HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT O UNIT 25TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIi|:TAGE ROADvArL, co 9L557 970-479-2L38 APPTIEANT IIEDBO CONSTRUCTIOIIP.O. BOX 3419, vArrJ, co, CONTRAqIOR NEDBO CONSTRUSTION Descript,ion: ADD SHED ROOF OVER ENTRY (ADDED NEW DORMER) V" Vy'/'W 7,hZf A,'Ho DEPARrr,rENr oF coMM'N r*X&:yWf tE NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TrMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 899-0050 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Status.. _: ISSTEDLocation...: VIL,LAGE rNN pLAzA PHASE rApplied..: 04/07/LgggParcel No..: 2L0L-092-s6-025 rsEued...: O4/L2/L999ProjecL No.: pRJ99-0064 Expires..: LO/'g/Lggg Phone: 970-845-1001 cELr.# 47L-4889 8L659 Phone: 970-845-1001_p.o. Box 34L9, VAIL, CO, CErrL# 471-_4ggg. gt658 R,_ _owNER RED sAtilDs coRp luviGomm, UeV. 100 E MEADow DR, VAIL co 81557 i.lenff-Up Dq Refund Occupancy: R1 Multsi-FamilyTlpe Const.ruction: V i.-HR Tvpe V l-Hourlpe Occupancy: Valuation: 59,000 ..iii$irsved arilDunt {;rl.* Add Sq Ft: Flr6p1-c6 Inforrnaclon: ReEtricced:*of (trar Appliancee:*Of Oe. Lo96:*Of Wood/Prll€L ! *t*ttr***ittl*lttlil*t*tt**t*t****trtr*t*rttt***{.r*r*r*r*** FBE SWl4ARy *****r******arar*it**rrr**rrr*rrr*r*rr*rrlrrrrtir*r*****rt Buitdtng-----> Plan chcck- - - > hvestigEtlon> l'|i11 calL----> 530.00 344 ,5o ,00 100 . oo .00 250.00 L,227 .5O .00 L t 227 .sO I r 221 .50 R€Btuarant P]an Revier- - > DRB Fee-------- ,O0 Recreatlon Fec----------> total calcq1ats6d F6e9- - - > Addlfional F6oE------- --> ?otaL Pe![lts Fec--------> Pat'crelrCe--------3 .00 CIcan-Up Dapo6ie---- ----> ,*r*****ar**,,******i,*****,*..,,...,"-::lil,ilfi;;;;;;;;;,;;;;1",..,.,.1:331;::-.,",..:iHil.i3l;;;;;;;;;;;;;:....,,-,,,,.;::,," rEe,qri.051Q0 BUIITDING DBPARIT4ENT DepL: BUILDING Dj-vision:94/,97/.L999 QIARLIE Act.ion: NOTE PLANS tO CrnRr-,iE --- O4/L2/L999 CHARLIE ACTION: A,PPR EHARIJIE DAVrSIEem: .05400 q!ANI{ING DEpARTMEt't'f DepE: PIANNING Dj_vision:Q1/.87/.L999 cIaRLrE -acEibni--NcirE pLANs ro eREff-9+/o7/1,999 CHARLIE Action: AppR pER BRENT WILSON ^r9qqt:,9!990-El8E DEPARTUENf DepE: FrRE Division: 9+/07/+229-C!4RI,_IE- - Aqgion: APPR N/AIrQrIri .05500_p,IlEI,Ig woRKS '. Depr: pllB WORK Divisj.on:04/07/L999 CflARLIE Action, AppR N/A ** rrrr*r ttirrr**rtr rt.rinr*r+r *{*t**rr rrr*tri, t**rrr***l,i,, r ** * See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that may apply Eo Ehis permiE. DECI,ARATI ONs f hereby acknotlcdg. thac f havc read thie aE pllcat.ion, fllled out {n full Eh. infornatslon required, coopleted an accqrac. plotplan, and 6tace that al,I the lnfonmulon provided a. requir€d lF corr€cc. I agr€6 !o conply xith tb6 LnforEatlon and pl.ot plan,go cocply rlth all Torar ordlnances and etace latrs, and to bulld ch16 sbluctu]jc accordlng co t,he Town,B zonlng and subdivlgloncod.a, d€Eign rewier lpprovad, Unifoft Building cod6 and othcr ordinancat of thr fot{n appl{cable EheleCo, REQuEsrs 8oR rNEPEcrroNB 9HAIJL BE MADE TWENTT-FoUR HouR€ rN AD\IANCE By rBtrEpHoNE ATi/t?9-2t!s oR AT s.nd clcen-up DapoBir. ro: NEDBo eoNsrRlN srolGTURE |*. oR coNTRAcrl3R FoR HrrsEr'F tND o!'rI{ER *******t************************************************************************ CONDITIONS Permit. #: 899-0050 as of 0e/04/99 Ssatus: ISSIIED ****************************:t*****************************************!t********* Pernrit Tlpe: ADD/AIT MF BUIL,D PERMIT Applied: 04/07/L999 eppliciirt: NEDBO CONSTRUSIION Isgued: O4/L2/:-999 970-845-1001 To Extrlire z !o/o9/L999 ilob Address: I.OCAtsiON: VILI,AGE INN PI,AZA PHASE II Parcel No: 2101-082-56-025 Descriptsion: ADD SHED ROOF OVER ENTRY (ADDED NEW DORMER) Conditions:1. FIELD INSPEqfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. AIJIJ PENETRATIONS IN WALtS,CEIL,INGS,AND FTOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETEC1IORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI-,IJ BEDROoMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 TJBC. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WoRK CAN BE STA,RTED.5. FRAMING DETAILS REQUIRED PRIOR TO A FRAMING INSPECTION THIS MARQUEES MUST HAVB A M]NUM['M HEIGHT OF g' AND BE OF 1-HR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUETION PER SEC 3205.1 1-997 I'BC 5. APPROVED FOR DONMER rowN oF vArloNsrRucroN pERMtr e{rcenoN FoRM INT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Counfy Assessors Otfice at 970-328-6640 for Parcel * Pareel #-o6L- S6:-Lb Date: lltllqq Permit # Job Name:Job Address: Fai[dl.urre(Ltr Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Eagle iol Mechanicai ( ) Filing Subdivrsion Address: Other ( ) ownersName: F*.rI, S.r,^t( l*vU" Address: Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Additional( ) Repair( ) other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $. MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ E!@ontractof: Address: Phone # Address: Phone #Tovm of Vail Reeistration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuadon No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Alteration ( ) ,L NunberandTypeofFireplaces: Oseppriances /.{ //A Gaslogs BUILDING: S 5d ,OOEO PLI.JMBING S-7- General Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAILPTJBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITYDEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAOE CODE 5-2-10: DI,POSITS ON PL'BLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C tbereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited" sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt' snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street. sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may noti! and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has rn the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within trventy four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notificd does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other matenal to be removed from any strcst or alley a.t the expense of the notified. C. Excepions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: I . Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or rcpair project of any s11eet or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas iine. telephone line or any appu r0enance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials' D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any perSon who violates or eurses another to violate the same, may be issucd a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-1 ofthis code. E. Notice; Pcnalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any sucb person sltall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. (1997 code: ordinancc 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: oate: za\.,\-, acl TOWII OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAIICE TIME I'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engincer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as rhree (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above. mentioned ma;<imum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Horvever, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, thcsc projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparnnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration datc, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. A$eed to Prcject Name: Date: A.l Sa*,r > Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Development Depl. {g*"ro TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIIBLIC WORKS JANTJARY I, I999 WHEN A "PIJtsLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQ1JIRED DATE: ,2-i \..r., "( 4 - PLEASE ANSWER TT{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNA]RE REGARDINGTHE NEED FOR A *o_{ Is demoiition work being performed that requu,es t49:xe of the Right-of-Way, easemenrs or public property? YES NO t-,-' .?UBLIC WAYPERMIT': 1. Is rhis anew residence? YES NO 4. 5. 6. 1 8. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?YES NO tJz-"- C=='---* Is a different access needed to the site otber than the existing driveray? YES_ NO_ Is any drainage wo* bc-rng do;r€dat afiecs the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO / ,.' Is a "Revoc.rble Right-of-Way Pemit" requirrd? YES_ NO L' t -"-A. ls the Right-of-Way, easemer*f'or public p'roperty to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO B. If NO to 8A" is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Conrmrmity Deveiopment?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit'' must b€ obtaired. "Public Way Permit" applicatioru may be obtained at the Pubiic Work's olfice or at Coruurudty Development. If you have any questions please call Leonald Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED AIL T}IE ABOVE QUESTIONS. /o,4.tc nate: 21> N\>. tt {-----7- Company Name a' '0u llA.nr{, Other ( ) rowN oF VA|TONSTRUCT|ON pERMtT APGAT|ON FORM INFORMATION MUSTBE COMPLETE ORTHEAPPLICATION WILL Bf, REJECTTD Contad the Eagte County Assessors Office'at g7O-g2E-A640 6r parcel # Parcel# Zloi- OKZ- tb-02{ -- 'r q- | tParcet# LlOl- OKZ- tb-02{ Date: Job Name: Building d Plumbing ( ) LegalDescriptron: Lot--Block Description of Job: Work Class: New '.-Alteration ( 0"./- Additional ( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ Owners Name: IJt€)rtt ?Address: il,j^ \ \ Archrtect: lu ./ I+ Address: Phone#_ o\cr> .-Ut[.4 robAddress: l0C E fi {{.{oul l)i,. Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) rng Subdivision_ AL l\r^r.rot-t,It.'l?l* -P*'. q-\ hc"ir<' Phone# <l il- f)9-d66'5t71 Number of Dwelling Unitr, \ Number of Accommodation Units:L!fi Nrrmber and Typ€ of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances V ,/ f\ Gas Logs Wood/Pellet t^ BUILDING: $ \,OoOPLI.]MBINC$--------------- I coNTRAcToR tNFoRMATtoN 3$d1 GeneralContractor, lr*flto, Address: fC &e- 444. U"i \ Phone #KL{s---toolTown of VaiI Regiskation No. Electrical Contractor: OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Reglstration No. M€chadcal Contracior: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNA ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: .4': ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WIru THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS AND COMMTINITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $'2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROEIBITED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit. or cause to be liuered" tracked or deposited" sand gravel, rocks, mud, drrt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of zubsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to vioiate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twent_v four (24) hours a1ler receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or anv otler material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notrfied. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water maiq sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance tlereto; 2. To deposits of sand" dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found gurlty of a violation hereunder be punished as prwided in Section 14- I of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder' be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acloowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: TOWN OFVIN Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING Pf,,RMIT ISSUAT{CE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval- Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Deparrnent review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residenfial and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparfinents with regard to necessary ieview, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every atternpt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permit :ls soon as possible . I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also undersand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, rhet I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect futurc permits that I apply for. Age€dto by: Project Name: 4t Work Sheet was tnmed into the Commmity Dwelopmeil Dept. tr*,,* o MT.MORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. 1999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQTIIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ) J. 4. 5. 6. ToBNAME: - Rrr\r* ^ L'i\\*r*- ffi, nffie, 4/q rc + PLEASE ANSWER TT{E FOIIOWING QLTESTIONNAJRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PTTBLIC WAY PERMIT': I. Is this a new residence? YES NO Is demolition work behg performed tlat requyps the use of lhe Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO_!L{ NO c--'-'Is any utiiity work oeeded? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a'Revocable Right-of-Way Permif required? A. Is the Right+f-Way, ealgn€atsofpfitrCproperty to be used for $agng, pa*ing or fencing?YES NO :-'.- B. lf NO to 8A is a padsing staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmeut?YES NO If you aaswered YES to ary of thesd questiong a "Public Way Permit" must be obudned- "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofrce or at Cornmunity Developmenl. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sardoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I IIAVE READ AND ANSII/ERED AIL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. r^/ ComnvName .r NOYES Is a different access needed to the site other tlun the existine ddvewav? YES NO Is an-v drainage wo* being do4g e Right-of-Way, easenents, or public prope4y?YES NO Z 8. YES NO-A-.--.---".-_ Contractor Sigmbre Dare: +/</q.l ----' DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMUN]TY NOTE: ITIIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E99-0148 o DEVELOPMENT .fob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS DOUBTE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS RED SAI\IDS CORP L00 E MEADOW DR, VArL Description: Elect,rical for dormer addiEion Valuat,ion:800. 00 *lr**ttttrttt*tt**ttt*]rt**t**r*****ri9****t*trtt:trt|,'rrrr'rr pEE gIrUllARy rrr*rr|rr**rr*rr*rrr**r**r*r****r*t**rt*tti**tiatrtrrr*ttttr .: ISSUED . zooS/25/L999.: 08/30/L999 .: 02/26/2000 TO9'N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2138 APPIJTEA TT CONTRA TOR OWNER Elccttical.-- -> DRB Pce Inv66clgation> will call ToIAI, EEES-- - > ProjecE No.: PR'J99-#€{I OOb+ lOO E MEADOVI DR 100 E Meadow,Village 2L0:I-082-56-025 co 81632 co 81632 co 91657 Status. . rnn Applied. Issued. . Etq)ires. Phone: 97Q-926-3675 Phone: 970-926-3675 50.00 -oo .oo 3 -OO 53 -OO .00 53 .00 53 .00 Total Calculated FeG6-- -> AdditionaL Fees- --------> ToLal PermiE Fe€--------> Paytlants - - BAIANCE DUE.. -- t * tr'r tt tt t tr ttt Jr i t!r J r ar IEEM: OSOOO ELEMRIEAL DEPARTT{ENT DCPT: BUILDING DiVJ.SiON:0e/25/L999 KATITY Action: AppR ADproved pef'Kut I!e.q: .05600 FIRE DEPARTIiIEIII -Dept: FIRE Divisj-on:08/26/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR N/a ***********r *r * *** ** t+ r *r ** ** i t CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ****ae9*************r*i******** ra*rtiir*rft*r* DECI"ARATIONS I her.btL acknowtedge that' I have read ihie applicatj.on, filLed out i.n f\rll the infor-mation required, compl€Eod an accur.t. plo! plan. and state Lhat a]l Ehe iltfonration provided as requircd is cor!ec!. I agree to coltlply niEh the informatsion and plot plan, Co comply lrith aI1 Tot'n ordinanceE and state lar.s, and to build Lhi.s structur:e according t:'f, the Tonrn's ,oning and €ubdlviEion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and oEhcr ordinances of che To\rn applicable theletso- RBQUBSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALT BE MADE T9|E!II!-FOIIR HOIIRS IN AD\ANCE BY TtsLEPIIONE Nt 479-2Laa oR AT olrR oFFlcE FROM a:oo Al.l 5:oo PM r owN o F vAr I o N s r R U c r o N p E R rrr r nN, " ^ rmrhffi ootr rt INT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle Counfy Assessors Offrce at g7O-32E-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# Stal-olJ ^ 56- o25 il",lu Permit #ir-31'<o 5o Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Date: Job Name: Building ( ) lrcgal Description: Owners Name: Architect: Electdcal/Q Meclunical ( ) Filinp Subdivision Address: lo-) € /teqddd J a- JobAddress: Loa €ne*Oaqt 0A- Orher ( Phone# T->ar*r a{eJ 'fc 4'De scription of Job : Work Class: New ()Alteration ( )AdditionalJ+ Repair ( )Olher( ) Number of DwelLng9nrts: / Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances B{.III,DING: $ PLI,JMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. rqQ _alqgPhone # f Electrical Contractor: [>,. r-,1 6 4 f bct Address:Bax.LyL tlc'.ar4s >/43L q/6--J(7t 69u4-qo.r -sgSLTown of Vail Registration No lqO -e, phone # Plumbing Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Reeistration No Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ EAO,O<I MECHAMCAL$ Number of Accommodation Units: OTHER: $ TOTAL $ WoodlPellet Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: AUG 25 1999 ate ecg|ve( 2 f & l ro,r,inorv;;i \a,n vnreh IryN OFFICE, COPY Villaee Inn Plaza Lonoomrnrums April 6, 1999 To tr{hom it May Concern: This letter is to confirm that Alejandro RoJas, or,rner of Village rnn plaza Phase r & rr condominium unlts 331 and 333 hae been given permission bythe Village Inn Plaza Phase I and II Condominium Associatlon to extend. theeve over the roof of his doorway. This change has also been approved by claggett Rey Gallery, the merchantoccupying the lower level of the building ln whlch Mr. Rojair unit islocated. we feel that the plan is in accordance wlth the architectual theme of thebuilding and the property, and that the addiEion r;rill be an improvementof the same. rf you have any further questions, please do not hesi.tate to contact me. 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-5622 FAX (970) 476-466r {D F|m.d on rcyd.d p6p€r ef ondoninium Association Nedbo Construction, Inc. P. O. Box 3419 Vail, Co. 81658 970-845-1001 Fax 970-845-9979 IuIy 22,1999 Mr. J. R. Mondragon Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 RE: 100 E. Meadow Drive, Bldg. 10 Dear J. R.. Nedbo Construction, Inc. completely remodeled the Red Sands Corporation Condominium in the Vail Village Inn in 1998. To the best of my knowledge, no asbestos or asbestos products were found from the original construction or were used in the construction. Nedbo Construction, Inc. will be doing a dormer addition to the residence beginning in August, Please call me or my office with any questions at (970) 845-1001. Sincerely, Pugt' I of i f i I c : // | ) : \O L Y N,I PU S\C A lvt E R A c) -5 \ro j as I I 0.j p-l 111l9L) KRII CONSULTANTS, INC-97894915-77 P-83 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC'. P.0. Box 4572 Vail, Golorado 81558 (970) 949-9391 FAX (970) 949-1577 JOS SHEET NO CALCULATED gY 7 .FRM C}IECKED 8Y OATE NEN Z*A IFDaE4 ^/ Cz)- loJ HArrs DPrvE-FtNs g t?','(rl exsr4. gruDe)2xu ct)T'E/,ST?, PLYNP, BACK T? rNF'l-ALt gli"lP59l.l l'{?,F A.T eA. LXA Vut'e*\ruo, REMcVe E('T.G, Fhgct hs lMP5CIN H2.9\9 vA, Lxh 3La MAX, EXfrG.hlArJ-s; OB FLKr4, B'l-L,lN, MFfEEg tl\El4 2x6s e l2 o,c, QO\)T. Zt<tt 3uC- FAectA 9ECTlON A.A: KR14 CONSULTANTS, INC.9-7 4949 L57-7 cALcuLAr6o BY k P h4--,* o^t, P.s2 CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O, Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 81558 (970) 949-9391 FAX (970) 949-1577 cHecKEo EY ..........-...-........-..........._-"."------------ oA1Et/+" = lt- o tln F.X6TQ, BELAN, FAFTF&3 TO E-EMA'N i. NALL9o-tco *ln NOTCH Ab REQD AT EXST4, E.AVE l* NEA ROCF F:RAM ING FLAN I, D/I/iEN]sION5 ARE APPROXJ'V1ATE_ F'FI*P VERIFY. 2. BeMoVE E'.era, FASCIAg AND B-COFINg MA.l-ePl Ar9. 3. MAIN-ArN REqUtRED :HEAD ttFlAHf C.LEASANCe, +, REP1365 FooFlt{q A[lD FASolA.s T0 MAToH E{$TE' 5, F.OPFINq I FLAgt{INq ANP ALL FII.JIgH DE'TAIL$PER CONTRACTOR, : copy F.--)P --)t -----t A-q f- vlt- or- l+v i4 Ft(\:--.r =-rltii _l-nt r'tnnt I||||lrJ-rJ nlil--lni '- -) ^\) I :L-./\_-/ $ fr:jt: t- | it. ,ll-:- s Ill -'lc ILJ.r-i (r-1tlnnr TLlr:- .1t i\-- +_..\i ___-t -i=; i'| :l 1 ! ll r | |TL_t - * \l l-r--flt U o c\) tn - :, a (- *{ "lt- ntl M Qg; $6R<- -t:f-+fdtZTL -"3${$' N n'\,.; t'- "n { ,,;' i-t "F !-t itt--ti q-,4 '';1u' F- 7[- ta t- )<1 NV AJ $ G TT t., ;Iz IT tn- A = Yt! ptitl-T tn T TIit (!. ui trL\t\ { 5' (\f_ ,/ L-/ ;. -_-_l-- ;7 .. --t I "-)/ -tn :r ---------- i L_.i -t T"- II 'ai? F- c.l-\ --{o 3 P-{t''t iGFrlt1 tcrn| c verl-r GGI-oEr,o la/ratltttt o?.ga i[.'ttGg?t - txlar3cT5t taoir{ t*!Tt F!'i.ia/ t/l!tt F'IgG ,l FlEA,r cD t{\ tlcC liraty. agaFarr . LaE-t latt I lD-F-a 1 | D.a-FlFi t crr r attl t.r-|tt ! O-noF a CaFt F-art |'f a Itg--lt{' ,,-t ,a r, ?9F. . a-;F talD E !-3tD(ta Di v tLt-to3 rr\lrr FLAze Flc t! al,a.!-aac-ll3-mB eoD ]afD ittoF ovta ErsrtY (atDltcD tr:Dltl EGI{aTt Jct tofl lllt tctNDa clctnP IttDDCt alGllragT ll-lcrr I Cllla at-G.ra. rLL:D CIE-. lrIY Doilr.-it C.'r.tFr -W t ... U ''+li Dl.r.rr.. t7o-4,4|,- t aar. Flicrta a Fl'tcrr.. i}?o-.rl!-lOaa lnaPaotl'atl iaaaa..t l|t?€F.-t lott- r.. aaqq.rt.F. i([ CtReFc'iD iaal ?laar alraa Go...!lt.. llll-l- Itaaa Faqaaaatad ta ba lrra|ra€taC. -. AatL r ff16.1 Fhorr.. to4-a?gt l3HJ- ---1rTt I alr Arit 1otr l:caaalrta Tl.a cxF lVrZ lnit.aartlc|t HlrtaFy- - -. . tt.rt lf:L DLDo-Fr-r ltrg a]tQtat lrr.|'.etcFr CD Itar. alaal5 aLD{l-lrt.ul-t |'orr tDltcrtl l'r.F.c!toF. eio GUSttl lrrtF.6t oF r Ol[ It.-. lliLa x-Dal-Ee!..t F.€k lrL t I aralaf.U, tr|.tr.ct.F. ClD It..r aaa:7tl !|-Do-|r.t'..r. tt.. | -Fla tl-Do-Fln-'. ,tl!/.t?t lrt.pretoF. Jtlll alFt lctr. l{O G};Ui|CILL.ED. FIF tofl alct t cn r fltlrll 'Fei!tv3!) alca l.n I aFFi LFFIT DCtlU'-r .|llca Actaarr Dia D3{tfD iaat? r-aDvr rLrc; ttE c fruli(.- gtr FoA ToSiV Project Application Proiect Name:1., ,r' - | Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Block Filing , Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date: E, statt Approval ''q a!-','.a) zlra' vbe an *<Lbfen cEruJo -i F l..s t! -'/#,lutu4J \---' l*z*- l.bkipEcl. dwsq*l--\- '-'/b'! -/''o"o//"/ 4d gJ'bd' ol Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Rojas Residence Project Description:DormerAddition Owner, Address and Phone: Red Sand Corporation, 100 E. Meadow #331 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Nedbo Construction, Attn: Tom Ilenderson, PO Box 3419, Vail, CO E1658 Project Street Address: 100 E. Meadow Driven Bldg. 10, Unit #331 Legal Description: Vail Village Inn Parcel Number: Comments: Project#:PRJ99-0208 BuildinsName: Approximately 52 square feet of new GRX'A has been added through an interior converslon. Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1) Colors and materials to match existing. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 7120199 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved $50 ($20 pre-paid; $liO added to building permit) F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROvALgg\R.OJAS2. WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: q"..riorlQ Call thc Pliiiining StaiT r..,i ?:r-l i 23 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION Pfti-S\ - o'Lo E This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmil For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnLs for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application carurot be accepted until all the requircd information is subrnittcd. Thc projcct nuy also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Plarning and Environnrcntal Commission. Design Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A, TOWNOFVAN DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. C. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: Vlu PFrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:- O{0ontact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING:RI NAME OF OWNER(S): F. G. MAILING ADDRESS:74tu. (.c5T' H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: El Ncw Construction - $200 t2{aaaition - $so $inor,Uteration- $20 C onstruction ofa new building. Includes any addition where squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and site improvements, zuch as, rcroofing, painting window additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submital. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit please identiff thc accuratc valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation, PLE,ASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVBLOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL, COLORADO 81657. MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S)SIGNA lon Henderson Etfl,rF/tor Fo( Maliru P0 Box Uiti, va,CABl55,i For Dehvet I E Shipptng: 406fi Wr 6 i 24, Suitt D Eagle- I a i!. t|,( )lt 620 qn-ulit{tt)l Fax: 970-8,15-!t979 CONSTRUCTIO Atc ExTpa/&Q-,,tilcs F na4fcr+ fltTrur- fru/c,c4 LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUII-DINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Wirrdow Trinr -. Doors DOOr I nnr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncns Trash Enclosures Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Other TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+ 1L/14rok4L S77cco ft<nr*n f Ckuu..rr* dFE -htt+ft-a_ ar*-t-a,a,lrfC /\*fn)a+t rlFF#rTn , .{\ntc cO * Pleasc speciff thc nranufacturer's color, nunrber and attach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exteririr tiglrting is proposed, plcasc indicate thc nutnbcr offixhucs and locations on a scparatc lighting plin. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, luntens output, lun nous area, and attach acut sheet of the lighting fixhres. .' ',1 f i: ,-,'- Updated 6197 VI. STAFF APPROVAL Thc Administrator may review and approve Design Rcview applications. approve with certain modifications, deny the application. or may rct'er the application to thc Design Revicw Board for dccision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by.the DRB. Thc following rypes of Dcsigrr Review applications may be sraff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architcctural desigrr, nratcrials and colors ofthc building. and approval has been received by an authorized metnber ofa condorniniurn association. if applicablc: B. Any application to nrodify an existing building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and is gcnerally consistent with thc architech:ral design. materials and colors ofthe' building. including, but not lirnited to extcrior building finish materials (e.g. stonework, siding. roof .nraterials. paint or stain,). cxterior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fences, antcnnas. satellitc dishcs. rvindorvs, slrylights. siding. urinor cornnlercial facadc improvcnrcnts, and other similar modilications: C. Anv application fbr site improvenrents or modifications including. but not limited to. driveway nrodifications. sitc grading. site rvalls, removal or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of accessory structures or rccreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. Ifthis application require.s a separate review by any local. statc or Federal agency othcr than thc Town of Vail, thc application fce shall bc increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicw. may include, but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpanrncnt of Highway Access Pemrits, Army Corps of Engincers 404. etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in excess of50% oftbe application fee. If. at the applicant's request. any rnattcr is postponed for hearing. causing the mafter to be re-published. thcn the entirc fce for such re-publication shall be paid by thc applicant. C, . Applications dcemcd by the Community Devcloprncnt Dcpartmcnt to have design. land usc or other ' .issuc.s *hich may havc a sigrificant impact on the community may rcquiie review by consultants in addition to Torvn staff. Should a determination be made by the Torvn staff that an outside consultant is necded. the Community Devclopmcnt Departmcnt may hire the consultant. The Departmcnt shall cstinute the amount of money necessary to p'ay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardeC to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in exccss of the amount tbrw'arded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Torvn. Any excess funds will bc rehrncd to the applicant upon revierv cornDletiun. :: Updated 6/97 ---=..\ltauferLFIelcjxl To whom it may concern, Red Sands Corp. wishes to add a dormer to the unit. I have discussed the request with the board members granting the request. JuIy 2nd L999 and all are in favor of ,/'I Vail, Colorado 81657 (g7O) 476-5450 T.,ll fr"" (888) 259-2.6651@ East Meaciow f)rive o o o o o o L- o o ,/4[N] ')lf+WfF.+ \-' I )l e. of pHaEXt r.. r6p 11;.r lg, *J ULPFjEFR il-t.ivtr:: LL |i ,AN] +'ALV' t4tt '"1t-Ott lic'lr-€12- -..,- --.t+.i.-:_.e i-Atr1.l- t ot -o,t . Atr'v, c4l-tE?- floa7 L t4'vco {o ylt101l ':fliJzco Io yl,^Tjil *t-4tr]b , l'r-" r:rzEplJA d, - ^T NE$/ P.,lz1ef.- (b" Lts*-, TH$l nfg)fFtr+ .. t\r)it\t.:t't" I \) 6 t.freaa- VtEc-' tN YLocr{>f tA"'J fc: t L - r -r-), lx'l (O-rfl?i'lltHl Best copy Available AF-E:'/^ oF Y1A4(ef nr,prTio>l zt\ .i\ '.rNu"\ i rl Lloset . A,T1?F ()F fftfo-'Ev +s,r-'lTroil ,/,'\[N] L_*_-.t \__ i .r.tE .rF n t;- r\\ /7ll li-,'\\i/l't- [--, \YU|1r)['DER tL ;. r lg-, [i , I'--.-1I r-" -'llL::] I ?\i"trff.owot{),t-1 t, /'l,- ', U_7 Nortt.r fr* Vtjp c' gCALe. t4tt,. 1t. ptl 1r2r' 4rrzep:- t{AFl6 - of f.le+, aoFflef_ (h" Lei', rHl+t ffg) \^.- i tN 'tr"'l rrcrli Fri"J (61 L- . $dlr Y'z\<-.. _. tz+\t.2e 415,1;.ta;1 L'-otl .'f/'.,. ix4-ytEf. FtD6E L ldqr-o 1o s.ynoyl ',4rVr-c aj; t4>:Tt-A -t/-t4t4b :-eN[;rfl #.i{'+* -l{ ;i;ffi +r- i, \-r \ iriii I(Oi=l{"1fll11 TO: FBOM: DATE: SUBJECT: xEiloRAt{puil Planning and Envlronmental Commlssion Community Development Deparlm9nt May 13, 1991 Appeal ol staff declslon regading lhe allocatlon of GRFA tor the Vail Village Inn, Speclal Development Dlstrlct N0.6. Appellant Alejandro Rojas BACKGROUND The appellant is appealing the staff decision to deny the applicant's request lor a building permit for the construction of a dormer on dwelling units 331 and 33i!, located in Phase ll of the Vail Village Inn (Wl), Special Development District No. 6. On January 31, 1991, the applicant received an approval from he Design Review Board to construct a dormer which would add 78 sq. ft. of GRFA. The approvalwas conditional upon lhe verification of available GRFA for the project. Currently, four of the five proposed phases lor the proiect are built p€r the SDD development plan. Phases l, ll, and lll conslst of dnelling unils (D.U.) and commercial sguare footage. These phases are completely buitt out and have no GRFA available. Phase lV has not yet been redeveloped as per the SDD plan. lt is proposed to be located both east and south of the Gatarvay building where the Pancake House, Deli and Deli parking lot are now located. When lt ls constructed, this phase will consist of all accommodation units (A.U). Phase V consists of a ctmbination of D.U.s and A.U.s, and is located on the comer of Vail Road and East Meadow Drive. When the proposed Phase lV is constructed and he prdect is bullt out,57,160 sq. ft. of GRFA will be dedicated to D.U.s in Phases l, ll, lll, and V and 67,367 sq. ft of GRFA will be dedicated to A.U.s in Phases lV and V. The staff's decision to deny the building pemit request to use 78 sq. ft of GHFA is because no GRFA dedicated to dwelting unlts is availabls lor Phase ll, he Phase in which the proposed expanslon is located. After staff Investigation, lt was discoversd that all of fris GRFA !!gS! be dedicated to the provislon of additional A.U.s ]n he redeveloped Phase lV. (Please see attached exhlblts.) BASIS OF APPEAL The followlng responds to the appeltant's speciftc basis lor appeal outllned below ln bold print. (Please see attached exhibits): 1.The appllcant pursued rpproval In a easonable manner based on erperlence wlth prlor approvals. Upon revienr of the application, the straff discovered that there were insufficient GRFA records lor he Wl trojoct and that further documentation of existing GRFA would be required prior to the final DRB approval ol the projea. The applicant received a Design Reviar Board approvalon January 31,1991, subject to the condition 'Buikling permit not be released until available GRFA is verified.' Fortunately, here was indepth research being done at tttis time by the statf because of a possible proposalto construcl Phase lV and the necessary GRFA Inlormation was obtrained within a number of weeks. The prellminary finding, Indicating that there was a lack ol GRFA for this project, was oonveyed to the applicant during the week of March 10, 1991. The following chronology details the sequence ol events related to the appeal: January 14 - Application received. January 31 - Approvalgiven by DRB with condition thal,'Building permit not to be released until GRFA verified.' Updaled Condominium Association letter of approval also needed prior to building permit. February 13 - (Statf memo) Preliminary GRFA review indicates that there is no GRFA available for D.U.s and a deficit of GRFA for proposed A.U.s Staff determines there is 10,755 sq. tt. ol existing GRFA for Phase V. This number was taken from lile notes and not measured. Applicant's representative was notified and received a copy of the dratUpreliminary findings. March 10 - (Phone conversalion) Status of project conveyed to applicant's representative again. March 18 - (Letted Applicant's representative responds to staff findings and requests unit to be considered as A.U. March 21 - (Letter) Staff responds to applicant's representative stating that, at this time, no GRFA was avallable and if it were discovered that GRFA is available, a building permit could be released. March 25 - (Lette4 Applicanl's representative supplies GRFA analysis to staff urhich indicates '10,177 sq. ft. of GRFA for Phase V. The applicanfs GRFA calculation is lorer than staff's original (February 13) number ol 10,755 sq. ft. Howev€r, this number is not low enough to alleviate dellcit of GRFA on final buildout of project lor A.U.s. March 29 - (ttieeting) Staff mel wift applicant and representative and reviewed applicanf s representative's GRFA calculations. Staff Indicated that there is a deficit of GRFA ol between 1,400 and 2,400 sq. ft. of GRFA lor A.U.s lor final buildout of project. April 1 - Staff finalizes calculation for Phase V from drawings supplied by applicant's representative. Final GRFA for Phase V is 9,868 sq. ft. of GRFA with 3,951 sq. ft. of it dedicated to A.U. GRFA. There will be a deficit of 1,436 sq. ft. of GRFA dedicated lo A.U.s at finalbulldout of the prolect. There ls no GRFA available for D.U. or A.U. expanslons not speclfied In the SDD ordinance in Phase ll, or any ofier phase. April 3 - (Letter) Letter sent lo epplicant ryith tinal statf decision. In May of 1989, a DRB approval was gtuen to he applicant for a similar adclition to the same unlts. A hrilding permit was issued and the project has been built. GRFA Inventory - The 78 sq. ft. belng requested l€presents .06% of the totalsDD. Staff feels that he GRFA calculaffons for the prdecl are complete and accurate. The staff's calculallons are based on scaled drawings, versus actual dimensions. Because the stafl feels hat this mehod of calculation is accurate, it is consistently used for review of all projects. lf there is a discrepancy between the stafi and applicant's figures, the numbers are reviewed by the staff and applicant together to . In this case, the applicanl's 'dimension-based' calculation GRFA is actually greater than the statf 's'scale-based' calculation of GRFA for Phase V. We ned as a result of using abelieve that any discrepancy which may "scale-based'calculation versus a'dimension-based' is not an issue in this project due to the staff's lower GRFA calculation. Statf recognizes the requested 78 sq. ft represents only .06% ot the total SDD'S GRFA. However, the staff's decision is based on he lact hal there is no GFIFA remaining for D.U.s. The stafl has delermined hat all other Phases have been built out and have used all the GRFA allocated to them. lf one assumed a 1 .25Yo margin of error as the appellant suggests, and applied it to the staff's existing Phase V A.U. GRFA calculation of 3,951 sq. lt., the enor would be +/- 49.38 sq. ft. Assuming this error, lhere would still be a shodage of 1,386.62 sq. ft. of GRFA to be dedicated to A.U.s ln Phases lV and V. 3. Accommodatlon Unlt - the 78 Bq. tt. of tranderred GRFA ls located wlthln "Accommodatlon Unlf'. At this time, the unit In question does not qualily as an A.U. Even if this Phase ll unit were to be converted and qualified as an A.U., the denial is based on the lack of GRFA to be dedicated to A.U.s in EbggSjl&ru|J. This GRFA is not available for A.U. expansion In other phases ol the project. GRFA for A.U.s is only available for the final phase, Phase lV. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the PEC uphold the stafl declsion, based on the lack of GRFA available for an Accommodatlon Unlt or Drvelllng Unit in Phase ll. 2. ilt. cSec\rnemGvoie|s.ql3 Vail Villaqe Inn SDD f6 c) n\ Lt F) ?wr, ?crnfleFile Research:2/]3/ 91 by Mike Mol-lica k*!e) B) Ord. 7 of :.91 6 originally established Ord. 1 of l-985 (March 5, 1985) granted 120, 600 sq. ft.of GRFA to SDD #6. ft also required a minimum of 1?5 accomnodation units (A.U.'s) and 72,400 sq. ft. of GRFA, devoted to the A.U.'s, in Phase IV. The Ordinance lists six conditions of approval . According to the staff memo, dated December 22, 1986,if construction is not commenced withln the 18 monthperiod following final approval, or if it is not extended by the Council, then the SDD approval becomes inval id. Resolution 2 of 1,98'7 (,Jan. 1987) extended approval ofOrd. l- of 1985 for a period of 1B months. Approved on January 6, 1987 t this would have extended approvaluntil Jufv of 1988. Ord. 14 of 1987 (May l-987) amended Phase IV of SDD #6.It allowed Phase IV to be broken int.o two distinctphases, which were called Phase IV and Phase V. Italso set the maximum GRFA for the SDD at 1201 600 sq.fE. It required a minimum of 148 A.U.'s and 67,361 sq.ft. of GRFA devoted to A.U.'s in Phases IV and V. The Ordinance l-ists eight conditions of approval. Ord. 24 of 7989 (Novernber 1989) amended the densitysection of SDD #6. This Ordinance modified the SDD byincreasing the allowable GRFA to a total of L24,527 sq.ft. This allowed Unj-t. #30 in the Vail Village Plaza Condos. to be convert.ed from commercial use toresidenti-al use. This space consisted of 3r927 sq. ft.of GRFA. This Ordinance also maintained the previous approwal for "a mininum of 148 A.U.'s and 67,367 sq.ft. of GRFA, devoted to A.U.'e, in Phases IV and Phase V of SDD 6." A staff memo to the WI file notes that t.he building atthe corner of Meadow Dr. and VaiL Rd. is called Phase V on the condo. plat, however, it should have beenreferred to as Phase IV on the p1at. The final phase of the Vail Villaqe Inn will now be caffed Phase IV. \fw o +*nrpt S,)tr'tl o 1 G) SectiON 18.40.140 - EXISTING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS - of the zoning code clears up the questionof timing/phasing for the \./VI SDD. It reads as fol-Iows: 'rNothing in this chapter sha1l be construed tolimit, replace or diminish the requirements,responsibilities, and specifications of special development districts No.'s 2 through 21. The town council specifically finds that said special development districLs No.t s 2 through 21 shall remain in full force and effect, and the terms,conditions, and agreements contained therein shall continue to be binding upon the applicants thereof and the Town of VaiI. These districts, if not commenced at the present time, shall comply with Seetion 18.40.120, time reguirements. (Ord.21(1988) ) ." It j-s the st.aff's position (and the Town Attorney alsoconcurs) that since the WI (SDD 6) has commencedconstruction of their approved development plan (phases I-I1I and V have been constructed) , that the abovesection of the zoning code allows for the approved SDDLo remain j-n full force, without the Time Requirements(Section 18.40.120) being applicable to this project. Additionally, there is some question as to whether theapproval of Ordinance 24 of 1989 reaffj-rmed theoriginal SDD approvals, either the 1985 or 198?Ordinances. Thj-s however, is a moot point, given theprovisions of the above paragraphs. o H)Town records indicate the following,the Vail Villaqe Inn: a) 5/89 - 177 sq. ft. used for dormer addition, located in b) GRFA analysis: AII-owabLe GRFA:unir No. 30: Item a above: Phase I: Phase II: Phase III:*Phase V:**Existinq Phase IV: regarding GRFA for Unit No. 26 Phase 1I. L24,527 sq. ft qrY fi qa'r f| sq. ft sq. ft sq. ft sq. ft ss. ft 3t927 0 3r 315 44,830 9,972 16, 585Total GRFA remaining:45,72L sq. ft. *Phase V is the building at the corner of Vail Rd. and E. Meadow Dr. Fireplaces were not incl-uded in the calculationof GRFA. Lock-offs and AU/s were alL counted as AU GRFA.**Includes the old hotel-, Pancake House and Food & De1i. If existing Phase IV is demolished:Total Remaininq GRFA:Potential GFJ'A available : Required AU GRFA (Phases IV & V) :Existinq Phase V AU GRFA: Remaining AU GRFA Required: 16r585 sq. ft+ 45,721 sq. ft 62,305 sg. ft. 67 ,361 sq. ft . - 3,364 sq. ft. 64,003 sg. ft. Summary: There is not enough available GRFA to fulfiIl the requirement to construct a minimum of 67 r367 sq.ft. of AU GRFA in Phases IV & V. There is a shortage of 31364 sq. ft. of GRFA. Present Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Chuck Crist Connie Knight Kathy Langenwalter I IL E COPY PLANNING AND ENVIROMT,IENTAL OOMMISSION May 13, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order at 1l:45AM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. Update by Holv Cross Electric Association regardine an amendment to 1990 Master Plan to undersround electrical lines. Aoplicant: Holv Cross Electric Winston Chapham from Holy Ctoss Elecric presented the tentative plan for undergrounding electrical lines in the Bighorn ar€a to the PEC. He indicated the reason for the change from the 1990 plan was the Bighorn circuit was completely overloaded, necessitating a change from using existing conduits in the area to a new plan. He explained the options for the new conduit to tie the area together, emphasizing the landscaping and road cut options. He stated Holy Cross would need to dig from Vail View Drive to the west side of Sandstone under the new proposal. They would dig ditches where applicable, and bore under new roads, to eliminate cutting pavement in those areas. He also stated he hoped to bring in a landscape contractor to help ensure the landscaping was preserved. Town Engineer Greg Hall clarified that the Town Council had passed an ordinance which prohibited curting new roads. He also recommended that Holy Cross Electric inspect their underground lines before the Town resurfaced any roads in the future. Mr. Chapham said Holy Cross began inspccting their lines via the use of television last year, and hoped to expand that use. Greg Hall stated he was concemed with easements in the proposed plan. Mr. Chapham acknowledged easements rnight have to be obtained from Simba and the Potato Patch Club, among others. Diana Donovan said she believed Todd Oppenheimer and Greg Hall could work out any difltculties in the plan. If there was a problem which remained, Holy Cross could come back to the Commission. Mr. Chapham stated that, since therc were cnvironmental aspects to the plan, Holy Cross would need to file with the Commission when the plan was completed. In conclusion, Diana stated she would stnongly suggest placing the "green boxes" on corners of sites, rather than in the middle. A planner or Todd will accompany Holy Cross to help determine such placements and appropriate landscape screening. 2. Update on Municipal Complex. Phase I Ken Huehev/Mike Mollica Ken Hughey began the staffpresentation by giving a brief background of the project. In 1989, the Town began looking for more space, specifically to house the Vail police Department. Originally, they looked at the old Post Office, but it becamc apparent it would be too expensive to renovate that space for the needs of the police department. The decision was to find a long term solution, rather than just a "band-aid" for the problem. A design/consulting team of Roth & Shepherd/Snowdon & Hopkins was chosen. The Town Council authorized approval of the consultant team and suggested a phased approach to the construction of a municipal complex, with the highest priority given to a new police facility. Ken Hughey went on to note *rat the next step in the process was to give the Town Council an engineering and technical plan, along with the alternative costs of not providing a new building. This data is due to the Council in June or July. when sites were examined by the Municipal complex Task Force, the Lionshead Transportation Center was identified as the top choice due to its location, access, and ease of constmction. The primary site analysis consisted of four sites. Phase I would consist of a new level above the existing upper level for the Police Department, as well as a new level on the Lionshead Circle (south) side for additional parking. Phase tr would move the remainder of the municipal functions to a new fourth level on the Lionshead circle side. Hughey stated that the current site decisions, such as when moves would take place, had not yet been determined. Mike Mollica clarified the planning process and stated that the proposal would go to the Town Council in June or July for authorization to proceed with the Lionshead location. The staff would come back to the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council with a rezoning request so the site could be used for a municipal complex/police department, and in addition, a conditional use permit would also be necessary. Mike further indicated there would be no net loss of parking on the site. Pam Hopkins stated there would actually be a bit of an increase, including provisions for the additional parking generated by the municipal complex. 10. After the vote, discussion took place regarding the direction staff should take in the future on similar requests. It was determined that if needles or any other "dirty" trash were generated, it would not be an acceptable use. This included the practice of dentisury. Group therapy was also cited as an arca for denial, based on the traffic and parking impacs. Appellant Alexander Roias Shelly Mello explained that the basis of the appeal was the staffs denial of a request for a building permit to add 78 sq. ft. of GRFA for a dwelling unit in the WI, Phase tr, SDD #6. The DRB had approved the design, conditional upon the available GRFA for the project being verified. Staff subsequently performed an in-depth review of GRFA for the entire VVI project, and determined that ther€ was, in fact, an actual deficit of GRFA for accommodation units in the total project. Shelly explained the basis of the analysis, and the fact that there were conditions applicable to the final unbuilt phase which required a specific amount of GRFA be used specifically for accommodation units. There was no GRFA available for any phase for DUs. Shelly explained Mr. Rojas' basis of appeal: 1. He had pursued approval in a reasonable manner, and had received approval in 1989 for a similar project. Response: Conditions were placed on the DRB approval requiring the verification of GRFA. Staff worked with the applicant's reprcsentative to achieve a final decision. The applicant was aware of the issues involved and proceeded with further work on the project at their own risk. 2. His addition would constitute less than .06Vo of the total GRFA in the project. Response: This may be true, but the staff feels that this margin of difference has no bearing on whether an approval is given. Staff considercd a margin of error for calculations completed on Phase V. Assuming this margin still does not allow for any available GRFA. 3. The definition of an accommodation unit and that his unit could be considered an AU, if the kitchen was removed. Response: Staffls definition of A.U. is a living quarter without a kitchen. Even if this space were to be determined to be accommodation unit, there was no GRFA for AUs in Phase IL Lynn Fritzlen rcpr€sented appellant, and indicated that Mr. Rojas was having difficulty understanding why approval could not be given, since an approval for a similar cxpansion had been given in 1989 and constructed. Lynn indicated she had looked into the history of the approval of SDD #6, and it appeared that there must have been an oversight in approving Phasc V because there was a deficit of GRFA for proposed AUs in Phase IV. l3 Mike Mollica asked if the condominium conversion section of the code had ever been executed. Lynn stated Josef Staufer had a warranty deed to thet effect. Mike indicated the Town needed to be a party to that deed in order for the Town to recognize the restrictions. Kristan Pritz indicated an SDD amendment would probably be necessary to achieve the applicant's goat. At this point, a discussion was held regarding the SDD amendment process and applicant's concems. Diana Donovan stated that the bottom line was that Phase II had no GRFA available for either AU or DU expansion. Kristan stated that the applicant's goal could possibly be achieved with a major amendment to the SDD. Lynn asked if there would be merit in doing that, to which Mike anqwered Josef Staufer, the owner of the remaining phase, had preferred to not make an amendment of this tne with his currcnt amendment request. However, Kristan explained Mr. Rojas could pursue it independently, with Mr. Staufer's consent. Diana also suggested that someone else in that phase could actually remove 78 sq. ft. and donate it to Mr. Rojas, though that option was unlikely. Mike Mollica stated there was no benefit to the Town which would lead them to approve an amendment for 78 sq. ft of GRFA to be built. Diana agreed. Ludwig Kurz moved to uphold the staff's decision regarding the allocation of GRFA for the Vail Village Inn, SDD #6. Gena Whitten seconded. The decision was unanimously upheld, 4-0. The meeting was briefly recessed at 5:10PM, and reconvened at 5:20. ll. A request to amend Sections 18.04.360 and 18.04.365 of the Municioal Code relatine to the definitions of site coveraqe and slope. Applicant Town of Vail 12. A reouest to amend Section 18.04.130 of the Municioal Code - definition of Floor area. eross residential (GRFA). pertainine to buildines containing mor€ than two allowable dwelline or accommodation units. Applicant Town of Vail 13. A request to amend the following sections of the Municipal Code related to site coveraee: Section 18.04.360 - definition of site coveraee: 18.14.110 - Residential Cluster Distric[ 18.16.110 - Low Densitv Residential Districu l8.l8.ll0 - Medium Densitv Residential: 18.20.110 - Hieh Densitv Residential Distric[ 18.22.110 - Public Accommodation Districu 18.24.150 - Commercial Core I District 18.26.120 - Commercial Corc II Disricu 18.27.090 - Commercial CoIe Itr Disnicu 18.28.120 - Commercial Service Center Districu 18.29.090 - Arterial Business District 18.30.110 - Heavv Service Districn 18.32.110 - Aericultural and Open Soace District and I 8.39.1 90 Ski BaselRecreation District. Aoplicant: Town of Vail t4 ^i*f ncctrc iifrij i.l,:i 1Egi Department of Cornmunity Town of VaiIVail Colorado 81558 Development RE: Vail Village Inn phase IIRevisions to Unit 331 and 333 Dormer AdditionApplicant: Red Sands CorporationApplicant Rep.: Alejandro RoJaa Dear Uike, Mr.file As you confusingtry to put Basis of Appeal: lfhe based maqner .... In light of the previous approval, ot ZOS sg. ft. of GRFA. . ,transfer in- -May of 1989 the applicant feels that it . confornance with curre.nt policy. Significant time andexpensev'asincurredpriortofina].den.iaI=onApri't3, 1991. , GRFA TNVENTORY . . ,.._._ l -.:. - .. :. ' Chb Z8_:g. ft. being requested represerrts .06* ot tLe" ,total SDD. 1l-''---".' I Wl Vllt tcs INN ,M APR 23 pgl Village krn Plaza Condominiums February 27, L99I TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: Vail Village Inn Inc. hae agreed to aLlow Mr. Alexandro Roj'as to add 287 square feet of GRFA to his unlt. This square footage nay be deducted and counted against the allowable square footage yet to be bul1t under Speclal Development Dlstrlct #6. Sincerely yourg ' 100 East Meadow Dtive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-5622 FAX (303) 4764661 J tlLt C0PYo 't lnwn 75 soulh frontage rcad Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$2139 office ol community development April 3, 1991 Us. Lynn FritzlenFritzlen, Pierce, BrinerP.O. Box 57vail , co 81658 Re: vail village rDn GRFA Analysis Dear Lynn: In response to your letter dated March 25, L99t, and as a followup to our rneeting on March 29, 1991, I have now completed anentire GRFA analysis for the Vail Village fnn project and havedetemined the following: 1. The total allowable GRFA for the entire Vail Village Innproject is 124,527 sq. tt. 2. The Phase V GRFA eguals 91858 sq. ft. 3. Phase V GRFA, which is specifically allocated to accoumodation units and/or lockoffs, equals 31951 sq. ft. 4. The allowabLe GRFA renaining (to be constructed) for the Wfeguals 45,395 sq. ft. This figure is based on thesubtraction of all the existing GRFA at the VaiI village Inn (Phases f, II, IIf, IV and V) fron the totaL alLowable GRFA. 5. Assuning that the existing Phase IV would be demolished when Ptrase IV is redeveloped, 161585 sq. ft. of GRFA can be addedto the total reruaining GRFA of 45,396 sg. ft., for aI'potential available cRFAn figrure of 61,980 sq. ft. tr--\*tgtr g ol'. :: '' us. Lynn FritzlenApril 3, 1991 Page 2 6. The last Town of Vail approved ordinance for the WI, ordinance 24, Series of 1989, maintained that tra ninimu:n of 67 t367 sq. ft. of GRFA shall be devoted to acconnodationunits in Phases IV and V.'r Given tbat the existing acconnodation unit GRFA for Phase V is 31951 sq. ft., this Ieaves a reguirement for the construction of 63,415 sq. ft.of GRFA specifically dedicated to accornrnodation units Ln Phases IV and V. I realize that all of this may sound a little confusing to you, however the end result is that there is not enough available GRFAto fulfill the Town's requirement to construct the minimum of 67,36? sg. ft. of acconnodation unit GRFA in Phases IV and V. There is a shortaqe of 1.436 scr. ft. of GRFA for the project. Based on the above calculations, the Town cannot approve the request of your cJ.ient, Mr. Rojas, to add an additional 78 sq.ft. of GRFA to his dwelling unit, which is located in Phase II. Given the complexity of the GRFA calculations for the VailVillage Inn, f would be more than happy to neet with you tofurther discuss this issue. Sincerely, lrllr h4er Mike MollicaSenior Planner /abcc: Kristan Pritzshelly MelloJosef Staufer , _l .r"t _ .-..--'...-. -i": -:- i i .,.,.* "..i-.{. r-_-i . : i-: r--:-f :---' -"-t- i' f-- '- '.l-'. : : i :_* I 1--- .---, 1-_._, ,.---! :*: -r---l-:,il: ----- r-- l.'---,rili'- : '.r--i - i*-:- 1 t, -'t : "' '-i I" March 25, 19&O iln1';mff*J#iuJ.""io." l4r. lf,ike Mol1ica, !{s. Shelly MetloDepartment of Comnrunity Development Town of VaiIVail Colorado 81558 RE: Vail Village Inn phase IIRevisions to Unit 331 and 333Dormer AdditionApplicant: Red Sands Corporati.onApplicant Rep. ! AleJandro Rojas Dear !fs. I'Iello and l,lr. Mollica, Thank you for your letter of March 25, 199L. We und.er-stand the departments need to undertake a more completereview of all- phases of the WI . der th inition of lock off or ac tion unit.This if 578 sq.)fr. tess rhan the fdZSS dq. ft. GRFA!!a!. *aejlOi<6ted in Mike MoLlica'sWiesearch of Assumlng that our calculations are correct, we Jre te- . , _ _ _questing the unused GRFA of phase v be cradited to the ..,. - _RoJas do:mer addition. Thank you for your consideration. T[e look forward to . . - - , -neeting with you Friday March 29, Lggl- at 9:00 am. P.o. box 57 :., .. '- IOOO lionsridge loop suite t/d vail, colorado 8f658. . . 303-476-63 42 fax AO3' -_42 6- 4gO L The current application is for an additional Zg sq.ft.of GRFA. The applicant has pursued finishing _ contlract . ^ I*$ffi"::"ieo.::#;:"$i':Hi;:?"i:g"m::o,.l,;bffiready to submit for a building permit as soon as this Snrurr4 Fnl 3i:::l'":llnli,'ii?'I3$i,X""li3"n:5"ff,:ilil:'tf;:'*;:l; ng:-r,t 0 t on the other residential and commercial condoninium own-ers during the tourist season. Our office has grepared a GRI.A analysis of existingPhase V of the Vail Village Inn. This-analysis is baseion the previously approved detinition of Gr-oss Residen-tial Floor Area which exempted fireplace and mechanicalchases. We are-providing you with -opies of rnarked upblueprints of floors twor- three, foirr and five of thaappro-ved architectural plans prepared by Gordon pierceArchitect. The first floor ana Lne bas6ment have notbeen included because they are restricted to parking and.commercial use. 9yt. G$A-surnmary shown on the second level plan, high- |lVhtea in_yellow in the right hand cornerl indicaies ' ,that there is a total of 10,172 sg. ft. of Cnre in phase Y. Approximately 50t of the LO,I77 GRFA would fall un- ' I _-- : -_" - ,03259046.DOC:; l--, . : t.,. ,) pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design group )r'tr | | .-'tl-' \ '*1-l V -l'1'-t-l-/ \i i I i'-li l rll r COPY office of community dwelopmenl75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 479-2139 March 2L, L99L Lynn FritzlenFritzlen, Piercer' Briner L00O Lionsridge Loop, Suite L/DP.O. Box 57Vail, Colorado 8L658 RE: vail Village Inn Pbase II Dormer Addition to Unl.t 331 t 333 Dear Lynn: As we discussed today, due to a lack of Gross Residential FloorArea (GRFA) available for all phases of the VaiI Village Innproject excluding future Phase IV, the Town is at this tineunable to issue a building pernit for the dormer addition to Unit 331 & 333. As you are aware, there is GRFA available for Accommodation Units(A.U's) however, this GRFA must be used for the provision of A.U. 's in Phase IV. At this time further review of the project is taking place. Upon completion of this review, if it is foundthat there is GRFA available for the cornpletion of the dormeraddition, a building perrnit wiII be released for the project. If it is found that there is no GRFA available, the applicant may request a Major Amendment to the SDD in order to obtain the GRFA necessary. Please call me if you have any questi-ons. Shelly Town Pl cc: Alejandro Rojas Ex*r ttTD iu J I 18, r99o O i{- ^ Ms. Shelly Mello Department of Comrnunity Developrrent Torrn of VailVail Colorado 81658 Re: Unit architecture, p , interiors 1OOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail, colorado 81658 3,03-47 6.6,342 fax 303-476-490 r Dear Ms. Mello, As a follow up toMike MolLica inMike suggestedguest in order st-af f maat r' nrrstaff meeting. As v( or GRFA in SDD #6 differentiates GRFA for accorunodation use and l! you know this application includes a request to use 78 Sq. ft. of GRF.A. f rom tha Phana TV nf f lra \r.a i 1 \zi 't I rarasq. ft. of GRFA from the phase IV of the VaiI VillageInn_ Special Development District (SDD #6) in conJunctionwith an additional dormer. This aiplication has ieceivedconsent approval by the DRB and has been reviewed andapproved by the condominium association. In May of approvedlocation, compLetedtion has , rv non-acconmodation use. It appears that there may notany "non-accomodation use', GRFA left in the SD-D #Eproval . Without a_complete inventory of the proJectis difficult to tell what the nurnbers are. rl doespear though that there is ample "acc be ap-it ap- left.in the SDD #5 approval . tion use" GRFA The area where the additionar GRFA is rocated conformsto the Town of vail definition of an accommodation unit.Unit 331 and 333 have separate entrances and an inter-locking door. The kitchen was removed from the westernunit, converting it into a lockoff for the eastern unit. C$*thT ? l:.i -,1 ..l :t": , l,' | "1": l-_:-r i-'1 i l-1, ----l'i,: ---.,-! - i-,*...1 1- :-i- ' -- 1 ' :-. Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Cont4Ft Person and Phone Owner, fddress ahd Phone: Architecl,'Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Design Review Board uate DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL }rrntrr,F- Staff Approval 6+tlbrf a o Rti'l ; I i!$f' APPLICATI0N DATE: Januarv 14. leql DATE 0F ORB )4EETIllG: Januarv 30. lqql DRB APPLICATION .-rt-/" *****11115 APPLICATION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI'4ATION IS SUBIlITTED***** I. PRT-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app1.i cation meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Jeiermihb if any'adJitjoial inforination is needed. No appljcation *ill be acceptec unless it is compieie (must'include all items required by the zoning adminjstrarcr) it ia the appliclni;s iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aabitionat suumittal requirements. Please note that a c0MPLtTE appllca- tion wilt streamline the approval process for.your projggt by decreasing the nutnber' of conditions of ipirJril-ihai in"'ona may sti.pulate. ALL condjtions of approval irirr'i be resolved before i Uuitaing permit 'is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.LOCAT I ON Addres s OF PROPOSAL: 100 E. Meadow Drive, (Suite 331 Condominiunr Lbfr. 1126'* 22Lega l 0escri Pti on Bl ock Zoni ng C. NAME 0F APPLICANT; Alejandro Roj:s Addre s s D. NAME OF ! Address te I e phon e 9P5:6 5?-: 5 53 APPL]CANT'S REPRES TATiVE; Lynn Fritzlen --,.Box 57 Vail Lel epnone 47 6-634? E. NAMI OF OI.JNERS:Same as (aEfon*Trq,,,/ S i gna ture Address tel ephone DRB FEE: The fee wi1l be Paid VALUAT I ON at the tjme a bui'l ding permit is requesreo FEE i i I ing Vail Village Inn PLaza F. $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,ool-$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000'000 $ 10.oo $ 2s.oo $ 50.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: L In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant nrust stake tne >i to indicate ptop"ii'"iin.t una-Uriiding cotnurs' Trees that r^ri'l I be removecj should also be markld. This work must be completed before t.he DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEI|J BUILDINGS will normally involve tr'/o separate meetings of the Design n"uiew-boiil,-io-piun on it reast two meetings for thejr approvai ' to appear before the Design Review !93r! at their scheoule''l have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be3. PeoPl e who fai I meet'i n9 and who republ ished. E.. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies 1. Must include floor plans and all elevat'i ons as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existjng and fjnished grades' Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on rne mat6rials list available from the Department of Comqunity Oevelop- *ent. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Revjew Eoard meeti ng - addi tional plans , model ) if deemed guidelines. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submiss'i on of drawings, specjfjcations, samples and other material (jncluding a necessiry to determ'ine whether a project will comply with design MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGSII photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) oi proposal may be submitted in ljeu of the more formal requirement: Slvql above' as lonb ai they piovide all important spec'i ficatjons for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. "II. ADDITIONS - REsIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL H t' 0riginal floor plans with alI specifications sholn Floor plan for addjtion - 2 coPies Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies t0p0s D. Elevations of addit'ion E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materi als and color sampies on materi als list available at Department of Commun'i ty Development the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability' See attached util ity location veri fication form. Buildjng locatjons wjth ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles Buildinq dimensions to nearest tenth of foot' H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professionai surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, vepi fyjng ownersh'i p of property and lists of easements' ]V. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building perntit has been issued, and when the proiect is undenvay, the follorving will be requirei before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey shot.ling: A. R C. All utility service lines as-builts showing and exact locations' 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Bas'i s of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be ejther found or G. Al I easements size of lines, tYPe of material used, set and stated on map. H. Buildjng floor elevations and roof ridge elevations' o NAI4E 0F pROJECT: Exterior Alterati plara LreRl oEscnlPTIoN: STREET ADDRESS: 100 E. Mea<iow Drive. Sulte 331. Vai1. CO DESCRIPTION 0F PROJECT: The addition of a dormer to rhe north side nf Unit 25 & Unj-t 26 in the Vall Villaee Inn Plaza. No add.trJnnal area is added bv this addi.tion.* A.K.A. - Units 331 & 333 of Vail Villaee Inn Plaza information'i s required for submittal by the applicai-t to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR LIST OF MATERIALS Cedar Shiode Natrl:l--. Des i gner : nhnna.t,r,v,,b r Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* None Proposed The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si di ng Other t,lall Materials Fascia Soffi ts Wi ndows l,li ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhou s es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERIALS; PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED NA Indicate height for conifers. (over) Cedar Match Fxi cti'''g Galvinized Iron Matching Fxi sting *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. DATE: January 14, l99lr-EcRl@Block ADDRESS: 100 E. Meadow Drlve, Sulte 331. Vail. CO =,Ol.lNtR Aleiandro Roias (D.B.A. - Red Sands CorD'Illone-9.8:562-S513 ARCHITECT nrit-to.. pi-.^-, orin.r YnonetT6-6?t+t ZONE DISTRICT Vail Village lnn Plaza PROP0SED USE -Tllll"',ti't (",'") LOT SIZE NA ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing Al I owed (30)(33) SubJect to SDD subjgg!_lg sDD NA Proposed No.-Chane;e Exist i.ng 78 Square Feet Additional NA NA NA NA NA No Change/No Additional Area None Prooosed NA NA NA NA NA Hei ght TOtA'I GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front 5 ides Rear l,later Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining ",fal 1 Heights Parki ng Cred'i ts : Garage Mechani cal Airlock Storage Sol ar Heat Dri ve: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : 20' 1.5' 15', 13e)(50) (3oo)(600) (eoo ) (1200 ) (50)(1oo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) NA Slope Actual NA Ava I anche t-tood Ptatn Sl ope Letl ands Geoi ogi c Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Approved/0i saPProved Date: Staff Siqnature ti :t rILE COPY. t5 roulh Lonlege road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (30it) 479213S May 31, 1991 gttlce of communlty development Ms. Lynn Fiitzlen P.O. Box 57 Vail. CO 81658 Be: Rolas Remodel, Vail Vlllage Inn Phase ll ' Dear Lynn: . As per our;conversation on Tuesday, May 21, 1991, I am awaiting a signed copy of the condominir.rm declarations which specify any restrictions in regard to the use or classification of Dwelling Units (D.U.s) for Phase V of the VVI project. The statf will, at thai time, determine whether or not the restrictions put on the dwelling units would qualify them as accommodation units. r . After consulting with the past Community Development staff, it is still our opinion that the dwelling upits in Phase V were considered D.U.s from their initial approval, although they may may have jbeen restricted to accommodation g. There does not appear to have been any special conditions which would allow the D.U.'s in Phase V of the VVI to be called A.U.s. As we have discussed, there is a difference between Accommodation Units and accommodation .usc.. j lwillbe on vacation May 31-June 10, 1991. Should you have any question, please contact Mike Mollica after June 4, or myself after June 10. Sincerelyo A, :,, ,..t? diio{/q /il'tl '".Shelly Mbll(i.) Town lab cc: Pl4nner MiketMollica :. :. ''rr}'r"., r " - .,* --:.--r{:( :-- i-.-f Project Name: Project Description: o contactpersonand enon" ft\zft-F t--elrYoJ 41 u'ZbryA Owner, Address and Phone: ,/Vrtu , (.o. ?rt"5?-. 41Lo- ZVVb Architecl. Address and Phone: Legar Description:tot Q , etocx F O , riting \lblLJL'LNea l{, y.^. Com ments: Project Application t-lsr-l AuJJrJ c= Design Review Board Motion by: oateW DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Summary: taff Approval ".. lI l.'tL It'lPprrcrrt orre aloN/lfxlxo l"Pl,reltroN '&*83' w"' <rptro*t vens,er- , t rut pERsoN BuBtfrrrrn e $\'VF l Le-v t t't5,tvenaqE L{76'Z8sb. Gar'c :t \JAIL, CC>8to (Pl:ase IINIE OF IIAXE OF ADDRESS NA}|E OF OITNER Lsvlnd-orrz w6-79# ropnrss P-Ct< 5l USIL, Cc: 8\ b58 ttoNllgn'l ol onlln I.OCATTON OF PROJEEI /q DESCRIITIOII OF DROJE T 1/ +- trt657 3tPF Ig3"*lH'IXi;lTS"l}I'iloi3,BW,HI"3$l'3l33#'ffi "Es r c,, REVIET{ EOARD. t. DESCRTPTTON OF TltE ErGN/AllNrNG PROJECTING, ETC}, INCII'DE SIGN (FREE ETAIIDINC, tlArJJ' 1'\ . ,u)ylt ,',.f i,'' l)" ,,i-t'!'r B' l' rtr .(,' ':o,'i' IIESSAGE. t( ipLT A-c,trr.lrflcl LDYT ->at4'kor1 U€ L, e?c)('5pg 4Tzr4xEeD" BrcN oR AwNrNc IIATERTAL C'qlrur\} c.SIZE OF OVERALL 8IGN,SIZE OF T ETTERINC lrID lDGo DESCRTBE rJcltrrNc (ExrsrrNc oR PRoPos'o' f.?if ffi-u J -)o€F- (l\t>-f.j'r/+'t D. D. F. G. H. t.8NGTlt oF BUSTNESE tnot|rtcE (l:ll coNDolttNrril ASSOCrlEroll IPPROVAI'J FEB: $20.00 PLus $1.00 PER SQITABE F()o|t oF sIGf,AREA. PAID IAIITACHT l. 2. 3.t. 5. 6. - 81tt Dlen Elovatlon- lhoutng-lxact locatlon of rlgn or arnlng on thr DuIIOtng PhotograPnr rnoriii-piopottd locatl'on colorld lcelr catslng. Sanpll of ProPord latlrt9lt- -Fnr-tigtipf oi- rtgn lt evrlrrblr If thts appllcatlon r€gulres r lcparate r€vler by any local, gtate o! Eederal agency other thtn the Town of Vall, the appllcatlon fee ghall be lncrsased by 9200.00. Erargrl.ea of guch revlew, nay lncluder but are notetlntted to: Colorado Departtrrent of BlghHay Acce8s Peltnlts, Army Corps of Engineers aoll , ctc. The applicant chall be responslble for paylng any publlahLng fees whlchare ln cxcess of 50i of, the eppllcetlon fce. I,f, at the apPlicant's tequestr any natter ls postponed for hearlng, causlng the nattet to be re-publlsbed, then, the entlre fee for such te-publlsation shall be pald by the appllcant. Applications dcemed by the Cmnunlty Developnent DePartment to have clgnifieant design, land use or othcr iggucs shich nay have a slgnl'flcant lnpact on the comnunity may reguire revlew by consultants othe! than tovtn staff. Should a deterninatlon be nade by the tosn gtaff that an outside consultant is needed to revleu any appllcatlon, the Connunity DeveloPment may hire an outeide consultant' lt ehall estLmate the amount of money ne-essary to pay hl-m or her and this atnount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files hts appllcation with the Corununity Development Departrnent. Upon cornpletlon of the review of the appllcatlon by the consul.tant, ani of the funds forrarded .by tlte appti.cant for payment of the consultant which have not been pald to the consuttant shatl be returned to the aPPllcant. ExPenses incurred by the Town in excess of the anount forwarded by tbe applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant rithin 30 days of notification by the Town. -, J.. - .'t -. . t.'.rt1 { lor ttcll llPiljlGllt8s tDrn rpgllcetlqr tor rlgnr rrr tubltt a, tDr tolloubg tnlcrra'-lotr tt trgutsrit: l. I coqrlrtrlt rlgn/rmlag rP9$crtton (lttrcDrll ' 2. I rttr Dlul .boutrg tbr f61el tocrtton tt- tbr rlgn tr to Di locrtrd. - !. I ltbotogrnFb lt rpLrrDlr rnll hrll.]l$g rlrYrtto rloYlag lui iicitritn or iar Srogorll !lF'{' |. l rellrd drrulng lblcb tltrllr tbr drllgn ol tbr llgrr, lr tollorll Golorril rxectlY 13 rlgrn ullr D''i-iiit-or iiilirrriio br urdl tn rtsn (rrtrl' roodl, cltlvlt, Drlnt,atc.) -- - -itoi&r:ript oi irgn lf rvrllrblr'3il;iii;-rriigiis ltylr rnd rlzr' 5. l! en run!'ng lr proporc{t, rnrbalt ltreutngr- r}oylnf liaEtri bo"'eil fili. tbi rrnlnl r9 rlg:lrdto tlc lullarirs ina-f,iu-51-rwnrag tt io D. coDttnrctrdl. 5. Ocserl'ptlon of llghtlag tbet utll Dr url0 ltt conJunctlon irtl-€ur rigm-or irarng' -lt prcporln; ut ffiifi;-iiini'iii.i' a'!-;tl9{6 to-rbtnr tbroueb tDc .ntl!. runr;;-i;irEn Eiiri qrlu' rtt'ntlon to tbc Durtn.tr. rrr#iil il;-tD.dlrgr,i-onri-trr retrrrl rlsn l.ttetlng on tbr rllrtng' l. Gbcctc rlgrn codr - YrrltY tltr'-trlght r--3' 2. tG rgrclllc. Ar-fii;i'^:l *:rgtt "tLzt' Gotttsustlou Dv-- airli tDr r;Prorrt-o! I?t{-:rgn'!. -IGi-irre troitrgr ol Durlnlr' t!E;lr2o.oolgPtrcl'lox'Elru.r,tErEeEIrgDIl!!rIDco' llPtSCrTroN. (a) (bt (c) (d) Jr-rt_-26-9 t.C * 1 co r or q.cro .---r1; Au,,,r | *'-i' ,ii: egET 't.ffi--26-9r- FFrr t*= cororo.cro .-^rf A.,r.rr-i nt F. B= .- --.J.Ur_-26-91 FR T f.aa co.r o'-o.Gro c---O Aur.ra i ne P- G'4 oo 5 v VAIL BOUTIQUE ,rrli'0,iur 26lggf Shfefiraanagement Comfiny BB Aus osleer Property Management & Leasing Arrsr.rrt B. 1S.9 1 Barry l'{ - LevineonStatlon Verbler. fnc. 143 E. Meadow Dr. *4908 Ya11, C0 81657 Dear Barry: The Board of Directore of the Val1 Vlllage Pl-aaa CondomlnlumAssoelation hae approved the awnlng baned on the spe*lflcatlons ae outlined ln your dlagrams. Furthermore the background eolorwll1 be purple wlth green letterlng and slll not extend more thanone foot from the bu1l,d1ng. Slneerely,rW Mark Mathews 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 360, Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303)476-1063 TELEFAX (303)476-2658 , t:i, ( Project Application on" tJ.n-/ Zt,ln I Project Name: ftrqf,- | lrg4? -' Project Description: .fCure er Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n:nt Q , etocx 5'0 , r;tins V/MLViue.€ /af , zone - Comments: Design Review Board o"r. 7'4 - 1) DISAPPROVAL 0 a tf,-t''TTal- 6F C h-14, Town Plan ner Staff Approval .t>- I )\ u^l O Rrrr . :.$'lg.gt',-- revised 6/L8/9L COLORADO 1,/5,?t DRB APPLICAT]ON - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING:7' '? ,1t ********** THIS APPLICJTTION 9TILI. NOT BE ACCEPTED ITNTII AI.L REQUIRED INFORIIIIION IS SIIBI'{ITTEDt********* DESCRIPTION: 5 r6f,w I. iltonJugeelte' B. t(<punce ,Nt-" W,/vEvV: LJ)fSaQ (3//\,Dc^/v-l I LC?E OF REVIEW. LAtxT(A €*tF Tr New Construction ($200.00) f- ui.tor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS, t LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot E BlocK 5. D Subdivi sion If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to thi-s application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. mlr st nrov i cle a ertrrerrL NAME oF AppLrcANT , *ER*1 L=.V c. D. E. F. NAME OF Mai I i nrr APPLICANT' S Address: VALUATION $ 0 - s 1o,oo0 $ 10,001- - $ 50,oo0 $ 50.001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5oo,oo0 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over S1,000,000 *NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED NAME OF OWNERS:eu | /vsuv *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB applicati-on. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposaL. The Town of VaiL will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHBDULE: ,rt/ loc'C '|ftu l4 1 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 1^.t9/v Mailing Address: LC)< 4 Phone Phone Phone FEE $-50:00 WITITOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE L]ST OF MATERIALS NAME oF pRorEcr, 9TalKlV Qe(gief , ll,NC " LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK _ SUBDTVISTON srREEr ADDRESS , tWE.Vnemtn Of + tq t4 - DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Z T-Z@TL qCLE The following information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDTNG MATERIALS: Roof Sidinq Other Wa]1 Materials Fasci,a Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the Desiqnapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR *7i:t t-,'_ B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name euantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED trees.Mi-nimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. S Hftl\danagement C omfihy - Property Mail'agemenr & Leasirig ' [EfD .rt,t I 01991 ,July ?9 . 1891 Barry H. tevineonStatlon Verbler, Inc. 143 E- Meadow Drlve S4908 Va11. C0 81657 Dear Barry: The Board of Dlrectors of the valt vlllaee plaaa condomlnlumAssociatlon hae approved the followlng changes to Unlts 19 and19, Yail Ylllage Plaza: 1) Replacement of the 6 operatlng wlndowe on the front southface of the store (3 each, adJacent to the front door) wlthflxed lneulated plate glaes. 2) croslng off of the weet faclng door that is currently not 1nuee (facing the Alpenroee Tea Roon). If you have any questlons, don't heeltate to contact me, Sincerely, fu-,@z- Steve $tafford Managlng Broker SS: ed 143 East Meadow f,hive, Suite 360, Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303) 476-1063 TELEFAX (303) 476-2658