HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT PARKING SIDEWALKat ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Iel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: West Day Lot sidewalk DRB Number: DRB030454 Proiect Description: Installation of sidewalk in TOV r-o-w at West Day Lot Pafticipants: OWNER HMC ACQUISffiON PROPERTIES 110/13/2003 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938,01 WASHINGTON DC 2OO5B License: APPUCANT BMUN ASSOCIATES, INC 10/13/2003 Phone: P.O, BOX 2658 EDWARDS, CO 81632 License: ProjectAddress: TlsWUONSHEADCRVAIL Location: WESTDAYLOT Legal Descriptaon: Lot: C&D Block Subdivision: MORC-LS SUB. Parcel Number: 210107207001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz t0lL6l2o03 Conditions: C.ond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not aonstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO LocationoftheProposal: Lot: A Block: Physical Address: 728 West Lionshead Circle Parcel No.j-.,ZlL!l!UAU80ljlJ2_( Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zoni Name(s) of Owner(s):Vail Resofts Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-maif Address: dominic@braunassociates,com Fax: 926-7576 Type of Review and Fee: Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addihon Minor Alteration (multi-f;amily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 $20 No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenes and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Installation of Sidewalk in TOV right-of-wav at West Day Lot - Subdivision: Morcus Sub. lJ;lt,o.^ $6s0 $300 $2s0 o o o o r\ o Separation Request stl o F. 'rll' - o,' r)io@oi d 6^ go; E3*():r. 'nP =oK;H< r*3q 0a^ = r.. n lt'- \l : tq*l x V) uVn,,, \t"o )o, . \.rf'' -vXl ^,\;{' '< /vn\ ,/ nh^z #o,'i1g.$ i:%z e- irjl"W",,*iu* tzl / tl;trt . dA*rl"/+*- / i i.-- ',. /\-?r 'i /triit t i '/ iiliti ;li!: i'iii ili it\' HlDos -- zs) - i-,r 'f-Eior.,iZr'o< )<-l!:\a_-MU');<^ i=JC .r r.rj Z.()= !5hlo- < fi ti &f Hs/ >V=a 6+ ,,.- 2' : >r x ra) o L LU ta Fvl O LIJ0 trJ \ C_) /d. ) Vl\ lfhfl\I il $F 0r /\N. /_\ ill l1 I t k] F-' (/) r\ R \ R F-..EK SFI\ \!)SRr{\\a(rt {xsO$ . \ -\ \-l.i E\Vs \sbrF\t{l bqk (/) I I 2.^QolI.l :- <9E!rE'-L Fd.F I-:IB;F l;,15$, da -,-'i t ;;l:;i:i i:.g:1.'t: '1.;; ..' - iz' t,/ I ::-.\ --4 fi- ,-zlr ,.7t7 (/ ll \nr {n) O a*. ls\ E-. llr t1lit '.\$)r\\ \i g) \ t- tr) UJ7 ./ azzo- z= tnO-=Z lJJ r; l,l = c) ulo>J< Ld r,rE= c.i otd Ld(J- X IJJ t.| u. I = <n u. Lrj Jl N o TJa o- trJ o)a aao E.O bsc! j) rr o_lti IY Y<Y >== E t,t (Affixo(r-(LO s ==6. VLL Oa) r- 96 +-*,.< x ffL.ll- a F =-(Jr', Z QE<!1 o. OA(Jo- 1 i Y:) B,[Jo 1A E. 42 zrFia =,Ld :aJ ='+ E v. o- t!F o tJ.la (r E(r dixs!9iZ(i- Jq? =c-lJ = ,h zI_(,;' Oq== rHUf Hh- i- z, b#q g fftsorb,I IFI Fr,azfil-s? FbX F-l i-J V ridaqr(j)w a =to 6ZLd /,'\u)< n; Oa t!o-o c.i o LIJ >< UJ E N=q loLOO!.,i8=x^|,J .d:h"r'\ "1 =&. -oY o_ m(n L"t * lAl o rc ,uc'- VVt' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #t 897-Q179 ISSUED 08/18/rse7 08/rB/res7 02 /74 / resB 6627 2 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Investigation> l./ i t L Cal.l,----> oRB tee .00 3. O0 ToTAL FEEs---> 53.00 t Tota L Permit Fee--------> 53.00 Payments------- EALANCE DUE----.00 Job Address: Location...: WEST DAY LOT Parcel No. . : 2101-072-07-003 Project No.: APPLICANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL COOWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR AUTO GATE SYSTEM Status. . . AppIied.. Issued... Expires. . 2 r 000.00 ***t************************t*********t*****t************** FEE SUt'l14ARy *****t*************i************************************** E Iect r i ca t--->50.00 81657 8T657 Totat Catcutated Fees---) Addi t ionat tees---------> Phone;30347 Phonel. 3034766272 Valuation I 53.@ .00 *rr**********ft*********t**********ff**********************************************i*********t************************************* Ilemi .060q0_EI,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:QB/t8/L997 CHARLTE ection:' Appn-cHanlreIt'ern:'05600_FIBE DEPARTMENT - ,, Dept: FrRE Division:og/78/r997 CHARLTE Ac€iont AppR N/A ********************tr***ff**************************************************t**************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **************i**********************t***ff***********t***rht*t****t***t*ft***t***ff*i*Jr***********************it****ff*t********** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknovtedge that r have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in tul,l, the information required, coDpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required_ is correct. t agree to compt.y with tire iniormation and ptot ptan,to compLy vith att Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and {o buitd this structure according io the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl..icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPTIONE AI 179_2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE fRott E:OO At,I 5:OO PI,,I NEFI\OR CONTRACTOR FoR HI SELF AHO OUnen TOI/N DF URIL COM-DEI"]ID:S63-47t-2452 \JUL '93 15 :06 No .010 p .01uJ4a PEIII,IIT ,l 2to r9wN oF vArlr coNsTRUCrrON PERMIT APFI,ICATTON FOR}!oarr: &lre lq: J APPLTCATToN I{usT BE FrILED our coMPrJE[Er,Y oR rr uAy Nor BE AccEr{rED f,***************tt************* pERurr rNgoRr.IArroN ***r************************* [ ]-Buitdtng I J-plurnbing [r'f-Etectrlcar t?e'r DA-t s-e7Job Nane: __ba-{e Job AddresE: Legal DescrlptJ.on: Lot Block__ Flllng Owners Nane: Architect: d Ztot - O1L -o? -oo3 Address: ?.<z.A* 1, \1t,,_ ?rwflb,_ph,17-qoo6 Addrese I Ph. ******************************** :{echanical Contractor:todre6s:Town of Va1l. Req. NO.Phone Nunber: OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTIDING PIAN CHECK FEE: ^PI;I,'MBTNG PLAN CHECX FEE:I,TECITANICAL PIJAN CHECI( FEE!RECREAFTON FEE! CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTT:TOTAL PERMIT FEES! FOR]UTLDING PERI,'IT FEEs)LU}IBTNG PERMIT FEEs TECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE::IECTRTCAL FEE:)THER IYPE OF FEE:RB FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING! SICNATURE! lEAl|t uP DEPosrT REFIJND TO: P-E'PT].31 l?t!71 t a\t. < <t< 01-18-2001 Insoection Reouest Reoortinq 8 2x am ' Vail Cn'- City Of Roqu€sted Inspect Date: Thursday, January 18, 2001' AsJiurrerj To: EGi-ATf,E Inspectlin Two: ELEC lnioectien Arba: LV Slte Address: <Non€ Llsted> WEST DAY LOT A/FiD lltfrlrrruiirlrr Acthritu trQ7-O17Q consi ivo'6: Paicel: 210107207003 Apqrrcant .q-u,V q*l:.lAY91l D.sE RVlc ES Lrwltqt . vtltL \.\,/nr(JFtt1 t t(Jt! I nE/-^^i-^t^?. nfil lOt E l.rlAirr-\iln <:CDt,rlfrECr DesDdption: ELECTRICA.L FOR At-lTO GATE .SYSTEM Recruested Inspgctlon(sl It6m: 1C0 ELEC-Flnal R4rl restnr Dce 6t DorLhle Oiamond . ciirfriritilis: yv_esib_gy got qate Assigned To: EGi-ATZLt Paqe 13 Tvnc R-tr| tr{. occupair'ci: - --- -.Sr rfr Tvne' ACOM- - tl3i; - Phone. 3034766272 DA^^a 1/l'2 ^'rCF1't1 Sta!us: l.SSl_ltrD Inso Area: LV Rsquostod Tlme: 09:00 Alll' Phone: 92&6202 Entered Byr IQVARREI',I KAclion Time ExD Ittlll U(,llllllEll!5. ftulrlL \.LrlV!lvr\> - LU I ll\lt\-./ ALUlvlllIUlvl Jl l(t\ltu\) fVlr{tr rCE'L,tO llUL,| ll|L, L\Jr\ LfiEEL rtllIELlAlCT,l I | //: A TE flem Commetts: DENIED t ,, |, ; t/.) -.' i.t), /,t', i i lj . ,, .- ,- , //t,,j,l .u.P Li' - - '/ / it t)\-' ///-/ . ,,' I Ittsuecliud Historv Item l 10 El-EC-Temp Pn\yer (OFtional) Item: 120 ELEC-Rouoh (ODtronal) Item. 130 ELECConduit (Obiionali Item: 14U ELEC-Misc. (Opironati " Approved "03i2387 lrrsoeclor: LPV Actioir- APPR APPROVEDa^hh6^aF. DOE|/"\\ /E|-l Item: 190 FltrC-Finrl (Required) 09118197 InsDector: LPV Action: DN DENIED Comments: DENIED 09/1u87 lnsDector: LPV Ac-tion: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANaiY Co.i riei !: ADDTL COMiylS - CUT lr.lTo ALUMli,,lUld STFAI'IDS'dr'lRE FEEDS ADD tio LOX LABEL PAi'lEL II.ISTA.LL GATE, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 Blecgrical - -- > /ot 4 /,c {-,> O fl'funcas Sq/' DEPARTI\,IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT .rob Addre =",72& 9" frov>hff qJ LOCAtsiON...: MORCUS SUB WEST DAY LOT Parcel No- . : 2L0L-072-07-003 Project No.: APPLICAI{T RIVIERA ELESIRIC CONST,, CO , DEN\rER, CO 80110 CONTRACTOR RIVIERA EI,EETRIC CONST., CO , DENyER, CO 80110OhINER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81658 ON iIOBSTTE AT A],t T]MES Permit. #: E99-0002 status...: rssuEDApplied..: oL/05/L999 Issued. .. : OL/05/1-999 E>rpj-res. . : o7 /04/L999 Phone:. 949-6095 Phone:. 949-6095 Description: TEMP POWERR FOR TRAILER V99 RACES Valuation:L, 500 . 00 FEE SI]I.II.IAIY DRB Pce Total, calculated Fee6-- _> Additional, FeeE- -------> ToEal Pen[it. Fee------- -> Payoenfs - - - _ _ - _ - Inwe6tigation> 50 .00 ,00 53 .00 .00 53.00 wi 11 cal.l----> 3.oo TOAAT FEES---> 53. OO BAIANCE DT'E- - - .OO ITCM: O6OOO ELEETRICAI,, DEPARI'IVIENT DCPL: BUILDING DiViSiON: ol/05/L999 CIIARLTE Act,lQIL: APPR CITARITE DAVrSiEbft;'o5s6o*r-rnr-DepARntEyi Dept: FrRE Division: o17oi/19tg-anent,re Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. DBCLAKIT*TIONS I h€reby ackrtowledge chat I have read chis application, filled out in full the infornation required, coupleced an accurate plot plan, and scace tha! all the inforoation provided ae requj.red ia correcL. I aglee ho comply lrith the inforuation and Plou Plan, to coEtrly with aII Tosn ordinalrces and statse laws, and to buiLd Ehi6 structurc according to th€ forn's zoning ard eubdivieion code6, de6ig! revi.e* approvad, Uniforn Building code and other oldilrances of the Torm aPPlicable thercto ' REeuEsTs FoR rNspEcTroNs sHAlr, BE titADE TwBMfs-Fot R HoItRs IN tDrrlNcE BY TEIJEPHoI{IE AT 419'2L3a oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM a:00 Al'l 5:00 Pr'l COMTRACTORSIGNATURE OF OWNER HIMgEI,F ConEact Eagle Councy Assessors Offlce PEP.\IIT 1] DATE: /z/ 7o/?g TPrcT A*P' - _. n.: , J -- fltotctrsLegaI Description: Lot '"-' Block-- Filing '''-''- ''SUgDlr,'tSION ' Architect: Address: Address: 3eneral Descriptj-on: Ti i^Iork Class: IX]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other {umber of Dwelting Units: D Nurn-ber of Accommodation Units: O 'Igmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances--[- cas togs C wood/Pel1eL Ot i * * * * * )t * * rf * * * * * * * ?k * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * VALUATf ONS * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * owners Name: L)q1p $lu-ff Forlrlrrrau Lrr"ot""r $ P.o. 8qr 3ol V.-i I etrost ph . ?qt- (111 OTHER: $ ]LUMBING: $7-TOTAL: $ | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * t( * ,r * Jr * * CONTRACTOR ?eneral coniractor: INFORMAAION * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k * * * * * * * * * * * * * tddress: & Er,EcrRrcAr,: $ | 5 oQ_____ MECFIANTCAL: $ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ilectrical contractor: Rr,rrrx ElzcrP.rcrddress: 9lo ,lunbing contractor: lechanical contractor : ,ddress I '* r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * tr:1. * * * * FOR IUILDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: :ECHANTCAI-, PERMIT FEE : T F''FDT'AT. FFF. .nErFD TVDF nF FFF. LD Et FFtr ' Town of vail Reg. NO. 1632pnone Nunber : {9?o) Qq9- 6agq ?f-ao.a>Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: OFFICE USE ********t x * * * * * tr * * * * * * tr * x tr * * * * * BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE: iiffiiildftffi;. "ffisd RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPdAilTO 5 lggg TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: {,r Wll A lt \J r SIGNATURE: VALUATION ]LEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: olirments: ...ll'lrt /- _-. 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FDl.\M. DATE: SUBJECT: To review Ordinance No. G inVail Building Department tocooperation on this rnatter. olllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 16, L98I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soif, rock, sand, deUrisor material, including trash dumpsteri, porlable toiLets andworkmen vehicres upon any streetl si.dewaik, alIey or pubricpI?:" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way bn all Town ofvarr streets and.59ads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.-This ordinance wilr be striltry enforcid by the Town of vail lyPlr: works Departnent. pers6ns found vi6rating this ordirur,""wrlr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said rnateiiai,rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified., the putric worksDepartment wirl remove sai.d mateiiar at t.he expense of personnotified- The provisj.ons of this ordinance sfriff not beapprrcabre to construction, mai-ntenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. Read, and acknowledged by: Y fu1l, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your (i.e. contractor, owner)os j-t ionlRe I ationsh j-p to Project I - .. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: t["JFfi,?'9,i"1cwo*(sot'TMsNrMAY g, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBUC WAY PEBMTT' IS AEQUIFED Job Name: h)t 2aer z.z-ffi Pbase answerthe totn@arding the need fora,pubric way Permif: ls this a new residence? Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public iroWWZ I have read and answered attthe above quesdrrna.tl i J /)'-- ,1 - 3) ls any utilrfy wort needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaned? 5) ls different acc?ss needed io site other than existing drtveway? 6) - ls--any drainage work being done affedjlO the rlght of way, 6asements, or public property? n k a,Ftewcable Righr Of Way permit" required?. E) A._ __ ts the dgtrt of way, easements orpultic $operry to be used for sraoi*.pafting orfencing? g"-sr B. lf no to gA, is_a parking, stagingor fencing ptan required ry C6mmr:-nity Developrnent? ff you answer€d ves ta an'yo!-rhese questions,.a-,pubtrb way permit, must be obtained.'Public way Peimft' appftc"rion" hliif}r"in"o J th;,ilil wortcs offce or d "?,ffi '#"kTffn:r,tllti?!:;*T,estionspreasJor'i6r,",ri"o"ii,ir,Jri# E t/ ,/' U 2l YES /z, l,/ t/ Job Name uontracto/s Signature Dale lnun 73 sonth tDfitrge rord wil, colorr6o Bt€S?(fi31 479-2138 ot 419-2L39 ottlcr ol cottr nunlty deyolopment BUILDII,|G PERHIT ISSUAI{CE TIfIIE FMJttE If this pernit ryui5:_? Joqr of veil_I1e D,eparrrrent Appr ovaT,E ngr nee!' "' (pubi ic lorfs ) revi"*- "ni'ipp"ouai, -; iiiitii ri'D"pu"r,.n.revl er+ or Heat th o:fgrint-ri"i*, -"tj, "{ i g; ly-iiii,,iu i r ai nsI:ri[ff'k.fl: "r.r*teo tirJ'ri"'r-Lt"l revie*v_foi..Lll a, rons All conmercial flargg-gr sma?l) and a?l nrutti-fanijy pennits willnave f,q follow the above.r.nti6niJ-ra-iimum reguiremlnls. Residentialand smalt proiecrs :lg"]o Fig;=iJ:l;..rcuni.of tt-ne.. However, irresidenttal or smal rer.ptrj"cis-i"p"Ji' tr," various above mentioned '"i3" "*ff toli ll;!E%!- t":iiif Ii-*' t "*, - t,;;; ;;i;.'Jl *y F:ffi;""'3-3i"Tlto3:rffif;.rv trris department to expedite this I;"Jll undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Corrnuni ty Develoornent Oepartiient. I