HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-17 To Approve, Adopt, Enact, and to Make Full Force in Effect in the Town of Vail a Supplement to the Vail Municipal Code Containing the General and Permanent Ordinances Subsequent to Ordinance No. 36, Series 1979~~ ~ ~ r~- . t ORDINANCE #17 (SERIES OF 1981) ~r ~:~~ ~,~ V~ f!. CO~O;:~~ by ~'ii Office Q~$a~~rrt crc.~,c WHEREAS, the Charter of the Town of Vail, Section 4.13, provides for the codificata.on of the permanent and general ordinances of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Book Publishing Company, Seattle, Washington, has compiled, edited, and published a supplement to the Vail Municipal Code; a~ad WHEREAS, the Vail Municipal Code was adopted ~Iune 7, 1977, by Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1977, codifying the general. and permanent ordinances of the Tawn of Vail; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on April 21, 1981; and AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE, ADOPT, ENACT AND TO MAKE FULL FORCE IN EFFECT IN THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, BY REFERENCE THERETO, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE, CONTAINING THE GENERAL AND PERMANENT ORDINANCES SUBSEQUENT TO ORDINANCE N0. 38, SERIES OF 1979, TO AND INCLUDING ORDINANCE NO. 34, SERIES OF 1980; SETTING THE COST OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND THE 1981, SUPPLEMENT; SPECIFYING THE PENALTY SECTIONS; EFFECTIVE DATE; AND OTHER DETAILS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING. WHEREAS, there have been filed and there are now on file in the office of the Town Clerk for public inspection, three copies of the 1981. Supplement to the Vail 1unicipal Code; NOW, T~iEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOti9N COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Adoption. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.1.3 of the Charter of the Town of Vail, there is hereby adopted the 1981 Supplement to the Vail Municipal. Code, as published by Book Publishing Company, Seattle, Washington. ~ ,~- ~ ~ • Section 2. `t'itle - Citation - Reference. This Supplement shall become part of the Vail xunicipal Code, and it shall be sufficient to refer to said code in its entirety as the "Vail Municipal Code" in any prosecution for the violation of any provision thereof or in any proceeding at law ar equity. it shall be sufficient to designate any ordinance adding to, amendinb, correction, or repealing all of any portion thereof as an addition to, amendment to, correction or repeal of the "Vail lunicipal Code". rur.ther reference may be had to the titles, chapters, sections, and sub-sections of the "Vail Municipal Code" and such reference shall apply to that number, title, chapter, section or sub-section as it appears in the Cade. Section 3. Ordinances Codified by Supplement. The general and permanent ordinances of the Town subsequent to Ordinance No. 36, Series of 1979, to and including Ordinance ~To. 34, Series of 1980, are hereby included as part of the "Vail Municipal Cade. " Sc;C~t~,.f.arl q 1{(: [.C~I•E;11(;c. ~pp~:-c::~ i:c?_:L,._I 1~tt7c:n('_~,r~rits~ ~Ylaenf~vc~a:' a z~c:F~ca•c:rrc:~~ :~.:~ made; }~c>>r<~:i.~7 to .};17c~ "l~a,i:l. P,'~~nicir~t;.l COCIe" Or to ~Lr1y ]30I'L10I1 thr7'eoi~, O.Y` to ~~:~)y Cix'~l.'si.'.rice C)i' ~[;h~~ r~`U~i'I1 o:C Vail, Co:l.oraelo, ~tlie refe~:'c:nce sl~~ll ~;~~,~_I-~' ~;o ~r..l.l ~t.r~:~,nr'f:n.~nts, correctian5 ~z.nd additions thGrcto, no~';l csr }:e:~~c ,:~f Le7:' nz~,~dc~ . Sc-~ctian ~ 'I`a.t1c:, Ckxapter and Sc~c~;.o~~ Iic}~tczin~,~s. Title, chapter and section ireading~s conta_ric_~d l~crein shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in an~r naanncr affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provic~ions of any title, chapter or section thereof. Section 6. Ref erenc:e to Str(=.ci ~C z.c Ordiz.arl+;(,s. The provisions of the code sl~~all noi, in a~7ST mazrncr affect chatters ai' record tt~ha_ch refer to, or a.~'c; o~LhE=:x`~;~isc: t;o i]neC~l:ed `,',7ry tl~ ordinances which are therc;in spec i.l'ic~zl].y d(-.si~;na.t c~d }~~y nzzt~bE;r• or otherwise `~~hzch are i3lcluded ~„~it;ha.n [,he Ccc}.c>, ~3ut 5~.~ch re-~errn.ce sha11 be construed t,o apply to t~)e cor`s.'e;.~l~o~)c?~.nt;~ ~~.rocri=;ions contained in the Code. , ~-2- ~~ r~ ~ Secl,i,c)n__7. ('ost of Vail. Alutri.cipal Cc,dc end 1981 ~al)J~~ic~rr.•r~n~T- The J,)a~:ice os' i:he VcL:i.l P~Iunicipct:l. C`oc?c-~ ~~,~ith a1.1 Supl>> emc;nts incl.t,tdl.nl; tllc~ 1.981 Supl~]~cmcnt ~,h~~.1_J. l~(s 1.00.~~0. Tl;r~ l~l•ice of LYio 181 Supl~l.olnc;ltt to the ~TaiJ. ]~itlztica_,~c1 L Coize r.lt~t1.7_ be S2;].oQ. Sec l;~i.on 8, 1Jffoct; c)1 Su?71~)lcmen_i, oll P;tst Ac~Ci.c]?"1~:; Cinr~ ---~ O1~1i1;;Li;~an5. -~ ___._ S~lc~ithez i;he ,ldoptioz~ o.(: this Stt?)rflela~~nt n(~_r.' i;lle ,•c~l~o~.1., noY. the fLInGnC1111C:r1tS het'el~~T ~J: ~tn~° O.t'C~7.11[l,i1C°c~ of prLrt or porf.ion of a.ntr ordinance of tire: "!'o~~•n ct:i' V,1..i_:1 :;h;1.1 1 a.n :?_ny m;,l~ner rt f i (:~c:;1~ t17e px'osc:c,tt~,iolt fc)r vs.o.Lai.ion.~ 01: orclin<)rJC:e:, tt711ic1~ t~iol,titlcns ~~'c~t•cs r,ot111n.it,tecl l~l•ior t. () the c?.C.t'c:ct:.ivc~ c3;a.tc~ ]zc~~•~:o:', nc>r be ~~.ollSta'l1C'cI ~t.:, ri tl•ct;iver o:[' :tlt,v l:i.c~c;tl;;c~, -Cc's', l~cn;llL;,T, at s~licl ei:l~rr,i.i~-c~ ,~.atc; clue altd t117pL1 l.d Llrld(~ 1' :~i1C~~:1 ol'C1:3 n.L11Ct'.:~ , 1101' 11C, CC?n~: t'1"1tC'Ca 1LS ~t . )_ C~C=.(;'11;L,. ]:ur,y e~i. thc~ 1)z•c~~isi_~,,31;; o.i' :;l]cll c>a'c~i.lt.lncc~,:. rc~1;t1.~t.11;,• t:c~ tllc~ col7(ii't:~~~ll o:k' .;.tly ::l.tcll 1.ic:c•11~~~, ('c^C', c]r J?c`13.;t1ty, car t,ll.~ ~)~:1)a7_ pl•o~'.i.;:ic~lls ,:i~:~1.i- C;l.]?.1.U 1l) :Lily V:1.O.i.;,!,_l.E)li i;]li.`1.'C.'{.7L , 11C>' 1:L) ...~..'c'l't ~ ilt' t%[i_1_ s:11 (',' C]{ .. z1i' lac)11(~ of (,:lsh dc~l~oti1 1, ]rl l..i.c~u thcs.l•c~o1: 1•c,'~jtl i.l~c~cl ~,o Ucr lic~~,Lc..u, _'s'1. c_~c1 or dG11o~~l.teC1. J3ll.l~>llcLl"lt~ ~:<) ~?11y C)l"d~1.n:.11.C;C' :Ln[l ,:_]]. 1'tj;'l~t;~ ;.1.110 E)1JL11;;H1j;7.C]i~S thc.:~•e;tllader a,k~i)ertainanr, sha1.1 oolltilzuc 1tl :i't1.11 1'orcc; iil~d c>i'.~GCt. I''urtkzer, the ttcYol~t i_ol1 cif thi.~ arel:i.1:1<lnce :~h,LIJ_ 11ot tLffecL o;' impiLir oar be a.l~plict~.l.)l to: {a) any preccclan~ suit, or lc€~~ttl act:ioll p~resc:rttly pendinC;. {b) any Special ordinance, re>solutiorl or motao;1 l~~r.etc-- fore passc:u, adopted and maclo va:lu.clating, r.~.L~,ifyin€;~ o~• 1L1;a1_i~in the acts or am]nissions of any officer or rralidatill~ wzly ordinance, act or proceeding wY1a~Lever~ and all- valid~.~t;in~ and le~;zLli~~in~ acts of and by the Town Council. ~~~hatsoev::r and now irl. force ~Lre 1lereby cont~.ntled in fr.rce; {c), any ordinance relating; [,0 1;11e public d~k~t of the public credit or any anl~exat3_on of terr:i_ ~oz y ; (d) any ordinance relating to :~. contract; to wYza_c11 tkle Town of Vail, Co3_orado, is 1L party or to <zl~T cc]ntx.•~r.ct 111;LdC' :1'or 1.1,s benef~.ts; {e) tLny ordillancc, res()lui;icta or motion m;Lk1.n,; ,1.i)pro- pra.lLi:io1~ of publ.i.c fuzlds; -- 3 -- ~ ~ i ~ ~ (J:) ;.tny ordittiLnce, i.ev,yinl;~ rc s}ae:cin.J. betteJ'.i.t ~ts:.c?ssmettt or crCat i.tag rt ] iert rind cJc~b L ai;~.ta na t any l~ro}~c: t• I;~~ ~~i. i-.urLtc:d wi i;hita thc~ Tawta oJ:' Vrt.i_l, Coloritdo, and :i.mpx•ov~~cl l)y €,hc~ c}p;:.nirt#~', t~~a.dcrt:irtL;, c~x- tension ox' p;.tivittL; os' rt,ny sta?c~ct or J't!l)1ic; J:lac)t.•ou~;'h.f.it.rc ~vithi_n tla.c '.Town itnd/or tlae: ica l;allitti_ott oT €;~ut [, r,r,,, c:u.r. h:~, cui•l~tiF.aJ.I~;~ or. siclc- ~va11,c~ iLlon€; said r;trcet oz' i:liox'oui;l~i~}.r.c~, ,,ttcJ/car s;Yii: :itk:~trLlliat7_on, cotlss:x•ttct;i.c~n o[' ui.:il:ii;ic~5 or oLltc~:c' s:i.!tf.i.l~a~• f.;,~;.tc~ i.tn}a:r°r~vc;tnc,nt._.; {~;} :.trty or•c}:initncc~ or rc~:~o:ltti.:i.o?a ,,,r•~tnl~.ink; rtr~y i:r~uacla:isc~, li.cr.n~;c~, 1'i#-;'1)t ox' rc~~acit.l)]c~ }, r;z,tni [, L. c) ;tary~ }?~_:r•,ott, f.'i.rt~t ox' c;oa'poritl;ic~n, ti~'laic'll [~t'itta(~1t.I.~~C, ~:I.C'c'.11:.iL~ rl#,'ll[, ().r' x'('C~()C~i.l.)~l.' j.}r`I•Ial~. [: 1'~'~L:i kt3~?),~.J.y .l I1 1~OZ'c'c~ :lkicl CJ`: ['c~c;t on ,:kzcr ef. f. t.=c=-i..i.vc~ ci~ts;c o1' i:lli.-~ c,x'd.ittrtttcc~; :i_t, kae i.3t€ Ll.w t:;,l;i•u;; :i_nfvc.~tti, itttd latArlau,.sc~ 01: i,]~~u T~tivn C'c)uttc;il t.l~aL cvc,r;; ~iU.(:h :i':t:'~.LnC111..:iC?, .l,].G(~kit:~(',, 3'L#-;'lrt or x'i;'~.'(JC;rLla~.c.~ .}~(:.r't:~ii, ::i11i.L,.l c_`.`s'})13.."L its or:s.L;i.nrt.l:i.y ls.rovzdcc3 1•.1y i;hc_, ordJ.r~ztrkcc: #'; a°Ut.~a~,ita~ Llac~ sanac un~_c:,s soone~.r terrnirt;zted ley tfte Council acl,itag unc?cx anc}. ~~tt:c~sur:cn~i: to thc:, orditaaraccs grad chrLrter oJ: t.lxc: Town o1' Vaz:l, or the terms rtincl condita.ons sus: forth in the ordin~z.ncc, or resolu;;.ion ma>>ing the ~;ran~i: ; (1-x) any ords.nancc or rcr_)J.tzi;ion k)rc~tni_SZn or guax°an- tcci.ni; tlzc la4t.ytxtent o~C money by trte "r'own or autlzc~rizi.taL i;hc issuarlcc: and ,srt7_e oi" general obla_i;atzon or rr?venue bonds Lay tlac 'J.`a;-Yn; (i} any acltnin i.strati.ve ox•cls,nance ox• resolus;ion off' i.he To~;'n not in conflict or i_nconsis~fsarti; with thc; provisions oJ' s;he Vail. il~una.cil~rLJ. Code; (~) any ordinance pr.ovi_dittl; f'ox' and malsin~; J/la.e r~.ntai~al tax levy in and s=or ~tho 'Down oJ_ Vai:l_, Colorado, or ordi.na.nce adopt-~ at,ng the budges; 1=or the ToZ~,~n or mal~ing the azitauai. appz~cpriata.on; {k} any ordinance or resoJ.tLs;:i_on est~b:ii_Slairtg land ttse zoning dis~i:r~.cts a.n the Tawn, adopLiiag SL map o:l: zotxi.n ~das~i:ricts, providing for ad,~}us•tt73ent 9 on.l"orcc;tti<,ns; art ti rtr~c~rtdm::tas; tktcrcoi ; oz', any ardinancc appx•ovi.trg a sttbci:i.vision o.€: lanes ti~~i~i;lzi_n thca Toga annexation fn the Town; (l) any ordi.natace, x'esoZution or. tnc~t.on naming, rc~-- naming, opening, acccps:ing or vrLCrt.~; inL;' stz~c~c~#,w~, fillet';;, or ~'if;lt~Ls-- os'-way .Ln the 'Poti~an ; _~_ . ~~ • ~ ~ • ~ ,(En} Fin}' or<li.tl~cnce rel.ati.tl#r to i.hca gale or }~urclt~.l.~>e ,oi' i crtal }~)rot~c~z't~~ or pcr:.;ort~z.]. px•nnE::~'t;ti~ or• t'~' l.;} t.l_]lt'; Lo Lllc v~tca- Lion ol• t•clc;t.::c~ o!' a~i#;ht':~ itc 1•c:a1 l:)r•ol,~:t~t.~>rn car ;a.n~' ordl.na.nr.c> llrov~.din#; fal' x•i~;'11L,5 :i.n xe~z7. oi• ~)c't•,,csEat?7 l~x•ol)r~rtZ', oa:• <zzly ca:rdi~- tluncc~ dc~ti:i r;n,tt;iu ;' t:ttcz t?ua'l~o,sc: i'c>.r' ~:'ft i c.:fl I ;r rl~? ; F-~ t.o lac, usc:,c] , c)1- ;.t.31~' r}:3'd'],1t~111C'-l'. .1'C ~.~.t~,'! ilt^ t:o .Lll~' ~)'~, 11 E' i' ; ~l:c'.jl :: i til 1. i_;l.l"' ?iii ~. 1;<' 1:' . Sc:c' l::i (rI). 9 . V i cs I ~E i. i C,11:; r' iz ri ;'r~.1 i ; ~1~,,,r,~, i , 1L ,->h;t1.l I,~~ 3.ul.lci~~•,~ 1FI Cc, 1• .~n~' j~~ . , .,E, ~,~1 ~~ ic,f,~Lc; IIEI~' flrc>v i. r.; i.t.~lz r, a' l.cs 3';t..i ] Lea r.c3!itls! ~,~ ~'; i I !a ,sn~~ c>(' I.it~.~ i't>~]11 i r!'tc•zr F,~.; c)i L.iF,E..l ~illl}jl I ;'tllc'El ~.. Atly person whc~ shtt,.ll vi.o3.ate arty l.~l~ovi~.•ion~ c)i' tlli ~:, #"~u~)l)l.c,lncani, shall bc, 13utz:i.r:;hrcl:,_Ic~ ),y a fide oC rlc,i. i~tc~a~c° cil~r,rz r,:;U~) ci,• })y i;:- p.T'~3~C)It1i7C'.lxf; ~_C)J' a pC:.l.'lOd O:C 1SUt I;1Ga'[: i,11tLt1 )t 7.1"1 C'. t: ,}' ~~}~+} C~~~y,; Or by both such fi.nc and i.trrp.risontne~nt. ~~tzy :ucl"a ~~ct•.;on 5fiall bc, ~t}il~t;~' of a separate o f f enNe f ox• each ana c~vr:ry d'ty du"r :i n~~ any po~~tiott of wha.ch in violation o#' any provis7oil of '[;his Supplc;metzt is committed, continued, or permitted by such por~son a,nd shall. lie punished accordingly. Tn additio:z to t:h~: ~~c~naJ ty l~e:reizxabove provided, in a cotxdi_ta_on cat~.~c:d or. permit,t:~d to e~,a~;t in violation of any o_j~ tlxe provi;~ion5 of ~t;his ;tlp~?i.ement „haTi be dec~tlted F4 pu~:)1i.c nuisanco and may bc, by thiU Town s1tn7~naril.y ab~~tcd as such, a~ld eac}.~. day t}~~at such condition continue. shall be regardc;ct a.s ~4 new <lnd ,sc~pai•ate offctxse. Section 1d. Penalty Sections of the Supplement. The sections of the Supplement adopted by this ordinance as penalty sections, axe set forth in full on the attached exhibit "A" which by this xe~erence become apart hereof. Section 11. Ef'tective Date. This 1981 Supplement shall laecome effective on the effective date oi' this ordinance in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado. _5_ • ~-_ ~ ~/~ Section 12. Severability. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance of Supplement is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not af:~ect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or Supplement. The Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed the same, any section, sub- section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses ar phrases had been declared invalid or unconstitutional, and if for any reason this ordinance ar Supplement should be declared invalid or unconstitutional., then the original ordinance or ordinances shall be in full force and effect. The Town. Council finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED OPd FIRST READING THIS 7th day of April, 1981, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 21st day of April, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published once in full this 7th day of April, 1.981. ,~ Mayor ~, ATTEST: //~ ( , Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON SECOND READING THIS 21st day of April, 1.981, and ordered published _. f . - ; ,~ mayor J ATTEST: Town-Clerk ~/C~ -b- 4 EX1iTBIT "~" 3.48.130 Unpaid tax becomes lien-Remedies and penalties for nonpayment. EI.. The tax IrnpoSed fay this chapter, and arty penalty and interest due thereon, if not psid when due, and all costs of collection of such tax, penalty and interest, shaft constitute a perpztual lien on the teat property transferred in the atnaunt applicable .to each tot or parcel of real property transferred and shall have priority over a1I other liens except genera] tax liens and special improvement district assessment liens. Except as aforesaid, the ]ien for such tax shall be and ualtil paid shat} remain a first and prior 1iei~ superior to all other liens upon such property arld shall take precedence on such property over other Bens or claims of whatsoever kind or nature. Such lien shall continue until the amount thereof is paid or until its discharge of record by foreclosure or othercvise. B. The recording of the ordinance codified in this chapter in the office of the clerk and recorder of the cortnty of Eagle, , state of Colorado, shall constitute notice to all persons interested in the transfer of real property of the existence of and the ]ien imposed by the land transfer tax. C. if the tax is Unpaid and delinquent, the town manager shall give written notification to the buyer at the address shown on any deed or instrument evidencing the transfer, or his last fcnown address, and the seller at his last known address, of such delinquency. Such notification shall be mailed certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and shall be effective on the date of malting, !f the tax, penalty and interest are not paid within thirty days of the effective date of the notification, the town manager shall commend foreclosure of the lien for such tax in the same manner as the foreclosure of a mortgage in accordance with Colorado Iaw. D. The amount. of the tax, penalty and interest imposed under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed a debt to the town. Any person owing money to the town r.rnder the , provisions of this chapter shall be liable to an action I brought in the name of the town for the recovery of such } amount. E. Any person tivho shall fail or refuse to pay any tax due under this chapter may be punished by a fine not exceeding three ]~undred dollars or imprisonment for a period of not. more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment. F'. Any remedies provided for in this chapter shall be curciulative and not exclusive and shall be in addition to any other remedies provided l7y la4v. ~ ~° . ~. • ~ ~ • i E ~~` i A i .l Q0 Violations and punishment. A. It is unlawful for any person to violate any provision or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this code. Unless otherwise specifically provided, any person eighteen years of age or older violating any provision of this code by performing an act prohibited ar declared to be unlawful by this Cade or by failing to perform an act required by or otherwise made mandatory by this code shall be punished by a fine of not mare than three hundred dollars or by incarceration not to exceed ninety clays or by both such ~ fine and incarceration. Any person under age eighteen years 3 of age convicted of violating any provision of this code, except the provisions of the Model Traffic Code ae acior~ted i by Section 14.04.410 herein, may be punished by a tine of not more than three hundred dollars. Any person under fife age of eighteen years of age convicted of violating any pro vision of the Model Traffic Code adoptr:d by Section 10.04.010 herein, xnay be punished by a fine of not znore than three hundred dollars or by incarceration not to exceed ninety days ar by both such fine and incarceration. Any such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day durinb any portion of which a viola- tion of any provision of this code is committed, continued, or permitted by such person and sha11 be punished accordingly.. B. In addition to penalties provided in this section, any condi- tion caus~d or permitted to exist in violation of any provi-~ signs of this code shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be by this town similarly abated as such, and each clay that such condition continues shall be regarded as a new and separate offense. 15.04.320 Violations and penal#ies. The violations and penalties therefor are specified in Section 205 of the Uniform Building Code, 1979 edition, and read as folio rws It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or Corporation to erect, construe#, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improvL, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy ormaintain any building or structure in file Town ar cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Code. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and each such parson shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more than X300 or by imprison- ment for not mere than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 5.30,100 Violations-Penalty. .. A complaint may be filed itz the municipal court for the town charging a violation of this chapter. Upon conviction thereof, the permittee, agent or representative therefor may be punished by fine of not more than three hundred dollars or imprisonment of not more than ninety days ar both such fine and imprisonment. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue constitutes a separate offense and shall be punishable as such under this chapter. ;" ~1 3 v •r., C~ F. ~_ iU ~' m u ~' c t6 i M m n ~ ci p Q ~ o `~ _+ O 3 ~ LT .m ~1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cn~~-n~~~" ~ ~ p p ~pCgQ ~~ O C ~, n -r ~7. Q ~. a t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t7 =n1 N W ~ C Q Q US -. ~ ~ aa ~ ~ ~ CT f~,~~ ~, ~ N ~. ~ ~ '~ a Q ~ a mam~Q~~cca~~- 1~ o ro !- ~ ~ ~ ~. m n ~ h. ~ p o ~ ~ ~ ~ m p' O=~Opc7 n ~ ~ ~ Q m - a ~ ~ ~ n~~~m~?~~;- ~`Qm ? o ro ~ ~ Q, ~- Q U ~ ~ ci ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~tpR~~~~„~'QQp ~ cc o ~ ~ a[~_,.~~~m~az ~ . Q ~~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ p N O ~ ~~ ~~~~ .,~ ~ Q' p ~ ~' C O cD-"' ~ ~ tD C2. Q ~ ~ !' p {1 ~. O p- .,- Q ~ C x ~ J p p Q. ~m~~ ~' ~ ~ ` ~~"'~ ~ ~ ~ 4 m ' i2C~ m ~ z- Q ~ cn -`C~~' O ~' ~ O O '* p ~ ~ N Q N:~~ mN ~ c~D ~+y u11 pl n c11 x ~, m m O i1.,1.1 ''b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ o ~s ~,~ £ ~'~' Q ~ N' ~' O O Q ~ ] Cp 'CS ~u-~'(UQ(D~p7 v, ~ Qom= pmm O •~ ` ~ ~, p ~ ~Q~ po@a~; m o ~ `~°° a° ~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~ . c o ~ 3 Q ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ m'~o~~ ~F ~ Q ~m-- m 3m C7 4, Q ~ ~ ~ p 4 fl ~~~ ~~ p ~ Q A ~ ~ Q ~ ~ {p ~ Ca C C~. (p ~. 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