HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 23 GRAND TRAVERSE DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY GENERAL LEGAL.^ --\'oeQn Review Action rorl TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbe1 o"" A/ sf q6 erqeanarnez Lar 23, / ;^, <at'r1a a 1 ' T->*j<r;-,;t* "7f 3 Proiect D€scriptlon: Owner, Address and Phone: a/6sR q?A-,8.ss Architecuoontact, AddrEss and Phone: Legal Descripti on:tot 23 Brock Z Subdivision Lior*a,r:a {zone Districr P/s ProjectstreetAdoress: /834 &l*.;e L'. ,,tr Comments: lao.aid_rlftaff Action Molionby: fud,f G Vote: 4-6 Seconded by: TErr ! nnnro*r E Disapproval tr Stdf Apprwal /- -,.8;, t, tnulr-- .' t-'' .1.Conditions: Lt ?.Alli, t, lnulz-- k--;.' ' ,a I lZF. Town Planner oate: hr/ 6f 94 DRB Fee Pre-paid FILE Cur, 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3 V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e p arnn ent of C ommunity D eve lop ment May 28, 1996 Pat Dauphinais DMC, Inc. P.O. Box l5l5 Vail, Colorado 81658 Rc:Lot23, Block 2, Lions Ridge Subdivision No. 3 Dcar Pat: Thank you for your De sign Rcview Board application for the proposcd primary/secondary residencc, to be located at 1834 Glacier Court. Upon preliminary rcview ofyour proposed plans, thcre are scvcral outstanding issues which nccd to be rcsolvcd priorto final review ofyour application by the Design Review Board. Currently, your application is schcdulcd for final rcvicw bcforc the Design Rcview Board on Wednesday, June 5, 1996. In ordcr to stay on the agcnda for final rcview on Wednesday, Junc 5th, the information addrcsscd below must be resolved by no latcr than 5:00 p.m., Monday, June 3,1996. The following is a list of issues idcntificd by staff: I. Please indicate on the proposcd floor plans a cciling height of5'or less in all crawlspace arcas. ey) 2. In ordcrto dctcrmine the arca abovc thc proposed garagcs, please providc a section 7ji)hrougb the garagc arca. Thc purposc ofthc garage sections is to determine whether thcv arca above the garagc will bc countcd as Gross Residcntial Floor Area (GMA). In order to dctcrmine compliance u'ith the outdoor Lighting Ordinance, please indicate on each rcspcctivc clcvation the location of all cxterior ligbt fixturcs. 6f\ 4. At thc tirne of final rcvicw bcforc thc Design Rcvicw Board, please provide samples and colors of the proposed cxterior building matcrials. (O {g ""'""o 'u'* o ''--*- . b.'- Pursuant to Chaptcr l8 of thc To$n of Vail Municipal Codc, the maximum allowable ov cRFA for thc pioposcd sccondary unit is 2,082:o:ft;Pl_"1""1t-*ltjl:tl"T"n::of:"9 ?i ,, noo, otunr. staff has dctermincd that you arc over by 39 sq. ft., or 2J21 sq. ft. of GRFA is b\U\1" proposed for thc secondary unit. Please makc thc appropriatc changcs whcre nccessary. IJr-i 2. tl' t x lt, '*' Thc following commcnts rvcrc reccived from thc Town of Vail Public Works Departmcnt' Any qucstions wiir rcgard to the comrnents should be dirccted to Terri Martinez' You can reach Terri at 479-2169. Wherc is t-hc Holy Cross easement? \\ftere is thc roadway easement? Is there a roadway out there other than Lions Ridge Loop (ltcrn 16, Schcdule B-2)? The spot elevations which wcrc shoun on the survcy and on thc site plan appear to be flow iinc clcvations. If you come up |.5" to thc top of a drivcway cutlip, your driveway grade appcars to be I 0.6%. Arc you heating the drivcway? If not, it nccds to be adjustcd. Again, each ofthe issucs addrcssed above must be resolved prior to final review by the Dcsign Rivicw Board. In ordcr to remain on the agcnda for thc Junc 5, 1996 Dcsign Revicw Board rneeting, I will nccd to have thc rcvised plans in thc officc by no latcr than 5:00 p.m., Monday, Junc 3, 1996. Should you have any questions or conccms with rcgard to the information addrcsscd in this lettcr. as always, plcasc do not hcsitate in giving me a call. You can reach mc most easily during rcgular officc hours at 4i9-2145. Sinccrelv. ^ (r ,-ri-*a51tu- Ceorgc Ruther Town Planner GR/jr B /L7 le4 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPI-,ICATION . TOWN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********!r* INCOMPLETE APPL'ICATIONS I4AY NOT BE SCHEDUI'ED FOR REVIEW'********** DESCRIPTION:e(r ':t) VAIL "o"o*FflP r i .Ir I. A. TYPE OF REVIEW: \lY New construction -AddiLiot ($50.00) ($200.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) D. E' r. ADDRESS, iQ31 GtAuep- or LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTsubdivision Li If property is described bydescripLion, please provide Lo this applicpL'ion. a meels and bounds on a seDarate sheeE legaI and atLach ZONING: NAME OF Mai Iing '/J c-APPLICANT: Address: s REPRESENTATTVE ,. 11.4r D,[i-t '/u i''A t tNAME OF Itai l ing APPLICANT' Address 3 I. J. Phone NAME OF OIaINER(S) : OWNER(S) SIGNATURE:Mailino Address: APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL the time of submitLal of the DRB applicaLion. Later, when applying for a building permit, please idenLify the accuraLevaluat.ion of the proposal . The Town of vail witl adjusE thefee according to Lhe table befow, Lo ensure the correcL feeis paid. VALUATION$ 0 $ 10,000s io , 00i s 50, 000 $ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001 $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1,000, ooo$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNLESS A BUILDING PERMI? IS IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00$ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI., ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION ' rJrsr oF MATERTATJ' NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTJL BLOCK L Ltpulithtr-L \ STREET ADDRESS: The fotlowing information is required for submiEla} to t.he Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUIITDING ItI,ATERIALTS : Roof Sidinq OLher wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wa11s Exterior l-,iqhting Other LANDSCAPING: Name of TYPE OF I4ATERIAL A r Ce.ote Y #s/p-+ur (illucue s q)e*rr*erac-r alooo S.f u t.c- o'Boruy xt Coco r:,r* -l*nt* 3 71 2x I Cr a tt- - ltArutAL il.+r,t,/^,- /e*tto,r, /t cite'rJ tt tt- &,ara t i)nrr lla&rcle Ceg,l{ i:Itc'z f ro fl'L Ct r' Ceueo tcAs - l9l.'uu Ce At-. A2{ Ui (\ (erA 'r ' il\rul'+c ftPo'ut - l*rqQAe Aft oo,Q .- /,(er4--l!a,!c-"1 B,.u13(,AL HAN \oo,!- '- /(er,tc^ Ha4tc'"'^' .ur'-u? -{ }frtcc c rlbAi-i,. NerA<_ (1i1 Designer: Phone: SUBDIVISION ofli r Utt rN l)ct u) +LL flouur fr frq(el B. PI-rANT MATERTAI0 Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS OuanLitv Si.ze* C(--9 AxL ,D k A|C_ AU; I ItILA M*fndi'cate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliner for deciduous lrees is 2 inches. rndicaue heighE for conl- I erous trees. Minimum heioht fgr coniferoustrees is 6 feeL.**IndicaLe size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 ga11on. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LTGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show t.he number of fix[ures and locations on a separaLelighting plan. Idenrify each fixLure from the lighting planj-n Lhe space below and provide the height. above grade, Elpe oftiqht proposed, lumen output, Iuminous area and a cut sheet of Lhe liqht f ixt.ure. ( Section 1B . 54 . 050 ,J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining wa11s, fences, swimmingrpoo1s, ecc.) Please specify. rndicate heighLs of retainingwa1l"s. Maxi.mum height of wa11s within the front setback is 3' . Maximum height of wa1ls elsewhere on Lhe properLy is 6' D. ravLged 8/L1/94 o 'IOWN OF VAIL UTII-,ITY r,OCATION VERIFICATION FOnM JOB NAME SUBDIVISIONLOT ?7-BI.,OCK i:- FIIJING -,ox|t'Y.tt>tae- ZJa' mon The form is used Lo verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjuncLion with preparing your uLiliEy plan and scheduling insLallations. For any new construct.ion proposal , the applicanL must provide a cornplel-ed utiliby verif ication form. The locaLion and availabilify of ut.ilities, wheLher they be main trunk lines or proposed linei, musE be approved and verified by the following utilities for Lhe accompanying siL,e plan. All authorizing signatures need to be originals. Aubhorized SignaEure DaEe U. s . wes l- conununicaLions468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 -6135 Gary IIa11/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Elec l-ric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering DepL. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of Lhe Roc 949 -L224 Mark Graves **upper Eagle val1ey wat.er & SaniLation Dist.rict. * 47 6 -7 480Fred llaslee **A sit,e plan is required. mus t. be shownoffer serviqeshall be the NOTE: 1. kiesoO /er rlcce sti LilitT oF ."-)",'r elLh'- / J1'Js--?{ 5 -'25 -e S J-- I r-?J- 5-rG'?s 1,i1ot7t".,/ : 4aeAt ,f-Ja'zr 2. ysical locabion of known ut,llLtLeson bhe sihe plan. Utility locations may or may not,to the property line. Any ubiliby extension requiredresponsibilicy of the property owner. If a uLiliLy company has concerns with Lhe proposedconstruction, the ubiliby representative should nob directly on the utility verification form thaE thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an abtachedleLter to the Town of Vail. Ilowever, please keep in nrind Lhat- i t. is Lhe responsibili Ly of the utility company Lo resolve idenUified problems. If the ut.ility verificat,ion form has signaLures from each of the ut,ility companies, and no comments are made directly on l-he form, Lhe Town will presume Lhat. l-here are no problems and that, the developmenL can proceed, These verifications do nob relieve the conLracLor ofhis responsibility bo obLain a sLreeL cuE permit from the Town of Vaj.l, DeparEmenb of Public works and Lo obtain uLilibv locaLions before diqgino in any public righb-of -way or easenent in t-he Town ofVail. A buildino permiL is nob a streeL cuL oermiL.n sLreet cut perrnit. musb be obt.ained separaLely. Inst.allation of service lines are at the expense andresponsibitiLy of the properLy owner. 4. Single ramily ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary/Secondary--- rrEcAIr DESCRTPTTON: L,ot ft atoex ^L suaaivisionADDRESS: L8f.4 l-t*,ti 'i,,,,o- OhINER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE Al lowed Lor srzE t9,9== d f D.^-ts 4e.BUILDABLE Exi s tinq LOT AREA Height TOEA1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA . Selbacks z,6lq t ZILI+ 1t',s J/_23. IR' 3,4t9 q t13qp4 oF Site Coverage Landscapins e Retaining wall Iteig . Parking carage Credit Drive: l*r hts 3,181 4 ltt<6O * 3'/6' 6 neqra -t% NO Environmen t.aI /Hazards : View Corridor Encroactunent: yes I E.J 1) Flood Plain oV_ 2l Percent Slope (< > 30%) lblo '/ l) Geologic Hazardsa) snow Avalanche oLb) Rockfall ;-.,r1c) DebrisFrffi 4l weElands nL No___ot4 _ Does ih.is reqriesL iuvuive a 25A Addition? ,.*/DHow much of the alrowed 250 Addiuion is useEffiTis request,? Previous conditions of approval (check propert,y file): Proposed Tot,al (30) [65J 4,t43 + 857) 4fq3fr -.z4bNLJ@2,q6 + !U. =JSLI_4- l /s'la+425=Z.)BZ Fron! Sides Rear Complies wit,h T.O.V. Lighting Ordinance Yes WaLer Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50e.) 74a- a. 616 h/, 40ilVgvto 4 enct (3oo) (6oo) (eoo)fti2otj d-L-l Permirred slope 8 z proposed slope 10 oI Tuni N. 00-!rar r 6me Relum lO George Ruther Town Plannor INTE ;1-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: NGr.r "lS. ?es;de*tc-e . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Bcviewed by: Commcnts: DatC: u, !qtt, A(z .1.rj PvJr\\1'\c'r ret OCC$lf\q r\')e grir-:rC 'L'Cl , 2^b\(j "1./ co,.. Crnli t:r''.-^f ,Z<b'l<'Q to fl c\(d rhc. tt' or\d \o'"Pf\'(a "vtot-rt o'r kl-ri \or-<)''cr'vrr'J 1V:'r-r ? ww(rr6 ff\€ ht \'l L(Lti edr3-{\<f\\,z' $lniyz .5 {lte (c,<.rdt-ir:.'\ aucanent f -Ts v\ecc $t4 n (tto' iLo "r-.*3'le 6zl C,. Coor)\*..1 6$rh<a-€ c:it"r3 ti-rj.c\ U-ICS,- e.d <rR_ {t"€'#uU-.. *^.n *.." aH}\ rr€-!b(oet, crna at rre';rLe $u'r cl''?eL\r r.1 rn hc'uL ' t'e gtcuLltiur9. J+ .1cu 66rr." -f d , 5" lb the raP cf .i .Jnr)et'(3'{ Cvt L? ^ lour dt'"€<J qctde cy?lco\5 tO be to 1,1'/c. Are1"u l\eAt'tl7 t*'te dn',:€ 7 .ff n"',lln'+'il"f o f'e' "<ljrrSfed Ar'+ r r1c\-i Inor opv rcoeC\' l)iiLr-e (e}.i:r'txt' r..i..d t lrlo:l ^ A;Yz AcJea. Retum tO George Ruther Town Plannor INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BNIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Nenr 7/s T\zioatE FIRE DEPARTMENT ./'J i . i;'..,,i1 Rcviewed ayz ,',! il/t(/?' oate: Commcnls: 5 z0?Z tr\ / lL/I,7-l 1c1t \(, (- .ri..J I lt}oa rI among the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado muni-cipal corporation, (herein the "Town"); LION'S RIDGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. (herein ca1led the "Associates"); and LIONTS RIDGE AT VAIL, a joint venture partner- ship (herein called the "Partnership"); and NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE fNSURANCE COMPANY, as title holding nominee of the partner- ship (the Partnership and Northwestern as title holding nominee being herein cal1ed the "Owners"); and LION'S RIDGE VENTURES, a joint venture, (herein called "LRV"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, Associates is the proposed 'rdeveloper" of the majority of the real property outlined in red and shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, said real property being hereinafter referred to as the "subject prop- erty"; and, WHEREAS, the O!,rners are the sole Owners and LRV i.s the first optionee and Associates is the assignee of LRV and is the second optionee thereof of all portions of the Subject Property; and, WHEREAS, Associates requested the annexation of and a zoning designation of Medium Density Multiple Family in accordance with the Special Development District Approvals, Two-Family Primary/Secondary and Open-Space for the Subject Property on behalf of the Owners and first optionee; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Vail and the Town Council reviewed the request with regard to the Subject Property with several conditions attached thereto, and the Planning Board recommended to the Town Council the approval of the Annexation and Zoning Application for the Subject Property; and, WHEREAS, the Town is interested in insuring that certain things will be accomplished by Associates and Owners in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. COVENANTS NOI^I, THEREFORE, in consj_d.eration of the recitals, pronises and covenants hereby set forth, and other good and valuable con- hllwuxetroN AGREEMENT Paqe 2 sideration herein receipted for,the parties agree as follows: the zoning shall be as follows: forth on Exhibit A attached hereto, a part hereof): 1. Upon annexation. (Parcel designations are as set which bv this reference becomes (a) Parcel B - Medium Density Multiple Family for 30 condominium units; (b) Parcel C - Two-Family erimary/Secondary forfour residential lots and MediumDensity Multiple Farnily on oneMulti-Family lot for 48 condominj-umunits; (c) Parcel D - Two-Farnily Prir,rary,/Secondary for 27 residenti-a1 lots and MediumDensity Multiple FamiIy on oneMulti-Family 1ot for 15 condominiumunits; (d) Parcel E - 6 residential lots for Two-Family Primary/Secondary and approximately 41 acres of Open Spacer/Green BeIt; (e) fn summary, there will be 37 residential lotsof Two-Family Primary/Secondary and 93 Multi-Family condominium units located on three sites, zoned Medium Density Multiple Family, with anadditional approximately 41 acres of Open Space/ Green Belt. (f) A11 areas zoned Medium Density Multiple Familyshal1 be developed in accordance with theSpecial Development District approvals. The Developer agrees that pri-or to development ofsaid areas, approval of the appropriate applica-tions for Special Development District designa-tion has been received. 2. The Developer agrees that for all areas of the Sub- ject Property not previously subdivided sha11 be subdivided in accordance with the ordinances of the Town of Vail prior to the commencement of any development, the granting of building permits or any further action taken. 3. The Developer agrees t,o dedicate upon request by the Town all public right-of-way for street purposes, to the fullest extent that present ownership interest will permit said dedication. Said public ri.ghts-of-way shaII be as shown on any subdivision plats submitted to the Town for its approval. It is expressly agreed. and understood between the parties that the pro- posed right-of-way necessary to serve Parcel E will not be accepted by the Town and any attempt to dedicate the same to the Town will ANNEXATIoN AGREEMEN Page 3 be ineffective except at the express reguest of the Town that it be dedicated to the Town. The Developer agrees that a homeowner's association wi_l1 be formed for the owners of any lots or parcels in parcel E. The :purpose of said association will be to own, improve and maintain the right-of-way serving said parcels of property. No buiroing permits will be issued by the Town for buildi.ngs, structures or improvements on parcer E until the requirements of this paragraph 3 are furly satisfied and submitted to the Town for its prior approval. 4 - The Developer agrees to dedicate to the Town Lot 29 prior to the issuance of any buirding permits for parcer D. The Developer also ag'rees to dedicate to the Town, pri-or to the issuance of any building permits for parcel E, that portion of parcel E which is designated as Open Space,/Green BeC_t, such dedication to be subject to the right of owners and Deveropers to enter upon the such open space/Green Belt for the purpose of elininatinq anv existing or future rockfall hazard. 5. Prior to the second reading of the ordinance for an- nexation of the subject property, the owners agree to file a Petition for rnclusion in the vail Fire protection District and the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District, colorado guasi-municipal corporations. rf the subject property is not eligible for inclu- sion in said districts, the owners agree that they wirl, upon request of either or both districts, fire said petition for rncrusion. 6. This Agreement may be recorded at the opLion of any party hereto. 7. A release executed by the Town Attorney or the Town Manager shall be binding upon the Town and release the subject property fron any claim by the Town under the terms hereof. 8. The Agreement and Covenants set forth herein shal1 run with ihe land, be binding upon the Developers, their successors, represenLatives and assigns, anc a1r persons who may hereafter acquire an interest in the subject property, or any part thereof, rf it sharl be determinecl that this Agreement creates an interest in land, that interest sharl vest, if at all, within the lives of the individuals signing this Agreement, plus 20 years. 9. This Agreement may bc executed in countcrparts, each to have the effect of an original. ( ANNEXATION AG o REEMENT Page 4 10. Nothing contained herein shal1 be construed to create a partnership or agency relationship anong any of the parties hereto. r1. rn the event that the Town does not comply or conform to the terms of thi.s Agreemnt i.n zoning the property upon annexation, the owners or Developers may elect to disconngct from the Town within 90 days of annexation and the Town agrees that it wirl not object to such disconnection. EXECUTED on the day and year first above written. " Town " TOWN OF VAILA Colora Corporation ItAssociatesrr LTON'S RIDGE By ASSOCTATES, LTD. ttOwners t' LTONIS RIDGE AT VATLBy Indian Creek, Ltd., ByConsolidated Oil and Gas , Inc.,General Partner of Indian Creek, Ltd. By LTONIS RIDGE AT VAILBy Percy Wilson Mortgage andFinance Corporation By L]ONTS RrDGE VENTUREST:+E l. t f, i t I I By Attest:Man o1r- NORTHWESTERN NATTONAL INSURANCE COMPANY By 5Elf SE0.7 b ::ri= >zo tf $B d dt(o =itr =,ito. I rS\ I -l E,Ji bh $\ir d\..) 7 ANNEXATI ON AGREEII,IENT Page 4 10. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create a partnership or agency relationship among any of the parties hereto. 11. In the event that the Town does not comPly or confonn to the terms of this Agreemnt in zoninq the property upon annexatj-on, the Owners or Developers may elect to disconngct from the Town within 90 days of annexation and the Town agrees that it will not object to such disconnection. EXECUTED on the day and year first above written. ttTowntt TOWN OF VAIL A Color ttAssociatestt LION'S RIDGE By ASSOCIATES, LTD. LIONIS RIDGE AT VAIL By Indian Creek, Ltd., BY Consolidated oil and Gas, Inc., General Partner of Indian Creek' Ltd. f*t*'F LTONIS RIDGE AT VAIL .I '' By Percy !{ilson Mprtgage Finance Corporation ':,lil,:',' LIONIS RIDGE VENTURES, LTD. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE By By A Colorg4o Corporation /,/ t ./l ", lrt/rJUA ln1a"a1er "Owners t' By L--/a//z17 sL filll?::'.?^s il:);"ffltr commi ssion '8oard Members Present ,or /7l, 9 (i llad.,Lr>u'rtqlVt,I,* u \,, Gerry White Ed Drager Jack Goehl Ron Todd Sandy Mill s Eoard lvlembers Absent Roger Tilkemejer Jim l"lorgan Staff Members Present Jim Rubin Dick Ryan '1.) Amendment to Agriculture and 0pen Space District Dick Ryan explained thjs amendment. He explained that current zon'ing allows one unit for tlo acres and the proposed zoning would al'l ow one unit for 35 acres. This will be in conformance with the County zoning. There was a discussion. Mr. Muel'l er and Mr. Siver'ly from the audience asked questions. Jim Rubin explained the history of the Agricultural and Open Space D'istrict. He also stated that most of these pieces ofproperty are too steep for building. Gerry White made a motion to approve the Amendment to Sectjon'l 8.32.050, Lot Area and Site Dimensions of the Agricultural and 0pen Space (A) Districtto Change the Minimum Lot Area from one detached Dwelling Unjt on Two (2) acres, to the Minirnum Lot Area of thirty-five (35) acres of site area as per the Department of Community Development memo of August .|0, .l979. Sandy Mi'lls seconded the motion. Gerry White, Sandy Mi1ls, and Jack Goehl voted for approval . Ron Todd and Ed Drager voted aga'inst approval as Ronfelt quite a few of the properties are on the Town's priority'l ist foracquisition of 0pen Space land and they are changing the zoning in thisdistrict for the'ir own benefit and Ed voted against approval because hefelt the rezoning proposal was not properly documented. He had asked how many acres were invoived, hovl many units etc, and couldn't get adefinite answer. He djdn't feel enough p1 anning had gone jnto this. He felt jt was be'ing done to penalize Vail Associates for some reason.It was just not properly planned. 2.) Rezoning of Special District Properties to Public Use District Jim Rubin explained where the different parcels are located. Ed Drager mentioned that another parce'l is be'ing deeded to the Town adjacent to the parce'l already owned by the Lionsridge Water District. I PEC l'finutes 8-14-79 Page Two Sandy Mil1s made a motion to approve the Special District properties rezoning to Pub1ic Use District as per the Staff Memo dated 8-10-79 with the addition of the Parce'l being deeded to the Town by the Lionsridge Water District. Gemy |.lhite seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 3.) Parking Variance Request for Current's Jewelry. Jim Rubin explained this item. Current's Jewelry is next to the Vail Cookie Company and is not very visible. They are asking to be a11owed to bring oirt ttre front of their store to the same level as the Vai'l Cookie Company. Jeff Selby explained that Current's Jewelry seems to lose even morevisibility in the winter time. He feels by expanding in the way they have proposed will make Current's more conforming with the other businesses. He said changes such as this were recommended by the Improve Vail lJorkshops. He said the $5000 parking fee wi'l'l be paid. Gerry White made a motion to approve the request from Jeff Se'lby for a Parking and Loading Variance on Cument's Jewelry Store in Lionshead Center Building on Tract 0 Vail Lionshead Filing No. 1 as per the Staff memo dated 8-.|0-79. Sandy Mills seconded the motion. There were four notes for the approval. Ron Todd abstained due to conflict of interest. .. Dick Ryan explained this item. There were quest'ions from the audience from Mr. Muel ler, Mrs. Charles, Mr. Siverly and Mr. Tarter. Dick Ryan explained that if the'ir present units were to burn down, and their1ot is under 15,000 square feet, they would only be able to bui'ld a Primary/Secondary type dup'lex. They wouldn't be able to replace what they now have. The restrictions in the proposed 0rdinance No. 22 wou'ld apply to the new unit. Mr. lfuetler said he feels the purposed Ordinance No.22 restricts the "smal 'l guy" and not the "big guy". Gemy White said he disagrees as the person with a lot less than'15,000 square feet is a'llowed to build a prinnry/secondary type dup'lex. Under County zoning, he can on'ly have a single family residence. Alice Parsons from the audience said she thinks that by allowing the "secondary" unit on lots'less than 15,000 square feet, the Town jntends to g'ive the "smal] guy" a chance to find a place to]ive. She thinks the zoning p1an both for the Town and for lthtterhorn is an excellent p'lan. Gemy I'lhite made a motion to approve the initial zon'ing of Approximately 8.23.l acres of land in an area known commonly as the Matterhorn Area as per the Staff Memo of 8-.l0-79. This Zoning wil'l be changed to Two-Fam'ily Prinnry/Secondary Residential for the Recently Annexed Property. Ron Todd seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. PEC Minutes 8-.|4-79 Page Three 5.) Enc'losure of Cyrano's Front Oeck Jim Rubin explained this item. Jemy Grevan made his presentation. He said an Environmental Impact Report was done but did not amivein time for the meeting. The report said that the only negative impacts would be during the Constructjon Period. The windows would be set back so they would not be on Town property. The expansion sould provide seating for 24 people. They do not htink they wi'|1 use glass in the roof. Ron Todd made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Cyrano's Restaurant to enclose the front deck area located jn the Gondola Ski Shop Bui'lding on Lot c, Block 2, Vai'l Vil1age FirstFiling as per the conditions in the Staff memo of 8-10-79. Gerry l.lhite seconded the motion. Three people voted 'in favor of theapproval. Ed Drager and Sandy Mills voted against the approva'|. They both fel t that the expansion changes the character of the Vilage which needs to be preserved. 6.) Final P'lat for Lionsridge F'i'ling No.3 Jay Peterson rrade the presentation. Gemy llhite nnde a motion to approve the Fjna'l Plat L'ionsridge Filing No. 3 with the conditions that Lot 28 be dedicated to the Town before any building permits be issued on Lots]-27, Block 2' and that Tract A be dedicated to the Town before any build'ing permits be issued on Lots'l -6, Block 4. In addition, the name of Gore View Drive was revised to Lionsridge Lane. Sandy Mills seconded the motion. Everyone voted in favor of the motion, except for Ron Todd who abstained. 7.) The Board had a discussjon about changing the time of the Planning and Environmental Cornmission meetings. In order to avoid conflicts with the Town Council workshops and meetings, 'it was decided that beginning in September, the Planning and Environmental Gorrnission l"teetings will be at 3:00 P.M. on the second and fourth l,londays The Board then went into Executjve Session to discuss 0pen Space Priorities. trl.'' .- . ln o IL RM TOWN OF VA PERMTT NO. C: i.i i -] Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite.PUBLIC WAY PE IT 1.HEADOT' RIDGE RD/BUTFEHR CTTSK RD (GRAI{D TRAVERSE OTTS tTE DIUTHAGE) (Job Name or Location olWork) roNc's ESGAVATIOT{" 77 UETCALF, AVOtt, CO 81620 949-468i (Excavating Conlraclor's Name, Address, Phon€, and Lrcense No.) 3. Work is for (circle one) Permit Fee $75.00 Bill to: DAUPf,INATS{'10SELE! CONSTRUCTION, INC." P.O. BOX 1515, VAIL. Co 81658 Paid: DEEBIE ROELAND Receipt #: f68f (ffi(Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT f 'rl ( fl t)",.., -' i, DC f i'l' O F, 'r116'' r e' l')uzla ,t t- ,l,-)rlt,.,i, i1.Job Name Legal Oescription Street Address Excavating Conlractor Name Address TOV Contractor's License Number 4. Work is for (circle one) li/i, Complelion Water Sewer Landscaping Gas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access (Permit cAw other Di',,,,'rl,- ( 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length t_,/ | r- /flur qiF Depth Lt(-t \ 8. Bond Amount $Permit Fee --1 {g ,/ ".i L,C)Total PermitFee$ -l', t t ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. il. r., ., !- t.-r r \ L Upper Eagle Valley Waler and Sanitation (476-748O)..1 I L.u ( t' Public Service Company (1-800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lnigalion (479-2161)Electricians (47 9-21 7 1) Public Works (479-21 58).i_._-.. . l- . THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! While - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communily Development Gold - Contractor L tu. 11. F""' TOWN OF VA PUBLIC WAY PE IT GI.ACIER COURT - LOTS 20-26 - i,I o IL RM (Excavating Contractor's Name, Address, Phone, enct Lic€nse No ) 3. Work is for (circle one) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRIC TELFPI'IONE CABLE TV OTHER ROAD LANDSCAPING TEMPORARYSITEAQCESS (SUBDIVISIOIi) SEI.JER ,,i r,_ n jl WATER Permit Fee FEBS ftAMD DAUP{INAIS-Y^OSELEY COHSTRUCTION, IT{C. a PERMTT No. C:. ?--t ] "contractor's copy lo be kept on iobsite. 1. 2. (Job Nam€ or Localion ol I I LONGS ffiCAVATTNG, 77 I{ETCALF, AVOI{. Co 816:0 Bill to: Paid:Receipt #: (Public Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED 1...n APPLICAT]ON FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTc wAY PERMTT ls i'l- ("cAcrc[ ('rtrrlr 1, 2. Job Name Legal Description Streel Address TOV Contractor's License Numberng Contractor Name Start Date 4. Work is for &ircle one) (Permit Expiralion Oate) Water Sewer Landscaping Gas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access cAw \L ti f,',ri'/ i ,\i i other i'lt 4D 9e u' t,( tu/+Tek Trench-width (min. 4') Bond Amount $Lt /- ; . ,ll.\.it ir\T€+.(-(*- a,-'.a,F (-v Ft-r, (-t t) permit Fee $ l/ Depth Total Permit Fee $ Length r:i+-r 6. 7. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asohalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures, Please allow one week to process. . Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation 1476-748O)Li: - L'';.,,t I' .\ r r^- y-t f,l I' r\j t^J ll (. Nr- S;Cq;*l\tr 0Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)(479-2171) Public Works (47 I -21 58) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 11 . Permittee must contact Public Works Department al 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 'I 2. I certify\ that I have read all chapters of Title 1 2 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility compa,nyy'gree,rnents;igned by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. '/ Zt 9V Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets wilh names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Development Gold - Contractor