HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-13 Establishing the Zoning for a Parcel of Land Situated in sections 6 and 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridan..:, • • i ~ • ~ C3RL]I'NANCE NO, l3 Series ^f 1969) AN DRDXNANCE E5TABLISHiNG THE ~GNING Ft?R A PARCEL CF LAND 5ITUATED IN SECTIC]NS SIX [ 6) AND aEVEN ~7y , TOWNSHIP FIVE' ~ 5} SoVTH, RANGE EIGHTY 48Q) WEST CAF THE SIXTH PRINCI~'AL `MERIDAN, C4VNTY GF EAGLE, STATE OF CbI:rGURA17C3, THE SAME SEINE THE 5UB~'ECT OF ORDINANCE NUMBER EIGHT t 8), SERIES C7F 1969, ANNEXING SAID PROPERTY TO THE TOWN DF NAIL; AMENDING THE C7FFICIAL ZQNING MAP FaR THE T'G1WN of PAIL; AND SETTING F[]RTH DETAILS RELATING THERETO. YIHEREAS, certain real estate descxibed in bxdinance Number $ t5eries of 1969y of the ordinances o£ the Town a£ Vail, owned by Vail Asa-aciates, Inc. and Earl V. Eaton was' duly annexed to the Tot~+n of Vail pursuant to the provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes 41963 139-z1-~6, as amended; and '[yHEREAS, Catorado Revised Statutes {19~S3y 139-Z1-14, as amended. establishes requixernents for the zoning of land annexed to a town or municipality, in accordance with local zan~'~g regnlatione; and ~THEREAS, ordinance Number 7 (Serie's o£ 1969 of the ordinances of the Town of Vail established a comprehensive ordinance for zanir~g land within the 't'own of Vaii, which applies to the real estate referred to is this ordinance; and VL~HEREAS, the Planning Commission fox the Tawas of Vail and the Board of Trustees for the Town of Vail have held public hearings relating to the ~:aning of the real estate referred to and described ix~ this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Bard of Trustees deems it in the public interest to establish the coning for the real estate described herein, and to axxxend the official zoning map for the Taravn of Vail, in accordance with the zoYaing established it this ord'lnance; NOW, THEREFC'RE, BE IT QRDAINEU BY THE Bt]ARD C7F TRUSTEES FaR THE TC]VirlV of 'N'AIL, COLORADO: Section 1. The area to be zoned by this ordinance is the sar~cxe real estate described ir1 Ordinance Nu'trxher $ tSeries of 1969 anal mare particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginr-ing at the South west corner a£ said section 6; thence lV. 4^ 03' St]" E . and along the West line of the 5vuthM west one-quartex of Section ~a, 942.9a feet; thence S. $9 5b' 1Q" E. , 347.79 feet; thence N. 62 34' SQ" E. 7l. $2 feet, thence N. 89 58' S4" E. 33 b. 53 feet; thence N. Od Oi' l0" ur. 274. 38 feet; thence N. 34 U4'• iD" W. 162.45 feet; thence N. l4 57' SQ" E. , 83.96 feet; thence N. ~4 44' S0" E. $9.45 feet; thence N. 65 37' S4" E. 2U6.97 feet; thence N. 84 45' 10" W. 164.18 feet; thence Na. 86 50' 14"'ilU'. 428.27 feet; thence Na. DO 42' li?" '~~. 9l, rs7 feet; thence lei. 89 56' li3" VAT. 337. QQ feet to a point an the VTest lirse of said Southwest one-quaxter; thence lV. OU Q3' 50" E. and along said W. l ins 1U35.89 feet to the Northwest corner ^f said Southwest one- quarter; thence S. 8$ 36'29" E. and slang the Noxth line of said Southwest one~quartex 216b. 99 feet to the Northeast carnet of said Southwest one-quarter, thence S. QQ D8' 26" E. and along the East line a£ said So~xthwest one-quaxter 1358, 73 feet to the Northwest corner flf the South one-half ~~ f~ "„ . w of the Southeast nne-quartex of said Section b; thence S. $9 2?' 21" E. and along the North line of said South one-half 262$.17 feet to the Northeast coxner of said South one-half; thence 5. 00 23' 18" E. and along the E. line of said South one-half 1320. 00 feet to the Southeast corner of said South one-half; thence a. 00 23' 00" E. and along the East line of said Section 7, 39.20 feet to a paint on the South right of way line of 1J..S. Highway #6; thence N. 79 41' l3" W. and along said right of way line 1086. 22 feet; thence N. 85 24' 31" ~r . and along said right of way line 100. Z9 feet; the~tce N. 79 41' 13" fir. 59. 84 feet; thence on an angle to the right of 00 00' 17" and along said xight of way line and aiong a curve to the left having a radius of 1852.73 €eet, a central angle of 26 33' 47", an arc distance of 858.98 feet; thence an an angle to the right of 00 03' 47", and along said right of way line S. 73 48' 37" ~~r. , 524. 04 feet; the nce S. 59 59' 42'" and aiong said right of way line 59.96 feet; thence ,S. 73 4i' 50" 1N. and along said right of way line 768, ?3 feet; thence S. 89 li' 25" Var. and aiong; said right of way line 94, 4b feet thence S. 73 42' 37" trr. and along said right of way line 140b, 79 feet to a point on the 'fir. line of said Section 7; thence N. 00 Ob' 06" East and along said Nest line 634, 14 feet to the point of beginning; containing 215.47 acres, being a part of Section 6 and Section 7, Township 5 South, range $0 West of the Sixth J?rincipai Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Cc~loxado. Section 2. The zoning hereby established for the property herein described shall consist of a "Corrxmexcial Core District", "High Density Multi-F3miiy District", "Multi-Farraily District", and "Residential District1°. as defined by the ?onin;; Ordinance for the Town of Vail, as is more specifically designated in tke attached rnap, which is refexred tq herein and incorporated in this ordinance by reference. Section 3. Each none indicated on the attached xnap of the real estate herein described shall be subject to all of the provisions and uses set fax in the7,oning P•.egulations for the 'I'~wn of Vail (Ordinance N,:~nnber ?, Series of 1969). Section 4. The official zoning map for the Town of Vail shall be amended tp include the real estate referred to herein and incorporate the zoning established by this ordinance fox said property in accordance with the map attached hereto. Section 5. The Board of Trustees finds that Chia ordinance is necessary to protect the health and welfare of the Town of Vail; that this ordinance shall become effective upon its introduction and adoption and publication. and that earns should be published in accordance with the laws of the State of C ~lorado. INTRODUCED, NOVEMBER, 19b9. ATTEST: i' `r~~~~ 'own Clerk READ A.ND ORDERED PUBLISHE HIS 17th DAY 4F ~~~. ayor .. ~ ~~ . ~ _~ s w • ~" ~~ .. ~ ~. . :;: ~T~FE~ ~~ ~~3~:[~~t~1UCJr : , EI~tiG~.E ~aU~d~lf. .. . 3 h~rei~y certify _th~k Ellis instrurs~eF~t rnr~s Filed For record ~in my ofFice thc~ ; „~ clad( of.~~3~~.~.r ` Ig._Yz'_~.~ .~~~ 'clot-c~;k~,riUi., and is dul**y~~ rpcc;ru~,•.! County Cisrk and Record r ~~ ac ..,- -. .... ~ ---"- ~-G v .. aepu[y~. :. . F.-a.$ ~ --~- .