HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B MOUNTAIN HAUS COMMON (2)NOTE: TH,S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS'TE AT ALL TIMES _/-:.\/r(-r\al:s-'4tJWV Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0.47 9.21 39 f . 97 0.47 9.2452 inspection s 97 0.47 9.21 49 ELECTRICAL PERMIT ACOM JobAddress: 292 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: MOUNTAIN HAUS ParcelNo...: 210108228001 OWNER MOUNTAIN HAUS 101 LLC 09/30/2008 PO BOX 539 EDWARDS co 81632 APPLICANT A.K. ELECTRIC PO BOX 6241 AVON co 81620 License: 1 17-E CONTRACTOR A.K. ELECTRIC PO BOX 6241 AVON co 81620 License: 117-E Permit #: Project #: E08-0228 PRJ08-0541 ISSUED 09/30/2008 10t17t2008 04t15t2009 Desciption: Valuation: 09/30/2008 Phone: 907-390.4975 09/30/2008 Phone: 907-3904975 COMMON ELEMENT: CHANGE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE$110,000.00 Square feet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Electrical Permit Fee----> lnvestigation Fee-------> Will Call Fee--------------> Use Tax Fee-------------> Tolal Calculated Fees-----> $2,334.50 $0.00 $4.00 $2,000.00 $4,338.50 Total Calculated Fees--> Addiiional Fees------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE.--> Payments----------> BALANCE DUE-----> $4,338.50 $0.00 $4,338.50 $4,338.50 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10/16/2008 SHAHN Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: '12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Entry: 10/16/2008 By: SHAHN Action: AP PANELBOARD AND SWITCH BOARD CB'S TO RATEDFORAVAILABLEFAULTCURRENT. Entry: 10/162008 By: SHAHN Action:AP ADDED TO SERVICE AT THIS TIME. BE FULLY NO ADDITIONAL LOADS ARE BEING DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicalion, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all lhe informalion as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and lo build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2'149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM elec_prml Signature of Owner or Conlractor Date TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Number: R080001972 Atnount: $4,338.50 LO/I7/200809:01 AII Statement Init: SAB Notation: li72 Ax Palment Method: Check EIJECfRIC Permit No: 808-0228 Parcel lilo: 2101- 082 -2800 - 1 Si.te AddresE: 292 E MEADOI{ DR Location: MOIINTAfN HAUS This Payment :$4,338. s0 TIE)e: EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT VAIIJ ToEal Fees: Total ALL Pnts 3 $4,338 . s0 $4,338 . s0 ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account, Code DeEcription Current PmtE EP 00100003111100 uT 11000003106000 wc 00100003112800 EIJECTRfCAIJ PERMfT FEES usE TAX 4t WIIJJ CAIJL INSPECTION FEE 2,334 .50 2, 000.00 4,00 Transmittal Form Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. ( ) Revisions 1\'Response to Correction LetterAttention: _attached copy of correction letter ) Deferred Submiftal ) Other , ;;i.JAil;=-'"'r/lrun/a,'n /ors'. o"t"ieii*/Li"tofch"ns"r, Contact lnformation co o,r, ,/K E/.at/r,L company Ph, g?/fl{F* It Conlacl Name: ,lntlf7 Contact Ph: fa tn---, E-Mail: Town of Vail contractor Registration n", //7,8 Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ Mechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ Total $ (Use additional sheet if necessary) Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Date Received: ) 1yr,,i f.i RE: October 15, 2008 John Townsend AK Electric lnc. PO Box 6241 Avon, CO 81620 Mountain Haue atthe Covercd Brldge M.E ENGINEERS PROJECT NO. DBO8O13.OO t Dear John, The existing electrical service is rated at 1200 amps. (4 sets of #,500 aluminum). We are upsizing thJ service under the base project to 1500 amps. (! :9ts of #50-0 alurninum)' There is aiso an alternale on the draMngs to upsize the service to 2000 amps. 5 sets of #500 copper. We upgraded the house distribution fr6m 400 amps to 600 amps and added a 150 amp panel forfuiure heat trace. At this time no additional loads are being added to the service. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call- Tlf M-E ENGTNEERS. rNc'..Ir 35fi3011",fi3?il8,i!??15'"o' Sincerely, M.E Engineett, Inc. Colorado S prings Office frzlntL Michael Wallace, P.E. Senior Associale W:\PROJECTS\De6|gn Bltld PrcitcEUlB08013.O0 Mountain HauslseMcE l3ttor'doc 10/l [08'o Lz\ f,iiiifi$ jg#lqi tuift,i# Tf)iA/Ni '\itr \/^r, '| \--rYv t't \-/.! r/1lL : 3425 AUSTIN BLUFFS PARI(WAY, SUITE 201 coLoRADO SPRINGS, CO 80918 TEL: (719) 536-0036 FAx: 019) 53&0037 Y|ww.me€ngin€sra.com OEIWER COLORADO SPRINGS LOS ANGELES VAIL VATLEY LONDON NAA' YORK SAN DIEGO KANSAS CITY, OALITS tt.ilH M-E ENGTNEERS, rNc.',*r 35fi!0i+?'{3lilB,iE?";T'*' October 15, 2008 John Townsend AK Electric lnc. PO Box 6241 Avon. CO 81620 Mountain Haus atthe Govercd Brldge M.E ENGINEERS PROJECT NO. D808013.00 Dear John, The existing electrical service is rated at 1200 amps. (4 sets of -#50O aluminum)' ]Ve aF upsizing the service under the base project to 1500 amps. (5 sets of #50_0 aluminum). There is aiso an alternate on the drawings lo upsize the service to 2000 amps. 5 sets of #500 copper. We upgraded the house distribution from 400 amps to 600 amps and added a 15O amp panel forfuiure heat trace. At this time no additional loads are being added to the service. lf you have any questions regarding this matbr, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, M.E Engineers, Inc, Colorado Springs Ofiice RE: &z/nlu Michael Wallace, P.E. Senior Associale w:\PROJECTS\De6ign Bulld Prol€cb\DBo8ol 3.00 Mountain Hausls€rvlco btter.doc 10/l5/2008 1 fff.i''I"ry ffi.':.$ Ed-(]-\{y-N. !,li- .rAi i. 3425 AUSTIN BLUFFS PARKWAY. SUITE 201 coLoRADO SPRTNGS. CO 80918 TEL: (719) 536-0036 FAx: (719) 5s6-0037 www.ms€ngineErE.oom DEM/ER COLORADO SPR,INGS tOS ANGELES VAIL VATIEY LONDON NAA' YORK SAN DIEGO KANSAS CITY, DALHS RE: M-E ENGINEERS, INC. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS October 15, 2008 John Townsend AK Elec{ric lnc, PO Box 6241 Avon, GO 81620 Mountain Haus at the Covered Brldge M.E ENGINEERS PROJEGT NO. DBOSO{3.00 Dear John, The existing elactrical service b rated at 1200 amps. (4 sets of #500 aluminum). We are upsizing the- service under the base project to 1500 amps. (5 sets of #50O aluminum). There is aiso an alternate on the drartvings to upsize the service to 2000 amps. 5 sets of #500 copper. We upgraded the house distribrdion from 400 amps to 600 arnps and added a 150 amp panel forfudure heat trace. At this time no additional loads are being added to the service. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesilate to call- Sincerely, M.E Engineers, Inc. Colorado S prings Office fututfr/h- Michael Wallace, P.E. Senior Associate W:\PROJECTS\Deslgn Bulld Prcr€cb\D80801 3.(n Mounlain HauslseMca Lattor'doc t:19 fr0, ,l-fl iE r(: F, |il lt \i,t' l ffili'fis Tir.;;?f ffi::e 3425 AUSTIN BLUFFS PARI(WAY, SUITE 201 coLoRADO SPRINGS. CO 8[)916 TEL (719) 538-0036 FAX: (719) 536-0037 rrr*w.me-enginesrs.oom DEI.IVER COLORADO SPRINGS LOS ANGELES VAIL VAI.IEY LONDON NEW YORK SAN DIEGO KANSAS CITY, OALIAS TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 805-0335 kgal Description: Proiect No . : -PRros -o qqo Job Address: 292 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.......: MOUNTAIN HAUS 6TH FLOOR ParcelNo....: 210108228009 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : l0ll3l20[5 Issued...: 05/3I/2M6 Exoires. . .: lUnl2n6 AddSqFt: 48 # of Gas Appliances: 0 #ofGas l-ogs: 0 #of Wood Peller 0 FBE SUMMARY {.t'it+*+r'i(********'*r.t(*r"i't**+*tr+{"i(!t*'r**********:|****rt't*:i,r**!t* So.oo Total Calculated Fees-> $822.9r SO. OO Additional Fees-----> 958. 0o s48 . oo Total Permit Fee-----> S880. 91 $0.00 Payments----------- > S880. 91 owNER Ar,r,rsoN McwHoRTER REVOCABLE !O/2O/2O05 LIVING TRUST 600 SE;A DUCK DR DAYTONA BEACH FI-, 32LL9 coNrRAcToR oTIIALIJORAN CONSTRUCTION CO LO/26/2OO5 Phone z 97O-827-960O P.O. BOX 756 MINTURN co 81645 License: 447 -B Desciption: MOUNTAIN HAUS 6TH FLOOR-COMMON ELEMENT-CONSTRUCTING 2 MAID CLOSETS ON THE 6TH FLOOR Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: I-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Building--- > $125 . 25 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plar Check--> 581.41 DRB Fee-----> Investigation-> 5125.25 Recreation Fee--------> Will Call--->93. oo Clean Up Deposit Fee- > TOTAL FEES---------- >ss22.9L BALANCEDUE--------->$0. 00 Approvals: Item3 05100 BUILDfNG DEPARTMENT Lt/]-s/2oos cguaion Action: cR plan review comments sent F : \ cdev\crn.rs\PERMIT. coMMElI[rs\Bos - 03 3 5 . Doc L2/o8/2o05 cgunion Action: CR contractor to supply 2 hour floor/ceiling assembly. 05/25/2006 cgunion Action: AP corrected drawings approved with non-combustible 2 hour floor/ceiling construction and 2 hour wall assemblies. see plans Item: 05400 PLANNIIIG DEPARTMEMP to/20/2oo5 warren Action: AP Planning does not need to perfor.rn any inspections Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEM| L1/29/20o5 Mccee Action: DN sumbit fire alarm and fire sprinkler plans . Permit must be reviewed by FpE due to wood f ranneconstruction on 6th floor.Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 **:t:f :t't***** ****** ** * * ** * * * * * *:i * ** * * ** * ***** *** *** {. * *{.* **** l. * * *. ** ** ** *:1.* rt ** ** ** ** ** *** 'tc * 1. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 805-0335 asof05-31-2006 Status: ISSUED ********:***********,1.*{.*******,t!*********i(*****************r(*****r.*{.*****.*,f *!t *it*!**{G:*{.*****,t ********{.****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BLIILD PERMT Applied: l0ll3l2Cfr5 Applicant: ALLISON MCWHORTER REVOCABLE Issued: 05t3t/2w To Expire: lll27l2W6 Job Address: 292EMEADOW DR VAIL Location: MOUNTAIN HAUS 6TH FLOOR Parcel No: 2I.OIO8228CfE Description: MOUNTAIN HAUS 6TH FLOOR-COMMON ELEMENT-CONSTRUCTING 2 MAID CLOSETS ON THE 6TH FLOOR Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond:40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIREALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. ****'i'l******{'********++********** ************* t * ****+'t!r}'********'t't*+***+*'tr**'t(**i***it******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*:t*+*'*******+'tl''a*****i**+'tt***++++:t*{'***+***ttf+tt**+ff'}t+*+++*++*++*****+*******{'**+******* Stsatement Nuriber 3 R060000?18 Payment Method: Check Consbructsion L2O7 4 Amount: $880.91 05/31/2006!2:13 PM IniE: DDG Notation: O'Halloran Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocation: This Payment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 PN 001000031s3 000 RF 1110 0 0 03 LL27 00 wc 00100003112800 805-0335 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERl,lT 2101- 082-2800- 9 292 E MEADOW DR VAIL MOI]IITAIN HAUS 5TH FIJOOR Total Feea: 9880.91 TOtsAI ALIJ !INt6: Balance I BUILDING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES INVESTIGATION FEE (BI-'DG) RECRE:ATION FEES WII.,IJ CAII.' IIISPECTION FEE $880.91 s880.91 $0.00 * * * * * *+++***{t*!*!t**{.{.****+**{'+*!***** * * * * * ****,}********************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacripcion Curren! Pmta L25 .25 s2L .4L 183,25 48.00 3 .00 tl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR OFV G PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are requ electrical, plumbing, mechanical,etc.! EESTCOrr PLIcATIoN wILL NoT BE AccEPTED IF INcoMPLETE oR UNsIbTEn ^74{n BbS'6 33jl,ryffiffi- TCIVI]WVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ANL$E CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Q'i/sun'e 'ry5:fi_,-h\,6,a/ rt 1/artza.n/ r2-7 -'i 6t'0 5Y-r/ PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUfLDING: $ 6, tl00 ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Otrice at 970-328-8640 or visit RareEffi zt gt 1 oE 77_,i&D? Job Name: Mou*rn,nt ftws b-rt+ fuoa" Ltux JobAddress: ,TTLE /4e,+ooJ DL. Legal Description'Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:CoNSrQutr'u2 (7) MAtDS closers Aperzot 1'yt{Jx6' D* '7'TAtt iq 6r* Ftqt€ee lfltlcd€D WorkClass: New() Addition() nemodel ff) Repair() Demo() Other(') Work Type: tnterior () Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Blclg.: Singte-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial |d Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffvpeof FireplacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLoqs( ) wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning( ) Noffvpe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exis[ Yes [rQ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( lvlt<5 ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLry Documentz ^ffis 05n0n005 Departnent of Community Development Euilding hfetyand Inspdin *Nies 75 guth Fronbge R@d VaiL Colondo 81657 9704n-2138 FAX 97Mn-2452 www.tauov.@m BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SER\IICES PI.AN REVIEIiI COMMENTS: Contractor/Aoolicant Engineer O'HalloranConstruction BoyleEngineeringlnc TO: Jeff or Bud FAX/Email #: 827.9202 NUMBEROF PAGES: 2 FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCYGROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: proj# 476.4383 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner lUL6l200s B0s-033s ALUSON MCWHORTER REVOCABLE 292 East Meadow Drive R-2 I-B 6 exisUng The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003International Residential Code, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003International FuelGas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. fhefollowing @mmenbwill nd tu be addrcsdpriorb issuane of a building permit: for processing:r Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please respond in writing to each comment bv marking the attached list or creatinq a resoonse letter, Indicate which plan sheet. detail, soecification, or calculation shows the reouested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building oermit application number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enginee/s or architect's "wet" stamo, signature, registration number and date on the cover page of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-familv orojects all sheets of the plans must be stamoed. 1 VFES approval is required for any modifications to the fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems. Architectural Comments:2 Please submit a complete, legible floor plan clearly showing the proposed scope of work. It is not clear from the plans provided what work is proposed. 3 Provide 2 hour wall and floor assemblies at exit stair enclosure per IBC 1019, No openings are permitted into the exit enclosure. 4 Provide 20 minute doorc at openings into exit conidors. Structural Comments:5 Speciff design criteria used in structural design: Floor live/dead load 6 Fire treated wood structural floors are not permitted in type I-B construction. Floots must be of entirely non-combustible construction. IBC 602.2 Please refer to t{re over sheet for InformaUon on rcsubmittng plan* In order b avoid delays in issuanoe of a permit, please check dl rcquested information is included with the rosubmitbd plam. Please submlt revised plans as a complefre s€t Pardal plan recubmittals will not be rwiewed. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 970.479.2369 cAunion@vailgov.com F: \odev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMM ENTS\805-0335, DOC fn&i'nnqin ffiHgw\Y Covercd Dddge October 7. 2005 To The Torvn of Vail Conrrnunity Development, t'his is tr.r inti:xrtr lr-ru that O'l-lalloran Conslructir'rn lrrc. \lountain Holrs conrmon al'ca o"' floor staltinq AS,\P. rvill bc con<lucting rvolk tn Owner Scrviccs lvlanager Vail's Mountain Flaus 292 East Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81557 . 970-MG2434 . FN(970476-3047 LA0l--237 -0P22 . www.mountainhaus.com Thank you, tl MWTOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineerrs (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the BuildinglDepaltnent, the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow $e above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take up to six (6) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I. also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still'lay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: /o/l/nt Print name DocumenE ' '' /oseDFLaoz- y'////ot c 05/20/2005 TOIWM Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: r' This Ch*klist must fu ampleM hefore a Buildino Permit aoolication is arcoEd, o All pages of application is complete o Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form a a Condominium Association letter of approval attached if poect is a Multi-Family complexo Plan Check tue required at submittal for projecB valued oner $100,000.00 (See attadred @nstruction Fee Schedule for calculations) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occuning Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) os€T5 tl o tr o o cl -da o o o o o o o F#f,oo'Fphns including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodeUadditions, 4 sets of plans for new SFR and Duplo<, 5 sets of plans for MultFFamily and C.ommercial Buildings) 5.-j. P/e,1 Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structunl Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All @mmercial and MulU Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies speciFied and penetraUons indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown I have r€ad and understand the above listed Applicant's Slgnature: Dab of submittal: Document2 Received By: 05/20n005 tly00-06 07:l2rn FrorT0lll 0F YAIL CttlltfllTY EYEt0PtEllI D@afirrent d hmnuniy mvwnent BnMVgayadInffinffi 759ttdr ffigE Mtl rtut,M81657 9704P-2Lw FN97t14B-24fr mW.u&Dy.@n gr04re2$?T-88s P.00t/002 t-r3r ContadorlAPBliGnt Engineer OHatloran Constucthn Bdyle Engilneering Inc Jefior Bud IAlVEmall #: 8279202 NUIIEEROFPAGES; 2 FRO[tl: 9ATI: BI'tr.DIIIG PERiIIT #: OlffItllRS ilAI'lE: SITE ADDREIF: OGCUPATICY GROIJP: TYPE OF COTISIRIICTIOII: NU}|gtR OFSTORIIS: BUII.DIXG AREA: prq# 476.4383 Chris Gunion. Building Pbtts bcaminer 1v16P005 B0s-{835 AI..LFON IEI'\ITOR'IER RE\IOCABTE . 292 East Meqdo,v Ddve R-2 I.B 6 oGting Ttre documents zubmtt6d fur $ris pruject harre been rcrriared fior comdlance wt$ the 2003 tntematnal fuilaing Code, 2003 intEmational Resldential Code 2m3Intemdonal Mechankal Code, 2C,O3Inefttfi-onal FuelG# Code, 2m3Inbrnatbnal PlumUng Code and 2002 Natonal Eledical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. flp twrfng oornfistb urT rd b b aM pft b irulrllF d a hfldhrg ptttiE fupaw;ittg:r 'pteae su-bmittwo complete see of reyised consurrcton docurlr@ intumaton wltfr all olqn rwlslon hms dordd or otherwise ldentified. . Ptease rcfoqnd in wri6rF b qadr cornment bv marking the attaqhed llFt orcreati49 a res tctter. tlrOicate aetail, +ecnqAuon. or calculation sltovts qF+qgeg on of ure Olans examinet w'rth drc bultOtttg pcrmft aoplication number noted. Please be sure o lrrlgde on ttre re$ubmffialtre enginee/s or arqlqcfi.lYeg qtamp, $oniture' iny squctural Ca-tcut-aUons' att squcurat ns. foicl'mmercial or mutt-famiV orsiecEdl sheets of $re plans must be sbampd, hy-09-08 07:l2u Fru-T0frll0F VAII ffiIITY OEVEt0PtEllt glMle2lt2 T'800 P.002/002 Fegr 1 VFES approval b requircd fur arry modificauotls b fte firc alarm and fire sprinlder qfsbms' ArchiHtlel GunmcntF: Z please submtt r *niilffiOge floor plan dearly strowing the propo6ed scope of yilotlt It ls not clear fum tfis plans prwidd what work is propoeed' 3 Prrude 2 hour uall and flmr assemblies at odt stair endsure per IBC 1019- ltlo opelingE arc permittd into the odt enclosure. 4 Prcvide 20 minute doo|s at openings lrrb sdt cofildo|s' muemtGomnentri5 Spedfr/ design criFria used in stnrtunldeslgn: Hoor live/dead load 6 Fire tJeaEd tvood silucturslfloors are not permitred in type I-B construction' Floorc must be'of eflflrely non-combustibh cor$ucdon. IBC 602'2 pl.||Gnftrtoflncoy{trihElbrlnlbrmrdonotrtdtbildcfuEph|n rno|defb.Yolddrhllnbaurnccot . pcrilig ptm dr11r d6sdd:rffifrfr- il trtdrd.d afrti drc rcarDmnbr! planr. I{re rubntt rwi$d pbm c r cofrfim i*-- rluar d.n ldtfrmltt wlll lot lc rrill€ilrd. Chrls Gunlon I.C.C. Plarp Fxaminer Town of Vail Bullding Saftty and Inspection SeMe 970.479.23ffi cgunbn@wllgw.com F:@ 0'il[1108[t G0 ltsTn ucTt0t FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: Ghris Gunion - T,O.V. Plan Examiner From: Jeff Amistead FAX NUlf,BER aZLg',2oz Date: 1l-16{15 GOMPANY: Town Of Vail Bualding Dept.TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING GOVER 1 PHONE NUTBER: 479-2369 SENDER'S REFERENCE NUTTIBER: 970-977-0054 Ceil. Re: 805.0335 292 EastMeadow Dtive - Ivlor.rntain Haus YOUR REFERENGE NUMBER Permrt # B05-0335 Re-Submittal El unc;pNr E ron nrvrew E plaasr coMMENT E pnasr nulr,v E lle,lsu REcYcl,r, NOTESGIOIIIMENTS: Chris, Per your request, the following are the responses to your fax dated May 8* 2006: 1. Any modifi.cations to the fue alarm sprinkler system will be under the direction of Joe N{arquez - Chief Engmeer at the Mountain Haus. This rvork does not fall under ow contract with the Mountain Haus. Mr. Marquez is aware of this and has expressed the same. He will follow up with VFES to obtain apptovals aftet our scope of work has been completed. 2. The proposed scope of work is to construct O 3'wide x 5' deep'AnAID'S CLOSET" at the East and West ends of the 6* floor. These closets will extend out into the common stairq/ells respectively. They will be consftucted of steel studs at the ftont and back walls with a 1 %" Solid Wood (20 minute Rated) Door hrurg on a steel Timely Ifuock-down jamb style ftame. SEE ATTACHED ARCHITECTURAL PI-AN ( FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINEN ) REFERENCING 6.'rl FLOOR SHOMNG AREAS OF PROPOSE,D SCOPE OF WORK 3. 2 Hour wall and floor assemblies: SEE AfiACHED DETAIIS ftom RKD ARCHITECTS ( Sallv Rich Brainerd - Licensed Architect - 8-2833 ) 4. 5. The doors fot the Maid's closets will be 20 minute tated Solid Wood doors to rnatch the existing doors of all other commoo areas and other existing Maid's closets. SEE ATTACHED ENGINEERS NOTES and CALCUI.ATIONS ftoM TIM BOYLE _ BOYLE ENGINE,ERING 6. Floors will be of entirely non-combustible construction per IBC 602.2 (trl- Design D906) -2 Hour Restrained Assembly P() ll()x 756. MINTUIiN, cO 81645-0756 PIJ()NIi: 97tt.tt2"l .9(ttllt . FAX: 9111.827.9202 E$lcoPl AUTJELE 0' [[110 nAil G0ltsrn u GTt 01l J FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET To:Chris Gunion - T.O.V. Plan Examinel From: Jefr Armistead FAX NUMBER A27.92O2 Date: {{-l&05 GOMPANYT Town Of Vaal Building Dept.TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING GOVER: 1 PHONE NUMBER: 479-2369 SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER 970-977-0054 Cell Re: BO5-O335 292 East Meadow Drive - Mountain Haus YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: Perrnit # 805-0335 Re-Subminal a D uncsNr E ron nrvrpw E plpasn coMMENT E pLeaso nn,plv El rrease REcYcLE NOTES/COMMENTS: Chris, Per your requesq the following are the responses to your fax dated May 8s 2006: 1. Any rnodifications to the fue a.larm sprinkler system qdll be under the direction of Joe Marquez - Chief Engrneer at the Mountain Haus. Thrs work does not fall under otu contract r.vith the Mountarr Haus. Mr. Marquez r arvare of thrs and has expressed the same. He will f<rllow up with VFES to obtain approvals after our scope of work has been completed. 2. The proposed scope of work is to construct (1) 3'wide x 5' deep "MAID'S CLOSET' at the East and West ends of the 6$ floor. These closets will extend out into the common stairwells respectively. They will be constructed of steel studs at the ftont and back walls with a 1 %" Solid Wood (20 minute Rated) Door hung on a steel Timely lfuock-down jamb style ftame. SEE ATTACHED ARCHITEC']TURAL PTAN ( FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINEN ) REFERENCING 6TH FLOOR SHOWING AREAS OF PROPOSED SCOPE OF IUORK A t). 2 Hour wall a.rrd floor assemblies: SEE ATTACHED DETAILS from RKD ARCHITECTS ( Sally Rich Brainerd - I-rcensed Architect - 8-2833 ) The doors for the Maid's closes will be 20 minute rated Solid Wood doors to match the existing doors of all other cornmon areas and other existing Maid's closets. SEE ATTACHED ENGINEERS NOTES aNd CALCUI,ATIONS ftoM TIM BOYLE _ BO\{-E ENGINEERING Floors will be of entirely non-combustible construction pet IBC 602.2 (JL Destgn D906) -2 Hout Restained Assembly PO L.IOX 756 ' N{tN',f URN, (:() 81645-0756 1.']Il () N li i 970.u27.9600 . F A X : 9 7 0 . tl 2 7 . 9 2 {} 2 ,rt DensGlass" Ultra Shaftliner* Shaftwall/Stairwell Systems @e-teyprut a Georgb.Hftc cdnpany Design Surmary Horizontal flCC ES ER-2541) Sedes Ol 2-Hoc Fire R.tirg Test Reference: WHI-195-PSH{ l 28 Approx. Weaght 11 psf Designed fo. ceilirg or dwt shaft and composed of 1' Densclass Ultra Shaftliner panel sumorted by 21i2", 4" or 6' C-T guds a.d ttree layers 0f l/2" ToughRock tireguard C or 1/2' DersArnu Plus Firqurd C Spsum board. Test Referencer WHI-495+SH{153 & WHl495'PSH{197 Appoc Weight 11 pf Designed to separate a rmrn fiom sttl.rcture o( space abot/e and composed of 1" Densclass Ultra StEftliner panel suppmed by 2-1l2", 4" or 6" C-T studs and three layers of 1/2" Tor4hRak Fireguard C il 1/2" DensAtmor Plus f irquard C qypsum board. Te$ Reference: WHI-495-PSH{183 &WH|495-PSHOi 96 Approx. Weight: 1l p6f Designed to separate a toom ftorn structure or space above and cqnposed 0f 1" Der6class UlBa Shaftliner panel suppmed by 2-112", 4" tr 6" C-T studs ard ttree laprs of l/2' To4hRak Fireguard C or 1/2" DemA,rmr Plus Fireguard C glFun board. Sories 6A z-Hour File Rding Series @7 2*lour Firc Ratirq 2-Hour Uses for 6m,623, 624 &627 for Horizontal Membranes and Ducts DcnsGless Ultra ShafrlitEr Coqonents E a*A A. 621 B. C-T stud c. 620 D, 627 E. J Eack 1/2' IhnsArmr' Plus fireguard C' and 5/8'Tot4hRock' Fireguard" Type X gypsum boards are rEntfactured to rEet or exceed ASTM C 36, ASTM C 1 177 and ASTM C 1396/CSA A 82.27{lt. These p.od.rcts may be t6ed fq otlEr related cfiidor and pafty walls, often elimimting the rEed to stock more than orc type at thejob site Depending 0n tlE fire rating, one s more layers ate installed on tfE C-T studs with &yrvall screws. Screws fle mt reslired to secue either layer to the top or bottom J tracks. Refer to the sectiom covering Secific fire ratings ftr the number of layers requircd and the Gtailed attachment procedres. 1" Demclass Ultra Shaftliner panels are rnanufactured to rneet or erceed ASTM C 112 and ASTM C 1396/CSA A 82.27-M. Panels de made in a rnrmal width of 23-7l8'with double beveled edges. Defisclass Ulua Shaftliner Fnels install easily within tlE flanges of tte C-T studs. Screws may be installed at the top J track t0 hold UE pa.El in place. Dive 1-5/8' Type S s{re$a 24' o.c. fiEximum through the shaftliner to the J trad at com€r and abutments o use the unout tabs to secure the panel in place. These deiails are typical uses of tiE 620 wall system and tlE 622 cotridor ceiling systen, as $/ell as the 624 and 627 systems fo. horizontal rnembranes for 2-hour ceiling and duct pfotection. Nae: lln 622 1 -tan cmifu ceilirg tres a single laya of 5/8" Fiquatl (Typ X) grym bild n t':e ceiliry s k, haltrd m ICC. gr$ff5iffi and/u ovedEad *pgt in exanple A nust b cfrefuIy engitwd. fiE weight of tlrc 620 systen is 9 psf. Tle 621 and 627 systems v,Etgh 11 psf. fastening and swt mrst be engitwd to cany tlg lffi nwtud with apryiate sfety ffitds 5 . fof latest ir{ormatEn rnd lpdates: Teclnical SeJvice Hodinc 1.tq),225,6119 or www.gr$psullcon I DensGlass" Ultra Shaftliner'M Shaftwall/Stairwell Svstems .@o-rn*ru- a Cieqla'Mc company Maximum Horizontal Spans ' Eased on Mdel Euilding Code inteerdation (IC^O ER-2511), for use as cutidot ceiliry and stair softits. Span calculations based on sud pnpaties. Use ngat-ge J tack. Vvhen used as a horizontal membrane, the stud length should not exceed those in the following table. c-r srd 2-1t2' tloff Gqp 25 Sra.ll2l{lat'um un 9' 4't8' 2' S.rhs aal 2-t5t'rn| rila 8' 8'l 7' 1" SriGaa zlrlg, 2.tht tnn tr0 8' 1'17' 1" 2-1t2'20 11 'I 9'I'10 4"I'0'8'8' 5' 4"ta 13'2"1l o 12'10'11 6"10' 0' 1"20 15'o 7"14'1'1z',V 13'11', . 10' tt 25 17', - 11 tf,'16'9'14'1',1s',tJ - , 6'20 21',1 18'6'19'9"'17'J 18'6"to - z Maximrm Section Propelties f = Mininum Uncoated Ease Stef-l lhickress (irrcllcs) W = WeW (pnns per lircar foot) A = Sectioml Area (incle!) lx = i,/pnr,tt of ln&ia AncB) Sx(C) = Sxtion Modulrc 'C' thnge (tuhef) Sx(t) = Sectim Modulus'f' tlarEe (inchet) Based on AlSl Soecfflcatidv fu the Desiq of Cold-fumed fief'l Stntctwal Mernhrs. Sra Shr 2-112" -25 oa r 0.0179 U 0.470 A 0.118 u 0.132 $Gf 0.095 s{|} 0.118 2.112".20 0.032s 0.820 0.218 0.212 0.175 0.211 4'-25 0.0179 0,580 0,115 0,374 0.r71 0,207 1"-20 0.0329 1.020 0.267 0.687 0.311 0.380 6"-25 0.0179 0.715 0.181 0.957 0.299 0.347 6'-20 0.0329 1.260 0.333 1 759 0.543 0.637 Limating Heights tor 1-,2- and 3-Hour Systems llib|r to{ OSt) 15'. 6" | 13 - 3"111'- 6"1 9 - ' 1-k. Rated Se,ies 622 "'2-HL Rated Senes 6m at 621& 3'tu. Pated Seies 630 ote8l Iesl fuf: WH.495IRL-0iffin225. iss.d turgust 1, |gX. C I stds an J tet ue sanB ga!0e. Bascd on futleti@ linits wilh djugnent to cantqm to a nininrm salery factot ol 1 .5 fu ullinate |€.hdt| slreo$h a1d end rcaclid| W = Wan@k He,s€l lntenalimal Tesling Labnbry 6 . for latcst rnfornaton and updat€s Tecthk:ll Service ]lodirE 1tO2216119 o( wsrt {pgpsr|llcctl Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/47 6-2170 FAX 303/476-4383 Mav 23. 2006 Jeff Armistead O'Halleran Construction P.O. Box 756 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Subject: Maid Closet Extension Framing The Mountain Haus Vail, Colorado Dear Jeff: This is to confirm that I have reviewed the additional dead load on the above noted framing due to the fire assenbly requirements that you have provided to me. Specificalln the assemblies are U.L. Design D906 and Test Reference: WHI-495-PSH-0128 per G-P Glpsum. I have used a live load of 100 pounds per square foot and a dead load of75 pounds per square foot in my calculations. I have determined that the C4 x 5.4 channels at 16" on center specified on the original design are adequate to support these design loads. or conrmeDts on this matter.Please give me a call if s e&Qob eoo o (, ffi# Po QzE' pu ]U-0-F q, Egco) g€ sg $* EE:t o)FCFEo=o4l t-fs f{- Q' =I clrj otro.o. vl dr fi1o I rno cf\ w e = E Eq Ba J -J XVH\)FqUIJFnl^\)i .(J|:(nHOLZ =EeaTXNlu fslu vo o N. I d IL b -r: o N. d lUv IL 0., (D a slu uO-Jr*tU BxLdtr:z dJJfLFllL0$ -r: o ^{ilE$rHEw ILJ;Edfr ira ootz2< E$oolLJ nl 7ts3 8rJILrL> :Q !l-l\) 6P {\ b _l tl (\ \ I 0 UJHr u ,$t- 6tll \O F66k J vT N I \ooEAz(D 6tuAj f J F ti_ln (Dz F v ul v_ u- I I I I ,1 jl'w , :'l /l..vl l.l; <r^"l """1 _"rl",1.1 ""1."'l ".r ."-ll rl'"1.1 tt)Fo o1 -Jtu lu6 r 1""';" (o { (9 Vo gF -7 N\Tc\ BR 61 6 RH RBH d t*3 t 5q$ S I ?$q e E $:$ $ : [H$ [ i\*l s i -o _, ll =ro C\ _t F uJ A (Dz F v ulv IL F sgF rt) v.llln p 5 q JtutuFo (Dzooz ,adtS Htn =oP tU +iilgz#<f:o EENER.AL NCTEg thtg et;1)cbre tw beq &erg||ad lo npel lhe rdqvhemanLs oJ lle 2OO3 lnlamatlonal g)lldvg Coda nll.}r. qnandncnl,g 6 a&?fad h1 tha Tonn of Vatl. Alf omfegfong q oonlllrtE bpl.J,/{€,an va{^tous alerp/nb ol l)v twrklng *anttgg ad/6 epeclll@llons eholl ba dou$tt lo lhe alt€,,tttq ot tl?€ *rluc|/ur.al fulgrhver belqo Toceadvg nlti ang nork so lfi'/oved, I?le Oenqol Cdtrq,bq shall vartfg oll drlr€t]Elo't€ qd cotd/lllot16 qt th€ Je efte al elrg,l b re?orctbile tor the naanls, nellwck, tc,ctrr,lq)oa.gequenaoe ard Vocadtres aggoclo/f,ed r"rtth thtg ?ro)acl. Fwllprrnore, ha eholl b rasporwble loe coordklp/ltqr oJ all nork al filol'€rlole nwlvdlng thoga furnlshad A! dq.oftraclo?8, ll1€ 5t^rch)ral AE,tnaer stull b oonlulad dtry lha comlrvcilon plwd to make l!na )& slta lrcpecltonstpce q! lo oofilrrn thal the x.tval fleld cotldrlllote te conelElrlrult ntth tfia deslgn rearnpllorc at that the cangtncllon te p?ocaadng u,cordhg to he pldlg dd speclllEatlorrF. Lo& Used ln Peelgn' Floors @O psl lva a 15 psi dad Eol^thquake tutslfiilc hp C hfind 40 rph,? %cond 6.et RECEIVED Nov I 7 2005 TOV€OM.DEV. Fso33s- INTERIOR RENOVATIONS l4or]NTAtN t {Aug coNDoN.ltNtuFlg VAIL, COLffiADO s lffilffiWIW t;1a,'l eTew pfta*6 ?tfr€ N rf# Y}'rbunuq*'1'pqzb"l+,, --6cFe}] Ia4p+]t{uL0 to! og' XNAuu rt4-tli NrrH | ,W+ vl,b. doy4 trtt+TfN6.7t 10 C1 io r.J erle{1$6, VtF4 bv{U{_ - iJ p't,r,' L,!Ftt c** 6't LVV,:e'vFt+ ' e'.V ,,i ? aKr 9I I t+ cr lrlru < ,t l-lH ''9' + i' +'t'6rxXVb |"ftr:ri o1t{ O lto" 26 : bogb '}r€h-l€, ItE 149 ., iaadoo 4.qosaaAW4{*- v.tl, @b.b '',bb1a1,,,t1L-zno 416-4119 |-x 9Allt 1.tc-oD otEr t-1 ."1*;,l,,ll 61T1 FLOR, CLOSET EXTENgION t-totJNTAlN r-lArl9 coNDoFllNlt^r'1g VAIL. @LORADO P , rN-Fel, tlq+o 6 + K h,+ (9 l(r'" d3. +l =s -l\s /xt\ UHIha ,tJ ,/\ /S +'+\ 'V\ r_r -/a' k{r + rfi/ l,k/{ rt-/, i>;'i/Q ^UJn/\ffl',ffi ?t- 1lt' r- TOI^IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMT]MTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-27',38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0232 Bo3-o3_X.-z Job Address: 292 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: ski rack room Applied . . : 11,/04/2003 Parcel No...: 210108228000 Issued . . : 11./06/2003 Project No : ?Rfos-o cr (( Expires . .: 05/04/2004 owNER MOI'NTAIN IIAUS COIIDO ASSOC La/04/20O3 phone: 476-2434 292 E. MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO 81557 Iricense: coNrRAcToR o'FARRET-,L,S ET,ECTRTC r,LC LL/04/2003 Phone: (303) 7O2-a444 2250 Emery St. Longmont, Colorado 80501 License: 338-E APPLICAITT O'FARREr,r,'S Er-,ECTRIC LLC IL/O4/20O3 Phone: (3O3) 7O2-L444 2250 Emery St. Irongmont, Colorado 80501 Lricense: 338-E Desciption: insiall and remodel electrical - relocate outlets and switches Valuation: $400.00 FEE SUMMARY Elech'ical-> S50. 00 DRB Fee-> Investigation-> will call-> TOTAL FEES-> Ss3. oo Total Calculated Fees-> S53. oo Additional FeeF---> 90.00 Total Permit Fee----> $53 - oo Payments--> S53 .00 BALANCE DUE--> S0. 00 s0. 00 s0. 00 $3 .00 Approvals:IEem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTI{ENr tL/04/2oo3 Ic Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTITENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 :Xi;-:--:-T.ff-:".:':T:Y*::::.'-Yi:iffi ::::::j:"-:-Y DECLARANONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agtee to comply with the in-formation and plotplan, to comply with all Town ordinances and staE laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and zuMivisioncodes, design review appr'',oved, UniformBuildingCode and other ordinances of the Tovtrn applicable tlrcreto. REQTJE;F FOR INSPECTION SHAII, BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM &M AM-4 PM, Lnn SIGT{ATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIiISELF AND *'t*'}*aa*ll'taat+*'i*****fltl+tl*******+**ftf,+++altl't+*f+t*****{r*****:}r}f'l+t'a******+***alf*ff+fl TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Starement +l'*tlttlftllll*{'*'}'}ttlflt***ltlt***{rllflltl+ltttlt*lalt********l*ltl'l+l**+*+*****+lr{r+*lr***11* gtatenent Nunber: RO3OOO50?7 Anroune: 953.00 1"1/06/200308:25 AM Palment Method: Credit Crd InLt: IJc Notation: Visa Laurence K, O Parrell Permit No : 803 - 0232 Tylre : ELEefRIeeIJ PERIIIIT Parcel llo: 210108228000 Sitse Addres8: 292 E MBN)Or DR \IAIIJ Locatsion: eki rack roon Total FeeE: $53 ,00 This Payment: $53 . 00 Total ALL Pmt.B: $53 . 00 Balance: 90.00 fftttl*fl**la*+l'ar***lfllffftlfft**r*fft***lll*lt**f*a***f**'tt***f*flf*+**{t+++*+***lt**ftft* ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEI'|POMRY PO.IER PERMITS t'JC OO1OOOO31128OO t.lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50 .00 3.00 TOVtl0pvAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WrLL NOT BE ACCEPTED rF TNCOMPLETE OR UNF{GI{FD..'. fii".t't: {tf*' OqIB 4#vo CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Electrical Contractor: O'Car,tt,s f ircle ,', Town of Vail Reg. No.: 13b -e_ Contact and Phone #'s: 9v" -yoy - lvvg E-Mail Addressl 'T2,-of"<oas99 rA O *" (o- Contractor Signature: ,->4----=--' COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) CALVALUATION: $ {N. _AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Contact Assessorc Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel# )lO tog a29 of)r> Job Name:mfN l_lA u S syi ,ucK eu Job Address: ,'',..', -)7J t m?-ddo,-t Dca LegalDescription ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name'moo?/,t; /.ht/) ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:IF TrJInll + t(*nodl? 7/trlatloL - Z.lec*k az,-lL{f * fl^'r(r'bs. WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Blclg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buibing: Isthispermitforahottub: Yes( ) No( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )ffiexist Yes( ) No( ) for Parel # \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC 07t26/2002 Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. o Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail.q Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. o The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench,e In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to anofier. Common walls and spaces are accepted, o NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories,:: No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). u If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. ''#- " /Z'.'"rt/i t/".k'; /k' Signature t/- /- ej Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PCrMit #: MO3-OIOO Job Address: 292 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED location.....: 292 E Meadow Dr Applied . . : 07/Oll20O3 Parcel No...: 210108228000 Issued . . : 07/0112003 ProjectNo: Expires..: nn8/2003 owNER MOITNTAIN HAUS COIIDO ASSOC O7/OL/2O03 Phone: 476-2434 292 E, MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO 816s7 Iricense : CONTRACTOR EDWARDS PIJUI{BING & HEjaTING, o7/0L/2O03 Phonet 97o-748-0944 P.O. BOX 2051 EDWARDS, CO 4L532 License: 131-P APPtrCAlflr EDWARDS PIJITMBTNG & HEATTNG, O7/0L/2O03 Phone: 970-748-0944 P.O. BOX 2051 EDWARDS, CO 4L632 License: 131-P Desciption: install gas supply for 4 outdoor overhead heaters Valuation: $3.500.00 FireDlace Information: R€sficled: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood P€llet 0 FEE SUMMARY r'|+tart'rt+***:rr*.rt*tr.r*rr*ar't'rra'rir+t'i:t'r*'|:r'rt1*'l*t*r*r*t'r*'*'l S0, 00 Totd Calculated Fees-> 9103 . 00 $0. oo Additional Fees----->s0. 00 Mechanical--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call-----> S80. 00 Restuaranl Platr R€vi€w-> s20. 00 DRB Fe€-----> 90. OO TOTAL FEES---> S103 . 00 Total P€mit Fee-> 9103 . 00 $3 .00 Payments--> $103.00 BAL{}ICE DUE-------> S0 . 00 +lttttt+ttttatl*tt*tttt**a**tatttt*tt*t*tttr*tttt*tt*t*ttttattattltttalttttttatttt{ttitttr*l+ttlr*rl+taltra*allllltllitttllalit|}lllat*a*tra,r+rtar Item: 05100 BUIL'DING DEPARTI{NI 07/0L/2003 cdavis Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IATiICE. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIAIICES SHALI-, BE VENTED ACCOR.DING TO CHAPTER I AIID SHALL, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR CIAPTER 8 OF flIE 1997 IMC. Cond: CON0005982 Cutsheets and Specs are required for new outdoor heaters. These specs shall be on site at time of final inspection for review a*ata,tat,ttttaaaararlrrrrr*aaartata DECL{RATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accur& plot ptran, and stab that all the informdion as required is conect. I agree to comply with the informdion and plot plan, to comply wift all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build dlis sfuctur€ according to the towns zoning and subdivision oodes, design rcview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECflON SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY+OUR HOT RS IN ADVA}ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OI.JR OFFrcE FROM t:00 AM - 4 PlvL SIGNATT'RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF {tl'} I ltt*t+ f* ***'t* | ft l*fftl + + *{' a *'}'}*1t rfftttl fftl flt I ftlrr't***+t +fl t * +'}!t*t'*t*dr'}**+++**+llt ft | | TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprhted on 07-01-2003 tt 14:.44:34 07/0112M3 Stat€,ment *****+ * * ++*t***{r******f +++***+t*'}**{'**'t * ** *'}*+ ***'} {"+***'}+f *f, t * **{'*l'*+*+ +++++***** * ***lta'**{'{t* Statement Nuniber: RO3OOO4258 Arnount: $103.00 07/OL/2OO3L0:45 All Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Edwarda Plunbing & Heating 1553 Permit No: M03-0100 q/pe: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210108228000 Site Address: 292 E MEADOW DR VAIIJ Location: 292 E Meadow Dr Total Fees: $103.00 This Payment: $103.00 Total ALIJ Pnts: $103'00 Balance: $0.00 ******+***+*!t + + +l*{'+ + 'i + ** + *i.** ***** * * ** ** * * * ** * * *'l * * *t +*** * * * tt + + * * * * ** +**** * **** ***** * + + + + + + ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES BO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 I.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 4a/x 1(e -o { "(S- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Room Lavo{drawn Spec CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: mmtwvArl 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado Mechanical @ntractor: Fpron e.s: T,ttH ts| N6 I te*rr t\tc. Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: HaetO:qoq-ooqt i 74$-gq4q E-Mail Address: -24 contractor sisnature: ftazza< &Ad COMPTETE TION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Contact Assessrc Offte at 970-328-8640 or visit ******* *****x* **********FoR oFFIcE USE ONLY******** bor & Materials for Parel # Parcel # 2tol.oB2 .ztt. o'ol -+ 'oBD- .28 -076 Job Name: HouNrArLl HNJS coND(>rb Address:6i"E'jFiEtpot^l >e . vAlL, Cc tl657 Phone: 4-?6-z\4 Phone: q4g -q3qt Ir.:t-lALL e\a guPPtY be h CUTDo.se c'Qee.fie^D ttc^lses WorkClass: NewpQ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) fther( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily (t{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: -l 5No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: '7O : GasAooliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed; Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ...lgIl.1/993... \Wai l\dataMev\FORM S\PERMITSU\4ECHPERM.DOC 07t26D002 . You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanicat work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow meft systems. tsfease contact a planner at 479-21,28 before submitiing your mechanical permit application. . The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) as an acceptable alternative. r All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec. 7OL.Z. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has ,undergone nume.rous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. . Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase U ceftified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than h^ro (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). . Restricted Dwellino units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. . Accommodation Units - eacn new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. o If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. a If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be convefted to natural gas or replaced by an EpA phase II ceftified unit. F: /everyone/forms/mechperm HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Commu nity D evelopment Deparfnent Russell Fonest, Director, (970) 479.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building Environmental_Housing_Admin Planning DRB PEC _ 2. Was your initialcontact with our staffimmediate no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was h before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first lime to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permii_ N/A Please rate $e performance of the sbf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowled ge; responsiveness, availability) Overall effectiveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What js the best lime of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, We are committed b improving our service. sl0w 0r o- 7. 8, ;\, s .N i... 6\ {'il Iil .VJ F.E B:c) L-=- qo\ 3*ip r l- IUJt- 0 0 6 I b )< lu {6liUuY 2I>( u, TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E01-0102 JobAddress: 292 E MEADOW DRVAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: MOUNTAIN HAUS Applied..: 05/16/2001' Parcel No...: 210108228007 Iszued. .: 05/16/2W1' ProjectNo: Expires..: 17/12/2W7 OI,\INER MOUNTAIN HAUS CONDOMINIITM AS05/L6/200L Phone: 292 E ME.ADOW DR VAII-, CO 8l_6 57 I-,icense: COIflTRAC|OR DANICI ELECTRIC O5/L6/2O0L Phone: 719-486-0603 1838 SILVER EAGIJE COURT I-,E;ADVILLE, CO I0461- Licenae:1.14-E APPLICaIfiI DAIiIICI ELEerRIC 05/16/2OOL Phone: 1L9-486-O603 1838 SII,VER EAGI.,E COI'RT LEADVILLE, CO 8 0461 I-,icenae : ].L4 -E Desciption: ADD 10 SCONCES TO HALLWAY Valuation: $1,200.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees--> S53 . ooElectdcal---> 550.00 DRB Fee--> lnvestigation-> WillC'll-> $0.00 s0.00 93.00 Additional Fees------>$0.00 Total Permit Fee----> s53 ' oo Paymentsr-----> S53.00 BALANCE DUE--> SO.OOTOTALFEES_> S53. OO Approvals:I€dm: 06000 ELECTRICS,L DEPARTMENT 05/!6/200]- DFLORES Action: AP cond: 12 CONDnONSoFAPPROVAL .il5-:1.:.i:::.i:::."-T::.::"S"."T-?-"-1y:.::...T":1::-:::'-.:-"::::T:.:.. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT PM. AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0O AM - 5 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE *'tf****l***l****l*'l**l||***l*'|'t'ltt***'ll*l***fl'l***fl****l***{r*l**'}*llt*l'*t**r}l***'}l**'}l**ll*t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statementlffll*fl***llf**rt**fttttftl+***t*****t***tt*****tt****tt****f+$**t*'r**t*'|**r***r********tl gtateuent lilunber: R000000771 Anclunt: $53.00 O5/L6/2OOLO2:00 Pll Payment llethod: Check Init: DF Notation: check # 1291 Permit No: 801-0102 Type: EIJEcTRrcArr PERIIIT Paf,ee1 Nor 210108228007 Site Addreea z 292 E It{EADOtl DR VAIIJ Irocatiqr ! UOITNTAIN IIAUS Total FeeE: $53. o0 Ttrie Palment: $53.OO Total AlL, Pmtg: $53.OO Balance: 90.00 *t*'i'tf +'*tf ltt'l'****:ll+af tlttlllt{.*****+f {rtl+ttlf f t{rt'}***'l:t'}ll++,}'}l+****l{t'l*'|l+****:t:lt***{t't**{t* ACCOTJNTIIEMLIST: Account Code 0escriotion Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMP0RARY P0^JER PERI'|ITS hJC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50 .00 3 .00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR ,t- '.'-t A/ tl-1 .--..-.' .fr ! t r') ) lLq--./ --' - ,- lL Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: MVNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections) Electrical Contractor: fftutct 6Lbz-l7ata Town of Vail Reg. No.: I 14- E Contact and Phone #'s:llo-3qo- lns Contractor Signature: COMPLETE sQ.FEET FOR t{EW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR Att OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT rN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: nwvT_ftl/rob Address: /qZ E, ft h{Q}v Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: A00 tO *ouz6s To HA//-J*ft</ WorkClass: New( ) AdditionQ{ Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior pt=) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercialffi q"r,.rr"nt ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ; ruo 0\ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: YeslQ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No Q() ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************************tr********** {1iht i F :/everyone/forms/elecperm s$ !l f o 0 o o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail, Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. r If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thurcday and Friday mornings between the hours of Sarn and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. I have read and Date Signed /-1\ - It-l-nAR}/IJ nwwvfrlV HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of VailSurvey Gommunity Development Department Russdl Fonest Director, (970)479-2139 Check alltfiat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contacf Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contacl wifi our stafi immediate_ dow _or no one avdlable____? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate fie performance of the staf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overallefiectiveness of $e FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is fte best time of day for you to use the Front Service CounteP 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you ne,rt time? Thank you fur taking the time to comfleG this survey. We are commitFd b improving our service. TOWN OF VA;: 75 S. FRONTAGE R.OAD VAIL, CC 8\65i 970 -479 -2t3 A APPLICANT CONTRA.TCF. OV{NER DEP.4,RT!V1ENT -,.i NCTE: THIS PERM:T MUST tsE ICSTED ON ELECTR.IC\L ?ERM]T --cb .f.ddress: :92 3 :"IEADOW DRrccat-:on.. : :-)2 E v!E.\DoW DR (MT!{ ?arce' llo.. : :i01-0::-18-lC0?roject No.: COMMIJ.'NITY DEVELOPMEIiII Descripr-' ;:11 I INSTAL- ITEW FI-(T'RES IN . FEE 5UUN,IARY .,OBSITE AT AI-,L T]MES Permit, #: 800-00"5 Status...: ISSITED lIAUSAppli€d. . : Os /a8/2000 fssued. . . : Ex;lires. . : Phone: 9'.70-524-L978 Phone: 970-524-L978 Phone:476-2434 Valuation:I,000. co I{IGH PS.}KS ELECTRIC, INC.?.:. BO;{ 3:i1, EAGLE, CO :{]3H ?EA;(S ELESIR]C, INJ. P.O. tsCr( _?29r-, EAGLE, CO MoulflrAiti IIAUS eoNDO ASSOC 2,)2 E. MEAiOW DR, VAIL CO 816 3 r- 6l_0Jr 8155-7 CCNFRENCE RMS r ? a r' ****, rir*'rtttl,1'rr itt **t **l*t*rrtr*tt**'|** 14?.00 .00 1{7 . OO 14? .00 .oo rt***+li*r*i*t* IIErr: :)6000 SLECTRI].\L DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:05. i8/ 2000 jRM -\ct.ion: A:pR -\.ppROVrD ,JRM-Item: 05600 FIRE fEPARTMEIIT Dept: FIR_E Division:05, 13./2000 JRM Act,l-on: AppR N,/A Itir*r*riJ**r*r El,ec::::iai- DR3 : rs Invesc:Jalior., will .:ai1--- taTAL aEES--'> :o!ai Calculated Fces- - - > .lddit1onal, F€ea- -- -- --- -> lotel- P6rmi.C Foa--------> Paymenta------- BAI,AAICE DUE. - -. .i -l . J0 . n0 ..i0 r _ 00 i..t i . rlo CCNDITION OF APPRCVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.1. Ff EI,D DECI,ARA,TIONS I hcreby ack:r.:wiedge :haE : have ::ac :his ropiicacion, :i1ie<i out in :uil t,1e inforDaCion reguircd, couplctcd an acculatse plot Plan, and sEaEa :hat rLl :he :nflr:nac:on cro'rided rs :"quired ie cor:ec!. I rgr6o to conply rith the infomation arla ploc ptan, to codply wich rrl. Torn )rainancas :nd scac: -aers, arrd Eo suj.Ld :his .:cruc:ure accolding Co !h6 Town. s zoning and aubdiwigion codas, design :=.r::\., tFprcved, Uniil)rltl tsui.1o:ng :oCe and ccher crainances .)a :he Town atrrplicable thar€to. APPUCATION WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) MNuvvln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2 /O/ d& L - zT - doA lob Name:41ou.llr,n, A ^..^ s C^{' Rrr. JobAddress: 2QL e /.(t-,/-u ). Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: "H'i11"tT,ption of work: g r: 5*., l l Lt<-d l;1hl (:i lf*reS i rt Co p ke,'ca Poo,nt eaA Fz fla c-< WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel Sq] Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ()J Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial fi) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (No (X) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (Y) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves (/) No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR AtL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $t6 )Ott, o: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Contact and Phone #'s:own of Vail Req. No.: ********t!*rr****************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******r'****rr>r****rr****t<************** F :/everyonqforms/elecperm w Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. I Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. s Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker oanel. o The main disconnect switch shall be located nelt to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. a In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. s NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit, I If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. 5- l5'oo Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thurcday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back, rfoJ'n-)N)/*J nntdffit! HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of VailSurvey Community Development Department Russell Forrest Director, (970)47e.2139 Check all that applies. 1. Which Departnent(s)did you conbcf Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact witr our staffimmediate_ slow or : , no one available___._? 3. lf you were required to waiL how long was it before you werc helped?_ 4. Was your projrt reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirstlime to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ ttl/A 6. Please rate $e performance of the staf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) ',' 7. Overall eftctiveness of $e Front Service Courfui: 5 4 3 2 I 8. What is tte best lime of day for you to use fie Front Service Countef 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you next tme? Thank you for taking fie tme to complete this survey. We ue cornmifted b improving our service. TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8]-657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEI.IT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ilob Address... z 292 E MEADOW DRLOCAT,ION : 292 E MEADOW DR, Parcel No. .... : 2101-082-28-000 Project Number: SPRINKLER PERMIT Stat,us. . MOUNTIAN IIAUSApplied. Issued.. Extrrires. JOBSITE AT ALL TfMES Permit #: F00-0011 ISST'ED 06 / 07 /2000 07 /2s/2000 oL/21/200t APPIJICAI{T CONTRA TOR OWNER Description: REPI,ACE SEMT -RECESSED Fireplace Info-nagion: ResElicced: l.techanical - - - > 40.0o 10 .00 .00 3.OO HEADS W/CONCEALED HEADS *of oa6 Appl ianc€s: Phone: I011-2 Phone: 80112 Phone: Valuation: *of cas log'a: 303-792-0022 303 -792 -0022 476-2434 1, 100 . 00 fof tlood/PelLet: WESTERN STATES FIRE PROIECTION 7025 SOUIH TUCSON WAY. ENGLEWOOD WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD MOUI{TAIN HAUS CONDO ASSOC 292 E. MEADOW DR, VATI, co 81-557 co co FEE SUUMA.RY Plan chcck-- -> rnve6c!gation> will call----> ****,1****i*****...........Tflii"?Yl;;.;;;;";;;;;:.....,...'..;::... rEem: .05100 BUII-,DTNG DEPARTMEI{T Dept: BUTLDING Division:06/08/2000 KATITY Action: APPR N/AIEbm;' 65e OO- rrnr DEpARTT-,rEt[i -__ Dept: FIRE Division: 06/08/2000 KATITY ACIiON: NOTE ROI]TED TO VAUGHN07/17/2000 MIKE V Act.ion: APPR APPROVED 1. FIEITD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I he!€by ackno lcdg6 that I hava read this applicabion, fillcd ou! in full tshe infor!.atsion requiled, cotdpletsed an accuralc Plot p1an, and 6tat€ thats aI1 ghe informat.ion provided ae requircd i6 cor!cc!. I agree to cotrFly taitsh tshc inforllatsign and plot Pl'a{, co conply wiLh all Town ordinanccE and 6tate lan6, and to build Lhis BCructure according to Che Torn'6 zoning ind subdividion codes, d66j.gn revien approved, tnifonn Buildlng Code and o!h6r ordlnanceE of the Town appl.icabl,e.therelo. REQUASTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI.I. BB UADB TWENTY- FOUR HOURS IN ADTANCE BY TELEPHONB AT 479-213S OR Restuara.nt Plan Reviett--> .o0 DRB Fee-------- .oo TOTA! FBES-.. - - Additional Fecs---------> Total Pe!'mits Fee-_------> Pa)menta------- 53.00 .00 53.00 53 .0O SIGI'IATURE OF OWNER oR COMRACTOR FOR HIMIIEITF AND OWNER OtR OFFICE EROU 8:00 AIU 5:00 PM t**t****t!lia*rl**rl*t**i**fa**t*tttt*t****rt**t***ttr*ia+*+tti*!t*tti l(tnN OF VAIL, CoIORADO gtNleEnt **|lt*tt**********ta********l*i*********rt*t*t*tt***t*trltt*i*tt*tt gtatennt lftrnber: RBC-065? nnount: 53.OO O7/ZS/o0 11:21 Paynetlt I'lethod: 1591 Notation: I|ESrERN g$i:EES Init : irN Pemit tYo: F00-O011 Tlpe: F- SPRM( SPRXIKLER. PERIIIT Palcel No: 2101-082-28-000 Site Mdrees z 292 E IIEADOI| DR Locatlon: 292 E tilEADOll DR, DIOIINTIAN rIAItS Total Fees: 53 .00 ThLE Pa)ment 53.00 Total ALL Pnts: 53.00 Balance: .00 **t****ltl********f*t*+****ll*tt***tt**t*t*r*l****!trtttttt***+iirl*f Account Code Deacriptlon Anount I'tP 00100003111300 IIECIInNICAL PERIIIT EBES 40.00 PF OO10oO031123oO PLiAtr CEBCK EEBS 10.00 tfc 00100003112800 nILL CAI;L rNspBcrloN FEB 3.00 . -O3 -3" OS,SI FROiI I TOV-CJM-DEV-UEFT. IIJ,ir;t''..ir. J- ::c^:oJc;3:ajgoco t"! _r.1"-"i ^a: - -;ffi oF vArL coNssRscrroN [FARcEL t/; e\o)- oEz -zs-oc;o_ -piftrir AppLrcerto' F'RMlv nme:- J=Vi:s Address: Address: _ Ir_dJlttr+Nc: T UECHAMIO\r.: f-T,T;:::ilffi :ff ;;:-.v:E-;.::ry.T-LrlrFoRr.{Arrol PXuDbiIg contrsctor: Address: . - FROiI, TOv-c JM-DEV-DEPT . v!. l|.qc lD'S?04"S2rrS2 Nro 'f5b-if PERYT Ii Foo- ootl -, ApPtrcAtroN MUsr BE FrLr,ED otrl cprer.ErElt oR rT $ay !{or BE AecEEtED.TE**************i**********r*** pEltlfig INFoRI{Atro[ *****rit**+****r *+*******r:r*rrl|f J-Bu*ding t l-pl'nbtng I J-E]ectricar fxJ-rec]rrini'cal [ ]-otber tob Na.lael ilob Address: 2 4 Legal Descripticn: Iot Block Owners Name: /Vloaurn;u /n*??z { rtr'aqoo./Ph. Architest: .Ph.ccneral DescrLption t Zep/ece *,^; _ ?o"rr* p/r=o, ,_)tl /2 . /___- _ _ -_.._.- La tce4l€o F{€/l p, +'work class3 [ J-New [F]-Alterarion I i-Additiona]. g 3-neparr I J-other Nreb€r of Drelling Units:Ntrnber of Accomod,ation Untts: ^ $:uber and tlpc of FirePraces; Gas AppJ.iances_ Gas r.€gs_ wood/p€llet It**!h*** **********il****:t* t*****rr** vAL,tIATroNS !.:.**!r****** t***r******!t+*****r***rl BUTIDT$G: $ELECtRfc.}-Ll I$ouBrl[c:OCEER! I toeToIAI,r!]7.---] tttrttrt COIXIRACTOR IIIFORXATIO$ *** ** *:r ***r * ** **:rt r *t* ** -* *!n/a 4uor^ Eu,/oret 'F^r.- -.a r,-:.r r-AdClress:#-.(utu-fu1-lpu:tLoe"' -Towlr of Vai1 Reg. NO-Pbone Nurber: 24 fzeE-Electrical Contractor: Addsess:?own of vail Req. NO.Phohe Nr:nber: Tot'n of Vail Req. HO.Plrone Nunber: 1- -' r- / u.-5,^' 'v/tr I a1/&tgpt ce g6t4 phone NutrberS riZ Zrz&7 * ** i **** **!t* ******, etnrrDrtrc pERIrr" #:****r***t*** FoR oFI#:^Y:i ::::-111::":*1**************r**.g^ra,.r rEE: gEtf,DIlIG ple$ CHECX FEE:PIIIUBilG pERurE FEE: ----'IGCEAN'CAL FTAITTT rs's _ PIII!IBING prAN CEECX IEE: "-"'!--- EI"ECTRICAI, ;88;..ofiiER iii* a;_i* REcRExproN FrE! __ DRB F3EI rOrA! EERt{Ir EEES: EUIIDTNGS AIGNATURE: ZONTNG! SIGNAISRE! /46aoo'rt >8,16. T0 1f,6J4T92452. APR 11 '94 12!18 vttlt- !.Llr r !L. -,lvlw"+^;*'-Lltu" NEOTULI I, rlfcr d eemunllY drrrloPnrnt lnun iUV.C(]I'/ij\4 tl rfidr frmlro. ttrd dl. !ob.r.lo ]1.f? tfstt,{7t-8138 or 479-2139 APR 11 tg91 n|-l/ c,rnrprany Rcprcr*ntrtiv., LAI^lRlNcE E;-*3F# 1 gltlL !'|ANAGER t AJ"pd. ('L.) -^r^-^r^. (rptrFr DAo(rlr. pF*rt lr.q F.t il#L +o vrno iurpsirns\#Spcclflc Roqrrcrt rnd Rstlonrlc: STREET PARl(llr;'plct rttE DRIVE Lt{t*t"r#,..) 9rrar ?zz-zFlrr, Departnrnt ! Publlc works:. otc a#a .Dl;6 x € .E -o ! PaC'G sjqgl{L c0NsTRucTLoN REAUEST Appllcant ComPrnY: Appllcmt Fhun": Or.e 4$' ' DPcsrrrs r Vn",fiflhtVenrCLES AT HotNTAtll lr5 @lo0$ t tlttl @tlPllxt 6t).;'h$\ Rrqueted Datc(r) Appllcant Slgnrturcl tPlcasc raiurn cotnplcted Town of Vall APPrwalr: forn to thr Bullding brnnunlty DavdoPment: Pollcc DcPlrtnantt 9t6/78?-22CI4 THRU JUNE 18, 1994 (ral'4" '-/z€/' fnT+ lZAn"t4 fX TOTAL PAGE.OOI XX o,' I r +, H (- 5q oth It, 3 { lt,tl ill -+9l \ a) a" E d Ei\5 {r /l {'4 - A, ;*+ -, EcE[vED TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DAIEz_11p1!!1!_ PER}IIT # APPLICATION I'IUST BE FILLED OUT COMPI.ETELY OR IT I,IAY NOT BE ACCEPTE.D ^l -^;; -;;; ,-i.' i Jir I***lU{*d*{JwI{H1U!V*DEBI******r*, pERl,rrr TNF9RMATTSN *****************************,t-l l-Building t l-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanlcal fifl-other SPECIALITY t Pq r 1994 Job Narne: VAIL, M0UNTAIN HAUS Job Address: 292 E. MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL, C0 81657 Legal Description: Lot llock_ Filing sunorvrsron, ovlners Narle:.M0UNTAIN HAUS ASS0CIATIONAddress: 292 E. MEAD0tl DR.. VAIL. C0 Ph. t Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratlon [ ]-Additlonal [ ]-Rep1l:..[X!:_o_!l:f=S9.EW. l,lE ARE i'IORKING REMOVAL./RETEXTURE/REPAINT Nunber of Dwelllng Units:75 IN 59 UNITS Nunber of Acconmodation Units: 75 llrmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet-v********************************** VALUATIONS ********************************* ASBESTOS REMOVAL/RETEXTURE/REPAINT BUILDING: $nlscrnlcar,: I OTHER: S 691,867.00 rorAL: f_69T367.6'0 Address: 5OO GIUSEPPE CT. STE 6. ROSEVILLE. CA 95678 Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Plrone Nunber: 9L6/782-2204-n I -( ,_.\ e r' Tdfrn of VaiI Reg. NO._ Phone Nurnber:qry ***************************t**** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PER}IIT FEES MECHANICAIJ PERMIT IEE: EI.,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPA OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Town of filPhone Nulber: Reg. No. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE3 PLI'UBING PL,AT CHECK TEE: UECTIN|ICAI, PI,AI| CIIECK FEEs RECREATTON FEE8 CLEAN-I'P DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES3 FOR BUILDING: SIGNATURE3 ZONING: SIGNAflIRE: Connents: CLEAN T'P DEPOSIT REFII}TD 75 $ulh fronl.ge rold v.ll, colortdo E1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 olflcc of comnunlly dcwlopmort BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI.IE If th.is permi.t fequires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval, Engineel's (Public }Jopks) review and approval,'a Planning Department revi'ew qr Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weelts. Al1 comnercia'l ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq fcl'low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and sma'l 1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.denti.al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments w'i.th regard to necessary review, these proJects may also take the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite this penni.t as. spon as possible. I', the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. U MouNTATN HAUS coNDoMINIUM ASsOcIATI0Nr 25, 1994 J MARCH Date Work Sheet was turned into the Corununi ty Deve'lopment Department. : ,t ALL TOWN 75 soulh fronllgc road vrll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 offlcr ol communlly devclopmcnl CT'RREMTLYI-, REGISTERED WITH TH8TO: FROMs DATE: su&tECT3 CONTRACTORS OF VAII/ TOWN OF VAIIJ PUBTIC I{ORKS/COMMUNITv DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & MATERIAI.I STORAGS In sunraary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrj.sor naterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workroen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance lrill be striltly enforced by the Town of VailIrublic llorks Department. Persons found violating thls ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the- 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartrrent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotifl.ed. The provisions of this ordinance snitt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 Ln fu1l, please stop by the Tonn ofVail BuiLding Departroent to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ositionlnelaFionEffi MARCH 25, 1994 acknowledged by: V.ICE PRESIDENT/REG MANAGER OF P.I^I. STEPHENS Date to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 Soutb Fronttge Road Vail, Colorailo 816 57 t03 -47 9-21 1 I / 479-2I t 9 Departme nt of Commatity Deoelopment COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAL SHEET C U). S/ep/"r',ts /o rrss4 Zntc - ^ ''C1u; COMPANY NAME: ?3 DATE: # oF PAGES lN DOCUMENT(S) (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET):C) RESPONSE REQUIRED? lr\rtr. ,3,'4b a..-/L<-,'',-.v C4.+- SENT BY: / / TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE NUMBER: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PHONE NUMBER:(303) 429213€_ REGARDING MTN HAUS ASEBESTOR REMOVAL SPECIAL NOTES: YOU WILL NEED TIIE FOLLOWING: 1. STATE LICENSE FROM COLO DEPT OF HEALTH 2. STATE PERMIS FOR REMOVAL. 3. TOWN OF VAIL CONTMCTORS LICENSE (AWAITING WORKMANIS COMP & LIABILITY CERTIFICATES) COLORADO DEPT OF HEALTH 42LO E 1ITH AVE. DENVER, C0 80220-37t6 303-320-8333 FAX PHONE NUMBER: 303t 479-2452 STEPITENS CONTRACTORS, INC. ENVIRONiIENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COIIIIERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL / RESIDENTIAL L994 Town of Vail BuiJ-ding Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 Rrn.,^*- e {W Lawrence E. NoyerVice President/District Manager ,-rq{t3-o \n\ry \ TO U L, c-o-ass<4( O./a-e f4/-n^,4 2 14{-/ 4//J ) \r) ) ,/ A nY\t'\0' ,5$),w w REGETvRU APR 1 1994 TOV.COIVIM. DEV. DEPI Lr.'-... -, .._-,qlln RE: Permit Application/Prequalification Form To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed the necessary applications and fees for apennit from the Town of VaiI. Our general liability insurance certificate (see Section IV of PWSCI Qualifications Manual) expires on April L, L994. We wiIIprovide you with a Curreht-one--as--Eeerr-as-tltey-€re--i-set+ed. - ..--T-We would also like to reguest street parking permits for two 4Olrfll/ryrfrd dunpsters and four vehicles. 't(1 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ne at theoffice aE 916/?82-2204. Sincerely, tf.arctr 29, 500 Giuseppe Court, Suite,6 / Roseville, CA 95678 I (916)782-2204 / ST. LlC. No. 443402 RPR 6 '94 16!89 FRNI'I P U STEPHENS rtr 13834?9245?PHEE. EE1 P.w. STEP HENS coNTRA ct o R!:tNq- EffiZffiLHEALtH ANoSAFET F--rrrmenaatnxousrHAL/BEStDENTIAL FNa t{.CEli:tir 916-7E2-2993 FAX TRINSuISSION STIBJECT: co|c.{ENTs: . O' t -. Q.o\G )tsrnn-o..rJ [gl+sLs ]r!ae.&^r4l am Ciiii"o,d'ci.rurr:'suite e I ,Forai,iili. 'Cl sseze,r .p].F).782:4q{. f .$!, .Llc".No,. a434oz -- gFR 6 '94 16: 1E FR ft; ',94 1.3:13 FROI'I P l^l STEPHEI'IS T0 1f,8J4?9?452 PAGE. 862 P.34t' State of Colorado I}EPARIMEhN OF EEAUIEAIR POLLUfiON CONIROL DfnSlOtt General erdflcgte Itco"tr'. r[m €rdftdrNubrr stt-3llt-orilol. FPR 6 '94 72':11 PfiGE.6a3 FPR 5'94 16:18 r ,cJP 6 'E4 13:12 ?tgl.@l6Er.tso COIORADO DEPASTMB{T OF IIEATIIIOtfulo crlrrl)tpotdrnrwiudrc 6cdA rrdrrviennnirdn pdpfc6/oare algo €hJ? gf.* gr, S. Lrbcnorv OdN,lu Oarr/u, cloridoGdll.t$3o rzr o t. ri6 ertrrlc CCLCRADO tltiar$bt,l,,rD.l,|trl FROM P Iil STEPHENS o.n$r, Colo.$o 8021o'r7t 6 $r@)0t1{no Tn 1f,634?92452 PfiGE, 683 P.?/3 $ltr i I i ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMITIE*' Dh*IFI EflS EHttttotf gltrlrrT r8 g['-tD tton tltl{tt CAt BEEI ISSslD {er E-t8t0mP.L $rs otrr5E, m.*tr rnlf gltrf,rD a.llru, F slr +rtt8 gEnHlT I9 O&,AtlZtP gUBtECf tO TE! @&OF^po rI* guhiJl'lt CDfl'raoir OOmlIStlION'S Rl@IAttot{ tto. t, hDoprED HAI 30, litt A}tD mrlfirvt wil8 t0, :,ee3. rl 16 0$lr !04 ttE 9EnDOs!.ot hI&orlHO AsBtrsll\Cs rrrrBllitl. rS I co|tPrrcDot. vou rrt satUfrle! Io OttlR r.l€En8lg AttD DtRltIllS, DEPtxDIltO 0N Tru BE0{Jlnrt{Ent6,Ot Ellt oot ilttg.tlgD .|IDSIqEP]LESU IN ]flllcll -.TtG WOnf, 16 t]ll{Frfl*!61RtlD; TBE colnRf,DO DlPl8nt8!! Ot fiElrrlit' eln P9LITUBIoN COIIIROL DIVISIoU lt8pt{Clf Sttecf,lrs ttr t tdt (aDer r|tfit bouttr AND LulrterDrt' xrlroit?ttt - li--"o(DrR to DltlcLtur rilr o|rt{Ef, lrcrr, Egrr.Drilc/tBNrrrilfo tEcurnlHr$l8 EllAl-HusT 9r ryT. Errl OltrOIUur tlRsrf HUST Sl PsisTED 03{ $IIE Alr eLL 8Il,|Is. o{/rt,/il mt6(tcx ,, tll|g|ll',| i \ il FOh Sltl Lochttotl SPECIrtlD Blt.ol{l 9rrl'3!ffi! rf rrBts r. tlrDfl ulttlll!, s df?-rnr ffill $[ rc$rur ScElDuIrED l{oRl( Dltus lRl rHoll 0All.llel lHRoucB dl,ll[l9[- ,#-tEiSE ecgiuU.ro HOtrX DmAt CEAIcE, NOIIIY Td rrltl By FAx ^E ?E2-5493 ?BO[l fltr c@I{rr r3lt8lt DEPIn$GNE lt0{8Drl?ltY, hoftat leerrLc: t00l| mil DlP-lffil;e lll[3 llr SS mF t ulsfu! | fliltagrItlll: lffilllltr, Edrirfr,€fuilbt-cotol-rlsrcn uD rrtr-lln ccillr?Y @l{rnot. Act q'n's' (25-?-101 rnd 2E-?-8Ol d ""q) FR 6 '94 Lz.tLl ffiE.W2 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROT{TAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICAI{T COMTRACTOR OI{NER Bullding- ----> 1,620.00 .fob Addresst 292 E MEADOW DR Locat,ion. . .: 292 E MEADOW DR Parcel No. . : 2lOL-082-28-000Project No. : PRJ98-0033 StsaEus...: ISSITED (MTN HAuSAppIied. . : 07 /2L/L998Issued...: 07/22/L998 E>c[)ires. . : OL/LS/L999 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI-,OPMENI NOTB:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES ADD/AIT COMM BUIi,D PERMT Permit, #: B98-0200 DescripEion: NEW EIiITRY,STAIRS,WOOD TRUSS ROOF Occupancy: R1 Tlt)e Const,ruction: II FR TIt)e Occupancy: ivaluation: 32o, tir.place Infonn.tsionr Rcrt.tl,ct6d: HYDER CONSTRUqTION, INC 1020 wEsT 1ST AVEN['E, DEM/ER CO HYDER CONSTRUETION, INC 1O2O WEST 1ST AVENUE, DENT/ER CO MOUNTAIN HAUS CONDO ASSOC 292 E. MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81557 Phone: 3038251313 Phone: 3038251313 Phone: 4'76-2434 *of wood/PalleE: 000 llof c.B Appliencc.: MuIti-Family T)pe fI Fire ResisEive 80223 80223 Add Scr Ft: *Of Ga6 Lo96: rri.r.tir*.irt* PEE suuMlRY Phn check---> wilI c.l1----> fnvclCigalion> ,O0 1, 053 . O0 3 .00 . o0 200.00 .o0 500.00 3,375.00 .00 3,3?5.00 Rc6tsuqlant Pl,!n Rcvicn- - > DRB Fcc-------- Reclcaclon Fcc- --- ------> clean-Up Dcpogit- --- -- - -> TotaL Calculetscd FccB- - - > Additionel Pcc6--------- > Total Pcrlnit Fcc-------- > galdenlE-------- BAI,ANCB DUE..-. .OOTOtrAL FBES..... ' Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT07/22/L998 GGOODELL AcLion: APPRIIi=M: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTI'IE}TTItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENTrtem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PI,ANNING Division:Debt: FrRE Division:Dept: PilB woRK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions t,hat may apply Eo this permi-t DECI,ARA'TIONS I hercby acknoel.dgc tshaE I hav. rord Lhi6 lpplicrlion, fil,lcd oub in ful1 fhe infomlEion r.quiled, coDPlclcd an accuratsc ploE p1an, and €tate tshat all the infolBatsion providcd ec tcquircd ir colrccts. I egr€c to coEply ,itsh lhc inforultion and P1ots p1an, to cgilPly siEh rll To$n ordin.ncaa .na Btats. law., and tso build this sCruccur. eccording to ghc Totn's zoning and 6ubdiwi6ion codes, dcsign rcvicw approved, Unifortn Building code and other ordin.nccs of !h6 Town .PpLicablc th.rctso. RAQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONA SHAIJIJ BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADI'AICE BY Scnd Clc.n-Up DoPosiE To: HyDBR CONST OR AT OUR OFF]CE FROM g:OO A'4 5:OO PM ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONS Permits #: 898-0200 as of 07/22/98 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permir Tfpe: ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERMT ApplicanE: HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 30382s1313 Job Address: I,OCAIiON: 292 E ME.ADOW DR (MTT.T HAUS) Parcel No: 2101-082-28-000 Applied: 07/2L/L998 Issued: 07 /22/L998 To E>q)ire: 0L/L8/L999 Description: NEW EMTRY,STATRS,WOOD TRUSS ROOF Conditsions:1. FIRE DEPARII,IETiIT APPROVAI., IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAIiI BE STARTED. 2 . FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE FSQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.' 3. ALL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PI.ANS & THE APPTICABI-,E PROVISIONS OF THE 1991 I]BC AS ADOPTED BY THE TOIIIN OF VAII. NEW WEST ENTRY MAIN STRUCTURE IS TO MEET CODE REQUIREMEMfS FOR TYPE MEAVy TIMBER CONSTRUCTION, EXCEPT TTIAT ROOF ASSEMBLY, US]NG RIVA CI.,ASSIC 16 OZ. COPPER ROOFING, IS TO MEET REQUIFJMENTS FOR A CI,ASS II.A'II FIRE- - RESISTIVE ASSEMBLY. EXISTING GI-,AZED OPENING IMMEDIATELYt ABovE NEW EMrRy RooF rs ro BE FrrrED wrrg APPRovED 3/4-HR RATED GI,AZING IVIATERIAI,. OTIIER EXISTING OPENINGS ABOVE EMTRY AREToBECoNFIRMEDASTEMPEREDoRoT"HERAPPRoVEDSAFETY GI,AZING MATERIAL. TOXN OP VAI&, C€LORIDO SCrC.nnl' gcrg.dr! Nuub.r. RIC-0426 lDounc ! Prlmnt tlehod: ctr nolrtion! 3 i 376. o0 o7l22l9a lott6 3oar8 tnLB: t|Atf lt rrlC t|o: B9a-0200 tlp.: l-OOiOl lDD,/lLt (!t8t BUILD D P.ro.l lfo ! 21O1-O32-t!-000 glC. lddrc..: 2t2 E llEtDoll DB IJocrllen! 292 E llElDO9f DR (lifi HAU!,) Tohl f..!: nrlr Pqr!.nt 3,t?5,00 lotrl ll.L hcrt Brlll|lc.: 3,376. 00 3,376,00 .00 AccounE Coda BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 Pt 0010000311?300 tD 0010000240t100 rc 00100003112000 D..crlpBlon EUII,DINO PERllIl FgEg DEAIE{ BEI'IBI{ FAEA P!L!t cHtcl( rEEg cllatouP DEPo{trttt tftlrt cllrl tlrsPtcxtqt tEl AlounE 1. 620.0O 200.00 1r 053.00 500.00 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address: 292 E MEADow DR Location. . . z 292 E MEADO!{ DR Parcel No.. : 2LOL-082-28-000Project No. : PRiI98-0033 Permit #: 898-0200 StaEus...: APPROVED (MrN HAuSApplied. . : 07 /2L/L998Issued...: 07/22/1998 E><pires. . : OL/L8/L999 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEI{:T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUII.,D PERMT HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 1O2O WEST 1ST AVENIJE, DEN\IER CO IIYDER CONSTRUqTTON, INC 1O2O WEST 1ST AVENI'E, DEN\TER CO MOIJNTAIN HAUS CONDO ASSOC 292 E. ME,ADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 3038251-31-3 Phone: 3038251313 Phone z 476-2434 *Of Wood/Pal,let: 80223 80223 DescripEion: NEW BI{TRY,STATRS,WOOD TRUSS ROOF Occupancy: R1I:pe Construction: II FR Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Fl,rcpl.c. Irlfonation: R..lricted: 320,000 Multi-Family Type II Fire Resist,ive Add Sq Ft: *of 6.r Applianc.r:*of gat Log.: FEE SOMiIARY Building-----> Plrn chcck- - - > Invratigation> vfil I c.l1----> 1,520.O0 1,053.O0 .00 3.O0 Rcaeurrrn! Plan Revicr- - > DRE PGc-------- Rcclarlion Fcc----------> CLaan-Itp DaDoaiC- -- -- - -- > Total calculatscd Fcaa---> 3,376 . o0 AdditionaL Fcc.-- --- ----> .oo Tots.1 PcrEiE Fcc--------> 3,376.00 .00 200 .00 - 00 500.00 .00 II,EM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARII{ENT07/22/L998 GGOODELL Action: APPRItbm:' 05400 PL,ANNING DBPARTI,IENTIt,em: 05500 FIRE DEPART!,IENfIt.em: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Pr)rnsnL6 - - - - - - - Dept: PLANNING Division:Debt: FrRE Division:Dept: PttB woRK Division: TOTAJ, FEES-- -- - 3,376.00 BALANCE DIJE- -.. Dept: BUILDING Division: See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions thaU may apply to this permit,. DECIJARATIONS I hclcby acknosl.dEc that I havc rcad tshi6 rpplication, fill€d outs in full th6 infornation required, coBplctcd aD acculate Plot plan, and Etatc tshat all tshc inforuation providrd a9 requircd ia corrcc!. I ag!.r to co8ply r.itsh thc inforrEtion and PLoB plan, to couply with aII To$n ordinanceg and 6t.t! Lai'6, and to build thi6 6tsructure according co the To!.n's zoning and eubdiwiEion cod€6, dcsign tevicv approvcd, uniforu Building code and oEhcr ordinartces of Eh. Tolrn applicable thercgo. REQUESTS FOR BE MA.DE ?9{ENTT-FOUR HOURS IN A.DINNCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2178 OR AT OI'R OFFICE FROM g:OO AM 5:OO PM Scnd CI.|n-UP DcPosi,B To: IIYDER CONST AIGIIATI'RE OT O9{NBR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISEIJF AIID OIINER ************************************il******************************************* COIIDITIONSPermit #: 898-0200 as of 07/22/98 Status: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit, Tlpe: ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERMIApplicant: ITYDER CONSTRUSTION, INC 3 03 82 s1313 Job Address: Locat.ion: 292 E MEADOW DR (MrN HAUS) Parcel No: 2101-082-28-000 Applied: 07/2L/L998 Issued: 07/22/L998 To E:qrire z OL/L8/L999 Descript,ion: NEW EttrRY,STArRS,WOOD TRUSS ROOF Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTI,IENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE AIiIY WORK EA}I BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. 3. AI,L WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDAIiICE WITH THB APPROVED PLANS & THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE 1991 I'BC AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL. NEW WEST ET.ITRY MAIN STRU TURE IS TO MEET CODE REQUIREME}TTS FOR TYPE IV IIEAVY TIMBER CONSTRU TION, EXCEPT THAT ROOF ASSEMBI.,Y, USING RIVA CI,ASSIC 1"6 OZ. COPPER ROOFING, IS TO MEET REQUIREMEIITS FOR A CLASS NAN FIRE- RESISTIVE ASSEMBI-,Y. EXISTING GLAZED OPENING IMMEDIATELY ABOVE NEW EI.ITRY ROOF IS TO BE FITTED WITH APPROVED 3/4-HR RATED GI.AZING MATERIA].,. OTHER EXISTING OPENINGS ABOVE EI TRY ARE TO BE CONFIRT{ED AS TEMPERED OR THER APPROVED SAFETY GI.AZING MATERIAL. TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPI.,ICAIVT CONTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: Locat,ion. . . : Parcel No..: Project, No.: 292 E MEADOW DR 292 B MEADOW DR 2LOr-082-28 -000 PRiI98-0033 permlc #: Status.. (D,tTlI IAUSApplied. Issued. . Extrlires. 898 -0200 .: APPLIED.: 07/2L/L998 .: DEPARTMBNT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOtE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AI,T COMM BUII,D PERMT HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 1O2O WEST 1ST AVENUE, DENVER CO IIYDBR CONSTRUCTION, INC 1O2O WEST 1ST AVENT'E, DENVER CO MOI'IiITAIN HAUS CONDO ASSOC 292 E. MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657 Phone r 3038251313 Phone: 3038251313 Phone: 476-2434 Tolal calculatcd F..6---> 3,376.00 80223 80223 Descript,ion: NEW EI{TRY,STATRS,WOOD TRUSS ROOF Occupancy: 1:4ge Construction:'Ilpe Occupancy: Valuation:320, 000 Add sq FE: Fircplecc Inforuation! R.stsriclcd:*of ca6 Applianc€e:#of GaE Loga:*of wood/Pallcc: rtir..a.''j.,titittt*attr*t't*t't. FB8 9I,|,IMARY ***,trl'rt*ttr9r jiittrtt'|rri*ra R1II FR MuIti-Family Tlpe II Fire Resistsive Building-----> Plrn ch.ck- - -> Inv.stsigr!ion> will cell----> Rcgtuarrnc Plan Rcvi.cr-- > DRB Fc.-------- R.crareion F6G---------- > CL€an-Up DrpoBil--------> AddiLional F.eE--- ------> Tolal Pcrrnits F66--_-----> PayrrcntB - - - - - - - BAI,ANCE DUE. - -- 1, 52O . O0 1 , 053 .00 .00 3 .00 .00 200.00 .00 500.00 TOTAL FEAS----- . o0 3,37 6 .00 .o0 3,37 6 .00 *ittrrit'rtttttt ***rrrr*rtrtttr** irtt+t**i It,CM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARII/IEIiIIT GGoODELL ACTION: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTI,TBNTFIRE DEPARTMENTPIIBLIC WORKS r***irtrtrrtrrr * * * * * * i lr * * * * t * * * * * * | t t * * * * t * * * * See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hrr.by ecknoslcdgc Cha! I hav. read tshis applicrbion, fill.d outs ln full Ehc infornation requircd, couPlcted an accurag. plots p1an, and Blare that Ell lhc information plovidGd ae requircd iE corlcct. I a9r9e to coepl.y wilh th. infornalion altd Plot pla!, to cornply tritsh all Town oldinance6 and 6tat! 1ar,6, and fo buitd LhiE 6truclure according tso tshe Town'E zgning and Eubdivi'sion codcs, dcrign revielr approv€d, Uniform Building codc and othc! ordinanceE of thc Town applicable th€r€co. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJL BE MADE I1i8!+]Y-POUR HOI'RS rN ADrru{CE BY TELEPHONE AT /t?9-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROU 8:00 Al.t 5:00 PM o7 /22/L998Item: 05400Item: 05600It.em: 05500 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PI-,ANNING Division:Debt: FIRE Division:Dept: PIIB WORK Division: gcnd cl.u-up Deposig Tor !ryDER cONsT SIOIIATURE OF OWNER OR CIOMRACTOR FOR HII'SELF A.!ID O'INER ***************************************tl:l***********************************:**** COIIDITIONSPermit #: 898-0200 as of 07/22/98 StaEus: APPLIED**********************************************************:r********************* Permit flpe: ADD/ALT cotrtM BUrLD pERlitr Applicant: IIYDER CONSTRUCIfON, INC 3 038251313 ilob Address: LocaEion: 292 E MEADOW DR (MIII HAUS) Parcel No: 2101-082-28-000 Applied: 07 /2I/1,998Issued: To E:qlire: DescripEion: NEW ETURY,STAIRS,WOOD TRUSS ROOF Condit,ions:1. FIRE DEPARTMEIIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A$IY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 3. AIJI, V{ORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDATiICE WITH THE APPROVED PLAI'IS & THE APPLICABI,E PROVISIONS OF TIIE 1991 I'BC AS ADOPTED BY TIIE TOWN OF VAIL. NEW WEST E}iITRY MAIN STRU TURE IS TO MBBT CODE REQUIREMBTiITS FOR TYPE IV HEA\TY TIMBER CONSTRUqTION, EXCEPT THAT ROOF ASSEMBLY, USING RIVA CI.ASSIC ]-6 OZ. COPPER ROOFING, IS TO MEET REQUIREMENfS FOR A CLASS IIAN FIRE- RESISTTVE ASSEMBI,Y. EXISTING GI..AZED OPENING IMMEDIATELY ABOVE NBW EMfRY ROOF IS TO BE FITTED WITH APPROVED 3/4-HR RATED GLAZTNG MATERIAI,. OTHER EXISTING OPENINGS ABOVE EI\I:TRY ARE TO BE CONFIRMED AS TEMPERED OR OTHER APPROVED SAFETY GLAZING I1ATERIAL. TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 9L657 970-479-2L18 Electrical---> Inve6Eigatsion> will call----> TOTA'. FEES-..> DEPARTIIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0209 ,-4--+rqs'Pec{tortrs tl7l' 2tq1 .lob Addre as; 292 E MEADOW DR StaEug ' ' ' : ISSITED LocaEion...: MoIINTATN lrAus Applied": 09/o2/L998 parcer No..: iloi--oaz-28-000 riiued" ' ' 09/02lLgeg Project No.: 'tR,J98-0033 Expires": 03/0L/L999 APPLICANT PATTERSON ELECTRIC CO PhONEI 3034686156 P O BOX 483, DII,ION CO 80435 coNrRAcSoR PATTERSON Er-,EgrRrc co Plrone: 3034686166 P O BOX 483, DTLLON CO 80435 owNER IrlotNTArN SAUS CONDO Assoc Phone: 4'76-2434 2g2 E. MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657 DescripLion:EI.rECTRICALwoRKFoRENTRYADDITIoNvaluatsionlll'800.00 r*itr+ttr**'rtr FEE SU I'IARY 219.O0 . o0 2L9 .OO 219 ,00 , oo 215.00 Total calculatad Feea_ -'> Addieional 9c6a----- ----> ToEal Pentit Fee__----_-> Pay ente- _- _--_- BAI.A.I\ICE DUE'-..' DRB Fee 'oo .00 3 ,00 219. OO I i ' + ' ***t** i { t * r ITeM: O6OOO ELECTRICAT.. DEPARTTIENT - PEPE: BUIITDING DiViSiON: iEz$?roi3eH;"$#';;H#ft+'iFFri-c'an'rs ""ts38,: FrRE Division: og/02/tgg8-.lRM Rctioni APPR N/A r***r+r**ar{*raa,r,}.l**t,*trt*rt*+*rttt'ltl rt*'rit*tt*t'rttr*rr"i'r CONDITION OF APPROVAI' I.FIELDINsPEeTIoNsAREREQuIREDTocIIEcKFoRcoDECoMPLIAI.ICE. DECI,'ARATIONS IhergbyacknowledgGcheLlhavel€adthiEapl'licatlon.fitledoutinfulltheinforrralionrequl.rc.l,cot!tr'lGtrdanaccurag.plot p1an, and EtsaEe lhat al1 lhe informatlon provided ". l.q"lt"a iF coLlect ' r ug"tt-co cornply iith Lhe infor$aEion and plo! plan' to conply {i!h aLl To{n oldLnanee6 and EtaCc 1a$6, and io build thiE Ellucuur€ according io the Toen'e zoning and 6ubdivlelon coded, d€sigar r:aviela applov.d. t nlfofin Building coa" ]na-oirr"r ordlnancee of Eh6 TOwn appticable thG!6Lo' RBQUESTS POR INSPECTIONS SHAIJL BE I4ADE TIIE}TTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN AD\IANCE BY TELBPHONE AT 4?9-213a OR AT OuR OFFICE FROf,t g:OO A16 5:O0 PU 6iGm--en on cil'rrRAcroR FoR HTMSELF AND .'INER *****************************:r**t******************************* TO9IN OF VArL, COLORADO statemnE *******!t******************************************************** sLaternnt Nunlcer: REc-0444 AmounE 21'9'00 09/02/98 L4:59 Payment Metrhod: cHEcK NoEaEion: #3239 rnit: cD Permit. No3 898-0209 T)rpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-28-000 sitse Addresa: 292 E MEADOVI DR I,OCATiON: MOI'I{TAIN HAUS This Payment TOEAI FCEE: 2L9.00 ToEal Ar-,I-r Pmtss: Balance: EP OO1OOO031114OO ELECTRICAI., PERMIT FEBS WE OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CATL INSPECIION FEE 219.00 2t9.OO .00 **************************************************************** AccounE Code Description AmounE 216 .00 3.00 TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROTiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICAIYT COIiITRASTOR OWNER DEPARII{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVBLOPMENT NOIfE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELESTRICAL PERMIT PermiL #: 898-0209 t'^,sPecrtoruS tl71'Jtql Job Addressz 292 E MEADow DR stsaEus" ': rssIlED LocaEion...: MOUNTATN HAUS Applied": o9/02/L998 Parcel No..: 2LoL-082-28-ooo ri-sued"'' 09/o2/L998, ProjecE No. : PRit98-0033 E)q)ires " : o3/oL/L999 Phone: 3034685166 Phone: 30346861-56 Phone z 476-2434 PATTERSON ELESTRIC CO P o Box 483, DILtoN co 80435 PATTERSON ELECTRIC CO P O BOX 493, DTLLON eo 80435 MOT'NTAIN HAUS CONDO ASSOC 2g2 E. MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657 Description: ETECTRICAIJ WORK FOR ENTRY ADDTTION ValuaEion:11,800.00 *i*.**i*tri*trt FEE gt'Ul'tARY Togal calculaLed Fee6_--> AddiLioneL Peaa---------> Tota1 PcrEic Pee--------> Palrn€n! E - - - _ - - _ _ BAI,AITCE DUE----' Br.cgrical---> 216 ' oo DRB Fec 'o0 Inve6t igacion> will caLl----> TOTAL FEES-. - > 219.00 . o0 2t9.O0 219 .00 .00 .00 3.O0 219. O0 tt ttt i r ttrr t+ t'*i.}t*t tr**t'**tl tt rttttr"*at'* ttt i' *' tlr *t *r I rtsem: 06000 ELEcrRrcAI-, DEPARTIIIENT --PepE: BUTLDTNG Division: igg$ldnii;ig*';;ffifiEfi Hll ff" '"BIE': FrRE Division: 09/02/L998 iIRM Aculon: rititt'r'.rit*'ltr**r+t**,r*.,*rttltt'*tt*+ltt.i't*ttJ.l*tt*t**.ltlitttt'ttjr*litIlitrt.rl,*r.,ir],' CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' +tt*f*r*''tt**t'ttlti*t*i****i*i* I t ' t * t t * t I * * t t * * * * * t t t t f * t t * I * 'r * * t I t I DECI,ARATIONS I hqreby acknovl€dgc that I hav6 rsad thig applicaElon, filled ouL in full the lnforuation rrquLred' coupl'ccd an accuraLc trt1oe plan, and stacc tshat all Ehc infornabion providad * ftq"ii"a iE correcl ' f tgttt-io couply Jitn tshe inforuabion and plor plan' Eo conply eiEh rll Town ordlnand€6 and statc lare, and io buiLd lhig atrucEur' according Lo ghe Totrn'g zonlng and dubdivLgion codce, deolgn !6vl6w apploved, unLform Building "oa. ].ri-oai"t ordinanc66 of !h€ Town applic'ble thcreto' TEIJBPHONS AT 479-213e OR AT oUR OSFICE FRon g:oo Al't 5:00 Pu REQUBST9 FOR INSPEETTONS SHAIJL BB I''ADE TIdE$TY'FOIN HOURA IN ADVANCE BY iitffir,nne"'oR FoR HTMSELF AND ol{NER **************************************************************** To[fN oF VAIL, COLORADO statsemnts *******************************f ******************************** StaLemnt Number: REc-0444 Amount: 219.00 09/02/98 t4259 Payment Met,hod: cHEcK NoEaEion: #3239 rnit: cD PermiE No: 898-0209 Tyge: B-ELEC ELECTRTCAL PERIT{rT Parcel- No: 2101-082-28-000 SiEC AddTESS: 292 E MEADOW DR toCAEioN: MOUIITAIN HAUS Total Fees: 2L9.OO This PaymenE **************************************************************** Accounu Code Descriptsion Amount 215.00 3.00 2L9.OO ToEal AI-,Ir Pmtss: Balance: EP OO10OOO31114OO ELEqTRICAI., PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL EAIJI-' INSPECTION FEE 219.00 .00 l/ or5/rrrreAr^\,^r nubr" IJE TTLLED our COMPLETELY oR rT MAy Hot si-ac"iFrf fi***************)t************* PERMTT TNFoRMATToN ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r.,r ,r * if ***:r t l-Buildins Job Name: t ^ ';;";x:r(ff:T;::..r r-Mechani'ca' r r-other LegaL Description: f,ot Owners Name: Architect: BLock Fr''t i n-- --- - Address: Address: Dh : Dh General Description: work class:- [ ]-New t l-Ar.teration 1 l-Additional I J-Repair t ]-otherNuh.ber of Dwelliig' Units:----Nu:nber of Acconmodation Units: trf.u.t and Type of liiepJ.aces: Gas Appliances fi ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'r * vALUATToNs BUILDTNG: $ELEcTRTcAt z $ /,MECHANTCAL: $ Electrical Address: . Plunbing Address:contractorf Mechanical_ contractor.: Address: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: SQ. FT. .--.- r-- _.-_- CONTRACToR INFORMATfoN * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * rr * ,Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg.Phone Number: Torvn of Vail Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFf CE USE * * * * * ?t rr( * * r! rt rt r! Jr ?r * rr rt ?r !k * r*tt****ilr**x ntra Reg. NO. BUTLDTNG PI.,AN CHFC.K FF,F"PIUMBING PIAN dil;il i#;MECHANTCAL PLAN CHECK FEE:R.ECREATTON FEE:CIEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}fIT TEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATUFTE: ZONING: STGNATURX: VALUATION icLEAN UP DEPosrT REFrrNn m: I 75 south tronlagc roa d vail, colorado 0i657 (303) 479-2138 or 4?9-?L39 TO: FROI'I: n.trE: SUBJECT: olf lc e ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETotfil oF VAIL TO}IN OF VAIL PUBLIC I.IORKS/CO1.B,ruNITY DE\TELOPI,IENT IIARCH L6, 19II CONSTRUCTIOI.I PARKING & }I.ATERTAL STOMGE ii':il]ii"it?l3il'lii"il";,u.::l::: :!1t-ir is unrawrur ror anv ;:,ffif i:ii"i::i"ai"g"tii";=5;#:.3i1,';:li"ili!*i.iilL :::'i= ti*:. ::":ii'::I.iii^ :i i{":} I""ii."ii;;t:: ;_*il,X" ;:,ffi ::i"",rhi: ;;; i ;.-;":' i:iil!!. :;.i:iI;":#:::I..;f .;;:'illl;:f;ir, "' ' pubric'r'rorks oeoarimentl--pJirir; ;;;;;-riir"'!i"g rhis ordinancevrirr be'siven a 24 hour r.ittli'notice-tor;;;;;:, said rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified.aour-r,li.,,I"ipry r.rith thenotice vrithin the 24 hour tirne specified, the public ,orksDepartment vrill remove said nrateii.r _ut 'tn""'!*iInre of personlirtiillii" I:'":'"visions- or-ti i= orainan"I 't5ir nor bL any stree. ;; ;ii:;'::':;;,"Tiilff::"i; :I"":i;il :*i;I5= or To revievr-'ordinance No- e in fu'l, please stop by the Tovrn of:::i"::i13i'g""if;i:*:lf"::""iil:-n a copv. riiuni you ror your R Y ead and acknowledged by: '11' Date 75 soulh lro n lag e road vall, color6do 91657(303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 olllco ol communlty devoloprne I EUILDING PERT|IT ISSUANCT TII,IE FMI,IE If thrrs permi.t requires a Tov/n of vair Fire Department Approvar !Engineer's (.pub) ic u,orksi ;;v;";'.ni :upprouut,. a plannin!, Departnentrev r ew or Hea'r th o:-r3 f rrgnt . i"uiun, -u-ni' u r"ui ui tv- iiie"du i t ai n9 Sioi[li'!'*;.the es tima tJJ ii rl' ro-r'a'iota r i.u i.n-iluv,,iu ii. u, r ons Al'l commcrcial '('large^:l :_T"]]) a1a ail mutti_famjly perrnits willhave to follovr fhe abov-e menti6ned maxrmum requirements. Residentia.land small projects rtoria iur,"-;'i"H;. amount.of time. However, ifresidenti'al or snralte" proi".ir-lrlpJ.i the various above mentioned|il:'il:1,:, vi tlr resa.ld't;";;;;r;of!'i.ui u", these projec rs mayatso take the three week period. Every attcmpt will be made by this deparl-nreni to expedite thispet'mi.'t.as. s.Qon as possible. - - '- --:'' 1..'srrL L\J c^Peolte i i;.,11: undersigned, rtnderstand the plan check piocedure and time sheet wai-ilFiEdlitoJDate l.lork Devel opment Departrnent. TO: FHOM: DATE: Er tr. MEIlJlORANDiJII ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the followino questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way vEe Perrnit": NO ls lhis a nevr residence? ls. demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public froper;ty? ls any'utility rvori< needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done alfecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Flight Ol Way permit, required? B) A. ls the right of rvay, easements or public property to be used jor staqino , parking or lencing ? ' '-' B. lf no to BA, is'a parking., staging or iencing'plan required by Communir! Development? ]r-199 allwered yes 1o any of these questions, a "public way permir' ,rrt be oblained.?ublic Way Permit'applicalions may be obtained at the'putlic worx's ofiice or alc.o.1qulitr Deve.lopment- ..lf you. h,1ve'any questions please.cail charlie Davis, the Townol Vail Conslruction Inspecior, al479_2158 1) z) rr/ 4) 5) 6) 7) I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractois Signature Date How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a Fuildinq oermit apolication.lf yes lvas answered.to any ,,public Way,, isrequired. You can pick up an apprication at eiiher community Deveropmen(. located at 75 S. Frontage Road oi Public Works, located at t 3d9 Vait Vailey Diiye. 2) Notice sign offs for utility. companies. All utilities must fietd verify (locate)respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire u[to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetof paper.An approved sile plan may also be used. This plan ,"vill show locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area ofconstruction, staging, etc,,). Tnis pran wiri expiie on oct. 1sth, and wi[ need tobe resubmitted for approvai through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being perlormed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic iontrol plan oi a liteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required,ilocates will be scheduled for the Town of VailElectricians and lrrigalion crew. The.locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hou-rs to perform. 6) The Public Worlt's Consrruction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus and any thai mayneeded. Most permits are released lvithin 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released, please do not confusethd "Public way Peimit" with a "auiloing permit', to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] ]n9,3U9ve.process is.for work in a pubtic way.only.' Public Way Permits are valid only untit November isth.* A nelv Public way Permit is required each year if work is not comprete. cdpway ' 'i.'r' / 75 couth trontage road vall, colorado 816 57 (303) 4792138 (303) 479-213e oflice ol communlty developmenl . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUIT.DERS EffecEive June 20, 1991, the rovrn of Vail Building DeparLment hasdeveloped t.he folrowing procedures to ensure that' new const.ructionsites have adeguately estabr.ished proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacenL Lo Tov,n of Vail roads oi streets. The Town of Vail- Pubric works Deparbnrent wil-L be reguired toinspecb and a'pprove drainage adjacent to Town of Vair roads orstreets and the instalLalion of temporary or permanenL cuLwerLs aLaccess points from ttre road or street on to the construction site.such approvar nrusL be obtaineci prior to any reguesL. for inspect.ionby the l'of,n of vair Building DeparLmen[ for fooE.ings or temporaryerect-ricaL or any other inspect.ion. prease cutt 4'lg-2i60 torequest- an inspect,ion from tfre pubric i.lorl'.s DeparE.menL. Arloru,. a minimum of 24 hour notice. Arso, Ehe'Tor'rn of Vair pubric !,lorks Department vrirl be approvingall f ina-[ drainage and curvert insLarrat.ion r.rith resulting. roac]pacching 'a:_.ne.Cg;sary. Such' approval musL be obtained prio. tbFj.nal Cert.if icate of Occupincy issuance. 'ill'l rl I|IYN OFYAIL '5 Soutlr Frontagc Roatl 'ail, Colorado 81657 03-479-2t 38/ 479-2139 ::AX 303-479'2452 INFORMATION NEEDED 1. 2.' J. 4. FAILURE Dcportncn o/ Couututity D cvclolttttt'ttt WHEN APEI;YINC FOR A MEC}TANICAI FER}IIT HEAT LOSS CALCUI,ATIONS. TO. SCALE FLOOR PLAN'OF I'IECHAI.{ICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRA$IN IN TO SCALE, WITH pHySTCAL DTNIENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF.ALL EQUIPMENT IN ITECHANICAL ROOlt. sHol|srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS,.rlueS,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS' LTNBS. NO?E WHBTIIER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT }IILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. TO PROVIDE THTS INFORMATION I{ILL DEIJC.Y YOUR PERMIT.