HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT COMMON LEGAL (7)ffi&aaa'-Vftf oq$a.safilEl,Erm,@at Design Revieuu Scard ACTTOI{ FORM DeDartnent of .CorarEunity Development 75 South Frontags Road, Vall" Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 faxz 970.47!1,2452 $reb: $nilw. rnl lgoucom Prolect Name: VAIL CASCADE HEUPAD ACCESS ProJect Dccdption: Participants: DRE number: DRB070528 owNER L{ VAIL HOT."DING INC 09lZ8/aOA7 c/O DELOITTE &TOUCHE tIP 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DEIWER co 80202 APPUCANT G.H. DANIELS m &ASSOC[ATE09|28{2007 Phoner 97F52,N-,5010 L2775HW(,6 GYPSUM co 81637 Llcense: 510-5 CONTMCTOR G.H. DANIEIS m &ASSOC[ATEO9|}B|Z1D7 Phone: 970-524-.5010 L2n5HVo(.6 TPSUM co 81637 Liense:510-5 13OO WESTHAVEN DR VAIL RNAL APPROVAL FOR VAIL CASCADE HEUPAD ACCESS AND TANDSCAPING Locaton: Lot: Bloslc Subdivision: CASCADE INN - WESTIN HOT 2103-121-0001-2 ProJectAddress: VAIL CASCADE HEUPAD Legal Description; Parcel Number: Gommenb: Moton By: Second By: Vote: Gonditons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acton: STAFFAPR Date of Approva|j. Lol L2l20O7 Cond:8 (P|AN): No change to these plans may be made wlthout the wrltten onsent of Town of Vall staff and/or the approprlate revlew ommlttee(s). Cond: 0 '(PIAN): DRB approval dm not constfhlte a permlt for bullding, Please consult wlth Toum of Vail Building personnel prlor to construcfion activiHes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days followlng the date of approval. Cond: 202 I' Approval of this project shall lapse and become vold one (1) ymr followtng the date of flnal approral, unless a bulldlng permlt ls lssued ard constructlon ls commenced and ls dlllgenfly pursued toward compleflon. Plannen Bill Glbson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Physlel Addrees: Zonlng: Name(s) of Owner(s): Malling Address: Owner(s) Signahrre(s) : Name of Applicantr Mailing Address: (Conh4_Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) oA"+(V ll*it, Ll"-*h I Type of Revlew and Feer tr Sgns tr Conceptual Revlew tr New C.onstructon tl AddiHon Mlnor Alteration (muld-famlly/commerdal) Mlnor AlbmHon (slngletumily/duplex) Changs b Apprwed Plans Separation Request Phone:;h, $50 Plus $1.(x) per square f@t of tobl sign area. No Fee $650 For construcilon of a nerrr bulldlng or demo/rebulld. $300 For an addlton where square foobge ls added to any resldental or omrrerdal bullding findudes 250 addltors & interior @nversions)' $250 For mlnor drangres to buildlngs and dte lmprcvements, srdt as, re'rooflng, palntng, wlndow addiBons, Fndgpinq fences and retalnlng walls, etc. $20 For mlnor ctrarges b buildings and slte lmprovements, such reiooffng, palnting, wlndow addlflons, retainlng walls. &. $20 For lerldons to plans already appoved Design Revlar Board, No Fee tr tr *m MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Genenl Informatson: This application ls requlred for proposals lnvolvlng mlnor e,rterior albrafions and/or slte lmprovemenb. Propsals to add landscaping do not requlre DRB approval unless they involve the addlflon of paUos, water featrrs, grading, or the addition of rehinlng walls. L SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*IT ct Sbm@ Topographic Survey*tr Site and Gmding Planx }( Landscape Plan*o ArchttecturalElenrationsx tr E<brior color and material samples and spedflcaUons.o Ardritectural Floor Plans*o Ughtlng Plan* and Cut-sheeqs) for proposed fixtures tr T,tJe report, induding Schdules A & B to verify ownershlp and easernents* ' o Photos of the orisdng site and adjacent struchJres, where appllcable.o Written approval from a condomlnlum assodaUon, landlord, and joint owner, if appllcable o Site-speciftc Geolqical Hazard Reprt, lf appllebl$o The Adminisbabr and/or DRB may requlre the submlsslon of additonal plans, drawlngs, specifications, sample and other materlals (lndudlng a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project wlll aomply wlth Design Guldelines or lf the lntent of the pmposal is not clearly Indicated. Pleose submil three (3) copies of the maeriols noted with an wterlsk (t'). **For Interior conversions with no exterior changs, the submltbl requlrements include a comptete set of o<isting and proposed flmr plans, a b'Ue report, and wrltren approrral ftom a ondominium assodaHon, landlord, and Jolnt owner, if applicable, I have read and understand tlre abone llsted submlttal requhsments: ProJect Name:V") I Contractor Signaturq o"rcsrgna 7' A'l'0] ' F:\de'rvoRMqPermlts\Plannlng\Old fo rms\drb_minor_all8-8-2007.doc hEe 3 of 13 Topognphlc surYey:r Wet s:tamp and signature of a llcensed suryeyor . Date ofsurvey . North anow and graphic bar sele r Scale of 1"=10'or L"=ZO)r Legal descrlp$on and phplcal address . Lot slze and buildable area (bulldable area o<dude red hazard avalanche, slope greater than 4So/o, anrd floodplaln). Tls to eldstng benchmark, elther USGS landmark or sewer lnvert. This information must be clearly stabd on the survey . ProPerty boundarles to *le neargt hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy, Distances and bearlngs and a basls of bearlng must be shown. Show o<lstng plns or monumenb found and thelr relatonship to the establlshed omer, ' Show right of way aM property lines; lnduding.bearings, distanes and curve lnformaton. ' IndlcaE all easements ldentfied on the suMMslon plat and recorded agalnst the properlv as Indlcated in the title reporl List any easement rstidons.o Spot Bevations at the edge of asphalt along the sfeet ffonbge of the prcperty at twenty-f,ve fmt Intenals (29), and a mlnimum of one spot elevaflons on eilfier side of the lol r Topographic conditions at t4/o bot contour intervals I E)dsting trees or groups of trees havlng trunks with diameters of 4o or more, as ineasured from a polnt one fuot above grade. ' Rock outcropplngs and other slgniffcant natunl features (large boulden, lntermtttent slreams, etc.).r All o<isting improvements (lnduding fuundaHon walls, roof overhangs, bulldlng overhangs, etc.).r Envlronrnenbl Hazards (le. rocldall, debrls flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, solls)r Waterourse sefbacks, if appllcable (show enterline and edge of stream or creek In addition b the required steam or creak setback)r Show all uflllty meter locatons, lncludlng any pedeslals on slte or ln the rlghtof-way adjacent to the site. Exad locaflon of e<isdng uUllty sources and proposed servle llnes from their source to ttte stuucture. utlifles to indude:. CableW . Telephone Seiver Water Gas Electrlc r SEe and type ofdralnage culverts, s,vales, etc.r Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt br both sides of the roadway shown for a mlnlmum of 250' ln efther dlrecdon from property. r Slte and Grading Plan:r Scale of 1"=20'or larger . Property and setback llnes . Existlng and proposed easemenb r Bisdng and proposed grades . ExlFting and proposed layout of bultdlngs and other struchlrs lncludlng decks, pafios, fences and uralls. Indicate the bundaton with a dashed llne and the roof edge wlth a solld llne.r All proposed roof rldge llns with propmed rldge elevatlons. Indlcate ocisting and proposed grades shown undemeath all roof lines. Thls wlll be used to calculate bulldlng helght,. Proposd driveways, lndudlng perent slope and spot elarations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the enterline of the drtveway to accurately reflect grade,t A 4 wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of aspfralt for driveways that exit the street in an uphlll dlrccflon.r LoeHons of all uHlfies indudlng odstng sourg and proposed sewlce llnes from sources to the structures.r Proposed surfrce dralnage on and off-slte.r Lmtion of landscaped areas.r Location of llmlts of dlsturbance fendng r LocaUon of all requlrcd parking spaces F:\cde^FoRlvrs\Permlts\Hanning\Old ft rrE\drb_mtnor_all8-28-m07.doc Fage 4 of 13 PROFOSED LANDSOAPING Botanlcal Name PRoPoSEDTRE*F@ AND SHRUBS n I utn,twe _ _wJ/^ Ouantltv I I t? SzE 3" 7,, trilhffi W",a {,Wr (nl*)* fp,u,+ & 15'-81 Mlnlmum RequlrernenB for Landscaplng:Ddduous Trees - 2" C.aliper Conlferous Trees - 6'in helght . Shrubs- 5 @1. Type SquareFoohqa GROUND @VER soD SEED IRRIGATTON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Ptease spe@ offrer hndscape features (l.e retalnlng walls, Ences, svrlmmlng pols, etc) Gommon Name F:\de^rcRMs\pennns\Phnnlng\Old brms\db-mhor-all&28-2@7.dc hge 7 of t3 *ffic UTILIW APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOT{ Thls brm serve to veriFy that the proposed lmprovements wlll not lmpact any o<lsilng or proposed uUllty seMces, and also to veriff eMce araihbility and locaUon for new construdon and should be used In conJuncfion wlth preparlng your.utlity plan and sdeduling Insbllatons. A dte plan, Indudlng gndlng plan, flor plan, and elevatons, shall be submltted b the followlng udlities for approval and verlfication. PTLASE AIIOW UP TO Z WEEI(S FOR APPROVAL OR COM!fE {nt FROM THE UTX|trTY OOIIPANIES. If you are unable b obbln commenB withln that tlmeframe please conbct Ttre Town of Vall, Dayelopq b Provide lot Addtes fnformafron: Lot Lot#! Authorhed Siqnature Comments Date QWESiT 970.468.6860(tel) 970.,t58.0672(Fd0 C,onbcts: Sam Tooley samuel.toolev@oweslcom XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (@l) 970.,168.140f (fax) Conbcil Rldr Slsneros rlchard.slsneros@xaelenerov,com HOLYCROSS EI{ERGY 970.947.V7r (d) 970.945.4081 (fax) C,ontacil Dana @lls doolis@holycross.com XCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (foo 970.262.4024 (@t) C.onbG: Kit@ett Kathryn.Bosert@XCELENERGY.com EAGIE RIVERWATER& SAIIITATION DISTRICT 970.476.74N(H) 970.476.4059 (fd) Contacti Frcd Haslee friaslee@erwsd.oro COMCASTCAET^E 970.418.8248 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fa)O Conbct: Davld Evans davld emns@cable,omcasLcom ilOTES: t. If the utilfi approml & vedficadon form has slgnatures from each of the udlity companies, and no commenE are made dlredy on the brm, or no atfion ls taken wlthln 2 weeks of the Uulit/s reelpt of the furm without oelalnauon the Town Wll prslme that there are no problerns and thg development can proceed. 2. If a udlity aompany has concems wlth the propsed constuudon, the utllty reilesentatlve shall nott dlrectly on Ure uUllty verificaflon form that there ls a pmblem whldr needs to be resolved, The lsgre should then be deblled In an atbched tetter to the Town of Vail. Hovever, please kep ln mlnd that lt' ls the res1ondbllity of the utility company and the applicant to resolve ldentlfled problems. 3' These vedncafrors do not retieve the contacbr of the respnslbllity b obbin a Pubiic Way Permlt from the Department of Publlc Worlc at the Town of Vail. Udlitv lmfions must be obtalned before diaging in any public right-of-way or easernert lvlthln the Town of Vall. A buildlns permlt ls not a Publlc Wav oennit and must be ohined seoantelv. 4. The Developr ls requlrcd and agrees to submit any redsed drawlngs to tie uUllHes for re-approrral & reverifi@fion if the sbmltted plans are aitered In any way afier the authorLed slgnature dab (unls otherwise spedfically notd within the comrrent area of thls form). Developer's Slgnature F:\cder,\FoRM5\Pemlb\Plannlng\Old fonns\dfi_mlnor_all8-28-2007.doc Page 8 of 13 *m Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Deparknent of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 H:, 970.479.2L28 fu:. 970.479.2452 web: wwwvailgor.om *Thlsdteddlst mustbe submllfud prlorto Pnbllc Wor*srevlewota prapwd development tcsy Phone Number: ?el')Sl\ / tanawpptan a Tltle Repoft (Secdon B) tr Envlronmental Hazards (ie. rrckfall, debris flow, amlandre, wetlands, floodplain, solls) Waterourse setbacks (lf applicable) Tres Labl€d @sements (i.e. dminage, utility, pedesfrlan, etr...)o Topography tr utllty loatons tr Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sldes of the roadway shown for a minlmum of 250'in either direcdon from property. Owners/Project Project Address: Appllcant: Submitbl o Sbmpd survey of proprty E Clvi[Slte plans Survey hequlremenB: o Surveyo/s wet sbmp and slgnature Er Date of survey tr North anow o Propr scale (1"=10'or t"=20)tr Legal descrlpton tr Basls of bearlngs / Benchmark o Spot ElevaUons o tabeled rlght of way and property llnes; lncludlng bearings, dlstances and curve lnformaflon,D Lot Size tr Buildable Area (exclude red hazard avahnche, slopes greater than 40ol0, and floodplaln) Site Plan Requlremenb: tr ,6 tr I. Acsess (chek all) F Driveway type and finished surfuce are shown on the site plan.-d Unheated tr Heated (portion in ROW in a sepante zone)y' Snow sbrage areas are shown on the slte plan wtthln popefty dundarles (30o/o of driveway area ll . unheated; 10olo ofdrivevrayarea lfheated)d All driveway gcdes, dirnenslons, radil are clearly noted on the sib plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11, Strepest Sedon Driveuray Gnde (not the averrge grade): F Parking spaces and tumlng radli arq noted on sfte plan and confurm to Development Sbndards, pp.12&14 II.,,d r A Constuction Site (check all) lmfion of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the sfte plan. Umits of disfurbance aonstrucflon fendng ls shorrn on the slte plan. I am aware that approved Staglng and Constructon Traffic Oontrol Plans, as per the Manual of Unlform Trafflc Conbol Devlces, wlll be necessary prlor.to conslrucfion, I am aware that a Revocable Rlght of Way Permlt wlll be required prlor to construction. F:\dev\KrRM5\PenrltsPlannlng\Old brms\drb_mlnor_all8-2&2@7.doc Page 11 of 13 Itr. Dralnage (chwk all that apply)tr The requlred Valley Pan ls shown on tte slte plan as per Development Shndards, p. 12.tr (NoE: Valley pan must not be heated)tr 4 FootC.oncrete Pan o I FootConcrete Pan y' eosWveand adequate dminage ls malnblned at all Umes y'rlthln the proposed slte,' tr Cufoerts have bn provided and are labeled and dlmensloned on the slte plan.tr A Hydraulic reprt has been provlded. (As requ# by Town Englneer) IV. Eroslon Conbol (Check allthat apply)tr Dlsfirrbane area is grealer than one half ase.tr A separate Eroslon Oonbol Plan has hen professlonally englneered and PE stam@.zf Less than one half acre has kn dlsturbed, and proper eroslon control devlcs arc shown on the slte plan. V. Floodplaln (dreck all that apply)tr The proJed lies within or adjacent to a lfi) year Floodplaln,tr l(X) year Floodplain is shown on the sfte plan.B A Floodplain study has been provlded. (Requlred lf flwdplain is wlthln constuction limits or as ,. requested by Tovm Engineer)6 The proJat does not lie withln or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplaln W, Geologlca/Environmenbl Hazards (check all that apply)tr The project lie within a @ologl{Envlronmenbl Hazard area, (See Development Standards, p. 20)tr A Hazard Repon has been provided .il me project dos not lie withln a GeologldEnvlronmenbl Hazard area. VII. Gndlng ($eck all that apply)tr E)dstng and proposed gndes/contours are provlded on the slte plan. Er All dlsturbd areas have been retumed toa 2:1 grade.tr All dlsturH areas not retumed to 2:1 gmde have been Professlonally Englneer€d with slope . protedon and/or stable solls. PE sbm@ deblls are provlded wlthln plans.5 Only odsthg contoun are shown on the site plan, there ls no proposed gradlng. Wtr. Parklng (check all) All residenEal and @mmercial parldng spae conbrm to the Dwelopment Standards, pp. 12&15. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) All retaining walls conform to the standards ln the Development Shndards, p. 19. All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided wllhin the plans. All rebining walls are shown on the slte plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elerratlons and Upe of wall onsfuuction, o D( tr u B y' n" reblnlng walls are requlrcd fur.trb project. X._ Slght Distance (check allthat apply)5 Proper slght disbnce has been attalned and shown on site plan as pr Development Shndards, p.12.tr Proper slght disfinae has not been atblned. ftplanaflon why: Addi$onal Gommenb F:\dev\FoRMs\PErmlb\Plannlng\Old torms\drb_mlnor_alt_&2&2007.doc Page 12 of 13 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanlcal l{ame --W-J^ quantlht I I t to ')o< ---------- Slze 3" AND SHRUBS D(I5rING TREES TO BE REMOVED ?,, 15'-ttr) Mlnlmum Requlrements for Landscaplng:Hduous Trees - 2" Qllper Conlferous Trces - 6'In helght Shrubs - 5 Gal. faEg Souare FootaEe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROT Please spclfy other landscape Eaturs (1.e. reblnlng walls, fences, srrimming pmls, etc) F:\odev\FoRl4s\Permlts\Pbnnhg\Od tonrs\drb_mlnor_all&2&2007doc Page 7 of 13 ffi s/1 Retail &Wholesale Garden Centercffirseries o Custom Growing Landscape & Maintenance Contracting e DesignyBuild Prod Mombor oft PROFE8SIOMI I.ANDSCAPE NEIWOM r ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPE CONIRACTORS OF COLORAIP @LOMDO NURSERY & GREENHOUSE A8SOC. . GARDEN CENTERS OF COLOMDO fr: -fo^,*# Vrrl )BB f*^\ GVI U.ilt,/u*'t Co,,r'.lo W 4' 0'rl ,W"u,',*-* ol res so| ule,//"- pL: bi""ilt G-le (. F."n{r2e 0) Y \t-p)-4TF,e' +o Ll""R +{v b 6^^ f'o,l t*vbS s-fr.y,.ktr p), X X f Y f X {4"/t e-rt\ gm5sude f" P"*t, XX).> xk> .^_x lrild wgr(lv,n,,-- GH DAI{|B.3 t a ASaOCnTEST t|{q (970) 624{010 1&970"9747 Fax (e70) 5244006 140 GH Mels Boulqad O}?surn, Cdomdo 81037 RE IAIIDSGAPE AEWIGEA l97l)\24142o:1 Far,97Ol ?414i34 2523 Hlrh C,mrrtrv c..tlrl Grutrl JrElthn. CnLnzdo llS01 BREGIGNruDOE CARDEN GENTEN E4GLE..G'YPSUIII OAIIDET GETTEN FLE OAnDEN CB'TIB pn ) 547-9803 Far (970) zt6$1371 18023 Hghmy S - Farm€/8 t(omor Brcokonldgs, CO 80424 (s70) 62+5010 Far (970) 524-4{Xt6 l4(} GH Danlels Bhrd. Gf,poum, CO 8'1037 (grc) 62e2685 Far,@m)eX4Ez lfi W.zalhsftEt Rns, @ 81650 Page I ofl Joseph Suther - Landscaping Project at Vail Cascade Reort & Spa From: "Repetto, Christine" To:Date: 49n7n007 5:16PM Subject IandscapingProject atvail Cascade Resort & Spa I am wridng this on behalf of Curts Hedtr wtro is the Dlrector of Engln€orlng at the Vall Gascade Resort. I am hls Adminisbaiive Asslstant and we would like you to knqy thd Mr. Heatr has applovd the apptlcaton belng submltted to you by GH Daniels for rvork on tte Hell-P:d- | und€rstand thb project is being revievyed on Tues., Oct 2rd. Feef fee to c:tll al47&7111 X 1029 if you have any quedons or conoems. Slncerely, Chrlstlne Repetto file//C:\Dos'nments and Setrings\ddministalor\Local Serfrings\TempU0grpwise\ut6FBE5... 0912812007 **t***'S**********t$tt$*'..{.t*&e*&1.'S'l.tt*,**'8*********'!a***t**rD't*!r**'*'St'8'f'**S!r,}*!&{'*a**&!to$****'S*'}***,r TOWNOFVAtr, COTORADO stat€m€nt 't'lt't'f *t'i't'tlltt**a******'r*'N'l'lt*a'f'&'*'r$*aaf f t***tttf***f t****'r's*********************************gtaeAmerit Nunber: R070002014 Amount: 9250-00 09/2A/2OO7O9:45 AlI Palment Method: Check Ini!: dIS Notatlon: 1093/e.H. DAITIEIJS XII AIID ASSOC Pelml-t No: DRB0z052g Tl|tr)e: DRB-Mhor Alt,corm/Mu].ti Parcel No: 2L03-121-0001-2 gl-te Address: L300 wEs'IgAvB[ DR vaTIJ IJOCATI.ON S I'A.II, GSCADE HRIJIPAD Tota1 Feess $250.00 Ehis Palmene: $250.00 TotaL.ALIr pmt,s: $Z5O.OO ' BaLance: $0.00 *&rt&f,t {r*t*l*'a't*'t&t*********t*if f ***f ***'t**'8'S't'SrN'rF***'**'********'$'$**'*'*'t**'81i8**!N'**'*t***'N.'*'t*'**'Nt't't ACCOUNT ITEM LtrST: Account Code Descriptlon Current Pmt s DR OO1OOOO3]-L?2OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 ------- - --- - -t-- 6l coazWry.ftrt*\ TOMIOFI/AIT ffice of the TownAttoney 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 97M79-2107 / FAX 97U479-2157 wwv.vailgoucom Mr.PhilipB Hoverstm 2990 BoothCreekDrive Vail, CO 81652 A.Fil 13,2005 OFFICB OF TO\MN ATTORNEY J.MATTTIEWMIRE Re: MOU CascadeParking DsrMr.Hovmten: Attached is the firlly executed Mou beteve€n vail parking LLC and the To\lm. Please forward a recorded copy ofthe dosummt wha that has b*n complaed" Attacbmsrt xc:'@ OTAfile#148 d't BAE|CIED PPER , Memorandum of Understanding ill This Memorandum ofUndostanding is entered into this _.jl day of April 2005 by and between Vail Parking LLC, a Colorado limitcd liebility company (n0urneru) and the Torm of Vail (uTowno) with respect to certain real properry in tle Town of Vail owned by Owner and legally dqscrib€d as: Level3, Cascade Club Condominiunq a part ofthe SWI/4 NEl/4, Section 12, Tovmship 5 SorIh, Range El Wet of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town ofVail Eagle Cormty, Colorado(the nPropertyn) and locatd atl2g9 Westhaven Drive #3, Vail" Colorado. The Property is a portion of a parking sfrucare located in Cascade Vilage, Area A It is in Special Dwelopme,nt Distist No. 4, a mixd use disfiist In addition to the requirunents of SpecialDwelopmertDistrictNo. 4, the CondominiumDeclardion for the Property requires that it be available to the public between the hours of E:00 a"m. and 4:30 p.n while Vail Mountain is open for publio skiing. Ov"ner would like to sell pre-paid parking cards frr the Prope,rty. The Town has agreed that if c€rtain conditions are m€t, pre-paid parking cards would not violate the oristing zoning or other resfictions on the Property. This Mernorandum of Understanding sets forth those conditions and will be recorded as a ref€rence for the cureut Owner and any future owne,rs ofttre Property, Any pre-paid parking pass program must have the following characteri$tics: l) Ilaving a oard does not mean that any cardholden has resenred an individual parking space. No parking spaces shall be rese,rved or set aside for cardholders under any circumstances, regardless of pricing levels for the cads. 2) Having a parking card doss not give the erdholder any privilegd status, or the right to pre-empt or supersede the parking rights of anyone in line or in the gafige ahead ofthe pass holder. A[ pa*ing spaces in the Property will be available sn a first come-first served basis regardless ofthe nwnber ofparking cards sold. The righ to park will be determined by aniral time not method ofpaymenq cardholders and single-use parkers shall betreated €qually. 3) The requirements in the Condominium Declaration regarding pdcing and availability of parking between the hours of 8:00 am. and 4:30 p.m. while Vail Mormtain is open to public skiing rernain in €ffect and have not been modified by this agreem€fit. 4) Any violalion of this agreerneut by Owner ohall constitute a violation oftlre Vail Tonm Code and Speoial Dwelopme,t Disfrict #4, Casoade Viilage and shall be punishable pursuant to the General Penalty provisions set forth in Segtion l-4-1, G€neral /' Penalty, Vail Town Codefor each and wery daythac suchviolation continues. Each day that such violation continue shall constitute a separate violation. Vail Parking LLIC, a Colorado limitd liability company STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss. )COI]NTYOF uror*or{4 ,]*** *r" acknowledgerl before me this fu* * A} tt , .2005, by Phil Hoversten as managsr of Vail Parking lLC, a Cotiraao fmitedliability company, on behalf of srch linited liability company. WTINESS myhand and official s€al. Mycommission *@tryrT #*.* tury#S f I lfrll lllil lllffl ilil llill lllll ffll lil llffi ill illl W,7#]1*," T€ak J ElEsnton Eagt6, cO A R 11.40 D O,IUA _ tvteilrorantmofUnecrstaUlne _CLf--------F---- - This lr@rorandum ofUnderstanding is entered into this -.,|E day ofApril2005 by md betweem Vail Parking LLC, a Colorado lfudtd tiabilfity compny 1"Own*) and the Toum of Vail (Tovm') with resp€ct to sertah real proprty in the Tocm ofVail omed by0vmerand leggilV dessribed as: l*vel3, Cascade (xub Condourinirmrs, a part ofthe SWI/4 NEI/4, Section 12, Toumship 5 Souttr, Rmge 8l Wesr of the Sixth Principat Meridiaq Toum ofVail, Eagle Cormty, Colorado(the "Proputy) and locAed arl295 Wesdraven Dive#3, Vafl, Colorado. fn" pr"p"rty is a portion ofa ia*ing stn ct re loded in Casede \fflagB, Are A It is in Special Dwelopmem Di*rict No. d a mixd use disttict In addition to the rquirm€ds of Spmial Dwelopment Disbict No. 4, the Condomfuium Declaraisn for the Property requires that it be a\ilaildblc to the prblic befween tbe hours of 8:00 am- ud 4:30 p.m. uftile Vail Moutain is opeir for pblic skiiry Ocms would like to sdl pre-paid pa*iqg trds for thlhop€rry. Ihe Tom has agr€€d that ifcertain conditions ds rFst, p're-paid pakiqg crds would not violate tre existing zoning or other resnicdons on 6e Property. This hdqnorandun of Understanding sets forlhthose emfitionsand will be recordd as are&rence forthe crrr€mt Oumer anrd any firirre on n€rs oftbe Proputy. Any pre-paid parking passprogram mrst have thfollowfurg c,harartuisiics: 1) Having a card does not n€'n thaf any cardhclder has r€s€rvod ao individnsl pa*ing space. No parking ryace shall be reserved or set aside for crdholdss undc any cirqrmstmcs, regardles of pricing levds ?or the cards. 2) H$ring a parking sd doe$ not efve the cardholder my privilqsd shnrs, or the.dght tn-pre"errryt or srpersede th parkfurg rigbs of auyone in line or in tfte garage ahmdofthepalsholder. A[perkingspacesinthePropertywilbearailableonafirst come-fts s€rv€d basis rqardles ofrlo rumb€r ofparting cards sol4 The righ to part will be d€f€rmind b'y anival timq not mdod ofpymem; cardblders md sfoglcuss prkers shafi be tretd qually. 3) Ite requiranmts in tb Codominium Delraion rqarding pncing and awilability of parking befi'ear the hours of 8i@ arn md 4:30 p.m. while Vail Moumain 'is opon to public skiing rernain in & and have not be€n nodified by tbis agr€€m€nt. 4) Any violafion ofthis agreorent bD' Owns sha[ constinrte arioldion ofthe Vail TownCodeand SpocialkelopmertDisfiict#4, Cascade Vilage aild sha[ be pmishable p**u* to the General Pmalty provirions s€t forth in Secfioa l-4-1, Creneral P-€nalty, vail ronm code for each and E'rcy day trrx,srch violation contimrs.thc srch violation coffinu€s shall con*ia$i a sepa"ate"ioltion Vail Pa*ing LlC, a Colorado limit€d liability compatry Eadday STATEOFCOI.oRAI)|O COI'NTYOF V nl' ing imtrunemt rms acloowledged before me rhis WU.t tf 2@5, by Phil ltrovemto ss manegs ofVail Parting LI,C, a cotorado linit€xl liabifity compaqr, on behatf of srch timitec rmity oompa"y. WITNESS lry hand d official ssat ) )ss. ) I I I I 1Rl-:"L t' I zqqo I _l__ I I l I Mycomission *-@+Urt (3ofrL C',oo-\- b, (o t',t-sz Ntme' Sf .trll alr. R t-nlgf Title: Toso Manager \J$ te 4o ilrdmrlur/& o 6]i,w^'fiqq'rc5c Tl'lls AGREEMENT. made and entered lnto thls By and amorg 6E Jeru$3a*) &i+ncrqtdnafter- WHEREAS, the Developar is judgement of the Tmn to make forth below and Agreement, Includlng following: [VAlLUlATAkdEvlFORItlS\DlA Caehdoc 20e.| f), ard the TOWNI Agt@mefi or collateml euffcient in the of certaln lmprovemenE set collataral tio guarantee Frformance of thls improvements by means of the wfth $e Toun of Vall In a dollar amourt cost of the work shown below) to provide secutity RECD oCT 15 2001 RET! NOV 0 4 Z00z rAskl-t- CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Page I of4 V9- (tr;t'-/Ls NOW THEREFORE, in conslderation of thE fullowing mr,rtual covsnanb and agraements, the Developer and the Town igree as folloun: 1. The Developer agrees, et the sole cost and expnaear to fumiefi a[ equlpnent And material necessary to perf6rm a-nd complete atl improvementi, on or bfore J+h ' l' , L6o L The Developer shall complEte, in a good workmanlike manner, all imFrovbments as listed above, in accordance with all ptans and epeclffcations filEd in thE office of the Communlty Development Department, the Torvn of Vail, and to do allwork incldental thereto according to and ln compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, map, epscifications, skEtchEs, and othEr matter submitted by the Developerto be approved by any of the above-referenced govemmental entltie. All sald work shall be done underthe inspedion ol and to the satisfaclion of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Oficial, or othEr offcial from the Town of Vail, as afrected by special difiicts or eervice distric'ts, as thelr respec-tive interest may appar, and shall not be demed complete untilapproved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Deparlment and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performanoe of its obllgaflons as set forth herein, thg Developer agrees to provide security and oollateral as follorvs: A caEh deposit account ln thE amount of $to b held bythe above lf there ls a default undgrthe Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any tlme subsiltute the collateml odglnally set forth above for another form or collateral acceprtable to the Town to guarantee the faittrful completion of thoss improvements refened to herein and the performance of tfie terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of altemativE collateral shall be at the Town's sole dlscreffon. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occunirg to the rrvork specifled in thls Agreement prlor to the completion and acceptance of the samsr nor shall theTown, nor any offcer or employee thereof, be llable for any Frcons or property injured by rcason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities ehall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agreEs to indemniff and hold harmless the Town, and any of {s officers, agents and employies against any losies, claims, damages, or liabllitles to which the Town or any of lts ofiicars, agents or employees may become subJec't to, lnsofar as any such logses, claims, damages or nanililies 1or aitiohs h reepect thereof) thst arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunde[ and the Developer ehall rEimbursE the Torn for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably Inqrned by the Town in connection with inveetigatlng or defending any such loss, clalm, damage, liability or astion. Thls lndemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Daveloper may apply to the Torn and the Town shall authorize for partial relgase of the collateral deposlted wlttr the Torn for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and speclficadons as referenced heraundar and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will wAIL\DATA\cdoV\FORMSDLq Cash.doc Psgs 2 of4 o the amount of the collateral that is being held be rcduced below the amount nacesaary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at itt sole discretlon, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder arE not constructed in compliance $fth ths plans and speciftcations s6t forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth In Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be rquired, to complete the unfinished. lf the costs of completing the work Exceed the amount of the deposit, the ex6s, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/ol Wr annum, shall be a lien agalnst the propetty and may be collec'ted by oivil suit or may bs certifted to the beasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the s€tme manner as delinquent ad valorem traxes levied against such propefi. lf the parmit holder failE or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaplng, ae deftned in this chapter, such fallurE or rcftrsal shall be consldared a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer wenants all work and material for a pdod of onE year afrer acceptance of all work refened to in this Agreement by lhe Town if such wott is located on Town of Vall property orwithin Town of Vail right-of-way punuantto Sedion 8-$1. E. The partie hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to tlme, provided that such amendments be in wrlting and executed by all partles hereto. \VAIL\DATA\cdsvtFORItilS\DlA Cagn.doc rue3of 4 Dated the day and yearfirst above witten. r!1[?'$*zr?3x?Tf '"'*'":Sffi"#I STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss.couNryoFEAGLE ) STATEOFCOLORADO ) )se.couNwoFEAGLE ) : ': Jffi:;tr ,yffir"rwttrilywww"" \f\fitness my hand and officialeeal. My commission expires: bre mglhis DLDLIVY\Ol l/WrEss my hand and officialseal. Mycommissionexphes {tnqrnbtrytr4{n AdminiJthtor, Gommuni$ Development \wAIL\DATAbd€v1FrORMS\DIA Csh.doc P?€le4ot4 Ttrt7eg VIL 7799 P.WI/AA\, Hffi-=.' 3&Aug-O1 G.E,Johnson Conslruclion Att Mike Ellis-cellf 390.4493 fa# 94W141 Rer Cascade Club & Spa Resort (North side of Bldg.) Deecrlpillon of Worlr: Bagln wo* frdm elestrlcal toom€sst to Parklng lot 1) Remove temporary road baEe at enuancg to easl psrklng lot 2) Rsmove and rcplace approx. 700sf sod et bmponary parklng lot entrance 3) Remove and replace (a) #5 Redtrltrlg Dogwoods, also lnstall back mulch 4) Oean up 3/4" washed gravel ar€as and replace wlth agqoL 6sy of new rock 5) Replae approx. 200sf damaged by excess bot ffiffc 6) Repair damaged sprinkler heads as nedd. (T&M) Unit lump$m sf cy eactl cy lump sum Qtv 1 900 6 4 1 1 Desorlptlon Mobil hailon/Supervision Sod 3/4" u,ashed gravel RedMg Dogwmd#G's Berk mulctr Remoral of road base and clean up of debrls Cost Amcunt $ 300.u, s 3@.00 $ 1.7s $ 1.575.00 s 55.00 $ 330.00 s 40.00 s 1q,.00 s 80.00 $ 80.00 s 800.00 $ E00.00 $- 1 Sprinlder repalr allo'vance T&M $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Total Bld Propoeal 0 3,/195.00 Quallfletons: 1) Any work outslde of thls scope of wolk desctlbsd above witl be bilbd as T&M 2) Payment to be medE within 19 days of Involce bllllng 3) We need at least 72 hours notlce to commene work psi 01{Sincerely, Jody Daniels, Presldenl G.H. Daniels lll & Assoclaus, Inc. COFPORATE OFFICE, cJt. D NlEl.a a aE8loclaTlsr rxc. (s7o) E2rt€olo l.Ego.srtrE?a7 | For (970) 3ar{006 re770 lqh{eye Gtgiuq Cdoredo st037 r*t.TnslsdscsFcdtlot efil RETAIL ' WHOLES^LE NURSERY RETAIL NURSERY RETAIL ' WHOLESALE NURSERY WOIGOjfT GARDIN CET|IER OYPa|'N GAf,DCI{ STNTTR ITECI$TflDOI OAIDEI GIXTER (970) o2&22S0 Far (970) 92+26E9 A9?4 Hhnwsy B ir&6cn. OO SiA55 1070162.-7az 0210 Crasir€d Dth,G P.O. Bor l0to GyD$r4 cg ElGtT (070, 647.681 Fsr (g.fo' .$.r37t .l6(t23 HEnr€f, I Irecl€nru8D, CO 80.?,1 RETAIUWHOLESALE NURSERY R|FL! 6AD! cla{?cn (e?q t2t'ee!l Far p7o) 02SZo3l 1730 Rrlrcsl Avanr6 Rna, OO 61S50 Iandsnlre Conttaalng & Suvn! Iu Retail &Wholesale Garden Cenrcft / warcrfatls ffi 6EJOHITiON g)I{SIRTJCIION GoMPAIW MichaelJ. Lowrimore Prolect Manager Coroneoo CollrRAtron oF CHolct- 3rO S.14lh SL. Cotorufo Spdngs, C0 80Stl4 lowdmom@lolohNonJorn iirsl a&53it .rnx(ng) lz3'S3Zl htp:/ ',sr'08l0hnsdrcom r-------I RECEXPT- Ile Towu of Vall 20-Ne 5283s RBCEIVET) d I I I I I IIow PAID-'casb -.al""k 4bW Pcmtt Nrmb€r8 , Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 ru".", V4il 0ol oooo 314 1 110 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 001 0000314 1112 001 0000314 1112 001 0000314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 314 1112 001 00003141112 00003141112 0000314 1112 0000314 1112 10000314 1112 1 0000 314 1112 1 0000 314 1 1 12 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 314 1 111 001 0000 314 11 1 1 001 0000 314 11 1 1 001 0000 315 3000 001 00003112300 001 0000 315 2000 oot oooo au sooo 0000 312 4000 1 0000 312 4000 Intemalional Mechanical Code - 1998 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Blue Prints,/Mvlar Coov Fees $12.75 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co. Taxable (D 4.rl% (State) - Tax raxable @ 4.0% (rgwnl:&lqrl 94!9 lil 001 0000 311 2500 0000 31't 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft. 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. ft. 001 0000 311 2500 1 0000 311 2200 001 0000 315 3000 ooi-ooooZb ssoo 001 0000 312 1000 001 0000 230 2000 '001 0000201 1000 '001 0000310 1100 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 3'11 2500 001 00003112500 001 00003112500 001 0000 319 3100 Cash _ Money Order#cnecx*AM/ Received by, fu 12t20t2000 { --- #TEi[ u'd&ut -* nslr: rilial6i-s1 - RECEIPI: 0s13503 '*'%lq jssfl.1'tffili'# eg ,lo*nilsgH [tlslRtETltti cK: EE JI}ilsNN ffitiffi* cLuB & 5m TTNUER DETnIL 7 r4369.m !!1E: 10/16/ftt tlE: l3:46t8 .s6 Iffiflh'T#"** i4si:db TF'[X{ YSJ FOR YIiJR MYilSITI rl.oia OD .o (t= o nz,:ID f;8 F{ F. o(,l 20 d!a <,a '!i H a ta t (, x I H H o ? H oz op .o a E A I lr o - A g E N 6 t! o 6 4 EI & a () o h o e !,r.' F OH CA o4r rlQ IJ (l o lil 1|)a OF zz lrp }lo t4:B& E E Ir Flr aa =o FI ( lrH a2 .li''o 8iI I H&i H ttt 8t A'gd o F rr !a FI 6 x z o R H Had lo dla ZA d E -E o e|o Ei f O E g9 E 6- A E ql a t4 F. 6 E{ E d z E c FI 8 I{o ; j; N rtp ^->H-*fr40 '{E a(, r!tEo t 4d o Cascade CIub Sports/Parking StrucEure AllowabLe UEes Page 2 Please contact us if you need additional information or desire clarification. Sincerely , p_..___ Chief of Vail cc: Ron Phillips, Pam Brandneyer, ffiffirut, Tim Devlin, Larry Eskwith, dd, grm,/rmn Chief Town BuiLding official.of Vail Town Manager, Town of Vail Acting Town C1erk, AssisEant to the Town Manager Director, DeparEment of Cormn' :ity Development Department of Conrnur^ity Development, Special EventE Town Attorney !Dick Wh'r$L\ 42 l4/ett Me adoa Drit:e Vuil, Colorado 816J7 303-479-22r0 February 8, 1993 Piet Pieters General Manager Cascade club L295 Westhaven Drive Vail , Colorado 8l_657 Vail Fire Dcpafiment rqq;-,h "j,vuf Re: Allowable Use of Cascade Club Dear Mr. Pieters: The Town of -vail Fire Department and the Building Department,have revi.ewed the perrnanent records regarding the ctdsign and development of the cascade Athletic ctub sports/Farking strulcture. we have also reviewed.the applicable codes regarding allowable uses, oecupant load-s, exj-ting reguirernents and- relatLd topics,in^cruding copies of correspondence between the Town of vai:.,Robbins and Ream rnc., thd architects, and Frank Freyer, th;project engineer. rn addition, ure have reviewed the most recent events when the occupant load in the Tennis courts was exceeded., the manner of operation' th_e physical aspects of the facility, and the inpicts oi such use on the Town of valt rire Departrnent, buitai"g o"piii*."i]Police.Department, Adrninistrative slrvices and the oepaitrnent oi Cornmunity Development. The results of the review indicate that under the current conditions, including the configuration of exiis, the exit and emergency lighting, as wer-r a6 other code reLated issues, ah;Tennis courts should not be used for any use otirei than that which was originally intended, designed rorl and. p-t^itt.a ""a.i tir"Certificate of Occupancy. . The pernitted maximum occupant load for the four tennis courts i: a? (f_orty nine) persons. Th; perrnitted use is crassified under the Uniforn Building Code as a Gioup B, Division 2. uses for other than tennis nay be arlowed under a special_Events permit, . provided the occupint load does not exceed 49 persons. Addltional requirements lnay be applicable. Q+ao----a<-- A-{2tJ I j o o z o -{n c o {6 z -o m F ={ E --E o m t-lf"lf,i I g EF= I* E 3 anY 19 c I =od li: s V= lm P o -' lis I l=E 5 rnlr i 5 r! 6 € =| 4 o->= d e o@ ;; !g i= s€z fig + B { z {m I o o t al -o m t f -t m x m 'o I z o (D @ =m z |Ti' z 5 E (Jl \o \o T m v =-l z o !.J 'Tt r z o U)t)F v r IH @ z =T c) c)> .J F ?v rtl E rl]r- <E =l=>|m o tc)ol>uR/]m l.\3l> 1.,IH le Fd I I I I m - z o o z i -1 C) z; 3<5e A=a r m -{ 6 r z --{ i n 2n -.1 m nz.>m of,,-{> a o T =m Z. a'r c)E =l><F l> lo l-|rn r I -l I *lg lo ll t> lF l!lm l6-, l6 I I 1"1 l€ lz lo l'n t<t> t;lm lo loF t€F lzJ led FS l|- r{ tmv lp#tz3 too t4 Ir, I rt MI lr I FI tl tl tt l.i l=t€F t2 l leF l<r I:F lnE tzE lo t1 IH IH tb J.F $l qol tl wl tl rl +.._l I +. TO g{op r- 'z : b>iA \i --1 o z r ? _n I!F xi x! io >'n Zo e9 c)ul o 64 >;o oo 2Z tr@= !oI ,o< m z m m c) ! 6 z o € x ls l:o to trd tE t5 tcn t< I f-ttN 15l., lt< lo llr, [t lF Ft) leb l/'\ H t3 l I kt) kn Fl |EI',toH IEB |trr r)rtr tl tl lt tl tl tl z m € --l m _l 2 5 o =z l- o (D o r 5 o {o (o o :' o) (D (D !t o. d A'tt g =o = = 5' 3 g)-.o x i' o- o o I 6' o 0t o o q) (D 9 o d -f v, A' o f A) !, o 6 0)v, o =' o' o o o A'(CI 6 (D o o 3 g € = J o f :f A) =. f 9. d -l o o-6 s.{ {o, o)l €*cio 6C =.J o att :(/t P5 =.*o.=5o (o It oB +^ qrl f(o oo =+q6 U; N o t.f 9.o o o. o ah. 0t =o o o c)F F z H H H m €z m ! o z -t -i o l, 'Tl -! =a tll r .r1 2 I m €2 m L I r.. ,\b I I F F z z {m a -.t J- 1t m v 3 -'n m m U'm = ='Tl m m U' /t4ra 7/sftc PI328IJ PAGE: 1-, FPO ENTRY / nECEIvTNG REPORT FPO NUMBER : F19432 DATE RECEIVED: 2/L2/O3 REIiIARKS : RETIIRN CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RECEIVED BY: I-,C ENTERED: 2/L2/O3 L4:49 BY: ITCAMPBEI.II.T VENDOR: 0000331 - .f.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTfON INVOICE NUMBER: 895-0125 ITWOICE DATE: 2/L2/O3 INVOICE POSTED: 2/L2/O3 L4:49 By: LTCAIIpBELL PAYMENT DUE: 2/21/03 AMOUNT: $ 500.00 ACCOI]NT# PRO.]# AMOT]NT ITEM DESCRIPTION 0010 0 0 031_L2600 $ s00.00 REFTTND CLEAN UP B9s-0125 PAGE2 ***ri**lr***##****#tr*******i*{i****t**********r*r.**#rit{it{r*iit****************************rr** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #: B.954126 as of 02-05-2003 Status: FINAL PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 05/78/7995 Applicant I.L.VIELECONSTRUCTION Issued: 09/05/7995 To Expire: O3/B/7995 ]ob Address: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: CASCADE CLUB Parcel No: 21872200007 Description: ADDITION OF COMMERCIAL SPACE Conditions: Cond: CON0000409 CoRRIDOR DOORSTO BE 20 MTNUTE RATED/SELF CLOSING. Cond: CON0000410 EAST E)OTCORRIDOR DOORTO BE 1112HRRATED WITHCLOSURE. Cond: CON0000411 ALL PENETRATIONS IN FLOOR,WALTS, ANDCEILING TO BE FILLED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE RATED MATERIAL. Cond: CONOOO0472 A STRUCruAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ALL STRUCTUAL CFIANGES BEFORE TOWN OF VAIL WLL OKAY FRAMING INSPECTION. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0000413 SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM SHOP DRAMNGS ARE REQTIIRED BY FRAMING INSPECTION AND APPROVED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-449 OR AT OllR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER oR CONTRACTOR FORHIIVISELF ANDOWNEI TO\ N\OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 815s7 970479-2138 ProjectNo.: ?? APPIJICANT iT.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTIO}T License: CONTRACTOR .].L. VTELE CONSTRUCTIO}I 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL CO 815s7 Oi/iINER Desciption: ADDITION OF COMMERCIAL SPACE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE T,OSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #:895-0126 Tob Address: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL iocation.......: -- CASCADE CLUF, Parcel No....:( 2to3r/2a0aTf- Status . . Applied. Issued . . Expires. 08/2e/L99s Phone: 08/28/L995 Phone: 97O-476-3082 #202 Phone: FINAL 05/18/1ee5 0e/05/1ee5 03/03/1ee6 u't) # of Gas logs: L,icense:188-A 0 00152 IJ-O WEST}TAVEN TNC O5/T8/L995 8 LOWE EMTERPRISES INC 11777 SAN VICENTE BI.,VD STE 8 IJOS ANGBIJES CA 90049 License:TOV/Comm. Dev.CIean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Inforrntion: Building----> Plan Check--> Investigation-> will call-> 82 82 11 FR Not in table! ?? $275,000.00 Reshicted: $1,440 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $935.00 DRB Fee*----> $o. oo Recreation Fee--> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit--> TOTAL FEES-_> Add Sq Ft 31.67 # of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Wood Pellet: **H** FEE SUMMARY go. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $2oo. oo Additional Fees-> $791.?5 Total Permit Fee*---> $5oo - oo Payments--> $3,8?0.?s BALA ICE DUE-> $3,870.?5 s0.00 $3, 8?0 .7s s3, 8?0 . ?5 $0. 00 Approvals:f€elm: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 08/09/1995 DAN Action: AppR Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMETiIT 0713111995 ANDY Acrion: APPR fICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/22/L9e5 D?N Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS 08/09/199s DAN Action: APPR N/A Action: APPR N,/A 42 West Meadow Driae Vail, Colorado 81657 101-47 9 -22t 0 Vail Fire De partment January 27, 1993 FTRE MARSHAI-,, IS REPORT SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIoNS REGARDING SPECIAL EVENTS AT CASCADE CLUB, Or/r7/93 - Or/2L/93 The following observations were noted during the Cornedy club performances at Cascade CIub on O7/I7/93t OL/ZO/93, and OI/ZI/93. EXTTS The exits in the tennis courts are not properly marked. for use as a public assembly. Vinyl mats and screens obscure the exits.The means of rnarking the exits with painted stencils is not adequate. 'Fha : rrr nrrar t e nn i. s c ou rr s, l::t" "l "?"',f3. " ?"t?"tllt"i ""3t"ln " =o,X"t :"?t*:;t :l:provj-ded on the east and west ends of the courts. The exitway fron the doors on the north side d.oes not lead to a public way. There is no exterior lighting along the north side of the.building except at the exit doors. The rignting at the exit doors is so low that we were not aware that a light wai even there. Snow and ice buildup from the roof appears to continually block the exit doors. we found the doors inoperable due to snow and ice accumulation of several occasions LIGHTING The building lighting is not. designed to accornmodate such functions. The liqhtinq for the tennis courts is provided. by what appears to be a series of sodiun lights. The lights are very bright and are either on or off. once the llghts are turned offl there is a significant delay in getting adeguate 1i9ht turned bacj<on due to the starters needing to warrn up before the lights vrill come on. The light switches are located one story beloru the tennis courts. The lights cannot be turned on or off frorn the tennis courts. There is no other means of providi_ng lighting. The emergency lighting is inadequate and is not activated unress prlmary power to the building is lost. FIRE MARSHALIS REPORT SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AT CASCADE CLUB SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE 2 During the first two shows on Sunday night, the circuit breakers for the stage lighting tripped. The house lights were off and the entire tennis court facility was without lighting. The rrsecurity personnelrr recruj-ted by the producer did not even have a single flashlight in their possession. on l^iednesday and Thursday nights, the produser attempted to use a generator for stage liqhting. The generator ran out of fuel twice on Wednesday and five tines on Thursday. During refueling on Thursday, the producerrs staff was found transporting gasoline in one gallon plastic nilk jugs, spilling gasoline on the generator,the ground, and even one of the fire fighters. PARKTNG The facility is currently suffering from inadequate parking due to the joint use and number of vehicles using the parking structure. Given that rnany special events occur during the ski season and are scheduled during the evening, the lack of parking is compounded by the fact that CMC is also open and booked to itrs capacity, the theater is operating with two shows per night, and the athletic club continues to stay open to the rnembers and guests. Parking along Westhaven Drive is not allowed due to the narrow width of the road, location of fire hydrants, the bus plaza and the need to insure access to the Westin Hotel and the residentiat neighborhood. MANAGEMENT While the Cascade Club appears to be very adapt at running an athletic c1ub, najor events such as we observed reguire a different approach in terms of rnanaging the facility, crowd control , signing,physical security, and opening and closing procedures. When two shows are scheduled in the tennis courts on the same evening, allowances need to be made for queuing the second show while allowing for adequate egress for the first show. Management of the Cascade CIub attenpted to obstruct ingress and egress through the front door of the CIub under the premises that the CLub was closed. In addition, the management of the Club attempted to lock two doors required for legaI exiting during the first show on Sunday evening. I had to issue direct orders to have the doors unlocked. FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AT CASCADE CLUB SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE 3 VENDORS During the shows, I observed numerous (seven) separate vendors setting up tables and displaying T-shirts, boots, coats, posters, and sweatshirts for sale. In an attenpt to correct an isle wldth problem, I asked Michael Haynes to have one of the vendorts tables noved back one foot. Michael Haynes asked the vendor to rnove his table to the other side of the room and the vendor became very agitated, stating he had paid Haynes g:oo for the right to set up his table and that he wasn't going to move anywhere. one trvendorrr was accepting trdonationstt for sweatshirts, coffee mugs, and sinilar merchandise. To my knowledge, no busJ.ness licenses were obtained and no sales tax was collected. LIQUOR SALES The Franklin Foundation obtained the liguor licenses. It is a not-for -profit organization. Franklin Foundation contracted with WW and Michael Haynes productions for the entertainnen!,liguor service, bartenders, wait staff, lighting, set up and related functions. All profits from the shows were to go directly to WW and Michael Haynes and profits frorn the vendors went to the vendor itself. Only the profits fron liquor sales went to the Franklin Foundation. Durinq the second show on OI/2L/93, there was considerable debate, frustration and concern over lack of palanent by the promoter to various parties. Les Franklin, holder of the liquor licenses, threatened to rrpull the license and walk.tr An ernployee of WW and Michael Haynes Productions, named Tony, became involved in the dj-scussion with Les Franklin, which lead to a shoving match.Tony indlcated that if Franklin walked away with the license, he would continue to operate the bar. Franklin then threatened to take.the l-iguor with hin, which actually lead to the pushing and shoving. In additj-on, when the service staff (bar tenders and wait staff) became aware of the discussion, they walked off the floor and threatened to leave the premises and threatened to sue Witaker and Haynes. This argument between the various parties was loud enough to pronpt a comment from Cynbad, the comic on stag.e, asking the folks in the back to go somewhere else to settle their di!ferences. FIRE MARSHALIS REPORT SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AT CASCADE CLUB SPECIAL EVENTS PAGE 4 PLANNING It appears some of the problems could have been prevented with proper planning. Haynes and Witaker, when made aware of the various code problems with the exits, light,ing, isles, etc., stated the facility was rrreconmended by the Town of Vailrr and that the CIub told thern they had conducted several large functions and that rteverything was already approved.tt No floor plans, seating arrang'ements, lighting plans, staffing plans, exit plans, or any other information was provided to the Fire Department or Building Department, other than that which was dLsclosed on the liquor license application. The Cascade Club manag'enent, specifically piet pieters, was nade aware of the lirnitations regarding the use of the tennis courts on several occasions in the past. The failure of the Club to rnake proper disclosure and prearrangement cannot be overlooked. t4;2----/::t.4-?- *%.r'-A'/t1 SUBMITTED BY: DATE: ta- o- E- FA- ra- o - Fq- a- o-,a- ra- ra - ffirl*illiailirggE ilftEiEilslEEirs* 'iE''i f*ggi;i;FiFigilgiEi,igiiiiE:i-IE;€ ggg;figiig:iigiE;iggiiiiglesi,EEg€Eg eE ;H f gg 3i$ifis€:;;g€iiiif ffE;si ;iiEEF, gg g gg u g, ggsiggggriFggiiiigEig;, giii;gFiigigg llj o o ct ut E tl. E o tt =D ot ctl F ct ltl GI ro o ro ol F ct ro N lrl o o o ut c tt =G ar u- =.= o)aD a;itiliggitiiEse?iasig;t*,ii,, gi lgilg liga sg ai;rgilaEilsiiss* gggilE si€ ffFii* 'i?s sr€ ;';;E€EEEiiiE*iaiE Eiiua* gE: >= a) =6?-E! E. !? x=Y;- o >rx E'-o.: o i.nt)o^ -a;:t qp,i tr.= .s ;'c| o) ii.:t$t i;5,9 neE E;€ d.E =E8' !.ctE $EgrE A:iEFs Itl vi ;.E I t ll-E;€s.iEiE e = u5i - E if;$fg5 gEFiF FE € gIFr fF I i E g : €:gF;E€ ;E$FE {a E :*Ei ' ifl f a g i e:iieiia ifi;gt ,:g lg*€iE , $t EE'r g E' igigiil'FggiEgiE ig;gEE \ i€ E,isi E; Ei:EE$giE€$E€EEE;E iE EiEJ= EgI ;FEE ff'? u';siE'5ggg*;lEgiggigfg,fiil;iggi ro lo $l o lo AI tu o o u.l E tt =G o q-z CD 6' lU o o () uj .E l! =E o c z 3 ot alt (tt o r'' GI l.-0 ro 6l ---=> ORM FIRE CODE rme Devices )en-flame devices flaming foods or ds and beverages ruring device that nmediate vicinity ed while buming. I have a wet cloth in the event of an a safe manner and ring of liquids is 3 receptacle. n use. landles and other following: not be used. ran 8 ounces must oon per minute if iling of liquid fuel levice or holder is rrn to the upright al. :hat do not spill fuel C over. n diameter. such that a single n l0 seconds. 'h chimneys shall open-flame device accordance with a 991 UNIFO I I ! I l RM FIRE CODE 25.116-25.202 9. Slrades. if used. shall be made of noncombustible materials and securely atlached to the open-flame device holder or chimney. 10. Candelabra with flame-lighted candles shall be securely fastened in place to prevent overturning and located away from occupants using the area and away frorn possible contact of drapes, curtains or other combustibles' l l. When, in the opinion of the chief, adequate safeguards have been taken' hand*eld llanre-lighted candles can be allowed. Hand-held candles shall not be passed frorn one person to another while lighted. (d) Theatrical Perforrnances. When approved by the chief, open-flame tlevices usecl in conjunction with theatrical performances are allowed to be used when adequate safety precautions have been taken. Standby Personnel Sec. 25.117. When, irr the opinion of the chief, it is essential for public safety in a place of assernbly or any other place where people congregate, due to the rrurnber o[ persons, or the nature of the performance, exhibition, display, contest or activity, the owne r, agent or lessee shall employ one or more qualified persons, as required and apploved by the chief, to be on duty at such place. Such individuals shall be subject to the chief's orders at all times when so employed and shall be irr unilorrn and rentain on duty during the times such places are open to the Public, or wtren such activity is being conducted. Before each performance or the start of such activity, such individuals shall inspect the required fire appliances provided to see that they are in proper place and in good working order, and shall keep rliligent watch for fires during the time such place is open to the public or such activity is being conducted and take prompt measures for extinguishment of fires that rnay occur. Such individuals shall not be required orpermitted, while on duty, lo perform any other duties than those herein specified. Division ll REVIEWING STANDS, GRANDSTANDS, BLEACHERS, AND FOLDING AND TELESCOPING SEATING General Sec. 25.201. Rcviewing stands, grandstands, bleachers, and folding and tele- scoping seating shall be in accordance wilh this division. Definitions Sec.25.202. For definitions of BLEACHERS; DISPERSAL AREA' SAFE: FOLDING AND TELESCOPINC SEATING; FOOTBOARDS; GRAND- STANDS; OPEN-AIR GRANDS.IANDS AND BLEACHERS; PERMANENT STANDSI REVIEWING STANDS; ANd TEMPORARY SEATING FACILITIES' scc Article 9. i I 1 rl l t ir '\i : B I I l-B:t:t: B I B t-t--t: Bi I I B I I 113 TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: Planning and Community Development Deparunent October 26,1992 A review of a staff approval for two minor amendments to SDD #4 - Cascade Village Area A, The Westin, 1300 Westhaven Drive and the Cascade Club, 1294 V/esthaven Drive Westin That part of the SW 1/4 NE l/4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 We$ of the Sixth Rincipal Meridiar\ Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on tre soudrerly boundary of ilre parcel of land shown on the Condominium Map for the Colorado Mountain Condominiums recorded in Book 387 at Page 620 in the office of the Eagle County, Coloradq Clerk and Recorder, whence fte most southerly corner of said parcel bears S 52 50'29" W 14.16 feet distanq tlrcnce 0re following nine cou$es along the southerly boundary of said parcel: (l) N 52 50'29" E 49.16 feef, (2) N 37 12'45" W lz3Fer,C G) N 52 47'15' E 1.00 feeq (4) N 37 12'45" W 1.30 feet (5) N 52 47'15" E 42.60 fe*;E (O N 37 12'45" W 8.70 feeq (7) N 52 47'1i'E-15.00 feeq (8) S 37 12'45" E ?2.40 feeq (9) N 52 50'29" E 35.28 Feeq th€oce depaning said southerly boundary N 52 50'29" E 56.96 feeq thence S 37 W'31" E 45 j4 ffj'J thence N 52 50'29" E 48.70 feet; rhence S 37 @'31' E 9.60 feeq rhence N 52 50'29" E 80.00 fee8 thence S 37 09'31" E 36.40 fesq thence N 52 50'29" E 21.30 feeB thence S 3? 09'31" E 22O.OZ feet to Gore Creek; thence the following four courses along Gore Geels (l) S 49 26'36" W 76.45 feeg (2) S 2231'36" W 1U.47 feeq (3) S 53 37'36" W 119.34 feeq (4) S 65 3l'36" W 1458 feeq thence depaning Gore Creek N 32 59'30" W 141,47 feeq ftenc€ N 57 25'30" W 1U.02 feeq th€nce N 37 09'31'W 116.45 fe€t to the point of begin0dng, containing 110,2fi) square feet or 2,49 ac,rcs, more or less. Cascade Club A part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Secdon 12, Townslrip 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridia!, being described as follows: Beginning ar a point on the southerly righrof-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70 whence an iron pin with plasdc cap marking the center of said Section 12 bea$ S19 34'08" W 887.79 feeq thence depating said southerly right+f-way line S 37 09'31" E 126.96 feeq thence N 56 48'45" E 285 .42 te4, ftence 76.40 feet along fte arc of a 107 | .72 foot radius curve to ttre left, having a cenral angle of 04 05'04" and a chord that bears N 54 45'13" E 76.39 feeq thence N 52 43'41" E 169.55 fe€q thence N 37 16'19" W 148.96 feet !o a point on said southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70; thence along said southerly right+f-way line S 52 50'29" W 530,34 feet to the point of beginning, containing ?5561 sguare feet or 1.735 acres, more or less. Applicant: Planner: The Westin Resorile-ascade Club Ltd- Shelly Mello DESCRIPTION OF TTM REOI.JEST The Westin Resort and the Cascade Club have requested two amendments to Special Development District No. 4. These minor amendments arc requBsted pursuant to Chapter 18.40.100 - Amendment Procedures, which provides for minor modifications which are consistent with the design criteria outlined in the SDD section of the zoning code. The Town zoning code defines "Minor Amendment" as meaning: "[M]odifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent or character of the approved Special Development District, and are consistent with the design criteria of the SDD chapter. Minor amendments may include, but are not limited to, variations of not more than five feet to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or changes to grcss floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than 5Vo of the approved square footage ofretail, office, common areas and other non-residential floor area." The first minor amendment for the Westin is requested for changes to the approved development plan specifically relating to the expansion of the retail space in the Westin Building. The applicant rcquests to enlarge the retail space for Pepi Spons by 63 square feet. The staff has determined that this is less than 57o of the total commercial space and can be considered as a minor amendmenl There is no parking requirement for these retail spaces per the SDD and thc staff does not propose to require any additional parking for this request. There will be no exterior changes to tire building. The second amendment being requested is for the Cascade Club, and would allow for a change !o the restaurant and bar area of the Club. The applicant wishes to change 420 square feet of the restaurant and bar to an office for the club. Currently, the club office is located in the CMC building. The existing office in the CMC building will be occupied by another entity, therefo're, there will be a net inctease of office square footage (by 420 squarc feet) and a reduction ofrestaurant and bar area by the same. A total of 252 square feet of restaurant and bar will remain. Bccause the parking requirement for restaurant and bar use is higher than that of office, the change will not increase the parking requirement. Cascade Club Bar and Restaurant Cascade Club Office in CMC Cascade Club New Office Total required Existine Reouired Parking Soaces 5.6 3 0 Proposcd Parking Soaces 3.5 3 1.4 5.2 8.6 tr. STAFF DECISION Thc staff has reviewed the applicant's rcquest and has approved both minor amendments to SDD No. 4, punuant to Chapter 18.40-100(A). The staff has found that the proposed modifications would not alter the basic intcnt or character of the approved Special Development Disrict, and that the proposed modiEcations arc consistent with the design criteria of the SDD chapter. c:\pec\memos\cascadewe fkLeN ?(r.r\A o?D t4ql +l r=7P19, ot \ . 4 ..rrli';;.r-*I-i t4+ t Ffi-;F f-.--r- -. Hz ?A/*-*A:n, _Keo.o?rt VAilI, October E, Lgge Town of Vail Planning Commi ss ion 75 South Frontage Road Vai I, CO 41657 ATTENTION: Cornmunity Development This project is to enable pepi's sports to utilize the space that has been vacated by w.H. smith (The Little shop). t.Je will be creating a lP foot wide access between the two retail spaces.--_--ble will be adding approximately a3 square feet of retail floor , area and reducing our mechanical chase by an equal amount. Thank You,&PauLdregg Bui lding Super intendent t 1300 !0TESTHAVEN DRnT/VAIL COLORADO 81657 i ( 103 ) 17 6-7rrr Itt A ov ri ..1 1., Di 1d T fr q $3q $o x=N},{l /r. ..l N ts $ N t o q o I T s V $\ \ s !r, a ! \ r.!J F F a \{- F a I \l N r{ t.q dq \g :i\i,l v 0l N iN 1 x (o I F. I @ I t--------- U'(NF'J i- F -j< -F H .ii=o q- <t, .-r s- -:r\\$ --- -1 :<o frJ o F z o E \ o q. ( -.+ "( )\ z =lt(9 Jttz,ubd ll q CE 6 IT E9 IJ E 8:() g,i r|I J 14 z = UJ (t G o F g, !d v, t z o F C)lrl z z o (J IF r l== G lr, o lt-,t qp 'HE =c di;UJJ 3nw *1 ru !Er/EL3 c'\p-r.o? IlttJ I r--ir+\ rV./ ffta q+q I EflTFYtrF,F --+r rl lz'-:- 1i FJl ---.- i#?1,,o ,liF- .F -=aaF.ac)A2 Ft- -x .il i {'t ile 3l Y ilptfi '- ttt,,^,,- i I :tsL, i " j See 4.?|j" I L-@$===; Foh' RerJts' -.fi.*..''-'-,"- #ta FEt4^lll pllFtHt /\l-L i ab-i, i .\fra?.r-,:V.:fi aa a,tl? t'::1'IF':' 'E=l.-oll -'---.."-1 ,t- rtl-''L l t.tnopF .l lH^{+s H'l'{,'l I gave* - -- ' l.i. --. .-'l: 1'@*' r.l.),\ I i @ ,,"LLtZlJ ..i - +_ !-f:";;1'=',1..- .alaopt4il p2rplllflaN r-- "" \ --eE P'l) lb/Albtl r:f.ef gt +WI bt | 'F:aA'-'a'.Jh! i,;qv! r{ tx \ l* tr€.t'i , YA ,)ul 4 tU. J ys-F- '{,qV Jf, ?$r"?tl- Z 1=ngl 4J JS *4?iiN N i$i ) ,Ft q h o Agso-\ gfrtp *sQv?gv? re-..rvlor 00' 002$a a.{uorlEcTIdd uor s s ruruoc SuTuuBld z6/80/or rNnorN I ervo tgronnr 'oN SC|OANl INNOWV 3rvo Scto Nl 'oN rco^Nl 0996i0'ot't ruos:u NrJs:uv\rfii @ DATE APPLICATION \",rtIr!- RECEIVED 3 _t 4 revised g/nlgt APPIICATTON FORI'I I.OR SPECTAIJ DEX/EIOPMENI DISTRICT DSVELOPMENT PIJA}T I. This procedure is required for any project. that would go through the Special Development District procedure The application wilr not be accepted until all" informati-on is submitted. (please print or type) A. AppLICANT The Westin Resort MAILING ADDRESS 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail-, CO 81657 PHONE 47 6-7 LtL ADDRESS i300 Westhaven Dr-PHONE 47 6-7 Lrr PROPERTY OhINER(S) seafirst Bank,c/o The Westin Resort o!{NER(S) STGNATURE (S) ey: MAILING ADDRESS 1300 Westhaven Drive 47 6-7IIt l-1 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS. 1300 Westhaven Drive LoT-BLocK-suen rvr s roN___93 : :gie vi 1 1 a ge E. A LIST oF THE NAMES oF oI^INERS oF ALL PRoPER?Y ADJACENT TO THE SUB.JECT PROPERTY A}ID TITEIR MAILING ADDRESSES. F. A TITLE REPORT TO VERIFY OWNERSHIP AND EASEMENTS. II. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: A. Detailed written,/graphic descript,ion of proposal; B. An environment,al impact report shalr be submitted to the zoning admi-nistrator in accordance with chapter 18-55 hereof unress waived by section 1g.s6.030; exempt projects; B.AppLICANT, S REpRESENTATTVE Paul GregS t DOa,6 C6y.5t^)ST|t c. An open space and recreationa] pran sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development veit.hout undue burden on available or proposed pubtic facilities; D. Existing contours having contour interval-s of not more than five feet if the average slope of the site is t,wenty percent or less, or with contoux intervals of not more than ten feet if the average slope of the site is qreat,er than twent:r percent. E. A proposed site plan, al a scale noL smaller than one inch equats fifty feet, sbowing the approxj.mace Iocations and dinensions of all buildings and structures, uses therein, and aIl principal sit,e development features, such as landscaped areas,recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and'walkways, service entries, driveways, and off-st.reet parking and l0ading areas with proposed contours after grading and site development; Vai1, CO 81657 , \ z Jo lunoue aq1 eleuTlsa TTeqs 1T ,1ue11nsuoc apTslno ue a.rrr{ Ieu luaurdoTeAaq .dlrunruuo3 ,uo1lec11dde due AaTASJ 01 papaeu sT luplTnsuoc apTslno ue qer{1 JJpls uool aq1 Aq apeu aq uoTlpuTuxalap e pTnoqs .JJels ur,to1 1er{l rer{1o s?u"lTnsuoc Iq t4erAar arrnba: Ieru rillunuuoc aql uo lcedu1 1uec1g:1u6Ts p a^pq deur qclqra senssT req?o ro asn pueT ,u61sap 1uec1;1u6Ts aApq o1 luaul:Bdag luaudolaaaq {llunururoC aql dq paruaap suo11ec11ddg '1uec11dde arlf, .{q pled aq TTeqs uo11ec11qnd -ar qcns f,oJ aal arTlua aqf ,ueqJ ,paqsllqnd-ar eq ol rallplu aq1 6ulsnea ,6u1:eaq :o; pauodlsod s1 rafleu rlue ,lsanba: srlueclldde ar41 1e tJI .aeJ uoTleclldde ar{f Jo tgg Jo ssacxa uT are qJTr{tl saa3 6u1qs11qnd .due 6u1r{ed :o; alqlsuodsar aq TTeqs luecgldde aqg, 'ctra ,tOt s:aau16ug Jo sd:oJ dur:g ,sllur.raa ssacav [eoq61g Jo luaullredaq ope:oToJ :01 pelTuTf lou are 1nq ,apn1cu1 fieu ,Aarnel r{ons Jo salduexg .00.0025 .{q pasea:cuT eq TTpr{s eal uoTlpclldde aq1 ,TTeA Jo ul'loJ, arll ueql .raq10 Acua6e Terapal .ro alels ,1eco1 Aue Aq AeTAa.r aSeredas e sa:1nbar uoTlecTTdde s1q1 31 : s?uaupuauv JouThI : sluaurpuaw :o[eq : oos Jo luauqsTTqPlss 'f, '€I t\'v SSSJ 'AI : STON ffi# {oer{c -\TTbfaaea -affig :p1ed aeJ uorf,ecrrddv 00'002 s 00'000 '1s 00'009 'rs : snoTToJ se are saeg uoTlecllddg Y. 'luaudolaaaq .f,11unuroJ Jo luautrpdaq aq1 Jo raquau e r{lT}i dn fas aq pTnoqs 6u11earu uo11ea11dde-a:d e 'pa?XTluqns sT uolleclldde 1c1t1s1g luarudolaaaq lelcadg e aroJaq ?eq? pepuauurocar sT 1I aseqd snoraa:d eq1 Jo uollalduoc aq? Jo rea,{ auo uTr{1Tr,l saseqd luanbasqns Jo uoTlon:1suoc u16ag Ssnur :adoTe^ap aql ,saseqd u1 padolaAap aq 01 sT f3T-rlsTp luarudolaaap lelcads aq1 II '1ca[ord aql Io uollaldruoc aq1 prpnol I11ua611;p anuT?uoc pue ,leao.rdde TeuTJ s?T Jo aurTt eql UIoJJ sreeI ae:q1 uTr{1Tr'r lcT:1.sTp luarudolaaap lelcads aq1 Jo uoTlonrlsuoJ TeTlTul u16aq lsnur radola^ap arl;, .€I '6u11aau ar{1 Jo alpp eql o1 :o1rd s{aao xnoJ pa?lTurqns aq fsnu TeTral€ur EulAueduocce d:essaceu aq1 qlTr.t uoTleclldde uq 'rdluour r{c€a Jo sdepuol4 rd?b pue puz eql uo slaau uoTssTuruoC Tp1ueuuorT^ug pue 6uluuefd ar{.L -V sJ,NSfiSUrnogU SnIL' llr '?ueudolanap pasodord aq? Io acuerpadde pue eTpas 1e.reua6 eql puE ,s6u1p11nq uTq?TA sesn Jo suoTfpaoT 'uoTlpTncrTc xoTroluT ,eaJe rooTJ TpTluopTsa.r sso:6 'eef,e rooT; auTuralap 01 tTef,ap aueTcTJJns uT ,1oogi auo slenba q1q61a-auo upql :aTTeus lou aTecs e 1p ,sue1d rooTJ pue ,suol1cas ,suorlelaTe 6u1p11nq [reu1u11a:6 ,slueuaTe reqlo pue sarn?€al role& ,sAeurllear pue sezeld ueTrXsepad ,s1tre:q ,sq1ed alcAclq ,sa11111ceg: TEuoTlparca.r rooplno sp r{cns ,sarnlpal luaudolaaap a1ls padecspueT pue buldecspueT pasodord 6ulraoqs pue ,pa^ouer ro pauTelar aq 01 sarn1eal adecspuel 6u11s1xa bulnoqs ,laal A1;TJ slenbe qcuT auo urql reTTeus lou aTpcs e le ,ue1d adecspuel Areu1u11a:d g '9 ',r money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forlcarded to the Town by the appJ_icant at the tine he files his application with t,be- -Cornnunity Developmenr Department,. Upon complet.ion of the review-of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by t.he applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultanr shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incured by the Town in excess of thL amount forirarded Uy-ifre applicant shall be paid to the Town by the appticant within 30 days of notification by the Torrn. I, Hrz /,t/**a)u .re e'e-o?fi VAtr[, 0ctober 8, 1?ge Town of Vai I Planning Commi ssion 75 South Frontage Road Vai l, CO 81657 ATTENTION: Community Development This project is to enable pepi's Sports to utilize the Bpace that has been vacated by hl.H. smith (The Little shop). t^le will be creating a 1? foot wide acc€lss between the two retail spaces. L,le wi I I be add ing approx imately 53 square feet of retai I f loor area and reduc ing our mechanical chage by an equal amount. Thank You,& Paul-dregg Bui lding Super intendent l3oo VESTHAVEN DRIVE/VArL COLORADO 816t7 | (3O3) 476-7rrr s € $t !_t :\ -rFS gl *J *o nt ]d T rr 4 t8r,r, sifi $c Q= N3 \ ) $ ,'rJ -a !J { $ il o h s $\ h. q \ \, N i!qN :h UI \t si ?I N TN I _., rt,i '"1 r I --*ro MEN'S ROOM U).-"1,^ (?- ru,l Lt! CM -1 IN | '**'J q !--1 q ID|SPLAY . j I xrrcxen r "i' !-'= I -l--'t 1;" SERV, SPORTS l/r, r{,,', ftJ..L I C ha-t-ll7 Fr ?r:fl ffi M.*., €f ntr. ",- uu,- SERV. ELEV.F l18 H t19 LADES, ROOM SKI STORAGE MAIN ELEV,.S \-l I CONCEIRGE LOBBY I}IE LITTLE SHOP BELLMAN l-l LOBEY ].]Ci.,NGE '/ & Mbnroe & Newell J1\\- Ensrneers, Inc.t/\VY ffiftm:^W_ t'marF|tser @rt @trE' g4r.,rtrorrl,bbNcElmE l.F.'!{l Monrbe & Newell Engtneers. Inc. ,,,,, l-r\li! tul_ \ L':_{r. _l ft-LUU--I*"mI CTIBCI(ED EY Gchqc stAB dw.w.n ohl lffilu t)ECR (rfAr+lElx\sr) foA'rcH Ells WEX|o+EXIST. gTL qn.{Zt:q1s14 l+,!dxl/drx or-6 cu€ Ah,lGLE fulEup ALt_ tr'1_cUND) oNL St{:E cNu/ t srfs; l) AT =lm SLg:T"-K) bIEW tl|n 2 st*e THIcLNLS$ctr lNeFltBtp "fic rn4E €1'E:1" G:t ll.l'tr9^CfE E.SlER. SIC-T.QN L -=|,3 ='hsocreE mL. EixF:r. Fi-Tz ".-.- =u3e, \ tE%"xtz'xrlo w/4- 74'4x dGmerj) FxP, AYlaHcrzg z"-Hlrr\* 6tr?Ct,r7 4,trrut-S'* 9Grrg.t€aiedlttr6@oq-&'lo 60r rcbr6q.lmls{zte5 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannlrg and Envlronmental Gommlsslon of tte Tonn of Vallvuill hold a publlc hearlng ln accordance wlth Secfion 18.66.060 of the Munlclpal Code of the Town of Vall on Oc{obsr 26, 1992, at 2S0 P.M. In the Town of Vall Municipal Bulldlng. Conslderallon of: 1. A revlew of a stalf approval for a minor amendment to SDD #4.- Cascade Vlllage Area A, The Wesdn, 1300 Wmthaven Dilve and the Cascade Club, 1294 Westhaven Ddve Applicant: Planner: The Wetn ResorUOasede Club LH. Shelly Mello The appllcaton and Informaton about the approrral ls alrallable for pftllc rwlew In the Community Development Departrnent ofiice from Shelly iibllo. Town ol Vail Communlty Developnent Departmsnt Colorado Mountain College M.A. & Ellnor Bramante Tom Clntorlno Attn: Kay Saulsberry 1310 Westhaven Drtue Vall, CO 81657 tvlansfield Condos. c/o 857 Huron Road John LaPorto Commercial Federal Savings c/o J. Talbot ..-{ - East West Partners Attn: Mark Smith P.O.Draner277O Avon, CO'81620 Attn: Ann 2 Steele Street, #20.| Denver, CO 80206 Seafirst Bank Attn: Doug Cogswell 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Gene & Teni Yerant 12 Glenmeadow CL Daflas, TX 75225 Halseth and Knox 310 Baker Stseet Benlcla, CA 94510 P.O. Box 706 Avon, CO 81620 Gary and Gall Ray 8101-14 E Darlmouth Denver, CO 80231 Dr. Aaron & Roberta Lifchez 29 Regent Wood Road Northfield, lL 60093 Susan Powers 423OPark Newpod, #211 Newport Beach, CA 92660 calle delAfluente N. 48 fracc. parques del Ped Regallalpan DF 1rO10 MEXICO ,{'*' .bt)o^ A,'wnffi $An\ob Franklln Lakes, NJ 07417 61 Walden Pond Drive Nashua, NH 03060 Andres A. Sodnao lll Juan Kaye Millrace Homeowne/s Assoc. Alejandro Gummlng c/o Kevln lvlacTavlsh c/o Kevin MacTavish 1476 South Frontage Road 1476 Westhaven Dr Vail, CO 81658 Vail, CO 81657 James Whlte Patrlck Broe/Carol Roblnson 631 VolE c/o The Broe Companles Northbroolg lL 60062 252 Clayton St.4th Floor Denver, CO 80206 Stanley S. Beard Monlca Hovner 2121 N Frontage Rd., #210 c/o Nancy Butler Vaif, CO 81657 2227 z0lfl St NW, #504 Washinglon, D.C.20009 CanolSchmidt 4907 Properlles, lnc. 55 Mead Lane Alan Wemer Englewood, CO 80010 1201 Elm Street, #0700 Dallas, TX 7527A - .t li gdl'll'l t{HVLllnb l n INL. Gacsadc: Eegt F;EE Fartlsrg tttl. xesh &rltb P. O. DraneE l??O lYo[ co s1620 8{5-9200 Colorado HolrntrlD colltgC ttta, Ralt gaulcbGEEl' 1310 Fogthavcn Drl,Yc Yrit co 8165? llrnaticld Condornlnlut Elto:trmorsial Fcdcral fttn. lnn z gtrclc StEGet f201 Drnvtr CO 80206 Plara SuLldtagl ltotE; onrergllD Ecatirat Eank Atta. DouE Cogarcll 1300 fferthsves Drlvn vall co 91657 lt tha ruri It tf. rDDllcrnt' fu rr. glb(T PLiANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL OOMMISSION October 26,1992 FIL T EOPY Staff Prqsent l(rlstan Prltr Mike Mollie Andy Knudben Shelly Mello Jlm Cumufie Present Dlana Donovan Jefi Boren Dalton Wllhms Grog Amsden Chuck Grlst Gena Whiten //1 u'-,Stafilng at approxlmately 2S0 P.M., a revlew of a staff approval for two mlnor amendmenb to SDD #4 - Cascade Vlllage Area A The Westln, 1300 Westhaven Drlve and the Cascade Club, 1294 Westhaven Drive was dlscussed prior to the odglnally scheduled ltem No. 1 to aeommodatp ihose members of the publlc present for this item. Applicant The Westn$esorUOascade Club Ld. Planner: ,EgfJ_!$rId Shelly Mollo revlewed brlefly the two requests. The general conssnsus of the Board was that they understood the requests per the slaff memo and were ready to vote. Dalton Williams motioned to approve the requeB porthe staff memo, Jeff Bowen seconded. The Plannlng and Envlronmental Commisslon voted unanimously 6-0 to approve the two requests with the condiffons par the staffs memo. Diana Donovan commentd that she would not be In favor of the conversion of more retail or retaurant areas to offlce space ln the fubre. A work session was held to discuss a request for the establlshment of a Special Development Distlst, a GGI exterlor alteration, a minor subdlvlslon, azone change and an amendment to Vlew @nldor No. I for tte Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson ranch Road/Lots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village First Flllng. Appllcant Golden PeakHouse Condomlnlum Associafionl/ail Assoclates, lnc./GPH Partnsrs, Ltd-/Margadtwills, Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica Members from lhe publlc Introduced themsslves; Michael Staughton, Ron Riley, Connle Knlght, Cralg Snowdon, Jim Johnson, Jlm LamonL and Jack Curtn. Mlke Molllca erglalned hat thls was an update work sesslon only and that a regular work sesslon was sdtdded for Novembff 23,1992. lEt rrsPBqrrox's coilpLErED The tteos belos aeed to be cooplete before gtvtng a peml.t a flnal C of 0. Pleaee check off ln tbe box provlded. DAIE: t_-l T DATE: IlrpRovtuEut sttRwr R.ESID. trAI{E: DATE: II I I FINAI ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAI BUILDING DATE: (l TB,IPOR.AIY C OF O EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CT DATE: I,A}IDSCA?ING DI'E DATE: FILE NAilE:\SS\\ AI A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Prciec't: THE WESTIN RESORT Tsmporary Canopy 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, Co. 81657 May 1't, 1992 Drawlng Llst: Perspective Sketches Site Plan Location Plan Lowwer Level Plan West Elevation Buitding Sec'tion Plan View @ lsland Elevations Archhect: Peler M. Koliopoulos P. O. Box 4.392 Vail, Co. 81658 Tel. (303) 479-0s03 Program: To provide a temporary / rerpvable, seasonal labric canopy on the South deck of the westin Reson' @neral Notes: All constructbn documents must cornply with all building and zoning codes as adopted by lhe Town ol Vail. Orvner to coordinate all submittals wilh Town ol Vail as required bY Town of Vail.$ tt ffir0 JUN 1 1 p9? flbe,a- W. 6rEf'.plrurvl To ?€turl11j. FADGIc- Fc,oF. ?l$e.tc-r>op-g*,,#P5". g.e'!aJcArE goetuftt. %hailrzA nt0?oCt5 ?e4orlt E )o??oeo. t@rx /qtb rrr.Fqr 5'a'tt ' Pek-|2toE vtews 5'f.'ta. f-lJ,7te 4)* ttttf.l'z a:p-%?&tJ ,, lt*'0.-:,, l ieea f -l- o ;5 7. q EX I ST I NG C.11. C. J BUILDING +t \ DIAII{ TILE IIJYEL) ./TERRACE UING \ UEETHAVEN DR PLAZA BUILDING 4\ stlE PuAN V lra5i-ett -1-J.lsge uoaffftolt ?FF u*Yarr7-. '- i,itw 7 |."_$.---acc F , rt€r rFi e r.D*.l.6 -- qA.a1E..8laltr6 -?! f.d, L€ - - eg Ar*rlwi a.ar\r{iLc i e el,, *r.aD 1..4,r.19--- ' 7i. @.tlRvE @ \AGF ]m I l,--- .- - M,q 'a j - - ----E:( -?-==.-:f--:- -TETr-- D l.'.a; a'^1 r-t '.lttGEr r^ @ -u .r.:12r3,r @o. ffi.t_rraD \U, I ":r'C |'ixr€EI re tg. A'u. 'aAa \A,r, 2\ \5 i:aK A n -'1oil ilaut- - | 1-)t*70 -.-E,'LA.UrtZt tF-E LuA?AeD ?AA rt*vw bV-€v,J t i-t o !,' rF .-{ !.3.ai -- ajlg'ra 'fDiur J I lf'\,ll ..lr---J. '-o c A f I a U ) , A H iio fn3'i=.t tl 'o- I ,'i 'r9 { \r\ 4 I r r6lrI l''a") .6, i1 2. | ,/ t o o a o (a i I I I -bfr ElrJ]*i4@ 1 Av?VA'fier4, -_aEnr .'rTePF I 6 --l- I 6 o ':l \r' e FVt '- firi L '?-rz-: "&^,='. \are+--ta -t- t ?!€ i /JF<tr k\!:--? A SECTION \J u;err trr tc p$[1|6 I t l z'-ot t d- t' . qAt ^aH4L.l ?waqtv\Idi'lct ll ,^grHBlt.* Aaba-b ll qrA*', 71e4.ql!]L. l I ' lAolra y1-. L2ufuAfr. Pu*u vtEt] -E- L?!AH% 5 /4 tt t lt. At'3. b,4Z' hJEbf F,LIvAll!|{.".lt4na lt.Otl *t.2Ttu4qAn tr,,lc,fa FF,|+|t]. ttcrfH / E6lf tl 5'. b,4i", trtgf, FAruuq fa ,sl^rFJ. 1.b.1,.SArf 1u_l-Vj^lte" I t at' t l' -o i,cr,{ al l/4'tcl'-gN 7t Ev, NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE I,N ON JITNE LL, L992 .^..,(s) -X--@NSTRUCTION PERMIT t"'*V:l - . mmhffi [,,,,,o, dopartmsnt of community dwolopment I e. occupa TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOBTO TSSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EF eullolt'{e I elecrRrclt n MECHANTCAL EFpLurt,tetNo E rouruomoru 1. WPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I r tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M OIVISION t2?a34 PERMIT FEES $15 / $4 1141334 ",r, vArL PH476-7LLL WESTIN RESORT 1300 WESTHAVSN MAIL ADDRESS ALTERATTON ( ) ADOTTTONAL ( ) \..i,' A44 vr\j!\! DWELLING UNITS _-- ACCOMMODATION UNITS- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F.VALLUE vArL 479-0503 rowN oFvArL REG. No. 188-A JITNE 12, 1992 JILL KAIOIERER JI'NE LL, 1929 FIEM TO!\'N OEVAIL REG. NO. PLUMSING 945-249L 174-P I hereby acknowledgs that I haye read thls applicatlon, tilled oul in full the inlormation requlred, completed an accurale plol plan, and stat€ that all the information provlded as required is correct I agree to comply with the informatlon and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according io the Jown's zonlng and subdivision codes, deslgn revlew approved, Uniform Building Code and oihey'prdinances ot the Torlllr applisable thereto. CLFJAN TIP TO: DUDDY.VIELE CONST. P0 Box 331 vArL, co 81658 AND THE OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. PERMIT NO,005512 +8OO WESTEAVEN DRI,VE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dopartmant ol communlty dwelopment d"u't-o'*c -E elecrRtc I pLulusrNc NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE oarc co.tr.,rz. ffic'D JUN t 1 1992 PERMIT NO.f,f,/L- TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISST'ANCEOFPERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT a D ELECTRICAL LJ FOUNDATION MEcHANtcAL l-l , r -, LEGAL DESC. BI-K-LOT FITING ).nennue:TtF aJ€eft F WpT, OWNER a{l!g!%xag*u 6lJv.ttqg. nauefila tt&(tu WoLT. MNL ^ocrnEsslbo uHl+At&l D2, cm \zAtL. px.4'lafl[t ARCHITECT nan%rr-L. W m2ovtOg uorr^oo ro?o.g4 T3 z, cmr l/Att - n.thQ& GENERAT CONTRACTOR ,'** DYh lrtv' ,u. lfl@- j06'- ELECTRICAL JrnrnEcron TELE PLUT$BING Mtcw^ffi UL'NIKAUIT.,K rELE q,[5. f][ql MECHAN'CAl rrnu \- -/ uvNtt(AUlvn IEIE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM \-/ TELE r. TYPE OF CONSIEUCTION E OCCUPANCY GROUP DfVlSlOt{ 122a34 GENERAL DEscRlpitol,l orwoRK t A@OT/|MODANON UNIIS - NO. FIREPIACES ADDMONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: t hereby acknowledge thal I havs read thls appllcallon, tlll€d oul ln full ths Inlormatlon required, completed an accunte plot plan, and state thal all the Intormatlon provlded as requlred ls conect. I agree lo comply wllh the Inlormatlon and plot R!an,_1o comply wllh allTown ordlnances and stale laws, and lo bulld thls slructure accordlng to the Town's zonlng and eubdlvlslon codes, deslgn revlew approved, Uniform Bulldlng Code and olher ordlnancce of the TpyqTappllcablg theretg' CI.EAN I'P DEPIOSIT TO:DVrq tNL, AND THE OU'NER. FOR HIMSELF 42 West Meadou Drfue Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t-47I -2210 Vail Fire Departnent MEMOR,NIDIru TOWN OF VAIIJ BUILDING DEPART'I,IENE VAIIJ FIRE DEPARTIIENT ltlchael McGee, FLre Marshal {".fJ },tencio, Flre Inspector -z/-/5'-2 z_- 1<.51 o.,,//=/a2-4t - Luz;;22,,,./.-44,,'e'sZ -Th-e Flre lepartnent has revlewed the pran6 for tha proJect nane$ above. The items narked below neea t6 UEi / subrnltted revLsed furnished,. FIre sprlnkler shop drawings need to be subnltted: with a colorado Reglstered Engineerr' or N.r.c.E.T. rJ.ver 3 (ninlnun) stanp. with cut sheets on materials. wi.th hydraullc calculatLons. wlth a State of Colorado plan Registratl.on fo:n. by a RegJ-Etered FLre protestLon Contractor. TO: I'ROM3 DATE: RE: / 7 42 West Meadoa Drise VaiI, Colorado 81657 10t-479-22t0 Vail Fire Department TO: FROM: DATE: RE! MEMORE}IDT'![ TOI{N OF VAIIJ BUILDING DEPERX]I{ENT VAIIJ FIRE DEPARTITENT --, -/'Mlchael !!cGee, Fire !4ar6hal AU Jeff Atencio, Flre fnEpector -7'/s=2 ? ./ ./ts|- aF/F/c'+-. - /.z/€st-'J 4-ve Ttre Frre Department bas revlewed the prans for the projEct named above. Thd ttens nairea-nelow nEEd t6 -fit ,/ subntttea t = revlsed furnished. FJ.re al-arm shop wttfr wlth wlth wl-th sith tllth ulttr wlth wlth wlth wlth drawtngs need to bE eubnLttedl a Colorado RegLstered Engineerrs st.mF. polnt to poJ.nt wlrlng dLagran, typlaal dEvl.ce wLrlng dLagrans. battery calcul_atlons. a llst of specLfia deviae nodel nunbErs, equipnent cut eheetE for each tlpe of d,evice. tlre nunber of each tlpe of devLce. informatLon indl-catJ.ng the epeclfLc zonLs, circuLt diagrems. wlring type, sJ.ze, and, nurnber of conductors. source of A.C. pow€r cLrcuits. wlth energency J.lghting at the fLre ala:m panal. wtttr Lnformatlon lndlcatLng nonltorlng nethod nonLtoring agenay.and PI.aD Roview Based oa the 1992 Uaiform Codes NAIvtE: KSt OFFICES DATE: 4-L4-92 ADDRESSz 1290 WESTHAI/EN DR. CONTFIACTOR: VAIL VALLEY CONST.VAII, COTORADO ARCnITECf : NOIttrE OCCUPANCY: B ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11 PLANS EXAMINER: DAl.l STANEK CORRECIIONS REQI'TRED Ebe Ltene lieted below are not lntended to ba a complete listing of all posslbl€ aode reguiremeats l,n the adopted codeg. It is a gruide to selected gectlons of tbe codes. Tbe followiog is not to be construed to be an atrlprorral of aay violation of any of, tbe pro- vieions of the adopted codeg or aay ordinance of tbe Town of Vail . 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. ],IGHT A}TD VENTILATION REQUIRED FROM NEW OFFICES.3. AITY WOOD USED FOR BACKING MATERIAIS TO BE NONCOMBUSTIBLE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANS ATAACHM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECID APR L3, L992 DATE 005383 doparfiisnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO IS{iUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EX BUILDING E EtEcrRrcnl N MECHANICAL E ptunaerNc fl rounonrpn t-t -1290 WESTHAYEN CASCADE \ELLAGE/WESTIN crrY VAIL PH. IOI'N OF VAIL BEGI. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REO. NO, PLUMBING MECHANI IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG..NO. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I lt tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAT DESCRIPIION OF WORK : - PARTITION WAIIS BETWEEN OFFICES. PERMITNO.: z 9 F =J s BUILDING 5 ,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING UECHANICAL WPE GROUP G.B.F.A VALUATION PERMIT FEES I1 B 0 5 ,000 BUILDING PERIIIIT 95 1 n g c-\ €q ,UJ _PLAUCHEC(- -'6v " ELECTRICAL HEW ( ) ALTERATTON (X2$ ADD|TTONAI ( ) REPATR (PLUMBING DWEI-LING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIHEPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNFSS F-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 sxr. mr-'s I aryq* l USE TAX FOOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAE HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $2s7 DAll STANEK APR 15, 1992 ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL sr. cur I lx I Itt_o'le omcnl_ _DAE _ E SHELLY MEI.LO APR 14, 1.992 )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING CNINC & BUILDING NOTES: NU !'LUOK AK"UA BEING ADDSD. oeuo I lx I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filted out in full the information required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the Inlormation provlded as required ls correct. I agree to comply wlth the intormatlon and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws. and to build thls struclure accordino to the Town'B zonino and subdivision codes. desion laws, and to build thls struclure according to the Town'B zoning and suby'ivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Bullding Code and other ordiiances of the Toutth ayplirgi,;bla thoreto. CLEN ITP TO: VAII VAL. CONST. MANG. P0 Box 2201 vArt, co 81658 AND THE OWNER, NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBTIITE oArE rtc'D APR 1 31992 'rft coNsrRucTtoN PERMIT 'mffi9 l','"' drprrrmcnt of onmunhV dwdo0mtnt TO BE FILLED OUI COTFI.ETELY PRIOR TO ISST'ANCE OF PERM|I TYPEOFPERMIT EKeutLor.rc tr 'E elEcrnrcAl tr fl i,lECHANlcAt tl TEGAL lesc. LOT-BtK--,aro t-.resz:ltttvN I-, E- FILING'.SG'( tG-L OWNER cllY PH. ARCH]TECT errn\JvQ-t l/oa)p€?< un,*or.o AoY zb f sn {ft1L,b n.?q-rq+, GENERA! OONTRACTOR nnn U UC'il4 ffi ?ErG 9g.c - t44L lrr.rr,.o,- CONTRACTOR IOTn| OF YAIL REO. TIO. . - PLUT'BNG rowt{ oF YA|L HEO. llo. GOIITRAGI('TT mEcHA!ilCAt ,rnUl A rOWr{ OF YAIL BEO. NO.(JONIRAUIUTT OTHEF FMH rOUN OF VAIL REO. NO- TELE 53 F3 PTUMBING FOUNDATION t.rYPE OF CONSfnuClloN l(llJll lv v 2.occuPAt{cYcnouP r@}rt tn n Dlln$Oil 122t31 GEiIERtL OESCRIPIION OF tf,OFl( : -- Lzqu,6e) PERIIT NO. a I F :t EUILDII{G 4Too * €tECIFGTL PLUTBNO rEcf{^ilrGl|. Y iMTfrL 4@O.aO ryPE 6RoUP c.n.E.4.-------!!!gll!9t{PERiIITFEES f)_b n |LDliloPEnHr Q,4,oo {t. RAXCfiECI((zZ, Qo ELCCTNICAL PLt fBtllc NEW( ) ALrERAllo\l ADDITIONIL REPXR A@O|n@DAT(,NT'MT!}- TYPE OF ADDITIONAL P€RIIITS I{EEDED: Y IrwElLlNO t Ntrs }IE|OHT |N FT.t{o.FTFEPt CES INSULATION:tHrcr(|tEss EXt WA|_L3 CLEC. stctt eusnN6 PAB|(NO [ECfll|$C|l R€CNEAl|oflFEE ND V"F /N CLCAN.UP DEPIO$T TFE?AX /04,@ TOTA.PERUITEEES 257, ae fuG:-ftw__ I horeby acknowledge thet I haw read thlr appl-lcallon, f,lled out In futl lhs Inforrratlon tequlr€d. ;;;ltil;; iccuri'te ploiirit,-ria tr"oirraillr tre lntotmallon Ptolqd as requlred ls conecl' I ilH il;;;d;"h if"i;6;;t6; eno Uor p!an.-to compty rlth allTownordlnances end stels ta*s. and ro bultd r,ls sr.ciuiJ """Jioiri io rne'forypt iinlng -an{n$lvlslg codes, deslgn revfoy' approvqd. unlform ilftid e;; ;"4-2ii;or ntliancro of-tho W'ygW lher€to' AilDTHE OItr{ER. on comneoron FoR HnmELF sTq,€L SrLao Fg-*ll.t'Jet o lW 1$" Ga6 gottlt sro€s ,fYPle*L a LL r'J6r''t 'tts Tq(ruts ra aYzet+ a(rrft sa/?ntt to attl'tt rt 3 R t a IFlln i I I I f o I I I I a a a I I t I I I I I I I t a I I I a a L II ll fi 3 l .t I r?...J a xt .' l rt .a.- ra ia-iD --- r. I I t-----a brrrrrrrl t I I I f I I I ,t ,.. t I I ! I I t I t I I rl -dn a:t qt 'f,' (J3 (g a.ol T\J i-.t &ea.,4-., .l .. 'bnaln - t:bw, \r\\cl olfice of cbmmunlty development lnwn 75 sodh fronlage rcad ua[, colorado 91657 (303) 47$.et38 {3t}3) 479_2139 October 27 | L989 I wqq!ed_!q_tbeJeliesal f:anlc=Freylgr_iVail Ventures, -fnd;=, fO=OO South -Frontage.-;Road West VaiI , Colorado AL657 Dear Franlc, fsllow up on our conversation Cac*ental propoEEli. This is of l-ast Thursday regarding a reminder that I need the foUeqf_rlS_by-rloon-orFfri-cfa-y;-N6-vernber 3rd., to be able to allow the National car Rental propos-l to be heard it ttre plannlng comrnissi6n meeting of November 13th: 1- Specific proposals to improve the parking problem in the structure between the hours of 5:oo and 7:oo p.n. t'lonaay through Friday.' rn other words, r woul-d rLke to know which of the suggeitions aird ldeas of your previous meeting with the other structure users will be specifically iroplenented and when. .2- a specific proposal for the locat,ion of the ereven additionar rentar cars within the structure. As we d,iscussed, r wouLd prefer that these cars be located in the more rrremotirrr areas of the parking structure and preferably valeted to red,uce the number of parking spaces that will be used. 3. _I__weqld-ap_preciate you and Andy comnunicating with the other parkinq stluc€D?ar users and getting their support for this rental cir proposalt. .-f-_do not wish !.o be in a position of supporting this proposal against the wishes of Ct{C, Cascade Club,-lnd the Westin Hotel . WrLtten documentation of their support would be extrerneJ-y helpful. 4. It would be beneficial to the application to get the Westin,s commitment to prornoting the avaitability of rental cars to guests before they arrive. This relates to the argument that having the rental car facility on site wiII reduce! the number of rental- cars from Denver that remaLn in the structure for the week. ,,,7" ', r believe if the above issues are addressed. Ln a positive manner, that !!_"_:!lll can.support the rental car proposal. I-t will fe very ' r-nportant to inpre+ent specific parking management policies whl_ch wlll rnitigate the additionar ereven cirs in-the sf,ructurL. probabry the best argunent is the one of reducing weekly car rentals origin-ating ana ndi{tg frorn stapleton to the westln-by pioiriai"g-ih" ".r rentaL service on srte for onry the days that a guest actual].y needs the vehicle. r arso feel strongly that-some tylpe of vatet pari<l-no should be included to reduce the numbpr o{_?p?ces-i.rnich wilr bL rosi-tn in" piirtrig---structure due to the addition of the rentaL cars. r will look forward to trying to work this issue out with you to the benefit of everyone. Very Director Patten, ;fr.of Community Devel.opment PP:1r cc: Andy Norris Kay Saulsberry, Cascade Village Center Andy Rothnan, Cascade Cl_ub Manager Iaurel Ames, Westl_n Hotel Manager siryderiLy,lffi J {r'! ,i OO luwn 75 south trontaga ,oad uall, colorado gl6gl (3o3) 4?E-7000 January 6, 1987 ar olllce ol commun$r developmenl The staff it is actually Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road lJest Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Cascade Village parking Structure Condominjum p.lat Dear Andy: The following information is needed before the cascade vi'l1age parking Structure condominium plat will be accepted for review:- -' 1. An explanation of how the parking structure will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff-wou'ld like to have i statement explaining the number of new owners and. associated parking spaies and how this affects.,!!e nymqgr.of spaces that are aitoiatea ier'use-ttrrougtr the special development district. 2. Staff will reguire a.written stlpulation on the condominium map that insures that the parking requ.ired by the special u"v"ropm"nt ai"iriit for the various uses in the proJect-wi]] bL availilie to users. The staff is-suggesting wording simi'lar to the fo] lowing statement:This condomjnjumization is for ownership prrp6"". only ind sha.l I not affect the-zoning and use of the pai.ring'spaces which is stipulated by Special Development Dislrict 4. At this time, Larry Eskwith has not reviewed this word.l nq.would 'l ike to have Larry,s approval on the wording Ueior6 printed on the plat. From your condominium declarations, I am unable to determine if landscaping, drainage and sidewa'lks are incruded "" s"n"r"i -common. erements which will be naintained by the condominium-association. I would'l ike a final copy of the condominium documents to as.u"e there are maintenance provisions lncluded for all conmonly owned areii which should include landscaplng, drainage, and sidewilks, The pedestrian bridge-connecting cMC to the cascade village parking structure is not mentioned in the condominium declarationi or shown on the condominium map. The bridge should be indicated on the map by a dotted line. At one time, there was discussion of an air easemeni for 3. 4. o ) ..'. .t I I I i I o .. the brfdgers-encroachnent over the access andl uil'llty easenent on lfesthaven Driva. I don't renember thls easeniLrrt evei belng iompieted,I wlll search through the Cascade vl]lage fiibi-to mare suFe tttit-ws io not have a copy of,.the.agreement. !f tie air5emint was never liioBr"tJa,::-.-1 ' . the alr easement should 6e ftnallzEd at tnli tfme. 5. Staff wou'ld.llke an explanation of hor the cohdominlum affects the U.S.Forest Servtce's requiiernenr ttrat vou proviuel'iiii lpil.;'i;;t"J"inii"r.He were unaware of thls reguiremeni untit Susf thls'mornlns whJi *;; - received a memo from the Forest Servlce updattng the stafi-on i[i'-are"improvenents. I 6. I loey of the conpleted condomlnJum declarafifns for the projsct is _ necessary. i 7- A completed appllcatlon form signed by tha appropniate ormer and a check for $x00 to cover the costs of ieviewing the iioniominiun piit-lfiouro"u". submltted I 8. Three coples, two of whlch must be mylars should be submitted. I have enclosed the-appllcation form for the condomlnium plat review. I wlll be out of torn until next Monday. If you trave spectiie qiestions about these reguiremnts, please feel free to call-Peter Patten lf ydu neeo io-gei-in--ioucfr with a staff nember before I return. Sincerely, ', {#"-ft++ Kristan Prltz Ttwn Planner KP:br o To l{tron lt May Concem on March 3, L989, a pe::mit was approved for the conversion of the c'Mc conference space to a theatre. lrbis c,hange lras aLrowed for in the anend:nent to the sDD in the FaLL of 1988.- trhe conversion caused the following changee in parking requlrenents: Conference parkJ.ng Reguirement:L387s.f. conference = 6 spaceE 1387 s.f. theatre- l_1.S spaces Net difference= 5,5 spaces Existing Reguired parking 422 spaces Thea Par 427.5 spaces 08 Par New Par 385 Epaces Existing-ParkLng StructurE 421 spaces Kemarnlng pafl<ing _ 36 spaces Kristan Pritz March 3, 1989 ea--t I n a o1 Z5 south tronlage ,oad rall, color€do g1667 (3t13) 476-m0o Januany 6, 1gB7 or % olflce of communlly developnenl luwn Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road ldest Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Cascade Vil'lage parking Structure Condominium p.lat Dear Andy: The following information ls needed before the cascade village parking Structure condominium p'lat wi'l I be accepted for r"view:--"- 1. An explanation of how the parking structure will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff-would like to have a statement expla'ining,the number of new owners and assoc.JatJa-part<ing ipaies ana how thjs affects-the number of spaces that are alioiateo 6er'uie-tfirougfr the special deve'lopment distrjct. 2. Staff wi] 'l require a.written stipulation on the condominium maF that insures that the parking requirei by the sp"iiir-a"u"ropr"nt aisi"iit for the various.uses in-the project-w.ilt ui avairiui" to users. The staff is suggesting wording siml 1ar to the tottowins-statement:This condominiumization is for ownership prrpi"", onry and shalr not affect the zoning and use of the pai^t<ing'spaces which is stipulated by Special Development District 4. ' At this-timen Lamy Eskwith has not reviewed this wording.would 'l ike to have Larry's approval on the wo"aing beiorE-printed on the plat. 3- From your condominium declarations, I am unable to deternine if landscaping, drainqge and sidewarki are incluoeo-is-s"n"""r common . elements which wi'l I be maintained by the condominium-issociation. I would like a final .copy_of_the condominjum aocumenii [o a"srre there are malntenance provislons included for all connnonty omeJ areas which should include'landscaping, drainage, anU siUewitt<t.- - 4. The pedestrian bridge-connectlng cMC to the cascade vi1'lage parking structure ls not mentioned in the condominium declarations or shown on the condominium map. The bridge should be indlcated on the *p ui "-"dotted line. At one time, there was discussion of an alr easem"ni io" The staff it is actually oC OC the bridgels encroachment over the access and uti'l ity easement on Hesthaven Drive. I don't remember this easement evei being completed.I wi'll search through the Cascade Uillage fl]es to nake suie ttrit we do not have a copy of- the _agreement. If the agreement was never cornpleted,the air easenent should be ftnalized at thti time. 5. Staff would llke an explanation of how the condominjum affects thE U.S.Forest service's lequii.enrent that you proriae iis'ipi""= ro aai il<iers. lde were unanare of this requirement until Just thls'morning whei we received a memo from the Forest Service updating the staff-on ski area improvements. 6. A copy of the completed condomlnium declaratlons for the project is necessary. 7. A completed application foim signed by the appropriate ourner and a check . for $100 to cover the costs of ieviewing the-londominium p'lat strouta Ue submitted. 8- Three copies, two of which must be mylans shou'ld be submitted. I have enclosed the application form for the condominium plat review. I will be out of town unti'l next Monday. If you have specific questions about these requlrement!, Flease feel free to call peter patten tf ydu need to get ln touch wlth a staff member before I return. Si ncerely, r I rFt r V, I t/.1 NFto\$ffr+ Krlstan Pritz Town Planner KP:br o To l{hom it May Concern on March 3, 1989, a pemit was approved for the conversion of the c'[Ic conference space to a theatre. xbis change rras allowed for in the anendnent to the sDD in tJre Farr of 1989. The conversion caused, the folLowing changes in parking requirenents: conference parkLng RequLrement:1387s.f. conference - 6 spaces 1387 s.f. theatre- 11.5 spaces Net difference= 5.5 spaces Existing Required parking Theatre net Increase 422 spaces 427.5 spaces 385 spaces . Par ExistLng-Parking Structure 421 spaces Kemarnrng pafl<l.ng - 36 spaces Kristan Pritz l{arch 3, l9B9 tnttn u 75 south Iro[tage road Ialli colorsdo 81657 (303) 47&7000 ,fune 2, L988 lDi. Frank Frever VaII Venturesl t,td.1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado Af6Sz Re: Desigm Revlew Board Conments o+ Cascade Club North - elevatLon landscaping otflce of communlty deyslopmsnl Dear Frank: 1! !!: Y"y 18,_1988 oeslgm Revt_es Board meeting, the Board rev_lewed yo-ur randscape plan for tlre north Etde'of the cascade club. [beir conments ryele aE f,ol].owE: 1. Try to use aspens and crabs and other d,ealduous treeg . al.ong this elevation. 2. Evergreens should be added. 3. Ea*tr bemLng shourd be used to add an erevatJ.on change f,ron the flat area of ttre Frontage Road up to the bulLdinE. 4. coLorful. shnrbs such as red twlg d.oguaiod Ehoul.d be used.The slze of these naterlats strorita 6a i;=g"; 4, - s, Ln height. 5. The possibillty. of uslng some tlpe of creeping vine for the nortlr Elevation shouta bE iiriesttgated-. The Board tabled your proposal untll ilune lst. Today, you inforned me tbat you wourd not be ready untir the June rsth nee!i{r9. - Please nake sure that y9u naie the oune rstn neeiing,as tlrLs is a detall that is very-inportant tto iaaress. $"{"$b Senior Planner o hwn 75 eouth lrontrgs road Yall, colotado 81657 (sqr) 476-7000 offlcs of commrmlly development !Iay, 14, 1987 Mr. Frank Freyer 10OO South Frontage Road West VaiI, Colorado 81682 Re: Cascade CLub Condominlun plat Letters Dear Frank: Several^yegks ago y-ou asked me for a copy of the orig5.nal letter that summarLzed the meeting that-inay, peter and r had concerning the cascade crub condorniniun pral. Ttris meetinj w", l:19 "" iranuary- 26 ' Lg87 . r have found, itt three copies oi trt"Ietter, and I thought you may want to lrave these copies for your record.s. ff you have any further questions, pLease f,eeL free to call me. Sincerely,.t I n I 1(rl*.^ l+'.h llilt &t,\ lil ff Kristan Priti Tonn Pl-anner KP:br ! t F \:J ual luun 75 oouth lrontaga road tall, colorado 81657 (30:t) 47R7000 oftlcs of cotnmunlly developmenl February 9, 1987 Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South'FrontagE Road Hest Vai'l , Co] orado 8]657 Re: Resu'lts of the meeting on the Cascade Club condominium plat January 26, 1987 Dear Andy: Below is a summary of our cordnents on the Cascade Club condominiun plat. .I. ITEM: An explanation of how the parkjng structurE will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff would like to have a statement explaining the nunber of new owners and associated parking spaces and how this"affects the nmber of spaces that are allocated per use through the Special Development Dlstrict. RESPONSE: Unit 0rmership Lower Level Unlt 1 Vall Ventures, Grd Level Unit 2 No. of Spaces Access Ltd 122 Shared accEss with Unit 2 Separate Ingress and egress from Units and 2 NA Cascade Lodge Joint 150 Shared access with Ventures (the ormer- r;:--- Unit 1 shlp ls dlvlded V,Fgi Vail Ventures Ltd 55% -' Westln Hotel 45%) Unit 3 (lst right off Westhaven Dr.) Portion of Levels 3,4&5,Unit4 Vall Ventures, Ltd 149 Cascade C'lub Ltd General Partner is tti lii i-i-i1 a .\ ,1^ 1t ,t i', '-u'.L v i!')I l:'i f r, ,,,,a h{..'1 i' Jli F'; L,--ii. LTt) Vail VrqlgXgs,- Ltd lnt"u"l I I \ t-evet in*ffi 't: pub'llc, including day skiers. Validation will Parklng Allocation (122 spaces) (150 spaces) to be used by the general be available. Unit 'l: Unit 2: Cascade t{i ng (8 d. u. )!{estin Hotel * Terrace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,708)x Terrace (Retail 6,088)* Plaza (Conf. 8,400 sf)* Plaza (Retail 1,100 sf Phase I)* Plaza (20 a.u.)* Plaza (Conf.retai'l .|,140 sf Phase II) Gross No. parking spaces req'd Unit 3: (149 spaces) CMC: Clancy's (134 seatsS. Cascade Theatre College Classrooms Co]'lege Office (95a sf) Cascade Club:Retail 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)0ffice jn CMC (828 sf)**l,lellness Center Gross No. spaces Total Spaces in structure Total Al'located 312 110 m Total a'l 'located spaces with 10% reduction for mixed use Tota'l unal'located spaces 16 115 702 20 35 4 16 4 t7 28 40 4 312 spaces 110 42I 422 1 8 3 9 380 4L hotel guests and anybody else who wishep-to park on this level .fL1l1l"WtvL Uses that have an asterisk wi'l'l need to be verifled at the time a building permit is released to get the exact parking requirement ** Assumed 9 spaces for the lllellness Center (not existjng) Note [tdestln additions" are excluded which were ]isted on the original SDD zonlng sheet, 18.46.089. Please review thjs parking breakdown. I come up with a djfferent total from what we discussed in the meetlng although you stl11 have 41 una'llocated spaces. Please let me know if you have any corrections to these numbers. 2. ITEM: Staff, will require a written stipulation on the cohdominiun map that ensures that the parking required by the special development djstrict for the various uses in the project will he availab'le to users. The staff is suggesting the fol 1 owl ng word'i ng: RESPONSE: Thls condominlumization is for ownership purposes on'ly and sha'll not effect the zoning and use of the parking spaces whlch is set forth by Speclal Development District 4 established by 0rdinance No. 20, Series of 1984, as amended by the Toum of Vail. 3.ITEM: Fron your condominlum declarations, I am unable to determine lf landscaplng, drainage and sidewalks are included as general cordron elements which wil'l be naintained by the condominjum association. I would like a final copy of the condominium documents to assure thErE are maintenance provlslons lncluded for alI conmonly owned areas which shou'ld inc1ude landscaplng, dralnage and si dewa'lks. RESPONSE: At our meeting, you agreed that a maintenance provision would be included in the declarations. 4. ITEM: The pedestrian bridge connecting CMC to the Cascade Vjl'lage parkjng structure ls not mentioned in the condomJnium declarations or shoyar on the condominium map. The bridge shou'ld be lndlcated on the nap by a dotted'line. At one time, there was discussion of an air easement for the brldge's encroachment over the access and utility easement on hlesthaven Drive. I don't remember thls easement ever being completed. I wil'l search through the Cascade Vlllage files to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never completed, the air easement should be fjnalized at this time. RESPONSE: You stated that you would provide a separate drawing for the pedestrian bridge and an air easement. l{e decided that Hesthaven Road would be dEdicated when Cascade Vlllage ls conpleted. 5. ITEM: Staff would like an explanatlon of how the condomlnlum effects the U.S.'- Forest Service's requlrement that you proovlde 125 spaces for day skiers. He were unaware of thls requlrement untll Just this mornlng when we received a memo from the Forest Servlce updating the staff on skl area improvements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provide a deed restrlctlon that Level 3 would be used as public parking and could not be usEd for any residential parking requirements. 6. ITEM: A copy of the completed condominjum dec'laratlons for the project is necessary. RESPONSE: Will be submitted. 7. ITEM: A completed applicatlon form signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $100 to cover the costs of reviewing the condomlnium plat should be submitted. RESPONSE: l{i'11 be submttted. 8. ITElrl: Three copies, two of which nust be mylars, shou'ld be submitted. RESPONSE: !{i1l be submitted. Please let me know if any of this information is lnaccurate and I can revise the sumnary, I will wait to rewrite the zonlng sheet for SDD4 untll you resubmit with the amendmEnts for the Entire SDD thls sunmer. Thanks agaln for meeting wjth us to c'lear up some of thEse questlons. f February 9, 1987 Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South"Frontage Road l,lest Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Results of the meeting on the Cascade C'lub condominiurn plat January 26, 1987 Dear Andy: Below is a summary of our comnents on the Cascade Club condominium plat. I. ITEM: An explanation of how the parking structure will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff would like to have a statement explaining the number of new owners and associated parking spaces and how thls affects the number of spaces that are al'l ocated per use through the Special Development District, RESPONSE: lnwn 75 south tronlage road rall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Unit 0wnershlp Lower Level Unit I Uai1 Ventures, ofllce of communlty development No. of ' Spaces Access Ltd L22 Shared access with Unit 2 Grd Level Unit 2 Cascade Lodge Jolnt 150 Ventures (the owner- ship js d'lvided Vail Ventures Ltd 55% l{estin Hotel 45%) Unlt 3 ('lst right Vail Uentures, Ltd 149 off Westhaven Dr.) Portion of Leve'ls Cascade Club Ltd NA 3, 4 & 5, Unit 4 General Partner is Vail Ventures, Ltd 55% ownership Shared access with Unit I Separate ingress and egress from Units I and 2 NA Management Level l: Vail Uentures.,_ Ltd. wlll manage thls level. A lease wllt be arranged between vall ventures and the ressees. No ownership change wiii- --- occur. This level satisfies the parking requiremenl for lhe CMC/CascadE Hlng, Temace and plaia. Level 2: The access will be nanaged by the hotel guests and anybody elsl who However, no validation brivileges will be paid for parking). [eve'l 3: This ]evel is.managed by Uail Ventures and ls to be used by the general publlc, including day skrers. vaHdation wiil be availabl6. Unit lz (L22 spaces)Unlt 2: (150 spaces) Gascade Wing (8 d.u.) t5 l{estin Hote] 115 Temace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,208) IOz Temace (Retail 6,088) ZO Plaza (Conf. 8,400.sf) 35 Plaza (Retail .|,.|00 sf Phase I) 4 Plaza (20 a.u.) 16 Plaza (Conf.retail 1,140 sf Phase II) 4 Gross No. parking spaces req'd 312 spaces Westin Hotel. Thls level will be for wlshes to park on this leve'|.wlll be available (1.e. full prlce Parklng Allocation * * * * * * Unlt 3: CMC: (149 spaces) Clancy's (134 seats) Cascade Theatre College Classrooms College 0ffice (954 sf) Cascade Club:Retail 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)0ffice in CMC (828 sf)**!.lellness Center Gross No. spaces Total Spaces ln structure Total Allocated 312 110 w, Tota1 allocated spaces with l0% reduction for mlxed use Total unal'located spaces 77 28 40 4 1 I 3 9 110 427 422 380 47 uses that have an asterisk wl'l'l need to be verified at the time a building permit is re]eased to get the exact parking requirement ** Assumed 9 spaces for the Hellness Center (not exjstjng) Note'Westin additlons" are excluded whjch were'listed on the original SDD zoning sheet, 18.46.099. ll91t" review.this parking-breakdown. I come up with a different total from what we olscussecl in the meetlng although you still'havi 4l unallocated spaces. please let me know if you have any correctionl to these numbers. ITEM: !l"F.will require a written stipulation on the condominium map that ensures that the-parklng required by the'special aeveiopmeni aistrl'ct ior the various Isg: il the proJect will be available to users.- The staff is suggeltins th;-following wordlng: RESPONSE: This condominiumization is for ownership purposes only and shall not effect the zoning and-use-of the parking ipaies which-is set iorttr uy special Development District 4 established-by 0rdinance No. 20, seriis of 1984, as anended by the Town of Vail. ITEM: From your condominium declarations,. I am unable to determine if 'landscaping, drainage and sidewalks are included as general common elements which wiil 5d naintained by the condominium associati6n. I would'like a tinai cofy of the condominium documents to assure there are maintenance provisions intiuded ior all. commonly onned areas which shourd include landscaping, arainage a;; - - si dewal ks . RESPONSE: 4t 9ul meeting, you agreed that a maintenance provision would be Included in the declarations. ITEM: The pedestrian bridge. connecting CMC to the Cascade V'i11age parking structure ls not mentioned in the condom'inium declarations or shown-on'the c6naolninium- T?p. The bridge should be indicated on the map by a dotted line. At one -"- time, there was discussion of an air easement for-the brldge's encroictrment over the access and utility easement on hJesthaven Drive. i don,t rememuer-this easement ever being completed. I will search through the cascade village files to make sure that we do not have a copy of-the agreement. If the agreement was never completed, the air easement'ihould be ijnallzed ai thls time. 2. 3. 4. RESPONSE: You stated that you would provide a separate drawing for the pedestrian bridge and an air easement. He decided that Westhaien Road wbuld be dedicated when Cascade Vjl'lage is completed. 5. ITEM: Staff would like an exp'lanation of how the condominium effects the U.S.Forest Servjcers requirement that you provide 125 spiies for OaV stiiri.!{e were unah,are of this requiremenl untJ] just thls mornins whti il - received a memo from the Forest Servjce updating the staff on ski area improvements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provide a deed restriction that Level 3 would be used as public parking and could not be used for any residential parking requirements. 6. ITEI{: A copy of the completed condominium declaratlons for the project is necessary. RESPONSE: l,lill be submitted. 7. ITEM: A completed application form signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $100.to cover the costs of ieviewing the'tondomjnjum plat strouta be submi tted, RESPONSE: l{i'l'l be submitted. 8. ITEM: Three copies, two of wh,tch must be mylars, should be submjtted. RESPONSE: tlil'l be submitted. P'l ease let me know lf any of this information 'ls lnaccurate and I can revise the summary. I wi]] wait to rewrite the zoning sheet for SDD4 unti'l you resubmit with the amendments for the entire SDD this sumner. Thanks igain for meeting with us to clear up some of these questlons. .p v luwn 75 oouth fronbge ,ord vall, coloEdo 8t657 (303) {78-7000 March 3, 1987 Mr. Andy Norrls X000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colonado 8.|657 Re: Results of the meeting on the Cascade Club condominium (Note: Revised letter dated February 9, l9g7) olflco of communlly deyeloFnsnt plat ,lanuary 26, 1987 Dear Andy: Below ls a sunmary of our coranents on the cascade club condomlniun plat. 1. ITEM: An explanation of hot the parking structure wl]l be controlled and managed ls necessary. The staff would like to have a statement explainlng the number of new ownQrs and associated parking spaces and how this affects the number of ' spaces that are allocated per use through the Speclal Development Distrlct. RESPONSE: Unit Lower Level Unlt I Grd Level Unlt 2 Portion of Levels 3,4&5,Unlt4 '0ymershlp - Vail Ventures, Ltd Cascade Lodge Joint 150 Ventures (the owner- ship is djvided Vail Ventures Ltd 55% klestln Hotel 45%) Cascade Club Ltd General Partner is Vajl Ventures, Ltd ilo. of Spaces Access L22 Shared access wlth Unit 2 .Shared access wlth Unit 1 L49 Separate ingress and egress from Unlts I and 2 NA Unit 3 (]st rlght Vai'l Ventures, Ltd off !{esthaven Dr.) NA Mahagement Level l: The !{estin Hotel will manage this level. This level sagsfies the ' parking requirement for the CM0/Gascade l,lingn Tepace and Plaza (guest rooms, conference and retai'l). Vai'l Venture! timited wJll own iliis level. Level 2: The access wlll be managed by the Westin Hotel. Thls level will be for hotel guests and anybody else who wlshes to park on this level. However, va]idatJon privl'leges wl'll only be ivallable for hotel guests. 0thers wi'l'l pay full price for parking. Omer is cascade Lodge Joint uentures of whlch vai'l ventuies Llmited owns 55%. Level 3: Thls level ls.nanaged by Vall Uentures and is to be used by the general " public, including day skiers. Ualidation will be availabl6. Unlt lt (122 spaces) Unit 2: (150 spaces) Cascade i{lng (8 d.u.) l{estin Hotel * Temace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,708)* Terrace (Retajl 6,088)* Plaza (Conf. 8,400 sf)* Plaza (Retail '1,100 sf Phase I)* Plaza (20 a.u.)* Plaza (Conf.retail .|,140 sf ParkJng A1'location 4 req'd 312 spaces 15 115 102 20 35 4 16 17 2S 40 4 Phase II) Gross No. parklng spaces Unit 3: (149 spaces) CtrIIC: Clancy's (134 seats) Cascade Theatre College Classrooms College Offlce (954 sf) Cascade Club: Reta-il .. 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)0ffice in CMC (828 sf)**Wel'lness Center Gross No. spaces Total Spaces in structure Total Allocated 312 110 422 Total allocated spaces wjth 10% reduction for mlxed use Tota'l unal'located spaces 1 8 3 9 110 421 422 380 47 Uses that have an asterisk wil'l need to be verified at the time a building permit is released to get the exact parking requirement ** Assumed 9 spaces for the Wel'lness Center (not existing) Note "Westin additions" are excluded which were listed on the original SDD zoning sheet,'18.46.089. Please review th'is parking breakdown. I come up with a different total from what we discussed in the meeting although you still have 41 unallocated spaces. Please let me know if you have any corrections to these nunbers. 2.ITEM: Staff wlll require a written stipu'lation that the parking reguired by the specia'l uses in the project will be avai'lable to following wording: on the condominium map that ensures development district for the various users. The staff js suggesting the 3. RESPONSE: This condominlumizatlon ls for ownership purposes only and shall not effect the zoning and use of the parking spaces which is set forth by Special Development District 4 e,stablished by 0rdinance No. 20, Series of 1984, as amended by the Town of Vai'|. ITEM: From your condominium declarations, I am unable to determjne Jf landscaping, drainage and sidewalks are included as genera'l common elements whjch wil'l maintained by the condominium associatjon. I would like a final copy of the condominium documents to assure there are maintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas whjch shou'ld include landscaping, drainage and si dewa'l ks. RESPONSE: At our meeting, you agreed that a maintenance provision would be included in the dec'larations. ITEM: In" p.a"=trian bridge connecting cMC to the cascade village parking structure is not mentioned in the condominium declarations or shown on the condominium map. The bridge shou'ld be lndicated on the map by a dotted line. At one time, there was discussion of an air easement for the brldge's encroachment over the access and utjlity easement on l,Jesthaven Drive. I don't remember this easement ever being comp'leted. I wJ'l 1 search through the Cascade Vjl'lage files to make sure that rre do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never completed, the alr easement should be finalized at this time. 4. o 5. RESPONSE: You stated that-you would provide a separate drawing for the pedestrlan brl.dge and an air easement. lle decidei that uesthaien Road wbuia le'--'dedicated when Cascade Ulllage is completed. ITEII: staff would like an explanatlon of how the condomlnlum effects the u.s.Forest service's requirement-that you provide 125 spaces for dai sriiri.lde were unaware of this requiremeni until Just tnis'morning whei ne - receJved a memo from the Forest service updating the staff-on ski area iUprovements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provide a deed restriction that Level 3 would be used-as public parklng and could not be used for any residential parking requlrements. ITEM: A copy of the conpleted condominium dec'larations for the proJect is necessary. RESPONSE: }Jlll be submltted. ITEM: A completed application form signed by the approprlate owner and a check for $100 to cover the costs of revlewlng the coniomlnlum plat should be submitted. RESPONSE: }{ill be submitted. 6. 7; 8. ITEITI: Three copies, two of whJch must be mylars, should be submitted. RESPONSE: l{i'11 be submitted. Please let me know if any of thls lnformation ls Jnaccurate and I can revise the surmary. I will wait to rewrlte the zonlng sheet for sDD4 until you resubmit with the anendments for the entire SDD thls sumner. Thanks igain tor meetlng wlth us to clear up some of these questjons. Torm Planner :/ ) loun 75 Eouth tronlage road yall, colondo gl6gl (303) 476-7000 January 6, 1987 off,ce of communlly deuelopment Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road l{est Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Cascade Vil'lage Parklng Structure Condom.inium plat Dear Andy: The followjng infonnation is needed before the cascade vlllage parking Structure condomjnium plat will be accepted for review: 1. An explanation of how the parking structure wi] I be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff wou'ld like to have a statement explaining the number of new owners and associated parking spaces and how this affects_the number of spaces that are a'l 'l otated [er'use through . the specia'l development district. 2. Staff will require a written stipulation on the condominium map that insures that the parking required by the special development district for the various uses in the project will be avai'lab'l e to users. The staff is suggesting wording similar to the following statement:This condominiumization is for ownership purposes on]y and shal 1 not affect the zoning and use of the parking spaces which is stipulated by Special Development District 4, At this time, Larry Eskwith has not reviewed this wording. The staff would like to have Larry's approval on the wording before it is actualIy printed on the p1at. 3. From your condominium dec'larat'lons, I am unable to determine jf 'landscaping, drainage and sidewa'l ks are inc'l uded as genera'l common elements which will be maintained by the condominium association. I would like a fina'l copy of the condominium documents to assure there are maintenance provisions inc] uded for al 1 conrnonly owned areas which should include landscaping, drainage, and sidewalks. 4. The pedestrian bridge connecting CMC to the Cascade Village parking structure ls not mentioned in the condominium declarations or shown on the condominium map. The bridge should be indicated on the map by a dotted line. At one time' there was discuss'ion of an air easenent for the bridge's encroachment over the access and utility easement on westhaven Drive. I don't renember this easement evei being comp'leted.I will search through the cascade vi'llage files to make suie thit we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never completed,the air easement should be finalized at th.is time. Staff would like an explanation of how the condominium affects the u.S.Forest service's requirement that you provide 125 spaces for day skiers. We were unaware of this requirement until Just this'morning when we received a memo from the Forest Service updating the staff on ski area improvements. A copy of the completed condomlnlum declaratjons for the project is necessary. A completed application forrn signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $100 to cover the costs of reviewing the condominium plat should be submi tted. Three copies, two of which must be mylars should be subm.itted. I have enc'l osed the application form for the condomin'ium p1 at review. I wil'l be out of town until next Monday. If you have speciflc questions about these reguinements, please feel free to cal 1 Peter Patten if you need to get in touch with a staff member before I return. Sincerely,/,1 fl.1 nnflio\tt(t+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br 5, 6. 7. 8. \AITVnrruR,ES,,., October 2, 1986 Ms. Ieistin Pritz Town of Vall 75 S. FronEage Road Vai1, CO 81657 Dear Kristin, FBF/ sb cc: Kevln I'factavish During Lhe meetlng at which Cascade Club fnd Parkilg Structure received flnal Design Board Approval| it was agreed that we would satlsfy Ehe concerns of tlre Town of VaiL staff as to the eondiLion of the gravel-1-ep waLkway Located al-ong the south side of Westhaven Drfvfl. As we discussed today, these concerns wtl[ be satisfled by our agreement to better organLze phe gravel nateriaL within the waLkway area and to provldp more consLstent snow removal malnfenance durlng Ehe wintser months. Please l-et me know inrmediately if not properly set forth our agreement. MONTAI{E COR..PORATION RE: Cascade CLub and parking Design Review Boafd the abotre does 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 r 1303/476-6602 o \ATVTxTRES - October 2, L986 Ms. KrLstLn Pritz Town of VaLl 75 S. Frontage Road VaLL, CO 8L657 RE: Gascade Club and Farking Design Review Board Dear KrisEi-n, During the meetlng at which Cascade Glub and Parking Structure received final Design Board Approval , it was agreed that we wouLd saLisfy the concerns of the Town of VaLl staff as to the condition of Lhe gravelled walkway located along the south side of Westha-\zen Dr1ve. As we discussed today, these concerns w111 be satisfied by our agreement to better organLze the gravel material withln Ehe walkway area and to provide more congistent snow removaL maincenance dutlng the wlnLer months. Please let me fu1e1g {rnmsdiately l-f the above does noL properl-y set forth our agreemenL. MONTAI{E CORPORATION FBF/sb cc: Kevin l[acravish 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 . 308/476-6602 @II'BADOTEET6rI4 INc. 156 Sdtn{ NAvAe Stbr Ds,n E4 oot.dAoq gE2q (src,69s105o i Ilecenber 12, 1986 cfc 84197-S crc 8622-C Caecade Club Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Boad tsest $ulte 200 ValL, Colorado 81657 Attn: Ur. Frgnk Freyer ig: fnslrectlon of Cescade Sports & Parklng Center Ilear Ur. Freyer: Thls letter ls to certlfy that Colorado Test Cente!, Inc.(CTC) hae provlded eotls, concrete, preEast and onslte struetural.steel laspeotloa as docunented ln CTC tnspdctton reports. AlL observed deflcieacles betyeen dravl.ngs and actaal oonstructlon vEre Elther renedLed tmedlately, or l-lsted ou respectlve r€ports. The ovaer, engtneer, archtteet, oF Contractor then resolved' the deflclency. To the beet of our knoeledge, the bulldlng has been con-strueted to neet etrleolficatlons and dravl.nga, except ae notEd ln our reXrorts and nodlfled by the ovner, archlteet, or englneer. ff ee may be of further asststance, please do not ireettate to call.. Yery truly yours, COLOBADO TEST CENTEB, IINC, Assootate UGDG/ro TESTTNG i STBtTTCTUBAL IIECHANICAL AND MATERTALS _t Fo$rt L. Arnold no$ Archiiects 1000 South Frontage Road West vArL, coLoRADO 81557 I LETTTEilp F irRANSnn nrrAL the following items: tr Specifl cations .l TO WE ARE SENDING VOU fnttached tr Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings &orrof letter tr tr tr Prints E Change order COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION (nnrsrolP,@ffiwullt I b'lA4-, t/t+/ b<fe,fit^l na'lila,l, ll /t / a^t C.lnn,tt)6ittrat6*6 r(/ +/h< hwilAaba.fl 4t*,^p, ta hz '/t'€b-p;,|"t€Ae,^te.A I lohu/q;u,hzt lqa.An"n ra' /.t /*< 4' t rti ta /*r thrf[ - mu\'-*o,u-D:w"ofrdt'i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E For your use tr As requestd E For rcview and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE tr Approved as submittd tr Approvd as noted tr Returnd for corrections tr Resubmit-coples for approval tr Submit t copies tor dlstribution tr Retumii--conected prints X9- tr PRINTS RETUFNED AFTER IOAN TO US ri REMARKS mur'rmer l@ta- edr, &r ol.n. =) I lown December 9, ||tl 75 soulh frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-Z100 1985 Mr. Frank Freyer % Norris Rea'ltY 1000 South Frontage Road West Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Landscaping for the Cascade Vi'llage parking structure Dear Frank: The conmunity Development staff is requesting that you address the il.aii"piiig-?or the laicaae vittage pdrking itructure,aLthe-same -tim+ ih;i-!6i-aie completing your des'ign-work for the new Cascade entrv way' from 6ur phone cbnvetiition last Friday, it appears.that you are already 'lrlt'fiitg oi ioordinating-ttttse tr*o designs. I want to emphasize that the ii"it iifl only be abi! to give you a temporary.certiflcate,of occupancv iJ" tt" Cascadi CfuU-ii itre-janaicaplng ii planted or if a letter of irl,aii-ii prov.lded to cover the costs of ttre landscape materials and I nstal'lati on. Please let me know if you have any further questions' KP: br SincEreIy, -$:h,?# Town Planner ,-' Kxgna hq!.af.d Craf|br Eifitrr #tnl'zrr.d.rs..rg.1n:.,8..0.;zo'.ir.rea..z,,,..n.'|,n'..3"...llu!,.. .' ?:::!.:.. .. . .': : -,, '-. V:A ,::r - " -i'-;- 'j'--' j .i--.r.- -i -.. : r...; ' ..:.... i - a. -. 1-- . ! t 'e = .. ^.4----': :-*:---i---.-\___i_I E.c-su"**y-i!-qhr,, , I : i i. i-..1.' .r .-r1....1. *f ;.i : t....i.".1.: i.--.i... -i-l':-l-r I s '! , 6w 4. w # i,, , '',-.ztor ta fE?F-a Cqldftg Eqfxr bi -l r-..j ae i-::J/=/lqr------li* i--:*'' :'-"-";-'i : , _:-._i_ -.i- ;-i.,- i -. -i .KI(BNA b.rBtd Cqt-firtr lttrhrr , W kTAaLryA az*e-s checftrd 8 .7 a I o lr re 13 t{ t5 r€ r? tg .t9 a a a.B 24 E o zo. z,(^. L I''r'*':;_--:_.1.--. :.,. t -' l-; : "-i'i i.; i i',.i--j i,i:-i ,. a. .KKBNA fE o.-d C{rdtte Ettllrr r?345 2 R $ U (.* ,\ f; :S ... :'--: ' '.'"'- 'lz1=lid'i: i j--i --i ' '-' 'i(T(BflA ' brcr|E , .-.-{irt gr*!|t nfr e,*rue , . av RR O ilBbra* Zlof,lC . , 8 7 e e ro fl t? Tt |. 19 |6 t? t8 t9 ?O .a.t 22 ag 24 2E N zt za ft -\--. _ .,-._ _ "-_.i_ +-:- i. "o i = i :.,i :, - A.arl-]+a*f--af". ir' ril !; il rJ -@-.!'rr5wr-1-vZ-- - : "":Rtclne :.. .. & z a 4 2 ft dlo.aad Cc!.CthCtEt!|t ;!;: l ':'' '- I r-T -- ;..1 ''t I r. :- KKNNA o TELEPHOIIE CONVERSATIOII FECORD h@.Dolllrd Coirfulhg E {ln€Gr. zl251l@m U,h.6d FU{F Cds$ 80tXB 3aEt 4Ut 6100 Copy fo Dato /Vao, t,/ ,fS Tnrs /11,-xa uano. a/e,(a. //Vo*-t +.u.-fd ,4* r=. V "L<- //oe..< Dlacuarlon -7 L* E"ter or41 ' /)/,r.s..t -T /iL< /o tdreactt/ a, s t/ , rnA -t/'it'r- /Vc, 3 '2,p,4/- S;-t'z/<,*fu Fd.-2, 1, ,E<; q r zc/o , 2g.f 'er2/- b-;.-- q'.,.<. /i,.-a/e./ _'Zu €-,4a cd-x-l brz ".o--1-&, e4. e c.Rp 1 th. dm b 6t E r"a *rr*f (rf.. rr.pom. io th. codr.ry L rtcdwd rffiln ? dlrr froril rtrtr abovr. i 1.!' p:t /*tLc Ut..n : ir/, '/ '^ e e .- =J_ t *C !* --*r T *'* tr*..****.**.r 15S Sor.rth Navajo Denver,' Col orado (303' 69A-t03S Robert t-, Arngld 23O Eridge Street Vail, CO 41657 Attnr Robert Arntrld Tegt Numberl Job Naoel ilob AddneEgl Eontractorl Suppl I er I True.k No. r trTE Rep. I Locati on of Pourr I F.t}. Ng,r Job l.&r. r coLoRADO TEET CENTER, INC, 80233 !. AEsoe. Date traett tl/A7|ffi 12811 I.-:: i llr.tr" Cascadee Eports Center J'-r i .,n,,Vetl ectldnado Hyder Constructinn l.fountain t{obile Ticket Ns. i ft5.ZCZ 98 Ftix I.D. r ' 'C640OO F. Rhodee ToppinE elab D tivet at E-14 linee 't .l Slunpr 4..0. Alr (7;l t Concrete Tenp. ^Fr ZS Tine Eatched:.. gt46 C0IIPREFBIYE BTRENETHI Specift.ed ZE 7 .? llt , /Cu, Ft . I 14?, O Alr Teerp. ^Fl 35 Time Tegtedr t0l45 Day Ftr.€ngth (pet l 4OO0 PHYSICAT ,FROPERTIEB CyLtnder ol a2 03 Flemarksr (dayel Sise 7 6.00.?B 5.??2A g,?9 Ftrength (peil sieo , 47?s 477o- Average Stnength 4749 e$-oRADO TEST CEI||TER! rNC. STzuCTURAL,IIEE}IANICAL AiID }IATERIALE .:-_a,:l1:a::1 _ -.. .- -<i *e r"T-** G* ***{f.r,*{r coLoRADO TEST CENTER, INC, 155 Sourth Navajo Denver, Colorado AOZ?S (503) 69S-1A50 Fobert L. Arnold Agsoc. 23O Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Attnl Fobert Arnold a5?? Fepert Dateg: tt/t4lBs t2/*3./A3 :-I : . t '' ,"i ;-. ;._ Report To: Eescade trlr-rh Ltd.' Robert .L.,-€nnold Ageoc. l"ler-rntaS n' l'lot ir te ldldENA r.-' r ' Hyder Eonetruction Hyden Cdnetnuction Te=t Number I ilob Name: Joh Address: Contractsrr 9uppl. i er: Truck No.l CTtr' Rep.l Location' o* Fgur I Date Caetz tl/67lBZ r?Et (r Cascadeq Sports Eenter Vail Colorado Hyder Constrlrction Plountain Mobile 1lr0O R. Rhodes Topping slab D Ievel. COI.IPRESSIVE STRENETHT Specif ied 38 Ticket No. I P15743 l"lir I. D. r CS 4CIOO at F-13 linee 6.5 l,{t../Eu. Ft,: 141.9 Air Temp. "'F: 33 Time Teeted: 1010(r Day Strength {psi ) 40{tt Strength (pgll Avenage Strength. sl90 4560 4S2f! FHYSTCAL PROPERTIES €1 ump: 4..E Concrete Temp. ,"Fl Tirre Eatched: CyLinder ID at 02 03 Ai r (7.1 I 73 9! {t? Age (days) 7 3B 38 Siae E.9S 6. O.l 6.S0 Reararksr 444A trBLORADO TEST CENTEF, rNC. €TRt,tcTuRALr FTECHANTCAL AND FTATERIAL€ TEETINB trONCRETE P.O. No. I r.lob No. r DEC1985 GGEI!.r-!mrL$!09 MF o *.*.***.r**c ,* *T.r * c,* *.***t't* CELORADB TEBT CESITERI INtr' 155 South Navajo Denver, Col erado (3{)31 69A-lQgO Robert L. Arnold Aggoc. 23O Eridge Street Vail, CO 81687 Attnr Robert Annold' s0e?B 'Date Caetr ttf0&,fe5. L2791 Cascade Sperta Cent,er Vail s Colerado Hyder tronetruction l'lountai.n MobL le q6 R. Hughee SIab on gFade at D CBNtrRETE TEET REtsULTB P.O. No.! ' r' ilob l{o. ! ffiza -.:4 ; l ' Report Dstes:., !!ll3l8H' tEto4tES .r, 'i gi r, f i" l,l .. a). tl -. I' ,,r i r- Fepart Tor Gaesade Elr.rb Ltd, Rtrbert [-,i tu{nold Aseroc,. l,ttruntdin.Hobile Hl{BMl i : Hyder Egnstruction Hyder ,Cofietruction iliil COIIPREBEtrVE BTEEN9THT 6peci{ied ZB Teet Numberr .lob.Nanel Job Addreggl Contractsrr 3lrppl i er I Truck No. r CTC Rep.r Lncatipn'rrf PourI PHYSICAL PRBPERTIEB Slunpr 3,7F Concrete Tenp. ^Fr 67 Tirne Batchedr 93gO TtEket No.a F-19724 HtN I.D.s . CF-4000. level t4 to 17 llne S.B . hrt. /Cu. Ft, : 141. B Air Tetrp. ^F! 2A Tine Teotedl . tO: 15 Day Ptrength tpri ) 4S.OO Average Strength t1 , 4bho i.. EOLORADO TEgT CENTER, XNC. TFETINE Cylintler trD a7 a2 o3 Feoarks; Age (daysl 7 ee 2e Atr. (?) I gize 6.OO 5.99 6.OO. 6TRUCTI.RAL, FIEEHANICAL AND }IAIEN!A[.B i****fl.***'c *,r1 T** c* ***lr.**,f,. goLtrRADO TEET CENTERf INC. % P.O. No.r Job No. t Fl;5,27 Report Dateer ttlO5/BE It/26/W Report Tor Caacade Club Ltd. Robert L.. Arnold Assoc. l,lountain. lttobi le I{KENA Hyder Construction Hyden tronritruction 155 Eouth Navajo Denver, trolonado (so3l 698-1030 Test Numberr Job Nsmel, Job Addreeer Contrsctorl Suppl ierl lruck No.; CTC Rep. r Locatien .of Four s Date Ceetl tO/?SlBs €o??s 't ri Robert L. Arnold Assoc. 23O Bridge gtreet Vail, Ctr 81657 Attn: Robert Arnold 1?709 Cascade Sports,Center vbit coloradtl Hyder Construction Ilountain llobtle 130 H. Snyder SIab on deck Pt level t Ticket No. { l"llN-l .D, I at ? (+tO') PlS6?Ct cs-4000 end C(+1O') PHYEICAL FROFEFTTEE Slump: 4.3 Concrete Temp. ^Fl 69 Tioe Batchedl Er Sl COI.IPREBSXVE ETRENETH! Epecified ?B Alr Tenp. ^F!r 6S Tine Teetedl ?;3O Day Ftrength (psi) 4OOO 9trength (pst, ) ' 3330 . 42?Q 4350 Nt,/Cu, Ft.r tSB,4 Average Stren(th 42B,g CylXnder ID olF . O?F o3F Age (daye) 7 2A 28 Air (7.1 t 6.O Eii ae 6.00 5.?9 6. CfO 9TRTUCTURALT nECHANITAL AND HATERIALS TEeTINB $e trlrulFAtto TEaT GENTERf INC. Reoarksl ****,r*,**b *'*T* * c* i *.*{?*,r,r.* CSLERADO TEET CENTERT tNC, 135 6outh Navajo Denver, Colorado (30s) 698-1050 BO2?3 Robert L. Arnol,d Aggoe. 2SO Eridge Etreet Vatl n Ctl 81657 Attnl Robert Arnold Tlne Eatchedg 10!Oz No. l No, r Sepor! Dstegr LtlO9./83 LLf26tB8 . Repart Tol Cascade Club Ltd.Fobert L. Arnold Aeeoc.: Flsunt6in tlnbtte KKBNA Ai,r {Z) I , 6. S. . Wt. y'Cu. Ft, r lrtg. ?Air Teop. AFI 60 .Tloe Teetedl tOrSO t, Hyden Conetructisn l-lf der r C&rietruct i on , , Date Caetl LO/Z?/W Tegt Nurnberl ,.?Zt& I 'lob Namer - . Ce6c6de fiporte trenter Job Addreeel Va{l Colqnqdo L eontractorl Hyder. tron€truction Supplierr llsuntain Mobtle Ttcket No. I F1E62E Tnrck No. s lgi MIN I.D. r C8-4OOO CTE Rep. s M. Snyder Location of Pour: Slab on deck Fl level at lineg A (+1O.) and B.E PI{VBICAL PROFERTIEB 9lunp: 4.?E Concrete Ternp. ^Fl 70 rF. trot'IPREEET\rE srRElrlETHr specified zE Day Btrength (Fei' 4ooo Cylinder ID o1F ozF o3F Age tdaye) Size 7 9.99 ?B 6.010 28 6.@ Stfength {Fst) Average Strength 3340 40so 4000 4a23 . cELttRADO TEST CES|TERT INC. }IATERIAI-g TEETINE {': ETRUCTUFALI !{EC|{ANIBAL t'. AT{D T Reoarker *t***rs+.rc .* *T*13 c* .*.f**i*!F* qoLBRADO TEET CENTERT 155 South Navajo Denver, Colsrado (305' 699-1050 Robert L, Arngld ABsoc. 23O Eridge Etrept Vail, trO Bt6g7 Attnr Robert Arnold Test Numberl itt'b Naotes itob Address! ContfBctort EuppX i er I Truck. l,lo. r CTC Fep. r .P. O. No, ! tlob Nq. r BEZ! :. Repart Dateer tIlOg/BS Ltl?7ta$ .. 1 l:. rt .: Report Tol Eaecade Club Ltd. . R6bert L. Arnpl,d Aeggc. l'lciuntain t'lobtle KKENA Hyder Csngtructlon Hyder Cotistruction o Date Caatc tOlSO/Bg l?'zg Csseade Eporte Center .Vail, Colorado Hyder Construstion I .Mountatn l'loblle Tlcket No.s ptS6E9 190 Htx I.D.! C84oOo R. Fhsdeo 'i. Location of Faurl €leb on grade bagement at A6 line FIfYEICAL FRTTPERTIES Sluarpr 4.0 f,tr (Z): 7.A Nt./Cu, Ft.l t44.g Concrete Temp. ^Fr 60 Alr Tenp. AFI Cl Tine Batchedr: gt?t , Tine Teetedl IOIOO trOIIPREEEIVE ETRENBTHT $pecified ZB Day Etrength.(pei) 4oso trylinder ID Aqe (dayat Eise Etrength (pet) Average Btrength olF 7 5.9S 3S/O o?F ffi 6.00 4240 osF 2A 6.09 4SOQ 4270 - ReoarlcEc C{ILORADB TEST SENTERT TNC' TEETINE ,:l ffiTERIAI-E 8TFI,ETUmLr ,f*r*.l*{9t} *C .r *.T'F * c****{i*,r,r coLoRADO .TEET CENTERT trNtr. 155 South Navajo Denver, Coltrrado BO3ZS (303t 6?S-10g0 Robert L, Arnold Assoc. 23O Brtdge Street Vall, trO S1657 Attn! Robert Arrold Tegt Nunberl ilob - Namel Job AddreisE,: Contractor g '-.8upplier: Truck No.: trTC Rep.: Locatinn o{ Pourl P.O. No. I ilob No, s 85,&, Report Dateal '" tt/Obt8lB 1rtz7tw ' 1,- r r ' l.:'-r : ',r3-... i , Report Tol Caecadp Club Ltd... Rsb€nt L, Arntrld Agqss.fterntdtn Hob{le -' ls{hNA r I Hyder Csnstruetion . Hyder C6ri6tnlcti6h I o Date Cqotl 1Ql3O./85 rr -. i. ii'i PHYSIefl; .FR9PERTIES Slump:3.75 Concrete Teop. ^Fl 62 Tlne Fatchedl Bl t4 Cyltnder ID Age (daya) 7 2A 8 Rsnar.ksl t27t? Cagsade gpnrte Center Vall n Caloradp l.,lyder Construstisn llsuntain ltgbtle g6 R. Rhodes Stab sn grade Air tZl I tipeci{ied 38 EIse 5.9S 6.00 6.O0 ..;i. r!'[{ Ticket No. r P15657 Hir LD'.r ', trB 4OOO StO Ievel at llnes G-7 6. ts hlt. /Cu. Ft. I 141.5 Alr Tenp. &Fl' . O Tlne Teetedr glOO Day Btrength (pdi,) 4OOO Etrength {psil Average Strength .. 4g4l|''J . EB!-ORJTDO TE6T CENTERT INe. ''l AND f{ATERI&9 TEATINB t'.:. i. r- A olF ozF o$F 155 South Navajo Denver, Etrl orado t3rl3) 69ts-1{,5r1 TeEt Nurrrber I Job Ntsfire! Job Address; Eontractor- I Sr-rpplier: Trucl,: No. : CTC Rep. r Location of Folrr I B(r?35 Date Caet: 1t108/85 1282A Eascade Sports Centen Vai l, CO Hyder Conetrurction l'lountain ltlobile Ticket No.i tgB Mix I.D. I 5. Straueg 51 abo C level et C-12 o "% P.O. No.r Job No.: 8522 Report Dateer tt./t3le5 ' t2/(,,6/43 Report To: Caecade Club Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Assoc. lvlountai n Mobile l4l.iBNA Hyder Gongtrlrction l{yder Construqtion " COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC. Fti773 cs 4(rt,ct(t PHYSTqAL PROFEiRTTES Slunp:4.O Concrete Ternp. ,.F:. 7A Time Fatchedr ?:SS Air (7.1 e 4.5 ldt. ./Cu.Ft.: 143.$ FsIeEEgglVE-_sIBENgIFt.g Speci { i ed ?B Air Tenp. "'F: 33 Tinre Tested: 1{t145 Day Stre'ngth (pei ) 4(t(t0 Cylinder ID o1 Remar llE: Age (daye) 7 Strenqth (psi ) 3570 Average Strength ccLoRADU TEST CENTER, INC. 5t ae 6. OO Itfov rs85 MffUED EETTL|f,g.O rSsculEs STRUCTURALT MECHANTCAL AND }TATERIALS TESTINB I.*e '#t.,'r +S tr.*.******* coLoRADO TE6T CENTERT INC. EoNcRE_rE_IEE'LsEElltrs.---_-_-U-- -F.tr. No. ! -Job No;: B52l Report Dategr Lt/(tItB3 .tt /z?/83 [' '- r-r I . .. i i.... Repert Tol Gascade trl r-rb Ltd. Rohert L, Arnold Agsoc, Mountain Hobile t'ilrlENA Hyder Construction Hyder Constructi on .155 South Navajo Denver, Col orado (3(]3) 698-tQ5{, Test Nurnber: Jab Narner Job Addreegl Contractor:: Suppl i.er I Tr.lrc h No. r trTtr Rep.: Locati c'n o{ Folrr: B(,??3 Date Cagtr 1t],/25/45 t?675 Caecade Sports tren.ter Vail Colorado Hlrier Constr-ucti trn Mo$ntain l,lobile Ticket No. I 138 l"tin r. D. :R. Pinchert Floor slab level B, at lines C-7 F-1556c' C5*4fit0 PHYSICAL PROPERTI.EE SI unp: 5. .l Air lZlt 59 Concrete Temp. ""F!Tine Batchedr COTIPREESIVE BTRENGTHT Specified 28 7 . f-t hJt . /Cr-r , Ft . : 135. 7 Air Temp, &F: 35 Tine Tested: Bl45 Day Strength (psi ) 4CtCtCr Strength (pEi ) ??2r] 4{,0(t 4030 Average Strength Cylinder ID C'1 $t OE Rernarkg: Bz07 (days) 7 ?B 3€ Age Si ze 3.98t 6. OC! 6, CrCt 4tr15 COLORADB TEST CENTEF, INC. STRUCTURAL, IIIECHANICAL AND MATEFIALS TESTTNG ,:, ilw 196 #r'ffi tsutlE I hlqtdltd Crt-fr! Edg&Es /rA[ lq&E $ldrurpCMAB] 3lB4'l ATD it To /g ' ' &^tz BueQ /g' 6re, E,>, A'-ce r/ //to .' @tw ca -.. Elp/"a. .' iQrr-.4; i I/7.- 4 " l'::', 14 't l-=-. :'t..' .' t----- . s l+.--. I .'l' .i it'11. : ., ..tT .. .A.I .i':'- ' -'l t: *t - rti . .,l---:- . ":,.: .; ... 4., .. ! a:.' ."": .i I rfr T: Y q FRAMING ioR dx ra KreNA LETTTN OF Iru|3IITTAL hsDsd.d Cl{.'rtrrtg ClghG!1 a26t t0prtg rbl rur Co|gS m!|384i'| 6tD &rrtbDn, S! &t |.|dog yq| tho lolhdrE brm:>g(sfiscH tr undor dspardo cover vla tr 8h.F dreftgs trl coFy d Hor Tha.tn turrnn d EroFdtdo'lg E drange ont€s trounals tr as r€$E€lsd tr mdewed E frs rarh* and conuEtt B b F[ ]€conl but tr spedfcabnr tr-- ;{o"m.*r j(wgttuse E sbr bonb uB tr tr adnpbs ,*o. 4/ea-.r_ t'<S:t-,c a 7 ${KBilA hr.E dr.!cc.dlfnteghl'. no. 7z: JTtu2kt6ac (rirdtfL/ a- /1/1*/.e 7e S7/t,? C.*E' amrTf--2 | fe4 *tz-z&c tf/.tg HarZ/t,'li/Eqa' AA. 4^ti.f/ar .DFratt E/\c(t/P LFlELS B { c '6*trtF E*rc KKjElHA o IflONAXDI'I hr!.Ffdd C!-idttio Btg[F8 - {5rl@1E ' llrHEdo€ &rerb 8Gl 3Gt4 8nxt A I h|4e- dbq* llato / - .- ?dd*,', Q*rA z\ ,f.- , ..) HETOBATUIU KKBHA A'*6o. h,Za hq* KKEHA LETTEB OF TRATISXITTAI. aett Krrtg u,ld B.tF Cdo.& 8Ul3 3BG 6100 '.4 GanlbtrDtrr i i /_ f Wo n rldnO Wu th. ldlorlng tbmj/&-dachod E und€r sspsrdo *r* * Pa f . iO trw ct*rrm ,-rd.gp.o,"t-" tr sbhab E opeotfc|irLhs lO-pormol tr changs ordd E 8arnCcs g f€ it'&.-a.- ec..z 4, Itaaa Dr lrrn.tt lH tl ftr appoual Eas roq|sd3d trmtM $lrwrr,rse Ebmrhradco'lrtlralrfrfuWtrrrrd E&rbanbus tr KT(BNA hlrgda Cctttl&|gElrhl| /o//a 'a "J ?3 24 a5 t€ ';Albnc\ t -:--- j7, t - 4 r. ItL, a ftv? 1.t' .U^ 6Eaa,7,4oUo {Faoi/' t 3 t Hl .?aDi e ; . . -.,'*:.\tt \ 'i-r I l -t' I l.-I Descrlpton: WhereToUse: Advanliages Packaglng: system. ll is a unique, high-modulus,structural adhesive foi vertical and ov.erhead bondi and embedment. lt cures under dry can't-dry, and saturated surface Meete ASTM C-881. Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod $et, is a'high-solids, - High-modulus, hilh-strength, paste ad overhead bonding and grouting. Use also lor bolt embedment. Gelled adhesive ior'cant-dy surtaces -Sikadur 31, makes lt an etficient adhesive surlaces whether they are dry damp, or s steel, wood, stone, brick, and many other epoxy resln for vertical and bond overhead or vertical t: I surface dry - concrete, materials. Grouting mortar - Mixed wlth ovendry rate, Sikadur 31, Gel, produe workable epoxy mortar for and vertical grouting. Mortar - 1 gal of Slkadur 31, mixed with td 1 part by loose.volume of Golma Quartzite Aggregate, will yield up Neat - 1 gal ol neat Sikadur 31 ylelds 231 358 cu.in. of epoxy mortar. .Note: Coverage will irary with temperatu substrde, substrate condition, environmenl, and appl technique. $gaf lon, 3-gallon, and 12-ll-oz unlts, 1 2/ Typical Properlies ol Sikadur 31, (Material @ 73F 500/o RH) Colors: Mixing Ratlo: Shelf Llfe: Storage Conditlons: Store in cool, dryarea. Forbestresults, to between 65 and 85F before using. Pol Lile:30 mlnutes @ 73F for neat Sikadur 31 Tack-Free:(thin film) 2 to 3 hr @ 73F Component 'A' is white; 'B'is dark gray. Mixed is concrete gray. 2 years in original packaging e' Final Cure:(75o6.ultimate sirengrth) ASTM-D69S 16 hr @ Viscosity:Heavy paste conslstency Compressive Slrength: ASTM D.695 (73F and 50olo RH) i t,OOO psi Meet$ C'881, Type l, Grade3, Class B and C. 'All figures are from actualtest results. I batches may vary somewhat. All values will vary with and humidity. (- : Surface Preparaton: I Clean substrate, remove laitance, curing compounds, other coatings, oil, greas, rust, waxes, and other bond-inhibiting substanpes. All surfaces must bd clean,,sound, and free of surface wateL Clean by mechanicat abrasion melhods such as sandblasiing. Concrele may be damp, dry, or in a saturated sur{ace dry condition. ' Hea$' paste conslstency. Mlxlng: 'Stireach component before proportioning. Measure out 1 part component'B'and 2 parts Component'A' into clean container. Material.should be approx 70F durlng.mlxlng 6nd applicatlon for best results. Mix with a Slka mlxlng paddleattachedto a low-speed electric ,$rlllfor3minutes until blend is a uniform concrete-gray color. Mix onlythat quantity whiah can be usad within the pot lifeof the material. I I Applhallon:Used neator as a mortar, Sikadur 31 Hi-Mod Gel may be applied with a spatul4lrowel, or caulking gun to a maximum 1-lift glue line 7s in. thlek. For informatlon on bolt grouting, see tecinical data on.'Bolt, Groultlng'. Note: iWhen app.lying Sikadur 31 to dry, damp, qr saturatbd surlace ' dly substrate, be sure to work epoxy into surface. I Glehn equipment wlth Sika Equipment Cleaner, toluene, or other approYed golvents. Llmltrallons:SikadurSl produces a vapor barier Do not apply to surfaces where lransmitld vapor can condense and lreeze under coaling. Minimum age of new concrete is 3 to 6 wk depending on climate. Maximum relative humidity 95o6. Minlmum surface (substrate) temperature 40E Do not apply or/er wet (gllstening) 6g.bstrate. Do not thln Slkadur 31t Sotvents will.prevent proper cure. Not designed for usg as an adhesirp for fresh plastic porfland{emenl mortar or concrete. Use Slkadur 32 Use only oven'dry aggregate to arrold encapsulation ot moisture. Exposure to elevated temperaturc lor prolongsd perlods not Fcommended. Subslrate temperature must not be below 40F. I :.) 1-,-rl . ' ' t"t 'C.li', .' . t::- . , - ,' .l,rP( . ' n.'r !ir7 ali ,: I r nnn,l i I yg'r11.ii3i 1,:. iri. ,e'll:ii:, , CAUTION THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES BY SIKA COBPORATION OF ATIY NATURE WHATSOEVER, D(PRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABLTIY OR FTTNESS FOR e FaAICUUn l!i-io_qE- lN coNNEcrloN wlrH THls pRoDUcr slKA coRpoFATloN sHAu- Nor BE LTABLEF'SF ?II'4{GES- O-I.ANY SORI, INCLT.}DING REI4OTE OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGFS, RESULTNG FROM ANY cLAlMEo BREACH oF ANY WARRANiY wHETHER EGRESSED OR tMpiEb, rmoiuoirlc er.ti WARRANTY OF MERCI-IANTABILITY OR FITNESS,FOR A PARTTCULAR pURpOSE.OR FROM ANy OTHER cAUsE wrfatsonreR. stKA SHALL ALso Nor BE REspor,rsisLE roR uSE oF THts pRoDUCr ]N A MANNER TO INFRINGE ON ANY PATENT HELO'BY OTHERS. A COMPONENT - For tndustrlal U.se Onlyt Warnlngl Maycauseskin sensitization dr other allergic responses. Avoid inhilatioit of vapor. Use goodventllatlon partlcularly lf materlal is heated or spraydl. . Preventall contactwlth skln or eyes. lf contactwlth skln occurs, wash lmmediately with soap and water. ln caseof contaot with eyes, flush lmmediately with water and Contact a physlclan. B COMPONENT - DANGER! CAUSES (SEVERE) BURNS. Cbntains alkaline amine: strong sensitizer. Do not get ln eyes, on skln, on clothing. Avoid breathlng vapor. Keep coritainer closed. Use wlth adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: In case ol contact, immedlately flush eyes or skin with ' plenty of water for at least 1 5 mi nutls.'Romove contam lnaled cloth in'g and shoei. Qalt a physician. Wash ilothing belore rei.rse. Dlscard I contaminated shoes. WEAR PFOTECiIVE CIOTNING, GOGGLES, GLOVES, AND/OR BARRIERCREAMS i r-,i r,1i,'i' ' '\ i(( ,.lti'],-, . I r,lrr(r:', { 1r. ,l)i , .- J ' ,,tir !f ,: Dlstrlbutlon lvo prd ll. a.ll lqgelhsr lor yq..,p,!yen prod-uct8,.tocal OistributoB, and a national n€twork ot Stka_approveo Appueabrs to givo you rigttl-tho..fir8l-ltrE rspal's. Conetrucllon Producle Dhlslon ' !o',<IJ ut :) .E B q t c E lD !l l! b o .9 g o g a! o t o !e o Dlstrlct Offlcos:GA, Pasadena, .,.....n}ig2..ilA GA, San Dlego . . . . . . . 8t$22G7668 CA, San Francisco. ..'..41$Z$1551 C0,lhnver. ..9tr45S74i2 CI, llarllord. .4F249-7008 FL,Tampa. .81$87SgBe GA,Atahh. .4t!t-701-7143 lL. 0sPlalnes . . ..... 912-8&2810 Kr, to6,il1s.... -... flI2-245{S51 [,14, ilarblehead . . .. . . 817€1-Q47 MD,Baftnorc .....,,901-ff8".77/4 M, Sd|fifl8|d. . .... ..31$552-1012 M0,S.touis. ..... . . 3l+A1.gS MS,Jaclson ........ 001€U€1SS MT,l&snda........4tF l$908 llJ, tldonsack .,.. ..&n.$B{Sm Erecullve Offlca:P.0. zCl, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 r Td. Zlt-&8&Il. TM Z1G9B9{I280 Sika Corporation pro&rcb/systemVservlces... worldwide - 'F1@3 -lF: €I KKBNA Job Inb Afrsntsl Oantbqn, Wa !n rlrqlg ydt tlE rotlodrlg n nrr: prudrsd tr rrdGr sopardo -or ii" tr strop rtmrtr€s' tr reF[drem tr oddmb tr s3dficetbng EGoryotHot F4*crl'z.tr loe4Krxa ' C D.*D Fo, ?k /.YSf*4 a'e*/.r./ -TT - Bk .ro 7.,>. C./.,P /!*+L. f-lrztf 8t€tu2 L.^V/.,+4 7/arS.oH ,/3O, !,1 L 2xfx//c* tLg ls /v1 : //gh lr=<sPZfs,6: Pt !2 €/4 TEoul.w t/n)vt 81tr'rTr '! ^ o,-e li' ' I Pt /tex 7{B ?"x /t-3 . 2,--S .f^5^ -/6 Z lac*fia^/.f pcrt tT- t-tp 6'" 7D ,48: -gkET€// .f 4tn LOt -) FE.oe 7o .-|PRT Pe .7f -B,V: 6, /. r? P// *SrER . H/2E,4, C-otuJT /o - 7 -1r5- -l aA, I F -l-J,r '- A ''a. " - *'-,'ntoFl'?3}":l#:T3| truc j - DENVER, COLORADO 80216 lW[Ionnaw LETTER Pas r@t |r|.t!. t,.rtr,ffirb_ G.@rk otalo K'(BHA LETTER OF TNAilSIITTAL .i _\ b.o.tored C.iqr&!! E|t! .,5l|@re lr'd nllF C&!b gEB SG€IAID enn*^ 2a.-< 6<.-e,/Z i. Ganfiatmn, Wc .t ..ndlng you tftr tollortng lt mr: jf-anactpd g udsr soF do corrlr vla tr anpp An*ngs E retrodtdorrs Ecopyot&'tr6 tr changie oder Thr. ara |rrmnm.d . trorblnals. Esandcs E aB mqusted tl rq,!€irred E Id rsvbr atd comttBrn E br your r@d' E'tor apoval --Elfo yorc uge E atsr banto w tr ,/ a*--*-a ef rrcC.7r)pr- Rsilfb fr c rt-C;fto. $ G- ; ..r KKB}IA hcrDordd Coali|lthg E|toltrrrr sltrfr./. f-/,/A - EEAIST aai ch€ctled stt*tJ or__ a r 8 910 lt t?, 13 t4 15 16 17r8 i9?s X&.L1 2t ?5:s 2-7 23 -il tr r'- - -- r: --i ----- -.- * ---j :: ---i -RErJ| il , KXBNA ioqanlat Cqd!! e ElrhE|r /ols 2fr16* Shed Z ot ?f'i* l. 2E & Z7 a8 r r l--l.- 4 t-- I , -:.--i ; . _. . , .'t ,.1 \ 1. KKJ'ffA t-.--'.flrrrd - bi.g|rG!!hn .hbtilt *t t -' t' KKBNA IET'EB OF TFAIISIIT'AL bDdd Co||jflhe E Nt!.r| iCEr l$erB E Eg{4b C0*'.6 glif3lAlb *-4',7 n l*No. 7/ @ lt . W. et ..n lng tou lho fdlontg ltenr: E attehsd E undd saF da corpr vla trstEpdrmlr€s trcopydh{ tr rcpaodr.edons tr ohangs order Cl oridnals E sanpb8 s@nodons cl tr lb|.r'llramnnj E fr,r aptroval Ebryorrna g Ooe toar fo Ue I m rcqweted tr rcrrlsw€d E fu nvhv and corunem E br your rccort tr ffi'r (t a (t trt 3t !t- J o |\' 3tob .: iI lo <i <:F,r fl c'.: I I r \l -l:--. -fro I i- r l.) I lo _t { ur tr t(tr o h -l rl TP ,4 r! -ffif ttry f o-- Ltt m $ J D -{ -l $l. th (t o h n -l F F ^a { T 3i r'_ >/ov lr : _._-* -l_ - rrrI ;T.iN I r\) -.--f- {F r' --Gao'ur FnaEct t hwn 75 south trontago ruad ua[, colorado 8lGSz (303) 476-7000 olflco of communlty developnonl Itlay, 14 , L987 I{r. Frank Freyer I-OOO South Frontage Road West VaJ-I, Colorado SfGSZ Re: Cascade Club Condominiun plat Letters Dear Frank: Several.lregks ago you asked ne for a copy of the original Ietter that sunmarized the neetLng thaiindy, ieter and I had concerning the cascade club condoiiniun prat. trrrs neetirg-r",l:l:_9" JaTEry_ 26, Lss7. r have found irt- trrree copies oi irr"retter, and I tJrought you may want to have flrese copies for your records. If you have any furtlrer guestions, please feel free to call Ille. Sincerely,t I nl l/.-,1 l1.l--lUrIFl\ ilrLh KrLstan prtti Town Planner KP:br &-'t ( luull ltay .7, 1987 t6 sou|h tontage road E[, colorado 8l65i7 (3001 47e?w office d coirmunfty dMopnant ![r. Andy Norris 10O0 South FrontaEe Road West VaiI, Colorado 816gz Re3 CaEcade CIub Condsgfullrrns plat Dear Andy: Before I wil]. be-able, to sigrn off on the condonl.nlum plat, I will need to raview the following iseues rJ.,th r.arr1' nifrrifut,Tosn Attorney: 1. lllre wording for the pedestrlan brldge easenent 2. Encroashrnents on flre SO foot rLght-of-way for I{estbaveh Drlve 3. $re U.g. Forest senriee parlcing agreenent included Ln . your declaratLons 4. lFlre sllght ctranges In wordlnE fori the ownersirl.p,Euryeyor, and titlE company tLtle blocks. ranry EEhrlth ls out of 'town and wllr not be baclr Ln ttre office until U?y 13!F. At ttrl.s time, I feel tlrat tbere nay te noi-lnfotnation that uLtl be required for the pectestriair bridge easenent and the encroaclbnerrt igsue. Eoweier, until I taLk *i!+ IaEy, -I will not be abtE to telI you exictly wbat addltLonal j.nfornation ls necessary. l;/, I tl-l_ Tosn Planner KP:br I rnL Rthth, !rff-[ reftrttrru -{,/ CIAdicni" WS. I I 'l DATE OF PUBLIC .: b Date Date D Btr-t-rnsn*f { DATE OF PUBLIC HEARII,IG PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FiRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corments: k"- /r/Cte.<. ,t^.v 4et 4*an-qfzqe;o v S ,fu,,n yrltj : ) EcaC. Opz6 So' ,1..*r9 €Us€vc;>.)r? <* /tr tD t(-,e c.t-tte /?o, tt *xqa--te-t z n,,ttzst 7o 8E di- 6re.,r.Grr5 6ffieF -a tp<a,tq t or </r) rt*z Date ., wAlH (A,uaq*/tP- ar Fq. t?a'\2- 12*' vrel WRtutrfu dDO @ POLICE DEPARTI,IENT Reviewed by: Comments I . Date tttl RECREATION DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date ,-qW, P,M*,fld&&?dq,/. , l I it'\,A Reviewed by: Comments: fib c^d^r;n1^,rk.q, ,? ^"tlv rwpod ,t fop{. anly c ig^d*t. ''lpaa wh|'11 Ly' lodlonr WtuW* -1 '|t ; APPLICATION FOR A.NIIME OF MAILING ADDRESS ^PPLr&r 'l/& V&o*r. ca B.NAt'lE 0F !{AILING APPLICANT'S ADDRESS REPRESB,ITATIVE PHONE C: NAME 0F obtNER'S MAILINO OblNER (print tvpe)PROPERTY SIGMTURE ADDRESS_SW- D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL SDD { LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION FEE $100,00 MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED FIL ING E. F. pnro /JJ.lD-4@l Alv;t t,tqr+, Ur;Aw,'u be mylars of a site map followinq 7 1213,4,6,7rg,grlor11, tg anu l4 The condominiun or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevations and cross-sections as necessaiy to accurately determine inOiViauit -air-ipiies and/or other ownerships and iithe project wis built substantia'lly lhe ffia--as the approved p1ans. A copy of the condominiun documerits for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions fnc'l uded for all commonly owned areas, APPRoVAL PRoCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA These can be found in chapter ll.?z of the subdivision Regulations. H. FILING AND RECORDING l. Three (3) copies, two of which must the of requirements of Section I 7.1 6.1 30(C) ,the Subdivision Regulations. t I The.zoning administrator shall be the final signature required on the plat so that the Department of community Development wit'l ue rest'onsible tor pi..omptiv recording the approved plat with the Eagle county clerk ind Recorder.' -! TITTT T f, 0 H H' gs ..fle, l#? (Hm 0tl &mF FRIMY RECETFT l4@ uu uu .ufilL B'38Ffl t@.ffi tw.w ':',1 't ffiIL UEHMffiS mtl ffilttfr€$ LT0 I !ffi s. FRU{rnfrE R0 H, .' 8r@41ffi TOTtr. t1€cK 0 l&t m&RIPTtt$l' Co ntro 'Pldt It untL i I NEEIPT BY FwlI l,,FS1,,. -_ ''::=1,5;.. ', ' .- - .: ,' . .' ..'-::. -. . .. -.-t]-,,,-, ' _r:-:.=:.,.: l[';.,;:.',i-;_5 pdtrcag&sq-(o<.':.ie-v6d{: I-ri:T-:##f,ffiJffifl- ,.|l.:.F.*€..re#j.'ffi|#ffi'l..l-..'{..$-* ,.* , . .-"3$f|','ffi1f. , fJ;-' ,{ ',*., 'f -g' ?$; t,.;'.gg+,,+u,- r,"'L-*, , *+, * _ . ***ff3i ^ a'_,* . ^ .{Y*.=S**i _ s*?- lnwn Unit Lower Level Unit Grd Level Unit 2 Unjt 3 (lst right off l{esthaven Dr,) PortJon of Leve'ls 3,4&5,Unit4 75 souih tronlage road rall, colorado 01857 (303) 476-7000 March 3, 1987 Mr. Andy Norrjs 1000 South Frontage Road lCest Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Results of the meeting on the Cascade Club condominium plat January 26, I1BT (Note: Revised letter dated February 9, I9g7) Dear Andy: Below is a summary of our comments on the cascade club condominium plat. I. ITEM: An exp'lanation of how the parking structure wlll be control1ed and managed.is necessary. The staff would like to have a statement explaining the number of new owners and associated parking spaces and how this affects ihe number of spaces that are allocated per use through the Special Development District. RESPONSE: Ownershi p I Vail Ventures, Ltd oftlco of conmunlg development No. of Spaces Access 722 Shared access with Unii 2 Shared access with Unit I Separate ingress and egress from Units 'l and 2 Cascade Lodge Jolnt 150 Ventures (the owner- ship is divjded Vail Ventures Ltd 55% l,lestin Hotel 45%) Vail Ventures, Ltd l4g Cascade Club Ltd NA NA General Partner is Vai'l Ventures, Ltd Management Level l: The westin Hotel will nanage thjs lEvel. This level satisfies the parking requirement for the cMC/cascade wing, Terrace and ploza (guest rooms, conference and retall). Vail Ventures Limited wll] own tliis level. Level 2: The access will be managed by the l{estln Hote'|. This level ni'll be for hotel guests and anybody else who wishes to park on thls 'level. Howevern validation prlvlleges will only be availabre for hote]guests. Others will pay full price for parking. @ner is cascade Lodge Joint ventures of which vai'l ventures Limited brn'ns ss . Level 3: This level is.managed by-Uatl Ventures and is to be used by the general public, includlng day sklers. Valldatjon will be availabll. Unit 1: (722 spaces) Unit 2: (150 spaces) Parkinq Al'location Phase II) Gross No. parking spaces req'd Unit 3: CMC: Clancy's (134 seats) Cascade Theatre College Classrooms College 0ffice (954 sf) Cascade Club:Retail 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)0ffice in CMC (82S sf)**l'lel I ness Center Gross No. spaces Cascade Uing (8 d.u.) 16 Westin Hotel 115 * Terrace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,708) l}z x Terrace (Retail 6,088) ZO tt Plaza (Conf. 8,400 sf) 35 * Plaza (Retail;1,100 sf phase I) 4 * Plaza (20 a.u.) fO * P'laza (Conf.retail 1,140 sf Total Spaces in structure 4?l Tota'l Al located 422 3L2 110 422 paces mixe 4 312 spaces (149 spaces) t7 28 40 4 I 8 3 9 110 Total a'llocated s 10% reductlon for Total unallocated with d use 380 41 * Uses that have an asterisk will need to be verified at the time a buildlng permit is released to get the exact parking requirement ** Assumed 9 spaces for the Wellness Center (not existing) Note'l,lestin additions" are exc'l rJded which were listed on the original SDD zoning sheet,'18.46.089. Please review this parking breakdown. I come up with a different total from what we discussed in the meeting al though you sti'l 'l have 41 unallocated spaces. Pllease let me know 'if you have any corrections to these numbers. 2. ITEM: Staff will require a written stipulation on the condominium map that ensures that the parking required by the speclal development distrlct for the various uses in the project will be avallable to users. The staff ls suggesting the following wording: RESPONSE: This condominiumization is for ownersh'ip purposes only and shall not effect the zoning and use of the parking spaces which is set forth by Special Development District 4 estab'l ished by Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1984, as amended by the Town of Vall. 3. ITEII4: From your condominium declarations, I am unable to determine if 'landscapjng, drainage and sidewa'l ks are included as genera'l common elements which wi'l I malntained by the condominium association. I would like a final copy of the condominjum documents to assure there are maintenance provisions included for al'l commonly owned areas which should include landscaping, drainage and si dewal ks. RESPONSE: At our meeting, you agreed that a maintenance provision would be included in the declarations. ITEM: The pedestrian bridge connecting CMC to the Cascade Vl'l lage parking structure is not mentioned in the condominium declarations or shown on the condominium map. The bridge should be indjcated on the map by a dotted'line. At one time. there was discussion of an aJr easement for the bridge's encroachment over the access and uti'lity easement on l{esthaven Drjve. I don't remember thjs easement ever being completed. I wi'l 'l search through the Cascade Vi'l 'lage files to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never conpleted, the air easement should be finalized at this time. 4. 5. RESPONSE: You stated that you would provide a separate bridge and an air easement. l.le decjded that dedicated when Cascade Village ls completed. ITEM: drawing for the pedestrian Westhaven Road would be 6. staff would like an explanation of how the condominium &fects the u.s.Forest Service's requirement that you provide 125 spaces for day skiers-l{e were unaware of this requirement until Just this'morning when we received a memo from the Forest service updating the staff on ski area improvements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provide a deed restrjctjon that Level 3 would be used-as public parking and could not be used for any residential parki ng requ'i rements. ITETvI: A copy of the completed condominium declarations for the project is necessary. RESPONSE: t,Jil'l be submitted. ITEM: application form signed by the appropriate owner and a check cover the costs of reviewing the condominium plat should be A completed for $100 to submi tted. RESPONSE: tli11 be submltted. 8. ITEM: Three copies, two of which must be mylars, should be submitted. RESPONSE: hjil'l be submitted. P]ease let me know if any of this lnformation is inaccurate and I can revise the summary. I wi'|l wait to rewrite the zoning sheet for sDD4 until you resubmit with the amendments for the entire SDD this sumrner. Thanks igain for meetlng with us to clear up some of these questions. .,1 luwn tal ?5 south troniage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Fabruary 9, 1987 Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road !{est Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Resu'lts of the Dear Andy: Below ls a sumnary l.ITB{: An explanatlon necessary. The new owners and spaces that are RESPONSE: Unlt Lower Level Unit Grd Level Unit 2 Oumershlp I Vall Ventures, Ltd omce of communlly developmenl No. of Spaces Access 122 Shared access wlth Unit 2 Shared aecess with Unit I Separate ingress and egress from Units l and 2 NA meetlng on thE Cascade Club condominiun plat January 26,'1987 of our conments on the Cascade C'lub condominium plat. of how the parking structure wil'l be contro'lled and managed is staff wou'ld I'jks to have a statenent explaining thE number of associated parking spaces and how thls'affects Lhe nunber of a'l'located per use through the Special Oevelopment Dlstrict. Unit 3 (lst risht off !{esthaven Dr.) Portion of Levels 1'4&5,Unit4 Cascade Lodge Jolnt 150 Ventures (the owner- shlp is dlvided VaJl Ventures Ltd 55% ldestin Hotel 45%) Uall Ventures, Ltd 149 Cascade C'lub Ltd General Partner is Vail Ventures, Ltd 55% ownership NA Management Leve] l: vail ventures, Ltd. nill manage thjs level. A lease wl'l'l be arranqed between vall ventures and the ressees. No ownership change wiit -'--- occur. This level satisfies the parking requlrement for ihe CMC/Cascade !{lng, Terrace and plaia. Level 2: The access will be managed by the hote'l guests and anybody slsl who However, no valldatlon privlleges will be paid for parklni). Level 3: Thls level is nanaged by Vail Ventures and is public, including day skiers. Va]idaHon wi.ll Westin Hotel. Thls level will be for wlshes to park on this level.will be available (1.e, full price to be used by the general be available. Unit 3: CMC: (149 spaces) Clancyrs (134 seats) Cascade Theatre College Classrooms College Office (954 sf) Cascade Club:Retail 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)0fflce in CMC (828 sf)#!{el l ness Center Gross No. spaces Total Spaces in structure Total Al'located 3L2 110 Total allocatea splczSs wi*r l8l reduction for mixed use Tolal unallocated spaces Parklng Allocation . 312 spaces 110 42L 422 380 4T Unit Unit t: 2z (122 spaces) (150 spaces) Cascade lltng (8 d.u.) Westin Hotel * Terrace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,709)* Terrace (Retail 6,088)r Plaza (Conf. 8,400 sf)* Plaza (Retail 1,100 sf phase I)* Plaza (20 a.u.)i Plaza (Conf.retall 1,.|40 sf Phase II) ,Gross No. parking spaces.reg,d 16 115 L02 20 35 4 16 t7 28 40 4 1 8 3 9 uses that have an asterisk wil] need to be verified at the time a butldlng permit is released to get the exact parking requirement ** Assumed 9 spaces for the ltle'l 'lness Center (not existing) Note rrWestin additions" are exc'l uded which were'l isted on the origlnal SDD zoning sheet, 18.46.089. Please review this parking breakdown. I come up with a different total from what we dtscussed in the meetlng although you still'have 4tr una.l located spaces. please let me know if you have any correctioni to these numbers. 2.ITEM: Staff.wi'l 'l reguire a wrJtten stipulation on the condominium map that ensures that the parking required by the-special development ailtrict ior the various gsg: il the project will be available to users. The staff is suggesting th;-fol lowing wording: RESPONSE: This condominiumization is for ownership purposes only and shall not effect the zoning and-use of the parking ipates which is set forth by . Special Deve'lopment District 4 estab'lished'by 0rdinance No. 20, seriis of '1984, as amended by the Town of Vail. ITEIII: Fron your condominium declarations,. I am unable to determine if landscaping,drainage and sidewalks are includei as general common e'lements which wiil bd maintained by the condominium assoclatiin. I would like a tinai cofy of itre condominium documents to assure there are maintenance provisions intiuded for al'1. comnon'ly owned arEas which should include landscaping, drainage "na - si dewa'l ks, RESPONSE: 4t 9ut meeting, you agreed that a naintenance provision would be included ln the declarations. ITEM: The pedestrian bridge. connecting CMC to the Cascade Vi'l'lage parking structure is not mentioned in the condominium declarations or shown-on the c6ndominium-mgp. The bridge should be indicated on the map by a dotted'line. At one time, there was discussion of an air easement ior-the bridge,s encroachment over the access and utJlity easement on westhaven Drive. I don,t re.member this easement ever belng completed, I will search through the cascade village files to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreenent was never completed, the air easement ihou'ld be Finalized at this time. 3. 4. RESPONSE: You stated that you would provide a separate drawing for the pedestrian bridge and an air easement. hle decided that t{esthaven Road wou'ld be dedicated when Cascade Village is comp'leted. 5. ITEM: Staff would like an explanation of how the condomjnium effects the U.S.Forest Service's requirement that you provide 125 spaces for UaV stieri. lde were unarl,are of this requirement unii'l Just this'morning wtrei we received a memo from the Forest Service updating the staff on ski area improvements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provide a deed restriction that LeveJ 3 wou'rd be used as public parking and could not be used for any residential parking requirements. 6. ITEM: A copy of the completed condominium declarations for the proJect is necessary. RESPONSE: Will be subnitted. 7 . ITEM: A completed application form signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $1,00.to cover the costs of ieviewing the'toniominium plat should be submi tted. RESPONSE: }Ji'l I be subml tted. 8. ITEM: Three copies, two of which must be mylars, should be submjtted. RESPONSE: Hill be submitted. Please let me know if any of this information is inaccurate and I can revise the summary. I wi'll wait to rewrite the zoning sheet for SDD4 until you resubmit with the amendments for the entire SDD this summer. Thanks lgain for neeting with us to clear up some of these questjons. Si nqerelS',g tt I t/ I dr\rtonlr(+Kristan Pritz Town Planner '-r 1.;' t .r\\-J n ri I 75 south tronlago road Yall, colorado 81657 (so:t) 476-7000 Fabruary 9, 1987 Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South'Frontage Road llest Val'l , Gol orado 8]657 Re: Results of the meeting on the Cascade Club condominium plat January 26, '1987 Dear Andy: Below is a sumrary of our corments on the Cascade Club condominlum plat. I. ITEM: An explanation of how the parklng structure will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff would llke to have a statenent explalning the number of nel{ ohmers and assoclated parklng spacas and how th'is-affects the'number of spaces that are allocated per use through the Speclal Ddvelopment District. RESPONSE: Unit Lower Leve'l Unit 'l Grd Level Unlt 2 Unlt 3 (lst right off ldesthaven Dr.) Portion of Leve]s 3,4&5,Unit4 . &alershlp Uail Ventures, Ltd Cascade Lodge Joint Ventures (the owner- ship is divided Vail Ventures Ltd 55% Westin Hotel 45%) Vail Ventures, Ltd Cascade Club Ltd General Partner is w- otllce of comnunlty development , Access Shared access wlth Unit 2 Shared access with Unit 1 Separate lngress and egress from Units I and 2 NA No. of Spaces L22 150 t49 :t iC i7. ffitto NA ;/l-evel t: l i I levet z: c,-m hote'l guests and anybody else who wishep.to park on this level . I?Ti" i :, "fi "?l I d : : : i ? -:H4tu.,._gl J F* 1yi r " 91., (ffi l#du#,li'f+ rs c-wt&ba,c ti q *ie .rvL public, including day skiers. Unlt l: Unit 2: Cascade }Jing (8 d.u.) Westln Hotel * Temace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,708)* Temace (Retail 6,088)* Plaza (Conf. 8,400 sf)* Plaza (Retall 1,100 sf Phase I)* P'laza (20 a.u.)* P1aza (Conf.retail 1,140 sf Phase II) Ventures and ls to be used by the genera'l Validation will be available. u9 SS-1. (122 spaces) (150 spaces) Parking Allocation 110 421 422 380 4L 16 115 702 20 35 4 16 4 Gross No. Unit 3: CMC: Cl ancy's Cascade Col l ege Col l ege parking spaces reg'd 312 spaces (149 spaces) (13a seats)$ Theatre Cl assrooms Office (954 sf) 77 28 40 4, Cascade Club:Retail 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)0ffice in CMC (828 sf)**l{ellness Center Gross No. spaces Total Spaces in structure Total Allocated Tota'l a'l I ocated 10% reduction fo 1 8 3 9 3L2 110 422 spaces r mixed wi th use Total unal'located spaces * Uses that have an asterisk wll] need to be verified at the time a building permit is released to get the exact parkjng requirement ** Assumed 9 spaces for the l,lellness Center (not existjng) Note r'blestin addjtions" are excluded which were listed on the origina'l SDD zoning sheet,'18.46.089. Please review this parking breakdorm. I come up with a different total from what we discussed in the meet'ing although you stil'l have 4I unallocated spaces. Please'let .- me know if you have any corrections to these numbers. Z. ITEM: Staff, will reguire a wrltten stipulation on the condominium map that ensures that the parking required by the speclal development district for the various uses in the project wil'l be avallable to users. The staff is suggesting the fol lowing wording: RESPONSE: This condominiumization is for onnershlp purposes only and shall not effect the zoning and use of the parking spaces wh.lch is set forth by Special Development District 4 established by Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1984, as amended by the Town of Vall. 3. ITEM: From your condominium declarations, I an unable to determine if landscaping, drainage and sidewalks are included as general common e'lements which wi'l 1 be maintained by the condominium association. I would'l ike a final copy of the condominlum documents to assure there are maintenance provisions inc'luded for all conmonly owned areas which should include landscaping, drainage and si dewal ks. RESPONSE: At our meeting, you agreed that a maintenance provision would be included in the declarations. 4. ITEM: The pedestrian bridge connect'lng CMC to the Cascade Vi'llage parking structure is not mentioned in the condominium dec'larations or shown on the condominium map. The bridge should be indlcated on the map by a dotted ljne. At one time, there was discusslon of an air easement for the brldge's encroachment over the access and utillty easement on hlesthaven Drlve. I don't remember this easement ever belng completed. I wl 11 search through the Cascade Vi1 'lage files to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never completed, the air easement should be fina] ized at this time. RESPONSE: You stated that you would provide a separate drawing for the pedestrian bridge and an air easement. We decided that Hesthaven Road would be dedicated when Cascade Village is comp'leted. 5. ITEM: Staff would like an explanation of how the condominium effects the U.S..- Forest Service's requirement that you provide 125 spaces for day skiers. l{e were unaware of this requirenent until just this morning when we received a memo from the Forest Service updating the staff on ski area improvements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provlde a deed restrlction that Level 3 wou'ld be used as public parking and cou'l d not be used for any residential parking requirements. 6. ITEM: A copy of the completed condominjum declarations for the project is necessary. RESPONSE: |,{i'l'l be submitted. 7. ITEM: A completed application form signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $100 to cover the costs of reviewing the condominium plat should be submi tted. RESPONSE: Will be submitted. 8. ITEM: Three copies, tuo of which must be mylars, shou'ld be submitted. RESPONSE: bltll be submitted. Please let me know if any of this informatlon is inaccurate and I can revise the summary. I will wait to rewrite the zoning sheet for SDD4 until you resubmit with the amendments for the entire SDD this sunmer. Thanks again for meeting with us to c'lear up some of these questions. Si nqereld,r {,i#^Ydro Kristan Pritz Town Planner o luwn 75 Bouth trontags raad yall. coloIado 81657 (303) 476-70@ January 6, 1987 otllce of communlty derelopmenl Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road l{est Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Cascade Village Parking Structure Condomjniunr plat Dear Andy: The following information is needed befole the cascade village parking Structure condominjum p1 at will be accepted for review: 1. An explanatlon of how the parking structure will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff would like to have a statement explaining the number of new owners and associated parking spaces and how th1s affects_the number of spaces that are al'l otated fen'use through . the special deve'lopment district. 2. staff wil] require a written stlpulation on the condominium map that insures that the parking requ'i red by the special development district for the various uses in the proJect wi] 'l be available to users. The staff is.suggesting wording simi'lar to the following statement:This condominiumization is for ownership purposes on]y and shall not affect the zoning and use of the parkjng spaces wirich is stipulated by Special Development District 4. At this time, Larry Eskwith has not reviewed this wond'ing. The staff would like f,o have Larry's approval on the wording befori it is actual 1y printed on the p'l at. 3. From your condominjum dec'l aratjons, I am unab'l e to determine if Iandscaping, drainage and sidewalks are inc'l uded as general common elements which will be maintained by the condominium association. I would like a final copy of the condominium documents to assure there are naintenance provisions lncluded for al'l conmonly owned areas which shou'ld include landscaping, drainage, and sjdewalks. 4. The pedestrian bridge-connecting CMC to the Cascade Village parking structure is not mentloned ln the condominium declarations or shown on the condomjnium map. The bridge shou'l d be jndicated on the map by a dotted]ine. At one time, there was discuss'lon of an air easement for a? I the bridgers encroachment over the access and uti'l ity easement on l,lesthaven Drive. I don't remember this easement evei being completed.I wil'l search through the Cascade Village fi'l es to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never completed,the air easement should be flnalized at th.ls t.ime. 5. Staff would like an explanation of how the condominium affects the U.S.Forest service's requirement that you provide 125 spaces for day skiers. hle were unaware of this requirement until just this morning when we recelved a memo fron the Forest Service updating the staff on ski area improvements. 6. A copy of the completed condominium declarations for the project is necessary. 7. A completed applicatlon form signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $100 to cover the costs of reviewing the condominium p1 at should be submitted. 8. Three copies, tvro of which must be mylars should be submitted. I have enc'l osed the appljcation form for the condomjnium plat review. I wj'l I be out of town until next Monday. If you have specific questlons abrjut these requirements, please feel free to call Peter Patten if you need to get ln touch with a staff member before I return. Si ncerel y, ,)l nl .l/ | J l, 'L llre\fffr+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br t ,hea A (/*rq s"frar/,a4,bfrq - /' \-/ ' g/do$ )d .MEITOMNDUM T0: Planning and Environrnental Gonmission ,, FR0M: Deparfirent of Coruunity Development/Peter Patten DATE: February l, Lg82 suBJECT: Two anendurent fequests for special Developnent District 4-- Cascaile Village/Glen Lyon. Applicant: Andy Norris Andy Norris is requesting two anendments to Special Developnent District 4' One is fbr area A of the-District--Cascape Village' to allow the parking structure/ athletic club building to encroach into Lhe exterior PxoPerty lirre setback' fire second request is to a11ow Lot 39 of Glen Lyon Subdivision (Area C), an existirg 2,48 acre prirnary/secondary 1ot to be resubdivided into two single faurily lots. I, AI',IENDMENT REG &DING PARKING STR9CTURE SETBACK A. . THE RIQUEST Ttre request is to allow the relaxation of sections 18.46.L00 setbacks with rcgard only to this building and 18.46,170 Parking of sDD4 so that the buiiding containing the parking structure and athletic club can be constructed to within 2 fiet of the northem proPerty lino, abutting the South Frontage Road, rather tban the required 20 feet. The Parking section dictateslhat no parkirrg 5ha11 be located in any front setback area. ltre proposal is foi g.de.r$ou"d" parking-to be so located' The reason for ilis request at ffi-ifi1fr;Ts an earlier oversight in the original Master Plan for Cascade Village. B. BACKGROTJND Ttre original Mastet Plan was approved as a basic guide f-or placengnf of eachlstructure, but was not- a detailed desiSn for each individual building. lndeed, ninor adjustnents in the placing of, eash structuro naturaliy has occurred at tire Design Review Board level . In terrns of the parking garage and athletic club, the master plan siloply did not allow for adequate roon for a full size viable tennis court facility with regard to the north-south dimensions as restricted by the existing road, As the Gascade Village Project proglesses according to the adopted Master plan and regulations-coitained in SnO4, each building site is restricted by such givens as buildings both existing and planned, toads, utility locations, 6tc. This piece of the rtpuzzle'r--the parking stTucture and athletic club--has sinply been squeezed into the extefior Pro?erty setback by sorne of these risiriction{, a situation not envisi'oned, of course, in the 1979 l,laster Plan. D.a" Villase -2- 2/L/82 :i C. IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSAI The building is proposed to be located 50 feet fron the existing pavencnt of the South Frontage Road, excePt where the new right turn lane will be located, the structure will be 45 feet away fron the pavenent. As one travels west on tho road the grade changes so that one experiences Less and less of the building inpact the further wcst one gets. The building is 12 feet htgh at eave line on the north elevation vrith approxi- ttBtely i g in 12 ro6f pitch, The roof naterial proposed is a gray rnetal similar to the MillracL Condoniniun roofs. No unsolvable problenrs exist with regard to utility locations. A substantial landscaping proposal with a large aro,n t of evergreen trees is proposed for the atea between ' the building and the South Frontage Road, It is highly unlilcely that the South Frontage Road will be expanded to four lanes due to physical (grade on the side of the road) and traffic amount factots' The conclusion fron the above facts indicate no significant negative 'factors in noving the building close to the Property line.. l'faintaining 50 feet fron the road is a sufficient "breathing't distance for snow renoval, ninor road iuprovenents (widen shoulders) and-visual proxinity. A physiial hardship exists in the givens of nandatory design criteria (t-eniris courts) and the existing road and adjacent buildings.' RECOMITIEMATION ---..:.-._- ltre Departnent of Connunity Developnent recorurends aPProval of the auendnent to Sdd4 allowi:rg the parking struclure/athletic club to encroach 18 feet into the north properly setback and to qualify the requirenent of no parking in the front setbaik tb appry to pa:fking other than entifely uddrgtotmd. The staff feels that there are nininutr impacts of this anendnent due to the large distance to the road surface. The building is designed to nitigate visual inpacts on the north side, and the landscaping should provide a visual screen, further improving the aesthotics of the site developnent. We- agree tJrat the setback exception should be nade only for this building; with the provision that other underground parking could be located withia required -exterior setback aaeas, subject to Design Review Board approval . A. Iqg-$!si! Lot 39 of Glen Lyon Subdivision (Areaic of sDD4) was cxeated with the original approval of SDD 4. The duptex lots are developed basically in accordance ui.th primary/secondary developurent regulations. The Iot currently contains 2.48 acres of total site area, and the proposed division would easily meet the requixetnent in the Single Fanily District of contain- ing 12,500 iquare feet od buildable site area. Proposed is to have two lotsn one of .888 acre and one of 1.48 acres, r,rhile dedicating to the toun .ll5 acre of lantl along Gore Creek. The strean tract ProPosed to be dedicated is adjacent to property already or'mcd by the town through a previous dedication. B. Cascade Village -3- 2ll/82 l,tr. Norris is proposing and will conmit to a Daster plan for the develop- nent on these two lots. He proposes tr+o low-rise (1 to 2 story) J.uxury singl.e fanily homes with extensive Landscaping and water features. lle requests that each house be allowed 3100 square feet of Gross Residential Floor,Area and wilL restrict the houses to a 25 foot height linitation. Curently, the Iot could be developed irrto a duplex with a naximurn floor area of 4200 square feet. Ttris is the covenant restriction of which the torvn is a co-signator, and consequentlyo enforcer. The proposal would increase the aLlowable GRFA by 2000 square feet'to 620b square feet total . Visually, the site is quite open and contains only one tree., a large evergreen lying very close to the proposed colmon lot line of the two new 1ots. Thus, any developnent on the site will be readiLy seen by passersby sn the South Frontage Road and I-70. Dividing the lot and accepting the deveLopuent plan aLlor.rs two separated stnrstures of a low profile nature, but covering more of the site than wrder present xest?ictions. The 25 foot height tinitation reduces by approxinately ten feet the allor+able height of the structures which could be built r.rnder current regulations. The developnent plarr roflects a very high quality'desiSn of structures and their surrormding grormds, and would €rssure such high qdality if the anendnent is approved. Access for the new easterly Lot woul,d be provided by an access easernent on the northern side of lot 1,. The access drive would be hoavily planted on'the north side to reduce the visual inpact frorn the north. In surmary, the resuLt of approval of the requested arnendment is that developnent of a larger portion of the site would occur, but the developnent would be of a $uaranteed high quality with nininal negative visual irnpait. c. \x'hcot\,stElIDATI0N The Departrnent of comnunity DeveLopment recormends approval of the proposed division of Lot 39 into two single frimily lots with the condition that each residence be restricted to 2100 square feet of GRFA. llle feel positive about the development plan proposed, but we consider an insrease of GRFA of 2000 square feet to be excessive and a grant of special privilege. Ttrere is no special circunstance or hardship involved in the request for the extra CRFA, and we feel that $e ruust be consistent in judging such requests. Thus, we reconmend approval of the amendment requested with a revised developnent plan reflecting a naximun GRFA for eaih residence of 2100 square feet, *F.-" , r- =& o ',t..! : )^l;z I r.l] ';"1. ].'i t l.t i'. t E D , tl t : -:t t: !, F .i . . rt'"' .r' e .E 6 '+ -o: 4 .n$ ' i ',, r:'.' , ',i'' v ' lib'i tr : .;.) , t' ','! ... .,rl.r\ i -, ,ki-, 'r' t- - 1.,; - '., i+':.. i- -li :.r _:r ' l-t . i it j .;.. . 1 v ffnwi $$ffg€€$p,i t*: ''E..Feffi,, t'io ;,r'$;i,:' i};aiin-,i tt ': f,i.:iri"' .,,i. 1 ch >i' cNq t't Br it [r NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPr oN JoBsrrE '\s\ E\c\\i' CONSTRUCTION PERMIT \\$\ TE lonn nllalltT departnent ol community doslopment TO BE FILLED OUT COI{PLETELY PR IOf TOT$UANCE OF PERM]T WPE OF PERMIT fi eutLotnc I elur'aetrue ffi elecrntcel E rounoErtou En MEcHANtcAL ! DATE 4€+- 2+,1987 PERMTT 11s. --0CI314J-l' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION 122e34 GENERAL DESCRfPTfON OFWORK , - 1385 C0NSTRUCT -sQlrARF Fr. 0F NEl{ CNMMFRNTAI SPANF fNFFTNFI z 9 E D J BUILDING 67-onn - 0n ELECTRICAL 7,000.00 PLUIdBING 5,000.00 MECHANICAL 7,000.00 ]UTAL $ 86,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL D.t.. LOT BLK . ,,== II FR B-2 86 ,000. 00 BUILDINC PERUlT a7?\- $+ R lF q c_J ,,.,*n IASQDE CLUB l\D) r-f I PLAN CHECK ?72 JoBNAME: efff€fEf€E REU0DEL h ELECTRICAL 119 O',VNER rulueCascade Club LTfl NE:W ( ) ATTERATTON ( ) AODITIONAL 000x REPAIR (PLUMBING qn MATLADDRESS 1000 S. Frcntage DTII,EL|-ING UN]TS - A@OMMODATION UNITS- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIBEPLACES MECHANICAL 105 Ctrv Vai I PH. 6-66n RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT ,,"r, A. L. Arnol d INSUI.ATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MAIL AODRESS CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250 ctw PH. Exr.wALLs I rrAr I I e I I\- rr USE TAX 425 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM.IEMtrNB TNN rowNoFvArLREG.No. 126-A TOTAL PERMIT FEES { r no?nn 476-6361 TFI F tRY MURRAIN NoV. 2, 1987 ]nr."rr,"o. CONTRACTOR )o...ntl, \)rarn.t ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: YN ST. CUT INITIAL I I fgf8f''Fhlit oBt','zz, rgez TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.NG ADMINISTRATOR DATE INO & BUILDING NOTES: *NOTE" 7 SPACFS REGD. / MATERI+LS TO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM SunL TOU'N OF VAIL EEG. NO. PARKTNG MATCH FYTSTING TELE. I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhis appllcailon, fllled out in lull the information requlred, compleied an accurite plol plan, and state ttra-t'alt the information provided as requlred ls correct. I noreb to comolv wlth tlie iniormalion and plot plan, to comply wlth all Town ordinances and state agreb to comply wlth tfie iniormalion and plot plan, to comply wlth allTown ordinances and state laivs, and to'OuilO this structure accordlng to rhe T_gr*n'r zonjryand;xtdilision codes, deslgn review approved, Unlform Building Code and othgr/ordtt{ance*tf'lhgtrowfappllcalfe thereto. cLErrN up ro: CJs <tuU-- l-b:cA(4 ,-J-D SIGNATURE OF Z1-A-- see- aLo tx-..AND THE OWNER. FOB HIMSELF MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM t'-U fh, { TOWN OF VAIL REG. NQ.- TEI E OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. tie palit6ry/vail l^J on ,.Er-r-, departmont ol community rteveloirmont PLEWutEnE THE "x,, MARKS E D BUttolNG ELECTRICAL MECHANICAI PLUMBING FOUNOATION ( ( \ TYPEoF peEnlT ARCHIIECT GENERAL CONTRACIOR G??'^?f3h (r,r"o,r. CONIRACTOR CONTRACT CONTRACTO r'ru KL.ARlg|sT MAII ADDRESS N TEIE. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. - NorE- cgpy g)F pERMr'o ,ll't I oare !oh, {h z) T.IYPE OF CONSTNUCTION e. occupalrcv cRoui. DtvlstoN 6At wv 4- Qeutnu DWELUNGUNITS ACCOMMODATIoT*UMIS _ OESIGN NEVIEW BOANO / (7.oo fu, o' 1oS.- " CI.EAN.UP DEPOSII a 2$,-."<- AREII. PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMTT PIAN CHECK FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE : n FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: ELECTRI CAL FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTI FI CATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of O DATE: o,,r* {{ffiio : (IdARKED To snow criarcr/s r.\-.\,: FRolt 4-21-87 DRAFr) U,Jgfl'l\ {n'i; {$^dp tffi\DECIARATIOI{ OF RECTPROCAIJ EASEIIIENTS XUIS DECIJARAIION Ot' RECfpROcAL EASEt{ElrrS (thls uDeclaration') ls nade as of the day of _, L987 by VAfIJ VENIURES, I-,TD., a CoJ.orado ll_nlted partnership ('VaiJ. Ventures'), CASCADE I.oIIGE JOINT VEMrURE, a Colorado Joint venture ({pascade 'rodget) , cMc coNDourNrrt!.lst, r.TD., a cororado limited partnershLp ('CTilC, Ltd,t) and COIJORADO I|OUNTAIN CoLITEGE FoIniDATfoN, a colorado corporation ('Colorado Ivtountaint) .-' !t.1. 'r; '.' RECITAI6 a 'l:,. A. Vail Ventures owns ttre real property J.egally deeiribed on Exlrlblt A attacbed hereto and by thls reference : f.. {4gerporated hereLn (the 'caEcade Sltet), upon whLch ls ,l:?cated an athletic club and parkLnE Earage conplex (the ')-- i:tdassade Building'). Vait VentureE intendg to EubJ€ct the cascade site to a condominir:n reEine and create condonLniun unlts within the Cascade BulLding to be known as the Cascade Club Condonlniuns (the 'Cascade Unitsr). B. Colorado llountain Condoninir:ms is a nLxed use condonLnir:m complex located in VaII, Colorado, the condonlnium unlts of shlch are legally describEd in Exlrlbit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (the 'cli[c Unlts'). The bullding in shich tha cllc Unlts are located is referred to heraln as the 'CIIC Buildlngt and the parcel of real prolnrty upon which the C![C Buildlng lE located is referred to hereLn as the 'ct{c sl,te.' ValL ventures, cascade Lodge, Cl,!C, Ltd. and Colorado MountaLn each onrn one or nore of, the CUC Units as Eet forth ln Exhlblt B. C. Cascade Iodge owns the real property legally described on Exlrlblt c attached hereto and by thls reference incorporated herel,n (the tHotel Slte'), upon whlch ls located a hotel building (the ,HoteL BulldlnE'). Vait VEntureE owns tbe real property J,eEally deEcribEd on Exlriblts D and E, respectlvely, attacbed hereto and by this reference l-ncorporated herein (the 'plaza Sitet and th€ 'Terrace Slte,/ respectively). VaiI Ventures contenplatee constructing a buildinE contalninE guest roons, retall Epace and meeting faclllties on the plaza slte (the 'plaza BulldlnE') and a bullding containing guest roomE and retail space on the Terrace Site (the tTerrace BuJ.lding'). The CMC UnitE preeently owned by CMC, Ltd., aE ldentLfied on E*ttlbtt B (the uCltC Resldentlal UnLts'), and thE Hotel. Building are currently operated as an integrated resort and convention hotel complex and, upon conpl,etion, the P1aza Bullding and the Terrace BuildlnE s1.11 be included wlthin that conplex. D, Xtre C!!C BulldinE and the cascade Bullding are separated by an aceess road known as Weethaven Drl-ve, but lrave been connected by an encLosed pedestrian wallilray that extends -2- over WestJaven DrlvE between the third level of the Cascade Building and the second floor of the CMC Buildlng (tbe 'l{estbaven Pedestrian arl.dge'). Tlre support facilitLes for the l{esthaven PedostrLan Brldge are located on the Cascade Site and the CIitC Site and the Westhaven pedestrian Bridge crosse€r those tso sites and Weathaven DrLve. It ls contemplated that the WeEthaven pedaEtrlan Erldge sill bei desS.gnated as a general conrnon eletnent of, the Cascade Unlts. E. llbe Eotel. Buildlng and the cxitc Building are also connected above ground by an encloEed pedestrLan wallcuay that extends between tlre second and thlrd floors of those two buiJ-dings (tbe 'Ilotel l{allcray'). The eupport facillties for the Hotel wau<I'ay are located on the CMC Site and the IIoteI Site and the Hotet Wa1tfiray croases both sitee. The Eotel Walklray ie intended to be a general comon elenent of, the CMC Untts. 8. The second fLoor of the cMc BuLldlng provldes pedestrian acceEE between the Caseade Buil.ding vJ.a the WeEthaven Pedestrian Bridge and the Eotel Bulldlng by neans of an interior hallsay and lobby of the CMC Butldlng which are general cotltiron Glements of the ClrlC Units. The second fLoor of the CllC Butlaltng also provides pedestrlan access to tlre CMC Residential UnLts by means of staltrellE and an elevator which are also general coruron elements of the cMc Building. -3- C. A portion of an area adJacent to the CMC Buildlng uhLcb 1g uEed for pedeetrlan access to the CDIC Bulldlng encroaches onto l{esthaven Drive. vail ventures LE the orner of weEthaven DrLve. rt is contenplated that vail ventures uill dedicate westhaven Drive to the Town of valt Colorado. H. The ttotel BulldinE and the cMC BuiLdlng share an underground pafry walr aLong the boundary between the Hoter Site and the CMC SLte (the 'party Wall'). I. lhe parties hereto nlsh to enter into thls Declaration Ln order to create eaeenents anong then as hereinafter set forth ln order to utilize the property lrereby affected in ttre manner contenplated by the partles. DECINRATTON OF EASEITENTS Upon and subJect to the ter:ns and condLtLons eet forth in thlE DecLaratLon, the parties hereto hereby create, grant and convey the perpetual , nonexcluEive easenents deEcribed ln Artlcles II through vII below, and declare that each of the tSites' (as such tern is defined in Artlcle I below) shall be: he1d, sold, and conveyed subJect to thls Declaratl,on, which is f,or the purpose of enhanclng and protecting the value and deslrablllty of al-L of the Sites. Each easeroent granted and conveyed hereunder shaU be for the beneflt of, and may be enforced by, an 'Ownerd (ae such term i's defl-nsd Ln ArELcte r below) of tbe respectlve rBenefitted Sitet (aB sucb tern Ls defl.ned in Article I below) and the EUCCeSEoTS and assigms of eaeh qrner. Each eaEeuent grranted and conveyed hereunder Ehall nrn wlth the land and ehall be appurtenant to the respective Benefltted Slte guch that a transfer of leEal title to all or any poztl.on of, Euch Benefitted slte shaLl automaticall.y transfer a proportionate interest in the respectlve easenent. ARIICLE X DEFINTTIONS fn additlon to the termE def,ined above, the following wordE and phrases when used in thie Declaration Eharl trave the followlnE specifled meanlnEs: SectLon 1.01. ,BenefLtted Slte' shall Eean the Slte for sbich, or for the Owner(s) of wbich, a particuLar Easement ls created. Section 1.02. tDeclaration' shall nean this lnEtrunent and arr amendments hereto hereafter recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, CoLorado. gectLori t^.03. pEasementt shaLl nean one of the easeuents created pursuant to thE provisJ.ons of Articles II through VIf of, thls DecLaration. section 1.04. tEasenent Arear shalL [ean one of the areas on, over, across or through which an Easement bas been -5- created Frrsuant to the provislonE of ArticLes rr through vrr of tbis lleclaration, together wrth all lnprovements located, tb.ereon whlch are utiLlzed for the Easenent. Section 1.05. 'Otlrer Owner' Ehall mean an Owner having an interest Ln a partlcular gaEement Area other than the Responsible ouner. Section L.06. 'Owner' shall nean any person holdlng beneficiar fee sfunple tltle to a slte or any portion thereofi provlded, however, lf all persons holdlng baneflcial fee sinple titre to a sLte entar Lnto a leaee shicb is record.ed in the real property records of Eagte County, Colorado wJ-th any PerBon ho].dLng tltre to the inprovernents then or thereafter constmcted on such sLte pursuant to the provisions of such recorded lease or another recorded instnrnent, rOwnerr shall mean any Person holdlnE tLtle to ttre leasehold estate grranted by such lease until Euch Leasehold estate axtrlLres or terninates. The rlght to be an owner sharl be determLned frora the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado.- The lnitial owner(s) of each site are Eet forth in the RecitaLs to this DEclaratlon. SestLon 1.02. "pernitteer shall mean any officer, dlrector, euployee, agent, contractor, customer, gueat, vlsitor, invitee, licensee, assignee, tenant or conceaslonaire of an Owner. -6- Saction 1.08. 'person' shall mean an indl_vidual or a corporatJ.on, partnership, aseociation, tr:uEt or other leEal entity with the legaL right to hold title to real property tn Col.orado. SectLon 1.09. tRegulred l,lalntenancer shaLl nean the operation, maintenance and repair regulred purauant to any of Sections 2.O2,3.O2, 4.O2r F.02, E.O2 and 7.02. Section 1.10. 'ReEponsible Oriner' shall nean an Owner required to perfozt the Requlred Maintenance wlth respect to a partl.cular Eaeenent Area. Sectlon 1.11.. 'Slte, Ehall nean any one of the Cascade site, tJre Ct.tC Stte, the Hotel Site, the plaza Slte or the Terrace SLte. ARTICLE IT I{ESIIIAVEN FEDESTRIAI,T BRIDGE EASEIIENI Section 2.O1. Conveyance of Easenent. Vail Ventures, Cascade Lodge, Cl,lC, ttd. and Colorado Mountain, subJect to the terus and condltions set f,orth ln tbis Declaration, hereby create and grant and convey to the Own€r(s) of th6 CaEcade Site, a perpetual , nonexclusive eaEenent for the purposes of conEtruction, inEtallation, naintenance, repLacenent, repair and uEe of a pedestrian walkway over Westhaven Drive at the present location (including eLevatlon) of the l{esthaven pedestrian Brldge on, over, acrols and through the real property described, on Exhittlt F attached hereto and by tbis ref,erence incor?orated herein. SectLon 2.02. Operation, lt{aintenance and Repalr of Eagenent Area, lhe owner(s) of the cascade Slte EhaU be responsible for, and shall bear the costs of, the operation, maintenance, replacenent, and repair of, the Easenent Area descrlbed in Sectlon 2.01 and Ehall naLntaLn the saue ln a safe and strrrcturally sound nanner. Section 2.03. AsEl-annent of Easenent. ff at any tl-me in the future the cascade Slte ls subJected to a eondominiun regine pursuant to the Colorado Condoninl.rrm Act, (Colorado Revised Statutes S 38-33-10X eg seq.), tJrereby creatlng the caacade Units, the Easenent created by Sectlon z.OL nay be assigned to the Owner(s) of tb,e CaEcade Units as a general corumon elenent of the eaacade Units. ARTICLE TTI CASCADE BUTLDTNG PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEUENT Sectlon 3.O1. Conveyance of Easenent. Vail Ventures, eubJect to tbe tems and conditions set forth in thls Declaration, hereby Eeltrs and conveys to the owner(s) of the cMC Units, a perpetual , nonexel.usLve pedeetrian access easenent and right-of-way on, across and through the l{esthaven Fedestrian Bridge and the followlng areaE of Level 3 of the r.l€le/ -8- cagcadg EuLldlng that are shown by cross-hatching on Exhlblt c attached hereto and by this reference incorporated bereln: the floor Epace, stalrs and nalkway Leadlnq fron the Westhaven Pedestrl.an Bridge toward Cascade Unlt 3. Section 3.02. OperatLon. Maintenance and Repair of Easenent Area. The Owner(s) of, the Cascade Slte shaLl be responsJ,ble for, and strall bear tlre costE of, the operatJ_on, maintEnance, replacenent and repair of the Easenent Area deecribed in Sectlon 3.01 and shall naintain the sane in a clean, saf,e and attractlve condltion, suitable to serive a fLrst-eLags reEort and convention hotel . Section 3.03. Rules ResardLncr Use. The Easenent created by seetion 3.01 nay be nade subJect to guch reasonable riuleE and regulations of general appticatl_on to alJ' those entitled to use the Easenent Area deEcrlbed in SectLon 3.01 raEarding tlre uae of such Eaeernent Area as the owner(s) of the CaEcad€ Stte nay inpose from tLne to tlme; provided, however, that Euch Easenent Area EhaII be open frorn Z:00 a.m. through l.L:00 p.E. every day of eacb calEndar year. UEW -9- ARTXCI-,E fV CTifC ENCROACHIIENT EASEMEN:r Section 9.01. Convevance of EaEement. ValI Ventures, subJect to the ter:ns and conditLonE set forth in thls Dec!.aratlon, hereby seLls and conveys to the Owner(s) of the c![c Units, a perBetual , nonexclusLve eaeenent for the purposes of constrirction, installation, naintenance, replaceuent, repaLr and use of a pedeetrl.an access area dessribed on Exhlbit H attached hereto and by thls reference incorporated herein. Section 4.02. OrreratLon, Maintenance and Repair of Easenent Area. The Owner(s) of ttre CMC Units ehall be responsible for, and shall bear the costs of, the operatlon, maintenance, replacement, and repair of the Easanent Area descrLbed ln Sectl.on 4.Ol and shall naintain the same in a saf,e and Etructurally sound manner. ARTTCLE g CT,TC ACCESS EASEIIENT Sectlon .]1 01. Conveyance of Easernent. Vail Ventures, Cascade Lodge, CMC, Ltd. and Colorado l{ountain, subJect to the terms and condLtionE Eet forth ln this Declaratlon, hereby sell and eonvey to the Owner(E) of the Cascade Site, the Hotel Site, the plaza Site and the Terace Si.te, a pertrletual, nonexcluElve easenent and right-of,-tray for -10- the purpore of pedestrian acsess on, over, acrosa and through tbe following areas of the Ct{C Site: (a) the Eotel l{allnmy, the Easerent Area for which is described in Sestion g.Of, (b) the elevator and Lntarior stalnell ln ttre CMC Buttding that are desigmated by cross-hatclring on the nap shown on Exhlblt I attached hereto and by tbLs ref,erence nade a part hereof (whJ.ch contains a portion of the Map for the CMC Unlts, as more particularly described In E*hlblt B attached hereto, that showe the thlrd floor of the Ct{C Euildlng), and (c) those port,J-ons of the second-floor hallrayE and Lobby l,n the CMC Buil.ding that are desigmated by crosE-hatching on the nap shown on Exhibit I. Sectlon 9.02. Operation. Maintenance and Repair of Eagement Area. fhe Owner(E) of tbe C!!C Units shall be responelble for and shall bear the costs of, the operation, naintenance and.repalr of the Easenent Area descrlbed ln Section 5.01 and ehall maLntain the Ea.me Ln a clean, safe and attractlve nanner, EultabLe to senre a flrst-class resort and convention hotEl . Sectlon 5.03. Rules ReEardLncr Use. The Easenent created by Sectlon 5.0L may be nade subJect to such reasonable rulee and rqrulatlons of gen€ral applLcatlon to all those entitled to u6e the Easement Area deseribed in Sectlon 5.ox regarding the uEe of such Easenent Area as the Owner(s) of the CMC UnitE rnay inpose from tine to timet provided, howevEr, -11- that sucb Eaaenent Area shall be open f,rom 7:00 a.n. throuqh 11:oo Ir.E. ever-y day of each calendar year. HOTE', WAI;KWAY EASEIIENT Sectlon€.01. Convevance of Easement. Caecade Lodge, subJect to the ter:mE and conditlonE eet forth ln this DEslaration, lrereby sells and conveya to the owner(s) of the CtrlC Unl.tE, a perSretual , nonexclueive easenent for the purpose(s) of, conetruction, installation, naintenance, replacement, repaLr and use of, a pedestrian walkray at tbe present location (includlng elevation) of, the Hotel Wallnray on, over, across and tlrrough the real property described on Exhlblt iI attached hareto and by this reference incoryorated herein. Ttre ownerE of the CMC Units hereby declare that the easernent granted pursuant to and the EaEenent Area descrlbed in thLE Sectlon 6.01. shalf p!!$general common elenents of tbe cltc unitE. Section 3.02. OneratLng, llaLntenance and Repair of Easen€nt Area. llhe Owner(s) of the CI{c UnltE shaLl be responslSlr for; and shall bear the coEts of, the operatlon, maintEnancg, replacenent, and repair of tha Easenent Area deecrlbed in Section S.oL and Ehall maintaln tlre Eame in a safe and structurally sound l[6nt1€!. -L2- ry PARTY I{ALIJ EASEMEMXS Sectlon 7.01.Convevance of Easenents. Vall Ventures, CaEcade Lodge, CltlC, Ltd. and Colorado ltountaln hereby selI and convey to the Owner(s) of, the Eotel Slte and Cascade Lodge hereby sells and conveyE to the owner(E) of the CttC Units, subJect to the te:me and conditions set forth Ln thiE oeclaratron, perpetual nonexclusive reeiprocal eaEenents on that portion of the real property owned by the aonveying Osner or OwnerE upon which tlre party fall. Is presently located for purpoeeE of eupport and uaint€nance of tbe party WaII and the repalr or reconstructlon of, the party Wall Ln the event of damage or destruction to, or obsoleecence of, the party l{all . Sectlon _2.02. Maintenance and Renaj_r of Easement AreaB. The owner(s) of the llotel Slte shalL be responslble for, and shaU bear the costs of, the maintenance and repair of the interior face of the Party WaIl located on the Hotel. Site and shaLl naintain such lnterl-or face ln a safe and structurally sound m€rnner. The Owner(s) of the ClitC Units shall be responsible for, and shatt bear the costs of, the naintenance and repair of the lnterior face of the party wall located on the CMC Site and shall naintain Euch interior face in a safe and stnrcturally sound nanner. -13- a&Ersl+$+ USE OF EASEMENTS . Alteratl-on of Easement Improvernents. -.(-a) fhe Responsrble owner(s) wlth respect to an Easement Area may not comence any arterati.on of euch EaEenent Area rrrlthout the prior Eubnissron of plans and specificatlons therefor and prlor sritten approval by the other owner(s) with respect to suclr Easement Are withheld. such plans and speclf,ications shall be in such form and shall contaLn Euch Lnf,ormation aE Day be reasonably requlred by such Other Owner(B). Such Oth€r Owner(s) ghall deliver to such ResponsiblE owner(E) wrLtten approval or dJ.sapproval of, such ptanE and epecJ.fications wlthln 3O days after their receipt therEof. rf such other owner(s) fail to dellver euch srLtten approvar or dlsapproval within tbe tine period specifled above, such plang and specj.flcatlons slrall be deened to have been approved by the orsners of the Benefltted Sltes. (b) Any dispute betreen Olrners concernLng the reagonar'lenesa of approvat witlrheld nlth respect to proposed alteratLons of dn EaEernent Area shall be settled by blndlng arbltratlon, under the appllcable rules of the Amerisan ArbitratLon Association, at the office of sucb asEocLation located neareEt to the sitEs. The decision of any arbltrator In any such proceedlng shall be final and binding on all the UEr, -14- pafr,ies tbereto and nay be entered in any court of conpetent jurlsdlctJ.on. Sectlon €.o2. FErmittEd Users. The owner(s) of a Benefitted Slte shall be entitled to make the Easenents granted to such Owner(s) avallable for use by tJre Feml_tteee of such Owner(s) on such terue and condLtions as may be lnposed by such Owner(s). Any dauage or destruction to the Easeuent Area caugeal by any owner or Euch onnerrg pernLttees ehal.I be repaLred at ttre sole erqrense of such olrn€r. Eeelletj:.Ll. ReEerratlon of RLahts. The owner(E) of, eadh Easement Area resenre alr rights wl.th reqlect to such Easenent Area which are not lncompatibre with the right of the Owner(E) of the correspondinE Benefitted Site(s) to uee and enJoy the Easement granted to such Owner(E). Sectlon=8.04. fndemnlflcation. The Owner(E) of, each Benefltted slte Ehalt lndernnify and hord harmless the owner(s) of the corresponding Easenent Area fron and against any clains, denands, Ilabiltttes, damages, actlons or causeE of actl-ons, lncLudl.ng reasonable attorneyrs f,ees, arising out of or related to the use of such Easenent Area by the indenrtltying O*ner(s) oi the pernltteee of the lndennifying Owner(s). An Owner perforninE Requlred lrtaintenance uLth respect to an EaEenent Area, eLther pursuant to the provisions of Sectlons 2.O2, 3.O2, 4.02, 5.02, 6.02 or 7.M or pursuant to the provisionE of section f!.02, shall lndeunlfy and hold har:nleEE the Other oqrner(s) who or which own or have a right l"* -15- to use sucb EaE€Dent fron and against any claims, demands, liabtl|,ttes, d,arnages, actions or causes of actions, including reasonpble attorneys, f,ees, arising out of or reLated to the perfoltance of such Requlred Malntenance. ARTICLE IX II{SI'RANCE. DESTRI'CTTON AND CONDEMNATTON Section 9.01. ComprehenElve Ll.abilLtv Insurance. Ttre ReapongiblE Ouner(s) witJr respect to an Easenent Area shall dalntaln general cornprehenslve Llability insurance agaLnef clal,rus for personal or bodtly inJury, d,eath or property danage arlsing fron the uee and maintenance of Euclr Easenent Area, wlth Elngle linit of llablllty of not lesE than $1r000i000. If, f,ron tlme to tine, reasonable practice would dictatf that such linit should be increased, sucb Reeponsible Owner(s) shall increase such linlts to the necessary greater arnounti Such l1abtltty insurance shall nane as addltlonal insuredg tlre Other Owner(s) wlth respeqt to such Easement Area and sh{It contal.n a provision that no act or omission by an Owner shall voLd the pol.iey or operate as a condition to recovef-y by any other person under such poL1cy. section9.O2. Damage or Destruction. In the event of dauAge to or d,estnrction of an Easement Area by fire or any other cause, simiLar or dissLnJ.lar, inEured or uninsured, the -16- rebul.ld tbr portion of Euch Eaaement Area so damaged at the cost gf such Responslble Owner(s). If, withLn sl.x nonths after the date of sucb casualty damage, such ResponEible Owner(s) have not either conpleted, or have cornnenced and shaLl be dlligently prosecuting the restoration, repair, replacenent or rebul.ldlng of ttre portlon of Euch EaEenent Area so darnaged, the E4sement(s) hereby granted with respect to such Easenent Area shall autonatically termlnate. SectlonjZ.o3. Condennatl.on. (a) In the event of a totaL or partial taking of an EasEment Area in condeunatl,on proceedings or by any rlght of erninent donain (lncludlng a deed dr othEr tranEf,er in lleu of, anl.nent donain), that portion of the total aggrreEate asard for Euch taking, includll.nE aeverance danages, attrllrutable to the value of such Eaaenent Area so taken, ehall be payable only to ttre Owner(E) of sucb. Easenent Area, and no clain for such asard sha1l be nade by the Owner(s) of any correspondlnE Benefitted Slte. (b) The provl-sLons of Section 9.03 (a) above Ehal1 not probiblt the ornEr(B) of a Benefitted Slte wltb respect to an Eas€nEnt Area so taken fron flllng collateral clalms sitb the condemning authority, for recovery over and above ltbe value of the Easement Area Eo taken, to the extent of any dFrnage suffEred by the Orner(s) of such Benefltted Slte resulting from Euch taking; provLded such claim or recover:f does nbt reduce or dininish the amount of, the asard which the -L7- orrner(g) o! such Eagement Area would otlrerrrisq receive. (c) In the event of Euch a taklng of an Eaeenent Area, the ResponsibLe Owner(E) wlth respect to such Easenent Area may, but Ehall not be obllgated to, trestore, repal.r, replace or rebul.ld the portl.on of, euqh Easenent Area not so taken at the coEt of such ResponsLble Olrner(s). If, within six nonths after the date of Euch taklng, such Responsibl.e owner(s) bave not al.ther conpleted or have co'nnenced and sball be dil.lgently prosecutJ,nE thE restoration, repaJ,r, replacenent or rebulldlng of the porti.on of such Eagement Area not so taken, tbe EaEenent(E) hereby granted with respect to suclr Easement Area sball autonatLcalty teminate. ARTTCLE J RSMEDIES Section 10.O1. RLcrhts of Action. .Except wlth resDect to a dLE p-'ute coneernlng approval of alteratlone of an Easenent Area for which arbitratlon is the approprlate renedy as Eet forth ln Section 8.01(b), Ln the event that an Owner or owners ehall fail to conply wlth any of the proviel.ons of thls Ileclaratj,on, any of the other Owtlers Ehalt have fulJ. power and authority to enforce compLiance sith this Declaratlon in any nanner provided for by lan or ln eqrrity, includlng, without lfunitation: (a) an action for danages, and (b) an actl-on to -18- enjoln srut vlolatlon or specJ.ficatly enforce the provisions of thig Declaratlon. In the event the enforcinE Ouner(s) shall connence an action to enforce any provision of thls DeclaratLon agalnst any other Owner(s) and shall prevaLl in Eush action, the enf,orcl.ng owner(E) ehall be entitled to recover fron the nonprevalllng Orrner(s) reasonable attorneyrs f,ees and costE ln acldltion to any other anounts provided for herein. S6ctl-on 10.02. Fallure to perfonn Recnrired !,1laLntenance. rn the event that the ResponeLbre owner(s) shall fail to perforn or cauEe to be performed the Reguired Maintenance sittr respect to an Easement Area, the Otber Owner(s) with respect to Euch Easenent Area, shall, after at least ten days prior wrltten notlce to such Responsible Owner(s), be entJ.tled to perforn or cause to be perforaed the Regulred Malntenance. Ehe coEts of the Required Maintenance perfo:ned by Euch Other Owner(s), togethEr sith lntereEt at an annual rate of 18 percent f,rom and after the date of denand, shalL be payable upon denand by such Responsible Owner(s), Section 11.01. ARTICIA XI I{TSCELIA}IEOUS Duration. The EaEements, restrLctlons, benefits and oblLgatlone hereunder sball be deemed to create perpetual benefits and servltudes upon the -t 9- Benefl'ttcd sltea and the Easenent Areas, respectlvely, runnl-ng shall create prj-vity anonE the Orrners, ly dellvered or when delLvered by Unlted States wLth tbe land tb,ereof. TlriE Declaratlon of conpract and estate, or bogh, with and thelr puccessors and asslgms. Section 11.02. ModLficatLon. No provision or ter:m of this DeclaratLon nay be amended, nodified, revoked, supple{aented, waived or othenrise changed, nor nay this Declaratlon be terminated, except by a wr!.tten Lnstrtrment that specifles the nodl.f,lcation and ls duly executed by all of the then Oirners. Sectlon &:L.03. Notl-oea. ALL notLces and other connunlcatLons required or permltted under thiE Decl.aration sball be Ln wrltLng and shall be deened EufficLEntly glven sben nail air canLer EerrrLcE to thE address Ehown on the by whieh Euch owner obtained tl-tle to such Ownerrs Condoninlun Unlt or Site. Any Owner, by notlce to all of the other ers given as above, may change the address to shlch future notLses or other connunLcations lntended for Euch owner shall be EEnt. Scstion 11.04. coverning Law. TlriE DeclaratLon shall Te gorrerned by and constnred in accordance wlth the Iaws of the State of Colorado. Section 11.05. Severabillty. If any ter:n or provlsl.on of thls Declaratl.on or the application thereof to -20- any perron or cirsunstance Ehall, to any extent, be invaLld or unenforcoable, the remainder of, this Declaratl.on, or the application of such term or provision to p€rsons or clreqmetances other than thoEe as to whlch it ls held invalid or uqenforceable, shall not be af,fected thereby, and each tern and provision of this DecLaration shaLL be valid and be enf,orced to the fulleEt extent per-nitted by law. Section 11 .06. RetationshLp of Farties. TlriE Declaratlon IE not intended to create a Jolnt venture, partilership or agenay relatl-onshl.p between or aronE any of the Owners. Section 1L.07. Owners, Ricrhts to Mortgracre. Any or all of the owners shaLl at aLl tlnes have tlrE riqht to nortgage or encunber all of ttreir respective rlght, tltle and lnterest in their EaEenentE hereby created or any portlon thereof, provLded that any such mortgaEe or encunbrance shall be Eirbordinate and lnferLor to such Eas€Dents. Section 11.08. fntelrcretation. The captions of the articles and sectLons and of this Declaration ara for convenience only and shall not be consLdered to o<pand, nodlfy or af.d in tlre lnterpretatJ.on, conetrrrction or neaning of thiE Declaration. Unless the context provides or reguires to the contfary, the use of, the singular berein Eha1L'include the plur3l, the use of, the plural shall Lnclude the singular and thE lrse of any Eender Ehall incLude all genders. -2L- S€ctLon J1.09.. No !{aiver. llhe failure to enforce any provl,gl,on of tlris Declaration shall not constitute a waiver thereof, or of the rJ.ght to enforce such provl_sion thereafter. SectLon trL. 10. No public Risht or Dedl-catlon. Nothing contained ln thls Declaratlon shall be deemed to be a glft or dedlcatLon of all or any part of any parcel to the publlc or for any public use. EXECUEED as of tshe date Eet forth above. Val,l Y€Dturea, LtC., a Colorado llnlted partnership By: t{ansfiel.d, Ltd., a Colorado llnited partnership, General Partner By: ltontane Corporatl.on, a (sEA&) colorado corporatl-on, General Partner Attest! Secretary B"t _President (SEAIJ) By: ConAn Vail Advisorg, Inc., a California coryoratlon,- General Partner Attest! Secretary By: _G -22- (SEAL) Attest: Secretary (sErLL) AtteEt: (sEAIr) Attestr eaBaada lrodgie toilt vsrtula, a colorado Jolnt venture By: Vail Venturei, Ltd., a colorado llnited partnership By: Dtansfleld, Ltd., a colorado llnited partnership, General Partner By: llontane Corltoration, a CoLorado corlroration, General Partner By: conAm VaiI Advl.Eors, Inc., a Callfornia corporation, Gen€ral Partner By: Presldent By: caBcade l-,odge ltotel Corlporation, Delatrare corporation fut- President Secretary -23- (sEArl cltc coraoElltraB, Irtc., a colorado llnited partnership By: Vall Ventures, Ltd., a colorado linited partnership, General partner By: Uansfie}d, Ltd., a Colorado linited partnershLp, General Fartner By! t{ontane Corporation, a Colorado corporation, General Partner n-t - President By: ConAn VaiI AdviEorE, Inc., a Calif,ornia corporation, General Partner By: _ffi By: ConAn VaLl Advisora, Inc., a Call.fornia corporation, General Partner By3 President coloraCo ttouDtai! collegs colorado corporation FouadatLon, a Rrr r . President Attest: -.._--secretary (sEAL) Attest,: (sENj) Attest: -24- o S1rAIE OT ag.coult[y oF Tbe foregoing lnstnunent ras ac*norledged before ne thls day of . 1987 bv . as FraesLalent, and _ r a,B Secretary, of E6;ffi4 coryoraEron, a EoFffio -o co4orar,ffi-n, aE cenerai Paatner of Uansfield, Ltd., a Colorado ltntted partnershlp, as Ganeral Pa*,nea of ValI Ventur€s, Ltd. r a CoLorado llb1ted partnar6hJ.p, on behalf of sucb, partnershlp. lrltness uy hand and of,floLal seal. (NOiITRIA& SEAL,) Notatft nrbl1c Uy eouulssl,on e:rpl,ree: 9TArE Or _)) ss. cottNEI or t - this lElre foreEolng lnstnngnt wae acknowledEed bef,ore ne _ dgy of -.-...__,,_, 1,9g7 by _, as Pregt.cl€nt an(l, , aB SeaElffiy, of conAu vall-8ffil6ElEffi6., a Gllffi:nla corporatlon, as c€neral FErtner of, Vall Ventures, &td., a Colorado LinttEd partnereblp, on bebalf of Euch partnership. lfitness uy hand and offLolal. eeal. (NOTARIAIJ SEilIr) l{r cotuLssl.on expLres: -25- STATE OF ) ) ) Tlre foregolng lnstrunent was acknowledEed before me this _ 9!y of , 198? by r is Fresident, and , os _ Secretary,6F!6iEanecor?oraEron,a-EffiGft roras6;FsGenerai Partner of Mansfield, Ltd., a Colorado tlnlted partnershJ.p, as G€nera1 Partner of VaII ventureE, Ltd., a coLorado llnited partnership, as venturer of CaEcade Lodge ilolnt Venture, a CoLorado Jolnt venture, on belralf, of, such Jotnt venture. Wltness ny hand and of,flcial eeal . (NOEARIAL SEIAL) Notarlt HrbtLc My comission expLres: ) ) Es. conlrTY oF _) sg. C.()IIIiITY OF STASE OE' The foregoing instnunent rag acknouledged bef,ore ne thls _ day of _, 198? by r tEr PreEident, and , as Secretanr,offiEn vail Mvlsors,ffiia 6$6Etl.on, as - ceneral Partner of Vail Ventures, Ltd., a Colorado LLrnited partnerehip, as venturer of Cascade Lodge Jo1nt Venture, a Colorado Joint venture, on behaLf of such Joint venture. ttltnesE ny hand and officLal seaL. (NOTARIAIJ SEJIIJ) lly corrqlsel.on exp!.res: -26- a SEATE OF ) ) ) EE. cttnilTY oF Ths foreEoing Lnstnrnent sas acknorsledged before ne thls day of _, 19gZ by _-EFesident,EiE thJ-s _ day of , LggT Presldant, Enlf r85 riS Secretary, ' -- - Y-Y-'Jb-J, o f cascade _ r,odge Hotel cor?ora€Ion;Toet awEEif-a-ryorat ion, i i venturer of Cascade L,odge Jol.nt Venture, a Colorado Joint venture, on behalf of such Joint venture. l{LtnesE uy hand and offlclal eeal. (NOTARIAL SEAL) NotatT Publtc My connLasion enpLres: STATE OF ag. couNTY oF _) llhe foregolng instruaent sas aoknosledged bEfore ne bY -, aE -t as-Saa;aary, of Montane coE!6E1:EffiioraaEi6SEFEton, as General Fartner of Manefl€Ld, Ltd., a colorado Unlted pattnershlpr -ae GenEral paztner of, VaiI Ventures, I_,td., a Colorado Linlted partnershLp, as ceneral partnar of gifi Condoninir:ne, I-,td., a Colorado llnited partnership, on behal.f of such linlted partnership. Wl-tness ny hand and officiaL seal. (NOTARTAL SEAL) l,Iy comlsslon expires: -27- STATE OF _) ) _) sE. COT'NDY OF The foregoing instnrmEnt 1987 gas by acknovl.edged before me day of,r €ts _ President, and as secreta4r, of conAn vaif Adv-Isors, InA, a cElffiEili-corporatl-on, aB ceneral Partner of Vall Ventures, Ltd., a Colorado linitEd partnership, aE ceneral Partner of, CMC Condoninl.uns, ttd., a Colorado llnl,ted partnershLp, on behalf of sucb ltnlted partnershJ.p. wltness my hand and of,flclal seal. (NOTARfAIJ SEAL) tble STATE OI'_) ) _, sa. The foregoing instnrment this _ day of _, L987 President, and waE by acknowledged before ue raS r66 fcretary, of conln vat1T6fF6ffiE, a cElffi-rn:Ii-cotporatJ.on, aE General Paltner of Clt[C CondonLnLums, Ltd., Colorado Linited partnershlp, on behalf of such llnlted partnership. lilLtness ny band and offLcLal Eeal. (NOTARIAL SEArJ) Notary Fubllc l,g comleslon ex;llres: Notary l\rbLic My counlssLon er4lires: COUNTY OF -28- STATE OF )) ss. coulrTY oF _) The f,oregolng instrument was aeknowledged before me thls _ day of , 198? by rEE|Pregldent, and rEEt SeErEary, of colorado t-t@6unaaET6iF-col_orado cotporation, on behalf, of such corporatlon. WitnesE ny hand and offlcial seal . (NCITARIAL SEAL) Notary Fubltc My conrnission o<pJ.res: -29- ;IOINDER BY LIENORS Tbe undersigned, aE holderE of indebtedness secured by deeds of tnrst or nortgages upon property covered by thls Declaration, lrereby subordinate their respective Lnterests in such property to the provlslons of this Declaration. 8.att1.-ll,rgt ltatloual. Ellrf,a national banking asEociation Attest! (sEAr.) By3 Title:Tltle: STATE OF EE. COI'NTY OF this Ttre foregoing instnrment was acknowledged bef,ore ne day of , 1987 bv - as rlS ) ) ) rdS FrseatEre--Elffi FffiiilnaiF,-E-iTlo-nar day of _, 1987 by ,and,8S l{itness ny hand and officlal. seal. (NOTARI.AIJ SE,AL) Notary Public My connission expires: -30- AtteEt: (sEAL) ffi STAIE OF COT'NjrY OF llLe Enpl,re gavl.ags, Bulldhg all Loa! AggosiattoD, a Colorado corporatlon By: ) ) ) Tltle: sE. aclqrouledged bef,ore ne rds r 8Cl Attgsts (sEjLL,) Tltle: STATE OF Th€ foregoLng instnrnent was tbis __ day of _, t 9B7 by , and @inss;EEft.i"a-E;ai-ffi'Colorado corjoratlon, on behalf of such entity. WLtnesE ny hand and offlcial seal . (NOTARI,AI, SEjAIJ) NotarT Publlc My cormlssion expLrest Fa8 fest aavLaga dtd l|orrl lgsootstLoll 8 CalLfornia corloratlon Ey: TLtler ss. coID{Tr oF ) ) ) Tlre foregoing lnstnrment was acknorledged before me this _ day o{ , t98Z by r BS --and , as - , of Far WaEFSaTInss and-EiiEElEEf 6n, a-tErffi-i, a corporatJ.on, on behalf of such entlty. IfltnesE ny hand and offlcLal seal. (NOTAS,IAIT SEAL) Notary Publlc My counission expires: -31- TI,tIE: )) Es.couNrr oF _) The foregolng instn:nent was aclrnortedged before ne this dav of - 19az brr rcr Attegtg (sEArJ) ffi STATE OF (NOTARTAL SEAL) Attest: (sEArJ) STATE OF thLs tlitnesE (NOTARIAL SEerJ) wltness ny hand and offlolal seal. Ecv.aly EtUg SavLags, a federal savings and loan aEEociation By: Notary Pubtie day of _, 19gZ by , 8s and-----fl ,F-BeverlJTTfEEIi$, a f,ederar sav!.nga anir , -oE Esverl.y HI'IIg savlngs, a t IoaD asBoclatlon, on behalf, of euch entLty. lly comJ.selon expl.res: Fastl,l Eotel a Delasare coaP!|rt,corporation Bys lllt1e: BE. COUNNV OF Ttre foregoLnE inetrunent was acknorl,edged before us day of , 1987 by and r aEl rtl9 , of'W€stln Hotel Conpany, a DeLaware ny hand and of,f,l.clal Eeal.. l,ly counission ocpires: -32- Barf, of D€nver banking AtteEt: (SEAIJ) Tlt1e: 9TATE OF ,vEl/ tbis , of FLrEt Interstate Bank of, Denver N,A.,natLona-f baffiIng asEociatLon, on behalf, of such entlty. Witness ny hand and offl.cial Eeal. (NOTARIAIJ SEAL) Notary HrbIIc My cormission er<pLres: tlrst flterstate X.A.; a nationaL associatlon By:Title: sE. COUNTY OF Ttre foregoinE instrunent rraE acknowledged before ne daY of -, 1987 by -, ?S ,andrig r38 ) ) ) -33- E1CIIBIT A (Attached to and foming a part of D,eclaratlon of Reciprocal EiEenents anong VaiI Ventures, Ltd., et al .dated _, l98Z) LEGAIJ DESCRIPITION OF THE CASCADE SITE Begl.nnlng a!.a_ polnt on the southarly rlght-of-way line of Ilt:T:F:: lltghyay No. 7o whence an -tron-pin wtth-pristic-cap narkrng th€ centor of, Eald gectLon 12 beaiE s l9o3Zrog' tf ea7.79 feEt dist?$l ltrglce departLnE eaJ.d southerty right-of-way Line S 37'09131' E 126.96 ieetl ihenca N E6.48rAEr i 245.42 feet to a point on-culr/et thEnce 76.40 feet along the arc of a L071.72 toot radLus su!'!rrs to the left, havhg 6 central angle of 04.o5r04r and a chord that beirs N 54'46'134 E 76.39 fEeti thEncE N 52.43r41t E 169.55 feett thence N 37'L6'L9' If 149.96 f,eet to a pol.nt on sald, soutneiry :1?lt:g!:y?y-lin9 of rnterstarE Hishsa} na. io;-tnence alons'sald soutb,€rly rlght-of-way llne s-52.40'29' t{ 530.34 feet €o the polnt of begJ.nnlng. A trrart of, tlre SW L/4 ry V4, SectJ.on 12, TownEhlp 5 South,Range 81 t{est of ,the_sinth pri_ncipal ueiidlan, T6wn of vail,Eagle County, Colorado, dEEcrlbedaE f,ol.LowE: A-1 EXHTBI! B (Attacbed to and fornl.ng a part of Desl.aratLon of Reciprocal EaEenents anonE Vall ventures, L,td., et al .dated _, 1987) LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION OF rHE C!!E UNITS llhe CMC Units conslst of ttre followtng condonlnlun units owned by the following olrners: CondomLnLum Units O$ned bv VaLI Ventures. Ltd. CondonLnltrn Unlts C-OOI, C-101, C-201, C-2O2 and C-203, COIpRADO uou!fllAlN CONDo!{INIU!|E!, according to the Condoninium Declaration for Colorado !,lountaln CondonLnluns r€corded ilune t5, 1984 in Book 387 at Page 519 of the real property records of, Eagle county, Colorado and ttrE CondonlnLun ltap for Colorado Mountain Condoniniuns recorded ilune 15, 1984 in Book 38? at paEe 520 of the real property recorde of Eagle County, Colorado. Condominl-un Unit Owned bv Cascade l.odqe Joint Venture CondouiniuD Unlt D-00L, coIpRADO !,!oUNIAIN CONDOMINIIIIdSI,accordlnE to the Condominl-ru Declaratlon f,or Colorado li[ountain Condoninlung recorded June 15, 1984 in Book 382 at page C19 of the real property records of Eagle County, CoLorado and the CondonLnLun Map for CoLorado trtountain CondoniniumE resorded ,fune 15, L984 ln Book 387 at pag€ 620 of the real property records of EaEle County, Colorado. Condoninlun Unl.ts Orrned by CMC CondomLnluns. Ltd. Condominlrn Unlts R-L, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-7 and R-8, COIORADO tlOUltlAIN CONDOUfNIUMS], accordlnE to the Condoniniun Declaratl,on for Colorado Morrntal,n CondouLniurns recorded June 15, 198{ Ln Book 387 at Pag€ 61.9 of the real property records of Eagle eounty, Colorado and tbe CondoninLun Uap for Colorado Mountain Condouiniums recorcled ilune 15, 1984 ln Book 387 at page 620 of the real property records of Eagle County,colorado. B-1 CondominLrn Unit owned bll colorado Mountaln Foundation Condonl,nltrn Un1ts 3-001, S-OO2 I 5-LO1 and g-4O1, COLORADO lilOttNTAIN CPNmUINIUIIS, according to the CondonLnl.um Decl.aration for Colorado Uountain Condonlnlums recorded ilune 15, 1984 ln Book 387 at Page 619 of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado and the Condoninium l{ap for Colorado MountaLn CondoninLulrs recorded June 15, 1984 Ln Boolc 387 at page 620 of the real property records of EaEle County, colorado. B-2 E)mrBxg c (Attached to and formlng a part of DeclaratLon of Reclprocal Easenents among Vall Ventures, Ltd., et al ,dated _, 1987) I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTXON OF IIIIE HOIEII SITE That part of the SW L/4 NE L/4, Section 12, Tolrnshlp 5 South, RanEe 81 l{est of the Slxth prlncipal Meri.di.an, fown of Vail,Eagle County, Colorado, described as folloss: Begtnnlng at a point on the southerly boundary of the ;larcel of. land shown on the Condominiun Uap for the colorado Mountaln Condominiuns recorded ln Book 387 at FaEe 620 ln tlre office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerlr and Reeorder, whence the noEt southerly corner of said parcel bEars S 52"3Or29' W 14.16 feet distant; tbence the folloring nine courses along the southerly boundary of said parcel: (1) N 52"5ir29a E 49.18 feet; (2) N 37"L2'45D W L2.34 feetl (3) N 52"47rLSa E 1.00 feet; (4) N 3?'L2,45o W 1.30 feet (5) N 52'47tt5. E 42.60 feetl (6) N 37'L2'45a w 8.70 feet, (7) N 52"47?LSE E 15.00 feet; (8) S 37'L2'45a E 22.40 feet; (9) N 52o5O'29' E 35.28 feet; tbence departj-nE saLd southerly boundary N 52"5!t29t E 56.96 feeti thence S 37"09r3X' E 45.34 feet; thence N 52'5O'29t E 48.70 feet; thence S 3?'O9t3Lo E 9.60 feet; thence N 52'50'29' E 80.00 fe€tt tbence S 37'Ogr3].r E 36.40 feet;thence N 52'50,29P E 2L.30 f,eett thence S 37'09r3L' E 22O.O2 feet to ciore Creek; thence the foLlorlng four courses along Gore Creek! (1) S 49"26136, W 76.45 f,eet; (2) S 22o3L.36,' W L24.47 feetl (3) S 53"37136' lf 119.34 feetr (4) S 65'31136' W 14.58 feet; thence departing Gore Creek N 32'59130, VI L4L.47 feet; thence N 57'25,30o W L24.02 feEtr thence N 37"09131' W 1X6.45 feet to tJre point of begl.nning. c-1 EXAIBIT D (Attached to and forning a part of Declaration of RecLprocal Eaeenents anong Vall Ventures, Ltd., et al .dated _, 19SZ) LEGAL DESCRIPTTON OF TIIE PIAZA STTE That part of the SW L/l ffi L/!, Section 12, Tocnship 5 South,Range 81 West of, tbe Sfurth principal lterldLan, Town-of VaiI,County of Eagle, Colorado, described aE follore: Beginnfng at th9 most northerly corn€r of, Condoninlun Map of Colorado Mountal.n Condoniniuns accordlng to the nap thereof recorded in Book 382 at page 620 in the-offlce of the naEte County, Colorado, clerk and Recorder, whencE ln iron pln-with plastic cap narking the center of, eaid Sectl.on 12 beais s 34'50'58t I{ 964.27 fe€tt thence N 36.48145, E 106.52 feett thence 79.97 feet along the arc of a cu:rye to the left havlng a radl-uE of LL2L.72 feet, a central anEle of 04"OSrO4,t anO i chord that bears N 54.46'L3, E 79.gs feEtl thence N 5z;43r41u E 28.82 f,eett thence S 37"09r31t E tO5.?6 feet, tbence S 52'50'29' I{ 25.00 fe€tr thence s 37.O9r3lr E 80.00 feet,thence S 52"50,29t l{ 15.00 feett thence S 37.09131r E 16.79 feet; thence s 52'50r29t w 2L.30 feet, thence S 37oo9r3l.r E 9.60 feeti thence S 52'5Ot29' W 8O.OO feetr thence N 32'Ag'3Ln W 9.60 feetl thence S 5Z.S0r29o W 4g.ZO feett thence N 37"O9'3L) W 45.34 feetl thence S E2.SO|29, t{ 56.96 feet to the northeasterly line of said CondomLnium l,!ap of Colorado Itlountain Condoninirrnsi thence the following three courses along said northeasterly llne: (1) N 37"Ogi3Ln W ES.oo feett (2) N O7'5O'29r E 45.00 feet; (3) N 37"Ogr3La W 80.40 feet to the polnt of beginning. D-1 Elc|rBXT E (Attached to and fomi.ng a part of,Ileclaratl.o4 of Reciprocal Eisenents among Val.llVentures, ttd., et al .dated , L9A7l IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION OF TIIE EERRACE SITE !'hat part of, tlre ?y Ut NA Vt, Sectlon 1.2, Townshlp s Soutb,IlanEe 81 We6t of lhg Stxth EincLpal MerLdLan, Toun-of Vail,County of EaEla, Co1orad6, descrlbed as folLoiE: Eeg-iTning- at a point _wheTc€ an l-ron pin with plast!.c cap narlrlnE the centEr pf, said sectlon 12 bearg s- 4go22r37r-w 1095.58 feett tbEnce N 3?.o9r3lo w L6.78 feett tbence N 52"50'29' E 15.00 f,eeti thence N 37"09'31t lf 8O.OO feett thence N 5e"50r29. E 23|8|66 f,eett tbence S 40.L7,O4t E ].g?.Os fEgtt tbence S 28'28r36t l{ AOB.48 feett thence g 05.26155r E 1,04.50 f,eetl tbence g 49.26.36t ll 19.05 feetr thance N 37"09'31t W 220.02 fEett tb€nc6 S SA.SOrZgr g 2L.30 f,eetl thenee N 3?'O9r3L. lf 46.00 f€ett thence N 5?.5OrZ9r E 2L,30 feet to the polnt of begl.nnLnE. E-1 EXIUBTT F (Attached to and forming a part of DeclaratLon of, Reciprocal Eaeernents among VaiL Ventures, Ltd., et al , dated , L9a7l I.EGAIJ DESCRIPtrION OF THE EASEUENT ARE.A FOR WESTIIAVEN PEDESTRIAIT BRIDGE EASEI.TENT A 7 foot rLde strlp of land lylng ln a Condoninlum Map of Colorado ltlountain Condonl.niuns accordinE to the map tlrereof recorded Ln Book 387 at Page 520 of tbe recordg of the Eagle County, colorado, Clerk and Recorder, lylng 3.5 feet each slde of the following described centerllne: BeglnninE at a polnt on thE northerly lLne of said Condoniniun Map of Colorado Mountal-n Condomlniune whence tbe noEt northerly colrrer of Eaid condornlnlum Map of, Colorado ltlountaln CondonlnlumE bears N 56"48,46a E 50.70 feetr thence s 37'o9,3Lp E 12.82 feet to tbe point of, ternlnus shence said nost northerly corner of Condoml.niun Uap of Colorado Mountain Condoniniuns bears N 42"24t43t E 51.43 feet. The Eide llnes of the strLp are to be shortened or lengthened to ter:mlnate at saLd northerly ltne of Condoninlum lilap of Colorado l,[ountain CondonlnLuns. F-1 E&IETT-A (AttachEd to and foztlnE a Part of, DeclaratLon of, RecLprocal Easenents amonE VaLl. Venturesr Ltd., et al. dated -t 1987) UAP OF A PORTION OF THE EASEUENT ARE.A FOR TlfE CASCADE BUILDING PEDESTRIAII ACCESS EAEE!{ENT c t--- 0 r'.a rtdt6t rrr . J.l T--J" -4|' iF lr r1 i; li \Nrr.ra \ttrro€ t-- - ---7 -- ,,la^raa Oq - / c!|.- rlat UNIT 4 t.- r I I I tii tlra-l l: -.';';.s- .t .l t :! I f \o.,o I I I I I I I I I a a t ,oo ti ,!o( tat cLtl / ot t' \ a. c lltt trl rt i i;i aaa G-t /6v EXHIBIE H -(Attached to and f,orning a part of Decl,aratlon of Recl.procal Easenents anonE vall Ventures, ttd., et al .dated , L9A7' LEGAL DESCRIPTXON OF TIIE EASEMEITT AREA FOR THE C!,TC ENCROACH!'ENT EASEITENT Tbat portion of a non-excluslve easenent for lngrese and egress, Itnown as lfeethaven Drive, recorded Ln Book 421 at Page 651 i,n the offl.ce of, the EaEle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, Lylng In the SvtL/4 NEL/4 of-sectl.on L2,Townshl.p 5 South, Range 81 t{est of the Stxth erinclpil MerLdlan, Eown of Valt, Eagle county, Colorado, deelrlbed as folLows: BeElnnlng at a point on the soutlrerly lLne of said l{esthaven Drive whence the most northerly corner of CondoDl.nLnn ltap of colorado llountaLn condonlnLuns accortdlng to tbe nap thereof recorded in Book 38? at page 620 in the-off,ice of iha Eagle County, colorado, Clerk and Recorder bEarE NS6.4gr45rE L0.80 feett thence along said soutlrerly lJ.ne of Wssthaven Drive S56'48,45,W 92.00 fEEt, thence departLng said southerly line of Flesthaven Drive N3?"O9r3lrtf 5.00 feet; thence N56.46r45n8 92.00 f,eeti thence S3Z.o9r31tE S.0O feEt to the polnt of beginning. L tr-1 UtllT Fl'.n-? ." I (Attached to of, Reciprocal Ltd., et al . EXHIBIT I and forming a part of Easements among Vail dated - ..4 4 et-, a .<+ UNIT rr4 4 ..-a l,\-, \ ii I o f: rL*.....--- 'l <.c-r "?' .-- -L l #o^tD F@q.,-, !.rr. r- I a. -as.ara 1-L, clt r- .ac a !' a J'- -.', C. r^ c.raa a.t4ra, C<Lr-- .O a ta.ra.ta .a ,-.r.4 ) Declaration Ventutres, ,1987) I{AP OF A FOR PORIION EASEMENT AREA EASEI4ENT l.I I u*rr l1R'4 r".l [@;ei ?i :a t G 6 a a U 9 t t $ u t, 3 {l u I t a ! a I ( tl I 'l lfuL.-.,.z l-"'"bt- --t -T- tri r.l o E)GIBIT J r- (Attached to and formlnE a part of Declaratlon of neclprocil aiEenEnts anonE Vail VenturEs, Ltd., et al datEd _, 19SZ) I.EGA& DESCRTFTION OF THE EASEI.TEIIT AREA rOR TBE HOTEI WAIJKWAY E.ASEUENB An I foot wlde strip of land lylnE Ln a lnrcel of Land deecrl.bed In.a euit ctaln Eed-reiorded inaer necettf-n No. 299828, in Book_40_3 at page 542 ln tbe offl.ce 6e trre EagJ_e county, _Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, IylnE 4 fEet each Eld6 of the following deEcrlbed centerline; - BgEinninS at a.point on the nortbwesterly LLne of said parcel whence the most resterly corner of, sald tlareel bears s42"22'37rVI 75,10 fe6tt ttrence s3?.12t45b8 26,54 f,Eet to the poLnt of teminus uhenca saLd moEt resterly corner bears S62'44t59rw 74.97 feet. ntDrrrs J-1 ERO DRAru 4-9-e7 Fr.,FDlBA2 ARTICXJES OF INCORPORATION OF CASCADE CLI'B ASSOCTATION The undersi-9ned, desiring to establish a nonprofit corjoration pursuant to ihe cororiao uonpioiit--c"rp"ration Act (Tltle 7, Artictes 20.\? 2s, coioraao neifEea-siiiutes, as anended), hereby certlfLes:' ARTTCLE ONE NAI{E The name of the corporatl.on shall be:Association.CaEcade CIub ARTTCLE TWO TER![ OF EXTSTET{CE The coryoration shall have perpetual. existence. ARTTCI,E TNREE PT'RPOSES AIID POIIERS ?.01 puf.tcoses. The obJects and puryoses of, tbe corporatio" =h"11_!gr- !3)- tg piovJ-ae for-rhi care, upreep and supenrision of cascade irirr coiaoniniuns-r;- ;a;G counry,colorado. (the 'projecta)i as furth;-d"r."il!I'ii trr.condoniniur Declarition- ior cascade cl,Jb conaonrnrums to be recorded in the real property recoras oi s.ti" c;""ty,coLorado and arl arnendneits ina-"uppreruents-[neieto from time !9 tirg (the'Declarational, incioEi"S-tti"-'c.;iiat counon Erenents'- (as defined In rh; Gai;;€I";t; (;) ;; resutate and control tlre rerationships betwecn ur9 ouireqi rtn" ,o;trr;""1 oi the condoulnium ulj.ts (;unj-ts') in the pi;j;"i--fi connection with their orrnership oi tnt unitsr and r"l-i"-pronote the best interests of tlr.e-owners eor trre-p*t?or" of securing for them the fulLest utiJ-lzatlon and enjolneit ot the ri-ject. 3.92 Folrers. In furtherance of, the foregolng pur?oses, but not-othemise, the corporation gwfricfr is sonetimes hereinaf,ter caltei the'Asio"iiiio";i--fn"[ have and may exercise alt of the following porrers: _.:r+ _.-____-^(u) BeaI and Fersonal pfopetrv. To acquire, by 9-1lll purchase, trade ol_any other nethod, own, operate,Dutrct, nanaete, trent, sell , d,evelop, eneunber and othemise deal in and with- real and personai'property oi--"l"ry kind and ?BT:!:f, tangible and tnlangLble,-whlrevir iocate&, and r.nEerests of every sort therein. . (b) Borrowinq. To borron funds or raise nonevs ln any. amount for any of the purpoEes of, the .A,ssociatlon and frou tlme to tine to executer-aclept, endorse and. delLver as evidences of such borrowing,'aii rin&s oi-ir"tninenrs and securities, Lncluding, but-witlrout lLrnLting the generatl-iy or the foregoing, prouissory notes, drafts, litfs oi exctrangi,vrarrantEr bonds, debenturesr,property certificates, trus€certificates and other negotiibl-e or-non-negotiabJ.e instrumentE and evidences-of indebtedness, ina-io sesure the palment and perforBance of such sesuritLes by nortgage on, or pledge, cor-ryeyange, deed or assignment r.n trist or] €ne wirote or any part of the assets of the AsEociatLon, real, personal or mixed, includJ.ng eontract rights, rhetb,er-at thi time owned.or hereafter acquired. (c) Cpntracts. To enter into, nake, amend,perforr and carry orlt, or cancel and resclndi contiacts,reases, pemits and concesEion agreements toi any lawfui purposeE pertaining to its business. (d). .Gtrar?ntles. To nake any guaranty respecting securitles, -indlbtedness, notesl interesL,contracts or other-obligations created by iny lnaiviilual ,partnership, associatlon; corporation or-othEr entlty, aita to secure such gruaranties by encrunbrance upon any ana ali assets of the Assoeiation, to the extent that luch griraranty is nade in pursuanca of the purposes hereln set f"rt6.---- (e) Loans. To. lend noney for any of the purposes above set forthi to invest its funds fiorn tine to time and take and hord real and personal property as-security for palment of funds so loaned oi investel. - (f) Assessments. To levy annual assessments and special assessments against ttre Omers for ,Conmon Expenses', as defined in the Declaration, (including but_not -2- lrq{ted to trre costs of-repairing and naintainLnE cenerar. 9?y:1,:r:Fl::,-and uriritv crriiges tbar are noi charsed ?5:::_.I :: :b" owners by rh9 utirfty conpany), ro chaise l11:=:: on unpaid aersessments and to collecl-dues, feei and lnEerest ln accordance with J.ts byraws, and to enf6rce Llens ?1y"" as security for such assessnents, dues, fees and tnEerest. , (s). . To provide for the nanagen- of the Project. . (h) RuLe naklnq. To nake and enforc€ rules regulations with regard to the nanagenent and operation of FroJect. . (i) _ General porrers. go do everything neceEsary, suitabre. or.proper foi the acconpliirunenf of any of the. purpoEes, the attatnnent of any of the 6f1ec-s or Lbe furtherance of any.of the powers a6ove set fofo,h, either alone or in connection witfr otbei corporations, fi:ms -6r individuals, and.either as priniipal or igent, -"tra to do everrl act or thing incidentar-or ippurtenant to] or'growing ""t-"il'or connected witb any of the aforesaid objects] purpoaes or powerst. -(j) pqr+rers eonferred by law. The foregolng enuDerar,i.on of specific polrerg shau not limit or restrict in any Danner the general powers of the Association and the enjolment and exercise thereof as now or hereafter conferred by the laws of Colorado. 3,03 Restrictions upon purposes and oowers. lllre foregoing-purposes.ana subject to tbe foJ.lowlng limitalions: (a) . If tb.e AEsosiatLon shall- obtain an exenption rron reaerar tncsme taxation, €nt Association shaLl be operated exclusively for the purposes set forth in the provisions of the rnternal Revenue code of 1986, ?: it nay hereafter be e'nended, and the appticable Regrulations thereunder, which perrnit such exemplion; (nl Income and proflts. That no part of the lncome or profits of the Assoclation shall be di-tributed to any menber, director or officer of the Association; and (c) Class Action. Tlre Association shall not participate in any litigation wtrich is, or purports to bE, a and the -3- 'class actLon'without flrst obtaining approval of at rea't 80 percent of Lts uenbers (as deflned in-A*icie-st. This subparagr-aph rnay not be a'nended unless Eucn aneiro:nent is approved by the vote of gO percent of tlre nenleis. 1.04 DiviC?ngs. Dlstributlons. etc. The Association sbart not pay any dividena@n oi ur" corpoia-e assets to nernbers. (il theLr capacity as nenbers) shar.r be nade :?:11,111_corporate_debts are !aid,-ana tnen--r,iy up"r, rfnai - cllssolution of tb.e Association by the affimatlv6 vote of at least 80 percent of, the votes of-arl of tbe ueurers at any regrrlar -or special Teeting caLled for that purpose at whiclr a quorum. (as defin"d +tt_f*r: lyrrvs) shalr ue iepies"niea.-- upon such dissorution and distributlon, th.e asEet"'r"natni;; "i-t;;E9yne+t of, all debts and sancetlation of arl liens shau. be distributed a:oong the menbers of the Association in accordance wlth theLr 'sharing Ratios' (as deflnea rn-trrE-oecraratio;i.-- ARTICI.,E I'OI'R REGTSAERED OFFICE AT{D AGENT The operations of the Association shalr be conducted.at suc! places wltJrin or outsLde of the unlted statgs as nay fron time to time be detemined by ttre board of dLrectors. - The addreEs of the lnitlal registered offLce of tbe corporation is !,ooo south Froitage Road, west, vail, colorado 81657. lrtre nrrne of its inltlat ieglstered aient at Euch address is Andrew D. Norris, III . ARTICLE EryE IIEIIBERSETP A}ID VOTING 5:01 Menb?rs. hny inClividual, corporatlon,partlership, association, trust or otber lelal entity or conbination of entitles owning an undivided'fee sinpie interest in a unlt shall autoiaticatly be. a nenber of the AssoeiatLon. sucb nenbership shau bi continuous tb.roughout the Feriod that gTch_ownershlp contlnues. A ueuberstrip-snatt ter:ninate automaticarly wlthout any Association action'rtrhenever such individuil , organlzalion or group ceases to own a Unit. TerminatLon of me'nhtrsbip shall n5t rltieve or release-any former nember fron any llability or obligation lncur_red by vj.rtue. of or ln any wiy connectea wlttr oinership of a Unit, or impair any rights or-remed,ies whLch the Association or others may hive agalnst such foraer nenber -i;r.-...-... . :.. .,, arising out of or in any tray eonnected nith such o*,r"rrbrp or nernbership. 5.O have the fo 2C 1Iow +asses of nenbership. llbe AssocLation shall r.ng classes of mo'nhership: (a) fndlvLdual,menbership. Any LndLvldual acquiring an interestffionaticiiry become an individuaL member of the eesJciaifon. (bl org?nizatlon?l Eenbershle. Any cor?oration, partnersrri@- o-iLrr"" regal :::::X i:ry::il? an tnteieEr in a unli shaii iutonatidii;-becone an organizational menber of the AssocLation. Each organizationar nember shalr f,rorn trne t; aG;;e"rgnate-trr" o"nore individuar-s who nay_represent it at n"Eting" and vots on behalf of, such rnember, -Ttre-secretar? of the-Gsocratron shalr nal-ntain a lisr of !19 lrerEonE entrtiEa-t"-voG-in behatf, of such uenber and, until Lhe Assoctation ts-noirir"a to tn"conir-arya any action taken.by such persJns-p""p;rtfd [o-act on behar-f of the organlzationar roemLer Errar.i te-bindi"s-""--sucb. nember. - 5-03 Nulrrcpr of votee. The totar number of votes of all menbers sha1l re rorooo. Each nenber Jrrari-be entitled to cast one vote at arl neetings of uenberg roi eica .or percent of interest l-n Generar com5n Eieuents appurtenatt to the unit gyl.g. -.Eo!rever, each nenber who is a co:6rrn"i-oi " unft lll:1":r"9 a joint tenant and a co-tenant) shall have the rr-gnE to vote only a nu:nber of votes ggrrai to tbe product of his undLvided interesr r.n a unit nuitifiii"a-ryTi" rorar nunber of votes arlocated to the unrt.--i"; ;ittd;"s of this B?I3gT.Fh, each Joint tenant and co-tenant o? a-Unit shatl be qeeEed. ro onn an undivided lnterest ln his unlt egual to r.00 percent dlvided by the totar n'mber or joini-t"n.ot= or co-tenants 5.01 Amendnent. This Article V may be amend,ed only by the unaninous vote of alL the nenbers. ARTXCI"E SIX BOARD OF DTREETORS 6. 01 Vestino. of _Control . !.Iumber and Election. The control and nanagement of ion and the disposition or its runaJ-ana property shalr be vested in a board of directors (the 'Board'). ure ninrer of d.irectots i I -5- (whtch uay not be Less than three), thelr te:mE of, offlca and the uanner of ttreir selectLon or iiection shaLl be deternined according to tlre bylaws fron ti,me to tine in effect.cunuLative voting shaLl not be alrowed in the election of d{rectors or for-any other purpoEe. l[he nanes and addresses of those conprlsing tha f,irst Board, to serne until tbeir Euccesrsors shall. be duly elected, are as follows: Franl< B. Freyer Andrew D. Norris, III E. JackEon Skinner Herbert A. Meistriclr 1OOO S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 1000 S. Frontage Road lfest VaiL, colorado 8165? 1300 WeEtlraven Drive VaLl, Colorado 81657 ConAn Capital CorporatJ.on 1764 San Diego Avenue San Diego, Californla 92110 , -5.o2 Fxecutive ConnLttee. lllre Board nay by resorution designate tvo or Dore of their nunber to-conEtitute an executive connittee shich shau have and exerclse all of,the power of the Board in the nanagenent of the business and af,fairs of the A.ssocLatLon or such-lesEer autbority as may be set forth tn such resolution. No sucb, dereqation of auth6rtty shall relieve ths Board or any menber of the Board from any responsJ.biJ.ity imposed by law. ARTICI/E SEVEN . OFFTCERS The Association ehaLl have such officers as may fron tine to time be prescribed by the bylaws. Their termE of off,ice and the Banner of their desigmation or selestion sha[also bE deterained according to the-bylaws from tine to tine in effect. ARTICIJE EIG}TT IIIANAGER The Board sball have power to appoint a manager or nanaging agent, or both, each of which nay be a cor?oration,to carry on day-to-day maintenance, repair, rental and Sdrrrice functions for the Association. The Association nay enter into -6- a contract wlth such Danager or rnanagLng agent, as the caEe may be' havins a-t",n of iot nore tuin th;E;liais (rncrudlng arr renewals) and with gucn otrrer provJ.siil; ;-the Board may approve. ARTICI,E NINE EI(ECT'TION OF INSTRUI,IENTS Authoritlz to convey or enc-unber the property of the Association and to_lxecute iny deed, contract-or-other instnrment on behalf of, ttre a3EocraiiJn--io"-itJht or as attorney-in-fact for one or moie of the nenbers is vested. ln the president or any vLce president. All inEinrnents conveying or encumbering si,rch property (whetnei Jr not executed as such.attorney-1n-rlctj sniri re executed by ttre president or a vlce pres-id.ent ana'aiiest"e bt- tbE =""r"t.r:r or an assLstant Eecretary of the AsEoeiation. -' ARTICXJE qEN I.IANAGE!,TE}I1[ OF BI'SINESS The following provisions are inserted for the nanagament of the buElneEs and for the conduct of the affairs 9f lbe AEEociatLon, and are in furtrreranca of ana not rn Ilnitation or excrusr.on or trre t-r"". conferred by raw:' . LO.Ol Contracts with, gt:.ec!orS. officers of nenfers.No contract or other ti ?!!.l.Eer-s9n_, fim or corporation shall be affJeted ar lTy?1-tctated !{. (a) tne fact that any one or nore of the qlrecEorsr officers or members of the Association ls lnterested ln, or_ fs a director, tr'.rstee or officer of another corporation, 9r (b) the fact tnit any afrectorl-oifl""" o,menber, individuaPy 9. jointry witb-otrreis,-nly-i" a parry to 9r ray be lnterested in iny suitr contract oi trinsacti6n. ' Each person who may become-a director, offlc"r oi nenber of the AsEociatLon is-hereby rErieved rriu ini-ii"rrr{€itr,"i-gight-othemise ariEe by-reason of his conirictrni witrr ure Assosiation for rhe ben6fit of rrinserr "; ant-iih o"corporation ln whlch he nay be in anl,jray fni!re"l"a. 10.02 . AII corporate po$rers except thosE which by law or fy tfrese articLes expressly reguire the consent ot the ienbers shall be exercised by the Board or the exeeutive conmittee 10'03 ne@. one or nore or all of the 9i5:r-toT: r"{ E; renoveE-ffilFwithour cause by rhe vote of a, najority of the votes or ure-n-ir'"t=-trr"i-iltiir"a to vote at an electr.on of director=.---su"n vacanci;";,b"ir. be firled only.by the vote of the nenbers-so repreaented, as if such neeting were a regular annuai-n""tfrrg for the llectlon of directors, the ":T_:?" or persons rravint-tr.. [iiilst nrrnber of votes in consecirtive ord,e; b;fE d,eclared elected to the Board. 10 ' 04 c" . TIre ::::l..:-"_herebm provision for reasonabre compensation to its ueube"" atta lo menbers or tu"'i3il;Hti""f,or their servicesr.and to rel-tu"E" such memb"i" tor expenE,es tncu=ed rn connecirJn-witrr-il;;;;i"s-6"-eGlleE oe trre AEsociation- Tha Board srrarr-iG the basis and conditions upon which such c-ompensation ana--rero";;d[-=i.[ be paid.any director of the-AssocratiJn nay also r..r" rr- "rry other capacity gnd receive cornFens"ii"n ina rehlursenent for such other work. 10.05 fndennity. Eacb dlrector or off,icer, vheeher or not then in ottice,-and.each f.iqgtr who nay have sernred at the request of tbe Associ.ation as a d,irector-;; ;iicer of, another coryoratLon l-n w!i_c! it owns "ieriii-si""r.-"i-ii whiqh ir is a credltor, and hiE personar reprlsentatives ina-issigns, sharl be indennified ty_ irrg G;;"i;ifJn agalnst all costs and,expenses reasonabr.y incurred by or inp"=Ja-up""-ur, rii-connecti'on witb. or-arising oui'of any-actJ.ori-.rrit o,proceeding Ln whlch ne n_af ue-tnvorvad, o;-i; wnrcn he nay be 3?3:_:_!"ny !{.reaEon or-hls terng'o"'r,iirii i!!r, ,,r"t .qr-recror or officer !suc| o<penses-to incrua5 trre cost or reasonabre settreuen€ made witrr a.r.i"w-[JrarJ iiitailnent of the eosts of litigation), -"rii"jg'in reration to natters as to which !e shall b-e-f.ina1ii,,.;ai"il"d in such action, suit or proceeding to have leen iiati" ior negrigen-e-Ji-uisconduct in the perrornance ?f dglv to trt" ;;;"aGti6"l-i"i-trre foresoins r-lvht of indennificatiin srrari tot n" excluslve of other rights to which he nay l"-""ifti.a ", a matter of law. ARTICI,A EI,EVEN BYI,AI{S The lnitia! bylaws of the AssociatLon shall be as adopted by its Board. -the soard shal' have power to alter,amend or repeat the bylaws. The bylawr rui E""Iii"-u;t---,provisions for the.regulation or managemenr of, trr"-"iiiii= ot the Association which-are noi inconsriten[-with-i;, or rhese -8- articres of incoriporation, aE the E€rme nay from tlme to tlne be amended. ARTTCEE TWELVA A!{END!,TEMT The AssocLation resen\rea !fr9 rlSlt to arnend, alter,change or. repe3r any provision contarnea-rn trr"!i'articres of lncg.rp-oration by, untesE a higher voifne ;es,.i;;"nt is set forth hereln wltf- lesqec! !o any partfr,lfir}"""ilion, the vote of the hor.ders of at least'tiro-thiralJ "?-tn"-votes of the uenbers a! "ly regular or speciai neetinj "iir"d-ror that puryose at which a quorum slall be representecl. Dated: ARTICLE TIIIRTEEN INCORFORATOR The na'ne and address of the incorporator is: Fred L. Fisher 17OO Broadway Denver, Colorado gO29O April _, 1997 -9- vERIFTcjilTTON gE. STATE OF COI.oRADO CITY AIiTD COTINTY OF DEIWER I,, a notary public, hereby certify tb.at on the _ day of, April , Lgg7, personally appeared before ne Fred L. FishEr, nho belng by me flrst duly sworn, severally declared, tbat he was tbe person who slgrred the foregoing documentsr as incortrrorator and that the statanents therein contal-ned are tnue. Notary Public Address: 1700 Broadrray,suite L800 Denver, Colorado 80290 My conmission e>rpires: -10- HRO DRAFI 4-9-87 BYI]A!{S OF ctrit AssocrATroN ARIXCIE ONE DEFINITIONS Xn addition to thE terds defined hereln, the foJ,Lowlng t,erns shall have the sane neaning herein as such terms have ln the Condomlniun Declaration For Cascade Club Condoniniuuls ( the nDEclaration" ): nCascade CLub Condoniniussrn oConmon Expensesrn nCondouinlun Unitrn FFlrst Lienorsrr nGenetral Connon Elenentsrn nlrtotrtgag€Bro rOwner,o "Properlyn and "Sharing Ration. ARTICLE TWO OFFICES The corporation (which uay also be referred to herein as the rAssociatlon") is a Colorado nonproflt corporatlon,with its principal off,ice located at 1000 South Frontage Road west, vail, Colorado 81657. ThE Assoclation nay also have of,f,ices and nay carry on its purposes at such other places within and outside the State of Colorado as the Board of Directors of the Assoc.iation (the "Board') nay f,ron tine to tine detErmine. . ARIICI.E THREE !{EIIIBERSHTPf VOTTNG, QUORUIT! AND PROXTES . CASCADE 3 .01 shall be as Assoclati on 3.02 shall be as Iaws pro:(y to taL t{Enbership. The nenberg set forth in the articles (the "Articles") fron tine the Association incorporation of the tlne. othe rwj. se regui red by the the presence in person or by nore than 60 percenL-of the constitute a quorun. of, of to Votinq Riqhts. The voting rights of the nenbers set forth in lhe Articles fron tine to tlne. 3.03 Quorum. Except as of ColoradG-ttre Articles,of nenbers entitLed to vote votes of, the nenbers shall 3.04 Proxies. Votes nay be cast, in perlton or by proly. -Every li-offiust be execut,ed ln writiirg by the ninber 9I-hls duly authorized attorney-in-fact. Such-pr6xy shall be 'filed with the Eecretary of the AsEociat,ion bef6re 6r at the time of the neeting. trto proxy shalt be valld af,ter the expiration of eleven nonlhs fron the date of, lts execution unless otherwise provided in the proxy. 3.05 $taiorlty Vote. At any neeting of menbers, if a guorun is present, the affirnative vote of a naJority of the votes represent,ed at the meeting, in person or by proxy, shall be the act of the nenbers, unless the vote of a greatei nunber is reguired by law, the Artic1es, the Declaralion or these bylaus. ARTICLE FOUR ADI.IINXSTRATION 4 .01, Annual Meetinq. The annual neettng of the nembers shall be hEId second Fridlay ln the with the year 1987,for the transaction the neeting. at, a tine deslgnated by tha Board on the nonth of October in each year, beglnning for the purpose of elesting dlrectorE and of sush other business as Iuay cone before nenbe r s ,statute,shall be enti tled nrenbe rs . 4.02 Special. Meetinqs. Special neet,ings of the Eor any purpose, unless otherwise prescribed by nay be called by the presiclent or by the Board, and called by the president at the reguest of, the nenbers to vote 50 percent or nore of the total votes of the 4.03 Pla_ge of t{qetlng. The Board nay designate any place, either wlJiffiEE-ftu6ilie Coloraoo, as t,he plice for iny annual neeting or for ahy special ureeting called by the Board. A waiver of notice signed by all nenbers entitled to vote at a neeting nay designate any place, either within or outs.ide Colorado, as the place for such neeting. If no designatlon is nade, or if a special neeting shall be called otherwise than by the Board, the place of neetlng shall be the principal office of the corporation. 4.04 Not_rce o!_Meeling. Written or printed notice of any roeeting of@ting the placel day and hour of t,he neeting, and the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is salled, shall be delivered personally or by mail to each member entitled to vote at such neet,ing not less than .L0 nor nore than 50 days before the date of the neeting. If nailed, -z- sueh noticE shitr be cteened to be derivered when deposited ln the united states nair, addressed to the nember ac tris address as it aplrears in the of,f,ice of the Association, with postage thereon-prepaid. For the purpose of deternlning nenbirs entitled to notice of or to vote at any neetlng-of nernbers,the Board nay set a record date for suih deter;ination of menbers, in accordance w.l th the laws of, Colorado. If reguested by the person or persons lawfully calling such neet,ing, the secretary sha1l give notice thereof at the expense of the Association. 4.05 Infr_fnellglion by Egnbg-rs. Any actlon required or. permitted. t thE ienbers nay'be taken withouE a neeting if a consent in wriling, settin! forth the action so laken, shal.l be signed by aIl of-the nenb6rs entitled to vote with respect to the subJect datter thereof.Such consent shall have the same force and ef,fect as a unaninous vote of the nenbers, and nay be stated as such in any artlcles or document filed with the Secrelary of State of Colo rado 4.05 Vollng. Xn the eLection of directors each nenber shall hEvEEEe rlght to voEe lhe nurnber of votes to which he is entitled for as nany persons as therE are directors to be elected, and foi whosE election he is entitled to vote. Cumulative voting shall not be allored. ARTICLE FIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS _ __ !.01 Number, Tenure and Qualificatlons. The buei.ness and affairs of the Association shall be nanaged by a board of directors consisting of four directors, each of whon shalL be an individual nenber, or a partner, truslee, officer, dirEctor or twenty-five percent Ehareholder of an organizational nenber. or one of the inltlal directors naned ln the Articles.A person other tban an lnitial director shall autonatically sease to be a dlrector at such tine as he ceases to be an individual nenber or a partner, trustee, officer, direceor or twenty-five percent, shareholder of an organlzational trenber. Each inilial dlrect,or shall serve until the first annual neefing of the nembers of the Associalion; otherwise directors shall serve for one-year terns, and sha1l be elected annual. ly by the menbers at the annual neeting. gach direcLor shall hold office until the electlon and gualification of his successor or until his earlier deat,h, resignation or renoval.The'nunber of directors rnay be changed by anendrnent of-'these bylaws in Che rnanner set forth herein. -3- 5.02 Resiqnat,ions i vacansl.es. Any director nay resign. at any @notic6 to the president or to the secretary of the Assoclation. Such resigiation EhalL take effect at the tine specified t,herei.n; aid unless otherwtse specified lherein, the acceptance of euch resignatlon shaLl not be necessary to Bake it ef,fective. Any vacancy occurring in the Board (by reason of resignation,ileath or an increase In the nunber of directors) or any newly created directorEhip result,ing fron any increase in the authorized nunber of directors nay be fi11ed by the a€firnative vole of a najority of-the directori Chen in office though less than a guorurn. A director elected to fill a vacancy or newly created directorship shall hold office until the next annual neeting of the nenbers and until his suecessor is duly elected and qualified. 5.03 General Po'!rerg,. The Board shall have and roay erercise arr tEE-!6ffi-6FEhe AsEociatlon except Euch as are expressly conferred upon the nenbers, either in thelr capacity as nenbers of the Association or as Olrners of, Condoninlun Units by law, or by t,he Arlicles, the Declaratlon or lhese bylaws. 5.04 Additional FawerE and Responstbtlities. In addition to its general powers, the Board shall have the authority andl thi responifbiliiy, acting through the Association' s of,f,icers : (a) To adninister and enforce the covenants,Conditions, restrictions, easenents, uses, llnltations,obJ.lgations and alL other provisions Eet forth in the Declaration subnitting the Froperty to the provisions of lhe Condonlniun Ownership Act of the State of Colorado (Section 38-33-101, et seq., Colorado Revised SLatutes, 1973, as anended). (b) To establish, nake, anend and enforce coropliance with such reagonable rules and regulatiqns as nay be necessary or advisable for Ehe operation ancl use of the Condoninium Units and the General Cornmon Elenents. Such rules and regulations nay be adopted and anendedl by a najorlty of the directors in attendance at any neeting where a guorun of the Board ls present. (c) To uraintain in good order, condltion and repair all of the General connon Elenents and aII itens of personal property owned by the Association. -4- o ( it) To obtaln and rnalntaln lnsurance in connection with the Condoniniun Unltsr the Owners, the AsEosiatlon and the Flrst Lienors whlch is required by the Declaratlon to be provlded by the Association.- (e) (i) To fix, deternine, levy and collect perlodic_and special assessnenLs (as rore speElfically -- described ln the Declaration) to be paid by-each of tire orrners t,o neet t,he Conmon Expenses, and to ireate-a contlngency regerve lherefor. (ii; At the first rneetlng of, the Board after the_beginning of, the Association's fiical year, the Board sh1l| adopt an estinated budget for that y6ar. The esLinated budget shall incrude, but shal,l not be llnlted to,an estinate of the costs of nalntenance and repair of, Ehe General Connon Elenenls, the cost of utilities-and other servlces to be provided by the Assoclation, the cost of tnsurance requlred by the Declarati.on to be provtded by the Association, and the proposed capital expenditures. For the Associatlonrs flrst fiscaL year, estinates of, the costs for repalr and naintenance of the General Connsl Elenents shall be based on a good faith estinate of those costs and nay be based on the costs incurred by siuilar assoclatione in the-general locale of Cascade Club Condominluns. thereafter, the-cost of naintenance and repair shaLl be estinated on the basls of the previous year's costs with such adJustnents as the Boarcl considers appropriate. the budget shall also lnclude an est.lmate, based on such estinates, of the annual assessnent for each Condoniniun Unit. (iii) The Board nay adJust the periodic assessnent fron tine to tine as may, in the discretion of Lhe Board, be deeued necessary or advisable. Special assessnenLs nay be levied whenever in the opinion of the Board lt is necessary or advisable to do so (A) to neet increased operating or naintenance expenses or costs, (B) to provide for additional capital expensesr or (C) because of, energenciesi however, proposed additional capital expenses are subJect to the Iinit,atlons set forth in Sestion t0(b) of the Declaration. (iv) All periodlc or special aEsessrnents shall be ln itenized statedent forn and shall set forth in detail the various expenses for which the assessnents are being made. (v) This Section 5.04(e) nay not be altered, anended or repealed except by the vote of the holders of at least 50 percent of the votes of the menbers. -5- (f). To collect prornptly all dellnguent asseEsnents by sult or otherwise and Lo enJoln oi seek dauages fron an owner as ls provided in the oeclaritron and these bylars. _ (9) To protect and d,efend the General Connon Elenents fron loss and daraage by suit or otherwise. (h) to borrow funds in order to pay f,or any expendlture or outlay authorized by these bytawi ind the - Declaration, t,o execuLe al.1 such tnstrunenti evidencing such indebtedness as the Board nay deeu necessary or advisable. ( i ) To enter into contracts withln the scope of their dut,ies and powers. ( J ) To establish a bank account for the connon lreasury and for all. separate funds which are required or nay be deened advisable by the Board. (k) To naintaln full and accurate books and records showing-al1 of the recelpts, erpenseE or dlEbursements or Ene Association. Any nenber or lilortgagee Eay lnspect such records at convenient weekday hours. uioi 10 diys, lrior writ,ten not,ice to the nanagei, nanaging agent or-Boaiil and paynent of a reasonable fee, any Owner, U6rtgagee, prospect,ive Mortgagee, prospective purchaser or other triniferee of-a Condoniniun Unit shall be furnished a written statenent,setting forth the anount of any unpaid Cornrrren Expenses, if any, wit,h respect to the applicable Condoninium Unit, t,he anount of the current periodic assessnent, the date on which such assessnent becane or shall. become due, the amount of unpaid periodic or special assessnents, if any, and lhe anount of bny credlt for prepald expenses. (I) To prepare and deliver annually to each nember a st,ateuent sho*ing all receipts, expenses or disbursenents since the list such statEnent. - (t!) To deslgnate and reBove personnel necessary for thE dutles of the Asso;iaeion with respict to the operation, naintenance, repair and replacenent of Cascade Club Condouiniums. 5.05 Man3g!3algnt. the Board nray ernploy a manager or nanaging a9Eif,E'?-6?fi, for the essocialion at a conpensation estabrished by the Board to perforrn such duties and services as the Board siratt authorize-including, but not Iinited to, the duties listed in Section 5.04 abovi. 'Any such delegation, however, shall not relieve the Board of its responsibility under t,he Declaration. -6- 5:eo ;""1"3:'.?:=Ti:i!:i-;i"::: Board nay be helil without carr oI-.":::'-'J-:;:; ;i.;; as'bhe Board with.in the state ;; ;;i;t;ao' ana at such tines as fron tine to tlue by-vote nuy a"t"iirn"' Any bustness nay be transacted at a regilar neeti_ng. 'ir,"--i"g"ta? neeting of the Board for rhe "1;;ii;;-oe-oiii6"r=-i"a-i6r suc. ot,her business as rlay cone befoi;-clt; neeting *"! l"-n"rd without call or fornal norice ,rrlaiii"iy afcir, i"i-"i-ih" "ur" place as, the annuar neeting oi nEnber!, o, "ny-"!"ciur neetrng of neoberg ;;";[;"h-a eoird is elected' s' q7 $#iit;::*ttf;il .ilE';l:'."':;'l:i:,:5"':i'"li'u nav be held at any ptace tt:T"'j-:"-^]-i'l'-t-., o. nore tiil"-*rtli.-carLea"iv"in".president'' or by' t*9 :I--1: direcrors, upon a['" ii"tlg ot,at-ieasc three 9?yt' prtor notice of the tiie-aia Pfige tnereoi-to each director by leaving such notf""-*ith hin-or "i-rti"-resiilence or usuar place of busine"il-"i-iv t"iring'It"i"r"eiaphlng-it prepaicl' indaddresseatoiii-ai.hispos!oiti""iaaiessasitaPpears on the books or't't'l-esiocialion" ;;-by-telepho'ne' Notices need not state ti'i=piiil"lt-"r-in!'t9;9!;9'- -I:"?ocice of anv adJourned neetini oE-i[; directois inurr 6e required' s.oB Quq!u'!. A najorit{ :! !h:.::"::t-?*.:':i:li'"5.08 Quorun' J. urcrL'r'-t iior-iioe co tine, shall f ixed uv'irre"*ar1f?: "l-1ti11:1"-.i.rn or busineEs, but a ::ffii'H.:n:";":Iil'!l'"ir'!l!J::::::;1,:: ?H:"::"i'*: "wh",, i:::: l';:iol'nlSi"lui ii'!' i1I i: iii ;i- *l:' l l$" olo.ll'"'lesser number Bay aqJ\J'L* E"J "=-l; ; najority_of, the i-e"oi"t is presen:-i!-":I^T?"tll!..n where " r"rsJi-nunber is 3' ?13 [l?.' i'" ;;i:;;";e "-it?,iii - :. ::n l.."li li "" oli :3: : H:: e: s.oe w"."?"i:ii' rl'*?i.?iii"it*" ffi i: ::' "?' "::; i!3 [l;"lla" lili'ii :lii ""il11.!iulil'"u equivalent t'o tne iiving oe s""tt "iii""' Attendance by a director at any t"iirng'of t!: eould-"horl be 'a waiver of noLice by hin except wf,en such aii"it"i-aitends the neeEing for Ehe express ;;;;t;;-;r-ouj"ctiie-io ttt" transaction of business because til;-;;"tittg i. no[-rawtully called or convened. :il:;:::"'i"'3ii"ti-t[:.li!i:i:: ::.:t"::""" bvLaws';;;;ii"a uv law, bY the Articles otr bY sn lii'i"!I.i'.,"-nii"gilt -Lerore such neetlns' 5.10 rnf ornar acFro? Fv 'D ;.l.:nlr"i.llon 5. ru ting of _the reguired or Perml -.: r.r.^rrr- , ,I"tinq if a consenL in ;:?::":'[":;;:";";l=]",,nuii'o""-"ot" of the directors' 5:?: : l:? "" :.?" ;:' ; liE"'i'ii::i . :-'::' I i3. :: ? nlil " il' "'iln" a dllrectors nay.De EcKcrr wJ'r'r'vs- - -;; ta[,en, shal1 be srgn ;;i;;;;,-""[ti"g rorth :l:.::tl:o,,..,,r. rrirh respect to the Ii i' l?n in:" !; :::.:? l "i" iil';t - !:-:::: :l:t,' ;l?l"ln!" "ll;all of the dtrec:ols srrLr -,"trt "nuff have the s ""i:"lt-iiut'i"t thereor'--:Y::,,:"::'o or Lhe directors. by -7- ARIICTE SIX OFTICERS AND AGENTS 6.01 General . The officers of the Association sha1l be a president@E-Fhall be chosen fron anong the nenbers of the eoard), one or more vice presldents, a secretary and a treasurer. The officErs shall be appointed by an affirnative vote of a najorlty of, the nenbers of the Board. The Board nay appoint such other officers, assistant officerE, connittees and agents, including assistant sesretaries and assistant treasurers, as they nay consider necessary or advisable, who shall be chosen in such nanner and hold their of,fices for such terns and have such authority and dutles aE fron tlne to time nay be deternined by the Board. One person nay hold any two offices, except lhat no person nay sinultaneouely hold the offices of presldent and secretary. In all cases where the duties of any officer, agent or enployee are not prescribed by the bylaws or by ttre Board, such offlcer, aggnt or enpJ.oyee shall follow the orders and instructlons of the president. 6.02 Renoval. of officers. uDon an affirnative vote of a najorlty ffihe B6ard, any officer nay be removed, elt,her with or without cause, and his successor elected aE any regular ueeting of the Board, or at any special neeting of the Board salled for such purpoEe. 5.03 Vacqnciqg. A vacancy in any office, however occurring, rnay-6friTf,6d by an aff,irnative vote of a najority of the memberE of the Board for the unexplred Portion of the te rn. 5.04 President. rhe president shall be the chief executive offiffiffie Associat,ion. Ee shall preside at all neetings of the AsEociation and of the Board. He shall have the general and active control of the affairs and business of 5.11 Conpensatlon of Directors. The Board is authorized to @ab1e conpensat,iqn to its nembers. the Association and general supervision of lts officers, agents and enployees. 5.05 vice Presidents. The vice presidents shall assist the preffiFlTEEEli. perforn such duties as nay assigned to then by the president or by the Board. In the absence of the president, the vice president designated by Board or (if there be no such designation) designated-fn be the -8- l-' ?rritlng by the presldent duties of the president. al.1 vice presiclentE nay dutles. 6.06 secretary. shall have the powers tnd perforrn the If no such deslgnation shall be uade exercise such powers ancl perforn such The secretary shall: (a) Keep the rninutes of the proceedings of the nembers, executive conrnitlee and the Board; (b) SeE t,hat all notices are duly given ln accordance with the provisions of these bylaws' the Declaration and as required bY law; (c) Be custodian of the corporate reeords and of the seal of the Assoclation and affix the seal to alL docunenLs when authorlzed by the Boardi (d) Keep at its registerecl office or principal' pJ.ace of, business within or outside Colorado a record iontaining the names and registered addrEsses of, all nenbers, the designation of the condoniniun unit owned by each nenber, and, if iuch Condominium Unit is nortgaged, the nane and address of each uortgageei and (e) In general' Perforn all dutles incidlent to Lhe office of secretary and such other dugieE as fron tine to tine nay be assignett t6 hln by the_presldent or by the Board. AsElEtant secretiries, 1f anyl ehal-l have the sane duties and pohrers, subject to supervision by the secretary' 6,OlTreasurer.Thetreasurershallbetheprincipal financial offiGilffie Association and shalL have the care and custody of all funds, secu!ieies, evidences of tna"Ut.ateis and other personal property of. :h9. Assoclation and sha1I deposit the Sine in aciordance with the instruclions of the eoardl He shall receive and give recelpts and acquittances for noneys paid in on aicount of the Association' and shall pay out ot itre'funds on hand all biIls, payrolls and other Just aiUts of the Asgociatlon of whatever nature uPan naturfty. He shall perforn all other duties incident to the offlce of the tt""in?"t and, upon regues! of the Board' shall nake such reports to it as nay-be reguired-ac any. eine' lle shall, if reluirEa-UV-ifr" Aoaia, give the Associatlon a bond i" s""ir sums'and wit[ such suretiis as shall be sat'isfactory Eo the Board, conditioned upon the faithful .perfornance of his duties and Eor the restoration bo the Association of all books, Papers, vouchers, money and other property of whatever kind in'his possession or unair his control belonging;!!-tll-,- Association. He shall have such other Powerri and perf,orm such -9- other duties aa nay be frou time to tine prescribed by the BgaIl or the- president,. The aseistant, t,reasurErs, 1f-any,shall have the saee poqrers and dutiesl subject to the 'supervision of the treasurer. ARTICLE SEVEN OBLIGATIONS OF THE I{EI,IBERS 7.01 Assessments. Each Olrner shall pay his share of aIl. assessrnene-IEp6EliTy the Association to neet the connon Expenses. UnlesE otherwise set out in the Declaration, each assessnent for Conmon ExpenseE ehall be allocat,ed anong the olrners in acsordanse wiLh their respective sharing RatioE. rf a Condominiun Unit is orvned by two or rnore O!f,ners, each of such co-Owners shall be jointly and severally liable for the portion of all assesBtBents attiibutable to such condoniniun Unit. Assessments Ehall be rnade annually and shall be due and payable quarterly on the dates specified-in the assessnent notice. Atl unpaid assessnentE shall bear lnterest at a rate deteruined by tie Board and shall be EEcured by a llen on the Condoninium Unit owned by the defaulting Owner, in accordance with the provisions of, the Declaration. 7.02 lrtaintenanqe and Repair. (a) Every Owner shall perforn or cau@his'own exp6nse all roainte4ance and repair work within such Olrner,- particular Condoniniun unit necessary to naintain the same in a good and habitable state of repair. (b) A11 repalrs of internal installations within a particular Condoniniun Unlt such as lrateE, light,gas, polrer, sewage, telephones, alr conditloners, sanitary installatlons, doors, windows, electrical f,ixtures and alI olher accessories, equipnent and fixtures belonging to such Condoniniun Unit shall.'be at the Owner's expense. (c) Each Owner shall reinburse the Association pronptly upon reseipb of its stateuent for any expenditures incurred by it in repairing or replacing any General Connon Elenent danaged by t,he negligence or intrintional acts of such Olrner or such Owner's family, lessee, enpJ.oyee, agenl gr invitee. 7.03 Conpliance With DecLaration, Art,icles, Bylaws and RuLes. Each member shall cornpJ.y with all of the proGTons of the Declaration, Chi irticles and these bylaws and any rules and regulations issued by the Board. IE.a nenber f,ails to cornplyr the Association shall have the porrrer, -10- durlng the perlod of such dellnquencyr to suspend the delinquent nEnberrs voting privileges, and to lupose ?Pproprlate f,ines, as deternined by the Board, against the delinguent uenber. fn the event of the er(ercise-of any such porrrers. the Assoclation shall notify the delinquen! nenberrs First Lienor of the dellnquency and the action-taken. ARTICLE EIGBT EVIDENCE OF OWNERSHIF, REGTSTRATION OF MAITING ADDRESS AND LIEN HOLDERS . -8.01 Eroof of Ownership. Any person on beconing an Otrner oE a Condoniniun Unit shall furnish to the Association a photocopy or a certified copy of the recorded instrunen!vesting that person with an osrnership lntereet In such Condoninlua Unit. Such copy shall renaln tn the fll.eE of the AsEoclation. A nenber shall not be deeued to be in good standlng and shall not, be entitled to vote at any annual or special neeting of nenbers unless this regulrenent is Eirst satisfied. The Association nay lssue nenbership certlficates to its members; however, such certlf,icat,es Eha1l not be deened to be Ehares of stock in the Assoeiation. 8.02 Registrationof lrtailinqAddrEss. If a Condoniniun Unit, is owned by two or nore Owners, such co- Owners shall designate one address as the registered address required by the Declaration. The registered address of, an Owner EhaLL be furnished to the secretary withln five days after transfer of title, or after a change of address, and sueh registration shaLl. be in wrtttng and slgned by each Owner or co-Owner or by such persons aE are authorizsd to slgn on behalf of eaqh Owner or co-Onner. 8.03 Liens. Any Owner who nortgages or grants a deed of trust coverfr-g such'Owner's Condoniniun-Unit shall notify the Board of thE nane and address of the Mortgagee and shall fil,e eonforned copies of the note and security instrunent wiEh the Board. The Board shall naintain such infornation in a book entitlEd ol,iens on Units.n The Board, when giving not,lce to an Onner of default in paying an assessne.n! or other default, shall send a copy of such notice to each l,lortgagee with an lnteregt ln such Owner's Condouiniunr Unit, whose name and address has t,heretofore been furniEhed to the Board. 8.04 Address of the Association. The address o! the Association sh Road west, VaiI, Colorado 81657. Such address nay be changed fron tine to time upon written nolice to all nenbeis and all MorE,gagees-fistea in Liens on Units. -11- ARtrICLE NINE PROXY TO I.IORTGAGEE Each owner shall have the rtght irrevocably to constiEute and appoint a Hortgagee t,helr true and lawful attorney-ln-fact to vote on behalf o€ such owner at any and all neetings of, the Association and to vest ln the Hortgagee any and all rights, privileges and polrers that Euch Or.rner nay have as an Owner under the Articles and these bylaws or by virtue of the Declaralion. Such proxy shall becone effective upon the flllng of, a copy of the pro:.y with the secretary of thE Associatlon and upon satisfaction of the condltions (1f any) set forth in such proxy. A release of the lrorEgage or deed of trust encunberlng the ingerest of the Onner giving such proxy shall op€rate to revoke such proxy. Nothlng herein contained shall be construed to relieve Ehe owners of their duties and obligatlons a6 ovrnerE or to inpose uPon the I'[ortgagee the duties and obllgatlonE of an owner. ARTICLE TEN AMEND!TENTS 10.01 By Directors. Except aE linrlted by law, the Artlcles, the Oeclaration or these bylaws, or cou[ltted to action by the members, the Boaril shall have power to nake' anend and repeal the bylars of, the AsEoclation at any regulqr neeting of the Boaril or at any special neeting called for t'hat purpose at which a guorum is represented. If, however, the rnenberE shall nake, amend and repeal any bylaw the directors shall not thereafter anend the sane in such nanner as to defeat or inpalr the object of the nenbers in taking such action. 10.02 trerubeqs. The menrbers nay, bY the vote of the holders of, at Tffi6'O percen! of the votes of the nenbers, unlese a grea!er percentage is expressly required by law' the Articles, lhe Declaration-or these bylaws, nake, alter, anend and repeal these bylaws at any annual neeting or at any special neeting called for that. purPose at, which a quorum shalI be represented. 10. 03 Lirnitation. NotwiLhstanding the foregoing, amendnent, of IEFE}TEFs is specifically subject to the requirernents of Section 38-33-106 of colorado Revised-- Statutes, L973, as anended. -LZ- ARTICLE ELEVEN TTISCELLANEOUS 11.01 Seal. The Ehall be circuETln form corporalion, the year of "SeaL, Colorado". corporate seal of the Association and shall contain thg nane of the lts incorporation and the words 11.02 Fisqql Year. the fiscal year of the AsEociation shatl be such as nay TroB tine to tlne Le eEtablished by the Board[. 11 .03 Services. Attached hereto as Attachnent A is a Ilst of service F provided by the Associalion and pald f,or out of the regular periodlc assessaents. 11.04 Sale or Lease of Condoninlun Unlts. These bylaws, the Ar no restrlctlons on or requirenentE concerning the salE or lease of a Condoninlum Unit or any other restraints on the free allenability of a Condoniniun Unlt, 11.05 Reclejrtional racili@. No naJor reereatlonal fasiLities are@art of the General connon Elenents. 11.06 New edditions of ceneral Conmon Elements. No new additions ed. 11.07 Congtruction wit,h Other Docunents. The Declaration, a ed fron tine to tlne, and the Articles, filed with the Colorado Secretary of Sgate, as they nay be anended fron tine to tiner dre hereby incorporated herein. The prov!sions of such inst.runents shall control in the event of an irreconcilable conflict wi.th the provisions of these bylaws, unfess otherwise reguired by Sect,ion 38-33-105 of Colorado Revised Stalutes, 1973' as amended. Sinilarly the rules and regulatlons issued by the Board, as they nay be anended or suppleruented fron tine to tine, are hereby incorporated hereini and together with the Declaration and these bylaws shall control each Owner's use and naintenance obligat,ions with respect to ehe Condoniniun Units and General Connon Elenents. (END) -13- l. a ATTACHMENT A (Attached to and forning a part of the.Bylaws of Cascade Club AsEociation) Sgrylce_s Proyided. Fv lhe Sssogiation and paid for ouf ot the Requla ,.ffi'ur. 2. Trash renoval . 3. Snow renoval fron roads, sidewalks and st,airwells within the General Connon Elements. 4. Insurance, nore fully described in Artlcle 11 of the Declaration. 5. NornaL repair and naj.ntenance of, the GeneraL Common El,enents. 6. Eeating and utility services for the General Common ELenents, 7. Haintenance of alI lanclscaping contained wlthin the General Conmon Eleuents. 8. Adninlstration, bookkeeping, 1egal and audit services for the Association. A-1 n4 ry t'... ,.gy' ; i.- "i..i,#- Ei'clffc'ii.tit,ot[; ir Zl 2 rs pl{'07 S -CONDOIdTNTUM DECLARATION FOR f!!E ,DeclaratJ.on,) fs naae ,._!ee7 by vArL \rElrTurtEs, LT;:,('Declarangal . CASCADE CLUB asr a ot ffie fiTzt dav cotoraa6-I5ite& o @ "{ RECTTAI,S - Declarant is the owner.of lhe real property situated,in the counrv of lagre,-Jtiili-ie r_olorado, aischtea in Exhtbir A arEachea_6Erlto-.fi il Tbrr-i+irEilI-r"ae a par!hereof, (the 'Real_la;E;rtyl*;i is enrltred, to eranr or assi'en rhe easements desc;i6"d-L ""ririili iJoir""tive1y.,the 'Easenent';,tn"-n"if-ii"plj,y and the Easemenr are hereina*Er coilectiverv r;i;;;;a-tJ-as -ru!-riiJp"rty,) . rhe -Property is part ;1,*:^t;i"Jili.a wrtrr iJeriiii project Kno!'tn as cascade_Villager is BoEe parttcuriiii-i"=""ibed in tbe Decraration creatrrig'cii.iIit", conditlon3, Restrictions and Easements for-C""".d"-viifij" record,ed iluly ,,, 1981 in Book 32d at paqe 3g!-;i-trr;-ili property r""oia, of Easre county, colorado gtne-iniof;;i;" covenants,) . Declarant.deslres to establish a condonl.nlun proJect under the condoninium ownershil Act of c"r"ilIJ-rthe ,.4cta) to be known as 'cascia" gi"i;. a;niln'inruras' and to ddrlne the cbaracter, duration, rights, oliigations and rtnitations or condoniniur orrnerspin. --oJ.i"ili!;4 ;;,;I;;il; . bulrdins s"l3i,iiifi .*lrr;l fl4ieii*;ffi:i1""$;lr,#+li*n:ft h :1".i:"F::;:,:f . *" """a"iiiiiiiLitE i"i"tii"i!i' uv Decraiant Declarant Lntends to estabLigh by this Declaration a pran for the o*ner:1.$_;;Ji=ii"p"rry estates in fee sinole consisting of the air- space confainea in each of the condoi.-rn:.um units i" .l:-loil&ing ;e-rh" .":"*"iruii,.ty trr.individuar and separate ooi"""-trr"i"ol,;-ffi#is in comnorr of-certain portions of the iE .Ga"" of.the property which are tf,ffi ;::i5::lil:.to sucb "o"a",i"rr.m units bi,-if,;-terns of lErs t/ /oo3> I I l, I Declarant does hereby subjec! the property to this Declaration and publisb r"e;;"i;r6-tn.i irr!-iliil"ins teri's,covenants, condiliot", -"""-Jr;;i;; re-strictions, uses, reserva-tions, rlnitatior: ang otiG;l-i;is_ shalr be deined to run with the r'and, shall bE.a burdd-ile; rcneirt-to-iili"r.nt, its successors and "::lg:-tnd 1ny pil_lg" acquirilg or ownlng an interest in the T::i"*f , i"a--iriiovenents bultt rhetreon, rheir grantees, successori, hElrs, tEisonar ""prEr"rr{.fr.rr"=,devisees or assigns. unlesE "ti".-r#""e3i;AE used in tbis Declaration,provided: F{a H (a). - 'ArticleE, neans the artLcles of incorporarlon dr' trre aesocr"trii*-i" #;;i:i'riy' ttne. (b)_ rAssociatl.on, neans CaEeade CIub AssociatLon, a colorado n""pi"ift corporation. (c) ^ oBoard of Dlrectgrs, or ,Board,, neans the soverning boay'oh tn"-G.""i";i;;. (d) _'Buird_ingo neans the five-revel concrete stnrcture tocadeil on trre pr6p"iii. (e) - aBylaus' means the bylaws of the Associ.ation Ln'"lr"ci' ai-i"v*iiilE. condornini", o"{fl J;i::lt."lff"";::illllffi: means the ,11 __'t:"ade Village Association, Eeans cascade village associition' rnc-, a --io"ado nonprofit eorporation. (h). 'Cascade Village Facilitles, Deans a1l the T::l__qTqerEy slbJect.t9 th"-;;;t"ctive covenants and atl lnprovenents and anenities theieon, wrrrctr-aie-"Ji o, hereafter owned by cascade_vilJ-age e"r"-"i"iron or whr.ch the nenbers of cascade virlase associiti;-;d;;rJ"-rt"""-iil"lig!rt to uEe. (i) _ oco,nnon Expenses, mean-E: (+) a1l expenses extrlressry decrared _!g b" c"nr5n--nxpenses by tbis Decraration or by the Bylaws,. (ii) all "tfr""-expenses 6t aanintstering,senricing, consenring,_nana;ifi; naintal.ning, repairing or replacing tb'e cenerai connoi ei6nents (including the Linited conmon Erenents). in accora""""-"itd id;;#i:i:"= of this DecLaratlon or tqe- nyrfw"i-iilii'.nsurance prenlt,rns for the insurance ca*ied-bv'ir."-a=Jlliltro" pursuant to tbe provi-ELons of sectio", 1_r'n"!-";;-ii;i-asseEsmenrs of cascade vilrage Assoclation rnade. p,t"Jo.itt to tbe provisions of tbe Protective covenants or t[e-""rl"r"" "t-ii".iiiiitio' o" -2- i l I' t .l t' byraws ot-dascade vtr'laee-1:socl.attoni and trl .r, otrrer ' " ' ff::l'$ li:::i:Laeiefrinea 6E-;il,lii ,=",,"es by rhe N ta rl with the,,,,aiJila^ ii!i+-li"*'.Hr::"$:l="1#li."i:g::*"appurtenant theret" "-"a-[iJ iin* to exc:.usLve I use of r,rnired connon- ir"iJ"i!= ""sociated th".Jiaionexcrusive amendment, * ilir:i*"*::*|lli::iFH"Sr': *:::ffi:"t "1i"..,real propefty rei6ra"-"i-nfril=county, colorado. indebredn""=, JlhJ|t$t"""i:l"I: I:1t= the horder or an EH.H*I*"dI;:;ii ;id;';lj#::"ff:#"l,flTfll':J:'"n rand incr""* {il3ililiili=:;. ff} iii:flH,.ffi "ti,j'i ".n"subject ro rhis !-Lc_r3qtr"n; -?ill -to,-;;di.[it'r, corunns,girders, bearns.. aupports, p""ii"t"" :ld .lnno"tfrrg walls,etevarors, rooi-s, Lai;;;id]'#ir=,^corrid,ors, robbies,stairs, stair*rays., tirE escipl!, "rrtrances anil exits of the Bui-ldins; (iiit -tire i""t"iGii]T:,. equipuent ana naterlars T?$ng up rbe central ."iiiJ=-o, tn. Buitclino.r rernr, e,as, hot.ar.rg_g_.ia-;;i;;,,f*+n, -i!ili;j":lrir"H!*ii;conditioning anl incineratifi;' {rv1 g.!_ a;;il;";Gs, notors,ii3i;rilffiIi3=ll?:-aucts, -iii' i,l_E"r,"r"r au apiaratus and pe+ii! _;-n"="iii:trli:=i#:FgE-::r:*=iirifltfiH HL3lr or 'GcE' on the u"ir, ii,"iiiiiJTitnout rinr.tation the r{esr-naven pedestrian-sliag;r-.ii"i"il-_a11 0ther parti of trre Properry which il:_f9i-n.r-t-"i'i gli{, -fi;i"ffil wlthour riuri_tation atl landlcaping,-wiirr", i"taers, qurbs,-!aving, drives ill,ifr 'ffi I'il"i€!"!;;i"i{kliiiiT;'ii;Ti "#nts _ ;hai i _ _ other i'p'o,",lll= i:Hi:I'ffixT: }:il:=ti: Buildins, and any portlons "' *i"L;iil::r"i,$Ti&:i.F:i::r#:iH lloifr" n"n or on E:<hlbit B attachea -uilIl"-ana ry lhis ierei"r"" nade a i$t !;r;;: ffi"!r'";;;iGi;!'Jr'non"*crusive use and enJov_unlts. __r of one or nore, uut iEss_tiui_irr, or trri fo) 'Map' means the original condonlniurn nap requlred to be'iicorae& rt"i"iiia# and all anenrrqents or i. -3- .') I I ct a r{ Eutrple'ents thereto ttrereafter recorded rn the rear property recordE of Eagle County, CoLorado. (St tMortgrage, Teans a nortgage or deed of tnrat encr:mbering an int6r6st in a conaoniniun unit and 'li[ortgagee' meani the horder oi an rna"ri"a-""]r-r""o"ed by a Mortgage, including a Fl_rst Lienor. - (r) ,Osnetrr neans any ind,ivldual , corBoratlon (whetber for profi!_lf nonprofit), partnership, associatlon,gistrict. or qirasJ--governmental cilrporation created under tbe laws of the State_of colorad.o, tnrlt or other legal entity, or any conbinatLon of indivlctuali or tegai "nttiiE"7'wrriJrr, -.- -- according to tlre, real pro;lerty records of Uagie-County, 911:I?d?: gll" 9r own Lhe- entire-unaivra"a-iEl-"iipr" interest r-n one or nore Condonl_niurn Units. (s) rPernLttee' shall Eean any of,flcer,director, .enp16yee, -agient, contractor, custouer, guest,visltor, lnvitee, ric-nsei, assignee, tenant or concessionaire of an owner. (t) .'sharlng Ratio, of an Owner is such Olrnerrs percentage intereEt in the-Generar conmon nrenenis as set forth in E:cblbit c attacbed bereio and by trrr=-i"rerence made a part hereof. (u) 'UnLt' means tha individual. air space contained withln tbe perfuaeter ritr", ii"J"=,-""iirni",-sindows and doore of i .nrt -i" irr" s,liidrng-is-siown ana descri,'ed in the Map, togetrrer witn (ii aii Fi-tri.= "na lmprovenents thereiiri ffit itre ftrn", decorated or finished surfaces of such rrnilri_pirineter walrs, floois-ana ceiiing;(lii) the doors and uindiwa-;i-ur" "oir; ;;-iirri'trr. interior ?:!:"qp"+ing wal1s wirtrin rhe unit. rlre teni d.6es not rncruqe, nolreverr tbe undecorated or unfiniEhed surfaces of the perinerer watts, froors oi-cJriid;-;-;;iiii ""v utirities nrnnJ.ng eirrougb trre-unit whLch tser\re more tlran one I-itl gr ?ny-ottrtr eeneial cornnon urenent-oi part-trrereof rocated witlrin the unit. rn the -event of anv-E"ntrict betueen the definitlon of space in this Decraratlon i"a-iis deslgna-tion on the Map, tfri uap sfrafi-control . . (v) 'Westhaven pedestrian Bridge'means the pedestrian wallnray constructed, over the EasenEnt. i.,:,i: ".r -_!r I (a) _The property ls hereby divided into four condoninium units designatia rislectrveii i"'co"a"riniun units 'v: it Itr a r{ ,j,ii, *: -2, 3, and-_4, each consl.stl.ng of a Unit, an undLvl.ded rnEeresc an the ceneral comnon Elenents appurtenant to sueb 9nit' which interest is set forth in uxniEii-i-attacnea heretor -and tbe excr.usive or nonexcrusrtJiight ;" use and egloy Llnlted Conmon Elenents, as set forth in fxh1bit s attached hereto. Declarant hereby assigns o;; ii appropriate,creates. and grralt? a"-d- conveys, to oecLirant the seplrale easenents conprising,the Easenent for so Long as Declarant Ls an owner of a condoninir:n unit and to each o€her otrner for the benEfLt of, Declarant's and sueh other owneriE--condouiniurn unit, subJect to the provislons or tutE o"cr"t"ti"". - (b) Each Unit shall be inseparable fron Lts appurtenant Lnterest in the ceneral counon-nrenentE and the appurtenant.right to use certain Linltecl co""on ElenentE and snarJ. s-oDprlEe one condoDlnLun unLt. A condoninlun unl.t snirr ?ly"y: be conveyed, Ieased, devisea, enc'nl"ieA or othernlse attecred only aE a,conplete CondomLniun Unit. EverT eonvey-l?ce, transfer, gJ.ft, de-rrLse, bequest, encrunbrance, or other disposition of a condonin!::n'uni€ or any part thereof, sharr be preeumed to be a convey-ance, transfer, |t?t, aevtse, fequ--t, - encumbrance, or.other.dlsposltion, as-tlie cise nay i", di tn!entire condonlnr-um. uni-t, logethei'witr, iil-ippurt'enant rrgbts and intereEts crealed by lai or by this il"iilatror, even S:ygl 3ly^e?rtieular portlon of 6r interesE-G-;y cond,o_B*r-un snrr is not expressry nentioned or descriled in tre ?uljegt docr:ment. rilte to a condonini'n u"ri-nv be herd indivLdualty o! J-n any fo'* of """"urr"tt "ii""=ltip-re-ognizea In Colorado. In case of any such concurrent owner-strip, A;h--co-owner ehall b: jgl"lly qnd-severatly tiable ior peiiomance and obserrrance of, all the duties and r-esponsibriitr-es-or-an----owner with respect to the condominiurn ltnit in lrhich such co-owner owns an lntereEt. . (c) -Any cqntract of sa1e, deed, lease, deed, of l1-u?_t-l 11!f!SaSe, silt .or otlrer instnrmeit affectJ.ng a Condo-nrlr-un uni.t nay deserlbe it aE foLlows (wltb approfriate information inserted) : ,Condoml_nium unit , CASCADE cIJuB CONDOUfNITJITIS, accoiiilng to the Condouinl_um Declaration for cascade Club CondouLniums recorded _, L9B7 in Book at Eage. -,of the real property recortiilof Eagte County, Colorado and Ure condoniniun iap foi Cascade CLub CondonLnir:ms. recorded lesz in Book ;t pag; _ -oi-tr,W -'property reeords of U-gle ffinty, colorado.' Evety such descriptLon sharL be good and suffLcient for all pur[roses to sell, convey, transfer, encunber, Iease or otber_ -5- t liir ln @ r.{ wLse affect not only the unit, but also the Lnterest in tlre ceneral Connnon Elernents and Linlted Connon Elenents llPufrelant to such Unit and the other easeuents, obligations,linitatlons, rights, encunbrances, covenants, coirditioris and restrictions created in this Declaration. Tbe reference to the uap and Declaration Ln any inst:?unent shall be deerned to lTclude.any suppreqents or amendments to the !i[ap or Declara-tion, wLthout specific reference ttrereto. tn tirLs Declara-tlon, a Condoninium unit uay be described si.ply by its Unit nunber, such, as, for example, runlt 1.t (d) Declarant sha1l. give writtEn notlce to the agsessor of Eagle County, Colorado, in the nanner provided in the Act, so that eacb Condouiniun Unlt sill be seplrately assessed and taxed. (e) Each ownEr Ehall bave the right to leaEe or enter-Lnto agreeqents regardJ.ng tbe use by otbeis of such Owner,g Condouinlun Unit upon sucb, terns and condltl_ons as suelr owner nay_deen advLsable; provided, bonever, that (i) any such rease shaLl be in writinE ind'Ehati provide'tlrat tlie-Iease is subJect to the tsms-of, this Oeciaration, and (il)any fal-lure of a lessee to comply rith thE teras 6t tnfi DecLaration or tbe Articlesr.ayriws or nrles and regrulations of the AssociatLon shall entLtle the Assoclation to-pursue all remedies against the leseee or the respective osner aE Eet forth in Section 6 hereof. 3. CondominluT Map. Itpon srrbstantial completion of the rnprove.ments, and prior to any conveyance by Deeiarant of a condoninLurn unLt, De-Iarant sbal.l caus6 to be-flled for r_ecold_in Eagre county, colorado, the Map, whLcb shall contain the following: (a) the Legal description of the surface of the- Real Property and tlre real property over uhich tbe EaEe-ment crosses; {b) the Linear measurements and !,ocation, with reference to tbe exterior boundaries of the Real propeity and the real property over shlcb the Easement srosses, of th- Tmltrovenentsr (c) the froor plans and rlnear dfunensions of the lnterLor of the BuLldJ.ng, LncludJ.ng the UnLts, the General counon Elenents which are not located sithin any unit and the Liuited Comnon Elenents,. (d) the designatJ_on by nunber of each Unitt (e) tbe elevation pl.ans of the sullding;-and (f) the elevation of the unfiniEhed interior surface of the'fioors and ceilings of the BulLding, lncludlng the Units, as established from a datr:n plane, the distances between floors and cellings,and the linear Eeasurenents showing the thlckness of tbe peii-meter walls of the BuLlding. The Map shall. also contain the Statement of, Declarant srrbmitting the property to the provi-sions of this Declaration and thE statenent ol an engiireer or a regJ.stered land sun/eyor certifylng that the Uap frilly and accurately depicts the layoutr [€nsu!€[ent, location and , a-!' -6- a i!il 'er.iatLonE of the -Buirding and the westtraven pedestrian Bridge, tlre unit. desrgmation" and the dj'ensions of such p"ii "aiJt-i;";";"i'#r,.n years f,rorn the lnitlal recordJ.ng 6r trre uap, -trr.-"tgnt to 3neng.the lilap fron ttne to tine-to conforn-it co the aetu location of any Improvement.to the actual :,?:::3:":?_y1g_Pe.puryoEe for.whicb tu"v "i"lntiended,:l:*"1_Illg"Ii1s: Gpedrng or Gpo"rne "i,"i-Irr!"iiehtJ'of rhe :.tl:"-9p:I? _ll{ - l" alcordinc" wrEb-th; fi G" -;;a- iEiliirii""li duly established fron tine to tine by the associ.tioi.-;;d subJect to the provisLons of section 23 ho.--i---'the provisLons of Section 23 hereof. (c) Tlrere ls hereby created an easenent upon,across, over and under all 0f the-ceneral con'non glenenti 16r ingress and egress, installation, replacenent, repair and uarnEenance of arl utirities, includi.ng but n6t rinited to water,. sesers, gas, telephonis and ele6tricity. An easernent J-s- rurgher granted to aII police, fire proteclion and anbulance personnel, and ait sinitar p"i.on"-io-e"t"r upon the General conmon Eleuents and units in tne perroraance of tneii 3*i::. _fu5!!er, gu?ject to the provisioir"-"i-s".tron-z(bt--nereot, an easeEent is bereby Eranted to the Association't6 4. t, CD d (a) Ttre General. Connon Elements shaLl be owned,in cornqon_lv air'tue ownei"-ana-shar.r. renain undivl.ded. No owner shaLr assert any riEht -of partitron rritn--iespect to the ceneral conqon Ereuents. Each dsrner raives-iny-inl aII iighi,to inEtitute or uaintaLn.a partltion iciiJn ;;';y orher cause of action seeking a physicat atvlsion oi-irre-Eenelar coruon ElerentE whLch sucu.dsier giy ["id by vtrtu" "i--su"n ownerrE ornership of an undLvided lnLErest ri, ttre-ce""i.r-connon Elenents aE a tenant in conmon with the otrrer-osners. Thls section n-ay bg -preaded aE a bar to the nalntenance or such an actron' rn addition' any owner rb,o sharl rnsirtuie or nain-tain such an action sharl be rlabre to the AEsociation and l?"*v agrees to relnburse the AEsociation ioi-trre esEocia-:l?"'s.costs, erqpenses and reaeonable attorneys, fees in cerendlng any such action. This Section shali not, however,Llnit or restrl-ct. th-e right of the co-ouners of a partlsurar condonlnium unit to brrli a parrlrio; ;Ai; lirJuant to the provisions of section gelz8-ior et seg. of coioraao REvised,statutes recruesting the sale of sucb ionaoniniun-untt ana-the dlvision of -the sgie-pro-eEas-aroong tb,e co-ownersi provided !h"t. p9 ghysical aivision of a conionlnit- uii-ii-Irrau be pamltted and no Euch action shall aifeciani-otfrir Condouiniun UnLt. (b) Eacb Onner and Euch Ownerrs permittees shall be entitled to use tbe cenerar comnon ntenents in I f,.il i\ CIo T+f enter in, onto, above across or under tbe'General cornnon Elenents and any-unit to perfom any duties of naintenance and repalr to any unit or the General cornrnon Elements. Notlritb-standing anything.to,thg contrary contained Ln this section,no sewers, el.ectrical rines, water rLnes or other utillties'nay be lnstarred or relocatid on tb.e ceneral connon Elements except as approved by the Association, and any uttllty or company in tbe use of the utllity easenent grrlnted beiein shall be responEJlte for any danage to any 6eneral Co'rnron Elenents or cogt incurred by the issoclatLon as a resurt of Egch daDage and shall be required to Bronptly restore any of the General Comon ELenents disturbed- or aaniged by such-utllity- or company in the exercise of any oS €Ueir-rtgb.ts under the utility- easenent grranted herein. should any utirity -or company furnishLng. a sernrice covered by this easement hereLn. request a specl.fic easenent, J.ncluding a vehicul.ar easeEent' the Association may grant such an easenent through tlre General conmon Elements by-a separate recorded instnrn5nt with,out confllcting wlth the Lerms Lereof and witbout consent of the owrers beilst-requlred. The easementE provided for in tbis section shalr in no way af,f,ect any other-recorded ease-nent through tbe General Cornraon ElenenLs. (d) If any portlon of the General Connnon Elenents nov Grncroaches upon any IrnErrovenent, or lf, any rmprovement nos encroaches upon any other rmprovenent 6r upon any portion of the General coEr0on Elenents, is a result ot the construction of any rnprovement, or if any Eucb encroachment shall ocsutr bereafter as a result of settling or shiftlng of any rmprovament, a valid easement for tlre encroachment aid for the nalntenance of the Eame so long as the rnprovenent stand,s,shall exist. In the e-ye1t-any hp;ovenent, airy acljoining Inprova'nent, or any adjoining General Common glenent, sbi Inprovenent, or any adJoining-General conn6n , sball be partially or totaLry destroyEd as a result of fire or other casualty or as a reEult of, condemnatl-on or eninent donain p-roceedings, and then rebullt substantLally according to the li{apr encroachments of, parts of the General conmon Elenents upon any lBprovenent or of any Irnprovenent upon any other Iqrprovenent or upon any portion of the cenerlL Cornnon Elenents, duE to sucb iebuJ.J.dLnE, shall be per:nitted, and varid eaEenents for Euch encroa6irnents and Lhe nalnten€rnce thereof sball exist so long as the Improvenent shall. stand. (a) If any Oryner Ebal_l cause any naterial to be furnished to such ownerri llnit or any labor to-be perforned therej.n or thereon, no owner of any other CondonLn-ir:m UnLt stra.Ll under any,circu:nstance Ue llable for the palment of any expense incurred or for the value of any wortr d-onl or uaterlil f,urnished' AlL such work shalr be at tlre orpense of ttre owner 9.Mechanic's LLens I fndemnificatlon. -8- I I t.r'. 1, it o cl il causing lt to be. done, and Euch Owner shal1 be soJ.eJ.y respon_sible to eontractotrEr'ralorerE, naterr.arn"n i"a-"tner persons f:-l_:Ulg-l*:= or materlarE to such osner,s unit or any lnprovem€nts therein. Nothlng herein contaLned srrau author_ize any osner or any person d6arhg ttrrough, rritt- o" uniter any _ojTpr to charge the cenerar coimon-ste'en€s'or-any condoniniui unit other than tbat of Euch owner sitn ."t il"firc;s r:.en-or other lien or encurnbrance whatever. on tba contrary (and, T?::":_r:_F_:*I siven), rhg.riehr and power-€o--t."se any rr-en or encuEbrance of any kJ.nd against-the Generat Eonnoi Elenents or against any olner or iny ornerrs cond,oniniG-unit for work done or nateriars furnishei to any-ot-:rer ownerrs unit is hereby expressly denied. ^ (b). If, becauEe of, any act or ouission of any owner, any mechanicrs or other llen or ord,er for ttre paynent of noney shalr be fired agai.nst tne ceneiir=connon Erenents or :g1l5! "lI ?_tl?" owner,s condouLnium t;i€-d-;t rili-G;il;Enereln' or agailgt any other olfner (whether or irot Sucb lien or order iE valid or enforceable as iuch), the osner whose act or ourssion forms the basLs for such rieir'oioraei Ehall at Eucb ounerrs own cost and expense cause tlre sane to be cancElled and dLscb,arged of iecord or bonded ly-a surety conpany reasonably acceptable to the assoclatl6n, or to such other owner or owners, witnin 20 dlys after tne-tate of flltng thereof, and further sharl indennif! ana-save .rr- tn. other or*rrers and the AseociatLon har-mleEs-from ana at-ingt any and all costs, exlrens€s, clalns, losses or d,amages] incfudiig reasonabl.e attorneyrs fees resultlngr tfrereeion. -- (c) Labor perfo:med or naterLalE f,urnisbed for the Generar conmon Eremenls, if dury autborized by the Asso-ciation in accordance with inrs oeciaiiiio"-";-th! Byraws,Ehall be deened to be performed or rurnistrea wrttr-thi o<piess consent of each owner and shaD be tb,e basis for the tiiGt--r 1 llgn pursuant to raw agalnst eich of the condorniniun onits.rn the event a r.l.en is eifected against two ;;-il;" condo-nini.n 9li!"' the owners of the separate condoniniu:n uniir n y renove tlreir condoninlurn units froi tbe llen by parm"nt of, the fractionar or proportional aDount ittiir"iartE't5-ea"h of the sonqoErnj"un Units affected. fndividual paEent shall be computed by reference to the sharing natioS. suls"q,rent to Pirggnt, discharge or other satisfaEtion, the cJnaoirnrr:n unit Enarr be rEreased from the lien and aE ts sucb condenrnlum Unj.t the lien shall be consideiEd and, deened to be die;satisfled or dLscharged. parttai palment, satlEiiction or discharge shalt not lrevent rhe ifEn6r-iilr-;;;;ding to enforce such lienor's rights against any con&onintum unit not so released or discharged. t l-: 'qr' -9- I [ii ')CD "t 6. Adninistration and Manaqement. (a) CaEcade Club Condoninlu:nei shaLl be adElnlstered and nanaged pursuant to this Declaration and the Articlee and BylavE. EacL orrner shall be a uenber of the Assoclation and sharl renain a nenber until such owner ceases to be an Ouner. AE nenbers of the Associatlon, all of the osners corlectively are entitled to a totar of, Lo,ooo votas Ln eLectlons ef aannh63s of the Board of Directors; eich orrner l-s entitled to the number of votes equal to Euch 6wnerrs sbaring ry!-ro.nultJ.plied by 10,ooo. Eachhonber slratl conpry strictiy with the provisions of ttris Declaratlon and or tuiaiticles and Bylaws. rrtre Association shall have tbe rlght to pronur-gate and enforce nr1es governing the use, naln€enance and appearErnce of tbe General connon Elements. Each nenber shall be bound by and shalr comply wltb the nrles, resolutions and decisions of the Associati.on auty made or ailopted in the manner set forth In this Deeraration or ln tbe Articles or lVlgws" Fallure of a menber to comply nlth such rules, reso-lutions or declsions shalr be groun&s-for an action to recover 9..ages or to obtain injunctive relLef, or both, naintainable by the AEsociation on behalf of, the of,Ler Orneri or, in a proBer_ cas6, by an aggrieved Orrner. In addltlon, th,e Bylaws may authorize the AEEocl-ation, durJ.ng tbe period'of any-delin-quency, (11 -t" revoke,a delinquent Ownerrs-rlght to use the caEcade virrage Facltities or ceneral connon ilenents, except f,or access to and from such ownerrs condonLnium unitr'and 1ii1 to suspend a memberrs voting prlvilegeEi hosever, no sucb,suspension shall affect the ri.ghts oi a First L,iinor. . (b) llhe Assoclation nay enpLoy or contraet for the senrices of a manager, provided trrat sucl euplolanent shall be by contract having a term of no more than thrie lears and eaclr such contract shaU be subject to cancellation by the Association on 9o days' notice.- Ttre Board may not deiegate to a.managrer-tlr,e authority til rnake expendLtures for capJ-tal addi-tions or improvements chargeable alainst the rnalntenance fund..Tb'e menbers of, the Board Ehall not-be liable for any omission or improper exereise by a managEr of any such duty, power, or function so delegated by written instnrient executidby a'naJority of, the board. (c) The Assocl_ation shall have al1 of the powers neceErsarl'to a4ninister and mErnage cassade club condo-niniu:ns and to perform al1 of the dutiei required to be Perforned by tbe AsEociatLon pursuant to thfE Declaratl.on, the ArtlcLes and the Bylaws. Notwlthstandlng such powers, uniess al.l of tlre First Lienors have given theli prior-written approval , tbe Association shaLl not be entitled to: i rt -10- the ptan of condc -(ll by act "" l]f:ron, seek to abandon ,nrntun ownership createa-i"iIiir' (ii) partition or Eubdivide any Condoniniun unit; or 33iltli"l;J$:i"jii :::dil*T:, o;i'l.s" ion, seek to abandon, Ehe comron rrernelEothecate' pledge, arienate, l.taintenance and Repairs. H#iil3F""#"i:*':klTtr":{ti;i:iiit'',i,ffi i#*.rocated therein- ""a J"rii"i.T"!sucb Taintenance o,,"p"ii; ;;'clwnerrs Unl.t, r tue_"tiuliiiir"" ouner shatl do vrth any "d;j::a'i!"i"li'd: Eiltii:""5=Tff#*l"jg# adniniste="u, .(o) rbe Gener"l got3?? Elenents shalr be ii:$i"fi ;$ #i:*1ffi"i:t*F$:i:r-:"i,::srft *;""",.t'o time durins ;;;;;i:=fr:,T:: -.!!Tt.l.nt therEto tron'tfii-ti."-F""Ti:T"ff:::"::t;"1ffi="f:._.,."r' p"'frJ!s,. or at any $'ff:ifl"T"ifk*i*:il#! ff:?ffai_Ti*:"Ti#i.J ",t-o a unit resulcrng from entry i::=,of-repalring any aanage-shar r be a cornn"r,_ ir.p"r,J. ;-. HrS$,.rlrrAT:jT: *i:;*;intry results .*::l: l""r+iIiL or i-nten*onir acr or anv 9Fer, or such o:l:",:_p"iniii""1,_1uch owner shall 3st,nhu;E6 Ene Association for^.alr iil-;;;" or^repaiiiig-$r.n damase and :3"i1"lE"* t3tl;.:?-trre -ofrelr'Eil:r: ror- a' adariro,,"r rosses d;;'#:i"S:t:i.TI'*fiiffi:d;t 13e_a\iis-;fi ',:i]+id::iii$,ifr "Ffi J!-t*3iri" jld,:;'suclr owner has "lI _"rsfit-ai Cl-":: and enJoynent, tbe nunerator of which_pr5portioi-it'su"rr o*rneiri sriring Ratio and the denonino-:or-or-wrri"rr"i"-tn" totar-irririii n.tro of all ottners havinq any-right t;-A;-de and gT,onent-of the ;$":ii.::=t:':r..9 - cin on -er;;"ii. _ "r,a. ( rL) - eacrr owner shar I IEti*t;: ff.Hi:iiii"fti3l iqi:F-i! *"*Hil:"H:*- "u;a_ofr"il ;:.S1ft::l: "". or neerif_;;;-;;-J.i, *.,, o, 7. o 9r Fl .{ltl I I i t' 1.. :t..,a. -11- H gl FI '. J ".il 8. ci sharl o"-t ,"* r"SlrT"i:$.#1.",so tons ag such g1"I i;;;d;!f_gr_**_ l.=o"iitron, shalt be entitled to use.tlg g""gla"liii"ge. Faclrities-as speclficallv pe:mitted in trrl-eS0teciive i"i!nant_=,and tbe articles or rncor?oration and_Wrars-il EIJI"a" vrir.g;-Lliir.trorr. rbe essocLatl.on and eaci ode;-d;il."onpty s€rJ.ctly wlth the provisions of tb,e prot"JilvI. EJi"r,"rr.,- 3nd ttre irricles of lncoryoration and-bvrir" ii-cIJJ!1 y_u'1s-e Association. rhe association and i.::|_g*"i-.i"ii. o:_!o.ld_by and shall couprv lrith rules, resotu!l"": ""a-a!!i".i?r: of calcade Viltage ess6_;i3t::ir$:t[",Ti:_g1 aa9n9.ea-i;-ihs manner set rorth in rhe byr3ys or ciscadi]lllili#=::i:!iF,-**iru"5?.ff: lt"_5::t"'13":=Jlrff.::.p. ;9pilii-iiEr,_"o"1 rures, resorutions or *T:.ql;"-p;;i;"i"?3:"1"T;"T;:Et"t+on or ""6n-d*n"r to tb,e bylaws or-cisEaJe vrllage a==o"iaiitrve covenant' and the "-!::i#:;i'#:*$:{#:i=r::'d;:;ryiif:t :tF:ru;cascade villaqJ-Associari,r- -.._-El: foarf-of Directors of-$: "i.S:"I i' ase a" = i " i iEtii -.iln =lE" i!;.Ii, lf li IiiT: "J j" o" 10. (?) Except as set_fortsb in Sectlon 7(c) hereof,each owner shait_ pay suitr or"i;, pro rata ;;;;;. of the counon Expensds, based upon such o*rr"ir" sharing na[ro-rn ef,fect on t"he date such counon nr<p-nser-i"" assessed. /b) _ ttre Board shal_I fl*, d.t"rnine, lev,y and collect annual'ana =p""iii:i"""J=p1!= to -be paicr by each of tl'e o!,rners to meet :i" a;m;-ii"rr-"""- and to_create a contln-eeney reserve u_"f":?". -pri;;Tf-try pgdi"iiri-J, eacb riscar vear of the Assoc-i?lipr,- iii-i.i".a-1ha.u. adgpg-a-budger for that year. rhe lgag.et inJii iili:f:a_tut-sr,Iir*not be tinited F?, il estlnare g5_3a"_"Ll"ii Ji"i.rntenance, reparr, renova_5i "t. il,u. i:3. ffq:H=:. :=s+*:fi i;:"#:t,f :F;ilt*" T:=::i:_tion' the cost of insura"""-io1i provJ.ded rv lrrt Assoclation as required bv s1gi"1-ii;";";;. proposed capltar ;nil;:T:u*';i: :;f:*ru*' $:ii"ff:#'Hl.5ilni:reserxfe fund for-g19 $l"tJ".Ii;:, repal.rs, renovarton and replaceuent of T?::,e"""iii-6Jilo1 Etaments that nust be repraced on a peri_odic basi= Iir"a"; .rh";EirrJrr"n.", repair an'r repracenent may be piia-ti; inrougn regiurar instalrnents -12- { I i" I t.' .."-'-''a _a. - N ol F{ rather than bv a spe-cial assessment- - For the Associationrs first f,iscat n::rr- tne ioira-liarr.adopt tne uuager at rbe first ueetinq-or. trre-ioiii-i"i-aesrgnilJ il; ;;" of cornnrence_ment of tre iirst .""";i-;.!"I"rn"nt,- srth the costs for naln-tenance' repair ana_repr-a;ilil "r irr"-c"i#ir-lorron Erements anc :ury reserfe runa niea"a-tfrJr"tor uasea--ii-.'good faith estinate of those costsi riia Lt$ate may be based on the costs incurred lv tGirir-ilJ"fr.tions in-the general rocare.Thereafter' .he cost of ""i"tii"r,ce, repai= "ni-repracenent and any reserve_ tuna neeili'ifiL'r"r."i rnirr-r]"Jn trre basis of the previous ve€r". "Jrt"itiil-sucu "aJ"=t !itl'as the Board considers appiopriate---trr!-frageg snatr arso incrude the annuar assessm€ng {""_ """rt-c"il5urnru:l-inii]- s'e""Ial assess_nents nav be re,yfecl- wn""",tr"i-ii'*a-*rrriJi'or-Ine soara ir is iff:8"#'i[.ll;l!":*"H"3;"il'. ril i; ;;;i iici"a'.a operar- .ad,d*io;;r-'"iiit_.1 _;"i;G;i, :;":!ilii Jiity:: B;"H*rffi;,*iYEITir:t":!" n'opoled aaaiiloriar iapit"i-f$ir,r"" at Emy iate toi-an;- ;.i:"5:l'i=3i, tl":f;"ff;"::": H'E"tiltr:F*;,after tlre onners'. uy-v6i.-6"-"Iitten consent-of the owners havins an assresi*':Fii*i'*Iii. or. at -ieaJt,ior, approve suctr expenses. Arr_annuat-assessuents snatr-ri-u"""d upon an approved budqeti. arr- otlrei "IJE!"r"rrts shall be 'n itenized statemenr fofo and srriii-i"r'ilir. the deta* -ot'trr" various expenseE for vhich tue isJes"iEit" ii; ;;il;*rfi". (cl Tbe Board sbal]_grepare and provlde to each owner a statendni. for til-;;ili. assesEuent. Tb.e annuar assessnent shatl^b: f+u. $- *;"_r::ty lnstallnents, each such instarlment due and payabre r='-iavanie. on trr!-iirst day of each carendar cnrart"i,'or-ioi" F "g,.*t instarrnents as nay be detemineu o" fr:*$ig.-. iilliii "ssessnents sharl be due and payabre as specified in trre-rri&en notice of such assessments provided to iach ornei ly tnl-iJ""a. (dl_ p" Board shall. have the right to add, to an owne!,s assessment as.p;;i;d"i". trrl= section-those a'ounts expended by tbe assoclittoi-i;"'lne beneflt of such owner and sucrr owner,E individual c"iiairi"i:ro urrfi,-iriirriirg, but not linited to, f,ines - fpursuaiEJl-*r"= adopted by tbe Associa_tlon) ' repairs ana'i"pii""i"ii='i.g -any cond,oninlum un* or t'rre cenerar counon erat""G)"Ji,rJea rv'trre--n"iiii.r,. or wilr_fut asts of such_own"r, -Li-!"ft?*rr"r7s perai€ieEs; ana alt ::oE;""#i:$::"-* or inarge' Jri"raEa-rii-ti -iiiis oecraratlon /al ?.F ---- - -lg:-r'Fr rhe' Ei:^iirFlffi :$:Til: ;::*l i:l"i*,:t5';.u,lit cnarge on such defaultins--oo."i'rn an auount equal to 2t of such assessment' r,ix.ri3"]";-iui" charge equar to 2t of the . it,::. -t 3- o r{ \. '; unpald assessnent may be Lnposed on the flrst day of each ;i*:lS:t ,':llt,*gi"irtJ'-J5-il'g as- such assessnenr sbarl be aaie-tner"Ji-"'fs.o'solif '"lig"qi:iffi"#;t;:rTl:; m":r:resrurar quarrerlv i"riirirliE -ror-trr" iliiliall o, thar year to becone due an&.p"i"liEtf-1r.",_"t t!" option of tbe Board.rn the event tl.:tliF;;; il."r=""y for rhe Board to collect any derinflrent-r=""-."Jnts. or't-."i, ri"irr"t by fore-crosrrre of a rlen. trereiniii"r-Ir""ted, by co'uencr.ng of a court action or other:ni;;-ii"-aelhquen€ owner'Eaa' pay, in addition to the-assessueni ""d }::._"prge freleln provlded,all costs or correcii.ill"i"liiar?g a reasonable attorxey,s fee and costs incurred tt-il"1;Ii'rn enforcing patzilent. ll-s:r'*r-e{ii"^i:i=!ff ii":i;:3"1i':"illi*if illl:,iou'"constltute a lien on such Conaonirrfua UnIt Ln favor of the Association prior t"-iii-'"Ei"I-ir"rr" ana enE'nii"rr""", except:(1) rl'ens fol aener.r-pi"pJi-t-i i:":: and.speciar assessnentsi and (ii) the tien of- tlre fi;il;";. of a rtrst Lienor. rhe Association's rr-en srrari iiiiEfi=r"d- rh;-a;i"-ii'"r, rbe unpaid asses€rmenr rh"rl,l"core-auJ-iii,"v te ioiEJioJ"a ly the _Association ln like uann.r ""- a To*s.g" ;-;;;i.properry upon the recordinq or.. n"[l"i-oi-a-"].ai"-tf,""Joe-il!",r."u by the Association ietting. rortt ii"*.io*t of the unpaicr indebted_ness, the name ?_f_tl" or"iJt-il" C""aorririlo6nrt, and a description of the condoritrr"i rinrt. rf any such rien is recorded bv the.lsi_o=!iird;Tn; olrner shatt be required to Itay the costs and erpen"". 6rTie preparatton-ani recording of the Associationrs rrE"r-ii"iiaiig reasonable attorney,s fees.fiiiirf:5:"*Tff tr"T:=*ffi -te; ; ;-.ii;, *ii! o*,,", "rrii i incruging ""i=oi.rre attorne"r= -ilP"nses of sucb pr_oceeatngs,rorecrosrir" tr,e"o*n;"-;;-a;' ";ii!!;r.i5iifl sli: EEIrls :f";'actlon shall be reguir"e 6;&". -r"""orrable rental to tbe Association, and td?E;";i"{iirr' "n1tl.:!E pt-to nitisate its qanages' Tb'e Association-Ei;ii;" entitled to purchase the condoninium unir_ at_p" - i"iilii=L" ."i", -irj-t5i"q,rir",hold, l6ase, nortgage o" oorr.v-ihg i.r;l -fri"i-orr,er, by acceptins a deed.,i:-: ;iil;ilid unrfrir,r;-;:d apprrcable nonestead exenption as to tfr"- "il"=sment lien. ,ol_ *g Owner shall eleupt such owner fron liablrity ror iiraent.of """n-ffi"rrE share of the conmon E)q)enses eithe-r 6v gif".r-il-til"o:: oT enjolment of any of the General connoi srenents-oiiv ab_andonnent of such owner,s condo:ninium unir. ii "-iJialiiii_-u-rrit.is orn"a-by co_owners, each or Euch co_Jd;;;;;"ir iE-:"i"ii"=I'u severarty riabte for the portion. "i-fi;-d;: assessed. for co,nrron Expenses with rEspect to suci Eilaourniun unit- -1.4- v ot "l condonini,- *lll*il Fff":f i:';nilo.llfiI :Il:::$ ;i""co&on E-Fenses-.1:lr ;;-il;;d,. t!" purchasei_or orher t'ransferee of an i:rterest ti-I""a e-onionrniii'uirrt sharr be jointlv and severarri-irilil iitr, rhe serle, .oi- tr"rrsferor tJrereor ror such unpiia-ilir.Ji.nt=. -.N;Giihrianaing the -1b?y", anv Firsr iia;; ii]-lit.ins trlie-io-'I-lorooninirrm unr.r pu:rsr*t T?, torec_rosu;"-;; *a Ti+;1JJ lr- conveyance in lieu thereof wJ_I_l_l:t be- fi"lfi for such Condoninrrtn unit,s unpaid dues or .ch3rggs wrrrctr iicnre_priJr-a;-td acgulsitlon of titte to such u"ii-lii'til Fir"t Lrenor. (i) upon uritten-request of any owner,Mortgasee' proipictii'"- r'r"il;;;;",-pyrchaser oi ign:r prospec-r,rve rransferee of a cond;i;i;.u;rii, thI-affulr""ron shatl rssue a sritten,:!:!:f"nij;;ils.f.orth the amount of the illiil. fi lil""F:ffi * ;J5,*:I i' ; r.o ir. J""t :a'such condo -condoninirrn' uiii, +i - d;""8 =lr.LElli+ilEH""igiil":= :i:3_nent, the date oir.rnictr-Ji.i l!."=sment recane-ir sharr become due and the anounT :; ""i-#Jii for prepaia -"r.p"r,=.=. sucb,stateuent, for $l:rr. " ,6u"iiliig r9e nay re "rrirseo, is bina_rng upon the Assocratron-ri;;;t or any'pE""iiano nay rer.y thereon in qood raiirrl-'uiiu;'; request for such arate'ent sh'all be coipri:g ridi ,iiliii-tL-1"r: arter rJceipt tbereor,a* unpaiu "o^:l_ nxpenseJ if,i;i u-ecane aue prror ro the date of nakins such requ-eit "aariJJs'rorainated'iJ-i.rr" lien or other interesr "rTuE p";;;; ;:q,resring such statenenr. condonini,- o"{i'llti:S}I":l.jT$ ;f.'lf;lri *:E"o:" "required to pav any unpaia-ir"JJr""rrt with respect to such condominir:n irnit, ina.-.rp"n "".i-p"yrent sucnJlty "n.u have a rien on such condonin-ifi ;;it i"iE".fr;;E:; paid of the sane ranJ< as rb? rien-trrir-e6;;"" existlnE. (k) First Lienors-shatl be give! urltten notLce by the Associad,i:"_?l ""v a"iiiit ly an owiEr-in-trrg pa'uent of any assessrent--hereuni"r, -"i'iln default has renalned.uncrrred for 6o days. 11. Insurance. (a) Each Owner ehall , with respect to sucb owner's unir' iegn,"' iip""idliitl.and _alr ri*tor"" rocated :l :.T:=T;5f .y;1 :- ! ri-- ;;i - il;i "i r's - ru "iriiiJ I f urn r. sh inss owne r. i #;;;;": ifi i :ilI= ""lnLT:n:iff *l T' :ffi F'' re - casuatty, wirh eirenaea-cJieiislif;1;ag,i -i"Jirlr,". asainst or damase lv vang31_i:, ";_;;iiEi""" gischlef), in at teast the anount of the naximun repraceneii varue tner!6t, deternined in f'.:.. ..t;,' -r.5- I i:' i t- l'l:.. l,' t) It)g) FI ffiT:".:ff""!r$"r8;:::l,rr(c) hereof,. rhe Assoclatl.on shau, rocated r, *",f:#i :iffF3.iid$i!l$lT.i"i":iiui*1o",""iH:H.tH:'of"ft=Iinss. or oiii"i_personar properry supprled or ?{:iii ;"rd:, !. :i$ii!il l*i.*:$isai"i$ilil: :, *" li5ls;'lnsurance against- or aaniie -li-.r"oa.risu or ualicrous mrschr'ef), in at reast ai6;il""t or-tne- ilffiil repracenent il:*:.:""reor, aeterminJl-iitLrraance-wGilTiltron 11 (c) protecrio, o. .l:.{iild!i:il"iillr_lFi:.*l *I.Ei,jll"lll ."u illr*""m$"T3-.Ti;-#-;i:il=", s"'""ar puirc. rlabrriry and h:*_ ;i.'H:ii:i{i$:.:3i:iti:";$*r":;1"":*1r ili"# #-son&on Erenents'- tn riiits-"i-i"r, r"ss^than glrooorooo for a bodily injury .;.i::*-i;-"il iil,,!", or persini-arislne out of one accident or. disaster, or. for aanaEe to proIrefty, and if higher liuits "h:11-it-"iv-;iir'o--.quEtonarv oi advisabr.e to $:ii1""Elililuf .="irrE-iotTr"uiiii, -!iin1rin., r inr.ts As.sociation nav :iiiii-li:y*#;"3{:.+l=$i: #$*i 3;Jn"other insurabri l:"r-=9J-.r-iIi-i"or- tirne to tr.ue be co'nonrv i*:Iil":":il::":l"ln:#;"ti !r,ui-i,Ji"i#=in sinilai_. *::::Stff :t :ffL$i"!.S.Ifl.f,t"ff:::i"itl""f:i.:H= I iab*ity rhis sect'"" .{lil"i::#!!it"ffi ii$i"""i H"'ft::ff::i.il.ff"owners and arr First- r,i"""".; ir trr"ir respectr.ve interests nay appear' Each pol'"y;i-;;;arty_r.nsurance shalr contar.n a standard Dorrqacree- ctau3e-I";;;;" af ;cb;Ii=i"r.,i"r,or uhich shall provide-tfr3g tr.;-i"rr-l ii'lrrv, thereunder sbaLt be payalcle ro euch rirsE-r,IJiJi,'i.'ili i"ter;E;u;, arrpear,subJect, hovever, to.the i;;i ;;ti,"en! provisions.in favor of che Assaciation irere:niFtli-i"['iortu. A11 polJ_cies of casuatty insurance. .s$_u -pr"iii".tgt 19;9=:#ii. . be payabte to and adJusted u-itrr trre G"Jiiltio-n, as attorney_rn_fact for E"he owners. Ehe Associitt""-Jili :I_.:_":l -il;";;;" as_ set rortrr-ir,1.li:""::i.::iiilT-;;;.;;4"lnsurance poricv shall prill;; itat no.cancerlation thereof nay be nade by itre insui;;;;ier. wlthout uaving first glven 30 days' prJ-or wriiten iEii"" thereof to the Associa- -16- i.:,:t (D qt H tlon, the ounErs and all FLrst Llenors. Each insurance policy shall also contain a 'severability of lnterest' endorsenlDt, ' that- provides, in caEe of vior.ati6n of any piovi"ron tu"reoi by the Aesociatl.on or one or more_ (but teSs-trran-all1 of th;owners, that coverage of such porrdy shart be suspenied, or invaLidated only as-to the intirEEt of tbe A,ssociitlon or the owner or ormers comitting the violatl.on and not as to the f1lereyt-9f any otrrer owntr. A1r policr""--Jt--c"sualty insur-ance sball contain walvers of, subr6gation and of any defense based on eo-l-nsuranca. copies of ait poucleE-of caEualtv insurance and of arr renewirs thereof,r-togeth"t-rrtn-pi3Ji "t p?]ment of tb'e prenJ-uns, sha[ be deliver6a to alr ri]Et - -- J:renors_ upon request. upon any conveyance of, a condoniniun unlE, rne transferee of tJre condornLnium unlt shalr provide the Associatlon witb, at the Assoelatronrs op-lonl--ertrr"r a certi-flcate of insuranc-e or copy of insurance-porriy evidencing compriance wl.th subparagripn (a) above. iurtu!,r, ptilir-l3 ro days before the e:rpiration-of 'airy such insurance'p-ortcv, tnE-Owner shall pro:ride to the Assoc-lation evLdence, in -;ffi --- reasonably satlsfactory to the assoclation, of ienewal of such insurance poJ.icy. _ (cl lXbe naxLmurn reBlacement value of th,e rnprovenents (ubich sbarl indicate the marinum replacenent value of Each unit contained therein), wrtnouE aehuction ior depreciation, shar1 be determl-ned by- ihe essocia[i-n ut""--- ::g:t?:l_gf_lly oy1rer blr^+n any_evenr prior to thE Aesbciarion f,opEarnrngf_ any policy of fire and casualty insurance or any renewal thereof, by means of one or rnore written appratJiis nade by competent, disinterested r.nsurance appri!.sersi how-ever, appraisals need not be obtained nore ei-equently than at one-year intenrars. copies of sucb appraisal"'Jnatt ue furnished to each own€r and eaeh rlrsl-r.ienoi uf-n request. !__ (+) Each owner shalt be responsible f,or al.I lnsiurance covering.fggg.or danage.to personal property in such owner,s UnLt and tiability for Lnjuryl death oi alr"ge :::lTilg Lnside such ownErrs conaorniifurn unit. -Any-sucb po+rcy sb'all contain waivers of eubrogation and snait be so writtEn that the_J.iabiltty of the cariiers rsJu:.nE insurance obtained by the Association shall not be afieciea or dininished thereby. - ^ L2. - Appoj.ntment_of. Attorney-Ln-Fact. Each Ouner by such ownetr's acceptance of @onveyance vesting Ln such owner an interest in a conaontniun-unlt oo"s irrevocably constitute and, appoint the Association uith full power of substitution as such-Ornerrs tme and 1awful a!!-orney-ll-fact ln such ownetr,s na!!e, place and stead to deal slth Euch interest upon damage to or iteEtnrction, obsoles-cence, or condennation of the cascade club condoiinlunE ag (i,i.1 ': .it -L7- a N cl FI hereinafter provid'ed, and Decrarant_wlth furr power of substi-tution as suih o*rr"i;. tir;-;il rawrui "-tiJii"illn-fact in such onner,s nane, ptacel a"a"JtE"a-t= iJJi.;iil such interest rn order to effectuate aie-;Eslnations contained in sections 3 and -zr rr"i"or, 1.Ji-"ie-ilirJoJEi,""rehr and autborlzation to execute, aclcnowfeage, and deliver anv contract, u""u._pfgor. or'fosl],'-rerease or other instfrnent affecting tbe interest of =o.i, b*rr.", "rra iJ- iir." any other action, ubicb Io: +i""iitiJi'""-Decrarant may consi.der necesrsary or advis'bre to gi;e-Lrt"a-6';d;rlvisions of thls Declaration' rt requ6si"a-g do so-ry-tie Association or Declarant, eacl*g:a i#ri-;""Jte ald deliver a written lnstrunent confl'rming such apfointnent. -rt"-iitron of the Associatlon in ::t!iili .lyjiil"" or condemnarion claln shaLl be fLnal and bindl.ng oi afi Owners. Xo Owner shaff have any :tgl!:_1saiT:F trre issocliirJl'i, any of Lts offrcers or crrecrors with respect therei- excepi G ;;"-;i traud or groEs negligence. 13' Di :ff :ffH ;"o " rffi "'1. !t.Eo:f "3ilii"J; (a) lf in the reasonable Judgrnent of tbe Assocl-ation, the proceeds og ineur_ance shalr. be suf,ficient to pay art the costs-oe_rel-i"i"i"I"a r""t"ri"i fie' tuprovarnents,::i=ft;:.i;i:L-l_"s attirney-Inlract i;;-ti;: ffiersy shalr tr'"-p"J'JIJ;';;"i"':l::":: ::"T;:iTffina i"=i"i"a,' .pprii',g (b) If in the reasonabl_e Judgrnent of the AEsociatiotr, td'q proceeds or insurance are not suffieient to pay the costs ot i.epaiii"s-""i"iestorinf-In"-irirgrrenenrs, and if the excess of sultr "o=i= oi"i tn"_anticipated rnsurance proceeds, are leEs-than ro* "i-ine.,nininum ieplacenent value last deternined under seciion-:.igcy hereof, tiren the Associa-tion (as a*ornev-i":r."i-i;; ii" 6mers) lniii- pronptry cause the rnprovenents-to_::_agp;ii"i*La restored, an& tn" difrer-ence between tbe insuranc-e proceedJ ild-.i;-!ol[I or repair and restoration srrari-re-; E;;; Expense to be assessed and paid as provided rn-t""trln-it*tlr""r. (c) If ln the reasonable Judgrnent of the Association, rhe-al:l"ihi; iil"""a".of iniurance are not sufricient to nay the costs oi-iepairir; #-;!sIoring tne rnprovenents, in& ii-th;-&"!1"'lr such costs are lot or nore of the naxin'm reptacenentlilie-r"st-.i"i"ilirrli=orra"r section 11-(cl hereof, tneir trre a;=";i;;i"ar i owneis -iia Ti""t _ rienors -; ;il"=l3it.H|"l3;:I=i$i1l"t o - - - - restorins the danas"a-irp.r""i.f,i;;. -ii "iEni;'ilb days afrer .be date of such air"g";i-i;#;aro"-ti!Ji;"-;;" repalrins -18- - i:\ t;g o gl r{ and reetoring the rmprovenents so snbnltted shall be q'r-Eapproved and a sale of such rnprovenents ls approved by tbe owners baving an altgregate sharing Ratio of 75* and, arr First Lrenors, the Associitton (as attoiney-in-iict-ioi tn" owners)sha1l execute and record in the r-ear-prop"tti r".ords of EagJ_e coulty' colorado, a notice of such eaits, i"& trr"reafter sharl_sell. the Property (incrudinE the rmproveients) iree ana crear o.r..r" provist-ons of rtris o6ctarati6n-a"a-l["'uii, which shalr lrbolly terminate and expire slth respect to the broperty upon the closing of such saLL. The proceeds of, ingurance and tbe Broceeds of such sale sharl be iorrected-by-trr"-Lro"i"ti"",applied flrst to the palnnent of e.qrenseE of the sare, and then dlvided agong the-own-eri rnu piia rnto separate accounts, each representing one.condoniniun tnlt. rrre iirJuiance proceeas frou a -caslalty 1T:":."g: poricy-r"intiinl; ii'i-p"*lcutar onner shal'r.be paid to thal ownir, ttre insurair"J pro""eds from a- ca9u91ty. r-nsurance pglicy naint;inad bi-u;- Gs-ociatton ----shall be dividea accoiaing-to the gw19r-s, respectli"-Jfiiir"e Ratios, and the proceeds 5c sare sharr be dlvl.aed accordlng to !!e ow.neTs'.respective straring Ratios. -Th;-i"ilJ in eactr account (wltlrout contribution-frou one account to anotrrti)?h"ll be appried.by the Associatr.on for trre ioriowrng purposes in the order indicated: (1) for palment of taxeE and special assessuent riens r-n favor'oi anv isSes-int-""tiw; (iii-i;;--palment of tbe balance of the tiraelteanes! nera-iy a rlrst Lienor; (iit) ror parment of ""p"ia-coii"" iiilrGa", (tv) for palment of Lndebtedness secured,-lv iunioi ril:i"-""d encun-brances In the order of and, to-tne extent of therr priority and (v) the batance renainilrg, ii arry, =rr.ii ull-plfa to the onner.. The provisions or thii seeti6ir sharr not-be construed as Liniting in any ya{ the rtght of a.rlrst r.t"nor rrn case--the proceeds atrocated under (il1 auve sharr le iniuiricient to-pay tbe indebtedness-t:la py-iucn rirsi-r,re""ri to a'sert and enforce the personal riabiiity for such ae-i-Leney-oi-trr"person gr lrgrsons responsible for-palment of Euch rnaEriea:---ness. rf within too days'after trri &ate oe-guJn-aanage oi dest:rrction_the plan foi repairlng_and. restorlng the danaged g5_fgstroyed rnprovenents sibnitt6d ry trre-a="oEratron is not qrsapproved pursuant to this section 1g(c), the essociailon (as. attorney-in-fact f,or such owners) Eriaii prorptty cauEe such repairE and restoration to le niae--i;.;4il; to sucb,plan. ALl owners sharr be bound by the tems oi-sucb pran,and tb,e dLfference, Lf any, between tne arnount of the insur_ancE proceeds and the costs of repair and restoratlon srr"ir r"a com'on Expense to be assessed aird paid as fr-traed in Section l0 hereof. - (d) _Nothlng contained ln this Section shall be :?i:tA:l 91_inpgsins any-liabiliry suatevEr o" i"v First ll9lor to pay all or part of, the costs of, repair or restora_El-on. -19- I l.' I f,=.,., ' [$ c)or t{ L4. Obsolescence. (a) ff at any tj-ne Owners having an aggreEate sharins Ratio dr'eor-oi;;;e ;; .ii;i;=;-ii;ols snau asree that the Bul,rdLns h:: !:aF; Jliorete ile-rh;r1-.ppror" a pran f,or itE renovatlon or restorationr_ ttre associ"Ifon ga=atrornev-in-fact_f?I l+" odi;t rrr"ii Filii;-cause such renovation or restoration to te'g1= qctg;elG.to sucn pran.All owners shall- be- bound li tfr. terims of such plan, and the costs of the vorF _sha* be i a;*;;-E*pii=Er-i"'ie assessed and paid as provided in s""ifonlro hereof. (b) If at anv time Owners bavlng an aggrregate sharins Ratio de'eor-or;;;a ;e 4iri;"8-iil;ols srrall aeree that anv of rhe rnprov€EentJ ""nrtiautd; c;ffi;i conmon Elenents have become obsolei"-itra.shatl ipprove a pran for their renovation_or restorationf trre assoEl;ti;"- (as attorney-Ln-fact for the.gT:r:i:;ilii;;orptly cause such renovation or restoration to bg made acco;eil;-6 ;;-pi;'. arr orrners shall' be bound b1 the .dr*-;f-J!"n pr"n, and, the eoEts of the work shalt be a.g:lr:l Fr.p"d;,-to uE-asl"Gla?a paid as provided in SectLon to heieof.' fc) ff at any time Owners baving an aggregate sharins Ratr.o dr- e or-oi r.;; ;;e'"ii--;r;=;-Lil;ols snalr asree that caEcade club conaonrnrr*i'i.n" become obsorete and should,be sotd, the Assgclatlon-la" "trt"".y-rn-iaci-iii trr. orrners)Ehatt pronptty record in i;; ;;i p+ea;ti-;;;Ii, or Easte county, cororido, a notr-ce ot-rulrt facts, and Ebalr se[ the Property' incruding -arr i'npr"vIients, free and clear of this Declaratl.on and tb6 uap, ;[i;i;ir"r. whotly ternLnare and o<plre upon tlre 9]os-in!'oi--EuErr-sare. The proceed,s of such sale shall be correctefr-, "ppiiea-and divict"t-ar""g tbe ouners i:r:*.*socl_ation in tue-iiiiJi p"ooie"d-i; illtror, 13 (c) 15. Condernnation. (a) .If the entire property shall be taken for any pubtic or cmasr-pubric-usE,-unae; ;ni .rit"t!, by right of erainent douain,- ": bi- pui"frise'ii ft"o ther.eof, or if any part of the r'provenents inirt rJ-r" i"ren, or ii-.irv-ir.rt of the l:"1_"=gEgrfv snau be so i"r"i ;"C-t{";"; ;:1i",inins shalt be rnsuf,flcient for purpores oi cascade tr.,rr canaominiuns, the Association ( as attoine|-it :ri"t-ror-trr" -ffi"iii-lrr"u corr.ect the award mad'e in_sucn iarins-."a shalr serr trre part of the lr-opertyt inctuding tne_rnpiSveiEnts, renaining aiter the 3*i'er . ir any, rr!e_ ana-"ieii;;- rhi=-o""iliilEili ana tne Map' which shalr whgJlv terninai! ana e:<pii"-6;;'the record-J'ng of a notice by the'as;;Gti;" setting forth a* of Euch -20- o et facts. The arard_and the proceeds_of such sale, if any, shalt be corlecred, appriad ;; tiiiEla_€rnong rhe orrners by tbe Assoclatlon in tae nanne; pii"ii;a-rn- 6ec[ioi"iif"f hereof. . (b) If sych takLng-shatl- bg-partlal onty, and if the reuainlrig.F"rt .i-rd;;;p9rty slratt-be sufficient for the purposes of-ti"-c""""G-eiii condoniniu:ns, the condominr.r:rn ownership hereunder slarr noi-Grniil6."-;;i &-"" shalr be entitled to a shar" oiE"- I;d;*Gtio"-"riil-tl u. a.t.mined under the follotring pioviri.iii- :f -eT . inj urv .g^qti:l"Ili F"Hl.3iE:"i:'$:iiuo!'"n!Sl:n Eill"Sn#ilg l*rff"r= o' -theJas is -or -L:i"r,-iiilier, s r!;f ec- severance u.,"s!ltiii* E:#H1Slill".::ff.ffi.1oo, *o""condoniniun units- which or"r"-ioi taken or condenned. on the basis of each sucn owner;r-""iiiJ"i$" H;riil*illio, tbe- taklnu "' "Tji*iiE iil:]i:lEt*itT;r"1.:""*"iiFl"!:ments an oener h3s I'ade uitrrii-suctr owneifr-ori unit shall be lig:i::81"il:: the owner ;r d"; partrcura" Eiiiai;r"r"i-uir;- s:tg?r a.'"E""_J*f ) .""nlioll'r'LiffiT: i*#i::",i:ri.il:"-apportioned arnong-lbe ow19r--in prop"rtron-io-Iilr, respective sharins Ratr'os. -rr^ an-aii;"";i*.oi tne "t "raJJ arready estabrLshed in n3qort3itr;; d;il$i ;9"1i!llr-i.uervise,then In atrocatins.!h" .wlia'trr-i'AssociairJi, "rr"ir enploy such ar'rocation. or"tirFg[r.ii-li iiiortioned proceedE sbarl be nade by checks payalie-i"-i"iri"[" the respective owners and rheir respectiva Firaa ir;;;i. -' (c) .fn the event a_ partial taking results in the takr'ns or i unii; th; ;"# iG;;;:rriii*"itonatrcarly ceaEe to be a nernher-ot tfre'iilo"t"ttorr, and such ownerra ownership interest rn trre- ee;;i comnon Elenents ehalr terminate and ve't in tne oriIil'or tne rernariGi conaoninium units' laer€after, the a=.""ritron shalr rearl06ate the ounership and asEessnel! ratios aetsminea-i"-i"Ilraance nittr this Declaration_a""oraint-t"-tn! rerative &i.;;;' footage of each unit (the sarne n"i1g-ipi"";;pi&;-i; ;n'G';ecrararion at i'ts inception), ald_ iruari-i""";--+"-il; ;"i;;dl*,y records of Eagle count'i' coroiaao i"li!"crent to this Deeraration settins forrh sucrr ieiir"""trlilI'j -2L- (dl In.the ev€nt that any portion of the cascade crrrb cdn&"nr"ir'= ilii i" r.a" the subJect natter of any condennation or enineni-a"i.I".proceedlng or is othenrise sought to be aca.ired bt-;-";il;"rng- authority, then tinelv written notLce dr -sucn-l""aIiiiiEton sbalt be given by the Association to eacrr owne;-;;ffii;st r,ienor upon the Assocla-tion learning of such fact;;- --- 16. oualiFy, oF wg=rk. Any.repairs, renovation or resroration undertaren lffiE a"llEr.tion-ii ;tt;;"y_in_ract for th'e owners nursuanr i" th";;".ti=i""= Ji lfi]'oeclaration sbarl be done iir sucrr n."tt"ir.tio make tne-real-property or the inprovements -so repiti"a,-i"iooated or restorEo at reast as valu:bre after.sucn-wJii-;"-i[ was r.nmediatery before the occurrence requiring the worr tJ le aone.-----v-r _ . _._-,-.. ;+-_.;!:tr.;_-:.-airi,inalr.;lc,.- . Each ?l cl _ L7. A'eFdnent. or Revocatign. Trrls Decraration nay ne amended upon trre wrrEE6-llEGr-rn rEiJriiii" ro* or the ouners bavinq an aggref;aa;fi;iig natio.of 50t or more and all First Lienors, :l*lt:. a;t-th" provisions of this section 17 (other than section fZlly'lifowy ^and the provisions of sections 2(at, 2111,;n9-iiJll-[!i""r andr Er.hibits B and c relating to *itereits tn-ii"'eeiirar conmon Ereaents and the tinited connnon sr""ent"- r"i;;;""ded onry upon the sritten approval in record*l: l:.*. "i ilf owners ina.r.irst Lienors,and (b) the provisions of this s"ction-iirii'lii'iection 23(s)nay be nodlfied onry upon tdi-rlitten approvar ln record,abte roril or the o'ner 9i__ulrf[ r, -til-rir"t-iieiiftiib respecr ro Unit 3, the Town of Vali,- cifi.a" (tbe ,Townr), vail Assocl.ates, rnc. .. a coloiae;-;;;;ration (ovAr,1 and cascade ::*:g:.Y:l'?ff: i:m"Pi?**:'r-lo"oro'"do suas i-nunicJ.pal ,'-i'1. \a-t- corporation (the 19_rltrig;t.' ;hi;-il;il"i*;iil-HliTlnil.,,o*"u upon tbe urltten -:!p:oFf . firipec;raable fo:m of atl owners and,I'lrst. r.ienors, except that lf the nrawls:irrrre ^€ o^-r.r ..-E..r,!_, excepE Enat lf the provisions of Secttor_llfgj #id:i':.::.::f":: H^;j]T+ grir or'""r,-'i"iJ"Ii.o,,, rhe rritten approvar - :-t le--iofrJ ;;;=d; il:""iil:ill'1il;rPir,.be required for gny -sugh i""{"ilTo". This Declaratlon shatl aLso- be revoked, in-whole "r-tri-Jr-l.a rr6^r.t G-la ^3 _r., ^_ -_of the ,;;i_;-;;Grn. wnore or in part upon sale of aff or pire rst"i l!i!if'"t"*Y pursuant to sectionE 13(c), ie (c) or address with ttre clE or oth.er written Lnforna_an.Owner. shalt be sent by nal.l ,-poEtage pr"p"ial- -' l:=_i: such. registered uaillng or other notlces intended [J-E"11^be sent eertified naii, 2- /'::ir,r,I r.! of the AssociatLon as-aeiig- i;;{ 't. 19. Duration o estates created lyEis +9n ol:cPnqoP+niu . The separare EnlE DeeLafation and tha MA'' ahrlt nrrri{q.r yubsr-'EE r-5ecrr'rs* elr Eo.E Deeraratl,on and the ltrap sha1l coitlnue untLL tbis Declaritlon-siliil;-;eyoke{ "i-uniir-its provi_sions shall terml.nate ""- pr"lrfaei' herein. 20.+_,,^W. _ No buildlnE, fenca, wal!.or other stnrctffid ;; ;;;A!i",ipii"If,! *-' Property, nor shatl- any exterlor-aadlti;" i;-;;-oi"rrg, o,:*::1::T*^T:::I og.ilu" ynaii trre pians-ani-"i"crfications showins the nature, klnd,-+d;; ilisf,;;";oi;;,-il;#i:i'ill=rocation of the saue shair triie'reen-srr6nr.ttea'to'and approved in-rriting as to narmony--r--extelnar desigm and Losation in reratlon to Eurroundi.ltt-struciures and topogii;ni by tbe Board or by an archl.teeturar-connitiJe-composed of thrae or nore representativeE appointed by lhe Board. rn thE event Lhe Board, or irs desi.smatec coiniti.", -iiir=-to;;p;;"e or dis_apE rove such desisn ?nd l0eatr.on wr.thln thirw-e;ys after such plans and speciflcations nave reen-*Giliitliio*il, approvar wirl not be reaulred and tnis section urr.l be deened, to have been fully conp-tiea sitfr.N el .tt>' 2L. General Rese:rrations. (a) Declarant resEnfes to it for a period of seven year. f,ron the date thr.s Declarati"n-rr-rnitiiirv- --tecorded, *d T?::-"1E1_pgryetuatry t"-trr"-Li;;Gii;, (i)tbe right to dedicate.any acEess roids ana streeis ser/lng the cascade club condoulnr.'.3 tor ana d;rrbir. "i"l-t" estabrlsh easeEentg' reserratione, ex-ceptions and, exclueions consr.stent wittr the condominr-un ownershii-"r the cascade club condonin-iums and the best rnteieJi-&-th; owners, the Associatlon and the cascade vill-age Associationl-ana tiij *-".!"""nt over,under and throuah-inproved and unrdprd""& ;;;;-;f rhe ceneral co-Tp9T ElonentEl to Lhe extena nl"""""ry for construstlon of additlonar improvements on trre iear proi""ty =ni'i."t to the Protective coienants, and tJ--insiau, maintain and renove pluubinE, ducting, vinting ata oin"r'.F;;;ci; ii'utiritles to lcconryodatg-any osrner in tne design anl-operiEtJn or such owner's unit or the busineEs condicted thEiEr"i-frorrided that the actual location of Euch eisenent must be reasonabre. such -impr.oveuents, to the e:den€ tn"i"n"u exis€ iJi-"o*on use,nay becone General conmon Eleneits, and tbe opeiating expenses of such cenerar corffiion urenenEs- wiir-ii" a;r#;ilenses. (b) Decrarant reseriles and excepts for rtself and its suceessorsr - assigns and-invitees trou iii grants,conveyances, dedicatlons and provisions une;; trri, p""raration qnd thg Map, a per'etuat noneiciusfve -easene"t iii rlght of way under, over, actrosE and ttrrough tbe er-lertf-ior tfre purpose of constructing, inEtattiig, nainiiilil;, - repiiitng,\ '' -23- ,4.. (,j'J enlarglng, reconstl:"li"g,lld repJ-ac-ing facLtLtLes providing or suppryins utirity senrice ot ltt rinaJ-io-trre-r.ar property subJect to rhe protEctive covenaniJ r"li"ai"sl;"i not rlrnited to, water, seuer, electricity, naturat gas, Eabi; television and- telephone serrrlce-Ei proviiea that t6" iciuai-r"c"tfon=oi such eaEenent and right of way must be r"asonalfe.l::lTTt,s rights unaer this-resenration anaE-eptlon nay be assigned by Declarant. to 1ny utillty conpany, g;""r"r""tal or quasigover:rnentar aurhorit! pr-viains ;;t ei Erre- "tiiitv- -- serrrices descrlbed above. beitarant iy tits-rEJJnration and exceptio{r sha[ b,av. no. obrigatlon to constnrct or naintaln any. utility senrice on ehe r6al properiy subject io the pro_tective covenanrs. The easement-anir riini oi-iiy'nerery reserrred and excepted shau nrn with tue rana ini shau be appurtenant to th-e rear property s'bJect co -tae- irotective covenants, such tbat a tianiter-of 16gar iiti"-ti-"rr oi iny portion of the real property subject €o the proiectlve covenants sbarr autonaticarry trinsfer a frotJrtr-nate I'nterest in the ea'enent ana'rieht or wiv-ieten'ea ana excepted berein. cl ?:::1ot1 23_:tl1],only 5-e exerctsed "n "-[.rd;;-y; nondLscrlm_ll1!"Iyr - nonconrLnuois ras rE- G-.i" ;;;#fi ;' ;' t#1;ii#:tLve best interest of the O*nErE. 23. 22.gegngn Flenents. The to l:":-:,_l_r9_emse, or-permit ft;-G; #;;y-I;lrt["i'3ii #,.r"or by nonorrners and sittr or wltuout irraiqe "= trr"-Association ru3y deeu deElrabre-' €rny portion of ttre e6nerat -corro., Elenents. rhe rigbts gr-antea Co-tue nssociiiton-in tnts . .(cl W..\ shalt be carrled on_ upon any part of the cascade crub cond,oniniums nor shall anl"thing be-done or placed on or rn eari of tbe (a) Ng ImperLling of fnsurance. No olrner nor any Permittee of an own@ ".ur" anytrrrng to be.kept i-n-or on the cascaae ct'r tonaoiinruns-wrricrr'"idi result in an lncreaEe in the prenir:ns ;--fiil;;Ie obtained for the cascade club condornrniurns or wrricrr- nrght-cao=" cancel.-lation of such insurance. (l) -_ lfo vfpralio+ or mV. No owner nor any !:Tlt!:e 9f an:1 owner@s ; G;;-anyenGi rn or on the cascade club condonini'.'.1 whiEh would-be 'irr.rir,--fnproper, offensive or in vfoiition of, any statute, rule,ordinance,. regulation, pe:nit Ji-otfrer vaiialy fulposeO requLrement of any governnental body. -24- .'.)n !1 cl .-+ { caacade club condouLnLrns rchicb LE or may becone a nuisance or c.auge ornr"ar=ass[ent, distur-tcance or annoyanee to ourers. A].i-owners aetree that a-s to dlsputes betrreen-ouners-or betsreen the Board and Owners, the Board alone shalL aeter:utne tt a $+?aT"3 exists, an{ no par-ry shal1 be entiriEa io InsLst on a lucu.c:,ar cleterilinatLon of nuisance.prior to curupllance witlr an order frou the Board to abate a nuLsance. ro al+rvity "a"ir-"be conducted on any part of trre caEcade crt:l conaonlni''n. and 10 rnFrovements suiu be uade or constmcted on any part or tb'e cascade clrrlr condorninirus rrbicb are or urgbt-1" unsafe or ba33r-do_us to any person or property. lto soun6 sball be eBlErecl on_ any par:t of tb,a cascade cl:b condouinLrns rhich Ls .unreasonably toua or annoying. No odor sb.all be enitted on any part of the cascade cLr:b-condominiuns which is noxious or offensive to otb,er-s. _ N9 f{.eft eba].]. be e'ttied, -rorn any parts of the cascade club condoniniuns wblcb Ls unreasonably i,righi-or causres unreasonable glare. _ (d) {o UnsiqhtllnesE. No unsJ.gbtliness sball ne perfij.ttecl on or in any pa!t, of the Cascade Club Cond,o_ulniuns . witJrout_ 1 t T t tiirg- the - geneiariat - ;;-tb; - roretJing,nothinE shall be kept-or ltored-on or rr'"tri oi-tn" General conmon Er'enents; not-hlng sharr be hung or piaced upon any of,tJ'e Generar common gLenentsi and nothing slall ue iracea-on or in windows or doors of tbe cascade crr:l-conaonhi-is, unttn -- wou1d, or night create an unsigbtly appearance. _ (e) ReFtriction on.AnLnaLs. No anrinals, llve-stock' -borses or pourtry @ be kept, r.i-"a or bred witbin any conaornLniun unit or withG tne- eEn"=al connon Eleruents. _,_r-_! - .(fl . Trash ?4d Unsicrhttv Uses. Unsightly oDJecEs €rnat naterlals shall not be placed upon tbe eenErar conmon Elanents and no par! 9f tb,e Generar tornmon Er.euents uay be used as a drnp!.ng Olgrura for garbag:e, trash oi other uaste]and tlre same shall Ee dLsposed oi in i ianitarl, nanner. lfhe .associatlon shall laye tJre rigbt to enter upon-any ceneral co'trtnon Elenents and to rensva Euch refuse pites or other unsiEbtly objects and material at ttre erpeirse or-trre orsner caushg the sane, and such entty shal.J. not be d,eemed a trespass. (s) blla a. use, Restrictions. Between rb,e D.ours of 8:OO a.m._ and 4:30 p.u. on each day that Vail Mountail_is open for skiing Ly tbe general iulifc,'a[-reast 125 parkrng EpaceE located on-unLt g Eaatl be resernred for use_Py.trr" public for vebisrrr-ar parking on such t"'ms and sondi.tlons as tbe olrner of unit 3 nay irnFose provided tlrat tbe fees charged for such parking sf,all-not exceed tbe parkJ.ng fees charged f,ron tlme to-tlne by tJre Town -25- I : i u1t cl for. u'nLciparry-owned covered parling spaces. The provisions of this section ?1(gl n1r le afi.tra"a-otrii-ui'trti'ritten approval ln recordarte t6rm of ttre owner-of-unii r, the Frrst ll"ry: yitlr- respect. to unt€ t; ti_" Tour, .var "na the Districr,as set forth r-n section_ _17 (b) '. iue provrsi-n=-'Jr trri, sectlon ?z(sl sharl' be enforceabre'oirry uy tire ror,-vai and the DJ.strict, as set forth tn sectioi zt. (h)-_Units 1. =2 and ? gse nestrictiong. Units 1' 2 and 3 shall Ue us uryoses of notor vehicre parlring, vendor deirvertes and refuse renovar. (il Uni-t 4 _Use Restriction. Unit 4 shall be used and ocsupied sorEry roi:Furposes of a furl senrice health and racquets Ltub-incluling rlstiurant, rounge, retair faciri-ties, adrninistration orfic6s-ana-neaicir raciiitre=. . (j) Np yiolation of Rules. No owner and no o*ner's pemittees strat@" l"a-i"i.,lations adopted from rlme-to tine by the G;;i;ri"i,-ri!irrer rerating to the use of Units, the usE of cenenal Conn6n Elenents, or othemise. 24. iLr,tJ (a) There is hereby created and grranted to the owner of unit I and the otrner of tnit t -; G6"iiat nonexcru-sive access easemen! ?r-ld rignt--t-way (the';uiri-+ Easement,)for the benefit of unitE r ina i trotn the Erevator ancr adJacent stalrnelr tocated r"-tt"- robby ot-unii-a through such l"!uy to the rarkvay Leading to--tr." FeEthaven pedestri_an pridgg, as shown by-cross-nit-trrng on E:rhibit D attactred here-to and _by this reference nace i-pir* rrereoi- iwr,r"n contai.ns a _c.opl' gf a portion o! th9 uap shoirins tnii-p.ili;; of Unit 4 that I's rocated on Lever : -or trre ciriaingi:- rr'. unit 4 Ease-nent shalr be a burden on.unlt a. The ori6r oi-unit 1 and the owner of unit 2 sharl be entitled. to r.:.e -trre-irrit, + Easement available for use by the perrnliiees of sueh otrners on such terns and conditionE a: nay be iTposea ny sucfr--oro"rr. Any dernage or destnrction to tie "gnit 4 Easinent ai"aE- (as such term is defined rn section zltrii caused, ry ettrrer the owner of unit 1 or the orner of unid, 1'or such oimers' respective Pemittees sharr be repalrea it-trre Eore expense or suctr Owner. (b) The Owner of Unit 4 shall be responsible r.oT !tr:- operatioi, malntenanc" and .repair oi tn"-a"eas over which the unit 4 Easement lE creitea ltne 'unii-a- EaseEent Areas') and Ehar.r naintain itr"-unit c'eir.rdl-aieas ln a elean, saf,e and attractLve condldion. Pedestrian -26- o (c) The Unit 4 Easement is subJect to such reasonable mles and regulatLons (of Eeneral application to those personsr entLtted to use the UnLt 4 Easement Areas) regrarding the use of the unlt 4 Ease[ent Areaa as the omer of UnLt 4 nay inpose frorn tine to tine; provided' trowever, that the UnLt I gasenent Areas shaLL be open during such times as Unit 4 Ls open for business. (d) Tlre Owner of, Unlt 4 shall not be liable f,or any danages tb.at nay be suffered by the Oltner of Unlt L or the osner of-Unit 2 or their respectlve Fer:mittees resultlng fron the acts of any ttrird parties, other than the Permittees of ttre owner of Unlt 4, relating to use of tbe Unit 4 Easement Areas. 25. Vehlcular Access EaEement. (a) There Is hereby created and granted to the oqrner of Unit 1 a perpetual nonexclusive ascess easeuent and riqht-of-tny (the 'Unit 2 Easement') for the benefit of Unit 1 over, across, on and througb the parking entrance and tbe drLveway and roadway areaEi located on Unlt 2 for tlre pur;lose of vehlcular lngregs and egrress fron Westhaven Drlve to the ramp leading frou and to Unit 1. lbe Unit 2 Easement shall be a burden on Unit 2. Tbe owner of Unit 1 EhalL be entitled to make the Unit 2 EaEement available for use by the Permittees of Euch owtler on suclr terms and conditions as uny be inposed by such Ottner. Any darnaEe or destnrctlon to the 'Unit 2 Ease- nent Areas' (as such ter:m lE def,lned Ln Section 25(b)) caused by ttre Owner of Unit 1 or Euch Offner's Fetnittees shaLl be repaired at the sole e:rpense of Euch Owner. (b) Ttre owner of Unlt 2 EhaL1 be responsible for the operatlon, naJ-ntenance and repair of the areas over rshich the Unit 2 Easenent'ls created (the 'Unit 2 Easenent Areas') and ehall maLntain tbe Unlt 2 Easenent Areas in a clean, safe and attractLve condl.tLon. (c) trtre Unlt 2 Easenent J-s subject to such reasonable nr16s'and regulations (of general appllcation to thqse perEons entitled to use the unit 2 Easement Areas) regardlng t.11e use of the Unit 2 Easenent Areas as tbe Owner of unit z niy rurFo.e from tine to time; provlded' hosever' that the UnLt I nasenent AreaE shall be open frou 7:oo a.m. through U:oo p.n. every day of each calendar year. (d) ltlhe orner of Unit 2 shalL not be liab1e for any dnnages ttrit nay be suffered by the owner of Unit 1 or euifr orvner's PermitleeE resulting irom the acts of any tlrird partles, other than the Pemittees of, the Onner of Unit 2, ielatJ-ng to usE of the unlt 2 Easernent Areas. lr r0 el -27- : i ll r.. t:aJ A cl . .26. . S€lgql_af. Provisl_ons of Decl_aration. Each provtslon of th16_Declaratl.on: (i) shau be deeued lncorpo-rated Ln eacb deed or other instririent by whlcb any ;ight;tltle or interest- Ln any condouinLurl unii is giantia, devisea or conveyed, ubether or not set fortlr or referred to ln such deed or other ins!,:ruoentt (ti) Ehalrr by vlrtue of acceptance 9f any -riEht, titLE or interest ln any Eondonl.nlurn Unit'by an Owner, be deeued accepted, ratifJ.ed, idopted and declared-as a personal coienant of sucb Osner and, aE I pereonal covenant,sharl be bindinE on Euch owner and iuch owirarrs helrs, person-aI representatives, succeEEors and assigns; and, shali 6e deeued a,personar covenant to, sith and-f,or the benefit of the Association and of each Owneri and, (ili) shal} be deened a real covenant by DecLarant, for ltseif, its successors and aEsl.gms, and also an eguitabLe sernltude, runnlng, in each ease, as a burden witb and upon the tltle to each and every Condominium Unit. 27. EnfgEcernent and RemedLes. The provisions of S-ection 23 (tt) shall Ue enforcealLe ontlt by thl Tolrn, VAI and the District. Eacb. provision of thLs beciaration oilrer tban Seetion 23(Sl shall be enforceable by tbe Associatlon or ly any On*ner. ghl.s DeclaratLon shall be enf,orceable by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory inJunctioi or by a suit or actLon to recover danages or boti. ir couru proc-eed-lngs are institrrted In connection uitb tJee rlghts of Lnforce-nent and renedies provlded in their Declaration, the prevail-1n9 party-sball be entitled to recovetr suctr par*yrE c-osts and expenses in connection therewlth, l_ncludLng ieas6nable attorneys' feeE. Fal.rure by the Town, vAr or the District to enforce.the provisions of Seetion zg(i) or fallure by the Association or any-owner to enforce fii of tbe provi3ions,eovenants or restrictLons hereLn contained othel than section 23 (tt) , shall in no event be deened a saiver of the right to d,o so thereafter. 2a. General . (a) Any portlon of, the General Counon Eleuents l3y bg- conveyed by the O{ners to any person or entity other than tbe olrners by a rritten documenCaufy executed,6y all of the o,wners and FLrst Lienors. (b) As of the date of thLs Declaratlon, Lt is not contenplated that any of tbe ceneral common Elenents silr bE allocated subsequently as r,l"uited connon Elenents or that Declarant will create any additlonal Condominiurn units by subdl'vision or conversion of nultl.pre-unl.t dwellings ownia ly DecLarant. -28- "*!/ R cl - (e) _ Irl-sted on Exlrlblt E attaclred hereto and by this reference nadE a part hereof, are all recorded easEments-and_11cen?esr.in addttion to tha Easements, appurtenant to, or _lncluded 1r, U9 Property or to shlch any port-ion of the ProperEy is subJect as oi the date of, tb-iJDeclaration. - (d) If any of tbe provisions of, tbis Declara-tion.or any Section, _senteRce, clause, phrase or word, or the appJ,lcation thereof in any cireunstanie le invalidated, such invalldity Eball not affect tlre validlty of, tlre renaind,er of this Declaratlon, and the application oi any Euch provision,paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or sord-in any other circunstances shall not be af,lected tbereby. (e) The provlsionE of tbLs Declaratl.on shall be in additlon and supplenental to tbe Act and to aJ-J- otber provLsLong of law. (f) l{henever used hereLn, unless tlre contoxt slalI othemise provide, the sinErurar nurnber ehall lncLude tlre plural, t}e_pluT9l tbe singular, and the use of any Eender shall include all gend,ers. - slGcuTED as of e. /olw day of *1 , Lss7. VaLl Veatutes, Irtd., a Colorado Lluited partnershlp By: Mansfield, Ltd., a Colorado Linited partnership, General Partner sEAI.) By: Montane Corporation, a Colorado corporation, General Partner sEAr.)By: conAm ValI AdvLsors, Inc.,Calif ornia col?oration, -29- ['srArE or C,o\ocarAo )C\.,n[ co*S**i "' - r r\ The foregqing instnrnent tbis btYr day of Mnr.t , L987, by as PreEiden? of ltontane Col.orado linLted partnersbJ.p, -s Eeneral partner of ventures, Ltd., a Colorado lfunited partneiship, on such linited partnership. on, a cozporation, -nanagLng general partner of, Mansfteld, witness ny hand and offlcial seal . My cornrnission expires:^r t 6130qo . uas acknosL before mE Ltd.,Vail behaLf a Ventures, such a of tt | .', ,; xry* ffieT;'i" Cn\oooAn ) 0 *$ an[ *u*$"RS.J The foreqoing lnstrunent was acknowledcred ll' ] ,N-I"!5 tM=' "l3il''.,1{r=oW=*califT6Fcorporation, aE gen"raf partner oi vaff !!d:, a Colorado lLulted partnershLp, on bebalf of linited partnership. EE. Witness ny hand and offLcial seal . }[y conmission exlrires:,I 6l3o/qi) sE;[rr) t I I I (J -30- I .'OTNDER BY I,TENORS Tbe undersign_ed, as hor.d,er of indebtEdnesE secured by a deed of trust upon-the'prop"rti c9v9_r9d ry trris-Decraration,be_rehy - consentE t.o the prirviEi"n'" of tbiE ol.ri""tron and .subordinates its.intere3t rn sucn property to the provisions of thls Decraration in accoraan"e ilifi-"uin-iroifsronE. Ehe Eupl,re EavLlgs, &rlldiuq ald Eoa! AssoaiaiLoD, a Colorado ore -, o "l -cl C,\n*[ courrry oF N.v*rec i tu' this (NOTARTAL SEAIj) (sEAr) The foregoing instnrment sas ay of 1987 by re Savl.ngs,a Colorado corporatlon, 6n behalf-of sucn--enttty. Witness ny hand and official EeaI. ne as My connission expJ.r"r, blgo/4O Far g€st SevLngs aDd troerr Assool,atLol, a CalifornLa corporatLon By:w -31- srAr' o, d,/oze a,. ,t /. ., corrury eF b.+u.tpE i ""' The foregoj.n day of of Far corporatlon, I{itness my hand and SEA'IJ) Itty co'mnisslon extrrJ.res: (SEAL) STAEE OF ss. f instnutent was day- of , L987 aEsoc ny hand and offlcial seal . before me rdS savings offlcial seal. "{il el ) ) ) -32- N rl ct EXI{TBTT A (Attacbed to and folrJ.ng a ;lart of CondominiuD Declaration for cascaae Clul Condoniniuns,Dated 5/6 , 1997) LEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON OF'TEE REAt PROPERTY 4 part of the SW l./4 NF 1,/4, Section 12, Townsbip 5 South,Range 81 l9est of the Slxeh Frinclpal lileridlan, Town of Vail ,Eagle County, CoJ.orado, described as f,ollowE: BeginnJ.ng at a point on tbe souilrerly risht-of-way lLne of Interstat_e Highway No. 70 shence an ilron-pin with-plastic cap rnarking the center of sald Sectlon 12 beals S 19.3Aro8r W 8A7.79 feet distanti tJrence departJ-ng sai.d southerJ.y right-of-way line s 37"09131' E L26.96 ieet; thence N 56.48ras, i,2A5.42 feet to a point on.su:rrei thence 76.LO feet along the arc of a LO7L.72 foot radl.ua sutrte to tbe left, having i central angle of 04.O5r04' and a chord that bears N 54"46'13' E 76.39 feeti tbenee N 52"43r4Lo E 169.55 feet;ttrence N 37"15119, !t 148.98 f,eet to a point on saLd southerly rigart-of-way_line of Interstate Eighway fgo. ?O; thence along Eaid southerly right-of-way llne S 52"torLgo yt 530.34 feet to the point of beginning. DESCRIHUON OF TI{E EASEI|IENT The Easement shall be conprJ-Eed of the fol.Lowing: (a) A perpetual , nonexcluslve Easenent f,or the purpoEe of conattuction, l_netal.lation and replacement of a pedestrian bridge extending over Westhaven Dlive and ggnngclllg the southeast exterior wall of, the nain portlon of the BuLl.dl.ng at tbe tbird above-grround level uith the northweat exterior uall of the ualn buildlng of Colorado Mountain Condominiuns at tbe second above-giound level , as slrown on tbe Map, affecting Ure following descrlbed reil property: A 7 foot wide strLp of 1and lytng in a non-exclusive easenent for ingress and efttress, krrown as Westb,aven Drive, recorded in Book 42L at page 65L in tbe office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Reeorder, lying in A-1 c?d el tbe Slf 1,/4 NE L/4 of Section 12, Townsblp 5 South, Range 81 West of tb6 Stxth Frincipal Merl.dian, Torn of Vail.,Eagle County, Colorado, lying 3.5 feet each side of the follouing described centerlinE: Beglnnlng at a poLnt on the southerly 1lne of sald Westbaven DrLve uhencE tbe nost northerty corner of Condominiun Map of Colorado Mountain Condoniniuns according to ttre nap thereof recorded in Book 38? at Page 620 of the records of the Eagle County, CoJ.orado,Clerk and Recorder bears N 55'48,46t E 50.70 feett tbence N 37"09'31' !{ 50.12 feet to the poLnt of teminus on the norttrerLy llne of said Westhaven DrLve whence Eald noEt northerly corner of Condonlnium Map of Colorado Mountain CondominLums bears S 80"29,49, E 73.72 feet. The Elde Lines of, the strlp are to be sbortened or lengthened to teminate at saLd, Westbaven Drive right-of-way lines. (b) An easenent f,or encroachnent of certain portlons of the Inprov€ments, including witlrout llnltation a Etairwell and an overbangr'onto Westbaven DrLve along the northwest boundary of Westhaven Drive, ae sbown on the Map, and affecting the following described real Broperty! That portion of, a non-excluslve easenent for lngress and egrees, known as WeEthaven Drive, rEsorded in Book 42L at PaEe 651 in the offLce of, the Eagle County, CoJ.orado, Clerk and Record,er, lying ln the Sw L/4 NE 1/4 of Sectlon L2, Eownship 5 South, Range 81 W€Et of the Slxth Principal. Merldian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beglnning at a point on the northerly line of saLd ?lesthaven Drive whence an j.ron pLn wlth plastic cap marking the Center of, said Section 12 bears S 3o'53'43u W 939.53 feett thence atong said northerly line N 56"48'45' E 45.39 feett thence departlng said nortberly lIne S 37"09'31' E L0.79 feeti tlrence S 52"5O'29n W 46.28 feet; thence N 37"09'3L" lf 14.00 feet to the polnt of begJ.nnlng, containing 574 sguare feet, nore or less. (c) A11 of Declarant's rights Ln tba lilesthaven Constnrction and support Easenentr'as created pursuant to Section 2.o1 of that ceztal.n Declaration of Reciprocal Easements, dated tldtW\S L987,* among Desl.arant, cascadE Lodge Joint Venture, a Colorado Joint venture, cMc *and.counterpart dated May 20, 1987 A-2 Condominiuns, Colorado Moun recorded on real property <t Fl cl A-3 SK TBIT B (Attacbed to and foming a part of Condoul-nLum Declaratlon for Cascade CLub Condominir:ns,Dated May6 ,198?) DESTGNATTON OF I.IMITED COMMON EI"EMENTS An owner Ehall have the rlght to the exclusive or non-exclusive use in connon with fewer tban aLl owners of any other improvenent or property which sbaLL be desigmated on the t{ap as 'Llmited Comon Elenent' or 'I-,.C.E.' follosed by tJre Unit desigmation of one or nore osn€rs. For example, tJre olrner of Unit 1 shall bave tbe rLgbt to tlre exclusivE uEe of a L,inlted cornmon Elenent deslgmated as tt.C.E. Onit 1' on tlre uap and the owners of Unit 1 and unlt 2 shall have tlre right to thE non-exclusLve use in conrnon of a Llnited Connon Elenent desigmated as 't.C.E. Units L & 2, on the Uap. I I I I f,ir, n rf el B-t rll (Attached to and fominE a Part of Condominlun Declaration for Cascade Club Condonlniuns, Dated MqI 6 , xgaz) EXHIBTT C INTIERESTS IN GENERAL CO}TMON ELEMENTS Percentage ownership in General Conmon Elenent6 Unit Arrpudenant to the unlt UnLt 1 18.57* UnLt 2 23.55t Unit 3 2L.43t UnLt 4 36.25* c-1 i 1," ' '! lF r'[4 ].1 \w/ E'C!rBIT D .,-_r__,_, (Attached, to and foming a sondonl'nlun Declaration for cascade DatedMay6 ,1987) part cl.ub of Condominiuns, t\ "l cl tri '(+J -- D-1 ,oa t I '. :' !+T,- :.q+nrl":.--1:4:fi3.T:t:- j- E-r;:a ..-,r\?:i.-"_--.; ., j:*,' N.7 .i,. ), ._, o d ,/r,x EXHTBTI E (Attacbed to and forming a part of condoniniun Deelaration..for_ cascade ciub condominlums,Dated _!"y e _, LgaTl 1. Rtghts of way for ditches or canals aE treEerved in unl.ted states patent reiorded August lG, 190, in Book 4g at page 542 of tlre real property records of Eigle County,Colorado. 2. Easeuent for inEreEs and eqfress as granted by dos:ment recorded January 24, L'TB ln ao5r 26s at page 9o3 of thg real-property records of Eagle County, Colorad6 inO as relocated !y docunent recorded January Zl-feeS in Book 404 at page 228 of the real property records-of, Eagl€ County,Colorado. 3. Underground rigbt-of,_-r"y eas€aent as grranted by document recorded Augus! 30, 1982 in iook 344 at page szr or-the reaL property records of Eagle County, Coloraho and.November 12, 1'982 in Book raa ai page o6a of, thE rear. property records of Eagle County, Colorado. 4. Easenent granted by docu:nent recorded January 24' 1985 in Book 405 at paqe sza of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. 5. Declaratl.on and Grant of Easenent as set forth rn document recorded August 6, 1985 in Book qii it page Gst of the real property recordE of, Eagle County, Colorado. 6. AII easeuents Eagle County, Colorado.dn^td. OA= * m.t Q,fratfiz dffiJ 5-za'81 6. Arr easstsentE conveyed by or to Declarant pursuant to that cer$rin uecraration oi Reciprocar Easenents,dated *$If 11, Lg87f arnoDg Declarant, Cascade Lodse ilolnt pursuant to that cer$rin uecrarati.on oi Reciprocar Easenen *1!:9 :*SJ,*1g, Ls_B7f 9non9 oeErarant, cascade Lodge irolnr Venture, a Colorado Jolnt venture, Oli Condoniniuni, Ltd., a col'orado linLtEd partnersb,ip, and' cororad,o Mountain corleire Foundation, a.colorado corpgi-ation, recorded. on L-t1-51-- ,:.esz at Bookl@1, p^s.s Efi6i-trre--ie;i-p;o1l;.tt'=records of SI.ID'AYl E-t [stqn u uffl ' 75 soulh lrontage road vallr colorado 81557 (303) 475-7000 March 5, 1986 Mr. Andy Norris Managing Genera'l Partner Vai'l Ventures, Ltd' 1000 South Frontage Road Hest Vai1, Colorado 8'1657 Re: Cascade Parking Structure Si ncere'ly, i t--- A. Peter.Patten, Jr. Di rector CommunitY Devel oPment APP: bpr ottlce ol communlty develoPment Dear Andy: Thanks for delivering the summary memorandum on the cascade vi'llage parking structure. t appreciai"-tt" inf-ormation as it a'l lows me to better understand how the structure *iii-L-iirocated for the uses as well as its operation and ;;;n;;;";;;-piin. I have the followins conmerits to offer: 1. The condominiumlzation of the various parking]eve] s wil] be required to come througr, ifte-iownis subdivision rebu'l ations' .gur concern here is to assure the parking structure op"taie" is a unified whole while sti'l 1 a'l lowing the division of ownership' 2. I disagree with your ca.l cu:l ations whjch app.|y the I?-l/7"A mixed use credit by parking'level which r""uiit in !'paiet avai'lable for additiona'l development rr"l" ftr" ru1 ti-use reduction ian be applied only to the overall p""fini'r"qui..r"ni iot"t iot the project. As you''ll recall, the total parking""trqui..t"nt tor the project with the mu'lti-use credit brought tne iotai requirement to tire iumber of spaces.planned. in the masterp.lan.Thus,therearenoaaaitionatspaceswhichcanbea]]ocated for future unPlanned uses. Overa'l] , it looks l.ike a good p'l an that wi] 'l work for the project and I look forward to continuing-to;ort;ith you on the remainder of the project' 75 soulh tronlage road vEll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 lrya t5 south lronrdg€ 3qt/a7&colorado 8.1657 ?37 Peter paflen Senlor Ft6nno, Department ot Community Devetopmsnr Septedber 2, 1981 Laara Han Robbins and Rean, Inc. 212 Sutter Street San Francisco, California 94108 Dear Laura, This is in response to your letter of Augrrst ZI asking about varying the size of parking stalts for the Cascade structure.Untler Section 18.52.080 of the zoning code, it states that 'rEach off-street parking space shall be not less than nine feet wide and nineteen feet long, and if enclosed and/or covered, not less than seven feet highrt. lgcau-se you wish to go below these standards, we would reguire that you apply for a variance fron this section of the code.Irn enclosing a variance application foru. pl.gase subnit it lo_the Departnent of Comnrnity Developnent witli the required infornation. rf you cEur get this to irs by sept. 14, we can scheduLe you for.the 0ctober L2, 1981 Planning and Environnental cornrnission neeting. At this tleeting, there would be a public hearing on your proposed variance and action r+ould be taken by the pEC. Pleasecall. ne if I can be of further assistance. lnwn Senior Planner APP:bpr Encl , \ i".'tti;r* .,; '.,t.tW :f&#2aul -6t:;lY L "\ i .\ ,o 75 south trontage road nall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce ol oommunlty developmenl November 11, 1985 IvIr. Frank Freyer Montane Corporation 1000 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81557 Re: Parking Structure Dear Frank: Peter Patten has been working with Andy Norris on the des.ign of the entrance for the Cascade Village project. As long as this part of the proposal is being designed, I feel it is also a good tirne to address the landscaping and public right-of-way question for the parking structure. I would appreciate it if you could resolve these two issues at the same time that the entrance i-s being designed. Please let me know if this is not possible. Sincerely, .t, nl l/.1 lil'l nn5larr {nTf. Kristan PrLtz Town Planner KP:br .r***.r.*{..nB *.*T** tr* Flgbert L. 23O Eriilge Vail n CO Arnold Asessi Street 41657 Attnr Rebert tu'ngld Test Nurbrr! Jsb Nanel Jleb Addreger Centractorl Suppl ier; Truck ,Ntl. ! CTC R€p. ! LoF&tton of Fnurr Eonstnuctlon Construqtlon Date.6aetl tttQT/s3 lee10 Caecades Spoita Center Vail trotorado : Hyder Sonetnuctlon Flountain l'lobile !trOO R. Rhodee Topping elab D level Slurrpl 4.5 Ai r (7) c Eensrete Temp, &Fr 7$ Time Batehedl ?c0g COIFRESSIVE ETRFNBTHI Bpecifted S Day Btrength (pet) 4OS0 Ttcket No. r P19743 lliN I.D.r CE 4SOO at B-13 linee 6. g hlt, /Er,r" Ft. l 141, E Alr Ternp. AFI Sg Time Testadr IOlOO Etrength (petl .' eteo lr ji 1i li Cylinder ID OL :.. Age (dayel ,7 Stse s.9F Average Strength Anneld . Dste Caatt 1e811 . . rCagseilee Bpcrts Vatl Csilsrads L. Annetd Aseac. llountaln Mobtte KKBNA. Hyder Eonstruction Hyder Eonstructlen Ll/o7 fFls Test Numberr ilob Nener Jnb Addreeel Eontractorl Eiuppl ienr Truck No. r . trTC Rgp. r tocatiel tef, Cyllnder tD ot Hyder tronstructlon Hs.rntain Flobite ts R. Rhodee Fqurr Tapplng slab D level P|{YEICAL F,ROPETrIEB filunpl 4.O Ctrncret€ TsnF. *Fr 78 Tire Batchedl A.46 Ttcket No. r F15747 Mtx I.D.r C84OOO at C-14 linee Atr (3l z 7.2 hft./Cu. Ft. r 144.0 . Atr Tenp, ^Fr. 35' Time Tegtedr 10143 Slze Average €trength W Epecifled ?9 Day Etrength (pell 4CIoo AEe (days). ,i COLoRADo TEslr CEI\'TER INc t55 SdrDr llAva.E$Er DE{rm,@urRAmarrB (3@l 69&1050 Cascade CLub ttd. 1@O South Frontage Road yest Vatl, CD 81667 .-"- .At1n: Andrey Norrls Re; Cascade Sports & parking (bnten Ibar lir. Ibmls: Enclosed are the lnspectlon reports perforred ou 11/5/85 and LtftlfE5 RllB:lS cs: FKBI{A - Renato Ravazeolo Rob€rPt t, Amold Ass. cre 84197-685-'s November 11, 1985 fon professlonal rcrk Yay tnly yours, GnimAID TEII CEUER., IIW. TESTING ss6iii;fr STBUCTUBAL MECHANlCAL AN D MATERIALS Cbloneoo rnsr csNTER, rNc DAILY REPORT: VISUAL INSPECTION JoD No. 84197 LOCATION: CASCADE SPORTS AND PARKING CENTER Senrtce . llrs.Code Reg. O.T. INSPECTOR DAN L. DICKMEYER I S.O - PAGE 1I /8 REPORT 0-s x visual inspection of the parking garage precast connections was conducted at levels B and c, grids A to E/ll to 17, excluding the south/east stairs. A11 required members were found to be installed and acceptabLe except for the twin nTil to shear uall plate connections along line 14. I was assured that these woul.d be instalred prior to pouring concrete Also noted was a field modtfied panel - to - panel poc.ket isall. con: nection as illustrated by the attached sketch ABf5. A copy of this sketch will be telexed to KKBNA/Renaldo Ravazolla for review and conment. The above infornation was given verbally to Bruce with Mountain Precast. Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlale Test ot' DATE:11/ZlBS Servlces Contracted E:rtra A-rlrat: ts,E^!nL&) Ca**n k-et C a -O 6&ftlZat*4 NbS*LLIhNED ffiil l-l coLon^lp rEst cEfrrEF. nc. F IEI Hr,Hl1o$""o srREEre oEN'€n'co&rzz3 OATE JO8NO.BY u /a/as Ag#s $r.*o,pz *ruS f\?o,nea fusaa57 P*rs- n P* rct- fus Gnn'"l' /?' DAILY REPORT: ONSTTE TNspECTION LOGATIOH: Cascade at Vall COIONADO TEST EENTER, .II|C JOB NO. PAGE OF DATE:LL/s/8s .84L97 Hrs.Ret. O.T. 5;00 Servlce Gode Servlces Contracted Extra x INSPECTOR $. Geving Precast connections were inspected on D 1evel for wetd quality and fit-up, from Lines 11 to L7 of l-ines A to E.. Areas in question were brought to the attention of Buck. All items were found acceptable prior to leaving site. Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlgls Test I ii Robert L, Arnold AeEsc. 23Ct Bridge.^ €itreet VaiI, CO El1637 Attnl Robert Arnold Robert l-, Fleuntain KKEiIA Date Caetl le5EO traeeeds Eporte V61 I r Coloradn Hyder Fltn. llnbtle 97 R. Finckert EonatruEtian Constructlon LocEti,on of'FEurl Declte 'level F}IYBIEAL PFtrPEFTIEA Slunpr 5.0 Air (?)r Con6rete Tenp. ^Fl 64 Tioe Bateheds 7't4Z trOI|FREEEIVE ETRFI}IBT}h Bpeclf ted roltg/85 'I trenter Tlekat No. I l'lix I.D. l at, linee 4,5'-tS 8.6 lrlt. /Cu.Air Teap. AFI 3g Tine-Teetedr Bl 30 Day Strength tppi l lggg Aveiage Teet Nunberl ilob Nesel ilob Addreegl Csntractorr Suppl i er I Truck No. r trT$ [ep. r tryltnder ID gls o3s o3s AEe (daya) .7 ?s 2A Elge 5.?8 5,99 ., , E.9e ' ...,.:i Strength {petl 6trength D Ft. r tss.7 ?8 INC. trenetructlon ConEtructtan Test Nunberl ileb Naoer ileb Addrese; Eontrastorr 6uppl ierl -. Trqpk No, I CTC:Itep. : Locatl.on of ,. Date Csstr lO/tg/BS 12581 .trascade Bporte Center ' Vatl, Eolorado Hyder Fltn. Mobile 1A1 R. Fi nekent t:":o Decko level PHY€ICAL PR0FEETIE6 Sluarp:4.O Air troncr.ete Temp. ^Fr 60 Tice Batchedl 9l lEi Ticlcet No. I ' Mix I.D. I D at .linee 8.5-9 (Z,l r 3;7 'Ain Tealp. &Ft Tlne Teetedr. . F-l8394 cs-rtooo t'{t, /tru. 40 91 43 Ft.r t43,8 eSTIFREFETVE.6TREN€THr Specifted 2B Day Btrength (pei) 4000 Age (days!Blze Etrength (petl Averags Btrength ,7 .ffi B .*r'r**fi..* *C * 'rT'r i* E* :fi**1.*lf C0LORADO. TEBT CIENTERi INtr, . 155 .South Nqvajo Ilenvero Celorado BO??g (303) A9E-1050 Robert L. Arnotd Asgoq.230 Eridge Street 9aiL, C0 Slg57 Attn! Robert Arnold Tegt Nurnberr Job Narnel .Isb Addreggl trontractor r SuppL ierr '. Truck No. I CTC Rep. r Lscation of Fnur r t...--trONERETE TEBT fbuuru F.O. No. ! ( rlob No.: 853? n*prrt Dateer,rLlrr#iffi Report Tol traecade Club Lt,d. Rsbert L. Arnold Aesoc.Itountain Flobile KITBNA Hyder Eonetruction Hyder Congtructlon Date Caetr l,t/06/BE Lz7qt Caecade Sporte trenter Vail, Colorado Hyder Eenstruction Flountain t'lobile Ticket No. I F-i8724 ?6 Hix r.D. r cg-40.10 R. Hughee Slab on grade at D level 14 to 17 line PHYSTCAL FRQFERTIES Slurnp: 3.75 troncrete Tenp. -Fl 6Z Tine Batchedl g:86 5.8 Ain Temp. aFl Tioe Teeteds Ai r l7.l z Wt. /Cu. eo l0r 15 Ft. r X41.4 Age (days) 7 Strength (psi ) 3700 Average Strength Bl.ae 6. OO COLORADE TEST CESTTER! INC. cof'IPRES€rvE BTRENBTHg €ipeci{ied EB Day Btrength (psi} 4poa Cyltnder ID o1 STRUCTURALI t .**.t.t *.t *c **T* 'ti c* .r.**{+!r*.r coLoRADO TEST CENTEF, INC. 153 South Navajo Ilenver, trolorado SCrg?E (303, 69A-1S50 Robert L. Annold Aeeoc. 23O Bridge t}treet Va,il, EO B1&57 Attn: Fobert Arnold Test Numberl Job Nahes Jsb Address: Contractorr Suppl i.er: Truck Hs.: trTC tup.: Location o{ Pourl trONCRETE TE6T GULTS - P.O. No.; Job No. t Bl32? Report Datesl l0lz3.fffi 1 1 ./ 19/a5 ,.,r. 't t't_:t"Fa;- .. .. '- i i.r. i--" ': !' =.Report Tor Cagcade trlub Ltd, Robert L.' Arnold Ariisoc. Plountain Hobile I{I{FNA Hyder Congtruction Hyder Congtruetl,on Date Caetr tO/16/Sg t?893 Caecade Sporta trenten Vail Colorado Hyder Construction Flountain f"lobile t50 R. Finckert Ftoor slab, Level D, Ticket No.r F-14376 Mix I.D. s C$-4OOO at lines A.7-7. 5.8 Nt,./Cu. Ft. r t37.7 Aln Temp. 'lFl 4t Tlne Teated: 9100 Day Btrength (pei, 4OO0 PHYSTCAL FRQFERTTES €ilump: 4. E' . Eoncrete Tenrp. .qF: 61 Tine Batched: Bl?t Ai r (7.1 t Bpeci{ied ?€ Cylinder ID o1s {rZs oEs Age (daysl ,7 ?8 ?B Siae 5. ?B F.9E 6. O0 I'IEEHANICAL €trenEth (pei) 3610 4rs0 4S?O Average Strength 42bs :i:r] CBLORADO TEET CENTERI INC' AND FIATERIALB TEBTTNB STRUETURALI ll#'*'l ffi Conetructlon trnnotruEtlen Dete Cestt l0./Lbfffi IIIYSICAL FR I I o !, -,*{g*.r***c ,*-*T*..* c*,*****f.r INC. . -. 155 South NavaJo Denver, Colorado 8(rtE3 (393).698-1Cr50 Test Nurnber r Job Name: Job Address: Contractorl Suppl ier: Truch' No.; trTC Rep.:Lscation of Four r PHYSICAL PROFERTIES Slunp:3.75 Air Eoncrete Temp. 'rFl 63 Time Batched:Er 14 COI'IPRESSIVE ETRENGTHT Speci f ied CtrNCREIE TE6T REEULTE Job No. r 852? ' :, Report Dategr Ll/o,6/8= F.O. No. r Report Tol t\/27 /43 Eascade Club Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Aeeoc.'l'{ountain Mobile KKFNA Hyder Conetruction Hyder ConEtruction Date Csstr 1O/SO/E5 12719 Cagcade Sports Center Vai I , Colorado Hyder Construction lvtountain Mobile Ticket No.r F15657 ?6 lli x I . D. r CS 4CtCtO #lct R. Rhodes Slab rrn grade A level at lines tr-7 (daye) Sire StrenEth (pai) 7 Z.SE SSIO Air Tenp. AF; 0 Time Testedc 9! (r(t ?B Day Strength (psi ) llt. /Cu. Ft.3" 141.5 4(fC,C, Average $trength l/.1 t 6. B tryIlnder ID olF .AEe COLOFADB TEST _---- STRUCTURALT MECHANICAL AND FIATERIALS TESTIN6 I E*t,c* r+l*** CTLORADO TEBT CENTERT rNC' 55 South Navajo anver I Colorado 3o3' 698-1050 Date coNcRETE TEET-REBULI P.O. No. I 'Job No. r 8Fg.22 Report Datesr. lt/o9lB9 'LL/2UA3 Reodrt Tor Caecade Club Ltd'' Robert L. Arnold Assoc' llouritain t'lobi 1e KKBNA ' HYder Constructlon HYder EonEtruction o so"25 Cagtr lo/zSfe5 leet t$rmber I lob Nannel Iob Addreeer :ontrattor! irrppl i er r irusk'Ng. r 5G Rep. ! -ocation qf Psurr L27o'5 Caseade EPorte Center Vail trolorado Hyder Conetruction 'l'lountaln llcbtle 150 l'1. Bnyder Blab on desk Pl level Ticket l,lo. I llix I.D.'r at 9(+tO') P1g62C' trs-4000 and C(+1O') '}TY9ItrAL PROPERTIEA 3luaryl 4.5 bnerete TenP' ^Fl 6? fioe Batchedr 8l3l Air t!.l I 6.O ,.' Air TeoP. ^Fl' 60 'Tioe Teetedl 9t3O Nt./Cu. Ft.r 158.4 Elze 6.OO Etrfength (Ptoi ) 3530 Average Strength COLffiADO Tesr cENrER, lNc. BTRTJCTTJRAL T . I'IECHANICAL .: AND I'IATERIALB TESTINS Dof,iFREB6!VE ETREi,lgTHr speci{ted 28 Day strength {pei} -3gg' Cyltnder ID olF Reoar.kg: Age (daYel 7 rc *T,r * c*+****** coLoRADO TEET CENTERf INC. 1-55 South Navajo Denver! Colorado 80223 '(305) 698-1050 Tegt Nunberr Job Naner Job AddreEsl trontractorr Suppl ier r Truck No. r CTC Fep.: Locati on of Pour r o coNcRErE TEBT-GULT9 P.O. No.r Job No. t 9,322 Report Datesg Report Tsr Cascade Club Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Aseoc. ilountein. llobile KKBNA Hyder Gonetruction Hyder Congtruction ll/a5./e3 LL/26tB,5 Date Caetr lolz?tAs r27ta Caecade Sporte Center'Vail Colorsdo Hyder Conetructlon !.lountain l'lsbtle r51 l'1. Enyder Slab on deck Pt level Tlcket No. r lltx I. D. r at lineo A P1562A cE-4000 (+to')E.g l,tt. /Cu.Ft. r 145.9 and PHYSICAL PROPERTIEB Eilueipr 4.25 Concrete Temp.Tioe Batchedl Air (Zl r ^Fr 70 t9r OZ Specifted 28 6.5 Alr Tenp. ^Fl 6C| Tioe TeEtedl t0rSo Day Strength (psi) 4OOO COIIPREBSIVE BTRENETHT Cyl t nder otF ID Age (daye) 7 Etrength (peil $340. Average Gtrength Siza E.?? ,tj coLoRADO TEST CeNTERT rNC. MATERIALS TEBTINB AND Reoarks: ETRUCTURAL, I,|ECHANICAL ,rrrur**c ,* fTt * c******** coLoRADO TEBT CENTERT tNC. 155 South Navajo Denver, Colorado (303) 698-1050 coNcRET.E TEEr GULT8 P. O. No."r Job No. z 9,322 Feport Dstegr tt/($tA9 1t/22/Ae Teet !{umberl. Job Namel Job A'ddresel Gontractorr 6uppl i er l Truck No. I CTC Rep. r Locati on o{ Pour I TEE R. Plnckert Floor Elsb level Ticket No, r tlix I.D. r at linee C-7 eo723 Report To! Catcade Club Ltd. Robert L. Arnqld AEeoc.llsuntain Mnbile KKENA Hyder Csnstruction Hyder tronetruction Date traEtr IO/?,9/A3 t2.675 Cascade Sporte Center Vall Colorado Hyder Conetruetion ilountain MSile P-15560 cs-4000 E, Tine Batchedr BrOT CIX'TPREBBIVE 9TRENBTHT Spectf ied ZB PHYEICAL PROPERTIE8 Slurlpl 5.O Consrete Temp. ^Fr 59 Air (Z) t 7.O Sige 5. ?A hlt, /tru. Ft. I 1Sg. 7 Average Strength Air Temp. ^Fr 35 Tine Teatedl B:45 Day Strength {p=i } 4OOC' Stnength (pei I 2?24 Cylinder tD OL Sleotarksr Age (dayal 7 cgLoRADO TEST CENTER, INC. ETRUTTURALr ItEtrHANrCAL AND ]'|ATERIALa TESTINE \ ilov 1905 ffiCEIVED 5FLtnU.D MIE o e.scade Clnb Ltd. 10(n South hontage ltoad fest Vall, @ 81667 Attn: Andrenp Norrls Re: Cascade Sports & hrkfuA Oenter Dear l[r. Norrls: hclosed ls the lnspectlon report perforued a lOl?A18. RllR:kb cc: KtrtsI{A - Renato Ravaaeolo Robert L. Arnold Ascoc, COLONADO TEST CENTER INC 155 SourH NAv,uo srEr DEr\n ER CotoRADo. tlOU3 (303t 69&t050 AND gle 8419?-685-5 October 28, 1985 for pmfesslonal mrk Ves? truly yours, m(nAm lEtn ctsrTm, r!rc. :: -.. e.ry STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL TIAIERIALS TESTING DAILY REPORT: VTSUAL PRECAST . INSPECTION Cascade SDorts I e Sports & INS'ECTOR D. Dickmeyer COLORADO TEST CENTER, I o NC.- JOB NO, 84L97 Parking Center Serylce flrs. Code PAGE OF . DATE: L0/24/8s Servlces Contracted Extra x LOCATION: - visuar r-nspection rf the p!€saat connaction'..vas 'conducted at ttre basement of ttre Fhase fI at parking Garage. A1L reguired plates and attaching fillet welds were found to be instat_led and vl.sually acceptabLe. fhis informatl-on wae given verbally to Buck with Eyder Construction Company. Structural , Mechantcal end ll,aterlals Teetlng o COLORADO TEST JO8 DATE: CEN?ER, INC No. aszz PAGE OF L0/25/e5 DAILY REPORTngsAR TNSpECTT9N LOCATIOII: Cascade Sports Center INSPECTOR R. Pinckert Senrice Code llrg.' Ret. O.T. 2.50 1,00 ' Senrlcec Cointracted Ertra x AREA OF INSPECTION:Floor Slab, LeveL Ferfonned visual inepection of rebar and sire mesh placed at the following grid location: l) LeveL B at lines A to D - 6 to 8.5 No rejectable deficlenci.es were noted. ..1 flnsrNspscrroN NEEDED Structural, Hechanlcal and llaterlels TEST CENTER, tNC DAILY REPORT: REBAR INSPECTION JOB NO. 8522 LOC,ATION: Cascade sportE center PAGE OF DATE: Lo/2L/85 Erg.Reg. O.T. 1.50 1.50 SLrvlcee Contracted E:rtra. x ItfsPEcToR R. Pinckerr ' .(reinspectl-on).50 x LOCATION:Floor Slab, tevel C Performed visual LnspectJ.on of rebar placed in the floor sLab on Ievel C at Lines A to E :- 6 to.Il. ' lt Area along oA' line needs to have broken concrete and velders debri.s cleaned off,. No 6t-her reJectabLe def,Lciencies were noted. RETNFPE9XTON: Area aLong "A" Structural t Line cleaned of,f. Mechantcal and llatertale TesCLng CoLonADo TEsr CENTER lNc. 155 So{trfi N^u Jo snE Ett{lrtn. coLoBAm. m2zl t3olt 69&IEO Cascade Club Ltd. 10oo South hontage Road Yest Vall, @ 81657 Attn: Andrev Nomls Re: escade Sports & Farktuig Oenter Dear ltr. lbnls: &slosed ane the lnspectlon reports perforred on 10/15185 end, 1:0llT /85. RUR:kb cc: KKB{A - Reuato Ravazeolo nobert t. Arnold Assoc. clc 84197485-S October 21, 1985 fc professlonal rcrk Very truly yqrrs, oormA[rC TESf, CElm, IlS. STBUCTURAL MECHANICAL AND HATENIAL9 TESTING DAILY REPORT: VISIIAI Il,tSpECTICI{ COLORADO TEST CENTER, INC JOB NO. 84197 PAGE 1 OFI DATE: 10117/gs Servlces Contracted Extra x LOCATIONT Cascade Sports and Parking Center Servlce Hra.Code Reg, O.T. ITISPECTOR Dan Dicleeyer Dar Diclseyer Visual reirspection of the nissing precast connections, previously reported uas con&rcted at, parking level C. A11 itenrs were. fomd to be instaLled and i.isuaffy accqtable. Iu additlon, initial inspecti,or of the precast comections r*as condrrcted at Lqtel B. AfL r€quired rembers gnd attsching fillet relds were found to be instelled od visrally accqrtable. Ttris infomation was given verbally to Bnrce sith l{estern Prestress. Structural, llechantc4l and llaterlals Testlng 2.5 2,0 I - I :rti.I . . ".1 ,l ' rtl :': CENTER,INC INSPECTTON , JOB NO. 84L97 Sports &'Parking Center Servtee Hrs. Code Reg. O.T. I 6.00 - PAGE DAIE: L0/.L5/85 Servlces Gontracted Extra x OF DAILT REPORT: LOCATIO!| r VISUAL Cascade INSPECTOR Visual inspection of ttre,precast wELded connectj_ons nas cond.ucted at parking level C. Following are itens noted as niesing: 1) Line 8,/8.5 - ftro flat bar connections uissing betreen frrin iT" panel and shear wall on east eid,e. 2, Missing reinforcing bar oEairpins. on shear waLls at grids 8/8.5 to C.5 and c/B to 9. 3) Stair angle supports are nissing 3/L6" fillet across bottom of angJ.e. The above infomatLon was given verbally to Bruce with Western Precast. StrucGural, llechanlcal and llaterlglc Testl,ng ,****.***'*c **T* Attn: Robert Arnold 'Date trastr LAt?j lSg 12628 Eascade Sports Eenter-VaiI Colorado Hyder Construeti on llountai n t'lob i 1e q6 R. Pinckert Pourt Floorr slab leveL Co Report Tol Ticket Nq, t F-lS4&1 l'li N I. D, : CS-4Cr00 at lines D.7-4.3 Test Number: Job Hame: Job Address: Contractor: Serppl $ er: Truck Ns. : CTtr F:ep, : Locatisn .trf Gylinder ID .01 Ft. r la1.0 PHYSICAL PROPER.TIES Gl urnp: 4. O Concrete Ternp, T!me Batched: CO,|fRE88M--STFFNETIh Epeci f i ed '"Fr &5 7t LQ Age (days) 7 Air (Z): Siize 6. OO 5.8 Air Temo, ''F: Time Tegted:l hlt. ./Cu. .34 3: l5 jgga.2B Day €trength tpsi ) (psi ) I Strength sB?o :i 'Rebert L. Arnold Assoc, . 23O Bridge Street Vail, CO €}1657 Bobert L. Arnold Aessc. 23O Bridge Street Vail, CB 91657 Attn: Robert Arnold Test Numberl Job Name: Job Addresg: Csntractor: ' Srrppl-ier z Truck Mo,: trTC Res. r l-acat i oii of Folrr s A to l evel FHYE_rCAL FROFERJI$8 Slunp: 5.O Ccncr-ete Te?mp, '"F B 63 T!m= Fatchedr l:O5 Date Castt 1{r./Cr1./85 1?461 Cascade Spor-ts Eenter Vai I Col r:rado Hyder Eongtrlrction l"lonntain l{ohiLe Ticket No.I gg Mix I.D, r R. Finckert Stairway wall at l.ines D.S to B. ,* lrtountain Mobile : Hyder Cenetruction Hyder Construction I{I{BNA P-l8405 trs-3000 tO' .urest of E,1 line, level Ft. r 141.4 Ai r (7J z 5. B Nt. ./Cu.Air Tenp. "F: 47 Ti ttre Tested! 1:35 I 'l FAf{PRESEM 6TRENSTHT Spectfied 28 Day Strength (psi} ggqq trylinder ID ol Q2 ., oS Age (dayst 7 ?a ?B Strength {pei} 2600 3570 364S Average Siee 6. OO 6. OO 5.98 ***.t'**{+.* tr 'r *T* 230 Fridge Strebt Vail, CO €11697 Attn: Fobert Arnotd Tegt Humber: Job Name r Job Addresg; Contractor I Euppl ier: Truck No.: trTtr Ttep.: Location o{ Pour: Date Castr Lfi/"2/gj t2646 Eascade Sports Eenter Vail Colorado Hyder Co.nstrutcti on l'lountai n l"lobi 1e ?a H. linyder Eilab on grade ?nd !,evel FHYSICAL FROPERTIEE Slump z 3.73 Air {i(} I Eoncrete Temp. ^F: 58 ?ime Batchedl 9lgQ COIIPRESEIVE-STRENBTH: Eipecif i ed ZB 6.0 Air TinE Tichet Nf.;llix I.D.i at B{+5) P-1S4?8 c5406rl and tr line. Wt, /Cr-r. 60 10:40 Ft. r 140.O Tegtedr Day Strength (psi ) 40oq Cylinder fD Qt Age tdays) ,7 Strength ( 3700 Eii ae F;99 si) .. IIECHANICAL AND ****.t6***tr .* *T{r * c* *.r.**.!t** coLoRADO TE6T CENTERT 155 Srruth Navajo Denver o trsL or-ado (3.1F' 698-1650 qO$FREJL-IqEI_GSIE INtr. F.tr. No. r Jgb No, r BE?? Feport Dstesr to/f3l85 tQ/24/a,5', Br12?S Rsbert L- Arnold Asgerc.23fi Eridge Street VaiL o Ctr 8L4.37 Attn: Robert Arno1d Teet Nuriber: Jab l*lane: ilgb AddreEs: Esntractc,r-; Supptr iere Trf*k I{o.; f,TQ Rep": Loca-r-i grr o.f For-rr r Report Tor .Eascade trl ub Ltcl. Robert L. Arnold Agsoc. l'lountain l{obile F;F:f{NA Hyder tron=tr-lrcti on Hyder Construction il:: Date Caet: *C/?6/Aa 1?4.18 Eascade Sporte Eenter Par ki ng Vail Colorado Hyder Eongtruction tleuntain tlobi t e Tichet No. e l{tl Hi tr I. D. :: I'1. Bnyder t{al I E (+!.4 '5" ) ancl ? (+6' I F- l5 t 7-1 trs-.1*#0 PHYSTC!!_ PROPETITLSE Eiurnp: 4.t-r Air 17.1 2 Cqnqr*te 'l'ernp, '"F: 65 Tirre Eatshedr t:48 ._ COHPRESSIVE ETEEIYETHs Gpeci{ied,IB &. {,Air Ternp. "'Fl 63 Time Teetedr S:1? Day Strengtlr tpsi ) I'Jt. /Cu" Ft. r 141" 4 --:.0|}O Average Strength 3(160 - Age C.yl i nder ID f-!1, 0? a3 (days) 7 2S ?s Si ee 3.'ie 6. rlc, 5,9Er MECHANICAL Etrength (psi ) 267r).5to0 ; scr?{t ..!,..i TEST CENTEF, INC. AND HATERIALE TESTINE Renarks r Fi el ETRUCTURALT. *C **T** C*******{. coLoRADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 Sonth Navajo Derrver, . Eol BFado B(rtgs {308} 6?E}-tQErl PCL Constructien 17{tO Eroadraay SLtite 1,00 Denver, EB Attn: Rick Andrews Tegt Number r Job Narre: Job Addressr Esntractor r 3uppl i er: Truc k hlc,. r QTC Rep.: Lscatisn o,f Four-c Report Dstesr l*lilp/Ag , 10/2.?J/A5 Repart Tol Eereld D" Hines FCL Construction trFFl Engineer=City & County o{ Denver . FCL Eonstructien Company l"lobile FrerniN troncrete tro. Date Caste (I?/ZF/EE 12S9S United Fank trenter lTth and Lincoln FtrL tronetrtrction Flobile Fremix 3tB l"l. Snyder Caisson caps B"E, L Ticket No.r Flix I.D. I to lt l,inee 484477 R0BS{t PHYSTCAL FROTERTTES 51. r-ulp I !. ?3 Ai r ITJ r Edrtcret e Temp. '*F; FE Ti me Batched: 7l lrlr $peci{ie'd 3B 4.3 t{t. /tru. Ft. I 146,4 Air Temp, ".fl 43 Tirne Testedc 7a4Et. Day Strength (pei ) 4f-rqq Cylinder ID AL o? {J3 Ftemark.=z Age (d 7 3B ?s ays)Siae 5.9? 5.9€ 6.00 Strength (pal ) 4930 y77(l s9B0 Avenage Strength 5875 F{ATERIALE TESTING giIGRETE TEET F.8. No. I Job No. c 8503 ogrl985 NECEIVED @TLFUO @ STRUCTURAL, T'IEEHANICAL AND ****i**c*T*c* ****** ;EI-oRADO TEET CENTERT INC. ff gor-tth Navaj.o vgraver o Eolorado A{t22S '7&7:1 69€3-L$30 :Bbert L. Arnold Asgoc. .3r1-Eridge StreEt 'ailo CO ALAAT "ttn: Robert ArnoLd -est Nurnber: sb l{a-rne: ,Eb AddrE€€: -sntrastor: iuppl ier:'rhck ltlg.. : .TG Rep. r' -c'sati drr o{ Foutr : CONCRETE TEBT-BE9UG -v F.tr. No. l Job No. e 8533 Report Datesl 1C|./?S/BE I I / l3lAS ,,*,.,'-l "' t*-... ,' ,t' O Report Ter '-:. 1' ,l Caecade trlub Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Assoc. l{ourntai n F4abi 1e KI{BNA Hyder Constructien Hyder Construction Date Caet, ."JQ/16/As xe5?4 Eaecerde Sporte trenter Vail'Colorado Hyder Csnstructi on ttguntain Flobi Xe ICtz ft. Finckert Fl oor alabo Level Do Ticket Ne. r F-15S78 Flix I.D. I tr5-,4.:,(tt) at lines tr.8-S.5 :I{YSICAL FROFERTIEg ilurmp:4.r-l '.orncrete Ternp. "FI 'imre Estcl-red: Ai r (7.) c 60 Br LB 5.4 Air Temp. "'Fr 45 Time Testedr 915{t Day Strength (psi ) 4$r)O hlt. /tru.Ft. s 1.40.|} "gmpneSSXvE STRENCTil Speci{ied 2B ;ylinder ID t)L$ . Age (daya) 7 ETRUCTURAL, FTECHANICAL Strength (p=i)Average €itrength s4EO COLtrRADO TE6T CENTER, INC. AND MATEFIALE TEETINE Si ae 6.0{t b,6i0CFlWte EffMD lmtLmD temarksr LlZ h .********c **T** C* ,*{.,r*.**.1 coLoRADB TE6T trENTERl 159 South Navajo Denver, Eolorado (3(JE) 698-1('90 W F.tr. No..l ilob No. l 852? Report Datee:INC: 8(r?3;5 Date trastz lQ/16/83 t?593 Cagcade Sporte trenten Vai I Colerado Hyder Construction l,lountain l'lobi L e 15{, F. Fi ncF;ert Flosr etaho Level Do 'i: to./3$/85 I 1/ tS/ES Robert L, ArneLd Aeggc. ZSCt Bridge Street tJail; trO C}1657 Attn: Rsbert Arnold Repert Tor tragcade trlurb Ltd, Robert L- Arnold Assoc. I'lountain Mobi le t{tdFhlA Hyder EonstFucti en Hyder Constrlrction i:l t; Test f{utrih er I Jsb Namer Jtrb Addrese; Eorrtr:rctcr: SuppI ier: Truch: hls-: -. CTC Fiep, r Lscat i err o{ FBur'! Ticket No. r F-14*76 lnli* I.D. I tr5-40t0 at linee 4.7-V. PHYSTCAL PROFERTXEq .5lunp; 4,3 Concrete Temp. -F: &1 Ti n're Fatchedt Bl ?1 COI.iPRESBM STRENBTH! Speci{ied tE Air l?1"lz 5.8 ldt. /trut. Ft " : 137 .7 Air Ternp. aFl 4l Tine Testedc 9!{tt] Day Btrength (psi ) 4O0O trTLinder. ID o15 Age (days) .7 Strength tpeil 3At0 Average Strength Siae 5.9S trrlLORADO TEST CENTER, INtr. AND FIATERIALS TEETINE ourqliuffito ETRUETURAL| fiEtrHANICAL +**ttt+{g.F *C *'*T'** c*.rt'***** coLoRADO TEET CENTERT INC, 155 South Navajo Denver o Col orado {3O3} 69S-1tl5r} Robert L. Annold Assoc. V30 gvi4ne Street Vail, f,tr 81657 Attn: Robert Arnsld EC}?23 Date Eagtr A9/2,A/AE t?3E}4 Cagcade Sporte trenter ValI Ecrlorado Hyder Egngtruction Age {days)Si: e 5,99 5.99 6.06 F.tr. No.: Jeb l-le.: El52? Repert Dateel tQlEtL/A3 10/23/BS Report Tor Eaecade Club Ltd.. Robert L. Arnold Aseoc. F{enntain Plobi le I{I{FNA Hyder Construstion l{yder tronstruction ii :: Supplierl l"lountain Flobite Ticl*et No. I F-1814?Truck I'lo.: t07 l'lix l D. I Ll$9 trTtr Rep.: R, Pinckert Lcrcatinn nf Four: Eelumng Level A to Level F at lines D.E-E.73, n.5-5.35,D-5.35 and D-5"7E PHYSIC4L PROFERTTEE Ei1 ump ! 4. {-t Ai r- t'/) r 3. B t{t . /Cu. Ft . : 14t). B Eencrete Temp" *F: . 6.1 Air Ternp..".F: 44 Tirre Fatchedl llFg Time Teetedr ?tl3 trOHPRE$SIVE STFENETHT Specified 28 Day Strength (psi) 4OOtr Tegt l{urnber-: Jnb Namel Jsb Address; Ctrntracttrr r trylinder ID Q7 ct? Q3 Fleglarks: 7 2B 2B Strength tpsi ) sBdfqr 4400 4630 A.reraEe StrenEth 45.t5 coLoFADo TEST CENTER? INtr. T s E-IE TE ETRUCTURALT ]'|ECHANtrEAL AND ITATERIALE TE€TINF F.E. No. I r?5so Caecade Bperte trpnter ValI I Colsrado Hyder Htn. Hebile a7 R, Finckert Decks level Date Caetr 1O/1S/BS Alr l7.l c 3.6 Eiae F.98 TXcket t{o. r : l'{tx X.D,: D at linee A"S'-1O Hyden Csnstruetlon. Hyd€r trsnstnuctien P-t5347 ce-40so Wt,/Gu. Ft.l 1S?;7 Average Strength sstYSrcAL FReFEFTJEE I 3ilurpl 5. fr i fuficrete Te#rp. '"Fe 64 Air Tenp. ^Ft S€Tioe Testedr €r3O Day Etrength (psi) 4OOO Stnength (pad. ) iie Eatchedl 'iritrAAFrFrA t t rF. a 7r47 :OI'IPFESAIVE i STRENBTHT Spectf ied 38 Age (dayel 7 35€O '-' , 155 South Navajo ..,: Denver n . Eol erada ;;,;:. !3Q31 698-1t150 .**.*.r*{..**c *'*T* * Cx fl.***.*{.,t trOLORADB TEST CENTER, INC. %P.tr. No. l ilob No. r El53? Report Dateel t*/22/85 1 r / l?/BE Report To.r Eaecade trlub Ltd. Fobert L. ArnoLd Agsoc. Hountain t'tobi1e HI{ENA Hyder Constnucti on Hyder Conatruction Date traetr !O/I5/EE Fobert l-. Arnold Assoc. Z3c) B"idge Btreet Vall, trO SL6S7 Attn: Robert Arnold BC,E?3 t35S1 Eageade Sports Eenter Vail, Colorado Hyder l"ltn. Plobi I e 1{,1 R. Finchert Deck, level D at Tegt Nunber: dlob Namel ilob Address: Cgntractor: Suppl i er r Trlrck No. I trTtr Rep.: Location o{ Four; Ti cl':et No. s F-l5354 l"li x I. D. : trEi-4Clf-t{t Iinee C.5-9 PHYBICAL FROFERTIEE Sl r-rmp : 4. tt Tinre Batchedr 91 15 COfIPREESIVE STRENETHT Speci{ied tB Air 47.1 t =.7 $iire 6. O{t tdt. /Clr. Ft. s 143. S Cylinder ID rJ1s Remarkel Age (daye) 7 BTRUtrTURAL, I'IECHANICAL Air Temp" 'oF: 4(t Time Testedr Qz43 Day Strength tpei ) 40(l(t Strength tptsi ) Avet'age Eitrength 4t?a coLonADF TEST CENTER, rNtr, FIATEEIALE TEBTINB RND Gharge unpald over. wl11 Balance For professional on 1o/U/85. Please refer to 10/11 &81te . ldlleage E4EE $42.50 (2 ren) o.40 IT'B 1EIS IXTIOICB szo.o0 80.oo $35O.m ,, rl ,or. t 6.00 INSPECTOR D. Diclcneyei tl. Snyder x Visual inspection ctf the piecast connectl.onEi rras conducted Ft parklng level D of ttre Phaee II Parking GaragB. All required Ltens were found to be inetaLled and vJ.sually acceptable.t orr" iten noted,, horrrever, wat four field nodified twia "f' panel supports along grid line E' as illustrated by ttre attached sketch (AB-*2! please refer. Thie ita ehall require revler and approrral by thc approprLate authori.tleg, before being congldered aceeptable .-... by thts f,irm. ". . .,,.-,,'': '' ,. ' t,-.11i'; r':,"+*..1.rtj;,,.,.-,.. . , , .- t-.. i. ,... : Structural, llechanlcal and Haterlale Teetlng ***lr..t**,t *c f {eT** tr* 'r.r.*,**** coLoRADO TE6T CENTERT tNC. coNcRETE TEST REcrs F.B, No.: Job No. r B5?3 Report Dateer 155 Eouth Navajo Ilenver o Can erado 1303) 699-l|}Eo Bt ??3 fiq/27 /A3 LQ/ T,E/A5 ''.].'',j Robert L. ArnoLd Asgoc. 23O Eridge Street Vail., CO E1&57 Attn: Fobert Arnold Tegt Nurrnber: Job Name; Jcb Addresg: Eontractor- r 5,-tpplierl Tr lrc k f.lc' . : trlE Ftep " r Lercat i c,n o{ Faur: Date Castr 09/3S/BE 1?Slg Cascade Sptrrts trenter Vail trolorado Hyder Csnstruction l"lountain l"loblle Ticket No. c S7 Mix I.D. r It" Snyder NalI trn A line lt{it+6.) Eascade Club Ltd. Fobert L. Arnold Aggoc. Hountain Flobile t:ld;ENA Hyder Canstrr-rction Hyder Construction P-151r15 c€-.lorlrl Report Tor . ii PHYSICAL PRTFERTIES 5l urrp r 5- 75 Esrrcrete Ternp. .'F: Eg Tirre Fatched:Br $5 COHPRESSLVE STRENBTHT Specisied rE 4.7 i{t./tru. Ft. r L48.5 Air Tenp" "'Fs 5et Ti rne Testedl ?l {ttt Day Strength (psi ) . tlocl Ai r ('/"1 a Cyl,inder ID o1 fiz o3 Remarksl Age (daye) 7 ?E 28 Strength tpsi ) 250r1 561t1 $B?O Average Strength -3815 liiee 5. ?9 5" ?8 5. ?? COLT]RADtr STRUBTURALI HECHANICAL AND MATERIALE TEBTTNE + osf$g w o COLORADO INSPECTION Sports Center TEST CENTER, INC DAILT REPORT: REBAR LOCATION: Cascade PAGE IIATET Lo/Ls/e5' Servlces Contracted Ertrs x OF INSPECTOR R. Pinckert JOE lto. Servlce Code 7 8522 [rB.Ret. O.T. 1.50 1.50 AREA OF INSPECTION:Floor SIab, Level D Perforfred visual Lnspection of rebar placed in a floor slab at tlre follqing grid losation: 1) Ievel D AtoE-6to11 No rejectabld defj.cieneLes were noted. Note: No rebar is specJ.f,Led Ln ttre plan along nAn Contractor placed *4 hook bars at 1.0r o.c. line. aLong tlrie line. and l{acerlale Teetlng !nrrnsrncrloN NEEDED Scnrctural, l{echantcal Attn:Arnold trsnstructlon tronstruction t. Caetr $qllSlBS Ticlcet No. r F15O97 Flix LD. r CS4OOO GTC" Repl I l"l. €inyder 'Location o4 Fourr ? {ootingrsl 6rtd A(+6,1, at 6rid 6t-g,E} and Erid 3{+g,g} Date {daygt 7 n 28 Eylin 'ot : o2, ,03 ffge Air {?) r 4;6 " -6,00 6.OO 6.OO ...; Alr Tenp. ^Fl . 65 Tifie Teetedr 11137 Nt,l8u. Ft. r l;tO. B Strength I- I FI{VtsICAL PRBFERTIES Slunpr 41,O Concrete Temp. eFl 63 Tirne Batchedr 1?l 3B c--' t ?|. ..t COIORAX) PAGE OF DAILY REPORtr: VISUAL INSPECTION JOB NO. 84L97 .' LOCATION: Cascade Sports e par:ing Center servlqe: ': Ilrs. " . Code Beg. O.T. Servl.cee Contrected Extra x INSpECTOB D. Dickmeyer t 5,00 ----M. Snyder x. 6.00 :.-- VisuaL inspection of ttre precaat conaectlons waa cond,ucted at parkJ.ng level D of the phase II Farking Garage. 4,11 reguired Ltems were found to be installed and visually acceptable. One item noted, hclever, was four field nodLfied Ttrin "To paneJ. supports aLong grid line E, as illuEtrated by the attached sketch (AB-*2) pl.ease refer, This iten shall require review and approval by the appropriate authorities' before belng congidered acceptable by this firn. Structural, llechanlcal and l{aterlals festlng Atr*t: Srr.rro f?^r, O *7ouA a ftt|fl xIC-1 Ttt,u jT " u r'PoR:i- EJtSftNCt errlBE"D Aope> 7e 8-* /co"E --, -Cnynae )paars G,rc<- D., Lrnre t &,<tGrre* l-l coLonloo rEsr cEf{TEn, lirc. UtJ StqT#:ll$"to srREEr o DENVER' co 80223 DATE JO8 NO.BY ,oy', fa AE -*z 12L Qcrnef0{ oEscRtmoN - Freu> ffioDtFtEo -tor^t'f'Q^r, S,.epaRT PA:E /'i \I *t'it',*f.*. *C ,* rT* * C******** coLoRADO TEBT CENTER, INC. 153 Sourth Navqjo Denver, Colorhdo B{,AIS (EOE) 698-t(,30 Test Number: Job Namer Jtrb AddreBsr Eontractorr Bupplierr Trtrek No. r CTC Rep.l Location of Pourr coNcRETE TEBT RESULTF F.g. No.: ilob No.: B5?? Report Datesl $q/?$lB,e 1{r/11/Et5 Report To: Cascade CLub Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Assoc.Mountain Flob:l le H}dENA Hyder Constructi on Hyder Construction : !i Date Caatl (r?/18./85 12205 Caecade Sports Centen VaiI, Col orado Hyder Congtructisn Flountain l"lobile Tlcket No.158 Mix I. D. I R. Pinckert Footinge at linee D to E -14 PHYEICAL FROPERTTEA Slumpl 3.0 Concrete Tempi aFr Ez Tioe Batchedr BrSB Ai r (7.1 e 5.9 Air Ternp. &Fr Time Testedr F-19(r4l c5-5000 Wt. /Cu. 41 9r 23 cotlPRESBxvE STRENBTHT speci{ted 28 Day strength (pei} _Eoor}. Cylinder ID ol Q2 o3 Age (days) 7 2A 2A Siae 5.9A 6.OO 3.gs Etrength (psi ) 2g7a ' 36S0 3,66,$ Aveqgge Strength 367Q Ft. c L41 .6 Remarhe: ctlLoRADtr TEST CENTER, INC. *.l.*.F{-.r* '*C *'.* T ** c*.******* COLORADO TEST CENTERT INC' 155 Sor-rth Navajo Denver, Colorade 403?s 1.1r.J3, 698-1050 Rsbert L. Arnald Aesec. Z3{t Bridqe Stneet Vail. CB C]1657 Attn: Fober-t ArnoLd roEBg3E_rEBr_EE+s P.O, No. r Job No. I €3ti Report Datee: tJ?/|A/ea L$/C)q/A5 Report Tor Caecade Club Ltd..Robert L" Ar-nold Asstrc, Heuntain l{ebi le I{}':BNA Hyder Congtrlrction " Hyder Cangtr-ucti trn l| Tegt Nrimber s Job Narne: Job Address: Eontractgr: 6r-rppL i er: Ti- r-rc k l''lo . : C*F.F Ftep. l Lscatisn o{ Fgur: Date Cagt: |o9/tt/83 1?1SS Eascade Sports trenter Vai L Coloradg Hyder Eonstr-ustion I'lourntain l"tobi Xe 1r:r7 R" Finckert Fnoting at lines A-ll Ticket No": P15019 l"lix I.D.: CS-S{]0{, to 14 PHYSTCAL PRpFqBTXEF 5l nmp: 3. {t Ai r l?t'. 6. I htt. /trur, Ft . : 148. (r finre Fatched; 13:53 Tirne Tested: ll3* CO|'IPRESEIVE STRENETHT. Gpecif ted ?B Day Strength (pei ) &{ir-rrl Cylinder lD ('t $z 03 AEe tdays) 7 3B ?B €iee Strength (pst) 5,98 r . ??BS 6. O.1 E€20 6. (rr) 973C} te. Average Strength '3775 - -.1 STRUCTURAL, !fui w coLoRADO TEST CENTER, INtr. HECHANICAL AND T.IATERIALE TEETINB Remarltgr * C,tt i xlrti **.r.*.*** 'l " ', . ' ,,..couonno: TEST SENTER| ':,,n.':, -: ..: |_,.'.,,.18E Etruth Nava.lie :'' Denvero tretorado B0Z?g'.'.(sos,. 698-t05oi . i-.:!i:,:.. i .ji i Rsbert L. Arnold Aaesc. 25O Bridge 6treet tcail, CB El6$? Attns Robert A$neld i I Date trasts $illo/& Teet Nurnberr I let74 Job Naoel i Caec&de Bponts Center Job Addreess I .Vafl Coloredo trentractorl i nyaer Eonptruetion Eupplienr I tlsuntain ltlciblle Tlcket No. I -. Truch lrllr. I i gZ Mix I. D. I 9Jc nep, r I R. Pinckert Locetipn o{ Poqnl Foundation'well parkinE level 150s6 C6-5O0O, Slumpr 2.5 Concrete Ternp, Time Batchedr Cylinder ID ot a2 o3 ! .66 l t2l S0 Sge (days) Ai r 17., I Elae 6.OO 6.OO 4.o0 4.8 Ain Teop. ^Fl bP Time Teetedr tr30 Day Strength (peil :Etrength (patl Ft, r 143"9 Strength *{.**,*.x.{.*c * 'FT** c*.F***.r** coLoRADtr TEET CENTER| tNC. 13E sor-rth lrlavajo Denvero Colorado B0??g (EO5) A9B-1Cr56 ftobert L. Arnold Aggoc. 23O Fridge Street Vai1, CO C}1657 Attn: Robert Arnold trgN!:RErE rEBr REslA F.U. No.I .lob No. l 852! Report Datesr tCr/AAlAs LA/pS/eA Report Tol Cascade Clulb Ltd, Robert L. Arnold Agsbc. l'lountain f.tobile llyder Construct.ion Hyder Constnuction l':l{ENA .d Tegt Number r Jsb Name; Job Addrese: Csntractor r . Date Caetr L-Q/r-tt/ga 13461 Eascade Sparts trenter Vail Colorado Hyder Eonstructi on Supplier: lolountain Flobile Tictret No. r F-iF?OE Truck lrlo. : 9g Fli x I. D. I CB-St)Or)ile Rep.: R. pinckert Location o4 Fsurr €tairr+ay soall at lines D.F to Eu lr1, rtregt o{ I line, leve!.A to leveL E. pxvsrcaL rtsorEnrlee Slumpr 3-fl Air {y.lz gonci-Ete Ternp. *'F: 6E Ti nre Eatched I 1,: {r5 trOF|PRE€EIVE ETRENGTHT Epecified 3€l 5.8 hlt. /tru. Ft. r 141" B Air Temp. 'oFr 47 Time Tested: 1lS5 Day Strength (pei ) .ltlt']{t trylinder XD o1 Age (days) .7 Strength (pei) 2600 Average Strength Si ae 6.0(' ETFUCTURAL, HECHANIEAL COLtrRADO TEST CENTER, XNtr. AND MATERTALB TESTINO 'i4 .I,.* ep'Retaarksl o coL ORADO TEST CENTER, INC DAILI REpORT: vrsUAL INSPECTTON JOB NO. 94L97 LOCA?ION: Cascade Sports & parking Center PACE OF INSPECTOR D. Dlckmeyer Servlce Hre.Code Reg. O.T. 1 5.00 DATE: LO/L/55 Servlcee Contracted Extra x Work continuee on the Cascade Sports & Farking Center project, Phase II . AIl precast and welds installed to date appear to be visually acceptable.. Sl-nce, hogever, no partlcular lev€ls and or bayg have been completely welded as of ttris date, a "sign-offo cannot be mad,e on aDy areas until a conpletion of the welding is achieved. It rpas agreed that notiflcation by the erector be received by this flnn, prior to the ne:at jobsite visit. Structural , Hechanlcal and ltaterlals Tesclng 0cTt985 [Ecr.idED EEtrLTUD rgF ,t** TEsr cENrER, rNc INSPECTION Sports Center DAILY REPoRT: REBAR LOCATION:'. Cascade JOB NO. 8522 Servlce llre.Cgde Reg. O.T. 3.00 .50 PAGE OF DATE: LO/L/8s Senrlcee Contrected Extre x INSpECTOR R. Pinckert (report) t@AtION: Stair wall at lines D.5 to E - 10r west of I line Level A to IJeveI B Performed visual inspection of rebar placed in a stair waL]. at the above location. This area had to be excavated approxLnately 7r deeper than desJ.gn to reach solid material. The rebar for the wall was placed according to plan, using longer *5 verticaL bars and add,itional *4 horizontal bars at proper spacing. Contractor Etated that tlris revision was approvect by the structural engineer. No rejectable defLciencies were noted. Structural , Hechanlcel and Materlals Testlng COLORADO TEST CENTER,' INC DAILY REPORT: NUCLEAR DENSITIES JOB NO. SSZ} LOCATIOH: Cascade Sports Center ' l Servlce Hrg.Code Reg. O.T. INSPECTOR R. pinckert 4.50 1. s0 1 (report).25 PAGE OF DATE: Lo/3/85 .. Servlies Contrected Extra - _' x x Performed nuclear density deterndnations at the above job site. Tests were perf,ormed Ln accordance with AST!{ D. 2g22. Results were reported to Buck of Eyder Construction. Please refer to the attached data sheet for results and Locatlons. and lteterlale legt Mechanl,cel Structural , l.r*o.rroN rEsr tr Loca,tton tralI backfill B-14 walL backfilL D-14 Dnr Den-slEv pcf L47.9 Table No. Molsture Gontent 3.0 7.0 Compac-tLon % CLIENE: PROJECT: JOB NO: ITORK ORDER: TEST DATE: Uyaer .Cascade 8522 Lo/3/85 Test No. 10-3-1 LO-3-2 Deoth lir: I008 Foundation at lineE Foundation at lines 5 rBelors Final. Grade tl 133.5 100+ Gonpact-lon Cunre Ibta Itax. Density: 132.0 O5rt. lf.oisture! 7.Lt TVpe of Gu:nre ASTItt D-698 Dtethod C *- **.***.i.!* *C !** T {t.* c*****.r** Attnr Teet Nurnberl Jtrb l{anel ilsb Addreesl Enntractor I 9uppl lerl Truck No. I C:fC Rep,I l . Locetion o{ PguFr ".1 1 at.C$?4i'l Elunpl 4.0 Cancrete Ternp- Tirae Batchedl l Eyltnder tD FarkinE Tlcket No. I lltN I.D, I Tamp. ^F! 65 Teetedl 2l Otf Btrength (pet) (pei l and at-9'6 t42.O {Z} r lrft. /Cu.Ft.l i 6S Ir39 StrenEth 01 a BO22S Date Casta Q?/26/83 12418 Casced@ €iporta Center FarklnE Vail Colorado Hyder Congtruction l{ountain l'lebi le Ticket lrlo. I l0t l'liN I.D,r l,l. Snyder btall E(+14'E')and ?(+6') ****{3**,*tr..r *T** tr*!r***,ri*.r coLoRADO TE6T CENTERf rNC. 153 Bouth Navajo Denver o Col orado {303} 698-1050 Rebert L. Arnotd AEesc. 2BO Bridge Etreet Vai l , trtl Sf 657 Attn: Robert Arnold Tegt Nunberr Job Namer Job AddresEr Contractgnr €ir-tppl i er: Truck No. I CTC Rep. r Locati on B{ Ftrur ! CONCRETE TEST REBITS -F.O. No. I ilob No. I BE32 Report Datesr tO/O9/Ag ItJ/?4tg3 Report Tol Qaecade Club Ltd.' Rebert L. Arnold Assoc.. l.lsuntaln I'tobiLe I{KBNA Hyder EonstruEtitrn Hyder tronstruction iil l P-r.517.3 c5-s$rto 5l uop: 4. 0 Atr |T.t e Concrete Temp. "'Fl 65 Time Fatchedl 2:48 CO|'IPRESEIVE BTRENGTHT Epeei{ied ZB Air Tenp. *Fr 63 Time Teetedl Sr 1? Day Eitrength (pei ) 3000 Etrength (pei ) ?b7() Wt./tru. Ft.: 141.4 Average Strength \ a.o Cylinder [D f-rl Age tdayel 7 r€TRUCTURALq Siae 5.Se Reoerker Field Eylindere EEtoREDo T Es?-E-Effi ffi ;-ifr E: - --- MECHANICAL AND MATERIALE TEETTNo LORADO TEST CENTER, INC DAITY REPORT: VISUAL INsp. JOi NO. LOCATION: Cascade Sprots and parking Center Servlce Code 'INSPECTOR pr. nir-kneyer _ t Reg. O.T. Contracted Ertra -6.1L X 84197 'f,re. a PAGE 1 OF. I DATE: 9/26/Bs Servleee Visual inspection of the prccast parking garage and attaching rqrelds r{as begm on phase II of the Cascade Project. Worknanship on this stncbrre appeared to be of acceptable quality. . 'lVelder certifications Here requested to be zupplid by lfestem Precast this date. Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlale Testlng RADO DAILY REPORT: REBAR INSPECTION LOAA1ION: Cascade Sports Cenfer IN!;PECTOR R. Pinckert o coLo TEST CEN?ER, INC 8522 : Hre.Reg. O.T. 5.00 .DATE: .: Servtces - Contracted . Ertra oD, _ 9/ 24/ 8S PAGE JOB NO. Senrlce Gode AREA OF INSPECTIO}I.:Columns ' Performed visual inspection of rebar placed in colunns, Level A to LeveL B at the following grid locations: 1) D-s.25 2) D-s.7s 5) D.s-s.2s 4) D. s-s.75 . No rejectable deficiencies were noted. !nurxsnrcrloN NEEDED Stnrctural , Hectianlcal end tlaterlals lest O COLORADO TEST CEIITER, INC PAGE ot' DAILY REPORT: IOCATIONT IilS'ECTOR R. Pinckert RXBAR INSPECTIoN JoB no. Cascade Sports Center Servlce Code DATE: Servlcee Contracted Extra x 8522 'Hrs. Reg. . O.T. 1..0 2.0 s/ 24/ 8s AREA OF INSPECTION:Grade Bean Perforned visual inspection of rebar placed in a grade beam at the following grid Location: 1) E to E.s - 0.7 No rejectable deficiencies rere noted. flnrrNsmcrroN NEEnED Struccural, lGchanlcal l{aterlale Testtng and O COLORADO INSFECTION JOE 11O. 8522 Sports E Parking Center' Servlce Code TEST CEIITER, INC PACE _._ OF ' MtE: 9/26/85 DAILI REPORTc I.(KATION: msPEcroR l'!. llrg.ReB. O.T, .50 Serrrlccs Contracted Ertra x r+ AREA OF INSPECTION:Foundation WaIl at E llne (+1.4r5n) of,f of 2 Line (+6r) . Rebar inspection was .. location. No rejectabl.e conducted at the above deficl.encies observed. it:. flnuxsrrcrroN NEEDED Strrrctorsl, llechanlcal 8nd l{aterlala Tegt *****{1*ic F I '*Tt*i r& Ch l i*****[ i :SBLORAPO TEET i::i..'::': t 'ti l Ii . lgg Sofrtn llava tr . Denver; Celorar ll I :'r; csnc.nrre repri xxlts I ll p.O. No.'l .': Job No. c BEZZ ' :i NTER; INC. :. Repert Dateer lO/Ol/Bg ,,i ,:', . ',:..,. lO/Z?lflS .,' l.ii . yE. t w sr t rrE, tl Lrr clL (303) 6?e-f,oE0 l l Fobert L, , Arnol,2$0 ErNoge jstre - -,'' ' 902?3 .,. |, .'' ':': ' 'tt ' t ' . .t, ' ' : Aseoc. i *=o*t t"' FH::?:,_:t::":tl'o""o.. . I ,$ffiS constnuctiern l r ld xi,oer i;;#;ti;; : : '' ,t. "' iiJ Date Castt O9/?4|ES : :f l'', 12S84 Cagcade tiporte Benter i Vatl Eolerado i Hyder tronstructlon 'lrlountain l.lobtle ' Tiiket Ns. I F-tE.l49 ,] I lcr7 HiN I.D. g ll3g . r R. Pinclcert : r. trolullE Level A te Levef S at Xtneg D.F-d.ZSr Q,g-g.?E? I ;d D-9.7E l: tl ': . , Air (7,1 I 5. B hlt.;/tru- Ft. r rao- e cvl lnd{n I ol I , Air (7,1 I .5. B ' blt,./pu. Ft. I t4O. B i ! gO. I I Air Temp. &Fr 44 ll 'tl3? 'l Tirire Teetedi ZclS i i -r Speci{ied 3g Day Bt.rength , tpet } 4(rSO 'i- ,.11,,(days,l i. Stae Etrength (pcl) n.ret'bg* Btrength ;li,l '. i, i 7 5.9? Sgoo .i \i' arliz : i ------+-efit nRAnn lFFr ntrMTFEt_. rhrfl, ., :r1.1' i ctLoRADO TEST CENTER!.INC. I .,, ll' --1. Vail n NO el Attn: Fobert Slump; ,4. O Cancre{e Tqmp,Tine Bdtched-l rf'ta*ti *c ,* 'tT*.* C*,ti*****1. coLoRADO TEST CENTERT INtr. 155.South Navajn Denver, Col orado (=o3) 694-.1050 8O233 Age (dayel 7 4.7 trylinder XD crl Reoarksl Size 5.99 COLORADO TEST CENTER, INtr. ETRUETURALT mECHANTCAL AND HATERIALE TEETTNG o Tor ..'',.' Date traetr O?l?QlBg Test Numberl 12314 Job Name: Cagcade Eporte Eenter Job Addresa: Vail Colorado trgntractor: Hyder Congtruction Suppl'ierr ttlountaln Mobile Ticket No.r F-15103 Truck No.: S7 Mtx I.D. I trE-S00{t trTtr Rep. r M.Snyder Location o+ Pour! Wall on A llne'11(11+6') FHYBICAL PROPERTIE8 5l urnp r -1. 75 Ai r (7.1 z Conerete Tenp, ^Fr SE Time Batchedl 8139 E!9I'IEBEESIVE--B'IBENOTHI specif ied 28 Air Tenp. ^Fr 5A Tlme Testedr 9l0Q Day Strength (psit S0OO Etrength (psi) ,,:2800 a9/27 /43 . 10./18/A5 Eascade bfuO ttg. Robert L. Arnold Assoc. l.lountei n llobt le ITI{BNA Hyder Construction i.Hydgf Construction bft,lCu.Ft. r l4S.? Average StrenEth 'i ,.' ': _ '. iN;t :: . - .-r i ..,,:_ ,. F. o. No.: *di, r, Lrf, lYEl. : E -;rli. . '.tr.. Report Dateg: :,.*efO+ZgS ,,;j5;'i^- -:'O9,/?slBs ,'1, ,. .r.:. ,-,.,:,i',..,1. R6port To: Cascade triub Ltd..i-iiih ' Robert L. Arnold Ae$d:I nountain l'lohi la -.-:i. ,ii I{HBNA ,.., ': i., Hyder Constructlon {i''. Hyder Constructi"" Ili :iI 'i.- ., O9/?5IBS $ ', , ',. 'i il,;. j CONCRETE TEET R Tegt Numbds'r .12056 J:rb Nrflrc: r - Cascade Sports Eenter : I i Date Cagtr .]S./2dUSg i ItA,{, €! LA=E i l.ritl 4.Nr/ Ua ilob Addredt! Veil Cslorado SLlFFrr.€r1 i nclLlnEaln rlclBl,l,E! I rct{EE Flcl e i F-l'tclElJ Truck No": :. 107 PliN I.D. I cs-sooo ll-l,l'C|/. NEi i lvt nlx I.lJ. I L.a-itrJvw CfC Rep. : ' ft. rrinet<ert l-ocatinn ctf F6ur: Foundation wall {ootings at A to 4.5 i5 la 7'1 , . , ' 5lunp: 3. C, Cancrete Terap. Ti roe Batchedl "'F r. 7E 2t37 iA€e (days) Air (7,1 | 6. I ttt. /Cu. Ft. : l4?.s Air Temp. ^F: AI . Tinre .Testedr 5:1O EnFflneS-g,Ll|lE STFENETHI speci{.led ?8 Day Strength (psi ) -3cl{t4t Strength $1:e 6. i1e 6. O0 6.oct (psi ) :7 i?g .28 ?&?0 5630 354S i ETRIICTIIFALT II€CHANICAL AltlD ) $ ., Slunp ),Tine: it :'l ".9 i .;Date trEetl t"lt74 Eagcede Sports C€nt ValI Celorado Hyder ConEtruction Flountein llobile ?6 R. Pinckert Foundatlsn nell f ngs at lines E-6.e ttl 7.8 Atr tI.l s Ttsket Ne. r .P-14?OS HiN I.D.: CS-3OCIO J Ft.l t44.2 c9li,nfer r Qe (daya) . Btae Avqrage ot 02 o3 I , "J ) ) .j|:: . I. t .J _l ') ) :) ) ****t*{.*c **T'* i C**t***.*.* coLoRADO TEST CENTER, INC. 155 South hlavaio Denver, Colorado A0tI.(S.13) 698-:ItlSrl Teet Nurnber: ilob Name: Job Addregs: Contractor s Sutppl i er r Trucl,.: No. : , CTC Rep. r 'Location of Four r F.O. No. ! Job No.l B53t Report Datesc ai/26/Bz LD/ L7 /8= concnEre rt nesuLrs Report Tol Esscade Clr-rb Ltd.Fobert L. Arno1d Assoc, Hountai n. l{obi L e I{I{ENA Hyder Construction Hyder Cangtruction Date trastr A9/t?lEz 12$01 Cascade Sports Eenter Vail trolorado Hyder tronstruction l'lountain f'lobite Ticket No. I F18097 ige Hix r.D. ! cs4ooct t"l. Snyder 3 {ootingss Grid A(+6'}, at Girid 6(-3'B)and Erid 5(+5'51 , PHYSICCL PROPERTIE€ Sluop: 4.O Air (Z): Eoncrete Temp. ^F! 63 Time Batchedl 1?:E€ 4.L Air Tenp. ^Fl Time Teetedr Wt. /tru. &E ta.37 Ft. r 14dt. B t .') , ) , , ) Cyllnder ID o1 a Remarkss (days) 7 STRUCTURALI €iire 6.OO IIECHANICAL Strength (psi ) 41?O Averagir Strength Age AND FIATERIALB TESTINB TEST CENTER,INC DAILY REPOM: REBAR INSPEbTION JOB NO. g!22 LOGATION: Cascade Sports Q Parking O COLORADO INSPECTOR M. Snyder AREA OF INSPECTION:Coltun Footings at the following grid location: 1e A line (+6') on 5line (+3'5") L e A Line (+6') on 6l.ine (-3r8il) 1e B line (+Stgrr) on S LIne (+9'6") 1@ B Line (+3t9tt) on 6l.ine(-9'6") 1g C line (+17t6")on 5line (+9'6") 1e C line (+17'6" on 6line(-9'6") 1e E line (-11r6")on 5 Line (+9'6") 1e E Line (-11'6")on 6line(-9r6") No rejectable deficiencies were observed. Inspection was perfonned by use of the revised KKBNA structural drawings dated 9-2-85. PAGE OF .- Servlce llrs.Code Reg. O.T. . .50 DATE: glts/ss Servtcea Contracted Extra x l:l ElnrrNspscrroN NEEDED Structurel , Hechanleal .and Meterlal's Testlng PAGE OF DATEr s/20/Bs Hrs. Servlces Ret. O.T. Concracted ExEra .50 x Foundation WalLs at the follovring grid locations:.AREA OF INSPECTION: Rebar inspection was conduqted fron A-E on 14 line and l-1-14 on A line ' No rejectable deficiencies were observed. Refer to KKBNAts revised structural drawings dated g/2tgS. Structural, Mechantcal ii.*.**.*i {,C * \*T.*Wr c**.*+**** coLoRADO TEST CENTER, CONCRETE TEET.REfig F.0, No.: Job No.: 8523 Repart Datesr nNc, BOt33 Date traet: OE/?6/€5 1e035 Eascade Sports Eenter Vail Colorado Hyder Corporation I'lountain Hobi le QS/Q2/43 . : a7/?3/83 10/10/BE . ,,)' P14B3B47B CS-3OCIO c. 155 Sor-rth Navajo Denver, Colorado (3CtZ, 6?8-lO5C, Test lrlumber r Jsb Namet Job Addresd; Eontractor: SuppI ier: Truck Nb,: CTC Rep.: Location o{ Remarksr ResuL ts 97 J. Stadig Stern wal X on Tickat No. I Flix I. D. t between E and Feport To: Cascade Club Ltd. Fobert L. Arnotd Assoc. Mountain l'lobile I{HBNA Hyder Construction Hyder Conetruction Pour !B line 9lunpz 2.75 Concrete Temp. *Fr 7? Tine Batchedr tr30 COTIPRESSM ATRENETH! Speci{ied ?B &.q lrlt ' /Cu. Ft . I t 45. I Air Tenp. *Fl 7A Time Testedl lr95 Day Strength (Psi, sO(tO PHYSICAL PROPERTIEF Cylinder lD 01 a? o3 Age (dayal '7 ?s 2B Ai r (7.1 t €iae F,9? 6. OO 6. OO Strength (pst) 3300 EESCT 4050 Average Strength s955 - o{. test were reported to Euck wit t:::" !:a: ETFUtrTURAL, TTECHANICAL AND I'IATERIALS TEATINB u'+ BEPTg.F W o INC. CtrI'IPRFSSIVE ETRENETHT Specif ied .Date trastz Q7/t3/Bj 1?toE CaEcade Sports Center Vai I , Colorado Hyder Construction Mountain Hobile Ticket No.: F-15{r41 IEB l,li x X. D. I CS_3{,C,(,R. Pincl::ert Footings at lines D to E -14 Air Temp. ^Fr 4t Time Tested: 9:?5 ?E Day Btrength (psi ) SOO(I coLoRADB TEST CENTER, INtr. TESTING B53Z $9'/?tr/83 t$/LL/85 Tor Csecade Clr-rb Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Asscic. l"'lourntai n Hohile HT:ENA Hyder Congtt-uction Hyder Construction bJt. /tru.Ft.'r 14r".6 aLrr *rf**.*** l, EIBLORADO TE6T CENTERI I r !Jr tlu. .J ob No, : 155 South Navajo I)enver, Colorado E0?lg :(3OSt 69S-1O5rl Test Number: Job Name: Job Addregsr Contractor: Supp1 i er r Truck No. I trTC Rep,: Location of Pourr PHYSICf,L PROPERTIEE Slumpr 3.(r Concrete Temp. "Fl g? Time Batch€d: BrSE Atr (71 t 3.9 :ii trylinder ID ot Remarl-.:s: Age (days) 7 Strength (peil 747{J -.:i ,' Average Strength Biae 5.98 FIECHANICAL AND I.IATERIALE STRUCTUFALI t*t?*rr!i *c .r.*T'r * c*i**,r.r*.* coLoRADO TEST CENTERT tNC. 135 South Navajo Ilenver, Col orado (3c'3) 698-!05r) Tegt Nurnberr Job t{arner Job Addressl Contiactorl 9uppl i er r fruck No. r trTC Rep.: Losati on of Pour I CBNCRETE TE6T Rc-Ts F.B, No,: Job No. r 9;322 Feport Datesr . wtrals3 rota?tag : Eascade Clr-rb Ltd. Fobert L. Arnold Assoc. llountain MobiXe I{I{ENA Hyder Eonstructien Hyder tronetrurction P15019 cs-300(t 80223 Report Tol Date Castz A9/Ltl8,3 1e189 Cascade Sports Center Vail Colorado Hyder Construction llor-rntain Hoblle Ticket No. r tC7 llix I. D. I R. Pinckert Footing at lines A-lt to t4 t{t . /tru. Ft . r 149,|} EBIIPRESSIVE STRENBTHT Specif ied 28 6.1 Air Tenp, ^Fr 53 .Time Teetedr 1130 Day Strength (psi t -SOOI]. Slump: 3. C, Conrrete Tenp, Tioe Fatchedr Cylinder ID o1 Femark5! L12 Air t7.) I LL tZr 32 Age {daysl '7 hour delay oneit SlEe Strength (psil 5.?E _-,, Z"E{t Average Strength 6TRUCTURAL, |'|ECI{ANICAL AND coLoRADO TEST CENTERT tNC. TEBTINE T.IATERIALE g t * t iI Te,st, Numbefl Job Narre: I rlo'lr AddreE$r Epntractord Eupplierr l Truek No. I I Gf,C Rep.r Lecqti6n o{ 3lump: 1,O Conqrete Tenp.Tiae Eat Cyltnder Hyden tronstrustion Flsuntaln llobtle qd F. Ptnckert r Bhear wall {ootinge h9 ?:5O Alr t/.1 t 5, ?Atr Tem. ^Fl Tiap Testetll Spectfled 2E Day 6.OO 5.?9 '6.0O Wt./Cu, Ft'! 143.? 73 lO! Z(' Strength IITY'' Eaesade Sports Parking Phaee ti Vait0ol,orado | |- HyUer- trongtructlon Hyder Gonstruction Ticket No. r P-147?€tllx t,Dr r CS-SpOO at tlneeiB.? to C.B-E and tr-B to g. a.l.ar,t.*.f *C **.T ** c***.t**.r* Teet Number: Job Naner Job Addreges Contractor; Eiupplterl Truclt No. : trTC Rep. r Location of Fourr o Dete Cdstt 0B/21/As coNcRETE rE6r RElrs F.O. No,c Job No.: 8522 : Repor.t Datesr AB|?:A/F/?'::: flFftBfBg __ i. ,: . , ., ' .-, . ) : ,t, ': t ':'.-:: :'- RApont Tol Eascade Club Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Assoc. Mountain Hobile lr:ldEtNA Hyder Construction Hyder Constructlon ' 11987. Cagcade Vai, 1o Colonado Hyder Esnstruction Mountain Floblle . 15t F. Pinckert Foundetion wall at Ticket No.r 419 MiN I.D': CS-3o00 A-11 Slumpr 5; (r Concrete Tenp.Tioe Batched; Air {Z}: ^Ft V7 lr4? 4. (t Air Tenp, *Fr tsE Tioe Tegtedl 2s3O Day Etrength (psi) Strength (psil 9290 4t?o 4t(rc, Wt./tru. Ft,r 143.9 s(ro0 Arrenage Strength - ..i rt ' 4t 1.1' CyIinder ID o1 E2 o3 Reararksr L12 Speci{ied 28 Age (daysl Size '7 3,57 2S E.9S ?B E.9S houtr wait +crr conErete, ETFUCTJRAL,TIECHANIbAL END coLtrRADtr TEST CENTER, rf{C. I,IATERIALS TEATINE O Test Numberr ilobrNarner i ilob Addregs: Eontractor l Suppl i er t Truclt - No. r CTtr Rep, r Location o{ Pours PHYSICAL PROFERTXEB Slumpl ?.5 Concrete Temp. ^Fr 6b Time Batchedl l?;5O COFIFREBSIVE ETRENETHS Speci.{ied Cylinder ID 01 Ter Date Csetr Q9 llAlBA t2L74 Cascade Eponts Eenter Vail trolorado Hyder Conatructien Mountain llobtle Ticket No. r S7 Mis I'D. I R. Finckert Fsundation wall Air (Zl; Ca6e6de Club Ltd. Robert L. Arnold Agsoc. l"tor-rntain llobi I e IdI{BNA Hyder Conetructi on Hyder Eongtruction '1900& cs_ECIr]o at linee.A parking level. Ce 4.4 Age (dayal ?B Air Teotp. *Fl 6i Tine Teetedr 1r3(t Day Etrength (Pat) 3(t0(t Strength (pei) AveraEe ?35tt trtt. /Cu. to A.3 L6-L7. Ft, r t4S.? Strength Eiae 6.O0 Remarksr ltz .a .'| hour ETRUtrTURALf --;'.-?--COLARADO TEST EENTERI INE. flATERIALE TEBTINB COLORAI'O TEST CENTER, DAILT REPORT: NUCTEAR DENSITIES LOAATIOII: Cascade Sports Center IHSPECTOR R. Pinckert 'Era. Senricei Reg. O.T. Contracted Extra 5. s0 1..'00 x JOB NO. Senrtcd Code PAGE 8Szi OF DATEi el9/8s Perfomed nuclear density deteruinations at the above job site. Tests were perforned in accordance nith ASTM D-2922. Results were reported to Buck of Hyder Constructl.on. Please refer to the attached data sheet for results locations.and Stnrctural, Mechanleal and l,!,atertals Test enu ffi]ra$l miBJlu sr6l d3s rtl | 'Ll - O co'PAsxroN rgsr Depth ln: Table No.I CLIEM: PROJEGT: JOB NO: I{ORK ORDER: TEST DATE: Hyder Construction Cascade Sports Center 8S2Z Test No. slslss Loeatloa Roadbase at lines B-10 Roadbase at Lines C-9 Roadbase at lines D.3-10 (Area not conplete) Ih:v Den-siiv wf MolsEure Gontent Gompac-tion % 9-9- L 9-9-2 9-9-5 Final tl tl 131.5 L27.5 L26.t '5.1 3.0 4.0 98 95 94r Conpact,lon Cu.nre lbta l.lax. Density 134. L Opt. Moisture 6.58 Tnpe of Cunre ASTM D-698 Method C Requirbd Conpaction: gSa o CO{PACTION TEST Depth ln: o Table No. II GLIEI{T: ,PROIECT: JOB NO: HORK ORDERS TEST DATE: Hyder Construction Cascade Sports Center 8522 sl slss Loeatlon Test No. 9-9r4 9-9-5 Foundation at lines Foundation at L,ines wall backfill 4.7 -LL.2 rvaLl backfill D-11.2 6tt Below Final Grade tl Dnr Den-slLv pcf MoLsture GonEent Compac-tion 7" -.!il 1 99 '. 96 r.30.7 t27.L 5.6 6.6 Gmpactlon Gunre Data I*lax. Density I3Z.A Opt. Moisture 7.lZ Twe of Gunre ASTII D-698 Method C Required Courpaction: 95"'6 rli DAILT REPoRT: REBAR I;ICATION: Cascade INSPECTOR R. Pinckert I COLOR,ADO INSPECTION JOB TIO. Spo_rts Center. . Servtce Code 8s22 Ilrg.Reg. O.T. 3.00 +. PAGE OF DATE: glLLlsS Servlcee contracted Ertra It .lt AREA OF II{SFECT]OIi: Perforned visual inspection at'the following grid Locations: 1) A- LI to 14 of rebar placed. in a footing 2) A to D-1.4 No rejectable deficiencies were noted. ElnsrxsprcrroN NEEDED Stnrctur€l, l{echanleal and llatertals Testtng o coLo DAILY REPORT: REBAR INSPECTION LOCATION; Cascade Sports Center IIfSPECTOR R. Finckert RADO TEST CENTER. INC OF DATE: 9/L3/8s JOB NO. 8522 Servtce Hrg. Servlces Code Reg. O.T. Contracted Extra r.. s0 x .;..: AREA OF IIISPECT]O}i:Footing Perforned visual inspeetion on rebar pl"aced in section at the folLowing grid locations: 1) DtoE-14 2) E-1lto14 No rejectable deficiencies were noted. footing flnerxsrrcrroN NEEDED tructural , Hechanlcal and Haterlals Testlng COLORADO TEST CENTER, Il{Ss DAITY REPORTT NUCLEAR DENSITIES LOCATION: Cascade Sports Center INSpECTOR R. Pinckert JOB NO. Senrice Code 8522 Hrs.Reg. O.T. 5.00 1.00 PAGB OF DATE: 9/Lsl85 Servtcei Contracted Extra x Perforned nuclear density deterninations at the above job site. Tests were'performed in accordance with .ASTM D-?922. Results were reported to Buck. Please refer to the attached data sheet for results and locations. Struccural , Mechanlcat and Materlals Tesctng o COMPACf,ION TEST GLIENT: PROJEGT: JOB NO: WORK ORDER: TEST DATE: HYDER Cascad,e Sports 8SZ2 elLs/ 85 Table No.I f Molsture Content 1l I Compac-tlon % 95 100 Center Test No. 9-13-1 9.-L3-2 Depth ln! Final Grade.ft Dnr Den-sliv pcf t27 .S t33.7 Locatl.on Retest of 9-9-3 at D.3-10 Roadbase at D.5-7 3.4 4.4 Compactlon Cunre llata llax. Density 154.1 Opt. Moisture 6.5e6 Tvpe of Curve ASTM D-698 Method C Required Compaction: 95"6 lnun 75 south fionbge road rall, colorado 81657 (303) 47r-7000 offlce ol communlty developmanl To: From: Re: Date: Community Development Staff Kristan Pritz, Town Planner Corrnercial Area in the Cascade Vlllage Parking Structure July 1l, 1985 The revised plans show that the new bar and 'lounge drea in the Cascade V'illage Club has a total square footage of 985 square feet. The 985 square feet shou'ld be added to any ca'lculation of comnercial square footage for the entire Cascade Village Deve'lopment. ',1 HJRPOSE. ESTAELISHED tlEvEtoPr'iENT PLAN-REQU I RED-APPRoVAL UEVELOPEENT PLAN-CONTENTS : &ERI4ITTED USES. coNDrTi0NAL USES (AS PER ACCESSORY USES. BE}ISITY.DI.IELLING UNITS. OEVELOPiiENT STAI'IDARDS . SETSACKS. HEIGHT. coutP-qGE. LA}iDSCAPiIIG. PTRKI:iG. REC[iqTiOI'I AI.iENITIES TAX ASSESSED. gOiiSiRYA]iON AI{D POLLUTION CONTROLS. RECRIATiOIIAL AIIEi.I IT I ES AODITIO:IAL AI.iENITIES. ET.PI-OYEE HOUSING. 412 SPECIAL DEVELOPI4ENT DISTRICT 4 CHAPTER 18. I 18.46.010 PURP0SE . -Special developrnent district 4 is estab'l ished to ensure comprehensive deve'lopment and use of an area in a manner that r.lill be harmonjous r,rith the general character of the toln, provide adequate ppen,space and recreationa'l amenities.,-gn-d plgmote the objectfves oi'itre-ioning ordinance AND C0I{MUNITY AcrI0N PLAN F0cus 198s. sp6cial oevetopmeni district 4 js created to ensure that the development dehsity will be'retativety iow ano suitable for the area and the vicinity in whiih it is siiuited. the devetoo-nent is regarded as comp'rementary to ihe town by the town-iouniti"ini-it,.-'planning comnission, anit because there are signiriCani-ilpecii-or tiie ipeciar development whjch cannot be satisfied through the imposit.ion of standar.u zoning districts on the area. 18.46.020 ESTABLISHED A.- Special development distrjct 4 is estab'lished for the development on a.parcel gf. !.and comprising_92.958 acres as more particular.l Jtiicrrei Eir,iuit n."'si"iiir-,b;'";i"ffi1;i Distitit'4'ila'$brvei:B38"lb.igrlilrlhB"ref,erred to as '|.SDD4. - .- i . . : B. The district shall consist of four separate deve'lopment areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the'follor,ring approximate size: Area Known As Development Area Acreage 17.e55 4.00 ?9.10 1.8 Cascade Village Coldstream Condomini ums Glen Lyon Duplex Lots Glen Lyon 0ffice 81dg. Dedicated Open Space Roads A B c D 40.4 4.7 07 oqq 18.46-030 DEVEL0PT4ENT PLAN-REQUTRED-APpRovAL pR0CEDURE. A- Before the ottner con'dnences s'i te preparation, building construction or other improvements vrithin sD4, there shali be an approved aeverop,nuni'pian for sD4. Deve)opment of sD4 may be phased by developmint area and ivi..hin'development area, but a sufficiLnt amount ofinrormatiJn siiall be supplied rvith respect to al'l-deve'lopnent areas in order to allow the ptanning conmiision' -" and town council to ensure the compatability or any piopoiua,r6vetopnent-ptan with the remainder of SD4. ' B. Each development area r'rith'uhe exceotion of developrlent area D sha'l I be subject to a single deverop;ent plan. nevetofnent-;;;;-b shail be required only to go'uhrough.rhe design revici.r p.biJii.- -- - q. A proposed develop;ient plan ior SD4 shall be subnitted to the zoninq administrator nho shalI refer'"hb develop:rerrt plen to the pi.i."i.s ;;;"i;;j;;and to-the design review board, r.rhich shall coirsider the-pian at i regularly"schedrt'led meeting, and a report of the plerining co,,,,,isiioh setting foittr its findings and recor;-rendaiions sha'l I be tr,ini:.iitt.ed to ihe ionn-council in accordance with the applicab] e provisions of chapter ra.6o. 413 .O D. Upon receipt of the proposed development p'l an and p1 anning conrnission report, the town council shall determine t'rhether the plan'is acceptable to the tor,ln jn accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 18.66.150 and 18.66.160. This determination by the town council shal'l be made through its enactment of a resolutjon r.ihich jncorporates the develop- ment plan as an official Town of Vail document. E. The approved development p'lan sha'll be used as the principal guide for al'l der/elopment rvithin SD4. Amendrnents to an approved development p'l an which do not change its substance may be approved by the PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI4MISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 18.66.060 - 18.66.100 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL C0DE. Each phase of development shall require, prjor to issuance of bu'i lding permits, approval of the des'ign revjew board in accordance with applicable provisions of Chapter 18.52. 18.46.040 DEVELOPMENT PLAN- CONTENTS. The proposed development plan shall includen but is not limited to the following data: A. A cornplete environmental impact report submjtted in accordance with Chapter 18.56. B. Existing contours having contour intervals of not more than five (5) feet if the average s'lope of the site is twenty percent or 'l ess with coniour intervals of not more than ten (10) feet i'f the average slope of the site is greater than tvrenty percent. Existing and proposed contours after grading for each phase, C. A conceptual site p1 an, at a scale not smal]er than one inch equals fifty feet, showing the locations and djmensjons of all bu'ildings and structures njth the exception of singie-family and tlo-family structures, uses'therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and t'ta1 kttays, service entries, drjvevrays, and off-street and loading areas. D. A conceptua'l landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, shoying existing landscape.features to be retained or removed, and showing, proposed Iandscaping and landscaped site deve'lopment features such as outdoor recreational facilities, bicycle pa|hs, trails, pedestrian pl azas and nalk',tays, t'tater features and o-"hef elements. E. Preliminary building sectjons and f'loor plans at a scaie not smaller than one inch equa'l s tl,Jenty feet, in suffjcient detail to deternjne f'l oor area, qross residentjal floor area, genera'l uses wiihin'r.he buildings" and the !eneral sca'le and appearance of the proposed developrnent for each development area. F. A proposed plan of parking, loading, iraffic circulation, and transit fac'i lities; and a proposed program for satisfying traffic and transportatjon needs generated bY the Project. G. A volumetric nrcdel at feet, portraying the scale and the site and il'lustrating the development areas A, B and D. a scale not s::lllcr ihan one inch equals fifty relationsirips of ihe prcposed Cevelopnent to form and mass of the proposed buildings for 414 o . l: A-proposed program indicating order of constructjon phases, trans-portation facilit'ies, and recreational amenities. .. A proposal reg-arding the dedication to the town or private ovrner-snlp and maintenance of that portion of the development area'within the one- lyl9t9 vear floodptain of Goi^e creek. I'n the eveht the one-hundred year rloodplain is not dedicated to the towno such lands shall be subject io a ligll gI plblic access to Gore creek anJ rhe right to use i portlon oi the lanos-ror a_bicycle path, and for park purposes provided ttrat the'location and use or Ene facilities and access shal] be determined by mutual agreement between the town and the o'ner of the development areii invotvea. 18.46.050 PERMITTED USES. --__ linSL.;flmily residential drvelling shall be permitted uses in development 3l:1'?._, Two.family dwe)1ings,-residentiar c'rustei- dweriings, and multipr;ramr ry d\'Jellings shal'l be permitted uses in development areai n and B.Professional offices and business offices, with a lotaf qross floor area not to exceed thirteen thousand square feet, ihall be permitt"J use in development area D. 18.46.050 CONDITiONAL USES I AS PER CHAPTER 18.60 OF THE ZONING CODE). A. M'AJoR ARCADES I'IITH N0 FRONTAGE 0N ANY PUBLIC l,tAY, STREET, ',,tALKt{Ay OR MALL AREA. B. PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. C. SKi LIFTS. 18.46.065 OFFICE USE NO PROFESSIO|.IAL OR BUSINESS OFFICE SHALL BE LOCATED ON STREET LEVEL 0R FrRsr FL00R (As DEFTNED lN sEcrroN ls.24.0304A)-or iHr lonrne-inoEi--IN AREA A UNLESS IT 15 CLEARLY ACCESSORY TO A I.OOET-ON EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTiON. 18.46.070 ACCESSORY USES follor.ring accessory uses shall be permitted in deve'lopment areas A. The A, B and C: L. .Hone occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupations pqryit-in accordance r'rith the provisions of sectioni re.58.i3o through 18.58.190i 2. Other uses custonarily inc.idental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and neceisary for ihe operation t-hereoi. _^^,,:. .|ii?:hl1 garages.or carponts, private greenhouses, sr,rir:r;iring poo ls' tennrs courts, patios, or other recreational facilities custonarily incidental- to peimitted resjdential uses I 4]5 ^r Ii, '.1 'uses shall be perflittlrrl in , ,,,," l )orts , private greenhstEes I I lher recreational iaeil itiris identlal uses. i .i lng hccessory uses shal.t b+, I I .ll ,n| .- '!tl: , ! U tl .lt,r _ lil,F. The f"bSlidhJng accessory u C onlv: 'i: i Attached garages or carpo tennis courtg, patios, or oth :'' ' Sncidental to perm'itted resid , t, B, In addition, the followin de*tliqprnent areag, A and B: : . t Suli mnrl nn nnnl c tann.l c z.n ' 1',,,. ', ueveiopment Area C, one hundred four units. ' ,!:', , I [g.4o.osr DEI{SITY-FL00R AREA .;,1 i:, , The gross residential floor area of all buildtnss in e '-: I arer shal'l not exceed .3S GRFA in area A, which is i rnaxim ,1:, i;i Equare fqgt,.sixty five thousand square feet GRFA in area lij': irfor the fln$t fifteen thousand square feet of,site arqa, p . ,,tltq! -r0 ERFA shall be permitted for each square foot raf i ri li :fiifteen thou5and nst to exceed thirty thousand square ifeet . .'i: ,; Lt..; -^& -^-- ^r-^- ' Developdunt Area B; sixty-five unitsi c0i,',i'tERcIAL SqUARE F0oTAGE ;. | , : ,plus mt Tg!? than. .05 square feet of GRFA for each squa , 'r arei over tfiirty thousand square feet In area C. ,i i __ln Area C, any site containing two dr.relling units, one i ghall.not exceed 40i of the allowible total gr6ss resident a maximum of 37,000 and restaurant) as - 416 ir ll ', ; Minor arpade (0rd 6, 19gZ). irl [gl+d[oe0 DENsrry-D]lnLrNG unrrs. ''q 'J .,illti''he number of, dnel:ling unlts shall not exceed the , I i ..---P:velo.pnent Area A, Ttd0 HUNDRED EIGHfi SEVEIT OslEll ,rF i ItAIrl4!t!! l.lrTH A-{rrylryqry-gF 308 ACcoFlMoDArroN uNrrs Ai{d x |i DHELTTNG UNrrs As DEFTNEo By rHE-iAillE-iiir_oiil-"-'- '"'i dafined i } PR0.lEgT ' uf$trTs' Ifl{ITS SF 40"000 17,534 1,250 2,200 15,870 3,111 4,220 4,792 879 1 ,397 GRFA 20,000 t7,534 55,457 SEATS, 15,870 80, 275 319 .i_;___ .. COMPLETED PRO.l[ftS ,.,.' fiiTiTaceT-- 16 llillracell . .14 llestin Hotel ({unit},,-.1:'148 : c)Al fredo's ,' i, Cafe Little Shop' Pepi Sports CMC Buildinq Cascade l,ling (Z/unit) Compass Rose Cascade Theater Col 'l ege-Cl assnooms Co1 'l ege -0ffi ce 104 '74 I 18,333 ' .,19,500 ,', l"leeting Roon 2J PROPOSED PROJECTS FstimvenTfid6'S- Terrace !{ing -Guest Roorls Retai I Plaza Bui'lding . Guest Roons (Z/unit) Condominiustr .. Retai I /Office Conference Facil.-Net l'li'llrace III Mi I 'l race IV I'tansfi eld Vl I tage, fiondoc Hestin Addltlons. Retai l -Accessory Cafe Expanslon Rurpurs Expans{on Cascade Club Retai I -Accessory Restaurant ..r Offices-$lellncss fenter Cascade Court 22,5OA 22,500 55,000 55,000 6 ,399 l8,333 19,500 19,500 . 9,500 6,500 I1 ,200 49,227 900 '-ffiwr 2,160 (2/unit)'120 40 15 3 I 45 Retail-Skier Accessory Guest Services 308 '154 * t 134 2,000 _z-_qgq 280,053 { 2g'l ,l8l 417 O DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS Original Parcel Robbi ns Parce'l Cosgriff Parcel 18.46.090 DEVELOPI4ENT STANDARDS iN AREA HEIGHT SHALL HEIGHT SHALL Area Uni ts (Acres )'16 d.u./Acte 15.68 1.23 J=!1! 17.955 252 r9.68 16.72 288.4 GRFA 256,437. 18,752 \5,932 291 ,121 .o The development standards set.out in sectjons 19.46.100 through 1g.46.210 |F 1!!r9v"{ U.V tle toln counci'l. These standards shall be incorp6rated into lle gpproved developnent plan pertinent to each development area Lo protect the integrity of the development of sD4. rhey are minimum developmeirt standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan r.rhich'is adopted by the toln counci'l . 18.45.100 SETBACKS . - Required setbacks shal] be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the_pgrlphery of the property of not Iesi than'tr,renty feetn I,IITH THE EXCEPTiON THAT THE SETBACK REQUIREMENiADJACENT TO THE PARKiNG STRUCiURE/ ATHLETIC CLUB BUILDING SHALL BE TI.IO FEET AS APPROVED ON FEBRUARY 8, 1982 BY THE .PLANNING AND ENVIRC|'I!{ENTAL COi'['tISSION. 18.46.120 HEIGHT IN AREA A, THE I''AXII4UI,I HEIGHT FOR THE FOLLOI,IING BUILDINGS SHALL BE 71 FEET: WESTIN HOTEL, CI'IC/LEARNING CENTER" TERRACE !'IING, PARKING STRUCTURE/ATHLETIC CLUB, PLAZA BUILDITIG. THE REI'ICINDER OF BUILDINGS iN AREA A SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 48 FEET. B, BE BE THE I.:AXII'|UFI HEiGHT SHALL BE 48 FEET. IN A.REA C, THE I.IAi:IMUM 33 FEET. IN AREA D, THE I.|AXII'IUM HEIGHT SHALL BE 38 FEET. AS DEFIHED IN SECTION 18.04.170 OF THE VAIL I'IUNICIPAL CODE. la 18.46,140 CoVERAGE In areas A and B, no more than thirty-five percent of the total site area shall be covered by build'ings, provided, if any portjon of the areas is developed as an institutional or educational center, forty-five percent of the area may^be-covered. . In-areas C and D, no more than tr'renty-five percent of the tota'l site area shal'l be covered by buildings, UNLESS fHf t.lOnf RESTRICTM STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 18.69 OF THE VAIL I.IUI'IICIPAL CODE APPLY. 18.45.160 LAT{DSCAPi:lc At least the foll'oving proportions of the total development area shal't be landscaped as provided in the developnent p1an. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent and arlas C and D, sixty percent, of the area shall be landscaped. 4't8 I8.46.I70 PARKING . Off-stree_t parking shal'l be provided in accordance with Chapter .18.52, except that seventy-five percent of the required parking in Area A shali be located within !,lg ryLl !ui19llg gr,lgild!nss. UsING THE DEvELoPT'|ENT TABLE rN sEcrr0N 't8.46.08e, THE MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR AREA A SHALL BE 456 SPACES PLUS TI.'O SPACES PER DIIELLING UNIT FOR MILLRACE CONDOMINIUMS, WESTHAVEN CONDOI,IINIUMS AND I'IANSFIELD VILLAGE CONDOMINIUMS. AT LEAST SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT OF THE 456 SPACES SHALL BE WITHIN A PARKING STRUCTURE. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 435 SPACES IN THE I.IAIN PARKING STRUCTURE AND A I4INII'4UM OF 'I5 UNDERGROUND SPACES IN THE PLAZA BUILDING.IF THE DEVELoPMENT TABLE II,l SECTi0N 18.46.089 iS A|4ENDED, THE PARKTNG REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE AMENDED ACC0RDINGLY. In areas B and D, fifty percent of the requ.ired pa!'!inS sha'll be located r,rithin the:main building or Ulitaings and hidden from public vJew fron adjojning properties withjn a landscaped berm. _On-site parking shall be provided in Development Area A for common carriers providing charter service to the deve'lopment. BLs parking shall be indicated on the deve'lopment p]gl:^-Ng qarllng or'1oad'ing arei shali be'located in any required fTONt SCtbacK area, UNLESS SUCH PARKING IS LOCATED NOT I{ITHIN A STRUCTURE. -No CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SHALL BE ISSUED FOR THE TERRACE I.IiNG, PLAZA BUILDING, ATHLETIC CLUB 0R EXPANSIoN 0F rHE UTESTIN HoTEL 0R cMc/LEARNTNe crnren uNTrL TtiE PARKING STRUCTURE CERTIFiCATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE ENTIRE FINISHED (AS APPRovED) PARKTNG srRUcruRE. .I8.46.]8O RECREATION AMENTIES TAX ASSESSED. chaptll"3:t3":i:i?"i: :T::l::5'.lT l:;"'ffi.'i: :;::u'?,i:hy:liJ! :311,,;3i",0,u"" o foot of the f]oor area jn-Development_Area A and a rate not io exceed fifly cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area Bi and at a rate not to Lxceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA ih Developmeni Area c; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot in'Deve'lopment-Area D; ina sfraii-De pald In coniunction vtith each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permi ts. 18.45.185 LEFT-TURN LANE. THE DEVEL0PER SHALL PARTICIPATE IN A STUDY. (TNTTIATED By THE TOh'N 0F VArL)TO DEVELOP A REASONABLE PLAN FOR A LEFT TURN LANE ON THE sOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD: ' 18.46.190 COiISERVATIOII AND POLLUTION CONTROLS. A. Developer's drainage p'lan shall include provision for prevention of pollution from surface runoff; B,' Developer sha'l'l include jn the build'ing ccnstruction, energy and r.rater conservation controls as general technology exists at ttre tine of const-iuction. C. NO I,JOOD-BURNING FIREPLACES/I{OODSTOVES SHAI.L BE AI-LOIJED III ACCO|.:I|ODATION UNITS. D. If firep'laces are_provided r.lithin the deveiop:;:.-.nt, they;lust be hcat efficient through 'uhe use of glass enclosures and heat'circulati-ng devices as technoir existi ar rhe tine 6f d;r;i;il;;i:- J uevrces ds Lecnnoroqv O 419-421 o 18.46.200 RECREATIOIIAL AI4ENITI E5 - -The approved deve'lopment plan shall include the foi'l orving recreational ameni ti es : Bike and pedestrian path traversing property from east property line !o lvest property line shall be provided by developer with exact locafion to be mutually acceptable to developer and toir,n council. 18.46.210 ADDITIONAL Ai4ENITIES. A. Developer shall provide 0R t,lORK l'lITH THE TOllN T0 pR0vIDE adequate private transportation services to the or^/ners and guests of'uhe development so as to transport them from the deve'l opment to the village core area and Lionshead area as outljned in the approved development plan. B. Developer sha'l I provide jn jts approved development plan a bus shelter of a design and location mutually agreeable 'uo developer and torvn council. Said shelter to serve the area cenerallv. 18,46.220 Et'lPLoYtE HOUSING. ON A YEARLY BASIS A CONTMCTUAL AGREEMENT BTTWEEN THE EMPLOYER AND THE DEVELOPER SHOl.lING EVIDINCE OF EIIPLOYEE HOUSING THAT iS SATISFACTORY TO THE TOI,IN OF VAIL SHALL BE I'IADE AVAILABLE TO THE DEPARII4ENT OF COI'IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. -422 TO ff .::1r,r.. f. .,-rnOid DO _r -.{ r ihrtrj..:;ti i"r'"' '. rfi l' -nr '-"' 5, Vr'i,,. .. . );-i..) l' 'i '..'. ir,i'l::i.{:, ;;4;1 uCrIM @F TRANsnn[TTAL the following items: n Specifications Ci rrl i:1 Attached E Under separate cover via tr n Prints ! Plans tr Samples WE ARE SENDING YOU tr tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Change order ! GOPIES DATE t{o.DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approval I For your use I As requested n For review and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE below: U Approved as submifted tr Approved as noted n Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies lor apprcval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints n n tr 19- tr PRTNTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO i SIGNED: P800UCI240? /A€iE:g/ l|x'. &!dr !.i olarl ,t anclo3urrs !r9 not at notad, kindly nolily ua at once. F,?li#o.. Arnotd 0"i",",LET"GR @F TRANSNflOTTAL IOOO South Frontage Road West vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-U47 ,-/ WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached V.lnder separate cover via u Shgp drawings 6ow of letter E Prints . Change order Plans E Samples the following items: E Specifications n I oArE o/q,/E JOENO'€4M ^"'"""" &2Ip',{ffidea71 "'ht*'iZo thila-naeffi coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION Jmodlbt -" Wffi h /q /os - 7/*/b6 ,od'\ CelpwaAb T,@ ?ptddi THESE ARE TRANSMITTED ! For approval E Fqr your use {es reqrest"d as checked below: E Approved E Approved E Returned as submitted as noted for corr€ctions n n tl Resubmit-copies for approval Submit-copies for distribution Return-corrected prints E For review and comment ! FOR BIOS DUE tr 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO PRootfi 2.s2 l@ [n, e.6'r b. ou/l l, Gncloautaa ar! aol at notad, kindtlt notilrl tta ,t onca- DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: INSPECTOR ONSITE INSP. Cascade Sports & JOB NO. 84197 Parking Center Servlce Hrs.Code Ret. O.T. 1 1.0 PAGE t OF__l_ DATE: 7 /z!/ss Servlces Centracted Extra x 1.0 Travel Tine Visual inspection was conducted on the tenporary angle braces located at level D, grids B to D/3 to 4. A11 required angles plates and fiLlet welds Here found to be installed and visually acceptable, per KKBNA menorandun dated 7 /10/85 X Reinspection of the shear stud connectors was conducted et levels on those previously rejected. In addition, initial inspection of the stud connectors was conducted on those renaining, at leve1 E, between A to B/1 to 5. Both initial and reinspection of these studs revealed ?retraiting and repaired connectors to be acceptable to both visual and nethods of inspeciion. However, due to the 4" spacing, instead of the ed 4-1 /2" centet-to-center spacing, on lines B and D, an additional 14 nill have to be added per KKBNA'S menorandun, dated July 18' 1985. The above information r,ras given verbally to Hyder Construction superintendant. D & E, shear grids all hamner requir s tuds ffi Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlals Testtngs DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: o TEST CENTER, IFCL COIORADO SHEAR STUD INSP.. Cascade Sports and PAGE I Pf'rE: oF_l_ 7/1s/8s JOB NO. 84197 Parking Center INSpECTOR DL Dickneyer Servlce Code I llrr.Reg. O.T. 8.0 Servlcee Contracted Extra X and Bto leve I g iven Inspection of the shear stud connectors was conducted, by 1003 visual hanner nethods, at Phase lA tennis level D floor franing, and 1evel E, E/t to 5. A total of 4l studs were found nissing at level D, and 91 studs at E. These were narked in white ink as rejectable and their locations verbally to both Ridge Erection and Hyder Construction. Structural ,Hechantcal and Materlals Testlng 4ffi COLORADO tr TEST CINTER, INC DAILY REPORT: LOCAIION: ONSITE INSP. Cascade Sports JOB No. 84197 and Parking Center Servlce Hrc.Code Reg. O.T. 1 1.0 PAGI I OF__l_ DATE: 7 /12/BS I Servtcee Contracted Extra X INSPECTOR DL Dickneyer This from their Sports and tine 'was spent horne of.fice in Parking Center acquiring Ridge Erections Denver, for those welders Conp1.ex. welder certifications working on the Cascade ."Structural ,Hechanlcal and l.laterlale Testtng auG1985 ffi ) coLoRADO resr certn. rNc. rscsb,unr NAvA,o OEl.ftER.@u)R OOe&ux' (sol im-tor5 Locetion Inspcctor: LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES o ou*: 8Af l.Q7 u*e2 7-//-€t< of ) age: 8nucn nl|- lFcruilat ^lD ll^tEnL^l,ll rEsrne Iten I o JOU)RADO TEST CENTER, INC DAILY REPORT: ONSITE INSP. JOB NO. 84197 LOCATION: Cascade Sports Center PAGE _j_ oF_l_ DATE: 7 /11/8s Servtce Code 1 llrg.Reg. O.T. 8.0 Servtces Contracted Extra x INSpECTOR- Daniel G. Palner Onsite visual inspection was conducted to specifications as they relate to decking stud nection details. "D'r level with weld sPacing The decking was and button punch as Stud insPectioll was found not to be of the code requires concrete. This also on each stud. TypicalweldconnectionsonElinewereno.!inconpliancewithdetail tl/'l on sheet 5-S, which requires welding' The above items have been added to CTC|S outstanding discrepdtrjy list dated 7 /11/85 Structural , Hechanlcal and Matertals Testtnge assure comPliance rcith job welding and uriscellaneous con f,ound to be accePtabl'e in specified. could not be conducted at this tine' The workrnanship inconpliance with AWS Dl.l section 7'4'6' This section all alc shields to be broken free before ernbedding in allows for visual inspection to assure 360 degree flas AUG1985 ffis coLoRADO TEST CENTER, INC DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: ONSITE INSP. Vail-Cascade Sport JOB NO. 84197 & Parking Center Servlce llre.Code Reg. O.T. " I 8.0 PAGE _ r OF_-t_ DATE: 7 /11/8s Servtceg Contracted Extra x INSPECTOR Mike 0 tNeaI t Bolt torquing.was done or1 the entry Level. C section along rows B, C, land D. From colunn lines.3 to 5, loose connections were found at D4 and D4. l . These were sho+rn to the senior inspector Dan Palner and the super- intendant and also were na;;ked. The loose bolts on the exercise level E along column line 3.9 across row C were rechecked and still were looser'. this was also reported to the supcriitendant. Struccural , Hechantcal and Haterlalg Testtng DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: .JBoLT ToRQUE Vai 1-Cascade CCI.ORADO TEST CENTER, INC INSP. JOB NO. 84197 Sports and Parking Center Servlce llrs.Code Ret. O.T. r 8.0 PAGE .I OF 1 DATE. 7 /10/as Servlces Goncracted Extra x INSPECTOR trlike 0 tNeal Gene Rose Bolt torque inspection was courpleted on the phase le Jxeocise level E floor franing. A11 A325 bolts on line DrB, and A, fron columns I to J were checked. All bolts uere found to neet ninlnun torque values establish: ed by calibration with the Skidnore Calibration Device. Structural , Hechanlcal and Haterlalg Tecttng * #,rfrr :o coLoRADO TEST CENTER tNC. ts grrH t|AvAr, oe{t ER. ooroeADo clur3 (wd-ros t lisr or oursrAtrDING DISCREPANCIES* orted | | Location , C,xnoe Spoeg.,, Q*rGr* ,obt : 84 tg*7 o^t", 7/Q/gs Inspector: -PCD,c<,n re,.+g\ page: I of I Iten STFUCTURAL. MECHANICAL ANO MATERIALS TESTING COLORADO TEST CENTER INC. rsSsoun ilAvAro o6trrcn, cotoR^oo !0a23 @n-ros Loiation: tIST. OF OUTSTANOTXC O;SCNEPANCIES Jobtf : Page :L Date: Inspcctor: te of I ten t STRUCTURAT. MECH^NICAL ANO MATEBIALS TESTINC O COINRADO TEST CENTER, DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: ONSITE INSP. Cascade Sports JOB NO. 84197 & Parking Center PAGE I OF r DATE: ? /gl6s Servtces Concracted Extra INSPECTOR Servicc Code 1 llra.Reg. O.T. 8.0 Visual inspection of the structural. steel franing and connections was conducted at levels D and E, floor franlng. Those itens found to deviate fron the set of structural drawings supplied to this firn, were incorporated into the attached List of outstanding discrepencies (please refer). These itens were brought to the attention of Renato Ravazzolg/KKBN per phone conversation, this date. A copy of the attached list will be delivered to Hyder Constructio:': upon the next jobsite visit. Structural . Mechanlcal and Materlals Teetlng COLORADO TEST CENTER,INC DAILY REPORT: LOCATION: INSPECTOR i BOLT TORQUE Vai l-Cascade rltike 0rNeal. INSp. JOB NO; 84192 Sports Center & Parking Servlce- Hrs.Code Reg. . O.T. PAGE 1 OF_l_ DATE: 7 /g/gs Servtcee Concracted Extra 't 8.0 - Bolt torque inspection was performed on the 7/g inchr. Aszs borts, on phase lA exercise level E floor framing. All bolts on line E were checked along with all bolts between grids 3 and s, frorn A to E, that were not cove ed by deeking. Bolts on the col.umns that connect to the girders could not be reached with the torque wrench. Also, a cross bean between 3 and 4 span: ing the center line C were found to have loose bolts. These were also:Bark- ed.and the constrdction manager, along with the senior inspectorrwere noti- fied. A11 other bolts net the calibrated torque values -according to the skidmcre calibration device Structural , Mechanlcal and Materlale Testings Chiltossociates Consulting Geotechnical Enginsers 5080 Road 1 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 303/9,15-74s4 Casper Cheyenne Colorado Springs Denver Rock Springs salt Lake city July 31, 1985 Subject:BeLow Found- Proposed Cascade Village, Vail, Mansfield Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage W.Vai1, C0 8I652 Attn: Mr. Frank Freyer Gentlemen: As requested, Chen and Associl!u-, fnc., vtsited the subject site on July 31''lg85 to ouservl tls'""""ndty excavated footing trenches in the area of the phase rr constru6tion. The purpose of our visit was Lo observe the bearlng conoitions at footing grade and to recommend alternatives for backfilr in the areas :h!ig blasting had resulted in overexcav at ion below deslgn footing grade. we. previously conducted a soir. and foundatlon investigation for. t,he_ p"opo""i structure at this sibe under our Job No. 23r4gT dated .lanuaiy Ze ,-ryg2. At the time of our visit to the site, excavation for footings below the north, e"si- "no about 20 fdet of the south,exterior walls qqs compl6te. ftre rock exposed on the east and south sides in the bodton of the footint- L*""uition was brown sillstone, Appro:imately I 1o 2 inches-of ioose, broken rock covered the trench bottorn. The undersigned recoorreno"a to Mr.Buck R.ink of Hyder construciion that this loose materiar be removed prior to placement of concrete. Th; souno rock in bhese areas should be adequate for support of the grooo psr a110wab1e soil bearing pressure recommenoed'in ou" o"ilrnLi-"upo"t,. rn the footing excavation arong the north warr, the bottom of the trench is 1 to 2 feet -be1ow design footlng grade. A substantial amount of loose rock was ousErveJ-1n the trench.This loose mat,erial shourd be- -removed prior to pracement of backfilL. Mr. Rink stated that he wouid ltke to use gravel backfill below the. .footlngs- -insteao oi- inu more expensi.ve concrete recommended ln our-originar. "upo.t. - ll". Rlnk "ulse"iud using 3/4 Lnch crushed roct< raCXer than a road base materi.ar due to potentlar ponding of raln riter. s";p-I"; -;f the 3/4 inch crushed rock and the on-si.te excavated roek were taken back to the laboratory for analysir. Back fi 11 at ions, Spo rts a sc ade Job No . 24,068 \ Mansfield Ltd.July 31, 1985 Page 2 Backfill of the overexcavated footing areas with concrete wiIl achieve the lower settl.emenl risk. Considering the Iimited depth of overexcavation, we believe a soil backfill can be used with a slightly higher settlement potential. We recommend that ln lieu of concrete, backfill below footlngs should consist of a well graded Class 4 or 5 aggregate base course material as described in section 703.03 of fhe State of Colorado Divlsion of Highways Standard Speci.fications for Road and Bridge Construction. This material should be compacted to at least 95f of the modifled Proctor density (ASTM D1557). The entire botlom of the trench should be backfilled with the base eourse material up to footing grade. MaLerials corresponding to C1ass 4 or 5 w1]1 be more readily compacted and will provide less potential for settlement than either the on-site excavated rock or the 3/4 inch crushed rock. Surface drainage should be controLled to prevent ponding. We recommend observation and testing of the soil backf111 by the soils engineer prlor to placement of concrete. If you have any quest ions or if we can be of further assistance, do not hesiLate to conLact us. Very truly yours, CHEN AND ASSoCTATES, rNC. DEH/dc cc: Renalto Ravazzolo, KKBNA Vail Building Inspector #+:5;rlB hl.';J*'"'o'.;:":; ld: 15222 :i':l ..,t 3 '.'4- -,1,'^" .r.i..:*,'*.t ti:.$ (i:.li'tnti:$ Daniel E. Hardin Chen&Associates I lnwn 75 south trontage road yail, colorado 01657 (303) 476-7000 July 8, 1985 offlce ol communlty deyelopment Daryl Harris Robert L. Arnold Associates 230 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Cascade Village parking Structure Dear Daryl: 0n June l9' .|985 the Des'ign Review Board gave approval to the cascade village club entrance and-deretion of rooi slqy iights ou""-it," tennis :9!.t:. The approva] was contingent upon "eclivtfig FuUjic Works and Llf: l"pgftment. approvals. I woutd appreciate it if you woutd confirm wrrn Pubrrc works the dimensions of the public right-of-way in front of tle entrance and also any fire code-pi^oblems witn Mtke ftcGee with the.Fire-Department. Both -pubric worls'ano irre Fi"e oepartirent have copies of your latest p1 ans for the pirking structure. ' Please-set up meetings with Biil Andrews and Mike McGee as soon as l9:tj.!lg_,t9 lig ,p these toose ends. r woutd aiso appreiiaie it if you wourd submit a materials list and materials boart'for the cascade Parking.structure as soon as possible. I talked to Buff about submittinq ll.:.l.ltg:lipe p'lans, seruray ai.awinss-ind-logo ior-ir,"-irrv-iiin-olridi"'' I::til-o9iio.meeting. At this time I have not received any information ror tne submittal. Please let me know when you would'l ike-to review this.information. p'lease atso suumii"two fuil sets of construction drawings for building permit review. If you trave ini quesiions aoout !lg::-i!!tt, please live me a cati. t-hobe we can tike care of these rssues as soon as possible, as it seems that with this project, these issues have been lbtt unreiorved for-i-long time. Thanks for your cooperation. Si ncerely, #*fon ?'tt Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br ,L^.1,r,;,w . Frr-, " D!'' /,1 ,4 .1 fkzdti;;rtant ttf ,\Itut,sficltl, Ltd. Mr. Rich Caplan, Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 uear Kacn: With the opening of the \rlestin Hotel in December, 7982, Cascade Village established itself as Vail's third commercial village. In April , 1983 the CMC Building was completed, adding a theaLer, restaurant and campus for Colorado Mountain Co1lege. Including the parking facilities and Millrace Condominiums approximately $45 million has now been invested in the project. Plans for 1983 include completing the Cascade Village Parking Structure and constructing the Cascade Club, a full- service year-round sports and health cornplex. Work is now r:nderway on major land- scaping improvements throughout the project. T'iris summer, Gore Creek Associates, developer of the Glen Subdivision, plans to complete the bicycle path from Red Sandstone Creek west to the recently completed bridge over Gore Creek, which connects to Cascade Vil1age. A1 so this Mansfield, Ltd. plans to complete the bicycle path through Cascade Village to a point where it would connect with the Lutheran Church site and Donovan ?ark, As developers and operators of Cascade Village,"Mansfield,'Ltd. and Westin Hotels aie greatly concerned wiLh the aesthetic and transportation "gap" between Cascade Village and Lionshead' We request thaE the Town of Vail address an'improvemerits Program foi this extensive "sore spot" in our comunity, which would include: , ,.1 FronEage agreement property Y rJ- !d6s traff ic . Accelerating the conmritment to construct the South Road bicycl6 path to 1983. I^le understand that an to sharl eonitruction cosLs has been agreed to by the owners and the Town. The expanding activity at Cascade is generati:rg a major increase in bicycle and pedestrian Mr. Page Kr-cn 2 Caplan Sincerely, May 6, Norris General Partner 4. Prepare a plan for continuing the Gore Creek bicycle path from Cascade Villase to the west and conriri.t to its construction in 1984 . 5. Study means of improving Torrn bus transPortation during mid-day and evening hours to better accor,roodate increased t.raffic to the Colorado Mounl-ain College, theater and restaurant facilities aE Cascade Village We believe that the increased property values and sales tax. receipts created by Cascade Village justify additional investment by the Town to enhance the "no-man's" land between Ca5cade Village and Lionshead. Please give our requests your careful consideraLion. We feel they will improve the entire con'munity's image. U,4 Andreif D. Managtng cc: Town of Vail Council Dan MeClaskey/Exec.V.P. I^Iestin Hotels Robert r-. nr#O Associates Architects. PC. 230 Bridge Street Vail. Colorado 81652 (303) 476 -1147 June 26, 1985 l''lr. Steve Patterson Chief Building Official The Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Dear Steve: This is to inform you that Andy Norris has apparently worked out an arrangement with Jim Ream to provide for current work on the Cascade Sports and Parking Center. I have been 'instructed by Jim to resume the provision of normal architectural services. I also understand that our engineering consultants have been similarly instructed to resume. All of us are currently working full time to get abreast of the con- struction in place; and to incorporate the recently approved changes into the construction documents. Hopefully, we will have revised documents ready to submit sometime during the month of Ju1y. Very truly yours, Robert L. Arnold, A.I.A. RLA/ni d cc: Fi le James Ream, Architect Cascade C]ub, Ltd. - ATTN:Andy Norris Bobert L. Arnold AIA Daryl V Harris AIA Michael R. Houx AIA x x x x JAMfS Ri:AI,"I F.A.' A JAMES REAM/ARCHITECT 455 BEACH STHEET . SAN FRANCTSCO 94133 . (415) 77s-842O 18 June 1985 Mr. Steve Patterson Chief Building Offlcial Town of Vail val1, CO 8L657 Dear St.eve: Apparently f inanc ing ls coming into place for the Cascade Sports and Parking Center project, and ue will be able to proceed with services for the balance of the construction phase of the work. ltre understand that closing on the construction loan will take place within the week. In the meantime, however, we have been informed by Robert Arnold Associates, our consultant architects on the project, that some con-struction activity i.s proceeding at the site. Because of the very substantial amounts due us and our eonsul-tants for past servlces we are not able to provide archj.tectural- and englneerlng services for the project at this tine. T'heref ore, I have the obLigation to inform the Torrn that., to the best of my knowledge, normal architectural and engineering services are not being provided for any work that nay be j.n progress at this time. At such cime as we are able to reslrme services to the project, we will conrnunicate this t.o you. Please 1et me know if you have any questions concernlog this matter. Sincerely yours, James Ream, FAIA Robert Arnold Associates, Attn. Buff Arnold Mansfield, Ltd., Attn. Andy Norrls Design Professionals Insurance Company, Attn. Bob Shane JR:pc ii I Robert L. ArnoEf Associates Architects, P.C. 230 Bridoe Street Vail, Co6rado 81657 (303) 476 - 1147 AnEy /?/. A Meeting was held at the Town of Vail 0ffjces at 'll:00 AM on the above date. Attend'ing were Buff Arnold, Daryl Harris, Steve patter- son and Gary Muruain. l,le met to discuss our resDonses to the ori-gina'l plan check done by Chet Horton (.:uty il,'lbS4) and to review our approach to the build'ing fireproofing. PLAN CHECK Steve and Gary found no problems with our responses to Chet's com-ments (see ny letter to Steve dated May .|5,1985) and agreed that: A2-l Stairs would be acceptable in the bridge corridor, Sheet A2, since it is not a required exit. A ramp would not be re-quired for the handicapped. l4ay 22, 1 8409 EASCADE SP0RTS & PARKING CENTER - PHASE IA & IrA MEETING NOTES Al9-',|The guardrail height does meet code above the walking sur-face. The height would not be measured from the shelf. The Fire Res'istance Rating Schedule and UL Sections were reviewed with the following clarifications and changes: FIREPROOFING REQUIREMENTS t.The four-hour protection requirements for columns (structural frame) in exterior walls could be solved by enc'losing them in a two-hour wal'l assembly consisting of 7/8" stucco and 5/B', gypsum sheathing on the exterjor and two layers of 5/8', gypsum board on the jnterior and applying two-hour (l 3/8" thick) cement F. P. to ll. F. column. No plywood (combustib'le material) is al1owed in the roof assembly, we wi'll investigate alternatives. Steve and Gary both felt that the !1. F. bridge beams could not remain unprotected as detailed on Sheet A25. }Je wi'l'l review UBC to determine protection required and submit alter- nated details showing required fire protection; 2. 3. Robert L. Arnold AIA Daryl V Harris AIA Michael R. Houx AIA I Ithy 22, 1985 8409 - CASCADE SPORTS & PARKING CENTER - IIEETING NOTES Page Two 4. The steel TS structure of the comidors along the south side of the building need to be protected; four-h6urs for colunns (in exterior walls) and two-hours foi roof beams. The above plan check corments and building fireproofing were discussed jn the context of the proposed floor plan ding elevation changes requi renents and buil - lrl/,l,ljl Lrt 1i o Robert L. ArnoTd Associates Architects, PC. 230 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476 - 1147 - CASCADE SPORTS & PARKING CENTER - For A2.'l and A3 0ccupancy, Type II F. R. Construction, '1982 Uni- form Building Code. Structural conditions are to be considered restrained, based on tl. R. Grace & Co. "Flonokote" fireproofing. IA & IIA COLUI'INS:A. Structural Frame in Exterior l{alls -B. Structura'l Frame.C; Secondary Members BEAMS:A. Structural Frame in Exterior l,{alls - 4 Hours B. Structura'l Frame - (Floors) . - 2 Hours C. Structural Frame - (Roof) ... - 2 Hours D. Secondary Members I Hour FLOOR ASSEMBLY:A. Unprotected, 4 1/2" Norma'l }Jeight. - 2 Hours Concrete & Secondary Floor Beams B. Pre-cast Concrete Double Tees &... - 3 Hours Concrete Topping Slab ROOF ASSEMBLY:A. Protected Roof Deck & Secondary... - 'l Hour Roof Beams l. 2. 3. 4. 4 Hours (ULX723) 2 Hours (ULX723)I Hour (U1X752,uLx722) (uLN7o8) (uLN7o8) (uLSTor ) ( uLx752 , ULPT'|o , ( uLDer 6 ) ( uLJe43 ) ulDe]6) (uLP7r0) Robert L. Arnotd AIA Daryl V Harris AIA Machael R. Houx AIA fr HrXSSrsr$'gl- s1 HFIN !tr|gt .FJl fe g'E = I pfl RI XI gl H -iJN or clil Fl E[ r- l'|s*l l*l €Nr: eE = : il".rv' tDr FIE ,5E - A HK cild rr fl 'o o -'o tl =lF I E lrl -s ut -lr .X s q, EL a- EL d d I E '=E '+ Hru.. fl*u*FI xl g EI-.$ "r a Hs=-.:r CItrH N fl I , ar!C I G N x a = Nr cfl 1I)t xl @ =E =J o -7t ",16 rt/ tt^nge tip ] W8r28mln. Reler to U.L. design for cqncrete type 4l/zu NtJe- . 3HR. 9('when fluted deck Vg'when eetlular deek & thickness. O &gr!v-F+!rls I th ,G. 3 r a .: When onfy fluted units are useil, thicknesses nlay be reduced by Monokote 'Thicknesses _-: ,4' 1d t/zt >{ bottom flange one-half . HW or tWC tip AlGrnate ltar-lreu!, 7/s' I u';a v( lath vlo lath L2l4 mln. z I i I I f W6x16 min. o a tt ,l,lk,l 3E ".i W8x!g min. : when 2105 ls used.tb' rti' i. llolrt0KoTE TflIGKNESS Lil o Robert L. Arndld Associates Architects, PC. Bridge Street Colorado 81657 ) 476 -'t'147 Mr. Steve Patterson Totrn of Vail Official 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 SUpJECT: ptan cndliilcade sports & parking-C"nt."\ \ ,../ Dear Steve: \-t---'--===---- -I-am.writing in response to conrnents made by Chet Horton (July l'l , 't \l( 1984) during tris plin check for the Town ot Vail of the Ciscaie Spprts and Parking Center. My comments are as follows: Shfet A0-1. flg Sports C'tub should be Occupancy Type A2.1, which allows for an occupant load of 300 or greater and the tennis should be A3, whjch allows an occupant 'load of 300 or 'less. The occupancy types indicated were mis- takenly reversed. Sh$et A0-2. Both wall partition types rrl,, and trX" are used as one side of double wall assemb'lies, thus with the wa1'ls combined back to back create a rated assembly. Sheet A2-'1. The sliding door and curved wall assembly around the Sports Shop are to be deleted. REVISED FL00R PLAN - SHTET A2. ; llil'l be submitted. The changes in f'loor e'levation tn the pedestrian !1idge and corridor will be handled by use of ramps. REVISED DETAILS - SHEET A2 and M5 - i.tiil be submitted. (1982 UBC Secrion 3305f) The exterior landing at Stair "F" wds not clearly shown on Sheet A3. DETAIL PLAN - hlill be submitted. The exhaust duct south of Grids A and 6 only penetrates one floor (Level D) and thus does not require'a two hour shaft enc'losure. Refer to 1982 UBC Section 1706, Excep- t'ion #'1. See drawing detail on Sheet M6 of the Parking Structure construction documents (]982 UBC Section 1706 #l) l5, '1985 t A3-1. 2. 2. - Cascade Sports & Parking Center a May 'ls, 198s I'lr. Town SUBTIECT: Plan Check Pale Two Steve Patterson of Vai'l Official - Cascade Sports & park.ing Center 3. Shdet A5-1. A6-t .Sheet Shee 2. seperated construc- not re- AandB 12/ 415 refer In_response to the ICBO report pFC l70S on ,'Ka1wa1'l ,', we will-submit shop drawing si(ylight details showing stiui-tural support for your ieviLw ind approvat,at suih time as they are provided by the fabricatdr. The.guardrail in Detail 4/Al9 is 46', high (42,' required minimum) with 'l 114" A intermediate raili ipiceA-di'i;-on center, which would not allow a 6" g sphLre to pass thrcugh. ('1982 UBC Section tTlt) Shdet A12-]. Shdet A14-.|. sheet A15-l . shlet A]7-1. Sheet Al9-1. t A16-l . The Stair "G,,wall handrail is ',returnedr,as requ i red,per UBC. (1982 UBC Section 3306j) Access to the hot tub in the. Iocker room for the handi-ggppgd is not required in the UBC Section Sll.(t982 UBC Section 5lt) The_exhaust fan (EF-5) which penetrates the two hour wau construction north of Grid line S is equipped with a motorized fire damper. Refer to Sheet M2.' See Sheet A3, Note #1. This dining platform is to be deleted. REVISED FL00R PLAN SHEET AZ - t.liil be submitted. Stair "8" is an unheated, opened exterior stair from the corridor and Stajr'uCu by two hour wall tion (see Sheets A3 and Al4). Thils Stair "8" is quired to be in a two hour enclosure. The s'lope of the elevator lobb.y ramps at Levels are indicated on plan Detail 77AlS.' The member in question on the Stair ,'G" Section is a solid continuous steel "C" channe'l stringer to Details 2/Al5 and 15/A16. a I Sheet A20-1. bJe agree that protection on the is required. SEE REVISED DETAIL 5/A26 Sheet M5-1. See Sheet M, llote #2. your time to review my please contact me. & Parking Center outside of the responses,if problems or roof beam May 15, 1985 Mr. Steve Patterson Town of Vail Officiat SUBJECT: P'lan Check - Page Three Thank you, Steve, for questions sti1l exist, Si ncerely Daryl V. Harris, A.I.A. DVH/nid cc: File Cascade Sports luttn 75 3outh lronLgr road vrll, colondo E1657 (303) .?&?0o0 0ecember 28, 1984 olflcr of Gommunnf davcloPnrrnt Thomas L. Strick]and Brobrnstein t{yatt Farber and Madden Twenty-second Floor 4]0 Seventeenth Street Denver, 0o'lorado 80202-4468 Re: Cascade Club Parking Structure Dear Tom: Enclosed is the letter you have requested fron re concerning the Cascade Club parking structure. Changes have been made as per recormendations of our Town Attorney. I feel that with these changes, the intent of your original draft is still intact. P1ease feel free to contact ne viith any further questions you mqy have. l{-Til Thomas A. Braun TAB: bpr 75 3outh tronlage toad vail. colorado 81657 (303) '176-7000 December 28, 'l 984 olflcc of communlty dcveloPment Far I'lest Mortgage ComPanY of Colorado 3600 South Yosemite Suite 50 Denver, Colorado 80237 Cascade Club Limited c/o Vail Ventures Limited .l000 South Frontage Road l.lest Vai'1, Co'lorado 81657 The Empire Savings Building and Loan Association 1645 California Street Denver, Colorado 80202 Gentl emen: I have been requested by Far West Mortgage Company of Colorado to outline the process involved in the condominjumization of the Cascade Club and adjo'ining parking structure. A proposed condominiumization of the project wou'fd be-governed by Chapter 17.22 of the Vail Municipal Code. Upon completion of the proiect, applicat'ion would be made to this office as out'lined in Section '17.22.010--17.?2.090. Review and approval from the town engineer, chief building officia'l , and the zoning administrator are required before any appl ication for condominiumization is approved. The Town of Vajl is not concerned with ioint ownership of th'is project. However, an approved subdivision or condominiumization of this property will be necessary if any transfer of ownersh'i p'is to occur. Si ncerely, -( \ .,r F,\illi ''-\ ,.. -----,-' ttromas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr PURt,lc j\j0fl(:t:I NOTICE IS IIERIIBY GIVIN that of the Town of Vail will hold a f8.66.060 of the Zoning Code of in the Town Council charnbers in the Planning and Environmcntal Connission public hearing in accordance with Section the Town of Vail on February 8, 1982 the Vail Municipal Building. 2:00 Work Session Architerra Project Revisions .,.,,. 3:00 Public Hearing Request for a density control variance in Gross Residential Floor Aeea to construct lofts in 20 units and a request for a parking variance in accordance with Section 18.62 of the Vail Municipal Code. The requests are for the Sandstone Creek Club Condominiums located on lots 84 and 85, Block B, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 1. Appli.cant: Vail Ridge Partnership-- Jack Perlnutter. Request for a conditional use pernit in accordance with Section 18.60 of the Vail Municipal Code to operate a real estate office on the basenent level of the Mormtain Haus, located in a Public Accomnodation Zone District at 2gz East Meadow Drive, Suite #2. Applicant: Earth Sheltered Realty and Investnents, Ltd. Reguest to anrend Special Development. District 4 to subdivide lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision into 2 single fanily lots--it is now a Primary/Secondary duplex lot. A second anendnent requested is for a setbback variance fron the SDD4 requirernentforArea Atqenable construction of the parking structure/athletic club to encroach on the north side. Applicant: Andrew Norris. A request for exterior alteration and urodification in Connercial Core I zone district for the Lodge at Vail to construct Harryts Bar. This is in accor- dance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail Mwricipal Code. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. Request for exterior alteration and modification in Comnercial Core I zone district in accordance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail Municipal Code to allow the Red Lion Inn to enclose with glass the northern portion of their front deck on the west side of the building. Applicant: Jeff Selby. The applications and infonnation relating to the proposcd changes are available in the Zoning Adninistratorrs office during regular business hours for tevieht or inspoction bY the Public. TOWN OF VAIL DI]PAR1ilINT OF COI'ITTJNITY DI]VELOPMENT A. Peter Patten,.Jr. Zoning Adninistrctor .- |'t & 6i .-..', l. 2. 3, 4. D. Publishcd ln the Vail Trail January 22, 1982. '/t,rr Pah ry, f2 xcat mc.dow ddye vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 Board of Directors Upper Eagle Va1ley Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road vail, CO 81657 Jerry Andy flre depertment February 9, 1984 Dear Sirs: . Before the development of the clen Lyon Subdivision this ,, Department recommended that a connection be instalLed " between the water li-nes at Matterhorn Circle and the new lines being instalLed at creenhill Court at their closest point so that, in the event of a line break west of tionsHead, the entire development would have domestic water and adequate fire protection. This morning my men laid 1,400 feet of 2L' fire hose to create exactly the connection recommended above because of a break in the r,"ater line near the GIen Lyon Building east of the subdivision. Unfortunately, this hose connection, while providing adequate domestic water, doesn't provide adequately for the fire protection while the break is being repaired. The number of structures and lives involved in this area will continue to increase and the demand for water and protection wil1, likewise, increase. I feel that we cannot ignore the need for this interconnect. I have spoken with Kemper Insurance, insuror of Cascade Village, and they have expressed great concern over this situation. In the event of an occasion in which we feel that \,,/e are unable to provide the necessary fire prdtection to this area, I see no alternative but to order the closing of the businesses and advising the residents in Glen Lyon of the limited fire flow. rfnf Voyfor your attention, ,, 1 \ rl \re rib\'\V'ctr':."r--' Vail Fire Department xc: Norris l'f .. ."': 42 west meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 Mr. Jere Walter Mans f iel-<i Ltd - 1300 Westhavin Vai1. Co. 81657 Re : C. O. Inspect'ion ' Dear Sir : a-/T fire deparlmenl October 17, 1983 is inoperable. PBX need patching. is not 36n above structure had a tank has not been tnun n l|flI The results of the fire inspection conducted on October 17th, are as fol lows ; l. The fire detection system in the attic 2. Holes in the fire rated ceiling at the 3. The fire hydrant at the bus turn around grade. The fire hydrant at the parking damaged gasket at last testing. 4. The protective dome cap for the deisel installed. 5. The building floor plans required in the PBX are misslng 5. Multi-p1ug adaptors are not allowed in PBX electrj-cal outlets Fire control valves are not l abeled for the sprinkl'er system. No access has been provided to inspect sprinkler heads or smoke detectors in the attic The second floor employee's meeting room is not equiped with venti lat ion 10. Sprinkler escuthceon is mi-ss ing i-n lobby corridor 7. 8. o West in I' pl-ace in the laundrY is too close to the ceiling to be cleaned up and a smoke o 42 west meadow drive :. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 Westin C.O. Tnspect ion tire departmenl -2- 11. Smoke detectors rn the balfroom. Esat attic, East 4th floor maids room, 2nd floor ernployee t s meeting room and the paper storage room are masked off. 12. Bal-lroom mechanical access door is inoperative 13. Storage in the dry goods storage room i-s not 18" below the sprinkler heads 14. Ceiling tiles 15. Stroage in Hou 16. The telephone detector ins ta 17. The area behin or wired, rock 18. Ceiling tiles 19. Clean up the s 20. Supply a Chemi boiler room. are not in sekeeping room needs 11ed d. Engineering shall be secured from access €d , taped and brought into conpllance. in the Cafe bar are not in Place. torage behrnd the main elevator bank. cal Safety Data Sheet on Mogul product in 21- Remove air filters 22 - Remove the gasoline room. These items shall be ment granting a Final and boxes from the electrical room. oowered snow bl ower from the boiler corrected pri-or Certificate of to the vai]- Fire Depart- Occupancy. SincereJ-yt Michael- McGee Assistant Chief Vail Fire DePt. - A DL,t'1'k)/nnent ()f .lld|Lrfipl.l. Lhl August 20, L982 Mr. Steve Patterson Ghief Building Official Town of Vail South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Steve: Pursuant Lo our recent telephone conversations, Mansfield, Ltd. i-ntends on completjng the following excavat.ions vrithin the right-of-way of Westhaven Drive in the balance of 19822 1. Complete water line for Westhaven Apartloents on north side of Westhaven Drive. 2, Complete eight site light pedesLals along north side of Westhaven Drive. 3. Relocate two fire hydrants. 4. Install one drainage catch basin on north side of Westhaven Drive at the easL end of Westhaven Apartments. A11 of these excavations will be outside the pavement. I have also enclosed the completed pernj.t applications for Ehe previous work, as we have discussed. The excavation Ehat we discussed this week \Mas Eo connect electrical conduit into a junction box on the north edge of Westhaven Drive. As you have noticed, I am sure, Ehe work was completed the same day.I have personally asked Jack Baskins to avoid any work in the right-of-way without having previously cleared it with me. Afrer you have reviewed the enclosed matserial, let's reaeh an agreement on a lump sr:m fee and complete this transactio4. I I I i I l Si-acerely, (rOA Andrq{v D. Norris ADN/jh tll (,t t la nt Li ) r|x )ftt ti o I t,,11 tt t utgtr t g 6:c ntn t I Ptlrl rT ft llt)lt.*)utb li'orrttge Ro.ul West. lttil, (,ituna&t U1657 . -l|-t/'17(i4;6q2 t I ROCKRISE ODERMATT MOUNTJOY AMIS.ec. FORTI.AAD ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN LAND PLANNING (|EORGE T ROCKFISE. FAIA. AIP.ASLA ROBENTA. OOEBMATT. AIA ROBERT C. MOUNTJOY. AIA JAM€3J.AMI8,./lIA PROJECT Cascade Lodge DATE JO8 , 3/11/81 (D.t.l SUBJ€CT Review of Code Compliance dl corurEneruce D relecoru MEMo oF 3111/81 8545 Steve Patterson Building Inspector, Vail wrrH dere !{al ters -oF il-nsfield; Etd; Bob Howel l Bob 0dermatt ROMA ROMA l. Patterson indicated that a building permit wjll be required before foundation work js continued, hydraulic shaft holes are drjlled' etc. a. Vail does not issue foundatjon permits - Primary reason is financing. Many .peop1 e started projects but did not continue. b. An exception was made to Mansfield in the fall of ]980 to start foundations. Letter from Mansfield jndicated, according to Patter- son, that they would not continue constructjon in April unti'l there was a bui'ldin! permit. Patterson pointed out that City had lost out on interest on plan check fee since last fall- 2. Reviewed requirements for a building permit. a. Three sets and plan check fee - $l10'0001. b. Architectural - need p1ans, elevations, sections, etc. Interior detail not required. Do need grades around building etc. c. Mechanical , e'lectrical , plumbing, structural draw'ings required. d. Need final kitchen plans before issuing of a permit. Walters pointed out that it'is not possible to have drawings prior-to. June. 14alters should check'with public health officer in Patterson's offi ce. R.A. Odermatt DrsrFrBUrroN: 'PattersOn./ ltlalters / Howel 1 at3 s.w' ALDER srREET, sutrE 2oo. poRTLANo. ciREGoN 97206 .aO6 SANSOM€ STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94llt ' ' TELEPHoNE (gog) zer -i zoo TELEPHON€ (4t51 3 S2-373(J CONFERENCE MEMO 3111/81 page 2 3. Djscussed area separations. a. Patterson would deny the use of a rated rol1 down fire door in area separatjon between the djning room and the kitchen area. Indicated that Mansfield may want to appeal his decisjon. b. Patterson jndicated that sw'ing doors h'eld open by smoke detector effect operated hold open devices would not be acceptable. Typical latched l* doors would not be acceptable to the hotel operator. Patterson indicated that R0ltlA should provide more jnformation as he may be wrong on this item. c. Discussed need for separations to go 30" above roof. Howell confirmed that Section 505d.3 exception, 2 permits them to end at roof. d. Did not complete review of area separations. 4. Reviewed glass separation at the atrium. a. R0MA presented design concept suggested by Patterson which enclosed the balconies wjth wire 91ass. b. Concept was acceptable to Patterson. c. Patterson suggested that R0MA check the rumor that ICBO has approved tempered glass of a given size and thickness in lieu of wire glass. 5. Discussed handjcap requirements Patterson - the policy of Vail is to address a1 1 aspects of the code. It was agreed that five rooms would be fully equiped for wheelchair access --including outswing toilet door, assist rails, lavatory access, etc. Patterson wou'ld prefer that the five rooms be on the first floor for ease of access and egress. Agreed to equip rooms ll3 thru ll7 for handicapped. Should provide handicapped access to poo'l , etc. from ground floor. R0trlA should review the number of handicapped toi'let fixtures on fjrst floor in pub'lic toilets. a. b. c. d. e. CONFERENCE ]IEMO 3/11/Br page 3 f. Discussed use of sliding door in the guest room toilets. Patter- son did not know of approval of sliding door by code. Discussed use o.f double acting door. No resolution. Needs further research. S. Reviewed tlIH standards - general'ly looked ok to Patterson except no horizontal tub bar was shown.. h. Reviewed access to djning, bar, lounge', etc. al'l ok, except that Patterson felt that handicapped person was not given a fair shot at sitting in front of or near the fire p1ace. Since ramps to prov'i de access to depressed seating area are not physically feasible . best solution is to eliminate stairs near hearth and to permit . handicapped to sit in this area. i. Handicapped standards include UBC and Federal requirements. Lavatory fixtures must have long handles. Di scussed occupancy separations. a. A1 1 separations are I hour except horjzontal separation between Valet on ground floor and kitchen on fjrst floor which must be 4 hours. 7. Discussed whether plywood could be substituted for combustible insulation in tlre one hour roof assembly. Patterson not sure' must check with McGee. 8. Discussed procedure for appeal a. Must advert'ise 15 days. b. Requires 4 to i days lead time to get into paper. c. Boqrd is then assemb'l ed. d. Wi'll take about 3 weeks lead time. 6. 9.Patterson indicated that plan review may be done by ICBO. Patterson indicated that stair widths from decks should be checked for width. Next Actions. a. ROM to submit p1ans. R0t'lA to check with McGee on life safety and fire related items to mechanical system. 10. It. b. RAo/pw ., -'. _ a E URBAN DESIGN LAND PLANNING GEORGE T ROCKRISE, FAIA"AIE ASLA ROBERTA.ODERMATT,AIA ROBERT C. MOUMruOY AIA February 25, .|981 Mr. Gerald l,r|alters Mansfield Ltd. P.0. Box 294.| Vai1, C0 81657 Subject: Cascade Lodge Dear Mr. i'Jalters: We have had several meetings with members of the Vail Build'ing and Fire Department, including Steve Patterson, Gordon Swanson, and Mike McGee. However, to date, we have not received approval from Vail on several important issues. At your request, we have outlined be1 ow these several important issues of the hotel as they relate to the .|979 Uniform Building Code, as ammended by the Town of Vail. A. 0penings from Znd, 3rd, and 4th Floor Corridors to Atrium: l. londition: At the Lounge in the centra'l portion of TFE-ZndJrd, and 4th fioors are open to the Lounge the building, bel ow. as ammended by 2. Applicable Code Sections: UBC 3304(h) 0penings: the Town of Vail, copJ attached. UBC 4306 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e): Fire-resistive Assemblies for Protection of Openings. 3. Vail UBC 3304(h) requirements: (a) Rating required: 20 minutes (b) Hose Stream Test: Not required (c) Label: Required (d) Clos'ing: May be self closing or automatic closing.(e) Size of opening: No limitation 4O5 SANSOME STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. CALTFORNTA 94111 TELEPHONE (415} 392.373O I'lr. Gera'l d l{alters ?/?5/81 page ? (a) B. (c) Inspection: By an approved inspection a,oency. 5. Proposed So] uti on: L'e propose to protect the openings from the corridors to the Atrium by providing ro'l ling overhead rnetal fire doors with a UL 3/4 hour rating. The doors would be automatic closing, and wou'l d c'lose upon actuation by increase in temperature devices and/or smoke deiectors. No area limitations are noted in the codes with respect to corridor openings; the size of the doors would be governed by the a'l lolable dimensions of the rating/test'ing agency. Roiling overheadfire doors are a corTunon solution in occupancy separation and area separation walls where required ratings are typicaily higher than I hour corridor wal'ls. Rolling overhead fire doors seem to meet all .|979 UBC code require- ments for openings to corrjdors. Area Separation l,lal'l s: The area separation wal'l s for the building are required 505(d).l. to be 2 hour rated with 'l l hour 5pen'ings.' Section 505(d)3 states that area separation wa'lls shall foundation to the undersjde of roof sheathing. A proposal for revision to the area separation walls located adjacent to the main kitchen and restaurant has been discussed with the Vail Sire Department. A sketch will be submitted for your review. F-:-T-orrection to ROMA letter due to a solution discovered by Mansfield, Ltd. 4. UBC 4306(a) - (e) & Requirements: (b) Automatic closing required based on increase in temperature and smoke detector. L abel : Requ :' red in 79 UBC Section extend from the c. Mr. Gerald l,lalters 2/2s/81 page 3 We would propose to construct the f'l oors at the offset'l ocations with ratings equa'l to or exceeding the required 2 hour rating. Mechanical Room: The ratings of the walls surrounding the mechanical room have been questioned. The fol lowing occupancies abut the Mechanical Room: l. Basement a. Offices: 82 occupancy b. Storage (combustable): 82 occupancy c. Workshops using material not highly flanrnable or combustible: 82 occupancy ?. First Floor a. 0ffices Bz b. Hote'l Lobby R1 c. Hotel Toilets' Rl Section 708 of the 79 U.B.C. addresses boilers and central heating plants in 82 occupancies and states that they "shall be separated from the rest of the building by not'l ess than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation". Section 142 of the 79 U.B.C. states that a one hour separation is required between rooms containing a boiler or central heating plant and the rest of the building. Cop'ies of the above sections are enclosed. D . A1 I owab'l e F'l oor Area s : The .t979 U.B.C. Sectjon 505(c) states inc'l uded in the tota'l allowable area, qualify as a story nor exceed the area bui l di ng". The definjtion of a STORY on page 45, finished floor level directly above a space is more than 6 feet above grade that "A basement need not be provided such basement does not permitted for a one-storY includes the sentence: "If the basement or unused under-f'loor as defined herein for more than Mr. Gerald hJalters O 2/25/81 page 4 50 percent of the total perimeter or is more than 12 feet above grade as defined herein at any point, such basement or unused under-floor space shall be considered as a story. The hote'l does not have any point of the story over the basement more than'l 2 feet above grade at any point nor is 50% of the perimeter more than 6 feet above grade. The perimeter of the basement is 1156 feet the perimeter of the basement with grade less than 6 feet below the First Story is 637 feet or 55% of the perimeter. Under the above defjnition the basement wou'ld not appear to qualify as a STORY, and would therefore not have to be included in the total al]ow- able area. Very truly yours, M?,{lfrftfl Robert B. Howel'l RBH/pw cc: Perry Haviland Enc'losures: Vail Ammend. 3304(h) Section a306(a)-(e) Section 505(d) Kitchen Plan West Area Sep. llall, Section Tabl e 5-B Section 505(c) Page 45, 79 U.B.C. Section 708, 79 U.B.C. Section 1?12, 79 U.B.C. 1P/A"n.^'."J]VRtrtr BUILDING CODE CONST,'LTANTS r5OI SOUTH TWENTY FIRST ST. . COLORADO SPruIIGS, CO TIXII}I PHONE (308) 585-3055 Town of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mr. Steve Patterson Staternent For Professionai Servic e s ?^t ffi,5 PLan Check on Cascade Lodge Architectural Review Structural Rewiew Mechanical Review Plumbing Review ELectrical Review Condorniniums, Vail Colorado 63 hours 55 hours 19 hours 23 hours 35 hours $25. ao/lnr. $25.00/hr. $20. 00/hr. $20.00/hr. $20.00/hr. $r 57 5. 00 $1375.00 $ 38o. oo $ 460.00 $ 700.00 $4490.00 @ @ @ @ @ Total Due .4 Det,(. k -' Dtt t o t { r t /- .1 I u r r s li i, I t L l, I t I April 27, I98L Mr. Steve Patterson Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Hotel Construction Schedule. Dear Steve: As per your request during the general meeting of con-tractors, architects, etc., it was indicated that you were desirous of having a copy of each major project's construction schedule. Enclosed please find a schedule as prepared by Petry-Vappi that will enunerate the general intent of progress on the Westin Hotel aL Cascade Village. Should you have any questions concerning this naterial ,please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, JI^I/ jh enelosure M()ntahe (b1nt'utit ) . tva asing (;"ner4l purlner lt)t)0.\)u.tb fTJnltt[:c Rqtul ll'esl, I'ttil, (itloratu.,81657 , .JOJ/476-66O2 .l A l)a)ek)lwtcnt of Mr.rrtslit'hl. Lld. April 27, L981 Mr. Steve PatLerson Chief Building Official Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 91658 Re: Roofing Details. Dear Steve: This is to confirm that I have reviewed with Mike McGee of the Vail Fire Department the roof assembly as shown on sheet A.3.5 of the architectural drawings. As you wil-t recall, we requested permission to eliminate the I/2n insul-at,Lon, replacing it with l/2" pLywood to allow a uniform hard surface upon which the metal roofLng material can be applied. This is to advise that Mike McGee has indicated his approval to replace the insulation wLth I/2" plywood, and therefore I am notifying all concerned parties. Thank you for your attention to Ehis item. Sincerely, JW/jh cc: Bob Howell/ROl"IA Gerry MeNally/PV Mike McGee/Vail FD Jere Walters ProJect Director Montane (nrlnralion, Managing Geneml Partner lqn gruth Ftu/ttage Road WesL Vctil, Colorarb tJ1657 . 303/476.6602 ll D?t'ak,lnrrcnl t,[ .ll(u^lit'| . I I l,Ir. Steve Patterson Chief Buildlng Official ?own of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Col-orado 81657 Dear Steve: The enclosed material was prepared by my request, and is herewith submitted Departnent for review and cotnment. March 3, 1981 ROl"lA Architects at to the Vail Building The four major areas of concern are clearly identified and referenced to applicabl-e building codes. A1-so, the architect has stated a proposed solution for your review and approval . Steve, it, would appear that ROMA has designed within the interpretation of the applicable building codes and I would appreciate your review of the position stated by the archi-tect, which is supported by Mansfield, Ltd. Jhr/ jh enclosures Montdne Co4xratktn, Managing Generut Pat'ltrcr c lktx J9'il. l'4ril. (.itlrtrtt* t 8165i . .30.J71t6113,1t May 20, 198'l Mr. Steve Patterson Building Inspector Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vajl, C0 81657 Subject: l.Iestin Hotel Dear Mr. Patterson; l{e would like to rate Type Ii F.R.. Our plan directed toward a Type The basic elements of Reference is made to a i tem Exterior bearing walls Interior bearing wa1 1s Structural frame Partitions, permanent Shafts Fl oors Roofs Exterior doors/ windows URBAN DESIGN LAND PLANNING GEORGE T FOCKRISE, FAIA,AIE ASLA ROBERTA, ODEFMATIAIA ROBERTC, MOUNTJOYAIA Vai 1 the construction type on the subject job as review memo under separate cover includes comments II F.R. classification for the building. the building would be rated as noted below: plan review memo, under separate cover. none inc] uded none incl uded 2 hr., columns as on p.64 of 1978 Gypsum Association Design lttanual . t hr. per UBC #73, p.579 2 hr. per p1 an review memo: B-7 2 hr. per plan review memo: B-27 t hr. per pl an review memo: 8-26 3/4 hr. if less than 20' form property line Il if additional material is reouired. Presi dent M0/pw aeQi Jal,Hfi e srREET. sAN FRANcrsco. cALTFoRNTA s4111 TELEpHoNE (4r5) 392-373o P'l ease o 'Fire Raling GA File No.DETAILED DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA a 1 HR cM 1100 Construction Type: Gypsum Wallboard Base fayer y2t' regula( gypsum wallboard or veneer base tied to column with 18 gage wire 15" o.c. Face layer l2t' regular gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied with lami. nating compound over entire contact surface. -::==t ll'----------#l llw:411 w r|lil Fire Test: NBS 303, 7.3.52 cM 1300 Construclion Type: Metal Lath, Gypsum Plasler s/e't l:3 gypsum.sand plaster applied to 3.4 lb. metal lath wrapped and wire tied to column with 18 gage wire 6'l o.c. ffi:fi w.241 tu---xl Fire Test: BMS 92140, IO'7-42 2 HR cM 20lo Construction Type: Gypsum Wallboard Base fayer Vz" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base against flanges and across web openings fastened lo lre" metal studs with l" type S drywall screws 24" o.c. at corners. Face layers y2" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base and screw-attached to studs with l" type S drywall screws 12" o,c. to orovide a cavitv between boards on the flange. Face layers bcross the we6 opening laid flat across the base layer and screw attached with l5ls" type S drywall screws 12" o.c. Metal corner beads nailed to outer layer with 4d naif s l3ht' 1on9,0.067'r shank, t3Alt' heads, 72" o.c. -..-----:--..---IrTE--lnl nwa|l lt rr,{ brll Fire Test: UL Rl3f9-8O Design X518, 5-27-65 cM 2020 Construclion Type: Gypsum Wallboard Three fayers of s/stt lype X gypsum wallboard or veneer base around column with first and second layers nailed with I s/s " fong ring shank nails as required for support. !2t' x O.OLS'| metal strapping 3O" o.c. around second layer beginning l8rf from each end of column. Face layer atiached lo lYt" x ly4" 25 gage steel angles held on corners by metal strapping. Drywall corner bead applied each corner with lt' type S drywall screws spaced l2t' o.c. at each corner. L ' itt ll|,'l-----tl-Tl llf|4 H.ilt uE&1111 iltu___xfit Fire Test: UL Rf 3f 9-33 Design X516, 1f-3-60 cM 2ll0 a Construction Type: Metal Studs, Gypsum Wallboard One layer Yz" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base attached lo l8/e" steel studs with lf'type S drywall screws L2" o.c. Studs located at each corner of heavy steel column. 1r/att melal corner bead crimp attached at 6't intervals. FET [rri Fire Test: UL R3501-58 Design X52O, r0-10-67 cM 2120 Construction Type: Metal Studs, Gypsum Wallboard Two fayers ol 5/8" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base, screw attached to l!6" metal studs located at each corner of cofumns with l" type S screws 24" o.c. for base layer and |5/at'type S drywall screws l2'r o.c. for lace layer. lla" metaf beads at corners attached with 6d coated nails 13A" fong, 0.09151 shank, 1/a" heads, l2'f o.c. HN-rllI ilttH[l llltl 11lll Fire rest: 3"\[?ti3i1u.ru..o a l- li, l'lay lB, l98l Mr. Bob Howell ROMA 405 Sansorrre Street San Francisco, California Re: Western llotel Vai'l - Dear Bob: Iffi RMl| GfiOUP,II]C CONSULTING ENGINEERS 94111 Plan Review by Tyree Associates 1303) 988:t t20 405 Urban Slreel Surte 401 Denver. Colorado 60228 I'lc havc rccci vcd Mr. David Tyrce's Dcsign Dcveloprlcnl Plan rcvicw cr.rrrurrcn L5 and we offer the fo] lowing with reguard to the mechanica'l systems: l- ltem B-ll: Bathrooms and water closet compartments will be provided wi tlt l"ivc air clranges pcr hour by indiviclua'l or a conrbinecl cxlruusL fan system as required by section 1205(a) of the 1979 UBC. 2. Item B-17: He concur that the elevator shafts must be vented to the outsidc and wc will w<lrk with you to acconrplish this itern. 3. Iteurs B-21 and B-30: It is our understanding that the construction type has been changed to type II-FR, and it is our.interpretation of the code that plunrbing shafts lnust be 2 hour ratecl , but clo not need to be fire blocked. Plumbing penetrations will be grouted to main-tain rating integrity. 4. Itcrrr lJ-29: It is our understancli ng that hote'l rooms I t 4 through 119 will be handicap units and that ali public restrooms wi't I have one ' lrandicap water closet each. 5. Itenrs B-35 and 8-36: The building will be completely fire sprinkled and fire standpipes as required by UBC Chapter'38 and NFPA wj1 I be provided. The fire sprinkler and standpipe system will be specified only. The fire sprinkler contractor striti aesign and layout'the systcru in accordance with NFPA l3 and with variations as required or permitted by the Vail fire department. (See 'l etter to you from Jere Walters rlated 4/27,/Bl reguarding fire sprinkler layout). 6. General Mechanical Comrnents No,s'l & Z: Natural gas piping and Com-busion Air details and sizes are sti'l'l to be deteimined-. ie will size gas lines as required in the l97g uMc or .|979 Upc and combustion Air details and sizing will comply with chapter 6 of the 1979 uMc when des i gned 7. General Cornments No. 3: Heat loss calculations and,/or a certification of Colorado Energy Code Design Compliance can be subnritted at the tirne the final drawings are subrnitted for review. ..* ii, n(rln)rl J Rtcrt,Orrtt l- M;rrr'l .1.r. ! (: M' K.{. V..rtr'| (', 1,"ty.,.,,"' F-g.q': ,'ctr't S;tbclr/T(rttr ll Mrrr.rrr. Tl,,.,rr,r:. lvl f)rrvrrrrrrrl ,t;rtutr l', Xr.rr.;'t'.1 \--fit-;,' K..nl L B rlshOrt(rw.'l).,;rrr.. l- | l.r.r\.rr.|| ;t."r;rtrt !, X.rr.,th,,.ri.tl J:rnr('s It Mjls.rl(rtlr. Jt llr(.tr,rrrt I Vl.itltt-. 1 rr., I Y,r'.lt'r'(; \ Mr. Bob Howell May 18, l98l Page Two \, ,p General Comments No. 4: l,te a'lso are still awaiting information and detai I s on a'l I ki tchen exhaust hoods to be supp'l 'i ed by Western Servi ce and Supply Company. 9. Specifics lSlBO-3 (b): See response item 7 above. '1 0. Specifics 15400-13 (s.ll): All hose connections will have vacuum breakers instal'led on thern as required by the UpC. lI. S.P.2.2, P-l: The exact 'location and configuration for the gas meters in sti'll undefined. The fina'l instal'l ation-wi11 comp)y with-9as com-pany and plurubing code requirements. 72. S_.P.2-.3, P-?, P-3, P-4: The ground f1 oor ptumbing plan is being com-pletely revised. The new plan wi'll have c'l eanouti, venting and-grease traps as required by 1979 UpC. 13. s.p.2-8, p-5, p-5.1, p-6, p-7, p-9, p-9, p-'l 0 E s.p.ll, p_.l3: The drawings showing p1 umbing isometrics, and risers is being completely revised. The new design wil'l cornply with the'l 979 UpC. - 14. S.P.2.9, P-12: The laundry layout is based on information supplied by a special laundry consultant. }le wil'l consult with them concern-ing the advisability of a sand interceptor installation. 15.. Ml .4, M-l , t4-2, M-3, M-4: Mechanica'l HVAC systems are currently be-ing revised. }'le wi]l rnake every effort to get the specifications and the drawings coordinated. 16. l4?.3 - 2.5, trl-s: It is our understanding that the change to type II F-R. construction w'ill eliminate the need for area separation walls and hence the D.F.D. at those 'l ocations. Please review our coffnents carefully and advise us immediately if our de- !jgn concept is not in accordance with current building design criteria. P'l ease call me if you have any questions. Si ncerely, THE RMH GROUP, INC. Steye Bickrnore Project Engineer bw 8. URBAN DESIGN LAND PLANNING GEOBGET ROCKRISE. FAIA,,AIPASLA ROBERTA, ODERMATT,AIA FIOBERTC. MOUNTJOY, AIA May 20, 1981 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Inspect.or Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, C0 81657 Subject: Westi n Hotel Vai I Dear Mr. Patterson: Enclosed p1 ease find a memo directed to the cornments of the p1 an review of the subject job for the Town of Vail by Mr. David Tyree of Tyree Associates. These corffnents orovide additional information and modifications for the building construction, so that the p1 ans conform to the 1979 UBC as amended by the Town of Vail. The structural , mechanical and electrica'l items will be addressed separately from this memo by the professional involved. Two items in the plan review which affect the architectural details will be the subject of separate submittals to your department: the method used in calculating the distance above grade of the lowest 1eve1 , and the 'information devoted to changing the bui'l ding type from Type II l-hour to Type II F.R. l,|e hope that the modifications noted in thjs memo, with other submitted materi a1 , will meet the requirements of the Town of Vail. If you have any items you wish to djscuss, or any comments on this material , p1 ease give us cc: J. Walters * a cal I ennatt 4O5 SANSOME STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111 TELEPHON€ t41 5) 3 92-37 3 O May 19, 1981 WESTIN HOTEL VAIL MEMO These comments are made in reference to the p1 an review of the westin Hotel Vail by Tyree Associates, Colorado Springs, Colorado, for the Town of Vail. Two subjects of the Tyree p1 an review will be handled separately from these corments: 1. A graph ic i l below grade under separa lustratjon of the method used in calculating the above and port'i ons of the lowest'l evel of the hotel wjll be provided te cover. Area Separatjon Walls and Horizontal Exits: The current exitinq nts of Type II F.R.construction. Area separation walls are not needeil if Type II F.R. construction is utilized. Second Exits at East and West Winqs: Second exits at the east and onstructjon type is changed to Type II F.R. Central Wing Exits: The exjts in the central wing can remain as shown-TfTFe-SmTding type is changed to Type II F.R., since no horizontal exits will be utilized. Corridor 0penings: The door schedule in the outline specifications states that each guest room door and door opening onto a corridor shall have a closer and a fire rated frame and door assembly of 20 mi nutes. Ingress from Sleeping Rooms: In detail group B of the outline specifications, the window in the sleeping rooms are shown as window Type A. The operable portion of the windows below the fourth floor in sleeping rooms have a width exceeding 20" and a height exceeding 24" and a net clear opening exceeding 5.7 square feet. Two Hour Area Separation Walls: Area separation walls are not is changed to Type II F.R. Details of Mechanica'l Shaft Construction: Mechanical shaft ed in TYPe II F.R. construction. This will be accomplished by a fire rated shaft wall system of gypsum wall board. Details are attached. 2. The conments on area separat'ion walls wilI be subject to the decision to change the construction type of the hotel to Type II F.R. rather than Type II l-hour. A tabulation of a various fire resistive qualit'i es pertaining to Type II F.R. construction, and the details used to prov'ide these fire resistive qualities, will be assembled under seDarate cover. The following comments are addressed to the items in the plan review of the hotel: 8-1: B-2: B-3: B-4: B-5: B-6 r B-7: t. vo B-8: Doors in Exit Enclosures: Exit doors in buildinqs four stories or ffione-hour fire resistive ionstruction. The lowest level of this S-level building does not qualify as a story according to the provisions of Chapter 4. Therefore, the enclosure walls of the exits enclosures are rated l-hour fire resistive. and the doors are rated 20 minute fire res.i stive. B-9: Exit Encl osure Wal I s :See item B-8 above. B-10:Rooms: Every room used for sleeping has drawi ngs .the electrical B-11: Mechanical Ventilation of Bathrooms and Water Closet Comoartments: e mechanical drawings. Each guestroom bath is being exhausted at a 50 cfm rate, which exceeds 5 air changes per hour. Mechanical exhaust of other water closet compartments exceeds 5 air changes per hour. A'l I ventilation is shown on the mechanical drawings, B-12: Toilet Room hlall Finish: The wall finish in quest room baths will @m board and vinyl wall covering. Other to'i let rooms will have the same wall and finish. B-13: Size of Exit Doorways: A door schedule C in the openi ngs B-14: One Hour |^lalls at Toilet Rooms:Type X gypsum board will be bath tubs and showers.extended to the floor behind all B-15: One Hour Construction: Al 1 gypsum board will be 5/8" Type X, to meet the requirements of one hour construction. 8-16: Corridor Penetrations: The oenetrations in corridor walls and ffi to mechanical ducts and light fixtures. Mechanical ducts will have fire dampers at penetrations of fire-resistive construction as requ'i red by code. Light fixtures will have construction conforminq to one hour reouirements. The details of these items will be f6und in the mechanical and electrical portions of the drawings and specifications. B-17: Ventilation of Elevator Shaft: Ventilation of the e'l evator shafts @nnecting the upper portions of the shafts to the ventjlation exhaust chimney near lines J and 8. See mechanical drawi ngs. B-18: Exterior Walls Fire Resistive Ratings: In Section 1903(a) Exception n-bearing wal'l s of Type II F.R. construction nraybe of one-hour fjre resistive non-combustible construction. Detail N/A3.5 shows typical wall construction. The exterior skin is composed of 7/8" stucco over 5/8" gypsum board on metal studs. The interior face of the wall is 5/8" gypsum board Type X over metal studs. Additional comment on exterior walls is included in Item B-29. outl i ned speci fi cat i ons . Al I not less than 3 feet in width 'is included as detail Group exit doorways are met and 6'-8" in heiqht. Smoke Detectors in Sleepin a smoke detector shown on / B-19: Fire Alarm System: The fire alarm system is descri bed in the electrical drawings and specif.i cations. B-20: Elevator Doors: Doors on elevators will have a fire orotection ratln'ng o'f one and one half hours. B-21: Plumbing Shafts: Chase walls enclosing p1 umbing shafts will be fire 5l-ocfJi--T-eaTfi floor level and have a-one hour-fire res'i stive rating. The pl umbing penetrations that penetrate the walls enclosing the shafts will be tightly filled to properly maintajn the fi re res isti ve rati ng. B-22: Fireplace Shaft: The fireplace shaft at the lounge in the center of Tlte-5-uTlTing-tTll be f ire rated with a two-hour rating where adjacent to another space, the second floor corridor. The ceiling in the shaft, or the roof, will have a one-hour rating. B-23: Metal Roof: The metal roofinq installation will exceed the reqmrements for metal roofin! in Sect.ion 3203(c)(3). The steel sheets wjll be 28 gauge. 8-24: Elevator Code Compliance: The detail shop drawings showing that the ffipter 21 of the UBb, will 5e submitied under seDarate cover. B-25: Wire Glass at Corrjdor Glass: Section 3304(h) Openings of the UBC ffi of Vail. A paragraph has been substituted in the Vajl code that allows openings of corridor walls to be of unlimjted area if glazed with wire g1ass. 8-26: Roof Construction: Roof construction is reouired to be one-hour non-commsTi5'Ie-e construction. We are unable to find any tests of non-combustible metal roofing applications on fire-rated construction. Many rated roofing applications are based on fire-retardant roof coverings such as the Class A & B coverings noted in Section 3202(e)1. of the UBC. [,le would like to request consideration for subst'ituting metal roofing for the C'l ass A or B assemblies of asphaltic products, which are permitted in non-combustible fire-rated assemblies. lle would like to also request consideration of the proposed roof assembly based on U.L. Test No. P201 , which js simi'l ar: Item UL P201 Proposed roofing C'l ass A, B or C Metal (Asphal t ) d3 insuf ation 3/4" min. fiber *f+r..++arr++tcr ftcagaAO y( deck min. I 1/2" steel deck 3" steel deck ceiling $/$" 3soustic tile 5/8" Type X gypsum board +f Itim@ q fua ffiE ET - * O 6-tt:Fire Rating of Floor and Cei linq Assemblies: The 2-hour rated f'l oor ceiling assembly is based on UL Desjgn #G503. This assembly is composed of steel bar joists spaced 24" 0.C.,7/8" steel channels spaced 12" 0.C. secured to the bottoms of bar joists, 5/8" thick gypsum wall board Type X,9/16" deep galvanized steel deck, and 2 I/2" of concrete fill. A copy of this assembly from the UL Fire Resistive Directory is enclosed. B-28: Exterior h/alls and 0penings: The property line of the hotel and the ffi adjusted so that the hotel 'i s more than 5'from a1 1 property lines. The property line for the hotel will also be adjusted so that the roof overhang does not project more than 1/3 the distance from an assumed vertical p1 ane located where fire resistive protection of openings is first required due to location on the property, in accordance with Section 504(b)2. Since all exterior walls of the hotel will be more than 5' from property lines, the fjre rating of the non-bearing exterior walls w'i ll be one-hour construction, in accordance with Section 1903(a) Exception 3. The fire test for the exteri or wall assembiy is based on Item #83 of the UBC Code on page 581 . Assembly #83 refers to an exterior surface of 7/8" of exterior cement plaster with an interjor surface treatment as required for interjor non-bearing non-combustible stud partitions. The interior surface treatment for the typical exteri or wall is based on UBC assemblies #71 and #73 found on pages 578 and 579. The interior assemblies require 5/8" Type X gypsum wall board. In addition to the exterior cement p1 aster finish of assembly #83, we propose to apply a layer of gypsum wall board base between the metal studs and the exteri or cement plaster; the additional 'l ayer of gypsum sheathing would increase the fire resistive capacity of the wal1 assembly. The typical wall assemblies are shown in deta'i ls G, H, and J on sheet A3.5. These details show the exterior surface finish of cement plaster, the exterior gypsum sheath'i ng, the metal studs, and the interior surface of 5/8" Type X gypsum wall board on metal studs. B-29 Restroom Dimensions pl ans of the public restrooms are s hown . : Enl arged attached, with key dimensions B-30:Plumbinq Shafts:Th'i s item is included in the comments on Item B-31: Skylights: SkyI ights are p1 anned to be p1 astic and jnstal'l ed in accord with the provisions of Section 5207. The skylights w'i l1 be mounted on a roof curb at'l east 4" above the plane of the roof. The slope of the roof exceeds 9 to 12. The area of the skylight exceeds 200 sq. ft., however, Section 5207(a)4 Exception (ii) provides that the area of 200 sq. ft. may be exceeded in a building completely equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. B-32: Handrails at Stairs: Handrails will be provided on both sjdes of aTT-iTaTrs in ?onformance with Section 3305(j). B-33: Stair #3 Exit Enclosure: Since the lower level is not regarded as Stai rs in in the view of buildjngs of 4 the Code, does not exceed 4 stories. stories requi re 1-hour enclosure. iH !6=! t'i E .E fq . -90 A #r .E I E$ E ;* .!l.E i :3 ;!" r 3E 5d v! '9.t.f E' 5: :.*; 1-E: '.6 oo bE Ei" .Ei , E*.1 iI s Efi sti,F Ffiiifii i::!;:-' -a -tbl edEEg S;&',9 etri. ZE a- E -o e="il j- ;fii+ 9: ii ;3E JCJ -l d: aa 33 gx go ti; Ir od ES EE 6s tri it:s ;6E s l:PA ii!* !:9!72-t B!:? F .!E : ri .d :! Ej o! bN Ea 33 .9 c, ;.E 9.9 .: E .:a -E lr 3l iE EB .E.s ufl 5? e q .Q p Es _, bI ii ;3 -3 -i ?E lE E€ E3 r.: " .33 *"" T:';r? ., c E< " ! e E g9 ^?.E 'Ef = gii ;'* ? Err 'E.F'iE !in EEH:.'FBe:-g lo:'i i E 5id3;: ,X&rEE E ;6i I ;i =J-'r E 'rin J ^L9I t s;E': B F 8iEd3 € ;i-ri.I ZF+EE g Fl9I:; setl H i :si c isE i &Ef ! g-r!'BR*J.*E iist!;:ilEi t I.g;;"El, +g ; :;ig?i:$ tr 1*fiifil ;ifi;ii?tii3 *E ; iE:t;l;iiTftl; i; :*ii:i:iEiiii :iEi;:ii;;;EiHi!i rod ; F ) E.ati 3 T iH:; E 6 :r'l i I t5*E ; 3 ?r;E 3 5 E9i- E!iF E :zio5 g ?i;t: r i ;s!$ ; ; rEii ; i siiq a. : E d;o qi o-d {:lsi i i Ej ;t:s $:€E :s:::ii;ii -;*E:l*:* ; ii;Tt;f;i 6E" i.Hig.!t: :tf; E;;igi E=3*€ i;ii; .. dd !t rb b ;; ii ?i ii :*,iri iii; ifig i g iit ifri filii ii i$i i ii ;i ai fi i; ;t€i:ii fiig i!;i;,i iE ffii iiii itiiE iE il fili ***l t?i ruili liii ffii lil ffii 1fil li li ii li liiit;;: i?i; :$i+€i'i;;iiiEci;ii i::t,i:il* ;lii I lEE #*g ffiffiffiffi*' *ffi*#* * ..i .i ; .i dddoi 6i 9 n:: j a 9 : I i.3 F ! 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I : _-l i I 'l 1 I t I ,rrnulo" lo*rr,rrr*.,r0,*.. :..)j/t r: r;1:. i,)N'::!;r;?4?..:t4r' /irl.t U;fi:49/r4.i(ffi 43.8 -Y h=! i K i;; E$E;9:'; :;q,:o k-9 d b:b: E; E€ oo,,dH .c: !,-ro l{E=3 =t E-Ejr;E 6 q, F j Q tEEi;qPEE! tFe.2>; E.E5B E-:.= t'-3'Fd r;bgE iEE Ai I- E E?B = A€ lo --t .=_c!u- d iiE*E2 !;EEi dHE:!; .c*: Q - P t -*'1? Y =8i-o ; 9ig -= EIEiE s =_95 0 €gEEg E'i= E ur l'E i'.*; fi +E H'5* 9 5E ?g: E :,3giE3 :e *Hg E L-r:i*i :* r': =g 6=; I 581 ol F t) (Panut,uoJ) ,7t 'Dlu.J uo .l pff,eds sllEu ltlooJ P9-qll { pJqJel -ls prEoqlF^\ 'spnrt ol Itll?JEd (uorsuJtlItP tuo0 u!Elt l.(IEd JreJ qtLrr pcltddE prbqqlF rr unsd{t ..x,, rd^I lrrr{l ,x Jo la^El tuo {1!,,r Jrrur: uo .tz pJl€ds sPnls Poo^\ p.leall lu"PlBltl-JJU ,t xrz ap!s qJsJ prPoql[?!1t urnsd,(9 rltl,\ uo!r!.rEd JO!ralul -spnls Poonfr 'tt 'tP!s t{fs, uo $lllof ratSets sitqutauI tutlleu uo slulo! PUt ql!'t\ .laloat uo .! sllsl D16o-r p9 qri^ prllEu {llersozlJoq lo,(lle)lua^ patldd" p.leoqlle'r' unsd(3 ..X,, d{I -y' qrt^r r:rur) uo rtz spnJ! qryl !!_l_-!1 ,,91 '15 '.ltlu)J uo "8 lP slteu t5lool p8 qll'$ l'fEl lJei 'lrtutl uo "8 ls slteu lf,loo r pt t{u.^\ ll^el rsPq llEN ptDnnEl\ r1uqo1 'rprr qrea llptuorrroq Io,{llE)tut^ pJlldd? PlPoqlFt\ tlns dl't relntor .7 sro{El o^\t tllr^l .l.lu.lr uo .91 spnls poo^l ,t x.? ,,st '^lJeJ!tlt^ Jo,{lPltlozgoq prrtddE ltrel PUoJis "{lleJll -rar qttualllnt perldd? le,(El lsll P3rt38els slulof sjJ^el uJt{laq punoduro5 EuueuluEl qtl.r\ r.{el PuoJrs l?lue) uo r8 sll8u lalooJ pg '.rl/(e1 lsrq r uJl uo ,8 sltEu ttlooJ P? 'rpls llJeJ PrPoqlP{ uns -<i,(t rzlirtei ,% srJ,{?lo^,1 tll!,{\ j uJJ uo ,91 spnls poo,n .t x"z ttVL 'spus tuolE slulot llnq [EJpl!r ]e sllgu qllr'' pesn sdl6. pullsEl l?l u praoJddv slteu DlooJ pgl t{ll^\ lllul) uo ,l ptlr-e[ pue,ilJir'rycr p'agldde preoqiJe* urnsd,(t ..X,, 5d.{-LZ qltuat-flI|F qtlr ralu.l uo .tz .spnls Plaut tlqElleu Pr^olooe ?!n?. 9l -oN i# aPls Ire3 preoqllsitl unsd,{c q)!^\ uolllu9d iorrelul- spnls rlqtl -snquroJuoN .o at z I ts o uJ (tt F ol O o o o tl o tl iJ ul o o (J o z d J 5 o =E o tl- 2 l , i F o.F;r.rl I i I I I lo ,VE 'slau -unr uro oq pue dol Suol€ JelurJ uo {tz Puc sPnls 3l?lPttuIJlul lP rtluer ulj ,zl 'srulol F)lu?.l Suolu JeluJJ uo !6 paleos s]' JJf,s l[e,l\,(rp 9 oN'3uol "ZI Sutsn la^Pl lslu ttro{ af,eds pnls auo lis;1o sturof IEJrlrr^ qt!r\ petlCdP lt^el PuoJ:S Pnls rlelpaullelul aqi uo rariri u,i,g l pue retltur rJd tql punolE tclurJ uo " 8 's^\JlJs IIE.r.{rp 9 'o1,1 '3uo1 ! I ql!^\ pJqJ€llP la^Pl ls.:tl lpls q)ee ^llelrl -:a,r parldde prEoqlFt ulnsJ{a ,,X,, ?d^L "t/t Jo s_rJ'{el qrzu?l -llnJ omt qtl\1 tJtue.l uo ,tZ spnls pJdeqs IruuPqJ elned tZ 'oN ZL ,p!s qrEg preoqlls;l1 tunsd,(C ql!r uollllrEd rourlul- spnls elqrl -snquloluoN 'eprs Jlsoddo aqt uo asoql qtr^^ parJSSEls alE slulol lBluozltoq rql Pue spnls ,%[ ol p:qrelle uaq.rr .(lletuozrroq pJtlddP rq .{Etu plPoqlle { JqI'pnls elelPJtll,l -ul aql uo Jf,lu:) uo "zl pue lJllurltrd lql ?unole lalual uo 18 f, rEs,r rrJs rplsqJEtor \^\aIJr llP^1,tIp9 0N uUOI "I ql!fi_pJt{J€llP ,([er!l.r]I patlddp prEoqllE.{ unsd,(8..X,, ad{I 4% Jo^lrA^El |llzuel -llnJ euo qll.r\ l?lu)J uo ,tz spnls padeqs-leuuPqJ 3nnE. 5Z oN ffi '/,9 'elEBJiSSe Jo lrrJ rlqnJ -./t Z ol ulnsd'{8 Jo spunod 001 pJJtxs lou llsq5 leol puo.'e5 Jr{ | loJ xltu ltlselo a-ql iroi reo>iirqt lol ratu)) uo ,g pereds's8urunJ ,% qlrt slPu feaq .7 (q a:neE 31 oN ^q ,% t ,(q prq)eltP -qsat{ ralurf, uo-.,S bare'di'itreu pentq preoqrllseld Peeq :yu Iq a€nea € I oN '{q ,, Z I Lrr^ oariiu qjz -T 'rpts qter tatseld un\d{f 3l{lnJlurle^ lo JlllJ:o ! I drie -tl- tno'*-rnj irrrir a8ne8gg oN Jo qsrur leuoS?xaq "l qlt'h ltet u:n-sOff pr1zro1.r:d ,:( qlr^\ lJlulr uo 19t spnls poot\ "t x"Z ,,0t Jprs qreJ rJrs!ld q I.\\ uor r!ried roi J3l u I sPn lS Pt)Lr.\ rxl 'tHt ',|l €, NOrlfnulsSol dtt l 'lvtaatvtl .3fvr ot 3Jvl (penu!luo3)- ,sNot luvd oNV s'ltvi SnotuvA uo:J sooluld SAtlslsru'3ull 03lvu-s-oF'oN 3l8Vl" WALLS :o Fire Rating Sound Rating STC Fire GA File No.DTTAILED DTSCRIPTIONT SKTTCH AND DTSIGN DATA Fire Side Thickness: 3 r/2" limiting Height: refer to mfr. Approx. Weight: 1l psf Fire Test: UL R2717.58 Design U514, 11.3.72 Sound Test: G & H BW.42ST 6.19-72 Thickness: 3 /a" Limiting Height: refer lo mfr. Approx. Weight: AYz psl FireTest: UC ES-74O8, ll-21-75 Sound Test: NGC 2507, 7.2I.75 Fire Side Thickness: 3 /4" Limiting Height: reler to mfr. Approx. Weight: alz psl Fire Test: UC ES-74O7, l-22-76 Sound Test: NGC 2543, 5.18-76 Thickness:3" Limiting Height: l51 5" Approx. Weight: 9 psf Fire Test: OSU 5l18, 3-S72 and 5124,8.5.72 Sound Test: OCF 38585, W.a.72,2-7.72 i 'I ; i .', I I Construction Type: Semi Solid Gypsum Board, Melal T Splines !s/gtt x 24't laminated gypsum board panels inserted in 2/2',lloor track and attached to ceiling L runner with two 2 3l' type S.l2 drywall screws and to flanges of metal T splines between panels at vertical edges with screws 16,'o.c. Metal furring channel attached parallel to panel centers and at. tached with l 12" type G drywall screws 24,f o.c. either flange a!4 at top with 23/8t, type S.12 drywall screws into L runner. Two layers 12" type X gypsum wallboard applied parallel to furring. Base layer attached with 1" type S drywall screws 12" o.c. at edges and 76" o.c. at intermediate channels. Face layer attached with lti6t type S drywall sc.rews I2" o.c. at edges and intermediate channels. Stagger ,ioints 24t' each layei. Sound tesled using 1,' glass f-i5er insufation in cavity. L s/Bt' Ihick gypsum board panels may be spliced horizontally and reinforced with T splines. (NLB) 2 HR 40 lwhere vertical metal sections are field installed their center to cenier spacing shall not exceed panel dimensions described above which are nominal. Side wP 7075 (c, k) wP 7076 (p) Conslruction Type: Gypsum Wallboard, Metal I Studs .l.t' x 24".7ype X gypsum coreboard inserted between 212t, ff oor _ and ceiling track with tab.flange seclion ol Zi/it metaf I studs between coreboards- Two layers 61 s/stt type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied to face of metal I studs..Base layer applied at right angles or parallel to studs with l" type S drywall screws 24,, o.c. and face layer applied at right angles to base layer with 1sls/ type' S drywall screws 12" o.c. Sound tesled using 212t, glass fiber friction fit in stud space. (NLB) Construction Type: Gypsum Wallboard, Meial I Studs l" x 24n type X gypsum coreboard inserted belween 212t, floor. and ceifing track with tab.flange seclion ol 212,, metal fstuds between coreboards. One layer sf s/g,'lype-X gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied at right angles to each side of metal I studs with 1" type S drywall screws 12" o.c. Sound tested usin1 l1/2" glass fiber iriction fit in stud space. (NLB) wP 70 (h) Construclion Type: Semi Solid Gypsum Board, Metal Shaft Studs l" \ 27!' gypsum coreboard panels attached at right angles t! Z-yr" angle runners at floor and ceiling wilh 1s1s,, iype S-12 drywall screws 6f'o.c. Proprietary 2', shaft stuas fiti6O between panels. l" x 6" gypsum coreboard ribs fitted in stud flange and attached 1o coreboard with I %r, type G drywall screws 36" o.c. Two layers ol l2t' type I gypsum board applied vertically to studs on rooh aide wi i base fayer attached with |r/c" type S.12 drywall screws 24n o.c. and face layer ol gypsum wallboard or veneer base attached with 1%" type S drywall screws, 12" o.c. Stagger joinls 24,'o.c. each layer. Sound lested using l,' glass fiber friction tit in stud space. (NLB) Fire Side It gL.gI-l '9OZ09Z N8g :lsa1 punos . gt-z-v '110 :lsal aIJ lsd 6 :ltttraM 'xorddv 'ilur o] rerar :lqSraH Surllr.url ,r% t :ssau{o[.ll Lt-sl.t 'lHM :lsal arJ ,sd 6 :lq8raM'xoiddv 'Jllu ol la]er :lq8reH 3ur]rrurl ,r%t :ssou{f,tr{l apls eilj LL-EZ-€,',lHM :lsel arl lsd 6 :lqSra^ xorddv '.rlr.lJ ol rajai :lq;teH Sutuult-. ,rzfg:ssau4rrql apls erll oprs aflJ 9801 dM aas :lsal arl lsd 6 :1q8re1,4 'xorddy r,8 ,S I :lq8raH Surlrrur"i ,rrl g :ssaulcrql ,"" I tu,reds raruaf, ;';iiH"",ii;'1'i1iff,1rui"ry'.Tffi1?il',".tiiJ3,'""i^%?";i' (gfN) 'ra{e1 qeea ')'o ,bZ sluro! ra8Eelg 'J'o ,rZI 's/v\erf,s ffe/r\,fup s ed(l lg/L I q]r,\\ paqlel]e aseq raeua^ io preoqlleM unsd,{8 lo :a{eg acel pue -J o //tZ s^ arf,s 1pe,,a,(rp g ad,(1 ,,8/r I glln peqf,elle relel eseq quM aprs r.lroo.r uo spnls ol i{11eotpa,r parldde preoqlle,ra unsd.(3 X adAI 8/s sra,{e1 or,r1 '3'O //9 'S,!\al3S S ad^l ,/% I qlr,,^ iauunr alBue ,,7 ol rooll le paqselle pue )lJuI f rZ Iq do1 1e paurelar spnls lelauj rZ tr"lelaJdo]d ol pallll preoqlfe^{ u:nsd,(8 I adfi urz x ,,2/1 staf,e1 on1 spnls llPqs lela$l 'pleog runsdfg prlos Llres :ad{1 uorlrnllsuo3 .p!s arll sl;fJMrtffi[BnnTLIiF ---r------1 JL I I ePls 3r!l UH z apls arlJ gL-ZI.E '8€6S nSO :lsel ar.J tsd z g :lqBraM 'xorddv /,9 ,g I :lq8raH 3urlru.rr1 /rt t:sseu!3tql OJ!J vlvo N$rslo oNV H3_rtys 'oN el!J v9 cl-s 3u1geg punos op!s aJu (glN) 'Alr^er ur Jaqrl leraurur ,,I qlf,\ polsal punoS ':a{e| aseq uoJ} ') o t?z }asj}o slutot n[el etej 'nAe1 atel aql ro, sreuuni pue Spnls ut 'J'O uZI si arf,s S ed(l ,,e/s1 pue ja{e1 eseq eq} u! 'J'o /,tZ s,.eJJs 1ei l(.tp S adAl ,,1 qyrnr slaued -raur; alrsoddo eprs o1 {;lecrpan parldde aseq raaual ro pr?oqller( u:nsd{8 y adAI z/r sJa(el o,tr1 'sfaued uaarr laq spnls H-C paluaa &elar.rdud ,tz/rz t{l!^ srauunr ; 8urlar pue rooll ,,Z/yl ueanlae p€Uasur sfeu?d raurl preoqaroJ unsdi(8 X ad/(l ,fuelaudord ulZ x ul spnls H-J letay{ 'pr?oqlleM urnsdlg :ad{1 uorpnllsuog (l) 9602 d'\ (glN) '&r^el ur pa;de1s.taqr; sse13 lrlq] ,,I Sursn pe1sa1 punos 'aprs qoea sluro[ .ra33e1g 'c'o //8 sl^aJ3s ;;em{rp g edi(} //I qlr,{ spn}s l-C }o aprs qoea og A11e:rpan saltue 1q8t1e pargdde preoqlle,{ urnsd{3 y ed^I z/r )eAel auo 'spr eoqaJof, uae/uleq spnls lelauj !-C /"lele|Jdo.ld tzhz ,o uofl3as I q]t,! srauunJ 1 tulllae pue JoolJ 1z/11 ueeal -?q papasul pleoqarol unsd,{3 y adIl ,{.regerldold tftZ \ fi spnls l-O lelafl 'prpoqllel unsdfe :ad[ uorlrn.rgsuog (u) t60z dM (ElN) '^lr^el ur paldels raqrl ssel8 1crq1 /rI Sulsn palsal punos '.la,{e; qcea 'io ulZ slurot Ja88e}S 'J o //8 sMarf,s llea^.rp S ad(l ,te/sl qltM spnls ol salSue lq8r.r le palldde ra(el aoel pue l o ,vZ swuxs 11e,arvtr p 5 ad,(1 ,r1 qlr/\ spnls o1 sa;3ue 1q3u 1e parldde ;a,(e1 ase6 'spnls lelauJ I-C ]o ace+ ol palldde preoqller\ t!nsd{8 X ad(t,tz sJa(el oi l 'spreoqaiof, uaa^llaq spnls lelaul I-c fuel3ltdc.ld zhz ,o uoflcas 1 ql!/}\ srauunr I BurlreJ pue rooll 112/11 uoattl -aq pal]asur prpoqarof, unsd{8 X ad/q ^Jelaudoid ,lZ x ,l spnls l-O lela4 'preoqlleM urnsd{g :ad,(1 uorlcn;1suog (glN) 'Jel(el qtrea 'J'o ,/'Z slurot JatBelS 'J o ,,zI 's,|lra.iJs lle/\^Arp s adf,l ,,8ftI r.lu,r1 p€qf,elle aseq reaua^ Jo preoqlle,rr\ uJnsd,(B lo Jo^el esel pue 'f,'o ,/tz 'sri\er3s f lel.{rp S ed(l ,,u/t1 qlr,t paqlepe ra^el eseq q}tt\ epts Ll.Iool uo spnls ol ^llexrua^ perldde preoq unsd,(8 X ad(l u8/s sra^ef o^ 1 'J'o ,/g 's/r a.lJs s ad{} / 79 i qlri' rauunr alBue ,,7 ol Joof, le paqse]Ie pue {Jer} r rft Aq dol le paure}ar spnls le1:u.r ,Z Irelar.ldo.rd ol pall!, prpoqalol wnsdtr8 ,,y7 x ,,1 spnts lleqs lelan 'p.reog u.rnsdlg prlos luas :ed& uollf,nrlsuoC ('{) l80l dM (q) 980r dM 3p!s ./!J rNotrdtucsla oll|vllc ltlay 22, 1981 Mr. Steve Patterson Ghief Building Official Town of Vail-P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Plan Check Couments. Dear Steve: Enclosed please find three docunents prepared by ROI'IA and one by the RMH Group in response to plan examination as prepared by Tyree & Assoc. The documents are as fol-lows: 1. A general explanatsion indicating the revision in Cype of construction Eo type 2, fire resistive. 2. A cover letter and drawings explaining the meEhod in which the building has been classified as 4-story plus basement. 3. A detailed examinaEion. 4. A response response to items enumerated in uhe plan to mechanical items as prepared by RMH Group. Yet. to be presentsed are response corrments to strucEural and electrical items. Pl-ease note that there has been one modification to the it.ems submitted by the architect. L have made the appropriate notation under corrrnent 8-26. The enclosed materials were received on I'Lay 21, during Ey - review session with ROMA and to expedite these conments Eo the Vail Building Department, they are being hand delivered this date J,.h76-6(rO2_L \ Mr. St.eve Patterson Page 2 NIay 22, 1981 I have reviewed all of the informaLion and find that iu has clearly responded to Ehe items in question, Should you have any specific comrnents, please do not hesiEate to contact me or ROI"IA direcrly. JI,i/jh enclosures Sincerely, Jere Walters Project Director \ URBAN DESIGN LAND PLANNING GEORGET ROCKFIFE. FAIA,AIP ASLA ROBERTA,OOERMATT.AIA ROSERTC. MOUNTJOY AIA May 20, 1981 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Inspector Town of Va.i l P.0. Box 100 Vai'l , C0 81657 Subject: Westin Hotel Vail Dear Mr. Patterson: Enclosed please find two reduced size, showing the relationship of finished subject job, The p1 ans as in their present state provide that no point jn the total perimeter of the bu'i'l ding at finish grade is more than 12' below the main floor leve'l . The drawings enclosed illustrate also that more than 50% of the total perimeter of the bililding is 6' or more below finish grade. t,le have noted on the enclosed drawings that the lower level area at the northwest portion of the building is contiguous with an adjacent structure. We feel that this portion of the hotel could be viewed as nejther above nor below grade since it abuts a4 adjacent building. Therefore we have omitted this portion of the building from the perimeter grade calculations. The enclosed material addressles the definition of a story and a first story as noted on pages 44 and 45 of the UBC. Making this provision of the code is a very important item'in the planning of this hotel . bJe would be appreciative if you would give us a call 'if you have any questions or cofiments on our calculations supporting the classification of the lowest (2) me gra copies of thod used de to the drawings A3.1, A3.2, and A3.3, in by our office to calculate the perimeter of the lowest leve'l of the level of t RAO/PW cc: J. Walters 4O5 SANSOME STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 9411I TELEPHONE (415) 392-373O 0ctober 7, 1980 Mansfield, Ltd. P.0. Box 2941 Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Steve Patterson; Building lnspector Town of Vai I Ci ty Hal I Vail, Colorado 81657 Deaf Hr. Patterson: Pursuant to our current appl ication for a permit to begin construction on the foundations for the Cascade Lodge on Llesthaven Drive in Vail, we hereby agree that if we are permitted to begin construction this fall, we will begin construction in a timely manner in the Spring of l98l; not later than 15, May,l98l. lJe understand that should construction not begin as stated above, the permit will be revoked and the work wlll be subject to remova L Very truly yours; date Hansfiel t URBAN DESIGN LAND PI-ANNING GEORGE T ROCKRISE, FAIA"AIP ASLA ROBERTA. ODERMATIAIA ROBERTC. MOUNTJOYAIA 0ctober 6, 1980 Mr. Steve Patterson Build'ing Inspector Town of Vail City Ha'l I Vail, C0 81657 Subject: Cascade Lodge, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Patterson: Enclosed p1 ease find drawings, specifications, and other data for the construc-tion of foundations and foot'ings for the Cascade Lodge of l,{esthaven Drjve, Vai'l , Colorado. 0n behalf of our client, Mansfield, Ltd., we request permission and the necessary bui'lding perm'its to permit the construction of the foundations immediately, before the onset of winter th'is year. The structural drawings for the entire superstructure are under way and will be submitted at a later date. l,.le recognize the fact that when the entire superstructure is reviewed by your office you may require modification.of the foundat'ion details. We agree to modify the foundation design to meet the Town of Vail Building Code standards as required by the final review of the complete drawings and specifications for the buildinq. Page I of 2 4O5 sANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 9411,I TELEPHONE (415) 392.373O Very truly yours, ROCKRISE ODERI,IATT ITIOIX{T'IOY ASSOCIATES Structural Engineer; Hirsch & Aesoc. RH/p{ Page 2 of 2 tl Date: lo /6 /gO - -l URBAN DESIGN LAND PI-AI\NING GEORGET ROCKRISE, FAIA"AIB ASIA ROBERTA. ODERMAT"' AIA ROBERTC. MOU]VruOY.AIA September 22, 1980 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Inspector City Hall Vail, C0 81657 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Inspector City Hal l VaiI, C0 8t657 RE: Cascade Lodge Dear Steve; Enclosed please find qy notes of our conversations and September 12, '1980. I would appreciate it if you vrould my summary 'is in anyway 'incorrect. At this time, I plan to be in Vail 'l ike to review the progress of the make sure we are on the right track on September 5, l9B0 and notify me if of 0ctober. I would you at that time to Code concerns. review the notes the l Sth or ]6th hotel plans with with our major Very truly yours, Rpba+ a'ft'ot4tll Robert B. Howell RBH:ea encl osures 4O5 SANSOME STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111 TELEPHONE (415) 3I2-3730 4*o (o E URBAN DESIGN LAND PLANNING GEOBGE T FOCKRISE,FAIA.AIEASIA ROBERTAOOERMATT,AA ROBERT C. MOUNTJOY AIA PFOJECT Cascade Lodqe Hotel Kl corurEneruce fl relecot MEMo oF suBJEcr Code Comp'l i ance wtrH Sreve Pattersnn, Building Inspeetof, Vail, C0 As a continuation of the discussion of September 5, 1980 l. Atrium: Patterson and Howell discussed the relationship of the 4 story atri um/1obby/lounge'to the corridors on the 2nd,3rd, and 4th floors. Four schemes for protection of the corridors vJere discussed: a. Scheme I has a l-hour rated wall between the corridor and atrium. 25% of, the corridor wall area was called to be wire glass per 79 UBC 3304 (h). Patterson agrees Scheme I is acceptable for Code. b. Scheme 2 has comidors on the 2nd,3rd, and 4th f1 oors open to the multi-story atrium. Overhead rolling fire shutters, UL rated at I hour, recessed in the ceifings, and activated by the fire alarm system and adjacent smoke detectors. c. Patterson has reservations about the fire-resistance of the members supporting the side tracks of the doors. }Jrapping steel tubes with gyp. bd. to obtain a fire rating was discussed. Patterson recogn'izes that other cities have used overhead fire shutters for fire protection, but wants to consider this approach further and also discuss it with Fire Chief Swanson. Scheme 3 is a proposal based on the proposed section on atriums to be added to the next edition of the U.B.C. code in 1982. This scheme has non-wired glass corridor walls at the atrium with sprinklers .|2" from the glass. In the event of fire, smoke would be exhausted by mechanical ventilation at the top of the atrium, connected to the emergency generator. Patterson was given a copy of the proposed text to be added to the U.B.C., along with a letter requesting the procedure by which Vail would consider and allow construction per Scheme 3. Bob Howel I DISTRIBUTION:S. Patterson A, Norris oare SePt. l9.l9B0 .loe ry 854q I 405 SANSOME STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 941I1 TE LEPHONE (4r5) 392-3730 rt ':- 2. ? -page 2- d. Scheme 4 is the fire protection system of the 14 story atrium in the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco. Features are 2 hr. corridor wal'l s at guest rooms, lL hr. doors at guest rooms and gravity operated smoke vents at the top of the atrium per Chapter 39 of the U.B.C. No requests were made regarding Scheme 4; Scheme 3 was r-negarded as having more fire protective qualities than Scheme 4. 0ccupancy Classifications: The occupancy of H2 for the Laundry was reviewed. Patterson feels the rating must remain at H2, s'ince dry cl eaning may take p1 ace with the use of flammable liqu'ids. The impact of the H2 rating is that the floor separating the Laundry from the Banquet Room must have a 4 hour rating- Stairs: A proposed method of enclosure for the central stair was reviewed. Double doors to the stair would be he1 d open and close upon signal from the fire alarms or smoke detectors. Clearance of the doors to the stairs was discussed; doors may reduce landing width by up to I per 3305(9). Required stair width is 44" per 330s(b). 4,Separation l'lalls: The location of the 2-hour area separation walls in the East and West wihqs was reviewed. The central area is less than 54,000 sq. ft., the maximum area al'lowd for a multi-story sprinklered type l1-l hr. bldg. The basement was not included in the area calculation, per UBC Section 505(c). Patterson was asked if the area separation wall could be s1 ightly offset at the top story = 2' to 4' . Patterson indicated an offset would be considered if it was slight, and adequate fire protection continuity were provided at the floor where the offset occurs. t^- --t a URBAN DESIGN LAND PLANNING GEORGE T ROCKR]SE, FAIA.ATPASLA ROEERTA. OOERMATT. AA ROBERTC MOUNTJOY AIA CONFERENCE MEMO NO. 5 PROJECT Cascade Lodge D^rE 9/9180 roe 't 8545 dcorurenerce E te tecoru MEMooF SUBJE CT Bui I di Code wrrx Steve Patterson, Bldg. Inspe6. Vai] , C0 --! 'l . Fall Construction: The town may permit construction of foundations this ETT-wTtIout a-review of the complete working drawings. Patterson asks that a letter of understand'ing be submitted which should contain: a. Signatures of architect, engineer, and or{ner. b. Request to proceed with construction before complete drawings. \i c. Statement that owner will comply with the standards of the town of Vail ' if any additional or remedial work is required in the foundations by plan changes after installation or by the fina'l review of the structu- ra1 drawings and calculations. !: d. Statement that the owner will comply with the time limits imposed on ?' the Building Permit by Vail regarding the time'ly continuation of con- struction in the spring. Patterson said that if the construction process were not continuous, the fall work would be subject to removal . Vail does not issue partial permits. For fall construction should be applied for and the fees paid in full. V 3. Plan Review: Vail wil'l review foundation submittals within 7 days:r\ RouSF-GraAing plan to be approved by Public Works D'irector, Vail. 4. Subnitta'l s: Complete drawings and calculations, as well as the soils FepoFT. -Tt'l drawings must have professional stamps. X5. Gradinq: Vail would expect that6alura]>contours '' mEld-6 the exterior sides of the\'Il-\alls. vail banks of Gore Creek be maintained in their present would be maintained 5' w'i11 require that the status. Bob Howel I otsTRlBUTloN: A. NOf f i S 6. Patterson 4O5 SA NSOM E STBEET. SAN Yee Rockri se FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94II I rE LEPHONE 14r 51 392-3t30 T. G. I iance Permi t : re. CONFERENCE MEMO NO. 5 s/9/80 page 2 6. Inspection: Vail will require inspection and testing by a soi'ls lab and copies of soils tests on foundations. 0ther special inspections wi'l I be required per Code, such as welding inspection. 7. . Allowab'le Area and Area Separations: a. Discussed allowable areas: Basic area = 13,500 sf Multi story total = 27,000 sf Increase for sprinklers = 2 x 27,000 = 54,000 sf b. Construction type: II - I hour c. Area separations: per 505 (d)'l . area separation wal'l s will extend from foundations to roof and divide the building 'into areas not exceeding 54,000 sf. Area separation walls: 2 hours. d. Doors in area separation walls: 1 l/2 hour. Panic type hardware required' Compact bar type, such as Adams-Rite or Von Duprin bk. Magnetic hold opens ok, but must be connected to ,fire alarm system as well as smoke detectors in corridors. Latch sets with automatic flush bolts not al'lowed as panic hardware. 8. Stairs: Land'ings must have painted numbers indicating floors. Exit dttTections must be included, such as "Exit up" or "Exit down". All stairs to conform to 19?9 UBC requirements. Fire Department Review: Patterson will route final plans through Fire ffiarefreetocontactFirechiefGordySwansonfor p1 an review. .|0. 0ccupancy Separations: The fo'l 1ow'ing occupancy designations were estab'l ished. Separations must be per Table 5-A, .|979 UBC. Banquet Room D'ining Room Bar Administration Offices Bz Retail Bz Guest Rooms Rl Kitchen Under Consideration Mechanical HZ . Health Club 43 iiil:fr::::::':l::.1,.,., ii l-l A2 A3 A3 4:.^ Energy: Colorado Energy Code comp'l iance forms must accompany final p1ans. Ground Floor Separqtlgn: To qualify as basement all ground level walls ffi.HowelttoverifyseparationfromFirstF]oor where required for occupancy separation. Grade within 5' of building w'ill at a'l 'l points be less than 12'from Fjrst Floor elevation so Ground Floor will qua'lify as basement. CONFERENCE 9/9180 page 3 l'1El'10 N0. 5 11. 12. tal, i, Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone f {L,tiJ.t: }13'/t-,/ 6/4T S/ tr/L)a\ \', t Owner. Address and Phone: Archirecr, Address and phone: FtJ{l "; /'Jn4rtZ/} Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board by: gvAtA) APPROVAL s3 J J L"/ zt,, :i -3 DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded (J ,Rc*-r r: < cuqa^ 4-r"r4u I E- 5' 7q H4It*4 +,AJzlt\ 'r.'.: Summary: H,JNN - friJtLUHtAA.z,J 4P.e J \;jAiEc_r T,J AEra/L4C -- t- ] <t,4,g:u.JEe, R4;f r-fi,.t--.., * plvl-lN -ft+o- t'A ilfE-a OEr:,a,t .. 6--b" I cA9td[ tt- 4^sf4t")< ' ti. ldrort/vrtl /o^t", .,2)L-/ 4 83 y'q:. 6UHt/r,^/r.-y', E statt Approval o 75 soulh tTonlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 July 25, 1983 Andy Norris 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West , Su'ite 200 Vai'l, C6lorado 81657 Re: Cascade Village Sports & Parking Center Dear Andy: 0n July 20, 1983, the Design Review Board took the following action concerning the Cascide Village Sports & Parking Center revisions: 1. Metal roof color change: The Design Revjew Board gave final approval to the color change. The roof is to match the roof on the l^lest'i n. 2. Skylight & wjndow detai'ls: The application to eljminate the skylights over the tennis court and the wjndow jnto the courts wai given preliminary approval pend'i ng submjssion of a rnore detai'l ed application. Si ncere'ly, 4-t ;im4ayre Town Planner JS/bb /=--. ROBBINS AND REAM INC ARCHITECTURE/URBAN DESIGN 212SUTTERSTREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94108 (415}989,2616 July 1-2, 1983 Design Review Board Town of Vail 7 5 South Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 Dear Design Review Board: we are enclosing with this letter prints of design revisions we proposed for the Cascade Sports and Parking Center project. Please note that the enclosed prints replace material submitted to you earlier on our transmittal of 9 June 1983 which submission should be dis- carded. The design changes shown on this submission include the following: 1. Color of metal roof changed from grey to medium matt bronze to match Westin Hotel and CMC Learning Center roof. 2. Skylights deleted over tennis court section. 3. Windows on east wal1 changed to niche with graphi-c design. 4. Exposed steel beams at gable ends of building changed to stucco fascias painted a contrasting co1or. P1ease let us know the date of the earliest Design Revie\,r Board meeting at which these proposed changed may be considered. It would also be help-ful for scheduling here to know the date of the two following meetings. If there is any add.itional information you reguire, please let us know. Sincerely yours, ,' /,./@ 'James Ream iIR:kms Enclosures: revised print of Sheet 4,6,print of revised roof and Building Elevations, 7 JuIy 1983 waII details, Sheet A26, 7 July 1983 Jere Walters Mansfield Ltd., Attn: Andy Norris, .. tt lf ..;'.rif) / J. 'tit/ \ t..;r.,,-\ 1 l. I rr- a,,i 'in. q:';1'p l.l: '- l g- f Deaa Li1lie i;-c:l: .l:riY r*orr-i s ie : Casiacle Vil-lege ?a::ki:-rg Prcg-:-aa - 1983 l;'.:e: .lpril 13, 1983. Dur-ing rhe su;rTre1- and ial1 of 1983, ilansfield,- !td. euticiPates ;he f 511oi"'i-ng co:tst!-Liccion act-iv'i ties to be t3:':ii'!g piace: 1. Cc::p1e:t:lor of ilescin il''- -el- plaz'a, i:'rciutiing j'ePLac j':1 g ci,: J:,.-.: L tjlrL./'J r'JrLrr i-\!:r-,and co::r'ectii'e'.,?rrrk icr p:ei'iously irstalled ;avers. 2. i:isiel-laticn of pei'*:-s 2't. eesi rting, of hote1, easi a:rd ::o::'ch per-i;-.ecers of Cl'iC i'ul1oi:-:9. 3' ?larriir'g of crecs alo:rg eiltry t.o ?leza and on terr-ece adj ace;rt to Pepi SPorts. l+. insLallatj.on of 1a::csca.oirrg, includi:-rg ir.rigationi cn site of ?7aza tsuilciitlg. 5.Insiallationofla:-.Csc.;ping,incLudl:girr-igation'ai9- Cascade villegu o., Lt-1', 1a::iscapii-,;;'to*inci'-:cle !='!i:2 i:::ct.:ad Tci"r or \:a il bus sh '-'1t er. 6. i.c-1:air of l','esthai'en D::ive. 7 . Cons.Lruction of stai::'';a:v ;r:rd decorati\.e'"'atercourse be:i;ee1 CliC 3ui1;i"; ind Nestia licie1, includi:rg associated p1:.nii;rg aird irrr3etioir. Ccrp).e;:io: of Fhese ii tcrk:;.ng St::itciui:e' i::y t3, \'rg3, ','11ih ccr::.?1r,';-i''rtr by )ec.-;:')':r- l1 I ro be3in 9. Co::..::eLc&;-:rt of scl:c.'.iu1e'i io begin ,:'-.ie 1, c !-j:'r s t:-1.1c ; ion f or Ca sc:--'ie Ciub ; ^i9;3 ;--,i ;lt cc::,>letior -r:e.::i:ary 1934 projectcd I 983. c-:-:-S) i:ijt'tg :c,si 1:r :'es;crse to t'l-,e ;':'--l;"'c';;rl cc::s't:'::ction ' tire i'>l1 ri-"iing pa:'l'li'::3 !,:cg:'ar-.r should ':e acll'.elc'd ;:o: ' 1. ?hase I i:.:l:i:'rg Sl-::''iciu:'e (ca;;'city i35 .?'.'e: ia..ble f or r,,i,:s,- -i-;r licieL 3'-tt si:s eild ?eL:o:,s, i:icl i i.i:;e ?.:lll:.:-. i j]:-c!:a',:r iascade Village Theaire .Datrirs, Cc::;:ss Rose F.esia".:rant pat-::ir::s ..lDS / j h cc: ieter ?acten/Toi.'r of Vail Jere'i'ia 1 iers /i'!ar, si ie I d r' -'ard,y !iilircan 1CllC 3. Lot no. l ard l-ot no. 2 (c';r graie ;:':k::l 5 €3st ol ?ariring Scructure) - rl-'ese al-ee-s i-iif l5 the ,"i:e oi the co:'r:j-n''r?:c3 of :he parking S-Lructu.j:e p::oject iia "'iff be '.i:':ar-e-ilable for guest usage. 4. Terrace pa:-kiig (ioca:ed io Ehe south of che !o-.'4 -oi \rai1 bus shelter - in;""tEy'SO cai:s) -- ttris 1oi -',':ill- be f in j'sh- g:.;i:ci a.d ielrced. :a''-kin'g to_be-a-i-ailable io Colcr:ado j'louniair dof ;-"g" si::,jents -antl ,:-= r,', 5-,,-..:1c..* f or ihe oti'ic-r* faci lities ' Cr:,n;';:ucricn par'!.:irg i:i1 I be iir-i:ed to the e-l'c-a .i't the e'as-terl- :cs: eird of the or-oiu"t end to il-,e s i.t:e of i'ii1 l-i'e'e ihr'se III' !t..e easr -:a::kin=t'i]i-i;ri"i""ft.1;.;;;, lan.isce;"'d a:.rci finished' 3ece-use a. ll 1a;:clsccpi:-r.g i.n ihe p1a:a of the }iotcl r"::d Cl'!C 3uiliirg i;il-i be ec,:-.,p1e;ei-;t-,=;tit t"--.'ti, -;r';iins P:?l:bicic:-:s in thcse a:eas ir.iil be sirc,:-lg.'{ ento.-ceo. '?i::l':r,',g-.if-o.-ca:.*:lt rtil1, of co.:j:se, co:ttit-tu.-;i;;'g '.1'cs';:-ra-.'en Dlir-e. -if tl:e iacilities plo- vijed fo:: cc:'rst1'ucLion :..o:ka:s .te i',',,,deguar:e, ue -'ii-11 pl-cviie oii-site;arki;rg for tl'icse r-'uio:o'Dii:s a.id use b:scs lo "L:aiis?ort 'uLe';;r-lte:s. | - -.;rl:''--::r.c i':. ?-;tz 2 2. Iiesthaven C:-'rioa-'ni'r=s ;a:king struciure (eapaciay 37 ca:s) - lir..iiled io e--;ic,'-ees of Ccio.-t{s-''"!s;:i-r:ain Co1-lege' cc;:'i-'ss i;-.e R.esiau!-ant, t.lestiir 1iole1 , a:rC Cascad'e Vil"il-..1e Th€atte' S;:= pic3i.:an f or ide:::i i-1 :i:g .=p:-o;tie aut'li':cDi1:E :':i11 ie d:i'e1or-ed for t'!::s :aci-:irY. 75 south tronlage rd. Yail, colorado 8I657 (303) 476-7000 clepartment of community cleveloprnent 0ctober 7, 1982 Robbins and Reant, Inc. 2l2 Sutter Street San Francisco, Ca'l iforia 941 08 Attn: Laura Ham Re: Cascade Sports and Parking Center Dear Laura: The following corunents are'i n response to your letter of September 23, 1982' The alternate exit locations are preferred as far as the north wa1 I is concerned' However, we prefer a better balani:e i.e. 3 exists on the north wall and 2 effective exits on the south wall' I'le are somewhat concerned over the capacity of the foam unjt. Are there units available that have greater capacity? The electpical plans show adequate djstrjbution of all the items we have discussed ei""pt-io" *unuit fire alarnrs. l,Je des'ire manua'l fire alarms be p1 aced so that no.one wi] I have to travel more than 50 feet to reach an alarm. If there are any questions, please contact the unders'igned at the Town of Vail Bui'lding Department. Sincerely, cvlfw- CHET HORTON Building Inspector CH:br ROBBINS AND HEAM INC ARCHITECTURE/URBAN DESIGN 212SUTTERSTREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 9410E (415)989,2616 27 August 1981 Peter Jamar Tov,m of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: This letter serves as a request for your comments re-garding our parking space layout for the upcoming Cascade Vilage Sports and Parking Center (now in Design Develop-ment at our office. ) The garage section of the building parks 425 cars on 3 levels - of these 350 are required sPaces. l{e would like your comments, specifically, on the dimensions of our parking spaces and aisle widths. The building will be divided simply down the center (in the long direction)with a bearing walt. One side parks compact cars; the other standard cars . A compact space runs 7'6" wide by 1510" long and lies at right angJ-es to both sides of a 22t6', aisle. A standard space runs 816" wide by L8'0" long and lies at right angles to both sides of a 24'6" aisle. Approximately 558 of the total car count would be compact sized. Please relay the Town of Vailrs feelings on these points and the procedure for a variance if, indeed, we would need to seek one. Your comments would be appreciated as soon as possible. Thank your I ;ft.uou' lin,,, -Laura Ham LH:nm /) CtlaYn- /4KU-b r -- {l//hbo/ /LL, 1-BaA tuEM'K 6,;1fru' 2q2/" nlN'-*_-.-. 7'/#,.finff*/efrru c@s e'Q ft" o il U ,75 south lronlage rd' vall, colorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 department of community developrnent July 9, '1982 Robbins and Ream 212 Sutter Street lin Fianclsco, Ca]'ifornia 94108 Attn: Laura Ham Re: Cascade SPorts and Park'ing Dear Laura: I have reviewed the information you provided regarding Kalwal 1 translucent wall and roof panels. The product appears ruiiliultow exiept for item number 3 as noted on the enclosure' Re: 3305 (a) '82 vBc, we would cons'ider any fasc'ia lyRe of construction above the 5,-9,, height as forming a corridor. i'f'!".io"u ali'applicable corridor requirements would aPPIY' If there are any questions, please contact the undersigned' Si ncerel Y,4#*? C.T. HORTON Building InsPector CTH: bPr Encl. department of community development box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47Ss613 June 21, 1982 Andy Norris 1000 S. Frontage Rd. l,lesto Suite 200 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Submittal of 6-16-82 Dear Andy: 0n June 16, 1982, the Design Review Board approved the roof and siding materials for the parking and athletic structure and a project sign. The base of the sign should be no higher than the road. The applicant should return to the board for approval of accent colors, skyway and east sjde landscaping. Si ncerely, ./,/-'-xr* Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df Project Application .r, i,Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Ottrt Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Motion by:Sr<-1a14,41! 1) Design Review Board o^r. ,'^-'!rr^o /,1 Seconded by:4,o"/ s APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL PCIOtr C Ot o fi- 2."i l,.tt. . (,r{ L-./, 4dL f xYT <itc -t'r-q rct F-E-l'ta,; 4# 12.:44 {,,PL.tL L4 E statt Approval ltjf R *TuL^l dPa 5 o Tt-.\ ,<v l{/ Date: FOBBINS AND REAM tNC ARCHITECTURE/URBAN DESIGN 212 SUTTER STREET SAN FRANGISCO CALIFORNIA 94108 (415) 989.2616 10 June 1982 Mr. A. Peter Patten, Senior Planner,Dept. of Conununity Development Town of Vail ,75 South Frontage Road Vaj-1, CO 81657 Dear Peter: We appreciated receiving your letter of 4 June l-982 and the concerns you expressed therein about the visual height of the project. This has been one of our concerns also from the beginning, and we have been wrestling with that problem from a straight architectural standpoint sj.nce that time. As I am sure you realize, we have set the parking levels as far underground as rde can manage. The final design has us more than 30r below grade at some points. The other primary design determinant was the inadvisability of locating the floor of the tennis courts below grade. Since their natural location was at the western end of the site, basic roof profile was established by the arc of a tennis ball above this playing surface. The clearances provided. adhered to the minimum requirements of the tennis associations. The great plunge of Westhaven Drive was our other natural enemy and, while it did enable us to enter the low parking Ieve1s directly, it had the bad grace to keep on falli-ng westward, long after our elevation requirements were met. We were able to lower the first level of the sports cl.ub one story below the tennis courts and have taken some mass out of the swinuning pool terrace by bringing the grade as high up around that element as grading will permit. The round form of the pool platform was another effort at softening the vi-suaL effect of this western extension. We will keep our eyes open for any additional measures we can employ during the balance of the design process. We will always appreciate hearing from you with any concerns that may help irnprove our projects. CC: Jere Walters, Mansfield, Ltd. JTR:mh fosd . va'1. colorado 81657 303 476-tOOo. erl 237 Peler Patten Senror Planoer Deparlment ol Communily Developmenl hwn 75 soulh trontage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development 3 June 4, ]982 Laura Ham Robbins and Ream, Inc. 212 Sutter St:eei San Francisco, California 94.|0g Dear Laura: I've reviewed the revised erevations for the cascade sports and Parkins center for compr ianc" nii[ ini"qs?ioi'r,,"iifi.'lilras.ins re_quirement. This buirding rs a ;i;rsii "rurptg .i I,!t ie-chansed our height requirement ao u r:.lgj.qni^ "nigheii-point on the-buirding,, type of reguratio, anu threw out the rfdicurous averig_ing system. .It is truly a joke to say that this building or the hoter ano"reirning center are constructed with a 45 foot height I imitation |gygrtlgleps, mv carcurations show the new_height of uhe Duirdjng to'e 44.995 teet' which meets the.requirement. ih. onry wiy-t[ut-"i"i this figure corrrd be reached was using ttre'parfing-ramp"secti-on oi, il,"-weiI"eno as the 1ow point for both the north ina soiritr eiiuiii'[nt.. I rearize thii I wourd probabry lose the arguement.over.whethe"-o"'not that section should be inc.r uded in rnasuring the building height, and am-conceding that point. I'm sorry this retter lgufs like.crying over spilt milk, but I wish there EI: u wav. to.enforce across the boaid i.ii-p"r5"ii."'ir''ir," Town) such vast rmprovements in requrations as I feer ori" 'nlw;"n"iir,i"orjinance is. I,m afraid the visual impact of thii tuijaing will be tremendous fronr the east and south sides- prbase attempi to'iJo""r. tnat conceii.,-i, yo, finarize your plans. Lastly, I do appreciate your promp! correspondence and request for new approvar ror-the heisht-' rrre'veaiways "o"r.Ei ',"ir -,rliiil;;; ;;;r:';no r roor foruard to future communications. A. PETER PATTEN Senior Planner APP : bpr Sincere llflI lown department of community development vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 May 21, 1982 Robbins & Ream, Inc. 212 Sutter San Francisco, Ca]if. 94104 RE: cascade sports *t"lillt"n Attn: Laura Ham Dear Laura: I trust the fo'l 'lowing exp'lanation wil I clear up any rioenfusilgn" regarding fire rated systems for encasing steel columns. In the cases you cited the single gypsum layer may be used only with the W14 x 228 column. This is c'l assed as a heavy steel column. Other systems are tested with W10 x 49 column. An additiona'l discreoancy between the U.S.G. systems and table 43A of the U.B.C. possibly stems from the U.S.G. spec'ification for Firecode "c" core board. I have been to'ld by the U-S.G. representative in Denver that this is a superior product to their regular Type X board. I think that tube type columns would not have sufficient thickness to be classed as heavy steel. Therefore, des'i(;ns for ll10 x 49 should be specified for tube type co'lumns. If there are any further quest'ions on this subject, p'lease contact the undersigned. Si ncere'ly, r'/;/,4 Chet Horton Bui'ldrlng Inspector CH:df ROBBINS AND REAM INC AFCHITECTU RE/URBAN DESIGN 212SUTTERSTREET SAN FRANCTSCO CALTFOBNTA 94r08 (415) 989-2616 I May l!82 Peter Jama r Town of Va i I Dept. of Commun i ty Development 75 So, Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dea r Peter: Pr*g +/'frc Please review the enclosed diagram and calculations for the Cascade Sports and Palking Center. In the f inal izarion of the contriffitients 'for the park ing-ptras+ef-eonst ruct ion and our ongoing design development on the sports club, we have altered the grading elevations around the bui lding as wel I as the height. As you can see by my calculations, we still fall slightly below the 4tl I imit- 43-63t. Please note in computing heights, I assumed the height of the roof to be level at the peak of the triangular skylights,not at the ridge line of the metal roof. This gives us a certain amount of rrsafety factor" that could be used to decrease our 43.53t. Since 45' is the limit, this does not seem necessary. Please respond with any questions./decisions regarding these slight changes f rom ourl 2/l /81 submi ttal . (, ou,f /,<-he/rL /t-/ ' ,,. , /, ,( /-/t'fi t',t / , -J-,-lt ,/tr ,,ir)({ (t / -// ,*f, f {;p:t4t;'t'il. g-, g;4iT/'wlz /'' ij .r, / .rl"*,,Y on;',/14r,7rr' rzt'/ l' #gcY La a Ham Enc losure: He ight LH:mh calculaitons - 4/29/82 .1 / /,/,/t-./ .,..f 11./rL-'v' ' ft*'r77 t"4,,r at sr-iturz e //aio dr'z '(w) A4 LAV E 6(a llb.o (A?(tNa 6eF+te?o 116lqH'r CALCaT 16'o s 6-\n +lt1lb/- lb.o a + $r 4b,o 5.o \Ir N $N s 3a.E 10,a 76.o t?-z'LaFq "a.16> 14.1u2 I I t '6b,o 'vAqr e>9!A(toN Ave(^qe a?tq4((r,trzt,116) r(bl .t +b.a e Fl e4f ere\lAf I Al4, - | ?-7-t LaNq A<ee\^,e. ftatdA( * 2+.7-6 I vt. obza 4b.6 oal(i er€vA(teN A'le?Aate Het4H( - t4 4 Ib,o u b.a 4,v1(..11.76 Avq-v+I. t bt,lE u1l s\$R s \) h1.6 \ N ItO.o 1\t.6 A'tq,t'r. t tel.6 A,tq. Ht. = 52,e llot +o, labl lahl - +46, roN? (n.zq * toq) +(t't.t, x t7-a) + (oto.E *+o)+(tet.6* taa) + (qz t roo)--.84.,4 tw.a t0.o ++, Ib.o llg-o 'l \$ N '{r '\,1 (\r\ \t,NN 1r.5 6b.q I 4/.6 n.a a't4.A{*4/.,9 A\/ q. V+(. 3 6 1-,L6 | A\/4. H(. -- | 1,1. 6 2lbl +ol bol bol b1l 'N?F(U ?t-?!ATtoN - 446t L?Nq Alee\qe HetqAf * (qZ.a * zrt) +(n.A x +o) + (qt.a /- bo) + (Vz.z6 /-ao) -r (t1.26 *oq) ++2 L,llLAqe frltL?ft{q ilElq# Aeove qeA?e Qtt,auza * y4)+ (vt,t6xtLL\ +(6o,t€2 /+46) + (sl.bAx ++4)" +a.bol l/-L + lLz Nafe, (ea( EvevAflo\q + +46 f+44 fo 1a7 o? ^Y'(rtqHfe \N rd \t., b1.q --41,toa OAA CA? ?6(e llb.o t,16'6 I v FA(-(\N^ Ce\(ef- Hetqn'r ,ALLq o 16.o $ c-tq 6b,o 7l.?leLa rb.o 16.5 1r.6 ,t +b'6 Lle4f 6LevA.(|oN -|?,2-t vaNq A<€eAqA nadn'( * ?+.?-5 15,o 0 n 1b,e - l7-2t L?fq x 40.16> +lzlloz 14.o o + $\ ab,o v4o( ?bal\'ilOq A'/eF^qe H?lqtf (t,tt?t.t1a) +(bl l2?- b1.6 'llh.a \ u\ b7.6 $. G +b.6 \_: N bo.o , b.o 4b.6 4.H'(..11.26 AV4.A1. 4 lrl .16 tb.a A'/4,tn, t bl.4 A'/q.AI .=2x-.e b1l +ot lab' e"AJ(A eD€VAft?N - +46 tuaNQ A,te?Aqe HetqH( - (n.M x bq) +(t'r.tv * tt-o\ + (qb.E *+e)+(tot.Ert toO) + (q/- /- raO)--.Ea.t6 ++, t0.0 \$\j \- (t \rt \f.NN '1b.8 hvq.fif. = 4?-.6 NOEfA ?LVvAfION A'/e?Aqe iel4Nf * 6b.a t1.6 ^v4.A'C, +L,6 A! q. vff . 02.,La |A\. H<. e fl ,aa 2lbI 401 bol bel b1l - +4qt v^Jq 47-.6 v-ztb\ +(t1.6 r 1o) + (42.6 >< uo +(v2."6 *bo t (11.2.6 tb1 kJet\qe 1ltL?tr'Iq HElqfi Aoove q(Ape (ot,auza * vz>+ (va.z6xva> +(6o,t€2 y-+46) + (aluax ++6) l1-?-+ lLz + +46 ++46 Nafe; Faaf €LeuATtoNb 10 fa? ar uF.(LlqAT+ , 4r.bol -rrn \t\ {i + b4,4 \lr d sit -:{s\$ \r\ id .tl- b1.7 +4V * 61.ta6 department of community development vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47G5613 Aprll 16, 1982 Robbins and Ream 212 Sutter St. San Francisco, Ca'lifornia 94108 Gent'lemen: SUBJECT: Cascade Sports and Parking-Center, Vail, Folloving are pl an check comections and comrnents regarding subject project: 1. Engineer to note on plans that proposed footings and foundations are adequate for support of future construction of sports area roof system. 2. Sheet 3 - Two seeming'ly unrelated items detailed 3. Phase I does not have an exhaust sy-<tem as required in section 705 .79 U.B.C. 4. Provide a door schedule on Plans Upon receipt of your response to these items and our approval thereof, approved stamPed plans wil'l be issued for construction of the subject project. since there are only a few corrections may I suggest that we ho'ld the two sets yoJ submitted to us and you return 2 sheets each for the above noted corrections and comments. lJe wil'l replace the sheets thus saving handling of bulky sets of p'lans. Yours truly, ' Chet Horton, Bui'lding Inspector Torn of Vai'l CH:df ltil \ Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application L tn(I Owner, Address and Phone: comments: Fl^.r4t .lPPAOVnu oxl c.swtt.z- t Po.>J rax) flp &lrr-oltlb ; stot*lt" ngrL,,.1t t4 L ^ t4*Lo 'ce etxr6 eL T,J HL oLsI rtA-D w Design Review Board g Motion by: Legal Description: Lot Seconded by: F t^\At'-iAPPROVAL > -u DISAPPROVAL t 4asTE4'r'"<\ ,P44FvL- /+46(4 \ AA-;2:U,- Filing Utv{tL&oot\,tD, zone - Sum mary: E Statt Approval lntryn 75 3oulh tronlage rd. vall, colorado 8i657 (303) 476-7000 Town PJ:br Laura Harn Robbins and Ream, fnc. 212 Sutter Street San Francisco, California g4l0g Dear Laura, department of community development Decenber 50, 1981 Re: Cascade Village parking and Athletic Cltrb f'ha1k rou for your response regarding the proposed cascade village Parking structure ana lthletic-Cful. " rn regard to the parking spaces and their size, your nodification of the spaces is acciptabrJ. 'ertrrougi, ,"-rri ,uo,.rid'rite io-see a rarger proportion-of-peopie driving snalier cars, this, unfortunately, is not a realistic approach for Vail at this time. After considerabre discussion, our staff has decided that we will use the ramp,/pool deck section of the building in calculating the l:i4. 9r th.e 4roposed buitding. rlereiore, trr" U"iiJi"g-ruirr ,""t tne max imum height requirement. Enclosed is a cornple!: gopl of Special Developrnent District #4. please note section 18.46.100 settacks which requires a ninimum setback on the periphery of the property-or ""i- i"r, than twenty feet. If you have any questions, please contacr me. NoRRrs o*fru cotvPANY Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussions of December 2, to Amend Special- fo11-owing: December 4, 1981 1981, I would Development like to modify the Request District 4 to include the 1. Request subdivision of lot 39, single'faurilY 1ots." 2. Request variance from set-back to enable construetion of Parking facility in north setback. 3. Request removal of Parcel D (Glen Lyon Office-Building lot) fion Special- Development-District- 4, and j'ncrusron of said parlel into Coumercial Cc:e 4' Parcel C, into Ewo requirements in ParceL A structure/athletic requegts will be considered app6ar before the Planning It is understood that these three at the same time and would first and Environnental- Couunission in January, L982. Should you require any further information, please call me' Norris ADN/jh FtL^: r) -fJ.e14$ ill/Af -N- - lnt )54'./z'{l'u 73 r.- t"-",,*"*J I--LL'y I7t-11' - t--+ tiuA- L4ajl Gt*.ff ,- tntt/''^^-, l;lt - L'i 3'i \'|?&r (";.kffi^Ji.+,tt",;!K;!^kJ*,-",0, Sincerely, t*,fl.ts/ G len . Vait, CO 81657 . (303) 476-0838 CHA\€ 'lfu,w Npruu sw wifru.cwg ROBtsINS AND REAM INC ARCHITECTURE/URBAN DESIGN 212 SU TER STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNTA 94108 1415) 989.2616 2 December 1981 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development Box 100 Vai1, CO 81657 Attention: Mr. Peter Jamar \''\l)'tiltnN' Dear Peter: i would like to respond to two of the major concerns expressed by the Town of Vail Community Development Staff regarding the Cascade Sports and Parking Center. Your letter of 25 November reviews quite extensively the problem with our parking space sizes as well as our ratio between compact and standard size spaces. Enclosed is a diagram showing new restriping arrangements for the car spaces. We have recently met with our structural consuftant and reviewed the placement of shear wa11s withi-n the garage. By eliminating the unnecessary wa1ls, the floor area is more easily divided and allows conversion of compact spaces to standard. As the diagram shows, the amount of compact spaces has been reduced to 24.88. We have lost 20 cars from the Design Review Board submission totals, bringing our new total to 403 cars - still well above the nr:nrber required by t.he Town of Vail . The aisle sizes are stil1 quite satisfactory the problem has been the width, not length, of the spaces. I have also enclosed two diagrams which compute the average height of the structure. Sheet 1 follows the method the Town uses - computing average height using ridge and finished grade elevations at both ends and at the centerline of the structure.As the centerline of our structure fal-1s in the mid-sect.ion "recess", we felt that the Town probably would. not want to compute height using this method {avg. height. : 33.54').Sheet 2 computes the average height for each mass area along the length of the building. Here we compute an average height of 44.61'. Finished grade elevations come from our site pJ-an spot elevations on alternate sheet 1 as presented to the DRB on 18 November. I real-ize there is a discrepancy between our figures and the 47.47 ' computed at your office. My guess is that our spot elevations from alternate sheet I were not, used or that the ramp/pool deck section of the building was not includ,ed in the height calculations. This would be most unfair. The design intent behind the placement of the ramp,/pool ileck was specificirly to reduce the verticality of the west wall of the health club and to help the volume of the building step down toward finished grade. I I &a,e sra,nog=fr:_q^g ?12 SITTTLF S-i,:L: q,, :, \'tyl$il t'\fY Dear peter: r woul-d like to respond to two of the major concerns expressed by the Town of Vail c"*r""liy Developm"r.rl st_if regarding the Cascade Sports and parki"s-Cl"i"r. Your letter of 25 November reviews quite extensively the problem with our parking space sizes as weri." orri-;;;i" between compact and standard size spaces. Enclosed is a diagram showj.ng new restripingf arrangements for the car spaces. we have recentlv met with our struetural consuliant and r"rriew*J the placemenl of shear wal1s yi:lin it;-JJr"J"- Bv eliminating the unnecessarv wal's, rhe froor area is m6r" d-=ily-dividee-;;; alrows conversi6n of compact spaces to standard- As the diagram shows, the amount or compact spaces has been reduced Lo 24.g{.--w" have 10st 20 cars from an. ?::tn" R;"i;;-ioara submissior,-totuf", bringing our nevr total ro 403 iars - "iiir welr ut;;;-$" number required by the Town of v-ai1. rit" "r"iJ-sir"= are stiii quite satisfactory the problem has reen the-rr;;;; not length, of the spaces- f have also enclosed two diagram-s which compute the average heisht of rhe srrucrure. sn6et i i;ii;r;"rfiIT"in"d rhe rown uses - cornputing average height using riage---n;i-finished grade etevations at both endi and il-trr" "5r,t"riin"-'"r'the structure.As the centerrine of our "t-,r"t,rr" far-r-s in the mid-section "recess"' we felt.that_ tit"-r"ri-probabJ-y wourd not want to compute heicht using this methoA. l..rg. height : 33.54,).sheet 2 comiures rh5.li:i.n"-iJigi,r io, "i6ii nu"l area along the lengttr ot trre, nurraingl- ;;;L.we compute an average height or 44-6r'. Finished_si"eE-"r"iltiorr, "oi.-ir;; ;,r. sire plan ::"ir"*:;:ff:f on aliernate-sr,Jet 1 as pres;;;"; to the DRB I realize there 1: :_.1i":repancy between our figures and the 47.47 ' compured ar your office.- r,lv g"";"-i; il:; our spor elevations from art-ernite-;;;; 1- were not used or that the ramp'/poor deck section oi ti-t"-u"irai-ng was not incr.uded in the heighr calculat'ons.- riti""'l""ra o. *o=f-;";;ir. The d.esign r-ntent behind the.place*""i "i lie ,_*p/poof a."f.-was specificaltry to reduce the verticarily--or-inJ"w."t wal1 of the health club ;:3r:: help the volume ;i $"-rJiraine step down toward rinished 2 December 1991 Town of Vail-Dept. of Community Development Box 100 Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Mr- peter Jamar tttfktA t=--lf onlY b(Aoeo2 ri7 | I ill I lillr I ll I I I I I llt I I I lX|.#ll-l#rylTnrill OA-2 (-AVE a,'t tz?I'e .O e{ .- (Ar-grY7 al lL,I o'tzti tibl l"Fl l" ' bol ilril]l DTvpS O - 1b 4fANVA?e / Z+ Lotl(AL( b(tcea ^t |||||l||lllll Lot4(ALl b?ALVO Levev O - Itol drai?A?-vt ,? Loyl(AcT /2?AL€a L LEMTAC.( bFALEb LEVEV C - 1b 4(AH?Atrp | 4? Lafl(AL.( +rALeb {ofALb -'- 7o? 4TAypAKD I OP Co'4FACf 10? 47t..c84 N?(E t svL Let-1fALf 4?. MtN. gexlbL ,. 4,f?. .2( t4tq. 62 t lbe T- I I N \.t\ ro t -z- Please review the enclosed diagrams and respond as possible. As for item 2, the 20r peripheral setback, please of SD #4 devel-opment standards to our office to my Thank vou -/' ,r dP'ta Ttdn't-- Laufa Ham enc: Height Study, 12l7l8I Parking Study, LzlllSI cc: Jere Walters at Mansfield., Ltd. soon as send a copy attention. \r.l i.j A ( box 1OO vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-5613 department of community development November 25, 1981 Jim Ream 212 Sutter 5t. San Francjsco, Cal'ifornia 94108 Dear J'im: This letter is to summarize the Town of Vail Community Development Staff's .on.""nr regading the cascade Vi11age Ath'l etic club and Parking e.;ig" i"a-tt'e oeiign Review Board's review of the project at their November 18, 1981 meeting. The conrnunity Development Department staff has 3 maior concerns: ' 1)Thesizeofparking.5pacesandtheratioofcompactspacesto iianJara spaces is unicceptable. The minimum width for compact_ -rt;;"a inolta be at least'8r.wide and not 7'6" wide as sborn' 8' *itt U" the minimum w'idth accepted for compact spaces in the Cascade structure. The ratjo of 57% compact spaces withjn the structure is.a'lso unacceptable' OUservitions of the typicat Vai'l tourist indicate that renta'l cars are most often'i n tne"iniA to full size category due to the need for ,pi..-in irinipoitin! ifi g"ur, 1uggage, eti. Also,_resu'lts of the vliiis"iu"" crLer liiitei quariiy n;ieirch survey 1e99-9] shor that tfrerb was a dec'line in loial reiident parking in Uotn the Vail Village and vail Lionshead structures and that]oca] resident use of buses inireasea to conpriie 95% of al'l bus riders. Thus, the-tourists seem to Ue ttre major irseri oi parting faciiities in town witfl the local ."tii"n[i opiing for-miss'transit. y1e see no reason why this situation would Ue significantfV-Oiti""ent at Cascade Vi1'lage and.a maximum of 25% compact spaces w.iitr;n the structure will be the maximum ratio all owed. In summary, the Town of Vail's re-quirement on the Cascade Parking Structure will be ttrai ttre sjze of spaces within the struciure will il 8;0; wioe oy 16'0i-long for compabt spaces.and 8ig" yiq" by 18'0" iing io"--tiinAira spaces.- Ajsle widths shor'ld be adiusted to meet these stindards. Page 2 2) Special Development Distrjct #4 (Cascade Village) developrnent standards require a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet. (Section 18.46.100) 3) Average he'ight of the bui'lding is not to exceed 45' show an average height of 47.47' . The Design Review Board also had some q)ncerns at their meeting on November 18, 1981 at which they gave conceptual approval to the project. They suggested a study of materials which might be used instead of the metal siding and also more detail on the sky lights. I have included a list of the items which must be submitted to the Board prior to any final approva'l on the building. If you have any questions or ccrnments regarding our concerns' please contact me. Our calculations Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df cc: Jere lda'l ters -' ? t box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 l3l31 476-5613 department of community development November 25, 1981 Jim Ream 212 Sutter St. San Francisco, California 94108 -Dear Jim: This letter is to summarize the Town of Va'il Community Development Staff's concerns regading the cascade village Athletic c'lub and Parking Ca"age and ihe Oeiign Review Board's-review of the proiect at their November 1.8, 1981 meeting. The conrnunity Deve'lopment Department staff has 3 mqjor concerns: - 1)Thesizeofparking.spacesandtheratioofcompactspacesto standard spaces .i s uniccbptable. The mjnimum width for compact_. ;i;;at snoirta be at 'least'8' wide and not 7'6" wide as shovrn' 8' wi tt Ue the minimum width accepted for compact spaces in the Cascade structure. The ratio of 57/" compact spaces within the structure is also unacceptable' 0bservations of the lypicai Vai'l tourist indicate that rental cars are most often in ttre inla to full size category due to the need for ipi.u-in transporting ski gear, luggage, etc. Also,-results of the Vlit/Seaver Crbek 1,1inter Quality Riiearch Survey 1999-9i shor that therb was a decline in local reijdent parking in both the Vail Village and Vail Lionshead structures and that local resident use of buses inireisea to conprise 95% of all bus riders. Thus, the-tourists seem to Ue ine maior users of parking facilities in tom with- the local ""tiA"nli opiing for mass'transit. l,le see no reason why this situati on would be silnificantly different at Cascade V'il1age and.a maximum of 25% compact spaces wiitrin the structure wjll be the maximum ratio allowed In summary, the Town of Vail's requirement on the cascade Park'i n9-- Structurdwitt U" that the size of spaces within the structure wi'll il 8;0;; wide by 16'0;i long for compact spaces.and 8'6" wide by 18'0" iong for standird spaces-- Aisle widths should be adiusted to meet these standards. Page 2 2) Special Deve'lopment District #4 (Cascade Vi'llage) development standards require a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet. (Section 18.46.100) 3) Average height of the buitd'ing is not to exceed 45' show an average height of 47.47'. 0ur c.al cu'lati ons The Design Review Board also had some @ncerns at their meeting on November 18, 1981 at which they gave conceptual approva'l to the project. They suggested a study of materials which might be used instead of the meta'l siding and also more detail on the sky 'lights. I have included a]ist of the items which must be submitted to the Board prior to any final approva'l on the building. If you have any questions or ccrnments regarding our concerns' please contact me. Peter Jamar Town Pl anner PJ:df cc: Jere l'|a'l te Prolect Application oare October 26. 1981 proie,cr Descripl;6n, APprof ._ 182'000 sf mile*-Ise-comqlgx, including 423 parking stalls, a sports club of approx. contact person and p6sn" Jere Walters, Mansf ield, Ltd. 476-6602 Owner, Address and Phone: Vail. Colorado 81657 476-6602 Architecr, Address and phone: Robbins & Ream, 212 SutEer Street, ( 415 ) 989-2616 project Name: Cascade Village/Athletic Club & Parking Gqrage 00 South Front,ase Road West Legal Description: Lot Filing zone sD-4 comments: Prellmina revi-ew requested Lo assist in production of workin Motion by: Seconded by: Design Review Board .* r/rcf *t DISAPPROVAL - - -- ' ,-_:.'^--: -=---=\\\( {qydft,tZ AppRovAL )-..-- - - -----'-'t-o Summary: 2477 Jrat z€7/t/6 27 August 198L Peter Jamar Tov.rn of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter : This letter serves as a request for your coniments re-garding our parking space layouL for the upcoming Cascade Vilage Sports and Parking Center (now in Design Develop- ment at our office.) The garage sectj-on of the building parks 425 cars on 3Ievels - of these 350 are required spaces. We would like your comments. specifically, on the dimensions of our parking spaces and aisle widths. The building wilJ- be divided simply down the center (in the long direction)with a bearing wall. One side parks compact carsi the other standard cars . A compact space runs 7'6" wide by 16'0" long and J-ies at right angles to both sides of a 22,6" aisle. A standard space runs 8'6" wide by 18'0" long and lies at right angles to both sides of a 24 '5" aisle. ..v Approximately 55E of the Lotal car count would be compact sized. Please relay the Town of Vail's feelings on these points and the procedure for a vari-ance if, indeed, we would need to seek one. Your co[unents would be appreciated as soon as possible. 0laqtnr fr^e 1 {l/&bo,rtt'>-\- eB Eaz/vnv(*aa+(::1i 7'/l,".fta ti-'? s2/" n4N. klrtt, clts -a Thank yow, y'J ,I l/y'-.tctr.,- f *a ,'r-- 4e/ Aa.$r*+taetAt*- |{h{a-t"tti BYLAWS OF :tfiscaDE ctIIB' cOt[DOUrNrUfi rrSSOCIlrrou 0f fices .. The principal officeaE[E corporation (the rrAssociationrt) shall be located in vail, iolorado g1657. The corporatlon nay al-so have offlces and nay carry on its purposes at such other praces within and outside the state of colorado as the board of directors nay fron tine to tine determine. ARTICLE II be as set forth in the articles of incorporation fron tine time.2. Votj3g Rights. The voring rights of the nenbers shall be as seE-To'Etr-iiTEE articLes oi inEorporation and 1n these bylaws fron time to ttme.3. Quorum. Except as otherwlse provided in theee bylaws' the presence in person or by proxy of members entttled to vote 60 percent or more of the total votes of the members shall conati t.ut e a quorurn. 4. ProIK Votes nay be cast j.n person or by proxy.Every proxy ruEffiecuted in writing by the member or- tris auty authorized attorney in fact. No proxy shaLl be valid after the expiration of eleven monthe from the date of ite executlon unless otherwise provided in the proxy.5. Majority Vote. At any neeting of members, if a quoruo is present, the affirnative vot,e of nore than 50 percent of the votes represented at t.he meeting, in person or by proxy, sha11 be the act of the nenbers, unless the vote of a greater nunber is required by lan, the articles of incorporation, the condominiun decraration (the trDeclarationrt) establishing the condominium project at Cascade CLub Condoniniums (the ttpremisestt), or these bylavs. ARTICLE III Adnioistration 1. Annual Meeting. The annual_ neeting of the nenbers shall be held at a timE-a-@'nated by the Board 6f Directors or the 9e99nd Saturday ln the month of 0ctober, beginnlng with the year L987, for the purpose of electing directors and for the traniactton of such other business as may come before the neeting. rf the day fixed for the annual neeting shall be a lega1 holiday in colorado,such neetlng shal1 be held on the next, succeeding business day. ^ 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings for the nemlers,for any purpose, unLess otherwise prescribed by statute, may be cal1ed by the president or by the board of directors, and shal1 be called by the president at the request of the members eotttled to vote 30 percent or nore of the total_ votes of the nembers. shal1 t.o I L o I 3. Place of Mgeting. The board of directors nay designare any !'G-iG,-EittrEFEEhin or outside colorado, as the prace for any annuar meeting or for any special neeting called by the board of directors. A naiver of notile signed ty arr nenber entitled to vote at a meeting may destgnate any place, elther within or outside colorado, as the p1a-e for sucl a neeting. rf no deslgnation is nade, or if a special neeting shall be eallid otherwise than by the board, the place of n-eting shall- be the prlncipal office of the corporation in Colorado.-4. Notige of Meeting. Written or printed notice of any meetlng of the-iEiTErs, ;raEifi-the p1ace, A.i and hour of the meeting, and the purpose or purposes for which the rneeting is called, shalJ- be delivered personaLly or by naiL to each member entltled to vote at such meeting not Less than 10 nor nore than 50 days before the date of the meeting. rf maiLed, such notice shall-be deened to be dellvered when deposited in the united states maiL,addressed to the member at his address as it appears in the office of the Association-, with postage thereon prepaid. For the purpose of determining menbers entitled to notice of or to vote at any neeting of menbers, the board of directors may set a record date for such deteruination of members, In accordance with the laws of colorado. rf requested by the person or persons 1awful"1y calling euch neetings, the secretary shal1- give notice thereof ai corporite expense.5. - InfoJmal Action tr1 Members. Any action required or pernitted to be taken at a neeting of the members tnay be taken vithout a meeting if a consent in writing, settlng forth the action so taken' shall be signed by all of the members entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof. Such consent shal1 have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the members,and nay be stated as such in any articles or docurnent filed with the Secretary of State Colorado.6. Votgg. In the eLection of directors each menber shall have the-iT!-h-Fto vote the number of votes to which he is entitled for as nany persons as there are directors to be elected,and for whose election he is entitLed to vote. cumulative voting shaL1 not be all-owed. ARTICLE IV Board of Directors Nrlnber, The business and.affatrs of the Association shall- be managed by a board of directori (the ttBoardrr) consisting of four directora, each of whom sha11 be an individuaL nenber, or a partner, trustee, offlcer, director or 25 percent shareholder of an organizatlonal menber, one of the tnitial dtrectors named 1n the articles of incorporation, or a person destgnated by Declarant (as deflned in the Declaration). -2- I A person other than an initial director or a director deslgnated by DecLarant shall autonatical.Ly cease to be a director at suih time as he ceased to be an indlvidual member or a partner, trustee,offlcer, director or 25 percent shareholder of an organlzational nenber. The initial, directors shal1 serve until- the first annual neetlng; otherwise dlrectors shall be elected annually by the members at the annuaL neeting. Each dlrector sha11 hold office untl1 the electlon and gual-ification of hls succe'ssor.2. Eleqtion of Directors. All directors sha1l be elected uy a niJ6@v6TeJ-F-ffiEnbers enritLed ro vore ar a meeting at whlch dl.rectors are to be elected.3. Res;!ggg-!-1-g.ns,j_ Vacancies. Any dlrector may resign ar any tine uy grffig- ditG-no-ffi8-The presldenr or slcretaiy of the Associatton. such resignation shalL take effect at the tine specified therein; and unless otherwtse speclfied therein; the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to nake it effective. Any vacancy occurring in the board of diiectors (by reaaon of resignation, death, an increase in the number of directore) nay be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors then Ln office through less than a quorun. A director elected to fill a vacancy sharl be elected to serve until the next annual meeting of the nembers.4. Genersl Powers. The Board sha1l have and may exerclse aL1 tE-!iGrE-67-86'e Associ.ation except such as lre expressl.y conferred upon the nenbers, either in their capacity as menbers of the Association or as owners (ttownerstr) of condoninium unLts (the'rUnltsrr) located on the Premises, by 1aw, or by the articles of incorporation, the Declaration or these bylaws.5. Addflfe1qe1 Powers eqg Responsibilities. In addition to i ts ge ne ra1l6T6ifElili?-ia-6tr'affir i t y an d the responsibllity, acting through the Associationrs officers:(a) To adninister and enforce the covenants,condittons, restrictions, easements, uses, linitations, obl.lgations and all other provisions set forth ln the Declaration subnitting the property to the provisLons of the Condoninlun Ownership Act of the State of Colorado.(b) To establish, make, aoend and enforce conpliance vith such reasonable house rules as rnay be necessary for the operation use and occupancy of the Prenises.(c) To naintain in good order, condltLon and repair,it deems i.t necessary, to renovate all of the general and comnon elements, as defined in the Declaratlon, and all personal property used in the enJoyment of the Prenlses.(d) To obtain and naintaln lnsurance 1n connection Premises, the Owners, the Association and holders of l,lens 1n the oanner and the amounts provided in the Declaration. -3- and when lini ted itens of uith the on Unlts I (e) To fix, determine, levy and collect annual and special assessments to be paid by each of the onners to neet the common expeDses (as defined in the Declaratlon) and to create a contingency reserve therefor, alL as specifica11-y provided for in Paragraph 10 of the Declaration.(f) To collect promptl-y all del-inquent assessments by suit or otherwise and to enjoin or seek damages from an owner as is provided in the Ileclaration and these bvlaws.(g) To protect and defend tire Prenises froo loss and danage by suit or otherwise.(h) To borrow funds in order to pay for any expenditure or outLay authorized by these bylaus and the Declarat.ion, to execute alL such instruments evidencing such indebtedness as the Board nay deem necessary or advisable.(i) To enter into contract rrrithin the scope of their duties and powers.(j) To establish a bank account for the cornnon treasury and for all separate funds which are required or nay be deened advlsable by the Board.(k) To naintain fu11 and accurate books and records showing all of the receipts, expenses or disbursement of the Association. Any menber or his first lienor, as defined in the Declaratlon, may inspect such records at any reasonable time, and upon ten dayst notice to the nanaging agent or Board and payment of a reasonable feer aDI member, first l-ienor or prospective menber or first l-ienor shaLl be furnished a statenent of auch present memberrs account settlng forth the arnount of any unpitd assessnenta or other chargee due and owing from such present nenber.(1) To prepare and deliver annually to each nember a statement showing all receipts, expenses or disbursenents since the last such statement.6. t{4g3-1nC Agent. The Board nay employ a managing agent f or the I'Gociation- aT-a conpensation est;blished by -th6 board to perforn such duties and services as the board shal-l aut,horize lncluding, but not linited to, the duties Listed in Seetion 5 of this Article IV.7. ReRular Meetiogs. Regular neetings of the Board nay be held without call or formal noLice at such places within the State of Col-orado, and at such tines as the Board may fron time to time by vote determlne. Any business nay be transacted at a regular meeting. Until further determination, the reguLar meeting of the Board for the election of officers and for such other buslness as may cone before the meeting may be held without caLl or formaL notice ionedlately after, and at the same place as, the annual meeting of meubers, or any special neeting of members at whlch a Board is elected. -4- 8. Spgclal Meetings. Spectal- meetings of the Board nay be held at any place within colorado at any tine when called by tire president, or by tno or more directors, at least three daysr prior notice of the time and place thereof shall be given to each director by leaving such notice rrith htn or at his residence or usuar place of business, or by nailing or telegraphing it prepaid, and addressed to hin at his post office address as it appears on the books of the Associatlon, or by teLephone. Nottces need not state the,purposes of the neeting. No notice of any adjourned meeting of the directors shal1 be required.9. Quorum. A najority of the number of directors fixed by the bylaws shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a l-esser nunber may adjourn any meetlng from time to tine. When a quorum is present at any meeting, a majority of the directors in attendance sha11, except where a larger number is required by 1aw, by the artlcLes of incorporation or by these byI-aws, decide any question brought before such meeting.10. Irlaiver of Notice. Bef ore, or at any meeting of the Board, 9ny direEoi-frail inGl=ing, waive norice of such ieeting and such waiver shall be deemed equival,ent to the glving of such notice. Attendance by a director at any meeting oi the-board sha11 be a waiver of notice by hin except nhen a dlrector attends the neeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of business because the meeting is not lawf uJ.1y ca1led or convened.11. Megllggg !1 Tel-ephone. UnLess otherwise provided by the article of GEorp6iaEon'l-iilbG of the Board or any comnirre;thereof may participate in a neeting of the board or connittee by meang of conference telephone or similar communications equipnent by which all persons participating in the oeetlng can hear each other at the sane tine. Such participation shal1 constitute presence in person at the neeting.12. In&ggal Action !1 Directors. Any action required or permitted toTE-Ta-En-Et a-nGtTng-oT-tEe dirlctors may be taken wtthout a meeting if a consent in wrtting setting forth the action is so taken, shal1, be signed by a1I" of the directors entitLed to vote with respect to the subject natter thereof. Such consent shaLl have the saoe force and effect as a unaninous vote of the dlrectors. ARTICLE V 0fficers and Agents 1. General-. m;;TFicErs oF ttrE Associarion shall be a president (wtro-f,EllT-6'e chosen f ron the menbers of the Board), one or rnore vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. The board of directors nay appoint such other officers, asslstant officers,committees and ageots, including assl-stant secretarles and asslstant treasurers, as they may consider necessary or -5- ",,/ advisable, who shal1 be chosen in such manner and hold thelr offices for such terms and have such authority and dutles as fron time to time may be deternlned by the Board. One person nay hoLd any two offices, except that no person oay sinultaneously trlta tne offices of president and secretary. rn all cases where the duties of any officer, agent or enployee are not prescrtbed by the bylaws or by the Board, such officer, agent or enpl.oyee shaLl foLlow the orders and instructions of the president.2. Renoval of 0ffi cers. Upon an affirnatlve a najority of the members of the Boardr dtrI officer nay either with or without cauge, and his euccessor elected regular meeting of the Board, or at any special neetlng board ca11ed for such purpose.3. Vacancies. A vacancy ln any office, however occurring, may-E'ffi by the Board for the unexpired portion of the term.4. PresLdent. The president shal1 be the chief executive offiEEil-F-frE Associarion. He shall preslde at all meetings of the Association and of the Board. He shal1 have the general and actlve control of the affalrs and businees of the Association and general supervislon of 1ts officers, agents and enployees.5. !ice Presidents. The vice presidents shal1 agsist the president Ei?-sh=I1 perform such duties as rnay be aeslgned to them by the president or by the Board. In the absence of the president, the vice president designated by the Board or (if there be no such designatJ-on) deslgnated ln writl-ng by the president shalL have t.he powers and perforn the duties of the presldent. If no such designation shalL be nade, each and every vice president may exerclse such powers and perforn such dutLes.6. The Secretar The secretary shall: vote of be renoved, at any of the Keep the ninutes of the proceedings of the conmittee and the Board; See that all notices are duly given in provisions of these bylaws, the IJecLaration and (a menbere, execut,iv (b accordance with t as required by la (c seaL of the Assoc authorized by the (d of bueiness withi names and registe the Unlt owned by nortgage or a dee holds the promiss trust; ) e ) he w; ) Be custodian of the corporate records and of the iation and affix the seal to all docunents when board of directors; ) Keep at its reglstered office or principal place n or outside Colorado a record containing the red addresses of alL menbers, the designation of each menber, and, lf such Unit is encunbered by a d of trust, the name and address of the party who ory oote secured by such nortgage or deed of -6- (e) In general, perform all duties incident to the office of secretary and such other duties as fron tine to time nay be assigned to hin by the president or by the Board. Assistant secretaries, 1f any, shalL have the same duties and pouers, subject to eupervision by the secretary.7. Treggqqq.. The treasurer sha1l be the prlncipal financial offiEfrF-ffi Association and sha11 have the care and custody of aLL funds, securities, evidences of indebtedness and other personal. property of the associatlon and sha11 deposit the same in accordance with the instructions of the Board. He shaLl receive and give receipts and acquittances for moneys paid in on account of the Association, and sha11 pay out of the funds on hand all bil1s, payrolls and other Just debts of the Association of whatever nature upon naturity. He sha11 perforn aLL other duties incident to the office of the treasurer and, upon request of the board, shalJ. nake such reports to lt as may be requlred at any t,ime. He sha1l, if required by the Board, give the Associatlon a bond in such sums and with such suretles as sha11 be satisfactory to the Board, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his dutles and from the restoration to the Association of a1L books,papers, vouchers, morey and other property of whatever kind in hLs poesession or under his control bel_onging to the Assoclation. He shall have such other powers and perform such other duties aa rnay be from time Eo time prescrlbed by the Board or the president. The asslstant treasurers, if any, shal1- have lhe same powers and dutles, subJect to the supervision of the treasurer ARTICTE VI Obligations of the Members 1. Assessnents. Each Ownef sh-lTlay his share of all assessments tmposed by the Association to meet the connon expenseg. Each assessnent shaLl be al-locat.ed arnong the owners on the basis of their Sharing Ratios, as defined in the Declaration. Assessnents shall be due and payable on the date or dates specified in the assessment notLce. All unpaid assessnents nay bear intereat at a rate determined by the Board from t.ine to tine and ehal-l be secured by a llen on the Unl-t owned by the defaulting Ovner, in accordance with t.he provtslons of the Declaration.2. Malntenance and Repair.-(?JE-"ery 0frEr-GfrTTfperform or cause ro be performed at hls oun expense alL maintenance and repair work withln hls own apartnent unit (as deflned in the Declaratlon) necessary to maintain such unlt in a good and habitable state of repalr.(b) All repaLrs of lnternal- installatlons in a Unlt such as water, f.ight, g6s, power, sewage, tel_ephones, alr conditioners, sanitary installations, doors, windows, eLectrical fixtures and all other accessories, equlpment and fi xtures belonging to an apartment unit sha11 be at the 0wnerrs expense. -7- I (c) Each Ovner sha11 reimburse the Associatlon promptly upon receipt of its statenent for any expendj.tures incurred by it in repairing or replacing any general or limited common element damaged by the negligence or lntentionaL acts of such Owner, his faniLy, tenants or invltees.3. CompLig."c,g With Declaration, ArticLes, Bvlaus and Rules. Each menber shaLl conply with all of the provisions of the Declaration, the articles of incorporation and bylarrs of the Associ.ation and any ruLes and regulations issued by the Board . If a nember fails to conply, the Association sha11 have the poner,during^the period of such delinquency, (a) to revoke a delinquent menberrs right to use general conmon eLements designed for recreational purposes, if any, and (b) to suspend a nenberrs voting privileges. ARTICLE VII Evidence of Ownershl Reglstratlon of Mailins Address and Lien Holders 1 .-- TrooI oTlr.rneEFTo Bfpef of Ovnership. Except for those Owners who initial-1-y contracted to purchase a Unit from the Declarant, 8trI person on beconing an 0wner shaLl furnish to the Association a photocopy or a certified copy of the recorded instrumeot vesting that person with an interest or ownership. Such copy shal1 remaln in the files of the Association. A member shall not be deemed to be in good standing and sha11 not be entitled to vote at any annual or speclal meeting of members unLess this requirement is first satisfied. The Association may issue nembership certificates to its nembers; however, such certificates sha1l not be deened to be shares of stock in the Association. 2. Registration of Mailing Address. If a Unit is owned by tvo or nore Owners, such co-owners shall designate one address as the registered address required by the Declaration. The reglstered address of an 0wner or Owners shall be furnished to the secretary wlthin five days after transfer of title, or afLer a change of address, and such registration sha1l be in wrl-tten form and slgned by all- of the 0wners or by such persons as are authorized by law to represent the interest of the 0wners thereof.3. Ltens. Any Owner who nortgages or grants a deed of trust covering his Unit shall notify the Board of the nane and address of the mortgagee or beneficiary of the deed of trust and sha11 flle conformed copies of the note and security instrument uith the Board. The Board shal1 maintain such information in a book entitl-ed rrliens on Unitst'. The Board, when giving notice to an Owner of default in paying an assessnent or other default, sha1L send a copy of such notice to each mortgagee or beneficiary of a deed of trust covering such 0wnerts Unit whose name and address has theretofore been furnished to the Board. First lienors, as shown in the Liens on Units, shal-I have the right to exanine the books and records of the Association at any reasonable tlme. -8- 4. Address of the Assoclation. The address of the Assoclation shal1 be 1000 S. Frontage RoEd West, Vai1, Colorado 81657. such address may be change frorn time to tine upon written notice to aL1 members and alL mortgagees or beneflclaries of deeds of trust listed in Liens on Units. ARTICLE VIII Securltv Interest In Menbershi Owners sha11 have the right irrevocabfy to constitute and appoint the mortgagee or the beneficiary of a trust deed their true and lawful attorney ln fact to vote their Unit menbership in the Association at any and all meetings of the Association and to vest in the nortgagee or the beneficiary any and all rights, privileges and powers that they as owners under the artlcLes of incorporation and these byLaws or by virtue of the Declaration. Such proxy shall become effective upon the filing of notice by the mortgagee or the beneficiary with the secretary of the Association at such time or times as the nortgagee or the beneficiary sha11 deen its security in jeopardy by reason of the failure, neglect or refusaL of the Associatlon, the Board or the owners to carry out their duties as set forth in the Declaratlon. A release of the mortgage or the beneficlaryre deed of trust shal1 operate to revoke suih proxy.Nothing herein contained shall- be construed to relleve Owners, as mortgagors, of theLr duties and obligations as Ovners or to inpose upon the mortgagee or the beneficiary of the deed of trust the duties and obligations of an Ovner. ARTICLE IX I ndemnificat ion (a) Definitions.T;Tl;iG;;-of this Article IX, the following terms shalL have the neanlngs set forth bel-ow:(i) Action - Any threatened, pending or completed action, sult or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, admintstrative or investtgative;(ii) Derivative Actlon - Any Acuion by or in the right of the Association to procure a judgenent in its favor;(iii) Third Party Action - Any Acrion other than a Derivative Action; and (iv) Indennified Partv - Any person who le or was a party or is threatened to be made a party to any Action by reason of the fact that he is or was a director or officer of the Assoclatlon.(b) Thlrd Party Action. The Associarion sha11 lndemnlfy any Indemnified Party against expenses (including attorneyst fees),judgenents, fines, excise taxes, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by hln 1n connecti.on wlth any Third Party Action if, as deternined purauant to Paragraph (e) below, he acted in good faith and in a nafiner he reasonably bel-ieved to be ln the beet interests of the Association and, with respect to any crininal action, had no reagonable cause to believe -9- his conduct was unlawfu1. The ternlnation of any Third party Action by Judgement, order, settLernent, convictton or upon a plea of nol-o contendere or its equivalent, shalL not of itself create either a presunption that the rndemnified Party did not act ln good falth and in a Banner which he reasonably believed to be in the best lnterest of the Association or, wlth respect to any crininal Action, a presunption that the Indennifled Party and reasonable cauae to believe that his conduct was unLawful.(c) Derivatlve Actions. The Associatlon shalL indemnify any Indennified Party against expenaea (incLuding attorneyst fees but excl-uding anounts paid in settleraent) actua11.y and reasonably i.ncurred by hin in connection with the defenae or settlenent of any Derivative Action if, as determlned pursuant to Paragraph (e) bel-ow, he acted in good faith and ln a nanner he reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the Association, except that no indennification shall be made ln respect of any c1aim, issue, or oatter as to which such person le or has been adjudged to be liable for negLigence or misconduct in the performance of hls duty to the Association unless and only to the extent that the court in rrhich such Action was brought determines upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability and in vlew of all cj.rcumstances of the case, such Indernnified Party is falrly and reasonably entitled to indemnification for such expense which such court deems proper.If any claim that may be nade by or in the right of the Assoctation agalnst any person who nay seek i.ndennification under thls ArtlcLe IX is jolned with any cLaim by any other party agalnst such person in a single Action, the clain by or ln the rlght of the Assoclation (and all expenees reLated thereto) sha11 nevertheless be deened the subJect of a separate and distinct Derivative Action for purposes of this Article IX.(d) Success on Merits. If and to the extent that any Indemnified Party has been successfuL on the merits in defense of any Action referred to in Paragraph (b) or (c) of this Article IX,or ln defense of any claim issue, or natter therein, he sha1l be indennified agatnst expenses (including attorneyrs fees) actually and reasonably incurred by hln 1n connection therewlth without the necessity of any determlnatton that he has met the applicable standards of conduct set forth 1n Paragraphs (b) or (c) of this Article IX.(e) Determinatlon. Except as provided in Paragraph (d), any indemnification under Paragraphs (b) or (c) of rhis Article IX (unless ordered by a court) shalL be made by the Association only upon a determination that indemnlftcation of the Indennified Party is proper in the circumstance because he has net in the applicable standards of conduct set forth in said Paragraphs (b) or (c). Any indennification under Paragraph (d) of this Article IX (unless ordered by a court) shall be made by the Association only upon a deternination by the Association of the extent to which the Indemnified Part.y has been successful on the nerits. Any such determination sha1l be made (a) by a majority vote of a quorum of the whole Board consisting of directors who are not or leere not - 10- partles to the subject Action or (b) upon the request of a majority of the directors who are not or were not part,ies to such Actlon, or lf there be none, upon the request of a majorlty of a quorum of the whoLe Board, by independent 1ega1 counsel (rrhich counsel shall not be the counsel generally employed by the Association in connection with it6 corporate affairs) in a wrltten opinton, or (c) by the menbers of the Association at a neeting call-ed for such purpose.(f) Payment in Advance. Expenses (including aitoineyst fees) or some part thereofincurred by an Indennified Party in defending any Action, shaLL be paid by t,he Associatlon in advance of the final disposition of such Action if a deternlnation to make such paynent. is made on behaLf of the Association as provided tn Paragraph (e) of this Articte IX; provided that no such payment nay be made unless the Association shall have first received a written undertaking by or on behalf of the Indennified Party to repay such anount unless it is ultinately deternined that he is entltled to be indemnified by the Association as authorlzed in this Artlcle rx.(g) 0ther Indennification. The indennification provided by thls Article IX sha1l not be deened excLusive of any other rlghts to which any Indemnlfled Party or other person may be entitled under the articLe of lncorporationr atry agreement, these bylaws, vote of the nenbers or disinterested directors or otherwise, and any procedure provided for by any of the foregoing,both as to action in hls official capacity and as to action in another capaclty whlle holding such offlce.(h) Perlod of Indemnification. Any indemnification pursuant to thls Article IX shall contlnue as to any Indennified Party who has ceased to be a director or officer of the Assocj.ation, and shal-1 inure to the beneflt of the heirs and pereonal representatives of such Indennified Party. The repeal or anendnent of this Article IX or of any Paragraph or provision t.hereof uhich would have the effect of limiting, qualifying or restricting any of the poners or rights of indenniflcation provided or pernLtted ln this Article IX shaL1 not, soLe1y by reason of such repeal; or anendmeot, elimlnate, restrict or otherwiee affect the right or power of the Association to indemnify any person, of affect any rlght of lndennification of such person, with respect to any act or omission which occurred prior to such repeal or amendnent.(i) Insurance. By action of the Board, notwithstanding any interest of the directors in such action, the Assoclatton may purchase and maintain insurance, in such amounts as the Board nay deem appropriate, on behalf of any Indennified Party against any ltability asserted against hin and incurred by him ln his capacity of or arlsing out of hls status as an Indemnified Party, whether or not the Association would have t,he power to indemnify hin against such Iiability under applicable provisions of law.(j) Rieht to IEpose Conditlons to Indernniflcation. The Assoclation sha11 have the rlght to impose, as conditions to any indennification provided or permitted ln this Article IX, such -I1- reasonable requirernents and conditions as to the Board or nembers nay appear appropriate in each specific case and circumstances,including but not linited to any one or more of the folLowlng: (a)that any counsel representing the person to be lndennified in connection with the defense or settrernent of any Actioa shalL be counsel nutually agreeable to the person to be indemnified and to the Association; (b) that the Association shal1 have the right, at its option, to assume and control the defense or settlement of any claln or proceeding made, initlated or threatened agai.nst the person to be indennified; and (c) that the Association sha11 be subrogated, to the extent of any payments rnade by way of indemnification, to all of the indennified personts right of recovery, and that the person to be indemnified shaLl execute alL uritings and do everythlng neceasary to assure such rights of subrogation to the t\ssoclatlon. ARTICLE X Anendments 1. Q;4 lrirectors. ffiept as by law, the articLes of lncorporation, the Declaration or these byJ_aws 1_imited, or comnitted to action by the nenbers, the Board shall have power to make, amend and repeal the bylaws of the Association at any regular meeting of the Board or at any special- meeting called for the purpose at nhich a quorum ts represented. Ilowever, if the members shaLL nake, anend and repeal" any byl,aws the directors shal1 not thereafter anend the sane in such manner as to defeat or inpair the object of the menbers ln taking such actlon.2. Memle1e. The members may, by the vote of the holders of at least 601;rce-;t of the votes of - the- menbers, unless expressly nade subject to a higher voting requirenent by 1aw, the articles of incorporation, the DecLaration or these byLawe, make,alter, amend and repeal the bylaws of the Association at any annual rneetlng or at any special neeting ca11ed for that purpose at which a quorum shal1 be represented.3. Con{I:igg t{!th l2eclar_e!194. Norwithsranding anyrhing c on t a i ne d he r eG-I6-Ee-6i'ti6[]Trr-EG-b y laws shal I nor be ane nd ed to brlng any provision herein into conflict with any provision of the Declaratlon. These bylaws, as arnended fron tine to Line, shal_l_remain subject to the Ifeclaration and this Section 3 of ArticLe IX shalL not be anended or deleted except by a vote of 100 percent of the votes of the menbers and 100 percent of the first lienors, as defined in Section 3 of Article VII herein. ARTICLE XI MisceLlaneous 1. Seal. The coilGEiJi--GL of the Associatlon shall be circular in-E6fr and shali contain the name of the corporation,the year of its organization and the words ItSeal, Colorador.Fiscal Year. The fiscal vear of the Association 2.shall be such as nay frorn tlme to time be establlshed by the Board.3. Cascade VlLlage Associatton. The Premises are within Cascade ViL1age, and are subject to governance by the Cascade -12- I Village Aseociation regarding certain natters set forth ln the Lleclaratioo creating Covenants, Conditions, Restrictlong and Eaeenents for Cascade Village. The Cascade CLub Condonlniun aesociatLon shall have the right to appolnt a representative of the Aseociatlon to serve aa a nenber of the Board of DLrectors of the caecade vi].lage Associatlon. rf sald District faLls or refuses to appolnt the nenber after 30 dayet notice fron the Aeeociation, the Board shaLl thereafter have the rlght to appoint. said nenber. -13- I L SCHEDULE A Services Provided Bv The Assoclatlon I'rhlch@IF"@I L, Lawn and grounds care 2. Snow removal fron roads and parking areasi if any, whLch are part of the general connon areas 3. Trash renoval 4. Water and sewer service 5. Adninlstratlon, bookkeeplng, 1egal and audit 6. Insurance, as more fu1ly described ln Paragraph 9 of the Dec laration 7. All other ordinary malntenance, repair work, and servlces related to the general connon elements which may be oecessary. * The services set forth herein are the ioltial services to be provided by the Association. The Assoclation may, fron tine to tine, add to or subtract from the list. -14- SCIIEDULE B Assegsments, Debts, or Other Obligations Assumed 9g a Unlt 0sner on his Condominiun Unit l. Assessg$_ (a) Each Owner w111 be assessed by the Assoctatlon hi-[io-TEEThare of the conmon expense artributable to each Unit owned by him. Such proration shall be on the basis of Sharing Ratlos, as defined in the Declaration, on the date the common expense 1s assessed. Special assessnents may be levied whenever in the opinion of the Board it is necessary or advisable to do so (i) to neet lncreased operating or malntenance expenaes or costs, (ii) to provlde for additionaL capltal expenses, or (iii) because of energencies; however, if the proposed addltional_ capltal expenses at any given time are in exeess of ten percent of the naxlnun repLacenent value of the buildings, as deEermined by the Association pursuant to subparagraph 11 (c) of the Declaration,such expenses nay be incurred only after the nenbers, bI the vote of the holders of at least 75 percent of the votes of t,he members, approve such expenses.2. Debts. A1l- sums assessed but unpald for the share of conmon expenses assessed to any Unit sha11 constitute a lien on such Unlt in favor of the Assoclation. Thls lien is nore fu1-1y described in subparagraphs f0 (e) and 10 (f) of the IteclaratLon.3. 0blisations. (a) Although Declarant does not anticipate that the Owners wllL purchase their Units subject to any liens, except for the J-ien inpoeed by 1an for real property taxes le.vl,es on the Unit for the year in whlch the Unit is purchased,there are liens imposed by the laws of the United States and the State of Col-orado which nay not appear of record. Each prospectlve Owner ls advised to avaiL himself of a title insurance commitnent prior to closing of tltle on Unlt.(b) Each Owner nay mortgage his Unlt and the Mortgage may cover such Orrnerrs interest in general and linited connon eleneots. However, except for nechanicgr 1iens, asseasment - 15- t SCHBDULE C RecreatLonal Faclllties -16- "'1 ; ! l 1. &ecreatioaal Facll.ltiea. There are no plans to construct recreatiooaL facllitles aa part of Caecade Condoul.nluus Assoclation. j I