HomeMy WebLinkAboutB03-0211 plans MECHAN/CALLYSTABILIZED EARTH RETA /N/NG WALLS C FOR Q = w � LOT 8 FILING 4 LION 'S RIDGE SUBD/VIS/ON V N � o VAIL COL ORADO nl w ° � Q � � � � = a au; $ � W � SECTION 1 : GENERAL TECHNICAL NOTES G. Reinforced Badcfill - compacted soil which is wiU�in the reinforced soil volume as Sleve Siss Percent Passina B. Leveling Pad materials shall be compacted to provide a level hard surface on which to 3.70 Qualltv Assurence: � N � °^,° outlined on the plans. 7 inch . . . .. 100 place the first course of units. Leveling Pad materials shall be compacted to a minimum � ........... .. ... .................. .............. .. ................. .. ........ .... .. ... ........ .... .... .............. 7 .01 Deserlotlon: 3/4 inch .......... ..... .. .. .. .. ........ .... .. ... ............ .... ......... ...75100 of 95 percent of the maximum density as detertninad by AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D-698. A. The owner shall engage inspection and testing agencies, including independent a�o v . ......... .. .................. ............... � H. Foundation Soil - compacted or in-situ soil beneath the entire wall. No. 4 .... .......... ..... ...... .. ... ..... .. ............. ... .. ........ ....... .......... .. ............... .... ......... ......... 0 - 10 The moisture content of the backfill material prior to and during compaction shall be laboretories, to provide qualfly assurance and testing services during construction of the � The work shall consiat of fumishing and constructing modular KeyStone Block and Tensar No. 50............ .. ... ...... .. ... ..... .................. ................. .. ........ ..................... ............. ...... .0 - 5 unifortnly distributed throughout each layer and shall be witl�in a renge of 2% below, to project. ` Geogrid retaining wall systems in accordance with this technical scope of work and in I. Leveling Pad - a level compacted grevel footing upon which the first course of 2% above optimum moisture conteM. reasonably close confortnity with the lines and dimensions shown on the Plan and Wall Profiles segmental �ncrete fecing units are placed. 2.06 Wall Backflll: B. Testing and inspection services shall be performed only by Vained and experienced � for Lot 8 Filing 4, Lions Ridge Subdivision by Peak Land Consultants, Project No. 914, dated C. Leveling Pad shall be prepared to insure complete contact of retaining wall units with the techniaans currently qualified for the work they are to perfortn. June 5, 2003. J. Geotechnicel Engineer - Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. A. Wall backfill shall consist of suitsble on-site or imported granular materials consisting of base. USCS soil types GP, GW, SW, SP, or SM meeting the following gradation as C. The testing agency shall submit written reports to the Engineer of all inspections on a 1 .02 Work Included: K. Engineer - Terracon, Inc. detertnined in acxordance with ASTM D-422: D. Provided that compaction is maintained, leveling pad materials may be extended linearly weekly basis. Such reports shall include a description of the work perfortned, beyo�d the profiles shown on the plens to accommodate full-sized facing units. deficiencies noted in the construction and corrective action undertaken to resolve such A. Fumishing KeyStone segmental concrete facing and cap units as shown on the 2.02 Structurel Geoarlds: Si ve iz PerceM Passina deficiencies. The written reports will also inGude the location, type and results of all construction drawings. 4 inch .... .. ....... .... ....... ... .. ... .. ...... .......... .. ...... .... ..... .. .. . ..... ........ ........... .... .... .. ....... ........ 100 3.04 Seamental Conerete Facina Unit Installatlon: tests taken on the project. A. The geogrids shall be Tensar UXK1100 or as shown on ihe plans, or equivalent, No. 4 .... ... ..... ...... ....... ..... .. ... ...... ......... ... .......... ..... .. .......... .................................. ...20-700 B. Fumishing Tensar strudural geogrid reinforcement as shown on the construction consisting of regular grid structure of select high density polyethylene or polypropylene No. 40... .. ..... .... .. ....... ..... .. ... ...... .. ........ ............ ....... .. ...... .. ..................... ............. ..... 0 - BO A. The first course of KeyStone segmental concrete facing units shall be placed on top of D. Unless othervvise directed by the Engineer or required by this technical scope of work, drawings. resin. No. 200... ..... .... .. ............ .. ... ...... .. ......................... .. .......... .. ................... ............. ..... 0 - 35 and in full contact with the leveling pad. The units shall be checked for proper elevation the type and minimum frequency of testing for soils related portions of construction will and alignment. be es follows: � C. Storing, cutting and placing structurel geogrid reinforcement as spec�ed herein and as B. The minimum allowable junction strength of the geogrid, as per G.R.I-GG2, shall be The plasticity of the fine fraction shall be less than 7. shown on the construction drawings. equal to or greater than 80% of the ukimate strength of ihe geogrid, as per G.R. I: GG1 . B. Units shall be placed side by side for the full length of the wall. Proper alignment may be 1 . Field density tests in acxordance with ASTM D-2922 or ASTM D-7558. Subgrade O If hand compaction methods are utilized in any portion of the wall backfill, the maximum achieved with the aide of a string line or offset from baseline. soils - One test for every 500 to 7000 square feet of subgrade area. D. Excavation, placement and compaction of unit wall fill and backfill material as specified C. The manufacturer shall provide ceRification of the ultimate strength and junction strength particle size shall be limited to 3-inches. Base Leveling Pad - One test for every 100 lineal fee+ of well length. - herein and as ahown on the construction drewings. as per GG2 of the specified product (with acoompanying teat results 'rf requested by the C. Fiberglass connecting pins shall be installed and the voids in the units filled with tamped Reinforced Backfill - One test for every 2000 square feet of backfill per lift. (/� Engineer). B. USCS soil types CL, CH, ML, MH, or OL shall not be used in any portion of the wall unitfill. - O � E. Erection of KeyStone segmental concrete units and placement of structural geogrid. backfill including retained materials placed beyond the reinforced mnes. 2. Laboratory moisture-density relationships AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D-698, one for D. The manufacturer shall provide the certification that the ultimate strength of ihe geogrid D. All excess material shall be swept from the top of the units prior � installing the next every compacted material type. � Q � 1 .03 Rafarence Documents: as per GG1 is equal to or greater than the ultimate strength called for on the drawings. C. AII wall backfill materials shall also have the minimum engineering properties shown in course. Each course shall be completely filled prior to proceeding to next �urse. � O {� Section 4.01 , Item A. 3. Gredation Analysis in acxordance with ASTM D-422 M A. Geosvnthetic Research Institute E. The manufacturer shall fumish the Engineer with written certification that all purchased E. Lay up each course insuring that pins protrude into adjoining courses above a minimum Unit Fill - One test for every 500 cubic yards of material � � GG1 Standard Test Method for Geogrid Rib Tenaile Strength resin used to produce the structural geogrid is virgin resin. D. Test results of all proposed backfill materials, whether on-site or imported, shall be of one inch. Two pins are required per unit. Pull each unit forvvard, away from the Wall Backfill - One test for every 500 cubic yards of material � � � GG2 Standard Teat Method for Geogrid Junction Strength submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to constructian. embankment, against the pins in the previous course and backfill as the course is _ � O �p 2.03 Seamental Concrete Feclna Units: completed. Repeat procedure to the extent of wall height. E. Special inspections shall be made of the locetion, orientation and extent of geogrid � � B. Americen Association of State Hiahwav and Trensoortation Officials 2.07 Subdraln placement in each wall. � T-99 Moistur�Density Relations of Soila Using a 5.5 Pound Rammer in a 12-inch A. The segmental concrete facing units shall be manufactured by a licensed KeyStone F. Where the wall changes elevation, units can be stepped or tumed into the embankment � ■ . , O o Drop Representative. A. Dreinage composite shall be Contech C-Drein 11 K or equivalerd. with a convex retum end as appropriate. Provide appropriate buried units on leveling W r� T-180 Moisture-Density Relatlons of Soils Using a 70 Pound Rammer in a 1 &inch pad in area of convex retum end. SECTION 4: DESIGN NOTES FOR RETAINING WALL SYSTEM M ♦ ^ � � Drop B. All concrete wall units including cap units shall have a minimum net 28-day compressive B. Geotexdle used for subdrain construcUon shall be non-woven needle-punched fabric such w `� strength of 3,000 psi. The concrete units shall have the required freeze/thaw protection as Contech C-70NW. 3.05 Cao Installation: 4.01 Deslan Parametera: V C. American Societv for Testina and Materials Standards with a maximum absorption rete of 8 percent in southem climates, and 6 percent in � O � W C-33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates northem climates. C. Drain pipe shall be 4inch diameter slotted PVC such as ADS Drainguard. A. Place Ke y Stone Cap units over protecting pins from units below. Pull forwerd to set q, Design of tt�e reinforcad soil structure is based on the followin g paremeters: C-140 Methods of Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units back position. Backfill and compact � finished grede. tt� O � � O C-150 Specificetion for Portland Cement 1 . Cementatious materials used in the manufacture of the units shall be Type I or D. Gravel shall be clean 3/4-inch minus free draining stone or crushed rock with no more Wall Seament Frictlon Male oheslon Unit Welaht � �y C-1372 Standard Specifications of Segmental Retaining Wall Uniffi Type II PorUand cement in accordance with ASTM C-150. than 5% passing a U.S. No. 200 sieve. B. As required, provide pertnanent mechanical connection to wall units with �nstruction Reinf. Backfill 32° 0 psf 120 pcF y � �� D�422 Method for Partide Size Analysis of Soils adhesive or epoxy. Apply adhesive or epoxy to bottom surface of cap units and install Ret. Backfill 3G° 0 psf 110 pcf � a D-698 Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soils Using Standard 2. AII aggregates used in the manufacture of tl�e units shall be nortnal weight 2.08 Deliverv. Storaae and Nandlina: on units below. Construction adhesive shall be "Stay-Stuck SS200", KeyStone Foundation 30° 0 psf 110 pcf Effort confortning to ASTM C-33. Kapseal, or equivalent. D-732 Shear Strength of Plastic by the Punch Tool Method A. SVucturel Geogrid The Geotechnical Engineer of Record should confirtn the design paremeter prior ta O D-790 Flexural Properties Testing of Plastic 3. Other Constituents - Air entraining agents, coloring pigments, integral water 3.06 Structural Geoarld Installatlon: retaining wall cons4vction. Confirtnation of design parameters shall be submilted to _ D-1557 Method for Laboretory Compaction Characteristics of Soils Using Modified repelleMs, finely ground silica, and other constituerrts shall be previously 7 . Contredor shall check to ensure that the proper materials have been received Terracon. Effort established as suitable for use in segmentel �ncrete retaining wall units and shall upon delivery. A. Geogrid shall be oriented with the highest strength axis perpendicular to the wall � D-1558 MeVwd for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in-Place by the Sand Cone Method confortn to applicable ASTM Standards or shall be shown by test or experience alignment. B. IMemal Stability of Walls D-2922 Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate In Place by Nuclear Methods not to be detrimental to the durability of the segmental concrete facing units or 2. AII geogrids shall be stored above -20°F (-29°C). Minimum Factor of Safety on Geogrid Strength........................................................ 1 .5 D�253 Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a any material customarily used in masonry construction. B. Geogrid reinforcement shall be placed at the elevation(s) and to the extent(s) shown on Minimum Factor of Safety on Geogrid Pulbut ............. ............................................. 1 .5 Vibretory Table 3. CoMrector shall prevent exc:essive mud, wet cement, epoxy, and like material the construction drewings or as directed bythe Engineer. Percent Coverage of Geogrld .......... ...................................................................... 100% D-4254 Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation C. F_xterior dimensions of units may vary in accordance with ASTM C-1372. Stendard and which may affix lhemseNes to the gridwork, from coming in contact with the of Relative Denaity Compac units shall have a minimum of 1 square foot face area each. Segmentel geogrid material. C. The geogrid soil reinfornement shall be laid horizontally on compaded backfill. The C. Ex�mal Stability D-4595 Tensile Pmperties of Geotextiles by The Wide-Width Strip Method concrete facing unit dimensions shall not differ more than t 1 /8 inch (3.2 mm) from the geogrid shall be pulled taut and anchored prior to backfill placement on the geogrid. No Minimum Factor of Safety Against Base Sliding .................. ............. ..... ................... 1 .5 manufacturer's published dimensions. 4. Rolled geogrid material may be laid flat or atood on end for storage. tensioning of the geogrid meterials shall be required. Minimum Factor of Safety P�gainst Overtuming ........... ...................................... ....... 2.0 D. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc., Subsoil Study for Foundation Design, Lot 8 Filing 4 Minimum Factor of Safety /�gainst Globel Instability (Wall A only) .................... ....... 1 .3 Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Job No. 101 549, dated October 77, 2002. D. KeyStone Compac blodc units with unit fill shall provide a minimum of 150 psf of wall 5. Geogrids shall be stored acxording to manufacturer's recommendations. D. Geogrid reinforcsments shall be continuous throughout their embedment length(s). Un'rfortn Surcharge..... ...... ........................... .................. ....... ........................ 0 or 250 psf face area. Fill which is placed within the dimensions of the units may be considerad as Spliced connections between shorter pieces of geogrid will not be allowed unless pre- Badcfill Slope ................................................. .............................................. 2H:1 V Max. •• E. Peak Land ConsulteMs, Inc, Wall Profile and Plan, Lot S Filing 4, Lion's Ridge 80% of the effective weight. B. Segmental Concrete Facing Units approved by the Engineer prior to construction. � m � W Subdivision, Project No. 974, dated June 5, 2003. D. Hydrostatic Loading ...................................................... ..................................... .....None � Y z Y � � �+ � E. Units shall have angled sides capable of concave and convex alignment curves with a 1 . CoMractor shall check the units upon delivery to ensure that proper materials E. Tracked cons4vction equipment shall not be operated directly upon the geogrid c� � � � LL i � � � � F. Where specifications and reference documents conflict, the Engineer shall make final minimum radius of 3-1/2 feet. have been received. reinforcement. A minimum fill tliidcness of B inches is required prior to operetion of �! o � detertnination of the applicable dxument. trecked vehicles over the geogrid. Trecked vehicle tuming should be kept to a minimum INDEX OF DRAVVINGS a F. Units shall be iMerlocked witti non-corrosive fiberglass pins. 2. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement, epoxy, and like materials to prevent trecks from displacing the fill and damaging the geogrid. 1 .04 Soeclal Provlslons: from coming in contact with and affixing to the units. G. Finish and Appearence F. Rubber-tired equipmeM may pass over geogrid reinforcement at slow speeds, less than A. The designs presented herein are based on wall profiles, soil parameters, foundation 3. Contractor shall protect the units from damage (i.e. crecks, chips, spalls). 10 mph. Sudden breaking and sharp tuming shall be avoided. RW� - Technical Scope of Work conditions and badings stated in documentation as outlined in Section 1 .03, Items D 1 . AII units shall be aound and free of cracks or other defects that would iMerfere Damaged unita shall be evaluated for usage in the wall according to ASTM: C-90 RWZ - Site Plan and E, and Section 4.01 , Item A. Geotechnical parameters used in the design should be with the proper placing of the unit or significantly impair the strength or and ASTM: C-1372. G. No changes to geogrid layout, including, but not limited to, length, geogrid lype, or confirtned by ttie Geotechnical Engineer of Record prior to retaining wall construction. pertnanence of the construction. Minor cracks incidental to the usual method of elevation, shall be made without the approval of the Engineer. RW3 - Retain ing Wall A� B and C Profiles manufacture, or minor chipping resulting from shipment and delivery, are not SECTION 3: EXECUTION RW4 - Retainin Wall A and D Profiles B. Terracon assumes no liability for interpretation of subsurface conditions, suitability of soil grounds for rejection. 8.07 Subdraln Construction: 9 design parameters and subsurface groundwater conditions made by othera. 3.01 construct�on: RWD'I - Typical Wall Cross Sections 2. The exposed surfaces of units shall be free of chips, cracks or other imperfections A. Upon completion of excavation, and prior to placemerrt of reinforced backfill, a subdrain C. The ovmer shall be responsible for the oost of all means of subsoil improvement; cost of when viewed from a distance of 10 feet under diffused lighting. A. The excavation shall be cartied to the lines and gredes shown on the construction shall be constructed at ihe rear of the excavation to the lines, grades and dimensions RWD2 - Wall Construction Details z additional subsoil exploration; and for all labor tools, equipment and inciderrtals drawings and to the extent necessary to place strudural geogrid at the required shown on the plans. The ge000mposite should provide 50% coverage of tlie excavation � necessary to complete the work. H. Sampling and Testing embedment lengths. Contractor shall be careful not to disturb base or existing soil�lls slope along the lenglh of each wall, and should extend for 2/3 the slope heigM. If beyond the lines shown except for that necessary to comply with applicable safety groundwater is enoountered, geocomposite coverage shall be increased to 100�o along ��' D. The contractor shall be responsible for complying with all federal, stete and local 1 . Sample and test units for compressive strength and absorption in acxordance regulations. the length of the slope. N O requirements for execution of the work, including local building inspection and current with the applicable provisians af ASTM Method G140. Compreasive strength test Z OSHA excavation regulatfons. specimens shall confortn to the saw�ut coupon provisions of section 5.2.4 of B. Excavations will be made in a manner which will not disturb the existing construction on B. Subdrains should be sloped and led to a positive gravity discharge at maximum 50 O ASTM C-140 with the following exceptions: the site. Contractor will provide protection ar will construct the walls in such a manner to feet on center or at ends of wall. Slope drains a minimum of 1 % to outfall. � E. Prior to undertaking any greding or excavetion of the site, the Contractor shall confirm maintain the integrily of existing improvements during construction. the location of proposed retaining walls and all underground features, including utility a. Coupons shall have a minimum thickness of 1 -1/2 inches (38. 1 mm). 3.08 Relnforced Backflll Placemerrt: � locations within the area of construction. C. In�itu materials excavated from the location of the retaining wells ahall be stockpiled on- I. Color site at locations designated by the owner and in locations which will not interfere with the A. Reinforced backfill shall be placed, spread, and compacted in such a manner that F. All work undertaken in the construction of retaining walls is subject to the qualily control/ execution of the work. minimizes the development of slack in the geogrid. assurance and special inspection provisions outlined in Section 3.10. 1 . Block samples, indicating available colors, shall be provided to the owned developer for color selection prior to construction. 3.02 Subarade Preoaratlon: B. Reinforced backfill shall be placed and compacted in lifts not to exceed 6 inches where G. Terracon has completed engineering design of the proposed retaining walls, including hand compaction is used, or &10 inches where heavy mechanical compaction � intemal stability and locel extemal stability where applicable, based upon the infortnation A. Subgrede shall be excavated as required for placement of the leveling pad as shown on equipment is used. o provided to us as outlined above. Terra�n assumes that the suitabilily of placing 2.04 Flberalass Connectina Pins the construction drawings, or as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. retaining walls at the bcations provided � us, including geotechnical and geological C. Reinforced backfill shall be compac�d to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum suitability, has been detertnined by othera. A. Connecting pins shall be 1/2 inch diameter thertnoset isopthalic polyestsr resinlpultruded B. Subgrade shall be examined by the Geotechnical Engineer to confirtn that the actual density as determined by AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D-698. The moisture content of the fiberglass reinforcement rods. foundation conditiona meet or exceed assumed design assumptions. As a minimum, backfill material prior to and during compadion shall be unifortnly distributed tt�roughout � SECTION 2: MATERIALS soil shall be proof-rolled before construction proceeds. Subgrade conditions not meeting each layer and shall be within a range of 3% below, to 3% above opHmum moisture B. Pins shall have a minimum flexural strength of 128,000 psi and short beam shear of the required strengUi shall be removed and replaced with acceptable material. content. If a well defined maximum density curve can not be generated by impact 2.01 Deflnitions: 6400 psi. compaction in the laboratory, the backfill shall be compacted to a minimum of 70 pere;ent C. Over-excavated areas shall be replaced with compacted grenular backfill material or of relative density as determined by ASTM D-4253 and D-4254. A. Structural Geogrid - a structural geogrid fortned by a regular network of integrelly 2.05 Base Levelina Pad MateAal and Unit FIII for Block: soils approved by the Geotechnical Engineer to the lines and grade ahown on the � connected tensile elements with aperturea of sufficient size to allow interlocking with construction drewings. D. Reinforced backfill shall be compacted in all areas to the lines end grades shown on the p R surrounding soil, rock, or earth and function primarily as reinforcement. A. Base Leveling Pad Material: Material for leveling pad shall consist of compacted sand, plans including all sloped areas above or between wall tiers. "o��T RFOq�D,F gravel, aushed rock or any combination thereof (use USCS soil types GP,GW,SW,SP D. Granular backfill shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 10 inches in thickness, ''�., B. Segmental Concrete Facing Units - a KeyStone segmental concrete facing unit, or SM), a minimum of 8 inches in thidcness, constructed to the minimum dimensions compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum density as detertnined by E. Only lightweight hand-operated campaction equipment shall be allowed wittiin 4 feet of machine made from portland cement, water and minerel aggregates. shown on the construction drawings. Non-reinforced concrete may be used as an AASHTO T-99 or ASTM D-698. The moisture conterrt of the backfill prior to, and during the face of the wall. : aRemate. compaction shall be unifortnly distributed throughout each layer and shall be wRhin a z ; * ' C. Geotextile - a Contech spun-bound non-woven engineering fabric intended for tensile range of 2�o below, to 2�o above optimum moisture content. 3.09 Site Dralnaae: ,� �? reinforcement with high filtration and permeability charecteristics. B. Unit Fill: Fill for units shall consist of clean 1 " minus free-draining well graded crushed s�,''�.,FSS� Nor+' stone or grenular fill, meeting the requiremerrts of the following gradation tested in 3.03 Base Levelina Pad: A. At the end of each days operation, the Contractor shall slope the last lift of reinforc�d ', qp '•a�NA� E.••�,� D. Cap Unit - a KeyStone segmental concrete cap unit. accordance with ASTM D�22: backfill away from the wall facing to rapidly direct runoff away from the wall face. ', F oF Co�� ' A. Leveling Pad materials shall be placed as shown on the plans, upon undisturbed soils or '---- E. Unit Fill - granular fill which is within the segmental concrete facing units. compacted subgrade, to a minimum depth of 8 inches. B. The Contractor shall not allow surtace runoff from adjacent areas to enter the wall construction site. F. Subdrain - a combined system of slotted pipe, dreinage composite, geotextile fabric and gravel, provided for intemal drainage behind the reinforced backflll on walls. TECHNICAL SCOPE OF WORK SHEETNO. : RW- 1