HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A CREEKSIDE BUILDINGCKe*s11O O /a/ r, 6/(s DEpARrMEr.rr oF coMMuNrry DEVELopMErrr t).7^1fu- /Afr), NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES WESTERN STATES FTRE PROTECTION 7026 SOIIrH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD CO 801_l-2 WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOI]TH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 SWITZER FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSH ONE S MADISON ST, ROCKFORD IL 51104 FEE SI]IIMARY TOhIN OF VAII75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 .lob Address...:Location. ..... :Parcel No.... .: Project. Number: SPRINKIER PERMIT StaEus. . CREEKSIDEApplied. Issued. . E:<pires. Valuation: *of Ga6 Lo96: Permit #: F99-0024 .: ISSUED.r11 /1tr /i ooo. ruLLt 1Jt Lrt2 . 11 /)2. /1 aqq.. LLI art Lr-r . : 0s /2'J,/2000 Phone: 303 -792-0022 Phone:. 303-792-0022 19, 800 . 00 *of wood/Pa]l.er: 223 E GORE CREEK DR 223 E GORE CREEK DR, 21,01,-082 -r_2 -00r_ *Of cae Appl i.ances: Restuar:an! PLan Revie$- - > APPLICA}IT colfrRAcToR OI/{NER Description: COMMERCIAL RETRO SPRINKLER Fireplace Information: Reetricted: Mechanical---> Plan Check- - - > Inve B!,i9atron> ToEal calculatea Feea- - - > AddiEional Fees---------> ?ot.al Permit Fee--- -----> PalrmenEs - - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE---.. 400.00 100.00 .00 3.00 .00 DRB Fee- .00 TOTAL FEES-. - -..503. O0 503.00 .00 503 .00 503 . O0 .00 Item:.051001A/rs /L999IEem:056001'1 /1q /1qqq 1'1 /'1 '7 /1 00q BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept : BUIIJDING Division: ' KATHY Action: APPR N,/A KATHYMIKE M Act,ion:Alt'l'fll.FiN't UepU: !'IREACI,iON: NOTE ROUTED TO MCGEE FOR .A,PPRACT1ON: APPR COMMERCIAL RETRO Dept: FIRE Division:FIRE DEPARTMEIfT CONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknowledge that. t have lead this aFol.i:urron, filled ouL in fu11 irhe infonnaEion r:equj.::ed, compleced an accuraue ploc plan, and scaEe tshaE all Ehe infofiflation provided aa raequlred is correct. I agree Lo conply lritsh che infor_Rragj.on and plot plan, to comply viEh all To$n oldinancee and sEaEe IasE, and Eo build Ehis slr.uct'ure accolding go ghe Town's zoaing and eubdiviltion codes, desj.gn review approved, Unifofin Building Code and oEher ordinances of Ehe lown applicable i-heret'-o- :EQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TI'EI(TY - FOUR HOIJRS IN ADIANCE BY IEI,EPHONE AT 4?9'2138 OR AT OT]R OFFICE FROM g:OO AM 5:OO PM ICNATURE OF OWNI,R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OI.INER t !iar**tt1*ltttt!rtlttatl9rri'rat**ttttt fttt*ttrttf*+*1!,4a9 Totlll OF VtrIL, CO!OnrDO gtr8qrt ririarlatar''rriitrllllrrrtrrirwra!rtrlar,rr!ratttrt jrr gtacGEnt NrEb€r ! REC-ogg{ lllourit I 503. OO 11i'23l99 OS329 F.!@cDt H6thod ! 1211 llot.tLon! lfBelBRll grAtBg IDlc: ,t! PlnEit Ner 899-0024 lypc! f-gP8!|lt APRINI(IJER PERIIIT 9elqel lfo ! 2101-082-12-00l SiE. lddlcrr ! 223 E @RE CREEI( m. locrsion: 223 E cOR! CR!Ei DR. mEEES:IDE clCmlARCM Ttli6 Pryo.nc lotal Fcrr: 503. O0 Totrl lI,L P6tBl Balqner ! 503. OO 503 . 00 .00 AccounE Cod. D.acrilrtion P OO:OOOO1111300 XECHttftrCl! PIR$IT lEBg PF 09100003112300 gLAr CtsECK tEEg rfc ooloo003112aoo wrrJr cNrtr figPEqrrctt pBE I|!ount' {00.oo 100.00 3-00 I l*.8$:Iot'gn M'1 ',9ltb{ilE C i Lddresr: .1. Addrcts:Db, lcEcHAlIrcAIr:. t4ffi.OUCn: Ilcrll,r-El.Ecrnrctr..: I tr.rr. _CON'I l,CfOR DrIOFI0I,TION r.r***rr*.i rtrrrltrrrr f...* Tonn og Val,I Rcs, HO.Ebone lfurqbtr: ?orn of vaII Reg. NO._--Dhone Nulber: RcE. ro. Reg. no. 3385 Iora of Vall Phono Ntsbet: Fom cf vall Phortr t{unbcr: FvG 0,oh.11;;!lt slr*tc,itcar&s: ra.r*rrf*. FOR - __-_- --- REEREAIDION .NEEI CI.DUT-EP DEFOSIT:lqrrrr PrnnIT ln:Est OFIICE qSE rat** r**r ** **t ti.fr**r r*ta itr ff WITDINC PI.Arr CfiECX IEESPlttrErlrc pl4f cpgg tO, ---'-Ir8cHIilIGr', Pll}I CEIiJ( rEE: _ WII!|INCSSlctl:ltrsEl zolt$fti!srsttmlltB: --u6'pfu* PER.{I r 6 [ ]-Dulfiftng I l-p1ulbln9 t l-Electricat lrf-rrerrdnr-car [ ]-other ilob lddrtre: Generel' Descrlptloni t{osk elerer gffi"rf t;rtt"t.rlon [ ]-Mrtitlonat t J-ReFrl't I l-stner_IuuD56r of Dvcllrrg 6fec: Nrnbsr of tcconnodailon untts: _ l*bt and Blpc o, tr.nr";" rgrrlianc.- ces rogs- 'ood,/Dellet-Fl- -..* -rtr! r,. }lr5ruJlcrsr q!'g ADDIr AnC?t_ Ges l.og3_ lloodr/Dsll€t_ rf***t 1l*t*r'!r|*t*tfttt lit"'tf*. VMjIAIfONS .rt*r*t** itr.atrir *tt*.t*rtrt..*.i. Cotltractor! pmncntt: Date Received From: Mike McgeeTo: Building_DivisionDate: 7/6/00 8:45AMSublec't: Creekside building We finaled the fire sprinkler woft for Greekside. The conlractor was Weslem States Fire Protection. The fire alarm permit (Goddard Electronics) is still not finished. FYl, the restaurants'volume has apparently caused the grease traps and sump to overload again. The boiler room floor is covered in wasle. We cannot get into Sierra to sign off, but thought you should know. Thanksl Patrick Hamel r RPR-24-19S 08:35 TOWN UAIL FIRE DEPT.Etu 4?9 27?6 P.Ej.zr/t, g/,{s v" -zth( ffiIl" 12 WdMe.odowDrivc Vai\ C;olorulo t1657 97ElVr-2250 A4yit23,1ee!, . fuafrtide Condominism,4sociution a/oVail Maaaguunl 201GacMIhipe Vdldoado t1657 Re: FitcspfinkluRffifrt VailFlrcDqonwnt It has anuto oar Milionthal calain chmarEand conditiota otthc Owkiih Buiklinglnaldal 22J Goe Cre* Dtive, Yail, Eagle Counq6 6lorrdo, 01657, an nat in compliance with the mieitrzll,n c& rcqlllircrrrrlnts as setlorth ia the (Inform htikling Cdc and (laiform Firz Codc' as fufi"n hy the Towa of YaiL Many of ilrcc coaditions aad fuwnt wae idenltltal re a ralt of a plan raiew ond wqv docunuatd in a lar ildd &ptettrbu 15, 1997, seal lo Mn Rosatquict by Chailic Dw&6 Tam of Yoil Baili6ag Inspqtq, ond in a ntcmorundum sentfmn Art Eougload, conhtct Building htspector, to Cholic Davis on August 15, 1997 (copy aflached). It isthc opinion ofthe Fte Chiet,pnxantlo the prcvisions of theTo*n of YaiI Municipalee, Tiile 10, S7agttotts ILI-2:B and lLl-j, Ilnilorm Ffuo Uc, 1991 cdition, Part Wil, Division 1,,|ffi I- A, Seotion 2, M\ Scclion 3, Encluutz of Yatical sh6&, srd scctioa 5, stanfuipa, in adfrtion b the noncoalorming arya6 ifunfifid in thcfar*oing, that such coaditions as sist cortsfitute a dMins, tsrsd ,o tife ani prupatt irut u wch nyst bc oboted, redied, conected, or mitigaled lhrough tlu illrtal|odion opptqiataftc protectbn ryfuntt and dqic:q. It is tlr Fat Dcpartnent's ryinion rtA thc tAtrcllw inf,aWdion of a prcpely &dgmn snd iwtaltdfin ryrinfia-system and apptrdentrnca, wuld bc thc mort {lir;tfYc ncons to mitigd. t ut t of tlu sorffiiorrs ansidqdddn cnlol tothelilc saldy of theoccryruaE Ary pqmitfor rcmodel, rcnovatiory or relotd aclttdf will rcqdre the indlallation of aftc spin*Iu tyw;*ininUpenlt twzndampletionwillbe rqdrtdb{onttu &xruancc oltC.taliftcatc of Oeapurcy uTenponry Califrcdc of Occupanq. RPR-24-1998 AB:3b C.t*.kdtb Bttilding Pagc 2 UAIL FIRE DEPT. MichadMcGec FitzMtthol p701n-2135 ctc: Chi{Damt (97q 1n-22J2 Ch$lic Dards hflding InsPwtw TomMoohea4TownAtuneY Rob*t Mcluria Tatn Manager JcY Petnot AfrorneY Gary Goodell AielBuihling Otrtcial (970) 179-B2r gre 4?9 2L'76 P,W TIrc Tonttt af Vail Muaicipal C;odc requbes plarc bc sabrtfiedwilhin IE montk of notifrcaio+ coatoined hrauin, and for compldion of tlu rr,zlr[ within 78 tnonlhs thcrqftq. Giwn ttu cottal ard tt&tte of ihc lAtfrcm Mie Da$s lo Cholrlcr Roretquist dd"t Sc?ternbq 15, 1997, t4ufing the pAafial Wacts o|ihe Corc Oee* Gnil apaasion, givantlravrr* donc in aniancfionwiththGGorc Qu*GriL, given ditassions ve hsvc hadwith Dn VanDegsrdE rugoding a polential rcnodcl of Unit 2' and tlrt [tr;6usiotrslrlc hlrr hadvtth Yail Manoganunl andwhulrtc andsslaruI havcbeen d last sottu pn)irtnary discasiottt with Mn Switztr ftgarding a patenlial rcmodd of hh condominiurr4 rw snlicipe ih.ptonssndwo*shoutdptueedwithoutznfuedclay Ourdaircisbsecthccnlbcbuildingranfitud with an apprcvdfiie spin*ler gtstemwithinthe nd 72 momhs We ue available to frscus qu*tions, altunaliva, and pmcedunt rcpa,y'c ifyoa s dafue- Htwe co*ad cithq Chief Dic& Duran, Fhrc Matrhal Michwl McGee ot Chief Buililing Ofrciol Guy G:oodeII if w nry beolassistanca Sincerely, TOTNL P.Az TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, CO 8L657 970-479 -2L38 APPLIEAI{T COTiTTRACTOR OI'TNER BOL,ES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INe P O BOX L2'79, AVON CO 8L620 BOLES CUSTOM BUII,DERS, INC P O BOX L279, AVON CO 8L620 GOTTENBORG RUSSEI.,L B & DOROTI{Y M 9187 E FLOYD PIJ, DENVER CO 80231- Phone. 970-925-3202 Phone. 970-926-3202 TOV/Comm. Dev. Valuation:84,000 Fi.leDlacc Infor ation: Restrict.ed: y +of #of wood/Pal1e!: Building-----> Plan cbeck- - - > Investigat'ion> tdi.1l cal.l----> 560.00 429 .OO . o0 3.OO 250.00 .00 1 ,342 , OO 1,342.00 Restuaran! PIan Review > -oo DRB Fee-------- 'O0 Recreation Fee -_--_ '00 clean-t p DepoeiE__--___-> accuralc plot and ploc pI.n, aubdivision 7tx/ of ./a/ rtO O /ols6/ DE'ARTMENT oF coMMlrNrry DEvELopMEliIr U. Trlt7 m- NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,JOBSITE AT AL',L TIMES ADD,/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmit, #: iIOb AddTCSS: 223 E GORE CREEK DR LOCALiON...: CREEKSIDE BLDG T'NIT #1 Parcel No.. : 2L0T-082-L2-OO4 Project No. : PR,J99-0262 Description: INTERIOR REFURBISH INSTALL FIRE PROTEETION TIT)e Construction: IIT l-HRType III l-Hour 'Ilpe Occupancy: occupancy z RL/A3/B2Mul'ti-Famr:ry w/ essendfl$ea eus FEE SWMARY TorAr, FEES- - - 1,342'oo BAIANCE DUE-.-. .OO ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;_ _. _ : _il_;;;;;; ;;"isi.n: ot7 16 / Teee-cHAR[rE- -AcEion; NATE PLANq- rQ cHARLTE 0972777999 JR]4 ,Agqlqlj APPR APPRoVEDi t hm '' o s 4 b o- -p-r,er.rxrNg DEFARTT'IENT691I6/L999 CHARLTE ASqiS!_i APPR N/Aitam;'05e oo--eTiiE-Snpanu"tEili -- Dept: FIRE Division: 667 ie t756g'cFtAiifie--acEioni APPR N/AIEem: gssgg-bdbIiE w?jnx$-- Depts: PIIB wORK Division:-05716/7-999-CHARL-E AcLion: APPR N/A ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ";;;;;;; DECI,ARAT I ONS I h€rcby acknowlodgc lhat I have read thiE application, fil1ed our ln full thc infor$atsion lequired' conPLeted an plan, and state that all the inforrnation provided as rcquircd i6 corlcc! ' r agree to.conPl".:tt: :l:,til:T:ti:iio "onply wieh a1I Tonn oldinancca and stabe ]ass, and to build this dEructure Eo lhc Town'6 zoning and codcg, design review approved, Uniform auildi'ng code and other ordinances of lhe T icable Lher.efo REQUE9TS FOR INSPBETIONS SHA],], BE MA.DE TWEITTY ' FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY gcnd Cloan-Up Dcpo6ig To: BOLES CUglOlt BUII,DERS Add Sg Ft: Gas Appliances: *of Gas Lo96: Clean-up approved amount Total calculated Fees---> 1,342.00 Addilional Fec6- - - ------> Total PerniL Fee__------> PaymcntE- - 899-0243 SIATUS...: ISSTIEDApplied..: 09/L6/L999 Issued. . .: O9/28/L999 Extrrires - .: O3/25/2OOO D sit Refund 419 -2L35 FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS permiE #: 899-0243 as of 09/28/99 staEus: ISSUED******************************************************************************** permiE T!pe: ADD/.ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Apptied: O9/L6/L999 appliciirt.: BOLES CI'STOM BUILDERS, lNC Issued: O9/28/L999 970-926-3202 To Extrrire z O3/26/2000 ilob Address: I,OCAEiON: CREEKSIDE BLDG UNIT #1Parcel No: 2101-082-12-004 DescripEion: INTERIOR REFT'RBISH INSTAI.,L FIRE PROTESTION Conditions:l-. FIELD INSPEfIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIiICE. 2. ALL PENETRAT]ONS IN WAI-,LS,CEILTNGS,AI{ID FL,OORS TO BE SE,ALED WITII AT.I APPROVED FIRB IATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1- oF THE 1997 UBC. 4. FIRE DEPARITT{EriIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AltY WORK CAN BE STARTED. ttlttrf aararr*a*rrr*r***t*ttttt|rt**rt*ll****** TOIIN O! VAIL, cOIroR-nDO sEal6nnt *ata**arrarrrrr tt***lttt*t**** gtageunts NuEber: REC-0557 Anoune:1,342.00 09/2s/99 a2.44 Pryo.nt lllChod: CK NoL.tlon: Ll'965{/bo1e. cus Ini!: Lc P.rdit No! 899-0243 Tlrpc I A-uP ADD/ALT uF BUrr,D PER Prrcal No: 2101-082-12-oo4 gl,l. Add!...: 223 E GoRE CREEK DR IJocaTION: CREEKSIDE BI,DG II{IT *T Tolal P€€6: This Paymenb 1,342.00 Total AJ,IJ Pnt6: 1, 342. 00 1,342.00 Balance: .00 ratttttJt a l* * 'lattta*rlr'l t**t'rtit**t***** a * a t 'r * r i r * * * * rr a ', r t t * * i r * Accounl Codr De6cripclon lnounl 660.00 429 . OO 3.00 BP OO1OOOO3IIllOO BUIIIDINO PBRI|IT FEE8 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FBES AD D2 -DBPOS CI,EANUP DEPOgITS wc ootoooo3ll2goo tlII,L cMJ rNsPEglloN FEB o 'Frozrooa 6| o ail 6a u A !aUE 0 AHds B n| g * H o fiHtUa2Fi ENti- a€. Fr l.! aod20 '(A'lEE\(,ao ol ad! 3H E- P('r{ l0Hgot8 I[E H llto qoo Ira oOE F6lt qlEEgE E alr22 EOEiEd.a EEl.l E'!l EltolrIaa }: .< tr FrEE A8 c|o Be tr l.{ H6oos: EFi ia Elr4A HE l{ 6HFI EEIU(az{oET-uo (,FE 5A H E.ql B E a !FI 6 F& A B Ed FIelE o F )e .{EilI>ou-q!ta oItO.E aIo t8fr8 contacttheEagtecountyAssessors olficeatg70-328-a640forparcel# 7W Tk/- t'L€Lt LparcetttLlcsl oBL LL_go/ PB$B-o967 pEoetPTto^) Pesce-rbE THr5 ^ r / ftf",9e[,f,:!--fr+v>tcs1-- t / /t? o^2 if # Li - h+Y>tctoatc: i / iq /4,i pcnnir#Fl9.oa.g3 Nu'a,a€et^uq. -or'ELo<<, TOWN oF VI coNSTRUcTIoN PERMIT Or-IceIoN FoRM INT'ORIVTATION MUST BE COMPLETT, OR TIIE APPLICATION WILI, BE RIJECTED foU Name: Gr: TTE,.*r Ec) €-G JobAddress: 0Ntf +_L e{@rD6 t3LD#,Lzb &DL€ c?&,r'- De\u€Buitdingkf Plunrbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Othcr ( )O?E€tL1tP€ acr)Da ut:tT t4 Lega-l Dcscription: Lot_ Block__ Filing __ Subdivision Owners Name:LAC6 pnone*'3ttl-155,:_11281 fu\>J4t cD 6oL5tlArchitcct: f,/ A Address: t- Dcscription of Job:-f!fift.u-_ f ee-+ry,NueA 5f 5!6ur__fuN,p !-Jt_lE_/prnu-t\xI>D FL@L2, I NiE[roCDroLl, p&.s DF{u:ftce '18 tr:{e, ?dtt:f , r^)TgclDc rrG'r u LiJr,er<- workcrass: Ncw( ) Alreralion( ) Addirionar ( ) 'Rcpair( ) orhcrp,WTu:gi,., Nuurber of Dwelling Units: I Nuurbcr of Accouunodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Applianccs Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUAT]ONS O'I'HER: $TOTALS q4arn - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Gcncral Contractor: W,r___t_Lh-l1\rvl BVaLD€e-> Address: V:r*- &17 AUOrxr AO 6&',19 rownof VairRegisuarionNo. l(g K phone#-!2L:_3-toz __AQq - 9-49_ _ f, lcrtrical Contractor:lgQL rrtr., v*ru co f\r65'< - Town of Vail Rcgistration No. Plumbins Contractor: [-r)pfcr-: pLLrr.^(5r AJ<Address: 9'f <-3'< ''eA&c€ AD nlUtl rownorVairRegisrrationNo. fut *S$1- pho'e *_ 12g-*ico W- 6113 FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: Phone # %L.a tJIL 'e5 Date Receive'ffi>f t2-1/1 AuOr) eO il'-Z/) sEP 151999 - i;,' -11,{ 'N': :.\.';1-tft'i :.'tr' 'a :... ,! ' .rii : TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEC'I': ALL CONTRACTORS CURRINTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF'VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKINC AND MATERIAL STORACE B. CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C tbcrcof, it is unlawful tbr any person to litter, track or dcposit, or cause to be littcred. trackcd or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other dobris or material upon any strect, sidcwalk, alley or public place, or any portion thercof. E. Noticc; Abatemcnt: The Director of Public Works may notity and require any person who violatcs or causes anothcr to violate the provision ofsubsection A hcrcof, or who has in the Dircctor's cmployment a pcrson who violatcs or causes another to violate the sanrc, top remove such san4 gravel, rrrcks, mud. dirt, snow, icc or any othcr debris or matcrial within twcnty lbur (24) hours aftcr rcccipt of said noticc by tIe Director of Public Works. In thc cvcnt thc person so notilicd does not comply with lhe notice within the period of time herein specified, thc Dircctor of Public Works, or other authorized agcnt, may causc any such sand, gravol, rocks, mud, dirt, snow. ice, dcbris or any othcr matcrial to bc removed from any strcet or allcy at the expcnsc of thc notified. Exccptions: The provisions ofsubscction A hcrcofshall not bc applicablc:l. Within the immcdiatc area of any constnrction, maintenancc or rcpair projcct of any street or alley or of any wator main, scwcr mtin, electricity line, gas line, telcphonc linc or tuiy appurteft ce thercto; 2. To dcposits ofsand, dirt or materials neccssary for the protcction ofthc public safcty; and3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an altcrnative to thc notice for removal provided in subsection B abovc. any pcrson who violates or causcs anothcr to violate the same, may be issued a summons to a appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, ald upon being found guilty of a violation hercunder bc punishcd as providcd in Section I -zl- t of this codc. Noticc; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refusc to cornply with the notice of thc Director of Public Works as provided in subscction B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of thc cxpcnse of removal incurred by thc Dircctor of Public Works, as provided in subscction B hercof, upon bcing fbund guilty ofa violation hereunder, bc punishable as providcd in Scction l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Codc: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowlcdgcd by:K rL*-(,ntruttrL- PositionorRclationshipto projea: (p9J€CT WW -Ht?: Av'i, FIDLj. C. D (i.e. contractor or owncr) TOWN OFVAIL Depanment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME I'RAME If this permit rcquircs a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval- Engineer's (public works) revicw and approval, a Planning Departmcnt review of l{ealth Departmcnt rcview, and a review by the Building Department, thc cstimated time for a total review may takc as long as three (3) wecks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow thc above mcntioncd maximum requirements. Residential and small projccts should take a lcsser anrount of time. However, if rcsidential or smaller projects impact thc various above mentioned departments rvith regard to ncccssary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week penod. Evcry attcmpt will be made by this department to oxpcdite this permit as soon as possiblc. I, the undersigned, undcrstand thc Plan Check proccdure and timc frarne. thc pcrmit is not picked up by the expiration datc. that I must still pay the that if I fail to do so it may affect future pcrmits tlnt I apply for. Agreedro w, fitlaa,J. lMuL W.at Proicct Na.rne: a I also understand that if Plan Check Fcc and ^L/-^Datc. "l I l'/ /'l') Work Sheet was iurned into the Couunurdty Development Dept. {S**r^,o TO: FROM: DATE: F€: MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. I999 WHEN A.PTJBIJC WAYPERMIT: IS REQLIIRED 3. 4. 5. 6. JOB NAME: GO_il a--rracc<_ ,t IDArE: 1/ 17 /'i1tl PLEASE ANSWER TIIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDINGllm NEED FOR A*PUBLIC WAY PERMI'I"': l. Is this a new residcncs ? yES No-r- Is demolition wort being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-way, e:tsements orpublic property? YES_ NO_< _ No-{ No-{ Is a dilfcrent access needed to the site other than thc cxisting driveway? yES NO Is any utilily work needed? YES Is the driveway bcing repaved? V 7. 8. Is any dninage wor\ being done that affects the Right-of-way, easements, or public property?YES_ NO_Ja YES Is a "Revocable fught-of-Way Pcrmit" required? YES NO A Is the Righl-o,f-\ry, easements or public property ro be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO { ]C B. lf NO to ttA, is a p4rk ftarr p*"*, staging or fencing plan required by Community Dcvelopment? If you answered YEs to any of these quesions, a "public way permit" must be obrained- "Public way Permit'' applicarions may be obtaincd at tlle public work's offcc or at community Dwelopment. If you have any questions plexe call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-219g^ I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED AIL TI{E ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signafure Company Name #/ - z'arckt ,lzk'full *Xa iz- ,n^1,*,u! uf '@f ^ '>x'Durc ^zc 5c-ffi? oF woR K " tE*wa- "L^DDE{" ylAtt( w?t-^c-F r^rr"H aT4rr\ Bg.LTaa 6De ?-F*Q...,rE€u EA\T: (€EE gTAl r.- ru-w rrllon € fterc:t) 7Ee.r7;t3r..ls6 Fto*r Sun (b- ,*lrYl i," SL L'o€f Z6tr,.Orl' Dgp17- + Li't I Fl !-i r,- I - b e-\ !,Jf,L !hrAAP ope*i*( Lrptr Ll Ltu.}.-)k R-ooFl l.16 rs relOo D FcOArJ, q "KlT]"ry 6€c ?*ua ?- L_t- t tt* BArr. l,z,z, - N6- 5rr_r(-,val.r,FAoLefA, TOtLer , aw?, f lt-e t\) Arr-5 + FLbe.!,(tt.. wteea.<, NE'-r rr.j]E,. in& >oorz-.. (5 ) P6CL Pt ?t-xc-€ f,>i"*flr.,lt -ldl^5lDMr5 v:ni thty'r- sEP 101999 ",-' 8l Iown of 5uizE + .a.-c{r- (tryb) ,-l o7 lLLInl erEritgcl,c+t'EN Rh rlFFfRr nnpv B?q- 621t3 IQ\J .C0t${$.uL'tffn : . ..- .. '..;.:.-',r;,iJrr*jlii 5u6.re-oo4 kToeo .t^Jc€ Cr-t(1 i r$r{ t- 9u45. Nel^, Woc) f uoa'u161q *\ 6EDEr8t1 I trfl a(oq*qz UNIT- OFJE b-B.f, vf €ue-rz ph++tr SaaLg ,/hr, = tt_(>,, TD uiur-i Z t- Ex.fsfn ta F\:ir, -.d;'.;l d){ d{ 1 'Lo F{ \IIJ \i! {l 6'' 0r uJI $lalstj il FIFI l'p xl{ 3$ \ \)' 2 (,liiti :;ii \ef o 0 .c D{ul FrF F! s a.l\ \lulod r) GO'r"l'ltN ltott(; RltMol)ltL Unit I ( lrccksirlc Vail, ('olorado It(llll I'roiccl ll99 | 5 'l'.O.V. I'cnnit //l I I)rawrr hy: l(ichartl Mil ick Scplcrnbcr 2, l{)99 { Y/ b rT'()* .4 I -a s\ J:- .'€ \ ! s!-{ \* 5 C- \o OLES USTOM UILDERS tE B G B I\*, $! S'I'AI IT IEI,I'VA'I'ION - Z;/--ry 4a/6,.tt 4lt'f1 <r.':6- i.'-r,.f jo--, 3t{4ttt t-r of 5- rytry 2"1 ?ii/:Ob-wEcT-dU- B G OLES USTOM GOTTENBORG REMODEL BCBI Project #991 5 T.O.V. Pcrmit #B Drawn by: Richard Mirick September 3, 1999 Unit I Creck-side Vail, Colorado TYPICAL BATH ELEVATIONS SurroERs Jt1 J-t!L P6^rf l(..!tJ 5 € 5uN€-ooH L-r- tt ANvugrL frxs'''^- r)€a ?-.ow\ 7- 6EDtt otl I 12 uarri Z /l\,-l ITRY ILLIallFL--- (;'ri- 3f ,a 'q hT#'cl I fi;;;{l\, 2L?,,:f'Fi i c A. r-- 6;,T'T' f( tlLH ( rJ J/L "){ ilfl sToB*ci,e rlul- oN(1 A':-$Ot u1 €t-*tz Pl-A^-r 4tat€ ,/e),' = lt -c" I--LA i i TOIVIV OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA.DvArL, co 81"657 970-479-21,38 APPLICAI.IT CONTRACTOR OWNER LORTON PLI]MBING INCORPORATED LPIpo BoX 3635, EAGLE CO 81631- 81631 LORTON PLI]MBTNG INCORPORATED LPl PO BOX 3635, EAGLE CO 81631 81631 GOTTENBORG RUSSELL B 6. DOROTHY M 9j.87 E FLOYD PL, DENVER CO 80231 Phone: 970-328-5900 Phone: 970-328-5900 DEPARTT|IEMI OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PIJI]MBING PERMIT Permi-t #: P99-01-13 Job Address: 223 E GORE CREEK DR Status...: ISSUEDLocation. .. z 223 E GORE CRK DR (cREEKSApplj-ed..: 09/23/L999Parcel No..: 2I01,-082-L2-oo4 fssued...: LO/1,9/L999Project No. : PRJ99-0262 E:cpj-res. . : 04/16/2000 Description: plumbing for inLerior remodel Valuation:7, 000 . 00 FEE SUI'MARY Plunbing- ---> Plan check- -- > Inwestigat.ion> will call----> 105.00 26.25 . oo 3 .00 Reetuarant PLan RevielJ- - >Tocal CalculaEed Fees---> AddiEi.onal Fees T'otal Permir Fee--------> Pa:rmentsa - - BAIANCE DUE---- .00 1f4 .2s .00 t34.25 . oo TOTAT FEES- -- - -- 134.25 ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiTTO9/23/t999 JRM Action: APPR ApPROVEDITCM: O55OO FTRE DEPARTMENT Dept: BUIL,DING Dlvision: JRIVTDept: FIRE Division: 09 /23 /L999 JRrtl .A.ction: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I heleby acknoltledgc Ehac I havc read this applicalion, fi1led ouc in fuit the inforoal-ion required, compleled an accurate plot p1an, and sEate that. a1l Lhe inforharion provideC ae required is correct- I agree to conply vrich the infor auion and pl,o! p1an, to conlPly virh all Tor,rn ordinances and sEatc laws, and co buiLd thi6 etruceule subdivi sion CE FROM S:oo AM s:00 PM codes, degign reviei, approved, Unifonn Building cdde and oLher ordinances of the REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STTALL BE IVIADE IWENTY FOUR HOURS IN A-DVANCE BY o*ttttt!}ttltltaltattat'}ttttiattattltl}tattrttittllaaritttJarlirl***l loml OF Vllt,, CorlrotfDo grft.l'lr rr.rta|,rri fr a|' *rli!, !l|t t t t rl !a !t itrrt-*l rt ia r,',t rt tr!rtIrf .t lt t!t !t.r l ', ttt * ttttlatt ItClEcurC lfurbcr r IBC-05?7 Alloune !L34.26 r0/L9199 A9 t21 P.yr.nt l|sthod: ef, [ot elot|: 3036,/Log!qr pLut| Init! .t! P.ririE ,or 999-0113 tlE.3 B-P&||B 9LIHE:I{O 9R ft F|rcel lfo r 2101-O82-t 2-004 gl,Es Add:r.!6. 123 A dOR! CjnAlK DR Locauiont 3a3 E eORE (!RK Dn (cRlqlttDl *f' lhl' Pty[enl Totrl Fr.a: 13{.?5 Torrl lI& PrEs: 13a.2s 134.25 Ealattc.: .0S Ittot*tt*tttttlltt.r*rrti*t*rtlj.ttttfa!aJrlrttttit|tt*trfttttrlttl*tlt *€cgltnt Cod6 b..cdptian PP OOIOOOO3I11IOO PLOTBI]|C PE TT PBES t! oot,00003112300 Piea cHEcr FEES tfc 00100003112800 nrL& ctlll r[spEerton FEB llourrg 105r 00 26.2s 3.00 F...nr,1 ^, "'! j ig9s Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CoLorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTIFICATIOI\ OF APPROVED PERMIT STATUS Contractor: LORTOI{ PIIIUBING INCORPORATED. LPI Addrcss; ?.o. Box 36EI5- EAGLE- co 8163r Dale Pcrmit wff applied lbr :9l23lee Permit#: P99-0113 t26.25Balnnce duc:iL34.25 Plan Check Fce: Job address: 223 FAST GORE CREI{K DRM Owncr: RUSSELL C,OTTE{BORG Job description: PLIIHBING FoR INTERI0R REUoDEL OUR .SYSTEM SHOWS THE STATUS ON THIS PERMI'I'TO BE OIJTSTANDING. IT WAS APPLIED FOR, BUT HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR NOR SIGNED FOR- THE CODE ON EXPIRED PSRMITS REQUIRES T]S TO COLLf,C]'I'THE PLAN CHECK FEE IF APPLICABLf,. THIS WILL AFFECT THE ISSUANCE OF PER]VIITS 'I'H,{.'T YOU APPLY }'OR IN TH[, FUTUR-E. IF YOT] HAVE DONE THE WORK WI'THOUT THIS PERMIT Wf, ARE REQUIRf,I) .IO CTIARGE A DOUB{,E FEE. W{ {RE .\LSO PLACING A LOCK ON YOUR CONTfu\CTOR LICTNSE WHICH WI!-I- PRIVENT }'OU FROPI GTTTINC ANOl'fIER PER}III' UNTIL 'I-HIS tS ITESOLVED. Pleasc cnll 179-2139 or comc into our olfice lt your eirlicst convenicnce to let us know how you would like to procecd. Thank you. t7 u"n"'uo 'o""' o DEIrELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address...:Locat.ion......:Parcel No... ..:ProjecL Number: DEPARTMENI OF COMMT'NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINKT,ER PERMIT 223 E GORE CREEK DR CREEKSTDE CONDOS UNrT #12:I0L-082-]-2-004 PP.Jg9-0262 STAIUS...: APPLIED Applied. -: 09/L4/L999 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Ptrone: 8OLL2 Phone: I 01_1_2 PMENT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: F99-001-1 303-792-0022 303-792-0022 WESTERN STATES FTRE PROTECTION 7025 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD WESTERN STATES FTRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD GOTTENBORG RUSSELL B & DOROTIIY M 9L87 E FLOYD PL, DEINTER CO 80231 co APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript.i-on: INSTALL FIRE PROTEETTON SYSTEM FireDlace InfomaLion: RcEtsricted:*of caa AppLiances: co Valuation: *Of eas LogE I 7, 000 . 00 *Of wood/Pallel: Mechanical---> Pl.an Check---> InveaCigat'ion> will^ call----> Resi:uaranE Plan Revield- - > DRB Fee------ Total calculated Fees---> Addit.i.onal Feea---- - - --- > Totsal Perfidts Fee- --- ----> Pa],lnents- - - BAIANCE DUE- -'- 140. OO 35 ,00 . oo 3.00 . oo .00 178 . O0 .00 17S .00 17S .00 . o0 TOTAL FEES------ 1?8. OO Item:05100 09 /L4/L999IEem:05600 09 /L4/L9e9 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENTCIIARIIE ACTiON: APPR N/A Dept: BUILDfNG FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRECHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PI,ANS ROIJTED-TO FIRE Division: Diwision: CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I :rercby acknoqrledge Lhdts I have r:ead Lhis application, fi1led ouL in Eull.1 the inforrnat--ion r:equj"red, completsed an acclD:ale pIoL p1an, antt rtaEc "-haE all. Ehe infoi-macion providcd i6 r:equ].r:ed 1s rorrecE. I ag;ee -'o comply 'rith tshe j.nformation and pIDc plan, co comply l,riEh al,l Tovn ordinances and state laws, and Eo build ghis sbrucEure according to Ehe Town's zoning anci subdivi.sion codee, desi.gn review approved, Unifonn Building code and oiher ordinances of che 'Iorrn appLi.cable chelet.o- REQUESIS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJi, BE MADE TWENTY. FOI]R HOT]RS IN ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:OO AM 5:OO PM sr.r,rAruRE oF owNER oR co*rRAcroR FoR HrMsEr,F AND owNER E/n ...-...- .--- Z5 z ' ,,' -.-, t''ttr*rlitrt*l,tt'r.rttrrrrrrrrr**tt.tr*..17r. TOI{N OF 1/A11, COIOR.IDO StrtaqtE rarrarrbl*rrJ*+tratti lgrtcmrt. Nreba!: REC-0594 lsount:171.00 1,1/23le9 04137 gryua[! ltetsiod: 1111 lfotrtion: fiEsl*N Ea ls tnit: attt P"lBit No: F99-0011 Tit! r F-apRrra gpRIr*LB pRttx! P-rc.l [or 2101-082-12-O0a gl!,. lddr666 r 223, E @Rl (REEK DE I/oc.tian! CRBEKSIDE e1amo6 QIIIT lll Thlr PrltlFng lriga]' F€.i a 1?8-00 tots I trI,& 9!rt: Brknca i 1"78. O0 1.78.00 ,00 Alount x{0.o0 35.00 3,O0 t rrrrrr r !rr ', 'a atr ra* *it *.++r*rra !r!''tr***rrr *ra.rtr*i hrfrrafir'}*rrr r i{cqqunt Codr DcscllpEion '!tp 00100003111t00 uB('tAlrlcalJ PER$I!! FgEs PF 00r.oooo3t12300 pLAN ctrEcK rBEs HC 00r.00003112800 mrrl, carrr tNg?EeffcN rEF TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, eo 81557970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENI OF COMMT'NI T DEVEI.,OPMEIIT NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ETEETRIEAL PERMIT .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: E99-0161 iIOb AddrEsA: 223 E GORX CREEK DRLocation...: 223 E Gore Creek Dr #1,Parcel No. . : 2101-092-12_oo4Project No. : ptu99-0262 statug...: IssItEDCApplied. . :L09 / LS / L999Issued...: 09/tS/L999 Extrrires . . z 03/t3/2000 Phone z 970-827-5772 Phone: 9'7Q-82'7-5772 VaLuation:7,000.00 APPTIEANT EAGLE VALLEY ELEqTRICP O BOx 1116, vArL, co 81658COIITRACTOR EI,GLE VA,LLEY ELECTRICP O BOX 11_15, VArL, co 81659OWNER GOTTENBORG RUSSETIJ'B & DOROTITY M9187 E FLOYD PL, DEIWER CO 80231 Descript,ion: Elect,ric for remodel r t * t t r * ' * * * t * * * * * * ' * .r * * * t i * * * r * t * i t t a * t * * t I * t 'r * t t t t 'r r t * ', t r r FEE sulittitAlty rr,rir*rr*r*trrr***rr*r,ra*rr****rr***r**,r*r,**ir**r**r***r* El6ctrictl---> DRB Fee Invaa€igaCion> will call- - -- >TOTtt PBBg- - - > L26 .OO .00 .00 3 .00 129.00 129 ,00 .00 129 .00 t29.OO .oo Tocrl Ctlculrt.d pco.- - - > Addlclonal Feea--------->Total PGr.tnlE Fa.--------> Peyurntsa-------- BAIJAITCB DT'E-'-'- ttt*trrlr*r?r*it r r , * r I * i * r r * * t i r rtem: 06000-_F!_B_qIRreAT. DEPARTU_BNIT Depr,: BurrDrNc Divi_sion: ii4i:1ffi44.:Fffi ";#tfraft+ ::::-:::'o"ea p;Foftw ;;;"'"" ii,,",o,,09/L5/L999 KATHY ---ACEioii; AppR N/A tt**ttirt,"* * ittJtttltr*ittt.ttt'ritart ttir*itrtlirr rrarrrrrttirrrari,rit*iirr ar*rrtrrrrJat*,rr*arr COIIDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. F'IELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. rrri'rrrra*rr*rt*atrir*t*!rr*i*t*rtir*irrar*iii* L rrrr *rr*t l it * arr *t**r** t * *a*** DEELARATIONS r h'rrby 'cknovl'dg' thrt r hav' r6rd th16 rFpllcaLlon, flltcd outs in full Ehc lnfordrtion t.qulr.d. cornlrl.E.d ln rccuragc protplqn' rnd scatc th'c all hh' lnforErclon pr;dcd ar rcqulred i. cor!cc!. r agr.6 to coEFly rich Ehe j.nforoation and ploc p).rn,co co[Ply rllh '11 Tovn ordlnanc'6 and gtat. lats, and to build ch16 €lructurc according to ch. Toen, ! zonl,ng rnd,ubdivlsloncod", d'algn levlcir approved, uhlforE Butlding c"a".ta obhcr ordinrncci of th€ To{!r rpplicrbr. th6icco. REQUESTE FOR TN8PEETIONS SEAriL BE MADE T!{EI'|ET.SOUR FOURS IN AD1,ANC8 BI ******!t******************!t********!t*************************!t*** TOVIN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Statemnt,**************************************************************** Statemnt Nurnber: pGC-0561 Amount, :L29.00 09/L5/99 13:34Palment Method: CIIECK Not,ation: #14938/Eagte Val Init: KMW Permit No: 899-0161 1!pe: B-EIJEC ELBCIRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-092-L2-004Sit,e Addregg: 223 E GoRE CREEK DRLocaEion: 223 E Gore Creek Dr #1 , CreekEide BIdg This Payment Total Fees: 129. 00 Total AI_,L Pnts: Balance:******************!t*****************************rt************:t*!k Account Code Descript.ionEP OO1OOOO3111-4OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJL EAI-'L INSPECTION FEE 129.00 129. 00 .00 Arnount 125 .00 3-00 PZrQg. 6Zt'.?_ PARCEL .3K?[ Xlll, :lff 3il";3i"c PERI'IIT # eL b{$st Block_ Fifing surorvrsroll, [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Acconmodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED oUT col'tPLETELY oR IT l.lAY NoT BE AccEpTED X***************************:r* PERMIT fNFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * '.l}\,[ ]-BuiJ_ding t l-plwnbing J)d-rlectrical [ .l-Mechanical | .t_other Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Work C1ass: ********************************* &OTHER: $ TOTAL: S *************************** Ip* "t vail Res. No. 169_BPhone Number: Reg. NO. *****************************,***FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE;PLIIMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: UECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: o$rners Name: \. -.$^-t C=.k!e*\^rq Address: @ ph..1.,\'WArcnLcect,: lrl[ A Address: Ph. General Description: AJd t^sV.re\p-.\ -T\b t,.\.,)L - ,.rr\:c-l!],t l-Ney p{-alteiatioi I l:iaajti-o-nar Nurnber of Dwelling Units: \ N.pnber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliancesv l|f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUfLDfNG: 3 ELECTRICAL: $ILIIMBTNG: $ Address: e.o, Electrical Contractor:Address: Plunbing contractor:Address: MechanicaL Contractor:Address: BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTSICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. ,€'6-€Phone Number: Aar-Sf--za- Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT RENN|I) r.d l .,: . Printed by Joan NoLen From: loan No]enTo: Mike Mcoee. Subj ect: fud: -The l,iti ke vauqhanspri nkl eF permit for 11:56am ===NorE===== ==========72 / O2 / 99=L0 z 32an=Western states Fi re Protection(F99-0011) has been paid for but thestatus in Sierra sti'l'l says app'l ied. I am qettinq a messaoe saviho thit thestaius refru'i res alT appiovils to bemade. nichard fron Boles customguilders cal]ed & wanted to make surethat evervthino is o.k, with thatpermit. if evErythinq is fine will youplease enter the info into sierra sothat we can final this out when thetime comes? Thanks, 223 East Gore creek Dr. Fwd=by : =ui ke=Mcgee====12 /02/99=LL:55an=Fwd to: Joan No] en ih;';;ilii' h;;' b;il' ;'i;;;';ii:';i;;;''with'two inspections that fail6d, wE have not been asked to do a reinspectyet . Page: I TCHTI CFictr? 1t I lalta:ra !.)lt a7 r lta ifG||Iffa - uatL. Gtctt-otttDct llrLFCci?||. ]a!ff l{Ma Foi.lll !/''tirf FM Atl!C|. CD -latlvl,ty. ,LtrdF... . Lc6-t iotr a FrFata l I D-acFl pt 1o|r r .lpFl laailG t CHrlaF a C.r|!tF-at ot a ait-gaat la, trla TyFir e-}G tlar G octn3 ctRflx Dt ct[rr(3 ! D- Dt-Da rnrr 01 a101-aar-rl-ooa thrrgitota raFuna talr I raa?tr-L Flr: actLEr c|.rafclt'i ErJr LDrRsr r l{c E T?EI{lCttO tlUaS€LL 3 a OC)iCt?rrY || tcx-3! c:rJaTC,i| lu l|-Dltt! lrrt! at-t.r. r ltLE CcaittF. ellF Ct€6. tt ict?Eet I cria lJrar ttt 1-HR Flrc"|.. t7O-tll3-llOl Flrcria r Flr.n. t 97lD-tL-ttat ln.paatlo|r Raqu-tt llr?oFa-t!otr..... l.qr...t oF a ll I CiHaliD l.e ?laa a Ol rrI Clo.aa|rta r ljill7 t Itaaa -aquaatad ia ba l'raFaetod... OOOIa ILDO-F t rr - l lrt.Fao! Lon l.l l aaory- - - - - tt... l-aa FliI EIFT. l{Ct?lFleATr.laa It..a aa{tlt DLDGI-FF-.1Ir! tt... a-34 ll-Dlo-ttr.ul-t lorr It.. r GgO6a lLDO-atr..GFoe|. l|-il It.ar -a?a lt-lte-i l..r- li.rr aa{ala ELDiHt h-l I I t llt.rt l|raF-ctoF. Jall .{ot.t. Crlr$lgf FI}.CI- lJtraT t L a:lLL Faio"t- r gaC-tAI ciEt|{S t Dr aLDc - t lLL c.Fl-L fut .' attr Coraarrt a Aet :l ah a Ttr|<D{ ., .a o.!(iff^" "\ crJTlTr$&thro F€Rrrr?r C'Af'T CF CC'}ITI'ICYG'R |rc'T'FI]D t' Zt 4e /(u - ^J-* ,ry /'/'f / ./)te f b6'x n^f/ A,r4" ;cUet' /t '' 'PA+ c/'",'f %, r-tu ^y,^_ ffi /r*, @L") Linyutuha' ul' -!:-+e--g- _ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 OWNER Job Address: 223 E GORE CREEK r-,ocaLion . . .: 223 E GORE CREEK Parcel No. . : ZLOL-082-12-002 ProjecE No. : PRJ98-0062 3461 S. W. MAc VreAR AVE., TOPEKA, KS VANDE GARDE I,ARRY D & LINDA K - MCGMRN ,J F II & MARGIE A -, 3461 SW DR SEatus...: ISSUED DR (CREEAppIied. . : 05/04/L99tlssued...: 05/L2/L99t E>cpires. . : LL/05/L99t 666LL MACVICAR, TOPEKA KS 66611. TOV/Comm. Dev. ,/.* I Q/?rKU/ //, /s//l -=I O U" zA/7e(/rh/' DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMJNITY DEVELOPMENI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iiOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AI-,T SFR BUrLD PERMTT PermiL #: 898-0087 APPLICAI{T LARRY D. VANDE GARDE PhONE: 785-267-LO6B 3451 S. W. MAC VrCAR AVE., TOPEKA, KS 566L1 CONTRACTOR LARRY D. VANDE GARDE PhONE: 785-267-T068 DescripEion: ADD DORMER AI.ID INTERIOR REMODEL occupancy: RL/A3/B2MuIEi-FamiIy w,/ Tlpe conscruction: III l-HRType III 1-Ilour ValuaEion: 117,000 Add Sq Fts: Clean-up D esffi0fpt{Fd"s amount date Fi.replace rnfor$ation: ResEricted:*of Gas Appliancea:#Of Gaa Logs:*of wood/Pall.et' I FEE SUMMARY Building-.--->SoE.ooReBEuaranEPlanRevi.ew-->.ooTo!a]'ca1culaccdF6es.-->1,936.20 Plan ch€ck---> 52s.2o DRB Fec-_-----_- 1oo'oo Additional Fees_--____-_> 'oo Invcgtigatsion>.ooRecreacionFee---.----.->.ooTotsalP6rniEFce--.----.>1,935.20 HilI Call----> 3.oO CIcan-UP DcPosiE--------> 5OO'Oo gaymcntss-------- r'936'20 TOTAIT EEE5------ t'976.2O BALANCE DUE---- '0o r!em: 05100 BuII-,DING DEPARTMENT qept:-BUII-,DING Division: 667 ri q t 19 e 1-,lRM--- - -AcE 1on : NorE PLAN-S -To- g-HARLT E 6's7ii71e-96 citenr-,re Acgrqq-' APPR cliARlrE DA-vrsIrem: osarjo"^p-riffiiNc- iEFniiirq'slm-' ----:---- -DCpqj--9LANNING Division: 6E7ii+tl4sd-.rnt'l--- -- -eEEion: NorE PLANs ro cHRrsTrE oa'70i71998 i.'b-lrntotq Esqisar- APPR dormer approvediEa,il;'o56do-FTile"ijrpxfl.frEirr --Depi: rrne Diwision: oE7d+tlggd-,lhfr'* ---Aa-t+ili tlots PLANs -ro FrRE 6a7it77t-96 JEFp e- A-t-ion: APPR fire depE aDnrovesrrem: osstjo"FffirTc w?ji.i$--- - D'epc: pue woRK Division: 657Ti/79t4-cgenlru Action: APPR N,/A see Page 2 of Ehis Document for any condiEions Ehat may apply to this permit ' DECLARATIONS r hcreby EcknoBreatgr lhat r hrve !.ad Ehj,s applicauion, firled oug in ful1 the infor$ation reqtrired, conpleg'd an acculal6 plot pLen, and scaEe that al.l !h. inforEation provided ae required i6 correcl. r agree co comPly wiCh the inforflation and plot Plan' cg conply wiEh all Tol,n oldinances rnd 6cat'e Law6, and to build Ehis EtrucEure accolding Eo bhe Tol,n'E zoning and lubdlvigion code6, dcsi,gn rcvicr. applovcd, uniforo Building codc and other ordinances of chc Town apPl'icable thcreto' REeuEsrs FoR rNspBcrroNs sttALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADv],NcE BY TELEPIIoNE AT 4?9-2138 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM g:00 Afi 5:00 PMAa-q"-t^4-4- Refund S€nd Cr.an-up D.poorE To: i.iiRR, r-^r,lEE ri|sreNATuRE "O- oR co[rRAsroR FoR HntsEr,F AND owNER Page 2 *********!r*********************************************:r************************ CONDITIONS PermiE #: 898-0087 as of 05/L2/98 Status---: ISSIIED *:l********************************:t**********:r*********:l************************ Permj-t T)49e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant--: r.,ARRY D. VANDE GARDE '795-267 -]-068 .JOb AddTCAS: 223 E GORE CREEK DR LoCaTion---l. 223 E GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSIDE #2)Parcel No--: 2t0t-092-L2-002 Description: ADD DORMER AND IITTERIOR REMODEL Applied-- z 05/04/1998Issued--- z 05/L2/L998To bq)ire z LL/08/L998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEI,D INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECIORS ARE REQUIRED IN AtL BEDROOMS ATiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 ITBC.3. No reference Eo prevenLing non-emergency alarms during demo. 4. Alarm company musts be contsacted before work begins. required 5. submits fire sprinkler and fire alarm plans rrrr*rrrrr..trii rrr r r r,r r r,r. t. 'r. * "..rr.. *.r;ri,rrtr rtir rrrrr rr lo|o| oF V|'IL, cololllDo lt.c@rt t'trt,aaaitt*arrtaaatarattrratrtiaaratataatattat|riratatt]|ratrrritt t sErrtcurc lluDb.r! ilc-0400 Nouaa: Pry!.nc Lathod ! CK UoErgion! 9J 1,4!5.20 oal!2198 r4,lo InIt: XAf| P.r its Xo! Brs-0087 1't?. r t-BgtlD IDD/ALT atR BUTLD tE Prrctl Xo! 2101-082 -12-002 git ldd!... ! 243 E @RE cRgAC DR toc.si.onr 223 B @Ra cRfgK Dn (ciEfKltIDB L2) 1,936.20 1,935.20 fg!.I l..s ! :,r 9€6.20 Tor.l lII! tEt6iItrlr Frl|t!.Irt B.1.no.: .00 Itrrratttrittarartaatarraairaraai0t*rl*{ttttttttri't*ttttett}lrttla Iccoung Cod. Darerj,pEion houne tP 001000031,11r.00 BlxlLDr}|Ct PlRlrT IEEII 804.00 DB OOloOOO3ll:2oO DE:trGl REl/rEll PEEA 90,00 pF 001000031L300 9!l!l ct{acR PlEg 525.20 rD 00100002{03100 CLEAI{UP DEPqgllg 500.00 rc ooloooo3112800 rttt cl&! tusPtclroir FEE 3.00 oo re I roro rc i eElr H!J3 6.!oH() EFHEH4ol'o!o'{l|.|fo|!{\UAO e e o oo cr('ola oio o F\ & a dpotF }.Flnogo tl rlr >AFI6&oo l!:E Hore qtoE od38 rl E o (),TEo Ai.6g!.Op: dH u li l.EB EgE4 ( EFI EB A9 q E HHH20983E. lt Ec| Ita El!(AxEl' tr gIu 4!e-Doe'axB6 AH FIdt-U ni cFp dtE>B-..tl .( O !|ElrlHO tE& OAo.IT -',r'conrocE Eagle counE, n"""r"l Offlcerfrce o TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON**lI*A::LrcArroN "* PldI PER}IIT / f - 0061--=-_ ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . .)ARCEL n; 21 ol e8 el 1oa2\1' \-'z\ ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I"{AY NOT BE ACCBPTED,,t {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * }t * * * * * * * * * * * * ,, * PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * *t*.r^vrvsrrJ.\..- t'f-suitatng I f plumbtng [-1l-Erectricar (_J-Mechanlbar [ ] -other _ Job Nane: c(z..t roe Bt Job Acldress: 4r I Legar Description : LoL c kt'nBiDo'",P.A' .-+--3.1Cr t e,, 'L'L4'-!t'..aOwners Narne : @aAddress: Arclritect a AAeu r.T.cr OAt e Address: Ph.fl::11::a:J. Ph.?ts--:>(->o.& Tce Ptr.+ l?-S 6aaIt lto4 5ut iz.t**t+'*t* Fe A AD. Ye ?e ra K} 6 6'Coll General Descripti.orti !oDt rt o.+t + l7,e n<o Co uDd Eeneral Contractorr. A,t t! D. VAgg€ 6,rqa.._o.,,^r.4 Town of VaiL Reg. NO.Addless | ]16 a s ,u .4 ^. Vr-+mairr ph.rr.,o Nrrrnyrer ? t r,!-- >--ncldress" J16 I 5 te .4*cV*-+c. TaPtuat l(s LG6L.RLonq- Nu4.b_er: z-r---t.€:T:_re__fl9lX-OO8rErectricar contractor: lent,e wtt_E*-*:e_ -C8"n-oFV-air Reg. No.Address t Lo* e .,tt, c,u r T-- phone Number: z-3'-'1i"-s-"o PLumbing Cont,ractor: Address: Mechanical Contraqtor: Address: * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR OFI'I BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMII FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: * * * * * ** * * lt * :t :t rt rt rt Jr :t'-r * K CHECK E: DEPOSIT: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: work Class: [ ]-New 1.-J--Afteration t4<Additional 1 llnepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelting Units: I Number of Accommodation Units: Nurnber and TvDe of Fireplacesi Gas AppLiances.._.,1 Gas Logs I Wood/pet-Iet_I Rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * *\ n,--.-;e BUILDING z $ xoa,o-EI'ECTRICAL: $# CoNTRAeTOR INFORMA1ION * * * ,& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' '7 /(9 re<' Town of vail Reg. No. t//(e /J7,g Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. No.Phone N OTHER: S TOT_L_I: r alE!-G. / EIt7,,p-o VALUATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: T FEES: ^ (,.r5 ReiU 3 Pg'^'ota .','l L- ,^trDc vt.4 .l.i{ttb!1a rr']. - .t4,a-),.d .n, ti ';r I'IAY 14 '98 A7.A6 ARCHITECT ONE, PA t,/2'sitE Kp8 { tlf Zxt lil{CHSE) TO P6TS 2I4 CANIER CJPPfrIS REQ'o AI l{ sPlrl 0.c A,t A)Yr cqjfftEnslt( scnfUs 9' 0.c. rlt sl/m- n00s 1 t2' 0.c. Rfl,oi cEDAR PAf{IED IO IATII| ETIST. RAT,ilG AI tEvlt- 88.fl c,Ar)IUt R.H. sc8cfs t' o.c AUo| r/ rOPtr PU$ER Itail Detail o fro TI()l Ei gl olel calolNI tl t5tt Ir t lt 8 x I'G$lT.il r/f e.t'oc NCil. RAtt Er{t)s I0 v8T. ft 2x1 AT EACfl OtD - (coofitfolrs ToP RAL) sEcuRED T0 2J: so. Ft trtEn F0SIS r/ 12, tn' x t r/2'uc scREf,s - Cq'ilIERSf{K csm t rcEsr. naJ) \,tRFl ru ol€Ntoirs2. I|IEN RA|t AS REOTTREDJ. ffrnul sltrt R tt AssatELYrlt EACH R tuilc s€cruil SGALA,: 3/4'- l.-(f ,fl ' fillIIol EIt,l -El igl IRI % -o '.ARpEL lli 71 ototj AloA2 pERMIT AppLICATION fOnlt At -/-, -x." "\i ',\. -' - 2 - DA'E: * Pldlt _ &61/ ac 970-3r.9-8640 f-or Parcel l. TowN OF vAfL CoNSTRUCTION pEN".lrT /i Job Name :atA''- a i<s rba Ea-Job A<ldreSS: 2e 3 ' 6c"/tc CF.. ,-D6rot- FiIing \lV lsi sunnivrsrou: .----:- 34at au2 el'*cv''<a2 7rt ?t *.+ I'- 5 G{.(l Ph.)tr*<,'2 -/c(- t\+c 5tl .,1-t44.*.aa r.€A AD t, ,r,Con c ac t Eagle CounE, n""o""orfrr"n Lesal Descriprion: r,.t sltj^ii3tP?*' owners Name: L^^A, *-L(,en+ Wph t Address: Arclritect z 8Al.:_t::t c) tt t Address: ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEI),t i* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,, * PERMIT INFoRMATIoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * *'f' [ ,{--nuitaing [ ,-f-Plumbing J,4:nlectricat ,I J -Mechani-ca1 [ ] -other Ph.?','-.r >(')or L)k<s 6e ca:t )r)nbe): and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances. i Gas Logs I Wood/pellet--_r kk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATToNs * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * .* \ E, .. ..._{ .e IIIJII-,DING : t. I,s-oz,c'" ELECTRICALT $ # OTHER: $PLUMBTNG: $ fa ffil tlEcHANIcAf_,, $ -r,.rr[_, - ToTAL: $-:::Fi+;---:I E I I 1, ,,<-n.i[ * * * * * ] * * * * * * * * * * * *' '^ * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INTORMAI,ION * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Eencraf Corrtractor:. L*n\: D. V,t ^,gt 6.tR r, <,_a-::!4c A Town of Vail Reg. NO.---Address: )qc i s u-t q*.v,-*n , .Toir.nuJ---{s--2e."1&sr""^\uBi!;, .)-t.._..>c.z_t,"ed,lq[ -OO 8)Dlectricar contractor: 6er1-xre v"E:::-l4. ,. ki#rn-oFV-ai1 Reg. No.--_Acjc]ressit_c,yo'ae'-.rT.-;;;;"-Nu;[li...-==,3-4,ie.3a6ic, ceneral Description: I.lork cl.ass: [ ]-New Jt'-Alteration tlumbcr of DweIIing Units: I Plrr nrb i ng Contractor: Address: I'lechanical Contractor : Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMI'I FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: I]RB FEE: Comments: <,- Rr, '.. ., a, [-.-T.Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accomrnodation Units: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vai.l Reg. NO.Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * tr* * * * * * * * * * * * * tr *'t )t tt >t *'! * BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: ,RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPoSIT! TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: - 19IIlgj - -SIGNATURE: GROUP VALUATION CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REFI]NI) -t TO: FDAM. DATE: CITFl TFTT'N . 75 sou th lronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 4j9-2L39 ALL CONTRACTORS TOTfI'I OF VAIL ottlce of communlly developmeni CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I,]ITH THE TowN OF VAIL pUBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCII ].6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, f5ack or deposit any soil, rock, sancl , debrisor materiar, inc)-uding tr"rsh crurnpsters, p"iiuui.--toirets andworkmen vehicl.es. r1pon any streetl sidewaik, al1cy or publicpr?:" or any porLion 'rereof . rhe ;r;;i_;i_;;;"'". ar' rown ofVaiI strcets and.roads is approximateiy 5 ft. 6ff porr"*.r,r,..T'is ordinance wirr be strittry enrorcld by the iown of vairPubric works DeDartment. perslns found viorating this ordinancewirl be given a 24 hour wrirten ""li.u-to*;;;;;;'=.id rnateriar.fn the event the person so notifiecl does not comply with thenoti'ce within rhe 24 hour.tim" sfeci;i;;,";;"";";lic worksDepartment wirl renove said mateiiui ut irr"-'""p..se of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance stratt not beapplicable to cbnstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ,ignl_"_"uy. To review ordinance No. a in fuII, please stop by the Town ofYlll B":+ding Department to obtain a copy. trranx you for yourcooperation on this rnatter- Read and acknowledged by::,4Ao Zr-__*Z^ 'ill't rl rbed c7"- 1r (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otf lco of communlly devolopmerrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this penni.t requjres a Town of Vai.l Fire Departrnent Approval ,Engineer's (.Publ ic !'orks) reyiew and approvat ,'a prannini'bipartnentreview or Health Department review, anb'a-r.ui.* Lv-ii.i."ilriiaingDepartment,, the estimated time for a total i.ui.*-'ruv'tuie'is tongas three weeks. All conrnrercial (iarge or smail) and ail nrurti-famiry permits willhavc to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremenii. icsidentialand,small projects shourd take a resser amount of time, However, ifresidentjal or snraller.projects impact tne vJrious-;b;;u rinilon.Odepartnrants with reqard to necessaiy review,-theie ;;;j;.';;"r.yalso take tlie three week period tvery attempt vri'l I be nrade by this dcpartnrcnt to expedite thispet'rnit as s.qon as possible. -'rr-- i v\' v'' I' thu undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timef rame.. C.'ni4 +g Communi ty DeveloJrment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: REI MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Please answer lhe {ollowing questionnaire regarding the need {or a "Public Way YES Job Name: Dale: C^..li"l* */ Permit': NO t/'-'ls this a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utilily work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done alfecling the right of way, easements, or public properly? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way Pernrit' required? B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for slaging, parking or fencing? B, lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by CommunityDevelopment? . lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's otfice or at CommunityDevelopment. lf estions please call Charlie Davis,lho Town of Vail Conslruction I nspector,\47 9-21 5 I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) r) 4) 5) l.--' t,-''- t-'- 6) L.'. 1) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 4) 5) 6) Fill out our check list provided with a buildinO Oeimit?polication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate, A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 15th. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. sketch of worl< being performed must be subnritted indicating dimensions (length, width & dcpth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site nle n f nr tho inh Submit completed application to the PLrblic Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians ancl lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4B hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the'Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself, NOTE: * The above. process is for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 2l 3) 7l cd/pway o DEVELOTOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 APPI,ICANT colrrRAcToR OI,IINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. PMENT ON .JOBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES : D98-0005 ilob Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 2101-082-L2-002 PRJ98-0052 Issued..Expires. ISSUED 0s / 04/L998 os/04/]-998 LO /31-/t998 223 E GORE CREEK DR StaEus. . 223 GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSApplied. LARRY D. VANDE GARDE 3461 S. W. MAC VICAR AVE., TOPEKA, I,ARRY D. VA}IDE GARDE 3461 S. W. MAC VICAR AVE., TOPEKA, VANDE GARDE I,ARRY D & LINDA K - MCGIVERN ,f F II & MARGIE A -, 3467- Phone KS 55611 Phone KS 66611 SW MACVICAR, t 785-267-a058 :785-267-L068 TOPEKA KS 66611 DescripEion: INTERIOR DEMO Occupancy:Tlpe Construction:'I)pe Occupancy: Valuat ion: Fircplacc fnfonnaEion: Restricled: R]-, 82 ,A3NOIIII 1-HRType in table !III 1-Hour 2,500 *of ca6 Appliances: Add Sq FE: *Of Oaa Log6:*of wood/Pal16!: FEE SW{ARY Buildj.ng- ----> 7s. oo Tolal calculaled Fees---> 245 '15 Plan check- - _ > InvesEigat ion> Restualant Plan Revi€',- - > DRB Fee-- -- - -- - - Recreation Fee- - ------_ - > cLean-Up Deposit- - - --' -- > IOTAL FEES.-. --- AddiLional Fee6-------- > ToEal Permit Fee--_--_--> Paymenla---_---- BAIANCE DUE- - -.. 48 ,75 ,0o will. call----> 3.0o .00 20.00 .00 100 .00 .00 246.75 245 .75 .00 Irem: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENI Dept: BUILDING Division: oE7'dq, t lgga-'JRr"l----- -eEEion : APPR APPRovED JBIrriraft;'d5+do--p-l,eluvrNq-DnFAiirr{-E-Nr " --- ---Depqi-pLANNTNG Division:o5lo4lig96 .rm,t Action: APPR APP PER cHBrsTrE--iE6fr;'65660-i'fns DEPARrMEi.ii Dept: !'JRE Division:iEd;i; 05500 FueLrE-woRKS - DebF' 9!rB wQRK p{vision: iE6iii; 05700 ENvrRoNMEiifAr., uea1,rH pe!c: 4FALTH Division:iEEiii: o5t0o tiqudR be!c' SLERK Division: See page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions Lhat may apply to tshis permit - DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknovledge !har. I have read this applicati.on, filled ouE in full the informacion required, comPleEed an accurat€ plot plan, and BLaie thaL all the informarion plovided as requir€d is correct. f agree Eo comPly rrith lhe information and pIoC Plan, to compLy with all Town oldinanceg and state Lave, and to build this Etructtrre accolding !o the Toen'6 zoning and subdivieion codea, dcei.gn rGview approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of Ehe Tolrn aPplicable lhcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECfIONS SIIALL BE MADE TWENIY-FOU! HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:00 A!| 5:00 PM'--2 lp7--:-4N send c1.an-up Depooir ro: LARRY VANDE GARDE lret{Aru{e oF owNER oR coNrRAcroR FoR HIMSELF AND owNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: D98-0006 as of 05/04/98 SEatus: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: DEMo. OF PART/ALL BI'DG. Applied: 05/04/L998 Applicant: LARRY D. VANDE GARDE Issued: 05/04/1998785-267-L068 To E>qgiret tO/3L/t998 Job Address: LOCAI,iONZ 223 GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSIDE #2)Parcel No: 2l-01-082-L2-002 DescripEion: INTERIOR DEMO Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARIWIENT APPROVAI-, IS FGQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAlir BE ST.ARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPIIAIiICE. ?_*t,tr.trttta.tttaaa'attaatrattariraarrrala rong oF \rtlrr, @loRlDo Rqrrtrrtld:O6l$al9g 1,4!3? St!t.tn! Stictont !fu!ba! ! nEC-O39{ lllpirnc ! Pilm.nc t'lochodr cK Nocrcionr 519 21a,79 Otlo4l96 r4tJ2 lnll ! ItAlf Prr[it tfo t D98-0006 ll1?. ! l-DBllO DBllo. Or PART,/IIJr BU Prrc.1 l{o r 2l0r -081-12-002 SlE. Mdrr.r! a23 E @Rl CnEBK DR IJocatLoR ! ttr3 @RE CFEBK DR (CREEI$IDE *2) Iotal Fc.a ! 246.73 lotal ALL Pntr ! 2{6.?5 216.74 ,00 Thl. Pal'a.nE Balanca: l!arii!rtr|rttttattt.rtf ttrtiltf atttltit*aitliattttttttta*itrtttttrr AccounE coda BD 00100003111100 DR 0010000311?200 Pt 00100003112300 rD 00100002,103100 sc o0100003112800 D.ac-ipgl,on BUII,DIIIC 9ENUtl FEES DEgtcrl RSnra$ rgas PLIII CHECK AEES CLEAM'P DEPOAITS l{tl! CltJt, ltrCPECrroA PEE .l$oqng ts,00 ?o.00 49,75 100,00 3.00 L/ Aro", Eagle county Assesscrs 1,."Parcel l. . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI ' * Jr * * rl rt rt tt :t * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * ,( * :r * * * * * [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechani'car Xl-oth".7--ob Name | (Rti't':s /Dt fr2 .T,.\h rAA-^..-. zc t ------_-____-__-- Job Address2 ]c'5 L'c.R€ ( i€{r\ DR C At i..t ,b:'(4-oe,egal Description: Lot_ Block_{ Filing V'Vr--r susotvistoN, --- I t^ . ')wners Name: /-' l' A</% (1 1t\D( Address: 3qa( 5"a _11 ,rc V.c,att ph..)t,) ,2c.,),/o(.g ,rchitect: 4 it<t Lu\ r s ,, -,Address:ph .2 6i-t --t ll .- 2 cr ., ,eneral Description: Df ''r ot..I Rt ,'a aDl L (- .t ,,<," 5 g, {,'ork crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]_other Da,no umber of Dwel-ling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ,pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances. 2 cas Logs / wood/pellet t ,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IITT hY\lr-. trJIJJUJ.II\J. Y LUMBING, T-- Iectrical Contractor: cloress: TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORMDATEtl f<,+'l u' PEfu\IIT # EI,ECTRICALI $ MECTIANICAL: $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAL,TON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *eneral Contractor: /- /r RF.Y 7) w:o /r/t (;.4 F.z.Town of vail Reg. No,/CZ-t--ddress: C'rt rr ia:,ol--Fl Phone Nunber: t-f ) r"" r.i-it orHER: )\.eSn" o TOTAL/$-- Iumbing Contractor: ddress: ******************************* UTLDING PERMIT FEE: LUMBING PERMI..T FEEs ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: LECTRICAL FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: Ktt I.L.b: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vai] Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. No. FOR OFFfCE USE 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1r * * * )r,lr * * * * * * * * * * BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK IEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: echanical Contractor:ddress: 'To t';' i(.t /< s' GROUP lnmenLs: VALUATION LEAN I]P DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMTT Permit #: P98-006i- JOb AddrCSS:. 223 E GORE CREEK DR STATUS...: ISSUEDLocatlon. . ..: 223 GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSApplied. . : Os/2r/L999Parcel No..: 2L0t-082-72-002 Issued...: 05/21,/L998Project. No.: PRJ98-0062 E>cpi-res..: LL/L7/L998 APPLICANT VANDE GARDE, LARRY D. PhONC: 785-267-LO68 3461 S. W. MAC VICAR AVE., TOPEKA, KS 55611 CONTRACTOR VANDE GARDE, LA,RRY D. PhONEZ 785-267-L058 3451 S. W. MAC VrCAR AVE., TOPEKA, KS 66611OWNER VANDE GARDE LARRY D & LINDA K - MCGIVERN .J F II & MARGTE A -, 346]- SW MACVICAR, TOPEKA KS 66611 Descript,ion: PI-TUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation: L2, 000 . 00 FEE SI,I.,IMARY Pludbind-----> 1s0.00 ResEuarants Plan Revieu--> .00 Tocal Calculated Feee---> 22e-Oo plan Ch!ck---> 45.00 ToTAIJ FEES------ 22s,OO Addisional Fee6-'-------> .OO InveellgaLion> .00 Tocal Permits Fee___---_-> 22g.oo wtlr call----> 3'00 iiffli";;;:--------:---: "'.i3 ITEM: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/21/L998 JRltl llction: APPRrEi;m: .056q0 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division:o5/2L/L998 JRll Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I h€lcby acknowl.dge that I hav€ lead thle applicatsi.on, fiIled ouE ln full t.h€ lnformation lequlred, complceed an accuraCe pIoE p1rn, and 6t'aEa lhaE all thc inforrtlai:ion providcd ae rcquircd i€ colrecg. I aglcc t.o comply riEh lhe informatlon and PIot Plan, to conply l{1Ch el1 Town oldinances and sLaEe }arl6, and Co build bhiB BtslucEure accotding Eo uhe Toen's zoning and 6ubdivi'Bion codeE, deaign teview epproved, Uniform BuiLding Code and othcr ordinancee of th6 forln aPPlicable Eherelo. REQUESTS FoR INsPEqIIoNs SHAIJL aE MADE TI.IENTY.FOI,R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:OO AM 5:OO PM ----z-z -R\=,/ ,/ , oz.-/-f Z,/c--z^ /dF-itj(\\ folterriie oF owNER oR couTRtrcroR FoR HTMSELF LND owNER -.-l}rrri'rr*raJrarrrft aroraratrrrr.rrrr+tr*rrrFrrtttaattrtrrrrrrrrr rottr ol vltl,. cololllD sr.!,.tsn! tttttiaaoarlattta'r.ttttgiaaritiaartttirtt|}trtttl|rittlttt|}t'itarrra.'tt StaB.Etrg truEbar! REC-O|O5 toounE: P.lD.ng gtthod ! (tr( Logrtlonr E5!. 22N.00 O5l2t l9a t6 tLl Inii ! lo$f Balancs! .00 ita!,tattttatlla|}tataJtrt'tttar.!rrrr,r*rrl, trttttAtaf rattttt*tttl+r'r Prl.tnit Xor P98-0061 T)r!ro: E-PL'E ELUGTI|C pBnnlr F.rc.l t{e | 21O1-Oa2-12 -0O2 git. Mdr.ra ! 323 A @nE cnfBK DR troc.sl,ot| | Zz3 cons ca!E( Dn (eRffxgtDE] Io!|l P... ! 229. OO ThiE Prytrnc 22S. O0 ToC.l lLt Prtri 229.00 lccgurB Cada D.EcrlpELon PP 001.00003t 11200 ptJt u84a6 pE8$tt FEES Pl 00100003112300 pt ltf cHtcK trEs tfc 00t00003112800 t{lLL etrI,l trltspEcrloN tEE lEount 180. 0 0 45.o0 3.OQ DEPARTI4EIfT OF COMMI'NITY D I-JOPMETTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECfRICAI-., PERMIT Permits #: E98-0Ll-0 lTob Address: 223 E GORE CREEK DR Stat.us...: ISSITED Location. . -: 223 E GoR ECREEK DR (CREEApplied. .: o5/2L/L998 Parcel No..: 21oL-082-12-oo2 rssued. ..: 05/2L/r998 Project No.: PRJ98-0052 E>cpires..: LL/L7/L998 oEVE Phone: 303-442-3080co 80501Phone: 303 -442-3080co 80s 01- MACVTCA.R, TOPEKA KS 66511 Valuation:10,000.00 Total calculated Fees-_-> 18f, 'oo Additional Fce6_----__--> 'oo Total Pennits Fcc_---_--_> 193 '00 Pa).menEs 193 ' O0 BAIiNCE DUE--- -- -oo TOII]N OF VAII. 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -47 9 -2L38 OWNER APPLICANT BETTER WAY ELECTRIC SUITE A, 1813 SI]NSET PLACE, LONGMONI, CONTRAETOR BETTER WAY ELECTRIC SUITE A, 18]-3 SI]NSET PI,ACE, LONGMONT, VANDE GARDE LARRY D & I-,INDA K - MCGIVERN J F II & MARGIE A -, 3461 SW Description: EI,ECTRICAL FOR REMODEL FEE SIIMMA.RY ELcc!!icrl---> 1s0.00 DRB Fcc .oo Inv.Bt-j.gation> . oo WiIl CaIl----> 3,oO TOTAL FEES---> ls3.00 Item:0500005/2L/1998Ttbm:05500 os / 2!/ Le98 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENI -DePt:JRM_-_- _ AEti.on: APPR APPROVED JRM-Finr DEPARTMENT Dept:.]RI'4 ACTiON: APPR N/A BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hercby acknorledge that I have lsad chis aPPlication, filled oub ln ful1 Eh6 informatsi'on rcquil'cd' comPlets€d en plan, and sEatc tha! alL Lhc informacion Plovided as lequiled is correc!. I agr€c to comPly 'ilh Ehe informaEion to conpty nitsh all Tosn ordinance6 and.tac6 Lawa, and to build thi6 sLrucEul€ accolding to thc Torn't zoning rnd codcr, dceign rcvi.cr approvcd, uniforrfl Building codr ana othe! ordinanccs of thc To\,n aPplica]'l. lhrrcLo. accuratsc PloL and plor plan, subdivi sion REQUES'S FOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL Bg MADE Tr{ENry - FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TSLEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OttR OFFTeE FROM g:00 Al'l s:00 PM -A--eV"---p,4-\\E " t.lrniffi-op owNER oR co$rRAgroR FoR HTMSELF AJ.D oh'llER Tornf ot vlt&, coloRrDo gErta[nt ttt arttt t tttritttatt]raattt l')tlt tt!f taatattlttttf ta*tttti'la tatti'af tt t at a ggrt.drt l|irDb.! ! IEC-o4oS l,lounc t 9rl|o;nl l|.ghod ! ctr Neertlonr 56tr 183,Oo 05/21198 16r10 Inic ! l|l'f Polult tfo; 198-0110 ryp.r Prrcrl Nor 3101-0N2-12 -ooa gLtr lddrc.! t a23 ! GonE CRAEK Loc.tloB! 221 E CoR ECRBEK B-ELEC II.EGIRICI! PEEIITT DR (CREEET'IDE} totrl !r! ! 5tl! Frl|[.ne 183.00 Tot|rl AtJtr g|[es r E ltncq t ra tt !}* ilr, r rt lf I I i r tlr i r i I r r +r ttt rtr t rlt*tt ra{ t**tt tt f ttt itirair tr rtr rr lccounc Cgda D..c!lptlgn EP 00100003111400 E.EC!B!GA! PlRltIT FlEs $C 0or0000311te00 nM CAI,! INSPSCIION FEE Irr. o0 1C3.O0 ,oo Moung t a0, o0 3.OO aon.o.a Eaglc councy A""o""orlf f t"n ac 970-328;8640,f._oS. -Parc.pl !, ToWN OF VArL cONSTRUCTfO\ryEL l l 2l o l ot 2-l 2ac2- pERMTT AppLrcATroN FORM( DATE2aYY'+J::' PRt7f,*oaba-6 q r'- aa e? o PER.\IIT /j . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t' * * * 't ** * * * * * * * PERMIT fNFORIATION * * * * * * * * * * * r! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,-./' --'[ ]-Building 1i44lumbing tnr4lectricar [ ]-Mechaniba). [ ]-other fob Namei ('Rf f t,ttD, o2 Job Address: tt_a_4,:'t !t:.," lgtvtC /< t r'n>' L li t-, xe. ar B. A.Legal Description: Lot,'- BIockjA Filing@ fwners yvals'./,on,'y *Lt'-aa V+p>e 6.tpa. Address , '4i'r,t)?. l:' il:";'; -trchitect 2 Qft.. t< 1. €..r /).,tr. Address , '.'rt"'""-l-* ,i.!*;;';';t! O" Fa Ph .'2t5 2.. /aLE Ph .?t -:^- z)r- >a, r, ELECTRICAIl $ 7 o_ r---<, HEctlANIcAr,t $lo^J_OTHER: ToTAL: $ ;l-}.c-".a 1* * rt :rr :t :* i :t >t * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * coNTRj\creR TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * *ieneral Contractor: z-,qlll.-Y D. ltnuot G3R"tt r*r,i Town of VaiI Req. No. io2-L\ddressi if4t 5d *rficvtc 4R 7 apt q4-n's Z-i. a t.' phone Nunber: 41t-,.iv- ^u'1::::::"r ::":Iac!1r :{-'*'y'.n, .',i,*Jbf t"*r or Vair ** ."JIIa$.rddfeSS i /_o.ud tq. .4 t 1 D --E;1io nniiii"-N";;;;,''___'_--,'cidress: ^ ^Z ^ rttl Dx,.rna rT,,-r-.^-. - Iechanical Contractor: v - \(l(l I gs >; Dhnna Nrrnrlrar-._ : ** :trt**tt*rt* ******* :t** * ** **FOR OFFICE USE *** * * *** ***********rr'r ********* * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLTIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIJ\N CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}TIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE::onments: }UTLDING PERMIT FEE:-,LUMBING PERMTT FEE:I tff:iil+3ffi F:;T" "il )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: ieneral Descriptionz .4DDtT,".u n fre q.or'- n,-- Ct.o6a1 -...'rork class: [ ]-New 7-''(ttt"ru:jon yfndditionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other tumber of DwelLing Units:Number of Accohnodation Units: |mber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances. 2 Gas Logs / Wood/pellet k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * * * * * * *\a]UILDING: $ ?{I.O ILUMBING: $ ,)-" *<-c' , n - 'ddressi /-o.udr.. at,. 1p +JfII-l" phon?Nr: /7/ _ ._27 d9,l::lllg ContracXor: -zLt-i O J.t^.,o.. 6+hoLroL!'.tti._ Town of v'ait neg. NO._-- GROUP VALUATION , CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT RNFUND TO: a 75 soulh tronlage roa d vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: qtlElTr.r..n. olf lce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL ToLrN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKS/cotrMUNITy DEyELOPI,IENT IIARCH l_6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or aeposit. any-"Jirl"rl.k, =una, debris;:.ffi::'i:ii.i::r"dins trasn i"*p=t"rs, ;;;i";r;' ioirei! ;;;--- p1 a ce ". u'.'v -pJ..I3l'.f; ll"rf i""ii.=ii;iltrli-*li":"':riJil*:-".Vail streets ina.roads is approximateiy s ft_ 6ff pavement.This ordinance wirr ue ;t.i:ii;^enforced by the To,,rn of VailPubl-ic works Department- --F"r.3ns found "iliuli'g this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour writl"n--n"ii".-t"-iifrii"'="id nrateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does-";;'";;;ply with thenotice rvithin the- 24 hour ti*"-=p""ified, the putlic worksDepartment vrirl remove said mate;i;i-;r-inJ'^I*ilire of personnotified' The provisionr of it,i= orclrnance sharl not beapplicable to ctnstruction, r.int.nunce or repair projects ofany street or al1ey or any "riiiai;;"i; ;;.';i;ii_._ruy. To review Ordinance No. o in full, please stop by the Town of:::i.::i13i"8"":f;i:'il:li"::"";;;i" a copv- ri'unic vou ror your Read and acknowledged by: Y --,-position/n@1i.e. contractor, owner) 'l rl |crrr, >r >- qe DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permits #: M9B-0078 o DE\/ELO 223 E GORE CREEK DR STAIUS. . . : ISSUED 223 GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSIDE#2Applied.. : O5/26/1'998 2LOL-OB2-I,2-OO2 Issued...: 05/27/L99e PR,f98-0062 Er<pires . .: LL/23/L998 APPLIEINT JAYHAWK FIRE SPRINKLER CO. , TNC. PhONE: .785-232-0975 P. o. Box 8458, 110 N. E. GORDON, TOPEKA, KS 66608 COIiTTRAETOR .JAYHAWK FIRE SPRINKLER CO. , INC. PhONC: 785-232-0975 P. O. BOX 8458, 110 N. E. GORDON, TOPEKA, KS 66608 OI{NER VANDE GARDE I,ARRY D & LINDA K - MCGIVERN ,J F II & MARGIE A -, 3461 SW MACI/ICAR, TOPEKA KS 66611 Description: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Fircltlac€ Inforrlr!ion: Re6cricts6d: FEE SWMARY t r t ** r i ' *1ir r r* a Mechanical---> 25O.OO Restuarant Plan Revi'es_-> 'OO Total Calculated fce6---> 328'0o Plan Check---> 65.00 DRB Fe6--------- 'OO Additsi'onal Fees---------> 'O0 Invcstigacion> .oo TOTAL FEES------ 32S.OO TotsaI Permit Fe6_-__--__> 324'oo wi.ll carr----> r.oo :iH,:::";;;::-_'_-".'-:--_-: "':ii Item: .05100 BUTLDING_DEPARTMEI{T -p-ePt: BUILDING Diwision: oE7)i;t\9g6-'JRM-- -Actiq4j APPR APPRoVED'JRM- rtrem: ose do"i'JnE DEPARfMEIIi' - -- - -- -pepq: FrRE Division: 637ii;tl55d-uixif-t-l---Aciion: APPR appvd as notEd CONDITION OF APPROVAI I.FIELDINsPEeTIoNsAREBqQqIBFDTocI{Eq4E'qR-_qgDECoMPI{I.ANCE.j . b6frsusri6N-iifl-i5 heau-fEED-DER Sec. -eo1-gF-TU-E 1eel -ul4c":--i'. ifriftXilr"fliloii-riu$i'Cofi'Foitrl- tQ-t'tatrurAeiunEs lNsrRuer I oNs AND-' i-d*nppEND1x cH.i\PTER 21" o,E-THF 1991-Uug-.-- -- -a . GXs' li,F-r,TEiicE$-3sai,l lq_vENTED Aecon_orryc-To_qIAPTER e AND-' 5iiar,l,- teRMiNEir-AS-Sp-eqrllgD- rrl sE-q. 9-0-5- gE-I-HF 1e91 W-c' s . I'ctESs-To -niietilld-E0UIFMENT-MOST- coMPLY WITH sEc. s05 AND 703 OF TIIE 1991 UMC. e . s6ilEirs-SiHAii-frn'i,iduurqp _QN^!,LooRs QE N9NCQTEUSTIEI-,E coNsr.-' uNLESS- LiS-TED Fon MOqNTr-N,G, -QN coMBUsr-rEL-E - E!QoRrNGr. Fiiflfiii,FfiNd"ANf"ccfiE ANAttSis-MiUgt BE PosrED IN MECHANIqAL' RooM-Dfrron to AN TNSPECTIQN-REQUESr. --e. ijixt'NAjr-cjr'^Mutlietiidat -nooMg--e6n'rArllruq SEAT-ING oR HQr-wArE-R"' sirp*Fir!-eoileii!--fittitt -EB--g0UIpFED wrtn a FLooR DRAIN PER sEc. 211-9 0F THE 1991 IJMC. ************************************************************************Jrlr:t***:t: TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 'Job Address...:Location......:Parcel No.....:ProjecE Number: *of ca6 Appliatrce6: VaIuaEion: #of cas Logs: L2,867 .OO *of wood/Pal16c: DECI,ARA'TIONS I'h.roby rcknorlldgr th.c I h.va t .a e|ppf fcrrion, filleal ou! {n full ths tnfolua\t rrqulrrd, coqrlctcd rn .ccu!.c. pl.ot,plsr, |nd rt.t. ehrts rll th. lnfot'[alion lrrovl&d aa !.quir.d Ls co!r.cg. I .g-.. to codply rlth thc lnforiErtion rnd plol plin, to ca,Eply ritb rll foyn oldl,n.ncar .nd alrca l a, rnd Eo bulld tshlr .tnrccu!. .ccoraing to Eh. lofn'. toning rnd lqbdlvl..ion cod.!, d.algn rrvl,cr approvrdr ltnlfott! Bullailng cod. .nd otshar olilln.Ic.r of th. Tofln q't)llcrbla lh.rcEo. REQlrEsts FOl. MsPEeltong gHAl,t BE I|ADE tWElrTr-8OUR l{ottRtt rN tDlrlNcA Bt TELaPHOIIE Aa 479-2138 OR AI OlrR ortlcE IRONI 83oo Aff 5:0o PM_.'./,. sr.nATuRE op on'lR oR conrRActo' Fon grugBnt ADD *{NER &r'^ tf'-J- /''!\ _.r.rrrrrft r.rrttat.tt.ittt.r..r..rrr.tr.r.r|)ttr{.ratrrt..arrr. Tofrq or vAtlr, coliRrDo gealasrt gE rru[rE lfu$r! r REC-0406 lmu'lE ! Pryu.nE, U.thod: cR l$ogrElon! s70 32C.00 05/27,/18 10t{6 rnig ! UAxf P.!!l,! No! tlle.oo?l ltE.: B-UEct{ uEcllllflclt PERIIIT P.rcrl do! 21,0L-082 -12-0Q? gi.r,r lddrer. ! 223 I GORB Ci,EEK DR Irocrglot|r 223 GolE CREAT DR (CRE8(EID8*2) ratttctraltir}'arrrttrttttttttrtt*aaitttitttf tliil'ltttttrlttatrtat Tlda Prlrn€nB lcegunB €oda total F.aa t 32q,00 Totrl AIrL Put.3 Balanec l Dr.cd,ptlon t20. oo 3?9. 00 4ooung 260. O0 65.O0 1.00 MP 0o1000o!11l3o0 llEq{IWcAIr PER IT FBBg PF 001oo003tlit3o0 PLAS CIIECI( F8AS wC Oo1oooo3llzll00 llll'lL CAIL INIIPECIION PEE MAY-21-1998 LAt24 JAYHflI( FIRE SPRK.?85 232 1139 P.W PE&IIT , Job NasG: 4€gral Der BOTIIDDTG: s I eddrcssi 'l of vail Rcg. NO.iirmh63; of vail Rog. tro.NuDber: "&WrAf1Addresg;VrwA j&IlDfilC: STGNATU&E:izotflrc: :FPF1O-19!B i I qrnlcrs rarej At. /au tlnoni , -tect: Clasa: of l-Nrr t)d-elteracioq I J-Additionar f l]nepair t l_ochcrrirrg trnits: - NleDer or .lccoqsodagr"" o*a* lppliances,_ cas !ogs_ nooaTeetfet \l}lttAtllolrs *rr*rr**i r**€ **r**rrr:r** *t*rrtrrr^ fia?tt.l--- ' otnn:t/4t ri^-r - - - l' or-in: t tZ,AW,t*TCDAI:t-_---._-- rNFoRrarrog_**i**rrrr.rr.t****rr***r.*r _r_r_ To$B of Vail Beg. xodthorie tfiuber: - ---'F--- gruwca I4AY-21-19S 18:25 ag three HeeRt. tlt Euc| ''oilrgl| ,!.drr, cdo.rdo IttE?OqD 47t-zl3S pf gZ9-2139 JAYHFuJK FIRE SPFK. sUILD ?85 232 1139 P.A3 IIIC PER|{IT aftba €, eoil|l|||'|lty d|ilo?rtld I ISSUAI{CE TIIC FRA|.G ' If ftis perntt re(ruirc E4s! neel b ( pubr ii *.i|ri lffjt-}tl-l*- 9"p.'!*lt AppFov"r,Elgineef b (Publii l{oi. t 'orr Frre !h!Frt!er€vrr or r{c.ar'* ,,-^--Il!-Ievtq rnd appmval ,'i fia { '' I imir Con{tl I l FR-1S-t9E Saee; FFEiffiiiiffiE geve I Oo0r",tt DcOattnrent- 15:3El g7'1,P.4r I4AY-21-19S 18:26 { l l I rRPrr I JAYHFUK FIRE SPFK.'/85 232 1139 P.U dtlo. d co|trrunlv dGildcffi i,--.I - tl-.ortmrrgr*rt,w||.Coto.t<Cnfe7 . CrBt 479-2t3E 6s 4t9-zl.s9I :. lrlRcs il.oj 1e88 #t*ffi#* .'n'E*utl RFGTdEED trrrE xE !l Tornr qp .'hrr. eosirc TIORRS/CIOINIuIE!?C DEIIEIFEIEilT icontractor, ffner) and ackacrledgcd b1,: '.-Z( 4 7Flffi t .i MAY-21-19S 18,27 JAYHRI,I( FIRE SPRK.?85 232 1139 P.6 F -TO: I FROH:j RE: DATE: ] orpubrc Prowfry? ! |saf -Revocabte Rrlgtrr OtW"y permtt-rcqlired?. ; i A" i ts lhe rlgh of rray, easements or It rp !o 8A. iE a parking. saging mC PFI Gquired btCOmnunty an$ttpredalthe abqvs 199 tegadirq lhs need for;a'pubflc Way peimtr: 'YES NO f) ?) 3) 4) 5l t: ls;this a new residence? y tl ts pemortion work beirp performectlhiil requires the use o{ the righ ,otf , easemeds or prbfq iropety? {ts eny uttltty work nee@? ls ihe dn'vewa/ being repavect? f t,ls drlferent access needed tO sile othpr ihan eristirB dweway?r f6) 7) 8) T.ffi- i15:39Ii I . P.6 :6.-ic,tl (Z S yr:_n any of these guerilions, a ?r.6llc Way permitr must be ot tain€dPeTniF app[catiorrs mty De odt iruo-a o,"-',p,rr" wortc" oflfce or dEy€foprnenl f you trar ?-ariy^qsegtorrs ptea;;fl6,a;Jffi;ffi fl;uctbn lnsp€dor, d 47!.g|63.' #z ,..? TOTRL P.65 I TO9ft{ OF VArL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArIJ, CO 81657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARl'!,lEI'l't OF COMMI'NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BT'DG. APPIJIEAN:T COITTRA TOR OWNER DescripEion: REMOVE FIRB DAMAGED ROOF Occupancy:Tlpe Const.rucEion: III-lHR Not.TIT)e Occupancy: R1/82lA3Not Valuat ion: Fir.plrce Infor1n.r!lon: ReEE!lcced: 2,950 *Of Oas Appl,iances I R66tu.!ant Platl Rrview- - > DRE Fee--------- Recrealion Fce----------> .Oo Job Address: 223 E GORE CREEK DR LOCAEJ-ON. . .: 223 E GORE CREEK DRParcel No. . : 2L0L-O82-L2-002Project. No. : pRJgB-0062 MASTER SEAIERSP. O. BOX 4473, VAIL, CO 8L658 MASTER SBALERSP. O. BOX 4473, VArL, CO 81658 VANDE GARDE LARRY D 6. IJINDA K - MCGIVERN ,J F II 6. MARGIE A -, 3461 SW Per:rnit #: D98-0O08 SEatus...: ISSUED(CREEApplied. . : 06/02/L998Issued... : 06/02/L998Expj.res. . : LL/29/L998 Phone z 970-476-3975 Phone: 970-476-3975 MAC'VICAR, TOPEKA KS 66611 *Of oa6 Log6:fof Wood/PaI let : Tolal Calculaled Fea€- -- > in table !in t,ab1e ! Add Sq Ft.: FEE ST'I.IUARYBuilding-----> PIan Ch6ck- - - > InvG€t1ger ion>will call-,--> ?5.O0 {8 .75 . oo 3.00 245,15.oo 20.o0 Addir ional F€os---------> .oo clean-Up Deposit-- -- - -' -' TOTAI FEES-.. - -- Totel Per. it Fee--------> Palment6-------- 246 .15 246 .75100 ,00 246.'t5 aALANCE DUE----- .OO IEem: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTilENI DeDE,: BUILDINGq6l02l1998 JRM Act.ion: AppR APPROVBD ,lRI.fIE.em: 05400 PLANNING DEPARI14ENI DepEr PLANNINGItem: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Debt: FIREItsCM: O55OO PUBTIC WORKS DEbE: PI'B WORK -IEEM: O57OO ENVIRONMEIfTAiJ HEALTH DEbt.: HEALTHrE€m: 05900 LIQUOR Depc: CLERK Division: Division:Division:Divislon:Division:Division: **t*trrttra*rrt See Page 2 of bhis Document for any condit,ions that may apply to Lhis pennit DECLARATIONS I helaby acknorL€dge that I hev6 read chi6 appllcation, fiIled ouf in fulI ch6 infornacion requlrcd, compleEed an accur-aie plot Plan. and af,atc cluE aII rh6 lnfornatslon provided a9 raqulred ie colrect. t agr6e !o conply r.iEh the lngorraclon and plot plan,to cohPly vir'h all Torrn ordLnances lnd shaEe 1r!rB. and co build this surucEur€ rccordlnq uo Ehe To$n,E zonlnq and subdivisjoncod.e, d.sign r.vloe approvod, uniforn Buil.dtng codc lnd othcr oldlnanc.. ot rhc Iofln applicgble c.hcre!o. REQUESTS FOR INSPECiIIOIjIA AHALIT gE MADE TWEN,I|Y- POOR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 4?9-2:.]8 OR AI OUR S.nd Cl6an-Up D.poBiL Tor IIASTER SEALER9 OF OWNER OR HIMSELF AND OI1'NER *********************************************************!t****!t***************** CONDITIONSPermlu #: D98-0009 as of o6/02/ge SraEus: rssItED************tl******************************************************************* Permit.Type: DBMO. OF PART/ALL BttDc. Applled: o6/02/rggaApplicant: M]\STER SEATERS risued: o6/02/Lg9g970-476-3975 To Expire: LL/29/L998 itob Address: IJOCAt,ION: 223 B GORB CREEK DR (CRBEKSIDE #2)Parcel No: 2101-092-1"2-002 DescrlpElon: REMOVE FIRE DAMAGED ROOF CondiEions:1. FIRE DEPARII4ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRBD BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FTEIJD INSpEgfroNs ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,t * * SEatemnE Number: REC-0409 Amount. :246.7s 06/02/9e 12:38fnit: JRMPayment Method: CK Not,ation: 4L58 o it************************** TOtfN OF VAIL, coLoRADO ********************************** SEat,emnts Permit No: D98-ooo8 Type: A-DEMo DEMo.Parcel No: 2101-092-L2-002Sit,C AddrESS: 223 E GORE CRBEK DRtOCAt,iON: 223 E GORE CREEK DR (CREEKSIDB ToEal Fees:This Pa]rment 246.75 ToEal ALL PmES: Ealance: OF PART/AIJL BU *21 246,75 246.75 .00**************************************************************** Account Code DeecriptionBP OO10OOO3l].1100 BUII,DING PERMIT FEESDR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FBESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PI"AN CHECK FEESAD OO1OOOO24O31OO CI.EANT'P DEPOSITSwc 00100003112800 wrtt, cAr,L INspEqfIoN FEE AmounE 75.00 20 .00 48.'t5 100.00 3.00 :oncacc Eagrc counE, n".o="orlf f 1"" tzI,?WJ!9"*!i Xili,:il;li:S3j"- 'Etu'm-6a,ono\ ---t----oer;;:+"^;"r+'YY 6z,ro-{ / APPLICATIoN }flJST BE .FILLED oUT CoMPLETELY oR IT ltAy NoT BE AccEpTED t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATIoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * ,: [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Erectrica] [ ]-Mechani-car [ ]-other rob Name, Z2zzzr..azz 4)- Job Acldress: Legal Description: Lot Rl nnl.. r..i 1 .i -r a.l..!rlq crranrttrcrn\t.,-----------____ _Lw.t ! )wners Name: \rch i.tect : Ph. ?LUMBING:I ilectrical Contractor: 'ddress: - EI,ECTRTCAL: $ 11E \- TLTll\ I UAlJ: + Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: ,lumbing ContracLor: 'ddress: Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nuhber: Reg. NO. lechanicaL Contractor: rddress:Reg. NO. : t<*rlt<*rt* J<******* * * ** * * ** * ******* }UTLDING PERMTT FEE:,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE:)Tt{tr]] TVDF nI' FFE . lDEl FE F. iomments: FOR OFFICE USE rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** rr rr * * * rt * * * x *. BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEEIMECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES; BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE ! 'e..,/.a t la?.e a/ Address. Address: leneraL Description. ,lork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Additional [ 1:nepair lfiotn"ra&? lumber of DweLling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: fnber and Type of Fireplacesl Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pel1et i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * ,t ,k * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * x * *\IIUILDING: $OTHER: $ToTAL:+@ l* * * * )t * * * * * * )t 't * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATToN *********************fi;pjA*!ene:-al- Cc:')tractor: ?_ <=r4< . r-t:/_ Town of VaiI Reg. *O.&rcldress z afa - -€a-r ;*-. -3 z--, -. Lr t(!J U -H VALUATION .fttr.?At-z ..? c, Z?.i /-,=-,cf 4 -f4e tz}c / 4-*+ ..tt-"' 2?a. 4< r"f CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REFUND TO: 'i 1'. 75 soulh lronlage road va il, colorado 91652 (3o3) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FRot't: DATE: ctlFr YE arm . of tlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI,TN OF VAIL TolN oF VArL pUBLIc WORKS/Co!trruNITy DE\rELopI,rENT ILARCH L6, LgII CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sumnrary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to rirrer-, track or deposit ;;t-"liri"rl.i,, =and, debrisor material, inclylinS trash iu*p=t"r., portable toilets andworkrnen vehictes. upon any streerl sidewaii; -;ii;y or publicplace or anv nortion th;;";i:--rr. right-oi-*uy Ln arL Town ofVail streetl ana,I:ug= is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance "11] b". ;r.i;ii;^enforced by rhe To.,+n of VaiIPublic works Department. periln= found violating this ordinancevilr be given a 24 hour vrritten notice-to*i1i."."="id materiar.rn the event the person so notitiea-Joes'";;"';;;p1y with thenotice within the 24 hour.time-lpecified, the putLic WorksDepartment wirl remove said mare;i;i-;r-{h;";";;;=e or personnotified' The nrovision= "r ir,i= ordrnance sharr not beapplicable to ctnstruction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any "t:-iiti"= in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. e in fu1l, please stop by the Town of:::i.::i1:i"9,":f,i:'il:i:":: ";;;in a copv. rhanrt vou ror vour 'ill'ltl acknowJ.edged lnwn n llal 75 soulh lron tag e road vall, colorado 81557(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 I, th" undersigned, trnderstand the p1 an check procedure f rame.. -4 9re BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If this permi.t requi.res a Tovrn of Vail Fire Department ApprovalrEngineel''s. (.Pub1ic l.lorks) f"viel, and approvaf ,'a iiannini-blp..t .ntreview or.Hea'lth Departmlnt.review, anb' a r"ui"w ty-th;' driihins - Department, the estimated time for a totar revien-itay iute'i, t6ngas three weeks. l]].-.gy:llial (.taree or smail ) and a'll mutti-fami.ly permits willnave to toil0w the above rnentioned maximum requiremints. Residentialand.small projects shou'l d take a 'l esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or snraller proJects impact the various above mentioneddepartmcnts r'ri.th regard. to necessary review, ttrese pioie.'il .uyalso take the three-week peiioa Every attempt vri'll be Tige bv this clepartnrent to expedite thispermit.as s.qon as possible. - olf lce ol communlly devolopmenl and time \'l-'' / Date Work Sheet was turnedlffiot[e Comrnun'i ty Devel opment Departmerlt. - -4 /J4 f zt:Z.z/ TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED -/_r, Dale: Please answer the followino ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefy? ls any'utility rvork needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public properly? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community I have read and answered alllhe q* {-/e/Je7 stionnaire 1) 2) 3) 4) regarding ihe need for a "Public Way YES Permit": 6) 7) 8) Development? . . lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. questions. 4-ra:-rf--az/ Contractor's Sig nature DateJob Name .-D---.v 2.23 l-r? O | [esign Review Action FormI I rowN oFvAIL lv' h'oject Namc: Vande Garde Remodel Project Description:Sunroom Addition Owner. Address and Phone: Larry Vande Garde 3461 SW MacVicar, Topeka, KS 6661I (785) 267-1068 476-1278 Architect/Contact, Addrcss and Phone: Architect One' P. A. ll00 Wanamaker #105 Topeka, KS (785) 271-7010 Project Strect Address: 223 Gore Creek Drive unit #2 Legal Descliption: Block 58, Vail Village lst Parcel Number: 2t0l-082-12-002 Building Name: Creekside Building Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote; 3-0 Conditions: Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 516198 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved 1. That the root section on the west elevation be removed. 2. That the rallino treatment be modlfied to be a 42" high horizontal rail with vCrticat raits td match the slze of the core Greek Grille railing (no balls on top of the vertical element). DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 i..ign Review,tcfrn Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Vande Garde Remodel Projcct Dcscription:Dormcl Addition Owner. Addrcss and Phone: Larry Vande Garde 3461 SW MacVicar, Topeka, KS 66611 (78s) 267-r068 Architect/Contact. Addrcss and Phonc:Architect One, P. A. I lfi) Wanameker #105 Topeka, KS (785) 271-7010 Ptojcct Street Addrcss: 223 Gore Creek Drive unit #2 Lcgal Description: Block 58, Vail Village lst Parccl Numbcr 2l0l-082-12-002 Building Namc: Creekside Building Commcnts: Board / Staff Action Motion by: nla Sccondcd by: Votc; Action: StaffApproval Conditions: Staff approval for dormer addition only. Sunroom addition on DRB agenda for 5/6/98. Town Planncr': Christie Barton Datc: 514198 DRB Fcc Pre-Paid:nla 3 Apr 98 Town of VailBuilding Dept. 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 To whom it may concern: The owners of Creekside #2 condominium, represented by me as the managing partner, will not hold the Town of Vail liable for any accidents and if, and when, we hire any employees we will provide you with WC. Sincerely, -? -''- -9 t:' ,77o ,., Larry D. Vande Garde cc: Ken Pecis Jack McGivern 3 Apr 98 Town of Vail Building Dept, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 To whom it may concern: Mike Grillos of Karmichael sprinkler systems in Denver did the design and installation of the sprinklers in the Gore creek Grill in the creekside-building. I talked with him, as did Peter Switzer, about sprinkling Creekside #2 condominium. He is working with Mr. McGee of the vail Fire Dept. on a plan for this to be done. Sincerely, frvDV--t-/--s^- Larry D. Vande Garde cc: Ken Pecis Jack McGivem 23 Apr 98 Christie Barton & JR Mondragon Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Christie and JR, Enclosed are the elevations (A4a is phase I and A4b is phase 2) and six copies of the revised floor plan of the remodel of Creekside #2. The revised floor plan shows the sunroom to be slighfly smaller, the fireplace has been moved to the corner, and the south window of the family room has been made smaller. Also, the stairway to the upstairs playroom I'ras been enclosed to make a ski storage closet just inside the entrance. The kitchen plan has been revised and some closets have been removed because we plan to use armoires in some of the bedrooms for closet space. The bathrooms downstairs have been altered slightly to accommodate the whirlpool tubs and showers. The laundry area has been enlarged to put in storage shelves. Thanks, - --7 Larry D. Vande Garde TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, CO 8a657 970 -479 -2L38 APPI,ICAI{IT cot{'rRAgroR OWNER Fireplace Inf ol.[aci'on: Re6crictsd: Y t-.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DEPARTMENf OF COMMI'NI T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Job Address... : 223 E GORE CRBEK IJOCAUiON Z 223 E GORE CRK DR Parcel No.. . .. : 21-01-082't2-003 ProjecE Number: MECIIANICAI., PERMIT ROD HAI,I, COMPANY 255 VIYAIiTDOT ST, DBNVER CO 80223 ROD IiALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 FOREMAIiI THI]RBER M & CAROLYN PO BOX 550, KESWICK VA 22947 +of oa6 Applianceo: DR SUAEUS...: ISSUED (cRKsIDE #3)AppIied. . : Lt/t9 /L999Issued...: LL/23/1999 Exoires..: 05/2L/2aoo ON .'OBSITE AT AI.L TIMES Permit #: M99-0167 Phone: 303-777-7700 Phone: 3 03 -'777'7700 Descriptsion: WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE CONITERSION Valuation: #of oag Logs: 1_, 300 .00 *of wood/Pal l6t: FEE ST'IIIIARY Mechanlcaf-__> 4ro.oo Restuarant Plan R'vier--> 'oo Tolal calculaEcd Feos---> 53 '00 Ptan ch.ck___> 1o-oo DRB Fee---_-_' 'oo Addirlonal Fees__-___--_> 53'oo InvesLigation>.ooToTALF.EES.---..53.oo1oEalPermi!Fee--.----->.oo Will call---_> 3.oo PayrrenbE--_---_- '00 aATANCE DUE- ---- .00 t t ir r* * * r** tt* t t Irem: 05100 BUITDING DEPARTI\4ENT Dept: BUILDING Division: i17 ig t 76ii-JRI"----- -Astig4i APPR APPRovEDrrem: 05600"'FJRE DEpi\ifrEi.ii DepE: FIRE Dj.vieion: lI7 ig t7'g55-,liu-- ---AcEion : APPR N/A CONDITION OF .A.PPROVAL FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED Tq-crIEcK FqR-qqDF^QOMPLTANCE't6ffifrsti6N-niR-1d fr"s*6urEEi_i;nn src. -tol op rHE 1ee7 IrMc, oR SECTION 7O]. OF THE 1997 IMC. E$FHf; ffih#t;lrE:Ea#;m'ffi cEffi :*+'*Hfi +'ildq. f;EtEEE*tB fiE"ffiR"t3&frtFilf;ur-trs-r-goMP'.Y wrrH-cI-IAPTER 3 AND s8trifla t,eHfr nB;ia3ilHHs-6p;f; ffitrlEii xEfi "6fiftrii#o*'8o""frfr iE5's - r,I -SrE D F oR'Mo-th'r t uG- qry - cg.t-u-n us t r BI-' E - ELqQR I NG-'pERIrtIT. pLAliIs elrp'cijiE aryaly-5ig ^rylllt5T - BE-FoSTso IN MEcHANI cAL BRg*i8I%;iiltil*iYEif%58ilst8ffiiTu"s HFArrNe-eB. Hor -warER lUli"X,neiH"lE;?ffi#A.ECgeFYBli T6ffi e 5Fo8ft,ol$6T ifiE.'*" ******:************************************************************************** t hrrrby rcknorrl.dEc th.! I h.vr r.rd Urlt 4rFllc.llon. flllod oul ln f,ull tsh€ tnforltCt'o(l r'qulr"r ccaPl't'a rn '6cur't' ttlot p1n1 rnd rts !. thrr rll tb. lnfororsloo provldrd .r l.qut;;d it cqrr'oE ' r rgt" !o sauDly;lch eh' infom'bld! 'trd plot plrn' to couply rtth r11 lo,n ordin$e.. r.d rtlt. lrra, rnd bo builat !hd. 'llucCqtt lccordlng lo Cftt tottt't tottl'nE &d lubdlvlllon codcs, &rlgrn rtvi.Y rl,ttrdvad. lrnifot:o Butldlng cod' 'nd orh'r ordin-nc'l of eh' to{n rPPllelbl' tshtr'tsg' DECLARATIONS RrQrrESlr FOR rrgPEertolra gHtt r, Ba loDB rfllIrTr-FOUR t{Oln8 flt IwAI{CE BY gr(tr|ATrnA O! Otlf,lR oR CO&ltAClrbR tOR HI$AEIF llID ollllER At 179'2138 oR tT OnR oAFICT rRoNl atoo Atl 5300 l1/17/Sg WED 15:38 !'AX I Co. Corfort Products!-// 1..,,. o.. *aK,r'^!"3:(,! :- 4 @ ool ,t4.. ,' 970-328-8640-fgr^Parcal 0. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfOMEL O, lIOIOtru2OO1 PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE; PERIIIT f APPLICATToN I'l'JsT BE FIIJL!:D ouT coMPLETELy oR IT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED t l-Building I l-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical 1)d-Mechani'cal [ ]-other.- Job Name r*Z Cr^er'LSd< (nul6 rob Address: 2)3 6drz A"€/k pnZS legal Description: Lotl _Bro:!:- Fili.g q.uRprvrsroN,'/o/ot2_/2'a 3 ov/ners ttane:|fug1!'o/[61.e;co-n .:,r:chitect:Address:Dh paod ttl ?aua-'laparn rn PnocotlgT.ieneral De ;iork Class :iunber of l.iurnber and!:."***Y.***** 1 ']UILDING:?LUMBING:,rii******rt** Teneral co ,\dd):ess: teration 0Iectrical Contractor: Address: PJ.umbing Address: i'lechanical- Contractor : .\ddress: i ****** *** rr rt tr *t **rt * ** *** ** ******FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEB: PLUMBING PERMI'I FEE: i'IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: C'IHER TYPE OT FEE: DRB FEE: scription: : [ ] -New nwel).ing u Type of F *******rt't* i $ r 1-IJ AppI V'\LU CAL: CAL: CTOR I ces: Gas ******** EI,ECTRI MECHANT ** CONTRA AI Ir4 I** 't* s p * t)tYaI Iire *** : *rt*' Additional Nurnber [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accommodation Units : otto64-2viances._ cas Logs__ Wood/pellet *rt****)t***' ntractor: ATIONS.'*.I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * OTI{ER: f TOTAL: * INFORMAafON ***.r.*********************** Town of Vail Reg. NO-Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurrber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO.contractor: Town of vail Reg. No./$C-/t]Phone Number: "77- Z7A" pFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLITMBING pI,AN cHEcK IEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREAIION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: s VAIIUATION CLEAI.I UP DEP,OSIT REFUND TO: ll/t7/ss wBt)t5:36 F'Ax I Co. Confort Products @ o02 lnwn r llill 75 soulh lronlitqc rold vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 olllce ol communlly developmenr ect (i.e. contractor, owner) FROM: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTI,YL REGISTERED T.IITH THETOI{N OT VAIL ITowN or vAIt puBLTc W0RKS/COMMUNITy DEVELoPMENT anyebris trd n of :_ ina nc erial - he son of I I, 7t crthhl Flr a\a.i v e,,r.,re- L vperson to litor rnat erial ,workrnen vehicplace or anyVai l streets Tl'ri.s ordinancPubIic Workswill be givenIn the eventnotice within ::3ii::ililany street. or MARCI{ 16, 19BB I FoNsTRUcTroN PARKTNG & MATEnTAL SToR-A,GE Ird!.nance No. 6 states thaL it is unlawful forl::l ..lll:k..or deposir any ="ir, -r""r., sanct, dl"ncrudrng tr.<rsh dumpsters, portable toilets aros. upon any street, siaewaik, ;ii;y or publiportion thereof . The right_;i_;;; -",., aIt Towi.9...i?.3: is approximatciy s fr- lff pavcmenr: ytr+ be. strictly enforced by the Town of Vaueparrment.. persons found violat,ing this ord.ai24 hour written notice to r.move said mate.t:ng person so notified.does not comply with tthe 24 hour time specifiecl, the putlic Works1I remove qaid mateiial -at tn" .*pnrrue of pere provisior{s ot this ordino.,.. =t,lif not beconstruction, maintenance or repair projectsalley or any uriLities in the righr_a_way. To review Ordinance. No. 6 in fu11, please stop by the lown ofvail Buildinl Department to obtain a copy- Thank you for yourcooperation Qn this matter- '11 v v 75 South Frontagc Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970479-2120 FAX97M79-2157 REPTI3I TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Parcel r, 2l@l -082- L2-O@3Deecrlptlon: I|OOD TO 6A5 FIREPLACE CONVERSION Appltcantr ROD HALL COI'lPAllY' Phonet 3Q3'777-77O@ l2/!7/t999 69:O3 REOUESTS - II|SPECTN I{ORK SHEETS FUR:I2/LZ/L999 AREA: JRI'! Actlvltyz 1199-o167 12/L7/19 Type: B-I{ECH Statue: ISSUED Conetr: AAPT Addreas t ?23 E 6ORE CREEK DR Locatlon z 223 E 6ORE CRK DR (CRKSIDE *3) Occ r Fiturce Depdrtment PAGE 19 Uge: Ovner r FOREIIAN THURBER ll & CAROLYH Contractor r ROD HALL COI'IPAHY Phone: Phonet 3O3-777-77OO fnepectlon RequeetRequeetor: LINDA Req jtndi.-O\:@o @@3 Informetlon..... Phonez 3Q3-777-77AQ Commente:.CREEI(SIDE #3 - LOCKBUX CODE IS R.O.D. Iteny'requeeted )to be f nepected.... Afilon Commeff Tlme.Exp I I /l n -nffi)f-Tt-t- Inapectlon llietory.. .. .Iten: OO2O@ IIECH-RoughItem: OA24O PLIIB-Gae Piptngftem: OO3IA HECH-HeatingItemr OO32O I'IECH-Exhaust Hoode I.tein: @O33@ l,tECH-Supply Airftem: O@34@ HECH-HIgc. I2/O8/99 fnapeotort GRGItem: OO39O l{ECH-FLnel Actlon: APPR EAS LOG Q 25 PSI = OK { REIffTTTNCE OOFT I0friN uFvln 75 SoathFronnge fuad Vail, Colorodo 81657 97A4n-2120 FAX970-479-2157 REP'| 131 TOI{N OF VAIL. COLORADO Psrcel t 2l@L-OA2' L2-@O3Deecrlptlon: WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE CONVERSION Appllcant: ROD I{ALL COIIPANY Onner: FOREI'4AN THURBER tt & CAROLYN Contractor: ROD HALL COI{PANY Filmnce Department PAGE 19 12/L7/1999 09:O3 REQUESTS - INSPECTN I,ORK SHEETS FoR:12117/L999 AREA ; JRll -==============-============= ====================Activityz ll99-Ot67 L2/L7/19 Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED Congtr: AAPT Addrese t 223 E GORE CREEK DR Locationt 223 E GORE CRK DR (CRKSIDE #3) Occ:Use: Phone: 3@3-777-77@O I)hone: Phone : 3@3-777 -77@@ Inspection Request Requestor: LINDI Req 'flrne: @It6O Items'requeBted )tooo39o-- rlE-c_U-llsal Information,.... Conrnente: CREEKSI DE #3 be fnepected... Acvt 1on Phonez 3A3-777'77@@- I-OCKBOX CODE r5 R. O. D. ComnentE Tlme Exp -:-l- Inepeetion Hiatory. . . . . I tern : ftem rIten:Iten:Item:Iten: Iten: O@2O@ IIECH-Rough O@24A PLItB-Gas Piplng OOSIO I'IECH-Heating @O32A I{ECH-Exhaust Hoode @0336 l,lECH-Supply Alr @0346 }IECH-l'ti-so. 72/@8/99 Inapector: GRG @@39O MECH-Flnel Actlon: APPR GAS LOG @ 25 PSI = OK FITCOPV TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 910- 4'7 9 -2t38 Bui Id'i ng-----> P Lan Check---> Invest 'igat i on> l,/itL CatL----> CrteeK ti,/c Ca il,/u "': r2v I 7-, t/. ,uuu"oK!(, /, L/4 L, U , l-r"/=t, ///frr" DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT permit #: 896-0353 Job AddressLocation. . . ParceL No..Project No. 2n V coRE cREEK DR CREEKSIDE #1 2101-082-12-004 I SSUED 7r /12 /ree 6rL/12/ree6 05 /n / LeeT Status . . . AnnI i od fssued... Expires. . APPLICANT ACHELPOHL CONSTRUCTION P.O BOX 2432, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ACHELPOHL CONSTRUCTION P.O BOX 2432, VArL CO 81658OWNER GOTTENBORG RUSSELL B & DOROTHY M9187 E FLOYD PL, DENVER CO 80231 Description: REPLACB WINDOW AND SLIDER Occupancy: Rl Multi-FamilyType Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-HourI'ype Occupancy: Valuation: F r reptace Information: Restricted: Phone: 3039263603 Phone t 3039263603 ***************************************]3llf*llll;;;;;;;;;;;***i******r***iig;ii-*----lllXlil-llI;;;;;;;;iiiiii************i?3*** Item: 051OO B!]ILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:II/12/7996 DAN acEion: epFnrtem:'0s400-PIANNTNG DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:LI /.I2 /.I9 9 6 DAN ecE ion : --Ei;Fn !I7I2'/\99Q_D4\ Action: AppR LAUREN AppRovEDI!SLni',q56q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT -_ -DepE: rrnn Division:17/12/7996 DAN Action: AppRItem: 05500_P!IBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:LI/72/I996 DAN Action: AppR ***********************************i*****************************************ff*************************************fi*********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appticat'ion, f il,l.ed out in ful,l, the information requ.ired, compteted anptan, and state that atI the informati.on Provided as required.is cofnect. I agree to compty uith the information ::,::'p.:I^:i:n_:jl^-:l_::111"":::_:11 :t?l:.r."*:, .and io buitd this structure"accordins io'*," ro,ni" .""iig'""a t 2.25 DRS.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 C lean-Up Deposi t--------> codes, design review approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun appLica_bl,e thereto. REOU€STS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE Send Ctcln-Up Deposit To: ACHELPLHL CONST .00 TotaI Catcutated Fees--->20.00 AdditionaI tees--------->.00 Totat Pefmit Fee-------->100.0O Payments------- AT OUR OFFICE FROII ?50.?5 .o0 230 .25 230. 25 accurate p Lot and pLot p tan.subdivision TOViComm. Dev. Cfean-up Dppogit Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft: llof Gas Logs:fof Uood/Pat Let: ***********************************************tr*********** FEE SUt4nARY **********************************************t(***********65.00 Restuarant P lan Reviev--> 2, 000 fof Gas App I i ances: OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF ANO OI.'NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0353 as of 1L/I2/96 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit TypeApplicant ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT ACHELPOHL CONSTRUCTION 3039263603 CREEKSIDE #1 2101-082-12-004 Applied I II/t2/1996 Issued | 1I/12/1996To Expire. 05/L1,/1997 Job AddressLocationParcel No Description REPLACE WINDOW AND SLIDER Condi-tions :1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. o *ozot).oOU 4l E tt coo 't{OEoo.oOI l.::&E6 LH EHSB o oo oo o o o UE o r" F&El0 e E IIq U Ig atl H Fo RU o. ETI 6ori r: r{!Ui!' I(,o. aaa ral.Scn6 Eoo !'a oICF Haa ql6B Fgloo }Ia E AH EB H3llic E!r{ HEIOEi h:{IE *f;qlo x HF. HZ Er EH 5 4 tltr A EE FI BHHAls6al,i!H EEIEo orFI dA E 68 e i..9u F* A. CTEo EE AEEsEi HHqlIEe ? taD tl 3or)a-!&aora !laE| c H& BAg.H 7t PERI-IIT /I Lesal Descripti on: rofuqA arc"xTb ,rarrn-- owners Narne: Bp@ Address: ltW e fr*>77 ,reft ph._ Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-Ne]r ffi'atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Drvelling units: t Nunber of Accomnodation units: _ ^ lpmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/perlet_vIt*************!******************** vALUATToNs ****** ********* **** ***** *********rl :_".*::l:: lZou, - ELEcTRTcAL: $___ orHER: s Phone Nunber: 47/- Z ELectrical Contractor:lii-^^^.rsul gD D . Ptunrbing Contractor:aaaress i Mechanical Contractor:Address:Phone Nurnber: ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************BUILDTNG PER}TIT FEE! PLWBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE:PLI'MBTNG PIAN cHEcK FEEsIiTECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITs TOTAL PERI'TIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P I}EPOSIT BEFT'ND TO:M [c*tz\oAc$v{ 75 3outh tronlage ?oad vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 0t 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol comrnunlty devclopment ALL CONTRAETORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRU TTON PARKING & I4ATERTAL STORAGE ledged rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any ="if,-r""i', sand, debris;:"ffi5;'ilii"r.r!!r"dins trasr,-t"ip=t"ri, p-iiali.- toi:."* ;il--- p r I : " ;" ;;t -; ;;l#".i:I"i r' l""l;. =ii;illl Ii ili"I" ":, *i:ij-,,vail streets ind.Ip"g= i= apir"iirui"iv-s-it.-iri' pavernent.This ordj_nance ,]ll ba.;"i;Ii;-lnforced by the Town of VailPublic worrcs DeDartnent. p.""3rr= found "i6ru[i'q this ordinancewitt be siven a 24 hour rria;;;";"ii".-t"-;;;;;:r=.id narerial.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time-specified, the puttic worksDepartment wirl rerno.," =iiJ ,.tl;i;t-;;-in."!"plile of personnotified' The provisions-or_tirl otor.nance shart not beapplicabte to cbnstruction, ,iirtrrrur,ge 9_r repair projects ofany street or alLey or any utilitres in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, prease stop by the Town of:::i"::ii:i"g"Tf,i**:*.::""iiii" a copv. ri'.,,i. you ror your Read andxb= ro s :- r 1 onl ne I at i on s h ip-E6-E@r (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh Irontege road urll, color.do 81657(3o3') 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlcc of communlty davclopmeril BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this permit requi,res a Town of Vai.l Fire Department Approval ,Ensi neer''s ( pubr ic t*t ) ""vi"" uni'ipi*uri,'i piiii,irli'blparrnentreview or Hear th Departmint review, -an['a-""uid ;i-iil;"duiiorng l;rtilH!1h"g: .'.iruted time to"'a-titur ".ui""-iluj,,iui!'u, rone All commercia'r ('rarqe or sma'r'r) ano alr murti-famiry permits wi.ilhave to fo'lrow ihe Soove rn*niion"i-ri*ir* requirements. Residentia.land small projects shourd tui" i-i"rie""'amouni ot time.- Hoiever, ifresidential or smallgr,ppjects impiii'the various above mentioneddepartnents with reoard to-n"ietiaiy-".ui.", these projects mayalso take the three week perioJ.--'r' 't' Every.attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite thispemit as soon as posstDle. I:-i!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeT rame . Communi ty Devel ooment Department. I O MEMOBANDUM ALL CONTRACTORSTO: FROM: DATE: RE: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PEBMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs different access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfeding the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Bight Of Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? Job Name:6-lUt't rTaiLc Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit': YES NO x- /- >/_ /-- I have read and answerod allthe lf-V9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way Permit' applications may be obtained at the'public work'. ofiice or atc.o.TTTitv Development. lf you hlve any questions ptease carJbnarlie Davis, rhe Townof Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-216g.' /- >/_ /- l- >< il- Job Name s Signature Date