HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 14 LEGAL FILEo '*frt{,7,n Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Develgtm€nt 75 South Frontage Road, vail, colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax;970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%comC$**jh{]-{ !E ELOstS.l+T Project Name: ERWSD NEW WATERTANK Project Description: DRB Number: DRB060092 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A PROPOSAL FOR THE REPLACEMEI'IT OF AN E}SSilNG .2 MG ABOVE GROUND STEEL WATER TANK WITH A 1.5 MG ABOVE GROUND CONCRETE WATER TANK. - landscaping plan with substantial vegetation and <4' boulder retaining walls to provide larger Participants! OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTANO4/Oil2OO6 8.I5 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANIT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITAI04/0712006 Phone: 970-476-7480 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: 362-B CONTMCTOR EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITAI04/0712006 Phone: 970-476-7480 846 FOREST ROAD VAILco 81657 License: 362-8 Project Addrc$. 2724 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: 2734 SNOWBERRY DR Legal Description: Lot; 14 Block: 9 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number: 2103-143-0104-4 Comments: see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of ApProval: 06/30/2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. .; Cond:202 -Apprwal of thls project strall lapse and become vokl one (1) year follotting the <bte of flnal approral, unless a buildlng permit b bsued and consffuctlon b ommenced and ls dlligently pursued bward ompletion. Cond: CON000823,0 At the 6me of buiHing permit, the applicant shall submit profieslonal[ engineerd/stam@ dmwings of all walls to be higher than 4. Plannsr: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Fald: f65O.0O Conceptual neviJ Application for Design Review Department of @mmunity Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgotr.com General Information: All projecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to slbmitting a. building permit appliotion. flease refer to the submittal requirer"nts for the partiorlai approrat that is Gquested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is rieived by the Community Devetopment Department' The p.l.A r.V also need O Ue rerytew* by the Town Council and/or ttre Planning and Environmenlal Commi$ion.-o.lign ,"ir:"* approval tapses unlesi a building permit is issued and constnrcilon commences within one year of the aPPrcval. LocaUonof tfreProposal: tot: l'{ ebck: Q Subdivision:$u.ll-EE Physical Address:21311 Sj\b{,8€VF Name(s) of owner(s): EPeK ?rvf'r( Mailing Addr€ss: J Owner(s) Signature(s): €r o inJ o 6-8tL Phone:10 4?1 sn5 Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Concepfual Revial g4l1",n Con$udionD Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-fa mi ly/commercia l) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) tr Changes to ApProved Plans O Separatjon Request Phone:'7o .n1 5.151 Far: o -c) F\$50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild' F00 For an addition where square fooagg p added.to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, sjdl as' re-roofing, paintng, window additions, landscaplng' fences and r€,taining walls, etc' $20 foi min6r cfranges to buildings and site improvements, $ldr as' re-roofing, painung, windoiv additions, landscaping, ftnces and retaining walls, etc. $20 6i t*i-sont io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Reriew Board. No Fee H'.Tz"eaog ^*^o.' ffiTe, rq""uns out , -# i'}-o;nr oo o o o / **** *******'t * * ***** ** *** +****+**************** **** * + + f + * ****** *:*{t*i+*****1.***t*********'t**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt Statement Number: R050000341 Amount: S550.00 04/07/200608:43 AM Palrment Method: Check Inits : .ISNotation: 3 8 782 /ERWSD $5s0.00Thia Payment: $650.00 Total ALL Pmt6: $550.00Balance: 50.00*********1.**{.***t{.*******1.****{.*ft{.********l++*****************t**+***t**+************+***.'* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accoune Code Current Pmta DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIESI FEES 550.00 Permit No: DR8060092 Parcel No: 2LO3-]-43-OIO4-4 SiCe Address: 2724 SNOWBERRYLocation: 2734 SNOI{BERRY DescriDtion T)G)e: DRB - New Construction DR VAII, DR Total- Fees: I Project Memo Our refi 053-2372A Apnl7,2006 To: Jim Boyd, ERWSD t76 '//// {,lS.z) From: Frank Harrison. Golder Associates Inc. CC: Bob Bates, Bates Engineering John Kronholm, Alpine Engineering Subject: Stone Columns vs. Surcharge Fill Intermountain Tank Site Jim, We have discussed pros and cons of Stone Columns vs. a surcharge fill for the Intermountain Tank site. As we have discussed, we are providing this memo to summarize our understanding of the issues, our opinions, and recommendations. The Intermountain site has been the subject ofother reports from our office: Golder Associates lnc., Consultation and Preliminary Opinions Regarding Shoring and Slope Stability, Intermountain Tank Site, Vail, Colorado, March 18,2005. Golder Associates Inc., Slope Stability Analysis Results, Intermountain Tank Site, Vail, Colorado, April 20, 2005. Golder Associates Inc., Geotechnical Assessment for Altemate l,ocation of Proposed lntermountain Water Tank, Vail, Colorado, December 5, 2005. We have also provided you with draft copies of an underdrain design and stone column layout, on March 21,2006. Our December 5, 2005 report identifies settlement issues for the "above ground" tank site, and these issues have lead to the current discussion regarding ground improvement techniques. We believe stone columns to be a viable technique for mitigating tank settlement at this site. We have also considered a simple surcharge fill to pre-load the foundations. This memo outlines our current thoughts about each approach. We have also considered and discussed other ground improvement or foundation options such as various types ofgrouting and conventional deep foundations, but have ruled them out at this time. Grouting techniques (various types) would tend to impede, rather than enhance subsurface drainage, and conventional deep foundations are likely to be expensive and inconsistent with the current tank design approach. Advantages ofa fill surcharge include: o Simple technology, most likely requires no specialty subcontractoro Should be effective for settlemento Probable lower cost Disadvantages ofa fiIl surcharge include: o Difficult to construct and/or stagee Material availability uncertainr Increased truck trafficr No improvernent to subsurface drainage or slope stability Advantages of the stone column option include: . Should be effective for settlementr Should also improve subsurface drainage and slope stabilityr Requires less import materialr Requires less truck trafficr May be easier to construct with qualified sub-contractor Disadvantages of the stone column option include: o Requires an experienced specialty sub-contractoro Likely to be higher in cost. Our opinion is that stone columns are the better option, but we understand that you will consider both in conjunction with other design team members. The primary basis for our ^* opinion is that we believe the enhanced performance (to drainage and slope stability), and the constructability challenges (material availability, truck traffic, and staging) for the surcharge option outweigh cost considerations. In order to implement the surcharge option, these issues will need to be resolved. In regard to costs, detailed opinions ofprobable construction cost are beyond our current scope. However, we offer the followilg observations for your consideration: r Informal discussions with a qualified subcontractor (Hayward Baker) indicate that construction of the stone column layout as shown on our current draft drawings could be expected to be about $ 150,000. This would include mobilization and imporVdelivery of the necessary gravel.r We estimate that about 5,000 (+/-) cubic yards of fill would be required for the surcharge. I believe John Kronholm has looked in to this issue and determined a similar number. The cost for the surcharge will depend on a number of questions, such as how the surcharge construction is staged into the overall earthwork construction, whether the material can remain on site, or must be hauled away, and the sourcdlocation of the material. However, it seems likely that the surcharge option will cost less than the stone columns.o Several of the disadvantages of the surcharge option (especially tuck traffic) MAY have the potential to be considered "fatal flaws". We are not in a position to exaurine this question fi:rther, but it factors into our recommendation of stone columns as theprefened approach. Please call if you would like to discuss this firrther. 'f ERWSD lefcroormtrin ltYater Stmqe TraL Oycrltov Thc ERW$D pmpord 1.5 MG lntsmountdn We$rtraS. Trnt is poopM o bc built jusr to tbe os$t of thc d of sno*tcrry Drira a{iufi ro rn rxirtir8 srtcr lsnb ?b ovsdlo{r h dtcproposod t{nf wiu bepited to*lcdhchon rhcroUrhsi& of rlrc cul'&sac o Fmqbqrr Drivc. Thc ovrrllov r*ill foHon' &c dirclr ljo ro cxisirs 36" diamcnrcomryaudfftat gpc {Otlp} lhet di$ca$ ltow urdtr$rewbcrryhhc to lhe cric{sg s*!b. Th ditcb lctcrm rbc sno*bcny Drive etrl&sac ald rtr c.rirting 36" CMP wtll bc fnprovcd ad rrmolcd ro have caprcify &r tlrc oraar{ow, The *fudrg s*alc bclE* ric rxisring i6- CIr{p is caap bul le *tE,srb}i$kd vegtifiioo oo the *ido slopec and pot*lc h thc botorn Tbc cxfuriag s*ale Baws ro s orinring 24' CMP tlr$ is pmtcc&d by I sukntirt ruh ract, Ttrc 0ory io c'onrnincd in tbE 2tl" CS{P ell fte wry o Gotc Otck Atrb6a! all rb rtopcs of tu cxl*i4 24- Clr,lf {rcnor known rItlth point, tr is fek thdSc r4,'CMpurill brvetrryrity fffrbrft$k orcrflor (pry cqrcily * 800;FUmiFl.8 c&] *ircr.,2a" CMprr 2% clec crn csry t , ct8.:.. i-:j:.rtrii o \ I tuaa TEEO 1tt O4,hr 4./ 4L Dt3naWO <rttCZt^teO taXts\-_ _-/ -- --- Landscape an! lrdeation lo'tes w. .r ot! qi.Ge !.r'*6. pp6 't wtta. an ftga...'pt&,. rd .e;tatrg atl vtttt!.dp-6 re ,b@ b<Ab or att tuq.oln rrmbt ttu p.@ ba\ ..eb re4. .avetd avr r4. *t .at@dftt tq dt.dbtzq d ed dttu, .ar td ar ot6t rct-br. .+p?\.c v\t 64 1484t Rrt E h.atsy da .ttut.hrq ..dtw at ett6 9.^b d t d ,.6, tr- dot. o. thct a..pte. 4qte. ^'u@t dl La M. d\ Ptat bt elng 6is etla dtu> b p1a w, a L^ ^r\p...@ r@t..!b^ qn / d tad!6tub tu t.. tu b d99.9 ^L e qt @v oqPe tuc 6t .tt L^ bt*. Ptat bb. d. a4 ^n tbt, d.1 tk4r9 ro t-e..p&. to.rrn@ ot ?6t aer-6t ^rt rct t Fstbd ^bu atub.z tt tt- L^. eatrg Le.tt'tt dx rd ott r.d r. b"..1 e 2a Er .drbd i.. ad Stnb t4t.h et.. bd tutcN t... b b tr&a ad 94.a ^1b 2*4 (2 *. .p&. t. thbal 6 q4r ntat f-Fo.t.Itt'e@^'rt'2na ! a.o'r'-eo.t. ^r\ attt -o q,c.na. Frew a- c* '*' a'* * t'.6 h& Le-4- .abed b r.rtu a ddtr attuE t94b.9't6 td .t4 ptdrt @ie6 rdd 4P atbd b at 6 evqate d tuitah rybrd Lp 9.q. te r@r e./e bv* de to bo ta4aba .6tor* ttut6 e. .*.. tq ctt ,'p.n k... tr. e 5 htqh dte t. .o tu 2" q.ta.eh t .. P, qProe.d .qEt ro havtd. eE xttt a P?.P6d rd a tu 9e ttuzq" dhe. ?.aq.a ,6 au tbd h thb Sectaon E-E'Looking SCATE 1'= 2q-0' Northeast Grass Seed Mix (MountainPlant Schedule * .n ;;N","^,,,^,c o.,. bO to cOo Ro, IEEE9 g&tto tuYtqn@Ed.-P tos t+,,t ch *qtr6 ?2t O..t-ag.d .-e 6\.t a tqFtu "L^tfitl. E G, aO pqa ot Fr. tN. ...d pr e..Mr b qr,tud b9 *- . . t - c, | - to.,o - t2 *9h aata.ab 9.6 (@ bb4 t^ ddxt6 tt tt- -.d ^e, tt- .ott-^rg -n a ry*cVepa a ra 6 eel ogab Fdt'k- {, d@'{BERRY CUL-DE-5AC 6O 6 l \.t\,--;, J *Ry'EE \".rt* I il, .6a av W F0r0i0 SCAIE 1';-2O{'t 66 EYE LEI/EL WEA AREA FROr'l LOr€R RIVE Af 4 HAX_ Ht6t1 @a[DeR RCtAtNt|r' tt tLSFCR TREE PlANTlr\lC€ 4' t<tx. gan tzno€F. REfAINIIII' '\ALIs FOR TIEE Mz F &r!F F z FzD &rI] -7 FO Fa z F FZ- av cl ntl f r'l rrl Fl r r) From: Elisabeth ReedTo: jboyd@erwsd.org; Karen Shanley; Linn SchonDate: 06/30/2006 12:37:59 PMSubject Staffapproval Hi Karen: Thanks for droppirp off plans this moming reflecting some new rctiaining ualls on the site to support proposed vegetation. All of the PEC conditions have been fulfilled except the follo,'ring: '1. Prior to construction, a staging plan and Public Way permit shall be required by the Public Works Departm€nt. You may have made progress on this that ljust don't knorv about. lF so, let me know so that I may mark that condition as completed. As for the DRB proposal, I placed the condition on the submittal that anywalls lo exceed 4' must be PE stamped/submitted to ihe Tovrn. lfigured that is one that ptl were already aware of. Thanks for lour time and patience during this prooess. Good luck during constructionl Best, Elisabeth Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wv,'tv.vailgov.com June 22,2O06 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 970.476.4089 Attn:Ms. Linn Schorr Mr. James Boyd, Jr. Re 2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermounlain Dear Ms. Schorr, Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board meeting at which the Board addressed its concerns regarding the site planning surrounding the proposed water tank installation at the referenced address. The Board tabled the application until July 5, 2006, at which time it would like to see the following concerns addressed: 1. The DRB claified that their suggestion to add walls to the north of the tank was not intended to result in additional backfill directly sunounding the tank. Rather, the Boad is intercsted in creating (a) flatter bench area(s) in which vegetation can be planted and befter grow, since viable vegetative growth is rarely achieved on 2:1 slopes without retaining measures. 2. lt was specifically suggested that an engineered boulder retaining wall be designed to preserve the slope at a 2 % : 1 or 3 : 1 gradient and thereby su pport scree ning vegetation. Please submit a new landscape plan and grading plan to the Community Development Department by Monday, June 3, 2006, at 12p.m,, in order to remain scheduled for a final review by the Design Review Board on Wednesday, July 5m. Please don't hesitate to call me in the meantime with any questions. lwill plan to receive revised plans from you soon. ' BestrcTftl . (\*/- /""/ ,/- /- t.z { t/74///fz- 7< Elisbbeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 flp ^r.''rro "rr* fF O Encle Rrven WnrEn & Snrurrnnoru Drsrnrct 846 Forest Road o Vait, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480. FAX (970) 476-4089 www,eawsd,oag June 13, 2006 Ms. Elisabeth Reed Town of Vail - Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970.479.2128 SUBJECT: INTERMOUNTAINWATERTANKLANDSCAPINGDESIGN Dear Review Board Members: The Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (District) has consulted with our engineering team and staff regarding your request for the installation of a series of retaining walls across lhe north face of the proposed Intermountain water storage tank at Snowberry Drive. The thought being that the installation of retaining walls would permit additional backfill to be placed, further screening the tank from view. While the retaining walls are entirely feasible, they are normally reserved for use in reducing slope angle or confining embankment. In this instance, they would serve no engineering purpose. I would like to explain the Districts decision to continue with our original landscaping submittal and to decline to instrall the retaining structures. o During the winter of 2005/2006, a makeshift ski/snowboard jump was constructed at the tank site using the existing slope and the berm currently surrounding the tank. The installation of retaining walls, i.e. jumps, may require the District to address liability concerns. The retaining walls and accompanying fill could also provide access to the top of the tank.r The Town stipulates that slopes greater than 2:1 require retaining structures. Our fill slope design adheres to the 2:1 requirement.r The access road and maintenance bench for the tank would require redesign to accommodate retaining walls. The access road is al 17o/o gtade due to site constraints. The design grade and alignment of the access road'and maintenance bench have been optimized in their cunent configuration. Raising the fill elevation across the north face of the tank will steepen the access road at the tank, requiring additional earth retaining structure(s). A driveway steeper than 17o/o would not be feasible for District vehicle access.r The water tank would require redesign if retaining walls and the ensuing additional fill were called for. Backfill against the tank must be uniform in,elevation. In conclusion, the District is committed to lhe ongoing care, including replacement in the case of mortality, of the landscaping required to effectively screen the tank. We feel that the plan submitted is adequale and meets historic and cuslomary criteria. Sincerely, Jim Boyd Gonstruction Manager c: Linn Schon, Karen Shanley ib WrreR, Wesrsw.qren, OpeRerroNs & Mluceve r,tt SeRvtcEs C:\DOCLME-l !ADMINI-l\[OCA[S-l\TEMP'\DRB I"A.NDSCAPINC LETTELDOC d\ PAIJL R. COCKREL JAMES P, COLLINS ROSERT G. COI-E TIMOTIIY J. FLYNN EVAN O. EtA LINDA G, ALEXANOER OAVIO A GREHER JAMES M. i/ECK TELEPHONE 309086.1551 800.361-59{1 FACSIMILE 303-€8& 1756 OIRECT E.MAIL lcoun!@cccllm.corn Connrs CocKREL & Core A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIO I ATIORNEYS AT LAW 300 UNIO{ BOLlEvARIt, SUm '400DErryER. CON.OR 00 a)22&rs56 urYrw.cccllflrcom June 6, 2006 Vn Ervral, Ms. Karen Shanley, Construction Manager Eagle River Water and Sanitation Disfrict 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Intermountain Tank Removal and Reconstruction Dear Karen: This letter is intended to be shared with, and relied upon by, the Town of Vail. I have reviewed with you the proposed project to consEuct a larger water storage tank at the District's property within Vail Intermountain, which sits adjacent to property owned by Ms. Vicki Miller. This project involves tlre removal of the existing water storage tank; which tank sits partially upon, and is the subject of, an easement upon the adjacent Vicki Millerproperty. It is my opinion, based upon my review of the facts with you, that the current easement of the District is adequate to effect the removal of the old storage tank. Said removal will actually benefit the Vicki Miller property. Please let me know if any questions remain. ud4 James P. Collins General Counsel to Eagle RiverWater and Sanitation District IPC/zah C;\Clicnts\Eaglc Rivcr W&S\Lctte6\b K. Shanlcy 060606.doc fF Encle Rrven Wnren & Sarurrnroru DrsrRrcr 846 Forest Road . Vail, Colorado 81657 e7at 476,148O . FAX (970' 4-t6-4O89 'tJ\ J\ ',erv,/sd,olo April 28,2006 Town of Vail - Department of Community Development Attn: Ms. Elisabeth Eckel 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Intermountain Water Storage Tank - Tree Removal Dear Elisabeth. As an addendum to the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District's lntermountain Water Storage Tank submittal, your Project # PRJO6-0119, I would like to correct an effor in my cover letter. It was previously stated that the new tank site was void of trees. ln fact, construction of the proposed water storage tank would require tree removal. Following field investigation, the list below details the trees that would be subject to rernoval during construction: (7) Pine beetle kill trees ranging in height of45' to 55' (1) Live pine that has fallen to the ground, approximately 50' tall (12) Conifers ranging in height of 6.5' to 7' tall (7) Conifers approximately I 5' tall (l) Possibly (2) Conifer saplings, approximately I' tall (3) Aspens near conifer copse, approximately I' tall (1) Branchy shrub (1) Sapling NE of existing tank, near large beetle kill trees (2) Aspens approximately 25' tall & (3) dead aspens, all approximately 25' tall (these trees may not be in construction path). I have attached to this email a zip file containing photos from the site visit. The lighting was not conducive to excellent photos so I apologize for that. But hopefully they can provide further detail for the Public Works Department. WareR. WnsrewarrR, OprRLrtol,rs & Menncruerur Srnvtces C :\DOCUME-l\ADMNI- l\LOCALS- l\TEMP\TREE REI\'IOVAL.DOC J\ ,fF Encu Rrven WareR & Sarumanoru DrsrRtct 846 Forest Road a Vail, Colorado 81657 l97O) 476-748O . FAX (970) 476-4089 www,erwsd,org Also for your review I've included correspondence pertaining to the town's storm drainage systern calculations and possible maximum flow into that systern (pdf attachment). Alpine Engineering's Water Storage Tank Outflow results are also included. Please feel free to contact me if vou should need anv additional information. Sincerely, James B. Boyd, Jr. Construction Manager * Enclosure(s) Site Photographs c: Linn Schon - ERWSD Wlren. WlsrewlreR. OpERllolrs & MaucEtr.rEt'rr Senvtces C:\DOCUME-l\ADMNI-l\LOCALS-l\TEMP\TREE REMOVAL.DOC N April 17, 2006 Eagle River Waier and Sanitation District Aftn: Mr. James Boyd, Jr. 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 8,|657 Re: 2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Dear Jim, Per our conversation last week, I have attached the comments of the Public Works Department which I received earlier today. Time permitting, the tirst two comments should be fulfilled by the time of the Planning and Environmental Gommission public hearing on May 8, 2006. Otherwise, lhese comments will need to be addressed as conditions of approval. The latter three items will be conditions of approval to be fulfilled at the dime of building permit submittal to the Town. lf you have any questions regarding any of these issues, feel free to call myself (479.2454) or Tom Kassmel, at 479.2235. I will plan to see you at the public hearing on May 8. The meetings begin at 2 p.m., but I will call you late in the prior week to let you know of the approximate placement of this item on the agenda. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure: Public Works Deoartment comments o P'l I t, L. O / rt7"41y7 sa7777an, /tri lanning and Environmental commis tonb/b 7 ACTIOI{ FORU D€partment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 tdxt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcject Name: ERWSD WATER TANK CUP Project Descripton: Participants: PEC Number: PEC060031 Conditional Use Pemit request for the placement of a 1.5 million gallon abovejround water tank to replace existing 350K gallon water tank to be used for fire flow protection and support during low flow times of year (central Vail to West Vail). OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATIO4/O7I2OO6 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI04/O712006 Phonei 970476-7480 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 816s7 License: 362-B CONTMCTOR EAGtf RIVER WATER & SANITATIo4/OTIZOOG Phone: 970-476-7480 8,16 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 816s7 License: 362-8 2724 SNOWBERRY DR VAILProject Address: 2734 SNOWBERRY DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Location: Lot: 14 BIocK: 9 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S 2103-143-0104-4 see conditions Motaon Byl Second By: Vote: Conditions: Kjesbo lewitt 6-0-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Apprcval: 05/08/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007995 t'- .t Prior to ,o"?or. grading permit from the Town or vaittic Works Departmen! a letter from the property owner of Lot 15, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, shall be sumitted to and acepted by the Town of Vail Community Development Department that grants the applicant permission to re-grade and re-seed the areas of Lot 15 that will be disturbed as a result of the removal of the o(isting water tank. Cond: CON0007997 Prior to construction, a copy of the de-watering permit shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Cond: CONN07998 Prior to construction, a sbaging plan and Public Way permit shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment. Cond: CON0007999 Prior to November L, 2007, the applicant must mitigate the visual impacts of the above grade portions of the tank to a reasonable standard. Cond: CON0008000 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application and required landscape plan associated with this conditional use permit request. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 Qonditional Use Permit O Application for Review bY the Planning and Environmental Gommission D€partment of Community De\relopmert 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Crlondo 81657 td: 970.479.2128 taxt 970.48'2152 web: www.vailgov.om General Infiormation: All projects requiring planning and Environmental Commission re\riew must reaeive approval prior to submitring a Uuilbini permit'apptbtiln. Ffease retet to Oe submittal rcquirements fior the particular approval that is requested. nn app]iLtion foi'plannlng and Envlronmental Commission review cannot be ac@Bed until all required Infurmation is recived by the Commrinity-Oerrefop."nt Departmenl The project may also need b be rerriewed by the Town Coundl and/or the Dedgn Rodew Boanl' Type of Application and Fee: Locagon of the Proposa@ Subdivision: y'1,r 1'rTenr'la"7na Da,e/+'u€fi €.,B' Physical Addr€ss: 2U34 Sr.to.',Aerey Dprvf Parcel No.:=t O 3ltl 3o t oq.l (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor SubdMsion $650tr Exemption Plat $650tr MinorAmendmenttoanSDD $1000B New Special Developmert Distrkt $6000tr MajorAmendmentbansDD $60mtr MajorAmendmenttoanSDD $1250 (no exterior ndifiafnts) EI Conditionat Use Permit t550tr Floodplain Modification $400tr Minor Exterior Alteration $650tr Major ExErior Aftention $800tr Development Phn $1500tr Amendment to a Developme.t Phn $250tr ZoningCodeAmendment $1300tr variane $5ootr SignVariane $200 nnnoe oo u) = owner(s) Signature(s): 9E?tlsbr.?BG H'HE{tgn,|t' cnesno.: &rG av' nannei: --4€=. Project No': uJ> F:\cdev\FORMS\PemiF\PlannirE\PEC\conditionaLuse.doc Page 1 of 5 oo o o TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Nunber: R050000340 Anount: $550.00 04/07/200608:39 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: ,fSNotat.ion: 3884I/ERWSD Permit No: PEC050031 1:4)e: PEC - Conditional UseParcel No: 2l-03-143-0104-4Site Address: 2724 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL,L,ocationr 2734 SNOWBERRY DR Total Fees: $650.00This Pa)ment: $550.00 Total ALL Pmts: $650.00Bal-ance: $0,00 * ** *{.{.*{. * '1.* +******{.1.**{t* ***{.{.*{r**'1.'t,1.** * *'1.*,}*{.'i'N! {r t * * * *+*{.* * * * **++* + + ** * * ***************1.***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Emtss PV O O 1 O O O O 3 ]. ]. 2 5 O O PEC APPI.,ICATION FBES 550.00 Conditional Use Permit Su bmitta I Req ui rements GENERAI- INFORIIATIOI{ A onditonal use permit is '€quired for any use dassified as beirE "conditional" in any of the Town! zone distrids. All applications br conditional use penniB are reviarled by tfn nanning and Environmenbl Commission. Uses listed as condiuonal uses in the various districts may be permitted subject io sdt conditions and limitations as the To$,n may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation of thi corditional uses will be in accordance with de\€lopment objecti\res of the Town and will not be defimental to other uses or properties. I. SUBIIITTAL REOUIREI{ETTS o tr o o o o o o Fee: 9650.00 There is no fee required for conditonal use permits for Employee Hou$ng Units (EHU'S), ho rever, Design Review fees are required. Stamped, addr€ssed envelopes and a list of the prop€rty owners adjacent to the subject proPerty, induding properties' Oehind and across sfeets. ne list of property own€6 shall inducle th€ orrrners' name(s), conesponding mailing iOdress, anC the pfrysical address and legal description of the property owned by eadl. The applicant is respondble for coned names ind mailinb aOdresse. This infunmtion is a\railaue frotn the Eagle County Assessor's offiae. Tide RepoG induding schedules A & B. Written apprcval trom a @ndominium associaton, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. A written statement addr€ssing the folloring:a. Desoibe the precise na[.rre of U.re pmposed use and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other poperties in the vicinity.b. Tni retatlonship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. - ... .c. The efiect of U|e use on light and air, disfibutioil of population, transportation faciliues, utiliues, sdlools, parks and recreation facjlites, and other public Facitities and public facilities needs' d. Tf|e efiect upon traffiC, with partiatlar reference to Congestion, autornotv€ and pedesfian Safety and @nvenience, trafrc flow a;d contsol, access, maneuverability. and removal of snow frorn the sb€ets and parking area. e. The effect uDon the dtaracter of the area in whidr the propGed use is to b€ located, induding the scale and hrlk of the propos€d use in relauon to sunounding uses. Exlsting and Propos€d Site and Grading PlarE (Four complete sets of Plans)' Existing and Propoced Ardritectural Eleva6ons (Four complete sets of plans)' Existing and Propos€d ArdtiHural Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans)' All plans must also b€ submitbd In 8.5'x 11' r€duced format. TlEse are required for the Planning and Environmenbl Commission membery infurmation packets. Additional l{aterial: The Mminlstrator and/or PEC nuy require the submission of additional plans, draurings, specificauons, samples ard otier materials if deerned necessary to properly evaluate the prop6al' I have read and the above listed submittal requirementsl Project Namel / l'5 an Applicant Signature:)/) Date Signd: understand Jrll€P..ntt ...2 F:\cdev\FORMS\Pemits\Planning\PEC\condi60nal-use'doc Page 3 of 5 1t4to6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development May 8, 2006 A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6D-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use (water tank), located at 2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0031 ) Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel Reed il. SUMMARY The applicant, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, is requesting a conditional use permit as outlined in Section 12-6D-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use (water tank), located at 2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. The conditional use permit is requested to allow the applicant to replace an existing above ground water tank with a new above ground water tank upon the same lot. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions of this request subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Eagle River Water and Sanitation District is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the replacement of an above ground 350,000 gallon steel water tank with a new 1.5 million gallon reinforced concrete water tank at the same site. The Water District received Planning and Environmental Commission approval for a conditional use permit requesting the installation of a buried water tank of the same size on March 14, 2005. The Water District uses the tank at the site* flow tifriG the center of Town to the W€st Vail area. The existing tank 5, the neighboring lot to 4 the west and overlaps that lot line by approximately five feet. T:E exis!!!g_!gn!_-and supporting retainino wnll will be removed and the affected areas will be re-graded and reseeded to their natural state. The a{Iached vicinity map and pictures are helpful in clarifying the secluded nature of the site (Attachments A and B). The proposal for the installation of a below grade tank has been revised to install an above ground water tank the shoring and stabilization techniques which would havEb-een necessary to support the below grade tank proposed and approved last March. The new tank is proposed for an area of the site located approximately seventy-five feet (75') north of the existing tank. The new tank will have an above-ground height of approximately twenty-two feet (?2') and a diameter of one hundred eight feet (108') lt will be constructed of reinforced concrete and will be supported by the installation of below ilt. grade stone support columns. The stone support columns will be three feet (3') wide and will be installed using %" washed rock that will be bored at seven foot (7') intervals to support the new tank. The overall height of the tank will not be greater than that of the tank which exists on site today. The access road that exists on the site will be used during construction. During times of non-construction, the tank will also be accessed regularly; by vehicle during the summer and on foot or via snowmobile during the winter. The lot is moderately steep with -25% grades sloping to the northwest, where the existing access road enters the site. The applicant is proposing the removal of thirty eight (38) trees during the construction process. Of the trees proposed for removal, eleven (11) trees are already diseased or deceased. The applicant is proposing to reseed all disturbed areas with a dryland seed mix. The applicant's proposal was reviewed conceptually by the Design Review Board at its May 3, 2006. The Design Review Board, together with the applicant, proposed that the access bench that is to be graded around the proposed tank be widened to provide room for the installation of vegetation. The applicant is proposing to place between fifteen and twenty (15 - 20) twenty foot (20') coniferous trees in said area. Additionally, the applicant has proposed to plant a number of saplings of various heights to the north of the tank. Due to the extensive amount of time required to install the new tank, the applicant is not planning to finish the installation of the tank until the summer of 2007, directly after which time the plantings will occur. BACKGROUND The 13.24 acre site was purchased by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District in 2001:Crv6?1lT@-the site has been proposed to house various uses, including subdivided lots containing clustered housing developments, an idea which was discussed in the early 1980's and not supported by Staff due to the difficulty in obtaining access to the units as a result of the steep slopes on the lot. Most recently, employee housing was discussed as an option for the site. Again, the costs associated with accessibility proved to be the biggest deterrent to that plan. The applicant was granted approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning and Environmental Commission on March 14,2005 in order to construct a below-grade water tank on the site to replace the above grade water lank that currently exists. Because the applicant was not able to receive viable construction bids for the stabilization that would be needed to make the new below-grade tank a reality, the project was placed on hold and reassessed as a proposal for an above ground water tank. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES Order of Review: Generally, conditional use permit applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planning and Environmental Gommission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a conditional use permit application, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code. Desisn Review Board: tv. v. The Design Review Board has no review authority over a conditional use permit application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanying design review application. Town Gouncil: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. APPLIGABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS A. Town of Vail Zoning Regulations For the Planning and Environmental Commission's reference, Section 12-16-1, Yail Town Code, identifies the purpose for a conditional use permit as follows: "ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permifted in certain dr.sfrlcfs subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Eecause of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effecfs on surrounding propefties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended fo assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding propefties in the Town at large. Uses /isted as conditional uses ih the various disfzbfs may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses w// be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or propefties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied." The site proposed for a new water tank is located within the Primary/Semndary zone district, which purpose is listed in Section 12-6D-1: "The two-family primary/secondary residential district is intended to provide sites for single-family residential uses or two-family residential uses rh which one unit is a larger primary resr?ence and the second unit is a smaller caretaker apartment, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The two-family pimary/secondary residential district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sifes by establishing appropriate site development standards. " Furthermore, the following Conditional Uses are allowed within the Primary/Secondary zone district, as listed in Section 12-6D-3: oo Bed and breakfast as fufther regulated by section 12-14-18 of this title. Funiculars, and other similar conveyances. Home child daycare facility as fudher regulated by section 12-14-12 of this title. Public buildingg grounds and facilities. Public or pivafe schoo/s. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public seruice uses. Skl /rfis and tows. Type ll employee housing unf as sel forth in chapter 13 of this title. VI. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Description: 2734 Snowberry Drive/ Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain SubdivisionZoning: Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential Land Use Plan Designation: Residential Cunent Land Use: Public utility and public service use Develooment Standard Allowed/Reouired Existinq Prooosed LotArea: 576,734 sq. ft. (13.24 acres) no change no change Setbacks:Front: 20 ft. -190 ft. -'l20tl.Sides: 15 ft. <5 ft. -65 ft.Rear: 15 ft. -130 ft. -85 ft.Height: 33 ft. 15 ft. 22ft.GRFA: N/A N/A N/A Site Coverage 15% (86,510 sq. ft.) 0.3%(-1,962 sq. ft.) 1.17o (6,6214 sq. ft.)Density: 2 dwelling unit 0 dwelling units 0 dwelling units Landscape Area: 60% (346,040 sq. ft.) 99.7% (574,772 sq ft) 98.9% (570,090 sq ft)Parking: Ospaces Ospaces 0spaces VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Two Family Primary/SecondarySouth: Open Space United States Forest ServiceEast: Open Space United States Forest ServiceWest: Residential Two Family Primary/Semndary VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The proposed water tank is located within the Two Family Primary/Secondary Zone District. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. oo Consideration of Factors Reqardino Conditional Use PermitsA. 1.Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Staff believes the proposed water tank is consistent with the purpose of the Two Family Primary/Secondary zone district, which purpose includes Such public facilities as rnay appropriately be located in the same districf . The tank provides additional water storage for the District to provide to the Town of Vail and will result in minimal impact to the residential uses to the north and west The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes the proposed structure will have negligible effects on the above-mentioned criteria. Because of the manner in which the new tank is to be operated, staff believes that there is no effect on the use of light and air. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the proposed structure will have negligible effects on the above-mentioned criteria. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The scale and bulk of the proposed water tank will not result in a negative effect upon the character of the area due to its position on a hill far to the southeast of Snowberry Drive. Because trees are proposed for removal, both Staff and the Design Review Board believe the addition of landscaping will help mitigate any potential negative visual impacts resulting from the access road to the tank. The positioning of the tank on this secluded site will '?ssure compatibility and harmonious development between (it) and sunounding propefties in the Town at large". The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos beforb orantino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the mnditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 2. 3. B. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, the applicant's request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6D-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use (water tank), located at 2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Staffs recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria described in Section Vll of this memo and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff recommends that the following findings be made as part of a motion: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request, staff recommends the following conditions of approval: 1. Prior to receipt of a grading permit from the Town of Vail Public Works Department, a letter from the property owner of Lot 15, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, shall #HffiloAnd accepted by the Town of Vail Community Development Department that grants the applicant permission to re-grade and re-seed the areas of Lot 15 that will be disturbed as a result of the removal of the existing water tank. Prior to construction, a copy of the de-watering permit shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Public works Departmen-f-- 3. Prior to construction, a'slgg!g^&.;tand Public Way permit shall be submitted to the Town of Vail Publid Works Department. 4. Prior to November 1,2007, the applicant shall plant between fifieen and twenty (15 - 20) twenty foot (20') trees on or near the access bench to the tank and an | | . appropriate nlrnber of.other saplings on the site to screen t ilL&a r,utyla vrrul ltt+w6 4 > 0,,-,r,/, ?rfrwff'thL+A 0- Pilfulj(s. This appr&at shalt 6i, id'iiing"';0rponltn" aplticant r".dCiyins Town of v.ait ffi$llrapproval of the design review application and required landscape plan - associated with this conditional use permit request. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map 2. \1 7 Dt, /6*rfup'ay'7'at' /oW L tOrnoililt'cl ,4 drrd ,try M,otfu@T,@2, ry ry-,"r /n/tt' ,r,*lt.! tr & /W 6r//' bffi/fuM tr d- ry"tu*rn' ae' J h' tryr*'ffi ' /:q''* /"tr'/''* ,fu//r//ru&/* ^'r,e^// fu'@ /'fu krtu /t14,* i't},,,11'\f t/o'o' ,I wfu/ MZ W, 7orufu'L,,U/'%' Altachment A 5E:' s5!tE96E 9 sE PiEs F3 f! E€ :E i: ; I e ooN tl r (o{8d;N E@o>i(5 Er tf.26 EEF }F E bEF € Ee-daTJflFE=O)orEt>gO ot'=Nt,i'ie rf cnFr- *t '=o=Jb d OE Cl\O'- coo ooPFc.r C f cJ _CO oou F(gt-I-o ':=c.6 E(u 'l-'(r.o 3= o-ol o-rn .E) (J t-,) vl o ; (o +, -I-.(o.- (...) 'f,a ltr L:u oo 'P roctfrf 3 \.l\\ltE\ I Attachment B f-t''* F *.iE * d*,.# ,| 7E-> I I;l t :i' .., .. -- t-a ;;4-:' -A-# o A++rchment C., . J;r,i. r+,-l-**,;_.i... fNr a\ !t;\r!N: _:##F ANfiTF [---Y/.'-6T'rL.'Tlr sn '*t,.,, . - v N\nd cNtcvag o3 ".ltv^ vNVMvllOlS UllV,$ NlVINnOllUSINl efi 9't lCtulsto l{ouvlNYs + ulrv/tt u3^lu 3'19v3 -' ".,1 65 =-_'----';:i;Ei;:::.;i'...;--r.':,!i-..^ I '; r',--r --] .*:t _,",'-l lt I a lucss ssolp oc ''1v xNVr :BVtOfS ElVfi NtVlNnOrAEtN on 9'l IClUlSlo tlollvllNvs + U:UY,$ lE!\lU flCVS -Bt,i:-: Ir0-_-izlEi r! E . Egit<) 3\r a\rblrNraN: ilfrfH Un're% .-h r T=lB !i r lF:itff i;'ffi ' r'(\a -E I i &--3 ) :€iz5) := lii* iiiili, lrii Eiiilr; ! !:.ll !ii,r:F:i!l e 6!lHiEEf iltH.t:,ii|,ll( ,s!...i1 lll- iii llli:it "i3r*:il ll1l:ltltl ll !\s'. €(E@60 I !:r ;:! t t {/',,4 sFI jti iia:il rl liq t!5 ..,,'*t*&nE1i.'\i ItI I l (t" '.L:\, eZl c*-i ii:; Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-179-2138 FLY 970-479-2452 www.c i.vail.co.us May 08, 2006 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. James Boyd, Jr Ms. Karen Shanley Re: 2734 Snowberry Drive/Lot 14, Block 9, Vail lntermountain Dear Mr. Boyd and Ms. Shanley, Thank you for attending today's Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) hearing of a request for a Conditional Use Permit to install an aboveground water tank at the referenced address. The PEC unanimously approved the request with the following five conditions: 1. Pdor to receipt of a grading permit from the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment, a lefter from the property owner of Lot 15, Block 9, Vail lntermountain Subdivision, sha be submifted to and accepted by the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment that gnnts the applicant permission to regrade and re-seed the areas of Lot 15 that will be disturbed as a rcsuft of the removal of the existing watet tank. 2. Pior to construction, a copy of the de-wateing pgrmit sha be submitted to the Town of Vail Public Wo*s Depaftment. 3. Pdor to construction, a staging plan and Public Way permit shail be submifted to the Town of Vail Public Works Depanment. 4. Piot to November 1, 2007, the applicant shall mitigate the visual impacts of the above grade portions of the tank to a reasonable standard. 5. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the design review application and required landscape plan associated with this conditional use permit request. As you know, both the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board expressed concerns regarding the landscape and grading plans. Please submit a new landscape plan and a revised grading plan to the Community Development Department by Monday, May 15, 2006, at 12 p.m., in order to remain scheduled for a final review by the Design Review Board on Wednesday, May 17s. Please don't hesitate to call me in the meantime with any questions. I will plan to receive revised plans from you soon. enclosure: Planning and Environmental Commission approval form {g *r"r"uo "nr"* O Attachment Df7Eacle Rtven WareR & SattrnnoN Dro r xrr-, r 846 Forest Road a Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 . FAX (970) 476-4089 w\ 1,v erwsd org March 30. 2006 Mr. Joe Suther, Development Review Coordinator Town of Vail - Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Intermountain Water Storage Tank - Conditional Use Permit Dear Mr. Suther: The Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (District) is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the replacement of an above-ground,200,000 gallon, steel water storage tank with a new, 1.5 million gallon, above-ground, concrete water storage tank south of Snowberry Drive within the Intermountain subdivision. The District received approval from Staff on March 14, 2005 for the installation of a "buried" I .5 million-gallon tank at the same site (PEC#050012). For your reference, we have included a copy of The Town of Vail PEC Staff Memorandum and Staff Action document relating to the original below-ground submittal. The District received no viable bids for the 2005 project and the shoring/stabilization required for a buried installation was cost prohibitive. The District instructed our engineering support to revise the tank design to feature an above-ground installation. The new tank location has moved approximately seventy-five feet (75') north and remains proposed for an area where no trees exist. The revised design requires some site preparation including clearing of topsoil, "overburdening" of the tank site with roughly 1,500 cy of fill material, benching of the tank site and north embankment, and the installation of below-grade support "columns." The new tank will have a height above ground of approximately twenty-two feet (22') with an outside diameter of one hundred and eight feet (108') and will be constructed ofreinforced concrete. The overall height ofthe new tank will be at or slightly below the existing steel tank. The enclosed site photograph exhibits the comparative height and diameter of the existing and proposed tanks. Sincerely, ) - - .--y'/,-1\,t' ..-- - / -' / >,. -' '\ ./, -,a.. James B. Boyd, Jr. Construction Manager Wlren, Wesreweren, Opennrtorus & Mlracel,renr Senvtces lD] =GrEit \'/trln fOWi'r Oi-. VAIL C:\DocUI'IENTS AND SETTINGS\KARENS\DESKTOP\JNTERMOUNTAIN TANK\TOV INTRMTN. WST PEC LTR.DOC J\ 991-1 991-1.01 991-1.02 991-2 (DRAFT) SPECIAL PROVISION SPf,CTFICATION _ VIBRO-REPLACEMENT (STONE COLUMNS) DESCRIPTION Scope: This work shall consist ofsubsurface soil reinforcement and densification by Vibro-Replacement. [n accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, design, and dimensions shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. Soil reinforcement and densification is performed by constructing compacted stone columns within the in-situ soil or soils. The Contractor will furnish all supervision, labor, equipment, materials and services necessary to perform all subsurface soil modification work and held tests related thereto as described hereinafter. Each bidder shall submit with his bid a statement of his previous work experience similar to that proposed. This statement sha[[ include the time period and dates in which the contract was enforced, the extent of the work and the manner of its execution and any other information tending to prove his ability to prosecute vigorously the work required by these specifrcations. any bidder who fails to demonstrate satisfactory experience or abiliry to construct stone columns as specified in this contract will be disqualified and his bid will be rejected. Equipment: The stone columns shall be constructed with down the hole vibrators. The vibrators shall be equipped with a delivery tube that will transport the crushed stone backfill to the nose of the vibrator. The wet method of installation in which the crushed stone backfill is introduced at the column surface shall not be used. Water jetting can onlybe used to assist in the penetration of the vibrator to the bottom treatment depth. The down hole vibrator shall be electric and capable of producing 150 HP and l5 tons of force. The vibrator shall be equipped with a remote in which the "installer" can continuously monitor the amperage and thus the increase in density achieved in the stone column and surrounding soils. MATERIALS b. Specification 99 I (Cont'd.) Vibro-Replacement (Stone Columns) 991-2.01 September 29,1995 991-3 991-3.01 991-3.02 991-3.03 Coarse Aggregate: Crushed stone backfill used to construct stone columns shall conform to the requirements of Article ? of Specification ? . Aggregates used in stone columns shall be 100 percent minus 1.5-inch material. This material shall be well graded and meet all abrasive and/or durability requirements which are generally utilized when speciffng coarse aggregates. The compacted and loose unit weights of the crushed stone backfill must be submitted. These unit weights will be used to determine the diameter of the constructed stone column. STONE COLUMN INSTALLATION Introduction: It is the intent of the specifrcation to construct a compacted stone column of minimum diameter of 36". Treatment Depth: [t is the intent of this specihcation to penetrate the vibrator to a competent bearing stratum. The depth of penetration will be on the order o f 23 feet. The Contractor shall provide the capability of penetration up to 30 feet maximum. Penetration at individual stone column locations shall proceed until practical refusal is met. Practical refusal will be determined in the field. Practical refusal will be determined by recording the rate of penetration and amperage at a known soil type. For instance, prior to full production within an area, the Contractor shall penetrate at a location that is immediately adjacent to a boring location. The Engineer and Contractor can then observe the rate ofpenetration and amperage at the depth which the Engineer considers competent. The recorded amperage and approximate depth can then be used as a guide for penetration depths within that area. Stone Column Construction The stone column will be constructed from the bearing strata to the ground surface in 2 to 3 foot intervals. At each interval the vibrator will be withdrawn 2 to 3 feet allowing the backfill to fill the void created by the vibrator. The backfill will be compacted by repenetrating the vibrator into the stone until a maximum amperage of 200 amps is attained during repenetration or until a minimum backfill quantity equal to a minimum diameter of 36". The Contractor shall record the depth, amperage and amount of crushed stone backfill on a daily log. This log shall be submitted to the Engineer on a daily basis to verify frnal quantities. CONSTRUCTION Rf, QUIREMENTS -2- Specification 991 (Cont'd.) Vibro-Replacement (Stone Columns) 991-3.05 Damaged Stone Columns September 29,1995 99r-4 991-4.01 991-5 991-5.01 991-5.02 Any stone column which is installed outside the specihed location shall be reinstalled with any other corrective measures which may be necessary, including but not limited to the installation of additional stone columns, at no additional cost to the owner. The maximum center to center spacing of adjacent stone columns shall be 7 feet. The approximate diameterofcolumns smaller than that specified shall be within 3 inches of that specified, unless the undem.rn is due to dense soils within the treatment depth. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Stone columns will be measured by the linear foot, to the nearest foot. Stone backfill shall be measured by the in-place cubic yard or ton. Measurement will be made from the bottom of each stone column to the working grade. BASIS OF PAYMENT The accepted quantities, determined as provided above, for each ofthe particularpay items listed in Article 991-5.02 below which are included in the contract, will be paid for at the respective contract unit price per unit of measurement. Such price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all required materials, and for all equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete each item as required by the plans and specifications. Payment will be made under: Pav Item Mobi lization/Demobi lization Stone Column (excluding material) Rock Backfill Pay Unit Lump Sum Linear Foot Installed Ton or Cubic Yard -3- o $s f f Id I t B 1; tii: Il i$:i 9; Illt fq ol rwl shb 0 ol tonk Et 8t7296 Nii F E' Erp6cd lnlct pcdcstol lhtadtt Concnt, Fnblr 6rwt nnish l}rforncd sai&l Stccl uoset tuith At Cosl tinitl, CENERAL NOIES ,. Droringe sholl not b smled. 2 Chants ol crwd concrctc consc 'yl ittlr. J All brrl fur &n6nsins e, out to oul of EinldxrV bor. 1, llp hnlretu b nspWtc for conplfiqvc nU oi onftgi,h 6lA trytbtioas od ston&t* it clading, but not lfmi@ t4 29 CfR tut ,92d 6lA Suwtt P-Acawtine llb &t ttoctor b Eepotgiblclr lln daQn of s@iD| ot d hefthing fu proLclld, of nploycs il, *corotions plta ndl,o6 toryhJ'sinl pmlcctut tor fal pntccfutr DESIAil STANDARIE ATVD REPNIS A Attwim, Corcnle h,stilulc ^lil),. Aq JlJ 2, ACI JIE & tbwtar, lHq lbr*e A*idbt (ttllfA) ,. ArvA 0fl5COAICRETE HNISHESh &&ifrcotin gCfIlN N J6 U - MIME F C e FOR 8|D,/PERU|T USt ONLY fF n E 6.12 ot Foohhg/Slob of fld thil ItSl) ,'4' ill x b b $\irr a Ito.N ot csrter ol lanl( ll2'-0' 0ut6ide rcfl lnlhrg drtnetcr 106'-0'M mn St t@U, ltn furith grroou, l n frrith lhfofitd twfocl Itnfongd sufacg lbht btwr, fiitid, Shel trcd frn&h Llotx tottgh I ewn fnd, Snelh k CBI frrrith i'llll(n: H: E-{;<:E; IIII !3 gt,2u clq a 2 I ;5 a<t< \ Ex S -Qtlet-OAIE ______3I!_ DESIOI{EB -@- 0R wl,l F : PRq.,ECT NO. o4.o27 S}IEET s2 4'ul .r iEI>fiitft.t'l !P, =Hi2-Zl IANK SECIION D-O HORTZONIAL SCALT: 1"=20' VERTICAL SCALE:l'=20' r.0O IANK ACCESS CENTERLINE PROFILT HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1'=20' VERIICAL SCALE: l"= 20' -^T:tH- -ii._'-"tl""!l;!l: {issls-tlll *.'f,:'-,19" -ii.-.-"tt ;l: El!: l- :l: sll Elsll rsd rs r@Bs E|rcr sacio. FFIELIMINAFiYFEARUARY zOOEFOR TER\C002-4-TANK-GRADE.dwq. CO04, U27 12006 1 1 :01 :'l 2 AM, BUDDYPrTOV04001 .YEExF 3q 6EF<'an o5F 5;38F I -J@Ef36f e 5 FE:q z_ 14o6=fiq ildd$ rrs;: z c)1u LrJ 1(Jz I , :i! 'q?, ,i ,u. LRET€co{ri crtr ri lqrr (taArlr.ncf,.aq.,r@€itl .oa cq.rtiJclroi tstr{rrrr o{Ffd tucrEa ('0e9.€5.tn$|lc grliftro |ttttu frsnic tflfhror pfD€sia r!s!r|c Eti {^xlq.. Niar!raa.-rre -af,!- _D1,._ ! ; U @o @ 'ili rra(Y cro,t ro fr9r^uPCr rorno hasdxtrl ^ro (2) ?' ctqrr dqs Pr,i,,*,- - ,. .*'!',,.i rh .,rr*,,.etarld n6 n-. 4. r.a.Ehd. a. cdr4rd r. ts${ d. k t. dta a' ab t6rrrrCstElt r. v-t 'e I 'lot d lrfil- '. n a l. !t.r Is.l- s. rM '.oi6r[r or !r corerd rlrnr6 s4e ccxr.c^ttrt alrl^Y 4| lRcfi,{o'2'c^|fv.tw ist^!! r2'r2'a' rtt.nrivlr a.(lo(. rra.ir ntsf&t ^sraY co|.snaanf grtu .ifro!f, .a sspos[ 6 dstuc ltEll fatllrM !s cora^frt tqD^ipr.'rEi RF05€0 r^* R c!.r!fircnD,ns't rr+{r)!tD ,rs .'!r.ror.!SCALE lrirE?) t9 *"*\nonr riral 'irsrEFl rr coltcr t..icto!a0 a'uf rD tlsli.c(-|ra ^r .5 *'o. a! ,iltc[D nlt* rr trf, lrcru .ror tt rsr{sridr ,Drr .fr tr@ ltictt]rl|o.r .-l ,- 6i or!ott' ;t-tr F E)E-l 4r riq. rt F(r@ -Ir€ ro rrrtrE r^fi r!5h{ rarrru!{v^rlrt t0 E itro\raosi c4..n^crs PFTELJMINAFiY U27l2W 10:42:23 riotOtra $lA r'-2d fror * (ptr slFrctra) .YE=EF EH FH HF* b 3?aE + zJJ F E';sa =FE 5 ez L,l <.ld=fie |l tJd J*l lsl * E;s;: PermitNo. COR-030000+-, rq a nr,_._ FacilityNo.coR-03A064, ! It PAGEloflT CERTIFICATION CDPS GENERAL PERMIT STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION Construction Activity: Commercial Dcvelopment This permit specifically authorizes: Eegle River Wrter & Senitetion District to discharge stormwater from the facility identified as Intcnnountain Watct Storage Tank which is located at: end of SnowberryDrive Vail, Co latitude lgB'Tlm,longitude 1ml26ll5 in Eagle County to: Gore Creek effective: 05/09/2006 Annual Fee: $270.00 (DO NOT PAY NOW. You will receive a prorated bill.) STA|E OF o COLOTUDC Eill OrYans. Govarnot Oennis E. Ellk, Ex€c.ulive Di€ctor O€dk1at6d to protccrhg and imp|oving the hsalth ard en ironment ot ttE p€oda ol Colorado 490o Cherry Cregk Dr. S. Laboralory Sarui:os OMsion Dcnver, Colo.ado 802a5-1sflt 8l00 Lowry Btrd. Phone (303) 6P.2000 Denver, Cdorado Eoep€928 TDD Line (3oil' 691-7700 (3O3) 6S23090 Loceted h Glendala, Colors(b htlp/.,\trrv .cddr6.Btsta.co,us May 10,2006 RECEIVED loY tz m Colorado Drynrrcnt of t\rblicHealdr and Eoviroruncnt Jim Boy4 Capital lmprovcmens Const. Coordinalor Eagle River'Water & Sanitstion District E46 Foresr Road Vail, CO 81657 970l4TI-5459 RE: Fiorl Pcrmit, Coloredo Dischrrge Pcrmil Slalem - Storrmvetcr Certificrtion No: COR-O3AOAI, Ergle County Inacrmountrln Wrter Storrge Trnk Locrl Contrci: Jim Boyd, Capitrl ImprovcmeDtr Const. Coordinetor, 970/ 477-959 Antlclprted Activity: 06/012006 througb ll6/J0/200? On 3.24 acres (0.95 rcrcs dlcturbd) Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find a co,py of thc pcrmit ccrtification tbat was issucd to you under tbc Colorado Wetcr Quslity Crntol Act. Your certification undcr the permit requircs that spccific actions be performcd at dcsignated times. You arc lcgally obligated to conply with rll tenns ard conditiors of lour ccrtification. Notc that the stormwater pcrmit for constlction activitics now covcrs constxction sites disturbing down to mc acrc (lhc previous threshold was 5 acres). Effective July 1, 2002, any conslnrction activity that distubs at lcast I rcn of land (or is part of a largcr comrnon plan of dcvelopment or salc that will distub st lcast I acrc) rurst apply for pcrmit covcrage. Flcase rerd lbe permit and ccrtification. If you havc any qucstions pleasc visit our websitc al htg://www.cdphe.stare.co.us/wq/permitsunit/wqcdpnn.hurl, or coract Matt Czahor at (303) 692-3575. Sincercly, ffiEQ,t-- Kathryn Dolan Stormwatcr Program Coordinator Perrr s Utrit WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION Enclosruc xc: Regional Council of Covcmmcnts Local County Health Department Distict Engincer, Tccbnical Scrvices, WQCD Pcrmit Filc Fec Filc Page 2 of l? PermitNo. COR430000 CDPS GENERALPERMIT STORIvfi TATER DISCTIARGES ASSOCIATED WTIII CONSTRUCTION ACf,IVrIY AUTHORIZATION TO DIIICIIARGE UI.{DER TIIE . COLORADO DISCIIARGE PERMIT SYSTEM Io coropliancc with the provisions of tbe Colorado Water Quality Control Act, (25-8-l0l et seq., CRi, 1973 as amended) and &e Federal Water Pollution Contol Act, as agrended (33 U.S,C, 1251 ct seg.; &e ,,Act"), this pennit authorizes lhe discharge of stornweter assosiated with constuctioD activities ccrtified gnder this permit, tom lhosc locations spccificd tbrougbout the State of Colorado to speciied watese of the State. Suc.h discharges shall be in accordance with the conditions of this permit. This pcrmit specifically authorizes the facility.lisicd on page 1 of this permit to discbarte stonnwater associated with consfuctiou activity, s5 ef rhir dgs, in accordancc with permit requinmcnts urd conditious set forth in Pafis I aud tr hereof. All disc,hargcs authorized herciu shall bc consistent with &e t€Nros 8nd oonditions of ihispcmit. This peroit and the autborization to dischargc shall cxpire at midnigbt June 30' 2007, Issucd and Signed this Zlst d,ay of May, 2002 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PIJBLTCHEALTTI A}.ID ENVIRONMENT S/r&a^*V(ffi)/. Fa' J. Daviil Hokn, Director Wata Quaiity Control Divisiou DATE SIGNED: I!4AY21' 2t)O2 . EFfECTnfE DATE OF PERMIT: JULY 1,2002 B, TABLE OF CONTENTS (coat.) GENEML REQI'IRTMENTS....l. SignatoryRcquircmcnts...........2. RctcntionofRccords........... PARTII 2. Special No 3. NonconplianccNotificrdon4. Submission of Inconcct or Inconplcrc Informetion'...'..'. 6. Upscts7. RerrovcdSubstercrs.....,,..8. Miaimizltion of Advenc lryact,...,,..,.............9. Rcduction, [nss, or Failurc of Trcatncot Frcility..........'...........10. Proper Opcratim and Maiotcnalcc RESPONSIBILITIESl. IrsFctiors od Righr to EtrEy2. DutytoProvidc lrfonnetim................,...3. Tnnsfcr of Owncrhip or CouEol .........................4. Modification, Suspcosiou, or Rcvocetion of Pcmit By Divisiotr..'.........'...'.."' 5. Permit Violations 6. LegalResponsibilitics..................7. Sevcrability8. RcmrvrlApplication..........,.... 9. C.onfid.ltislity... I f . Rcquiring an hdi llll l2 t2 t2 12 l3 t3 l3 l3 14.l{ l4 l4 t4 l4't{ l5 l5 l6 l6 t6 t7 t7 t7- 77 -2b PART I Prgc 3 PcrmitNo. COR-030000 PART I A. COVERAGEUNDERTHISPERMIT l. As$s!!L!c.D$!irce Uoder this pcrmit, construcrr,on activiticf including cleariog, gflding" and ercavatioD, arc graded sutbsrizarim to dischargc stormwater associated with constructioo rclivities irto w8ters of the state of Crlorsdo. a. ApDlicrble Scctioos: This pcrmit is rnade rp of scvcnl prrls, not dl of which apply to all permitAcs. Thc permrttcc witl be rcspoosiblc for dctcrmining rnd thcn corylying with thc appliceble sectiols, depcnding upoa . wherber or nor a Qualifying Local Program covers lhe gitt. Fm sitcs not covercd by a Qualifoing Local Prograrn' all Parrs of the pcmnt excePt Pert I.A.3 apply. 2.@ r) Defioilioos: I ) Slormwaler: Stormwatcr rs prccipiatiou-ioduccd surface runoff' 2) Construcrion activiw: Constsucrion activiry includcs cleariog, grading and excavation rctivities, Consrucrion docs not iDclude routiac mristrnancc pcrformed by public ageucies, or lheir agcnrs to rnabtain ongrnal tine and grade, hydraulic capaciry, or origiml purposc of thc facility. 3) SrtaII construction activiw: Stormwater discbarg€ associ.tcd x'ith srrall consruction rctivity rncrns thc dischargc of stormwatcr ftom constnrctioo activitics rt'rt rcsult in land disturbamc of cqual o or grcatcr tbn one acrc and less than fivc acres. Smrll construction ectivity also irrcludes the disturbare of lcss than one 'acrc of toul land area that is part of a largcr conmon pha of dcvclopmcnr or sate, ifthe largct common plan will ultimarcly disurrb cqual to or greatcr then olc md less thrn five acrcs- 4) Oualifoine lrcal Pro€ram: This perarit includcs cooditions that iucorporate qualifying local crosion and sedimcnt control program (Qualifrrng, Local Program) rcquircsrmrs by referencc. A Qualifying lacal Program is a muuicipal stormn gtcr program for stornwrtcr dischNrBes associatcd with small coosruction lctivity that h.s bceo fonnrlly approved by tbc Division. 5) Orhcr Defrnidons: Defrnitions of addidonal tcrrrs crl be found in Pan LD. of &is pcrmit. b) Typcs of Activitiec Covered by thir Pcrmit: This permit may auihorizc all new and existing dischatges of stormwater associsted with consruction activity. This ilcludes stormwatcr discbarges from arcas thet erc dcdicated to producing carthcn nuterials, such as soils, srnd and gravel, for usc at a single construction site. This pcrnir also includes sbrmwErer dischargcs from dcdicatcd asphalt batch plants and dcdicarcd conclete bstch plants. Ttus perrmt docs not aurhorize tbe dischuge of rninc watcr or process watcr ftom such areas, 3.@-forsrne|lcourlruciionmtlviti6under.Qu.lifyingLocrlProgrrmgq[ If a cousrucion site is withio tlrc jruisdiction of s Qualifying Local Progarr, the opcrator of thc conshrction activity i3 authonzed to discharge stormwaer assoctatcd wiih small coDstruction activity under this general permif without thc subminal of an app[cation to thc Division. a) Appliceblc Sectiom: For sites covcrcd by r Qualifying Local Prograur, only Parts l -A. 1 , 1.4.2, 1.A.3, l.C.l, I.C.2, 1.C.3, l.D and Part II of this permiq rrith rhe exccption of Pans lI.A.t,ll.B.3, II.B-8, ard Il.Bl0, apply. b) Locrl Atercy Authorityr This pcrmit docs not pre.erpl or supcrscde thc auttority oflocal agcncics !o Ptohibit, restrict, or conrol discharges of srormnatcr ro storm drain sysrems or othcr watcr coulrcs within tbcir jurisdiction. PART I iffil*". coR-o3oooo COVERAGE UNDER THIS PERMIT (cont.) c) Pcrmit Covcrtgc Terminetion: Wbcn r gitc has beeu finelly sobilize4 covcrrgc un&r ihis pcrmit is automatically rcrmbated. d) Comptientc with (fuellfying Locrl Programr A coasmrctiol sie opcrator that ba8 euthorizatio! to dischrrge undcr rhis pennit udcr Part I.A.3 shall conply with thc requircrros of tbc QruliSing tocal Progrm with jurMlction ovcr thc sitc. e) Full Permit Appllcrbility: The Division mry rcquire rny ou,arr or op€ntor within the jurisdiction of e Qualifying Local Prognm covcr.6 -4s rrrie permit to rpply for and obain coverage rmdrr tbc full requinrneaa of this permil Tbc orner or operstor Eust h Dotifi?d ir wdthg thd ao rpplicrtion for full covcragc is rcquircd- Whea a permir certificatioa uadcr thir pcrmit is irsucd to 8D owlcr or opaatc tbat vould otberwjre be covercd r:nder Pm I.A.3 of this pcrmir, the frrll rcquircmcnts of this pcluit rsplacc the rcquircmcnts ss p€r Part I.A,3 of rhis pcrnrit, upoo th c{Iective drt€ ofthc pcrmit ccrtificatioD. A sitc broughr under thc fitll rcquirerrrctts 6frhir permit mrst still conply with local stonnwrter tunegemrnt requilcnrnts, policics or guideliaes as required by Part I.C.l.h of this Pcrmit. 4. Apolic.tipn. Duc D.lcs a) Applicetion Ituc ltrtcr: At least tc! days prior to 6e comrtsDcrmctrt of cofftruction rctivities, the operator of &c coastsucrioa actirity sbatt suborit aa applicrtion form as providcd by the Divisioo, with a ccrtjficstion that the Stonnwater Margcncnt Phn (SWMP) is corplac' Onc origioal corplctcd discbargc pcrmit ap'plication rhell be subminc4 by ralil or hold dclivety, o: Colorado Dcparurcnt of Public Hcalth aod Environmcd Water Quality Conrol Division wQcD-P-82 4300 Chcrry Creck Drivc South Denvcr, Colora& tUlAAl $0 b) Summrry of Agplisrtiot: Thc rpplfuatiou rcquiras, at a miniaulr, thc followilg: l) Thc opaatorrs uarac, ad&css, telcpboc numbcr, ux paycr idcntificatioa numbcr (or crployer identificetlcn uuurber), atd ilr slihr as Faderet State. pnvatc, Public or othcr mtity; 2) Naoc, county rnd locrtios of thc corstsuctiotr sit , inoluding tbc latinrdc aad longitrdc to ihc oealcst 15 sccouds of t}e appmximate ccorct of thc cortuctioa ectivily; 3) A bricf &scription of thc naturp of thc consctrctftm activtty;4) The ddcipatrd sarting date of thc projcct and ttc raticipated schcdulc ofcoapletioa 5) Estirnatcs ofthc rotal l'ca of the siE, thc arca of tbc site thrr is cxpectcd to bc disubcd, aod thc total area of the largcr common plrn ofdcvcloprncnt or sale to undergo disturbsocc;6) Tbc namc of tbe rccciving watcr(s), or the municipal separate storm sewer systcrn and rbc ultimlte (i.c., naned) rccciving watds) ;7) Ccnificatiol that thc SWMP for thc constuclion site is cor4letc (sec Part l.B. below); and 8) Thc signanrrc oftbc applicrot signcd in accordrncc with Part I.E.l ofthis pcrmit. 5. Dcrmit Ccrtlftcetion Procedurec If the gencrEl pcrmir is rpplicable to thc applicant's opqrrtio!, thcn a ccnificatjoa will bc dcvclopcd ald the ap,plicant vrill be autborizcd to dfuchstge stormwater undcr this general permit PART I Prge 5 PsmirNo- coR430000 A. COVERAGE LJNDER ftnS PERMIT (conr.) .) Rcqurst for AdditioDrl lnformrtlou: The Divisio shell bavc tp to t I dryo aficr rcceipt ofthc abovc information lo rcquct .ddirioaal dru and/or &ay thc authorizetion for eny paniculer dischrrge. Upon rcccipr of additional inforrnatron the Division shall heve en additional tan drys to issuc or deny authorization for tbe particular dischargc, (Notification of dcnial shall bc by lcttcr, ia c.3cs wherc covcrege rn l er a altemtr gcnazl permit or an individrrl pcrmit is required, irtead of covcrrge uldcr rhis pcrmit.) b) Automrtic Covcrtg.; lf tle applicant docs not reccive a rcqucst for rdditional infonnadon or r notification of denial from tbe Dvision dgtcd within tcn deys of rcccipt of thc rpplication by thc Division, authorizsuou to discbrrge i.n rccordrncc wi& the couditions of this pcrmit shsll bc decnrcd grantcd. c) IndivlduelPcrmllnsqulred;14,rffercvaluatioloftbeapplicrtion(oradditionalhformrtion,suchasths SWMP), tt tr 15-4 6et thir gcocnl p6mit is not aplicable ro thc opcratior, thcn thc rpplicatioD wiu be processcd as one for an i.dividual permit. Tbe applicaor will be [odfted of the Division's decisios to deny ccrtification under this gcneral pcrmir. For an individurl pcrmil additiooal iufonoation may bc requcste4 Nnd I E0 days will be requircd to process tbe application and issuc drc pcmil. d) Tcmporrry Coverage: Notwithsonding Prrts I.A.S.a-c, rbove, thc Division rcserves thc right to tcnporsrily covcr stonnwater discbargc fiom coastructrou rctivity tmdcr gcn tal psrmits, evco thorgb iodividual pcrmit covcrag€ rnay bc more appropriare. C.ertification of thcse aclivitics utrdcr a gercral padrft does not iD any wry infringc on thc Divisioo s right to rcvokc thst coversgc aod issuc an individual pcrmi or rmcnd ur existiag individual perrmit. c) Gctrcrrl vi. lndlvidrrrl Pcrmil Covcrrgc: Ary owncr or opcsabr ruthorizd by this permit my rcqucst to bc cxchded from tlrc covengc of lhis pcrmit by applying for an individurl CDPS permiL The owncr or opcrelor shall submit an individual4plicatioD, witb rcaions supporting the rcqucs, lo thc Division at Icart 180 days prior to ary discbargc. f) l,ocd ABEDTT Authorify: This pcrrnir docs not prc-cnpr or suFr:cdc tle euthorily of local egeacirs to probjbil, rtsEict, or conEol dischrrgcs of slormw.tcr to storm dnin systcdra or odrcr waEr coulses within &sil juds{isdqn. 6. lprctiv.tion Notice Whco a sit has bccn frnally stabilizcd in accordancc with thc SWMP, tbe oP.rator of thc frcility must submit an Inectivrtion Noricc that is signcd in accotdance with Pan I.E.I . of this pcrmit. Thc Inactivation Notice fomr is available &om the Division and includes: a) Pcrrnrt ccrtrfication oumberi b) The pcrmittee's oame, address, telcphone aunbcr;c) Namc, locatior, and county for $e construcaioa sitc for which thc applicatioa is bcing submittcd.d) Certification that the sitc has bccn finally stabilucd, md a description ofthc final stabilizstion mctbod(s). An inactivrtion form may nol be rcquhed for small corstuction rclivities jfapplication was made for covcrrge with a corplcrion datc less than 12 monrhs from thc start of constnrtion activity, In such cascs, petmit ccrtification rney be audorized for a predacrmincd pcriod from 3 to 12 rnonths. The pcrmit ccrtificatio! will inchde $e aulomatic crpurdon datc for permit covcragc. lf pcrmit covcnge bcyond that dalc is nec&d (i.e., thc sitc hss not been fiully srabilizcd), ttc pcrmincc rnusr submir ao exrcosion requcsr form to thc Djvjsion at lcast l0 days prior to the cxpiratim dare. 7. Transfcr ol Permit Wben respomibility for stormwrler dischargcs at a constsuctioD site chrnges ftom ooe individual o anotbcr, tbc pcmitrce shall submit a corrylered Notice of Trarsfcr ad Acceplancc ofTerms of a ConsEuction Gen ral Stormwatcr Dischargc Pcrmit Ccnilication that is signed rn accordncc nlitb Part I.E.l. ofthis permil. Thc Noaice ofTralsfcr form is evailsble from the Division aod includes: I A. COVERAGE IJNDER THIS PERMIT (cont.) PARTI Page 6 Pcrmit No. COR-030000 a) Pcmrit ccrtification number.b) Name, location, ard couty for thc construction sitc for which tbc applicrtion is bcing submitred.c) Thc cuncnt pcrainec's name, rddress, tlhphotrc numbcr and thc satur as Fedcral, Srrrc, priwte, public or othcr ertity.d) The new pcrmittceb nrmc, addrcss and telephone number ard ihe strtus as Fcdcnl Satc, privarc, public or other eltitY.e) Certificsfion that drc ocw pcrmince bas rwiewed thc pcrmit end SWMP aud acc.pts rcsFooltttility, covcrsgc rtrd liability for thc pcrmit. $ E{Icctivc datc of trusfc. tf the ncw responsiblc party will nu corpletc tbe trsnsfer fonD, lbe permlt msy b inrtivated ifttc pcrmitrce has oo legal rcspousibility, though ownership or conEsct, for the constsuction activitics rt thc sitc. In lhis case, the new opcraror would be rcguirsd to oboin pcrmit covengc scprracly. 8. Pcrmit Erphrtlon Drle Authorization o discbargc undcr &is geocral permit $bll cxpirc on Junc 30, 2007. ThG Division rrust cvduatc and rcissue this gcneral permir ar lcrst oocc cvery five years and nust reccrtrfy thc applicartb aubority o discharge undcr the general pe'mrit ar such timc. Any pcrurincc dcsiring cootinued covcrege undcr th gcocral pcrmit nsr rcapply by March 3l,2007. Thc Division will abtcrminc if thc applicalt may coatiauc to opc-'raa undcr tbc tcrm of tte gcncral permit. An individuat permit will bc rcguircd for any facility Dot reauthorized to discbarge undcr tbc rcissued gcnetal permit. 9. ' Individusl Pernit Crlfede Aside firomthe activity tygg thc Division nay use other criteria in evaluating whcther an hdividual pemrit is required instead of this general pcrmir. This infornntioo lruy comc from tlrc rpplicatioo, SWMP, or additionel informatiou as requested by thc Divisioo, and includcs, but is not limircd o,.the follqwitrg: a) tlc quet'ty of thc rccciving watcrs (i.c,, thc prereacc of dowustctm &iDkiDg watcr intrkcs or a high Suality fisbery, or for prcservatim ofhigh qurlity water);b) thc size ofthe oonstsuctiou sitc;c) cvidcmc of nolcorqliancc undct a prwious pcrmit for thc opcration;d) ttc usc of cbemicgls wirlin thg stomwalcr s)Etcn- lD additiou, rn iodividual pcrmit may bG rcquircd when the Division bss sbocr! or brs rcason to $spect that lbe sloriuwater dischrrge may contiburc o a violation of a wrter gu.lity srardard. B. CONTENTS OF THE STORIVI\#ATERMANAGEMENT PI"A'N The SWMP shatl be prcparcd in accordance witb good cugiacering, hy&ologic rnd pollutioo contsol practiccs. (Tbe SWMP need not bc prcpalcd by a rcgieercd cngineo.) Thc maiD objefiive of thc plan shdl b€ to idcnri$ Bes Maugemaot Practices (BblPs) which when implemeirted will meet tlrc tcrms and colditions of lhis pcdnit (see Pan I.C., bclow). The plan shell idsntiry potcntial Eourccs of pollution (including scdiment) wbich imy rc.sombly bc crpectcd to affcct the quality of stormwater dischrrgcs associrtcd $itb con$ruclion activity from the facility. In addition, the pha shall dessribe and ensure the imptementation of BMPs which will be uscd to rcduce thc pollur.ots fu stomwatcr dischrgcr rssociatcd with sotsruction scrivity. Conttrrction opcrrtions muit implcmcnt lhb provirlonc of the SWMP required utrder thit ptrt rr e condition of thir permit. Thc Srr\rMP shall inchde tbe following iams, at a nrinimunr: PARTT Pagc ? Pcrmit No. COR43O000B. CONTENTS OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (CONT,) I - Sir€ Dcscriodon Each plan shall providc a dcscription of|be following:a) A dcscription of thc consEuctioa .clivrty.b) The proposcd sequencc for major acdvitics.c) Estirrales of rbc total arca ofttrc sitc, and tl|c arcr of thc site *rat is cxpccted to undergo clearing, cxcavation or gradinC. d) A.u estiriaie ofthc nmoff coclficient of thc sitc bcforc rnd eftct constnrction ectivitiB arc con4lercd aud aly cxisting data dcscribing rhc soil, Eoil efosioD potcntirl or the quslity ofany dischargc from tbe sitc. e) A descriprion of the cxisting vcgcntion at thc sitc aod an esdmatc ofthc perc"nr vcgctativc grouud cover. f) Tbc location and dcscnption of aoy othcr potcntirl pollutioo soruces, such as vehicle fircling, storagc of f€rtilizers or clremicrls, ctcg) Thc locadon and description ofany rnticipatcd norFstonnwtt€r components of the discbargc, such es springs urd lardscape irrigation retun tlow.b) Thc namc of tbc rccciving uratcr(s) and tbc sizc, tlry€ Erd locrtidl ofany outfall or, ifthc dischrge is to a mudcipal sc?aratc stotm sewcr, the nrmc of ttet sysfcur, thc locrtion oftbc etornr cwcr dischergc, Nnd lh. ultirnarc receivilg wate(s). 2. Site Meo Eacb plan shdt provide a gcrcnlizcd sitc mrp or nrps whicb irdicar: - consEuctbn silc boundarics - all areas of soil disnrrberc - de.s of gttt and lill - arsas uscd for storage of building m.Erials, soils or niistes - locadoo ofany dedicarcd asphrlt or colcrc,tc batch plans - locatioo ofrnajor crosioa contol facilitics or stucurcs - springX strcarDs, wctlisnds and olher surfacc wat.f,s - boutrdanes of 100-]rc flood pLins, ifdctcnnincd- 3. BMPs for Stormveter Pollutim Prevcntion The plan shall include a narnrive description of appropriatc cstrmls rnd mcasurcs that will be inplemeorcd bcforc and during constuction acdvities al the faciliry. Thc plan sbell clcarly dcscri$c the rclationsbip bctwecl the pbascs ofcotrstuction ald rtc inBlcmeatation and maintenancc of controls rnd measurcs. For o<arplq which controls will be implemenad during each of the followiog stages of constnrctrou: clearing and grubbng ncccssary for pcrirrcrcr contsols, irutitdon of perimcrcr confols, rcnaining clearing rnd grubbing, road grading, storm drair in3ullation, furl grading, subilization, atd rcrnovsl ofcootol megsurEs. The dcscription of conrols shall eddrcss tbc followilg minimum conpooents: a) Erosion aod Sedirnent Contnols. I ) Structural Practiccs, A descriptioo of sEucnrsl site managcrncnt pncticcs which will rninimi2g cro6iol snd scdirrxnt transpon. Ptactic€s rrtay includc, but arc not limired to: snaw bales, silt fcoccs, earth dikcs, drainage swalcs, sedirncnt n"aps, srbsurfecc drains, pipe slopc dnins. idct protcctioq ourlet protcction, grbions, and Gmporary or pcrnnnent sadinrc basirs. 2) Non-Sructutal Practices. A description of inmim and pcrmanent sabilization practiceq including site- spccifrc schcduliog ofrhe irplcrrntstion ofthc practices. Sitc plans should etsulc thd cxisting vcgeution is prcscrvcd where possible and thrt disnrrbed arcas src s&rbilizcd. Non-strucnral practiccs may includc, but' are not limited to: tcnporary seeding, pcrrnallent scediDg, mulching, geotexnlcs, sod stabilizaoon, vcgetative buffer scips, protection of necs, and preservatioo of mature vegcuooa. PARTI Page E Permir No. COR43000(, . B. CoNTENTS OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (cont.) b) Mrarirb H-ar.dlins apd SJrill Prrventio!. Tbc SWMP sball idcntify any procedurer or sipificrnt narcrials (scc dcfinitious rl Pan l.D.) bldlcd c thc site that could conrrbutc polluta s to nuotf, Tbcsc could includc sour,ccs such as: Gnposcd storsge ofbuilding mstcrials, fertilizcrs or chcmicrls; unse piks; md equiprnrnt maiourame or fuclirg procedures. i{teas or proccdurcs vhcre potcntial spills car ocor sball barre spill prevendor aud respousc ploccdues idotificd. Mcasurcs to conEol sormwatcr pollutiol from dcdicrtcd concrae batch phats or iledicated aspbdt b.tch pblts oovcred by rhis gcrtification, unrn be idcntiEcd b thr SWMP. 4. Fiqel StaD iation rpd Lolrrcrrr Slormwrlff MrlrEcrffirt fie plao shall ioclude a description of t}e rncacurcs uscd lo achieve frnal stabilizatiou s.nd mr.sutcs to control pollutants in stormwacr discharges that will occur rfter coGtnrctiol opcratior bavc bcen coryletcd. Finrl stabilization is rcacbcd whcn all soil drsturbbg eCirinbs rt the sitc have becn con4letc{ .nd unifom vcg?trtiye cover has bcca cseblished rvith a dcnsiry of u lcast 70 pcrtent of pr€4isrwbsocc levcls, or cquivalc,at pcrostrDr, pbysical crosion rcduction ncthods have bccn crryloycd For purposcs of this pcrm.it, rstlblishmcnt ofa vcgctrtivc cov?r capablc ofproviding crosio coutol equivalent to pr* cxisnng ccnditiols st thc sirc can be considsred final subilization. The pcmritre will bc rcryoosible for providirg o the Divisioa thc documcngtion to mrke this conprrison The Divisior oay, rftcr consultetioo \dlh the pcrndnec rnd upon good causq amend thc fmal stabilization criterir for specific opcratioos. 5. (Xhcr Contrds Thc plan shall includc a dcscription of othcr rncasurcs to coltrol pollutrnts il stormweEr discherges, including plens for westc dispo6sl errd limit'ng off-site soil rackiq. 6. fnsDesfioE rnd Mrintlnrpae The phn sbat! includc a description of proccdures to inTcct ald rutintain in good rnd efrectivc opcnting condition tbe ' vcgetrtior!, erosion and sediment control mrssurcs md other protcctive ttrlsltres idcntified ia the SWMP. C. TERMSAND CONDITIONS l. Gen.rel Limllrtlons The fiollowing limitatiors shall apply to all discharges covcrcd by this permil: a) Stormwatcr disebargcs from constsuction activitics shell not cause or lhrcatcn to causc pollution, contaruination or degrsdstion of State watds. - b) Coacrctc wash wrta shall uot bc discbrlged to slrt wstcls or to saorm scwcr q6tcnrs. c) Bulk storagc smrctrues for pctohum poducB rld otber chcmicals rhell have adeqrna pmtection so as to conlain dl spills aad prcveat any spillcd rnrrrirl &om cltcring Stltc watcrs. d) No chcmicals rc ro b€ addcd to th? discbarge unlcss pcrmission for 0rc usc of a spccifrc chcmical is grutcd by thc Division. Lo granting the use of such cbemicals, spccial cond ions and rrouitoring rnry bc addrcssed by scparatc lcncr. c) Thc Division rcscrves the righr to rcquirc sarpting rnd tcsting, or N crse-by-case basis, in the evcnt tbat there is rcason to susp€ct that conplialcc wilb the SWMP is a problcrtr, or to measrrc lhe cfrectivcnces of thc BMPs in rcrmving pollutants in th€ emuc . Such rmoitoring may includc Whole Efllumt Toxicily resdDg. PAN,TI Pagc 9 PcnritNo. @R{30000 C. TERMS AI.ID CONDITIONS (cout.) 0 AU wasrcs conposcd of building rnatcrials rnust bc rcrmvcd ftom thc sitc for disposd in liccucd disposal facilitics. No burtding matcrial wastes or unuscd buildinS matcrials shall bc buricd, dunped. or discharyed at th€ sttc. B) Off-site vcbiclc recking of scdiments lbrD bc midnizrd. h) All dischargcrs rmrst comply widr thc lawful rcquircrrnts of m,uicipalities, couotics. dninegc dEEicts rsd othcr local agcncics rcgarding rDy discbrrgG of stdr|sd€r to Stotm drab syJtems or olber ratcl counrcr undcf, thcit jurisdiction, including rpplicablc rrquireEEots in nunicipal sbimmrlEr mrr|rgclr|?nt progrrms devclopcd to conply witb CDPS p6rniE. Dischrrgers must cotqly with local sbrmwalct nnoagcnE rrquitcmmts, polici:s or guidclines includirg aosion aod sedimcot colFol. 2. Prohibltlon of Noo-Srormwrler Dirchrrqcr r) Excepr ss provided in paragraph b, bclow, dl dirhergcs covcrcd by thit plrolt sDrll bc compoced cntircly of rtormrvrtcr. Discbarges of nraterigl o$cr tbra stormws,Gr must bc cddtesrcd in a scperatc CDPS Pefinit issurd for that discbargc. b) Dischargcs fromrhe following sourccs ur rre conrbimd wirh stomrwrrcr dischargcs rssocirtcd with consEuctioo rctivity rnay bc aurhorized by tbis pcrmit, providcd tbrt th noa-stormwact @npmat of thc discharge is idcntificd in thc SWMP (sce Part LB.l.g of this permit): - fre frgbting activitics - len&capc inigatio rctum flow - sprngs 3. Rclcrscc in Ercess of Rcoortrble Ourntitieq This permit does not relicve the permitee of thc reporting tcguiresEDls of 40 €FR I10, 40 CFR I 17 or 40 CFR 302. Any discharge ofhrzardous nurerill murt bc haodlcd ia accordrocc with the Divisiont Notificed,on Reguircrnens (se Part Il.A.3 of the permit). Stormrrter Mrnrocment Phpi Prior to cotnrD.nccmcnt of constuction, thc stormwatcr rnnegcorcnt plan (SWMP) shrll bc ilplcmcotcd for thc coosb ctio! sirc covcred by this pcnnir. e) Sign.tory Rcquiremcotr: Tbc plaa shell bc signed il rccordaacc wi0r Parl II.l., with ore rctr[ld otr site. b) SWItfP Rcvicrv/ChrDgc: Thc pcrmitiec sbell mcnd tbc plan whencvcr lhere is a significoot ch""ge in desigr; cotrstrucdon, opcrsuon, or rnainrcnancc, which has a significant cffect o thc porcntirl for the discbarge of pollutants to lhe watcrs of thc Saa, or if thc SWMP proves to bc incffcctivc in rcbicving thc gcncral objcctivcs of conrolling pollutanE in srormwatcr dischargcs associaad wirh consmrction nctivity. Insocclionr a) Astiv€ Siaes - For sites where construction has not bccn corrplaed, tbc pe rittec shall rnlke a drorough inspectioa of thcir stormwacr mlnagctncDt sygcm st lcrst cvcry 14 &p aud aftcr any prccipiadon or snowmclt cv!trt rtat cruscs surfrce erosiou. 1) The consbuction sitc pcrinrter, disturbed arcas and ercas used for rnaterirl storage that rrc expccd o prccipitadon shall bc inspectcd for cvidcncc o{, or thc potcntial for, polluunrs cnterhg thc drainage syscm, Erosion rnd scdiment contol rneasures ideutificd in the SWMP stull be obscrved to eDsulc lhat lbcy rrc . opcratilg corcctly. 4. 5. PARTI Pagc 10 Permit No. CORJ30@0 C. TERMS AIID CONDIfiONS (coat.) 2\ Bascd on thc resula of thc iospection, rhc dcscription of potctttisl pollutrnl sources, rnd thc pollution prcvcntion and conlrol rrcasurG lhlt arc identified iD the SWMP sbll bc revised rud rrcdificd as eppcopiate is soon as practicablc rftcr such inspection. Modifrcatiotrs to cotrtol nreasurcs shrll be inplccnad in a timely nunacr, bur io m casc mrc tban 7 crleodar &ys aftcr thc inspcctioo. 3) Thc opcrator sball kccp a rccord of inspctions. Any ircidcocc ofaoa-conplirncc, rucb rs ulcoutollcd rclegscs of rnud ar truddy water or ucasurrblc quantities of sedimcnl fouod oll thc sirc, shall bc rccodcd with a b'ricf cxplanation as to tbe rncasurcs trl(cn lo prcvcnt futnc violations, as wcll as any ma^surc ukcn to clcrn up tbe scdimcnt thst hrs lcft the site. Aftar adcquaE srcasures hsve been uJ<el !o correct auy probleos, or wherc a rcport docs not idcotif any incidcnts of oon-coqliaacc, tbe repon sbdl codri[ a ligled certification indicating tbc sirc is il co4liurce. This r€cord sbdl bc rnade evaibble b thc DivisioD upo! lcque$. b) Comptclcd Sltes - For sites whcrc atl constuction activities arc coqlctcd bul firal itrbilization b.s mt bctn achievcd duc to a vcgcrativ€ cover that bas beea plantcd but bss Dot becoe estrblishe4 tbe Permittcc shall mrte a thorough inspcction of tbcir stormwater mrDagcEcl systcm rt lea8t onsc cvcry month. V/hon sitc cosditions rnzke this schednle impractical, pcmittccs may pctition the Dvision m gra !D .lErDate irspcction scbdule. Tlrcsc inspcctions mrst b€ codd[cled in accordrncc with pangt"pbs 1), 2), utd 3) ofParr I.C.5.a- above. c) Winter Conditioot - Iupcctiolg as dcscnibcd abovr in a) and b), will not be reguired .t Eitct wbcre sDow cowr exisrs ovct the entire site for al exrendcd pcriod, aud mclting conditioos do lot cxisl. This cxcrqtion is applicable ozly during tbe pcdod wherc melting conditions do not exist- Regulu inspections, as dcscribed abovc, arc requircd at all other timcs. Reoortins No rcgular rcporting nqufuimsnt .re bcluded is this pcrmit; howcvcr, thc Divisiou rcscrvcs thc righ to rcqu.st thri r copy of tbe inrpcctioo rcports bc submittcd, SIVMP Submittel Uoon Reouest Upon requcst, rhc pcminrc sball submit a copy of thc SWMP to thc Divbion, EPA or any local agency in cbarge of approving sedimcnt rnd crosion plars, gra.ding plans ot stormw.ter maoagcmcnt plaos' All SWMPs rcquired under this p€f,nrit 8rc considered re?orts that shall bc rwilable to rhc public rnder Scction 30E(b) of tbc CwA. The owner or opcirtor of a facility witb stormwarcr disch.rges covrrcd by this Pcrnit shiU rnakc plaas availablc to rncmbcrs of thc pubtic tpoa rcquest, unl$s the SWMP has bccn submittcd to the Divisioo. Howevcr, thc perminec may claim any ponion of a SWMP as coofdential b accor&ncc with 40 CfR Part 2. D. ADDTTIONALDEFTMTIONS For thc purposes of ahis pcf,mit l, BAT and BCT: (Bcst Avaitable Technologt and Bcst Convcntional Technology) Tccbnology bascd fcderd wetcr qualrty requiremcnts covcred under 40 CTR subcbeptcr N. Bmt menrgcncnr p6ctises (BMPs): schcdulcs of activitics, prohibitions of pncticcs, maintenencc proccdures, and olbcr rnanagcm.nt fractices to prcvcnt or rcducc thc pollutioo of watcrs of thc State. BMPS also ilcludc tcatncnt requircmcns, operating procedures, and practices ro connol sia runoff, spillagc or lcaks, wsstc disposal, or draioagc from material stonge. Iledicsicd rsphrlt phDtr ald concrcte plenc: portablc asphalt plans and concrete Planls that are locatcd m or adjaccht to r coDstrucnm site and that providc nratffisb ooly to thtr spccific constuction sitc. D. PART I Pagc I 1 Permit No. COR-030000 ADDITIONAT DEFINITIONS (cont.) 4. Finrl itrbilizraioE: when all soil disturbing activities at tbc silc hNve bectr corpleld and uniform vcgeutive cov€r has been ccablishcd with a dcosiry ofat lcest ?0 perent of prcdisturbroce levcls, or cquivalent permrnalg plysicgl erosion reducgon methods heve bccn enployed. For purposcs of fis permit, establishmcnt of a vcgctrtive cover capablc of providrng crosion conrol cquivrlcot to prc<risting conditiors at thc aitc $,ill bc conEidered fual stabilizatioo. 5. Mutrlciprl slorm tawtr r!rst!m: a conveyaEce or s)|stcm of co[veymccr (including: roads with &tinsge systec$, nnrocipal strccts, catch basins, curbs, gutt6s, dirclcs, rnm-mrde chuncls, or storm drsits), owtlcd or oPcratcd by r State, city, to$fD, counry, dist'ict, or otbcr public body (crcated by sote law), baviag jurisdiction ovcr disposal of sewage, indusrial w15tr, stormwatcr, or olbcr waslcs; designcd or used for collccting or conveying stqmwrtcr. 6. Opcrrtor: &c individnl wlo lus day-o-day supervisioa and control ofastivities ocormng al tic constuction sile. This can bc lhs onmcr, thc dcvclopcr, the gclerel contrrctor or tbp sgpnt of ouc of thcsc prrties, in somc circumstaoces It b aDticiparcd ftat rt diffcrcnt phrscs ofa construction projcct, ilificrant 69es ofpanics mey setisfy tbc dcfmition of 'operatof q[d tbal thc pcrrnit msy bc trasf€tlcd as thc roles chrngc'. 7- Outfrll: a point sourcc at the poiot whcrr slortnwater lcavee lhe constrrrtioa sita sod dischetgcs to a rcacltvinB water or a stormwatct collectioD syslettl E. Ptrl ol. lrtger romrnor pleo of dcvclopm.nt or lc: a cmtiguous uce whcrc multiplc acpar.tc and distinct consmrcnon rctivitics nray be raking place at dilfcrant timcs on difhrtrt scbcdulcs uDd€r oue plra g. Poitrt sourcc any discernible, co,nfined and discr€te convelnDcc from whicb pollutanrs are or rmy bc discharged. Poiot' sourcc discbargcs of stormwrtcr rcsult from stuctures which irrcrtrsc the irnpewiousncss of lbe ground which acs to collcet runoff, with runoff being colveycd along tb rcsulting drIilage or gnding pancrn' lO. Proccss weter: any water whicb during.manufacnFing.or-proccrsbg,.conrs.ilo.cortect with or.rcsdts frosr the productiol of any nw rnrtenrl, inrcrnrediatc producl finbbcd product by product or waste product. This defitrition includcs oine dreinagc. I l. Recclviug Wrtcr: atry watcr of tbc Statc of C-olondo into which siormwetcr rehtcd o consmrction activitics discherges. 12- Runoff coetllcient: the Ezctioo of rtrl rrinfall $at will rppcar as nmff. 13, Signlficeot Mitcrirls includc bur rrc not limitcd !o: r8w m!rcrids; fuels; mrcrials sucb as metrllic prducts; biEardous subsmccs dcsigDated utrder scction l0l(14) of CERCII; aly chcruicel thc facility is rcquitcd to nport pueuant to scction 3t3 of title Ill of SARA; fmilizers; pesticides; urd wasrc products such as ashcs, slag ard sludgc thrt hrvs tle potcnual to bc relcased witb srormnrater discharga. 14. Storwrtcr: prccipiLtioD-inducedstrfacc runoff 15. Wsteri of the rtrtc of Colondo: any and all surfrce walcrs tbat rrc contriocd in or flow in ot lbrough the $.tc of Colorado, This &finition rncludcs cll $.rt€r coutses. cvcn if tlcy ere usuatly dry. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS l. Slstlsq_BsS.slemeglg a) Ali rcports rcquucd for subminal shall be signed and certified for sccuracy by the permittcc iu rccordance widr drc following crtteria: l) In rhc casc of corporations, by a principel cxccutivc olhcer of st least the lcvcl ofvicc-prcsident or hrs or hcr duly autiorizcd rcprcscntative, if such rcprescnutive is rcsponsible for thc ovcrall operrtion of lhe facility from *hich the drschargc dcscribed in tbe form originatcs; 2) ln th€ case ofa panncrship, by a gencral partncr; E. I 2 No. COR-03000OE. GENERALREQUIREMENIS(cont.) 3) In tbc casc ofa solc propriclorship, by tbc proprictot;4) In thc casc of a municiprl, surg or oihcr public hcility, by cithcr a prircipel eresutivc officcr, tukiog clcccd officiel, or othcr duly autbrizcd cqloycc. b) CDrngos to rutboriAtioo. Ifan ru0rcrization undcr parrgraph a) of this scctioo is no longer iccrtratc bccausc a differcnt individual or pocition has rcsporsibility for thc owrall opcntioa of the frcility, a rcw authorizrtiou satisfring thc rcquircrncnts of pcngraph a) of rhis scctioo must bc submircd to rbe Divisioo, prior to or tog:thcr udtb any rtports, fufonnrtioq or rpplicatiorr to bc signcd by an autlorizcd rcprcscautive c) Certlficetion. Any person sigaing e docunrnt undcr paragraph a) ofthis scctioo chrfl uulc the following certificatiol: "I catiS under penalty of law that this documoot and all attachmcats wc prcparcd udcr my dircction or supcwision in accordancc with r *ystcm dcsigncd to rssurc tht qualified pctsmel popcrly grthcr rnd ewluate lbe infsrrqtion eubmined. Based on uy inquiry of tte pcrson or p.rsms rto mtnrgc tbc sysrc4 or thosc percoor dirccdy rcspoasible for grthcring the infornration, thc idormtion ruboiucd is, to th. bcst of my lnowlcdge ald bc[c[ rrre, sccrratc, and corplca. t am r*rrc ibat there are sipificer pcoahics fot subrniring falsc bformation, ircluding thc possibitity of finc ard irynsuncnl for toowing viohtiors." 2. Rctcntlon ofRccords t Th-*t"ee *rl rcuin copier of tbe SWMP and all rtpor6 requircd by this pcrrrit and records of rll drtr uscd o conplerc thc applicrtion to bc covcrcd by lhis pcrmit, for a pcriod of rt le|3r ttrrc )|EarE ftom thc dare 6at tbc site is ftldly stsbilizcd. b) Tbe pcrmincc sbrlt rcuir r copy of thc SWMP rcquired by this pcrnit et tbc conshrctitrn :ite irom thc &te of projcct inilirtioa to thc &tc of filal stabilizatioq unless rmthcr locatioq spccificd by thc pernrnec, is appmrcd by the Divisiou. PAR,T II MANAGEMENT REQI.JIREMENTS l. Cbence In Dischrrcc Thc pcrmitac shall inform t}c Division (Permits Unit) in writing of ary irtcf,l to significutly chenge activitics ftom ibcc indicacd in thc pa'mit rpplicadon (this docs not includc cbanges to thc SWMP). Upou rcqust, tbc pcrmittcc eball furnish tbe Division with such plans rnd specifications which thc Division dccsrs rclsonbly aecesrary to a/sluatc thc cffcct on thc dischargc and rccciving sncarn Thc SWMP sball bc updatcd within 30 days ofthe cbrngcs. Thc pcrmittce shall submit this notice to the Division wirhin two urcch after nnking r drl.rmiDrtioD to perfomt the qae of ectivity rcfcncd to i! tbc preccaling pangroph. Any discl-rargc o tbc warcrs of the Strtc fiom r point sourcc othcr than specifically autbortrcd by this pcmit is prohitited. 2. Soecirl Notlficrtionr - Dcflnldons a) Spill: Au uintcntional rclcasc of solid or liquid rmtcriel which may cause pollution of stgrc w"tcrs. b) UF.t: Atr cxccptionel incidcnt in which rhcrc is unintcntionel and tcrporrry noDcotplincc rvilb pcnnit cfrluctt liminrioos because of feoors bqond tlr reasonrble cootol of the perrnittcc. A[ upsrt dcs not include noncorpliancc to the cxtct carscd by opcratiooal cror, inpropcrly dcsigncd tcrtsrrnt 6cilitics, inedcquatc tscatDcnl facilities, lack of prcveonriw mlinElralcc, or carclcss or furyrcpcr opcrrdon. o PART Pege I Pcrmit ,' PARTIT Page 13 PcErir No. COR-o3mfl) A. MANAGEMENT'MQUIREMENTS(cont.) 3. NoncomplisncrNotilicrtion a) tf, for ury rcarc4 rhc pcmince docs not conply witb o! will bc urble !o comply with ltry pqmit limiufioos, strndards or pcrmit rcquiremcnts epccificd in this pcrmit, lhc pcrrtittcc shall, rr a miainsm, providc tbc Warcr Qrnlity C.omol Division and EPA with fic following ioformetion: l) A descnpdon ofthc dischargc aud carsc of noncor4liancc; 2) The period of nonconpltance, bctuding cract dslcs arrd timcs and/or thc anticipatcd tirr wben the discberge will rcrrur to couPliance; and 3) Sreps bcing takcu !o rcducc, climinac, aod prevcnt rcc[rrence of thc noncoqtying discharge. b) The permincc shall r@n the foltowmg irBtanccs of nonconpliance orally within twcnw-four (24) hours from drc drE rhc pcrmincc becorrs rware of thc nonconpliancc, aod shall mail to thc Division r wrineD report u/ithio fivc (5) davs aftcr beconiag aware of thc nonconpliarrce (ualcss othenvisc spccified by the Division): I) Any instancc of oonconpliencc which mry cndrnger bedtb or tbc lovirotrmtor; 2) Aly spill or discbargc of oil or orher substancc whicb may causc pollution of thc utrter of thc slate. c) The perminee shall rcpon all odrcr istanccs of oon-complirnce to thc Division within 30 days, Tbe rcpons shrll contain thc informetion listcd in sub-parag5aph (a) of ttis scctioa. 4. Submistion of hEorrecl or hcomplctc lnformrdon . Whcre the pcrmitrce failod o submit aDy rrlcvatrt facts io a pcrmit applicatioD, or submitt d incorrcct infornntiol in s pcrmit application or rcport to rhe Division the permincc shall prorqtly submit rhe relevant application inforoation which was not submified or rny additional infornndon necdcd b corect atry crroneous inforzrrtion Frevioucly submined. 5. Bvoess Thc bypass of trcatsncnt fecilitres rs gcacrally prohibicd. 6. Uoscts a) EITect ofan Uos€t An upset constiutcs aD aflinnativc deferse lo an lction bought for nonconplialcc witb pemir limilrtions and requiremcns ifthc rcquircnene ofparagraph b of this scction arc E|ct, (No dctcrmioation rnadc during adfidtristrttivc rcview of claims tbat noncompliancc was crused by upsc! and bcforc aD action for nonconpliancc, is final rdminisrative action subject to judicirl rcview.) b) Condidons NccessarJ for a Dcmorstration gf Uosct A pcrminee who wishas o estlblish lhe affirmetive dcfense ofupset shill demons6alc rhrough propcrly signed contcrporanG(rus opcnting logs, or oiher rclcvant cvidence dut: t) An upsct occurred and that thc pcrminee can idcntify the spccific cause(s) of thc upsct; 2l Thc permincd facility wzs at tbe tirnc bcing propcrly operated; 3) The pcrmincc submircd notice ofthe upset as rcguucd ia Part II.A.3. ofthis pcrmit (24-hour ootice); rnd u 4 No. COR-030000A. MANAGEMENTREQT IREMENTS(coDt.) 4) The pcrurittcc coapliod with any rcrrcdial nrrnucs rcquired rurdcr Scctior 122.1d) of thc fcdcral r€gulsrions. c) Burden of*oof In any cnforccmcnt procecdiry tbe permitec sceking to cstablish thc occurrcncc ofan upscl has thc burdcn of proof. 7. Rlmovcd Subltrpcet Solids, rtudgcs, or olher pollutaots renpved ir the counsc oftcrurElt ot conuol ofrrlrstcwrst! shdl be propcrly dirpord of in a menncr such rs to prevcnt ray polluteu fron strdr rrtcrials Forr cncriog watcrr of rbc Strnc. 8. Minindzrtion of Advcrrc lmorct The permfttec sbell okc all rcasonablc aeps to minimizc rny advasc ir4eca to wrt€,ts of tb. Statc rcsulting Aom noncorpliancc wirh aoy clllucm limiatious spccified in tbis pcnnit, ircluding euch accclcnr:d or rdditionrl roonioring rs necessrry !o detcrminc tbc natulc aad ir4aa of 6c nocorqlyiog dischgs. 9. Reductlon. Los. or .Frilurc of Trcrtmclt Frcilitv Tbe pcftdtcc brs the duty o hrlt or rcdncc ury rcrivity if nccess.ry to raaintain colqlirnce wilh tbc pcinii rcquircoclts. Upon rcduction, lcs, or feilure of thc uerurut hcility, the permiacc shtll, to lhc sxEfi o€tDcssary to tnsidrin conpli.ncc witb i6 pcrnit, cootrol productioq or ell discbrrgcs, m boft undl tbc facility is rcstmod or an alteraativc rrctbod ofccatru is p,rovidcd. h shall uo: bc I defcrsc br r pcroittee in an caforcerrnl actioo that it would bc ncccssary ro belt or rcducc thc perurincd rctivity in ordcr to rnainuin conplirace wirb the conditions of this Pctmit. 10. Proplr OpcJrdop rnd Mrintcpapcc Thc pcrmittce shall rt all tinrs propcrly opcrrt rtrd mriltrin atl fritrics ard sysEnts of tscrtrtcat rad colEol (and rclarcd appunenanccs) which arc iDstatled c uscd by thc pcrmittcc o achicvc corqHurcc wth thp c@ditions of this Frmit. Propcr opcration and nuinreoancc includcs cf;fccrivc pcrfonnancc, adoquatc fiuding, adcquerc opcmior Etlffirg ud trriaing, aud rdoqrnte laboratory and process controls, incMiag appropriatc guality rssuralct proccducs. Tbis provision rcquircs thc operstiou of bqck-up or nxiliary facilitics or similar sptcms ooly wbco !rcc6$ry to achicvc coropliucc with thc conditious of thc pcrmiL RESPONSIBILITIES t. hrpectlonr rpd nilht to Eottr Tbe pcmittcc shrll eltow the Director of thc Suc Water Qlality Conrol Division, the EPA Rcgional Adminisuctor, and/or their autlrcdzcd rcpreseorativc, upoD tb. FcsentstioD of credenhals: a) To cntcr upon thc pcrmittcc's prcmiscs whcre a rcgulatcd facility or activity is located or in which any records uc rcqr.rircd to bc kcpt under tbc terros and coditions of ihis pcrmiB b) At reesoneblc tisrs b blvc acccss to and copy any rccords required to bc kcpt under rbe arms rrd cmditions of rhis pcnnir ad to irspet aDy monitoriDg eguipmmt or rnnitoring nrthod nquircd il the permit; ard c) To ener upon 6e pcrmittcc:s Fcmiscs to inrrcstigstc, withiD r€asoL any actual, sJspece4 or potmdal sourcr of watcr pollutiou, or any violatioo of thc Colorado Watcr Qrulity Contol Act. Tbc invcstigrtioo rmy inchdc, but is not limi6d ro, tbc followiag: senpting of any disclwge andor proccss warcrs, tbc taking of phcographs, innewicwing permit&c abtlo allcgcd violations, aod acccss to any rnd all facilitics ot .ttgs wirhin thr pcrmince's prcmiscs thar may bavc eay cffed oo rhc ditcharge, pcrrnit, or etlegcd violation o PART Page I Pcrmit 'i . iffii' coR-o3oooo B. RESPONSIBILITIES(cont.) 2. Dutv to Provldc Informrtioo The pcrmince shell fimisb !o hc Division, within a rcasomble thr, rny iafcmation whrch the Division mry reqwst to dererminc whether cause cxisG for nrodifying, rwoking and rcissubg, or inrctivati.ag covcragc uadcr lhis Pcrmil, or !o dcrcrmine cor4liancc witb this pcrmit. The permirce shll elso firuisb to tlc Division, upon requesq copies of rccords required to be tcpt by fiis permit. 3. Trrnsfcr of Olvncrshlp or Control Ccrtificetion undcr tbis pcrnit rnry bc tansfcn cd to a new pcrmitcc if a) Thc cuncnl pcrmince notifics thc Division in uriting when tbc tgtsfer ie dcsircd; and b) Thc noticc includes a nrincn rgrrernrnt bctrfleen the existi'r8 and ncw permittccs contrining a specific &te for transfcr of pcrmir reslonsibility, coverage ard liebility bctwcen thec aad c) Ttc cunent pcrmincc hes nrcr rll fce requileofits of ttc Sae Discbarge Pcrnit Systcm fuguhtioas, Scctim 6l .15. 4. Modlficrtion. Sucmnsion. or Rcvocrtloo of Pcrmli Bv DlviCon All pcrmit nrodification, inactivatioo or rcvocation and rcigsuuce acdons shell be subjcct o ihc rcquiremcats ofthc State Discharge Permit Systcm Rcgulatiorra Scctiors 61.5(2), 61.5(3), 61.7 ard 61.15, 5 C.C-R- l0O2{1, GxccPt for miDor rnodifrcations . a) This pcnnia, ard cerrificatioo undcr this pcrrrit, may be rnodific4 $spended, or revoked in wholc or in pert during is erm nrr r€aso6 dercrmincd by thc Division including but lot linitcd to, the following: I ) Violation of any tcrms or conditions of the permit; Z') Obtaining a pcrmit by misrcprcccrtarioD or.friling to disclose ury frct which is materill !o tbe grartilg or dcnial ofa permit or !o thc cstablishncnt oflerns or couditioos ofthc permig 3) Matcrially false or hrccurlc slstcmcns or information in the applicetion for tlc pcrmit; 4) Promulgation of toxic cfllucnt suldards or prohibitiou (includilg aay scbedulc of corpliancc spccificd in such efllueut staudard or prohibtion) which arc ceablishcd undo Scction 3O7 of ttc Clcen Watcr Act, whrrc such r roxic pollutrnr is prcscnt h the dischargc rld such stsndard or prohibitiou is rnorc srtngcat than any bmrotion for zuch pollutanl in this pcrmit. b) This penrt't, or certification undcr this perarit, rnay bc modificd in whole or in pan duc to s change in any coodition lhst r€guircs cithsr a tcnporary or pcnnsoeat rcduction or climraation ofrhc pcrmittcd discharge, such es: l) Pronnrlgadon of Water Quality Standrrals applicrblc to nraters affccrcd by thc p€rmittcd discbarge; or ?) Efilucnt limitatiors or other rcquircrats applicrblc pursusnt ro thc Sutc Act or fcdsal rcquircrnents; or 3) Contol rcgulatirms pronulgrlcd; or 4) Datr submincd punusnt to Pan t.B or Part LC.l indicatcs a potcnrial for violation of adopted Water Qualrty Sundards or srresm clNssitications. o PART Page I Permit II 6 No. COR-030000 RESPONSIBILITIES (cont.) c) This pcrmi! or ccnification undcr rhis pcrmit nay be andifrcrt in wholc or il part to imludc ncw cfllucnt limiations and otlrcr appropriate conditions wbcrc daa submincd pursuznt !o P.fl I iadjcatas tbrt sucb cfllucnt lirnitetio$ and conditions erc Ecccsss4/ to cn$rc corplisnce c/ith rpplicablc uratcr quality saodsrds ltd Ptotcction of classificd uses. d) At thc request of the permitrc, the Divisiol mry rndi$ or inactivate ccnifieatim mder this permit if thc following conditions are nrt: l) h thc casc of inrctivatioq 6e pcrmitae notifies thc Divirion of ib iDrcnl b i!|ctivrre thc ccmificstion, Ead ccrtilics that thc sirc hls been fiaelly strbilizEd; 2) ln tbc case of ilrcrivadog rhc pannittec has ccascd rDy and all dischrgcs to stttc rvstrts aod dcfiiolstrates to O|G Di\rision aherc is no ptobability of fi[tbcr uocontroUed discbsgc(s) wbich oay afrcct waacrs oflhc Slate. 3) The Division fiDds rlut dle pctnittec has show[ rcasonrblc grounds consistcut with the Fedcrel and Strt statrtcs and rcgulations for such modificatio4 emcrdment or inactivation;' 4) Fcc requirenraals of Sectios 6 l. I 5 of Sbte Dischffge Permit Systcm Regulations bavc bccn mlt i rnd 5) Requirearats ofpublic ooticc hrve becr oct For srnrll conatuction sites covcrcd by a QruliSing Local Prograto, covcragc rudcr this pcrnit is auorntically t.rminrt?d whcn a sirc has been finally stabilizcd Permlt VigleSlons Frilruc to conply with any tcnns and/or conditions of lhis pcrurit sball bc a violation of this pcrurir. Disclargas of 6loEru,rtcr associsbd wi& irdusriet activity, ar dcfiacd ia tbc EPA Soruwater Rcgutatioa (4O CTR 122.26(bXl4), which do not obtain covcnge uadsl rhic 6y 6lhsl Colorado gcnerrl pcrnritq u udcr m idividtul CDPS pcrmit ngularing indusrial stormuratcr, will bc in violatioo of tbc fedcral Clcan Wrter Acl aod tbc Colorrdo Watcr Qurliry Coutrol Act,, 25-8-101. Failurc to conply with CDPS pcnnit requircurnts will also constiute r violation Civil pcnalties for guch violations rray be up to $ 10,000 per day, aad crirninal pollution of state watcrs is punishblc by fioes ofup to $25,000 pcr day. Lerel Rcrnonti bllitlm Tte issuancc of this permit docs oor c{nvey atry proFrty or wstcr rights in eithcr real or pcrs o'E,l gqerty, or st?$! flows, c any exclusivc privilcges, nor does it aurhorizc loy iDjury to privEic ptop€rty d 8ny invasioa ofpersoul rights, oor any infringcmcnt of FcdcraJ, Statc or local law: or rcgulatiolts Nothing in tbis pcrmit Elnll bc coDlitnrcd to ptr€clu& tbc instiMion of oy lcAl ectiou or rclicvc tlc PGEdEcc from my rcsponsibilities, liebilitics, or pcrlties o whicb rhe peruirec is or E ay be subjecr to uoder Scction 3l I (Oil end Hurrdous SubslNncc Lirbiliry) of lhe Clean Watcr Act. Severebilitv The pmvisions oftbis pcrmit arc sevcr.blc. Ifrny provisions ofthis pernit, or tbc applicetion ofrny provision of this pcrmit to aDy cilcumstrncc, is bcld rnvrli4 thc application of such provision to other circrrmstanccs and the rpplication of thc rcmaindcr of this pcrmit shall oot be affected. 5. 7. B. PART II Pagc 17 Pcilnit No. COR430000 RESPONSIBILITIES (cont. ) 8. Rcrcwal Applicrtaon If $e pcrmittcc desircs to codiaue to discharge, a pcrrrit rcnewal application shall be submitted 8t lelst dnety (90) dap 6sgqre rhis pcmit expires. If thc pc|Iltittce aDticipates thet therc will be no discharge affer the ergirstion dEte of this pqrnit, 6a Division should be pronptly Dotificd so rbrt it can insciivaac lhe catificahor in accordencc witb Pan rI.B.4.d. 9. Confrdcntirlltv Excepr for datr dcrcnnird ro bc codidcotid undcr Sectioa 30t of the Federal Clcrq Watcr Acl rnd Regulattom for thc Sarc Discbergc Pcrmit Syrsam 5t.5(4), atl rcports prcprred in aecordancc rdth thc tcrms ofttris pcrmit shall bc availsble for public inspection al thc officcs of tbc Division. Thc pcrminec mu 3rrrc whrt is confideniirl rt thc time of subminal. Any inforrnation rcleting to .sy sccrct Fircc8s, mcfhod of rnrnufrctm or psoductioq or sales or merkctiBg drE which bas becn dcclared confidential by rhe pcrmincc, and which uuy bc .cquircd. tlcedaincd, or diccovctcd, whabcr in rriy sasplin8 iDvcattgarioo, cmcrgcncy invcstigation, or orhcrs'isc, rhall aor bc prblicly dircloscd by any membct, officcr, or gmployce of thc Commission or 6e Divisioq but shall bc lccp cmtrdcrtiel. Any pcrson sceking to invokc tbe protcction of this section shall bear thc burdcl ofproving is applicability. This sesuon shell ncver be imerprctcd as prcventi4 full disclosure of ellluent d.ta to. I$! Th pcnrdtrcc is rcquircd ro submit payurent of an rtuusl fee !s set foib h 6c Water Qulity Contol Act. Failun to submit thc rcquircd fee when due and payable is a violation ofthe pcrmit end will result in e;rforccnrut ection punrulnt to Section 25-E-601 et. scq., C,RS. 1973 as arpnded. I l. Reouirile rn Individuel CDPS Permlt Thc Director rnay rcquirc any owtrer or opcmtor covctcd uudcr this pcrmir to apply for and oblain ao individual CDPS pcrrdt if: a) The discbarycr is not in corpliarce wi& tbc conditioos of lhis gcncrd perarit; b) Conditions or standards have changcd so tbat tbe dirchrrgc no looger grdifes for a gcueral pamig or c) Dara become available which indicate water quality slrndards ruy h violatcd. The o*rcr c qeratqr n rsr be notificd in c/riting &at an epplicrtion for an individual CDPS pcrmit is rEqufud. When an irdividud CDPS pcr,rit is issucd to an owncr or opcrator othcrwise covcred uDdcr rhi< Gcncrsl Pcrmr! lhc apglicabifity ofthe geocral permit ro that owncr or operalor is rutornatically inactivated npon tle effective datc of the itrdivftlul CDPS permit. COLORilDO DEPIRTMENT OF PUBUC HEALTH AND ENYIRONMENT water Quality hnnol Division wScD-P-82 43N) Cherry Cre* Drive South Denver, &lorodo EA246 I 530 RATIONALE STORMNTTER DISCHA RGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIYITY GENEML PERMIT IN COLOMDO SECOND RENEWAL COLOMN DISCHTRGE PERMT NUMBER COR-O'OOOO CONTENIS PAGE I. Inw&ction I II. Bacfurouad 2 ilL Smnrwater Discharges Associaled vrith 3Construclion Actiily lY. Co'vgage Under this Permit 1V. Application and Certiftcation I VL Quolilyiag lacal Progmms 1 l4l. Tnat and Cotditions of Penit 5YIII. Changes Made Afier Public Notice 7 I. INTNODUCTION This permit is fo. the regulation of stotmwatet rlioflrom conslrrction activttid. The tem "consmrction activity" includu clearing, grading ond etcawion opoations- "So,rtttrwter" is precipitation-induced sarfoce rurcfi. This Ratioaale will aphin the bockground ol the Ston*ater phogrcm, actiities which are covered uader rhis permit,.how to apply for covcrage uader lhis permiL and the reguiremenc of lhb pqn it. Tftc tona dbcussed ii ha natbnaL oml Pcrml! ore availablc on lhe Dlvbion" pcbsfrc * htp:/hww.cSha st te co, r@lb*',ilsunlthq cdpnl htI''l A. Chanees it lhis Genqol Pemit Several notable changes lrom the praious General Permitfor &nsnuction Actil/dties havc been incorproted into this perrfli'' Most of the changes are nlated n the Phase Il raision lo ,he stomrwater rcguldtion in the Colorado Dischorge Pernit $xnm Regulatioas (|CCR 1002-61), fiective March 2, 2001. Significant changa are listd below; I . Permit covenge is now rcquired for consttztt:tion sites th',t ditturb t to 5 acres (i.e., small consmtaton activities). Allowarces have been nadefor small consmrction octivities to canply with the requiranants of a DivEionapproved Qualilying Local Prcgram (refer to section Y I below for a dbcussioa of Qtnlifuing Local Programs) in place of many speciftc requirements in rhe Permir, including requiremen s to svbmil an application, ina.tivotion notice, and fee to the Division. R{er lo Part 1"A.3 of the Pmalt and section I/II./ of the Rationale lor more demils. 2. The requirenents lo subDti, N,ith the aplicarion the To'r,vtrship, Range, section and guarter secfion of o site and o list of any oher enironmental permiufor the site have been removed' 3. Inacivation requiremmrs have been ctunged o allow small consiuction actir/lties that submit applications indicating a completbn date l2 months or less ftom the smn of ansmtcli@, actiity to be aurholized lor a predetermined period from 3 to I 2 montls. The permrt certifcation will kclude the automolic etpiration date for pexrnit coverage. This erpiration date *ill be in place of rtc reqiremml to suhmit an Inactiwtion Noice. If pennit coverage beyond the a.pitotion date is needcd (i.e., the site has not beea finally stabilized). the penitree must submit an extension rcquest fonn to the Division at least I0 dayt prior to the etpiration. COWMDO DEFARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT. Water Quolity C,onttol Division Rationale - Page 2. Pennit No. COR-030W4 l. NTRODUCTION (cont) 4. The Rationale discnssion on the Ennptions for Small Municipalitiu (Ser;tbn III.B) has been changed o include the March 10, 2003 deadlinefo penil cowragefor municipally-owttd indusrics. this did not inwlve any chdnges n ,he petmil II. BACKGROUND ls required uwler the Clean lfater Act anendmena of 1987, the En:nrcnmental Pruttion Agmcy (EPA) has *tablished a framawrklor regulating municipal and in&tsrlrlal snmrwatcr dlscharges. This funewo* is vnder the Naional Polluunl Disctwrge Elininotion Systett (NPDEE) plogrum Note: The Uomdo progrom b refened to as the @lomdo Dbcharye Permit System, or CDPS , anstead of NPDES) . I'he Wu* Quality &ntrol Divbion ('the Divlsion') has stotznuatq regutations (|CCR 1002-61) in place. Thae regulations re4dn spaifc rypa of industrial facilitiet tAot discturge stormvroter assoEiated with industrial activity (itrdustial sronnwdler), to obuin a CDPS permit for srch dischatga The regulations specifcally include construction actiities that disturb one acre of land or morc as industrial tacllities. &nstruction activiriet thar are pan of a larga conmon plan of developttten whbh distu?b or,e acne or rnore ovet a perbd ol time are also inchded. tl,. General Pentis The |lats7 gyol;1, Conrol Division (\he Divbion") has determiaed hot the use olgcneml penaiu is the appropriate procedure {or handling the rtousands of indtstrial stornr4aler applicatior'-s within lhe Stole. B. PerE it Reauirertents This pentit des aot require subnbsion ol eflluent noniroing data in the pennit application ot in the petmit iuelf It b believed thot a fully inplenentd Sto'zllv{atzr Managar.mt Plan (SWP) should tti sttficien n confrol water ' quality impacts. The permit reguiret dischargen to conial and, eliminate the sources ofpoltulanLJ in stormurarter through the development and implementotion ol a SI(MP. The plan must include Best Manogement Practices (BMPs), whbh will irclude pollution prevsrtion and sor.rce redueion ,t@:sttes- This will corrstitrte EAT and BCT and should achteve coi.pltance with watt quality sundards. The ntnative permit tequirements includa ?f,!,hhitiorc agaiut disch,a4es of non-stoTmwatcr (e.9., pmcess wdtql Rqer to Par, 1.C.2 of the permil In addition, os o condition of this pemit, he pernitlee is required to pty the annual fee as d*cribed k lhc Waler Quality Contol Act. Failu'r- to subnit rte required tee *hen due and poyable is a violation of the penil and will resuh in enlorcemeat action as disanss€d belovt. Petnittea will be bilW for the initial pcrTnit Je wirtin o lev wceks of parmil issuance. Some consfitction aaiufies may be required to comply wilh a Sual hW Local Progran in place dmeeting rerl;rul of the specifc requaremen s in thk pcrmil Situ covaed by a Qnlifuing lacol Program mty not bc rcguared to tubmi, at application lor coverage or a noticc of inoctivation add may not be required ,o pay the ofitual fee. Refer o Section VII.A of rte Rationale for further inforaation. C. Violatloas/Penahieg Discharycn of stomttutcr osrociakd virh in&rstriol activity. at Mnd ia the Regulations fu thc State Discharye Pernit Systen (|CCn 1M2-61), whbh do not obtain coverage under lhis or other Colorado general pernits, or under an kdividual CDPS p*ait rcgulating industrial srornwatcr, will bc in violotion of the Federal Clean Water Act and the Colorado ltfato Quality Control Act, 25-8-l0l . For lacilities cmered under a CDPS permit, failure to comply with any CDN pemtit requirement cottrritutes a iolation. Ciil penalties lor violatiors of the Act or CDPS permit requbemeats may be up to SI0,0M p* day. Crimiaal pollution of state r*larea is puntthable hy fn* ol up to t25,000 . per day, COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF P|BLIC HEALTH AND ENTIRONUEM \foter Quality &atol DivbionI Rationale - Page 3. Permit No. COR-0300U) ITI. yDRilWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WNH COMTRUCTTON ACTIYITY The Stormwat* regulations requlre that stonnwater dischatges associated with certain industial activitia be coverd wtder the penit program. Construction actlvity ,hat dbturbs one a6e or more duing rte lde o! the prcject is speci$cally includetl in the listed in&tst'ial acrivities, A. ConstructionActivit! Conct adion actieity includes cleoing, grading and escmation activities. Constntction doe not irclude routine maintenance perlormed by puhlic agencies, or tlri' ogents to t rainaain oiginal linc and gtade, hydrdulic caPacity, or origitwl ptrpose of the facility. Definitio* of additiotal tetmt can be lound ia Pan LD of the Permit. Sromtwter discharges lrom construcliott acrw reguire permi, cove/age, scepl Jo\ operadons thal result in the disnrbarce of less than one acre of otal land area which are not part of o latger anmon plon of d*elopment or, salc. A larger conmon plan of d*elopment or sale is a aatiguous area where multiple separate asd distittct cotstntction activitie may be uking place at diferent timet M dfrerent schedules under one phn. B. Twes of Activities Covered Ihis perrnit LJ inlended to covet mos, new or exitting dischargu composed dnlhdy o! stonrwater from construc'rion activities ,at dre reguired by Snn regulation to obtain a pendt. This includes stonnwater dischatBes atsociated wirh areas tfut are dedicated to ptoducrng earthen materiols, srcA cs soils, sand, atd grawl,lor use at a single contt dbn site. These areas may fu locoted at lhe cowtn ction site or al some other localion. This ltcrtnit doa not attlnrize the discharge o/ mine nnler or proccss ttatnfron such oreas. 77ris pcrmit also includ5 stor'rn','ater discharges ossociatcd with dedicatd aryhah plants and concrete pla',iJ located at the conrm.cdon sites. C. Twes of Activities-NoT Covered ThLr permit does nol cover ttolmwater discharyed lron consvlction siles that is mixd with stornwaletlrom otht type: of in&strial actiities, or pvocass water of any kitrd. Other types of industial activ4tief'. that require stormwater discharge permits pursuant to difcrant sectiotts oI the rcgrlations (Rcgulatioa 5 CCR 1002-61, kcnon 612(eXiAGJ, K)J, arc not covered by this prnn. This permit abo does not covcr the discharge of prccas vater. If the constlrction Etivity encounters groundwaler, a Conttruction Dewateing Discharge Pcm t (Pemit Number COG-07 )00) must also be obtained in ordcr b dbcharge this groundtnterlmm the ercavation sire. An application /or this pcrmit can be obuindfrom the Division ot the address listed in Part t.A.4.o of the Permit. D. Exemptiots for Smo Municioqlities The Intqnodol Surlace Trawponation Eficiency Acl of t991 (Secnon I06E(c)) added an aemption to ,hc stonnwater regulations lor municipalities with less than I N),000 populotion. The term "municipality" includes cities, owns. couari*, specidl disrrats or any enity created by or punuont lo Sn/€ lqw. Stormwa.ter discharges asteiated wirt construcrioa acrivity for lacilities or sites thot are owncd or operad hy o saoU nanicipality are not required to apply lor or obuin a stormwater permit until Matdt 10'2001. (Note: ThLs ercmptaon do* not apply o other, privately owned construction iites within the same snall municipality.) COLOMDO DEPARTT4ENTOF PWLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, ]later Qualiry Contal Divition . Rbtionale - Page 1. Penait No. COR-030000 TY. CO'/ERAGE UNDER THIS GENERAL PERMIT IJnder thls general ptmit, opmars of stornwater dischatges ossoctated with construction octivity rnry, be gnnled oaAorEation to discharge stontrwter in o watqs of the Stan ol C-olorado. This ineludes stornstaler discharget associaled wirt industrial activity from arcos that are dedicated to pro&rcing eanhen materisls, sach as soib, sand ond grcvel, lor use at a single coastruction site, atd dedicated asphalt planu aad dedtcated concrae plan6. Thb permit does |ot pre-empt ot supersede the authority of local agencier n prohibit, r*trict or control discharyes of stonnwater Io storm drain sys|,r/ N or othcr woler coutx,ss wilhin their iwbdiAbn. iuthorization to discharge under the permit requircs submiual of a conplaed application font atd a cenifrcatfum thot the SI(MP is conplete, tnless rte sira is covaed by a Qaolifiing Local Progran Upn receipt of all reguircd infurmation, the Division may allow or disallow coverage under tk gencral potntt. V, APPUCITION AND CERNFTATION At least ,cE days pior to the caamercemmt of ansntction aaivitia (i.e.; the initial disnrbance of soils ossocialed with clearing, gnding, %caeotion activitia, itttallation oJstueural BMPS, or other activiti6), the opcmtor of the consfirction site shall submit on original completed application which includes the sigped certifrcatioa that the SWMP is complete. In order to oioid confi.sion duing procesfing, original sigra']/'rfj are requhed for the application b be considered completg. For small contntcdon sites only, il the site is covered by a fualifying Local Prcgram (see Mow), submlnol of an opplicotian is not requircd. For the pwpose of this pednat. the oopemar" Ls the penon who has day+o-day connol over the poje!. This can be the o*iter, rte developer, the tettal fintactor or thc agelrrt of one ofihese pa/ti6, in some cirult Bmnca, At difiercnt times of a cansmrcdon projacr, diferent tges ol partie,.t may satish the defiiition of 'operuur' and the certifuation ntoy be transfened as rolcs change. (Note - Ilnder the Federal regulatiora, this arylication procns is relened to os a Notice o! Intent, br NOt. For intuaal consirtency with itt cr.nent pmgnm, the Division will continue to rte lhe Etm "adicatbn.') ln ou ine of the permil application rcquircrnchts iJ loud in the pernit al Parl 1.A.1.b. If this gene?at permit is applicoblc, then a certification will be dadoped and rte applicant will be certified under this general perrnit. YI. QUAUFYING LNAL PROCRAMS For stomylarer dhchat?rcs associated with small constuction activity (ie., one to fie acre sitq), rte permil itr,ludes corditbns fiat incorporate spprolEd qualifyiag local erosion and sdimeal contrcl progran (Qualifuing lacal Progrum) requireneau by ref*ence, 'l fualifying Local Prcgran is a rl'unicipal ttormvraar pmgramfor snrnwater dischatges associated with small anstruction acli@ rtat has ban formally opptoved by the Division, Tlrc requiremenB lo7 Qualfring Incal Programs arc outlined in Part 6I.E(12) of the Colorado Dischorger Petait Syslen Rqgulatiotts (also see the Division's "fualifiing Local Pmgmms for Snall Construction Sitet - Applicati@z Guidance"). Such programs must impose rcquarements ,o prctect water qt/p/lity that are at le4J,t as stict as lhose rcquir"i iE ,his perflii A. App,pval Termination: A Qualilying Local Program nuy be rerminated by either the Division or the municipolity. IJpon termination of Div$on apFrcval of a Qaalifling Local Progtam, any small construction activity requircd to obtain pernit coverage utder Se*ion 61 .3(2)(h) ol the Starc Dischsrge Permit System Regulotions shall submit an applicatioa forn as provided by the Division, with a certification that the Stotmwater Maaagentent Plan (SllMP) is complete as required by Pan 1.A.1 of the Pernit, withiz 30 days. B Apprval Expiration: Divlrion approval ol o Qtalifiing Locol Program will qire with this gental petmit on June 30, 2@7. Any munkipolity desiring to coatinue Divisaon approval of rteir pogram must reapply by March 3l, 2007- The Division will detennine il the program nay continae as a apprcved Qualifiing Incal hograa' COLDMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HEILTH AND ENVIRONMENT. Water Qwliry &nenl Divisbn , . Raaonale - Page 5- Pernit No. COR-Q3NN YTT, TERMS AND CONDMONS OF PERAIIT B. Coveraee under a Ouallfuinp laal Prcpram - Fot SnaU Coa*aaion SLcs Oahr For small constttction sites (dbturling lrss rhat 5 acra) covcted and* a Qualifying lacat Progiam (se Sedion VI above), only cenoin pemit rcqubemeats apply, as oulined below. Ihe local prcgram r,ust hzve ben lomolly designated by the Division to qualify, Most muricipalities have some type of local progtn and nmy reqtire permis and fe*. However, simply having a progrcn in place bes not necetrarily mcan thal it is a qaa@ing program and ttrlrt a State permit b not required. The local nwicipallty will be rapoasible lor netilying opcnlon and/or ovnels that they atc overcd by a Qrdilyiag Locd Progmm. I list of muaicipalities with Qwlfyiry L&al Progtans b aho available at http : /lwww.cdphe.s tate.co.rs/wqlPnnis U nir!*qcdpntlhtml. The Division rcsertes tlc righ, to rcqui?e orry oqner or operaror within thr- jurisdicrion of a Qralilying Lcal Program covvred under this pelfiit to aryly lor and obtaia covcrage undet the full requirements of this penit. L Pennit Cor*age: If a construction sie is wirtin the jwisdiction of a Qualifying Loeal Program, the operaor o! Ihe cons'',ction activity it aurtori2ed a dbcharge stomwater associqted with small c.orrstnrction ac viry under this general permit *ithoui, ,he submittal of an qplicaton io the Divlsion. The prmittee alrio b not required to snbmit an inactivation notbe or paynent of at annul lee ,o the Divition. 2. Pennit Terns ond Conditions: The peneiaee cmered by a Qualfying Local Prcgram must comply vith the requiremens of that Quahlying Local Progran . In addition, the following permit sections are applicable: i. l.A.l,l.i.2,and 1.A.3: Authorization a discharge and discussioa of coeerate under,he pemiL ii. LC.I: Geaeral limitatiors rtat must be m.t in oddition m local requtre4ent. iii. 1.C.2, 1.C.3: Ptohibition of non-srormwater discharges unless addreesd in a separare CDPS perm , and reguiremens related to releasu of repotable q'uantities. iv. I.D. Addinonal delinitions. v. PanII (u.cept lor Paru II.A.I,II.B-3, II-0.8,and 11.810): Scifically itlcludc, but is no, linired to, provisions applicable ia rte case of noacompliance with perdi, ,quirement, atd rcquiremenF to plovide inforrnat io n o nd a cc c s s. Stormwater Management Plans lSlfMPs,l Prior lo commencement of conslrudion, a ttormwater management plan (Sly*tP) shall be d*cloped and implemented for each facility covaed by this petmit. A catifcation that the SIuMP is complae nust be mhmitud with the pemit applicafion. The SWMP shall identift potential sources of pollution (iacluding sediment) whbh iltay reasonably be aputed to af*t thg quality ol stonrwota discharges associatd with constn/ction activityftom the facility. ln additbn. the plan shall dcsclifu the best maAogement proclice (BMPs) whtch will be ased o rcduce the polluunts in stormwster discharges from ahe construction site. Faciliti* mwt imple,nent the provisiorts of their SWMP os s condition oJ rhts permit. The SWMP shall include the following items: L Site Desqiption 2. Site Mq i. BMPs lor Stornvwter Pollution Prevention 4. langtenr Stomvater Managarrett 5. Other Controk 6, Inspection and Maintenance 7. Signarory Reguiremens and Availability E. SIVMPR*ie:v/Changes (See Port I.B. dthe pcrmitfor d more dctailed d*crtPtion o! SryMP reguirements) COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HEILTH AND ENVIRONMENT, WAIt QUAIiO CONTTOI DiViSiON Rationale - Page 6. Ponit No. COR-030000 vIL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PERMIT (@ttt.) C. Monilorine Sampling and testing of storrnwarer for spea'fic paranretes is not required on a rcufine fusis unda thb permit. However, the Division rcsal:rrs the nght to tq rc sampllng and taling on a case-by-cuc basb, it ,lE event thal therc tJ re@ton to swpet that conplierrce wirt the SWMP is a probhm, or ,o deasQre the $ectivarss of the BMPs in reaoving pollamnts in the dluent. D. Facilitvlntpe'cliorzJ Aclire con5lllucrion thes raust insper,l tleir stonn*ata mandgem€nt contmk at least atty 14 dayt and aft* any p'.,cipiution or snowmclt atent that caws sur/ace cr",sfo,n. It sircs where constnr(l'ioa l|@t been anpleted but a vctelative cover ho., ,pt beqr established, these ins4ctiotts must occur at letat once pr month. At sites wherc v tet conditions erist, irrspections src Aot reqyired during the pe od that the vinter conditions misr. For all of these inspections, records nust be lept on file. Ref* n the pennia at Pa,t LC.S hr detailed rquirena* of these inspcctiots. E. Relision of SWMP Eosed on the ;g5ulr of the itspectio t (sce D. above), the dacrtptbn of ptenfial pollutan sourccs and ,he Pollation prevention ond ontrol measures, idattilied in the WMP, and the conwl measzres rharaelves, shall be rertisd otd modified as appropriate as soon ds pmcticable afier such ittspection. Modifuation of ontrcl mensuret shall be implemented in a timely manner, bzt in ao carie more than 7 ealendor days alter rte inspttion, F. Renoninp The inspection rccord shall be node ovailabb to the Diviion upon rqucst. Reg.lar submiaal ofan aanual rePorl is not required in rtis permit- G. Annual Fee The permittee is reqaircil to subr,jit paymeat { an annual lee as set fonh in the Wata Quality &nfiol Act. Permittas will be billed lor the initial p*mit fee within a fet weela of pen tit issuct ce and then annually, based on a July I tbough June 30 billing cyele- For small corctruction activities. if application wa made lor coverage with a completion dote I2 aonths or less fron the starl of const .uction activity, a fee *ill be assessed. based od the estimated number of calendar qll,artefi the site is activv. Projects going hcjnnd that n rre will be billed the tundard anaual lee. H. Inacrivation Noticz lfhen a site has benfinally stobillr;ed in accordstce wirh the SWMP, he operator of thefacility shall wbmit an Iacaiwtion Notice thzt is signd in ac@rdance wilh Part I.E.l drte pa atit. The content ofthe Inactivatioa Notice is dacribed in Paa 1.i.6 ol the pennit. A cW olthe Inactivation Noticelorm will be mailed b rte psmittce along vilh the petmit ce ilication. Addiional copia are availoble lron the Division. An etception b rte requirement ,o tubmit an inactiwtion has bcet included in rte rurd pannit lor Snall c,,nstruction Sites thot will be fnally stabilized within I 2 months of the beginning o! consataion activities. In such cases, the Nrmit certiJication wtll iadicate the aulomatic apiration dale. If permit coverage it neded beyotd that date, an e easbn rcqu*t lorm must be submitted to the Divisiott at least I 0 days pior to the qpiration daae coLbRAm DEzARTMENT OF \UBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, raw guality Conopl Divbion i Ranlonale - Page 7. Permir No. COR-QlOUfu VII. . TERMS AND CONDMONS OF PERMIT (CONI.1 ! . Trans(er of Pernit lfhen reponsibility lor sanwater dischdrgcs al o co,rstnn ioa si/€ changes fron one individual ,o anoth.l, lhe permit shall be tmnslend in accordance with Part lul.7 of the permit fie Notice of Transler fon will be maihd o rtc penzittee along wih the penr cenifuation. ,ldditional apies are owilable fron the Divisioa, Il the aev responsihle perty will not complete rtc nansfer form, rte pcn{t nay be inactiwted if the pntit@e has rc legal t?sporrsibility, through owneship or coarad, far thc cowtrction activitiet ot ,he site. In this case, the new operator would be required b obroin pernit coverage seParalely. J. Dtrlatioa of Perrrrit Ihe general permit will expire on June 30, 2007. The pcrminee's auhoity n discharge.undo rtis pentil is opprcved until the crp,ration date of the ganeral pemit. An! WtTttittee desiing continued cwcrage wder the tenerul pcmit mvst apply for recenification udcr the gqreml penrit at kast 90 days prior to a6 aliration date. Nothaa Mare March I l,2002 CHANOES MADE AFTER PUEUC NOTICE Several comnents woe received lrcm rte Envircnmealal Protection Agarcy (EPA) Changes based oA lhese comtwn8 and additional intqttal raniew are discussed below: t. The EPA conmented lhat laaguage needs o be added to lhe penait addressing the catiftcation requiranenu for. inspectioi repons. Part t.E.l d the Pennit nqaires tha, a repor'tr submit ed to the D'wltion mclrde sPecirtc certilicatiorl. lrlngu4gc. Eecause site inspections requitd by Pan 1.C.5 of rte permit are ,tot szbmided to the Divbion, they are not covered wder Part 1.C.5 of the Penrit or Regulatlon 5 CCR 1N2-61, S,actioa 6l.1(DA), which rcquire specifc cc aiJicatton I a ngsoEe. However, Regulation 5 CCR 1002-61, Scction 6l.E(1)(o)(ii)(8) does requirc that the pen tittee maintain a record summoraing the insryctions that includes a genifcatbn that ahe site in eonlpliance with the pha ard the permit. Th*eforc, Ianguage llcn been odded to Pan LC.5 of rte Pcrmit, requiring that a signed swtenat be ircIuded with oll rccords of anspmtion on the status of comPliance at ahe sile. 8. The EPA recommendd that the Petmit and Rationalc be changd to iadicate that the application is due ten days prior to the commelcement ofconstrLctiod aclivi iet, instead of prior to rte anticipated dan of discharye- The Division agrees that this |9ording is preleroble aad nue occuately indicates the Division's er,itting interprcration of the regulations. Thae changes how been node. C. The EPA expressd concern with requiring o pennitae to t? Ltler permit coverage in cases where the nev respottsible pafty ,rrdy nor be cooperative, Ianguage has bem addd to lhe Permit and Raionole clarilying rlrr,l terrninorion of pcrmit coverage is atlowed whet the penn uee no longer his any legat ruporsibility through ontnership or conlract Ior lhe conslntctioa activitY. D. The EPA commented on the lac* of a defintionfor the tems " receiving watq" and "ultimale receiving water". A definirion has beev addcd to thc Permit, and the term " timate receivirrgwotcr" clatified to indicale tha, it mearc lhe frst nafied recetving vokr, iI the discharye initially goeJ to on unaamed dilch or storm sewer, Nathan Moore May 15,2N2 Status: I Approved co,r"ut, DeveropMENr Rourl?G Fonu fi Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Tom Kassmel. PW Date Routed:04t12t06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:04119106 Description of work:lnstallation of new water tank Address:2734 Snowberry Drive LeEal:Lot:14 Block:I Subdivision:Vail lntermountain Comments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review bv Fire The engineering report does not show a recommendation of stone columns is this a pevy_ requirement? Please have reoort uodated. ,?tz tt/./rU/u ,/ ,Z'{o/t-'r"/2, L/zt-fzz' .' Provide coov of stamoed e A storm water dischsrge permit will be required by the State if disturbance is > 1 Acre or a Town of Vail oermit if the disturbance is >.5 Acres Provide coov of it orior to construciton Provide staoino olan and Public Wav oermit orior to construction co""uilt" DevelopMENr *oui?u Fonut Routed To:Fire Date Routed:04t12t06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:04/19/06 Description of work:lnstallation of new water tank Address:2734 Snowberry Drive Leqal:Lot: 114 l Block: 19 lSubdivision:Vail Intermountain Status: I Apprcved I epproved with conditions I Denied Comments:Date Reviewed: lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Deoartment. I 4 ogulq--eeting of the vail rown council was held on Tuesday, october 6, 19g2, in theCouncil Chambers of the Vail Municipal Builcling. Merv L,apin *uJ tu" -"utiog to orderat 7:45 P.M. MINIITES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGocToBER 6, 1992 7:30 P.M. MEMBER.S PRESEI{T: MEMBER"S ABSENT: Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Menl Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Gibson Tom Steinberg Rob LeVi:ce Bob Buckley Jin Shearer TOWN OFFICIALS pRESEI{I: Ron phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pa-m Brandmeyer, Assistant to tb.e Towa ManagerMartha Raecker, Town Clerk I The first item on the agenda was Citizen Particifation. John Mueller requested Councilr-econsider TOV policy prohibiting street-cuts in r:,mly recoostruchJ roads within the Towu.Oouncil agreed to hear this issue since Mr. Mueller's situation was considered "-"rg""t. ff. Sequired.a street-cut permit in order to access a sewer line for B1B0 Booth f.a[s no-aa. Ur.Mueller indicated he had been given incorrect sewer inlct elevations by IJEWV&S, ,rra ni,access for sewer serwice connection was now too low to conncct. Council, U..y CrJ"f, u11JMr. Mueller reviewed site plans of the lot and area in question, and reviewed in""o opiior6for correet ir:,,: iire situatio_n. During discussion, it becamc clear the ssvrsl inlst, elevationsprcrri:i:..j r...r irlr. Mueller by UEVW&s were incor:rect, and, in fact, caused tne,esJtio!..'.,i'i" r:,oblem. council advised Mr. Mu,;ller to pursue-relief from upvw&s. Afteir'::1':i. ji!!-!r':, Rob LeVine moved to allow Mr. Iv{uelltr a-n cruerg:cncy exceplion to TOV policy ' .;'!rCug street-cuts in newly reconstructed. roads if there iere-no other alternatives fo-rresolving Mr. Muellet's problem, and with the condition that Mr. Mueller try to coordinaGthe possibility of connecting at Lot 11, 3010 Booth Falls Road with UEVW&S. Jin Gibsonseconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-2, Mayor Osterfoss and TonSteinberg opposed. Iten N9. 2 ol the agenda was approval of the minutes of the september 1, r9g2, andseptember 15, 1992 svsning meetings, and app-roval of the scptem^ber zg, rsisi, slJ"lEvening Meeting Minutes. Jim GiLson -o*d to approve the minutes bf tn"r"in e"meetings, with a second from Tom Steinberg. A vote was takcn and the -otio" passeJuaanimsusly, g-Q. Item No. 3 vTss Qldinance No. 10, Series of !99!, first reading, an ordinance ,-eudingSeciion 3.48.40 and 3.48.090 of the Municipal Code of the Town-of V"it to provide tU"t rf,EReal Estate ltansfer Tax may be used for the acq 'isition and. improvement of real p-p",.,ywithin the limits of the Town or within a miliof the Town boundaries; p.oviaingilo;specifrcity as to whal the funds received by the Town pursualt to the Rcai Estate TiansferTax can l:..' uscd for; and setting !,.rth details in regard thcrrcL.;. Mayor Osterfoss read theril!n 1l rl.1;. Larry Eskwith explaincd this ordiaanie would rmcnd tie IfETf ordinance to . .: j'f': i uuds l.o be used within the limits of ihe Town or w.ithin a mile of the Towni)0'rr:Car"ir:s. It would also clarify pulposes for RETT iunds. .lhn Clfson expressed oppositionto tse of-the tgrm 'public rights-of-way" in tbis ordinance. FIc felt the concept imiiied wastoo broad,_and Iandscapinq 9f public rights-of-way was a public works ocpa*mcoi p""j;.tuot something to expend RETT funds on; however, Mayor osterfoss rert'ranascafilg;;appropriate in conjunction with development of recreational bike paths. Bill Witto siia ne lad n9 objection to the use of RETT funds for appropriate projects *itirio a milc of the Towaboundaries, but was str-o1cir opposed to use oi'i;:liTT f;d; on public rights-of-wa1,. Jim $ibson, Bill Wilto, and Jo Brown asked for a clear defrnition of "pnUtic righl-of-way.,; nut.ibrief discussion, Rob Leving-moyed to approve ord.inance No. 10, series of rsgi, on 6rst leading, with the addition oflandscaping ofrecreation paths as an appropriate use ofRETTfunds' Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken and ihe motion passed, E-1, l{t raga.r ol la8pnq :TgT1r^tjy_ir:p ot paqaear spja snsuasuoc FctrnoC .tqa1s.re,roSu4aEpnq oW u-r p"il1:^"_l"i"t rf"+"uA eaagg-palsanba.r osp uo;, .o,ats{s tlsue.rlsrql roJ arueu Sulsseduocua-1p arorrr BJo uo,pops-aql ur 1sa",a1ui possa.rdxa aqs .uorlrpp'uI 'slpsa'r pelldruoc,^eq1 Jo srs,(Jnr .re1e1 pue 1"au1'oaq1 "o.I "ioJ )tsq ?ql 01 'IqEIrBApapBE aq lqaluR4sul rfluns pasodand aql 1"q? palse sso3roliO rodef,t .tiBA ol a11r pBa_J @orj.'Bql 0[Il p'arl Eo{I IIBA o:} srap-rr arour or?ia -ariq1 rql 1n{, ,rrf"i"I s.EoJ o} puodsa.r o4i(arms dgqs.rep.r: e JoJ ap:ul se.,rllsanbar v .snq aq?Jo aJrrBuolurEru puu uoqeJodo.rog iu.utedaIIr pEa.IJo uaoJ, q?Lrt{ .Buuoldxa quoja sB^r Eapr ?Bqt paa"r8e ioo"oo .ajqs.rapg "iIFd;Aas'arcrn pue alo'rdur 01 snq raql.rr' Ea{? 1eo1_ 91 p'q AoJ JI uo^a .araql ua1s,(s doole elerod-rocur o1 pa'e.rnocqa aq arn p'rl pisoao.ro a"J,r"i"rtitto"i, tor,r"q" pasodo.rd aq1 yor$ar^ar l'uoqrpp' .rogy .1u.,.ri V,L!I uB BF alq:tr'^B aq ppo,r salnq ^ou alurs sasnq oArl JoSulqsrq.rnya.r;o,(e1ap ,(e) pue ,uafrisea1 o1 plngo n6"1, sasnq 6Z6I oll1 ,tq pecelder aq plnoraqcnlA alnor aILl^pEaT aql JoJ posn s_asnq o,r,r u1l sosBalJo uorleururel 11; :ualsds d1uno3oqr roJ la'pnq I'uo*s:ado pesodo"rd aqi q rgTq" #1 p";;;rip" o*aru oql parou uoQr'rualsfg {1uno34a3png]^isTll_t l11.1qp"r.s1,.raieuery o,iol, ooli-.saruuf 11Ig ol,uoaygou roJ aqr 1B saJlAras pdprunrygo rorJonq's1oo.rg,c.'fr .o"y*o.rd B poArarAar sdqgq4 uq1 'pasrer a.re.r epua8e aql uo lou sruEr lerolas ,luaunrmofpe aroJog uorlo' arn pu€ uo{E} uaql s'ra olo-i\ v 'olloT^":1j_nj.ror""_L*n3frff":#fr::"tffi1o1 s.urduel .r0 rtrog nl4el ,6,661_,9 ilnf "q+ "o paseq palsanndl-si oBW prBzEH IIE.;rrfroUralsEtr{ saoJ puaEB o} pa oru u1de1 ,r-rary ..-"gadora d"rrraraJar a^oqB ar{l too{ po^oruar aquotleuSrsap llsllcou alBrapow aq1 au5puaur*ocor Jallal p palllEqns flluanbosqns sg$rue1'rC 'ouoz IIEJqco.r {ue ur lou_arord ,u1e1unou.ra1ul IIBA ,6 {colg ,gI puB .gI ,Vl ,ET ,ZI'0r slsl 'uoqsanb ur sarlredord "q1 p"1""oo sea,r 11 ;uog-#ri.".roi?1rr-oo ?uo?or aq1 Euunq't86r uT pa.rederd dery fiegcog aql jo uoqe.reda.rd u1p;i#;" p;ri oqo,,, lsooloea Fullpsuocaql 'sFrduel sBlor{crN '-rq1q:olieFlrsa^ur alrs-uo ruaca-r e o6 pisei uorl'usrsap TIIBFI''QTar'rapow,' ar{l Eo"J serlrado.rd cgneds Suraoqa.r icq dery p"roi11 it"rrt"ou JalsBI^I s.u.,$oJoql puaure ol ser. lsanba.r slqt pau.r_e1dxg ql^:g *q iI;It p*;li IIB;:laoU ra?sBI4I AOJoql puoru' ol qcsrqc'g ur.tr.q luecldde fq 1s-anbar d a"p"6l'a, oorJ.i."rrp s s'^r g .oN EalI uoqlpp' aw w$ ,g-9 .rlsnounuerm pessed uollo* nrr_n.,r_..rnoJro::,P SJif !ilTlff;aql pa[e' urdel a-re141 SuSpuads pue s-oxe1 p.,"poJ.ro 1t"'o*r rue alrnyq lnor{lra srr'p'roloca-rnfw i(1a:arras pFo/r_,r-_"^{_111-pr"*v r.i i:essea aigr".ooi- ,G661 ,zz.raqualdagpal?p .IWC i(q pa.reda.rd luouncop e uo.,3 o'o.1euro.;,r, pp' ol !pi, p"1"o",p uorl? uosqr'Iulf 'uotlEllluI xsl Jo lImoIrIB auos tlll r 'lorlug? Iecol urRt-ar puisuo,1e.1rs leeol ssarppp olsaqrJedrcgunur rog {1lgqpog oq1 pa"e!6 ?1 "r.,r""q 1 .o1q luaupuoqv 01 pareduoc alqeluJedseaa psodord r'qt rtal qou ,oflBq aqiio rba rou pq qclqa (.IWc) an'Ear pdorunl4l op'rorocaq? {q pel"oddns pue pasodoid ier'i 1eq1 a.rnseeul uoqel.urrl x"l raqlou€ .s'n, arar{l EuL(essB procar uo oi o1 polse^lu-rAa qou 'pa^Io^a spepu ieapnq'p"r""*"iiry1 pa.rtnba.r aq plno^l,?Bql sorrrB{arup 3u,r1o1 8_u5p.reiar rrroauoc-papnpul uorsincifo "nqrr,.l .s.re,uod ledrcrunruIBco[ pIrE alru-a'I'oqJo lualulrslmr puualoa s.1- oN luo'puoq" qr* ll'ap qc$Ii^ uorlnlosarslt{l uT suotsrao,rd p.raueS ortros oJa/td a.raq1 palucrpu-r qlIA{sS f1re1 .uap1 s'na alo^ E oJoJ?B're11cng qog uxo' prroaa'-B rnl,n'266_rJosiuag ;;t'.oi{ offi1osq1^nn*&an o1dil;;;i$'tulf 'C66I .ro3 pauueld g fuaaq8p1lJo Furuapl,u prre ql€d e{rg uorrcunf p^{oq arll roJ EwpunJa4'ls pozlprBdoaf go i(1J11q1ssod acl Eulpnpu-r-'r 'wi""'Q""-v i s-{r'qna.rp pgualodlnoqe {ga!'rq a4ods qcr,n're8 aaa4s 'lFu uI- anrl aqr p'ar 1s6g.rasq -:oru4 .roIIBg uorrcolglsJauoC ,Zo66I ,g raqwaAoN oql uo .readde ngu qcg,1a .t oN lia.upoa*y o1 uoqrsoddos.punoC u,uog, genEuFspop uognlosor e ,Z6dtJo sa.rrag ,g1 .oiJ uoqnlos"U ss/f, g .oN EolI Papuaur' aq pl.oc aiuuqc slql palou suru 11,a4o,r oql rolrv .pesoddo rlaq -ory ffifi:;;uortour oql pue ua{4 uaqt serr qoa V .qogsanb aql pal1e,c uosqlC _r ;eeoi:girtil"r,ol.I uo uortcolq [BrauaC ".n_l:_!:::nd ,,luewpriaury acn rg oqr, .1 .ol'I fioupuoruyg l1.re1"cn*ri'sre1o.r pagrpnb prr' quaprsa.r se pegp#s aq pFoc x'l aq1 aurrea srorr,$o ssoursnq asoqlraqlaqd, Surp.re8a.r uorssncsrp gagq .ra15y AOI ol alqeluno-acB (SI^I D p"reog iurlo:1.re1,qdeIIeA L.EA orn Surdaa4 Jo srr'oru e se upuie o1 uorirao.rd rasilsLor rnoJ aql porrr','aoq Palels u$e1 a:etrq 'ue:1e1 seaa. aloa e'i.ro;ag, -ou-r^ql qou Eo,rJ puoaos E q?.r,tr ,aurpsoJlerg uo .A66I Jo salras ,gZ .oN ocuumprg aio.rdde o1 paaou uosqid *f .nry uI altll aqlpeor ssnJra?sg.rode141 iur1o re141roJ asuarn ssoursng IBnurrV - |frg,6jae[i r(ppil"diSurpua?ra 'LreA Jo u/ao{-aq} 1o opog puiirrnry aql Jo ,ooilemiing- 0rl.r0.g uor?ragEurpuaue aarr'Epro uc 'Bugpea-r rt"s 'dooi jo sa".aj 'i6 .o1.I-ec'Ernpro s',ra r .oN E*I 'pesoddo uosqrC Erf TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Roail Vail, Cdlorailo 81657 t0t -479-2l t I / 47 9-21 t9 o D e p trtm e nt of C ommunity D eu c lopm ent November 10, 1992 Mr. Envin Bachrach PO Box 2236 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Town Council Meeting Minutes Amending Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map Dear Mr. Bachrach: Enclosed please find the Tow-n-Council meeting minutes from October 6, 1992, which amended the Town of Vail's Master Rockfall Hazard Map. This amendment officially removed Lots 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block9, Vail Intermountain, from theirpreviousdesignation as being located in a Moderate Rockfall Zone. Thanks again for calling this matter to our attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions that you may have. Sincerely,ffit Tim Devlin Town Planner enclosure xc. Kristan Priiz FILT COPY 75 Sottb Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9-2 I t I / 47 9 -2 1 t9 Department of Commanity Dcoclopmcnt August4, 1992 Mr. George E. Miller lsle of Man EducationalTrust 17502 West Hphway 101 Wayzata, MN 55391 Re: Lots 14 and 15, Block g, Vall lntermountaln 2724 Snoveberry Drlve Dear Mr. Miller: The Vail Town Council will meet on Tuesday evening, September 1, 1992, at 730 p.m. lncluded in he agenda will be an amendment to the town's Rockfall Hazard Map to remove your property from rockfall designation. Should you have auny questions or comments, please feel free to contact m€ at the above address or phone number. Sincerely,ffit Timottry N. Devlin Town Planner TND4h February 19th, 1982 Peter Patten Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81658 Attention: Community Development RE: LOT 15, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOIINTAIN SUBDMSION. Request for rezoning from Primary/Secondary to Hi-Density MulEi-Faxoily Gentlemen: In response to your public notice of February 19th' 1982, please be advl-sed: As an "across the street'r neighbor, Lot 13, 2701 Snowberry Drive, I wish to ask the Planning and Environmental Cormdssion to deny the request for these reasons: The Town of Vail had otlglnally zoned all lots on Snowberry Drive as Primary / S econdary in accordance with sound pri-nciples dictated by the slope of the terrain, accessibility and general character of the area. At thls time I an loath to think that our Town would wish to set a precedent in the area by first establishing a well thought out zoning and their backing away. Should higher densities be perrnitted, traffic and particulary parking problems 'especially .iuring the snow season will occur. Extra traffic dust, fumes and noise would be detrimental to our peace and quiet and enj oyment of our inves tment in money and labor. I want Eo assure the Com ission, as well as the owner of Lot 15, Chat I welcome new neighbors, but four (4) units just do not fit inEo the landscape and neighbo rhoo d . q-,"""^'lp"kL/,^,L Box 117Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone: 476-2636 ,,? 1 ,tt:t,Lt&' '..='?4 4-, /..--' J.n | " ' /'!