HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-31 Recorded Copy..,.,.. ,,, �..,._ . . : OItI)�:�1�'�CI, ;�T4: 31:' Ser:i.e�s a� ;1:�7� A�T rA1i',Ii,GI�i'CX OT�DI\Tt�NCI�, .?�f�:v1;fi1;I�C:.A � :'i'IO�T � OI� THE 13I Gli�i��; i=P, El� TO TII?s '�'OS� ivT jt'Ii�IZE!!S, af; 1.east �t�ti p<,�r ce;�.�; o� i.l�� qualified el�ctors, ti�Jho are rr.s�.deilc i.n arid lr.�r�da�sners :�:f Lh� ar�.i" pro- . pased �Lo Ue anr.e�ed, ; ��1��ich is s:Ltu.at<:cl a,n a cc>unty ' ofi less i:han t�4�enty��iae i:laous� nd inhal;it�,nts, filed a PE�i::ition for Ai>>ic�a- ,:+ - , ; , ;iaj t�on El�ci�ion ���3�;i� t1�c Tati�ii C:Lc:x•k� c>:E the 'I'orvn oi' V�iil, 'Co].orado, ' on..the 2C�l�h t�ay ,c�f S�ptem��r.r; �:�?�], in accordance wi:tlz Sect�.on s >.. . '' I39-21-6(2), Ca1��radc� I��,vised 5���.i.:ut�s ].9C3, as am�ndec�, request�- . ��.�h in� the rniina.ci�ality i;o ec�m�neiice procecdings �or the ,ho.ldin�; 'af an �.ni�exa�Cac�i� el.ection tt� cictc,rrna.n� i;lti� ma��er of i;h� proposeci V" �inixexaia.otl af a portion of `i:t�� F3a�;horn area; Coun�;y oT �agl�, State n� Co].ar'ado, d�scra.bcd a�n ��l�:i_l�i� A ai;�Lached hereto and ` ma.de a part her�of , tn tlze Toi���� o� �Taa.:k ; ` 1!'H],RL�S, Lhe '�owr� Counc3.7. c�L the Tot3�n of Vai]., Colorado, '; hereinafter refer��ed to as th� "To�ti�n", fotFnd the PetiLion for � l�nne�a�;ion rlect-ion to be in substan�:ia]. .compl.i.ance �vzth -Section 139-21-6(2), CItS 19E�, �.s : a►n�nded, , and on �iZe 24�:h day of Septem�- b�r, �97�, ac.zonted. Reso�.uta.o�� No. 20, S�ries of 1974, .�vl:ich .is �.ncarpor.ai�ec� by ref�rence .�erein �.nd r�ade a'pari; hereof; �1'3I�R; 11S, dn �tl�e Uasi:s of competent eviden'c� presen�ed in tl�e .��bl.ic hear. iii; on �;he Petition �03° Aniiexat5.on EJ.eci;a.on on : the 29th day o� Oc.i:ober, 197�1; th�' To���n .t:ouncil det'ermii�ed that '.�,� , . . � the applicabl�'provisions �.f '�he t+�ian�.cipal" Anneaai:i.an Act of I965, Chapter 139, A�=f:icie 21; C��:S �963, as ameiided; had been � sa:tis�ied anci ado��ted Resoluti.on No: 22, Seraes oi 1974, which is zncorporated Uy� reference herein �nd madp a pari`'herco�; ` ; ' S�HEREAS, `�:he Toivr filed a. Petition 1:0 `Iiold an Anne:xa- , tion �7.ection in the Di:strir,�; : Court in ` and for i;he CouniY of ;'' `�a�le, Sta�;e of C:oloracio; on tl�e 31.st c�ay o:f Oc'toUer; ].374, and on saia da�e t3�e cc�uxi,w, en_�.ered a.�a 'Civi_;I. Action No. ?.285 an Order .. ��:.. ,;`,,��11HiUUlllq���� ::�: �._� � �✓ ' �/ �\ r �•• �/Y �� ; : � . � C�R���'. `�'I�F.ORIGiNAL - Th� � yx5" e�~,p of the ori inal hereof which �. ���► .OS�Q Y � ' " is-.�t�°� ��ust�q 3n the records of the Town of . V�-�� �G1,� ` ii.(�'U ;i -� To� n .�erlc `�, � .��y 1, ,�;,4,'. ' /r � � ',,, ;Lf.fits�� : ;, , 7 Town e�r ` k`" Town of Vail Colorado Ord. 3], 1974 pa�e 2 � ' tb IIo1d �n Annr:�xa.tion �lection clirecting ti�zt 1;h� a.nnex�;txon el.ectic>ti be li�ld or1 �he ]OLh da�� ol December, 1974, and �ppoint- in, tliree elect�.on coinmissio�iers te call actd hold �tkie eleci;ian, said pc�l;itiotl anci order l�eing a.ncorl3c�rate�i Uy referenee herein and made p��rts h�reof. ; : 15'IiLI;�'.l�S, Lhe 1lnnexation Pla.i;, «rhich tvas approved b5� Resoluiian No. 22, Seri.es ol I97�, a copy of r�-llicti was filed iil Civil Action \To. 22�5, is incorpora�ed by ref:erence herein and �made a par�; liercof ; lYHER�AS, ' an election �i�as duly called b1� the election commissioners to be held on i:he lOth d��r of D�cember, 1974, be��vecn ihe hours of 7.:00 A.bi. and 7:Oa 1�.1:1. , at a polling place - situaLEd i.n IJnit A-5, Cedar 1>oint Toivnhouses, 5177 Black Gore Drive; in the portion of 1;he T3ighorn a.rea proposed to be anneheci, d�scr.ib�d in �xha.bi.t A I�erec�f; the noticE of �IZe election dated tt�e 31st da.y o� Octob�r, 1974; �i�as �ublished i.n The Eagle Val.�.ey Enter��r�.s� and The Vaxl Trail, tcro rieivspap�rs having genera,l circulat9.on in the area proposed to be annexed, onc� a week for "'. four �v�eks and u�as posted ai: the polZing place, said iirst pub- 1`zcaiion in eacz2 newspaper and posting oecurring more than foi�r � ` weeks preceding ihe elecLion; �YIiER�,AS, in the annexation election held on -the IOth day oi:�ecember, 1974, 47 proper ballots ivere cast by qualiiied electors, . o� �>hich there ��ere 39 vol:es for annexation and 8 `votes-�ainsi; annexation, as indicaied in the Certificate oi >.. .. � Election Result, �vhich is,incorporated by reference herein aztd made a part hereof; ' INITERi:AS; on the 12th day of �December, 1974, the Aistrzct Court entered an Order A��L-liora.zi,ng Annexa�i.on in Civil Act:ion No. 2285 authorizin� t1�e-To���n to a,nne� nithou�: special terms or con- ditions .Ll�e ar�a pzoposed to be' anne�;ed,. a cei�tifi'e�i copy oi which (omi.tting E�hibit A) is attached hezeto ,and ;�nad� a��art hercof;:and ��� Zo����/�,1-erk �� ; . " ;; Oi d: 31 ';: 74 Pa�e 3 � , , :, � � �. -:� ,_ . :1�',1�l��AS ,' ina.smuch as Se.ct ion 139-2 � --1 �; ( 3) , CRS 1963 , ; , :: as amenc�e� . �:irovides .thaf; an annr.xation sha7:� be �fiective �or t:ze `�urpu .. �� � general.` i;axation :'on thE lst; d�.y'r oi Januar�+ in' the'>>ear` «i cer 1;he eif�ctive da�;e o� tlie annexing ordinance, , , th� Toit�n C�unc:il ca�iszciers that i.t is nec�ssary ior the .preser- , ' ' vatao��'of i;he publ`ic properiy, Ilcalf;t2, .�:�elfar�, peace, `or safety , :., to `enact- this ordi'nanc� as an emergenc� n�eas�axe so �hat,.it �vi,ll. ? b� ���ectiv� `in 1974 and the annexation ti�ill `be e�f�ctive "for . ;. - the pux�pose o� general �;axa.tion on the ist da,y oi January, 1975; ` N011 , TIiLR�FOR�, . i3E ` IT' ORn.1Iri'�b BY THE T�t1'N COLTNCIL ' : OI' `THE TOi1'N OF Vf'��L, CD�,ORAFJO, ,.r1S �'OLLOiS'S: ,,: . " ,, Section, 7.. Title This orciinanc� shall be kno�vn as the "Ordinance Annex- ing a Portzon o� `the I3ighoxx� :Area �:o tlie Towrz„ . Section `2. Annexai,ion of''a Por�ion of the Bighorn' Area to the To�v_i . . Fursuant i;o the Order :Aui;hori.zing l�nne�a-l;ion of tYie -' Dis�rict Court in and for �;he County'of Eagle, State of Colorado, entered in Civil Action No. 2285 on the 12th day of December, �.974, tlie Town o� Vai1, Colarado, hereby anne�es �vithout special' terms or conditioiis a portion of the:`Bigl�orn area, CountS� o� Eagle,`State o� Colorado, described 'in Exhibit A he'reof. Sec�ion 3. Anne�ation Costs. ` AII costs and exp3enses connected �vii:h the annexation, ; includ'� commissioner ��es'not exceeding ior each commi.ssioner �. .. - ', $2.00 �or each hour of-necessary service, shall be paid by the , To�un of Vail , Co.lorado. Sec�;ion. 4. Filing oi Copies ,oi' Annexation Plat and `' Azinexzng``Ordinanc'e. �Vithin -thiri:y r�a,ys after i;i�e ef:fec�ive date hereo�' :' the Town 'Cler1: oi ihe Ta�vn of Vail, Colorado, sha�l file the o�i.�;�nal 'cop5�: of ihe Annex�.l;a.on, Plat,. a ci�py of which �vas �iled in Civa.l Actx'nn No:, 2285 in the District Court' in and for t}�e / :'� wri �.7. erk 7.�74 P��c. �� > � �' :: :.'f Eaglc, 'Sta#;e' of;Co�c�ra��a, �rith th� origina.l of tllis :.:,�:,,ti��� ordin�xice i.n tl�e records a� the '�on�n, `a cert�.fa�ed ` .�y c�:t' 1;l�is 'ordiiiance` a��d one .co�}� c�f saa.d p]_�.t �vith the County '�`7:c�rk and Recorcier of '#:la� Coun�;y of. ;�.aglc, Si:a�e 'of Colorado, :; ��nd a c�ri;ified copy of #:f�zs �z•di�zance and one :capy of� said p�:at with 1:h� Div'ision nf .Lor,a�. Gov��nment of �h� T]ep�.rtment; of Laca� . .:s:. 1lifairs; Sta#:e c�f Calorada: _ _ � `Sec�ian,5. Zaning of Anriexed .Bi�tic�rn Area.; ,�V�.thxr� ninety das�s �.��ter the e�fectiv� dat� h�r�of. the To��Ri� o�' ��ail� , Co'loradp, sha7.3. i�pa�e zonira�; ''on tl�e annexed ,. f3�.�hox n ar��, in accc�rda��ce w�_�:ti it� ::Zaning Ord�nance; Orclinance No. 8, S�ries of 1973. Sectioi� 6. E��eci:iv� Dat� ai An�x�aatian. ` The annexa�ion, except �or i;he purpose` o� �en�ral taxation_as provided in Section 7 her�of, sha11 take'effec� upon :the ei'fecti�e da�e o� this �,nnexation ordi.nance:, Section ?.' E��ective Da�Lc for.G�uera.i Taxation. For �he purpose o� genera3. taxa�i.on the anne�ai;iot� sha�l be: eifec�i,ve -on and after -�;he lst day a� J'anuary, 1975. ° Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinanice shall.': take e�fect` upon -the passage hereo�. - INTR011UC�D ,. READ AS . A1`Y �bT�RGENCY O?�D INANC� , APP�OVED , ENACr�D .TO TAK£ EI'F�CT UPO:� FINAL PASS�GE ON TH�S �ATE,� AND OftD�RL�PUBLISH�D ONCE �:. rULL �YYTHIN TEN DAYS AFT�R PAS�AGE OR >. � AS SOQN AS POSSIBLr, this T7f:h day of December,'' �.974. t��!' � � b9ayor ATT�ST; -/�...Q� To�vn C1er . - :, , ;�� ��X�iIH�IT<�:A :��� � � �` �; �� - �� ; LEGAL DFSCRT�'sldN A pa�c�1 af �,and ].yi:ng 'in the west 1/2 o'f the na�t?�caes� ].%4 of Sectibn ].8, T.;;5 S>, �t. '79 W'. of the bth' pr3.nci�a�: mer;i_ �:�.an,, Faglc� Coun�y, .Calarado, and, d�scriUed as: T�eginning at the nor�.:.hw�st.:c'orn�r of said sec�:ion 18: th�nce S 89°53' 24" <E 297:7Q feet .a�.on'� the nor�.h li��e of said Secta_on I8'; • ' to the ,i.rt�e p4int oE" beginriiilg; L-henc� cont�.nu�.nc} alo*�q s�id .;' . nox�h `�.ine :5 8°�'53' 24" � 370.90 feet tt� th� 'sr�u�h��n richt , $, r�t�way line o� U.S. iiig}iwa� 6,• thence a�.ang sair� riglz�-`i�f�- Vray �.ine on th� f�llowa.ng ,cour.sc�; S G7.°25'?_'�" �: 7.36.25 f�et, ; `� ;,'� ' S 2S° 34 `36" Si1 4(1:4p ' £���., S 61025' 2�7 ° �:. �1.86 feet� �a �he;, ` ,' ��st line �o� the i� J./"2 t�'�7, .�;/4 Section 1.�; th:�nce 'S t�°`b2' Oti" ":`' ; .;. , E 222 3 . 38 �'e�t, a�.c�na said, e�s� �.a.ne. �a .'t2��" sou+th ' �:`in� a�' `iche : '� ' nci�-thtrest� �./4 : of saic� Sectic�n 3.8: tlz�nce �3c�n.� said. sou�,h : . 1�.ne S.�9°3'7 � D��• t�7 1.256. 82� ,�r:et to the wes� line of s�id �1/4 . . � S�c�zon, thence a3.dng saic� west line N OD°2E r 0��� 'E, 528.27 feet, N:0°00' 00" 14(39:23 fe�t: thence N 90°0(S' 00° Fd. 7.�0 ` '. 'feet; "thcnce v 0° 00' 00" ].77 .(}4 feet; t�ence N 90° 00' 00" � ' :. , ,7.00, feet; �hence N 25°O1 r59" E 585. 38 .teet ;to the . iru� pciint:;. ; ; ot beginninq, a trac� of land which' �ontains.73.983 acxes, :.. : more or �ess. _ . , ' •. "�,�,,t ;. .. , - • ,. _ , ,; ,, _ ,. , . , ,. < .� . i :. -. , : _ _ ; � �_ I:� �'1i�� �IS'1'., : C�UI��t ]':� .'�\17 1�OR''1'i1L' : . �; : i. �\T�' ;Ol' I:11� ; .°. ,; , . `� : �° °� 'S'J':�TF OF COI:�Ci:; ',:�p �..k:; Civx�. Actac�n No. 228�i �� Ti�r �,�TTr�iti or •r�i� � ���Y�,�n��zo� o�� ':1 Po�?TZOtiT ) �T' Tiii; I3I G�:0��1 �i;i�r1, ) OIill�;I� AU a�IOliI7I1TG A111_ ��.�,.�.`iU:� ThGLI� CO�;�;i`i' , `; COLOI; �b�, ) : TO `I'ill:s '1.'Ql'�\ UI� :,V�i].L, <, ) ' CULOR:�lln : :) A�ter :c�nsi:d�a��:ti on o� �:he e� parte 'iiotion �or O� citrr �'�u�t.l�orizi.n ; An���xa�i;� on �'i:�c�cl l,c;�� ei� pur. sua�a�: i:o Sec�:ion t39-2�.=-�:x(�3), Col.or��cio Rev��,�ci S,L-��:�,ute's 1.963, 'as amended, :and : tkiex e Uea ��� ,gnad cause i:�,''ere�'or, . I'� l:S �i�T�r?3Y :OF�7i,IiJ:D �s �a�1.os�:s: > � 1. Tn �ccoxds�nce z:ith �l�e r�sul�: o� :�:he annehai:ion" e�.e:ction l��ld an �i:lie 10�h da5� o�' Deceml�ex , 1974 , u•h'e� ein there �ti�er� 39 ��o�es �'or an����ai"ion a�id 8 votes agai.rist �,nnexa�ion,: = a majari�t:y o�' . iii� vote� casi b'eir.s�• �n . f�.vor o� annexal;3.on, th� Ta���n o� �r�.i1., Colorado; �s aul;hor3.zed to a�nc?� i��ii:hau� speci�.l terms or conciitio�zs a portion o� th� }3�.glzorn area, Eag�.e Count��, ' Co�.oxado, describ�d i:n ExhiUi'i� A attached hereto and made a - part: . herco� . 2: " A�.]. cosi:s and eapenses connecl;�d �c�ith the annexa- , , ., , t�:oi�, 'inc�.uding conlmi`ssi.on�r ���s noi; �xceeding �or each com- m�.ssionc�z, $2. d0 �o.r �a`cIa hau� ?a� necessa,ry sexvice, sl�all be ' �a�.d <by �:he Tatrn o� Va:�l, Ca�.arado. ;'"� , . . . , . I)�TEI): �a�le, Color�do, this 1.2t17 �ta3� ot bec�m�a�r, �.9?9:. . � . , . __ Ch����s . �. Cas__e..�` _�.__.. - . __�...__ _ . .�:� Jv���; c7z� �4r�L .��n��� ��,��a:��r�Fn cou��� ;;; Grs �FZtcr :��,��� � : '� ; . E^ ;tp C:a.Jr.;,. G-�•.;�!'��d �.u�`�:I�i�,, t;l'�1C filii� tf.,s? c:�:U � k eo;,;R �r t��e n.E:, -... in r�; c� . � �''.tu .._:.�:�.�.-�c�.�;�°.--- �.�s.'1.l.�: �"� . . ' � .. ,..�.`�'...�:�:-.�,�;.�,/...,.�.....C-�...�..-...�.�:.,� � % ltrk Hy ..._.._l��,�"=."�.'":..Q _.._.....�_,_ ... . �, .., ..�.�. Qe�uty , C..iUr�C : : ; ; : � �4����� , . .. , �.� - . ..:..' . .. . ... ' �- � � ; . .�_ . � j ,. > � .�, . ., `� ,' ... .; ��, ` sTaTE �F ca�cRaao . R � � ��� � � � �� :: � � �� `� EAGL� COU+�TY : ss, , : : , : < : _ ;.- - , ., ;• ; ' . E h�reby c�r<ify .ha, this :instrumeni .' , , .,; was fi:e:� far r corJ in r�iy af#ice the � l��. ay of. �._......--f i�3:7�a# 1�..._�,.o'c!ockf}. l�t., and is ds.:! rECOrded in Soo�C���.....Page__ �.�%.:.. , . , . ` ; , ': ����.�.��:��:�..:�� Co t Cterk an� ca r� By...:s�����:f1� ; , ._ . __ .�L! .��`:---• - Deputy� Fee $ ./a� �:.!_� . - , `' .... . � , . . , , , ,> .: . . , ., , ,, . . . > . .., . _ - � _ . . .:. ;: . , , . ; .. . . . t� � ,,. . �