HomeMy WebLinkAboutELLIOT RANCH PUDCACLECOUNTYT 551 Broad'ivaY Eagle,Colorado 81631 (303)328'7311 a. FACSII4II.E TRAIIS}IITTAI.. BIIITETIN aa'r 3at ltstt xa3 tncludlng'thls Sh*iff P.O. Bo* 359 Eaglc. Cotondo 81691 at TrEi:utc. P.O. Boa 4 t3 grgle, Coll;rCt < 1989 \\'ORLD ALPINE SKCHS{?IQ}|SHIR; rell sE\r'ERcRgex DATE: tro: ...t'i rIrtttt rn{E, SjO(S$) FNr * fiq arBrT (3o3) 328-?207 EROM: Q-rut- 81-.1*aD ste \ (\r\v-r t\owiLa='d''nn O*lSu*=lcL-,* * ? IYPE Og DOCUMEMI : FNT TEt f,t;1[ ead Rtcolder P.O, Box 33? 4rgh, Cotorado 81631 D cover pege. PRIORTflf : ,/ t/L/ Adcitional instructione or comments: Sending oPeratoti Bo*d ol County Conmirrionerr Ati.sor P.O. Box E50 P,O. Box 4{9 Eagb, Coloredo 81531 Eagla, Coloredo 6163I DBPr. * tamnnn \.t. pages to be transmitted, Deltver. Imnediatel]' Deliver within 4 hours Addressee wiLl Pick uP Notify addressEe nnl litTv t dNIntr9- :";rc ,.-. ., . | 47 92 15 l.Lr-:** o F. U. D. COMIROL DOCIJI'IENT for ELLIOTT RANC}I FLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN? The P. U, D. control documents shall conforro to the Eagie Use ReguiB'-ions and the f ol lowingr r :-. Def lnit:.cn- As used herein' the f c), lowrng wcrCs and have lhe foilowing meaningsr AUG 1 r trl'. EAGLE CCLivit' cOtllIUNiTY ili,t: :' ' :; Cou:rtY r'a'rJ. terns Slrft i i RECIi'i'f i: Frinarl.,,/Secondary lot- A lot whieh cun be used soleiy fc:' residentiai purpcses anC upcn which nct i.1.r:'3 thln two dht€i l lng unlts ln e 5:ng'ie s'i!'u3: :j-'' qhell lre lerraj i f a,-l The m.*vimUm f iO,ti- gf =t.Cliqls ,J r, :rva :-r f the seccndarlz unit can be nc !srqel' ;ll::r 1.300 sq. ft. nor shall the toial flc)r li'l''' of the stl-ricture exc€Bd 3.900 sq. f t. Tl.',' secol'lddry unit can be soici separate ly ' €r:}- A.rriei,rn- Lot- 'I .^i -r5 I i- Lodse- Fl n,r r' trrer- Flli^it ?ench Dlli.r A lot vrithin El i lott Rarreh A lot which cen be used solely flr n i.i{:i? -. a single structure. which contains i.? sleepirrg units, (:iote the tuture intenr-:::, ';;. amending this PUD Guid.s tc al low f ci' addit ionai s leeping utnits . ) A bui lding designE,ted, irtended or used !.:i' ac comrnoda-- i ons of guests fcr ccmpens3--lcl 1:'o --jn which nc provision shal l, be nade fcr cooklng in irrdrviduai rcolos. The ioCge ui.ii have s singl 1e kitthen with commcn ] i",:,i:i '-1:'.dirring ereas e;rd caLer lc grue=ts ol :he '-*'cgte cnIy, No tine-share or fractional fee esiites shsl i be ailowed. The maxinir:.n f :.-.-,:;' er€a of this sr-ruc+-u!'e shai I not exceeC 10,000 sq. f t, (If a caretal<er's L:nit :e included, it wiII exist in one cf l-he tr;e:"-r unils. ) As def ineC by che Ea€rie County L.rnd lise Regul,ations excepting os foliows: Bessttt),"'it, porches, patios, rLecks, terraces. car-Fc:':B and/or garages shal I not be calculat-ed r.t1 '-h': 3;{e &'*eAte res{*'"tn'r ? ) !:i:l :g:1";--{:3li??:^i111',:lu.l::p3P,:, ":f loor area ca I ctrl a"-lon withrn this PUf,. basements sha I I not be i ne i uded ,rE f i oor '3 re - o 0 A)g rotlcF_ - Frr..rrrr) t. f --r\ \ . /. -l ta !At *:- s,rroo)o( ) t4tt ltu4rcrt /ccl '+ ?to1 4w' , t/< tt- . o Drovided Lhat exteriol^ wal I al lowance ot no mQre ihan 12" oi any is alove grade excePt for tlle an exterior exlt ' ) 2.9.en-era I PurPcses- hofirrji'icrn =.g...:-: Pr l;rrerY / Sec<rndary Lot Lcdge Lot AccesscrY uses Ailp:red 9icnqge" This guide i3 mad,e f or the purpose trf creet l::'-; and keeFrng the Subdivision' . insofd: as oo*"inlir. Ees:'ratrie, at'eractive' benef icie l "unO-""itoble in architectural design' mEierials atrd appearance; and guardrng aiainEt firee and, unnecessary interferenci" wiLh the natural beauty of the Subdrvisia' : li i--t.i the mutua] lenlf it and- prorect:oir 'r : in" o*n.." oi the lotg in the Subdivisicr' li"o t". the ability to incorporate bor-h iesidentlli nnd' the nulti-unlt Iots int'] i;'|l+ subdivi 5 ion ' ljses- Al l Iots i'n the Subdlvisiorr shel i f ai I within the -' - ior lowing lend use cief inrtions; Lcte 2,3 & 4 T .+f 1 I 1 1 I zr1- < 5et Btrck Reo'.ri].enent 3- l1I perrilsnern+' structur-e3 Shai i be Ic'-'l'-i' : Tiihln ihe piat+-ed bui lding enveiopes e;{ic:':t' f cr encroe.ctmer,ts by exisiing bul idings. e';'d e.cicpt joJr -or elris-Pt{l' tE Fnned ior ihe lodge on t4a.Ej$lttn Bui lilncr He-isht- No-:lrL]ctLrre on dny lot sh'1 I I exces: two storles or thirty-five feet in heig:it measured from grade'- No roofing msterial i': ""V ULi lding w-i*"hin r--his PUD shal I hcva I .---ref lect ive sur:f ace ' A rn.]xinun oi two signs shsll be alLcweci I'o: '"-: ''- 'f-cege on iot one inc shall confcrn tc r'he fol lowing: L. The signs shall ccnform to ths Eagie Caunty treig'ht/setbacX calculations as c"""iil-O in ttre Esgle County 31gn Cod'e' ;:--G; iig" Ehall be nc larger tilin 3? si' it. in totl: area and'-he other sign sha''i' r: no totg"" than 16 sq' ft' in tota] erea' 5. -S:.g"" :hal I nct be rnad'e of ref lective m{terial.q.---siqn= shall be illr'rminated by indirec;. itqntf i,l whlch ehal1 not be directed towt"i^': ii'"""liilu.iiitv of the propertv access and ehall b€ Bhield€d'S.--tn location of the signs shail be ad:.t=nt to Lb" north-west corner of the JgE8i" nid rcay tstwe€n the buildinql and the pir&itg Fea !3 clesignated on the site r-lar" 'I /\+ /-,ne l ?!run".=- No more tnun onlcod. burnl,ng appl ghall be permissjbie por unit on P.ny prirnary/secondary lot. No nrs:'e than one burni,ng applionce ehsll be pe:'missable with-in lhe iodge on lol 1. ( Exceptlcn: Frimary unit on lot' 2 which has and raey rr-wo €xistingl wood-burning appl iances . ) County of Eagle SLaLe of Colorodo By and Through Its Board of Coun+-y Commissioner: Attegt l |lVr By' lr 1 .e >-lr Counl:y Owners: of the Blrord of ComiilisB i oners Richs.rd L, Grislaf son Chair:-1ar Jessie i' Edeen StEte ct Cclorado ) ss County of Eagle ) ??re fcregoing wes acknor+leciged before day of .,1989. by David E' and Jess j'e L'a5 owl'rer3, Wiines* ny hand end officiE] seal Irly ccmmiseicn expires NotRry Public me this Edeen Davici E. Edeen ,*--, - .SENT BY:g4qgE CotJt,lTY 00W.; &-l1?F inl:13 I tauil-iy [ANAcEEagnH1,,. *r".*,.J1l9JJ Judtth A. Gray Ftate of Colorado ) ^*p- County of Eeqle ) The foregoingt was ecknowledged before rne this _ rXry +f ,1989, by Judith A. Grey os owner, Wi tiiess rry hand qnd of f icia I sea I . My cofiirissisn expires Notary Pubiic KEv Lee Pclovinu John 11 . Folovrna LitBte of CoLorado ) S5 County of Eagle ) Ti:e foregcinq was acknowledged before me rhis _ day crf SENT B-Y:!]AGLE COUNTY 00VT,'- ; 8-11-89 ;".-17:13 i COUNTY ItrAN,{QER+*,c,;*r,*.""",".,"-1a?.9a],?lii4g** o 0 cl o qt H |ll I -6'@ B;F\d \lo \z I ( \ b\-.\ \i- (.) , 1 ,.,1 F- ,.- i{!11 d:;'r-r i1 lri, --rt n; 'v I )\ \il J '18 +a .. 't-u N \Ir\ ip"5 /""0^.\ SENT BY:EACLj,C0UNTY C0vr ;E-.11{g i tE14 i E ::ssifr-r."";:.-_. T?.e* !-LL t*. : .:_l li3E EEE :39 oo? sHEA gV6E PeE H \ $ng H s >i \ t \ $z H\*rir rqE 5rf'ul6-rr lnlW i1, ,\ ( \i .d lr,l ' I c{.Nut 'ntt'l +rD .b+ tfl z\ )r' t3, \\t'(a' -r' \, f'' \* \ 9+\ o{ /> Y. i 8-1 1-89 i 1?: 15 ; r\, -,tb ;5ts + ab.: f:P{ SENT BY:EAOLE COUNTY GOVT.