HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Block 4 Lot 2 Columbine Northilrign Review,q..ttn Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Columbine North Condos, Building E Ploject Dcscription: Re'roof Owner. Address and Phone: Columbine North Condo Association. 2771 Kinnickkinnick Rd. 476- 6590 Architcct/Contact, Address and Phone: Plath Construction, Drawer 5920, Avon, CO 81620, 949- 1905 Projcct Street Addrcss: Columbine North Condos Bldg. 8,2771Kinnickkinnick Rd Legal Description: Parcel Number': Comments: Lot l, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Building Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Scconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner': Brent Wilson Datc: August 13,1998 Action: staff approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 I :\EVLRYON[':\DRB\APPROVAI.\9$\( OLt rMBIN.l{l.l :P': 6m .'*Wi^rq,,".4".onro*ioEsIFNnEYr.EYt*u,i*i':i:..: BESTCOPY AIJAII.ABIE e8'd'lu.llu ';.,ii-': 'i,...FL , '.': i;l!'}'.; , , ".jl ';r ; ",,.', ' '.",1'j: rny pmJoq rsqrrfrlfif Dcrigt Rsvtsw aOf4al, Ar[ lrojs quidnt nmld, 'i nc11qw r6rilovat piorro nrtnritiirs ttc 1 4fAtni 15gi{ ror+*nc lrqhosbmlbt Cl f|.,p$ird I ,'f* Uil iorri"-tilarryfuwlt frittu $quorca. moi ct tnoo bg dl ilhtfiuh.d rubnrincd" ,It " n ioot nry dro nccd to Ua uy tnf fot m ciunctt'rnilor Urd ntifiing'rnd ' : '' DG{tr Boftlrv qoffd.lppretr|,cfptr$ Fr,Jrcrr rfror fi!|lif}Ho,n1.Flf.!,{ ii"u[i,; :,bnnt.mtuinrtncdnrirrnrrfut.' i .l ' -,. .. l,',i,,,i[:lii;la.,Ho..: A. ; "$EdtfpNorrr$neounlp(. ,.l THE f,GE 'A]lVlt tilud I r'I 'd tzgq 0|l ' " !t.:, ''l';T.'i'i . : z 5c-4, f ,h i fisa ljr'crBtrbrrrCcolet .{{tt0l US.FC}nry 6 'Lst[Dx]NldDu Hluld l^lodl KT,ffi; &.W*cr(hrud t orrr cdirc,uPffilLrtrlF&rrIJtrhrcrnofltfir tttnP40 ycrtarpbrlt naddL ghlqglclb t wwl$adl*hot t''ro4 ui II I I i ftrt{aiL Fdbr Fl lo*agP!opo..[ .: tq- h't r-rJ, !5|ltEDtB-l |: ': it a'd esve^Lv 0t '-tSf.0f,?SNIdnU H1tfld l,l0dj A&T\ZT ffi6r-ll-ffi EA'd -lJIOL foof llistt*tb r6rlcr 'ffiq!,te aof mf GolEr|IIf sElrdEilitoit , -\l ^49\ - - rl.\\ Ul9- forthbetnriqtutbr cJftlt nilaildl prictr c:e t. tJ Tti6r,ir Bodc dorlFd ddng tbrtrrry ind lo bciIFoPGstr; :,I s ia thb nwont *ence rtcdtFaC. .{ory vrrtatoar of $c aar ;wwrvfir E) nc*aeo2nl:1rrrq r$ lgfg twill'bcrffGdD ftcoqutrls{Ficc.t i UciffiulcaPbEcqrfrtr ne rgti.rtlEilt dtn to f,rwr ln n&frlcdo- LcabcdiFviurud D-c6to rb o*rG& lf,ir-flt mcd, ;Ial.t dt|3to ruiatfi la! n'd esvealv o1 ll '1shn]85Ntjfilti Hltfld l.louj l^ldBI:dT 865T-TI-8A zo* /, B// /I V,2,,/xrnanrhin) ON iIOBSITB AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: M99-0088 Status...: ISSIIED epplied. . z O7/22/1999 Iseued. ..: 07/22/L999 &q)ires . .: 0L/L8/2OOO Phone: 970-827-9448 Phorre z 970-827-9448 200.00 lFof wood/P.ll.t, R3ANDIMC.E CONST. iii-lreGIAlrrcer Fir.Dlrc. InfolErgl,onr R..cric!€d: Y ilof or. Apltll&ca. ! *iti*'r**att.t.fti.riJ'**ttl'l..ti|+tt*t}i*i**i.lttt'.'i***lai*PEEgt'Ur'ARyt.ri*ilaalititt*.'ttti'ftii M€chanicrl-- -> P1.n ch.ck-- -> Inrc!tsLg.tlo(r> will cr1l----> R.6!ua!|ttt Plin R.vlcv--> .oo toE.l C.IcuhLcil F.G!---> 29.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARII'BIIT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOIIE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECI{A}IICAI PERMIT .fOb AddTEEg... : 2773 KINNICKINNICK I-,ocation. ..... : 277L Kinnickinnick Parcel No..... : 2103-143-05-015Project Nurnber: APPLICANT SCHNEIDER MECTIANIESL , PO BX 737-4, AVON, CO coMrRAcroR scx{NETDER MEcxIANrcAt , PO BX 73L4, AVON, eOOMIER SCTITARI KBN AND CONNIE RD Rd #4 8L645 81645 ValuaEion:DescripE,ion: Mechan-ical for gas piping to gas conversion f,/p lfof oa. Loga: 20.00 5 .00 ,0o 2S .00 DRB !c6-----_-- totAl FEE8----- A.ldilionrl !l!..- - -- --- --> total Peltnir Faa-----___> Palrdents - - - - --'- 29.00 2g .00 BAIANCE DUE. -. - tt' tt*ttttt i *tt ttt t' tttJttt * *n ''rt ll,t* l' t t 'r tr"ti tfit I trri ttt tr''t''t.'l' 'r 'rttt tr ttt * Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARITTTENT - DepF-:- BUIIJDING Division: O7/22/L999 IqTI{Y Actlon: APPR Approved per ltwrt,em: os50o rr{i pspAF.frEN! --- ,::----- -Dep-: FrRE Division: O7/22/L999 IGTIIY Act,ion: APPR N/A COI{DITION OF APPROVAI, L.2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. GAS SHAIJL SB BO TO HEATING EQUI17 OF TTTE 1997 U Y VIITII CHAPTBR30F997 rTIBIJESIIAIJL BE lI,ISTED FORPL,AI{S Al{D *********************************:t:t*********:l********************i**!r*********:t* E8Io8ttfit$ofrI8iEtH68ilt-E8ffiiTnnrNq HEArrNc- qB.-Her-wArER Y-sori.,riiS-s-tuir,l, Es- EdijrpFsD-wrru A rlooB-oBAIN EF-B sEc.6r-tEE-i997-It!!e ,-0R SEcrrON 1004.5 oF TIIE 1997 rMc. DECI..ARA'TIONS f h.r.by acknorl.dE th.t I h.v. r..dpl|ti, .nd rtrt. th.i .11 ch. Lnfoln.tidr plcvld.d r.to coE ly vlth dl Torn ordinuc.. .nd aerlr 1.r!, .ndcod.., d..lgn n vl.r rpproi'td, Itnlfor:! BulldtnE aod. RtgrrE8tg ton ruspEetloflB glql,t BB taDB !{B![ry-Fom gtotql(rRl ot olmtR oR @tf:nAelER FOR Btl|aELF tl|D dtNER I tsld. .ptrllc.tlqr,1111.d drg ltt ful1 th. infot rtion r.quirca, cdttl.ts.d r|r rccurrt. Plcc 1a I .Er.. co c6lr1y rirh th. Lnfor! Eion .Dd Plot ttl.n, of gh. Toh ll OUR OFFICE FRItU a.OO Al| S!0o lll *****tl*****tl*******************************i*********rl*****!r***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaEemnE !t*************!r***:l*********!t************rl*:l!t****!t***!r********** Statemnt Number: REC-0542 Amount:28.00 07/22/99 09:06 Payment Method:Notation: waived feeg Init: kmw M99-0088 1)pe: B-MECrr MECIIANICAL PERMIT 2103 -143 - 06 - 0152773 KINNICKINNICK RD277L Kinnickinnick Rd #4ToEaI Feeg:28.00 Tot,al ALL, PmEs: Balance:********tltt********!t*:t:l***:l**!r*********************i************* Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:L,ocation: ThJ-s Payment Account Code**WAIVED FEES** Description WAIVED FEES 28 .00 28.00 .00 Anount 28.00 rowN oF vAilCNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, ol,"AroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BN REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle Countv Assessors Office at 970-32E-E640 for Parcel # Parcet 4 Ztq-a-lq3-O(o - Ol5 Job Name: Building ( )Plumbing ( ) Lot BlockLegal Descriptio4: Ovrners Name: Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: lfIF Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ General Contraclor: Town of Vail Regisbation No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbing Contractor: Permit # Job Address: Electrical ( )Mechanical kf Other ( ) Filing SuMivision Address:Phone# Address: Alteration ( )Addinonat<{Repat( )Other ( casr-ogs / VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL {__ErtT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Number of Accommodation Units: OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Wood/Pellet Phone # Address; Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TownofVailRegistrationNo. ISO-m Phorre# ala'f{8 Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Regislration No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: o DEVELOPME}TT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0225 Status...: ISSUEDApplied. .. LL/04/t998rssued. . .: !L/04/1998 E>cpires. . : 05/03/t999 Phone z 827-9523 Phone z 827-9523 PEE SI'UMARY IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT -p-e!t: BUILDING Division:71/o+/tgg8 JRM Action: APPR APPRoVED .lRlvfiEafi,'o56oo-idnE DEPARTMENi --_ ' Dept: FrRE Division:11/04/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1_. FrELD INSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEqK EQR_qODE qOMP_I{IANCE.i. tolaeusrioN-ArR-IS nuQuinED DEn sgc. -6_0J-qF-TEE 1e91-I[ac:-- 5 : ifrsrEii,AiloN-MuSi edfiFdRu-rO uarvupacrlJREs INsTRUcrIoNs AllD-' fo AppENDrx cIaPTER 2l- oF THE 1991-1lryIq-.-- -- -a. GIs- i,FF-l,raiicps -SHar,l,-er-VENTED AccoRDrNG,To qHAPTER 9 AND-' s-riArl,-Tnm,IitqEtn-A-s SpuerrlED rN sEq.906 QE-THE 1991,Iry1-c.s. Eb-cu$s-To-HiIAiruG-nQUrFMsNT l4!st coMPI-,Y wrrH sEc-sgs AI'ID 703 OF THE ].991 IJMC. e . e6iliits-SuAr.,i-,-Bu-Mduuno oN FLooRS oF IlqNcQyEUsrrBr-,E coNST.-' irNtESS-trsTED Fon uoutltrNc oN co!4BUgr-rELE-E!qoRIl!G-.,-----------z. FiinrrlrT. FTANS-AIID--CbDE- ANALYSIS -MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL RooM PRTOR TO AN INSPECTION REQT]EST s . b-FifNAGu-0-r-MecriANrcai, -n00Ms cONTArNrNq HEAT-rNG oR HoT-wATER-' sitpF1,f-solleiiS -S-HALL Es EQUrppED 6ITH A FLooR DRAIN PER sEc. 21,19 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I heleby aeknolrlcdge tshaL I have read thi6 application, filled outs in full the info40atsion requircd, cooPl.ted an accuraLe plot' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPART14ENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED PERMIT 81645 8'r..545 .Job Address. . . : 27'73 KINNICKINNICK RD Location. -....: 2773 KTNNICKINNICK RD Parcel No..... : 2103-143-05-015 Projects Number: APPLICAIV| THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC P.O BOX 570, MrNnlRN cO CONTRACTOR THE HEARTH EXCHANGE INC P.O BOX 670, Mrl{rIlRN CO OWNER SCUIARI KEN AND CONNIE Description: REPI,ACE WOOD BURNER TO GAS APPI-,IANCE FireDlace Infonatsion: Rcstricted: Y #of cas Applianc.s: Valuat.ion: #of caa Loge: 1,000.00 *of Wooa/Pallets: Mechanical---> 20.00 Restualant Plan Revie!{--> .00 TOTAI, FEES. -. - - Tolal CalculaCed Fres---> Addi.tional Feea---- __-_-> Total Permit Fcc-----_-_> PalmehEg------- 28.00 -29. oo . o0 .00 Plan check- -- > Investigation> will call----> 5.OO 3.O0 .00 t btu. lna .ca!. lhrc .11 th. lnforu.*1r"." aa rcguLrrd 1r corrccts., .r... "o fry viEh ch. Lnforo.tsloD -na ploe phn, Co coulrly rihh r11 ToIn ordlnlnccs rnd .Elb. l.rt, .nd to butld codr!, dclj.gm rcvlor rpprovcd, unLform Butldtng Codc and otsh.r REOIrEgtg FOR TNSPBCITIONA gHAltJ BE IIADE TllEtttI-FOUR HOURS rN AIONAT{'RA OP ON{I|BR, d, @IgTRACIOR FOR HII'gB&F IIID OIOIER rccordlng Eo ehc lotn'r tqrlng rnd aubdlvirlon tha torn _rppllcrble !h.r.Co. I OR AT OUR OFFICE IROM 8:00 A!{ 5r0O PM , APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I*.*,r*************************** pERl,tIT INFORI{ATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DAftE ./"t l-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [1y'-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: {r} 3zg- Etz'1,0 slas /4306 PERMIT APPLICATTON FO DATE: l0-3o-1 9 Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing ,w,d r,r \?o \r z Lc-u L(_- r" l- I--' pERMrr /l *ntbinc N Addres s : (, 3 ltr o h 0., I Av e, (h o r-* h k,t lt t''to *P}..@o Town of Vail Reg. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. lto.l7{-&1 Phone Nurnber: 9e7-q hzz- Address:Ph. General Description:ol Work class: [ 1-ll.w g V1:teration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ] Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomm,:dation Units z l Nprnber and Type of Fireplacesi Gas Appliances-il- Gas Logs.. - I{oodr/Pellet-rt ******rt*************************** VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tl dutr,pruc: $ Elnctnlcal: $ orHER: $-- iitGiNA; T nncnxfcai $@- rorAL: $-_--ttrif Fca \Ua-rL<'/" z ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************'Eeneral Contractor: T,rwn of Vail Reg. NO.- Address:I',rone l{umber ! ovtners Nane: Architect: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMI]ING PERMIT FEE: MECI]ANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: MechanicaL contractor: deer'{-l-- Ft '' '- lArlr-aec. fA-., t4a ^^,'^ffi ,I FOR OFFICE USA ****************t************** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI''BING PLAN CHECK FEE: I{ECHANICAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN.UP DEPOSIT; TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BU]LDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SICNATURE: Cornments: CLII../\N T'P DEP,OSIT REFOND TO: VALUATION AESTHETICS AND OPERATION . Auailable as a heat circulator or a radiant unit in two dffirent sizes (36" or 42" openings) for a aariety of choices. . Choice of two optional upgrade features that may be installed at the factory prior to shipment: simulated brick refractory lining and fan (heat circulating units only). . Clean face design allows you to bring finishing materials right up to the glass. . 36,000 Btu/hr. input for 36" units and 38,000 Btu/hr. input for 42" units deliaers an industry Ieading flame appearance. . Heatilator Flame Technology (HFT") prottides for tall, dancing, yellow flames. The ember bed and fiae ceramic fiber logs glow to complete the look of authentic burning hardwood. . Electronic ignition or standing pilot offers the choice of two prouen starting systems. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE . Entire burner and ignition controls are one platform piece that easily lifts out to proaide easy adjustments, seruice and future upgrades. . Uses 6" B-oent chimney system for economical installation. . Prewired junction box and flexible stainless steel gas connector with safety shutoff aalzte s implify ins t alla tion. SAFETY STANDARDS All components are UL, A.G.A., C.G.A., or C.S.A. Safety Certified. One-year limited warranty; approoed for installation in bedrooms. Note: A 90o offset is strictly prohibited, Requires simple 6" B-aent chimney system components. Vent must terminate aboue the roof line. Termination must be a minimum of 9' aboue the top of the appliance. Horizontal ffiets are possible but must be no greater than 50% of the aent height abooe the appliance, A one inch air space clearance must be maintained around all aenting components; a three inch clearance must be maintained aboue any horizontally run aenting components. We strongly discourage against any B-oent fireplace being installed in a basement or an area susceptible to negatiae air pressure situations such as in a liaing room with cathedral ceilings. When finishing the Genezta, combustible material may be brought up to the sides of the fireplace but must neaer ouerlap the black area. The black metal may be cooered with noncombustible material only such as marble, tile, stone, etc. Radiant panels may be completely coaered with noncombustible materials. Warning: The grilles on a heat circulating model must never be covered with finishing naterid. t^ 741 /ft" ROUGH FRAMING DIMENSIONS . Ce nar)a 36" Scries: ittidth - 43"; hcight dapth - 24". . CcneT)n 42" Saries: zpiLlth - 49"; hcight tlcpth - 24". 39 3/;"; 39 3/4"; CLEARANCES TO SURROUND/COMBUSTIBLES . Mininunt ntantel heisht - 42". ' Top tt.f stnntloffs - 0"; Floor - 0"; Bqck and sitles oJ fircplnce - 1"; Ceiling - 30" . Perpcndiculnr sitleionll - 1" CERTIFICATIONS . Certified fttr instnllntiott in betlroonts or bad/sitting roonts under nrost ntnjor bu il Lling cotlcs. . Consult locnl buildittg codes for locnl instnllstions nrrtl opa rn t ittttLrl guirltlrnes. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS . Thc rough franting dintensiotts shott,n nbot,t' represcnt the distnnce .frttnt stud to stLtd ()ttlrl nnd dtt rtLtt tnka into consideration the adLlition of shtt t rock/d rqionll . . Thr: top ltendt,r may touch the stnndoft's, but the dinr:n."ion shozon herc nllou,s t/t" to posilion the fircpltce if frnnting is cttnstructcLl prior to tlte plnct'nte nt of tht' uttit. . lNirittg for 0n optionnl fnn kit ()r renlote control nrust be dttrrc prior Itt finishing thc installntion. . For bcst results, Llo not construct the frLtnting until the unit is ln plncc. ModellAIBlC Geneva36" | 36'' | 41" | 24t/{ Geneva tl2" | 42" | 47" | 30 I/-t'' Geneva 35tt GGBR36 GGBR36E GGBR36L GGBR36LE GGBC36 GGBC36E GGBC36L GGBC36LE Series Radiant, natural gas, standing pilot Radiant, natural gas, electronic ignition Radiant, L.P. gas, standing pilot Radiant, L.P. gas, electronic ignition Heat circulating, natural gas, standing pilot Heat circulating, natural gas, elecbonic ignition Heat circulating, L.P. gas, standing pilot Heat circulating, L.P. gas, electronic pilot Geneva 42tr Series GGBR42 Radiant, natural gas, staniling pilot GGBR42E Radiant, natural gas, electronic ignition GGBR42L Radiant, L.P. gas, standing pilot GGBR42LE Radiant, L.P. gas, electronic ignition GGBC42 Heat circulating, natural gns, staniling pilot GGBC42E Heat circulnting, natural gas, electronic ignition GGBC42L Heat circulnting, L.P. gas, standing pilot GGBC42LE Heat circulating, L.P. gas, electronic pilot RC4, RCs, RC6 ON/OFF Remote Control Heatilator Inc. a HON INDUSTRIES company 1915 W Saunders Street Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641 RGB35, RGB42 Refractory Lining FK4 Fan Kit 800/843-2848 Fax 800/89-7549 http:/ / www.heatilator.com HEATILATOR is a registered trademark of Heatilator Inc. Specificafions and options are subject to change. Flame appearance may differ from that shown in product literature due to geographic and atmospheric differences. OPTIONAL GLASS DOORS DM1o35 36" original Bi-fold DM1035A doors in antique, polished DM1036B or black trim finish. cl142[ 42" Classic Bi-fold doors C7742R in antique or polished brass C7742C or polished chrome fnish. DF361A 36" fixedbi-folil glass doors DF361B in polished ol antique brass. DF427A 36" fixed bi-folil glass itoors DFA21B in polished or antique brass.DM1o42 42" original Bi-fold DM1042A doors in antique, polished DM1042B or black trim finish. c27364 36" Classic cabinet doors C21358 in antique or polishedbrass C2136C or polished chrome finish. c1136A 36" Classic Bi-fold doors C1136B in antique or polished brass C1136C or polished chrome fnish. c27424 36" Classic cabinet doors C27428 in antique or polished brass C21^42C or polished chrome fnish. Flaor(h Erclawle REPTl3I8"7e6/t999 10:35 Activityl'flddress: L.ocat i on: Pareel: Deseri pt ion : Appl icant : Orrner: Contraetorr REauEsrd?[I'Ei'X"ib i-CTILORADO SHEETS FT]R PA6E AREA: JRltle6l 1999 Fr99-604S 7 /e6/ 19 Type: B-I4ECH Status: ISSUED tronstr: FIAtrT 8773 KINNICKINNICK RDP77l Kinnickinnick Rd *4e103-143-06-01s {'lrlechanical for gas pi ping SCHNEIDER iIECHANICAL SCUTARI KEN AND CONNIE SCHNEIDER HECHANICAL to gas Bcc rconvereion f/p trhonez i7O-8,27-9448 Phone: Phonez i7O-8?7'9448 Use: Insper:t ion RequestRequestorr Kurt Iteq Tirer 68:OOIters requested to ol0,2ol9 ltlEtrH-Rough OO39O ltlEtrH-Final Inforration..,.. SchneiderCorrents! O net^be Inspected,..on property flction Corr ent s Tire Exp Inspect i on History..... o,oA9'A ilECH-Rough OOEES FIRE-SPRINKLER HOUTiH Wn24O PLlrlB-Gas Piping SOSIO HEtrH-Heating O&seO HECH-Exhauet Hoods Ae33O ilEtrH-Supply Air OG:i4O FIECH-ltlise. OO39O ltlECH-Final AO53g FIRE_FINAL C/Tl It er:Iter:fter:IterrIter:Iter:Iter:IterrIter: 0v Phone: 476-5161