HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 20 LEGALcflntlrTY 0Ft/ELnnG}l' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tat| 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: CORBOY CHANGE Project Descrifion: DRBilumber: DR8080046 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO RENOVATE DGSTING GAMGE IN PI.ACE. THE FOUNDATION OF THE DCSTING GAMGE MUST REMAINING IN PI.ACE WTftI THIS RENOVATION OF THE GAMGE AS IT ALLOWS THE LEGAL NON-CONFORMING ENCROACHMENT INTO THE Participants: OWNER PHTLTP H. CORBOY JR. TRUST 02/2s12008 33 N DEARBORN CHICAGO rL 60602 APPUCANT FRIZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 0212512008 Phonez 970476-6342 1550 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAiL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHffiCT FRI1ZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS 0212512008 Phone: 970-476{342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 Project Address: 1460 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1,160 GREENHILL CT Legal Description: Lot: 20-B Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-124-0303-8 Comments: SeeConditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 03/09/2008 C.ond: 8 (P1-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB appoal shall not become valH for 20 days bllowlrc tre date of approval, pulsuant b the Vall To,rrn code, ChapEr 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Cond: 202 (PLAttl): Appro\ral of thls proJect stnll hpe and beome roil one (f) year ftlloving the dab of flnal apprwal, unless a bullding permlt ls bsr.red and consiluctbn ls comm€nced and ls dllBenty purued bvyard @mdedon. @nd: CON0009823 The appllcant shall not r€mo/e the exbltrrg fuundaton for the gnrage r a part d thb prcJect. In order to r€taln the legal non-onbmlng sta[rs of the garage ln the fttont seback O€ odstlng fouMaUon cannot be remored. Dlft friofii around tfie founddon wall can be rernored so the wall can be water goofed. Plilnner: WanenCampbell DRB Fcc Peld: l2O.0O Changes To The APProved P-lans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development - zs io,ltn Frontaqe Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 97 0.47i.2128 fax: 970'479'2452 web: www.vailgov'com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Descrip.tion of the Location of tlre Proposalz btft2fusbck:Subdivision: G"t+ Parce,no;ZlOhl2 1OP 38 (Contact Eagle Co. Assesse'at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s):e ffii; Mailing Address:rbarl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: q, a ftr w t \v g -c r Physical Address: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 D tr ! D Minor Alteration (s i n g I e_-!ami lyld u pl ex) W'tch"ng", to Approved Plans lo27 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/ For an addition where square footage is added residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions &,convfifqirs;,1 -; For minor changes to buildings and site such as, re-roofing, painting. window additiont fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvem re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desicn Review Board. For Officellre Only: Fee Paid: / V' ****l++'t**rtlf+t'}'}*++t+*lti**+***+f'i*+l*****ttt**'ttrt*************t*+a******l******la*l*l***+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt *al*+ff*+'}'t*'|*lllffll'}atlf++f+*++++++*irtf*****ft*tttfl+ttat.'t'*tt****t*t*tft*ataltlttafffaa++ Statement Nuriber: R080000200 Amourlt: 920.00 02/25/2OOBO2:31 pM Palment Method: Check IniE: iIS Notation: 14959/FRfTZIJBN PIERCE Permit No: DR8080045 lype: DRB-chg to Appr plan8 Parcel No: 2103-124-0303-8 Slte Addreag : 14 5 O GREENHIIJIJ er VAIIJ IJOCAtion: 1460 GREENHIIJJ CT Total FeeE: $20.00 Thia Palment: $20.00 Tota1 AIJIJ pnts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 *****'}*++{'{'**+{'+*+**+*+++t++t**a********a'++iitt*f,a*tt******i***++fttft+++**++*+**+at+***aaa* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LIZ2OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 FRITZLEN PlERCE ARCHITECTS VAIT, COTORADO February 25, 20OB Town of Vail Community Development Department Attn.: Warren Camobell Re: Corboy garage renovation - Change to Approved Plans Dear Warren: Attached please find the Design Review Board (DRB) application for a Change to the Approved Plans for the renovation of the Corboy garage which we discussed with you in January. The original garage plan, which you and the DRB reviewed and approved in 2007 proved to be more expensive than the owner, Phil Corboy, found acceptable. In lieu of the complete demolition, relocation and expansion of the garage, Mr. Corboy has elected to remove the roof and second story walls and re-construct the second story and roof. The second story walls will be raised 24" allowing an I foot tall garage door to accommodate a vehicle with skis on a ski rack. Additionally, we would like to raise the driveway grade and garage floor 18 inches to reduce the (downhill) grade into the garage entrance. The exposed foundation walls will be cleaned and waterproofed. We would preserve and re-use the existing pavers. These combined changes have changed the overall height of the roof to 23'-4" , within the Town's height guidelines. Finally, while raising the driveway, we will replace the snowmelt tubing under the pavers to restore the snowmelt system to proper operation. All materials, colors and details on the rebuilt garage will be identical to the existing materials with the exception of the wood shingles which will be replaced with the DaVinci synthetic shakes approved in the original DRB application. Based on our discussion with you at our January meeting, we agreed that the scope of the project, being less than 50% of the original building, meets the Town's guidelines for a remodeling project. The garage will remain nonconforming, as we discussed. The proposed addition to the main house, approved in the original submittal, remains unchanged. Warren, I assume that much of the information provided with the original application, and on file in your office, is still applicable to this application. Those documents include: o Joint Property Owner Approval Letter FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAtL, cotoR Do . Stamped topo Suney . Site & Grading Plan . Landscape Plan r Exterior Colorc & material samples & spec's.. LithtinS Phn and CutSheet.o Title Report r Photos where applicable Atlached please find the completed application for a Change to Approved Plan13 seb of Archibctrral plans for the rwised submittal, and our check for 920.00. Warren, if you find that additional information is required to review and process this application, please call me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely youn, Tyson 1650 fast Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 , Vail, Colorado 81657 P: 9 r-0.476.6342 F:970.476.4ft(11 E: info@vailarchiter:ts.conr www.vailarchi tects.conl 6Ln4on I /ofa-o Design Review Board ACTION FORtjl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax:g7f,.4tg.24Sz web: www.vailgov.com o6,[ut{af E€r/ELOFtaEt{f Project Name: CORBOY SEPEMTION REeUEST Project Description: This aplication was withdrawn as it was determined that a seperation reguest was not needed as the demo of the garage and lower room was less than 50o/o of the GRFA bn the site and therefore the nonconformity would remain for the reconstruction of the Participants: owNER pHIUp H. CORBOY JR. TRUST 06120/2006 33 N DEARBORN CHICAGO IL 60602 APPUCANT FRPLEN pIERcE ARcHmcrs 06l zolzoo6 phone: 97047 6-6342 1650 EASTVAILVALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARcHmcr FRIIZLEN pIERcE ARcHmCrs 0612012006 phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ProJectAddress: 1460 GREENHILL cTVAIL Location: 1460 GREENHILL cT Legal Description: Loe 20-B Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-124-0303-g Comments: DRB Number: DRB050239 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: WfffiDRWN Date of Approval: Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. :,....1 .r. . Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse of final apprwal, unless.a building and ls dilpenUy pursued bward co Ptanner: WarrenCampbell nd beome void one (1) year following the date rmt is issued and onstrwtion is commenced DRB Fee Paid: Design Review Board Corboy Residence Separation Request 7-5-06 E. Residential Development: l. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that residential development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape desigrr shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. 2. The presence of significant site constraints may permit the physical separation of units and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the Design Review Board. Significant site constraints shall be defined as natural features of a lot such as stands ofmature trees, natural drainages, stream courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural features, and existing structures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the Design Review Board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before final design work on the project is presented. This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the site, a detailed survey of the lot and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). 3. The residential development may be desigred to accommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one structure if the Design Review Board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlined herein shall be required for the development. In addition, the Design Review Board may require that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unifi ed site development. Maintaining a Non-conformity DEMO/REBUILD: The destruction, demolition, or removal of fifty percent (50%) or more of the gross residential floor area of an existing dwelling unit or structure. The determination of the fifty percent (50o/o) shall be calculated upon "gross residential floor area" as defined in this section. Corboy's proposing to remove 336 square feet of GRFA of a structure totating 5,782 square feet. Which is 5.8% of the total GRFA. Proposing to put back in 670 square feet of GRFA Ru",J" ions in flo'" [Jh* C"'LT K"Jo"u Do' J Gns*rurkl ZONING the applicable ordinances of the Town of Vail, and by the following design guidelines: A. General. I . Structurcs shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. It is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consid- eration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein coniained. 2. Any building site in Vail is likely to have its own unique land forms and featurcs. Whenever possible, these existing '- features should be preserved and reinforced by new con- struction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites in a way that leaves the natural land forms and features in- tact, treating the buildings as an integral part of the site, rather than as isolated objects at odds with their surroundings. B. Site planning. l. The location and configuration of structures and access ve g requlre- ments resulting development shall be designed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculprural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the proPerty boundary. 2. Buildine siting and access thereto shall be resPonsive to panems, and vegetation. 3@and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for development of the site or those identified as diseased. 4. All areas disnrrbed during constnrction shall be revegetated. If necessary, the DRB may designate allowable limits of construction activity and require physical barriers in order to preserve significant narural features and vegetation upon a site and adjacent sites during construclion. waYs (vail I l-16.93) 454d June 13, 2006 Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn.: Warren Campbell, Senior Planner The Town of Vail Design Review Board Re: 1460 Creen Hill Court/Lot 20, Clen Lyon Subdividivison Dear Mr. Campbell, On behalf of our client, Fritzlen Pierce Architecs respectfully submis this statement of justification for a continuing separation for the garage at the above listed address. The existing duplex residence and detached garage are proposed to be modified as shown on the plans attached to the initial DRB submittal package and supplemental information submitted in response to staff comments. The existing detached garage was constructed within the 20 foot front yard setback. Removal of the existing garage corrects this setback violation. As shown on the site plan, the new garage will be correctly located within the lot building boundaries. The existing lot boundaries and topography introduce physical constraints that the original house design and the detached garage respected. The existing grade slopes steeply down from the road to the house, dropping approximately 11.5feetin50feet;anaveragegradeof23%. Reorientingthedrivewayentrancecould produce a drop of 20.5 feet in 80 feet, an average grade ol neady 26%. The lot frontage on Creenhill Court is approximately 52 feet in width. This width limits the construction of a switch-back driveway in a site conscious manner. A driveway would require significant earthwork, the construction of site retaining walls and the removal of a significant number of mature deciduous and coniferous trees. The original house design recognized this constraint and the Town of Vail granted approval of the separation accordingly. In its existing configuration, the house does not now readily lend iself to the addition of an attached garage. The structure is located too close to the north setback line to permitthe construction of a garage on the north. Living spaces and windows have been located at the perimeter of the residence, effectively precluding attaching a new garage. T The Joint Property Owner has approved the pioject as indicated onthetoint Property Owner Written Approval Letter submitted with the original DRB application. A supplemental Joint Property Owner Wriftelt Approval Letter acknowledging the Separation Request is attached. The completed application for this Separation Request is attached. Fritzlen Pierce ArchitecG respectfully requests both staff and DRB consideration and approval of this request. Sincerely, William Pierce Applicatlon for Design Review oepaoiant of commudv Developnent 75 SouU Frontage Road, Vail, Cglor"do 8t657 td: 970.479.2139 'fu,x: 974.479,2452 wcb: Yvlvw.v.il9ov. Eom Gcnoral InformaUon: All projccts rcquiring dc$gn rcviev,/ must rec€ive appruv9l prior to 5ubmitting a t uildin! p€rmit application, Hease refer to the $bmittal requircments lor th€ padiculsr approvel that is request€d. An apdicatFn fcr D€sign Review cannot be accepted until all required information is rtccir,ed by thr Cofifiunity 0delopment Departmcnt. The project m€y also n€€d b be rcviorved W the Tqwn Cquncil and/or the pbnning and EnvironmenEi cnmmisson. DatLn revicw app?oval laFas unl6c r bual.ting DefinG a, issued and conrtructio[ cornmenccr witlrin onc ycar ot thc approvrl. FTN"LI*lY e€or ottl|c Plopolrl:t*t20 9tbdMslon:on 6tt Phydcrl Addrcrr:\/^-I earano.: 2l (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328'8St0 fior parccl rc.) Zoniog: llrmr(:) of Orner(c): Mrilng rurrlrl .71 Phona!Q- own€r(s) liignaturc(e N.me otApplkant!vw.z -,1_ Mrillng Addre$:b Vo\ Jun-13-00 02: l0prn Fron-T0llll 0F VAlt C0t{lul{llY DEVEL0P[tiIT 9?017s 415?T-032 P.002/007 F 033 fe C.ent Typ€ of Revlrwcnd F!.: u Jrgns tr Conqtual Rrvierv tr l,lcw Consbuction tr Addttion O Hinor Atcouon (m ultffdmily/ccomrn€rcia l) E Mhor Alterouon (srngle,i.rni V/du pcx) tr Ch8nges to Approved Plan: .,0l. Separatjon Requ€st $50 EgI $f.00 per 3qulre foot oftobi 5i9n area. No F€e $650 For constructon ofa new building or dcmo/rebuild- $300 Fgr an addiuon wh€re squ.re f@bge i3 adcleo to any residcntial or comm€rEi.l buildirB (lndud$ 250 additions & int€rior @nvergrons). $250 For minor chtnF to buildings and sit€ improvements, such .t reroofing, pairiting, windoh, adctltions, Lndsc.ping, fencct and ' rstaining wrllE etc.$20 For minor changcs to bulldings ard siE imProv€n€ntg, 3ud1 at reroofing paintiog, window addiuons, hndscaping, fences and retaining w!115, €tc.520 For rwisons to 9l!n3 rlrcrdy approved by Planning Statf or tj|e oeslgn RsvlcrY Doord, No Fe€ TL"l y' p o N w Y) Urs Only: ' Lt nn friUlcn, AlA. Ar(.hitect William F Fir.'rce, Alc hitLr(l KathV Hc:lrrrga, Bu!(r(,ss N,lan.rgcl Very Sincerely You rs, I l1*ar I Tysdn Dearduff FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO 16 June 2006 Mr. Warren Campbell Re: Corboy DRB submittal documents Dear Warren, Thank you for the time you graciously spent with me reviewing some of the Town of Vail's submittal requirements. Your explanation was clear and concise and has been very helpful. At the conclusion of our discussion you indicated that we could provide materials to you on Monday, June19. We will finalize our submittal on Monday, but are providing some of the pieces that may require more time to review today. Attached at this time please find our revised CRFA calculations with supporting plan and section drawings including the below grade credit diagnm for your use and review. Also attached at this time is the site plan (at 1"=10') with the original lot topography and the proposed garage roof plan superimposed for you use in determining the building height We are awaiting the owner's signed .loint Property Owner's Written Approval Letter and Separation Request, although the unsigned forms are attached for your use. Please give me a call if you have any questions or corrections to the materials we have provided today. I {,f {) [.rst Vi)rl Val[:v Drivc, Fallridr-t C-1 . Vail, G,hrrad, ' 81(i57 P' ')70.17(r.(,JJ2 t: {r7()..11(,.4!rt) I [: irfr ri!-r)v.rrlrrr;hit|r ts r, rnr r\nt\v-vailar'( hikrd!.r a)nl GEBo=lnl JUN r0 2000 a WN OF VAIL tnt : tul t( lnl UU TO I ccit$,uhtry c€lELoPltEhT 4lAo,Ly*, /o#o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.,179.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: CORBOY NEW GAMGE/GRFA Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL TO DEMOLISH EXISTING GAMGE. CONSTRUCT NEW GAMGE. ADDMON OF GRFA. THE NEW GAMGE WAS NOT REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A SEPEMTION REQUEST AS THIS WAS CONSIDERED A DEMO/REBUILD AND LESS THAN A 10o/o DEMO. Participants: owNER PHIUP H. CORBOYJR. TRUST 05/30/2006 33 N DEARBORN CHICAGO rL 60602 APPUCANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 05/30/2006 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001402 ARCHITECT FR|ZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 05/30/2006 Phone: 970-47 6-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C.1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 Project Addressr 1460 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1460 GREENHILL CT Legal Description: Lot: 20-B Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-124-0303-8 Comments: See Conditions DRB Number: DR8060194 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApProvah 07 | L9 12006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. I fr Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008258 The applicant shall insure that the new garage does not encroach into either the front or side setbacks. A Foundation ILC will be required prior to requesting a framing inspection in conjunction with the building permit. Cond: CON0008259 The applicant shall adjust the limits of disturbance fence on the site plan to include all areas to be gnded. This revised plan shall be included in the building permit submittal set. @nd: CON0008260 The applicant shall submit prior to submitting for building permits a copy of an Environmental Hazard Repoft detailing any mitigation required to mitigate the Moderate Hazard Debris Flow on this lot as identified in the Town of Vail adopted Debris Flow Hazard Map, Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 Dotc:6-t Lcgal : Lot Ad drcss O'sncr Architctt Zonc Lot sizc ZONE CHECK -06 -.- Filing Pbonc Phonc hoposcd usc Btdldablc Allrotrcd - Existing . proposcd Iat4l roralGRFA =6iW S,0l_. iL=Tnt Prinrary GRFA - * 1orr,11uru1= L/ 0l!1y;Sitt*_Oo = 4nS sccondaryGRFA + ttzrrcts,l- ?67I lI\L _ F- =-n\b + 675= 425 crcdit plus 2j0 addition tl Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? /UO Rcmainina _q5g Horv much of r.hc alloivcd 250 Addition is uscd with Olr r.qu.nl__J"h1 g__ Sitccovcragcrfl SSlf.? $ru + -Hcigbt tr" >'t7-)' G@ __ W Sctbacks Front ,,. 20. Sidcs .J 5, Rcar 15' land*apingffi lvfinimum lN6 Enrironmcntalflazards l) pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 5) Gcof ogic Hazaras Jet a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Pro'ious conditions of approval (cbcck propcrty filc); AlA Sctback 4) Watcr Coursc lsthcpropcrtynon-conforming? oo.no., 3l-o.r q acc,1(. currently A^l setLk ----f--rt- rl- --"-" 7 ' H,2ts lttnv Rctrining Wall Hcig!6 3, I 6.parking *r,r,o?W.,I3 = ^3__:pffi*,*.o Garagccrcdit rinn\/(nn\rnr,^/th E\1 5!?!^Garagccrcdit Goo)(6oo)(roo6 Uffi; r;;'lL% Proposcdsropc Conrptics wirh TOV Lighring Ordinancc Vcs_._X_ No_ Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Vcs__X_ No_.- 'iT:s agl:a+:-\ *ll| rcc+;Q +L+ ua 't I .. -'rc+D:. d.q) r:. s$c33vq{l ,, : r,.llr.;la"rdrshbift' ppu.apuu.sioaca rffi +i. I snmrnirnoml +J.i'.i ,.. su0!1.!4scJ lEld 'r.rl...Yu"PA ,uop1mi,[c4 _ ' ?.,r'. .' ctlcJo.solbqd r'. i t . (e:9 y) uoAaloi-pg1 "..: .- r. ',lotqovoluop .. i ,Jrn\, . 'it ', ,rlleAt 8uFletcu c8engTgugn4 -. o.a :.!.. saourJ ' .'{ J . l- . adol51apug c11g uoumuuoo rfereo t.. .: scluoJlugr/qcrq sluiuqlEotJr{J lqtrag 6'uJn-png (y) siueqrr,rqpcaeX ;- 9\', gi, fr' :.i .' '' (pmo.6rcpunlsepfir61 t'i. scFuV cpErts\uns u0Fsrup?A.O.C scldurus Jep:;uiu iuroJpg - tr ijSl'; ruoJ uopergra^ 4lpp.,ili' snpSl.t\rI,IIIDSIt,{ ..r r" 'i '"..i ,. t;.peij1 - ,.r.,..1 ' ctsrs Itl}lrdlurs D 'i I Su,oPcac;c 19dg .i yrrr1l l r .r,cArr1$oeror Alun rJarl s?Jrzsg |euaurubn rug {reqlcs csrtloJ rtTEAI . u!pl6 poog .!C 00I ri, {qde6odo1 slurutJsEg saryclqep[ng SZrq to.r I uogdpscp 1efi1 -:'i :lJEufqllI:'g ',.r 'frrT- clBcs , .l.:r^uns D 'Fr .' r.: . ;". l q'!.or4 . rsrDrcdcA{gr^gu.ugrsaq ,l J Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Subdivision: i^--f v IOI4{V General Information: All projects requiring destqn review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Req Location of the Proposal: Lot:3: i) Block: Physical Address:-: Zoning:....t \ .) i' Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: i, - - ': .p'i.;i:! i' Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Maifing Address: lJ i:) E-mail Address: Phonel Fax: Type of Review and Fee: n Signs ! Conceptual Review E--ii* Construction D Addition ! Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) D Changes to Approved Plans O Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addjtions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desrgn Review Board. No Fee rum t-'AlrL U1/Ul PAGE A2 l3t/ /bi l6V5 J,.t : 5J ,ll Z-J!,rb / Jqq ivdlzbt2w5 Bgi49 976<7E49AL t.H 1L UUF]TJUY . R FP5 t qdrdo|rotur. ApplicaUon for Dcslgn Revlaw "ffi, Asscsror 't 970.329€6{0 lor prrcet m,) C- ''terco ".Js Slugt t50 tto Fra l6r0 {t00 $230 i20 fi0 l{o Fcr lb/! lt.oO p., 3rldr,r bc o, toot cgn .,s.. , ffi#frffi: HSur :##;:',ffi8,?LX,* Etratr-ilf| .haloy rDprovcc bv Frannras strfi or tr f.sdon o{ Ctr Ftcporrl: W:b B. Phlrlcrt Arl(}6r: hrrcaf fro.: ZtO<lZ_rl0 3 &- fona.t s"gr" co.Zoning: t{rmc(r) ot Orrrn r{r}: ltrilrng Ad.lnrr: owndr) stcmbr.(r)l N.m. of lpClc.nt: Mrllfng Ad.t crtr :-mall /lddr,:c: t{@ 311"*'"*.,'c '.G O Coisrpn.|| R.rrtft ffigno,c,- D MioorAttrrlttfil (nl#hmtty/Omnrertart Mlno? Altr'lton 1lngle/lmitv/du9ta) Chanocs to &novro pbnl SrpaBtbn neauclt I 'Thursd*y.!!ay-!8, 200610;54AM SGODESIGNERGLASS(970) 827-5A62 AilL7l26AE tE!39 3ll-gd6?344 FHrL CFBUY JR tonT Pno?[rrTonriltn wrutTtilA?froY ttlr?En PAGE P.02 E3193 r\rZr! G;, EatL*l z' ! Joht own€r ot F,lpGtV bc|Ed !t (gddfeir/lagrl tudpq*) fiu,ldeilirGGerrswdttenrpprsntofhcplrnrdrt$ thy 9, 100,6 rgdrhrw bccn etmittsd !o tlt 1bm of vr! Commury Dwclcpt tcrt Drptmefit for th. ptorEd lnpfi,vem|'|E b !6 condcbd dt dre Udrc$ ltobd abovt, I undaEhnd lrat t rc rcoocd rrnpnocrun$ lrdudr: I fudw underrtanrr filt rhktr moddbtbnr mry be made b th€ prgl! or*f tht €'u,oe of the ,"vr'rv ptce$ tr sffirrE wnpltrnce wntr thc Tiln! +pficrble 6q&t rnd Bgqhu.orts, \/, ,, t/ nWwltil$r*nr1jlttrrrrtrgylf g\r011t-0r161!rrg|*rr_t6"d.c re{"2ffi fllt*taataaflflt'}********tlfaaa*tf*faat++lt**ttt*lfl*l*tt'}ll'|{r*'}******l*tfflffflflff*tla*aa* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€rn€nt Staternent Nurnber: R050000709 Palment Method: check PIERCE Anount: 9550.00 O5/3O/20O60L242 PM Init: iIS Notation: 13784/FRITZL,EII Permit No: DR8060194 l)pe: DRB - Nelr ConEtruction Parcetr No: 2103-124-0303-8 Site Addregg: 1460 GREENHIIJIJ ET VAf I.I I,ocation: 1460 GREENHIIJIJ CT Total Fees: This Pa)ment:$5s0.00 Total AJ,L PmtB: Balance: $6s0.00 $5s0.00 s0.00 l++++*+tla*++l+t+aaat{'t'}l**'}***r*ffaal+tt+++++++l+++l+t+fftt*+lll'tl*ltfl'}tt+ti++tal+l'l'}'}'}***+ ACCOUNT ITEM UST: Account code Description Current Pnta DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGIN REVIEW FEES 550.00 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAI-S Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Stf.rits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other lJat )1n- ' 1:at / r'_Er-4|< 5{!AY*E,L N /2, ('.lt.t:a / , /,4'nt |E \,18/ ,'i:'i Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. j clr Elr Page 5 of rZl02l07l02 tt PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 41 / f 4'-g Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaoe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of LZl02lO7l02 Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 05-25-2006 Property Address: 14608 GREENHILL COURT VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order Number: V50010I72-4 SONNENALP REAL ESTATE 242 E MEADOW DR UNIT D VAIL, CO 81657 AIIn: CHARIS FOR JONI WHITE TAYLOR Phone: 970-477'5300 Fax: 970-477 5301 Sent Via US Postal Service SONNENALP REAL ESTATE 242 E MEADOW DR UNIT D VAIL, CO 81657 Attn: DONNA CAYNOSKI Phone:970-477-5300 Fax: 970-477-5301 EMail: donnac@vail.net Sent Via US Postal Service PHILIP H. CORBOY JR. TRUST 33 N. DEARBORN STREET CHICACO. IL 60602 Afln: PHILIP H. CORBOY. JR. Senl Via United Parcel Service TOM G. & JOYCE R. THORNBURC 4328 CAMERON OAKS DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 Phone: 704-366-2019 Fax: 704-973-9612 Sent Via US Postal Sen'ice LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY OO3O BENCHMARK RD +216/PO BOX 3480 AVON, CO 81620 Ath: Kathryn Kuchler Phone:970-949-5099 Fax: 970-949-4892 EMail: kkuchler@ltgc.com GOULD & WHITLEY 1665 BRIARGATE BLVD. SUITE IO1 COLO. SPRINGS, CO 80920 AttN: JILL WHITLEY, BUYER'S ATTY. Phone: 719-531-0994 Fax: 719-531'0996 EMail : mjillwhitley@rwsoft.com Senl Via United Parcel Sen'ice Ifyou have any inquiries or rcquire further assistance, please contact one ol the numbers below: For Closing Assistance: For Title Assistance: Kathryn Kuchler Vail Title Dept. OO3O BENCHMARK RD #ZI6IPO BOX 3480 AVON, CO 81620 108 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 Phone: 970-748-4782 PO BOX 357 Fax: 970-949-4892 VAIL, CO 81657 EMail: kkuchler@ltgc. com Phone:970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4732 Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 05-25-2006 Our Order Number: V50010172-4 Property Address: 14608 GREENHILL COURT VAIL. CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: THE PHILIP H. CORBOY, JR. TRUST DATED APRIL 4, 1994 Seller/Owner: TOM G. THORNBURG AND JOYCE R. THORNBURG Wire Infornation: Ban*: FIRSTBANK OF COLOMDO IO4O3 W COLFAX AWNUE LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 Phone: 303-237-5000 Cndit: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ABA No.: 107005047 Accounl: 2160521825 Attention: Kathrvn Kuchler + +,t,t* t rt,t*!t*!t't*:**,t*++*+**,t***,t:t*:t*,r,**,t:*****)***,*,*,t,l,t,t******:t*++:t*+** Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modilications will be emphasized by underlining or comments. *****:t***:i*:i,frt,*rtrt****)r,****+*++***,r*+**!t:*+**+++:f+rt:********r**,t't'*'t'i't* Need_a rnap or direclio_ns fo1 yoql upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directio:ns to anv of our 5,I oflicslocatiois. - For CONrrar 05/04 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy l0-17-92 (Reissue Rate) Deletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Delelion of General Exception 4 (Owner) Tax Report #R009871 s3,96s. OO $30. oo $70.00 97s. OO If Ltnd i'iXle Gurtantaa Ccqt.ny 'ill be cTostng thii tt.trs.ctlon, .bov. feas tiTl be coll.ct.d .t t'ltt. tita, TOTAL $4,020.00 Chicago Tille Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: 14608 GREENHILL COURT VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order No. V50010172-4 Cust. Ref.: l. Effective Date: June 03, 2fi)5 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy 10-17-92 $2,900,000.00 Proposed Insured: THE PHILIP H. CORBOY, JR. TRUST DATED APRIL 4, 1994 3. The estate or interest in the land described or neferred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A FEE SIMPLE 4. Title to the estate or interrst covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: TOM G. THORNBURG AND JOYCE R. THORNBURG 5. The land referrrd to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 2OB, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 20, AMENDED PLAT, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION, ACCORDINC TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 9I, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50010172-4 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the eslate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or inlerest to be insured musl be executed and duly filed for record, to-wil: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: r. OTEM INTENT]ONALLY DELETED) 2. flTEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER 29, 2OOI FROM TOM G. THORNBURG AND JOYCE R. THORNBURG TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF CHERRY CREEK MORTGAGE CO., INC. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $I.466.500.00 RECORDED JANUARY 03, 2001 , UNDER RECEPTION NO . 7 47292. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO AURORA LOAN SERVICES. INC. IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED MARCH 02,2OOI UNDER RECEPTION NO. 750904, 5. WARMNTY DEED FROM TOM G. THORNBURG AND JOYCE R, THORNBURG TO THE PHILIP H. CORBOY, JR. TRUST DATED APRIL 4, 1994 CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY, NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)Our Order No. V50010172-4 Continued: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF TOM G. THORNBURG AND JOYCE R. THORNBURG. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF THE PHILIP H. CORBOY, JR. TRUST DATED APRIL 4, 1994. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO5 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. **+*:I**:T*,t NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1. 2OO2 ********** Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-42l, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by stalute. " ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Seclion2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50010172-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, nol shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmenis, and any facs which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are nol shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matlers, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequenl to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estale or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing lierc by the public records. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODETO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16. 1909. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. I(). RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16. 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. I1. RESERVATION AS TO THE NORTHWEST I/4 OF SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 8I WEST OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE UNITED STATES, ITS PERMITTEE OR LICENSEE, TO ENTER UPON, OCCUPY AND USE ANY PART OR ALL OF SAID LAND FOR THE PURPOSES PROVIDED IN THE ACT OFJUNE IO, I92O (41 SAT. 1063) AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2. 1946 IN BOOK I32 AT PAGE 405. 12, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BI,'T OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX. HANDICAP. FAM]LIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR G) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V50010172-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: APRIL 04. 1978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 25, 1987, IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS RERECORDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER I5, 1987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 8OI, AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 2. I99O IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 154. I3. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION RECORDED JULY 18, 1978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 370. 14. (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) I5. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT RECORDED AUGUST IO. 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 9I. 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDEML LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST IO, 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 92. 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED JUNE 18, 1997 IN BOOK 729 AT PAGE 837. I8. (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY and MERIDIAN LAND TITLE. LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Punuanl to CRS l0-ll-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special raxing districr. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's aulhorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-t0-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's oflice shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of al leasl one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse lo record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires thal "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entily conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documenls resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Aflirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commilment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions. A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on lhe land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company musl receive an appropriate afffdavit indemnifying the Company against un-ffled mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriare premium. E) lf there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commilmenl, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information: financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor: payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of lhe aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which lhe insured has contracled for or agreed lo pay. Note: Pursuanl to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance inslrumenl exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estaie has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all inlerest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property wilhout the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligale the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Fcnn DISCLOSUFS 09/ CL i22 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Union Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company and Meridian Land Title. LLC July l,2001 We recoqnize and respect the privacy expectalions of todav's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal anc slate prifacy laws. W'e believd that rfiakiire vou aware of fiow we use vour non-pubfic perconal infoimadon ("Personal lnformation''), and to whom it is disclose{ full form the basis for a rFlationshid of tru'st between us and the public that rve serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanalion. We reserve thi right ro change this Privacy - Statement from time to tinie consistenr'rvith applicable'privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized representative;- From ybirr transactions with, or from the services 6eing performed by. us, our affiliates, or others:' From bur internet web sites:* From the prlhlic recor6-.maintained_ by gove,rnmental entities thal we either obtain directly from those entities, oi from our afliliates or otheisfand * From consumer or olher reporling agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unaulhorized access or intrision. We limit access td the Personal Iiformation onlv to those employees who need such access in conneclion with providing products or services to you or for other lFgitimate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may slare your Personal Information with our affiliales, suqh as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate settlemeil service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatioli: * to agents, brokers or represenlatives to provide vou wilh services vou have requested:' t^o ti'rd-pany conlracto^fs or.service providers w"ho provide servicds or perform markedng or other function's oli our behalf: and * to others with whom we enter intojoint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Informalion when vou direct or qive us permission, when we are required bv law to do so. or when weiusoect fraudulent or criminal aciivities. We aKo mav'disclose vour Personal ftiformation when otherwise perfiitted bv aonlicable orivacv laws such as, for exa"mple, wheir disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising but of any agrdement. trinsaction or relationship with ybu. One of th_e imponant responsibilities of some of our afliliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such-documentf may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the riqht to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find oul to whom your Persolial lnformition has beeir disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the riqhl to requesl correctiori. amendme-nt or deletion of your Personal Informarion. We reserve the right. wherF permittbd by law, to charge a reasonable fee lo cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. " All requests submitted 10 the Fidelity Na-tional Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b'e in writing. and delivered to-lhe following address: Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelitv Natidnal Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real. Suite 220 Santa Barbara. CA 931 10 Multiple Products or Services lf we provide you with more than one financial_ product 0r service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from ris. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. aon PRIV. POL.CHI CHICAGO TITIE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSUMNCE CHICAGo TlTtt lliSUM[CE CoMPA Y, a corporation 0f Miss0ui, hmin catled the Comparry for a valuable c0nsiderati0n, hereby commits t0 issue its polcy 0r policies 0f title immnce, as identified in Schedrle A in favor 0f the prop0sed lmued mn€d in Schedtle A, as 0wner or mortgagee 0f the estate or intefest covered hereby in tlE land described or refered to in Schedule A, upon paymnt 0f the premims and charges therefor; all subject t0 the provisi0ns of Schedule A and B and t0 the Conditioins and Stipdatiom lrcreof. Thisc0nniUn€nt5haibeefective0n|ywhe[thei&nlity0fthepI0p0s€d|nsuredandt}pamount0fthep0|icy0Ip0lciesc0nmittedforhavebeenins€ninSubAhfe0f by th Company, either at tlE tim 0f ttE issuance 0t this Cmniunent 0r by subs€quent mdors€n€nt. ]hisc0mi|nentisFe|ininarytottEissuanc€0fs0chp0|icy0'p0|icies0ftit|eim[anceanda|||iabittyand00|igationsher|r|dera||cea$adter efec1ivedateheaofo1wtHtlEpdicyorp0liciesc0nnittedf0rshaIissue,u,lticheverfiRtocdrs,pf0videdtiatthefai|uretois5l|esllchpo|icy0rp0|ic the Conpmt. nis Csmiumt shall not be valid or bindng until coutersigned by an authorircd officer 0I agert. lil WITIIESS nfNEREot, th€ Company has caused tlis Cfiimitment t0 be signed md sealed, t0 becone valid wlnn countersiEEd by an authoriued officer 0( agent of the Con?atry, dl in accordanc€ with its By-iaws. This Comifilelrt is effeclive as 0f tlrc date shoum in Sd|edule A as "[ftective Date." coltotTrol{s At{D sTrPurAroirs 1.lhe tmn "mongage," u,lEt uled herein, slnllhdude deed 0f trust, trust deed, or other searity instnnent. 2.|f.hepf0p0sedhsuredhas0racqdreiactua|know|edgeofardefec1,|ien,enqfi5rance,adr,€rsedaino(othInattefaffectiD9tlEest.teoIintenstoInUtgam cwefdbytti5commiunentot|gtf$th0s€sh0fi|insd|eddeBh€feof,andsha|lfai|t0disdos€sUd|know|edgetothec0n?anyhu/rithg,tI€c0npara!hcI8ved from liability fu ary loss 0r darnage nsulting from ary act 0f relancs h€nm t0 the enent the Con?arr is Feidced by failure t0 so disclose such tnowled$. lf ttx P|opoJ€d lmlred shdl disch5e such knowledge to the Compary, fr if ttE Cmpany otherwise ac9ires actml lnowledge 0f y srdr defect, lien enqmbame, adv€rse dain or other matter,thecoQIratits0ptinnayamendsdEfhBofthisc0mitnreitacc0rdng|y,buti!d|ameodmntsha||n0tre|iewtlrconpany.rom|i'Hitypfevusrhored p|rsuam to pa.agaph 3 of tlcse Condtins ar$ StiFiations. 3.|-iali|ityofthecompanytn,eftliscomitnEntshaIb€oo|yt0thenamedpropos€d|n5u'edads!EhpartjeshdudedUndertl*definiti0nofthehs|h pdc*sommittedfdand0o|yfoIactua||0ssinctrredhre|iancehrmnhunthrtatin9in9o0d|ait|t(a)t0conplyt,vithttrreq!irenentslrreo|.o|(b)t0e|in|i|ateeIcq1s sh0m an Schtue B, 0r (c) to acqdre 0r cteate the estate 0r int€rest 0f mmgagE thenon c0rcred by this CommitnEnt. In n0 eye shall such liabiity erceed the emount suted in Sdefile A f0( the potcy 0r polcies co|mitted for and suci liabitty is subject t0 tlE insuring p(ovisims, the Erclsions fiom Cwerage and the Cordtions md Stipdathns of the form 0f policy 0r policies committed ffi h favor 0f the F0posed lmred wlich are h€cby hcorporated by cterence and are made a part of this Cqmiun€nt ercept es 0ryressly modified herein. 4. Any clain of loss 0r damage, whether 0r nol based 0n negligence, wtich arises out 0f the statts 0f ttE titl€ t0 the estate or htmst 0r tt* ten 0f the immd mongage cowfed hefeby or my action assetling such claim, stBll be restdcted t0 the Fovisions and C0nditions and Stiputatims 0f fiis Commitnant. CHICAG0 TlTl-t lt{ SURAltlCt CoMPAIIY lssrf d by: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3033 EAST FIRST AVENUE SUITE 600 PO BOX 5440 ft0217) DENVER. CO 8OZI7 /1 (Vrut [u{)a. L President taLrl 'tvt . f)-uu.t-- cc.cHl Autiorind officer or Agent -7*/0L 1 Secretary r dto/oo GRFA SUMMARY - CORBOY RESIDENCE LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 '12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL ALOWABLE GRFA GROSS EXISTING PARCEL A GROSS EXISTING PARCEL B UNATUUSTED TOTAL EXISTING PARCEL A GARAGE CREDIT PARCEL B GARAGE CREDIT SUBGBADE CREDIT ADJUSTED TOTAL EXISTING EXISTING AVAILABLE GRFA NET GARAGE DEMOLITION CREDIT ADJUSTED TOTAL'EXISTING" ATUUSTED AVAILABLE GRFA 7336 2493 5320 7813 -300 -300 -947 6266 1070 -lK)o 5865 1470 so. FT. SQ. FT. SO. FT. so. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. so. FT. so. FT. so. FT. SQ. FT. FT so. FT. SQ. FT. SQ. FT. SO so. FT. FHOM WORKSHEET FROM WORKSHEET FROM WORKSHEET LINE2+L|NE3 TOWN CODE TOWN CODE FROM WORKSHEET LINE 4 - (LINE 5 + LINE 6 + LINE 7) LINEl-LINE8 FROM WORKSHEET LINES+L|NE10 LINE 1 . LINE 11 FROM WORKSHEET LINE 12. LINE 13 LINE 11 + LINE 14 LINE 15 / LINE 1 PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION FINAL NET AVAILABLE GRFA FINAL TOTAL BUILT GRFA 550 920 6416 PERCENT OF AVAILABLE GRFA USEO 87.5h PERCENT l',In f,rL,:,:n, \l \ \r, ll l|r I \\' lli,rrn I Pi, rr r 'j, , i,rlt, t h.rlltr l l,..lrrgr llrr.rrr,..: \1,rf,r{r. Job #0s59 Corboy Residence Legal: Lot 208, Glen Lyon Subdivision Physical: 1460 Creenhill Court - West Unit Vail, CO 816s7 FRITZLEN PlERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO Lot Size: Zoning: Setbacla: Site Coverage: .492 acre: 21,431 Sq. Ft. Two Family PrimaryiSecondary 20'-0" Front 15',-0" Sides 2606 Sq. FI. (12.16% of Lot Area) REVISED SUBMITTAT 6i1 6/06 GRFA Allowable 4,60O Sq. Ft. (10,OO0 sq. ft. / 100 x 46) 1,900 Sq. Ft. (5,000 sq. ft. i 100 x 38) 836 5q. Ft. (6,431 sq. fL i 100 x 13) 7,336 Sq. Ft.GRFA Allowed Per Lot ParcelA GRFA Existine 848 Sq. Ft. 912 Sq. Ft. 733 Sq. Ft. -300 Sq. Ft Lower Level Main Level Upper Level Carage Area Deduction 2,193 Sq. Ft. Gross GRFA existing for Parcel A Parcel B GRFA ExistinB 1,392 Sq. Ft. 1,742 Sq. Ft. 1,486 Sq. Ft. 3so Sq. Ft. 3s0 Sq. Ft. -3o0 Sq. Ft Lower Level Main House Main Level Main House Upper Level Main House Lower Level Carage Upper Level Garage Carage Area Deduction 5,020 Sq. Ft. Gross GRFA existing for Parcel B 7,213 So. Ft. Gross CRFA existing for Parcels A & B 'l.,r,i! I,r(l \' l \r,,lli.r l)rrr, , l,rl f(iir'( I \. 1 (,,li r,rrl,, r,1(,i- l' ,r- r,1. i) i, rl! I ! l-1.{r t",r' I ,r:t r:,-:l,,.rrl rt lrit,' 1., ,rr' \\|,1" \.,1 1;tfi nrll,r l.. iit)l \' FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Allowed CRFA for Lot: 7.336 Sq. Ft. Eristing Lot Total of CRFA*: 7.213 Sq. Ft. Existing Total Remaining CRFA* For Lot: -l 23 Sq. Ft. *Before Sub-grade Area ls Taken Into Account. *Before Carage Demolition Area ls Taken Into Account Calculation of CRFA Credit (Total Sq. Ft of Lowest Level Sub-grade CRFA Credit) : 947 Sq. Ft. *Note - Detail Calculation of CRFA Credits Follows Total GRFA Remainine For lot (After Sub-erade Calculations): 1,07O sq. ft. Total GRFA Credit for Demolition of Garate 400 sq. ft. Adiusted Total CRFA Remaining For Lot (after demo & subgrade credits): 1,470 sq. ft. Adiusted Total CRFA on lot (After Demolition of earaee): 6,266 so. ft. Adiusted New Total CRFA on Lot (After Construction of garaee): 6,416 sq. ft. Adjusted New Total GRFA remaining on Lot (After Construction of garaee): 92O sq. ft. Calculations for GRFA Garase Demolition Adjustment Carage Lower Level 350 Sq. Ft. Carage Upper Level 350 Sq. Ft. Carage su btotal 700 Sq. Ft. Deduct Carage Credit (300) Sq. Ft. (Deduction taken from Parcel B Above) Total Carage Demolition credit = 400 Sq. Ft. Calculations for GRFA Credit Surface Exposed: (Sq. Ft. Above Crade - Reference 4200 CRFA Plan) 17 5, 20, 21, 39, 77, 7 3, 2, 32, 25, 69, 228, 1 5, 55, 42, 96 Total Surface Exposed: 937 Sq. Ft. !'.-, rr1 \.,il \,il, r 1)r '.. l.rlr,,r', i \ ,,i i ,,1 ,,,r,1,, lil, l, -!.1., i, 1- | 'r .: i l'rr,: I :r , ,.j l,|r:r il.., |l \\\1\., I,, IiLr.1.1, rrr t' FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Surface Buried: (Sq. Ft. Below Crade - Reference 4200 CRFA Plan) 25 , 42, 44, 205, 81 , 't86, 41 , 61 , 79 , 18, 33, 26, 90, 36 Total Surface Buried: 977 Sq. Ft. Total Wall Area: 1.914 Sq. Ft. Surface Buried (Below Existing Crade) / Total Wall Area = PercentaSe of Area That Does Not Count Toward CRFA 977 Sq. tt. I 1,914 Sq. Ft. = 51% Total Adjusted Sq. Ft. of Lower Level = 1.856 Sq. Ft. (Cross Area Lower Level less Carage Credit) (51ol" = percentage of area that does not count toward CRFA) (49lo = percentage ofarea that counts toward CRFA) (Total Possible for CRFA of Lower Level) x (Percentase Of Area That Counts Toward CRFA) 1 ,856 x 49Yo = 909 Sq. Ft. Total Sub-erade GRFA Credit For [ot: 1.856 - 909 = 947 Sq. Ft. 550 Sq. Ft. ss0 Sq. Ft. -ss0 5q. Ft Lower Level Carage Upper Level Carage Carage Area Deduction sso Sq. Ft.Proposed Additional (new) Gross GRFA existing for Parcel B 1/';r!I,151 \',l|l\.rl, \ I)ri\{ l.rllr<l..lrt 'l . !rrl. (1, '1, ,r.rii, lil (,: - P 'rrr,.4lij t, ] lr [ (,]{).1 a) .l(,i)t [ : irttr;1'rlr'.r l,rtr lrilr.r ls.r rnr rr.'s,rv.yarhrt hillr l..L, rnr CORBOY RESIDENCE PROPOSED LICHTINC PLAN. The proposed lighting plan for the replacement of the garage generally assumes the replacement of existing fixtures with the following: o "Front" elevation Two HADCO 85160-AP fixtures, located on either side of garage door. 1- 60 W lamp (855 lumens) per fixture. Patterned, tinted, translucent lenses . Luminous area :7" H x 3 1/2" W : 24.5 sq. inches. Total luminence per fixture - 855124.5 - 35<125 r "Rear" elevation One HADCO 85160-AP fixture, located adjacent to door. 1- 60 W lamp (855 lumens) per fixture. Patterned, tinted, translucent lenses . Luminous area =7" H x 3 1/r" \N : 24.5 sq. inches. Total luminence per fixture - 855124.5:35<125 r Stairway Four HADCO step lights mounted < 18" above grade, shielded from direct view, 36 W lamp. r "Stairway" elevation One HADCO 85150-AP fixture, located adjacent to door. 1- 60 W lamp (855 lumens) per firture. Patterned, tinted, translucent lenses . Luminous area :7" H x 3 1/2" W : 24.5 sq. inches. Total luminence per fixture - 855124.5: 35<125 S"""-s il-'hs$"-F Vt5lol00oAl Blo<k .brnS' A truly verntile suiu ol hone in o vor'nty ol orchircaurol *nings. irocelul Iines ond contoun aunhd sith the ryolity, styling onrl leoturu of nore expetr;lve lixum noke Yuk on -tine fovo le. VASIol O&.DD Hondrubbed Sronze Refroclive leron, l00l|| 120 l/oh llP[ lferury, [-17 Lomp, 30" H,l}k'W VSSlcS0oAB Blotk YSi I o ShDB Hondrubbed 0ronre lefroctive lexon, 50W, | 20 Voh llP[ High Pressure Sodium, [-17 [omp, 30'}|, t3%',W (ost oluminum ronslrudion Incondesrent or P[ fluorestenl lomping ovoiloble }|inged roof for eose in relompirq ond deoning lmpod-rahlonl oaylic ponek finish: 8lo* or l|ondrubbed Bronre long life (rofkoot* protodive liniih U.L. lirted lhree-yenr limiled wononly 85156.AP Block B5l 56oDP Hondrubbed Bronze (eor Texlured Acrylk, 60U lled. Eose Sorkel 15V1" H,lVi W, 7%" hoiection,|03h" I0 85l57oAP Block Bil 57.DP Hondrubbed Bronze (|eor Textured Acrylic, 50W, liled. Eose So<kel, l9lr' H,lYi W, I Tr" ? t oiecliu, | ff/ t' ll0 B5l60oAP* Slocl I5I 60.0P' Hondrubbed Sronze 0eor Texlured Acrylir, 751V, l{ed. Eose Sodet, 20-27%'H, 9%" W, I 02" Proietlion, I 4" II0 85l60.APl* Blor]l. SiI5O.DPF' Hondrubbed lronze u (leor Texturcd Acrylig | 3tV, PL(-I3 Lomp, GX23 8o*,2U17t/2" H, 9%'U l0Z" Proietlion, 14'IT0 8516lolP* Slock 85l6r.DP. Hondrubhd Sronre deor Texlured Asyli(, 100|Y, Ited. BosG So*ot, 28%-30" H, | 3%' lil, I 5" Prcieclion, | 7' TI0 D5I6lolPF* llsck C5t 6!.DPF' llondrubbed Bronze U ftor Tertured Atrylic, | 3W, Pl.(-| 3 l.omp, GI23 Bo*, 28t/r38' ll, l3%' W, | 5" Proie<tion, | 7" TI0 -F lSl0loAP thd. I5l0I oDP llondrubbed Eronze 0eor lextured Aaylic, I 001V, lled. 0use Sotket, 282'H,l}th'W, 3' tifler l5l0l.APF Ehtk lSllt.DPF llondrubhd Bmnze v 0eor lexturcd krylic, | 3W, Pl"(-f3 Lomp, GX23 8o*,28Vt'H, l3%'w, 3" tifler l5l02oAP Block $102.m Hondrubbed Bronze door Textured Aaylir, 75W, l{ed. Boso Socket, 20'H, 9%'V{ 3" tiiler ISIO2oAPF Blocl ,. I5I02.DPF llondrubhd Bronze I 0eor Texlured Arrylic, I 3V{, P[(-13l"omp, GX23 8me,20" H, 9%'W 3'Fner PIC hnpr uc double tuin trlbr. * Indrder both long ond short rpirdlor, o o o A I -)' 1=' T E XF !f o ltl F lrl B tr 5 3 C' - Fq o ul E G' fi .l fi e i'a - U aB; E fiE.= * E#g EE9 E$$i*.E $;EEE E** FEFEPE ;ETbnq5 * a+ c u -sE $* e € E f; E Ei sE - E sTfr E e9 €* n E e g E:-E ire +I g gg + e s $+ g I # e" F $; ff E s Jc.i ctd d d}jqtoid ; iEg€E ggg iEiili $ iig EEEgg i iggiE$EEgggFgggEgFgiig$i giFgi trtt ls ![i lggigFiii gggil EggEl$I IgggiEg rl I r I T t I I L g o J I o () t o E o J g !!J o o fi { fl s {_o ____} I I <__ S _____> <__S-__------------>(l,oo {<_6____> TOI{INOF I/AII I)epa r t m e nt of C o mmun i ty D evel opme n t 75 South Frontage Road lhil, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 I14X 970-179-2452 wtltu.vailgot,com June 12.2006 Fritzlen Pierce Architects c/o William Pierce 1650 E. VailValley Drive, C-1 Vail. CO 81657 Re: Staff comments regarding the proposal to do an enlarged garage and GRFA addition to 1460 Green Hill CourVLot 20, Gten Lyon Subdivision Mr. Pierce, This letter is to serve as a documentation of staff comments regarding the proposal for 1460 Green Hill Court. The following is a list of the pertinent comments regarding the proposal. Fire Department r A monitored fire alarm will be required. Fire sprinklers are recommended. Public Works o The Plans need to show all the required parking dimensioned per Town standards.. The Plan needs to show a limits of disturbance and erosion control fence detail.. The Plan needs to call out a 4-foot pan with a 2-inch invert and no heat.. At the time of submitting building permits, Professional Engineer stamped drawings will be required for all retaining walls four feet and higher in height.o Provide a site plan in a 1":10" scale Plannino Deoartment r Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, requires all units and garages to be designed within one structure. As you are aware the current garage is separated from the structure. When this structure is removed and a larger structure and GRFA are added a new separation request will need to be requested from the DRB and approved in conjunction with the review of the Design Review application. Please provide a written statement justifying a separated garage and GRFA form the structure.r Please provide complete floor plans for all floor levels of the duplex. Staff is unable to calculate existing GRFA on Lot 20 without this information and therefore cannol calculate how much GRFA is remaining. The plans should include a readlined set depicting GRFA on each floor which includes basemetn deductions and vaulted areas that will count as GRFA. For example on the third f,-p *,t"o"o no"^ I floor of the Corboy residence is the open to below space vaulted to an extent where it counts as GRFA? ' You are proposing to heat the driveway. Please show the location of the boiler. Also show required snow storage e Please provide a lighting plan for the new garage and fixtures.o Please show on the site plan how equipment will access the site to construct the addition and new garage addition.. Please show a limits of disturbance fence on the site plan.o Please submit a landscaping plan for the site.o Please provide a roof plan for the addition which shows elevations. For both the new garage and the addition please provide historic and finished grade contours under the roof plan for the purpose of calculating height.r Staff may have additional comments once lhese requested revisions are submitted and reviewed. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. ln order to remain on the June 21, Design Review agelda, revised plans satisfactorily addressing the above comments need to be by June 16,2006, at 2:00 p.m. Withregards, 4 n n/l I l- lt ir rnr w#ffi,w Senior Planner Cc: File i:" Status: Z Approved Goumurulry DEVELopMENT Rounnc Fonna n Approved with conditions S Denied Routed To:George Chalberq, PW Date Routed:06/05/06 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:06112t06 Description of work:Proposed addition to an exising duplex and new garage to repalce an exisitng garage. Address:1460 Greenhill Court Leqal:Lot:| 20 | Block:Subdivision:Glen Lvon Subdivision Comments:Date Reviewed: 6/6/06 Need additional review bv Fire Deoartment. Show all Show limits of disturbance fence. erosion control detail. Call out 4' pan with 2" invert no heat. Provide stamped PE drawinos for wall 4' and heioher. Provide 1" -10'scale site More comments with revisions. l.r ' . a Warrcn Campbell - Gorboy Residence Page I ofl Frcm: DavlJ Rhoades To: Wanen Campbell Date: 06107/200610:10AM Subject: @rboy Residence Per Town of Vail Standards, a monitored fire alarm system is required. I put the notes in Permits Plus also. Do you still want the routng form returned to you or is this email and the Permits Plus entry enough? Just let me knorrt. Thanks. David Rhoade Fire Inspector Vail Firc and Emergency Services drhoades@vailggv.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\Adminishator\Local Seuings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 06/08/2006 t o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: HINZ RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB0,10291 Prcject Description: ADDmON OF 66 SQ Fr Participants: OWNER HINZ, PAMELA SHEILA 06/2912004 Phone: 501 E NORTH KINGSBURY CHICAGO IL 60610 License: APPUCANT CROKE, STEPHEN 0612912004 Phone:970-748-8738 PO BOX 1298 EDWARDS co 81632 License: Project Address: 1450 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: UNIT A Legal Descripuon: Lot! 20-A Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403037 Comments: TON'Nffi BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= 07lt6l20o4 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO qa^f Arr' .(31 2)494-0s12;Jun-28-511 :42AM; Addltlons- Residential or Commercia I Application for Design Revlew General lnfiormaSon: __ D$arfn€nt of Commrnity Dodopment 75 Soutfi Frodtag€ Road, Vad, Cotoraio atGSZ tAi 970,q79.2t39 'r,xt 970,479.2432 rlreb: tYtrlYU. vrllgov.com All pt!tJe69- rcqulrlng cdgn Evlcw must. rlcdve approvd prlor b nrbmlHng a buikltng permlt applicauon, please rcfer to he submltbl rcqulrcthcflB tur thc p.rtisJar ap'.orat tut ti nq,il+"d. 'n-;;pl;;tfi'6r il6ti9" n*rr* cannot li fgy:gt.ggg IIanIa I cP'{ bv lte coq'*ii ower"o'"i"i'd;;d;' il;;d; ;;v;d;;P.L:ffiLf!1t,g:llgl_rre rurirle ana E r,6;;ilfcont'issfi: ;;tn ;"fi};;y;ili;;unle$ | bulldlrw perrnn b is.ucd qr( conrtrucdo'n cor-"n.ec wru,in .r- viir or-tti'-."-:;;i Page 1/l A Locardon of the pnrposal; r-oef04gbck,s,rttdr"uont &-lAt lloyr Phygkal Addresei Prit€l No.: ilAm{l) of Ournar(r): l.talllng Address: ownor(s) Slgnrture(r1: lhme of Appllcant: Maillng Addrees: L i(C0ntact Eagte Co. Assersor Et 970-328.86,m for parcel no.) Fhonc: Faxl h*.tll- R[CEIt/ED '!''i'' 1 lj ',-i,;E-mrll Addrcrt: Typc of Revlew and Fce: rJ 5t9ns O Conceptual Revler" D ilewConstrudlon E Addltlon tr Mlnor nlteraton ( multi.hmily/mmmercial) tr Manor Atlratjon (dnglFfamfly/drrplsx) O Changes to Agpro\r€d phns tr Separruon Requcd S10 gls 91,00 per square foot d totdt Can area, .. No Fee $650 For consbucddr gf a'ncw butlding or derno/rebulld. $300 For an rddltion wh*e squarq footge b added to any.resldcndal or :^_^ commercial.bulldlng (tnddd* 250 addU&s a ffiprbr con,rerilons;..3250 Ftr mimr changes t! rruildirEs ,nd site improrrernenb, such ag, rcl'99nry, palntlng, wtndow addldory landrceplng,' ferre 'and refdinang . walls, etc.i20 For minor chrnges to buildings and site imp|bvcmstts, 3lrch a$, rergoflng, palnUrrg, windory additions, tondscaplt€, fences end retalntng wall6, etr.f20 lor.revlstonr. to plant already agprov€d by F,lannlng staff o. ure Destgn FRiew Eosrd. ilO FCC Fage 1 of 12104128104 39Vd Zoning:ta-o% IB -oc qNv-l H3_twvs 8e{88P2916 sE:50 vagz/82/9a I, (print name description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be I further understand that minor modiflcations may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to a joint owner of property located at (address/legal completed-at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Page 2 of 12104128104 ADDTNONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SU BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information! This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** tr All pages of Application is complete tr Checklist is completed and signed tr Stamped Topographic Survey*tr Site and Grading Plan* O Landscape Plan*tr Architectural Elevations* El Exterior color and material samples and specifications.D Architectural Floor Plans*tr Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures O Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* E Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.E Written approval from a condominium assoclation, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable 0 Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*D The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand Project Name: Contractor Signature listed submittal requirements: Date Signed * **'l'l* **'at I't:t'l* it*** t * t'|* **ilr* a*'|*l* **,t* I I t t*** * +** *'t* +* 't*'i* fi*** t* '| *'t* *tr*rtr* +*'t* * i * * *t i **** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement '}***'|lill*****l*****ttl*'t****a***a**tr'f*ttt****tt**tt*+t****t***ttit*r**tt'l'r.*t******ttti**t*ta St,atement lnunber: R040006112 Arnount: $300.00 OG/29/2oo4L0:08 All Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notsatsi.on: #331o/SAWATCII IrAltD CO Permit No3 DRBO4O291 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No3 2LO3L24O3O37 Site AddreEs: 1460 GREENHIIJIJ CT VAIIJ IJocat ion s 1450 GREEN IIIIJIJ qT. , I'NIT A Total Feea: $300,00 Ahis Payment: $300.00 Total AIJIJ Pmta: $300.00 Balance 3 $0.00 'jla aa*a*'t*l**t | *****tt*t t aal ** ** t**rr* a*t*t***i**r ****t* r. **r ** * * ***'****a***rlt* I *'l***'l**+ + * ** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent ffis DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE}I FEES 300.00 '-,o',o' O ?af+4 a+ 6vl> Iti,.6 &t-d DES|lil FEVIEW / ST: ;:::IOVAL \-F -----.t/rofur I a"I ''-- -t-'.rl Ncr.r V.l( to*{r- i gTqi:r.-3e * -_------.. OO(nr+t6,* WrWcv)O ZONE CFIECK Wtl/M* .t/r4/oy t /tt/oy Lcgal :Lot 20 Block_ Filine ttl(.D A Phone Phonc Proposcd usc Allolcd Existing Proposcd Total 5:2+) + [61- = 1Q10 Secondary CRFA _+ (425) (675*) =_2ftL_* kL- = )Iq rufli * 675=4ZS crcditplus Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? How much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd wi0r this rcqucst? Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Datc: Addrcss Owncr Architcct . Zonc di Lot sizc Toal GRFA .;#:;!W #wlWt4^,lsul -e tl "^ I tql 250 addition Rcmaining V'v ,U tfl tsT hy)?fov+ (30x33) Front Z0' 6L = 25 Ll bLld Sidcs Rcar l5' l5' Landscaping Rchining Wall Hcighs Parking Garagc Crcdit Driveway 3' t6. Required Minimum Enclosed (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Pcrmittcd slope _% proposecl Slopc _% Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2: l (50%) EnvironmcnhlAlazards Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc); Ycs_ Ycs_ No No 2) Floodplain a) SnowAvalanche '> 4"4 .. ./ V tE, 4) Watcr Counc Serback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards b) Rockfall Is thc property non-conforming? Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Flow o o TOWN OF VATI, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81_557 970-479-2L38 APPIJICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER Descrlption: INSTALL IIEATII,ATOR FireDhcc Infomalion: Rrolrictad: y SIITTON INST'I,ATING WEST, TNC. 5398 CR 154 #1, Glenwood Springs, SUTTON INSIJI,ATING WEST, INC. 5398 CR 154 #1 , Glenwood Springs, HTNZ PAIT,TEI,A SHIEI,A 381 .ANGIR COI'RTL ET, ATI,ANTA GA DEPARTI4EI.IT OF COMMUNTTY DEVEI-,OP!4ENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,fOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANIEAL PERMIT Permit M99-0035 .-ltr,,r (1r:--- ,Iob Address...: 1460 GREENHILL eT Locatsion......: 1460 GREENHILL Cr Parcel No..... : 2103-L24-03-037 Project Number: PR.J99-0007 status-..: IssttED Applied..: 05/04/L999 Issued.. -: 05/05/L999 E:<pires . .: 1,1/AL/1999 phone: co 81501 Phone: co 8r.50L Phone: FEE SUUI,IARY 30312 ValuaE.ion: #Of ea6 Log6: . oo 78 ,00 970 - 945 -1313 970-945-1313 404-874-8300 2 ,486 .00 *of 9lood/Pall.ts:*of caB ADpIiancc6: RGseuarant. PIan Review- - >l.lochan i cal - - - > Platt chcck---> fnvestigalion> nill call----> Total calculatod Pec6- - - > Addirional Fa€6---------> Totsal Pornit PeG--------> Pal uene6----- 60.o0 !.5 . OO .00 3 .00 TOTAT FEES----- 79.00 .00 78.00 7S .00 BAIANCB DUE-.-. .OO rirrrrrrtr BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:JRM Action3 APPR APPROVED .lRM-FIRE DEPARTI.TENT Depts: FIRE DiviSiOn:JRM AcLion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR SEETION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO NTANUFACTT,]RES INSTRUETIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CSIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIA}ICES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTBR 8 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1-997 TMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AIiTD SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. BOILERS SIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FI.,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNIJESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBI-'E FI'OORING.7. PER.II,IIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIALL BE EOUIPPED WTTTI A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC. :t******************************************************************************* Itsem:05100 os / 04/Le99 rEem: 05500 05/04/L999 ..l"-l.""o**.c|c!od.dd|'u,..il.".r..d,tb1r'a1plicrtlcr,fiu.doucittfuut}i!'infiErrciqaraqul'rrd;oo.gr;jrt. Phr, rDd .crEr thrts ell tbr' iafonrtlon providld r. rlquilnd ir cor!.ct. I. rgE.. to cfllrly rlth gh. baodrtld} I|A Floh plrn, to €qtly rlEb .11 lord oEainrncar r|d.E c. lNa, lnd co buil,d thi. .tluctur. rccording tso !h. torD,. z@ing,Ird aubdl,vlaloa codaa. da.ign rrvLrr qrprwrd. Itrlfo!! ButldihE cod. rnd oth.r otdinItc.. of th. rorrt rpplic.bl. cb.r.!o.. , R!QOa9TA tOR rlrrPrcrlor|t gtqlllJ Bt IrDr fifErtr-lom, FOrrRa rr TEIJEPIIOTI -2139 OR AB OItl OltICl tnol l:OO |I 5.O{, H atclnllnl ot o|{fBn on coltlt ct(n toR HtMlLr ND ttrttttitttrhttttrhttttt''trtttttattttatr,r!.ttaatrtr.iartrt,rrirrrrtt rc,r0 or v rr., ctoLollDo gts E.rlnt lfirrb.rl REC-0514 lDoung ! P{rDnc l|Bhod: CK trot tLon: 3805 78. O0 0sl05,/99 lt:26 Inic: .7N P.nIE llo 3 lt99-O035 ryEr. ! B-||ECH I|ECHN|ICIII PBRIIT P.rc.L llo: 2103-124-03 -o37 SiE. lddt...: 1{50 (nEllIHILL Cl l,gc.tlon: 1a50 C EfHILL e! Ihi. P.t'|drc Tot l F...: 78.00 lbc.l lIJr PrBr ! ?3. 00 78.00 . o0 loounc 60. 00 15. 00 3.00 Balanc. ! Accor.ang cod. D..crlpEl,on ll9 00100003111300 lllcHltrflcltr glRIlIT PEES Pt 00100003112300 Pllll cll8ctr PaSg rc 00100003112800 HIIL ct!! utgPEetroN tBB rowN oF vArLGNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, orll,.AroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE Rf,"IECTED Contacf the Eagle County Assessors Otfice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet4 2l 03 ' llq - 03 - o31 Permtt#6??-oorl JobAddress: l46o 6".nnth;tl CL fvfecfranicaf \ Job Name: Building( ) Plunbing( ) Legal Description' 1o, -Z r) Block Electncal ( )Other ( ) Filing- subdivision-,re ownersNarne: fir,rZ p,i,a,ess:.4 9 | Arve,'r (our-L Cl vnone*'77c1 - 93o6 Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ Additional ( ) ( VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Repan ( )other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: / Gas Logs Wood/Pellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $ G€neral Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # Electrical Contractor:Addrcss: Phone #Town of Vail Regrstration No. Mechanicef contractor' $rr-f,lrn/ Address: 5Sf f cF i 4d /, 6lepeuuodrttoat rownorVairRegistrationNo. /l4l^\- ph"""# ?10 - ?4{- tt,P,!e F{ed Cl llnr j tv:i9 flqDiq@qsler: Town of Varl Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Architect: '--4 / A Address: r Phone# DescriptionorJ oa, -f-rv sJ^ I I t lJ caL la h, ( C -X' f i) Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwellins Units:1,.''""".\ CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMTJNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITII) A. Unlawftl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof. it is unlawtrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand. gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk. alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereod or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top rernove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within fwenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event tle person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works. or other authorized agent. may cause any such san{ gravel. rocks. mud" dirt, snow, ice, debris or any otier nnterial to be removed from any street or allev at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereofshall not be applicable:l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main. sewer main. electricity line, gas line. telephone line or any appurtenanc e thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessar,v for the protection of the public safet-v; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or &ruses another to violate the s.rme, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4- I of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the cxpense of removal incurred by thc Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereo-i upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as providcd in Section I'l-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and aclnowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: o^r", sr/a/ f t .d./774{-ra (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME Ifthis permit requires a Tolvn of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plaruring Departrnent review of Health Deparfinent revielv. and a review by the Building Deparbnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits rvill have to follow the above mentioned marimum requircments. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However. if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to ncccssary review, thesc projects may also taks the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned- understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for' Ageed to by: ProjectName: /t/60 (r..^ A" /l Cl our", s/31 fz Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Development Dept. {,P *'n"^o""' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. I999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQIJIRED l. Is this a new r€sidence? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? ? 4. ..t' / r .t /1 JoBNAME: /?40 br...r'L, /l 4 No+ DATE: PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QI.JESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A *PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': Is demolition work being performed tlr,at requges the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO K Notr 5. Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO 6. Is any drainage work being done lhat a-ffects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO 7. Is a "Revocable zughtd-Way Permit" required? YES NO 8. A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public propefty to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES_ NO_ B. If NO to 8A. is a parking saging or fencing plan required by Commrmiqv Development? YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permif' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ollice or at Commwdty Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Wo*s at 479-2 I 98. r HAVE FAAD AND ANSWERED ALL Tr{E ABOVE QUESTTONS. Companv Name o ii BocKv MowulAflf Muttt''Svsrrms luc, March 17,1999 Mr. Bryce May May Custom Builders, Inc. 51 37 Black Gore Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bryce: Re: Hinz Residence Thank you for the opportunity to bid Rocky Mountail Multi-Systems aluminum clad windows for the Hinz Residence. The price of $33,982 includes the following specifications: o Aluminumcladpinewoodwindows. ExteriorcolortobeRal 8017. Woodinteriorto be Kiefer #l 12, one time dipped for fungus and moisture retardant.. Glass to be l5/16 ofan inch overall that equates to 4mm glass, 5/8 inch airspace and 4mm glass with low-e or European equilivant K-Plus; tempered where required, all window units to have breather tubes.o Door #5420 color to be Meranti #112 with hardware package #13.e Hardware on windows and french doors to be European standard dark brown.r Price includes windows and 50 mm or 2 inch aluminum sills, all shipping costs, duty, taxes, and insurance to job site.r Window and door sizes to be verified and signed off on by May Custom Builders, Inc.o Delivery time: 10-12 weeks after order has been placed. r Terms: 50% down payment; balance due upon delivery. I look forward to working with you. VnK tG,q'rl Charlie Prevtis P.O. Box 18216. Avon, Colorado 81620 . Phone (970) 476-6882. Toll Free 1-888-9Z-0808. Fax (970) 949'6684 o d o 'H oz OD .o OI ; F oz o5 d8 in g E <; o E u tr D o rr A B I (,| D (,| E l) k o E FI I c IJ U F dl .l 0 i -2 }lD f8 Et og!zo .A &E (,c| o E o B |'r Ol E |,q te a td t, 0()tt E N'A A ,t E orq a\o E 99 * drQ .o EB 39 |l E I AF 22 trD E9 xa ,I I I HH ,a lo EI q|a ^a BE .D 'O l.-H{ol R E o F:.Htt xx T5 E. I t 6 h a I l{ 6 H z o l. Ed I()E9 co T 'E P PE o <o ar E()uo *lo p (J T F cl F'B I tl c o z B T t F H * E E A ; :: o r!!I> EIra ca o 1t g9 E aE5 C.At{ nEptr=, Lor* 0F uArL, coLoRADu l iJIOIII999 BB:13 REUUESTS = INSPECTN T,IORK SHEETS FOR: 5/ 1/1999 PATJE AREA: CD l4 Activity: P99-OO2O il t/19 Typer B-pLFlB Address: 146O GREENHILL CT Location: 146O Green Hill Court-A Parcel : 2103-124-o3-o37 Deseription: Heat / snor+ relt syster Applicant: ELK CUUNTRY PLUFTBING & Owner: HINZ PAFIELA $HIELA Contraetor: ELK CUUNTRY PLUFIBING & Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Occ: Use: [rhone z 9-7Q-5B4-1O48 Phone: 4o4-874-B3Og f.rhone = 97@-58'4-tA4O HEATING HEATING Inspection Request Requestor: STEUE Req Tirel OB:OO Iters requested to OO€9S PLlifB-Final Inforration. . . . . Corrents: UNIT A be Inspected... Phone: - GARACE DOUH T.IILL Action Corrent s 476-5984 BE U'JEN Tire Exp Inspect i on Iter: Iter: Iter: Iter: f ter:Iterl Iter: History.... -g6?LO PLltlB-Undergrorrnd o,o,??g trLttlB-Rough/D. tt. U. 04/39/95 Inspeetor: trD 0Oe30 PLMB-Rough/l|at er o,4136/99 Inspector: CIr g,ge40 PLltlB-Gas triping W/39/99 Inspectorr CD 6Oe5O trLltlB-Pool/Hot Tub $O.ebg PLltlB-f'lisc. A7/ee/99 Inspector: GRG oJd?99 PLI4B-Final 8A/3L/99 Inspectorr JRltl Notes: NO ACCESS INT{J HOUSE Acb ir-: AtrFR Action: APPR Actionl APPR Action: AtrtrR Action: DN FLOI"I TEST PERFORiIED STREET PRESSURE t 1*pT T.IIRSBO DRIVE T.JORKING trRE FLOUKS T.IERE BEING DONE ,llAut,tu'|rrL ilppe*n- ' DE'ARTMENT oF coMMuN,rtr*ro ,*t*f #"'u1c'r1-' t/ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ]ob Address: 1460 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location.....: 1460 GREENHILL CT (B) Parcel No...: 210312403038 Project No : APPLICA}IT THORI{BURG, TOM ].450 -B GREENHII-,L COT'RT VAIIJ, CO 81657 License: 139-L Also is CONTRACTOR orrrllER THORNBURG TOM c. O6/L4/2000 1.460 B GREENHII-,L COI]RT vArrJ, co 815 57 Lricense: COMTRACTOR THORNBURG. TOM 1460-B GREENHII-,,L COURT VAIL, CO 4L657 I-.,icense: 139-L AIso is Applicant Description:ADDIfION OF 3 DORMERS/EXTERIOR REMODEIJ DECK SIDING Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V 1-HR Type V L-Hour Valua AddSqFL 0 Wood Pelleh *F*t{ FEE SUMIVIARY 05/L4/2OO0 Phone z 970-476-2O37 Phone: 970-476-2037 06 /1,4/2o0o Phone:97 0-47 6-2037 ,: FINAL .: 05/1.4/2000 ..: 07/06/2oN ..: 11./21./2002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Fieolace Information: Permit #: B00-0138 Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires. Restricted: Y Building----> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call-> 90.00 sr00 . oo s0.00 s250. 00 $t ,202 .'7 5 NOTE PLANS TO iIRM APPR approved jrm NOTE REVISED EXTERIOR APPR revisions apPorvd Total Calculated Fees-> Addidornl Fees--> Total Permit Fee--> Payments----> BALANCE DUE--_-> iL,202.75 (s1s0. oo) 5952.7s 9100. 00 Approvals:Ite'm: 05100 BUTI-,DING DEPARTMENI 06/L4/2OoO JR!4 06/20/2OOO JRvt o8/22/2OOO CHART,TE TO C.D o8 / 3 O / 2O0O CI{ARr-.,rE Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENI C [.-o ,.-... .q, dt / o s (\ '[o-, Vr't,1{-r'uwv' c-{ ..- *-\-r.,' {., 6-rrrr-<'--,, \2r,le'-,4 d,'L'L- tzl toloz- LC # of Gas Appliances:0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of $515.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $334. ?s DRB Fee---------> $0.00 RecreationFee--------> $3 . 00 ClearuP DePcit-> TOTAL FEFS---_> Action: Action: Action: Action: 05/L4/2OO0,JRr[O Action: NOTE PIJAIiIS TO AI,I,I 06/!5/2000 AOCHS Action: AppR site plan per DRB sec !8/22/2OOO CHARLIE Action: NOTE REVISED EXTERIOR TO A.O. ]IEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT 05/14/2OOO JRM Action: APPR N,/A Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS 06/t4/20oo JEN| Action: APPR N,/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUITS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 429-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 ***:ffi**rnl"ttdit**|l"|l*r**l**{***i**********r}##r****iit***********ditdittt****ir**rtrnf{********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Perrrit#: 800{138 asofl2-09-2002 Status: FINAL ***********rt1*r*llrt|****************i****i**********************#************************************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06/1,4/2000 Applicant: THORNBURG, TOM Issued: 07/06/2000 97U476-2037 To Expire: 11,/21./2002 Job Address: 1460 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1460 GREENHILL CT (B) ParcelNo: 210372403038 Description: ADDITION OF 3 DORMERS/EXTERIOR REMODEL DECK SIDING **lhtl*|******r**||'rg.i**!tr*n*******#*rr.t*{*** COnditiOnS *****fif**,*f***.*****!H!************ Cond: CON0000189 STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE STAMPED Cond:CON0000190 REQUIRESTRUCTURAL INSPECTION BY ENGINEERON CUTIING OF LOWERFLOOR SLIPITORTSAND LETTER SENT TO TOI i\lOF VAIL(bldg) Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROON4S AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310,9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. ** t* t + {' * t * * a +l * * i' * * * * l* * * + *'t * ** * + *** ** * f * * + +* * t * * * * * * ** f f * ** * + t ++ | + + ++ f + * ** * ** * * * * ** + * * a * * + * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopyRrprhtcd onl2-Ul-2t|D2 lt 10:2ll:11 12/0912002 Statement **t + * * * * * * ** + + + + * * * ** I * * +* * * * * * * **li*+**** * +*t*f* * * * * * * t * * '1. + I f * * l. * + + * * + + * * * ** + * + * * * + + + * + | t + * Statement. Nuniber: R000003523 Amount: $313.OO L2/OS/200204:36 PM Paymene Metshod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Thornburg 1458 Permit No: 800-0138 Tlpe: ADD/AJ,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103124 03 03 8 Site Address: 1460 GREENHILL CT VAIIJ Location: 1450 GREENHIIL CT (B) Total Fees: $1,052.75 This Payment: $313.00 Total ALIJ Pmta: 5952.75 Bal"ance: 5100.00 * ** * * * f* t * ++ + * + +'l * | *t 't * * **** * +* {l * ** * * * * ** * + + * *a 't + + + ++ * * + +* * * * ** **** '|+:|* + * * | f* * * t *l **** + + * *'tt ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS -1OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 22O.OO DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 5O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 143.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTIIENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT ON JOBSITE ^A,T Permit #: ALL TIMES 800-0138 APPLTEANT TIIORNBI]RG, TOM 1460-B GREENHILL COIJRT, VAIL, CONTRA TOR THORNBI'RG, TOM ]-450-B GREENHILL COURT, VAIL,OI,{NER THORNBURG TOM G. 1460 B GREENHILL COIJRT, VAII-,, Description: ADDTTION OF 3 DORMERS JOb AddrESS: 1460 GREENHITL CT Locat,ion...: 1460 GREENHTLL CT Parcel No. . : 2L03-L24-O3-038 Project No. : PR,Jo0-01-3L SEAEUS...: ISSI]ED (B) Applied..: 06/L4/2000 Issued...: O7/06/2OOO Erq)ires. . : 0L/02/200L Phone: 970-476-2037 Phone: 970-476-2037 rd?Zebl m.0--2037 Clean-u apprq *of ca6 LogB:lfof wood/PcIfcts: co 81557 co 8r-557 co 81557 Occupancy: Type ConsEruction: Valuatsion: Fircplacc Infonbtion: Single Family nesidencd T]lge V 1-Hour Add Sq Ft: R3 V 1-HR FEE ST'MMARY *of GaE Applianc€s: Reotlrarant' Plan Revie$- - > DRB Fec-------- Recreatsion Pe€--- -- ----- > C1ean-(t) Dcpooit- -- - -- - - > Tocal calculaled Fec6- - - > AddiEional Pecs---------> Total PenniL Fee--------> Pa]anentss- - --- -- BuiLding-----> PIan Check-- - > hve6tigiatsion> wiLl calL- - -- > 295.00 .00 3.OO .00 50 .00 .00 100.00 .00 639.79 .,".,...,..;;";;.,;;;;;;ffi:';;;ffi;.........":i3;'i.......r*r;;;;;1;;,;;;:;;.,"... o6/L4/2000 .fRM Action: NOTE PT,ANS TO .lRIq-06'/20'/2000 JRM Action: APPR aDDroved irm rEbm:'05400 pr,.ANNrNG DEPARTMEIVT -DepE: PLANNTNG Division:06/1.4/2000 JRM ACIiON: NOTE PLANS TO ALLISON O6/L5/2O00 AOcHs Action: APPR site plan per DRB set rtbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division:06/L4/2ooo iIRM Action: APPR N,/A I!qm:'.Q5500 PIIBLIC WORKS '. Dept: PUB WORK Division:O6/L4/2000 .IRM Action: APPR N,/A See Page 2 of this Document for any condiE.ions that may apply Eo Chis permiE. DECI,ARATIONS I hetcby acknolrlgdge Chat I hav6 read thi,e apptication, filled oue in fu]] the infohralion rcquired, colPlatqd an accuratse PIo! plan, ahd 6!a!e Eha! al1 Che infornation plovidcd as requiled i6 corr€ct. I agrec Co co6p1y rrieh the inforllalion and plots plan, to couply rith al1 Totrn ordinanceE alrd Btate laes, and E.o build chis st.ructure according to tha Toen's zoning and eubdlviglon u cod66, de€igrr r€vi6n approvad, tniforn Building cod€ and other ordinanc€s of the Town appllcable ch€reto, :O0 Al| 5:00 s€nd clean-I4) D.paEit To: ToM IIoRNBORS SIGNATURE OF OWNSR OR COMIRACIOR POR AND O{NER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** COT\TDITIONS Permit. #: 800-0138 as of 07 /06/00 St,atus---: ISSITED ***************************:t**************************************************** Permit Tf49e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: O6/L4/2000 Appu.canL--: fiIORNBURG, TOM rssued---: 07/06/2000 970-476-2037 To Expire: OL/02/200L 'Job Address: 1450 GREENHILL CT I,OCAIiON---: 1450 GREENHII.,L CT (B) Parcel No-- : 2lO3-124-03-038 GLEN LYON ST'B tOT 20 Descript.ion: ADDITION OF 3 DORMERS ************************************** COnditiOns ******************:t*********** ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE FSQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}TCE. 2. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F THE 1997 IIBC. 3. STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS MUST BE STAMPED 4. REQUIRE STRUCTT'RAL INSPECTION BY ENGINEER ON CT]TTING OF LO!{ER FLOOR SI]PPORTS AND LETTER SEI{T TO TOWN OF VATL ( bldg) v it*rl*t*lt*ti tlti **** *l **ti**tii** i.***i i**t t*i *tr *i *t* a**rt i* **** ** Tcrlllt OF VAIL, C9I.('RADO gtaremr ttttftlrl**ttttt!}t**ra****t++trrattirt*tair**i*!.+*tr*a*r**,lr**rar** gtate@t Nunber: RBC-O651 Arlount: 639.18 01/06/OO tS:rr Palment l{ethod: 1103 Notatlon: TOM THORNBURG Init: JN Pennlt No: BOO-0138 Tlpe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SF1R BUrLD pE Palcel lto 3 2103-124- 03- 038 Site AddreBa: 1{60 @BENHIIJT qr L,ocation: 1t160 qEBUIIL& qr (B) Total Fee6: 539.75 Tlris Pal4ent 639.75 Total ALL htE: 639.75 Balance: .oo **tatt*t*r**artti*tttt*ttt*ttitrt*rrtl*rrtttrr:l*ttt*rlia*ratt**!trlr* Account Code Degcription Anount BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERUIT FBES 295.00 m 00100003112200 DEaICN RSVTEW FtsES 50.00 PP 00100003112300 PIrAN CIIBCK FBEA 191.75 AD Dz-DAPO8 CI,EANT'P DEPOSTTS 1OO,OO wc ooxoo003112800 I|ILL ceLL r[spEcrroN EEE 3.oo o o 'lr oa OD .o o!q( j FI oz OD 'o C' (J C} t n2 .tD F8 Er. ctcI 2,t ciP c'a E F lr E I * F o D (] I I ,i F H q; o o o n !F.FH ql 88 HE a IA ol!oo E E I 6 I R I A B E o p F E t) F.a o a E :{ !tt tl U H f, 'l |\l (\| F F EE EB TI ca g u !i I EE E9 B al a BE 10 ix H' R x x i{ Fr H'o9 88 Ia E H a cl I !F EI x F. 2 H t{!d I(J ZA A g g -I I gH qt ao tr E(,(, (, H C{ 00 t( q F FI u I ts x 2 R T ct FI H n I a F ; ol o ra5 ;a !t n -> EI{.Ea o att ao at Eto t EE O A&H 97 O-47 9 - 2L49 (Inspections) MWNOFYAIL .ol?lg Separate Pcrmits are required lbr electrical, plumbing. mec etc.: 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Contad Assessrs Offrce at 970-328-864O or visit COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) for Parcel # Parcef # atO3- ta4.O3-O Job Name:-/-g at^tg, RG eF5 tog N <E -V h"u1fi lobAddress: t lLoB G^..-L,)t (rr.";* Address:, g0ats Grrn<r_rr,r ) (,o*_l Phone: g 1 a- tl'l L. Lo 37 lo- 9)d,-C Address: ?rrQov qg'.7 )-Phone: {)o.qq t)dJ.*,r-" 4 -Ih.t-(s) J*rtr -5 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (X) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(r.)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (V) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family $) Multi-famity ( ) Commercjat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: a_No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 1 : Gas Apoliances ( l) Gas Pellet( ) Wood Burn Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ) No( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( BUILDING: $ 2a,ooo P ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAI-: S 2-r,-.1))) - REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: -fbt-.' G :rt-"rt 6u- o, @.n* Town of Vail Reg. No.: l3Q-e Contact and Phone #'s: 't'c>-^ -Tht-r.Lu,- Q't o' | -> L' zct I ^r*-J****************:t**:t***********^r****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***+**********+*********************+ Date Received:Public Way Permit Fee: F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm I0l'v\i0F ldll Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Project n"."G9!^J 344cG QUsr$ewc6- QNFsE o Address: I .l L O 8 Gv=z-*..h-, t I Ca.^ rt 6 r{ \ D # A $( { L] J 'X tr / This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. { ntt pages of application is complete ( nas DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex N#a|1lt qla Complete site plan submitted $.- pl-. x rr .I 44 g. 0rr,- '.+ ,,.r , E oo' ao S'J Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) N Af FeO Irc, bl< Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaqe aflowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval S.-- p h-^< ,a *-e tr Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring (rr- 0 h."-<D a.-.Qg Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) N €T a. g 9l, e^,lt; - Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection 6 a7 AeO Ll-e*o LJJ Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated N Dt F0o2-rcp6t{J Smoke detectors shown on plans 0 X.l'"- 9 a'''-l' fl Types and quantity of fireplaces shown rvof P e c t-\ ca GLE Appficant's t nn r, Date of suamtttat=\L3 f-'*' F:/everyoneforms/bldpermZ Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the eslimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed rd,printffi - signature -----V- Project rtame:1F t*t tAup6- Ae<$eo.,,cA frLu Et Darct bl7 I ,-- F: everyone,/torms/bldperm3 N rT ,4 APL t <AGu€- WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': L'Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? YES performed YES NO o 3 o LJ J Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO !-_* Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO C-- Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO L_ ll#ty"t't *Rb,t a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? 1^J^A.l ;^-0 L'a'"\ I bl E If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESNONS. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO L- NO -- NO L. Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO> Contractor Signature Job or Project Date Signed: rvantsod S rUc, &.o-\ ro s^x.d blq/ ,- require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 ComDany Name QL*,"W MWNOF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS Horv it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field veriff (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of ali traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal, I have read and understand the above. t'l +l ,--- F : leveryone/f ormslbldperm5 Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read ancl check off each of the items beklw: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2798 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancy issuance. Agreed *O Project Name: -flto ATWLL4L Qsst osr<-E p l'^.8 Date Signed:clq/ * F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below, (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-IOI DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED tr Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sandf gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. a Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand/ gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the.person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. f Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section L-4-I of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-l of this Code. (1997 Code: ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A.I AND 7-34-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED J No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance, (Ord. 2(1968) S 1) a Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty Four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundmentcharge, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) Ihavereadandwi||complywiththeabovecodep,o"i,ion,'ffi Position or Relationship to Project:(fu*f /o;;t;Jk sis"u'"'" .t I Dare Sie,ned: ll I dll tq F:,'eYeryone/forms/bldpeImT Bm-o'38O ------=aa=- t}' \? ln lP \l F $\ f v f t t- p >( .$ t}\t --I o i'..1rl u I z0titi TOV-COM.IJEV" I I I J f $-t rtt'r r '/z NII ?.>o{ZF >qHFel IA6V9L'BL6 EI:gT AZAZ/IA/TI za 39vd rL/al/2426 13:13 976476499L Fax Cover Sheet Date: Novembcr 1,2000 To: Charlie Davis tr'rr: 479-2452 Re: Thomburg Winding Stair Scndcr: Stephanie Lord-Jobnson CC: Tom Thoraburg, 516-76f591E FPS PAGE 6I FRITZLEN P I E RC E ARC H ITE CTS call (970) 4'16-6342 Exr 15. Chslic Following is a summary of the requirements nscdcd to meet the intcnt of the codc rcgatding thc Thomburg's winding stair per yestcrday's meeting. Also attached is a sketch ofthp hardrail rcquircment. l. Handrail o erdeldthehandrail ovt3 yt" fromthefacc ofthe wood vcneerpostonthc insidc ofthe stairs . han&ail must be cotrtinuous 2. Stair Tread . (3) ofthe treads are less than 36" - rhie is acccptable becgusc ure are allowcd to heve tbe stringer cxtend into thc stair I %" per code, The narrowest point of thc fead will bc less ftrrn 6" on (4) tneads - to offs€t this lhc han&ail must extend out 3 %" to move pcople to the wider scction ofthc tread 3. Cruard Rail ' ' a 36" tail gusrdmil is rcquired on thc o'tside of thc winding stair Please lct me how if you have any additious or corrections to this summary. Thgnks again for your hclp!+ K:\0014 - ThomburdTovm of Vrllkdft | | 0t.rvpd planningO&driteCtrreetntcriors 1650 Eart Vail vrlley Dri|t F.ltridge C-t a V.ll, CO 0165Z r fp€|cobndqnct. far (9ZO) azGla90t . (970) a76{taa < 4- Staging Plan Thomburg Residence Phone 47&2037 Fa< 561-760-5918 ' Email tthornburgCDcarolina.r.com Aprit 06, 2000 l. St gingPLn a" All parking is shoum on site plan. b. All nderial will be ctued in the cxistingdudling or in the garage. c. All &molition matedals will be bauled anay &ily. The parking lmtim of the &np truck is on the pqerty ad is shmm m tb site olan ThG durecfier c/i[ be located on tbe property in tbe sharc locdion as tb &np tuck after deinolition aod drring windos' instatlation. d. Noftncereqrired.. e. No tee porection is n€e&d f.. Sec. aborc"g No erosion oontrrol platr is rcqufu€d" h" l.Icaflicable. 2. No wort will be done in the rigbt of vilay. APPLICATTO LL Nor BE AccEprED IF rNcoMpLEf* r"rrorro eroj6ct #: PZloo -ooa3 Building Permit #: BO0 - 97 O - 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections)s MWNOFYINIY 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Separate Permits are required for clectrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! Contact Asressorc Otrice at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # 2to 3 r2.4 o30 38 Job Name:'fl+ occu&uQ A &€S , )E ^/ cE Job Address: l4 6 0 B Gue.".la', r-u C4n or Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Namefp6n G,-ih on b uyl xdress:,1?. L I B ?yb t],i | ? ^ n Phone:f t, . ,l1b ->oll fr.f\+"#,'"fr?il'; <;,.^{(dps5s; /o ff."t,|,,lp_on w Jr.rc-lf Phone:416 - Lt -tO, C3VL Engineer:/<A,,'n co^<nl*e,.,ls ll Address:e- o:0n-!s2], r-Phone:41r- qqq _q W / Detailed description gf wor't d.o,_",.^ tuod *i-n'.Vcplo.- w t>\dct'/s e^' Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ()Q Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ()Q lvlulti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other'( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: a No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 2 Nof[ype of Fireplaces $isting: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (X) NofFypeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X ) CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDTNG PERMTT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ | 5, c2c2(o. o O ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ ITEF'UND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor:.ib: ;" G . m- ti br-. q (o*n' r Contact and Phone #'s:-rtilt- il /. -- > t'-27 fb+$ **)t****-&rr********************:!,****^t****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********************-4*************** Occupancy Grouo:Public Way Permit Fee: F :/everyoneforms/bld gperm Date fieceived APR C; 2OOO l4AR-2.1-OO l3 ,49 FRol,t, TouM- oEv_DEPT .r D. sToessz Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL kojoct Narne: Thornbury Residencc ProjectNumber: prj00-0033 hoject Dcsc,ription: Ertcrior wiudow rcplacernent eod deck altcration Owne(, Addresq and Phone: Tom Thornbury 432E Crocron Orks Dr. Cherlottc, NC 28211 70+37G5985 Arohitcct/Contad, Address. and Phone; Frietcn pierce Smith 1650 E. Vail Vatley Dr. Suite C-l Vail, CO 81657 97047G.6p,42 Project Strea Addregs. 14608 Grceuhill Cr LegEJ Deseription: Lot 20, GIcn Lyon Parcel Number: 210312403038 Building Name; Comments: Approval DOES NOT include ded* rails PAGE 2/S Motion by: Seconded by; Vote: Conditions; Board/Staff Action Action:Stellapprovcd with conditions l. Dek railings musl natch cxi$ing or both units must chengc dcck railiags Tovm Plarurer: Allison Ochs Date; 3D2/00 DRB Feepard: $20 Project Name Thornburg Residencc Docunentl TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT r.lob Address: l_460 GREENHILL CT Locati-on. . . : 1-460-8 GREENHILL gI ParceL No. . : 2]-03-L24-03-038 Project No. : PR.Jo0-0053 APPLiCAI{T EAGLE VALTEY ELE(TRIC P O BOX l1-a6, VA,IL, CO 81558 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELEEIRIC P O BOX r-1_16, VAIL, CO 8L658 OIiTNER TIIORNBURG TOM G. 1450 B GREENHILL COI'RT, VAIL, CO 81657 Descri-ption: REWIRE RESIDENCE .JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES Permit. #: 800-0083 Status...: ISSITED Applied..: 0s/24/2000 Issued...: 06/02/2000 Expi-res. . : LL/29/2oo0 Phone z 970-827-5772 Phone: 970-827-5772 Phone,: 970-476-2037 Valuation:12,000.00 FEE SUUMARY El,eccricaL- -' > DRB P€E Inveacj.gaEion> will call-- --> TOTAI, FEAS-.-> Total Calculated Feea- - - > Additional Fees- ---- -- > Tocal PerniE Fe6--------> 216.00 . oo .00 3 .00 219. OO 219.00 . oo 219.00 Pat ments- -- ----- 2!9.oo BAI.ANCE DUE_-.. .OO rTCM: O6OOO ELEETR.ICAL DEPARTI'JIEIiTT DCPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON: O5/3L/2OOO KATITY ACIiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KW Itbm:'05500 FIRE DEPARIT{ENT Dept.: FIRE Division:05/3L/2000 KATIIY Actj.on: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1, FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hcrrby acknorledgc that I have lead thi6 apptication, filled out. in fulL ehe information requi,red, coupletcd an accuratc plots p1an, end 6tat. chats aLl th. infor$ation providod as required is correct. I a9!6c to conply tilh thtl infornaiion end ploc Plan, to collply witsh a1l Torn ordinances arld Btat.€ larrs, and to build lhis st.ructure according to thc Tosn's zoning and Fubdivioion codes, desigm rewiew approved, Unifontr Building code and other ordinanco€ of the Tosn applicable th€lebo. RBQUESTg FOR INSPBC{IONS SHALIJ BE I.IADE TI{ETTY'FOI'R HOURS IN AD1ANCE EY tt*tt**i*tt*i*tt*t*tt**a***:a*t*ttli***+*tlrr*****t*t**r*:lr**r*r*r* TOI{II OF VAIL,, COLORADO ' Statennt ili*!tal*trli*ttl****t*ta*tlt***tt*i**att****t*t****ttr*ttrtttt+r** gtaEemt Number: RBC-O635 Amorut:219. o0 06/02/OO Lr.5s Init: .tAR Payment ltlethod: CK Notation: 15346 Penlit No: Parcel No: gite Addless: Location : T'hls Payment EOO-0O83 TYPC: B-EIEC BIJECTRICAI' PERMIT 2103-124-03-038 1450 GRSEDIHILL CT 145O-B GREENI{IIJ, qT Total FeeB: 219.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: Balance : * t t * i * t l| * t *t * t |l a * i * i * * 'l a t * * rl I ll I * * * * ll :r t * t * } !t * * *t * * * t * * * * i * * I * i } Account code Descriptlon EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELEETRICAIJ PERI'IT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION PEB 219.00 219.00 .00 Amount 2L6 . OO 3,00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479 -2L38 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M00-0044 iIOb AddTESS. . . : L46O GREENHIIJIJ CT Locat,ion.. .... : 1460-8 GREENHILL CT Parcel No... .. : 2L03-L24-03-038 Project Nunlcer: PR,J00-0053 APPLIEAIVT EONCBPT MECHANICAL, INC P.O. BOX 1165, AVON, CO CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAI, INC P.O. BOX 1155, AVON, CO OI,VNER THORNBI'RG TOM G. ].460 B GREENHILL COI]RT, Status...: ISSIIED Applied..: 0s/L6/2000 rssued...: 05/05/2000 Extrrires. . : L2/03/2ooo Phone: Phone: Phone: Description: Valuation: ROUGH IN/BUILD MECH RM,INSTALL HYDRONIC HEAT ZONES Fir.D1ace Infornation: Re6tsricled: Y #of 6as Appliancco:+Of Gaa Log6: 81620 8L520 vArL, co 81557 .00 .00 Total calculaeed Fecs- - - > 97 0 -949 -0200 970-949-0200 970-476-2037 19, 500 . 00 *of l'lood/Pa1lct: 503 . O0 Reatuarant PIan Revien--> DRB Fee-- ----- - FEE SUT4MARY Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > fnve6tigacion> wiLl call----> 400.00 100.00 .00 3.00 Additional Fees-- --- --- -> .00 TOTAT FEES----- 503-OO Total Permit Fee--------> Paymenta------- 503 - OO so3 . oo BAIANCE DUE.... .OO Item: 05100 BUILDING 05/.L5/.2000 KATTTY DBPARTMEIIT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:ACTiON: NOTE ROUTED TO JRM 05/L7'/2000 JRM Item: 05500 FI ACIiON: APPR APPROVED Division: 05/L6/2000 KATITY ARTMENT DCPT: FIRE ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KW FIRE DEPARTT,IENT EONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIANqE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 I]MC, OR SESTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUETTONS AT.ID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE ].997 IJMC, CHAPTER 1-O OF THE 1.997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALT BE VENTBD ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIiID SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 T]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE ]-997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEI T MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.]-017 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOIJI\MING ON COIVIBUSTIBLE FI-,OORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MIUST BE POSTBD IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPESTION REOT,'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTA]NING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIL,ERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** DBCLARA:TIONS I hrrllf rchrorl.dgr thrE I ht!r. rqtd thi! +rpllcrflon, filt.d out in full pl|,|, .nd .t.t. thrC .ll th. Lnfon tLon providrd .. roquircd i. coEcct. Co cdtrrl,y rlfh all Torn ordinanca. |nd .!.t. l.ra, rnd fo bulld this cod.r, d.rl9n.r.vi.r rpprov.d, Itnifor Bulldtng @d. rnd ouhcr REqIESTtt POn n|gPten(nm Sln"IJIr Bt lqlrt rflaNrr-rouR HorrRa gl(nqmRE oF mNlR oR coltnAcrloR toR HI gBTTF ND th. lnf,orE tlon rcqulrcd. caqrllt.d tD accunCa DlgC I rgr.. bo coqrly rltsh th. lnfor .hLor! .t|a plot plro, th. aom,. rdrlr€ rr|ld aubdiylrtoo thG.to. I OR Ar Om OllICl lRolf lro0 lX 5100 PI tt*ttl!ttt*|rat*!ltttt!ltlt*lttttt*ta***ttttia|l*****ra*tt***tttttrttll TOITN OF VAII,, COIORADO gtatemnt titrttttatit*f ltittt*tt*ttrrtltttttrrtitlt*tirtt*tttttt*****rti* gEatennt lfunber: RBC-0537 Anount: 5O3.OO 06/06/00 !It43 Paynent llethod: CK l{otatlon: S5584/C!oNCEPT Inlt: Lc Permlt No: 00-00{4 Tlrpe: B-IIIECH Ii{BCHANICALT pBRtrlIT Parcef l{o: 2103-124 - 03- 038 Site Address: 1460 GRBENHII& qf Locatlon: 1{60-8 GIRBEI{HIIiL qf Total Fees: 503 . 00 Total ALfr hte : Balance : at)*tt**t*ttat}****attttttt*latltt*lt****t)titt**it*ttll*1}*!}A**t*tti Account code Descrlptlon l|P 00100003111300 rEcmNIcA.L PERITT FEEA PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIAN CHECK FEBS IfC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJJ CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE ThiB Palment 503 . O0 503.00 .oo Amount 400.00 100. oo 3.00 APR-13-OO 1r.23 FROII , TOV-COIII-DEV-DEPT. TOWN0Fynn 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPUGATToNUL Nor EE AccEprtD iF TNCOilPTETF I D .9?O4?92452 Building Permit S: Mechanical Fermit #: PAGE 2/3 97 O- 47 9- - (rnspcctions) Permit will not be acceoted withoui .rfre following: Providc ilecftanical Room l,.yout drawn to gc: e to Indude:c Medranical Roorn Dirnenilons : Combustion Air Duct Size ard Location :: Cornbusdon Air Duct Sie and l'o€tbn o Fluc, vent and Gas Line Sze and Locattoo : Heat Loss Calcs" = Equipment Cut,fspec Shccts COT'IPLETE VALUATION FOR I,IEGHANIGAL PERMIT (I'bor & Materials) Corrbct e. so Qttfu at 9ZO-226-E6,flt or yisit LlZF for hrd i parcet * (nequrca nho o@-. permit #-iJI6ffi.Effi E @E rob D,rame: Thof nbv3 (4W Legal Description tor % leroo.'atirs: $fr*(subdivision;4 Lg,J L?aJ auyaers Name. T ftO p,l enAJ@W 4ltaN hs I Phone: q76-b77 (n l - Engineer:ym 'ia Ptnne ft)tla% -znn kiEflffi]lW.bi,a u"i t* "t ^Work Cass: l€w ( ) soibr l-oantion: tntenorD( ?g* t I Other( )Does an EitU o{sr at ihis locariori: Ves ( ) wolDO TpeofB|dg:sn9'e-fumilY()Dupler()rv!ulti.furnriy()Corrrrrercial()Rc5aw No. of ExisEing llnelling Units in this buitding: I No. of Acomnrodation Units in Uris br,rilding: 7 Ig4pgg!@laces-Existino: GesApotianc6( ) GasLoqs( ) Wocd/pcllet( , WcodBurninq(l) No/Type of Fireplaccs Propced: Gas appliances. (J Gas Loes ( I ) wood/peiler (l wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) CONTRACK'R INBORIIIATIOT{ ***,F****ir**++*+ar*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLy++*i.***:F*:F+*+****,i*r3***+***** EIVED i\1AY 1 6 2000 F:/.t C.tanc/flt|'rr/m.dtp.rm 1'ov.coM.DEV" CONCEPT MECHANSI, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 May 16,2000 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Thornburg Residence; 1460 Greenhill Court; Side B Vail, Colorado To Whom It May Concern: I have completed my heat loss calculations for this project. The heat loss for this home is apprqdmately 62,000 Btuh. My calculations are based on 7dT interior temperature and u' _2€l "*t"rio, design temperature. This is an existing home (primary unit), which is being converted to a gas-fired boiler system from electric heat. We will be installing two Teledyne Laars boilers each rated at 160,000 Btuh (sea level input) to heat the home and provide energy for domestic hot water production via two 80 gallon storage tanks. There will be two 4" diameter type "B" flues installed sideways. Combustion air will be two 14" wide x 6"high ducts-one high and one low per code. Enclosed with this letter are our mechanical permit application and a schematic layout of the boiler room. Please call with any questions or comments. Thank you. Pm3:ffii Timothy J. Rosen, P.E.; V.P./Secretary Concept Mechanical, Inc Encl. :.-rtr-inOM.DEV. trH o^LCUL^IEDB| PR- oorE -1'/A'AO DATE coNcEPT nrecxtcll, rNc. PLUMBING. HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN PO. Box 1165 Avon. Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949-0200 Fax: (970) 949-0300 CHECKED BY Pl0lLlcT 2ll r ls n9 es'ell5t2611h:d€dl THE CtupncrMnurfinnM' FOR SUPERB HOME HEATING COMFORT Reliable, Efficient and Quiet Compact, Efficient, Dependable The Teledpe Laars MINI-THERNl') gas-fired residential hydronic boiler features cnergv olficiency to mini- mize utility bills, compact con- shuction, quiet oporation and above all, the ability to deliver consistent warmth when outside temperatues plummet. Ideal for both new homes and replacements, thc ll'ltNI-THERNI combinos advanced technolop;1' with common-scnse feahres in an exceptionally compact unit designed to keep hoating costs lorv. Thc low-mass heat exchanger and fasfacting controls designed inkr every lttlNI-THEIiNi boiler assure instantaneous availabitity of hot waler to rapidly achieve occupant comfort. The MINI-TIIER\l is available for natural gas 0r propane in two models - the JV and JVi -without expensive add-on acccs- sorios. Both feature: o Small footprint o SLr sizes from 50.000-225.(XX) BTU/hr to fit any home r Ilorizontal or vcrfrcal venting . Singlc-point pr)wer (:onncction JVModel Valued for its economy as well as features, the W txrntinues to be popular with homoowners. 'fhe built-in draft div0fier, automatic vent damper and hvo cast-iron wet rvalls providc performancc as well as dependabilif and easc of installa[iun. lt is smaLl enough to Iit through narrow doorways and into small utilitv areas with easc. Thc burlt-in draft divcrtcr allows easy hook-up to existing svstcms. No scparate installation I hEEEIVET" Mt\Y 1 6 2c0,, in rhc venr ryr,r,l-?Yffi,9&P-EYt The easv-in design saves time, effort and expense. . Standing pilot (JVT) or electro- nic intermittent ignition (JVS) . Up to 85.4% AFUE . Cr-'mbination outlel-water tcmp- erature and prcssure gauge New JVi Model All the featurcs of the W and more. The JVi features induced draft which allows either horizontal or vertical venting. The JVi boiler provides installation flexibility, easy replacement for elcctric heating, and the solution to deteriorating chimneys. Horizontal (sealcd) or vertical (type B) venting -your choice. . Rcduced clcarances ... 2" back and left . Up to 84.0% AFUE . Slide-out burner tray . I:asi high-altitude convcrsion . Front-mounted gauges for easy reading . Built-in gravity operated vent damper Reliable Trou-ble-Free Operation Proven in residential applications i,r'orldwrde, the MINI-THERM's ad- vanced technology was developed for long life and dependability. The hcat cxchanger's finned copper tubcs provide unbeatable heat transfer with consisl ent of[cicncr throughout its long operating life. Optimize your heating systcm investment'"vhile minimizing your fucl bills rvith a 'f eled-vne Laars \IINI.TIIERNl. MINI-TIlERlvl JVi@ MINI-'IHERNI JV t( Integral indaced drafi Jan allows horizontal oent runs up to 50 feet in length (model Jll only). Hedt erchanger has integral finned copper tubes that won't scale or conode. Unique burner design allows quiet, etficient operdtion as well as easy seruicing or fuel-source conuersion. Accessories Power Vent Kit (W only) For through-the-wall venting on 50.000 to 225.000 BTUr'hr sizes to eliminate vertical chimneys, Continuously regulated draft reduces energy costs by main- taining eflicient com,bustion. Non-Combustible Base (JV only) MINI-THERM must be installed on a Teledyne Laars non-com- bustible base assernbly or other approved non-combustible surface. Base adds 1" to boiler heights listed in table. Non-Combustible Stand For easy maintenance accessibil- ity, a 19.5" high non-combustible floor stand is aiso available. Copper -flnneo tuoes hig.ql Inducsd l--C.oc lron Doin l-lose Bibb Coonection Gos In -1 The MINI-THERM is a worry- free investment in comfort that the homeowner won't have to contemplate again for at least another two decades. That's because every unit comes with a 20-year limited warranty* to assure dependable heating. How can we offer such as a pro- tective warranty? By subjecting every MINI-THERM to complete pressure testing in accordance with ASME specihcations - as ' see uoftantg Ior dctoils well as to full operational perfor- mance testing to our own strin- gent standards - right at our factory. And through certification by the American and Canadian Gas Associations, along with ASME rating, for safety of opera- tion. This attention to quality affords homeowners unparalleled comfort - in both the purchase of the MINI-THERM and the pleasant home environment it helos maintain. STAI{DARD EQUIPMENT $[D SPECIFICATIONS {\ Inches (mm) ModelJVi ModelJV i Frunl Uiew -,FTELEDYNE L/MRS 6000 Condor Drive, lloorpark, CA 93021 . Tel: (805) 529-2000 . F (: (805) 529-5934 20 lndustrial Way, Rochester, NH 03867 . (603) 335-6300 . Fa* (603) 335-3355 480 S. Senice Road West, 0akvillc, 0ntnrio, Canada L6K 2H4 . Tel: (905) 844-8233 . Fa.r: (905) 841-2635 Iirpi-dlm G|uga Right Side View JYI Siu |npsl 8TU/tl r1000 (rul li..lam C.r. Bllrihr t 1D0 (rlvl i.ll8B 8luftr r 1000 (lW) IFUT %Dlmuaio|lt hdo! (mn) Wal!t Co!||. {li.} Ga! C!ni. (1..1 l0pllr. hight (lhr.) il.t. Gar Pro, Ges Iat. Gaa Pro. G,r ilrl. Gar Pro. Ga! t l c 50 lql 125 160 46 500r.6) 75 (n.91 1r(n.11 r25 (16.61 160 {r6.t) 22s (65.C) 11.5 (12.r) 62.306.2) e.0(21.0) 1m.s(30.0) rn.2 (38.{) 1U.5151.01 |2.0(12.31 63.0 (10.11 83.s (2r.1) r03.0 (3{.1} r32.8(18.s) 1n.2(54.0) 36.1{10.51 51.2 (15.E) 72.6 (?r.3) rs.6 (26.7) fi4.1 (x9.4) r60.a(a6.s) 36.500.71 51.?{16.01 ?2.5 (2r.3) 89.6(26.4 rls.t{13.N} r52.8(r7.4 83.1 E3.2 l?.1 t2.l a.t n.2 81.0 El.0 11.0 t2.t l2.l t3.2 r3.3n(wl l3.3A31l|) 1S7[1129) 1&7DlA9) 2G3/[{511) 25-5tr (651) SliE (el) +1/1110r) su1(115) $12 (t{a) 1-1tlllrl 10 (251) 2.7,8 (r3l 2 (511 2-7,0 (nl 2 (s1) 2 (51)2 (51) 't-1/l tt/l 1-1ll 1.1/a l-r/l 1-1la 1n 1n n t2 1n 3/t' t6l 165 1t0 ll5 a0 '12 Fc Pro!&r $r/4*r- 7 -*l (2351 | (178t I fop View JV Sira l.pul 8TUfi. r lr|0lxw) H!.lin0C8t. BIU/tr r 1000 {(lVl il.t l8R BTUftr r 1000(|ff)^ru %0lmanaionr Inci.! {mm} lYrh C!nn (ln.l G4! Co|l {ln.l lp6 hnitlor Sbndi4Pllol tfbidtl 0b.)i.l. Ga Pro. Ga tlal. Gas Pro. Gar llal. G.! Pro. G,s llal. Gas Pro. Gra A I c 0 v 50 'r00 1?5 't60 225 5a0r.6l 75 (?|.91 rm (2r.11 125(S.6) 160(16.r) 25 {65.0) .2{12.3) 63 {16.r) 83(24.{l 101(30.1) 133(38.S) 166 (51.8) {31r2.6) 6.08.i) E5(21.11 fl5(31.0) 115(3r.51 1$ls5.6l 16,5 (10.7) 5Lr (16.0) n.2\.1) $.r 126-5) r15.7(33.S) 1fl.7({7.3) 37.{(11.0} 56.6(r6.3) B9 (?1.6) e.2ln.0) 11?.1131.t) 16.2(1t.1) u.l E1.0 81.0 t3.0 83.0 83.2 85.1 85.2 85.0 81.5 81.8 85.0 80.2 80.5 80.? 80.7 81.0 81.5 82.0 82.t 82.7 4.7 [3.0 t3.5 13-Cl( [) 1$38 (11[] lFin (&sl rF18 {r29) 2G&8 (518) H8(61) 27-311(761 27+r (7Ib) 2SU4 (730) 2&rA (730) 2e3/1(xr) r.12{ml 2350 (6u|) 2+1/8 (6131 2+1i8 (6131 23-t8 (6r[) 2!5/8 (6O) z?li1{tcr} 2i-n/a (552) a.3/r (552) 2-U4(578) z-&a (5?81 2.44 (s?8) 2+ r (6291 ?stzFnl 2.1,2 (6s) n-1nlffil zt-rn (8s) n-1t2lwl n-12lwl | (1021 5 0271 s 027) 61152) 61152) 7l17r) tl/l t-t/1 t-1/1 t-l/a 1-1t1 1-111 1n 1n 1n 1n u{' 120 126 131 138 161 t81 '1/2 Fof Ptsrl! TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L3B APPLICAIV| CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE.A.T ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P00-0023 .]Ob AddrCSS: ].460 GREENHILL CT I.,,OCATiON.. .: 1450 GREENHILL CT, SIDE Parcel No. . : 2L03-]-24-03-038 Project No. : pRJo0-0053 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC P.O. BOX LL65, AVON, CO 81520 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC P.O. BOX LL65, AVON, CO 81620 THORNBI]RG TOM G. 1460 B GREENHILL COURT, VAIL, CO 81657 status...: IssuED BApplied. . : 04/L8/2000 Issued...: 04/20/2ooo Expires.. I ro/L7/2000 Phone,: 970-949-0200 Phone: 970-949-0200 Phone: 970-476-2037 DCSCT1PIiON: ROUGH IN FOR NEW FIXTI'RES A}ID GAS VAIUAIiON:18, 500 . 00 FEE ST'.'.ITi1ARY Plurnbing-----> Plan check- - - > fnvestigation> will call----> 285 - 00 1! -25 .00 3.00 .00 Rest.uarant Plan Revielr- - >Tocal calculated Fees- - - > Addieional Fees---------> .oo Total Permil Pce--------> 3s9-25 Pal renEs------- BAT,ANCE DUE_ -.oo ITCM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTIV]ENT 04/20/2000 KATHY Acrion: APPR APPROVED IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/20/2000 KATHY Action: APPR N,/A *, r r r****** **** * CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C]IECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I he.eby ackno{1edge chaE I have read Ehis application, filled ouE in fu]1 che information requirad, FLan. al1d statse Eha! all the informacion provided as required is co!!ecc. I agree tso coltlPlY lrilh Eh€ to cornply rritsh all Town ordinances and staie 1ans, and to build this scructure accordingr lo thc Town' compleged an accuraEe plot on and piot plan codes, de6igl! review approved, Uniform Building Code and ath€r ordinances of the Tov.n applicabl€ REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHILL BE MADE T'dEII"IY - FOSR HOURS IN ADI'ANCE BY s:oo AM 5:00 PM Dept: BUILDING Divj-sj.on: PER- KW Dept : FIRE Di-vision: au.bdivi sion "; SIGNATURE OF FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER v lttt*t*ttiiti**1tt******i****tt*!tr**ait***t***t*t*f ********tt**t TOI|N OP VAIL, COIORADO gtatenmt t**ttt**rl*****tt*ttt*****f *t*tt**ti*ti**t*!r*tf t*tt*i*ttl*t+**tt*i StatenDt Nrurber: REC-O618 .Anorurt: 359.25 o4/2o/oo 1_4.58 Paynent I'tethod: 5537 ltotatlon: CONCEEI UECIIANIC Init: JN P00-0023 Type: B- pliilB pLIrIrtBINc pERItrT 2103-124-03-038 1450 GREENHIIJI' CT 1450 GREENHII,L CT, SIDE B Total Fees: 359 -25 359.25 Total ALL Pmta: Balance : 359 -2s .00 lnount 285 . OO 7r.25 FBB 3. OO Pemit No: Parcel No: Site AddresE : Locatlon: Thi6 Pa)ment tt*t!lttt*tttlttitl*tf f tltll**tt*a*t*tt*i**t*!til*t*a*tlt***ttt****** Account Code Descriptiou PP 00100003111200 PIi'!'IBING PBRUfT FBBS pp 00100003112300 PLAlil cHEcK FEES l{c 00100003112800 wILL cALr, INsPEeIIoN Fpn lA OO 03: rtlp Concept llechanical, Inc. (97O, 9.IS-O3OO p.2 ApR-r3-oo 1t,23 FPor,torf -ocv-DEPT' lD's?e{7524 PAGE r/7 ApPr.rcrrr(x wrLL lror BE ^ccEPrED rr lilcol'{Pr'EYF€Rlilll?g1oo:.ooE9 luiHhg Pcflnat t:--fi= pluntt'ng Feflnit *. rr@3' gnH7g|--f gEp.tcfiq|') 2/t7 NNNWTIL 75 5 Frurtrgc Rd- Vd,Crlmrb 81657 F/Cr,!|lo.crlurtttrFfioF m TowN oF val uaic hecetvet t PIUMBIIIGPEBI,I 2 ,oo,nrr., filonUWU, ReUOO€t u.hi uo.toai Narr( ) Aoditioo( I etetaticnD$ nepai't I Oas( I fl#:6""ty-t Comnrsod( ) Rdurttt( ) ahe.( )Typc ol Bd9,: g|,|9le'hmrlY ( ) Duds No. of Acco.tmodton Units h this Du6ng: No. of Exisirq threllrE units in $E buitlttg: ae'rice? Yes( ) nb coHPtlTE v^ltl^Ttol| roR Pu,tr!I|{G PErrrIT (ribor & naE|.|') eu coilTnACrOR rraFoBrdTrotr ;.r...t r......ierlr. '.1ttir. r.**;*;""erfOR OfffCE UttE OflLYrltrrt"'itt'+'-i'r+"'tt"r"'i lr'1"': 7a+Koeou 9l?.o?-oo AFR 18 ZOOO lt.or^. .,,.,, I to* oF vArL "o"rt*u"trJ Z.L\'iJ - IZ+ - UJ - V36 PERMTT APPLTCATTON FORM , APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED $*****************************rl 1 ;-nuilding [ ]-PLumbing tx PARCEL PEzuIIT iI DATE: May 24. 20@ ?LJ00.Oo53 €:oo.bgb OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other Job Name: Tom Thornburg Job Address: 1460 - B Greenhill Ct. Legal Description: Lot Block Filino qrrq.nr\rrqrnr\r. Address: 1460 - B Greenhitl Ct- pl-t, 476-2037 Address:Ph. Owners Nane: Architect: ceneral Description: Work Class: I X] -New [X]-Alteration [X]-Additj.onal [ ]-Repair [ ]_other Number of Accommodation Units: ry*b"r and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/perlet v rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS *********************************'t :yllPIIg: l- EtEcrRrcAL: $ 12.ss6.se orHER: $ TOTAL: I *************************** Torrn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Number of DweLling Units: t Duplex Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contraccor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ETECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: iffi:::t:'Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Res. No. 156 E 827-5772- Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CI{ECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERIT{IT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:Comments: VALUATION CI.EAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFIIIID ; i.;i-,.',li:,: ' 1-r lil"l: J";), t !.rrl i..il il j :,-1.-* : ,',111,ii., !:,'.,r'-'.-.-, . . r,11i1 l Vlili. l. '. "; 1i. '," "1 I ,,: r ':r::.;.: , i r ,, ,,: r '.r1.'.r 'j':1r, il..i. : :i,_ fii!it;1::.;: .';.-.: :',i!1,. J{.,i;jri_i- :" ^i't..i .,'a';.r r-;'..i] flirr.'.::i:.t'..- . i ,;,:r - iIj \-:ill.jt-iji rrr-,. i: l It; u.sit.i'i ' ,:a._ rt ,,i! "Atpt,r.J:i! l r .'- ij.: \ trltf i, ii;14 i";:t4:,;fl(... ;r r:'r'1,,1:i, rFii...t ). i,l l:iJrT 't ! t \."il::'t j:i!i.ln':i r -rn.l a.i. -A,f,f f:::,!;{:i: i:.:'1 i'l;.'-'. I:i:i1 "r}i,,.'j1r ,'\"f., 1*..i!,., . .:.;,;!lri,'"1-i: '1 l.;:j ii1, i:i'r'. '.*i'.-i:!ri .& i..":, ,-jl: f ir. " 1:,,,..i..i,. . , ,.,!r,{itJijl .-: lirils. ll;;r-;5;t ,;;5i; o1igq. iRnJt .ljir. t1l :l,l'* i! :i. ;?t:.-z;t : 7 .r".r- r 7C.+,9di- :l', t-.,ii .,4;:l. r:.::,-r1::"llr:;;;. l.-i'lir_i_: I t.; r:. ,ri: ii:,,Jtr.i ,ii.i! ii;i;it...,.1i,. ii l.--ittir:'{ r!:;{t -'(lM l;l :11,titni1lii f\dr^,;..; ir L:. ii;Jrt1i,;jrr,t,'jir. .\i,!-,-:f'l.:ir' ') '. ;' f l. i1. :..1"1^,-!ir; I [i,i i ',.' i i !-)'; i ;,:.1:..',; :,li tt.. :t "i 'ii i;. ".{;," 'ir..'f il:':r--.: .. lir ;?, "i f . i i j, iir!a'..t, i1!.t! ;; :'',. !t:t l ; j"$it, -'; j"' i.i,-l-',1:" : ",riil rtu,'-'ir;, : ' tl:r.'. "1, :;.,r,.. r.r:.,- t;r':,Jl riii;li. j i l.r'.' ;.:r i i;':;,: $",i,i i-"'*rri\* ti Ll tt J'.{.i r.',!I 1i3i".. .Ji-l tlir:i-i: i:rt!r.i:i, ' ,'1r:i.,rfr',,,j:: ,-,iri 14lt-ril ,t:-f '.s-'j..: .,;,,:a -,"i...j rr;- jr ;,r,-:: i. .;i:l: il.':.,]-,t',r'r1i".'. ;.f;il:: itiit* f,,tl'i,.i' ' r;-- i',-, i,r..,.j,.. l;;litr;,r;i.'1' .il|,I .: .*.:1 .: : rl.r." '":r I -" i ,l'F'i,r".;" ilp4\( \','','{lliil4l-}il.Ai.;'i'1,|l^i.t.,i,.i.;i....i.|J',l:.'':.lt.....ir..,.]i'.,id'.'.,-iii;r!,ii',';'.].f.ti;NliHv\i]{Mdl1 t-i .4'rli r.li: i -. i i ,:.r,i:r".r- , . .i'li,'., : rt:.. j .: I r.*i.'a,[r. i j,!;:']-:i.'i:.1,11;;..1,i L i.f_!jFL *i r,,,iP 4i'L-;1 :jiii1j.!:r".i: t..f : t...'. i : .' -: ,. . '.^ , . . ' : ":'r: l ..,,"r'r}'-.i'ri..t:.trri.i ii:n':ii1$r1t{G, lltl {:?Rl?[,,: i rl.i'..ij ,N:i;j'l:t: '' I i ' f,. fl i ii. : li;iti : {1, i:l:-;{i-1:l l,rtr:rir r' " .i,t ir::',-': : 'fi-1:ll,tlr:rir t' " i,l. it::',-': :ii.,'/ f t.k': :;,:\j-lrJij.r{ i'1.. '.,... . .!., ''i. 'i-:i':it i a I'ii - i.l:il;,;..,1r',. - l; a: l-ia;} ,-i- i- i^s;,ri..,/\'i irr.,*.r: 1-.1., .^.-l:,., I l.';..rTli.. ;,;i:.,r;:.r: i.l !i'."1i.;fl i i"r,ri,..,/\'i irr.,"1.r: l-.1., .^.-r:,., I l.';..rTl.*1 ;,;i: i-,,...!,ltli,.,l:.!-1: ii",i.^,. - " l,{.li.,l:' I ':. . .. .r,. j, .-: .,;.,- '- -+1 r.,..iq' ii{i}. f/.i i;l-l;',: ..1.+,i!rt l i',,i: '!: ir. ,i iti,l:.t.:j jt:;l.r:.. " ir , ":f_; r.,i ili'|:.l:i jli;f'r,."ir' ":f-; r',i r,:ii:-r,-' .'rl t ': r'':t '.t"'\"!-. / n-i.illlflirrri:i: ,n;-ft: .1i-r. ;: r1- il' 't , ,i:it / N ri "i,i;1..\.t r:lii't'r.i:l.i: ,jirr, -r i:.;;, r.ll r i ; :| i{, ..' i f . :.1, -..(.1{'.r,tJi : / lU f-11,.:1r'.:,:,;1r,1, .liii,.l'1- :...iitf,^ - . lr.i- :;i:.,?^i, :;! -'.i.r' i.,; il!rilii:t3r1!- ij,til-.:. l-,!.- lx,AiLr; \ / 'll,.:r,-. ': i{i '-.,' ..'\ }. , Y fi ,;;;: 11,,:'-ri:t.,'';.,,, . t,Na|\ t:i:, iilrtiii:i',;;,,';, *h*jr& o, ) , ,,Q, ,l:l , %p ,1,. ./^ flL,r:Y%& u" ) ^, ,ln,u,,,tl,. $qs .z'( ff":F*loi^ i 't'( t''r,A v(, Lit-:ir t2t03tv2 Dear Mr. Thomburg, I have 2 permits listed for the work that you just completed at 1460 Greenhill Ct. The permits are 800-0057 and 800{138.. The B0G0l38 permit has a balance due of $ 3 13.00. Permit 800{057 has a clean up deposit reflrnd of$500.00. In order for our Finance deparfnent to rclease The clean up deposit, the balance due is required to be paid in full in order to release the funds. I have enclosed copies ofpermits and have highlighted the informatioq if you have any questions Please feel free to call me at 97047941$. Thank you, Sincerely JR Mondragon Town of Vail Building dept.. Happy Holidays! qhe/ TOI,{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROI..ITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 -6+ /-b ctU^9 II It (M NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. DEPARTIIETiTT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PRO.JECT TITLE: THORNBURG RESTDENCE ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT PeTmiT, #: TIMES 800-0057 Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount dare APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OhINER lLl tplyPatcel No. . : 2103-124-03-038 ---i--.-?r6ject. No. : PRJ00-0053 ,+a_ .-r.. ,"grrob Address:. L460 GREENHTLL on. . . :'l-450 GREENHILL CT CT Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/]-9/2000 Issued...: 04/20/2000 E>cpires. - : L0/L7/2000 Phone t 970-475-2037 Phone: 970-476-2037 Phone,: 970-4'76-2037 THORNBT]RG, TOM ].460-B GREENHTLL COURT, THORNBIJRG, TOM 1460-B GREENHILT COURT, THORNBURG TOM G, vArL, co 81657 vArL, co 81557 vArL, co 81557 1460 B GREENHILL COURT, Descript j.on : TNTERTOR REMODEL, WINDOII Town of Fireplace Informat-ion: Restricted: Y #of cae ADpliances: REPLACEMENNumberKofCDwelling Unit.s : 001- vail Adjusted VafuaLion: 352,350 *of Ga6 Logs:*of wood/Pal Iets: FEA SUMMARY Bui lding- - - --> PLan check- - - > rnve6cigation> wiLl call----> I,152 -OA 1, 13S - SO . oo 3-OO Re6tuarant PIan Review-- > DRB A€e------------ Recreatsion Fee----- ----- > clean-Up Deposi!------ -> Totdl Calculated Fees- - - > 3,593.8O Additsional Fees----- - --- > ToEaI PerlriE Fee--------> Pafmentss . oo 200-oo .00 500.00 .00 3,S93.40 TOTA' FEES- -- -- 3,593.e0 BAIANCE DUE--'- .OO ITEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T 04/L9/2OOO JRM Acrion: APPR II,EM: O54OO PLANNING DEPART'IVIEI T O4/L9/2OOO Jwt Action: APPR rEem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT O4/a9/2000 JRlf'4 Action: APPR ILEM: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS 04/1-9/2000 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED APPR PER N/A N/A DepE.: BUILDING JRM Dept: PLANNING A]-,LISON DepE: FIRE Depb: PIIB WORK Divi-sion: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS f hereby acknorledge Chats I hawe read this applicahion, fi11ed out i.n ful1 tshe infontration required. conPleted an accurate Plot p1an, and 6tace that all Ehe infontation provided ae required is corlect. I agiee co comply t{iEh lhe infonnation and Plot plan, co collply wiEh all Torrn ordinanceE and state laes, and. to buj-l-d Lhis sEructure according to the Totrn's zoning and subdivision codes, deEign review approve<i, Uniform auj.Lding code and ohher ordinances of Lha T'orrn applicable lher€to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SITAI,IJ BE MADE TWENTY'FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI!]CE BY send Cl.an-Up DeposiE To: ToM THoRNBURG SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COIfTR,ACTOR FOR ; i.;i-,.',li:,: ' 1-r lil"l: J";), t !.rrl i..il il j :,-1.-* : ,',111,ii., !:,'.,r'-'.-.-, . . r,11i1 l Vlili. l. '. "; 1i. '," "1 I ,,: r ':r::.;.: , i r ,, ,,: r '.r1.'.r 'j':1r, il..i. : :i,_ fii!it;1::.;: .';.-.: :',i!1,. J{.,i;jri_i- :" ^i't..i .,'a';.r r-;'..i] flirr.'.::i:.t'..- . i ,;,:r - iIj \-:ill.jt-iji rrr-,. i: l It; u.sit.i'i ' ,:a._ rt ,,i! "Atpt,r.J:i! l r .'- ij.: \ trltf i, ii;14 i";:t4:,;fl(... ;r r:'r'1,,1:i, rFii...t ). i,l l:iJrT 't ! t \."il::'t j:i!i.ln':i r -rn.l a.i. -A,f,f f:::,!;{:i: i:.:'1 i'l;.'-'. I:i:i1 "r}i,,.'j1r ,'\"f., 1*..i!,., . .:.;,;!lri,'"1-i: '1 l.;:j ii1, i:i'r'. '.*i'.-i:!ri .& i..":, ,-jl: f ir. " 1:,,,..i..i,. . , ,.,!r,{itJijl .-: lirils. ll;;r-;5;t ,;;5i; o1igq. iRnJt .ljir. t1l :l,l'* i! :i. ;?t:.-z;t : 7 .r".r- r 7C.+,9di- :l', t-.,ii .,4;:l. r:.::,-r1::"llr:;;;. l.-i'lir_i_: I t.; r:. ,ri: ii:,,Jtr.i ,ii.i! ii;i;it...,.1i,. ii l.--ittir:'{ r!:;{t -'(lM l;l :11,titni1lii f\dr^,;..; ir L:. ii;Jrt1i,;jrr,t,'jir. .\i,!-,-:f'l.:ir' ') '. ;' f l. i1. :..1"1^,-!ir; I [i,i i ',.' i i !-)'; i ;,:.1:..',; :,li tt.. :t "i 'ii i;. ".{;," 'ir..'f il:':r--.: .. lir ;?, "i f . i i j, iir!a'..t, i1!.t! ;; :'',. !t:t l ; j"$it, -'; j"' i.i,-l-',1:" : ",riil rtu,'-'ir;, : ' tl:r.'. "1, :;.,r,.. r.r:.,- t;r':,Jl riii;li. j i l.r'.' ;.:r i i;':;,: $",i,i i-"'*rri\* ti Ll tt J'.{.i r.',!I 1i3i".. .Ji-l tlir:i-i: i:rt!r.i:i, ' ,'1r:i.,rfr',,,j:: ,-,iri 14lt-ril ,t:-f '.s-'j..: .,;,,:a -,"i...j rr;- jr ;,r,-:: i. .;i:l: il.':.,]-,t',r'r1i".'. ;.f;il:: itiit* f,,tl'i,.i' ' r;-- i',-, i,r..,.j,.. l;;litr;,r;i.'1' .il|,I .: .*.:1 .: : rl.r." '":r I -" i ,l'F'i,r".;" ilp4\( \','','{lliil4l-}il.Ai.;'i'1,|l^i.t.,i,.i.;i....i.|J',l:.'':.lt.....ir..,.]i'.,id'.'.,-iii;r!,ii',';'.].f.ti;NliHv\i]{Mdl1 t-i .4'rli r.li: i -. i i ,:.r,i:r".r- , . .i'li,'., : rt:.. j .: I r.*i.'a,[r. i j,!;:']-:i.'i:.1,11;;..1,i L i.f_!jFL *i r,,,iP 4i'L-;1 :jiii1j.!:r".i: t..f : t...'. i : .' -: ,. . '.^ , . . ' : ":'r: l ..,,"r'r}'-.i'ri..t:.trri.i ii:n':ii1$r1t{G, lltl {:?Rl?[,,: i rl.i'..ij ,N:i;j'l:t: '' I i ' f,. fl i ii. : li;iti : {1, i:l:-;{i-1:l l,rtr:rir r' " .i,t ir::',-': : 'fi-1:ll,tlr:rir t' " i,l. it::',-': :ii.,'/ f t.k': :;,:\j-lrJij.r{ i'1.. '.,... . .!., ''i. 'i-:i':it i a I'ii - i.l:il;,;..,1r',. - l; a: l-ia;} ,-i- i- i^s;,ri..,/\'i irr.,*.r: 1-.1., .^.-l:,., I l.';..rTli.. ;,;i:.,r;:.r: i.l !i'."1i.;fl i i"r,ri,..,/\'i irr.,"1.r: l-.1., .^.-r:,., I l.';..rTl.*1 ;,;i: i-,,...!,ltli,.,l:.!-1: ii",i.^,. - " l,{.li.,l:' I ':. . .. .r,. j, .-: .,;.,- '- -+1 r.,..iq' ii{i}. f/.i i;l-l;',: ..1.+,i!rt l i',,i: '!: ir. ,i iti,l:.t.:j jt:;l.r:.. " ir , ":f_; r.,i ili'|:.l:i jli;f'r,."ir' ":f-; r',i r,:ii:-r,-' .'rl t ': r'':t '.t"'\"!-. / n-i.illlflirrri:i: ,n;-ft: .1i-r. ;: r1- il' 't , ,i:it / N ri "i,i;1..\.t r:lii't'r.i:l.i: ,jirr, -r i:.;;, r.ll r i ; :| i{, ..' i f . :.1, -..(.1{'.r,tJi : / lU f-11,.:1r'.:,:,;1r,1, .liii,.l'1- :...iitf,^ - . lr.i- :;i:.,?^i, :;! -'.i.r' i.,; il!rilii:t3r1!- ij,til-.:. l-,!.- lx,AiLr; \ / 'll,.:r,-. ': i{i '-.,' ..'\ }. , Y fi ,;;;: 11,,:'-ri:t.,'';.,,, . t,Na|\ t:i:, iilrtiii:i',;;,,';, *h*jr& o, ) , ,,Q, ,l:l , %p ,1,. ./^ flL,r:Y%& u" ) ^, ,ln,u,,,tl,. $qs .z'( ff":F*loi^ i 't'( t''r,A v(, Lit-:ir t2t03tv2 Dear Mr. Thomburg, I have 2 permits listed for the work that you just completed at 1460 Greenhill Ct. The permits are 800-0057 and 800{138.. The B0G0l38 permit has a balance due of $ 3 13.00. Permit 800{057 has a clean up deposit reflrnd of$500.00. In order for our Finance deparfnent to rclease The clean up deposit, the balance due is required to be paid in full in order to release the funds. I have enclosed copies ofpermits and have highlighted the informatioq if you have any questions Please feel free to call me at 97047941$. Thank you, Sincerely JR Mondragon Town of Vail Building dept.. Happy Holidays! qhe/ TOI,{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROI..ITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 -6+ /-b ctU^9 II It (M NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. DEPARTIIETiTT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PRO.JECT TITLE: THORNBURG RESTDENCE ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMIT PeTmiT, #: TIMES 800-0057 Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount dare APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OhINER lLl tplyPatcel No. . : 2103-124-03-038 ---i--.-?r6ject. No. : PRJ00-0053 ,+a_ .-r.. ,"grrob Address:. L460 GREENHTLL on. . . :'l-450 GREENHILL CT CT Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/]-9/2000 Issued...: 04/20/2000 E>cpires. - : L0/L7/2000 Phone t 970-475-2037 Phone: 970-476-2037 Phone,: 970-4'76-2037 THORNBT]RG, TOM ].460-B GREENHTLL COURT, THORNBIJRG, TOM 1460-B GREENHILT COURT, THORNBURG TOM G, vArL, co 81657 vArL, co 81557 vArL, co 81557 1460 B GREENHILL COURT, Descript j.on : TNTERTOR REMODEL, WINDOII Town of Fireplace Informat-ion: Restricted: Y #of cae ADpliances: REPLACEMENNumberKofCDwelling Unit.s : 001- vail Adjusted VafuaLion: 352,350 *of Ga6 Logs:*of wood/Pal Iets: FEA SUMMARY Bui lding- - - --> PLan check- - - > rnve6cigation> wiLl call----> I,152 -OA 1, 13S - SO . oo 3-OO Re6tuarant PIan Review-- > DRB A€e------------ Recreatsion Fee----- ----- > clean-Up Deposi!------ -> Totdl Calculated Fees- - - > 3,593.8O Additsional Fees----- - --- > ToEaI PerlriE Fee--------> Pafmentss . oo 200-oo .00 500.00 .00 3,S93.40 TOTA' FEES- -- -- 3,593.e0 BAIANCE DUE--'- .OO ITEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T 04/L9/2OOO JRM Acrion: APPR II,EM: O54OO PLANNING DEPART'IVIEI T O4/L9/2OOO Jwt Action: APPR rEem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT O4/a9/2000 JRlf'4 Action: APPR ILEM: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS 04/1-9/2000 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED APPR PER N/A N/A DepE.: BUILDING JRM Dept: PLANNING A]-,LISON DepE: FIRE Depb: PIIB WORK Divi-sion: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS f hereby acknorledge Chats I hawe read this applicahion, fi11ed out i.n ful1 tshe infontration required. conPleted an accurate Plot p1an, and 6tace that all Ehe infontation provided ae required is corlect. I agiee co comply t{iEh lhe infonnation and Plot plan, co collply wiEh all Torrn ordinanceE and state laes, and. to buj-l-d Lhis sEructure according to the Totrn's zoning and subdivision codes, deEign review approve<i, Uniform auj.Lding code and ohher ordinances of Lha T'orrn applicable lher€to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SITAI,IJ BE MADE TWENTY'FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI!]CE BY send Cl.an-Up DeposiE To: ToM THoRNBURG SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COIfTR,ACTOR FOR PAGE 2 ******************************************************************:k*********:l*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permj-t #: 800-0057 as of 04/20/00 SLarus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit, Type: ADD/Ar,t SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O4/L9/2000 Applicants: TTIORNBIIRG, TOM Issued: 04/20/2000 Job Address: l-450 GREENIIILL gr LocaEion,. L46O GREENHILL CT Parcel No: 2l-03-1-24-03-038 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. FIETD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALI, BEDROOMS ATiID EVERY STORY As PER SEC. 310 . 6 . r- OF THE 1997 IIBC.3. DECK RAILINGS MUST MATCH BUT THEY MUST ALSO MEET THE BU]LDIN coDE 1997 ttBC SEcIION 509 trftrttt**tltti**itt**t**tt'l*arlr+*at*ilr:rrti**iair*r+**t**r!t**trr**r TOIIN OF IIAII, C€IORADO Statemnt *tt*t*t****l*ti*tt*!r*ft****t*t*t**tt**'all+******t*rlittl***ar****ti gtateEt Number: RBC-0518 AmouJxt :3, s93.80 o4/2o/oO L4t2O Palment !!ethod: 1043 l{otatlon: TOU tHORNBORG Init : .fN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addregs: Loeati.oD: ThiB Palm€nt Total Fees: 3,593.80 Total AIrIJ lrmtg: Balance : BO0-0057 Type: A-BI'UJD ADD/AL'T 8FR BIIIITD pE 2103 -124 -03- 038 1450 GREENHILIJ' qT 1460 GRESMTILL qT ttrfrrttltttr*****!a**l*t*t*rl*lll***t**ia****tt*tlt**il!**+a*ittrl**tt AccouDc code Deecrlptiotr BP O01O00O31L1100 BITIIJDING PBRI,IIT FEBS DR 00100003112200 DEAIq{ RAVIAW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHBCK FEBS AI) D2-DEPO8 CI.E]ANI'P DEPOSITS rc 00100003112800 rfrr,L cerrl rNSPBqrroN gBE 3, 593 .80 3,593.80 'oo AnounE L,752. OO 200. 00 1,1_38 .80 500.00 3.00 o c; <t o <; o ;o rh oa OD .o OI o4 j .i OD .o oo o q n A ( a U H E E I o x E ql n| at o ct l. o T 4,, F'4 !l I H H U .J l.!a !l o 1E i5 Er.AH 2e qq ('0 fl A H c T E lo I c E i H I o o al F| L o !Fl Ll{ IH HE F o!ocl o EE Eg c4 ri E I EE ID E9 E. E I BE {D i3 r{ ai a d T o F.H H' PP EI E. !t l. 6 ? T lr 6 x H 2 H F' H E6 1b 5H c !E E BE E 68 A H H ql B E tr H D :r E I I c e E E 4 li t{ E !o j ,ll .i rop .{C l!I> EI..ra o al Actal ro; EE8 T WuFvln 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 AppLrcATroCLL NoT BE AccEpTED rF rNcoMpLEf* u^r, Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for eleclrical. plumbing. mechanical. etc.: Contact Assessrc Offtce at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# : ro 3 - t!q-o3o3g lob Name: fi..ro o;vera n-G Q,gs,o.=0u.6 plr*.rSfddress: l*oo R @*--.A,r) Car.n;t Lesar Description ll Lot: Q D ll ero*: ll ririns,subdivision: C) "^ L'7 o-- owners Name%n.G ;rh *"dl tq*i5;N rcr Phone: 7'i, j IrL-r:";ff s ? Architect/Desioner:' "*''*'" i#"Pi<r.r- S--, rr.ooo'gril" :'.: ?,'#l' " u'Phone: q-t o-y )c- 6t q r Ensj29€[i," u]..,,s * l+a,-..*s ll odd*grf.i 67: ??; fi Phone:q; o-449. q3q t Detailed.dqggriplqn of work: ta,r' '., d.e -, r"<+/oru --,-;f t*wI 4/f,a H) h^l t^.tt/ t{-r*cl-< * t WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (\) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (/) Exterior ({) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location; Yes ( ) No C{ ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family fq ) tvlulti-famity ( ) commercial ( ) Restaumnt ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2-No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 1 Nof-ype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (X) No/Typeof FireplacesProposed: GasAppliances(X) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No [( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ 27f, eoo ELECTRICAL: $ .pc OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ 32,eo c>MECHANICAL:$ 3o,3So rorAl: S ?r7'l . li-tc>. f.z IIEFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO:?r47 ttb . dr CONTRACTOR. INFORMATION General Contractor:'Tot,. G .tAotvAn^ Town of Vail Reg. No.: lt-)-v Contact and Phone #'s: -77', x n 1,.--q 410''1? 6- t-o37 ****>r***:r***+**************^&******:r****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************+******+***************** Pluer Siqn-off: Public Way Permit Feei Date Rec€ivedi F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm I()!|\ OT I,TII. Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:I l) o tttvg.wrzo /Lg:, ptlryer5 Project Address: | * 6 cs 'r3 e'uu",u ot ,,- -,n o- / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Building Permit aoplication is accepted, 5r- All pages of application is complete E- Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form P- Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex N 6 ,c?o Lt cBG ry- Complete site plan submitted N o-7 [dOeut L4< LE: { Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) g-- Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval f Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrrng E- Architect stamp and stgnature (All Commercial and Multi family) L; oT ft C p at a4 !cE E- Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) z- Window and door schedule E. Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Ia o'T /+ 0 P et C44cE E Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) 1yqt, AAauc.€. i- ry-Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection wt .r ft P o L I q-r+ { r-E a' F'Je resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated * o r t+ C a .-, c.+ d ce' 6 Smoke detectors shown on plans f--Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's t nn"rur" U Date of submittal: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: 4/,>/", BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I faii to do so it may affect future permiG that I apply for. Agreed toby, rq.- Print name -.' -/ )' /on-Gn%n^L J Project Nu^",-t ou r\"ug ^ ,-o RB '0t-G Date: 4 /,a /o , F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APR..O7-@@ lCt ' 3S FROM . TOV-C OI'I- DEV-DEFT . o I o . 37@4"sl2452 PAGE l/ | ProJ€ct Namc: Thoroburg Remodcl Projwt Dascripion: interior/erterior remodel Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Projea Number: pr$ooss Oualer, Address, and Phone. Tom Thornburg 432E Crmeron Oels Dr- Cherlottc, NC 2E211 70+37G55E5 Arohitccr/Contacq Address, arrd Phons; FriElcn, picrca, Smith f650 E. VaiI Velley Dr, Vail, CO 81657 476-5342 fsx: 475-4901 Projea Street Addregs: 1460 B Grccuhill Ct. Legal Description: I;ot 20, Glen Lyon Parcel Numbee: 2103.124-&},03$ Building Namc: Comrnonts: rpprovel for eddition of 89 rq. fL of GRFA, E4 sq. ft, of site coverege Motion by: Seconded by: Vote; Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action;st ffepprov€d with conditions matcrials to matcb cxisting TownPlanner: Date: 4nN0 Project Name: Docurucntl Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $50 Thornburg Residencc WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence? YES NO r-- Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or NO !-public property? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO --- YES NO d'- L-'Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, YES NO r.-- YES NO or public property? rr Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO P- Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES / NO If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way PermiY' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESNONS. Contractor$nnuauru -.--.-F Job or Project Nanr; Date Signed:4/1o/,> F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above.e-rl 1lt ol ao Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items bclorv: ,r The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: -frr* G ''f), ,"nL u * Print Name t1 -6r^G.'THtr-^l*J il ,/___proiect Name: t ++Dt>ttG,t^ AG LeStozwc€ Date Signed:'l/to/or' F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 -l MVNOF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10i DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawfui deposits: Subject to subsection C thereot it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or celuse to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, did, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public WorK. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: 1A"\e.4 >tn A.;",...q - Prirt\,l-rfr ,-G-,dt"W,n-,^u Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed:4 / ,o,/,n CODES 7-3A-I AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and paced in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) ! 3: Ord. 28(1981) I 1) F:/everyone,i forms/bldpemrT Or^-*^--- |r',+r^G, -l KA-'bry Signature (J Fdtrl+ Pifo A'chitecti Fer 4l6-4fol I KRM cohtsuLrANrs, tNc. P.O, Box 13572 (FAn 9.sl5z ATTEN|ION: Staphanie or Melissa frO#C|: J Thomburo Remodel l, 0612312AAA L2:3L 9L577 I KRM CT]NSLILT ANTS Il.tC.a PAGE prqr.r*nt a2 I I I i I |ft1ru Boo'" so5'l D, FIELD REPORT (o DATE: 6/t4r2000 AnfrlVE: 11:30 s.m. DEPART: 12:30 P.m. WEATIIEfl: worm, Euntry JOB MIMER: 0003-19 ,M b( (n f, Tha gllp.lam beem thaqrugpons th! lntty roof berts in $r kitchon wall On sg,tds thst hav! be'n Cut our tii olumbing pipol fwo mors crippl. ctuds should be addsd below ths boam braring, 1;rd they ;il|d5J r"ooJ-a-tt axicting cut stud and dto cxisring continuous trimmsr $tudt next to ths window with two 3/4' diamatcr x 8' lage' Thc new beam tlpt i5 to suppgn the loft over fis dining room is hanging llom tho wlndow mullion with e Simpson HU6f 0 hangrr inrtoad ot th. HU612 rhrt *"" originally spcified. Th! HU61O is .cc.ptrble to suppon tne baim, but I nothod thtt all tho nsil holss h.d not boon tallod. Compleu $o nailino of th. lung".,, induding atl dl! round and triengrrlar holsc cnd dtc connection will bc accoptable. Otherwico, fro work . thrt has beon COmpletad ro far appggts to br in ConformenCe with Our lEcommcndatbnr. COPY TO: Town of Vaill J.R. Mondragon Tom Thomburg ."...._ I I "rrrJro, a6l23l26AA L2.3L e7as4s+?7 a |<RM g${$L TAhITS Il.lC o KRM @itsulrANrs, tNc. P.O. E()x /t612 lltff v rL@loRADO otct FAXTRANSI'IITTTAL DATE 8t23l20oo FAX 7O: I ( ,Une, Suphrnie or trblissa COilt NlV: Friulrn P'rorcr FAX: 476-4901 I I I t 3. ti4l|ttE: r fom Thornburg COMPANY: FAX: 56r'760-591E 4 NAME: COMPANY: FAX: 476-4901 lp J.n. Mondryon ' Town ol Vail {:,1"'r,:'.;il"'It JOEMIflER: r 000$19 \ PnO&C|: l|o'nbutq Romodrl *PAGEE: 1 DESGRITK)N: , I ono{* ilrvldutl4tzulo ' li I FEilAEKS: ll i I ,jr wE 7f'Ai|t9ilrf HEnailtft rHE FOLLowrlttC tnElrrs lN ADDmoN fo THls IMNSNITIAU: From: Lynne Campbell To: Charlie Davis; Gary Goodell; Joan Nolen; JR Mondragon; Judy Rodriguez; Kathy Wenen Date: 7l19l00 4:55PM Subiect: Tom Thornburg In the future we will not accept checks from Tom Thomburg. We have had problems with bounces and financ€ does not want us to accept the checks. He will have to make payment in the form of cash, cashie/s check or money order. Thanks for you assistance in this matter. Staging Ptan O Ttnmburg Rcidonce - Phase ll Phone 47&2037 Fa561-7d)€918 Email fthomburg@carolina. n com &ril ll,2000 l. StagingPtm a Allparfiagis shownm sit€plar b. All naterial will be dqod itr the €*isting dne[ing or in the gardgp. c. All dcnolition naledals wi[ be hauled auray daily. The par*ing tocation 6f gs dnn4r truck is on the lrop€fity and b shm|tr m the cite dan" The drnprtcr will be localed oo the property in the grne bc*im as the dry truck after demolition and dring msfiwtion". d. Nofeocercquircd.. e. No troe potoction is rcedod" f.. Scc, Sqrc.g No eroeim oonuol olsn is r€quircd h" NotdicaUc. 2. No worrtwill be dorc in the rigb of way. a4l1-1/ZAEA t4i 42 3A341 o 367t4 PAGE AT I4EECYCLE ADrll 10,2filo Mr.TmTtonhg 4?2S6croOrkDriw tuotb,NC2t2lr Rc: Anoln! Rasults of Bulk Sa npla Cdletd d I 1608 Gre.hill Cowt, Vail' CO. Deer lrih, ltrahlg: wcccyclc Envimcmrrt Sorviclr" hc. nrbnitsd fur (,1) lqtc of *raoct ttogbo+otitg jom coqd. Th. ||qls x|t slyldl by fobri'od ljlbt Mi.no*oP}' (PnO tu ||bc|to. c€6i by MACS hb, I!c., Srltr Cl|f$ CA. SUMI{ARY OT ANALYTTCAL RETIUL'fi| TLir r6pdl n ror I c.oq&ts AIIERA Arb.|tor SEwy. Weecyclc hr r.ri8ltod tob # 00.3150 b thit rndy. If you hrvc any qucstids plo$c cmrrct Jrdith SrwtEty rt (303) al3{x52. A cop of 6c hbcrocy rcrport ir coclcod, &hiuodEy: P*.fl U, ll Prulh&ol \ AIIEnf bryccm *1715267 62 Lcvhrod: S.qb I$dci Drle Collosrd Mrgirl Dcrcription of Mght A'Dcdol coffi(?|) Arbcio. Tno 3150{qt^l 4tffi $doct/ Mrd Wh'EPlrrb/Jotut Coneoula ND NA 3t5(XH0GA2 qil(n S'boclrodl/ M|d Wb Plrric/tcilt Cof,eoutrd ND NA 3t5m+06A3 u6tm sffiV Mild WhitPbu/Ioint Corpqna ND NA 3l5firrl(bA,rydn c.ilrr8/ Trfifrrht Otr-XrhitE Hosn$il.out Coryd ND NA Wcccvclc Envirqlrffil Sorricrs, lac, o 38718 ilACS Lab, Inc. 2070A Walsh Awnue Sarrta Chra, CA 9505G2542 (1O8r 727-e727 WeeCycla Envlronmorttal 8€rv, 5it75 Wcctem Aronue, Ste. C4 Boulder co 8o3ol Anslyttr 1l.7@-1 9r600406-41 Str|.lrtck - t/hrd A4/!Ll2BBB 74:.4? 38341 Job Nuntcr:00-3150 Jobwton: Thombutg- Lab Semplo Glhnil Semple Nuntu 14608 Gre€nhlllCt. Nuntcl ard D.€ctlpdon f,[T? Fibers presenr Femafta PAGE A2 Bulk Acbcrtor AnrlYrlr Rcport Ptil P.I'on b enrd: I aurrr Yotk Contdphono: 3G3-.113.0454 FAX ptom: 303-at3-0710 a Anary4dm: 'A9til ?,2000 *:'11:17 corsgonding klvob. rumD.r gTez TTEECYCLE lirhiti tDmooan olrr Phrbtloitl cOnpoud. Bdetu 0f rltlFL ia unerofied m*fbrput nriatbl. t-97&4 31500()6-A2 Sheelrcdr - Mud Whm hofiFoptsrs Uael4ofn oorrpo.lrd. Uncp.cild mn-{Stpuls mdefial. B71A-g 3150040&A3 Shsslooft - Mud Unio lEmogD|nua Phrnoloin conpourd. UrEpocrH rD|}lhfour lrderfil. 1371P24 3150040F44 (bilirlo-T€Itrrlno o|t{'fLto hotmC0noonr ftil Cofiound. BahrEe ot serdo b un+edlictt non-tb,out fir alal. End d r.Frl. 'thrydL, Atlorti., Crootbt't , Trffin , Ad|mll., md AnrfFdryflta ||. |'bdor tba|r, N,o.-]lqrc oearcrd Fc .polna corrrld ffilfGM Ptr{ TOWN OF VAIL 'i 5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0-47 9-2I38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ul-2-b ?t* u1r-- ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-01"15 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 1460 GREENHILL CT 14608 GREEENHILL COURT 21,03-124-0 3-0 3B PRJg7-0063 Status. , , AppIied.. Issued... Expires. . I SSUED 05/20/ree"t 06/oe /1ee7 L2/06/ree7 BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX 1279, AVON CO 81620 BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, rNC P O BOX 1279, AVON CO 81620 DELGADO ROSE MARIE T - Phone: 3039263202 Phone:, 3039263202 Valuation: Clean-up approved amount date 116,000 Add Sq Ft: Fi reD[ace Information: Rest r i cted:tot cas App I i ances:fof cas Logs:fot Llood/Pat Let: ,r*******'h}*************************ff********************** F EE SUHIIARy ********************************************************** 804.00 Restuarant Plan Rev i ev-->522-60 DRB .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 C(ean-Up Dcposi t-------> Depit Refund > 1 ,969.60 Bui Ldi ng-----) P [an Check---) Invest i gation> ui l.L ca t l.----> -00 Totat Calcutated Fees---) 1,929.60 100.0O AdditionaI fees---------> 40.00 .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 1,969.60 500.00 Payments ILqmi ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Division 05/.20/.1991 CHARLTE nction: llois pleNs ro cnlnr,rs O5'/2I'/L991 CHARLIE Acrionr AppR CHARLTE DAtiS----ItEm:',O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division 05/.2o/.L997 CHARLIE Action: uoie pi,aNs ro L[uF.eN - O6/O6'/1997 LAUREN Action: AppR Itelni',q5000 FIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division 05/2O/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A Ite{'i',911q0_PUBLIC WoRKS ' Deptr pUB wORx Division O5/2O/1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE SrTE PLAN rO'l_,annY *******************i*************************i************************t******i**********t*****i***tt*********i******************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r hereby.acknouledge that I have read.this appLication, f il,ted out in fuLL the information required, compteted an Ptan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y iith tie iniormation to compty Hith al'L To|rn ordinances and state taws, and to buil.d this structure accordinq io-ttry'rrwn's zonino and codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the town aiot{c#["/ttr"".to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 AT OUR OFFICE FROI{ 8:OO AH accurate Ptot and ptot p tan, subdivision roDA BENIGNo r rrr, 1460 B GREENHTLL cRr/ vudf/t3hiill. Dev.Description: REPLACE RETAINING WALL ADD SNOWMELT,REDO DRIVEWAY Occupancy: R3 SingJ-e Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated send Ctean-l,Jp Deposit To: 80LES CUSTofi EUILDERS OTiTRACTOR FOR HI14SELF AND OIINER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit +: 897-0115 as of 06/09/97 Status---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Pernit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applicant-- Job Address Location---ParceI No-- Description REPLACE RETAINING WALL ADD SNOWMELT,REDO DRIVEWAY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- * * * * * * * * ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC . ].210 OF THE 19 9 1 UBC .3. ALL STAIRS, HANDRAILS, AND LANDINGS MUST COMPLY WITH 199]. UBC CHAPTER 33 4. Retaining walls in the front setback may not exceed 3, in height 5. AII other wal-l-s mav not exceed 6, BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS/ INC 3039263202 1460 GREENHILL CT 14608 GREEENHILL COURT 2IO3-]-24-0 3-0 3I Applied--: os/20/1997 Issued---: O6/09/1997 To Expire': L2/06/7997 olrtnz 4/rt/'?t I\rf,rMBERoFpAGEsrNcLUDrNGcotaERsurrr _1_ TAX ITAITSMIS SIONrc, T. SAIIDETTS COMP PO BOX 169 19I WEST 9TH STREET SILVERTIIORNE, COLORADO EO49S (30s) 46$8234 OR 1{fir3str2547 FAX #89iltt36 t,|I^ ATTENITON: SUBJECT:t^ (|tit' r:,br"r;]7-.' WVCE, ,'*",,5 i r #.LL J'iz f ,4et,rt?uu /Ug-,,,..: ;a. t':."fI 7 aa lo E&2, -etfu 'iltv 7af F+a,- J.t:r n _o ) ttilL /6 ! t2 i +:yt t4r|l-, /npc i 4,: /tz ,1'.jr- -)fi tn: a/ fu,4;.y 7s^2nul.1 frn f "' a;-6,;,vu.; ?1 "'uts 'k oF ,E Cgb/r,*, e:1",",i irS / ,a 'f ;i:,1,*it;.i ,rt r,,!)osTs Ct;.d.t*4*h::";, E/l'd '03'fN0HId3A-'lIS/Sdf(NUS' l'9 bMLztga 96. aI UdU -U PO BOX 169 191 WST 9TH ST SILWRTEORNE, CO.80498 800-333-2547 343-46E-82s4 FAX # 303-893-0836 o CUSTOMER: ROB ROBINSON P&E JOR NAMT,: Df,LGANO SNOWMELT TIATE: 4/10/q6 nXPIRATION DATE: 8i1i96 QTY CODE LAARSH}I4OOEI ANI446 AM6O TA.418 FIELDCK4O FIELDSWG6 HRA83241066 ETILCDlH GRF539605 TAOOllF TAOOI2F 1 TAFLANGEIM 4 I{EADER4 2000 WIR1000H 16 WTRA4020625 16 WIRA4342050 16 WIRA5110625 SNOWMEI,T CALCULATIONS SQ FT BTUH BOILER IMUT BTTJH FEET OF TUBE LOOP LENGTH # OF LOOPS TOTAI GPM GPMPERLOOP FT r{D (LOOP) FT HD (MANTFOLD) TOTAL FT I{D QUOTATION DESCRIPTION 4OOMBHNAT GAS ELEC. IGN. BOILER 2'' AIR SCOOP MODEL 60 E)GANSION TANK 3 /4' MlP.l /2' FIP AIR VENT POWER VENT CONTROL K]T POWER VENTERFORMAX 416 MBH I].{PU] DPST SWITCHINGRELAY SNOWMELT SENSOR 1-I/2' CIFLANGE SET FOR 4375F/OO12F CAST IRON 12OV CIRCULATOR CAST IRON 12OV CIRCULATOR I.1/2" CAST IRONFLANGE SET 4-LOOP SIOUX CHIEF MANIFOLD 1600 184000 328577 2000 @ @+ 12 l .53 12.28 6.00 l8 er'F\+o!:;:-- 7= I NETEA TOTAL 5/8' WIRSBO IIEPEX TUBE (1000'COL) 0.55 5/8. WTRSBO QS20 FITTING ASSEMBLY 3.72 l/2. FTG CU X R20 WIRSBO QS20 ADAPTET 1.64 5/8' WIRSBO PIPE BEND S{.PPORT 1.37 TOTAL t928.AQ ) z->) 54.13 2231 8?.07 237.86 49.22 160.00 q {? 132.34 176.00 5.00 lr.)) i928.00 54.13 22.31 82.07 237.86 49.22 160.00 q{? 132.34 176.00 )-UU 54.20 1100.00 59.48 26.24 21.87 4151.16 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 E Iectri ca [--) DR8 Fec Investi gation> tli L l. Ca t t---> TOTAL FEES-> Job Address Location... Parcel No.,Project No. 108. C() .00 .00 1.00 111 .00 ISSUED 05 /20 /Lee7 06 /oe /Lee7 L2 /06/Lee7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0084 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1460 GREENHILL CT 1460B GREENHILL COURT 2L03-124-03-038 PR,r97-0063 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. .. Expires. . APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Phone: 3o38275772 P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRTC phone z 3038275772 P O BOX 111_6, MINTURN CO 81645 OWNER DELGADO ROSE MARIE T - TODA BENTGNO T rlr, 1460 B GREENHTLL CRT, VArL CO 81657 Description: ELECTRICAL ASSoCIATED WITH RETAINING WAValuation:6, 000 . 00 *r* * FEE SUlltlARY fffrt*rffirr*ffiffi*tffiff 111 . 00 .00 111 .00 111 .00 .00 ,i* rtem: 06000_E!EqTRrcAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division: 99 /0e / Le_9-7-cgAB_LrE act-ionl ApFn-ron ERNSr Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divj_sion: *ft'**ffi *ffi ***ffi ffi rffi.*htfr *******f,rfr ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovt.dqe that r hav! Paad th'is apPlication, fil,l,ed out in fulL the infornation requi red, corpteted an accu1atr ptot ptan, and state that atl th" infoPmation provided as required is cofrect. I agree to conpty riith the inforrnation and ptot ptan,to colp(y vith al'L Torn ordina.lccs -and state [avs, and io bu'iLd this structur!-aiiordi n9 io'ttre roynis ionift anc subdivis.ion codes, design reviev approved, uniforn BuiLding codc and othen ordinanccs of the Toyn appl,i cabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I{A|)E TI.IENTY-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY TotaL Calcutated Fees--> Additional Fees--------> TotaI Perni t Fee------> BALANCE DUE---- \ ***************t***********!t************************************ TOI|N OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Nunber: REC-0293 Anount: 111.00 06/27/91 11:32 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #13531 Ihit: CD permit No: 897-0084 Tlpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAT PERMIT Farcel No: 2103-124-03--038 ' Site Address: 1460 GREENHILL CT Location: 14508 GREENHIIJL COURT ' Total Feee: 111.00 This Palrment 111.00 Total AL,L Pmts: 111.00 Balance:.00 ***'l***i******************************************************** Account Code Description Anount 108. 00 3.00 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES ; or ooo0 41336 !{rrJL CAIJL INSPECTTON FEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Job Addresg. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0081 1460 GREENHILL CT 1"4608 GREENHII.,L COURT 21,O3-t24-03-0 38 PRJg 7-006 3 Status. . .Applied..Issued... Expires. . Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: I SSUED o5 /20 /res7 07 /07 /ts97 ot / 03 /tse8 AppLICANT ROBINSON PLUMB/HEATING SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 CoNTRACTOR ROBINSON Pr.,UMB/HEATING SQUAW CRK P o BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER DELGADO ROSE MAR]E T - TODA BENIGNO T III, 1460 B GREENHILL CRT, Phone: 3039263859 Phone: 3039263859 vArL co 8t657 Description: ADD BOTLER FOR SNOWMEL? FireDlace lnformation: Restricted: l'lechani ca t---> Ptan check---> Invest igat ion> lJitL cal,l.----) 15, 000.00 #0f Iood/Pat tet: *********1***ff*****fi************************************* FEE SU!,lllARy ******t***********i**************t********ff**********t*** #0f Gas Apptiances: 300.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> .00 Totat, Catcul,ated Fees--->75.00 DRg Fee--------.00 TOTAL FEES-----3.00 Payments------- 378.00 .o0 378. 00 378.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Iten: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/07/1997 DAN Action: AppR ITEm:'.O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 0'7/07/7997 DAN Action: AppR n/a CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. !'IELD INSPECTION$ ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. qoMBUSTTON ArR-Iq BEQUIRED pER sEC: AO7 6e rHE-1gti--UMe. --- 3 . ]NSTALLATION.!{!'ST CONTORM TO MANUFACTURES_ TIISTNOEIIOII-S-ANN TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. qAS APPLTANCEq_SSAL! BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND _ suAl,,TEBMINATE_4S EpEqrFrED rN SEC.906-OF rHE--rSS1 Ula-C-.'-5. AgqBss ro HEATINq EeurpMENr M0Sr eoMpl.,y wrru--Sne.56s-eNn 703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LTSTED IQR UOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE rr,OOnillc;- ------7. p_EB!4rIeE!4Ng aND AaDE ANALysrs MruSr-sE-FosfeD- rx-MEcHANTcAL ROOM pRrOR T_O-_AN_ -INqpECTTON REOUEST 8. DRAINAGE OF UECIANICAI, ROOMS_ EoNTS,rIIrUC HEATING OR HOT_WATER suppl,y BorLEBs-gHAr_,_L BE EQUTPPED witH A FLOOR- DRAiN--Fen'sSC-.-2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcrcby adknoutedgc thrt I hrve ncad this rpptlcrtion/ fitted out in futt the informatlon required/ conpteted an accurate ptot ptan, lnd stat. that !t[ the information provided as fcquired ig correct. I agree to compty vith thc lnformation and pl,ot ptan/ to conpty with rtL Tovn ofdinrnccs and strte [avs, and to bujtd this structurc according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign rcview approvcd, Unifofm Euitding Codc and othcr ordinancrs of the Town appticabte thcrcto. R€SUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI{EIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179.2138 OR AT OUR OTTICE fROt,I 8:OO AI4 5:OO PI'I SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI.INER <;--....- **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Statemnt Number; REC-0295 Amount: 378.00 07/07/97 09:13 Payment Met,hod: CK Notation. *L847 Ihit: DS Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees:Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L372 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 M97-0081 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2LO3-t24-03-038 1460 GREENHTLL CT 14608 GREENHILL COURT Balance: .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * Total Fees:378.00 Total ALL pnt6: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 378.00 378.00 Amount 300.00 75.00 3.00 ..1 Assessors Parcel /l . Officc TOWN OF VArL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DArE:_5-11_1?_ -, APPLTCATTON Mtlsr BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED IT r* * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rl t{l -Buildins xl -Plumbing }<l -Electrical [ ] -Mechani-caI [ ] -other Ie 864 lo -8 )-Z Ea 28 Coun Cy 0 for PERIIIT iI Job Name: De.lr-, nbO Job A<idress: Legal Description: Lot ZOE Block*_ Firing susorvrsroN: /ou ar /r^r r'rork class: [ ]-New ffi-alterati-on [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: durl,ornc: $ 42oe o ELECTRICAL: $ G AOfS .)tour and Type of Firepraces: Gas_ Ap_pliances__ Gas Logs_ wood/perret-- f***************************---gFq?"{,;r?g^€3;***********,r******************I contrac Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: e)urnbing Address: OTHER: $TOTAL:@ INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.1* * * *6ai.?iqtc. Town of vail Reg. No. /bOB -5_ Phone Nunber: lZO*Zoz- €f l-oo;9f Town of VaiI Reg. No. /5C'-E Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: TOTAL P BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: '*Mfir;i%^cror: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: tractor:5?- r-l Cornments: VALUATION s-"? t-92 75 south |rontage road vail, cotorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.]ECT: oftlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNIIY DEVELOPMENT MARCH ]'6, 7.988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumrnary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to ritter, track or deposit any ."ir,-t""i., sand., debris or naterial, inctuding trash dumpsterl, p"ilurie--toi].ets and workrnen vehicres.|pon any streetl ,ia""uixl-;I;;y or public P1?9" or any portibn theieof- rhe rrgnt-of-way on arr Town of Vail streets and_.fg".d= is approximately 5 ft. off pavemenr.This ordinance wirr be striEliy -enforc-ed uy trre-rown of Vair Public works Department. pers6ns found. vi;raain; this ordinance will be siven a 24 hour writien i"li".*ti^;;;;;"""id narerial.fn the event the person so notified does not compfy with the notice within the 24 hour tirne-=p""iii.;,"il"-;;tti" ,ort =Departrnent wirr remove said mateii.t -"t irr.-'""p!"se of person notified- The provj.sions or trris ordinance sharl not be appricable to c-onstruction, rnainienance or repair projects of any street or aLley or any utilj_ties in tfre-iigii_"_*"y. To review ordinance No- o in fulr, prease stop by the Town of Jii:- au}]ding Department to obtain a copy. tnani< you for your cooperation on this matter. cknowledged .e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 loulh frontage road Y!ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 offlce of communlty developmerrl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permit l9Sui,1e; a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (.Publ ic l,lorks) rey.i ew anJ approval ,'a plannini'O"pa"t "nt review or Heatth Department-review, unb'u-""uiu; Li-;i;;";r;ibint - - Department, the estimated time for'a totar review may take as long as three weeks. f]] c9mm9rgia't (iarge or small) ana ail mutti_family permits wiil have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnli,"Residentia.r and.small projects shourd take a reiser amount of time. However, if residentia'l or smarler.projects tmpa-i the various above mentioned departments wfth reqard to-necessa"y ""ui"*, tr,"i" p.oj".li"ruy also take the three-weet peiloa. Every attempt will be Tgge by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. - I, the under5igned, understand the p'l an check procedure and time frame. Conmunity Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Please ansWer ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Bight CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls lhe right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B, lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered the above questions. Daq$oe e following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES NO. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) (- a Rebw',,-b +*,1V / ll you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" rnusl be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Works otfice or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please caf l Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. Job Name nlracrtofs Signature KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Bor 4572 vAlt, coLoRAoo 81658 (970) 949-9391 FAX (970) 94$1s77 L #lb&-ob o,.g,*. 3l o. I carcurerow---3-8.![-- ^- s / Zo/ q7 G}IEC(ED8Y- DATE- U^\ n tt-n ^..- t7 - | -lJ ili= liss \*;dilnr*N M,^V 3 O llil=lill= _ NoTe:, 6TICY BoULDEES CoNCURBENTLy t{tTH c,,'4PAcTtoN oF qP*NuLAe BACFFILL PEE gOIL9 ENqINEER. . lr BoULSEeS AeE' TD SE 2, fL,.ce BoULDEES FOE.raaNTALLY, 3. DlMENgloNs El'lot^lN llo ro 4'-a ttrt EO THEY INTEPLA4F ARE APPROXIMATE. EAZTH C,ONDITION, BOTH VEETICALLY AND R.Er,lTa Ta THE AND 'oierHibpy lllt=!!l enrc o oh nson anchitect,p.c. lvlay 12,1997 Town of Vail - Department of Conrrrunity Developnrent 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Delgado Residence- Driveway, Retaining Wall & Entry Stair Remodel 14608 Greenhill Coutt Lot 20, Glen Lyon SuMivision Vail, CO 81657 To Whomlt May Concern- This letter is written as a request to extend the above previously approved project for another year. The original submittaV approval date was on or about April 4/May l,1996 and was not constructed nor applied for permit at that time due to budget complications. Thankyou for your consideration in this matter. Should you need to ask any questions, require clarification or see the process differentty please call me at926'5292 or Brad Foster @ Boles Custom Builders al9263202' Respectfirlly Submitted, Brad Fostet Boles Custom Builders POBOXz0BB VAL m 81658 970.926.529e FAX 926.5293 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PermiI # I PW97_O042 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descriptlon 1460 GREENHTLL CT 14608 GREENHTLL COURT 2t03-I24-03-038 BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, TNC P O BOX 7279, AVON CO 81620 BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P O BOX 1279, AVON CO 81620 DELGADO ROSE MARIE T _ TODA BENIGNO T IrI, 1460 B GREENHTLL CRT, SLatus. . . Applied..Issued,., Expires, , I S SUED o6 /05 / LeeT Phone:. 3039263202 Phone l 3039263202 VAIL CO B]-657 DRIVEWAY REMODEL ADDITION OF RETAINIONG IN ROW ******t**************************************************** FEE SUHIARy ***********i*********************************t***t******** Public Uay---> Invest igat'i on> Bond Amount--> TOTAL T EES---> 75.00 ************t**********************************************************************i************************************t**t****** 75.00 .00 75.00 Item: .05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/06/\997 LARRY P Action: AppR Lp ItEm: 05550 ENGINEERING Deptr PUB WORK Division: Dept: ENGINEER Divisionl CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. YOU NEED TO CALL 24 HRS AHEAD FOR ALL ]NSPECTION ************ff**********************************************************i****i**************************************************** DECLARATIONS r certify that I have read atI chapters of Titte 12-str ot the vaiL llunicipal, Code and al,l, utitity company agreements, signed by me, and vitl. abide by the same, and that au. utiLit.iied as reou.ired.Pubtic tlorks wit[ have a spec/detai I book avaiLabte in Aprit ot iggj. FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL LEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR EALANCE DUE--.- MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS ]N **** OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM TO 5:00 pM **r.* REOUESTS IN ADVANCE-BY FE BE AT SIGNATURE OF o OE OD d8 E E a I o lt !.o o I al JL a5 at aaa o oo oo A eo ).OF. dt 6!?I E FE I.olQ aa o8 oro d 6 I 'Ii oa OD .o OI oa |ll l<,'z }lb 68 P" oql 28,EE (9a |n o .l.F t lr E ttl ql ol tJ FI .o c;E F t g o .J Ir I dl Fl I EE *t B1 E E L a F.H aa ID E9 lD.l 2 a EE il H' R i I o iE (oD 89 t. I t A h I E F a x lr 8 t !c IU acl .A &I IT e Et I t9 E tt- o H I 6 ! E C.D e.c|I T t e E I T F.l.l H I o ? F tr9 !td I> TII.4ao 1t ao rl ro t EEP I tl Project Name; Thornburg Remodel Proiect Number; Project Description: Changes to exterior materials Owner, Address, and Phone: Tom Thornburg 4328 Cameron Oaks Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 74447G5385 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Vail, CO 81657 47G6342 faxz 476-4901 Project Street Address: 1460 B Greenhill Ct. Legal Description: Lot 20, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: 2103-124-03038 Comments: Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Buildins Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/StaffAction Action: L. materials and colors to match existing staff approved with condifions Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 08/09/00 Project Name: Thornburg Residence Documentl DRB Fee Paid: $20 o Per our meeting, attached is the comer detail at the entry where the stone veneer me€ts the wood siding for review. I have enclosed the rendered elevations which reflect the railing approval from DRB on August 2,2000. If you need a set of the architectural 24x36 elevations please let meknow. Thanks for your help with this project. Sincerely, August 8, 2000 Allison Ochs TOV Planner 111 S Frontage RD Vail, CO 81657 RE: Thornbug Residence Dear Allison: K:\0014 - Thornburg\Tolvn of Vri[tovo8ol00.wpd Planning 1650 Ea$ Vail Valley Ddve Fallddge C-1 o FRITZLEN P I E RC E ARCHITECTS a Architecture o Interio6 vaif, co 81657 o F€colondo.net . fax (970) 47H901 . |B7a 47ffi312 v1o00 9lDlN6 gTONE VENEER TO AOOD 5IPIN6 AT SOUTHEAST CORNER 9€ALE,3"= l'-O" gTONE VENEER b" +/- FRITZI-EN PIERCE a!€hiteats PROJECT NAME: THORNBURG RESIDENCE Exterior Wall/ Gorner Plan f- ff PROJI.CT NO: 0014 ISSUE OATE DETAIL NUMBER:Dl.ol SHEET REE: D0.ol.ol ft.lr$a$5o^FfiI:crumo IHOns t65,0 ;d vi rl{ry I}lF hld{ec.r VJ, CdqrbE Gat * {971t} 1766}0 ft €40}176"4ad efiOdae.ti FPS Stondord 10.22.99 *EF o=+ FEH t! )-F.# OU' i\ ) uJ t\tra \\ N-t +ill J. t\1 '\!$ o rl 2 n t A (\ \ I I *Fts !r\ FHa t- o o i-) N N- b :3 -:J \ \\s \I \-\>- .2 \\ --\ tN \- *-t \v \- \\S Ns I ,=7 < '.' u.a ? a' l_L \g I I I I N N G N l Fi O 'u\ 3F5 br+l: ff* IJ N -\N \-l t ) I N U \\le- Fl. -+ \N \- 'F Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Thornburg Residence Project Description: Deck railing Project Number: Owner, Address, and Phone: Tom Thornburg 4328 Cameron Oaks Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 704-376-538s Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith Attn: Stephanie Lord 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Vail. CO 81657 47G6342 fax: 47G4901 Project Street Address: 1460 B Greenhill Ct. Legal Description: Lot20, Glen Lyon ParcelNumber: 2103-124-03038 Comments: Building Name: Board/Staff Action Motion by: Doug Action: Approved Cahitl with condition Seconded by: Melissa Greenauer Vote: 3-0-1 (Pierce abstaining) Conditions: 1. Open wrought iron pickets are approved on the south side only, remainder shall match the existing railing. However, entire duplex may use open wrought iron pickets if both owners agree to do so. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 212000 Project Name: Thornburg Residence DRB Fee Paid: $50 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Thornburg Remodel Project Description: dormer additions Proiect Number: Owner, Address, and Phone: Tom Thornburg 4328 Cameron Oaks Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 7M-376-5385 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. VaiI, CO 81657 476-6342 faxz 476-4901 Project Street Address: 1460 B Greenhill Ct. Legal Description: Lot 20, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: 2103-124-03038 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Date: 5116100 Project Name: Document I l. 2. 3. Board/Staff Action Action:staff approved with conditions materials to match existing ILC required must submit demo plan at building permit (no more than 50olo demo'd) Allison Ochs Thornburg Residence DRB Fee Paid: $50 L Town of Vail Jepartment of Community Oevelopmenl 75 S. Frontage Road .4 Vail, CO 81657 I Na ReceiptNo. 5/ t Y8 oat.--€JJ-t--@- Address: Project: payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account ilo.Item No.Code# Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps LA $5.00 | 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1 &2 $50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Cod€ - 1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 314 1112 Intornational Plumbhg Code - 1997 $36.00 001 000^ Q1A 11.o rr-'^--!^--l 001 00( 001 oo( 001 0o( oo1 o0( oor ooc ;# Torn of Uail uu I uuL *+r BFTOCR RECEIPT **r '-001 00c DflIE: i/gUfl S flEIEIFI: ffi8525 001 00c onr nnc IIESCRIPTIOI OTY flIlt{T lp il ffi DEsts{ REvIElt FE t lse.m rDR tx mffi FRITa.et PIERcE $lTH 001 000 OO1 OOO TEOER IEIRIL nrrl nn^ tX S6l l5e.m ji# DflTE: S/cl/t Tllcr l5:5f:38 uuruYY roTfl- ofu( lse.m 001 000 fl{ttfl 1E0EREI} tse.fi 001 000 nnr nno ffi, TlHt( Ytu FoR YflJR PnYEIITI 001 ooo 001 00o| OOt OOOu r\rym,. ^\5n€ls.-riesrauranl Fe€to co.Dept.Het s.00 IJE';;tr t1 BF XC MS t/s- PN PF OH CL SP SP DR PN -^; RL SA iJ.r. bu $36^00 $37.00 DJ.YC $10.00 $12.75 $?.00 $0.2s s40.00 $20.00 ; ; ; '001 0000 201 1000 Trxrble @ 4.5% (St te) - Tax psyable TP -001 0000 310 1100 Texrble @ 4.096 (Town) - Rstall Sales Tax Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 31r 2500 PEC APPLICANON FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250'PV $200,00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2s00 ExtErior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. fL PV $200.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft.PV $s00.00 001 0000 31 1 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Soecial Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 31 1 2500 Variance PV $250.00 00 0000 311 2500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoninq PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:gI) .'" Comments:U//-&JAa+"1,44. Cash Money Order #Check #Received by: F/Evsryone/Fonnvsalesacl.sxs AO uorss questicnsOalt the ptannin g sr!fft o org-zr.za APPLICATICTJ FCR. DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GFNEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permrt. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. C. D, F LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: tOt 2J) BLOCK:------=- FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: F. G. TYPE n x. n H NAME OF OWNER(S): NAME OF APPUCANT: PHONE: OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any MinorArteration - s20 ;ni::::*lJ":T*?::'i"Tlllliflg, u,,c siie in'p,c,e,nents, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when apptying for a building permil please identiff the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIW DEVETOPMENT' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. MAILING ADDRESS: Questronse tl the Planning Staff at 47g-2r38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORI'IATION This application is for any project reguiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review apprcval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal reguirernents for the particular approval that b requested. The application @nnot be accepted until all the required infonrEtion is submitted. The prdect may also need to be reviewed bry the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commbsion. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building perm it is issued and construction is stafted. c. D, E. LocATrol\r oFpRoposAt-: toT 2t) BLoCK: - nuNG: qLE-Nl LYoil 3Y4r-\-t PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 tor parcel #) ZONING: G. H, NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIUNG ADDRESS: owNER(S) SGNAruRE(S): NAME OF APPUCANT: OF REVIEWAND FEE: New Construction - S200 Construction of a new building. Addition - $SO Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvernents, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. TYPE tr x tr DRB fees are to be paid at the tirne of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permiL phase identify the accurate valuatjon of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the prdect \rdluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAII., coLoRADo 81657. MAIUNG ADDRESS: BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL;COLOR:* -Iav -rc-il fX tc-rrr.lrt fi r,tar+ pxt<nrlg . ll lr ll ll ll ll rt It tl \^lRqgtl- Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Solfrts Windows Window Trirn Doors Door J rim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys. ' l rasn E nctosrrcs Crecnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ll l,l N/'/- t /.N/A r,t/x ^It rrl -To '.a<r* ?4flt\ ll r Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate the nunrber of fixhrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type arid provide the height above grade,, lun:ens output. luminous arca" and aftach a cut sheet of the lighting fixhres. Updated 6/97 Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Thornburg Remodel Project Number: prj99-0053 Project Description: interior/exterior remodel Owner, Address, and Phone: Tom Thornburg 4328 Cameron Oaks Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 704-376-5385 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Vail, CO 81657 476-6342 fax: 476-4901 Project Street Address: 1460 B Greenhill Ct. Legal Description: Lot2O, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: 2103-124-03038 Building Name: Comments: approval for addition of 89 sq. ft. of GRFA, 84 sq. ft. of site coverage Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action:staffapproved with conditions materials to match existing Town Planner: Date: 417100 Project Name: Documentl Allison Ochs Thornburg Residence DRB Fee Paid: S50 Q,,", ti u, l'" I I t ir c P I a r r r r i ^ g r, ^ rr' (ffr rg SS APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This applicatiorr is fbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicw approvar. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw rnust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subruitting for a buiiding pcrrlit.- For.spccific i'fon.ation. sec thc suburittal rcqtt irclttcttt's tbr thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc appiication cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd intbrrnation is strbnrittcd. Thc project ntay also nced to be rcvicwcd by thc Town council and,/or tt c trlanning arra Enviroirntcntal Cotnttlission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs one ycar after linal approval untcis a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. TOWN OFVAIL A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: C. U, E. PARCEL #: ZONINC: :X OWNER NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: .Q Ncw Construction - $200 ffi aaait;on- $50 lv E MinorAltcration- $20 Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition'whcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial buiiding. Includc.s.minor changes to buildings and sitc inrprovcmcnts. such as.rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping, fcnccs and retaining walls. ctc. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT: 2a BLOCK- PFTYSICAL ADDRESS: 0L- NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: SIGNATUiTE(S)T --- 's E conceptual Review = $0 .Folany application-where the applicant wishes to nrect with Dcsign Revicw Board to dctemtine whether or not thc projcct gencrally conrplics-*ith tn.design guidclines.,The DRB docs not vote on conceptual revicws. DRB fees arc to be paid at the timc of submittal. later. whcn applying for a building pemrit, plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthe projcct. Thc Town ofvail will uayuritnJr.. *cording to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS A.PPLICATION, AII SUNTTTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMETVT, Zi SOUTTT T'RONTAGE ROADT' FILTNC: Eagle Co. A.sscssors Officc at 970-32g-9640 tblparcel #) PHONE: PHONE: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Re-oeiv€d:20 Mar.o0 C4:13 oV fun: lalsot To: 5617805918 031261286A 15i11 374476490'- .TAWNOFVAIL t3- PARCEL& 2,oNrNO: NAME OF OWNBRIT): MAILTNOADD G* faxer frrall' Free. SFax'com FPs FAGE Qucrriorfi? Co rttD lflaD ing $tf,fl.nt 4 ?g.2t2g APPLICATION FOR DESTGN REVIEW APPROVAT., 0BNERAL INFOIIMATiON ntis opplicatlon ir for ury frojcc{ rcq.Tiir.ogs, Rcvicw npprovrl. Any proJcct requiriug dcslgn rcyicw murr rcccivo Dcsign Rcvicw rnrcvat rr{or to subndtti-ng ro. a uuiiiig rrc.nrir. For'spcciftc irrtf,nrrndon. ooc rhc subr ittnl rcquilcrtrurltt for the prticular rpircv"t $"4 il;rddol Tifiair.uri* .**i t" .*pi.o'uitit rtt rt c ,"quir"a intbrrnrtlor iq nrbmincd, Thc rrolectlnay oko flccd to to **io,[o ty tl" ro*n Cou,r.ii,"iJroi ile riannlng nnd Brvirourncrrtal Cbrnnrision, OTlry-_Olfop.il; .;t *;i;_phcr ono ycrr rftcr finrl rirprovrt untin r bttldlag pcrrnh tr lnrr{ enrt conrhrcdoir h rtrrted,' rgl 0uJ/u0J Paga. 2 ot 2 B2 J A F, o, H, NAME OFAPPLICANT: PHONE:TYPEOT REVIEWAND FEE: E. l{rrr Corrtnrdon . 9200 Conrtruaion of a nsc/ duildlng, iP laalnon' sso ud"i*-arv.iimr'*r,rtsqu cfddeE!.irrddsdtomyrcsidqd'lor tr Mtilor Arrcnfior ;' srb W*il'fu'to bulainsr ana ritc impmvcrncnrs. such $.rrrooflng; palntiug window tddittons. r*aonpinl ft,"*, rtrd nhinltu . Epoo1'trrrt Rsvtcr, t,#&T"h.riqnvhatrho ryr,ticrnrwhhcc to nrcq*r, *; ;;.*"fBond ro.ddiombcrrhah" or i; ,il F"J*[il,il lorrrpllu wirh thc drdgr nrtrhfi noo.,rhe DRB d"" ril;i;;;ffi lpn'ni *"1*r, .{TB fctt u0 ry bs nsid 6t rhc timc of srbmtrtrl, I*rcr. w rhcaociracvarurur,i.r,n.rcrr.'. n,ii*'.iilili;iLlffiiI'tr3'*::fr,f,rffi';.r,'s'*ffiilir FLEAIIE SUBMTI THTS AI,PIrc.ATIOfiJ{.LL SUDMT".AI,IqqqIREMENTS AND 'HE FEB TO THE Df,faRrlr''*f o]' co'Munnii;nrvfr.iinritup_?5 80urq FRONTA ct RoA D,vAtt, coLORAItO E1567. DESCRIPTTON OF fHE REeUHSTT LOCATIOI.I OF PROPOSA L: t BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinmeys Trash Enclosures Grcenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other COLOR:* lr ll tt lr ll ll rt ll r'It tl It ll rl It ll ta l'lr lr I NlA t ,tf /A t NlA 'fo r,ta*c4rXsnrlq, t Please specifu the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip . ** All exterior lighting mustmeet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. IdentiS each fixture type and provide thc hcigbt abovc grade, lumens output, luminous area and attach a cut sheit of ttre lighting fixturcs. *"**, 22,Msr.Cc .1 40 AM From:90*1 To: 5'61760ii918 cot taxor uf ril. Frcc. dFax'com 03i24/00 15:01 FA.X 83t?2l2ga6 10:3? i- dsrtllla, @.ooz/ool Pag€: 2 3t 3 PA6E 970476430I FPS Oalo ol Aopllodon Datr ot DRE tfi.fi-- oero or PEo tl,|til ! (lt n0o6s8aryL_ AFTOAT|OH FOE ADOTTfONAL AnFA (2t0) TYFG OF RECIJEST _- St|'xhrd 2!0 _ Typs tEHUeso *- Tyge ll EHU 210 _- Typr V EHU aso II. FHE.AFPTICATTOI{CONFEBENCE A. pro.applMhn oon!6r0Doa tytth a m€rnb€r 6l the plffring tbtr h sForlgrf sn€oursgsd $drrcr&0 tho prorlrom urd$ whrdl Eddrlonrr GRFA q'n $ sdd6;;id. I eholrd bo-un(bEtood thrt lhh ordtnence d f_n:t.rEryr|^g?dr prcfdt;;ddiond afo-aq.,a/6 h* or SlJft ,?lii;1ts'#iff'lm"f+**Str**gl #"#iionouonr*irnnm Appn.ausr|s ,ot addlrolr undor rhtr_0?otfl lr[ 0ot bB rftlptod Ltnbrr rioy e|,, oofiprqta.Ttls,hcruor r[ r ormdron requrrcd on nrr rcnir ni wriiiTit 6riil"r'a Board aubjnhrdl requlrlmo t. r, APPLtcAfloil.[{FgRMATtgN A. PNO.E6T DESCFIPTION B. LOCATION OF PROFOSAL; Add6|l c.!,IAME OF APPLICAa{T: Addner D. llAME OF AFpLtCRN]ns nepnessHtarrve, Addrgss F. Fltng F€ !t gec0.0o tu ,e+lhO ar ume tfftd 3"r oiard8rd 150, Fot 6 relJert hvolvifig sn EHU, tho toi l0 niaiwd, LisdDoscrhuon:- rlof@er"ra* ",n d+abYa[t7pa+,t6r4l .Lr_. ."'t+5!r_r r E, _.,rjl,.earr-,rl zonDhr.H =Ef>t=l__ a1 Town of Vail U Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 / o /l *^^",f1;6(o.t t, fu7,a-e .€rnffi Addtess /qH/1<4f u?A /fZ-O /-1 .G,eLca_.)p.tt-.t--^""",rrro. 5OV2O Tn3BZ,-@ Proiect: s oavable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Addr€ss Maps ZA $s.00 001 00n^ a1t 111t lnifnrm Rltit.lino Cnrje _ 1997 _ Volume 1&2 001 0( 001 0(o-ffi ; ' ".1,001 0( -i=- 001 o( 001 o( Torn of UaiI n.,1 .,, fir CUSI0IIER RECEI9I rr* ffi I)IITET J/89/t9 0t RECEIPT: gsg6?6 oo1 0r ___qqgqipllill oil Ril0UNT Tp ilt 001 o _lE!Ic! fiEUrEe FE r iss.aia ibn iii oo1 o FRITZLEI| PtEfttE S|IITH ool o 001 0 CK. 9563 OO1 O TTJIII€R DETAIT 001 0 cK t56.06 FI glEt t/?i/n TriE: e:36:?1 001 0 ruIcL-Ctfct( iss.og ool 0 eiflHI TEilDERED r56:di 001 0 33jj Tmil( y{il, Fm ilil,R pnyrfnT! oo1 c ool c )lo 001 0000 312 1.q00 lR6taurant Lic6n 001 0000 230 2000 'SD€c. Ass6s.-R€ataurant Fee to Co.Deot.Rev. CB l/E' M tJ15 \, tt M Er XC MS MS PN PF OH /^l SP ;=5ts ==UFt PN RL SA DJU.VC $!_rq $36.00 $35.00 $33.60 $36.00 $37.00 ca aE $10'00 $12.7s 5r"00 $0.2s $40.00 .00 a ; ; '001 0000 201 1000 TaxebL @ 4.5% (Staie) - Tax pavable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4-0% Oown) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 31 1 2s00 PEC APPLrcANON FEES 001 0000 31 1 2500 Additional GRFA - "250'PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - More than. 100 so- ft.PV $500.00 001 00003112s00 Special Develooment District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Develooment District - Maior Amend PV $1.000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2s00 Variance PV s2s0.00 001 00003112500 Zoning Cods Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoninq PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Pmgram Other -MS TOTAL:q).* Comments:Otru cash- Money order#Received by:Check # f 1_ F:€veryone/FornslSalesact.exe rr n/4 A/t t kcurt 7 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Thornburg Residence Project Number: prj00-0033 Project Description: Exterior window replacement and deck alteration Owner, Address, andPhone: Tom Thornburg 4328 Cameron Oaks Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 704-376-538s Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Fritzlen pierce Smith 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Suite C-l Vail, CO 81657 970-476-6342 Project Street Address: 14608 Greenhill Ct. Legal Description; Lot 20, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: 210312403038 Building Name: Comments: Approval DOES NOT include deck reils Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action:Staffapproved with conditions l. Deck railings must match existing or both units must change deck railings Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date; 3122100 DRB Fee Paid: $20 Project Name: Thornburg Residence Documentl /Qa:-De3 Qu".tiun*r ?n tlrc Plauring.Staff at 479-212g APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIBW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicw approval. Arry projcct requiring dasign rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnrining for a building pcnuit. iorspccific infonuation, scc thc subnriftal rcquircnrults fbr thc particdar approval that is rcquestcd. Thc appiication "onnot be acceptcd until all thc r.qrir"O inforrnation is subrrriftcd- Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvi'cwcd by thc Town Council and/or tr,. efonning u,.,a Envirottntcntal Contmission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval untcis a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTTON OF THE REQUEST: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: D. E. F. C. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILTNC ADDRESS: OwNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): - NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:B Ncw Construction - $200 E ConceptualReview- $0 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-325-8640 tbqparcel #) PHONE: H. tr Addition - Constnrction ofa ncw buildins. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. Includc.s minorchanges to buildings and site inrprovcmcnts, such as.rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fcnccs and retaining walls. ctc. For any apptication.where the applicant wishes to nrect with Dcsign Review Board to dctemrine whcthcr or not the projcct gencrally conrplics with thc design guidclincs.,Thc DRB docs not vote on conccptr.ial rcvicws. / rvtnor tttteration - DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the timc of submittal. Later. whcn applying for a building penlit. plcasc idcntity thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. The Town of Vail will ua;u.t il,Jr.. ""coraing to thc projcct valrrario'. PLBASB SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, At,t SUnrvrnTAL REQUIREMEN1S AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMET{T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Zi SOUTIT T,NONTAGE ROAD.vAtL, coLoRADO 81657. $s0 $20 AtfeK:- *EF 92"" pef; Town of Vail ol CommunitY DeveloPment 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, co 81657 tl 211otw Pl€ase make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Rrceipt No.-S 9l?s- ps1. 3l l3 l6tt 001 0000 314 1110 Uniform Buildins Cod€ - 1997 - Voluryrelq 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Plumbing Code - 1997 -l 1 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mgchanical Code : !999 100003.t4 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 001 0000 3141112 1 0000 3 14 1 t 12 lUnitorm Fire Code 1 C Torn of Uail nnl r rrr CtST0llER RECEIPT rrr 66ii DeE: 3/1{/00 0t RECEIpT: BB9SSil 001 ( DESCRIpTI0I{ oil frt{IjilT Tp Ti OOI ( DESIGI{ REUIET FE I 3eO,O9 rDR cK 001 r FRITZET{ PIERCE STITH 001 | DRB App oo1 Cl( 9513 t?0.09 HJ- lnrE: J/r1l80 TIIE: 9:99:14 g+ T(llnl cHECt( iaa.sg OO1 EililJNT TEI{DERED |eO:M ffi ilAilK yflr Fm youR myiExT! PEC APPUCATIOII FEES 01 00003112500 1 0000 311 001 0000 31 1 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 001 00003112s00 Ext€rior Alteration - More tfian 100 sq. ft.001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 31 1 2500 001 00003112500 100003112500 pv I $2so.0q 1 0000 311 2500 001 0000 319 3100 cash - Money order #- check#:3L- Rsc€lved ov: (Luomco F :/Ever}!n€/Fomgsalesacl.ex8 o ZONE CHECK Legal description: Lot 20 Block Address riins LhENLuhrJ. Owner Architect Phone Phone Zone disn'ict Proposed use Lot size & t *? \ Builtlable area Allowed Existing Pronosed Total | |4 /\'" Toral GRFA F/ J.7 D +3rb --_52+3_ 4W * Primary cRFA Jb3 b + r@s\ ltts*1=ffi;rt+ & nltt + q = h6ql Secondary 6ppa IK? * G) 6rr*1= ?t?:L * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this reouest involve a 250 Addition'i Remaining llQd (z,o w y')c How nruch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? sitecoveragc Xt(W$"D W 'fr 4<fr = ___d:_ ,<o)"1 t -^'Height t.tto IXf>) rroxrrl Sctbacks Front 20' Landscaping Rcaining Wall Heighs Parking Minimum 3', t6', Required Sides 15' Rear 15' 1tt Enclosed Garage Credit Drivcway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50%) Enviro nmcntalAlazards (300) (600) (e00) (r200) Permitted Slope -% Proposed Slope Yes_ No Yes No % b) Rockfall Previous conditions ofapproval (check property file); 1) Percent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche ls the property non-conforming? Describe: c) Debris Flow t DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project: tr SURVEY Scale Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Coune Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations tr SITE PLAN D FLooR PLANS Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Space EHU fI BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale ColorMaterials Roof Pitch tr LANDSCAPE PLAN Existing trees Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Scale Condo Approval Building Height Title report (A & B) Encroachmenb Utility verifi cation form Setbacks Photos of site Site Coverage Building material samples Eaves/Overhangs (4') C.O. Verification DecklBalconies Sun\Shade Anglcs Garage connection Utilities (underground) Site Gnde\Slope View Conidon Reaining Walls Variances Fences Plat restrictions Parking/Garage Tuming Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access o t-t TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970 -479-2L38 o tol 7.a &,so'rde u" l(72- DEPARTT4EI..N OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROiIECT TITLE: HrNZ REMODEL ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit. TIMES 899 - 0 013 ALL #: ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: APPLIEANT MAY CUSTOM BUILDERS 5].37 BLACK GORE DR, CON:TRACTOR MAY CUSTOM BUILDERS 51-37 BLACK GORE DR, OWNER HINZ PAMELA SHIEI,A 381 ANGIR COI'RTL CT, 1460 GREENHILL CT ]-460A GREENHILI., COI'RT 2LO3-r24-03 - 03 7 PR,J99-0007 vArL co 81657 VAIL CO 81557 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 02/L8/1999 Issued...: 03/05/L999 Expires..: 09/0]-/L999 Phone:. 970-475-L032 Phone z 970-476-L032 Phone: 404-874-8300 ATLANTA GA 30312 Descriptsion:REMODEL,DECK&WINDOW ADDITION,GAS Cllumberlof Dwelling UniLs: 002 Town of vail Adjusted Valuation: 200,000 Pileblace InfornaEion: Restsricted: N *of caa Appliances:*of Gas Loga: 1 *of wood/Pa1let: FEB SIJMMARY Building-----> Pl.an check- - - > Invc6Cigation> will cafl----> 1,140 . oO 741.00 .00 3,00 ResCualant Plan Revieir-- >.00 500.00 Tocal caLcuLatsad Fees- -->2,584.00 Additionaf Fees----___--> .00 Total Pernits Pee--------> 2,594-0o Pa)ments------- BA],ANCE DUE---- . OO DRB Pee- -. 200 . O0 R6creation Fee----------> .Oo clean-UD Deooait- -- -- --- > TgTAL FEES----- 2,584.00 Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT O2/L8/1-999 CHARLTE Action: NOTE 02/26/1,999 CHARTIE Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARIMENT 02/L8/L999 CHARLIE Act.ion: NOTE 02/22/L999 BWILSON Actj-on: APPR II,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 02/t8/1,999 GIARLTE AcEion: APPR Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS 02/L8/L999 CIIARLIE Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO CTIARLIE SEE CONDITIONS DePts: PI^ANNING Division: PI,ANS TO BRENT?? APPROVED DepE : FIRE Diwis j-on: DeDt: PIIB WORK Division: N/A N/A See Page 2 of t.his DocumenE for any conditions EhaE may apply Eo tshis permiE. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknoel.dge theE I hav€ lead thi.s application, filled out in full the information requi.reo. comPleted an .ccurage Plob pLan, and state tshat. all t.he infornation provided as lequired is correc!. I agree to comPty dith,lhe infor$ation and ploL Pl'an, to compLy ej.th all Torn ordinances and etat'e laws, and to build lhis st.ructure accordi.ng Lo tha Tottn's zoning and eubdiviEion codae, deeign rcvier approved, Uniforh Building code and other ordinances of the Toxn applicable theleto. REQUESTS rOR INSPECAIONS SmLIJ BE MADE TWEI{'IY- FOUR HOURS IN ADr'nNCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-2134 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM e:Oo A 5:O0 PM S€nd Cl€.n-Up Dcposit. To: ilAY CITSTOII CONTRACfOR HII4SELP PAGE 2 *******************************************************************:t************ o BUII,DERS **************!t***************************************************************** Permit #: 899-0013 PETMiI, T!PC: ADD/AIT SFR BUITD PERMIT ApplicanL: IttAY CUSTOM BUILDERS iIOb AddTESS: 1450 GREENHILT cT LOCAEiON: 1450A GREENHILL COURT Parcel No: 2103 -124-03-037 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS *********************:l***************************************************:l****** 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI.,L BEDROOMS ATiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF THE ].997 I'BC. owNaR oi. j I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT as of 03/05/99 Status: ISSIJED Applied: O2/L8/L999 rssued: .03 / 05 /L999 - *ti i i tti r t J rat !r r i rtfi t rtr ri r tt r r r **t ti r,r r rrtt mtst oF vaIL, coLonADo StateEnt StaEaDnl NuEbar: REC-0495 A[ounl : Pryo.nt [ctho<l: CK lfotation: 1353 2.554.0o 03/OS/99 os1L4 Inil: .IR PcniE Nor 899-0013 Tytr.: A-BUUTD IDD/AJ,T SrR BUILD pE Parcel No! 21O3 -12lt- 03 -03 7 giEc lddr.r.: 1160 (nEBIHIITL Cl LocaEion: 1{504 CIEArHILL @URA Thi. P.)'Ecnt, 2,58{.00 2,50{.00 .oo Aaount, 1.1{0.0o 130. oo 7{1. 00 500.00 3.OO fotal Faaa: 2,55{.00 torrl lLL Pug.: Balalca: Account. cod. aP 00100003111100 DR O01oOOO3ll220(} PF 00100003112300 ID D2 -DBPOS rc 00100003112400 Daacript'ion BUIIJDING PBRIIT FBES DASIGI| RET/I Blf FEES PLII' CHECK PEEg CI,AANT'P DBPOSITS rELL CIIjIJ $ISPECTIOI| FEE -?-.ksq - 060? PEPJ\IIT /I D?q-oul J APPLICATION }ruST BE FILLED OU? COMPT.FTELY OR IT I,!r{Y }IOT BE ACCEPTED sf Hr****' * * * *:r * * * * * * * * 'r * * * * * * * * * * pERl{JT I}IFORT'IATrON }t'r * .i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */p., IdJ-BuiJ-ding [ ]-Prurbing [ ]-nrectrical I j-Mechani'car I J-other LJ Job Nand:H.Job'Addre ss: lvlL9 Address ,7(\PI.KL?? : Ph. General De scrj.pt,ion: ra'I t'rork cLass:- [ ]-New t{-arteration t l-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other llurober of D*el ling Units:llttnt'er of Acconunodation Units: _ Number and rvDe of Fifep3-aces: Gas.Appriances_ cas Logs t l.rood/pellet d/dbr***z***** *x*********** *********** VALUATIONg *:t**i:*:t* * * !i .* * * * * * * * * * x * * !r * * *:r /b BUILDING: $ Er_.EcTp.rcel.,: $ oTitER: $PLUIIBTNG: $ lrEcHfiqIcAL: $_----l-_] io1;i; Legal Descriptioh' Lo.. QP Owners Nane: Arclritect: AddresS:'1t t Town of Vai.L Req. Noi Phone ltumbe.r: 4+lt 6fi-oorg rr.ectricil conrractor: 6Tl-oot3 A(:dress: I - Town of VaiI Reg' No' Phone Nurirber: _ .Plutnbing Contractor: Totfn of VaiI Re_ r'..Address: _ ;;::-"i,.,];::.^='' r\\r'- x:;::l'::"r- contractor': "" T:::^":..y:11.*"g. No.phone l{urnber: . * *** *t ** * ** * * * * **** *.}'r r r >t* * *x* ** BUILDiNG PlRl,lIT FEEr f'OR OFFICE USE 'l * * x * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * r< * *:l * * r,:: PLII}'B NG PERI'IIT FEE: ME:}I.N ICAL PERHIT FEE: EL]CTI ICAL FEE: o?:lER IYPE oF IEE: kcg*.o ?+fr "4'tr VALUATION Comnents: ,rf _=__-:__ .r!vrr4lr.r\-'1rJ. 7_+_- t-.U.L,ALJ: +__JaJpp2_ i$i:i:_:1.: ]l:-1ii:.****il1l,**** coNrgAc?gR^ rNFoRlrArroN **********,r**********., * Address: >"F---_-..-:-- ,K!*** * * * * *.t * ** ** ** * * * * * * * * ***r Renerrl- contractor: i4rt{ (r, BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PI,UMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: nEp. FT F' : RXCREATION FEE: CI,XAN-UP DEPOSTT: TO?AL PERHIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNA:ruRE: ZONING: STGNATURX: i:Liil:ll i.rP DEP.OSIT Ii*qiuliD TC: I r rc-rz.rrnn D., ar n g-rr c-nn.a. / l TowN oF vArCoNSTRUcroN PERMTT FORM INFOR}IATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RIJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Buildingpf Plumbing ( )Elextncal ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Filins Subdivrsion 4 Owners Name: Architect: Address:Phone# 1() ;!_- t 1!11! a Phone#Address: Description of Job: Additional ( )Repau ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTHER: $rorAl s---7M- Phone # Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. !lgsDi!@: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Work Class: New ( ) Alteration ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: / Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances BIJILDING: $ /A /.- PLI.JMBING $ Generat Conrracror, lUt(r 0 ' e,a.,, Ttdl-SAddress: Town of Vail Regisfration No Elcctrical Contractor: TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr., co 8L657 970 -479-2138 DEPARII{E}TT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIVT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BT]DG.Permit #: D99-0001 ilob Address: LocaE.ion. . . : Parcel No..: Project, No.: APPLTCANI MAY CT'STOM BUILDERS 5137 BI,ACK GORE DR, CONTRACTOR MAY CUSTOM BUILDERS 5137 BI,ACK GORE DR,OIIINER HINZ PAMELA SH]EI,A 38]. ANGIR COI'RTL gI, DescripEion: DEMO FOR FUTI]RE REMODEL Occupancy: R3 \pe Construction: V N 'I1T)e Occupancy: Valuation: Pi!.pl,ace Infoleetsion: RcsClicead: 1450 GREENHITL CT 1450A GREENHII-,L COT]RT 2L03-L24-03-037 PRJ99-0007 SEatrus. . AppIied. Issued.. E}rpires. ISSUED oL/L4/]-999 oL/L4/]-999 07 /L3/1-99e FEE ST]I'I'ARY Building-----> Plan check- - -> InvcsEj.gation> Will CaIl----> L05.00 -00 3.00 . oo 100.00 331-25 331.25 vArL co 81557 vArL co 81557 ATLANTA GA 30312 Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add sq Ft: *of cae Logs: Phone: 970-475-L032 Phone: 970-476-LO32 Ptrone: 404-874-8300 l+of wood/Paller: 5, 500 *of eaa Appliances: R€seua?ant Plan Revier--> .00 DRB tr'eo-------- .00 Recrcat'ion F€c----- -----> Cl.ean-lrD DeDo6iC--- -- - -- > CIIARLIE n/a n/a n/a n/a N/A ToEal ca1sLrl.t6d FeeE---> additsional !ceB--- ------> Tota1 Penoi€ Fee--------> Payments------- TOT,AI, PEES-. - - - it*rrti!iriirt* Dept : BUILDING Division: DAVIS Dept. : PLANNING Diwision: DepE: FIRE Divisi-on: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTH Division: DepL: CLERK Division: See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condiLions that may apply to Ehis permit DECLARATIONS I hsreby acknowledga CbaC I havG r6rd thi6 applicalion, fiLlcd ouC in full thc inforoatsion lsquircd, coEPIeE6d rh accurate plot plan, and Et.aL6 Chats alL tshe informaEion provided ae required iE corlects. I agree tso coBply with Ehc irtforlition and PloE plan, to coEply with .11 To*rr ordinancca and statc lae€, and to build this stluccuro according to tha Tovn'E zoni.ng and eubdivision codcs, desigtr r€wi€w approved, Uniform Building coda a'rd otshe! ordinances of tsh6 Town applicable th€reto- rTEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART!4ENT OL/L4/L999 CIIARI-,]E ACTiON: APPR ITEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEP.A,RTMENT 0L/L4/L999 CIIART.,TE AcLion: APPR ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARI]!'IEIiIT OL/L4/L999 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR IT€ITI: O55OO PTTBLIC WORKS 0L/t4/1,999 CIIARLTE Action: APPR IEEM: O57OO ENVIRONMEI\TTAIJ HEALTH O1-/L4/L999 CIIARLIE Action: APPR ILem: 05900 LIOUOR 0r/L4/1999 CIARLTE AcE,ion: APPR REQUESTS SI.AIIJ BE MADE T!IEI{'TT.FoUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TEI,EPIICNE AT {73-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROII 8:OO AT| 5:OO PM s.nd clcrn-I4) D.po3i! lor t{Ay cl'ttmu BUIIJDERS INC ****:t*************************************************************************** ******************************:t*****************************************:t:l****** Permit *: D99-0001 CONDTTTONS as of oL/t5/99 Permit Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG.Applicant: MAY CIISTOM BUITDERS 970-476-1032 .fob Address: LOCATION: 1460A GREENHTLL COIJRT Parcel No: 2103-]-24-03-O37 Descript,i-on: DEMO FOR FUTURB REMODEL Conditsions:1. FIRE DEPARTI'IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BBFORB AM STARTED.2. FIEI,D TNSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE 3. A].L DEMO WORK MUST REMAIN IN THB INTBRTOR OF TIIE . AI,L STAGING MUST OCCTJR ON PRIVATE PROPBRTY Status: ISSUED applied: 0t/L4/t999 Issued: OL/L4/L999 To Expirez 07/L3/L999 WORK CAN BB COMPLIANCE. BUILDING tttallitatiitia!ra|'i!rtarlotttJtttrti T(n ot rrltE, oo&crDo aiattt'tatrtrl,aa.tltoaiaaatittllrtlatt!rarrttitat'tialttaattttatttratalt o D.l!!,E lor Drt-0001 ryp. r l-Dm Dn|o. ol Prl'vrl'l Bu Prtc.l tro: 21ol -12a-0t-037 tl.rr lidrrr. :,aao (n$!Bll& el loqrcl,on t 1aa0l (nlml& oo@f lot l t aar 311-25 $rl,r DrtrrGc 331.25 lbtrl lI;! PIJBI r 331.25 Edrnc.! .00 aa.tai+taOtaarararltlaaialttittttatatia!attatiall'atatrt.t,t',|ltitit'lrt'r'tt oll t t!a ||ittJtrlt*'t gt E.Ert tlrcnc nrb.!! nlc-oato lDunc 3 Dryrllc Llbodt ca roe.GioB ! llll 311.23 Oli/15,/t9 10:1t rnll: Jal lccoure cod.D..crlpgi,6 aP 0o1OOOOr111100 allttrDlllO 9ltflIl !t!5 tt oolooootllt3oo PLNI Cslcr llll ctJoo1oooot12t000 qrtrcls'rJlclllls lrcraE 105.00 aa.2s 55.00 100. 0 o ID Dz-D[PO'cr.Er uP DlDotIL rc ooloooo31lztoo rtI.L clt! uaPlcrra tlt 3.00 '.. I 7S soulh lronlagc road vcll, colo ro do 81657 (3r3) 479-2138 or 4?9-2t39 o f llce ol communlly deyelop m e lll bunollic pERr.irT rssuAucE TIl,rE FMr.rE Ii thi.s pernri.t requ,ires a Tor,rn of Va jl F.i re Department Approval ,Engineerr's (Pub1 ii r{orr:s) ;;vi"; uni:upp.ouui , a planninq !enrrrm; ni revier'r or Herlth Department revier,r, anb.a.revievr by the ur.,ifiiil,., lloi[l[E',1;u,:!l urtiro ted tjme ror'o-t"tur' ;;;;;,,;.;',ioti,u, r 6nr A'l 'l commercii: I '(lur!:-o, smail ) and a.l I n,tlti_farnily pernrits uill have to fo'l lr' the abov-e rnentioneJ rirrt"r" requirements. Res,identiar and small prr jects shourd tor.u J-i.fr.. urorn{ or-fir..' iro,,ever, if resident.ial < r snra'l'ier,projecir-i;;;;;'the var jous above nentioned departmcnts r., ith rega.rd' to";;;;r;;ij-ruui n", these projects may al so take the three i.reek period ;:il{ri:l'!3i,1',ll.lof;s?if:,bv this creparrnrent to ex'pedite this . ' I' thr unders igned, understand the pl an checrl pi^ocedure and time frame,, I-9r-ce? 1-/,&- - n prt,ject v ,)u(qt f . Da'ce l{ork Sheet *asffi 'Communj ty Developm*nt Departrnent. - --"'-'GJii''l TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 DEPARTIJIEI\TT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEqIRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1-460 GREENHILL cT LocaEion. . .: L46O GREENHILL ET Parcel No. . : 2L03-L24-03-037 ProjecE No. : PR,J99-0007 OIINER HINZ PAMEI,A SHIEI,A 381 ANGIR COT]RTL CT, ATLANTA GA 30312 CONTRACTOR DOI]BLE DIAI4OND SERVICBS P- o. Box 1452, EDWARDS, CO 81532 APPLICANT DOI]BLE DIAMOND SERVICES Descript.ion: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL .JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 899-0024 SEatrus...: ISSUED Applied. . : 03/1'o/t999 Issued. . . : 03/1,O/1999 Expires..: 09/06/L999 Phone: 404-874-8300 Phone t 970-925-6202 ValuaLion:19, 000 . 00 FEE SUMMARY Total calculated 8e€s- - - > 345.00 Etectsrica]---> 342.0O DRB Fce .00 Additional Fee6-- --- ----> TotsaI Pelmit Fee-_-_-__-> PaybentsB----- 145.00 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO .00 345 - O0 Invest igat j.on>.00 will caII- - -- > 3.oo TOTAL FEES- - - > 345'00 t it *:rtt*** tr tt i * Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEI{r -,----Pept: BUILDING Division: 6i7 Itt t Tgii -,rma---- - acqiqn, APPR APPRovED,TRM iEam;'o6e 6o-i'-ine DEPARTT,tEifli Dept: rlne Division: oilloltggg 'JRM Actrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS r hcreby acknot r.dge thaE r have read thie applicaLion, fiLled out in fulL the information requiied, conpleced an accurac€ plots plan. and scace chat alt the inforsEtion provided aF required ig correct. r aglee to coroply taich the information and ploE plan' Eo codply wiLb all Torn ordinances and stace lars, and Lo build Lhi6 struciure according !o Ehe Toen's zoning and gubdiwision codcs, deEiqn lcvaer apploved, unifonr BuiLdi,ng code and other ordinances of the Torn aPPlicable tshercLo' REQuEsTsFoRINsPEcTIoNssttAI,I,BEMADaTWENTY-FoURHoURSINAD\]ANCEBYTELEPHoNE oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM a:Oo At' 5:00 PM OR CONIRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OI{NER TOI{N OF V.AIL. COI,OR.ADO Reprinr.ed: 03/t2/99 09:15 sraEenn! Scateen! Nuroltcr r REC-0495 AtoounE: Payment Merhod: CK NoLaEion: 0979? 345. 00 03/12l99 09: 11 Inir: ,tN Pennir No: 899-0024 Tytrte: B-El,Ec Bl,EcrRrclr PERUIT Palcel No: 21.03 - 124 _03 -03 7 Site Addre6s: 1460 GREANHIIJL CI Localion: 1,460 GRAENHIIJL CT 345. O0 345. 00 .00 Total Fees: T'his PayBent 345.00 ToEaI AIIJ PEt'6: BaLance: Account. Code Deacripcion AnounC EP OOIOOOO3].],14O0 ELECTRTCAL PBR TT FEES 342.DD wc oo10ooo3l-12800 l{rl,r, cA!r, r[sPEdrroll FEE 3.O0 .o ea Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Hinz Residence ProjectDescription: HeatedConcreteDriveway Owner, Address and Phone: Pamela Hinz, 381 Angier Ct., Atlanta, GA 30312 (404) 874-8300 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone May Custom Builders, 5137 Black Gore Drive, 47G1032 Project Street Address. 1460 A Greenhill Court Legal Description: Lot20, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: Buildins Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1) Public Works approval is required. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 4l05l99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F:\E\TERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99WINZ2. WPI) t Qucstions? al I'ii.r.r:ing Staii'ei =, >-- l-:lJ APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasigr Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmil For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infbmration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Review Board approval expircs one year after final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF-THE REQU B. C. D. E. F. G. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAI.. Ygl. 2..O BLOCK:-FILTNG: Qh, LfN,1 PrTsTcALADDRESS: 11( O tl Qieur L'(\ ci PARCEL t,LlOZ -Vr'''1 -dt - *rContacr Eagtc Co. Asscssors office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S):?, MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 cu, PHONE: H.d<(l tr Addition - Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. l\{inor Altcration -$20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at thc time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit. please identif thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTA-L REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. $s0 TOI//N OFVAIL MAILING ADDRESS: OT Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Hinz Residence ProjectDescription: Revisiontopreviously-approvedplan Owner, Address and Phone: Pamela Hinz,381 Angier Ct., Atlanta, GA 30312 (404) 874-8300 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: May Custom Builders, 5137 Black Gore Drive, 47o--1032 Project Street Address: 1460 A Greenhill Court Legal Description: Lot20, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: PRJ99-0023 - 68 square feet is now added to the garage credit. No GRFA or site coverage is added. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3l2il99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 F:iEtv'ERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\HINZ. WPD o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Proiect Name: Hinz Residence Project Description: Window, declq flagstone walkway & railing addition Owner, Address and Phone: Pamela Hinz, 381 Angier Ct., Atlanta, GA 30312 (404) 874-8300 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:May Custom Builders, 5137 Black Gore Drive, 476-1032 Proiect Street Address: 1460 A Greenhill Court Legal Description: Lot 20, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: Comments: PRJ99-0023 Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 2/8199 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\E!-ERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\HniZ.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 iFfi,- "o7 ;;r ." ttil i. r"' "f , r'o'.T?ll r irT' - ""r'r: C:r.-="ir, ou *, . o, I'i.1, 0,,:rr t:l I f L'l \, \, I TlL qr vArL coltsrRucfroN PERl.l_rT AppLrgttloN Fox3t oers: -i.9.Q9 - PEIHIT '89Q ootf- work eraser I l-[eu t{]-lrtqr"trorl 6 l*Addrttionar I J-Rrpatr I l-othor Nurnber ot DqrellLng Units:Num.ber of Acconnodatton Unita: Gaa logr_ tfood,/pollet fltnuer and Tltra c! Flroplacecr cr6 Appllancer f r * r * *. r r t *. * * a. a r *. r *, I I i * r r r I * r i vALUtlIOItrs rr****t**.*rt *tt**ati*t a **r*f* * **BUTI.DTNGI EI..ECIRICAL, IECHANICALs oTr|Egs f Address: (t : TLDTNG PEWIT FEES LUUBING PETU{IT 8EE3 ECHANTCAL PERITT FEE:.I,ECfRTCTL FEE:T'IER TYPE OF FEE3 tB FEE: ----- INFORt,tA!rON *artt*a*****at*ata **rt*t*i* Town of vall Phone Number: Town of Vall Phone Nunbors Town of Vrll Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. FOn oFFtcE UsE at..**.*rr** rrrr..rrrrrrr ii*rrr TOTAL: BU.r!DTNO PIAN CITECX F!E:PLUttBINc PIAN qlpgx 5gg3 I'IECHANICAI, PLAN CHECr( FEE!RECREATTON FEE:CrEIN-UE DEFoSTT!TOTAI, PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDING! SICNATURE: ZONTNG: 9TGNATURE: iiff:5"1:?1,*lli,:l'"",r: ilx*:l? contracro ", { {echanlcal Contractort rCldr6BB: t*tlrt*rttf **tl *r**t**ra**i**a*f t* .Elt{.Up DcBosIT [Ef-mD to!. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 Job Address. :Location..... : Parcel No.....: Project Number: ].460 GREENHILL ET 1450 Green Hill Court A 2L03 -L24-O 3 -03 7 PR,l99-0007 Status...: ISSITED Applied. . : 04/22/1,999 Issued...: 04/26/L999 E>qpires. . : L0/23/L999 DEPARTT4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT AT #: A],L TIMES M99 - 003 3 APPI.,ICANT ELK COT]N|RY PLIJMBING & HEATING P. O..BOX 764, GYPSUM, CO 81637 CO}C|RACTOR ELK COUT{TRY PLI]MBING S. HEATING P. O. BOX '764, GYPSUM, CO 81637 OI'INER HINZ PAMEI,A SHIEI,A 381 ANGIR COURTL ET, ATTJANTA GA Description: Heat,/snowmelt syst.em Fireplace Inforhation: Reatricted: Y fof cas ApDliance6: 30312 Valuation: *Of GaB Lo96: Phone: 970-584-1040 Phone: 970-584-1040 Phone: 404-874-8300 30, 394. 00 fof nood/Pa]let: FEE SUUMAIIY M€chanical---> Plan Check---> Inve6cigacion> 9riL1 call ---> Reatuarants Plan R6vier- - > DRB Fee--------- Tocal calculaEed FeeB- - - > Addilional Fces-'--- ----> Total Perlni.C Fcc--------> Payments-------- BAIANCE DUS.... 620.00 155.00 -00 3.0{' .00 ,00 7?S - 00 778. O0 933 . OO a-l3 - OO -00 Item:05100 04 / 22 /.L999 04/26/L999 Item:05600 04/22/L999 BUT ITDING DEPART'II'IENT KATHY Act.ion: NOTE CHARLIE AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARII4ENT KATITY AcI.ion: APPR Route SEE C N/A CONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPESIIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK 2. COI{BUSTION AIR IS REQU]RED PER SEC. 7OL SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. DEPT: BUILDTNG DiViSiON:d to Chhrlie ORRESIIONS ON PI,ANS DepE: FIRE Divj-sion: FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR 3. INSTALI,ATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTURES INSTRUSTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER ]-O OF TIIE 1997 I]MC. CIIAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SITALL BB VENTED ACCORDING TO (]IAPTER 8 AND srIAI,I-, TERMTT{ATII_AS_SPECTETED rN SEC.805 OF fHE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEI{| MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.].01-7 OF THE 1.997 IJI,IC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.5. BOILERS SHALT AE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOTIBUSTIBLE CONST.I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]Ii|:TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COIiITAINING HEATING OR ECI-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.TO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 199? IMC. ******************************************************************************** o o DECIARA:TIONS I h.r.by rcknorl.dg. lhrt f h.vr r.rd thi. .ppucrEld|; fill.d out in full th. infon tsion r.qulr.d, cqrl.t.d rB tccu!.b. plot plrn, aad abrts! thac .lL Eha lnforurtlon prolid.d rlqutrld li corr.cts. I rgrr! go coryly rith lha ilfolutLo rnd plot p1.8, co cqrly riuh lll Tqn ordlunc.r .Dd .trtsc 1.r., .nd to build thLr .crqcgurr tccbrding Lo th. TorD, r roriag ud rubdiwidqr co&., d.!1gn r.vl.r .pprsv.d, unifon Bulldltrg co& rnd othqr ordinuc.a of tsho lorn .pplic.bl,! ch.rcEo. RlQlrlgrs lOR lllsDlCllof,g glit&L Bl I'if,DE Tlllltrt-lom, t{Otns nt lDvtllcE BY TILTPHoNE AT r?9-2130 ol, ll OUn Olrlc! !RA|| aroo lI 5.oo D!| gIqnTuRE oF o|GtlR oR cotfTR.trctoR toR Hrl|sBxlt lnD Otg[lR v-**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLOR..ADO Statemnt, ******t********************************************************* Suatemnt Number: REC-0511 Amount: Palment Met,hod: CK Notation: 2588 833.00 04/30/99 L1:35 Init: .fRM This Pa)ment Permit, No: M99-0033 lfpe: B-!!ECH MECIIANICAIJ PERMTT Parcel No: 2103 -L24-03-037 Sit,E AddrESS: 1460 GREENHILL ET Location: 1460 Green HilI Court A TotaL Fees:833.00 Total ALL Prnts:. Balance: 833 .00 833 .00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Descript.ion MP OO]-OOOO31113OO MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CI{ECK FEES cL 00100003123000 coNrRAgroR LTCENSES wc 00100003112800 WILL CAIL rNSpEerrON FEE Amount, 620.00 155.00 55.00 3.00 i$$ b'+ol all \o\;r\4-: q> $:\+t{lr ;t -s sl $x t- t- 1a 2- €ttou ,4nl/- \r,'/n @- #o*- B" t/-. e bo J"/ Ao*,'/,.- il+p* fl*, /,a r4^, lc,*n- fl*, [f7J**'z- 3/{,* s/ Us / 1 /S.si",,u Pfte( L /* 2rcJz-'.vr,--'' /* wtu lo 76Srw BluS Q-o--n -;'.-,n oiVai? JrFffiE COPY giy ce. '".-<ttr;/, lJ4trL 0d'n,il.z H4-l' avoluS ;ec' 4'l'1 ^ 2' $utlcte-g13PrE O- P€d5, rlll7 t ilr oin#o, K'rp5t, CFc2ott-: - Atr- ftlatt EectP uacl)rt€ 041rro1 E1.I!.EED t25.75 <F Hl#l*iW,fAt,,tr'd 8rg,*- ts r-'4 +Eqpel'er- E rds Tarft_ rowN oF vArOoNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, orfl,.AroN ,ffo*oool INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 97A328-8640 for Parcet #Parcet# 2fo3- 121.91- o31 permir# D_/,/1.\-,/_J ^ t - ,/&kftgb nad,"u, l/d a; (btu*'z //.'// &;*t*A Architert: Description of Job: Phone# WorkClass: New( ) nft"otonS Number of Dwetlrrrg U*ts: I { Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Numbe r of Accommodation Units: I Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances / Gas Logs t Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ '- ELECTRICAL: $ OTFIER: pLrJMBrNc $W MEcHAMcAL$:.zrr--;34'q-_ TorAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contrrctor:zr5 Address: Town of Vail Registration No. Electricd Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # Mechanical Contractor: - ti " Add.arr,rccJ653 rownofVa'RegisrrationNo. 230- H rn.".u ,uR ur,ggu FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMINITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE COIIE 5-2-10r IIEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITT'I) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to liter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes anotler to violate the provision of subsection A hereoi or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel. rocks, mud, dirt, snow. ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause an)' such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereof shall not be applicable: L Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main. sewer main, electricity [ine, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand. dirt or materials necossary for the protection oftle public safelv; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereoi and any such person shall, rn addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereot upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowtedged by: /2,"Position or Rel ationship to owner) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Corwnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAIICE TIME FRAME Ifthis permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits wiil have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparhnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned. understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I rnust still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fuil to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was turned rnto the Cbmmuniw Develooment Deot. t/at. (7/.-ut, {r9 "*^'o Ernre oF coLoRADo ur,r,nHit'airrur oF REGULATOIIY AGENCIES TNVISI()N OF REGISTT]AlIONS OF PLWBERS I tt':,:.: EXN{INING BOARD ACTIVE I.{ASTER PLWBER 109/ot/97 | JOHN E RUBLE PO BOX 11.12 EDI|ARDS CO EI532 J\.^-* rv' ' BlffiF-.*-*il-l 08/3L/ JOIiN t, Ruru l'( ) ii( '\ :rr- ( rYl)ll lf1l. ( ( t;11.11; l'l l( t\l ..' i, 5.lrl. lt'l() I A\ )::{} i'.14 l(} }J ll( lN\l rt7re57 Ql".o- c'-L/,'/a44,1 &-*./, ,:-/ S 8r4'qs'l>Vo/- f ss-s- fl-. fl,,,uv7 trl1 vs -'ifaOiant Works 98.00 Heatwa 7'onel"tst Project Nme: ELK COUNTRY ProjectNumber: hojectQuote: DesigpedBy: JEFFREYHARRINGTON/KAMEN SUPPLY SerialNrunber: 3006 Designed For: ELK COUNTRY DUPLEXCOWERSION GREENHILL COIJRT 8 1620 Notes: 02-0s-1999 7.onel (Thin Slab Application) Room catrons Room Name Primery Spacing linl Primary Arta Itrl Banded Spacing linl Banded Area Ift:I Heating Intensity lBtu/h ft:l Required Heat IBtu/hl Provided Heat lBtu/hl LMNG RM 8 388 43.4 16,836 11,085 * STI,]DY t2 t32 5.5 721 3,617 HALLWAY t2 84 22.3 1,870 2,301 KITCHEN t2 83 15.6 t,286 2,259 BATHRM t2 46 t3.4 612 2,288 + The flagged rooms may require auxiliarv heat. l/2" E-PexB Zone2 (Staple'Up) Project Totals Systern Pumping Specs: 3.6 GPM at 4.06 feet of head System Boiler [oad:32315 Bu/h (exctrding Supply & Return piping) DUPCONV.RAII opyright(c) 1992,93,94,95,96,97,9E Heatway Page I Zone List 02-05-1999 o ll?5'of lD' EPCIA 72Aof3n' EduOrix DUPCONV.RAIf, opyrieh(c) 192,93,94,95,96,97,98 Heatway Pege2 Kamen Supply 697E South Clinton Street Erqlewood, CO 80112 303-E58€585 FAX303-858-080E Glglx"^,iPJ":a'^?* Totaf Btuh 21268 @ '100 Dtd Total Cfm = 1063.5 Total cpm 2.1 Trunk = I by 18 Total Radiation Feet = 36.7 @ 180 F. Radiation output 550 Btu perFoot RoomNumber 1 2 3 4 Room Name GARAGE BEDRM BATHRM LAUNDRY Height 8.5 8. 8. 8.Length 20.5 23.5 6. 11.5 width 12. 11.5 5. 3.5 Exp Glass Area 63. 18. Exp Wall Length 33.5 U. 10. '12. Sun Heat /SqFt Kilowatts People x'1000 R INFILTMTION 1984 1061 F CEILING A FLOOR 11 223€, 11 2457 11 273 1't 366 C PARTITION T WALL 19 1167 19 1337 19 421 19 505 o GlSss 2 3150 2 900 R SUN LOAD S KWBTUH BTUH 8538 5754 694 871 cFM 427 288 35 44 6in DUCTS 4.7 3.2 .4 .5 liation Ft 15.5 10.5 1.3 1.6 v RoomNumber 5 6 7 I RoomName ENTRY/STAI OOO!!:O[!tr !o!D!!trDtD ![! I D[ !D[ !Height 13.Length '11.wdth 7.5 Exp Glass Area 31. Exp Wall Length 23.5 Sun Heat /SqFt Kilowatts People x 1000 R INFILTMTION 1392 F CE|LING 30 275 A FLOOR 11 750 C PARTITION T WALL 19 1445 O GLASS 2 1550 R SUN LOAD S KVVBTUH BTUH 5412 cFM 271 # 6in DUCTS 3. Radiation Ft 9.8 TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARI'IT4EIiIT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NOTE: llIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PTIJMBING PERMIT 'Job Address: 1460 GFGENHILL CT Location...: 1460 Green HilI Court-A Parcel No. . : 2LO3-L24-03-037 Project. No. : PR,l99-0007 APPIJICA}TT ELK COIJNTRY PIJUI.IBING & HEATING P. O. BOX 764, GYPSUM, CO 81637 CONTRACTOR ELK COI]MTRY PIJT]MBING & IIEATTNG P. O. BOX 764, GYPSI]M, CO 81637 OWNER HINZ PAMELA SHIEI,A 381 A}iIGIR COI]RTL CT, ATLANTA C,A 30312 .]OBSITE AT AI.,L TTMES Permits #: P99-0020 SIAIUS..,: ISSUED Applied..: 04/22/L999 Issued...: 04/22/L999 brpires..z tO/L9/L999 Phone: 970-584-1040 Phone:970-584-1040 Phone: 404-874-8300 Descript,ion: Heat,/snow melE. system I'EE St UUARy Valuation:13,289. 00 Pl.uubing-----> Plan check- - - > Inwc€tigation> wiIl call----> R€atuaiaaDe Plan R6vicr- - > TOTAI, FBES.... - Total calculated Fees- - - > AddiEional P6es---------> ToEaI Pcrnit Fee--------> Payrnonla - - - - - - - - 210.00 52.50 . oo 3-OO . oo 265 .50 320. 50 320 .50 BAI,ANCE DI'E-.. - .OO ITCM: 051-OO BUILDING DEPARTT./IEIiTT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:O4/22/L999 XATfry Action: NOTE RouE,ed to Chirlie Davi.s 04/22/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR Apcroved per iIRM Itqui.056Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT -Dept: FrRE Divj.sion:O4/22/L999 KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A tti*ririrrr|'rtr COITDITTON OF APPROVAI, DECI,ARATIONS I hersby -cknosl.dg. that I hav€ read thi€ application, filled out in fu]l Ch6 inforEali.oh r€quir€d, cobpleCed an .ccur.t.. plot plan. and Bta!. that all Eh€ inforoation providod ae rcqui.red is co:.rect, I aglce co couplyai.ith ch€ inforEacion and plot pl.n, .ubdivision go codply uiEh aII Toyn ordinanccs and 6eaee larB, and to build this structure according t/!he Tovn's zoning and codc., a66ig! rcwi.r approwed, Unifom Building'Codc and othar ordinanccs of thc To*r applicable lharelo, REQI'ESTS AOR ITfSPECTIONS SIIAI,I, BE UADE TWBNry-FOUR TIOURA IN AD\ATCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 4?9-S: OO AIt 5:0O HIIIIIEI.F AND 'rtatttttttr.Jatatrttttaatritttatttaaarfi rrfi tft r.rtt...i.ialratirt'1a TO r Ol VlIl., COI4R.IIXI 5!rC.Err ' rtaltatttrttttraaatttrieatiitrtaaaatraatattaritrtttt'rtttsf l,r,rrrt gBrcsri f,urb.ls UC-0507 lrcunt ! Dryr.DG Lfbodt q Ige.Biolr r 2656 320.50 Oal22/99 LS t17 tni! t itx P.Etc l|o: Dtt-ooao tlt.. !-PtrtG plttGttto pBntrt P$c.l ro! 2103:12{-03-037 8lt lddr...: 1a6O .ltrEfl|tl/,E el Loorglon: la60 er.G HiIl Courl-l l|tl,a ltryrant IoErl taa.: 320.50 lbLl lI& hl|: Bahaca I 320.50 12 0. 50 Lcou'rc Coda PP 0010000t111:00 E 00100003t 12300 ct 001000031230o0 rc 0010000t112800 D.rcrlpBioa PEOEU|C PtRfitl ttEa Pltl| CHlCf, tllg cro{nl'c1!D t tcE tt€ llltr cu& ![aPlcllotr lll lrctulE 210.00 52.50 55.00 3. OO / Building ( ) lrgal Description: Lot Architect: numuincf Elec'tdcal ( )uecnarrrcatf Other ( ) Block Filins Subdivision ,t, o*Phone# Phone# Description ofJob: ?esq+ oool TOWN OF VAILGONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RE.IDCTEI) Contad the Eagle County Assessors OfficB at 97G32&8640 for Parcel #Parceth zto3-lz4- 03- o 1 Date: 7-/ Job Name:rtu tu'"tt /! WorkClass: Ncw( ) AlterationM tl Number of Dwelling Units: I Additioml ( )Repar ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: NumberandTypeofFireplaces: Gaseppliances / Gaslogs VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ '.,- ELECTRICAL: $ OTIIER: nLUMBINc $W MEcHAMcAL$:3O;:q|L_ rorAl Gc@l@r: Tovm of Vail Regisration No. Electrical Contrrctor: Town of Vail Registruion No.Phone # FOR OFFICE USE Ccr. ooad-\. c.a$ b ?c.rmsl ' 4alq BUIL SIGh zoNl SlGl\AruKE: Wood/Pellet CONTRACTOR INFORMATION TOI,f,N OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 APPLICANT COIiTTRACTOR OWNER 50 -00 ACCURA'TE HEATING & SHEET METAT PO BOX 2L62, Glenwood Springs CO ACCI]RATE HEATING & SHEET METAL PO BOX 2162, Glenwood Springs CO HTNZ PAMEI,A SHIEI,A 381 ANGIR COI]RTL CT, ATLANTA GA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMEI T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M99-0028 .fob Address...: 1450 GREENHILL C:T LocaCion......: 1460 GREENHILL CT Parcel No. .. . . : 2103-L24-O3-037 ProjecE Number: PRiI99-0007 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/L6/L999 Issued. . . : 04/L6/1-999 Bcpires.. | 1o/L3/L999 FEE ST'I.IMARY Description: Valuation: INSTALI, L2N B VENT SHEETMETAI FOR COMB AIR,FANS FileDl.ac€ Infornation: RoatslicEed: Y *Of ca€ Appliances:#of €as Loge: Mcchani.cal--->ReaCuarants PLan Review- - > 81602 81,602 3 0312 . oo Phone: Phone: Phone: Total calculat6d Fecs- - - > 970-945-1-585 97 0 -945 -L585 404-874-8300 3, 000 - 00 *of Hood/PalleE: 78 .00 PIan ch6ck---> 15.00 DRB Fee-------- .00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Inv.stigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- 78.00 ?otal PcrmiE F6e---_--__> ?a-oo t{ill CaIl----> 3.00 Payltrents'------ 79.00 BAIANCE DUE. -.. .OO i_.z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT O4/L6/L999 iIRM Acrion: APPR APPROVED Dept: BUILDING Div1sion: JRM-II,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTIIENT o4/L6/L999 .fRM Acrion: APPR N/A Deot: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI., FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{qE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE ]-997 UMC, OR SECTION 7O]- OF THE 1997 IMC.INSTALI.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFAETIJRES INSTRUETIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIANCES SIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 T]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIiTT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 A.I{D SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 T]MC AND (IIAPTER 3 OF fHE 1997 IMC. BOII-,ERS SIIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOI,IBUSTIBTE CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MEC:IANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI,]EST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS SIIALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1-997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF THE 1997 IMC. *************************************************************************:t:t***** DECLARATIONS I h.r.bv .cknorl.€. tsh.E I h.w. E .d thi. .plrlic.tion, fl,ll.d out in full th. {nf,onrhion r.quir.d, corplaG.d tn accurrc. ploc plrn. |nd .trt. lhrc .11 th. lnfonrglon lrrovid.d .. r.qullqd i. corr.cc. I .gre. tso corlrly righ th. lnfolErtsion r!d. plot, pl.n, Co co4lly tlth rll To[t! ordin Dcra rttd .b.te l|lc, .nd to bui],d thi! rtruct'ulc according co tbe fofD, r zonlng .nd eubdivltiqr cod.., d..ign r...l.v .P!trov.d, fhlfel Buildlng Cod. .trd oth6r ordin.nc.r o! Ehc ToEt rFplictbl. thcrrto. REQ| BST' tOR lf,8glcllor8 $nlilr BE ltlDE tt{Eltrt-FonR Horns I}f rDveJcS By TELBPI!OR lT OttR OIPTCE PRo|a 8!00 All t:oo Dll AIEnIi'RI OF ot'XIR, OR @MNT TER Fd, BII|SEIJI Attr' OrllIER o o rcfi oF vart , 6t o xt Stac.Ilte ItLcautc nurbar: n8C-OsOa lDunC: Pqfr.nt !|.tiod: Ct( [otrtioni 3402 71.00 Oa/19199 !3r3O fnicr ('}f P.EIE f,o: f99-O02a l)rtr. I B-t'l8ctt P.rc.l f,o3 2103 -12a-03 -O37 giE. lddt...: 1a60 (RE!fHIL', Cf Locrllon ! 1160 @AE|HI&& cI utc tltcttJ PER.l|rT Tti. Pry!.nt ?oc.1 P... ! 78.00 Tob.l ALIJ lrrct: Bahnea r ?a.oo 78.00 r'a rtrrrtr'rt atltalj trtta*a tia a i ttr rtr tttrtr trrt*,rr a i a Lcoune cod.D..cripEion f,p 00100003111300 ttclaltrclrr plnrrt tBEs PF 00100003112300 PLIN CHTCR tEta rfc 0010000t11?so0 mr& cl!& DfaPBcrron FBE lDr.u!B 60.00 15.00 3.00 ' ' , 1,-ql - ol3 FPx t- ' |trc<-\ 2\o3 - lL4- o3- o 37 Oro* oF vArL coNSTRUcr roO PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM oare: q-t9-15 PERI.IIT # Legal Description: r-,ot 20 Block- owners Narne: Dq,,-d* t\-i'*+ Address: Architect: Address: Filing r ,.J iN \, €,\T- a- QIeYt Ph.(r- -r'6 \ - Fif.n-General Description: Work class: [ ]:New ffi-atteration I J-Additional I J-Repair t ]-other Number of Dwelling Units, \Nurober of Accommodation Units; I /VFt eas Logs_ wood/Peltet_Nprnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances /VFt Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet_v Er * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS ********************************* 'E v ef BUILDING: S ELECTRICAL: $ Address: Address: Mechanical Conlractor: Address:0a6o 1.oo,bo ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERI'IIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: OTHER: $ Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No.2D?t { Phone l{umber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: - PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I,IECHANICAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES; BUILDING: SIGNATUR.E: ZONING; SIGNATURE: Electrical Contractor: _ A Town of Vail :',,'"'"; ;::"":":::' Comments: CLEAN I]P DEPOSIT RXFI'ND VALUATION 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olf lce of communlty development BUILDING PER}iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thi.s perm.i.t feq.uires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval , Engi.nee1."s (.Pytlt i.c llorks) reyiew and approval , a planning' Depariment revi'ew or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the Euilding Department, the estirnated time for a total review nray take as long as thfee weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-fam'ily permits wi'll have tQ follorv the above mentioned maxjmum requirements. Residential and sm4lI projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. Holrever, if residenti.al or smaller projects impact the various above mentjoned departments wrlth regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three uleek period. Every attempt rvi.'ll be made by this department to exped'ite this permi;f as. sgon as poss'i.ble. f'- the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Il am.e, r Communi ty Devel opment Department. ': tt '11 I 75 soulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: off lce of communlly development ALL CONTR{CTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITII THE TOWN OF VATL TOVJN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI'1I'IUNITY DEVELOPI,TENT ILARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it, is unlarvful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubtic pl?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aI1 Town of Vai.I streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will- be stri-Lly enforced by the Town of Vail PyPli-c works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinance wirr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the pulric l{orks Department will remove said naterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance stritf not be applicable to construct,ion, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or a1ley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Torvn of vail Building Department to obtain I copy. ri:anr you for your cooperation on this rnatter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Read and acknow -.1 ).r D f oa--r-Rn<*o4*osition/Relationship c;o F.3B d8 'H 9e 'o 3: j tr n2 rtp t9 Hr" AO 20 CI F E &E -I q! U 4 rl F Y o o c;o o o o E r.(.' E o r, A H &E 9!D a FI aa E lr q|d U E h o o o qI c E gl F.(o E,l.(JH o to -!l oo e Ah B3 H8 g1 c I E 4 HH AB E9 qIa 6 |-rH 23 'O H- I E hH u3 oo AE E' E li I tl FI H 6 :i tt4 IO ze c I-o oD F !|A E 59 H F'o U ! E !l li c 8 I d o e I g H H ol o E t- :: t; )r &a T> E-r.Ea o <E AO4 EOt at!{o AAI{ ' ?' REPT131 ttDr.JN OF uArL, CTILURADO o ,nS/ge/I999 O8:17 REUUESTS - INSPECTN l.lURK SHEETS FOR: 9/ ?11999 PAGE AREA: CD 5 Activity: Address r Loeat i on: Pareel ! Deseription: Appl icant : Owner: L;ontractor: 899-SO13 9/ ?/t9 Type: A-BUILD 1460 TJREENHILL CT 146O4 GREENHILL trOURT ?rus-t?4-83-td37 REltoDEL, DEtrK&tTINDOH ADDITrON, GAS MfIY CUSTOI4 BUILDERS HINZ PATiIHLA SHIELA ftIAY CUSTOFI BUILDERS Status: ISSUED Constr: ADUP Use: V N Occ: CDNVERSIUN Phonez 970-476-1o,32 Fhoner 494-874-83o.0 Phone t 97fr-476-L63? Locks, Holds, ACTIVITY Not ice: and Notices.... ADDED TO PERiIIT-EXTENDING GTII{A6E .3o Inspection Request Requestor: Steve Req Tire: O8:G0 Iters requested to ,a]g.gg0 Inspection History. ...,Iterr OOSIO driveway qrade final Iter r OOO3O BLDG-Fraring A4/3Q/99 Inspeetor: CD Iter: OrdOSO ELDG-Insulation 05/o4199 Inspector: JRltl o5/EEf99 Inspector: CD Iter: o,g9,bet BlDG-Sheetroek Nail b5/14/99 Inspeetor: JRltl Iter: oo0ao * * Not on File * * Iterr o'o,gT0 BLDti-ttlise-Iter: OOS9O ELDti-Final Iter: S0536 BLDti-Terp. Cltr Iterl OO54S BLDLi-Final C./0 Inforration..... Fhone z 47I-?tl7l Corrent s: unit A be Inspected... Aet ion Corrents Tire Exp Act i on: flPl-r!< Actionl APPR Actionl APPH Act ion: FIPPF{ APPRUVED APPROUED APtrROUED APPRUVE DJRI{ inal I Qucstionslll thc Planning Staff at 479-2 I 2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION l(5 11 ooLi This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvierv approval. Any pro.icct requiring dcsign rcvicrv tlrust reccivc Design Ro'icw approval prior to submitting ibr a building pcrmit. For spccific infonnation. see thc suburiftal rcquircmcnts fbr thc particular approval tlrat is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd unril all thc rcquircd infbrnration is submittcd. The pro.fect rnay also nccd to trc rcvic,uvcd by thc Towt Courcil and/or thc Planning and Euvironrlcntal (lonrntission. Design Rcview Board approvnl cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unless a llnilding pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. DESC]RIPTION OF THE REQUEST: f/c{dj B. (., D, E, LOCATION OF PIOPOSAL: L6'f: 29 BLOCK:FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: LID.) : I?'1 :C;, . O)](Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Otficc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC:Lp.r, J.-kl2 TOl'i[N OTVAIL I:. C; NAME OF O\\I.,1ER(S): I\{AILINC ADDRESS: O\\'NER(S) SIGNATURE(S): .,) , A \A\tr OF 4pp119451 t"t.{.t (,./-iarr.. L5:.\d1c., e IVi\ILINC ADDRESS: FI. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: O Nov Construction - $200 C'orrstructiorr of a ncu. buildrn-q. E Addition - S50 Includes any addition rvhclc squarc lbotagc is added to any rcsidcntial or l, conrnicrcial built.ling. ffi nlinor Alleration - S20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcrncuts, such as.t\ rcroofing. painting. rvinrlorv additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc, DI{ll ftcs atc to bc pairt at thc tirnc of subnrittal. L.atcr, rvhcn applying tbr a building pcmrit, plcasc identity tlrc accuratc valuation of thc pro.icct. ThcTorvnof Vail rvill adjusr thc l-cc according to the projcct valuation. PLDASE SI,]B]\{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL RBQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTNIENT OF CO]\{NIUNITY DEVELOPi\IENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO TtI657. For Ollice Use Only: Fcc Paid: CK#:_ By: Applicltion Dlttc:_ Prc-Application Mceting Date: /l*1L n^Hrit; ,., .brJ|1,&..ABt(#l a tol J5l2lt6r Wrsr Elevnrioru ,/t i\ I I *tr '--l FFff9|ttf,AD; Ar.nofie E:rrcd fandation uall for bc0cr drainase t Sourl-r Elrvnrior,r tl tb',r.a a.r+3rP I tr t l-l c I I il a a I { I s:t:{aI 'l I o I tr s s fi -{! .? Nonrl-r ElEvnrion I J I l'l, gHrPl+{l tl9lF , F,fFf C nlE str'?U Hiu EPst Fleverinn 4v40o -. kel e ||'dtaF{. Ythtlf Ir -rt I I I : I Ensr Elrvnrior,l 12' xl2' hd tub dcd with sunkcn hd tub md hcd€d toc dod( errfue JUlt 0a '9? OEtAZArt 97@9262078 B9LE5 A --- (PlEaEe type or prlf 0 -o AFPLIO\TION FOH HEVOCABLE PEFMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STHUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIOHT.OF.WAY P'2 |>lt,' I F!i'iCr Wtll Landrcaplng O$cr P||tta thowirg onL propefty line, mlrrG, manh0l6s, any olhar lt|!et.d ppurlenrrca in tha projcct area (to scde or dlmcnrion€d) anCi section{e) 13 welt |r ctavttions (it appllcabl€}. Docs slructurc prelantly exiEt? Fegcs glgt t'\hbt:. Pfopoled dale tor comrllenc||rnnt gf construction In oonoidefetion ol thc issutnee or I ravocrbl. p.rmit lor tht ttrugture abow indicsled, apphoant eCnrs F! lollows: L Thrt Utt strrjcture hcrsin authorlzed on a revocablo pcrmit baaiB iE leloicted €xcluafuely tJ ths lsnd aboVe descrhcd.2. Thal ht F!,mil b linritec rpocifically to $e type ot sFucture degcribed In thls sppkcltr0n.3. Thrf the r!:tllicrnt shEll nctily the Town Maneoer, or his duly eulhorizeC tgrnl, twgnty. lour houB in advanc€ 0t the time lor commencarnent of conttriJctlon, In ordor thrt propef Inspcc on may bn made by the Torvn.4, Tho epplicant rcroes to inocmnity ond hotd hEnnlets lhe Town ol Veil, iF offlcars,' employee€ snd agents lrom and agalnsl ali llablllty, clslmg ind dcmlrxtt On lccount of ittjury, lcrs or drmage, includlng wlthout llmltadon clalms adsing from bodily injury, pgrSonal in;ury, aidrness, discasc, doaih, proparty lo*r cr dam!€e, or lny otm? loai ol any kind whalroivgr, which arise out of or are in any rranner connectgd wllh applicrnt's aclivities pursuutrL to his pcrmit, lf sush Iniury, loao, or damape 19 cautcd In f,,holr of rn pan by, or is claimcd to bc ceused in whole or in part by, the *1, gmi83i0n. enor, profe8sional e!'ror, mrslake, negligongC Or Other fault of the appllcant, hir conlracior or suheontfactof or any olficcr, cmploycc or trpcrcnlrtivc ol lhe $plicant. hit contradcr or hio gtJbcontrachr. The aFplicant agEes to invertigatc, htndl! reepond to, end to provldc dcfanse for rnd def;nd egalnst, any such lirbilily, elrim!, 0f dcnunda at he sols expenEe ol the applhsnt, ?he appllcant alco agrocr to bear all olhgr gxpensos telulirrg tirereto, inoluding courl cosls and atfomoy'e lccr, whethar or ' not rny tuch liabiliV, cltirnt. or dcmf nde allrcrd are grotrndlees, lalne, or fraudttl€nt. 'lhc rpplicart agrmg to procure and meinlain, !l ita own cort, e peliqy or pollcar ol lnlurancc aLfthlrnt lo ensrrru i0ainrt all liabillty claims, domands and ohgr obliortiong tsrumrd by ltle rpplrcant pursuant h thb Peraonph 4. The apfllcant turther agrees tc rdlruc tf e Town ot Vell, llE ofllce|!, aoenb ind employccc trom any and 0ll li3blllly, clalmr, drmu|d8, or action8 or cauget 0f acli0n6 whllcoeve/ ilFing out 0f any demrgr, lorr or injury lo thr applicant or 1o lhr rpplioant'e property cauced by lhe Town ol Vai, its officen, rgrnts arrd employees while engaeed in rntintrnenca cr rnow r.noval aclivitits cr iny oth€r aglivitieo whrlroevsr on Torn ot Vail property, sfcch, sidewrlk!, 0r righlr"0f.wty. ttllllllllll]rlr rlil ililril[ ]ililtiltilil illltill t2a798 W/tE/1997 04r03P B?29 Pfut L o0 2 R 11.00 D O.OO Sre J Ftrhr, Eegte , C0 IJ aI DArEI$tb-E8-j3{7 OWNE! OF PROfEH?Y Rcftg illrnreT. \.,1^ ^ NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS- tl{sr+f. Af.i.t,co er. t/h^Ul-., #= LEOAL OESCRIPTICN OF PROPEFTY TO BE SEFVED: Lor -L BLocK - suEotvtstgN _:ft!!N_h (ll ncgcgsEry, Bftrcr r.grl descipion on reprrtt! rhcctY Corner lot lnridr lot oF STRUCTURE Oh jTEM(S) tN B|GHT.OF.WAY: |ll!lt,$t 'f,4tll;fint rrI I t; 'rhll lhc pamit mly ba fct o(!d whlnQvcr it i3 dclermincd hat lhe cncroacnment, obstrucllon, or olhcr Btruclure constitutes s nuiBanue, dcatroys ol irrrpairs lhe usu ol hc tight-ol.way by thi public, conttnutc3 r l€llia hdrrd, or lh! proparty upon whigh thF anuoochlncni, obElruction, or cbuclure exists is raquired lor u6e by thc pr.bltci ot il miy be ravoRed ll rny trmc lor any reason dcerned rufficient by the Tos/n ol Vail. That lhu rpplbrnt s/lil ramova, at hrr cxp:nre, he encrorchrfiBn:, ,bitruciron, or rrtr:lurtt wlthln tcn days aftcr reoeivkrg rrolioo ol any revoca(ion oi raid perrn;1. That the rpdicut rgrct! lo mrintain any :andlclplno llloclated urh the encroach||rErtl olr tlrc right-r;rl-wry. TnA: in tho eveoi Sald rcmoval ol lho sncroachmcnt, ob8tructlon. or slructurc h nol aEoonlplEhrd within trn dry5, lh.'i'own i3 heraby luthorirec h remove srme md have tho rloht to makc an asdcssment ogainsl lhe property and mllect ihe cffile or rcmoval in $c rano mtnner 13 grncfd 1r,(?! rr! collastrd. Thil the at Dllcf,nt hns rcad and understdnds all ol the lerms and conditions 6at foflh in lhla rmlie{ron. Spcclal oonditionE; t I. 0. 10. AFPFIOVED: l?'?''l E"J" a 'r f,t {A -----B-&IJJYtlr.4-q3 Signhrure ol Propeny Owner (;t joinl ownrrship, both signalurii) ( nv*r,t u\61nrtvr_- Proiecr Plannar -21-l€fr' L . \t^viti-v- Town Eminf!r LHlllllll,llllHf ll{[JuilrllLilr ililr lr] lill 2 ol 2 R 11.00 D O.OO Srre J Flrher, Eegle, C0 tft114rwz 'I Date May-13-s7 Il:23A tt""T* AssocrATES t* "5 s26-s2s3 P.oI efi0 jOhnSOn archirecr,pc tvlay 12,1997 Town ofVail - Depcture* of Community Dcvelopnrnt 75 SouthFrontage Road Wes( Vail, CO t1657 RE:DctgadoResideffe-Driveuny,RetainingWa[&EntryStairRetrPdel 14608 Gre€nhillCourt Lot 20, Gbn LYon Subdivision Vail, CO 81657 To {horh lt May Concerr This lctter is writtcn as a rcqgost to extend tlre above previously approrcd pmjeA for ;"thr year. Tbe original tuU.iW ap,proval date was on or about Agil 4/lvlay I' 1996 and was not con*nrcted mr applicd tUi p"ttlt at that tilrF drrc to burtget compficatiors' Thankyou for yorn consitleration h this nntter. Shouh you need to ask-any_questions' requi;chrificalionorseerheprocessditrcrcntypbasecallrrc at926-5292orBrad Foster @ Boles Custom Builders an926'1202. I Rcqiccquly Submitte4 1-l \ . Eric Johnson Arclitect, P.C. l Brad Foster Bolcs Cu$om Build€rs *l ,rr*W a; po Box 2088 vAlL CO 81658 970.926.5292 FA)( 926.5293 il,gn Review Action ren TOWN OF VAIL Category Numb€t on" M,l 12,4 b Project Name: Bullding Name: Prolect Desorlption: Ovrner, Addr€ss and l. u^:,1ot .-.\& r-, ?,lztl Vc^, ( tl 8\uz o r) r'\ ,/' I ; L€gal DesoriptionzLol ','. () Bbck , gr.rbdly;s;en C, Ll ''& l. "\9 1-"--- Zone Dlstrict Proiod Sf6d Addr6ss: Motion by: Seconded by: f] Appro/al I Disapproval brStaf epprorat Vote: Conditions:.'-, i- -t ,./ )\ t rl ( I A vt e,^ ' t,h: ri-e..-. Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid I'lFp l1 '96 E3::1Pt't O ?<ntnal-%"++ P.2*,;,^^> REVIEDV BOAND APPTJICATION ' TOTCN OF DATE RECEIVEDI DATE OF DRB MEETING:*rrrittrr* I.PRnTBCII INEOX]IAIIONI i*tt*trrrr DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: . !!evr ConstrucElon . Addltion ($50.00){$200 .00') Ainor Alterat,ion ConcepEual Review (c20.00) ($0 ) FEE 0 20.00 $ lu.uu +100. 00 $200.00 0{00 . oo $500 .00 ONB YEAR ASTBR fINeIJ TSSUED AICD CONSTRUCTION c. D. E. F. I. .'l :' H. TJEGAL DESCRIP?IONr LoE -39-- Block subdl'rision 6len LYon Sxbc\r vr€aoir- - If properby is desqribed bv a mBeEs and bounds legal AeslrfbLio-n, pleage provide on a Eeparate sheet and attach t,o thls app1lcat,ion. +,^ZONINC. l-Q'lwlqR.lr -afu:o|.lNl]>r1 - NAI,TE OF APPLICNiIT: Mai l ing Address: NAME OF AP PITLCAN'r-'' S REPRES ArrVE: eou,*e, G^tr'I" Er'l*\'-b$et &c' Mail.lnq Address:- SZOL l.'f NAI'IE OF OWNER(S) : Mail.ing Address I - ?tt\ LIPPI^IE e APPI,ICATIONS WIT'L NOT DE PROCEEFED flTTHOUT OHTfER 'g 8TGIV'IZIUR' Condominlum ePproval if applicable. ADDRESS I 1s paid. EEE flCHEDUITET VALUATTON 0 o - $ 10,000 $ 10, 00i t$ 50, 00u s 50,001 $ 150, 000 f150,001 $ 500, ooo $500. 001 $1, 000, 000 0 over $1, 000 ' 000 DE8IGN REvIElf BOARD APPROVAIT EXPIRES AEPROVT! IINIJEBS A BUIIJDINO PERMIT Ig IS STARTED. DRB FEE: DRB fee8r d5 Ehowtl above, are to be paid ab lhe birne of EubnittaL of the pne applicatlon. Later, when Jppiyi"e-ioi a building permit, p1ease ldentify the accurate waluation of rhe-propoiu.i. The -town of Vail will adjusr_the fee accordlng t,o ihe- Uable below, to ensure the Correct fee O o1sr oF MATERTALS O NAI,{E oF PRorEcr ' D?L lba* LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ?D Brcgx SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The following informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING I{ATERIAIIS: Roof Sidins OLher Wa1l MaLerials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim l{and or Deck Raits Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses . Ret.aining walls required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be fiven: ITIATERIAIJ to the Desion COI,OR ru-E rdlb+ W.l. ?tic P"i t -- Atbk- )rr*t"r^ L*t tfuq J J ExLerior Lighting Ughtdirr b1l;c Other LANDSCAPING: 1-uUtrnrrra DEqA zlgg F Designer: Phone: B.Name of W-1 ?w4', r- F 8', 3 t rr t { ltt- t' + 1 ['. $ r +!1' f p f I 0 TN r 0 ) 0 0 F F 0 0r F$ I {, ap J- 0 l l-J O , a I -. J- 'm*ngin ffi -:_ o eering, In c. V?A -?;fl 1+q, -1e11 fr"rrt."?vv Juhr' .*r*r--^ .1te. 1zz8 GEOTECHNICAL STUDY OF AN EXISTING RETAINING WALL LOT 20, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 9551 DECEMBER 14,1995 PREPARED FOR: MR. ROBERTROBINSON P.O. DOX 64 EDWARDS. CO 81632 */[wi ,_$'$e.,,ff, , i,":. 29s26 i.c "'r-#!,t':ffi*#r, P.O. Box 14!2, Avon, Colorado 81620 . (970) 827.9088 Tcl . (970) 827-9N89 Fa SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results ofa subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for an existing retaining wall in distress. The retaining wall is on the west side of the galage at 14608 Greenhill Court, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsurface soil investigation was to determine the relationship between the engineering characteristics of the on-site soil and the tilting and breaking of the retaining wall. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is at 14608 Greenhill Court, Lot 20, Glen Lyon Subdivision, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The main residence is on the north part of the lot, while the garage is on the south. The lot is on a north facing slope. The site investigated consisted of a concrete retaining wall, supporting a driveway. The retaining wall starts at the southwest corner ofthe garage and ends at about 8 feet north from the edge of the pavement on Greenhill Court, see Drawing No. L At the garage corner the wall is about 7 feet higlL and near the street it tapers down to a few inches. Total length of the wall is 3l feet. On top of the wall is the driveway. On the southeast corner of the driveway, there are terraced, timber retaining walls. They have landscaped and irrigated the lower terrace with sprinklers. The slope of the driveway is in a northwesterly direction. - The condition of the retaining wall has deteriorated with time. Near the garage comer, the retaining wall has tilted to the west. We also observed cracks on the wall. On the lower end of the wall, just below the inlet on the driveway above, there is an opening. From this opening protrudes a PVC pipe, Cracks starting at the opening have spread all around it. The driveway has many cracks, but most of them were found in front of the garage. The cracks were one to 2 inches wide. Concrete pan is sunounding the garage. At the 2 southwest corner ofthe garage,the concrete pan has settled about 3 inches. Based on a saw cut line in the asphalt, around the inlet, we assume that they constructed the drainage inlet at a later date. flELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation conducted between October 24 andDecember 5, 1995, consisted of driling, logging and sampling two test borings, and observing the site conditions. We show the test boring locations on Drawing No. l. The drilling of the test borings was done with a track rig. We show the soil profiles of the test borings on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's I and 2. We took soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation, at selected intervals by advancing a California and a Standard Split Spoon Samplers with blows fiom a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. SI'BSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION As shown on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's I and 2, the subsurface soil conditions were fairly uniform. Boring No.l had a couple inches of pavement over 6 feet of moist, topsoil. From six to l5 feet there was coarse to clayey-gravelly Sand, with cobbles. From l5 to 25 feet there were interbedded layers of fine Sand and silty-sandy Gravel with cobbles. Boring No. 2 had about I I inches ofpavement and concrete over 6.5 feet offill. Beneath the fill there was one foot oftopsoil. From about 8.5 feet to about 24 feet, there were interbedded layers ofsilty to clayey- gravelly Sand tvith weathered rock fragments. We did not encounter ground water in either boring. We tested the soil samples, taken from the test borings, for moisture content, Atterberg limits and grain size distribution. The test results are shown on Figure No's 3 - 5. The topsoil and fill over topsoil, found beneath the pavement, are considered unsuitable struchrsl material. The rate of settlement of topsoil, or fill above topsoil is unpredictable. It is our 3 beliefthat the initial settlement of the pavement, occured due to the inability of the low density orgaqic topsoil to withstand the surcharge loading applied by the vehicles. The thickness ofthe pavement and concrete layers in front of the guage is also indicative of the attempts to correct the settlement. The continuous settlement of the organic layer, either due to the loading or due to the decomposition of the organic matter, eventually caused cracks to develop in the pavement structure, These cracks allowed surface water to enter the backfill material to the west of the retaining wall' ''r:i. Witho.gt a drainage system in place, and with the backfill material containing variable amounts of silt andiclay, the water became trapped behind the retaining wall. The trapped water created hydrostatic pressurg pushing laterally on the wall. Based on the site and underground soil conditions, we can assume that they did not design the wall to withstand hydrostatic pressure. Eventually, under the pressurg the upper part ofthe retaining wall had given in, and cracked. At present, there are cracks at the upper north end of the wall. We also observed bulging of the wall in this area. - It is only a matter of time when the entire wall will give in. We do not reconunend partial repairs in this situation. As immediate protection, we recommend bracing of the wall, until the weatler conditions allow for safe groundwork. As a minimum, the reconstruction of the retaining wall will include the following: t Removal of the pavement surface; |l Removal of the underlaying topsoil layers (including the fill material above;) J Removal of the old retaining wall; e Preparation of the base for the new retaining wall; t Construction of a new retaining wall. We recommend an Anchor Diamond, reinforced retaining wall. This type of wall system does not require mortar or pins, see Drawing No. 2, Due to the on-site soil conditions, and the wall heigll reinforcing of the wall witl be required. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the erectipn ofthe wall units. . Preliminary design calculations for an Anchor Diamond Retaining Wall, were based on the folorving assumptions : 4 . Total wall height of I I feet, r Mnimum frost depth (wall embedment depth) of 4 feet, r I backslope angle ofone degree, Surchuge pressure of 250 lbVsqft, . Infill soil (directly behind the retaining wall): well-graded clean crushed gravel, with a friction angle of 43' and a bulk unit weight of 143 lbVsqft, . Retained soil: clayey-gravelly Sand with cobbles and boulders, with a friction angle of 26' and a bulk unit weight of 120 lbs/sqft, . Foundation soil: on-site, clayey-gravelly Sand with cobbles and boulders, with a friction angle of 26" and a bulk unit weight of 120 lbVsqft, . Bevel Units, 12 inches wide, 6 inches high, and with I ' I inches inset, . Stratacrid300,geosyntheticreinforcement. The resulting Anchor Diamond Retaining Wall Section, see Drawing No. 3, has 22 units staolqd with three layers of geosyntethic reinforcement. The design length of the reinforcement is 5.5 feet, with a minimum of 8 inches extended between the units. The first layer is at an elevation 2 feef ab.ofe the base, the second at 5 feet, and the third at 8 feet. Beneath the first course ofthe concrete units, there is a minimum of 6 inches of compacted granular base. The designed wall section also has 2 feet offree draining aggregate. The free draining aggregate is separated from the clayeyrgravelly backfill with a woven geotextile. We recommend a minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the wall footing. The undersigned engineer should observe the foundation excavation, to veriff that the soil conditions encountered during construction are as anticipated in this report. .The excavation should be free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. ' : li"l r' Ao1no-V.,$o""uation within the proposed wall base, should be backfilled, in 8 inches loose level lifts, comppg.tgd to l0O% of the maximum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisture contelt, a5 determined in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698)' Structural fill pla@ under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on regular basis. To reduce the risk of a hydrostatic pressure buildup, we recommend installation of a wall d*!,.Hgtird the retaining watt. The wall drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter, perforated pipg slop{ to a suitable gravity outlet at a l/4 inch per foot ifflexible, or at a l/8 ofan inch ifrigid pipe. 5 The drain pipe should be placed at the bottom of the wall, and above the compacted granular base (see Drawing No. 3). The backfill material immediately behind the retaining wall will consist of '314 inch ftce-draining granular material, and it should extend to within two feet of the finished surface. Geotortile (Mirafi l40N or equivalent) should be used to separate the free-draining granular material a"d 4.g other backfill, to prevent siltation and clogging of the drain. The on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, can be used for the other backfill to the limits ofthe excavation. Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least 95% of thema:rimum standard Proctor density under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas and to at ta3,rstg(f1/o of the maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas. Use mechanical methods of compaction. Do not puddle the backfill. . The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. We recommend a minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet in unpaved areas, and three inches.in the first l0 feet in paved areas. Ifunpaved, the top ofthe granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of 1 foot of relativety impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. . Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and 1ry_af from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. '*LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted professional Geotechnical enE!,Snng standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time, There is no otheruwarranty either expressed or implied. . Thefindings and recommendations ofthis report arebased onfield exploration,laboratory testing of samples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch Drawing No. I and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those,.{escribed in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. , ,,iThis report has been prepared for the exclusive use ofMr. Robert Robinsoq for the specific I ijrrli apptid-tion to the retaining wall and driveway reconstruction at 14608 Greenhill Court, on Lot 20, ' ':r'!t!l*i Glen,fVen Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Sincerely, LKP,DNGINEERING,INC. TO P = =(J =z 3 UJ Y (J o i\ ,ffi,_/ l* "y' ,,uur* \' RETAINING ,/ I *o,,'.,... \ % nl t D,v YO :lOtl z' 37.5.,' \ row J4.2 l0w 54.8 x ^$e' "-}-- o 208 0.307 ACRE low 20.6 I I I I I I t I I I I ( \ I TOW 2't.8 - FLOW LINE CONCRETE PAN BOW 31. J,u\ 11 l' SO. INLET " Rru 33.3 --}rooe o I t I t, nroct i 50.0 I t I cAi(cE LOCATION SKETCH | 2- | J-95 clvtL,/cEoTEcHNrc L Engineering, Inc. P.O. Bor 1,152 Avon, CO 81620 LOf 20, ALEN LYON SUEDIVIS'ON fowtt oF vAtL TAGLE COUN|Y, Cd-ORAOO PREPARED FOR: ltlR.R1BERT ROBINSON tel (970) 827-9038 fox (970) 827-9089 Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire REC'DAPRIO1996 Retum To:Lauren Waterton, Community Devclopmcnt Date Routed:1' to .'\b Retum By:4 z+,qb Proiect Name:t>e{nrrd c, Project Address: J_|*LO Crw-a_ hhrl nl | .,1 Project Legal:ll I r-L / f--'\l--t / \ 1--\J 1 1-irn- [ u(.ol^-- Project Description:\(\0N TLx, or \V( wot1" rv tli I f^ tUAl\ , kvaf 61rtv-,_, \ ( rvtLMl/ l^r, l-u^zt+ttu (\ Approved Community Developmcnt Plan Routing Form Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions 5c,-!e+ C v.rifir 'x,.rrn g ) r, vCrr€.i r1r-de' 1r Qxr'l it'1 ,-.,J,nint l'EO'.g JnCLr fhe qr-clcl.lrr\ OS,t t'(tt(<\ !rrkl the il.t't I \\ \'-:t\r\(-, & P,r. '"-* '.JJL\x-uj <':'\ Zl. p..,t ''.'-C.\ cL\ \tcr \ " L\\ \\'Y; r v--o: r\ri I l\YL'. ()\i:tw. .\,iur: n-13 tcp j ir'$-.rr {t:,JCLtv\\/, r!- rr}: i.r (,,-t t-"-^-,:i r'.:..1, dcr\ c(tClyno{^. i ( i)(cDok r\ o 1' "'--r,t? ,n t rr:- {(-r rt ,J\ Ldt + 7 ' to -\ d\\ ,:Y- \^J.<t\ \l r t rlr.:^irr r \rr' \r'c\nr 7' hu,- Tn.fL\\l o. Vr\r f,v fv"t , c,.rl-r4i:( prc'rLh c t - i:\cvervone\dom\routform Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez. Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Lauren Waterton, Community Dcvclopment Date Routed:'t'lD r1u Rcturn By:4 ' ;v+ ,a,io ProiectName:f) e; \,n,'tA o Proiect Address:\ r! (,, t) (. i r a.rt [it[( ( l Projcct Legal:L tr-[ 2'l) t (^\p tn, Lr4oyr Project Description:rY\( V'( rt = - t(I11tf\[{,'\Al .-._j I c-W ttt€Vtc-t).\') - ttt ' t, \ t al 1 l/\ r"2,\A r,, . 2 (,\rf.A l, lrlrluvt_ tUo.\l- kVat cJrttt- Community Developmcnt Plan Routing Form AApproved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions | :\cveryone\domvoulform Proiect Name: oo o.Prolect Appllcatlon Proiect Descrip tion, fry nF r' ' o"r" /0 , gi Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description' 1o1 2 , Block Comments: F'nins €//25f. , zon" k6',r.,tL7a4. Motion by: Deslgn Review Board It ,^," Vz/Kl f/ DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: QI lnutn r box 1fl) vail, colorado 81557 (3031 47S5613 Gordon Pierce and Associates 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 department of community development April 50, 1981 DRB Lot ittal of 4/29/8L Glen Lyon Dear Gordon, At the April 29 neeting of the Design Review Board neeting, your subnittal for a duplex was approved as subnitted with the substitution of four 3tr-4r' aspen for those listed. Approval was for, a Primary/Secondary residence with a total GRFA of 4116 sq ft; 2687 sa ft Drilne-Iy, and 1429 sq ft secpndary. With this approval , you nay mOVe on to woit(ing drawings anil plan bheck subnittal . "^rftJk PETER JA},IAR Town Planner PJ:bpr Sub l/,-.^l/ - -t -a -----!' Proiect Application f)," ' oo t r- t\ Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zonei Zor+ing-AfP.76v6d: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by:,+'14lrf i. APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL AF(eo Sum mary: 5JSsTtTlYrol //r€)* Chief Building Off icial -{I - o (D m lA !-o | -l = o l<x f lm: 6 l9r 1 lii g ITP o liq I f-m=l--< a J i5 o< dE ;!L (io ctl >l 6g mi .rl !m ! =FF tnz !, > r- t-lTtft -I -O z= \=o"'z !E! T m n =-{ z o -{m fo coO r!@<-o -r.l ! m =-'1 -! (D m x m -{ o z C-o (!I -t m a -{m o o FT ('t (D () Z /'\ R<zA {>6z -r^\J> z;--{ c 3< 1z Uc) 8T z;--{ x >= --l o o> 2"-im nz >m i>or- -l. --.1 m €z m ,_l q, z IT m m z m D=3Ai o> f-o - @ t- E z o 2 (D l5 k l3 lur IF l3 lr. 13. l3 m l- m -l €z -n a- m z o l --.i {z o .r| r m l l+ lo t: l.n l<t>t- ln I = 5 r.o I 5 cn ld t: lz le t<t> lF II lm 6-' z : O l- I = =o { rn a) c+5 a) l-l lo l€ lz lo ll F I m o z I n 3 l- fi l = a -l '-: ! F !Ol I gl- Ort (tl (tl E r D Fr E fn l,-IA lol I l@ I IT l(D tq t"t-:t-:t-: z E m -o =: (D o I o o z a {F c o -{o z I z a- !m I -.t a z m m m l< z -l !m I o z m l) c m m J { 2oNF ;E et E$ E *;i I e -f 68 --ho < z o'= ?9 aI o 6 r l.o6 Z = b 0)2 0 ;e I 2 36 7 i'-l?' E =ldN m= l=': I . F- r <lo=t--h I I I ,-o< c o =i.- +: =5 :.3 {X ^' Aot o 6diE*<_;-:o Y:or O o :.< o J or:rOi<Elsux *;;do +o g\) cR 1)'olx, T m E =-t 2 o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOB INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL "d AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL T1 APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: I DATE INSPECTOR a. -!t I -t m lc L-o i- tt =o YI :6 X.+is *e -{: <7 r3 o<1e d3 a9 i60 ct >l 16 () = 1t ! 'll ! -{ -{ T m o -n m n =-t ffi. SEFI o o z a {n c o =o z T nl F ={ Trt Or z= 2z z tr 3 m 2 z -.{ c)-t o \J!z.r -lc 3= 1z Qc) o o z -t -t o 2"--l m nz >m --l > (- 2 m c) (D t-- o q, c| - o tq zl ol N F ,c)l lEl FI l=l tl tl -{ t-r mlO Fl= le t< l= lfl lz lo I I I I l-{to t€ lz lo l'n t<t> lF l!tm p lz l-{to t;l<t> lF t, lm lo f lz -{ {z 'n t- !m o z o t{ t.ll lci l;t€E lzl 19 13 lE ls lfr ls t:.' tJ. FF I trfl tt< I lc+ |'tl rl z o -{m I o -{m o -Tl m I { -{o @ m x m !{ o z C-o @ 2 {m T m 7 = z o g;' F,ts H ff (Jl z a r -o z z-ooc og9!{-nc,)5+m F= fi;E P23 e Al E S @27 tt -' 3 = x z 2 zo o<otr sf, E3 tx t3 z z m € f -.1 m I A z i z u m , I! !-o<8!Ec;>n =a \z O qr. o 64 < =b 6o zz @ m q 3 ; N x5 m z m oF d; c+f 5-i 6z oo =''l -a o n x oo- H3d o9d 5',Rg o ii or iE9 =o o '<Q{{E6- J Bt' ='9I 6'9 -aof -fAl E;6 e 3a ie.t aB= E +(,' s- dg !oE tt -='_f 4i; 6ge OO+ l.i= eqe =39 fo -.qrdr = s.F JA= =;d a-.O-f si5 I ? E.i i dF ii a'3 iqE (,'o=.f9a 6', -o. A'{!, A) o o s.d 6' at c o E o A)o o o s GI o o -l o s.o € !) o -o c =.o f @ =s (o o o o o !,f o. o =o L o z m o 'tl =o m -1l z {I m o €z m z' =l ol gl =,ql >l -<l ,l I I I PI tr I I I d 5 E - A,- c =cl @ c - z m = = !m 3 ='Tl m m a.t t- = 2 (l)(tr (tr o Ior-l5 .- \...'i f. '--.'I^t)A/IL t'4 / iij jl('Y REQUEST " VAIL I INSPECTION TOWN OF DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER |rUES\READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI /0,00 iirvt eu BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING D E ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR a,w{ar -----tr FINAL /F/PPFOVED 4t#="r,o*r, O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 7?INSPECTOR rNst"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER o pr--vwoori r'rniLrruc D GAs PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - n11 - tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING p.noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED :; CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES , WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNOATION / STEEL F ROUGH / D.w.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB Q FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL ,''cl.ippnoveo , CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED ?I t : e =<. 1 // \--1 // \ =llt ,\ =v,I \c.ji'-. / o o z U'--l TJ c o -l o -tt {- 1' L.rn -'t CL (D EI .o I'< I l-o 6 2 lo lTo t-| __: ar l'# g t=i l--r E , .o I o 3 (D =PP tn=;g'>t- -11 -O O- z=o@ >= +c) z o z r t]L]E DNL] m ;o ?t'*:t E T1 -{m $.. 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C, f,)i o 7 )-: rrl - -l 0 €nl t-!z z a o z c:z = o P \ ,tt\ I I I 3 o o m c) .- I m -l C:p z '-:l 7-() oz-oom <h;i :!;o+nlm v.; z !>ao z llr ttl ttl ltl czo zo 3xi <Y-l'r-: ;9 T< ,v ./o I -t )' (: :: € -l 2 a --l -{ 2 U)c r -{ z z m rfl o -l I .) z xr c_m t c: (! z =(' I )l, at c) ? c t)m O 12 -l ^,z n o :p U () A :ll o :1 \(A -l () --l r .U m --l -Tl m rn u'l c 3 T ..-' ). .-.Fl. iNi $i{ i o f) :: n'-l -i :l F * -r- I n)-\r\ ir..r, J)(.\rc\ \ ".-- \ i:-.-\ ^l\-i-i\/ \ \ \) !\) cr, -{ -ai GLEN LYON DUPLEX OUTLINE SPECIFICATTON IY 2E PAVING 2F LANDSCAPING 3C CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE] 4A BLOCK MASONRY (option) 48 BRICK MASONRY 4C STONE MASONRY 6A ROUGH CARPENTRY 68 FTNTSH CARPENTRY 6C BUILDING INSULATION 6D CABINET WORK 5E GLUE LAMINATED WORK 7C SHINGI.E ROOFING 8A WOOD DOORS BG ENTRANCE DOORS & FRAMES BD SPECIAL DOORS 8G WOOD WINDOWS 8H FINISH HARDWARE 9C DRYWALL 9D TILE WORK 9F IIOOD FLOORING 9t PAINTING lOB TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES lOF METAL SHELVING 12D CARPETING l58 r{EcHANTCA!/PLUMBTNG 16A ELECTRICAI:, 16G HEATING (ELECTRICAL) ] 6I] LIGIITING FIXTURES 1OI.' COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS o SECTION 2E: PAVING Both drivev/ays will be paved with asphalt from the existing roadway to the garage sl-ab. SBCTION 2F: LANDSCAPING Lan,lqcaping will consist of : -Restoration of areas darnaged during construction wit.h wild natu::al qrasses. -Placement of large stones or boulders as indicated on site pJ.an. -Planting of trees and shrubs as shown on site plan. -Planting of trees c.rutside the lot line adjacent to the vehicular easenrent (if granted). -Creation of drai.naqe swales as shown on the site p1an. SI,]C'1'ION 3C: CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE Cast in PLace Concrete will be reinfor'ced as indicated on the structural drawings and will be utilized for: -Spread footings. -Foundation walls. -Lower floor slabs on grade. -Exterior stairs. -Exterior walkways. Note: Exposed or above grade walls will- be faced with stone masonry as indicated on the drawings. SIICTION 4A: BLOCK MASONRY An alternate mal be bid utilizing concrete block for foundation wall"s if soils conditions warranC. SECTION 48: BRICK S]TCTION 4C: o MASON Brick Masonry witt be used in bhe form of paving units placed in a pattern at- the front entries of each unit and inset in the conc):ete of walkways as shown on a redlined print. Use Endicott 'rManganese Ironspot Paver" smooth texture. STONE MASONRY A Mossrock veneer of npproximately be applied to the najority of the foundation concrete walls as shown RY 4" thickness will lower level exposed on the drawings. S]ICTION 6A:ROUGH CARPENTRY Framing members will be comprised of various combinations of 2x4,2x6,2xL2, 16" TJI's, 35 Serj.es (at the garage floor), triangular roof truss segments, glue laminated beams and heavy timber: beams where exposed. Floor decking will be 3/4" T&c Plywood, glued and nailed. Roof decking will be t" T&G P11ryee6 glued and nailed. Roof framing will consist of al-l members required to form a Bi- :l directional cold roof. fE: Lower plywood decking over roof framing, 2x sleepers on edge, running up the slope., Ix franing running perpendicular to the 2x.-sleepers, and a second plywood decking layer over the lx"s,l to which the shingles wilt be nailed over the roofing lelts or asphaltic membrane, as applicable.. Interior face of eoncr:ete walls in all useable spaces will receive 2x furring and drywall. Exterior concrete surf.aces, above grade, that will receive oo r^rood siding will be furred for nailing purposes. Backings and blocking will be required for other trades. SECTION 68: FINTSH CARPENTRY Exterior siding - 1x10 Cedar Shiplap. Exterior trinr - 2x Cerdar. Facias - 2x Doug'las Fir, lx Dolglas Fir. Soffits - lx6 Shiplap Cedar Siding, mitered at inter- secting corners. rnterior base to he L"x6" Red oak with top outside edge detail as shown, and backs to be routed. Interior door and window casinq to be 3/4"x4" Red Oak with both outside edges detailecl as shown. Interior thresholds and finish material divi<lers to be 5,/4" Red oak with k radiused edges. Width to be 6" in open field or sized to match finished wall/trim width wbere occuring at doors, cased and un-cased openings, ete. Interior hand and guar.'d rails to be Red Oak of size and profile detail.ed. Half walts will be capped with 3,/4" Red Oak as detailed. interior stairs will be trimmed in 5/4"x6" Red oak following plywood stair treds and risers and continuing around perimeter of intermediate landings as shown. interior doors will be 6 panel Fir doors, sizes as shown on door schedule or plans. Pocket doors to be hung on heavy duty Sternley Track Model 2842 and Stanley 3 Wheel Hangers. oo Finish carpentry shall include installation of all doors, windows, finish hardware, built-in cabinets and shelving, vinyl coated shelving, bathroom finish specialties, etc- SECTION 6C:BUILDING INSULATION Rigid insulation will be Styrofoam TG or SM board depending on rnstallation location. Wall cavity insu- lation shall be 6" fiberglass R-22 with paper backinq and stapeling flanges. Ceiling cavity insulation shall be 12" fiberglass R-38 (or a combination of ""aa",.,,, comprising 1-2"). Party wall insulation will be fiberglass Batts on each side of the wall with !" V Groove Gypsum sound b0ard adhes-ively applied to the interior side of one of the double rstaggered stud walls, as shown. Window and door frames should be stuffed with Batt insulation or sealed vlith foam injected into aII voids. S]3CTION 6D:CABINET WORK Kitchen and bathroom cabinetr:y will be manufactured high quality cabinets with countertops with beveled self-edge. Cabinets to be Rutt, Ouaker Maid, Craft Coppes or approved equal. GLUE LAMINATED WORK Oak Factory laminated plastic Maid, Overton, GIue laminated beams where used tural grade, sizes as shown. S]ICTION 6E: wil-1 be standard struc- tt SECTION 7C: SHINGLE ROOFING Wood shingles shall be nedium weight Cedar Shakes over cold roof construction. An albernate should be b-itl as rSupradurr mineral fiber slate style shingles. SEC{ION 8A: WOOD DOORS Wood doors are to be I 3/4'6 panel Fir doors of high quality throughout the interior. SIJCTION 8C: ENTRANCE DOOR & TTIAMEIJ Main entry doors to be Nord lGeorgian" with custom glass lites; Simpson "Quadrille" with custom glass Iites; Simpson "Speakease" or approved equal if wood is used. If metal is used, door should be Peachtree "Avanti" Al.4P or Pease "Ever-Strait" E-38. SIJCTION 8D: SPECIAL DOORS Garage doors wiII be shingle panel doors to receive wood siding to mat-ch exterior siding. SIICTION 8G: WOOD WINDOWS Wood windows will be mettrl or vinyl clad on the exterior Pel1-a, Anderson, Caraclco, Eagle or approved equal. Clad- ding shall be in the dark brown family. SI:CTION 8H: FINISH HARDWARE Interior hardware for doors to be Schlrage "A" series, Satin Brass, "Plymoutht'. Entry door to be Schtage "G" series, Satin Brass. Other items as shown on hardware li st. SIICTION 9C: DRY!{ALL t :Gypsum wallboard to be 5/8" fire code type rXt. Use water resistant board in all wc't locations. Areas receiving ceramic tiler will have 'Wonder Board" in lieu of $tater resistarrt drywall. Some areas will require L" drywall to match the thickness of Wonder Board as closely as possible. t' Gypsurn Sound Board will be used in core of party wall. SilclTIol{ 9D: CERAMIC TILE Beclroom Bath Floors - Forms & Ilurfaces CT-I 'River Stoner. Powder Room Floors - Forms & Surfaces CT-2 rDesert Canyon'. Tub surrounds/Showers - Dallas Ceramic D-325 Antigue White Matte. Shower areas will have Eile to and including ceiling. Bathtub and tub shower combinations will have tile to ceiling only. Matching trim tile will be used as necessary. Colored grout wiII be utilized. SECTION 9F: WOOD FLOORING Wood flooring to be Chickasaw 'Chelsea Plankr Red Oak flooring 3", 4", E 6" w-lde planks in random lengths as manufactured by Menphis llardwood Flooring Company. (See redlined plans for edging patterrr). SI,CTION 9L: PAINTING Exterior siding and wood trin to be Olynpic Semi- transparent #716 or Cabots transparent *0380. tln fnterior paint to be r-'olortrend Exceptionale 'Dusky Ilhite' (Kelley Moore? ) Paint I Prirner Coal I prior to torturirg drywall. Use serni-gloss enarrel paints in bathsrns,kitctrens ard laund4r rooms. Wood stain (j.nterior) should be selested by Arctdte.ct frarn.sutrnittals tcr nntch the Oak flooring. G)psun wall board to be qxtrerely fine texture orange peel finish. SIETION IOB:IDIL T I@M ACGSSORTES Toilet rcqn accessorj.es will be ltanklin Brass 1400 Antigua Series. Toilet Paper Ho1der - 607SC Tqrel Bars - 1418 SC, 1424 SC, 1430 SC Tcwel Iadder: = 1445 SC SILTIOIT lOF:MIJTAL STIELVING AII closet shelving shall be shelving by Closet lilaid Cr:rp. Corp. color to be utrj.te. I t "Space Builder" vinyl clad wire or "Sani-Shelf" wire shelvinq bv Schulte STITICII 12D:CARPE'III{G Carpeting wiII be provicle<l and installed by purdraser. SNTI$I I5B: (See Yocler's residential spec. sheet). HEATING (ETECTRICAL) Electrical heating will be a cqbination of elestric baseboard heat (at lo,rrer leve1 and miscellaneous arqrs), electric drop in heater units at bedrocrn ard U,rri-rrg areas, and electric radiant heat in ceilings of battrroons and k.itchens. SF,CfIOT.I I6G: to bL'chrcnnrox Tlpe Ei *ootuaive sill I o Electrical baseboard Height Convectors, 250 Wattn/tF. Electrical drop in units to I be Chrqmlox IIpe FDf , Floo:: d:rop in, Chrcrnalox !)pe IGH, Kickspacre' Heater, nny also be used in certain locations. SECTION l@: ELETRICAL (See'Yoderrs Resiclential Spec. shreet.) SECTICT'I 168: IJGIIIING FDCLJRES (See fixture list t cut sheets). SECTIOiI I6F: COIVI.III\IICTtrICbIS SYSIEDIS Interacn systsn to be Nutore $,lA-516 Ccnrnr-ni-crrn wi$r built in door ctrire. ttbster station in kitchen area - door chirne located at main level stair landing" Gordon R. Pierce and Associates Architecture / Planning IIEMORANDI,M DATE: 4-23-8I REFERENCE: Glen Lyon Duplex Landscaplng TO: Design Review Board EROM: Pierce, Baldwin & Associates, Tnc. Attached herewl-th is a revlsed landscape plan as Per our dLscussion at the DRB meeting April 15, 1981. Basically, the developer has agreed to budget and spend $10,000 for landscaping which woul-d Ln- clude a sprinkler system, trees, sod, natural grass and bushes. The plant schedule includes 27 Aspen 8r-10r high, 15 Spruce 6'-8 1 hlgh, 25 Juniper bushes, and approxlmately 300 yards of sod. We al-so met with Bill Andrews regardLng his conunents on the prevJ-ous submLssion. I'le have responded to his requests as noted. Meanwhil-e, ne are persulng an easement wlEh our neighbor to the south in order lify tlq gg{age and driveway on the uphi1l side of the property. on R. Pierce Archit ect 1650 East Vail Valley Drive / Vail, Colorado 81657/(303)476'2657 - L'l(lJ Proiect Application q'- ( Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -/ (/ , Block z-,t, /ts|lr1t1 , ,r, Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Chief Euilding Olficial .Lls't' or titt liR rAt,s IIGAL DESCRIPI'!0N: IOT DESCRIPTION OF PRO'ECT Ilto following lnformatlon is Board bcfore a flnal approval A. EUILDING I'I/\,TERIALS. Roof Stding Other Wall Matcrials Fascla Soffits Itindows l{indow Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or ltcck Rails F lues Flashings Chinneys 'I'rash Eucl osurcs Greenh ous e s Othcr PLANT MAI'DRIALS (\tegetat ive, l.andscaping Botanical Name s. requircd for r;ubmittal by thc appllcant to thc Dcsiglt l{<:vicw can bc given: 'lYpe of l.trtcrial 0olor l,l;rtcrials includi rrg Connon Namc Trccs, Shrubs, and Grountl Cover) .lh'r ftn1,"^q,+ 1?, r r \.',\J.t. )," " t,, !\,,:' r'1,t, Quanti-!/_ ,#L7 @G @zd alWa dYe^iL^4i 44 4l,Mi n ,ltry ) ) ryPP Pf-ttrtcrle! '.AJ$,kd o ON whother they be nain trunl lines or proposed verified by the following utilities for the Authorized SiSnature uTll.I'11 Loc^'il0N vuRll:IcA'rl SUBDIVISION JOB NAME L$:Ly'L-BLocK FILING ADDRESS Ihe location of utilities, lines, lrust be approved and acconpanying site plan. Date Mountain Bell Western Slope Public Service Gas Company /ttoty Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Uppcr Eaglc Valley }later and Sanitation Dist,rict NOTD: 't'hese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility Iocations beforc digging in any public right- of-way or easement in thtr 'tom of Vail. 4r'1 ) ?t ENGINEERING CHECK LIST Cc..- Lzc>,.t 2-d t tr6/'/W (Not Acceptable) -J./.- J 6le'7atc Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing 1. Submittal Items (A) Topo Map (B) Site P'lan (c) uti'lity Plan (0) Title Report (E) Subdivision Agreement 2. Engineering Requirements 3. Source of Utilities Z (if applicab]e) -- (Acceptabl e) ,./ (A) Culvert Size (B) Driveway Grad@ ItfT o (A) (B) (c) (D) (E) (F) ect s h,er ter lep V. ts: El ec Gas Sewe Wate Tel e T.V. ric r r pho 4. >Jo oF Loa :-tr)1, <€'t) z/o / o,'o /Approved: Di sapproved : /1 t ,t ./!/1r'( (Ll'".""--- Debartment of Public l'Jorks ,.rl (7) (,,JA-fL-e. L/.J€ 74 o/4c-)z orJt 7 0,.'r D,?e. RolLz>//'/(- BilI Andrews Or zQlr-lli_LcK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS QO Filins 6tatt QVat/ rchitect y'PZf ft: GRFA: GRFA: Environmcntal/Hazarcls: Avalanche /11 Flood Plain Sl ope Conrnents : Propos ed Primary Proposed Jbl 7 Secondary Proposed /4? 7 v,9 tt q /%7 S'ite Coverage: A'lloivecl 2O t -__ propos ed -O&LandscapinE: Requir"! 6eo./ , Proposcd O< ' . f ' )Parking: Required Propc:ed O <-------TA Drive: Slope Permitted D/o Slope Actual - ;Zoning .. Legal Description: Lot olO g'loct /'l o*u, /lF% A Zone Distri "t ?/9 proposed Use Lot Area Height Allorved Setbacks: Front-Required-Zo;'Proposed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Naterccurse-requi red Proposed Al I or,led l Primary .A'llowed Secondary Al I or'red 27y. 30' Proposed ,on^i,€=ffi;D,proved Admi n i:;trator ol /?eu 6rc/ ot ? 75-c 6q3 /3f 3 2 7so /%/ @ m r-)srF1 tr q L -r!aJt5l i_ g =FE l.- q 5 efl= l; i a tii 19 q 3 *a6 li i g.v2 tm !r' l=q g .t= P 5 nDE i 5.pE s :>= 6 3 qE E S =s) > I 2 n9 'rl .o m , = c) z,O -{nr q! R<z': 62 9E c) 9p 3= JZ , !E Pot {c)o>io t- o 9"-{m az >m o:] or-a n () T =m o -t o €z m 7 T @ z =m c) -- -l F.ro t-n X l=3'd o>',- I I l* l6 I I I @ t-r 'n l-z F F F N V o L {tn 7 n t<lo t€ lz to l1l t<t> lF tn p z o = H |o l{ lz o In t<t> lr It lF z o TN FO -{m t-Il a.l\ .-J I 4 \ rU $\ {o 5 z o 'tl -t m 9) 2 9 \J -{ r l ') l' a-c -+l x a F t t, {m -m \t I x 3 0 l-J to IE lz lo Fl t<t> lF t m lp z o $ rf; -{m t- rn {J i'\ ! w J + l-{lo t{ lz to l'r l<t> l!'tm lo lz le I t\ lD t) I tn F IrJ IF l,)l-+ta h^l\.)t*- lA- la. s t*-r\N R' o 3 r. m o n = : i -( tfr' 't'\ ts +$* kl{,(l>. \J t' E3 F a D p p fn ,t t" | :.1 lvr l:, t$t;le't;l:lui t+ z r F f" mt o' t* ls b P\ rtl El ? t I L et - i=! l T m n ={ z o -t m I o o T o 'n 'o m T -{ -{o @ m x m !-{o z c o @ Q' -{ttl o m c, C)F )-r (r\ 5 ()o z U'{n F o =o z =0 () -;H3d saFi sE; 3 5i aF (,l o =:t = -O ot CJ--o:!t- ! iflH HEao 9o95. $aB=@9 *@ 6e4€ -E or tt e5; il g; 3i ggiE i=98 @3vl Pord: = =< = Ig$i <o-3 E:A P 6' iH*i ;ii€;'o ;: o to--* o z -l D m o .tl o € m ! o t o o z I fn o €z m ! €o o m -m o ? m -t PlP H;g i, z g,c - o z :t *lE t=e 3 n r a *=lIF{ EFgg i2 i 6Z lllt" z m € - m v 6 2 o o =o z - v m ! ! N { T m o ltt 9 n 6 z Otrrp 9o<F 8S ,ri !E fH 68 1c) < z t, o v, ":E E H >z I ' :)o o o \1t Z z t-o t x m= ea N .N !m 6 7 z m U' s'\*\ q q \q t t - m l \l NI sl :}l [-l NI *l :rl rl N \\a \ 'L O )\ I' "1 v n, f, ?z F o 7 2 o z o {n o ;I z 6 o .ll 'n ;|- ) It ltu lztt lAli\Int Iil'lo'lnrN li\ IF IJ el *l I I I I I I I I I I I I I {o -t 1- !m =--n m m u, U'm -t x m z m o { an 2 o z t m m € (D o 7 o :,m m :o z n ltl m \ m z |- ! @ z m t-m o 6 t- z o m o - =z o m , =l !m u = ='Tl m m u,N VALUATION T m v = z o 3 m o I =C) - !t- 3 = m f-m () x |- l- z N \ UI u, \ '.! !.-r t" o l.qJ .,.j yr ! D LTJ h YI \ P u a, \ 9 b 0 $ b a \ \ 1 I qr s 0 n hl ,4 \t h ! N 1 $ q s o U/ oaL t *Fl^n,t S, @ %"a @ @lt, @ IM ryl or I d -* F Au}* iot- )#,4,U o UtaU @ c@ (nueu*z Zxv SL'+ h Ut*LL Fttt SPa..c,so 2{' rrtiL /L r:y Snrfuro- /torl h uz,r/r Ol-saL O Q*,/y' 2J( thaltz,t,t L -,, 5 /,lzso // " ttt e^-t, u4ft OPea)r* /n bouoo. Oftr-u ate//s { &i/n'a '**u0 e S/a/zn_LU o o ao SIL*'/ tueJL E#a.'oL Sh"zt\,*A t,-,rt[ 54 S[aat ur]- r-uo-00- G) LD"fu,,, e."_U, u;q..d- @ Rz-l.,_L"-v) % 4"48 qr.-/a'a/ess o B. O n,,t,.-J?.9 2/,-t 1E-'-- Al)l)l,IcA'l'l (i:'l r ; ( ) n i\r | : 0 | {,\_!lllil l! v_l,lil -0:ll- Jil,Jl!l:s-l- Appl i czrnt 's r{()p'csentat it"-@.@ t Phone *7b-4+33 c.Authori zat ion ,1tar)), Signaturc Address /OOO pttore 47b-4433 of Proposal Bl ock E. Fee P"4 E Tlpc of Subdivision: (check one) trlaior (involving more than 4 lots) Minor (involl'ing 4 or ferr;er lots) Nane of Address t\Locat i.on Lot*|s I;iling &Ery Qd- Suoaattou-- \)(Y+\ fLa** ,X ountex (spljtting a cluplcx stl'tlctul'c and'/ol lot) lrr.occdures for. najor and minor srrbdivis j ons are as clef inccl in thc 'l'our of Vltj'l Subtlirrision Iiclgulations on Pagcs 9 tlir'<';trgli 20' Dr.rltl cx subdivis ion :'cilrtires thc sanc i fol.natiotr as a lninoI. subdiVis iolr r\tith t ]rc' ;;li;i'1.";;;;'ir.,"|-t1," following rt"t"nt",.tt uoiti-opp""tt otr tltc plat bcfo'c *cce'iving Tourt of VaiI aPProval: l:o' zotti.ng trr ot5c.* latrd-usc 1egul11 itrlts of tlttr Totrrr of Vlril ' thc ttttr 1:ltrct'l s cLcatcrcl b1. this srrlrtlivis j.o ur." alccu,",l-'to bc onc 1ot. No ntorc tllllrl ollc trttr-titntil" rcsj dcncc slrall. bt: ll lorr'cd ott thc c,,rul)-i c,d alcas of thc tNo PaIcel:t'. .AJ loti:rblr'' Gtoss llcs i.clr-.rrt j.a j l;l oor' Ar'(rlr ((;lil:.'\) fo,. thc' ttrtl-frrlril;' :'csidcrrc:c shrll I bu c.alculiltcd usitlg tlic cotitb j.ttt:cl ltrc'lr of tl)c two Pitl'L'cI s' Tir'c lletpr i r.rlulL.nt s : l,l:r lol antl urinol s;rrlrrl i 'rri s i.ou s lutst bc' lrPprovcd b;" tlr.' 1: tlltlt:,tnt atttl lt,rtr,i:'onnlr)rt:ll (lotrliti:;s iolt. 'l'hc ltli(l l)1{''\r1 :; oll lltc lrrtl lrilrl 4th ltlott''!'rr':' ol c'lt'll tnorrtlt. Arr lr'ytl iClrt itrtr r.lif h tlrc llc('.(:s:..ill)' itt:conll):tl))'irlii tlilrtt:r'iltl ntttst l)(' :itli)!'liL tt'(l forrr (.1) u".t'ks lllic,r' I tr tltc tlitl tr ol' l llc rrtt'ct j n8 ' $ loo z/{tz- G, tt I. J. I tit t f,)pi"rr". bolduin ond ossociotas, in orchitecture . plonning Oct&er 2, L98L Tonn of Vaif Deparbrent of @nrnrnity Ds/elotrrrEnt 75 South Frontage bad, West Vail, Colorado 81657 Af,IN: Peter Patten Peter, Included hersritJ: is ttre requested inforrnation in mitigation of t}te idraction pertairring to tJle front setback at the corner of ttte Glert Ll'on (Pierce) Drpler tA' Unit garage on Iot 20 in Glen L1on. In addition to ttre inprovenent suryey site plan strowing tJ:e ocisting grade elevations, I nnke refererrce to your letter of 20 .r{ovsrber 1980 to the Ardritects roorking il the Tcrm of Vail and its attadurent per- taining to anrerr&rcnt-s to tJ.e slope regnrlations existing in the zoning Ordinance applicable to sFR.' R, and P/S T.crne Districts. rtgn 18.69-050L stiErlate.; that "tltere shall be rn regui-red front setbacJ< for garages, er<cept as IIEIy be reqrrired by the Desigrn Rev:leq Board", on lots wtrere the average slope of t.lle site berreath ttre proposed structure and parking area is in er<cess of 30E. It is our opj-nion. and I hope yours, that since the DRB placed rrc set- bacJ< requj-rslstt on the garage ard since we tedrnically fa]l w"iti-in the 30t slope regn:lations, no variance should be requj-red for the apparant 1 f@t setbad< ilfraction. Mditionally, sirce it is a f:ont setlcad< wtridr has been encroadted ulnn there is no adjacent property crnmer diictr rlrould suffer due to a reduction in the physical proximity. The aborre itsns notwithstarding, we hope this r,uould be onsidered by the Tcr*rn staff as a tollerable degree of error. Sincerely, ^2 .-Z^L 41 ^tt'K.l/- U%ZA f - tuat,- -Rictrard S. Baldt^rin RSB:de Enclosure 1000 south frontog@ rood usst . voil, colorodo 81657 C. n3/476-4433 q \li \\$ 0) 'ry fl. o -J N rn o a) t) 0 .-l I A J x tl J o o x It s-:--{ N $Po RJ$;an 6f; I n '.t _.iJ l-o I d ?r a $ frt t\) N a R ta (n (il fr \) tl. ll 81" 'l j _____I__ -4 .,. \- -c o"z i-q$ B '\ o\ -^.'. - rl-d tr\\ . -' 7 o\ -,a(*-Ko+\\t Y\ tt\ \\l 'B *).._b Y\ 4z s g 3 {+" 6','q) " )2"23't' & rl Ei til'0 1ro \n \s Sr l-r ( XS y, \) tl {*' Rf,aa o>'I- m l-m o '-l o r z o i 2n -tm uz >m --.t > I =m z;-lc P< 1z o z,o an =m I z o z --l -l (I' z T 6) o r o c 'o (D x t -z o la)t-.r lo l=lr- lE ol< =l>-F F Ia p ln r II I I == _0 - l< l-PI,l-F t>l tol tol Inl tul l-l ll II ll I tl l<l< l'n lP l:o f- t=EI lg la t# to li; lo l(, l5 Ito ll'tw I lq,trD I|n lF)trD ll-tl tl tl tl l<t>t; I3 P O m .) = _9 I a a t-rtrE o o z (n {n c o {o z !m fr =+ -t m I Itr II lr- lG)It tco tiJ I I, (- m o i z =fl8l:c)x- tt IIE ls FE" IE (- lg t;nnEl -r1 !3:z<o(I,22 oo z z i t F F r m c) z --l € I m 7 a I n m € o tn -m x I m I m ={t-Y=o 'Fr |- 2 t- -{6 z c)z-oo0 [;E:3E ;Eii c =- 3 a ir I i Fr rt I I Pl cz@F@>s: i ? E s !EFT:5 u@?.2.9 i Eq i a -a z Illtl z rn t :' t---t m ,t ^z _t z m ! I c p n ..,t =2 Or.r- zl>mlti !!J; =P ;o ,!^ > n < : z o o8 ?9 3lo 62 ao < E b xz vt o5 o 'nzz € x s I tr.,o, c?ci tl, c'r cf ..t m N)o)G) --t :x z m l, F t) :.^)tr g)ro |- fi =z ; o 9, o ct o. c : F E z =z -.t -.t -l .n N N rR :s Y I I s. I I I -l o -{ l- m f,)3 -{'n m m aJ) o m v m E 2 m I 2 m m { @ m o m -.t z n m m 3 m o - z 3 tr z tn m i ^ >z m x g z m --{ m = ='Tl m m U) VALUATION m 1 =z o m o I 2 o |. _q c = m a'm o --l t o z ch O o o \ \ I F f l 5 s s >il i.^J c 3 I i. S \ :r' \)D a) o to o o o o o o o o tr \t F ) Ol o o o (o |.o (tl (tl H (tl o (, fj-t-1-ft,\ c-F, \c\Lt j TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MoN 'j_VCt wED ' ,(.t. j : , l' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n fu tr n Vrrruel tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR E trild tr FINAL 'ffipsgvss tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: I rown oF vArL o P EBMIT NO. CONTRACTORS INSPECTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB NAME srTE) Lrc. No._ Owner: General Contractor: Excavato r: Foundation: Plumber: EleCtriCian: D/r) ti'leerzztt, Mechanical: F ra mer: I nsu lator: Dry Wall:. Painter; Roofer: CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS OVED Excavat ion Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Uti lities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing --D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING APPROVED CARD oR 247 Friday fry 4*44 8r-7a- r( Rough Framing Ins u lat ion Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.00 REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 476.7000, EXT. 235 24 Hours In Advance Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through 'A{4, 6,"?jA- DISAPPROVED Project Application Pro,ect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archirect Address and phone: t'l Jhf= ,X yZt^ t-l 4 - i' ::lc-/ Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 04 /ZJ/t Chief Building Official INSPECTION REQUE]9r VAIL DATE ?-2,- l7*JOB NAME CALLER TUES TOWN OF ,".THUH AM (tp ?,-APPROYED t ,tt,,f !() CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED ,.,'rr;i ;A'j . - E fIEINSPECTION REQUIRED ' )/1 utt tT /'A)oa'r'rt READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATI E] FRAMING ON / STEEL O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL OODS FINAL - ECHANICAL: HEATING - EXHAUST H tr n M tr D tr tr SUPPLY AIR 'S T{Ni l:'{' tra( ''"/t:- 4 . 4.. r ^ 4'g Ff NAL f 'L:11(- !,.,k .)t,) / ! t,./\ ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n_ tr .FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR DATE I a INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL II t' , TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. r] ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n q FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR D tr\ FINAL O FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN,OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES '7'-THUR PM AM WED FRI LOCATtoN:/t_ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n O GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB n O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL D FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t- t.-. D I t - / t!' .l'ut+tt -' , / , rNSpEcroR I DRB SUBMITTAL CIIECK LIST NEW CONSTRUCTION l. Stanped topographic Mp (2 copies 2. Site plan showing utilities (2copies) 3, Utility location verification 4. ; Preliminary title report (L copy) 5. Landscape Plan (2 copies) 6. Architectural plans (2 copies) (a11 fl.oors and all elevations) 7. Materials list (1 set) 8. Color Sanples (1 set) 9. Subdivision agreernents (if applicable) MINOR ALTEMTIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS D."ProJecfmeffi ,/tv/Date I'6't/ \/ i_ L x J_ i-. x rl I \r\\\ l,'rVr'\F:-' ) l. Photo or sketch showi-ng alterations (2 copies) 2. Site plan (2 copies) 3. l,laterial specifications (2 sets) 4. Color samples (2 sets) 5. Letter of approval from condo assoc,(if applicable) ADDITIONS - RESIDEMIAL OR COMMERCIAL 1. Starnped topographic survey 2. Original floor plan (2 copies) 3. New floor plan (2 copies) 4. Site plan (2 copies) 5. Elevation's (2 copies) 6. Photos of existing structure (l set) 7, Material specifications (l set) 8. Color samples (l set) .(L-.r,Tf ;"