HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 2 LOT 3 LEGAL:t Lot 3, Block 2' Gore Creek Sub L/23/92 Betsy Rosolack asked Larry Eskwith (Town of Vail attorney) togive his opinion on the statement that is on the subdivision platto the effect that: "...this division shall be the only division or developmentto be made of Lot 3 or any of the two parcels thereto. Nofurther division or development will occur." Larry Eskwith stated if both owners agreed' additions could be made to the units, as long as the additions met zoningregulations. :_0T e / 4'5 r/, ;5,, i.f - (s N ro|!N :{sN (rJo LO-J r..Orlls(n (n ..|: : : G€flENAL t.OfE ' a{- *l!' ittttD rtl C|trrtO !" lra t r'3|or O. ligt ! .r1O t* i'Ctt3.'r lrcrr t rrt tElr*O a-rl. alD ll E3.rta0 'l tlc tlrt.tu.L I oC' !a,.to rla c !rt!1r13 i-t rt. |..r 'lr!3 'l|3.Oli a,|q lii lF- q.t rt'3d tr lattrtrart n a rrl t !:i ! c rt c r|.t "to rrclt.:l rErt'' n r.t.rta lNtrtrara oa Gr:aotlttll ]lr d€vr( ' oor-O7) tfo -rloc]IJ 11noTJ--{at I 1 t 1)D6|m G} EAGLE COUNTY PLANNI}.TG AND COURTHOUSE P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 27 August 1974. Mr. Warren P. Charles Colorado Blghorn Corp. Colorado Club Bulldlng- Sulte 4155 East Jeurel I Avenug Denver, Colorado &&2 roo!r, i ' t, ,.\, .,r ;*itl i(r!,i;, Ir ,' T,,:,: '1.1u "..1" ' ': rrl.i,: proJect. ' i '" I ii'lRe: Se-54-74 Bnsiqtrlat torffnfnr.r'ree Dear Mr. Charles: 1' ' : Enclosed please tlnd th€ approv€d flnal plat lor thc captloned I raturn lt to you to facllltate the recsrdatlon procees. Flespecttully, Quentin Mitchell , Jr. Plmnlng Asslstant QM/ac :'. 't' EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND COUFTHOUSE P, O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 7 August 1974 l oEvJltve Mr. Warren P. Charles Colorado Blghorn Corp. Colorado Club Bulldlng 4155 E. Jetrrell Ave. Denvert Golorado - Sulte'i007 Engqultt Tow?thouses " i r- r Dear Mr. Charlaa: As wa dlscussed today, I return to you the orlglnal plats (2) of tha Engqulst Townhousea. I hope you wlll be able to get the Tltle Certlflcate and the certlf lcatlon of ownerehlp lllled out wlth neceasary name8 and dates. Your project wlll remain on the agenda for the 21 August meetlng of the Plannirrg Commlssion, ao you have some time to re-submit. I would suggest your completlng and re-submlttlng only one of the enclosed final plata and three coples thereof. Only one orlglnal wlll be needcd for your recordlng proccss, so why have two completed and approved? lf tho plat le recelved prior to the meeting and if approvadat both it and the County Coinmlsslonersr meeting on 27 August, I shal I return the approved plat to you eo you may Inltlate the recordation procesa. lf you have any further questlone, plaase do not hesltate to contact thle office. Respectfully, Quentln Mltchel l, Jr. Ptannlng Agsletant oM/kt encl. (2) orlglnal plats - Ergqulat Tournhouaea .. l .:, .!,.' l Ptronc 328-6338 oe p a nt e,',, #3i:-i^,"rilh" o ev*r.,a er.rr -P. 0. Box?89 Eaglc, Colorado 81631' 31 July 1974 Mr. Warien P. Charles Cotoriilo Bighorn Oorp. Colorado Club Bulldlrg - Sulte 1007 4155 Eaet JEv.rell Ave. Denvcr, Colorado Re: Flle No. Se-54-74 Engcplst Exemptlon Dear Mr. Charlas: Thank you for the recently re-zubmltted flnal plats for the ceptloned proiect. Together wlth the prevlouely Eubmltted Party Wal I Agreement, the ptat shal I be presented to the Plannlng Commleelon and the Board of County Commlssionere at thelr next meetlnge. Though lt is unllkely that you wlllwlsh to attend, as your plati.s treatment wlll be purely mechanlcal In nature, the Plannlng Commlsslon wlll meet fn the Courthoure at 8;00 P.M. on Auguet 21 ' 1974, and the Board wlll meet ln tlref r Courthouse Room at 9:00 A.M. on Auguet 27. 'a974. When thedeslred slgnatures, 6tc. have been affl:<ed to your plate, I shal I retum both to you In ordcr that you can erqredlte the recordatlon thereof . As I mentloned in my letterof 24 June, thls offlce csnnot s€e to the recordailon of an approved plat. Our only connectlon at that polnt ls the completlon of our flle wlth a copy of sald racorded plat. Thsrk you very Barr, aB he ls Rerpectfully, Quentln Mltchell, Jr. Plannlrlg Areletant oM,/kt , much for your cooperatlon in thls. Pleaee note that I am not Robert no longer wlth thla departmcnt. iil. r r i ) 'i r. .; ..i. .",i .. jr' 1 '\-. "- |.,',l" t f : :11,,'r-ol i; ,f', eahnddogqfane@ July 30, 1974 Mr. Robert H. Barr Planning Assistant Dept. Planning & DevelopmentP.O. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Se-54-74 Exemption Engquist ConstructionCo. Townhouses. Dear Mr. Barr: I am enclosing @ I"lylar sheets for the Final Plat in the abovertstter. The certificates have been revised purstrant t,o vourrequest. We have previously submitted the Party Wal1 Agreement for yourreview. It would be helpfuL if both Mylars were signed by the variousentities, and one signed origirnl returned to us when completed. ^-*'?'O.rt'ryizilj: o4- k cr7-3t37 / 41ss EAST ,dII*AVENUE . DENVER, coLoRADo 80222 303/7s8-3335 COLORADO CLUB BUILDING SUITE #1007 D E p A Rr^lr oF pEfi:isr,33 lYo"o= veuf, e rur COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 24 June 1974 Warren P. Charles Colorado Blghorn Corporatlon Colorado Club Bulldlng - Sulte 1007 4155 E. Jewel I Ave. Denver, Colorado 80222 Be: Flle No. Se-54-74 ErBquest Conetructlon Townhougee Dear Mr. Chafl.;s: To acknowledge lts recelpt, I thank you for your undated letter of thls rronth, complying wlth our reguest for addltlonal data relevant to the captloned exemptlon appllcatlon. As recpeEted, you furnlehed us wlth a new final plat whlch Included a statemsnt llmltlng further development and lndlcatlone of parklng (where and how much) and the common driveway eaeement. In addltlon, you suppl ied us with a copy of the Party Wal I Agreement. Werve revlEwed thls agreement and, with the exceptlon of what appears to be typographlc errors, it seems acceptable. The County Attorney has reviewed the certiflcatlons on the nqru flnal plat, and he offere the fol lowlng comments:(1) mlsslng are the Certlflcatlon of Dedlcatlon and Ownershlp (p.27, SubdlvlElon Regulationa) ard Tltle Certlllcate (p 28) ;(2) the Surveyore Certiflcat6 (p.28) and the County Commieelonere Certiflcate (p 29) are not In strlct compl lance with the forme suggested ln the Subdlvlslon Regulatlons Given these dlscrepancles, I shall.aee to lt thgt the matter goee before the County Commlg6lonere at th€lr maetlrg on the 26th of thlE month. All that can poeslbly be hop€d for at thlE meetlrg ls a condltlonal approval of the plat, the condltlone belng eubmlsslon of a new plat wlth conformlng certlflcatlons. I regret thla added delay for you. lf yor.r could see to lt that the corrected plat ls ln thle offlce by Thursday, Jul.:e 27, I could get lt slgned by the Chaliman of the Plannlng CommlEelon and eubmlt lt to thE County Co.nmlsaloners ut thalr br.relness meetlng on Monday, July 1. lf you can not, the delay could extend to thElr meetlng next month. Eagl5Courrty Dcpartrnent of Planlng *rd Ocvelopmint Besi Regorda, QuentlnMltchcl I, Jr. Plrnlng Asaletant oM/kt cncl . (at appl lcantre roquaet_) /:1"'1 .' r;*i" . . Mylar Copy of Flnal Plat eohaadngctnn4e@ RECEIVED Mr, Robert H. Barf,Plannlng Agststant Departnent of Planntng and DevelopnentP.O. Box 789Eaglel Colorado 81631 Rer Ftle No. Se-54-74 Exemptlon Engqulet ConstnrcttonCo. Torrnhoueeg. Dear Mr. Barrr In accordanee wlth the letter of, approval f,rom the Boardof County Comltaalonere' dated Aprtl Zgt L974, ne arle subnlttlngthe follorlng ltener (1) Flnal Plat, lndlcatlnt ptEbl8g (where & how urrch),staterent ltmttlng f,urther development, @l (2)r for revlw by your staff. ME, 4155 EAST JEWELL AVENUE 303/75&33it5 Jufrl 2 0 1974 &pL 0f ptanning & Deyel-\fldl,colnu, Colo I am also eneloalng a copy of the flnal plat.helpful. to us lf, after flnal approvat the gg![the recordtng Lnfornatton enter€d, and the copy It would bele stgnedr and Secretary COLORADO CLUB BUILDING SUITE #1007 . DENVER, COLORADO 80222 RECEIVED JUN 2 0 1974 DoPL 0t Plonning & "'jvel.b8b counv. colo. T-I{IS AGREEI"IENTL97- by and beo{een ls made thls _ day of(A)(hereafter referred to agthe "First Party" ), and (A)(hereafter referrGd to as WITNESSETHI The Flrst Party ts the oqrner of a part of Lot 3, Block 2, GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION, ln che County of Eagle, Srare ofColorado destgnaced as the "ldest Parcel" as shown tn a IgU-heuse_Plat of Enequlst ConstguetLon Co. Townhouses filed tnthe offtce of the Clerk and Recorder f,or the Counuy of Eagle,State of Colorado on the _'day of197- in Plau Book -, Page -. .house Plat of Enequlst Constr:uctlon Co. Townhouses flled lnthe offlce of the Clerk and Recorder for the County of Eagl The Second Party is the owner of a part of Lot 3, Block 2, GORE CREEK SUBDMSION, ln the County of Eagle, Scate ofColorado deslgnated as the "East Parcel" as shown tn a Town- of Eagle,State of Colorado on the _ day of197- tn Plat Book _, PEge' . Sltuated on said Lot 3, Block 2, GORE CREEK SUBDMSIONls a two story frame dwelltng conststing of wo separatedwelltng untts. The dwelltng unlts share a cotnllon wal1, conmonsewer llne, and oornmon drlveway. IT IS AGSEED BETI{EEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWSI (1) Conrnon 1,1a11. Each parcy has a co-extstent, egual and common ownership ln the sald common wall. As used heretn, "com- mon r'rall" refers to that walL which separates the two dweLlinguntts and whlch Lles on Ehe centerllne whlch divides Lot 3, BLock 2, GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION lnto tlro parcels, the "WesE Par-cel" and the "East Parcel." as shown on the .Iggnbgusg.-Pll4 re-ferred to above. Each parcy shall keep tn good matntenance andrepalr the common wall- to which, through hts own dwelllng unlt' he has acceg6, afld shal1 not suffer the gatne to become danaged ordeetroyed. In the evenc lhaE the common wall ehall become damagedor destroyed, then liabt1lty fortts repalr or replacenent shall be upon the partlee as followsr (a) In the evenc chat damage or destnrction ts due to the wllful or negllgent BCtr or ommlselon co act' solely of, oneparty or of hls agents, llcensees' or tnvtteesr then che ealdparty shall cause the comnon wall to be repalred or replaced athis own expenae, and he shall be llable to the ocher party for damage caused to porttons of the premtses of the other parEy caused by reason of, satd danage or destructlon of the comnon wa11. (U) In the event thau danage or destructlon is due tothe wllful or negltgent dctr of onmtsston to actr of both parLles,or thetr agentsr Ltcensees, or tnvttees, then the expense ofrepalrlng or repLaclng the conmon wall shal1 be shared beBveenthe partles ln the Barne racto as the partles shall be shown to be comparattvely negllgent, or tn the case of a wtlful act or omrnlsslon ln the same ratlo ae tt can be ohown that elther ofthe parttesr acEs or ommlFelons were greater or lesger than the -a ( Page I\Io--PARTY WALL AGRE&IENI other party'9 gct tn caustng sald darnage or destructlono If, anyportlon of elEher or both partles' prelllses are damaged byreason of Ehe damage or destructlon of the connon wall, theneach party ghal1 be ltable to rhe orher party for damage Eo thaEother party's prentses tn tbe sane ratlo ae has been d6cerntnedabove for negllgent or wtlful acta or ornmlsstons. (c) fn the evenr that it can be shown thac both partiesor thetr_agents, ltcensees or lnvitees are equally negltgentorwllful tn thelr acrs or omrnlsslonsr or ln-rhe bveni tf,at thedamage or destruction of the comnon wa11 occurs through nofault of either partJrr thelr a8ents, llcensees or invltees, thenthe expense of repalrlng or replaclng the comnon walI shall beborzre equally by boch partles, and netther party ehall be res-ponslble or llable to the other party for damag-e caused to anyportlon of the other party's prernlses by reason of, the salddarnage or destnrctlon of the common walL.. In the event that elther party shal.l fall to make anynecessar)r repaLr or replacemenc of the conmon wall as aforesatd,or to keep the sarne tn good malntenance and repalr, then theother party may cause Ehe common wall to be repatred, replacedor malntained as the case nay requtre, and may cause to be ftledln the offlce of the Clerk and Recorder, County of Eaglel Stateof Colorado, notlce of such repatr, replacemenc or naintenanceand that the same hae nou been pald for by Lhe non-paytng partyrand the sane shal1 become a l.len on the non-paytng paity.s- parLelln the eatd Lot 3, Bl.ock 2, GORE CREEK SUBDIVISIoN unrfi pald. . If, ln order to comply hrlch thls Partv Walt AEreementlelther parly whaLl requlre access ro the ochei ptfty.s -dwelllng unlt ln order to repai,r, replace, or cause work to be performedon the sald common waI1, the other party shalI not unrbasonablywlthold hls permtsslon for euch acce6s. Any access so glvenshall. be wtth the consent of, both partles at a ttne and-houragreeable to both. (2) Common Ser,req Llne. It ls acknorqledged by the partlesthat a common sehter llne exlts the bulldlng now lbcated on thepremLses, and extends somewhat tnto the butldlng lnterlor, andboth partles agree to keep the satd serder line in good malnten-ance and repalr. In the event the common sewef ltne beCOmeSdama$ed or destroyed, or shal1 requi.re repatr, malntenance orother servlclng, then the expenee of sald repalr, replacementlmatntenance, or eenrlclng ehall be patd for by the pirtles asfollowe r (a) tn che event that danage, destructlon or re-qutred servlclng is due to the wllful or negllgent acE, orommtsston to act, eolely of one party or of-hls agenta, llcensees,or lnvttees, then the satd party sha1l cause che common sewerllne-to- be repatred, replaced, or serrrtced, as Ehe sltuation may re-qutre, at hls own cost and expense, and he shall be liable- tothe other_party for danage caused to portlons of the other partyrapremlses by reason of, sald darnage, destnrcttonl 0f requlred- senrl-ctng. (b) In the event, that damage, destmetlon or re-qutred- servtclng ts due to the wtlful or negllgenr aet, orommisston to act, of both parttes, or thelr agenCsr llcensees,or inviteesr Ehen the expense of repalrLng, replaclng or servi-clng the corunon,sewer llne shall be shared between tf,e partlesln the sane ratlo as the partles shall be shown to be conparatlvely Page Three--PARIY WALL AGREEI'{ENT negligenc, or ln the ease of a wilful act or ommlssion in the same raEto as Lt can be ehown that etther of the parttesr actsor ommtsstons were greater or lesser than Che other party'.s actor ornrnlsslon in causlng satd damage, destructlon, or requlredservlctng, Lf any portton of elther or both partlesr premtsesare darnaged by reason of the damage, descructtonr or regutredservtclng of the connon sewer liner then each party shaLL beLtable to the other party for damage to that other party'spremtses tn the same ratto as bas been determtned above fornegligent or wllful acts or ommtsstons. (c) In the event that lt can be shown that both partlesor thelr agents, llcensees or lnvtteos are equally negllgentor wlLful ln thelr acts or omrnlssion; or tn the event that the damago or destnrction or senrtclng of the common sewer ltneoccurs throuBh no fault of elther Fartyr thetr agents, ltcensees,or tnvitees, Ehen the expense of repairing, replaclngr of serr,rt-clng the conmon se\{er llne shalL be borne equally by both partlest and nelther party sha1l be responslble or Llab1e to the otherparty for damage caused to any portlon of the other partyrspremlses by reason of the saLd damager descrructton or requlredservtcing of the common serrer ltne. In the event that etther party shall fatl to make any necessar1r repalr, replacement, or servlclng of the comnon sevterllne, or Eo keep the eame in good matntenance and repair, thenthe other party may cause the common sewerltne co be repatred,replaced, or servlced as the sltuatlon may requlre, and may caugeto be filed ln the offlce of the Clerk and Recorder, County ofEagle, State of Colorado notlce of such repatr, replacement, orservicingr or malntenance, and that the same has not been patdf,or by the non-paying partyr and Ehe same shall become a llenon th9 non-paylng party's parcel tn the eald Lot 3, Block 2, GORE CREEK SUBDMSION untll pald. If, in order to cornply with thls Partv l{a1l Aereement,either party sha1l requlre access to the other parEy's dwelllngunlt or 1ot Ln order to repalr, replace, or cause work Eo beperformed on the sald common sewer llner the other party shallnot unreasonably r"riLhol-d hts perrnisslon for such access. Any access so given shall be with the consent of both partles aE atine and hour agreeable to both. (3) Common Driveway. Egress and Ingress to the "WestParcel" and the "Easc Parcel" of Lot 3, Block Z, GORE CREEK SUBDMSION, County of Eagle, State of Colorado shall be by means of the common drlveway, and an easement i.s granted toboth partles, thetr heirs, successors, assigns, and legalrepresentatives as shown on the eatd Townhouse Plat referredto above. Each party shall- keep ln good malntenance and repatrthe comrnon drlveway. In the event that the corunon drlvewaysha1l becorne danaged or destroyedr then 11ab1L1ty for tts repalror matntenance shal1 be upon the partles as followst (a) Normal and routine maLntenance and repalr shallbe an expense shared equally by both partiesr and shal1 tncludesurfacingr f€-surfactngl grading, installatlon of dralnage tl1egor plpesr gravelltng, rveedlng, tnstallatton and aalntenance of,reEalnlng wallsr altd the llke. Page Four--PARTY WALL AGREEI'{A\T (l) In the event, thar danage or destnrctlon to theconnon drlveway shall occur such as ts beyond the normaL androuttne malntenance and repalr of drtveways tn the conununity,and,beyond the usual. expeqtatlon, then the expense of, repalishall be borne by the partles as foLlowsr (1) In the event that the damage or destructtonis due to the wllful or negltgent act, or ommisslon to act,solely of one pargy or of hts agentsl ltcensees, or lnvltees, thenthe expense for repalrtng the conunon drtveway shalI be borne'so!.e-ly by that party. (2) In the event that the damage or destrucclonis due to Che wllfuL or negligent act, or ornmisslon to act, ofboth parEtes, or thelr agents, ltcensees, or tnvltees, then theexpense of repairtng the conmon drlveway shall be shared betweenthe partles tn the same ratto as the partles shall be shown tobe comparatl-veLy negLigent, or ln the case of a wilfut act orommlgsion ln the same ratto as tt can be shown that etther ofthe partles' acts or ommtsslons were greaEer or lesser than theother party'e act ln causlng sald danage or destr:uctlon. ' (3) In the event that lt can be ehown that borhpartles or thelr-agents, llcenseee or tnvttees atre equallynegllgent or wllful tn thelr aets or ommieslonl or ln the eventthat the daqge or destrrrctlon of the eornmon drlveway occursthrough no fault of either party, thelr agents, licensees orlnvitees, then the expense of repairtng the comnon drlvewayshall be borne equally by both partles. In the event that elther party shall fall to nake anynecessarxz repalr of che conmon drtveway as aforesald, then thegthe,r party nay cause the sarne to be repalred and nay cause tobe flled ln the offlce of the Clerk and Recorder, County ofEagle, State of Colorado notlce of such repair, replaceinentor malntenance and that the same has not been paldfor by thenon-paylng part1lr and the same shaLl become a Llen on thb !9q:pa)'ing party's parcel in the said Lor 3, Bloek 2, GORE CREEK SUBDMSION unrll patd. (4) Arbitratlog. In the event rhat atry dlspute shall arlsebetween the partles concerning the meanlng of any words orsentences in the wtthln Bartv l^IallAgreement, or to the ltabllltyof any partyr or to the questlon of any expense to be lncurred byany pafty1 the dtspute shal1 be settled by arbltratton. Eachparty shall nane an arblcrator, and the two persons so chosenshall name a thlrd arbltrator. The three persons so chogen shal1have authorlty to settle any dlspute arlslng out of thls satdagreementr and thelr declslon shaLL be blndtng upon the parttes.In the event elther party shall refuse to name an arbttrator, orsha1l fal1 to name an arbltrator wlthtn flfteen days after belngrequested by the other parcy ln wrltlng to nalrre an arbttratorrthen the non-refuslng party shall nane an arbttrator for therefustng party. In the event that the tvro arbttrators chosenby the parEles, one arbLtrator for each par-ty, shal1 fall toagree as to che cholce of a rhlrd'arbitrltorwlthtn f,lfteen daysafter betng notlfied to rndke such a eholce by etther party in - yrttlng, then the head of the Plannlng Deparcment, Cor:nty- ofEaglel State of Col.orado shal1 be autornatically narned as- thethlrd arbitrator. ^__ !:) -cgyspgnErlg F-g!+lF!-rc . .nre wlrhln partv wall c\T regmenc is binding upon ctrE-rrerF?sstgni, J.rccessors,lega1 represenrartv6s,- granrees, -o,i aff -ilrionJ-wfrhln rhechatn of rtrle of rhe wirhtn ae6crlbed-ieai-eJiate fron the 9..t9. of. this agreemenc and aftemards, and is a nutual covenantwhlch shall run wlth che land for che benefit or--iananoldersln GORE CREEK suBDrvrsroN, cJuniy Jr-uaei"l-Jtii"'of coloradopln perpenrtty. . .. Ihi" ParFv !{all AFre,emgnt may be changed or termlnatedonry with rhe consenr of-EneT6TdErs -of tlre ii;ie ro rhe ..wesEParcel" and the ,lE+q! parcei,'- oi-*re sald Lot 3, Block Z,GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION is srrom-on ir,._i"ra-EGnirwe._S&g ""aforesaldr-Eogether wlth the consenr of, the ffilng$ffitrnenc,county of Eagle, State of Colorado. wrrNESs ouR HANDS AND sEAIs on rhe dare and year frrsrwrltten above. Page Flve--PARTy WALL AcREEtvIEM STATE'OF COLORADO COUNTY OF , .FrrsE carEy , Second Party Theme thls foregolngr@ T"i'7lTiTl"'d51"" lfltness my offtctal hand and sea1. My conmlssion explresr Nocary h.rbllc Werrcn Charha Colordo Bfglnm Corpordlon C0lorado Clrdt Blde. Sulte 10O? 4155 E. Jeryrroll Avc. DcnYCrr Colora& ffi?2. EAOLE OOUNTY ENT OF PLANN|bIG AND COURTHOUSE P. Or Box7E9 E{ltr Colorado SlEll 29 Aprll 1974 OE r:': ENT . Rel.' Fflc Noo 8r.$4-7t ,Exqrnpt[on EngqJlrt Csrstructlon Co. '' ,. nt li At thctr speclal rneetlr{t on ?6 Aprlf ,197{ fhA Boqf of Cannty Commlesloners qprovcd yo.rr Appttcatlil tor Fxrrnr*lon trom $re.'bagri,couJity stbiliitilon Regulatlona arncfact to the ioltbrniing'oonSltlche: '' !:r i " (1) On the Flnal Plat a gtaternent strould bc provlded atatlrq that no further devclopmcnt wlll occur 6nd thtt each lot ehall br conaldlrod for onc \-' ctwalllrq r.mlt rrd each netrrly created lot ehall be conoldorod for one ctr^nlllng tnlt onlyi(D Indlcatr whcrc thc parklrrg le and trrn nuch fsr auch unltei (3) Revlerr by thr Plrrrlng Stafl of tho Party Wcll Agroemcnt. lf you havo ary ctrratlont, plcare contct tttlr Sccretary' the County Clcrk, or thlr offlco, In the Courttrouac. Rcapoctfully' Mlchml S. Dlrcctor MSB/kt Blalr cc3 Board of County Commlulonctr ' ou"l^n**, Wariln Charlaa Cbtorsdo Bighom Corporatlon : , cotoibdo Club Bldg. Sultc l0O7 4155 E. Jewsl I Avo. Denvlr, Colorado ffi222 ' . ;, .:.i;i:' , EAGLE COUNTY OF PLANNING AND bE COURTHOUSE ,, P. O. Box 789 , Fagle, Colorado 8t631'. 18 . !/ s!j.i.jl:, t*J ,:. b+Exrrnpllon. Co. .tr ' .'.: ,! {,. Robgrt H- Barr'r . ' Plannlrlg ideslrtant RHB/Kt cc: tsoard of County _: -:L..' !,,' :Re: Flld No. S."34!74 Engqulet Conctruction Tovvnhouaes ..: At th€lr rcguler meetlng on 17 Aprll '1974, the Plannlry CommlEeion recomm6nded approval of your Appllcatlon for E><emptl,on from the Eagle County Subdlvlglon Regulatlons subJect to lhe fol lorvlng condltlons:(1) On the Flnal Plat a statemqnt should be provlded statlng that no further developmant will occur and that each lot shal I be considered for one charelllng unlt and each newly created tot ghal I be coneidered for one dwelllrlg unlt only;(2) Where the parklng for such units and how much shauld be lndlcated;(3) Revlew by tfre Plannlng Staff of the Party Wdl Agreement. The recommendations wlll be presented to the Board of County Commlsslonero at thelr speclal meetirg on 26 Aprll 1974 beginnlng at 9:O0 A.M. lf you have any questlona, yourre welcome to contact thls offlce. Respectfully, Commlgelorprs eoh'ndi&c?fare@ r-,--'1 rqf) I ,''^|''.', AF iD, ,i - ,' DePt. Ll f i: E$gle Coutttl' "- ' Aprtl 23' L974 l,lr. Robert H. Barr Plannlne AegletantP.O. Eox 789Eagle' Colorado 81631 Rer Fllo No. Se-5/r-74 Excnptlon Engqulst Coastructlon Co. Tornhouaes Dear Mr. Bamr I tnrderacand thtt the reconncndattonc eontalned la your lctterof AprLt 18, 1974 8t tpprovcd by thc Plannlng Gomlcalon ull1 be pieoeateil to ths Boa;d of coimty Connlaetonera on Aprll 26, L974. For such meetlng' I ehould lthc to edvlge ]tou that Colorado Blghorn Corporatlon la preperod to conply Ylth the reconncndatlons aa nader nanolyr (1) On thc FLnal Plet a Etsteoont should be provldodetatlnt that no f,urthcr development rl11 occur and thst each 1ot ahaU bc consldcred for onc dwelltng uttt and eaeh noryly cr€atcd 1ot rhell be conrtdcrcd for onedrelllng r.nlt onl.yt (2) Dcetgnate on ths f,tna1 ptat uhene, and bor nrrchrparktag le provlded for the urlttr totethor Ylth adealgnatlon of a comon drtveway eaoenent for Lngrerarnd egtr€s3f (3) hovtdc a Party HaU Agre€oent, the ternt of rhtchahell be rcvl-erablc by thc Plannlng. Staffr to bc rlgncdby the orn€rs of the wtlte. Aa regsdr the Prrty uall Agrcerentr I propooe to aubnlt tothc Planntne Stsff a propotod draft ar Eoon aftcr the Aprtl 26th 4155 EAST JEWELL AVENUE 303/7s8-3335 COLORADO CLUB BUILDING SUITE #1007 DENVER, COLORADO 80222 Fege frroRobcrt H. BrrAprtl 23, L974 ncetlng as tr prrctlcalr thG tcrlr of rbtoh ahrll govern thercapuralblltttcr of thc oracrs rE to Chc comon aercf llacrtrlch e:lto thG butldtngr togcther rlth ths r.sponslbttlttcrof the orncrE ar to tbc ctra, repal,r, 8nd natntctrnec of thcco@oa rell bctseen utta. I propoae thrt buyorr for th. trounttc utll roparately al.gn arrch psrEy wall atrccneata on ttrcdate ef, purchaac of ruCh rnLte, end ln the cvent that thehrycn purchrre rrsh taltc on dlfferant drtea, Colorado BtghoraCorporattonl tl oatglml ornsr urd developerr 1111 algn aa-aprrty to thc agrc€Dentg uhlch aba1l be btndlng upolr lts aucceElor8tn lnterect ln chc real 33tat€r Seeretary ?^t# JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Governor __.*._.-€|+ @ JOHN W. ROLD Diroctor Mr. llichael S. Blair Planning DlrectorP. 0. Box 789 Eagl-e, Coilorydo 81631- Dear I'Ir. Blalr: RE: In regard to your letter dated sufflclent informatlon tci ldke w111 have to be adninistratLve informatLon is supplled to us. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NATURAL RESOURCES FILE N0. Se-54-74, March 18, 1974, tre reconmendatlons at on your part rmless cotoRADo DEPARTMENT 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET OENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892-2611 AptIL 22, t974 Sincerely,924/^^ L. R. Ladwlg Assoclate Engineering Geologist LRt/je cc: Land Use Commlssion RECEIVED iAPR 25 N14 . qs'lsi,1t'lJ* Colorado Bighorn Corp. feel that there ls ln- this tine. The declsion additional technlcal GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST.. . KEY TO THE FUTURE ffi WpsrEnru Sr-cpe Gnfto. sso 15th sTRE€'r DENVER, COLORADO 8O'JC? i-l t^':'l,i:D AprLL 8, Le74 APP n 1974 Dcpi. Li i:;.i:..tr-: f, .i,i,;.. 828,i-" CcJi'Y, CoiJ. EagJ.e County Plannlng Depaf,tment P.O. Box 635 Eagle, Colorado 8L631 Re: Preliminary PI-ot PLans Vail Heights No. 3 Chaurbers Exernption Whlte & Rold Exenption CoLo. B ighorn Corp. Exempt. Sky Llon at Vail Cottonwood Place Exempt ion Vail Heights /12 Exemptlon Ridgeview Condo I s Gent lemen : We have examined the above captioned pl_ot pl_ans and find that atthis tine Western has no facilities on the land to be plotted. Please note that ne are a gas transmission utiLity and our approvaL does not reflect our ability to serve subject subdivision, Very truly yours , ,-),rlttl-rf.u:-u-( :1', teKa iJoC DanieL L. Tekavec rAssoc, Right-of-I,Iay Agent DLT:cg Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Aprtl 2, 1974 Mike Blalr, Planning Directon Box 789Eagle, Colonado 81 631 Dear" Mlko: The Warren Charles request for exemption was submltted" to the Eagle County So11 Conservatl-on Dlstrlct for review and comment. After reviewal , we soe no probl-ems or compllcablons that should ar" ls e. Q{ nr. oyra'l rrvrrrvvf v*J , VE- f rur-*/","- Ross E. ChambersPresldent ' ,:'.t:.D APR I 2 1174 Dept. 0t Pirflr,ir.a i .,-..,h Eagle County, Colo. o nited o the Interior t\ lN rlELy rBtlr ?o 1785States Department of BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood Springs Resource Area P.O. Box 1009 clenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 April 5, 1974 ltichael Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Dept. cif Planning & Develotrnent P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mile: We haye reviewed the request f,or exemption forCharles (5e-54-74) and concur w"ith the coturents and reconmendations of the Tecturical Reyiert Codnittee as discussed at the April 4, L974 meeting. €Er Sincere.ly ]rours ,zb SteNart A. Wheel Area Manager RECr-NEI) APR B 1914 o.o'S.'sl,tU' C..7 D EPAil,E*' #?:li,S,iHN" oevf e*e*, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box789 Phonc 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631" ''S ePrtt'rezl' ' ': ;'"'. - i:' i. : ": l;, Warren Charles r...Jcolorado Blghom Corfrratlon tt . ! -r 1., " 1 : r, Colorado Club Bldg. *. .' " i.'"$ .:' ",; .' .;, ,. i -. Sulte 1O07 4155 E. Jb'nll Avc. Denvcrr Colorado 80222 Re: Flle No. Se-54-74 Exemptlon Warren Charlee Tho Subdivleion Technlcal Rev*v Commlttea, an organlzatlon of govemmental repreaentatives, and the Eegle Cgunty Pltrtnlng trepartrnent, has revlewed your application and would recommend to the Plannlng Commleslon and the Board of County Commleelonera thc fol lowlng: 1. On the Final Plat a etatement ehould be provlded statlng that no further development wlll occur and thEt each lot shatl pe coneiderad for ono clrrval llrp unlt and each newly creatcd tot Ehall bc considered for one dwel llng unlt onlyl 2. Where the parklng lor euch unltE and how rnuch should be Indlcated. lf you have any quectlono, yourre wslcome to contact thlg offlce. Respectful ly, Robert H. Barr Plannlrp derlatant RHB/Ktcc: Board of County Commlealonara; Plrrrlrq Commlaslon Box 6ll - E"Sle Cotpty C,ourthouse Eagle, Colorado 8163t Vatl17G5613 Eagb 328-7718 Bas&lt 927-3322 April 3e 1973 Re:Colorado Bighorn CorporationFile No. Se-54-74. 0.281 acres Warren Charl es Colorado Bighorn Gorporation Sulte 1007, Colorado Club Building 4155 East Jewe1l Avenue Denver, Golorado 80222 App l icant: o LTH 1. a. We recorunend this request be disapproved because it would createan undersized lot of 51140 square feet. A comnon sewer line for two separate individual owners should not approved. frl nufW Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. Envirorunental Heal th ETJE/brt cc : I'Ir. Warren Charl es Golorado Department of Heal th Board of Eagle County Comissioners RECHYED APR 3 Bt4 Apt ot pha,,,"" , ..frgb gor., , ., -': cl. U"r*?ates Department of the .olnt OF LAND MANAGEMENT Springs Re'source Area P.O. Box 1009 Springs, Colorado 81601 enor II' IE'LY TBTEI TO 1785 BUREAU Glenrdood Glenwood. Harch 26, !974 Michael Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Dept. of planning & Development P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mike: We hanre reviewed the preliminary. plat submissionsfor Sky Lion at Vail (Sp-44-741 and Ridgeway Ige have no co[urents concerning these filings and have no objections to their approval . Sincerely yours, -&*mrfu-Stevrart A. Iltreeler ,Area Manager t?EcilvtD MAR 2frc74 o€gl of pla;rnrr:g .. . --,1 .t!gl: Ccu,,,ty. C.:;.r Condoninirns (Sp-53-74) and the Exemption ,/" f*rXa,rr-na CIVIL ENGINEIRING . PIINNING . SURVIYs SUBDIVIsIONS . WATER & SEWER 5Y5TTA\5 o Ooo o .RhI* Kcnncfh E. Rlchords KER:cr cc: James C. Colllns, l.Ianager Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatlon warren Charlee Colorado Blghorn Corporatlon l4r. l{lchael S. Blalr Plannlng Dlrector Post Offlce Box 789 Eagl-e, Colorado 81631 Re: Flle No. Se-54-74 Exenptlon - CoLorado Blghorn Corp. Engqulst Constructlon Co . Tormhousee Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Dlstrlct Dear Mr . Bl"alr: The two townhouses on Lot 3, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdlvision can be served by the facllltles of the Upper Eagle Val-ley Sanltatlon District upon payment of the standard tap fees and service charges. As you know, the distrlct is expanding its treatment pl-ant facil-lties thia year and also has a repair and maintenance program for thls sutmer to take care of any addltlonal sewer llne lnflltration or repalr problems. Sincerely, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, Kenneth E. Richards Engineer for the District Box 643 Voil, Colorodo 8l557 Phonc 176-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 !'larch 25, J.974 Distr{ct n.gisf.rcd Profe$ionol Enginccrs Rcgiricred Lond Surveyorr ?rclrvsn MAR 2F BIq '""irlL,;il;1g;*o. zHtd -b.trl Z 6)HHZtrt 6) F|dFIP aio3Fd trtz F G g: ()f{ C)t.J -\ ,-!FCH Ft)z otnH(, fi Ets Ofdc) HF>X 6) i!FN O>|rl- FEZ FOf!tr frlf4HAH(AZ t-r .or€ on cjtsl>EIH,^ tE5 t;-'rC lcizl>H lFl EleUJ I rFluloEI'"illHHIEotRz, tElFlF I l-,1td to6)tzclEIHFJ lO313z(h o 0r rl 0, o g rt rr o'd ar /-\ d'd o ri 0q 0r,^.9PJ pO.01 O u) { O 0) O t! =r O tn 5 0r ! HtbO E X'dqoo.oo.F!o.€otQo.SonlFrHorogr-tn_or\tq'('tr'dftoH../,|''dgoert'rrH.Ctr H g Ft r-t o rl H 0, & Fr < H rr o n o x H o rr ft o F:J o d p. O o- 5 FJ t"t o H' rt d o O cr ri. f (A o. { r,,. b ZP._H5Q;'OOOo.OlC)gOgOrtOOp€rt 3 r. 0q o { $ o o'd o F. H o t-. B 6 or O - - rrooo5o'dtsat(,)0r<FtotJ.riPrt5'oHP.rr. rf I o o Q,(,ri(/l o € o o p o o o o Fh$dooitQo-Byoor€oorooatsrtbdFtnFn O {- r-tt O O P.H.Fr Ft 5 C) q O H O o O.(t?r'oH|J!'oln5o.or!o.Ftts|troro-trtoo.r'I,orlooaoqt|Eoo.poFr-oC)'O |J rl O O . tr, FJ O O tr O H F,r i.J c) F. U' rt { HcroF.oopo. H€tsou)I€F-to@Ao :j.EHo (,| V i t FhHHo t-t o rr o o o H C t- 6) o o o c)q|dOO@E'o@OFo.(aE<At-tOOOHr42o $ Q Ft Fho.Hrj xoq FJ. 6 () rt Or O I E 'd'd tr 3 |-t . o !r tJ. p d c]. o P. o rr o o B f o\orort|Fl O 5 5 O 5 E 5 C O p O H. ri. o p. o O O U lo < Fl Oo o 0) { H c o o H. o. o, 0A o < rr rl o I .. n lcr H. o Hf-tHoH.tr 7 rtH. lr+ Of tJ.n< e H. l oH.o. N 5 o. $ rl 6 I 6 lO d f O F O g p O ii O l, O e F+l,a\O ts.ri.P o O orhH O 5 O do o - - | 5o o. !] < $ 'tJ Fr -H ld H. n ts p p. t-t (/, cr ltt v) O rrlixr,.04{o.o5orrdcLoFr.ots3 lFr { :JFtNu'' p lo oFoO O 5 5 O O. ri lD o\ rt lO rl F. O 0t p. o A o 16 Fh O4 ! 0r o o. J o. ur o f lO f ft J .h o I . F. i! t.t lX. p f{o|-trrop4lHo;ro|'rroao;floFh{Ooro.oroolodo;-olNorttoqH. O 0t H. f 'O ts. O G's id O o. :'. rr |.iloQPSO$:<n0rOqtrp{o:'oo:/'\r^o- i.' 6 F rr o r,. ai r t { .1 66 iDio.ii b'lo w53posri.ooP.\tH:tr_-FJIOnHc)o o tr o . fr < ts. Fi rt rr d o o H ts G o t H, |n- o lid o o o-Frl P. Of.Oof 5='tA C H.OtrotPpE |trl 0a FdFo H.or r..,O.p (,, O O O rlp rr'd O O fi c) | tr OF9qHHdE A H. t o.ts.o. o :to tr o o - 5.Z o lru 6 Z3 € rt E ts. or o O o O h ts. d 0r X O. o ;. o ltd rrooH.ooFp.rrAHCIJ{dir?fltrlH.c)(Ap E o !t o. = I+ E. d E O |-t O. ts. H. O H. $ ; lX O O A(2o € .ro<fo o!'H.tsct|, Prfo 0r I 5Fq'o rJ t ts. ri o o o 5 !t H, i3 o. o lJ 5 o r-,r H lcD ra !.d o"0rp.0rH=rFt'dprlo0aFots.oxolCOir,a1 Fro tsooo<P{ o F c O 5 rogE o lt! !!Foo(lfnu)6.OOFievFh'Od3r"FH'dB-Ooidor;O€ut0q r t 0r o E :H. H tsE or o.ts tr 0r i Ff o |-l H p.A.:|oorit{5Fr€or.<Pts.€ooop.OrndFArp.;ttZF-q 7 o !r F|O rlci tr 4 O dE O O d.+p ;j. r?!\<ori.BH.Ft:'{H{0raDrt65ooaho5'do0qrrrllJoo.'U5rtO.t^5FhO:tOCrdloolr\<dorF.rJ.OH.Ftt\)!=-Ooao :t |J E rr o d n o o O p o E \-,, H tt ^ r-t E r.t Gr.r o ts o 5 }j.o o rr 5F a H.(a H.s c F x t Ft o H{<rrooEP.oprr.rAi!;oos'6OOnFboeoo.rraFhd0aafp.qrr€OloOts.O.FlF.ts.P.OnOOp'O,rr.qOp.E rtOrrIJ(D6<O<FttrpFrrU:';O[|)ArOB ! O !r I tD rr ts. 5 H. O o (-r ;f tsoq 1 4, o E pE g 6 n p o o. o o. o. trl rr ri F. o o e E i 5 o.t 0PSErlOrtfO{oXOo6r.JPF.o b ts.ts Q o.5U) o o.E r-o Dr lb 5 o o.F.rrorto!] Ytr{ ts. A. O OrtOaZ Fn rJ. O r-foopoao!]pF.oft.rt=4'o<o$:6<Ut!'.riF.OF''5.ctOtrOo.rte.nF.OoodFtrtoH.FtlJF.;5vrFhh(,,ot'B9#6.:5.9 "se5 \-, \-/ \-/ \-, \./ v ogao { II PotsH F] z tzl F ExllI3 FIH z FoF.rtO-\io6(,)tftrSoc'oq\./F.o.o.FoAP.OF,.o<5d<Hi'r.,.O€ts.5rlooglots. Pt rt P.oootroEts5FFF|.crF.eoFfrr€ooo0rori€{otn =''(/loo6rt6cl"sFrol''o'oFtoo.nodFlP.t-rotroo<i€Fr..OOO.Gts.o(DH.v)(/)H.HOpoooo.oao.o!JdI'CIo.FhTJH.pts.ooo<<Ft3F.oo€ooPPrpP.5f..OOOrtO6'drajtsF9ts.o.ts.Goo.{ijrrF.tooC (a r-l 5 t-dHTiFI'o{oF.F.oP.FtbpIirtF,oqEo5d6{P.o'(,dn OriFF.OXftfttsorr.fooo.or,o|./)P.ri€o90o'OF,OoeFr 'G|.l!F|roo|-t<olJo5.ootsoo rrfooooorn Hr !t fJ. :|.i o. F. lJ35Fot HOrtmoT(,ts.F|ts.O€|-.:Jrtotsoq(r.PoP.a3a FdsrrF|ctoHF.ofgootsOts g)oH?s. FtOHrtov)oxFt.'r.4 az Hr}trtorts.F50l, =pFl.o so PrtP.fOAtort o0t |-rv 0tr-i oomts.r-t o o ct'rt vrlorl oH.ooo o EI<F.H. tnaots. ts.oo 0r 0ao4o joH.{rp0q ooP0t F.r+o. oFt o€,.oF.Frto5oF.fi F E H z F F H z EUcrF'ots.550c(r.o6 r-.,. Ots(,)Fhotts.orfonH.iJOooeSocLoUtHtotF.gj€r0qo01 0|t5HlOo. l,orJSHO. H. P.ooo'uotatSinooP.o.ciO !r{:]F.rno.rrO:tnrn P. OvXFlrrooSParno\ot|o{rt||t5F.otro FJ{9ord!0roP.!tP.u)o0raot(t,o .ulnF.o tsFto.uF'. v,o{o0r5bortF.5Fts.OAtD05F.Do.O.rtooF. It ct FtooooFlooal a eBl c P. ool rr p <5l o ornl P. o t-tot < 56.lF.rlo\.frr',Jo.l P. o ttol o d oFl I 6ts.| at Ftol 5 0.o.l r+loI BOF >Fd trloozOHc<z '<oE3HT'(t) H zfd It t,c'Ntrloa O F538I' r, !- P<rrr|oo (DFlB tfj Sr. Fooo()L{ Ooo{t!P{ Poo &ft r- 5pH og>g oc)O.Oont\)El\) Ot\)B Itct oi' or ts. 5 b € on tJ oA' rT H E |.Jo U, o t-t {snFI Fd 0tF o @ aoo EAGLE COUNTY DEPOMENT OF PLANNING AND DE\OOPMENT- COURTHOUSE P. O. Box789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 '18 March 1974 Re: File No. Se-54-74 Exemption from Subdivision Regulations Colorado Bighorn CorPoration Applicant: Warren Gharles Colorado B i ghorn CorPoration Colorado Club Bldg. Suite 1007 4155 E. Jewell Ave- Denver, Colorado A0222 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County planning commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 17 April 1974. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33' and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle county subdivision Regulations section 6.00, '.|972, you have 24 days from date mai led within which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency- The Planning commission would sincerely apprec iate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date- lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice- Thank you very much, '*//62;,, S'. Blair P lanning D irector MSB/Kt Qoh4adngc7faae@ Febrnary 26, 1974 Eagle County Plannlng Conmlselon Cotmty of EagleEagle, Colorado GentlemenI Please accept our Appllcatlon for Exernptlon fron SubdlvlslonRegulatione, together wlth a Sketch Plan and $25.00 fee. '/rd 4155 EAST JEWELL AVENUE 303/75$3St5 DENVER, COLORADO 80222 Secretary COLORADO CLUB BUILDING SUITE #1007