HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUBDIVISION TRACT B VAIL RESORTS WAREHOUSE & MAINTENANCE SHOP COMMONPrcjectName: ><L€L Project Description: Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 tel : 970,479.2L39 fax: 970,47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us 862 S. FORNTAGE RD. Legal Descrifiion: Lot: TRB Block Subdivision: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD Parcel Number: 2101-072-1300-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By! Jewift Action: APPROVED Second Byr l-amb Vote: 4-0-0 Dateof Approvalz CEl26l2OO5 Meeting Date: 09/2612005 Conditions: C.ond:8 (PLAN)I No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner; Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 Wft^rtftillurturatzAr unPEw/ PEG Number: PEC050074 PEC Type: VAIL GAS REG. SrA, CUP Location: FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUfiON OF A PREFABRICATED STEEL BUILDING TO HOUSE NATUML GAS REGUI.ATION AND ELECTRONIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT Participants: owNER VATLCORP 09/19/2005 PO BOX 7 vAIt_, co 81659 APPUCANT PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY WlLglz0f6 Phone: 301571-3115 530 15TH STREET, SUITE 7OO DENVER co 80202 ProiectAddrcss: 862 S FRONITAGE RD VAIL Aorl/ O XcelEnergy'" PUELIC SERY'CE COTAPANY Siting and Land Rights 550 15th Street, Suite 700 Denve r, Cof o rado 40202-4256 Telephone: 303.571.7799 Facsim ile: 3O3,57 1.7 877 June22,2005 Town of Vail Mr. Matt Gennett, AICP Planning Departrnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Matt, Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) is proposing to construct a new natural gas regulator station on the Vail maintenance fbcilities property located on the U.S. 6 (South Frontage Road). The construction of this facility is necessary to reinforce the gar distribtrtion system to provide additional supplies ofnatural gas due to the increased demand for gas in the area. The approximate location of the site is west of the intersection the South Frontage Road and Forest Road located in the Northwest 7+ of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, Eagle County, Vail, Colorado. For clarification of the company name Xcel Energy is only the holding company or "brand" for Public Service Company of Colorado. ALL utility facilities and related land rights including fee property, easements, permits, etc., are owned and operated by Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado Corporation. The project involves the acquisition of a new easement for the regulator station site. The existing low pressure gas regulator station at the site in addition to a new intermediate pressure regulator station will be located in a new l0 foot by l0 foot prefabricated steel building. The building will be painted dark brown to blend with the existing Vail maintenance buildings. To provide the supply of natural gas to the regulator stations some modifications to the existing gas piping system will be n€cessary The project will require approximately two weeks to complete and must be completed prior to the onset of cold weather to avoid disruption of gas services. Your early consideration and approval of this project will be appreciated so construction can beginassoonaspossible. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecallmeat303-571-3l15orl-800- 62t-9427. Alan C. Morganfield, S Contract Aeent CC: Don O'Dell TOI4'NM Conditional Use Permit Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fili 970.479.2452 r reb: www.vailgov.corn General Information: All proJects requiring Planning and Erwironmental Commission review mud receive appronl prior to submiEing a buitding permit'application. Fbase refer to the submittal requirements tur the particular approval that is requestld. 'II.1An application for Planning and Environmental Commission rs/iew cannot be accepted undl all required informaUon I I is received by the Community Development Department. The projed may also need to be reviewed by the Town !/ Council and/or the Desisn Rerdew Board. fFf Type of Application and Fee: \ | tr Rezoning 91300 ( ***on.' Use permtt $550 A,tr Major SubdMsion $1500 tr Floodplain ModmcaUon $400 t \tr Minor SubdMsion $650 tr Minor bderior Alteration $550 I t D Exemption Plat $650 tr Major Exterior Alteration $800 l,-tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 tr Development Plan $1500 /F\tr New Speclal Development District $6000 E Amendment to a Dwelopment Plan $250 t Itr MajorAmendmenttoansDD $6000 tr ZoningC.odeAmendment $1300 -7tr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $1250 E variance q $500 f ^^(noanteribrmodifrcadons) tr Signvariance $200 V a tr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $1250 E variance q $500 f.^(noanteribrmodifrcadons) tr Signvariance $200 V a Description of the Request z 4&u=Euazatl 2f 4 Pze Fftaec+re-z> ^luescnpuon or fne !(equqsEa ^.-57fu Fezzryit, 6 tlh-se ..</.+zc.:2.+i 4q3 # ##Darc L!CanTznl @q.n a't7 >f Location of the Proposa > -5&r, Y PhysicalAddress: &Z Sauf't Fe-oa'z-og /?on, Parce|No...@(ConbactEagleCo.Assessorat97s328-86,|0forparce|no.)\' Zonins: UlUe <-rt-.\.-Name(s)ofowner(s): fu llnia Oon otortO Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:koeZ+vae'> Mailing Address:5Sa /_g Fl -9tee 7oo 8a>o', Phone: -fu? -3-71:3115- ftlvreaa^to-t5 @ E-mail Address: ruwm GENERAL INFORMATION A conditional use permlt ls required for any use classlffed as being "conditional" in any of the Town's zone disui.cts. All applications for conditional use permlts are reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Uses listed as conditionat uses iir ure various districts may be permitted subject b such condittbns and limitations as the Town may prescribe b en$re that the location and operaton of the condltonal uses will be In ac@rdance wih dardopment objecti\€s of the To,vn and wi not be detrimenbl tootier uses or proper06. I. SUBI,IITTAL REOUIREIiEIITS El Feel $650.00 There ls no fee required for condiuonal use permits for Employee Housing Unib (EHU'S), however, Design Rev'lew fees ar€ requhed. O Stamped, addre$eed envelopes and a list of the prop€rv owneE adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streeB. The list of property owners shall include the owneB'name(s), correiponding mailing address, and the pfiysical address and legal descripUon of the property owned by eadt. The applicant is responsibte for correct names and mailing addresses. This informau'on is available from the Eagle County Assessor's offrce. -/ ,/ff TiUe ReBort, indudlno Sch(./ No re a-tt#)}h (a*znatf 6z/ct-"8254 Ei Written appmval fiom a cordominium assodauon, landlord, and jdnt ovner, if applicabh. Conditional Use Permit Submittal Requirements J tr A written statement addr€sslng the following:a. Describe tfie precise nature of the proposed use and measures proposed b make the use compauble with other properues In the vidnity. The relaHonship and impact of he use on de\€lopment obJectives of the To n. The effect of the use on light and air, dlstrlbution of population, fansportation facjllties, uullues, schools, parl6 and recreauon bciliues, and other public facilities and oublk faciliues needs. The efrect upon trafflc. with particular reference to congestion, automoflve and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow ftom the streets and parklng area. The effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is b be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. fExisting and Propced Site and Grading plans (Four complete sets of ptans). b. c. cl, y' e*fting ana Propoeed Architectural Elevatior6 (Four comptete s€ts of ptans). Existing and propoc€d Architectural Fbor plans (Four compl€t€ s€ts of ptans). {an pLn"must abo b€ submitted In 8.5'x U' r€duced fiormat These are required for the Plannlng and Environmenbl Commission members' informahbn paclcts. lt'laditional Materiat: The Administrator and/or PEC may require he submisslon of additional plans, drawings, specificauons, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Applicant Date Signed: &e €aa-z,zuz- Page 3 of 5-04/28/04 '?/e THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail rown Code, on September 26, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 126D-6, Setbacks, and Site Coverage, 12-6D-9, Site Goverage, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for construction of a garage, located at 177l Alpine Drive/Lot 38, Vail Village West Filing 1, and sefting.forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Susan BirdPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a flood plain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the floodplain for a new water intake facility, located at 530 South Frontage Road, Ford ParUunplatted, (a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department), and sefting forth details in regard. Applicant Town of Vail and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: BillGibson A request for a final review of a flood plain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the floodplain for a new water intake facility, located at 1600 South Frontage Road, Donovan Park lower bench/ unplatted.(a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard. Applicant Town of Vail and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance, from Sections 12-6F-8, Density, and 1 2-6F-1 1 , Parking, pursuant to Ghapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 4110 Spruce Way/Lot 24, Block 8, Bighorn Addition 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Michael and Elizabeth Taggart Planner: , Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-71-5,Vat l& , ^ Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use, located at 862 South ', L{ V' "l- Frontage Road (Vail Resorts Maintenance Site/unplafted, and setting forth aetails in 4f,["-'X regard thereto.7 \ Aoolicani: Xcel Enerov. reoresentecl bv Al MoroanfieldApplicant:Xcel Energy, represented by Al MorganfieldPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals ahe available for public inspecthn during office hours at the Town of Vail community Development Department, 7s south Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visib that precede the public hearing in the Tovm of Vail community Development Department. Pfease aall 970479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is arrailable upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published September 9, 2005, in the Vait Daily. (, co Es(t G z v C} lrj i, F *2,, E >" 6'qliioz<?q2l-<?=z9-S=uIt ar -'r 5o-Y*=o-' * 7i1!Z -8, =zul sEP 13 ',eE A9:38 FR PUH-IC SERUICE-?TH FL36 5?1 ?57? TO ALg7A4n24fl. P.AL/42 O XcelEnergy,' PUBLIC SEN,VICE COIilPANY FA)( TRANSN/IISSION o{ FA)( NO: TELEPHONE NO: 303-SZ1_g110 or 30&233-6200 x 307 FA)( NO: 303-521-78z TOLLFREEz 1400$21-%27 SUB-IECT:7t.V4/: NUiiBER OF PAGES (|NCLUD|NG COVER SHEET): TESSAGE OR SPEGIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Al Morganfietd '€z 9*, 7_ #J6,ffif." ,ffiHd,g#T'! tn'sstee b coNFlDENThr-lntbrnarlon irrenrtc onty tur rhc usG of rhe hdiu*tuat or Endrv ip,'o"c .api*,r * il6d;ffiT *J-ff lHffitr$ml,ou ha€ r€c.nld Frb commdnicirtbn tn "nor, ir"L"c.-r,li-#ri#ioy * *noonbytabphone. Thank you. ,r., sEP 13 '45 A9:38 FR PUBLIC SERUICE-?TH FKIB3 5?1 ?877 Ttr AIffi4?9l52 P.@,/42 SiEl4 Resuldm Srrrion Eas€mfit2tol-072-13fi1 VEilCorpordion(E62Fron@oRo6dW) p. OBox 7 Vait, CO fl6SE 2l0l'gn-l&Nl F:gto Rive( waicr & sanitrrion Dist (t62 Ro'rtage Road w) trtd ForsstRoad VaiL CO tr65t 2101472-17fi3 Vail Cupordion(t62FrmtagsRoadW) p. O.Box7 Vait, CO fl65t 2101472-17-W2 VqCoreodon(?g0LimshsadCircle) p. O.Bo:(z VaiLCO &6ss 2101{63-l%006 Andc1o-property }{\/ TruG (Zl0 Lionsead Ctuclc) C/o Alfedo & EFrrbeth Frflpo ZtOl^iushcad Circtc VaiI, CO il657 2103-lzl-2ffi1 Vail lgpgaion (923 FrcegeRoad Sr)p. O.Borz vail CO 81658 fcolorado Conditional Uee Permit "4.'l Junc 17,265 Mr. RlrdyWbrncr J.W. Wllhnr, lrrc. 2lE0RsnaneAYea.F C;stpcr, WY gzmt . Rr: Sfi.rtrrlAdeqr.oy loWrlOLSte.f B,jtdng E$drnow& gtmphwinil EelcmisZone C Detrlt|[' Wemec . At yqrr f€qrsdt, I trile rs'i6i€d th &dgn dthr hdffig rriled ebov€. Iq *l-HFg meb fie lpqrgr*ilr d r spf rrnw load gld a gtmph n indloed (Eporum C) ad SdirnicZonc C. lf you lrrn rny qHildtf carornfrD |ho sqf, pf..s rb not hc|ihb b ca[. WrEArhu0. Volk Ar6urC"Vollr 232t Otoot Annuc Qrycr, tYfe6{ ga60{(!OZ) t3?€6tF hr (3o? rgt{Otr Ear& l$urmllCua.oo t\ ol fo m EILL OF MATERIALS XIEL ENERGY 10'-0"wloE x 10'-0" t0N6 BUILOIN6 NOTES: l. usE wPs - 10.20,3t. 35. 2. TRCLEOTIRS OICIAIES IAR6EI HRs. l. PAtxT oilE (0lr sELf PnfiN6 RAt{tloE. ![t.w.wru.n! [l{6rru$N6 Ar{0 f AEllcATloN cAlg€n. vYoa[6 rrlLtn.rq^s ,0'.21?llat P O IOX 216 12602 I I ]/4" DIA. HOLE. T\,VELVE TYP.) l- '..t'" _L 4 XTEL ENER6Y 10'-0"h/tDE x ll,-0- L0N6 BUII.DIN6 SKID lEuautu Erc[€tR0l6 llio f^an{! qsPai, l{Yo|ltl6 30? 8?3!aS P_O ltx ?t6 '2607 t us wPs - .t6, 20, t{. ,6. 2. (|iftfD tfrs Dttl^rts llR6tl HRS.1 Pft{I oxE coAI sfl.F pR}it{i RAL'I{0E. 2. CIR(IED HRS OIfiAITS IAR6TI HRs. ]. PAINI ONI COAI SETF PRIHINc RA}/HIDE. S I t rl t STCTION A.A t. usE t/Ps - r€.20,l(, 16. 60 1/s, ----l<- 60 t/s" 36,1n' --+- u ItE"t lIL' ----+-- .t 1/8" ----lu0" ___".i____J FRBNT & BACK VALL DETAIL 6111\6"-.r - 'l.rl XIEL ENER6Y 10 -0"wrDt x 10 -0" L0N6 NON.STANDARD BUILDING FRAM€ OTIAII l.W. WlLLlAIrfS rxc. Illmd4.y tl{ollEtRllc Ano FAaR|taroN c^sftn. wY0f1rN6 r,{ALLlF, ttXAS JO??17!Ja5 P0. !0x 1106 ,2402 i hBiN54Y d rHg'r B9.'h\:i! U2 | caa qc EF i E ,/ -o t utl EE lg B -a. r\ .)\ #'.i ilN\H'$Hi,, R'if, Iq/ac/r) , ) "*ilf!\t/$,r \*d "'.:t='' T *,j;--*l='l*,-,t'--'#J,1iil,,oru*ooloo...,'t ti,, E)<mf,ro--_rfi (' \, ['4m . j3,1$;$,Hi.,H )-'pva.=-'errnil6-'il, 'l,l)ll\il-' \i$l\;x.,8\ { t f,: F&ei C,\\ ---f-*==l-.'l't.. ,7.^-,\\r'\ \.t \F -\F ir\ /E\ {\ \ \Ev{ i't \' !.iE\ I1,,','i,',1i,liiiilllllililiihl .7 ,t$N'il s llll;liliillliiilllllllittl | .-'- er 'iril\'t\ t)\ -l--------r--------Yl \',t',',srrl )Brer- o o.rns.oor\\ ,\ lr,\rr\ 3rr\ / f,x\ ,b(:""r\'l4d t' i i i i I i i' ; I I wx1_=r$N EHUxxq !!!{tr -;.8 i n.r g dEP ^ ,o!$ lo t\\\ \E = Si',E E r I Y r./\ , \ 99F',-- E I '.68;Kr Ee. R-= - - UONSHEAD MAINTNENANCE SITE EXF'TING DBAT{AGE AND UTIUTY PI-AN l;tri:r:lliiij *c.lr+I.cOt ilt,!l;;EEl! t||lililililIilt .gl il!9ll rl I 1l 1. Ir lil illrit I , Ir T'!l'l .t t E I t 1l rl ri tl !rirI!!riiri'1il!Il!!i!l!:| "r lr iriiii'!i; -<-t:- r -l T rrt--l -AUG, 25. 2aa5 i : 16 PM VA RESORTS OEV,|'{0, 043 Document Number: Plat Number: 495-545 EASEMENT For and in consideration of $l!,1@ and other good and valuable considotadon in hand paid' the receipt of which is herebv acknowledged, the undersigned Grantor hereby grants "nJ conrruva to Public service Company of colorado' a colorado Corporation, Grantee, an eictuSive and permaneN au""tant for the installation' oonstruction' maintenance' alteration' repair, replacern"nr, ,a"onOr-u"io", op"tition, and remOval of a natural gas meter stationi regulator station' together with facilities appurtenant tn.r"to. in"tuoing. but nor limitea io, bultOings, guaidrcils, fences, and underground gas pioelines on' under,over,orthfoughtheiol|owingjescribedparce|oflandsituJteJinbt#Jract.9_.^€ubdivision South Frontage Road Subdivision in the Wonrrwq Jl+ or il.tion Z, fo*nstlip LSglXh' Flange 80 West of the gS principat Meridian in tne CitV oi bil, Counti of Seglg, State of Colorado, The easement is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS . Parcel A - (Site), Parcel B and Parcel C - (Pipeline oasements)' The above sum is acknowtedged by clranror as full consideration for the easement and also {or damages to both land and growing crops occasioneo tv-ttre initlal installation.of faciliries on said easement. Grantor reserves the right to use and occupy said premises for any purpose consistent with tne iights ana privileges herein granted and which will not intertere with or endanger any of $re iaciiitles rherein or use thereoi. such ieservition by Giantor shall in no event include the right to construct any buildiigt ot "itrorta., to impound any water, or to pla.nt any ttees or shrubs upon the eas€ment' Granlee, at all times, shall have the righr of access by a reasonaUte route to the easement and along and upon the same for the purpose hereof, -fti"ft in.irOi surveying, inspt"tion, and tening, togethor with th€ right to use as much of Grantor,s adjoining premises durin! surveyin!, instatLiion, construction, maintenance, alteration, repair' replacement' r.construction, operation, and removal of said natural il;r*t sration/regulator station and related fixtures and devices as may be required a p"mi $t.lp"-,iin of stanaJJ pipeline construcrion o|. repair' Grantee shall pay Grantor for aclual damages to land and growing crops occasioneJ [V'u-nV fuarr" installations, cons'trucdon' maintenance' aheration' repairing, replacing, ,.""onttriition,- and removal of laciiities on the easement or adjoining premises' In case of the Dermanent abandonment of the easement, all rights, priviteges, and interost granted ihalt ieiminete, and Grantee shall iemove all above ground facilhies' To have and to hold the said easement unto the said Grantce, fts successors and assigns, so long as the same shall be used or useful for the purposes of tho Grantee. 'Cranio/ sfiall include the singular' plural' faminine' masculine' and neuter. Executed by Grantoru w^ t(fi aav or T-{L4-' zoos' r cRANToR: rHE vAltlcoRPoFATloN ho^,,rr- A^A \)..J ' o0taaan & 's']r'rax" 5iy.Nice) Preeident STATE OF COLORADO, /1 / lss'CouNryoF4,&_-_t ,rk f- l- The foregoing insrrument qs5 5gllewledged before me this -J.L- dav ot J r"-l 3 '2005- s as,President Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:O+utn cL.? +-'".1\18 ftt:'I ";':$ -t "g.:.t AUG 25 'A5 !6132 t-l-tt-01 Notary Public PAGE. E2 A(]c.25,200i 3:2iPM VA RESORTS DEV.|l0.043 P1 999.99F.1{44 FA)(303.99e.0994 trft\ .sandg4com Sellards & Griggo Inc"Page I of2 ccl.ErrLrltcEltclN@s /Lrlo SUrr/ErORS Parcel A A parcel of laod giog in lhe northvest olcquafter OIWI/4) of Scdim 7, Tonrmship 5 SoudL ltage E0 Wcst' of the 6th Principal McridiaD, Corrnty ofBagle, Snte of Colorado, desoibcll as ftllowo: Begiruring at the southwost comrr of Tract B, SOUTII FROMAGE ROAD SUBDIUSION, a subdivisi@ rccorded at ne".etion Ngmber 743424 of the Official Reoo'rds of ths Clcrk and Reccrdcr of said Couuty of Eagle; thence N6?"02'06' E, l?5-g feet atmg tbe sorrh line of said Traa B; tbeace contiorirg along said soulh line, on i DoE- tgngent cune to de lefthaving a chord bccing ofN59e53'52"8, aradius of 513.00 fea, ard an arc lenglh of 69.661er,t to the TRUE POINT OF BECIITNINF; lhencc N32cl9'0I"q 25.00 ftiq theacc S57e40'59'q 30.00 fteq ftencg S32ol9'01'T., 25.00 fe:t to said south line thmce along a orrve to the lefr having a chod beding of N57o40'59'E, a radius of 513.00 fttt, and rn arc lergth of 30.00 tu alot€ said south lbo to tbc TRUE POINI OF BEGINNING; Said Parcel A contains 754 squae feet (0.017 aoer) occ c less. For fre pnrpose of ftis ttescrfunion rhe basis of bcaring is ihe urest line of said Tract B, udridr is assupd to bearNOff 0l'49"8 An ilhstation for Paroel A is afiachd h.reto ed nadc a prt bereof Tho aulhor of tbjr dcscriptiou is Mr. Jobn P. McGuire, P.LS. 2E279, prcpared on behalf of Seltank A &ig& Inc. 390 Union Boulevo4 Suire 630,I-skctf,ood, CO 30228 oalaray25,2005 underS&G No.2004115-51 forPublio Sorice Ctmpary of Colorado aud is not to be coDstrued 6 repre$otiug a mo,numcnted lmd sunrry. 99p lrnign Foqlevgd, suite 630 Laleurood, Colorado 90228 P',bufvrlr tand projecrs A\-(20041 1tr1) Lbnshead vai\LEcAlsFarcel Adoc wry 148?79/. i 7,ll'O> .:t John P. Mc0rrire, P,L.E. #282?9 FUG 25 'AS 16132 PAGF - A3 ILLUSTRATION FOR PARCEL A N.W. 1/4 SECTION 7, T5S, RSOW,6TH P'M. LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGN'I Ll r€2'19011 '25,0d t2 s57'405gn\l 30,00' u!s32'r9'01"E 25.00' GURVE TAELE CURVE RADIT'S DETTA LENGTH GHBEAR,ING GHORD cl 513.00.3'21'0l'30.00 N5r4s59"E 30,00 RADIUS=tl3-OO' ARC LEN- =69.8d CH. LEN. = 69'61' Cll- BHRING. = Nffi'53'52'E TRACT B, SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUBDIVISION REC. # 74424 PARCEL A 7s4 sF. (0.017 AC.) MrL S O IJTI] WEST CORN ER TRACT B POINTOF BEGINNING Lat€ioo6. Colorsdo 80228 coPYRletr O 2olt5 Phoilc: 503-9E6-1i{44 FAlt 305-986-0994 tWW. Eqnd9+.corn 50050F scole 1,,:50, feet @n t col{sutnNc ENaullsBs r/ IAND SUXTEIORIT Sellards &Grigg, Inc. -390 U6ion Boulcvord SrJil€ 630 AUG 25 tas 7..'i32 ailn 1q ,nn( 1, 1?0rr,ttvw, LJ. Lvv) ,,t, Lt I tfl VA RESORIS DEV.N0,043 P,5 Sellards & Griggo Inc.Pagc I of2 cotstjlttlroENo!@sil-rl.D g0$/88{El Parcel B Rev I A parcel of laud lying in he m,rfrr,rrest oe-quarbr (l.IW1/4) of Soction 7, TowDship 5 Sour\ Ralge 80 Wesg of tbe 5th niocipat VterUiaq Cousty ofEaglq State of Colorado, desccibed as ftllows: Begilohg at thc southwest corner of Tiast B, SOUTH FROMAGE ROAD SUBDIVISION, a subdivision recorded at nJarioi rrurDbcc 743424 of rbe Official Rpcords of the Clerk a*l Rpcoriler of said Counfy of Eqgle; thenoo N67o02'06" E, 175.32 ftet aloqg ihe south line of saidTrac E; trence cominuing alolg said south liue, on Eson' tage[tfl 1letoihelc&haviugachordbecingofN59o53'52"E,aradiusof513.00feet,andanarclengt!of69.56Eet to the TRUE POINT OP BEGIIIINING; tilcnce N32"l90l''W' 13.85 &e*; thence N57o2435'8" 106.44 ftet !o said 6outb lile; theoce along a. cuve to the rigb having a chord bearing S49c5956"W, a radim of 513.00 fcet antl an arc leoglh of 107-60 feet alory said south lino o tbe TRUE POIIIT OF BEGINNING. Said Ptoel B Rw 1 cornaim 939 s<0me &et (0.022 acrsc) more c lcss' For r[e prrpose ofthis descriptim ihe basis of bearing is 6c west line of raiil Tract B, which is assuned to beq NOf 0 I '49'E An ilhxtation for Pacd B Rev I it uached her€to md made a prt hcreof. The arthor of this desciption is Mr. Jobr P. McGuirc, P.LS. 282?9, preparod on behalf of Sellads & Grigg Inc. 390 Union Bqulevad, SuiE 630, Lakewoo4 CO E0228 cnJuuqy 25,2005 urder S&GNo.2004115-51 for Public Sorvice Company of Colorado and is not o be constrrod as repeoelrthg a monunented lad stwey. JobnP. McGuire, PI.$. #28279 390 Union Bouleved, Su e 830 Lake\rrood, Coloredo 80229 P:\suN6y lanct proiecls aL(2co411+5'l ) UorEhBad ValNrEGALSParoel B Rev l.doc 303988.1444 FAX304986.0994 vn ,ur.sandg4.cori RUE 25 '65 15:33 poGtr aq AUG. 2t. ?005 3:28PM VA RES0RTS DEV.N0, 043 P, 6 2 LLUSTRATIQN FOR PARCEL B REVI N,W. 1/4 SECTION 7, T5S, RSOW, 6TH P.M' TRACT B, SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUBDIVISION REC. # 743424 PARCEL B RCVI 939 S.F. (0.02? Ae) M/L PARCELA SOUTHWEST CORNER TRACT B LINETAEI.E UNE BEARING LENGTH L1 nB2'19'01\l\l 13.85' L2 tt57'24"518 10a,44' CUFI/ETABLE CURvE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH CH BEAR]NG clloRD c1 513.0(I t2'01I)2n 107.60's49'59'56W 107.4S TRUEPOINT OFBEGINNNG RADilE= 513.00' ARC LEN. =69.66' cH- lEN. = 69.61' CH BEARiNG. = N59"8'52'E 500 POINT OF BEGINNINC G,#' Sellarils &. Grigg, Inc. corsnlTrNc anau$Etrs I I4t{p slJRvEBons 590 Uhion Soutcr,gtd Ssitc 6!0 Laksqood, Colorode 60228 Phond t03-986-1.14 FA& 30C-986-0994ritr. E Endi3.€oilr r scole 1,,:50. feet coptTlcrr o 20ott AUG 25 '45 16:33 PAGE. A6 Al,lG, 25. 2005 3:28P[il VA RESORIS DEV.N0,043 P,7 Page I of2Sellards & Griggr lnc. coNsur.lt'loE{GNgES/LSI.{DSlJ*vBYOnS Parcel C A pacel of land lying io &e northwcst meqrartcr (NvIl/4) of Section 7, Toumshb 5 Soudb Rmgr 80 West oftbc 6th fnoapA U*iAan, Couaty ofEagle, Stde ofColorado, dcscribed as hllows: Begipdng at tho southn€sr csncr of Tract B, SOUTIJ FRONTAGE ROAD SIJBDMSION, a subdivision reoorded at d.ed; Nlmbq 143424 of ths O6cial Rocords of lhc Clerk and Roccder of said C,ounty of Eagle; thaco N6?;02'06' Fn l7i-8p, feet alotg te souih liDe of said Tract B; thcacc continuing along said soulh line' oo a !on' tangpot curve to rhe lefthaving a-ceord bccing ofN6l34'24'E a radius of 513-00 &et, ad aa arc leogth of39.66 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGDINING; tbeace N32"19'01"W, l 5.00 ft€q thence S57q40'59"W, 20.00 fe€q thenoe S32ol9'01'8, 14.02 fc€tto said sottr line; tbcnoe along a ctwe to thc left lawirg a dord bcaing ofN60?E'378, a radins of 513.00 feot' and a ro longs of 20.0! feet along said sourth line to ihe TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, Said Parcel C oootains 292 squae feet (0,007 acres) oore or loes. For fre purposc of tLis dcsoiptior the bais of beebg it lhe west line of said Tlact E, which is aEsurned to bear NOf 0l'49'E Ar illustration for Parcel C is atac'hett hereto ald made a put here of, Thc aufuor of rhis desaiptiou is Mr. Jobo P. McCnrire Pt.S. 2S279, preparcll on bebalf of Scllrds & Grigg' Inc- 390 Union Boulewarrd Suite 630, I-akcurood, CO 8O22t on laauery 25, 2005 undrr S&G No. 20Mll5'51 for Public Service COrnpsny of COloradO aud is Eot to bc Co6tuerl as rcprescuting a Eontme eil lard $rvey. 306.986.1444 FAX 303.986.0994 wvrlv,san€tdcom JohP. McGuire, PI.S. 390 Union Boule\,3rd, Suit8 630 Laxesrood, Colorado 8m26 P:\suwey hnd projscts r2L(20041 15\51) Uonshead Vail\LEGALS\parcel C.doc AUG 25 'A5 16:33 PRGE. A? .' At]G,25.1005 3:28PMl VA RES0RTS OEV,fio. 043 P, I 2 ILLUSTRATION FOR PARCEL C N.W. 1/4 SECTION 7, T5S, RBOW, 6TH P.M. LINETABLE LNE BEARING TENGITI L1 N32'19'01'w 15.00' L2 ssr405vw 20.00. ut s32'19'01'E 14.02 crlB\/E!lq!E CURVE RADIUS DEATA IENGTH CH BEARING CHORD c1 513.00.2.141?j 20.03'N60"28'i3rE 20.02 MDIU€ = 513.00' ARCLEN. =39.ffi' CH.LEN. =39.69 CH.BE RNG.=N61?424'E TRACT B, SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUBDIVISION REC. # 74s424 PARCEL B Revl PRCELA PARCEL C 292 S.F. (0.0Cr AC.) M/L SOUTHI4TEST @RN ER TRACT 8 POINT OF BEGINNING @ Sellarrls & Grigg, tnc. coNsrrttrNc ENGNEfES / IAIID SURI'EYOIS 50050 - scole 1,,:50, feet590 union Bolcrerd Pho66! 3qt-986-14'+4 Slitc 6J0 FN(r 305-986-099+ Lsl(c0oo4 Colorsdq g0Z2A rur.rardgdcpm coPancE o a,o5 AUG 25 '45 15:33 PAGE. BS UnPt*f'/ ( Vn nt "r1t;a.n (z Design Review Boari fiof ) ACTrOtrt FOR.ll Department of Comm*nity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colcrado,81557 t*l: 9?0.479.1139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www-v*ilgov.<om Project Name: VAIL GAS REGUT-ATOR SI-ATION Project Descrifiion: Participants: DRBNumber: DR8050339 FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PREFABRICATED STEEL BUILDING TO HOUSE NATURAL GAS REGUT-ATION AND ELECTRONIC CONTROL EQUTPMENT Project Address: 862 S. FORNTAGE RD. Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 oilLLl200s APPUCANT PUBUCSERVICE COMPANY 071Lt12005 Phone: 303-571-3115 530 15TH STREET, SUITE 7OO DENVER co 80202 852 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL Location: Lot: TRB Block Subdivision: SOUTH FRONIAGE ROAD 2101-072-1300-1 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval= 09 127 12005 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is comrnenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paidl $650,00 Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: Planner: ,ffi" Minor Exterior Alterations ffi Applical-i:n,**or",.:"iflnReview I0l4rN0mffi ^'ili:!%:in5'13"i,Yi'bili"i3l:o::uu' web: www.vailoov.com General Information: F l-'ffiffi ::1 ira$'{"., t;i trt) JUL U r /t:5 T'O!LfJ i;,ii1 11,",1 ,r. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, DescriptionoftheRequesti Constrtrction of a Prefabricatetl.steel building to . house naturaL gas regulation and electronic control equipment Trac tLocation ofthe Proposal: Lot:Subdivision: South Frontage Road Sub. Physical Address: 862 South Frontase Raod parcel No.: 2101-072-13-001 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:{orffi,ticrlr LA Ut I Name(s) of Owner(s):The Vail Corporation Mailing Address:P.0. Box 7, Vail, C0 81658 Phone: 97 5-2937 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applisanl; Public Service Company of CoLo. (A1 Morganfield) Mailing Address:550 15th street. Suite 700, Denver, C0 BOZOL E-mail Address: a1. mor sanf ield0excelenersy Phone: 303-571-3r Lq Fax: 303-233-8787 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr ,,6onceptual Review Ef New ConstructionD Addition D Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-fami lylduplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request . com $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $550 Construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 ' An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 No Fee Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. ["""' 8.ff "Z'st"'% h{k No. | / 0 ltlry By,':((* Meerins Date: I '3 ' Of DRB No.: djth kanre (o' "*C ftc. ?rt "tt 7l(-6i UTITITY APPROVAT & VERIFICATION This form serves to verifli that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verifli service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Siqnature Comments Date QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 lason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.9a9.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky lt','l,il:l?;,., Contacts: Kit Bogaft 970.262.4024 Jim Oheaf 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTATTON DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tet) 970,476.a089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 x 1103 (tel) Contact: Matt Conrad NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems @ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility represenfdtive shall note directly on the utility verification form that there ls a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These veiifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Deoartment of Public WorG at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digging in any public rigirt-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separatelv, The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re- - verificatiqn if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise and no and the gf this form)L ,', '' I0l,l,Nm MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor'exterior alterations and/or site improvemenE. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Survefk--D Site and Grading?156FB landscape Plan*(d3chiteciural Elevations* r.,-*il-Exterior color and matoiial samples and specifications, -flArchitectural Floor Plans*o Llghting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed fi*ureso Title report, inc[uding Schedules A & B to verily ownership and easements*o Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent struchrres, where applicable.tr Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable D Site-specific GenlrfgrGl-FlEEitlRep6,sq-lQpplicable* o The Administrator and/or D-RB-may reqdiie the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Pleuse submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*), **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repo*, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Proiect Name:?sa-€g$rdur SiS Date Signed htu 6,;;;;; 3/,.,,/ Page 3 of t3lt2l02l04 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Srae' 9twt- ..,.,?. Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other N/tT<1'aL Sfaa t ,t 1 ^tl I A/ , M/* il/e tl I It - Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L3ltZlO2/04 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name quantity SizeBotanical Name l^--dh---r--- PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS E}CSNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : TvPe Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPer Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square Footaqe ^t/r GROUND COVER soD IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming poolE etc.) Page 7 of I3l12.l0Zl04 **{'****+*****i'***{'i'****+****++***+*tft+++++++t*tt++++++++***++t+f+f+*++++**frti++++r++*+**+* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO staremerltlfl*l**+***+**+tl'*l'*{t+1"}*++{"}***+tt*******a*ti*{rt+tl+*++++++*+tfaafftt**+*+ffrr*r*r********* Statement Nurnber: ROsOoO1O4? Amount,3 965O.OO O7/LL/2OOSO4:08 pM Paltment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation! 105 0 84 /PUBIIC SERVICE COUPAIIY OF CO Permit No: DR8050339 Type: DRB - New Constructl_onParcel No: 210r.-0?2-1300-1 Site Addrese: 862 S FRONTAGE RD VAIIJIrocation: S62 S. FORISIAGE RD. Total Fees: $650.00ThJ-s Payment: $GsO.OO Total AIJJ pmta: 5650.00 Balance: $0.00 'i'i'i'l*****+******+l'*t+*!t***+++*+++++a+++*+***f++ff*t*********f**+++++*++++++f*ffttfft+******* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current pmts DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650 - OO A, XcetEnergy""\7 PUBLtc srRvrcE corilpANy Septeinber 6, 2005 Sltlng rnd Land Rights 550 1sth Street, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado W2024256 Telephone: g)3.571.r,99 Facsimif e: 303,57 1,7877 Townof Vail Mr. Matt Gennett, AICP C/o Elizabeth Eckel Plarming Departnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 DearMatt, As you know Public Service Company of Colorado @SCo) is proposing to coDstrucrt a new natural gas regulator s&ation on the Vail maintenance facilities pmperty locaied on the U.S. 6 (South Frontage Road). The construction of this facility is necessry to reinforoe the gas disnibution system to provide additional zupplies of natural gas due to the increased demand for gas in the area Tk approximate location of the site is west of the intersection the South Frontage Road and Forest Road located in the Northwest % of Section 7, Township 5 Sodi, Range 80 West Eagle Cormty, Vail, Colorado.. Enclosed is the additional application as required by the Town for a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed facility. For clarification of the company name Xcel Enerry is only the holding company or "brand" for Public Service Company of Colorado. ALL utility facilities and related land rights including fee property, easernents, permi$ etc., af,e owned and oper*ed by Public Serrrice C.ompany of Colorado, a Colorado Corporation. The project involves the acquisition of a new easement for the regulator station site. The existing low pressure gas regulator station at the site in addition to a new intermediate prcssure regulator station will be locat€d in a new l0 foot by 10 foot prefabricaed steel building. The building will be painted dart brown to blend with the existing Vail maintenance buitdings. To provide the supply ofnahnal gas to the regulator stations a new 4 inch steel pipeline will replace the existing 2 inch pipeline curently providing gas to the old regulator stration on the site. The project will requirc approximately two weeks to complete and must be completed prior to the onset ofcold weather to avoid disnrption ofgas services. Your eady consideration and approval of this additional Permit will be ap'preciated so constuction can bgln ari soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call me at303-571' 3l15 or l-800-621-9427. Sincerelv.A*7@ Alan C. Morganfield, SR./WA, PLS, Contact Agent Junc 17,200d Mr. RarrdyWbmer J.W. Williamr, Inc. 2lE0RcnamaAnnrr C€rpu, yW &lEOf Re; $tucfrmdAdoquecy !gtv* lol sreet auHng E0prf rnow& g0mph wiffr EeismicZone C Dear itt. Wsrnfr . At your requect, I ho'," mrewcd he r"*gn oto,. b,irdhg notc<r abovc. Thir hri'irq mcec ure rc*,iurtntr d r flrpd rnow rof,r'd e g'mph wrndroad (E Foltjt! c) '|d S€dnezma lt lou hnn my q^efi*rr srorning [rc *qp, cn e do nat heritrb to can. Frga I I ArthnrC. Votlr 23lt Cmrst Arrau 0lFr $ya61 6169{ (iXtO et?{608 Frr (307) 23t{0tl Eulll rrrtgnnollfua.coa ffi ir (OrjlilttiI P-l "i\ ;ir i;i ri,liil ilii: r" r.:: i,;::'1 ; l:lii riirl',; iil:.ii \,,,\ , 'itNn \. I \., Nr*'r \t, r11:,0 \" tu 5 GI ; 6 F E b E 'i1\ [f,il \ -\3\ u6 T E * (J F ,b El8f;6Et ,"','",ii+l $ol:fI il $\ irrf.:;, rlfrC' *to*r N '\,. ,"rr" \i,.,. ".h, \.\ . ,!rr_ r ,! '"., i,,i' 1 "ot* 1)(iv. \1 o*oq r *.;'',"'N ti," ,Iti,,, :::.li l 'r;:,,,, fi't r:, :.)\, :r' , r, \{.. ;..0.\ii},,u.'"",,,,,"'' ' l"n"!"'t 't1""" rr- ""'''"" r-.,u'n'u'""t' ,,t''"'..,,,.,''n" .,,.,"t' " t)/':i!"1 ,,"'r' " ;lrlili, illlir; \i' ,'l%) "'n,;*;,,,t .'.*..,:; rr; .,,,,"'".,, ".,,r,"'tt ,,,,, ' i! Ir 'i. l I ,\I rI l^ \\t \Y ] \\ Ialrr! a\ t\- I \\\ )- i-.-r t"-.{ i:,c :t) IIIRil 75S.F Vail, Contp,ct APPLICATIOT{ WILL I{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCO]IIPLETE OR UI{SI Project#: Building Peimlt#: 8e5 -bz Sprinkler Permit #: j 97q.47!}?t35 (IasE€,ct'9,n5) OF VAIL FIRE Sprinkler shop submittal and accepted f. Level lll (mln) stamp. A State of Colorado Plan Registration form. Plans rrust be submltted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. COI{TRACTOR IIiIFORMATION COiIPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALART PERMIT (Labor & FircSprinklen$ l+ Ofrce at970-32586i10 or visit Fire Sprinkler Contractor: Ve?rZt+t 3-r>B F4ag' Town of Vail Req. No.:'ts9 -5 Contact and Phone #s: 4el6 tra5E2h44 Zo7:|qz'oaUL E-Maif Address: Ctb4q. wt*n1a A y.sft . us Conbactor SiOyelre: 7 ,/ / 4 /Zt--t-'--*-* Job Name: Va"a. La.,navs*t -JobAddrcss: 967 fu'trfl ftax*Cg o . g€,2t55 Detailed Location of wo*: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) *ve/4 lEtag€ I utt0rpt L .vb;.\ 7V t?ZZ:oraatDtttt 7::f WorftGlass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (vi-'Repair( ) Retso,fit( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity ( ) Commercial ( pffiestaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Drelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Unib in this hrilding: Does a Firc Alarm Exist Yes ( rfNo ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Tl|ln\Wai|\daIabdev\FORMS\PERMTS\SPRKPERM.DOC Sttt: STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OF FIRE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM o""E/e/e5-ContractorRegistrationNumb er O{- O3 Z Contractors Name MailingAddress 70 Lb Zp Code full Z n nzZoJ . System Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Jurisdiction Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Dstribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. J6 Nm5.n lstBlt €'ra;irj 1s{qF'CRAIGWSEMAN VAII TiANTEMNCE REMODEL @ SOUT}I FROMTAGE ROAD VAILFIREMARS}|AL &!t MAIIITEMI{CE - lBmote.r€a flq VAIL d.b co tta{d, SPRIIIKIER Pl.AN.cad HO.tr|ngqrrtO- 5.6 Kfador 14.82 at 7.000 Uglrt Hazard 1{n.(n Di* 0.1009prntr Arar4,.rb. I 5m.00aF (AchEl I 101.16nr)srt lr- l{odo Fbrr(oonr) lrrl('.*r.rffi 11 100.(x)fl9 tufr hrlFr-'Fri.n*Ar(.tlil-rrohRrrtAr WESTERN STATES FIRE PBOTECTION CO. LARRY CURTIS, CET PROJECTMANAGER NICET # 89074 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLEF. LEVEL III APR 3 0 2005 Signature: 100.00 tirrForrlrr. i rd vrtR.$rd trx.{l9 &.4$aim)227.@ I 327.09 E|rrPtqn|tl!-tEbbq. 0.(m 27.3O befireen nodes 10 and 18 lEtrrYHtlEd!.d 5.21 betreen nodea 3 and 4 l$rn os.iq'4w.Pt. I ndna.?.ie c D), Ff-766.45Sa1 | I tbse FIow node | (qm)Statb I Rsldual 4i Fh(pEr-l I txrit qt (@m) Avdbble ar Totrl Demand {olBil trt (ofii)Requhed f Sabty ItaEbbd) I {D{i}100.(n l 145.mO l 14r.000 Icr8.m 114.4'13 | 327.8 69.6:!5 | 74.W 13f35 cqtElbt- | cdtdt-CRAIG I PROJECTMA]{AGER VYESTERil STAIES FIRE PROTECTION CO &T79fi2 z'6 s. Tt csoN wAY flp794019 E{d cruS.ulsmr€wsfr.usq Tu T4o..CGISIEI$rIAL ICO ls0rrz Job Ntmbsr 15|(15 + tlost Demandir€ Spdnkbr Data fffi Job Nwnbor 15,L35 Job Numbee 15145 Repon Doscripfion: Light l-lsrd AO Arm€verBL Branch Line CM Croso MainDN tlain DR DropDY DynamicFlt Fccd ltlainFR Fe€d RiserS Mbccllan€oug OR Outrigger RN Rber NippleSP SprigST StadPba Diam616r Elovelion Florfl Discfiarg€ Vabdty Pr€ssu|! Lengft F iction LossHWC Hazen-Wl ams ConstantPt Total pt€lsul3 at a point h a pFoPn Nomal prEsutE at a poiil in a pir€Pf Proscurr lGs due to fiiction behreen pointsPe PEssur" du€ b elwatlon difibt€nce betu€an lndicatedPY Vebdty pt€.sul? at a point in a pire ALV AnSV b Bdv BFP BV c cpls Cr cv OeM DP\' E EE Eelb2t FDC E EE frS FN fr g Glov GV Hosa HV Hvd L€ mecT 1{oz P1 P2 Plv PO P PRV |€d s scv spr st T Tr u ll|l"rF v\nil z AhmVah,€ Arfglc Vah6 Bu3hing Bai Vahro BaddowP|sv.nbr Bufrdny Vehr8 Cross Flow Tum 9f Coupllng Grcs Run Ched( Vshrs D,clugo vah,s DTPIp3VahEgtr Ebow 45'Ehow 11Y.'Eltlortn L" EtbE,n Flow Dwict Fi]€ lbpeltrFnf Conn .thn 90' Fiplodr0ll) Ebow 45' FiFLod(Ir0 Eho!f, Flangt Floaflng Node FlreLockCIM) Te€ Gaug6 Globo Vahre Gab Veh/e HG6 Hos€ Vah,? Hydnnt Long Tum Elbow ttl€chanlcel Tee Nozb Pump In Pump O.rt Post lfffca{ng Van6 P.rpoOutH Pre$ur6 ReliGtvahre Prssu]3 Reducirg Vahr6 Reduce/Adaptet Supply S\nhg Chcck VahrE Sprinkl€r Stra:nol Tee Flow Tum 90" T€€ Run Unbn lMrsbo Water lletar Vahre c.p JS Numbor 1srfiF t)6cription: Light Hszad -..... 9'€ 10.711 9'€ 1 9-8 15.797 9'{ 2..7n 47.W LrE(z-svi. PO(g-l 6tr6il 49.077 1'4 51.979 1',-1l . 53.070 57.630 2E(13'-2), 5E(6'-9%), -.. . .. 9'€ 14.1 11.373 9'€ 13.017 g-8 9.084 Job Numbec 1St35 9-8 10.7'.11 94 11.914 I Atual InsHo Diamoter \no -\@l =ra."ol Valu€ Of C 100 130 lilo 'l5() Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 tight Hezad H Job Nut$er 154115 Supply at Node 135 1t!5 E 4zstg o- 45 3(t lom .{n 500 qn 7W Wils f,ilr, gpfll qro 9m 1(m ttl Stafc Pr€sue 1i5.m0 97E.004141.q'g_ r';327.(B**l rYlth l|ose strt,anc I rSmdc I mand curY I Supply at l.{ode 1 14{t.Om 978.OO@ 14r.O00 raraahrh.CTd 144-4rc @ 3a7.09 227.OS @ 6S.62s *oqnd(ldrfte Hagt-r, 327_09@@.625 9oV %F..-*c* \- Us HS N w$ \r'Js$\0 t=l 6 \hNN\__l) \ l\-\\ AppLnATFt*L M)T BE AccEprED rF *corp.ErElu"'a(-0386smvfiwurftly Project #: Building Permit#; D! Alarm Permit#: 97(,-{79-21 35 (l ns pBitions) Frontage Rd. 81657 z\ CONTRACTOR INFORTATION COIIIPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALART PERilIT (Labor & taterials) Fire Alarm: $ ,Fn*!t******it*:ts*****:t*:t:.***!.*tt*stt*****FOR OFFICE USE OiILY*rt!t*:t**:.*:i:i**:t**t******************* Fire Alarm Contractor: CSur c- Torn of Val Reg. i,lo.: \trt s Contact and Phone #s: 1'rrr, Uh,.t Strlroo E-Mail Address: L Sr^rc - $"^1 cst-tas\. ru | Contractor Signafure: \ \\\1( Assessors Office at 970-32E4A0 or visit for Parcel# Parcel# e1D rn1a12-\r\O I Job Name: \lo,l \,Jordro*. ?'n nouJJo.^ JobAddress: P..,tn?. {ronluv ?r\- \fu,* Lesat Decription ll I-ot I eto., ll rlins, I suuorri,,lon,5.;ih FrJo,o R 4 owners Name: ta^\ 0lro lAddrars:1*lr, ? \ln'^\ ?otrrsp.Phone: Enoineer55^-o.- \ GS"L!.lood*o?o Bror loze F,.,^ lo{'3 t**'qro-uoi-4oRr Detaired Location of umrk:1fiffH\f;* " Detailed description of work: _ . 1 rl-A :VJRvr" rsol ar € Mor* Workclass: Ne\il( ) Addition( ) RemodelM'**nt ) Retr}fir( ) other( ) Typ€of Bl@.: Single-family( ) Tur+family( ) Mrilti-family( ) Conrrnercid\f Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unils in this building: O ll tto. C nccommoddtion units in lhis building: O Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves!)) No ( ) fi Does a Firc Sprinklsr System Exist: Yes (!l No ( ) th?Z*pr*L Wai|bab\cdgv\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRiIPERM.DOC v ..'' o #*-e0 t' WESTERN STATES F'IRE PROTECTION CO. d0 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY. CENTENNIAL, CO 80112 . PHONE 30U792-0022 . FA)( 303-792-9049 qrtd{x I I Westdm states Fire Protection Co. 7IX26A.TwIlsy E€r!ffio{ OO $f f2 (*3)1vr&n @)trrro{9 rAx ra.rr*,.r.-t|*, ffi!ffilEE O[!d|.Ea5.g.ffi ldl-"lir-r.h.lt||t t.El.-!b.rtd..5--E I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I HNE$PNilffi.M $Y$Hil tlTlnruSuBtlIru Itll nrs0t$ umH0u$t nH0utTl0t lasmmrr|tll|rrilnLnnurf I Al'.uoutRaur' )|I.E rt, til OAttA r. ti. otrvtr, co . Houatora, Tt. rAruAa cltY, l(! . xl GAPotla, ra|| . PHog}{lx. Az foitLallo, oi ' lAtlO cllY, rD. !A!t LAiE Cl?Y, Ut. AgArtLC, WA. 81. loula. UO. TUIGA' Ox I T I I 'Western States Fire Protection Co. rul6 & Tlmwry E4lcwrood, OO U!1f2 (30t, vrTNn @, TtItBO+) sA]{ nrrrm.tn ffi!ffisfh c-fl.Sf.ffill.rtr $.fl 15t'. rT.dr.D.ht-.t*rl id. &d!.. ht .Jcr. ffltrr. I I I t I T I I I I I t I t I VAIL RESORTS I'UAREfIOTISE RENOVATION TATERhL 8UBITTAL II{I'E:X SPRltrll(LERS: RELTABLE FIFR RECESSED PENDENT ( CHROME) RELIABLE F1FR HORRIZONTAL SIDEWALL ( BRASS) PIPE: DOMESTIC BLACK SCHEDULE 10 AND 40 STEEL PIPE FITTI]{GS: C.I. BI.ACK THREADED FITTINGS VICTAULIC GROOVED FITTINCS VALI'ES: RELIABTE RISER CHECK VALVE VICTAULIC GROOVED zuTTERFLY VALVE w/ TAMPER SWITCH RELIABI..E GROOVED CHECK VALVE HAilGERS: FIANGER RINGS 3/A BIACK AI."L.THREADED ROD 3/E BEAM CLAI'P Ac9FSsORrEs: FOTTERWATER FLOWSWTCH PC'TTER.ROETIER 2-WAY FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION ( BRASS) AllUQUliOUl, t{tl . AUATlta, tI, . DALLAa, ll . DICATUi, lt. DEtlVEi. CO. HOUAIOI.. lX. r^}aa^! CltY, tS . tllll}lErPOLlA, X|l. PHOErIA. AZ PoltLA'aD, OR . iAPID CltY, aO. a^ll lAl(E cltY, Ul . a?AttlE, WA. aT. lOUl8, tlo . TUl9A, oL Bulletin 136K Model Fl FR Model FI FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers Ecq f sx t T I I I t I t I t I I t I I l I I I Horizontal Sidevrall HSW 1 Dellector Recessed Pendent Application Quick resporse sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion srctend:Wet,Dry,Delugeor Preaction. Care must be exercisedttrattheorificesize,temperaturerating, deflector style and sprinkler tpe are in accordarrce with the latest published $andards of the f\|atioral Fire Prc*ection Asso ciatbn s the approing Autpdty HaMng Jurisdiction. Ouick response sprirkleis are intended for installation as specifedin NFPA 13. Quick responsesprinklersandstan- dard response sprir*ders should not be intermixed. Modd FIFR SfinlderTlpes Standard Upright Standard Pendefi Conventional Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Modd FIFR Reessed SpinlderTlpes Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Prcduc't Description Reli able Models F1 FRand FlFR Recessed Sprinklersare quick resporse spdrlders wfich cornbine the durahility of a stan dardspdnklerwihthedtractive loruprofileola decora- tivg sprir*ler. The Models F1FR and FIFR Recessed atrtornatic sprirr klers utilize a 3.0 mm lrangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have dem on strated re sponsetimes in laboratorytestswhich are fwe to ten times fmter than standard resporse sprirr lders. This quick response enades ti€ Modd FIFR and F1FR Recessed sprinklers to appV water to a fire mr.rch faster than standard sprinklers of the same ternperature rat- rs The glass bulb corsists of an accr,rately confrolled arnount d speclal fluid hemetically sealed irside a pre cisely nnnufacfured glass capsule. Tffs glass h-db is spe cially corsfucted to provide last thermal response. The balance d parts are made of brass, copper and beryllium rickel. At nunnl tenperatres, the glass bulb contains the fluid in both the liquid ard vapor phases. the vapor phase can be seen as a srnall br.dc ble. As heat is ap plied, the liq uid ex- pands, forcing the bubble srnaller and srnaller as tre liquid pressure increases. Continued heating forces the liquid to push out against the hllb, causing the glass b shater, operirg the watenaay and allodng te deflecbr to distrib- ub the discharging water. The ternperature rating of the sprinkler is identified by he cdq of the glass bulb. Uprigtrt Pendent Vertical Sdewall Corventional The RdlaHe Aubnalic Sprirlder Co., lrp. 525 llortr lvlacQuesten Parlev4/, hlotnt Verrst, Na,v YoIk 10552 I I I t I I I t I I Model FlFR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conrrentional Sprinklers Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Upright Pendent Uprighto Conventional SpinfbTlpe S[ildard-Upritil(Ssu) drd P'| (H( SSB Dstecbrs Mad€dblndoab Po$tdl lCFob Spfilderllitt Approd Ogarfuafim StrhkbfkflHb.l NmbdGl,llusMdicssussP tr"(l5rm)StandadOrificewih !4 lwr(HrA Thread 5.62 81 .0 2.?{5AIm) trFAs F[515 n6lZ}lnlLawor ifrcewih ,1" tFr F/4)Itvead 8.0 115.3 2if (grn)1,23418 RS22 R612 %'(7nm)Srna[Qri@wih }f fwr(H4Thead0)4-24 61.0 254"Gem)'t.28 KFAI R513 t6' (10rm)SnalO116611y61 16' pr1 FJ4) nro6tt)zaz 40.6 254"64rm)'t.28 FEFz1 FtiFl1 l(}rmorlfce X.|.l wih ffi"'lhead 4.10 59.1 56..lrm 45,7 RiFA4 RF14 Carvenlim*{nsbll il UDdttorPen dertFo sitim 4.10 5.6 8.0 59.1 81.0 115.3 56.1rm 5A1nm 58.4nm 45,7 4.7 R3674 R3675 &3672 l0rmorifioa )CH wift H/s Ttread lsrms:tan dard Orifcewffi }4 NPT (H4) lh€ad AIm Laroe of I fi ce witr Yf lwf (m4)IhBd m ldsn tifi€d bya pintle o(tend hg be yondthe deiec tor. I Model F1FR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler- Installation Wrench: Model RG1 Sprinkler Wrench I T I I l I t I X ldentified by a plntle €xbndhg b€yond fne d6fbctq.w Re fer to es cutcfi €on data la ble lor ap p(ov als and dimen sions. Installation Data: Ndnhal Orllico Thread Sts6 'K'Factd SprinHer H€lsftt Applonal@ Olganlzalions Sprinlder ldentifi ca$on Number (SlN)US Metlc ,4" (15rnr)wtHt|F/.hl 5.62 81.0 2."(sarml R3615 lryi(m 'l"rfilm4) 8.0 1't 5.3 2.S{selm)1,2,3 R3612 ',{"'(0(ttnm)wtm/F.lbl 4.24 6 t.o 254'(EIm)128 FEl613 t6"0(unn)yitfl(*tl 2.92 ,rc.6 254" 6&Tm)1.2,8 Ffl611 1Orm ffi 4.10 59.1 56.1nm 1,7 R3614 .-*'- 'F-=H..,,t, ;( 2. I I t I I I I I I I Data: Nomlnal Orhce Tkead Size 1( Facto. Sprlnldel Hoight Apprtld Organizatirns Sprinlder ldent'ftcation US MeElc Numbe? (SlN) \q'1/!-NPr(Rl/t)5.62 8t.0 2.? (56rnm)1, 2, 4 6,8 R3685 1ftm 14" NPr (R!A)5.62 81.0 2.? (56.rm)4O Oriantation DBfloctor io C6iling Dlmonslon (Mln. - Max.) Upriott 4" - 1 2" {1 oanm - 305mm) Pendqtt 6'- 12" {152mm - 305mm) Model FIFR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler I Deflector: HSW 1 I Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench lnstallation Data: I Ir NSIE ULand ULC Listing p€mib us€ wih F1 or FZ roc€ss€d €scutdFon. I I I t HorizontalSidewall I I 3. Nornlnal Odflce Thread Size .K Fac-tor Sprinklor Longth ApprovalOgfltizalims md Type dApprord Sfinkl6r ldantiftcation Num - ber (slN)US MeElc Ugttt Hezerd Ordinary Hazard ,4(1smm)tf NPr(R1/!)5.62 81.0 2.63 (67mm)1,2,3,5,8 1,2,5,8 F3635 I I I I I t I T I I t Instdlation Qulck response spdr*lers are inrtended tlr irsallatbn m specified in NFPA 13. Quick response spdrlders and $andard Esponse sprir{<lers should nct be interrfxed. TfE Model F1FR Roessed Qick Response Sprinklers are to be irstalled as stmm. Tln lvlodd F1 or F2 Escubtr eors illwtrated are the only rec€ss€d escuficheons to be used wih tE Model F1FR Sprirtders. Tte use d arry drer recessed€scxJtcheonwillwidallappwalsand ne gdeall uananlies. Itt/henin*all ing [4odel F1FRSpdntCers, usetheModel D SginklerWerrch. lllitten irstralling lvlodel F1FR Recessed Sidewall Sprinklers, use the Model GFRI Sprinkler Wrernh. Use tte Modd RCl Wrench for i'nstalling FIFR Recessed Pe@nil Spdnklerc. Anycfertype of wrencfr rnay darnage ttrcse sprinklers. Approval Organizatirns 1. Undenaniters Laboratories, Inc. 2. Undemriters' Laboratories of Canada 3. Faclory Mutul Research Corporation 4. Lcs Prevention Cor.ncil 5. NYC BS&A No.587-7$SA 6. Meers MIL-$901C and MIL€ID 167-1 7. Verlcand der Schadenversicherer 8. NYC MEA 25&9$E ULlLHing Cabgory Sprinlders, Autornatic & Open Qdck Response Sprinldei ULI Gukle Nunter VNIV Ternperafure Ralings Mdntenane The Models F1FR and FIFF Recessed Spdrilders shotjd be irsp€cted quarbrly and he spir*ler q6tem rnaintained h msdarrce wih NFPA 5. Do not clean spir*brs wih smp and uater, anmmia a any dter cleanirgfluids. Rernorcdu$byusirBasdtbrushorgen- tle vacuuning. Rernore any spdr*ler wtich has been painted (dpr tnn faciory apdled) c damaged in arry way. A stock d spare sprir*lers slutld be rnaintained to allorv qdck replacernent ct darnaged or operated spdn klers. Prior to instiallation, spinlders strotld be maintained in the original cartrcns and packaging until used to minF mize the pobntial for damage to spdril<len that \t'/ould ca.se imprcper operation or nonoperatim. SpdnklerTpes StandardUpright S:tandard Pendent Csventimal Sidertall (Vertical, Horizmtal HSVtrl ) RecessedPendent Recessed Horizontal Siderltlall HSl /1 Finishes fl)a SEdadFifttre tui*k Fcgblr.n Bralze Chrome Plated While FblyEsler Coated Brass Chrorno Hated Whitg Pahted SoscH ADolctton Fltfic si{k Esunfieon &ight Brass Bhcft Platgd Bbok Paint Off White Sdr Cfirorne Brlght Brass Eack Phted Bhck Painl Off White Satin Chrorne I I I I T t I I Escutcheon Data Fc.dEcnriu Afds n4ls|lEt ?tfi|Edn bdrgbC*'gatiHIffil FI 1,2,4 yf (1gnrn) /r' 0ftm)(RTm-2fm) e.1,23,4,5,7,8 n2 f l3rrm!l25mm) %i-,xi lFrrm-,trrnl o other fin ishes and col ors are avail able m spe oi.rl or dq. Cfisult tho facbrv lor debls.€ FM Approral i6 lin it€d b bronze and bass, chrorno or Uack dated fnifiG afy. ffiedru Infumalion Soecifv: 1. Sprfnlder Model 2. Sprinkler Type 3. Gifice Siizd' 4. DeflectsTroe 5. Temoeratuie Ratino 6. Spriirkler Finish 7. Escutctrcon Twe 8. Escutcheon Firiish (where applicable) Note: When Model FIFR Recessed sprinklers are ordered, tre sprinklers and escr.rtcheons are packaged separately. Ihosqdprsip|€6dr€dhtishl16thkbbeinddl€dhaccqdarrolrvihtFlal€dpstirstt$mdar6dlhoNatlnalFreProbctdlAe60dalb[Fsb.yMutl8lRss€tcrlcaporalil\aoissinilerr96rizalid$anddEo$lthlhopm!idd$dgotrsnnEn6oode6qqdrEs6r isrevg|+dicaUe RodLrismanulactr€daddsfibubdbyReli*lola\€ba€nFobctinqlifoandp.AertytcordSoyears,ddarshslallgdsdGevicedbylho U€spdnlddcd|rachBlooat€dtllqrghdlth8Unled gales, CanadaardfaeignoqnEiea The Reffaue fubnalib Sprh]tur Co., Inc'@ rrv (8m)€1-1s88 (8m)8484(F1 (91 4)668-3470 vtr,rv.dld€sgild€(.cqn Sabs ffices Sale Fa,r< Co.poiat€ Offices lnbtrFt Addr€ss RE\/ido lixe ixlcata Lpdded r nelv data EG. Prtrod h US-a, l2/tn PfiBgs?qlz, I6 79 SB 141 1S 156 175 2fi)I O'r€B Red YdortOst Btr l,lot a\,ailable lor recessed sprinklas Marufactured by I I I I I t T I I I I t Sched ule-l O" / gcheduls-ft)" Fully Listed and FM Apprwed Sprinkler Pipe When you speci! Schedgte-lfllSchedrle40 sEinkler pipe you get a LIL listod and FM mroncd product Although thcse p'rodgc6 {o not require seprate ryrornls, Schedulel0/Schefrle40 gtrrcs you the exEa quality sssurmc€ you d€mmd-O* SoUtO 1ttZ.'- S1 pip" *C S.t+O (1"- 2%) pipe have passed the saoe thorough lab testing as orr otho listed pipe prroducts, an{ riceive perioaic nill inspections tom UA W and FM agents to e,nsut cmsistat quality. TP TilhlLD. UT lunm ln;nun LWWn u,(|e0Hhi) Pq, tU.nH) Wtlil2+l wl,tn(61 tjf/Ftt@h, Lilt ljp.Ks ljF'Kg L,qtft 2.{F s.$ f 25 1.019 fr.6 70 2,470 70 1,120 1.680 2.5 2,82 1,28{) 2,94{t ,,334 lW 32 1.38{t 35.1 2.n0 2.934.36 4.!)6 51 2,431 51 |,|frl 2,n8 1,260 2,8S4 1,313 2,SS2 1,357 21m 3.614.0 5.37 lW 40 1310 10.9 4 2,513 2,st2lu 1,140 1,303 5.13 30 2,300 7.6it fi 1.043 3.660 5.4 2,628 1,1!t2 2,7fi 1,242 t 2.w7il 52.5 2.469 62.7 5.790 a6 19 2,310 1S 1,U8 2,640 1,t97 2750 1,247 nt 65 7.86 11.73 t I I I I I I I tqcof no*c",na Q dlied Scledule-10/Schedule-40 product can be 'hotdip" galvaniz€d to meet FM requircorents for dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A-123. Our advanced formula mill ooating of- fen a cleaq durable surhce. It is also paint-ready for custom color ryplications without special preparation. The internal surhce of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe prodwa up to 450(X)" in diameter is coated with our new Antibacterial For- mula,'ABP'. Ia scientific laboratory tesl ABS proved to have superior resis- tance lo microbial colonization ofpipe walls, lh€Gby d€laying or possibly pre- venting the onset of Microbiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) when rhe First Sprinkler Systein is first installed Mcets Buy American" rcqufu€ment and is available thmugh distriburors in the USA Cana<ia and Mexioo. Schedule-10/Schedule-40 pipe are in coryliance *ith the following: ASTMA-135, EndNFPA 13. Bottplp€ products hre a worting pressue rating of 3fl) psi maximun md also meet fte sting€ot requirement for 6c follwing test8: . Welded Outlets . Hydrostatic Prcssne . Side lvall Rr+ture . Vibration Test Listd 16100 S. Lathrop. Harvoy, lL 60426 11350 Norcom Rd. . Philad€lphia, PA 19154 2525 N. 27 th Ave. . Phoenix, AZ 85009 @@@ Approvd Customer SeMc6: (800) 882-5643 Fax 708.3391806 s5-3 P$ rilmlD. ln: nn ln: flrm UT L'sft,Wm Itll?omdl P!|/ ru'iilzl) nunlzll Ul,L[t1251 Lbfrt@ln * *,* t,s.xg ljF;& 1' 1.097 25 27.9 1.4m 21 3,185 t,u5 1.81 91 2,675 3,(s3 2.70 91 1,213 1,385 1.810 z7 61 2,319 61 1,62 2.52 3.75 1yi 1.u2 c2 ffi.6 2,664 1,2tn 2,760 t,252 15S2 12.7 2.080 3.1 3.01 4.52 IW 40 61 2,664 61 l,ffi 3,045 9,172 1,381 1,$9 4.22 37 2,051 2,W 6.28 37 m La6i) t il) 2,442 1,108 2.157 2.61{l 51.8 3.9 5.89 30 2,44 8.n 30 I,{NN *f:' 2.6i15 a5 86.9 2,8t8 t,ml 3530 5.3 2,542 1,153 19 ll?s 1S 7A 3' 3.260 4.330 w 82.8 8.4 1,975 8fi 2,057 gB7.% 1t.u t 90 4.260 1N.2 19 2.m 2,558 19 1,015 l,1ffi 2,666 1,28 5.610 8.3 11.78 17.53 5' 5.295t25 13r'..5 1,943 81 7.n 11.56 17.33 25.80 1,865 ffit0 1,6:i2 10 740 6' 15t) 2' n 1,05!t 6.357 9.290 161.5 13.8 23.03 4.27 2,N 1,012 10 1851 10 85 7s 8.249m 2@.5 2,885 1,!tX) 16.4,90 24.5 40.15 59,75 2,424 LIN \n0 1,zfi TUEE & @I{DUTT gTANDARD CASTcLASS 125 FION P PE t I I I I I I I CAST I F|ON STFlAIGHT 9(,O ELLS FIGURE 21 I I t I I 1f8 Od|brbil A ouEatta m.dBand Blnhl Tt|rdIrEill Dfnh) I*.Oul I}insdon 0. LIE 3t€310 1r5nI 11t+.75ft z 11ft 2.t 0 3.U'2ltt :7llt 3.3 o3t?5. 4. CAST IFlON REDUCTNG 90O ELLS FIGUFlE 2I lr :b I I I I I I I I lro 3t IFIc'N 45' ELLA FIGUFlE IIPS qmsb Ed A Orttlh tX.. otBfl|dBftth |rqnd Th|!d C(0rhl TC(.Ouil o. !I| 'ItF o-6rllft 1-S{l1E -7m 1E t.0(n .000 IA CAST IFION STRAIGHT TEES FIGURE 24 ol E2 I I I Ie.Dotdr$taftl$r Flsi..t: flgt $ac tlflt3drd5rrrbdItl tn. ||are.d md lhf|.fid nG tt:l *cilrloa|dddprli crtlbtEolllu.rg a.& .3'a atjla n# 8rr8 talt at q{ V. Ftr *3 !r. rog,, --il$ ttct z|5! itlt tO50 nil . Sr.. 4 tndr f|d |Jgt h.Y. ffo bofl hcb l.9p.d fa.t|d I-itP- F+- O e.,dnf *r fuUffi fro|{ft z hdr {rilt' t F.d b ildl X hdl h t !0OB cl rrt htr r'?'q| bodt, a6! 60r: # 77t il.rf ta.s ti.t 8p s,r7 fi * t,L |':crt|lbrdddP. ' l' &.nlIDL h I r li ttfiFhe rb, t5orgd|nH.pfrrf I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I slboul,t8. cor?fd .f!A |n. Ah.B l|L bhd. Xl/z'elDpt* fi$ 3504 >\&' o \r*- il "-"< fi'-:<,-FJ = .; --;'1w .t--. ,t: rll % ,L Yz % % % .52 .80 l.rl0 1.84 2.fi 3.01t a a a a a a 90'ctDr nddclng: llg 352 w Fo4Fc-<-+--tlnli +l ?f!-+--=lj'# A, B: c€flter to end ot pip€ c, D: canlsr !o fac€ of liulng rhc, In, A ln I I|L c lrL D la. (.prr!$ '!/x % Yt % % w /t 1N. ln 1n 1yu s1 .rO %1/z tw t(.1n 1%.51 1 % ,4 9(, t+ rXt V(. 1% 1% 1r(. 1% .76 .87 1% I % tA 5L w w 1Yt 1n lw 1% 1n 1N. lrri. 1% 1Vr 1,21 1,O2 1.07 1Vz 1% 1 lt 14 1X. 1 % % 1% 1% 1Xt 1% lt (. 1% th 1% 1% 19i 1w 1% 1.71 1.4 1.66 1,Ett 2 1% 1tA f % u 1Xr IXt 1t{. tt(, Vr. 1% 11L 1% 1Yt lf. 2 1% l/t 1% 1% 2% 2Yt 2 2 1% 2.59 2.9 2.{tr 2.N 2.22 2% 2 1Vt 1r4: 1 1% 1r(. 1n 1 lr/t 1V(. 1% 1% 2r4 4(. 2n 11N. q. 2l(t 2/t 2t(. .1.01 3,68 3.41 2.09 3 2% 2 1% 1Yt 1% 1% 1t/t 1% 4lr 2% 2r{. 25(. 2tX. a$ 4(r a$ 5k zVu ztfi. 2rYt G.4 !.3{t 5.65 5.tE 8y;:3 gu 2h 9(t 3t4 8.95 1 gtA 3 ztA 2 2Yv nil D(r 8(r 2tt(. zrn 2% 2rXt 3% 3/t s% 3% gnr$ s% s% 3/r 1t.8S 10.08 11.27 11.80 5 4 3 4h 41ts Tln Ilre Fhc UAt 3k 4 4 4 4% 44tt 8t 16.47 19.00 19.88 0 5 1 3 q6 2tlt Xle 3t9{c sh Nrfrc $lc |tAc 4s 5 11Vtc 417rc 28.66 29.53 19.48 8 I l{ltc 5%$tq 6St 51.1'.| , Nol rlockod pl-20 AB,C:csrbr !o cnd of glpo O. E, F: cdter io facs ot flthg I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I * .85 r3l 2m {is 470 rolc 1sft! lAS 27.'.7 11AO 81.25 t.@ 1.58 1.qt A 8' C: cdrbr to sd of Dlp. D, g F! o.ntor b lso€ of ffi{rl l|{lrhfh.ffSfl ltnl r)ft1 1K: t t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I T I I ctaulirf -@* o.||frd cor?!|y PRODI'CT DESGNFTP]I Ur DltElrslolls L sn1. Firel.oc*" products @m- prtse audqu€ rytt€m Epe- sifcalty desi€roed for fte fotsction t6nrice6. Fir€- Ickittingnare aCAF dwdoeed, tudrodynamic deatgn wHch have a slrortd mEt-t0errd dirrndo thmstmdard ftfing8. A Doticeable bube allows the water to mab a soofr€r tum to maintain simila fow ch@cteristics as saa&rd ful flovYft- dngs. Firelod Style 06 dg[d adlditrg has a uniqu€, paf- e@dagFpadd€sign wbich alhfiB tlle hflsings toofuetwhih danpingth€ gr6v€8. By pBlmittw tlte Ffuol.ock* Fittings housingF bdido mtte arygt€d bolt padE, rigititY ie obtaln€d. Firelock fttfoige are dsigned for use eNc{u- Btu€ty wt0r Style 0(5 Ffte- Iock coup|Iqs. Itse of other ouplings or flange a&pteis Eay restlt in bdt d,mtsdoroire. -.5 odtrfi fr qM12fl qIl13 Vititfc CmFry of lmo.iE. P.0.8ox 3.|, Easb0, PA lgx+{ml . lF01 lcs$hcvilb Rd., Km, PA 1S/0 .0101559iH10 r FAX.0|0/25G0817 | [sr.vlcH!k}.c0m 10&14 clq'Odfl0n Opnlfi : 1"F[pr. qM11 56"FnF op,ll13 Tdihi ltrrl I opltl17 Dtq qnFtm Tl{t Ed|'bm Ttf Drpr 6d fr nn Xf jhi u Fbc lGtoh DtpF 5d tl nn xfFl o Fbc l}rr0 h Dter 5d fl nn Xtlhl 0 Fb.l EtOlr u Jd otttdt Sdfr nn Xf lhl u Ftd*toh 1Y.1.fr)o.&t 03 0.1 1tt 40 1.CDiA.3 o82 o.1 o.2 2 60 2,1t75 €0.3 2.75 70 1.7 08 zfi 51 1,4 0.8 L75 21 1.1 o.E6n o.€ 0.3 zt, 66 zarc 73.0 3tn 3.1 1.,1 ZE 57 22 1.O 3.fl' 76 8.6'l.6 o,8a 1.O 0.5 3 0.o.3(m 761 3m m 3.9) 1.5 25 57 21 1.1 3 80 35(I' 8a.9 338 86 4I, 1.8 25o 64 31 1.4 334 86 53 2.4 o.E8D 12 o.5 1 1m a5n 114 3 4.(I) 102 6.7 3.0 3.(x, 76 5.8 4.m't02 AJ 3.9 1,(x) 26 2T 1.1 5 'l 55Sl 1{1 3 4.SB 124 12I'3,5 83 8.3 3a 4.aa 124 15.7 7.1 1.{n 4,1 1.9 6 r50 6.625 16A.3 5.S) liO €3 8.3 3.50 as 11,7 5.50 '1rlo 2:l 10.3 1.m 25 5.9 2.7 a 2(x) &6e5 219.1 641 t73 55 1't.6 a.6 '1(E nt 9.3 494 176 3&7 '| 7.6 1.13E 127 5.4 1gi6'Jl egt a toi.lrldT.d d(VohfoodlFfoll Eic.o Catr'teii t 97 \h{& Cofl Fry !a Altb Rft.d h UAA I I I t T T I I t I t I I I I T I I I Fl.oU DATA TATERIAL SPEGI FTCATIOI'IS FftfinlF Ducdb irm oonfoming to Agf,NI A-5S ttttl8g Codt& Orarge enamd p Otr|drl: tlddipo8d galnniad to!t4a clqr .!d tto idn r 't !t ffititoc F Yitl{Ef |D ttr bdfraFl dclqt qnrourl T{f Bd!bmrir : l"Fdlqm'z SeFdlry1. TdFi |trf Qrl13qtod 8Yo 2 50 zgfS 60.3 3.5 t.1 1.8 o.5 85 35 '1.1 z\t 2,415 73.0 4.3 '1.3 22 07 10.8 3.3 ,{.3 1.3 3 0.D.3.fir, 76.1 15 1.4 23 o7 11.O 3.4 ,t5 1.4 3 80 35Xr 849 5t) 1.5 2.6 0.8 't3.o a.o 5.O 1.5 + 1m 1-fi) 114.3 6.8 3T 1.O 16.0 ,t.9 6A 2.'l 5 16 5563 14',1.3 8.5 2.6 12 1.3 27.0 64 85 6 160 Gfes 164.3 10.0 30 5.O 1.5 E.O 10I' 3.0 a 200 &fi5 219.1 13.O{0 5.O 3:lt) 101 13.0 4.0 10.03 - 2 I: I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I T t /\/is**Y*''t VlcPlusi \ Castct Systcm \-/ PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Firetockil Style 006 rigid coupling has a unique, pat- ented angle-pad desigrn which allows the housings to offsetwhile c,tramping the grooves. By permitting the housingrs to slide on the angled boh pads, rigidity is obtained. Ihe Firelock couplings provide rigidity for valve conneqtions, fire mains and long straight runs. Support and hanging requirerne'nts correerpond to NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systerns. Angle- pad design permits assem- bly by removing one nuV bolt and swinging the housing over the gasket. This reduces components to handle during assembly; speeds and eases installa- tiou on pipe grrooved to Victaulic specifi cations. Style 005 Firelock cou- plingr wlth the Vle Plusfl Gasket Sfrrton are deelgned and rec- mmeuded for ure 9 Lrc and V6 Apvovd, 6e nd66 otr p8gd 2. DtrEltstoNs < Y >< Z>f"lr fl\'\_/ \-f REtBd for wet and dry sprinldsr ela€t€ms at 350 P$ (2413 kPa) for 714 - 4' (42A - 774,3 mm) dz€s and 300 PSI (2068 }Pa) for 47r - 8' (1G,0 - 219,1 mm) sizes: Schodrle 10 rou grmved or Schedule aO cut or roll groovsd st€el pipe. Style 06 is rigdd and does not accommodate qan- sion, contnction or angular deflecdon. ro.02.rD stzE Io|| nallrth.. Acluel mm X8r. Work Prr... S PSF/kPa flrr, End Load Lb..'/N Allow. Plp. End scp. t lnJmm @ Eotr ut o. - Slrt lnclrrlmn Dh.ml 3 hatE3rmm A9oG Wot Er. Lbr./ksxYz lVt 4?,4 360 24 t:l tF< ..r3 /0 0.05 1.1)2-YtX2 2.75 in 4.50 ll4 1.84 I'i8 1.2 t)5 1\t 4A,:) 350 2.1 l:J 990 44 I:i o.(5 1,2 2- x2 3.m 7al 4.75 l2t 't.88 t4B 1.2 05 2 00,3 350 ?4 t3 r550 (i900 0.07 l./2-XX2k 3.50 B9 5.25 13il 1.88 t48 1.6 a,' 214 7:] 0 ?4 t3 2270 r0l 10 0.07 1.1 2-%x2h 4.m l0? 5.75 1{6 1.88 t4fl 1.9 o ll 76,1 rm 350 :'4 I:] 2175trolo o.07 l/2-V.X2Uz 4.13!(t 5.75 r.t6 1.84 t4lJ 1.S 3 1rtJ,9 350 24 t:) 3ti65 lit,lt:, 0.07 1.7 2-YrXztA 4.63 ]]u 6.13 l5il 1.88 tn8 2.1 4 I t4 3 350 ir,] ! :l 5565 ?,11 ,'(\ 0.16 2- X 2rt 5.75 Lrr; 7.25 t81 2.13 5,1 3.1 1O8,O mm gx) :r{)ri11 4255 Ifl1l.1o 0.r6l,I 2 -Y. X 2tA 5.63 113 7.25 ! f1-{ 2.13 3.1 !.rl 5 t.{ I,it fl)o 2ilti|J 7N :li:,1.11) o.l6 2-hX4t/t 6.88 I ;li 9.m |t2t\ 2.13 5.1 4.5 ?t) 13i1,0 ftn 300 ?oli!l 5495 ?8(!)o 0.r6 2-hX8t 6.63 tii9 9.00 :.2:) 2.13 4.5 :1,'l 139,7 mm TD ?or,8 71:I7r5 0.16 .1. I 2-hX8t 6.64 t ta. 9.00 22-'1 2.13 5'l 4.4 ?2 6 168,3 sn l0iiu r0340 1fi02() o.16 1.1 2-14)1,Nt 8.m ?:l)'.1 10.m 154 2.13 5,1 5.0 2.':1 159,0 mm s)o 9AX) iit il,t, 0.16 2-UrX1V1 7.trt !il 10.m :,:r: 2.13 5.5 165,1 mm flx)9955.r rt 0.16 2-rAXNt 8.15 10.oo 2.13 5.5 s)o 17525 0.19 2- X 4U.10.50 13,13 2.63 i,, '1.3 lo nots8 on moe 2. Vidalico Wbrld HeadquarBs . P.0. Bff 31, Eeston, PA 1frX1{031 . 4$1 Kessl€rsville Rd., Ea$on, PA 18040 . l-8$-PICK VIC . FfrX:610250-8817 . ttrrr'$&ulic.cffn Pdolrted Style OO5 FireLockil Rigid Goupling wtth VicPlus- Gasket System ONLY onfrre Fotecton ryrteDs. lUlePlur Garhot Sytt€El: Victaulice now offers a gae- ket system whictr requires no field lubrication- the Vic-Plusu System (patent pending) is dry, clean, and non-tonic- It reduces assmDly time substantially and eliminates t}re mess and chance of over{ubrication. E#BW@ 1538R6/.E 10/m O F€olM Trad€rnrk of VlctEJh O Copydght 1Sg Vlclaillc Ri ed in U.S.A T I t I T I T t t t t t I I I I I I I IIATERI AL SPECT FIGATIOI{S Ilouaiugi: Dustile iron sonfdm- ing to ASTM A-395, grado 65- 45-15, and ASTM .q-586, grade 65-4S12- Houdng Goatingr Oranga enanel O og*iorat Hot dipp€d galva- nized Ga*sE O Grade 'E" EPDI - l}po A VlePlu. Grlkd St toG t Mdet color code). Firelock products hava b€dr List€d by Uaderwdters L€bdatories 5 rafers to Listad/Apfov€d Schedule 5 steel sprinkler pipa. 10 refers to List€d/Apgoved Schedule 1O steel sprinkler pipe. ,S refe6 to List€d,,fApprov€d Schedule,0 steel sprinlJer pipe. BLT refe6 to ListEd,/Apgov€d steel EprinHer pipe manuiactu€d by Amenican Ttbe Compary. DF refels to i,ist€d,/ApprovEd Dyna-Ftow seel 6prinld6r pipe manulactu€d by American Tub€ Conpany. DT rd€trsto List€d/Approv€d DyDa lbread sted Eldiikler pipe msrufactur€d h'y Arne[ican Tube Conpoay. Inc. and Approved by Factsy Mutual Res€arch for wet and dry (oil ftee air) sprinkler ser- vices up to the rated working pressllro using the Grade "E" lVpe A Vic-Ptus Clasket System. requiring no field lubrication. For dry services, Victaulic @ntinuas to rcconmBnd the use of Crade '8" IYle A Flushsealc \y'ic-Plus Ciasket Sltstem. e,ontact Victaulic for details. Bolrs/lt|Itr: Heat tsatod car- bon sted, zinc Bl€ctroplat€d to ASIM 8633: Ttack head bolt confoming to ASIM A-1&l minimum ternsile 110,000 PSI (758310 kPa); nanged he:( nut conforming to ASIM A-563, Grade A. t Srardafd ga6k€t and Hu$Ssd g€sld apprc'v€d lor dry dp6 systams b -4Cl'F {-{fC). gjpp|gnq|tal lub.lct b 16- drm€ndod ts sdvico€ hElall€d at or cdrlinrq|sly op€.athg b€low (rF (-18"C). Victaulb coolt|tr€6 b r@rn- rEnd fts u6o ot Flu6hs6al gaskst8 lq dry 6€wir6. ltre inlormation provided b€lo\ r is based on the tatest listing and appro\tal data at the time of pul[ication. LlsdngyAptr|Iovals ara subi€ct to change and/or additiorx hy the appro\rals agencios. C(,ntact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and tlle latost listings and approvals. EL refors to list€d,/Approved Eddylit€ Etael 5llinlder Fipe m€nufactu€d by Bu[ Mm6e Tub€ Co. EZ ref€ts to Listed./Approved Ez-Florrr st€61 sprintder pipe manuJactwed by Northw€gt Pipe & Casing Co. SF referE to Listsd/Apptoved Sups-no st€el spriDkler pipo manufactued b,y Altied Tbbe and Conduit Co$oratioL SL tefers to Li.s€d/Approved steel sprinklsr pipo maDulactu€d biy West€m Tub€ 8nd Conduit CorpontioD. Super ,loD(L refels to List€d/ Appov€d Super,t0 or Super XL st€el sprinkler pipe manujactued by Ali€d Tube and Conduit Corporation. WI,s telars to List€cvApprov€d ste€l sprinlder pipe maDulactured by Wheatlard Tube Gomp€ny. )q/XL-lI r€fers to Listed/Apgor€d )(L or XL-tr sted sprinkler pip€ manuJactu€d by Alied Tlbe and Conduit Corpotation. iloTES ' Wolking Pressum ard End Load are total, lrun alt intemaland 6{smat loads, bas€d m sbnda.d weight (/NSU steel pipe. standard toll or cd grmv€d in accq- dance wir| Victaulic sp€cificati s. Contact Mctaulic lo( p€rlornanc€ on ofi€r dp€. WAFI'IING: FOR ONE TIME HELD TESI ONLY, the liaximun Jcint Wqking Pre€su]o rnay bo inorcased to 11/6 tims lhe figures sho,vn. t For lield installadofi only. FireLock Styb m5 couplings sre gss€ntially rigid and do not accqnmodat8 €xpansiory'cor ractim. O Nunber ol bolts required eqtals number ol huFing segments. Motric thrBad sD6 bdts aro available (colo. coded gotd) lq all couding slzes upon raqu€st. Contact Mctaulio lor details. $ Sty{e m5 couplings are VdS and LPC Approved to 12 Bar ('175 PSI). WARNING: Piping systems rrust always be depressurized and drained before at€mpting disassemtrly and r€moval ol any Victaulic Eiping products. Ths pbduct $all b€ man fdurcd by Vicladic Conpany. All goducts *stl b€ hdallsd in Ecco(danc€ sli c{rrdt Vidadic InliallaliataEs€n{ty indnntiois Victatdic resqvos tlE right lo ct€nge product 6p6cficatioo6, doigrs and dandard oqlpan€ni wit|out rDtice ard wittFut incuning oltiodbn6. totE2A Ratod Wortlng Prs.3ulr Rated Working he3luto Plpo Sch€dulo Slze Ind|a.UL ULC Flt Plpe Schodulo SlzB lnchoa UL UI.G FT q 1Yt- 3 175 175 175 E2 4 300 3fi)300 10, rl{) 11/t - 4 350 350 350 6 175 175 175 5-8 3m 300 300 SF 1V.-4 3n 300 300 BLT 11/t - 2 300 300 3U)Super 40 th-2 300 300 3U) DF 11/t - 4 fln g)o 3{n TL 1%-2 300 $o 3m 6 175 175 r75 WLS lVt-2 3X)3[n 300 DT lr/t - 2 300 300 $o KJXL-II lY1- 3 3[n 300 ax) EL 1Ul- 2 3(x)3(n @o If(ylEs: 10.90 - 2 t T BulletinS06 Ra/.F zf'{.lffirrlnld'(f,Irm} 4, (l(Irtm)&d'Of,rtm) md*roCMkVdrlec ttC E ='Io, .6 s-rI I T I I t t T I t I I I I T I T I Featurcs 1. Groored end connections. 2. Cornpact, lightweight design. 3. Non-slamming, spring loaded chpper to minimize water hammer. 4. Approved for horizontal and vertical installation. 5. Stream-lined body design prwides very lor friction loss. 6. Elastorner faced clapper prwides leak-free, rrcn'stic*ing sealing. Reliable Modd G Rber Rioht-Gheckil Valves are interded for installation in 6et pipe fire protectionsystsl risers and preaction systens usim supervisory air as lofl as 1 psi (0,07 bar). Thg Ris€r- Valve and Trim Kit (Figure 1 ) witlra water flov detector can provide an electiic alarm, and is a cost effectlve afterndive to an alarm vafue in installations nc't requidrg a rnechanical alam. Riser Valves are factory tapoed tq 1r/t, (or 2'l NPTafi y{ NPT system ccinnections and ftjr 'Ai NW supplycon nection(Ref. Fg ure2). Grooved end connections orovide fast and easv installation using listed or lpprwed nredranicaigrmved couplings. Rigid style groorod cor.rplings c€n b€ used for positive damping b resist llexural and torsbnal loads. Hiser Hght€heckil Valves and associated riser equipment ehould Deriodicallv be qaven a thorouoh inspartbn and test. NFPA 25 pfurid€s nrininu-m rnaint€nance requirennnts. Check valves should be insp€cted and operated at least annually. Pads slrould be replaced as required. When Model G Riser Valves are install€d verticallv. the direction of the flol arrow must pcint uovard. ffi hor2ontd installations, the hinge pin rnsi be located at the top. In preaction systems,'the valves rnust be installed r/€rticallv. Vtlr€ Deacrlpton 1. Rafied wofii€ grcun - 250 gi (17'.2bEli). 2. Fadory b/dpstalic test pr€ssure - 5m p8i (34$ bar). 3. Eirlion bee Epr€ssed h eqr.i€lent l€rgh d Scfr 40 fipuffr C = 120 (based m Flaaolltrarc brrda) and a flodrg vebcfty cf 15 fi,b (4.6 rnb), k zE (66ffm) -7 tL(21m) zf (l0nn) - 10fi. (3On)3 (8orm)-7fi. (2.1m) A (1mrrn) - 16fi. (4.sn) S€ &ldin 807 fcr Pressue Dq (gt) v& Fo,v Fde Gprn)d4ftaft Figure 1 4. $ardard g@/ed qd dinerr*vp per AI.ISVAWWAm 5 EfrBr$nsAEOD @ 3) h irches (nm). 2E (erm, - 7.12(1s1y 4.81{Jq s88(8y 1138 (2F) |s(srrn) -7.e(194ystr (ny 4.8 (1W f .e.(M) I 4 (10rrn) - A,$ (A4y 619 (lW 4.m (152y 1356 (344) s (1 50rlm) - 10.6 (my 7.6 (179/)1 5.12 (ny u.4 (36t) 6. S$[irE uEt[tr @.rtrtg Tfin Kll):2E (Wnnr-14be (6.419)g (Snm)-lsb& (a8b)4 (1ffi'r nr-z4bs,(110kg)e (1Srm)-45b€.(4.4kg) Tdm Kf D..cdpom Main Draln: - 1yf (3arm) angle \€h,€ ard doso nipde, ZE ai g (65nmad80rm)dzes. - Z (sqrm) anglewl,e ard dce ripple, { ardfl' (10rmard ls(}nn)das. Upstrearn and Do^rnstream Side (all sizes): - m pd (20,7 bdl $er pl€ssre gF.rgt6(2 t€dd.I - W (ffrnl 3rnall globe vah€ (2 teqd)- rzf x I (6mnx 1z/nm) niryle (Werean onry1. - Vl x 1W (6rmrx 38rnn) ripple (dorrfsrnonlD, - Yll (6nnt)drJg(2rcq'O. ApD|ovalr 1. Litted byundawibtsLabqdaies, lrE. 2 Li*ed by urdenniHs Labraffiies d Ganda 3. Appro\,Ed by Factcry Mu[nl Reeeatch Oorp. 4. tfrcNEASS-IBE. the Falbble tutomdc sprlns€r co., hc. . 525 Norh MacQuesten Parkuay . Mannt Vernon . ttlary Ys k .1S52 I I I I I t I t l,b lield rsplacash. VCrrDlrerat$ly 1. Clce the main water supply vatue and drain the system. 2. Remove the check valve fiom the piping systern. 3. Insp€ct the Seat (2) frcr any cuts, scrap€s and dent8. Replace the valve if any danngo is fqJnd. 4. To rephce the Facing Seal (4), rennve the Clapper (3), unscreur the Locknut (10) and remwe the retention Bolt (9). Ydvenrenbly 1. Thoroughlyclean theClapp€r(3). Insertthe retention Bolt (9)with anar Gasket (6). 2. Place the nern Facing Seal (4) and the Chmping Ring (5) agsinst he Clapper (3). T@hten the neut Locknut (10) to 21 in. lbs. (2.3 t*m) torque in 2W (65mml and 3" (80mm) sizcs ard to 52 in. Lbs. (5.7 hl.m) in 4' (100mm) and fl (l$)mm)sizes. 3. lnsert the clapper assembly into th€ valve through the doilnstream opening. Reinsert the Hingp Pin (8) wttib holding the coils of he propedy orientod Spdng O) in place. Install the Hinge Pin Plug (11). 4. Reinstall theclpckvalve in lhe slrstem. 5. Place the systern back in seMce. o|rbtnghforndbn Sp€cify 1. Modd G RiserVatue. 2. Size. 3. RiserTrim Kjt (ordered separatdy), specifo valve size. Conlst lh€ irbtdrE ccfacfor c FelSle ll eny dlfrcrrtrr a|B op€tb|r€d. Sfpdd r€Flsnstl prb b€ nBded, rF q|ly og|r,|LpF€I*psb. t-r/1' ,fi! F-t/S' * i') 3' tFr F' t 61 Hgure 2 Frgure 3 I I I I t I t I t I t T Ir Xo.hEr Et O:fft h*n|b zh@t t'n t ."(rffit a" tro t 1r Vah,E Eodv GErr lrsr. ASlli|.-'+E ga6s 3(,/A 91oG(m 9lcxFmS 9106n/+$(xx(m 2.S€l E|g|E C&HIO tr C1*i2m ASII'H6(I6 s6va]2fi)s)afim Hy204(n ffrlzmdt 3 gam Stahl6s Sl€€l $4. A,STfr42.O 91816t12 91816113 9181611,f 91816116 4 Fachd S€el 'J EPTII' R.6bd ssafizm s6acm s6m{00 sgaffix) 5 CBnDho FrE $ahbss $ael iX. ASII,-A2/O szlrxm szqxm sac'llp 62f,K) 6 GeCci "EPIItt Rtb€t gntrm xnm gJ,T2{I'0tl *'tg,'Jil 7 Sofito Sahless $*l tx}z. ASIl,HlllS 1 S,.|(IEII)s.qxm s4(n{n s{(IHn 8 tlhoe Ph $ahl€ss $sl g|3- ASlf,l-A582 s(xn280 s(xnm s(xn824 S IHI) I tr $ahle€6 $*l3(X. ASnfESl 910*rm $ogxm 910$4(p 9t0f,Hx! 10 Lodaut *'Stalnloss S€l ffi, ASTti-f504 1 94911.t9)9411,120 9,S113816 9.P13816 1 PIJ€T IE'NT SEI 1 H€olffinent Seal Kit 1 6818flt (I}25 6889x(nn 688fi)4&XO 688m4fiFo Bodr - Seat &b - Assemdv 910(Fm2 9(XEAts 91qEAn4 s1005ffi Trq(${nitFdrldhrtaba|hbbb.hrabdhffirht|ttrbDqt|frS'!( doflr Jb,ra l!!ruhrAactfr.r, Frclo.ylfndRdoh cqpo|rdi''l' qo[: dmkc|g[izeBadalo rnrtF p.otkb oagoirffrrrlifro.o fitnic *srtd Fb, Ptldurs mtdactrad end dsdhl3d by F*H6 tnw basar-graaotE lb '|d otoodty brolu B 0 Frs. rtd ro tffi lra i.ftSad by tu mo€t Hgt{y q(r5rd |'d nFlelbls tp(irkbt cq]trsb8 bcq UtorrohcJt tra thbd Ebh, Cafxlr 'ld tuf3En 6|nt[3. rbl.l|ff ArbrrabqrlnS-Oo,ft' (8(x)) 431-1588 (8m)848-fl51 (914) 688-?470 Sab o| fices Sale6 Fax CorporateOtb R€visim lineB hdicale updat€d or new data, EO. fthbd h iJSA O?rO1- P/il 0ss7(tr70run|abla6o|t*b r r llfietnel Aal ffess , t .'I t I I I I t t I I I I t I I I I t I 21t - 6' Slrlr @*@ ctaulic" An (D sml cgrlitied company PRODUCT DESGRIPTIOT The Sertes 705W butterfly valve features a weatherproof actuator housing approved for indoor or outdoor use. It has a ductile iron body and disc wlth EFDM disc coating. The body is coated with a heat fused polypheny'ene sulfide blend to meet FM requlrernents and tln new coatlng requirements for the sth ediuon ofljl-1091. For fire protecuon seMces, Series 705W valve is uL llsted able with a 7r' NPT supply side tap designed to allow dirEct water supply connec- tion to Vtctautic Firelock achr- ated fire protection valves. See separate drawlngs below. Thls is an opdonal featue and must be clearly noted on all orders. Contact Mctaulic for addiuonal information on tapped valves. Series 7O5W Firelock* Butterflyr Valve With Weatheryroof Actuator For 3OO PSI Seruice and FM Approved for 300 PSI (2065 kPa) service. Flow per- formance er<ceeds uL Spectfi- cadon l09l and FM Appmval Standard I I12. Weatherpmof Actuator Supervisory switches for valves are available?lh - 12' (73.0 - 323.9 mm) pre-wired (PW. Suppty-stde Tap Series 705W valves are avail- E - l? stses DiliErustoils Sorb3 ?05W Serlr 70!lW r6t TaP Victdtlic'Wtrld Headourters . P.0.8ox 31. Eadm. PA lm14S31 . 1901 Kessl€rwille k., Edm, PAl8(X0. 610/55$3300 . FAX: 61il2S,$881 7 ' uY{ut viddtllc.com [., c-J]^_-J\r' Tl1t <M> ' Or cerre,lirE. I Cdlact ll,cladlc Crrnpany of CarEda ftr ULC LlgirEs. l.ToF6/ed..*sliondv6|ve5,l|sGcqrrieIdedrgtsdiesioswteirlateawinuairrcsyteolze.oRe,|'9yeu)5F|reLod.dst'eHP.70Rg|dcdrckB5,rMdaIc[exod@ re us€d. a&ttid|al glppdi may be tcqd€d. 2. Vdt/e ar- ad be hgrlhd ntr dbc in ltl oen po6iid. Dsc .n d be pruy do6€d so tr|at rE prr b p.drdr|g beyond cnd of vaNe bdy. 3. V'dsrac gr@v€d end brtr€riy y6lv€s de 'gni[ed la Use '|ttr gf@ned efti Sip€ 0PS) o.{y. ttd penniled b use *tth pbh end (lPS) (' gaoored attd cd (fucft -U| ftFe. 4. Series 706W vdr€s d€ deCg€d ad drbierf yNedrd coardalg rs oppGed to grbn€rsitile s€rvlce. H strE l|omhrl h. Ac|.ual mm O||rar!lon3 - hGlFlrmlllimete6 APrr. WGE!. LbrftgEtoE A Hgt. B c D E F o H J K L o I 1l P ?Uz 730 3,77 96 9.80 24$ 1.80 46 3.92 I rx) 2.88 13 6.97 11"1 5.45 138 7.O2 178 o.97 25 2.31 59 4.50 114 1.44 0.@ 1.03 26 9.1 4.1 76.1 mm 3.'t7 9fi 9.@ 249 1.90 46 3.92 1dl 2.88 6.97 177 5.45 138 7.O2 178 0.97 25 2.31 5{l 4.50 't l4 1.50 38 0.60 t5 1.03 9.1 4.1 3 8S il 3.77 9ii 10.48 2.14 54 1.22 107 0.08 2 3.50 8:l 7.61 11r:J 5.45 1lli 7.:l:i l Sti 0.97 25 2.3'l 5S ,1.50 ll4 1.75 45 0.@' u 0.80 20 9.8 4.:l /t I14.3 4.63 I lB 11.8S 302 2.71 69 5.Gt 129 o.07 z 6.01 153 9.05 230 5.45 t38 8.59 214 0.97 25 2.79 1l 4.50 t14 2.60 66 o.73 19 1.22 3l 15.3 6.9 139.7 nm 5.84 1d9 12.42 :,}2$ 3.12 79 5.61 1 4:i o.43 11 6.Ol't53 9.98 ?\:l 5.45 138 8.59 214 0.97 25 3.92 100 4.50 114 &,o 9.1 141.3 5.88 't49 12.82 :12{i 3.12'/9 5.61 l.r 3 o.43 i1 6.01 153 9.98 ?5:i 5.45 1:ifl 8.59 21$ 0.97 25 3.92 100 4.50ll4 20.o 91 165.1 mm 5,88 l,l9 13.7,1 349 3.61 92 6.06 154 1.m 25 7.20 1ri3 10.92 277 5.45 13u 9.O5 230 0.97 25 3.96 t01 4.50 114 3.25 83 |,25 32 1.50 38 25.0 11.3 6 168.3 5.88 I4 13.71 31C 3.61 s2 6.06 15{ 1.(x) 25 7.ZO 1S3 10.92 217 5.,15 139 9.O5 230 o.97 2!' 3.96 101 4.50 11.{ 3.32 a4 1.25 32 1.50 38 25.0 I 1.3 I 219.1 s.33 'r 35 16.92 430 /+.88 124 7.94 202 1.27 32 10.20 259 14.06 357 8.28 ?10 13.30 338 2.05 52 2.65 6B 6.@ 152 5.to 130 0.18 5 0.91 23 52.O 23.6 lo I 21]t) 6.4t) It;3 19.14 4Ua; 5.84 14ti 8.69 221 1.72 1?,m 310 15.17 4(n r0.{xl 256 16.19 nt l 2.05 !? 3.m til 9.00 ?:9 80.0 .tti.:r 't2 | 3l-i.9 6.50 ldl) 21.51 547 7.01 179 10.m 2tja 2.66 bi, 14.25 '-\')2 18,28 ,1,J 4 10.$l ?5ti 17.22 {:t ? 2.05 3.25 ul 9.OO 221) 102.0 .4 r; :i 2l66Rev-A 1l!9 o Reglsrded Tf8d.fldk Vicr6dic o CopJrlgh 1gg$Vntadlc Pinted h u.s.A. NATERIAL SPEGI F IGATIO]IS ''t,'I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BodJr Ductile iron conforming o ASTM A-536, coated wtth polyphenylene sulfi de blend. IXsc: Duct e imn to ASTM A-536, EPDM coating Dlsc Coadng: O Grade 'E' EPDM EPDM (Creen colw code). Temperature range -30oF to PERFORTATIIGE The chart e:<presses the frlctlonal reslstance of VtctauUc Series 705W in equlvalent feeVmeters of straight pipe. +230'F {-34"C to +l l0'C). Recommended for cdd and hot water servlce within the specifi ed temperature range dus a vartety of dlute acidq oil-free air and many chemi- cal seMces. UL dassified in accordance with ANSVNSF 6l for cold +86'F (+30"C) and qrVaho6 Cu values for flow ofwater at +60"F (+ I 6'C) with a fully open valve are shown in the table below. For additional details contact Victaulic. hot +180"F (+82"q Potatte water seMce. NOT RECOM- MENDED FOR PETROLEUM SETIVICES- Stem Bearlngs: Ti:llon tmpreg- rnted fiberglss with stainless steel backing. Stern Bearlng Nuts: Carbon steel, nickel plated Tap Plug: Carbon sted, plated. Bracket Carbon steel, painted Actuator: o 2rA - 6" (?3.0 - 168.3 mm): Brcnze travellng nut on a steel bad scr€w ilx a steel houslng. O E - 12" (219.1 - 323.S mm): Steel worm and cast imn quad- rant gear, ln a cast lron houstng. Fonnulas for C" Values: LP:1C; Q = cv, J-tP \lUhere: Q =Ftow (GPM AP = Pressure Drop (PS! Cu = Flow Coefficient10.1&24 EEE Hom. ln. Aclual mm Eqd% Frt/m of Plpo SEE l{om. In. Ac{ual m|n Equlv. Fcsl/m of Plpe 2W 7.J 0 5 f.i;r65.1 8 2.5 76.1 + 5 f.ii 16ti :J 8 2.5 3 88C q lii 8 2r -a.1 1l 34 4 I 1,1.3 12 :t.7 10 273 0 '12 :t/ 139.7 I 12 37 12 -323 g 1,1 43 1.4 t.:i 12 :i7 * mlllimclers SUTGH AND WIRTIUG Stpcrrisorll Switch zUz - 12" Qs.O - 323.9 mm) slzes: Serles 705W FW - Two, slngle pole, douHe throw, pre- wlred switches- Swltrhes are rated l0A @ 125 or 250 VAC 60 Hz and 0.25A @ 250 vDc, 0. 50A @ l 25 vDC Stpervisorlr Switclr UlrirrS A. Pre-wired Switches (l) Swttches Supervise Open Valve (2) One switch has two #18 MTW wires ner termlnal. Permits complete supervt- sion of leads (see dia- grams below). Second switch has one *I8MTW wire per terminal. Thls double circuit provides flexibility to operate two electrlcal devices at seDa- rate locattors such as in indicatlng llght ard an audible alarm in tlrc area at the valve installation. Switch ll Sl Swttch f 2 Sz ( Normally Clmed: (Z) Blue Sl{ Normally Open: (2) Brown ( Common: (2) Yellow z Normallv Clmed: I Btue wiitr Stripe 52 { Normally Open: I Brown with Stripe \ r,{nTmon: Yellow with Stripe (3) A gmund lead, #|4MTW is provided (green) ,ftg.f r?r \\'cdgtt coaccrG \ Actrntor Repair In the unltkely event of an actua- tor failure, complete actuation replacement ts requir€d. ALLREPLACEMENTPARTS MUSTBE OBTAINEDFROM THE MANUFACTTJRER TO ASSI,JRE PROPER OPERATION OF THE VALVE. ? t{OtE: Cdr€dtru 1o Cor'r|on T€,minals (Yellow Sl ard Yel{tr ltll| Oange Slrlpe ' S2), and Ndmaly Oo6ed Teflrdntls (Ebe sl ard Blu€ nith orarc€ Sdpe - Sz); e,9., indi- cstd figti and a|ffm na)E on lrial valve ls fulty open€di f€n indcald lght and alarm go oL(. Cap oi |'r|s€d !/*e, e.9.. &ou,n and Brc tl x,fit oar€e Sripe. strE l{omlnal ln.rtes Aclual mm SEE Nomlnal hdro! Ac'tual mm atrE l{omlnal lnch3s Actual mm 10.18 - 2 Ths product shall be naritaco-red by Victadic Co.npany. All p.odrcts shal be installed in acccdsnce wih orr€rn Vrdar-{ic Inslaflalian/assdnHy insltudiqts. Vicliadic resewes the aight to change paodrc( specifcatidG. deslg|s drd strtdard eqdpnefi wlthdlt ndice dd yrlthod incrtring ouigdloars. Bulletin 807E rReliaDle ilodel G 2-112"r?", t'& 6" (65mm,80mm, {00mm' 150mm) Swing Gheck Valve l*" Right-Gheckru Featurcs I t. Grooved end connections I 2. Gompac't, lightweight design 3. Non-slamming, spring loaded dapper to minimize'lvater hamner 4. I 5. I Approved for horizontal and vertical installation Streamlined botly design Prcvides very low friction loss 6. Elastomer faced clapper provides I leak-free, non-sticking sealing - General r R"li"bl" Modol G $ring Chedr Valrres arc multiple pumoso valves performingJegular chgck y.alw duliee with very - hrrvfiiction toss. A[ ouis*Jirg approved Or ris€ in nir proieaioo sy$ems. Typlca!annl]catons indude I ;;;il;;i,;;;rbt"Gter jripptieganc priu*"nri€ystem, atthediedri-tgeftomfirepumps, atgravitvtank! onnecliom and at fire departnent plnrpcr onnedions. r The 4" (80mm) itodet G Check Vabc i! provided wilh a 12" NPT (R12) supply side conneclion (Fie2). This lf2" I r.rpt s,rbpv aiie oonnccilon is optionat f6r a[ ottrer rnlve sizes and must lrc sp€cined. Grooved end conneciions provide fast and easy installation using listed or apprcrred mechanical grooved couplin$' I niOO Wli groor6d;uptirigs can bo used tur iocittve damping io rcsistflorurd and blsional loads. t Riglr,-Ch"ckTM yalves and associated equipment should perbdically p.e-giv-sn a tholough Insladion and test' NFPA 1 25 prwides minimum maintenance requfidnonts Cfre* iralws shfttC be in+emd and operated at least annualry' I eans should be replaced as rsquar€d. l/ytren Model G Swir€ Clreck Valves arp Installed ver{cally, the dir€c{ion of ths f,olv arow muet point upflvard' For I horizontal installations, the hinge pin must be located atthe top' - Velvc De*criPtion t l. Reted working pressure 250 psi (17,25 bao. - trtp'/trnnv.rslllsopritdd.r.oomiralv$ls07b.htn O of 4) t12126200f 29&00 Pt4 t rtgoBPoiAt:o @Fo|tl Cl r OrO tlt{tS I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIG,2N OTBTMTJNE' AIUUSTABIJ RTNG HANGER Siae Borqge - VZ ttru 8 irch piPe. lilatGl&ll - Stael, Mil. Gahranized to G90 gneci' frcatbn. Fr,rrcdon - For fne eprinkler ard ottpr general piping purpo6es. Knuded advel nut deriyt permitr hangd sdiltsbnent after imtalatiott. Spring ter*tn on slivel rnrt holds it *curely in harupr More instalhtion. Srdwl nut b castlv remored. AperorEts - l,rnd€rwriterc Laboratoriestrstedatd Fettry Mutual Engheedng apFoved Coadormc to Federal Spocifrcation WW-H-171E type fO,and l'landachrers Stardardization Socicty SP{9, tlrpe 10. DhxhnnnTengoture 'ffiF Firfuh - Ittrt Gahanized, HDG, and Stainless Stel. ondq fu - Frgnre number dt fip ti'ae, 2- 2-V2 2-s/8 r-3lE r.rl8 r-v8 r6ga-r-5/8 -- 4A --- l-l-.16epx5/8 'lS0 ll '400 12 l6ox 5/8 400 14iiiuish 'ffi r:{6,'i l6ga x I l6gax 1 l6ga x I l6gnx 1 Uga x 1-3116 Ugax 13/16 l2gax l'l/4 600 6(n 600 r000 l2s0rw 1250 278';' 34 35' 6 73';. r36 rxGor?olltlD oOiltaalGr r Fl0tt{o FIG.99 ALL THNfnD AOD CW TIO IjNGI}I $ac Aongp - V8 Orru Te ffir rod h t hch igcrnsrts. ilo''qld. C.trbqtStedllodrrn Terfcdrrr.75trF Fldrh 'Pbin, Electro€alvanized' ad Sfidnlere StcatW W - Frgrse rltnb€r, rod dhlrctgr, rod lcttgthandtr h 610 540un iltro1810 161(tnlo z&nsTm 3:50 FTG.7N AIJ- THNEnT' NOD FI.'LL TfNG.ITS $zl norqr. . V4 ttru r.W itrh rcd h l(I{l' lengthn. *fn/ict|gil- Cdbon Sted It/cur&rrlrl;Trlrrrr tuc - nffFt'ffi. - Pt&r Eecuo€*nstbo4 ud Snatoterc Stoct(ru 8g - Figlrrc rur$er, rcd dhmelcr, ad fini$. u4 w 2r5 l;2,g,fg 610 tm nnllilffi.sg - --yr---''to ,[m lcl I I t I I I I t I I I I I t t I I I FIG.aSAAID FIG.ffi RWENSIBLE OTWE BEAM CTAMre - 3/4 AT',TD 1.1/4 TTIROATOPENING, INCTI&$e n34ge - GE 65 and Fic. 61 3/8 dtil 5/8 imh rod (t/2 dtru 10 totch pipc). Ihaial - Ca$on SEel vith h.sdcncd qrp point ret rcnew end iam nut Ftrfu - Recommcnded fot handng ftqn recl bcam wlrerc flange fticlmcts docc not qcc€d 3/+ inch Gig. 65) or tV{ $8 661 Faarc - All recl @nrtrocdon climinater *ructuml dcftcicncies a$ociebd cti6 cetdng qpe beem dampc. Itdar be rud on top or botom flange of drc beam. (Berdcd lip alhfltt handng fiom op nangc x,h€re deerene ir lrmited.) May be in*alled widr get ecrew in up or donm pocidon Offiel d€dgn Psrmlb uilirtritcd rcd ediutrncntbv allowtngdrc rcd to be dueaded dtroudr dre damP. Open decign petmiu tryecton of duead eogagemenL - Undcr$riters' Lobcatodet I'isted in &e US. (tI) and Cantda (cUI)' Factotv Muhral Auftreering aperoteil Confcms to Fd€ral Spcdffcation Society SP{9' trpe 19 and 23. k& r.cquileb€nrt o.f dtc Ndonel File hoacrion Assxletion NFPA)' Pqhlc'*l3' 3/E inch rcd will Bupport l/2 6rrt 4 inch pipe' l/2 intrlr rod will suppott VZ fuiu8 in& pbe l%nfr - Plein, Elecrlo€ahnnlzed' aodHDG- fu Er-fuluenumbcr, r,od dze, and ffnlslr. tffi tffi 66TABLE ftc.65 FtG.65 f)E ,.] .'].t,. ' t I @ \rsn+Mls) VANETYPEWAIEIFFAOW sY$rcfl wrrH RETARD (VDS) I T t I I t I I tL and ULC tisfied, FM, tPC and VdS Apptoved, CE f|adcd $cnrlce Pracsrq Up lo 31 BAR (10 BAR per Vdti) illn&rlrn Hm fublbr Alam: 38 Libra/lfin. lld|nunsugc:10lUlS @ntrciBdruE: TwosdsdSPDT(Fom c) 15.00 AmPe at 125/250 vAc 2.00 Arnpe al 0€0 vDc Rosistiv€ Enlo.u?B.Ung: NEMA4/|P5sRabdEndo- euas-ri|€nus€dwiE! plop€r coflduit fittingg Envtsonm3ntal Llmltadons: 4.5"C/,*)"C Gaullon: This dwicE b r|d Intended lor applba$ons in oxplooiw environ- ments. Sts sAYalhbh:Fo( sch€dules 101hru40, Pip6 sizee 2'lhru 8' DIN 2rt58, pip€ 6iz€s 50mm lhru 2fl)mm Opdond: Co\r€rTanper $Yidl fr€r Stc No. (nsqx8U.s, PaL l,lo.3g21W canadiirn Pd. No. 10096il) Ober PaEnE Pendirg Potter Electic, Rd, 1990 I I I I I I I GENEFALINFORilANON The Mod€l VSR-F is a vane type watgtflow $flibtl for use on $,et spdnkler systems. lt 'rs UL List€d, FM, LPC ard VdS apgo\r€d br use on steel pipe; sah€drl€s t0 lhru ilo, siz€6 ? |ftru 8', as rell 6 SOnm thru ZXrr n DIN 2458 pFa. 50nrn DIN 2tl40 b abo apgoved. The ['|it mqf also be used as a sec{onal wabfiou, dsl€otor on lary€ q/atsns. The unit contains two Bingla pole, double lhrow, snap ac,lion s,vfd|€s and an adjus{abl€ pneurnatc r€tad. Th€ ssihh€s anr acfiJated wh€n a f,otl' d at least 38 lit€rs p€r mhuts occurs do,ynetrearn of the d€vice. The flow cordidon rru6t exkrl br a petiod d time neceesary to orrero(me t|e s€l€ctod retad pslod. E],ICLOSUHE: The unil is endo6od in a general pueose, cast alumhum hodng. fhe covsr b h€ld kr pbce wi|h two iamp€r r€eistent scfsrs srt*$ 1€- quire a special ksy tor remoral. A fiold i]|stalabl€ co\rer lamp€r sflyr'hh is a\railabl€ as an option l'r'rft*r may be used to indicab unautfioriz€d remonal of fhe cover. See bull€tln $. $NnS fior installa on instruc{ions of this s\ itch. INSTALLATION: See Fig,2 Tlpse devbes may bo mount€d m a horizontal or wrscal pipe. On hodzmEl ptpe ftq dpuld be in- rfal€d m lhe top r*le of the pipe wfisre lhey ui[ bo @bb. The mlts shodd mt b€ ilstall€d wihin 150mm of a finirE whi*r changos lhs dircdbn of lhe rvabrfknv or wihin 60(lrm of a \tah€ or drah. (Follow lhe instructions fot VdS and FM regula- Uonc.) DEin fte systern and drill a holo in th€ pip€ tlsirg a ci.ctrlar saw In a slow sp€€d ddll. The 50ryn and 66mm d€vicos roquirs e hole wllh a diameter ol Samm r2mm. All d|er siz€s tgqui]e a hole lvifi a diarneter of 50mm r2mm. Cban tre iulide pite ot all gorfi or ofrnr maleftl ior a dbtarce €qual b tr|o pire dhmet€t on either side ol the hde. Rolt lh€ vane 60 that it may bo inserted into lh€ hole; do ncn b€nd or c'€aso it Insorl lha vane 80 $ar |hs arow m lhe saddle polntB h t|6 dit€cdon of lhe urateriorr. fnstall the saddle sfrap and lighten nuts altemabty to an evenhlal €8 N-M of torque. S€€ Fis. 2. The vane mud not rub the i gid€ ol tfie pipe or bird in any way. I T uFq. r6,|0roal - FEV Q SJtXt PfliTEO N USA PAGE 1 OF ,' @ SWITCIITERITHAL GOr{r{EgnoNS ct-arPrro PISTETERMNAL FIG- 1 ,:. Fto.2 REIIO tot.|srFat to ol|tG€ rrE rFt ro$(El|}e oiEErBr) roa DEgf,Eo lrf, ffraY. USE I€ r|'olL r|(ltll Of REllRO \rsR.r ffus) VA,I{ETY?EWATERTI.oW swrcHwlrHRErARD(VB) tx, ior l.ttt€ co,ER (lr toc €xrtxGD ?€mo c f m frozF2 | I o .5rll. Dil a rqEFlGr& trr+ a- th.bl l&.-e-lr-.-l t|crdEx urrs tulnx ruY.lD rx oomJlt.6t|tr| 0f roRouE I(rrf 0n PFE gr afigr(ta srm.C Pclls rlmtcln| of s|Effrou R0I BD|xf (rPOgtE onEcnoal of, srEngt,otr I F-_--"----4I =T-T=/ ltll---!r{,/tl,.' .|'tA,rf ,,. I lt s.'.," I*V* -l [-r0'- '".- .* O{ Aqtrn *'E OltYus rorFlERS 16 9lollrl EqliErc sr$EFY \1t6 fEouftlExls a|(,rE a codllxr 6 rPc pfno{|t of rHsPiootfi 6 rF r A Rf io s€lni(; 0F 0 0R ?5 5EO0rt)6 s| lr r0r 8f EXCEEOqI APPrcX FETARD SEI-NNGS (lN SEC.)OABCOEo 1$25 8Q 5'56 s$m Cldt wPrcAL Et.EgrRrcALooirilEgtpils I('IES EIXE F lllrE tE 1, Th€ lod6l VSR-F has tuo sldFc. c|e aan bo tJ3€d lo oDaa8baconnals[on, piopd- elary or rErnooe slgruling unll, $bta.tFr(t)nEbu*db qs|E!6alocalafibl€orYlstd rr|rEbr. Acd|dtm ol t-FC ApFrorral d thbplb(Adbtldthoohctlcdg|lryni.tslbsdedbeduds fidtur€. for srpsrvlaod duiir 8ga 'srErTgt||hdCdrs.{ons' Ifelrlnq d|dcaulhn (Frg 1). TotqfloF|q&IePbffirdtuq atadFdlorocbuts, nothdFsft.. TYPGALTESTFOI,F#ilTOOT'FGT,FANOil ltWabrffovrdabcbr &Shd-ofrt/dtts sPrsur€golgp (Ctrs8 I 3, 0b tobar) .l= t{ode (K-{acbro} F Funnd (odonal) F6. $1ot(E0 . REv q 3t3 GAUIloI{: Anuft rieddn.f ashglscqdft r rhould rd b€ looped a|urndthebmftal ard EertE 6 two s€paJab cfin€cdoais. Th€wlrl m,|3tbos€lr€FdtF|SyprolriG hg sro€rylslon of $e conn*-tbn ln ths €trst0|dtEslr€bflEsdlbdgdlrqn und6a|h3refi nd, :5tGEarJ iloa oducB EHEEFFFTSgHH EPgHHT EOtqa[*GE30r rxa craa a ||nG Im. ctciror, TESTING Thelnryerryof brr$ng fqfE rt(bl VSF-Fond lt€a8ooobql pEedltmodtorlngsy€l€msfFUEb3hacconEEewl|hg+ cattosiardsds, hnuibrnod|um€tatBl€sftantfinon[fy, Itp|urUe4 th€lnspgcbisT€cf vd\,6, tut b|lstrdylocabdallho €nddU|6 l'rctlBmole b]endr lh€, shouftdtiays beu€gd forts! Frpc6, Itlhsr€srBmp|ol&lxBbrb3ltrglh3opsreuonoltlF lbrvd@c0ond6rhoonfi€sy$o.n, Tplcdm of ft€VSn-f bnol t€coann|gdedo.dvbde. A mhlmurn flflrof 9S lib|a pd mht.fte ir |€qdrt(l b acdnab fib dorrbo, flPORTA T !.OTrcE Pbasoe.lvls€thepetlonB6ponsltolo( bdngoatheFil€PtvbclionqFffiitrfiliss]6bm ruslb3E€bd in mdancewlththe-Tstng" IrNElructionE. TWC'.WAY WITH SINELE ELAPFEHFlttElfl: tlsed a an a.orihary foilet connecfor\ p|ovidrtg 5m GPM/t8ez &ln mhrnum (F(er. HFnl t+i to clpOennnt Ure tra ir*cton r,r,U srilply. Svring dappor p.t'\rkl€s unobsgu€bd u,ahvay: Eryodi{ design b an ecimmirzl rrdrod d sati{iru firc @ Inlet mquimments nECULInLY RffSlGD: Cst br6 tltct{Ey inld body, siving depp€r and pln lug st'ivd' Back or srgfe outfd a3 sdecbd by model numbir. Letering 6 s€lo(,ed. fu {lrozonxztx 4f h.1dn x al aL OPTIC{AL FIIIISHES:€ Polbh€d Brs4 Rorgh Ghrorm Pbbd -D PolM€d Clrcrng Plat€d LETTEHl|G AVAI.ABLE: AUTO SPXR STANDPIPE 6PBCIFY: Thead ard letlsring T.tn Cl-vt'AY XodC 5710 ... Back Ou[ot fiH Iodols-t:nSotbtg0'Argb Oudot todd 57t! ... AngL Out|3t OPTIOI{AL FIilISHES: -B Pollsh€d 8164 Rough Chron€ Pbbd -'D Polish€d Chtome Plat€d LETIERIIIIG AVAII.AELE: AUTOSF|(R STAI{DPIPE SFECIFY: Thred and |gtbring RlrcIft Us€d G an audliary inl€i comodixl, plo\ridino 5m GPM/tse? bm rinirum (Ref. NFPA 14) to suppl€flEnt the fi|E -pfftcilon water supply' Drop daPpets pro\ri& unobsfuct€d wat6rwali Eetied d€ign b an econqrical rnetrcd of satisfying fiIe d€pt inl€* rcquiprnents. FEBULInLY HaI|BI|ED: Cast bras tvvo*ay inlet body, drcp dappes and pin lug silrit'ols' Slze d|d ou0€t 6 slecied by rrodel number. Lotbting 6 s€l€cbd. t t I I 1xz102,r2 1x tEs YE8 7h ,9 ltt'b2 a/ln5 111. ^5 4xzhr?h t02 r6.1tdi YES YEi Th t9 11?ra2 th2t5 6xlhrlh l52x d1r 61 ilo ilo Eh 21.1 10r/,n6 I2e 10in3 T)ThXTh | &1x',1 ilo io 9ltt+l 1O/rn6 o 229 tt x,ix3 ,r7.4 ,YES SA*.1 11%82 9/. 21.1 ll 2Lt !! t5. r3x3t73r 7t 1{0 lGs g/' 21.1 1t%n2 Eh 21t I ,5" xx rxgtr 7.c YES t{0 10E1 t1 273 loana 11 27.9 r3x3| 7.6 t 7.8 x0 Ir0 10 6,1 11 27.9 1gh 6.6 Page 5€ r-. a rOI4,Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Rontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,4D,2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail,co,us Project Name: Vail Resorts Facility Wash DRB Number: DR8030132 Project Description: Move odsting facility to be out of setback and reside with stained tongue and groove cedar siding. Participants: OWNER VAILCORP 04/28/2003 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT VAIL CORP 0412812003 Phone: 479-4008 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO Jeff Babb Jeffb@vailresorts.com 8 1658 License: Prcject Address: 862 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL location: Vail Resorts shog area Legal Description: roh Brock subdivision: unplatted r)a--\ \)"\ {et"tt3 UA,j$.oirr\-z-n .+-.-StQ"p Parcel Number: 210107200002 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: DateofApproval= 06120/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB apprcval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005952 The applicant shall paint all vents which pentrate the roof to match the color of the roofing material. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO TOI4IN Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.4A.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approva! lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, DescriptionoftheRequesl. Vail maintenance facility wash area and associated infrastructure. Please see attached explanatiodr. Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address:862 South Frontase Road parcelNo,r2l 01-07f-ffi (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoningr Name(s) of Owner(s):Val I PocartS, InC. MailingAddress: P.O.Box 7, Vail CO 81558 phone: (970r479-4008 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of App1|""n1' Jef f reY Babb Mailing Address:c/o Vail Resorts, Inc., P.O.Box 7, Vai-l co 81558 phone: (9701479-4008 E-mail Addressj ef fbGvaif gesorts. com Fax: (970)479-4030 Type of Review and Feel E Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Construction! Addition El Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single.family/d u plex) E Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Design Review Board. No Fee approved by Planning Staff or the RECEiVEN Fs*ff"".U6r"o"'t' Application Date: .'i r-ti r 1U '//u \('lf 9- 5-01 : 8 :21AM; HYDROSPH I ; 303+442+061 6 # 12/ 15 ID Lattudc llocilon 9- 6-01; I :21AM; HYDROSPHEREo ; 303+442+061 6 # 13/ 15 ;303+442+0816 # 15/ 159- 6-01 ; 8: 2 r AIV; HYDROSPH o ilg $t E0 Eo IE a E a -4*rFT € 5 r.!atg T! fi tI E6 =€ I ]l sl FI Egao ?E EF e-605 -3 .E 6 sl *l .s9ll 'F =?i-g 6Eto E E.€r :EElE';!8!Tiag Iio EE EEE! E t E ! ! oeb ll sl $l Efl iE 3! I!aI fr !.l a 3EE tIt 3gTI !T J fG bEIAo .D 1 o5Ga c, d o N_^.tzt__J EEa E GL6 E B 6 $l e"l tss ts rt - eEEE9Ec q.u5€ 6E EEEi-6 LF a, =eL.tET it9 E G, el sl IF€tC'd o o = i=C'F8 ef -G"g:.!3 E ii fiEF EF F$ F _ 9- 0-01 ; 8:21AM;HYDROSPH o :303+442+0615 # 14/ 15 Exhibit C List of Toxic Products Used at the Vail Shop Yerd 15-40 wt. Motor Oil (Chevron)Bulk Overhead Storage Burn / Safetv Clean Rycon Oil (Charon)Bul@ Bum/ Safety ClCeq Automatic Transmission Fluid (Chevrcn)55 eal. Container Bum / Safety Clean 75W90 Gear oil 30 sal. Containers Bum/ Safety Cloan Hotwater parts washers 30 eallon self contained Safety Clcut Antifreeze (Chcvron)55 gallon containcr Recycled Degreaser (Chem BritQ, 50/50 mix with watcr, Aooroved Biodemadable 2 eallon snrav c,ontarner Sanitary sewer o Vail Shopyard vehicle wash photogr4h key: A) Wash infrastructure fuilding - front view B) Wash infrastructure building - side view C) Vehicle wash pit D) Water outlet from wash pit and drainage into water / oil separating smd tap A g ,- -r..*'r.,,{,.,: D '."-}'P{"* e:::.Xtil$hi*:;:' '*+'1:' . ,. - ris;;i-l':..: 'I -ii .*l . 'ii ...r: .' e u "\* -:w EAST d6f-ftd NORTH d or (b I I I o9'oo@ I r-5-6--"f IF-6.6-- TOWNOFVAtr\ DESIGN RE\/IEW' sTAFF eppnovt \6-90-o3 \ I r-o*[.-o *i r , , g-to- VEHIC LE WASII BLDG. EAST.NORTH ELAVAT]ONS DRAWING NUMBER sY.2.03VAIL SHOPYARD WEST SOUTH --r- It-Ttltlll 9cop; o I l*- ''u -l Il.*-s. t ***l tL s . rCI ---'1 9. tO o "#H,??vpr',srAFF nppnoVnl \ oorr, 6-?o-o3 \ sT^F,._ 4/vL VEIIICLE WASH I3LDG '4" = I' DATE: f\.l'2. WEST SOUTH ELAVATIONS MATERIALS DETAIL FOR VEHICLE WASH BI.JILDING - Location: Vail Shopyard, 862 South Frontage Rd. E 2 x 4 frame construction with rigid foam insulation ( 5 inch cedar t & g siding - stained Olympic Chocolate brown E 1 * 3 pine tim- stained Olympic Chocolate brown I Plywood sub roof with Asphalt shingles ( Exhaust vent is galvanized sheet metal Additional notes: Building placement is on a 6 inch concrete pad Electric and nahral gas supplies enter on West Elevation o TOWN OFVAIL\ DESIGN BEVTEW r STAFF APPROVAL \ /4n'..\ o^rE, b:. 40- 09 \ -srorr. 4il C TOWN.OFVAII, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 -)",*-\ L t{ tl A DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMgNI S-,-'-^-W..'\ It TltOCd NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0211 Job Address: 890 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [ocation.....: SOUTH OF 934 S. FRONTAGE WEST Applied. . : 09/2112001 Parcel No...: 210312109002 Issued. . : 10i03/2001 ProjectNo , (RfO t -O1t O Expires. .: o4lorl2oo2 ovfNER TOITIN OF VAIIJ 09/2L/200L phone: T FINA}TCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD vArL co 81557 I-,,icense; CONIRACTOR E$TCOMPASS ELECTRICAIJ TES{NOL09/21/2OOL phone I 970-949-6095 21.07 W. COLLEGE AVETIUE nTGLEWOOD, CO I0L10 L,icense : 146 -E APPLICAI.IT ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAI TECHNOLO9/2T/ZIOI Phone: 970-949-6095 2LO7 W. COLI.EGE AVEIIUE ENGLEWOOD, CO I0110 License:146-E Desciption: REMOVE E)(ISTING PUMP EQUIPMENT AN D REPLACE WITH NEW PUMPS AND SWTCH GEAR Valuation: $33.500.00 FDE SUMMARY Eleclrical---> 9G12. oo Total Calculatpd Fees-> 3615. 00 90.00 951s.00 Payments---> 5515.00 BALANCD DUE-_> 50 .00 DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> will call-_> Additional Fees-> Total Permit F€e-> s0.00 s0.00 s3.00 TOTALFEES-> 561s. oo Approvals:Item: 05000 EL,ECTRICAL DEPARTMEIIT 09/21/200! cdawis Act,ion: AP per ernsE glatzle Itemr 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIETD INSPECTIOIIS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIVCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurak plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree l,o comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structurc according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS fOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADB TWEiNTY.FOUR HOI'R8 IN 4792138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0o AI,I - 5 ru. ^':*7- wrLL |l'E ^I=X" rF rNco'plpErF*l;lptEt_Lae1,/2-t F Nl 3'.31,Ti;^#-$er c.ry' ;;r$Ffiffi TVWIIWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Contractor: E',co,^p^ss E le#ric'I\ Town ofVail Req. No.la llb-'E Contact and Phone #'s: COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ 43. 5O Contact Aswsors Office at 970-328-8640 $ Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provideda6v(houreo ro= l-lV)b Job Name: Go.e CreeK P, '".phou.1<Job Adr rEATE Rour eo, Q l2 I lo I Legal Description ll Lot:Blockr Filing:DATBreU8soru owners Name:vr.' \ Reso.\.. 1nao Engineer:Boh.-rt\ d^"io.cJloofsT$^+.ia.-o . r.6 * co}W Detailed description of work:' Rtr lfi n)eo P*r^o. q.,n\ S..,oi\L qQsf, WorkClass: ttlew( ) Addition( ) Remodel (rX\ Repair( ) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) l,to (X Type of Bldg.: single-famiv ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-famity ( ) commerciat pQ Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: D No. of Accommodation Units in this building: D Yes( 1 ttto(X) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: ves ( ) No (K) * ** * * * * * *** *** * * **** *** * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON tyj F :/everyone/forms/elecperm Tov'G' *****?.************** tr] -t D a n tr Amendmentto the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 1O-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribuUon circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if appticable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. a If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. nIf . permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. the above. t/n / Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thurcday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F / / I I HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town ofVail Survry Comm{nity Darelopment Department Russell Fonest Director, (e7ol 0r project no? 4.f* yout I no, why reviewed on atimely basis? Yes / No 5. Was tttis your first time b file a DRB 4p- PEC app- lBldg Permit_ t',|/A O. f eease rate tte performance of tre sffiperson who assisted you:j51 3 21 Name: I {knowledge; responsivercss, availabiirty) 7. I Overall eftctiveness of fie Front Service Counbr. 5 4 3 2 I i 8.1 What is the best time of day for you to use the Fmnt Service i Counter? Any comments you have which would allow us to betterserve you you for hking fie time tr compleb tlris survey, We are 1. Wtfich Departreo(s) did you conhcf Bujlding _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Plbnning DRB _ PEC _ 2. Wa. your inilial contact witr our sbff immediate_ r nd one available ? VAIL BEAVER CREEK GORE CRIEK PUMPHOUSE zAW ADDITIONS ELECTRICAL GC7000 GC?0Al GC?IEI GC7IO2 shr. I >hL < shr 3 shr I ShL I COVER SHEET ELECTRICAL LEGEND (Sht I/3) ELECTRICAL LEGEND (Sht 2/3) ELECTRICAL LEGEND (ShL 3/31 ONE LINE DIAGRAM MCCA PANEL SCHEDULES 8 M]SC GC??Ai Shr I GC72g? Shr I GC??O3 Shr i GC72@4 ShL 1 GC72A5 Sht I GC72A6 ShL I GC72A7 Shr I shL Z GC7208 Shr I GC?3A| Sht I GC74AI Sht- I GC74A2 Shr I GC74@3 Sht I GC7404 Shr 1 SITE AND GROUNDING PLAN PLAN PUMPHOUSE PLAN BOOSTER PUMPS SECTIONS AND DETAILS INSTRUMENT CONOUIT OIAG SCHEMATIC DIAG. HMCA MAIN SECT. SCHEMAT]C DiAG. WATER PUMP NO. I SCHEMATIC DiAG, WATER PUMP NO. 2 WIRING DIAG. BP TERM CAB WIRING DIAG. BOOSTER PUMP NO. i WIRING DIAG. BOOSTER PUMP NO. 2 MODIFICATIONS TO SCP (ShL i,/2] MODIFICAT]ONS TO SCP (ShL 2/2I !'J]RING DIAG. SCP - i'1" HOLD HOLO l-\Ll I orFiti[hPY , (,fflfij' uj o,l' ' 0l 'Ll' ! r, ty ,',a,r "l\'')'t $$ BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-6868 JOHN W. AKE P.E Casper, Wyomins (3O7) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2EA1 ADDITIONS COVER SHEET lE]ecLrrcal) | 3l/Aue/@l lssued For= ConsLrucLron n^t c B/31/Al n,.,-. naTaaa -& _l lf.f"t 1.4 OUALIFING SYMB Ad.tustbiltLg. Generol PoiortLg morktnos PostLive NegoLtve InsLonLeneous polorrLg mor-ktngs A....lr -^f r--= Curr-ent Transf or-mer PoLenLral TronsFor-mer DtrecLlon oF Po*en Flo* One Wag ::- EtLher- Wor.r (but nol simul Loneo-uslgl BoLh l,rlous a tr -rsrmutLoneou5i lgJ Kind oF CurrenL AlLernoLtng CurrenL ConnecLton Sgmbols DelLo DelLo. Open Delt a. Br-oken Wge. or St on )/ r^- / ^^ Deita-Wge. Grounded EorLh. or GroundrngfiecLrode SgsLem Chasts Bond Envelooe. Enclosure Llserl .'nl" l,- -]^- r I', , o-, '. -.-^t 2.8 TUNDIMENTAL ITEMS RestsLor-. Genenol VortsLor CapaciLor-. General BoLLerg Srnsle Cell MulLi-Cell Ther-mol EIemenL Foult Loecotton Morn Bus or- Pat h Lrne wtdlh wtll worrJt"It.e"LF ro.ior=- LrosslnA. l\oL ConnecLed Junctton TerminoLlon Generol Hrgh VolLoge -t Ktr> t- _<Lfr JLt\ - (- (+l (-)oo oJj oo Jr Irlr- .fL or -ar- o<ro /o paLhs 4I I +^ -tFLS )sIL -!? -lF or. ro CJl- \o Bastc ConLacL Assemblres Closed ConLacL(breok) Open Conlact lmol-<e) Tronsfe. De.rrce DesignaLton +?Jor/!r o -..'&"-@ FVNR Full VolLage Non-Re..,ersrng FVR Full VolLage Reverslng zSP T",o Soeed RVAT Redueed VolLage AuLo-XFmer RVDY Reduced VolLoge Della WqeVFD Vonrble Frequencg Drtrre SCR Soltd SLole (Reduced Voltose) LimrL SwtLches ldirecLlg spr-lng r-eLunnl Nor-mallg Open Nor-mollg Openlheld closedl Nor-mallg Closed Normallr..r Closedfh-lJ ;---l SwtLch. Ttmed Ttme Delag Open Trme Delag Closed SwtLch. Flow AcLuaLed Opens increased Fio* Closes Increosed Flow Swrlch. Ltqutd Level Opens Rtstng Level Closes Rising Level SwtLch, Temoeratune AcL. Opens Rtstng Temp, Closes Rtsing Temp. SwtLch. Pressure Acr. ocL,-.roLed. \" \^o _{ES -.l*s +*s #s 4.0 ConLacLs. Swtlches. ConLaeLor-s. Relags [ConL.] SwrLch (see olso Fuse] Stngle Thr-ow. Generol Double Thro*r. genenal PushbuLt ons Ctr-cutL Closing I lrrr rli I l^6rl-A Two CtncutL SelecLol Swrt ch[3 postLion shown] MotnLoined ConLocL CONTACT >OSITIOI\ B c 1o-1.<2 * 3o-tr+4 x 5o.-tt-o6 Generol OualiFing DestgnoLion MosLer or ConLrol Swtlch Table oF conlocl operolion musL shown on dtognam. Tgplcal Lables (One Ltne Drog. Onlg) t- IJf'l r.l 0l-Ts_o %_ 4 or +?-A rDO \o o- lFr." A fror*?LFS \" o- -{F*L :r \"o ef or 1?FT5 o or- -.|Ft5 Opens Rtsing Press'.-.,re T o- #r, Closes Rtstno Pr-essure \] o'- iE Block Sumbols For^ Pushbutton SLaLtons {One Ltne Dtog. Onlg) p* OuolrFrng Destsnol:,on SP SLooHOA Hond - 0 Ff- Au LomoLr e LR Locol-RemoLeLOSP LocF< Out SLoc BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 sho,rn. 3.2 TRANSMISSION PATH -l- "- -l- L\ l_l \- )r l_\ + I f7-7 r---*l r-.._-._ ____i E. JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, W.yomins v (3O?) ?:66-L482 VAIL RESORT GORE CRTEK PUMPHOUSE 26EI ADDIT]ONS ELECTRICAL LEGEND tsht I/3I | 3l/Aua/El lssued For ConsLnucLron n",t P. A/31/al n--. GrTaal 5.2 TERMINALS. CONN ECTORS Ci.cutL Tenmtr'tol * i( Indtcales Termtnal DesronoLion Termtnol Boar-d [wtrrng dlagcoms) * Ter-mtnol number- or Wlre DestgnoLio. IConL.] PoLenLlol Tra.'rsFormer- NoLe polor-tLg marks Il(aLto _4.r I h Ouontlg -t3) I 1=t^ 9.4 CIRCUIT PROTEC Fuse. Generol t uan IIJ EJT Fuse SwtLch S'l Stze ,2@@A 1 6 po1"= -- (31 ( fitaa{ UJFRSFuse Srze t \r. E Tgpe Fuse CuL-OuL CO Srze u/nFuse Size \c( | gPe 9"V - RoLrre-a G- fi ruv-c.u* T Atr CircutL Bneoker. Generol I \ r'/ I Po*,en CtrcutL BreaFrer-. Gener-ol Idenlrfrns I elemenl tF f*lnequtr-ed bg ?4---^- | tll,ffi ApFltcoLto.r (conll Molded Cose Bkr, 6Z@V C--, ,--l r^l Number- \\ l'ft ProtecLon \""." ( e44 5s-g \\\ril AmesLons Generol Surge. Gener-al MoLor CtrcuiL _ r56e-I r eme.'/.,.- JIZE] Molded Cose Swtt ch I ^... l* NoLe: Molded Case Sw'sFrome ,,ffi ) Howe NO. I.C. .-oLtngSr ze or ,' '-- " f ond Lrmtted WrLh- I.C. RoLrng I stand roLtns. i5 kV Breoker-, Drawout z\lD Numl /1\ s2-^ r-lwL1 Frane ./ \t{ Stze PnoLecLtwe Relogs Stzeffi:' :JFv BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 Trrp I Frome Stze \ so,rt f{t Dr-aw-OuL Stob. ConnecLor ( F".o1.y'\ \4 6l e ------------\ ]nducLon. Ntndtno I I.{ ? TnansFormer-. Generai Curr-enL TnonsFormer Note polortLg mor-ks IRolro -600ls $ r (q) OuonrLg 225kVA t32g@-4ag/277 <>--+-Jt ^h ^r^f.\ t^ ^J tffAuLo TronsFor-merrll Irl Thr-ee Wtndtno TronsFonmen ,.^i*, l*J-l-'' ReoulaLons. Gene.al t- 7.4 ELECTRON TUBE None Shown) *' Ident rFrcoLton Number: See relou ltsL onDr-a*rnss. Use ANSI/IEEE Std Cj?.I"IEEE St-ondard ElecLrtcal Poren SusLem Dewtce FuncLton Numbens' Example: 5?1,/51 Indrcoles a Ttme' O.rercunr-enL Relog vtt.h InsL- onLoneous lt-lp. NOTE: Sumbols on LeFt used on One LtneDiog-a.s. Those on Righl usedior compieLe orognoms. inose rncenten sutLoble Fon boLh. yil) \.0\z')\+++ Stlteo.r Cont roiedRE;EIFr";:E;"""1 Br-tdge.RecLtf rer AppltcoLtons: Powen Breok er. ffiY. Drow-OuL T.-rp Senso- ,4\ / ofiElil".l.r srzl-.'r-..- t / EO=ElecLrrcal .-rB?%lF>@F"o^. ,/ f _ -Solrd SLaLeSr=e t ffi/s".t=o. ---- .l. LT:ST: LT=Lono Trme Drow-ouL-------lp Ir:GF ir!::fiJf" GF=Ground FoulL trtJtC''rY\ an ff\I L+--4.:F.-+.1 I r| | | t' ApoltcaLtons: ElecLr-osLoLrc Shreld BondedLo Chosts Three Phase. 2 Wtndrng, NOTE: Sgmbols on LeFL used on One Lrne Dtogroms. Those on RtghL usedFor complele dtagroms I * I X 1 lL rL 5 * JOHN W. AKE P.E Casper, Wyominc (30?) 266-14S2 V^IL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 28,?1 ADDITIONS ELECTRICAL LEGEND '3AL 2/31 | 3l/Aus/Ol I ssued ConsLrucL.t on DaLe: B/31/Al n--. Gr?aar T--f " Indtcoltno. Gener-ol @ Recordtnq Generol InLeoroLtno, Generol Transducer. Gene-al * AstentsF< Sholl be neplaced bg Lhe Follo*tng: A AmmelerV VollmelerN WoLLmeLerVAR VAR MelerHz Frequencl.rPl- Power F aclor-S9 SgchroscopeVA VolL-Ammet er WH Wot-L-HounsWD Wat L Demand VARH VAR-Hours I3.A ROTATING MACHINERY*66 GenenoLor. Generol 6. 6. ]ndtcoLe Gen. NameploLe RoLrng k!{,/kVA. VolLs. erc. MoLo., Sunchronous IO.A ACOUST]C DEVICES Bell Buzzer- Loudsoeoker Horn rc U r1 n3 GENERAL NOTES/COM 1- Condutl Race*rogs Sholl Be: a. Rrgrd Sleel Gal'onrzed {RSG) or JnLecmedraLe Het olrc CondurL l.,lC)b. EMT c_o1{u1t Mog Be Used Abowe 4'-E and NoL sub.lecL To Mechonrcal In;.,rg.c. Rrsrd PVC CondurL Mag Be Used rn ConcreLe Slabs tr In EorLh. o. Wh"rJ CJlled Fo- 2. LtqurdLrLe Flexrble CondutL Sholl Be Used For Frnol ConnecLrons Lo Mot.ors. TronsFo.-e-s.or VtbcoLtnE Lwutpment. (Mrn 12- Mox. 24') 3. All Wtring Shall Be [n Racewogs. Includrng LtmrLed Energg SgsLems Such os Frne Alanms. 4. All PenLrtraLlons Lhru Walls. Floons. Sholl Be Mode Frre ond |,,{oLer TrghL l,,hLh Non-Shr-rnkrngGnouL or Approved Foam. 5. Pressure Cost or- Idenler FrlLrnss Shall NOT BE ALLOWED 6. Unless NoLed Ntne ond Cable Shall .Be o. tlO ond Smaller. THHN-9AC sB and Lorsen. THHN or XHHW-9UC b. *12 Mrn. ExcepL For ConLroi and Srgnol CrrcutLe. on As Colled For. InsLumenL Coble Sholl Be 60[|V. 9ZC RoLed. T*tsled Parr. Shrelded v/drarn Wrre. PVC Jact<elStzes and Polrs as noLed. Control Cable Sholl Be 6O@V. 9@C RaLed. TC Roled. Wrlh PVC JockeL. Srzes and Number ofConducLocs os noLed. Wtntng Devtces (Hubbel CaL r Used For Bosrs oF OuoltLulo. Woll S-tLch: 8122'-lG b. RecepL: 24A.5362 c. Wall PiaLes: Golw. SLeel To MoLch OuLlet Box. BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-686e Il.E L^MPS. VISUAL DEVISES IndtcaLtno Lamo 8x * IndtcoLes Lamp ColoriF Destred Bg: RD RedYE Yellow lAmberlGN GreenBU BluetlH Whrte I2.O READOUT DEVICES 7. ct. J. * HP IndteaLes Mot-or Horseoower Wtndtno ConnecLrons Sgmbols Nr.re. 3-Ph. Ui-Grounded Wge. 3-Ph. Grounded DelLo. 3-Ph @r o a o ;0\ tr EI LtJ X JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper. Ilyominp -(30?) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2OAI ADDITIONS ELECTRICAL LEGEND tShT 3/3J | 3l/Asa/@l I sgued For ConsLr-,,cL t on n-+ -, A /?l /1 1 n..,^. nrTaat NOTES,/COMMENTS ,/ l. \_ @ E.plt-l |Erl E!3 Ge@ |.n sNN Ser.,lce Feede.s Bosed Upon NEC T6ble 3lA-16 6@@V.75C Cond. 2@ C(68F)Amb: AmpocrLg=42O/ cond.Wrbh (3) Cond./porollel Crrcurt Amp5s1"1r=1266 6nr"Wrbh (3) Cond./p,orollel Crrcy-lt Ampocr"Lg=tlg€l Amps SP^CE SIZE I STARTER IndtcaLes Coble Numbec. See CobleSchedule. O*s GCT|@Z Indrcotes Multrltn 269 Plus MoLorProLecLton Relog Indtcot-es Superwlsor-g ConLrol Panel IndtcaLes Pump ConLrol Panel ---l.r+l il:l'".!;:==Colc bosed on IPCE sLd 5-135 Eo 5p CoUt" Connectlon Lo ArresLor- shall noL be- smoller Lhan tl At{G.. Includrng Ground. Srzedfor 25kA FaulL.GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM -=- IndtcoLesvrth T2E Indtcot es P.B. Indicot es MulLrlrn POM Po-er Oualrtg Melerand C OpLtons Lock-OuL or MarnLarned SLop SchemoLtc Dra*tng numE eF IHHCP] (12T] l.260Ar SURGE ^RRESTORJOYSYLNr1456-45w6nr l2@O Anp Cu. 3-Ph.3l{. 25.O@O Ano Sum Bus SPARE 1E (2J PT'S 48@-120V RATED t24A R^TED t24A LO 5T LO5r issz)SAnl UNIT HEATER PH BOOSTER BOOSTER--Ftrt'4F rI- TUfrP '-pdt'pffiz -FG:JG- LRA=2556 WATER PTFiF--Fi-f I--[T=33- LRA,220,O FLA=96 LRA=??? FLA=96 LRA=??A. "DI kv{. 48A-2EB/\26V DelL-W,.re 2-52. FEBN Tops 50-D Tspe 9T2F BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 hlATER PUMP '3 A a c o : t-; il I J )ftil i14 >L 2@AT tScl/\r 'TA' 480- 264/p@ JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, Wyomine '(gO?) 266-1482 VAIL ASSOCIATES GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2@AI ADDIT]ON ONE LINE DIAGRAH | 3l / Aua/61 I asrsd For- ConsLrr..rcL r on Rev B O6/12/@l For Ouololron Rev AO6/@?./@I FOR HC MeLer-rno n.'i.P.. n6,/A7 /al n.,,-.Ga-?lal KE.LE.I- I 22OV RECEPT INSTR PNL ---rT',Jl-.1.?ft?a- i!-rt131.1 a s-y/o- -2!t ?9t 224/128V. i-Ph. 3-N s./N. l25A REPLACE PANEL WITH NEW 5r -rg.l,-.1.q-,r- --.,t t- ^ THERM PUI'1P 'I 5rnLc- Llun | 5 LIGHTS RECEPT PIT LIGHT FI I KE.LE.F I PIT HEATER | €E-l I r -tr,rl I f M-BPil l-F-BPrl I M-BezI F+{n I l-ll-llPtl fF-r^Pl F''GI Panel 'LPA SCP P^NEL PH PH BP dY BP r500t,'l) Panel "LA' 288/12@V. 3-Ph. 4-h S/N, IAAA Cu Bus Gnd Bcr.All Cl-<t s 2EA Unless Not ed SO-D Tgpe NOOD (or- equal) enalE_SClEgUt-E tReF D-s Gc?zotl 3eo[3-C: 3-l/Cs5OE Cu E t2/@ Ge.dl leo[2'C; 3-1,/ 8/A E 14 Gndl leo[2'C: 3-l/c. r2/@ I c4 Gndl leal2'C: 3-1,/ i3,/O E 14 Gndl lea[2-C: 3-1/c tZ/O E rq Gndl 2eol2-C: 3-l/c*4/O 6 11 Gndl 2eo[2.5'C: 3'l/cl?50 8 *4 6ndl leal3/ 4-C: 3-l/etl? E rl2 Gndl Leal3/ 4'C: A-l/csl E rl0 Gndl Pull In ExrsLrng Rcee,"og l'lusL Be St eel Rocewog Mus;L Be Sleel Roce-og MusL Be SLeel Roce*ag Must Be SLeel Race*og BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) s40-6868 JOHN fY. AKE P.E. Casper, WyomineV (307) 266-1482 VAIL ASSOCI^TES GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE zAW ADDITION SCHEDULES | 3l / Aug/61 I ss..red For ConsLr-ucL r on OoLe, Oa/B@/D*s:GC-7162 ShL: I Ccn!- End H.ewl. Z TO MCC BUSPh Ph PhABC tcl tst5 4BO-128V t__\/_ I - S N (r)s to tL @ rTl s C\J <<E<<:<<=<<E(|-oln-o(l-our-oLJ (J (J tJ)- pH-A ---./^_ pH-B ---l^- pH-C _.!_ I\EUT _-,2 CLRRENT INPUTS POM -e(nrL(LO. -N(?)Z VOLTAGElr€uls __l 22(3(.1 0.>-UJF tL(,) I ANALOG I ANALOG oUT I rN t a-?o noto ItJ II tr.t It- - -lE'(']**,(Jg.(')av_ "1?.o,grlit^i. I rsHowN r./rolHr?&i*%tJ"ril.* oFFl I Rs4es sERr^L Iul ^tJx 3 I ^ux 2 I ^ux I | ^L^RH I cot4 2 | coM I I : SHUNTL:: HAIN t3t tzgg/s CT'S lrrrr'rrr' rrrttlttttttttttttttllt I Z-l/c tl4 I rl4 Gnd BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 SYSTEM GROUND TO SCP GC??OB -r cofco c (L3l + -,--+- f.? LZ al -AT FRONT T _ JloooR lrrltttl Ph Ph Ph Ph lNonGnd A B C I - TO UT]LITY SERVICE $,1{ rr.t I INI J I l-12-lF I ILI Ioir'.4. I BREAKER N NN (f) au v (\l N NN @(\l ('|s N(r)v(r}to(a (r'|!m (D (f,sg s v (f)s vv lir (os F-(r's ots s)to HOLD FOR IST INFO. A (LII J PH^sE RorATtoN tlo oe r lEld VorrFr:dl JOHN W. AKE P.E Casper. Wvomins (3O7) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUI'IPHOUSE 2OA1 ADDITION SCHEH^TIC DI^G. 48AV MAIN | 3l /Awg/@l lssued For- ConsLrr..rcL t on OaLe: 6/68/Ol D*s: GC720l Cont- End HOLD FOR IST AND SIEMENS INFORMATION Z-l/c tl4 TSH,/WPI Af------1I or BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 TO SCP DWG GC?2S8 .( Htgh Tcmp Sw oL Pump Seal ry JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, W.yominsV (30?) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 28EI ADDITIONS SCHEI4ATIC DIAG. WATER PUI'IP NO.I 31/Aue/@l I ss.,led For ConELrucL r on n^i - A/t^/al n--Gr72?t2 f--- + tr-.| HOLD FOR IST AND SIEMENS INFORMATION Z-l/c xl4 BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-6868 IU JLT DWG GC72O8 Hrsh Tenp Sw oL Pump Seol ,0\ [+ ConL End JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, lYyomins' (3O?) 266-1 VA]L RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2O@I ADDITIONS SCHEMATIC DIAG. WATER PUMP NO.2 1 3l/Aus/61 I ssued DaLe:8/!@/Ol D*e: GC72gl3 TO BPfI VFD DWG GC?205 TO BP'2 VFD DI{G GC72@6 IN+ t24 \ 1 -r'r t I lrtl t-l f,-Bt-K I V-WHT J f,-BLKtl rly.lHr ++elx 5r.nnr l+eLKtl \r}'lHr) +BLK fwnr .J +BLKtl THHTr+elr +BLK ?!,JHr I a PTI t- l SHLD A t>nI 5 TSH 1 6 PSL I 7 PSL 1 o >t I :J 5tt lv.SHLD 1l rtll+l 1atz I SHLD l4 tbnz 15 tSt-ll lc rSLZ t(PSL2 IE 5rc ?2.SHLD ?l az 2. a4 2c 2E BLKHS [i_Illll wur+fiol-t__.j PTl -----------{)eLr io-i+J.", L__{: tTgpl r-.-----+I r-----'1 | | 'LU )lUT ILfala+ L_____i 5rz I BLK I I J wHt 6,',,BOOSTER PUMP PIT BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 BOOSTER PUMP TERMINAL CAB TBTSI Ter-mlnol Block: NEMA/EEMAC SL.rle: Scnew Lerntnol wtLh wlr-e clornoi22-*14 Wtre Ronse: Allen-BrodlJg Stgle 1492-FB wrLh t4g2-N5 Morktng SLrrps. (Or Equal) Enclosure HoFf mon NEi4A12. l6"Hx12Wx8-0. Hrnsed Co,,er'. wtLt' 3/ 4' Plg*ood Bock. 'BTS' ol ,0\ F t.rar"oLes Cable Tog Number: Toe All Cables at each End. D*e: GC?2O4 E-rid lI^---,t PSL2 J0HN W. AKE P.E. Casper, Ilyominc (307) 266-l VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2O@T AODITiON WIRING DIAG BP TERM. CAB F T"".,nol SLrrp Markrng I 3llA{J I I seued For ConsLrtrcLton De'-e 8/1@/81 Jl-rL: t Con L Req I o.JIa f1 N o !)ni HSnmF|!-u -o = IVREFI IGND] lAn-1 AII-l r^ r2*t -1 DISH PRESS;.:: ] IiNPUTtn rz-l r 4-2onA=o-3ooP5lG lAI3*l IA13.] tA0l-t I AMPS ir,Or_l J 4-2ona=O-96A lAO2.ll DrscH PRESS inoz_ i J a - 28^a=o- 3@oPStG [DIlI START,/STOP IDI2] IDI3] ENABLE lDl4l lDlsl lDr6l {-24v1 l.24vl IGND] I I'24v1 IGND] OUTPUT x23 H x25 oJ'l-o ;' N o EJ \t--|\ l__l llRoul Jk-1 D.n,.'',,,RDvz--ff_l lnor2l -;.1 ri:ihtu rRDY3-{lllRotsi -l F I=READY x26 f-i-ltpn>,t J.l-- '^ | RUNRuNz--1_aJ lnoz2l ---{ b=orrRuN3---LlltRol3l -lH I=RUN IRO13l IR032l lRO33l x27tll3l tJl \ -a-.r! u.=o:-F(Lo- =i P& EEy.l^] - tt- o_1* ()g ^3 p l.,ar.aLes Cable Toq Number: Tog All Cables aL p fon lndr.rrduol Nrr-es cs shown BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 INPUT JOHN W. AKE P.E Casper, Yryomins '(307) 266-1462 VAIL RESORT GORI CRETK PUMPHOUSE 2AA1 ADDITIONS ,.IIRING D]AG. BOOSTER PUI'1P fI | 31/Aus/@l lssued For ConslrucL ton Dat-e E/1[!'/Ol D*c: GC72B5 ConL End v6(v t\- CJ =o Ia (D (J N o o(vr (J F TLm o x23 E IVREFi IGNDI l^il -l AII -l ra 12* I -l DISH PRESS ;.,':: I i INPUT ln rc-l J 4-2DnA=o-3zaPSIG IAl3*l lArs-l IAOr+l I AMPS t^Or_i J 4-2@na=O-96A tAOz-t I DISCH PRESS IAOZ_, J 4 -2OIa=@-3@OPSIG IDIII START/STOP IDI2I IDI3I ENABLE IDI4I IDI5I IDI6I t.24vl l,2avl IGNOI I l.2avl IGNDI x25 OUTPUT lT] tent't -SJ- RoYz--aLl tRol2l -;;1 b=raulrRDY3---LXllRorsl -l l-- I=READY x26lTl tpn>rr f'l-'^ i RUNRulr2--l_,,1 IRoZ2l -J b=oFFRuN3--LlllRolst --lF I=RUN x27 Eltnorst lk_l| 2 ltRo32l -+lTlrnos:i-lF TO GROUNO E.LC.L I r(UUE SYSTEH rsEE GCT3AltoJ'r UI @ ol o ov gE F(Lo-fT Fu (r(v< lrJ Ul Uc]Y(JLJ<E UJ LtJ mo-F t- cr- tnii ^ Ir' -=,-o p lndr"oLes Cable Tos Number: Toq All Cables o F fon Indr.rrduol Wrres as sho*n BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e4o-6868 INPUT JOHN W. AKE P.E. casper, lTyomins v (307) 266-1482 V^IL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE zEN ADDIT]ONS WIRING DIAG. EOOSTER PUMP ll2 | 3l/Aug/Ol I ss,red For ConsLnlrcLr on DoLe 6/1B,/Ql D*s: GC72@6'Cont- End @@@F*ffili' l-*-' lar f-*^* lzo ffiOLAJAIAJvilv6-v6t; l'^*$^*ol(o) l" *oft^rrol(B l"^noo*.^rrol{6)tAj_mi-'Lffil:\lzcr \lza \tzcaLJ-J L.J I-,J-J lrl rojqLA]qlmjevo \r/o \L/o I ,Al@ lAl'lal'v6-v6-v6----+- 2.O' -*- 2.a- ___4 NQIES/colxENIS" t\ L> OpLronol plaLes con be Lamlcord. Block. l./B'WhrLe Let t er-s. Excepl "STOP" sholl be REDf>-. V-> Mount Push BuLtons on Fr-ont cover of "lST' supervrsorg Conlrol Panel 'SCP'. Specralconstder-at lon sholl be_-gt.ren Lo r-ear porl-1cleror-onces. (See DeLorll r--'-,I i-'-.-1..-/' >\.-| ,---' \, @ P[L_O_T t-IGHT: AMBER: I20VAC: LED: TRANSFORMER L^RGE SCREI'I TERH.: A.B SEAMR-PLI6A-5 9qlFqrgF_g|l.l. 3-pos: T.IAINTAINED; lNO.lNC: STD KNOB,L^RGE SCREW TERM.: A-B 8OAfiR-JHZBL^-K o lUSf BUTTON: MOHENTARY: ILLUMTNATED: lNO.lNC: GREENFLU_SH HEAD: TRANSFORMER; LED: IZOVAC: I-Arice. stn_Ew. rEnm. ^B 6OOMR-PALI6G^-K @ PUSH BUTTON: MOMENTARY:NON-ILLUM: INC: REDFLUSH HEAD: LARGE SCREI^I TER,.,I.A-B 8g@MR-A601-K \:,/ LEGEND PLATE: STD SIZE: GREY: .READY. A-B 800MR-t,.l@@E @ IEGqND PLATE: STD SIZE: GREY:SELECTON SW.H^ND-OFF-^UTO- A-8 8A0MR-W78 @ LEGENO PLATE: STD SIZE: GREY. .START. A-B 8A0MR-|,'|I9 @ LEGEND PLATE: STD SIZE: OREV. -St0prR"al A-B 800MR-W628 ril\:./ LAHICOID NAME PLATE: BLACK. WHITE LETTERS: 3,/15-H. AS SHO}IN l.- J.lU LiLroL LLJ ---:'l IEPTH REOUIRNENTS I'l|-tng spoea noL congtdsrgdl BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-6868 JOHN W- AKE P,E. Casper, Wyoming (302) ?66-1482 VA]L RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE ZEAL ADDITIONS HODIF]CATICINS TO SCP (Sht I,/31 | 3l/Auo/@l lssued For ConsLnuclr.,'. 5 6 120 VAC FROM REAOY IIST] PNL tu Stnr(tLl< START/STOP INITIATION BOOSTER PUMP SI trruu5 rcK PUMP s2 -r o- HAIN PUI4P '2 OFF GL -r 14AIN PUMP 'I SCP INPUT REAOY l-lcp Ir,"ri-t L__1T___i RUNIt - I SCP INPUT I| - SCP INPU rtu WPZ-N WP2-RDY Aljro + HAND ..O_1OL epz-Fr GL -r o-- ART AUTO { xano I ctlll- *"t-"BPI-H apIL-sp1-1 HPI-H I I -r-l^lLJ L,- I IrpJ4Lyp2-1 r-tAlUg WPI-A GL -r O- WPI-ST START START r ";;;;; I -tTrll$ru' L-i-l---r BPI R tlFI-5 |E t-z-s I TART START EJrz-3|- BP2-LI HOLD FOR I5T INFORMATIONS AND VERIFICATION F wP2-sr WP2-SP SCP OUTPUI RUN wP2-Ll T--l TERI-iINAL IN SCP PANEL n TERMTNAL IN STARTER PUMP CONTROL SCHEMATIC tTgp For l'lP-l: WP-Z: BP-l: BP-21 BEIIRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868I 07/to,/oI - ti4 [Io\ JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, Wyomins' (307) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE ?OAT ADDITIONS MODIFICATIONS TO SCP IShL 2,/2I lsel.red Fo. Const-rucL t on DaLe B/lQ/81 D*s.ConL End B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U I,',I X lltffilffi @l ,ou",u-oI EI- FDilG Gc?z@s|ffiffiI H |t****rlffi @[,*",,,**tffi@lffiltffi |lHtr- @lffi ffif#,:E!^."'|ffiffitffi Il-El___l@lffi ffif#,!Bs^*'lFrffilHt- || ffi --L---,-'ffilffi ffif#,!p"."tffitEt- |IEF- ff+R^i,H"''fiEF| ffi | ;em'* I ro rEf4p sn, I HOLD FoR IST ff ol.rP-rEWPZ I TNFoRM^rroN II' I 2 U I ta t:) IO lr ]B t! 22 23 24 ll t2 13 l4 ?5 26 27 28 23 -//,t,a,/'f -t-at 3A BEHBENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-6868 J0HN W. AKE P.E. Casper, Wyoming (90?) 266-t48a. VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2OOl nOOtrtONS !.IIRING DIAG. SCP | 3l/Auc./@l I gsued For Con:trucLton DaLe: E/lO/Ol lUvs: GC?208 lsht: I ConL End lRe.; I $4/@ Bore e l-Un ln some eeder Race*ogs] Marn Gnd Bar l LtL|(Jea I r.r-wP2 | MAIN PUMP HOUSE lSee GC740ll iiE l-.r+bh b b b ?e.].ii, i a i g BP'I BP'z TERM cAB - MAIN GROUNO /'aaa '=77lF xrmn DISCH. MAIN CONDUCTOR PUMP Pad l'{ald UFIII 5 ! t/e :)t.!al t{cldcd To PtpaAll Around.l/2'Holc l>t 5Lr DETAITJ GI I NTS r4/8 GRO-UND LLLL I I(UUL CVCTFM GROUND RISER DIAGRAM TO TELEPHONE TERMINAL NOTES,/COMMENTS Gr-ound Rod:3/4- dta x lO'E Copperuleld wiLh Burndg Tgpe YGLR tor equoll Gro,-.,nd ConnecLion. Compresston LqpeBurndg Tgpe YGHCC (or equol) F no.a Lo Ptpt'''s See DeL Gl This SheeL Racewou For SLeel G"avl,/w M-WPI & M-WP2 MusL PVC Jacket. OLherp NoL u=.d F go,.a Lo Tr-ansFonmen Cose I NeuLr-ol Marn Ground Bor l4'V.lxL2'Lx1/ 4'I1 C,-r.: Clomp ConducLors Lo bor wtlh Burndu Tgpe YA:L (or Equol) Compresston Conn. - wtLh l/?" Bronze BolL & Lock Woshen. MounL on Woll wtLh UntsLr-ut. TYPE OGFL CONNECTOR be Rrsrd mag be PVC BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 2./c *16 Shldl l'C144-llc* 16 8#lg Gndl BOOSTER PUMP PITlseeF'agzl ,d il*- lTspl JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper. Wyomins (307) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2@@I ADDITIONS S]TE AND GROUNDING PLAN a7 / | a,/al I --..-, F-^^ a---r -..-l , -^r\ -- l-a2al 1 VFO.BPI VFD-BP2 TC BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) 940-6868 To Boost er- Purnps ISee GC?3@ll L GC?4A21 TnansF'TA' IAbo.,c) Ponel 'LA- IBelo*l D /,r,^, rsH/wPz TSH,/WP1 F?btrrlrlrlr I-FSF9rrls'-Nv(o Scole NOTES/COMMENTS_ p S"" Dve GC?160 ShL 3 Fo- Genenal Notes. NoL shown ar.e extsLlng RecepLacles ond Ltghltng. Re-connecl To New Ponel os requrr.ed. Ang ExreLtng Generol Purpose ReccpLocles ace Lo be reploced vtlh Ground For.rlL. ExrsLt.tg Rocewog: BeFore Pulltng nev Feederr. Svob ond Claon CondutL. ShunL T-nrp PB For MCC Motn. MounL Abowe Exrsttng Ltght SwrLeh. See D*9 Gtr7261 Foc k'ltrrng. PB Lo be Allen-Bnodleg 800T-ITKG: Muehroqm Red. Emeng SLop. SurFocc MLd,t>\15 - See Dwg GC? 4@4 For' IngLrumentoLton Roccwogs c N p=$b-- HC TRANSFORMER lE*rsLr"ts Podl I'l'lrlrlrl'l'l F Ncc st ""r IJ I 5LT lRe-LocaLedI JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, lVyomins (307) 266-1482 VA]L ASSOCIATES GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE ?AgI ADDITION ELECTRICAL PLAN Re,, A Aq/?3/A1 FOR COMMFNT n-. -. ( ^ /fAA /n,^.Gr?AOtl NOTES,/COMMENTS __A| \fTZ-CIl@ea 2,zc*16 Shldl lSee GC?2O4 For ',trtns) 9-- -----t\------\:f l-C[4 l,u c*l@ E \ -ta ar rl -', ---Jrl0 Gndl CkL LA 8-10-12 ElecL. HeaLerlz0v 500W1Rauoll Model RPHI-54 [Puirp House HeoLe.] Woll MounL 12' Belo," Top Co.,en. Set LherrnosloL o Mlntmum, p E*o.U enLng of Roce",ogs rnLo PrL Lo be Field DeLer-mrned All Wrrrnq,/FtLLrnssg rn ptL sholl conFocm Lo NEMA 4-WaLecLtLe' Routt.,g ls advtso-g. Core should be Laken rnrouLtng so LhoL Fumps,/Vol,.,es mog be remo.,ed wlth mrnrmum dlsLubonce oF wl.tne. Cover Lo PtL ts rcmovoble. R:,"^".:=., For lnslruments ${trerng. mog.be.Rrgrd 'PVC- wrlhrVL JuncLron Eoxes. Ftnol LonnecLlon Lo lnsLruemnlswtll be Flexrble CondurL. Race',ags For WP-l & WP-Z musL be Rrgrd SLeel Galv.*rLh PVC JackeL. Care musL Laken Lo prolecL Lhreaded Jot nt-s. MoLor- ts Furntshed wlLh 6'A' oF cable. Spltce Molor Leod tns l2'xl2'x8- Junctton Box. LtghL FrxLure (4eo) Wall mounL ,.,tLh Guard [VaporLrle]. 100W.Mounl 6-12" belor" remowable Cower. RecepLocle. WP. Gr-oung FaulL. mounL 6-12' below Co.rer- F S*rt"r' For- wall LrshLs. l^lr BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-6868 JoHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, W.yomins -(307) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2AAI ADDITIONS PLAN BOOSTER PU',IPS l 7 / 1l /at l --,,-J tr^- a^--r -, .-t , -- Hatn 4'xl?- xl/3 -G-ound Bo. JOSLYN ARRESTOR 1.5'x3.0'Tube To Level HCC To BoosLer Pumps BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-6868 'SaolLrle' Wlrewag N JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, IYyoming (307) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE ?AOT ADDITIONS SECTIONS AND DETAILS 07/ IA,/AI I sscred Cons Lnuc L ton i1^t -. A/ra/Al n-^.Ge7403 f-n-+ F^; TO PNL -LA' CKT I TSH,/WPI PT/WP DISCH^RGE HEADER t/2-c 2tl4 SHUNT TRIF PB o oooR l-C: WP2lAMP wPz,/ST l,.IP2,/RDY WPzIRUN SPARE 2-C: BPI,zAMP BPI/OP BPI/ST BPI,/RDY BPI,/RUN 8P2,/AMP 8P2/DP BPz/57 BPz,/RDY BP2./RUN l'C: WPI/Al'lP WPI/57 . I,,iP1,/RDY WP1,/RUN SPARE zL: rtl TSHI . PSLI STI Pr2 TSH2 PSL2 5tz SPARE SP^RE W^TER PUMP f2 1.25-C: BPl./lN BPI/EN BPI./AMP BPI/OP BPI,/ST BPI,/ROY BPI,/RUN 1.25'C: BPZllN BP?lEN BP?,/AMP BPz/DP BPz/Sr BP2IROY BP2,/RUN NOTES,/COI4MENTS @ p\ ''\ BEHRENT ENGINERING Denver Colorado (303) e40-6868 p Co.rd.rcLors ore 2/c *16 Shrelded TwrsLed. p co.rd,.rcto-s o,.e ?eo l/c, *14 wrth *14 Gnd TO BOOSTER PUPIPS(sEE OWG GC74@21 JOHN W. AKE P.E. Casper, lYvoming r (307) 266-1482 VAIL RESORT GORE CREEK PUMPHOUSE 2@OI ADDITIONS INSTRUMENT CONDUIT DIAG 07/ lg/Al I ss..,ed For ConsLrr-.,ct- t on DaLe: B/lO/Ol D'"e: GC7405 ConL End Re.: I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr-,, co 8a657 970-479-2L38 APPI-IICATIT CONTRACTOR OWNER DRB Fce .OO 1)o.^*\ t --.r-l-4L...AS UR DEPARIT{EIVT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ELECTT,ICAI, PERMIT Permi-t #: E00-0159 Job Address: 862 S FROIiIIAGE RD WEST LOCAIiON...: VAII, RESORTS CAT YARD Parcel No. . : 21,0t-072-00-002Project No.: Stsatus...: ISSITED App1ied..: 09/oL/2oooIssued...: 09/OL/2ooo Extrrj-res. . : 02/28/2OOt Phone: 970-949-6095 Phone:. 970-949-6095 co 80110 co 80110 RIVTER.A ELESTRIC, INE. 2LO7 W. COLT,EGE AVENUE, ENGr_,EWOOD, RIVIERA ELECTRIC, ]NC. 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, VATL CORPORATION TTIE PO BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 Description: REPLACED DAIVIAGED U/G FEEDERS TO TRASH CValuation:750 .00 Electrical- -- > IrrteBtiEaCion> wilt CaJ.l.- --- > TOTAII FBES- - - > Total calculaled Fee6- - -> Additional Fccs- -- -- - -- - > ToCaI Pernit Fae--------> Pa!4n6nts - - - - - - - - BAIAfiCB DUE- -. - 50 .00 53.0O .oo 53.OO 53 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTTVIENT O,/OL/?OOO JNOLEN ACt,iON: APPR PERIEEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT{ENT DepE: BUITDING Division: CHARLIE - Dept: FIRE Division: 09 / oL/200o ,fNoLBN AcLion: APPR NA ****+*********tt*rr*rtttt***** +r***il*+J*t****i***t.,*+********i*rrir**r'r*r*****ttatttat***t*ir**+***'r+*r+tt*r CONDITION OF APPROVAT, 1. FIELD INSPEEfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C1IECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ***t****a**,rtf**tt**rlrl*fit*ttt**t****t****tt!r ******t**tt* t*t*!tt***:r**r,*r*t**tt*r*r*tl|,t.t***t**rtr**'r**tat*t*t* ***t* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ r€ad ChiE app].icaEion, filled oul in full Ehe inf,ort[aliolr required, conplcEed an accutate plou plan, and.tate thaC aI1 the infonation provided a6 lcquired 19 colrect. I agree to colrlply sith the inforEacion and plot p1an, !o codply tritsh all To{n ordinanc.€ and 6Ca!r 1ans, and fo build lhis struccure according to tshe Town'E zoning and subdivisiotl codes, design rcvicn af,prowed, Unifor.a Buj.lding cod. and oth€r ordinances of the Tolrn applicabl. !he!eto. REQUESTS FOR TNAFECTTONS st{ALIJ BE UADE TIdE}IIY-FOUR IIOURS IN ADIT1NCE BY ABLEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR .At oUR OFFICE FRO}I tr00 lll 5:00 PM ' t', 2tz ''t"Aa?"t APPLICATIOT{ WIIJ. T{O? 8E ACCEFTTD lF ITCOOIPI.ETI OR UtuNGilED Nnftt' guildhg Permit # dec'Hcal Permit #: 97G41g-#rnspcdiils) 75 S. Fnontase Rd. Vall, Cdordo Sl6St O/A - s0 ,. P02 # JobAddrcss: BC* S'{(.*t& -ftel Ph'vryeA qle Fcr4o's #ltU^ Cr@ Wo*Class: Ner() Addtlon() R€model() Repah(rzf TempPower() Other() WorkType: Interlor( ) E<bbr( ) Bdt( ) Ty6ofBHq.: Sinde-hmlly( ) Dudex( ) ttulU-lbmlV( ) Corrnerdal( ) Rcsbtrat*( ) Otlrrl I No. of Ammrnodatlon Unlts h thts bulldlng:No. of Exlsdng Drl,elllng Units In thb butdlng: Is tris oermlt for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No a Flr€ Alarm Exfsb Yes ( ) 1'lo Olrtuat COITIPLETE SQ. FEET FON, ilEtl' BUI&QS Arrd VATUAIOTE FOR AtL OTHERS (I.ADO] I ilAtTIAb) Ali4OuNT OF SQ FT IN STRLJCTURE: cor{TRAcroR lilKtnfiATrofl ohsnuaqjl f ***l+tt.a.t*rFOR OFFICE USE OI{LY***r}*1}*****t**rtr***r'****rtr*'*** 0 12000 > F : /ArFrwrn./fi nrt </.lp.raa.rnI0'd 200' 0N 93: I 00, trO d3s :0I NI]/\H-UU]INIU t- ? Amendmeft to tlrc 19t19 ll.E.C. TgrYn oftall Ordinanoe 1O'1'6. o Overhead servlces are not allorrcd ln the Town of Vall. ZUna.tSr*nJ setnfces have to be In condult (A/C) from the tansfomer to the decflc rneter, maln dlsconnest sritdr and to the frrst dectstol dsHbutm clrcult breakg panel. , n;;;1" Asconne6 srnitdr shall be tocat€d nat to Ure hder on dre o<terior wall of the structure easlly .accessible./ lll underground condults are requlred b be lnsP€ded bslbr€ badt'frltlng he bench. o In mutU+lrnly drclllng unlts, no electrlcal rrlrlnj or fteder caUes stnll pass ftom one unit to another. Common unlls and spaces arc accePted. > o NM Cable (itonrex) ls not allorved ln commerdal butldlng or sfiuctures xceeding u|ree (3) storles. cr lb use of ituminum wlre srnaller than stre #8 wlll be permlthd wlth the Tom of Vall. Towtr oF vArL EI"ECTBIIFAL PERUTT GUTDEUIIFS o All ln$alladons of e.xErior hdtub or spa's require a DRB approvalfrcm plannlng..This apflicaUon will not be accepted without a cogy of the DRB app;1val furm anached (lf appllcable). o ff $6 pemilt ls for tnstalladon of an oCertor hot Ub or spa on a new el$rated plafform or deck orer 30" above grade, lou muS also o$dn a bulldlng permlt q 11 thls permlt ls fur lnstalh[on of an e(Eior hot bJb or spa on any odsting d"*.T elernted, pla6orm,- i .tru&ua dngineer must revte{y Ure o<t;UrE condiUbn aqd rieriry tnit it wlll support the added concentrated load. Please pro/de a copy of tf[ strucnrral engineers wet stamped letter or draMng wt$t this appl'ration. o If Sris is a remodel in a mulu-family building with a honnoumers association, a letter of permisslon from the assoclation is requlred. o tf this permit is for a commercid sEe, two (2) s€b of stamped dnwings are requlred. r haye read and understand thc abon t/r/'e -Deh Slgncd 86f- f. fr^Jwq"d Faclt.or- rlr- ot -661 If you have any questlonr.rcgadlng tfie above InlbrmiUon or have addlUonal querUons' pid$ conta* ifr.i Town of Va-ll Etectrlcal t-nspector at 970-479'2147. The inspector can be i'eached on Tgcsday, Thurday and Frlday morirlngs betrreen th hourc of 8am and llant' You mav also leave a voice mall and tfte hc0ector wlll call you back z0'd 200'0N zt:8 00,I0 dls :0I NOAU-U8]IAId 1 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL. CO 81557 970-479-2r38 DEPARTI4EI\TT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELE TRICAI., PERMIT t);\ t*;.+-"L..d s UR C.^t t{4^.\ COMMUNTTY DEVETOPMENT (J ON ,JOBSITE AT .ALL TIMES Permit #: E99-0010 APPLICAIiTT RIVIBRA EIECIPRIC CONST. , DENVER, Cl) 80110 COIWTRJA TOR RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONST. , DENIIER, CO 80110OWI{IER \TAIL CORPOR.ATION THE PO BOX 7, VArt CO 81658 Job Address: 862 S FROMrAGE RD Locati.on. . .: 862 S FROIIIAGE RDParcel No. . : 2to1--0'72-00-002Project No.: ,co ,co WEST StsaLus...: ISSUED WEST Applied.. : OL/a9/L999 Issued. . . : o1,/19/L999 E:Pj-res. . r o7/18/1,999 Phone: 949-6095 Phone: 949-6095 26, 000 . 00Descript,ion: PARKING IrOT IIGIITING AT VAIL eAT YARD Valuation: FEB gI'!{'ART Electrical--- > DRB Pce hwegtigation> l9i1l Call-- -- > TOf,AII FEES'-- > Toc.l crl,eulaCcd Fco.---> Additiolral Feca-- --- -- - -> Tol.1 Prltlllts B!.------- -> P.l/!.ntE------- BAIANCE DUE.-.. 469. OO .00 .00 3 .00 471. O0 471 . O0 .oo 471. O0 471 . OO .oo ITCM: .06000 ETBCTRICAL DEPARITI,IENTOL/19/L999 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVEDIEEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI4ENTo1,/19/L999 ,tRM Action: APPR t[A/"Bff.: BUILDING Dept: FIRE Diwision: Diwision: COIIDITION OF APPROVAIT * *'|* 't *t r* + tr* r t rt,rii, r!, rJ!rJ rri DECI,,ARJA TONS r he-eby acknowledge tshBt I hrvc r.ad thL! alrF1icltion, filtcd oug in fulI chc infonrat'ion requlrod, conplctcd an accurabe Flotplan, and, etate that all che inforaation previd.d Ir rrquj,r.d i. cotr.cB. I -gn.. go conply with the infordalion and ploL p1an, to cooply *iLh aL1 To$n ordLn.ncag etrd stalr IarB, .nd uo build this scruclut€ accordiflg !o uh€ To|'n'E zoning and subdivision code3, desigR review approved, Itnifom Building Cod. rnd oth€r ordinanc.E of t'h. To$'r rpFlicable therelo- REQVESTS FOR I}ISPEC:TIONS SIIAIJIJ BE IIADE TVIEITTY-FOUR, HOUR9 IN ADTJANCB EY TAI,EPHOIIE AT 4'9.2134 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII g:OO A 5.OO P SIIoNAT(JRE OF OWI.IER OR COIITFTCTOR TOR HIUAALF AND !?IL CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION TORMoxrn:_l/ t s/?7 , APPLfCATToN MUSE BE FfIJLED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED AT It******i********'k************* PERI,IIT INFOR},L{TION * * * * * * * * * 'k * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t * * * * * * I i-Building I i-P]un,'bing D4-ntecrricar [ ]-Mechanibat I J-other Job Nae: V*tt Pesurn Catfiit tjq,,*1FlaJob .LdCre==, f{oZ_ S. F,hJ-(.- Pr^.!. I-,egal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing sugotrrtstOtr, owners rame! V*a. l(.csoprs PEp.l\liT tl Address: -Pp, Box f. thXt, {pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs *****tl*J Town of vail Reg. lro. i6-el' 4<!-Pt;'one Nunber: -4?A- A6 VALUATION, ,:.;_,r , BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: A1/'A .:i. 75 soulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 of tlce of communlty devolopmerrt PERIiIT TIME FMI'IE rr Lilr5 lrermr.E requr.res a Town of vair Fire Department Approval ,Engineerts (Pgbiic Works) reyiew und app"ovaI. a p'lannind n.n.aFipproval, a Planning Depariment I::l :I-::.H"il lh^ g:l:ltment, iev ien, u n[ -i- "u; ; ; ti- til;";, fi fi ;; llpi[lTl',1:^the estirnated time for1a iotar ;;;i;*;.;";u;;';;'i';nsas three weeks. l]l^'::':::j:1. !il"g: :r smali) and all multi-ramitv permits wilt ,11:.-l:., I.lll^1: above .menti6nea miximum ;;q;;;;;"[." n"ril"it:.rand smatl projects rrroria ia[u-;-i";;;"I;;ser amount of time. However, if:i,'residential oi smal'l er r'resroenrral or smailer.projects impact the various above mentioned-departments with regard to-necessai-y review. thesp nrnipcr< m:rrto necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three"wu.f<-p""i"j. by this departnent to exbedite thisEvery , permit attempt will be made .as s.qon as possibl e. , I' the unders'igned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time L*.-tD Lf,G I+TSN s; e l,Jor et was turn , Communi ty / Develooment Department. MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WOFKS MAY g, 1gg4 WI.iEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' t- TO: FBOM: DITE: RE DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED NO u/ FEETbh* e v/ fllr:,i Y r:\ r ill rtt rj\ n r!r .,;1,"-.bLE -/ -/ -/' -' , ':' ,: affecling the right ol way, easemenls, , or public property?'Il ls the driveway being repaved? "r''. ",-.. -4 ' ls a 'Revocable Right Of Way permit" ' , ,^^',1.^AO . f;oanswered yes 1o any of these questions, a "Public way Permit" must be obtained.?tt Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or at"'-J -- ' t/lJl'r' tlvl'lo vllll'/1; t'' I Cll ,,, WTity Deve.lopment. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town' ofVi0onstruction lnspector; at 479-21fi. :r' ,:ij\l' , 'lh#reaC and answered allthe above questions. ^*e t,gc$rarrt6 TOWN OF VAII,'75 !i. FRON1AGE ROAD .--.i.-,, *u 8L657 970-479 -2L38 APPLICANT CONTRA,CTOR OWNER El.cErical---> DRB Fee Invc6bigation> wiII caLl----> TOTAIJ FEES- - - > Totsal, CrlcuUt.d F€€6- - - > AddiLional FeeE- --- -- - -- > Total Pcr$lC Fcc--------> PaynenuE - - - - - - - - B,AI,ANCE DUE---- 50.00 . oo .00 3.O0 53.O0 . o0 g3.oo 53 .00 . o0 r * v * r r * * * + 'r * * !r * t***tttl!rt***at*tf*rlti|**i***r*rt******all*******+*ttrtr*ttrrrar**tr*tttttrtJ* ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEN| DEDT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O9/03/L998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIR}TIleqli .95q90 FIRE DEPARTITEMI Dept,: FIRE Divisj-on:09/03/L998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A ***}'!r*|t****''*'jlt+*rtr1t','*rit|'l'l|.''l''i.i CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1. FIEIJD INSPEqfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIiICE. rt , r, ,, t * l * * * * * t ., l| + t t * t t + t t t t t |r * t * t t t rt t t * + I r * * i t * *a*r*ttll*al**1*{t*ttttatt*t*t***i}t*attt**tt**t+*r*ir DECI.ARAITIONS I hereby acknowledEe thaE t hqve lead this rltpllceelon, fillcd oul in fu]I t'h6 lnforoation required, coEplebed an accurate pIoL pLan, and shrt. chiE alt hhc inforoation provideil re rcquircd i! corlocts. I rgt.r bo cobpLy sith tsh. infomation end plot plan, to conply vibh all ?o!,n ord.inancc. and 6taec lrt.. ana to build thi6 Etsructure according to thc Torn'. zoning and eubdiwision codes, alc.lgn tcvlcr apptovcil, IrnifoftB Building code arril othcr ordin.nccg of th. Tow! applicablc lh6reto. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHAIL BE MADE TI.IEINY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9.2138 OR },T OUR OFFICE FROM g:OO A,NI 5:OO PM ')o*-\ [^.'*"L.-l 3 DEPART!4ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEI,OPMENT I l"^.tr^a L.^l?-*L"'€c't LJ NOTEr THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit. #: 898-02L3ELECTRIEAL PERMIT .fob Address: LOCATION...: VAIL LIONSHEAD FIL 3Parcel No. -: 2LOL-072-07-009Project No.: RIVIERA ELESIRIC CONST., COP.O. BOX 18193, AVON,CO 80110 RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONST., COP.O. BOX l_8193, AVON,CO 801L0 VAIIJ CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81658 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR GATE AT GATE HOUSE 2,000.00 trrrar*f***rlr*lrtrirrr.,r*r** FEE awl|ARy !r****rrtrtrrr*rtttr.r**r*rfi**r statsus...: IssuED GONDApplied. . : 09/03 /L998Issued. -.: 09/03/L99e E>rpires. . : 03 /02/L999 Phone: 949-6095 Phone: 949-6095 Valuat,ion: TONN OF VAIL, @IJORADO r i r ia rr * ar* r, * i i r rr, rra r r !ra.* t +rt *r gtaEartrc gErcconE lfr.ub€r r RBC-0461 .luounE 3 53.00 10,/08/98 1o!5s Prlilont l|.rllod r CR [oCrtlon! 16€2 ltrlC r JRtl P.ruLt No: EtE-0213 ttrp.: B-EtrBC ELEetRtCtI pER IE Parccl No! 2101-072-07- 0Og Locationr VrlL LIONAnBID FIL 3 OONmITA BtrftO Tot.l F.G.t 53.00 ThL6 Pal trlnt s3.00 Totrl .}!L put.3 53. OO Balaltccr .00 t I tt * t.a*t r trtt at J.latttttlr*l}ta Account Cod. D.Ecliplion AIqoqnE Ep 00100003111{00 ErJEerRlctL pERi,lIr FEEg 50.00 tfc 00100003112800 .wuilJ ctlltr lngPEcrroN FtE 3.00 l.: a -. , ir. rconEacl gaglo Coutrty Agaeslorr Olftce st 9J4-328-!640 for Parcel #^. TOI{il OF VAIII CONSTRUSIION,Arcsl f:@ PERIIIT ]PpLrcArIoN FoRItf PERII1T 'D[IE:_$lS.|t. . APPLICAfION }tt'ST BE TtLI,Eb OU! COIiIPIJETSIT OR I'lI UAY NOT BE AECEPTED, [r****t*.*****t*t****r****t*** pgRltIT rNFonMAlroN i*r*in*****rrrr**r********irrt-6 1-rutldlng I l-Frumbtng F{-Blectrlcal I l-l{echinl-cal t l-Other ffob Addtesdi Iregal Descrlption: f,ot_ Bloak_ fllt ns r3 tuprursto*, - -- , orrners Nane: !e.r C* F, Addneesr Ph.{?l-,4bss Arehitect:Addtrees:Ph. General Descrlptlon: Work claes: D<l-New [ ]-Alteratlon Nunrber of Dwelllng unLtsc AlA.., Bur"or".r Er,EerRreArr, rga6_B1 orHER: PilNBTNG: I, }IECTIAI.IICAI,I;I ToTATJ: ? b *** ** ** ** *!t * ** * ***{r** Sener"l ContncLor: I t l-Addltlonal [ 1-nepalr [ ]-other Nuuber of, AcconnodatLon unitsr tr{- Xl}I::ll con.*.^c'"o"' 7'qt,gJ?;l*;n"ful;:1, 3 INFOnilATION ******************** ******* Town of Vall Reg. No.Address: f,D,Ije,t. W- Phone Nunbet: 4"q-4fE-P- Electrical Contraetqt: 6iJiecO- E"/.tlric. Town of Vail Req. NO.Addressr 9)D Ah#J;.,- ltn. llal /l,vx, (h. KlHDphone Nuhber! Reg. No, uechanLcal contractori'\.'Toun of Vall R€9. No. Address!Phone Nunber: I i ,l.li ********t*********t***i*tt*t*t* BUII,DITIG PERMIT TEE: PLUMBINO PERMIT FEE: .'IECHANICAIT PEAUIT FEE: ]LBC'iIRfCAL FEE! }I'HSR I"IPE OF trEE! )RB rEEr oFpIcE UBE ** ********r*ir *r*******irr **rf,r EUII,DTI|G PIAN CHECX trEE: PI,UMBTNe PIillI .CHECX FEE: UECHA}TTCLL PIAI{ CIIECK FEES FOR ,NECNEITION FEET' "' -'crIAN-up-onibEt'ti AO{IAIJ PERMIT FBES ! EUILDING: 8IGNAI'I'REI uotfINGs SIGNATURTi lonmentsi , CI,E.AN I'P DEPO$Tf l.gFUilD TOI 90' d 600' oN 90: FI 86,I0 dls :0I lnttn TOI llROlt: DATE: SU&TECT: ?t r6ulh lront191 fo.d . . u.ll, oolorrdo ll6t? (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 fn Eumnary,.Ordinanae No. 6 states that it ls unlawf,ul for any !:*_=gll to lLrter, track or deposir any soifl-r""[,""ana, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dunpster3, ilft"bi;-ioilets arrdworkhen ve,hictes ulron-any srreetl sfaeraii, ;fi;y-;; pubttopr+ge or'any portron theleof. rire rignt-oi-way in arr. Town ofvail stroets and 5gags Ls approxiuareiy s it.-i,ri-pavenent.l'ttl: ^ ordl.nance vJ.tI be strtihy enrorcla by the ?foln of vail4!lrs worlcs Department. persins touna vtir"rr"s-{iri* ordrnancewilr. be given a;z{ hour ntj.rt€h n"li""-t"-;;il;;";id naterr.ar.rn the svant the person so notiftea dJes-n"t ""rpri'uJ,th thenotlce within the- il no"i tfn".:ip-ctriea, tfre n [fic workeDepartneht wLrl rmove gald marelial it irr"--e6;;;;- of, t eraonl!!if1.9: rhe pro\rJ,srons Jr tt ii-.rar;"#; IfrIii*i"t r" ofllcc at communlly dcrclopmc6l AI'L CUN'RACTORS CUERE!flTTJYIJ NEGISTERED I{ITH AHETOI{N OF VAIII AOnT OF VAIL PUBLIC WOnKS/Cor4,tUNITf DByEIITEUENT ITARC$ t5, 19e8 CONS,IIRUCTtrOII PARKTNG & I{AIERTAIJ STORAGE (i.e. contractgr, owner) applicable to cbnstructlon, nqiqienange or repalr prolect- of'"t :*:.,"":" 11-:11:I -::.:"J -l*ll!.*:. .l.l,:l: .iil3't;i:w."r, To.rcview ofdinanee-No..6.in full, please stop by-the Town of Y111,_9!i+dJ.ng Departr0cnt to obtaii a copy. trhank yoq for yourcooperation on this latter. Rda ,/ 0isitibnlneliTfriE z0'd 600' oN z0: tI 86,I0 d3S :0I TO: FROM: DATE: RE; Irtl.EMoBA|{qUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS HEOUIFED Job Name: Lio uOate: qltlgL !.. Please answer lha followlng questionnaire rogarding the need lor a "Public Way Permlt': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work bolng performed that requires lhe uso of the rfght of way, easemenls or public propefy? ls any'utility work noedsd? ls fhe driveway belng rcpaved? ls ditlerent access needed to site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done alfecllng the dghl of way, easem€nts, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permil' required? YES NO -{1) 2I 3) 4l 5) 6) X ,( { X7l Y ( 8) A. ls the rlghl ol way, easemenls or public property 1o be used for slaging, . parking or fencing? B, lf no 1o 8A, is a parking, staglng or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of lhese questlons, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Publlc Way Permit" applications may be obtalned at the Public Worlrs offlco or at Community Development. lf you have any qugslions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at I have read and answered all I^i.:t* Job Name 80'd 600'0N z0:?I 86,I0 dls 58. ?6 roulh |ronlrer ro.d urll, color.do n057 (3031 {79-2138 or 479-2139 ottlco of communlty doYclopmctrt BUIL0ING PERI'|IT ISS1JAI{SI TIHE FMNE If this pery-lt. f!tu.i.re! ? Totr4 of Vail Fire Oeporrnent Approyal tEngineepts--(Publ ic trlorks) revle.rr and approval r' a planninb' Oeparinent I9yl"T or.Health oepartmCnt ievi.ew, anit'a_revien Uv ttre Suiiling - Departmentr the.estlhated fime for a total revlew ray take as l6ngas three weeRr.. All comnercial '(.large or small) and all rnulti-family oerrnf ts wlllhave te follow the above meniloned maxlmum reqrrlrenlnts. Resldentialand.small proJects-should tike a lesser amouni of tlme.' However, irresidentl'al or snaller projects lnpact the varlous above menHon6dd.epartments..with regard. to necessaiy review, these projectr nayalso tdkc the three ueek perlod .Every atternpt w{ll beina.de by this departnent to expedite thls .Petri't.at spon as posslble. I-, the underslgned, understand the plan check procedure and tine trame. Gonlruni ty 0evelopmant Departnent. 60'd 600'0N 80:tI 86,I0 dts :0I t? Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: VA Parking Lights Project Description: Install parking lights and poles at 3 lots: North lot, west lot, and maintenance yard. Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associates, PO Box 7 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Ted Ryczek 479-3175 Project Street Address: North lot (north of Landmark), West lot (west of Marriot lot), Maintenance Yard (southeast ofcat storage area). Legal Description Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: JeffHunl Date: l2-17-98 Board / Staff Action Action: staff approval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: no Qucstions? f l thc I'iar:ning Staff ai 4 79-: l2S APPLICATIOIT{ FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rsvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnri$al rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc applicatiog carnot bc acccptcd until all thc reguircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by fic Town Council and/or thc planning and Environ ntcntal Coninrission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcrl - - A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:(Y\ A tual N {nt CL '/*Ro' /t-. TOWNOFVAN dl+'T', B. C. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_ FILING: PHYSICALAOONTSS: tb }- S, $1<" rJ T A G E RI - pARCEL g. ?.'lo-J-o? A - ro ^cor +A1 Contact Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING:-f-'L NAME OF OWNER(S): F. \J. MAILINO ADDRESS:'A tc- Q- o PHONE: oWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:€-F l. MAILING ADDRESS: OE bS 7 pHoNE: 4 -77 -3 / H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildins. D Addition -$50 Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or wtdinorArteration - $20 fffr:-fffi"tJJ$l;i;= to buldings and site improvcments. such as, reroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fecs are to be paid at thc time of submittal. latcr. whcn appllng for a building pennit. ptease identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. Thc Torvn of Vaitrvill adjust thc fce according to thc projectvaluation. PLEASE SUBI\{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CONMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO E1657. 'i' :o PAGE 1FILE : C: \AGI\RIV-VAI.AGI DATE : LL-02-A998 LI]MINAIRE : BS CAD S$,BOL : BOX.SSI CAD SI'}'IBOL SIZE : 5 FILENAME : C:\PHOTO\PFH\ITPO2767 .TES LTIMENS = 27500 LI-,F = .8 SPIN = 0 TEST NIJMBER: HP-0275? HI]BBELL I-,IGHTING, INC. - PHOTOMETRIC REPORT CAT. NO. : RC'J-0400S-1Tx-x TYPE fV DESCRIPTION: MAGNUI'ORM II SERIES; FROlilll PRO.IECTION LAMP TYPE: C400S5L LAMP DESCRIPTION: 400 W.A'TT HIGH PRESSITRE SODIIIM REFLECTOR: ALUMINUM ENCLOSITRE: FI.,AT GI,ASS TILT=NONE LAMPS = 1 LUMENS/I,AMP = 5OOOO PHOTOMETRIC rYPE = 1 WATTS = 465 TUMINOUS DIMEIiISIONS (FEET) :VIIDfit = 1.1L5 LENGTII = L.O42 IIEIGHT = 0 FACTORS : MULTIPLIER = 1 BALTLA.9T = 1 BAILAST-LAMP = L NIIMBER OF IIERTICAI-, AIiIGLES = 15 0 TO 90 DEGREES NUMBER OF HORIZONTAI A I-GLES = 21 0 TO 18O DEGRSES -FDu":'.. " o Qucstionlall thc t'laruing Staif ai 4?9-:.128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Revi cw approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For specifit information, see the subndttal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd- Thc application cannot bc acccpted until all the requircd . infornration is submittcd- Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc planninj and Environnlcntal Contmission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs one ycar after final approval unlcis a building permit is issued and construction is startcd, ''-- : A. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: LOCAT|ON Oo o*o.ot pFrysrcALADoltyss.-fLfrcr fr rylofQ,LrtS SuBLi /tSt ort/ 1oi.oJ\-o7-to Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAMEoFowNER(S): vArL AESoc '/+z-es Zr0a MAILING ADDRESS:.? -_lPHONE: OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING ADD H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: U Nerv Construction - $200 Construction ofa new buildine.tr Addition -$50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or -/ commcrcial building. @1!Iinor Altcration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff' thc acctratc valuation ofthc projcct. The Town ofVailwill adjust the fce according to thc projcct vatuation. PLEASE SUBIIIIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRADO 816s7. R.. T'OWNOFVNL B. A) C, D. E. PARCEL #: ZONINC: -7O F, c. o UTILITY LOCATION VERTFICATION Thi-s fornr is to vcriry scrvicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utiliry plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availabiliry ofutilitics. whethcr thcy bc rnain trunk lincs or proposcd lincs, rnust bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc follorving utilitics for thcacconrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Sianaturc DateU.S. Wcst Comrnunications t-800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Publ ic Scrvicc Contpany 949-5781 Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5 U92 Tcd Husky/Jolrrr Boyd . T.C.I. 949-55-3 0 Floyd Salaz;rr Eaglb Rivcr Watcr & .Sanitation District * 47 6-7 4t10 Frcd Flaslcc /e_11-?g + Plcasc brirrg a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitationsigrraturcs, Firc llorv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd, Noies: If thc utility vcrification fornr has sighaturcs fronr cach of thc utility companics, and no conlnlcnts arc ntadc dircctly on thc fbrrn, thc Torvn rvill prcsumc that thcrc arc nb problcnrs andthc dcvcloprncnt can procccd. lf a utility company has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility rcprcscntativc shallnotc.dircctly on the utility vcrification form that thcre is a problcm which nceds to bc rcsolved.Thc issuc should then bc dctailcd in an attachcd tcttcr to thc Town of Vail. Howcvcr, please kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utility company and the applicant to rcsolvcidentificd ptoblenrs. I. 3. { - C/za./ Lr/-7ez Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc the conhactor ofthc rcsponsibility to obtain a public WayPcnnit fronr thc Dcpartmcnt of Pubtic Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must begbtaincd bcforc diaging in any public right-of-way or cascmcnt within thc Town orvuit. A I z -r/ -r7 "zz"d AL /-=l/-?d 4.Updated 6/9?