HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-27 Recorded Copy� v. � Fes ���4d �pc� `�`�' _ ,�-. �r , ,. �, �� � � r ���� � � �`� � . ����'!�� �ook 29�. Page 2$� Recorded a� $:3a �.�. Nov 6, 1979 �, Reaorder: Johnnet�� Fhi�.�.ips, Ea�le Gounty ` � ;,;� �t ";%' ORDTNANCE NO. 27 � Se�a.es of I.979 ��AN ORDINANCE ,ANNEXING TO THE T�WN OF VA�L A PARC�L OF PROPERTY LUCAT�D IN THE NW�,OF THE NW� OF SECTIUN 1Q, TSS, R8 QW' O�" THE 6th P � M. , EAGLE C�UNTY,:COLORADO, PRESENTLY OWNED ���` THE TOWN °OF -VAIL A COLORADO MUN�C�PALIi''�i; .;AND SETTING FORTH F�N�INGS:AND:GONCLUSTONS AND OTHER DETAiLS IN RELAT�ON THERETO 'WHEREAS; a;p�tition €or annexation to the Tawn of ' Va�l a'; ce�tain parcel ot property ].acated in the NW�a of the NL�T� of Secta.cn 10, T5S, R8QW of �he 6th P.M. , Eagl� County, Colorado has been.submitted`�o �he Town C�.erk of the Town of Vai3 and referred there�rom to the �'own Counci�.; - , WHEREAS, the.owner vf 1'fl0� of the,p�operty proposed for �nnexation,'' ex--lusive o� the streets and alleys. �s the Town of Vai].,' a Calarado' �nur�icipa�.ity, WHEi�EAS,,, :the petitio� raas signed by Richarc� Caplan, Town Manager , WHEREAS, in �CCOrd�xnce witii'' C. �t.'S. 31-12-� 07 (1} (91 r' the '�own Cc�uzic�.�. may by ordi.nance annex �he a�ove specified prop�rty without ric►tice, h�aring ar e3.ectzan in�smuch'as:tkie ;; getiti4n was sighe3 by �.41{�� c�� the prc�per�y awnert and 'WHE�AS, the ;Tcrw�a Ccruz�ci�. �.s c�f ,::the `apin�:'vn : tha� �he p��itic±n :shciuld be. granted and tha.� the subj�ct property " shauid be �nne�ed ta the,, fic�^am of 'K�ai.l � �` Y+l4W, �'HER��'ORE, BE:,. IT :t]I�Ai1,�ED HX THE TO'Wi�i CE?UNC�L CiF � T�IE TC1WN 4F VAIL , COLQ?r2,A.D0 f' THAT :.; �; ? Secta.an 1. F�.ndings. ; The m�wn`.Cierk of the Town of Vail has refErred to the Town C�unCi�. a:petition �or annexation of a certa�.n parcel o�.property {hereinafter referred ta as the "subj�cf Proper�y" and i5 more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto) ^�r , . . � ,- � � . : . � , �+y� �� � orainarrce No. a7 I- _ � Page 2 4i�at is located on the NW'� of the NW� �f Section 7.�, TSS, R80W of the 5th P.M., �agle County, and the Town Council specifical:�.y finds `upon revi:ew o€:>said ;pet�,t�.or�: tA) .;'�he pet`ition_is in substantial comp3.:;.ance with>the requirements of C.R.S'. 3i-].�--10'i (�.) ,�973, as amended. (B1 The: petiti.on was signed k�y the <._orhm�:r of 100$ of the area proposed to be annexed, exc'.usiv� of streeta and ��:leys. (C� The subject property is eligai.ble for ann�xation �o �he Town of Vail in �ha't at �east one-sixth of its boundaries are contiguous �with the Town of Vail, there a.s community of interest between the Town of Va�.i and the ��€bject prop�rty, the subject property wi.11 be.::urbanized in t�e near future, and i.t is capab].e of `bea,ng' intergrated into ;the Town of -Vai3.. (D} There are no `l,i�it�tions 'to the annexation of the sub'j+ect property to the �'own_of <Vaa:l' in �hat no. �.and held ;;. ir� idet�t�.ca�. ownersh�.p h�s �een ; divid�d w�t:htiut the writ�en cc►nsent of the 3.andawe� th�reo�, rYO .�.�nd helc� .�.n: id�ntic�l� ownership cciimgrising 2� aca�es ar mc►re with 'a'n ;��sess�i� va�uatian. in �x��ss�. o� $��}4,(��4,;.fcar ad valorsm tar `pu�p€�ses has been :�.r�- .. cluded." �,i�.thcau�;: the writt�n ccsnsent ,o� �h+e awne�, no' o�h�a� annexation p'r+�ce�dings; l�ave ,been com�te�ced by ano�cher.' municipalit� ' with re�.ati.Qn. .�o the subject prc�pe�ty, and na area wi�:'�. .be ` d��aaYied f�t�m a,�cMaol `distric� -by this annexat�an. (E) No addi.tian�l terms or cazxd�.tions''�re ta be; �,mposed upon this annexation. - (F) The sulij�c� property ar•ay be anne�red by ord�.nance withou�: no�a.ce, hearing or election in accordance w�.th sub�- section Eg? �f 31-].'2-�.07. � ; .� � . Ordinance No: 27 �� Page 3 Sectic�� 2. Annexation. The property`:�a�ated in the NW� o� the NW� of Section 1.0, T5S, R80W '�r� the 6�h P.M. , Eagle Courtty, Colorado, mare particu�.�.ri� desr.ribed .in �xh'ibit "A" attached,; h�reta is anne�ed to th� T+�wn vf V'ai;�, ColQ��do. . SECt].OTi'; �.<-, �';��.E.'C�1V� � i�c'�"�E'.. , The a�+�xation and �ha.s �i'rd�.nance shal.l �ake effect in accordanee with :the charte� di the Tc�wr� of Vail and �he Tow�ri 'Cl��k a.s direa�ed to fa.3e for recroding two c+er�i�ied copie� o� 'this ordinance and a� map of the area ar�nexed conta�.na.ng a legal descr�.ption o� such .area wa.th the Eag1e County C7.erk and Recorder,and one copy°thereo€ wi�h the Di.vision of Local Goverr�ment of �h� Departmen� of Local A�fairs. _ Section 4. Zoninq. '� The subject property hereby annexed to the Tawxa of Vail shail be `�ceferxed to `the Plannizxg and Environmental Commissivn �'or review and recommendation regarding zoning in accordaace :vrith Ch�pter 18.6� of tY�e Va�l Municipal Code. 1�NTRODUCEU, READ ON FIRST':.READING, APPRtJVED AND ORDERED �'USLTSHED'ONCE IN ;FULL, �h�.s, 1.7th day "of°July, 1979, and a public hearing on this,orda.nance sha�.'1 be held at the �egular meet�.ng of the Tawn Coucr�i�" of 'the Town of Vail, Ca3.arado, on the :,� �day of %��,r _ , 1979, at 7: 3t} P.M. , in the Municipal:,Buildi.ng of e Town. . � Mayor I _A:T , '", ; `````,;�� 11llt1if11 `�:' 1���F�.�) , �� y ,�,. � ,�� � �,. : � # '' �' "g��;����`i� A��•�: RE��1D ON SECGND READ�NG� PROVED AND ORD�RED F[TBLTSHED 1 '� ' ,�`�',�`,� �,��'Y THIS __ � DAY OF____�,�' r , 1.979. F..� a � y _, y� �s � .;, V���. _�� V , � � . o� � t, �,�, '`,i' � . � � ���� r��lirr,��+t��,i� . . . � � Mayor ATTEST: � N � Town Cler�, ---= �.. . ' M • ■ � � �w y ....... ..� � .� , �`+���/�/ � : �� .���� �R"F .. A�art o� �hc� NW�, I�W�, Seciion �.0, Tawnship 5 South, �tar�ge 80 W�st af the Cth Pr�nc�.pal �+iexidian, Eag1e County, Cc>�orado, said part o� tixe DiW�, �'V$, Section 1Q, -being rnnre particular�.y describeci as �olJ.a�vs: Begi.nn�.ng at a�int or� �the w�st Iin� o� sa.zd N�Y�� NW�. Section X�, whence the I�W Corner af �-aid Sec��.an 1�, bears N(l� 0'�' 30"' W 856. 3Fi fee� ciist�nt ; thence the :�ollaav�ng six oourses a�ong the e�.stin� Tc�wn o� Vai �. bounc�a�r.y ;{ 1) N, 89° 5�'' 30" E: 3�.0. EXl %et ;{ 2) N E)0° 02' 30„ �' 2�.�.. 36 �ee�t ; ( 3} N 3S° 52 � 51" E+�E)O. flQ �e�� ;{ 4) N 65° 32 ` 5�." E 14C] .C1� �'eet ;:( 5 i .S $2� 07' C�" E ;344.00 ��� � (6) N., "!8a 2�' 31:" : E �.61. 3� ��e� , �t3 �: <pC�ic�� Q� the ��s�C ��.ne fl� the;; said N'��, N4��, 5�ct�.on 10, the�ce S OOo ,(� � i5" E 124�.001 �eet, . along the �a�t` lin� c►f sa3d N�Y}, N�l`� ,;SF:ct:.o� 1Q, to the sc�ut�ast ctsrn�r c�f the said �'�, �1T�, S�cti.on �,f�, ;�Gk�en�+e N S�' ��" 3�i�, i� .1�1i9.3{l fee�, along �he south li.ne c�f said N��, �; :�ctia�*� ,1{�, � the soutY�est cox�er o� saici ��;, NW�, Sectic�n 1�; tYren+c+� N IX?° 02'; '�►"" �9 46�:;�64. �'+e��, alon� the w�st line a� s�.id NW�, N��, Sect�.+ar� �,�"; said l�ne alsa be�z�g �h� e�:.tsting Tc�nn of Vai�, bc�uindaxy, ta the pcsin�t of l�irin�t�g, ` contai n in� 1, 2^y , 964 squa.z�e �eet ar 28 .14�3 a�cr+es ; r�re ax� �.ess . ; � ,�;� .. -. . � . . � �ii . � � . � - - . ,� .... . � . , - � � � � . . - � . . - �. . � ,�� � � � � ti� �C 't`;' - . _ " .. �;: ` . . . � . . �'�. . ..".. ..< . � -'.� ' � : �� � � � � .. . . . . �' ' �"�. . � - � . . - � _ � . � �� � . . . . .. . . ,� _. ... . _ �-:. .. - �.�. - - �� � . :.`:,: . �� .., ' ':�� :.?: ..�-� - -���� �" � �-,� �i � ��i . . � - - . - ��� 3� `. P �i - - �- _ � . ... .... . ..._ � _ __,_. _.._ , , _ ���.