HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-18 Relating to the Amendment of Ordinance No. 14, Series 1980, and to the Adoption of a Resolution Approving and Ratifying the Note Purchase Agreement for the Town's Construction Loan Notes CER`~'IFI~,D RF~CDRD OF PROCEE':~INGS OF THE TOS~'~I COUNCIL OF TH 1 TOr;N OF MAIL,, C.~OL,.r:RADO R~ILATIhU TO `z~i'E Aic1i:~'DiiEI~1T OF ORDINANCE NO. ~4, SERIES .1980, ANI7 ~~'0 THE ADJPTION OF A RE~:~OLUTION APPROVING AND RATI1 RING THr NOTE PEJRCHASE AGREE:~F:N'I' FOR THE TO~v-N' S CONS`' ~UCTI(`N LOAN NOTES , S~~RZ~s riAY 1, 1980 ^ • ~j- • S'rt1`rE OF t.O1,0IZ1~D0 ) Cor~r~'r~ oE~ ~A~r~~ } s . } Tb4vN bF vA~~ ) The Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, met in ~-eg~slar session at the Vail t~lunicip~~l I3ui.lding, Vail, Colora~3o, the regular meeting place thereof, on Tuesday, the 6th day of 1~Say, I380, ~,t the hour of 7:3~ p.m. The following ~ne~~~,bers of the Town Council were present: Mayor : Rodrzey F. Slifer Council rnetr,bers: Paula ~'~~)_,, ateor .7Giln I1C~:iUVun r~~'ll f7iE1 i7.5 :~ tr E? Z .`~'iJ ~' r g Tj~ll 4', :.lto SCptt ia0;, ;ia:1 ROn ~rodd The following ne:r~bers of the Town Council were absent: .~ , _ -. I ii ~ ii.'`l;, \~ G 1 L_ .~ ~. G~ ,v `' F ~> i [.C f. 1..~ ~J .. ~L1 y ri. GL. c [, f v The following persons were also present: Town I~Sanager : Richard Caplan Town Director of Finance: William Pyka - Town Attorney: ~,}wrence C. Ri.c;er Town Clerk: Col~.c~:~ Kline Thereupon the following proceedings, among others, ~~::~re nad and tafcen: ~~ Council Member ~'~~ ~~. '; ! `:..~-!~ ,l_~~. ~~ introduced and moved the ~ -- adoption as an emergency ordinance d~f the following Ordi~.~ance, which was read by title, sufficient copies ~~aving previously boon made available tq the Council and to the public: ~-?.- k ~~ C,RllTi~:I~NCE N0. S}~~RfIS []F 1980 TAN ;;~i}R(;'~:~~CY ORI~INI:NCE ~"~Eri}•',NDI}~~G ORDIi~ANCE N0. .14, 51r:IL•:S {7F 1.980, CONC~i~NINO `PHF .ISSi?lNC}; OI; `I'Ol4N C7F VAIL, CO~~QItTaDd, CONS`l'}2UC`IION LOAN ?JO`.I'LS, S)RIES ;~I~Y 1, 1'380. BE IT dRDAfNi•,D I3Y TI3E `1'OK'N COUNCII1 OF `P}~IJ 'l'ds~~N Ok' VAIN, COLORADQ, `I'13AT OI~.DfNANC1•; NO. 14, S)JRIES nF 1980, IS I~MEINDI;D AS I'Or.:r,GWS (Capital letters ar underlining indic~ute new ;r;ater ia1 ~:cldc.d to ~Jxisf: ing ordinance, dashes through material within br~xckets indicate del~:tions from existing ordinance}: Section 1. Section 1A(13) of Grdin~,nce ?~o. 1~, Series of 1980, is amended to read (13 } db]_ i ~at ion or [~#~l igat ions: when used r~ ith r~fcrence to obligations of the Ta-Nn, any ~.°arrar~t, Mond, note, 1r~~7se ar other instrument of whatever form or lenal nature, incl~_rc~ ing wi+.ho~.~t limitation general obligation bonds, r.nd short tern; notes of the Town, issued or entered into by the `T'own, or any other evi~ie:nce of the advancement of money Lo the 'fawn fnr the purc:nGse, delivery, lease or the use of real property 1y the Town for wi,:ich the 'a•,an has pro,:rised to pay money for a period beyond one ):'fiscal Year, regardless of whether any such Obli jation is renewable or c,:nccllabi~v in any r3iven year, provided that p._rsonal property .:iay be acauircd by any such Obligation and provio~.d {:'_-:at the term Obligation shall excludo any obligation required to be ~~aid in whole or in part from sp-rJcial assessments, the T,~wn's land transfer tax or that part of t~~e Sales Tax which is not with~_n the term Sales `T'ax Revenues as defined herein. Section 2. Paragraph one of Section 6C is amended to read: C. Exchange covenant. To the extent that the sues accumulated in the Note Fund and t-he Reserve I`'und an May 1, 1982, are not sufficient to pay the principal of all of the outstanding Hates ~~t their maturity, the Town shall exchange its Parking I,acility Revenue Bonds fox al]. of such remaining outstanding Notes and in such event the holders of such remaining outstanding Notes sha11 be required to accept -such exchange Revenue Bonds in lieu of the p~~yment of the principal of the Notes without further recourse against the Town for such payment of principal. Interest nn such Notes excha~~ged for --3- ~~ ~ ~~ Revenue Bonds shall cease i.o accrue from and after tfay 1, 1.982. 'i^e Parking I~'acility T;evenue Bonds is:.~ucd for r.shcl;<<nge ~-~ur~j:o:~{,s :~h .11 be dated Mary 1, 1982, and shell bear interest fro~~ :'>aid elate at an interest rate as determined by ardinance of the Town Council which shall not be leas than ttao percc;nt~-~c~e i~oints ~~re,.~ter than the i.nter~:~t rate of i.he tvate or Notes in question and t~ravidc~d that the net effective interest rate for the Revenue Bands to },e exchanged .for such Note Or i~TOtC3=i shall r70t Gs:,i.c?t?d `~~ L~~?C ?]Tll];l. `L }l e? l?yC}]~re~L' ~ti~VF'nuC' Bonds shall mature in no (t (~~_:~:~J :MORE th~.n ten (1Q) years from date of issuance pursuant to a schr_clu- e o£ m~:turity det<_rmi.ned ley the gown Council by ordin~::nce. `!he Parking 1?ucility RSV[?nuc ponds i,o be so exchanged may be issued in be~~re~r or re~~i :;terr~d ; orm, :r.ay }-~e redeemable at t};e option of I_};e To~„n ~.t ~~uch nri_ces :~d nn ~;uch ~iat~s and may be in such {orm as ceter:nin~sd by r;rdi.nance of the '~'^;an. ';'he terms and provisions of the or~~ in~nce ,.ct}~or i~i.ng the issu~,~;ce of the Parking Facility Revenue Bonds to be so ~~xchanc~ed and tl]e delivery of such bonds to the holders of matured but unpazd Notes in exchange therefor shal3 provide that the ~r incif--:1 of _nd interest on such exchange Par king k'ac it ity :revenue Band ~> U~hat 1. be o~,yab1 ~ <~s authorized by the Charter from the Net Project R~.venues and <T;y tax other than an ad valorcr~ tax or any other log ally uvail`ble fir~nds of the Ta,~n as determined by the Town Council . The Town Caunc it shall clete,-m ine all other terms, provisions and covc;;ants to l.~e set forth in suet] authorizing ordinance . Section 3. Section 7 of Ordinance No. l~, Series of 1980, is amended to read When all of the Debt Service Requi;`menu of the Notes have been duly paid DR THE PARKING FACILITY R)~VFNUia BONDS Ii.'~VE BF.~,N AU`l'Ii0R1-ZED TO BE ISSUED ANn NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN AND TIDE PARKI;~IG FACILITY . REVENUE BONDS HAVE Bk:EN MADE AVI~TLABLE ]; OR NO'1'F EXCI-3ANGE PU:2~>OSFS AS PROVIDED TN SEC'.1'ION 6C EiEREDF, all obligations hereunder shall t};c,rei~y be dischary~d and the Notes shall no longer be deemed to be Outstand ing . There shall be deemed to he such due r;ay:nent w};en tine Town has placed in escrow ar in trust ti~:ith a trust b~-;nk located within ar without the State of Colorado, moneys or lodoral Securities in an aTnount sufficient (including the kno~~rn minirnur]; yield available for ~~ such_~ir~a:~~_ from I'ec3c_~r~il ;~c~cur it ies in w}-~ ich :,r~r,h ;:;:~olzt~t w}-,o1.ly or in ~~art may be initial.3.y ir~vc;;t_ed) to rnec~t all F~~~ht ;service Recj,~irements of the Notes, as the sar;~e become due to the final ;naturitics of the Notes or upon any redemption data as of which the 'town shah. have c~xer.ciar~d or sh~-~11 h~:ve c3lali~~at~~d it pelf to c~c_rr_i.;,e its prior redc~~r~iation option by a call of Natea for ~~a gent then. The ederal Securities shall became due pr iar to the respective times at which the pracoecl5 thereof shall he needed, in ~;ccarc7;~nce with a schedule establi:~hed and agreed r~pon bet~,aeen the `.sown and such hank at the time of the creation of the e:~crow or trust, or the Federal Securities shaJ_1 be subjGCt to redet~tpti.an at .the option of t:hP k~oldc~r tt~e~:eof to assure such uv~~ilability as so neec7c3d to <,eet :ar,~ch :achedule. Section 4. '.Phe Town Council hert~by finds ~~nd e9et~r.inir~es, as determii;ed i.n 5~ctian ;?C of Orc3in~.nGe T`TO. ~_4, .'eri~~s of 1.930, chat an emergency exiats and this Ordinance, as an r:nendr~ent of~ Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1980, is for the reasan$ stated in Section 2C of said Ordinance Na. l~ hereby detormi_ned necessary for the preservation of public property, health, welfare, peace and safety, and therefore, this Ordinance shall take effect i;r:,~ediately ~:pon introduction and passage. SNTRODUC>aia, 1'A,SSED, iI~oPTFD, t:`:AC"I'ED, A~~ROVED, AND Oi~Dk~RED PUIILIS~iED ONCE 1N r~L7LL, this 6T}i riay of I~SAY, 1980. ATTEST• cl e r k ~'O~~~N OF VAI~, COt,Oi~ADO ~~~ ~ ~_ ,. 1-- T.__ ;~;ayor ~ V -- ~ .- ~~ ~ ~~ Council ~~ft~mhor ,l~ti._~- r'~~ ~__W -------.._- ;er_onci~~'d i_hc ;,ot io.n, and the guest ion being rrpon the pa.7 ;ago <-~nd at.7ontion of s ~ id Ordinance, the roll w~]s called with the fallowi;]g result: Council members voi_.ing "Yes" : Mayor Council tj]c;nbers: Rodney i;. 5l. a.Cl'r Paula =almateer ~7oP~n Donovan ?31 .1 1 S':.L 1 t O SCGt{~ ifcp,i~an RO n `T'odd Council members voting "r~o" ,,~ ~~ 2i eli~~C'I"S of the COliliCil ~ r(:':'t?;~t h~V Ong VOtG~d lrl f:VOI- Of the adoption of the Ordinance, the presiding officer t~~ereupon declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted as an er~erc~ency ordinance of the Town and directed that the Ordinance be published once in full in The Vail Trail, a legal nc.:+spapez of general circulation within the `g'own of Vail , on 'f,ay 9, ~ 930. n ~. - Council Member .:;'~ ~,~~~~~.; ~ : ~ :i ~r~;cir,cc-:a ~~nd ,roved the ~~~-~ssage and adoption of the following R..~solution, .r ich ~,a«s read by title, sufficient copies havi;zg previou~~ly boen i~,ade avail~:'~1e to the Council and to the public: -G- ~~ + ~r f~t~,SOI,U`P1ON NO , r! ~~ SIRIk~S OF 1980 RE;SUI,UTION Ai'~'I~OVING T.'~D RA`1'7FYZNG 'rHk fvOTE 1'Ui2Cf3A5E AGRE~r.'I~iENT I'OR 'rHE • CGNS'i'RUC`1'ION T~OAN NO'i'if;S , SERIES 1~AY 1 , I9f30, OF `i'fiE `iOVdN f3E 1`P RE~~Oi~V}:,D "t3Y THE 'i'OK~N L.OUNCXL Of± `i'tfE TOitiN OF VAIL, t~OI.,ORADO; ~eCt10n ~. PC'L1ta~s. A. Ordinance No. 14 , Ser fes of 1Q80. Pur ~,u~:nt t~.o C?rcl ~r~~:nr.e ?.o. 14, 5er.ies of 1980 {Ordinance *do. 14) r t.f~e Tcs~n Caunczl azjtho r il~~d and directed the Town t~lanager to nogatiate a:zd exocutc a note par chase agreement with ?3oettchPr & Cc~rr~pa°:y {the + iit~ch~:ser) .n i.}~e n,~~ ;e .:~d cn behalf of the Town, which agree".~nt shall inclac:e firing t}~,o r,:zte of interest for and the princil:hl _:,c!rnt of i_he "'o~;n's Ca.,struction I,can Notes, Series '~,ay 1, 1'_80 ;'-~e _„i_~-s) ;~r~~•~ ~~?~--~~ ..'.._~t ~~.:ch ~r~_=:,~e:~t complies with the requirc~~~rr,ts of Orc~znance '•70. 14 ,and provided further that the agree~~~~:nt is approved and ratified by the Town Council fay a resolution duly adopted at a regular or special :~~,eting of the Town Council. ~f3. Note Purc:-~ase '~.nr~er='~ent. 'z~he `i,o~.:r, "..n ~;~r ~:.nd 'she 'urchaser have presentEd to the Town ~'ouncil an cxccu trd "oto L'~.~r. ch.:se :~_rlree;nent fpr the Notes dated tray 1980 {the t~otc ~~~rch~::~e .,green;•::~t} , which agreement is attached hereto ,-~s fJxhibit A and incorporated `Herein by reference. Section 2. Approval- and RUt.._fir_a'_ion. '?she Town Council hereby finds and determines that the note Purchase ~~greernent complies with the requirements of Ordinance No . 14 a.zd hereby approves the terms and conc~itians of the Note Purchase A~~reement and ratifies the action of the Torn Manager in exec~<ting the Note Purchase Agree:1~ent ~ n t}~e :7a;~;e and on behalf of the Town . INTRODUCED, READ, PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~~ clay of ~' y C~ ... ~ ~ .. ~iay~r ) U i,TTEST: ' .~ ~ ~~f ~ ~~~ LLB C1e:rk '` [A'I'1`AC13 NO`l~ PURCfiASE1 AGRLEE~1fN'P AS ksXf3II3IT A} ~~ ~ 4 Coun~zl t~;c}~rber - -----I~r'~l~' { ~ __ :;econr3ed t_hc motion ~-;nc3 ~:~.e __~ _~__ question t7eing i.:pon t1?n i~,ssayc~ ar~d ,~r~o~~tion of ~~~3id Resolution, iF,~ ro.l.l was r..alloc~ with tl7e t:ollow.ing re.;ult: Council r;~ernbers voting "Yes" i~ayr}r : i<oc3ney E. Slifer Cour?c it ~~1c~rF~her s: P~;u] a P~~].rn~~teer t7~~3~-_ o:?~~~-~~-n `Pito~~~?s qtr-_nt.~e~ry ~3 i] 1 .•~ i l t a '~.on a'odd Cauncil ,~embors voti^y "'~;o" J I.1t?IT`~~~'rS Of ~.i?f? C'.`.t?:"'iC11 T]1'G~P?~t ~??ti~S?JI 'v,~~~.F.~ liZ i~~':V~~r Oi the passage and adoption of the Resolution, t1-;e nresirziny o~fi~~er thereupon c~eelared the Resolution duly passed and ~_:c3r}ntc~d. Thereupon, after consideration of other business to cone before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. ~~ i \_ ~ ' r J `:=S a y o r Town of ~ ail, Colorucio ~ Town ) (SEA1, ) ATTEST: /~ ~ Town Clerk Town af' Vai1, Colorado _gw ~~ 4- ~r S`1'A`T'E DF COLOI~ADD } } CQUNmY QF EAGT~E ) `~~ . TOY7N Ok V11TL ) (Attach Affidavit o£ Publication of Ordinance. ) .-9- ~_ ~~~~. r ., , STJ~TF OF COLORADO ) COUN'1'Y OF EAGLE ) ss . `J.'OWN OF VATL ) ~ ~` I, Colleen Kline, the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, do hereby cf~rtify t:h,~i: i.??e ~~ti-~?ched copy of Ordinance No. ~~ Series of 1980, re-c~ardi.?g i~.he amendment of Ordinance No. 14, Series of x_980, a;?d R:.~sol~+ti.on No. r~-~ Series of 19II0, regarding the appzoval a.?d rat ific•:xtion of a '~ot~e Purchase 1~greement for the Construction Loan Notes, Series hiay 1, 1980, is a true and correct copy; that said Ordinance and said Feaoli~ti.cn were passed and adopted by the Town Council at a regular meeting t~:oroof held at the Vail t•9un~.cipal ;3uilding, the i~eeti,?g ~~lace of the 'iown Council in the Town, an Tuesday, i~he 6th day of 'yiay, 1930; that t-rue copies of sand Ord a-Hance and said Rcsolut~.an Nava been duly executed and authenticated by the signatures of the i•iayor of the Town of Vail and myself, as Town Clerk of sand Town, sealed with the seal of the Town, numbered and recorded in the official records of the Town kept for that pur.pase in my office; that sand Ordinance was duly published as required by law, as ev~dcnced by the offidavit of publicat_.on attached hereto at page 9. I further certify that the foregaing~~~:ges constitute a true and correct copy of trhe record of the proc:~~~dings of the Tawn Council at i.ts ~„oeta.ng of May 6, 1.80, insofar as ~,:-~,id proceedings relate to said Ordinance and said Resolution; that 5aic~ prose{,dings were duly had and `aken; that the m•~et;ng was d~~ly held; and that the persons were present at said ~r~ee*.i:?g as therein :pawn. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Town of Vail, Colorado, this _~~ day of ~~~~ ~ - ~ 19$Q. (TOWN) (SEAL) Town Clerk ~ ~ ~~'-~ Town of Vail, Color,:~da -10- .. y w • 0 3 fn X ly~ s; :~ ~4 X ` i71 n ~• ~ ~ -* c m ~ n O ~. n Q O Q Q ~ Q Q ~ Q ~ O O ~~ a ~ 0 ~c ~ o c n O m ~ ~ Q ~ -o O m rr-••~~ .Q 1'J ~ ~ c 6 ~ ~- a ~ o m ~ ~ ~ ~~o~~~nfl~~ ~ c~~o o~,.~ ° ~ ~ ro ~ C3 7 N (D ~ ~ a_° m ci y~Q~ O -ccnW 27~~ O ~ ~ ~- ~ O rtQ~ ~ O ~ O ~ Q ~+ ~ ~ a ~ ~' ~ o nom°.~o~o~ C ..l ~ (D r.~ ~p x Qc N<pn~j0 ~ ~ ~ Q gy ~ (~D Q ~ ~- (D n ~ -Ci. Q (D <D ~ QO ~ ~ Q ( p C1 ~ ~ C (Q Q n~N ~~~- O~ ~fl-~ `L -~+~~ ~ ~n c C ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ p- ~ ~ O[D {~~~~ ~ Q Q ~ Q ~~ ~ ~ m o ro a~ Q ~ o ~ 0 m ~ y ~Q O o~Q~Q~~o~~. -~mcD~Q~ .p -~, o ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , Q a ~ O ^ a O Q~Q ~Q3~ m m~@~~--~ c ~.~~~ fl~~c°Q~.~~ ~ ~ ~ _ c ~ ~ ~ Q.~ m ~ o c~:~~a ~ ~ ~ ~c cD ^ ~ ~~ ~ n ~ D ~~ O~~~ Q ~ ~ (D - - ~ ~ m CD -~ ~m.~~~~r~~3 ~ ° a ~ ~~ m ~ ° g ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ , ~.-~ ' mQ~'Q-~°aos w~ y O ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~,. 6 Q cD ~ (D ~ Q Q ~ T3 ~ ~ ~ N [7 (Q ~ -~ p Q ,o Q ~ ~ C C5 N y o ~ Q ~~ O ~. ~~ ~ Q m (D Q. ~'~ O n ~ m 3 fl 3~ ~ry~~H o ~ ~m ~ m ~ m Q ~- ~ C~ D~° m~~m~~°{~ ~ a Q Q ~ ~ ~ 3m'"~~°~~°~ e. ~ ~ ~ o ~ Q~ao~o~o~` m ~ ~ ~ ~flo~~~~n~ Q Q -+ ~ m VI ~ c " ~ ~-oWmmOCO_~ ~ ~ ~~R~ ~~~ ~ _.. -i• N O St -y} O LL ~V ^C :Q Q L ~ Q O - (7 cn O Z ~ O O o ~ ~ 0 ~~ O O m fl s Q Q ^n va r D Z ~' ~~, gg ~'a3~~'~g4~am~'~~~~~.~mn1~~~''o~nwm~g'~»omic_nnn~a~n~NQ~gp~cAgwN moN~~~y~°'$r~a°~pm~~a~~m3~~ma5a'~mQOm ~~ZPZ d~m~-D ~wm..-.~ ro n~mmj~,~o. xMo~^ym=0 r''ew3~3?fie yw~m,y m. ?m aE„"'°a:cb m°-'3.m c'°m' °c ~~~~aC1m~~aZ-~_ m' Cl-m ~Tf ~ ~p ~ aa• w n-•..m ~~ ro m^mro n- '«H nCl ry a_ ~~ ~'..m.. ~ Z -1 Z; ~ V m 4a`S ~~w'~jb ram c4.cw S~ rA ~~..~~ ~xa7.a.~ m {i ~ Pr: rS.a_.~m.e 0,~ ~am4p ~O ~^Qrp~Oym S~nmym ~ma mw~ mc~ amp, w».-. ° oom^ wn 7 m ~ -m rn- ~Ert 7F 7~i~ma m''a~ ~~7, 3gR-•m ,p ~ m ys, -..» ^_. wm..aT a~ $3d mw~ Qa°Ca 1... am Qm Owp1aa ZOO NO ZTl //~~ WG~,..~^~7 ~..gW 0.p' amQp~m'n~~~mWaH S93 B.o~a d~mc mc~mn2 '~~~r~i _.~~~..~~0~[uwrmG"3 ~pp ._.. ,nt am Qn O7f mrZC10 i~ am,~amx oC ~ r~ap'~-.,=~ ro e o ~nw„q~ ^ro^p p»c '^ v~!~na.=~ n^~mw~ »_-Dmr{O aOZm ~_.mym~~n c m ~?;waoHp3r'$`8~amna"mmmotyc~~Zdx x~,n dZ ~a ~~ ~v.,. ~ w,, ro.. >> n m p ax: ~ dad 3 me^o'~o=~ ~.-mmo.,e~q'-°, cw~3N ~m^... r~~.mm~mam"Bc.o' p• wwnNZZ- m~G) z a r~r~"~a~~mm ~mn~a ~~d~' °-~'om~S o ro~yroc~ a °"~.~~, d ~?'mm°~~ m33~o ~o'-'~, ~-. Z cna-aZC~ ~ rbmm ~~.~w _~ 3 .p °c~^^ wa 3r~ m n ro7o ro ~ ~..~ iS ..mo .. m°~9o='~mb3~~0$ N ~mmO~~m 30~Oj ~~ ~• m~ 7y ~ 7 ~v~rC~m gib.»r~~wm .a a am[ mo_r~rB ~, _.3 _.3~~ ~ roam°m_~~~^'~ro ra b. a_b m~ ~..roF~ O q m' O ~" ~' W d g 7' p~ m m-~~'6p1 q ~ w~~ ~ oho m `~ n ~ W C n ~~ 3w m«~m~ o ~^p. ,xm~c ~m~~_,d _.mOWmm'uama .~ Q m .~~ o n n C1-.. $ -I v n ~a4 ~ p ~ m nG a-Er. a p~~»v~9 ~, a~Q3m° ~qMy,. °~'"~-,Fm'O°~ m o0- p< j tnAZ x } G ~ c U ~ K K m m' m m n «, ~ . ~ ~ eo g ~ n n. ~ ~ C _ e ?~ arc T c -.~ . ~ ~ ~ y .. m 7n o W ~j ~ p (!f- O ~ A r" ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ 2S,u m -, a ~ m w N m m a ~ ~ m - m m ~• ° p1 ~ ~~ m o 0 0 0 m 3 ? ~, m ~ ~ _. Q ui n ~ ~ ~ rl~]- "~ Z m g~~..~ ~'^ ~ as aw~"'~m {"^-np ~'pm~omw~~gm p mulg~.`~-~m.1 ,~~m a-~w ..z r,W uw,jO~mw ~sOmY »a Utm02 ap rll~yn e a..md m~r3ro c~rorpmr~w^. ».<rn :' y~-~~ pG=~ on~ZO ~' m?,my~ nE ~mmwmo ova»~~ » 3. .7oOm a-a2m 'Z ~~' +~_~. 97 c~~ m qm ~'' ~ g7o z ~O.O a~1m~9m '~ro0 ~pmQ 'row ~~ xD70c^arsm~ m~a G~ p m ~cnm a~mar~~o'ta a oo-bw o'^wnrn C)~ x ~m..a Sp, o~ok ~"~.. n~ ~"'m..S w- ~,o aro~.y~»~~-m..-.o a~..wN~O cm-Q r ww ~~52m T-n» ro 7'O~m S `~n~^mp~°~owb-Immc~a~ro S'~mm $ ~-5ap 0'~n aoo~c~-a~•m" moiDl a. O n mm ro ~fi tf ~O ~e r~J[wie?~d]~'m 3m obi WO~ir na two 7~i m_~~prn„NS~b Z_.~p-m mn ~fx prim ~n g~1°N~Tm ~~_~.°_;.~m m"ao ^.e ym Q~~ ~~ND w~rr^ a~o~O~Q.~gs W~roo'cO.~~~c~ramc..roaamN~~w wjaaQ7~~~opC.. ~ w-~-+aa-mm~ mCmm p ~~E.. a'~--m0 O~ ww'~ m~ amo'mv a3m53n~p ~~mrom m~~a m~Nw%m n~~~mor~o~~c~n~_ =~a~wm-?w~-i~,,.~`mNb~'~o aOa m mm~OA ZO~m •/ ~o N m°9 an1°nm-'m~3~ pm ^'n ..poem ap c ~„ m m cE~oxoo ~~nEo~ac a~'c~aw~ x.m nm'mmb ~ r`L Z cc~~ '7C ma ~ T ~ ].. m ~ a'm~ a3mm~ n~mm E mwm m~,a~ ~ a'NA m ~p~ d ?yp°p ~°r~ro `loan mom w~~~.o :~'°=°'°Zw~m~4'~=~no~?dn~y~S~..n~.n= g'j w'n'uocmmmca~~~~n~4~mcna ~mnH- xn OZm2 ran ~. ~~~~~mm ~$°.m~ ~£ J.r-r'm~"'~ao+~ro~ot°.mr°m ~~~i °-'.mrnoN~~mp~~w°wr~?mm u. rwn v~a7ma-eK ~mrwn do@o~co ?K ~. m <o ~'o°m~~ Z~OL1 osn ;am 3'gv ~ mmpw $r~ by a~ - __,__._.' ___ ~ mCZ ~ 33 ~~ `~a~'ro~-+o~~~'~o_,m~ovmz[cnmmvzmv^ E-~ Kmn23 ~~ ri &p.~ mm.. mm a°._°~n~p a 01~o amx n a v aim ~rA.~a1°r~~ ~ nRl cm~~ ~rDG~~can~mm~~~1.K,^n nt Ombrp ~a. C1a~ rpfn-l9-.o m ~»A wr,Grp::s~a~'ao3~'.Kaco.mc°~m-°~°~'~i2z7c-~Z7G m m~~ ~IaO~m~~Q~~~m~ ~~r~5x aawamm wn-~-- >>m D C1 ~~`~(~ ~. ic~ m. p- ~~ a» m~0~ ~:°~m~r~~ ~m a3-.e a~ a..rn a~OZ Zmyz aO~. 7C 4 C'c~m ~ '2^x1000" ro^ w •m_acm«a Na'F-i°-_'?'zL7~~ C~N°'-,O'. ~' c-~'O mom Ze~~pm m'~~m,~3~w.~i'~-~^NUroiw~~~ro~~mm7..nmUbz2Da~~Z ~~ pDClvr^^ e.,,xv •~ m Zvmo ~~ ~(~ u'• -~~`m~osQn}~ _ ~~o ~~x^tn~amp~' vmc7rDOnm~°!° m C7~QO.s~7 jG pw ~m.Q04m ~wreot~~m~o ~~~a~mwSworo=C r ]Orro~mwfn c ^~O Sa..m~~'txm• n-.Iwo4N~~m SJZx 3', ~ ?mm..roma0'b~A~~N'~ ~m~ y ~mAa3:~~ywmaS°~~~Nm~^r~o n~~y ~.m ~~mm3 T33 ~n~fm~`a~~y~yQ~j ~~~ m CQrn»mnq mg~3-3 cv Sa aim ~'° 3Z °_ ~'m aanm m. ~rC .~C n.r ~' ~ ~p mo.mn~oSZ `~7~~NOir~tn~~v u. m'y=0~,~n3~a ~Fy~nff_m mm~Omc°~.~~ Ztra am »m_.o 0o ~a n~am 3~m~3wq am~~m~mcww- ~~~ouyi~CC~Z`~roa0 ~ ~O ?tl- w~'wp~a' n ~q~7w aw a~ 4'<a w..- - ,y33n~gQ as mmmmm ~ w aF '^ yn na y+nmm(n~!°m"'m$Q»c4icroo'o m'~md3-5 ocown^'~°'nro UlZ Tdrow~ b ~ Z mppd m~oni~ ~~nm d.mw'a `~d`~~.'~mu~~NVa~~~ o.av~m _d 000 yOn~am O ~SID~~ -.4-~ m o-v maNammn °~~^~'~'^mm~ a'rmnpgO C~ZZCZ m m" a.b~w `-° m~~- ~a.c °.Dn mn.N.o~ro°-'aim ~~~~~. c0my0 O moo m ~~D '~mmmmmv5~y ~"c»~ ~~`_».aaroo?D ~~z~'~0t~~'~'"~-'~n ~m n~mZSO~2~y o a m o Om~ nm0' nc~i~n~~a~°a m°mo~E~7~o~~'~m3nQ_m~~oo'aO~~p~<2ZD~'^" 1 mm..,mn mm~nmmm ~'ao-..-.~mSmrD Zrn rn niQmrn~ n ~c Q 0 ro x cD r yA r: ~~ • • . l~ i _ _ r' ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ QC pp0 0~~~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ c ~ ~ ~QQ~odcoP-`~ ~ O o °- g ~° ~~ m fl mom'°oQQ~~ O (~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~. o ~ ~.° Q ° ~ N -c co ~ O o ¢ '~ o ° ~ ~ m rn m~~~~cQmm `~ ~ ~O ~. ~, a m a ~; -~ C 6 3 O ~ ~ ° Q{~ cD Q ~~rC Q ~ w ~ D m D ° ~ m ~ ¢QO~~~-~_QO ~- ~ ro o a m Q o ~ ~--, ~~.~~~ ~D ° o ~ ~ ~ ~' m c~ ~ya~oa?ro~ ~ -n ~ ~ ~ y. a m ~ a-~am~~Q~fl r- Q ~ ~ ~ '~ cD Q~~~Q O 0 -y, ~ f~ V3 cn ~ Q. O ~' p7~~~mi~D "' Z \ fl ~' C Q ~ 3(D~~flQ(D~~r Q ~ ~ 3 -~-r O ~ Q~~~7~700~ Q ~O O ~ Q ~ ~ ~~ ~~ (xD 0~ 0 `C ~ m Q Q 7 N' ..r Q (p ~ W C ^. cD ~ 0~ 4 -+ O -. a _ Q ~ ~ N C~ --~~.Oo~(D ~~Q fl ~ ~ fl ~ ~~ ~~pCQ Q ~ C~ ~ co o Q ~ ~ Q cD~ ~QD ~ Qp~ 3 ,• ~~ 38ThrVp~_dlay8,1BB0 ~ a WOMESITES DERRY CREEI(: Fling 1, buildable }his summer.' Lo! 13, duplex excgll19n! owner financlnp 355,000 Lot 36, duplex ..........................367,000 Lot 74, Rlrrgle•lamlly ......................335000 TERRY CRE~E~Dy;(•: flung 2, bulldabla In 1981, (OT 33. I.7117Ey1 A duplex r . ..........:. . ... S6250p lot 23, block 5 single•fpmlty On 12th folr~wy .... ...874.000 LILT CREEK RANCH: 20acie9, 7 miles saufAOf Eas~la ttrepm.hontage ..... . .. . . ............ . 3140,000 VAIL C301F CpURSE: Two tow wooded tots Ytdth vlexvs tp Gore Rgnpe. FU# du ex zonlrTp S205,000 1'rlmary/PP,.,.,,..ary(.A4acre ,.....,...327b.000 EIGiNORN: ZprTed }a 8 uMta Rnancing awilable .. ............................5325.000 BI~SINESS OpPORiUNIiY 1NE JADE TREE: Esfabllshed, profitable, Mlnium buslneS6. Excellent lapse. Tefrru ..........360.000 MINIURN MOVIE: Owner ofierln0 business a buslnest pod teal estate Terms avollaWe. ^ - ~ - IN VAIi. V1ld.AGrE 23013ddp6 SlreeT (303)Cen~ve 303)(84~B9Q2~77 RodSlRer OldsBglley pENid3pge Ebb ROb from! &9tte Renz George Lol ' i.a1ry Petel9on Jerry MltlllkEn Patti Ts Pot Car}pri Gerry Wfi~le Pout John Seller: piriancing111 BO% Brld a Loan" - i 556 A.P.R. No Points . Wasliti'n~tkn t~" `Townhouses Lmaar Or by Vlrlue 0f Tne provkion.merypp auln«IrirBg She laBWrice plme ParNiRp Fadlily F u l Y ml rWhO ryY prerhldrpi q eY~or ow~im°°n°Pe O tlMlnry o! eYGh p«ida IoOl~ephplpBry Ot Public Notice pnnaYAly PealOe pf auperYapd «rNas roNI Y IUred by unpera Naln In eat Mnpslnerol« l p y B IPo hnMn, I iall pmwtle mkl m1 p1n6ipel6leMininnt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN YhH ENnky KCTiON CTN TPwn Ca Yrlpil nanny hrda, 0[B l g0°Orye aheliclM pay 0l ~ i R by b V Me r 6! d N ^ rm rna, Arid ~lal«Ih Olrypln ~ Q emam °~ t n R s e ae aum«I e the pNnBrhwn the NetPnfBPI RBnnueaaM an Rpptl Flai on LB19 MA 3 rll ap B stIh F111rq TNemMler t b w i , s e N end yy T Nlha M eryrr al4aaaM me Impprlanla V !ax oNer than pn as nlpam Nv eranv Bmw . lr o s ppeeeeeemetltp Ry Plennlrg aM Envronmenlal Coat roaon of mare-L INTR IeWIly aIIBbN hrWa b me Town n tlekr- MnBtl b the T C if T me TPwn orYNl on Ma 12, 198pp1 p.66P m.ln h ppUCEp, RFAp ON FIpST REAO3NG. APPga4Ep ANO OApEREp PURLISHEp y own a unc ne Town COVrcp Mlah delarmiru alEOlhp lerma,prorlaipntpM I 0 TOVm or Vtll Ca npl ChemGn in ac°«denuwim SaDlipn 18.6p.099a1IheTOen ONCE IN FIIII. mb BM tlay pt May. 1986,arWa uN c n n runt l0 be eel!«Ih h Wpb kulhorralnp orainence of Vtll NWnIC~pN Ccde. ' - i ra ry m mk ONrnence anau be naM at be lapuka meelmq al Ihs Tpwn COUrxll or . ucnpY A Seclwn T w palnanu NP 14 TGYm pF vnlL ~ IharTOwn OF VeII. GOlpaao, on Na pOm day Of m In In M F~ ~ Series pt 1980,1• ameMed_!o nod: WIUn 011 or Ih lFebl6xnu R B O ImnN 1 of DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY pEYELOPMENT . a irnl;Ypel Su WI M~tlii TO~w rl. p p a I y PAq NG FACIUTR JameeA Rubin Ioninp Atlminklralp TOVM 4F VAIL EYENVE BONDS HAyE BEEN AUTNORIZEp TO BE Y9$UEO ANU PYbliehetl In The yell Troll an May 9 seep Radr,py E. 3'ller M syay ATTEST: ~ NPTIGE NAS GEEN GI1rEN Alvp 1HE PARKINp FACILITY REVENUE BONPSMAYE , GNaen M xIIM T BEEN MARE A4AILASLE FOR NOTE E%CNANGE PURP09E9 AS PI1C41DEp IN own Clerk ^SEGTIDN 6C HEREOF, BII obligelrana harp PublWed In Tfb Ya11 Taall on MaY p. 19e6 ands anal) Thereby ce dlxnerged eM thB ' wrMer be deem.a Ip ua out- oBrow dB ° l c public Notice l n n e Ph uainea mw h IIInI banN Totaled WRmn or Y of D6braeb mo« ~~e -r NOTICE IS HERERV GIVEN THAT Jelfrp , 1I nee In an am nt aWM1Clent Selby nn raquealea a caMlrianer Use Por~ t l awn mlYmum yiem everhNe o a ipw In0 enpenaion pf Ina PBa Lron Inn in I o nsa Pn l wn FeeBrBi 3ecurlt'roe h olar zer rn wn may be p ee. ase aaremoenena expana~rm of the Iwo a.~enng aecOntl Hoar reotlenllY a ePea fth a i 1 m JI Iha k teal) ~1 o~„mea l p ne s a rartgdni aria nwnaien Mdng Iha 8aulharn p°rppn of ihB exiairnp h a llnai mBlurlllw oFlhe Nptry , bull rig Ip Bhpw addlricna! ePBfR Ina IBm anon tla4 as of whph me p nP i0ni d on rho aBCaM 11oor. ppgA l l n sea p BnBll non emia0 dapnor redemDilpn p Sac lon liLTd p6$q the YailnMUnhlpal soya r BlNplea}p payment IheR. The glAlbllo Meflring will ba lrefe in BBdprd wilh SeP1iBn IS BB I186 f Ie NrallbacdneeuB prbrtome n cl h ° vM° } ~ . . o the Vaii Municpal Coen ceidrB the Tawn pl VBe Plannln atlEnwroM ~ e i er cr aer a.-e vninaichedu le oral cpmm,aa~an on Mav z T en nl a:oo n win b r o ~ r spread u~on between Ina as al mar me mtn ~q g a a s in Ina Vakl ~frrnia pe~euei c e creaiian «4ptha Feden15ecurltlea Tne proposal la on file In Ina rice PI [a r0tlempllan al mB option el Gmmuniiy Paveiepment which is open b N loenure avph nnlle0ilityM ret such scnetlde etween 1h0 noora of 8'.60 a,m- pod 5:00 p.m. Mpntley mrovpn Friday. 11Ba ° m ~ ai;i9eci ~ ca r ~i °~i oK n e ~ a 14, 3eriaa Pf 1980, Thal en oE a COMMUNITY pEYELOPMENT Orde «ee rpbtlrlA Senalwa o} Ipnin9 ~~a~ie nl« r N^ne*;alBtl i„ 9eA Ton 8C d Publiah0d in TM Vail Trali e6 MBy 9. 1980 I«IN TRO•)VG ED ~tAA$SEVe ADOPTED, ' ENAGTEp, APPROVED ANp OROhYIEp PUBLISHED ONOE IN FULL Inrs 6!h d l ~ publi N ti . ay p May. 1900. c o ce '. TOIAeI OF VAIL INVITITIpN TO BIDDERS Rodney E Slifer eEAYEA CREEK ATTEST: ~yO1 METROPOLITAN ^ISTRIf.T Callon M. KIIM RIMP BTATIpN$, STORRpE TANp( eECTIpN 2 Penpraph on pf Saplr«s SG b emBPpBtl Io reatl: Town Clerk Preliahed in The VeII Trail M Mey p 1886 AND STREAN INTAKE WpRKB Seaka bim rp oonatruclion pl throe punp ti C. raelYnpB COnMnL TOmeenlenlthAt NB , ah pns, a A5,W0 parlor siprBya tank ana Iwp nem Inleke works wlrl bB recelvetl by IpB a«Umulaled rn the Nata FUna Brd me ReaeNB Funtlan Mey 1 1981 era nolaWtiNent Rlprer Creek Matmpplllen dchid, OrBVrer FL Avon Glpado81646 i ~ ' , , M P% the Princigm PI atl Of the oularaMlr~ Natea L IM1BIr n m ubltc N t , um I m 06emMST.EU YM daY PI MaY• 19n0aM at Ihpi Lore will be alu ty, e Tawn snarl .Phan a ila Parkiry F.PEmyy Rennua eonm }aall0l!euch meln n t o ice Wbf sly opened Ord reatl aloud. rrwn win ba a wabid mnn Boo ana ' ~ n , ggwla aMirg NdnaerKl In ouch event Ma ho1W e1 such rBaalnin NOTICE 18 REREBY GIVEN Sher I1P.vON IMppOn IB rBa nti P A N l Inapectionai 1 30 pm.on Mey 201 aIeNng' Fmm mg BaBwr C N D g PBIaYMIrp rsNa aMlf ye re abed Io attBpl n . p e ng . pn ly, nBSBpplletl 1w •-nlbaek udanPe Ip LO! T. Block 1, Yail ree avBlOpmenl OMioes at U.S. FNghway 6 eM Awn RaeO, Aupn B v ch recharge RBMn u B Bo e In Ilea e1 the Villa ga 6th Flllnp b allow en nroechment intp , Grosso. p~ pp ee e IWhlr rea0ume epelfnl me TOrwl lorlleueh p CompReACe wiM Sectlpn 16 121160 l fh T n anrlwyynidBle aol eII E m O e OlOb U a M MYmenl 01 prl0elpal. htereal pre auto Fbrn . o a Own o1 Veil Mun W pal Gds TNa Id Sn • oni ar P O gr a p ~ w°r k i° me ~ w henpea MRev,u~eewd•y~n ceeu» Rwwennel enmeryYpre getrln ~ ~ a ~nem= 'C ~ acu arnirp amevrep -m Chapter 18.se OF m0 Town of Vail M ns OOiBIn00 aMpr aver Ma~Y1. 1980 at M9M ~µ 4 umlclpal Gee ba}ore ma Tewn 1 Vnl! Rannlnp flM Environmental Commieslan pre ' G^apilnnta. BSc.. eT0 w t urn Annuq DB ~18~ A spy of me nd tlu U B klay 27. 1060 in the Town al van Municipal I c m I3 COn may be onlBirrPn bj Buddlrq el a:P6 R.m. PNna 1« !hk prPIBCI ere avertable in me Prwpech.e e,adem upona panlanr mipndaae PaYmeni of BrS00, pays MO la nearer Geek Alice al Cpmmpnlir Derelopmani Mo MBV Melmporitsn piatrim mraugh Frkfay between me bean e!8 W p.m 0M GW p.m. A bitl bob Pr CBrBllea cneck of TOY PI ma _ Total b'rtl shall ceiricluaMwirh the pOpwalaM TOWN OF VAIL MOlrapolllarn piali~Yame to Beaver Geek DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN17y OEYFLOPMENT pyprlanetl in Tne Van Trell Jemn A Rubin ' on Mey 9- teats 40, 18E6 . Zanln9 Adminklmtq ~ ' ~ - ~ ~ ^ - ' Publlahetl In Tne Yell Taafl on Mar 9. 11X10 +~ ~ ' Public Notice ' Public Notice BEAVER pREEA METRp1q~IrAN DISTRICT NO11CE IS HEREBY Bf YEN met Jphn ' DENTRIFl1GAL PBMPg ArO ' Nllaeon ! Gnatlp i e1 (:piaretlb Llmllea I PUNO CONTROL VALVES ~hB-ae-ptlep Far~ lhdM eeA back ve ramie eat bw SnIW bide 1« aUOplyrrrqq cenhifugef COnYruclion Ola new du bxin fr~nlaetbeck0l L 191 V B M W Fllln N pampa wlih eleclHC meton l3-3lO glmr el need: 0-3T0 m al 840' n o , e a ewa P t wnich la Ina Two Famnr Reelaemai pCane plauln Tnia gp eem Bry arx 6 lots Primp acmrol nrvn, wm bB rP~wa br the . eppnaknonre mane lneccOrdence wnm SePdon ee•nr creak Melmpolean Dislncl. Prewar N. ISFZ 086x1 me TOwn of Val MVnICIp01 GUaa. AwR CeIP•a0081fi20 until ll.m am MST, - Ma 1 1 A WbllC Heerlnp wfli bB nBia In ecc«tlanca with ChBpiBl IBSB of the Town 1 VeII y 8 1680 and Snot Meywln eB OpBnatlaM -Ubhcly read areas, d Munimpkl CMe belore me Fown d VeII &adere wrlE note Ehat thB axpeclad delnwy set b ll ,~~apa-~T -' ~I" ~ Plennkrp ana Envlrenmenral CPmmlealpR an MaV 27 19$8 ei 960 P.m. in ma Tawn of VON r a arx pump0 eM control ralrea le - Sep[embBr 2 tFeO, SPaclli eli n b ! ; T 'r MunlCrpai BUHAlrrg Flans f« mie pmleel ere avan.ae h Ina ONiee pl CammaRll pal0lg mB l b i e n c o e ey e nBm,rrBd rq owenad pre or ener Mey t, 1980 et Nish Caneulnnra Nc- b7p Weal 11th Annu ' p% -i' 1'-- y p n e x e ma noun or &00 e.m aM SAO -.m Mo May- , , a Darver• Ool«etlp 00256. ' _ ~t -~}~; ' mrpugh Frklry, And bond or cerUl ed PnBGh IOr 10%01 me t01e1 bra shall be 'rnoiutletl wnh the propoa0.l, - -~ `~+~ TOWN OR VAIL OEPAATMENT OF payable IP 6BBNp' Geek Metrpppliun D:etncl, - COMMUNITY pEYEL01'MENT Jertua A,RWin METAOPOL8ITAN DISTRICT ` - Zenhg Adminialr0tsf pWhahed In Tne Vail Trail PubliBhea in The Yell Trill m MBy 6. 1$06 on MaY 4, 9 aria 56. 1980 Tired of Vail Prices? Try Streomboot Springs... exCluslvely ~NI~T Ilsted by: F11E/~L IL~T4T~ aF CQaPppATi~iN Vail (303176-1860 Denver (31)3571-1833 1061vlountaln Maus vall. Coforatlo 81657 Slifer8c Co~~~~any Willerr Heights In,.,.P,,.,,~~ ~ In the city pt 3reombPsx Sglrigs, DlJpve 1Pwn, wrYry. glee vle',vs, poYpd rands, GII Vti hies ro for lines. Single foRlity 3oa noel main-1Gmity pprcel3 srarhg ar 532.000 Finmcmg Avaloblo - ra more inEJrmpnon. canr«r Peter I.oorom 1-879-5828 grdrLYa Proleaed 'Obrpin the A'oPe'N lieport required Try FederGl LGw pod repel a before signing vYsRhing Np Federal Agerxy tYas prdged the merits orvdue, If prey. of lhi5 prPpelry. ~~ f Public Notice ogplruNCe NO.u ' g«w el Fgpp ' AN EMERpENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE ND. S~, SERIES OF 598p, YAILCOOtOpppTOO CONSTRUCTION L~kON NOTES. SERIES MAY 1, IBpO. ... • - ~, The Vcil Traif -May s, 199fl Public Notice T°"""""` ' aRakNAM01 Ha. l1 BrMa pr.tlp ' - TOWN OF PAIL ROOneY E.M+YIm ATTEST: foMl Cb pKi1M PVbBehlld In The VNI Troll en Mq 9, tfeq Public Nv#ice ORDIHANCQ XQ 1T - - SHIM el 7910 AN ORDINANCE 8E171N0 FORTN AN AMENDMENT TO'THE VNIfORM BUIIDIND WaE, 1gT9 EOi110N' PROWDINO FOR pROTEOrIVE FENCING. TIME REBTRIQ SECYtOr1 {- The Tewn Cauncn Mnpyy TION9 FDR PAKKlNO. ETORwpF DR Ilaapla SM dwla ens ObIaCUW1, Fram'Iwerk MRTIRIAL3 AND RESTRICTIONS ON USE Vpai lleplNe WRlb xhaa~>°relellu Mapplleehjy CON$TR~CnON 91TpBAAB RIEOUIFEO BY - ', b ail ePplkall9nlagepropaHle ~aan0 p[MRY THE 09616N NEVIEW BOARD;ANO $ETTIN6 '~;~p Te Camrnhlcel Cpre~YkCnllnp O'el~ln o}Jlp FCREaOiDNOTA{43 FV REUSION TO THE e Now accepttng contracts {~ for construcllon bids 4'78-Q086 ~aUevetopment BUILDERS Off' CUSTOM I-TOMES Azv~ cozmomznrzc~Ms 4eot''~e Ftnemltn & Ron LastlQ „' P,O. Box i681/VeIL Cokeradv 81.657-- ~' , . ~k ~auers~l~ IA ou!"~ ~' place;.. ~ou'II love it! '. _ J ~ n piA h ki U I aBU ~ a l N ire c i ir rp C RI ~ l ,o ae i9rq Eallm, erq - - nl` hR~ ap b p ~ REPORrBFCONI117tON aeenCl I Che lk aerNy •nd MplN wellue would beM3vedVremerltlinpeeie CUae e,..rreeuwresMwwwM 0 prowtle ICr cerfa,n CenrtruClim amnauat ra bYllalo0 CenalruClbn dies W requlled by YA[L KlTlauL WN ~ Vele, tie peelpn wmew Bque; aN AINE BY THE TOWN LOUNCiLe THE - - Wlerada• Mb e w + Uerephwwaen ...Yrr^h;'~' tW TOWN of VAIL, COLDRA00. THAT: we.w rN,.q.Ix Cmµrwwwvn~.ay w.r.4 owe Nwrr caa,eraD, w. - w r,Mw i1lCTIOM 1. TM tNbtyl++qq dmen[ li mess Se Iha Un}erm Bulltllnp (`title, 1BTp 9 ~~ .tiro. 1wr~'wed{IrrwrxW~'reMre Irruern B.+ngm ~~ ~~ - EtliLaa. A. eectlen ITYB Spe0lei C4nabuCilen celnlmar....rw...v..•~e ....:...........~.. ~ s- ......•.. ~..•......--- .. . Efnlhenla la amemea by tM egONbp of re9u y ieb re re II h e W d I N Ua sxwrr l.o.ex ................... ..... " _-.----................. __ ~ ' p pe p lea as C C l: e. A tlil enel regVlre nlenle !el hUildl conurudlen NCea. tip - Wavpphr LeepnwedeNU.9 rola.eas,anwonw lwwwaewM Url$w..., - , .,.....,,, Ire .....,_„ ---..... it The Oeelpn Rarlaw BOertl mryprwWethel s.o,.aww..wwwmowrrraw .................... ' .. e%tenw egnelNCRCn work to be WHO an enY •Ibwrrwn«war.,,,,, ..--. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, CP'INrugipn Ilse may 66 tlene the yeu rpUM ra ICrp as a pratocllve Ience ie enmetl e'euM rM• m~eumiw Pnaaxa iyra•x TneN . l ~-S;L J lNelparponelme COrulrucllCnNle lpeclllatl by Iha Deelpn Revkw BBeltl. Iq pOVltle ~ yin. ~C>frr rrr laww, .. -..- _ I_.--.JBSJ i ~. - .... .... • 1't 1 , pr010Cbbn, ehlQMMq end nwlMewrWe ClTCwn n9Ma at-we MMmenle eBd Pnlrwm y....,w.Ogiwr„wla„ .enaowww, raw,..,e ui.., .,eaewaup,K.... -- i re nae+ . .. r whlculereM papnalnan ualAC lbw 21 Tlb l e pllatl In [1 y ebeve shall ncl nMg reg I Iwxen•.a..arwMlr+wnwr --• ' ~ '- - l p p f tl~ A B uaaW Ins Bulklnp Olllcl ~IN ngxE to aealgR ~ `!O!'rnnaw,nrenrvw awn ® .. ........ ............... .... --. ~ -r f .. ..... ... ~ xli locubn. entl ronniructlpn prbr to me'IMeenBe CI' AII~ pm m I l l towexxe+a ................................... . ._........................L ,. .,.. , ~ - i u nt gry od wHCle shall a Glowed al en. ewNMpilCn Nee et NI I'mee rwerewmwlewawear ra>•u.prw ' ' .. ~~ ~ wtwpn b,e n4ltli of T:00 a.m. end eqB P m TM kCUICn nl auchvNJCle Nelee epprovlM - aw.wwww.e m.ar..M.~e - ..,. Beevx311mwwrer MUIMRW _ .. ..u ; m wlBlnl by the Town Bulldmq aNltlal. ur~rlowwndw.ewn .... .^- - e)aNlverywMClpa lCruonetrueelon eVppllM hell pe ellowee a maNmUm o} tklrly minulM ~eatxmwtW eras rMMOaw'e'Rwaa „. y- rfN Very UiM lOlheiCbage. AllCelAery MhlclM mUet CampEy wilhe%glNel llnre ntqulrelnenle twMCnMa xreyn.wa~pw -. ~~ L t 3 ~- I sal Ibrlh by the TewR el Yell OhtllnenCe ,.yam >~ crew .. trw Y+e.atvar ,,,wwrawad .e..w+mratrar eerwnaawewew u r ~ t ' nwnuN --~T rh .a tar'aY ... h I ' d~Iepur bmrw+ae mwyr ...................: ..: Irslp.aa'nEeuhw.u wrtlwrrbnaheYeN4rMe o sr~x~w'~.wrr.uuarA wv+w5~6 ro hwcmee w.~«av.,e.s..l.ea,... ............. .......... --- , ... _ ... ..~ - ... rvMrnxt Ib r.auewv~ .ir_- ....... We ~1' ••••~• 1 xc war. cw.w.uwA ~ )bS LM m/'rwt , 'hC ' - .-.. urM Ua..~ r+ ama'r .. ~ ~s'eea .+++ tool eaarvaemK ...........:......._-,.. ... ...... tar wxnnseroFa:mumw . .....................,. ....a......... ' t,ws I t. fi=• I ......... ~ ha ~n^w,tlp rwy«wyaar . eh.m,lw,,.da.a~w+ ............................ .... _ ' ere- ~ . .....=..aN.[..sgwhr.wnYnw...,w'r.w.+m,,. repr rwaww.whwaweh.w. ,.moan>.o. ....................... .. Ter h c.w~wn.ene.rb.,e.r emaoaw.w. '0 -- ' r~a.+l ea .~aw w +'.M I rr.ermrrwwo-wr ..,.: :.r,F 6ECTIbNx Nanv veq, aecOpn, sulwMUen, u.rwa . ... --.. raauKraawewr~ ^mwaede N.® ._..__ ' ef`Y ' tt: -I " needllhie pNlnanee, ie~~ MrtlerKe. Ceunewph lar nnvrpwnwNatobellwexa..wnaxhNm, - ~.rpl. Newa.ewwaww .ar ~„ .. .. Y-r''~~ shell nolaereel Ins nNlally CI ma reme Nnp ppnlan3 Or Bile onllneneu entl NB 74wn old hove rases uncl a q,,,,,,,,,„,„m,,,,,, _ _ taw urw - .. .. ... .. _ _ _ -- ...,. .. ...F~i-"'"~ ' ~ ~inencgtl entl p0h pert. lion. eubeeBtlon. MntsrKe. cbvuN phruenereol. Y4Y~-rr ~M1Srs+ehawranw.Mrluer ~„e,a,h x.a.e..a..rw F a.r ' - hnfh..~ rspemleM el Iha lace Ihe1 any one or more pane, uelkm. eWMClww, IenCea, erne.rwwyw,elnne.rdowl,,,w.er.w I„eraw..amwo• ,, ,. „.,, ._ -'-`~iti'.' WWM Or phreue ba tleGanla lnWbtl. e ~ wapo.a-awndrw ~~ N 1SCTIOx s The a endmenl 'a! eN -Y9trar,1 • •~"•••• .wnacmaeee l.w.ao~il iowp.uer n pfeNNPn 1 line YNI Munkipal Cotle V Fmxlrep. re lxNr. prPMtl~ n qle ordlnawe N~tirwl~~ «SNn~r ~ktr.- ••'-.••y' 1f ~ ' ~ r~ .. ~+r a ~. Mod, any Plaw ulbn c01RfnBnrAd Inr em 1 - • • + ~-~- _ . - ... ., __... yd. g1,ah amen aIY: prxa+ahw M eanmencea _ Avon C~nt~r ~t f3~w~w Creek - Ground~lfoor portidpaEion op(~ortunttµ. / 5¢xur¢d res¢rvatiosl plod. Superb am~n3tic~s. / GreuE eeastml iomtion. A truly excepdonol mntJominiurrl conccnt rc~ht in u€e f'f-Is~;:i€c ~~ a[! thnCs happening in this dµnc~cnic, µeat~rauttrl rtwuntcin resort area. -~; ;¢ _ ~1 ~~~ -- - ~~~n~~r ~13¢~v~r~~¢k Fora•ddllionrll irllormQWOn con111a11 YB[B E. YM VeKaF Or. ~s~!~~{~/ VM.Cagr.dael~Y r7Fii~W~i11117 t9P7J~Ye.~ REAL ESTATE CONSTItUC71pN MANNfiElY{ENT stt~atao cotrsYRUrnort ca. -- -~- •~ _... ~ PAElW1e1Fe1Y • SI.eKR Ta t1WNGr Situated on a pedesmm sMppirg and erlteRplMrlenl moll, tfie Rvort Center silo Is odJactant to the touM's plmned _. ,.. Mi:s greenbelt arld ~ - '.''-, 1.~ proYlidlrg Fpcllittes For sw[mming, terms, soccer, boseball and Nottingham I.aNa... DII within close wplNlrg distance. ' the foot multi-9toRed buildings of Ryon Centet wlli sixth Moe undergroWVd tenont porMirlg, elevator servlee, hot nbs orld sourlps. Rlll~ime orTSite progeny ..._ _~., .. '. services uAlh Ue ovdNLWe to uTNrers. fthb __.-!_...lnluTfs wUl ba three, four oix! floe bedroom 1/fvlt5 ratTgky M sire Irom _rr.~-...~-:-N 1,500 [D 3,000 square feet of living spots. Penthouse units wlli ronslst pf two s[oRes pod unU hove cothedrol celllfgs. RII units will Moe flreploces and lsYterfor bolconles with outstanding nrountoln orhd +,mtlay vleuis. Mtcherls are fully egWpped with oil elecMC opplior.ces aM custom designed caWrletry. If you wWld IINe a ground-floor opportunity [o pMldpa[e in this truly exceptionol __.-.; .....lnfum corKep[ ttlere utlll never be o Uei[er time thm right Howl . . -' t ,. -. • • • ~ c o ~ a c Qo o~~. 0 0~ ~~ m ~D ~ o~;.~~m~~~m z rr' --^ a ~ O y o} ~ ~ ° a ~ m ° oo~Q~ao~Q~Q' O n 0 0 -~ Q~~co ~ ~ O ~ a ~- ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ m~3aa_~Q~m ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G~ ~ cD Q -~mm c~W ~ --~ o -- 9 0 0 0 -z ~ °~~om~cQ~ m o m ~, ~ Q Q~~ Q Q~~QO~~~.~~ O 'o y m p ~ ~ ~ ~ nflOQ~~a~QO y 7~~ O [~ (D O cD Q o n O~ ~fl ~cDO~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,C (yD Q Q =rte ~ n ~ _ p C Q. N_ Q ~ 7 ~;yrL~~~~y3~ ~ _ ~ Q y y C ~'~ OC ~ v ~ ~ `" O D ~ ~([~'jf ~ ~ t~D Q~ CS ~' Q ~ ~ can '~ ~ Q- Q .o fl O 6 ~fl~~~~Q~~ ~ Z y~ O Q O ~ ~ ~~sQ~;cb~~,; cD ~~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ Q ~ ~~ cD + Q1 ~ ~ ~ ~".~ n ~ ~ cD ~ ~ ~ 1 Q ~C A ~ i ~ Q ~ Q ~ ~ N O ~Q Q(~D ~ fir. ~ ~O d ~ CCi C ~~3~(xpO~OZ` ~ 4 D Q ~ C ~~ -mow'-~ cD O ~ ~ O Q ~QaVO~~ ~ ~ ~~ Q ~z °~~_ ~_., ~7 p The Yas~ May 9, 1980 HOMESIT~S tlERRY CREEK: flllnp T, buildable this summer. lot 13, dupeer< exceNenT owner tlnancing S55,ODD Lot 3~ duplex ..........................567,000 Let 7k slnpla-family . ...... . .............585.000 TERRY CREEK: filing 2 buildable In 1989, Int 33, block 6, duplex . .. . ............. 562,600 Lot 23, block 6, single-tomly on T 2th falnn~rayy . , .. .. ... .... ., ... ....,..574,000 SALE CREEK RANCN:20orrt9s. 7 mAes soulhoi Eagle sfieam frontpge ...... . .......~..... , ...5140,000 VAIL 601E CQURSE: Two lows wooded lots v~th Maws to Gory Rar>ae. Full du etc mnlny 5205,000 Pompry/secondary (.A1 acre . , .... . , .5275,prJ0 tSIGFTORN: 2pnatl for 8 units. Fnanelnp , waflabta ..:..........................5325000 BUSINSSS Ot'PORTEJNITY 1NE JlWE TREE: Estabilsh9d, proAfable. Mlnlum Fwsfnlsss, excellent Tense Ierms ..........560.fXJ0 MINTURN MdNE: Clwner ottarinq business a twslness and real e5tote. Terms available. EN VAIL VlLLACrE 23D BrtdgA Street ' (~3~CtenYer (303j 893~8542~77 Rod Etter Dldc BaAey Dayld Sage Bob Kendall Rob Fatl Bette Benz- Goagge~ lamb Lorry F9terson Jlsrty Mulllxln PaiTl TgWner Pal Corson Gerry Wh3la Paul Johnston Seller ~inancingl!! 8096 Brld a Loan' ~~6°6 A.P.R. No Points ~L1Vashin ton Park 4 townhouses , 2 Ready for Immepiote occupancy. k .'` - these spaclout rratM three bedroom townhanas also include a large reaeatbn roan vrlfh w93 oqr andWfer the be51 ksc[AIIDn in Eag1a-Malt EnJpoyy the pnYr?cy d! ttoma tarYrtefSnlpwVth al! the - .. _. or clandomiNUm malntenanca.~ 'AVaNable To quglMletl purchaSeD. Interest Only pOy7n9Rrs. (WO Ye013 balloDfl. Ado IfYlOUlfa abaA ?eose- pllfctrase pIGt15, vohyabla pOlnTs rr~10 t program and Second tMC~d VIHDDa A -,• NtaR,rdn excIU5lVety listed by, RIEA4 x ICpR~OAATION Vall(303)476.1860 CTenver(303)571-1833 1fl5lNnuntokr Ha115 Vall, Colorado 37b5T ~olmfea& P Y dr w rev rinlW a ms prSyiswn ameMea. Tree amaMmed 4f enypmvialpn hereby anell mt raYlve any plpnux w omar ptdmeroa prerl4Yery regalW a auaer/egstl unla« eyWUlyaug0 nmdn 8[Ct10N tThe Town Council nrebYh W e, delevmin«. and dederwthu tlrN Q'el«neele rme««ry.naAroper forme n«nn «hlyard wmd~e~ a die TeMr er Vell aM Me Inhebitanla INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRSTAEADINa. APPROVED AND ORDERED Pl1eL15HED ONCE IN FULi.mMSNtlaY of M/y,t1160.anea jl mlp epurlu m«'ug q Inn TowT CpunG ,el Ine Town of V/II, CAlwado, on me pM tleyy d MAY, 1990, at T:90 p.m. in Ma Munitlpl Dulldlryt d OW Town. TOWN Or VAIL Aoersy E. Sttlr Meyw ATTEST: X11«CNMMKIIM PubliY,ed fn 7M Yell Troll On Mry 9, 1B8p Public Notice ORDINANCE N6. N SerN¢ or 1080 2 kt oey the pl fbt« el N BxCMrga Xs forall al ouch In alien eWn aaneulMllq I seen a cru I P°y"'¢'~I Of~ rerme and rowN aF urea RCdneY E NAyor ATTEST: - Cp9aen M Kllr» Toxm CIeM One a Bectlon FC la pybhanad In TAB 4a11 T>ail pre May D. I B00 r4meanammatme -- a Note Fund aM me e2.aMna atdflgle~ % of ma 4VIBMntl1 Public Notice Iflt yRewnue Ro,wa d5leMirrp wMleseM NOTICE IS HEREBY O{YEN Nat HowaN t of SUCK mmelMnD ~equlretl to ¢cCept RapWn,repra«MIYy P.A NOrelly, nasflppllr0 Iw a selbace MdarKa Sp Lol ), 9144k 1. Veil Bonds In Ilea 0} Dw of me N61«wIPWt Viliape &h Hbng M allow BnC[08chmenl ia4 ma Me eelba4k This ppllcalion i8 In 1M Town for arch reel one n Ndes I pliance rNm Secllan 18.13.08001 Ine Tpwn 4! Veil MVnkipal Cade. Ylna lot is In a Me atoll cease W I,t8a2 TryaPrMny,,; A«identlM Prkmnry/SecaMeryry na Dlalricr. A Publk He¢rl,p wklMrnld In /Amordl~p ~ 1~nB6p. eM e5e~il - v ~ M,nlNpa~p~Gdea6elon Ma Torn ei Yell ol t/,O Tovm fquncil Man 7Tg1eB01n iheniown ofOVali Mulnlclpal ~ hen two percentapa Dol aln9 at 8:00 p.m. mlrele 411p4 Note pmvlgetl that the net PyM tW mia protect @n evallable in bt0 Ollica. of C4mmumly Development Monday IB Revenue DOMa14 Re or Notes ahB31 no[ mrou9h FriDeY between me AWvgaf 5:000.m. en0 51)p p,m. eaxChtln eRevenue TOWN OF VAIL ypasl MO~EMen Mn DEPARTMENT OF ua Dtxau/M t4a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT k Illed by m@ Tdwn Jel«e A. Ruble 'he parklnp FaNtlly .. ypninp Adminirtmlw excnanpee rosy ne itemtl farm, mny be PoblDhep in The Vail Trell pre MaY 9. 1950 eftllniMe Q9~et 2esat Public Notice NOTICE 19 NERERY a1YEN that flanrYyy Rerroleln n« t«Y«me Aermlulon w m4ekry ma nn4d plum on Lot 9. elxY a v.d vol. s tm Fmny. rlae meta irla a w.eenteq mt ,~'s Nennirg aM Envnonmen4l Cpmmiumn d d,e TOVm of Veilan Me 1T, tBBO nl~lp p. m. in m. r4wn 4I veil ~vM+l ch.mbem m . ddsrwe witlr Section t&88.033d1he TOen 41 Yrl NWnicipsl Code. ~ DEPA TMENTA~ COMMUNITY pEYELOPMENT Jalroe A. RuDIA Zon1n9 Atlmin,elmtu Publ4hed In The VMI TrsN an M¢Y 9, r9W Public Notice }TICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT Jel y nee reoa«rad a condnronet u« Pa low ma erpeBelan d Ihn Red oon fn maae@. Ana«1 berempdekanae~wrc e awq eaisling EeC4nd Moor tl¢I a. Phe« II i6 B remodel and axpam g the $o ulnwn portion of Ine enia rep to eucw addmonel upr~e na lerel area an 9ra red x lenlal lommiislan on May 2i. 1880 el 0~0 m. Said Hearing wet be haltl en Ih@ Ye8 ieniapal Andd~n i. The m4po«I qn Tile lrt the pnioe 41 4mmurtity Davefopmenl which i@ open brdaY In uupn Fnaay ~ e_m 4na 5.00 pm. TOWN OF VAIL O£PARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT James A. Nabin Znninp Adminravarar n,dishad m Tne volt Trail m Mar 9. tD80 Public Notice eerrlunpN To emDERs BEAVER CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT RJMP STASIpk8.8TORAaE TANK AND RTREAM INTAKE WORKS mled Ditls fp cINls[melron 41 throe pi 1 tp@m shell met Iha reW,ireO . late d en pbm starons end otnw ]amber ts, tseg I a«ammra conle'mirg eeMl¢e , and epacHlretiorw atey be «¢au.~WAd Ner xane: MaY tZ~196pAf MSM°,': L'- ~ to Mc, Yp W«t Celrxetlo. So216. A spy. a pre / aem,menta mar ne. aDlemea br . . bmdma avona pemm~r remndabe of 515.60. peyadle 14 9eavr G«Y i ten Dlstriet. M ar candied check pl t0%d tlve hall bal~luded with theproposel eM mode «Yeble to Deaver Gepi Mn Dialhn Wbliahetl In Tno Yed Trefl an MeyQ t6aM 9. 3990 Public Notice Public Notice A A MET 4FOLIT N OI9TRICT CENTRiFUBAL AUNpS AND .FUMP CONTROL yALtIEb c~ ntrim~ se~ae Ih'~ai Clc m polre i~ eia pp p p - n00d; rJ]d gpm ei 820: h«d1 area @r 61ncn eea er C,eek Mir~o'ooliralln oiciM~ci~vo away N ' Awn. fgloretld 8t1;?p anal 0:00 Am MST. ' Mey 19, r$Sp, M1d rhW tnaY w91 DeoPened and Pu&tly B eno a~ pm w ill t ihat Ine eapecfetl tlebvery pale ror nu .. ¢Ympa .M cpmrol Y.w« Ia Sept mbr 2, >"980. ~ +$PP flcanons ay ba 4.nminnd rd blaVrgd on or sear M/r 1. 1800 et M$M Oon@vkenta. Inc., 5a6 Wwl eblh Avenue, panrer. Cclorelip W216 A bM Sono p eertlllee ehecN Inr t0%e11M ' TOWN OR VAIL IoMI b rd ah/p ba Includetl wile tea p<4pgsal, paYebla t4 Baever CreaN McN4po6lan Oiatritt DEPARTMENT pF COMMUNITY OEYELOPMENT BEAVER CREEK James A. RUDIn METROPOLITAN DISTRICT T4nln9 AdmEniatmrpr Published MThe Va•t T,aN PuNishee In The Vali Trail pre M¢y 9, 1980 on May 9, 0 an4 18 t900 Tired of Vail Rriees? Try Streamboat Springs... Wilietr Neighn Irrcorpproled >n ttt2 city of Arzombopt SprIPgS, above IOwfL wmy. glelx views, ppved roads. _ all Lmliries ro lot lines. Single family loll and mtAn-family parCefs staring ar bJ2.000 FirrpncK,g AvakYNe for mole inlormalron: cpntarn r'erer Looram 7~679•SSZB Ikdters PlorecrLV] 'Obroin rtte P7OPertY TiEpplT regLllrad bf' Federal Low and recd D before signing anything Np Fcrderol ,4gency has Judged the merirs a value, if any, of tfiis r.,,,..,,. ~ r~.r~r :';;s: P bii N TgwnolV.ll. u c otice ieCnpN $ TM Town Onbltll Mr/W WNEREAS.nI.TdwnwVaaMaadpwedly Mp.we Ub Vnk«m $ulMlny Cade 1918 pRDINANCB X0. TE adgPb Iha Ode4 eM OWctirol. frarMwar Plin and UrIJ/n fl//lpn Ouwe Plan I« . Edd On, er10 WNEAEA lerlaa ae 11e9 AN pgp C uelbltr.d: IR/ ame uvn Nneeltp ae l $, N N Me opMipn pr ne Town cgvnen real Ina plAllc heilh ulel aria 1NAN E ADpPTINp TXE VAIL VI`LAGS ppALB ANp aBJECTIVEB ' lCada to H!•oOlkallen/, pmppa~1 artl /pP Its wlNlndt•yill g9mWad."LlaneMeld" , r wellwe.euW WaervadbyamwullnQUitlnpde IvprGVlde br senein C STATEMENT. FRAME VYORK PLAN ANp URBAN OEBION pUTAE PLAN ADDPTIN plead N~ 4o+m of Ve~iL~al ~ro II Suntrap OnetrlCripn wbMardf Ip bLNElnp CanlnrFlion w!b a rYquirdy Dy ; ~ THE YAIL LIONBHEAO OOALB AN i OBJECTeYES STATEMENT, FMMEWpRK ' ALAN, ANp URBAN pEBEGN pUTAE PLAN: he pea; NGW.~nTHEREFpFE ' eE IT HE PEBY OROAINEO BY THE TOWN COUNCILOFTME TOWN 4F YAIL CO fiETTIN4 A$IAE THE MQgA1bAIVM L ~ ADOP7E0 IN aRb N , LORApa. THAT; INA DE NO 56, SERIES OF 1880', PROVIA INfl THAT ALL BECTIpN 1. TM }WIeWnQ amwdnwnl b made la IM Unlvrm BuNery code i4T9 APPLICATIOrI g, ApPROVAL$ANp PERMITS 8NAL4 eE CON w . Edition g ERE0. REVIEWED ANp ~. APPROYEp IN ACCONbANGE WITH [HE ' tiAN6 HERE N A SeCtbn ITta 6pecial CplphuCllm MQulnmenlF ie amertled qqyy IM eddlldl of I ADOP1Ep; ANp 9ETTlNfi FORTH OETAfLB AELATINp T5IERETO. - eWreyybph Nned a/Idlbwa~ Additional mQwremenb far bI,YGry onHrl/mlpl 4be. TOWN OF VAIL Rodney E, &Ifel ATTEST: ~ MFYaI Colleen M. Kllry ' Town CNrM r PubNihW In The Vdl Trail on Miy 9, 1960 ~. ~.4 ~:. Pubiic Notice 08pINANCR X0.11 awlee al tip AN 4RAINANCE 6ETTINO FORTH AN AMENDMENT TO THE VNIfORM BUILAIHa aDCE. 19Tp EDITION' PRpW OIINp F0.9 _ eECTYOM 1. TM Town Countll herp6yy PROTECTIVE FEnClNO, TIME RE6TRIG TIONB FOq ppMKINa. StOAApE aR ad b the (9ufe /ntl Ob{rcll./e. fMmawork PNM1 rid Urban pNl n pyKN Plen l lNe VEII MATEg1AL8 ANb RESYRK;TIONS ON U8E F - yy a NpepB: the MlM AnellaamsnpMappllgaDie O PUBLIC WyrAYS APPLICABLE 70 CONSTRVCTIpIJ 91 TES AS RE4URED 9Y W ali ppllullala, prnppulS wE pFNPIIE WdIinIM VYI YkIIi9e. eV Il yl6a00~"ll defined TNG RESIGN 3i641EW60ARp~ANO3ETTllq FOg7ry RETAIL6 IN RELIIfION TO ME aaTACammnlcN Can F2angg Drprkl prthe FCAEOOIND } E Now atx~pting c4ntrsEts 1I for cbnstructlpn btds a76'~~S . L,Deveiopment BUILDERS OF CU8'I'OM HOMES AND CONDOMINIUMS - ~ ~ Gapt~ga Flruman & Ron Lustig j- , :~ P.O. Hox 1881/VafL Colorado 81657 Par edtllllonei Inlprmellort contact: 1B6a E, vN v/Yay pr. YAA. GNllwaEe alM7 7~ IIOB1.Ara+rlSE {M:iI1L,MLih ~INIy B: CONSTRi1C110N MRNACr6MEN1' SHRPIRO CONiTRUC710N Cp. « n maalmbm a aria FNb wNCle Mall M anOwYtl it Iha wrNlmcpOn iib al ell Bme/ De1weM Ste hoary el T.00 e.m. srtl 800 pun. TIIe laytien of fuck eaMde /hat a0 approved In rifliinp by Iha Town FWiplrq aNltlal. ~) Dellwry renlCleal«conetrucrlon elppba anal be aueead a maximum M Inlay minuoa sal Nery lima to Meleb Mte Al10el muN svmpty wlln any Ohp [Inw n Wkenlerlta wt IoM by the TOrW of Yell Ordinenrb. dl U enr public wayy, row,aaaemenlwarx b m Ib gashed hrinp e«ulruCllen Ip arty .eieon WlaLOerar, [M Tpwn d Veil Polipaltl Fire Deparlmem Nell be nlren written niklp tllereal no Mafe Pan 14 Aqun p.fw b IM DloekeggCe 91 hlrbuiMirg mataNNaatplelab afleanail M ~tgr.d entirely wuHn a muelure Pmeided x Iq ~nelerlafa can riot be at«pd IeNde. hey Mail bf el«ad In;MelnekrlcW 4ae.AtleNUepe trash IeChlk// ahe11 elw be ias/Ied I6eida the tencea area. In Tpa~~Cilll COIB i owilC omn~wc~rai pCIB 1 4tleee• wnalrudianllmaw Mtlule b reMved andl epWprored by Ina Building alNCla. uanlCallr aN~r a ah~e4 eidewel Q, weihwYy. llbrad, d'erupleQrdpGh6tl « InleAped Wlh, the a IECaAI f« IM buiklill9 Mllnil shell >ubmfl~ 1o Ne Deeipn flwiew.l)oald for ke BECn ON 211 enr PPI, ssct+m. slArSacUOn, marine, tlauee wpnnu d IAdwdlnanoe, b f« any reewp heW lobe lnvelltl, Lehdetlypl shell nOl spec[ ha nlldily of he mm,pNnn pdIIIOM of The nleunee; arld Yee Tewn Council Aenby detlare/ i[ would Mrs Paeaed win Ordfn/nge, aM each Pert. Ikxy eaclbn, umence deuce d pnreae hslaat. re9artllMe W 1ne 1x1 Ihet enY dnv « m«e , cieuaia orseglloan/see beemarked invslrE en~A BCCIION 8 TM arAaMmpnl dl ~y 1 worlNgn r Ina van Munldpl cede poWdad In Ina Prtllrrnce neu riot aNxv cry H9ah! wnkn nuapauw,errydNylmeeeed, hwaM. imel oewr qbr eo eIe alfetll~,Ly Omp aotlonv~rlE Ipro ieNip ~I arl~ romerler wed • ~~-~ The Ypi! TYai[ -May B. lBi4tr ~~ rRFPGRT GF GONpfRGM I v...... e, R ,..,.. a ! 1 I >uTlouL /ANa ~ YaN, " ~r.Ir s awwwYwrr bHwY.NCanpwaw.C..wxw.w. re~umrArwepee.. etrnMt. hwvrr,eeler "a9• Ie,Iai,u ewe lnau, rYr~ w arwaMe~.pe Nller~ u.e. aww.rww,.e., rrPe..rarw.w/sowwee..ee x+e orwerea eorr ,me,e.a.~... ......... rs.rti,.r~..aoaw,.. w.d . .................... .. r.aeaaaNlir.e.I•.an ~ wr w..~c,.w .... Tp ..... .._.. con ............. .. , ,,,, r- [~.rw F.. law: Awwav eirr.e.,dw --. la..hir, . ........ .. ... len.rhrN~oeunUA. ~ .. „ .. ....... ~, ti...~. .r.w...ew.nee.ww.rr.en ~aewae,w Iwwwwnen .. Wn41xwwwwaW m.p~r ....--_ . oeen,.rre.rebwemwrorrr erew3.a ............ . oe.~rr ....... ............. ....... . TOW a6%le.. .. ... ---- .. "`I .......... .-.- w..........- ,. ............. ..........:. ..~ e.~ . .. t• r,rspeawa.pre,e raxulrn. or.i .. awe4.bAeBUw.Oe..rr'.. - e d' _ .' rwwaww.w .wearwwe ~~ - amrwae.Mtp~~"~NWw'.waWn uro.em~.o+arr... ....... o.e.r.,t .....,,,.. mnlNAa .... ....... ~ ~......... .... , .u .. ... _ . ,e IrJ W awree,rem ....:...............................1 ~.ii Www~a,uhpprsY ............. . ~ F,e.r ... .wrwiAre ran wvxaYer~~wn~wde... ...we.aea.,,.ww.wtwrbuwEr.enr.u aTT~.,Y ae.rmrale~ae. J . z 1 ... _---... ~ui r., .. aw'NrirelNlewa~wel~rlvrswrtlwreea ... ems e.w,isawmglwx„eyyyy - ,.. ..- a reif ... ~ w -- ..,,,. .. NlNUraanEa Wd'a wee~b,wrrawremw..~1 ............ nuw,enw ivr ~ wuma.r ..................... ...... . Iei ... ....... .... ~. n.. ............ ntiwWY Wa,wxww.wi0 ra.aewrl erraa..w I I]i SM r -fY eeurl ,~,.,~" I ..~..vae rin ,w. , .IePrr.l~ t.~ I aM.,.....,.. ... uu.N,ellae.. ... ,.. - Jn, ~ .... jsel ~ TOW FaIcodhly ~~ ... TaTatllyllPEalaOagnlT[.MrAt ....................... ... ............. Is.aal ~rl,rev,el iae .,,.,.,, Tr r~~ Iaeow.ovn"ww p~w~ewi>t ~ Nm eb ~~ . c~ie,r4aNa4 pew.wr~I~b9.Y .. ...... rWate.Ielee ,FY9~rtwm/ nMwaw. ----- --' moarer.awaw M.wwulkn e.r ... [y. , ) J Ir.elrr rrr. o-~tawaa. ..... wrr. :: .a ~. ----- ~--r ;'~ ---.. - .... we~m+'gee6,ad.~Nw waw eetleY _ ~r. . .i 1. tail Fed ~ , I.n wnrVweq~6eawMbna ., wr;eW JDr~ 1~ 9.w.I.>~r ~ . a.w eolw.ewra,dweW er re_w ..:.....,,. Rana ewse~..,..e Ia,nnl ne,.Iwna mr uwewa/r w n.rr ~ ~. ~ma Y,1aLF:•• ~l.K....~1" TMK . T. _ _ w_ •JD e • Y- Avon Ceintcr at ~3~~v~r Creek Ground-floor pattidpotion opportunity. / 5ecored reservotion plan. Superb omen~ies. /Grant central locution. ,.,_. . !~ trul axceptiono! condaminiurn concept right in the middie of oil -- - -- .. et's `appening in Ibis „Y ,.~_. __.. ....._„~~.,~.~-.~._..-, dynamic, yeor'round rrioilntain resod araa. , ~_ +~ PRNYMaYN • SIIBKCI TDUWgE - Sltuoted on o pellestripn sfiopping Ord eeYtertalrTnent ngll, the Rlyan Center site iS pdJacent [o the, town's pfamed creeNsilie gre®nllg}t and pWkfprds, prpYiding facilities for swimming, terms, spcce~r, bosehaB and NrATlrlghap take.., dl within dose ptolkilrg _..,__.._y, Thp four multl-storied buildings of Ryon Ce+Lter Mill each hove underground tenant parking, elevotpr seNke, hot tubs and soLVnps. F9AtavlTe onsipa property ..._~._,..nerlt sfn4tes atilt be arollable to owners. The .~...:.....lnluns will be three, four and Bw6 bedroom amts rorging In size from apprwDmotely 1,SOR tp 3,000 square fast pF living spots. PerNflarse units will mrLSist of taw stoles ord will hove cothedral eefflrgs. Hit units will have firephees and erteRa bokaeves with outstanding mountain orld Valley views. tGtdlerts pre fully equipped ulith all eleetRC appflar,Ees Dnd custom designed <abirretry. ff you wolrld like a graNldalooT apporttAnity to pprtidpate In lfiis huEy exceptional eondaninrlJm concept mere will never be o better [irTle titan right now! }. _ ~~'"` ~ .+3~ i'