HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUBDIVISION TRACT B VAIL RESORTS WAREHOUSE & MAINTENANCE SHOP COMMON 2l@ I I I w -b DO a,i I ! II !i ! It I II I II I I I I I I.i I I i i I i i I I I't I II II It \__:_ E" F $ TYPE OF PERMIT - El'lurlorNc X pluuarruc EI errcrRrcRl E rounolnoN oNLY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT of community dwelopment MEcHANTCAL n LEGAL DESC. LOT-BL FILING MAIL ADDRESSryCITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MAIL AODRESS MAIL ADDRESS EIDi' MAIL ADDRESS MAiL ADDRESS CITY PH. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR M ECHANI CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO.N9 131 r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BUILDING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK PLUMBING NEWO ALTERATION ADDITIONALI REPAIR() DWELLING UNITS o*r.oBZ// - ACCOMMODATION UNITS. @l5r.o*oo", coMMERcIAL sy vfufu2^rr-AuRANT sEAtNG HEIGHT IN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING ADMINISTRATOR N ING NOTES: INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF THICKNESS R,VALUE LAWS RECARDINC BUILDING CONSTR T' WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATEVAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE : CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT ntrn f-.ltl Etr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING Vail Maintenance Itrnue,Service Change OWNER NAME VaiL Assoclates MAIL ADDRESS crrv Vall pa.476-56o'. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS E TRICAL CONTRACTOR rtnu Vail Assoe-l a.tas MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTO FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICI CONTRACTO FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTO FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. DATE ---4,=4-Zg PROJECT NO.JF+I.L 210PERMIT NO. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2.occuPANcYGRouP aeEHrn(,, ) DtvtstoN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : l?2a34 Re TYPE GROUP SO, FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT O ALTERATION il ADDITIONAL() REPAIR DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. COMMERCIAL SVST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVEREO PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEES OFFICIAL INSULATION R.GARDING AI/iI-DINC CONS I.RIICTI o Paid by: Vail Associate" ,JrtO{ r HEREBy AcKNowLEDGE rHAr I HAvE 4q \dtREA D TH|S APPT,TCATTON ANDSTATE THATTHE Hl ., N UU' '" CORRECT AND AC.8'DEfiI{OMPLY t , . AflL TOWN ORDT'QANCES AND STAI'EVAIL WATER & SAN. DIST- TAP FEE ; SPECIAL NOTES: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT of community dwelopment TYPE OF PERMIT nrurlormc I Z' elecrRrcll tr L] MECHANICAL N PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING JT keut'r4/or*o^rr- fu,ro irn nauel/t /tW cnv \ /a t- PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIt ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IIAIL AODRESS ,ll bfRrcAL o /7.f,, ,t"- \/n MAIt ADDRESS CITY PH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRTd MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH M ECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS c trY PH. DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO.N9 082 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M DfVfSION 122a34 BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL O REPAIR ( -ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING ADMINISTRATOR NING NOTES: INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE THAT I I.IAVE READ TIIIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE T() COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE"^i"firy''"'.:Wt;VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: mzln r fi o iI z 't € NJ 6<o.rc z^ <Ya6 !o f z 3. NN (^,O ARCHITECT VALUATION aftulilamz*z' O E ,, c F-f!=z=,Oe, -I!tll 3,i Dt- 'n- ln -{ t- t- n n- m = m m mzI r.{>F>5rdFl4*A>(,-<u F> -= _ > -o>: e,Zd;r;e:c::Ztro>., Q>octor'lx-:d,7 z rY7.z> 73 ":i! -o"Y :- u>- 42. C P - i--=.i : 2 m -l ln o c ?. -) o o cz() m o'Do=T: da T Dz rfio fi! =-.t o al INOECTION REOUFST TOWN OF I VAIL .{/ t.l .JOB NAME L,A L LEI-{ TUES WED THUR DATE i'i' 7:) READY FOR LOCATION: rN_QPECTTON:FRI t'Ja BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION i STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION N SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr.SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL Forr*ou.o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo IF,* v bt\ *T.'t. l trS -rlt { \ C *tr-$ttbb' .-lA r\tsa ." 3DN lH,\a|.\\f't4 .N''.} \oNt-o Ia-f-1n I * $ $I F I l. , 46.*'n c-oc. kx ' e a r5. \ LPD\< 7ov tn C)D T\ la \ \ ,,1't \ N ,t.$ FX 45.3 ro:ota Ly_bA "o.o \ )s F.' t olG:I \ir IvFrl.Y6l ( /l I $'D >|rt\ it *.\ I'iltI \ -rr - *lO --\ -8 D7. tr'-trQo\ :0;(\ tb (/l Nd :R friNI fi$ t $irs N B$\Nt tA' oo s/3'&P.Btb(.Y-6' % RR O iliI*\rf; (, 'a t"ffo iA t \ \ * $ B! Ft'fr i L \ R /AU'c) rls \at N\NI\\\+ ".,\u() IZ'-l--1/1 I :1Fefr-t Date Rrojeet Appllcation Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPFOVALAPPROVAL I hl; fi''n--r,{1,""1J.n -. ./ -1-(-;L-' E: .a- | I r-. /t,. /L-1- , Zoning Adminislrator Chief Building Otticial t VAIL ASSOCIATES I{AREIIOUSE CONDITIONS OF DRB APPROVAL 1.) Fenceg and gatee.on perimeter of property wll-l be repalred.. 2.) Looee material on the site to be cLeaned up. 3.) The bern on the Western gide of the entrance drtveway will be a buiJ-t up . .) e ninimum of, a dozen eLusterg of a conbinatlbn of sprucei eapeo, and shrube w1.11 be pLanted alon.g the entlre berm.whieh- fo1lowethe Frontage Road. :. 5.) e trailer will be alloved,in the gouth-west corner of the stteuntil May 15, L979. . , -{e =-,e -l E gr g z o E m T 3 -{ a 9. -t -{-nf. D llt D nt- , m I = m v,fi3 mz ! zo m -t m czoo mu m0 '\ >iz m D o /\ EfrI: ll ;{l 99 Nio-ro<o! D;2;ox ct atI-{ ;6 =2 o o= m_ 'r|< 4t mi il16 'i'N rNst=ttr.,N TOWN OF FrEBllesr' VAIL oor, ,if I o .,o,no* V rtnne necitveo / N ot@ 6ALLER .{- IJ n/ <. ,hI' h-'|-- t 'ba I $ U n orxen MON COMMENTS: flpnnrtar LOCATION 5a{\ READY FoR lNSPEcrloN L:*J WED THUR ,^, f:20 ^6) APPROVED n upor,r rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsnrrRovED fl nrtNsPEcr r\rEiPEG,oN FIEBUEEiT TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED n oruen I paRrreu LocATloN MON COMMENTS: TUE daep RovED florsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowlNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS oor, 1r:i,/:i:,.,7:C JoB NAME rNseectru I TOWN OF , .l ," s'/(^ - i'-/.1 ,.r.'t FTEBUEsiT VAIL MON COMMENTS: TUE l,z. TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen flpnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APPROVED n uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS f]orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr t4 ..D <;) I \ ;^ (.-<-r.rt'*''z INSPECTOR |h.pinl.ryrva'l DATE rNs"=.t* TOWN O FIEEUEST VAIL JOB NAME F DATE TIME RECEIVED-- AM PM CALLER florHen n pnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: E nppRovED n uporu rxe CORRECTIONS LJDISAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR ,Project Application Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: )l tt P//.t l/'//J 1-' -'v Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone'. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board t,1;it-t /Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPHOVAL Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Off icial I rNsPEfrt TOWN OF V.AIL J FIEBUEST ! otrrn il penrtar LOCATION (rt /4 S ld7 FRt {nnlt Jeu ,r'^ READY FOR INSPECTI€AT '/..'l E ner NsPEcrPPRovED florsnerRovED N UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS APPROVED DATE INSPECTOR \ rNsPErfi.,t HEGT'UE9T JOB NAME PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL oo',, J 17' TIME RECEIVE n orHen I pnnrrnt-LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIO{\F.: -t ,./ /WED 7' THUR,./ ! -/'\_---.' TUE Ll, ?4'-S ,^, f ^^6MON COMMENTS: E appRovED E or sepp RovED I net NsPEcr I uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNsPE.frot FtEouEstr TOWN, ltl 1,'* "' .i ,! OF VAIL DATE I r i --/ [.-i C,'; i.1i I t | 4,. JOB NAME TfME REcEfvEg ,t; ''-'''ri'/rl AM PM CALLER E ornen I pnnrrnu LOCATION FRI-AM PM t READY FOR INSPECT]ON W6{^oo.o ! orsnee RovED DnerNsPEcr n uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ar' RECEIVED .' . " AM PM rNsr=.1,o* TOWN O FIEqUEST F VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME CALLER: flpnnnnl READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR [I OTHER .iii .MON COMMENTS: LOCATION TUE FRI AM PM iS neeRovED L-J UPON THE CORRECTIONS ! or saee RovE D FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE '!.," .," ' ,,; ,," ,,/' ,i-7--r--f---7- , I tt --i / t" lt';.1 :,, -,'" ,!, 4-<. o-u- INSPECTOR Io Project Application \ Project Name: " Projecl Description: i (.l;+, Owner Address and Phone: Archilect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator emeF*i|lAge*ieiau Date:Date: /t .-t- ^.. - , .,t -..r IATE ,; i-1/ L -2,,,: /{/ JoB NAME ,z/ TIME RECEIVED '' AM PM CALLER cl N EP cTl TOW FIEGIUEST VAIL n orHen MON COMMENTS: D pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR tr APP ROVED D uporu rne f] orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS '_r... i_ ". DATE Project Application Proiect Description: .- r'-"'fi 'r' Owner Address and Phone: Uoi I Architect Address and Phone: (l Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: \h a CI'ttr o ^lseconded oy: lj/a,. Kob Costcegt<^l APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ('4 i/1 a A't v\,\ou> 9ubvw:)tsior,r {o^"/s.*Su mmary: ia^9 Zoning Administrator CFf,trGlrdfrfg-6fiEi*.- Proiect Application #tc 1 )',, Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: c.-P. Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Degign Review Board DISAPPROVAL o;fiel UtYvA,mt*n-,Yt- Sum mary: ,l Chief Building Ofticial )(::q rrusplTroN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /,*,r, .,/ I( APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL .-1 DATE i.'.' ..-.1 ' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '/(i CALLEFI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB -tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE rNSPEcroR ,ti'1 .,{r-*- -- , -r-^= DATE o JOB NAME INSPCTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,,r/, READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: WED THUR FRI cfren trv BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL - dnoucH / D.w.v. O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL ,dneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSP}TION REQUEST DATE . :)a-t'-16tiiiv"br .*:j.^-*-*^ ' -g;.2-;*'- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME 'MON CALLER THUR FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAT tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -"r!- DATE INS*TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:AM PM PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr D FINAL ELECTHICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH .,tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL ,tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /: 't\ * 4 e, a ! INSP}TION REQUEST JOB NAME TOWN OF ;!S cz c .t 11 Q'nc rt -,..-- U;(( a 12@ KFS q PM '-''READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI v,WED THUR ,iS PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D,W.V. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr EI..APPROVEB* ..,--_€}_D+SNPP.FOVED CORRECTIONS: " e- - tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL '/ f,-/z e*"a/' tza -1" ,g nr;t " ),.r.! a,<2l{.--:-'22. *{-- <-l'f DATE s4.t,/.1 t .,At i' rNSpEcroR /;--",-"' :41.-.:-- ---"*--, INSPTTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER -INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL O FFTC& ,4I1.X+-POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT .{ Reenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED aarc 7 - z-a -V rNSpEcroR --Kl n *,-- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPITTON REQUEST TOWN OF .t. ?,/-7az- INSPECTToN: afr6r.rl rues wED rHUR FRI _=--_AM aiD JOB NAME ,t : :'' CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB D FOUNDATION i STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D trE FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr D tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL E APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR $ ir', t INSP}TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL R WED THUR FRI DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:vor'r (iues BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL FINAL .fi\APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 3.s'L INSPECTOR trr51)I('N IIrSv IDtv rttrllttu DATE OT I.{EMBERS PRESENT: IIIEETING:_ May ll , LgTg BILL RUOFT LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODI) ABT SHAPIRo SUBJECT:Gondola II - driveway LOt BLOCK_, FILING ACTION ?AKEN BY BOARD] ' .:) t'MOTTON . i-'i" .r- ( c {- .' SECONDED By:.'3is * r ,: VOTE: f'OB:AGAINST: ABSTENTION: XAPPROVED: I DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY:,^7{.le-r-fe 'if*l App I icaflon Da o' APPL ICAT ION f:OR VATT IANCE A ndl0 r coND | 1'IoNAL USE PERr.t I T ' 0rdlnancc tlo. B (Sorics of l9?3) Pub lication 0a te Hear Ing 0a te +{earlng Fee F-16a+-Bscfs-i (vet V&lt 495oct4fES ot (ApP I i cant ) Ao<o.v4 //--en"^. y'71-#o / ( Sta te ) (C i ty ) dc hereby requcst permisslon to appear bcfore the Vail Planning Comml ss i on to req uest the fo I lot i ng : 7za variance +ro' er+ icte /8.Vq'l%e-</t For the fo l lon i ng Zon i ng Change f rom Park ing Va r i ance Condif ional Use Permit to allow ln Zone. described p rope rty: L//p/ +ryTE D Lot/ t ra cf-, B.l ock ( ('( to Fl I ing N umbe r Clearly state /A/ara4tl, purpose and i ntent of th i s- app I i cat ion /20 tlhat do you feel is *he basis for hardshlp in fhis case? 9nalure I APPLICATION TOR VARIANCE And/Or coN0 | T l0NAt usE, PERt'l I T Ordlnance llo. 8 (Serios of 1973) Applicatlon Date Pub I lcatlon 0a to Hear I ng 0a fc F1 161 Dec I s i on date lor Town Counc | | | (we ) Phone do hereby request permission fo apPear before the Vai I Planning Commission to requesf fhe follo|ring: ) Variance f rom Arf icl€-, ) Zon ing Change f rom ) Park ing Vo r iancevf Conditional Use Permit to al low I n Zone. Sect ion TO For the Fl I i ng C I ea r I y follovring Lr/Ulz4f/Adescribed p rope rty: li#fru=t-., {{rc* ll umb e r state purpose and i ntent of this aPplication (Ci ty) l{hat do you fee I is the basis for in thls case? _ 2'U 6/C#rz. y r.t/1 ,//r4nra447-e' hardship gnature BILL RUOFF !..,AII, \/J STj1fJ'I'INU: IIEMBERS PRESENT: LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO Va',1 BLOCK FILING:-- , ACTION TAKEII BY BOABD: u/; Il Co,arr. q-d-r,'-+ c'(ft7t Li o^t An',"l **rr, -fo d. o( sEcoNDnD av, f q ?ke t^ VOTE: FOR:AGAINST: Ltta a q< ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPBOYED: SUMMABY: Y DATE OF MEETING; April 27, L978 MEMBENS PRESENT:BILL BUOFT LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO Vail Associates Shops (Conceptual)SUBJECT: I,OT , Bl,ocK_, FTLTNG ACTION TAKEN MOTION BY BOARD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: ABSTENTIO]TI: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: DATE oI' MEETING: MEMBERS PRBSENT:BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD fr,Uc- {/4//* /*' 6 it'J ' rzef r'ltJ SUBJECT:Vail Associates - Renf,a1 Shop to Slide Show - Summer onlY LOT , BLOCK , FILTNG_ AGAINST: ACTION TAKEN MOTION VOTE: BY BOABD:4-" R.4;-:, - 4t':+,a -<-z 7ih -* /*- - 7y't,-t-, ^:{ ft./ SECONDED BY: FOR: e-a/, -J*_" APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: - ,,t*,) .4zJt"{r,,-&Le"/4 ABSTENTION: SUII,ITIARY:a r.G s * $SfORM OEAN Fzw tn D >F f'1 t**\t*. \\ \.\*\\s ' *0,, ASPFIALT aondola n BH1 PTAN. FILL IN VDLLEYBALL 4.DIJRT R.EGRADE ANb SDb E.I{TIRL ,AREA ASPHALT .=-_ LIPGPAbE SPPINIILER. SYSTEM VOLLYBALL . PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION ss. hereunto set mY hand this .J il il-/ €N do solemnlY swerr that I em ol THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newsprper ot I, orinted, in whole or ln pa and published in the CounW of Eagle' State of E:Ur:.;;l:;r!,g1'e-;1::*,::1",y;r*iS,Ll"#i'Tflil}ff "l}'ff "'i S',r:"'"*t$-tl*miffi lh{"i:f ;lilhF[+'..ffi i'.*tF*il'fu""i'#ffi '.T'ffi ffi .;;;;i*t*.ti.^yPip:'.l;'.'*iitr'finan-i-exed legd nouce ot loYuruex-,q iiitJu-niL, ihdprovislonr ol the Act of the United Strtes mrils ts 3 - -, --r l..-l ""ti'1"-..'."t i* e weeklvthe unltao Jllt€s muri 'D rFl.v..u-!'-. id newsprper ls a weeklyifu;' d; iez 9, o, anv amendme.l ts. fr,".'lf '-tl13llf..,^,u."-.n Lr wirhin theMuch lt' Iurtr or rny LlllE|l\'llrEuw ' rdvertisiments within their?iiitilia't/ qurlified tg f"btj*l'19-l^',911 notices rno i ii.tii"i & u;ta'ws of the State of Colorado' Thrt the rnnexcd legrt notlce ot ldvertisoment wrs pubtlshed in the regulrr end cntip issue of every number of said weekly newsPaper for the period of I conrccutive insertionsi rnd that the fint pubication of said notice was in the issue of rrid newspapc t aatea N(tL L4 LD' r9'?€1 rnd thrt the lrst oublicrtlon qt said notice was in the lssue of said newspspel dlted .D.lef.b- ln witness shereof I hlve hereunro sel my O **'- A.D.lel&- i.IiIiI '9, ! .j.,. 'HIiREBY QtvE rnrr Ydllnr: h.t '!9dEd rori' I P.rmll lo lllow i In to b! e|Q|! ar o{Jcornaiiiiv slrvrr zoiG Qltttlrt' tmd 13 un9hlt.d tnd loclt|q ' {..d, lha tllt of lr lxll|ng |oo Bulldlne. ApPIlcallon lri ccctrd wtth $!d|on ol Vr[ r unlclpll C.d.' w t B hald b€{ofa l|l sub,ccribe d tnd swom to btore ffiE notery srtte o( Colorado, tnit /? dav oj - ty of Eagle,-..,, .D.Lsz-v publicrtlon My Commirrion exPiree llt ffils5n ar- rr terry_ br'J*'PROOF srATE cip cor,oRepo COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION )) ss. ) ' Public S$otioe _xgTtgF. ts-HEREBY GIVEN thd thtTown of Vail inlends tjo.ozone the Norlh|.unl .9roperty al fudher d6cribrd hExnibit A from |he exisflng Eagte Countyrone dlsfrict "Ra!ource,, to Town of valzooe dtstricl ,,pubtic use District,, in o.dc.rc.a-Iow the cln3lrrrctio4 ol ! bu3mrntentnce lacility. App cafion has baonmaoe In tccotd wilh section 10,56.060 ot ,hrmunactpat Code ol the Town ot Valt. - A Publlc Htrrtng wr! hatd Furiuant lo ft?loyjrpq -or Soc on t8J6.060 ot ,hc,vrvntclpat Codc berorC lhe Town of Valtt Plcnnlng corhmls3lon whose dectglon hal . DCen_ transftitfed lo lhe Town councit tor ..tEarlng.on_Oecember 6, 197t. Seid helrlngDatore the Town councit will be hetd in th!:Vall ,vlunlcipat Bu. ding at t:30 9.m. ;rowr or vaiu t DEPAR?MENT OFCOM/IAUNtTY OEV€LOPMENT Dtan. S. Toughltl.. Zonlng Adhinlslrltor €xHtstT A LEGAL O€SCRTPTION OF NORT}I PULIS PROPERTY - A parcel ot trnd in E6gte County,Colorado, {urfher d$crtbed rs: Loc8ted. withln lhc NWy,. ot Seclton 9, Townshtp asouth,. Range 80 Wes? ot the 6th p.iU., occordlng lo the surv€y of said Townshli anal Rangr as apprcved by the U.S. Surveyo, _c-eneral in Denver, Colo.ado, on Aprlt 12,ISiA; io wit: Beginning .t the Northwest corner ot satdSection 9, lhe ce S 89 degre€ 31,a9,, €2333.84 feel, .long the North llne ot sotd Seclion 9, to 6 poinl on lhe northerly rlghl ofwayrcnce tine ol Inlerltate Higtrwsy No,70;thenceaiong the north?rty right qt way tencalin€ ot lnlelst6le Highway No.70 as lollows: _ 567 degre€3 41,33,'W als.gA feerj rhence sz8 dcarees l3'@,, W t53,a.29 teet. to a Dgint otcurvafur€; lhence 45tt.{t teet on a clrrve tothc rlghl wilh a radlus ot 5180.00 teet. lhacnord Ol whlch be€rt S 80 degre€S !3,39" W456-10leet to . po'nt on the Weste.ty the otsald Seclion 9: thence depdrling the norlherly rlghf ofway renct tine ot Inter3tate Highway No, IOlno ro||()wtng the Westerty n! ot srtdSectlon I N 00 degrees t8,21,' E 55s.lt te€t i0lhc potnt ot beginntno, Satd parcet ot t.ndCoalrOlni 17.342 acrer, moae or less. f{rbllttad In The Va[ Trail on ovembar ll, do solemnly swear that I am tn.&6!l5-t€f- of THE VAIL TRAILi that the same is a weekly newsprper pdnt d, in whote or in prrt rnd published In the County of Erglc, Stlte ol Colorrdo, and har a generat clrculatlon . thereln t thai sald ne$spaper has been published continuously rnd unintemptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more thsn fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publicrtion of the annexed legal notice or advertisemenh that said newspapet has been sdmitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 18?9, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspapet is a weekly newspsper duly qualified for publishing legal notices end rdvertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the rcgular and entirc issue of every number of sdd weekly newspepet for the period of t coneecutive insertions; and that the first pubicatlon of said notice wrs in the issue of srid newspape. 6"1"6 NSTJE:lr'tf)dL t( e.D. 19?'7 and that the lrst pubticatlon ol said notice was itr the lssue of said newsprper dated Nbrr(?tt6tl?- t( e.D.1e-?.2 In ritness rphercof I have hereunto Ni*nr;t,ggA- A.D.1e?? ::::::i:ffi:"tr;;": EEST {-1*pY }{f rqrb AELE Notuy Publtc My Commlssion expinc lty Commlgeton arptrcr May:ld*, o'I o E Publication Hearing Fee September 6, 1977 APPL ICAT CONDITI Ordlnance No ION FOR And/0r ONAL USE , u (5er VAR I ANC PER14 I T ies of t973) Application Hearing Date F1n61 Decisi Date August 4, 1977 t September 671977 - Da fe $50 August 12, 1977 (we) Vail Assoc'iates, Inc. (VAI)P.0. Box 7(Applicant)(Address ) Co1 orado , Vail' Phone 476-5601(City) appea r before fhe Vail Planning i ng : ala qa.+i^. v | --, TO of ( S ta te ) do he reby req ues'l pe rm i ss i on to Commission to requesi the follow ( ( ( (XX Ya riance f rorn Arti Zon ing Change f romParking Var iance Condif iona I Use Perm it to all in heavy servic€ zone. ow aCC€SSOI".Y US€ For the fo I low i ng described property: Lot/tract_, Block VAI Vehicle l4aintenance YardFi ling N umbe r Clearly state purpose and intenf of th is applicaf ion Decause of adequate Darkin availability. vehicle and equipment location and parts supplies location, it is more efficient for our on- mountain employees to meet in the VAI yard than at a other I ocati on. Because of the lack of available space 'ln thc VAI vehicle maintenance shopn it is necessary for us to create a headquarters at this site. Vlhat do you feel is the basis for hardsh ip in this case? N/A Signaturc of Ap a Associates,Vail \ "nwy'ota {/ May ll, 1977 Diana Toughill Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: The Lift l4ajntenance section of the vail Mountain Department requests the necessary permits for a tenporary field office. The following is pertinent: Inc, o Building Size - 30' x .|2,. o Type - fram with board and bat exterior o Location - extreme west side of the Vail o Use - field office and time clock. Submitted herewith is a snapshot and sketch plan on timber skids. Associates, Inc. shop yard. of vicinity. Sincerely, VAIL ASSOCIA \'--\ \'.---___- a*------- t* Channing l,l.r lJel in ) uonoota Supervlsor Ct'll,J: ca k encl osure ccr Bill Sargent Roger Lessman Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657,303/476-5601 i-ti1 il I PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION \ 4t'- 1\a F': rl- !:^ $q *-'::li"t,qE- i:--..'i! {t ! .. :J..119"{'' NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN'IhA' VAII Associales, Inc, has appliecl tor a Condilional Use Perhif a3 provided l0r In ChaDler '18.d0 of ihe Muni.ipal code ol tna Toin of veil, in order io erect a f:eld ofrice as dn accessory use 1o be localed on unplatled parcel of l6nC We5l ot S6ndltone Creek and Soulh of In1.r.5izle 7C on lhe saine sile as tt'e v.:il At:Jai;,1c5 Ll3inlen3nce Yaad. Subiect iar.el .,: i.ind is localed an a Heavy Service Zoiie D;tlric!' A Public Fearinq r'rill be held In accordance wilh seat:on 16.66.06C ol lhe Muniaipal CoCe on Sepieriber l, 1977 al 3(00 p.m. bqtore lTe Town oi Vd:l Plan'i^o"Commiss on whosc deci!icn- !'ill be ;;;;r;;i io rhe iown cou'cil fo/ lindl i.-.iiiin. il:: , "uting will be herct ;n tle V€ll Municipa: Euilding. TOf/N OF VAIL OEPARIMENT OF COM'AUNITY OEVELO?MENT Diana s Touqhlll Zoning Ad''linlslratol Prrblished, in The Vail 'irail on Augugt 12' 1977 . ss. do solemnly swear that I am of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper Oon nted. in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation iherein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagie for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive rveeks'next prior to lhe first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisemenh that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States nrails as second-class matter under the provisions of ihe Act of Itlarcb 3, 18?9, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly ne$spaper duly qualified for prrblishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the'annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said weekly newspaper fot the period of of said notice rvas in the issue of said newspaper dated A.D.tg,/r consecutive insertions; and lhat the first pubication of said notice was in the issue/1 of said newspaper daied t-LgguZ-Al.o. P-% nd that the lastv Mt' Commission expires My Commission expires May ]9 fFJL Town of Vail ET,FCTRICAL PMDIIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 24L Electrical contractot-&.iP ,MUH tppri""tion..klk......-.......2-..........-.......-.-ts7-C-.......... Plu Chrctar $.-......-.......--..-....-.. Date Paid-. Ctff Bu[rl|!t THIS FORT TO BE POSTED OT .,OB SITE DURII{G GOI{STRUCTIOH 2,[ HOLrRSl ADVAI{CE NOIICE RBQT'IRED FOR INSPECTTONS %zlHz-a. Received By APFROVALS t$s a. r. HorEtEr =...-F Znrtq 0/f- ftffian+-T-ll ,U $ T0wlt 0F t,AtL E!UILEIII\IGi PEFIMIT BUILDING DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF I\IORK NEW() ALTERATION ADOITIONX REPAIR ( } COVERED NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAI L ADDRESS AIRI ) ELEC{ ) UNIT LOT BLK FILING INT. U\IALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR z. occuPANcY GRouP a B c D e@c n r .l PLAN CHECK FEESSPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATI READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGBEE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TO'\ryN ORDTNANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ON CONTRACTOR Ex ,4 s-oc.l4 lll \ c\o $ t + rNsPE'EtclN F}EEUEST VAILTOWN OF op;re 2'l-7'{JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR lflI__i,m_W fi eeeRovED I orsapp Rov E D n nerNsPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRREGTToNS: coRREcloruscx .la€7 V) a rNslrEcJloru FIEOUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL Fornen illuilo i.o Af E pnnrrnl LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED FBl AM PM ,El*appRovED I orsneeRovED E nrrNsPEcr ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR INSPECIc'N TOWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL oare iu.l-lr*i 74 JOB NAME TrME REcETvED "r:.?i) AM pM CALLER frorHen I pnnrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION THUR LOCATION E nppRovED [l[uPoN THE FOLLOWT NG COR RECTIONS: I orsnppRovED E*rrNSPEcr CORRECTfONS SfrZ," fJo,-,, ntl O n, DArE I- il-73 rN=iPEc{loru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAI L oarc /a ''l i': 73 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED At/+g;' AM PM CALLER AReHo'15€ E ornen \.-1.-...tLl[euJ TUE COMMENTS: E pennnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI lSAO ar'lr iFill T APP ROV E D D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED D nerNsPEcr t t-^ fl - /3 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOt,'lN OF VA IL Project Name ni: ocT 24 rg73 Inspector LOCAT ION ,.a Ecs ADD IT IONAL REMARKS T0tTl{ 0F ElUILE'TNGi t|A tt PEFIMIT TOTAL FL(X'R AREA 27ao TOTAL LOT AREA FIOOR ABEA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATIOT{ ACCEPTED DATE oF APPLrcAnoir 4 -d ,t 73 ALTERATION I I ADDITIO ( I REPAIR { } LOT BLK FILING i. rvpE oF corsrRucrroN r lr rn @v rHa z occuPANcY Gnoup ABcDer(9rr,l Dtvtslot{ 12 3 4 SPECI FI ED DESCRIPTIO'{ OF WORK APPRoVAL le q&! READ TIIIS APPIJICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND ACREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL BOWN OBDTNANCES AND STATE I HEREBY PLUMBINGI.'MECHAT\IICAL F EFtMtT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: K* t E ooo,r,oN E REMoDEL f] *ero," RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER Tbl T f MECHANICAL: NUMBER a vALUArroN$ q4 )do.da VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: r- PERMTT FEE ( Jo "'r J -/F*to PERMIT FEE rtlB'(t*\e1 Freeenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ E orsappnoveo pz Se zz rNsPE;t.,* TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAI L DAIE Zts 5.r,- 7J JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLEF E ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED 6> ' 'ts AM PMTHUR X eppRovED rtsr/ .k5[ uPoN THE FOLLOWING CORRECTTONS: ! orsneeRovED fl nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS ,u,rotRo Appticant to complete numbered spaces.o0ly. Jurisdiction o /2ru I IT AP N \\t J 0\ ) lD t |- > tl] tA o 0 Var. A+soc, Mprr*rrts6,5ALJ<.g G*L" 1flsrt erucx eo sre:rl I oEscR, ffi M r! aDoREss PHoNE Llc'rlsE No' 3 VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. BOX 7, VAIL. COLO. 476-560L 138-4 ARCH I'IEgT OR DESIGNER4 sTeN MANUFACTURING COHPAT.IY, OKI,AHOMA ENGINEE OKI,ASIOMA LtcENrtl No. U5E OF BUILDING7 MAINTENAI{CE }'ACILITY Class of work: FIilEW D ALTERATION tr MOVE tr REMOVE I DescribeworkERECTION OF NEW SHOP e MAINTENANCE BUILDING. l0 Change of use from PERMTT FEE .4 "r< h , -PLAN cHEcK ,." 1Jfl.4{l1 Valuationof work: $ 100 r000- i;',i.', o r*reii',,",ij "'i1t;,. e e n o nequired fiy65 flpe OFFSTREET PARKING SPACESI f;l.i'l.,,n,*,- O.^ N OTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OB CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TII\4E AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D,I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS AppftcATtoN AND KNow rHE sAME To BE TRUE AND coRREcr,AlapEovtstoNs oF LAws AND oRDINANCES GovERrylNG THlslVFe oF woRK wtLL BE CoMPLIED wllH wllETlER s?E-clF|EDnenEttt on Nor, THE GRANTING oF A PEBlUlr, DoEs NorpREaOME To GtvE AUTHoRtr.\/ ro vloLATE oR cANcEL THEpRovlSioNs oF ANY orHER srATE oR LocAL L{W RFGULATINGCor.rSrnocrtoru oR THE PERFoRMANCE oF coNsrRucrloN. srcNAtuFg oF coNYRACtoR on "u-ffiVAIL.ASSOCIATES, - INC. SOI L REPORT oTHER (sprslfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {lN THIS SPACEI THIS lS YOUIIIE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION N./l', pc ATIO 1'' INSPECTOR iEOIDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS 'Form 10O.1 9-69 50 LO3 FOBLES ' PASAOENAt CALIFOFNIA gIIQI I DESCR.{L-lgEE ^rracHED !NEar) MAIL AOORE99 ARCHI l.ECT Oi DESI GI{EF ltcEtsE ro. LrcES9E NO. USE OF BUILOING 8 CIas oI worK: tr NEI,/ Et AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 10 Change of use from Change of use to l l Valuation of work: $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slzo of Bldg. (Totall 5q. Ft. No. ot .,-- fl -Dwelllng Unlt3 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AI R CON DITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FO8 A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. SOI L REPORT Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. BUILDING CATION lq 52- PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANTCANARY - AUOIT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FI LE oF U O z o o F I 33tFrt <Fo.<:IHEts,F*nP."9 <'. Y Z t4tilF<l, :I;EF66o929\z-<e!<aza->z'i-];poEi XFF!qa<o<O:,.t2=.'id=:iEsF!;<Ufi8",'.:9 Ii" <cA> -u)<o*=14na=<!<F,l F IJJ J .L vU ur!Iz J z >u d(J o TU tc zf ul zg { IE u,J J J F uJ cc t J F z IJJ u.l ! =tr= o.llt o z -oJrl o lr€ =, =ot- INSPECTION RECORD (For Department Use Only) Phone 476-2310 24 hours advance notico r6quired for insp€ctions rxtnrvr ls ro BE posrED oN JoB SITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPROVAL DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE z J o SETBACK FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTI NG STEEL STE EL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FHAME FOOFI NG ROOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING (INT) FINAL (,z F uJ APPLIANCE SYSTEM FINAL oz 6 =lJc WATER SUPPLY & DIST. DRAIN & WASTE VENTI NG STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLEF SYSTEM FINAL J EFo ur tr SERVICE ENTRANCE ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP ORDER ISSUED:RELEASED: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMARKS: NOTE: rnrs canD rs ro HAVE AEEN BE FIETURNED TO THE BLOG. OEFT. MADE TO AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF AFTER ALL REOUIREO I NSPECTIONS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BUIL O DIN T APP /2%I Jurisdiction Applicant to comptete numbered spaces onty. : t f- > 0 v) 0t IIt q\I ID V,{,,. Ass o c,MArur l.J AF!€e G,qg. 1[see rrucr eo sne er I ,'**'LA'L AssocrA'Es, rNc.BOX 7, VAIIJ COLO.81657 476-560L 3 vArt AssocrATEs, rNc. MrrlL ADORaSS PHON E Box 7, vArr.. COLO. 476-5601_ LtcE{5E NO. 138-A ARCHITECT OR O ES JGN ER MAIL AODRESS PHON E4 sraR MANUFACTURTNG coMpAaly, oKLAIIoMA 5 JAKE TAYI,oR MAI L ADDFESS OKI,AHOMA L IC EHSE NO. MA IL AOORES BiAN CH USE OF BUI I.DIN G7 MAINTENA}.ICE FACII.,ITy 8 Ctass of work: ElttlEw fl AoDlTloN E ALTERATIoN D REPATR D MovE tr REM0VE I oescribeworkapggTlgtrl oF NEw sgop e MArlrfENAucE BurLDrNG. 10 Change of use from 11 Valuation ol work: $ 100 , 000-- 4t- PLAN cHEcK eee //! -4'> SPECIAL CONDfTIoNS: .4 ,/flD , Ad Slze of Bldq. rrotuu sq.it. tl6o o IX;i.l o,-re F lre -tzone -J nequtreC ftys3 !1eAPPAOVED FOR ISSUANCE 8Y: No. of -A-Dwelling Units OFFSTREET PARKING sPACEs: NOTICE SEPARATE PEHMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. 5IGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OF AUTHORIZ€O AGENT (DAIEI VAIL.ASSOCIATES. -INC IEO THIS ORRECT. TH IS IFI ED HEALTH DEPT. FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT oTFIER (SPeclfY) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION *v,7iti,r?fT,,};i; INSPECTOR Form 100,1 9.69 REORDER FROMi INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LOS ROALES ' PA5ADENA, CALIFORNIA 9lIOI USE SFACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLAOW-UP. ETC. INSPECTION RECORD o lFs. Iti { $ \* \t\ ,b.U <e$AeH_\l:, '\ i?:t 6'o- \ \ \ \ ll i Il h STATE OF cot NTtr 0F W SS. DECLARATION OF LAND ALLOCATION COLORADO ) )EAGLE ) The pnoposed buiLding siteexisting building contains I, __Robert H. Nott , being finst duly swonn upon oath depose a statements are tnue and connect aecording to my best knowledge, information and belief, to wit: 1. That this statement is rnade in conjunction with the filingof an application for a building penmit to the Town of VaiI and to comply with the requirernents of Anticle VII, Section 3, Ondinance Number 7 (Senies of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail as arnended by Ondinance Numben 8 (Senies of 1970) and Or"dinance Nunber 1,5(Series of 1970). 2. The description of the building site for the propoeedbuilding is as follows! see insart-(oescri[tion may ue atta descniption). 3. and the pnoposed contains ____.r._+ sguare. .feet tsquare teet ano tne pnoposed addition contains - squane feet; the total building squane feet is 8600 as-,GTfi-ed in the aforesaid Zoning urdlnance as amenclecl . 4. The proposed building and/on existing building and addition as it nelates to the building Eite area, comply to the Floon Anea Ratio for the zoning which applies to the building site, as definedin the afonesaid Zoning Ordinance as amended. STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OT EAGLE ) The foregoing sworn to bef-ore me,ttris _ _l_6j9-_ a"v ! ss. affidavit and declaration-was dulv subscribed and a-Notany, Pub1ic, uv . FaAcrt - Fl. No tt 'of llour*\rv l-f9 rt . vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. Expirree o f o -t #:t6-{2 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION | ,r' Applicant to complete numbered I DESCi.qlsee rrucr eo sreery MAI L AODRESS2 van aB$ocrirts, rr varl.,, coLoRADo ONTRACTOi MAIL ADDRESS PHON E LICENSE NO. Colorado 81501:2242-6742t I 705LANE & COI'IPANY, PO Box 1207, Grand Junctl ARCHITECT OF DEsICNER MA IL ADDiESS ENGINEEF LICENSE NO. USE OF BIJ ILOI N G 8 C|assofwoTK: ENEW trADDITION trALTERATION DREPAIR I Describe work' pluMBrtto Typo ot Fixtula or ltrm SPECIAL CONDITIONS;WATER CLOSET (TOILET} LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHER APPBOVED FOR ISSUANC€ 8Y: cLorHEs WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OH CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANOONEDFOR APERIOD OF ,I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED,I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS4ppLlcATtoN AryD KNow rHE sAME To BE TRUE nno conneCr.AL! PRQVISI9NS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYqE OF V{OR[ WILL BE COMpLtED W|TH WHETHER SpeCrrteoF_E8Ert{ 08 NoT, THE GRANTTNG oF A pERMtT DoES NorpREsuME To ctvE AUTHoRtr\/ ro vtoLATE on ceNcEL rxepRovrsroNs oF AN\/ orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw REGULATiNGcoNsrRucrtoN oR THE PERFoRMANCE oF coNSTRUaTtoN: ATU RE OF CONTRACTOR URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_5INK OR DRAIN WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT vALlDArloN A l)A q I M.O.M.O. CASH 'lh t' il'r// INSPECTOR REORDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS O 6O SO, LOS ROBLEs ' PA5AD€NA. CALIFORNIA 9IIOtForm lOO.2 9-69 it sJF ul d5 * {{o\ vi Hoe oq-i:o_l |JJa qr() q u, ttJut5 O Per-mit No: pT AhI nrrFnl T Tern L. Use Zon 2. Occupancy enoup E - 4 Aver.age Gnade Height of Buitdi"g -- No. of Stonies Olre- Floo:r Area Bd +a Type of Constnuction Lot Ar ea J. o 1'1 tt. .t3. Itr Floor Area Ratio Setbacks Requi:red:Front Side Reau. Oecupant Load Par"king Requi:re4 Loaoing Benths Requined Conplianee With: a) Occupancy Sec. 5 b) 0ccupancy GnouL_ c) Type Const, Sec. 1? d) Type Const. e) Exits Sec. 33 Sec. 24 h) Wood Sec. 25 j) Conc:rete Sec. 26 .f ) Gener"al En g) Maso k) Steel Sec.27 O L) m) n) o) p) r) S) v) w) x) v) z) aa) ab) ac) Veneen Sec. .30 Roof Const. Sec. 32 Skylights Sec. 3tl nthouses Sec. 36 Fireplaces Sec. 32 Fire Systems Sec. 38 Stages Sec. 39 Fir:e St andar"ds Sec . 4 3 Publ-ic Pr"otections Sec. 44 Occ. of Pub. Pnop. See. 45 Drywall € Plaster'Sec. 42 ., Pne-Fabnicated Consti Sec. S0 Plastics Sec. 52 cl-ass 6 Glazin Ex., Fdtns., Ret. Fine Pr"otectioh Sec. 42 i.: a U.,\ | -? n(e' 7.o -----a:f'4'"'/4' " '-?a"1 r 4 o ?tC t | (1 -l'lf r; <U- | | I f- ,l.J : v'- /Js/ 4/ (7-'"r'' ' 4ION rr- Applicant to MECHANICAL PE Jurisdiction of numbered spaces only. I oESC r.r]ser rificx r o sxeer) MAIL ADDi E35 2.IP *^-'' noo""bu/ d /1 ?2*zEr+al3 - J??'t' aRcHri€ci oR DE5r6flEi MAIL AOOi ES S PIIOXE LLCENSE NO. EI{CINEEF MAI L AODR ES S PHONE MAIL AOOI E 53 AiANCH U9E OF BUILDIN6 8 Class o{ work:N AOOITIOI'/ tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR 9 Describe workt ,4, G) 0, Type ol Fuel: oir E Nat. Gas E t-Pc. f] PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Ref rigeration Units-H,P. Ea, Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fi.ed A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravitv Synems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor F urnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters- B.T.U. NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK TSSUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM, MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Unit Heaters- B.T.U. M Ventilation Fan Air Handlim Unit- TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERM'r "^'?T;, fr,ir) M.O. WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY AU DIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDENROD TE MP. FILE STATE OF COI'RADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE DECLARATION CF UAND. ALI,OCATION II ss. , I' @, blibg firet duly sworn uPon oath, depoee and say that the following ctatcmentc arc true and correct accorCing to my beet knowledge, laformatlon and belief, to wlt: l. That thie atatement ig madc ln conjunctlon wtth tbe filing of an application for a building pcrnit to the Town of "Vatl and to comply wlth the requirernents of Article VII, Sectlon 3, Ordlnance Nurrrbcr 7 (Serlce of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for thc Towu of Tall. Z. The dcscriptloa of the building glte for the propoacd buildtng le as followe: (Deacrlption may be attached or aurveyor'a map may be used to ehosr dee- cription. ) 3. The proposed buildlng gitc contaiaa 8,600 sq. ft.square feet, aad the propoeed building contains I .600 equare fcet of atea ao defined in the aforeeaid Zoning Ordioance. 4. The propoeed building, aa it relatea to the building gite arca, connplies to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which appliee to thc butlding aite, ae defined in ttrd aforcaaid Zonlng Ordinance. vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. OWNE foregoing affidavit and declaration sag duly aubecribed and daly of July __, 1 President The sworn to 12rh o o I STAR MANUFACTURING CO. BOX 94910 . OKLAHOMA CITY, OK! 73109 AREA CODE 405 PHONE 632-771I August 13, 1971 Green & Greea Conett-uctloa, Ioc. P. o. Box 2184 Grand Jrnctlolr, Coloredo 81501 SubJeet: Vall Agaocl^atea, Inc.Vall, Colorado Speclal SRIO 70 X. l,2o-2 x L2 Speclal STB 20 X 20-4 X l0 2Ot Bay Spaclng Roof Slope 2:12 Star Job Nrober f-71-1198 lhrough Revlel,on Nrnber I Geotlemn: thLa ls to certlfy that eubJect speclal sRLo and spectal srB type structure,star ltanufacturlng coqany propoaes to eupply, hae been deelgaed to sustaln Bo leEo than the EBqueated deelgn loado, speclflcally aa follows: Ll.ve Load (Purltne) . . .65 PSF Ltve load (Frarea)....65 PSr l{lnd laad. ......20 PSF Dead Load. ......4.5 PSF Other loade .....l{one, ercept 5 paf for bullt-up roof. Tbe attached speclflcatlon6 ereletter of certifl.caEl.on. /cn Attachent cc: Hr. Darrell Carfleld Mr. Rlchard Cartwrl.gbt to renaln vlth and form a part of thle Cordtally, STAR },IANUFACTURING CO}IPAIIY?Hky'aA" n. taylor, P, {' [ianager Englneerlug OVER 3O,OOO BUI LDINGS 'N SERVICE! SFILC' EIUILEIING; SPECIFICATIGINSi GXXiIM.AL Butl-ding ghall be crear span gabred rlgid frame type construction. Rlgtdfrane shall be deslgned with tapered colmn and rafter of shop welded Jteelplate. Precision formed secondary fra.nLng shall be covered nith preclslonroLled colored or galvanized nall and,/or ioof panels. Blf_lgi-nC !E!E shalf be from outslde to outgide of sldeuall fra:ning. LEIIG3Hehall be frorn outslde to outslde of endwall framlng. B00F SIfPE shall be l-lnch rise on l2-inch run. Building conponents and parts shall conslst of colmns, rafters, purtlns,glrts, struts, connectors, base angles, braclng, covering, w"indiws, doori,slqlights, flashlng, and nlscell,aneous ltems shorvn on the'dra*ings-neceesa:nyfor a weathertlght building. All naterlal shall- be new and free fron d,efecls. All coroponents, parts, and accesgorles rvlll be clearly ehown on erection drar,d.ngs furalshed by the buiLdlng nanufacturer for tire identificatlon ofparts and assmb\y of tbe building. All standard drawlngs and destgn analyses shalL bear the seal of a regls-tered professtonal engineer. Conplete deslgn analysis of all atandardstmctural conponents or ass€nblles shal-l be on file and furnished bythe buildlng nanufaeturer upon request. Foundattons shall be designed Iocally by a quallfied englneer to sattsfy al.lappllcable deslgn load reactions and Job slte soil_ conditLons. Anchor bolts and other anchorage requirements shall be not l-ess than as shoxmon bui]dlng nanufacturerts drawings.- Anchor bolts and concrete relnforcfugare to be furni.shed by concrete contractor. There shal-l be no fleld nodificatlon of primary structural menbers, except asauthorlzed and specified on the nanufactureris drarrLngs. Erection shalL be perfo::med ln accordance u'lth the erection drarrings by aqualtfled erector uslng proper tools and equipm.ent. SITUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Bulldlng conponents, prirnary and/or secondary, ghall- be deslgned in accordancetdth the current edltion of AISC or AfSf speclfications, whlchever is applicable. Bu+dlng conponents shall be designed for the most gevere condition produced by eonblnlng contrlbutlng dead load plus speclfled llve load distributed on hori-zontal projectlon of the roof; or by conbining dead load plus specified rvlndload distrlbuted ln accordance with the U. S. Navy Bureau of Tarde and Docks PublJ.cation, nNavdock Dl{-ztt. Roof (snow) live 1oad specified shall be:a. Serles J, 6 ot 9 ()2,20 or 30 PSF respecttve\y).b. 0ther es noted. I EFILC! EIJILE INGl sI'ECIFICATICINB SMUCN'RAL STEET F ALL structurel palnted 1n the p wtth Etandard certlfled u€ldere. connectLons sbell PBI}fARI FRAUNili Eave struts shall or 12 gauge steel struts shall be as drawings. AL1 connecttons WI![D BNACING members are to be sheared, formed, punched, welded, and of the uanufacturer. Weldlng shaIl be Ln accordance of the Anerican }feldlng Soclety and perforted by HoleE and c15.ps requlred for prftu1trr and secondary provlded as reqrlred 1n the plant of the naaufacturer. Bigld fra.nee shal1 of tapered welded plate sectloa co1tens and rafterg conpLete neceosar? epllces for field bolted ass€Dbl.y. Pr{nary bulldtng hlgb strength bolts EndwaLl franes s of rmiform d.epth be precision cold forned stnrcturel neobers conslst{ng and colrms fabrloated for field bolted assemb\y. splice connections shall be field bolted utlllzlng (ASll.{ A-325 or equLrralent) ?-t/4n x l+n C-eect!.on precision cold forued fro 14 a Einlmu yleld strength of J0r000 pel. Boof by design and noted on the nanufacturerts have a ninlmru' of two 1/2n dtanster bolts. ag shown on the drawlngs and Ehall conslst of diagonal phrap actl.on of roof panels and waIl panels. be covered rith Star-Rtb panels of 26 and/or 24 gaugel\ A,-525r, 26 andfor ?4 gauge galvenLzed steel r.Lth SECOI{DART FR.AI.IING Prrrlins and glrts "fiaff U" 8n x 3r Z-eectl.on preciel.on roll fotred fron 15, 14, or 12 gauge stepl havlng a nlnLurn yield strength of 50,0O0 psl; andghall be sJmple or pontlnuoue span aE reguired by deslgn and noted on the nanufacturert s drawf.ngs. Wlnd bracing shaLl rod bractng and/or COVERING Roof and rall shall glavanlzed gteel ( factorSr app]:led co a}mlnrn. fllm of nodlfled cllicone po\ymer or ,032n eubossed SNOP PAINT All stnrctural steef conponents shall be cleaaed of oi1, dlr{, }oose scale, and forelgn natter, and palnted one shop coat of red pri-mer forrulated to equal or exceed the perfo:mance requlrenents of Federal Speclflcationg Tl-P- 636C. | -2- STAB UANI FACTIIRII'IG COI'IPANYApril 6, 1958 o SiTEI B|JILE INGI SPECIFICATIGINSi GE{MAL Bulldlng shall be clear span gabled rlgld fra^ne tlpe constmctlon. Rtgidfrasres shall be designed rd-th unlfo:rn depth cohun and tapered rafter 6f shop werded steel plate. Preclsion forued secondary fraulng ghall becovered rvlth preclslon rolled eolored or galvanlzed watl "nd/or roof panels. B$l$fp EIDTIT shatl be fron outsLde to outslde of sld,errall flarning. LENGIIIshall be fron outside to outside of endr,rall franlng, R00F SIOPE sheLl be l-inch rlse on L2-inch nrn. Bullding components and parts shall conslst of colunns, rafters, purllns,girts, struts, connectors, base angles, braclng, covering, vrindows, doori,slgllghts, flashLng, and nlscellaneous lterns ghown on th--drawings'necessaryfor a weathertight buildlng. All naterlal shall- be new and free-fron defects. All conponento, parts, and accegsorles w111 be clearly shoiln on erectLondrawings furnlehed by building manufactrrer for ldentiftcatlon of parts and assenbly of the building. AlI standard dravrlngs and deslgn ana\nes shal1 bear the seal of a regls-tered professionaL englneer. Conplete deslgn analysls of all standardstructural conponents or assemblles shall be on file and furnlshed bybullding nanufacturer upon request. Fotmdatlons shall be deslgned locally by a qualifled englneer to satisfy allappllcable deslgn load reactlons and Job slte soll_ condltlons. Anchor bolts and other anchorage requireurents shall be not less than ae ehownon bullding nanufacturerrs drawings. Anchor bol-ts and concrete retnforclngare to be furnlshed by concrete contractor. There shall be no fleld nodlfl-catlon of pr{rnary stnrcturaL mernbers, except asauthorized and speclfled on manufacturer r s draw.ings. Erection shall- be performed in accordance wlth the erection dravrlngs by aquallfled erector using proper tools and equlpent. SIBUCTIJRAL STEET DESIGN Bullding conponents, pr{rnery and/or secondary, shall be deslgned in accordancew'lth the current edl.tlon of AISC or AISf speclficatlons, wirichever is applLcable. Buildlng conponents shall be destgned for the nost gevere conditions produced by conbining contrlbutlng dead load plus specified llve Load dletributed on borl- zontal projectlon of the roof, or by conbining dead load plus specified rulnd load distributed ln accordance wlth the U. S. Navy Bureau of lards and Doclcs Publication, rrNavdock DM-ztt. Boof (snow) llve load specified shall bela. Series 3, 6 or'g (L2, 2O or 30 PSF respecttvely).b. Other as noted. a sTE EU lLEllNGrt SFEElFtcATtClNg Wind load speclfie{ she1l be:a. Ilpe l, 2 or 3 (t5, ZO or 2j pSF reepectlvely).b. Othcr as fioted. STBUCTT]RAL S158tr.. FABRIOATIOII ALI stnrctural steel mcnberg erc to be shcared, foracd, pmchcd, nldcd,and palntcd ln the prlant of nenufgcturcr. Wcldtng shai]-Uc trr iccordanicrrltb standard pnactlccs of thc tncrlaan rcl-dlng soclcty and pcrforrcd byccrtlflcd rclders.- Holcs and clJ.ps rcqulrcd for prfuery ard-ccconder3r - connectlons chau bc provldcd ac rcqglrch ln tbe p:ant 6r nanufacturi. PRIIiiART FRA}fIilO Tapered bea.n frane{ shaLl consist of x€ldcd prate section corrmrs andrafters corprete w4th necessary spllces for iteld bolted assenb\r. lf$"y bullding frfame.spllee connectlong shall be field bol.ted uttllzinghigh strength boltg. (ASn{ A-3Aj or equlvalent) Endrall fra^nes shall be precis!.on cold forned structural members conslstingof uiforr depth rafter and corrnns fabrLcated for fleld bolted r""*u1y. - o SECOilDART FRAUING PurlLns and glrts 14, or 12 gauge sha1l be simple or tinuous span es reguired by design and noted on the nanufe cturer I g dra Eave struts shall 12 gauge steel ha shall be as by deslgn and noted on the nanufacturerts drawings. o Wind bracing shalJ_ rod braclng and/or covmINc al-L be 8n x 3r Z-eectlon preclsion roll fomed fron 16,I havlng a nlninrrn ;rield strength of J0r@0 psl; and 7-t/4u x 4r' C-gectlon precision cold foraed from 14 ora nlnitnm yield atrength of J0,000 psl. Roof stnrts have a nlnlanrn of two l/2n dianeter bolts. as shown on the drarrings and shal_l consist of dLagona1 actton of roof panels aud uaIl panels. AlL connectlons lfMD BRACIl,lc Roof and ruall Eha galvanlzed steel ( factory appl-led co al-uninun. SHOP PAINT be covered *lth Star-Rlb panels ot 25 and/or 24 gaugeN A-525), 26 and/or 24 eiuge gatvantzed iteet rAtn-r f1Ln of nodlfled siLicone polymer or .032n enboseed All structural steel_ corponents shall be cleaned of oil, dirt, loose scale,and foreign natter pnd palnted one shop coat of red pri.mer foruulated toequal or exceed thf perfornance requlioents of Fedlral Speciflcattons TT-P- 636c. STAR II{ANUFACTI'RING COMPANIApril 8, 1968 -[CWN oF VAI L e' DAILY BUILDING INSPECTTON REPORT QBi"rai-t'u' Penmit No: ??d?3IH Pltti O Cr6/a:r tg.& 6Ot-o peAE, Date Issued: 4 e'8176 Contracton: VA(C A53OC. C.0. IsEued: 7t/a il o 7n- , fze4?4t,+4 t*" r!1 /r) td" *-'"'4' (r't.t"v- flr '^''X t /t rs4'Y*fa o **EM(''OK*ARV -:-.i J I ri 'i I {II .t! 1 t? t ! Ei nfl l i { i I .{ ;l CERTIFICATE OF OCCTJPANCY AND COMPLIANCE vait, c,olorado l/ I y....L.$7: !. Permit is hereby sor,*d------V-4!! dtr35: ro occupy the buitdins ^".---_l!|fi-t!Y7-lteff 5*f on Lots -"-, Block"-" Addition' Located in --------------- '-- zoning district' The addtess knovslrr as --.-..--_.-.._-- Applicant shall mainain eaid buitding in accordance with all present ot funrre ordinances wit[ resgect to -sanitation, buil- iirrg .rrd zoning, €^. d;"g and zoning. +ji ffire_ l: i{;;":Y*-;-" ";;.ry fr#* o"*., Buitding official .-' ,. at \ E--? '?/.) \, rJ Jg r! I lr+,9 ..ri;- p f8.8.t >' otJ .4ea?t?4r/ - 35FI :Til AVAruBtt 5