HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970- 7 Recorded Copy' �'- .�. i,..� '='.Y .., t ;, . . .... ....: . .. . . . . . ORDINANCE N0. � tSeries of 1g7T AN aRD�NANCE ANNEX�?+G TO THE TOWN ,��' VAIL, COLORAUO, CERTAIN TERRITORY SITUATEL IN SECT�ONS i and`32, TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF 6TH P.M., EAGLE CQUN'�Y; AND SETTiNG FORTH DETA�LS IN RELATI�N THERET4. t,T�tEREA5, a Petition for Annaxa#ian was du].y fi.led ;wifh the Town af Vail on �he 9th day,of February, 1970, in aceord- ance with Artic3e lfl, Chapter 139,`Co�orado Revised Statutes (19&3), as amended, by n�ore than fifty:percent of the land ownars of the territory therein deseribed; and, 4��HEREA5, the Board of Trus#ees £or the Town oi Vail duly adopted a reso�ution on the 9th dayo uf February, 1970, acknowledging that saa.d Petition for Annexation had complxed w�th the requirements of C.R.S. (1963} 139-10-6, as amended, and that the annexation of s�id territory was desirab�e, and; that notice af a pub�ic hearing on said petition should be pub�ished in accardance with t?�e statutory requirements:for ` such annexations; and, tti�H£REAS, pub3.ic notice of the aforesaic� hearing has been du�y published in accordance with the provisions of the Muni- cipai Annexa#ian Act of I965, establisha�ng said public hearinp; at t�e haur of 7:3� a'c�ock P.M., on �arch 23, 1970; and, «?EREAS, at a public hearin� heid befare the 8oard of TrustAes for the Town of Vail, a?quorum heing present, on the 23r� dav of March, �97II, the Board voted unanimous�.y to annex the territory referred ta herein, and found that it is nece�sary and desirable to annex said territory to the Town af Vail; NOL•?, THER£FORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY '�H� BOARU OF TRUSTEES FGR TK� TO'J�t �F VAIL, COLORADO > THAT : Section 1. The follawing described territory be, and the same z`s hereby annexec� �c� the Town of Vail: �'arce� A: All that p�rt af the fol�owin� deserihc:d land lying northerly +�f the ri�ht-of-way of Inter- state F�ighway I-70; A tract o� land si�uate� in Sections 1 and 12 in Tp. 5S., R.81[,�,., described as �'o�lo���s : Beg;innin,� at '�k�e Southeast. corner of sa�.d Section I; thenc� North �l I�ST ����� West, 45.I feet to a pQint on tne Cc►ur��y Road being the True Pois�t c�f Sepinn%n�, thertce Korth (}0°1'1' East, 150 feet; thence North 89°43" 4alest, 80 f��t; �hence �f)Y'"L�`► ���4 � � �'�'�'S'� � �i� �E.'E!t � '�t'IE.'T1C�' SCiU'C�'k i��i� e �� rr '��est, �.].6.5 fe�t r�or� or less ta � pc►int ir� the center af Red Sandstt�ne Creek; t}��nce SQUth 02'°3�5' East, �:l�on�± th� cente�r of �ed Sancistarie Creek, 81.8 f t• h e� , t ence South 0'� 28 W+��t ,��.c+r�� the center af Red �artd�tc�n� Creek, 115.'7 feet, more or less, �Ca � �. poir,t c�n th� Northerly ri�;'�t-of-w�y l:in� c�f U.S. �n��rstate Hi�,hway Na . 70 ; th�nae Nc�rt]h-eas�erly , �].can� �aid hi�hway ri�ht�-a�-way line, 268.4 feet mc�re or �.ess, to the True Poin'G of �e�±inni�g, �o��nty �►f E��le, State of Colcrradc�, Par�e�. l�: ,All thase �,artians cantained in Amended �r,G�daz� �iurr Map af 5andstQne 9p a� Vaa.l, Color�do, fi3ed :f4r r�cord in the c+ffice a�' th� Cl�r3c and Recc�rder cf �ag��.e Cc�un�y, Colorado, xn Map �ase 2, Drawer S, under re��pticar+ l�urntr�er 146370; Fi,rst Suppl�- m�r�t t4 �m�nc�ed Condc�rninium M�tp of Sandstr�ne 7D at Vaa�., Colora�o, fi�ed fo�r r�cord �ncier R�4��tion �� _ _. _ ,� ,.... _ , ;; ,•; , ,. . _ ;:, , r Number`106575 in Map Case 2, DraWer S;, and Second Suppie�nt to Ame�de�t "'Condominium Hap r�i Sandstane �0 at Vaf1, Colorado, fi�ed for record under Recep� tion Ntui�er .ltl7122 in Map Case 2; Drawer S; all in' the Coutnty ' cf Eag1e, State of Co2orado. s Se�tion-�. The Board of Trustees finds that this or+diriance s ncees�a�^y to protect the public health and `. welfare; that th�s `ordinance sha11 becorc�e effeeti.Ve upon its introductxon and.'adoption and,publ�cation in accordanee wi#h the Iaws.of the State of Colorado. ZNTRODUC�D, READ AND 4RDERED PUBLZSNED iHI3 -��aY of Mareh, 1974. . .: .�_ �y� ATTEST : ��� . ���� Town Clerk � Mayor : -2- Z C�RTTFX THAT THE FORGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT CQ?'Y 0�` T�?E ORIGTNAL i��CUMENT 0?s FILE TN THE OFFICIAL RECO�DS OF TH� TOGIN ��' VA�L. �� . Town C 1 r � �.�`�; � a �'',,. � . ;,�' � `�� .� � �i �. ��;� � ,� �{,� ; �.` � �;��� � Fr�?i�f�w,ti�:.,.. � ' � ' ' ��,��j�`i� ,' �' ,; � � :, _ � . _ _ , : e f : STAT� OF C4L4RAaQ, �� ' ' : � � EA�iE CUt3t�TY �- S ' , t h�reSay certify "rizat .thiz. 'sfi�trutn:�r►# : � was fs��d �or rar.ard ;n ` o�#t�s. 4S�►� ; �.�_��y ��;.�,c;����, �9��,.� ���0 CIOC�C �_.fM.� ' 8"'1!� JS �3:� , ��'.�CK1� � �, ��:_,�.:�..:�� �w�..�:. _.—. _ e n r�•� _, . _, . �r'+� aead �rdw `. , � � � r�� � �` '� �: