HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 1 Block 1 Lot 6 (2) SEQUENCE OF GONTROL Cs�NERaL NOTES I. SNOWMELT CONTROLLER I. IT IS THE INTENT OF TNESE DRAWINCs� ANp SPEGIFIGATIONS TO � UfiaN�4GE SGHEDULE � �D �/16/98 - GONSTRUGTION A TEKI"1AR 661 CONTROLLER WILL UtILIZE FEEDBACK FRCM A ?EKMAR ESTABLISN A STANDARD OF 4UALItY. TNE ENCsINEER RE3ERvE3 `��,� . � m90 3NOU1/IGE DETECTOR TO GONTROL TNE NEAT APPLIED TO THE ?NE RIGNT TO tAKE EXCEPTIONS ?0 APPROvE METNOD9 AND g�, � g,�, i� ,e,�T p�r�ur G� E.s.P. FueL M�ACTV�z �r+aie�cs SNOIU�1ELT 51'STEM B7 ENABLINCs B- I �tJOl1�1ELT BOILER, P- I BOiLER MATERIALS NOT REFLECTED NEREIN. �� �� (iN� t MoneL PUMP9, P-2 SNOIU"IELT PUh1F' LWD P-3 INJECTION Pl.k'1P AS �G�UI�D WHEN MOISTURE IS DETECTED AND OUT5IDE AIR 2. EXAMMATION OF BIpDfNC� DOGIrwEWT'3 �,4g _ NAT. LENNOX �� ROO� TgRMMATION TEI�PERATUiZE 19 BELOtU 38' F IADJ.). CONTROLLER 3NALL BE � " � FIRED �0 32 840 m-3 GA5 G�R26Q2 /3 - 50 KiT. °5 vn. BLOWHR MOTOR CAPABLE OF LIMiTfNCs SUPPL7 UJATER TEi'1�ERATURE TO THE SLAB A. EXAMINE TNE BIDDING DOCUMENT9 CAf�EFULLY, NOT LAl'E.R CAF4121ER OFF RNEEM EQUIV. AT 120' F CADJJ AND MAINTdININCs A MINIMI.�'1 140' F IApJJ BOILER THAN SEvEN DAYB PRIOR TO THE DATE OF REGEtPT OF BIpS. �TURN TEMP�RATURE, UIRI?TEN REQUEST FOR INTERF'RfTATI0N8 OR COF2RfCTI0N8 OF AN1' PERCEIVED DtSGREPANGIES, AMBIGUITIEb, 2. B- I SNOU�'1ELT BOILER INGON319TENCIES, OR ERROR9 P19COVERED SNALL BE � B- I SNOUd1ELT BOILER AND P- I BOILER PUMPS TO MAINTAIN 3UBMITTED TO TNE ARGNITECT. ANY INTERPRETATION OR 180'F IADJ.I BOILER SUPPLY WATER TEMPERATURE DURfNCs GORREGTION WILL 6E 155UEp AS AN ADDENDUPI Bl' TNE O I 3NOW'1ELT�NG OPERATION. ARCNiTECT. ONL7 A WRITTEN INTERPRETATION OR CORRECTION 61' ADDENDUPI SHALL 6E BINqING. NO BfDDER � 3. P- I BOILER PUf1P 3NALL REL7 UPON INTERF'R�TATIONS OR CORF�CTION9 � 3EE PARAGRAPN 1 ABOvE. GIvEN 8T AN7 OTHER METIdOD. IF DI9CREPMIGEB, � . AMBIGUITIE$, INCONSISTENCIES, oR e� a� r�oT BO I LER SGHEDULE Q • 4. P-2 °�NOU�IELT PUMP COVEf�D BT ADDENDl,q�1 OR WRITTEN D�RECTIVE, INCLUDE P-2 WILL OPERATE DURING SNOWP1ELTfNCs OPERATION. IN THE BID LA60R, MATERIaLS, ANp P'I€TNOpS OF Q CANSTRUCTION RE3ULTING M NICYI�IER GOST. AFTER AWARD SYM. T"r�E 9.L. INPUT ALT OUTPUT FIJEL MANU�AGTIIR�R REMARKS 5. P-3 INJEC710N PUMP OF GONTRACT, NO ALLOLL64NCE OR EXTR4 GOMPENSA?Il7N !►�+) !►�Bf+J t MODEL � i TI-IE 9PEED OF T{� PUMP SNALL BE vARIED Bl' TNE TEKMAR WILL BE MApE DUE TO FAILURE OF MAKING THE WRITTEN COPPER NAT. LOCNINvAR �v F�. T+�. 661 CANTROLLER TO MAINTAIN SNOWMELT 3UPPL1' tEMPERATURE RECaUE575 A3 DE9CRIBED A80VE. g - 1 1435 �'19 RAYPAK OR TELEDYNE LAARS � OF 12D' F ANp MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 140' F IApJ.I BDILER �TUFt�I TUBE ' CsAS CBN1435 -F9 �pUIVALENT. � 1'EP'IpERqTU�. 8. BE RESPONSIBLE F� IT5 PROMPT DELIvER1' Cf �6�1E5?. FAILURE TO 90 REQUE3t CLARIFIGATION OF ANY � f. 6. F- I FURdACE INADEQUAGT, 01"119SION, OR COI�LIGT WILL NOT IQELIEVE � UPON A GALL FOR HEA1 FR01'1 A NEATING ONLY, WALL -MOUNTED F�ESPON9181UTY OF DOINCs 50. TNE SKsNiNCs OF TNE � THERMOvTAT, FURNAGE FAN AND BU�IERS S+�IALL BE GYGLED CONTRACT WILL BE GON51pERED A5 IMPLIUTLl" DENOtiNG Z AGGORpING TO MANI�ACTUI'�R'S RECOMMfNDATI0N5 TO A TNOROUCsN GOMPRENEN510N OF TNE FULL INTENT ANl� � � MAIN?AIN l�OM TEP'If'ER.4TtJ� 3ETPOINT. IF NICst-I LIMIT 9GOPE OF TNE WORKINCs DRAIUINCs9 AND SPEGI�ICATIONS. � DISGNAR'sE TEMPERATl1� IS 3FNSED, FAN SNALL GONTMUE TO SIGNINCs OF TNE CONTRAGT INpIGATES ACsREEMENT TO ALL a OPERATE AND BURNER SFdALL °.�NJT OFF. OF TNE CONDITIqJ9 IN TNIS SPEGIFIGATION. O O l. C011BU9TION AIR I"10TORIZED LOUvER 3. WOI�C SNALL BE PEF�ORMED IN A WORlCMANLHC$ M�NNER r0 TNE PUMP SGHEDULE Q � � LOUVER 3HAI.L BE OPEN UAaEN B- I SNOU,MELT BOILER IS FiRING. 9ATI9FACTION OF TNE ARCNITECT. � � PROVIpE LIMIT SWITGN TO PROvE LOUVER IS OPEN BEFORE BOILER 5YM. DE°5GRIPTION bPM F�^D M11'1WATT EL�G . M!�DE�R REMARK°✓ Z � IS ENABLED. 4. 3UPf'OR1 PH'� Ul�TN ROD AND C1.EV19 OR CLAMP9. NO PIPE TAPE � ALLOUIED. O 5. 9TSTEMS 3N�4LL BE COMPLE?E, Of'�RABLE, AND l�ADY FOR LL i � T ort � P - I �1„�P R 3S l ' 1/'1 NP 115/I � 0�1� GIe�1DFOS Ec�uiv,ai-EN7. ' ` � GONTINUOUS OPERATION PRIDR TD AGCEPTANGE BY TNE QILNER Ir1 I LL R O D I N v m � _ 2 SNOUIMELT � 2 38' 2 �IP � 08/3o T'�� CONDITIDNS. BELL � CsOSSETT OR b. COORDINATE ARGHITEGTURAL, STRUCI'URAL, ELECTRICAL, PUMP 1641 GRUNDFOS EQUIV. ~ LAND9GAPING, AND INTERIOR DfSIGN DRAWINCsS PRIOR TO INJEGTION TAGO B L� + CsO88ETt OR � � INSTALLATION, P - 3 ��„�F, 21 6 ' I/I� NP If5/I � ���� GRUND�o9 EG2LIIvALENT. � l. OFF9E? PIPMCs A9 I�CE89ARY TO ACGO�'1MODA?E 31'RUCTURE, O BEAMS, GOLUhMS, AND EXIBTIAICs EQUIPhIEN7. ' 8. vER�Y ExACT LOCAtI0N3 OF Exi8TINCs AND NEW UNDEAiROWD � UTILITIES, PIPINCs, AND RAGEWA7 STSTEMS PRIOIQ TD TRENGHING. W GONTRAGTOR SNALL OBTAIN AND vERIFT EXACT UTILITI' CAMPANt' DRAWIN�sB AND REQUIREMENT9. W � 9. GaNTRAGTOR MUST CARERJLLI' VERIFI' ELECTRICAL 3ERvICE � vOLTLtCsE ANp �NA3E AYAILABLE. GRI LL , REG I ST� R � D I FFUSER SGHEDULE �- 10. PROVIDE EXPAN310N JOMTS OR LOOPS ON ALL FIEATING IUAtER PIf�ING RUNS IN EXGESS OF 50 FEET. 5^+'M. u!� LOGATIf�N FIN15H RGG . MAI�1F, � MQD@L REMARK9 �T TTRE il. FILL 9NOUf'1fLT St'STEP1 WITN 50'1� F'ROp7LENE CsL7COL/50qo Wp,TER gp�UT�p,� 3UPPL'�' AIR GOORD. _ _ TI ?U3 �v�p D BLAd MEGH,4NiGAL 0 FLOOR REGI �vT€t�i ���� W/ ARCH GT - 581 �`��� HA�r � GOOLEY GOvER 3NEET OR ANEM05TAT ECaUIv. ' 1� . PROVIDE 114" CsALVANIZED MESH SGI�EN ON ALL GOMBUS710N AIR RETURN AIR CODRD. TITUS �'Q�T t C�LEY OR �`N�. O CsRILLE ���� W/ AI2GN 23i�L � �EMOSTAT EQUIVALENt. 13. 3EAL ALL vAPOR BARR�ER PENE7RAT{ONS AT ALL EXTERIOR MOTOR OPERATED 31DE GO�RD. _ _ PENN �v�DE P R F�I O RETURN ELEGTRIG AGTUATOR. ��g, LOUV� R IUL�LL lU/ ARGH OFT R�}g1�IN OR GESGO EQU�vALENT. sr�r: 14. MOUNT ALL TNEFd"IOSTATS 5' -0" ABOVE fIN13NED FLOOR. 15. CONTRAGTOR TO GOORDINATE �XAGT LOGATION aF CsRILLEB AND RECsISTERS BEFORE INSTALLATION. Uo. IMP1EDIATEL7 NOTIFI' ?HE ENCsINEER OF ANY DI3C�PANCIE9, I'1. SEE DIVISION 15 MECNANIGAL SPECIFICATIONS DATEp 2/13�'98 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMAYION. Town o1 Vall Communit� Development °� '�'� "�'"' F�' FRITZLEN 1°°`°ve° c � � " P I E R C E Uomed !7 r � �: �aua�ty o� Permit B R I N E R Sec. 303 (c) 19 U . B .C . idsuance or granting of a permit or approvai of pians an � .� fcations shall not be construed to be a permit tor. o� a roval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this cotl ot any otner ortlmance of the jurisdication. The issuanc ,�rmit based upon plans, specifications and other dat sh • prevent the building otticiai irom thereatter requiring t � rectien of errore in &�itl pl�ns, specificatipnc and oth +.ts . UAi�� � - � ^ y� � R � �� � ��� S � � 1�-' � RADER EMGIMEERIMG , IMC. ,�����,;,.�,.�,.� 1 , � 33 R I V E R51 D� GOURT, SU I T E � � ����� �M� � 4��'�' � 1 _ N � P.O . BOX �80 �4VON, GO . 81620 � 0� �v � � �,�� S ��4 q'TO) 84g-'7q10 / �AX : (9�0I 845-�5�2 �� I I II i II I � ,�� ' � � � � �I I� �III �,I , I� II� I � IiI IIII i �wE �caw LINE OF CE) DEGit ASOV�. 1ii3�99 - GoN9TRUGTION fY" � TYPE 'D' VEN7 UP TFIRU F200R. EXTENpp vENT A MINfP'll.li'1 2 ' ABOV�S ADJACENt BUILDINCs / ROOF. / - / < ^ � lE ) WATER �N7RY. PF20VIp� $HEETROGiC ' � � I-iOlJ31NCs ARf)IR�ID PiPiNCs, MLTER VALvE9, CEl UNIT HEATER � � � � � ETG TO PF20TEGT FROM �REEZING. / � � ' „`? �^ / � � � � OPERASLE LOUvER WITN ELEGTRIG ' � / � � ACIUATOR � � � �] " 1 TYPE B' VENT � / � �, � DOILN. , . CE) WATER pIPE DOILN. ---- [ ) 2 " \r% �4 SEE SNOU,MELT BOILER �'� � PIPINCi SGHEHATlC A, M301, FOR � � � PIPfNG. w� f 5EL MEGFIANIGAl, 81Tg pLAN TNIS ` 8H�&T FOR GONTfNIlATION. � � SNpW"IELT MANI�D "3. +9 $El�V�°,i APPROXI("!A7ELY g C � . 1110 6QFT, AREA. � , 1�'I � CI-� � NIC � � (�001„( � 1� 00fi� �' L ,�N � � � '�s " = � ' - 0 " � GOMM�RGIAL BUILDING Sg� t�EGN�tICAL RooP1 FLOOR q„�, SNOUI'9ELT MLWIFOLD '1. SERVE3 P�Ar1, TNIB SNELT. FOR DE31GN � APPROXIMATELY I110 3QFT. IN TNIS AREA. a�a .,,... � I Y � , � � C.� � � � � . � .� > I � � (� thECNkANIGAL. � � ' Rb�1 � � � � � ' � � ,�... � � CsA9 NI�TER AND GAS PIPING �� � � TO PiETER SY Pl1E3L.IG 3ER1%IGE GOI"IPANY. MAIN?AIN GI.EAR.MICE �p�g�T MANiFOLD •4. � FROI'1 EL�CTRIGAL EQ111P1"!EN� A9 REQUIRED. 3ERVE8 APPROXIi'1ATELY . i110 3QFT. AREA. � 6NOUA'?ELt t�!ANIFOtD "�. SERvE6 APPROXIM,ATELY 460 SQFT. AREA. � � - LOCATE iN LANDSGAPE BOX, TYP. UN.O. S � . � ; � • SNOIU/ICH 3EN50R IN9T LL SHEET T11LE ' PER P1ANUFAGTUR�R�S MEGHANIGAL RECOrir��oAtla�3. SITE PLAN � - ME�HANIGAL ROdM FLOOR - PLAN «� utt�irr F.�Clo3uR� . ' (�) CsA9 METEt2 STAMR • � , TREETOPS I i � G _ _ �. — � RIT � LEN �' I � R � E �$ TR��TO� � B R f N E R � M � G t-� ,4N I G ,� �. � I �' � f� �. ,�N I " � t0' - 0" ARCHLTECTS _ �'� �-��``� ��ID�R �HGIN ��RING, I �lC. � �:�X ��:��' 133 RivER°�I �� COURT, �t1tT� w t.xi��w +ie..� u�w vs�s,� ` �� P.O. BOX l$.0 AVON. GO. 81�2fA 1910) $45 - Z910 / �Ax: ( 310J 84� - �5?2, , j � � � ��'� , �ssuE �coRu 4/t3/98 • Gf�19TRUGTICN - 6/IV96 - I� A51 I 2 3 4 � • � � � . � . . � , � ' � � . ' � � � � � "'"„' °� ; � . � . . �� . . . t .l . 21� t7P. ` 18x6 a � `� _ � f � � — v � � � , - U — � � + L1 � '' � � $„ 4 � — q� �: � �, �, I � - : i- 1- - ` � -T' 8" m --t + . � � �s X �4 _' _' - -- -- , t--}— — — — -- — — — — — — -- -� 3� " GA3 1� i1V� DQWN TO �/� �' � LOGATE IN GR.aWLSPAG�. ����. r + � NANG UN1T FROI'1 3TRUCTURE r � , • � UBiNG vIBRATiON 130LATION. � F^1 ACC�58 DOOR TO GRAU� 3PAGE . �„ G — — G — 2 " �XHAU9T PI (�� / � " 1NTAK� 2 �� EXNALtST PIPE / 2 " INTAKE �I 24 10 � PIPE f�Ol�l T4 FURN�IG�. �"�""' : . PiPE uP ?t�RU ROOF TO ROOF � Q �7 �!�*�! , T�RMINATION KIT. IN87ALL PER ! � ' " � _ � � MANUFA�TUR�R' S RECOMMENDATIONB. _ _ j�i " QA$ � IN� T� EE ) BUILDING � _ C�A3 3� RY(G�. . 7AP INTO ( � ) PIP� �..,r Q8 R�QUIRED. . . R.A. ' e24x14 sHEEt TITI.B : MEGNANIGAL ' I � €NTRY �LOOR . , Pl..0.td - � , st� NQTE3 : _. 1. .aLl. EQUIPMEN�', PIP1NGt AND C�l.IG7WC� _ ` ' 6t-lO1l�N D.ASN� I7 IS �.QG,ATED IN TN� - �RAUILBPAGE. 2. UJf�4P ALL R�1fD Dt�CT RUNOI,IY$ LOCAT�C7 IN GRAUJLBPAG� UJItN 1 " I1VFiiJLAfi10N. � � � RIT � LEN P � ERCE BREN � R � , I I � Ct`� � IV � C � � � N � I�•� � t,,. Q � l� i ' � � ► V � A R � H 1 T E C T S - � �-4 �� _ �� - ��� ' �`�� _ R�I��R �I'�GIK��� II�I�, IN�. � ��';�� ���.�' . � �, � n� � , fRM(lTQT 47�490t . U3� Vf-6347 l�3 Qfv�R��t�� GUtaRT; 51JIT� . M1 . �' P.O. t�U)( 7$0 aV4N; CO. $16?0 � � ( 970) 845 - �910 / pAX: ( 970,? $4� -.� 322 . . � � � � TO 5tvOW"IELT P'1AN11�(�LD. . 6SSU! REC�tD 3EE f"iECNAN(CAL 81T� PLAN 6t LOCATfON. bEH aGNEMATIG 1/i3i98 - GGN9�RUGtipN 8}-�EET M301 FOR NLWIFOLD �ALANGE T� �1 GPht, T'fp, UN.O. P PING SCHEMATIC, TYP. MANIPOLD MANIFOLD i'1AN�FOLD MANIFO�fl BA!l+NGE TO 6 CsPM. M "I '3 •4 6NOW/1GE 5EN°SOR "� I I'�a " 3" � Z " � 2 " � r - - - - - - - - - - - - -� � I �--- 5M8 - � � i r -- - - - _ - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - -� z �i� „ N07� S: 1 1��i " � ��� i. PROvIDE 130l,ATION YALVEQ� TEiGF!AR SNOUd"t�LTINCs �--- -� GONTROL 664. SMR UNION9. ET�. A9 REC�J�RE� FOR � PROPFR OPERATI�J AND � - � � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 i �i� " Z ��� ,� MAINT�h1ANGE. AIR SGOOP I ` _ p� � � WItN vENT � �-- - - - - - - - - - � - - - -�\ �. - - lip Q - � Z. pANSED t�iNE9 INp1CA?Q � 2 � CONTROL MTE�AGE. .�„� I � � � T�1'1PERATLIRE 3EN50R9 ! F!LL vAi.vE �-Il a\ � �? „ 3UPFLIEp WITN TEKi'!AR ���� CONTRC�I.ER 1'YP. �� LXPAN310N TAT;I< � Q �r1 �r � �j _ � Q to BE OiZED �Y GONtFt/#G7GR � � � d 1 � . I � �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --� 4" NOU3EKE�PINd f'AD �NOUJi°'1 � L �' �3Q1 �. � � �" IPINC� �G1-� � I�'1 ,4 �' IG � u� 3GA� E a � � M � CNANICaL L � C� � ! � N07� : ALL 3YMB01.8 °�NOIIAd ON � k. LECs�ND ARE NOT N�C�98AR!LY USED ------- �r.,ou��it n;�u�. ix9ra�4 � � PER M�+NIJFAGIURER'S � —�- �sATE vALVE --i , F— piPE UNION REGOMEND.9TION. LOtSP9 —��h-- CH�GIC VALv� - - - DOME9TIG GOlD lL'ATER BNALt BE L=GiU1vAtENT �� ' LENGTH9. � —�3-- BALL vALVE - - - - �OME9TIG NOT WAtEf2 ls 59z OF EAGN OTNERI ' �— PLUG OR �ALANGINCs vALvE - '40-- -- - DON'!EBTIC t-IOt WATER (W/ TEMP) gA�ANCiNCs VALvEB INTECsRAL � — �- GRGUIT 3ETTER VALVE - - - - - NOT WATER GIRGULATING TO MANIFOLD, TYP. � � DRAIN vALVE — Y — PLUMB4NG vENfi RIPE M�NI.�FACTURER'3 MANIFOI.C?. LOGATE � � — W — UlA9TE PIP� IN LAND°vC.APE 6QX. GOQ�INAT� —� 9tRAINER UJ/ BLOW-OFF vL►LvE — rip— M LOCATMON ILITN GENHRAL � > EPIUM PRES9UR@ CsA9 l4 P3Ks) CE�NTFtAC7OR TYP. � '_ — 9 — SANITARY °vEU1EIQ FIAB O —i"��4-- ?EF1PERAlURE GONTROL vALVE � 9t — 9?CRF1 DRAIN i91Pg SNUT-OFF vALvE3. � —iJCt— PRES3URH REDUGiNCs vALvE 4�� - gtr�� - 9TORf i DRA1N pvEF�t,OW PfPL � �-.� �;R -j TO SNOIU"1ELT MAIN9. � ?" 9AFLTY REi.fEF vALVE < —�_ AIR YENT `" '° — GOMFf2€56ED AIR PIPE * . � DOh?L9TIG WAT�R MAtN PIPL � �- �g � � Q �— PRE55URB -TEMPERATUI2E ?AP AUTOMATIC A{R VENT INTECzRAL "'� --{ 1 NOR�ZOC�ITAL CI:�ANOUT B M J T-O F F V A L V�, T`F P. � ` �►—� P R E 5 8. C d A t X.s H U J/ P K 3 T A t L t GOG i G ,� �RT!CAL GtEL�NOl1t �t�D D A? N(C s N PO I N t OF C� TNERMOMETER � FLOOR DRAIN � ` ?O THERM09tA7 SN � U,�i°'1 � �. �' M ,4NI � O �. I� 1=' iPINI� S � N �.i„1 �, �' l � Q 1-IUMiD19TAT � ��I�"�EMt ROOP1 DRAIN e POINT OF NEU! GOT�WECTION NO SCALE � � F9 FLOW 9U11TCN Q SMOKff D�F�ER \�J � � PIRL DAMF'Et2 N + a w � 1-IQS� BIBB / WALL NYDRANT �XNAU3T FqN Qt�! �OQF '*""' O WIYN UUGT Tt-1(dJ ROOF� ' � _ �jr�M 3laPF'LY RIFFIJ$�R! ARROW3 � BEGTf�I THRU SUFpIY A�R DUGT � , •"U �j,�O INDIGATE DIR�CtIOId OF FLOU1 1 � 3Ef,�T(_ON TNRU OUT$ID� AiR F3�0 POOR GRILL INtai« R�1UF�1 .4,1(2 OR EXHAU97 pUGT 1L;f�lING� VAN�B �NOUN R@TU.1�1 AIR CR EXNAU9T �� T� cR, MEGH?�NIGAL M 90 D�GREH ELf30tU 91� AIR REG18tER DI�IGRAM SHE�T " _ 3U6'PLT R�GI9TER a�+ 31►�$ P�I.AU� D<�1PI�R (9-B.Da b�n hp1Op�T4R�Z�D�DqAI"IPER IM.O.p.! � DAF^F�� O.H O� � ER l AJ DUGt 3fZE9 AR� OlJT81p E 31aEET STAMPc � MHTAL UiP1EN°�(ON9 FIR9T NO. (d PO(NT OF DISGOMJEGTiON 19 SiZE OF 3URFAG� g�. � BLGOND NO. 13 DUCT DEPTN � —� IiJALL CAP Q MOTOR ACTUA70R CE) EXISTING Q AQUABTAT � � FRIT � LEN PI � RCE . BRtNER ` \ �b ARCHITECTS �;`�i , ,�� ` R�►D �R ENGI ��NI �, IN�- � �:�' ������ � SUIT� +N r.�t��� v���a ��m► ve-�3�: \� 133 RIvER31tD� eOURT, � P.O. BOX l80 AvON, GO. 81ro20 l9'T0) 845 - "13!0 / F�A>C: 1970) 845 - 1321 � � � I DIVISION 15 MECIIANICAL � / Copyright 1998 - Rader Engineering, Inc. � � r� i SECTION 15010--GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 � PART 1 00—GENERAL � l� v`����� °�o�m �f V�il 1 .01 SCOPE OF WORK �`-• j'd��� �'', �~'' �'-t� /� (r=,1q r , ,u Ii ��r, �& Work shall consist of furnishing all labor and materials necessary for the installation of complete and operatine mechanical systems. 1 .02 E,YAMINATION OF PREMISES Visit the premises before submitting bid as no extras will be allowed for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. 1 .03 CODES AND STANDARDS ;Comply with all applicable codes, laws, industry standards and utility company regulations. 1 .04 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES Pay for all permits, fees, licenses and inspections for this Division. Do not include the cost of the Gas Application Fee chazged by the Utility Company. 1 .05 SHOP DRAWINGS Equipment specified by name and model number does not require shop drawings. Submit shop drawings onlv on all substituted equipment and for Temperature Controls. 1 .06 DRAWINGS Mechanical drawines are diagrammatic in nature and are not intended to be scaled for dimensions. Install the systems complete in the space provided without extra charees to the Owner. 1 .07 SUBSTITUTIONS AND APPROV.ALS A. Some materials are specified by manufacturer's name. Materials of equivalent quality may be used if accepted by the Engineer. B . Bidder's Choice: Matetials or equipment listed by several manufacturer's names are intended to be bidder's choice, and any of the listed manufacturers may be bid without soliciting prior approval. 02/13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt I �O10 - 1 C . Performance Specification: When any item is specified by requirement to meet a performance, indush-y or re�ulatine body standard or is specified by a generic spec, (no manufacturers name listed) no pnor approval by the Consulting Mechanica] Eneineer is needed unless specifically called for in these specifications. D . Contractor to be responsible for any changes and costs to accommodate any equipment except the first named in the specification. E. Substitutions for Materia] Equipment and materials not listed as equivalents may be proposed as deductive altemates to specified items by submitting it as a sepazate line item to the base bid on the Bidder's letterhead. Such alternate proposals shall not be substituted for the base bid and must be accompanied by full descriptive data on the proposed equipment, toeether with a statement of the cost to be deducted for each item. If any such alternates are considered, the Contractor shall submit a list of the proposed alternate substitution items within 14 days of award of contract. The reque'st for proposed substitutions shall not be accepted by the Engineer due to scheduling or delivery concems. 1 .08 FOUNDATIONS AND SUPPORTS Fumish and instal] all foundations, bases, hangers, anchors, �uides and supports for mechanical equipment, piping and ducts. 1 .09 INSTALLATION AND ARRANGEMENT Install all work to permit removal of coils, shafrs and wheels, filters, and all other parts which mieht require periodic replacement of maintenance. 1 . 10 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY Be responsible for the protection of existine facilities whether or not such facility is to be removed or relocated. Move or remove any facility so as not to cause interruption of the work or Owner's operation. 1 .11 EXCAVATTON AND BACIiFILL Do all excavating and backfillin� required by the work in this division. 1 . 12 CONCRETE Al] poured in place concrete shall be fumished under the Architectural Divisions of these Specifications. 02/13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 1 �010 - 2 1 . 13 MOTORS A. Squirrel cage type, open drip proof, nonnal startin� torque, with thermal overload protection and ball bearinos when available. B . Where commercially available, motors rated �reater than 1000 watts shall have a power factor of at 85% under rated load. Where not commercially available, [power factors shall be capacitor corrected by equipment manufacture to at least 90% under rated load. 114 ACCESS DOORS Furnish access doors of type suitable to Architect and provide to General Contractor to construct into the building. Access doors should be provided in all locations where access is required. 115 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND WIRING FOR MECHAIVICAL, DIVISION A. Unless otherwise indicated, all motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place and wired in accordance with the following schedule. (MD is Mechanical Division - ED is Electrical Division). Set in place Wired and Fumished Or MTD. Connected Item Jnder TJnder Tinder 1 . Equipment motors and thermal overload, resistance heaters. MD MD ED Z . Disconnect switches, fused or unfused, H.P . rated switches, thertna] overload switches and fuses, manual operating switches (3) ED( 1 ) ED( 1 ) ED 3 . Pushbutton stations, pilot lights, thermostats, conri-ol relays, control trans-formers, control panels, moror valves, damper motors, and interlocks MII� MD(�) MD(�� 02/13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 1 �010 - 3 � 4 . Contactors, 120V contro] circuit outlets for control panels and for boiler con- trols ED ED ED ( 1 ) If fumished as part of factory wired equipment, wiring and connections only by ED (2) If float switches, line thermostats, time switches, etc. , carry the FULL LOAD CLJIZFLENT to any motor, they shall be furnished by the Mechanical Division, but shall be set in place and connected under the Electrical division, except that where such items are no inte,�al part of the mechanical equipment, or directly attached to ducts, piping, etc ., they shall be set in place mmder the Mechanical Division and connected by the Electrical Division. If they do not carry the FiJLL LOAD CURRENT to anv motor thev shall be fumished, set in place and wired under the Mechanical Division. Control devices carrying full load current fumished Mechanical and wired by Electrical shall be located at the device bein� controlled, unless shown on drawings or mutual agreement is made between the contractors with no change in the contract price. B . Connections to all controls directly attached to ducts, piping and mechanical equipment shall be made with flexible connectors. 1 .16 FLUSHING AND CLEANING A. Before final connections are made in the piping systems, al] piping shall be blown out with air and then washed out with cleaning compounds. Clean the boiler by the same procedure. 1 .17 TESTING A. Test all water piping, before connectin� to units, at 100 psig. B . Test all �as piping under 50 psig air pressure. C. AIl tests required by code must be done, to the satisfaction of the Iocal authorities having jurisdiction, before covering. D . All hydrostatic tests to be held for a muumum of six hours. Air tests to be held for a minimum of two hours. 1 . 18 BALANCING A. The balancing of the system shal] be part of this contract, include in bid the cost ofbalancing and adjustino. 02/ 13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 15010 - 4 B . Furnish and install such items as thermometer wells, pressure test cocks, access doors, etc. , as required to allow tests and adjustments to be made. C. Adjust and balance all air and water systems. Check, adjust and balance all systems to meet the design conditions and tabulate all information on acceptable forms. All systems shali be checked for proper performance during desi�n conditions. 1 .19 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Deliver operating and maintenance instruction to the Owner on completion of the work and insriuct Owner in their use. 1 .20 �'VARRAIVTY A. .Al] materials and equipment shall be new unless other-wise soecified. Guarantee all workmanship, materiai and equipment and replace any found defective without cost to the Owner, for one year afrer final acceptance, as defined in General Conditions. B. Eacb warranty for lon�er than the one year descnbed above (fhat comes with equipment used on the job) shall be passed onto the Owner with dates of start and end of warranty. 1 .21 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS Provide the Architect with one clean set o£ plans and specifications corrected up- to-date asjob pro�resses. END OF SECTION 02/13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 15010 - � � SECTION 15250—INSULATION 1 .01 PIPING AND EQUIPMENT A. Heating Piping; Heating Water, and Antifreeze Piping; Pipe, Valves and Fittings. L Insulate with U.L. approved, flame resistant 1 " thick "Armaflex" closed cell type insulation. B . Insulation for all types of piping shall be carried full size throu�h the han�ers. ` 1 .02 DUCT INSULATION Inside Duct Liner - See Section 1 � 800 - Ductwork. END OF SECTION 02/ 13/98 Treetops - Entry �2 Snowmelt 15250 - 1 � SECTION 15400—PLUMBING 1 .01 GAS PIPING A. General 1 . Surround all buried pipe with 4" clean sand or on site tailings before backfilling. 2. Gas meter and service from the main to the meter will be furnished and installed by the utility company, paid for by the Ownec. 3 . Gas piping from the meter throueh the buildins will be done under this division and connected to all equipment required. B . Pipin� I . Schedule 40 black stee] pipe, 150 Ib. malleable iron scre�ved &ttings on above �ound pipe, welded fittin�s with all piping coated and wrapped on buried pipe. or ?. Corrueated, semi-ri�id stainless stee] tubin� (CSST) with fully inteerated all meta] components. System components shall comply with NFPA 54, AI�TSI and A.G.A. codes and specifications. C. , Valves and appurtenances shall be of a tvpe desi�ned and approved for use with fuel eas . END OF SECTION 02/13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 15400 - 1 SECTION 15600--HEAT 1 .01 PIPEWORK A. Piping 1 . Valve all heating water piping with 3/4" hose end valve to permit drainage of the system. Vent all high points in equipment rooms as necessary with automatic air vents piped to convenient drain. All high points in system outside of equipment rooms with combination automatic/manual air vents as required to relieve air in the system. 2 . All buried pipe to be insulated as per Insulation Section 15250. All buried pipe shal] be surrounded by 4" clean sand or clean on site tailings. 3 . Copper Pipework: Piping shall be Type "K" copper for all buried lines using wrought copper fittings and 1100 degree solder. For non-buried piping; Type "M° copper, wrought copper fittin�s and 95-� solder. All buried pipe shall be surrounded with 4" of clean sand or clean on site tailinos. B . Valves and Specialities 1 . Globe valves or plu� valves may be used as balancing valves. 2. Dielectric unions are to be used at all connections where ferrous material is connected to uried non-ferrous materia] and where non-ferrous matenal is connected to domestic water pipine. Gate Valves: Bronze screwed, Class 125 or iron body, bronze mounted, flanged, Class 125 . Plug Valves: 175 Ib. W.O.G. for 250 deerees F@ 1 �0 psi W.P. Eccentric, tight shut-off with permanently lubricated stem bearing surfaces in upper and lowerjoumals. DeZurik figure 435 or Homestead Series 1 �00. Flo-Control Valves: Bel] R, Gossett Flo Control, Taco Flo-Chek or Hoffrnan Flo Control Valve. Balancing Valves: 125 psi W.P. for 2�0 degrees F service, ti�ht shutoff, Illinois Dual Purpose Balancing/Shutoff Valve, Hoffinan, Sarco, or equivalent. Unions: 300 psi W. O. G. malleable iron screwed or 125 lb. cast iron flanged unions. 02/ 13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 15600 - 1 Strainers : 250 ]b. semi-steel or cast iron "Y" type screwed, monel screen, 125 Ib. semi-steel "Y" type flanged, brass screen. Pressure Temperature Taps: Universal Controls Corporation #45PT-N. Sisco ENO-500 1/2" NPT, Nordel Core. or 3 . Copper Pipe Valves and Specialties. Ball valves, bronze, class 12�, 200 lb. W. O.G. Gate Valves : Bronze, Class 125 , 2001b . W.O. G. Globe Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 2001b. W.O. G. Check Valves : Bronze, Class 125 , 2001b. W. O.G. Balancing Valves : 125 psi W.P . for Z50 degrees F service, [ight shutoff, Illinois Dual Purpose Balancing/Shutoff Valve, Hoffrnan, Sarco or equivalent. 1 .02 SNOWMELT PIPING A. General 1 . Piping to be crosslinked polyethylene with an oxy�en diffusion barrier as manufactured by Wirsbo, Rahau, Stadler, Heat link or Unicore. 2. Piping shall be installed in continuous loops, no splices allowed. The maximum loop length allowable shall be 250' for 5/8" tubing at 10" centers located in the driveway and 250' for 1 /2" tubing at 6" centers located in the sidewalk and stairs. Loneer lengths or different diameters of tubing are not allowable unless reviewed by the Eneineer for each specific installation. 3 . The Contractor shall install the tubing as recommended by the manufacturer and spaced to provide the required heat output. Tubing loops off each manifold shal] be installed in equivalent len�ths ( ± 5%). 4. The contractor shall install manifolds as provided by the tubing manufacturer. The manifolds shall consist of a supply header (including: balancing valve for each loop, compression fittin� to receive tubes, temperature �auge and air vent) and return header (including: manual shutoff valve for each loop, compression fitting to receive tubes and temperamre gauge.). 5 . Tube shall carry a twenty-five (25) year non-prorated warranry against failure due to defects in material and workmanship. The tubing manufacturer shall carry a liabiliry policy of an amount 02/ 13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 1 �600 - 2 ereat enough to cover replacement cost of material, labor, shipping and incidental damages incurred due to a tubing failure due to defects in material and workmanship. 6. Snowmelt tubing which is not located in the snowmelt zone shall be insulated. END OF SECTION 02/ 13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 15600 - 3 ' SECTION 15800-4IR DISTRIBUTION 1 .01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. General 1 . Sizes shown on the drawings are outside (sheet metal) duct dimensions. Ductworh shall be sheetmetal fumished and installed in accordance with SMACNA Low Velocity Duct Manual AIA File No. 30-D4. 2. All ductwork to be ealvanized stee] except as otherwise called for. 3 . Al] ductwork which is visible behind a erille, reeister or diffuser shall be painted flat black. B . Acceptable Manufacrurer 1 . Low velocity flexible ducts, not allowed without pnor written approval from Eneineer. 2. Round duct connectors : Factory fabricated �alvanized for insulated ducts, stee] adapter plate on �lass fiber ducts. Butterfly damper and quadrant operator on all applications. 3 . Flexible connections. 24 oz. per yazd, U.L. approved material. =1. Opposed Blade Dampers. a. Stee] or aluminum construction with work driver operator. Screwdriver slotted shafr, factory assembled. b. Sizes up throuoh 36" x 12 " : Bazber Colman AOOG. T & B 7s, Titus AG-3 �B , Krueger OBD-DM, Anemostat OB4, Cames 800, A�itair OB , J & J OBD-DM, or equivalent. 5 . Duct Liner (Inside the Duct). a. Insulate all supply ducts, return ducts and outside air intake ducts and any other ducts called for on the plans with 1 " thick, 2 LB . density, monolithic, long glass fiber duct liner. "LJitralite" Number 200, Pittsburg Plate Glass "Testrafine" or Owens Corning "Aeroflex" . END OF SECTION 02/13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 1 �800 - 1 - ' SECTION 15900—CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION 1 .01 DESCRIPTION A. The Temperature Controi System : Elecu-ic and electronic to compnse a complete system, furnished and supervised by the Temperature Control Manufacturer. The control system shall be able to be remotely changed from an occupied to an unoccupied state. B . Wirin� - General 1 . Comply with the National Elecuic Code, and the Electrical Division of these specifications. 2 . Run wirin� in metallic conduit, tubin� or raceways. Exceptions: a. NEC class 2 low voltaee wiring where not exposed to view such as above suspended ceiling in shafts, etc., may be run in cable. (Not allowable above ceilin�s used as retum air plenums). b. Wiring enclosed in Temperature Control panels. B . Wirine: One Contractor shall be solely responsible for all temperature contro] �viring. All wiring and installation in connection with the automatic control system to be the responsibility of the Mechanica] Division, supervised by the Control Manufacturer or his representative. lipon completion of the installation the control manufacturer or his representative shall link al] valves and dampers and check out the wirin� and calibrate controls fumished under this section. C. Drawings : Submit shop drawings of equipment, control panels and wiring diaerams to the Consulting Mechanical Engineer for review. D. Control Settines : All control settings are tentative, equipment shal] have adjustable settin;s. 1 .02 ?,CCEPTABL� MANUFACTURERS A. This specification is based on Tekmar and Honeywell equipment. Acceptable manufacturers are : Johnson Control Company or Barber Colman. Others must be approved by the Consulting Mechanical En�ineer before bidding. It is reco�uzed that packaeed equipment comes with other names on controls and that some functions are accomplished with other named components. This specification does not intend to prohibit this practice. 1 .03 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 02/ li/98 Treetops - Enh-y & Snowmelt 15900 - 1 A. Low Voltage Power: 1 . Contro] devices and panel containin� low voltage power sources shall comply with NEC Class 2 requirements (current limiting), or supplied with branch circuit fusing to limit control circuit current to NEC Class 2 . Control transformers; of the current limiting type, or installed with primary disconnect and overload protection. 2 . Install shielded wire for all Telanar low voltaee control wirin�. B . Thermostats : 1 . All thermostats shall have a temperamre range suitable for the application and have adjustable set points. C. Dampers : Pacific Series 210, Johnson "Proportion.Air", Honeywell "Moduflow Low Leakage", Ruskin"CD250 Low Leaka�e Penn Air Control Damper PBD or OBD or equivalent. v END OF SECTION END OF DIVISION 02/ 13/98 Treetops - Entry & Snowmelt 15900 - 2