HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRST WESTWIND UNIT 208TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 896-0339 Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No. .Project No. APPLICANT C & H WOODWORKING PO BOX 3840, AVON, CO, CONTRACTOR C & H WOODWORKING PO BOX 3940, AVON, CO, OWNER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY P O BOX 8?9, FRTSCO CO Description: KITCHEN REMODEL 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS 208 2 l- 01-0 6 3 -12-077 PRJg 6-0187 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. I SSUED L0/30/Lee6 to /30 / ree 6 04 /28 / reeT formerly formerly MELISSA 80443 Phone r CAIRNS 81620 Phone: CAIRNS 81620 3038457968 30384579 68 ****************************************i****************** FEE SUtlllARy *****************************************i**************** Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reptace lnformation: Restr i cted: Multi-Familyl-HR Type V l-Hour 1, 300 fof Gas Appt i ances: Restuarant P[an Revi ew--) DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> TOTAL FEES----- Add Sq Ft: .00 -00 Additional. Fees---------> -00 Totat Permit Fee--------> fof Gas Logs:dof Uood/PaL Let: Totat Calculated Fees---> 75.60Bui Lding-----> P Lan Check---> Investigation> tli l, L Ca L t----> 44.00 24.60 3.00 .00 75.60 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Acrion: AppRItem:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: AppRItqm:.,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT10/3011990-DAN _ __As!ron: AppR N/Aftem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS10/3011996 DAN Action: AppR N/A REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: C & H Payments > 75.60 Dept: BUILDING Divisj-on: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: .00 75 .60********i******************t*ff***********i*************:ht:trt********t*****Jr*************************************ff****rr"********** ***************************tr**************ff**********************ft*******i***********************i***********ff*ff*ff*''**ff***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow ledge that I have read_th'is appl,ication, fitLed out in fuLL the information required, compteted €n accurate pLotpl'an, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. r agree to compl,y riith tire information and ptot !Lan,to compty uith al'l' To!,n ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according io the Town's zon,ing and subdjvjsioncodes, design review approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpt.i cabl,e thefeto. AT 479aa38 oR AT_!U OFFTCE ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0339 as of t0/3t/96 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** PCTMiI.TYPC! ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT APPliCd: LO/30/Igg6epplicantsc&HwooDwoRKING tlsued: lo'/3!'/tgg63038452968 ro Expire2 o4/z\/r997 Job Address:Location: WESTWINDS 208Parcel No: 2101-063-L2-0L? Description: KITCHEN REMODET Conditions:1. FTETJD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPLrANcE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS rN WALLSTCETLINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDIIIITH AN APPROVED FIRE T'IATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0225 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #1832 7s.60 70/31/96 12:51Init: CD Permit No Parcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 896-0339 Type 2101-0 6 3-t2-0r7 548 S FRONTAGE WESTWINDS 208 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER: A-MF RD WEST Total Fees:75.60 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance: **********************d,***************************************** 75.60 ?5.60 .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 44 .00 28 .60 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 E Lect |i ca t---> DRB Fee Investigation> i l. L ca l,l.----> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0276 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST StaIus... WESTWIND 208 applied..2101-063-12-017 Issued... PRJ9 6-018 7 Exoires . . I SSUED ro /30 / ree 6ro/30/ree6 04/28/ree7 OWNER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY MELISSA P O BOX 879, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR ELF ENTERPRISES P O BOX 1100, GYPSUM CO 81637 Phone : 3035247'l 44 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation . 600.00 *****f,**********i***************ff**********************ir** FEE SUt4ltARY **************************************************i******* TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Totat Catcu lated Fees---) AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 *******************ff*ft********************************ff******f**************ff******i****************************************** Dept: BUILDING Division: DepI: FIRB Division: *************************************Jr*******i*****************i****************t*************rr*****************t*****ff********** CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL **************************************************************************************************i*****t************************* DECLARATIONS r hereby acknoHtedge that r have read this aPPtication, titl,ed out in futt the information requi red, comp(eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the informati.on provided as required. is correct. r agree to compl.y yith the information and pl.ot pl.an,to comPl'y with atL Torrn ordinances and stata [aws, and io buil,d this structure according io-the town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL SE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?13E OR AT OUR Itqm: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT10/3011996 DAN Action: AppRIt€m:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: AppR OFFICE FROII 6:0O AH 5:00 TURE OF FOR HII{SELF AND OI.INER **************************************************************** TO!.IN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt******:r********************************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0226 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: *1832 s3.00 t0/3L/96 L2:53Init: cD ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees:53.00 Total AtL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: ParceL NoISite Address: Locati-on: This Palrment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 896-0276 Type: B-ELEC 2101-063-12-0L7 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VIESTWIND 208 53 .00 53. 00 .00 Deecription ETECTRICAT PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 50 .00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS 2OB 2101-0 6 3-t2-077 PRJ9 6 -0 18 7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOB S ITE Permit ALL TIMES P96-0184#: Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. Description: KITCHEN REMODEL **i*************tti**********t***t**ff********f************ f EE Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED to /30 /ree6 ro /30 /ree6o4/28/ree7 APPLTCANT coLoRADo PLUMBTNG sERVrcE phone; 970945980945705 HrcHWAy 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 coNTRACToR coLoRADo PLUMBTNG sERVrcE phone: 970945980945705 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601OWNER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY MELISSAP O BOX 879, FRTSCO CO 80443 Valuation:500.00 sulll'IARY *******************************i******************t******* P Iumbi ng-----) PLan check---> lnvest i gati on>l.,itt ca l.l.----> Restuarant P lan Review--> TOTAL FEES----- TotaI catcutated tees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 15. O0 3 .75 .00 3.00 .00 21 .75 z',t .75 .00 21 .75 ?1 .75 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *******t**i********************t**tt**********************i*****t***********************************************i***************rt** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ****************************ff***t************t**ft***ff***#**********************r*************fft**********fi*ff******t******* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this application, fiLl.ed out in futl, the information required, compteted an accufate ptotptan, and state that att th€ information provided as required.i-s correct. I agree to compty with the infornation and pl,ot pl,an,to comply Hith aLl' Town ordinances,and state [aws, and io buiLd this structufe acconding to the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes/ design revieH aPProved, uniforD BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,,icabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL 8E I'IADE TIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE 11 {l-2138 oR (T OUR OFFTCE FRotl Itqm; .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTl0l30/199q DAN Acrion: AppRItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT|0/30/1996 DAN Action: AppR RACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER **************************************************************** TO9|N OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0226 Amount 2L.75 Lo/3L/sa tz;szPayment Method; CK Notation: #1832 fhit: CO Permit No!Parcel No:Site Addrese: Locat,ion: This Payment Account, Code01 0000 4131101 0000 4L33201 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P96-0184 Type: B-PLMB PLI'MBING pERl{IT 2101-063-L2-0L7 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS 208' Total Fees:2t.75 Total ALL pmts:2t.75 21.?5BaLance: .OO* * * * * * * * * * * * * * !k !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amount 15.00 3 .75 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2I38 Job Address Locati.on . . . Parcel No..Project No. Description: KITCHEN REMODEL ***********t**t*****i******tt**************************t*** t EE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmiT AT ALL TIMES P96-0184 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . WESTWINDS 208 Applied..2101-063-12-017 Issued. . .PRJ96-0187 Expires. . I SSUED to /30 / res 6 ro /30 / Lse 6 o4 /28 / rssT APPLICANT COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE phone: 920945980945705 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 CONTRACTOR COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE Phone: 970945980945705 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601OWNER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY MELISSA P O BOX 879, FRISCO CO 80443 P Lumbi ng-----> Plan Check---) Invest i gat ion> Uitl, Ca l,l.----> '15 .00 3 .75 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Revi ew--> TOTAL TEES----- Valuation:s00.00 sultlllARY ********************************************************** .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 21 .75 AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Permi t Fee--------> 21 .75 .00 21 .75 Payments > 21 .75 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *********i**********i*********************lrt***************t****************t***************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *****************t*ff****************i***************t****************t**t******t*i**r***t***********************t**************** DECLARATIONS I - hereby .acknowtedge that r have read this appLication, f il,l.ed out in futl, the information required. conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information Provided as required.i-s cofrect. I agree to compty rrith the information and p1ot pl,an,to compl'y Hith al't Toun ordinances -and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io-the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review apPfoved, uniform Buil.ding code and other ofdinances of the lown app!icabl,e thefeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCE rtem: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTIo/3O/L996 DAN Acrion: AppRIrbm:"05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ------ 10/30/1996 DAN Action: AppR ***********tl**************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Stat,emnt Number: REC-0226 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #1832 21.75 70/3L/96 12t52Init: CD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131_1 01 0000 47332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P96-0184 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT2101-06 3-t2-OI7 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS 208 Total Fees:2t.75 Total ALL pmts:21.75 27.75Balance: . OO**************************************************************** Amount 15.00 3.7s 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL/ co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2738 E Iect ri ca [---> oRB Fee Investigation> r.l i LL CaL t----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Job AddressLocation... Parcel No. .Project No. OWNER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY P O BOX 879, FRTSCO CO CONTRACTOR ELF ENTERPRISES P O BOX 1100, GYPSUM CO Description: KITCHEN REMODEL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWIND 2OB 2101-063-12-0!7 PRJg6_0187 MELI SSA 80443 81637 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-021 6 Status . . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 10 /30 /ree6 70 /30 /ree6 o4 /28 / Le sl Phone z 30352477 44 Valuation:600.00 *********************************************************** FEE s{Jl. 'tAR Y ****i********t************************i**ffi ff *****t****** 50. 00 .00 .00 5.00 53.00 Tota! CaLculated tees---> Add it ionat Fees---------> TotaI Permi t Fee--------> BALANCE OUE--__ 53.00 .00 55.00 53.00 .00 ****************i*********************i*********************************tt***************i***********************r:tr*************** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: ********************************************************t******************i*******t*********************t****ff*ffi************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****************************************************************************************i*********r*********************tri******** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read this appLication, fitted out in fuLl, the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl' the information provided as required_ i.s correct, I agfee to compl,y with the information and pLot pl.an,to comply Hith atL Town ordinances-and state taws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiIADE TI,IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 47g-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI'I E:OO AIII 5:OO PI,l Itqm: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: AppRItem:, 0560O FIRE DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: AppR **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0226 Amount:s3.00 10/3t/96 12:53Init: CDPayment Method: CK Notation: #1832 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees:53.00 ToLaI ALL Pmts! Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel. No:site Address:Location: Thi6 Palment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 896-0276 Type: B-ELEC 2101-063-L2-0I7 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWIND 208 Deecription ELECERICAL PERMIT FEES!{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53 .00 53 .00 .00 Amount s0 .00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ co 81657 97 0-47 9 -21,38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NO?E: TH]S PERMIT ADD/ALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL BUILD PERMIT PErrNiI #: 896-0339 TIMES Job Address Locati-on. . . ParceL No..Project No. APPLICANT C & H WOODWORKING PO BOX 3940, AVON, CO, CONTRACTOR C & H WOODWORKING PO BOX 3840, AVON, CO,OWNER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY P O BOX 879, FRTSCO CO Description: KITCHEN REMODEL 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS 208 2101-063-L2-0L't PRJ9 6-018 7 Status. . AppJ.ied. Issued.. Expires. I S SUED to /30 /rse6 70 /30 /rss6 04 /28 / reeT formerly formerly MELISSA 80443 Phone: CAIRNS 81620 Phone: CAIRNS 81620 3038457968 3038457968 ****t******************t*************ir********************* FEE SUII11ARy ****************************i**************************** Occupancy: Rl Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reptace Information: Restri cted: Sui Lding-----> 4/'.00 P lan Check---> 28-60 DRB MuIti-FamilyI-HR Type V l.-Hour 1, 300 fof Gas App t i ances: Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--) Recreation Fee----------> fof Gas Logs:fof trood/PaL Let: Total Catcutated Fees---> 75 -60 Add Sq Ft: .00 Invest i gat ion> tlitL cal.l.----)3.O0 ctean-Up Deposi t--------> ,00 p Ite.m: .05100 BUILDINc DEPARTMENT10/3011996 DAN Action: AppRItE.n:..05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: AppRIte.m:' .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT10/30/1996-DAN ^ _-Ag!ron: AppR N/AItb.rn :'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS1013011996 DAN Action: AppR N/A REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: C & H .00 Additionat Fees--------->.00 Totat Permi t Fee--------> .00 75 -60 75.60 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept.: PUB WORK Division: *****************************#*****ft*ff****t**************************f,**************************tt**********f**************i* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknov tedge that I have read.this appl,ication, f il,l,ed out in fuLl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that al't the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty ri.ith tie information and pLot p1an,to compty Hith atI Town ordinances,and state Laws, and io buil,d this structure according to'the Tovn,s zon.ing and subdiv.isioncodes, design review approved/ tniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Torn alpticabl,e thereto. AT 479rA3E 0R AT,OJlil oFFrcE ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0339 as of 10/3I/96 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: 10/30/1996Applicanr: c&HwooDwoRKrNG risued.:70'/go'/tgg6303845?968 To Expire 2 o4'/ZB'/Lgg7 Job Address:Location: WESTWINDS 208Parcel No: 2101-063-L2-0I7 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN VTALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0225 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #1832 7s.60 Io/3L/96 12:51Init: CD 896-0339 Type: A-MF 2101-063-12-0L7 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS 208 Total Fees:75.60 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 413t 001 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 7s.60 75.60 .00 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 44. 00 28 .60 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/Ar-,r MF BUTL,D PERMTT Pernit #: 896-0339 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. Status. . .npplied.. Issued... Expires. . APPROVED Lo/30 /Lee6Lo/30 /1,ee6o4/28/Lee7 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST WESTWINDS 208 2101-0 6 3- 12-OL7 PRJg 6 -018 7 APPLICANT C&HWOODWORKING Phone: PO BOX 3840, AVON, CO, formerly CAIRNS 8L620 CONTRACTOR C&HWOODWORKING Phone: PO BOX 3840, AVON, CO, formerly CAIRNS 81620OI'INER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY MELISSA P O BOX 879, FRTSCO CO 80443 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL 30384s7968 3038457968 FEE SUt'lllARY **ffi*ffi*fir*t**t**trt**ffittntr**t*fir**ffi* Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireptace lnfofnation: Rest ri ctcd: R1 Multi-FamilyV 1-HR Type V l-Hour 1,300 #0f Gas Appl, iances: Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Logs:#of Uood/Pa I tet: .00 Tota I catcutated Fees--->75 .60.00 Additional. Fees---------> .0O .00 TotaI Permit Fcc-------->75 .60 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Bui tding----> Ptan check---> Invest i gati on> Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--> oRB FeF------ Recreat ion FeF---------> 44.@ 28.@ .00lJi|'|'ca|'|'----)3.@c|'ean-UPDeposit-------->.00Paynents----------------> TOTAL FEES----- **:ffiffiffi*ffi*#nHffirrffi Item: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: APPRIIEm:. O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: APPRia6.m;' d5 6 6 o-ir'-inu DEpARrMEli,i' Lg/30/\pZQ^DAl!__ _,-_ liL-E_ioii; AppR N/AItem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSLo/3o/L996 DAN--- - Ac-CIon: ****ffi* *******ffiffi see Page 2 of this Document for any conditione that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknoutedge that I have read_this apptication, fitted out in futt the infornation required, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. r agree to conrpty riith tire iniornation and pLot pLan,to compLy rrith al'L Tovn ordinances -and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io the Town's zon,ing and suMivisibncodes, design revieY aPProved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpIicabl.e theneto- REouEsTs FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I{ADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURs lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Af 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRot't B:OO A[ 5:CX) pll Send CLean-Up Deposit To: C & H SIGNATURE OF OI NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,INER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0339 as of LA/3A/96 Status: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit T)pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: !O/30/L996Applicant:C&HWOODWORKING Issued:10/30/L9963038457968 To Expire. o4/28/L997 Job Address: Location: WESTfiINDS 208Parcel No: 2L01-063-I2-Ol7 Description: KITCHEN REMODEI-, Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATTONS rN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLT]MBING PERM]T Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 548 S FRONTAGE WESTWINDS 208 2 10 l- -0 6 3 -12-077 PRJ9 6-0187 .00 2't .75 AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0184 Valuation:500. 00 Tota I catcutated Fees---> Additional. Fees--------> Tota t Permit Fee--------> Pavments------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: RD WEST StaIus...: APPROVEDApplied..: I0/30/L9e6 Issued.. . : LO/30/1996Expires..: 04/28/L997 APPLICANT COLORADO PLWBING SERVICE Phone: 9709459809 45705 HTGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 CONTRACTOR COLORADO PLWBING SERVICE Phone: 9709459809 45'lO5 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601OWNER MERCIER VAUGHN K & MARY MELISSA P O BOX 879, FRTSCO CO 80443 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL *'** FEE sunlrARy Restuarant P[an Revi eH-->21 .75 .00 21 .75 .00 21 .75*,tfffi **ffiffi *tJr't****ffi***ffi *Hrit**********ttffi **rrffi*ffi****ffi ***ffi *ffi S*ffi*** P tumbingF---> P Lan check--> Invest i gation> !,i tt Ca L L----> 15.00 3.75 .00 3.00 IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: APPRItEm:' -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT10/30/1996 DAN Action: APPR rt,tffi**ffiffi**tffiffi*ffiffi*****ffiH**ffiH**f,t****ffift**ffi******ffffi*ffirrt*#rrt*Jr*ffrttffi#*ff**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *riffi*tt|t**********t***ffi**ffi***t*tt*f,*tht#r******t**ffrt!t**ffirr*rrttttr*rr**rttt**t/nttrt**!t**rt*tt*ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLl,ed out in ful,L the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl thc inforration provided as required is correct. I agree to conpLy vith the information and pl,ot ptan/to corPty vith al't Tolrn ordinances and state [aus/ and to buitd this structufr according to thc Torrn's zoning and subdivision codes, design ncview approvcd, Uniform Buil,ding cod! and other ordinances of the tovn appl.icabl,c thereto. REQITESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE IIADE TI|ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:00 A 5:00 Ptl SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND O!'NER TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #z 896-O276 Job Address Location. . . Parcel, No..Project No. WESTWIND 208 2101-063-12-0L7 PRJ9 6-0187 APPROVED Lo /30 /tee6 Lo / 3o /Lee604/28/ree7 548 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Status. . . OWNER MERC]ER VAUGHN K & MARY MELISSA P O BOX 879, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR ELF ENTERPRISES P O BOX 1100, cYPSnM CO 81637 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Investigation> .m H i L l. ca l. l,----> 3 . 00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.M Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . Phonez 3035247744 VaLuation: Dept: BUILDING Divisron: Dept: FIRE Division: 600.00 ffi*****t*,t**rt***ffi** FEE SUI'ltilARY trffiJrffir(rt*toffir*ffi*ffirt#ffi E[ectricat---> 50.m Total Catcutated Fees---> 55.00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 55.00 Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- DRB Fee .00 **rr** trffiriffi:H**ffit****ffiffiffi*ff* ITem: O60OO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT10/30/l-996 DAN Action: APPRIIQM:,.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT10130/1996 DAN Action: APPR r***rnt$*ffi**Hr**tl****ff*trtt*******ffi*****t***f,i****ffi***trffi****ffi********ffi**ffi**rffirtrrt*ffi** CONDITION OF APPROVAL **ffiffi ffi *ffi ffi *t**tt*f *fffi ffi *ltrt*ttriHffi ffi rHnffifffittr** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this appl.ication, fil,ted out in fuLt the informat ion requi red, conpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information prcvided as requ i ned is correct. I agree to compLy nith the information and ptot ptan/to compty Hith al'l' Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toyn appl,icabLe thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TI,ENTY-FoUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:@ AM 5:00 pl'l SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI'NER |*Contact Bagle County Assessors Offlce PER}IIT /I APPLICATION !.!UST BE FILLED OIII CO}IPLETEI,Y OR IT }TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Legal Description: Ipt Owners Nane: Brock- Filitg_rolvr *2,>b pn. hub.3141Address: .{61r <, Fz.c*nr-a *Z>b pb- tnt"A. General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New Architectr fl lN Ad.dress: *l*, , ^r,-t ptr. illA t{l-afteration [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dr,relling Unitst I Number of Accornmodation Units: and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appll"t"""_$lg cas f,ogs i{fA Wood/pelletl_ ********* ************* ********** * VAITUATIONS * *********************** ********* BUfLDING: | 2.X,>* PT,.IMBTN.: T-EIECTRTCAU t_&OTHER: $ t [ ]-other lililBfNc: $ ry..€- Electri Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FoRBUTLDING PERMTT T'EE: PLUI.IBING PERMIT FE8: MECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: EI.,ECIRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: tu Town o-f V-ail Reg. 11s.44r1-B Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No.lZq,-P Phone Nurnber: qzo-e4S@ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******* * *****r. *** ************** BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIJ!,tBrNc Pral{ cHEcK FEE:I.IECIIANICAL PI,AII CHECK FEE: RECRSATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE: CLE/ilil lrP ITEPOSIT REFIIf,D TO:C 1 tl \(o-t P\\/ot7-(1 Aul P.o, fur #4o r Avoil, Lo btL,u> [HI| 0 75 routh t.onlege rord urll, colorado 81657 (3o3, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: su&TECT: Read rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to I'itter, track or deposit anv-=oir,-"J.i, sand, debrisor material , incruding trasrr hunpsters, portable toirets andworknen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any porti-on th#;i: --it " right-of-way on al] Town ofvai'l streets ind.roads is approiinatery 5 ft. off pavenent.rhis ordinance "i111;-;r"i;ii;-;nforced by the rown of vailPublic works DeDartment. persins found vii,raring this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour "'"ii[.i"i"Ii""-ti-;;;;;:"="id rnateriar.fn the event the person so notj.fied. aoes not--cornpfy with thenotice within the-24 hour.t$;-;;;;i;i;,"if"-i'"tric worksDepartrnent h'ir1 remove said natlii.r it tn" -"r.i.ise of personnotified. rhe nrovisions-or-trri=-"iai;"#; :t5ii not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,"iri"rr"rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiiiires i.n the right_a_way. To review Ordinance.No. G in full, please stop by tbe Town of:::i.::ii:i"3,":f,in:lt.::-'"uIii" a copv. rlani< vou tor y-ur oftlc. ol communlty deyclopmcnl ALL CONTRAqIORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED I{TTH THETO9IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMINITY DEVELOPIIEMT ldaRcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE and acknowledged .. ( oIITE=Ac't r-.*osrtron/ReIationsffir (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lrontegr rord u!ll, colorldo 91657 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlco of oommunlly dcvrlopmcltl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this penTit requires a Town of vai] Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineerts (Pubr ic fglfr) review ana'ipp"onat,' a ptannin!-oepa"tmentreview or Health Department review, "nl'u-""uiJ ;i-;i;;";riiaingDepartment, the estinated timt tor'a-totar "euien-ilav"iail'as tongas three weeks. AlI commerci'al fiarge or sma'n ) and arl murti-family permits willhave to follow itre ioove *"niion"Jii"ir* requirements. Residentiarand.small projects shou'rd take i-ieJier amound of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projects irnpaii- fi,e "i"ious d6J'r. mintioneadepartments with reqard to-necessiiy-review, these projects mayal so take the three-week period. Every attempt will berlgg. Uy this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. - I:-i!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. Xml$?F#d"_rL Community Develooment Department. r TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMI]-'IS REOUIRED rl Job Nane: IVWIFF- Date:Dale: lD*25 - clLe Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way permit.: 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properly? YES NO l( * 3) ls any utility work needed? * 4) ls the driveway being repaved? ?y 5) ls ditlerent acress needed to site other than existing driveway? * 6) ls any drainage wod( being done atfecting the right of way, easements, ,( or public property? 7't ls a "Revocabte Right CI Way permit' .* required? 8) A.. ls the right of way, easements or ??public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging f or fencing plan required by Community Development? !t19u_ algyered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" rnust be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or aiC9.ry1u1itf Development. lf you have any questions please cail Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-21Sg.' I have read and answered a[ the above questions. Job Name r's Signature f Dcl f*a \f BcgT w 3o l2' ;DRqP=N Ranto+ w 3i't9 ot{\ (9 $n 3 k37 RFatTt tl \n +-t 3A %#\trr r.JG o'r.{T- s'.rs r W-4r u Ngo6'il4 t' E)u'{q 2 #FK ttt5 X-rE Y{efrt €+ s(3 ri\ c( sst) hA+ t' ' ,,."su'tr')G Ouf SUS I t4/ D?l o R = fub v3- b@qI I ooso( Hetcur --- 75't 9t,tK C,{ 5l{ ,: . 9 10 11 12 13 14 offtN^v 6.ttLDffTH q4 Ff Town of Vail 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 I '2 i3 t4 t5 l6 t7 'lg t9 1 '0,$**' t\ OFFICE COPY i I VAul bMH Rr"t S , +---*-. rn-25- 1t*