HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-19 Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 14, Series 1980, as Amended by Ordinance No. 18, Series 1980.~ s. _. - _ -, CERTIFiE~3 RECp:~i7 OF PRpCEEDiNGS OF THE TOYrv~N COFJNCiL OF THE ~'O~rv~ OF ~,~AiL, COLOR_'~DO REI1~~T ~.~IG TO THE A~iLNDP~ENT ~ OF 0~~2D?~NA'~'CE f;0. 34 , SERIES 0~' 3980 AS A.'~iENDED ~Y ORDINAN~~E NO: 38, Sr=RIES OF 340 ~7 ~i~ ~ ~ r~ ~~ ;~'i'A'i'E OP COLORADO ) COCINTY OF EAGLE ) ss . `I'OI~1N OF VA ~ L ) The Town Council of the Town of Vail, Co.lorac3o, met in .~peczal session ~~t t~?~e V:331 I~u:~icipal I3uildi~~g, Vail, Colorucao, th` regular meeting place thereof, an Tuesday, t_he 1.3th c3ay of May, 1980, at the hour of ~E ~~~~ p.m. r T}~e fallowing trlem}~ers of the Town Council were present: Mayor: Rodney E. Slifer Council members: Paula Palmateer John Do~iovanT `i'ho~rEas Stei:,berg dill th'i.1t_o Scott I?I;~~,rl;an lion 'odd The following members of the mown Council were Absent: /J _ -/--/- r ~-- -) ~~ ,-- f ~ •~~ t c t< L. ice. ~u ~ The following persons were also present: J Town I~,~nager : Rzchard Caplan Town Director of Fi:lance: William Pyka _ Town Attorney: Lawrence C. Rider Town Clerk : Colleen T{line Thereupon the following proceedings, among others, were had and taken: i Cou:~cil Member i>r ~l~_, r.~,=~{ ~ {.~' introduced and ~7oved t^e adoption as an emergency ordinance of the following Ordinance, whic, was read by title, sufficient copies having previously been rude available to the Council and to the public: --2w ~~ ~ ~ • 4)I~Dihf?NCE NU . [ c~ ;~E•;I~IF,S OF 1980 TAN i':I~;}~IZtT11vC:Y Uitl)I?YANCE T'!=TENDING ()Izl)7NPNCE N0. 14, ;;FIZxES OF 1980, AS r!MF.NDI~D f3Y ORI)INI.NCE NO. 18, .~E1'Il~:S OF 1980, curlcl~.RNTNC `i'I~E xsst}rsNCE u>, 'o~N of vr~xL, cor,ol~nDo, coNS~xt~cTxoN r~or~N NU'I'FS, sERIEs ,•~AX I, 180. BE xT ,OI<DAINI•,D BY 'L~17E `1'UitiN ~'OUNCIL OF TIIE tOj^rN OF VAxL, COLORADDa _- 'l'~3AT ORD~:NANCE N0. 1~, S}~RCLS O1' 1980, AS Ti,'~i1JivDED 13X ORDINT~NCE N0. ? 8, SERIES OF 1480 IS ,'~~iEND~D A5 ~~C)r,I~Oj^rS {Capital Ietter.s or underlininc indicate new maternal ~~dded to existing ordinance; dashes through material within brackets i:~dic~~te deJ.etions from c,xisting ordinance?: Section 1. Paragraph one of Sec+~ion fE(2) of C~rdi~~ance No. 19, Series of 1980, as ~-;~nended by Ord~~runce ~~o. l8, 5~~ries o£ 1~s0, is amended to reUd: (2) Redemption of "Iotos rr i or to '~<«tur ity. `i'he Notes ure redeemable at the option of the `:awn Council in whole or in part on May 1, .1981, by lot, at a price equal to the principal amount of each Note so redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the redemption date, plus a premium of GNE-F3ALF OF one pr r centum ~~-3-0 )-j (0. 5 ~) of such principal amount. Sect on 2. paragraph tisree of the form oz ueurer note in Section 4(B) {$) of Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1980, as am:. ~cied by Ordinance No. I8, Series of 1980 is am~~: 7ed to read: This Nflte and the Votes o_ the series az which this is o:-re are redeemable at the ~.?tion of the Town Council on May 1, 1981, by 'got, at a price equal to the principal ar-~ount or e~3ch Note so redeemed plus accrued interest thereon to the redemption date, plus a premium of (ENE-HALF OF ane per centum ~--~~s-)~ (0. ~~) of such pr inczpal amount, Section 3. Paragraph three of the }:orm of rej5.istered note in Section 4{B) {9) o£ Ordinance No. 14, Series ~~f 1980, as amended by Ordinance No. 18, Series caf I980 zs amended to read: This Note and the Notes of the series of ~;,~hzch this is~one are redeemable at the option of the Town Couf3cil on flay I, 198I, by iot_, at a price equal to the principal amount of each Note so redeemed plus accrued inter.e5t thereon to tl~e rederr~ption date, plus a premzum o£ ONF-f1ALF OF one per centum [--f-z ~-)-) (0. 5~ } of such pr incipal amount. -- 3 -- k ~~-- ~t- Section 4. The Town Co«ncil. hereby finds rind dF:f~c'rlTti~lr'S, ,.:s c~eter~nir~ed in Section 2C of Otc~inas~ce tio. Z4, Series of 1~Fj0, #.hat a-r emergency exists and this Ordinance, as an <~;~~e~ic3i~~e:Zt. t~f Ur~~in~~:~c:e No. 14, Series of 19£3 t7, as ~-~~rended by Ordinance No. 18, Sories ~~f 1.980 is for L-he reasons ~~tated zn Sr~c.tian 7_C of said Ordinance No, 14 hereby determi:~ed neces~>ary for tfze preservation of publzc property, ~~ealth, welfare, peace and safety, ,_~nd therefore, this Ordinance shall take ~ effect immediately upon .introduction and p~.~~~>ac~e. INTRODUCED, k'ASSk,rJ, AT~U}.'T'ED, ENACTED, Ak'PROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this 13`1'H day of r1AY, 1980. `l'O~9N o~ v~zL, cor,o.~ADo [Y1 a o r ~~!~:~~~/~lu ~q_ ~~- ~~ r-~ ~ f C~~urlc. zl ^ir~mbG r ' ~ ) ~ 1 ., ~~`- •=~.- rr'c_orac3c~d the mat: ~ on , ~~rad the c3uestion LC'ing upon t.t-~c p,-~ssage and ; c~optio<z ~~f said Ordina'~ce, the roll w~-as c..~•allcd with the following re ult: Couslci.l inernbcrs voting „Yes" i~tay,~r : t~odney F,. Slifer Council n;r_:i~c°rs: P~3ula 1~alr~ateer ~ Sohn Donovan ~ r T}-,omas Stez-rberg >3i 11 ~vilto Scott I~opman Ron Todd Courlczl members voting "ND" - ~ 1:iE=ii,1:J~•rS Of ~',~ ~_nLi'~,,? 1 ;~C ~?'~ _-it 1`,~V 1:1cI 'JUtE<f~ i~l f <<vOr Of the adoption of the Ordin~;;nee, f}~n presidi^g officer therecrpon declared the Ordnance duly passed and adopted as an emergency ordinance of the Toa,n and directe~3 that the Ordinance be published once in full in The ~~ail `rail, a legal nerispGper of general circulation wit=hin t~iE Town oL Vail , ors '~tay_6, I380. -5-• ~r • S TATF; OF f'{3LOl: A I?0 ) ) COUN'T'Y O~ I.AG~~E } ss . ) ~rowN o~ v~~z~ ~ (AttG{c11 ~ff:id~~vit: of n~~f ication of Drdin~~nce. ) r .6- ~C s'.r~'~~~ o~ car,oTZrs no ~ co€~~TY n~ r~cT~E ~ ss . Tn~tiN OF V1~IL ) ~r ~~. I, Colleen Kline, the Town Clerk of the `T'own of Vail, Nagle Co~~nty, Colorado, do herc-~by certify that the ~.tt~ac:hod copy of Ordinance No. ~ ~ series of 1980, r~.g~~rding the a~~endment of Ord~.nance ~No. 14, Series of 1980, as ar~endcd by Cr.dinance No. 7.8, aeries of 1980, zs a true and correct copy; chat said Ordi:.~,nce ~<<:s passed and adopted by t~he Town Council at a .special moeting t~~ereof held at the Vail I~iunici.pal ~3uilding, the ~reeti.ng place of the Town Council in the `T'own, on Tue~.~day, the .13th day of t~,ay, 19~s0; that true copies of said Ordinance have been duty c~xecutcd ~nr~ ~ui_he~~ticatc~d by the signatures of the ~'.~yor of i_he '~'r•,~=n of V,~z.l and ; Myself, as `t'own Clerk of said Town, sealed with the Neal of the Tcwn, nu;,.bered and recorded in the official records of the Town kept for that purrose in my office; that said Ordinance was duly published as required by law, as evidenced by the affidavit of publication attached hereto at page 6. I further certify that the foregoing pages constztute a true and correct copy of the record of the proceedings of the Town Council at zts meeting of May 13, 1980, insofar as sand proceedings relate to sand Ordinance; that said proceedings Caere duly had and taken; that tho meeting was duly held; and that the persons were present at said meeting as therein shown. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Town of Vail., Colorado, this /~ day of ~,~/-7 ~ ~ 1980. Tow`s C~ler Town of Vaii, Colorado {TOWN} (SEAL) a . . _~_ ^ ~ ~ • .~ fl c ~ ~ Q, ~ ~. ~ ;D Q O ~ ~ ° ~ ° ~ a ~ ~ o ~ 6 Q ~ ~ ~ a m ~~ ~,~ ~ o Q o ~ 0 .r '~ D ~ D n { o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p_ ~ Q c4 O fl ~ 1 of ~ O Q I ~ cND~ ~ ~ o d 3 0 7 ~ Y ~ ~ ~ 1 a ~ ~ ~ y. o~ ~ i z: - ~ m .•* s ,.y c o ,D~ S ~` Q i cY> .+ Q ~ ~ f ~,~ ~n O ^. ~ ~ 7 ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~ vvv n ~ o a ~ a Q ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ +O O ~ ~ cl m Q ~ ~ Q ~ ^ ~ C ~cD O Q o C k • ~ • O ~ QQ~c-•nC~"O{ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c fl ~~O ~ ~~~ 0 -~ us Q Q -* - i ~, Q- ~ C ~ cp ~ 0=;~ro~~c~c- ~ ~ m y O ~O~OOpQQG ~ ~ ~~ ~ o o ~ ~~coQ~-~~~ ~ ~ O m Q m~roc~~c~-gym G~ ~ ~ ~~'~O~<C~~ m ~ c ~ o~~°-N~~n~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ om~~rt~~~a ~.~. ~ O flcflma~xcQ~ ~, 7~p 0~~~~Q ~ ~ ~ n O.~Q K ~~ m ~ Q g ~ ~~ ~~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~- QQ7~~pj'~.~ 0 m ~; aQ coo ~ o a~Q~ ~ yT -~ m ~Q~Q ~o Q ~~~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ -* ~ ~ ~~~~~~Q~fl _~ ~ ~ m~~Q-oa~-a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o'~'~-mm~m -Di ro a ?~.~~n"c~~~Q Q Q c ~y0(pp~a0 O Z O ~ ~Q~~000mcD p O Q ~(~D ~~ ~~ ~~ Q 7 (~~D ~ ~-C ~ ~ ~ cD Q cn ~ .~ 3 ~m~°-aaroQF ~ n. ~ ~~ SO O O~ O ~ ~ .~ fl (O N c"'C~~ ~~~ Q O ~ ~~ N ~"' Q O _ fl 3Q~~lQ Q ~ C'i~ Q C2 cD~c:~Q~ ~ O.~ W f{ ti ~~ ~ --~- -- ~ ._._.-_.. ~ ~ Thu Vail Trar1-May !6. 19ma I~'/-' 'I w ,; ~`~ ~ Barbosa NamedAssistantSuperintendent ~^ - David Barbosa was appointed ^The second mast important In other changes, Johh i Assistant Superintendent to the [ n ' u chon n Reimers w ext Lo education in this rll become curriculum Eagle County School Dtstrlct at district is public relations," supervisor; the mochanics will the Wednesday night sChoci stated board member Dave Mott. report directly to Ed Keller, hoard meeting. Barbosa, Gallegos told the board he manager of facilities ait~ a' formerly Director of Educatlvnal hopes to eslsbEish better transportaliort-; and CEay Programs will assume his new communications with the media Neubert will be in charge of food position starling June 9. through this reorganization. services. ~, Superintendent of Schools Dr. ' Gene Gallegos told the board Sf'i/~~~0 . ' Bar6nsa would probably receive a salary increase, but he could - ' nut say how much{ ~ ~ ' "It Gould likely costa few ' ' dollars mdre or cost us less," he _ '' + stated. , r - According fa Gallegos lbe _ ~~ ~ "- "' ' ~ .i ~ ~ Dddition of this position would Q it 161 i. T Y ~ ~ ~ i allow him mare opportunity to ~ , l get out into the Held." _ "f'm Orally moth iiod into the ~,,.V' ~, paper work now," he stated. LUXi1RYAND pRNACY „~ - [n addition to the new position pf assistant superintendent, the - ~~ a ` position o[ public information ~ ~' pra~o surreundingsaradooking beaulMu! Gae~ } IpUS unif~locvted onaVpll~'g PGA Gin plan ish pr officer was eliminated in ttte ~~ Neatedoufdoor 1 ShuttisservlcatoVgll district's new reorgenizatlvR, yp~, only tour and o leroR minutes The board asked, however, that Restaurant within walking dfstarlce. ~~ - Batile Mountain His7h School sophomora'Weyne Truiiillo was ~`sfunclionbewrittenunderthe oTtoaen Stutlent of hs Weok by teachers and atutlenta. Ha la superintendents' job description. 2urrsnHy a candidate for tlmbudaman for stvtlsnt council and "When we hired the new NAIL GOLf COURSE TOYIfNHOMES Q7sna tp{yJpin lobe lJnited/N~atlona Glu6 on campus, edminiatratfon we were SPECIAi^ t?NMER RNMICING avullobie at attracflve P~bI~C NOtICe TAP.INSPEGTIONAN000NNECTIONFEfiB CORCCERed about having more rafestoqualiflndbtrlres.Three;,,;,;,,,,,, ,Mroandone- , eE Ir oeourveD eY THE eoARO of done in public relations," stated hall bout antis _ _. 'ng first tee of the Vall Golf TRUSTEEa aF THE rowN OF MINrunN AS board member Bob Ma e. ~~' ~F square feet of living space, two opt onorkakc[ No. s Fpubvrs' yrt 9arpge. Hoi tub morn. Unit Ir99 (carpated)...S3h3,gOg~ aerNp at 79Sp taCTIDN t. Amwpm•nl. Unit •13...5307, ANS ORDINANCfi AMEN91Nfl TITLE IT. SeEl,anl].10 Opp el Cnppl,r 13.12 pl T,Ne 19 -CHAPTER Ir.{e OF FHE MUNICIPAL CODE P}Ihs MUniclnalC°tlee1lM TEwncl M,nlurnb ~ ' OFF MINYVAN To 'MODIFY 81DE YARD eMCe [o re°tl ee bllawe~ - aE'C84GK REOVIRFMENT9 tN RUR4L- ' j}ty960 T.p. ImpKIMrt entl C°nrnclbn Photo Trip FRI.LRIDGE - M }VM OEN$ITY DISTAtCT CONTAINEOIN pee pomWlallen ' Tr{~TaWN'S 20NINa REOULATIDNa. Taprpep, meoaehpneiia eannaetien lee•rp• ReLTdy fa Immediate oCCUppnnrycy Unit ,I47i Two IT oanAlNEO er rke eDARO of we or plyn ae en Inp cam ci ..EN nuname From Page 36 bedrooms, two baths with loek-0tt,~ South a%pOSUrp. 7R 97EE9 OF ikE TOWN OF MINTll RN A$ aEllen pr ECR, axpppl ei lollowa: CAIpBtEK1, draped pnd tVml5h6d t0 sleep SIx, $(7urWE, F Laws: cl«°Inc•aon r. Pe. says, "and we're going to see the jocutzi, under round rk! . L944 prmNt. 4mentlnwnL p 9 Squaro fept.. r- saKnpn A. sacaoa nns.oeo a a,.Pl°r Mwn-gmlly rana°ml°' °nne, character o[ New Mexico and S 99,90Q +s~ee d nlw lr a me Mvmapal coe. EI m+ m"~;;,mli in nun o iielnn jee» a' shpOt it." Wv'll stay in old motels, SPECIAL OWNER FlNANCING available to quallfiBd T aMinmml+.menaeo<°reeaae lEnaw°: c,;,,ehum,on Er mmotle~m maybe sleep on the ground puce, bLryels. Avallpbleforimmediote occupancy. UnR slob, tr-tAa90 Yara•aelepe°e. Treuarp In parp ~..,... se~daa Par l~v,n We're going to shoot early in the Four tx3dreoms, three baths with lockoft. Carpeted, a 4a a.ne,npe nna elructurae wimm m° 9 °nu draped, Complete furnished. South •.and west R-Affi matnee anau e. set pecx from ma plea aemlok a. aewr•antr of Prprw°n., h' - prtjReny n«, m,r°n,„re a,nenae a ten I«I: a ,ny pal, eeaien. °emenc., Uaaea ar morning and late at night and 1'll exposure. Saunas jacuzrl,Lndergground parking 1,bJ6 -prpMaee.InenypWEy w,tmn w,amelnclwnem pnrapp pl ula pre,nencsl. for anymwannale give several shot€cvurses on the square teel.,.5269.00g alrp+py eraEletl rinh p eltleyer7 to W Inveliq e,.rn dpciefpn when n°I all°c! Ih! of INe en°n e•a rwt m I n.w umW or lha ° In °ru°.e { Ira. basics, equipment, choosing film, stn ~pa,n,, °v„cl,,...Nm, x o,ala.nc°. ."a <6omsa:rp°Pn.°m.i nl Rq ll~hting, plus advanced SHAPIRO REALTY INC. Ix tat dace ken are aloe propenr fnw p town or Mimwn here6yeecurw pwenla new `- rnr¢ m u,.unu al av.lwl. :~e:w,a'e~'. ~«,au",°e^.°,pl:na acn pan. r°cnan. technique.',' .. - - o,na c-a. wo,sa canaomin° .~C ma.....,rm,.m. _ Irreepect v. al Ina ucl tR"?.nr Pn• o. mw• ""I7ie trf ~uffi also iallue9e~ 1r7aita ~ -~` Pod orate Ito. +s+~PU, co+nrodo anaai '- _ a.a6y'Pan. wean wm nc. eu.a. or cip~ieeceeeuon.. atiwaion., uN°r,.-a° tv several halo Iteries. For tw3YSio-f2et - ° W prieprmrunu h ra any r«eMMM phr°wa0e d«lerpp Inve110, p g8 ~ to InvpnQ awn ascNlan MNI na aeect tn, &aker Cooperation lnNr¢c1 ref 'n al me Emulnlndp, ydrllcn• or,Mie al4nON0.npecnwpne. ~ IurtheC information regarding T ~I Mintwnlne.°W/°eaeierniyiww,'le°newe +ha~ellci Saone .nett mk. .Ihcl rainy Aey. its and travel arrangements, , as eNe Orel,unce .ne each pert. aenwn. IN ROWCED, nEAO AND oaoERED call John Ripley at 476-5225 or ' ° lien, eaRlenLe. Clepe•M phrMelMraoi. >unLlaNEn ONCE IN BULL Ihi° 11N tlay el - - - r cl tna r.m mat any one or rams Mey. lASO CMC at 47fr4fFl0 ar .627-5763. - ~~- q p,clio«, paeellpne. wnlerp•A - TOWN OF MIryTURN a phrapH as tleclarae ,nvy M. NAluM R. Belim ` ~ - /ECTION 3. =INErIw O.la, ~ MaYOr / 1 u G'tliMnpa anon 11k, alNCl IAlny daYp +1 TRODUCED. READ AND ORDERED ATT697. Yow'InnGlerY U"Bar . Li CEO ONCE Ik EULL IRIe Tln tley 01 Puhllpeee In TAB Vpll Troll en Mey 18, 19d8 7OVM br Mi N1URN '_-- ~` "' Hnrole a. e•nm MFYe, a~fia ~ P li N ~p Tp,trr Glerh ~" ub otice c Pu03ianed In Thp Yen Tnll en May ta, 1088 OADINANC[ N0. 1+ B«h~ o E ~Y ______-_ 1 l AN EMEAOENCY ORDINANCE AMFNOINp ORDINANCE NO 14, 9ERiES OF 14ap. Aa ~Ubllc Notice TOOWN~OFOVA! ~CO~QnAOp CONS RUC' OROIRANOE kO.t T[ON LOAN NOTES. SERIES MAV 1. 19&1. SNlnal9+e '1W 3'OADINANCE AMENDING TITLF ] O!i TER 1] 17 CF THE MUNIGIPAL COOS ~ EE Ii ORDAINED ay YHE TpwN COVkCIL aF THE TpWN OF PAIL, COLORADO. THgT OF IkTIpiN A9 THE SAME PERTAINS TO ~ I7rner htrn fo PaQr 3B ~ ~ P 4 .;y k' Luxurious Spanish Mediterranean Styled Mounts#n Terrace Townhot,se Attractive 90%ownerflnpncing av911ab1e.3 bedrocros, 2'h bathe adjaCenl.to Eag le-Nell tlolF Course drlvingg~ ', rang)-and clubhDUae. Walk fr6hi Ihla luxurious 4-19va1 ~: townhouse to prl, tennis 4 swim Club. Features 4 Include Jaeuzxl tub In master bsdroom, apaniah file '~:5 root, vaulted ceiling in twangg room wFth axppasd beams, wood burning 11repleCa with file hearth. indivlttuany locked garage entl assigned parkin apace. Pnvate patio end much mare. 2,350 aqquare~ feet. qsk for MVrrRy ar?at. $2a7,500 Mike Palmer Reel Estelle 476-1370 A Business Opportunit~r ~ ~ ~ ,, . -, Ghariie's Gondola Ski Shop within Vafl/LlonsHepd Centre Building pavici Fates - t• ti_. _, ~~ aT Vall Crossraods Shoppingg Center P.O. Box 9292 Vail, Cokxado 81657 . (303) A76~4."960 . Located on the pedeshlan way leading from the main vehicular GvN .,., of LlonsHead fo Nail's only gondola, the shop offers 902.5 test of frontage and display area in One of Veil's highesf- density haffiG areas. ' Only 35 yards from the base of the gondola, Chpole's Gondola Ski Shop is a logical choice for people needing last minute mountain spans gear and repairs. as well as being an Eaaslly- rememberEld retail location. PREMISES-Leasehold on 3,400 square feat, including 2518 square feet of retail, ski repair and renfal space, plus 882 squam feet of storage or ski locker FEATURING-K-2. Rossignal, Nordics and other fop Eines of ski equipment and clothing, plus a Tulf rouge of summer clothing and supplies. Dean Canada ~~:~tl'~~y~T~ ~,~~ and [~~]~~~I.~~~illM~~~ East End of LipnsHead Mail veil (303? x76.9600 Denver (303) 534-5025 or NafionwE a Toll Free 1-80C-5259293 A.O. Box 9908, Vail, Colorado 81657 , ~ -+ offered exclUSively by: .gypp - ~30 y'!Ir VRi(7'Fn~May 71i. 19W1 Ci ~A Eight Completely Furnished Luxury ~41LL~I~Gr Pis the.vall Gar COUf/6 ! : rL.' L' J:s%v. ~ ~, .- Prlcec! from 5123,000, with owner Hnancing rnallable, these one and two bedroom aondominlum homes otter more than rhaps any other properiv currentlyanthe Vail morket. For details, Includifng th6 mony extraspravidl3d with Faiirldge ownership, glea5a contact.., four Seasons Real Eatot9 Speciai Offering With Owner Financing A w -rnllrW rmnexa l.~rIX-maw.ala~Aa~a I O . (~ - -2551bpst l lea kwn ~O ~ I HiLM say. rlnlilliY Aa91r1Y6e -IL bin P1paq.rlBA AA IT 11n 2M a~~d 8rd vent . 1!~ .... _ _- S~AS~HS ~p~ 1460 EarlbN -1p01 C'M 1tEiII.FbIAiE r911s~aTl. pr •. -~I~rw~~.~.aB~ - Bfi <V!er,i! ~ r a ~.. • -• Jh'Dm Page 37 Public NOt1C2 +rw rMrlelw paufed.trveantlixrreclcp~yal IJ aslp atalament to ba hla0 m Ih! Oilwo o the ORDINANCE NO ti, SERIES {1F 1966. A$ Secretaryry 151a1B cl the Stale of Colaatlp. AMENOEO HY ORDINANCE NO. 18. SERIES NOTICE TO ALL RE510ENT$ OF THE IN WiTMESS WHFAEOF, Ill eve nOrBUn10 H! OF 19B01$AMENOEDAS foLLOwS (CBpi181 TOWN OFAyoN.The AVOn POhm Deperlmanl my hantl and rise seal Of Ne TDwn of Avon, 1Bllerg q undeuini~ag vWw,Me new maleti0l wdl pp!lrichy+nlprdng dlf lralHC aM panlnq COta000. rata Nm day al Mey, 1980 - +ddad Ip exnfipq ertllnence: tlaenm Inreugn ]Bpuledpnf. TOWN OF AVON material wilnm pleckete intliset00Bid~pnatrdm PdmClp J. Doyle Binlinp prdlnarlpa]i TOWN OF AVON lawn derv BECFION 1. Paragraph aria of $eblipn aB121 POLICE DEPARTMENT Dr Oldmen~H Ng. 14. 59rrea pl 1880, 6B Oave MaNlne2 PYbllyietl in The Veil Trml Pn May 18.1980 emended byy oralnanm NA Ia. Sarlee BI 19a6, wbp9naa in Tb. Yen eau Bn May ls, ]99p -------- ieamiiMedtolpae ____ ____._... /gyp. 121 R+Mmpllon a} No1H PrlOr tU MBlurlty, ~ Public Notir~e Tne Npip1 ere redeemable el tlm Oplipn al the - TOwr Caunch in whole or m pBrl on Mar 1, 1961. by Ipl, el a pane egwuel to the plmCipM public Notice emounl 01 each Note rBdMmed, Plus NpnGE OF PUBLIC NEARIkG ruetl inlare9l tMreon lP me reeemplion COUNTY OF EAGLE, CGLOruOp f%le, pluaepremiumd ONE HALF OF One ppr NyITATION Tp BIpOER6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1MI Ipe Ee9le Mum ql%11103%l oiaucH principalameunl- TOWN OF AYO N, COLOliapO Cpunly Planning Commission willMMePnbl[C SECTION 4. Paregiepn lrvrae al the form 01 Hearing nJUlia d, 4FeB, dcgimm~gM T'03p m. peerernple in SeCBCn UH(le}OfprdinanCl Nv. anal with Sepipn 50,Oband SCCtlana 38, Senee of 1880. as amended ey G.dinanae BOt~lyllbl IW 601.03 1 the Eagle Cnunly N TnIB IVOIB entl iha Notes pflhB 9Br,ua of which Lbmng RevUUtipn-$altl Nlaring will inclWe the taNaw.ng Nxa Ia one era redeBOSOp%el the opllon d mB File N0. ZC-129-00: Mary M. McCkntacU Town CaurrcltMMey 1, 1881, Dyipl, elaprea HeNUesL Zone CnenpB cram Resource 10 egwllp In0 princlAel amount of BBCn Nole so Residential $UbuNan Medium IBCBamBd plus ecqund InIBrB6t Thereon to iM LocmiOA West Vail, eltheiMBrfeclion oN-]0 edam Rion tla10, plane pr0mtm of DNE-HALF era Ina Weal Van suit. $W rnrlrel.abovt Y, mn9 OF b pBr. centum 1114)1 {G5%) al aVCh tlown on iha $OUIh Frontage Apad, m q;nCIAA1lmounl, pen'rcVMny tlaacrlbetluldWwe we 6ECTION ~~ Peropraph mlae of 5ha form d A AeNBI cl Mntl SrlvatM In EM N'h NEn BglFlarad note in SBCNan 618118) of Ordinance Section Id, T5S. RBI W of iha 6th P.M. in Eagle No. IB, SarlOa O} TBBO, emended by DOanly, Calgatlo, seta DarCBI Ming more G.dlnlnee No. 1B, 9eiIp80111180 if amendadta pertieularly dasmipBp H8 iptiowa: CpmmB~9Cmg Ithe NEeornmMwid SecllOn r Thla Note entl lMNotae OflhB wriesdlwhicn 16; IhMCb318 tlegrens 5s'3B"Watlislance pl tNe la piss ere radeBMaMa al [M aplion 01 SM 1811.8 IHI Id a p0io1 along the epprwimetB Tawn Cnuncll pA May l.lgBt, by lot. ale price enterlirw MGOro Creekantlon inOnbgn101way princlPSl empunl0 e¢h NOle sp Bgpal lO lee F BlrmBiteright OPwee nee ol2w]d prof tecl lnB fl9eeemed pEUa aTgdrBe Inle]eal lheyedn l0 pIB ademptibn del0, pluse premium olONE HALF aONOwing CAUrSaga dialar~ces: OF pP0 p!I eenWm lli%11 {.M%S of such Sd]de99ras33'R2'W ed~91e^cee189.l faN' . princlPel emounl, thence 33] tlegrens 1]6'47' W edlalanceof 11.6 }NI: Iher¢e & 480aprees 7]'11" W, 34810 feat. BECTION B. Tnp Town Cauncll hereby Ilad9 therm $ 360egreef 43'2t" W, 48 52 reel to me ddalpmlMB.9a determinetlin 9ephOn 2C V1 point OI MBinnilsB; Ihlrme CAnbmm~g elOnB OrpiMnaa No. 18; Sar190 OF 1980. that an tl right a} wayy line S 36 tlegrens 63'21" W e BmBfpency exieta Bpd Ihls Ordinance et 08 tl19Mnced 183851eo[Bn tnesouth rlgnt Oiwey ntlm+n101 Ortllnence NO. b, Sariea of Ilned$tale NlBhway ]8:lhencB52]degreea l96Q a5 emBlMad by OrtlinenCO Ne. 10. Senee 66'9Y" W along saitl pr01BC11 ]0 nghf oiwayllne 0119M Ii for therepOn061aietl in8ecl'mn 2D of a distance of t0591em: IhanceG A8 dagiUas Hid Ordinance Ha. 14 M+eby delerm~lLa 3]'Z2" E a 0~61ancn d 69,T5 feN le the ecaHary IOr ItW aeaervalpn iN public eppraa~mele centerline of Dare Creek,thence pripprly.llMlth. welfare, peacB enaulele.antl BIGC~Me apgaximatB CAnledix the idlpw;ng NBrBlora. Ihle Ordlrignce snail take IIBei a tldlalenc¢s~,365 eapreea 53'36"Ea Immedielely upon latrvauclipn entl paaaeg0 dlstancB M 139.13 lest: inence N 56 dvgiees INTROOUC ED, Pq$SED. ADOPTED. dt'O8"Eadialance of e5551eet: thenceN l6 ENADTEp, APPROYEG ANO ORDERE^ degrees 55'28" E & tlislenW of SO].a5 taeL PUBLISHED ONCE Ik FULL Ihla 13tn dBy of lirenca N ti elgr¢ea 17 22" E a eielance Oi Mey, 5988, 77,13 IBPI: Ihende N i9 tlegrens 923i" W a e~ltanca 01138.21 fa0itd[he point of beginronpp, TOWk OF PAIL TRIe hesrln0 basil ba Mltl in Ine Mcr}OnafO ' fbtlney E. Sfi1Br Guilding, Cbanly [ommissi0r¢rs Mooting MaYm Room Olu, 10], 5E0 Broadway, Eagle Galpratlp ATTEST: Peraonf being alfpCied by a decision en Nis OBINan M Kline aquest era InvaOd lv make cdmmOni9 t0 fie Town CIeM Comm~sson bynpcearing al Ine Hearing. orby Publishatl In The Vell Trpn m May 16, 1886 Bubmilting sMtemenl8 i0 perWn Pr by mail ____ Through Ine $BCrMery. ~,.- PubIUM6 r8 Thv Yail TraN EAGLE COUNTY - on May 16.23 and 3g. IgBN GEPARTMENT OF Public Notice - ---____ COMMCN1TY pEYELOAMENT Kainarrne Pebrapn 'S¢cralery NOFICE OF Rublian00 in Tne Yeil Tleil pis May t 8, 1980 CANCELLATION AND RESCHEOULINO public Notice IJF THE R[GUtAR MEETING ~-'-- FOR THE VAiL METROPOLITAN Rf CREATION DISTRICT STATE DF COLORADO J BOAROOF pIRECTGR$ COUNTY OF EAOLE ] public Notice NryrICE i9 HEREBY GIVEN Saal [M Yail TOWN OF AVON' ] MBVOpdIGn Aaenellpn Oialelcl BOerdy, pl STATEMENT ANO CERTIfl LATE EAGLE COLINTY Mmby i}plieil9 bids !a draBiOrp nos cenoallad Nmr Ragulflr MeetlnB• OF DETERMINATION OF AE$ULT OF recM9tsvc(wn of abpW 18001eal elLakaCraes which woWtl MVe blBn MM mMeRdeY~MWY eREOULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION ..PM1pu~. me^~ienet.6worN av 2,1g8pM r:bN Rm:+Ml wai mcnwWedtrrg. _ Lw uav0.raea TOWN OF aiiOM RBed, ^F-, e'rae~~ Mmd y. May i+, laNa el Tap Rm.TNa meetlnA We, IM UMBrIIg d GanvaaeBr6 bl me ~~velian: Bgregata bB9B peal{ will M Mld In In CBnEBrellcs AOOm el lR0 Eleclkpn RBturlwolthe TOwndAVOn,G~lwarb Dpeavi^$. n.igationtlrtcn„ .... .. VMainageand Tawn a1 Veil MuNyD016Wlding hereby cprFn that the lollnwing 19 9 [rue entl fpACinp. Plans m apacllldtiona be All IMerHIIM DBNIBf are Imiletl 10 e11BnIL Y y PAIL METROPOLITAN OI t~Ormpultl of the Rlgg~Iar Municlpel Elecli0n Ep nnee~, EeglB TAVn1y, pcn MBY 19e19B0.u6 e RECREATIOk DISTRICT MW U1 iha TOw+, 1 Avra1, COiaapO, bn tlue Date is June 9, 1980. cahean M. Kllna Tuastlay. MBy 6.1980. ee shown by mBaMlrect - EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEER Town eferN of the Yaing PreeineH for Bela Necvam P,O. Box es6 Published In The Yai1 TIBiI on May 16, 1980 The ua CemlliBe CandlOatea tOr Town bW BrrNdway -__~ - C'~~a9mbarledlredineldlpwinY number pOo°~{03013~Sg8-I311 0 RICPartl Casxrlay .. .. ................... 46 published In Tne Van Troll on May 16, 1080 wnuam Doyle ........................... As fl~~~ld MFKeatie ........................ 40 --------- 1 ~ Hugh Arica ............... .4N ~~} A J. Wens ............................... 90 L,~~~4~~~ ~ ~ RaMN Wh¢Bler ....................... 44 Public Notice , Number of bn11p15 Ce91 e[ pol in Fyecincl N0. a O ~ HumEar p! paUWa call absante0 lot Prxxcl BEAVE{k CREEK No. a .............. .......... ...........I METROPGLTAN OIl:TRICT TOIBI numbey of Mf1018 Cd91 m Precinct No- d CENT111F/IGAL PUMAB Al10 ,]$ PUMP CONTROL YALVEB Sac-1 ~ ~; ~ , TM Illree eantlleatee rBwNing Me MghpSt SBeletl b'tls Ipr BvpplYing BntnlugM `~; t' ;. •} ~, : umperN Vplleb havB Maneledetllp Hrva tour pumpawlh efBClric mplpm lS-~r4 psm .t 580' '+ t? ~ r rerme an ire Aran Torn Coancil ere as need: 3-3]B 9pm el eza heaal arl~ 6 ncn V ~ OaOwa: WlNiem Doyle Hvgh P Ip and A,J WW p C n1r01 valves will pa mcNs W by Ina 1yB6e BB CreeN Matrappvvl1llan [RatnG Drawer H, 4 } Ik WITNESS WgIEREOF. we MvB n0rau [ p Colgee0 81620 hl I t'p8 e.m. MST, let l ,] f ~ taulnertdeantl efllxedthefea1011ne TOw f M yt01gB8. app IhMlMYwal be Bpanedarp Ur~r y~ Avpn, CplgedP, In1a N110py bl MnY. 1880 AU01 IY read aISW, vs~ - 'SF~ ~' i TOWN OF AVON &dtlBn wd1 note lhal Ihn evpeded I]ellvery ~~~ ~ •' MgelpV A1pl date for al Bix Rumps aM COniml re IYH is MayCl ~pl0mbe12. 5980, ~- T~'- ATTEST: Spec licflirOn9 eY M ev m~,wd IW ~ - Fehlcle J. Doyle Mainae On r alter Mey t 1980 et MSM TowA CIprN COnsvllenls, Inc, Sl0 Ww1 OYh Avenue, Y Dearer, CalIXa0080218, Avgn MOplaradontllereBY ~arl~tVdtMtll caused e A the Mnd q cerlili60 Check Ipr 10%B}!hB Iflw and reel gOpy 1 the b y IOtai bM shell M Inblvtl Btl with 1n0 prOpbael. 8latament and CBrllilcate PI [lelarmin Id~iOn~np1 payaMa 1o R00ver Creek Matrppp1i10„ [Naleitl. Result Of the Regular MunlcipBi E1¢dwn, held BEAVER GREEK IA IM Town d Avon, C010i00o, on Tuesday. METROPOLITAN DISTRICT MeY B, 1980, IP pa recorded in my Ctlia! Ina PiAUahyd in The Yell Troll book NBBppI for that purppap pad pclAlishatl in on May 2.9 and 1q 3990 Th¢ Ve31 Trail, rgwB 1 gereral ' cbcunbpn b IM town bt r~m~~e pwaanpaa --- ------ hy lM e1lWavil BI aidxcaum anaehea MretP, please lnirn tB Page S5 ~~.~Ti'+ss Y~ ~-' ~r `1 ~~L ,'.. ~ a ~4,.~, [ a.-Kit . - s*: ~ We're .pleased to present... The Custom CoAeCtion of names bV Scho9z. Superb design: Superior construCtlon. I_nduring value. Tailored }p self your needs ham hundreds of award-winning elevations and styles. ~ Fa'turlher InfIXmotiat, confect Fronk Siessman, Construction Manager i Warner Properties, inc. 944.4315Q 1 -. - - EOgl9-VaIE PfoTli65l~fial Building ~ .~.~`-~" q•~ r ~ ~' n, rraier, tai fr ~[3a3)s4~549 ~ ~~ ,.._PO61 V111Ce L7fQwIBI ~t00 - !1?/On. a+d,"~T~.w'' V'tt.:,.;Ea~LT,RI1JkE=fYrr'#x1 LE r~77fY.lftR[EI'T~iT?[tw1~13sk4ttTYlrlL~TrFiff, . f#~iy y'~. for sale: Eag£lc-Vail Sul~di~~sion Large Corner Fonrpfex Lot.300 Aclt'es x'iling *i I,ot'~~ Block ~ P]eaBie contact Thomas .J. Sheehan 4034 ~. 8th Acenuc bem~cr, Cn1nE-ado 80220 C]ffiix:1303)388-41f2 • ~11s'ti+lsrr*srrrrrsrrsrsia~adass^ ~ er/Eerr i#~ 3 3_ m ro~ ~- r~t Y ~i n ~' k h-~ C7r N F • • " ~ ~ C p. O 7 ~ Q C ~' O O 7 ~. 3 f~ "'a ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~flpQ-•~~p-gym O D ry ~ ~ ri -~- ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~- 3 o~~~+cD~~~Q z ff ~, .~ ~ ~ c ~ m -~QQ~oocQ. ~ O ~ ~ ~ N ~ ° o ~ ~ Q ~o~° o~°~ O n 0 0 ~ ~ ~. o ~ ~~QQa~Q~~ ~ O n. ~ _ ~ m ~ ~ x Qc No~~~o ~ O o ~ ~ Q ~ o ~ ~ roa"ooy~~mc~ 1!~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~0~<~cQO m D ~ ~ - ~ ~, 7 ~ Q- Q ~ ~ Cp (~~ = Q ~ CD ~- Cl, ~ O g o ~ .~, ° o m o o a o coo °cQ3~~m°Q~ -~ Q ~(~ ~ ~ a `~ocSO~cD-~-D Q `A`{~-z s CAD N m~o~~''3`~a~ ~r1 n ~ iD ~ Q Q ~O~.~g'~p~c~' n -^ Q ~ _. ~ O Q ~ ~ O. O ~ ~p~~~OQmN ma Z p_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ Q Vi tV 1 - Q p c ~ Q° o m ro~~o~o~~D~ ~ D ~, ~ ~ ~ D ~ Q~Q~~ ~.70~ Q ..a (D O ~ (Q ~p~.3~o~nO ~ 1o O Q R 3 ~- ~ Q CQ ~ ~''CQN ~O~ p p N c '~ Q ~ _ ~ ~ tD O ~ ~ ~QV(D~ Q W ~~ p ~m ~ n. o a ro~:oa~~ao~ 3 i ~~ v • ~ F Thr Vai! r c!7 - May !R. 74HM eQ /% Barbosa Named A ssistant Superintendent David 8arbosa was appainled ••79re second most imperLSnt in other changes, John Assistant $uperintendenl [e the function next to education in 11+Is Reimers will become curriculum Eagle CDUnIy School District at district is public refelions," supervisor; the mechanics wiR the Wednesday night scboo[ statedtwardmemberDaveMott. report directly to Ed Keller, board meeting. Barbosa, Gallegos told the board he ~ manager Di facilities and formerly Director of Educational hopes t0 establish better transportation; and Clay Programs w01 assume his new communications with the media Neuberi will be in charge of food posil7on starting June 9. through this reorganization. services. Superintendent of Schools Dr, Gene. Gallegos told tho hoard SHAPIRO Barbtrsa would probably receive a salary increase, but bD could not say how much. "ii could bltely cast a few - ' dollars more ar cost us less; ' he : ' - stated. - According to Gallegos the addition of this pa5ltion weuld REALTY ~ - - .. allow him more opporlnnity tD _ "get out into the field." ` '9'm pretty much tied into the `~ . r ~` ~ _ '~- paper work now;' he stated. •' - ~ ~ - ' In aadition to the new posHion EUXURY ANA IaRIVACY ' of assistant superintendent, the - 61u1et, pr[ypTg gurroundingg Wedmking baputllul Core position ~O[ pubfiC information R and aspen groves. ihiK7te wMdeccks Four afflceC was eliminated in the presflp loos units located on Vaifs PC-A gwmplonshlp district's new reorganization. yGdfCOlrse'HBah3douttlperpoaEStxrttleservlcetoVOll The board asked, however, that ~' anN four and one-ha61' minutes p+vay. Restdurpnt whhln walki+Ig dtsranoa. E#attle Mountain Hlpfi School sOPhamore Wayne Tru{{Illo wee this ittgction be written under the ~ ~~ ; . ~ -'. ~ ' d}idsen 3lutlent of the Waok by teaohara and studenks. He Is superintendents' job description. a~rrerdly a candidate for Ombudsman for awdene couneq and 'When we hired the new NAIL GOIf COURSE fOWhfkOMES Wass tD JDin the tlnlted Nations Club on CfimpU6, ~ ad ministratien we were SPEC64B OWNER RNANCING awfhble at ahraciHe ' 7AP,INBIPELTION ANO CONNEOTIOk FEES concerned about having more rafeS rD qualMled borers. Three-a__-..., ivyo arrtl Ong tFpH Oath unlfs _ _.:__..,ng first tee of the VDI3 Galt 'Public No#ice sE Ir opoAINED eY THE eoApD of done in public relations;' stated Course, 2050 square teat d Ifvkeg spots, two car TRUBTEEp OF THE TOWN OF MINTURN AS board member Bob Mayne, garage. Hot h+b roc+rl Unit N77 ..:..)...5353.000 OpOINANLE No,9 FOLLOWS: - UnR P13.,.53117,[100 .•v ~~ ~ s«Nf of 1Nq BELTION 7. AmeMmenh ~ - ' ' ' ANr ORDINANCE AMENplrxl TITLE +7, sI011ph 10./1.D6081 ClIlpler l3.fE of Yllle lS ~ ~ .1 r. rv~ CYWPTERIT.160F THE MDNICIPAL CODE pl lha MYNCIpel Lpda arlhe TawndMlnlurnN Fna,LRIWE ~NTURN' TO M001FY eIOE YARD emO~Idx010 reed ee lell9wa: Piiato ~~N ~ S LK REODIREMENTS IN RURAL- ~ 1At2oW Tep, Mlpeplwn ens Canncdan 'lllE il-/ M IDMDENSITY DISTRICT FONTAINEDIN gel LampulMlea. 60C~ fDr lmmedlple OCCUPp -Unit /477. TWO TOYM'820NING gEaDLATIONB~ rap lkax.lnfpe000nAM COnneGiga ten la (lypn Page 85 betlfO0i115, tW0 bOftrS Wit}I k7Ck South el(pDAlra. E IT ORDAINED aY TN8 EOARD OF elar .hell pe on Ina tlkail al /lrlnl huntlfee - _ ~ Sa T STEER OF THE TOWN OF MINTURN A6 dpllan pr EOR, •.cepl ea lollpwe: C.,. .. dmped ORd fLmlStletl To Skaep SIX. DnaS, F Lows: LIeeIIllcMl•e Tep FN says, "and we're going to see the _ jacuzzl, underground pa~ki .7,'146 square toot... oTroN+. Amenam.n+. - k.lll-umuY r.Ila.m{al uall., character ar New Mexico and $7~•~ . ~~ Tim A, sepnpn n.+s.D9o o+ Chapter eapexu, kpadmanSl and condp- shoot it." We'IS slay in old motels, SPECt4L OWNER FlNANgNG available ro qualified +i, dTNle +7dme Mnmelpel spa pr ma mimllmlmsae omidln Irew buyers. Avallabfa forlmmedlate occupancy. Un'rt+F10G r orMldumyxmended to reed aeldtpwa: coniiracuon o, remaap~ a : maybe Bleep on the ground once. Four bedroorTw, three baths With IeckoN. Carpeted, as-ox9 rare-axeaxx. Trenon ,d p.rx .,..... l6aD.op per N.mp note $ g Y draped. oompleteN 7umished South and WAaF ' Aa n~uerga and rtrncl4ll wlSh~n the We're oin io shoot ear) in the ._ ~.... „..... ,~ .em . a. aecTIDN z aeylr,mxro nl w..ulene. morning and late at night and I'll ore Saunas jacuxzi u rountl rjNking t 676 give several short courses on the basics, equipment, choosinglilm, li8hting, plus advanced n.I.. ~~~ ~ ~ [urg7er In[ormatirm regarding uF.eeeollnlreya+ya cells and travel arrangements, o AND apo[Aeo call John Ripley at 476-52?S or FDLti SM. nn eey ar CMC at 476-0040 or 827-5703. TOWN OF MlNTI/RN s+erde R- Boom Mayo L ~lua Ordlnanee khxll HFe efllCl ShRV deYe 11•N gAIluSlprt. ~aiTflDDUCED READ AND ORDERED LI61iE0 ONCE IN FDLL Inl1 tin day el Mry: s9aD, rOKTkOFMINTURN Y e"r Http1d R. aehm Maya A}rEST: D'~Iene Eae Unspr ' Trbrh L1erk PyhFI1He In 7ne Veil Treh an Mev 16. 19xD ,~.., w..__----- ~~'Pubiic Notice DpDINANLE NO, e Eerilk p11G0 o:nena tee Unpor 'f oxn Clerk F'U4111Mdln The YeIE Tre{I an May 1B. 1880 Public .Notice OREMERD~NLD'1p axNl d S9M1 AN EME0.n ENOY OROIkANLE AMENDING ORDfNANLE.NO IA, ERIES OF I93D, AS ' AM~EyNp~DaED 9ppY DRDINANRRCE NO. la StRlES oON LO ~NOT~ESISEfiIE901uA H1pgp~E 8E rT OROA WB9 BV TIIE TOW ryLDDNCIL DF THE TOWN OF yAIL. CALORA00. 1HAi PfroRr 75vn In !'nge 88 .. .. ~ - y - _ & apish Mediterranean Styled Mountain Terrace Tgwnt~ouse Attractive 90p1p owner llnancing avallehle. 3 budreoma, 24e bathe adjacent to ;raVpte-Nell Oolr Course drWin9 range and clubhouse. WalK from this luxurious 4-level townhouse fo ppOlf, tennla 6 swim club. ~Featurea Include latuzzl'tub In maYtor 4edrOOm, epanlah [ire roof, vaulted calllnp In Ilulnp room with exposed beams, wood burning fireplace with the hearth. Individually locked geraga and asslgn6d parking space. Private patio and much more. 2,350 sqquare feet. Aak for Murray or Pat. °'07,500 Mike PgMlmer Real 8state 478.1375 expos ~ square feet...52 .000 SHAPiRO REALM, iNC. . Suhe G-3, rallriD a ... InfumF - wa qta~. awr +s4~vau. caio:ado exesl.'.:~;-~ ',".`.i~ ' Broker CoOPeranOn Frvlte~ ... - A Business OpaortunitX Charlie's Gondola 5fci Shop wiEMkn Yail/LlonsHead Cenfre Building Dl~vid Fates _ ~.' , ~~ pt Vall Crossroads Shoppin CenTer P.O. Box 1292. Vail. ~orado 81657 (303). a7aa3oo Located on R,e pedeshfan way leading from the mpEn vehicular dropaff at _ LionsHead to Vaifs onry e,., ,,.,,:a.1he shop offers '102.5 Seat of frontage and display area in one of Volt's highest- ' density traffic areas . . Only 35 yards from The base of if+e gondola. Chadle's Condda Ski Shop Is ~ ~' ' e logical choice for people needing last minute mountain sports gem and repairs, as wall as being ar7 easily- remembered seTpil IOCgliprL - PREMISES-Leasehold an 3.400 square feet, including 2,518 square feet d ' retail, ski repair and rental space, plus 882 square feat of storage or ski locker sptrca. FEATURING-K-2. Rassignol,lWrdiCaand other top lines of ski equipment and clothing, plus p fop range at summer clothing and supplEes. Dean Canada [~1:1;1:1~ ~~ ~I~ afld [~Ii~~~l~ :~+I~~~i~ Gasi End of LionsHead Moll r. Vqil (3031 476-1600 .' - Denver (303) 534-5025 « Nationwide Toll r-ree 7-800-5259293 P.O. Boz 1908. Nall, Colorado 81657 ' ; ' :. " :~ offered exclusively by: w!)O '17+r Vat! Ttal -~ bray 1fi. f'~Nlt ~a ~. ,S , r . Eight Carnplelely furnished Luxury ~~1lrl~I~G~ Orr Ih9 YOII Galt COIIriB $_,~~L i~ ~~, ~.., , , iPrfeed ham S'12SrOp0, With owner financlhg avallabl®, these one and two bedroom condomfnlum homes.offer more than perhaps' any other property currently onihe Vai market. For data3fs, Including the many extras provided With Falirldge ownership, pl9ase contact,,. F011T S@QSOM! IZedt ~afale Special Offpring Mfiih Ownelr Financing ` -FV1a'K,N slime' bOUaNled b.4rr -N1hYlk1 oNy, mdmrW 1snVn,erad 1a~%~~ -ds.eaasr5realyan -Itp m~~yyl yuyyyppers~rygl~~rbn M! IY tYlP4 mN,Yn yB`m erarcl ad Yaws , - }~s ~~EE s~~s~Oi-~ 1aSp~FOelRO~pMylp'NwOAw IIfJV. W iKiF t~)17a485e81087 N.~~ti~ 6 ~ ~~ u' .- -°`.l From Page 87 aM lnM labo cauf4galrue MtlpVreotiWgol OROfNANGE Np. 1a $ENIEB OF 1986. AS AMENOEp RV 4 INANLE N E9 sma sblemem tc be plea in me Llboe ql ma Public Notice iecrlldry } Btelp U In0 Stale of Cotdatlo. S H RL 0 1A SERI 4 l n L Q 5 S W EN EOF.l nave nurpvnloeel NOTIGf TO ALL RE$ILf MT$ OF TIiL IN WITNE A ' i e lets N untleANn in9 bd CO e n e p rnB1&!N ron. wOWN OFAVON T11e Argn Pphca Oeparymunl C ~ Mµ Sl„da O, Ma 1800 ~olondo edd0d W exsahnp attlmence; tlbehea Through , y, . Y A ~ Shiclly enldreinp eh lretlic pad perNirp rBYularipm, TOWN OT AVON melerlN wehm becNn1a 1n0iC0ie dBletipnefrpm t Petncµ J. Doyle l ,Hilg Prtlinpr1d01, BECTION 1. PArepl ,IAl pnB OF SBC11on 6812) TOWN OF AV4M _ POLICE DEPARTMENT Torm GnM e Puoiiehed In Tne VAi! TFeil on Mey F8 1Y8p O Martln Da pf Grp,nence No. t , genes I }frd0, pmeMed 6y Dral,yante No. 18. Series pl 1980. , v a PubliNNtl lA The Vail Trpli do May 18, 1089 - -- ' le em Bndld ip Wed: _~_ ' ~~__- 121 R.damF¢an nr Nal.a P,lur rP M.IwiIY. me Noba are reeaememe al Ina opnpn of Tne - ~ ~. ' ' -' Town Council in wnglB w m part on May }, Public Notice 1981. by 191, al p DrMe eq~sl to Ina Pnnp,pl} emoun! I each Note daemBd, lus NOTICE OF Pl1BLIC H{ARiNO Public Notice .~ l et l m ~ COUNTY OF FAOLE, COIAMpD eer' dale,, pal+ilp prem lu NONE-HALF OF n [ISY,)116.5%j of raven pmclpel amount. INVITATION TO BIpDERB TOWN 4f AVON. COLORADO iaeare~l0la in SeNlorvr4nBllg7o bramance No 14. ser,ea a 1080, wa ame,wBa by orainancl N TWaMOlel sae irypry =ea oltheasanos Idwhicn This i! OnB p,a redeemable el lhl option of lha Town COV nPII an MeyI t, 1881, p Iqr, al ppnCe ~ u pu N r edee Bp pl s acu etl intBreli IhMeo tO lhB 1edlmpllan tlarl.pluse premivmglpNEHALF OF one pBr cenium Illsyf} 100%1 0! such plrlpiPNl emdunl. ' regFl~etrea na~e n $egpon 4181191 o14.dinonce No 11, Silica 1 1080, ep mended by OrdinenCe No, I0, Serlea N 1886bemendptl b r,yW; n l a i l l a s gn bla ar In 0 e e ra 0eelrµ jllo option o1 the Town paVllcp an M!Y 1, 1841. Dyy loc, al a prlcp l m 1 rpd0e rrMd Plus aCCVrpd ne ree1 1heFepnlp the etlamgfon Bell. DlueB pprre lam o}ONE-HALF OF'oM per ¢e~Wm (11%1} [d`%1 of such pbciwl ampbnl. SECTION A Tnlj Tdwn Council herBby Iinaa d dalMmrnaa, eae Nermine0 in80plbn 0LC1 Ortllnanp No. 14, 9errea dl 1Ml0. Ills) pn fmm~m,nl Ole OrdlDahte Nd. rMn3ariee of 1980. da emendetl 6Y Ordlrruru No. te, gariea D It adlnencer NO.cn191hp 9bVSaelte mlrletl naC019ary for aM glfeMeltOn B! WbIM her~~efa N l~hla ~OrEinan~ B a~hell 1ANeB1e•Ilepl immedwlaty upon Intradeculn ana paaspga. 1NYAODVCED, PASSEL 0.9DPTE0., ENALTEp, APPpOVEO AITD OROEA{D PUBLISHED pNL{ iN FULL Ihla 13th day of MeV. 1980. TOWN OF VAIL RcenrY E. suler ATTEST: Meta' Cll~p C M, Klina N PvbliaMtl In TNe YNIi T1N1 an May 1G.1906 - - PvbllanBd m TRe Vall Tmil EAGLE COUNTv /A ~ !n Mey 1& 23 ana ~, 1988 OEPAATMENT OF Publ~C Notice ~"",- _ f.OMMUHITYOEVELOPMENT Nelnpnne Peterson _ _____ ~nr~ary x OTILE OF Wpi,shetl In The Yaii Tra,l pn May 1d. t950 CANCELLATION AND REECNBDULiNG public Notice OF THE RlOV1AR MEETING `- -- ' FOq THE V1,L METROPOLITAN AECREA710N 018TRICT BTAT{ OF COLORADO I ROARL OF DIAECTLRB COVNTY OP EAGLE ~ Public Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN !hN [M Vall TOWN OF gyON Melt pen Recnllf n LamCl Board of T T D TIFICA PPd q k 8 4 EMENT AN CER TE AGLE COUNTY , p Ilcits nine 1 E nee ar y ao a,ect INdrneir Re ar McNin. T do has cane OF LaiTERM1NATIDN OF RE UL OP our 8 & rac[nslru liaµ Nflpou118R4i OILAFBGreek which wOUM here b/en hold do MDn4sy, MBY REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION koae, Phase 1. Scope Bt wnorN wM 1~.19ad s1 t:36pm.arb pea rescMe,altl NSOr NEIL MAY$lppO, TOWN OF AVON conahucilpn ll Ne 1Nqu~l„p; unrbaN!'iM ~Y. WYlein~Canfe~ ce'nvlan e"ini " r - MIGIn In~liyn getrnmoS tna TOwnpl Ar ~n.Colorado naYln B:lrng BSipnpnGart pT-CaEion;graln~[~Bena Taws a1 V,II Munldpal ullOpp ~ nprreb ic¢n3N In t the 1o11ownp r a lencine Pi' n4 eM eopacHlWin ~ ba ell lnlereered pent se ein.n¢d lp etlentl. pbslrau1 al thevoleeeYt ene elelgm9ryl btainee piM1 Tne dice W 1B Gpunly VAIL METAOPOLITAN M 1nB rwvEl pl the gegufer MUNUPaI Elacllpn En 9lnelr, Ee91e Gpunly, on May 18. 1988. Bitl AECREATIpN DIBTgTLT hplQ In Ipe Tawn R 0.vpa. Cdiomtlp. on due data is Jurre H. 1880 (:ogeen M. Kline Tueatley, May 8, t9gp,ae ahawnby USa shslrecl fiApLE CApNTY ENGHiEER Town Clerk el the yoS~n9 cin b tar saitl Neon On P.O- Roe 850 Published m Tne vNl rna on May 1A. 1900 Tne a,n IAH+Bee cbrwioeleF mr Town 550 eroadwey Goundlmember reealYae lha sdlowln8 number Eapl¢, Cnlom8P 01835 _ ~-.-_~_-- of vMes: Phone 13037 sf5-7311 R,cne.0 Geaaerly ....................... 24 Pupllahed In ThB Yail Tm0 vn MaY 18, 1080 - VAlllam DoYl6 .....~ .. ...... ............ d3 Aonale MCKlniia ........................ PO ---='-` -- NYYn Puce ............................. as ~~~~} A.J.Welie ............................... 38 NunlDer a1 ba1blB can a pdi in precinct No d LE~~~~~~1~ a ~ RabeawnaN~..~...~.....' ..::::.... ~ Public Notice Q NymDm C} Eellde test eEeanuy Ipr P.eGm:1 BEAVER CREEK Nb. 4 ...... .. .. .. .~ .. ... ....7 METROPOLITAN DISTaRLT _ Tabi number al ballpaa CBaS In Precinct No, 1 CENTRIFW AL PIINP3 AND r,8 TB PUMP CONTROL YALYEy3 1 ~ ~ ~~ yaTm grmf CIa NBeA10beeTefe~ml~ torvcil~gl pa h0pp ~ 3 0 gP II e162R' hklWd}yrod~ 8 rlcls -~ ~~ h 1W pwa: William Doyle~HU9n Pg9 end AJ, pump control elves, wCl be raoNVea by Tne -, l WeHS Saover Geak Metropplil9n Dlasrlcl prewar N. [. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. we have hereunto Aran CO 9red0 81829 unl'I t 1 Q0 a m MST. %~ - , ~~ ~~~,~_+~ BBI DUrherMaeptla111aedlMSaelnllhCTgveM,May 19, 1900 erM'Inat meywnlpa upenedeM w 7'T Aran. Coloreds Ilya 8th deY ql May. 1806. ppblkcly read aIDVP ~'~ ~.. x4y ~ TOwN OF avow Rieelrs wm npla inet me eaPecme aalwery =~ `A ~' ;~r~ AngNoY Alq ONp fm NI air planes a~ C9p1r91 velrpa fa September 2, 198(1 f`~ }>,~ •- MaYdl n aaclkc0l Ona Y I» ex lnetl M jl' ATTEST: inpd n r albr Mey 5 1888 pl MBM Petuaa J. OOyb Cansuhenls, Inc-, 510 Weal ddlh Avenue. Tawn CI¢rk OBnrpr, Cplpratlo 80218 I,PSSnCie J.OB te.TavmGlxkollheTawnN AbiO bona orceniratl cnpCk SOr 10%o}tha Awn, Colorado iereby cerlity inei f ceyaBO a iplel hitl shall bB IncIWpO-with Ne gofoael, bve Antl c r 4pPV Dr Tne Ipregolnpp payaplB l6 Beaver Geek NNlrapolltan laauict- dlslengnlBntlClrlmcpt0 of Deierminption p! BE AVER CREEK Result Di the Napvier Municipal Elecsign,held METROPOLlYAN ^ISTRICT rn EM Tawn of Avon. Colorado, an Tuesday. May d. 1980, rp bB mC9rdetl m my pfllce in a pWliahee in Tne Yee Trpii book LNpI IDr Inat purpose, and publlahetl in on May ~, gene IG Tbgp Tn¢ Veil TraO. aPeper o} genBrBi clrcubtian In the Tpwn of Avdn, p9 evidenced -'-_----- ~~~~77`~~7~yr'p by IM NltdaVlt q} Pubi,C6bpn Ntachad Mre1q please 2Lrn to page 55 r n` . , ry - - }':' R ... 1~ ~ ' Ware pleased to present... The Custom Collection of homes by Scholz. Superb design. - Superior cbnstrucilon, Enduring value. 7airored to suit your needs from hundreds of award-winning afevatforls and shies. for further Infgmatfon, 4vnSagt Frank Slessrrsan, Constructk5n AAanpget Wpf'ner Properi•ies, inc. 94943150 ~~(j~~ ~~ +"~ Eagle-Vail pm}esskxlal guildiun~gg '. h Denver, TDII Fide {303) 534-4695 .. . --Post t7fdce CTQA'6t &tOP -Avon. COIOradD 81x20 ~Rta~^eR'~14.Rl1Rrrt•lrfrreiaf RR-llq~ae>t.fRE.fer~•rYH"py+'i9Rt~+i arrr-wIPN~A+a R11 RiE ~''~. for sale: Eagle-Vail Subdi~~ision' T.argc Cot~nerFourrppiexLot.300Acres Filing #1 Lot #4 iilack ~ F'Feasc contact Thomas J. Sheehan 9FU3A4 @. 81h :~rentte Dearer, C;oloraclo 80220 . .Office: 130913f;8-41 Fit . •IlM-a'aiuarr¢'sa aiwYiaasa siaaaas,slr~r wa~stf R~~ 0 ~. 0 ro a %D ^~~ !r. ~J Q ~ ~ n o^ O ~ ~ ~ a U z ~ ° ~~ ~ 1 "" ]]](~~~~ '" O Q O ~ Q O ~ Q a 0 I o C7 ~' 0 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ g Q N a ~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ c ~ ~ ~ O _ ° ~ m c o - ~, Q ~ t _Q o o ~ ~ ~ N s ~ Q ~ O ~ Z n ~ - (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~p ~ ~ ~ 3 C O ^ ~ ~ C QT ~- , ~~ ~ ~ _ Z7 [ 3 Q ~ ~ ~' 4 rn Q { s m o z ~' O D p a ~ - ~ o ~ o = ~ ~ ~~ z ~~ `° Q ~ ~ ~ ~ Q a c Q -'- c ~ c m ~ a ~ y Q ^ m c ~ ~ ~ o o Q ~ o b 7 Q~ Ord ~O Q"O ~. ~. fl ~~QQrt~~~~m p~ - ~ cU n -r ~: -~ ~ o~`c~m~~~o ~~ ~ ~QQ~ooQQQ T Q ~~~Q_~Q~Q7C~ D 7 Cn ~ "~ QO~C(Q o r~ ~~ro ~ ~,-~am m R• ' ~ O? N O~ ~~~ Q D 7 (ta (7 -+ ' n ~ fl O~ 3Q-~ ~ -7r ~~ C (D n .~.~ (D cD n ~ s ~ (per- (' T O p{~(DQ--r~C(~~ " n O ~ O ~ Q ~~ ~•Q O_ cD ~Q~~'cp(b~Q.~ ~. O ~7Q~~Q Z l Q Q_ ~ Q 'C ~~ rn 1 Q ~~-~Q~.~~~y Q QQ~~OcnCDln'~ ~; Q.~c~~OQ~~~ t ~ Q~~Q ~0 Q QD t ? ~ OCD0~~7v'~'~ ~ (~ ~ ~. Q -O O O -r• ~ ~ cD~~p"~Q~~H ~ ~ vii N•N ~ n(Q~~Q O ~ ~ao~~roQO~ y ~ ~mD3oo~~Q ~ s ~ ~~~~~c~D°in~ ~ i ~ 3m~'~Q°nm~~ ~ ;, m Q~QO~~~o~ ~ ~a omo~o~ ~ r Q oo~'~°_~6o.ti fl Q ~ Q oo D-cQ Q ~ ~~ Q Q m~:~Q_Q~~9m ~ O D C m z ~ T ~ 0 ~ O m ~ ~. o O ._..~... "", T Q W r D ~_ 0 Z ti • ' ---------- --- Tlrr vat! rraif - May !h','r.4+da ~ . 1 ; Barbosa Named A ssistantSuperintendent ,. - - David 9arbosa was appointed "The Second most important Tn other changes, John '~ l Assistant SuperiniendenE to the function next to education in this Reimers wilt become curriculum ' ' Eagle County School District at district is public relafions,^ supervisor; the mechanics will the Wednesday night schopt stated board member DaveMdt. report directly fo Ed Keller, ' board meeting. Barbosa, Gallegos told the board he manager of facilities and formerly Director of Educational hopes to establish better' transportation; and Clay _ ' Programs wilt assume his new communieaEions with-the media Neuixrt will by in charge of food .position starting .lone 8. Through this reorgani7alipa, services. - Superintendent of Schools Dr. _ Cane Gallegos told the board S~~IR~ Barbosa would probably receive a salary increase, but he could not say how much. - ~ ' - ~ "It could likely costa Few , ' dol]ara more ar cost us Less; ' he stated. . ~ ~ According to Gallegos the ~ ~ - - adaitton of this position would - REALTY , ' allow him more opportunity tv - ~ + "get out into the Held." ~ - •'I'm pretty much tied into the '- ~ ~ ~ ' paper work now," he stated. ~ - ln addition to the new position LUXURY AND PRIVACY - oT asaLvtant superintendent, the - gulet, plivoTp &tlroundings Overlooking beoutifu! Gore ~, position of public information Range and aspen gmxes. Rrvafe sundecks. four ' ' officer was eliminated in the Fxast ~glaus units Ibcoteci on Vall's PGR Chprnplon5hip ~ ' district's new reorganization. GoN rse. tteatecfoLdtloorpool Shuttleselvic»inVa11 . however The board asked that Yrllage. on four and o»e-her minutes a'^'W.: t ithl lki , , thisftmctionbewritienunderthe tyran w rt wp ng dEStal>re. ~ 8attfe Mountain Hlgh Schvvl sOphompre Wayne Trul€Slo was chosen Student of the Weak b feathers and students He Is superintendents' Job description. ; , y . currently a cenAVdale for Ombudsman for student pounpu and "When we hired the new VAIL GOLF COURSE iOWNHOMFS ' plena to IDIn the Unitetl Natlona Club on campus. admini stralivn we worn $PECIAI:~ ONINER fINAN'GNG pvpsable of afhacMve rAP.INSPECTIOk ANp CONNECTION FFFS P li i N concerned about having more rptea to qualHied tTUyels.7hree bedrpom,two and ono haH bcdh units overlooking n,st tae pf The VOII Golf ce aF ,T OflDAINEO aY THE BORPD OF lab C ot done in public relations, Stated Course. 21150 square feet of IMng space, two cat rflusTeFS of rkE TpwN of MINTORN As ' CRDINANC! ND. a FOLLGYf9, board member Bob Mayne. gproge. Flpt tub room. UnM k11 (corpe113r1)...5363,QW ' arrlaa a 1550 aecTroN 1. AmlrwrNnL ~ ' Una +x13..,5387, 000000 AN ORDINANCE AMEN01Np TITLE 1T 8E°I{cn 1912.00001 onaPbr 59.19 MTltb ld ' CNAP1EA 11150E THE MUNICIPAL COp~ gNneMunlclpllCgrN Ol the TawndMlnlurnla ' ~ ' I . OF MINTURN Ta MOOIFr 9fpE YAND emengetltometle.rgvawa'~ :. SEi6ACK PFOVIREMENTB IN Rl1PAL- 18.IEpeO hp, Impaclbn antl Cannaclbr MEDIaM pENSiTYDISTPIGT CONTAINEOIN F e c { l P~OLD Tr><p FALL~tIDGE .a ampu .uen' TNETOYM'S~ONINOPEgpLAT10N$, TepraOalRapBallgnantlcOplMMiOAkeslOr F}omPnSe95 Ready for Immediate oeeupancy Unit Ir471. Iwo t d aE IT ORDAiNEO BY THE BDARO OF waN+ lnae b! M the baeb ql e,gnl Nuntlre4 ' TRUSTEES OE THE TOWN pF MINiUPN Ag dgean wr EpP, aRCaw ea lallgwe: TB rpgi115, twp txdhs lViltl lock-ofF. South a $t1rQ. , Carpeted, tlFpped And fUml$hed Ya Sleep sbL $cSVnaS FOLLOWS. CIwd11uNM Tap Fn says, "and we're going to see the , fpClR91, UndergrWnd R,c~ln,Q. 1,144 square fo6f,., S r ' ~ ,+ iECTIOk 1. AmxWmanL Mu11!-lemrty m,idenl'ml 4mlt, Character Of New Mexiep and ' T " •Y,Ar - SvSwclign A, s«bon 17.15 090 0l CNapler aygaem, apenminle ens cbn°o. - s3 090 M nIw n Or IM MPmaipal CPde of 1M ~ Shoot tt." W e'll sta in old motels, y SPECIA4. OWNER FlNANGNG avallpble tp uolified q m, ume,n Ana abeam {now I rlrwnolMmwrnuamentletl:orq°aflalaw,: ceMlrPPUOnorrcmo°e4etl~ 1t /saw vam-!•eeama ~ maybes[eeponthegroundonee. buyers.Avpllpbfefa'fmmodioteoccupancy.Unif[L10G Four bedrooms th e bath ith l k ff t . T,.¢ore In p•ra<...,.... se uoo Per u.m N ' e al b.nd,.pe and ltrvctwea wlmin Pty a °" We're going to shoot early in the . s w ro oc . Cape o ed. draped completely hrmished. Spuitl. and west R-Mp tlhlncl mall be fel back I(Om the lMe of CTION 9. 5aaaraMNly ql PrwhleM. prgpaily one . minkmum dnlanca al ten Iwn II any Pan, I9abnn. aemina. chow pr mBTnln and late at ni .1.t and I'll g 14, ~ e xpOSUFO. $aunpsr Jxuai, uITdQ(®round parking. 1:676 °aowdad.Inenrhr«Lwunw.awtllalrl°ewn,ra pnraeeolln,sarmn.nevl,loranyreeegnnal4 give several short courses onthe squarefeet..S2 ,L100 iFlildi a ero ellaady afKletl WIIn a lltlerlr° 0 by Invelitl. loch daeieion .Nall not rflacl me Y r _ H ar'~r pl Iwe mw Ln rw1, men ,5 now enmlr pr enn amarnm o-1;gM ,1 MN O ~ ~ n basics, equipment, choosing film, - reteenu: arty Me e.a. o rmapaea ms llnain5a ens anueluna wmm~uM nl«kaNeu a taaclr ba,n by Ida poporlr unwa town of Mlnrurn hwabreec areenwuultl MVe ~[ Ming, plus advanced g - sHAPiRO 1tF ALN iNC rPlNmum aNMnn a nri rwL wslad Inla ardllxn°e anb wen wn. lealmn ~ ~'SECS10N 15..iriWPl~r 6f 7•rWQYG4s'f' ~pl,on:aMMnaw eMUwbpnrwlMrwl, Plat,.. a 11,1 „• xn.i .n on r lechntgue;" - ~/l~ 'vt Fs wilCals"o :nc~ The lrJ ~ . ~s.,Il. aa, ' - roc «N.. ew 1Fg1 aa~vaN y-: ' ~ , ~' - cdoaao afosr - ; -~.,^~:h - i ~ nwn r y r ~. ~ II en qN, wa1,o i r" n.w. e. - P1r<a,e cl lN,l ortlrnnea 4rMi~y maagnlww ci: i r h o i e e~i ~ °i a "~G°' , _ p ~ -. ~ several photo ganeries. F'or . a .. : , . ,. . , Lwsa mo-19a1 , . aa o r s a ° n.all a Me d P M Innlla loch acct !en (hall nut e111p1 Me Ildily <N Me Inin p IbM al 511, 5ECT10N1 aMenel Oan. rm. artlinanL. fnall Iea l Nr B T {krB1e[ 1RfOrmatl0n regarding &Oker CooperOtlDn IRVileO - , rry tleye af e ect In OrginanM: a tithe Daer rueleef a mP tlecurefitwWitl Mva ally puel'ICldgn. ~~ tlwnd Mmlurn Aareb costs and travel arrangements, ' y UBi 8nEO 4N RiN U L tm ~h a yEO ~ bed O r h call .Tenn Ripley at 4763225 or - - 1 F CE L a a l ,nselMl~m. P inl eLlbrt, a e nieaar,tlwaew ph irmpeuiva qr.<M 4LI met any one or mom M.r. 1950, CMC at 476~4p4a Rr 827.5703. ~ Carla.: flans. luplaC1i0n1. wnleRCa1. TOWN OR MINTVflN Iweae w n!,reeee Ee daClareQ Imelld. Nerdd R. aellm - T ,e ~d~rurlcer aTe I Ukl areal InIRr dart ATTEST: Maw /~/ // ~' - •~ - 1~ P Ungar O rl n e ROpuCEO, READ ANn ORDERED ' > ' FUSLISHEO ONGE IN FULi IMe Tln day OI MaY. I95P T gw n Cle rk paplNNetl In TOe Yell TllS m May 1& 19ea TOYVN OF MINTURN ~~~~~~"" NarLld R, aellm - ATTEST: M°T°r blic Notice P ~° ~OMlera Lee Ungar u Town C!N FYb111wetl 10 Tb9 Ylll Tf~H do M5Y 1e, 1900 ' - pREMERGENCY 1a _~r~---~.--- 8e1u 011950 AN CMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING Public Notice ORDINANCE NO. 1a. BERIEe 4E }a9d, AS AMeNDeD ay DaowANCE No 1e. sERIEs OF 1980. CONGERNINO THE Ia5l1ANCE OP TOWN OF VAII. CDLORApp, CONSTRIIC- TION LOAN N07ES. 5ERleS MAV 1. 19e5 ORDINANC[ ND.I - SMMI dI.1910 i N P V~ R ~ H~ D AT ~ - , AN pripiNANCE AMENCINO TITLE 10 IL OF HE OW O LO A O TH ` OF MINT flN1A5 THE SAME PERTA~NS TO ~ ~ I1~rlRe? Turn fn PaKr :t8 Sff??anE~h Mediterranean Styled MOUfTt Attractive 9096 owner fEaanoln9g avallable.3 hedrooma, 2v9 bathe adlacent to Eegta-Vafl 4olf Course drlvln9 range antl plubhouae. Walk From this luxunpus 4-level [OwnhOUae to gOlr, tennla 6 swim club. Features Include levuzzi tub in maBter bedroom, apenfah the roof, vaulted ceiling to IlvlnG room with exposed beams, wootl burnln~ fireplace with file hearth. IndiNdualfy ipCk9d garage and asalgned parkin apace. Private patlD antl much more. 2,350 a uare teat. Aak 1pr Murray or Pat. 5207.500 Mike P~lim~r Real Estate 478.1370 girt Terrace Townhouse A Business Opportunity • CharlEe's Gondola Ski Shop wllhin Vall/LEonsHead Centre Building David Fates pt Vail Crossroads Shoppingp Center P.O. Box 1292. Vail- Golhratlp 81657 (303? 47G4300 ~ . . Located on the pedestrian+A"aY feeding. ham the main vehicular dtopoff at LionsHead to Veil's only gondola, the shop offers 'k02S feet of frontage and display area In ens of Veil's hignest- density traffic areas Only 35 yards from the hose of the gondola, Chddfe's Gondola Ski Shop Is alogfcal choicefar people needing last minute mountain sports gear and repairs, as vmll os being an easity- remembered retail fDCatipn. PREMESFS-Leasehold on 3,400 square' feet, Including 2.518 spoors teat of retell, ski repair and rental space, pleas 882 square feet Of Storage or ski Ipoker spppe. FEA1t1RING-K-2. Rosstgnol, Nordics antl other top Ilnas of ski equipment and clothing, plus a hsll range of summer clothing and supplies. - Dean Canada and [~~l ~~71 :I ~1~ ~ ~ ~~ East End of LionsHead Mall Vail (303) 4761600 Denver{303 534-5025 or Naiionwi a Toll twee 1-80f1525~9293 . P.O. Boo 1908. Vail Colgado 81G57 ,:.. offeft=d exclusively by: • ~.~. Q ~38Thr Vail Trail -- Mny lyi, r4W1 G'4 ' ' EIgM Cornplelely Furnished Luxury r~lr ~~1~G~ M the Yall Golf Course f , ~; Y' priced Irani &423,000, watt owner financing cvailabla, th®sa one and two bedroom Candaminlum horTt~s offer more than perhaps any other properly currenrty on theVgll market. Fgrdetgll5, Including the many exhras pprovided with Falkldge ownership, please contact... fou- Sea:one Real Fatale Special Offering With Owner Financing w ,E O l /•] , -FMpnC4p Nma fa Q+plRaO Vllaa q ho'1 TSt d ] ~ ~ I / , I I A, ,r _ PM Y - -1num,r c,9y, mm}MY pgmroMr -510 bortn ari9wotm Na ~1Y 1yfJ[it~lwedY~p~•a are YeP'1 ~~~ . , ., pSp~E~~A~~~e}11~NS ,~g~qtay~pp,~mYpdpylp ~. IEV0.W1111L f70r)6161ffiI '%6,~ ~ ~ w ~ ,M r .a .'d • ~. FTDIh Page 37 1 tic Notice 1 antl thellal6oceusad 4lrue and correclwpy9l 'd aMremant la be Nkd i^ the OfI+Ca of M OAOINRNCE NO fi, SERIE$Of 1980, A5 . 50cleiary pf $lale ct me $Ia10 P1 CPloretlp. AMENDED 9V ORtlINANCE ND. IB. 6ERIE5 NDTICE TO ALL RESIDENTS OF THE IN WITNESS WNEREOF,Inave hereunt0fel rM hand antr the seal OI IRP Torn of AVan OF 19B01$AMENDEOA5 FOLLOWS (Capllbl n i l TOWN Of AVON. The Avan Peace Depulment , Colmedp, 1h+e Bm Ody al May. 1580 letlare Br Vnde rWU;era rtax malerM mlr'q edOOd W exntlnp artlfnence, sashes thrcu9h will be elrictly anlprping all asll+c aM Aarking regulalipna _ - TOWN OF AVON malniei Wlhin LlaCketkmtltcaledelgtm^lhgm ei'shrg ordinance): a TOwry OF AVON PPRicre J. DOYIe lawn Clerk BECYIDN 1. Paragraph pn001 BPCdpn 4Br2) POLICE DEPARTMENT ~ Cleve Mar1in01 Published in Tlta Yail T.IDII pn MaY 1Q 1980 o~ Ordinance Np. 14, Series 11$06. a5 M¢tl ay OrdiNnce No. 18, SehO! ¢I 1980, pubhah0tl In Tha Yep Trail on May t8. t88D ~~ '~ to ntu0 to •ead', f2l RadampSlon 0l NaLa PII01 [O MBlurilY. Tha Nctea ere redeerpa Weal Ins PPRCn of Iha ____-.._.__-.._~ _ 1f^F~ p /fin P bI t N Town Council :n wnele w in part on MS 1, Pa11e Iro ,$F1 b 1d dt a , e e hn ~ al iC@ iV U o . y m 9 p , [ P [ lmP t [I each Nate~aa r0daemPo, plus Public Notice NOTICE OF PUflLIC HEARINTI reed Interest th0rapn Ip the rademphOn font uml ill%1110 ~5%1 plate„HALF OF Pnaper principalemounl MVITATION TO RIDDERB W F R COUNTY OF EAGLE. OOLOMg6 NOTICE I$HEAERV GIVEN that the Ee918 . TO N D ADO pVDN, COiO Copnty WepRing Cpmmisalonwill roIb B Public SECTION !. Persglaph fhraB 01 the form al beerar note In Section Rf@Il8}o}OrdinanceNtr nearing on Juna 1,1$@0, Beginning at T:00 p m- xprtlenc¢.:th 8edlort S0. W erd 98LIieM 14, 9adea ¢I t98g. es emerWe tl b y Drainanca 601.021b1 gM 6.01 03 0l Iha Eagle County O B tl N 7t'{!N k~nndllhe Nplaa Oltlrasenlae o<whlch 2aning RBaoluti¢n. Saip Nearing will in PJUtle the btlawin0' INS to bna are t¢Baemable al the Optl¢n al In8 Town Cpuhcll an May f, i98l, by 101, M apace Filp Np- ZG129-80: MmV M. Mc GlintOCk m fleaource t¢ n MW E W the priilnpal amepnl d each Nota e¢ Waamad plea A44rdBd frdereal SRere¢n rO NO Resltlenlisl Suhumd Me Ofum LOCaRn^_WP$t Vail. at the inl¢raeetian pfl T9 retlempllpn tlate.plua ePremiumelONE HALF OF OM per pentum Ilt%]I 10.5%] of such and the WOat Vail eail,SW pprndr. abpYl%mile down n Iha Sopih Fr ntage Roatl, nine plnclpa! ampuni .6ECTION 9. Pa rapreph three oI1Ne 1¢rm Pt padi[ularfy p06Fribed as IollOwa A Parcel a! and siwarae in IRe N'h NEM eplsl0red Od0 m $acllpn 4(8]19) 01 prtltnanp 9ocllon 11, TS$, ROtW Ol6he Nh F. M- in Fag10 Nd. 11. 6eUb 01 1980. a9 mantled Ny Ordinance NO. 18.901106 0! i9&J la ementl0tlc0 County, CipIW$dp. b parcel be~np mare PeRtculally deatt'rbed ab laaawa: v Cammerwingg at eNECOrnm pf eeltl3e41i0n " ThN Nola end the N010e011Mberieadwhlch tble la one er0 f0tl0enwble nt She optlM 61 the 14; (hence 3 y8 degrees 5136 W B pistanue d 1411.8 last to a ppinl eIOPG the approalmeta h l d Tpwn COUntNmMMaavv 1, 5981, Ey lot, at apdca m o th l i 1 OF M1 N t the rtg way onlerline of GCra Geek an tp line 01 r;pldrado Prgeci I Td-2(1} 1883: Ihe'wa rm ea[ p puel to e pr pa 4 0um a e Weametl plus aPCUrOd Infereal thereon tO lr+e i0n9 the rlghl o} way line bl laid praiecl tlro rpdamMtipR tllte, pluan pramlVm bIONE-HALF Iegbwing coumei and tlisfAncea; 541 de rBBb 33'2Y'W adirianeepl88te0¢Y OF par [en1VT Ilt%]] 5,95%7 0l each minelpel ampOm . hones $ ~1 rlaggra~a 06'22" W ABi6U~ceaf T1.4 f 31B t 5 ' ' bn l EE 4 N p eeh 1eet:Ihel+ce 46da9re0F 33 11 W. Manta G36 dagre064'21"W.29.5Y teal to NO 0e8 Bade~eorllrrodin 9eclg 20 1 e delmm point 01 ilagiAn'rp. (hence continulnp BlOng Oftlkhdd[0 Np. 11, scrip! O} 1980. that an a~ery0^cy av1010 end Ihla Ordlnanpa. ea an Said rrghl 01 way Ilne 596 eegrGed 43'21' W e Oiarence pl 163651eet pR the south riyyM Of way ndmenl bl OrGnenca No. 14, $Bnpa al 5 lineal Slate N,gnray 7B; lhe+tca $ 21 negxes 980 ab amended ay OrtlineneB Np. le. Bedae eI 1980 Nlpe lM1areA40na et0lad In SaellongC el sold Brtlinen[0 No. 14 helebV d510rmuwd 00'01" W &png acid project I10righ101 weYlina a dialartar o1 1p5,91e¢r, thence 848 degrees 3T22" E s tliamnce d 19.15 feN to me eery tW Ihp praservatron~d public ayproalmale COMGrline of Gore Creek; tn0"ce 1' prOpOr[y, Realih, welfare, pea CB antl ylele,and therefore. thla OrOiMnCe shall lake Il,pt gn6llls apPrOximate centertin0lhG following 5 end tllarenre6.585 degrees 53'38"Ee mmetlht0ly upon Inlrodpclkn antl pasle9e. I tliriance pl 13813 fear, manta N 56 ebgreea INTflOgUC ED, PASSE O; ADDP7ED. 41'(q" E e tlfalence o} 46.53 rB01; In¢nce N 16 " ' , ENACTf O. APPROVED AND GRDERED E a dl6ldn[e of 10145 keE; dG9raea 55 Ptl i ' ' PURLISHEO ONCE IN FULL IRia 1]th daV ar thence N t1 eagree9 13 22 E e d aren4a al Inen[e N 53 de gre~s ag'3y" W a 71,13 feBl MaY,1986 . p ~ a n Cl c TOWN OF VAIL Potlnly E. Safer Mayor tba M9DOnaid Thia hemi A ah fba heM ~n Buildingg. COUmyy C'antmiviolters Heeling Ropm 11c. 103, 5506r¢atlway, Eegle.Calcntlo, ATTEST: ]awn GIPrkKIHO publlfiROd In The Vall Tra{I on May 18. 1960 'bemmmgg atemenra n person or oy man a gh NB SBNelery. E AGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF Public NotlCe ~~_______ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT KBlherirx+ Pelerspn SecrOiary NOTICE OF CANCEL1.A710N AND gE9CNE0ULIN0 ~ N Published in Tne Ye8 Trail an May I6, 19$0 -- a THE REPULAA aAEETINO otice Public ~ - _ FOR THE PAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT BOARD OF pIREGTOge ~ STATE OF COLORApO Y COUNTY DF EAGLE p blic N tic NOTICE IS HERE6Y GIVEN Thal the V011 l 1 i R H[ kl B d ~ TOWN OF AVON O CERTIFYCATE STATE E u e o oar epraa iOn O r Metrppd lan a Olraclaehae ¢enO0lNtl then Re tiler Meeting. M NT AN QF gETERMiNATION aF flE$ULT OF EAGLE COUNTY gelGby 8clts bide Ip ra ynairar0510nol aboul18891eetMLOaa CseN vrRiph wabl0 Rene aeon deW an AIpMOy, Miy 13. tPBP~n3a Pm..rM rur'gtMdNean wr. eE6ULAR MUNICIpaL E46CT10N WNAY4tNa. TOWN OBAYOHr gpadr piaa0 5cpp0 0} ¢¢n u[ipn e1 pre rplf0w:ng: unpflaa5lf¢E ~v 19, 16Mper 4;90 p.m.TNemaetirq 111 Eeyheie In (rya Gonlemnca goom a1 lnv We, ti's undera'yn d CanraLnare t t i A n 7 vat S1pgregafe bees O¢w6e; aspnafi - paWn9:irrip ~o~a!AChralaasian araim e arA aV„I ~uP ~~I O T Ai 11 ~ van. Ce perurns01gra ownd arado Electio followin Is a I.uO and hereb cOnlF Nal th , y Iancln9 v,en9 eM apeclk6eflpns may be I l I a 1nW d lO atland~ y g y e 00rrppiab9l ra[loHhe wtea rA6l aatlareremenl aet0metl from Me plfi0a al the COUnry VAIL METgOPOLIYAN pl Ne raeult pl the RBO Vler MYNCIpef Election En9lneer, Eeg10 COPnIy, en May 19, 1080- Rid ' pECgFATrON DISTRICT Colleen M, KfInO nafd Ste TOw*s S Avon. Cdtanrtp pn 1980,aa e{tpwnb MP ehalrecl TpeadeT. May 8 Oue tlata Ia Juno P. 1980. EAGLE GOVNTY ENGINEEII Tpwn Clark 8 011Re r'ting pp Incta far said e~ don: n18 le r Town C COntlid ! Th P O. Boa 850 550 Brpptlray PubllNfetl In Tna Yaa Troll on MeY 18. 1980 a 'a e a a p 0p CounUlmembarr8rxlved Pre ldtowir+gnVmbar E¢91e, ('gl0rfltld BI631 al vlVias: PnOrw {9637 328-7311 Richard Caaserley ....................... 2A Publi6hed In The Yait Trnlt tin May }8. 1960 Wllllem OeYIe ........................ ... aS ~~~0~~/~1~~ NVmberWol bellptl asst alpolln PrecirF1 N085 Public Notice 1 C b b V5 ~ tWmbar O! he8da cast ataenlee Iq Ft'00lncl N0. /.......... ....7 BEAVER CPEEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ti T6rel number i bat 0 0 pa911n Precinct No.14 .. ~~ ~' CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS AND PUMP CONTROL VALVES 3 -r -~ ~ nnqq the Mghesi Tha mrep tantli08[a9 lydm prv0tp 1 v r b h b l Sealed acts for wPAty'n~g ' cen[nMMgqei 560' 3 L ~ yy F , _. ~ ~r -. u p num er 0 p109 ee e c year t0'ma the A Tpwn COVnc'I ere ea 1G80ws: W'dum DBYIe. Y1u9n P11w antl A,J ` INim3sa wiln eleclnc m010 ra( -3189pm e1 Read, 3 310 $Pm 01820 head) tl sx 0 i'Mh pump control valves. w Il be Yoe by llte ,,~~vv~~,, 11~"L ~', d v ~ ~+-~• ~ "'~ Walla ~ IN WITNS$5 WHEREOF, we have h0r0VRtp flaavOr Greek MatroPdnen Q6 -bt DrewOr H, qwn. Gploretlp 81820 PMII 1100 m. MST, cif. - i ~v EBSOPf hOntleentl aptaetlthe se5l011hG ipwnol 1980 l rM 1at dl He $Ih M A C May 19, 1060. and Net they wrd baoP0n00 antl. l ~ S ~ -+'Z 4 -r; ~yK ~ y . von. o a O y 8 TOWN OF AVON pual 0ty read alaW BidWm w II nob thel SRa expected detlrery t a l ~ - ~1 An9etP V. Alp Mayor ar a31 valua9 b Beta v pVmW erM eoMro ~~a s~ ' ..~Y ATTEST: cal on Y ba a trod nd n M Paldcla d~COyM ei ed an pr BNm Mey 1, 1980 et MBM l 5 - Town Clerk ~ ConeP teRt9. InC. 10 Welt IRh Avenue, 9rnver, Calwedo 80216. p0W ~ e ~ f ~ O O 0 01~R A a ~ l f l ~ Avo n fglpred0. ha i 0Y Codi y Net a d ga r ~ ~ ~ l ~ l a ~ 1 tRe P} m l ~ ahall ba irN l udBd wlh p ~YaEle to Beaver Creek MellopoliHn Oialriai Dele min at ipn amank ntl GN oa le oi 6 t P} Reaul! Of IRS ABqqu10r Munklpal ElamiOn, heltl ~ @EAVE1i GREEK In the YSwn o2 Avon, Cal¢red0. On Tuaatlay, METRDPDL{TAN DISTRICT MeY B. 1989, 1¢ he repprtled in mY ollite in a Pualianed m Las Vell Trait OooN keyVl lpr Inks purpose. aM pubbahed Ip p' MeY ~~ Band Ift 1080 TRB Vell Troll, a newepap0r 01 penoref Ckculalion In the Tpwn OI Avon. as evidenced - ""'-------""~ kauan+llarned nmda~ E'r lea enlelax a pum Pf¢a$e Turrt ro PnT~e 55 ~~ J ,~* We're pleased to present... The Custom Collection of homes by Scholz. Supert7 design. Superior GonstnlCtlon. £ndurlnp voluB. Tailored to suit your needs from hundreds of award winning elevat4orts and styles. For runhSH Intormotfon, contact Fronk SiesSman, Conehuctlon Manoger Warner Properties, inc. , }~ ~j/_y/_~~ j• ~Euglo-VOil Frtpr9itI01YW Buhkling ~ ~C.3-~ 113 Denver; Tal Fr~B, (3037.534- 5 ,', .__MSr Orfice pFayyer B•f00 -Avon. C,.:,.,,. _~ 6t420•_.r•;' . ~.i~illxAxraL!$9EteC 7tslaitflauer~R11, rlf~'Irr1111~+Erfl1sN111as11rE>Frr.ar for sale: Eagle-Vail Subdi~3sian I.argkiliitg c~~x`o~rple~~I3l~o3c0~0~Aeres Taleasc contac[ Tl9nm@s :1. ShcehHn 4(134 T;. 8th A1'C1TlYC I)envcr, CaloT2ldo 80220 D~cc: (303)3tiS-4162 .. . urerar^E•a»u~»»arrru:^ eer>,:rsi=rre/~ Pubbined M Tne Yail Trgd On MaY 18. 23 and 30,1988