HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOWN OF VAIL SIGNS COMMONCommercial Core Construction Mitigation Sign and Construction Fencing Package The following construction mitigation plan covers the following categories of signs and fencing applications. The elements described within this document are not intended to take the place of legally required vehicular taffic contol devices, OSHA required constuctionnotices, and otherdevices intended forpurposes ofpublic safety. 1. Overall marketing signs and features 2. Mitigation to businesses impacted by streetscape and utility construction activities 3. Construction fencing and pedestian banicades on pedeshian area streets 4. Large Property redevelopment project site fencing 5. Traffic control activities on non pedestrian area streets Overall marketing signs and features Commercial area entry features Consbuction information Kiosks 2d and 3d Interactive Displays and Exhibits Purpose: As Overall marketing signs and features to provide public information, create visual interest, provides activities to increase dwell time (lingering), and enhance business and overall guest experience. Placement Criteria:r At primary and secondary entances to business districts including but not limited to the following locations.o East Meadow Drive, east and west endso Slifer Squareo Check Point Charlieo Gore Creek Drive at Founders Parko Hanson Ranch Road at Mill Creek Chuteo Lionshead Mall. east and west endso At key, highly visible locations within business districts where space allows.r On or adjacent to development construction fencing where space allows. Period of Use: r During streetscape constructionperiods.r While development construction fencing is in place.r While weather and maintenance activities permit without impact. General and Direct Business Impact Mitigation Purpose: To enhance and encourage pedeshian taffic through and between business areas, create visual interest, and reduce confusion by providing visual clues for moving about through town. To supplement currently allowed business signs by enhancing direct business identification, reducing confusion, and assisting patons in negotiating through construction zones to individual businesses impacted by construction activities. Allows for small individual business plaques on a larger graphic sigr format where construction activities are immediately in front ofbusiness entrance. Provide additional directional signs to help guests moving between general business areas. Placement Criteria:r At the begtnning and end ofeach general construction zone to identiff businesses located within that zone.r East Meadow Driveo Gore Creek Driveo Children's Fountain/Gore Creek Promenade. Upper Bridge Sfreeto Hanson Ranch Roado Lionshead Mallo At intersections and key decision points to encourage pedestrian traffic between business areas. r Other locations as needed to mitigate impacts to business visibility caused by constnrstion activities. Period of Use:r During sheetscape construction periods.o While developme,nt constnrction fencing impacts visibility into business disticts from main pedestrian routes.o While weather and maintenance activities permit without impact. Large Property redevelopment project site fencing Redevelopment projects arca currenfly required to enclose and contain their sites with fencing. There are two to three options for fencing materials allowed. These are as follows. o Painted plywoo4 8 'height, green o Chainlink fencing with green windscreerq 6' heightr Chainlink fencing with green windscreen on concrete barriers, 9' approx height The type of fencing used is negotiated by the contractor with the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works on a case-by-case basis. This retains the tbree t1ryes of fencing currently in use and will allow for the addition graphics, color, and design to be applied. Developer sponsored two and three dimensional graphics and displays are allowed and encouraged where appropriate. Observation windows and platforms where the public can observe construction activities are allowed and encouraged. Temporary Site Development signs and graphics are to integrated into the fence design and installation. Temporary Site Development signs guidelines are permitted by separate, existing regulations. All cunent and future redevelopment and building construction projects are be required to comply with this plan. Purpose: . As required by code.o To protect adjacent pnoperties and public way from debris and constuction hazards.r To screen unsightly constuction activities from public view.o To prevent unauthorized entry into construction zones. Opportunities: o Provide abackdrop forinteractive features.o Provide visual interest.o Promote business and enhance guest experience. Construction fencing and pedestrian barricades on pedestrian area streets This section includes but is not limited to the following fence types.o 42" Pedestrian Barricades. 72" Chainlink fencing with or without concrete barriersc 42" plastic mesh Fencing is be covered with colored windscreen material to improve appearance. Approximately one-third of the panels are to be printed wittr high quality graphics, approved logos, andL/or photographs. Fence panels can remain uncovered where neoessary to retain business visibility and for safety reasons. Purpose: o To sq)arate pedesfians and construction activities. To prevent unauthorized entry into construction zones.o To define safe pedestrian routes through construstion zones. Opportunities:o Create visual interest and reduce confrrsion.r Enhance appearance ofconstruction zones.. Promote finished product. Traffic control activities on non pedestrian area streets No special business signage. Follow MUTCD for haffic conhol devices and flagging. Drivers need to be paying attention to traffic and traffic contol personnel not to other signs and information. CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGAIION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for addidonal signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy construcdon activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be reviewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town ofVail staff This form is to rcmain on premises at all times. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Cuzrl,>f^- Description or sketch of approved sign/banner (.t- )2-e" \ ZrA^ h* -l Lt "( ,o lp,o "'1 '-t 1)os1--- Qtoo--' iw--r"-*-J la,,-|.'u-. o^ O,t*^*1;- B-s,-*,,) Location where sign/banner is to be placed (>^- l|z ,r\. t 4-o''. foa t t 'l '' a "L'lr/r a k, lll ,-.---', fr'"-n 1-'", y'l^ z. t $r^- lp. Il"- lg''''I. &J / a-"-, /'r-r^ CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy construcdon activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be reviewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town of Vail staff. This form is to remain on premises at dl times. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Description or sketch of approved sign/banner E*^,--^r " ()--o ,7 ^ pl-,'t* u!t; t € ,ill,€- ; V*1"^ fuzl' N +i.*- Lt^-^- \)-L."t ^ \- Location where sign/banner is to be placed **\ tu a,u-> -l'^ r1f I *+r, arlna.: | >+. z{ob \^4.)u*u 1-5, Lo o (a CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAM Per'Iown of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy construction activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be reviewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a c:$e by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town of Vail staff. This fonn is to remain on premises at all times. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Description or sketch of approved sign/banner \/,- y I ?c 'Ef ,3rr^q(/,P/,n+"/ #o, bsr Location where sign/banner is to be placed - f, /tacu"lrr a l0/1 ,l/: *fi l*',rol /u,_^t/"t- (4 f;tru.4-a f {)* / t2-/ r' lo- I E ,t '/1n" p o./ o,r ,l /,1-/ * /.tot' a*rX ba:/rzt1 6w- tt/ta ,)H,-#r/ Dt , n*-' CONSTRUCTION IMPACT designated Town of Vail staffand approved or following form provides a record of signs or br MITIGAIION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitred to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibiliry during times of heavy construction activity. Requests for such sign;ioabanners will be reviewed by case by case basis. The have received approval from Town of Vail staff This form is to remain Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Description or sketch of ap Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Incation where sign/banner is to be placed */^ t)l*,--t^fur a/a^4 \/" i l/.e/ a? - fi / n"' r'.", y'- /,, g r lJ"^ .L",a. n - /, n 7 1 l,:''t pL1-.r. 4.) { i,. i /.')"-/ /( /rt p/" i.- /- .ta' ,;t1^ t^ , ,-) / P''A a"!-s IL/. r /4 lr l r-, ^ 1 E ft,w r- , 1o ,..-) D, i l--L. . .-/ P-S z.t ,^ t-t 7 tT J:+ a,r' CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGAIION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail I l. . I taoclttonal slgns or neavy construcuon designated Town of Vail following form provides itted to apply for visibiliry during times of will be reviewed bv a case by case basis. The ich have received approvd from Town ofVail staff. This form remain on premises at all times. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone (:l !'..," ,rl Description or sketch of approved sign/banner i r] " * ' 9- tia-...-.-{,,n-i.- L- * r^.^A Location where sign/banner is to be placed L 't-.fLt 1- Rr;sl1*-gi lu+ I q L"-" fsflrs a.-,'ff^-". G\^f0 .lIt) + 'L., lf , ,_-.i L.' I Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: .\n..s .l} t; )'r-. I I/')t -*;t^ t ) ttD \-.- - lfi: "1r)J CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGAilON SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy consuuction activiry. Requests for such signs or banners will be rwiewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town ofVail staff This fornr is to remain on premises at all '.nes. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: 1}r,r.-4 A (r*rr*, l{ Description or sketch of approved sign/banner ii i .,., \ !:1_.--. :., .;..,, .oV- il U ' -..'i \ l;2 t.r u.\'/ "-*i f-,"tx ,.1 t,* l,ocation where sign/banner is to be placed i---]-,'*. i',r*-.'--..- € - ir pl"- *l p{ al+ t d-'n,-.^ bunr,*:^..*, ,al c /:,r,^--*'.--..r ir-. "|---*-",*^ Ll*1t^,, < d- Ja' I b"o,^ CONSTRUCTTON TMPApT MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAM PerTown of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permifted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy consuuction activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be radewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town ofVail staff, This form is to remain on premises at all 'rres. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Description or sketch of approved sign/banner az^.' ,-{ l-,r i *. ..* +-<.--t ur ooo'( A1),;"r,,x t 2'' * 3t='' Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: ./ l,ocation where sign/banner is to be placed CJv "FD-^t-.* € * rr p l,- u\ lt cl-e-,t 1,r,* =| o.ov"-'...-- L:{.-A l-J.-1l^' ,^,{1^ ?r;p"a\)-'.t {** =.,,^J....*| Ar,',; ) + 0t I(ytt-^\ ts b.r ) gurr.:--r ! I CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibiliry during times of heavy construction activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be reviewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town of Vail staff. This form is to remain on premises at all times. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daydme Phone Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Location where sign/banner is to be placed 6\-^ ra^.rrrr*4.-r.- l1 A-,L ra: l,^1?l* L'4tf Description or sketch of approved sign/banner i-;; - +.--J = 1 "'* r)'\ ' ,r^ti I ?'*q b^ ','L\-..* CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGAIION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy construction activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be rwiewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town of Vail staff. This form is to remain on premises at all 'n'es. Business Name Business Address Contact Name DaFtime Phone Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Description or sketch of approved sign/banner @'2 .1' . \1,- fr--.-a+r..,.. 1, ^1 ),, r_.ro v**. laroo^-t .III' l.ocation where sign/banner is to be placed *Qt,: u* *\r" I C-- --.^ l*,^.** L..'.."- t I CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses ar€ permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy construction activiry. Requests for such signs or banners will be rwiewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town of Vail staff, This form is to remain on premises at all times. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Location where sign/banner is to be placed (-t h,, l""t '^, {, --* *1un-.* *',^o\ r:.--r5 I Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Description or sketch of approved sign/banner "',L-" * )2 ) ).'' l:xli pr,,.l-rf b.*^ttr/ CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGAIION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy construcdon activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be rwiewed by designated Town of Vail saffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town of Vail staff. This form is to rcmain on premises at all times. Ii)ho.r i'"'* 1 t r: t,n). L t,.;n ( ta,. o ..l C r, . La ,, -,1^-.,*..- L \tBusiness Name Business Address Contact Name Daytrme Phone Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: $, - t{ -6'f lalt Descripdon or sketch of approved sign/banner (,') ".{'x 3t..'' .,,, 1 \e-4rny-<- la",o^.t\ Location where sign/banner is to be placed ), 4 ft^., {,r L^- 5 CJ ?Lrfio^^ o ,i1, 1 p' CONSTRUCTION IMPACT MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibiliry during times of heavy construction activitF. Requests for such signs or banners will be reviewed by designated Town of Vail staffand approved or denied on a case by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town ofVail staff This form is to remain on premises at all ':mes. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daltime Phone Description or sketch of approved sign/banner (l) Dr,1 €-a4r*" bo---*l fi-1 {-\r I I Location where sign/banner is to be placed L;* -I\*.r'<-n-r-..^-.rL., o1) I a-- t- (-\.-. .t- L.o/ r^*c.-.r, { b-,l-1,^ J /.(,4, fl -T"+ r,- Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: 1 - r4'0( tt "'t, l'o( t7e<v"l,.al<.,. MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAM Per Town of Vail Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permitted to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to maintaining business visibility during times of heavy construction activity. Requests for such signs or banners will be reviewed by designated Town of Vail saffand approved or denied on a qrse by case basis. The following form provides a record of signs or banners which have received approval from Town of \/a.il staff This form is to remain on prenises at all times. Business Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Description or sketch of approved sign/banner l' , t r, tt/4"^' . -l-(11 t-lpo"n v\r / 04 '.f | | y'a I CONSTRUCTTON TMPACT Beginning date: Ending date: Approved by: Date: Location where sign/banner is to be placed'rr Ur! + /. 1 t, L. {"" '*.-^,-.-- n l,t^r t"-\-^ 1,,:*, *l * )7. -l . , 1r, n-u *"1 t CoNSTRUCTTON TMPACT MITIGATION SIGN PROGRAI\{ "I Per Town of Vi Ordinance 10, Series 2005, businesses are permined to apply for additional signs or banners as an aid to mainaining business visibiliry during times of heavy construction activity. Requests for suc,h signs or banners will bc reviewed by designated Town of vail staffand approved or denied on a case by ".r" basis. The following form provides a record of signs or bannerswhich have received appronal from Torrn ofVail staff. Thic fiorm is to remain or pr€miscs at dl timec. Brxiness Name Business Address Contact Name Daytime Phone Description or sketch of approved sign/banner 1,1"r \ (*' r{t1 {nlr<- 4 o^-" o{ location where sign/banner is to be placed tf, ) I u' {' ,hf, &,1 r{o- { 'r{ ,r.'/,ru n Beginning date: Ending date: Approvcd by: Date: Page I ofl Susie Hurford - Baft and yetis From: Susie Huxford To: Kevin FOley Date: 071171200610:49AM Subject: Bart and Yetis Kevin, I just wanted to thank you for responding to Bart and yetis when they called you. I am hoping that we can get some kind of closure regarding Lionshead this week. Did you have a chance to talk to the other ouncil members regarding this issue? I realize Crossroads was a much bigger deal on the l1th. Understandably sol If you could please let me know how I should proceed. Thanks and it ls good working with you. Susie Huxford Code Enforcement Office of Community Development fi1e://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Ternp\Gw)00001.HTM 07 /1712006 ;-ffi (L'n't*/"ry) Desisn Review ro"ra i!P.dt'A' AcrroN FORM lwnt4te B*.tu1 Project Name: TOV SIGN UGHTING Prcject Description: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL VAIL VILLAGE/LIONSHEAD Legal Description: lot: Block Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210105400003 Comments: Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRBNumber: DRB05002B Location: Proposal to backlight TOV public information ("Vail Happenings") signs at four separate locations within the Village and Lionshead Participants: OWNER VAIL COLORADO MUNICIPAL BLDG02|OI|2005 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDG02/0U2005 Phone: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: DENIEDMotion By: Rogers Second By: Mathias Vote: 5-0-0 Conditions: Date of Apprcval: Cond; I (PLAN)l No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. 'i:.' iij' Phy$lctl .Addr6s+: Parcef No.: fril-b-- A|lt:P-gflt-s'.S;"##*r'" ao. assessor at e70-BZB-86it01or parcel no.) zoning: l{ame(q} of Ownarte}:T*wt; aF \),rytL Itlalllng Addrecsr Phone; Owner{s) Signalur€ts}: l{ameof Applhant: ,t "8i{K I {o j160 tl Type ol Fevlew and Fee:. Si$s. eonceptualffoviow . New Construction $20 NO F€e Mailing Addrese: "lJ€'r Frb'r|8"06 l2:2lpm F rco-l0tlN 0f VAIL C0t4Mll'il Ty DEVELopMEair 9t041s2452 l-Dzt P 003/015 F-998 Appeals Forrn _ . Department of Conrmunity Oevelopment 75 South Froncage Road., Vail, Colorddo 81657 Wli 97A,4'/9).1j9 fax: 97o"47s.245? web; -u4nAgJallssc-fign General InfotinaUon: I::: j::.'.:l: r:J::1*jil,!l'g an appear of a staff, Desisn Review Board, or, ptannir,rs and Environmenbl :::::::l:i':11?l'{1":ilioj' A complete forrn and a"iciateo ieq,iil*;a il;;.";#iil;'i;';i;Comrfi unify 0eveioprnent Departrnenl Action/ Decision being appealed: (20) calendar days oFihe disprlte<i action/decision. Dateof Action/Decision: Bnard or sraff rrerson renderins acrion/decisio", 6 Lt SAB.q,flL" "e CKeL.'._ Doer th;s appeal involve a specific parcel of tand ? t6h fio1 Ifyes, Are you an adjacent properhr owner?(v"=) (@ Name of Appellant(s)l Mailing Address: Phonei Physical Address in Vailr Legal Description of Appelfant(s) property in Vail: Lot: Block:-Subdivision; Appellant(5) Signatur e(s): PLF^SE SIJBMTT TH]S FORM AND ALI SUBMITTAT RTQUIRE[.1ENTs TO: I OWN OF VAII., DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNN'/ OTVELOPMEIII 75 SOUTTI FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOIrADO 8T657. Planner: F :\Ljsets\cdev\FORMS\APFLri\Ap99515.d6g (Attach a list of stqnatures if more space is requirecl), \ SubmittalRequirenentsi\'r 1. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected oefson",2. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specifo the preose natrtre cf the appeal" please cite specific code sections having relevance lo the action beirxt appealed,f. Provide a list qf narnes and addresses (bo(h mailing and physjcat adcjresses in Vail) of all owners ofproperty who arc the subject of the appeal arrcl all acUacenr property owners (includirrg crwners whose properties are separated from the subject property try a right-of-way/ strear''I, or olher intervening barier).4. provide starnped, addres$ed envelopes for ear:h propert] r:wner listed in (3.). THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Tuesday, April 5, 2005 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEiIVTOPIG: An appeal of the Design Review Board decision to deny DRB05-0028, a final review of proposed locations and backlighting of the Vail Happenings Signs, located at Slifer Plaza, The Children's Fountain, Crossroads Mall, and the Lionshead Bus Stop, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Rick ScalpelloPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language inlerpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST (Request form must be given to lhe Secretary to the Town Manager by 4:00 p.m. Wednesdavs.) MEETING DATE: April5. 2005 (Prepare a separate Agenda Requpsl lor each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed durino each meeting.) Work Session Evening Meeting Site Visit T]ME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED : '15 minutes TIME NEEDED : WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON-TOV STAFF? NO.x YES. Specifics; Rick Scaloello WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, i.e. overhead projector, etc.?x NO. __ YES. Specifics: WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? NO. x YES. lf yes, is lhe material also for public distribution?x Yes. - No. of the Vail Happenings Signs (DRB05-0028), located at Slifer Piaza, The Children's Fountain, Crossroads '/\ Mall, and the Lionshead Bus Stop, and setting forth details in regard thereto. ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, modify, or overturn the DRB's denial of an application for final review ol proposed locations and backlighting of the Vail Happenings Signs, located at Sliler Plaza, The Children's Fountain, Crossroads Mall, and the Lionshead Bus Stoo. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On May 21, 2003, the DRB approved an application submitted by the appellant to erect lour metal "publfc inlormation signs" (one ot which was already erected) at the following locations; Slifer Plaza, The Children's Fountain, Crossroads Mall, and the Lionshead Bus Stop. The DRB approved the application with two conditions: 1) that there be no internal illumination, and 2) that the signs were temporary. According to Title 11, Sign Regulations, Section 11-2-1 , Definitions, a Public lnformation Sign is defined as"An informational sign that relays directions to the public regarding resources, restrooms, or any other similar public entity;' (ie, "public restrooms signs, Ford Park, Vail Village, etc.) On February 1 , 2005, the appellant submitted an application to allow for the signs to be internally illuminated. Staff reviewed the Design Review Board's previous conditions of approval and determined that the proposal did not comply with the standards of Title 11, Section 11-2-1. Speaifically, Section 11-2-1 , lllumination. lnternal, Vail Town Code, states lhal "illumination by means of a light source that is within a sign that has a translucent background, silhouetting opaque letters or designs, or that is within letters or designs that are made of a translucent material; prohibited in the Town of Vail, excluding signs used by the Town of Vail for public information purposes" (ie, traific control signs in the roundabout). On March 2,2005, the Design Review Board denied the appellant's request to use internal illumination to light the Vail Happenings signs. The in denying the request, the Board found that pursuant to Section 1 .l-2-1 , Vail Town Code, the proposed internal illumination failed to comply with the applicable provisions of the Sign Regulations. The Board did state, however, that the proposed locations did comply with the Flegulations. I I'(STAFF RECOMMENDA The Community Elisabeth Eckel. _t Department recommends that the Town CouncilS of the Vail Happenings Signs, and Does this appeal invotve a specific parcel of land? (@1 | no) Ifyes, are you an adjacent property owner? (V"r) (@ Name of Appetlant(s): Mailing Address: Phone: ' Phyuical Address in Vail: Legal Description of Appelrant(s) property in vail: Lot: Brock: .subdivision; Appellant(s) Signa ture(s): f- :\U se I g\rrdev\F ORtvtstAppLrC\ADpea ls,darc 1"02t P 003/015 F-Sos. Feb-J6'.:0F l2:?rpm Frcn-T0llfl 0F VAIL C0MtltJNtIY DEVEL0PMEf|T stn47s?tt52 GenelaI InformaUon: Appeals Form _ . Departrnent of Communify Development 75 SouLh Fronrage Road., Vail, Color.rdo 81857 teli 970,4't9.?.ti9 fax: D7().479.2451 y/ebl ! 4ww.Vaiioo,/.com flrjs forrn is requirerJ for filing an appeal of a Staff, Cornnrission actiorycJecision, A coniplete forrn and Communify 0eveioprflent Deparlmeni wi Action/ Decision bein g appeal ed: Board ot Sfaff frersort rendering acti on/ rlecision: Design Revie'n Board, or,planning and Environmenhl .associated rcquiremen'G mdst be submittecl to the(20) calendar days oithe dispute<l actiory'decision. ' (Attach a list of slqnatures if more space is requirerl). \ Submittat Requi renren[s;Y-''.', 1' on a separate sheet or sep€rate sheets of paper, provide a dctalled explanation of how you are an'laggrieved or adversely affecled person,,. ' 2. On a sef,arate sheet or separate sheets of paper, speciFy the precise nature of the appeal. please - . ci[e specific code gecHons having relevance lo fhe action being appealed.I 3' Provide € list of names and acJdresses (both mailing ano ptrysicii oddrEsses in Vail) of all owners of' ' property who are the subject of the appeal arid a)l adjacent propen;y owners (including ownersi whose propedies are separated from ihe subject property try a right-of-wuy, str"un, "or othei. inlen/ening barrier).4. Provide starnped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLEASE SIJBMTT TH]S FORM AflO ALL SUBMMAL REQUIREMENTs TO: 1OWN OF VAll-, DEPARTMEMT OF COPtpIUI\lfr/ OEVELOprllEa,lT, 75 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAO, VAIL, COLORADO 8I65i', Dateof Action/Decision: 1.While the To.{vn of Vail does have a code that says intemal illumination of lighting fixturres is prohibited, 'govemment signs' are exempt from the requirements pf the sign code. The Town already has other govemment informational signs with intemal illumination. For example, the directional signs, visitor infornrlation signs and palking signs at the main Vail and West Vail roundabonts {nd signs at the entrances to both the Village and Lionshead Parking Structures. The Town of fVail contributes more than $600,000 a year to sponsor special events in Vail to spur eionomic vitality and to create a sense of community. Private entiti(s spend millions more to host their events in Vail. The Vail Happenings signs are strategically located to provide useful information about what's going pn in Vail for both guests and locals. The four Vail Happenings signs perforrr{ that service very well during daylight hours and many pedestrians can be seen rdading them. However, many visitors and locals stroll along Vail's streets after dgrk, especially before and after dinner. Many of them are considering their next day's activities and whether they should spend the next day in Vail or to go elsewhere. The Town has valuable and attractive assets that are not being utilized to their fullest because the signs are urueadable after sunset. ATTACHMENT TO APPEALS FORM VAIL HAPPENINGS SIGNS designed under contiact administered by a Community The specific design was selected by AIPP and Public Works. The 2. The signs Devel design was ved by the DRB. Funds were specifically allocated for these signs by Towfr Counci] and the signs were purchased by Public Works. All the Vail signs are installed on Torvn of Vail properfy. The signs are /t/Aillltl' //,,tt% /1ll/ J', t -t .d // bT/4(/n* WJ- i;. DescriptionortheRequestt bilClllGHT €DOP €t'tSTlfie Vi4 IL FInQP€]'tiil€l\ siGLtS Location of the Proposal: Lot: - Block:- * . Subdivision: ;j , t' ' physicaf Address: FAS :i-ibPs n-f SUf"ee fLfizil,C{D,;R)nn1i'LtotlsH€ft{\ .. .. ,. I tr " parcer ruo.: ,4il0. - C iliL7qqyS-f0Lt[Sd-i{il#Eudr co. Assessor at s70-s28-8640 ror parcer no.) . Zoning: _ Name(sr "r O*"*r"tr 'f Mailinq Address: .- owner(s) sisnatu re(s ); *---Slot t'-' I. 6Urj-nW e, N++td U* TVu' til+"^w ' Namiof Appticant: I KtCi{ $t3fu?€t O u ;,., ' l 'l,., Mairins Address: {A l/.! lbA lfilL C0 gt{',' 6 2' - ' ' ',.':'': l ' .. 1- .. ., : : ." ,r . , |ype o, llevrew and lee: . ' . Signs S50 Plus S'1 .00 per square fool ol total sign arca. .. Conceptual Flevrew No Fee : . New Construction S*O For conskuclion bi a new building or demo/rebuild.. Addil$n S3O0 For an addition where square tootage is added to any residential or commercial building (inoludes 250 addilions & ihterior conve6ions). . Addil$n SiOo For an addition where square to-otage is added to ani residential or commercial building (inoludes 250 addilions & ihterior conve6ions). tulinor Aiteration S2SO For rhinorchanaes to buildinqs and siG imorovements, such as,: (multi-family/commerclat) reroofing, painting, window addilions, landscaping, fences andjr, 'retaining walls, etc. ->--, retaining walls, etc. '->....retaining-watts,etcl.{ . _,'Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions lo plans aheady approved'by Planning Stall or lhe': . Design Review Board. ..;"., : Separation nequest No Fee : :.. .. r , Type ot Review and Fee: I r"::i . lPlanner: I Background of Vail Happenlngs Signs apptication, DRB(80028: 1) On May 21,2003, the applicant (Town of Vail, represented by Rick Scatpello) approached the DRB with an application for approval of four metal "public information signs" (aka Vail Happenings signs)one ol which was already erected. Today, the four signs exist at the following locations: Covered Bridge Crossroads Children's Fountain Lionshead pedestrian entrance (adjacent to bus stop) 2) On May 21,2003, the Design Review Board approved the application with the following conditions: 1. That there be no lighting. 2. That the sign is temporary. 3) The applicant submitted an application to Staff on February 1, 2005 for design review of backlighling of all four signs. 4) Afler Staff discussions regarding the Design Review Board's initial conditions of approval and lhe proposals lack of compliance with the standards of Title 11, the application was denied on February 16, 2005. 5) Discussions occurred between Staff and the applicant in the following weeks, and after referencing the "lnternal lllumination" definition of Title 11*, Staff decided to rescind the denial previously issued to the applicant and allow the applicant lo appear before the Design Review Board on March 2, 2005 with the application that was originally submitted on February 1$ of this year. .|LLIJM|NATION, TNTERNAL: lllumination by means of a light source that is within a sign that has a translucent background, silhouetting opaque letters or designs, or that is within lefters or designs that are made of a translucent material; prohibited in the town of Vail, excluding signs used by the town of Vailfor public information purposes. I It ffi# TOI,IN OT YAII.ry Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Vail Happenings Sign DRB Number: DRB030165 Project Description: LOCATE EVENT SIGNS ON LAMP POSTS IN TOV RIGHT OF WAYS ('Vail Happenings") Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 05/2012003 Phone: VAIL CO 81557 License; APPUCANT Rick Scalpello 05/2O|2OO3 Phone: 479-1711 POB 160 Vail, CO Scalpello@attglobal.net 81658 License: ProjectAddressr location: NE OF 242 EAST MEADOW DR Legal Description: lot: Block Subdivision: Vail Village lst Filing Parcel Numben 210100000000 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 4-0 Date of Approvalz 0512L12003 Conditions: C.ond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006938 Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $5O.OO Public Information Sign An informational sign that relays directions to the public regarding resources, restrooms, or any other similar public amenity. Internal lllumination Illumination by means of a light source that is within a sign that has a translucent background, silhouetting opaque letters or designs, or that is within letters or designs that are made of translucent material; prohibited in the Town of Vail, excluding signs used by the Town of Vailfor public idormation purposes. t) Internal Illumination Illumination by means of a light source that is within a sign that has a translucent background, silhouetting opaque letters or designs, or that is within letters or designs that are made of translucent material; prohibited in the Town of Vail, excluding signs used by the Town of Vail for public information purposes. r(/ Pan-Channeled Lighting An indirect, concealed light sourcewhich is recessed into any element of a sign and is attached directly to theface of the sign: each element to be lit must have opaque surfaces such that the light does not shine through the sides or backs of the elements but through thefrontface only. Ita Pan-Channeled Lighting An indirect, concealed light solrce which is recessed into any element of a sign and is attached directly to theface of the sign: each element to be lit must have opaque surfaces such that the light does not shine through the sides or backs of the elements but through thefrontface only. :,,\ ,,,t,tr r.:i tl-.l\ Indirect Lighting A light soltrce separoteclfro* the sign that illuminotes the sign's surface by means of spotlights or similar fixtures with reflective housings that control and clirect light onto the sign area; the indirect light source shall not be visible to the vietver. t\')t rl i*=*ry*%{ili{6-]%+-€i*; Indirect Lighting A light soLtrce separotedfrom the sign that illuminates the sign's surface by means of spotlights or similar fixtures with reflective hottsings that control and direct light onto the sign area; the indirect light source shall not be visible to the viewer. lom,t0FyAIt Deparfinent of Community Development . ., 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 .www.vailgov.com April 8, 2005 Mr. Rick Scaloello PO Box 160 Vail, GO 81658 (fax) 479-7330 Re: Vail Happenings Signs Appeal to Town Council of DRB05-0028 Dear Rick, Thank you lor attending the Town Council meeting last Tuesday to appeal the Design Review Board's denial ol an application to backlight and maintain the locations of the Vail Happenings signs within the Village and Lionshead. As you know, the Town Council overturned the Design Review Board denial ol the backlighting and agreed that the locations in which the signs exist at Slifer Plaza, The Children's Fountain, Crossroads Mall, and the Lionshead Bus Stop may be continued. The Council simply stressed that the signs were to remain used only by the Town of Vail for public information purposes only. Please feel free to call with any remaining questions or concerns. All the best during what I hope will be a !ong, long summer] ;7 ees/r Eckel 970.479.2454 ft*"'*'",** ,,-ffi Project Name: Checkpoint Charlie Hanging Sign DRB Number: DR8020186 Prciect Description: Information sign Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 05/13/2002 phone: VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Town Of Vail Police Dept. 06/13/2002 Phone: 75 5 Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Ucense: PrciectAddress: location: CheckpointCharlie legal Description: Lot Block Subdivlslon: ParcelNumber: 210100000000 Comments: see conditions i. Design Review Board fl! ^AcrroN FoRM - '(t Cilpf DepartTent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colonado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 webr www.ci.vail.co.us BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcvalt O6lL8l20p,2 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005339 That the appllcant Installs a wood hanging spn no larger than three sguare feet in size (1' x 3') from the eave on the south side (entrance side) of the Checkpoint Charlie buildlng. No llghting shall be permitted with this sign. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: SO.00 TOI4Nffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:, 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web; www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptionof theRequest, Sr<"u he- C*ec[Porst C$qRue Physical Parcel N Zoning: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s):Toro^r 0i Varr- Mailing Address:?5 S. FpapraaeRo Vnt, A) tl1o5? Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Nameof Applicanu Tornnr Op VAlr, Vnru Porrc-el'npr. Mailing Address: Phone: Fax:E-mail Address: Tyytot Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multFfamily/com mercia l) tr Minor Alteration (si ngte-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request DflueD No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 NO FCC Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the DesisnReviewBoard. RECEIVE0 F::#'"t/jtr,8W Application Date: Planner: JUN | 2 AIn o IOI{NM I, (print name JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER description) a joint oruner of property located at (address/legal /t^ which haveprovide this letter as written approval of the plans dated been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements indude: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townt applicable codes and regulations. -Oao- tzso YPD - &p,oeanL- doe PussctL t/6/ilut-(Date) | t Page 2 of 4/01/10/02 a,. \ ,*m SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General InformaUon This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Departrnent of Community Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS , . \ A. Name of Business: Crtecg ?o,xr &ncLle tTa"'J DcvAtv) , B, Building name and physical address; tPe, f-ren".orpoor Irrr.RD, Ltrrao6s0rsbr6oge &rDc C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): trfteestanding Sign D Building ldentification MWall Sign E Mural r.lHanging / Projecting Sign il Window Sign trDisplay Box DDaily Special Board QJoint Directory Sign E Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign lSubdivision Entrance Sign tr Other E. Number of signs propor"O, {- (orre)Number of signs e"isting: -{. (a*) F, Sign message: I XilFor-nnflqA G. Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing @Vq" = L'): H. Length of business frontage: I. Height of sign(s) from grade: J. Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): K. Materials and colors of sign (attach samples): L. Sign lighting plan: Nor Llbnrel.p/nAYnrne u.5€ odrv o Indicate type, locaton and number of fixtures. . o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area,o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. PaeeS of 4/01/10/02 "l I The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine wflether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPUCANTS Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying rflaterial must be accepted by the Community Develqpment Department prior to application deadlines. A sdhedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail;co.us/commdev/planning/drb/meetings/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewefl for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Deyelopment Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board Meetinq Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed builpings and building corners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before thg Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discusCion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until Such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuancF of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modificptions, deny the applicaUon, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. N. Page 4 of 4/01/10/O2 '5 n f. & f,. fr & f. & & rut & & & f" fl" fl" rtrl rrr rr^.T/'t r. irr;trl /r/\ fltBRIEFINGMEMO ro: b,Ettoeoes From: VPD -CEO-2CA Date: t/ttloz-Re: si1^l k*ace't fu- Crl fl.(tetzn tit- v+ l*i.r l^j I#: tY" If"r5 J,. sa Pf H*-t- Iil'' 1lo ;F;It!illcrtI FU\it+r ey;I-fttToi\htr o .+tI IfrI ItIs ;- fTpE.r "e6D /\h1 \-/H7 nun 7 D { .It o 7 :k :k rt ri :t lh * )F * r"t * * S * * S rF :3rrlllll-llflllllrr Iro zeSnE\$.d oDS-635-d4V -so\\r r.iil Yaua$ Lrla -$r\*fs.tq:'-rD trt'6| LT nr tT itlT OtFai;;iao4 frtO'l a j l*y Stur rO - I * ,lt g 9j J { \./ 4 Or{ \.-.r/Hs rr U ,T E Gl- F oI so*'t\crl$T oo Design Review Action Form TOWhI OFVAIL ProjeotName: Main Vail Roundabout WASC Sign Project Description: New World Alpine Ski Championship sign Owner, Address and Phone: Town of Vail Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Scott Bluhm, Veil Valley X'oundetion, P.O. Box 309' Vail' Colorado' 81658 Project Street Address: Main Vail Roundabout Legal Description: Parcel Number: N/A Comments: Main Vail Roundabout BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: approved per plan diled 6l2l9E Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 612198 Board / Staff Action Action: approved F:\EVERYONE\DRTAAPPROVAL9S\I DRAAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: Wrived otc TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colora.do 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 May 7, 1998 Scott Bluhm Vail Valley Foundation P.O. Box 309 Vail, Colorado 81658 FAX (970) 949-926s RI,: The proposed 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships sign at the main VailRoundabout Dear Scott: I have had an opportunity to review your preliminary request with other members of the Town of Vail staff Upon review ofyour request, several suggestions were made. It has been suggested that the round circle atop the 1999 World Championship sign be a Championship globe, rather than the Vail insignia. Additionally, the Town would prefer that the sign read "Vail- Host of the 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships." It was indicated that the Town would further prefer that the stylized "V' be used on the sign in the word Vail. Lastly, the Town would prefer that the colors ofthe sign be blue, rather than the green and maroon colors used in the Beaver Creek sign. Once you have had an opportunity to review the Town's comments, please contact me so we may discuss the design review proces$ for the proposed sign. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 479-2145. I look fonvard to working with you for a successful 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships! Sincerely, ) .-"t{J",x.q- KIJA'-4 George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner {grr*uo" ro . Jun-01-t8 08:31 FIc-YAIL v LUilmTlil , O T{36 ?.Mns F-e8l G-esty, Tl* #,8H"ClFarPS" I ..1 " FotJtoafiu{ Bot,?,,,,f -l9Ie DT:DO FAI 9?O00/otl0ll f, + I|[Y(lftuAll'lYA]lv^-5rJ lt:t0 8t-10-rnflso-r r0/r0'd gt8-l to f{ Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depffinent of CrmmunitY De\rdopment 75 SouBt trontage Road, Vaif Cobado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 laxt 97O'479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Town of vail Entrance signage DRB Number: DR8010151 Prurect DescriPtion:- Vail - Host qf the 2001 Mountain Bike World Championships .PaftlclPants: OWNER Town Of Vail 06/13/2001 Phone: 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 License: APPLICANT larry Pardee, Public Works D06lL3l2NL Phone: 479-2165 License: Proiect Address: l-ocatlon: Main vail Round-about Legal Description: Lot: 9-A Block: Subdivisaon: VAIL VILLAGE FTUNG 2 Parcel ilumber: 210107101019 Cpmmcnts: 1999 championships sign to go back in BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actlon: STAFFAPR Seond By:Vote! DateofAPPrcYal: 06/13/2001 Conditions: Cond: CON0004803 Colors and materials of proposed sign shall match the odsting 'Vail - Host of the 1999 World Alpine Ski Championships" sign' Planner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: S0'00 Project Name: July 4e Public Information Signs Design Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL Proiect Number: Project Description: common sense signage to be displayed during July 4ft holiday. Owner, Address, and Phone: Town of Vail Police Department Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Joe Russell Town of Vailo Police Department Ext. 2329 Project Street Address: Vail Village and Lionshead Legal Description: Town of Vail Parcel Number:Buildine Name: Comments: Approximately 200 signs, 11x17 in size, red/white/blue Board/Staff Action Action: Staffapprovedwithl conditionMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:1. Signs shall be removed not later than one week following July 4th Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 06122100 DRB Fee Paid: exempt Project Name: July 4th Public Information Signs Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: July 4h Special Events Signs Proiect Number: Project Description: signs to promote concert events at Dobson arena on July lst and Ford Amphitheatre on July 4th Owner, Address, and Phone: Town of Vail Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Joe Russell Town of Vail, Police Department Ext.2329 Project Street Address: Vail Village and Lionshead Legal Description: Town of Vail Parcel Number: Buildine Name. Comments: Approximately 200 signs, 11x17 in size, in neon green and neon pink Motion by: Seconded by; Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Staffapproved with 1 condition 1. Signs shall be removed not later than one week following the July 4th concert Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date. 06/22100 Project Name: July 4th Special Events Signs DRB Fee Paid: exempt Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ( APPROVAL ' Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval 24' x 18' Guide Signs to For€st Seryico T.ails lrom Conventionel Roads H-l 24" x 18" White Legend Border and Symbols on a Baown Background 12. x 12' Forest S€rvice Trailhead ldentification and D€slinetion Signs I,*"", A-2 12"X12" Trailhead lD R-3 12"X12' D€slinatbn EEtt 4'r,l' Post t'lominal width ol Trail Detl'r Cdbtu B8s.d the l,teru.l ol Unilonn T.afto Dovkat aM US Deparfndrt of Agtirrhtl|g Sand8.do br Fo€€l SoNic. Sig,rr Town ot VEll, R€creatlon Patlr . For€st Se lc6 TrrlF Gulrle.nd lD dgm A ll P E R s A lt o sruolos, lNc CRA PHIC DESIGN ATAPHOE STREEI I' DENVER, CO EOZOZDatc, 4ln/ Revised: Not to Scale 1.t303.520.9120 rho^. 303.420.0O?0 1601 24' x 18'ELcyclo Route Mafiers and Directonal Arots l|ftual ot tlibni Tnilc D6,icq SB2r 8|c1do Ro|lb lrstcf| ( ta, llr€) Dlt.t 24. X1g. 18' x 18" Slop and Yield Signs ETTI M7-l M7-2 de EE 41(4' Po6t t{otinal wilth ot R.c|relion tuh I Inslalation Guilelina fro|t| ths Manual on Unitom Trfic Cordrcl Dwir5 1988 Ediim: TratrE Codtrob for tliqdo Failitir M7-5 Toun ot Vrll, FocrB0or Pallr. Rogulrbry end Hlghwry Guldo.lgnl a r P E R S A t{ D STUDIOS, il'tC GRAPHTC DEsIGN rton. 3o3.a2o.oo7C 160l AIAIEOE STIEET la DENvEt, cO t0202fuE 4/20l Reeised: Not !o Scale f. rt0!.6r0.9120 Al.RP 12'x12' A1.AR. R o' L 6'x12' --E AI-AF.S 6'x12' A2 +L 12'x12.A6.PC 12'x1?/. A8 .CART 1z'.x12'. A7{,RtL 1?xl2'A7-T 12'x1t A3.NMV'12'r12' A4.D 12'rle' AT.cR 12'x12' A7-CL 12'x12' AIAR-R and L 6'r12' 12" x 12' Porcelain Emmd Route Mark€rs and H€gulalory Signs 3 feet min. 6 fe€t max. if'x4' Po6l AlO.KF 12'x'l? Nomlnal width of Recreaton Pafl ii EE TEq)t {}4' Pod Installatbn Guidoline trom fi. Manuel on Unitom Trdfic Contol D€virs 1988 Edition: Trffic GontDb for ttirycb Fgclities Town ot Vrll, RecrE tlo|r Peth - Slgn Scfiedut€ 12'112. Slgm A m pE B DatE4/m/CJ Revised: Nol to Scala r.r3o3 6to el?o ,hon. 303.c20.o0?o 160l sAND STUDtOS, rilC GNAPHIC DESIGN ARAPHOE SINEEI II DENVEI, CO IO2|)2 81.RP 6'x 6' 3 cobr Btue Green & Whit€ 82.LL 6'1 6' 2cn/bl Grean & Whte B+NMV 6'x 8' 2 color Ore€n & Whlte 84-SWO 6'x 9' 3 color Red Gr€sn & White SEn Schedule I'x 6' porc€lain Enamel Path l(bnlincafion and R€gulatory S6ns 8l a' caruod oost Rsd€alion Pdth Er lY Sion6'x 6'syrnbob iDs6t- - onr 6|00 onry Locatsd in c€nt r of path l.lominal width ot FocEatibr path I Town ol Vall, Reclrr on path. s|gfi Sclirdub O" 16. 3lgl|| Datet4/20/ Revised:_Not tjo $ale A T P E RI'A 1{ D STUDIOS, INC CTAPHTC DESIGN fr1303.520.9120 phon. 30t.ato.OOro r6O1 At^pHoE StREEI I DENvER, CO !0!oz Project Name: U.S. Forest Ser"sice Project Description: fnformational Signs for Gore Creek Campground Owner, Address and Phone: Bill Mutholland USFS Box 190 24747 US Hwy 24 Minturn, CO Sf63l ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: East Vail exit ramps Legal Description: Interstate 70 oo Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL BuildingName:Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: Motion by: Seconded by; Vote: Conditions: Towu Planner: Date: 619100 Board / StaffAction Action: StaffApproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: Waived FIEYERYONEDREAPPROvAL\00\i70sietr Brent Wilson/JAR Questiolall the Planning Staff at 47g-2L38 SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This applicaton is for any sign that b located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirernents are available from the Department of Community Development. r0fi/,il A, B. c. D. E, F. rJ, NAMEoFBUSTNESS: ___U,5, foZ€ST 562 u?L€ BUILDING NAME ANd ADDRESS: 6 O T \ 1 O II^ g, /*)TQ IL P co PHYSICALADDRESS: t1{A q+us RbY 2..{ LEGALADDRESST Loil_ Block_ Filing: PARCEL# ZONING: (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessors ffirce at 970-328-8640 tor parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): U .5 .Gov'T MA]UNG ADDRESS: OVIJNER(S) SIGI.IATURE(S):PHONE: H.NAMEOFAPPLICANT: 1$ * UU r.t u L!.tocL 4ArS MAILING ADDRESS: f 37 5t l, z.' TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for definitions):{ Free standinoo Wall Signo Hanging Sign NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED:1 SIGNMESSAGE: CA"a pgru G a Sign Awningo Other, speciry: NUMBER OF SIGNS DCST]NGI 9ee g.z<N OJ. K. L, M. N. o. SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5" x 11" G,'papetl: G" X P. v. R, TENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE: HEIGHT OF SIGN(S) ABOVE GRADE:€ET Hrt4 SIGN LOCATION (Attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the pmposedlocatjonof s[n(i): go+e( € *tT AA,v\ ?-s - e4t-o* {tl4<tfd,.e/,. 645 f L/4-f,{- MATERIALS AND COLORS OF SIGN (Attach samples): DESCRIBE SIGN IGHfiNG: tvo P 6 SsdJ- S 'zN FEE: $20.0O plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area 2 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal : PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TI{E DEPARTMET{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTI| FRO|TTAGE ROAD, VAII, COLORADO 81557, ITCTTyED JUN ?mm o or photos showing proposed location of the sign or awning. 4"=1') dmwing, including specific lettering and dimensions n tr tr lJ Complete A site plan the e)Gct location where the sign is to be located. Elevation Colored scaled available. and a photo, if Condominium or Landlord approval - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORIES: Freestandino -A or muli-faced sign affrxed to a suppoting structure, or imbedded in and extending from ground and dtrched frcm the building. -Any sign attached to a building and acending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the line, Wall - A sign to, painted on, or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the el@osed face of from the face of sign in a plane paralbl to the face of the wall and not projecting more dran 9" wall. or wall sign enclosed in glass for the o<press purpose of dbplaying of real estate llstings. - A freestanding, hanging or wall sign that lists all the tenants within a mufti- tenant building. - A sign to Hentiff a major suMivbion, a condmrinium ctxnpleq or group of aparUnent having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC,, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. SUGGESTIONS: Sample of materials. Drawings will be Disolay Box - A menus, current how and where sign or awning will atach to the building and how the awning are ariailable frorn the Departn€nt of Cornmunity Developrnent. You may to verify the type and size of sign you are albwed. in the description of design, size, construction rnay delay the approval of 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. Copies of the Sign wish to check the Be specific. your sign. Measure the of your business to determine the she (area) of the sign you are allowed. Lighting for may spodight only the sign lettering on the awning. Lighting nuy not shine into pedestrian or ways. All individual signs will be reviewed by the Departnflt of Cornmunity Development. New i;-:l:l' sign programs or to sign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. V6'(4 -od a 75 routh trontlgG road vall, coloredo 81657 {803) 476-7000 olflce ol town allomey December 2, L986 Mr. Alan L. Johnson Rockport IndustriesP.0.8ox 114 Clay Center, Kansas 6743? Dear Mr. Johnson; Enclosed please find one (1) executed original contract for yourrecords. Also enclosed are two (2) original addenda for your s'i gnature. 0nce signed, please return one for our records. If you have any questions,please feel free to cal] . VerV, truly Jo%s, Ho"-rr A*k Lawrenc#n. Eskwi th Town Attorney LAElbsc "VAIL" SI1AI |4OI€CT Toan o{ Vai-L, C-olomdo CONTI?ACT TIIIS AilnflCT, ruCe an"d e-atened LnLo RocApont Indur'L,tLet, ?antu o{ tAe Ftntt ?anty o{ LAe Sec'tnd. ?ezL." WIT/l€SS€Tll: That wAenen t the anLd {oz cettaLn publLc Lnpzovementt Ln Vni-L, U.u tw,il bq and bettte-o-nV;U, Colonnd.o, Pattu o{ the FLntt Pant U tAe Contna,cLoo/^ ra tt ,l414LA-d.O. tO-ALL: gnanLte atul ne,lnted /ettutinq VrcALtect't d.nnaLng dated. Se-pt, ext)oue.d. auL{cLcea h"l"t) - puLt)A"d, (;\ '-- l'l%l TH€ll€F2R€,, tAe tnLd ?anLa o{ the FLmt Pctnt, {on and i-n utn+Ldenatittn eonoenttLLon heneLna{t"n pntt"uLded to be p"Ld [.n' t-Ae mannen herceLn tet 4i;Ay (rgnee./L and ltt:nfu A'tmel{, ,At't he-tnt, executont, ad.nLni-,ttntftont, on L LrA /LUCeeA)t na and- aA Lw uL {OU-OaL: TAe {ab,tLecttLon a.nd. LnttalLftLon o{ tAepontton o{ tAe "VAIL" tLqn a.,t aAown on the ll'onte-z'26, /?86 'and nevi'tetr 0c{, tO, tg&6. / o enq.nrue-d on one zi-d.e {umUA tAe tenaLnLng lzttenLng o{ tAe. {ottA, t^eJ{, /, To {unni-'tA oll qnanLte Ln RocJzu Red anattLte wLLh tAe {t:/d lA ,'{oLlor,t: TupL - poLuAed; Fnont o,t BorA (Ln thn e ArLtLn a,n4 /LLeeIed. tAe- po/-i-aAed qMrLLt-e tAe ,otd "VAIL" and to crrit bnnnzt ot tAown on the- AncALte-et,t' anfltauLgL. . " , 71,{"yr4 ," +.il1ryd4 ,{ the tLgn: e-xc}'tdLng LAe bnon7z lettenLng {onnev Lan oq Lne fl kcJtLteeL anl, the- | oan lqannrleL.nevLett bq tAle- AncALteet and tAe- Toin ll)anoa.o. , ",7,, {yyitA d1 truntpozteLLon, llrltuo, e4uLpnenL3nC. natenLalt. nerr)Anny: lr, L*l?# aaLd gnattLte and'/-eLL3-ing'Qz a ^good'ai.d ronA^on LiAe {aALon onC to the arftL{actLon and accepLenee o{ tAe Town llllannge-n, 2. The Pantg o/ the Ftn+t PcznL expne,a-alq. aqrLeea and gtanantee't Lo maAe od, at hU oan- exp'uL/Le- and Ln atcondance wttALAe LnttrutLLLora o{ LAe Towngtod, at hU oan- explqa44 and Ln accondance wttA Lhe- Ln'tLna'cLLontt o{ t-Ae Town ll.anngen "ry t d.4/'{aulty on defeeLLve ruttenLa,L on *onhn*mALp w\LcA' nuy. q)perlt'\anagen atul and. tLU- taaltq on de{ecLLv e rutt-enLa,L oL uo nl?t/an)-A Ltt wh LcA' mrLrJ a-ppe,atL i-n hL't wonk. wLLhLn'a, pt,nt2d u{^.one yenn,{no.^. tAe date .o{ ctnltletLon.", It i/,t qZILLUQ UL Ane tleLUL l_k0m Lne ACLLZ OL COnDLZLLOL. IL L./L expne't't-Lg ag.nee.d Lhctt 'tAe Towi lt)o'roq.Jo il'al-L be tAe ut-e and /ttnl anbLten on wAi.ethzn "nu{enLa'L on won/znnnt-hLn a.hrtLL b" cornLdezed laaltu on ' de{ecLLve wLtAiLt o{ LN I' | | . | 1 t .anetnzL nrLteftLaL orL wo n-lennmhLn ukall-,l coraLdezed {aalty on' de{ecLLve wLtAi-n tAe perLod atrove menLLoned., J. TAz -?anLu o{ tA" Ftnzt Pant expne'u.|-u aerLze-,L Lhat the wonA to be, pe-n{onned unden LAli-+ ConLm-ct al"lL be cu*inn "d.'u" i dotu to be rnecL{ted tn tAe.'tt/lo'tLce- to ?noceed" a't ,ilL lte tutaetr bu tAe Town lT)crrtrraen ""d ^Arru b'u "o^o/.L"trwLtAin l0 ul-endan douo {*^ and tnclltdtnc aucA dutJ (unl,urt tuntA.n lt^" b" gnanted bq tAe Cttil", I{ condLtLont bJuond tAe unt-nol u{' tA. Cont-zacton iudtL{y, "atd the Cttq opi,rore,,L an extetnLTln o{ conLzuet ttnie., Lhe Contnactoz-a'hal-LVevi-,te tAe con{rutctLon zeAetru/e Ln uccondincz wLth th" appnor"d extetttLon. , 4,, ?+gnn t tq 4". Pqnty o{ tAe-FLn'tL Pent {oz pen{onnance o{ the wonlz a't de'rcnLbed ALnei-n +hall be $22", jzb,00 exCud.Lng "ny' "p/Ltt."ble Laxe,t. 5, ?ctgnent aAall b" duz ten ( tO) dogo a{.ten tAe eompleLLon o{ tAe wonA and acceptatzce Theneo{ by tAe".Town lrlo:*gen. , Upun'acce-p.tance '!y th" To:wn.tlanagten, ,AeLna,u- Pnompt t-q L).ute o- d LruL cetLtLd Lcrrte-, oveL hut ALqLnfrtufte, 4taLLnq tnaL tne unnA islvio!*( {on Ln the- c:;ntrutct hla,t been cttnplete.d -t U cccepted bi Atn unden tAe- tetznt atd 'c-ond.tttont tAeneo{ and tAaL Lhe.'entLne balance {oul.nd to 1te due. aaLd ?arrty o{ tAe- Ftn'tt ?ant and ot'aAurn Ln aail. centl{Lcate tt Jue ond payable. 6. The- Pant- o{ the Ftnrt Pant aAalJ pnovLde, aa pcLEL of t-enn of tAt-,t c;y7tnnet, p"uo/ ^ o'{ .Lrwtrunce ,AtcA piovLdez' {on ' un itll-ton lul)on't ( $ t, 000, 00(i. 00 /' o{ Ltal, i-Ltty covellcrg.e. 7, TAe Panty o{ tAe. Seeond. Pant expnea-tlq a7)Lee.,L to pnovLde ct{/ A.lrow nemova.,l- at the +fte dunLng the pen-Lod o{ iontttnuLtLon, TAeq {untheft cLqLee to pnovitre ctrul mnLntaLn a teit, ,tpace hen{ett, at.d. annLtany tolt{t'foctlttt"o at Lhe',tLte upon zegue'rt by tAe- f';ti o{ the- FLntt ?ant. o B. TAiz eonLnacL Lz ent-ene.d. Lnto utltje-ct- Lo Federcal and StaLe La.,t and tA" pnovi'tLorut o{ Lhe To*n o{ VaiJ CActnten 'ondf uo ?ndLr,rurce-t Ln genenril tAat may'o#eet aat e,' I/l WIT\{|SS lll/l€J?UF, the anil PattLe,r have Aeneanto ,pt t-he-Ln hand,t the yent and dag ctbove {Lnttt wnLLteru Afi€STATI0/'l ATI€JT: f\ nhi' 1,)i uw,n ll,lLtneztt \o,ch p o-nt I nd u,tt nle't A77t5T: Town UeLrA Torn /tlunnge,, Iansas "{s"g'8Th*g comSnr DtcuttTlofts sPtcllt turn.Prntt PoUCY Strcct, Town, County, St.tr, Zip) Alan L, Johnson . 11273 Slingsby Agency3,ffi&f,-f-r{iqffrri* 67 432 1 Years{frffiHFb rilFff E tz'ot e.N. /E noon, Standard Time at tocation of designated premisesTo the extent,that-coygJaq! !l lhis lotSy teptaces coverage in lther polrcies termina.ting noon standard time on the incep.tion date of this poticy, ioverage rinoei trii pirici sriaiiir,il ridi6r! *riiiiiv-e"ijriirl;ch ,i;h;;;;;s;"n:ai'iriiiij,riiro.Itlm 3. The l.lamed Insured is: fl tndividuat [-l partnership f-l Corporation ! toint venrure l-l Orher,llrm 4. Oesignated Premises retrr"^ aerowr No. r per Mp1205 'ccupancy of Premises buildings or premises as designated on Supplemental Declaralions attached. -with respect to the.designated. prg|i:1t.119 with fespect to those coverages and kinds of properg for whlch a specifc timit olarr 0r the terms of this poricy incruding f'rrns and endorsements iriaie a pirt hereof. NEW ilnawat of Numb.r il0. Brc_3444 Itao 1. ll.ncd Insu.rd .nd lLiling AddrGss (flo., . l)Harlan II. Rundle & 2)Rundle Monument Co. 604 4th Srreet Clay Center, Kansas Itln 2. Policy Prriod: No. 2 No.3 ! Additional Itrm 5. Insurance is provided is shown, subject to liability Personal ProDerty ol the lnsuied - $1 ,000. Oeduldtible per Location lf no deductible slated above. the deductible shall be $100 | $1,000 each occunence I agglegate each occurreoce E Per MP1205 g Per MP1205 $ Not Covered Additional Cov. (Specify) Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liabilityl Combined Single Limit I Premises Medical Payments IF NO LIMIT SHOWI{ FOR SMP- LIABILITY INSURAI1CE REFER TO COVERAGI PART OR ENDORSEMEI{T Additional Cov. (Specify) lucit penol.=-lll;Lug.ilaute Unless tnorc sEclloil ilt - cRtitE c0v€Ri01 lhm 7' Morlgage clause: subiect to the provisions of the mortgage clause, loss on building items shall be payable to: (lnsert Name(s) ol Mortgagee(s) and maiting address(es)) Nil ll€m t. The Total Advance Premium is: rr,{rEn srLowl Incl. Counlersignature Date 10- l-86 r0- 1-86lj h Authorized l1,c?l^tj1t::tgTt-ll:-q:gllf ]Tll?lft i: qtg'jqp.d the named inslred with respect to the designated premises shown in lrem 4and kinds of properlv for which a specific rimit of riabiriry is shown, suuleci to iii iii[, ti,iir'ii iiii'"po'iirv ii.rruirg rorms and and vJi s made THIS DECLARATIONS PAG€.WIT] .S.PEC.I4L MULTI.PIRIL CONOITIONS AND OEFINITIONS AND FORMS AND FNDORSIMFIitTS IF ANV .f i ADDENDUM TO VAIL SIGN PROJECT CONTRACT THIS ADDENDUM to the Vail sign project contract which is aatea tllurJq" / , 1986, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibjt A is made as of /ttAe*t/eu / , 1986 by and between ROCKP0RT INDUSTRIES, ("Rockport") and the TOWN 0F VAIL, Colorado, a Colorado municipal corporation ("the Town"). WHEREAS, Rockport and the Town have previous'ly entered into a Vail sign project contract aatea &tnnJ,z^- /, /ff(, (hereafter referred to as "the contract"); anq WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend said contract by the addition of a new paragraph. NOl,l, THEREF0RE, in consideration of the promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. The contract is hereby amended by the addition of paragraphs 9 and 10 to read as follows: 9. Rockport hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees, agents, servants, and all representatives against any and all damages to property or injuries to or death of any person or persons, and shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town, its officers, employees, agents, servants, and all representatjves from any and all clajms, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, costs includjng attorneys fees, of any kind or nature brought by anyone whomsoever, in any way resulting from or arising from Rockport's jntentional acts, negligence, malfeasance or nonfeasance in the carrying out of its duties pursuant to this contract. 10. This contract State of Colorado and shall shalI be interpreted in be enforced in the State accordance with the of Colorado. laws of the OF VAIL ROCKPORT INDUSTRIES thcc - P-.s,D.^'r -2- ,,VAIL'I 'TEII NO'TLT To*n o{ Vail, Colonalo CO/,1 TTIACT TIIIS AlynflCT, nad.e and entened Lnto I?ocAponL Ind.u.tLnLe't, Pantu o{ the FLntt Pattty o{ tAe Sec"l Pozt." ITJIT/I€JS€T/I: Thctt uAenent tAe azLd {on centaLn publLe Lnptovenent t Ln Vau|,, tAia ilIea bq and bettreen V;tL, Crtlonndo,Po"T, Pantu o{ tA. FLrzt Patt i't the Gntnttcto,tr td tlcotu)na-do. Lo-txLL: expo4ed. attn{acet h"l*) - poli,tAed, "TAe, {c:P,n;igqtLon and i-n^tallatLon o{ tA. gnanLLe and. rclzted Lettetting t1u,"tr1X.u{ tAe "vAIL,o,1iyr.t?,tAown on the l'I'onteLt"AzchLLect-t d.rctuLng daterl \ept,26, /986 an-d nevi,,te.d )ct /0, /186. //0w r/l€R€FaiE, tAe ani-d PanL,t o{ tAe FLn'ft ?ant, {on otd. Ln contLderetLon compenartt Lo n heneLna{ten pnor i-del to be paLd i-n' tAe- matne-n AeneLn aet \e,neby eg^eea *d !4 liiJn^e/fi ,hU heLnt, exeutttnz, olnLni,rtnnLonL, ot L LttL UtcceA)./) n-L and- @lALw cuL {oLlnw4: o{ tAe {ontA,u"4' /, To {unnb}t a}-L qnnntte Ln f?ocAu f?ed anattLLe wLth tAe {t:yid fL,'{u/;1o*,t: Tupo - po.l-uAed; Fnont rr,rk BocA ( in tAo.. AILLLft aitL 'LLeeJ-eL.lo eng.nnve.d. on one,tLde o{ tAe po/-i.aAe-d ananLte tAe uond ,,VAIL" and to {""nt i-a}-, thu ienaLnLng lett""t"g tl" ca,tt bounSJ ott thoan on tAe Ao./rLtecttl a.MIUuLgA. . " , T1 ,{"yr4 ," T+ ryd4'{ tAz ,tLgnt exc,tudLng LAe bnonTz leLLznlng {onLev Leta o g Lhe- tl tLchLte-cL a-nd. the I oun lrlanrtaet." T" {unt i-rtA al'l- tntutzpo ntatLo n, firbuo, esu Lpment attd natenLal't ne-c.e)aatLu L,,l Ln^t:(r/+ ,tnLd gnnnLt-e and 'Let4.tryg'Ln a .gutod'atid. wo,J"rn't LtAe {at}tton *d {otAe ,tztL{actLon-and acceptrurce o{ tAZ Town lli"tngen. .2. T.he Pa,tty o{ tAe FLnft PanL expnetzJ-g agrLee'L and" qtazanteett to maAe- goodt at hi't own expert^e a.nd Ln aeeondarrce wttA LAe i-nttnLhtLorn o! tAe Town f4anrtgett any and dl'{nultq on de{ecLLve mrttezLa,{- oft won}?nwnAALo wALcA' nELu aDperLLin /{i't wonA wLLALn'a ptnLod o{ on uenn {nom tAz date o{ co^nl-etLon." Il uexpn'a'aiy agneed tAat 'tAe- Tori iil-*qe"o aA'"lt be the "uii "na /tnoL oob.tuo un whi.ethzn mntenLal- on .uonle,nantALp tAdll l:e. contLdene-d {aulty on' de{ectLve wLt},Ln tAe penLod above mentLoned. J. The PanLg o{ tAe Ftntt Pant expne,ttlu eq^eea tAat tAz ,onA to be. tl;f{:*4 unden LA"i't Conlnlict, aAcrl.l, be,connience-d "on^.t date to be.,tpecL{Led Ln tAe "/rl.o,lice.^lo Pn-oeee.du y ,4 be. i-a,ated. 6,y ,.the Town lt)anage+ I "A41-EL-*^/t-tJwLLAi-n l0 eoln'ndan das,L {non and t-nc.(udtna. ateh dat{ /ri""o t"otAii lii-t" gnanted by tA9 CLlyf. 7{ condLtLont 6{sond. tAe. conLnoL u!' th" C"tntiecto,tgnanted by tA9 Cqtyf. 7{ condLtLon't 6{gond. tAe. conLnoL u{' the C"tnto6.cton i4ftL{gt and the LLtg app'nove't an extenzfon o{ contnar.t tin|e., tAe- Contrutto,t71"\:{yt "ttd t4" Cfty opp'"o"e , aJL,extenz{on of contru.ct t-inlg"aAall";evue- tAe- con{utclLun acAetruLe- in ctcrnnd,ince wLtA tA" opi*i"d. "*tiii 4. ?agnent Lo LAe ?cttty o{ t-Ae FLntL ?anL tor pen{onmtnce o! tAe- won}t a,t de,tcnLbed. h-enzLn aAal-L be 822;320,00 excLudug any "p/ltiobL" tornul. /q8c. 5. ?agnent- aAdl be duz ten ( tO) doyo a{ten Lhe eonpletLon o{ the wonA and acceptmce LAe,teo t [t,J tA. Tuwn l\-*a.en, U no n 'accentance. 'bu the Tobn ll orzaaen, Az ,t-4a11 pnonptlu i;ao{ a {L'ra/- eent{{Lea,te,' uruo lii-o +Lot*tLo", ,ttaLLna {A"i tA" ,onA Tiot"iAed {oz Ln tAe,' contnect hla't been completed "r',fu U atcepted b,f Ai^ und.o tAe tennn and 'cundLtLont tAeneo{ and tAat tAe'enLLnz baLtnce {oind tu Le due toLd Pctnty o{ LAe Ftn'tt ?ctnt ond ^'oAuro Ln anil centL{Lcate i,t Jue and payable. 6. TAe Pant o{ tAe- FLut- ?ont aAal-L prcritre, at nant o! LennL o{ tliocl!|trcL9t, p+uo,{ - o'{ .Ln,unatrce ,AtcA pio"cde,t' {oo ' un it.[ltun {ullono ( $ t ,000,000,00 /' o{ ltab r-Ltty u)ve-rLag.e. 7, TAe PanLq o{ tAe- Second ?ant e^rtnet':Iu ae)Lee./L to onovLde a)l a-twta ne-mouaL aL tAe- ,tLLe'dunLnq tAe penLod o{ conrtrufct{on. The4'{untAen aquee to prc.vLde. atd naLntaLn a-.tur:t, apacz Aeaaei, "4 aznLtazg talL.lt'{cretltttel et tAe a-LLz upon nertrue.,tt 6y tAe Panti o{ tAe FLntL PanL. 8. TAi-,t contnctct t't entened Lnto aabiect Lo FedenaJ- and. State- Lo.a cnd tA. pru:^vi'tLon't o{ the Town o{ Vai-[ Cha.nt-zo "ond/ "" 7ndLnrrncett i-n getLenal tAat rury'a! lect- ^ame.tt I/l A/IT/1|55 Ulll[R€DF, .the- aald ?anLLe't Aave Aeneanto ,teL tAe-Ln Aanda t-Ae- yenn a.,rd dtty above {LntL wnLtt-e-n. AN$TATIO/I ATlIJT: Mttnezrt Town /Iann-gen a Rrc'0No\/-6tgs ROCKPORT INDUSTRTES 4OS GRANT STREET, P.O. BOX 114, CLAY CENTER, KANSAS 67488 Ifi 6al 'ce q 1 /rlov, 4, t986 Town o{ Va.U, Co/nando 75 5u,' Fnontnqe f?d, VaiJ" G 8/(52 ALL: f?on ?htJJtpt Dean ttn ?hil,Ltpa Plente {tnd ercbaed ta,o (il cttr>Le,t the- putpo,ted tUAILil ,tLqn- Plea,te',tLan to iu ' flLta encfu&d "i't a eenLt{Lcdte o{ thz cnntnact {ot dne cipg and. netunno{ itiu-nanc.e. n Roelepont nd.uatnLe't RI MonrenAncnIECTs A Protessional Coroo€tion 143 East Mgadow Drivo Crossrcads at Vail Vail. Colorado 81657 303/,176-5105 Letter of Transmittal Date: To: ,lune 2, 1986 Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Planning Department Proiect: 1989 t{srld Alpine Ski Championships Entry Sign Please Jind enclosed the follorving: Daled 06/02/86 06/02/86 of Project List of PIan & Application Material s Perspecti ve Gopies 1 I 4 A model will be submitted. Morter, ARCHITECTS 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 19, 1986 offlce of communlty develoPment -7 Jim Morter Morter Architects 143 East l'leadow Drive Crossroads at VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim, 0n June 18, 1986 the Design Review Board made the following comments concerning the proposed Vail Entry Design: 5 4 were suggested instead of the concrete They suggested that the aggregate wal'l aggregate. be cut back. approval of the project. However, receive a second from the other two for the July Znd Design Review to get the survey in time to make me know and we can reschedu'le for P1 ease submit the lettering style and sizes of'l etters for the wording on thETo-ef+or-tfut DRB meeting. In general , the members prefered the manufactued stone. a natural stone instead of A motion was made to grant preliminary this motion djd not pass as it did not members. I have schedu'l ed the project Board meeting. If it becomes difficu1 t any changes to the drawings, please 'l et the next meeting. Si ncere'ly,_ ; .' t. i ;-'_.... .-.-,tr_ l';, tr..., Kri stan Fri tz Town Pl ani-.er L P'l ease bri ng a samp'l e of the rock to the next Design Review Board meetjngffi 2 The three members had problems with concrete aggregate material for the w They prefer @Stone to-match the existinq wal'l or t-i-eTu?f,f-tsffi stone July hool scores behind . Colorado's first standardizedtocfc shar'r thc lr'ni^^l -,.!.ri^ ^^!--^r Project Application projectName: 1989 h/orld Alpjne Ski Championships Entry Sjgn Date June 2 1986 Project Description: Contact Person and Phone John Horan-Kates The Vail Valle.y Foundation 476-9500 own€r, Address and phone: Vai I Val le.y Foundation Vai I Professional Bui ldinq 476-9500 953 South Frontage Road West Architect, Address and Phone:Morter Architects 143 East l.4eadow Drive, Suite 300 476-5105 Legal Description: Lot Block Filing ** Northeast corner of main 4-way stop. Zone Comments: Design Review Board hu,. 0,, {to\Lun(- .\ Date Motion by: Seconded DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner""," [/l?Ku E statt Approval LIST OF MATERIALS' NAME 0F PR0JECT: 1989 World Alpine Skj Championships Entry Sign LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: NortTeas-t-T6'Ffr'6r of maTfrTw'ayTTop. -.-- DESCRIPTION OF PRO The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Des';n Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Nindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl as hj ngs Chi mneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther N. A. N. A. Stucco N. A. N. A. N. A. l\l ^ N. A. N. A. N. A. N.A. N. A. N.A. N. A. N. A. B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* IExistins ftlJ T0Nsus-- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED None for conifers. (ove r ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Common Name . Quanity Si ze Squcre Footage swimmi ng etc.) Please specify.c.OTHER LANDSCAPE Existinq stone FEA re (retaining walls, wall. t SPORTS It's a grueling sport lor only the hardiest - right in our backyard. IPAGE Serving Eagte County Tuesday through Satirrday Wednesday, July 23, 1986 Volume VI, Number 2? "My feeling is that I've had the benefit of more fudormation rrgarding the rock than the conmunity as a whole," she said. "I think it is a fine design solution." Council Mernber Gordon Pierce, who sat ona committee which originauy selected therock design, said he, too, supported th€ 'Morter's design qas selected in a competition sponsored by the Torvn of Vail and the Vail Valley Foundation. fttly three proposals were suhnitted ancl Morte/s design was unanimously sekted.It featun* a boulder inscribed with a 'webdning message and identifying Vail as "The kqck'd image inooloes what u)e're all about here. All these commenls about plastic fuaaria and ' plastk Wople ... f duc't lilce it," Vail {ouncil l\{ember Kcnt Rose site of the l9t9 Wortd Atptne SLtr!|.E|Fi0rtg|!T6. ArFsl rock rmld hsve be€n impcsible to ule tn the alesign; acrording to Morter. IIe mstntrins its weight - 250 tons - wduld have made it inpwiNc to transport, The artificial boulder, he said, would have a rededgn of eother ercfiitect rur$-btufrtdbilhnitdylty. & bc Mines, sill be solicited fc the preiect .. ht rith r€sory$ioD& _ -If I bact off m tds ihtorg d aU t is becaEe it b a political fodbsu"" he said- .,I thinf fte rcal problem is tbe present tion;wete never pesented it right. A ld of damage has bear done alreadyj' the problems began for the council after I pojec{.; Council llember Eric Affeldt mey have ; snnn€d rp his peers feelings on the entire ldair.' "I would lile to g€t out of the art business," ' he s8td. 'tI don't think anyone was elec'ted to I be an art erpert. I'm frustrated by the whole . procefs." Search still on for 4th victim of car mishap Da[y Strff Repod St ff photo by Jlck Aftl.c* RED CUFF :- The search of tlte Eagle River continues for tbe body of a man believed to have been in the car that crashed last Thursday morning near her€. "SIe have a deputy at the river , every day and the community is still helping in the search," Jeff Beavers .of the Eagle County Sheriff's Deparfrnent s8id. The car was traveling. at an excessive speed when it wmt out of contiol on tlighway 24, slammed lnto an ernbanknent of the Eagle lRiv€r kiling three people, acrording to the Colorado State Patrol. The victims, Ross Sandoval, 24, Loran Fox, 1?, and Edward Peralta, '25, all of Red Cliff were identified by officials last week, but it is believed aother uun is mlssing. "Wdre 98.9 p€rcent s|re another man ris in the car. He was seen with th€ others before the accident,' ' Beavers said. Officials have not released the missing man's name, but friends'and relatives have said Jamio ,llledins vas seen with the other 'victlrns before the accident. Sahrday searehers fgund a pair of pants b€li€ved to belong to the fourth , victim in the river, "The facts we 'have indicate he was in the car and was thro.wn into the river," Tim Cochrane of Vail Mountain R€scue sald. The rescue group has discontinued See Crr sccid€ra pag€-16 Rocky road for sign design ends By Mike Phillips Daily Statf W.iter Vail won't have it's celebrated "ptastic" mck to kick around anymore. The rock idea - part of an entryway project for the town's four-way stop - got ehisled into oblivion Tuesday afternoon at a Vail Town Council work session. The coucil reversed several of its ,earlier decisions which approved the project, designed by local arehitect Jim Morter. Althongh a formal vote was not taken, the overwhelming consenrrus of the council indicat€d enother design would be solicited for the entrywuy. The deddon capped tni reetc of morndng controverEy, culminatfd by a tongueircleek Denrrer Fost aftktrE and an Acscist€d h.esE*ry ctruricting ths rrct dctet tbd *et Cistribot6d nationally to rome l,tm n€|rlp|Detr&*lh (&ctss) hrgc l[eolv€s rbat vs'r€dl rbou hdre," 8aH Councdl Membec Kent Ao8e, rb |nffilly sqporbd the rhrign ,.Alt tlesG c@@ts abot d!!dc Bavarin andpl&fic peqle... I don't like il. I voutd cerlrinly. rwerse ny pcition on tla rock Innedia0ely, if not somer." Gail Warhlicblowmthal appeared to beee only council member sHll supporting Mortef s prorect nlesday. A well-nounded iob Eaton with Mountain Servicos reworks th€ wood finish . out. Aecording to the forecast, summer's wet weather will be staying in the vellgy for a while as afternoon and evening showers are lorecast through Friday lor th€ Vail Vall€y. fbeen made from a rock "aggregate" [substance and would have been visually , identical to the real thing. orr July 9, after already granting tentative approval, the council "reconsidered" Morte/s design. Despite several dppar€ntly , negaflve phone calls received by council . mernbe$ regardlng Morter's "fake" rock, Itlrey approved the project a second time by a Stol vote., By Tuesday, tbe shower of protest had apparent$ turned into 8 torrent. ; Morter was unavailable for comment I ftesdav. Monday, howerrer, he indicated his I project had been tried nnfairly by tbe media.| "Frun my ofn contacrts, I'm findtng a lot i mue peopb tbat like it tlnn people who I dm't" be said d{he root rksig!.I Bdt tl. cowtf, b'rirtlhg from the,rdrfi.ring Fblicity .rd Ddtic otttcry, deddcrlldtotrhcryc[rea the oval entryryays leading into Village Hall at Beav€r Creek. ion iE restoring th€ luster that wint€r's weather has sapped TheIUm:T|ne Vail Trail - Julg 11, 19aG - SefltonA Vail council overmles DRB, approves artifrcial rock for entry design By GLORIA BUCCO Vail's Dosign Review Board wasn't aa thrilld witl a desigu for the town's entry at the four- way stop as wag the Vail Town Council. But, not to worry, the oouncil flexed its c.ollective muecle this week and decided the deeign did not need DRB approval to move forrard. The degign, propoeed by Morter Architecte and anchored by a huge, artificial boulder and a low wall, was selected in late May by a committee made up of repreeentativee of the town, the Vail Valley Foundation and private citizens.It ig echeduled to be construct€d this gummer and fall and placed at the four-way etop in preparation for the 1989 World Alpine Skiing Champion' ships, which will be held in Vail and Beaver Creeh. The cbuncil reviewed the design in Juue after which Morter proceeded to DRB. lhe DRB queetioned Morter in detail about the project how it is to be conetructed and from what materials it is to be nade. After hearing Morter'e preeentation, DRB nembers made five rec.ommendatione on waye the project could be amended.The recommendation e included: o A natural stone inatead of the manufactured iione.r A natural material for thewall rather than concrete aggiregat€.o A euggestion that the aggiregate wall be cut back.. A requ€st to eee a sample of the artificial rock material. o A request for a sample of the actual lettering atyle and size for the wording on the rock. Morter retumed to the council thig week, addreesed most of the DRB'o euggestiong and received the goahead to proceed with the final stages of completion.The council approved a motion 61. with councilman Dan Corcoran voting against, to erempt the deeign frour further review by the DRB. Mortcr explnined tlrut an artificial rwk was selected becaure it woujld. be extrenuly difficukta find thp perfect rock for his dcsign Several council memberre said they had received phone calls about the design. The main gripe eeam€d to be Ote &foot tall, artificial rock. Morter explained that an artificial rock wae eelected becauge it would be extremdy difficult to frnd the perfect roch for his design. "It ie extremely unlikely that we would find a real rock of the right eize with the appropdate face," he told the council. "It would aleo be hard to Eove a real rock." Councilman Kent Rose queationed the rationale of placing an artificiaf rock in the center of the Rocky Mountains. 'A rock in the middle of the Rocky Mountains is not eye catching," he eaid. Corcoran wasn't pleaeed with what the town was getting for ite moDey. "I can't see the erpenditure of $5O(X)0 for an artificial rock and a wall," he eaid. Town manager Ron Phillipe defended the rock. "It ie really a piece ofeculpture made out of rock material," hetold the council. "It ie a repreeentation in an artietic manner." Morter prornieed the rock will look real enough. "I tell you this will look real," he told the council. Place your order now Veterans orouDs in Eagle County wanted a county flag with an eagle and Mount of the Holy Cross on it, and thev oot itl in this moditied desidn submitt€d by Douglas Abbey of Eagle. One of the veterans, Fred Nelson, itro'w-n trelb trotOinq the tlag alo-ng with courthouse worker Christie Baldwin, said that this flag cost $400 to manufacture. in larie oart Secaude ol the intricate design. lt was more intricate beforethe manufacture got noiO oi it.-tti ftaq 5t tnat size is cheap (the Colorado llag costs $100), but Nelson hopes that by getting ehough orders, tt€ cost per flag can be reduced to $7t.About 150 people turned outat th€ courthouse on ftao Savto se6 the new bountfflag unveiled. Also dsdicat€d was a plaque recognizing the Eagle County residenti killed in the Korean and Vietnam wars; tho plaque will go alongside plaques recognizing World War I and ll casualties... Pholo by Allen B€st. I ,. i I ll May sales tax figure shows improvement t l, Vail'a May sales tax figures ghowed a welcome improvement over April. According to town budget officiale, saleE tax revenuee for May, a usually slow month, were up $38,000 over projectione. Vail had expectcd S210,000 in sales tax during May and received $248,000 instead. "?hie pute ue back in verygood ehape overall," town manager Ron Phillips told the Vail Towa Council thie week.April frgures weren't so encouraging. Salea tax revenuea that month were $128,400 below budget projections. The substantial drop wae attributed to low retail sales all year, a warm epring and an .early Eaeter holiday. Saleg tax levenues projected for April were 9560,000. The town only collected $431,596.Town budget officer Steve Barwick was pleased with the $38,000 increaee. "It looks healthy and helps the cunent gituation," he aaid. Another help was collection of $56,000 in back ealed tar Aom an unnamed Vail business. Phillipe told the council that a town bueiness had neglected to pay its ealea tax to the etat€. Vail's portion, the $56,000,ghould ehow up in July's ealee tax numbers, Barwick said. Write us a lettert The VeiI Trail utelcomes leltotsb the edltor on ang topic of local concem. lzt ers are subj&t to editing for length & ta unsigned lettets will be cor?s, detd for pttbllcation atthough r16'mes nag be held upon ,equest *nd your lettct to: Tlre ValI Ttait - lders 2277 No,Ar no,r?d,Ee R@d W, UaiL c,/o|6E0-8765? SUMMER CLOTHING SALE Sefected Merchandise 20o/o Off & More thegruldeubeaR Located on Open Bridge Street in Vail Mllage Daily l0 a.m. to 6 p.m. 4764082