800,000 in improvements were planned. With the present proposal, the improvements would add up to $2 million. Diana said one negative is that all the available GRFA for DUs had been used. She did feel the DU should be restricted per the staff's suggestion, to be consistent. Diana listed as negatives the employee unit moved off-site and the surface parking at the entrance to the at. project. Postives were the additional square feet used for employee housing, the interior parking becoming available to the public, having the trash screened, the addition of landscaping, the footprint was remaining the same, and the whole project was being upgraded. Diana felt the need for at least "some sidewalk" along the Frontage Boad. Kristan added two more positive factors: the conference facility was being upgraded and enlarged and the entire building would now meet building and fire code requirements. Mike explained the restrictions on the DU would mean the unit could not be used more than 28 days during December 24 lo January 1 and February 1 to March 20. Also, it could not be used as a permanent residence.as lhere was a 6-month restriction on this type of use. Kristan added these restrictions were used at the Garden of the Gods, the Ramshorn and the space formerly housing "Goods". Kathy Langenwalter agreed with Diana regarding the sidewalk. She added the whole dumpster area needed to be cleaned up. She told Jonathan it would behoove him to provide a pedestrian walkway between the VVI and the south walkway of the Gateway Building. Bill Pierce explained how one could get to the Pancake House or the Lobby Building through a series of covered walkways in the Food and Deli Building, without using the area near the Gateway Building. He said the applicant would have no problem with putting kitchens into the employee units and restricting the units permanently. With regard to the pedestrian connection to the Gateway Building adjacent to the South Frontage Road, he felt the transition in grades should Qe Leo Palmer's (Gateway owner) responsibility, but the applicant would be willing to look at this again. Pierce stated the applicant would also be willing to landscape along the north property line, but that it was nearly impossible for an individual to talk to the CDOH and accomplish results. He felt it would cost more to receive their approval than to make the improvements. He agreed to screen the trash compactor. However, the applicant would not agree to restrict the DU. Diana explained that the CDOH had already bought into the landscaping plan along the Frontage Flcad, so there should not be a problem getting approval. Jonathan mentioned that there were also utilities in the area that would be dug up. Bill added the applicant would be willing to participate in the process, but it would be difficult to accomplish. Diana felt the staff could work with Leo Palmer. Mike responded he had spoken with Leo that morning and Leo would be willing to work with the VVI to make the connection. Connie wondered if the requested GRFA for DUs would be over that allowed. Kristan responded it would be, and this was definitely the key issue. Connie wondered how the DU restriction would be controlled. She felt one more absentee owner did not help lhe Town. Connie liked the control on the Pitkin Creek employee unit. She questioned the discrepancy in the amount of GRFA the memo gave for the DU and that given by Bill Pierce. Bill responded he liked to round the number up until the drawings were more definite. Chuck did not feel the unit needed to be restricted, since the proposal included more AUs. He wanted to see more landscaping and a sidewalk. Gena and Ludi agreed with Chuck. Ludi felt the landscaping and sidewalk on the north side were very important, and planning and financial help should come from the applicant. Diana felt the PEC must support the condominium conversion regulations which would place the restrictions on the DU. Bill pointed out all of Phase lll of the Wl (the talt building on the northeast corner of lhe propefi) was free market, and over 50% of the units were rented out short term. Kristan suggested another option if the DU were not restricted, which was having a couple of restricted lock-off units. Mike Lauterbach, also representing the applicant, suggested the applicant pay for the landscaping and the Town do the actual work. He stressed the project must be financially leasible to make it possible for Josef Staufer to build it. He reminded the Board there would be 14 more AUs on the market. Diana replied too many DUs in Vail were sitting unoccupied, and the restrictions would not prevent the owner from using the unit. Diana asked Mike Mollica how the improvements along the Frontage Road would be handled. Mike replied the PEC's motion must be as specific as possible. Diana would like to see the sidewalk continue to the corner behind the Crossroads Building. Bill pointed out Josef Staufer did not own Phase lll of VVI (nor Crossroads), but he would try to help financially, though Bill did not know how much financial help Mr. Staufer could give. Diana felt Mr. Staufer should pay for the area in front of his property. Dalton agreed, and felt this was a fair exchange in return for obtaining a unit for sale. Mike Lauterbach suggested the applicant help financially and the Town perform improvements and gain approvals from the CDOH. Kristan felt the Town would be willing to help gain the approvals. Bill felt the applicant did not have control over the portion which would not be on his property. Mike affirmed the staff would work with the CDOH to get necessary approvals. Kristan suggested one condition ol approval could be that the sidewalk must be constructed contingent upon approvals being obtained from the CDOH. Mike pointed out all of the sidewalk would be on CDOH property. He suggested expanding condition #3, that the length of the pedestrian connection, be clarified by the addition of "to Phase lll of the VVl." Diana, Kathy and Connie asked the statf to pass on to the Town Council their wish to restrict the DU. Chuck Crlst moved to recommend to Council approval of the requested maior amendment to the SDD with condltlons 2p,4,and 5 plus the requlrement ol extendlng the sidewalk to the western property llne of Phase lll. Dalton added a second, and the vote was 4-3 In favor. Dlana, Gonnle and Kathy voted agalnst the request (wlthout the restrictlon of the DU). 10 coLoRADo DE'ARTMENilt i*i"*oRrAroN STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT lo/MP/side: FToA/ L7 6.ttg /R Fcal Jurisdiction: Town of Vai I Dist/Section/Patrol302 19 DOT Permlt No.: 392031 Permit Fee: $100.00 Date of Transmiltali - l5 - 92 THE PERMITTEE; Vail Village fnn, Tnc. 100 East Meador,r Drlve Vai1, C0 81657 is hereby granted permission to construct and use an access to the state highway at the location noted below. The access shall be constructed, mainlained and used in accordance with the terms and conditions ol this permit, including the State Highway,Access Code and listed attachments. Th/s permit may be revoked by the issuing authority if at any time the permitted access and ils use violate any of the terms and conditions of this permit. The use of advance warning and construction signs, flashers, barricades and flaggers are required at all times during access construction within State righi-ol-way in conformance with the MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, Part Vl. The issuing authority, the Department and their duly appointed agents and employees shall be held harmless against any aclion for personal in ju ry or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of the permit. LOCATION: 0n the south side of State Highway F70A, a distance of 470 feet east frorn Mile Post 176i 100 East Meadow Dtive, Vail. ACCESS TO PROVIDE SERVIGE TO: 88 Hotel Rooms, 5 Dwelling Units, 21,000 square feet Retail and Restaurant' and 2,000 Office and Meeting Rooms. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS! Access is permitted as constructed. MUNICIPALITY OR Required only when COUNTY APPROVAL the appropriate local Required authority retains lssuing authority. By (x)Not Date Title Upon tne signing oi tnis permit the permitiee agrees io the terrns and conditions and reterencsd attachments conlained herein. All constiuction shall be completed in an expeditious an<l sale manner and shall be finished within 45 days from initiation. The permitted access shall be completed in accgrdance with the terms and conditions of the permit prior to being used, The permltles rhall nollfy N/A wlth lhe Colorado Deparlmenl ot Tlanlporlallon ln al at leatt 48 hours pllor lo commenclng conslrucllon wlthln the State Hlghway rlght-of-way. The person signtng as the permittee must the owner or legal represenlative of the property served by the permitted access and have lull authoritv to the all it's terms and conditions Permlllee (X)Date This permit is not valid untit siglned DEPARTMENT OF PORTAT, Date 4-20-92 Title Admin istrator (Date of issue)Access Committe-eBy(x) Required: L Oisrrict (Oriqinl!) 2.1.FDlicanl l'4ske coFres as necgsary lor; Local Arthorilv/- lnsp€clo. lvl IC€ 2atrt;! .fralllc Englnc"r Previous Editaons are Obsol4te and *,ill nol b. used CoOT Fotm flolttgl Th€ lotlo{ylng paragraph a16 pertl!rlghllghts ot the stato Hlghway Acceo" cfn""" are provided lot your conYenlence bul do not allevtatJcompllanie wltilsictlonc ol lhe Accesr Code. A copy ot th-Stale Hlghway Access Code ls aYallable from your local lsrulng iuthorlty (local gov€rnment) or the Colofado Depa.lment ol Transporlallon (Departmenl). When thlE pcrmil wag lrsu€d, thslssulng authorlty made lts declslon baged ln part on inlormation submltted by the applicanl, on the acce8! category whlch lr agigned to tire hlghway, whst alternatlye acce88 to olher Pultllc roads and streel3 lr avallabl€' and satsly and dlrlgn rlandardr. Ghanger In use or d'erlgn not approy€d by lhe petmlt or lhe lsrulng aulhorlty may ceuso lhe reyocatlon or aurpen8lon of lhe pctmll. I Appealt 1. Should the permittee or applibant chose to obiect to any of the lerms or conditions of the pe.mit placed therein by the Departmenl, an appeal must be filed with the Colorado Transportation Commission within 60 days of transmittal ot the permit for permittee signature. The request for the hearing shall be liled in wriling and submitted lo the Colorado Transportation Commission, 4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80222. The request shall include reasons lor the appeal and may include recommendations by the permittee or applicant that would be acceptable lo him. 2. The Departmenl may consider any obiections and requested revisions at lhe request of lhe applicant or permittee. lf agreement is r€ached, the Department, wilh the approval ol the local issuing authority (if applicable), may revise the permit accordingly, or issue a new permit, or.equire lhe applicant to submit a new application for reconsideration. Changes in lhe original application, proposed design or access use will normally require submitlal of a new application. 3. Regardless of any communications, meetings, or negotiations with the Department regarding revisions and obiections to the permit, it th€ p€rmitt€e or applicant wishes to appeal lhe Oepartment's decision to the Commission, the appeal must be brought lo the Commission within 60 days of transmiltal of the permit. 4. Any appeal by the applicant or permittee of action by th€ local issuing authority when il is the appropriate local authorily (under subsection 2.4), shall be filed wilh the local aulhority and be consistent with the appeal procedures of the local authority. 5. lf the tinal action is not furthor appealed, the Deparlmenl or local authority may record the decision wilh the Counly Clerk and R€cordsr. ll Conslrucllon slandards and requhomenls 1. The access must be under construction within one year of the permit dale. Howevor, under certain conditions a one year time exlension may be granted it requested in wriling prior to permit expiration. 2. The applicant shall notily the olf ice specif ied on the permit at leasl 48 hours prior to construction. A copy of the permit shall be available lor review at the construction site. Inspections will be made during construction- 3- The access construction within highway right-oFway must be completed within 45 days. 4. lt is the rcsponsibility ol the permittee to complete the conslruclion of the access according to the terms and conditions of lhe permit. ll the permiltee wishes to use the access prior to completion, arrangements must be approved by the issuing authority and Department and included on the permit. The Department or issuing authority may order a halt to any unaulhorized use of lhe access, Reconstruction or improvemenls to the acces6 may be required when the permittee has lailed to me€t required specilications of design or materials. lf any construction element fails within two years due to lmproper construction or material specifrcations, the permittee is responsible for all repairs. 5. In the event il b€comes necessary to remove any right-of-way fence, the posts on either side of lhe access shall be securely braced with an approved end post belore the fence is cut to p.event any slacking ol tho temaining fence. All posts and wire removed are Deparlmenl property and shall be turned over to a representative of the Department. 6. Acopyof thepermitshall be available f or review at the construction sile. lf necessary; minorchangesand additionsshall be ordered by the Deparlment or local authority field inspactor to meet unanticipated site conditions. 7. The access shall be construcled and maintained in a manner that shall not cause water to €nter onto the roadway, and shall not inlerfere wilh the drainage system in the right-ot-way, 8. Where n€cessary lo remove, relocate, or repair a lraffic control device or public or private utilities for the construction ol a permitted access, lhe work shall be accomplished by the permiltee without cost to the Department or issuing aulhority, and at the direction of the Department or utility company. Any damageto the state highway or other public right-of-way beyond that which is allowed in the permit shall be repaired immediately. 9, Adeq uate advance warn ing is req uired at all times du ring access construclion, in conf ormance with the Manual on L.l niform Traffic Conlrol Devices for Streets and Highways. This may include the use of signs, flashers, barricades and flaggers. This is also required by section 42-4-501,C.R.S. as amended. The issuing authority, the Department and their duly appointed ag€nts and employees shall be held harmless against any action lor personal injury or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of the permit. lll Changes ln uae and vlolallon3 1. Itther6 a.e changes in the use ofth€ access, theaccess permit-issuing authority must be notified of the change. Achange in property use which makes the existing access design or use in non-conformance with the Access Code or the lerms and condilions of lhe permit, may require the reconstruclion or relocation ol the access. Examples ol changes in access use are; an increase in vehicular volume by 20 percent, or an increase by 20 percent oi a directional characterislic such as a lelt lurn, The issuing authority will review the original permit; it may decide it is adequate or requesl that you apply tor a new permit. 2. All terms and conditions of the permit are binding upon all assigns, successors-in-interest and heirs. 3. W'h€n a permittecl ciriv€way is constructed or used in violation of the Access Code, the local government or Departmenl may obtain a court order to halt the violation. Such access permits may be revoked by the issuing authority. lV Fu he] lnlormation 1. When lhe permlt holder wishes to make improvemenls to an existing legal access, he shall mak€ his roquesl by filing a completed permit application lorm with the issuing authority. The issuing authority may take action only on the request lor improvement. Denial does not revoke the existing access. 2. The permittee, his heirs, successors-in-interest, and assigns, of the property serviced by the access shall be responsible tor meeting lhe terms and conditions of the permit and the removal or clearance of snow or ice upon the access even though deposited on the access in the course of Department snow removal operations. The Department shall maintain in unincorporaled areas the highway drainage system, including those culverts under lhe access which are part ol that system wilhin lhe right-of-way. 3. The issue date of the permit is the date the Departm€nt represenlative signs the permit which is after the permiltee has returned lhe permit signed and paid any required fees. 4. The Department may, when necessary tor the improved salety and operation of lhe roadway, rebuild, modify, remove, or redesign the highway including any auxiliary lane- 5. Any driveway, whether constructed before, on, or alter June 30, 1979, may be required by the Department, wilh wrilten concurrence of the appropriate local authority, to be reconstructed or relocated to conlorm to the Access Code, either at the property owner's expens8 if the reconstruction or relocation is necessitaled by a change in the use of the property which results in a change in the type ol driveway operation; or at the expense of the Department if the reconstruction or relocation i6 necessitated by changes in road or tratfic conditions. The necessity lor the relocation or reconstruclion shall h'1 .lplerminE.l hv relFrAnllc tl1 lhe qtander.ls sel f(lrlh in lhe Access Code. :H4 EASEMENT AGREEMENT | ',V'\fi,u,# constructing, maintaining, and repairing a sidewalk for use by members of the general public; and WHEREAS' the Grantor is willing to provide such an easement under the followlng terms and conditions: NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1.The Grantor for ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable conslderation does hereby grant and convey to the Grantee a perpetual easement to survey, construct, operate, maintain, repair' or remove a sidewalk over property for use by the Grantee and the general pubtic more particularly described in Exhibit "A' attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Grantor shall have the right to uss lhe easement premlses lor any purpose that does not directly conflict with the use of the easement premises by the Grantee or the general public, and shall further have the right to grant other non-exclusive easements over, along, below, or upon the easement premises which do not directly conflict with the use of the easement premises by the Grantee or the general public. The Grantee agrees that it will Indemnify lhe Grantor, its agents, officers, and employees from all claims or causes of action which are caused by the Grantee's negligent or willful acts arising out ol or as consequence of the Grantee's use of the easement premises. This easement shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the toilowing: a) Should the Grantor obtain a building permit from the Town of Vail for the construction of Phase lV of the Vail Village Inn as set forth in Special Development District 6 and any amendment thereto, this easement shalt immediately terminate and the Grantor shall have the right to remove the sidewalk which may be existing upon the easement. b) Upon removal of the sidewalk or upon the abandonment of the easement by the Grantee. TOWN OF VAIL, F{ C) $oQO o oIiOUlrqo 2. 3. 4. e.{ q) qtoq0 -1 -lo(5 t)q. i l< UJ -_lN(j 19'.\l't Lrti c'{ c)s.c \l !t -{ -l\(5\}Qol! Et0f.{ q-s\| *..1c{ -lF.{ F.'FNA rrlluJcqFt-otu5reR+ri6\r h) VAIL VILIAGE lNN, INC. S, 8.ecclrc.t t 473740 8-577 P-62a O4y' j4,/92 J2:J7 FG2OF2 EXHIBTT A LAND DESCRIPTION Those portions of.Lots, M and N, Block 5_D, Vail Village FirstFiling According. to the map thereof recorded under ReceptionNumber 963A? in the Office of the Fpsl" County, Colorado, Clerkand Recorder( Clerk's Records ) descriU.a-.=-f"iior=, Beginning at a point on the westerly line of said Lot N which isthe southwesl corner of " p"i.ri ais"iiu"J'ii-'dook 23o at pase556 of the clerk's Records, whence tne noiir,w""t-iorne, of Lot Nbears N ooo23'oo', 150.oo reet distance; -it,rn.. arong thesoutherlv line of said parcel S 79a46,oo. E a distance of 5.29feet.; Thence departing saiJ -southerly line i- Oa-Sq,4O._ [,] adistance of 49-24 feet to the northerly line of said Lot H;Thence s o4os4'4o" ., a distance of z-ri ii"l-fJ tie westerrv lineof said Lot H which is arso the . easterlv Right-of-l.Jay line ofVaiI Road; Thence alons the said west"riy iii.-N ooo23,OO, r.J adistance of 7.10 feet to the noitr,rest "orn.i or said Lot M;Thence continuing along said westerly line N OO.Z3,OO. l^, adistance of S0.OO feet'to the point of beeinning, containing144.44 square feet or O.OO3 acres more or less. qrr, aorn€,rq^o 0F{ --.-r*..t.r-.]"t*, trrar' *- i.l c) I\ l. .l 3 + $i .l\-=_, \ I 't Ii I l. Turr F 1' lrli't t' lg*d 3 E F 9c te t'-ld t.o3 | 6.tt0d I&.G lrutT " .8f'tr -'--'--t.D.(tr i roi..ri.d r --'--'lJr4r- irtif,lftf r -'*"--.-- __.jl #;-; rnFoi'-t - - -$mr I I I t ./ I ! ,,^ 7 rrolecr ApPilGauon Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lol Block Filing , Zone Commenis: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: ll \ {i" i E statt Approval ( lnwn 75 soulh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: Design Review Board FR0l"1: Community Development Department DATE: October 3, 'l 984 RE: Vail Village Inn Sign offlcc ol communlty devrlopmrnl rJAr'tEg Cqwpcp?|+mtTe - C,()v,-,'Er-:THwAt I F & Cg. 3575 g6lrry Cut Norrh f)rln Su c 20O Donvor ColorcCo 802O9 Offr"r Trhphcnr, llono I j.o1--. 1303) 399'2901 iS93r.:lzz:roeo ( Background on this Request This.item was present to the Design Review Board at their septernber 5thmeeting. The-request is to modif! a previously app"ovea ,'iJmporary development sign".into a project inaehfificiti6n-iign.--A nJmuer orquestions were raised at the last Design Review goaid meeting re]ativeto whether the proposed sign is allowei by the cooe.- rtre-roitowing.isa summary of how this proposal relates to the sign code.- The Proposal This application is for a twen_ty (20) square foot free standing sign toidentify the vail viilage Inn piaza (see accompanying srreeij. Asproposed'. the-sign_wourd refer to ttrd plaza cohdominiums as'well asshops. The sign also incrudes a window to acconrnodate photos of theproject. This is the same sign approved by Design nevibw Boaro a numberof.years^ago. As proposed, tEe ti.6nt face-of thE sign wJuia oe removedand modified to include this new information. As was mentioned at the september 5th meeting, this application does notfit_clearly into any section of the code. r6i examplb, seiiion io.zo.tso(wal I signs.--individuat business in a mur ti-tenani' urir oirdl, uiid;; ---- for.twenty (20) square feet to identify the bui'lding.- Howeier, tneproject has both wall signs and hanging s'ign, and sEction ia.zo.oso(Projecting and hanging iigns - indiviiual -nusiness-in'a 'miiti-tenant building) does not have a provision allowing for tweniy (Zoj square teet ( I ication (over ) !9 i!"1!ttv the building. The staff can find no reason for section .19:39.1?9,1]toying^r91^twenty (20) square feet to iaeniirv the buildinswhr le section 16.20.090 does not. The,question of the jo'int directory was also brought up by the DesignReview Board'. l.|hile this directory does refer to-busihesies in phaieIII' it is an element of phase II. phase II is owned uv-aiirerentpeople than the applicants (of phase III). Staff Recommendation staff opinion is that a project of this size does merit some signageto identify it. As mentioned above, there is a grey u""i-ln the codeas to whether this sign is allowed. staff can find-no reason for theinconsistency in the code and recommend that this projeci ue allowedtwenty (20) square feet for identification. staff'reiommendation isfor approval of this sign provided it is for the laenfiiiiJtion ofthe project only_._ With respect to this appl.ication, Staff would reconrnend the fol lowing conditions : 'l . llo reference to where one obtains information, i. e.phone numbers, rea'l estate agents, etc.. Thisinformation is not necessary for identifying a project. 2. The window be used only to dispaly the entire project b,y means of a photo, rendering, or site-plan. ttredisplay of photos showing lobby areas and other interjor spaces is inappropriate. The staff fee'ls that _this project does need an identification sign. However, it is strongly fe1 t that this sign serve just that purpose- to identify the project. i,le encourage ihe above conditions tobe approved by the Design Review Board. ( Aou rNlY ' PLA'A ft";;"ro^rNt rlPtS t;'#'f^?!^I 'io"'uu*DtNb roit ( tNL, fiortEs r o NDo n'![, e s\- r*";-;4 lnwn 75 3oulh frontage roed hil, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olllce of communlty developmenl T0: Design Rev'iew Board FR0l,1: Communi ty Development Departnent DATE: 0ctober 3, ]984 RE: Vail Village Inn Sign Background on th'is Request This.item was present to the Design Review Board at their september 5th ryetjnS. The.request'is to modify a previously approved "temporarydevelopment sign" into a project indentification sign. A nunber oiquestions were raised at the last Design Review goaio meeting relativeto whether the proposed sign is allowed by the code. the foi'lowing iia sumnary of how this proposal relates to the sign code. The Proposal This application is for a twenty (20) square foot free standing sign toidentify the Vai'l Village Inn plaza (see accompanying sheet). -As - proposed' the sign would refer to the plaza condoininiums as'well asshops. The sign also includes a window to accommodate photos of thepryiect. This is the same sign approved by Design Revibw Board a numberof.years_gSq.. A: proposed, tfie fibnt face-of th6 sign woujO le "emoveJand modified to include this new information. Application with Respect to the Sign Code As was mentioned at the September 5th meeting, this app'lication does notfit.clear'ly into.any sect'ion of the code. Foi examplb, section 16.20.190(wall signs,-^individual business in a multi-tenant building)o al'l owsfor.twenty (20). square feet to identify the building. Howei6i, ttreproject has both wal'l signs and hanging sign, and section 19.26.090(Projecting and hanging signs - individual business in a mu] ti-tenantbu'ilding) does not have a provision allowing for twenty (20j square feet !9 i!el!!tv the bu'i1ding. The staff can find no reason for section1'6.20,190 at'lowino for^twenty (20) square feet to ia"riiry the bui.tdingwhile section 10.20.090 does- ndt.' The.question of the joj nt directory was also brought up by the DesignReview Board. lJhite this director! does refer to-uusiireiiei in phareIII, it is an element of phase II. phase II is owned nv-oiiterentpeople than the app'licants (of phase III). Staff Recomnendation staff opjnion is that a project of this size does merit some signageto identify 'it. As mentioned above, there is a grey a""i-i'n the codeas to whether this sign is allowed. staff can find'no "eason for theinconsistency in the iode and recormend that this project-ue allowedtwenty (20)_square feet for identification. staff' "eiommenoation istor approvar of this s'ign provided it is for the identification ofthe project.on!v_._ with respect to this apprication, stafi-wouldrecommend the following cond.itions: I . I'lo reference to where one obtains information, i. e.phone numbers, real estate agents, etc.. This. information is not necessary-for .identifying a project. 2, The window-be used only to dispaly the entire project by means of a photo, rindering', oi siieJEn. Thedisplay-of_photos showing lobby areas and other interiorspaces ts inappropriate. The staff fee'ls that _this project does need an identification sign.However, it is strongly felt that this sign serve just that purpose- to identify the project. t.|e encourage ihe above conditions tobe approved by the Design Review Board. V/4 tuarrsffia4/r€- ,/l qh lnwn Please do not Si ncerely, 75 soulh lrontago road Yail, colorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol communlty developmenl January ll, 1984 Mr. James Cowperthwaite Managing Partner Cowperthwaile and Company 3575 Cher:ry Creek North brive - Suite 200Denver, Colorado, 80209 RE: Final C of 0 for Village Inn plaza Dear Jim, 0n Monday, January 9th, I was asked to verify that landscaping had beencompleted at the village Inn plaza. This was to be done in order to issuea final certificate of occupancy for the project. rnis time ot year ii-iivery difficult' if not impossibl., to insieci tanasciping. -standara procedure on a landscape check is'for the'appt.icant tb riquest an inspection.To my knowledge, a reqirest to inspect init bi.opeiiv r,i, ndi-ueen made untilnow. Because of existing conditibns I will'not ue"aute io inspect thissite until spring. There is an alternative you could pursue in order to receive your final S-ol o,before spring._ itre Design'Review Board code allows firr a bona to ?:_ry:F9_ !"qrg,l.. !0. 50% of _the. approved pl ans ) , i n I i eu of compi etedranoscaplng. In]s bond would then be returned after landscaping has beencompleted and inspected. hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. ti-ft\rl.^.\ Thomas A Braun TAB/rme i 'i1{ frf CoweeRTHwAtrE & Co. 3575 CHERRY CREEK NORTH ORIVE.SUITE 2OO DENVER, COLORADO 8O209 (303) 3e0-ae62 . C. , f$*/,*ta ktik h6s. p,kF.1^ ,rd, I J ) ;'rl5 Lil'\ / r ','l'\ Re.qusR COMMERCIAL . INOUSTRIAL INV ESIT,| ENT REAL ESTATE MEMBER MOR'CAGE BAN K ERs' A9SOCIATION OF AM ERICA December 20, 1983 l,Ir. Richard Caplan, Town Manager Town of Vail Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 URBAN MORTGAGE CORF|ESPONDENT CON NECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PROVIOENT LIFE ANO ACCIDENT INSURANC E COMPANY Re:Final Certificate of OccupancyVillage Inn PlazaVai1, Colorado Dear Rich: On Deceuber 16, L982, Chet liorton and Mike McGee slgned off ona Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Village Inn Plaza. Atthat time, Ehere reuained several things that Ehey asked us todo including some additional signs, protecting some natural gaslines in Parking Level I, raising the height of Ehe hand railson one of our staircases, and completion of our landscaping. All of this work has been done for some time now. We would appreciate Ehe opportunity to verify our compliance andreceive a Final Certificate of Occupancy for our records. Best regards. Sincerely, VAIL VILLAGE Ii{N ASSOCIATES .. \.' t' - i :rr I. ;, {;\\u- ".rL*'li Partner cc: Charles Cowperthwaite o CoweEnrHwA,trE 6. Co. 3573 CHERRY CREEK NOFITH ORIVE-SUITE 2OO oEN\/ER, COLORADO AO2O9 (3o3) 39e- as6a January 17, L984 Mr. Thomas A. BraunOffice of Coumrunity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Final Certificate of OccupancyVillage Inn PlazaVail. Colorado Dear Tom: '{tteeE you for your letter of January 11.difficult to check our landscaping ligtrt An inspection next spring would be fine.our request for same. Sincerely, VAIL VILLAGE INN ASSOCIATES cc: Charles H. CowperEhwaite It would indeed be now. Please consider this artner o 6s,rW t{I:'ff/.,^ 'io"'(gu"''^n ( ,NL,u BortES r o Noo yrr l[, -t\- N;=t4 -}o Profect Application Prciecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architoct. Address and Phone: Lcgal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval G tst Frr '{ #&ot w{i'u\'l:c I 'iir*n' Txu pa4zA a"-)o/ ( CoruDo A< rry t arr S ^b F-tr "4 P l--- \-/o3 U rtrAGE TNN P r'+za CoNWu rxtt u H #o1teS A"aS*o Fo * Irr t=o(/-/',tTtoN @LL" Uil L qz 6)5 6 LL.- OeNuEt? 3ca*q6 7 -<-l.r^{,.,' - (- )/,r' ,pv\ulps( r lk\L ' -,( "/ 'vtrrpor -// %-t* ,/*A*,x "/ "l , a1 \-f-* / -;,.il /- ' t ,t I,/za/fi,o.f-ro"t ."-'\ t\J ia a-r-+"sr .l . ) o I tI ...'" ) Le'-Yu AFFIDAVIT STATE 0F C0L0RAD0 )) ss' COUNTY OF EAGLE ) PETER PATTEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I. He is Acting Director of the Community Development Department for the Town of vail and has served in that capacity since May, 19g4. prior to that, he was Assistant Director of Planning for the Community Development Department for the Town of Vai'l- 2. The conrnunity Development Department is charged, among other things, with administering provisions of Chapter .|8.40 of the Vail Municipal Code ent.itled "Special Development Districts.', 3. Pursuant to the provisions of chapters 19.02, '1g.40 and '1g.66 of the Vail Municipal Code as amended, Special Development Distrjct 6 (,'SDD6',)was established in 1976 for a certain parcel of land compris.ing 3.455 acres in the Vail Village area of the Town of Vail. A copy of Chapter 18.50 of the Vail Municipal Code estaa'lishing such District is attached hereto. 4. A building permit for the construction of phase III of said sD6 was issued on or about 2/10/1981 and construction thereon of what is now known as Village Inn Plaza began on or about 4/1/1981. All of the requirements set forth in said ordinance establishing SD6 with respect to the development of phase III were satisfied. 5. SD6 is comprised entirely of land in Lots 14, N, O, and p, Block 5-D, vail village First Filing, section 8, Township 5 south, Range g0 west of the 6th Principal Meridjan, Town of vail, county of Eagle, state of co'lorado and Phase III thereof is comprised of a parcel of land in Lots 0 and p, Block 5- D, Vail Village First Filing, containing 46,g06 square feet or 1.074 acres, more or less. 6. Improvements have existed but were demolished in Apri], irrt Inn Plaza condominium development. on the Phase III site since on or about to make room for the development of the 1962, Village i CHARLES H. CO\TPERTHWAITE PENDLETON A SABIAN, PC. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEI-ORS AT I,\\)/ SEVENTEENT}I AND CRANT BUILDINC SUITE IOOO TELEPHONE: 3O3 EAST SEVENTEENTH AVENUE (3O3) E39.I2M DENVER,COLORADo AO2O3 TVX: 9IO-931-C)4O7 o 7 . SD6, i ncl uili ng Phase including water, sewer, gas and first improvements thereon were o has been-served with utility services, since on or about 1962 when the III thereof, el ectri ci ty, erected. The foregoing Affidavit was subscribed and of 0ctober, 1984 by A. Peter Patten, Jr. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. My Cormission Expires: sworn to before me this 11th day 7s -1. Ftz,axft*Qil,Vuil h srb &z Notary Public Patten, 75). a.?i,, . t r'r i' I Proiect Application Proibct Name: Proieci Description: Contact Pergon and Owner, Address and Phone: /^.\ Archit€ci.AddressandPhone: (|..'-"r \\-\L' \ sZg \r.rq1 Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Molion by: APPROVAL Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL .'a' , Ct" ll .\,t-, ' \,D\-' APPI icat'i on llunber SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid .-.- oate Name of P.oj..t /,L/z{c6 inJil ?LAzA Name of Person Submitting S\tF)1l5r^^9 Description of-.Project The fo] lowing information is required forto the Design Reviel Board before a final S'ign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sign Matenial Descri pti onp c. size of sisn /9 S4.u&u[ l8Efl$f - U D. Lensth of_trsdese_L[lJ E. Corunents I. Site Plan2. 0rar,rings sE6iTiE-dact location -3. Photogiaphs shoiving proposed 1ocEffi'fr] !. Actual .sign _5. Colored scale dratving - 6. PhotograPh of sign APproved for 0RB Submittal Disapproved for DR8 Submittal - I'1ATERIALS SUBi'lITTED t,lITH APPLICATiON Sign TominisLraror o o o o -1 ..t \\\\1 /r7i \\\v// ,t ; r.u.r.>. iV]LtAGT ]I\'lhI V ILLAfG6 A"Jf tev b\ -" MOUUTAIN StcN SySTEh:", P.O. BOX A'8 EAGIE, @ t1631 (9oll) 328'1099 ,.\ _ ,, t*t rl -t-, I"..- APPI ication llunber SIGN APPLICATION YY\.'-it1 Vanf e lx1 pnone328-!oq 9 -- " Fee Paid Da te Name of Project y/16146,6 tr)J ?Una4r- Name of Person Subtnittinq 5 \6-il rgl^^9 Description o{.Project The following inforrnation is required forto the Design Revierv Board before a fjnal Sign submi tta'l fee js $20.00. submi tta I approva I by the applicant can be given. A. Sign Material Descri pti on 'a '1t .D.of Sign C. Size of sign /9 Sq,uan E fuuf U n Length of Frontace (Ft. ) Connents SryLd AsJD CoL<zt- oF Lstft$fl-L 1. Site Plan 2. Orar.rings sF6riinEEact'location -3. Photogiaphs showing proposed locatiin]4. Actual .sign-_5. Co1 ored scale dratving - 6. PhotograPh of sign MATERIALS SUBi.IITTED t,lITH APPLICATION Sign Admr n is tratoi APproved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for ORB Submittal )lqn Ad,nlnlslral0r'\ TTTTT 0lrffr-1 U UT r:r I uu TDI,IH fffifiUF UAIL 16 FEt: 19S? l{EnHElnfiY E2'8tFl1 REIEIFT * 4I4II fITIIHTAIH SIEH L1,d5TETI5 NESI]RIFTII]N. SIGH BlsEBr-r41413 IUIHL 28. BE t8.66 I:HTH [HE[I': S RECEIPT BY 1i5t9 FBB0 \0- Varl Vtr-LqcL INN Villagc Inn Plaza (,ondommiums r 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 1303) 476-5622 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81 657 (303) 471-2100 l,[ay 9 | L99o Mr. Josef staufervail village Inn 100 East Meadow Drivevail, colorado 8L657 Re: Freestanding sign on southeast portion of your property. Dear Joe: It has been brought to our attention that Coldwell Banker Real Estate has signage in your freestanding sign. The Vail sign code does not permit real eitate signs anywhere except on the building where the real estate business is located. I{e are asking that you remove the Coldwell Banker photos and signage in the freestanding sign by June 1, 1990. Further, we wish to let you know that the freestanding sign could become a directory sign sinilar to the sign you have near Goods and Fila. This tlpe of signage could be very helpful to the Vail Village fnn businesses. The total sign including frane. may be 25 square feet. Enclosed is Section 16.2O.O4O Freestandinq signs- Joint directory signs for rnulti-tenant building. Please let us know if you have questions, and we will be happy to answer thern. Sincerely,,/) .'1 I,t4 r'' /K"..1 . / i Jn-b1 /"oS (t(cc/''- Betsy R6soLack Planning lechnician cc: Coldwell Banker t o I ACTION . SECONDED BY: AGAINST: }IOTION: VOTE: ABSTUNTIQN: APPROVDD: DISA})PROV]iD: 4 ./ * Dnsrcll REVIE1T .8048! DATE OII I'IIjETING: MNilBERS PRESENT: TAKNN BY BO IOR: SUTINIAIiY: lnwn I olfice of the town manager July 9, L976 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 trlr. Joe Staufer Box 157 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DISPLAY BOX FOR VAIL VILLAGE INN Dear Joe: On July 8, 19?6 the Design Review Board revj-ewed the proposed plans for a display box to be located on the southeast eorner of your property. The applicatlon rvas tabled for the following reason: they were not sure how the display box would look in relation to the existing light post. They would like to see a to-sca1e drawing of the display box ln its proposed location on the ]ight post with the materials noted. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, DESIGN REVIEIY BOARD Administrato -...j-..,--.--- t -J l,go ,# f C{ R? u k"r \Jde .: ,./f -f /tl-l.a LL/ F I_fo ;/,,-7i;/.fn- / / d,ftt** / t'vv 11 ^ , {LIAGF-" lr,-jr"l }rifld r__f $l I---f I I --rF I I I I ! i : I I I I F*lrJ f,)r/;{-rLlY So L,{,T.:r, (y4/tbE L-\tp'1U J '2/<)J 1 o - r/o*,-Le/ oo I qr' .llr i1 riL.1) \jtLl l'./'ts.I $.1ti ))eila 'l )) U,t*tr tliA IIr'o-l' ?12 -lI?rt;{rLlt./ $O'I\r:.o - r./n ru Ct) l-4rr"r.-trt .ld5' 37, F7-, l..l,T$, ( t't;/'o L.tb.1L bE-"7", -3 /,'tny ^-.v\a )t MEUti Dttrzcs &oAra' Va.ru a;a\.Ltr- l: € 6c+ta..l?.r=- Afar-s. 6. e4.la J, €f''DE.e^'{.r4.f ?.sn a 4ZS &. wJ, = Z.\5 4vT VntlVfi r/rlLa,ar lili] Mailu Mrr"ttl [)epuu IBoAre1? vA.tL +I*",LE- lr 5 6qrAr2-E- AgEl t1' ,< J. 6T."rpeieA{.s.(.- 4-zs ee" td, 2.15 4,"7 iIA'It?Afti.T t::, (,:!unEP, t:tc. *tt.a- - Loanulling Ln7i"u'tt - 9901 lVcsf l?t!z Avcnue D c nv ct, (olorrdo 8rl!O4 MO T 5OUTI.IERLY FoIN-T-(}F-LOTL ' I ) il'Jl'll"-::g,o,:.:- c^it _61910. u" __ldQ.e_NOTt5___-- ccrlE r' -_F;Q--. AIVISIO I / tJY ,lliu*r C. 5,, Mtent f/it, s*ctt*t ./ *t, n, ntun, i nEvrtLo__/_-1__t Y----.- b sT€EL Pins /iTH cats slr a sllo9,N. + cacssts c{rl as sflota.rt{_ til €xrsTt!,lo con&r:R Foui!gFotNT OF TEeMlNU5, Erteh4eNT --t- l,-*"'--t'Slgo""accE55 -,-,i -,-t-*.-{ l. l'il.i II L o? {o<l 'o bR. L\J I '11" LEGAL DESCRIPTI,ON An access easemerrt 31.c' feet ia *ii;.: across a pa=i of Lot t, Block5-E, Vail Vil1age, Fr:rsi Fili:i5, Co.,;;7 or- Eagie, Staie or Coiorado,the centerll-ne of wilicir is <iescribei n" :oliors: Coi:r,encing at the ''tos t _south'.re s terly poi t of sai<i l.ot L; ihcnce N.60"35r00t'E: and aiongthe souiherly liae of saici Lor L, i96.34 fee!1 theirce N.33"04r00trE.and a10ng sai<i sourheriy line 155.00 feet; thence N.5500Br2B,I^I,, 120.00feet; thence N.34"51r32u8,, 97.46 feet; ti.,c*ce S.g2.35r00"E., 15.OO igg" !o tire point of beginning; thence on ea angie ro the lefr of90o00100"' 35.00 feer to tire point or rerminus, said point being inthe right of way of East Meadow Drive. 58?'2,5'od'E.r5.oo'. LOT L A) \ I i..r.:Niir Fq Gto Y' roTi*clH\ *3 l-r \, 'i,n ti;i o' ": i t^'rl:: b x $ zo c \ ,\ \ I I I I I -io ...o'\Qw;'r , v\ /po ul I lr\ + .atd .() _o !,zt :ff f.'t,'o (.osl .Jvoa -]rv/a "i! Jiil$ le.6 6\ %i Jv C 13 t lI i I l I Ir \" \ t \ \ \ \I ,c)/Y Nrr \$ SIt \-\'r-.\ :P- i\\ j.ltl ,r \ . \- \q;.!:.'- \ \ \ J !'<\F- \ q.,"c- , \.) .il '. 1t- .--*=i- ) i {}. iw 6\Dt{ N n;?\./ 15 Nh\F. l--.\-**--_ ?t'l''lr'A''l il-T q ffikd"L-Y A' -j"oa'+r" ?"'tb. oo'v z-13'h) tr-\zp,-l E B'eA- {#l-4' E-= tta4.11' L - Lr.aa' t;ff;r'qL- Tt.to' :za.qL #:h\ 6.A€)x'j, R . tot.16 . L-- t t".{>'