HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972- 4 Recorded CopyORDI\A�VCE NO. � �e=Y�i��.+ OT' i�7? A\; C�C;��A\Cc AiV��;W\IiVG TO TNE l-OVVN 0;= V/�l L C�R � r-'�ia\ T��RI i��'Y S1T�ATED IN Ti-iE NOR�f-�iCAST L^,���JARTC� Or= S�C i-iON �, TOW1�fSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANG= U� �^u`S + Cr= ;", ,` 6 i�; PRIa\lCI��L MERi�iAIV, CQi1N?"Y c7�= i=AGLE, S�"ATE O� COLORADO; AND S�. i`iNv r=CR i�-; t�E i Ai�S 1� R�'t_.A i IC�N THERETO. �Yr;�=r=c`�15, a Petition ror A��;�exation of i erritory into the � o4v� o� Vail, Colorado (a m€anicip�l corpora�ion) has been duly filed �vizn the � o�vn o� Vail by ;Utanor Vaii Co. , a Colorado corporation, and vten �. ��`<<ller requesting the annexation oF certain property into the -own ot' Vai i; and bVHER�AS, atl o` tre territory described in said Petition is o�•�nec by ��e G�orementioned petitioners, and said Petition compiies witi� �r:e �rov�s:ors Gnu requirements or Ci�apter t39, Article 2� of C.R.S. � i9a:; a_ ...:-^,ercea, ar,d V��'w��EAS, ��e �oar� o�" Trustees `or the Town o� Va;i finds tnat Gr„�xa;.-,or c° c^.e cerri�ory Y.ere:r described is necessary ard desirable, and ,r, �r.e bes� :���res�s o� t�:e � own o` Vait, and that said territory should be anrexed into t�e -o�vn o� Va � i; `C�V, �r-i�R�=CRc , �� i� O�DA,�VED 8Y i 1--tE BOARD OF -RUS-�E.S 0;= '-'� i OW�� ��= VAiL, COLORADO, Ti-�AT: �ec�:or ' -�^�e �o<iow;^�� described territory, owned 'oy c�e a'ore�-.en�;or,ed pe�•,cio~:ers, be, and the same is hereby annexeci �O ��e TOw�^� O` Vati, L.OtOraGO: :=.0"'�f^^��(�C'�;1C� dC �"1c'' �iOY`C(1W2SL COt^P^2Y` Of t�'1@ �JOfifl2c�Si OPIe— c���r�er o' S�ct:or 8, Township 5 Sout�s, Rane�e 80 West of i.(12 �tXLh r`�-^i'1C1,'Jci: iVi2t"kG'ia;t� �OUI^��/ O� �d�j0� �idi@ Oi �O10� 7^GVO� �='72^CA �.17��Q�i�iE�`�u. d(1G` cx{O,'lg tl'12 �/'�/�'S� llfl�' O` Sc�iC� ��.Or'L^2c'�5: G^ :--Qu.l�.r^�e_.Y' :�83. 6: i��i, t0 d�Otrt O` in�ersec�icn wit^ cne So��^erty ri��� or" way or interstaie ;-iighway 70 and ��e crue point o� cjeg:nnirg; thence S.7 i°38'54"E. and along sG�d so��^er;y rign� o` wGy 324.00 +eet to a point of curve; c��ence a;o^�� said Sov�he:�iy r;gn� of way and along a curve to ��e ie`t 'r�ving a radius o�` 590�.00 `eet, a cen�rat angte of "G°'�2��C1'i� c'ti'1 dY`C CiiSi.GflCe O` 1057.�0 �@et t0 a jJOltl� �thE c^ord o` sGiC curve bears S.78°53'39"E, a distance o` 1065.10 `ee�j; tnence 5.79°45'29"c. ard along said Southeriy right of v�ay 227,G0 `e�t to a�oint, trence along said Southerty right o` v�ay and a,ong a curve �o the tef� having a ra8i�as of 5923.40 ;ee�, a cer�trat ar�gie o` 1G°2�'20", an arc distance o` 1070.51 `�e� to G poirt o` intersection with the East tine of said Section �(�hFe chord of said curve r�eurs N.88°i4'25"E. a distance of 3 Co9.02 ,`eetj; therce S. G2 °30'�0"W . and along the said East ifre 257.62 `eet to a po�nt o` in�ersection with the NorthErty lire"o` \/aii Viliage Sever,th �iling; trence along the sinuosity o` t'rie Nortrerly tine of Vaii Vii?uge Seventh Filing: S. 72 °29' 19"V�I , a dis*.unce o` 223 . 43 ,`eet; S, 08`32'3 i"VV , a distance of 86i .23 feet; S. 0�°20'So"W . a distance of 585 . 89 feet; S.75°32'26"W. u distance o` 20S . 18 `eet; N.u�°�J����V�/, ct G'.Si.uriC2 O� 179.g'i �E.'e�� N,5G°�1'34"VV. a distance of 206.78 feet; N.4Ci°47'p3"W, a Cistance o` 171.46 `22t; N.'9°57'03"�N. a distunce of 455.47 feet; i N.74°(a3'32"W, a distanc� of 297,i9 feet to a point of intersection witn the West line of said Northeast one- quarter of Section 8; ; nence N, UO°01'06"W . and alc�ng said West line 465.96 feet to ti�e true point of beginning� containing 1,700,242.83 square feet or 39.032 acres, more or less. Secrion 2. Tne territory described in this orciinance shall be and the same is hereby zoned in accordance with the map sul�r7�iic��t l�y ti�� pelitioners t� lhe °f own of Vail Planning Commission, and approv�d by said commission, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Vaii, ORDiNANCE NUME3ER 7(Series of 1969), as amended, and is subject to the provisions of same and subject to limitations and restric- tions designated on said map which is referred to hereir� and made a part of the official public records of the Town of Vail; and the official zoning map for the Town of Vait shali be amended to indicate the inclusion of said property and the zoning of same as nerein provided. Section 3. The Board oF Trustees finds that this ordinance ;s recessary to preserve and perpetivate the welfare of the -own oF Vaii; thai this ordinance shalt become effective upon its adap<ion and 30 days following publication of same in accordanc� with tne la��s of the State of Colorado. 1tiTROi)UCED, READ AND ORDERED F�UBLISHE� THiS 21st da> o` rV�arch, 1972. ATTEST: / ' Town C erk ���I�� ���.n�n,1�,� s � � T� _: `�� �� 4 � �� 'v r.i�- � , \'� � "� , ���,.�'�� � � " c �.L � �, �� � a � � ��� i J � � . i` � ` � c^ �,1�� t �.- - r ��, R .L.� q `t 1 � � . � � � '� 1— �-�; � 1 . � _ �C� � �� �,� �� �- j �. � �,_ � �., � �� - ` C`��s � �,�� Jy. 6` /� , \, f `� � � . , t " j, , . (' � N!�' �� F-a'�'`�..� � �� � � � � � a � �_.•:. � '' 5� %U � `� , r� � � °- .t � �`v���rv� �', � ��� � ���..��-�, � � � ��� � , � ,�.1�- c rr, �;�.. , , � � , , _ f � �, ,��.� ���: 2K � ; ����,�� .. , --�- � ::: �::��_: - s ���� � �� ■ STATE aF C�L�RAQ�, ss. EA�:LE ��i�l��CY. � �er��y Ce�i;:`'� F�afi t:�tS �nS#ri.�Ct��n� was fi�ed ��r r��ord in my c�€�ce t�e .r,.� _day o�....�' �� _...-----. ��.��..at � ..,�:...o'c ock�.lv�., ar�d is �u1y re�arded � in Soo�-�?�,.,�-----�'a9e---_'-�-�-�� .. . .....��� .� . .�.�:�:.� .�. _ . �,..�...�..... o�rt C�er�C an� Recc�rder Y �y r � ..........,..,.. �� �F+�� '�. t.�� � � -