HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 Resolutions• ~ • RESOLUTION N O . ~~ WHEREAS, petitions have been duly filed with the Town Clerk for the Town of Vail, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 139, Article 21 , of Colorado Revised Statutes (1963) as amended, otherwise known as the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, petitioning the Tawn of Vail to annex real estate commonly known as Vail Village 1 1th Filing according to the recorded plat thereof Filed in the office aF the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; and WHEREAS, the petitioners have substantially complied with a!i of the requirements of the Municipal Annexation Act aF 1965 pertaining to the annexation of real estate within the boundaries of the said municipality; and WHEREAS, it appears to the Town Council that more than 50% of the territory sought to be annexed~to the Town of Vail has been represented by the signers of said petitions; and WHEREAS, the Town Council deems it necessary and appropriate to schedule a public hearing an the question of the annexation oP the property described in said petitions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES OLVED by the Town Council for the Town of Vail that a public hearing will be head at the hour of 7;3p o'clock p. m. on the seventeenth day of July, 1973, before the Town Cauncil at the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, an the petitions For annexation of the territory commonly known as Vail Village, 11th Filing according to the recorded plat thereof filed in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder and the purpose of said public hearing shall be to determine and find whether or not the territory proposed to be annexed meets the applicable requirements of CRS (19G3) 139-21-3 and 139-21-4, as amended, and is otherwise eligible for annexation to the Town of Vail. At the public hearing all interested persons may appear and be heard. TOWN OF VAI L ~f. ~ ,:' Mayor ATTEST: ~' ~ ,~ Date f' Town Clerk • • • RESOLUTION NO. 29 WHEREAS, the residents of the Town of Vail and the surrounding community comprising the entire Gore Valley within the State of Colorado earnestly support .the preservation of the natural environment within the White River National Forest and the Arapaho National Forest; and WHEREAS, Senator Floyd ~K. Haskell and Senator Feter H. Dominick of the State of Colorado have introduced Senate Bill No. 1864 in the United States Senate For the purpose of establishing approximately 125,000 acres as the Eagles Nest Wilderness Area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOL_VED by the Town Council for the Town of Vail that the enactment of Senate Bill No. 1864 introduced in the United States Senate by Senators Floyd K. Haskell and Peter H. Dominick be endorsed and that the inhabitants of the Town of Vail and the surrounding community assert all possible individual eFForts to encourage the enactment aF the legislation designed to establish the Eagles Nest Wilderness Area. The above and Foregoing resolution was introduced at a general meeting of the Tawn Council for the Town of Vail on the FiFth of June, 1973, and was approved unanimously by the Town Council at said meeting. ATTEST: TOWN OF VAl L By Mayor ~ ~~ ~~~ ' ~~/ Town Clerk . ~ ~;~~ y~ _ . ~ +a ~,,, t ',5.. , ~. fib..,i ~5 ~~~ - .~a ~.~ M .:.~. J U a a ~1 O w ~,.~.. Qi a 0 W O a w 0 • • s ° ,p~ ~ ~ '"'~ ""_ ~ " acv ~° d , ~ +' Aiw~ G b.~ O ~ d ~ ~ N F°uC~iaa,~w°w° ~~~~~~ aW',~~~m~~o Y ~ ~;+.~~ ~yg ~ ~ Gw B A. ~ a C ~ ~i' N ~ td ,O ~ ri ~ ,,,, A b m~ a~~ ~ q api ~ u w h .ca p .~ w ... m na O y ~i ~+s ~ ~ +~ a.5d ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~ ~ O O ,Ly ~ ~ w 1~+~ is ~ m A ~ a ~ ~ ~ O q ~ y, 0 O :~ ,'T ~ ~ '~ d "O FI O ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ p qp+ ~ 'Ci ` ^ ~.p~+~s'b~0i Ay y °' 9; ~. w q ~ u ~,.., '~ U] pp rty '~ O O ~, O _~~~ w c ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..i '+~ A,U a Q ~ +'~ ~ p }~ ~ api v Q Q. 0 ~~ ~, ~~ 53 ° r' s G] a ~ .~ `-.i 0 B ~ °~*~ ~~, 9ay~ ~ '`i' 'fin a C .I.fJ,i '~ ~^~+~ B ~ '~~ ,~ ~~ rn '~; .. ~~ W o .~ a a o C d ~a a~ O ~ ~ `~ o o o 'O O b '~ o ~~ rl ti9 .~ .~ O U ~~ • • ~ __.... ~._... ~... r RESOLUTION N O . ~~/ ,WHEREAS, petitions have been duly filed with the Town Clerk far the Town o1= Vail, in accordance with the previsions aF Chapter 139, Article 21 , of Colorado Revised Statutes {1963} as amended, otherwise known as the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, petitioning the Town of Vail to annex real estate commonly known as Vail Village i ith Filing according to the recorded plat thereoF filed in the afFice of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; and WHEREAS, the petitioners have substantially complied with all of the requirements of the Municipal Annexation Act aF 1965 pertaining to the annexation of real estate within the boundaries of the said municipality; and WHEREAS, it appears to the Town Council that more than 50% of the territory sought to be annexed to the Town of Vaii has been represented by the signers of said petitions; and WHEREAS, the Town Council deems it necessary and appropriate to schedule a public hearing on the question of the annexation of the property described in sold petitions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEQ by the Town Council For the Town of Vail that a public hearing will be held at the hour of 7:3Q o'clock p. m. on the seventeenth day oP .luiy, 1973, beFare the Town Council at the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, an the petitions For annexation of the territory commonly known as Vail Village, 11th Filing according to the recorded plat thereof Filed in the oFFice of the Eagle County Clerl< and Recorder and the purpose of said public hearing shad be to determine and find whether or not the territory proposed to be annexed meets the applicable requirements of CC~S (193} 1:39--21-3 and 139-21-Q, as ar-zended, and is otherwise eligible for annexation to the -Down of Vail. At the public hearing all interested persons may appear and be heard. ATTEST: TOWN Of= VAI L By Mayor L7aEe Town Cleri< ' y .. C E R T I F I E D R E C O R D O F PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO RELATING TO A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION O F • SEPTEMBER 25, 1.973 • • • STATE OF COLORADQ } CQ[3NTX 0~ EAGLE } ss . } TOWN 0~' VAZ L ) The Town Gounc~.x of the Town of Vaal, Ca].Qrado, met in regular session at the Municipal Bui3.dang in said Town an Tuesday the 7th day of August, ],973, at the houx o~ ~;3n o'clock p.M. Upon roll ca~.~., the fallowing were present: Mayor : John I]obson Councilmen: Richard Bailey John Donavan Joseph Langmaid Joset Staufsr • Thomas Steinbert Albert White Absent: Thereupon Councilman Steinberg introduced and moved the adoption of the fo1.l.awing resolution wh~.ch was read in full and is as folJ.ows • RESpIrUTTQN N0. 30 A RESOLUTION AESTGNATING ~7UDGES AND CLERKS FOR THE SPECIAL MUNICT~AL ELECTION 0~' THE TOWN Ok' VAIL TO BE HELD TUESDAXr SEPT'EM}3ER 25, 19731 PROV2I]TNG FOR THE PUBLIC~7.'IpN Ok' NOTICES OF REGISTRATION FQR AND NOTICES CF SAID ELECTION; PROV'IDTNG FOR OTHER DETAILS FOR SAID ELEGTTpN; SUi3MTTTTNG TO THE REGISTERED QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF VATL, COLgRADO, AT SAID SPECIAL ELECTION, THE QUESTTQN 0~' ISSUING GENERAL OBLI-~ GATIQN BONDS QF THE ~'QWN IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT EXCEEDING $3,0OO~ObO. ~'pR THE PURPOSE QF AC-- QUIRING REAL ESTATE FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES pF THE TOWN AND SUBMITTING TO SAIA ELECTORS THE QUESTION OF ISSUING GENERAL,QBLIGATION BONDS OF THE TpWN 1N THE PRINCIPAL, AN~OUNT NOT EXCEEDING $ 5=500,000. FOR THE PURPQSIJ OF AC4UIRING, CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING MUNICIPAL PUBLIC PARKING FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the Town Council Q~ tho down o~ Vail, Colorado, has pursuant to Ordinance No. 11, Sex~.es a~ 1973, called a special municipal election to be head on Tuesday, September 25, 1973, for the purpose of submitting a proposed sales tax to the qualified registered electors of the Town of Vail voting at said election; and WHEREAS, said, Ordinance provides that the Town Council shall, by resolution to be adapted at its regular meeting of August 7, 1973, designate the fudges and clerks for said special election, provide for the publication of Notices of Registration for and Notices of said election, and provide for such other matters and details re- lating to said election which are appropriate; and WHEREAS, said Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1973, provides further that the Town Council 1nay, by resolution, submit additional questions for appxoval or resection by the qualified registered electors voting at said special election o~ Septembex 25, 1973, and that any such additional quest~,ons max be provided for and so submitted a,n the same xesolut~,an xe~.erred to ~,n the immediate~.y preceding paxagraph o~ these xec~,talsi and ~I-~EREAS, the Tarn Cqunc~,i adopted Qrd~?na~,ce NQ. 6, Sex~.es o~ x973 ~ authvx~.zing the cc~ndemnat~.Qn e~ approx~,mately 39 acres of real estate located within the Town o~ Vail, which zeal estate would be used for the public and municipal purposes set forth in said Ordinance No. 6; and w2-- • • • WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined to issue General Obligat~.on Hands of the Tawn o~ Vail in an amount not exceeding $3_oo~_~c~o, for the purpose a~ defr~ying- xn whole or ~.n part, the cost of acc~uir~.ng said zeal estate to be condemned puxsuant to said Ordinance No. 6~ ~ex'ies a~ 1973 and also the cost of ac~- quiring necessary easements to and Pram said read. estate; the cost of extension of watex and sewex sines thexeta; and the cost o~ Landscaping said real estate; sa~.d bands to be payable from general ad valorem taxes, except to the extent ether funds are available therefor ; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has carefully surveyed the need far the provision of municipal public parking facilities in the Town far vehicle parking' and as a result of such consideration, has determined that the Town is nat now adequately supplied with such municipal public parking facilities; and WkIEREAS, the Town Council has determined and hereby de-- termines that it is necessary and for the best interests of the Town and the inhabitants thereof, and the public interest and necessity demand, that provisions be made for municipal public parking facilities in the Town for vehicle parking, together with all necessary incidental and appurtenant facilities, structures and equipment; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined to issue General Obligation Honds of the Town of Vail in an amount not exceeding $~_~nn_nnn, for the puxpose of defraying, in whale ox in paxt, the cost of acquiring, constructing and equippa.ng a municipal public parking facility and site there~ar togethea~ w~.th all necessary incidental and appurtenant ~acil,itie~r st~uotuxo~ end equipment, to pzavide ~aciJ„~ties ~,n the ~'Qwn ~Qx Veh7,ale p~xk~.ng~ ~a~,d bonds to be payab~,e ~ram,genexa,3. ad Yalozem taxed, except tp the extent other funds are ava~.~.able there~px; and WFIEREAS, ~.t is first necessary to submit the sepa,xate ~3~ • . ~ questions of issuing such General Obligation Bands for the acquisition of real estate a.nd faa; the sa~,d acquisition a~ mun~,ckpal public parking facilities to the qualified registered el,ectaxs of the Town of Vail.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT k2ESQLVEp BY THE TQ~N COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OI' VATT.,, COLORADQ THAT; 1.. At the special municipal election to be held i.n the Town o~ Vail, Colorado on Tuesday, September 25, 1973, there shall be submitted to the vote of the qualified reg~.stexed electors of the Town the questions of issuing negotiable, interest bearing bonds of the Town in the amounts, for the purposes and within the limitations and terms hereinafter set forth in the following forms of band questions (herein sometimes designated as the "Bond Questions"}: MUNICIPAL BUBLIC PARKING FACTLITY BONDS, QUESTION SUBMITTED: "Shall the Town of Vail, Colorado, be authorized to issue its negotiable, interest bearing General. Obligation Bonds in one series or more in an ag- gregate principal amount not to exceed $5.500.OOa. or so much thereof as may be necessary fdr the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping a municipal public parking facility and site therefor, together with all necessary incidental and appur- tenant facilities, structures and equipment, to provide facilities in the Town for vehicle parking, and including costs incidental. to the authorization and issuance of said bonds and the construction of such facilites, such bands to bear interest at a maximum net effective interest rate not exceeding lU percent per annum, and to mature serially during a period of not more than 25 yeazsfrom the date or respective dates of the bonds, such bonds to be pay- able from general ad valorem taxes, except to the extent other funds are available therefor, and such r bonds to be sold and issued at one time ax from time to time, in such a manner and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Town Council may determine, including at the gption of the Town Council. pro- visions for the redemption o~ bonds px~,ox to matur~,tX with ax without the payment of a prem~,um;" k~EAL ESTATE AC(~U~~~TxQN EQNDS ~ QUESTION S~TE~gTT'~EO, "Shall the Town of Vail, Colorado be authorized to issue its negotiable, interest bearing General w4- • • • Ob1~.gat~,on Bonds in one series ar more ~.n an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,000,000. or sv much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cast o:~ acqu~.r~.ng the approximately 39 acres of real estate described in and to be used fog the publ~.c and munic~.pa1 purposes stated in Ordinance No, 6, Se~r~,es of 1973, of the Tawn cf Vail, Colorado, and also the cost of a~cqu~,ring necessary easements to and from said x~ea1 estate; the cost of extension of water and sewer lines thereto; and the cost of landscaping said real estate; such bands to bear ~,nterest at a maximum net effective interest rate not exceeding lfl percent per annum, and to mature serially during a period of not, more than 25 years from the date ar zespeati.ve dates of the bonds, such bands to be payable from general. ad valorem taxes, except to the extent other funds are available therefor, and such bonds to be said and issued at one time or from time to time, in such a manner and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Town Council may determine, including at the option of the Town Council pro- visions for the redemption of bonds prior to maturity with or without the payment of a premium?" 2. Said Bond Questions shall be submitted far approval or disapproval by the qualified registered electors of the Town of Vail at the special municipal election heretofore called and ordered to be held an Tuesday, September 25, 1,973, at which election there is also to be submitted for approval ar disapproval by said qualified registered electors, as provided in Ordinance No. 11., S~:ries of 1973, the following form of question (herein sometimes designated as the "Sales Tax Question"): SALES TAX l;N THE TOWN 0~` VAIL, QUESTION SUBMITTED: "Steal]. a sales tax be imposed an the sale of tangible personal property at retail and the furnishing of services, a.n accordance w~.th Article 5, Chapter 1.38, Colorado Revised Statutes (1963}, as amended, and Qrdinance No. 11 (Ser,ies a~ 1973} of the Town of Vaal, said sales tax to become effective July 1, 1974, and sa~.d tax to be equal to 04 percent of dross receipts, an acca~dance with the following schedule: Amount of sale ~eax $ ~ 01, including $ .l2 ~ $ None . l.3 i.ncluding ; 37 , 03, ,38 ~,nGluding ,62 .02 ,63 including .87 .03 .88 anGluda.ng 1, ].2 .04 5 ., ~ ~ an sales a,n excess of one dollax, the tax sha11 be four cents on each full dollax o~ the sales prase, plus the tax shown in the above schedule for the appla,cable fractional part of a dollar of each such sales price;" 3. Said Bond Questions and said Sales Tax Question shall be submitted to the qua~.if'ied xega.stexed electors of the Town of Vail as pxovided by 7.aw a.n the said Town, wha.ch Town con- stitutes one voting precinct. at the Tawn of Vail Municipal Building, which is the polling place used for regular Town elections and which is hereby designated as the polling place for said special municipal election, between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A.M. and 7:00 o'clock P.M. 4. The qualified registered electors of the Town shall vote at said special municipal election by secret paper ballot, either by absentee ballot or by appearing in person and voting at the polling place. Voting machines will not be used. The said special election shall be conducted as nearly as practi- cable in the same manner prescribed by law for the conducting of regular elections in the Town of Vail, Colorado. 5. The fallowing qualified registered electors of the Town of Vail who have been appointed by the Town Clerk, shall act as judges and alternate judges, and clerks and alternate clerks for the special municipal election on Tuesday, September 25, 1973: Judges: Alternate Judges: David Cole ~ Susan Bartlett Rarhara F-dn~h Marilyn Elisha Sharon Welin Helen Kidder Clerks: Alternate Clerks: Sandra Mills Janet Boyd William Wilto Kathleen Klua 6. Qualified electors possessing qualifications entitling r them to vote at said special. election and whose names do not appear in the Official Registration List, and electors who have changed their addresses, may register or change their address at the office -6- ~ ~ ~ of~ the Va,i~. Town Clerk ox the Qf~ice o~ the Eagle County, Golaxado, County Clerk at and time duxa,ng regulax business hour Q~ those offices on or before ~`ri.day~ august 2~, X973, in aGCOx'da,nce with the Charter and the Colorado Municipal E~,ect~.on Code o~ 1965, as amended. , Qua7,~.~ied registered electors ent~.tled to vote at said election who meet zequaxements o~ the Chaxtex off' the Town a~ Vail and the Colorado Munic~.pa1 Election Code o~ 1965, as amended, who are voting by absentee ballot, may obtain information, apply for and receive an absentee ballot Pram the Town Clerk at any tame during regular business hours o~ the Town Clerk's office on or before Friday, the 2lst day of September, 1973, by fallowing the procedures required by the Charter and said Election Code. 7. Ballots to be used in voting upon the questions to be submitted at said spacial municipal election shall be prepared and furnished by the Town Clerk to the Judges of Election, to~be by them furnished to the qualified registered electors, which ballots shall be in substantially the following form: T 7 TR ~~ No. No. OFFICIAL BALLOT TOWN OF VAIL STATE OF COLORADO ~~ SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION SEPTEMBER 25, 1973 {Each elector desirous of voting FOR or AGAINST the following Questions, shall designate his choice by placing a cross (xj opposite the woad ax words expressing his chaice.j SALES TAX IN THE TOjVN OF VAIL, QUESTION SUBMITTED: "Shall a sales tax be impaled on the sale of tangible personal property at retail and the furnishing of services, in accordance with Article 5, Chapter 138, Colorado Revised Statutes (1963), as amended, and Ordinance No. 11 (Series of 1973) of the Town of Vail, said sales tax to become effective July 1, 1974, and said tax to be equal to 04 percent of gross receipts, in accordance with the following schedule: Amount of sale Tax $.O1 including $ .i2 $ None .13 including .37 .Ol .38 including .62 .02 .63 including .67 .03 .88 including 1.12 .09 On sales in excess of one dollar, the tax shall be four cents on each full dollar of the 'sales price. plus the tax shoran in the above schedule for the applicab3e fractional part of a dollar of each such sales price?" FOR APPROVAL OP THE SALES TAX AGAINST APPROVAL 0~' THE 5ALE5 TAX MUNICIPAL PUBLIC PARKING FACILITY BONDS, QUESTIDN SUBMITTED: "Shall the Town of Vail., Colorado, be authorized to issue its nego- tiable, interest bearing General Obligation Bonds in one series or more in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $.~_~09 000. or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose bf defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping a municipal public parking facility and site therefor, together with all necessary incidental and appurtenant facilities, structures and equipment, to provide facilities in the Town for vehicle parking, and including costs incidental to the authorization and issuance of said bonds and the construction of such facilities, such bands to bear interest at a maximum net effective interest rate not exceeding 10 percent per annum, and to mature serially during a period of not more than 25 years from the date or respec- tive dates of the bonds, such bonds tp be payable from general ad valorem taxes, except to the extent other funds are available therefor, and such bonds to be sold and issued at one time ar from time to time, in such a manner and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Town Council may determine, including at the option of the Town Council provisions for the redemption of bonds prior to maturity with or without the payment o£ a premium?" FOR TfIE BONDS AGAINST THE BONll5 This T~allot is continued on the Back, ~8~ • • • Continuation of Ballot Farm ~ To appear an back of Ballot I~'oxm. REAL ESTA7.`E ACQUISITION BONDS, QUESTION SUI3MTTTEp: "Shall the Town of Vail, Colorado be authorized to issue its negotiable, interest bearing General Obligation Bonds in one series or more in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $ 3 .Onfl _ f"l{~' so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of defraying, in whale or in part, the cost of acquiring the approximately 39 acres of real estate described in and to be used far t17e public and municipal purposes' stated in Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1973, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, and also the cost of acquiring necessary easements to and from said real ostate; the cost of extension of water and sewer lines thereto; and the cost at landscaping said real estate; such bonds to bear interest at a maximum net effective interest xate not exceeding 10 percent per annum, and to mature serially during a period of not more than 25 years from the date or respective dates of the bonds, such bands to be payable from general ad valorem taxes, except to the extent.ather funds are available therefor, and such bonds to be sold and issued at one time or from time to time, in such a manner and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Town Council may determine, including at the option of the Town Council provisions for the redemption of bonds prior to maturity with or without the payment of a premium?" FOR THE BONDS AGAINST THE BONDS {TO be endorsed an back of Ballot) "OFI'ICIAL BALLOT FOR SPECIAI, MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELP IN THE TOWN OF VAT L•, COLORADO, ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1973. o {Facsimile Signature Town Clerk Vail, Colorado ~g.. k ~ ~ 8. No vote, either for or against the questions to be so submitted at said special election, shall be received by the Judges of Election or permitted by the Judges of Election unless the person offering the same shall be a duly qualified and registered voter of the Town of Vail, Colorado. 9. The votes cast at the said special election shall be canvassed and tallied, and the returns thereof made, and the results thereof declared in substantially the same manner as is provided by law for the canvass, tally, return and declaration of the result of votes cast at regular municipal elections for the Town of Vail, Colorado. 10. If a majoxity of a1.1 the votes cast on each of the various questions set forth herein to be submitted at said election shall be in favor of imposing the sales tax, or in favor of issuing the bonds for municipal public parking facilities, or in favor of issuing the bonds for real estate acquisition purposes, or in favor of any one or all of said questions, it shall then be ].awful for the Town Council to authorize the proper officers of the Town of Vail, Colorado, to levy the said saes tax, or to issue the negotiable, coupon, General Obligation Bonds of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in accordance with the proposal or proposals so approved at the election. 11. Notice of the subject special municipal election shall be published in The Vail Trail, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the '1"own of Vail, in the editions of said newspaper dated September 7, 1973, and September 14, 1973, and in addition, notice of the election shall be published in The Eagle Valley Enterprise, a newspaper published and of general circulation in Eagle County, Colorado, and in the Town of Vail, in the editions of said newspaper dated September ~, 1973, and September 13, 1973. 12. A copy of the notice of the election shall be --lp- ~. ~ r. pasted bX the dawn C~.exk at the polling place at 1~ast ten days b~:~axe laid spec~,a~, elect~,Qn. laid nota,ce o~ the eleati,an to be so published and posted shal,~ be ~,n substantiallX the following ~oxm: 0 -11- PUBLIC NOTICE OF SPECT~,L i'~UNTCTPAL ELECTION TOti~JN Ok' VAIL, COLORADO September 25, 1973 QUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a special Munici~- pal Election to be held in the Town of Vail, Colorado, on Tuesday, the 25th day of September, 1973, there will be submitted to the qualified registered electors of the Town, the following questions: SALES TAX IN THE TOWN OF VAIL, QUESTION SUBMITTED: "Shall a sales tax be imposed on the sale of tangible personal property at retail and the furnishing of services, in accordance with Article 5, Chapter 138, Colorado Revised Statutes (1963), as amended, and Ordinance No. 11 {Series of 1973) of the Town of Vail, said sales tax to became effective Ju1.y 1, 1974, and said tax to be equal to 04 percent of gross receipts, in accordance with the following schedule: Amount of sale Tax $.Ol including $ .12 $ None .13 including .37 .Ol .3$ including .62 .02 .63 including .87 .03 .88 including 1.12 .04 On sales in excess of one dollar, the tax shall be four cents an each full dollar of the sales price, plus the tax shown in the above schedule far the applicable fractional part of a dollar of each such sales price?" MUNICIPAL PUBLIC PARKING FACILITY BONDS, QUESTION SUBMITTED: "Shall the Town of Vail, Colorado, be authorized to issue its negotiable, interest bearing General Obligation Bonds in one series or more in an ag- gregate principal amount not to exceed $5.500,000. . or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping a munici- pal public parking facility and site therefor, to- gether with all necessary incidental and appurtenant facilities, structures and equipment, to provide facilities in the Town fox' vehicle parking, and including costs incidental to the author~.zation and issuance of said bonds and the construction of such facilites', such bonds to bear interest at a maximum net effective interest rate not exceeding 10 percent per annum, and to mature serially during a period of not more than 25 -12- ~ ~ ~ . years from the date or respective dates of the bonds, such bands to be payable from general ad valorem taxes, except to the extent other funds axe available therefore and such bonds to be so~.d and issued at one tame ox from time to tame, ~.n such a mannex and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Town Council may determine, inc~.uding 2tt the gptign of the Town Council prow visions f'or the redemption of bonds prior to maturity with or without the payment of a premium?" REAS, ESTATE ACQUISITION BONDS, QUESTION SUBMITTED: "Shall the Town of Vail- Colorado be authora.zed to issue its negotiable- interest bearing General ©bligation Bonds in one sera,es or more in an aggregate principal 'amount not to exceed $3,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost o£ acquiring the approximately 39 acres of real estate described in and to be used for the public and municipal purposes stated in Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1973, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, and also the cost of acquiring necessary easements to and from said real estate; the cast of extension of water and sewer lines thereto; and the cost of landscaping said real estate; such bonds to bear interest at a maximum net effective interest rate not exceeding 10 percent per annum, and to mature serially during a period of not more than 25 years from the date or respective dates of the bonds, such bonds to be payable from general ad valorem taxes, except to the extent other funds are available therefor, and such bonds to be sold and issued at one time or from time to time, in such a manner and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Tawn Council may determine, a,ncluding at the option o£ the Town Council pro- visions for the redemption of bonds prior to maturity with or without the payment of a premium?" The election on the above three questions will be held at the Vail Municipal Building on Tuesday, September 25, 1973, between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A.M. and 7;00 o'clock P.M. Those effectors who are citizens of the United States, of the age of eighteen (18) years or over, who have been residents of the State of Colorado for 32 days next preceding the election and who have been residents of the Town of Vail, Colorado, far 32 days next preceding the election, and who have been duly registered, shall be entitled to vote at the spea~.al mun.ica.pal e1eGt~.on. Those electors who are otherwise fully qualified to vote on said questions at such special municipal election, but who shall -13- • be absent from the Tawn of Va~.1, Colorado. ar by reason of his work or the nature of his employment is likely to be absent and fears that he will be absent from the Town of Vaal on saa.d election day, or because of serious a~llness ar physical disability or for reasons based upon the doctrines of established religions shall be unable to attend the polls, may apply an writing at the office of the Vaal Town Clerk, at the Vail Municipal auilding, Vail, Colorado, for an absentee ballot, at any time during regular business hours, on or before Friday, September 21, 1973. The votes cast shall be recorded on paper ballots and said election shall, be held, conducted and the returns thereof shall be returned, canvassed and declared, as nearly as practicable in the manner prescribed by law for regular elections of the Town of Vaal, Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the Town Council has caused this Notice to be given as of the 7th day of August, 1973. ( S E A L ) . ~s/ Linda Hall Town Clerk Town of Vail, Colorado Publish in The Eagle Valley Enterprise on September 6 and September 13, 1973. Publish in The Vail Trail. on September 7 and September 14, 1973. s ~~~ w • • 3,3, Tn addition to the above specified Natice o~ the elect~,on, a Not~,ce o~ Registrat~.on shall also be published in The Vail, Tr_a~.l on August l0 and ~.7, 1973, and ~,n The Eagle Valley Enterprise on August 16 and 23, 1973 Said Notice off' Registration shall be ~,n substantially the ~ollow~,ng form: Ml5- . ~ • • NOTICE OF REGISTRATION SPECIAL MUNTCZFAL ELECTION TOWN 0~` VAIN, CQLORADO September 25, 1973 NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Municipal Election o£ the Town of Vail, Colorado, will be head on Tuesday, September 25, 1973, Said Special Election relates to the question of an additional sales tax in the Town of Vail as provided in Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1973, of the Vail Town Council, and also relates to the question of issuing General Obligation Bonds of the Town of Vail in the principal amount not exceeding $3,000.000, for real estate acquisition for municipal and public purposes in said Town, and further relates to the question of issuing General Obligation Bonds of the Town of Vail in the principal amount not exceeding $5,500,OOO.for municipal, public parking facilities in the Town of Vail. In order to vote at this election on Tuesday, September 25, 1973, an elector must be a qualified, registered elector of the Town of Vail, Colorado. Persons who will be otherwise qualified to vote but who are not presently registered to vote should register at the office of the Vail Town Clerk at the Vail. Municipal Building in Vail., Colorado, or at the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder at the Eagle County Courthouse in Eagle, Colorado, at any time duzing regular business hours of those offices, NOT LATER THAN FRIDAX, AUGUST 24, 1973. A Notice of Election giving more detailed infoxmatian will appear in the editions of this newspaper dated fox The Vail Trail newspaper, insext Se~atember 7, 1973 and September 14, 1973} (for _16~.. The Eag1.a V~11ey Entexpr~,se, a.nsert Se~tomber 6, 1973 and Septembex ~,3{ 1973 ~N WITNESS W~II;R~D~', the 'down o~ Vax1, Colorado, has caused tha.s Not.~ae to be g~.ven as o~ the 7th day o~ August, 1973. ( S E A L ) ~`s/ Linda Ha11 Town Clerk Town o~ Vaa.l., Colorado Pub],a.sh in; The Eagle Valley Enterpra.se on August 16 and August 23, 1973. Pub~.ish in: The Vail Trail, on August l0 and August 17, 1973. -17- • t 14. The authority to issue any or all of the bonds designated a,n the Bond Questions, if conferred at the election by the c~ual~,fied registered electors authorized to vote thereon, shall be deemed and considered a continuing authority to issue and deliver the bonds so authorized at one time, or from time to time, and neither the partial exercise of the authority so conferred, nor any lapse of time, shall be considered as exhausting or Limiting the full authority so conferred by the electors voting in favor of either or both of said Bond Questions. 15. All action (not inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution} heretofore taken by the officers of the Town of Vail, Colorado, elected and appointed, directed toward holding the special municipal election far the purpose of authorizing the imposition of the sales tax heretofore referred to and the issuance of General Obligation Bands of the Town of Vail for the purposes designated above in the Bond Questions, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. 16. All resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed. This repealer' shall not be construed to revive any resolution, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. 17. xf any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining sections, paragraphs, clauses or provisions of this resolution. 18. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. RESQLUTxQN ADO~TEp AND A~'PROVED this 7th day of August, 1,973. 'OWN VA „p M.~ By Mayor ( 5 E A L } ATTEST: ,, f~- `Town Clerk Town of Vail, Colorado -18- } Councilman Donovan secpnded the motion, and the c~uestian be~.ng upon the passage and adoption of said Resolution, the xo11 was called witk~ the ~o7.lawing zesult: Those vot,~ng 'cXestc Coinc~.lmen: -7ohn Dobson Riohard Bailey John Donovan Joseph Langmaid ' Josef Stainer' ' ' Thomas Steinberg Albert White Those voting "Na": Seven members of the Council present having voted in favor of the passage and adoption of the Resolition, the pre siding officer thereupon dec~.ared the Resolution duly passed and adopted. Thereupon, after consideration of other business to came before the Council, the meetiny,~jwa~,ad ~ed_. r of Vail, Colorado {5 E A L) ATTEST: Town Clerk Town of Vail., Colorado _lg~ T. STATE Ok' CC?LORA~p CQUNT~' (?~' FAC~T~E TOWN Q~` VAxT, L~ sS. ~~ T, T,INl~A HALL,, the Town Clerk o~ the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Col,caxado, do hereby cea;t~,fy; That the attached copy o£ Resolut~,on No. " 30 regarding the Town of Vail Special Municipal Election of September 25, 1973, is a true-and correct copy of said Resolution as passed and adapted by the Town Council at a R~:gular Meeting thereof held at the Town Municipal Building, the xegular meeting place of the Tawn Council in the Town, on Tuesday, the 7th day of August, 1973; that a true.capy of said Resolution has been duly executed and authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor of the Town of Vail and myself, as Town Clerk of said Town, sealed with the seal of the Town, and recorded in the official records of the Town. X further certify that the foregoing pages constitute. a true and correct copy of the record of the proceedings of the Town Council at its said regular meeting of August 7, 1973, insofar as said .proceedings relate to said Resolution; that said proceedings were duly had and taken; that said meeting was duly held; and that the persons were present. at said meeting as therein shown. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Town of Vail, Colorado this 8th day of August , 1973. Towri Clerk ' ,: - Town of Vail., Colorado S E ~,, X., } ~-2 0~ ~" . -, z O U a i~.r Gct W 0 ..~~ 0 A 0 U w W a c~ W O F z O v y ~ , w ~ ~ O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "O y m '~ c' ~ ~ d p ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ °~ . . ~, d .. ~ W '~, .~ ~, o ~' a d ~ ~[ ~ N ~ e~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L ~ ~ ,4' a.a .~ ~ td ~ '~ y W v i 0 1 ~ ~ G ~ a ~ ~ C W ~ ~ ~ ai +~+ ~,co Q o a ~ y O ~ \ ' ~ ~ 'C ~ ~ ~a t1^ ~ ° ~ ~ °' ~ ~ ~ y,c ~ ~ o F. ~° d ~ v~QO~~`~~' b~ ~+' ~ a ° ~ ., ~ ~, ~ u C ~ 3 es ~ ~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ C' ~ ~ O ~ C ~ ~ ... ++ ~-7 'p d .~ ~ r i +~a w" ~ ,~ r~.+ ~ y ~ ~ O ~ O ~^ v ~ ~ ~ 7 Q ~ r.~ ~ ~ ~ b C ~ ~ ~ = ~ 'ay~.+ SC fl' ~o~y. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~, E F p a ro ~' m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ w ~ a ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ i ~ d ~ F~~a~b;~~, ~o ,~ ~ ~ y s y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.w~~~G ~~a ~. o W ~ ~ a~~ ~ -. '~ '~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ o a. ~ ~ dC a a -~i i ttl Q a "'~ U'a ~. W ~ ~ y ~ a' ~1 ~ b i„"' F'. ~ ~ L" a5 ~ ~ ~ .~ F'. Z ~ V ~ A , ~ ~ y ~, ~y, i 0 r~ ~~ ~r O ~ ~ a . ~. o~~~o~°~"W ~ ~ ., ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ 7'd ~,aii,~ d w N ~ $ ~ C~ ~,~~~~ en ~ c .~ y a' ^J 'fl ~ H ~ ~ C ~ a G ~ ~ ~ ~-' ~ ~ 3y ~~ v c~~:~ ~a a Ua~ y~~~ w E ~ ~ v o .a ~ ,.~ ~ s ~ + 0 .d ~~ s ~ ~~ ~ +~~~'! r~i H O ~] ~ ~ 0 m ~3 ~ ~ W ~~ O ~ ~?' A ~ ~ U O u„ O O C ~ A ~ W .Q o y ~ O U ~~ O H ~ ~ ~ V 0 a 0 2 1 V y .~ C H .~ .. No. Np OFFICIAL BALLOT TOWN OF VAIL SPECIAL M11NIC[PAL ELECTION STATE OF COLORADO ~ 3EPTEMBRR 28, 2878 (Each elector daairous o! voan• FOR oe AGAINST Lha followin{ Queadona, shaLL deagnala h1a tholes by plaeing q era SS iKl ppPOSlte Lhe Word or woMa axprewini ma eholce.) SALE9 TAX IN THE TOWN CF VAIL, QURSTION 9UHMITTEO: "Shat a caw lax ba impowd qn Ilia Sae Pf tan8lblo peraenal ptep0sty ¢i rotaR and Lhe fu[mshSne of wMces. In accordance wleh Article 6, Chapter 138, Colorado Rea4sad Statutes (1988). as emended, and Ordinance Np. 11 (Satlag of 1978) of the Tawn of Va B, raid rater tax to become alleetive duly 1. 3879. And wltl tax !o W aqua w 84 percent nl crow reeelpce, In aceardanee wllh Lhe fonowlni rchedula: Amount Of Sala Tax 8.01 tactudm! 8 .12 ~ 8 Norte .131ncludini .37 .01 .86 inefvdmg .82 .a2 .88 mclvdln{ .87 .09 .8B Inc)udm{ 1.14 .04 On aa0t In aseaw of one tloRw, the Sax shall be four CeRN on each 1W1 dollar of the sates price, plat Lhe tar shown In Lho above scdedulo tot the appneable lgretloaal part of a doper 01 each mcd aalw priaeT" POR APPROVAL OF THE SALES TA1F AGAINST APPROVAL OP THR SALES TAX , MUNICIPAL PUBLIC ~PARKINO FAC1L[TY BONDS, QUESTION SUBMITTED: "Shat the Town 01 Val, Colorado, be authorized h Issue Hs na{oWble, internal bearipe Oenaral OLRptlon Honda fn one seaee ar more In an agg*eeale p[Inlelpa amount net t0 exceed {6,686,800. or so much thereat _ may be neureazy !or the purPOw of detraying, In whole or in part, the ost at aoqulrin8, eonaLeuNlnB and aqulppln{ a municipal public parkin{ facility and alts therefor, togethe[ with all n wry Inadantal and appurtenant fat RlLtes, aleudu[m and equtPmenl, to provide laellltfea m the Town fee vehlete parkin, d met udmg eosLS mcidenml to ilia anthOdapNon And lteuA9CE of raid bands end Lhe canatmatian Of such [apllitlea, each bonds to bear interest at a maximum net effective Interest cal! net exCletlbl8 10 petCent pax Annum, and tP mature Saaaly duani a parlod of apt more than 26 yearn Nom the date or respective dates of fie bonds, rock bands to h0 payable Irom eanarel &d valoxm tax08, except to the erlenl other fund. era available Warafor. and ruck bonds to ba sold and Iwued at one time pr tram time to time, In oath a manner and amounSa nd upon rush [came and conditions ae [ha Town Council may dstermina, Incleaing a{ the Dolton of the Town Covncll pwvlsions foe the xedamptlon of bonds pops to maturity with or without the pavmeat of • premium7" FOR THE FONDS A6AENST Tf[B EONOS REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION FONDS, @UESTION BifBMITTED: "Shall Ilia Town u[ VnR, Colorado b0 aulhorired l0 issue its neyotSabla, Interesl~bearing General Obligation Ronda m O r mPCe Sn An a88repale prinelpat amount not to exceed 83,OPO,OUO. orsso much thereof as may bo necessary fOC the pueposa Of defravlne. in whole er In pari, the oat of acqulrine the approximately 34 aarea of real estate desedbea In and t0 he used [or the public and municipd Durpoaes stated in Ortlinmce No. s, Sedea of e9T3, of tae Tawn of Val, Coloraao, and oho the cost of aegvldn8 na ssary sac ants to and !rom id rva estate; the coat f extenaiun of water and sewer lines lheroto; and the coal Pf iandccaping wid Yegl eSlAle; Ench bOnd9 10 .PAY tn1eYCSL •l a m0.%imUm ttv4 gNUCIi VC I111C[¢e4 rate nPl exec¢ding 10 percent yor annum, and to mature senallr during a perlnd of t mace than 26 roan Lom the date nr msaectlrc dates of the bonds. such bonds to be pavahle Irom eeneW ad valorem taxes, except w She talent ether funds are available Iharetar, and each bands ep be cola and leaved at Ona time OC imm time [q Llme, In such a manner antl amounts end upon sugh teems and Contlillona as 1h0 Town Council mar determine, Including at the optional the Town Council provisions for the redampGon a[ bonds Ddar tp maWrlty with or w[Lhout the payment u/ a premium7" FOR T]IE RONDS AGA]NS7' THR HONOS "OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR SPECIAL MVNICIPAL ELECTION EfELD IN TUE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, ON 8EpT8MAER 2b, 1873." (Facshnile 6ignatura) Town Clark Vail, Colorado Resolution NP. 3U Continued B. No vole, ci lheY tuY or again. Ilia quesllgnS tP 40 so suhmi[letl a1 saltl speelal elcclipn, ahaH ae received hr the Judges or Election or peVmtlyd by the dodges qt EleellOn unless the Person alfe Cing Llle same shall be a dukY qualified d reeialered voter of IhP Town of Vap, CPIPY0.dn, 8. The vo[ev st at the said special 4lection shall be c sad antl talked, and the retuma ehereol ode, and the rosulta thereol declared In subalentlaSy Ilia SamO as la provided by IoW fOC iho ss, tally, reluNa and tleelanlion Pfnlhe reaulS P( Yalea cart rt regulaz unlcipal elec11en9 Inc Lhe Tawn a[ Val, ColoYadq, IU. If A malvrlly E all the east qh eflch V! tho Various gmationr xel lortll haecln to be gbmutea .e wla aemlan toast ba In Eav of Imposing the Bales [Ax, nr In taupe of ssmng Lhe bonds for nunicipa ouallc parkins facilities, or In favor of lwufne the bonds [or real !slate qulStton purposes, o in [aror of any p all qE raid questions, It chat thenrbe lawful for the Town Cauntu to uthgrixe Lhe proper oflicera of the Town at Vall, Colorado, In levy the sold [alas lax, r fo Iquu the Aegosfeble. Coupon, Genenl Obller[Ign Fonds of the Town o! VAII, Colorado, in accor- s BncO With Ilia proposal pr propowls o approves at Lh¢ etaellon. 11. Nalice oL tea subWcl specin! untclprl election 'hall ba publiahcd In The V¢II Tral, • wspaper Dvbliahad ma o[ genera circulation An Lhe Town of VAR, Ln the edmpns o! Wd n weD•Der dated Seplomher 7, 1878, Bind September 14. 1978, and In soot LLOn, nalice at she election shall he pULllehetl in The Eagle galley En[BrPris¢, a newspaper pu411shsd And O! Sonora] cwculaeian In eaelp copatr, colPraap, nna m the Town of Vail, 'n the editions of wid n wapaper dated September 6. 1973, end September ] 3. 1973. ]Y. A copy u1 the nohce o! the eleclfon shat be pasted by the Town Clerk at She polling place at least [en days before said gpeclak election. SAid noLlce of the eleCtlPn to bE bn published and posted shall be In aubetantially the following form: PVHL[C NOTICE GF SPECIAL MUNIC]PAL ELECTION TOWN OF VAIL, COI,OAAO0 Sel'[emhcr 26, IBTB PVFLIC NO'f ICE IS IFEREHY GIVEN, [hut 0.i spcclal Municipal Elereian to do hold in the Town of Yal, ColoYatlo, on Tuesday, iho 251h dov u1 5eAlemher, 1873, there wRl be submitted to the quall[ictl registered etecwrs of Lhe Town, the following questions: SALES TAX IN TVE TOWN OF VAIL. Q11E6TlDN SVEM IT7'ED: "Shen sxlvx Ina bt hnposcd nn the salt/ of tangible pononal p[OPEYIY el recall and the furnishing o! servlees, in accor- dance with Artlale b, Chapter 135, Colorado Revtsad Slalulex (lfl83), as amendCd. d Orai- ee No. I1 (Series of 1973) of the Town al yap, said wles tax to become HlocilVe 3uly 1, 1874, And 'sad tee to be epos to 94 peYCant of Brow rocelpty, In acaordaner with We [ollowSn• schedule: ' Amount Of Bale Tax g,61 including ~ .12 $ Nona .181ncludin8 .37 .03 .$8 mtludina ~ .E4 .6$ .88 maludmg .87 .68 .38 Inaludsn• 1.12 ~ .P4 On wkea in axcese o! one dollar, Lha Lax shall be Sour cents on vaeh futl dollar o[ fhe wles pdge, Dlus the tax shown In the abovo chedule for Ilia aPDSicable hacllona] part of a dollar of each ugh salsa pdeaT" MUNICIPAL PUBLIC PARKING FACILITY eOND9, @UESTION SVBMITTED: "6ha1 the Town oI Vail, Colorado, ae Authatixed tp Issue its neeoOAbla, Enterest barring General ObRearion Bonds In one aeries or mote ha a ¢{8regata ' pdnlplpa amount not to sacred {d,60P,6Pa. o much IheHOt M maY bs nOCeasazy toe the purpos0 of defnylne, In whole Pr In Patt, the oust a! atgWanB, Construeting and equlppln8 A muntetpa Dubhc park[ne teclhty ' sad site themfor, loeether with all uch LeWLLes, each 4ondg Lo bear Interest of • maximum set ef[ecnve lntarart mte not ec• eeding 10 pement per a and Lo mature aerlapy during s peClOd o! net mots than 20 yeaee hom the date especuve dales of the bonds, mesh bands to be payable from general ad valorem taxer, except to fhe extent other Funds Ara avaReble therefor, and such'bonda to ba sold and Issued at one time or from time to time, pa such a mazmar end am ants And nAan uch terms Dead aondilions as the Town Council may determine, IneiudLng at the option o! the Town Council provlagns tar the redemption o1 bonds Drier to maturty wfih at without the pAymUpl e( a prpmlum P" REAL ESTATE ACQV187'CION BONDS, @OHSTION 6VB- MITTED: Shall the Town 1 Val, Colorado ha authorised M lama l!a ne{otiable, interoat bear;ni Genera[ Obligation 8ond9 In one series or moro in an aggeegate nrineipal amount not to exceed cs,n66,aoo. p ptn Lneroae be n wrr for the purpose of tlelraying, In whole qr In Part, tho coal o[ acquiring the approxllnatuly 39 a of real estate described in end to be used [or Lhe public and munlClAa3 purposes stated In Ordinance No. 8, Ser(as of 1973. of the Tawn o[ Vail, Colorado, and also Ilia cost o[ acquiring neceswry Bas ante to and hom sad real estate; the spa of extenston O! star quo ar lines thereto; and the Cns4 olw lanaseaptng raid real estate: such bonds la hear In[erexL at a maximum not effective intuea rate tta[ exa9eding 10 p0M¢nl pox and [o mature aeriahr dudna a period Uf n01 more than 26 Years Irom Lhe data respective des Les of the bonds' such bonds tq be Dayahle hom general ad valorem taxes, OXCBp4 la Lhe extent gtheC funA9 are vailable therefor, an4 Su Cis ponds to be sold and laaued aL ono lima r Irom flme [o lime. In such a and amounl9 rind upon uchnterma and Condlllons as the Town Council may determine, including at Ih¢ Ophon of the Town Council provisons [or Lhe redemPlion al bonds prior t0 maturity with o without the payment of a premium7" The aleaslgn nn the abovo Iksmo questions wW be beta al the gall MunICIPa Fupolltg Pn TutsdaY. September 20, 1873, between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A.M. and 7:00 o'claak P.M. Those lectors wllV are tltlxcns of [he Vnlled States, of the age of eSghLeen [!8) years of over, who have been test dente of the State of Coloraao roc s2 says Haan peetetling the etection a:ld who have been resiaents of the Town of Vail, Colorado, far 32 days Wert preceding the election, end who have been duly ro{catered, shay] be enli[led to vote et the apecla muntclpal elettlgn. Thpsa electors who are otheCw Let fully qualified to vote on 9ald questions at such spoolak municipal election, but who shall be absent Irom the Tawn a[ Val, Colorado, or br a pf his work or she nsLUre P[ hiasemplPyment la Hkely to be absent antl lean that he will be absent from Hse Tpwn of Vall qn wld [action aav, Or because o[ sudous nlnrw p Phrasal dlwblllty or roc rCesglw basOd open Lhc tlac[dnc6 nt es[abllshod relfaonr shaE be unable LO aLtlnd the pope, may apPIY in waling at Lhe offlta of [he Vail Town Clerk, ai the Vail Municipal BuddinH, Vail, Coloraao, for an absentee hallo[, at env time during ee{vlar huslnass boon. on or before Friday, Septembee 21, 1579. Tho votes teat shat be [corded n paper ballots and cad alas Lion 'hall ha held, conducted and the rafum¢ ther0o! 'hall be relumed, canvassed and deala[ed, es neaely as Peactlcable In the manner prese[Ibed by law far rogulu electlona of [ha Town u! Vail, Cglaratlq, IN WITNESS WfiER ROF. the Town (:auRCn has eaus¢d this Nptiee W bq given ae of the 7th day of August, 1873. (SEALI !s! Linda R. Hall Town Clark Town Ol.VaR, Colorado Publlsb In The Ea81e Valley En[er- isiis785eptember Sand September Publlah, In Tii9 VaR Troll do September 7 and. Sap:ember 39, 1879. I3. In addRlon to the abovo apeeifietl Notico o[ the election, a Ne1LC0 0l Reelarallon shall also be published in Tha Vall Tral qn Aueuat l0 and 17, 1873, and in the RaeLB Valley Enterpdae on Aueusl 18 and 23. 1078. Sold Nollce al' ReplehaHon shall bo In vubstantlaEty fhe lollowing for NOTICE OF REGISTRATION 6PECIAL MUNICIPAL ELRCTION TOWN DF VAIG. COLORADO September 2b, k97$ a¢[d n Tulsdly, 8apmmbe[ 26, 1873, Sald Special Election mlates to the question of a addtilonel sales tax in She Town of Vall ac pCOVIAed in Ordinance No. 3k, Series of F9T3, o[ the Vell Tawn Council, and also relater eo tha question of ieauing General Ob118eilgn eond9 of the Town of yap In She prlncipa3 amount net axaeedsna 88,000,800. epr real esLaN uqufsitlon for municipal end puhRC pdryoaea m Wd Town, and [archer lNea So the question qt EwWnx peaces PA111nLLon 8onda at the Town OL VAp !n She pYinelpal mount not exceeding 88,899,099. [or municipa public paekln{ IaCWties fn She Town of VALL. In order tp vote at Wis elecefon Tuesday, 8eptambee 26, 1873, rn Elector moat he a quatiled, ee85stered lector of the Town Ot Vap, Colprsdo, Persona who will he otherwise quAEped l0 vo l0 but who ere ttgt pmsenllY r aslcretl la vote ahouta raginar at the oltice al the Vail Tawn Clatk L the Vail Municipal BulMine In Vail, Colorado, or at the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Retordor at ebe 8ag]e County Courthouse In Eagle, Cale- rado, at any time during roeulaz business hours Of lhOSe ofl3ees, NOT LATER THAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1HT3. A Notice o/ Elecllon elving mare tlelalled lnfgrmarion w18 apPeaY In the edttigna of this nowapaper dated (tor Tha VaH Tmll newspaper, insert September 7, ]878 and September 14, 1978) Uoe The Eagle Valley Enwrpsise, mace[ September 8, I9T8 and September 1$, ]F78). IN WITN855 WHEREOF, ilia Town of Vafl. Colorado, has es sad Ibf9 NPi~O IP b! gluon u of then7lh day o[ August, 1973. {SEAL) /sl Linda R. Hell Town Clerk Town of Vad, Colnndo Publish In The Ragia Veder 6nfex- pHSa qn AugU9l 36 and August 28, 1873. Publish 'n The Vall Trml on August 30 and August 17, 1873. 19. The aulho[Ily to lsauu any a ell 1 Ilw bands dualgugled In iho Hqnd Ques[lunn, t[ eonfrrred al the eleelign by the quedfled reglgterCd elec Lon authorlred t0 vPLe thereon, shall be decmetl and c nsidered a ontlnuing authority to Isaac fled Oellvat she bonds ca aulhonx¢d at ne time, ar from tlmq to time, and nei[IICe Ilia paelial exercise of the 0.4[hari LY s0 Conferred, n any lapse el Limo, all.]] be nsidurtd cxhausling limieing iho lug au[horitr onfe[red by Lhe Nectars vo[in+ In Iavo[ o[ either ae both of sold Hond @ueatians, 16. All action (not inegnclslelll wlLly iho Vrovisiona P[ this YasnlULlon} heroloforo taken by She o1[ia¢n [ the Tawn of Vap, Colorado, elected and appointed, diremcd toward hOlUine the apeelal municspal election !or She purpose of eulhoriaing the Imposition of the solos lax heretofore rol4rrcd la antl the of central Dbueauon Rar.a. oe tea Tow of YaR far the purposes designated shove Ili the Bond @uaxuona, is nerehr mti[ied, ap- proved and conHrmcd. ]8, All Yasalutlons, or pazla thereof. onfllct with Lhia Yesolutlon one hereby repealed. This repealer shat not be a nalrued iq any maolutiun, qr part Lhc[¢ V f, heretofore repealetl, 17, if anY 6tC[fun, paragraph, clquse Pr P[OYleion o! Imo xeaolulton Shat] for a n be held to he invalid cnforeeable, the validity o enter eabiltLy of Such eclson, puagraph,c alouaa pr Pro- vision shall not of feC4 anY of She maSnlnB aPClions, Poragraphs, clauses Ur PYO Visions of Lhle resol- u01on. 18. This resUWtlgn shall sake effect immedlatelr upon ila paswpu. RRSO[.uT1oN ADOPTED AND A PP]iOVGO Iles Tlh day of Avgusl, 197$. TuwN of VAIL Js! Sohn A, Dohsov Mayor (SEAL) ATTES'C: IJnda R. Hall Tawn Clerk Town a[ Vad, Colorado Puhlishetl m The Vail Trail an Audutt 10.1979. • ~EOa~ ~or~c~ RESOLUTION NO, ad A RBSOLVTION DESIGNA• TINO JVDG88 'AND CLERKS FOIL THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CF THE TOWN OF VAIL TD HE iIELD TUESDAY, $EPTEh18F,R 2h, 1978; YR O V ID- [NG FOR TIlE Pll HL]CAT]ON OF NOTICES OF' REGISTRA- TION FOR ANP NO'C[CES OF 5AIP ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR OTII EII PETAI[•$ F'OR .SHIP F:I.EC9'l I1N; Sl1Rhl1'k"PING '1'O 1'1[F: Il lCG 1S'1'L'RF:P QVAL]- FFED ELECTORS OF' TILE TOWN OF VAl]„ COLORA-D, AT SAID SPECIAL ELECTION, THE QUESTION OF ISSUING G ENEAAI, OB LIGAT]ON BONDS OF '1'F{g TOWN IN TiIE PRINCIPAI• Ah107fNT ND'P HX- CEEDING $3,000,000. FOR THE PU R1'OSE OF ACQV[IIING REAI. F: S'1'A7'E FOIL PVByEC PURPOSES GF 7'HE TOWN AND SVHM ITTING TO SAID Rr.F.CTOAG TFIE OIIESTION OF THE TOWN IN AFIOV NT N OT EOD,000. FOA of Acevlx• SCTING AND NIC[PAL PV8- the Town 1 Vafl, Colorado, has puruant to Ordinance No. Il. SReles of 1673, called a specie] municipal e]ectfbn to be field n Tuesda Y. $eplember 7h, 1873, for Lhe purpose 01 auhmitlsng a proposed tales lax b the qualified [eglslered efeetore o[ Iho Town of Vall voling al tale electlPnt and W iIER EAS, cold Ordinance pro- vidaa that iha Town Council sha13, by rerowunn w be aaoptaa ae ua reYnmr Ineeling of Avlual 7, 1478, dvalFnate the fudges and clerks for said aptClpl eteelion, pmvldv for the publlCalfen 1 Nollcas of AeY'slralwn !br and Nalltos of Bald electlan, and provide far gush other Mellen and details relaling l0 5ditl glee Lion which are apDm Rriale'. entl WHEREAS, said Drdinance No. ll, $erier Pf 1973, provides lur[her that the Tawn Council may, by resalvlion, aubmix addiliPna[ quvs- tlona teY Approval a rcleetlPn by the qualified [eghlereJ elaclnea voting u1 said special elechan of Sea>teanbcr La, 1973, and that env such addllmnal questions may be provltlvd IPr and sP submltled Sn the same resolution referred l0 In ll,e Immediately preceding puaYrnph o1 Ihea¢ recRPls; .na WHEREAS, [he Tbwn CaunCil doped Ordimnce No. 6, Series of 1873, aulhodxtnR the randemnatibn of appmxtmtlely 39 a tea. of real male located wnaln the Tawn Pe Vail, which tool ev1a14 would be used far the pubtle and mun(cipal purnoies set fo[th In Bald Ordlnanca No. el anA WHEREAS, the Town Ceuncll has determinerf to Issue General Ohllaalion Bonds Dt Lhe Town a[ Vail In a uni not a eedlnY j3,00D,OOD. afor lh0 purpose Pt da[raymg, lR whale a[ in part. the Oet Pt acquiring eald'[aa! estate to he andemneU pursuant l0 sold Ordi- ce Na. 6, Series of 1873:and also the cost o! ecquldni n ury pasemenes b and hom salda real estate; iha Cbat of extension of wafer and Saw E[ lines thereto: end 7h0 Coat of landscaplny told Beat estate; said bonds LO be payable from renenl ad valorem !axes, 0%Cept tP the extent other funds ere available thereto[; Attd WHEREAS, Me Town Covnrll has carefully Purveyed the need [br the provlafon al municipal public parking [aC111Uea In Lha 'town for hlcle paekmy and as a teault P[ fueh eonslderatlan, has determined that the Tawn is not n degkalelY sdpDlled whh such municipal puUHo parking taelllLles; and WHEREAS, Lha Town Covnell hoe determined and herabv rigger minas that Il Is npcoxsary end for the beat Interests of the Town and the Inhabitants Lhereo[, and the public intereai and Pecegally demand, 14x1 provisions be made [Pr munlalpel . public parldag faethtles hl the Town fPY vehicle parking, together with all eeeslBYY ineldental end appurtenant facilillas. ttmeturea and lquipminH end WEIEAEAS, the Town Council has detwmined to Isaus General Obilgatlon Bonds o[ the Town of YAII in a unt not a%Ceeding x6,600,000. ato[ the puYpbse of de1[pYing, In whole or in part, Lhe coal o-f acquiring, constructing and ¢quiDpiAy A mvnlelDal public puking lacilitr AnQ site therefor logethar with al! ncceexe+y Inelden/al and apputtattAnt facilitlea, ahuc[uree anQ qulpmrot, b provide fulllties in the Town for vehicle parking; said bonds Lo be payable [ram eeneYal ad vALOrom Wxea, a rep! W the extvni other [ands are available therefor! and WHERHAS, it Is fimt necessary to aubmlt lhs sepxraLe questions of issuing such General Obligation Honda for the aCgvisi[lan of [cal estate and [Or the Bald acquideian a[ municipal public parking fACPitleg Lo the qualified rellstered e]ettOYa P[ the Town PF Vail; ' NOW THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLYEP 8Y THE TOWN COUN• CIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO THAT: [, pt the special uniC/Pel election tP be heltl In the Town O[ Vail. Colorado Pn Tuesday, Septem- ber 25, 1879, there s4a11 Ua submitted LO the vote of rho quall[ied regixtared electors a[ the Town the questions of Issuing negotiable, Lnterese bearing bonds P[ P,e Tawn In the amo fe, foe Iho purposes end within Lhe lrmitatlans and terms herelnaller set Torth In the fallowing (atoll of bond gaealiOns (heYein omcU mca dealgnatcd as the "Bond @uvaHans"I: M VNIC IPAL PU Bl,IC PARKING FACILITY SOND5, QVESTIGN $UBAI ITTED: "5lsall the 't'own Of Vall, Co]PYadP, be aulho[IZed Lo issue its nleallAUle, interest bearing Deneral OUllgatton Bonds In one Cries nr mere in a aggrcgalc principal a ,ut Inc ccd SY-4nn u[xa~an a ranch Il+nxu a•1 as may hen ury fur [he ndrpn*e e1 d=frsying, in whole u url, thu CPgt PE ecquising, cane[ruc4ing and CquiDping a munlcapal puU]iC parkiPR facility and sltc Ihcrefnr, together will) all n sty incp dental and ap['urtCnant sfaciiitics, slruclurea and equipment, In p Yavltle facillllvs In Lhe Town [nY vehcle parkin C. and including cans inridanral to u+e aveher;~„- tibn and i nee of said bonds An4 the nstsutllon of su Ch facilities, Such bonds to bear lnieresl AL a net effective in Wrest ra nnf C rcd- ;ng ]0 peacent per annum, and iu melure aerially during a perWd o1 not m re toes ab Years ham ens date o efDective tlaleg of the bonds, ranch bonds [a 4C paYdble [ram aeaeral as valorem taxes, exceD[ w the ex lent other fvndt are available 1he[e1or, a d such bonds lP be sold and issued al ens time or from time tP time, an such poet And amounts ana upon ueb terms and eantlitlana as the Tawn Council mev determino, IncludmY al the Oplbn Pf thv Town Council pYOVlaiOnB IPr the redempilon of bePtlr prior Ln maturity with ar wl[hovl the pay men! of a pYamlum R" REA[. ESTATE ACQVISIT30N HON DS. QGESTION SV8- M ITTHD; "Shull the TPwn u[ Vud, Colorado UR au[horievJ La Issue its neka[iaUle, Inlerast bearing Gen sal Obligation Hbnas i ;cries a88:c8dte ndneipalr a unt~nolnw exceed $3,BBO.000m oY so much Ihusunt nay be aCC55pCY for the Pu Part, iha sf tv[f8acn w n8 the quiri aPPraximatclY x89 a f real e descrlLcJ in uxul t9. be usuJ [, ra[ [he public nd niclnal purpnaex staled inaOrdinaner Na. 6, Serlel of 1(173, a1 [he Town of Vail. CalnYad P, and also Lhe cost of acquidna neccaaa[v casements la and from said real estalu: the osl Ot C%tangibn of wale[ and Ilnea ihexeiP; and Lho cost ofw landecanin¢ gai4 real estate; uch bonds tP beaY in(erea! al a aximum not e[lectsve Interest rate not exCeetling 10 perrrnt per ana sP m.tur. aenahy during a per)od al not more than 2b yemy from lba dale or respecelve dates o! the bontls. ouch bands tP be Favpble [(Om general ad valaram taxes, except to the extent other finds are available therefor. and ruck bonds to be told and Ensued at one Ilme at from time Lo Hme, m such e menller and amounts Aad npoR such terms anfl condltlana M the ' Town ComcH may determine Including a! Lho option ! the Town Council provlalona for the redemption Pt bands prior to, mdtUN1Y ith a wlthouL the payment al s premlum4" 2. 9ald Hond Queatlona sdAfl be submitted for approval or tllsappeovA] by the qualified registsred electors qt the Town of Vail at the speclel munlCipal election heretofore caked end brdemA to be head on Tuesday, September 85, 1678, At which elecflon thus {a aloe to qe ruhmttted for approval r dleapprowl by said quaufsea ee~saeeead electors, u prasdded fn Ordinance No. 11, Series at 1673, the epuowma Corm o! gtreallon (hsmin somedmee dealgna- Led ae the "Sales Tax QnesHOn"): SALHS TAK IN THR TOWN OF VAIL, QUESTION SUBMITTED: 'BhaH a sales tax be imposed on iha sale O} tanUhle Dereonal prepertY at YelAl] Pad the lumishing of eelhcea- In accor- dance with Artlcla 6, Chapter 386, Co]oradC Aevlaed Statutes (1968), es a ended, end Ordl• ce No. 11 (Seres of 1978) of the Tawn of VeR, said salvo Lax Lo became effeCllve. 7uly 1, ]ta74, anfl said tax to M equal l0 84 percent of grea9 teCtlpta. in eo[danca with the following schedule; Amount O[Saly Tex x.01 including x .12 xNone .IS LncludinY .d7 .01 .a6 including ' .82 .02 .9alnalnaing .a7 .a3 .681neluding 1.12 .04 On gales in excess Of Ona do0ae, the sax shall be faun cents an each full dollar of the salsa nrtce. plus the tax shown In the above schedme [or the applicable fractional part of a Jolla[ al each such gales pdrn4" 3. Said Hand Questions and said Sele9 TAX Question shat! be sub- milted t0 The qualified regislaratl electors of rho Town of Vail a provided by law in the said Town, Which TOW nalilutea Ono VOIinR precinct, at clhe Town o[ Vail Municipal Rulltling, wtdch is the polling place used for rCgular Town eleeflPns and which ss hereby dcaignated as the polling place for said special ieipal elecROn, bctwCen !hc houvanbf 7:00 o'clock A.M. And 7:00 o'clock P.M. 9. Ttse qualified rogistcrcd electors o1 the Town shaD vole al said epeC101 meniCipol oLecllPn by sere/ paper balbL, either by absvntae ba]lo1 or br xppCAYina In person ana voting aF 1he pP kna place. Vo[inR machines will nn Ue aed. 't'he sold special election shall be ebnducled us arty as practicable In the same mannnr prexeribed by F:nv fur [he conducting o[ rc~ular clectfona Sn the Town n[ xd, Colorado. 5. 'Che Polt..wing qualified eegis- tu[eJ clectnra O[ LhC 'fawn Pf veil who have been appointed br i11c Tnw,i Clerk, shall set as juJgea and ancYnate jutlges, and clerks and allerhate Clexkg Tor the spcclpl nicipal CleCliun nn '1'uusday, Sv ~d~mb<•r 'g5, 1973: Jurists AHCn,alc Jn,lgca Vuvid Cnle $vs:,n Harlivtt Barbara 1I0Y1 Flnrilyn Elizhx Sharon Wvlin flulun KIJd,:r Clc[ks Alternate CECrks Sandra Mills Jpllet Enyd William Wiilu Kathleen Klue 6. Quaff [ird electors 1N<ss~g3lnR 4ualificelione cntnling Lhem In yore said spvcluS elCClion and whnye a d0 nnL appear in 4hC Ofliclal Registration I.IH, and elecwrs who hev0 changed Lhcir addresses, m Y re Rlstcr or changu Ihuir address nl LhC ffi Ce Pf Lhe Vail Tnwn Clerk Or LhC Ulficc n4 Ow F-uglu Counlr, Cnlelada, County L'lurk eL nav time tlurin6 regular business hours O[ those offscss on nr Uefore Nriday, August 24, 1673, in accoedance with the Chmtcr and the Colorado Municipal Election Cnde of 1965, As mnended. Quallfiud rcYlstered e]cc[nrs ~a- IINetl tP vole at said clecbOn who mfcl requiremunt[ o[ Lhe Caarler Of the Town of Vai] enJ Iho Colorado Municipal Flen[ion Code of 19Gh, as ended, who aye voting by absentee ballot, may obtain information, apply !or and rl CCive aq absentee ballot hom the Town Clerk at any time during regular bvrine65 boors a[ the Town Clerk's Office en a[ before F'riJay, Ile 23 at day at September, 1979, by following the procedures required by lhR Charter and sold Electlnn Cndc. T. Ballots i« UC usetl In voting soon the questions In he bubmilled aL said special m nzcipal elcctlPn shall he Drepared and [urnlshed by the 'town Clerk to Iho JudCVS of ElecNOn, la be LY tdcm furnished b the qualified rexrstered eleC[o Ya, which hailola shall lx In subs[aa[rellY Lhc following form'. Cpptipued -Page 49 Ct~lOtiddO has only one good vacation season. (wi Mersprin6summerfailJ n -~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 31 WHEREAS, the citizens For the Town of Vail in 1971 voted in favor of the creation of a special capital improvements Fund to be supported by a sales tax revenue for the acquisition of open space ter- ritory and various public improvements to be constructed thereon; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has provided for the creation of bicycle and pedestrian paths throughout the Town of Vail as the first major undertaking of the capital improvements program endorsed by the citizens of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Town Manager and Town Council have on the tenth day of August, 1973, officially dedicated the bicycle and p~destri an paths within the Tawn of Vail; and WHEREAS, in commemoration of the event of the creation of a bicycle and pedestrian system and to further the public use of such a system, the Town Council has determined that the week of August 11 through August 17, 1973, be decreed to be "Peddle and Walk Week:" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO LVED BY THE TOWN COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF VAI L that in official recognition and commemoration of bicycle and pedestrian paths within the Town of Vaii the week of August 11 through August 17, 1973, be officially designated as "Peddle and Walk Week." Dated this tenth day of August, 1973. TOWN COUNCI L TOWN OF VA I L ATTEST; By , Mayor ~~~ Town Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 32 WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance for the Town oFVail has been duly adopted by the Town Council and said ordinance was made effective, in accordance with the Home Rule Charter, on the 15th day of August, 1973; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance provides for the assessment of fees For design review, conditional use permits, amendments and variances which were not otherwise speciFically incorporated in said Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Town Council far the Town of Vail is vested with the authority and responsibility for establishing the appropriate fees to be charged in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL that the following fees shalt be adopted in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance For the Town of Vail: Section 15.70q Design Review Fee . The Design Review Fee shall be based upon the project valua- tion as Follows: Valuation Fee Under $25,000 $ 25.00 $25,000--$100,000 50.00 $100,000-$500,000 100.00 $500,000 - $1,000,000 150.00 $1,000,000 and aver 200.00 Any charge made by an outside consultant shall be borne by the developer or property owner in addition to the above charge. Section 18.300 Conditional Use Permit Fee. $50.00 to cover the cost of publication, etc. Section 19.300 Variance Fee. $100.00 to cover hearing costs and cost of legal publication. Section 21 .502 Amendment Fee. $100.00 to cover cost of publication and hearings . DATED this Fourth day of September, 1973 , ATTEST: ~~~ Town Clerk TOWN OF VAIL ~y CCc_ ~ ~'' Mayor .. . • The foregoing Resolution No. 32 was duty adopted at a regular Town Council meeting an September 4, 197 . _ ~~~ Town Clerk 4' ~ . RESOLUTION NO. 33 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission for the County of Eagle and lts professional consultants have promulgated a Master Plan for guiding future land use and development in Eagle County; and WHEREAS, the Tawn Council for the Town of Vail has reviewed the proposed Master Plan and finds that the adoption of such a plan will benefit both the Town of Vail and the entire Eagle County area; and WHEREAS, the Town Council further finds that it is essential to immediately approve and adapt such a Master Plan to regulate in an orderly manner the further development of portions of Eagle County; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF VRIL that said Town Council recommends and endorses the immediate adoption 6y the Board of County Commissioners for the County of Eagle the proposed 'Master Plan For Guiding Future Land Use and Development in Eagle County', and that all means be employed to implement said Master Plan for the further and continued development of land within Eagle County. DATED -hh i s second day of Octok~e r, 1973 , TOWN 4F VAIL B ~, `~.. ~ j f Mayor ~, ATTEST: cr Town Clerk • y v ~i'" '• RESOLUTION NO. 34 WHEREAS, the electors of the Town of Vail at a special municipal election held on the 25th day of September, 1973, duly approved the acquisition of certain real property within the Town of Vail and approved the expenditure of $3,000,000.00 For said acquisition; and WHEREAS, the general obligation bands of the Town of Vai[ are presently in the process of being underwritten and sold, and the proceeds of said sale should be available on or about November 15, 1973, and in anticipation of said sale of the subject bonds the Town Council has deter- mined that money should be borrowed from a banking institution to meet obligations of the Town; novl~, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the Town Council, a quorum being present, at a regular meeting held in the Town of Vail on Tuesday, November 6, 1973, upon a motion duly made and seconded, voted unanimously to approve the borrowing of $3,000,000.00 from the First National Bank of Denver, a national banking association, for a period not to exceed 90 days at a rate of interest not to exceed 6 1/2 percent per annum, It is further resolved that the proceeds of said borrowing will be applied to the acquisition of real estate in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 6 (Series of 1973) and that the indebtedness shall be discharged and repaid prior to maturity by the proceeds of the sale of general obligation bonds of the Town aF Vail, the same being authorized at a special municipal election held on September ~5, 1973. It is further resolved that the Honorable John A. Dobson, Mayor for the Tawn aF Vail, and Terrell J. Minger, Town Manager, are hereby authorized in the name of the Town of Vail, to execute promissory notes and any other document evidencing or creating an indebtedness against the Town of Vail and its general funds and to further draw, endorse, sign, and deliver in the name of the Town of Vail any necessary or appropriate instruments verifying or substantiating the debt herein authorized. Dated this sixth day of November, 1973. ATTEST: -, Town Clerk r,. ~, • . TOWN OF VAIL B ` Ff ~~~ _ ~~~ ~ Mayor ,~ r ~'` ~ ., '~ i _ ,r..Y.~~---r,-.__._. m.r_~....._. .. .. .._.,_+'.`u 1 _'~r_ m Lr j 1 J~C` y~ ~p~ m•~••'m aw-•- cmenm mcTrnm crow- ao•. a m m m~-~aMm ~+ Cs 'Q 1I~m b ~C o a t.. ~ 1 ~ a a ~.' 4 K L M ~ ~' Q~ C Z {,I p ~ G r 0 ~' L' ~ ~ m rn J.1 ~ L ~ W ~ y' p ~ Q. n N ~ L ~ I r C C h ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ A G ~ g x~ ~ ~Y~ ~ ! fY'.. ~a ~~c o °m. ,. Hy3c._,, 3b n,~ aY a« r'~Ge,.i~r1 a+ ~pou'-~pw a ~ a3iA r~, - L4', {, ~ rd i+ m OpYw O C. 6f ~.rm '~ ~C a.w9 ~.uW '~uyN,c ~.~ '70~'~= O ~ a~ A 5 UT yy ! A 9tia C rr C r+•id=w '~ ~ ~'CI a. N ~.._ _~ O f a+" }i !. b O C C L 01 O C C r Z ro~ C Z IL °;a p_m„. ._;~ cT '~ ~~y cO~m~eZt~c•-m~.''o~raaa ~°1a'~s ~'. t~}' m~~, c p ~ •~ ~ 841_ '~ 'axE,,,,=A,roa:.m°~r ~~,-•~goo.u.oCC'3 am¢~ ~EN«ova«,~m ~3A~~~ p Zc 'ro o_ y~,' L-"','o ..~~._"cty~ ou.~,_m~~'';;;, Ze~ua 'm~a~'~ woE+~ nnsc a T 3s > p rd e ~, a, 'e r d a o ,_ m ._ m a m $ m Y1 ~ p p Z ~i'~~~~'~ a c~~q;8o~~v,,..~„ccyETRgmro~~°~~i~~~puec~n~,'~ ma~'r~~~~n~.yTa«° F-~ m w~l ~C• 7~[ +Z+C -1 ~" ~C C ~~r i7 ~~OQ N C E~ y 7+ L Z d d~p ~9i rn;d ~~ a6~.COdy,~V tl9~ ipp~ ...G°,V Ca+b m,O ~.. 6 ~>NCm ~ C m (A ~ «M O_ m`~v c o o._AEm«p dZ ~ +.~m rt1y.•..q r ro m~,. ~~,'0C'- ~m ~ n m ~ m avcu w a: m~ ~,+.o Av1 w~m'r~v R c ~- "«cmuo ° ~F~~'-m:~,,;;o~:: acTOmmw7pma~am•~~~~r-> C. 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T ~~;. ~t~'-rp «o° 'iY •°~m~,~ E~do~,~„Y'Srw~o,~a~ a~ sm '~°roi~ ~y°ocR~•- ~ m « /~ w a ,gew c~a o W ap. +.oCw~m~~.C p«10nR e~~c L b•->>~~+t x n Iiifti ~ "er o W ~ aoc;_ ~n$.."> o bt ~w oa c"~'LC,~°->m'^.. ~ c ~ !L « o w o aA ~a~~~Es ~ ,ac~mw c mo'° oc xara c ~, - rn ~$ &O ..Co ~O Tyw b L C+~_1pa7 ~ x,_O p~~_ •C _DC~73jL`asL OO^>•_th M a W t c ~'°op ~N o"'co o ~ O•~ w c 2 ~~' ad av~ we .E ~traoo°o,d« ...~h e3!~~ety mo aoo° a a +. ~, b ~o~~ura°a3c~aaao•~n"?~."-'3a;~°ce°o~•~m°E~my~~~mo°NO~`~aF'"r~~o~c°~~ amn 1-~" ~~ F-m~nm~3m~m ~°nan~O1ou~cF U~~n~°Mmwxoc°Q:°o"~aEaa.c•~N~~~~jm~f'.p~coN-o~•y~i w~c 3E 7 ~~vWN RsNa gnmaNiQO NON.L-mw~2 ~~mO~ O.L.+..~-'en J-ro~~ .q ~z0 nO Q~F Z J 61 O ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 67 ~ Ct ~ o" ~ .C ~ O ..w~' ~ 3 ~ ~ ~y m' `~ c~V Cz7 ~ r~i ~, 01 w sue. ~ ~ •" .~ .y 1w .,..~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ A o ;c Z ~ •a ~ ny o ua ~ av v' ~ ~ :o c~ ~ ~° a' y O ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ •~ cd .D p ~ '1 W y 'O ~ "" ~s ~ ~ o a a w cy~`~~.~ ~.0~ O~~~ a ~ 0 C!) U ~-f~ a U a E3 ~~ ~ ~ ~ F ao, v o LL Z ,~ cn rn ~ '~ ~ °~ ~~ 4 RESOLUTION NO. S5 RF.'SOLUTION SETTING FORTH GUIDELINES AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY BY TOWN OF VAT L EMPLOYEES AND ' f HE COMMUNITY AT LARGE. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail recognizes the impending energy problem facing the nation and the Town =, of Vail; WHEREAS, the Town Council ddems it appropriate to establish some interim guidelines for Town properties and employees in an effort to can~erve energy; WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail would also like to solicit support from the entire community in an effort to lessen the impact of the crisis on the Town of Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Tawn Council pf the Town of Vai L that: A . Policies Regarding Heating, Lighting and Use of Electricity Used by the Town of Vait 1. All lights on the premises, except for those needed For emergency purposes, shall be turned oFF when the space is not in use . 2 . Maximum temperatures i n a [ l buildings owned or ape rated by the Town of Vail shall not exceed 66° F. 3. The maximum laenefit of natural light and ventilation shall be utilized whenever possible . 4. Public meetings shad be encouraged to be held during daylight haurs~whenever possible. 5. Maintenance aF Town Facilities shall be completed during daylight hours whenever possible, 6. Blinds shall be closed at night in order to help retain heat. B . Policies Regarding Motor Vehicles Used by the Tawn of Vail . 1. Except Far emergency ar 'authorized' vehicles, no trips will be made for destinations within l/2 mile of the paint of origin. 2, No vehicles (except for emergency or authorized vehicles) shall be used for trips where alternative methods of transpor-- tatian are available. 3. Vehicles shall be warmed up For 'the shortest time possible and no vehicle shall be left 'idling' while the driver and/or passengers are otherwise occupied, ~J ry 4. No Town of Vail vehicle shall be used For non-business pur- poses (including transportation Fram home to work) unless authorized by the Town Manager. 5. Maximum fuel utilization shall foe encouraged in the use of the economy cars owned by the Tawn of Val[ Far business trips . 6. Car pants, whenever possible, shall be encouraged For all Tawn emplayees.and the general public. C. Guidelines For the Community In General 1. As many of the above guidelines as feasible should be adhered to by the general public. 2. Additional recommended energy conserving measures for the community at large: a. Maximum utilization of public transpartation . b, Shopping with concise planning eFfarts in an attempt to reduce unnecessary~ane-item trips. c. Christmas and Qther commercial displays (including lighted signs) shall be designed Far minimum energy consumption. The use of indoor ar outdoor Christmas lighting shall be discouraged. d. All commercial operations should evaluate the need aF indoor and outdoor lighting and adjust existing systems far minimum energy consumption. e . All lodges, condominiums and private residences shoutd close outdoor heated swimming pools during the winner season. PASSED, APPRC}VE©, AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 1973. ATTEST : ~6~ Town Clerk ~i~,,,r. ' May r _- m v~ ~. b o ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b c]~s R ~ c ~. ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ c y ~ ~ w. f°~°7to~oa.o.~ cn ~ y ~ ro , ,oy O O ~ ~ 'yQ ~ C O ~~ ~r/~p'~~+,0 ~ rr !O ~ pp,, O ~ ~ ~ ~ O R Fir' ~ ` - ~" ~ e"'o "~ _ ~'. R ~ ee ~'. C f! .~ °~ n C c a. w ~ ro a. ~ ~ ~ as ~ ^, O ~ ~ O' " ~ ~ "` ~ Yo co K ~ L~' CrJ Z ~,,, ~,,, y O O ~. ~ O ro m~ • m G. p r] ~' ~, ,r m ~ IV" ~ ~ f~ t~0 ~ ~ Ay •~e Aj 'C ~ t~C ~ .Z~' ?' I ~' «.~ ~' this `~~ `O~' ~. O Q' "~• ~ ~ '~' ~, ~ ~ O~ n w~ "~" ~ O ~ y m m C. R 0 jy 1~ "~]' R V+ C R y 0 "` C. '3 O '° ~ .tee m O O' '~ ~-'+ c~ y ~~ ~ I~ M 'a a y ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ a w ~c c Q~ E ~, g p, ~ a ~ y ~ ~ .,, s~ ~ ~ m 0 ~ ~ ~ n• ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ 'o ~ M ~ ~ a ~i O ~ ~ ~ p ~~G R-'Tr'O `~° O ~ ~' f d ~~ a c , r i~ N - Y -,~ m m 9 7~ Q~ m rr~ii w:~ ~~p '3 O C ° m n ~x~ ~ 7~ m t" f.;n O Qp~a'Gn3 mrt~p'NR e d t'~:~ p~~ ~ n n ro_ ~ ~..a.°. 3 a ~ nc o~~ m.. ~a-I ~,~ °mm Q~ nAN °n m' ~ V Xy• r 3 b V rt fY S m w ~ i O 7 m ~~ s~ nZ p ~O G .°c ~ _D ~ 3r' S ~y Z y y ~ Q 0 ~ ~ n ~ r ~ o ~7 ~ ~ O `rvtir ,, ~.~ ~ i .a% ~i' ~~.-~;, o N~.. d a o o ~ n,o 3~W ~v,.o ~s ~0`Ci~+~r ~: 3. a +, ~-.. + ~r t .' 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