HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-26 Recorded Copy with Deed�t s . Cb M � , � : �4�7�02 �`• ` ` 8°�` � ��� �.. -^ '�`"�`.R,1 i PAb'E ';� , ' � NNETTE PHIti.��S ��� � �4 � { ' . FtES4LUTION -rr26 ��l.g C'�Y. R�CORD�R E�� ��- l`��:' (Series of ,�:982) � 75 s: frc;.���e roacE �.AM � 4.;13 �y `�� "vail, coScrado &1657 � R�SOLUTION' OF THE TOWN COUNCIL � �� office csf lown cierk �;CCEPTING A GIFT �F A CERTAIN PARGEL ��,'` � O�' PRf1PERTY �'ROM PUEBL� ABSOCIATES, LTD, � A COLORADO LIlti9ITED PARTN�RSHIP; DIRECTING � - THE TOiYi� r1A1�AGER TO EI�T�R INTO.OFi ACCEPT AnY DEEDS OR I.�vSTRl�1+9EI�TS NECESSARY FOR `' THE-C�RiPLETIOi� QF THiS TRAi�SACTION; AND PR��'7D�A�G DETAi�,S IN RELATION TH�RETO. .�ti'H�REAS, Pueblo Assncaaies; `L�d, has: o��ered ta make' a: gift o.f cexta�.r� property. t� the ::To�vn o� Vazl, :more particularly ,' 'descrabed as follows: . Trac�: A, `"Th� Valley-P�iase V, :,according ,to the � r�corc�ed pIa't. thexeof ; Cbunty of Eagle, �tate of Gol:orado;. 11'HERLAS, the Town-'Counci7. is o€ ihe'opinion �hat the �ift - should be accepted- �or' the fiea�"�ti, safet�r' and ;:weZfare of the peop7:e. and the irrhab�tants .o� the Town af; Vai1; . NO�Y, ' THEREFORE', BE IT :RESOI.i�T�D BY THE TOWN COUNCI:L OF THE ,: T011tN'.;0�' VATL,`'C�LORADO, THAT: � 1. Th�- proposal by Pueblo Associates, Ltd. `to makc; a;'g�.it: � 'to the Town oi.Vail;of sa�:d property be hExeby ae.cepted. 2. T�ie Town A9ariager is direc�ed arid au�hora:zed .:to execuie and accept on l�ehalf of the Town any-::deed� or ans.trurr,ents necessary ;: to comp3.ete this transaction. , -." ; . , ��TRODI3CED,- �EAD Ai�'D .ADOPTED ThIS 17th day of . December;;. ' � `Y9$2. � . � � .,�.� �?adnic��-�ifer. 1Sa �br _ �.. Y , 5 ATT£ST: ' > .. .. . . . � ' . . . ' _ 3... �'.� � .. . .. � - . � .. �. .._ . � .���v • . .��, � � .-' ' ��� ;.�. - � . . . ;Col een 3{lin , Tou•n C1�rk �� �_ t�.� . , i.� �. �.. „ � � .� .i 1�-. . � Recep�Scrn �n. ._.._,.,.__. -_. _ . .�.�.------.._ , �_:�..�.._W.__...._.._ : ___ Recorder _._ _.. _. -- __ ___, ....__ ... - - _ . _ _: , . _. ...__.� __. ..___ . ......: _ .._ _._ . ..._. ,. .. _.._ �1LI\GSTA�TP 3t � �{ � THrsLllF�n, �tade Lliis 7.C+'t�1 day c�f DBC�iYlbB�; ;_ . � � j; �� ��g2.hez«��nn piJ�BLO ASSOGiAT�S L�D. ; a CQlorado �: ' � '1.imited paxtnership ; ;_ ar'the � Cuunty of �r:�'.f�e�SOI] and SLate of ' :i � � � � �s; ;���c`otor�t�o.of�ihefirstpart.''and 'TOWN��OF VA�IL, 2:���� ���`,� Coloradn municipa� corporation �; � _ - , � �: : �riinsele�ataddressis 75 South F�o�tage Road, , Vail, �O�.OrSC�O $�.��7 ut'tlie . Cotii�ty of L'�����` and Sta�e of Colorado; of the second p�irt: 41'ITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, t'or ancl in consideration of th� sum of TEN DdZLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION ----�e�r�s;,, tu the said partti of ti�e first pari in hand paid b5• Ehe said party of the second part, the receipt whereoF is here.b� � `: ronfe��ed and ackno�cledged, has granted, bar�ai�ied, said and conveyed, and br these presents does grant; bargain; ; sell. convE:< <k�td conE'irm, unto the said p:�rty of tNe secnnd part, his }ieirs and assi�ns forever, ali the fallowing ; �i��cerit�edlot orparcel ofland;'situate,lyingandbeinginLhe c'ciunt� of �'+,a�],@ anci Siaie of Colarado, to-wit: Tract A, . THE VALLEY-pHASE V, : according to the recorded p1:at the�eof, Coun�y of Eag�e, State of Golorado. :; � � -�i3sAi-.�w�as�tr��+t�»ii.n�aa��er TOGFTHER �vit.h all an�i sin�ular the i�e3•editanients ani3 appurten:�nces thereto �eloa��ing, or iis anvwise apj�er- : tai�iin�, arid the reversion and re��e�•sions, remainder anci reniainilers, rey�tis, issues and profits thcreof; and aIl the ; ; estate, righL, tit.le; intereat, claim �nd dernund «13aLsoever of the,aid party oS' the first part, eithe.r in la�v or equitv, o£, i i�i and to t4ie �above bar�nined premises, with the hereditaments mrid appurienanc:es. T() }iAVE :1tiS) TO li()i,D the sai<i }�remises above t�argaiiied arrd descriheil, withthe ap�iurtenancec, unto the said ` j party uf the secnnci part, )zis heirs ancl assiK«s fore�e�•: And the said party of tl�e first part, for ltimself, his heirs ; execi:tors. �r�d arinzinist� ar,ors, does coaenant, �rant,bargain, and aq�'ee to and with the said partl' of th'e second part ;}lis �;Eii•; ancl as5i�ns, that at tlzc lime of the ensealin� and.delivery of thesr• pr�sents, he is well sei�eii o£the premises , abo�•<= co�zve4ed, as c>f �ood, sure, perfect; f�bsoluie and in[iefcasibte estate of inheritunce, in law, in fee simple, and lias ` g�od ri�,fhL, fu11 power and iawful autiiarit,y ta grant, bargain: sell and canvev the same in rnanner anii form as sfot•es.ei<i, and Lhat the ssitt�e ��re €ree an<i clear fronr a14 fo3•nier and othet� grants; bargains, salt:s, liens, tAxes � assessnaent5 and er.cumbeanees of �vhaLever kind or nature soever� '�XCePt ��112r8�. �OpPSS�j� �$ �Oi 1983, payable 3anua�y l, 1984, subsequent year's taxes and the follaair� mat�ers of record: U.S. Pa�Gent Reservatians, P1.a�ned Uni� Develop�meitt P].ar�s, . ' Eagle:Caunty:Caa�missioness' Reso�utions, restricCi.ans, rese�vatia�s, ease.�nen�s, righ�s of way a�d pro�eetive cavenan.ts, ani3 the abo��eci hargained prentises in.the c�uiet tind p�aeesible.poscession of the sai<i �rarty of tRc= secottd part, hiti � `}l�i�-s :int� assi�ns a�;aitist ail anci evfn•p� pei•son os• �sersnns iawFully cllimi�i� o�• Cu claim Che �rhoie or ars)' pat't thereof Lhe said p.�rt�- of thc� first ��ac•t shall and will '4i'A�iftA\'T Ai�T? T�QR�:VrR �E�'EN�. The sin�iilar nnmber shal) � inclu�ic� the �5li�a ��, t�ie plural Che sin�ukar. ancl tkic t�se of anv ge�3der s92a11 be ap�rEicaoEe to all�gettdeTS. �. I� ;)1:#'P\E SS �l`HF.H�;()�. the Saiii ps�•t�� nf the first pa�•t fias herE>untt� �et iiis hand and saal the day anci year first a���i iaritt�n pt�EBIA ASSOCT�i`TES 1,`T�3. , a �� Colorado limited pa�rtnersh�p � � , m ,- � BY: I�MP,R '�TE: , -a -� - � isEa�,� � ' , _ NfP�i�'dal'I'- "' �Y � -- =;-_ ____�._--- _._. _,.....__..�.. �eX3.S CA2}�C13Cat1UT1, 1.�5 _.. a $, � EA �_. .... „__ _ . _ - N�aF�a. 3I1g_C+�xer2�7:- �'�z'L�eI'__ __ I , . .. � s �1 _. %; �, . BY.�� ..�. ._._ _ f�� .. _ - - - _ -- � � �.) r � Ci�!�►. . _ _ _ � < '-- .� . ?_�� _ . __ . ........... .. ... _... _ ___ ; ,:; Rohert H. Andrews, Vice Presiden S'i'ATF'.Oi� COI.ORA�O� � � �� �s:� � � � � c�«„e.� �r Eagle �:� � , � Th�t`ote�*oi�arinstru3tze=�tv:a<:�ci�no�cled�;ec]bcforcrnccl�is ].�t�l <3uti�of D8C@itl�@r ��3 g2,>>•� Robe�� H. t�cirews, as V�ce.P�esident o� I.amar Mana$en�C Inc., a Texas „ c:orporation, as Managing Genera� Pari�er of Pueb�.o Associates.Ltc�., a Colorado �j�- <,<�m ission c��pire' �--� �� , 19 �] .�Vit ss my h:tnd atid officiai se�l �zin��Ce� partners�.p. �' ° �' � _ __ � _ �� �.�: �� _ . __ - �_�: ._�._�__ � --- p -::�.�-��. r�h�,� � � � � S.._�l`�N_�A�.� _.::._..._' � , . - ,. _ _.. , Q,Q _, _ , _ ' _ \u.932A. �:1RR�ttiTS i3F,£U.---}��r PL•,t��t.e.�ph�rR�r��rd — F3ra8to�dPdblisAing.St?25W 6thAve..La wb .0 Zi.Y6900-1b81 �; �fAIL CO 8:165�