HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL II LOT 13 (2)CL,'ir!STRIJCTION PEtiir{ iT U/\ | ;PROiiC'i NO (-' " :'t '^).PEiii,lii t,'3. con-: rnun ity Cevelopment ]- TY2[ OF CONSIi(USTrOit ?, OCCUPANCY G RCUP orvrSroN c.n.f A. C{lrl f,tERClAL SYST !tgrcHr rN iT. NO F IR EPLACES COVEREO PARKING aor.at@u t z z{J:T)':: C: P:i:.,17 t:nL--'n . r"l: : |<'f r^.: F=- :l:r/'. tN:; - C:rr:r.lt-. i CO:iTR;CTCRiI.l le:-t/ij\!r ELECTRICAL :'i ! Cl-iiilliCAr- l, ^;i rft1ffi CITY PLULl SIiiG F0UND/rTlCN 0NLY VNLw rti.ri Fa.a* lz?o vAt. uAlicf l /cL-j.\v/co |\r.l Yn|l !:Yq *-- UNCOVE R€D PAftKING l; -i I I I .t'LTi:liiTl0Ni ) i0i)lTIOr'l;rLi I nf9AlA( ) s-J ee o O 7 ae /0 ,s ^ia!/i;::\, i I .L,,^","0.s. DFftLfPE l'l c'rrYfill., r@. PH I ilic c F; rcinL 1;.lz - iN SU LAT iCN .lo H EAT i,r';occ, R.VALUE 3t :i'O l- Alt: VAIL V/A.i:R g S^N, DIS]. TAP i s? Ec iAi r'lcT:s:. ! t!ihr:ll: ,\{.i:r.lli'ai,i-:;!:, -!'!AI t i;,1'.-l ;t!;A u rlttl,,\;.i't,t! A a:r,.'i r,... :,, :.r: r, :tr,^ r i,rr Air(tVt lt (a,irhti:: ^riI: ;(;r<ir, :,, ( i;1;:':.t !.f:tl .\!.:, i.,!fri tik:)t:t'isi:* ,ir:; r:rli l,,1 r'5 k t r;^ i!l)! \ (;'4'.' I i.l ti.), a !,sr: tr i'J i I r ;t, g!icTii c;i-@a CENSRAT D:SCRIPTION OF IVORK :PLU r?i 6rii C @ ti !J r L D:li C ';e ff.1:T t,i.r.Icl.!cK f,1ic|lnii lci,t_ ,.,u J^ l lJr\ U.\ i , J_-_: icfnel1-n,,rq I ''t -_* RESTAU AI'NT gEATluC __l TCT/.'l- ?i itl,i iT F€ES A i l.1 il,l; S i t{AIC a --iJ,i*_f- iic'I:5: [-r- E C: t L.i:t c [] 3 \lEclrAr,llcAL r:c oo a # [\h oo oo i chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS tor L & FoUrcAfiOr EI{GITIIEERIiIG 5080 RD. 154 r GLE!{wooD spRrNcs,coloRADo 8160r r 3xt/94s74s8 Novenber 2, I98L Subject: Distress at Frorrt Btrildirtg Corners, D-plo<es on loEs 13ard 15, Casolar Vail fI, Vai-L Coloralo Job I'to. 21,I35A Victor l4ark Donal-dson P.O. Draver MVaiI, O 81657 Dear Sir: As requested, lue ret rrith 1ou and },lr. Jim l,tcDonald on rl.rbber 28,19Bl to observe tfie build.irq distress and deterrnile tlre prcbable cause. Distress of tlre 2 front buildi:rg @rners on both structures has bee.n operienced. Tfe distress, consisting nrainly of fou:rdatic,n walland floor srab separation frcrn the original structure, wa.s npst severeon the west corner of Building Unit 13 and both scrners of Buildingunit 15. M.inor distress qaas noted at ttre east corner of errildlng r3nit13. Ttre corners of these build"ings are fornd.ed on spread fmtingsplaced on approxjnately 10 feet of baci<fill. Ccxrpactj-on testing wasapparently not perforned on th_is rnaterial. The f,ourr:lations su6rynrtingthe crcrner additlons are dord"led into the nain buildilg for:rrdauion. Surface drainage adjacent tte buiJ-ding and the addition area !,rasrelatiirely poor ard appea-rs to tr,ave al1cx,'ed ncistrrre to pond adjaoenttle structure. I€ r:rxlerstard ttrat the final backfi-}l to the presspggrade was just reoently placed. Drainage adjacent the east oorner ofBui-1ding Unit 13 is relatirrcIy good. Drainage along the roadmy r:phill of the site alpears to outletonLo lot 13. Ilre draia grate located on the rphill road shoulder was observed to be plugged with debris. The observed hrilding distress has been catrsed by differentialfoundatlon settlsrent. The outside @rner appears t.:o have settJ.eddiffererrtialry with req)ect to the dc,h,elled section causing uplift ofthe interior srab oorner. Tl€ settlerent has probably been accreleratedby wetLing of ttre backfirl. settl-enent of this tlFe can be e4ncted forfootings placed on wetted backfill especi_a11y wtrere the backfill has OFFICES. D€NVER, COLORAOO I COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORAOO / CASPER, WYOMING / SALT LAXE CITY, UTAH VicEor iaark Donaldson lbtzgrber 2, L98L PaEe 2 L:l pE*a djaert to hiSh fcurdatisr rells ard caffpt be oc$pact€d to t hi.gh @ree. 1tte roini.ual distress obserrrcd in tre sidirg ard-strmfacirry tlcn$d irdicate the erterior ldalLs to be in a cantilevsedordit-ion rathen tfran bearing qr the fo-udation walt. Sfuoe the rejoriQr of fowdation nsr/€fiEnt tns aFEnrerrtly 5ss1caused bv fouxlation reetLirq, \"e reErrrErd that backfilt ptacerrent beoqpleted arul good a:ninage to prevent pcrding of surface ranter wittrinabout r0 feet of tle perirreter vdall be develo@. Tfe debris plr€sealdrair located on tle r-qphiJ-t rcad stpulder should be cleaned to allcr^r fneeflcnr of !€ter. Ttris is onsidered to ariroid possi-ble psdirqof off-site vater qr ttrc site anl Additional backfill Gtttsrent.tfder?jinnfurg of tlre edstinq slnrtoitr fourdation does not atrr)ea-r hrar-ranted- Hsr€ver, if a cantiLevered oordition has de\reroped-on tl€outside r,ualls, storilg between the r,al-]" ard for-rdation stpUA neperfonred as required. croutirg bereath tle interior corRer of the slabshould al-so be perforrred. . rf 1ou have any qrestions in regard to tlre cffttents of ttris letteror if r'e can be of furtter senrice, please catl. Very truly ]4curs, cr{m'r AI{D AgsocrrftE.s, 1}}c. SLPldc J- lnwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47S5613 If you have any questions have made, p1 ease contact t Si ncerely, department of community development regardlng this agreement that Mark and I me. 0ctober 25,1982 Jim McDonald Box 1290 Homestead, Florida 33030 Dear l'lr, McDonal d : This letter is to inform you that I spoke with Mark Donaldson on October 22, 7982 regarding the landscaping on Parcels L3 and 15, Casolar Subdivision. lr.|e reached an agreement that the 'lots would be seeded and provided wjth an adequate method of erosion contro'l(blanket, jute, etc.) by November 5, i982 in order to prevent any loss of soil or drainage problems, The balance of the 'l andscaping shall be completed on or before June 1, 1983. Pursuant to the completionof the work to be done by November 5 the Tenporary Certificate of Occupancy will be extended until June 1, 1983. Fallure to comply witheither of these deadlines wi'll resu'lt jn a termination of the TemporaryCertificate of 0ccupancy now jn effect. .: ,l Peter Jamar Town Planner P..l: df cc: Mark Dona]dson