HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 4 (2)TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : ELECTRICAL PERMIT 443 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 443 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 4. Block 4. Vai Permit #: E0l-0169 Status...r ISSLIED Applied. . : 0810912001 Issued. . : 08/10/2001 Expires. .: 0210612002 Phone: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES '#' [it ? Pz]QD -otsL OI{NER LIIIDEAROLA&THOMAS PO BOX 9466 PEORIA IIJ 6J.6L2-9466 License: CONTRACTOR WAGI{ER ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 1620 AVON, CO 8L620 Lieenee t 223-E APPLICANT WAE{ER EIJECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 1520 AVON, CO 8L620 License:223-E Desciption: SERVICEREVISIONS Valuation: $2.000.00 0B/09/200L Phone: 970-949-6L6L 08/09/2OOL Phone: 97O-949-6LGL FEE SUMMARY Totrl Calculaled Fc€s-> Addition&l Fees--> Total Permit Fee--> Pslmenls--.-> BAI,AIICE DUE-> c 0s/o9/200L Electical--> DRB Fee-> Investigatiot-> will chll__> TOTAL FEES-> s5o - oo s0 .00 s0.00 93 .00 ss3 . oo 953.00 90 .00 s53 .00 ss3. oo s0. oo Aoprovals:I€6m: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 08/09/200L DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME$IT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOTJR HOURS AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE sent By: WAGNER;970S494339;Aug-9-01 7:48AM; TPPLIGATIOT wlIJ, ilOT gC ACCEPTED IF ITICiOIIPI.EIE OR#5zq Pruicct tf: htildittg Elcctrlcrl Ferrnlt #: Zlrl9 Q(l.rqb 0lir3- - 1.l9t--rwfluYtL 75 S. Frort4c Rd. Yr|L Colondo !f687 @HPLETE SQ. FEET FOR ilEW BUILDS and YALUATIOIIS FOR Atl. OTHERS (lrbor I oot{TR croRrlsoRllArloil .*rr*...rrr.ir...rrr..rtt.t..r.....,FOR OI:FICI IIE Oill Y.*r"""tt L{,n ,Ju^ rbrddrcss: 4a5 pA*+rob ilrmei 247ete pa+fiaNc€ deeai@n 6 *'4tuu& Fo,tsroilrt Workoass: New(lr) Addfrlon( ) REmodet( ) Repair( ) Temppower( ) O$er( )i Does an EHU eriJt at $b bcatirn:WortType; lnterlor ( ) B(Grior fi,) BoSt ( ) TtTGdErt: shdFhtnftx) utrb( ) ilr.ilFhrny( ) CanltFGLt( ) RFhtttiltt( )OtE( ) ; lb. dAcornrdatbn Unb in thbllo. of Bl:tiru Drrdllrs UnG in thb bulldlm: At (xJilT OF SQ FT til STRJCruRE: ffieo : qg6 u I 200:l : Tov-coM' C/a,trtcrrfr .|IE/d!.Pcttfi TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO\ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8t657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTEDPROiTECT' '-""-'ER DAM, ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT "]ob Address: 443 BEAVER DAM RD LOCATION. . .: 443 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No. . : 2101-071--1L-01,2 ProjecE. No. : PRJg8-0182 APPLICANI CARIBOU BUILDING iIENTI]RES INC.P. O. BOX 2950, EDWARDS, CO 8L532 CONTRACTOR CARIBOU BUILDING VENTIJRES INC.P. O. BOX 2960, EDWARDS, eO 81632 OI,TINER IrIMD CAROL A & THOMAS C PO BOX 9466, PEORTA rL 6L6L29466 ON LLC JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 898-0306 ALL #: st.atus...: ISSIIED Applied. . : 1.0/0e/1998 fssued...: l0/L5/L998 E>cpires. . : 04/L3/L999 Phone: 970-390-6300 Phone: 970-390-5300 DescrlpEion:REMODEL AND ADDTTTON TO EXISTING RNumberCof Dwelling UniEs: 000 Town of Vail Adjusted valuation: 350,000 Firepface Informali.on: R€strictsed: Y *of cas AppLiaDce6:#of Gaa Loga:#of wood/PalleE: FEE SUT4MARY ToEaICalcula'-edFees---> 3,6:9.-. AddiEional Fees- ----- ---> ToLal Pernit Fee----- -- _> Paymenta-------- BAL\lIal:l-'! .!0 Building-----> Plan check- - - > Investigation> will call----> 1,740.00 1,131. Oo . o0 3. O0 .00 200 - o0 500.o0 : , ".9 .70 , oo 3 , 609 ,70 3 , 509 .7O Rescuafant Plan Review- - > DRB F€e-- ------ Recrcation Fee-- --- --- -- > Clean-Up Deposit------ -- > TOIAL FEES ITEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTIIEI\TT LO/08/L998 CTIARLTE Acrion: NOTE L0/12/L998 CHARLTE Acr,ion: APPR ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI'IENT LO/08/L998 CHARLIE AcEion: NOTE LO/T3/1998 GEORGE ACL1ON: APPR Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIfT LO/08/L998 CHARLIE ACT1ON: APPR ITCM: O55OO PIJBI-,IC WORKS L0/08/1998 CIIARITE Aetion: APPR DepE: BUILDING Division: PI,ANS TO CIARLIE CHARLIE DAVIS DepL: PLANNING Division: PLANS TO GEORGE N/A N/A Dept: FIRE Division: DepE: PIIB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document. for any conrti tions that may apply to tshis pennit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorledEe Chat I have read thi6 appLication, fiLled ouf in full the infornation rcquired, conpleled an acculate plots pIan, and state !ha! a1l- Ehe infonBlion provided as required is cotlect. I agre€ bo conply itith Ehe iDformation and Plot PIan, to coroply nifh all Toqrn c:dinanceg and Etace lass, and Eo build !hi6 gEructule accordj-ng to the ToYn's zoning and eubdiwieion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and ocher oldinances of lhe To&t aPplicable thereuo. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS s}Il\I,L BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,R HOURS IN.I..DVTNCE BY TEIBPHONE AT 4?9.2139 OR AT Ot,R OFFICE FROM 8!OO Ai.' 5:OO PM send clcan-Up Depo6ig To: C.ARIBOU BUILDING VENTInES SIGNATURB OF O!{NER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIMSELF A.!ID OWNER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit, #: 898-0306 as of Lo/L5/98 Stsatus: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** .serrrrr-L rype: HDD| f.LL SFR BUl.l-,D Ptlt{vll.'r' apprieo: LU/ U6/ !9vu appricanc: cARIBou BUILDING VEMIJRES INC- rssued: Lo/15/L998 rJ u! Ar-l\lJ- s p D ; 'r'a J ,rr"-tVER DAM RD I,OCAEiON: 443 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No: 2l-01-07L-LL-0L2 ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONS ******:k************************************************************************* 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.r-2r-o 0F THE 1991 UBC.3. REFER TO CORRECTION ON FIELD DRAWINGS 4. PER THE PI,ANNING DEPT. ONE KITCHEN MUST BE REMOVED T'Ontr OF lnrl. COTIoRTDO StrtcutE t rlrrrr.rrt aar ta.r attrrta a rtrrrri raJ r aarr rtrarrat a a rr Strscrns Nuub.r: REC-0{54 lrcunE ! 3,559.70 LOllAl'a 1a.26 Pr:|ucnE l,letslrod: Ctt NoE.tl,on: 3069 lnlE! JR P.roiB t{o: B9g-O3O5 Tt4r.: A-BUILD lItD/ALt sFn lU .D PE P.rc€l lfo: 2101-071-11-012 6ie. Addrca.: ,l{3 BEAVER Dlfl m Locrbiot!. 4{3 BEAVER Ollt RD ToBrl Plar t Thi,. P.)d.nr 3,559.70 Torrl A[tJ lrntr: Brlrnc. I AD D2 -D8PO8 CLBAIfUP DBPOSITS 3, 5Ot . ?o 3, 50t, 70 .00 Anounc 1,7t0.0o l5 o. 00 1, 131. 00 500.00 35.70 3.O0 r a * i tr.a fr rrr rrt r r * r a rt 'r t tr* *i r I r f * LccounE code Dc!cripgion BP OOJ.OOOO3I1IIOO AUIIDINC PERI'IIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESrer RE\rIEW FBE5 Pt 00100003112300, PLln cHacK FEEg RP 11100003112700 RECREATION FeeS rc 00100003112400 wrtn ctLL rNgPEcrro[ FE8 $,{,;:!ryr!e TOI,IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT,NITY DEVELOPMEIiflT75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970 -479 -21,38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT iIOb AddrCSS: 443 BEAVER DAM RD LocaI,ion. ..: 443 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No.. : 2LOL-O7L-La-0L2 ProjecL No. : PI{J98-0182 ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0306 APPLICAI\TT COIiITRACTOR ObINER Building-----> Pl.an check- - - > rnvestigation> wilI call---- > Re6tuarants Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-- ------ Recreation Fee-- ----- ---> clearl-up Deposit----- ---> Total. Calculahed Feea- --> Additional Fees---- -----> Total Permit Fee- -- - -- --> Palmenta------- BAIANCE DUE---- Descript.ion: REMODEL AND ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE Occupancy: R3/M1- Single Famity Res w,/Garage Type ConstrucEion: V N T)pe V Non-Rated Valuation:350,000 Add Sq Ft:238 Fireplaee InfolnaEion: Regtricted: Y *of ca6 Appliance6:*Of Oad Loge: CARIBOU BUILDING I/EIfTURES INC. P. O. BOX 2960, EDWARDS, CO 81_632 CARIBOU BUTI-,DING VEITTURES INC. P. O. BOX 2950, EDWARDS, CO 81632 LUND CAROL A & THOMAS C PO BOX 9466, PEORTA tL 6t5L29466 STATuS...: APPROVEDApplied..: LO/08/199AIssued...: LO/13/L998 Expires..: 04/LL/L999 Phone: 97Q -390-5300 Phone z 970 -390-6300 *of l,lood/Pallet: FEE SlrMl.lARY 1. 740 . OO 1,131.0O . oo 3 .00 - oo 200.00 35.70 500 .00 3,509-70 - oo 3 ,609 .7O 50.00 3 , 559.7OTOTAIJ FEBS----- 3,509.70 "**;;,'.;;;;;;;;;;.;;;o*'''*".'..".'....."..'.. o.o, : BUTLDTNG Divis ion :LO/08/L998 CHARLIE ACt.iON: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIELO/L2'/1,998 CI{ARLTE Action: APPR CIARTIE DAVrSITbM:. O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT DCPE: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:LO/OS/1.998 CIARLIE ACIION: NOTE PLANS TO GEORGELO/L3/1,998 GEORGE ACTiON: APPRIE.bm:"05600 FIRE DEPARTT4EI{T Depts: FIRE Division:LO/08/1,998 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR N/Arrbm:'.05500 PITBLIC WORKS ' DepE: PUB WORK Division:LO/08/1.998 CHARLIE AcEion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditsions thaL may apply to tshis permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read thie appfi.cati.on, filled ouE in ful.I the information required, cofipleted an accurate ploc p1an, and state lhat all the infohration plovided as required iB correct. I agree to comply nith the informacion and plot p1an, to comply with aII Tovn ordinances and staEe laws, and to build this Btructure according lo the Town's zoning and eubdivision eodee, deeign rewiew approved, Uniforl{l Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR BB MA.Da TWEI,ITY-FoUR HoURg IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT ollR oFFIcB FROM 8:00 AM 5:0o PM send Clean-Up Deposit To: CIRIBOU BUILDINO VENIURES SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COMTRACAOR FOR HTMSEI,F AND OWNER Page 2 *********************:t********************************************************** EONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0306 as of LO/L3/98 Status---: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/er,t SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: 1,0/08/L998Applicant--: CARTBOU BUITDING VEMITRES INC. Issued---: LO/L3/L998 970-390-6300 To Eq)ire: 04/LL/L999 .]Ob AddTCSS: 443 BEAVER DAM RDLocation---r 443 BEAVER DAI\,I RD Parcel No-- : 2l-01--071-1L-0L2 Description: REMODEI. AND ADDTTION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:t * r_. FrEtD rNspEcTroNs ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPT,TANCE.2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC.3. REFER TO CORRECTION ON FIELD DRAWINGS TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTME}TT OF COMMI]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AI,T SFR BUILD PERMIT ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0432 APPI-'ICAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER Occupancy: R3 T)4)e Constrruction: L-HR Valuatsion: 10,000 Fireplacc Inf omaCion r Rescri.ctsed: Job Address: Locat,ion. . . : Parcel No..: ProjecE No.: PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRIDGE ST, VATL CO, PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRTDGE ST, VArI_, CO, LI]ND CAROL A & THOMAS C PO BOX 9466, PEORIA IL 443 BEAVER DAM RD 443 BEAVER DAM RD 2LOL-07L-LL-OL2 RON BYRNE RON BYRNE 6L6L29466 Single Family Residence Not in table ! Add Sq Ft: *of oas Applianccs: Rc6tualant Plan Review-- >. oo Phone z 9'70-476-t987 & ASSOCTATES 8l-557 Phone: 970-476-1987 & ASSOCIATES 8L557 *of ca6 r,ogs !*of l.lood/Pal16E: Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSI]ED L2/Ls/L997 t2/L7 /L997 06 /L5 / L998 DescripEion: INSTJLATE AND DRYWALL STORAGE ABOVE GARAGES FEE ST'}|MARY Building-----> Plan Ch.ck- - - > Inve6Ei.gatsion> wil.l call----> 14S.O0 94.25 . oo 3 .00 Tolal Ca1culatscd F.cs___> AddiEional Fccs- ----- -- -> Tolal Pcrmit Fee----_-_ ->Rccreatsion F€6--- -------> clean-Up Depoaic------ --> - oo 100.00 362.2s -30.00 332 .25 Payments--_---- BAIANCE DUB-... .OOTOTAL FEES----- 462.25 IEem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEI.ITL2/L5/1.997 .fRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED 1,2'/L5'/L997 'JRM ACLiON: APPR APPROVEDItbm: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENTITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTT4EI'TTItem: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS DCPI : BUII,DING DiViSiON: JRIvf DRB/KDDCbT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON: DebE,: FrRE Division:DepE: PIJB WORK Division: * ' t * t t t |' * r * I t r t i ttlttt'trttt*t' See page 2 of this DocumenE for any condiEions thats may apply tso Ehis pennit. DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowledgrc that I hawo r.ead thiE applicacion, fitl.d ouE in ful1 Lhe infornatsion rcquireil,cotnple plan, and a!a!€ tshats all the informatlon provided as required iB co!r€c!. f ag).ee !o conply t ith lnr co comply with all Town ordinanccs and sEat.c 1a!.s, and to build !hi6 Btructsure accordj,ng to C}le T codes, dcEign revicw approved, Unifon Building codc and othe! oldinanccs of the To'rn applirl9l6 REQUESTS FOR INSPECaIONS SHAITIT BE Ii'rADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADltAllCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479 eccuratsc plot senal cl.ean-up DepoBit To:ClcNTRACTOR HIII9ELP Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #z 897-o432 as of L2/L7/97 StaEus---: ISSITED******************************************************************************** Permit. Tylge: ADD/ALT sFR Burr.,D PERMTT Applied--: L2/L5/L997 App1icanll-: pEAK eROeERTIES Issued---t L2/L7/1997g7O-476-L987 To Erqrire: 05/L5/1'998 .JOb AddTCSS: 443 BEAVER DAM RD LOCAt,iON---': 443 BEAVER DAM RD Parcel No-- : 2L0L-07L-LL-OL2 DescripE,ion: INSIII-,ATE AND DRYWALL STORAGE ABOVE GARAGES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * conditions * tr r( * lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETESTORS ARE REQUIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I'BC.. 3. FIRE RATED DOORSREQ'D IN SEPARATION OF GARAGE AND HOUSE LEADING TO CLOSETS. r at rttttt r a't i arr.r i raa ra r r ra a a ttrt.ra r.r rr.r.. ttttt t I ri r'l aa ttl,.l t ttt lordf O? v lLi ct t.oRlDo Sr.carrrs art t tt t tai a ta 'i tllatt r ttr t at *rrr a.ar r *t r tlr r t a r ttt ttr r rr r tt tt r a I rt t gc,alaonB l|ut!b.r ! RBC-O369 l|lounE ! Pryu.nt Hrthd! CK Notrtion! 8950 lt2.2s 12/17197 tt.S7 rnlc! liAfi Pcrrls l{o3 897-0432 Tytrrs: I-BUII,D lltDAJ.T glR BUILD PE Prrc.l tfo r 2101-o7t-11-012 gLE. lddrcr' ! a{3 BBAVER Dll| RD l,oc.sl,on I at3 ABAVEE Dt}| RD ToErl Fola 3 tlrh Pr!'!.nc 3t2,25 aot.l AtrJIr Prt.! Ballnca! tt2,25 332.25 ,00 ata a t r tt rtt rta l a atttt tt t a at.a rttttttttt trrr J tt ttlt a tttt ta t r a tt a 9 | t lccgunE codr D.rcrlptlon DR 00100003112200 DEgrQf REvrBw FEa€ BP 00100003111100 BUI' DINC PARMTT PEBS pF 00100003112100 PLAN CHECK PEES 01 00100002403100 cl,EANt P DBPoltITs llc 00100003112300 l{lLL Cllt lNltPBCTIOtl IBE AEount -10.00 lt5, OO 9{.25 100.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 Bui Lding----> Pt.n Chrck--> lnvcst igation> lli l.L caIL---> Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project. No. 443 BEAVER DA.M RD 443 BEAVER DAM RD 2101-0 71-11-012 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -zWry',t/rt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit *t 897-Q47 / {34-, Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Afr L l 0 285 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO, RON BYRNE LUND CAROL A & THOMAS C PO BOX 9466, PEORTA rL 616L29466 Phonez 97O-476-' & ASSOCTATES 81657 OIINER Description: INSUTATE AND DRYWALL STORAGE ABOVE GARAGES Occupancy: R3 Single Fanily Residence Type Construction: l-HR Not in table! Valuation:10,000 Add Sq Ft: Fireptace Inforntion: Restricted:[0f cas Apptiances:fof cas Logs:#Of tlood/Pal. Let: ****i**,r****t******ft*****i*****fi*t*tt******t*********i FEE SUl{llARy **t***i*t**************i*tt*************ft*********ff**t APPLICANT PEAK PROPERTIES 285 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO, RON CONTRACTOR PEAK PROPERTIES Phone: 970" BYRNE & ASSOCIATES 81657 .m Total, Cal.cul.atcd Fers--->20.m Additionat Fees---------> .00 Tota[ Permit Fcc-------->100.00 Paytents------- 145.@ Rcatuarant Ptan Rcviev-->94.25 DRB rcF------ .m Rlcrcrtion F.c--------->3.00 Cl,carf up Dcposit-------> TOTAL FEES-__BALANCE DUE---- i62.25 50.0t .r52.25 .00 362.25 Ilelti.g5lq0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division.I?/J5/.L997 JB!4 Action: Appn eppRovED JRM-- -- L2'/rs'/L997 Jwt Acrion: APPR AFFnOvED Dns/xoIrem:- q54qq PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Debt: pLAr.rNrNG Division:Item: A56qq FIRE DEpABTMENT DeF[a FrRE- -- - DInIsIoii:rtem: 0ss00 puBr-,rc woRKs Debti F0e-wonx DInI;Ioii; ffi****t*t*trrrt**t*******f,*t*******tf,t****fr*t***f,*t***ffi*fi****ffi*****t*t****ffii******.t*ffi*ff*1, See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that may appty to +.his ,ermit. DECLARATIONS l-hereby.acknoltedgc that I have rcad-this .pptication. fil,ted out in futt th! informtion requi.rd, conpl,eteo an accurate ptotptan, and statc that atl thc infopmtion providcd as requircd is corrcct. I agree to conpty riith thc iniornation and pl.ot ;1,.!;,to corPty vith att ToYn ordinanccs -and statc. [aus, and to hriLd this structure according iothe Torrn's zoning and subdivisioncodcs, design revicv approved, uniform BuiLding cod! and othcr ordinanccs of the Torm aipl,icabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TIIEITY-FOUR HO(|RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-21N OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 6:0() Ail 5:OO PII Scnd C Lean-Up Dcposit To: Page 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ?** I r + , CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0432 as of L2/LS/91 Status---: APPRITV;: .*)* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *., '* a . r ;. Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: PEAK PROPERTTES 97 0-47 6-1987 Job Address: 443 BEAVER DAM RDLocation---: 443 BEAVER DAM RDParcel No--: 2101-071-11-012 Applied--z L2/71 ' 't\ 'Issued---: L2/l5i To Expiret O6/lt1 : Deecription: INSULATE AND DRYWALL STORAGE ABOVE GARAGES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ' ., ; 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. ,*Contac.t Eagle Couir ry Assessors at 970-32B-8640 for Parcel tl . PARCEL #: Zt at q, I t /c'r ? Owners Name: Offlce TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: /Z-Z-aF1 , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR -tT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED f* n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMrr TNF.RMATT.N * * * * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ./ ' rr.'\r-r..^ rrr .- r"^l'lrl I J'vl\ - - - ' - - x x x t x x x x t t [y'f-BuiJ.ding [ ]-ptunbing [ ]-Electricar I J-Mechani'car [ ]-other Job Narne:rob Addre""r .44a .hvpa'l\S.Vr4 Legal Descripfion: :rlot t BLoc.k-! "itirg 3*o ,uoorurrro*, L&LA& rp\r1Sra,;.L LZ.Aooress: EFAe,i n r:-lf_,i'l__rsr < _ ph. PER}IIT /I Ph. General Description: work crass: [ ]-Nevr I J-A)-teration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units t ?,-Number of Accommodation UnLts: TOTAL: I prmber and Type of Firepraces: Gas Apprian"""ilfA cas Logs__ wood/perret RUILDING: $ lOr ooe PLUMBING: $., t(***'r'**************'t************** .VALUATf ONS * * * * * * * * * * * l{ * 'r * * * * * ,* * * * * * * rt * * * * * *t EI,ECTRTCAL: $ MEcriANfcAr.: $-._--0r'HER: $ Architect*- N-lSxE - Address: Address: ,lechanical- Contract \ddress: .t********** *******rr * Jr*rt rt***** ** J< ]UILDING PIIRMIT FEE: ?LUMBING PERMIT FEE:,IEC}IANICAL PERMIT FEE: 'LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: ]RB FEE: TYPE GROUP sQ. lomments: f tLrq.(' es:j ; z- F<.\ -L.<u ^L)G'=. =7-----ATn:k,11in""" Number : - 4rc:I5H iilectrical Contractor: UII L/t/ ;;;;;;;.-\,\Jlr\-Ict\,l.\J'.ffi--T:1l.":!u3}ln"s.No.---_-- , =.-affifl\flJflFlElt __ phone i,rrrln5s., ?lunbing Contracto Town of Varil Reg. NO. Phone Nurnbe.r: Tovri'r of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFrICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * .l BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI.,AN CHECK fEE: MECTIANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDINI;S STGNAI'URN; ZONING: SIGNATURE: , CLEA}I I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND !O: 75 louih tronlage toad vrll, colorldo 8t657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 oftlco of community devclopment BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If this perylt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approva.l,Engineer''s (pub'ric Ttf l review unJ upprouut ,'a ptannin!'bepartment 1evjey or. Hea't th Departmirnt review, unb'.-r.ui"; li-;i;;";rii ai nsDepartrnent, the estinated time for'a totar ;;;i;r-;u;"iui.'is rongas three weeks. f]] cgmmgrgial (rarge or sma'H ) and ar'r mu]ti-fami)v permits wirlhave to follow the above rnenti6ned maximum requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a 'r esser amount of time. However, .ifresidenti'al or smarler.projects impaci the various above mentioneddepa rtments wi th rega rd' to- necessai"y revi ew,-'r"r" ir"j..il' ruyalso take the three weet< peiioa. Every.attempt wii'l be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermi't as s,qon as possible. - vv ,rrLe' !L v' I' the undersigned, understand the p'l an check procedure and timeframe. k tL-t--21t Communi ty Develooment Department. 75 south fronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATD: SUBJECT: To. review Ordinance No. 6 in Rea ged by onlRe pto otflce ol communlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TowN op VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil, ,o"X, sand., debrisor naterial, incruding trash bumfsters, portabre toilets and.workmen vehicles.upon any srreerl =ia;;.ii;;ii;y or pubticPrg:r or any portion theieof- tfie rrgnt-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets and.Ig"9= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir] be. =t.iiiiv--lntorced by the Town of VairPubric t'rorks DeDartment. p"r=ln= found viorating this ord.inancevrir] be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified.ao"s noi-'compry with thenotice within the 24 hour.titn"-=p""ified, the puttic worksDepartment will remove said rnateiiut .t tt "--""p""se of personnotified. The orovisions .r-[r,i=-"iai".""I ;f,5ii nor.beappricabre to cbnstruction, nainienance or repair projects ofany street or arl-ey or any uririties i; t;"-;iiii_._ruv. onsh _full, pl_ease stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. rn.n-L v"" i"i--V"J., rw (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMI'I-' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED NO l-" 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being pertormed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? fs lhe driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecling the righl of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit" required?. questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES t/ -/' t-/ lr/ \/ \/ ../ l,/ .,, 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) A. ls the right of way, easentenls or public property to be used lor slaging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? lf you, answered yes lo any of these questions,.a'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained."Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained al the public Work's otfice or alC.o.TTTitV Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-Z15g.l I have read and answered all DateJob Name Conl racto ls S ig"natu re -ZJ