HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979- 4 Recorded Copy. .. / o��n�r�n�rc�l, �o.� �7�� �� � S STATE OF f�9RA�0. � oi.�,u�e ��k r"A'. �-.�" Series o:(' 197:J�RpE0A1 a� ' � M HE�EPi10M M0. 1 ETTF PF11LLI9S. RE �+�, °�° . , l, �N ��hS1.;33C�i�.NCY 0��1]Ii�t��IC�: �1�N1'sXI�G '�^.0 �'I31�1 TOyVN 0�' VA�L A PI��C1sL 0� PRO1��I�TY 1.,UGATI�D IN TII� �1�t' i> N�Yn� :}I' Sl�C:TIOI�F . 1$, T5S, I�79i�' OF TI4� 6i:ia P.yt. , I��GL� COU�I'I'�, cOLORAt)0, PR.]�S�It'1.`LY OW�iEI] BY S'1'�l'1`� 4I' C�LOPt1DU TiIG�i�VlIX DI=�:P�RT�vIL�'T; ANn SLT��zNG %OR'1'�X I'I�TDI�GS ANU CO�dC��USY�NS �1�1D 0`�HF,R DETA,T1�5 IN R�Ll1,"1'TON THi:R�TO A�iD TO TI�I�� ����RGI��ICX . �9T-IEREAS, � a petii;a�on for anneha�:zo� �o tlae Tpw�� of :+�� Vail of a certain �arcel. of praperty l.ocated in �he N6Y4 , N�V� , of � /�/ 5ec�tion �.8, TSS, R79�V, of the 6�:h P.hi. , Fagle Co�:nty, Co7.orado, h�.s I � b�en submit�;ed to the To�vn C�.erk of the To�vn of Vazl and re�err�d there�rom �o the Town Counci�.; �VH���EAS, the owner of �.00% of tlje prop�rty proposed far annexation, exc�.usive of i;he streets and aileys, is the State o� Colorado Yi.ghwayT Departrri�nt; WHEREAS, th� pet�.tian Was sa.gn�d bp R.A. Prosenc�, Disl�rict 3 Engineer af �ne State of Co�orado Hightvay Department; �YHER��S, in accordance with C.R.S. 31.-12--�0?(1)(g), the Totivn Council may by ordinance annex the above speci�ied proper�y wa.i:l�out notice, hearing o� election� inasmuch as the petztion �vas si�ned by lU0°� o� �the property owners; and . YdH��E�S, the Town Cou*�cil is a� the apina.c�n that the pe�i.tion shou�.d be �ranted and t�.at the subjec� propex•�y sl�ou].d t�e anr�exed tc� tt�e Tawn of Vaa.l; 1'TOW y. THE�'i.�FOR� y?3� I T ORDA I1iED I3'.� `E'HE '1'OWN CC7UNC I L Ok' THI; T0�7N OF VA � L, CCiLC?RADO , 7'�TAT ; S�ctia�n 1. Find9.iz�s Ths Town Cleark of tYte Ta�vn af Vail has re�erred to thc Town Counca.l a pe'titioii ior ann�xat�.nn ca� a cer�;aa�n parc�l of p�oper�y {her�inafte� r�;ierred to as the "subject prop�rty�� and is more speci:fical].y ci�scribcd in Lah�b�.t "A" a.ttached he�eto) , O��cl. l�age 2 tliat is �.oc�,Lcc3 az� the NSY�, N�Ya, 01' SecLioz� 18, TSS, R7.9W of the 6i:h P.119., L�gle Couniy, a�3d f:he Town Couracil specifica3ly �a.nds upon r�vic.tv of saict petzf:i�o��: (� ) Tlac: pet�.t5.on is in substantial complia�zce with the r�uuzrem��its o� C.R.S. 31-12-107(�.), 1973, as amended. <B} Tli� petztion was signed by �:he owners of 100% o� Lhc area pxopaseci 1;o be annexed, exclusive of s�reets and alleys. � . � (C} 'f ri� subject propearty is eligi.ble for annexation to the Town oi Vaa.l in �hai: a� Ieas1: one-sixth of its boundaries are contiguaus witt� 1;kze Town of Vail, `there a.s community of in�cres-� bel;ween tile Town o� Vail and the subject proper�y, the sul�jec�: proi�erty wz�1 be urbana.zed in the near future, and it is capab�e o�' being integrated in�o the Town of Vail. (D) Tl�ere are no �.imzta�ions to the annexation o� the su3�jec� proper�y to the Town of Vaa.l in that no land hel.d in ' iden�;ical o�unership has been divided without �he written consent of �;he �.az�downers thereoi, no land held in identical ownership comprising 20 acres or more with an assessed va3�uation�.n excess of �200,000 for�ad valor�m tax purposes has been included without the tivritten cansent of .the owner, no other annexation proceedings � ��ave been commenc�d by ano�her muri�.cipality wa.th reiation to the subjeci; property, and no ax�a will be detached �ro�n a school dzstric� by i:his aiin�xat�on. (]�) No addit�ional terms ar condit�ons are to be impos�d upon �;his ���n��a�;ion. (�� ) The subject properi;y may be i1i117�?iEi� �JS7' oxdinance witho�i#: notice, nc�axing or �I�ction in accordance with subsection (�;) of 31_-�2-107. Sectic��� `?.. f�nnex�lt;ion. 'T'l�e pro�ac�z�ty ] ac�.t:ed ir� i;l�e N�i'�, N�V� , of S�c�:ion 1.8, T5S, T7�)lt', oi' �;��c-; 6i:ls P.���., �a�;l�,� Cot��l�;y�, Cc�loz��do, more par�;icu�.arly de:�r.ri.uc.d i.zi E���:i.l.a:it '��.�� aLt;aclzed he���:to a.s �Lnne�ed to t.h� �bwn o f. �r��_i l. , Co'l c�rt�clo . . , � _ _ . . Ord. Section 3. �ffective D�.tc. Tne annexation of this ordinance shall i:ake effect as an emergency ardinance i.n accordance with the charter o� tY�� Town of Vail and the Town Clerk is c�irected to file �ox r�cording . two certified capies o� this ordinance and a map of the area anne�ed contaa.nz.ng a lega]. descripiion of such area with the Eagle County C1exk and Recoxder and one copy thereof with the Division of Local Gov�rnmen� a� the Department of Local Affa�.rs. Sect ion 4, Zon a�n .�. The subjec� property hereby annexed to the Town of Vai� sha11 be zoned Ptzblic L1se in accordance with the Vail Mux��.cxpa� Code. Secti,on 5. Emer�ency. The statut�s of the S�at� af Co�.c�xado a�.3ow th� Sta�e Higtlway Cammission ta abandoz� any roadways an portians thereaf tha� are nat necessary for the S�at� Highway system. If the abandon�d roadways are not declared public stareets by the Town within 90 days of abandonmen�� '�he title to the property reverts to the ora�ginal owner. The wa.thin annexed property is a small parcel af property ` . occupied by the abandoned U.S. 6 which xs necessary for the Town's road syst�m in East Vaa.l, but �.s located outside the Town's boundar�es. The 90 day pera.od expires February 15, 1979, �here�or�, thas ordinance shal.]. be adopted as an emergency by th�s declaraiion o� the Town Coun�i]... INTR011UC�D AS Ai� EAiERG�NGY �i�ASi3RE, �.E�D, APPROV�D, AND ORD���.�D PU�L�S�I�D ONCL IN I'ULL, this 6th day �of Febxuary ,].979. �i` - �� i� i`� / � ` -i. .. � ..- _t:"�� � � �,- � �� � .-� � h2d.j'O2 � . ,. ,, l`d vi' �`�`E/.:!_ • C' °-r' `' , , ' ? -. / � ._ , , .. ,. �_;J ,;tulti������1. _ �`. .. .. �`l' `L }� s� �.' � "� ' .i. � . . � � �, � , 4 �� :^� . " .. , .:_, �� , , �� /f � . � �, .: ., . _ . _� � , . . ._. �. -'� -�� ; �-- ��_��--�����.�' : . . � _ : � ---1.��._ �ti `` � �..-�.- _ ,o � �� � �,„..`.,,_,;:,,y.. ti . . � ' � L _ -L . .. .. .... . . , :�... .....Z_ .. �ro�,=« ci.�;���, , __ .; � . . .. �� . . , .. , %� ,,. , , ,�..W......_ ,..... �; ,,, ;, ",_ �,.� � ;