HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 1982-1994 COMMON 4Page 3 Lease By and BetweenVAI and UEVCSD herein or: sublet at1 .tror permi t the Premisesothers withor-rt the pri i nstance. any part of the premises, or sufferor any part ther:eoE to be used byor written consent of VAI in each 'Iarz. ruofICES. AII notices or communicationsrequired by thTs l-ease shall be in writing and may be handdelivered or sent by fi rst-class maiI, postage prepaid tothe address of vAr and Tov set forth under their: respectivesignatures. A11 maile,l notices shall be deemerj effectivewhen rnal led . 13. 14IS!!!!ANEOqSr (a) If any provision of thisAgreement shafl-!r5i6--To-56 i1leqar, invaiid or unenforce-able, the remai nder oE this Agreement shall- not be af f ecte<lthereby. (b) No amendment, alteration, modification ofor addition to this Agreement sha 1l be valid or l-ri nrri nnunless expressed in writing anrl signed by th" -p;;;^;-;; parties to be borrnd thereby. (c) The captions of each section are added asa matter of ccnvenience only and sha11 be considered of noeffect in the construction of any provision of thisAgreement. (d) Should arbitration or litigation occLlrparties relating to the terms, covenants andof this Agreement, al1 litigation expenses,expenses , wi tness fees , court costs andfees incurred by the prevailino party shalI benon-pr:evaili ng party to the orevailing party. .(e) This Agreement shalI be governeci by andin accordance with the Iaws if the staLe of (f) Any and aIt warranties, provisicns,rights and obligati.ons of the parties herein ciescribed andagreed to be performed, subsequent to the expiration orearlier termination of this Agreement, shall .survive theexpiration or earlier termination of tl-ri s Agreement. (S) This Agr:eement contains the entireagreement between the part ies and superseCes any and a1lprior agreements, propo!aIs, negot Lr. i .n", - und -."p.esenra- tions pertinent to the services to be pe.rf ormed hereunder:. (h) Successors and Assictns.conditions and agreements contained in thisbind and inure to the benefit of thesuccessors and, subject to paragraph 11, thej between theconditions collect ionattorneys'paid by the interpreted Colorado. EXECUTED this The covenants, Agreement sha11part i es , thei rr ass i gns. , 1985day of VAIL .\SSOCIATES, INC r.u. uox IVail, Color:ado 81658 ATTII : LcqaI Se rv i ces Pa<,.-' 4 OLease By and BetweenVAI and UEVCSD TOWN OF VAII, 7B S. Frontaqe Rd. W. Vai1, Coloradc 81657 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDA'TED SANITATIOi\i DISTRICT By: Edmund il . Drager, Jr . Chai rman of the Board 846 Forest Rcad Vai1, Colorado 81657 a 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1985 offlce of communlty development August 13, David L. Krenek Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation 846 Forest RoadVail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Dave, Enclosed the your amended copy agreement. Please add the two words crossed out, and we will of the proposed parking lot access paragraphs enclosed, eliminate thesign and notarize two copies. Town Planner KP: br Encl os ure t. The grantee does not warrant title to the said property describedjn exhibit A and does not undertake to defend the grantee in the peaceable enjoyment thereof, but the grant shall be subject toall instruments of recorci and superior rights, if any, in and to said property. Grantee assumes and agrees to pay for all loss, damage, injury or death, inc1 udj ng all costs and expenses incjdental thereto, including, but not limiteo to, attorneys' fees, counsel to any person including grantor, or to the property of any person inciuding grantor by or duri ng the construction, reconstruction, operation, repair ano maintenance of the access granted herein or by its presence or use of the property of the grantor and the grantee shall indemnifygrantor and holci it harmless from all liability and costs and expenses connected therewith, from any such loss, damage, injury or death. EAS] iTIENT DF]ED KNOI\r ALL l'1EN BY THESE PRESEI,]TS: THAT the TowN oF vAIL, ( hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for TEN DOLLARS (SI0.00) and other qood and valuable cons iderat ion, the rece ipt of which is he reby acknowledged, he reby Sells and conve),s .anad-iia# to the same' subject to alI instruments of record unto the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY COIJSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT, a quasi-rnunicipal corporaLion of the State of Colorado, whose legaI address j.s 846 Forest Road, Vai1, Colorado, 81657, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"), the following real property situate in the CounLy of Eagle, State of Colorado, to-wit: A permanent easement together with Lhe right of ingress and egress, to construct, reconstruct, operate, repair and mai,ntain access to the adjacent parking ]ot and re I a ted appurtenances, in , oD r over, under and through that tract of land more part icu I arly described in " Exhibit A" , which exhibit is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Grantor, its heirs, assigns, shall not erect nor structure, improvement, fence easement, and Grantee shall not thev are so ol aced . successors, transferees, and pl ace any permanent building,or t ree on the above-described be 1iable for their removal if shg11 consti tute P &< ur1,.1,./-.,- 55 1.1i tness my hand and offj cial seal My conmission expr res: Mrr .arldrocc ic."l (S E A L) ACCEPTED BY THE UPPER EAGLE SANITATION DISTRICT THIS DAY OF The foregoing EASEMENT day of to DEED vras acknowledged before me by Notary PubI ic VALLEY COn'SOLI D.\TED'to a L) UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT u] . Acceptance of this Easement. by Grantge its agreement lnd consent as f o1lows: z 'a-d d 'f-b At such time and in the event that the easement described herein sha1l be abandoned , Grantee's re aI prope r t y interest in the easement shall immediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. SIGNED ATJD DELIVERED this "nr\l,rl\t nE \/'\TT R\/."t . STATE OF COUNTY OF this COLORADO r-filr L E .rr'IT ilS T : qa.- r.' t_ a r\t Prolect Applicatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: o"," Ifr&.l DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL --',,\fi, t r,. Q., r ii0flrr. itr,r:-'l+\ii.,i { f I KV l\UVl lr ii[ ]rrl l.'L\tJ tlr trItLr\.r'l\/ !' ,r\ :r'',., [.r,*, E statt Approvat o inetrerurc crsk usr t-Subdivision /t/*-reve * 9au 6it.-o/y'GIot 8l ock - Fil in9 (A) Topo Map (B) Sitc Plan ici utitity Ptan (D) Title Report (E) Subdivision Agreenent (if applicable) 2. [0qineerirlg Requlrerirents ..- ' ^q r-(A) culvert Slze /8 " ( B ) 0 r i vei.ray G re dFfEFma xT Wr';u-ntlW 3. Source of Utilitles t. Submittal ltems . tnt Electric 8) Gas C) Ser.rer D) llater E) Telephone T.V. (Acceptablc) (ttot Acceptable) 'a'J' !'t'"' 51'!''t l'. 4. Cor.'r,entg: Q ,/It,e (."t<"f 4z-ct<-f*.o,r'-r,, €Jfr-4/=F' . lA,'o-n*.r" 3'3a 4'' (g n'..-,.".or--, G) .?'..*..,,,< ,." App rove d: Di sapproved: e/z'r /at DGr-r::'ffi Bill Attdrc:*'s ^7 Petition form for Amen. a?zo.irn ord or Requesr ,ot?.one in roii3:rrt.. rr' Four (4) copies of the folrowing information: A. The petition sharl incrude a srumary of the proposed revisionof the regurations, or a comprete d6scription oi trre pioposeachanges in district boundarils and a-map indicating the existingand proposed district bound.aries_. Applicint rmrst subrnil written aodlorgraphic naterials stating the reasons for i'equest. ,III. Time Reguirements The-Pranning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month- A petition with the neces=-ry .."ompanyingmaterial- must be submitted, four weeks prior a;-$" date of the meet-ing- Following the- planni"g-""a Enviroimental comnission meeting,arl amendments to the zonin[ ordinance or district bo'ndary changemust go to the Town Council-for final action. I.This procedure is_required, for any amendment to theor for a reguest for a di;tri;t;'oundary change PETITiON FORM FOR AI'I,ENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REQUEST FORA CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOI,,NDARTES A. NAI{E OF PETITIONER ADDRESS 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorad.o B.NAI{E OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE David KTenek ADDRESS_ g46 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado c.NAME 0F Ol,tNER (print or tvpe)Town of Vail petitiOoate Juty 6, 1gB4 zoning ordinance PHONE 476-7480 pHoNE 476-7480 SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. IOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS nast of Forest Road, and North of core Creek LEGAI, DESCRIPTION 1ot filinq 3rd E. FEE $1oo.0o pAID Ttt"t "8"' vail Lionshead lr A list of the names of owners ofsubject property , and their 1n*rir4 Vail Associates Box 7Vail, Colorado 81657 Thomas .facobson 755 Forest RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 al1 property adjacent to the addresses. ( 0vER ) , I a DATE: TO; FROM: REVISED DRB PROCEDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS January, .l984 Architects working jn the Town of Vail Department of Community Development, Town of Vail i The Design Review Board meets the lst, 3rd, and 5th I'Jednesdaysof each month at 2:00P. M.. Below are the dates of the meetings and-.the- deadline dates for. surbmitting appllcations for those meetings. Materials must be submitted no later than 4:00PM on the deadline date. Read the submittal requirements with utmost care. N0 SUBMITTALS t^lILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THEY ARE COMPLETE: If tan Pritz - ' at 476-7000. MEETINGS DEADLINES January 4, .1984 December 16th,198,3 January 18, .|984 January 2nd,1984 February I, I9B4 January L6th,l984 FejruarV 15,.|984 January 3l.st,I9B4 March 7,.l984 February 20th,.|984March 28,1984 March 13th,1984 Apri 1 4 ,1984 March 19th ,1984 Apri 1 18 ,I 984 Apri 1 2nd ,'l 984 May 2,1984 Apri 1 13th ,'1984May 16 ,.|984 Apri I 30th ,1984May 30,1984 May 14th,1984 June 6,1984 May 21st,1984June 20 ,I 984 June 4th , I 984 ' i Ju'ly 5 ,1984 June lgth ,'1984July L8,l984 July 2nd,1984 August l,'1984 July 16th,1984 August 15,1984 July 30th,.l984 August 29 ,1984 August 13th,.|984 Sept. 5,.|984 August 20th,'1984Sept, 19,.|984 Sept. 4th,'1984 0ct. 3,1984 Sept. 18th,1984Oct. 17,1984 0ct. ]st,l984'1.. , : Nov. 7,1984 Oct. 23rd,1984Nov. 21 ,1984 Nov . 6th ,1984 Dec. 5,1984 Nov. 19th,1984Dec. 19,'1984 Dec. 4th ,1984 IMPORTAI.IT NOTICE REGARDING ALt SUBMISSIONS T0 tltE DESIGN REVIEW BOARDT 1. All visit by either the Design Review Board and driveways mrst be staked.or s will require a site Your building locations {l rt I 3. 2. The review Process for NEW BUILDINGS will nonr,ally involve two separate neetingsof the DesiSn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduledmeeting and who have not asked for a postponenent will be required to be re-published. The following itens no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board.rhey, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Adrninistrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that do not alter theexisting plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space;which have had letters subnitted fron adjoining property owners appioving theaddition; and,/or approval fron the agent for, or nanager oi- a condoniniun association. 4. new buildin the staff. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic nap and site pl_an of site containing the following (2 copies): l. Licensed surveyorrs stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not nore than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6. acres or more, in which case, 5r contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diarneters of 4'r or more one foot above grade. 4, Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plai.n and slopes 40eo or nore, if applicable. Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a. Proposed surface drainage on and off culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of al1 utilities to proposed service lines fron sources inc lude :' cable TV t el ephone sewer wateT gas electric site showing size and type of include existing sources and to the structure. utilities to c.. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements Existing and finished grades A11 existing and proposed improv ement s including structures, landscapeil areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wa1 1s (with spot elevations), and other site improve:i' ments. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to deternine height of building. B.A statenent from each utility v location of service and availabili To be siibnitted with site. plan. 10. C. Prel ininary title report to acconpqny all submittals, to insure property ownership and all easenents on property. D. l. Show the iocation of 4t' diameter trees, other shrubs and native Plantsthat are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape i area with the varieties and approxinate sizes of plant materials to be planted. 2. Complete landscape materials lj"st. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As nuch of the above infornati.on as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separ- ate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics uray be a separate nap. .,;lii- {:,1 E., Architectural Plans (1,/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies 1.Must'include floor plans and complet'ion. Elevations must Exterior surfaci ng material sfor review on the materials Devel opment. The Design Review Board may require the submission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other material (includ'i ng a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS 2. al 'l e'l evati ons as they wi I 1 appear on show both existing and finished grades. and colors shall be specified and submittedlist available from the Department of Conrnunity F. II III Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide a1 I 'important specifications for the proposed including co1 ors and materials to be used. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COl',|l,|ERCIAL A. Original floor pl ans with all specifications shown B. F1 oor plan for addjtion - 2 copies C. Site plan show'i ng exjsting and proposed construction - 2 copies D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of exjsting structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Deveiopment. At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submi t: G. Statement from each uti'lity verifying location of service and availability. See attached util'i ty location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyo4 Prefiminary t'itle report, verifying ownership of property and ljsts of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the fo1 lowing wilI be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utilityservice ljnes as-builts showing s'ize of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts - 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be e'i ther found or set and stated on map.G. Al I easementsH. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. N^tfri .r)t; tjl{'.itc'l' VA;-'t LII(:Al, Dli.sCR Ip'f I0N : LO'l'-Vlrt.e-vlt:-^E-8---ttA*-. -" LAM-D-s-aatE. Dr:.sc;rur,lrci{ 0i, pRo.Jricl' ____8q6 - F raesT_ A Il, _ LlST oF lll I6R InlS llt,0cK I; I I, ING The fol lor,rri ng inforneti on is Board bcfore a final approval A. BUILT]IN(I MA'TERIALS Iioof Siding Other l'ial1 lvlat erial s Fasc ia Soffits Windows l{indow Trirn Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues FIashi-ngs Chinmeys Trash Enclosures Greenhotrs es 0the:: B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS reqlrircd for subr,ri.ttal by can bc Eiven: thc appl icirnt to thc Dcsign l{cvierv Tyge of llatsrial Co 1or M.n A PP L, l! t\ l( ll tr t! TREES Botanical Name Pinuq }tugo lfughus Pirrus Ponderosa Picea_BtnqenE__ Fopulus Trem:loides Sorbus Aucuparia Arelanchier. el$folig_ nsuifesie_@eqdea-- Cotoneasls,-Aqrlifo.lia O'lrluqFnthFmm Maxi rm m Cornus ST Lonifera Conmon Name Muqo Pine-.-- Ponderosa Pire sP$ce- 44en- ltbr:ntain Ash 11 6t - 12' r-7/2" Quanti ty z4 Si ze 46" 6t - 12, 1--se1. 5 qal. ljal. 5 gal. 2"25 4lSert4iq&esry_ Colunbine Peki.nslAf.oneaster Shasfa Fni qf Redidig oogvtood 10 1 1 5 SHRUBS o Snor^r on the Itlcuntain Snovs in Sunrer SQUARE F00TAGE 1 sal. - 10 2-r/4" SQUARE FO0TAGE 3,500 sf SQUARE FOOTAGESEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE - None - TYPE0RMETHoD FrEIP FAASs ts LLnaADY tM, OF EROSION CONTROL - C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa'l 1s, fences, swimming poo'l s, etc.) Please spec'ify. GROUND covERs s0D UTILITY LOCATION VERIF]CATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK F IL ING . ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying si-te plan. Authorized Signatul"e Date Mountain Bell 1- _244-\157 Western Slope Gas Harrv Moves 1-468-2s28 Publ ic Service Cornpany Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.Jeff Hgghes .;949-5530 Upper Eagle Valley l.later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public lttorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Towr of Vail. { building permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nrus t be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new const. please fill out attached sheet. luun box 100 rail, colorado 81657 (303) 4765O13 z aoc> department of community development Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application showing the approval/disapproval of your project including comments from the Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any corrections stipulated by the Board and bring the revisedplans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building Permit. No si-te work may be commenced until the revisions are approved by the Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submttted to the Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ce1l the Town Planner at .476-7000, ext, 102. DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT \ 7.-J I 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475_7000 T0: All Interested Parties FR0M: Community Developmeht Department RE: Gas Fireplaces DATE: May 15, 1984 offlce ol communlly devetopment In order to avoid Section 8.28.030 The section reads confus i on,(B) Gas Fire the department laces of the wishes to further explainVa'il, Colorado Municiial Code.as fol lowsl Gag F'irgpjqces: --The restrictions of thjs Chapter shallnot apply lg u Ii repl.ac_e fueled by natural gai, propane,g" gny simil.ar tiquid fue'l so long as said fir;piacb is-oesrgned and constructed so that said firepiace cannotbe used or modified to burn solid fuels. bas fireplacesshall be permitted in any unit. In order that the fireplace cannot be used or modified to burn solidfuels, the fuet box shatl not exceed six (6) i;h;;;; i;pfi ir"" '- Section 3707 (n) of the Uniform Building Coa.j.- -- * a lnwn 75 3outh trontage road vail, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 28, 1984 ofllce of communlty devalopment Mr. David Krenek Upper Eag'le Va11ey l,later and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 - Re: Parkinq and Landscane Plan Dear Dave, I am wrjtjng to strongly encourage you to submit a request to use Town of Vail and Vail Associates property adjacent to your officesfor employee parking. Presently, the parking is illegal. YouwilI need to include an access easement agreement in your submittal . In additjon, I would like to get the landscape p1 an for the Water and Sanitation Building approved by the Design Revjew Board. The submittal should also include the proposed b'ike path al'ignment. I would like to complete the above approvals. Basically, the proposals are almost complete. I wjll be happy to help you wrap up these two proposals. Please contact me and let me know your submjttal schedul e. Sincerely, I K*rh\Pr'[ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Fosr Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . ll0l)476-5601 T o.tt, //r*,i 8"/, I i & \AilAssociates,Ins Creaton and Operatcs of Vail and Beaver Creek August 28, 1984 Mr. David Krenek Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitatlon Dletricte 846 Forest RoadValI, Col,orado 81657 Thls ls to confirm our agreetleat for Upper Eagle Valley Waterand Sanitatlon Dlstrtct to use tbe area soutbwest of the West DayLot Bern for parklag. Upper Eagle VaL1ey Sater and Sanitation Dletrlctstll be allowed to develop a paved parklng area ln return for land-scaping tbe west and eouth sldes of the West Day Lot Berm. A detall'edagreement descrlblng tbe parklng area conmltrnent and landscaping.design wtll be torth coming. Bob Parker Senlor Vlce Presldent BP/ao I tI t ) PFIOPOSET) P,AFIK, I NG PL.AN ' a()AQ . 6FIONf AGEl gov' u.E-V-.C.9.c).0 '7 H v IT{ n 0I n 0 'n 0 '0 OFFIC AF|K I NG