HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 FIRST ADDITION LOT 1 LION SQUARE LODGE COMMON (4)TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMIT Permit #: F04-0021 Job Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 660 WEST LIONS]IEAD, SALES OFFICE Applied . . : 05/ll/2004 Parcel No...: 210107202019 Issued . . : 05/19/2004 ProjectNo I Llp- Expires. .: owNER rJION SQUARE PH r, rI, IrI & O5/!L/2O04 phone: 660 W IJIONSHEAD PL VAIL co 81_5s7 License: CoNTRACTOR FIRE SPRTNKITER SERVICES 05/!L/2O04 Phone: 800-875-3105 0151- POITDEROSA DR GI_,ENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 815 01 I-,icense: 456-S APPLICANT FIRE SPRTNKI-,ER SERVTCES 05/LL/2004 Phone: 800-875-3105 0151 POIIDEROSA DR GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 License:455-S Desciption: ADD 2 HEADS IN SALES OFFICE Valuation: $1,200.00 t:tt+a+tt+*,*+**:t't**:***:ti:it *ta*+t:ttl Mechan ical->S0 . 00 Restuarant Plan ReYiew->S0. OO Total Calculated Fees__> 9404 - 00 So. oo Additional Fees-'--'>90 - 00Plsn check-> s350.00 DRB Fee---> $o.oo TOTAL FEES----------> $404.00 Total Permit Fee--> 9{04.00lnvestigation-> willcdl-->$3 .00 PaFnents---> 9404.00 RAI ANCE DUE-_> SO. OO Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPART!,IENT Ttem: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENI o5/La/2o04 mcgee Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .::3;:]-:*:::3-.]J::.,".::.::X.T*'.-T::i:"*:,.,':-.,"-T.:L.::1..:,":.:-*"-:l-:.:lTli;-..-,--*,1..,,..,,1+*,**..:,**.***., DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQITESTS FORINSPECTTON SEALL BEMADE TWENTY- FROM 8:00 AM - 5P1t{. BY TELEPIIOI\TE AT 479-2135 FOR HMSELF AND OWNET *** * * ** * * * * * *** * + ** *l t * ** ******** *+ **** * t * *** * ** ** * * * * ** | +***{.* ** +* * * * * * * * * ** * + **** * * ** * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *** **** * * * ++ t + * ** * * *lt** I *f + *+ ** * * ** t* * * * *** * f* * *** * * * ** *+ + * +1* * + *+ *,t *******+1.** * ****** * * * ** St.aeement Number: R040005859 Arnor:nts: 5404.00 05/L9/2OO4O1 :44 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #3 908/Fire Sprin]<ler Permit No: f04-0021 Tlpe: SPRINKLER PERMIT ParceL No: 2LOLO72O2OL9 Site Addresg: 560 LIONSHEJAD PI, VAIL Location: 550 WEST LIONSHAiN), SALES OFFICB ToUaI Fees: $404.00 Thie Payment: $404.00 Total Al,t Pmte: $404.00 Balance: $0.00 * ***** * * * *** * **'t'|lr f{' !t * * ** * + * +** ***** * t***** * * *+* *** * ++ *** + *******t + + ** * f * l* * * * ++ * * * ** * * * *** * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES 51.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 350.00 r,rc 00100003112800 t,lltLL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 804-0055 Job Address: 660 LIONSIIEAD PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 660 W LIONSHEAD PLACE Applied . . : 04/2912004 ParcelNo...: 210107202019 Issued. . : 05/03/2004 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 10/3012004 OWNER LION SQUARE PI{ I, II, ITI & 04/28/2004 PhONE: 550 W LIONSHEAD PIJ VAII-, co 8L557 License: CONTRACTOR EXCET,I-, EI-,ECTRTC PO Box 1325 Eagle, Colorado 81531 I-,icense z 323-E APPLICANT EXCELL EI-,ECTRIC PO Box 1325 Eag1e, Colorado 81531 Iricense:323-E Desciption: MISC RELOCATE OF FIXTURES, RECEPTACLES AND BRING POWER IN FOR COPIERS AND DISHWASHER Valuation: $1,400.00 FEE SUMMARY **r++**t tlt+t*trr****tr*rtll+t+tri.'r*:.l.t,t*t*'li.*'r*:|***:|*'rr** 04/28/2004 Phone: (970) 524-]272 04/28/2004 Phone: (970) 524-L272 Electrical > DRB Fee_> Investigation-> 9s0.00 $0. 00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> $s3.00 $0. o0 Total Permit Fee-------> $53 .00 Will Call--> 93 . OO Prrments--------> S53 . 00 TOTAL FEES-> $s3 -oo BALANCE DUE----> S0.00 **l*t*t|*ttl++|+*|*t|+ttlit|*+|*|it*tl*ttlt|l'ti**ttt*ltil*'till|l**|*tt|+tl''|tt**|*tt+*i***+|i+l*.*|'tt|*lltl*|*{*|'* Approvals:Ifem: 05000 EIJECTRICA! DEPARTMENT o4/28/2oo4 JS Action: AP ].:-:I--:-:-:-o-:.-l]'T.'::.:*Tl.Y.t.,***....*.'}t:|l:}**f|****||'l.'||'lt**'tit,l|'l'*':tlt|+.:l|:t**'t.+|i{ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 ::.::-".:]i-.:l:3-,.1,i:,".""-::'..",T-.ff..:-::*'.:H.-t:--:.:"-.",:,i::-,-.:::-:..::H:Ifl."i;.--,,.-,*!,,*,,.**,,,,:,,:,,,,+,,,* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review * * + +* * * ** ** * * * *** ** * * t +t +l***** ** *+ +** * ti ** * * *+* * * * * ** * ** * *l * * * +* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f l. * * * **** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * ** ++ * * * ***** *+ * ********* * **+*+ + *t*** * t*** * * * *t*** * ***** ** ** * * * *++**+ *+ f * + ** * * * *** | * ** * * **+ * statement Nunber: R040005725 Amount: $53.00 05/03/2OO4L0:53 AM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Excell Electric 2038 Permit No: 804-0055 1l4)e: ELECTRICAL, PERMIT ParceL No: 2LOLO72O2OL9 Site Address: 650 ITIONSHEAD PL VAII Location: 660 W LIONSHEAD PLACE Tolal Fees: $53.00 This Paynent: $53.00 Totsa1 ALL Prnts r $53.00 Balance: $0.00 ** * * ** ***++* +*tlr * * ** * * * *********** ****** +tf** **** *** * ** t * **+**** *+ * * **{'{.'}* +***** ** * *'}+1.***+* ACCOI,]NTITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEI'4PORARY POWER PERMITS l4lc OO1OOOO31128OO I,J]IL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Proiect #: Building Permit #=- Efectriclf Permit * lroq' 97 O - 47 9' 2149 (I n sPections) MWNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 t:tElVED coMpLETE cQ. rrrr FoR NEW BUTLDS and vALUATIONS FOR ALL OTH Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Req. No.: (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ /94.-oAMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Assessors Office at 97O-3ZE4t!7tQor u!2i!!for Parcel # Contact workcrass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel 0d Repair( i Temppower( ) other( ) ffiHU "ritt.t this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) W*k Typ" Interior (Y) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) mum-fatityl ; Commercial 9d Restaurant( ) Other( ) No of Accommodation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: it for a hot tub: Yes ffistx) No() -4,,> ***********************-*********r.******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**f ******'t"********r'***************" \WAiMAIA\CdCV\FORM S\PERMITS\ELECPERM' DOC arrrs$' Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. o Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. s Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. a The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench.o In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. o NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verif,/ that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. a If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. q^7-orl Date Signed , If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. /a TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD^..-;VAII-r / \-U OIOf, / 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER E tect r i ca [---> DRB tee lnvest igation>tlitL CaLl----> Job AddressLocation... Parcel No. .Project No. 114.00 .00 .00 3.00 660 LIONSHEAD PL LIONSQUARE LODGE 2I0I-07 2-O2-0r9 PRJ96-0034 Status, . .applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . .00 117.M I S SUED oB / 08 /tee 6 0e /12/ree6 03 /rt/Lee7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E9 6-0182 SUPERIOR ALARM VAIL PO BOX 2644, VAIL CO 81658 SUPERIOR ALARM VAIL PO BOX 2644t VArL CO 81658 LION SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 W LIONSHEAD PL, VAIL CO 81657 Phone z 3034'1 67300 Phone: 3034767300 Description: FIRE ALARM *******t****i****i************************t*************** FEE SUHr.lARy Valuation: Total Catcutated Fees---> 1t17.0O 8,000.00 Add i t iona( Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> PaymentS------- BALANCE DUE-.--roTAL FEES---> 147.00 **********************************************************************************************************t***************t****** Itqm: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion:08l.08/.1996 DAN Action: NOTE JEFF FIRE B-8-9609'/I2'/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR ********************ii*********************************************************************tr**rt******rt******************t********* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *********************************i***************************************************************************************fi******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolr(edge that I have read this appt'ication, fitLed out in fuLl. the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and statc that a[[ the information provided as required is correct- I agree to corDpLy r|ith the information and pl,ot pLan,to comP(y with aLl' Toun ordinances and state [aus, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, un'iforB Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE T!/ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2158 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROM 8:OO AII 5:OO **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * d. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0200 Amount: Payment Met,hod: CK Notation: #2151 147.00 oe/L3/e6 08 :06Init: Ds Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account.Code01 0000 4131301 0000 41336 E96-0182 Type: B-ELEC 2LO1-07 2-02-OL9 660 LIONSHEAD PL LIONSQUARE LODGE ELECTRICAL PERMIT 147.00 Total Fees:Tota] ALL PnTS: Balance: Descr j.ption ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 147.00 147 .00 .00**************************************************************** Amount 144. 00 3.00 TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD./Art, co 8t657 )7 0-47 9-2L38 Job Addrese...: Location......:Parcel No.....: Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0120 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR VALI,EY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 OWNER LION SQUARE PH ] II III & NORTH 660 W LTONSHEAD PL, VAIL co 81657 Description: FIRE PROTECTION Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted:#0f Gas Appliances: NOTE PLANS TO NOTE HYDRALICS APPR PER JOHN Dept: BUILDING Division: 660 LIONSHEAD PL LIONSQUARE LODGE 2LOt-O72-02-019 PRJg 6-0 0 34 Status. . . applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: flof Gas Logs: ISSUED o8/07 /Lee6 08/L4 /Lee6 02/Lo /Lee7 Phonei 303949L74'1 Phonez 3O3949L747 (** tt FEE SUllltARY ***************** tlechanicat---) 24O.OO Rcstuarant Pl'an Revi evll> 'oo Totat catcul'ltcd Fecs--> 3o3'0o Ptan Check--) 60.00 DRB Fee---------------1 'OO Additionat tces------> '0o tnvestigation> .OO TOTAL FEES----- r,riu. car.t----> 3.oo litlil:;;-:-:::-:::i to':ffi ,*ffi 12, 000.00 fof i,lood/Pa L I'et : Division:DeI)I: FIREFIRE 8-?-96 TO FIRE DEPT GULICK CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE BEQqTBFD ro cHEqK EqR-qgDE ggl',SMANcE'i. bor,re[si10N-AiR-is iiilouinEt LiEn SBc. -q-oZ-gF-TEp 19e1 -I4-{c:--- 3 : ifrsflir,iiioii-iiu$i d6NFoHM-r0 [deNUFacrqREs rNsrRucr]oNs AND-' id-nitFENbix-cHeprsn 21 oE TEE 1e91_uyq-._- -- ^.+ . dXs' abFi,lAiicEii'*sttEii-L qq-Vq[leo-AeegRDING To-qIIAPTEB -e- -AND-' 5'n'Er,-r,- tnni,tifrfiie -iis- srEq t l-r ED- r u sqq . 9 9-6- gE-THE 1 e 9 1 - uu-q:s. LdeEss-to -n-eiiiiw'C'E0irrFfrENi-uuEr-e0t'IPlY wrru sEc. 50s AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.o. e6ilEi.s-$nal,i-Ee-iidur,rrnD gN_!'LooRs aE N9NC91IPUSTIBLE coNsT.-' uNLESs-LrsrED Fon MduNfrllq A!{ coMBqqrIBLE-ElgoRrNG' 7 . Ffiilfiii, FiANS-Ail6"cttbE--4[Etf5-is-t'lTUSi-BE PosrED IN MEcHANIcAL- nobM-pRron ro AN rNsPEcrIoN REQUEST.-----e. ijHXrureE-tjr-Ms'CiiAfridal R00iiq--e6NrArNrug 4E4TING oR HQ!_wlr{R-' siIpFilV-eoiLrit3-Siial,l,--sn--E0tjipFnD-isittt-a Fr'oon DRArN PER sgc' 2119 0F THE 1991 ttMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r hcc.by .cknout.dg. th.t I hrvc nc.d-thlt lPptlc.tiofi, firtcd.ost !1 l^ul't :h-c-111on!tlqr fcquiFcd, co?tetcd. ttr !ccuF!t' Ptot ptan, rnd ,t.t. thrt ett tnsJnioiliiori p-liacc ag riquirco-is correct. . t agrce to coTty iith thc lniorretion 'nd plot pl'!n' to co*ly ylth ltt ro,,n o.oir,*i".f arra itit. tanl,.and io bui ld this 3tructur. .ccording iothc Toun'c zonl ng and 'lsdivlrioni.air,-iiric, noriry ryprorJ,'u"it.ti B,riiaint i6ac ana othcP ordin ncG! of th' Toun 'ppticrbtc th'Fcto' RE€T'ESTS FON IilSPECTIOITS SI{ALL BE 'IADE TIENW-FOI'R HOI,R8 IN 3IGNATUNE OF OII|IER OR CONTRACTOI FOR HIISELf AIID AT olJR otFICE FR0ll t:l,0 A1| 5:00 Pil k*****************r.********************************************* fowN oF vArr,, cor,oRADO Statemnt t*************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0184 Anount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 008859 3O3.OO 08/L4/96 15:35 Init: AL,l'l M96-0120 TYPe: 2t0L-o72-02-019 660 LIONSHEAD PL LIONSQUARE I-,ODGE B-MECH MECHANICAI, PERMIT Total Fees: 303.00 Total ALL, Pmts: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thie PaYment Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 303 .00 303.00 .00 Amount 240.0O 60.00 3.00 ,,, Hydroulics BFPE 51 W.84TH AYE. SUITE 53O DENVER, COLO. 40221 Summory Sheet Daslgnar: Colc By: Dote: JR JR 8t5t96 Proiect Informotion LION SOUARE LODGE 660 W. LIONSHEAD PLACE vArL, colo. 81 657 Conlract Noi Building: Sustem I0: Re{. Drauing No: Construction: 0ccupancA: Aulhorllp 96-0826 EXI STING I,IET SYSTEtl Fp1 NON-COIlBUSTI BLE OFFI CES Hydroulics lnformotion Demond... Spr Req'd Pres: 93.8'1 PSI Spr Raq'd Flow: 56'f.96 GPN Add'l FloYts: O.OO GPll Hose ot Srce: 250.00 GPtl Totol Flow: I I 4.96 GPll Totol Pres: 93.81 PSI Sfollc Elev: 0.0O F t Supply... Woter Flow Test Siotlc: 150.00 PSI Reslduol: l'{5.O0 PSI Oty Flowlng: 1360.00 GPN Elevoilon: 0.00 Ft Dote:-------- Tlme: Pump Doto Roted: (NA) PSIA Boost Pres: Dlschorga Pres: Dlschorga Flow: Comblned Stotlc: ( NA) PSI Reslduol: (NA) PSI Qty Flowlng: (NA) GPfl Avolloble... P) 1,18.06 PSIe 81'1.96 Gpll F) 93.8.1 psle 5020.92 6Pt1 Morgln... Pressure: 51.22 PSI Flow: '1205.95 GPll ( NA) Gpfl (NA) PSI (NA) PSI ( NA) Gpfl Systam Informotion Systam Type: llET SYSTEII Flydroulics Design Critario Denslty: . 15 6Pl1 zSqFt Remoie Areo: l5O0 SqFt Sprlnklar Covaroge: UARIE SqFt Deslgn Stondord: NFPA 13 Hozord: 0RO.HAZ' GP-I Flgure: Curve: Sprinklers ,/ Nozzles Monufocturer: UI KI NG Model: UARIES Slzaz ! t2 K-Foctor: 5.6 Tamparoture Rotlng: Slgrrrcr Dynornlcs CorPoroilon @ Coeyrlsht 1992, Al tushh Rrrrrvrd 77OO Hy droullcs E (9 o c;\oI CJ U\U)Idou) . oqo-' o lJ oi;'r,qU-u)q-Oo-*-lnc =o F v3;t;di = 6&fr !aoL(, Tco Eoo (Iofa ootrt. o- -(,q: -oG Lq, o = EEEto-ooo.(D (9 (9 (9 \OoO\oo)ooq, f()ott-\o loato N@ atao-o t{-@@c; e;:s, aTI P F3.,T EOU 3 3r:; tr bT';b;96o+ CPaA .a a w aB('r-Ovr- 6'38 f P cfo@ oo\o oo o GI LI Ro.'YEJO ol*J aL! (J q_)gzU,5 zo oJ6 oooc)ooooooot@F-\oat)!-(tfYao a =z o ooooor@t\\o (66) ernsse.r6 oooocfolr|!-(na!<o(\ (\ r\l c\r Gl 6l SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2O16HY1 I,ION SQUARE I.,ODGE VAIL, COIORADO .15l1500 SQ.FT. BASEMENT FI,oW TEST RESULTS Water Supp1y STATIC 15O.OO PSI RESTDUAL ].45. OO PSI L360.00 GPM 815.0 GPM 148.06 o8-o2-1996 PAGE 1 r(,5 CITY PRESSURE AVAII,ABI,E AT SUMI'IARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFI-,OWS ACTUAL MINIMW SPR FI'W FISW K-FACTOR PRESSURE PSI 1_00 10L LO2 1.03 L04 105 106 LO7 109 1L0 LLt LLz, LL3 114 115 116 LT7 118 L19 L20 L22 27.24 18.O0 23 .LO l-8. OO 22.44 1"8 . 00 32.8s 18.OO 32.55 L8.00 28.66 1.8.00 22.77 18.00 L9.45 L8. 00 18.00 18. 00 L8. o0 L8.00 32.29 18.00 30.46 18.0029.43 L8.00 32.75 18.0031.66 18.00 25.L9 l-8.0022.9L l-8. OO 22.26 18.00 30. 54 l-8. 00 30.01 18.00 32.40 l-8. 00 23.67 r.7. 01. L6. 05/ 34 .4L 33.74 26.L9 16.53 L2.06 L0.33 10.33 . 33.26 29.59 27 .62 34.20 31.96 20.24 L6.74 15. 80 29.74 28.'12 33.48 564.96 GPl.l 250.O0 GPM 8l-4 .96 GPM 93.84 PSr 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 s. 60 5.50 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5.60 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 5.60 5. 60 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED T'OR SYSTEM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBAI,ANCE IN IOOPS O.O9 PSI MAXIMIIM VELOCITY IN PIPES 26.2L FPS SUBMITTAL SERIAI., NO: 2O].6HY]. LION SQUARE IODGE vArL, cor,oRADo .L5/L5OO SQ.FT. BASEMENT Location From To 40 r-10 a r.8.00 52 r22 32.40 50 120 30. 01 49 1L9 30.54 48 L18 22.26 22.26 47 Lt7 a 4038 FIowin GPM Q L8. O0 Pipe Size IN L. 1"04 DR L. Lo4 BN 1. 104 DR 1. L04 DR L. 1.04 DR L. Lo4 DR L. 104 BN t . 1.04 DR 1. 104 BN 1. 104 DR Fittings & Devices F=T F=T F=T F=0 F=T F=0 Eguiv Length Ft 1. 00 5.00 6. 00 4 .00 5.00 9. 00 L F T Lr T 08-02-1996 PAGE 2 Friction Pressure Loss SurnrnarYPSr/Ft PSr C=L2o PT L0. 33 ( l-l"o) PE -O.43 0.0835 PF 0.50 C=120 PT 10.40 ( 40) PE 0.00 0.0835 PF o.75 PT L1.L5 ( 38) L F=T F T L F=T F T L F=T F T 1.00 C=L2O 5. 00 6. 00 0.2477 1..00 C=I2O 5.006.00 0.2149 l. OO C=L20 5. O06.00 0.2220 L.o0 C=L2A 5. O0 6.00 0.L237 8.00 c=L20 0.008.00 0.L237 1.00 C=L2O 5.00 6. 00 0. 1305 8.00 C=L20 o. 00 8.00 0.4581 l-. O0 C=120 5. O0 6. 00 0. l-555 PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF 33.48 (L221 -0.43 L.4934.54 ( 52, 28.72 (L2o) -0.43 L.292e.s8 ( 50) 2e.74 (11e) -0.43 l-.33 30.64 ( 4e) r-5.80 (1L8) -0.43 o.7 4 r.6. r-1 ( 48) o. 00 0.99 17.10 ( 47) L6.74 (1.L7) -0.43 0.78 17.09 ( 471 o. o0 3 .662o.7s ( 46) 20.24 (r.r.6) -o .43 0.93 4847 lJ F T L F T 46 47DQ a 22.9L 22.26 45.L7 L F T L F T L F=T F T 46 116 25.t9 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2O15HY]. LION SQUARE I,ODGE VAIL,, COLOR,ADO .L6/L'OO SQ.FT. BASEUENT Location Flow in FrON TO GPM 19 46DQ 45.L7 a 70.37 45 r.15 3 t-. 66 31.66 44 At4 a 32.75 31.66 64.4L 44DQ a 43 LL3 29.43 29.43 42 LLz a Pipe Size IN L. Lo4 BN 1. Lo4 DR l_. l_04 BN L. l_o4 DR L.452 BN 1. to4 DR L. 104 BN t.L04 DR l-. L04 BN L. 104 DR Fittings & Devices F=T,28 nquiv Length Ft 8. 50 9. O0 l-7.50 Friction Loss PSrlFt C=1-2 o 1. 0399 L F T 08-02-L996 PAGE 3 Pressure SumnarY PSI PT 20.74 ( 46) PE o.22 PF L8.20 PT 39.L6 ( le) 4544 F:T F=O F=T F=Tr E F=T F=0 F=T F=0 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF' L F T L F T L F=T F T L F T L F T l-. 0O c=L2O 5. OO 6.00 0.2373 L0.00 C=L2O o. oo l-0. 00 0.2373 1.00 C=L2O 5. 00 5.OO O.2527 6.50 C=L2O 9 .0.015.50 0 "2325 L.0o C=L20 5. 00 6. OO o.2074 LO.00 C=IZO 0.00 r.0. 00 0.207 4 1.00 C=L2O 5.006.00 0.22LO 5.0O C=L2o o. o0 5. 00 0.7720 L.00 C=LZQ 5. 00 6.00 0.2462 31.e6 (r.r.s) -0.43 L.42 32.e5 ( 4s) o. oo 2.37 35.32 ( 44) 34.2O (L14) -0.43 L.s2 35.2e ( 441 o.22 3 .60 3e.11 ( 18) 27.62 (r.r.3) -0.43 L.24 28.43 ( 43) 0. 00 2.O7 30.50 ( 42) 2e .59 ( r-12) -0.43 L.33 30.4e ( 42) 0.00 3 .86 34.3s ( 41) 33.26 (1r.1) -0.43 l-. 48 L8 L E T L F T 4342 L F T L F T 4L 42DQ a 30.46 29 .43 59. 90 41 L1L 32.29 SUBITIITTAL SERIAL NO: 2Ol.6HYL LION SQUARE IODGE VAIL, COIrRADO . r.5/ls00 sQ. FT. BASEMENT Location From To L7 4tDQ 59.90 a 92.L9 39 L09 o 18.00 FIowin GPM Pipe Size IN L.452 BN t .104 DR r.. 104 BN L.104 BN 1. 104 DR 1. 104 BN L. 1"04 DR l_. 104 BN 1. 104 DR L.452 BN L. Lo4 DR Fittings & Devices F=TrE F=T F:T F=0 F=T F=0 F=T F=O F:T F:Tr 2E Eguiv Length Ft l-.50 9.00 1.0.50 Friction LossPSrlrt C=L2O 0.451-4 08-o2-1996 PAGE 4 Pressure SummarY PSI PT 34.3L ( 41) PE o.22 PF 4.7 4 PT 3e.27 ( 17) L F T L F T L F T L F T 38 37 39 a 38DQ o L8. oo 18.00 35.00 l-. 00 C=L2 0 5. OO 6. O0 0.0835 4.00 C=12O 5.00 9 . 00 0.0835 3.50 C=L20 0. o0 3.50 0.30Lo L.00 C=L2O 5. O0 6.00 0.0953 7.00 C=L20 o. o0 7.00 0.6692 1.00 C=LZO 5. 00 6.00 0.1290 8.00 C=L2O o. 008.00 L.2647 c=l2 O o.L97 4 C=L2O 0.5933 L0.33 (l-Oe) -o.430.50 10.40 ( 3e) o. oo o.75 11. r.s ( 38) 0.00 1. 0s L2.2O ( 37) L2.06 (L07) -0.43 0.58 L2.2L ( 371 o. 00 4.68 r-6.8e ( 36) 16.53 (106) -0.43 0.77 r.6.87 ( 36) o. oo LO. L2 26.ee ( 3s) 26.te (10s) -0.43 1. l-B 26.e4 ( 35) 0.22 t2.L6 3e.32 ( 16) 33 .7a ( Lo4 ) -0.43 1..50 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PT 37 LO7 a 37DQ a L9.4s 36.00 55.45 36 L I T L F T L F T L I T L F T L F T 36 106 a 36DQ a 22.77 55.45 78.2), 35 35 l-05 a 28.66 L6 35DQ 78.2L a 106.87 L. 00 5.00 6. 00 8.50 12.00 20.50 L F=T F T L.00 C=L2O 5. O06.O0 0.2494 34 104 32.55 SUBIIIITTAL SERIAL NO: 2O16HY]. LTON SQUARE LODGE vArL, cor,oRADo .Ls/Lsoo sQ.FT. BASEMENT Location From To 33 34 33 l_03 a FIowin GPM a 32.55 Pipe Size IN L.452 BN l_. l_04 DR L.452 BN Fittings & Devices F=O F-T F=TrE Equiv Length Ft 10. 00 0. 00 10. oo L F T 08-02-1996 PAGE 5 Friction Pressure Loss Summary PSr/Ft PSr C=L2o PT 34.85 ( 34) PE 0.00 o.0658 PF 0.65 PT 35.51 ( 33) PT PE PF PT T4 33DQ a 32.85 32.55 65.40 L F T L F T PT PE PF 1.00 C=L2O 5.006.00 0.254L 6.50 C=120 9.00 15.50 0. 2391- 34.4L (L03) -o.43L.52 3s.50 ( 33) o.22 3.7L 3e.43 ( 14) 323l_ 32 LOz 1. t_04 DR L. 104 BN 1. 104 DR L. t-04 BN t.L04 DR 1.104 BN3 31 L0L a 3lDQ a 1. O0 C=l-2 0 5. OO 6. 00 0. 1255 8.00 c=1-2O 0. o0 I. O0 0. L255 1.00 C=120 5. OO 6.00 0.t324 L5.00 C=L2O o.00 L5. O0 0.4649 1.00 C=1'2o 5.00 6.00 0.L797 4.50 C=120 9.00 13.50 L. 1069 r.5. 0s ( r-o2 ) -0. 43 o.75 L6.37 ( 32'.) 0.00 1..00 L7.37 ( 31) L7.OL (L01) -o.43o.79 L7.37 ( 31) 0. 00 6.97 24.34 ( 30) 23.57 (100) -0.43 1.08 24.32 ( 30) o.22 t4.94 3e.4a ( 13) 22.44 22 .44 F=T F=O F=T F=0 F=T F=Tr 2E L F T L F T L F T L F T PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT 30 23.tO 22.44 45.54 30 Loo a 3oDQ a 27.24 45.54 72.7I L F T L F T 13 22 52 32.40 F:T t2E PT PE PF PT L F T 1. 104 BN 8.50 C=L20 9.00 1.7.50 0.2477 34.53 ( 521 o.22 4.33 3e.o8 ( 22) SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2O16HY]. LION SQUARE I,ODGE vArL, coroRADo . 15lr.s0o sQ. FT. 08-02-1996 PAGE 6 Equiv Friction Pressure Length Loss Sunnary Ft PST/FI PSr BASEMENT Location From To Flowin GPM Pipe FittingsSize 6.IN Devices 49 20 50 a 49DQ a 30. 01 30.54 60.55 t. 104 BN 1. 104 BN 4.260 FM3 4.260 FM3 4.260 FM3 4.260 FM3 4.260 FM3 4.260 rv3 4.260 FM3 4.260 FM3 4.260 Ett3 F=T t2E F=O F=0 F=O F=0 F=0 F:0 F=O L F T L F T I, F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF HT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF Lr T L F T 5.00 C=120 0.005.00 0.2L49 1.50 C=L2O 9. OO l-0.50 0.7875 4.00 C=100 0.00 4.OO O.OOO5 7. Oo c=100 o. 00 7.00 0. 0005 2.OO C=100 0. o0 2 .00 0. 0034 3. O0 C=l-00 o. 00 3. OO O.0096 I.00 C:LOO 0.00 8. O0 0. o178 1.0O C=L00 o.00 1.00 0.0334 3.00 C=LOO o. 00 3. OO O. O570 3.00 C=10o 0. oo 3.00 0.oo22 5.OO c=100 o. o0 5. O0 0.0071 2e.53 ( 50) o. oo 1. 07 30.60 ( 4e) o.22 8.27 3e.oe ( 20) 3e.08 ( 22) 0. 00 0.00 3e.08 ( 2L) 0.00 o.00 3e.08 ( 20) 0. o0 0. 01 3e.oe ( 1e) 0. 00 0. o3 3s.L2 ( 18) 0.00 0. r.4 3e.26 ( 17) 0. oo o. 03 3e.2e ( 16) 0.00 o.L7 3e.46 ( ls) 3s.43 ( 13) 0.00 0.01_ 3e.44 ( 14) 0. 00 o. 04 222T 20 a 32.40 2L a 32.40 2oDQ 60.55a 92.95 19DQ 7O.37 a 163.31 LsDQ 64.4Lo 227.72 17DQ 92.t9 a 319.9L l_6DQ 106.87 o 426.79 Q 72.7ti Ls 14DQ 65.40 o i-38.18 F=0 F=0 19 18 L7 L6 15 L3L4 F=0 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2O]-6HY1. I.,ION SQUARE IPDGEvArL, corrPeDo .15l1500 SQ.FT. BASEMENT Location Flowin FroM TO GPM L2 L5DQ 426.79 a s64.96 11 t2 o 564.e6 L0 11-a s64. e6 Lo a s54.96 34 a s64.96 23 , a 564.96 COMMENT: REDUCED L2 o s54.95 1_ a 564.96 08-o2-1996 PAGE 7 Equiv Friction Pressure Length Loss Sunmary Ft PSrlFt Psr 2.OO C=120 PT 39.48 ( 15) 30. oo PE 0. 00 32.00 0.0683 PF 2.L9 8.oo C=L2o PT 4L.67 ( L2) 42.00 PE 3.47 50.oo 0.0683 PF 3.42 LO.Oo C=L2O PT 48-56 ( 11) 20. oo PE -3.47 30.00 0.0683 PF 2.O5 Loo.oo C:100 PI 47.L4 ( 10) 57. OO PE L.73 157.00 0.0958 PF 15.04 L.OO C=L20 PT 63.91 ( 4) o. oo PE O. O0 1.OO 0.0683 PF o.07 27.oo C:1000 PT 63.98 ( 3) o. oo PE Ll..70 27.OO 0.0018 PF 0.05 I.oSS SHOWN IN ELEVATION 4. OO C=120 PT 75.73 ( 2) 30. oo PE 1.30 34.00 0.0900 PF 3.06 1Oo.oO C=140 PT 80.09 ( 1) 88.00 PE 4.33 r-88.00 0.0502 PF 9.44 PT s3.86 ( o) Pipe Size IN 4.260 FM2 4.260 FR2 4.260 FM2 4.260 FM 4.260 FR 4.026 FR PRESSURE 4.026 rR 4.280 UN Fittings & Devices F=E/r F=T, CV F=28 F=Tr 6E F:0 F=0 BACKFLOW F=Tr E F=T,CV' 4E L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T PSr L F T L F T l So. UJJJof(ILLF 6AOz tdJ C) U1 oz r Lllq E OZ tr U) ><L! 2{:<=F EUH stE ul (Ed Zo>h= UQEo- o5 &ffoo (' !,{ -Efrk=qHu EeH ots ?tsg-(5ca:t \9 eo\!€(.f >'-l%,s at'i <-)oJi! =-G, 9J r+J:=A-'tn=ld (9 - EE ?u 5 3 H A = 'A S c, S U? =8 '4 H u+ cL =3t4;d2E '-- I 6 i >g 'N + h il ERHE =6g SE6 H;H *-=a dlHEfr H ;Heo oo @@o@ lrJJ (Jvl oz. J =LLIO M- LJ U)u \- it.ti x $ T I eo , t?lv OH tt N O -tl tl + \- t_llJ C)a I FLI O Otrj O M. I Z-[l F^- L!*nHOwt J0a(J + -^.-Olll I-o O:,1 : "8/l NV-ld u00ll .nto u31N3? OI Ul1N33 = (XXX) lllu3^ o'llu = AJ OLrt!} 39!'lJV9 3CWt r.sll \ Nlll 3q cnu - fu'+r i vE: I;\W- s 5-- F Qg, ir' ,I I L ,#d*\ o REF,T131 TOWN 0F UAIL, COLORADO Ll/Q8/96 Q7:fi@ REOUESTS FOR INSFECTIUN HORK SHEETS FORtLI/ E/96 M96*61eO lL/ A/96 Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED ConEtr: HCOM 66ft LItrNSHEAD PL LITTNSCUARE LODEEffi FIRE F.ROTECTION VALLEY WIDE MECH. LION SBURRE F.H I I VALLEY I.JIDE MECH. F,AGE 19 AREAI CF Activity: Addr'ess: Loeat i on l Farcel: Description; flppl icant: Owner r Eontr^aet or: & I E. Occ: Llse: ELECTRICAL I Fhonet 3fi3949L747 III E NORTH Fhone: ELEETRICAL I Fhonez f03i491747 Inspeetion Request Infonmat i on. . . . . Request or': TAMI{V-VfiLLEY WIDE Req Time: lZtS:OO Comnents+'-BOILER Items requested to be Inspeeted.,. @039@ MECH-Final Fhone = 949-L747 Act i on Ti qe Exp .'Inspect ion Item: Item:ft em :It em r Iten: Item: History..... E6aA0 MECH-Rough OAEES FIRE-SF,RINKLER ROUGH OAA4O PLMB-Gas Piping OO310 MECt{+Heat ing ta03g0 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Oa33o FlFffi-bupply Air" AB/e3/96 Inspector: DS Actionl FFI FIRE DAMF.ERS REGUIRED Iten ; OEr340 MEtrH-ftlisc. 'Item: 04390 MECH-Final Iten: OO53B FIRE-FINAL C/O . L- ; . ',tr\' r l. a.t''.' ! * t' .-\)" (,vt- l.'i ('l $$ Xr' )'- >.c\J i'.'' TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 e70-479-2138 DEPARII{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERUIT !'!UST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PER!{T ON JOBSITE AT Permit ALI, TIMES t: 896-0214 Job AddresE: Location. ..: Parcel No..: Project No.: 660 LIONSHEAD PI, LION SQUARE LODGE 2L0L-O72-02-019 PRJ96-0034 StatuE. . .: ISSI'ED lrEErrNcApplied. - . 07 /.24-/.L9-9-6Iesued...:08/06/L996 ExPiree . -'- o2/O2/L997 EPPLICA}TT H&R CONTRACTING INC P.O BOX 3680' AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR H&R CONTRACTING INC P.O BOX 3680, AVON CO 81620 OWNER LION SQUARE PIT I II III & NORTH 660 W r,rousgnao PL, vArL co 81657 Deecription: COSUETIC REI,TODEL OF UEETING ROOM OccuPancY: 82 I'r1pe Conetruction: II FR Type OccuPancy: B2 Type II Fire Resistive Add Sq Ft: fof Gr3 Log3: .m .0() .m 250.(x) 1,061.50 Phone z 949-1446 Phone:949-L446 ,of uood/P.t tct: Valuation: FiFaptacc tnfo .tion: R.3trictcd: art [dtttg-> Pl,rn Chcct-> Inv.tt lg.tiqD ci Lt C.L l.-> flof Glr ApPlirnccE: 4q).(It l..tu.r.nt Ptan R!vi.F-> 318.50 DnB Fca-_--->.m tlclc.ticr fcc--->3.m Ct.ltFUP DcPosit---> lddition t tccr-----> Tot t PGr.it tGC--> Pa)r*nt3---> eAt-lilce oue-------> 50 r 00o fEE SUI|IARY Tot.t crtcul.t.d Fc.r->t,()61.50 .m 1,061.50 1,()61.50 .m ii"AuiliH'rw?t""rEtiifi lTHjt ii%+tizzc:'ffi il"ffi #$i-*sil lr/;itlliine cnanr-,rn ffiti8*: ilg$R 6ifri' Al?,8o.Hffillf; *88[io" : APPR DEPt 3 BUII,DING PI,ANS TO CHARLIEcllARLrE ooBIS.t PLANNTNG PLANS TO LAT'REN DCPt: FIRE 5E$$'#9*U$58 H-r-,.-- DePt: PUB WORK N/A Divi8ion: DiviBion: Divieion: Divieion: See Page 2 of thiE Document for any conditione that DECLAR,ATIONS rnay applY to this Permit. t hcr.by .ckn6rl,cdgc th.t I h.vc rcad thir lppticltion, firt.d-out in ful,t thc infometio''l rcqui red, co?tctcd m lccur'tc ptot ptm, 5d 3trtc th.t .tf tir'iiio.-il- p-i'ia.O .t tLfui.J-ii corrcct. , f rer!! to coTty rittl ttrc inforntioo rnd ptot Ptrn' to co+ty yith .t,t rorri ordirrai"i, .rra stltc ta,r, ard do build thi3 st?ucturG .ccording io th' Tqn'3 zoitrg rtrd subdivi3ion cod.r, dc.lgn ;*t*.pp.onJ, u.if"- Bui tding cod..nd oth.i ordin nc.. ot th. Tovn lpPticrbL' th'tcto' iEqrESTS FOn nspEcrtol{s sHALL BE n DE ruEl{w-fqrR Kt Rs tll ADY ltcE BY TELEPKT{E Al tT>713/& oR AT Ol'!R OFTICE Fnoll 8:S ^r 5:q) P|| 124"-J p<(- stc ArunE 0F ouxEn on 16iliffi'T6E-IIxsELt ^rD olrlEt Scrrd G t..|t'irp D.potit lo: LtOl SCI,,ARE LODGE ****!l*******************************************************************!t******* CONDITIONS permit *: Be6-0214 ."-Ji.091991?9- status: rssuED ****t******if,**tr**************t*************i**i***t****t**********!r!r**********t!t Perrnit Tlpe: ADD/ALT coMM BUILD PERIIT eppriclnt: HER CoNIRACTTNG INC 949-L445 Applied: 0?/24/L996 iiEuea: 08/06/Lee6 To Expire 2 o2/o2/t997 ilob Addrees:Location: LION SQUARE L'ODGE MEETING ROOI.{ Parcel No: 2101-072-02-0L9 Deecription: COSMEIIC REMODEL OF MEETING ROOM ConditionE: I.FIREDEPARTI,ISNEAPPRoVALIsREQuIREDBEFoP€ANYY'oRKcA}lBE STARTED. 2. FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE' 3. THE CONSTRTCTION MUST COMPLY wITH AIL FEDER.AL AI'ID sTATE ACCES S IB II,ITY REGUI.,ATIONS 4.FIRESPRI}IKLERANDAI,ARusYsTEMsNEEDToBEAPPRoVEDBY THEFIREDEPARTMENTBEFoREFR,N,IINGINSPECTIoNI{ILLBE APPROVED FOR THE FOYER. 5.HosECABNETNEEDSToBERELoCATEDINSTAIRSINAI-,ocATIoN APPROVED BY FIRE DEPARTI'IENT i':::_:;. ;;i;l _;l. * * * * r* * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Number: REC-01?9 Anounts 1'061' 50 08/06/9.9 1?:?-2 .'^r--.F i ^n. ,..116? Init: Atl't;;yfi; Method: cHEcK Notation: 40162 rnr-E: 'ur". 1r061.50 *t*trt*t***************t*t:l**t****:l****************************** Pernit No: Parcel No: Site AddreBE: Location: Thie Palanent 895-0214 tlPe: 2l0]--o72-02-019 660 TIONSHEAD PI, I,ION SQUARE LODGE A-COMM ADD/ALT MEETING ROOM COMM BUILD P 1, 061 . 50 1r 061.50 .00 Amount 490. 00 318.318.50 250.00 Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Total FeeE: Total ALL PntE: Balance: DeacriPtion BUILDING PERMIT FEES PI,A}I CHECK FEES CLEA}IT'P DEPOSITS WILL CALI, INSPECTION FEE 0.00 3 .00 TOIIN OF VAII, ?5 S. TRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Et.ctriclt-> 1E0.@ APPI,ICANT T'AGNER ELECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VArL CO 81558 CONTRACIOR WAGNER EI,ECTRIC INC P.O Box 4995, VArrJ co 81658 OWNER LTON SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 W r,rousnpeo PL, vArL co 81657 Deacription: CoMETIC REMODEL OF I|EETING ROOM Phone: 3039495161 Phone: 3039496161 Valuation:10, oo0 . 0o 1Ell.m .m 1Ar.m 1E!.m .q) DEPAR${ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERUIT IIUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: 896-0163 Job Addreea: 6.60 LIONSHEAD PL StatuE''': ISSUED Location...: LIoN sQUARE LoDGE MEETINGAppIied' '' 97/.?1/'!229parcel No..: 2101-ot2-02-019 riiued' "z 08/.o6/.L996 project No.: PRJ95-0034 xpiree"z 02/02/199? TEE SWTIARY DRB fCC _> Invclt igrt I ofD Ul tt c!tt-> toT L f EES-> .00 .m 3.m 183.00 Tot![ catcut.tcd Fecs-) fddi tiqr.t Fecs-__._)fot![ Pcrrit f ec'---) ?eyrrtrts..--> B l-Al{CE 0UE#-> Item: 06000 \arcft??E cfilf;tT$tci:.?BlTffiH*""*. ro ERfiBF' BUTLDTNG Division: NAN ACtiON: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS r h.f.ry.cktEYtcdge thrt t hsv. rc.d this lppticrtior{, ti tted.out in futt th! info.Etiqr rcqui rcd' co?l'Gtcd !'|r 'ccuftte ptot pt', rnd at.tc th.t att tno'iniorrii- p.o"iO.C "" tlq"i.J-ii @rrcct. .l €rGG to co?ty i;ttr ttrc info'otion lnd ptot pt'n' to co+ty ulth !l,t ro,,n ordirtan"i. -a rtlt. rey!, .nd io hli Ld thl3 structur. rccordlt€ iothe rom's tonlng rtrd lltdivl3ion codg, dcrign rcvi cv approvJ, u"it."i 6.ri tding cioe gtd othcr ordin nc.c of thc Tosn rpPl'i ctbtc thcrlto' REcrEsrs FoR tNspEcrlo{s sHALL BE n D€ ruErw-ForrR }orlRs tx Aov ttcE BY rELEftq{E Al 47!>a8 oR AT d'R oFFtcE FRol 6:m Af, 5:m P ST6MIURE k****!t*********************t******************************:::::: rowN oF vArr,, coLoRADo Statemnt 183.00 08/06/96 70226 Init: AL,MStatennt Number: REC-0179 Amount:-piffo,""t Method: CIIECK Notation: 4OL62 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee: Location: This Palzment 896-0153 Tlrpe: 2LOL-072-02-019 660 LIONSITEAD PL LION SQUARE LODGE B-EI.,EC ELECTRICAI, PERUIT }TEETING ROOU 183.00 183.00 .00 ******'***************************!r***************************** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: 183.00 Total AIJI Pmts: Balance: DeBcription ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILI, CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE Amount 180.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLT'MBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0088 APPLICANT VALLEY VJIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620OWNER LION SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 w LToNSHEAD PL, VArL CO 81657 Description: oFFICE AND LOBBY REMODEL ****tt**ffit**********ffi FEE SUHIiARY Phone: 303949L747 Phone t 3039491747 Valuation:5, 800. 00 Totat catcutated Fees---> 115.50 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 660 LIONSHEAD PL LION SQUARE LODGE ZLOI-072-02-079 PRJg6-0034 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Addit iona L Fees-------> Total Pernit Fee------> Payments------- ISSUED o6/tt/Lee6 06 /!8 /tee 6 t2/15/Lee6 Ptunbing----> Ptan check--> Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--> TOTAL FEES-__- 90.00 22.50 .@ 115.50lnvestigation> .00 !,i l.l. cal.t---> 3.00 #ffi *************rifri*ffi ffi *##;;;i--*--*--#tr*- Ite.m: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Divisionl06/L8/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS r**#r**ffi*****ffr**t*rr*ffi ffi ffi *ffir***ffi *ffi,ffiffi #r#i*rfffi ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1994 UPC *****f,*trffi**t'ffi ffiffiffiffi***ffi DECLARAT]ONS I hercby acknovtcdgc that I have read this apptication, fiLl,.d out in ful,l, the infofmation required, conptct.d an accufrte ptot ptan, and statc that atl the infofnation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty yith the information and ptot ptan,to corpty vith att Torn ordinances and statc tavs, and to build this structure according to the Tolrnrs zoning and subdivision codas, d"sign rcvieu approved, Uniforn Building code and othcr ordinancls of the Toun appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?13E OR AT OIJR OFfICE FROII E:OO Ail 5:OO P .00 115.50 115.50 SIGNATURE OF O}INER OR COI{TRACTOR TOR HII{SELF AND OIJNER **************************************************************** TOlrlN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** statemnt Nurnber: REC-0190 Anount: 18.75 08/27/96 t2 48Payment Method: CK Notation: #40306 fhit: Cp Perrnit No: p96-0088 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMITParceL No: 2101-072-02-019Site Address: 650 LIONSHEAD pL Locat,ion: LION SQUARE LODGE Total Fees: 115.50This Payment 18.?5 TotaL ALL pmts: 115.50Balance: .00********************************!t******************************* Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 41311 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 15.0001 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 3.75 TBbJN OF VAIL COM-DEU ,70b tfanes .ceneral Deccrl.ptl.on : ID:393-479-2452 RU6 12'93 12.20 N0.003 P.01 PIRI.IIT ' e-../ TOI{N OF VArIJ CONSTRUCTTO}IpERUIT APP&ICATIoN ron}t DATE; EL?o-94 al lPPlrcATroN uusr EE rrLI,lgD out couplrrEf.y OR rf l.tAy Nor BE tCCEptEDrr******************r****t****r PERMTT INToRMATTON *r************rr*r**r*rrt***rn-/- ' ./[rz]-Buildtng gy,!-rfu$tng lvf_ntectrlcat I l_t{echanlcal I l_Other)- ob lddrees: r-,esar Desortpt!.on: r-orJ _ nrock_- ,rY;t*niyu-v / _ _- -..r-____.--,lj_. prrllur v, sruN,f / _,ar ownerE Nanes ir-l_ ?* . Cu*dt Addreeg: l/O Url f /O_nn..:V-r/-in/?/'lA-trchltectz rbl.U!! /.!+rcl/T.*, Addraegr 4O4 7,2a. 4-ot 0 pdb pn.fy4rff:er J 31n"pof" g 1*.n"t Nuhber of Dweltlng Unite: O [umber of Acoonnodadton Unltsl O * >'t _ co-lfT-RAgroR,rNpoRuATrON * * * * * * * * * * * * r r r ** * **_r!r r r * *ffffi::1, *y;."2:y,r# {*7v^ ct_?,L-- Fj{-- - rown of vau niil-i,;#i:dPhone Numberr aq4-;Q Xlff::::"r contracrorr rosn of var.r , % phoneNuhber! Illl::3? contracrott rown of, vatr Reg-. \ro,/a!l_y' Mechanlcal Contractor:.\,r.v!.. . T_ot{n of Vall Reg. NO.Phone Nunberr *********** *********t* **********toR OFFTCE USE EUTI,DTNG P'.'l,h{BrNG UECHANT NECREATT CI.EAN-UP IOIAIJ BUILDINC! STGNATT'RE! ZONTNG: SICNATURE! BUTLDTNG PER!,TIT FEE! PLUMBINC PERITIT FEE3 MECIIAI|ICAIJ PERMf! fAE:EIACINTCAL FEB: OI$IBR IIYPE OF FEE: DRB FEEI Lreq fr,"'<lz U'he-SpeW /t- .I UIdhI UI.' VHrL LUI"I-UL.V 1U:JuJ-4 (y-2452 HUb 1z'yJ i2.21 I'lo .0CrJ i , ,"'. :,...-'. .03 lnwn ?t aoulh lronbgo rord urll, oolondo !tE57(9011 479-2138 or 479-2139 olflcr of oonnunlty drurtopncnl BUILDII,IG PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAITE lf thls perm.it requlres_a Town of Va.r't Fire Department Approvar,Enstnee.lLs (.pub'tlc !9r1,=i ieiiei'ani'ipprovai,.i-piinirlS'o.po".r.ntrevTelr or Heal th Departm6nt-riview,'anl' a ".rie" fy-ili,i,,irit aingl:ri[s:t.the estinatia iiire'ii"''iitor ieviir-ilnv"Ll! as rong Al'l cormerci.al flarge^or snal!) anO all multi-famlly permtts willnave tq follow the ibove.mentt6neii-nriiimum requtrem_ents. Residenilaland. smal I projects shour a tJ[e-;-ie;ai. amound-or-i'tiiil' rorever, rffesldential or smalIer_,projicis-tmiiii' tf,. various above menuonedli3i'Sil'ihlt t["i:'il:; T;l*;: ;iii- "uu iiw, - tfi ; ; i"i,: E.tl *v Every attempt wlll Ipermtt aq sgon rr ooiri|fs,bv thls department to expedlte this I, the ffame. underslgned, understand the plan check procedure and ilme ,l€u17./2,-,t foJect NamE ate llor Shdet wa s Juii'Ed-1iFifi'E Devel opment Depa rtment. rutd{, ut- vHrL Lut'l-UL.V !!o: trROM: DATE: EU&rECt: LU : JUJ-4 ty-2452 ?t roulh troot!0e rord YrlL colorrdo !1652 (s031 479-2t_38 or 479-2139 HUlr 12'yJ ''.'.'., t2i2u N0.003 P.02 I rn sunnary, ordlnance t{o. 5 states that it ig unr"awfur. for anvperson to ll.ttar, track or d;;;;ii ;;;;it]-rocx, Eand, debrieor materlar, rncruarng tiistrtunpsters, poftabre.torlcits and,workrnen vehr'cree, upon-any srreetl siaevaii] -iri.v or publrc. place or anv nortion ttei.eJi.- rr.,e 5ish;:;i;;i, on arl Tonn ofVaJ.I streeti ina ioaas--l;-;;;"rximatety,s fr. Lff pavenenr.Th'e ordinance wirr re ;rrr5iii enrorilc-lv_ inl rown of vairPubllc works D"plrirnEnr;-i;;;in' round vil,riring rhls ordrhancettllr be srven a-an rroui-writ[eir_no!iJe-d-;;;. sald rnaterrar.rn the event tha person eo notrflea-aJeJ-nii'"Iirpry rrrth thenotlce witlrln ttre' ia-rrJul-titJ' epec_lfled, the iubllc llorksDepartmenr uirr r"rno""-Jiri-.rt"i.rar-airirrJ"Eri"rr. o! perEonnotlfied. The provlerons-ot-Irrts oratnance snirr not beapplLcable to c-onstiuEtl-"", -na-intenanc"--or-rlnfur pro5ecte ofany atreer or artev or-inv'"tiil;il;..fi fi".;flnr_o_rr.". To fevLesr ordlnance No. 6l.n luUr please stop by the Town ot:::i"3ltl3*"3"THil'*:lL::"oiiain a copv. rfianrc you ror y-ur ofllcc of communlty dovrlopmrnl }LIJ CONfRACTORS CUR$NTIJYIJ REGTSTERED I{TTII TITETOWN OF VAIL TowN or vArrr PUBr,rc tfoR*s/coMMUNrry DEVEroplrEN! l.lARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & },ATERIAL STORAGE (1.e. contractor, owner) REPT T 31 TT Activityr tr96-OOAB tL/ 6/96 Type: B-FLMB Addness: 66O LIUNSHEAD PL Locationr LION SGUARE LUDGE Fancel z EL6I-67?-8e-lal9 Deocriptionr OFFICE RND LOBBY REMODEL Applicant: VALLEY WIDE f{ECH. & ELECTRICAL I Owner: LION SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH Contractor: VALLEY WIDE ilECH. & ELECTRICAL I PAGE 4 FREAI CD Status: ISSUED Constr: AAPT Occ: Use: Fhone: 3O3949 1747 trhone: trhone: 3r2t3949 1747 TOIdN OF UAIL, COLT]RADO INStrECTION I^IORH SHEETS FOR;Il/ 6/i6 Inspeet ion Request Request or l Howard Reo Tiner O8:OO Items requested to 00e9O FLMB-FinaI Infornat i on. . . . . Comnent s r off i ce be Inspected. , Fhsne: and lobby r"emodel LSL In:pect ion Hi etory, . . . . It em :'1 Oo.?fti trLME-Underground Item ! @Oee€i PLMB-Rough/D. W. V.Itenr. OAeeA FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH I t e n ifuoeso FLFTB-Rough /l,,lat eF Item: OQE4D FLftlB-Gas Fiping I t ern r A@e5A FLFIB-Poo I /Hot Tub Iten: AA?€O PLMB-Misc. I t e rn : la0gggt F'LMF-F i na I lem: Ao53a FIRE-FINFIL tr/O a ,w,8 IO!{N OF VAII., ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COI'IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECITANICAL PERMIT fl?.9trc. tnfom.tiq'l: R6trictcd:,qf G$ lpptimcr!: FEE SI'IIIIARY ltrcti crt-> z(X)'m R'stuarlnt Pta R!vi6'->iaclLlr r ca !-u;i;eili-> 50.@ 9!t lq---- iirwttiqstioo .dl ToTAL et U. cra[-> 3.(P Job Addreas...: 660 LIONSHEAD PL Gcation. : LroN SQUARE ro9GE Piicef No..... : 2101-072-02-019 eroject Number: PRJ96-0034 APPI,ICA}IT VALTEY I{IDE I'TECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VAIJLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL 1 P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 OTINER I,ION SQUIRE PH I II III & NORTII 660 W iroNsneao PL, VArL CO 81657 DescriPtion: T.{8CTTENiCU WORK FOR R€MODEL OF MEETING ROOM ON JOBSITE AT AI,L AIMES Pernit *: M96-0108 Status...: ISSUED Applied... o7/24/L996 r-eiued. .. z 08/06/L996 Expires.,I 02/02/1997 Phone: 30394917 4? Phone: 303949L7 47 Valuation: tof G!3 Logt: 10, 000 . 0o ,of good/Plt tlt r '- .oo rot! t cltcutlt.d FGca-> 253'99 :oo raaitionrr F..r-) ---'99a$:66 ioiii Pirrit Fe;--) ??1'9P.yr€ntr--> 253 ' m uietce oue-> .(n DA!{ BUILDING DEPARIT'TENTAN_-_ AcTion: APPR$I*r o'"tfitf-dftARTI{ENTActiON: APPRDAII CONDITION OT APPROVAL ******:r**************t*******************************:r****!r********************* DECLARATIONS 5E78iztil8o 68',78i79388' Dept: Dept: BUILDING Division: FIRE Diviaion: 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. th.Fcby.Gkt!d.t.4Fth.tthrv.r.!dthi3.PDt.lcltion,fittcdorninfuttthc'info?Ftion'.quifcd,co?|'Gt.d.nlccun.tcP[otetn, id st!t. th.t atr ti.Tiio"Iiiii'pr&icco * '!r;i!l!-il';*!: 11i"i;-ii;ti-iiil-ific iniorrat;qr md prot Pt!n' to co+ty ulth .tt ,on o.ii*niLiJ-;tiil t.rr, .rna -io'Lri ra this ltructutc. roto;ini-io' tt ion'e^eonirg rnd rrtdivirion cod.., d..lsn ..\,r.,, .pp"oJff"iiiri'"i i.iiiiris ii,a" ;;;;;ai*nccs of thc rovn ryti€bt' thcftto' ffia*$t Fn r€pEcrro s srlLl eE 'ADE t trrry-foun luJns til ^DvAt{cE By rELEPtxttE Al ,,'|9-213' oR ^t olJR oftrcE Fno E:00 ll 5:(tr Pfi rtoururE ot otttcn oR Got{r.Acron FoR }ltrsELF ArD ol En p; 3<4-e t * * t !t * t * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * ** * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * rowN OF VAII, coLoRADO Statemnt :':H.;i. ;;;;l.;;;;*iii * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * r r * * * * * * r * r * * * * * * * * * * * * 2s3.OO 08/06/96 10:28 Init: ALMStatennt Number3 REC-0179 Amount:-eayrnent Method; CHECK Notation: 40t62 Permit No: M96-0108 TyP€: B-MECH MECHAIIICAL Parcel No: 2101-O72'02'0L9 Site AddreeE: 660 LIONSIIEAD PL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE Total FeeE: This Payment 253.00 Total ALL PlIltE: Balance: PERMIT *t***********:t*********!t******************t*****t*************'* 253.00 253.00 .00 Amount 200.00 s0.00 3.00 Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Deacription I{ECIIANICAT PERUIT FEES PI,AT{ CIIECK FEES WII,L CALL INSPECTION FEE ' tllrCc*"-aci Eagle County Assessors 1( "t.970-3?R-8640 for parcel #.VIPARCET*il'@ lY 1lo, o"f. oco,? 0fflce TOrfN Ot' VArL CONSTRUqITON PERI'TIT iI PERUTT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: a-7316 \ l&7-,laa7c1 Architect: \,/a aaar"==r .?f9- lff General Description: work ctass: I J-New t]-Hteration [ ]_Additional [ ]-Repair t l-other Nunber of Dnrelling Units: O Nunber of Accomnodation Units: #*"r and TYlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appti"n"e" / cas r.ogs_ wood/perlet_ ,f********"*Bi6!8$ttlr*******ir**** u*uP#glr?1^{********************************€q6-ot63riutL,orrc: ,3e,aTV_-'-EIEqIRrcALz] /O.OhILUMBING: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: I.IECHANICAI z l=Ed mqd _Zion- OTHER: i ' -TOTAL:% I;:l"'$.,H:LVF+.YitF Town of VaiI Res. No./O]-/Phone Nuraber: Jyg=EE Town of Vail. Req. No./d?/phone trfrrrnhss3 - Q V q_77 INFORlfATroN * * * * * **** * *** * * * ** ********* Town of Vail Reg. NO.??/_6Phone Number: Qv A-try ltechanical Contractor:Address: ./L4a',;ta/ 'tQ*121:r./ ***********************a******** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE:PLWBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERUIT F8E: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR BUTLDING: 7.P- ?O STGNATT'RE ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: ********r** U (-"wrr 'a(2GI.EAX TtP I'EPOSIT TEFTII|D bon fuw,e h1// e&a /4- vts zLg I [Hl| [ 75 louth ,rcntlgr rord urll, colondo 81652 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 TO: FROU: DATE: su&TECa: ottlcc of comrnunlty dovGlop||tQnl AI,L CONTRACIORS CURRENTLY! REGISTERED WITE TtsETOI.IN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC r{oRKs/co!{MITNITy DSVETOPIIENT IrlARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKTNG & }IATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or aep-sit. "tiv'=Jiri-"Ilii, sand, debrisor naterial , including trasn-t,rrp=t"ls, portable toilets andworknen vehictes. |pon any streetl siaewaik;;ii;y or pubticf:ii.=:I":l3 *F..t" tr,"i""i. --iq,. risl,i_oi_;;;-9" alr. rown of Tr,r : ";ei;;;";"jtii'i: $"il8il.:#::::"'ot.A3T.F:l"lli, "' Pubric works oeoartnEitl--p"ilins found .rii,r-tir,g rhis ordinancewirt be siven a-zr rroui-"=ia;;';oticelo-i!ioi"=r"id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenot'ce within the-24 hour tir.-!p""ified, ttre pulric l{orksDepaft'nent wirt remove said nateli"r "t-in" !*p"-ire of personnotified' The provi=i""=-"r-iiis orainance shiu not beapplicable to clnstruction, ,iir,i"rr.rrge 9-r repair projects ofany street or altey or iny'u[ifiii"= in the rijt[-"_r"y. To review Ordinance No. G in full , please stop by the Town of:3:i"::ii3i"3"Tf,ilm*"::"oiiii" a copv. rirani. you ror your acknowledged (i.e. contractor, orrner) lnwn 75 roulh lrDntrg. rord rrll, cotortdo El6S7(3o3t 479-2138 ot 479-2139 ottlcc of conmunlty dcuclopnotil BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII.IE FMME If this permi.t reoui.res a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensi neer's ( pubr ii pl|-'i ;;ii.;'.il 'ipp"or.i, -i iiiiiir ri'irepartmentreview or Hea'r th Deoartm6nt reviewl-.ni' a-""uie; ;i-il;";riturng 3:rilH:k"gl .'.i*teJ iir"' rJ"'"-tot"r ;e;i;"-;"y"L[! .as r one A'll conmercial frarge or smarl) and a'murti-fami'ry permits wi'have to foilow dhe irove il;ii6il;;iimum ,equirements. Residentialand small projects shourd tatae-;-ie;ei"arnunt of time. However, ifresidential or smal'ter,projecir-iri,piii' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-nii"siiFi-."ui"*, these projects nayalso take the three-week period. !y."{.attempt will be Fge by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - l-l!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. heet'waiJuFnedEo-tfiEDate l,lo Develooment Department. REPT 13I TOI.,N 0F VAIL, COLURADO LI/Q6/96 IZIT:T1 REGUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION WORX SHEETS FORrll/ 6/96 Activity: M96-E1OB LL/ 6/96 Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED .Address: 66O LIONSHEAD F'L Location: LION SGUARE LODGE Farce I : E1O1-rD7a-Oe-a19 Occ: Deseription: MECHANItrAL i^IORK FOR REMODEL OF MEFTING ROUM Applicant: VALLEY I^,IDE MECH. & ELECTRItrAL I Fhonet 3A39491747 Owner: LION SOUARE F.H I II III & NORTH F.hONE: Eontracton: VALLEY t^,lIDE ltlECH. & ELECTRIEAL I Fhone: Stl3949 1747 PAGE E3 AREA: CF Constr^: ACOM Use: Inspect i on Reqt-test Reqr.rest or: Howard Req Tine! 68!O0 It ems l'equest ed t o O03gra MECH-Final Information, . . . . Comments: t'e m ode I be Insoected... Fhone: of meet ing room Aet i on Comment s 949- 1446 L5L Time Exp Inspection History....' Iteo: AAEUA MECH-Rough Iten: Oetee5 FIRF-StrRINKLER ROUGH Item: CI0g4rz' trLMB*Gas Pipinq ttd*t 0031Cr MECH-Heat ing Item: 0O3!E MECH-Exhaust Hoorls Iten: OO33{t MEtrH-Supply Air' Item: A034rZl MEDH-Mise. Itenl 0O39O MECH-Final *.Item: QA53S FIRE-FINRL C/0 ," ffsrmPl TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 81657 97 0-4'19-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Pernit #: 896-0152 APPLICANT H&R CONTRACTING INC P.O BOX 2201, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR H&R CONTFACTING INC P.O BOX 2201, VAIL CO 81658 OWNER LIC}I SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 W LTONSHEAD PL, VArL co 81657 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: 660 LIONSHEAD PL LIONSQUARE LODGE 2t0r-072-02-019 PRJ9 6-0034 S+-atus. . . applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phonez 303949L446 Phone: 3039491446 Division: Division: ISSUED o6 /Lt/Lee6 06 /20 /Lee 6 t2/t7 /ree6 Description: OFFICE AND LOBBY COSMETIC REMODEL occupancy: P.:-/82 Multi-Family Type Construction: 1I FR Type II Fire Type OccupancY: Valuatio;r:75, 000 Firlptscc Informa:ion: Restnicted: #ot Gas Appl,iances: fof Gas Logs: #0f Uood/Pat I'et: *ffi*ffr#r#*#*:ffii*Jr*t**t*totffi**tift** tEE SUllllARY *r.r**Hrffr'Hrtffirtfffi***ffiJrl|}**ffi*lr*ffi**t gui ldi ng---->615.00 RestJarant PtBn Revie|r-->.00 Tota[ CaLcul,ated Fees---> '1,267.75 Residence w/ nusi Resistive Add sq Fr: Invcstigation> tli l. L c!1,l.----> TOTAL TEES-----_ffirffir.ttf.r*Jrr*r*'(*rrrtxtrr*t*ir*rtsrt*'idffi(*t**Jrffirffir****tdrrr**ffiffiffi**t*****ffi Ptan Check--> 39?.75 DRB F.c-----------------> .00 Additional' Fees--------> .0o .00 TotB[ P.rnit F!e-------> 1,267.75 250.00 Payncnts-------- .l)C RecrcationFeF--------> 3.1)0 Clean-Up oeposi t-----> em /t! 1 4 L It Ub 06:t 06 0 1 0 1 I /, 51 99 99,+ 99 ARTMENT DCPI: BUILDINGon: NOTE PLANS TO DAN-on: APPR CHARLIE DAVISARTMENT DCPI: PLANNINGon: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN cU 6 0 6 L! P +t P + ]- :NG DEE ActE ActING DEE Act tsUILDCIIARL] CHARLI PLANN CHARLI :,:\UREN Division: oe'/7?,'/'-996 :i\iREN Acrion: APPRIt'em:' 0560C r-IR3 DE?ARTMENT Dept: FIRE TO MIKE M06/II/J"996 ,]HARLIE ACIiON: NOTE PLANS TO MIKE M 9F7247\2?9^ rpIE_t-^ .-Aglion: APPR FD ok, pLease-see,.gop.l:grt'em:' 05500 .PIIBIIC VIORKS06/20/L996 C.IARLIE Action: APPR N/A DeDt: PUB WORK Divislon: ffi**ffi***ffi*#*ffi*:t**ffiJ.1*H***f*tit****t*t****i*t**ft#tl****t***t**tfht*tf*tlht r*'r***ffi See PaEe 2 oi':hr.: )oc-rment for any conditions that may aPply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hsreby acknoslalge rldr i. lta,o fE3J this application, fitted out in futt thc inforiEtion required, completed an accuratc Ptot ptan, and sts'ie tiat a[. tt,c i.1f )f etion Frovided as required is correct. I agree to compty ]rith the information and Ptot Ptan,to conply rith al.l, ToHr J:'iiitgnces ani stat. Lavs, and to buitd this structure according to the To|,n'3 zoning and subdivision codcs, desig:r 19\'.r..y e)pi:vo.:, U.rifori,r tsJi.diig Code and gther ordinances of the Tolrn appticabLe th.reto. REOUESTS FOR :T.SPE':TIOiiS S-.AL. TE I.IA)E :IIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPTIONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTIC€ TROII 8:OO A 5:M Pi slnd ctean-up ieposit lo: Llolt souARE L00GE ************.*x**********r.******************************************************* CONDITIONS Pernit #r 1196-0152 as of 06/27/96 Status: ISSUED ********* *'1.t.*r.**.t * rr..:.ir t-t *,* *rt:t********* J. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit Type: F-!'D./ALT MF BUILD PERMTT applied: o9/)\/\gg9 appt:-ciit: i;-&-r. coN'l3AcrrNc rNc lssued: 06/.?0/.!??9 :C3r491446 lo ExPire. L2/I7/I996 Job Address: Locat;o::: -iONSQUARE LODGE Parcei No: 2L0i-072-02-OL9 Descript:cn: OFFICA Ai\D L,{.,b: r COSI'IETIC REMODEL Condi.:icrntr : 1. FIELD INS?ECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALI. PENITRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED Wi.jii .:r.N :..3:F:CVED FiRE MATERIAL.3. tMOi.:T DNi..q(:T'.IJTS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. :iIF.E Dll.:.i.iiilt,1l{T APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE Sf?rR'--lED. 5. ALL irOO.i.: ,.'O OTFICES MUST BE 20 MIN. RATED WITH CLOSERS6. ROUTE TO -1,:CESTBLE BATHROOMS MUST BE STGNED (DESTGNATED) 7. I'IUS'I I.IAiIiTr:il.I FIRE RATING FOR CORRIDOR WITH A DOOR OR ]OAB]: ifi;S" COI.TLY AS A RATED CORRIDOR8. ;{()}lT;i WII;G I,1T-TST BE SEPARATED W]T}I AN APPROVED AREA SEPARATIO l,'i/;,Li-, i'ic;'i .r.,c)ol-l'f AREA9. )ue uo -i.e .r-i.rr€dsed square footage resulting fron the lobby acidrtioir arrd tne inpacts of the lobby remodel reflected in ';]1-i-5 1;g1;;r.";, che '.fown of Vail Building and Vail Fire Dept.s ',ir;: ::ev.,:''.,J.::g o:Cinance nurnber 25 series of 1991 to,ie;ert:ii';.e --:€ irc€d for enactincr retroactive fire sprinkler r:er: u-'-reii.e..i : s . TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0161 Amount: 1t267.75 06/27/96 t2:22 Payment Method: CK Notation: #38971 Init: CD r t267 .'15 ** * **** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * *** * *** **** ** *** * * * * ** ** * **** * ** * **** ** * * * Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 896-0152 TYPe: A-MF 2L0t-o'12-02-019 660 LIONSHEAD PL LIONSOUARE LODGE ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER L,261 .75 t t267 .75 .00 Amount 615.00 399,75 2s0.00'3.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSl?S WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE R.CAD vAlL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 lnvest ige i. r.:;1) t!i Lt Ca i.l,- ---> TOTA; FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I.IOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL Pernit #: TIMES 896-0122 APPLICANT VIACNER ELECTRIC INC P.C 30X 4995, VArL CO 8i658 CONTRACTOR VTAGNiR ELECTRiC INC P.O BOX 4995, VArL CO 81658 OWNER LIC}I SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 1.; LiOiiSliEAD PL, VArL CO 81657 Descrip+-ion: OFFiCE A}'lD LOtsBY REMODEL COSMETIC Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. .c0 3.00 273.0C 660 LIONSHEAD PL LION SQUARE LODGE 2r0t-072-02-019 PRJg6-0034 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . I S SUED o6/rt/Lee6 o6 /t8 /Lee6 L2 /75 /Lee6 Addi t'i onaI Fees---------> TotaI Pernit tec--------> Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE----- Phone: 3039496161 Phone: 3039496161 .00 273.00 273 .OO .oo Valuation:15,000.00 *****rrffi*#r*******Jrsr*itdi*#**ff(*ffi(**i**** FEE SUI'||4ARY ffiffi*ffi*#t *ffffi********t****r.#rffi**trJr***f*i** Electrice!---> 270,N DRB Fee Total crtcutated tees---> 273.W **ffi*tffir***trtr**Jr.::iti*x]. r^-tt***r-!rtifthitt**ti*ffiffi******t#*#****tit'**ft*t**t*****t**|t**i***t*'rr****ffi Icem: O6OCO ELECT.A.ICA.T- DEPARTMENT DCPt: BUILDING DiViSiON:05/'LA/i996 C.iARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST G - *:****Jri*^-i-^-^1-rti*ric,.1-^-na^'ra-^':,-..rir-^'r;1'.'rirrrr':hrf*xffi*i#H*********inffi****'r**ffir#r:Hcffifirt*ffift**ffi*ffit CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD iI.{S!::1 :CNS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE2. ALL I,^TORK }!"]ST :OMP;Y IJJ]Tff THE 1996 NEC lnt*ffi *ffi tr*ffi*t:*r.*tcr** t", :rixiri*ffi ***t*ffir#rff *rt.Ht***r**#rft **tt*tt****f*f,****'f,*ffit DECLARATIONS I hcrlby sckriowL€dge t at I ,:3,.€. re:i:nis 3;pl.ication, fitl.EC out in futl, the infonmation required, coipteted an accuratc ptot ptan, and state that atl tne i'tcrmation provided as rcqui red is correct. I agnee to conpty Uith the intormation and pl,ot ptan, to coript, *,,ir o.. iur.,, r ir. -.,.r,,;es .riui s!c.3 i,aws, and io burLd this structure according to the Toh,nrS zoning and subdivision codes, desigi, :eview apprc.tr-r, unifofm B!ilding code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabl,e thercto, REAUESTS fOR !l,iii:i.i 1., S;A-L 3E til0E :rl:IiY-F,)Ui HOUIS Iil ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE Al 479-213E 0R AT OUR OttlCE FROI{ E:m A[ 5:00 P OIjNER OR CONTRACTOR fOR **** * * * * ** * * * * * *',r * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * TOIIN OF VAII, COLOLADO Statemnt ************.**************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0161 Amount: 273.00 06/27-/26 72-224-iiyro"nt Method: CK Notation: *39871 Init: CD ************x***** t********************************************* Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Accounc Code 01 0000 41313' 01 0000 41336 895-0L22 Tlpe: 2LOl-072-02-OL9 560 I,IONSHEAD PI, LION SQUARE I.,ODGE B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Tqtal Fees: 2'13,00 Total AIIJ Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WIi.,L CALL INSPECTION FEE 273.00 273.00 .00 Amount 270.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE RCAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-4',19-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PLIJMBING PERMIT PCTMit #: ALL TIMES P96-0088 Job Address: 660 LIONSITEAD PL Location...: LION SQUARE LODGE Parcel No.. : 2l0L-072-02-019 Project No. : PRJ96-0034 APPLICANT VAiLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P C 3OX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR \IALL3Y WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O 3OX 5080, AVON CO 81620 OWNER LIC}I SQUARE PII I II III & NORTH 360 I^I LIOi{SiIEAD PL, VAIL CO 81657 P tunbing-----:. ;5.C0 Ptan check--->.t3. '5 Invcatigat ion> .00 l,li t t CatL----> :.0C Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 06/Ll/tee6 Issued.,.:06/L8/L996 Expires. . : L2/t5/L996 Phone: 3039491747 Phone z 30394917 4'l Description: OFFICE AI''ID LOBBY REI'IODEL Valuation:5, 000. 00 ,rffi*ffiffit*#t#*:.i**,t*rkrk*ffi****t**ffi FEE SUHIIARY *ffir*********ffi**lr***lr**Jrffi*ffiffiffi nestuarant Ptan Rcviev--> .00 TCTAL FEES_---- Total Catcutated Frcs---> 96.75 AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> PaYmcntS-------- .00 96.75 96.75 BALANCE DUE---- ffi##.icrx***'r'.***r'|*:t+i***'J.**#*#***ffiffi****#***'r***#**ffi*********ffi#f*ffi* Itenn: 1:l:0 BU-Lt:i(G DE?ARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:06/I8/:.996 C::AI1I,IE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISit'enr'iis6or-' Fiig-DSpARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: ffi#tffi*iffi***l':r**'l**rH***|t'ffi'.#r'l**ti}*,r*Hdffiffi******-**********#.ffi#Hfkffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI-D INSPECT;CNS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE2. A'L i/O.1K IJiJST IOMPLY i{ITH THE 1994 UPC ffi*ffr*tr*-.t:.r--tr^*\').-;-,:r..--i,rrr,:..i.r:.{i..,'ri,:'h,i';',.1**i*S,-,t*iiktri*t-#****ffi*ffi.***ffi**i.t****ffiffiffiff* DECLARATIONS I hcreby ackn\:!leige trut I l^aie :'crd :!1is 3pctication, fitted out in fulI th! intornation requi red, conpleted an rccur€tc ptot ptan, and siate that a[t tra information prov'ided as required is correct. I agree to compty uith the information and ptot ptan, to cotnpty r.ilr ai.. iu,,,r a'i,irslrir..s .rril state iaxs, and to bJiLd This structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codcs, desrgn revrev aog.oved., tJnlforD 8uitdi.1g CoCe and other ordinances of the Torrn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS TOR TI{SPECTIONS SIiiLI, ;JE I'IADE '",IE:{TY-iOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND O}'I{ER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0161 Amount: 96.75 06/27/96 L2t23 --rry=:-y::y9:-!i-----Y:1:i:i:-11111-------------11:1-:3--Pernj.t No: P96-0088 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-072-02-0L9 Site Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE Total Fees: 9-6 -75 This Payment 96.75 Total ALL Pmtsz 96'75 Bal.ance: - 00 ******r.***,r*.x,.**.*****.******************************************* Accounii code 01 0000 413-,. 1 01 0000 4133?, 01 0000 4i336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES wr.LL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 75.00 18.75 3.00 TOhIN OF URIL COH-DEV ID : Sg3-47t-2452 RUG 12'93 t2:29 N0.003 -' :' i. ,.:l-- P .01 , pegc-ea34 Jtot -6?a-6a'ot7 TOtOf OP Vl,rrJ r.regal Desorl.ptlons Lot I ********trt****r**t***l**********roRBUIIJDTNG PENUIT TEEs PLT'MBINC PERMIT FEES UECIIANfCAIJ PERl{f! fAE! EIACTRTCAI.I FEEI.OTHER TYPE OI FEE! DRB FEE: PER}'IT APPITICAITON DAEE: i#i*;$,ffi*****r I l-other /t'tzs Brock-t rt tW't"' frijffi-i*J.jtW Ownsrs Nane: Lten lrchltect:Addraeer . ,ceneral DeccrlpttonI 4r''^r-o0fu re& l{orlc Class: t l-Ner fft-efteration t !-.r,ddtttonat [ 1lnrp.t'1 [ l-otber Nurnber of, D$r€lllng UnLta:l{unber of AcooDnodadton Unlter O r'frcrrAlrtail; a - i6tfi; W i:::'fl ;ZnfrWT:T.I)roRuA*oN-:::-::*:111.:::*':!*ttt':*Addrcee:Town of Vall Rcq. NO. fhone Nunborr iiff::l:"r contraoto* /4/{2- a^ezz*tc- -_ Ig11 ".{. v.._n Ree; \g.?z;-g:-€*Phone Nunbert -?tq-& *l*ltg contractoq VhL4t/,le nlELtuN,Ln- roun or varllddregslPhone Nunberr llechanlcal Contractor:Addrasss % Town of vall neg. No.Phone Nunber: o Addreegs /.- U. eerytt/zw /t,._Ph]|/V4ggt _-ft OFFICE USE rr**'r*rt r** r*rrl *ltf .arr*rr*rrr EUTLDTNG PI.AII cHEcX SBET PUNIBTNG PI.AII CHECX FEEI UECHANTCTII PIAN cHEcK 888s RECREATTON FEE! CI.EAN-UP DEPoSITs TOTAI/EEESe BUTI,DINCS STCNATURES ZONING: STGNITT'REI ^ $mber and Type of, Flreplacest cas AppllanceE - caE l6gs - t{ood/pellet- -_v ,T* *'t * * * *' w:-ryeijfi.* * 13 * * * * * * * * * * t uo*?agtltr * * r * *'r * * * r * * * * * r * r. ** * * r r * r * * *. * * Py.llPIIgi t--C&- Er,EcDRrcAtg lJ6zeo-- ornERr t opurl.tBrNcr 5- ,F.ooov PmI t*****r****r**** **lt Eeneral Contractort No.,/a3- P.-a-- F--|l-- .-t-cohnentB: m rltDosrt L/ar y'lW{k0d6 -//a to. l/a/,tGv' /t^_ a,';,?ffi**, IU|lJI'1, Ul- VHrL LUl"l-Ut V lu:JuC-4 (9-t452 tl aouth lronLga rord T|ll, oolondo A$7(sosl 479-2138 or 479-2139 4-//46 HUb rz 'ec Lzi z! i,lo .003 P .0J - offlcr of oomnunltf drydopm.nl BUILDIITG PERT.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAITE If thls pen!.-lt lequl.rey 1 Towl of Vat't Fire Departnent Approval,Ensl.nee.prs..(Pgbl li !9rl=t revrew ana apbrovai,'i pjiiiirnS'b.po".r.ntrevferor [ealth Departrn6nt.nevl.ew, ani a_review by the BuiiAi;t"-"-,Oepartnent, the estirnated time tor'a-i:otar ieviii*-fov"Ia[i'as tongas illree weeltt. All conrnerclal flarge or small) ano all multi-family permits willhave tq-follow ihe ibove menti6niJ naiimum'"iqui'ieri,"enli.""fesidenila.rand.small proJects_shou'ld take a tesilr.anound or-timi. However, lfrestdenttal oi smaller.projects tmpaii ilre viiriusl'6Ji" mintroneddepartments wtth. resara' to-ntcesitii-""iiIw,-ti;;; iiijl.tl rovalso talre the tftree-weef peiioa.--.' '-' Every.attempt wlll be nade by thfs department to expedite thlspormi't at spon rs posslble. - I.r_!!. undersfgned, understand the plan check procedure and tlmeTrame. 'tz9cY 1l;zttaleL i.:;ll; ,' , - jduuz /dae aca Cormunlty Davclopnent Department. . ir'rn. ur- l!-q ir, VHlL UUI'I-UL.V I U : JUJ-4 (9- 2451 lnwn ?0 roulh lronlogc rold vrll. colorrdo !1657 (so3) 479-2r-38 or 479-2139 tlO: FROM: DITE3 au&rEcT: HUb 12'YJ Lzizu N0.005 P.02 1n sunn3ry,.ordJ,nance No. 6 statee that it le unlarrful for anyperson to lltter, traclc or deposit any .oif,-"o"N, sarrd, debrleor materlal, lnclq'lng trash lunpsteri, p"iialie tolletg anaworkmen vehicree. |Don. any streetl sidewain, -iD.v or pubrlcpl?ge or anv portion rheieof. rna iighi:;i-fii-bn arr Town ofVall streets and.Igugr Le approxi".["iv-s-it]-ltt pavernent.thls ordinance rrirr be strritiv -enforced by the ,!own of VailEubll'c trorrcs DeDartrent. --FEit6na f,ound vi6ratlng rhls ord!.nance:111. be sl,ven a-24 hour wrri[on--noiro-li-d-;;;;il'eald narertar.trn the event rha person go notl.rr-ta-aoeJ-"3i"'iJfrp1y wlth thenotl.ce witlrln the- 24 nour-t-jrnJ-"p."tii.a, "ii.Jiilrtc worksDeparrnenr lrrrr reho-ue sata nita;iii-;r-ir^J"Jr.iEi=e o! per'onnot-lfl'ed- Tho provrerons-ot-trrts oralnance sharr not beapplLcabLe to c6nstructlon, niritenrnc" oi-rEiiili prolects o!any atraet or attey or any utllttlee fn ifre-riiit_o-r"V. To revleu ordlnance No. 6ln fuul prease stop by the Torrn of::11^!f^rl1gg ogpfrtnanr to -o[iirn a copy. rirani< you ror yourcooperatlon on thle natter. offle of comnunlty dcvrlopmrnt ALIJ CONTRACIIORS CURREMIIJYIJ RECISTERED WITII IIHETOIIN OF VAIL TOrfN Op VArIr puBrrlc I{oRIG/COMMI NITY DEI|EIOPMEN! llARcH 16, 1988 CONSTNUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE r (1.e. contractor, otner) '-iriii :iF*rrrr'i.t'ttl TOWN 42 West Meadav Drive Voil, Colorado 81657 970-179-2250 Vail Fire Deparlntent July 1, 1996 Lion Square Lodge and Conference Center Lion Squore Condoninium Association Destination Resorts c/o Jim Gemlrcfer, General Manager 660lY. Lionshead Place VaiI, Colorailo 81657 Re: Lobby Expansion and Fire Spinkler RetroJit Requirements Dear Mn Gemhofer; As we discussed, the Vail Fire Departntent has Ircd a concern regarding the lobby expansion as it relates lo our ahility to occess tlrc nnin loilge buililing nndfight afire This issue vos identiJied ond acploined to Mlliom Pierce vhen lrc first slrcteed as the proposal and tlrcn again to John Railton during the conceptuol review for lhe current construclion projecL It vas ngain noted daring the plan review for the lobby renodel. tVe did not ntake retrooctive ittstallutiou of o fire sprtnkler system a requirentent of oppron'al for the lohhy erpnnsion norfor the renndel, because we vanted to toke a little ntore tinte to .rsre,sJ lhe situation, int estigote the existing conditiorts, coruluct a cotle annlysis, and evaluate various possible alternatives. Fire Chief Dick l)uran, Chief lluilding Olficial Dan Stanek, AssL Fire Chief John Gulick, Fire Inspector feffAtencio, ond I, conducted an inspection ofthe prenises, wolked lhe property inside ond out, took nteosurentents, and have nnde thefollowing assessmenl Given the aggregate elfect of the uponsion ond tlrc existing conditiotrs, a rctrooctive installation of a tire sprinkler systetn is required T'he plons for the exponsiott ond rentodel do not indicote any rentediation .for tlrc lack of access as it exists or os it hos heen exacerboted by the lobhy exponsion Onlinance 25, Series of t991, ailopting the 1991 eilitiott of the Uniform Fire arul lluililing Codes, u,as anrcniled lo include a provision in ,gection 10.203 of the llnifortn Fire Code, requiring occess to oll points on lhefirstfloor, within 150feet ofan opproveilfire departntent access. The access is requiredto allow aJire tnrck to get vithin 20 feet of 50 % of the euterior perimeter of any structure. The provisions also require accessbeprovidedtothe"highestpointoJ'habitoblefloorarea" fromthepublicrightofwayoronapproved fire departntent occess rood LionSquare Retro Fire Sprinkler Requirements Page 2 The existing struclure is seven stories above grnde on the south side and three to Jh,e stories above ugrude" on the north side. TIrc issue of "grade" is olntost ntoot due to the total lack of access lo any side of the huilding. Even tlrc signs in the Lodge itself refer to the Jloor levels as Ist, 2nd, Lobby, 4lh, etc. thtough the seventhfloor. The two lowest levels are only partially sprinklerel The west stair tover is located on the extertor and l'rris a Class 1 stantlpilte (Iry viithout a water supply). Tlrcre ore hvo adilitional sttirtowerc, both on tlte interior. One is on tlrc east end anrl the other is approxinntely 45 to 50 feet west of the east end The total length of the buitding as nrcasuretl dotpn a corridor is opproxinntely 150 feel The niddle stair tower (50 feet front the eost end stair tower otttl 100 feet front llte west stoir tower) has a Class I stmdpipe, Tlrc east stoir tower does not have a stantlpipe. Class 2 fire lrcse cabinets tvith a mix of hose (ined and unlined) are located in the interior coridors on the wesl end onil on lhe exterior balconies on the east end Ttrc building construction of the nnin lodge appeors to be a Type III-1 hr. The corridorc hnve whst opleors to be one layer of shect rock on the wolls, 20 ntinute B label doors, arul loy-in ceiling tiles. The corridor walls do not extend up post the ceiting liles, There is an open ceiling plenunt above the hotel rooms tlnt is connton with the corrirlors. The nnin loilge is connecteil at the lstfloor to the condoniniums knofi'n os LION SQUARE East, via a "nndilie " or "odopte corridor" tlnt does not have ony vioblefire rated separation. |'he basenrcnt of the East contlo building is being used as the nnin housekeeping, lnundry, and entployee break room area for the nmin loilge. TIrc easl huildittg is a nir of Type V and perhaps sonte Type III cortsttuction. The fivo buiklings are connected on the interior at the hasement level of tlrc east building and the 2ruIltoor of tlrc nnin lolge and on tlrc edeior via a covere walkway ot thefirsttloor of tlte east building aruI the tobby level of the nnin lodge The exterior wood siding of the east buikling is l0 feet avay from unprotected openings in the main lodge on the uppertloors. The main lodge contains n ntLv of hotel roonn, rentols, non-rentals, and private condominiunts. Units on tlrcfifth anil seventhfioors nppeor to hu,e lofts in uklition to the nminfloor orefls, Other loft units nmy exist. Tlrcfront desk told us the enlire slnrcture conloins 130 roonts. We are assuming the 130 roonts ercludes the comnton, limited comnton, and contntercinl portiotrs' The euterior parking deck has not been shown to he ctptble ofsupporting the intposed live and dead IouLs for Jire trucks and certainly not copable of supporting a loider truck. The edge of the access rontp to the parking deck on the north sirle is npproximately 60 feet from the *lerior face of the nmin lodge In santnnry, tlrc conilitions as they exist, ltose on unredsonnble risk to life and property due to an ocute krck of access and a lack of internal lire protection (ire sprinklerc). Under the provisions of lhe Totutt of Vail Municipal Code, Section 15.02, adopting the lJniform Fire Code, l99I edition os antended, specificolly Sectiotts 10.203 ond 10,501(h) of the t99I Unifornt Fire Code, the Chief nay require the instollation of aJire sprinkler system to nitigate thefoilure of lhe builling to nteet the nininunt requirements detailed uncler UFC Section 10.203. Lion Square Retro Fire Sprinkler Requirentents Pnge 3 Given the building is generally ittoccessible by the Fire Depflrt,rrent, the requirentent to install afite sprinkler system retrooctively, as set forth in Appendix I-I), is opplicable ond required Appropriate time Iines need to be established in consultation vith the ownership of the property. Similar provisions are included in the lluilding Code- This proposol ltos been comnunicated to both Bill Pierce, the oiginal architect for tlte lobby remodel oni expansion, and to Jolm Railton, lhe cun'ent architect We have discussed ' this brieJly with you and your Chief Ruilding Engineer Bob Pecklow. As no obiections have been raised to dote, we vill allow an appropriole tintefronte to accontplish tlrc rctrolil Mth respect to cornpulsory tinelines, the Town is willing lo entertain any reasonable proposolfront ' the Associalion, ovners, etal., that will acconrylish the retrofit ruithin a speciJiei period There may he some latituile if you elect to instdl the fire sprinkler system in plmses or elect to assess the nrcnrbership for a couple of years and then contplete ilrc vork in one phose. History hos slnvn costs tend to escalote over linte so there may he sonte benetit in completing the vork sooner than later. We have worked with sevenrl Associntiotts to develolt a plan, a scope and sequence, specifications, alternotives, and select qualitieil engineers ond consultonts for project nnnagement lVe ertend llrc sanrc olfer to you Please contoct us tt your conyenience to iliscuss this if you u'ish. It may be beneficitrl for you to get on oveniav ofthe issues, oplions, and other detoils. Sincerely, 4-=4---z/Zz'Z---.----- Michael McGee Fire Marshal cc: Chief Duran Dan Stanek, Chief Building Ollicial John Gulick, Asst Chief Jeff Atencio, Fire Inspector Tom Moorhead, Atlornq4 Town of Vail TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT rHIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit #: 896-0051 APPLICAI.IT H&R CONTRACTING INC P.O BOX 2201, VArL co 81658 CONTRACTOR H&R CONTRACTING INC P.O BOX 220L, VALL co 81658 OWNER LION SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 W LTONSHEAD Pr-,' VArL CO 81657 Description I REPLACE WINDOWS ADD ENTRY NOTE: Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 660 LIONSHEAD PI, LION SQUARE LODGE 2t0L-072-02-019 PRJ96-0034 Multi-FamilY Residenee w/ Not in table ! Status. . 'npplied. . Issued. . . Expires.. Phone: 3039 491446 Phone: 3039 49L446 Busi ISSUED 04 /L5 /lee6 .@ 4t?34.@ 4,2t4.6 .00 OccupancYr RL/82 Type Construction: 11 FR T)pe OccuPancy: Valuation: f i repl,ace Infornation: Restricted: 450, 000 #of Gas APPt i anccs: Add sq Ft: fof 6es Logs:fof Hood/Pat Let: .00 Totat calcutated Fces-->t.234.n Bui tdino---> 2,1|O.OO Rlstuarant P[an Reviee-> Pl,an ch;ck--> 1,391.00 DRB Fee-------------> InvcstiqatioD .Oo Rccreation Fee---------) uiLt calt---> 3.00 ctc8n-uP DePosit-------> TOTAL FEES.----- 200. m .00 500.00 4,234.N Additionat Fees--) Totat Pcrmit Fee--) Paynents------- BALANCE DUE-_-- Itern:.0510 stii:.liE'EIt'em:'.0540 04 /t5 /L996os'/L5'/1996Itbn:'0560 04 /L5 /L99604'/26',/t996It'em:'.0550 04 /t5 /.1996 E\l,ia!,iiil O BUILDING DEPARTMENTDAN Action: NOTEDAN ACtiON: APPR O PLANNING DEPARTMENTDAN Action: NOTEJIM ACIION: APPR O FIRE DEPART},IENTDAN Action: NOTE JEFF A ACIiON: APPR O PUBEIC WORKSDAN ACTiON: NOTE TERRI M ACtlON: APPR LARRY_P ACtiON: CANC DAN ACTION: APPR DePt: BUILDING DAN PLANS EXAI.IINER DePt: PLANNINGJIM PLANNER - DEPI: FIRE Division: Division: Division: .-II'I'T'E'TRE F5- npi'Rtjvrl"SgT hgt*5lfr Division: TERRY PWApproved bY Pw N/A see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay aPPly to thie permit' DECLARATIONS I heneby acknovtedgc that I have read this application, fittcd out in tutl. the information requi red, conpteted an accurEte P[ot p[an, and stlte that att, thc iniormation provideU as requircd is correct. I agrec to.conpty.tiith ttte-info:Pti:1 ""d pfot Ptan' to co'pty yith att rovn ordinancis and statc tavs, and i"'lriti-tiil "i"ucturc-according iothe Toun's zoning and subdivision codas, dcsign reviev apProvd, tjniform Buil'ding codc and REAUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T}IENTY-TOUR }IOURS send ctean-up DePosit To: LIoN SoURE LoDGE othcr ordi nances of th. IN ADVANCE 8Y 0tFIc€ rR0 CONTRACTOR ruttsglr mo ouHen Applied: 04 /L5 /reg6 Issued: To Expire: T AT {.******************************************************************************* CONDITIONS permir #: Be6-0051 ai i7 0s111.?1 .. status: rssuED ******************************************************************************** Pernit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Appticlnt: H&R'CONTRACTING INC 303949L446 Job Address: I-,ocation: LION SQUARE LODGE Parcel No: 2101-072-02-0L9 Description: REPLACE WINDOWS ADD ENTRY Conditions:1. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR coDE CoMPLIANCE' 2.ALLPENETRATIONSINWAI.,LS'CE]LINGS,ANDFLOORSTOBESEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3.coNTRAcToRWILLBEREQUIREDToswEEPANDCLEANUPTHEPUBLIC RIGHToFwAYAsNECESSARYIFDEBRTSoRDUSTFRoMTHEPRoJECT ACCUMULATES IN THE PUBLIC ROADS AS A RESULT OF THE CONSTRUCT ION4. ATTrC T.IECHANICAL EQUIPMENI ROOM FLOOR MAYBE REQUIRED To BE NON-COMBUSTIBLE BEdAUSE OF BOILERS OR OTHER EQUIPMENT. 5.GuARDRAILSAREREQUIREDToBEAMINIMIJMoF42"ASPERSEc.I7I2 OF THE 1995 UBC. 6.Lov'ERLEVELREsTRooMsAREREQUIREDToBEACCESSIBLESEE LETTERDATEDAPRILLg'1996UPGRADINGTwoPUBLICBATHRooMS ON SECOND FLOOR FROM I,ION SQUARE LODGE 7. I.SPRINKLER AND ATARM SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITED 2.FIREDEPARTMENTcoNNEcTIoN(rDc)BLoCKEDWITHCURRENT DESIGN, WE NEED TO HAVE THIS ADDRESSED 3.KNOX BOX I,OCATION NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED 4.EXITINGcoNcERNsFoRBASEMENTcoNFERENcERooMINTHEEVENT THATTHEsKILocKERsAREREMoVEDToPRoVIDEFoRMoREPARKING ALsoREARRANGINGTHISAREAWILLREQUIRESPRINKLERANDATARM DRAWINGS s.coNTAcTFDPRIoRToANYwoRKToAvoIDNoNEMERGENTALARM **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,'COtoRADO statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Nunber: REc-0141 Anount: 4,034'00 05/L5/96 10:45-piyt.nt Method: cK Notation: #39588 hit: DS ----_----- Pernit No: 896-0051 1}pe: A-MF Parcel No: 2101-072-02-0L9 Site Addrese: 660 LIONSHEAD PL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE Total Fees:4,234.00 This Palzment 4rO34.OO Total ALL Pmtsz 4,234'00 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WII,IJ CAI,L INSPECTION FEE ADD/AI,T MF BUILD PER Amount 2,L40 .Oo 1, 391 . oo 500.00 3.00 Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ATL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0043 APPLICANT WAGNER ELECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VArL co 81658 CONTRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC INC P.o Box 4995, VArL co 81658 OWNER LION SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 W LToNSHEAD PL' VAIL co 81657 Description: ELECTRIC REMoDEL Etectficat---> 450.00 ORB tc" Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: .@ 3.00 Addi tiona L Fees--------> Totat Pernit Fee------> Pavments------ ali,nHce oue----- 660 LIONSHEAD PL LION SQUARE LODGE 270L-072-o2-Ot9 PRJ9 6-0 0 34 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .t 04/I5/t9e6 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 3039496161 Phone: 3039496161 Valuation:25, 000 . 00 .vt 453.@ 455.00 .00 Total, cll,cutated Fc!s---> 453'00 lnvestigation> Hi Lt Cal. t---> ToTAL FEES--> 453.00 Item:.0600005/ts/Lee6 ELECTRICAT DEPARTMENTDAN Action: APPR DepT: BUILDING CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hcreby ackmrtedge thrt I have reld thi3 apptication, {il't.d out in futt thc inforaation requi rcd' conrpteted an plan, and stlte that at.t the inio'ration proviOeO as requircd is correct. I agrec to.cotPty Yith thc i!!'i'1ti9i I;-;;dit riif,-"Il-iorn orainiicai -ina st;tc taus, and do buiLd this structufc according to th. Tovn's zoning and codes, deslgn rcviev approvj, unifo* auitding Code and othcr ordinances of thc ToHn appl'icabtc thg1cto' rccurlte Ptot and ptot pl,rn, suMivisidl REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I|ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT FICE TROil Division: -------;";;;;-;;;-;;;:;;---;;;;; B-ELE. Parcel No: 2101-072-02-019 Site Addrese: 660 L,IONSHEAD PL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE ***************************************************!r************ TOWN oF vArL, coLoRADo statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0141 Anount: 453'oo 05/15/9'6 10:47 Payment uethoa: tf Notation: #39588 Init! Ds ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees: 453.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 4s3.00 4s3.00 .00This Palment **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtion - Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 450'OO 01 0ooo 41336 wrr,t cAr.,L TNSPECTTON FEE 3'00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No..... Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAIJ PERMIT 660 I.,IONSHEAD PI, LIONS SQUARE LODGE 2L0L-072-02-0t9 PRJg 6-0034 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: M95-0023 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .t 04/15/Leg6 lssued. . . : Expires..: APPLTCANT VALLEY WTDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVoN co 8L620 CONTRACTOR VA]-,LEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVoN co 81620 OWNER LION SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 W LToNSHEAD PL, VArL co 81657 Description: REMODEL LION SQUARE Fi reptace Infornation: Rest ci cted:#0f Gas App[ iances: FEE SUI.II'IARY Total calcutated Fees--> 1,'128'00 Phone: 303949L747 Phone: 303949L747 Valuation: ,0f Gas Logs: 45,000.00 #of tlood/Pal. tct: l{echrnicat---> PLan check---> 900. m 2?5. 00 Restuafant Ptan Revieu--> DRB Fee--------- ToTAL [EES--------> Additional Fees-----> Tota[ Perlit Fec----> PayBents----- BALANCE OUE.--_ .00 .00 1,128.00 '001,128.n 1,12E.@ .00 Investigation> .00 ui tL catt----> 3.oo CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTBEP rO-cHEqS qqR-qgDE COMPLT-ANCE' 2 . coMBUSrroN eifr.-t 5 -db-Oufl.En-eER SEc . - 0oZ -qr' -TEE-. 1 e e 1 - QUC' --- 5 : iN5iAti[iioN'iiu$i b'6ilFoiol-to-i'ielluFectqREs I NSrRucr IoNs AND ;: Ei;^iFBn?ifi.sE EfrRl"'i'o$q$EBqli&iqffly.^1o*ssoprEB e 4ND Sir-arL,- trmrilriie -iiii5pee t f .r ED- -rN -sEq..9 a -6- qE-IHE. 1 e 9 1 - wq-.s. iedE5s-ro"FEffiTnG-EdirTFMENi-u0-sit-edlaFr,v wrtu sEc's05 AND 703 OF THE 1991 IJMC.6. BoTLERS sner,i-is'ii6gr,rteo QN_ELooRs QF-I{9NCQI4EUSTIELE coNsT.- ' ilNiE5ii-l,iiirnS F6n -voiitrr-tN=--qU-e0MsusrrEL-E - ELqQRrNG ' ? . FEfifi ii, FifiN$"Aili"ciiilE"4ryltf $_is -ttTIJ5t - sE-FoSteo IN MEcHA]IIcAL , : BRgKit6-Sr*fu tilofr l8if, ' fr 68il q iE8$Fiiu.r-e H-EArrNs- eE -Her:wATpRsupp1,y eori,eit$-'sifrii"ee--E0ttipFnD-iiittt- A Fr,oon DRAIN PER sEc' 2119 0F THE 1991 uMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS coDptrted an accurlte Ptot infornation and Ptot Ptan,I h$.by .cknoHtcdgc th.t I ptan, and strt. that r[[ th. Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTI4NI-o5/r5/i.99s oaN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: havc rcad this appl'ication, fil,ted out in tul't thc information rcquircd' inio"*tion p"ouiO.a as riquired is correct. I agrer to compty vith,th' 96, **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJT COLORADO Statennt ********.******************************************************** statemnt Nurnber: REc-0141 Amount: t,r28'oo o5/L5-/96 10:49 Payment Uethod: Gr Notation: #39588 Init: DS Perrnit No: M96-0023 TYPe: B-MECH Parcel No: 2101-072-02-OL9 Site Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL Location: TIONS SQUARE LODGE MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees:' 1, 128 .00 Total AL,L PmtB: Balance: 1, 128 . 00 1r128.00 .00This Payment **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 4:..3;.2 MECEANICAL PERI{IT FEES 9OO'OO 01 oooo 4L332 PLAN CHECK rEES 225'00 01 OOOO 41336 WILtrJ CAIJL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO TOWN OF'VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MI'ST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 650 LIONSHEAD Pt Locat,ion...: LION SoUARE LODGE Parcel No.. : 2l0l-072-02-0L9 Project No. : PRJ96-0034 VAII,EY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P o Box 5080, AVoN co 81620 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVoN co 81620 I,ION SQUARE PH I II III & NORTH 660 W LTONSHEAD Pr..,, vArL co 81657 Valuation:15, 000.00 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: P96-0025 Status...: ISSUED Apptied. .2 04/t5/L996 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Phone z 303949L747 Phone : 3039 49L7 47 Description: REMODEL LION SQUARE FEE SU XARY .OO Total catcutated t'!s-> 2U '25 2U.25 Add'itional' Fees--) '00 TotaL Permit FeF--> 2U'25 P tunbing--; P[an Chect--> Invest igation> tli Lt CeLl,--> 225.6 56.25 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Rev i err--> TOTAL FEES-------> Paynents------------' BALANCE DUE---- 2U.25 ,00 BUILDING DEPARTMENTDAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: I hcrcby acknontcdgc thlt I have rlad this lPPticrtim, fiLlcd out in ful't' the infonmltion rcquired' coPtetcd ptan, and st.tc that al,l, thr infornation provided as required is corrcct. I agree to. cotlpty vith ths inforgt i;-;;r;lt riitr "it rorn orainincl"-"ic-"t!ii i"r., and io buitd this structurc-a"::..iii9-i2:lhr!2'^:W Item:.05100 os /Ls /teg6 CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ DECLARATIONS !n accurat€ P lot and ptot ptan, subdivi s i or oFtlcE Fno[ 8:00 Ar coaisr'aisign reviev approved, Unifornr Buitding Code and other ofdinances of the ToHn REqUESTS TOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TIIENTY-'OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** statennt Num.ber: REc-0141 Amount: 284'25 05/15/96 10:48 Payment Method: CK Notation: *39588 Init: DS Permit No: P96-0026 TlPe: Parcel No: 2101-072-02-0L9 Site Rddress: 660 LIONSHEAD PL Location: LION SQUARE LODGE B-PIMB PI,UMBING PERMIT Total Fees: 284.25 Total ALL Prnts: Balance: 284.25 284,2s .00Thie Payment **************************************************************** Account Code DescriPtio" T:"1: 01 OOOO 41311 PI,UMBING PERMIT FEES ZZ>.VV 01 00oo 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 56 '25' 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 3'OO -I$,lJ oF'vAIL coH-DEVgF . vBrL cot'4-DEV ID :303-479-2452 RU6 12'93' ,. ..t ll ; P:aa a@ ronr oF vArrJ cpNsrRuerrorf: Ator - o -t ^ _ oL- ol? nollnirlal: ..sua** ^t lPPLrcArroN ltusr EE Fru;ED our couptErELll oR t.r rdry-Nor'"ii3Jginr"# I**********f **r**r**r*r*r*i*** pERMrr r'roR]rAtr-o* *****/*0V-ft]llll*r**,r***rr*r**tl ./[vl-Eutrdlng t l-prunbtng [ )-Erectrlcat I l-nechanlcat I J-orher lrchltect: ,ceneral Deccrlptlonr Addresg: /:a,/W /zd /*e, 6 ttttorn.W tfork Claes: tlt-rer ( l-Alreratlon t l-Addtttonar f!-nepatr [ ]-othar_ Nunber of Drrelllng Unlts t O Nurnber o! Acoornnodadlon unltsr o -Other Electrlcal lddrese: Pluublng lddresg: Mechanlcal Contractor: Addrssss BUII/DTNG EERMII TEE!PLI'MBIN6 EENUIT rEEt !.!EC!|A!IICAIJ PERUI! FEE! EI,ECIRTCAI FEE:,OTHER rYPE OF FEEs DRB FEE! lfoUn of Vall- EUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PU'MBTNC PIAN CHECK FEE3 IIECHANfCAIJ pl*ltit CBBCK EEgs NECREATTON FEEs CLENI-UP DEpOSIT3!C- rOTAI/ pERuIt FEESI Ppgne Nunbers qlf-g-b7T Town of Vall Regr yg. to3-P LI7 Phone Nunlcerr -av?-m;-' Town of Vall Reg. NI,P?P Phone lltbber; * ** ******** ** *r ****** r ****** i ***roR orPIcE usE *******.*******r**rr*r******tr* Contractor; EUTLDTNC! STCNATURES ZONTNG: 8IGNAT{'RE! Lton' -ftvet6 bUt .//a h/.L/e,"ile4p/,/ IUUN t - -'-' ;-' UI. VHlL UUI"I-UtV lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: 8u&tEqt: t lu:cuJ-4 (9-2452 tt .oulh ttonhgG rord Y|ll. colorrdo t155t(sot) 479-2r_38 or 479-2139 Hub 12',v5 Lz.2u l*lo .003 P .02 '\lu Tn synngy, .ordinance No. 6 states that lt le unlawful for anvperson to rltter, tracrc or deposit any soir,-"""r1'-!iia,-ed;i,or rnaterial' lncrqdlnE trash iumpsteri, poiiurie torreii ;il--'worknen vehicreE. upon-any streetl staewair<]-iii"v or pubrlc. prace or anv nortion theieof. rrr" iighi;i-;;;,' on arr Town of' y-a+I streeti ind.roade i"-appto"inately s ft. off pavenent.llhte ordinance wir| be. itrrElii' enrorcid-ui-iti rown of vairPubllc workE Departhent. FeiiLne found vii,riting thls ordrnanceI11l-be glven a-24 hour wriilen notice--to-iem"ve satd, rnatarlar.rn the event the perso" go noirflea-aoeJ-"1l"'iirply wtth thenotl,ce withln the- 24 nour tfini-ep.ciiiea,"iiu-iubllc $orksDepartnent Lrtlr r€hove "ita-i"t.liat at in"--"xp"nse of pe,r'onnotift'ed. Tho provlsrons-oc-inr=-"iar;"il; Ifrirr nor beappllcable to c-onstruction,-naigtenanc" or r"iiirr proJects efany arr6€t or alley or any utlrltlee rn i[e-iis]it-'":rii:-- -- To revlew ordLnance No. 6 tn full r please stop by the Town ofYlll^Pglldu.ng Deparrnanr to obrain a copy. rlanr you for yourcooperatlon on thle natter. olflcr ol aommunlg developmonl AI;TJ CONTRACITORs CURRENTIJYIJ REGTSTERED I{TTE THEaol.{lr oF vArL TO!{N Op VArIr PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEltEIOpt{ENr MARC11 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & I{,ATERTAL STORAGE l.,sils;......-,'-. (1.e. contractor, owner) tuldN ul- a,. ,t .' VHIL LUl,I-Ut,V lnun lu : JUJ-4 (y-2452 ?3 rosth lrcrLg. rcrd Y|ll, oolondo tttsT(t031 479-2138 or 479-2t39 Hub rl gJ Lz:21 |,io.005 P.03 onlcr of oomnunlly dryrlopnml BUILDING PER'.IIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAITE lf thts pery._lt requ{res g Towl of Vail Fire Department ApprovalrEnsl.neep rs..(.pgbl ti lgtlrt reytew ana apirovai .'i piinir n!'b.po"t .ntrevfevr or ltealth Department.ievf'ew, ani'a review uy the 6uiiai;t -'- Department' the estirnated time tor'a iotir ;;ii;*-;ai"Li!'.r ronsas tltree weeLr.. All conrnerci'al (large or snal!) ano all multi-family permits willhave tq^follow ihe ibove menti6niJ-mii.imum "equiiemlnli.""iesiaenualand.qma'!l proJects_should take a tesiei arnount or-iimC.-However, lflestdential or smal'ler.proJects .tmpact ttre viiious-iilove ninttoneddepartments wtth. resard' to-necessaii-reiiiw.-iffi; ;6j;.tl rovalso talte the tllree-weet peiioA.- Every.attenpt wlll be mrde by th{s department to expedite thlspenni't ai soon rs posslble. - I:-!1. underslgnedr understand the plan check procedure and ilmeIrame. Y#f*#r'4'2. h/.- Cormunl ty Devcl opnent Department. UON SQIAAE LODGE AND COI.IFEATNCE CENIER 6@ \r', UONSHEAD H.ACE \r{lL coN_oRADo 81657 <303' 47o7281 $ xsnunox usonn ^LloN5MR toDqt 0 cottttltcr (ttttl vrii. coroiroo April 19, 1996 Toun of Vail Design Review Board Pursuant to the recently approved plan for construction of our Front Entry expansion, the Board did stipulate the submittal of a landscaping mitigation plan as a condition for issuance of the project's building permit. We share the Board's desire to spare the existing foliage from any construction impacts and will monitor the process for the duration to ensure lheir prclection. Should any loss of the specific trees/plantings identified in the Board's recommendations-namely those trees adjacent to the new parking space-be realized during the course of the construction rre hereby guarantee thal those specific trees and/or planlings will be replaced \ ,ith an equal conesponding number. We furlher guarantee that upgrades on lhe t\ ro public bathrooms on the second floor lMll also be accomplished concunently with this same construction project. We specifically will install in each balhroom the follovr,ing: 1. Grab bar in one stall in each bathroom. 2. A handicap accessible commode in one stall in each bathroom. 3. One paddle-type faucet assembly in each bathroom. 4. Cutouts in each of the t\'o vanities to accommodate a wheelchair. It is also understood thal more extensive retrofitting will be accomplished when anticipated renovations on the second floor are in fact undertaken. Thank you. JirfGemhofer cr6. 2.l. qEt nA:€i4,PT\r'r FO2 - ?y'at i)atJ- *il 7uY 6*v@ *'' 2r<6tgt-QA le(* la7:uwLE S,/rEr -'rc fl6TIlJ6 f,saR" fi;glttfi,E ruy -To M6glr tnEL CetE*&gflfl.-evP4' l4,ttcstt6' ?vade-GL'*'noe zx+filP- P*1J'E&4't, t l3'-6tl 'r.'...a''Y..!..qE#Ail A RAfuF iryu ,+: 5:q.:- Vry qx,,.r--- '*"/ wl 5!ld' PtsD oN P11a7 a4fi tr,, t?t+--^./gf^r ur-. luJttLr'4) w..<lJ- NG,., fu *Tr-** -*.itl.-.--- EXITT, hr+Jorv Ir Wvtaue €xrgf wtdJ- 1 !,UUp AI{'IN +' rvlrt*Ir Sva,t) loto s/6' Pt zD w),I-L . wtTU Eldu.?. lErL ltxuepxtt- -ru!!:rL^9"F-Mr- Ftxwas wrtw R*t'F &.- =f '^ l'rz^ 6 qtat- ?tPE t4twdr"rrt- LfEL> tlzr .. OLA*2. * vA$L Ntfk 7+rgL-AFtt*tEtE D 3t+aaY@ i/|0t14 6lu* L) ,'kb' FA^Ap /^J E*<g'wf (- ,€ ,L *JdE EiF 95?D 3 !d'* hl ,% WtA4- @tZaq'; gltcot€efi f*tr. a nEi. 2|:l. eEi D2: Eia,Pn/r ; N,A'( % ts6. Ffl(ft I.+EN S M, r"rilirir 95o9r,,lrft Dfi1; s7? /El( 6WN dT VA*L PA 1 (D llll.Ill.I:tt[YttEHtttcrt ooCr s iCrdn F!. ft€e erTpwfiE' @*uw'to e$#4f't',T l' { t-*:{u i:rrii e{,^,^ o t{atrt Or.orOEicot Focl-ll" b||nd tat( ttantmftrsl rnrms 7ut1 d el prglt t 2 *.DArit g?ANEIC'.ffilTfti.rad*T4 i oo' fl.unrlt. |r/la/?r ffiT-qF:+;ErfS u) tt7? - z45z . tttqp-q4r-Ss/6 | | .f= _l I" uJohw (<auw'-' ril#rcqs&rr . llsittSttnlFr'mltm $aBlt,ladiC0m trtrllaE"gSrFrIa*t.S rOh{!hrOtrllE[ruln.tfl.tuLl.t8 'ffiIHT tlEpT 1:;1 TO[^,N $F VAIL! COLUIIADO 11./ra6/96 tZtT:El REGL,ESTS FOR INSF'EI]TION hlllRH SHEE']-S] FnRr 11./ 6/96 F'A6E ;:T AREA: trF Actl.vityr Address: Locat i on: l-'ar.ce I : Deser"i;:tiorr: Flppl icant: fiwner': Cont rant or' : i196-fifi*3 IL/ 6/'+h Type: B-ltlECH Statr.tE: IS$I'JED tionstr": AAFT 66O I".. IONSHEAD F.L LTONS SNUARE Lt]DOH ;: 1 81 -A7g-rzre-rzr 19 RHMODEL LIfJN SOUARE VAI..LEY I^,IDE NECH. & ELECTRiCAL I LINN SGUAIIE PH I II III & NORTH VALLEY LIIDE MECH. &.EL.F:CTRICAI- I Occ: Use : Flione; 3VJ944174-/ Fhr:ne; F,h on e : 3r2rf,949 1747 Inf onnat i on. . Connent s: LSL be Inspected. Inspecb ion Reqt"test Req uest or': Hourard Req Time: OB:rlta .Itemr; r'*qnested to l;Z'tzr:tB riJ lvlF-UlJ-F i n a I Inspect ion History, , "..It'em : tZttZtPEO MECH*Rouqh O9 / 13r'96 I n speiet or*: CF Notes;; FALANCE OF LO0BY AND ItEm : rZrrZrE4lir pl.mS-eas F,ipinq It en: glaJlq HECH-Heat ing Qt7 /fi1/96 Inspector"r []F nUifi7/96 Inspector: EF 0B/3tzt,/96 I nspect ot': CD i It em; Ottr3;lttr MF-CH-Exhat"tst Hocds'' Item: tiltfi33tZr ME.CH-$r-rpply Ail . la$/1;:/S6 Inspec:tot": CF' I t ern : Oil34ra FIEUH-Mi sc.' Item: OtZt.J9tl lvlECH-Final Ac't i an :r AF'F R APF'R0Vf I) sNol^i lYlEr-l' ctJMFLE f F:r) Action: AFFR B6L.Fr$" AIR TH$T Act i sn : AFF R 9(:LBS. AI R-SNtlt MELT Act i on : AF,F,F 1Ofi,, lrzrgr F,SI RI RTE$T Aet i on: AFFR Eeal trenett'at I clng Ti me Exp Flrone: 949-- lr+46 E$f copt