HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5 LOT 14 18 VORLAUFER UNIT 30302-25-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 14 4:08 pm vail- co'- city of - Requested Inspect Date: Thuraday, February 26,2009 Insgeitionarc:: dFY= coRE .REEK DR vArL UNIT 303, VORLAUFER A/P/D Infomation Activitv: M08-0273 Tvpe: B-MECH Sub Tvpe: AMF Const Tvp6: Occupahbv: U'se: Owrier: MAHAFFY, PATRICK J. Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Insoection History Item: 200Item: 310Item: 3'15 Phone: (303) 327-4654 Requested Time: 08:30 AM' Phone: (303) 327-46t4 Entered By: SBELLM K egulator. Emergency gas shut- Item: 330 Item: 340Item: 390 Contractor: HOME & : 390 tECH-Flnal: HOME&HEARTH s: Wc iason 39G9338o: JMONDRAGON RTPT131 Run 9257 L 02-24-2OOg Inspection Request Reporting Page 45 4:14 pm Vail- CO-- City Of - Requested Inspect Oate: Wednesday, February 25,2009- lnsoeclion Area: JRM Site Add]€ss: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL UNIT 303, VORLAUFER A/P/D lnformation Activitv: P08-0127 Tvoe: B-PLMB Sub Tvpe: AMF Const Tvp6: Occupahbv: U'se: Owrier: MAHAFFY. PATRICK J. Contractor: AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE Phone: 970-390-5955 Description: REPLACE SHOWER VALVES, INSTALL GAS PIPING TO UNIT TING SERVICE Req uest€d Time: 08:00 AM Phone: 970-390-5955 -or- 970-748- 8667 Entered By: SBELLM K Status: ISSUED lnso Area: JRM "l CJ",^-j,r* CvrrlL aU- air qq e- k,/"u t'lilL- *f> {J tl Item: 220Item: 230Item: 240 Item: llem: 260 290 PLMB-Rouo PLMB-Roud PLMB-Gas'l 10/10/08 Comment: 10/31/08 Comment: 11t21tgg Comment: PLMB-Misc. 10/10/08 Comment: PLMB-Final REPT131 Run Id: 9255 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t35 APPLICANT THUL ELECTRON]C SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 81620 Li.cense: 1L2-S CONTRACTOR THUL ELECTRON]C SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 8J.620 License: 112-S Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT303,VORLAUFER ParcelNo...: 210108232015 Project No : MAHAFFY, PATRICK.]. 1.2/II/2008 l-006 6TH AVE BOIILDER co 80302 Status. . . : Applied . . : Issued . . : Expires . .: 12/Lt/2oog Phone:97 0-949-4638 L2/7L/2008 Phone: 970-949-4638 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: TH|S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 3'31g O Zcl ALARMPERMIT Permit #: n,08-0113 @t'-o3fs R1o6 {Scd- ISSUED 12/n/2008 1211812008 061t612009 OWNER Desciption: INSTALL SMOKE DETECTORS WITH SOUNDERS FOR RXMODELValuation: $1,000.00 ++i|++|*t,l,l i* t**t* Electrical-----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees----------> Total Permit Fea----> Payments------*-----> BALANCE DUE_---> $269.s0 Approvals:Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT LZ/ rb/ zuuS clrnoaoes Action: AP Approved as noted: ,,*-*-"*-*l;*"lj-1-.:::':-:--:::-::-.-,"":-.:-:-t:::i-1l.]--l?ll;-*l+:it|t.*'}|*++'t,}||''.|+|+'||t*',lt*|+'il|{*t|*'t*'*i'')il+ltt**|t*'*'***'i** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL )t*+* *r *,1** *t*tt** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUf,STS FOR INSPECTION SHALL Bf, MADf, SEVf,NTY.TWO HOURS IN TELEPHONf, AT 910-479-2252 FROM 8:ffi AM - 5 PM. SIGNA OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O * * * * * *+:i 'l {' * * * * * ****'l,l'l'l** * * f {*t'l'l'l******* * * * * {' {' 't * * 't * * 't * {' * * * * * i i * * * * I * * * * * * * * ********** * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement '* '* * * 'l t 'l 'l l * * * * * * * * rl * * * 't ,t 't { rt * 't rt * t 't * * 't * * * * * * * * * tr t * t t * *tt****t**t** * * * * * * ** * *tt * * * t t * t' t *t*t***** Sfatement Number: R080002383 Amount: $259.50 L2/r8/200809:22 AM Payment Method: ELECTRONICS Check Init: LC Nolalion: #1? L83 /THUL Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocation: This Payment: 408-0r.13 TVDE: AIJARM PERMTT 2101-082-3201-s 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL I]NIT 303. VORIJAUFER $269. s0 * * * ** * * * * * * * {. * * **l**** * * * * * aa***t*****t* * * '} * r} * * '} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** i't* * * * ** * *'} * * * * * * ** * * ****1.*{ ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code De script ion Currents Pmts Total Fees: Total AIJL Pmt s ; Balance: $259. s0 $269. s0 BP PF 00r.00003111r.00 00L00003r.r.2300 FIRE AI,ARM PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES 37.50 232 . O0 Fire Alarm Contracior: 1l'wl E.teclrrm'ir s Torvn of Val Reg. No.: lt2-5 Contaci and Phone #s: lrrck - qq'l-'ltot$ E{ailAddrcee:lct{ tl Q Vlulekt 'r(S-(o CONTRACTOR INFORilATION COIIPLETE VALUAflONS FOR AT-ARM PERttT (Labor & tlaterlals) FireAlarm:$ IOOO.oO *i!r**1r*r'r*:r*****************.r**rl*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*si*rir*F'r***!tttit*:r*t**ltr!t*!}*:hl*.tltttt. VAIL 0F mt 0rb PTATENT @nfa,ct orvlsft for Parcel Parcel #I ror - OS2-32-ol€ JobNarne: Mo"ho,\ tqs'rcl-*,,.r JobAddress: 3ts' L .C,orr C:e, LDr. {3c1 Legal Descriprion I lot I ero.r,, I riling' I s.,uoirir*on, { O" la^., k. CCyr.in ar, c-o l Phone: Engineen Dborn-r^ Shc^r-o.' leooress: to Bor lull. h-rsco I Phone:loq-qoltz D€tailed Locarionof rvorrc (li.El1t-n * n Detailed description of work: nelJ sy\joke &#.lctt rr.,l :oundr-, '1"''. rcu,x$hl }nJ WoftC&ass: t{err( ) Addilbn( ) tunrfrllS4 Repair( ) Rdrcfit( } O0rer( ) TypeofBfdg.: SingiFtunily( ) Trrofamily( ) mnf-lhnrfyfi Comnprcid( ) Res0aurant( ) Ottpr( ) No. of Existing Dwdling Units in thb buibing: I No. of Acoommodation units in this building: l iroeC a Fire sprinkler System Exbt Yn lA !91 j;tjj iltf: ;1iili1$ de TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F08-0098 ?RTO6- 6368 Job Address: 385 E CORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: TJNIT 303, VORLAUFER Applied . . : 1l/05/2008 Parcel No...: 210108232015 Issued. . : 1111212008 ProjectNo : Expires. .: owNER MAHAFFY, PATRICK,J. t1/05/20O8 1006 6TH AVE BOULDER co 80302 APPI-,ICANT ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, I Ll/05/2008 Phone: 303-288-3901 5045 E 76TH #L2 COMMERCE CITY co 80022 License: 370-S CONTRACTOR ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTTON, I L1,/05/2008 Phone: 303-288-3901 6045 E 76TH *72 COMMERCE CITY co 80022 License: 370-S Desciption: INSTALL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Valuation: $8.875.00 'tt++t**tlit*'t*+t+|.'lt+:it**:t*'|*+'tf,}t*++ft,}t+t:i**i{+++'|+i+*f*|fi*'t*+ Mechanical---> So. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> $0. oo Total Calculated Fees--> 3'12'7 ,L9 Plan Check--> S3 50 . 0 0 DRB Fee------._--------> go . oo Additional Fees-----> S0 . 0 0 fnvestigation-> $0. OO TOTAL FEES--------> 5'72't .I9 Total Permit Fee-------> 5121 .I9 Will Call---> $0.00 Payme nts-----------> S'72't .L9 BALANCE DUE--------> So. oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT LL/L0/20O9 drhoades Action: AP Plans do not show a dra j.n va.Lve or a tampe: isolation valve. PDF received wi.th these chanses. CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 910-479-22s2 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OE WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Number: R080002159 Amount: 5727.I9 lt/12/200809:33 AM Payment Method: Check Protection 22103 ,r {',tr.**{ * * *!**1r*****************************+*l**************t*l* Statement *'tt rt r't't**'t**********{.t*i***l*******1.*****'r*****'l*******t****l** Init: DDG NolaEionr ALl State Fire Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locat ion : This Payment: F08-0098 T)T)e: SPRINKL,ER PERMIT 2101_-082-3201-5 3 8 5 E GORE CREEK DR VAII., T'NIT 303, VORI.,AUFER Total Fees; $727 .L9 Total AL,L Pnts : Balance: $727.L9 $727 .L9 $0.00 **t*'t***f*{.***f********t*****+'i***{.i**rr,r,r+t t*r**{.*'t*f*t't**f*************{.{.**{.*****{'l'******* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Descript ion Current Pmts BP 0 0 L00 0 0311110 0 PF 00100003112300 SPRTNK].ER PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES 377.L9 3s0,00 Development Review Coordinator 75 South Frontage Road Vait, CO 8i657 Phone: 970-479-2128 ' Fax:970479-2122 I nspections: 97 G,47 g -21 49' commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at the time of application submittaland must include the following informaiion: A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.l.C.E.T. level llt (min) stamp Equipment cut sheets of materials Hydraulic calculations A State of Colorado Plan Registration form Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor : Projecustreet Address ffiq1.ff"F[e1 Resdenc& G'or. Qxgel,,l)., trr,..r+ @saAo= Project #: Building Permil #: Sprinkler Permil #: Contractor Information: Company: Company Address: Conlacl Name: c ontact e (,{D\2=X6:3OL cer : (required) (use additional sheet ?f necessary) Derairedlocationorwork 3g nbnt- (use additional sheel if necessary) Delailed Description of Work: Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: X Contractor Signatu Property lnformation ParcEl #: '. Legal Descriplion: Lol #: Subdivision: Value of Fire Sprinkler: (Labor 8 Malerials) Block #:Work Class: ., New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel 1,\ Rerro-Fit ( ;Repair( ) Olher( ) ( , Building/Complex Name: Owner Name: (For parcel #, www.eaglecouty-us/patie) Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Type of Building: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Famity commeliaf i ) Reslyant( ) other( ) Date Received: "". t{t Y"s(x) rTQI DE|)APTAAEHI ifrorrod r &fmltbd tr HOil VAI No( ) Bt: IIUe L Orrfi: --lJ: lD:Q8 NOTE: TH,S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS,TE AT ALL TIMES /.-.4\ rwxffit7-ffi Town of Vail, Community Developmenl, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 O-47 9-21 39 f . 97 0.479.2452 i nspections. 97 0.47 9'21 49 MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location.....: UNIT303.VORLAUFER Parcel No...: 210108232015 OWNER MAHAFFY, PATRICK J. 1ON2I2OO8 1006 6TH AVE BOULDER co 80302 APPLICANT HOME & HEARTH OUTFITTERS 10n212008 Phone: (303) 327-4654 730 S. JASON ST. #28 DENVER coLoMDo 80223 License: 368-M CONTRACTOR HOME & HEARTH OUTFITTERS 1o12u2008 Phone: (303) 3274654 730 S. JASON ST. #28 DENVER coLoRADO 80223 License: 368-M oesclption: INSTALL GAS FIERPLACE Valuation: $4.789.32 Mechanicsl P6rmit Fee--> Plan Check----------> I nvestigation----------> APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1012212008 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond'.'12 (BLOG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREO TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL, Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL 8E VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fullthe informalion required, complet€d an accurate plol plan, and stale that allthe information as required is correit. I agree to comply with lhe information and plot plan, to comply with altTown ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structure according to tha towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town therelo. FOR SHALL BE MADE TWENW.FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 9l0.479.fl49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:O( Signature of Owner or Contraclor V Print Name 3oK-<:L<''1 Mo8-0273 3o8 oj'53 PRJ08-0368 $100.00 WillCall-------> $25.00 Use Tax Fee----> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $4.00 $0.00 s129.00 Project #: Permit #: Status...: ISSUED Applied.. :'1012212008 fssued. . | 1012212008 ExDires. .: 0412012009 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees---------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE..) Payments--------1 BALANGE DUE-> 9129.00 $0.00 $129.00 $129.00 10.00 lo lzzlo mechcanicaljerm it_041 908 ** ** * | *t*** * I I I t*** * * | | * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * *** * I *:t * * * *** * * {' I I ** * * 'l I I * * r** * * **'t't'l'l'l * ***a*il I TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***a* **t+* t1******t****a*a'aa'*+*+{'{'{'{'{'i'*******a+* * ** * *'}*!t*** * * l:l'l** * * * * 't{.3* *****ll*1.* **+* *tta SEatement lfunber: ROSOOO2OO2 Amount: $129.00 LO/22/2OO8O9:17 Alil Palzment Method: Check HEJARTTI INit: i'IJE Notation: 058438 HOMB & Permit No: Parcel No3 Site Address : Location: Thie Payment: ACCOT'NT.ITEM LIST: Account code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 t********* * *a******** * ++++* **t*+t***t*rt*f * * *******tlt {' **********l+***+***ta'{'{'**++**{'+*a***+* M08-0273 Tlrpe 3 MECIIAIiIICAL PBRIT{rT 210X-082-3201-s 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAII. T'NIT 303. VORI,AUFER Total Fees I $129.00 Total AIJJ Pmts: Balance: DeEcription MECIIANICAT PERMIT FEES PIJA}I CHECK FEBS WII,L CAI,I, TNSPECTION FEE $129.00 $129.00 90.00 Current PmtE 100.00 25.00 4.00 TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT The followino items MUST be attached to this permit apolication Mechanlcal Room Lavout drawn to scale to include: Mechanical Room Dimensions Combustion Air Duct Size and Location Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location Heat Loss Calculalions Equipment Cut / Spec Sheets Project Address 385 Gore Creek Dr +%7 Contractor lntormation Company:f$ne o $"ur,n 6.{tfrer" company Address' /ou D rjasull '+ zo citv: Denver State: CO zip:80223 Contact Name: Katie KnaPik contact Ph: 303-327 4654 e-mait: katie@homeandhearthoutfitters. com Property Information Parcel #: 2101 082320'15 Legal Description: Lot #Btk # Subdivision: Vorlaufer Condominiums #303 Job Name: Atlas Construction Owner Name: MahaffY 144 Wildcat Edwards CO 81632 (For Parcel # Contact Eagls County asssssors Office at 970-928-8640 or visit ) Engineer ( ) Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit#: VAf ' AZI^ Detailed O*cription of Work: installation of Direct Vent Town & Corl!ry 36" C-Thru_ (Use additional sheet il necessary) Work Class: New()Addition( )Remodel (') Repair ( )Other ( ) Boiler Location: lnterior ( ) E)derior ( )Other ( ) Comolete Valuation for Mechanical Permit: Mechanical $ $4.789.32 No/Type Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) No/Type Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances( " ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Fax: E-Mail: 4t>q- Building Type: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES/":'-\ l)S-'41WryV Town of Vail, Communig Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0.47 9.2'l 39 f . 97 0.47 9.2452 inspection s 97 0.47 9.21 49 ELECTRICAL PERMIT AMF Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT303,VORLAUFER Parcef No...: 210l08232015 Permit #:E08-0245 08-0368 ISSUED 10t10t2008 10t13t2008 04t11t2009 3' S4 2<-1 Sox -o353Project #: OWNER MAHAFFY. PATRICK J. 1006 6TH AVE BOULDER co 80302 APPLICANT BOSTON ELECTRIC P.O.BOX2472 AVON co 81620 License: 155-E CONTRACTOR BOSTON ELECTRIC 10/10/2008 Phone: 970-748-6980 P.O.BOX2472 AVON co 81620 License: 155-E Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL- FULL REMODEL ADDING LIGHTS AND OUTLETS THROUGHOUT Valuation: $22,000.00 Square feet 1478 FEE SUMMARY 10t1012008 10/10/2008 Phone: 970-748-6980 Electrical Permit Fee.-----> Investigation Fee-------> Will Call Fee-----------> Use Tax Fee----------> Total Calculated Fees----> $57.50 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $61.50 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE.-> Payments---------> BALANCE DUE-----> $61.50 $0.00 $61.50 $61.50 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10/10/2008 RLF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thal I have read this applicalion, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plol plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with lhe information and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and siate laws, and to build this sttucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION OFFICE FROM 8:00 Date elec_prm_04.|908 Signature of Contractor I I * I | * i * * * f ** | ll | | I ttl**f lal * *f rt*t*t*+t* i ti*f * ** * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * ** i tt I I I ****rtf | * | * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement StaEement Number: R080001935 Amount: $51 .50 I0/A3/2OO8O1:28 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Not,at,ion: Boston Electric L795 Fermit No: 808-0245 Tl|I)e: EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT Parce1 No: 2101- 0 82 - 32 01- 5 Site Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location: ITNIT 303, VORLAUFER Tocal Feea: $61.50This Palment: $61.50 Tola1 ALL !hes: $61.50 Balance: $0,00 { t:l{' {' {' t{r:l**'}*lt'l 'l*:l * *{. * * ** | fi | I I I I t* * *t I 't* * *!t 't 't:tt * * 't * t't | 't * * 't | | t*t *t I f | | I I I I * | | I * I I i t * * | I | | I | * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Plnts EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ C3I.,I.| INSPEETION FEE 57.50 4.00 "..i""t oJi.r"; ;,; r A (jD t 4D t al ..1.6'E.G.o,C-.Iq\\.'t}.2:,,':::^:]contractor|nformation.Iq9!Yr-..T.)O---'.:Bui|dingPermit#:w-=e9^L n \ 'i-l .\. ElectricalPermit#: EO8-OJ!{S- co'p"nv' $ct\C\ 9\g<-\b. c- s rl o _ \ tI \ r h I Detailed Description of Work: kJ\\ KgnO Lr-l Company.Address: F.1y' d\-1'14 _ \\ , . \ r\ \city: N.qr . sratei C\) zip' &vLa ad.tr'^\ I ,r\s \ tf$<-\r cont""t tt",n.'\q-,rt tlo\L\ -\ -..^; \ contacrph: elo lil (flfo.",,, qi" qoY-lJtt" \ .-1 r \, \. l. ,r,LE-Mair: 4A t\ r^ (s/ - br cs+o^g \p*-*i ,e' ' .-.-- . (use additionat sheer if necessary) Town of Vail Contaap2F6filration No: \SSE coMpLETE Se. FSOTAGE FOR AREA oF ryORK AND X --\-r/ /V1 vALUAIoN oF woRK (Labor & Materiat) c" Amount or se Ft lqTP , eropertyfnformation ' Electrical ' l')looo'co t' ^n .l \ -.: parcer* ?.roroE l5}o\ t' ,'*or* ",""=, '- : Leqal Descriotion: Lot# Btk# New( ) Addition ( ) Remodelld Repair( ) Other( ) l- '. I N - \ . r' Subdivision: Vac.lqd=c f Co,rlf' r Buitdins rype: Job Name: nL$\- t-gt.tr-g..r,g Single-Family ( ) rwo-Family ( ) Multi-Famil2ff I Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) ,owner Name: \o\*..I , :r MairinsAddress, tco<- ChNre br,\rr(, SoloL DateReceived: (For Parcel # Contacl Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit : : : *'"n:"oflll l']o"t'.il ..: , Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer( ) ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION , www.eaglecounty.us/patie) , Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer( ) Name: Phone: Faw tr-M"il' : o o .t r' Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4. Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services shalt be in conduit (PVC) from the utilitylransformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be readily accessiDle, and located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electricalwiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempt. NM Cable (Romex) can be used only in single and multi-family dwellings. Type NM cannot be used in any building mixed with Type A,B.E,F,H,I,M ES occupancies. Aluminum conductors smaller than size #8 are not permitted. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). lf this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. lf this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped lefter or drawing with this application. lf this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. f f this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required- El*trical on*line and panel schedules are required if load is added or distribution is altered. lf you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 970479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Date Signed HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Please take the time to tell us how we performed during the development review process. We will use this information to recognize our employees who serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of service. Please know we do care and will react to your suggestions. Thank you for your comments. George Ruther Director of Community Development 1. What services did you use at Community Development today? Check all that applyAdmin_ Building Environment _ Fire_ Housing Planning _ P.W. 2. Was your visit today as a:Homeowner Contractor Architect Other 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the Community Development Department. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 'l means "not at all satisfied' and 5 means "very satisfied" to rate each of the following items. Please use DK (Don't Know/No Opinion) as appropriate. Please circle your response.Not Very Satisfied Satisfied FriendlyandGourteous 1 2 3 4 5 DK Knowfedgeablel2345DK TimelyResponse/CallsReturned 1 2 3 4 5 DK OveralfExperience 1 2 3 4 5 DK 4. Was the review process clearly explained to you? (i.e., how the Design Review Board and/or Planning and Environmental Commission works, when they meet, what you need to have when you apply for the planning and/or the building process, how long review times generally take, housing and/or environmental health policy, etc.) YES NO lf NO, what additional information would have been helpful? 5. Did the planning process meet your expectations? YES NO 6. Did the building permit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7. Did the inspection plocess meet your expectations? YES NO 8. Did you feel the process was fair and efficient? YES NO Please explain your response(s). 9. lf you were looking for information (i.e., legal address file, plat map, plans, etc.) was the information in a format that was helpful / user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware of the Community Development Dept. information available at http://www.vailqov.com?YES NO Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. lf indicated below, we will personally contact you on specific concerns. ff it is your desire, you may contact the director by telephoning,97O479-2145. Please feel free to use the back for additional comments. Name:Company: Address:Telephone: Date:City:_ State:_ Zip Code: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Communily Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 o. 970.479.21 39 l. 970.479.2452 insoections 970.479.21 49 -ffi PLUMBING PERMIT AMF Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT303,VORIAUFER Parcel No...: 210108232015 OWNER MAHAFFY,PATRICKJ. 10/03/2008 1006 6TH AVE BOULDER co 80302 APPLICANT AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING 10/03/2008 Phone: 970-390-5955 PO BOX 9134 AVON co 81620 License: 265-P CONTRACTOR AMERICAN PLUMBING & HEATING 10/0312008 Phone: 970-39G5955 PO BOX 9134 AVON co 81620 License: 265-P Desciption: REPLACE SHOWER VALVES, INSTALL GAS PIPING TO UNIT Valuation:$21,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Status . . Applied . lssued . Expires . '$7'o2<") P08-0127 tpt'-0353 PRJ08-0368 ISSUED 10/0u2008 10/09/2008 04t07 t2009 Plumbing Permit Fee--> Plan Check---------> Investigation--.._--> $315.00 WillCall----------> $78.75 Use Tax Fee.------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $4.00 $0.00 $397.75 Total Calculal6d Feas--> Additional Fees----------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES-> Paymen6----.1 BALANCE OUE-> s397.75 $0.00 t397.75 s397.75 $0.00 Permit #: Project #: APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILOING DEPARTMENT 10/03/2008 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG,): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infomation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the ioformation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struc{ure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codeg, design review approved, Inlernational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Tovvn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:O( AM.4PM. plmbpermtl_041908 Print Name Date *ttfff*********{r****t'**l't**tttttlra****af**'ttttt't***'lt+ **{'l {t{t'r*{.*****{f 'lt t * * * * I I I I * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t*t ttt tt* * 't * * * * *tt I i * { +{rtt*i * * i:t itft** *tt * I't *:t * * * * f*ttt'l'l'l't:tt*1+t***l *t 'l * **r I l:t:t:l 'l 'l * * | lltttr Statement Number: R080001903 Amourt: 9397.75 L0/09/200802244 FNI Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notatsion: American 5425 $397.75 ***** aaa****'i**aa't'tttt* t t fl tl *ti* * * * * * * * ll*'t'tf**'li**++*ltt* a'l***** * *t***'|'t't'l *****t* | 't | ** *|*a*a* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Current Emts Permit No: Parcel No3 Site Address : IJOcation 3 This Fayment: PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 001000031L2800 P08- 012? 2L01.- 082 - 3201- 5 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ I'NIT 303. VORTAUFER Description TT'PE : PIJJMBING PERMIT Total FeeE: Total ALIJ Pmts 3 Balance 3 $39?.7s $397 .75 $0. oo PLAN CI{ECK FEES PII]MBING PER"},{TT FEES WILI, CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 74.75 315.00 4 .00 TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ProjectAddress, 3f S $oc<_ Cr.._L $ f r r-o- U^.-lr- 7oz .:Uo_\ 1o d-/ b T+. Prcted.fr 'TY4Q6 -C)tV-b Building Permit#: Plumbing Pemit #:z Gontractor Information Company Address: cig:Slale:(^O Ap. Contact Name: Contact Ph: Go fr-tractor S i g-natu re (rcqui ed) Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer( ) Name: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: ";"r:. **:r.: .l *"", @ffia to / Plumbing Valuation (Labor & Mat Plumbing $ Work Class: New{ Addition }O Remodet q(1 nepair fy'fother 1 ; Building Type: Single-Famity( ) Two-Family( ) MultLFami$@{ Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) Propefi lnfonnation Parcel #: Legal Description: Lot # Subdivision: Btk # Job Name: Orner Name: Mailing Address: (For Parcal # Conlacl Eagle County assessors Oftce al 970-328€40 or visit w\iw.eaglecounty. us/patie) Dale Received: llvtrlil .,roB u r= /A f-lq \, E=tf lui fi TOWN OF vAllIn> +7q13s T,il'3S NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED OAt JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESAt\l/.d rwttFVuntZ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2 1 39, f. 97 0.479.2452, inpsections 970.47 9.21 49 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location......: UNIT303,VORLAUFER ParcelNo....: 210108232015 OWNER MAHAFFY, PATRICK J. O8IO7I2OO8 1006 6TH AVE BOULDER co 80302 APPLICANT ATLASCONSTRUCTION 08/07/2008 Phone:97G926-1455 144 WILDCAT STREET EDWARDS co 81632 License:255-A CONTMCTOR ATLAS CONSTRUCTION 144 WILDCAT STREET EOWARDSco 81632 License:255-A Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: Type Construction: OglOT 12008 Phone: 970-926-1455 FEE SUMIIIARY Permit #: Project #: Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: B08-0267 PRJ08-0368 ISSUED 08/07/2008 08/19/2008 02t15t2009 $440,000.00 0 Building Permit FeR---> Plan Check---------_> Add'l Plan Check Hours-> Investigation---------> 92,897.75 Wi[ Cat Fee--------> $1,883.54 Use Tax Fee-- S'110.00 RestuarantPlanReview--> $0.00 RecreationFee--------> Total Calculated Fees-----> $4.00 $8,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,495.29 Total Calculated Fees------> Additional Pse5-----------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES*.-> Paymsnts----------_---) BALANCE DUE_-__----> $13,495.29 $0.00 s13,49s.29 $13,495.29 io.oo DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the intormalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS INSPECTION TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 /o-2'"fr ure of Owner or q)nkaclor Jhs>'1 ft'tY5a Print Name bld_alt_constructionJrermit_041 908 Permit#: 808-0267 APPROVALS as of 10-09-2008 Status: ISSUED Item: 051 00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/15/2008 JLE Action: CR NEED MASTER BEDROOM WINDOW DIMENSIONS TO CHECK LIGHT & VENT 08/18/2008 JLE Action: AP 10/08/2008 cgunion Action: AP APPROVED REVISIONS TO ADD GAS PIPING Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/13/2008 mvaughan Action: AP see conditions. Fire alarm work will require separate permit. See the Gonditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_constructionJrermiL04l 908 Permit#: 808-0267 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 10-09-2008 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CON0010245 SEPARATE PERMITS FOR MECHANICAL. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL REQUIRED. bld_alt_construclionJcorm it_04 1 908 +lrt** * {' t r{' ++t'f 'tf {' I ta***t'l**l' * * * * I I TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *l***f *******t** * **+*******at*aaaa*tt at * * * * * *,3* * * * tat***t*i* *{.*,t * * * I tl ***** l' {l.ti{.l1tl* * *:t l' l. I Statement Number: R08o001899 ImounE: $110.00 Lo/09/2oo8o8:33 AItt PaymenE lltethod: Check Init: DDG Notation: AtLas 5171 Permit, No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: this Payment: BO8-0257 TYPE: ADD/AJ,T MF BUILD PBRMIT 2101- 0 82 -3 2 01- 5 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL I'NIT 303, VORLAUFSR TotaL FeeE: Tolal AJ.,L PmEs : Balance: $13 ,495 .29 $13,495 .29 $0.00 $110.00 * 'l {' * * * * {' 'f '+ * 'l * 'lir * {':t *!t +'tr i* 't'l * I + {' 't * * I * * * * I 't I I I t * * * | * * t tl * * * rl rl' * 'l *** * t I * *:t * i* * * 'a * * * t* * * 'l * 'l 'l l' | 't 't 'l * ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescripEion Current PmEE PF 0010000311.2300 PI.A}T CHECK FEES 110.00 Transmittal Form Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. 1'{- Revisions Permit #(s) information applies to:Attention: ProjectAddress: 34 Ges <'*an* DL ) Response to Correction Letter _attached copy of correction letter ) Defened Submittal ,jO, &4, Tb rt{ *v/ (Use additional sheet if necessary) corp"ny' Athr Gnvkucfio^ company pn,17o tZL t'(9{r"*, ?7o ?k /fi3 ,t4rcn karrr ..u.?p 3?o 1337 E-Ma:r:-!/1.tdr/aa 4rL4t y'A rc, Ca*1 Town of Vail contraclor Registration no, 25 S - A Contact Name: Contact Phl Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ Mechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ Total $ Date Received: ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) /C. otu Tovvli !)f-Yi\[ - 08/22/2008 12:04 FAI @ oor I.av Of;Ece of ARTHUR A. ABPIANALB JR., LL.C, Suite 301 Vtil21 Building 472 East Liooshcod Cirl€ PostOffce Box 2800 VidL Colorsdo 81658t800 'l'elcphone 97 0.47 6.6500 Telecopice 97 0.47 6.47 65 Dircct e,meil b Sendes Att.Abpl4elF@cor&lioknet TBLBCOPIER IRA\ISMITTAL TO: TOWNOFVAILDEPARTMENI'OFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT ATTEI{TION: IvIARTIN I{ABBBRLE, CHIEF BT ILDING OFPICIAL FROM: ARTHURA.ABPI.ANALP,JR 'IO'IELECOPIERNO.: 479,2452 FROM TEIICOPIER NO.: 476.4765 DATts: 22August2008 Excluding thie covct shceg the aumber of pagcs trenrein d i6 5 Please cd1476.0300 in tbc cvcotof difEcultyt* q tnamieaioo. THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDF,D ONT.Y FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH TT IS Dtr(EClED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORT4ATION WHICH IS PruVTLEGED, CONFIDENTIAL A}.{D/OR F.]rFMYr FROM DISCLOSTJRB TINDER APPLICABrc I.AW. If the reedcr of this mcssrgc is aot thp intended rccigient or the cmploycc or rgent t€spoosible for deliveriog ftc rl€ssage m thc intcnded recipieng you ace hcreby notificd tb4t aoy disseoioetioo, distsibution or copyiog of this commuoicetion is suicdy pmhibited- If you hevc rcceived tLis comnunicetioo in orrrr, plerce ooti$ this Officc iorrrcdiately by collect telephone call and destroy thc transmittel we -07b1 08/22/2008 12:04 FAX Telephone: 9?0.4?6.0300 9?0.176.5500 Telecopier: 910,476.i766 E nrail Art.Abnlanalp @aarthlink,net Iaw Oflice of Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr. L,L.C. Post 0ffice Box 2800 Vail, Colorado 8165&2800 @ ooz Physical Mdress: Suito 301 Vail 21 Bdldtng 472 E tt Uonshead Circle Vail, Colondo 8165? 22 Augnst 2008 Mr. Crcorgc Ruthcr, Direotor Vail Departmcnt of Commrurity Dcvolopmcnt I I I $outh Frontrge Road West Vail CO 81657 ViaTelecopicr Mr. Martin }Iapbcrle Chief BuildingOfficial Vail Departnent of Community Dcnrelopment lll SouthFrontage Road West Vail CO E1657 ViaTelacopicr Rp: ConsEuction at Vorlaufcr Coudominium UDit 303 Atresting Stnrptrual Comrnon Elements Building Pcrudt No. 8084267 - Projeot No. PRI08-358 GentlemEn: Ar you may ba Ewa!!' this Office reprcsents the Vorlaufor Corporaion (tha "Association"), which is the condominium associstion in which the above Condominium Unit is located. The Board of lvtanegrcn of the Vorlaufor Condominium Assoaiation bas aontactcd me with reference to construstion within Vorlaufer 303 whicb app€ant to affect and is intendcd to elimioate certain struotural consron elements for which the Association is rcsponcible. Although there is sonrc unccrtainty re$rding whether the Town's requirpment related to the building pmnit wlrich was isstred foc this projcct rt4uire the apploval of a goveming association, simply beoause of its association statrs, in this case the frct tbat the current projeot is intended to eliminato structrral Gl€or€cts on which tho intcgrity of the pnojcct as a whols relics brings tbs Assooiation into play not simply as a governing associstion but as thc entity rcsponsiblc for oritical elements affected by (urd in &ct 0o bc eliminated rur&r) thc astivities authorized undsr the building permit. Ttre ovuner of the property and fre geneat contractot als awarc of tbo fad that, under the goveming documents of the Association, no consfruction is to occrr within thc Vodaufer 08/22/2008 12:04 FAL Cordominium which sffests the structrual elsncnts without the appnlal of the Board of Managers of thc Association Although thc owner hae communicated awilli4gness to oomply with this requircnenf he also has appalcntly rclied ryon his general contractor tro coordinats compliance wilh tb€ requiremeat noted abow. I bave bcen advie€d tlat tbe contactor, in tunr, bas ictdicated a fimdamenfial lack of knowlcdgc both of how to mmply with the requiroeute of the goveming dosuncnts and a disrcgmd of whether it does, in faot comply with thos€ requircm€nts, particulrly with rcfercnce to refraining ftom consEuotion without thc approval of tbe Board of Managers. Specifically, thc ott'npn was advis€d thlt the Association re4ulrcd (a) a drawins ofths proposed projecq @) an cngineer's qfnion that the proposcd modiffcadorr will oot affect ttt€ sfitrctural integrity ofthe building and (s) atrmution that there will be no ofterior changes. The owner indicated thal the rcquirEd information would be provided by ths conhactor, bt$ with thc oxacption of a .pdf file of thc plans, fis infornation has not been provided. Additionally, although the contrastor advise.d tb! Board of Managere that no dumpst€r would be rcquired for thc prcjeoq a large dumpster has, in fact, been locatod on thc Towr of Vail strect adjaccnt to the Vorlafcr Condominium and has for several deys blocked swcral Associetion parking spaccs. In srnmary, iosted of p'roviding thc Boad with the information rcqufted for consideration and possible a1ryloval, the contrsptor hss pro€edcd with construction withortr pr,oviding information required for the Bogd to s\Eluste ttre impoct offre construction on the snctural elem€nts an4 tlrcrcfore, without obtaini4g thc approval of the Board for the prcject. fuainst this bactrrground, the Assosiation bas re.qucsrcd that I conuct the Town of Vail and sdvise thc lblvn thct this project is poceeding without the authority of the Assoaiation, wtrose approval should havc becn reguircd because it is the entity responsible for cdtisal strrrctural elmrents oftbs project which gensral common elemenb ownod by all Assosiation rnenrbers and marugcd by the Associuion, and which are to b€ destroyed" Tbe Assoaiation requcsts tbat the Toum of Vail terminate aclivity on Ore projwt unfil such timc as the Boand of Ivtanagerc of the Association approves the proposed destrrrtion of the stnrctural smomofl elememts for wlrich it is nsponsible. The Board of lvlanagrrs r€gt€ts thc ncccssity of requesting the action whioh is tbe subjwt of this communication. Where tbs gencral contnctor has failgd !o take any effeotive agtion to comply with the govcrring documcnts, how€tt(, there are few options availablc to effect imndiate protectiou of not oaly the sbilctwal rnmmon eleorpnts whioh arc to fs slirnineted by thir pmject but the mqe ortensivo common clcmcrts which are supported by, or whioh suppo4 the common clenrents which are eithor to be eliminated or which are to bear tho ncight shifted trcm those sEuctural elemelrts whicb are boing climinrtd. If efrcctive action is not taken by the Towt to tcrminsle constnrction ac{ivity pcnding prop€r applicetion to, considcrafion by, and appmvd ofthc Board, damage both to thc Vorlaufer Condominium, iE occupants, and neighbodng prcpcrtics may rcsult i @ ooc 08/22/2008 12:04 FAtr E ool Ifyou have my qucstions, you may contast mc. In any cvcot, thc Torrn's orly acdon to termfuutc tttis unadtoriad aotivitywould be apprpci Arthtu A. Abplanalp, Jr. Enplosurr xo: Board of Mauagcn, Vorlaufcr CondoninfumAssoddiql Atlas Construstion NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Orv JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2 1 39, t. 97 0.47 9.2452, inpsections 97 O.47 9.2'l 49 *m ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location......: UNIT303.VORLAUFER ParcolNo....: 210108232015 OWNER MAHAFFY, PATRICK J. OAO7I2OO8 1006 6TH AVE BOULDER co 80302 APPLICANT ATLASCONSTRUCTION O8lO7l2O08 Phone:970-92&1455 144 WLDCAT STREET EDWARDS co 81632 License: 255.A CONTRACTORATLASCONSTRUCTION 08/07/2008 Phone:970-926-1455 144 WILOCAT STREET EDWARDS co 81632 License: 255-A Deac ption: INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: Valuauon: Type Construction: Total Sq Ft Added: FEE SUMMARY Status . . : Applied . . : lssued . .. : Expires . ..: 808-0267 PRJ08-0368 ISSUED oa07 t2008 0u19,2008 0?/1512009 Permit #: Project #: $440,000.00 0 Building Permil Fee--> $2,897.75 Will Cal Fee--------->P|ancheck-._._..->91'883.54UseTaXFee._-_-_..-.-> Add'l Plan Check Hours-> S0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--->Investigation----------> $0.00 Recreation Fee---------> Total Calculaled Fees-------> $4.00 $8,600.00 $0 00 t0.00 $13,385.29 Total Calculated Fees---------> Additional Fees--------------> TOTAL PERTIIT FEES_---> Payments-----_ BALANCE OUE--*--*---*-> s13,385.29 $0.00 fl3,385.29 t13,385.29 $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrledge that I have read lhis application, filled out in fullthe infomation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and siate that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slale laws, and to build this structure according to lhe lowns zoning and subdivigion codes, d€sign review approved, Internalional Building and Residenlial Codes and other ordinances of lhe Town applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR E AT 970,479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 Ptl. Signature IN ADVANCE BY TE bld_alt_construction_perm il_04 1 908 Permit #: 808-0267 APPROVALS as of 08-19-2008 Status: ISSUED Item; 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/15/2008 JLE Action: CR NEED MASTER BEDROOM WINDOW DIMENSIONS TO CHECK LIGHT & VENT 08/18/2008 JLE Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/13/2008 mvaughan Action: AP see conditions. Fire alarm work will require separate permit. See the Conditions Eectaon of this Document for any that may apply. bld_all_constructionJcemit_041 908 Permit #; 808-0267 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08-19-2008 Status: ISSUED Gond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE, Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALFD WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFOREANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond:40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE AIARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CON00'10245 SEPARATE PERMITS FOR MECHANICAL, PLUMBINGAND ELECTRICAL REQUIRED. bld_all_conrlruction_pm it_04 I 908 l. * {.1*** t * t * * *** * * * * 't****ti** * * 't *'t * * * * rt {i * * {. :* * rt * 1r tt * * * 't * * * * * * * * * f i* **** **|t**** ** f********* * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement **+* 'rt'r******** * * * ******t*** * * ** * ** * 'r * * * {' * * * * * * * * * * * * t * t * t t t * | * * * ********r. * * ***** *** * * * * * *** Statement Number: R08000L424 Amount; $11,525.2908/L9/200809:26 AII Payment Method: Check Construcitorr 6022 Init: DDG Notation: Atlas Permit No: Parcel No: Sile Address : LocaEion: This Payment: 808-0257 T)t)e: ADD/AL,T MF BUILD PERMIT 210L-082-3201-5 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL UNIT 303, VORI.,AUFER 9LL , 625 .29 De s crip! ion Balance:$0.00 *******+*t'***t'i*****************************************li****1.'l*i.{.'r***********{"i*'lt'1.'1.**{r{* 'i {i TotaL Fees: $13,385.29 Totaf ALL Pmts: $13,385.29 Current Pmts ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code 00100003111100 00100003r.r.2300 11000003 r.06000 001000031-12800 BP PF UT wc BUILDING PERMIT FEES PI.,AN CHECK FEES USE TAX 4t WIL.IJ CAI'IJ INSPECTION FEE 2 , 897 .15 723 .54 8, 500 .00 4,00 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. Project Addrcss 3?S^Go*e ccdfia- D9*. F3o3 \r|'ti. co 8.6tr, eojea# lFdU?'-02larD Contractor Information i'\t145 CanJT[lctr.n Company Address:tttq LluDca-f St. Company:Detailed Description of Work:!-utoLec racc,b/i'b a\ ttibl 'qd UtLoS eL^'>A [74)1,/ lk 14 f. c_o zip.Stbzz Contact Name: E-Mail: JAtor\e aa h-RAs'VAIL'c.o\ vxr"*z;Y.tx' 2ss-r+ contaa pn:flq - ho - a338cet P, rtu F.r/' f/ll;r (Use additional sheet if necessary) Architect ( ) Elesigner ( ) Engineer (\ Phone: 97O 9/? - ?t7 / Fax: ?7o ?/, - /57 a / $oqt{actor S i g natu re (required) l_./ E-Mail' 'fDH d, /,&ma/1,f4o/*Y7t . C d4 ProDertY Information ,,^'-,"""Fio', or t lt o6 Work Class: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (1 neoair( )Other( ) Legal Description: Lot # (Ylaho Mailing Address: (For Parcel# Contac{ Eagle County assessors Ofiice at 97G328-8410 or visil www.eaglecounty.us/patie) subdivision: VOLCA,ITtU Work Type: Interior (}{- Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Building Type: SingleFamily ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family fi- Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (x\ # & Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) GasLog( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) Valuations (Labor & Material) Building $ 'Plumbing"$ Electrical $ Mechanical $ / Total $ o0t)9-* 9-Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes (!1 No() Monitored Alarm: Yes 1A$- xe 1 ; DoesaFireSpri@l Date Received lD)trGEU*'=in) |11 AU6 08 2ooo U TOWN OF VAIL:r$ 0wY$ 8,4<5,21 AVTiJTE D VE 2008 VAIL -Ar-n 19 l-= tl AUG i3 )WN OF b) l.'r\ i\lllAmF;H,*,,rot,rnc. lnduslrlcl Hyglene, Sofely & Cnvircnmentol Servlces August 6,2008 Mr. Jason Probst Atlas Construction 144 Wildcat Street Edwards, CO 81632 Sent via email: Jason(d.at Wtczbl Town of Vail OFFICE GOPY Limited Asbestos Sampling Voulaufer Condominiums 385 Gore Creek Drive #303 Vail, Colorado FEI Job Number AS08l46 Dear Mr. Probst, At your request, Foothills Environmental Inc. (FEI) conducted a limited asbestos inspection of suspect Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) at Voulaufer Condominium Unit 303 located at 385 Gore Creek in Vail, Colorado. The sampling was conducted at your request on August 5, 2008 in an effort to determine the asbestos content of building materials slated for demolition/renovation. Asbestos bulk samples were collected of suspect wallboard materials that would be impacted during reconstruction. Mr. Derek D'Avignon an Asbestos Inspector certified by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) conducted the limited asbestos inspection. Reservoirs Environmental, an independent laboratory accredited by the National Voluntary Accreditation Program (NVLAP) and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) analyzed the bulk samples utilizing Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Page I of2 Foothills Environmental, Inc. 1320 Simms Street, Suite 102 Golden, CO 80401 (303) 232-2660 FEI Proiecl Number AS08146 The following table summarizes the sample results of the materials collected on August 5, 2008: Sample Number Material Description Sample Location Analvtical Results AC-80s-01 Drvwall Wioint compound Kitchen pillar No Asbestos Detected AC-805-02 Drvwall w/ioint compound At fireplace No Asbestos Detected AC-805-03 Drvwall w/ioint compound Kltchen ceiling No Asbestos Detected AC-805-04 Drywall w/ioint compound Master bathroom No Asbestos Detected AC-805-05 Drywall w/ioint compound 2no Floor corridor No Asbestos Detected AC-805-06 Cement board Debris pile No Asbestos Detected AC-805-07 Cement board Debris pile No Asbestos Detected AC-80s-08 Drvwall backine 6lue)Debris pile No Asbestos Detected AC-80s-09 Drywall backing (blue)Debris pile No Asbestos Detected A copy ofthe laboratory analyical report is attached for your reference. CONCLUSIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) define an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) as a material containing more than l% asbestos. NO ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS WERE DISCOVERED LIMITATIONS This report describes the locations and conditions of ACM identified in the facility during the inspection. FEI represents that our services are performed within the limits prescribed by applicable regulations and in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other professional consultants under similar circumstances. No other representation is made to the client, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended. This report should not be used as a bid document or Project Design as it does not include components of the design requirements set forth in Colorado Regulation No. 8, Section III.C.3 Please feel free to contact me at (303) 232-2660 with any questions you may have regarding this report. Thank you again for this opportunity to work with Atlas Construction. Sincerely, Foothills Environmental. Inc.>-{\47 Derek D'Avignon Asbestos Inspector #1 01 77 Attachment - Laboratorv Results Page 2 of 2 Foothills Environmental, Inc. 1320 Simms Street, Suite 102 Golden, CO 8M0l (303')232:2ffi FEI koiect Numbcr AS08l46 FIEI LAB Reservairs Environrnental, InE- Laboratory Code: Subcontract Numberi Laboratory Report: Project Description: August 5, 2008 Derek D'Avignon Foothills Environmental lnc. 1320 Simms St. Suite 102 Golden CO 80401 Dear Customer, Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code # 101896 for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab lD 101533 - Accrediiation Certificate It480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is cunently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted to your office. RES 'l59430-l is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. lf you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303-964-1986. 1-866-RESI-ENV www.reilab.com Jeanne Soencer Orr President Analyst(s): Paul D. LoScalzo Paul F. Knappe Michael Scales Nancy R. Adams P: 30$964-1986 F:303477-4275 ^ ,-\ .n/) /ll&J A M,ATDJJCI- Wenlong Liu Rich Wegzyn Adam Humphreys Scott Klaus 5801 Logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 RES NA RES 159430-l 4508146 385 Gore Creek Drive #303 Page 1 of 3 ll'ti.[,,ifi l5&leid 18 (, ooo c.rolo oooc) OOrf, OCO OO<t) OOOrr, O|o OOO l'-O|r) OOO O O6r@o) EEr8-F.FE*f;FFEb,E5 ; : Eb *;eE=EaE ee E=E'= d= P5 g5 Fs€' ", gg' = B5 g g eEge 3r FHe FFe FBe E E EEFE FE lEE EEE E*FE 3 O) igs5 S= ==,E 5== 5g5 g g <6C)0 <dr <dtC) <dlo <d)o c{o oo ooo ooo oQQC.)u);@ +(o C{(')|J) - C{ f.- - (r, (OgEa (/)O-a- J<>UJ @o)@@(t) o)ro ro (o(Y) f-@o, (., =uJ (o @o)ro (v) =UJ tlr,@q,o, (Dll- lr) (r) (o ==ul lrJ (f) @o,rf) (Y' =lu (f) c{oo)o o-6(L a: |D EBESE9 E i_E oo$; sqI q frFE$gFig o ^'l:9Egg; n 5E$ E EE8$=$ fie e e tFs$ oz j_^ 4}l,trEE =o=lll*9 = rr-rz>rFqE = ji u.l>Eq?= = 9,- =-=YUJHE i9rq ; =o.=-<* o >-F Zo IIJ Fo6u,t oto- =oo lrJ(9 Fzt!otut o. si,v, J z YJfo =J o. 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R f\ lo loto f =E {, ci: o o lJ- F E UJ ococo, oo,(oc la! loI() {tt 3Ed E5 =z:ss=ge ?E;EisT;gE F:F; EE ET qE l.a 9z5pEi t;5tst;E..) =zlr 9Et_Ea-35 !t :f!3 OF EE-E:E!xl;E E!iFoi 1ais!i€ iE 3E't: Ei E6t:E€ IFO tE 5It5 IEE .; E oc .9Eo a 6 co ! ,2 Q).o (0 a, EI E rE 6cI Ea,s * I E 8 .> ] 6E rii o2 iio'- c ct Eqr o I E z 2o F EEo 1l. =F() F2oo o o- I E z 6Io ct U' an E 6oNi.., o |l, EcI c lrJ s |r' alll @ .E F() o o t! o o t't'ttr*f** af*t * *** *** * * t*ta* * ** *t't*'t't*t 'l *t*rt** ****a*l I ll*** * * *'l'l*{rr****'l *'l**t****rlt'l *'f {' ****t TowN oFvAIL, cOLoRADo statement ,t*'t*af** *t** * *** * * ** | * * * * t* t * * * *'t't{r*** * * t*** * *r**aatt t a 't** * * * ***{r**tttl** * 't *'l****a*+tl lf* ***** Statement Number: R080001337 Amount: $1,760.O0 Oe/07/200802:20 PM Palment Method: Check Init : dILE Notation: 5005 ATLAS CONSTRUCTTON Fermit No: 808-0267 TIT)e: ADD/AIJT MF BUIL,D PERl.trT Parcel No: 2101-082-3201-5 Site Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Location: ttNIT 303, VORITAUFER Total Fees: $13,385.29 This Palment: $1,?60.00 Total ALIJ PmtEr $1,760.00 Balance: #LL ,625 ,29 **{ *+**+*******r*ra*a**** **r*** 't* * * * * **** t** *{'{'{{ {a****t* * * *{'ttt** *{t**|t*r*++**'l'l**a** ** ****'lt ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account. code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAlit clIEcK FSES 1, 760 . 00