HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 TRACT AI I I I I I T t _.__- ".,@.i"r;!{r.:..lt IInter-lttountain llEtgineeringLrd. July 21t 1994 Mr. Steve IsomIsom & AssociatesP.O. Box 9Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Drainage ReportTract A-1 & A-2Project No. 945258 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find. a copy of the drainage report for Tract A-1and A-2, Parcel A, Lionts-nidge niring No. 2, v.it, cororado. onJuly 21' 1994 we faxed you a copy of th-e report without Appendix A. Afso enclosed is -. r"g. lined copy of your site pran. This planshows some revised grading as weli-as thL drainage basin boundariesand discharge points. The drainage study writtei ry rnter-uountainrefers to this site pran. r an issuminq that you wir-r revise the:Ii:!il?, ST?gilg.p1an and incrude ir witt the d'rainase reporr whenrE Ls subnitted to the Town of Vai1. The site plan was revised. so that the site grading does not exceeda 50 percent. (2:1) s]ope. A drainage swal-e wa= added behind thehouses. rt is most desirable to have the sware ten horizonal feetfrom the back walr- but due to the site cond.itions thi-s is notpossi-b1e wi-thout the addition of a retaining wa1I. As stated inreport' a well designed perimeter drained shour-d be installed.around the foundation wal-1 to herp alreviate this problein. rf you have any questions, prease do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. I T I I I I I I I t I mlm Enclosure iltd{J\TytJl=- Martha L. MiLler, pEProject Engineer Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 9495072 Denver 893-1531 1420Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . phone: 232-0158 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRAINAGE REPORT FOR TRACE A-1 AND A-2 PARCEL A, LIONTS RIDGE FILING NO. 2 TOWN OF VAII., EAGI,E COUNTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: ISOM & ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 9 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 PROJECT NO. 945258 JULY 1994 I I I I t Introduction This -ennrt eval rrates, thp drainarlc conditions of Tfacts A-1 and A-sre4r'stJv2, Parcef A, Lion's Ridge Filing No. 2, Vail, Col"orado. Both the existing and devel,oped conditions were studied. The sites are located on the easternBuffer Creek Road and south of the See Figure 1. The area of Tract A-1 -^^^^^.F.i.,^ r ,,!s>Pe\-L_fveI)/. section of Parcel- A, north of White Ri-ver I'Iationa l Forest. and A-2 are 0.485 and O.31 5, T I I I axistinq conditions Tracts A-l- and A-2 are currently undeveloped. Vegetation of thesite consists of native grasses and woods. The slope of the siteis approximately 5O percent from the north to the south/southeast. The site is located at the bottom of the drainage basin locatedbetween Buffehr and Red Sandstone Creeks. Approximately onehundred and thirty-three (133) acres are tributary to the site. See Fiqure 2, I Runoff from the site and it's tributary area flows to a swale along I the north side of Buffer Creek Road. A high point that divides therunoff exists south of Tract A-2 on Buffer Creek Road. I Tributary Runoff I As prevj-ously stated, approximately 133 acres are tributary toTracts A-1 and A-2. The cover tvpe of the tributary area isclassified as woods and herbaceous. The hydrologic soil group ofthe tributary area is defined by the Soil Conservation Service(SCS) and White River NationaL Forest as primarily rB'with smallpercentage rCt soj-ls. Using the graphical nethod of the SCSTechnical Release 55 (TR-55) program the anticipated peak dischargefrom the tributary basin was calculated. In addition to calculating the peak discharge from runoff, theanticipated peak discharge frorn snowmeft was also conputed usingthe coefficients found in the Town of Vail Subdivision resulations. See Appendix A for the rainfall and snowmelt runoff calculations.The computed peak discharges f rorn runoff and snorn'rnelt are asfollows: I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I t I I I I I I I I I TlInter-Mountain lAEttgineeringLrd. P,0.80x 978 OglO NOTTINGHAII ROAI) AVON. CoLO. 8r.620(303) 949-s0:e sutTE 101 t.{20 vAtrc€ STREET LaKEHO0o. COLO. 80?15 (303) 232-0i58 Project No. Q452qtr Dlta ./ Ay: 7 /15 /94 FIGURI 1 SITE LOCATION V.ICIN ITY MAP SCALE : l" . IOOO' ?.r\(,"Rl"^ I ;ofs gP -/ e\P f$.qD I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T ohlnter-Mountain llEttgineeringLtd. P.0.80x 97S 0910 NOTTINGHAI{ AVoN. COLO. 81820 (303) 949-507e FOAO SUITE 101 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEk000. coL0. 80215(303,232-0158 Project No.qaq?qtr OEt!,/ 8y: 1 /19 /94 Sheet No. 2 FIGURE 2 TR BUTARY BASIN ii)\.'.)'I I fJ it'i -.-.-t\: \i{::=-:;li , JUNC tU.S.2/!,2 Mt CON]C:? INiiR!'AL Z,O Fi'T ^AIIOT'{AL GfCiilrC VraiiCAL DTIUtA Oi i929 -J )l1i'::J)li,'-'-:: '/ /'---:1) =-- I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I Table 1Tributary Basin Peak Di scharqe Freguency ( years ) Rainfall(cfs)Snowmelt(cfs) 10 8.6 25 3.4 ao 6.4 100 The 25-year snowmelt peak discharge will be used for designpurposes. See Appendix A for the worksheets and calculations. The runoff frorn the tributary basin wirr flow south through TractA-2 approxirnately 40 feet east of the proposed house locaLion. Aeighteen (18) inch culvert at a three (j) percent slope will beplaced beneath the driveway to pass the dischirge. The capacity ofthis pipe is 9.9 cfs which is cipable of handling the 25-year "!ormevent. The Town of Vail regui-res that curverts be designed tohandle the 2S-year storrn. After passing beneath the driveway curvert, the runoff will frow tothe existi-ng swale arong the north side of Buffer creek Road. sitedevelopment will not increase the arnount of tributarv peak d ischarge Site Runoff The -anticipated peak discharge for the existing and developed sitecondrclons were ca]cul-ated. The combi.ned site area isapproxi-mately 0.9 acres. The existing vegetation cover was assumedto be woods. The proposed cover was assumed to be asphalt and openspace. The hydrologic soil group is rBr. The calculations areincluded in Appendix A. The site was dj-vided into two discharge points. point A is east ofthe site and Point B is west of the site. see included site plan.Deveropment of the site changes the runoff quantity and patterns1ightly. The amount 61 rr=i;irr runoff is verf ninimit conplred toquantity of tributary runoff. As previously stated cafculations were completed for the existingsite conditions as welr as developed sj-te conditions. pealdischarge cal-cuLations \.,v'e re computed ior rainfall runof f as wel_I assnow:rert runoff. The graphicar rnethod of TR-55 \ras used to I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I calcurate the rainfall quantities and the snowmelt coefficientsfound the the Town of Vail subdivision regulations was used tocalcurate the anticipated snowmelt runofi. The values werecompared and the larger (more conservative) value used. Belorv is a surnmary of the anticipated peak discharges. Table 2site Peak Discharge(cfs) Frequency Basin A Basin B Existing Proposed Existing Proposed l_0 0. 02 0.04 0. 04 o. 19 z2 o.02 0. 06 0. 05 o .26 50 o.o2 0.08 0.05 0. 3B 100 0. 03 0.10 0.08 0.45 increases from O.O cfs to 0.1B increases from 0. 1 cfs to r'^Fu h.i - .i *- l ^.:y.1a.r i a'l I rr i -vsr)/ rlrIllItuclI, cSus\/rq-tr l/ rll At discharge point A, the site runoffcfs. Site runoff at discharge point0.3 cfs. The increase in runoif iscomparison to the tributary runoff. Conclusion Th]: report has been prepared in conformance with the Town ofVail's subdivision regurations which requires drainage facirites tobe designed to handre the 25-year stoim. A eighteen inch (18")curvert at a three percent -(3>") srope is r,.6d.d beneath thedriveway to handle the runoff from the tributary basin. Also, atwerve inch culvert shalr be instalr beneath thL driveway at i.heintersection with Buffer creek Road. This cutvert wi-ll aLlow waterto pass beneath the drj.veway. A four foot pan shalt also beconstructed at the end of the driveway to pfevent runoff frornflowing onto Buffer creek Road. Thc n:n wiI I i ntprr-ont rrrnnf fflowing down the drive"uy inJ-ai.r".f ii-'i"''Jn. ""=T.""'i..'-;;i;p1an. rn addition, it is reconmended that a sware be constructed behindeach house to intercept runoff. The invert of the swa]e shour-d bea minimum of five horizonaf feet f rorn the back war-r-. The swaleshould be one foot deep. See site plan. Due to site gradingrestrietions, the swale is reratively close to the back of thehouse so it is also recomrnended that .-r.,od norirqglgl drains beinstalled to elirninare u"v p"1"nt;;i-p:;;;";-;i" tn" roundationwa11s. t I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A I t I I I I I I I TRIBUTARY BASIN DISCIIARGE CALCULATIONS I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o h?,""?i:]i,."^, flInter-Mountain ,o,o,o,"E'!IEl!l AvoN, coLoRADo E1620 l^ - o . ^-/l ts n g i ne er i n q Lr d.''i^ E Lv c c D' c o ;'':1:.D^c- -6 o-a1-2 PRoJEcr No 1q95€ DA.E/ay I ls lq Dra,naqe S*udq - -Gac*s A-l t A'),?arcCl t\, Lr.ttt's R'dee Hhnd l,/a. Purrpose--EeWm'ne ?eat< ptscl'nrye lran *r,bttfqru futstrtsGlapltca,l 1"1",+{od,'Contpu}<- an d' I ampatedeueIr&d 5t{ f u,no{ {I WhrL R'u4y Nahonal Foresl_ hydro loqt<. sa,l q ra,yN; 346 c' (to.letvw -fy re funr,lq Zorn2'cv- q\-65,o s\a::3A8L - -Ie-r\qro- Ey\e l?rnrl,ds <mi>l t- t10.65'h:iit 4b1 E - kadvr lre 4A -b|olo slo;e - '&tt,-,1t 7>' aee H1u'e A-l 6t #nc lrmrfs $r eacl, sal qrwp. ustnq f-R-5felshn? versus r i [ 6rot,AS ,, 1Ve fribu.tart bastrtts sa,ls qre de hnrd. bq *te 5o,t LnsuvahtTt .5&vrtc /scs) , amd '*ht Whrle'K,uez.'AJqhunoi t:atbl..-f i'( {olitu,r,11 ytft,,rt;trs tj*( J usral lc 4tl,nt 4hc h'.1dt?l Aq lC a0 t I 'O rd[,p s :I J l. dsoA, 5c5, Sarl 5u rvgq ol Aspir,- 1qostti., kth.(brcrch, ?ark ot €cqre ,,,s*r/tcrd I pd<rn _;,.,r.rrj&surC. f'laLa )ilL2- Whrlz Kwu AT"havl Hresl, 'Dra{l Sotlsqrvtu a{+te- lb,lt1 Aoss Swveq Aret, Wh*-?,tu I Aral;cir Mrhnalftrest , Colaro46' ,?cds o{ &qtc,harficlc,(, !1csa , PtKn t gumntf An\ TfJ, tq12. :'ctctp-{' l'Gro',tl L" 9o'l Anscrvahan Sttvitc hudralttatc sLt I ero,tp - 41- Forsey cobbly' [r-ra,l1 , zs-(os ilo 'sto?< - Cla";.8' U S.G..S nrqps urd giic reconnai::lriirc yve{{ useci io de--e*v ri\^rr11( 1t.!_ ,teQ:ia(tte TVpcs . -Two ,IeaCtEtL 1.-{ rS wevet lecicd irorn-Eb\es Z. Ze' o^.d 2.2_d l' l-lerbaneors - Mr.X{r.lrc OL qrc,o,wcrds , c"r.\d ).lr;1":-qr-"w'n1 Lrus\, r^v'r ii br-r':h Jnt n '''i / 3ir'r\1/-f i- See Hg u,c A-L F'. *i" lrr,l fu euJ\ \roul ct{ t-Asrnq *trr Obrttt irt6rnairsyt 0 t uP 3 dr Ft ri'\ , A:it h hy*, tlLt$,ti'.r ( Ctl) fr' r1e'i,, *rJ P. O 80X 97E OO77 METCALF ROAD AVON. COLOP.,,DO 81620 (303) 949-fr72 ohlnter-MountainlAEttgineeringlrd. sutTE 101 1420 VANCE SfREEf IAKEWOQD. COLORADO 8021 5pa3) 232-0158 PRIJECINo ]q 529 DA,E/By t | ,rlq,l sHE€rNo. 7 brarnoq< Stadq :i rac.ls A-\ t A-2, Lron'sR.'dqq Ft,nq iJ, Z c.CtL (0) l-rme oF Cot,rcdrahan Thc hmc o/ cottenlrahnrt u.t0: clalculakl ,Qrnt.he hqdrarl,rq|lt,ml$ dnbnce pt,rtf A1 a j-Ltnr.iJ tro 1tC zsrdr.l Chanrty' 5ht, pe 6Los u.-,id .ta dekrm ti< -fh+ "Ch'ann,-l Fturl". h nt ---'.--=+, -{;_n,--/ l''l - ]-hc hnr- ol conccntvalrn\ u&-t dtlutmtncct to bc l-5Ar( eesbsfe &"^R,nbll Petk dsdtnve-S We calula.td u6rnq +he " (rocedur(s 6t Tek,rmn'nq ?eaK Flars tn Coloroda" handfudk- rh,t j.e*-nr,t( ,reIqf:*^f- uSL of hqq,t 5-l , "-tla'chrCl frqurc A-3, \ +o 'ddcrntL^,/.ro k clrt-hiu|rs. flsrnq the a.btt- drPlAvtr6l; tn{o,,ue;t:,A #t.nlltwt,cl (latt naks uJeye- F( eauer}cv_:1_____-7 3noa)rr^d4 (n{hrret 0'ob5 clstacrL .--t\ \ ----r- , /^\i_"e-e-S l)_S.e_[49&, \ q )| <- n^ct-\ 3 .'l ck, 6. Ll cts1.3 cts c{s cfs RprLil-Erd- 16 -"1u{ 2{''1ror 5Q. ,1,ay t0d ' 'lro, (now nre l* .uor y\, L, +y.p q f ,uJ )?qvlvtrdfn rr wmut. Lan &rg .ft torTu Valqe *o 'desrqn drarnrrqc SfrutCfureS Co.n, p +F1t *Y,dt tchqgl e Q a-rn s n6t^d*. CIn &,e +o mr[J]U'.t,r-sc #r< '0 (srqn q ratna fl: l33' 2 acr <-s ft.1-u1&t | 0{t - '1ta{ ,0'12 a.080 'Bf or,. Usc snr.rui nt,lt vo\ues. )csrqrt o{ ihc '2s- \eut stz'rn z1-var 0.001 ""/or,c P.0.80X 87A 09'O NOTIINGHAX ROAO Avor( coLo. I 1620 (303) €4e-5072 TlInter-MountainlA Engineeringrrd. el lt'lC rlr. ,420 VANCE STBEET L^K€XOOD, C0'.0. 80?15 (303) 23?-01s8 O!t. / 8y: !- /.8 ,. ): Shect No.3 F GURt A- 1 HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUPS sciti I2.: 00aI i - r,.rL: lloc t : l{\l' 2:lO i 'li t11).J i,,roo 6{C ':!0 tliia- :t _ _-.. ---:; : 1 lr,::*.-:c CONTOU R NTrRVAL 4C F'EI NATIONAL 6EODITIC V:ii1CA: DAiUM OF I929 oltrInter-Mountain AEttgineeringLrd. P.0. Box 978 Og,O NOTTINGHAX ROAO avo{. coLo. 81620 (3031 s.9-5072 crrtlc'.na 1!?O VANCE STREET L^KEti000, coLo. s0? 15 (303) 232-0!58 Prorcct Noq15::.t Oltc / 8y: 1/16/91 She€t No. I4 FIGURT A_2 VIGETATIVI COVTR r12 ,+ref\ *.i: t_ I I r80 r8l oo)h [. - \l-, I ia. ? r, r^,, ioa' zzl io'i "n 8l v,, -F G[. ',i] EJ[*fl,;l ilfnifl ,..-,'-,;-1 rrtRtsACtOtiS : i '.r-:L,a:i.--- :-- -_:.-1:.: j -. : ::.:::- _-.'.:__ _t: r_c,! TCLrR r'.--i..,rL zo FF:; iTATTONAL GaCDtTTC v.RirCAL DATUl,,! Oa 1929 M R I I T T I T I I I T I T I I I t I I I P.O.80X 978 09!O NOTI:NGH.AX RCAO ^vor( colo. 816?0 (3031 8,(9-5072 TlInter-Mounta.in At.+neering'a. SUITE :01 , T2O VANC€ STRE€T L^XEk0ot. cDLo. 80215 (3c3) ?32-0r59 Protrct Nr, 94525t Dltc ,/ 8y: 1/13/94 FIGURI A,3 Finrtrp S-/' itv. v v ,Peok Dischorge in csm Fer inch of Runof f versus Tim e of Concenlrolicn, Tc Type ll Siorm Dislribution Type ll-A Slorm Distribution 000 r oo- 100 700 600 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.E 0 -(-3.- E () Io, Eo o x, @o- 00 DO to 70 60 o.4 o.! c6 o.t o!o.t I z Tc - Hcur sTime cf Con ce n I ro lion 6I I I I guiclr TB-55 Ver.5.46 s/N:Bxecuted: 14:06: 10 07-14-1994 RUNOFF CURVE NU}'IBER DATA !!!!..aa.aa.aaaaa Cotnposite Area: EXISTING TRACTS A.1 E A-2, PARCEIJ ALION,S RIDGE SUBDIVISIONFILING NO. 2VAIL, COLORADO SURFACE DESCRIPTION AREA CN ( acres ) I I I t I t I I I I t I I I I B WOODS, FAIRC I{OODS, FAIRc HERBACEOUS, FAIR L12.7A 603.0{ 73 L7 .42 7'_ cor'{poslTE AREA ---> t33.24 6L.7 ( AZ 1!!!!!..a.aaaaaaai TII{E (hrs) I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I $.ssu rneci c^-'lvo.pezotda( C.t^'onre.l wrt\ 11n" dc t bw ,nQ d €scy , rrh orLJr 7 Quick TR-55 Ver.5.46 S/N!Executed: 14:10:35 0?-14-1994 c:\TR55\94525-E.TCT TRACTS A-1 E A-2, PARCEL ALION,S RIDGE SUBDIVISIONFILING NO. 2vArrJ, coLoRADo Tc COI'IPUTATIONS FOR: EXTSTTNG SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only)Segnent IDSurface description Manning', s roug-hness coef f ., ntrlow Length, L (total. < or = 3OO)Tlro-yr 24-hr rainfall, p2 Land slope, s 0.8.0OZ !r (n*L)m- 1-1wooDs, DENSE0.8000ft 300.0in 1.000tt/ft 0. looo hrs 1.41 L-2 Unpavedft 2050.0fL/ft. 0.2900 ft/s 8.5887 hrs o.07 0.5 0.4P2*s SHAIJLOI{ CONCENTRATED FLOI{Segnent IDSurface (paved or unpaved) ?FIow length, LWatercourse slope, s 0.5Avg.V= Csf * (s)where: Unpaved CsfPaved Csf T = L,/ (3600!tV) CHANNEL I.LOWSegment ID 16. 1345 20.32A2 t .41 0.07 Cross Seetional Flow Area, aWetted perimeter, pwHydraulic radius, t = a/pwChannel slope, sManningrs roughness coeff., n 2/3 t/2 sg. ftfttttt/ft fL hrs 1-3 9.7 5 11.49 0.849 0.33000.0{50 1. {9ttr n FIow length, L T = L,/ (3600*v) :::::::::::: ! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : TOTAL }9 = 0.03 1. 51 ft/s %17.048s 11r 2050 o.03 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I R'lVorksheet 4: Graphical peak troJ""a Locatton -Tiactt A- \ f A-Z Discharge method F' Mt l'1 Checked, Tt8-14Date Da te I C I rc Ie o ne : 6T re sc. T\ oe-ve tope a---.-----, I . Data: Runoff curve nunber .... cN - (oZ (Fron uorksheer 2) Tlue of concenrratior .. T" - i.5l hr (Fron worksheec 3) Ratnfall dlsrltbtrcton rype - :E (I, IA, II, III) Pond and sl'aop areas spread(hroughouc'wacershed t. yt 1n 3. 4. R A 7. o. Drainage. area .......i.. \ - 0.2082 td2 (acres/640) ': Frequency Ralnfall, P (2i-hour) Inttial (Use CN Corpu te ta/P UnLc peak 'dlscharge, qu .... cso/ln(Use T" and I"/P r^'lrh ixhtblc {-_) Runoff, a ..... .... .: .. .... 1n( f rora r.ro6kshset 2). Pond and seaEp adJusE&enE fac!or, F- ....(Usc percenc pond and searnp area . P slth tabl.e 4-2. Factor ls l.O for zero. percent. pond and sr,rarap area.) Peak dlscharger {O .. .cfs (llhere qo - quA,oqFp) SEorE #L Storo f2 Scora f3 t0 25 (/'\ t1tl I rQt' I /-,/ too -) abs t rac t.lon, I" .....rdth table 4-I. ) 235 lzzs lzrs .0r | 6.13 1.0 | r.o I t.o za5 o-t9 t.o r.s | 3"4 | c.q q,.3 In,.(210-VI.TR.55, Second Ed., June 1986) I t I I t I I I I t I t I I I I t I I SITE DT SCEERGE CALCUI.,ATTONS I I I I I I ohlnter-lHountain AtttgineerinqLtd. P. A BOX 97E OO77 METCALF ROAO AVON,COLORAOO At620(JgJ) 949-5072 sutlE to, t420 UANC. SrR€fl LAKEWON, COLORADO 80215(JOJ) 2J2-o158 '*oo44hzq{ OAE / 8YTs-q+ sH$r No. ql f)rnrnooP Studu jlro,t A- l t A'L ?arrc I A LranrsR"lqe T' l,nq ,\Jcr. L S;te- R"noFF Con'tpu-k (xtshnq o-'l,d deuebped etk runoF{- The 3o,tl Qrettlti Am:,d Veciahut-$t2tS de.hr,ntrrcd 6Lr fhc 4y,bu-larq lhun', ( lttqu,e ' A- I t A 2) (rL L( e escd . Tne sr]e ts )dtv ,drd.IA' luo djschdrae p6rrtts , A- [as] of +te 5t-lc * B' Npst 5tdt o{ tLi 5tL CN U.'nq *he rnfrrrnol.an €rrrn:r{e - urrye 6ld<rmtned, . Hqurc A- t Frs-hq Qo- Gd t AZ , Cil 's $r +r^,e- Deys&C-15 16 6p,s'N A ra. --'---i- C -- t '*c "t G^.,^t""t an ,fJhc *riirr of Qoneulrahrnttht fiqdmutrrallq hasl"ll /&.,n A l<F ww dtbrmutu,( dslwnct /o n*. 4rr eacA hastn front fxr:h na--f.4d ct's0 '\tlDCueakA nt?. 041 \":nq ,Y,,q1'e S- | Ldlovoqd I ftJtt.rL Fvequ.nc,{ to-'+-rzs-,ir 5 0'ri IIoo {i( h ^n lhc " ? t . c, durr E .6, lD eft-r m' n',.f,?.o K Yla^,s rAfrrary\ Tf lC \'(OceqtLl(g rar \)e-K-.{mtnr.giI6a A-3) ^ lenKdtsCla,o,cs lX1( Calculd+d., )eD f\ Q tSCtttY 0, Bni,n A B*s'n-$ o.00 o,0 I 0.u+o,0l 0 .aL 0,05 0,0( 0. t1 0. 0L O,0j 0'Uo A.oe o. t0 0.zu o.3&oq( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oTlInter-MountainlA EtrgineeringLrd. P. O. AOX 978oo77 t4ErcALF ROAO AVON,COLORADO 81620(JgJ) 919-5022 sul lt tot ,120 'ANC. S rR[fT LAK.WOOO. COt ORADO 802t5(J2J) 2J2-0'38 PROJ.CI NolLlSz S E DA tE / Ar'7 - r <-Q4 SHtt f No. Dfutnooe S{urlu - truls A-tlA L,?arcel A,Lpn'sRgSgEl,nq lio L &sriSrlu.rs-. -.f f r_ ri' .l 1,. ,),.,t1Uv a:_ I i, V,. arC ilr,rarr :.n a_,lrrra iiI J dnul, A l-:co lcc,-lakC[a*n E , t:Atshnq Q,ua eu,! 0,o4 a,0s 0.05 0.05 \tcft'u) Nueltt,Yd-7oi t "uE\0.05 o,o5 0.0b 0.06 t( toUetl(U-------1---l t0 25 t00 SnwrAi-teilard(at /,') 0,oG{o.abl 0,01,. 0,oeo a"r\h rq, ( ' 75onl) 0.0) d.0r. 007 0.04 :\,1Wut!turt \-...'--'-l(. t2-2 actc\) 0.ot 0,0\ 0,0 | o.0 | Ct;rrtpare geo k dttlatqe flztr rarnfr, il h' Bns' nr A Fv sf ncr -YpEs,c S^(,ttJrsLtf . ltJy llvqct valqrSBns.''.rB J irx rsh n1 -P-fs{ J 5otm J)esrc f\ +t( I OL /12, ,08 ID n<x o.45 thc 25-yar s:rurrr\ .02'>0-6. 0 0b z o,t (t.05: a.l 0.26 'o lt I r Quick TR-55 Ver.5.46 S/Nl I Executed:15!05:46 07-20-L994 I t TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCEL ALION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FTLTNG NO. 2vArL, coLoRADO I RUNoFF cuRvE NUMBER DATAII I Composite Area: EXISTING-AI SURFACE DESCRIPUON AREA CN(acres)I t I I I I I I I I I I I B WOODS, FAIR coMPosrrE AREA ---> 0.25 60.0 ( 60 ) o.25 60 IL I I I I I Quick rR-sS Ver.5.46 S/N:Executed: 16;15359 07-20-t994 c: \TRs5\s2 s-A-8. TCT TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCET., AI,ION'S RTDGE SUBDTVTSTONFILING NO. 2vArL, coLoRADO Tc COMPUTATIONS FOR: EXISTING.A SHEET FLoW (Applicable to Tc only) I segment IDSurface descriptionuanningrs roughness coeff., nFlow length, L (total < or = 300)Two-yr 24-hr rainfalI, P2Land slope, s 0.8.002 .r (n,rL)m- 0.5 0.P2*s SHAI,LOIY CONCENTRATEDSegnent IDSurface (paved orFlow length, Lwatercourse slope, s 0.5Avg.V= Csf* (s)where! Unpaved Csf = 16.13d5Paved Csf = 2O.32A2 T=L/ (3600*v) CHANNEL FLOI{segment fDCross Sectional Flow Area, aI.fetted perimeter, pwHydraulic radius, r = a/pwcbannel slope, sManningrs roughness coeff., n r.49 * t'/'* "'/'V= 4 FLOW unpaved) ? A-1 WOODS.DENSE0.8000ft 125.0in 1.000ft/tt o.4ooo hrs 0.40 ft 0.0ft/tt 0.0000 ft/s 0.0000 hrs 0.00 0.40 0.00 o.00 0. 40 0 0. oo ToTAL TII.{E (hrs) I I I I I I I I I I I I sg. ftttftft/ft. ft/s ft brs 0.00 0. 000.0000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 n Flow length, L T = L,/ (3600*V) .......a I ( I I I I I I I I ,, 3. 4. A 7. I I I I Discharge nv t1Ll1 Checked ctrcle on" r @ Dev'eloped A r-/\ " ([nsr srop) l, Dara: Dralnage area .......j.. A - Runoff curve nuober .... CII r Tloe of concencracion ,. Tc - Rainfall dlsrrlbuclon rype Pond and sl;atrp areas spread(hroughouc 1.'atershed O, OA\4 lVorksheet 4: Graphical Peak method ll too 2-4 <n ('V 'J o.l5 7-18'ct\Da te Date \ot) o4{\ E n12 (acres/640) (Frou r.ro rkshe e c 2) hr (Froo r.rorks hee c 3 ) (I, IA, rr, III) percenE of A,acres or ro12 covered) Freque ncy R.ainf a 11 ,P ( 2d-hou r) 1n(Use CN CoDpu fe T I, abstracclon, Ia wlth table 4-1.) qu .... cso/ inexhlbtt 4-.-) ' cfs Un(c peak dlscharge, (Use T. and Iulp vlrh Prrnr F f rrY .....(!ron uorksheec Z). .'" ' Pond and 5uacp adJusttrent factor. F(Use percent pond and .*"rp ".".' .P vlth cable 4-2. Facror ls 1.0 forzero. percenE pond and slanp area.) Peak dlscharge, q_ ...'P - -" (Uhar. . r .' I rli \. '.--- -tp -ru..rl\- p.. ,0L I O.C+ l6.tO I.o lr.o lr.ol'' I (!o.0O I o,or I o,oL 0.03I I I I I (210-VI-TR.55, Second Ed., June 1986) Srorl gl Stora i/2 Stora 13 lo z>a/l t-lt- (tQl. I 2.2 .7 D4 I Quick IR-ss ver.5.46 S/N: I Executed! 16207t77 07-20-7994 lL\ I I TRACTS A.1 E A.2, PARCEL ALION,S RIDGE SUBDIVISIONTILTNG NO. 2VAIL, COLORADO I RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA r !!!!?!I I Composite Areas BXTSTING-BI SURFACE DESCRIPTION AREA CN ( acres )t I I I I t I I I I I I I B WOODS, FArR 0. 58 60 coMPosITE AREA ---> 0.68 60.0 ( 60 ) !!!.. I I guick TR-ss ver.5.46 s,/N! ! Executed: 16316!59 o7-2o-L994 D I c: \TRss\52s-B-8. Tcr TRACTS A-1 & A-2, PARCET, ALION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FIIJTNG NO. 2vArL, coLoRADO Tc COI'{?UTATIONS ioOn: TXISTTNG-B SHEET FLoW (AppIicable to Tc only)Segment ID B-1Surface description WOODS-DENSEManningrs roug'hness coeff., n O.8OOOFlow length, I_, (total < or = 300 ) ft 180 . 0Two-yr 24-}lr rainfall, P2 in 1.000Land slope, s ft/tt 0.49000.8.002 * (n*L)m-hrs o.500.5 0. 4P2*s SIIAI,I,OW CONCENTRATED T'IJOWSegment IDSurface (paved ot unpaveal) ?Flow length, LWatercourse slope, s 0.5 I I t I t I T I I I I I t I I I Avg.V =where; r=L,/ csf * (s) Unpaved CsfPaved Csf (360O*V) 16,134520.32A2 ftft/ft ft/s hrs sq. ftftftft/ft o.0o.00.00 0.0000 o.00 0. 50 0.00 0.00 0.50 CHANNEL FLOWSegnent IDcross Sectional Flovr Area, aWetted perirneter, pwHydraulic radius, r = a/pwChannel slope, sManningrs roughness coef f ., n 1.49 * t'/t* "'/'V= Flow length, t T = L,/ (3600*V) 0.oo0.000.000 0.0000 0.0000 ft/s o.0000 ft hrs TII'TE (hrs) 0 0.00 TOTAL t lYorksheet 4:, Graphical Peak Discharge method 't" I I /\ .r,'-\r pro:ecr A"cet a,utonts'*ra zy NLll o.t" ?-18{{ I a | ) 1-- -....................=.._ I Locac.ton t"ar* A'l 8,A-L checked DareII - ^ -----\ ,1clrcle one: (Prelenr ) Devttoped 15 (Wtsr S,Oe)t:f l. Da ca: I \ Dr"lnage area ;.. A-o - O,OOll a{2 (acres/640) r s,.-^tf -..-..^t Aunorr curve nuaber .... CN - @ (prou uorksfeec 2)I il:,::,":[I;":::: ;;,:" :f-[,'I:'J:'::l;'"' I pond and suatrp areas spread -- ^I chroughouE'r..aiershed .:.... - () percenc of Ao (_ acres br u12 covered) I Storrl {l Stora 42 Scora fl3 /)2s 5d t.1 t.1 2-z I 2. Frequency yrI 3. Ralnfall, p (2i-hour) in I 4. Inlclal abstracciou, Ia ..... lnI (Use CN vtrh tabte 4-l:) I 5. Cotrpure l,/? ,. I 6. Unlc peak dlscharge, q,, ...,. r (Use T" and I"/p plrh ixhtbic { -_) I 7. Runoff, a..... ........... ln(fron norksheec 2). I E. pond and suacp adlustnenE facror, F-(Use percenc pond and srratrp area . P r ,,r!rh table 4-2. Facror is l.O for I zero. percenC pond and.suarop area.) l(" too z-+ '5oo I s ,ozl o'q I o,to l.o I r.o I r.o 500 t,o I e' l*l.lT;':'i"^,11,; t I I O-n (21O-VI.TR.5S, Second Ed., June 1986) I O,Ot | 6,oz | 0.o5 0 -08 I I I guick TR-ss Ver.s.{5 s/N!I Executed:15!5{:07 07-2O-L994 t1 I I I TRACTS A-1 & A-2, pARCEL AI,ION,S RIDGE SUBDIVTSION FIIJING, NO. 2VAIL, COLORADO RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : !::3:::::::: ! : : : : 3 : : : : : : : : : : 3 : I composite Area: pRoposED-A SURFACE DESCR]PTION AREA CN ( acres )I I I I I I I I I I t I I B oPEN SPACE, FAIRB IUPERVIOUS AREA 0.10 690.03 98 col{PosITE AREA ---> O.L2 74.9 ( ZS 1!!!!!a a... a a. a a - aa a i a a a.... I lQuicf TR-ss ver.s.46 s/N:lExecuteds 16:77:.43 07-20-1994 t8 TRACTS A-1 E A-2' PARCEL A r IJION'S RrDGE AUBDTVTSTONt FfIrINc NO. 2vArL, coLoRADO I rc co'purATroNs i'on, pnoposED-AI SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only)Segnent IDSurface descriptionManningrs roughness coeff. , nFlow length, t (total < or = 300)Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2Land slope, s 0.8 .00? ,r ( n* IJ)m- 0.5 0.4 c: \TRss\s25-D-A1, TcT A-1 GRASS.STTORT 0. 1500ft L25. Oin 1.000fL/ft. o.4000 hrs 0.11 + ft 0.0ft/tt 0.000o ft/s 0.0000 brs 0.00 t I A-2 ASPHALT0.o11069.01.000o.1000 0.01I sq. ftftttft/ ft ft/ s €+ hrs 0.00o.00o.o00 0. o0000.0000 0.12 0.00 o.00 P2*s I SHAIJLOW CONCENTRATED FLOWSegrnent ID I I I I t o.L2ToTAL TIME (hrs) I I I I I surface (paved or unpaved) ?Flow length, LIilatercourse slope, s 0.5Avg.v =where:csf * (s) Unpaved Csf = 15.1345Paved Csf = 2O.32A2 I T = L,/ (3600*v) CHANNEL FLOWSegnent IDCross Sectional Flow Area, aWetted perimeter, pwIlydraulic radius, r = a/pwChannel slope, sManningrs roughness coeff. , n L.49 * t'/'* "'/'V= n Flow length, L T=L/ (3600'tV) 0.0000 0 o. oo I | gui"f TR-55 ver.5.46 srlN:IExecuteds 16:20tL4 07-20-1994 sq. ftftftft/fE ft/s ft hrs 0.00 0.00 0.0000.0000o.0000 r1 0.01 o. 00 0.00 r TRACTS A-1 E A-2, PARCEL A I LION,S RIDGE SUBDMSIONI FILING NO. 2 VAfL,, COLORADO r Tc COMPUTATTONS iOn, pnOpOsED-A SHEET FLOW (Applicable to Tc only) I segrment ID A-3I Surface description ASPIIALTl.lanningrs roughness coeff., D 0.0110 - Flow length, L (total < or = 300) ft 13.3 I Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 1.000I Land slope, s tt/ft 0.02000.8.007 ir (n*L)m- o. 5 0.4P2*s SHAIJLOW CONCENTRATED FtOWSegment IDsurface (paved or unpaved) ?Flow length, IJwatercourse slope, s 0.5Avgf.V= Csf * (s)where: Unpaved Csf = 16.1345Paved Csf = ZO.32ez T=Lrl(3600!tV) CI{ANNEL FIOI' Segment, IDCross Sectional Flow Area, aWetted perimeter, PldItydraulic rad,ius, E = a/p$lChannel slope, sManningrs roughness coeff., n 2/3 L/21.49 * r * g V= Flow length, L T = L,/ (3600'tv) c: \TRs5\s2s-A-D2 . TCT hrs 0.01 ft o.0tt/tt 0.0000 fL/s 0.0000 hrs 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.0000 0.00 (hrs ) z0 lYorksheet 4: Graphical peak ,,/)(."Pro:ccr I t qtsKdlr, h'ln|' No,L to""rton Discharge method sy P1tM. Checked Date Dace yr 1n ln4. 6. 7. 8. o t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ctrcle one: PresenE @ A (Fnsr S,oE) L. Dara: Dralnage area .. .. ...,;.. Aa. Runoff curve nuober .... CN i . Tloe of concen[ra !l Rainfall Or"..r'r.rll ;;r:" : Pond and s!{aop areas epreadChroughouC'Hatershed o12 (acres/640) (Froo worksleec 2) hr (Iroo vorksheec 3) (I, IA, II, III) percenc of Ao (- acres oE ral2 covered) Scorn {/l Stoca fl2 Stora /3 lo z5 50 t, (t.c z.z O. ocrs z IJ U. L/- 1' /\ 2. Erequency 3. Ralnfall,P (2i-hour) t% 2-1 Iniclal (Use CN Collpu te r alE abs tracclon, I- ..rdrh caUle 4-tl) Untc peak -discharge, qu ,,.. cso/ln(Use T. and Iolp utth ixhlblr l-_) Runoff, a ... ..(rro" ,,oir.i";. i;:":" "' rn Pond and sr.'aop adJustbent factor, F_ ....(Use percenc pond and suaErp area . P etch Eable 4-?. Facror ls 1.0 forzero, perce[E pond and snarop area.) Peak dlscharger 9O .. .cfs (lihe r e qo - quA.rqFD ) r.0 | t.o I t.d 9so 0,81 t-0 aaql o.ob lo.o o.to (210-VI.TR-S5, Second .Ed., June 1986) I D4 I t t t I I T I I I I t ! I I I I )l/-l I euick TR-ss ver.s.46 s/N:I Executed: 1,6i37,L7 07-2o-L994 TRACTS A-1 & A-2' PARCEIJ A LTON'S RIDGE SUADIVTSTON FIIJING. NO. 2VAIL, COLORADO RUNOFF CURVE NUI.TBER DATA3:::::::::3:3 3 !: ! t !;3::;:3 3 : : : 3 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ! 3:: I conposLte Area: PRoPosED-wEsT SURFACE DESCRIPTION AREA CN(acres) B OPEN sPACE, SAIRB IMPERVTOUS AREA 0.61 690.20 98 col'tPosrTE AREA ---> 0.81 '7 6.2 ( 7 6 ' I lg*:I.:*; t 2L lrc SHEET FIJOW (Applicable 55 Ver.5.46 SrlN:16:34: 12 07-2o-L994 c: \TRss\525-B-D. TCT TRACTS A-1 & A-2' PARCEL A I,TON'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2vArL, coLo&ADO COMPUTATIONS FOR: PROPOSED-D to Tc only)B-1 GRASS-SITORT0.1500ft 14L.0in 1.ooofE/tt 0.3800 hrs o.L2 0.14(hrs) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Segment IDsurface descriptionManningrs roughness coeff., nFlow length, L (total < or = 300)Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2Land slope, s 0.8 .002 f. ( n*IJ)m- 0.5 0.4 B-2 PIPE0.0240 30.01.0000. o300 o.02 P2*s SHAI]LOW CONCENTRATED FIJOWSegDent IDsurface (paved orFlow length, Lwatercourse sIope,ft 0.0ft/fL o. oooo unpaved) ? g 0.5 0.L4 0.00 0.00 Avg.V =where: '1 =\/ csf * (s) Unpavedl CsfPaved csf (360Orrv) 16.134s 20.3242 ft/s hrs sq. ftftftft/tE ft/s ft hrs 0.0000 o.00 CIIANNEL FLOWSegEent fDcross Sectional Flow Area, awetted perineter, PwHydraulie radius, r = a/PwChannel slope, sManning's roughness coeff., n r. 49 * ,'/t * "'/"V= n lIow length, L T = L,/ (3600'tV) 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.00 TOTAL TIUE t 23 Quick TR-55 Ver.5.46 SrlNs Executed: 16:35:17 07-20-L994 c:\TRs5\s2s-B-Dz.TCT P2 I I I I I I I I I I I TRACTS A.1 E A-2, PARCEI., A LION'g RfDGE SUBDMSIONFIIJ]NG NO. 2' VAIIT, COLOR.ADO TC COUPUTATIONS FOR! PROPOSED.B SHEET FLow (Applicable to Tc only)segment rD B-3surface description GRASS-SIIORTManningrs roughness coeff., n 0.1500 Flow length, L (total < or = 300) ft 205.0Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 1.000 Land slope, s ft/fL 0.10000.8 .007 f. (n*IJ) m-hrs o.270.5 0.it SIIALL,OW CONCENTRATEDSeg!,eut IDSurface (pavecl orFlow length, L FLOW unpaved) ?o.0 0.0000 0.0000 0 .00 = o.27 = 0.00 = 0.00 o.27 Ilatercourse slope, s 0.5Avg.V= Csf * (s)where: Unpaved Csf = 16.1345Paved csf = 20.3282 T = t,/ (3500rrv) ftft/ft ft/s hrs sq. ftftftft/fL ft/s ft hrs 0.0000o.0000 CIIANNEI, FLOWSegment IDCross Sectional Floer Area, aWettetl perimeter, PwHydraulic radius, r = a/WChannel sIope, sManningrs roughness coeff., n I 1. 4e * ,'/' * "'/'V= Flow lengttr, L I=L/ (3600*V) TOTAT TIME (hTs) I I I I I 0.0000 0 0. o0 lVorksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge method uaNoZsv llLj/l oate ?-lE'?Ll 74 P roJe ct rocarron-I-ract A-l t ^'Z Checked Da ce I t I I I I I t I I I I t T I I I Clrcle one:Presenc @ Dralnage area .......,t.. AE - Runoff curve nuubir .... CX - o12 (acres,/540) 16 (Iroa corksheec 2) .Tiue of concenEraiton .. T,. - A 4l hr (Frou vorksheec 3) Rainfall d 1s crlbu r t.on Pond and slraop areasChroushouE'uatershed (r, IA, rI, trI) percenc of A- ( acres or n12 EYPE spread T o covered) Z. Frequency 3. Ralnfall,? ( 2{-hour) yr {n too 2.4 s70 0-63 /.D 1n4. 5. R InLclal (Use CN Cotrpu te fle absttacclon, Ia ..vlth table 4-1.) Un{.c peak dlscha rge, (Use T. and I"/P ulch 9. Peak d!scharger gO .... (lfhere qO - quAtrqFp) Runoff, q ...., .. .. ... ..... ( Froru eorksheec 2). Pond and suanp adJusttrenE facEor, F_ ....(Use percenc pond and suaap area . P ulCh table 4-2. Faccor 1s 1.0 forzero percenE pond and.snanp area.) tn a.z-t lo-zalo.sz r.o I l.o qu .... cso/lnexhibtc.4-_) cfs tq V;lb 0.38 o"s lo.n I (2I0-VI-TR.55, Second Ed., June 1986) Scorq ll S tor:l /2 Stora 13 lo 25 50 1.1 t.1 2.2 I t I I I I I DRJAINAGE FACTTITTES I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I T P. O. BOX 976 OO77 UETCALF ROAOAta ,cm-oRADo ar620(JgJ) 919-5072 oTlInter-Mountain lAEtrerineerinsLtd. sunt ro,,12O UANCE SfREEf LAKTI+o@, coL&Aoo 802rs(JoJ) 2Jz-orsE "o^44"as^d DA rE / Arr- rs-9rl SllfE f No.z.\ D.o,noro Studu -lrarls A-I d t U\rtt SvE +h1 25-,1ear p{ak Clrcharqe frnnlhc fr,bu-btr,1 las,n plus 8. t Q' Qr, (T,b,"dory Bot,n) , Ort( Basn 6) : fi.i cfs + 0.3 .€s wr ll saJrs {g fu s: o-03 r-49 r -\, r'/\z rll'Q = u.iq ( r-rr1o.38) "( o,o$ '- . 1,9 c{s 1,. JrryglE jE4S thc ol)tlKttv',c (ogo: r'4 a( lhc 5w0ys 0rcuAl) ,-lie htnnrs 'tta5 Calcu lA'td - I hc a r,tawwF o{-rr"noft dran,^q +o +u .lorlY ,s urnl{ncvrlb,rl r{ 15 s\95umed *buI tt 'tfu 5a1y1lg euJrt tto",rt}'le 1L.t tt.o.\lrtit of.11'.i *(rb-,r iav ,' (rnJl.?nr ((nlortfu tt)tli ,f ,,.;{ hilt li J J Usr ,Bas,n ' 1.LcFs n - \.49 A r>'13 ,- tlz-q= -a- f\K 5'- n= 0021 Cc$") S: O'oL (x'r't) ilsrna charts +'t",e 6llatttnq hctl,hts obuuc tdtvv(.munls', J Zl" cM( a 2o/o 19" cMP { Z.6d/o Uce d lS" Ct"lP @ io/o h'IYr'.. Wp- z'iY(" . il* (1,J' ' zii ( 11,.): lnl (-t- = i-l t [+ - A Kj -h/P - vfil- 4.t t {-+' - o"38 ++ I t I I I I 2b Triang'ular channel Analysis & Design Open Cbannel - Unifom flow Worksbeet NFme: 94525 Conment! TRiAC! A-1 - SWALE BEEIND EOUSE For Discharge Input Data:Left Side Slope..Right Side Slope.Manningrs n......channel S1ope....Depth Solve Given I t I I I I I I I I I I I Conputed Results:DischargeVelocity.FIow AreaFlow Top Width...Wetted Perineter.CriticaL Depth...critical slope...Froude NuDber.... 5.00: 1 (H:v)2.00:1 (H:V) 0.0800.1300 ft/tt1.00 ft 1{.31 cfs4.09 fps3.50 sf7.00 ft7.34 tt1.01 fto.L24A ft/ttL.oz (flow is superc!itical) Open Channel Flow Module,Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Version 3.42 (c)Brookside Rd *19 91waterbury,cL 06708 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Triangular channel Analysis & Designopen chatrnel - Uniform flow Worksheet Nane: 94525 71 Comment! TRACT A'2 - SIIALE solve For Discharge Given Input Data:Left Side Slope..Right side sl6pe.Manningrs n......Channel Slope....Depth. conputed Results:Discharqevelociti.Flow AreaFlow rop l{idth...Yletted Perineter.critical Depth...Critical Slope...Froude Number.... Open Channel Flow llodule,Haestad Method,s, Inc. * 3? Subcritical) (c) 19el-* I{aterbury, BEHTND IIOU8E Version 3.42Brookside Rcl 5.00:1 (E:V)2.00:1 (H:V) 0.0800.08oo tt/ft1.O0 ft 11.23 cfs3.21 fps3.50 sf7.00 ft7.34 ft0.91 ft0.128e tt/tL0.80 (flow is ct 06708 t n /7X lsom & AssoctArEs ll l/^\ Architecture LandPlannins ProieclManasement t Department of Community Development Town of Vail I 75 S. Frontage Road West - Vail. CO 81657 I REr AMENDMENT To sDD #r7 oF 1993I r Dear Pianning Staff: I The following is a request for an amendment to the Special Development District Ordinance #17, I Series 1993, involving tracts Al and A-2, filing #2, Lions Ridge Subdivision at 1502 Butrehr I Creek Road. The amendment is to change the use of tracts A-l and A-2 from two single-family units to one lot on tract A for a primary/secondary unit. The intent is not to subdivide the primary I and secondary unit but keep it as a primary unit with a caretaker apartment. The application is I being made on behalf of the current owner, Dr. Harold and Barbara Brooks, for the proposed buyerq lvfichael and Nancy Burgermeister. t In conversations with Dirk Mason of Wednesday, January 8, 1997, it was determined that the following information should be submitted: r 1. A major amendment fee of $1,000 which is accompanying this application. I 2. Starnped and addressed envelopes to all adjacent property owners including properties! across the street are attached along with a list of all those properfy owners. This I information is current as of January 7, 1997 in the Eagle County Assesso/s Office. 3. A current survey showing existing driveway and topography which has been prepared r by Intermountain Engineering. The survey has been stamped by a licensed surveyor. I 4. The proposed building envelope for a single structure is shown on the topographic r survey by Intermountain Engineering. I 5. The building envelope shown on the site plan is located west of the potential debris I floor and east of the rock fall areas per the letters by Dr, Nick Lampiris, Geologist. I 13 January 1997 I 410 P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (i00)lza-zsea FAX 328-6266 f . -.. t I I I I KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCES CROSSVIEI.J AT VAIL TRACTS A-1 AND A_2 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ,,>u .Si;fl ' (*7.-,a.- t@oa*F;.. Fj;.){.'r'$fu,;mi# I I I I I I I I I I t; I I Prepared for: Mr. Steve Gensler Crossview Properties Ltd . 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 500 Englewood, C0 80111 r 2354 WEST ALn MEOA PAnKWAY. LAK€WOOO. CO 80228 (3O3)989.1223 Job No. 93-60 June 21, 1993 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SITE GRADING FOUNDATION BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION RETAINING AND FOUNDATION WALLS FLOOR SLABS CONCRETE SURFACE DRAINAGE LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS I,OGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS. GRADATION TEST RESULTS TYPICAL WALL DRATN DETAIL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL Figs. 4 5 6 8 'ln t0 11 'II r 18. r Fig. 2 Fig. 3 and 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I l1 t1 l1 l1 l; l1 SCOPE Thi s renort nresents the results of a soils and foundation investi- gation for trvo proposed residences to be located in Crossview At Vai1, Tracts A-l and A-2 of Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 in the Town of Vai1, Colorado. A description of subsurface conditions found in exploratory borings, .reconmendations for foundation construction, criteri-a for design of foundations, and our reconmendaEions for bel-ow grade construction are presented in this report. The report was pre- pared based on conditions found in the exploraLory borings, results of laboratory tests, and our experience with similar subsurface conditions in the Vail area. The recommended foundation construction procedure is j.nfluenced by the proposed type of structures and anticipated foundation 1oads. Prior to construct.ion we should review the construction plans for the st.ructures to confirm that our recommendations are satisfactory for the residences as designed. A summary of our conclusions and recom- mendations is presenied in the following paragraphs. SIJMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1. Subsurface conditions found in the borings consisted of 2 to 3 feet of topsoil underlain by sands and clays to depths of 7 to 17 feet underlain by sandstone bedrock which extended to the maximum depth explored of 40 feet. 2. No free ground water r^'a s found in the borings at the time of dril1ing. However, ground water is always possible in 1ocal- ized zones at shallower depths especially at the surface of the bedrock. 6. 7. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I' ll I Ir The residences may be constructed with a spread footing founda- tion system. Below grade construction at this site requires special precau- tions as outlined in this report in order to maintaj-n the stability of the slope and sides of excavation' In addition 'the potential for encroachment' on adjacent property during con- struttion needs to be considered. Actual slope conditions will not be known until the excavations are opened. A representa- tive of our office must be on-site to observe the opening of the excavations, Retaining wa1J.s rnay be designed and constructed for cut and fill areas as well- as foundation waI1s. Slab-on-grade construction is possible on this site vith 1ow risk of slab movernent. Good surface drainage should be maintained at all times to reduce the risk of foundation soils becoming wetted- PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION At the time of this investigation plans for the residences were preliminary in nature. lrte understand the residences will be 3 stories including the basement and the garage which will be at the l-ower 1eve1. The structures are anticipated to be of wood frame construction above grade and cast-in-place concrete construction below grade. Below grade construction is planned for the basement areas. The maximum vertical depth of excavation is planned to be as much as 26 feet below grade. Foundation walls may retain up to 26 feet of soil on the uphill side if the structures are not stepped to fit the slope. Rock retaining walls are planned along the uphil1 side of the drivevay and between the struc- tures. These wa11s may be up to B feet in height. ll lt tl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I 1 -3- SITE CONDITIONS The site slopes at about 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) downward in a south-southeast direction, There are small rectangular excavations along the east side of the property. The access driveway will cross this area. An existing drainage channel crosses the area of the excava- tions. as we1l. At the time of our investigation the site I./a s covered with grasses, . bushes and numerous trees which limited our access for dri11ing. 0vera11 drainage of the site is in a south-southeast direc- t.ion. I}WESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were explored by drilli-ng 2 borings at the l-ocations shown on Fig. 2. The borings were drilled on June 9, 1993 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger rnounted on a tracked rig. A field engineer was on the site to suPervj-se the drill- ing, 1og the borings, vi-sua11y classify the subsurface material-s, and obtain sarnples for laboiatory testing. A description of the subsurface materials observed in.the borings, penetration resistance values, and a summary of laboratory test results are shor,rn on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig. 3. The laboratory investigation included visual classification of all samples and testing of selected samples for moisture content' density' and gradation. Results of the laboratory tests are presented on Fig' 3, Logs of Exploratory Borings and Gradation Test Results, Figs. 4 and 5. I I I I I I I I I I t t lt ll ll -4- SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions consi-sted of 2 to 3 feet of topsoil underlain by clays and sands to depths of 7 to 17 feet. Sandstone bedrock was then encountered which extended to the maxi.mum depth explored of 40 feet. No free ground water was found in the borings at the time of our investigation. However, ground water is alvays possible in localized zones aL shallor.'er depths and especially at the bedrock surface. SITE GRADING Cut and fill wil1 be required for construction of the driveway' basement, and garage areas. Some difficulty may be encountered when excavating the harder sandstone bedrock. We anticipate heavy backhoe equipment would be required and possibly blasting in the bedrock to accomplish the excavation. The fill may be constructed frorn the on-site soils excavated from the cuts. No gravel or cobble larger than 6 inches or topsoil should be used in any fill area. Prior to placing fill' the area should be stripped of all vegetation and topsoil , scarified, and cornpacted. The driveway will cross a drainage area and an excavated area which periodically holds water, These areas will require extra care to see that all soft wet soils are removed to expose firm soils prj.or to placing any fill for the roadway. Filt should be placed in thin loose lifts and compacted to at least 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTU D-1557) or 95 percent of the standardlt tl ll ll I I I I -5- Proctor maxi.mum dry density (ASTI1 D-698). The placement and compaction of fill should be observed and tested bv a representative of our office. FOUNDATION The subsurface soils at this site consisted of topsoil over sandy clay and clayey sand soils underlain by bedrock. The topsoil is not suitable for support of foundations but the remaining soils and bedrock will safely support spread footing foundation systems. Footings must be extended at least 3 feet into natural soils in these areas. Footings supported by t,he undisturbed sandstone may be designed for a much higher naximum a1lowab1e bearing pressure. We recommend a spread footing foun- dation system be designed and constructed in accordance with the follow- i no r-ri f ari a. 1. Footings should be supported by undisturbed natural soils beneaLh the topsoil and at least 3 feet belorv original site grades at all points. Soils loosened by machine excavation should be cleaned from the excavatj-on prior to placing concretefor the footings. 2, Wa11 and column footings shouLd be designed using a maximum allowabl-e soil bearing pressure of .3.000 psf for footings on sand or clay soi1s. Footings "uppoiGi--Effiturbed -sand- stone bedrock may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 8,000 psf. Dimensions for column footings Should be at least 24 by 24 inches and for continuous wal1 footings should be at least 16 inches wide. The footing widths may be greater depending on the loads of the struct.ure. Continuous foundation wa1ls should be reinforced, top and bottom, to span 1oca1 anomalies in the soi1. I I l I l ] ll lt Ir 5. 7. a I I ''T I I I I l|j I I I I I I ! I i T I I I ! II ! l i I 6. If pockets of soft soils are found in the bottom of the excava-fjons the snft soi l.s should be cxcavated fo exnose firm .coi1s. The bottom of the foundatj.ons may be constructed on the firm soils or the resulting excavatj-on may be backfilled with com- necred sni I or I een .nn.rtrl-e Anv soi I s nl aced as hackfill,'''J should be placed in thin loose 1ifts, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 98 percent of the standard Proctor maxi- mum dry density (AST}I D-698). It may be desirable to place some footings on compacted fill to reduce foundation wa11 heights. Any area to receive fill should be stripped of all topsoil. The area should then be scarified, moisture treated and compacted. Fi11 should then be placed in thin loose 1ifts, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 95 percent, of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTI'1 D-698). Exterior footings of walls should be protected from detrimental frost action. The norrnal depth of frost protection in this area is at least 4 feet beneat.h the ground surface. A representative of our office should observe the bottorn of the completed excavations prior to constructing footi.ngs. All fill placement should be observed and tested during placement by a reDresentative of our office. BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION Excavations of up to 26 f.eet in the vertical direction beneath the existing ground surface are planned for construction of the basement areas. The buildings and most of the driveway will be within the cut area which covers the majority of the allowed building envelope. Slope failures of ooen excavations can occur if the excavation for the base- ment remains open for extended brace the exiavation slopes or time wiLhout construction progressing to if the excavation slopes are not properly laid back. Great care needs to be exercised durine construction so that the slope remains stable. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -7- We recornrnend if at all possible that the depths of excavations be minimized. The slope of the ground surface on this site is about 2 to 1 (hori.zontal to vertical). This steep natural slope greatly influences the size of an excavation. In addition, the depth of the excavation and the subsurface rnaterials affect the distance the cut slope has to extend up the mountain to daylight. Cut slopes of l to 1or 1.5 to l must be used in the soi-ls and vertical cuts can be used in the bedrock. Basi:d on the borings a greater depth of soil occurs on Tract A-1, therefore, we anticipat.e a bigger excavation wouLd probably occur on Tract A-1. The location and elevation of the buildi.ngs should be evaluated so that constraints of the excavation are known before construction begins and so that the excavation does not encroach onto adjacent property. Actual slope conditions will not be known until the excavations are opened. A representative of our office must be on-site when the excavation begins. The location of the sandstone bedrock will determine the size and back sloping of the open excavation. During construction, we recon- mend that all of the following precautions be taken to reduce the risk of slope failure: i. 2 Excavate only materials necessary Construct the wal1s with meEhodsconstruction time. to construct the wa11s. and technigues that reduce 3. Excavations in the soils for garage or basement areas should besloped at. I to 1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter to main-tain stability of the slopes. The soils classify as Type B inaccordance with 0SHA regulati.ons. ff r+ater occurs in the cutslope at any point, the slopes should be excavated to 1.5 to I r' -B- or flatter to satisfy OSHA criteria for Type C soils. Verticalcuts may be made in the sandstone bedrock. Excavation should be performed after peak runoff periods vhichis after approximately July 15. If seepage of L'ater from the side of the excavation isobserved, it should be reported immedi-ately to our office sothat we can recommend methods for safely controlling the flowof waLer and maintaining stability of the s1ope. We should review the proposed excavaLion plan prior tobeginning construction. RETAINING AND FOUNDATION I{ALLS Basement and retaining wa11s vil1 be constructed which will require lateral design pressures. we understand the foundation wa1ls may retai-n up to 26 feet of a sloped backfi11. The existing slope is 2 to 1 (hori- zontal to vertical). Laterar earth pressures depend on the type of backfill , natural ground surface slope behind the wa11, and the height and type of wal1. hlhere warls are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfill, the walls should be desiened to ' resist the "activett eirth pressure conditions. restrained, which normally occurs in a basement wa1l, the wa11s should be designed to resist the earth pressure t'at resttt condition. Based on available inforrnation we recommend for design an equivalent f1uid. weight of 60 pcf be used for t.he rractive'r earth pressure and an equivalent fluid veight of 75 pcf be used for the 'tat rest' earth pressure in soil . A uniform lateral pressure of 150 psf may be used for the portion of va11s in bedrock. Lower lateral soil pressure values may be possible s 6. Where wa11s are fi -9- depending upon our reviev of final dravings. The equivalent fluid veighrs include allowance for the sloping conditions behind the walls but do not include allovances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pressures or live loads. A passive equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf can be used to resist the vall loads where the soils will always remain in place at the toe'of the wall-. A coefficienr of friction of 0.5 can also be used aL the botLom of the footing to resist the wa1l loads. Backfill behind or adjacent to vaIls should be compacted to at least 95 perccnt. of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (AST11 D- 698). The backfill should be placed in thin loose lifts at or above the optimum moisture content. Placement and compactj.on of t.he fill shoul_d be observed and tested by a representative of our office. To reduce the possibility of developing hydrostat.ic pressures behind retaining wa11s, v/e recommend the provision of a layer of clean gravel or a manufactured drai.nage system immediately adjacent to the back of the vaIl. The gravel should have a maximum size of 1.5 inches and'have a maxj.rnum of 3 percent passing th" No. 200 sieve. hrashed concrete aggregate wj.1l be satisfactory for the drainage 1ayer. The gravel drain fill or manufactured drainage system should extend from the bottom of the wal1 to within 2 feet of. subgrade elevation.. The r,rater can be drained frorn the gravel or manufactured drain by a perforated pipe with collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet. Typical details for wa1l drains are presented on Figs. 6 and 7. lt + tt 1l lg l1 t tl tl l1 l1 lg l1 -10- FLOOR SLABS The near surface soils at proposed floor slab elevati.ons can con- sist of topsoil, fi1l, or natural soils- The natural soj.1s r+i1l safely support floor s1abs. If topsoil or loose fill f rorn excavation cuttings occurs at proposed floor slab elevations, it should be overexcavated to expose the underlying natural soils and.then backfilled with compacted on-site soils. We recommend the soiLs be placed in thin loose 1ifts, moisture conditioned, and compacted to at l-east 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (AST}I D-698). Lre also recornmend a 4-inch layer of free draining gravel be placed beneath the floor slabs to provide a moisture break betveen the clay soils and the concrete s1ab. CONCRETE The soils and bedrock found at this area typically contain soluble sulfates. Sulfates can cause damage to concrete members constructed with ordinary cement that come into contact with the soil. Type V cement is normally recommended for high sulfate areas. However, a suit- able alternative for Type V cement. is a "modified" Type If cement. The I'modified" Type II cement contains less than 5 percent tricalcium a1u- minate. Use of a cement rich mixture (maximum of 0.5 water/cement ratio) and 5 to 7 percent air entrainment further increases the sulfate resisLance. This cement should be used for all concrete members (s1abs, l1 lg l1 l1 lg l1 l t t t Bl I t I I I I -i1- piers, foundation wa11s, curb and gutter, and sidewafks) that come in contact with the soil or bedrock. SURFACE DRAINAGE The risk of wetting foundati.on soils and soils behind the founda- tion va11s can be reduced by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. 1./e recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the strucL.ures are con- pleted: Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavation should beavoided as much as possible during construction. A11 surface water should be directed away from the top and thesides of the excavation duri.ng construction. The ground surface surroundi.ng the exterior of the residencesshould be sloped to drain away from the residences in alldirections. 4. hlater flowing down the slope toward the structures should bedrained around the buildi.ngs and away from the foundation wa11s and the cut sl.ope area uphill from the residences. 5. Backfill around the foundation wa1ls should be moistened andcompacted to at least 95 percent of the standard proctor maximum dry densiry (ASTl.1 D-698). LIMITATIONS Our borings were spaced to obtain a reasonably accurate determina- tion of foundation conditi-ons beneath the sites, variations in subsur- face conditions not indicated by the borings are ahvays possible. we should review the proposed excavation and structurar prans and observe 1. 3. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I -12- the completed excavation to confirm that the soils are as indicated by the bori.ngs. Placement and compaction of fill should be observed and tested. The recommendations and design criteria presented in this report are based on the structure as \*'e have anticipated its design and on the subsurface conditions as observed at this time, therefore, the criteria presented in this report are not valid until we have been pro- vided vith final construction plans and been allowed to evaLuate the slope conditions. If ve rePort, or foundation can be of further service in discussing in analyses of the proposed structure viewpoint, please cal-l-. the contents of this from the soil-s and KOECHLEIN CONSI]LTING ENGINEERS By William N. Houlette', Reviewed by Llilliam H. Koechlein, wNH/gk (1 copy sent) 4cc: J.R. Hodges Architects,Icc: Andy Knutsen - Town of Inc .Vail Comrnunity Development llJul to l6''.r", r ll' \*"'li I t I I t t I I I I I I I Tl l I l l { il TO SCALENOT FIG. 1 VICINITY MAP JOB NO. 93-00 U+: o A IaoJt o o \, o(, =co(D troF oJ xlu LLozIF J Fo uJEol! 2 tr z IJ.| ulF ' I F F \ t, ; z I 2lttr 3l\ 6z'\ -o,r\ xal l i-;.:\ ;b-,' 'l !, .l at.ll I .]ncNa') r.tI :l-lt]_ri.v t,t-).tJaB'.:r tga.te?iosJT I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I a^---------'-'-l I lF I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I o z F -) X Ul l,l- o --l 9a!T€8 .o4 CD .d't r5 i .d Eo tr .-r al6\ .oi o'- o3 3 3.. !oX .Ei EB "3 3 2E l.l F e ! ! 0r fl91-: '" or 3EE'a E5 ;-6rr r; .1 >1 ut!'j ;.9 8:8, fi$ Pu lE;o! d -OO o.J >t{ .F$ i a; €8r8.5" 3 g! ESEE@l [ 61r ,(g!.,.i>,?' - oc r.riJUixJ T n''r 11,FiUU n Jd FEEElI, o 0r HHH9l E 9.i X|| | E.fr g n6 ;tes9F ^ 9^ A6 FU Z E; I !,tt- .oiz ql qt 99 d. b. oo IR a9 ^,q- b Gii i- i^ s9 n9.:F .XfrE.rr I dl i/i =^ Q'! Q68", Z^,*y 5\5 9d 9dFo Fc "it iE ET HA EE Eg b\fi fp EiII o!.c!Xi8"61.. Elxt' QO.O }'igooa>q,oa,o! dHse;ln.8>!l,{>daJoa, !--,H 480 itq7 -6o.zc>4 n-..ii4AgrUA*{FFBUA i0 d .1u1 [g ffi [l E _o_ _r_ r33l Nr HLd30 rtttlrl :z u,rolllJ >.,. ].P >r.ai >,r,AR:.tEX :Y6X A!tsX r aai1l\\k Bo: s83R ? 1"3:l Nl HLd30 5l' : :!i':r::,:'-i0 * 1 l'' l" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEEBS Sompleof SAND, very clayey, gravellv enevel 15 z From Boring TTI-I at 4 feet snacLev 40 z SAND 44 % UOUID LIMIT -% Somple of CLAY, sandv GRAVEL ? 7 54xP ? ? % From Boring TH-2 at 4 feet SrtT&CtAY 7l % LIQUIDLIMI -%PLASTICIry INDEX. GRADATION TEST RESULTS TIMT AIAOLNGS 60 MIN 1Q MI! ' MIN CLAY {Pr,{SIrC) TO srtl (NON.PLASTC) 3/8' 3/d' lY" 3' 127 15? cLAY lPLdSllcl ro sltl tNcN.P|,AsI|C) .loF N^ o"-a^ ts t ti,i t I t I I I I 1 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS Sompleof enRvel 8 z From srlracuv 72 z PLASTICIIY INDEX Somple of CL.AY. sandy GnRvEL 2 zFrom Bori ng Tll-2 at 14 feet srLT&CrAy 7E % PTASI|cITY INDEX I I I I I I I I I ser'ro 2o z LIQUID LIMff -"/" SAND ?2 % LIQUID LIMII -% CttAa 50UAnf OPtNTNCSI|ME N€AONGS 60 MrN t9 MN. a25H45 t,'*f eo l- I ::t,"I ,f ."1""1 ,.f 30 l- I'l ro l- .L .001 5'6'8'il, +l- l,. +l--lH*illil: ,-11,. Tl-.1*il:r27 2@ cLAy (PrAsTtC) lO Srtr (NON.pL^src) CLAY, sandy Boring TT{-2 45t@ 90 00 70 A60 K:soIH40 30 t0 0 CLEAN SOUAft OP€N'^IGS 3/8' 3ii' 1.h' 3. .Ola .,!49 .297 .590 t.t9 2.0 2.38 d.76 0.4? DIAM€T€N OF PANT|CT€ IN MILTIM€'IENS ctAY (PLASr|c) IO SttI {NON-PL{Sr|c) JOA NO. 93-80 GRADATION TEST RESULTS F IG. 5 l'. CLAYEY BACKFTLL 12' M tN. GFIAVEL BELOW GRADE WALL GRAVEL MANUFACTURED DRAIN (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILLREGOMMENDATIONS) 4INCH DIAMETER PHOVIDE PLASTIC SHEETING GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL TO FEDUCE MOISTURE PENETRATION.PERFORATED PIPE.12' MlN, NOTES: 1. INSTALL EITHER: A. APPRO V ED M AN U FA CTUR ED DRAIN SYSTEM ANO GRAVEL COVERED PIPE ORB. GRAVEL WITH PtPE 2. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTTNG AT THEHIGHEST POTNT ANO SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GFAVITYOUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCHAND 1/4 INCH DR OP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPEctFtcATtONS: WASHE D 1 1tz tNCH TO No. 4 cRAVEL W ITH LES S THAN 3% PASSING THE NO. 2OO StEVE. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMPACTEDBACKFILL z JOB NO.93-60 TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL FIG. 6 tg ri ri l1 l1 t1 l1 ty l1 l1 l1 l1 I t t CLAY .F(i AACKFILL 't 0'1'f-------- COMPACTED BACKFILL (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECOMMENDATIONS) WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3 PERCENT PASSING THE NO.2OO SIEVE. NOTE: INSTALL ETTHER 1. APPHOVED MANUFACTURED AND PIPE. OH 2. GRAVEL W ITH PIPE OR 3. WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL MANUFACTURED DBAIN SYSTEM PROVIDE GALVANIZED SCREEN WEEP. HOLES PFOVIDED AT 1O' CENTER TO CENTER 4INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC THE DRAIN LINE SHOULD BE LAID ON RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH ANO 1/4PER FOOT OF DRAIN AND LEAD TO A GRAVITY OUTLET. DRAIN SYSTEM PIPE. A SLOPE INCH DROP P OS tT tVE 9. 93-60 TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL FIG.7 I I I I I I I I I I I T t T I I T t I 6. The GRFA for tract A is presently a maximum of 5,993 square feet. The proposed GRFA would be the same for the combined lots at 5,993 square feet plus garage. The current grage credit is 600 square feet for each of a total of to allow for a comfortable 4-car garage. As stated above the reqiiesf is th tracts A-l and A-2 into a single tract A which would allow for a primary and a unit but the secondary unit would not be further subdivided from the primu.y ,\,nit The intent is for a primary and caretaker unit. \\\ ,_\ '-l^----r -l^^.L^ll ^,lL^-^ +^ +L^ F^ll^.,,:-^. \ )The development plan shall adhere to the following: \, ,/ l. Acreage: Tract A is made up of .86 acres. 2. Permitted uses: 1,200 square feet garage credit. The applicant als{ requests 3. Conditional uses: 4. Accessory uses: 7. Building height: Building height shall be 33 feet any given point from finished grade to top ofroofat that point for a sloping roof. 8. Parking: Parking shall comply with the irirements of Section 18.52 (OFstreet Parking and Loading) The primary have a minimum of 2 enclosed parking spaces and the secondary shall have I Public utility and public service uses. I a. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhousef, attached garages or carports, swimming pools, patios, or recreatidnal facilities customarily incidental to the primary/secondafy residential use. I b. Home occupations subject to issuance of f home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of $ections 18.58.130 through 18 58.190 c. Other uses customarily incidental and /ccessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the opfration thereofl tract A a maximum of 5,993 square feet plus a garage9. cr ."{ A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted to Design Review Board for their approval at tirne ofapproval ofthe architecture for the units. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I l. Design requirements: At time of DRB submittd the applicant shall submit drawings that meet the following requirements: a. The building on tract A shalt be benched into the hillside and stepped with the natural contours ofthe site. Site excavation shall be no more than necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Extensive site grading to create a flat building site shall not be permitted. However, to insure compliance with the above, finished grades on the north, east, and west elevations ofthe buildings shall not deviate more than 4 feet from existing grade at any point' b. Building on tract A shall be designed with the internal hazard mitigation recommended by Dr. Nick Lampiris in his hazard analysis dated September 18, 1992 a11d a second letter dated January 22, 1993. The building on tract A shall be designed to accommodate access by afire truck and meet requirements recommended by the Vail Fire Department. c. Prior to excavation of the building site on tract A the applicant shall either document that all excavation occurs on site or shall provide letters from adjacent property omers allowing the excavation to encroach. 12. Drainage plan: The drainage report prepared by tntermountain Engineering of July 1994 for tracts A-l and A-2, parcel A, Lions Ridge filing #2, Town of Vail shall be for handling the drainage on site. The hazard and soils reports are also attached to this submittal. Ifthere are any other questions concerning this application for amendment to SDD #17 ofSeries 1993, please contact this ofrce. Sincerely, StephenR. Isom p.c.: Michael Burgermeister Harold Brooks 36lovl I t I I I I T I Quesnons? Call thc Planning StafI at 479-21 38 APPLICATION FOR PLANNINP AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION dPPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any p.oj"ct ,eqniting approval by tlre Planning and Environmental Commission' For specific information, scc the submittar ,"quir"-cnb foi the particular approval that is requested. Thc application can not bc ".""pt"a until all requircd information is submitted. Thc projeA may also necd to be rcvicwed by thc Town Council a.nd/or the Desigrr Rwicw Board' A TYPE OF APPLICATION:O Additional GRFA (250) D Bcd and Brcaldast D Conditional Usc Pcrrut O Major or O Minor Subdivision D Rezoning n Sign Variancc tr Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amendment B.DESCRIPTION OF TLIE REQLIEST: WITH A PRIMARY/SECONDARY IJNIT FROM C Amcndmcnt to an Approvcd Developmcnt Plan 0 Emptoyec Housing Unrt (-IYPc: -) D Major or tr Mhor CCI Extcrior Altcration (Vail Villagc) n Major or D Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshcad) tr Special Devclopment Disfict F Maior or G Minor Amendmcnt to an SDD TOWN OFVAIL I THE EXISTING TWO SINGLE-FAMITII L!4&: I I I I I I I I I t C.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT4:LL\I BLOCK- FILINC iI2' LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION ADDRESS: I5O2 BUIFEHR .CREEK ROAD BUILDINC NAME: NA D. ZONING: SDD ORDINANCE #17 OF Iq93 E.N AME oF owNER(S): I4E9-P-!8995! MAILINGAXTDRESS:1526 48th AVENUE, VERo BEACH' FL 32966 PHONE: aol::5bl_)3]3 ALSO: MICTIAEL BIJRGERMEIS GORE C DR., _VArL, CO 8\657, 970-476-0 F. \J. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE. J ISO,M AND ASSOCIATES MAILINCADDRESS: P.o. Box 9 EAGLE, Co B163I -PHONE:q70-328-2j88 H FEE - SEETHE SUBMITTAL REOUTREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBIVIIT THIS A-PPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' EorlIlcl Llrc Qul:; [:cc l'aid C--kjJ. l]y Appl:catror I)atc . I'li('Mcctrrrg i):rtc vAIL, col.oRr\Do 8165t. ircwi:cd 6,96 I Jsnuary 1997 TO WHOMITN{AYCONCERN: I, Harold Brooks, hereby authorize Michael Burgermeister rnd Isom and Associates to apply tl theTown of Vail for rgzoning of the $pecial Developrnent District on my propcrty at lsOi Buflehr Creek Road, Tracts A-l and A-2. Filing #2, iions Ridge Subdivision. iBuftehr Creek Road, Tracrs Lt and A-2. iitins +2, iion, miei-irbdi;i-il.. -/-2? Harold Broo 1526 48th Avenue Vero Beach- FL 32966 Ph. (407) s67-1358 I I I TRACTSA-I &A.2 PARCEL2 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVI$ON, I|:ILING #2 Adjacent Property Ownert ROBERT A. STEPHANOFF KATRINA A. MENKES I KENDAL M. IUNTA IoHN R. & ALExANDRAw. MENKESI p.o. Box2t02 23IsARGENTFARMLANE VAIL, CO 81658 srowE, w 05672 T CAROL E. DAVIS KAWESKE FAMILY PARTNERSHIP I 1480 BT.IFFEHR cREEK #lB 1360 w. HoLLy DRrvEr vAIL. co 81657 BRooMFIELD, co E0020 I GROUSEVALLEYLLC SHARONHARRISON- l80l BRoADwAy, srE. ll00 298oJoYcEwAY r DENVER,CO 80202 GOLDEN,CO 80401 I RICHARD F. & A}INA M. DEMARCO LEE P. & MELODEE CTJRTES I I0064WOLFF STREET sE99 SHANNON ROAI) I WESTMINSTER, CO E0030 TIARTFORD, WI 53027 T MELISSAGAYBRINKMAN LINDAL. FOSTERT 7I7 BELLEFONTE 40 BRI,ARCREST PLACE PMTSBURGTL PA 15232 COLORADO SPRINGS. CO 80906 I TIMOTTry & KAY GRAYBILL RONALD & CLARA MALCZEWSKI P.O. BOX 453I IOI42 MACGREGOR ROAI) I vAIL, co sr658 PINcKNEY, MI 48169I r TIIE VALLEY CONDOMINILM ASSOC. IOHN A]ID SALLY WESTMORELAND I p.o. Box 3r?6 1736 SToNERTDGE DRIvEI VAIL. CO 81658 SALINE. MI 48176 I VALLEY RECREATTON &PARKTNGASSO RALPH& pATRrCrA SPANG P.O. BOX 3176 1486 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD 443 I VAIL, CO 81658 VAIL, CO 81657 I DE MAISONNEI.IVEASSOC. TOWN OF VAIL I PETER M. BLAIKE C/O FINANCE DEPT, r 73OI DECARIEBLVD. TsS.FRONTAGEROAD MONTREAL, QUEBEC H4P 2G7 VArL, CO 81657 I RONNAJ. FLAI.JM P.O. BOX 309 I PoNTEVERDABEACH, FL 32082I I e636APocI I I I t I I T T I I .rn Koech le in Cons.u lti ng_En g ineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12331W. Aameda Ph^4/ . Suite 130 . lakewood ,CO 8{}?28 (303) 989-1223 Fax (303) 989-0204 Septenber 16, 199 4 Mr. St,eve Ison Isom and Associates P. O. Box 9 Eagle, co 81631 Subject: Brooks Residences Tracts A-l & A-2 tions Ridge Subdivision, Fiting 2Vai1, Colorado itob No . 94- 190 As requested I revieved. the drawings forof this letter is to present my conclusionsfor construction of the residences. the proposed project. The purpose from a geotechnical poinb of viel'I I T I I T Tvo residences are planned for the site. construction $i11 also include adriveray and boul-der ua11s. The slope of the ground surface in the area ofthe residences is about 50 percenb. The boulder va11s are planned forproviding 1evel areas for the drivevay and along the sitles of the residences. I revieved the site plan and sections. The plans and sections indicated Lhatthe excavation for construction of the residences could be as much as 30feet and the boulder valts could be 4 feet in heiqhb. In ny opinion, it is possible to construct the buildings as proposed on thissite- Hovever, due to the steep slope of lhe ground surface. excavation ofsoils and rock and construction of vall-s must be performed carefully. Thenajority of the nalls are boulder walls and not designed as retaining valls.Localized site conditions wilt influence the height and need for retainingr.al]-s. I{here soils need to be retainedr geogrid reinforcement of the soilsvoul-d need to be installed. The excavabion of soil and rock at this site requires that OSHA regulations I be foIloved. Allouance for excavation limits that satisfy OSHA should beI cons idered . I t site drainage shourd be revierrred during and after construction.of the review is to confirm that drainage conforms to theconditions and reduce f1on of water adjacent to {a11s. The excavations and construction of boulder wa1ls shoutd berepresentative of our office. The purpose of the observations The purpose acbual site observed by a is to ass is t l' I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Mr. Steve Isom Sepoelob€r 16, 1994 Page 2 in construction, confirn theprovide reconmendations. I appreciate the opportunity to service, please contact ne. S i ncerefy, I(OECHIETN CONSIILTING ENGINEERS subsurface condition6 are as anticipated and provide this service. If I can be of furbher ,lnft. --a/{ lirrUXXi.-*- lf. Aoe-t-hl'e.' - Willian H. I(oechellnr P.E. Pres ident wHr{,/bk (3 copies sent ) Irf'I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Itr I F I T E r n E E E E E t E T T I T A Nicholas Lampiris, Phf ,i CONSULTING GEOLOGIST .OIE5 INGEFSOLL LANE srLT. coLoRADo 81652 F(q 6765.e B. HouRs) Seotenbcr 1e., 1+92 9t ev:-n Gens I er Par-l:t.rcod Rc'a I '- 1' 5rcz9 DTC Bl vd , ii5C'O Engl er.rooC r CO EO1 1 :. RE: Tract A, Li on 's Ri doe Subdi vi si on De6r fl:. Gensl =:-; f '. --,r'i: rs.r,i s:r.ieJ the t 1..'o =.i'!r:s ag ghov:n orr the r-lccol:,DEi':)'i ng inao 4r:r r-r r;.-rn =:r- --. r't* F:oill FaIl -inC i)ebri s F1c'..t re'zi et{ '': oi' th;r 'l'or'ln c'i vjri t - Th:r t r.''o :i ts's hav:] 5ee'n cllc.EEn to be ci-tt ct ard to tl-te'we=t of ti-rc C*ftr)'s '::en .:i, !{ ch::-;ncI - The d:- j'.'gr'l:v nu:t cnter :1nd c:- i'ii i:Frr *;:n. htl:.:c?r'a-:t-. The ;-=cl: {;,1 I aren i 5 tr:orD E,e\'€,rG *:-'.rther r're--t t !-: .,:n rhc'== :r':p brrildinq sitcs .'.nd t-he l crw outcrccE ab.:ve thEsc site5 can be ea= j I y nrc,:.rte'C oi- ot f:::;-t'ri se ner-ttt-e.l i =:'d bec.ruge' ther' .e-e thi:r o'nJ cisconiinlroils. ;hs .ricre hc1::rr-dous eutci-cpe rnuch hii:hc'r otl the hillsid:.uill sir:.ci mggt11. i.o ihe r.,tret. f:lthcr-rgir nii-.i 9"r-.1cn c-. t ti:s hci-"e::i t,=s is cos':ibi,: t:hror-rq;h l'ral l= o;- b::rrning - :t. !s r';!-oliiibl:r ntrr t.r;Tr;'.n'tc:d i',r= to thc' 1st'l citi'.r'cc o't rocl<= i-=':'sh! nn 'chs sitr=. Outci-cp r';oi-l.: pi-icr to can=-ti-urti cn l'ri l1 b':' be;:t::ci::1 . Tlii.- j s in i'. I oc;.i. j on :\:h -j::- e th.: ;-i Cqc', =crt:-.i:r5 n c-l 'l:ic !cr'-r'l-cs-' c'1' cc'ceni:i.ii {r.1iin,] rc:l:s. j:5 irt sLlcil a lcl': I e'zgl t\'i rh :-i1::p3':t 'iJ 'i-h:-, .--, i ".'.-.'.:, ;:r.',t i-nc!':5 ;.,r ! 1i ra:-t.'iv :-:::rch ;-he g: ic'9 -- i-i:J. i{ t;'e'-' cul - rli I I h;'.'c yrll-i' I i tt 1r' 3:131'c'/- Fc:': u,':=i:3L l ci i-Jc:i= ctrcl-:- Jbc'/e * lr.l c r.. i *,..: Tna c;rz:rrrc:i c:-i a'j' the=e r-lri'l:; triI1 na{: ir:cle'a=u ti"'l' i'a:::'rd to othi.i- c:-oce:-t./ c; gtru=ti;;-eg. cr to public r-i 9lr"i s-c'l-rrs7" br-ri 1:i'i nor. ro.:.cs, 9'Lr?s-i5. c.i9:'n3:-lt--. u.t-i1i':ieg' er 'Jircil j:ic:: :r- ctnS:- g;-opt:-'.: e= o* .rny l:inC- Le'i rnc r':-si6te thal ti:e =i tc= are no'L :;r t5s- J=!ri = ha: c.l-i a;-c.:s- sc|i 1s e,ngi.netrin5 Sturdi e.1s .=re nacessal-7 d,-rs to the steepn.:s.s o* tir= c: lc=. If tierc' arc' que=':io:':: pieas= cDn--act r..tr-' Ci nrc-rar rr ."h'/ / -,'/' /cl4t ,/t-'7,4 i'li cirol ar L's r:,> i :- : =ConguL t: no Ceri cr: 5t YI I Nicholas Larffiis, Ph. @NSI'LTING GEOLOGIST 0185 INGEBSOLL LANE E|LT. @LORADO 816s2 F) E7E5.CO F1 HO{IRS) je.nuar;, 22, 1995 ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Steven Gensl er Farkuood Feal ty' 5299 DTC Blvd, #SOc.t Engl encod r DO BOI I 1 RE: Tract A, Lion's Ridge Subdivigion Dea: l'lr. Gensl er : I hawe bFen ag!,:ed to cl ari r- y,r::itig"etion I sulloested in myt'i Lrru, r::i ti g;.''.i r:,rr tsclrrri qurgl, r:ry, posi ti on on the rock{al Ipre.ri cus I etter. I bel i eve thet onej g i ri c,r'der' . One fosiibility is to either sc.rle cr grout loose roc!:s in the Irrtr olrtcrop di rectl i, a.bove the s;i ter=: better i s to con=.tru..ct the t-eet- f cttnd.rti on r.ral I o{ the Erui I di ngs to prot:-ude at L east three f ea^:. abo'.,r-- *! ni sheC Ara.cle and tcl hai,e no r.ri n d r::,.,g i n thi s i ntervali{;-c,r or-ound I evel to tl're '.op o{ the sten r+al I ) - Thi s t.t:l I shc'itl d h.rve a =treng'.h of ...t 1e...st 5r:rL) ptr,L'.r:d= p=r srqLr.ar c- f c,c't. Thi ; r..,a 1 I r.roul d aL so act to pre{:ect the ho,:le i n '.h=- event. :;!-,.:i., shor:I ci sl i de- lrl ao,ri n=.t th=. hor,c.. I'i t.here .rre il.rr-ther- euest!;rs p1.;-re1sr3 cc!-rt-ict ;e. l'Ji chci r's Lt-.r,i: i ri s EsnE.Lrl ti nc Eer! oc! st