HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 33 LEGAL.pdfMrs Design Reviw Board ACTIOil FORlrl Depertment of Community Development 75 South F ontage Road, Veil, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.{79.2139 tex:. 970.479.2452 ' web: www.vailgov.com Proiect llane: COLDSTREAM DECKS/BREEZEWAY Protect Descrlpdon: DRB l{umber: DR8050513 Location: COMMON ELEMENT-RNAL APPROVAL FOR DECK ENCLOSURES; BREEZEWAY/MAILBOX REVISIONS AND INTERIOR ALTERATIONS AT COLDSTREAM CONDOS: see Ietter in fiIe dated 09.27.05 for specifrcs Palddpants: owNER ANDREW D. NORRTS rrr RE]/OCAB09/2312N5 26 W MICHELTORENA ST SANTA BARBAM cA 93101 APPUCANT FRIIZLEN PIERCE ARCHflECTS 09/2312005 Phone: 970476-6342 1550 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C.1 VAIL co 81657 License: C0O0@1402 ARCHIIECI FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHfiECTS 09/2312005 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 816s7 License: C000001,102 PrcjectAddrcsst 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL CoLDSTREAM CONDOS UNm 5, L0,27,37 AN Legal llesctlfion: Lot:53 Block: Subdlvlslon: COLDSTREAM CONDO PalelNumber: 2103-121-08@-1 Comments: Irlotion By: Seond By: Voh: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ ACflON: APPROVED I Dah of ApprcYalz @ 12il2005 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wiUtout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerrieur committee(s). C,ond: 0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constih"rte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building perrcnnel prior to construction activities. @nd:201 DRB apprc\ral shall not beaome rralld ftr 20 days fullorlng Ute date of apprwal. Cond: 202 Approval of thb proffi shall lapse and become rcld one (1) year following Ute dab dfinal approml, unless a bulHlng pemn b bsued and onstruction ls ommened and is dilig€ntly pursued bwad ompledon. Planner: Ellsabeth Eckel DRB Fee Pald: *3OO,OO TOI44V Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxl. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one vear ortheapprovat' tg;ne*ea^l4f f mlt u gex {:#v/gat"/t\ Descriptaon of the Request:/e,2 aaL^O'?/&Et4l4 Gb& Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:-Subdivision Physicaf Addressr t lV4 Ip'*4aV'- t parcef No.: e/OAtZ/ObUl - 43 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: 5tr Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): o vl o vl .\i trl Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review C) New Construction )( nooition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (sin gle-fa mily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 $20 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. E-mail Address: *+t***++++++++*++++**t**f*****************{''t'trr******+++++*++++++t++++++++++*++**i'***r******:* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +**+********l*************l****++'l+*+*********llt*'|l*tti**+****++***+****t+**t*t*+**++****+** Statement, Number: R0500015?4 Anor.rne: S300:00 09/23/2OOSO8:49 AIrl Pa)ment Method: Cheek Init: JS Notatl-on: 13 3 03,/FRITZIJEN PIERCE DnBo 5 C 513 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA 2103 - 121- 0g 00 - L 1476 WESTHA\TEN DR \IATL COIJDSTREJAI{ COITDOS I'NITS $300.00 ****+a******t*******t+t********+*********+++t+tl++t+t+1+ff,**ftf,**+******************+******* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Acconnt Code DR 00100003Ir2200 DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES 300.00 Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddresE: Location: This Palment: Description 5, 10, 27, 37 AliI TotsaL Fees: Total AI,L Pmts : BalaIlce : $300.00 9300.00 $0.00 Current Pmts o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans: o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o Floor'plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. u Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.o Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i,e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. n Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevatlons: o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also,o Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details. a Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. tr Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. o Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouG).tr Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. tr Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. D Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. u Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. rr. TMPRoVEMENT LOCATTON CERTTFTCATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations n All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location 0 All easements Page 5 of L2lo2l07l02 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material ffirrt"xE Color tl f< r'" r-. Na?.+l F,*!:1r7 t\,i, r{,r :. r*+ f,il / 4:r - Nz ,\ I l/vtr-ct4 +467 Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other F,4.1 C*r>/g-"*tz- --'tt /)x tEa* \ ,/E^ t.ti.t-' 1 , , - .t rt,.-r ,tL- ,',.- " f"'- lx F/e etp 7 x, ifi.1u*y- _ tl tl Naap 2* Cgct,71-t-- #ro|J* 4 g#FL 'vN:.i,c':R.fA/ ! /,n ":l ',t, t./uE It Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of I2l0Zl07l02 4x:ga< PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Quantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal, Tvpe Square Footaoe GROUND COVER soD SEED ]RRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of t2102107102 UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384,0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.a02a $el) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTX 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems, 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way permit from the Depaftment of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A buildinq permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separatelv. Page 8 of L2102107102 VAIL CASCADE CONDoMINIUMS September 21, 2005 Community Development Town of Vail 108 South Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It MayConcem: The Coldsheam Condominium Association has reviewed the auached improvements and has approved them via the Association's desigr guideline approval process for Coldsheam. Those improvements include units 5, 10, 13,27,33,37, and the new Court Building door. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Don Maclachlan General Manager 1476 Westha\€n Drive .Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.6106 . 800.543.4801 . tax 970.476.4946 Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information gngle County Govarnment ?!|Yiirr,f *r&s*!tn*$,r$ SENRC}I R€SULTS Page I of I { FropertyAsses+mrntandTaxlnformation Sslsct a rolv below snd diek \fiew to see detailed infsrmation aboutthat property, Click nn the parcel number ta yiew the GIS map, igView basic informeton il \4eilr lpgal dEscdpton i R01306t i R01306i R01306{ R01306! Ror 3071 R01307: R01307,i Rol sori R013071 Ro13o7q Ror 307q R013081 Rol30{ R0130Sl ?103t ?'t 0s$01 2103r 210S002 2r t]31 219S003 3t 031 ?1 8800t A$IDREW D. NORRIS I'I REYOCASLE TF KATZEL MARYC. ELDORADO RETLTYCO HOLLOWAY MICFiAEL D., DORR, TERF 001176 !{VESTI{A\€N DR VAIL Ogl {76 WESTHAVEN OR VAIL 001 176 WESTI{A\'EN DR V tL 0011J6 U/E5THA\€N DR vAtL 21 831 210€0!5 oLlvER, ROgERT -so lfr 6 wEsrHAvEN D R vAt. 21 031 2108006 2't 031 21 09007 21 031 ?100008 31 03!2ur8_00e. 21 831 210€010 21031 210801 1 ?1 031 21 0801? ROBINSON.JAN SULWAT{ BU$H. MARYC" DIC}<Ei{$, WILUS NORMAN OSORAENT€RPRISE LTD 001 176 $/ESTt{AvEf{ DR VA|L OO,| 4 76 YE$TIIA\EN trF VAIL OOI 476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL B0'1,176 |{ESTHA\EN DR \ittl- GRASE. DAVID \T''. & N&CN qglazglEqtrA\ENoBA WATSON.JOHND,&OALEF, .JT MYhIATT, lvl,AfK R. & ERIN F. -JT - --a-------^_ C1I{OF COLORASO TRUST ffi gOI 476 WESTF{A\EN DR VAIL OO' 476 IfIIESTFIA\EN DR VAIL 2't 031 21 08013 ?1 031 21 gggl4 OO1 4 76 WESTHA\'EN DR VAIL- -..... .J 176 62 records retumed ' Viery :. http ://www. eaglecounty.us I patiel index_content.cfm 9t21t2005 Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information Page I of I l;i,l:.;.l,':l.i.:.:;:::..i;:;i1::.1*:i:::l:i.:i.i'.:l....:iilri;i*;.1F.i.i;I*.!.i:;1':!*:.:";i;..:*.n.: Esgl* 6s$nty sovsrftm*fir $r}lf lf "eil{$ssfi ttry"rrs $FSRCH RE$ULTs SelEct a roy below End dick ViEw ta see detailed infonnation about that property. Click on the parcel numberto vierr the GIS map, t*;Vlew naslc lnf0rmalion t" Vle$ leg€l descripdon --..r9. iR0r 30s{ iRfisoet inotoor i R0130si i R0130S: i R01309,{ iR013101 i R0131 01 RBI 310E R013101 R0131 1 1 R0131 1 1 R013111 R01311.,1 121031210801S 121031?18S017 12103121!8018 21 03121 08019 21031 ?1 090?0 210312108021 21 031?109022 21 031 2188023 21 0312't 08024 21031?10S025 ] 21031210s026 |: FLOVWRS,JACKS. OAhdMA CORP - I,IACTAVISH. XE?!N LUSKTONIJ, PFTERSON, JERRYW. WYATT, I.ANDON KLEIN. DAT{IFLM. A DOf\|AV. ..JT coLE, cLoRtAs. &Rtct-tARDJ. i OLDAKER. WLL'{M . THEBFORD, JUDI] covr/LEs, suzAl,tNE H. I KAUFMANJAhTEB M. &JANE G. I CHILDRESS. J. DOMLDjXII: IN, FREd 001 176 WESTT{A\€N DR VA|L 001176 TIESTHAVEN DR VAIL 001476 WE$TFIA\€N DR VAIL OO1476WESTF{^\EN DRVAIL 001176 WESTIIAYEN DR VAIL OO1{76 T4'ESTFIA\€N DR VAIL 001176 YVFST}iAVEN DR VAIL OO1 476 WESTHNV€N DR VAIL 001176 Y{EgTFIA\€N DR VAIL 001176 Y'ESTHA\EN DR VAIL 001176 IA'ESTHA\/1EN DR VAIL 4NoREw D. r.,toRRjq !!l r!ilocAELE rF [4] uJl ..ludur I 0011I8 WEETFIA\GN DRj, UL UL 21 0312108028 2t 0s1 21Bg02g GREENE. RICHAFD H. &KATHRYN S. POVI/ELL FRANKL OOI176 WEST}IAVEN DR V/ 001476 V\'ESTH{\€N DR Vl tvAtl i | lii i:, 62 records retumed Prap*rty Assespmrnt and Tax fnformstion http ://rvww. eagl ecounty.us/pati e/index_content. cfm 9tzr/2005 E4gle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information Page I of I t.: ':" Ea gls co$nty csvernm+nt !rhi${.*n$6qs{sft"u8 SEARCH RfSULTS Prope$ A*$6$smsnt snd T*x fnfsrm&tion SElecf a rorr bplow and dick View ts sEs detailed information abouttfrat property. Click on the parrel numberts view the GlS map, :njView baslc lnfonnalion lJVieir/ legal deseription A aanr$rt 1R01311r 1 R01311i Inorstr I fR013111 i R0131 21 I R01 312: inotarz: R013121 R0131 31 R0131 31 R8131 41 R0131 11 R013111 R01314i1 ?1 031 2t 80030 21031 21 08031 ?r 031 ?1 08032 OREENE.JAMES F.- CARNEY. EDb1'ARI SIHPSON. ROBERT CREAGER & JANIS HEFFE4 DAN S. OOI 176 N'ESTF|A\EN DR VAIL BOI4T6Y|E$Th|AVEN DRVAIL : 00llrowEsTFtAVEN DRVAIL : /arfsr fl osorJ MoorcNAJ. &JEFF€RyH.-aguryEryA\E!!\v^\) 21 031 210fi031 2'l 0312108035 2'1031 21 08036 ,a€- 21031 210803r MARCUS. RANDALL E. THOMPSON,JENNIFER K RMH MANA-9EMENTLP_ -_ GUNSTREAM, STAI{LEYR. &SUS$.I E. OO1 476 WEsTI.{AVEN DR VAIL g0l 476 WESTHA\EN DR VAIL 0n 476 WESTT{AVEiI DR VA|L 001176 WE61}RVEN DR VAIL 21 031 ?109038 21 031 2108039 ?1 031 ?1rI8041 210312108012 ?1031210S043 21031 2't 08014 LOISM.EASTERUNFRCFCTTNT JAMES M. KAUFil4AN TRUSTEE DAY1€ &PENNINGTON KOELBELWAL''ERA BASEY. JAMES L SUSAiI S. WAGNER TRUST. WAONER, OO1476WEST}|/A\EN DRVAIL OOl 476 iA'ESTHAVEN DR VAIL 601476 WESTHA\€N DR \44IL 001476 WEST}{A\EN DR VAIL BO1 476 WESTHA\EN DR VAIL BO14T6 WEST}.IA\GN DR VAIL 62 reccrds reh:med http : //www. eagl ecounty. us/patie/index_content. cfm 9/21/2005 Eagle County Government - Properfy Assessment and Tax Information Elgf. couiltycovemmrff rwx.ew6s{*ryrrs Page I ofl sEtRctr *E$uLTs Cli* sn tfig parcel numberb yiey thE GIS mep. $Vlelfbsslc lnlbmEton SVIErlegsl ds8cilp{on 62 ru@rds rebJm8d Proparty A*srcsmsnt find Tsx lnformeffon 2t 03121080{t ?r83121080{2 31031 2108043 21 031 ?r 080{4 21 031!1080{3 2103t 21'080jt7 DAV|S tPEl{tSr{O'rON KOELEELU'ALTEFA B*8FY,.}AilESL SUSAN 8, III'ASNSR'IRU8T - WAGNFR. KS{NNO,Y{II,JJNT L STARYT. {T- KOEISEL €HERRnIS. 0lll't76 V{EgTl{At EN DR VllL 0fi47aW€gf,HAlGN DFVA|L OOI {76 H'ES'HA\EN DR VAIL 00147F ft€sfl{A\EN DR VA|L 001,116 WE8T}|A\EN DR VAIL OOI tI6 I'I'ESTHAI,EH DR VAIL Y'OLF INI€STXENT€ IIC FETEREON. JSRsTTry. SEEH*N. OON}.H J, & JEf FEfiY H. II'IDRRTD. T{ORRIS III REIOCAELE' PtrfEu- FRA}'|KL l{.Ell{, oAt*lELH. gDOhtAV, .rT LO|S il. EASfERUNO RE\6CASI.E 001476 Y{ESTHA\iEN DR VAIL |lO' iI76 I'IESTI{AilEN DR VAIL OO1 416 IryE8T}TA\EN DR YAIL OOl 4 16 IIESTI.IAVEN DR Vi'L 001 {78 WE$TI{AV€N DR VAIL 001,t76 lSgTl{A\EN DR vAtL 001 4t6 l,lt€sTHA'|,EN firE ylul h@://www. eaglecounty. usipatie/index_content.cfin 9tzt/2005 - l6ftl Lt trEtE Tat |{t6|l a,r.Dr€6lt Et Aro ,|Arti 9|lto ovB t !t ttYrooo Srcart6 O/F A.a POP R lt6 9Drqt€. nt 5rE etli Itt t ttlrto EtE D4 "Ifl 9OOR rlir ro t$tcx D@tl' At E I.Dtr5 lto4,- xrx \Gtrlat r.@!' 90i6! td ltt 'rE- ErErr(t rarf l' to 9E!x fiubto lflIc]l af,o|ltoa E 5r|6Ofrl,tEvE-E l}Jr'r69f,ft lA,tL-.- wlEO troeraE a@ |.E^lror{ 9@ to E aJrt 9!FB rttY. ll€ar.ra ttD rtrl. FEIGE ao rr^ar@ 6 I|EED r0 €r6rrGr ocaK {'*6' rorxcra Ft Hlo FStiE E|Dlq, t'ra. rE 5rEE-tult9 r.Alcx ttltrE o\Gt EC ao l.arF grclo ovtt tit P[nw9 !tarl|6 ovEF aa l@ Fta,r6 t005, $d rlloE trla tu5D $o''ra oDC F.r tl]tdt,, ro G Qn Al + Arb\tE rtr|r ftx, twf .E|6{r V EES ltaUE{ert fEr&E |,an1rr6 2' 'IE- DEC PTD. La 'L.'t@ ta Dr€F-ror* 6 za r@o q,\o\ t€ttllrt E tlE i h.no@ taaDi6 Aro 'lE- aira||re-|1Afal aL'{, olPPeE ^ro x rB '|c!o oGF 5/t 'l|.r}|'D 9taDtE O*Rzrt t@ tA,,.*t NEIA E4'I r{tcll E|J(DaE o|rB rc€ Aro lAiEr 9|Ero ovEa w tfr@?lE^lr.{, A/Ea 2.a ,@g FRAII€ .rfil€ ofi Et oi€toi€0|l Et ||t ul,rwo&x LEVET - I.iA?AI ET'oIE o\GE EE lro ,arB !rG.D a/R tr ^fr@e. ture o!8 2.{ l.@O Fla}t6 r€D{" &6E ro,Nlll 8ti;? ' D ep artm ent of C ommunity D ev el opm e nt 75 South Ftontage Road Vail, Colorsdo E1657 970-479-2138 HX 970479-2452 www.vallgov.com September 27,2W Mr- Bfll Plerce Fritden Plerca ArcfiltectE 't650 VailVall6y Drlvs Vall, CO 81657 Re: Coltlefeem Condomlniumr Adrlftlon/Cheng€B to €ppruwd plang appllcstion DR8050519 1476 Wesfiaven Drlva/lot 53, Glan Lpn Subdtulalon SDD #d Dear BIl, Thank you for rubmltting an appllcaton for sevcral ext€rlor changas and additions at the abov6 addr$3, wtric*l appllcation I recchrcd et our 8tdt m€sting tfiis momlng. I have stailf approved aac*r of the bllorlng changec: o Unlt 5 (12 squarc fcet of 250 allqable)o Unlt 10 (20 squate f€ot of 250 ellorrnbb)o Unlt 13 (-22 squaru fcst tstorage) of 26O allouvablc)o Unlt 27 (28.5 square frst of 250 alfotmble)o Unh 3ll (20 square feot (gbllage) of 250 allounble o Unlt 37 (30 equare leot of 250 allowable) Pfease rloE that the above addldons have decrcas edlin nmaintng attourltirc slb cowftgeatlhe Cddltrsam Condominlums slb fom 30,406 squaE fsot b 90,274 aquan feet. Thls fe the result of tfrc Incrue3e d 132 square fast of s&c werage ln fte fuim of GRFA or sbrago space. Addltlonally, each of lho abow*efcrcocad unlb have norv begun b accose thc'250 Addidon" provbion that l! avallable to erh urdt wihln e multFfamlly complsx vytiloh anlfra complcx hac axcssded lb GRFA" ss Cdd!fream dld as early e3 1990, with tha Town's r€cods showlng the conctsucton sf 66,E98 rquarefeet upon a db allovyEd only 05.(80 cquanfeet. I hane endosed ihc derlgn ltrdew eclion focn lbr lour rccordo. Plorce don't hociteb to Gorrtact mc wlth 41ry ]lmalnlng quc6fon! or ooncqru. Esst regards, Hlssbeth Eckd cto.47s.w1 gndosurs fprr"ot-*o. 'Ot^lN OF VAIL ,') S. FRONTAGE ROAD IAILI CO 81657 t't o- 41 9 -2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT MF Job AddTESS: ].476 WESTHAVEN DR Location.. . : COLDSTREAM, CONDOS Parcel IrIo. . : 2IO3-L21-08-033 Pro ject No. : NA LAIRD CONSTRUCfION INC P O Box 916, BAGLE co 8163I LAIRD CONSTRUCTION INC P o Box 916, EAGLE co 81631 BEEMAN DONNA J & JEFFERY H 625 NORTHSTAR CRf, BOULDER CO Descrlption: INSTAI.,L RAMP FOR PERSONAL USE occupancy: Rl MuIti-FamiIY Type Const-rutuion: V l--HR Type V l-Hour I'ype OccuPancy: APPI.,,I CANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Valuatron: f iret)Lace Informdtion: Rest r i cted: Phone: 3035249789 Phone: 3035249'l89 # ^u"/h Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMPNT oF,7X /1991 -cHARLTE Action :- -APP ii'em i' os4 o o - Fl,Altll rue- DEPARTMENT DePt: BUILDING Divisi-on: CHARL]E DAVIS DePt: YLANNING Division:QEI ) t 1 \!s" i^ c n+*l,ie.,^AR5 *?B ;"'+RRR ir'efr i' dsa o o -i;i,altll iue- DEPARTMENT ()E7ii /i641-D1RK Action: APPR i['em:'os6oo FIRE DEPARTMENT ---- Qpi';i t\lzl^cg**l+n ..,Asli"' : APPR 66/27lrsgz prRK 6EDi t\zz1^cu[*t,rn ..,4s]]"" : APPR ii'eini' ossoo PqEI-Iq wQRF$-oE7).i tigsi -cHAnirn Action: APPR 2,000 {of Gas APPtiances:fof 6as Logs:fof uood/Pa t Let: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division:N/A N/A GL-4J*1o-^ 53 Co(&ot^,; Ct:n\os \-1'+"{ ss MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT PCTMiT f: 897_0170 Status...: ISSUED f *trri *******************************i***** ***************** FEE SUl',lt4ARY ******************************************'r*************** ctrr l.drng-----) 65-00 Rcstuarant pt'an Reviewll> '99 Total catculated Fees---> 23o '25 PLan checla---> 42.25 DRB F ee-------- - --------> 20 OO Additionat Fees---------> '00 Investtgatron) .OO Recreation Fee-- ------ 2 '00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 23O '?5 [,r|.|.Ca|'t---->].ooc|.ean.Up0eposlt---.---_>1oo.ooPayments---_--____--_---> TO]AL FEES----- ******r(******************r******t(***i{*****************i********************************************************************itr***** uNrr €AppIied.. : 06/20/,t991 riiued... : o7 /18/I99't Expires. . : oL/14/1998 SeePaqe2ofthisDocunentforanyconditionsthatmayapplycotn DECLARATIONS Iherebyacknow[edgethstlhavereadthisapp|''ication,fit|.edoutinfu|'tthcinforrnat,ionrequired,comptetedan ptan, and state that art tne inioriaiion p.oi,iAua "t ""qrii"i-ii-"o"ttti' .I ?Sl::-1" comptv with the information to compty lrith al,l, Town ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this stfucture according to the Town's zoning and cocles. design ..u,.r "pp"ou"i, u"it"it auitaing coa" "ni-oitt"t ordinances ol the Toun appl'icabl'e thereto' REOUESTS FOR INsPECTIONS SHALL BE llAoE TiIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY rer-eeloye lr t',79-2138 oRJT ouRloFFIC l.,ito>i r'nirH -s permit accurate Pl'ot and ptot Ptan, subdivision apply to this send Ciean-Up Deposit To: LAIRD coNsTR FOR H II.ISELF AND OI'INER t******************************************************************************* CONDITIONS fF"E?mit €: B9?-0170 as ot ot/.t.l|S.t . Status: lssuED --!i6;;;.ii*ii***************************************************************** \PcrAfiit TYPE: ADD/ALT MF BUITD-PERMIT APPIiEd: 06/20/199'I Applicant, r,eihn-coNsTRucrroN rNc iisued: o7/L8/L997 3035249789 To ExPirez 0L/!A/L998 Job Address:Location: COLDSTREAM, CONDOS UNIT €33 ParceL No: 2LO3-L2L-08-033 Description: INSTALL RAMP FOR PERgONAL USE t . \, '. | |a conditionsr '?r '--il-niniDrrNspEcTroNF iRbTREOUTRED TO CHECK FOR coDE CoMPLIANCE.' . (. r ' r, .f i .' 2r \'' ).r' t 'I tt' ' 'a't a ,i , . ' I i,: Parcel No: 2103-121-08-033 SitE AddTCSS: 14?5 V{ESTHAVEN DR Location: COLDSTREAM, CONDOS UNIT €33 Total Fees: T'h5.s PaYment 230.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 230.25 230.25 .00 *************************************'*************************** Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 65'00 01 OOOO 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 2O'OO 01 ooo0 4:.332 PLAN CHECK FEES 42'25 01 0000 22OO2 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100'00 ti Tt3 :!::e - -----::1-:il:-:I::::TI-T:-----------1-99-- $#H'o:;iiLes:irl4idirha"'i*4itrygrys*. - PERI'IIT # I-,egal Descriptj.on: Lot Block_ rtling Architect: Address: Address: General Description: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Ph. Ph. Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: #*"" and T119e of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- cas rogs- woodr/perret_ lT***'t***************************** vALttATroNs ********************************* duttptue : t a.ooo ! Er,EqrRrcAL: $_ orxnR: I PLIIIBING: F- MFnrrrxrrrrr. i- .---^ !,u!lEING: f - I.1ECHN{fCAL: $-rLt ,T:; : :: i . ::; ;:: :i: : : . iT,"i * *.c_o\rRAcroR rNFoRuArr o, . ? uEcr.rANfCAL: I TOTAL: l-_ ********************^CONIRACTOR fNFORUATION ******!r********************contractor: L.ri "-"( C-''.-r,+. rr.<- . T.*rn .rf rr-i1 b^- t,A )^t :>Address: r:ia-ll il:lj Oii--ff1:**. , , Town of Vail Reg. No.3oA-B ' Phone Nrrnlrcr. .4fu-o-^,- Erectricar contractor: 139? - ol:R5 aaAressi_ Town of Vaif ReE. NO.phone Nunber: Plunbing Contractor: Address: rfork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration /g-eaaitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Town of vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vai.l Phone Nqnl'er:Reg. NO. * * * ** * **** * * * * rr **** !r * * * ** * * * * * * * BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUI.IBING PERI.TIT FEE: I.IECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL 8EE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE; oFFrcE usE ** *** ** * * *************** ******* BUTLDTNG PI.AI{ CHECK FEE:PIJII.IBING pLAIir CHECK IEE:UECHANTCAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEE: CI,TAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: FO.R BUTLDING: STGNATTIRE: ZONTNG: SIGNAIIIIRE: L,;,A G** ' =-< 'rzto c;f": Pl,.o PX flF "-,"- ( C o'sttsz CIJAil I'P DEPOSIT NEN'ilD I ro:j ,jeff B€an.n+1(?0:){{3 L,)14 !or t:nnlr ;dird iil0)laf 161: Jdf Beeman - 625 Nortbstar Court - Bouldcr, CO 80304 303-443-4334 Department 6f f s66rrnity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road vail CO 816s7 lO June, 1997 Dear Sir, Please approve the undersized ramp platform as initially requested- The rarnF ts for use by my wife, as opposed to a public facility and its foru foot platform is quite ade- quate for her purposes, Tbe lamF duplicates ouc outside oru front door which sen/es as the primary means of entrance to our home in Boulder. We appreciate your concern" but the submitted design will work for us and the larger platforn would ac- tually create a problem in achieving the one inch to a foot drop in the avail,able space. Thanks for your consideratlon" Respectfully, Jeff Beemam MEMORANDUM To: Jeff and Donna Beenan From: Don Mactachlan Coldstream Association Re: fnstallation of Ramps / Date: August 14, 1995 / General Manager Colcistrearn 33 Pursuant to our discussion today, you are free to procede with the ranp installation on the north side of your unit, pursuant to the attached p1an, with the ranp constructed of redwood. Please remove the entire bush that is shown on your drawing' The Assoclation will consider placlng some landscaPe material- near the ramp next surnner, once your work has been completed. The Assoclation understands that the cost of installation of the ramp, and it's naintenautce, shall be borne by you. The plan for the deck on the south side, a linited connon element deck area, is also approved by the Association as presentgd on_ the attachnent,. The expense of building and maintenance shall be borne by you. . Dw'* 33 AQ-e*t'"..* &r"Aor'-rq.irar^-re4 " uL<A j"aiw g-? (*ut n Jtr s+4 ----_._---> * ccz+< *+ l*-rrr, i P"" I ^.L-L^- 1".r" I P.-7 I /' s'1e.9 l-'4'1 .l ' x ..lt p^1 / zx(,. P",L,--.e {o)\ r^-..(d. e,x.=*^t & l*"Jtl1 i'x{' {r ic 1',j 6 nn-. l' -{ 4 >.' \ ^ .r'J n,i:f eaiel.t-1 c .l .r *.,.c,,uex-oJ *Jk-1 tc**ree-- tri[L;1S r. tl N ->\ t,,nl* 33 s -) o Des ign Review Action Fo TOWN OF'VAIL r i3 !,+,'Fr o rm Parccl Nurnbcr AtOz -t2/ -og-o7, Projcct Namc: Buildins Narnc: Projcct Dcscription: +33 Owncr, Adtlrcss and t'honc: lr#,^e, !R*-a ..-l ?r-^.^^- -73 cc,,-r-,* 6Zf ,<l-#sA, q;, Architcct/Applicant, Addrcss and Phone: /? 4&..^"Q. Atn, d 6*f, ^- , f r, 12 -f 32/-*zf LcgalDcscription:Lot 5? Block-- -- Subdivision 68r, ( r. zoncDistrict lu t/ Projcct Strcct Acfdrcs r, t/?/ fur*y'o,-, ?n r-- 4./ 4 e S Cornmcnts: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Votc: Scconclcd by: tr APProval D Disapproval n StaffApproval Conditions: Datc:6 '27 - ?? DRBFceprc-paid ?q '^ ' !rorr J.ff !€esI.i (303)!13 l|)t{ FRCFI : Panascni c FAX StStEr A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEIT: 'i,: itir.l3 L::: i ;il,) 3:S fal: Pl-€hc fo, . 9?B w %43 Iun. 7O !997 69t 46tlll Pz Qrcstiuru? C'lll thc Plaming StclTtt 179-212t APPI.ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROYAL GENERAI- INFORMAIION This appli;rrion rs ftr any projcd tcquiring Dcsign RcviW approvd, Any projccl rquiring dcsigrr rcvi;* tnuS roccivcbggn Rwicw approvat nnon ro subnrinhg ftr a building panrit, Fot rp*ific infonn$ion. tpc thc sthnittrl ro$drc6crrr for rhe Juniarlrr appnovel 6at is rqlucrtcd. Thc rpplication csniot b€ oaccptcC undl d,l thc tcquircd ;nfg6p1sn i.n suhnincd, Thc frojcd may aho ncod to bc rcviwcd by thc Tom Council a{/oc tha Plrrtning, snd Errvinsnrcltel Cbrnr: ssion. Dcriga Rwicrv Borrd epprcvd crpircr onc ycrr rftcr linrl epprovll D!la$ r tufldltrg prrhlt ir istued eld oonttructlon lt rfrrted. B. c. D. E. LocATloN oF PROPoSAL; Lof:- lll.ocK: FILING: PlfYglCAL ADDRESS: -.,lb- Fl*cEL #, 2 1 0 3 - / e l - o 9 - 0 7 3 (coil6cr E Slo Cb. Arsonecrn Offi co ilt 9T&3tl(-t610 fof |n 0.l #) ZONING: NAME OFOWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: owNEB(s) slGN A7 UnEts): NAME OF APPLICANTI tr Addltiotr - ,6 Mlnor Altondol. @ o. MAILINCADDRFI,S,. rzSo 4L Ev<, E! . e.a,?<ut^ | G14".1' ,-PH0liE:--5il-€€ll- TYPE OT REVIEW AND FEE: El f{cw Conrrrcdor - SU|O Cmrtnction of r ncr building, $stl lnctrdcr roy addltton whcrc eqcarc fuotrgc b rddqJ (a soy rcsidcntid or comarcrcigl btdtdhg t20 lnr.ludcs minor drangcc to buildings rnd site itntprerncDE, sucb at rcoofing printing. wiadow additions, lradrcqftg. forer std ttrriniDg *altr, oc. O Cooctptrul Rerlcr . l0 For my qrptiotion wbcrc the applicam wishcs to nrcct with Dcdg Rrvic*' Boud to dct*minc whalcr or not tho projcct gctrelly coltplicr wiih tio dcsigt guiddincs. Ibs DRB dosr nol vdc on conrspt€l mvir:wr. DRB F6 ryc to bc trid rt tts tinc of F rhnithl. lrta. *nrqr rppMtT for a Duilding pcrmit. plcasc idcatify thercclratcvrlu*lmofdrcpojcct. TbeTowaofVrilwiUdjruthcfecrccordingrcthcpoluvduatioo' PLEASE SUEMTT THXI Ar?ucATloN, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRE$IINTS AI{D THE FEE To) T}lE DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NTTY DEVEIOPMENT, 75 SOUTIT Til3ONTAGE ROAD. v rLcoroRADo8t6r. |vri*, 33 A$- e+'e; '.it'.''t't*S 't',)t-czJ.cl^atw g-t r;CI.--*-rJll.-"p v/ 3 wur^-{ l*an - J.'.1 :-- + 4.P -------)*cc43 *o !an:.,. f Pa+ I la.<t I I I /' I Pj r.l.r [" lfi'' 7^1 / zrc. e",L,--4 {-)( i^-.(d^ ex.:{x) & lr--,i.'1 i' x {' -t /U | {r;s 1,'1 E n- ' l^ 0 - \ ")on' Covex-el -Jt-1 tcj.*,ee^ tr,t/-i.-1s I P, lt'' = 1 6r::;f eaicl.tl 4e(rr*-..,- urnl*33 s -) MEI,IORANDI'M To: Jeff and Donna Beenan From: Don MaclachLan Coldstream Association Re: Installation of Aanps / Date: August 14, 1996 / General Manager Coldstream 33 Pursuant to our discussion today, you are free to procede i{ith the ramp installation on the north side of your unit, pursuant to the attached plan, with the ramp constructed of redwood. Pl.ease remove the entire bush that is shown on your drawinq. The Association wiII consider placing soroe landscape material near the ranp next sunmer, once your work hae been completed. Tlt" Association understands that the cost of lnstallation of the ramp, and it's maintenance, shall be borne by you. The plan for the deck on the south side, a linited conmon eJenent deck area, is also approved by the Aesociation as presented on the attachment. The expense of building and maintenance shall be borne by you. Qucstiorrs? C"lt Planning Staffat 479-2128 APPLICA'IION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL CI]NERAI- INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring l)asigr [{cvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrrnit. !'or spccitlc intirnlatiorr, scc thc subrnittal rcquircrncnts for thc particuliu approval that is rcqucstctl. Thc applicatiolr carlnot bc ircccptcd until all thc lcquilcd inforrtration is subrrrittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcviovcd by thc Torvn Council anrVor thc Plannirrg arrd Iltviron nrcrrtal Clonrnrission. Dcsign Rcvisv Bonrd approval cxpircs onc ycar allcr linal approval unlcss :r building pcrntit is issucd and construction is stnrtc(l. A. DESCRIPI'ION OF 1'l IE I{L,QUtST: TOI#N OF VAIL B. C. E. LOCAI lON OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ TJLOCK:_ FILINC: P}IYSICAI- ADDRESS://^,'/ # 3< C//t/rr.-- hltn*.ilrm* /L/Z( hk*L.4e= D"t,L d/d?-/21-o0-a33 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Otlicc at 970-32ti-8640 for parccl ll)PAI{CEL #: ZONING: C;. H. NAMEOFOWNER(S): =/.f{I D.xr."- 6"^*o-.."- MAII-INC AI)DRI]SS: oIYNDR(S) Sr GNA'r'U Rri(S):S?Q ^ lA 4"n- F^- r. stu* NN MD OF API'LICANI':/ t-.;'4 MAILINC ADDITESS:l7S a ,Lo ei,/-e PA I)I{ONE:srq- 1 gzl tr Addition - $50 'l*,Minor Altcration - $20 [J Conccptual Revicw - $0 Constnrction of a nov ltuilding. Includcs any additiorl rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or cornnrcrcial building. Includcs nrinor clrangcs to buildings antl sitc irnprovcnlcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting. rvindow additions, lardscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to mcct with Dcsiglr Rcvicw Board to dctcrnrinc whcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplies with thc dcsiglr guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccphral rcvicrvs. tr€E u.J,Lc D Ncw Construction - $200 DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc tinrc of subrnittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcmrit, plcasc idcntify the accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. Thc'l'orvn of Vail will adjust thc fec according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMI'I'TAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI\TENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. CPB B,' tlbtNc - BE .Cocc€cTf} FT ,-e)P%rntf :z-sscr n^(t* t'A-/ LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chintncys Trash Enclosurcs Crcenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * -{ Other * Please specify the manufacturcr's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposcd, pleasc indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identifo each fixhre type and provide thc height above grade, lumens output, luminous area" and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhucs.