HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 FIRST ADDITION LOT 1 LION SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: kgal Description: Project No : DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552 2roro7202m/ 3R(5oG -o(XQ S50 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $ls. oo TOTALFEES------ > $0 - 0o $3.00 Plrone: (97O) 328-44Os Phone: (970)328-4405 # of Gas Logs: '!? Toal Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee----- > Payment---------.- > BALANCE DUE--_--- > Permit Status. . Applied. Issued. Expires . #: P06-0031 " cc6?( .: ISSUED . : 0412612006.: 05125/2OM.: 1112112006 owNER MOTTLEY VENTITRES Lp 04/26/2006 1731 NATIONAIJ AVE ROCKFORD rL 61L03 APPI-,ICANT IJOV{IDERMIIJK PI-'T'MBING & HEATINO4 /26/2006 PO BOX 230 WOLCOTTco 8L6ss License: 320-P COMTRACTOR IJOI'{DERMILK PLI'MBING & HEATINO4 /26/2005 PO BOX 230 WOLCOTT co 81655 I-,icense: 320-P Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: 21 # of Gas Appliances: ?? :t,lr*t ri(:t*++**1.**:f 'l*d(:i:t+:1.**:t**'lt't****,******ir'1.***'i*'l**x(,1**,1'i(**'l'itrt***:*'t** FEE SUMMARY Desciption: LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552-INTERIOR REMODELREPLACE FIXTURES, KITCHEN, TWO BATHS AND ADD TIJB TO SHOWER. Valuation: $3,600.00 # of Wood Pallet: ?? Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI1IHflI 04/26/2006 JRII Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI $0. 00 $78.00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- ) Investigation- > Will Call--- > Cond:12 (BI,DG.): FIELD INS $?8.00 95s. 00 $133.00 $133.00 $o. oo ONS ARE TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby e that I have read this application, filted out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ with all Town all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply nnces and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design revlew International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. **********l***t****+********+*+t*******+*ft**++*ll*********+,'***+*********ft**t*********'f*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent **** ****+*******************+*+*********** **********t*********f t***+***:i{.{.*1.{.**!t********+*t* Staternent Number: R050000579 Anount: $133.00 05/25/200609:55 AM Palment Method: Cagh Init: DDG Notation: cash Total ALIJ Pmts 3 Balance :************ *:l'************ * * *1.{.**'1.,1**** * * * * * *********'t*'*'f *+'********+**+** * * * * * * * +++* * * * ** * ** ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account, code DescriDtion Current Pmta Permit No: Parcel llo: Site Address: Location: Thia Palment: cL 0 01000 0312 3 000 PF 00r-00003112300 PP 00100003111L00 wc 00100003112800 P05-0031 T)4)e: PLI'MBING PERMIT 2LOL-072-0200-4 660 I.,]ONSHE,AD PL VAIL ITIONS SQUARE ITODGE ttNIT 552 Tota1 Fees: $133 .00 CONTRACTOR I,ICENSES PI,AN CI{ECK FEES PIJJMBING PER.I4TT FEES IIILL CALL INSPECTIOTT FEE $133.00 $133 . O0 $0.00 5s.00 15.00 50.00 3 .00 T0vtl0pvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor:b;;;rr";n Pt</r"{Town of Vail Reg, No.: 32o^ Q Contact and Phone #'s:@ 3%ffi/5sa €rarcE-Mail Address: cnntaaorsignatutjldl *,/ /h# PLETE VATUATIOI{ FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ ConEct Awsrc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # 9-t of o? ]97 ob-q lob Name: lr4erpRes robAddress: eb /rcilae a. atff:: LesatDescriptun ll r-Le ll rro"r., ll riring,Subdivision: lhttr4 /h,t Z_ owners Namyd'/, ezr tr|or ooo'"tt' 4/o rtn, s raD.6 Phone: Engineer:Address:l)Phone: Detaileddescriptionof work: TerA/rr- 6 ,s/*P.z ,4ao Qa a WorkClass New${.- AddiHon( ) Atteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) TypeofBldg.:Single-family( ) Duplex( ) MuttFfamitu(LCommercjal ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA phase II device? yes ( ) No${ ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************r!**r.******rr*********** ffiSTMPT p7 A\nueE \WAiIUAIA\CdCV\FORMSWERMITS\PLMB PERM. DOC 07t26/2W2 06-29-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page27 4:36 om Vail- CO'- City Of - Roquested Inspect Date: Friday, June 30,2006' lnsoeclion Area: CG Site Addr€ss: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL LIONS SOUARE LODGE UNIT 552 Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUED U'se: I B InsP Area: CG Requested Insoection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Flnal Reouestor: SRE BUILDERS. INC Coniments: w/c 39G.9805 Assioned To: JMONDMGON- Action:Time Exp: Phone: 970-376-1536 Phone: 97G37G1536 552-INTERIOR REMODEL AND PLANNING . JSUTHER trLM PY^'"'t-4r'"u Reouested Time: 08:30 All' Phone: 970-37G1536 Entered By: JMONDMGON K REPT131 Run Idz 5452 06-29-2006 lnspection Request Reporting Page 38 4:36 om Vail- CO'- Cittr Of - Requested Inspoct Date: Frlday, June 30, 2006- lnsoection Area: JRM - Slte Addr$s: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552 A/P/D Informdlon Activitv: P06-0031 Tvoe: B-PLMBConstTvo6: Occuoahbv: OrV'rier: MOTTLEY VENTURES LP' Applicant: LOWDERMILK PLUMBING & HEATING lNC. Contractor: LOWDERMILK PLUMBING & HEATING lNC. Description: Notice: Requested Insoection(s) Item: 290 PLMB-Final Requestor: LOWDERMILK PLUMBING & HEATING lNC. Comments: Wc 390-9805Assisne$To: JMONDMGON Reouested Time: 09:30 AM' Phone: (970) 3284405 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K SubTgOe: AMF ,4f/,b-! AP APPROVED AP APPROVED y'L u^ Inspec'tion Historv Item: 220 PLMB-Rouoh/D.W.V. _05i26/06 Inspector: Comment:Item: 230 PLMB-RouohMater _05i26/06 Inspector: Comment: Item: 260 PLMB-Misc.Item: 290 PLMB-Final , Time Exo: t\r.- A r f-,7-r*tf 'bfru ) ut *" Aooroved * JRM ' ' Action: * AoDroved ** JRM ' ' Action: Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Phone: (970) 32&4405 Phone: (970) 328-4405 552-INTERIOR REMODEL-REPLACE FIXTURES, KITCHEN, TWO BATHS RENEWAL FEE INCLUDED IN PERMITTOTAL. CONTRACTOR ). . JSUTHER REPTl31 Run Id: 5452 06-29-2006 Insoection Request Reporting Page 39 4:36 om Vail- CO'- City Ol - R€questgd Inspect 9ate: frjday, June 30,2006' lnsoection Area: SH - Site Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552 A/P/D Information Reou6sled Insoec{ion(s) Item: '190 ELEC-Final Reouestor: PRIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICES LLC Comments: w/c 390-9805 AssignedTo: SHAHN Time Exp: tLer-FtP'YL B-ELEC SubTgne: AMF Status: ISSUED Insp Area: SH Phone: (970)390-1050 UNIT 552.INTERIOR REMODEL.ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN, LIGHT FI)CTURES Reouested Time: 08:00 AM' Phone: (970) 390-1050 Entered By: JMONDMGON K /1 ^t+// // /O t-J'-t ,,/- llE+/6) lll Insoection Historv | /- / -^ t rrem: 110 ELEc-service t//70/0b Item: 120 =t584?Etnlnro".tor' "i"fiooroveo* ["tiori' cononppRovEDicoNDrroNs Comment: oroVide nail orotection for horiz run of mc in east kitchen wall. Provide..re_ceptacle for dw and disp. fire caulk flodr oenetrations.Item: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final REPTl31 Run Id: 5452 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address: Location. ....: Parcel No...: Project No : ROAD 1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status . . Applied . Issued, Expires . 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNrT 5s2 2r0ru202m4 0s /LL/20o6 E06-0075 Wo-e-t\ . : ISSUED . : 05lltl2ffi6.: 0511212$6.: lll08l2ffi6 OI\INER IIOTTI,EY VENrI'RES I,P 1731 NATIONAIJ A\/E ROCKFORD rIJ 61103 CONTRACTOR PRIDE ELECTRICAL SERVTCES Il'05/Lt/20O6 Phone: (970) 390-1050 OO89 STONEGATE CIRCIJE EDWARDS co 8L632 License z 342-E Desciption: LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552-INTERIOR REMODEL-ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN, LIGHT FIXTURES AND CHANGE OUTLETS. Valuation: $4,230.00 Square feet: 1000 'i'r{.r(,*r*'*ri**i.**'r,i'*'*******r******li*,},t:*id.tttiii+++***,t****{.'t ******i$'t +t*+ FEE SIIMMARY Elecftical----- > DRB Fee---- > Investigation-- > Will Call--------- > 0s/L!/2006 SHAHN Item: 05600 FIRE DEPAR1'I{EI{m S51. ?5 $0.00 $0. 0o $3.00 $s4.75 90-00 s54.75 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee---* > Paymenb---------> TOTAL FEES-- > 954. ?s BAI-ANCE DUE------> $0.00i:r*it*tt*tattitt+ Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARII'IEIIT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: CONO008033 Maintain fire rating of ceiling. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with ttre information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B r't?scc-ot(g 2149 OR AT OI.IR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PM. *'|ff*l++********++++{'*******++tt*********a*+***+f+**++t++t++++*******t**+*lt*++++++f+++t*++++ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment*'i'i't****f*++*l'*******l*++**'l***tftffft*++t***'t,|**'|ttt'+{r{'{'{'{'**t'+++++ttt**l*****t*ttt*r}'}'t'}ttf** SEatenent Number: R060000581 Anount: $54.?5 05/L2/200608:40 All Paltment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Pride Electric 55 94 Permit No: E05-0075 Tl4)e: EIJECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2tO!-072-O2OO-4 Sit.e Addregs: 660 IJIONSHEiAD PL VAII Locatsion: IJIONS SQUARE ITODGE I,NIT 552 Total FeeE: $54.75This Payment: $54.75 Total AIIJ Pmts: $54.75Balance: S0.00*++*+,i'l*{.********ttfl++**+t{'++***************************lr+**i+*l***++*t{r****************'t** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account. Code Deecription Currents Pmtss EP OO1OOOO31111OO BI,ECTRICAI., PER!4IT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI,I, INSPECTION FBB 51.75 3 .00 I a4 o (?/APPTICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION rfr f " ^ r'vt -_,^W Ecb" cc7$;ii.il#: tvaf llvI frt4avl .Friltrlr ,tF Irlra Fl F^.Ffr,tA I | lrFFtttl? tF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 2149 (Inspections) Electrical C.ontractor: ?,,ro_ E,Car^rrt- fu*zl L& Town of Vail Reg. No,: sqz-L Contact and Phone #'s: Cna B>"$ AqO - tosc, e+tail Address: g r'Ar- o;lechar.) o- cog.argr . lte-a Contractor Signature: 4.4 COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMoUNTOFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE: l0OO ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ 4 tL for ParceI #Conbct Eagle CountvAssessors Offi Parcef # 2to toT1o2.q4 Job Name: | _ | '?F2LloNto"JP4€- t-o$az u'J'f s> L 1o6 g66r.or. LLO Ltoxttlrrrt 9*cz Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: @ fPnone: Engineer:Address: H (nv_/t -y,r li Phone: Detailed description of work: l(rtr*r.u (t'**tooE'f r utq*r *Y?64'' a*r*44' oqrG WorkClass: New() Addition( ) nemoOelfl) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: tnterior |6) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Ooes an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) tlo!) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (x) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: AO No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No M) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (n) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (9 No ( ) T Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \WAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC Clr'/{dff€:r Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. o Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. u Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. o The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. c In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another, Common walls and spaces are accepted, o NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). s If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. u If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. s lrclou Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pf ease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 9VO-479-2L47 . The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector willcallyou back. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0071 kgal Description: Project No...: q1S66-o t 2Q Job Address.: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location......: LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552 Parcel No....: 210107202N4 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 04/ll/200,6 Issued...: O5ll2l2ffi6 Expires...: l0l29l2W6 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Appliames: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *+ri!r:t l:lt*t*,**!*:i:t**:****{.*'r't:td.++t:1.tr *1.***'i(1.'t,tl*'it'1.**:t*********'r** 9o-oo Toal calculated Fees- > s209-55 $0.00 Additional Fees-----> 90.00 $209.66 Total Pemit Fee-----> S209.55 Payments---------- > S2 09 - 55 ovitNER MoTTr,Ey VEIqTURES Lp O4/L1-/2OO6 1731 NATIONAI-, AVE ROCKFORD rL 61103 APPLTCAMT SRE BUIITDERS, INC O4/|L/2O06 phonez 97O-376-L536 PO BOX 5375 VAII, co 81658 License:703-b CONTRACTOR SRE BUILDERS, INC O4/1-L/2OO6 Phone: 970-376-1536 PO BOX 6375 VAIL co 81658 I-,icense : 703 -b Desciption: LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552-TNTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: R2 Type Construction: I B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplace Information: Resaicted: Y Building--- > 9125.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-- ) InYestigation- > Will Call--- > 981 . 41 Recreation Fee------- > $o. oo TOTAL FEES------------- > s3.00 BALANCE DUE---.---. >s0. oo *****i4**$t*i.t*t+ Approvals: Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMI 04 /7.L/ 2006 JS Action: AP Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/28/2006 cdavis Action: AP Su.bject to compliance to correcLion list attached to plan ***+*+i<**+*t+t+i(+***'i**t*+*+t+**+* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOITRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 tr !t*!t{.*{.*:1.**.*.*,f *:t**********,t**********************t(*{.,N.*,F**:t****:N.:t**r*t **i.{.*{.'t :t ***{.**{.1 :N!**********!t***:f ***:t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-m7l as of 05-02-2006 Status: ISSUED 1.*:1.*******d.*:&,*****t ***:**!****!********,t *{G***{.**********d.**:F*:t *****d.******;f :t,**:F*:t*************************!F Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04llU2m6 Applicant: SRE BUILDERS, INC Issued: 05lUl2W 970-376-1536 To Expire: l0l29l2n6 Job Address: 660 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: LIONS SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552 Parcel No: 2I0I0f2V20[/. Description: LroNs SQUARE LODGE UNIT 552-INTERIOR REMODEL Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE AI-ARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. **f*********************************'l***************************1.**{.,1.r1.'f**i****************** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 't**t*|.*************:t**+**'|'|********+'l't'l'*!t*** * * * *l****,!********'l+*********{tit{.**'1.*'t***'1.{.{.*:1.:t*:} Anount: $209.65 05/02/200503:59 PMInit: L,C Notauion: *2096/sRE Statement Number: R050000500 Pa)ment Method: Check Builder Permit No: 806-0071 Type: ADD,/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 2IOL-O72-O2OO-4 SiTE Address: 550 LIONSHEAD PI, VAII., Locauion: LIONS SQUARE LODGE IINIT 552 Total Fees:$209.56 . $209.65This Payments:$209.55 Total Ai,L Pmts : Balance: $0.00*:t't'****'$,F,********+'**'i*ti'i**,1';*******************+,it+** * * * ** * **,i****************:irlri'1.'i'1.****.**'t* ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code De6criptsion Currents Pmea BP 0010000311L100 PF 00100003112300 wc 0010000311280 0 BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILI, CA].,L INSPECTION FEE L25.25 81.41 3 .00 06-qz6 1/ etc.l 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: See gwqa Town of Vail Reg. No.: 7 03 :R.Contact Person and Phone #'s: STt,/€ (?n1 S+a -tS30 Email addressz {e#vco-o6<S e_ yrutq:Fax#: tlo )jg -G{r51. COMPLETE VALUALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ 3oot OTHER: $ laoo PLUMBING: $ .fcn:O MECHANICAL:$TOTAL: $ GOoO For Parcel # Contact FOR OFFICE USE ONL Assessorc Office at 970-3284U0 or visit S{FO#WE 2lttl OTAoaoovt Job Name: lro*r stx-"."€ (so6(t ssa JobAddress:,bLU LtcNSut< pt. Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:2nr r\oTt- ll Aidi8it;^t-,''r^t- ,"r'- r.Lvl,ift,u:,.5L Lroci, ll THlgS' 4b3-Gys" ArchitecUDesigner: nJla Address:Phone: Engineer:fl/Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ru6i../ c-A/at \4tr sutL.Kst{G6 rlc'+f6c. D^,/ u-i,r,(4.d d, twv a-N S\Aos/6{. 6, t+wsi.$A-- B,f:ie. t^f K5rct+f,,t/ - fi\Ne sEJ t( ftr\ro OLt tr V+t n€,<. ArOO qi- Lfxr ltf'lcyv (t- P e./ 'rl.6r/'v tttE O+'rvt. .fv-Ael fuo '}v..o WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ffi Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior Xl Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X Type ofBldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (5) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Oher( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buibing:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 1gO No/Type of Fireplaces Exisling: Gas Appliances M Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ffdffyp" of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes P9 No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes $Q No ( '/l * o €Dv€lI APR os 2006 fri M-eun ullrv F:\cdeV\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit.DOC Page 1 of 16 04091200s q\$.3. <) G)ytctitE (97 6taut- APPR CommunitY 101vN0F l{ Buildirlg 6ii v.lfiity ;1 permir ttre.esuance not oe constrireo io be a permit for' or a ;il;f C provisions of this code or ol iu,iroi.rionl Permits presuming to.gfh 'provisions ol this code.olgEloglg ialid. The issuance of olher data shall not conection ol building official structure wnere this iurisdiction. PLANSEXAMT\UIF-Ifsrc O lftfzllnet \-f*J li. '-- FCJ"sT*rJr,4r #tr"1''*L'\I yru o : Hsrlr3r]|r, * -OEe. ao ?,r,lse = f,L fcgrtac€ I ct4ter lnsoection Services onatrlg/1;titL 4rta cl a p Jrii,l anall of, any i r :. iicn ot ordinancc c1 ,. r: to violate cr cancel the iurisdicticn shail not be frorn requi;ing i'ri ts and other dair. The btheiordinaryes ol IE: R € tA t F Town of Vail TOWN OE UNL Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2142 April28,2006 Vail Building Safety & Inspection Services Plan Review Corrections List Re: Lionsquare Lodge Unit 552 # B06-007f Address: 660 Lionshead Place Owner: Tom Mott Architect: None Contractor: SRE Builders 703-8 Code Edition: 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code as amended by the Town of Vail Corrections are listed below. Sheet 8.5" X 11" 8.5" X I l" 8.5'X Il" None None Shower Wall Assemblies. Shower wall assemblies are required to be of a smooth, non-absorbent surface to a minimum height of 70" (Tile) 2003 IBC section 1203.3,If the backer of the tile is to be gypsum board, it must be moisture-resistant type. 2003 IBC 2509.2 Penetration Fire-stop. All existing penefrations through fue-resistive construction shall be fire- stopped by an approved meam. All new penetrations tbrough fue-resistive construction shall also be fue-stopped by an approved means. 2003 IBC, section 712. Smoke Alarms. Provide smoke alarmVdetectors in all bedrooms, access to bedrooms and on ,every level. 2003 IBC section 907.2.10 Water Closet Dimensions. Not shown. Provide the correct clearances and dimensions at the water closet locations. A minimum of 15" clearance is required at each side of the water closet or a minimum of 30" dimension is required for a stall 2003 IPC, section 405.3.1 Shower Compartments. All shower compartment dimensions shall be compliant to 2003 IPC sestion 417.4 General Note: The plans submitted for this project are not drawn to scale and are missing information. Any future submittals for projects located in a multi-family or commercial building shall be prepared by a design professional registered with the State of Colorado or the application for building permit shall be rejected.